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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    The "pop goes the bubble" re Retirement Villages article by Tim Hunter is int reading in the NBR citing disclosure standards or lack of.
    And coming out in Aus ,this attack. Headwinds alright.

    Bleed Them Dry Until They Die
    By Adele Ferguson, Klaus Toft, Lucy Carter
    Posted June 22, 2017 11:50:00

    Bleed them dry until they die
    Monday 26 June 2017
    Bleed Them Dry Until They Die: The retirement villages ripping off retirees.
    "It's a financial trap. It's a financial sinkhole. Once you're in, it's very hard to get out." Former Resident
    The glossy brochures and slick advertising sell the promise of a blissful retirement in "enclaves of contentedness" where "lifestyle meets wellbeing." But residents of the retirement homes run by one of Australia's biggest providers have a very different story to tell.
    "If there's any way that can more quickly separate a person in a retirement village from their money, I don't know it." Former Resident
    These retirement villages are marketed as a way for older Australians to keep their independence without the burden of maintaining a property. They can relax, secure in the knowledge that they have someone to call on if they need help. What many residents don't realise, until it's too late, is the astronomical amount they will have to pay for the privilege.
    "It's clearly designed to suck as much profit from the individual investors as it possibly can. I do think it's outrageous. I think it's extortionate. I think it's exploitative." Former Resident
    On Monday night, in a joint Four Corners/Fairfax Media investigation, reporter Adele Ferguson examines the ruthless tactics that residents say put profits before people.
    "It's completely biased in favour of the operators. You feel you haven't got a chance to defend your home against the rapacity of the huge corporation, who will always win because they can afford the legal costs involved." Former Resident
    Residents say they've been patronised, marginalised and ripped off. Now they want to warn others.
    "It was like living in a grubby fairy tale." Resident
    The findings of this joint investigation will be revealed in a series of online articles published by ABC News Online and Fairfax culminating in the Four Corners broadcast on Monday night.
    After working in the sector for 27yrs and having been involved with Ryman and Sum complexes for around 15yrs of those, I've never heard such extreme comments from a unit dweller during that time. You get your garden variety complaints about food, a maintenance issue or a shrub being in the wrong place etc etc, must be an Aussie problem aye, no surprises there. PS-Headwind equals light breeze, tailwinds equal gale force southerly.
    Last edited by couta1; 23-06-2017 at 08:17 PM.

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