I agree with some of the posters and including you FXTrader..

I'm with Birmanboy..You have been successful to date, you have a good handle on finances and your portfolios mixes..I admire your willingness to listen to other peoples opinions, that's a good attribute..but I think being successful is a good prerequisite for you to listen to yourself... You are aware that Equities could be over-valued so thats good.. as that awareness shows you have mental flexibility to respond/adjust/alter to future changes (another good attribute)....and you have stuff to dabble with to keep your investing life interesting....Geez I'm jealous

I'm nearly 67 and have no thoughts of retiring..I'm with Digger on this one.. I know you probably have enough wealth to retire and your life needs may be diffent to Diggers and mine, but I suggest keep doing what your doing..keep working, keep active, keep physically fit ...It all helps to slow the physical and mental aging process and keeps you in touch with today's and tommorrow world....You must keep in touch to keep investing wisely.....because as you say you are going to live until you're 90..you have plenty of time, so no need to retire in a hurry.

For those people who think 60year olds now living to 90 is a bit far fetched they should think again...Retiring at 65 is becoming not an option for many...Stats NZ's Cohort Life expectancy tables e.g 65 year old Male alive today has a life expectancy of 86.2 years and your wife of the same age 88.9 years..That's a hell of a long time living off your investments when retiring at 65.....eh