  1. #12551
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    Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
    Voters like size. Who was the tallest PM and who was the shortest?
    Stop changing the subject Craic.. but I thought Muldoon was fairly short wasn't he?

    Steven Joyce implies some MPs may have listened to the Barclay tapes, but not of course, in their ministerial capacity.. they were wearing other hats at the time.
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    Last edited by elZorro; 03-07-2017 at 10:09 PM.

  2. #12552
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    . Thanks el.Watching The PM responding to Littles questions. My opinion. I can't believe the total lack of care or reponsibility.No credibility, , trying to be funny instead of responding; changing the subject, saying the same answer over and over about a totally different subject about 5 times!!. Evasive; refusing pointblank to answer. Little who was being calm , clear, rational, reasonable, asking for answers that we all need to know.. Talk about digging a bigger hole!!!.

  3. #12553
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Can you verify that; it was run on a shoestring and arguably Dalton was the only one earning decent money.

    Un/Fortunately for our PM he isn't a slippery/teflon/Key like individual who trained voters to lose int and stick with the status quo bro don't even think about it ; everything he did was simply to stay in power at least he was transparent there. Don't mess with the housing situ just fiddle around the edges until the prob gets too big to fix; so many national faithful own rental houses Ayyy. No our pm doesn't know how to coverup but gives it a go; theres the difference, between honesty and fake honesty exposed.
    Verify what ? If you really think this campaign did not pay multi million dollars on salaries, you are entitled to that view. Regardless, it has nothing to do with the Government, nor should it. That's my point.

  4. #12554
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    I will insist on the right to change the subject at will to get away from the heap of rubbish el Zorro keep piling up. Then I realised that they are probably building a mound for Little to stand on so that he looks tall enough to get into parliament without proving his age at the door.

  5. #12555
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    Verify they paid multimillion $ on a shoestring or zip it; simple.
    What i saw in parliament is coverup; spin, anything but the truth and the incumbents act like its a funny game, avoiding the truth. They made honesty and decency look like dirty things and Little stood tall through that performance. If only more public watched this ;they would want to vote and the turnout would be the highest ever.

  6. #12556
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
    I will insist on the right to change the subject at will to get away from the heap of rubbish el Zorro keep piling up. Then I realised that they are probably building a mound for Little to stand on so that he looks tall enough to get into parliament without proving his age at the door.
    Craic, not sure Little's size is the problem - and lets face it, he clearly looks old (enough ); His and his parties problem is that they believe their role is to lecture some outdated ideology instead of listen to the very people they want to represent.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  7. #12557
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    Interesting story...a real estate agent celebrates selling a house to a foreign (from PRC) buyer. Her justification being that she achieved the best price for the vendor. It sounds reasonable on the face of it - after all that is one of the reasons behind home owners' selecting a good agent. However with the number of increasingly wealthy people in China, without NZ having meaningful controls, there is nothing to stop Chinese or other foreign buyers from gazumping local NZ residents in owning NZ housing.

    Is it something to celebrate that the government (I.e. National) is letting this continue to happen as home ownership rates fall and first home owners are increasingly shut out of the market?
    Last edited by Bjauck; 04-07-2017 at 09:24 AM.

  8. #12558
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    They (Labour)know who they represent; the people. The Govt are being ANYTHING except honesty to try and keep their snouts in.Representing themselves stuff the people.Just watch the Parliament bull dust Elz put up.
    (QUESTION 2.)
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 04-07-2017 at 10:13 AM. Reason: Q2

  9. #12559
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    Interesting story...a real estate agent celebrates selling a house to a foreign (from PRC) buyer. Her justification being that she achieved the best price for the vendor. It sounds reasonable on the face of it - after all that is one of the reasons behind home owners' selecting a good agent. However with the number of increasingly wealthy people in China, without NZ having meaningful controls, there is nothing to stop Chinese or other foreign buyers from gazumping local NZ residents in owning NZ housing.

    Is it something to celebrate that the government (I.e. National) is letting this continue to happen as home ownership rates fall and first home owners are increasingly shut out of the market?
    Nope ; the chickens are coming home to roost thats for sure; what a slow motion train wreck they've created.

  10. #12560
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    Interesting story...a real estate agent celebrates selling a house to a foreign (from PRC) buyer. Her justification being that she achieved the best price for the vendor. It sounds reasonable on the face of it - after all that is one of the reasons behind home owners' selecting a good agent. However with the number of increasingly wealthy people in China, without NZ having meaningful controls, there is nothing to stop Chinese or other foreign buyers from gazumping local NZ residents in owning NZ housing.

    Is it something to celebrate that the government (I.e. National) is letting this continue to happen as home ownership rates fall and first home owners are increasingly shut out of the market?
    Never works out well if the government is trying to control the market (and that's what you are asking for). As well - I assume these Chinese buyers had at least NZ residency? So what are we talking now - sell houses only to legal NZ residents with round eyes?

    The options I see are:

    a) Reduce demand - e.g. by driving Kiwis (and anybody else) out of the country. Just make it unattractive enough for people to live here. solves as well the "immigration-problem". Less demand for houses - lower prices. Comes though with less jobs, but who cares. Didn't work though for Labour under HC. While she was good in getting Kiwis to queue up at departure gates - she was not effective enough (lucky us, it was not due to her not trying hard enough). House prices still rocketed up under the reign of the last Labour government.

    Sure - you can restrict overseas demand by making it harder for non residents to buy property. So far however I haven't seen any evidence that this would make a difference. Sure - there are some nice high country resorts owned by non residents, but would selling the to NZ residents really solve the Auckland housing crisis? And remember - not just Peter Thiel is a Kiwi ; By promoting bad researched stories like above you are just doing the bidding of racists and populists. Just tell me - how many houses in NZ are owned by non residents (the only group you could exclude)? What difference would it make to remove them from the market?

    b) Increase supply - this should be a no brainer. And while they haven't yet found a cost efficient method to make new land (well, the Dutch and Singaporeans are trying) - changing living habits would do. People all around the world are quite happy to live in (high quality) apartment blocks. It would be easy to 10-fold the number of units in Auckland (and likely improve the living standards in each of them) by building e.g. like in Singapore, or in Hong Kong, or in London, or in Frankfurt, or in New York, or in basically everywhere ...). However - we don't need that. A handful of well designed mid-rises would easily solve the Auckland housing crisis.

    But yes, jumping on the populist train is obviously more - eh ... popular - isn't it? Just watch the US and the UK to see how this works out ...
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

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