  1. #12731
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    Quote Originally Posted by elZorro View Post
    It did say for ADULT listening, and I listened to the first 15 mins and checked some of the rest to make sure it didn't sound too rough. I'm sorry if some of the satire was too close to the bone. It's partly for entertainment....
    He's like a shock jock...Mostly for sledge-hammer "entertainment" with a smidgen of saitire.
    I guess, you just have to hope that all those who stumble upon it or view it, understand that it is "just entertainment."

  2. #12732
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    Quote Originally Posted by westerly View Post
    NZF, Labour, National, and TOP between 70 and 60. Confirms my view that all of these parties have policies I can relate to. Which makes voting difficult.
    Have serious doubts about the relevance of some of the questions to NZ and therefore like most polls the results are questionable.
    I consider myself so far left I circle back to centre.

    I think most people will find that their real policy preferences can be cherry picked from all parties, although not one single thing about Winston First's policies appeal to me, and not many of Greens. And although I can only speak for myself, I suspect all of Labour's and only Labour's policies appeal to eZ.
    So I suppose for a lot of voters it gets down to a matter of which party has competent MPs. That's where the current Labour lot are sadly lacking, and why National remains the favourite party - it's not all about policy.

  3. #12733
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    I read a good article about WP's policies - he runs to the site of almost anything that might gain him a few votes. Turned up at Woodville to have his say at a meeting about the closure of the Manawatu Gorge and the effect it has on Woodville. Now I like Woodville and I have been there many times and used its toilets and cafes over the years but the Manawatu Gorge has never been anything but a disaster waiting to happen and it is very fortunate that there hasn't been bus loads of people swept down into the river. A good politician would be closing it down and creating an alternative route. Not WP he just wants sympathy votes
    Last edited by craic; 20-07-2017 at 12:47 PM.

  4. #12734
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    From - what will EZ say then poor thing?

    The Winston Peters plan to become Prime Minister
    Labour's vote collapses to 22 percent or lower.
    At 22 percent Andrew Little won't make it back on Labour's list. That's because Labour will still win a number of safe electorate seats, and won't have enough vote to bring in even its number one list candidate.
    Labour therefore does not have a leader with a mandate from the public on September 24.
    Labour is in crisis and also has to start its own laborious leadership selection process, which will take several weeks.
    But there is still a kingmaker scenario, with Labour/Greens/NZ First still having the numbers to form a Government.
    With Labour having no leader, Winston Peters puts forward a combination that with him as Prime Minister. There is a joint policy agenda with concessions for all sides. Labour MPs would be in senior roles like Finance, and Green MPs would also get top jobs.
    Labour and the Greens can either take that deal - or Winston Peters goes into Government with National and they are out of power for three more years.
    Labour and the Greens accept the Peters plan - and Winston Peters is Prime Minister of New Zealand.
    This is obviously an outside chance of happening, but it is not impossible.
    It is made much more likely the more power Peters has - for example in a "political earthquake" scenario where he manages to overtake Labour (eg. NZ First 21 percent,

  5. #12735
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    Quote Originally Posted by Major von Tempsky View Post
    From - what will EZ say then poor thing?

    The Winston Peters plan to become Prime Minister
    Labour's vote collapses to 22 percent or lower.
    At 22 percent Andrew Little won't make it back on Labour's list. That's because Labour will still win a number of safe electorate seats, and won't have enough vote to bring in even its number one list candidate.
    Labour therefore does not have a leader with a mandate from the public on September 24.
    Labour is in crisis and also has to start its own laborious leadership selection process, which will take several weeks.
    But there is still a kingmaker scenario, with Labour/Greens/NZ First still having the numbers to form a Government.
    With Labour having no leader, Winston Peters puts forward a combination that with him as Prime Minister. There is a joint policy agenda with concessions for all sides. Labour MPs would be in senior roles like Finance, and Green MPs would also get top jobs.
    Labour and the Greens can either take that deal - or Winston Peters goes into Government with National and they are out of power for three more years.
    Labour and the Greens accept the Peters plan - and Winston Peters is Prime Minister of New Zealand.
    This is obviously an outside chance of happening, but it is not impossible.
    It is made much more likely the more power Peters has - for example in a "political earthquake" scenario where he manages to overtake Labour (eg. NZ First 21 percent,
    No. It's not impossible, although unlikely that Labour will drop too low for Little to return. But even with Little in Peters could still do a deal with Labour and Greens. His price will be Prime Minister role for himself and a couple of portfolios for his MPs. There's only Peters, Marks and Jones capable of holding a portfolio. There'd be as little as possible for the Greens but they'd settle for something on the environment. Most portfolios would have to go to Labour - but with criteria acceptable to Peters. Could happen. I'm hoping for a strong Act vote as with, say, 3 MPs National would not need Winston First.

  6. #12736
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    No. It's not impossible, although unlikely that Labour will drop too low for Little to return. But even with Little in Peters could still do a deal with Labour and Greens. His price will be Prime Minister role for himself and a couple of portfolios for his MPs. There's only Peters, Marks and Jones capable of holding a portfolio. There'd be as little as possible for the Greens but they'd settle for something on the environment. Most portfolios would have to go to Labour - but with criteria acceptable to Peters. Could happen. I'm hoping for a strong Act vote as with, say, 3 MPs National would not need Winston First.
    Agree with your sentiment - and hey, David Seymour is doing an outstanding job and clearly punched above his weight. Hard to believe ACT has at this stage only one MP. They would deserve to get this time around some more MP's ... as well to keep National honest.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  7. #12737
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    The Herald cartoon on WP today is a classic. Only flaw is that it failed to show Little on the pillion, clinging on for dear life.

  8. #12738
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    Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
    The Herald cartoon on WP today is a classic. Only flaw is that it failed to show Little on the pillion, clinging on for dear life.
    Met up with a young uni student who is also a highly motivated NZ First party member, yesterday. He's part of a large left-wing faction within the NZF party, who would far rather see Winston siding with the Labour-Green coalition. Above all, they want a change of government. This person was a bit dismayed about Metiria having a go at Winston, but hopefully most of it is rhetoric. NZF have some good policies, some right-wing and some left-wing. They just don't get much air time.

    Meanwhile National carries on as normal, another annual record for net immigration showing the way. Hold those house prices up, keep wages down, sack a few hundred more govt workers, make it easy for those at the top.

  9. #12739
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    You still didn't rescue the image of your leader from the back of Winston's motorcycle. Are you really that desperate that you would have Winston as your Prime Minister ?

  10. #12740
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    Quote Originally Posted by craic View Post
    You still didn't rescue the image of your leader from the back of Winston's motorcycle. Are you really that desperate that you would have Winston as your Prime Minister ?
    Having Winston as Prime Minister would be undesirable. Having Little would be unimaginable.

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