In trading on USX for the week ending Wednesday 16 May 2018 there were 24 trades (last week 34 trades) totalling 169k shares worth $1,295.

In price movements this week four stocks increased in value with Connexionz up 10.5% (1 cent) to close at 11 cents, Rural Equities up 5.3% (25 cents) to close at $5.00, Skyline Enterprises up 3.8% ($1.00) to close at $27.50 and Zespri Group up 0.6% (5 cents) to end the week at $8.75 per share. Two stocks declined in value, with Silver Fern Farms falling 30.0% (18 cents) to close at 42 cents per share and Syft Technologies down 5.9% (5 cents) to end the week at 80 cents per share. The only announcement this week was from Pharmazen which issued its 2018 AGM Presentation to the USX platform. The USX Market Cap closed the week up $27m to $2,689m.