'..A lot of people have been writing in about the liquidity crisis and the banks with exposure to Deutsche Bank. This is clearly the European Banking Crisis we have been warning about...Keep in mind that the Lehman and Bear crisis took place in the REPO market. This is why the crisis is appearing in a market most never hear about or see in interest rates. Those in Europe who have a position in cash, it may be better to have shares or a private sector bond or US Treasury. Given the policy in Europe of no bailouts, leaving cash sitting in your account could expose you to risk in the months ahead. In all honesty, if this explodes in Europe, no-one will be safe and it will be pot-luck who’s cash you will be holding when it hits the fan..'

Deutsche Bank very shaky. US banks with the most exposed derivatives to DB in order are: Goldman Sachs, Citi, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America - JP Morgan. The least exposure is Wells Fargo (Armstrong's private blog comment).

JPMorgan subject of this article ;

Anyone have any intel on banks located in NZ.. Rabo, HSBC etc?