Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
Aucklanders priced out of home ownership take note. Coronavirus is highlighting NZ tenants rights or lack thereof. This Landlord, who had been living overseas, is aggrieved that 42 days notice to evict sitting tenants is extended under Coronavirus measures. Under NZ law, residential tenants do not have homes. They pay the income for somebody's investment.


Will the World-wide Coronavirus recession see absentee landlords, who had been resident overseas, returning to NZ and evicting their sitting tenants, so that the landlord can live in the house.
NZ is worse than most places around the world for tangling rental ownerships with individual non-rental ownership. I swear if the NZ gov't took away the tax free motive of using residential houses as investments, then we wouldn't have these types of problems. Such as if the person uses their own home and rents it out, then they would lose their tax free capital gain status on the house (this is done in Canada as use of house is recorded ; even renting a portion of the house, that % of the principle dwelling will have taxable capital gain).