Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
Redistribution can go up to the rich as well down to the poor.

Chloe Swarbrick on whether we let the growing wealth and housing divide go on, or push for change.

Poverty and inadequate housing is not a natural phenomenon, in the same way that wealth and "housing" per se isn't. As author Ursula K. Le Guin put it, "We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings."

The wealthiest in this country are an estimated $1 trillion richer as a result of the political decisions these past two years, at the expense of workers and renters earning less in real terms and paying more to survive.

We have a choice on whether we arrest inequality or let it fester.


It’s being called ‘capitalism’ and yet it is the intervention of central banks and governments in markets that have caused this entire problem. Different arms of the state have deliberately inflated asset bubbles and continue to intervene to prop them up.