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  1. #61
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Tiger View Post
    Subtitled: Loose Trading Loses Money. (4 jonu )

    So this is concerned with buying stocks with the intent of selling them at a higher price later in order to make a profit.
    In a word: Trading Long. (OK, in two words).

    Buys are limited to stocks in the ASX300 at the time of purchase.
    The initial 'cash' for this experiment is $25,000, which creates the first set of problems - it is not a lot of money.

    Among the rules of trading are that you:
    - never risk more than 2% of your capital on any one stock;
    - have diversity in your trades;
    - cut your loses;
    - let your profits run.

    Best Wishes
    Paper Tiger

    Why is the first problem - it is not a lot of money. ?

    Is this because 25K is not that much and the fees would eat into any gains comapred with a bigger investment of 100K or more?

  2. #62
    Reincarnated Panthera Snow Leopard's Avatar
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    Red face Apologies for the delay in replying

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleCrumble View Post
    Why is the first problem - it is not a lot of money. ?

    Is this because 25K is not that much and the fees would eat into any gains comapred with a bigger investment of 100K or more?

    The $15.37 brokerage I used on my buy & sells is the actual amount I get charged by my Australian Super Fund for trades up to $10,000 (then it is a constant %). So if we traded larger amounts then the % lost in fees would be less, and every cent counts towards the profit.

    However we had a rule not to risk more than 2% ($500) of our capital on any one trade and given that you have to allow some room for the SP to decrease after buying it then I ended up with an initial trade size of $3,300 ($500 being 15% of that).

    I choose the $25,000 fairly arbitrarily.
    If you have less you have to work with that;
    If you have more, lucky you .

    Best Wishes
    Paper Tiger
    om mani peme hum


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