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  1. Retirement/Passive Income: Dividend Shares vs Growth Shares vs PIE Funds (7 replies)
  2. Chart Tools (2 replies)
  3. Warren Buffett Has Underperformed the Stock Market for the Last 20 Years (3 replies)
  4. USD Bank Account + Term Deposit Rates (5 replies)
  5. When to sell (13 replies)
  6. The Twitter Sentiment Index (0 replies)
  7. What have been your worst investments in the stock market? Did you learn anything? (18 replies)
  8. How much cash should I keep in my portfolio (11 replies)
  9. Interactive Brokers (4 replies)
  10. What percentage of financial assets are in NZ equities? (1 replies)
  11. Help to get started with a strategy. (2 replies)
  12. Margin lending (4 replies)
  13. Best way to get 60k (after tax) income forever? (6 replies)
  14. Succession Planning (3 replies)
  15. Managing a Trust's share portfolio. (9 replies)
  16. Compound growth - looking for some advice (20 replies)
  17. Does anyone use full service brokers anymore (10 replies)
  18. Does a "Dog's of the Dow" work in Australasia ? (4 replies)
  19. Investing in children’s names (10 replies)
  20. Where to put money in financial market crisis? (29 replies)
  21. Financial plan for family trust (15 replies)
  22. ETF Investment Strategy (29 replies)
  23. Remote video chat (online psychotherapists) (1 replies)
  24. Adrian Orr must go!! (14 replies)
  25. Leases and IFRS16 (30 replies)
  26. ASX ETF - like S&P500 = NO FIF ? (34 replies)
  27. Smartshares question (9 replies)
  28. Where to hold cash aka dry powder (19 replies)
  29. Short Selling in NZ (24 replies)
  30. Technical Analysis KPIs (0 replies)
  31. Is ROCE a useful measure for assessing shares on the NZX? (5 replies)
  32. nextinvestors.... Thoughts?! (0 replies)
  33. NZ Managed Fund recommendations (9 replies)
  34. Advice for young couple (4 replies)
  35. Reading Depth (6 replies)
  36. Shares for children (11 replies)
  37. LIFO or FIFO when selling shares on ASB? (7 replies)
  38. Am I liable for paying tax (12 replies)
  39. Dead Cat bounce? (122 replies)
  40. Will the government impose a wealth tax to raise capital? (54 replies)
  41. When should you take some profit? (12 replies)
  42. Share Purchase Plans (8 replies)
  43. Term Deposit versus PIE term deposit (20 replies)
  44. Immunising portfolios against Covid-19 and other Black Swans (16 replies)
  45. How good are the forecasts of stockmarket analysts? (14 replies)
  46. Better options to invest large sum of cash than Term Deposits??? (16 replies)
  47. Investment strategies for newborn (56 replies)
  48. Bull and moon - stocks for you (2 replies)
  49. Regional Investment Events (1 replies)
  50. PIE Benefits for lower income earners (6 replies)
  51. Index Investment Event (0 replies)
  52. low bank interest rates,...didveneds (3 replies)
  53. Simplicity bond fund (7 replies)
  54. Why do you invest in shares? (21 replies)
  55. NZ company listed on NZX/ASX Dividends (16 replies)
  56. Portfolio Management Software (20 replies)
  57. Managed Funds (Pie etc) - Risk to look out for (5 replies)
  58. Portfolio composition (28 replies)
  59. CEFEX certification (0 replies)
  60. Computershare 'Investor Trade' Online (1 replies)
  61. What are your Investment Rules? (408 replies)
  62. Margin Lending Fees (15 replies)
  63. what would you do? (10 replies)
  64. Aussie Superannuation scheme (4 replies)
  65. Failed Strategy for those Kiwi Savers in the AMP default fund (0 replies)
  66. Neural Networks (6 replies)
  67. Disinvestment strategy (17 replies)
  68. Buying funds/individual shares in spouses name (1 replies)
  69. Using revolving credit to invest in shares (6 replies)
  70. Good Reads (90 replies)
  71. Buying a SME (4 replies)
  72. Sleepdrops (1 replies)
  73. Hatch investment service? (21 replies)
  74. Helping Your Kids To Invest (9 replies)
  75. Buying a farm- the financials risk vs reward (7 replies)
  76. Phil Town, Rule #1 Strategy (0 replies)
  77. Buying ASX via ASB (6 replies)
  78. Options - help (5 replies)
  79. Alcohol (1 replies)
  80. Risks of long put stratergy? (12 replies)
  81. Looking for long term growth/divdends for my daugther (7 replies)
  82. The Dark Side of Valuation - Aswath Damodaran (1 replies)
  83. ASX Shorts (0 replies)
  84. ADRIAN ORR our NEW RBNZ GOVERNOR (1274 replies)
  85. Morningstar (2 replies)
  86. total money (3 replies)
  87. Investment Clock; What time is it in NZ? (4 replies)
  88. Two orders at same price (3 replies)
  89. Any 'tech' funds? - (7 replies)
  90. RaboDirect to InvestNow (6 replies)
  91. Cognitive Bias (0 replies)
  92. Kiwisaver is the capital taxed? (2 replies)
  93. Bit Currency (2 replies)
  94. Managing Investments for Friends/Family (7 replies)
  95. sharesies.nz (91 replies)
  96. Whiskey and Water - What is your water? (8 replies)
  97. Trading Carbon (2 replies)
  98. CFD trading platforms (1 replies)
  99. Trailing stops/stop losses when away (0 replies)
  100. If I invest in a PIE, but live overseas, do I get taxed twice - ie with NRWT? (3 replies)
  101. "SHARE TRADING" strategies ,thoughts , ideas- why I love to pay TAX (51 replies)
  102. How often do you look at your total portfolio? (23 replies)
  103. What is the point? (2 replies)
  104. Stock price - Go for higher or lower stocks? (5 replies)
  105. Assessing and managing portfolio risks (12 replies)
  106. Is it best to take profit and re-invest or leave it sitting? (18 replies)
  107. Investment structure for a child (10 replies)
  108. Estate planning (13 replies)
  109. New guy on the block (4 replies)
  110. How many direct holdings in a portfolio (23 replies)
  111. diversified share portfolios (40 replies)
  112. Hemp/Cannabis Investments (3 replies)
  113. Total noob question - if you had a million dollars to invest ... (10 replies)
  114. Simply Wall Street (8 replies)
  115. Take profits or cull poor performers? (15 replies)
  116. NZ Forestry Investments (11 replies)
  117. Earnings per share e p s (16 replies)
  118. Movac (1 replies)
  119. My greatest investment mistakes of 2016 (17 replies)
  120. Selling off NZ equities in favour of global exposure (12 replies)
  121. A good portfolio... (4 replies)
  122. Learning from one's own mistakes ... (29 replies)
  123. Martin Armstrong........ the forecaster ...a great help with macro strategies (6 replies)
  124. Portfolio Updates. (5 replies)
  125. Shares in your daughters name?? (16 replies)
  126. Strategy to protect or grow next 18 months? (3 replies)
  127. MyStart (3 replies)
  128. How to value a company - an invitation (0 replies)
  129. Disclose Register - the real cost of managed funds (3 replies)
  130. International stock trading - less opportunities (1 replies)
  131. The art of stock manipulation (11 replies)
  132. Commsec for international share trading (3 replies)
  133. Gearing Ratios: Trading Company vs Bank (28 replies)
  134. Tax on ETF (2 replies)
  135. An Institutional Strategy (0 replies)
  136. Make Your Own Luck (0 replies)
  137. Rights issues (23 replies)
  138. Percentage of investment in stocks (36 replies)
  139. Are shares inflation protected? (8 replies)
  140. Company selection strategy (16 replies)
  141. Smartshares - you have 100k (54 replies)
  142. Share club starting out - your wisdom please (16 replies)
  143. Angel investing (3 replies)
  144. Quantitative Investment Strategies (19 replies)
  145. House Market Crash Correlated to Share Market Bubble? (4 replies)
  146. How would you approach investing at 19 Years Old? (18 replies)
  147. So Why Is NZ In Love With Property (5 replies)
  148. business purchase. (4 replies)
  149. Company Recommendations (1 replies)
  150. Shorting stocks (2 replies)
  151. NZ Bond market data? Any help will be appreciated. (1 replies)
  152. Why are you in the Share Market? (8 replies)
  153. DRP or Buy? (7 replies)
  154. My 2016 Challenge (86 replies)
  155. What is the equivalent of a 10-K in new zealand or aus for that matter? (1 replies)
  156. Which Index Fund to Invest In? (20 replies)
  157. Investments During Retirement (18 replies)
  158. Momentum/Growth Investing (0 replies)
  159. How to Value a Financial Holding Company (1 replies)
  160. Custodians - the good, the bad, and the ugly (0 replies)
  161. Experimenting some TA (81 replies)
  162. Research providers (1 replies)
  163. dividends yield + how to calculate (4 replies)
  164. Forecasting total returns (5 replies)
  165. PEG ratios (7 replies)
  166. How to Invest in Bonds? (8 replies)
  167. Buying Too Early (12 replies)
  168. COMPOUND INTEREST ...the key to a comfortable retirement. (1 replies)
  169. Forestlands. (14 replies)
  170. NZ Fund Managers (112 replies)
  171. Mortgage Rate hits 60 year low - What does that mean to you ? (29 replies)
  172. Cash Management Account (13 replies)
  173. China Stock Market (6 replies)
  174. Sector investing (12 replies)
  175. Tesla Batteries - Source material (2 replies)
  176. Fibonacci has his uses - a favourite trading tool (0 replies)
  177. Stock Screeners (3 replies)
  178. online international brokerage rates (0 replies)
  179. How much capital do I need to retire comfortably on ? (631 replies)
  180. Foreseeing and preparing for the next fiscal meltdown. (101 replies)
  181. Crowdfunding eg snowball effect, pledgeme et al (27 replies)
  182. Do you invest in Property also? (10 replies)
  183. Margin Lending (3 replies)
  184. Investment Policy Statement (5 replies)
  185. Hybrids (1 replies)
  186. An Experiment In Not Losing Too Much Money (61 replies)
  187. Useful websites (10 replies)
  188. Which New Zealand providers offer passive or index funds? (31 replies)
  189. Dilbert on Investing (2 replies)
  190. The inverse proportional relationship (24 replies)
  191. Baltic Dry Index (2 replies)
  192. How Investment Banks Work (0 replies)
  193. At what age did you start dabbling in the share market? (24 replies)
  194. Goals & Aspirations (85 replies)
  195. Share Purchase plans (4 replies)
  196. Should I actively avoid FIF investments? (36 replies)
  197. Angel List (1 replies)
  198. Spreadsheets wanted (7 replies)
  199. Charting with Apple (1 replies)
  200. Folly or fortitude? (80 replies)
  201. Index v Managed (17 replies)
  202. Buy and selling technique - NZX (5 replies)
  203. Spring clean of the ol' portfolio (7 replies)
  204. Tax implications of ETFs (10 replies)
  205. Purchasing international etfs (4 replies)
  206. The Motley Fool (3 replies)
  207. Sharesight (22 replies)
  208. Investment Blog (56 replies)
  209. Russian Stock Market (11 replies)
  210. Using Broker Research (9 replies)
  211. How many stocks do you hold in you portfolio? (23 replies)
  212. Can you go short NZX instruments? (4 replies)
  213. trade stops (1 replies)
  214. My Problem with Market Beta (9 replies)
  215. Aussie Bulls vs Bears (1 replies)
  216. Best portfolio tracking software and apps (4 replies)
  217. Books/financial literature (13 replies)
  218. Investing using a 'Look Through' company (14 replies)
  219. How much time do you spend a week on your investments? (6 replies)
  220. Discounted Dividend Model (4 replies)
  221. Share Investing with Property Mortgages (14 replies)
  222. IS the NZ Super Scheme investing into a Shale Gas Ponzi Scheme ? (3 replies)
  223. Morningstar Credibility (4 replies)
  224. What are your thoughts on the market? (3 replies)
  225. Leveraged share investments with tax benefits (6 replies)
  226. Equity Crowdfunding - Snowball effect (9 replies)
  227. Purchasing shares through a company (20 replies)
  228. How can you tell if an algo is at play? (6 replies)
  229. NZX/ASX Discount brokers (6 replies)
  230. Creating my own index fund (10 replies)
  231. Good Investing Should Be Boring (5 replies)
  232. Investment for life's last decade (20 replies)
  233. discount brokers nz or ausssi (0 replies)
  234. Investment Strategies - Australia experience (0 replies)
  235. How to value companies with negative earnings (0 replies)
  236. When to Sell? (19 replies)
  237. How to invest in overseas markets (1 replies)
  238. Emergency/Rainy Day Fund (20 replies)
  239. Arbitrage Opportunities (0 replies)
  240. FIF investments, yay or nay? (7 replies)
  241. Financial Adviser Minimum Portfolio (4 replies)
  242. What would you do in this theoretical example? (12 replies)
  243. Research group (1 replies)
  244. 34 MILLION - What would YOU do with it? (35 replies)
  245. Investment Advisers Performance - IAPM (3 replies)
  246. The art of cutting your losses (1 replies)
  247. Technical charts during intra-day trading (3 replies)
  248. Any system traders out there? (1 replies)
  249. Option Traders Meetup in Wellington (2 replies)
  250. Leveraged Short Selling for NZX listed shares (1 replies)