- Apartments
- Property: Land vs Improvements
- proprty investment.
- Auckland apartments
- Bare Land Prices
- Any views about BlueChip NZ
- To Claim on Depreciation of Rental Property?
- Coastal apartments secured for 5K down - too good?
- Sometimes prof. advice may not be correct?
- Renting to Housing New Zealand
- Auckland Residential Property Trust
- Old Villa Maintenance?
- Management Rights
- Management Rights
- Property Mania
- US Reits
- Negative Gearing
- New Building Act 2004
- Interest rate margins.
- Rent - Don't buy
- Reality bites
- Property rocks
- Who here actually owns investment properties?
- Capital Gains Tax
- GST refund for Australian Rental Properties
- industrial/commercial property
- property savings plans
- Mangakino
- Not sure how all this works???
- Adam Parore Mortgages
- 18 Hobson St Nautilus
- developers ....living it up!
- High Oil Price will hit Holiday Homes?
- latest average building costs
- Building a house - do's & don'ts
- Property Development -
- Capital Growth Areas
- Capital Gains On Rentals On The Way?
- Sale and Purchase Agreements
- Why NZ House Construction Cost So High?
- Rental Property in Auckland - Time to sell?
- Property on the rocks
- What If..
- Local Property Investors Group
- Pegasus Town
- Commercial Property - Hamilton/Dinsdale
- Property investor to Developer
- What Is Best To Buy?
- Real Estate Co Accused Of Being Unlawful
- Carparks
- New to Property Investment
- CGT Effect
- Population Growth and Growth in Property Values
- property and the resources boom
- Newbie needs advice on Tender madness
- Leasehold
- How much is optimum when renovating??
- Tenants & Property Managers
- Auckland Apartments
- Property Investment Books
- NZ 1st homebuyers are ScReWeD...
- IR 23?
- TGA - recommended property managers?
- Property Funds (Unlisted)
- GST Registration and Residential Rentals
- capital gains
- How much mortgage interest can be counted as cost?
- building new house
- Useful website for finding information
- Property Trusts
- Final bullet into a dropping property bull?
- Weatherside cladding
- Would Dr Cullen introduce the ring fencing tax?
- Sunshine & Gold Coast
- northland property
- Paradise Homes ?
- Buying Property in the USA
- commercial real estate
- Eyeing the door?
- Buying Shares in Taiwanese Companies.
- Commercial Property + Business owners
- Selling property on TradeMe?
- Landlords/Tennants - "Lawns included?"
- Residential Rental Property Current Yields - Help Please :)
- Kingsland / Arch Hill
- Subdivision
- Buy do-up & Sell
- Cross leasing a property
- Home builders get screwed.
- Goodbye Joneses
- Home Equity Line of Credit
- Buying or Selling....who's in?
- A profound inflection point?
- Iron Bridge Real Estate
- Wetpak 110% Home Loans.
- Beach houses
- The property PIEs.
- Latest CBRE Market View (Office/Retail/Industrial)
- How to sell the homestead
- Fiji
- Advice needed on Brisbane property
- When is the interest rate not the interest rate?
- How much to spend on renovations?
- LAQC & Rentals - Which Tax Forms to File?
- ANZ Branches up for sale.
- Buying an Apartment
- 12 Reasons to get into Property as a long term investment
- Is the area you are looking at buying in “Deprived”?
- Mortgage Rates?
- Hebel Panels
- Looking for tenants
- Property bubble on the horizon
- Property Investment advice
- Good news Stories
- Section Prices
- Motels
- Property investment - claiming deductions
- Rental Yields- Where Are They Going??
- Now is the time to buy property
- Dunedin for student flats
- North Shore builder recommendation
- Debt Land
- good return?
- Queenstown - a buyers market ?
- Interest Rates - Where to next?
- Who owns property and does it matter
- why NOT listed Property Trusts
- ZILN Internet TV - Real Estate Chanell
- Caravan parks?
- Investing in Tokoroa
- Beachfront Property [Northland]
- Watching
- Future Property prospects.
- Negotiation skills courses
- Rental properties
- What change will we see to property taxation?
- House inspections
- To rent or to sell?
- why it all went wrong in the building trade.
- NZ Retail property auction result.
- Leaky homes-effect of.
- rental property or property listed trust
- Landlord insurance
- NZ Herald - contradictory stories
- Guaranteed by the Crown
- Rent To Buy
- Property Investment Seminars - which one's are real and which one's are scams?
- Why property prices in NZ are to high compared to other countries.
- EQC Insurance on Rentals
- What a wicked waste in Christchurch
- Buying a home to live in but renting 1st 4 years
- Commercial property in Christchurch
- Christchurch Residential Property Values due to Earthquakes
- Mike Pero Realestate
- Sell or keep as rental?
- Rentals, Investment, Advice. Same old but need opnions
- Good time to but property or just wait?
- Supermarket investment via bayleys
- 2 or 1 Bedroom Unit?
- Housing - a bear trap
- Looking to buy villa in Indonesia
- Earthquake proofing
- Is property an actual investment ?
- Best Property Stock with Good Yield In Aus
- property is the only way to save.
- Buying uninsured properties in Chch
- Why I’m Draining My Savings to Stimulate the Economy
- IV to kill off RV: My Prediction
- Income Education
- Dunn Funds
- NZ Interest Rates --- OCR----- to Fix or float
- Auckland housing market
- Buying your first property
- Using equity to purchase second home
- Any advice about investing in Bolton hotel wellington?
- Kiwi Income Property
- NZinvest
- nz shares or property
- REINZ Farm Price index
- Investment - Commercial - residential property
- Residential Investment - appropriate vehicle?
- Kiwisaver for a trust
- Property Valuation: Wairarapa
- Corporate home insurance (AirBnb related)
- Foreign buyers estimated at 29%
- Trying to sell my house
- Housing Tax
- Argosy Property Ltd and Goodman Property Trust
- Property Stats
- Property Managers
- Select A Property Manager? Has anyone used the website selectapropertymanager.co.nz
- First Rental!
- Wellington Property Market
- Appealing a rates assesment
- Aus Property Market
- Renovation advice
- Collett's Corner
- Proportional titles/property syndication.
- Are rentals now worth it?
- first home buyer advice
- Anyone using myRent?
- Christchurch rental propects
- Who'd want to be a landlord now ?
- Potential adverse effects from coronavirus on NZ property market
- Parliamentary petition - shower domes in rentals
- OMG State Insurance - are you that horrible against Christchurch residents?
- Which way will the property market go now?
- New Property Legislation circa 2020.
- $37 Million a week
- opoly
- Will interest still be deductible on short stay accommodation?
- PMG Commercial Fund
- Jasper Property Fund
- US rental market crisis
- Risky Lending / Interest rates
- Densification
- Estimated average growth or return on bare land investment
- Mortgage rates for commercial property.
- Property vs Shares for investment
- Business Loans
- Responsible Lending? I wonder….
- ‘FOMO is back!’
- Commercial property syndicates