View Full Version : ST Meeting - Friday, 30 January Palmerston North, 5:30pm, The Cuban/Nosh
Hey guys,
I've had some duscussions with fellow ST members and we've decided we all need to have another get together in Palmy.
I have timed it for commiserations/congratulations for CRP holders. I'm sure a happy DIL holder or two will also show up :)
The venue/date/time are not set in stone yet so if you have any suggestions/comments/gripes then post em up or PM me.
We always have a good time and don't bite (too hard...) so feel free to show up when/if you can. The more the merrier!
Big Friendly Goof (ex-Moosie)
Current location/time: Friday, 30 January 2015, the Cuban (part of Distinction Hotel), Cuba Street, Palmerston North, 530pm
04-01-2015, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the early heads up BFG. I will try and make this one. Have not been to Palmy for a few years now so about time to re-visit methinks :)
05-01-2015, 01:02 PM
To STMOD - Even I never read that part of the forum, because I go straight into the "Markets" section via my bookmarks. Most times I forget that there are other parts of the forum. So can I suggest you either amalgamate all the sections into one so that the ST Meeting section shows up along with the ASX and NZX sections in the Market category, or sticky the meetings in the most popular sections (NZX and ASX). I'd hate to miss a meeting simply because I don't read the entire forum end to end. Thanks.
Agreed. NZX is the best place for it so people actually see it.
Cheers STMod. Some people think I'm always fretting about this or that. It's all for the greater good though ;)
Big Fretting Goose
05-01-2015, 04:11 PM
The hotel where the bar is located is called 'Distinction' these days. Used to be the Travel lodge which probably still shows on some sites.
Do some research would ya BFGoof
The hotel where the bar is located is called 'Distinction' these days. Used to be the Travel lodge which probably still shows on some sites.
Do some research would ya BFGoof
As it's a Heritage building I didn't note the Distinction ;)
(Has been amended. You must spend far too much time there for yer own good if I walk by it every day and can't get it right!) :D
05-01-2015, 04:23 PM
As it's a Heritage building I didn't note the Distinction ;)
(Has been amended. You must spend far too much time there for yer own good if I walk by it every day and can't get it right!) :D
Will it be dress up again this time? Last time the costumes were brilliant and it's always good for a laugh
Will it be dress up again this time? Last time the costumes were brilliant and it's always good for a laugh
Don't know if I can do the moose suit in the summer!
07-01-2015, 09:11 PM
Cool,looking forward to it :)
Cool,looking forward to it :)
You should bring your brother, be cool to meet him!
Hey guys I had a request to change this to Friday evening to accomodate. I'm all good with it as I literally work 50 metres down the road. Anyone object?
friday the what dateFriday the 30th
11-01-2015, 11:48 AM
You should bring your brother, be cool to meet him!
Yeah he`s quite a character and a good laugh but he`s got zero interest in the sharemarket alas,despite my efforts.As far as his business goes he`s not averse to taking risks though.Typical brothers,similar in many ways but polar opposites on some stuff!He`s based on the North shore so I only get to catch up with him re the Friday meeting change by the way.
Yeah he`s quite a character and a good laugh but he`s got zero interest in the sharemarket alas,despite my efforts.As far as his business goes he`s not averse to taking risks though.Typical brothers,similar in many ways but polar opposites on some stuff!He`s based on the North shore so I only get to catch up with him re the Friday meeting change by the way.
Ok sweet.
When I head to Auckland at some point this year I'll see if he wants to come to the meet up there. Get a large enough group together and the talk ALWAYS strays from stocks into other subjects (and sometimes the bizarre!)
14-01-2015, 06:47 AM
Ok sweet.
When I head to Auckland at some point this year I'll see if he wants to come to the meet up there. Get a large enough group together and the talk ALWAYS strays from stocks into other subjects (and sometimes the bizarre!)
Hi BFG, is the meeting now on Friday the 30th or still on the Saturday the 31st?
Hi BFG, is the meeting now on Friday the 30th or still on the Saturday the 31st?
Hey BC
I've got to email STMOD to get this changed. Will update on first post as well. Will be Friday the 30th now at 5:30pm :)
14-01-2015, 10:53 AM
Cheers BFG, will be good to have a natter about stocks and sundry.
17-01-2015, 05:46 PM
Well, I was hoping to get to this one, but the date clashes unfortunately. Next time hopefully. Thanks BFG for organising these.
Well, I was hoping to get to this one, but the date clashes unfortunately. Next time hopefully. Thanks BFG for organising these.
All good cyclist, plenty more to come :)
I have booked us a table in the restaurant bit so we're all good to go :)
Righto, I have booked us a table in the restaurant as the lounge is already taken for the night. Thought some of us might get hungry too. Look forward to this in a week and a half!
21-01-2015, 08:16 PM
Righto, I have booked us a table in the restaurant as the lounge is already taken for the night. Thought some of us might get hungry too. Look forward to this in a week and a half!
Yeah looking forward to this too. AM going to be arriving in town about 5.30pm so that should work out ok. BFG you know some good places there to stay the night or can you recommend anything? PM me if you have time with something suitable. Cheers
30-01-2015, 08:04 AM
I just realised I have never met any of you... BFG.. can you have an identifier on the table where you are so that I do not inadvertently sit at the wrong table.
I just realised I have never met any of you... BFG.. can you have an identifier on the table where you are so that I do not inadvertently sit at the wrong table.
I shall put out a sign with "Sharetraders" on it. I'm the guy with glasses and purple and black shirt if you can't see that far ;)
30-01-2015, 09:31 AM
I shall put out a sign with "Sharetraders" on it. I'm the guy with glasses and purple and black shirt if you can't see that far ;)
haha cheers BFG, should be easy enough. I may turn up around 6ish so don't take down the sign prematurely please :)
30-01-2015, 12:35 PM
Sorry I can't join you,but from sharetraders in Christchurch I trust you have a most enjoyable evening.
Sorry I can't join you,but from sharetraders in Christchurch I trust you have a most enjoyable evening.
No worries Percy, I'm sure we will. If you were I'd have to return the pick up from the airport favour!
Shall I send some Depends to the meet down south since HNZ is right at all-time highs? ;)
30-01-2015, 12:55 PM
No worries Percy, I'm sure we will. If you were I'd have to return the pick up from the airport favour!
Shall I send some Depends to the meet down south since HNZ is right at all-time highs? ;)
No need Janner is threating to bring them!!!!
With no ChCh cathedral, do you think we could get the ChCh Cathedral choir along to sing"O come all ye Hearthland faithfull,joyous and triumphant" etc????
30-01-2015, 01:15 PM
Have fun guys.
Good meeting tonight, many ideas and laughs traded. Thanks for a good night guys :)
01-02-2015, 08:29 PM
Good meeting tonight, many ideas and laughs traded. Thanks for a good night guys :)
Thankyou guys and looking forward to the next one......cheers for the charts :)
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