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View Full Version : A2M - growth company in dairy sector

31-03-2015, 06:35 AM
A2M (a2 Milk Company) lists today on the ASX

A great little NZ company taking the world by storm with its healthy a2 milk.

Some background

What Sharetraders say on the NZX board

31-03-2015, 07:48 AM
Cheers winner, that was a good article in the smh. I do really like this company, I think it potentially has a very strong somewhat niche market in the US/UK much like Aus - which is all it needs to have huge growth.

Interestingly I was listening to aus sky buisness your money your call the other day, the host was talking about ballamys (asx bal) and A2 and saying how she struggles to get the product for her baby sometimes from her local metcash for her kids so when they are their she gets as much as she can. Bal does organic baby products and had done very well since listing - a Tasmanian based company.

Interestingly a2 organic - that would be the ultimate, not that I agree with "organic" at all, but it would be the ultimate marketing.

I'm also surprised fonterra had not looked into this a2 more , it sounds like lots of politics ect but interms of value add - I thought fonterra would have looked at a2 and realised it would really fit and provide a new premium product as there isn't anything special interms of manufacturing - it's still fresh milk/milk powder without a2. Anyway someone else will probably take them over eventually, especially if they repeat in the uk and/ or us what had occurred in aus.

Well, I'm holding.

Not expecting the asx listing to do much for the sp.

31-03-2015, 07:56 AM
And you still can't buy it in nz, well not in taranaki anyway... I'm still drinking a1/a2 mix.

31-03-2015, 09:39 PM
Countdown has them.

01-04-2015, 10:17 AM
Very interesting article. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, hopefully it will result in many millions more Chinese parents will now be able to afford infant formula !

21-11-2016, 11:40 AM
Not holding myself, but thought the NZSA voting intentions for the AGM might be interesting for some holders:


Apparently is one of the directors (Perter Hinton) not as independent as the board says (he acts from time to time as a lawyer for the company) ... and the NZSA intends as well to oppose the proposed huge increase in director fees (for a company which never paid dividends) which feels ways out of whack for a medium sized marketing company which never paid dividends.

Food for thought?