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06-05-2015, 10:13 PM
The chinese market has doubled in the last year, but has dipped the last couple of days. Did the bubble pop?


07-05-2015, 09:01 AM
The chinese market has doubled in the last year, but has dipped the last couple of days. Did the bubble pop?


With China easing some of its economic instruments and policies, it seems to have reached the point of being a little overbought for the time being.

Not too sure about "popping" though.

SMA 10 on the weekly Shanghai Composite Index chart (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?show=&insttype=Index&symb=CN%3ASHCOMP&x=24&y=13&time=13&startdate=1%2F4%2F1999&enddate=5%2F6%2F2015&freq=2&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&comptemptext=&comp=none&ma=4&maval=10%2C30%2C50%2C100%2C200&uf=0&lf=32&lf2=2&lf3=1024&type=4&style=320&size=4&timeFrameToggle=false&compareToToggle=false&indicatorsToggle=false&chartStyleToggle=false&state=11) seems to be the make or break for good or bad times, as per this chart :)

Maybe time for a test of the old SMA 10? :D

Edit: On this weekly chart you also see all the SMAs pointing up and in a bullish arrangement - 10, 30, 50, 100 and 200 all going up. Big golden cross of 100 above 200. Looks quite nice really.

09-05-2015, 04:44 PM
Still there are opportunities in Asian markets provided we identify value markets and value stocks. Despite some economic issues still Chinese stocks could have some demand. Food and beverage stocks should generate some demand. It is time to avoid markets with high equity valuations and go behind markets with lower equity valuations.

10-05-2015, 08:34 AM
The chinese market has doubled in the last year, but has dipped the last couple of days. Did the bubble pop?


Bubble in China ?
Don't think so. There a few sector, for example Internet that are overvalued

10-05-2015, 08:39 AM
The chinese market has doubled in the last year, but has dipped the last couple of days. Did the bubble pop?<br>
<a href="https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=000300.SS&amp;t=1y&amp;l=on&amp;z=l&amp;q=l&amp;c=" target="_blank">https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=000300.SS&amp;t=1y&amp;l=on&amp;z=l&amp;q=l&amp;c=</a><br><br>Bubble in China ?&nbsp;<br>Don't think so. There a few sector, for example Internet that are overvalued<br>CTRP,VIPS, WUBA &nbsp; P/E over 50<br>SINA,BAIDU<br>

Here is a tool to check for overvalued or undervalued investments in China.
ou still have companies with a P/E below 5 and they are paying dividends:

A lot of them are victims of short seller attacks. Working hard for regaining reputation.
On Monday you will see the earnngs of CGA and CXDC. Both have the potential to be fivebaggers.