View Full Version : CEO remuneration?

29-03-2016, 10:45 AM
As a share holder I have a fair idea what the fees are directors will be payed in the coming year.
What about the CEO's, I am interested in their remuneration packages, specially the possible shares, partly payed shares and or share options part of their remuneration packages.
It makes a big difference knowing a CEO sells shares if they are likely to be replaced soon as part of their pay compared with no replacement.

Are CEO's remuneration packages available to share holders?

29-03-2016, 10:53 AM
As a share holder I have a fair idea what the fees are directors will be payed in the coming year.
What about the CEO's, I am interested in their remuneration packages, specially the possible shares, partly payed shares and or share options part of their remuneration packages.
It makes a big difference knowing a CEO sells shares if they are likely to be replaced soon as part of their pay compared with no replacement.

Are CEO's remuneration packages available to share holders?

Usually disclosed in the Annual Report

Disclosures vary from 'CEO total remuneration was $x' to many pages of finer details. ASX companies tend to do a better job than NZ jobs.

On the odd occassion when a CEO starts a summary of employment contract is announced to the market.

Harvey Specter
29-03-2016, 12:05 PM
Listed companies disclose staff payments in bands of $10k for every employee over $100k. CEO is normally the top one. So you can figure it out after the fact and normally share options etc are disclosed when offered to the CEO.

29-03-2016, 02:49 PM
I would have thought you'd already have been a avid reader of all the annual reports you get Forest and have known this already ?

29-03-2016, 02:54 PM
I would have thought you'd already have been a avid reader of all the annual reports you get Forest and have known this already ? My Grandchildren love hardcopy annual reports, lots of colours and pretty pictures, they even get to cut out a few cute yellow ducks out of the TTK one.:cool:

29-03-2016, 03:18 PM
My Grandchildren love hardcopy annual reports, lots of colours and pretty pictures, they even get to cut out a few cute yellow ducks out of the TTK one.:cool:

Yes I like real ones too mate. Can't beat how easy they are to reference and reflect back on rather than trying to dig up electronic copies and as you say, the grandkids seem to enjoy the pictures and a great way to start teaching them about what a company does :) Best not to tell them what the CEO makes otherwise they might expect more from their grandparents eh :)

29-03-2016, 04:18 PM
My Grandchildren love hardcopy annual reports, lots of colours and pretty pictures, they even get to cut out a few cute yellow ducks out of the TTK one.:cool:

Hope you didn't let them see some of the early Ecoya ones - hard copy was almost hard core