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Sideshow Bob
28-11-2019, 09:49 AM
Just because alcohol is legal, doesn't mean weed should be. Weed may or may not be worse than alcohol, doesn't mean it isn't harmful to some degree and don't think we need more harmful stuff out there.

Alcohol is historic, the drug of choice for generations, and ingrained in society. Shown a slow road to change attitudes and behaviours (but believe it is slowly happening in younger generations, boomers not so much)

Medicinal cannabis another complete kettle of fish IMO.

28-11-2019, 09:54 AM
You are missing the point Bob, the weed is already out there and anybody who wants it will get it. You'll not increase harm in any way.

What is the point of criminalizing it?

Seems to me you're the type of person who would ban a fun activity just because there is a moron who doesn't follow instructions and get himself killed. The Nany state full on.

28-11-2019, 09:57 AM
Wow that hasn't been my experience ... while I was a student I was in charge of a rental ... unfortunately rented out a room to a couple who turned out to be pot-heads ... they had no motivation in life, had social welfare worked out (as long as they went to 1 x councelling session per week they would get their mental health benefit), and spent everything they had on weed.

Unfortunately things got worse and worse until they didn't pay rent ... one day I came home to find out they had been using bedside tables as ash-trays, bed soaked with urine, carpets and curtains ruined ... awesome ...

I'll never trust a pot-head ... we don't need this legalised in NZ.

"They had no motivation in life" there in lies the problem. Idle minds run down ones self esteem and confidence, self worth. Escapism, denial, unloved maybe. A core belief of "im useless""im unlovable" etcetc, false beliefs of course. Depression highly likely. Sounds like alcohol was involved too when you mention the urination. Was the pot CBD or weak or potent? How many times a day did they smoke , drink. Sometimes just listening and reflecting back to people can help people to help themselves out of a hole. Antidepressants can work for some. But blaming cannabis or alcohol or P or heroin for someones underlying illness's, mental health issues etc is pretty ignorant imo. You had a job to manage a rental, tough being a student yourself and having to take on that responsibility dealing with unreliable tenants thats for sure. No room for empathy there or much life experience to use .

28-11-2019, 10:05 AM
Wow that hasn't been my experience ... while I was a student I was in charge of a rental ... unfortunately rented out a room to a couple who turned out to be pot-heads ... they had no motivation in life, had social welfare worked out (as long as they went to 1 x councelling session per week they would get their mental health benefit), and spent everything they had on weed.

Unfortunately things got worse and worse until they didn't pay rent ... one day I came home to find out they had been using bedside tables as ash-trays, bed soaked with urine, carpets and curtains ruined ... awesome ...

I'll never trust a pot-head ... we don't need this legalised in NZ.

lmao, and how is that an issue with marijuana? have you ever thought the issue was the person and not marijuana? I know people who have smoked/smoke marijuana and are doing absolutely fine, some are even CEOs.

Sideshow Bob
28-11-2019, 10:09 AM
You are missing the point Bob, the weed is already out there and anybody who wants it will get it. You'll not increase harm in any way.

What is the point of criminalizing it?

Seems to me you're the type of person who would ban a fun activity just because there is a moron who doesn't follow instructions and get himself killed. The Nany state full on.

Correct it is out there - but will more people take it up because it is legal? Likely yes. So just because haven't controlled it then we should legalise it? So is meth and cocaine and ecstasy "out there"? Should we legalise them?
End of the day, is it harmful? And if so why would we want to legalise something (else) that is harmful. Realise smoking, drinking and plenty of other things are harmful and legal.


Also Peetter, you don't know me at all or my experiences. Don't jump to conclusions about me from one post, wanting to ban "fun" activities, or trying to cast me as the fun police. Play the ball not the man.

28-11-2019, 10:13 AM
"They had no motivation in life" there in lies the problem. Idle minds run down ones self esteem and confidence, self worth. Escapism, denial, unloved maybe. A core belief of "im useless""im unlovable" etcetc, false beliefs of course. Depression highly likely. Sounds like alcohol was involved too when you mention the urination. Was the pot CBD or weak or potent? How many times a day did they smoke , drink. Sometimes just listening and reflecting back to people can help people to help themselves out of a hole. Antidepressants can work for some. But blaming cannabis or alcohol or P or heroin for someones underlying illness's, mental health issues etc is pretty ignorant imo. You had a job to manage a rental, tough being a student yourself and having to take on that responsibility dealing with unreliable tenants thats for sure. No room for empathy there or much life experience to use .

Both marijuana and alcohol exacerbate mental health problems. NZ society has problems with both substances.

28-11-2019, 10:13 AM
Correct it is out there - but will more people take it up because it is legal? Likely yes. So just because haven't controlled it then we should legalise it? So is meth and cocaine and ecstasy "out there"? Should we legalise them?
End of the day, is it harmful? And if so why would we want to legalise something (else) that is harmful. Realise smoking, drinking and plenty of other things are harmful and legal.


Also Peetter, you don't know me at all or my experiences. Don't jump to conclusions about me from one post, wanting to ban "fun" activities, or trying to cast me as the fun police. Play the ball not the man.

how many of your friends from school who tried weed ( maybe even you ) went on to be addicts or to harder stuff. i dont recall many of mine becoming either potheads or alcoholics. so more people might try it but its highly unlikely the majority become addicts

28-11-2019, 10:20 AM
Salt is poisonous.Many many things are if taken in excess.Alcohol and tobacco amongts the worst.Alcohol in many promotes violence, marijuana is a peaceful herb. I havnt cited any evidence that cannabis is addictive, i think its way down there on a low threshold but sure if one smoked it all day , like a joint very 30 mins it cant be that good for oneself. Ive never met anyone doing that btw, cant imagine it having a recreational effect.

I dont support hard drugs whatsoever .Meth and cocaine and heroin are addictive for some .Interesting that studies have shown people who have had trauma in their lives , especially when young get addicted whereas many recreational users who havnt had drauma dont, interesting ehh!

28-11-2019, 10:36 AM
I havnt cited any evidence that cannabis is addictive,

Is that "cited" or "sighted"? There's a vast difference in meaning!

28-11-2019, 10:41 AM
Heaven help any of your family members or friends, who have the misfortune to experience mental health issues at any point in their life. Depression and other mental health issues are not life choices. They are illnesses and nobody chooses them. Your ridiculous statement(s) below show just how ignorant and uninformed you are.

Sometimes I wonder if that weed you smoke has seriously addled your brain?

"They had no motivation in life" there in lies the problem. Idle minds run down ones self esteem and confidence, self worth. Escapism, denial, unloved maybe. A core belief of "im useless""im unlovable" etcetc, false beliefs of course. Depression highly likely. Sounds like alcohol was involved too when you mention the urination. Was the pot CBD or weak or potent? How many times a day did they smoke , drink. Sometimes just listening and reflecting back to people can help people to help themselves out of a hole. Antidepressants can work for some. But blaming cannabis or alcohol or P or heroin for someones underlying illness's, mental health issues etc is pretty ignorant imo. You had a job to manage a rental, tough being a student yourself and having to take on that responsibility dealing with unreliable tenants thats for sure. No room for empathy there or much life experience to use .

28-11-2019, 11:02 AM
Correct it is out there - but will more people take it up because it is legal? Likely yes. So just because haven't controlled it then we should legalise it? So is meth and cocaine and ecstasy "out there"? Should we legalise them?
End of the day, is it harmful? And if so why would we want to legalise something (else) that is harmful. Realise smoking, drinking and plenty of other things are harmful and legal.


Also Peetter, you don't know me at all or my experiences. Don't jump to conclusions about me from one post, wanting to ban "fun" activities, or trying to cast me as the fun police. Play the ball not the man.

From the countries that legalized or decriminalized drugs, there is no indication the drug use increased.

28-11-2019, 11:04 AM
From the countries that legalized or decriminalized drugs, there is no indication the drug use increased.

Really? You don't think drug use inceased in Colorado?

28-11-2019, 11:05 AM
Here we go again the volcano losing it making assumptions and accusations. You drink too much, like that mud do you? Seriously how can you hold any positions of responsibility losing it and dumping all the time. get a grip and debate.Breathe and keep off the booze ehh nah just joking(hint,hint)

"Depression and other mental health issues are not life choices. " i agree with that. See above some causes of. broaden your mind to other views, experiences . Drugs imo do not cause them they are there already,( the mental health issues), see above. Luckily this govt is spending massive amounts of money on improving mental health.

28-11-2019, 11:25 AM
Every time I call you out on what I see as being either a disrespectful or uneducated view on something, you go off like a volcano, casting aspersions about my character. Yes, I did lose my cool the other day about your derogatory views on rest home carers, but I already apologised for that. My post below was calm and reasoned. Certainly not “volcanically explosive.”

For your information, I seldom drink. I might have one drink a month across a year. Probably less. My uncle was an alcoholic and my childhood memories of him probably influenced my decision not to drink much. I can take it or leave it.

I also, have never done drugs. Not even weed. I had/have no desire or need to. I don’t need alcohol or drugs to live a happy, fulfilled life.

If you need weed to enjoy your life, that’s your choice. I actually don’t care what you do in the confines of your own home, as long as you are not smoking weed while caring for children. I do however object to you driving or doing anything else under the influence, that could potentially harm another person or their property.

You say you want to debate, but your ideas and opinions on the subject are clearly fixed in place. You are not really debating the subject any more than I am, so your comments are just a tad hypocritical.

I have no idea how old you are - feel free to tell me if you are happy to - but I’ve been on this planet for a few years now, and nothing I have seen or read with regards to legalising marijuana has managed to convince me that this is something we need. I do, however, support legalising it for medicinal purposes only (with strict regulations.controls in place).

Have a happy day.

Here we go again the volcano losing it making assumptions and accusations. You drink too much, like that mud do you? Seriously how can you hold any positions of responsibility losing it and dumping all the time. get a grip and debate.Breathe and keep off the booze ehh nah just joking(hint,hint)

"Depression and other mental health issues are not life choices. " i agree with that. See above some causes of. broaden your mind to other views, experiences . Drugs imo do not cause them they are there already,( the mental health issues), see above. Luckily this govt is spending massive amounts of money on improving mental health.

Sideshow Bob
28-11-2019, 11:30 AM
From the countries that legalized or decriminalized drugs, there is no indication the drug use increased.

Problem use has increased - look at the link/study.

28-11-2019, 11:55 AM
Problem use has increased - look at the link/study.

Your link provides study based on voluntary disclosure before and after legalization. This offers huge margin of error. Try investigating more on Portugal, where they have decriminalized drugs in 2001. There are some negatives, but also huge positives...

28-11-2019, 12:07 PM
There are plenty of research results out there that show potential negative effects of smoking weed. This article is from The Globe, but is reporting the outcomes of various research studies done, including a NZ study.


28-11-2019, 12:48 PM
There are plenty of research results out there that show potential negative effects of smoking weed. This article is from The Globe, but is reporting the outcomes of various research studies done, including a NZ study.


This is the same for alcohol, cigarettes. At least with legalization and regulation you have a measure of control over who can buy it. Do you think that local drug dealer really cares if he sells something to 11 year old? Probably less than certified shop owner.

Look there is no reason to continue this discussion. You will never change the opinion, because you are not open to new arguments and dead set on your "truth". As you stated you never even experienced weed. You can have opinion on it, but it is not fully informed as long as you refuse to try it.

I for example drink probably less than you, never smoked and tried weed only handful times. I generally think anyone, who regularly needs mind altering substance to have fun is weak. Yet I have an open mind and let live as long as they don't try to force me into it.

I am also a big supporter of Darwinism, so if drugs can eliminate the weak from the gene pool, I am all for it.

28-11-2019, 12:57 PM
By your argument, nobody can have an opinion on heroin, P or Flakka either, unless they’re willing to try it.

You can have opinion on it, but it is not fully informed as long as you refuse to try it.

28-11-2019, 12:59 PM
By your argument, nobody can have an opinion on heroin, P or Flakka either, unless they’re willing to try it.

I said you can have opinion...

28-11-2019, 01:01 PM
If you want to be pedantic, I will rephrase my statement.

By your argument, nobody can have a fully informed opinion on heroin, P or Flakka either, unless they’re willing to try it.

I said you can have opinion...

28-11-2019, 01:08 PM
Every time I call you out on what I see as being either a disrespectful or uneducated view on something, you go off like a volcano, casting aspersions about my character. Yes, I did lose my cool the other day about your derogatory views on rest home carers, but I already apologised for that. My post below was calm and reasoned. Certainly not “volcanically explosive.”

For your information, I seldom drink. I might have one drink a month across a year. Probably less. My uncle was an alcoholic and my childhood memories of him probably influenced my decision not to drink much. I can take it or leave it.

I also, have never done drugs. Not even weed. I had/have no desire or need to. I don’t need alcohol or drugs to live a happy, fulfilled life.

If you need weed to enjoy your life, that’s your choice. I actually don’t care what you do in the confines of your own home, as long as you are not smoking weed while caring for children. I do however object to you driving or doing anything else under the influence, that could potentially harm another person or their property.

You say you want to debate, but your ideas and opinions on the subject are clearly fixed in place. You are not really debating the subject any more than I am, so your comments are just a tad hypocritical.

I have no idea how old you are - feel free to tell me if you are happy to - but I’ve been on this planet for a few years now, and nothing I have seen or read with regards to legalising marijuana has managed to convince me that this is something we need. I do, however, support legalising it for medicinal purposes only (with strict regulations.controls in place).

Have a happy day.

"not even weed"
it really is at the bottom end isn't it, fantastic for medicinal use great for recreational, social, relaxing.. I cant wait for my friend who has spasms all night to be able to grow his own legally so he can deal to those spasms and get some sleep. Thank you to the green fairies out there providing many many people who need it for their health problems. My friend is angry he cant access it easily, legally.Medicinal cannabis when it comes will be far too expensive imo for many who need it if not legalised.

For many weed is a recreational drug through all walks and stratas. its not needed but its something to relax with after work etc like putting some music on, having a coffee, reading a book, a drink ,being creative, problem solving, its that simple and as harmless imo for the majority of healthy well balanced people.

Im over 60. IMO those early years of childhood have a major impact on how happy a person will be through life.

28-11-2019, 01:10 PM
So based on the comments here, we will have a 50:50 split come referendum day? Does anyone here follow this company closely? Seems like the market cap is very high given their business is currently impossible in NZ. I don’t really follow, but didn’t they raise something like $30 million and now trade at a market cap of $70 million.. what have they done with the cash to justify this value?

28-11-2019, 01:16 PM
If you want to be pedantic, I will rephrase my statement.

By your argument, nobody can have a fully informed opinion on heroin, P or Flakka either, unless they’re willing to try it.

Yes, I'd say that is correct.

28-11-2019, 01:23 PM
In that case I guess you’re right. There’s no point in “discussing” it any further.

We will both get our say at referendum time.

Yes, I'd say that is correct.

28-11-2019, 09:27 PM
You guys are missing the points. They will separated the one which get you stoned and the one which just benefit for the sickness to help them . I think they will legalize that.
you have no ideas until you need them. Nothing can help you soak up the pains, only it. That is the reason it will be legalized. And once it is legalized : new businesses and opportunities are happening to both national and internationals and the bills will be passed next month and I bet CBD.NZ SP will be $1 and up .Here we go.

03-12-2019, 05:30 PM
The rules of cannabis: Govt releases draft legislation for how cannabis could be bought and soldNew Zealanders have been given a first glimpse at what they'll be voting for in next year's cannabis referendum.


looks common sense stuff to me , esp good to see people can grow two plants at home for own use. a lot of people who need it for medicinal purposes cannot afford to pay to buy it.

03-12-2019, 09:05 PM
The rules of cannabis: Govt releases draft legislation for how cannabis could be bought and sold

New Zealanders have been given a first glimpse at what they'll be voting for in next year's cannabis referendum.


looks common sense stuff to me , esp good to see people can grow two plants at home for own use. a lot of people who need it for medicinal purposes cannot afford to pay to buy it.
"It's important that voters go into the 2020 General Election informed about the referendums. The Government is committed to a well-informed, impartial referendum process," said Justice Minister Andrew Little.
"My aim is to have the final draft Bill available by early next year, so there is time to argue for change."

05-12-2019, 08:33 AM
Let's stop 320,000 people breaking the law on cannabis every day


05-12-2019, 10:58 AM
Let's stop 320,000 people breaking the law on cannabis every day

Let the medicines soak away the pain of the sickness and stop buying them oversea.

06-12-2019, 12:36 PM
Cannabis Referendum Bill deserves your Yes vote. Here’s what it does and how we can make it even better

Today, with more time to properly reflect, the coverage has been more nuanced, and we have confirmation the Government will flesh out the details – including social equity provisions – in a final version to be released in March or April 2020

16-12-2019, 01:32 PM
Yes , please act quickly :)
Medicinal cannabis: Former MP Peter Dunne calls on Government to get ball rollinghttps://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12294137

16-12-2019, 02:29 PM
Some good ideas there too.

"Tax based on net THC, with a credit given for CBD content. CBD is known to ameliorate the negative effects some people experience with high-THC concentrations, so we should be encouraging it with policy settings such as this. The draft Bill proposes a sales levy rather than a tax, which is great, but doesn’t give much detail yet. I’ve been pushing for a levy because they can be directed to specified areas instead of disappearing into the general tax take. Cannabis sales levies should be directed to all sorts of worthwhile causes including our underfunded health and education sectors, law enforcement, researchers, data collection, and providing the social equity aspects of the reforms."

16-12-2019, 09:34 PM
Some good ideas there too.

"Tax based on net THC, with a credit given for CBD content. CBD is known to ameliorate the negative effects some people experience with high-THC concentrations, so we should be encouraging it with policy settings such as this. The draft Bill proposes a sales levy rather than a tax, which is great, but doesn’t give much detail yet. I’ve been pushing for a levy because they can be directed to specified areas instead of disappearing into the general tax take. Cannabis sales levies should be directed to all sorts of worthwhile causes including our underfunded health and education sectors, law enforcement, researchers, data collection, and providing the social equity aspects of the reforms."
You are exactly right mate .:)

17-12-2019, 03:10 PM
Legalise It.
Regulate It.
Tax It.


18-12-2019, 12:54 PM
It IS Passed...!!! :t_up:
Revealed: How much businesses will pay to sell cannabis Regulations passed today will allow New Zealand businesses to manufacture and distribute medicinal cannabis products.

The law, which comes into effect on April 1, 2020, will mark the beginning of the local medicinal cannabis market.
Until now, New Zealand's cannabis businesses have been limited to research and have not been permitted to sell or export the product"There is huge international interest in the potential of medicinal cannabis," said Minister of Health Dr David Clark.
"These regulations mean New Zealand companies will be well placed to manufacture for both the local and international market."


18-12-2019, 02:03 PM
It IS Passed...!!! :t_up:
Revealed: How much businesses will pay to sell cannabis Regulations passed today will allow New Zealand businesses to manufacture and distribute medicinal cannabis products.

The law, which comes into effect on April 1, 2020, will mark the beginning of the local medicinal cannabis market.
Until now, New Zealand's cannabis businesses have been limited to research and have not been permitted to sell or export the product"There is huge international interest in the potential of medicinal cannabis," said Minister of Health Dr David Clark.
"These regulations mean New Zealand companies will be well placed to manufacture for both the local and international market."


good news , will become a big domestic / export earner for NZ. With the caveat that if pricing wasnt competitive for medicinal products with raw product sourced from the black market then unlikely it would be a big domestic earner as people will always source the most price competitive product.

18-12-2019, 03:46 PM
good news , will become a big domestic / export earner for NZ. With the caveat that if pricing wasnt competitive for medicinal products with raw product sourced from the black market then unlikely it would be a big domestic earner as people will always source the most price competitive product.
Now we will see how the NZX market's reactions to CBD.NZ :)

19-12-2019, 10:40 AM
Now we will see how the NZX market's reactions to CBD.NZ :)

not much , im not surprised still along way to go before they have products available and as alluded in there announcement yesterday they need to get the distibutors on board ( doctors lol ).

anyway in the mean time the black market criminals will be making hay and as i said will continue to if the price of products is to high or getting doctors to prescibe it is to difficult etc.

19-12-2019, 02:10 PM
not much , im not surprised still along way to go before they have products available and as alluded in there announcement yesterday they need to get the distibutors on board ( doctors lol ).

anyway in the mean time the black market criminals will be making hay and as i said will continue to if the price of products is to high or getting doctors to prescibe it is to difficult etc.
CBD.NZ already has everything in place, I guess you need to research about Cannasouth more before making your comments. :)

19-12-2019, 02:14 PM

New Zealand's euthanasia and cannabis referendums will rightly give power to the people.

19-12-2019, 02:19 PM
CBD.NZ already has everything in place, I guess you need to research about Cannasouth more before making your comments. :)

actually if you read there announcement they may have products invented but there not approved by regulators or doctors yet

19-12-2019, 04:44 PM
actually if you read there announcement they may have products invented but there not approved by regulators or doctors yet
The medicines's formula are already been approved and using worldwide, in the past we have to import the ingredients or the medicines to use here local. We just need the regulations to be passed in Newzealand to allow for growing, extracting so that we can manufacture them local and even expand to international's markets with our products. and Now THE REGULATIONS ARE PASSED.

20-12-2019, 05:55 AM
more countries moving to legalise weed

A Tiny African Kingdom Wants to Export Its Cannabis to the World

Marijuana has been cultivated in Lesotho for centuries. Now it’s a critical piece of the government’s agricultural strategy


20-12-2019, 10:11 AM
more countries moving to legalise weed

A Tiny African Kingdom Wants to Export Its Cannabis to the World

Marijuana has been cultivated in Lesotho for centuries. Now it’s a critical piece of the government’s agricultural strategy


hahahaha , but comes to regulations and the tightness of quality and safety for medicines , NewZealand is amongs the Yes :))))

23-12-2019, 04:28 PM
One Step Closer!

23 December, 2019
Cannasouth secures consent for new cultivation facilityThe Board of Cannasouth Limited (NZX: CBD) is pleased to announce that its joint venture partnerCannasouth Cultivation Limited has received resource consent for construction of its world-classmedicinal cannabis cultivation facility in the Waikato.

23-12-2019, 05:51 PM
Goodluck with your strategy and play here tomm. Canna south does need to prove itself the real deal. I will update that list of ASX cannabis stocks and their s/p values over the next few weeks.Most after initial upward trajectorys have dropped. One needed to be in and out quite early on those sexy hot plays.

23-12-2019, 07:52 PM
Tomm have chucked this in here for you to peruse, off the Medicinal Cannabis thread (ASX).All have dropped in s/p atpit

1 stock flat the rest down. No relief from the crazy rise in a few canadian marijuana beverage stocks.Havnt bothered putting latest prices in.

"Some great gains alright!!! TWH now AC8 consolidation 20 to 1 explains some of the gain.ZLD 5 to 1 consolidation. Still look to be all double baggers plus!!!
Latest without factoring options , consolidation ,spp etc.Mkt cap ditto"

​6up 3 down. ALL STOCKS MULTIBAGGERS since 9/8/16 with above caveat.

Now only BOT up since last update!!. Legalisation of rec cannibus in canada hasnt helped but its just happened a few days ago.
Now all stocks in the poorhouse. Moral get in and out of the trend early!

S/P 9/8/16 10/10/16 15/11 ,13/3/17 ,21/11/17 21/01/18 22/6/18 23/12/2019
MMJ Mkt cap re$42 mill 24c 23c 20c,75c ,44.5c ,52c, 36.5c, 14.5c
MDC Mkt cap re $60 mill 37.5c ,48c ,71.5c,88c, 68.5c ,$1.01,51c, 30.5c,
TWH now AC8 $5.4 mill 1c 1c ,0c, 69c, 74c, ,$1.62,$1.25,22c
MXC $ 42 mill 4,1c 4.6c, 4.5c,10.5c, 8c,10.5c,6.3c, 3.1c,
ZLD $40.1 mill 0.5c,0.5c,0.5c,8c, 10c , 11.5c ,9.6c, 5.5c

CPH mkt cap $33 mill ,25c,28.5c,74c, $1.135, $1.07,71.5c, 10,5c
SCU mkt $4.4--$98 mill!1.9c, 1.3c ,1.3c,49c YES! 5.3c, 4.6c,2.6c, 1.3c
THC mkt cap $48 mill 4/5/17 .36.75c 27/10/17 ,20c ,21/11/17 ,$1.005 , 89c,38.5c

BOT 2c?, 5c, 5.16c, 9.7c,12.5c,8.7c

24-12-2019, 10:02 AM
Tomm have chucked this in here for you to peruse, off the Medicinal Cannabis thread (ASX).All have dropped in s/p atpit

1 stock flat the rest down. No relief from the crazy rise in a few canadian marijuana beverage stocks.Havnt bothered putting latest prices in.

"Some great gains alright!!! TWH now AC8 consolidation 20 to 1 explains some of the gain.ZLD 5 to 1 consolidation. Still look to be all double baggers plus!!!
Latest without factoring options , consolidation ,spp etc.Mkt cap ditto"

​6up 3 down. ALL STOCKS MULTIBAGGERS since 9/8/16 with above caveat.

Now only BOT up since last update!!. Legalisation of rec cannibus in canada hasnt helped but its just happened a few days ago.
Now all stocks in the poorhouse. Moral get in and out of the trend early!

S/P 9/8/16 10/10/16 15/11 ,13/3/17 ,21/11/17 21/01/18 22/6/18 23/12/2019
MMJ Mkt cap re$42 mill 24c 23c 20c,75c ,44.5c ,52c, 36.5c, 14.5c
MDC Mkt cap re $60 mill 37.5c ,48c ,71.5c,88c, 68.5c ,$1.01,51c, 30.5c,
TWH now AC8 $5.4 mill 1c 1c ,0c, 69c, 74c, ,$1.62,$1.25,22c
MXC $ 42 mill 4,1c 4.6c, 4.5c,10.5c, 8c,10.5c,6.3c, 3.1c,
ZLD $40.1 mill 0.5c,0.5c,0.5c,8c, 10c , 11.5c ,9.6c, 5.5c

CPH mkt cap $33 mill ,25c,28.5c,74c, $1.135, $1.07,71.5c, 10,5c
SCU mkt $4.4--$98 mill!1.9c, 1.3c ,1.3c,49c YES! 5.3c, 4.6c,2.6c, 1.3c
THC mkt cap $48 mill 4/5/17 .36.75c 27/10/17 ,20c ,21/11/17 ,$1.005 , 89c,38.5c

BOT 2c?, 5c, 5.16c, 9.7c,12.5c,8.7c

Much preciated for all of that. Life is a journey .

24-12-2019, 04:20 PM
I hear on RNZ that there are 50 firms keen to start up cannabis manufacture. Is Cannasouth the only one on the NZX? What does it have that the other 50 don't?

26-12-2019, 10:40 PM
I hear on RNZ that there are 50 firms keen to start up cannabis manufacture. Is Cannasouth the only one on the NZX? What does it have that the other 50 don't?
Yes, Cannasouth is the only one on NZX . They use a very approaching and practical method by : buying and acquired Land to Grow for themselves and got 60% in Midwest Pharmaceutics ( which allow them to manufacturing and produce without waiting for a license to produce as others ,this is very costly and time effective.)
• Cannasouth expands with acquisition of an initial 60% stake
in Midwest Pharmaceutics NZ Limited (Midwest).
• The acquisition will accelerate Cannasouth’s development of
its medicinal cannabis business in New Zealand and will
provide immediate revenues from the date of acquisition.
• The acquisition will add significantly to the suite of
licences that can be utilised by the Cannasouth group.
• The acquisition complements the recent joint venture
entered into with Mr Aaron Craig to form Cannasouth
Cultivation Limited for the development and cultivation of
medicinal cannabis in the Waikato region.
• The acquisition significantly progresses the Company’s key
vertical integration strategy “from seed to sale”.

The others are flashing the cash :)

30-12-2019, 09:57 AM

Not all roses and honey for Canada”s investors... who invested in cannabis companies.

31-12-2019, 01:45 AM

Not all roses and honey for Canada”s investors... who invested in cannabis companies.
Read this

31-12-2019, 09:03 AM
Read this

Tip sheet.

Be careful of just seeking positive affirmation when assessing stock.

20-01-2020, 01:47 PM
This is amazing to see as though we are losing on the battle of antibiotics-resistant bacteria but now.
Cannabis compound could be weapon in fight against superbugs.

Mice cured of MRSA, raising hopes of treating antibiotic-resistant bacteria


31-01-2020, 12:06 PM
Govt calls on Saatchi & Saatchi to tell Kiwis about cannabis/euthanasia referenda

31-01-2020, 02:51 PM
Govt calls on Saatchi & Saatchi to tell Kiwis about cannabis/euthanasia referenda


Unlimited funds in this Government's coffers

21-02-2020, 06:45 AM
as the debate rages over yes or no vote at the referendum wonder how many companies will survive if there business models rely on recreational and medicinal.


of course the vote should have been

yes to legalize

no to legalize

yes to decriminalize

but of course politicians are not know for common sense

11-03-2020, 05:01 PM

Cannasouth big wig probably knows better than most that the music has a very real chance of stopping soon (in which case the shares will be worthless) and dumping big time it would seem... doesn't exactly scream confidence that weed will be legalized in about 6 months... Surprised how high the share price still is for a company that has generated nearly $0 revenue (and may never generate much more than $0 in revenue)... yet its worth nearly $50 million bucks (and that's despite the large step down in valuations around the world in recent times)

12-03-2020, 12:05 PM
Tip sheet.

Be careful of just seeking positive affirmation when assessing stock.

Where are you mr balance? You can really go to town on this one. Not many would disagree with your aversion to a back door like this classic example. NZX are negligant in not insisting on at least a three year escrow on promoters stock. Put the boot in.

08-04-2020, 02:58 PM
Just stumbled across this and I have to say, I am quite impressed. Not holding and don’t intend to at this point, but I found the video very informative.

https://www.facebook.com/cannasouth/videos/150831416260392/ (https://www.facebook.com/cannasouth/videos/150831416260392/)

14-04-2020, 06:07 AM
They seem to do a decent job with their content/videos - definitely informative

15-04-2020, 10:38 AM
Running out of funds already or just worrying about the next 12-18 months.... or both?

Cannasouth Limited (NZX:CBD), New Zealand's first and only listed medicinal

cannabis company, is pleased to announce the opening of a $3 million share

purchase plan ("SPP") today.

Eligible New Zealand shareholders and Wholesale investors in Australia will

receive their personalised application forms to apply for up to a maximum of

NZ$50,000 of new shares per shareholder, at $0.38 per share. The issue price

comprises a 20.65 % discount on the five day volume weighted average price of

CBD shares traded on the NZX during the last five trading days prior to the

date of this announcement.

22-04-2020, 09:15 PM
CBD has been approached by a professional Custodian company that holds CBD shares for a largenumber of its client investors, requesting that the minimum application amount under the SPP (which iscurrently set at $100.00) be removed so as to enable more of its clients to invest into the SPP.The CBD Board has agreed to vary the terms of the SPP such that:1. There is no minimum application amount in terms of the SPP;2. There is no minimum multiple of investment that must be made.

Does this sound like Sharesies to anyone?

23-04-2020, 09:14 AM
Does this sound like Sharesies to anyone?

Certainly does... Sharesies functioning as a proxy for trigger-fingers itching to vote on the referendum - making do with their wallets in the meantime.

News of the SPP sent me on a full catch-up on this thread and very entertaining and informative it was too. Always interesting to see frequency of commenters posts vis-a-vis price of a stock.

So, helluva unfortunate timing for a capital raise. With the Sharesies crowd doubling down this is likely to be a crazy couple of months for CBD especially after an earnings report.

23-04-2020, 11:40 AM
Certainly does... Sharesies functioning as a proxy for trigger-fingers itching to vote on the referendum - making do with their wallets in the meantime.

News of the SPP sent me on a full catch-up on this thread and very entertaining and informative it was too. Always interesting to see frequency of commenters posts vis-a-vis price of a stock.

So, helluva unfortunate timing for a capital raise. With the Sharesies crowd doubling down this is likely to be a crazy couple of months for CBD especially after an earnings report.

Sharesies really loves to exploit their customer base, making random people in the community who don’t know the dangers of investing dump money in with all the investing is easy advertising they do lol

26-06-2020, 09:32 AM

Estimated to reach $55 billion by 2025, the medicinal cannabis industry is one of the fastest growing in the world.
In New Zealand, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment forecasts a strong market opportunity in the next 10 years. The pharmaceutical cannabis segment is expected to reach $320 million - $50m from within New Zealand and $250m in export sales. The broader cannabis health product segment could represent a $1b market opportunity per annum.

With legalised medicinal markets including 30 countries in Europe, and burgeoning opportunities in Asia, the export opportunities for high-quality certified New Zealand-grown cannabis are enormous.
The scheme allows exporting from the get-go. What’s more, the country’s quality standards for medicinal cannabis are the highest in the world, helping ensure global confidence in products from the outset - already enhanced by New Zealand’s clean, green image.
With the Medicinal Cannabis Scheme now in place, this Government’s next task is to lead the successful enablement of our new industry, and we’ll do the rest.
If indeed we do it well, there’s every reason medicinal cannabis will prove extremely lucrative for our country this century.

26-06-2020, 09:58 AM


What’s more, the country’s quality standards for medicinal cannabis are the highest in the world, helping ensure global confidence in products from the outset - already enhanced by New Zealand’s clean, green image.

Is this proven? It could just be like our CoVid-19 border control and Pure 100% campaign isn't it? All for just to feel good effect :mad ;:

26-06-2020, 12:48 PM
Is this proven? It could just be like our CoVid-19 border control and Pure 100% campaign isn't it? All for just to feel good effect :mad ;:

With the Medicinal Cannabis Scheme now in place, this Government’s next task is to lead the successful enablement of our new industry, and we’ll do the rest.

13-07-2020, 09:04 PM
Medicinal cannabis regulations confirmed: Five things you need to know


13-07-2020, 09:07 PM
Parliament passes medicinal cannabis Bill, promises regulated market and legal defence.https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2018/12/parliament-passes-medicinal-cannabis-bill-promises-regulated-market-and-legal-defence.html

13-07-2020, 09:08 PM
This is gonna grow as expected.

24-07-2020, 09:37 AM
a couple of good company announcements, now up 10% on original IPO..

Wonder how the naysayers stocks went during covid?

this is a disgrace and goes to show once again that the people in the nzx are incompetant to the point of being dangerous. Thi damn thing should be delisted before more harm is done and a full enquiry by outside (impartial) ib experienced people launched.

Sp now 28 cents and heading towards 7c in a big hurry as it's clear that those who got their shares at 25c are bailing out while they can.

So question is when those who got their shares at 6.7c join in the selling before it's too late for them!

At 28c, the cannabis-induced 50c IPO punters have lost 44% and now needs the sp to rise 79% to break even,

What they are up against is that those who got their shares at 6.7c are still sitting on 318% profit.

Very clear where the sp is heading - and it's not back to 50c!!~!!!

18-08-2020, 10:57 AM
Cannasouth stock has seen a Golden Cross on the 29th July coinciding with a break above the downtrend.
I'm almost completely out of stocks except for CBD which I expect to be testing ATH's before the end of the year.


19-08-2020, 10:25 AM
Cannasouth stock has seen a Golden Cross on the 29th July coinciding with a break above the downtrend.
I'm almost completely out of stocks except for CBD which I expect to be testing ATH's before the end of the year.

This stock and others stocks regarding about this are trading and always trading for momentum.

19-08-2020, 10:28 AM
Cannasouth stock has seen a Golden Cross on the 29th July coinciding with a break above the downtrend.
I'm almost completely out of stocks except for CBD which I expect to be testing ATH's before the end of the year.


She's off to a ripper this morning, already 73c

19-08-2020, 10:32 AM
I don't think the referendum is a big issue for Cannasouth as it's prime focus is medicinal cannabis not recreational.

19-08-2020, 11:54 AM
She's off to a ripper this morning, already 73c

ATH only 11c away. I think it will reach that before the election, if the yes vote wins we could see some real traction.

19-08-2020, 03:29 PM
ATH only 11c away. I think it will reach that before the election, if the yes vote wins we could see some real traction.
Here we go again mate.

The price of Cannasouth Limited Ordinary Shares (“CBD”) has increased from $0.56, being themarket opening price on 17 August 2020, to $0.74, being the market price at 10:31am on 19August 2020. This represents an increase of 32.1%.Given this price increase, please advise NZX whether Cannasouth Limited continues to complywith Listing Rule 3.1.1.Could you please provide NZX with an answer to the above question (email:surveillance@nzx.com) before 4:00pm today, 19 August 2020.Please provide your response to this letter in “PDF” format, and note that it will be published infull to the market.Yours sincerely,Rhys AllanNZX Market Surveillanc

19-08-2020, 04:42 PM
At least this speeding ticket doesnt have demerits attached like most of mine do. Its been a nice ride - only held for about 3 weeks

19-08-2020, 05:37 PM

20-08-2020, 09:31 AM
The Directors confirm the CBD continues to comply with Listing Rule 3.1.1 and is not aware of Material Information that should be released to the market.

20-08-2020, 11:21 AM
The Directors confirm the CBD continues to comply with Listing Rule 3.1.1 and is not aware of Material Information that should be released to the market.
Yes of course .

20-08-2020, 11:49 AM
The Directors confirm the CBD continues to comply with Listing Rule 3.1.1 and is not aware of Material Information that should be released to the market.

It's not really rocket science is it.

20-08-2020, 12:34 PM
Find me one example where the directors openly admitted they aren't complying with the listing rule..

20-08-2020, 12:51 PM
Find me one example where the directors openly admitted they aren't complying with the listing rule..

Its like declaring to the bank you are not funding terrorism - what sort of half baked terrorist funder would say they are?

20-08-2020, 01:11 PM
Its like declaring to the bank you are not funding terrorism - what sort of half baked terrorist funder would say they are?
I will choose PEB instead.

20-08-2020, 09:34 PM
I was going to take profit here, decided to hold off until it sees a cross over on either the lagging span/candles, conversion/base lines or lead 1 and 2 on the ichimoku


20-08-2020, 09:35 PM
upcoming capital raise ?

21-08-2020, 10:39 AM
I was going to take profit here, decided to hold off until it sees a cross over on either the lagging span/candles, conversion/base lines or lead 1 and 2 on the ichimoku

sold mine @0.87 :) to get more PEB.

26-08-2020, 09:32 AM
Ever seen a bid like this

26-08-2020, 09:32 AM
a very big pump and dump going on here

26-08-2020, 09:37 AM
highly speculative , if they get it right could do well , if they dont probably lose all your money

actually i should have said if you got in around the lows of 35c odd your currently well positioned ( up 100% now lol ) now to take some of the table and be free carried now on the rest of your holding. ( free carried means selling some to get your initial investment back and seeing what happens with the profits in the future) not advice just a strategy some people use.

if you went free carried back here your doubled your money again

26-08-2020, 10:26 AM
a very big pump and dump going on here

I actually think it's just people getting excited about the referendum, look at the buyers vs sellers, theres a lot of demand

26-08-2020, 10:31 AM
positive referendum this be the next tesla?

26-08-2020, 10:45 AM
I actually think it's just people getting excited about the referendum, look at the buyers vs sellers, theres a lot of demand

Yes... I thought markets didn't like uncertainty (like elections and referendums)... but CBD is now valued like a 'yes' vote is already well and truly in the bag.
Hopefully not a no vote otherwise it'll be promptly down around the 30's again

26-08-2020, 10:57 AM
I'm going to sell down half. This is ridiculious

26-08-2020, 10:58 AM
Holy crap they hit 1.19!

26-08-2020, 10:59 AM
I'm going to sell down half. This is ridiculious

That massive amount of people buying looks just like BGL did slowly moving its way up in market depth!

26-08-2020, 11:00 AM
Holy crap they hit 1.19!

Look at the number of buyers...


26-08-2020, 11:05 AM
I'm still holding a little, wonder if it is time to drop it all

26-08-2020, 11:06 AM
Looks like a scripting error. More problems with the NZX? Maybe that's why the stock is up so much. Flash crash coming?

Doesn't think so, this is how it is currently..


26-08-2020, 11:28 AM
3005 buyers?

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAiAAAAF CAYAAAC75aEGAAAgAElEQVR4Ae2dvY4luZHv51n0DL2PIG gFzjW6gHUawrjqC1dtwfraK0uYC1hZdSMMUKVcb217mIH6ka9w i6mZmTK5kWQDPIfTDJPnjx5TiWZ/wF6MpPJj4hfBIORH6fyK8f/SIAESIAESIAESODOBL6683gcjgRIgARIgARIgAQcExA6AQmQAA mQAAmQwN0JMAG5O3IOSAIkQAIkQAIkwASEPkACJEACJEACJHB3 AkxA7o6cA5IACZAACZAACTABoQ QAAmQAAmQAAncnQATkLsj54AkQAIkQAIkQAJMQOgDJEACJEACJ EACdyfABOTuyDkgCZAACZAACZAAExD6AAmQAAmQAAmQwN0JMAG 5O3IOSAIkQAIkQAIkwASEPkACJEACJEACJHB3AkxA7o6cA5IAC ZAACZAACTABoQ QAAmQAAmQAAncnQATkLsj54AkQAIkQAIkQAJMQOgDJEACJEACJ EACdyfABOTuyDkgCZAACZAACZAAExD6AAmQAAmQAAmQwN0JMAG 5O3IOSAIkQAIkQAIkwASEPkACJEACJEACJHB3AkxA7o6cA5IAC ZAACZAACdwkAfn73//u I8M6AP0AfoAfYA sI0PjJiu3CwB2SssnQx7lW8ruXrRk3JuZfHQD3mS57YE9tVbL/69JbWRdWYCsqWn7KivXpyWcm7rNORJntsS2Fdvvfj3ltRG1pkJ yJaesqO enFayrmt05AneW5LYF 99eLfW1IbWee3SUB enTv3713jz9daSbfz0f3 YJuLjfmL 7xd /cu3fx3 8e3S9xvF f /ewfEFYty86uV6Ovf5W9Az6vvxx9uKukZOkcizV5u8e fef69Wacn72X2MPufbfnuJ17j0TlOr91TufRI4XjhO6mflzkU8 f/zo3r0r5o URZ8 z0mYvnNrfOQiOYXFVjHjQq51OUNMmPpc9LH/mxmG4QKnd ALlm2MMXDet/P2AV8Sf2/Em7qcLWUbdpuNp0HGNbZuSbGm/BI9yxhRi FrZLh3m0t0vrds147XdwJSC6BniFxmzDBRMdB4p8YA3QgIZ8S4 enL9Azi AQEgyAsRrcSeI2ck8UoLvrzwTEuDj/F5AX1XKDcIjkncjQWlgXjra2ySE7tvDZ/LrJ5YyHT/me2F8kp/ewqAXHOVTil2FAu5FL324/uI8QKmWsprkj938n5SjJoEsRW4nNBghxtYhOgUDiZ/8Z /SUgWfx9yJ7luWzv4rlyWfdvWnt/CYgPijnr10XFXJ37xSMEP5/VXrCYXGTMSpBx7hf3y4 / LsgIeBI4IjyJjniwqNX6Bp4fH9QX8sd3H3wgQiuKuOiFrL3IkD NuM5FesZ JgEI9E/B1dfNi/kkkJqAOSNgPLVGTh/858apMssy14LvOUmXyDnhJ516WeLdvsjzUe80gf1DPfV7tXOQ eO37 MduPN3DZfImXQVeUqOpc2jT6f5Z/wzzMGP30o/Ivt5 XTsi QsOWonuvV62DlobAw6Bc7KVztob9tyZn8KrTE5kP3MQth9/BHLcD8kxJKMiMwpKZFOK/YxeoHYbTmhEu56v0QO0Zb jmfYtzEn6OfjsZGrKP/dozP nWyTedR9HYVr71 sp 8KZITjxDr5R6zn/VnkDTauz79Q1/h9wdTbKs5xv6/rQVonsH 0hdV/nc62j70e7S4B fxjvjWeJpsxbDCaf3xjJsIyxJcYs7qgwDDBqeLEwoXmp8/uc3q8VMqrE1HKY6KBevh NAGBtvrYITkvCFLZvURPbZ4WGZ0osDjhZHIO5BLZo0zJXtrhgu 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JMQEazKPUhARIgARIggQ4IMAHpwEgUkQRIgARIgARGI8AEZDSL Uh8SIAESIAES6IAAE5AOjEQRSYAESIAESGA0AkxARrMo9SEBEi ABEiCBDggwAenASBSRBEiABEiABEYjwARkNItSHxIgARIgARLo gAATkA6MRBFJgARIgARIYDQCTEBGsyj1IQESIAESIIEOCDAB6c BIFJEESIAESIAERiPABGQ0i1IfEiABEiABEuiAABOQDoxEEUmA BEiABEhgNAJMQEazKPUhARIgARIggQ4IMAHpwEgUkQRIgARIgA RGI8AEZDSLUh8SIAESIAES6IAAE5AOjEQRSYAESIAESGA0AkxA RrMo9SEBEiABEiCBDggwAenASBSRBEiABEiABEYjwARkNItSHx IgARIgARLogMD/B8ahewgotMQLAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

26-08-2020, 11:32 AM
3005 buyers?

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAiAAAAF CAYAAAC75aEGAAAgAElEQVR4Ae2dvY4luZHv51n0DL2PIG gFzjW6gHUawrjqC1dtwfraK0uYC1hZdSMMUKVcb217mIH6ka9w i6mZmTK5kWQDPIfTDJPnjx5TiWZ/wF6MpPJj4hfBIORH6fyK8f/SIAESIAESIAESODOBL6683gcjgRIgARIgARIgAQcExA6AQmQAA mQAAmQwN0JMAG5O3IOSAIkQAIkQAIkwASEPkACJEACJEACJHB3 AkxA7o6cA5IACZAACZAACTABoQ QAAmQAAmQAAncnQATkLsj54AkQAIkQAIkQAJMQOgDJEACJEACJ EACdyfABOTuyDkgCZAACZAACZAAExD6AAmQAAmQAAmQwN0JMAG 5O3IOSAIkQAIkQAIkwASEPkACJEACJEACJHB3AkxA7o6cA5IAC ZAACZAACTABoQ QAAmQAAmQAAncnQATkLsj54AkQAIkQAIkQAJMQOgDJEACJEACJ EACdyfABOTuyDkgCZAACZAACZAAExD6AAmQAAmQAAmQwN0JMAG 5O3IOSAIkQAIkQAIkwASEPkACJEACJEACJHB3AkxA7o6cA5IAC ZAACZAACdwkAfn73//u I8M6AP0AfoAfYA sI0PjJiu3CwB2SssnQx7lW8ruXrRk3JuZfHQD3mS57YE9tVbL/69JbWRdWYCsqWn7KivXpyWcm7rNORJntsS2Fdvvfj3ltRG1pkJ yJaesqO enFayrmt05AneW5LYF 99eLfW1IbWee3SUB enTv3713jz9daSbfz0f3 YJuLjfmL 7xd /cu3fx3 8e3S9xvF f /ewfEFYty86uV6Ovf5W9Az6vvxx9uKukZOkcizV5u8e 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OPELfhcusJPCV2rvNrb4IUFi0G1ZQIyqGHfQq0cnMLochyCzFi L3PZs89WkX0DxMYAONpOAhJdM4bFBSka0cfnYJY9n2kL1vnazP qv5tZjpY5fW1X/NVn3Bm5c2JQ1SzS6K5 e32CUndRgfMGHJ/dh3SbB8XsgxzgqTlJTNzfcx1PVaMAEZyJhvrQoGmCCLBKD4/DcF8reWcqfj 0Cvz8rznaMkbRmQ5BgWTR/QPevizol2kK4yYwGMp79q0KpdbkGf6ns0TX5hUfV3h9RX4T0c7 9Najj4M4w3Bb8bo2bfwJXNpUJ/fwiwxAU75rpu0Be7gx 3yGQGHOQVMzE Wh1FwosjxEpAJAhaQwH4IhEcI 5GnN0nIbwcWe312z192IAdF2D0BJiC7NxEFJAESIIF CLw PcMfFutHbkp6fwJMQO7PnCOSAAmQAAmQwOEJMAE5vAsQAAmQAA mQAAncnwATkPsz54gkQAIkQAIkcHgCTEAO7wIEQAIkQAIkQAL3 J3DTBOTx8dHxHxnQB gD9AH6AH1g/z5w7xTkpgnIvZXheCRAAiRAAiRAAn0QuGkCwox3/xkvbUQb0QfoA/QB oD4wL3/u2kCcm9lOB4JkAAJkAAJkEAfBJiA9GEnSkkCJEACJEACQxFgAj KUOakMCZAACZAACfRBgAlIH3ailCRAAiRAAiQwFAEmIEOZk8qQ AAmQAAmQQB8EmID0YSdKSQIkQAIkQAJDEeg8AXlxD6eTO m/Ty/WOK/P7oOeOz3Uv9D45SG0j21fnz7k/lLbkzuVfduROjqKzM7o8/Ipc/3w9Ar6vbrnP Rzp5LrEubam7L3nD 4ZxzGWdtaGfBc2U4755YESGA5AZxT03hn4qKJHWU8mJ Ppp8/PDsz5V3RF45jYsVUvuV67qsmxlmMpbY8x1sbB/elyxppuk5AgpGiw0cHzQbChTY69pzDo7Mnkjoh5idVqr73HZzE VX2DAiFIWK4PX/DcyfljTTZSX0uYR0ixbeg3tkv2idxjv8bOGqRi3XCukVzu3R6U jwR2QsDMsTKWxmOc8xpnNaGw8aERL7GfYh4LBi9DnNe23zI YJzZCcA1YhjOpY7YYTxXXuxhlU73u05ADPNyMTTO7pxZVLVhrO PvoKRFVE8654yDQHmHuzqhT3/4EO4K1fT1epXJmp3sdsHXBC0mAEuYR3a2nwJo0Y85G 2sAVBtpAHQ1OUBCZDA5QSKWGrnahkfiu5nYmboB5ITXzcel/O66NYeFnHHnuz0qK2Txu4RY9w4CUixaE0SjuK801v8zQW57RA9 erjw8It2EVymutiEwxVXKmYyFH2dZ66jzQexST/aTLalHS8KXNgR90mABKoEzBybzlWbkNgewrlTiDX2VLjDcSoTk Hg31YxZNCwPNe4MdUegjLuqdCxPd4e1fIztEAmIWRSjXerZdp4 Yoc2De1FnLu8ItMp7t/s5vSbnK4lYDBblnaNzzDM6nWwP8A5PfoyiAe4B3kPR7H9i64m8 eRTukQAJXEZgMr/ShVp X2Myz3WIFBcgydBzso3n9e5l6CfE5DDuB/fwKb Dp/Wwi3RBJO NlTHbVuznaC6GFcz6UWqZpEMkIEFVmylOJokxZKg7d0dgOhGXA d19rTlnF En520CooEivDB6CXMkE9ulq6FaPzlZRFtO7DKRF8fhPgmQwOUE cD7ifugJ52PqOyUf84mBzl 5ePnw6cE/DpY4nMpjUqHHeuERxtFYJC9lNpKcJFB/OzWutbL NGtLPFACEl9iio4ZHBicNE4Qcehg1HjFXV3A1NHzVXkbYWdnqv qiDjHgpKuLyMLfAsT90AYnyBxzHCFdxcBtxSX9 IQR7Oj7jPrUr5bsqDwiARJYRiDPx9ach9ioMcX/mg3Kzw2Fcxn3pZ32meKQxu3wi5Ah53tkkHWbJn/nkPZ2fsAEJE6AwqHz4hiNij x1f20IA5s MrEtk5bBhxMSMpzGhRiotdkbkeQI5MEpuN6P bWbZlwFGNOR2IJCZDApQRwfuL 9OIB4 kFyYfkGP5PHsQ5X87rIk6FugMnH2KgMpYVDC61YQ/1O05A4mKoLyJNjDW/cCbjTNrVs 9Uv/edBfqawFBMihCM4otjk fDc8zjOU3yTL/FOe03Xv2EMfVulk2CbHDs3TiUnwTegsCZWIpzNcYPvUrPiYHOT 5TfzmutGx6rxDHTHQ47r23d2M9I732kBExjaWEDwRi5K2skO8p xwmImAAcs acutj6OxyN7FzrpIkwuOFr hZBxZOFF0DLCaBJiH8JVRMKnRHa/4R5tFWFc7UfY9syuKHdy3MqCLckQALLCeCcmr7HoQmBffFcF83 8h7L8eXm/w//xwumcn40d os7Hzt0Yc7xWPvO20ZMX670m9c0PPRiOkqlzO17MG8u8qYCdJ6 AbMri0J2Js5eJxuZAJKPHBGTzAdghCZDArghwzu/KHHsThgnI3izyFvLIXYvyTsbmcsjVUP9XLJtjYYckMCwBzvlhT buRYkxANgLJbkiABEiABEiABJYTYAKynBVrkgAJkAAJkAAJbES ACchGINkNCZAACZAACZDAcgJMQJazYk0SIAESIAESIIGNCDAB2 QgkuyEBEiABEiABElhO4KYJyOPjo M/MqAP0AfoA/QB sD fWB56rBNzZsmINuIyF5IgARIgARIgARGI8AEZDSLUh8SIAESIA ES6IAAE5AOjEQRSYAESIAESGA0AkxARrMo9SEBEiABEiCBDggw AenASBSRBEiABEiABEYjwARkNItSHxIgARIgARLogAATkA6MRB FJgARIgARIYDQCTEBGsyj1IQESIAESIIEOCDAB6cBIFJEESIAE SIAERiPABGQ0i1IfEiABEiABEuiAABOQDoxEEUmABEiABEhgNA JMQEazKPUhARIgARIggQ4IMAHpwEgUkQRIgARIgARGI8AEZDSL Uh8SIAESIAES6IAAE5AOjEQRSYAESIAESGA0AkxARrMo9SEBEi ABEiCBDggwAenASBSRBEiABEiABEYjwARkNItSHxIgARIgARLo gAATkA6MRBFJgARIgARIYDQCTEBGsyj1IQESIAESIIEOCDAB6c BIFJEESIAESIAERiPABGQ0i1IfEiABEiABEuiAABOQDoxEEUmA BEiABEhgNAJMQEazKPUhARIgARIggQ4IMAHpwEgUkQRIgARIgA RGI8AEZDSLUh8SIAESIAES6IAAE5AOjEQRSYAESIAESGA0AkxA RrMo9SEBEiABEiCBDggwAenASBSRBEiABEiABEYjwARkNItSHx IgARIgARLogMD/B8ahewgotMQLAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

THe buyers queues looked like this late yesterday - around the same time the NZX crashed - could be related??

26-08-2020, 12:01 PM
Sorry if it's a stupid question but how do I find how many buyers/sellers there are?

26-08-2020, 12:02 PM
Trading halt on Cannasouth right now, why would that be?

26-08-2020, 12:30 PM
Probably all the sharesies small orders backing up in the queue as opposed to going to market and placing.

26-08-2020, 02:02 PM
When is the next please explain going to come from the NZX?
Last time the share price went from the mid 50's to the early 70's and got a please explain
Now the share price has gone from the early 70's to $1.15!
Is this related to the DDoS attack?

Sideshow Bob
26-08-2020, 02:19 PM
Probably all the sharesies small orders backing up in the queue as opposed to going to market and placing.

Sharsies going full BGI on CBD today.

26-08-2020, 02:20 PM
sold mine @0.87 :) to get more PEB.


26-08-2020, 02:27 PM
positive referendum this be the next tesla?

All signs point toward that this particular referendum won't succeed and I for one who spent most of his adult life in daily pain due to an accident is very sad about it.

26-08-2020, 02:41 PM
All signs point toward that this particular referendum won't succeed and I for one who spent most of his adult life in daily pain due to an accident is very sad about it.

Pretty sure all the latest poll results pointed towards a "yes" vote?

26-08-2020, 02:54 PM
Pretty sure all the latest poll results pointed towards a "yes" vote?

OK actually looked here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_New_Zealand_cannabis_referendum and Colmar Brunton has it lagging most of the time. Others not so. However I believe that unless it's a resounding Yes the government might not even put it into law. I truly hope my negativity surround this referendum is misplaced.

26-08-2020, 02:54 PM
All signs point toward that this particular referendum won't succeed and I for one who spent most of his adult life in daily pain due to an accident is very sad about it.

dont know why you think that , polls these days seem to be notoriously wrong. do they have it in the betting markets? more acurate.

hoping for a yes as well , ive got joint pain already and im relatively young must have been to much rugby etc lol

26-08-2020, 02:57 PM
dont know why you think that , polls these days seem to be notoriously wrong. do they have it in the betting markets? more acurate

As above - for some reason I'm really convinced that it won't pass. Too many in may age group want to vote No. Most of my mates 60+ actually will vote Yes, not because they will or have smoked but they know that imprisoning people on low level drug offences and policing is very expensive and hasn't made a dent into the illegal drug trade at all.

As a chronic pain sufferer and fiscal conservative I'll be voting YES!

26-08-2020, 03:07 PM
Please correct me if im wrong but isn't medicinal cannabis legal now and isn't that what Cannsouth is working towards, having there own product from growth to end product. I thought that the issue presently is they do not have their own product, as this is still in development and only a very few medical doctors in the country are willing to prescribe at this stage.

The referendum is about the legalizing sale of cannabis plant and product. Wont medicinal cannabis still need to be prescribed by doctors?
I have not read anywhere that Cannasouth are looking at getting into the sale of cannibis plant apart from medicinal

Happy to proven wrong

26-08-2020, 03:10 PM
Please correct me if im wrong but isn't medicinal cannabis legal now and isn't that what Cannsouth is working towards, having there own product from growth to end product. I thought that the issue presently is they do not have their own product, as this is still in development and only a very few medical doctors in the country are willing to prescribe at this stage.

The referendum is about the legalizing sale of cannabis plant and product. Wont medicinal cannabis still need to be prescribed by doctors?
I have not read anywhere that Cannasouth are looking at getting into the sale of cannibis plant apart from medicinal

Happy to proven wrong

Medicinal cannabis is currently prohibitively expensive and not funded, I saw recently around $675 for a 1 week supply. Someone like cannasouth being able to cultivate and supply it locally would make it widely more accessible for a large number of people

26-08-2020, 03:13 PM
What I wrote has nothing to do with CBD. I apologize for the high-jack.

26-08-2020, 03:17 PM
Totally agree and its a good thing
Just cant get my head around why the share price is sky rocketing re potential referendum outcome as i cant see how this would make any difference to their business model
Maybe the sharsies crowd need to do a bit of research :-)

26-08-2020, 03:23 PM
I think that''s it - just a vague association in some minds.
The company seems a very long way from actually making any money, and as stated already, is targeting medical not recreational.

26-08-2020, 03:25 PM
Please correct me if im wrong but isn't medicinal cannabis legal now and isn't that what Cannsouth is working towards, having there own product from growth to end product. I thought that the issue presently is they do not have their own product, as this is still in development and only a very few medical doctors in the country are willing to prescribe at this stage.

The referendum is about the legalizing sale of cannabis plant and product. Wont medicinal cannabis still need to be prescribed by doctors?
I have not read anywhere that Cannasouth are looking at getting into the sale of cannibis plant apart from medicinal

Happy to proven wrong

You are correct. Medicinal cannabis is referring to the use of CBD (produced from hemp and cannabis), where as recreational cannabis is focused on THC. Two different drugs that can come from the same plant, however it's generally one or the other, you won't get high percentages of THC and CBD. Historically the levels of THC were 2% but through selective growing, it's more like ~20% today in the 'back yard plant'. Although commercial companies have grown much higher % of THC in the plant. The CBD level might be ~0.5% in a plant producing ~20% THC.

THC is what people are most interested in and CBD is purely for medical benefits. This resource might be helpful.


CannaSouth is interested in both THC and CBD for the medicinal properties. It shouldn't actually be effected by the referenda given it's for 'medicinal use', which is already legal.

26-08-2020, 03:26 PM
Totally agree and its a good thing
Just cant get my head around why the share price is sky rocketing re potential referendum outcome as i cant see how this would make any difference to their business model
Maybe the sharsies crowd need to do a bit of research :-)

its a natural progression for these types of companies to sell the raw product as well. a lot of the canada companies do both

26-08-2020, 03:31 PM
Totally agree and its a good thing
Just cant get my head around why the share price is sky rocketing re potential referendum outcome as i cant see how this would make any difference to their business model
Maybe the sharsies crowd need to do a bit of research :-)

I recently got curious what the sharesies facebook group was all about and they LOVE cannasouth. I don't believe they have any thought process other than 'referenda vote yes, cannasouth go up'... All emotionally driven investment from my reading of their comments. They aren't chasing annual returns but that the share price increases because 'referenda vote yes, cannasouth go up'

26-08-2020, 03:46 PM
Sharsies going full BGI on CBD today.

Actually I think BGIs doing another BGI, lol...

26-08-2020, 03:55 PM
You are correct. Medicinal cannabis is referring to the use of CBD (produced from hemp and cannabis), where as recreational cannabis is focused on THC. Two different drugs that can come from the same plant, however it's generally one or the other, you won't get high percentages of THC and CBD. Historically the levels of THC were 2% but through selective growing, it's more like ~20% today in the 'back yard plant'. Although commercial companies have grown much higher % of THC in the plant. The CBD level might be ~0.5% in a plant producing ~20% THC.

THC is what people are most interested in and CBD is purely for medical benefits. This resource might be helpful.


CannaSouth is interested in both THC and CBD for the medicinal properties. It shouldn't actually be effected by the referenda given it's for 'medicinal use', which is already legal.

Thanks Gains, for the further insights.

26-08-2020, 05:04 PM
I don't hold but fascinated by the price action, possibly for the wrong reason by punters and no news from CBD. I am also suspicious of the
"sharsies" bid, it always sitting just below the successful bid line.

26-08-2020, 05:05 PM
I don't hold but fascinated by the price action, possibly for the wrong reason by punters and no news from CBD. I am also suspicious of the
"sharsies" bid, it always sitting just below the successful bid line.

This is exactly what it looked like with BGL for weeks.

26-08-2020, 08:04 PM
This is exactly what it looked like with BGL for weeks.

Wonder what BS statement NZX are going to come up with this time, an announcement saying that the NTA is actually $0.11? *facepalm*

27-08-2020, 10:04 AM
The "hype"

27-08-2020, 10:08 AM
1000s of buyers still

27-08-2020, 10:21 AM
It looks to be a classic case of FOMO. I cant find any one other reason that CBD is worth anything more than .50c. I would be expecting a dump soon.

27-08-2020, 10:28 AM
When is the next please explain going to come from the NZX?
Last time the share price went from the mid 50's to the early 70's and got a please explain
Now the share price has gone from the early 70's to $1.15!
Is this related to the DDoS attack?

On 19th August the NZX did a share price inquiry - "The price of Cannasouth Limited Ordinary Shares (“CBD”) has increased from $0.56, being the market opening price on 17 August 2020, to $0.74, being the market price at 10:31am on 19 August 2020. This represents an increase of 32.1%."

Now $1.21 - share price has gone up 63.5% in less than 6 business days and the NZX has yet to asked a thing???

27-08-2020, 10:31 AM
On 19th August the NZX did a share price inquiry - "The price of Cannasouth Limited Ordinary Shares (“CBD”) has increased from $0.56, being the market opening price on 17 August 2020, to $0.74, being the market price at 10:31am on 19 August 2020. This represents an increase of 32.1%."

Now $1.21 - share price has gone up 63.5% in less than 6 business days and the NZX has yet to asked a thing???

there probably trying out the product , these products can make you laid back

27-08-2020, 10:34 AM
On 19th August the NZX did a share price inquiry - "The price of Cannasouth Limited Ordinary Shares (“CBD”) has increased from $0.56, being the market opening price on 17 August 2020, to $0.74, being the market price at 10:31am on 19 August 2020. This represents an increase of 32.1%."

Now $1.21 - share price has gone up 63.5% in less than 6 business days and the NZX has yet to asked a thing???

Too busy trying to keep the exchange open to worry about that. I hold but I dont really know why. Not complaining thou

27-08-2020, 10:42 AM
On 19th August the NZX did a share price inquiry - "The price of Cannasouth Limited Ordinary Shares (“CBD”) has increased from $0.56, being the market opening price on 17 August 2020, to $0.74, being the market price at 10:31am on 19 August 2020. This represents an increase of 32.1%."

Now $1.21 - share price has gone up 63.5% in less than 6 business days and the NZX has yet to asked a thing???

No point NZX asking as we all know the standard reply

I believe this is just occurring due to Sharesies speculators gambling

27-08-2020, 10:59 AM
there probably trying out the product , these products can make you laid back

They don't have any products, or sales, or income! Maybe getting into the ingredients eh?

27-08-2020, 11:12 AM
They don't have any products, or sales, or income! Maybe getting into the ingredients eh?

Looks like it'll be a good stock for Bull

27-08-2020, 11:16 AM
Why is there such a massive cluster of buyers @ $1.18, is that the sharesies bid(s)?

28-08-2020, 09:20 AM
multiple sharesies accounts per household? does the dog have one too?
Number of shareholders in Cannasouth = 2886

Number of buyers sitting at $1.18 = 4457


28-08-2020, 11:37 AM
The fact is some other company are putting up their price per share at $1 dollar/share like Medical Kiwi Ltd, Rua Bio Science which lead this hype stocks CBD pushed up to match the arrival. They run ads on NZ Herald, facebook.. and calling for investments.
It is the hype are running at the moment until the actual businesses are revealed. Until then God knows what the price will be : back to 39 cents or up 1.50 ?

28-08-2020, 12:18 PM
I still can’t see why anyone would want to invest in cannasouth considering they are yet to turn any profit?

28-08-2020, 01:08 PM
No buyer depth yet it goes up... Shorters are going to make a killing

28-08-2020, 01:19 PM
Looks like all those $1.18 bids have moved up to $1.24

28-08-2020, 01:21 PM
Looks like all those $1.18 bids have moved up to $1.24

This looks highly manipulated. What on earth is going on? Is it Sharsies or something/someone else?

28-08-2020, 01:25 PM
I really don't know, can only assume it's sharesies because there are so many individual orders...but why would they be limit orders instead of market orders?

28-08-2020, 01:26 PM
This looks highly manipulated. What on earth is going on? Is it Sharsies or something/someone else?

Over 2000 bids shifted instantly from 1.18 -1.24..
This has been occurring for the last week and needs looking into. Something is very dodgy

28-08-2020, 01:30 PM
Over 2000 bids shifted instantly from 1.18 -1.24..
This has been occurring for the last week and needs looking into. Something is very dodgy

Looks just like BGL all over again, on a great note you can buy 1c above it and have a stop loss!

28-08-2020, 01:34 PM
Interesting that the escrow agreement for the directors ended on 14 august so they are able to sell since then.... Not that im implying anything as probably just coincidental

28-08-2020, 01:39 PM
Now all moved to 128 with more added! WTF

28-08-2020, 01:40 PM
Now all moved to 128 with more added! WTF

And now $1.30. Are they market buys moving with the price but struggling to find a seller? Very strange

28-08-2020, 01:53 PM
the company is worth a mere $164 Million

28-08-2020, 02:07 PM
I placed a market order with sharesies @ 1:50pm and it still hasn't been filled...its got to be them doing this right?

28-08-2020, 02:11 PM
I placed a market order with sharesies @ 1:50pm and it still hasn't been filled...its got to be them doing this right?

Has to be. They are struggling to find enough sellers to fill the 4000 orders they have. The company has become completely irrelevant at this point and its no more than FOMO on a random ticker code. Going to be an almighty crash on the way back down.

28-08-2020, 02:14 PM
Being a market order it should be easily filled with the amount of liquidity there is. 22 minutes later still not filled, normally it'd be filled within a minute.

28-08-2020, 02:14 PM
I guess that it will be sent to NZ50 top 10.....

28-08-2020, 02:21 PM
Are we suggesting that "they" are pushing it up. Do 'they' have to trade via a broker or can do on-line?

28-08-2020, 02:25 PM
how do I short this stock?

28-08-2020, 02:30 PM
I'd rather have a canna piss than a canna pee.


Free Tea & Coffee.
Alcoholics BYO

28-08-2020, 02:40 PM
I can only speculate but it seems to me like sharesies are taking market orders and piling them into limit orders which are constantly being pushed up.

I placed a market order and it wasn't filled after 22 minutes, I then cancelled it. Normally a market order would be filled within a minute.

28-08-2020, 02:46 PM
how do I short this stock?
Leave it alone.

28-08-2020, 02:47 PM
It looks like the Sharesies market buy orders only match the highest bid price and it seems to reset every 30mins or so... So if the Sharesies bid price is already the highest then it stays the same... It might creep up to match if someone outside of Sharesies places a higher bid price just before the rest happens....hmmmm

28-08-2020, 02:56 PM
I can only speculate but it seems to me like sharesies are taking market orders and piling them into limit orders which are constantly being pushed up.

I placed a market order and it wasn't filled after 22 minutes, I then cancelled it. Normally a market order would be filled within a minute.

The problem is you have 30-40 times as many buyers as sellers. Even a market buy order won't get filled if there aren't enough sellers to cover the buyers..

28-08-2020, 02:59 PM
Be careful at the current price if this were to come crashing down to under 1$ you would not be able to sell, just like trying to buy it would take along time to process your sell order and buy the time it was processed who knows how far it will have crashed, this happened with BGL it was difficult to get out once the crash began.

For all we know it could keep going up and never come back down but its risky when it looks like this.

28-08-2020, 03:03 PM
It looks like the Sharesies market buy orders only match the highest bid price and it seems to reset every 30mins or so... So if the Sharesies bid price is already the highest then it stays the same... It might creep up to match if someone outside of Sharesies places a higher bid price just before the rest happens....hmmmm

But this limit order is constantly being held just below the top bid. It's been sitting at $1.40 for awhile now, buyers accumulating. Perhaps there is a genuine explanation but seems off to me.

edit: finally at the top of the pile...lets see what happens

28-08-2020, 03:14 PM
Be careful at the current price if this were to come crashing down to under 1$ you would not be able to sell, just like trying to buy it would take along time to process your sell order and buy the time it was processed who knows how far it will have crashed, this happened with BGL it was difficult to get out once the crash began.

For all we know it could keep going up and never come back down but its risky when it looks like this.
No it won't , when it is filled then , it will collapse . and collapse bad time . But they already think about that, by the time the new arrival like Kiwi Medical and Rua will enter the market and the price will be steady in a range of $0.60-$1.20 . Hold your tiger , I sold at $0.87 , looking for it to be back at the mentioned range.

28-08-2020, 03:16 PM
But this limit order is constantly being held just below the top bid. It's been sitting at $1.40 for awhile now, buyers accumulating. Perhaps there is a genuine explanation but seems off to me.

edit: finally at the top of the pile...lets see what happens

I just noticed half of the order was filled fairly quickly so expect you will now be filled somewhere at the end of todays rush.

28-08-2020, 03:17 PM
The sharesies bid line taking all they can at $1.40 reducing bidders and volume

28-08-2020, 03:19 PM
It will collapse badly if you don't pull it back now.
more than 1000 buyers pulled back!! ( or went throught)
I parked my money at PEB for the moment.

28-08-2020, 03:21 PM
I just noticed half of the order was filled fairly quickly so expect you will now be filled somewhere at the end of todays rush.

I cancelled my order earlier, wouldn't want to be getting filled now.

28-08-2020, 03:26 PM
It is stop trading!!!

28-08-2020, 03:29 PM
This classic seems appropriate

28-08-2020, 03:37 PM
And the winner today is.... Sharesies.

Moet for Friday drinks with all that commission.

28-08-2020, 03:42 PM
And the winner today is.... Sharesies.

Moet for Friday drinks with all that commission.
And they laugh all the way to the bank.

28-08-2020, 03:57 PM
Just lol.

Dropping like a stone after that giant Sharesies order.

NZX needs to look into this but they have their own problems now.
Now people have to hold for a long time or sell it quick at a small loss.

28-08-2020, 03:58 PM
I still can't understand why the sharesies order sat below the top of the pile for so long.

28-08-2020, 04:09 PM
So, let's gets straight.

From their Half Yearly report, they've no revenue at all and yet the share price is about 1.30 or so, hmmm wonder how's price worked out then...can some clever guy help here!!!

28-08-2020, 04:09 PM
OMG, what's happening now. Results this late on a Friday after a huge pump?

Be interesting to see if any announcements of share movements from directors etc in coming week or so

28-08-2020, 04:10 PM
Trading halted

28-08-2020, 04:11 PM
Hopefully a well overdue speeding ticket from the NZX... will be interesting to see if the directors/insiders were the ones dumping lately... would be crazy not to start dumping at $1.40 a share that is worth 14 cents at best.

28-08-2020, 04:18 PM
Nothing on the nzx about a trading halt.nzx is proofing to be a joke.Why is price dropping during a trade halt.

28-08-2020, 04:20 PM
It's trading again and the crash continues!

28-08-2020, 04:21 PM
Nothing on the nzx about a trading halt.nzx is proofing to be a joke
It will collapse quickly if they don't halt after that big trade.

28-08-2020, 04:22 PM
wickeddd price action mon

28-08-2020, 04:24 PM
$1.05 and sliding

28-08-2020, 04:24 PM
wickeddd price action mon

gone in a puff of smoke

28-08-2020, 04:26 PM
gone in a puff of smoke

that spike was insane lol anyway gap to fill at 93c

28-08-2020, 04:26 PM
Direct broking still showing trading halt.what a fing joke

28-08-2020, 04:26 PM
And the winner today is.... Sharesies.

Moet for Friday drinks with all that commission.

Bring on another round! Commission on the way down too!

Not The Chosen One
28-08-2020, 04:28 PM
I don't know if I can bring myself to read some of the comments that are bound to pop up over on Sharsies. What a mess.

Looked to peak at $1.48 at about 2.30pm and has now dropped to 98c. Ouch!

Depth is completely different to what it was looking like an hour ago

28-08-2020, 04:29 PM
NZX have got to pull the Sharesies licence. It's causing huge market volatility!

no we love them they move markets

28-08-2020, 04:29 PM
this kind of volatile activity rarely happens in NZX - but an increasing trend since March.

28-08-2020, 04:30 PM
lovely stuff , get this on the asx with some stocks

28-08-2020, 04:31 PM
any guess on closing price today?

Not The Chosen One
28-08-2020, 04:32 PM
any guess on closing price today?

52 week low of 35c? Maybe that will be next week

28-08-2020, 04:32 PM
any guess on closing price today?

looks like they want to drive it to 2c the speed it going at lol

28-08-2020, 04:33 PM
Best pump and dump ive seen for a couple of years

28-08-2020, 04:33 PM
Some tough but important lessons being learned today I'm sure.

28-08-2020, 04:34 PM
my guess is 65-70c

Not The Chosen One
28-08-2020, 04:35 PM
Some tough but important lessons being learned today I'm sure.

Some of these people were probably screwed by BGI too. More than 1 hard lesson to learn, for sure.

28-08-2020, 04:36 PM
70c to be breached

28-08-2020, 04:38 PM
I am part of sharesies group on Facebook, it's hard to watch how clueless some of those people are...

28-08-2020, 04:39 PM
Market bell will save it going lower. Monday will be interesting.

I've seen numerous sharesies sentiments that if a share price goes down, it will inevitably go up (and within a short time). so, i wont be surprised come monday the SP goes back to $1

28-08-2020, 04:39 PM
remember - a lot of these people could be driving next to you on the motorway

28-08-2020, 04:39 PM
60c looks good

28-08-2020, 04:41 PM
Sharsies bot order filled. So I guess it's heading back up now?

you cant even have stop loss orders in sharesies, so how are the market orders coming through so quickly?

28-08-2020, 04:42 PM
60c looks good
No, wait...

28-08-2020, 04:45 PM
Let all the air in the balloon come out first . should be $0.50 or even lower. or don't even bother to buy lol.

28-08-2020, 04:45 PM
you cant even have stop loss orders in sharesies, so how are the market orders coming through so quickly?

What do you mean? When you put an order in on your sharesies platform it goes straight through to market. No delay. No middleman pushing a button or verifying the order. It is very fast.

28-08-2020, 04:45 PM
No, wait...
at around 2:30pm, $120k worth of shares traded between $1.47 and $1.48 day high; They are worth now $54k now.

28-08-2020, 04:46 PM
I thought there was a human moderator? to check things
What do you mean? When you put an order in on your sharesies platform it goes straight through to market. No delay. No middleman pushing a button or verifying the order. It is very fast.

28-08-2020, 04:46 PM
at around 2:30pm, $120k worth of shares traded between $1.47 and $1.48 day high; They are worth now $54k now.
Let all the air in the balloon come out first . should be $0.50 or even lower. or don't even bother to buy lol.

28-08-2020, 04:47 PM
What do you mean? When you put an order in on your sharesies platform it goes straight through to market. No delay. No middleman pushing a button or verifying the order. It is very fast.

I meant about trades that automatically kick in via stop loss if it breaches a pre-set SP

28-08-2020, 04:47 PM
I thought there was a human moderator? to check things

Not with sharesies. They have an algo that checks things.

28-08-2020, 04:49 PM
ah, thanks
Not with sharesies. They have an algo that checks things.

28-08-2020, 04:50 PM
anyone checked the FB Sharesies page?

28-08-2020, 04:50 PM
At 3:30pm I thought things looked a little shaky and went to grab a beer to watch what I thought would be some carnage unfold! Was not a question of if, but when.
Hopefully some people learned a valuable lesson from today's events - Now only has to fall another 50% and I can classify it "overvalued" where as now (at high 60's) I still can't come up with a word to describe how overvalued CBD is.

Not The Chosen One
28-08-2020, 04:52 PM
anyone checked the FB Sharesies page?

I didn't want to look but like any car crash, I couldn't help myself.

A couple of comments asking about refunds as they thought it would only go up or getting a refund via the consumer guarantees act...

28-08-2020, 04:54 PM
I didn't want to look but like any car crash, I couldn't help myself.

A couple of comments asking about refunds as they thought it would only go up or getting a refund via the consumer guarantees act...

Not The Chosen One
28-08-2020, 04:56 PM

It's hard to tell if some are taking the piss with their comments over there but that's what some were asking about. Unbelievable.

28-08-2020, 04:57 PM
I lost some money on ICP a decade ago - maybe I can get a refund
It's hard to tell if some are taking the piss with their comments over there but that's what some were asking about. Unbelievable.

28-08-2020, 04:58 PM
Tell them their losses may be tax deductable...

28-08-2020, 04:58 PM
Welcome to the joy that is the share market. School of hard knocks

28-08-2020, 04:58 PM
Look now 10 lines buy side more than sell side

28-08-2020, 05:01 PM
They at it again

28-08-2020, 05:02 PM
Bargain hunters heading in lol...
Look now 10 lines buy side more than sell side

28-08-2020, 05:02 PM
Definitely some lessons learnt for some new traders. A lot of inexperienced buyers seem to think this is the Crypto market and got roped in and burnt.

28-08-2020, 05:02 PM
What a roller-coaster that ride was!

Sold half my shares when it was above $1.00 (ranging $1 - $1.30) and that's covered the cost of the other half which I've held onto.

Feels good knowing I've at worst broken even on CBD and everything hereafter is pure profit.

28-08-2020, 05:02 PM
Tell them their losses may be tax deductable...
No because then they'll realize their quick capital gains through trading are taxable

28-08-2020, 05:04 PM
"First sign of a dip and sharesie amateurs panic, keep selling lol" someone posted this comment on the page.

28-08-2020, 05:08 PM
Id just like to take this opportunity to thank NZX , Sharesies,Cannaosuth and all of your on Sharetrader for the most entertaining day I've had in along time

Looking forward to next week.. everyone have a great weekend

28-08-2020, 05:10 PM
I'm still waiting for AirNZ to provide some entertainment soon.....

28-08-2020, 05:10 PM
Seriously true - I even put off Friday Beersies to enjoy this
Id just like to take this opportunity to thank NZX , Sharesies,Cannaosuth and all of your on Sharetrader for the most entertaining day I've had in along time

Looking forward to next week.. everyone have a great weekend

28-08-2020, 05:12 PM

The question is whether these will try to buy more to stop loss or hold or sell or what...?

28-08-2020, 05:28 PM
28 August 2020
Cannasouth Limited and Group
CEO’s Review of Operations
For the six months ended 30 June 2020
Cannasouth’s operations continued to track our business plans despite the impacts of COVID-19. The Company reported an operating loss for the six months to 30 June 2020 was $1,451,650 (2019: $821,175). The result was in line with the Group’s business plan and represents the significant investment we are making in developing Cannasouth into New Zealand’s leading medicinal cannabis company.
Cash on hand as at 30 June 2020 was $10.18 million (2019: $10.77 million).

No. of shares: 121,321,301

Cash per share = 0.089

Net Assets per share = 0.11

PB=6.91, PE negative.

28-08-2020, 05:28 PM
Maybe to all these sharesies Facebook users it's become gambling now. Rather than the pokies it's the share market. 3 days of not being able to gamble must have been hard lol

28-08-2020, 05:31 PM
At 3:30pm I thought things looked a little shaky and went to grab a beer to watch what I thought would be some carnage unfold! Was not a question of if, but when.
Hopefully some people learned a valuable lesson from today's events - Now only has to fall another 50% and I can classify it "overvalued" where as now (at high 60's) I still can't come up with a word to describe how overvalued CBD is.

BGI and now CBD. Lesson learned? I think not.

28-08-2020, 05:32 PM
Closed 9% off it's low for the day .... that's a good sign

28-08-2020, 05:37 PM
The other problem as others have said above is that Sharesies platform buys and sells most shares at "market" which accelerates the rise and fall.

Experienced investors would go in and check market depth and then make a limit bid. When the order is placed a market price is suggested. Most experienced buyers/sellers ignore that and decide the entry / exit price.

Sharesies buyers put in a sell or buy order and then wait and see the price. Because of the way the algorithm works that means they are always buying at the highest price and selling at the lowest price because this guarantees that Sharesies get their order processed. A little bit like real estate agents they only want to make sure the deal goes through. They don't protect their customers. They make sure the deal happens and they get their commission. It's not an intelligent algorithm for anyone but Sharesies.

So, a lot of Sharesies people decided to sell because the price was $1.30 and put in a sell order. Panic had set in and it got filled at around 70 cents.

The same has happened with PEB and a few other penny stocks. IKE. PLX. etc

28-08-2020, 05:38 PM
Closed 9% off it's low for the day .... that's a good sign

High for the day $1.48
Low $0.66

What a spread!

28-08-2020, 05:41 PM
High for the day $1.48
Low $0.66

What a spread!

I like watching movies, free ticket. Very entertaining

28-08-2020, 05:58 PM
The other problem as others have said above is that Sharesies platform buys and sells most shares at "market" which accelerates the rise and fall.

Experienced investors would go in and check market depth and then make a limit bid. When the order is placed a market price is suggested. Most experienced buyers/sellers ignore that and decide the entry / exit price.

Sharesies buyers put in a sell or buy order and then wait and see the price. Because of the way the algorithm works that means they are always buying at the highest price and selling at the lowest price because this guarantees that Sharesies get their order processed. A little bit like real estate agents they only want to make sure the deal goes through. They don't protect their customers. They make sure the deal happens and they get their commission. It's not an intelligent algorithm for anyone but Sharesies.

So, a lot of Sharesies people decided to sell because the price was $1.30 and put in a sell order. Panic had set in and it got filled at around 70 cents.

The same has happened with PEB and a few other penny stocks. IKE. PLX. etc

This is what confuses me. The sharesies bid sat below the top bid nearly all day, once it got to the top and was filled the crash began. If it were a market order(s) shouldn't it have always been at the top/it wouldn't have been such a massive order because it would have been getting filled throughout the day?


28-08-2020, 06:18 PM
This is what confuses me. The sharesies bid sat below the top bid nearly all day, once it got to the top and was filled the crash began. If it were a market order(s) shouldn't it have always been at the top/it wouldn't have been such a massive order because it would have been getting filled throughout the day?


I noticed once when buying there must be some kind of limit to what sharesies buys at market rate to what the price was when user put the order in. IE when I put order in when sharesies showed 1.05, it wouldn't buy at market if next offer was 1.25.

28-08-2020, 06:21 PM
What I did notice when the sharesies bid first came to market it was $1.03 then progressively chased the price up until order filled.

Sir Ten
28-08-2020, 06:35 PM
This is bull****.

Not a holder. Just an observer. Daylight robbery.

28-08-2020, 06:38 PM
I noticed once when buying there must be some kind of limit to what sharesies buys at market rate to what the price was when user put the order in. IE when I put order in when sharesies showed 1.05, it wouldn't buy at market if next offer was 1.25.

That makes sense I guess but in this case the spread was tight for most of the day. Even if it weren't, it still doesn't explain why the sharesies order continually sat just behind the top bid until 3pm.

28-08-2020, 06:55 PM
Sharesies buyers put in a sell or buy order and then wait and see the price. Because of the way the algorithm works that means they are always buying at the highest price and selling at the lowest price because this guarantees that Sharesies get their order processed. A little bit like real estate agents they only want to make sure the deal goes through. They don't protect their customers. They make sure the deal happens and they get their commission. It's not an intelligent algorithm for anyone but Sharesies.

Are you sure about this tango? My take on it is that a "market" buy from any of the brokers is presented to the exchange as such and the price at which it is filled is governed by the exchange, not some price determined by a broker algorithm. I've bought and sold stocks via Sharesies that have sometimes been filled by multiple parcels at differing prices, which suggests to me this is all done on the market/exchange in real time as matches are made.

28-08-2020, 08:30 PM
Are you sure about this tango? My take on it is that a "market" buy from any of the brokers is presented to the exchange as such and the price at which it is filled is governed by the exchange, not some price determined by a broker algorithm. I've bought and sold stocks via Sharesies that have sometimes been filled by multiple parcels at differing prices, which suggests to me this is all done on the market/exchange in real time as matches are made.

My understanding is the Sharesies bids go in without a limit and therefore the exchange calculates the best match price. If people are being greedy and demanding more the Sharesies bid will keep chasing the market higher until it finds a match.

Compared with putting in a limit order which only fills at the price you bid or better b

So theoretically buy bid = $1.00
Sell bid $1.05

Limit bid would be at whatever you pick until filled. Let’s say $1.05. So it only gets filled at $1.05

If at the same time a Sharesies order is put in at market and all of the available sell bids at $1.05 are filled then the algorithm will look for the next sell offer and increase its bid to find a match. It will fill at the lowest matching sell offer but the algorithm can keep pushing the bid offer up if it doesn’t immediately get a match.

Think about pre-open and pretty close. If you keep refreshing the screen you will notice that the match price keeps changing as more bids are received. Sharesies does the same thing but on a hot market that rapidly escalated the price up and when fear is driving the sales it can rapidly spiral down

This is really only going to happen in small cap Stocks dominated by small retail investors. I can’t see this happening in the bigger companies like A2 milk or Mainfreight. I expect the big institutions will be having the most influence on price there

28-08-2020, 08:52 PM
Cannasouth is a sexy stock and a great story. What's a story worth? Be careful.

28-08-2020, 09:16 PM
My understanding is the Sharesies bids go in without a limit and therefore the exchange calculates the best match price. If people are being greedy and demanding more the Sharesies bid will keep chasing the market higher until it finds a match.

Compared with putting in a limit order which only fills at the price you bid or better b

So theoretically buy bid = $1.00
Sell bid $1.05

Limit bid would be at whatever you pick until filled. Let’s say $1.05. So it only gets filled at $1.05

If at the same time a Sharesies order is put in at market and all of the available sell bids at $1.05 are filled then the algorithm will look for the next sell offer and increase its bid to find a match. It will fill at the lowest matching sell offer but the algorithm can keep pushing the bid offer up if it doesn’t immediately get a match.

Think about pre-open and pretty close. If you keep refreshing the screen you will notice that the match price keeps changing as more bids are received. Sharesies does the same thing but on a hot market that rapidly escalated the price up and when fear is driving the sales it can rapidly spiral down

This is really only going to happen in small cap Stocks dominated by small retail investors. I can’t see this happening in the bigger companies like A2 milk or Mainfreight. I expect the big institutions will be having the most influence on price there

Sharsies offers limit orders. They also offer market orders. Just like any other broker.

28-08-2020, 10:06 PM
http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/CBD/358912/329678.pd (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/CBD/358912/329678.pdf)

I would go crazy if we saw this share do the same thing next week.