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25-09-2020, 11:35 AM
This company is set to join Elon in space I do believe.

They are aiming to be the first zero carbon Lithium producer and have just taken Jochen Rudat on board as a consultant - he was one of Elon Musk’s top guns in Europe and ties to other high end car companies.

I have been riding this train for a couple of months and already pushing 100% return so loving the future here.

17-11-2020, 01:21 PM
Did anyone join me?
My portfolio is sitting on 200% despite doubling down a couple of weeks ago at $1.05 and $1.16

17-11-2020, 01:33 PM
Yep, joined at $1.14, just a small stake unfortunately...

17-11-2020, 03:03 PM
Did anyone join me?
My portfolio is sitting on 200% despite doubling down a couple of weeks ago at $1.05 and $1.16

This punter didn't,, ,sadly. Well done. It looks a bit overdone for me ATM.
Good luck with it.

17-11-2020, 04:10 PM
This punter didn't,, ,sadly. Well done. It looks a bit overdone for me ATM.
Good luck with it.

One of the investment companies apparently put a $2.50 valuation on it a few weeks back which the market seems to agree with.

Listening to a presentation today, they are still 3 to 4 years out from production so I would expect it to gain some more momentum as we near that date.
I did learn that the geo power generation which is their byproduct is enough to survive on even if Lithium turned to custard. However, with the European countries heading to all electric vehicles along with the Tesla production goals I can only see an upward trend. Especially if a carbon tax hits battery manufacturers.

17-11-2020, 04:52 PM
Yes congrats, i missed this.Have sent it to a mate who is now a millionaire buying Tesla low.

11-12-2020, 02:11 PM
Recently announced European regulations around batteries and a push toward a lower carbon footprint have lit a fire under VUL today. $3 here we come.

07-01-2021, 10:45 AM
Looking promising for another good day ahead. $3.36 close yesterday.
I can only imagine what might happen if they actually produce some Lithium.

08-01-2021, 07:15 PM
Closing on $4.04 for the week. Shoulda bought more back in March/April when they were 48 cents.

11-01-2021, 03:16 PM
A pause in trading pending an announcement after it spiked to $5.68 and dropped back to $5.00 today.
Me thinks someone knew what the announcement was.
However, I am guessing it will be a good news story.
I was briefly at a 10 bagger today - dropped back to 9.

12-01-2021, 05:36 PM
According to Next Investors "What we will share is that Der Aktionär have set a share price target on VUL of €6 (that's A$9.50)."

Might be a fun rest of the week once the trading halt is lifted.

Could have retired on this one had I gone all in ... :crying:

13-01-2021, 07:40 PM
According to Next Investors "What we will share is that Der Aktionär have set a share price target on VUL of €6 (that's A$9.50)."

Might be a fun rest of the week once the trading halt is lifted.

Could have retired on this one had I gone all in ... :crying:

How did you even catch this one?
Good job

13-01-2021, 10:32 PM
Thanks. It was tip from Next Investors.
I liked the sound of where the company was going so dropped a couple of thousand on it. Unfortunately, it was one of my first forays into the ASX so was just sampling the water. By the time I figured out it is actually a good thing and started throwing decent amounts at it the horse was bolting.
However, sitting on over 500% in my current portfolio with what is hopefully confirmation of the Der Aktionär recommendation on Friday I am pretty happy!

15-01-2021, 12:20 PM
It is a good day in the land of VUL where everything turns to gold

15-01-2021, 12:46 PM
Wish I saw your post in September. Well done timesurfer. Have purchased a small amount but not sure how much more this can increase.

Still looking for my multi multibagger though.

15-01-2021, 01:10 PM
I think if you have a 2 - 3 year plan this one will still meet your requirements.
We are still maybe 2 years from full production.
"Dirty" battery manufacturers are about to be put out of production so a zero-carbon lithium producer is going to be in high demand!

15-01-2021, 01:45 PM
Cheers looking forward to next few years.

18-01-2021, 07:53 PM
Still bolting toward the $9.50 valuation. Closing at $9.02.

My portfolio broke the 1000% today. Waiting for a pullback to add more might not have been the right choice.

18-01-2021, 08:44 PM
Congrats that’s crazy!

19-01-2021, 01:37 PM
Congrats that’s crazy!

Best stock in the past 12 months.

Can anyone think of a better performer?

0.15 to 11.70 currently.

greater fool
19-01-2021, 02:37 PM

19-01-2021, 03:38 PM
This company is set to join Elon in space I do believe.

They are aiming to be the first zero carbon Lithium producer and have just taken Jochen Rudat on board as a consultant - he was one of Elon Musk’s top guns in Europe and ties to other high end car companies.

I have been riding this train for a couple of months and already pushing 100% return so loving the future here.

What do you see as a potential top up price? some hefty movement of SP lately albeit on the back of some good announcements... what do you see priced in at this stage?

19-01-2021, 08:51 PM

HaHa I will not FOMO into VUL.

What do you see as a potential top up price? some hefty movement of SP lately albeit on the back of some good announcements... what do you see priced in at this stage?

It would be a brave person to cap it I'd say. However, the German's put a figure of equivalent $9.50 on it which is up considerably on the Aussie brokers that had $2.50 only a few weeks earlier.

You have a company with a patented zero carbon Lithium product in a word where Carbon is everything in a time where Europe is leading a global switch to electric vehicles. The demand is huge. They are positioned in the heart of European car manufacturing with no direct competition. Their by product is geothermal power. And they have Governments incentivizing the operation further reducing risk.

You would assume that is built in at the $9.50 valuation given they are yet to build a plant.

I was waiting for it cool off a bit to top up some more, and every day it goes up another 30%, so I think it unlikely it will drop significantly any time soon. Once they are in production with negligible running costs one can only assume the balance sheet will drive a stock price well north of where it is now. At what point do you say you are paying too much for future capital gain and sit it out - vs FOMO that if don't get in soon you won't get your multiple bagger?

19-01-2021, 08:53 PM
Wish I saw your post in September. Well done timesurfer. Have purchased a small amount but not sure how much more this can increase.

Still looking for my multi multibagger though.

You would have been looking good when we briefly hit $14.20 today - maybe by the end of the week it will stick :t_up:

20-01-2021, 12:41 PM
That was when I first looked and almost had a heart attack. Latter in the day almost had another one. What a ride this stock is.

20-01-2021, 09:13 PM
Buy at 9 sell at 14?

21-01-2021, 12:36 PM
Dam bit off a pull back but still in it - Timesurfer are you still holding?

21-01-2021, 06:59 PM
Yeah mate. In this one for the next couple of years to see where it goes.

25-01-2021, 04:47 PM
Easy come easy go.
Over -bought and now I'd venture to say bordering on over-sold.
Starting to think about more at $7.

02-02-2021, 12:33 PM
CAP Raising chance to fill your boots. I am going to have to find some cash from somewhere!

02-02-2021, 02:22 PM
I'm only checking in briefly but this is what they are ultimately about? Because unless there is more they already seem fully if not overpriced:

Potential for 40ktpy lithium hydroxide business with the lowest operating costs globally supporting a €2.8Bn NPV Pre-tax (31% IRR)

09-03-2021, 09:17 PM
Oh well had a good run. Timesurfer you still there. I have purchased a few more at these lower prices and am it it for the long hall but last few weeks have been a bit depressing. C'est la vie

13-03-2021, 02:15 AM
Hi Alpha. Yes, I topped up just before it came tumbling down :(
However, this one has plenty of upside yet to come so not too worried. Transport is going to look very different in the next couple of years.

27-04-2021, 02:02 PM
Interesting dynamic buying your COO's company. Which came first, the headhunting, or the acquisition?

That aside, the go big or go home attitude is going to launch us like a rocket ship or launch us like the fated Challenger. I remain well-positioned for the former.

27-04-2021, 03:12 PM
I am still hanging on for dear life. I was close to selling at one point but I think this one is a long hold. My bags are packed and I am ready to fly. :)

12-07-2021, 06:18 PM
Next run about to happen?
Global auto makers all seeing the light of brine sourced Lithium and racing to sign contracts.
The future looks very good for Vulcan.

13-07-2021, 08:44 AM
Agree with you. I have few shares and bought the dip few months ago.


14-07-2021, 09:40 AM
I found this website. I like it as it records media news linked to VUL as well, and provide a good summary of what VUL achieved during the last years. Definitively worth checking.


14-07-2021, 04:19 PM
I found this website. I like it as it records media news linked to VUL as well, and provide a good summary of what VUL achieved during the last years. Definitively worth checking.


They are definitely a good site to follow.
And I think it fair to say the next run has indeed started. :t_up:

19-07-2021, 12:50 PM
Vulcan signed a 5 years contract with LG.

06-08-2021, 01:58 PM
I am guessing someone has done another write up, or one of the big players has developed FOMO.
$20m in trades and pushed me back up to a 10 bagger .. happy days.

06-08-2021, 02:28 PM
I am guessing someone has done another write up, or one of the big players has developed FOMO.
$20m in trades and pushed me back up to a 10 bagger .. happy days.

Congrats. 10-baggers don't come around that often.

08-08-2021, 11:14 AM
I am guessing someone has done another write up, or one of the big players has developed FOMO.
$20m in trades and pushed me back up to a 10 bagger .. happy days.

There has been a big move in the Spod prices and that is improving the economics of potential producers.

09-08-2021, 07:49 PM
I am guessing someone has done another write up, or one of the big players has developed FOMO.
$20m in trades and pushed me back up to a 10 bagger .. happy days.

Better than that .. ASX filings are interesting

10-08-2021, 12:19 PM
Better than that .. ASX filings are interesting

The upcoming duel listing seems to be a popular choice. Records being set today.

10-08-2021, 06:49 PM
The upcoming duel listing seems to be a popular choice. Records being set today.

it does too ;)

10-08-2021, 08:30 PM
Just want to say big thank you to Timesurfer for the heads up re VUL.

10-08-2021, 09:35 PM
Just want to say big thank you to Timesurfer for the heads up re VUL.

Happy to have you along for the ride.
It has certainly changed my retirement prospects for the better!

Just waiting to see what happens with their spin-off IPO now. I put in for double my entitlement hoping that comes through and we see another solid performance.

11-08-2021, 08:11 PM
$15.21 close on ASX

Euro 9.04 when I looked up Frankfurt in the earlies this morning, had been to 9.40 I think
tomorrow could be interesting

11-08-2021, 11:24 PM
Currently 9.84 Euro on Frankfurt Exchange (FRA: 6KO)

9.85 Euro @ 1.30 pm in Frankfurt - it must be lunch time :)

12-08-2021, 04:44 PM
Frankfurt close 9.80 Euro ; 20 min delay ASX currently A$15.21 (high today A$15.45)

looks like some strength in this one

13-08-2021, 08:49 AM
I see Simply Wall Street up rated the buy price to $17.50

13-08-2021, 09:41 AM

AlsterResearch has upgraded to $19.50AUD

14-08-2021, 03:24 PM
Close on Frankfurt

Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd

8.70 EUR

−0.36 (3.97%

03-09-2021, 07:48 PM
Added to the S&P/ASX Index as of September 20th.
Might see a run up again?

10-09-2021, 12:53 PM
https://research-hub.de/companies/research/Vulcan%20Energy%20Resources?_se=bWt3QGFsc3RlcnJlc2 VhcmNoLmNvbQ%3D%3D&utm_campaign=2021%2009%2009%20Research%20Update%20-%20Vulcan%20Energy&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendinblue

14-09-2021, 11:32 AM
I wonder what possible excitement could be responsible for the trading halt?

14-09-2021, 12:03 PM
I wonder what possible excitement could be responsible for the trading halt?

Cash raise at $13.50, although more than 10x what we paid for our current holding, it still seems worth topping up at that. As long as they deliver on the plan of course...

14-09-2021, 12:29 PM
Cash raise at $13.50, although more than 10x what we paid for our current holding, it still seems worth topping up at that. As long as they deliver on the plan of course...

Yes with the dollar up it is a good time to move money that way.
I fear I shall be somewhat diluted on this one though as I don't have much cash laying around. Not that it makes any difference as long my shares keep going up I don't really care how much of the company I own (its not like I am on the positive side of the decimal dot anyway).

14-09-2021, 10:18 PM
Yes with the dollar up it is a good time to move money that way.
I fear I shall be somewhat diluted on this one though as I don't have much cash laying around. Not that it makes any difference as long my shares keep going up I don't really care how much of the company I own (its not like I am on the positive side of the decimal dot anyway).

I missed Vul but I just invested in PAM, which has geothermal lithium tenement applications in Thailand.
The managing director is very convincing.

06-10-2021, 09:08 PM
hellova ride with this one.

06-10-2021, 09:40 PM
hellova ride with this one.

With VUL ? - you're telling me nothing ;)

14-10-2021, 11:28 AM
VUL enters Trading Halt pending announcement on further binding offtake.

15-10-2021, 02:02 PM
Should do more threads about potential stocks like this! :t_up:

16-10-2021, 05:21 PM
Umicore being the offtake agreement.

The agreement with Vulcan Energy Resources, based in Karlsruhe – Germany, will take effect as of 2025. It will cover part of Umicore’s future lithium hydroxide needs in Europe, allowing Umicore to purchase between 28,000 and 42,000 tons over the duration of the contract.

Umicore having a few beans in the cookie jar.

Based on the strong performance in the first half of the year and assuming precious metal prices remain around current levels for the remainder of the year, Umicore expects its adjusted EBIT for the full year 2021 to slightly exceed € 1 billion.

27-10-2021, 02:11 PM
Another trading halt. There appears to be quite a bit of downward pressure on this one? What do people know that I don't?

27-10-2021, 05:21 PM
Things were pumping along nicely upwards until some Chinese based Shorts hero started mouthing off ..
who knows - maybe he was on the verge of losing his shirt & shorts on contrarian positions .. ;)

VUL seems to be securing forward sales arrangements fairly well

28-10-2021, 07:03 PM
VUL Response issued to market today

Trading handbrake looks like it comes off 29 Oct for trading resumption :)

28-10-2021, 10:27 PM
Might be a buy opportunity with all those spooked by the short seller attack :D

28-10-2021, 10:30 PM
Might be a buy opportunity with all those spooked by the short seller attack :D

An interesting Bid/Offer range on ASX currently :)



$16.600 - $7.500

29-10-2021, 02:32 PM
well that was interesting .. opened with a dip .. currently (delayed) down 2.08 @ 12.91 ;)

29-10-2021, 03:47 PM
Unbelievable the effect of a smear campaign from one person with an interest in seeing the stock drop. Looking forward to the FSE listing.

29-10-2021, 05:18 PM
Unbelievable the effect of a smear campaign from one person with an interest in seeing the stock drop. Looking forward to the FSE listing.

Hope they lost their trousers & shirt on the exercise ..that would be the well deserved outcome ;)

The SP creeping north up to $15 had to inspire the odd smartie out into the open

Were there hallmarks of the exercise being inspired by CCP ? ;)

Let's face it - it doesn't appear to have been well done :)

04-11-2021, 06:21 PM
What goes down must go up?
FOMO sets in on the rebound.
Good for the speculators, the shorters appear to have made their millions.
But it sure highlights how many people are gambling rather than investing. The house always wins.