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Sgt Pepper
14-11-2021, 06:51 PM
This is NZ today under Cindy :

Law abiding elderly citizens terrorised by gangs and anti-social state tenants are the ones being punished because of a directive from her racist government.


Two pensioners claim they've fielded death threats from their state housing neighbours, including a Black Power gang member who allegedly threatened to slit an 82-year-old's throat and watch him "bleed out".

The woman said a Kāinga Ora tenancy manager admitted the agency was powerless to evict antisocial tenants due to a "directive" that protected state housing clients.

She was disgusted that people enjoying a taxpayer-funded property could terrorise residents without consequence or fear of eviction.

I grew up in a state housing area in the 1960s. There was little crime, neighbours respected and cooperated with each other. There was nothing even remotely comparable to the appalling behaviour described in the article.

14-11-2021, 08:24 PM
I grew up in a state housing area in the 1960s. There was little crime, neighbours respected and cooperated with each other. There was nothing even remotely comparable to the appalling behaviour described in the article.

This is now par for the course - due to the racist directive from Cindy’s government NOT to evict state tenants :


State housing provider Kāinga Ora must pay two of its tenants $1500 each and reduce their rent due to the "disturbing and dangerous" behaviour of the tenants living in a neighbouring flat.

Kāinga Ora has declined to evict the troublesome pair, saying keeping people housed is the best way to ensure they get the support they need.


"It appears any disreputable, unruly and antisocial person can be randomly housed next door to upstanding, law-abiding citizens, [and] behave as badly as they like with absolutely no consequences and impunity."

14-11-2021, 08:53 PM
Here’s another, the latest :


It's understood police have been called to the property at least 50 times to respond to reports of domestic violence, street brawls and other alleged crime.

Gosain told the Herald Kāinga Ora staff told residents they were hamstrung by an internal policy that stops the agency evicting difficult tenants to prevent them being recycled through emergency and transitional housing at further cost.

15-11-2021, 07:05 AM
I grew up in a state housing area in the 1960s. There was little crime, neighbours respected and cooperated with each other. There was nothing even remotely comparable to the appalling behaviour described in the article.

Sadly we are hearing stories like this on a weekly basis. There was another article on a similar situation yesterday https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/man-fed-up-with-antisocial-kainga-ora-neighbours-sells-house-and-moves-to-south-island/7OLUT4UJZFJHJFS63IBOQIUTQ4/. Totally shocking how these idiots get away with this behaviour.

p.s. just noticed Balance had already posted this article

15-11-2021, 07:19 AM
When is this person being an NZ citizen going to cause us some reputational damage:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1ByVhJt7A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1ByVhJt7A&t=179s)

German heritage too how wonderful.
"Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible".

15-11-2021, 08:40 AM
Here’s another, the latest :


It's understood police have been called to the property at least 50 times to respond to reports of domestic violence, street brawls and other alleged crime.

Gosain told the Herald Kāinga Ora staff told residents they were hamstrung by an internal policy that stops the agency evicting difficult tenants to prevent them being recycled through emergency and transitional housing at further cost.

Being criminal is becoming more and more appealing to any low skilled person. You get housing, you get money to spend, governments pays for your heating, buys your appliances. All the while you can do pretty much anything, because the laws make you untouchable.

15-11-2021, 09:43 AM
Here’s another, the latest :


It's understood police have been called to the property at least 50 times to respond to reports of domestic violence, street brawls and other alleged crime.

Gosain told the Herald Kāinga Ora staff told residents they were hamstrung by an internal policy that stops the agency evicting difficult tenants to prevent them being recycled through emergency and transitional housing at further cost.

Judith Collins used to crush the cars of street larakins.

Some of these gangsters play league.

Its high time Jacinda crushed their balls...

15-11-2021, 09:54 AM
Judith Collins used to crush the cars of street larakins.

I think only 3 cars were crushed.
Judith has a lot more bark than bite.

15-11-2021, 09:55 AM
Judith Collins used to crush the cars of street larakins.

Some of these gangsters play league.

Its high time Jacinda crushed their balls...

Comrade Cindy will do no such thing - be kind to her voting base and she needs to appease the Maori cabal in her caucus.

15-11-2021, 10:01 AM
I think only 3 cars were crushed.

And that's the whole point isn't it!

If the transgressors against the community realise there are actions against them, and not just weasel words, they pull their head in, for the betterment of everyone.

How many balls would have to be crushed, before there was an improvement in social behaviour?

15-11-2021, 10:09 AM
And that's the whole point isn't it!

If the transgressors against the community realise there are actions against them, and not just weasel words, they pull their head in, for the betterment of everyone.

How many balls would have to be crushed, before there was an improvement in social behaviour?

They didn't stop crushing cars because the people changed their ways - it was never a good policy and was hard to enforce.

15-11-2021, 10:12 AM
When is this person being an NZ citizen going to cause us some reputational damage:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1ByVhJt7A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1ByVhJt7A&t=179s)

German heritage too how wonderful.
"Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible".

To be fair - we can't really blame Germany, there is not a lot any country can do about the misbehaviour of their citizens who emigrated already as toddlers, as Thiel did. Peter Thiel's character clearly has been formed in the US.

Quite different situation for New Zealand. It was our government which gave him citizenship rights knowing his questionable character and mindset. Thiel clearly had the right arguments suitable for our banana republic ... amazing what a large enough bank account can do to convince our otherwise so anti-immigration authorities.

Just to avoid doubts ... Peter Thiel was granted NZ citizenship in June 2011 after spending only 12 days in NZ and without any plans to keep staying here. While our current government is the most unkind and xenophobic I remember - we can't blame them for this particular mishap. Maybe the Key government was still more banana republic compliant ...


15-11-2021, 10:16 AM
They didn't stop crushing cars because the people changed their ways - it was never a good policy and was hard to enforce.

Righto, lets have it your way then.

Plenty of Humanism, liberalism, being kind, no matter what bad behaviour evolves.

Watch the social meltdown gather momentum.

fungus pudding
15-11-2021, 10:26 AM
How many balls would have to be crushed, before there was an improvement in social behaviour?

Just one would be as effective as both.

15-11-2021, 10:38 AM
Righto, lets have it your way then.

Plenty of Humanism, liberalism, being kind, no matter what bad behaviour evolves.

Watch the social meltdown gather momentum.

Yup - another day and yet another shooting in NZ, this time in New Lynn Auckland over night.

Be kind to criminals & be accommodative towards the gangs, decreed Clueless Cindy.

15-11-2021, 12:02 PM
Righto, lets have it your way then.

Plenty of Humanism, liberalism, being kind, no matter what bad behaviour evolves.

Watch the social meltdown gather momentum.

It isn't about 'having it my way'.
I'm not advocating to be soft on crime - just pointing out that some of these policies that people latch on to don't actually work.
Repeating them would be a mistake.

15-11-2021, 12:07 PM
It isn't about 'having it my way'.
I'm not advocating to be soft on crime - just pointing out that some of these policies that people latch on to don't actually work.
Repeating them would be a mistake.

So law-abiding citizens harassed and intimidated by anti-social & criminal tenants of Housing NZ (or whatever the stupid name it is called these days) simply have to put up with the directive from Cindy that the tenants are untouchable.

You have a seriously warped sense of what's right and what's wrong with Cindy's government and race based policies. :t_down:

15-11-2021, 12:16 PM
When is this person being an NZ citizen going to cause us some reputational damage:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1ByVhJt7A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1ByVhJt7A&t=179s)

German heritage too how wonderful.
"Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible".
Your comment about his heritage is racist and unworthy of you. I despise Peter Thiel and all he stands for, but you should withdraw and apologise.

15-11-2021, 12:43 PM
As soon as he withdraws this disgraceful comment made in 2009.
The 1920s were the last decade in American history during which one could be genuinely optimistic about politics. Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries (??) and the extension of the franchise to women—two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians—have rendered the notion of "capitalist democracy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_capitalism)" into an oxymoron... In our time, the great task for libertarians is to find an escape from politics in all its forms... Because there are no truly free places left in our world, I suspect that the mode for escape must involve some sort of new and hitherto untried process that leads us to some undiscovered country; and for this reason I have focused my efforts on new technologies that may create a new space for freedom.

The inclusion of women has been unquestionably good for most countries given the lack of world wars.

Sadly , his german family lived in apartheid south africa for a short time too.

15-11-2021, 12:57 PM
So law-abiding citizens harassed and intimidated by anti-social & criminal tenants of Housing NZ (or whatever the stupid name it is called these days) simply have to put up with the directive from Cindy that the tenants are untouchable.

You have a seriously warped sense of what's right and what's wrong with Cindy's government and race based policies. :t_down:

Where did I say that was right?
You do draw some strange conclusions based on your biases.

For the record what those people get away with is just plain wrong.
How to fix it isn't simple though.
Kicking them out seems like a good idea but they still end up as a housing problem for the state (I think I posted an article on this previously).
Fining them wouldn't help - they just won't pay.

I don't have an answer but I suspect that the answer would be different depending on whether they had kids or not.
Maybe they need to be corralled together out of the way and left to annoy each other. :eek2:

15-11-2021, 01:39 PM
Just one would be as effective as both.

No...I think 2 would be much more effective.
Probably wouldn't have kids with both squashed.
Ouch !

fungus pudding
15-11-2021, 01:58 PM
No...I think 2 would be much more effective.
Probably wouldn't have kids with both squashed.
Ouch !

You might be right. I had a mental picture of the vice grips still being in place.

15-11-2021, 02:28 PM
Where did I say that was right?
You do draw some strange conclusions based on your biases.

For the record what those people get away with is just plain wrong.
How to fix it isn't simple though.
Kicking them out seems like a good idea but they still end up as a housing problem for the state (I think I posted an article on this previously).
Fining them wouldn't help - they just won't pay.

I don't have an answer but I suspect that the answer would be different depending on whether they had kids or not.
Maybe they need to be corralled together out of the way and left to annoy each other. :eek2:

2 points to note :

1. Crushing boy racers' cars was meant as a deterrent and it worked. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/98513231/just-three-cars-destroyed-under-crusher-collins-law

You are too quick to take the defensive 'too hard to do anything' stance whenever it is Cindy clearly at fault for allowing law abiding citizens to be placed second behind criminals and anti-social elements.

2. Housing NZ in the past used to evict or transfer unruly & criminal tenants until Cindy's government issued the race based directive NOT to take action against such elements. It is simple enough to retract the directive so that law abiding citizens are protected - not the other way round.

This clueless government is encouraging lawlessness in so many of its race based initiatives with law abiding citizens becoming the victims and whose interests are being placed behind that of the criminal & anti-social elements.

How can that be right?

15-11-2021, 02:37 PM
2 points to note :

1. Crushing boy racers' cars was meant as a deterrent and it worked. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/98513231/just-three-cars-destroyed-under-crusher-collins-law

You are too quick to take the defensive 'too hard to do anything' stance whenever it is Cindy clearly at fault for allowing law abiding citizens to be placed second behind criminals and anti-social elements.

2. Housing NZ in the past used to evict or transfer unruly & criminal tenants until Cindy's government issued the race based directive NOT to take action against such elements. It is simple enough to retract the directive so that law abiding citizens are protected - not the other way round.

This clueless government is encouraging lawlessness in so many of its race based initiatives with law abiding citizens becoming the victims and whose interests are being placed behind that of the criminal & anti-social elements.

How can that be right?

No apology from you for your accusation?
I never said 'too hard' either.

You show an impressive lack of thinking on this.

15-11-2021, 02:48 PM
Judy says Talofa! to the loafers.

15-11-2021, 02:53 PM
No apology from you for your accusation?
I never said 'too hard' either.

You show an impressive lack of thinking on this.

They didn't stop crushing cars because the people changed their ways - it was never a good policy and was hard to enforce.

It isn't about 'having it my way'.
I'm not advocating to be soft on crime - just pointing out that some of these policies that people latch on to don't actually work.
Repeating them would be a mistake.

What is there to apologize?

You know very well that the solution is to resind the directive sent by Cindy to Housing NZ

so that

law abiding citizens harassed, intimidated and threatened by anti-social & criminal elements (placed next to them by the government itself!) are protected first above these elements


you chose to post the comment that it is all too hard to enforce like the law to crush boy racers' cars.

Too quick to come up with excuses, dobby41, just like Cindy & her team of clueless nincompoops rather than doing their job.

Disgusting woman with no clue about how the world really works - all spin & zero delivery.

COVID for Christmas .... Ho Ho Ho.

15-11-2021, 03:20 PM
you chose to post the comment that it is all too hard to enforce like the law to crush boy racers' cars.

There you go again.
Where did I say it was 'too hard'?
You like to attribute comments to people that they didn't make (much like Trump's methods, complete with repeated one-liners).

They need to get this sorted.
They need to sort what they do with the people once they are kicked out - like where do they go?
Pithy one-liners don't sort anything.

Blue Skies
15-11-2021, 03:39 PM
Good to see Judith Collins finally attacking David Seymour & ACT for flip flopping on Covid mandates before ACT devours any more National voters.
Easier for National to pull back some voters off ACT than off Labour.

Strange for Seymour to come out undermining mandates now, instead of leaving it entirely up to businesses to make their own decisions around mandates for their employees.

15-11-2021, 04:46 PM
Good to see Judith Collins finally attacking David Seymour & ACT for flip flopping on Covid mandates before ACT devours any more National voters.
Easier for National to pull back some voters off ACT than off Labour.

Strange for Seymour to come out undermining mandates now, instead of leaving it entirely up to businesses to make their own decisions around mandates for their employees.

National need not worry too much about pulling Labour voters currently, the impression I'm getting lately is that Labour voters are leaving the party in droves without any effort from National. Labour is really starting to demonstrate they have not got a clue what they are doing.

fungus pudding
15-11-2021, 05:08 PM
National need not worry too much about pulling Labour voters currently, the impression I'm getting lately is that Labour voters are leaving the party in droves without any effort from National. Labour is really starting to demonstrate they have not got a clue what they are doing.

True, but they're still way out in front - as is Jacinda for most preferred as P.M. National will not climb significantly in polls until they dump Judith, and when they do - look out.

15-11-2021, 05:19 PM
True, but they're still way out in front - as is Jacinda for most preferred as P.M. National will not climb significantly in polls until they dump Judith, and when they do - look out.
Personally I would rather see Simon back in charge rather than Luxon but yes, Judith probably has to go. Probably to early for a leader change yet and Labour will dig a bigger hole for themselves over the next year or 2 anyway.

Blue Skies
15-11-2021, 05:52 PM
Personally I would rather see Simon back in charge rather than Luxon but yes, Judith probably has to go. Probably to early for a leader change yet and Labour will dig a bigger hole for themselves over the next year or 2 anyway.

Simon's part of the group the liberals in caucus call The Taliban!
2 of National's currently best performing MP's Chris Bishop & Nicola Willis organised the coup that dumped him from the leadership & replaced him with Todd Muller.
Doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in the team!

15-11-2021, 07:43 PM
[QUOTE=Blue Skies;925001]Simon's part of the group the liberals in caucus call The Taliban!
2 of National's currently best performing MP's Chris Bishop & Nicola Willis organised the coup that dumped him from the leadership & replaced him with Todd Muller.
Doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in the team![/QUOTE

What does not inspire a lot of confidence is a prime minister that can't cope with 1 heckler in a room, can't front the podium on a bad news day, and when she does appear looks like a jibbering mess.

15-11-2021, 07:51 PM
What does not inspire a lot of confidence is a prime minister that can't cope with 1 heckler in a room, can't front the podium on a bad news day, and when she does appear looks like a jibbering mess.

So better than Todd Muller then.

Since we have a strong economy why would anyone still vote for them.

15-11-2021, 08:27 PM
So better than Todd Muller then.

Since we have a strong economy why would anyone still vote for them.

I would place muller and jacinda in the same camp, both useless.
As for a strong economy, tell that to the multitude of damaged businesses.

15-11-2021, 08:58 PM
I would place muller and jacinda in the same camp, both useless.
As for a strong economy, tell that to the multitude of damaged businesses.

Difference is that Muller damaged National whileas Clueless Cindy is damaging NZ.

Disgusting woman with her race based policies, her big promises which she has zero idea on how to deliver and worse of all, her spin, lies and BS.

16-11-2021, 07:49 AM
True, but they're still way out in front - as is Jacinda for most preferred as P.M. National will not climb significantly in polls until they dump Judith, and when they do - look out.

I was very impressed with Shane Reti on Newshub Nation in the weekend. Is there any chance he might garner enough support to lead?

16-11-2021, 07:57 AM
I was very impressed with Shane Reti on Newshub Nation in the weekend. Is there any chance he might garner enough support to lead?

I agree. He comes across as a good Health Minister in waiting. I don't think he's got the public appeal that seems to be the all important factor these days. I would have preferred to see Chris Luxon with Erica Stanford as Deputy but it sounds like MPs don't think Chris is ready. Apparently that includes himself thinking that. Whoever takes Judith down in the next few weeks, needs to make sure the likes of Luxon & Bridges as well as moderates such as Nicola Willis, Chris Bishop & Erica Stanford get prominent roles on the front bench.

fungus pudding
16-11-2021, 08:10 AM
I was very impressed with Shane Reti on Newshub Nation in the weekend. Is there any chance he might garner enough support to lead?

No. You can relax.

16-11-2021, 08:23 AM
What does not inspire a lot of confidence is a prime minister that can't cope with 1 heckler in a room, can't front the podium on a bad news day, and when she does appear looks like a jibbering mess.

She handled the anti-vaxxer who wouldn't even wait for an answer - she move on.
It was quite effective.
Who needs to give a person like Shane Chafin a platform?

Blue Skies
16-11-2021, 09:31 AM
https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ynot https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?p=925037#post925037)
What does not inspire a lot of confidence is a prime minister that can't cope with 1 heckler in a room, can't front the podium on a bad news day, and when she does appear looks like a jibbering mess.

There would be very few people who would see it that way.

Even the journalists there thought she handled Chafin perfectly, denying him any oxygen for his You Tube rant.

It wasn't a political rally where you might engage with hecklers, it was an exclusive media briefing to update journalists on the evolving situation in Northland.

Whatever the PM's weaknesses, this is not one of them.

She is highly rated ( & acknowledged by the opposition, media etc ) as a great communicator, an articulate speaker, quick on her feet & a master of the one liner as several opposition leaders have found to their chagrin in the debating chamber.

16-11-2021, 09:48 AM
https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ynot https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?p=925037#post925037)
What does not inspire a lot of confidence is a prime minister that can't cope with 1 heckler in a room, can't front the podium on a bad news day, and when she does appear looks like a jibbering mess.

There would be very few people who would see it that way.

Even the journalists there thought she handled Chafin perfectly, denying him any oxygen for his You Tube rant.

It wasn't a political rally where you might engage with hecklers, it was an exclusive media briefing to update journalists on the evolving situation in Northland.

Whatever the PM's weaknesses, this is not one of them.

She is highly rated ( & acknowledged by the opposition, media etc ) as a great communicator, an articulate speaker, quick on her feet & a master of the one liner as several opposition leaders have found to their chagrin in the debating chamber.

Straight out of Clueless Cindy’s propaganda PR spin booklet.

Absolute garbage!

Blue Skies
16-11-2021, 10:15 AM
Straight out of Clueless Cindy’s propaganda PR spin booklet.

Absolute garbage!

Being angrier, doesn't make an opinion any righter!

fungus pudding
16-11-2021, 10:37 AM
Being angrier, doesn't make an opinion any righter!

Or the grammar any betterer.

16-11-2021, 11:41 AM
True, but they're still way out in front - as is Jacinda for most preferred as P.M. National will not climb significantly in polls until they dump Judith, and when they do - look out.

Question would be - do they have anybody better than Judith the caucus would agree on and support? We clearly don't need National playing the leadership marry-go-round for the next 2 years or so.

I do see a small number of (I think) capable people in National, but not quite sure whether this is enough to rescue a party rotten from the core. For starters - as long as they don't get rid of the current quite ineptly called president I think they don't have a chance to select a capable and trustworthy team.

16-11-2021, 11:43 AM
Being angrier, doesn't make an opinion any righter!

Or the grammar any betterer.

Both good points :t_up:

16-11-2021, 02:34 PM
Some musings from the latest polling.

If the wives of places like Remuera, who love spending the income of their Tory husbands, but who give their party vote to the Greens, thinking they are helping a penguin out in the Ross dependency, but are actually supporting the looney left, wake up and vote for trendy Act instead, could be the end of the coalition.

If traditional Labour voters wake up to Jacinda's divisive direction, the resultant split would resemble that at the time of Rogernomics.

16-11-2021, 02:53 PM
If the wives of places like Remuera, who love spending the income of their Tory husbands, but who give their party vote to the Greens, thinking they are helping a penguin out in the Ross dependency, but are actually supporting the looney left, wake up and vote for trendy Act instead, could be the end of the coalition.

I think too many woman vote with their husbands, still, rather than doing what's right.

Males provide us the Iraq war, climate disaster and high debt. Too many are "angry" pointlessly.

No wisdom to be found there sadly.

16-11-2021, 03:35 PM

For the record what those people get away with is just plain wrong.
How to fix it isn't simple though.
Kicking them out seems like a good idea but they still end up as a housing problem for the state (I think I posted an article on this previously).
Fining them wouldn't help - they just won't pay.

I don't have an answer but I suspect that the answer would be different depending on whether they had kids or not.
Maybe they need to be corralled together out of the way and left to annoy each other. :eek2:

In the age of globalism, and Evergrande having 60 million empty apartments or homes, perhaps our disruptors could be exported to China, to live under a regime that DOES know what house arrest means!
Be cheaper than having them here, plus the social benefits to Kiwis left in the neighbourhoods the predators vacate.

Or 'exiled' to the appropriately named Disappointment Island, part of Auckland Isles.
No wardens, just predators predating on predators.

If there is still any 'be kind' sentiment, then revive Somes Island in Wellington harbour from its past.

16-11-2021, 04:18 PM
For the record what those people get away with is just plain wrong.
How to fix it isn't simple though.
Kicking them out seems like a good idea but they still end up as a housing problem for the state (I think I posted an article on this previously).
Fining them wouldn't help - they just won't pay. ....

Housing bad tenants is not a new problem, but it does not have to be the taxpayer's problem. A couple of things make it worse now apart from no KO evictions allowed. Examples - sheer force of numbers, private landlords forced by new regs to avoid even a sniff of risk, decline in home ownership.

The last point is important because fewer homeowners mean there are fewer relatives able to take in their own even if they wish to. Landlords, private and social are much much less willing to tolerate crowding so tenants put themselves at great risk if found out. Homeowners can do pretty much what they like. That might seem an arcane reason but it is very common and there are some parts of society that are unable to refuse extras.

So if tenants are in housing need, they can fall into the arms of their families until they make other arrangements, as has been the case for ever.

I think we would find plenty on the social housing waiting list are in that situation while they wait - it is what families do even if they don't want to. And evicted bad tenants, the same.

16-11-2021, 04:28 PM
She is highly rated ( & acknowledged by the opposition, media etc ) as a great communicator, an articulate speaker, quick on her feet & a master of the one liner as several opposition leaders have found to their chagrin in the debating chamber.

Not these days Cindy is not - she is seen as running away from the mess she has created and is unable and unwilling to front when challenged. Hence, the short visit to Auckland (via air force plane no less so she did not meet anyone who would challenge her).
What happened to the one liners then which would have cut hecklers and protestors to size?

Her poll ratings as a leader dropping and dropping and dropping show rather clearly that NZers are waking up to the spin mistress she is - garbage in, garbage out.

Disgusting woman.

Being angrier, doesn't make an opinion any righter!

If you want angrier becoming even more right (er :D), tune to the airwaves today :

Was great to hear the airwaves heating up over the mess in Housing NZ where Cindy's directive to prefer criminals & anti-social tenants over law abiding citizens - there is nothing but absolute outrage that Cindy can favor such low lives. All as a result of her racist policies and her dancing to the tune of the Maori cabal in her caucus.

16-11-2021, 05:23 PM
Was great to hear the airwaves heating up over the mess in Housing NZ where Cindy's directive to prefer criminals & anti-social tenants over law abiding citizens - there is nothing but absolute outrage that Cindy can favor such low lives. All as a result of her racist policies and her dancing to the tune of the Maori cabal in her caucus.

Can you show where she made this directive or is it in your imagination?
In parliament today it was stated that the policy derives from Nationals time (Amy Adams set out the expectations in 2017).

It seems that there have been no evictions in the last 3 years but 159 households have been moved in the last year for anti-social behaviour concerns.
Moving the problem around maybe?

16-11-2021, 05:29 PM
Can you show where she made this directive or is it in your imagination?
In parliament today it was stated that the policy derives from Nationals time (Amy Adams set out the expectations in 2017).

It seems that there have been no evictions in the last 3 years but 159 households have been moved in the last year for anti-social behaviour concerns.
Moving the problem around maybe?

All the cases (in the news) referred to the affected law abiding parties being told by KO that there's a directive.

If there have been no evictions in the last 3 years, what does that tell us?

Beehive Barbie has a lot to answer for - the mess she is creating out there with criminals & anti-social elements being empowered & emboldened to do whatever they like.

Disgusting woman with no substance save spin.

16-11-2021, 06:18 PM

More on how criminals & antisocial tenants are favoured by this government over law abiding citizens.

Crime pays under Clueless Cindy, Beehive Barbie.

16-11-2021, 07:15 PM
All the cases (in the news) referred to the affected law abiding parties being told by KO that there's a directive.

If there have been no evictions in the last 3 years, what does that tell us?

Beehive Barbie has a lot to answer for - the mess she is creating out there with criminals & anti-social elements being empowered & emboldened to do whatever they like.

Disgusting woman with no substance save spin.

If you read the link you posted re the man selling his house you would see KO say it is an internal policy "Kāinga Ora denies there is any Government directive but admits evictions are a last resort reserved for "extreme" cases."

Do you suffer from some on line version of palilalia? :)


16-11-2021, 07:55 PM
If you read the link you posted re the man selling his house you would see KO say it is an internal policy "Kāinga Ora denies there is any Government directive but admits evictions are a last resort reserved for "extreme" cases."

Do you suffer from some on line version of palilalia? :)


Whatever I suffer from, I do not suffer fools and spinsters like you do.

As for KO’s denial of a directive, I will take the words of the affected neighbours anytime over KO’s words:


16-11-2021, 08:01 PM
This is what Clueless Cindy & her Kainga Ora (whatever the freak it is) are doing to NZers :


The Smiths chose Glenholme to buy a house for Carl because it was quiet, safe and there were good friends and neighbours nearby who understood their son's condition.

"Now it's a circus. Yelling at all hours late and early, public domestic disputes, cars zooming down quiet residential roads, intentional damage, theft, cars broken into, the works. It's completely overwhelming. It is a ticking time bomb and a disaster waiting to happen."

And the housing crisis is now a full blown disaster.

17-11-2021, 02:08 AM
Will Aussies start coming to NZ?

Lower rents [tick]
Higher minimum pay [tick]
Better jobless rate [tick]

The only thing remaining is that median wage disparity.

17-11-2021, 07:25 AM
Will Aussies start coming to NZ?

Lower rents [tick]
Higher minimum pay [tick]
Better jobless rate [tick]

The only thing remaining is that median wage disparity.

Cherry picked numbers.
I doubt you will ever see that, especially with our governments racist agender to promote the violent, misogynistic, primitive Maori culture.
Most Aussie's just would not accept that.

17-11-2021, 07:27 AM
If you read the link you posted re the man selling his house you would see KO say it is an internal policy "Kāinga Ora denies there is any Government directive but admits evictions are a last resort reserved for "extreme" cases."

Do you suffer from some on line version of palilalia? :)


We also have people that have called into talkback radio that claim to have worked for KO and have displayed intimate knowledge of how it works, saying it is a Government directive not to evict idiots and losers. What is clearly happening supports that. It does not support the lies from KO. If you really believe the BS from KO, then what is the reason KO doesn't do the decent thing and evict all these thugs all around the country ?

17-11-2021, 07:31 AM
Will Aussies start coming to NZ?

Lower rents [tick]
Higher minimum pay [tick]
Better jobless rate [tick]

The only thing remaining is that median wage disparity.

Hahaha. My son is at the end of his electrican apprenticeship. He will rise to roughly $50k here in NZ when he does finish it. Or he can go and work in the mines in Aussie on a 3 weeks on 3 weeks off contract, earning A$130k base salary with a potential $40-70k top up in overtime. The "lower rents", "higher minimum pay" & "better jobless rate" in NZ are not really going to have any say in his decision.

17-11-2021, 07:32 AM
Cherry picked numbers.
I doubt you will ever see that, especially with our governments racist agender to promote the violent, misogynistic, primitive Maori culture.
Most Aussie's just would not accept that.

Those who wrap themselves in the aussie flag are unlikely to come here anyway.

17-11-2021, 07:35 AM
Hahaha. My son is at the end of his electrican apprenticeship. He will rise to roughly $50k here in NZ when he does finish it. Or he can go and work in the mines in Aussie on a 3 weeks on 3 weeks off contract, earning A$130k base salary with a potential $40-70k top up in overtime. The "lower rents", "higher minimum pay" & "better jobless rate" in NZ are not really going to have any say in his decision.

Which is better - the Australian dole payment or 50k.

17-11-2021, 07:50 AM
Those who wrap themselves in the aussie flag are unlikely to come here anyway.

No, most people feel like that, that's the point.

17-11-2021, 08:16 AM
Most New Zealanders would be pleased to not being held back by this violent, misogynistic, primitive Maori culture our government promotes.
Plus the pay and weather are way better in Australia.

17-11-2021, 08:29 AM
Which is better - the Australian dole payment or 50k.

You say that like they are the only two choices. A sparky working in the Australian mines would have plenty of well paying options, as specifically mentioned in the Herald last weekend along with less highly paid jobs with shortages, such as hospo.

A few years of hard work and a young sparky is well set up.

17-11-2021, 08:44 AM
All the cases (in the news) referred to the affected law abiding parties being told by KO that there's a directive.

If there have been no evictions in the last 3 years, what does that tell us?

Beehive Barbie has a lot to answer for - the mess she is creating out there with criminals & anti-social elements being empowered & emboldened to do whatever they like.

Disgusting woman with no substance save spin.

So no directive from the PM despite your assertion.
Following a policy set by National in their dying days.

More disparaging name-calling in the ture style of Trump - who seems to be your hero given how you copy him.

17-11-2021, 09:09 AM
Six gang members have lost their firearms license

Government taking a hard line with gangs …good to see

17-11-2021, 09:10 AM
Hahaha. My son is at the end of his electrican apprenticeship. He will rise to roughly $50k here in NZ when he does finish it. Or he can go and work in the mines in Aussie on a 3 weeks on 3 weeks off contract, earning A$130k base salary with a potential $40-70k top up in overtime. The "lower rents", "higher minimum pay" & "better jobless rate" in NZ are not really going to have any say in his decision.

To be fair - not really comparing apples with apples, is it?

Working in remote mines or on oil platforms somewhere in the middle of nowhere was always a much better paid job (and there is a good reason for it - otherwise they would not get anybody prepared to work for them), but there are still lots of people who prefer a family life and some healthy surroundings over the mighty dollar.

17-11-2021, 09:31 AM
To be fair - not really comparing apples with apples, is it?

Working in remote mines or on oil platforms somewhere in the middle of nowhere was always a much better paid job (and there is a good reason for it - otherwise they would not get anybody prepared to work for them), but there are still lots of people who prefer a family life and some healthy surroundings over the mighty dollar.

The trick is to do it for a while then settle down if you wish.
The other trick (that some miss) is actually saving money while doing it and not being a big spender.

17-11-2021, 09:33 AM
Six gang members have lost their firearms license

Government taking a hard line with gangs …good to see

Not very disarming though.

Just one less card to carry as far as they feel.

Just a headline to make Poto look potent to the naive.

It's their weapons the public have to fear, not their licenses.

17-11-2021, 09:48 AM
Some musings from the latest polling.

If the wives of places like Remuera, who love spending the income of their Tory husbands, but who give their party vote to the Greens, thinking they are helping a penguin out in the Ross dependency, but are actually supporting the looney left, wake up and vote for trendy Act instead, could be the end of the coalition.

If traditional Labour voters wake up to Jacinda's divisive direction, the resultant split would resemble that at the time of Rogernomics.

Which means, where will those red votes go?

Will they abstain, go TOPless, a new party emerge, or will NZ First have a sudden renaissance?

And if NZF get in, which party will they form coalition with?

A gamble, or a shambles?

Tail wag the dog, or hair of the dog?

Or will all this lead to the formation of the Pakeha Party?

17-11-2021, 10:34 AM
To be fair - not really comparing apples with apples, is it?

Working in remote mines or on oil platforms somewhere in the middle of nowhere was always a much better paid job (and there is a good reason for it - otherwise they would not get anybody prepared to work for them), but there are still lots of people who prefer a family life and some healthy surroundings over the mighty dollar.

It is comparing the options freely available to young people. Not sure what your point is.

17-11-2021, 10:43 AM
To be fair - not really comparing apples with apples, is it?

Working in remote mines or on oil platforms somewhere in the middle of nowhere was always a much better paid job (and there is a good reason for it - otherwise they would not get anybody prepared to work for them), but there are still lots of people who prefer a family life and some healthy surroundings over the mighty dollar.

You call this racist country a "heathy family life". Deluded.

17-11-2021, 11:01 AM
Not very disarming though.

Just one less card to carry as far as they feel.

Just a headline to make Poto look potent to the naive.

It's their weapons the public have to fear, not their licenses.

Well, yes - however now (without licence) is it much easier for police to lock them up if they find them carrying or in possession of a firearm.

Previously (with licence) they just had to show their licence with their arms and the police had to bugger off. Now they don't have a licence and the police can lock them up if they still are in possession of any weapons. I think this makes perfect sense ...

17-11-2021, 11:11 AM
It is comparing the options freely available to young people. Not sure what your point is.

My point is - the options you listed (electrician in NZ community vs. working in a mine in the Australian desert) have nothing to do with the difference between NZ and Australia. Jobs for experts who need to live in unfriendly climatic conditions and far away from family are always better paid - and always have been.

Sure - some people will go for the money and some for a family and a life. Money is not everything for everybody.

What do you expect our government to do to prevent your son from going to the mines and choose instead life and work in NZ? If we double all our salaries - would this make a difference? Of course, not - the Australian mines would do that as well and the consumer prices would follow soon.

17-11-2021, 12:53 PM
My point is - the options you listed (electrician in NZ community vs. working in a mine in the Australian desert) have nothing to do with the difference between NZ and Australia. Jobs for experts who need to live in unfriendly climatic conditions and far away from family are always better paid - and always have been.

Sure - some people will go for the money and some for a family and a life. Money is not everything for everybody.

What do you expect our government to do to prevent your son from going to the mines and choose instead life and work in NZ? If we double all our salaries - would this make a difference? Of course, not - the Australian mines would do that as well and the consumer prices would follow soon.

You seem to have overlooked that I was responding to the below post from Panda. No expectation of the Government to do anything about it. As dobby says above, it is a great opportunity for young people to do for a period of time and save some money to set themselves up.

Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
Will Aussies start coming to NZ?

Lower rents [tick]
Higher minimum pay [tick]
Better jobless rate [tick]

The only thing remaining is that median wage disparity."

Logen Ninefingers
17-11-2021, 01:14 PM
Jacinda referring to "Minister Liddle" in her latest 'Propaganda Rant from the Podium'. Anyone know who this Liddle person is??

Bill Smith
17-11-2021, 01:35 PM
Chipkins and Robber son have delivered on a promise. Early too. Covid into South island by Christmas. Well done.

fungus pudding
17-11-2021, 01:39 PM
Jacinda referring to "Minister Liddle" in her latest 'Propaganda Rant from the Podium'. Anyone know who this Liddle person is??

Her pronunciation has never bin good.

17-11-2021, 01:47 PM
Jacinda referring to "Minister Liddle" in her latest 'Propaganda Rant from the Podium'. Anyone know who this Liddle person is??

He's the one who tries to keep a lid on everything, but he's not doing a very good job.

My diagnosis of him in unpressured interviews, is that he has either early onset dementia, or Parkinsons.

Logen Ninefingers
17-11-2021, 01:51 PM
He's the one who tries to keep a lid on everything, but he's not doing a very good job.

My diagnosis of him in unpressured interviews, is that he has either early onset dementia, or Parkinsons.

He currently looks like a cross between a shifty Himmler and a homeless person. Seems to have lost his razor.

17-11-2021, 01:53 PM
He's the one who tries to keep a lid on everything, but he's not doing a very good job.

My diagnosis of him in unpressured interviews, is that he has either early onset dementia, or Parkinsons.

Nothing wrong with appraising or criticizing the actions of any politician in public - hey, they are public figures and this is a democracy.

However - posting a quite unqualified and as well absolutely irrelevant health diagnosis about a politician is more than just bad taste.


17-11-2021, 01:59 PM
Par for the course, another bad reputation notification has been sent to me from BlackPeter.

Have you run out yet, or did you get a special allocation?

17-11-2021, 02:00 PM
Chipkins and Robber son have delivered on a promise. Early too. Covid into South island by Christmas. Well done.

Is that mini-balance?

Logen Ninefingers
17-11-2021, 02:16 PM
Nothing wrong with appraising or criticizing the actions of any politician in public - hey, they are public figures and this is a democracy.

However - posting a quite unqualified and as well absolutely irrelevant health diagnosis about a politician is more than just bad taste.


Calm down BlackPeter, you were probably one of the pitiful name callers who insisted on calling John Key 'Donkey' or 'Smile and wave' for the entire time he was National leader / PM.

The Left have shown just how peurile and disingenuous they are by a decade of incessant name calling and constant references to 'the debt' during National's last term in government, only to forget completely about 'the debt' from about the same moment as Labour took office.

You can't take any moral high ground. Calling someone 'Donkey' as a term of derision is about as juvenile as it gets.

17-11-2021, 02:28 PM
Par for the course, another bad reputation notification has been sent to me from BlackPeter.

Have you run out yet, or did you get a special allocation?

Just read my comment related to the post in question - your description of Mr Littles health is absolutely irrelevant and quite sickening. Is this what you are?

Kick the ball and not the player ... and politicians are humans with feelings as well.

Always think about how you would like to be treated in his position.

17-11-2021, 02:42 PM
Calm down BlackPeter, you were probably one of the pitiful name callers who insisted on calling John Key 'Donkey' or 'Smile and wave' for the entire time he was National leader / PM.

The Left have shown just how peurile and disingenuous they are by a decade of incessant name calling and constant references to 'the debt' during National's last term in government, only to forget completely about 'the debt' from about the same moment as Labour took office.

You can't take any moral high ground. Calling someone 'Donkey' as a term of derision is about as juvenile as it gets.

Show me where I called anybody donkey or shut up. You are spreading misinformation and actually - quite obvious lies. Tells us a lot about you.

Related to my political affiliation do I have to disappoint you - I used to (mainly) support the Key government, even if we know with the benefit of hindsight that they made some pretty grave mistakes costing the taxpayers billions (South Canterbury Finance was one of them). I.e. yes, I admit, I was not always right in supporting them :p; You need to pick your other rant throwing lies and dirt against liberals and conservatives. Sorry.

Clearly - your research skills suck, otherwise you would have known that.

The only politician I remember where I referred to name calling was the previous POTUS. ... and hey, he deserved it and nothing I called him had not been already tested before in court - i.e. always had the defence of truth.

So - you are spreading falsehoods and I caught you. Anybody with a thread of decency would now apologize. What about you, Logen Ninefingers?

Logen Ninefingers
17-11-2021, 03:05 PM
Show me where I called anybody donkey or shut up. You are spreading misinformation and actually - quite obvious lies. Tells us a lot about you.

Related to my political affiliation do I have to disappoint you - I used to (mainly) support the Key government, even if we know with the benefit of hindsight that they made some pretty grave mistakes costing the taxpayers billions (South Canterbury Finance was one of them). I.e. yes, I admit, I was not always right in supporting them :p; You need to pick your other rant throwing lies and dirt against liberals and conservatives. Sorry.

Clearly - your research skills suck, otherwise you would have known that.

The only politician I remember where I referred to name calling was the previous POTUS. ... and hey, he deserved it and nothing I called him had not been already tested before in court - i.e. always had the defence of truth.

So - you are spreading falsehoods and I caught you. Anybody with a thread of decency would now apologize. What about you, Logen Ninefingers?

No, I don't go around doing research on who said what. You are taking umbrage at people saying things about our marxist Labour government and Ministers, and I am pointing out that someone was behind the constant on-line references to 'Donkey' and 'Smile and wave' plus 'the debt' & since you seem to be a Lefty I've lumped you in with the movement.

If you support the Left and vote Labour then you need to recognise that you support ever increasing socialism to the point where the system as we know it eventually collapses and is replaced by anarchy and then totalitarianism. That is the road we are on. It is an act of treachery against our current individual freedoms and private ownership. Therefore I feel I have nothing to apologise for.

17-11-2021, 03:36 PM
Just read my comment related to the post in question - your description of Mr Littles health is absolutely irrelevant and quite sickening. Is this what you are?

Kick the ball and not the player ... and politicians are humans with feelings as well.

Always think about how you would like to be treated in his position.

Two get well cards despatched, one for Mr Liddle, and one for myself!

17-11-2021, 04:04 PM
No, I don't go around doing research on who said what. You are taking umbrage at people saying things about our marxist Labour government and Ministers, and I am pointing out that someone was behind the constant on-line references to 'Donkey' and 'Smile and wave' plus 'the debt' & since you seem to be a Lefty I've lumped you in with the movement.

If you support the Left and vote Labour then you need to recognise that you support ever increasing socialism to the point where the system as we know it eventually collapses and is replaced by anarchy and then totalitarianism. That is the road we are on. It is an act of treachery against our current individual freedoms and private ownership. Therefore I feel I have nothing to apologise for.

Well, so you make up stories about your fellow posters.

When asked for evidence you say you can't be bothered to provide that.

Whatever political direction you support - you don't seem to have any decency and you are clearly quite frugal with the truth.

Logen Ninefingers
17-11-2021, 04:39 PM
Well, so you make up stories about your fellow posters.

When asked for evidence you say you can't be bothered to provide that.

Whatever political direction you support - you don't seem to have any decency and you are clearly quite frugal with the truth.

Do you understand what the word 'probably' means?

17-11-2021, 04:42 PM
Do you understand what the word 'probably' means?

Trump did that a lot - "I heard, but it could be wrong, but xxx"
Quite effective at spreading a false story.

Just saying - not saying you spread false stories or anything.

17-11-2021, 04:43 PM
No, I don't go around doing research on who said what. You are taking umbrage at people saying things about our marxist Labour government and Ministers, and I am pointing out that someone was behind the constant on-line references to 'Donkey' and 'Smile and wave' plus 'the debt' & since you seem to be a Lefty I've lumped you in with the movement.

Cry more..

Here's a fun fact. In 2011 John was almost a one term PM. National has no one near as charmasmatic this time (and labour as bad as cunliffe etc)

17-11-2021, 04:47 PM
Hahaha. My son is at the end of his electrican apprenticeship. He will rise to roughly $50k here in NZ when he does finish it. Or he can go and work in the mines in Aussie on a 3 weeks on 3 weeks off contract, earning A$130k base salary with a potential $40-70k top up in overtime. The "lower rents", "higher minimum pay" & "better jobless rate" in NZ are not really going to have any say in his decision.
I know of a few twenty somethings who are working for higher Aussie salaries with the intent to be able to afford a NZ house with a decent deposit when they return. Makes it tougher I guess for those who need to/want to stay in NZ with its lower salary rates.

17-11-2021, 07:36 PM
So Cindy has also given up on the requirement for 90% vaccination rate before moving to the traffic system.

Whatever happened to her ‘short & sharp, go early & go hard’ COVID strategy now that Aucklanders are into their ‘short & blunt, go early & go softer’ 4th month lockdown?

NZ’s COVID Queen must be trying on her indoctrinated devotees with her new ‘short & hard, go late & go sharp’ traffic light strategy?

Clueless - just like everything she does.

17-11-2021, 08:22 PM
For once we recently got Labour & National agreeing on a piece of legislation that may actually help with increased supply of housing through intensification. I thought that was a great move.
But then we get NIMBY stuff like this stopping development nearing it's completion https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/remuera-neighbours-halt-nearly-finished-apartments/WUF4SI2ZN6P72XO5KJY4MM3OII/


"He even cited the Government's intensification moves on Auckland to allow more houses on sites here in the case whose respondents included developers 44 Ventnor.

"I recognise that there will be prejudice to 44 Ventnor and disappointment to the council that a proposal for a more intensive use of a large site in a residential zone in Auckland is being held up when there is a strong policy impetus in the National Policy Statement - Urban Development and the Auckland Unitary Plan for more intensive development in residential zones," he said.

The decision was also issued at a time when the Government was looking to enable even greater intensification of certain residential areas than that currently provided for in the National Policy Statement, the judge noted.

The irony was not lost on him."

17-11-2021, 08:36 PM
For once we recently got Labour & National agreeing on a piece of legislation that may actually help with increased supply of housing through intensification. I thought that was a great move.
But then we get NIMBY stuff like this stopping development nearing it's completion https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/remuera-neighbours-halt-nearly-finished-apartments/WUF4SI2ZN6P72XO5KJY4MM3OII/


"He even cited the Government's intensification moves on Auckland to allow more houses on sites here in the case whose respondents included developers 44 Ventnor.

"I recognise that there will be prejudice to 44 Ventnor and disappointment to the council that a proposal for a more intensive use of a large site in a residential zone in Auckland is being held up when there is a strong policy impetus in the National Policy Statement - Urban Development and the Auckland Unitary Plan for more intensive development in residential zones," he said.

The decision was also issued at a time when the Government was looking to enable even greater intensification of certain residential areas than that currently provided for in the National Policy Statement, the judge noted.

The irony was not lost on him."

The ACC is fighting ng tooth & nail with the government on the further intensification however, even while it sneaked approval through on the 13 unit development!


17-11-2021, 08:40 PM
The ACC is fighting ng tooth & nail with the government on the further intensification however, even while it sneaked approval through on the 13 unit development!


I don't know what the answer is but NZ needs better use of our land. I just don't think we should ever get to a stage where a development is nearing completion and is then taking down through court action !
Will not make developers very pleased.

17-11-2021, 08:41 PM

Hospital system already getting overwhelmed - but Liddle & the COVID Queen say NZ healthcare system is in good shape after 4 years of Clueless Cindy.

Who do you believe?

17-11-2021, 08:45 PM
For once we recently got Labour & National agreeing on a piece of legislation that may actually help with increased supply of housing through intensification. I thought that was a great move.
But then we get NIMBY stuff like this stopping development nearing it's completion https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/remuera-neighbours-halt-nearly-finished-apartments/WUF4SI2ZN6P72XO5KJY4MM3OII/


"He even cited the Government's intensification moves on Auckland to allow more houses on sites here in the case whose respondents included developers 44 Ventnor.

"I recognise that there will be prejudice to 44 Ventnor and disappointment to the council that a proposal for a more intensive use of a large site in a residential zone in Auckland is being held up when there is a strong policy impetus in the National Policy Statement - Urban Development and the Auckland Unitary Plan for more intensive development in residential zones," he said.

The decision was also issued at a time when the Government was looking to enable even greater intensification of certain residential areas than that currently provided for in the National Policy Statement, the judge noted.

The irony was not lost on him."
I can understand the nimbys completely. While the NZ fiscal and investment environment ends up leading households to priorities investment in residential property, it is understandable that households will want to protect the value of their investment in residential real estate, from activity or development that may devalue it.

I don't imagine that property owners who stand to make windfall gains, as opposed to detriment, from the intensification rule changes will be complaining.

17-11-2021, 08:48 PM
Building standards should go way up here.

We're not singapore, so if density happens it should be with quality and spacious housing.

Logen Ninefingers
18-11-2021, 06:33 AM
Building standards should go way up here.

We're not singapore, so if density happens it should be with quality and spacious housing.

Because Labour have done absolutely nothing about addressing the housing affordability crisis, unfortunately slum housing will be a big part of NZ’s future, and selfish and entitled people need to get over themselves and realise that the word ‘crisis’ just does not do justice to the situation we now find ourselves in. Future generations have had their futures looted from them & there is no way back - but they will have to live somewhere, so slums and shanty towns it will have to be.

18-11-2021, 07:38 AM
Building standards should go way up here.

We're not singapore, so if density happens it should be with quality and spacious housing.

Nothing stopping that happening, now or ever. Just need enough buyers willing to pay the price.

18-11-2021, 08:24 AM
Nothing stopping that happening, now or ever. Just need enough buyers willing to pay the price.

And probably builders with the skills to build them.

18-11-2021, 08:27 AM
And probably builders with the skills to build them.

How do you think countries like Singapore build tens of thousands of dwellings every year with a limited workforce?

Clueless Cindy was going to build 10,000 units a year, remember and it was all going to happen?

Like magic, she promised and she delivered less than 1,000 units in 3 years.

5 years in the planning before she came into power and she stuffed it up big time like everything she does.

18-11-2021, 09:22 AM
Under questioning in Parliament, the ever useless Poto(loo) Williams admitted what everyone with half an ounce of brain has already worked out - a no-eviction policy by Housing NZ.

Disgusting disgusting government with a clueless Cindy in charge - protecting criminals and putting law abiding citizens to the sword.


She said the "sustaining tenancies policy" was introduced by the previous National government, but "expanded on in recent years to ensure the necessary support and resources are in place".

"Disruptive behaviour is not addressed by evicting tenants onto the streets, but by ensuring there is wraparound support, and if necessary, to relocate tenants."

Can you show where she made this directive or is it in your imagination?
In parliament today it was stated that the policy derives from Nationals time (Amy Adams set out the expectations in 2017).

It seems that there have been no evictions in the last 3 years but 159 households have been moved in the last year for anti-social behaviour concerns.
Moving the problem around maybe?

If you read the link you posted re the man selling his house you would see KO say it is an internal policy "Kāinga Ora denies there is any Government directive but admits evictions are a last resort reserved for "extreme" cases."

Do you suffer from some on line version of palilalia? :)


18-11-2021, 09:45 AM
Surely electors are reflecting on the wonderful diversity of the government, competence is not valued anymore.

We've even got Damien O'Connor at peace with his 'gaggle of gays'

18-11-2021, 10:30 AM
Surely electors are reflecting on the wonderful diversity of the government, competence is not valued anymore.

We've even got Damien O'Connor at peace with his 'gaggle of gays'

Reflecting? We are rushing for the exits, eyeing David Seymour on the way out.....

18-11-2021, 10:45 AM
Negative reputation score from BlackPeter. Thanks.
Just a Jacinda cheerleader I suspect having trouble justifying the BS.

18-11-2021, 10:47 AM
See what's in store as this 'wonderful diversity' finds its way into the boardroom?

Argosy property group board meeting 2025.

Chairman addresses the meeting.

I say, isn't it time we evicted Kainga Ora for non payment of $15M rent?

Newly elected board member Poto Williams rises to her feet, shouting "you can't do that you racist colonist"!

18-11-2021, 11:08 AM
Negative reputation score from BlackPeter. Thanks.
Just a Jacinda cheerleader I suspect having trouble justifying the BS.

OK - this was my post:

To be fair - not really comparing apples with apples, is it?

Working in remote mines or on oil platforms somewhere in the middle of nowhere was always a much better paid job (and there is a good reason for it - otherwise they would not get anybody prepared to work for them), but there are still lots of people who prefer a family life and some healthy surroundings over the mighty dollar.

You called me "deluded" for above post:

You call this racist country a "heathy family life". Deluded.

... and yes, I gave you negative reputation for name calling.

I am very sorry I didn't gave you enough negative reputation points, apparently the dose was too weak. Please accept my apologies and a top up :p ;

But hey - this is not really about you and me. It would be good if this forum decides whether name calling and unjustified allegations and personal attacks are ok or not.

If the readers of this forum would like to be called deluded by BDL because he does not like your personal views, then please go to his post above and give him positive reputation for calling another poster deluded for disagreeing with his quite narrow political views.

However - if you would like to be in a forum where posters are able to politely express their opinions and kick the ball instead of the player ... then it would be appropriate to show him that above behaviour is not ok. If this is you, go to BDL's post (as above) and give him negative reputation.

It is up to you how this forum will develop - reputation points are just one tool for all of us to normalise the way we want to see each other treated.

Shape the discussion forum you would like to have ...

18-11-2021, 11:49 AM
So under this government, gangs can do whatever they like and the Police can and will do nothing.

Another directive from the Maori cabal in her caucus?

This is what Clueless Cindy is leading NZ to - a 'be kind to criminal' society and screw the law abiding citizens.

As long as she gets her Maori votes and gets to stay in power.


"Despite thorough inquiries being conducted, including reviewing CCTV footage, police were unable to identify specific individuals found to be in breach of alert level restrictions," said Waitematā West Police acting Inspector Nick Poland.

"At this stage, no charges have been laid or infringements issued."

A member of the public reported "complete carnage" on Friday, October 1, as patched gang members accompanying a hearse in Henderson were seen doing burnouts on motorbikes.

18-11-2021, 11:58 AM
So under this government, gangs can do whatever they like and the Police can and will do nothing.


A member of the public reported "complete carnage" on Friday, October 1, as patched gang members accompanying a hearse in Henderson were seen doing burnouts on motorbikes.

It's the traditional, cultural way of showing respect for the deceased!

18-11-2021, 12:07 PM
It's the traditional, cultural way of showing respect for the deceased!

Indeed it is - all approved & sanctioned by Clueless Cindy of course via a directive from Poto (loo) Williams.

18-11-2021, 12:22 PM
What's the chances of you and I recklessly riding our Harleys with impunity under the eye of the police?

I've been told that the traffic section in Hastings have had discussions of ticketing whiteys, but not darkies prior to going on duty.

18-11-2021, 12:51 PM
And another bad reputation from BlackPeter.
Thanks! :scared:
You can be the "hurt my feelings" police on here.
Jacinda will give you a job. :D

Logen Ninefingers
18-11-2021, 01:18 PM
And another bad reputation from BlackPeter.
Thanks! :scared:
You can be the "hurt my feelings" police on here.
Jacinda will give you a job. :D

Did you get a waspish comment with yours? Yet the guy is a Lefty who wants ever-increasing socialism for NZ.....the bare-faced cheek to criticise someone else: absolutely shameless!!

18-11-2021, 01:38 PM
And probably builders with the skills to build them.

Quite a few tradies on the sofa waiting for supplies. Some of our orders have supply date end January, but not guaranteed. Meanwhile, Australia has a massive shortage of skilled workers. Some tradies in my family are considering a move, easy as lots of rellies over there already, and they don't like what's happening here on several fronts..

18-11-2021, 02:14 PM
Quite a few tradies on the sofa waiting for supplies. Some of our orders have supply date end January, but not guaranteed. Meanwhile, Australia has a massive shortage of skilled workers. Some tradies in my family are considering a move, easy as lots of rellies over there already, and they don't like what's happening here on several fronts..

Supplies is a problem for all building whereas my point was really that not all builders had the skills for more intensive builds.

18-11-2021, 02:31 PM
Supplies is a problem for all building whereas my point was really that not all builders had the skills for more intensive builds.

So how does Singapore build tens of thousands of homes each year with very limited resources and skills?

Answer is actually very very simple. Only the clueless cannot see it.

fungus pudding
18-11-2021, 02:49 PM
So how does Singapore build tens of thousands of homes each year with very limited resources and skills?

Answer is actually very very simple. Only the clueless cannot see it.

Would you compare the average NZ size house to a Singapore dwelling? Thought not. I wouldn't either.

greater fool
18-11-2021, 03:34 PM


18-11-2021, 03:42 PM
Would you compare the average NZ size house to a Singapore dwelling? Thought not. I wouldn't either.

And what's the problem with Singapore home size? All I see around me here are people who complain they can't buy a house, yet the minimum they want is 4 bedroom. Why? To store the crap they buy and don't use.

You want to solve housing crisis. Flood the market with solidly built middle sized apartment buildings, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Give FHBs what they need, cheap starter homes.

18-11-2021, 04:11 PM
And what's the problem with Singapore home size? All I see around me here are people who complain they can't buy a house, yet the minimum they want is 4 bedroom. Why? To store the crap they buy and don't use.

You want to solve housing crisis. Flood the market with solidly built middle sized apartment buildings, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Give FHBs what they need, cheap starter homes.

All we hear is average home, average price, average wage. All of those are choices, some choose better than average, some not. Average wage might be a bit different, so reframe it as average household income and it looks different. Add a working partner, some skills, extra hours, second job, a boarder or two and that average wage no longer looks relevant. It is going to take a while to save a deposit so use that elapsed time to increase household income. Or not.

18-11-2021, 04:21 PM
All we hear is average home, average price, average wage. All of those are choices, some choose better than average, some not. Average wage might be a bit different, so reframe it as average household income and it looks different. Add a working partner, some skills, extra hours, second job, a boarder or two and that average wage no longer looks relevant. It is going to take a while to save a deposit so use that elapsed time to increase household income. Or not.

Good point - half the homes are 'below average', half the prices are 'below average' and half the wages are 'above average'.

fungus pudding
18-11-2021, 04:22 PM
And what's the problem with Singapore home size? All I see around me here are people who complain they can't buy a house, yet the minimum they want is 4 bedroom. Why? To store the crap they buy and don't use.

I didn't know there was a problem.

18-11-2021, 04:22 PM
Would you compare the average NZ size house to a Singapore dwelling? Thought not. I wouldn't either.

Yes, I would.

Come up to Auckland and see what kind of dwellings people are paying $1m+ now for.

Around the corner from me, a block of 3 bedroom 3 storey terrace houses went for $1.35m+! Total area of dwelling is 85 sq meters.

In contrast, a 4 bedroom unit in Singapore sells for around $500,000 all the way up to $900,000.

fungus pudding
18-11-2021, 04:33 PM
Yes, I would.

Come up to Auckland and see what kind of dwellings people are paying $1m+ now for.

Around the corner from me, a block of 3 bedroom 3 storey terrace houses went for $1.35m+! Total area of dwelling is 85 sq meters.

In contrast, a 4 bedroom unit in Singapore sells for around $500,000 all the way up to $900,000.

You couldn't pay me enough to live in Singapore though.

18-11-2021, 04:39 PM
You couldn't pay me enough to live in Singapore though.

The issue being discussed of course is how Singapore can build tens of thousands of affordable homes each year for its citizens.

Nevertheless, to your point, there are a lot of expats there who are living the good life.

Two of my ex-colleagues returned back to NZ last year after working there for over 15 years and they absolutely loved it - clean modern efficient city with all the conveniences and great holiday destinations all within a plane flight or a car drive away.

Plus, Singapore would not want someone like you - that's for sure!

fungus pudding
18-11-2021, 04:44 PM
A lot of expats there who are living the good life.

Two of my ex-colleagues returned back to NZ last year after working there for over 15 years and they absolutely loved it - clean modern efficient city with all the conveniences and great holiday destinations all within a plane flight or a car drive away.

Plus, Singapore would not want someone like you - that's for sure!

Of course not, but the Singaporeans would.

18-11-2021, 04:56 PM
Meanwhile, in the ‘kindness’ fantasy paradise of clueless Cindy, this is the state of mental health :


Remember the $1.4 billion promised for meatballs health in the first budget of COVID Christmas Cindy?

18-11-2021, 06:26 PM
... and yes, I gave you negative reputation for name calling.

I am very sorry I didn't gave you enough negative reputation points, apparently the dose was too weak. Please accept my apologies and a top up :p ;

But hey - this is not really about you and me. It would be good if this forum decides whether name calling and unjustified allegations and personal attacks are ok or not. NAME CALLING AND UNJUSTIFIED ATTACKS ARE NOT OKAY

If the readers of this forum would like to be called deluded by BDL because he does not like your personal views, then please go to his post above and give him positive reputation for calling another poster deluded for disagreeing with his quite narrow political views.

However - if you would like to be in a forum where posters are able to politely express their opinions and kick the ball instead of the player ... YES, I WOULD

It is up to you how this forum will develop - reputation points are just one tool for all of us to normalise the way we want to see each other treated.

Shape the discussion forum you would like to have ... Yes, you give other people a negative reputation for name calling, but you frequently use name-calling in your posts. Definitely a double standard there. Perhaps you should give yourself a negative reputation when you use name-calling.
Unjustified allegations and personal attacks are not ok and there are several by you just in the last couple of days.

If you took a vote on it I think most people here would not want to read posts full of name calling, but the people who use name-calling think it is okay for them in that particular case and it is justified.

I don't think negative reputations are the right tool to shape the discussion, when I get one I don't know why I got it, it is described as "quite sick," but I don't know why you thought it was sick.

18-11-2021, 06:56 PM
You can tell when COVID Cindy & her government are struggling when they start smearing others with unfounded allegations.


18-11-2021, 06:57 PM
Well, so you make up stories about your fellow posters.

When asked for evidence you say you can't be bothered to provide that.

Whatever political direction you support - you don't seem to have any decency and you are clearly quite frugal with the truth.
Just letting you know BlackPeter that name calling and unjustified allegations and personal attacks are not okay.

18-11-2021, 07:48 PM
You can tell when COVID Cindy & her government are struggling when they start smearing others with unfounded allegations.


That is a bad misstep from Minister Nash. If it is anything like the previous ones, most who see the protest, in person or online, will recognise that many are the nation's

18-11-2021, 07:58 PM
People are coming to realise that NZ has its own groundswell of deplorables.
Which is rather sad (referring to anti-vaxxers).

18-11-2021, 08:09 PM
On the farmers - are they going to pay for the 40+ cancer cases per year from their inability to dispose of wastewater.

Most farmers are brilliant and don't complain but there are 'bad apples' .

18-11-2021, 08:24 PM
So how does Singapore build tens of thousands of homes each year with very limited resources and skills?

Answer is actually very very simple. Only the clueless cannot see it.

By employing nearly 300,000 migrant workers in near slave labour conditions. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58580337


18-11-2021, 09:12 PM
By employing nearly 300,000 migrant workers in near slave labour conditions. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58580337


Must be exceptionally good ‘slave’ conditions as Singapore has no problem attracting hundreds of thousands of migrant workers every year, with hundreds of thousands queuing behind & begging to be allowed to work there!

I wonder why?

18-11-2021, 09:13 PM
People are coming to realise that NZ has its own groundswell of deplorables.
Which is rather sad (referring to anti-vaxxers).

Deplorable indeed when a government protects criminals rather than law abiding citizens.

18-11-2021, 09:28 PM
And so the truth comes out because it was outed in a court document :

McKenzie confirmed there was "absolutely" a policy not to evict antisocial or disruptive clients.


This is a government which empowers and emboldens criminals rather than protect law abiding citizens.

Disgusting, repugnant and totally Clueless Cindy.

18-11-2021, 09:46 PM
Transparent - that’s what the Cindy promised.

Well, she has delivered COVID for Christmas but not transparency :


19-11-2021, 04:18 AM
That is a bad misstep from Minister Nash. If it is anything like the previous ones, most who see the protest, in person or online, will recognise that many are the nation's

I heard him say this in parliament yesterday and thought "you silly silly man". But this seems to have become the only response from Government. Attack the messenger, like Hipkins stupidly did with Murray Bolton, which has backfired badly for the Government.

19-11-2021, 09:46 AM
You couldn't pay me enough to live in Singapore though.

I suppose you never have tried :)?

fungus pudding
19-11-2021, 09:55 AM
I suppose you never have tried :)?

You are right. I haven't lived there. But I've been there a few times - maximum stay was probably a week. Can't wait to get out of the place. Too sterile for this kid. Makes Salt Lake City look exciting.

19-11-2021, 09:56 AM
Couldn't pay me to live in america.

Well maybe in oregon behind a gated community with a tough looking crew to dissuade the "law abiding gun owners".

Sgt Pepper
19-11-2021, 10:07 AM
from todays Herald
"The Government cannot say what it would take for a Kāinga Ora tenant to get kicked out of one of its houses".
Apparently there have been no evictions for Three Years!

fungus pudding
19-11-2021, 10:12 AM
Couldn't pay me to live in america.

Well maybe in oregon behind a gated community with a tough looking crew to dissuade the "law abiding gun owners".

Oregon is a good place not to be. One of the best in fact.

19-11-2021, 10:25 AM
You are right. I haven't lived there. But I've been there a few times - maximum stay was probably a week. Can't wait to get out of the place. Too sterile for this kid. Makes Salt Lake City look exciting.

Not sure about Salt Lake City, but I have been frequently to Singapore and guided by locals. I remember a very green city with amazing plant and animal life and (surprisingly) amazing nature parks and untouched wetlands. I have seen on my hikes over there (in free nature) beautiful birds, monkeys, large reptiles as well as snakes. Singapore has as well a quite nice beach as well as amazing cultural buildings and living quarters. Great orchestra, by the way.

I like the small and larger market places, the ethnic food ... and hey - yes the food in general is amazing over there ... but I guess this is something which might be less appealing to somebody with British roots. Just imagine ... fresh and well prepared food with real taste, no matter whether you like to eat Indian food, Malay food, Chinese food or even European specialities.

Pondering on that last paragraph ... I can now see why you don't like the town :p ;

fungus pudding
19-11-2021, 10:43 AM
Not sure about Salt Lake City, but I have been frequently to Singapore and guided by locals. I remember a very green city with amazing plant and animal life and (surprisingly) amazing nature parks and untouched wetlands. I have seen on my hikes over there (in free nature) beautiful birds, monkeys, large reptiles as well as snakes. Singapore has as well a quite nice beach as well as amazing cultural buildings and living quarters. Great orchestra, by the way.

I like the small and larger market places, the ethnic food ... and hey - yes the food in general is amazing over there ... but I guess this is something which might be less appealing to somebody with British roots. Just imagine ... fresh and well prepared food with real taste, no matter whether you like to eat Indian food, Malay food, Chinese food or even European specialities.

Pondering on that last paragraph ... I can now see why you don't like the town :p ;

I just googled Singapore - sterile for fun. I'm certainly not alone with my thoughts. You'd love Salt Lake City.

19-11-2021, 10:46 AM
I just googled Singapore - sterile for fun. I'm certainly not alone with my thoughts. You'd love Salt Lake City.

You can take a peasant out of a village but you cannot take the village out of a peasant.

19-11-2021, 10:51 AM
I just googled Singapore - sterile for fun. I'm certainly not alone with my thoughts. You'd love Salt Lake City.

Just proves how clueless google is ...

Just kidding - I am obviously referring to the webpage which happened to come up in your search.

But I guess - it probably depends as well on their definition of "fun".

Logen Ninefingers
19-11-2021, 11:15 AM
Meanwhile, in the ‘kindness’ fantasy paradise of clueless Cindy, this is the state of mental health :


Remember the $1.4 billion promised for meatballs health in the first budget of COVID Christmas Cindy?

You can't mention mental health, or 'KiwiBuild', or the housing crisis (tens of thousands livings in motels or worse), or the housing affordability crisis, or the lack of ICU beds.....looks like Cindy only wants a narrow focus on COVID because that is where she can project some purported 'crisis manager' skills. The total and utter failure of the government on all fronts is apparent but off-limits for discussion.

19-11-2021, 11:47 AM
Just proves how clueless google is ...

Just kidding - I am obviously referring to the webpage which happened to come up in your search.

But I guess - it probably depends as well on their definition of "fun".

All comes down to knowing whare are the fun places too.

For that, you need to reply know the place.

Heck, I have met people who think that Thailand is boring!

19-11-2021, 12:11 PM
And so the truth comes out because it was outed in a court document :

McKenzie confirmed there was "absolutely" a policy not to evict antisocial or disruptive clients.


Disgusting, repugnant and totally Clueless Cindy.

And Poto Williams, one of the most useless human beings around, continues to dig herself deeper with denials and inability to answer the simplest of questions - because like Kris Useless Faafoi, she is clueless like her leader.


The Government cannot say what it would take for a Kāinga Ora tenant to get kicked out of one of its houses.

It denies having a hard-line "no eviction" policy despite not evicting any Kāinga Ora tenants in the past three years.

Associate Minister of Housing Poto Williams says evictions do happen in "very rare circumstances" but could not detail what these circumstances would be.

When RNZ put a fairly serious example to her, grievous bodily harm, Williams could not say if this would warrant an eviction.

"It's speculative. You can say a lot of things. I can't judge that because I don't know, that's not a situation I'm aware of. That would probably require a police intervention and a charge of some sort I would have thought."

19-11-2021, 12:24 PM
All comes down to knowing whare are the fun places too.

I thought you were trying to add a bit of Te Reo there for a minute. :eek2:

19-11-2021, 12:39 PM
.... The Government cannot say what it would take for a Kāinga Ora tenant to get kicked out of one of its houses.

It denies having a hard-line "no eviction" policy despite not evicting any Kāinga Ora tenants in the past three years.

Associate Minister of Housing Poto Williams says evictions do happen in "very rare circumstances" but could not detail what these circumstances would be.

When RNZ put a fairly serious example to her, grievous bodily harm, Williams could not say if this would warrant an eviction.

"It's speculative. You can say a lot of things. I can't judge that because I don't know, that's not a situation I'm aware of. That would probably require a police intervention and a charge of some sort I would have thought."

Seems Minister Poto Williams was not aware Kainga Ora had a no eviction policy until Nicola Willis in the House yesterday pointed to evidence given in the Tenancy Tribunal by KO that it is so and the CEO confirmed that today. (Tenancy Tribunal cases 4222149, 4223461 - worth a read unless inclined to the apoplectic.)

19-11-2021, 12:46 PM
Seems Minister Poto Williams was not aware Kainga Ora had a no eviction policy until Nicola Willis in the House yesterday pointed to evidence given in the Tenancy Tribunal by KO that it is so and the CEO confirmed that today. (Tenancy Tribunal cases 4222149, 4223461 - worth a read unless inclined to the apoplectic.)

Thanks Artemis.

Poto is too busy protecting criminals & gangs to get herself properly briefed on Housing NZ matters. Or if she was briefed, she remains clueless just like her leader.

19-11-2021, 12:49 PM
Meanwhile, COVID Santa Cindy delivers an early Christmas gift of COVID to Wellington.


19-11-2021, 01:11 PM
Meanwhile, COVID Santa Cindy delivers an early Christmas gift of COVID to Wellington.


And further.
A good thing - gives people time to get used to it.

Does not matter what I think.

19-11-2021, 02:01 PM
Thanks Artemis.

Poto is too busy protecting criminals & gangs to get herself properly briefed on Housing NZ matters. Or if she was briefed, she remains clueless just like her leader.

Minister Poto Williams will have been briefed. Guaranteed. Probably multiple times. Whether it sunk in, that's a different matter. I would say it has suddenly sunk in now.

19-11-2021, 02:40 PM
I just googled Singapore - sterile for fun. I'm certainly not alone with my thoughts. You'd love Salt Lake City. Perhaps Sicily would be more to your taste? I just googled Auckland - guess what....it is the place where gang mobsters remain untouched by the law.

Another gang procession taking over the streets.

19-11-2021, 04:39 PM
Did you get a waspish comment with yours? Yet the guy is a Lefty who wants ever-increasing socialism for NZ.....the bare-faced cheek to criticise someone else: absolutely shameless!!
Here is the message from BlackPeter when he gave me another bad rep :

"I am sorry I didn't gave you enough. Please accept my apologies."

Give, BlackPeter, not "gave", doesn't make sense.

19-11-2021, 05:10 PM
Meanwhile, COVID Santa Cindy delivers an early Christmas gift of COVID to Wellington.

https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/126731824/covid19-health-authorities-investigating-suspected-case-in-wellington Lets get this show rolling, Auckland has had it to themselves for far too long now.

19-11-2021, 07:35 PM
Self isolation trial - train wreck.


No surprises here - anything to do with the pandemic is shambolic, disorganised and disastrous when it comes to Clueless Cindy & her team of nincompoops.

And they want NZers to trust them with running the country!

19-11-2021, 07:50 PM
I just googled Singapore - sterile for fun. I'm certainly not alone with my thoughts. You'd love Salt Lake City.

Tends to happen when you build an education system with no creativity.

20-11-2021, 10:56 AM
Takeouts from this weekends Newshub Nation, as to why Maori have been slow to, or may not vax;

Low trust of government, no trust of vaccine, and "not high on priority list"

Ok, so you can just sit around and hold the rest of the population to ransom with your inertia, or ignorance?

Many ask me, what's in the vaccine?

My reply, what difference will it make if I tell you, are you a chemist?

I trust they will be equally reticent and distrustful of coming forward for any other taxpayer funded benefit, pension or initiative...

20-11-2021, 02:55 PM
Takeouts from this weekends Newshub Nation, as to why Maori have been slow to, or may not vax;

Low trust of government, no trust of vaccine, and "not high on priority list"

Ok, so you can just sit around and hold the rest of the population to ransom with your inertia, or ignorance?

It is interesting that the average age of Maori is about 26 and the average for Pakeha is 38 so having the lower age bands vaccinated last means that they were behind from the start.
That is, of course, in the past so should be much less of an excuse as time moves on but does explain why their rate is lower (but catching up fast).

2013 figures but I doubt that it has changed lots since then.

21-11-2021, 09:37 AM

21-11-2021, 11:08 AM
Marama Davidson, Greens, given another chance on Q & A to blame 'systemic racism' for slow Maori vax uptake.

Can anybody explain to a dumb bum like me, how that excuse holds anyone coming forward to get something that may save themselves and fellow citizens from death, and get NZ going again?

More talk from Davidson about "a FAIRER COMPASSIONATE system of visiting kaumatua.

Who's living under a rock, me or them?

21-11-2021, 11:57 AM
Marama Davidson, Greens, given another chance on Q & A to blame 'systemic racism' for slow Maori vax uptake.

Can anybody explain to a dumb bum like me, how that excuse holds anyone coming forward to get something that may save themselves and fellow citizens from death, and get NZ going again?

More talk from Davidson about "a FAIRER COMPASSIONATE system of visiting kaumatua.

Who's living under a rock, me or them?

Them. Green Party taken over by radical Maori.
I thought I was "centre left", but if this is the left today, I'm going right next time. David Seymour looks better and better.
We need to sort this Maori/Treaty BS out so we can all move forward. It is like a festering sore on NZ.

21-11-2021, 12:04 PM
Them. Green Party taken over by radical Maori.
I thought I was "centre left", but if this is the left today, I'm going right next time. David Seymour looks better and better.
We need to sort this Maori/Treaty BS out so we can all move forward. It is like a festering sore on NZ.

You are right - the Green party has its issues (some hard left elements as well as entrenched gravy train passengers), but so unfortunately has ACT (gun lovers and lock em up crowd). But hey - lets not forget Labour (can't do anything they promise) and National (unable to pick at least halfway decent MP's).

It is really difficult to find these days a decent political party, but not sure whether moving right would be the best thing to do if you want to save your decency. Too many looneys (antivaxxers, antieverything) undermined a previously decent bunch of conservatives.

Maybe we need to start a new party for the loonies, than some of the existing parties would get electable again.

21-11-2021, 07:45 PM

Trend is clear - National needs to get its act together and it will be goodbye to this racist unethical clueless Labour government led by a Spin Mistress.

21-11-2021, 07:49 PM
National have no friends in parliament other than act.

Combined they have rarely have a majority under MMP elections.

21-11-2021, 08:31 PM
National have no friends in parliament other than act.

Combined they have rarely have a majority under MMP elections.

John Key won 3 elections before the Clueless One was elected firstly on false promises and then, on COVID.

Trend in polls is very clear.

21-11-2021, 09:02 PM
John Key won 3 elections before the Clueless One was elected firstly on false promises and then, on COVID.

Trend in polls is very clear.

That Jacinda is on track for a third term like key.

fungus pudding
21-11-2021, 09:08 PM
John Key won 3 elections before the Clueless One was elected firstly on false promises and then, on COVID.

Trend in polls is very clear.

What is clear is that Collins will never make it. National needs to elect her replacement very soon. It will take a bit of time for the voters to get to know her.

21-11-2021, 09:13 PM
That Jacinda is on track for a third term like key.

LOL - the panic button has already been pushed in the Labour Party. Wonder why?

21-11-2021, 09:14 PM
Not really. Jacinda could shoot someone and not loose any voters currently.

The opposition is simply deplorable right now. Hopefully winston can get back in.

21-11-2021, 09:21 PM
Not really. Jacinda could shoot someone and not loose any voters currently.

The opposition is simply disgraceful. Hopefully winston can get back in

LOL - shoot someone? She does not even dare to front up in Auckland! :D

You obviously have no idea of what is going on in the Labour Party.

21-11-2021, 09:29 PM
Not really. The PM could shoot someone and not loose any voters currently.

The opposition is simply disgraceful. Hopefully winston can get back in Was at a 60th b-day party last night and Cindy was trash talked by all and sundry, the fairy dust has well and truly worn off.

21-11-2021, 09:38 PM
Remove the lockdown factor and it will be back at 48% rather fast.

21-11-2021, 09:51 PM
Remove the lockdown factor and it will be back at 48% rather fast.

Remind the electorate of all the broken promises and she & Labour will be down below 35% in 2023.

Racist policies
Favouring criminals, gangs and anti socials
Housing disaster

22-11-2021, 07:35 AM
Another day and another lie revealed from the one source of truth :

This clueless government treats NZers with contempt (deservedly so with the number of posters on this site parroting the garbage spewing out of their mouths).


A senior official called on Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson to correct a statement about why a major international sailing event was refused entry to managed isolation facilities (MIQ), after he suggested ministers were not involved in the decision.

Amid calls to explain the decision, Robertson, as Sports Minister, issued a statement which appeared to claim that officials within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment had made the decision, independent of the Beehive.

"It's a really cowardly act for someone of Grant's stature to give the bureaucracy such a hospital pass’”

22-11-2021, 08:29 AM

Trend is clear - National needs to get its act together and it will be goodbye to this racist unethical clueless Labour government led by a Spin Mistress.

Doubt National will get ACT together ... more likely the other way around :p;

However - as long as ACT and National are seeking and receiving the support of anti vaxxers, climate change deniers and gun lovers supported by a National policy to appoint MP's without regard to character or leadership skills am I not sure whether they would be a better choice for the country.

Really - at the moment picking between an ACT led government (with National support) and a Labour led government (with Green support) feels like the ancient Greek problem to choose between Scylla and Charybdis. Problems was - no matter which of the mythical sea monsters you picked, both of them tended to crush your boat ...

Oops - did I say "crush"? Probably just a Freudian slip ...

Blue Skies
22-11-2021, 10:02 AM
Here's a link to an extremely informative article on the merits or otherwise of Groundswell's anti Jacinda, anti-govt protest.
Written by a Kiwi who grew up in rural NZ with many of his family working in Dairy, its def well worth a read.

It's a pity this isn't reprinted on the front page of the Herald though I expect now the majority of NZ'ers actually support sentiments expressed in the article.

What is striking is how unlike every other industry over the last 30 years, Farmers have managed to completely exempt themselves from so many regulations until now.

The sense of entitlement is breathtaking.
Agriculture currently make up almost half of all NZ emissions but there is currently zero regulation of agriculture emissions! Zero!

Farmers have somehow managed to get complete exemption from the ETS until 2025 & then at a 95% discount, & they are still complaining!

Intensive agriculture contributes to one third of our rivers being unsafe to swim in at least part of the year. (& the Havelock North water contamination which made 3000 people sick & killed several)

60% of all water used in NZ is for irrigation.

There's been a massive shift towards intensive dairy farming through the use of heavy inputs such as the use of nitrogen fertiliser (increased by over 600% & dairy herd doubled to 6.3 million contributing more emissions than our cars), irrigation & imported feed over the last 30 years.

Many farmers & Federated Farmers recognise the need to move towards more sustainable practices & are working with the govt.
Groundswell seem to represent a small noisy minority resistant to any change, which simply can't continue.


22-11-2021, 10:06 AM
NZ's drinking water is being poisoned in some parts of the south island. Which is ironically where these ineffective protests are taking place.

22-11-2021, 10:14 AM
With Marsden Point refinery converting to an import facility, what better way for comrade Jacinda to ingratiate herself to the Chinese, than offering the balance of space and facilities to them as a south Pacific Naval base?

Forget places like Tonga & Vanuatu, much better infrastructure here.

Who knows, she may score a free railway spur line?

That would gladden Winston's heart...

22-11-2021, 10:15 AM
Whatever happened to Dr Jian yang

22-11-2021, 10:21 AM
Whatever happened to Dr Jian yang

He's teaching Jacinda's troops how to speak Chinese...

22-11-2021, 10:23 AM
Nah that would be for the party he has been a member of for nearly 10 years (other than the CCP).

22-11-2021, 10:25 AM
Nah that would be for the party he has been a member of for nearly 10 years (other than the CCP).

Trust a Panda to see things in black and white... lol

Blue Skies
22-11-2021, 10:44 AM
With Marsden Point refinery converting to an import facility, what better way for comrade Jacinda to ingratiate herself to the Chinese, than offering the balance of space and facilities to them as a south Pacific Naval base?

Forget places like Tonga & Vanuatu, much better infrastructure here.

Who knows, she may score a free railway spur line?

That would gladden Winston's heart...

If you're looking for ties with China, you've so got the wrong party.
No disrespect but even a light scrutiny let alone examining the previous govt's dealings & arrangements should satisfy you.

22-11-2021, 10:57 AM
If you're looking for ties with China, you've so got the wrong party.
No disrespect but even a light scrutiny let alone examining the previous govt's dealings & arrangements should satisfy you.

And what’s wrong with ties with China?

22-11-2021, 11:00 AM
.... Many farmers & Federated Farmers recognise the need to move towards more sustainable practices & are working with the govt.
Groundswell seem to represent a small noisy minority resistant to any change, which simply can't continue. .....

Change is quietly happening. Trees planted. Carbon credits. Landowners making economic decisions, including selling to tree planters.

22-11-2021, 12:31 PM
Change is quietly happening. Trees planted. Carbon credits. Landowners making economic decisions, including selling to tree planters.

Do you think that those who 'marched' are doing that?

22-11-2021, 12:43 PM
Do you think that those who 'marched' are doing that?

I know one farmer from New Plymouth who marched and yes, he is doing all that. He marched to show how cheesed off he and his family are, about the anti-farming stance of Clueless COVID Cindy.

22-11-2021, 01:30 PM
And what’s wrong with ties with China?

At a guess - in your world at least - nothing is wrong with anything as long as National did it and everything is wrong with anything that Labour did or might do.

22-11-2021, 03:29 PM
At a guess - in your world at least - nothing is wrong with anything as long as National did it and everything is wrong with anything that Labour did or might do.

I asked the question and you come back with garbage.

You must have garbage in your mind and love garbage?

22-11-2021, 05:33 PM
The Spin Mistress in action, skirting away from the truth even while she preached 'one source of truth', transparency & accountability to NZers :


When she was asked on rural radio show The Country on September 29 by host Jamie Mackay whether Three Waters was a fait accompli, she couldn’t skate away from the question quickly enough.

Mackay: “Three Waters… is this a done deal, because I note jobs are already being advertised?”

In a clumsy attempt to wash her hands of the problem, Ardern — in the classic Pontius Pilate manoeuvre beloved of cornered politicians everywhere — replied: “Look, the councils are responsible for their own employment and matters in that regard.”

Then — having tacitly admitted that jobs were already being advertised while implying it was nothing to do with her — she ricocheted directly to: “What we have absolutely said is that we do need to respond to, you know, what this all stems from: the 2016 Havelock North drinking water inquiry.”

The Prime Minister’s obvious evasiveness — a full month before council feedback was due — made it clear Three Waters was already a “done deal” and that she knew it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Anyone else notice in recent times how Clueless COVID Cindy's nose is growing longer? Could overshadow her teeth soon at this rate.

22-11-2021, 05:49 PM
National - Ecan butchery allowing pollution and drinking water contamination.
Labour - TW giving too much preference to a race in law.

Labour should have campaigned on it though.

22-11-2021, 06:46 PM
I know one farmer from New Plymouth who marched and yes, he is doing all that. He marched to show how cheesed off he and his family are, about the anti-farming stance of Clueless COVID Cindy.

Gee, you know a lot of people and they all support your clueless nincompoop views.


22-11-2021, 06:53 PM
Gee, you know a lot of people and they all support your clueless nincompoop views.


Better than you indoctrinated devotees supporting the clueless one delivering COVID for Christmas & regurgitating her ‘transparent, go hard and go early, short & sharp, Kiwibuild blah blah blah’ garbage.

Too easy! :t_up:

22-11-2021, 07:47 PM
Spinning Cindy was asked this afternoon about Kainga Ora’s non eviction policy and she sounded like she was going to start crying, wishing she was elsewhere.

This is why:

A terrified elderly couple say they were forced to cower inside their home after their abusive Kāinga Ora neighbours held a Black Power party at which a police officer was allegedly assaulted and a reveller tried to steal a patrol car.

As the party kicked off on Saturday night, police advised the Whangārei couple to stay inside their neighbouring Kāinga Ora property for their own safety.

Patched gang members boozed from hours of drinking allegedly crashed a car outside the property and urinated in their shared driveway while shouting obscenities as officers dealt with the disorder.

Kāinga Ora admits it was aware of the planned gathering but says it was powerless to stop it, instead advising neighbours to call police with any concerns.


The more hell you create, the more priority you are given and the more likely are you to get a house and you can then do whatever you like without fear of eviction.

This is the pro-criminal Cindy policies in action.

23-11-2021, 08:27 AM
Utterly disgusting on so many levels with the authorities saying they are powerless to do anything. It would be a joke if it wasn't so horrific. Has NZ ever had a more inept and incompetent cabinet?

fungus pudding
23-11-2021, 08:36 AM
Utterly disgusting on so many levels with the authorities saying they are powerless to do anything. It would be a joke if it wasn't so horrific. Has NZ ever had a more inept and incompetent cabinet?

Of course. Do you not remember 1974 - Wallace and his mob?

23-11-2021, 08:44 AM
Of course. Do you not remember 1974 - Wallace and his mob?

And along came Muldoon who proceeded to drive NZ into bankruptcy?

fungus pudding
23-11-2021, 08:58 AM
And along came Muldoon who proceeded to drive NZ into bankruptcy?

He did not bankrupt the show, although he certainly was hopeless as a finance minister. In an amazing turn in our history it took Labour's Roger Douglas to modernise our economy and put us on the right path.

23-11-2021, 09:05 AM
Of course. Do you not remember 1974 - Wallace and his mob?

No I wasn't born and only started taking an interest in politics this last year or so

23-11-2021, 09:44 AM
Clueless - 20 months into the pandemic & this Labour government is still all spin & no delivery.

No wonder there have been 3 deaths so far from home self-isolation situations.


Duncan Garner has labelled the Covid home isolation system a "failure" and a "multi-agency trainwreck" in an honest account of his experience.

"I have not seen a doctor, nurse, or a health professional the entire time I've been sick, which is close on two weeks now," he wrote in an opinion column for business publication NBR.

He criticises the home isolation policy, and explains the system is flawed, arguing people travelling who are double vaccinated and healthy are able to stay in an MIQ facility while others are left to isolate at home without the same level of care.

fungus pudding
23-11-2021, 10:12 AM
No I wasn't born and only started taking an interest in politics this last year or so

Fair enough. 'Wallace' was Bill Rowling who became Prime Minister after David Lange died while holding office as P.M.

23-11-2021, 11:19 AM
Fair enough. 'Wallace' was Bill Rowling who became Prime Minister after David Lange died while holding office as P.M.
Neither of these people died while in office .

23-11-2021, 11:21 AM
Fair enough. 'Wallace' was Bill Rowling who became Prime Minister after David Lange died while holding office as P.M.

Ya What??
Unusual for you. Blood sugar low before morning tea?

23-11-2021, 11:43 AM
Fair enough. 'Wallace' was Bill Rowling who became Prime Minister after David Lange died while holding office as P.M.

Neither of these people died while in office .

Seems to be some confusion on who was whom.
From the Labour Party wiki

Third Government (1972–1975)

Kirk proved an energetic Prime Minister and introduced a number of new policies. His foreign-policy stances included strong criticism of nuclear-weapons testing and of South Africa's apartheid system. However, Kirk suffered from poor health, worsened by his refusal to slow the pace of his work. In 1974 Kirk was taken ill and died. Bill Rowling replaced him, but did not have the same electoral appeal – in the 1975 election, Labour lost to the National Party, then led by Robert Muldoon.[46]
Party logo from the mid-1960s until the early 1990s

Rowling remained the leader of the Labour Party for some time after his defeat. In the 1978 election and the 1981 election Labour won a larger share of the vote than National but failed to win an equivalent number of seats. Rowling himself was compared[by whom?] unfavourably to Muldoon, and did not cope well with Muldoon's aggressive style. In 1983 Rowling was replaced as parliamentary leader by David Lange, whom the parliamentary caucus perceived as more charismatic. In the snap election of 1984, Labour defeated the National Party.

fungus pudding
23-11-2021, 11:46 AM
Neither of these people died while in office .

Sorry - not Lange - meant Norman Kirk, the pigeon shooter.

fungus pudding
23-11-2021, 11:51 AM
Ya What??
Unusual for you. Blood sugar low before morning tea?

It is unusual. The only other time I was wrong was the day I thought I'd made a mistake, then found out I hadn't.

23-11-2021, 11:56 AM
In the midst of a shortage of doctors, nurses and midwives of any race, Labour intend to establish a separate Maori Health authority, its proponents pushing the Maori by Maori line.

Some years ago, part of Hawkes Bay DHB funding went to fund such an operation in Central HB. to provide a bit of good old kaupapa Maori.
Patients would drive to a clinic in Otane to see their professional of choice, but alas, there were none.
Instead they were placed in a mini bus, and transported to Hastings, to the Doctors, staffed by South African Doctors, who took on the public as patients without referral.
The driver and minibus would then be waiting till the visit was over, before returning 38km to Otane.
Some patients would have come from Te Aute, Te Hauke, which meant they were backtracking 10/12km each way past their own homes, Others who lived in Waipawa, Waipukurau had driven 5 or 13 km away from @ 7 resident GP doctors in their own towns.

What an unnecessary step, time delay, extra overheads paid by the taxpayer, for no better health outcome.
Maybe a few extra kioras and nga mihis.

Are we in for more of the same?

Maori by Maori?

Yeah, right!

23-11-2021, 03:50 PM
Gee, you know a lot of people and they all support your clueless nincompoop views.


Better than you indoctrinated devotees supporting the clueless one delivering COVID for Christmas & regurgitating her ‘transparent, go hard and go early, short & sharp, Kiwibuild blah blah blah’ garbage.

Too easy! :t_up:

Is this the kindergarten thread? Is there a thread for grown ups as well? I mean a thread where people discuss politics instead of calling each other names?

23-11-2021, 05:21 PM
Is this the kindergarten thread? Is there a thread for grown ups as well? I mean a thread where people discuss politics instead of calling each other names?

Name-calling seems to de rigueur at the moment in some circles - following Trump. Call someone a name to shut them down.

23-11-2021, 07:02 PM
Clueless Cindy in action.

She says one thing but MOH says another.

All from the one source of truth! :t_up:


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Covid-19 Minister Chris Hipkins both say venues requiring Covid-19 vaccine passes will be able to check them visually instead of using an official app if they wish to.

But the Ministry of Health’s website for the verifier app disagreed, saying vaccine passes would need to be scanned to “allow entry”.

24-11-2021, 09:38 AM
More being kind.

Story in todays Herald, a Canterbury tenant was awarded $1000, because along with another couple of minor matters, the landlord had not given him a garage door remote for @ 6 months.

Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicator J Greene said; " being without a remote is inconvenient to say the least"

The poor tenant, who looks in his 20's!!

I've managed such inconvenience for all my life, what about you ?

I never knew I was so under privileged!

Glad I've sold my rentals though...

fungus pudding
24-11-2021, 09:55 AM
More being kind.

Story in todays Herald, a Canterbury tenant was awarded $1000, because along with another couple of minor matters, the landlord had not given him a garage door remote for @ 6 months.

Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicator J Greene said; " being without a remote is inconvenient to say the least"

The poor tenant, who looks in his 20's!!

I've managed such inconvenience for all my life, what about you ?

I never knew I was so under priviledged!

Glad I've sold my rentals though...

Me too. A lot of residential tenants are fine, probably the majority, but the wrong ones will drive you to an early grave, or maybe to drink - if you afford it after they haven't paid the rent.

24-11-2021, 10:09 AM
A litigation lawyer's dream but absolute disaster for people living next door to these criminal & anti-social Kainga Orakei tenants.

Listen to the interview and hear the horrendous stories.

What is happening with these unfortunate people is what is going to happen to NZ as a country with the race-based & naive ivory tower policies of this government.

Clueless Cindy = protecting criminals & breeding beneficiaries.

https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/early-edition/audio/adina-thorn-litigation-lawyer-on-kainga-oras-no-evictions-policy-needing-to-endA litigation lawyer says she's been inundated with stories from neighbours of Kainga Ora tenants.

Associate Housing Minister Poto Williams says she's had discussions with the state housing provider about looking at its process around evictions.

No state tenants have been kicked out since the start of 2018.

Lawyer Adina Thorn told Kate Hawkesby the no evictions policy has to end.

“This isn’t going around, evicting lots of people across New Zealand. It is putting deterrence's in place in state houses where we’ve got anti-social tenants.”

24-11-2021, 10:36 AM
I bet the staff & management of Orangutan are pleased its Kangaroo that's copping all the media attention for a change!

Be careful, it's a jungle out there!


24-11-2021, 10:59 AM
I bet the staff & management of Orangutan are pleased its Kangaroo that's copping all the media attention for a change!

Be careful, it's a jungle out there!

Indeed it is under this government’s pro criminal policies.

Another example of KO’s tenant subjected to terror - drive by shooting. It’s obvious that gangs & criminals are being housed by KO to have innocent tenants being mistakedly shot at.


A Kāinga Ora contractor seen at the property told the Herald they were repairing the building before the next tenants moved in.

24-11-2021, 11:17 AM
And meanwhile, taxpayers foot the bill - KO being ordered to pay compensation to affected neighbours.

Criminals win, taxpayers lose.


Clueless Cindy = protecting criminals & breeding beneficiaries.

24-11-2021, 11:36 AM
More being kind.

Story in todays Herald, a Canterbury tenant was awarded $1000, because along with another couple of minor matters, the landlord had not given him a garage door remote for @ 6 months.

Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicator J Greene said; " being without a remote is inconvenient to say the least"

The poor tenant, who looks in his 20's!!

I've managed such inconvenience for all my life, what about you ?

I never knew I was so under priviledged!

Glad I've sold my rentals though...

Not sure what this has to do with Labour?
You need to read the actual judgement - more to it than a remote.
The media love these sorts of stories - they get reactions.

24-11-2021, 11:50 AM
Not sure what this has to do with Labour?
You need to read the actual judgement - more to it than a remote.
The media love these sorts of stories - they get reactions.

I'm the new face of poverty, thats what.

I mean to say, no garage remote, how will I ever cope?

And no manhole cover in the ceiling, heck, cant I find a spare towel or blanket to stuff over it in the meantime.

Such hardship, such new world problems!

BTW, got a spare $1000 you can give me?

24-11-2021, 12:02 PM
If it was advertised with a remote the landlord should have gotten off their arse and given them a remote, they had 6 months.

24-11-2021, 12:03 PM
I'm the new face of poverty, thats what.

I mean to say, no garage remote, how will I ever cope?

And no manhole cover in the ceiling, heck, cant I find a spare towel or blanket to stuff over it in the meantime.

Such hardship, such new world problems!

BTW, got a spare $1000 you can give me?

If that was the only issue addressed with the payment then I'd agree with you.
Is it the sum total of the issue?

6 months isn't 'in the meantime'.
Maybe the landlord should have worked a bit harder on the timing front.
I have read the media report and the judgements many times and they often have a sparse relationship.

24-11-2021, 12:07 PM
If that was the only issue addressed with the payment then I'd agree with you.
Is it the sum total of the issue?

6 months isn't 'in the meantime'.
Maybe the landlord should have worked a bit harder on the timing front.
I have read the media report and the judgements many times and they often have a sparse relationship.

Most tenants like a "sparse" relationship, they don't want the landlord hanging around all the time.

24-11-2021, 12:56 PM
[QUOTE=Getty;927334]More being kind.

Story in todays Herald, a Canterbury tenant was awarded $1000, because along with another couple of minor matters, the landlord had not given him a garage door remote for @ 6 months.

Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicator J Greene said; " being without a remote is inconvenient to say the least"

The poor tenant, who looks in his 20's!!

I've managed such inconvenience for all my life, what about you ?

I never knew I was so under privileged!

Glad I've sold my rentals though...[/QUOTE

More landlords will view such judgements, and consider other anti enterprise measures Jacinda's punitive regime have introduced, and decide its time to reduce exposure to, or exit the market to cash out on the back of high prices caused by back firing policies, & escape future tax grabs.

Who will that benefit?

Not those that can't live without a garage remote, that's for sure!

Bill Smith
24-11-2021, 01:35 PM
[QUOTE=Getty;927390][QUOTE=Getty;927334]More being kind.

Story in todays Herald, a Canterbury tenant was awarded $1000, because along with another couple of minor matters, the landlord had not given him a garage door remote for @ 6 months.

Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicator J Greene said; " being without a remote is inconvenient to say the least"

The poor tenant, who looks in his 20's!!

I've managed such inconvenience for all my life, what about you ?

I never knew I was so under privileged!

Glad I've sold my rentals though...[/QUOTE

More landlords will view such judgements, and consider other anti enterprise measures Jacinda's punitive regime have introduced, and decide its time to reduce exposure to, or exit the market to cash out on the back of high prices caused by back firing policies, & escape future tax grabs.

Well Luke Dyer from Rangiora, best you buy a house for your family as every PM and landlord in Canterbury will have made a mental note that you are not going to be their tenant.

24-11-2021, 02:06 PM
More landlords will view such judgements, and consider other anti enterprise measures Jacinda's punitive regime have introduced, and decide its time to reduce exposure to, or exit the market to cash out on the back of high prices caused by back firing policies, & escape future tax grabs.

Well Luke Dyer from Rangiora, best you buy a house for your family as every PM and landlord in Canterbury will have made a mental note that you are not going to be their tenant.

Interesting to see what, if anything, happens with the new application for a rent reduction. Their earlier application for this was dismissed as their case was not made. The adjudicator at the Tenancy Tribunal declined to order tenant name suppression (as requested) or reimbursement of the filing fee as the tenant's case mainly failed. It is not that common to see criticism of a tenant applicant as in this case.

fungus pudding
24-11-2021, 02:20 PM
Not sure what this has to do with Labour?
You need to read the actual judgement - more to it than a remote.

So why not post it !


24-11-2021, 04:33 PM
[QUOTE=Getty;927390][QUOTE=Getty;927334]More being kind.

Story in todays Herald, a Canterbury tenant was awarded $1000, because along with another couple of minor matters, the landlord had not given him a garage door remote for @ 6 months.

Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicator J Greene said; " being without a remote is inconvenient to say the least"

The poor tenant, who looks in his 20's!!

I've managed such inconvenience for all my life, what about you ?

I never knew I was so under privileged!

Glad I've sold my rentals though...[/QUOTE

More landlords will view such judgements, and consider other anti enterprise measures Jacinda's punitive regime have introduced, and decide its time to reduce exposure to, or exit the market to cash out on the back of high prices caused by back firing policies, & escape future tax grabs.

Well Luke Dyer from Rangiora, best you buy a house for your family as every PM and landlord in Canterbury will have made a mental note that you are not going to be their tenant.

Excellent, the less miserable, penny pinching landlords the better, they make the rest of us decent ones look terrible.

You are not a god merely because you are a landlord. Unbelievable attitudes. The level of entitlement and perceived superiority some of you appear to have over young people and/or renters is disgusting.

24-11-2021, 04:54 PM
[QUOTE=Bill Smith;927401][QUOTE=Getty;927390]

Excellent, the less miserable, penny pinching landlords the better, they make the rest of us decent ones look terrible.

You are not a god merely because you are a landlord. Unbelievable attitudes. The level of entitlement and perceived superiority some of you appear to have over young people and/or renters is disgusting.

Agree with you.

It is inexcusable to not give a tenant a remote garage opener for 6 months. It’s not that difficult or complicated!

24-11-2021, 05:29 PM
So why not post it !


[QUOTE=Entrep;927436][QUOTE=Bill Smith;927401]

Agree with you.

It is inexcusable to not give a tenant a remote garage opener for 6 months. It’s not that difficult or complicated!

Maybe people should deal with facts.
The order is here - simple to find and public record

The $1k was not for the remote - it was for

Patrick South and Jecasta South must pay Luke Allan Dyer and Paayal Preetika
$1,000.00 immediately, as compensation for delayed building and landscaping
matters and for breaches of the tenants’ quiet enjoyment

Much of what the tenant applied for wasn't given - the tenant didn't prove all their case (often happens).

The landlord was further ordered to complete the following
Patrick South and Jecasta South must complete the following work within 14
days of the date of this order. If they fail to do so they must pay Luke Allan Dyer
and Paayal Preetika $300.00 immediately after the expiry of the 14-day period. If
they fail to make that payment Luke Allan Dyer and Paayal Preetika are
authorised to complete the work and charge it to Patrick South and Jecasta
 Repair the ranch slider door frame
 Install a lock (or provide a key to the existing lock) that enables the garage
side door to be locked from the outside.

Read the order then decide if it is reasonable, on balance, or not - don't just rely on a newspaper report (any landlord will tell you that they feel these are generally biased, the bias, though, depends on the narrative the paper is trying to give).

I still can't work out what this has to do with Labour but I may have missed some part of the thread?

fungus pudding
24-11-2021, 06:56 PM

Maybe people should deal with facts.
The order is here - simple to find and public record

The $1k was not for the remote - it was for

Much of what the tenant applied for wasn't given - the tenant didn't prove all their case (often happens).

Read the order then decide if it is reasonable, on balance, or not - don't just rely on a newspaper report (any landlord will tell you that they feel these are generally biased, the bias, though, depends on the narrative the paper is trying to give).

I still can't work out what this has to do with Labour but I may have missed some part of the thread?
It doesn't have anything to do with Labour.

fungus pudding
24-11-2021, 06:58 PM

Maybe people should deal with facts.
The order is here - simple to find and public record

The $1k was not for the remote - it was for

Much of what the tenant applied for wasn't given - the tenant didn't prove all their case (often happens).

Read the order then decide if it is reasonable, on balance, or not - don't just rely on a newspaper report (any landlord will tell you that they feel these are generally biased, the bias, though, depends on the narrative the paper is trying to give).

I still can't work out what this has to do with Labour but I may have missed some part of the thread?

It doesn't have anything to do with Labour.

24-11-2021, 08:49 PM
Maybe people should deal with facts.
The order is here - simple to find and public record

The $1k was not for the remote - it was for

Much of what the tenant applied for wasn't given - the tenant didn't prove all their case (often happens).

Read the order then decide if it is reasonable, on balance, or not - don't just rely on a newspaper report (any landlord will tell you that they feel these are generally biased, the bias, though, depends on the narrative the paper is trying to give).

I still can't work out what this has to do with Labour but I may have missed some part of the thread?

It's all a bit remote.

You are Labouring the point.

What position do you hold in the Labour party dobby?

Office bearer, advisor, or?

25-11-2021, 08:46 AM
It's all a bit remote.

You are Labouring the point.

What position do you hold in the Labour party dobby?

Office bearer, advisor, or?

Been covered before - not a Labour party member, never have been. Hold no position in the party and don't know anyone who does.
I don't even attend any local campaign meetings during election time.
In short - I have no association with the Govt or the Labour party.

I was just giving the facts in this, nothing more and nothing less.
The facts may not match the narrative you seem to be trying to create but that isn't my fault.

Logen Ninefingers
25-11-2021, 10:51 AM
Been covered before - not a Labour party member, never have been. Hold no position in the party and don't know anyone who does.
I don't even attend any local campaign meetings during election time.
In short - I have no association with the Govt or the Labour party.

I was just giving the facts in this, nothing more and nothing less.
The facts may not match the narrative you seem to be trying to create but that isn't my fault.

Are you a union official or a tribal elder?

25-11-2021, 10:59 AM
Someone who can identify how strong the economy is without national in.

fungus pudding
25-11-2021, 11:05 AM
Someone who can identify how strong the economy is without national in.

Is that supposed to mean something?

Logen Ninefingers
25-11-2021, 11:05 AM
Someone who can identify how strong the economy is without national in.

Well this government is currently borrowing around $1 Billion a week. Pretty obvious as to their recipe for a so-called 'strong economy'.

25-11-2021, 11:12 AM
Sorta like "Bill" english.

We keep hold of our assets this time which is rather nice.

Logen Ninefingers
25-11-2021, 11:32 AM
Sorta like "Bill" english.

We keep hold of our assets this time which is rather nice.

Classic whataboutism. Borrowing 'very bad' under National, but is fine under Labour.

We still have our assets. 51% ownership means they stay under government control. I know you are yearning for the sting of a communist dictators lash though so of course you won't see things the way I do.

25-11-2021, 11:50 AM
It was a response to you, I don't think borrowing is bad depending on the interest rate.

0.5-1% under labour to 3% under National.. one is more of an issue.