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Logen Ninefingers
25-11-2021, 11:51 AM
It was a response to you, I don't think borrowing is bad depending on the interest rate.

0.5-1% under labour to 3% under National.. one is more of an issue.

Yiou do understand interest rates can go up I take it?

25-11-2021, 11:53 AM
A NZ govt bonds interest rate is fixed for 10 or even 30 years.

Logen Ninefingers
25-11-2021, 11:59 AM
A NZ govt bonds interest rate is fixed for 10 or even 30 years.

No worries then, they should really pin the ears back and go for it. You want the hated system to collapse and no doubt so does the former president of the international union of socialist youth, so burying us undr debt should help speed up the process.

25-11-2021, 12:02 PM
Will you priase labour for the strong economy we have seen lately?

25-11-2021, 12:15 PM
No worries then, they should really pin the ears back and go for it. You want the hated system to collapse and no doubt so does the former president of the international union of socialist youth, so burying us undr debt should help speed up the process.

Do you realise how stupid your posts sound?

fungus pudding
25-11-2021, 12:16 PM
It was a response to you, I don't think borrowing is bad depending on the interest rate.

0.5-1% under labour to 3% under National.. one is more of an issue.

Who is that response to? It's close to impossible to follow posts that are not attributed.

fungus pudding
25-11-2021, 12:18 PM
It was a response to you, I don't think borrowing is bad depending on the interest rate.

Who is 'you' ? You should post properly - or not at all.

25-11-2021, 12:46 PM
Are you a union official or a tribal elder?

Are you?
I'm neither!

25-11-2021, 01:46 PM
Who is 'you' ? You should post properly - or not at all.

I'll call your public skype number and tell you how about that. ;)

fungus pudding
25-11-2021, 01:58 PM
I'll call your public skype number and tell you how about that. ;)

That makes less sense than your previous effort. Try writing a sentence.

25-11-2021, 02:01 PM
That makes less sense than your previous effort. Try writing a sentence.

I think that poster has no idea why their posts are nonsensical.

Hint to poster - there's this thing called Reply With Quote. Works like a charm.

25-11-2021, 02:16 PM
I will try to take the grammar police's recommendations on board in future.

26-11-2021, 08:12 AM
Clueless Cindy loves her lockdowns (short & sharp, she said) but more women are going to pay the price with CANCER for her incompetent management of the outbreak:


The number of young women receiving first smear tests has almost halved during Covid, with experts fearing a spike in preventable cervical cancer among a new generation of wāhine Māori and Pasifika, unless immediate steps are taken.

Overall, around 30,000 fewer smear tests were done in the year to October 2020 alone, with figures taking another dive during the nationwide lockdown in August this year.

26-11-2021, 11:44 AM

Official - COVID response a shambles under Clueless Cindy.

Report was prepared in September but only released now as it’s convenient with National’s problems deflecting from just what a bunch of nincompoops Cindy & her ministers are.

27-11-2021, 07:49 AM
Yep, Jacinda was right about short and sharp.

She has sharply left NZ short!

27-11-2021, 10:20 AM
Our national debt was $58 Billion in 2019.

It has now in excess of $130 Billion.

Absolutely staggering. 'Prudent ficsal manager' Grant Robertson has managed to add $72 Billion in under 2 years.

Even after the GFC and the Christhcurch / Kaikoura earthquakes we never saw borrowing on such a colossal scale.

That $72 billion = 24% of GDP!

So this reckless 'Borrow & Hope' government has 'bought' less than 6.5% GDP growth over that period while saddling NZ with 124% increase in debt.

And the deaf & dumb braindead Labour supporters are shouting : "But the economy is doing so well!"

Any nincompoop throwing money as this clueless government has been doing can generate GDP growth.

27-11-2021, 10:44 AM
Our national debt was $58 Billion in 2019.

It has now in excess of $130 Billion.

Minus NZ super fund $60b then kiwisaver @ $60b.

27-11-2021, 10:58 AM
Minus NZ super fund $60b then kiwisaver @ $60b.

Try telling us how much NZ Super Fund actually increase over that same period as debt increased $72 billion.

Likewise, Kiwisaver which of course belongs to the people - not the government or Crown.

Dumb mathematics as per usual from an indoctrinated COVID Cindy devotee.

1+1 = 11 is how Clueless Cindy calculates her borrow, spend & hope economic strategy.

27-11-2021, 11:02 AM
Our national debt was $58 Billion in 2019.

Our net debt was only $5b in 2008.

Bill increased it by 800% while doing a tax reform which resulted in a deficit too.

27-11-2021, 11:05 AM
Our net debt was only $5b in 2008.

Bill increased it by 800% while doing a tax reform which resulted in a deficit too.


Back to the old garbage of deflecting from just how Clueless Cindy & her nincompoops really are.

Try answering :

Try telling us how much NZ Super Fund actually increase over that same period as debt increased $72 billion.

Likewise, Kiwisaver which of course belongs to the people - not the government or Crown.

You really are not very smart, are you?

27-11-2021, 11:10 AM
NZ housing wealth has increased alot though I doubt you want to see taxes on that.

Not really interested in fixing problems are you. Not a single idea/solution offered.

27-11-2021, 11:11 AM

Dumb mathematics as per usual from an indoctrinated COVID Cindy devotee.

Sometimes I wonder what you plan to achieve with your name calling?

I guess while one can recognise nasty bullies by their liberal use of revolting terms for others, and while some of these bullies make their way through to the top of the National party in NZ or the GoP in the US ... it still does not mean that this is acceptable behaviour. As well, we just saw one of these bullies crashing. Felt good.

What is in it for you in behaving consistently as nasty as Trump or Collins? Are you a secret fan? Maybe a closet admirer of Trump?

Any chance you could revert to playing the ball instead of kicking others? Your language is childish, but still just revolting.

27-11-2021, 11:13 AM
This Labour gov't is so unreliable on everything. Yeah, Jacinda should just resign.


27-11-2021, 11:16 AM
NZ housing wealth has increased alot though I doubt you want to see taxes on that.

Not really interested in fixing problems are you. Not a single idea/solution offered.

And it’s a case of one failed excuse after another failed excuse, and yet another from you.

Just try answering the question of how much NZ Super has increased over the same period debt increased by $72 billion. Since you are the one indoctrinated enough to bring it up.

27-11-2021, 11:20 AM
Sometimes I wonder what you plan to achieve with your name calling?

I guess while one can recognise nasty bullies by their liberal use of revolting terms for others, and while some of these bullies make their way through to the top of the National party in NZ or the GoP in the US ... it still does not mean that this is acceptable behaviour. As well, we just saw one of these bullies crashing. Felt good.

What is in it for you in behaving consistently as nasty as Trump or Collins? Are you a secret fan? Maybe a closet admirer of Trump?

Any chance you could revert to playing the ball instead of kicking others? Your language is childish, but still just revolting.

I call it as I see it.

Only indoctrinated COVID Cindy devotees would come out with the lame excuses they regularly come up with and there’s none as pathetic and lame as some of those on this site.

27-11-2021, 11:21 AM
This Labour gov't is so unreliable on everything. Yeah, Jacinda should just resign.


They are doing all this for the first time, and yes, they make a lot of mistakes (like most humans when they do something for the first time). I agree as well, some of their mistakes could have been avoided using a bit more analysis instead of applying too much populism.

Not sure however about your proposed solution. What alternative would you offer? National is not even able to manage and behave itself - how would they run a country while playing their internal "Games of Thrones"?

As long as our opposition is a heap of power hungry and self-serving narcissists without regard to the well being of the country, Jacinda might be the best person we have to run our country. Better be kind to her :p;

27-11-2021, 11:23 AM
I call it as I see it.

Only indoctrinated COVID Cindy devotees would come out with the lame excuses they regularly come up with and there’s none as pathetic and lame as some of those on this site.

Well, I don't know. I just notice that you start to demonstrate more and more of the same traits we both found despicable when we used to appraise Donald Trump.

Did you notice that as well ... or is your sight in that direction somewhat impaired?

27-11-2021, 11:28 AM
Is it you, Donald?

You are happy to suffer fools.

I don’t and I don’t have to as you seem to need to.

27-11-2021, 11:40 AM
You are happy to suffer fools.

I don’t and I don’t have to as you seem to need to.

I wise man once said all people are fools for most of the time. This is true as well for you and me :):

I guess the trick is to learn to live with this reality and balance risks and opportunities accordingly.

If you are in need for a lunch and the alternative is either getting beans from a neighbor or going hungry, than it might not be the wisest thing to complain in the most colourful language that you don't like beans and that you hate the neighbor anyway.

Better do something positive with your life ... grow potatoes!

27-11-2021, 11:59 AM
I wise man once said all people are fools for most of the time. This is true as well for you and me :):

I guess the trick is to learn to live with this reality and balance risks and opportunities accordingly.

If you are in need for a lunch and the alternative is either getting beans from a neighbor or going hungry, than it might not be the wisest thing to complain in the most colourful language that you don't like beans and that you hate the neighbor anyway.

Better do something positive with your life ... grow potatoes!

One thing I have observed over the years is that if one suffers fools too easily & often enough, one becomes the fool.

In life, always give yourself the option of being able to tell anyone to ‘get fxxked’ or ‘drop dead’.

28-11-2021, 08:57 AM
Harrowing stories from people suffering because of Clueless Cindy’s no eviction policy :


This is the result when you get a clueless and pro-criminal government.

But for the publicity, these people would be still hopelessly
& totally helpless as this government cares more about the criminals than they do law abiding citizens, especially the most vulnerable elderly. .

28-11-2021, 09:02 AM
This is what a pro criminal government brings to NZ - shootings, gangs roaming free and law abiding citizens getting caught in the cross fire, Poto (loo) Williams preferring gangs to be armed than the police:


In the last few months gang tensions and violent incidents have been escalating with police being ordered to carry firearms on at least one occasion.

28-11-2021, 10:12 AM
Since 2018 numbers in jail at any one time have reduced by 3000.

Kelvin and Poto want you to believe that is an achievement.

When in fact it is attained by early release, churning the crims faster.

What does that lead to?

3000 more rebels creating mayhem in the community, and crims in general knowing if they get sentenced to a lag, it will turn out way shorter than prescribed, hahaha.

Little saving to the taxpayer, many of the 3000 were double bunked anyway, but the social cost?
Go and ask your local dairy owner if you have any doubts.

28-11-2021, 10:18 AM
One thing I have observed over the years is that if one suffers fools too easily & often enough, one becomes the fool.

In life, always give yourself the option of being able to tell anyone to ‘get fxxked’ or ‘drop dead’.

One of the things that makes you an ineffective advocate for the right is that you not only give yourself that option - but seem to exercise it as a default.

28-11-2021, 12:17 PM
One of the things that makes you an ineffective advocate for the right is that you not only give yourself that option - but seem to exercise it as a default.

You are free to suffer fools and in your line of work, I guess you have no choice but to do so.

The world is a better place for people like you and I mean that sincerely.

Me? I put myself through university working 3 jobs at the same time and even when I had a full time job, I still worked several nights behind the bar until I had enough savings to buy our first home.

So I have earned the right to tell those who try to make fools out of us to 'F off".

28-11-2021, 12:23 PM
One thing I have observed over the years is that if one suffers fools too easily & often enough, one becomes the fool.

Guess you've suffered a fair few fools in your life then.

In life, always give yourself the option of being able to tell anyone to ‘get fxxked’ or ‘drop dead’.

Don't tempt us.

28-11-2021, 12:24 PM
COVID for Christmas Cindy delivers her early Xmas gift of the virus to Hawkes Bay.


At this rate, I may have to reconsider that she is not all spin and no delivery!

28-11-2021, 12:25 PM
Definitely seems to have worked for you.

Don't tempt us.

And where has voting Labour over the years got you?

I have never avail myself of any welfare unlike some of those who regularly and monotonously vote Labour, the Party of Beneficiaries Breeding.

So yes, I have the right to say 'Drop Dead'.

28-11-2021, 12:28 PM
Not quite fast enough on the "edit" button, were you Balance.

Speaks volumes about the kind of human being you are.

I have never availed myself of any welfare unlike some of those who regularly and monotonously vote Labour.

So 'F Off'.

28-11-2021, 12:32 PM
Not quite fast enough on the "edit" button, were you Balance.

Speaks volumes about the kind of human being you are.


I decided to be 'kind' like Clueless Cindy implores us to. :t_up::D

Did think about her advice about 'going hard and short' but given how miserably that has failed, I thought the better of it. :scared:

fungus pudding
28-11-2021, 12:32 PM
Not quite fast enough on the "edit" button, were you Balance.

Speaks volumes about the kind of human being you are.


Another one of you weird posts for mindreaders - I hope it's not for me. I'm too tired to F -off.

28-11-2021, 12:38 PM
Another one of you weird posts for mindreaders

The intelligent people knew exactly what my post meant.

I hope it's not for me. I'm too tired to F -off.

If the shoe fits, feel free to wear it.

28-11-2021, 12:40 PM
You wouldn't recognise kindness if it jumped up and bit you on the arse.

No need for a reply - you are now back on ignore.

I decided to be 'kind' like Clueless Cindy implores us to. :t_up::D

28-11-2021, 04:28 PM
Harrowing stories from people suffering because of Clueless Cindy’s no eviction policy :


This is the result when you get a clueless and pro-criminal government.

But for the publicity, these people would be still hopelessly
& totally helpless as this government cares more about the criminals than they do law abiding citizens, especially the most vulnerable elderly. .
People who constantly point out deficiencies in others see themselves as problem free. What they fail to recognize is that they have big unaddressed problems too and that focusing on the other is an unconscious defense mechanism put into place precisely to take the attention away from the threatening aspects of their own life situations.

28-11-2021, 04:29 PM
This is what a pro criminal government brings to NZ - shootings, gangs roaming free and law abiding citizens getting caught in the cross fire, Poto (loo) Williams preferring gangs to be armed than the police:


In the last few months gang tensions and violent incidents have been escalating with police being ordered to carry firearms on at least one occasion.Constantly pointing out deficiencies in others is an abusive power play. But it’s actually about shifting the focus. By acting as the judge, the jury, the godlike figure, these critical people make themselves invisible players in those underlying relationship dynamics.

And they make themselves the arbiters of ethics and morality, the arbiters of which behaviors are functional and which are dysfunctional, which are normal and which are abnormal, which are acceptable and which are unacceptable.

28-11-2021, 06:46 PM
People who constantly point out deficiencies in others see themselves as problem free. What they fail to recognize is that they have big unaddressed problems too and that focusing on the other is an unconscious defense mechanism put into place precisely to take the attention away from the threatening aspects of their own life situations.

No, we don't.

But what we are discussing here is politics and how (in this case, how badly) a government is doing its job.

Imagine having a 'no eviction' policy & allowing anti-social & criminal tenants to ruin the lives of law abiding citizens! And after a huge election undertaking of promising 10,000 new homes a year, delivering less than 1,000 in 3 years!

According to you, the Opposition under our Westminster system of government will always see itself as problem free?

What unadulterated garbage.

28-11-2021, 06:47 PM
You wouldn't recognise kindness if it jumped up and bit you on the arse.

No need for a reply - you are now back on ignore.

Thank goodness for that!

You can always tell when justakiwi gets cabin fever.

29-11-2021, 08:12 AM
Short & sharp, she said.


100 days later, billions of dollars more debt and thousands of small businesses closing shop, she wants NZers to believe she is NOT clueless?

29-11-2021, 09:02 AM
Short & sharp, she said.


100 days later, billions of dollars more debt and thousands of small businesses closing shop, she wants NZers to believe she is NOT clueless?

Well lets face it - you are not one bit better in predicting the future than her, you are just louder and using uglier words ...

Does this mean you are clueless as well?

29-11-2021, 09:05 AM
Well lets face it - you are not one bit better in predicting the future than her, you are just louder and using uglier words ...

Does this mean you are clueless as well?

I am not elected and paid to make the right decisions for 5 million NZers, am I?

And I do not have the unlimited resources (tens of billions of dollars spent so far, and hundreds of millions $ on consultants) of the state to help me make those decisions.

Is that not a leader's role and should a leader NOT be judged based upon their decisions?

Do you really have such low expectations of a leader?

Which part of the above do you not understand?

Clueless is as clueless does.

29-11-2021, 09:30 AM
I am not elected and paid to make the right decisions for 5 million NZers, am I?

And I do not have the unlimited resources (tens of billions of dollars spent so far, and hundreds of millions $ on consultants) of the state to help me make those decisions.

Is that not a leader's role and should a leader NOT be judged based upon their decisions?

Which part of the above do you not understand?

Clueless is as clueless does.

So - you are saying we paying our politicians to be soothsayers? That's an interesting concept ... it never occurred to me that we only need to hire somebody omniscient to solve all our problems. Quite easy solution: God for PM and all is good. Only problem is - depending on your believes, there is only zero, one, three or some other very small number of omniscient beings around, and they (if they exist) seem to have a quite funny sense of humour given that they must have created us to do things they neither expected nor like ...

OK - but seriously - I am surprised that you don't understand the behaviour of highly complex chaotic systems ...

I am as well surprised that you don't seem to understand the concept of uncertainty. How does this work for you as investor?

The best we can hope for and expect our leaders to do to make the best possible decisions given a high degree of uncertainty.

Anybody with a little bit of working grey matter between their ears knows that it is not possible to make long term predictions in chaotic systems ... and I am afraid this is what we are dealing with.

29-11-2021, 09:45 AM
So - you are saying we paying our politicians to be soothsayers? That's an interesting concept ... it never occurred to me that we only need to hire somebody omniscient to solve all our problems. Quite easy solution: God for PM and all is good. Only problem is - depending on your believes, there is only zero, one, three or some other very small number of omniscient beings around, and they (if they exist) seem to have a quite funny sense of humour given that they must have created us to do things they neither expected nor like ...

OK - but seriously - I am surprised that you don't understand the behaviour of highly complex chaotic systems ...

I am as well surprised that you don't seem to understand the concept of uncertainty. How does this work for you as investor?

The best we can hope for and expect our leaders to do to make the best possible decisions given a high degree of uncertainty.

Anybody with a little bit of working grey matter between their ears knows that it is not possible to make long term predictions in chaotic systems ... and I am afraid this is what we are dealing with.

Yup, anyone with any brain cells knows Cindy is clueless.

With COVID, Cindy decided NZ's best strategy is to learn from the experiences of other countries and adapt. Worked well in the first year and did she not received accolades & praise from all and sundry.

Along came delta and as Sir Brian Roche highlighted in his report, Cindy was caught (despite having plenty of time and unlimited resources) unprepared.

She knew only one thing 'lockdown' as a strategy and the short & sharp has become long & blunt.

It is not about prediction - it is about preparedness and adaptability. This means a leader has to be on the ball and is not clueless.


Sir Brian Roche warned lockdown tolerance was waning, the vaccine rollout was failing Māori and MIQ was causing social and economic harm, a document dump released on Friday shows.

The esteemed advisor also told the Government the "current outbreak has revealed the very poor level of preparedness of hospitals.

29-11-2021, 10:00 AM
Self-isolation deaths preventable but when you have Clueless Cindy in charge, it's inevitable.


A report into the deaths of two Auckland Covid patients' in home-isolation has found they were "potentially preventable".

An independent review panel released its findings today on the two deaths in Auckland that happened within days of each other earlier this month.

Both people were self-isolating and living alone at the time of their death - one person in Mt Eden and the other in Manukau.

The review concluded: "The panel also considered both deaths were potentially preventable and there were missed opportunities contributing to the outcome."

29-11-2021, 10:40 AM
Another day, another shooting thanks to the pro-criminal policies of Clueless Cindy.


29-11-2021, 10:59 AM
Another day, another shooting thanks to the pro-criminal policies of Clueless Cindy.


Looks like another Kangaroo house.

Poto's portfolios are always in the news.

She knows how to grab a headline, that girl.

29-11-2021, 11:15 AM
Looks like another Kangaroo house.

Poto's portfolios are always in the news.

She knows how to grab a headline, that girl.


One dead, two police officers injured.

To be expected when gangs & criminals know this government is on their side.

Remember this?


Poto Williams does not trust police to be armed

She prefers criminals & gangs (especially Maori gangs) to be armed instead.

29-11-2021, 11:22 AM

One dead, two police officers injured.

To be expected when gangs & criminals know this government is on their side.

Remember this?


Poto Williams does not trust police to be armed

She prefers criminals & gangs (especially Maori gangs) to be armed instead.

Willie obviously said to puppet Jacinda at portfolio handout time;

"take Poto, or I will put your pot on"!

29-11-2021, 12:34 PM
Another day, another shooting thanks to the pro-criminal policies of Clueless Cindy.


This has become beyond a joke and certainly way beyond what is acceptable. We also have another police officer in hospital after being run down by a getaway driver. The Police Minister and Commissioner should both resign and move aside for people that are more capable than they are.

29-11-2021, 12:56 PM
This has become beyond a joke and certainly way beyond what is acceptable. We also have another police officer in hospital after being run down by a getaway driver. The Police Minister and Commissioner should both resign and move aside for people that are more capable than they are.

Totally pure speculation, but an explosion, and a fire, and guns, have to wonder if the toaster blew up and set the curtain on fire. And no toast can certainly make some hangry.

Blue Skies
29-11-2021, 02:45 PM
Adern has taken such flak from David Seymour & National (& Hoskings )who would have dismantled MIQ by now plus opened the border with Australia, just as the rest of the world are closing their borders & reintroducing quarantines in a race against time in response to the new variant Omicron.

How many more times can Seymour & National & Hoskings get it so wrong. Who's looking clueless once again.

fungus pudding
29-11-2021, 03:10 PM
Adern has taken such flak from David Seymour & National (& Hoskings )who would have dismantled MIQ by now plus opened the border with Australia, just as the rest of the world are closing their borders & reintroducing quarantines in a race against time in response to the new variant Omicron.

How many more times can Seymour & National & Hoskings get it so wrong. Who's looking clueless once again.

As far as I am aware not one of the above named suggested that when the borders are opened they will have to remain that way forever more, with no possibility of closing them again one day if circumstances change.

29-11-2021, 03:14 PM
As far as I am aware not one of the above named suggested that when the borders are opened they will have to remain that way forever more, with no possibility of closing them again one day if circumstances change.

And if the short & sharp Jacinda had walked her talk, there would have already been an interim re opening of the economy.

fungus pudding
29-11-2021, 03:16 PM

29-11-2021, 03:25 PM

Can ya believe it?

We've already paid enough to have Orangutan and Kangaroo re branded, without all this Aotearoa nonsense.

Is this more of Poto's good work?

29-11-2021, 04:19 PM
Adern has taken such flak from David Seymour & National (& Hoskings )who would have dismantled MIQ by now plus opened the border with Australia, just as the rest of the world are closing their borders & reintroducing quarantines in a race against time in response to the new variant Omicron.

How many more times can Seymour & National & Hoskings get it so wrong. Who's looking clueless once again.

Desperation stuff from the indoctrinated devotee of Clueless Cindy to try & cover up her failure to contain & for the lack of preparedness for delta variant.

29-11-2021, 04:22 PM
Can ya believe it?

We've already paid enough to have Orangutan and Kangaroo re branded, without all this Aotearoa nonsense.

Is this more of Poto's good work?

$150,000 so gangs can remove NZ from their ugly tattoos to change to Aotearoa?

Definitely the work of the Maori cabal in Clueless Cindy's incompetent government.

Impossible to get a more pro-criminal government than Clueless Cindy’s.

Blue Skies
29-11-2021, 05:38 PM
Desperation stuff from the indoctrinated devotee of Clueless Cindy to try & cover up her failure to contain & for the lack of preparedness for delta variant.

Not at all, I agree there has been a huge shortcomings & failure to use the time we had to prepare, as per Sir Brian Roches damming report.
Some discussion this at least partly down to systemic issues with the MoH, i.e. very conservative and bureaucratic (i.e. slow to respond/not agile enough ) & a stand alone Covid Agency needed, though Hipkins has so far resisted this.
It's interesting the govt set up this Covid Advisory under Sir Brian Roche to critique & suggest improvements to its covid strategy, and is now acting on some of those recommendations.
Probably didn't expect quite such a brutal assessment !

However, on another issue, Seymour & National continually get it wrong, which barely gets a mention, probably because they've been wrong so often, no one takes them seriously anyway.
If we'd implemented half of what they've suggested, we'd be completely screwed to put it bluntly.

29-11-2021, 05:50 PM
Not at all, I agree there has been a huge shortcomings & failure to use the time we had to prepare, as per Sir Brian Roches damming report.
Some discussion this at least partly down to systemic issues with the MoH, i.e. very conservative and bureaucratic (i.e. slow to respond/not agile enough ) & a stand alone Covid Agency needed, though Hipkins has so far resisted this.
It's interesting the govt set up this Covid Advisory under Sir Brian Roche to critique & suggest improvements to its covid strategy, and is now acting on some of those recommendations.
Probably didn't expect quite such a brutal assessment !

However, on another issue, Seymour & National continually get it wrong, which barely gets a mention, probably because they've been wrong so often, no one takes them seriously anyway.
If we'd implemented half of what they've suggested, we'd be completely screwed to put it bluntly.

I don't think it's been a very clever strategy to keep NZ closed for all this time, destroying whole industries like tourism & hospitality. We can not keep an economy or Government's books going by endlessly just printing money. Government has handed out over $6 BILLION dollars to businesses due to lockdowns and no end in sight.
I spoke to a friend in Europe last week who is in the tourism industry and relies on international tourism. His country has never closed their borders, only some restrictions but fully open for fully vaxed since May. His summer season which is now finished, had 70% of the 2019 traffic/revenue which was general through the industry. Constant dribble of COVID infections but no big hospitalisation numbers nor deaths. Contrary to what we're constantly being told in NZ, not everyone in Europe is sick or dying.

29-11-2021, 05:56 PM
However, on another issue, Seymour & National continually get it wrong, which barely gets a mention, probably because they've been wrong so often, no one takes them seriously anyway.
If we'd implemented half of what they've suggested, we'd be completely screwed to put it bluntly.

Yep we could do with a credible opposition.

29-11-2021, 06:31 PM

However, on another issue, Seymour & National continually get it wrong, which barely gets a mention, probably because they've been wrong so often, no one takes them seriously anyway.
If we'd implemented half of what they've suggested, we'd be completely screwed to put it bluntly.

Good point - and this is something we should never forget. It is just not enough to trash the government as long as there is no better alternative available.

I am sure it could have been done much better, but the mixture of Game of Throne players and clowns on the opposition banks didn't so far convey confidence that they have got what it needs to do it better.

But who knows - maybe Shane Reti will tomorrow take the leads, teach them to do the haka and turn them from a bunch of navel gazing and often clueless lone fighters into a clued up high performance team?

Go Shane ... we need a better opposition! New Zealand needs you!

29-11-2021, 06:46 PM
Good point - and this is something we should never forget. It is just not enough to trash the government as long as there is no better alternative available.

Unadulterated garbage again.

But for the vigilance of the Opposition in highlighting the sieve holes which represented quarantine in 2020, NZ would have been in bad shape.

Remember this ?


Then this :


and so on & so forth.

But we all know that the virus escaped still from quarantine because Clueless Cindy allowed flights back from Sydney after the delta outbreak there, and then decided to use her one tool lockdown yet again (sharp & short), failing dismally to contain the virus.

Meanwhile, as articulated by Sir Brian Roche, Cindy left NZ unprepared - she & her Maori cabal were too busy attempting to push through divisive racist policies instead of doing their job of getting NZ ready for a post pandemic world.

29-11-2021, 07:42 PM
$150,000 so gangs can remove NZ from their ugly tattoos to change to Aotearoa?

Definitely the work of the Maori cabal in Clueless Cindy's incompetent government.

Impossible to get a more pro-criminal government than Clueless Cindy’s.

Poto Williams shed crocodile tears today for the 3 policemen injured today. But she prefers criminals to be armed rather than the police.

The kind of violence our police have to face these days due to Clueless Cindy's pro-criminal policies :


"Faced with the shotgun pointed at him from about two metres away, the officer crouched, turned and began to run. Henry fired, the shot hitting his target in the shoulder and arm."

29-11-2021, 08:08 PM
I don't think it's been a very clever strategy to keep NZ closed for all this time, destroying whole industries like tourism & hospitality. We can not keep an economy or Government's books going by endlessly just printing money. Government has handed out over $6 BILLION dollars to businesses due to lockdowns and no end in sight.
I spoke to a friend in Europe last week who is in the tourism industry and relies on international tourism. His country has never closed their borders, only some restrictions but fully open for fully vaxed since May. His summer season which is now finished, had 70% of the 2019 traffic/revenue which was general through the industry. Constant dribble of COVID infections but no big hospitalisation numbers nor deaths. Contrary to what we're constantly being told in NZ, not everyone in Europe is sick or dying.

The death total in Europe reached 4200 a day.


30-11-2021, 12:03 AM
The death total in Europe reached 4200 a day.

This is a typical answer by people like you that have been brainwashed and scared out of your wits. Make sure you don’t leave your house. Like your Leader says, “Covid kills”. Sad !

30-11-2021, 08:38 AM
Unadulterated garbage again.


I am glad you know what you are doing and even classifying the content of your post before you write it :p;

30-11-2021, 09:00 AM
I am glad you know what you are doing and even classifying the content of your post before you write it :p;

Kinda confirms what I had thought for a while - you live in garbage but have gotten used to the stench and maggots so have no idea any more where you are. :t_up:

30-11-2021, 09:02 AM
Right up Poto (loo) Williams’ portfolio - state tenant burning down a state house and shooting at neighbours & police.

Every encouragement she & Clueless Cindy can give to criminals, they will.


30-11-2021, 09:57 AM
Here we go again.

Story in todays Herald business section about how the Kiwifruit Industry may be 6000/6500 workers short this season.

Meanwhile, how much of taxpayers money will Jacinda dole into those areas to keep the able bodied indigenous folk in the lifestyle they 'deserve', during the season.

Willie, minister of employment, may make some noise about opportunity for rangitahi, or will he?

Some other 'leaders' may talk about' poverty', and need for more food banks.

Double whammy of course, as fruit never makes it to overseas markets, for the benefit of NZ.

30-11-2021, 10:28 AM
Here we go again.

Story in todays Herald business section about how the Kiwifruit Industry may be 6000/6500 workers short this season.

Meanwhile, how much of taxpayers money will Jacinda dole into those areas to keep the able bodied indigenous folk in the lifestyle they 'deserve', during the season.

Willie, minister of employment, may make some noise about opportunity for rangitahi, or will he?

Some other 'leaders' may talk about' poverty', and need for more food banks.

Double whammy of course, as fruit never makes it to overseas markets, for the benefit of NZ.

Friend of mine went to the South Auckland vaccination centre yesterday to get his second jab as it's the most convenient for him.

Much to his great surprise, his partner and he received $300 in Park n Save vouchers! And the $150 vouchers (each) are available to ALL who turn up at that centre to get vaccinated.

This is the state of NZ today - a government which lavishes handouts to its voter base.

Is it any wonder none of the beneficiaries want to work?

30-11-2021, 10:31 AM
Everyone has a job already though. Full employment in NZ.

30-11-2021, 10:37 AM
Everyone has a job already though. Full employment in NZ.

There are currently 98,000 unemployed people receiving the benefit in NZ.

30-11-2021, 11:43 AM
This is COVID Cindy in action:


No improvement at all 2 weeks after preventable self-isolation deaths.

30-11-2021, 12:02 PM
Here we go again.

Down the well worn path of racist dog whistle tropes

30-11-2021, 12:08 PM
Is it any wonder none of the beneficiaries want to work?

The wonder is how you know so many beneficiaries. I can't imagine how a mate of John Key and fervent admirer of Lee Kuan Yew has a lot of social contact with beneficiaries or much understanding of their circumstances.

30-11-2021, 12:18 PM
The wonder is how you know so many beneficiaries. I can't imagine how a mate of John Key and fervent admirer of Lee Kuan Yew has a lot of social contact with beneficiaries or much understanding of their circumstances.

Which is why I see through the BS so easily.

Just so you know, I am currently helping a Maori Trust develop a trust property into social housing. Finance has been organised and it’s moving to resource consent & building consent.

You shouldn’t make assumptions so easily.

Have you ever get a kaumatua to exorcise a place of an unsettled Maori spirit so that the residents are then left in peace? If you ever did, you will have a better appreciation of Maori spirituality from Maoris who truly understand and are comfortable & confident with their culture.

30-11-2021, 12:31 PM
Down the well worn path of racist dog whistle tropes

Oh, you again.

The one who loves to accuse others of spouting, yet acts like a spurt, a drip under pressure, yourself.

The one who never answers any question I or others ask, but instead presents more diversion than Ms Adhern at a press conference, more side stepping than a Maori All Black backline

30-11-2021, 06:01 PM
This is NZ and the Labour Party government under Clueless Cindy today :

"The party faction that exerts disproportionate control in Ardern’s government has been hiding in plain sight for some time.

In May, former MP Tau Henare made it clear on TVNZ’s Q&A panel exactly who was calling the tune. Asked by host Jack Tame what he thought about Willie Jackson securing more than a billion dollars in the Budget for Maori initiatives, Henare replied: “At the end of the day, what this says is about [Maori] being around the table — in numbers — so that you can say to your mates: ‘Hey, take it or leave it. We can always leave.’”

Left-wing blogger Martyn Bradbury echoed these sentiments: “It didn’t matter that the Māori Party sat at John Key’s table when John Key owned the table. [But] the Māori Labour caucus reminds Jacinda she owns the table BECAUSE of them.”

The audaciousness of the Three Waters programme makes the heft of the Maori caucus’ power and of its Cabinet allies obvious. One of its principal purposes — and which forms an immoveable bottom line — is to hand 50:50 co-governance to iwi. And, no doubt, the right to extract royalties as well.

He Puapua itself states increased Māori rangatiratanga will require financing and that, “There are multiple streams from which financial contributions might be sourced, including, for example, levies on resource use where Māori have a strong claim to ownership, such as water.”

Auckland QC Gary Judd came to similar conclusions when he analysed the proposed water reforms. In his analysis he wrote: “Councils now own drinking water, wastewater and stormwater assets, directly or indirectly. That will change. Only iwi/Māori will have ownership rights. Directly in some respects, indirectly in others. Local authorities will have none."

Selling NZers down the river in a waka - that's Cindy.

30-11-2021, 06:13 PM
National are no better in this area; see the Marine bill and the constant treaty settlements.

30-11-2021, 06:17 PM
National are no better in this area; see the marine bill and the constant treaty settlements.

No settlements so far under labour.

Ihumatao - using taxpayers funds to overturn private ownership of land & property to appease Maori.

Here's the latest :

Iwi to set up road blocks to stop holiday makers traveling to Northland.


Not a word from Clueless Cindy.

Selling NZers down the river in a waka - that's Cindy.

30-11-2021, 07:59 PM
Ihumatao - using taxpayers funds to overturn private ownership of land & property to appease Maori.

Whanau ora started by national to buy them votes.

01-12-2021, 10:03 AM
Whanau ora started by national to buy them votes.

Garbage as usual from the resident Labour shrill - Whanau Orakei was established as government policy by Helen Clark way back in 2002.

01-12-2021, 10:21 AM
Meanwhile, the government which is extremely happy to spend $65m (and counting) on Pike River to 'bring the boys home' (dead) is unprepared to properly fund the Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse in Care to take care of the tens of thousands of survivors from the abuse:


"The Treasury's Budget 2021 information release shows the commission was under pressure from central government to rein in spending this year."

No votes there for Cindy unlike playing with the emotions of the dead miners' families.

And if you are in the gangs, just put your hand up and you can have as much as you can access from this pro-criminal government.

01-12-2021, 10:42 AM
And true to her spinning form, Cindy is back in Auckland after avoiding the city for almost all of the 100 days+ lockdown.

Suddenly it’s all ok for her not to have to be in Wellington where we will all recall, she considers herself as so very very important to the functioning of the country that she must be in Wellington all the time.

Guess she does not want to be seen in the South Island now that her delivery of COVID for Christmas is accelerating.

01-12-2021, 01:18 PM
If a swarm of vermin invaded the CBD of any city, who would put food out for them?

Chloe Swarbrick on national radio news saying how she is pleased Jacinda is making a new source of supply of food parcels available to the inner city of Auckland homeless.
Seems to be separate to the voucher announcement.

Guess how many more homeless will gravitate to Auckland now?

01-12-2021, 01:30 PM
If a swarm of vermin invaded the CBD of any city, who would put food out for them?

Spare some of your printed money for them.

01-12-2021, 01:33 PM
Spare some of your printed money for them.

I have no choice.

Taxcinda gets to it before I do.

01-12-2021, 01:35 PM
Boris johnson is more of a taxer than Jacinda.

No CGT, no unannounced or unexplained GST increase during her term.

01-12-2021, 01:40 PM
Boris johnson is more of a taxer than Jacinda.

No CGT, no unannounced or unexplained GST increase during her term.

With a name like Boris, he must be a comrade too

01-12-2021, 02:11 PM
Boris johnson is more of a taxer than Jacinda.

No CGT, no unannounced or unexplained GST increase during her term.

Just increases in fuel taxes, tax rate to 39%, non-deductibility of interest on investment properties, extension of bright line test capital gains tax to 10 years and of course, marginal tax creep due to no changes in tax brackets.

What about your whanau ora?

01-12-2021, 02:18 PM
Just increases in fuel taxes, tax rate to 39%, non-deductibility of interest on investment properties, extension of bright line test capital gains tax to 10 years and of course, marginal tax creep due to no changes in tax brackets.

What about your whanau ora?

More than half of those announced before an election so its fine.

01-12-2021, 02:39 PM
Though.. three water reforms wasn't and that is a significant flaw with this govt so far I think.

02-12-2021, 10:09 AM
This is the inevitable result when there is a pro-criminal race based government under Clueless Cindy :


NZ is becoming a gang paradise - with plenty of encouragement from this government.

02-12-2021, 10:19 AM
This is the inevitable result when there is a pro-criminal race based government under Clueless Cindy :


NZ is becoming a gang paradise - with plenty of encouragement from this government.

And the fertile gang environment under Clueless Cindy feeds through not only to crime but to the seriousness of the delta outbreak :


The Ministry of Health's Director of Pacific Health, Gerardine Clifford-Lidstone, told a September 28 select committee hearing that the virus "seems to have seated itself in a gang environment and the homeless". These communities "are less likely to be trusting of the health system," Clifford-Lidstone said.

Just eight cases of Covid-19 were reported in the community that day. Clifford-Lidstone's comments were interesting, but seized on more for the purpose of gang-bashing than for solving the public health crisis.

In reality, they should have been a massive red flag that something was wrong. The daily case count at that stage still reflected people infected under Level 4 conditions. But if the cases that were coming through were in transitional housing and gangs, that might have flagged more widespread, undetected transmission.

Blue Skies
02-12-2021, 10:39 AM
This is the inevitable result when there is a pro-criminal race based government under Clueless Cindy :


NZ is becoming a gang paradise - with plenty of encouragement from this government.

Well over 2,000 people with criminal convictions, gang members, people with raging drug addiction etc, have been deported to NZ due to Scott Morrison & Peter Dutton's populist application of section 501 of the Australian Migration Act.
Many arrive here with nothing more than a few hundred dollars, a suitcase & a criminal conviction.
With no connections to NZ & prospects, little wonder those who were members of gangs in Australia, gravitate to gangs here.

I blame Australia for increasing gang members and violence here.
It is well known, Australian gangs are much more violent than NZ gangs.

02-12-2021, 10:44 AM
Well over 2,000 people with criminal convictions, gang members, people with raging drug addiction etc, have been deported to NZ due to Scott Morrison & Peter Dutton's populist application of section 501 of the Australian Migration Act.
Many arrive here with nothing more than a few hundred dollars, a suitcase & a criminal conviction.
With no connections to NZ & prospects, little wonder those who were members of gangs in Australia, gravitate to gangs here.

I blame Australia for increasing gang members and violence here.
It is well known, Australian gangs are much more violent than NZ gangs.

That's one contributing factor but the greater factor is this pro-criminal & gang government, taking away every deterrent and encouraging gang behavior with its various policies - soft on crime, soft on imprisonment, legitimizing gangs by associating with them and funding them to become more effective gangsters.

02-12-2021, 10:55 AM
That's one contributing factor but the greater factor is this pro-criminal & gang government, taking away every deterrent and encouraging gang behavior with its various policies - soft on crime, soft on imprisonment, legitimizing gangs by associating with them and funding them to become more effective gangsters.

You are right - the latest news about shootouts and gang violence in NZ are not good.

On the other hand - there is no evidence that the remedies you are proposing do help to stem this problem. US is the western country with the highest homicide rate and this despite (or maybe because) of their tough policing (shoot first and ask later) and highest imprisonment rates in the western world.

Gang violence is one of these complex problems which one can't solve applying simple solutions ...

02-12-2021, 10:57 AM

The honesty continues from the pulpit of truth

02-12-2021, 10:58 AM
You are right - the latest news about shootouts and gang violence in NZ are not good.

On the other hand - there is no evidence that the remedies you are proposing do help to stem this problem. US is the western country with the highest homicide rate and this despite (or maybe because) of their tough policing (shoot first and ask later) and highest imprisonment rates in the western world.

Gang violence is one of these complex problems which one can't solve applying simple solutions ...

A good start will be for the government to support the police rather than the gangs.

02-12-2021, 11:00 AM

The honesty continues from the pulpit of truth

Disgusting human beings - hypocrites of the highest order.

02-12-2021, 11:09 AM
A good start will be for the government to support the police rather than the gangs.

Well, yes - ever compared the police budget (more than $2 billion dollars in 2019/20) with the gang support budget (was it a million - which would be 0.05% of above)?

So - you are saying this government supports the gangs instead of the police, do you?

So easy to spout one liners which might sound flash but are absolutely non-sensical, isn't it?

The other thing is - while there are obviously a lot of criminal elements in these gangs, it does not mean that all gangs are criminal connections. Talking and working together with some of them might well be a more intelligent (and efficient) solution than consistently playing whack a mole applying more and more police force without achieving anything.

The law and order mob rarely achieves positive outcomes ...

02-12-2021, 11:20 AM
Well, yes - ever compared the police budget (more than $2 billion dollars in 2019/20) with the gang support budget (was it a million - which would be 0.05% of above)?

So - you are saying this government supports the gangs instead of the police, do you?

So easy to spout one liners which might sound flash but are absolutely non-sensical, isn't it?

The other thing is - while there are obviously a lot of criminal elements in these gangs, it does not mean that all gangs are criminal connections. Talking and working together with some of them might well be a more intelligent (and efficient) solution than consistently playing whack a mole applying more and more police force without achieving anything.

The law and order mob rarely achieves positive outcomes ...

It's in the messaging and there is no question this government actively encourages criminals :

1. Ministers court gangsters and give them credibility & legitimize their organizations of crime.

2. Funds gang activities, even to the extent of providing grants to change tattoos from NZ to Aotearoa. Try explaining that one.

3. Poto (loo) Williams prefers police to be unarmed because she speaks for her South Auckland constituency rather than NZ & the Police.

4. Housing NZ protects anti-social & criminal tenants.

5. Prison is not a deterrent anymore - Labour released prisoners early to reduce prison numbers, recycling criminals back into society.

Is it any wonder crime and gangs are thriving under Clueless Cindy.

Meanwhile, as posted - the public are shamelessly lied to and spun by this government of low integrity & definitely, incompetent.


The honesty continues from the pulpit of truth

02-12-2021, 11:38 AM
From Peter Page, ex Policeman :

I was a Policeman for many years and had a bit to do with gangs.

The first thing I learned was that appeasement does not work.

Gangs see that as weakness which they do not respect. The only way to deal with them is from a position of strength .They are predators looking to prey on those weaker than themselves.

When Labour let’s them live in State houses no matter what they do and gives them 2.5 million for drug rehab they laugh.

The policy makers who are decent people equate gang members as being decent. That is the mistake.

02-12-2021, 11:42 AM
1.4K new police officers thanks for NZ First.

Maybe NZ could reallocate these numbers.. theres not much sense in maintaining a police presence for low crime regions.

02-12-2021, 11:43 AM
It's in the messaging and there is no question this government actively encourages criminals :

1. Ministers court gangsters and give them credibility & legitimize their organizations of crime.

2. Funds gang activities, even to the extent of providing grants to change tattoos from NZ to Aotearoa. Try explaining that one.

3. Poto (loo) Williams prefers police to be unarmed because she speaks for her South Auckland constituency rather than NZ & the Police.

4. Housing NZ protects anti-social & criminal tenants.

5. Prison is not a deterrent anymore - Labour released prisoners early to reduce prison numbers, recycling criminals back into society.

Is it any wonder crime and gangs are thriving under Clueless Cindy.

Again - I am not saying that I agree with all of these things, though some of them are just your interpretations and perceptions, not facts. Little one can do about that.

However your proposed remedies would make things worse (like in the US), not better.

I prefer better.

Just take your third point. US police killed last year nearly 9000 people. Many of them innocent bystanders of a crime, accidental killings and trigger happy cops (like killing an unarmed women in her nighty who called the police for help) or people who didn't constitute any threat to the police at the time of killing.

While I don't support Poto Williams - I do agree with her that regular arming of our police would not make things better for anybody (unless for undertakers and gun shops).

While many of our police are responsible people (who still can make mistakes) - we do have in NZ (not different from other countries) as well some absolute ar*eholes in uniform (and I do know some of them) - no need to give them a weapon and a licence to kill, isn't it?

If we really want to get rid of gun violence - easy: Require all guns to be registered. Make sure that only people with a solid character check are allowed to possess arms and - search all gang quarters on a regular basis and punish anybody keeping illegal weapons severely. This (the searching) is something which probably even our army could do (under police control) - they must have learned something useful in Afghanistan - and would help them to stay up on their toes after mismanaging our MIQ facilities.

No need for normal police to be armed.

02-12-2021, 12:26 PM
1.4K new police officers thanks for NZ First.

Maybe NZ could reallocate these numbers.. theres not much sense in maintaining a police presence for low crime regions.

Latest is that it’s 1800 over 6 years - so average increase of 300 a year. Supposed to be all within the first term of government.

Gang numbers are increasing by 1,000 a year alone without accounting for the increased violence in society - burglaries, robberies, domestic violence, prison violence against officers, housing NZ tenants call-outs and gun violence.

Then, there’s the pro-criminal government.

02-12-2021, 12:58 PM
While many of our police are responsible people (who still can make mistakes) - we do have in NZ (not different from other countries) as well some absolute ar*eholes in uniform (and I do know some of them) - no need to give them a weapon and a licence to kill, isn't it?

If we really want to get rid of gun violence - easy: Require all guns to be registered. Make sure that only people with a solid character check are allowed to possess arms and - search all gang quarters on a regular basis and punish anybody keeping illegal weapons severely. This (the searching) is something which probably even our army could do (under police control) - they must have learned something useful in Afghanistan - and would help them to stay up on their toes after mismanaging our MIQ facilities.

No need for normal police to be armed.

The armed offenders squad is called whenever a weapon is involved or even suspected.

Surely you want a team of specialists on the task.

02-12-2021, 01:08 PM
Again - I am not saying that I agree with all of these things, though some of them are just your interpretations and perceptions, not facts. Little one can do about that.

However your proposed remedies would make things worse (like in the US), not better.

I prefer better.

Just take your third point. US police killed last year nearly 9000 people. Many of them innocent bystanders of a crime, accidental killings and trigger happy cops (like killing an unarmed women in her nighty who called the police for help) or people who didn't constitute any threat to the police at the time of killing.

While I don't support Poto Williams - I do agree with her that regular arming of our police would not make things better for anybody (unless for undertakers and gun shops).

While many of our police are responsible people (who still can make mistakes) - we do have in NZ (not different from other countries) as well some absolute ar*eholes in uniform (and I do know some of them) - no need to give them a weapon and a licence to kill, isn't it?

If we really want to get rid of gun violence - easy: Require all guns to be registered. Make sure that only people with a solid character check are allowed to possess arms and - search all gang quarters on a regular basis and punish anybody keeping illegal weapons severely. This (the searching) is something which probably even our army could do (under police control) - they must have learned something useful in Afghanistan - and would help them to stay up on their toes after mismanaging our MIQ facilities.

No need for normal police to be armed.

Your favourite TV crime series must have been SOFTLY SOFTLY.

02-12-2021, 01:23 PM
Well over 2,000 people with criminal convictions, gang members, people with raging drug addiction etc, have been deported to NZ due to Scott Morrison & Peter Dutton's populist application of section 501 of the Australian Migration Act.

It's a shame they are rescinding citizenship (breach of international law) and dumping their undesirables here.

02-12-2021, 01:35 PM
Maybe we can export brendan tarrant.

It's shameful that they are rescinding citizenship (international law violation?) and dumping their issue here.

No - they are playing it smart while clueless Cindy is dumb.

What was she thinking when she pushed Australia to release the illegal refugees detained on Nauru Island to be dumped to NZ?

The Aussies said fine - you can start by having your undesirables back. :t_up:

02-12-2021, 01:36 PM
Your favourite TV crime series must have been SOFTLY SOFTLY.

I don't watch NZ TV ... only good for people who need to run every 10 minutes to the loo :):

However - I am able to read, understand and interpret statistics. You are clearly not.

02-12-2021, 01:47 PM
I don't watch NZ TV ... only good for people who need to run every 10 minutes to the loo :):

However - I am able to read, understand and interpret statistics. You are clearly not.

No, clearly not.

No one on this site will ever match your high perch BlackPeter.

We are indebted to have you here.

03-12-2021, 09:14 AM
Good summary of Clueless Cindy & her team of incompetents I read today:

‘ ….. a Government that has failed to deliver anything but nice photo-ops and prime ministerial homilies, and a Covid response that is no longer better than average.’

The future beckons, NZers who want a united, functioning and economically strong country, to vote in a real government - not this bunch of socialists failures led by a clueless ‘leader’ who have never held a real job or create jobs and real wealth ever in their taxpayer funded lives.

03-12-2021, 04:52 PM
The Clueless Cindy trying to cover up the spin she received from her army of taxpayers’ funded propaganda and deflection team.

Remember how her government would bring in a refreshing era of transparency & accountability?

Reality is that she was a stale old sow all along.


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s office apparently “overlooked” briefing notes relating to farmer protest group Groundswell NZ, and they may now be made public.

Stuff sent an Official Information Act request to Ardern in July asking for all letters, emails, documents relating to Groundswell NZ.

The Ombudsman's office has now told Stuff that on October 26, the Chief of Staff for the Prime Minister [Raj Nahana] advised that there were some briefing notes provided by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Policy Advisory Group to the Prime Minister that had some relevance to the request, and that these had not been identified in their initial search and were subsequently overlooked when responding to Stuff.

03-12-2021, 06:13 PM
Once again Jacinda stands with China, and not our other traditional allies and democracies.This is dangerous ground standing with a communist dictatorship, while telling the world how kind she is.
China is using NZ as a wedge and we are foolish to be going along with it.


03-12-2021, 06:46 PM
Once again Jacinda stands with China, and not our other traditional allies and democracies.This is dangerous ground standing with a communist dictatorship, while telling the world how kind she is.
China is using NZ as a wedge and we are foolish to be going along with it.

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australia-refuses-to-sign-truce-for-beijing-olympics-as-it-weighs-up-diplomatic-boycott-20211203-p59eh2.html Jacinda is balancing trade with a policy of “integrity” with China, which seems a sensible policy to me. China has not used “economic coercion” with NZ as it has with Australia.

Jacinda said "We do still believe that we have the maturity in our relationship to raise issues that we're concerned about, be it human rights issues, be it labour issues, be it environmental issues," Ardern said. "And it's very important to us that we continue to be able to do that and do that regardless of those trading ties."

“China responded by imposing tariffs on Australian commodities, including wine and barley, and limited imports of Australian beef, coal and grapes - a move the US called "economic coercion".
This has not affected China's ties with New Zealand, however, as both nations upgraded a free trade agreement in January, although NZ united with Australia over China human rights issues.


03-12-2021, 07:00 PM
Jacinda is balancing trade with a policy of “integrity” with China, which seems a sensible policy to me. China has not used “economic coercion” with NZ as it has with Australia.

Jacinda said "We do still believe that we have the maturity in our relationship to raise issues that we're concerned about, be it human rights issues, be it labour issues, be it environmental issues," Ardern said. "And it's very important to us that we continue to be able to do that and do that regardless of those trading ties."

“China responded by imposing tariffs on Australian commodities, including wine and barley, and limited imports of Australian beef, coal and grapes - a move the US called "economic coercion".
This has not affected China's ties with New Zealand, however, as both nations upgraded a free trade agreement in January, although NZ united with Australia over China human rights issues.


"policy of Integrity", and "mature", just words. She is allowing NZ to be walked on and made a fool of while the rest of our allies make a stand. She stands for nothing.

04-12-2021, 01:40 AM
Tonight the US announced a change to their entry rules. They now require all arrivals showing a negative test within 24 hours of flying, used to be 72 hours. Of course NZ is caught off guard or non interested and does not provide an option of 24 hrs. Only 72 hrs, slowest in the World !!
All Australian international airports offer results within 90 minutes.

Hey dobby, panda, JoshuaTree et al, pathetically justifying our crap management, what do you say ? All good. Ooops. Sorry, I should've known the answer. "We have the lowest death rate in the OECD"

What a pathetic country NZ has been turned into !

04-12-2021, 06:30 AM
"policy of Integrity", and "mature", just words. She is allowing NZ to be walked on and made a fool of while the rest of our allies make a stand. She stands for nothing.

Judith put it well --where's our trade deal.

Foreign policy in NZ is bipartisan.

04-12-2021, 06:33 AM
China telling NZ to keep in line. As they do.

Wang said New Zealand kept a “low-profile” in the Taiwan Strait.


04-12-2021, 06:36 AM
You'll likely see Australia have a more moderate position as a new government comes in.


04-12-2021, 07:39 AM
You'll likely see Australia have a more moderate position as a new government comes in.


I don't think so. Australians won't let China tell them what to do.
Not like NZ, one trick pony selling milk powder to China, with a spineless, racist government who says "be Kind", while looking the other way on China. (for money)

04-12-2021, 08:04 AM
They did though:


Imagine this disgrace taking place in NZ.

04-12-2021, 08:14 AM
Australia sticks by its allies and principals, (not like NZ), and wins.

"Be Kind", but don't worry about human rights abuses or tennis players sexual assault. "Climate change nuclear moment", na, maybe not that worried about it. Got me some votes though.....

If this is what a left leaning government looks like, I'm going right next time.



04-12-2021, 08:18 AM
Australia sticks by its allies and principals, (not like NZ), and wins.

Yes they went into vietnam, iraq, afghanistan... and got next to nothing in return.

04-12-2021, 08:18 AM
They did though:


Imagine this disgrace taking place in NZ.

That video is from 2014, bit behind the times there Panda.

04-12-2021, 08:19 AM
That video is from 2014, bit behind the times there Panda.

It shows it's just political theatre though.

Our policy is independent and not guided by anyone's election prospects.

04-12-2021, 08:20 AM
Yes they went into vietnam, iraq, afghanistan... and got next to nothing in return.

We were discussing China/NZ relations in 2021, not sure why you are so far in the past here.

04-12-2021, 08:22 AM
It shows it's just political theatre though.

Our policy is independent and not guided by anyone's election prospects.

Oh, so no worries about human rights abuses, coze we all do that to get elected...... right on again Panda.

04-12-2021, 08:27 AM
Nz has spoken up about human rights without risking our exports and incomes.

04-12-2021, 08:31 AM
Something the Australian govt can do right now without downsides is eject Gladys Liu.

04-12-2021, 08:34 AM
Nz has spoken up about human rights without risking our exports and incomes.

Money talks, especially in corrupt China. Yes, Jacinda knows this......

04-12-2021, 08:42 AM
Building a bettter society seems like the more desirable thing to do (why lots of expat chinese are in auckland).

04-12-2021, 08:52 AM
Building a bettter society seems like the more desirable thing to do (why lots of expat chinese are in auckland).

Don't worry, China CCP has them under control still.
Jacinda going the CCP communist route. Bit of human abuse and sexual assault, nothing to worry about eh?
Moneys good though.....

04-12-2021, 08:58 AM
Don't worry, China CCP has them under control still.
Jacinda going the CCP communist route. Bit of human abuse and sexual assault, nothing to worry about eh?
Moneys good though.....

No other party has a different approach, because there isn't one.

04-12-2021, 09:10 AM
No other party has a different approach, because there isn't one.

Sorry Panda, we don't live in your communist China just yet. We do have a choice, it's called DEMOCRACY.
Just not going to find it with "kind" Jacinda.

04-12-2021, 09:13 AM
Australia's media needs a bit of reform by the soon-to-be govt.

Sky news was banned by google for vaccine misinformation but not by the Aussie govt, how does that work...

04-12-2021, 09:31 AM
Australia's media needs a bit of reform by the soon-to-be govt.

Sky news was banned by google for vaccine misinformation but not by the Aussie govt, how does that work...

They are not all communist yet, they have a choice, not like China CCP, they censor everything, including human rights (none), and sexual assault (lots). Come on Panda, you know all this.

04-12-2021, 09:34 AM
News corporation (those who own fox news and sky news) censor many things too.

It's not one extreme or the other, let's respect all views and give a fair hearing to everyone.

04-12-2021, 09:34 AM
I guess you have to tow the line with CCP spin, else you will be in the s*it too. That's the trouble with communism, only some allowed to have everything.
Jacinda and the Maoris are trying this out now in NZ. Probably with China help.

04-12-2021, 09:36 AM
I'm for NZ's interests, like national under queen judith.

Who/what are you pushing for.

04-12-2021, 09:43 AM
I'm for NZ's interests, like national under queen judith.

Who/what are you pushing for.

Democracy and freedom for everyone.

04-12-2021, 09:44 AM
Democracy and freedom for everyone.

Maybe join the UN then :)

04-12-2021, 10:22 AM
Maybe join the UN then :)

Na, might bang into Jacinda there. Hear she's after a job there, but they don't like communists.

04-12-2021, 10:25 AM

Jacinda's "Be Kind" folks......

04-12-2021, 10:31 AM
The issue is that more people have work now (full employment)

There were lots of people on benefits under National.

04-12-2021, 10:40 AM
NZ Parliamentary Opposition: National / Act NZ / Maori Party (47%) ahead of Labour / Greens coalition (46.5%) for the first time

Roy Morgan Poll (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/8869-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2021-202112020109)

It's all downhill for Labour, 56.5% May 2020 ... now 36%

Confidence in government plummeting.

04-12-2021, 10:42 AM
NZ Parliamentary Opposition: National / Act NZ / Maori Party (47%) ahead of Labour / Greens coalition (46.5%) for the first time

Roy Morgan Poll (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/8869-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2021-202112020109)

It's all downhill for Labour, 56.5% May 2020 ... now 36%

We've heard all this before. It's probably down to the lockdown.

04-12-2021, 10:45 AM
The issue is that more people have work now (full employment)

There were lots of people on benefits under National.

Lots of gang members under Jacinda..... Doubled!


"Be kind" folks.....

04-12-2021, 10:46 AM
1.6k new police officers plus they have lost access to their guns.

04-12-2021, 10:47 AM
We've heard all this before. It's probably down to the lockdown.

Probably down to communist manifesto.....

04-12-2021, 10:48 AM
1.6k new police officers plus they have lost access to their guns.

Police too busy on road blocks with iwi......

04-12-2021, 10:48 AM
Probably down to communist manifesto.....

Brendan tarrant wannabe. Maybe you have a manifesto of your own esp given the love of the military.

04-12-2021, 10:58 AM
Brendan tarrant wannabe. Maybe you have a manifesto of your own esp given the love of the military.

Where the hell have you got that from in my posts??????
China CCP loves military and human rights and sexual abusers......

I said "democracy and freedom for everyone"

Not "China CCP for everybody"

04-12-2021, 11:02 AM
NZ Parliamentary Opposition: National / Act NZ / Maori Party (47%) ahead of Labour / Greens coalition (46.5%) for the first time

Roy Morgan Poll (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/8869-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2021-202112020109)

It's all downhill for Labour, 56.5% May 2020 ... now 36%

Confidence in government plummeting.

The demographic breakdown is good. Women are the best part of every country.

Maybe more of the older women would support the greens if they were to be around long enough for the effects.

04-12-2021, 11:07 AM
I said "democracy and freedom for everyone"

So does every "patriot" waving a don't tread on me flag with an assault weapon.

04-12-2021, 11:14 AM
"The Roy Morgan Government Confidence Ratin (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/8869-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2021-202112020109)g dropped by 8pts in November to 101.5 to be at its lowest since Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern came to office four years ago in October 2017. The drop in Government Confidence came after the Auckland lockdown was extended throughout November.

In November only 46% (down 2% points) of electors said New Zealand was ‘heading in the right direction’ compared to 44.5% (up 6% points) who said New Zealand was ‘heading in the wrong direction’."

04-12-2021, 11:16 AM
So does every "patriot" waving a don't tread on me flag with an assault weapon.

Not in China they don't. They are not allowed democracy or freedom.

Just like Jacinda.

All this "human rights" and "sexual assault" stuff. No time to complain about that......

04-12-2021, 11:18 AM
Not in China they don't. They are not allowed democracy or freedom.

Who cares about china. Let's talk about NZ and the US where these things are a real problem.

04-12-2021, 11:20 AM
There's only one party that should be really worried about the party-vote trend (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/8869-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2021-202112020109), Labour, going down the toilet. The trend is everything and it's really bad for Labour.


04-12-2021, 11:21 AM
It makes a change from 51% doesn't it.

04-12-2021, 11:22 AM
"policy of Integrity", and "mature", just words. She is allowing NZ to be walked on and made a fool of while the rest of our allies make a stand. She stands for nothing. Integrity is about being honest and open. Jacinda is standing up for what she believes in which is integrity and that you can be kind and also be strong. This is different from what you believe.

Being open and honest is associated by some people with being weak and being vulnerable. They believe someone will take advantage of you or walk all over you if you do not appear as tough and strong. That’s why there is not a lot of integrity in politics or business these days.
These views are linked to a certain view a certain view of masculinity and what it means to be a “real man,” that you have to be tough, to win and to be right. And it does mean someone else has to lose. It is a win/lose attitude, while Jacinda promotes a win/win way of thinking.

04-12-2021, 11:37 AM
Integrity is about being honest and open. Jacinda is standing up for what she believes in which is integrity and that you can be kind and also be strong. This is different from what you believe.

Being open and honest is associated by some people with being weak and being vulnerable. They believe someone will take advantage of you or walk all over you if you do not appear as tough and strong. That’s why there is not a lot of integrity in politics or business these days.
These views are linked to a certain view a certain view of masculinity and what it means to be a “real man,” that you have to be tough, to win and to be right. And it does mean someone else has to lose. It is a win/lose attitude, while Jacinda promotes a win/win way of thinking.

Oh Moka, you have woken up from your great slumber, just like China/ Jacinda.
We were missing your "words of wisdom"
Jacinda/CCP don't like words like "integrity", because they have to lie all the time. That's how they get votes, by lying.
They don't like words like "human rights" or "sexual assault" either. Makes them uncomfortable.

04-12-2021, 11:48 AM
Oh Moka, you have woken up from your great slumber, just like China/ Jacinda.
We were missing your "words of wisdom"
Jacinda/CCP don't like words like "integrity", because they have to lie all the time. That's how they get votes, by lying.
They don't like words like "human rights" or "sexual assault" either. Makes them uncomfortable.

Scott morrsion lies all the time, as attested by former Liberal PM malcom turnbull.

Hopefully he is removed from office soon.

04-12-2021, 11:58 AM
Scott morrsion lies all the time, as attested by former Liberal PM malcom turnbull.

Hopefully he is removed from office soon.

Jacinda/China CCP lie all the time too......

04-12-2021, 12:02 PM
Not really.

Many voters still rate her authenticity highly compared to the other options available.

04-12-2021, 12:08 PM
Not really.

Many voters still rate her authenticity highly compared to the other options available.

What about Whanau Ora btw - you have been busy posting garbage out there so you can start rectifying that by clarifying Whanau Ora. Who initiated and created Whanau Ora?

04-12-2021, 12:10 PM
What about Whanau Ora btw - you have been busy posting garbage out there so you can start rectifying that by clarifying Whanau Ora. Who initiated and created Whanau Ora?

The national/maori party cabal in 2011.

04-12-2021, 12:13 PM
The national/maori party cabal in 2011.

Wrong. Try again.

05-12-2021, 07:52 AM

Jacinda's gangs.
Be Kind everyone

05-12-2021, 08:45 AM

Jacinda's gangs. again.....

Be kind everyone, again.......

05-12-2021, 08:49 AM
And sexual assault by China CCP leaders on woman's tennis player..

What does Jacinda have to say about that?


Be kind though......

05-12-2021, 08:54 AM
You still want her to cancel a tennis match?

Leave things like that to Scomo.

05-12-2021, 10:17 AM
It's not a tennis match, it is about a diplomatic boycott of the winter Olympics in China.

Jacinda likes China CCP, so she won't support it. Never mind sexual assault and human rights abuses, Hong Kong etc.

"Be kind"

05-12-2021, 11:58 AM
Ihumatao #2 :

Clueless Cindy pays $1.5m, using taxpayers’ funds, to buy PRIVATE land, to give to Maori.

Billions of dollars already paid in treaty settlement but that’s not enough - it always has to more & more of taxpayers’ funds they want to be used.

And why not? Cindy is in the grip of the Maori cabal in her cabinet and whatever they want, she bends backwards and gives.


It appears a new signal New Zealand is experiencing a seismic shift in resolution of land disputes. Where once the focus was Crown land and not private, the goalposts have been shifted.

05-12-2021, 12:23 PM
Dedication to Panda.

Not 6 months in a leaky boat, but 4 years under a socialist dream of police shootings and rampant crime.


05-12-2021, 12:25 PM
Scott morrison is to thank for sending all their undeseriable people here.

05-12-2021, 12:53 PM
Scott morrison is to thank for sending all their undeseriable people here.

That's just punishment to us for our weak immigration over the years being a back door for Chinese to get into Australia.

greater fool
05-12-2021, 03:39 PM

"policy of Integrity", and "mature", just words. She is allowing NZ to be walked on and made a fool of while the rest of our allies make a stand. She stands for nothing.

Face saving from these nations proposing a diplomatic-boycott. China has no intention of inviting these gunslingers to the games.


"The Communist Party of China newspaper Global Times has disclosed, citing a high-level “source,” that Beijing had no intention of
inviting US and other Western politicians to the 2022 Winter Olympics on February 4-20.
This followed US President Joe Biden’s innuendo that he was considering a diplomatic boycott of the Games.
The White House apparently sensed that Biden was unlikely to be on Beijing’s guest list. Tass had quoted Russian Foreign Minister
Sergei Lavrov as saying after a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Dushanbe on September 16 that President Vladimir
Putin had accepted “with delight” an invitation to the Games from Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Biden waited for two more months to arrive at the conclusion that he’s not on Xi’s list of invitees. The Olympic rules stipulate
that for politicians to attend the Games, they must first be invited by the host country while the International Olympic Committee
endorses it."

05-12-2021, 04:42 PM
Ihumatao #2 :

Clueless Cindy pays $1.5m, using taxpayers’ funds, to buy PRIVATE land, to give to Maori.

Billions of dollars already paid in treaty settlement but that’s not enough - it always has to more & more of taxpayers’ funds they want to be used.

And why not? Cindy is in the grip of the Maori cabal in her cabinet and whatever they want, she bends backwards and gives.


It appears a new signal New Zealand is experiencing a seismic shift in resolution of land disputes. Where once the focus was Crown land and not private, the goalposts have been shifted.

Of course they brought PRIVATE land - they wouldn't buy public land as they already own it - what's your point?

It wasn't a forced purchase - the seller has been wanting to sell for a while.
The land will be used for part of a settlement with Ngati Kahu - they don't have a treaty settlement yet.

People trying to make something out of nothing and not at all like Ihumatao.

05-12-2021, 04:45 PM
Of course they brought PRIVATE land - they wouldn't buy public land as they already own it - what's your point?

It wasn't a forced purchase - the seller has been wanting to sell for a while.
The land will be used for part of a settlement with Ngati Kahu - they don't have a treaty settlement yet.

People trying to make something out of nothing and not at all like Ihumatao.

Private land.

Land occupation.

Government caves in and buys the land using taxpayers’ funds.

Same scenario - wait for the deluge now that the floodgates are well and truly opened by Clueless Cindy & the Maori cabal in cabinet.

05-12-2021, 05:11 PM
Of course they brought PRIVATE land - they wouldn't buy public land as they already own it - what's your point?

It wasn't a forced purchase - the seller has been wanting to sell for a while.
The land will be used for part of a settlement with Ngati Kahu - they don't have a treaty settlement yet.

People trying to make something out of nothing and not at all like Ihumatao.

Did you not read the final paragraph?

Kaitiaki of occupation, Wi Popata, said; "There is another 10000 to 20000 hectares that still needs to come back, once we get home and get energised we might just occupy somewhere else"

Sounds like an open floodgate to me.

05-12-2021, 05:24 PM
Did you not read the final paragraph?

Kaitiaki of occupation, Wi Popata, said; "There is another 10000 to 20000 hectares that still needs to come back, once we get home and get energised we might just occupy somewhere else"

Sounds like an open floodgate to me.

Watch how that works if the land isn't for sale.
The points are these
- the land was for sale
- settlement to be done at some stage (being worked on I gather)

05-12-2021, 05:26 PM
How much free education or affordable homes could these settlements pay for?

It seems like a better use of the money.

05-12-2021, 05:30 PM
Watch how that works if the land isn't for sale.
The points are these
- the land was for sale
- settlement to be done at some stage (being worked on I gather)


Especially those in hard to sell areas.

Ask a high price, Arrange an occupation and.... well you know the rest, Mr Liddle and Jacy will come running with the tax payer funded chq book.

05-12-2021, 05:36 PM
Watch how that works if the land isn't for sale.
The points are these
- the land was for sale
- settlement to be done at some stage (being worked on I gather)

Corporate welfare for a high income community (both the property owners and Iwi).

Seems like something national would have done.

05-12-2021, 06:33 PM
More high jinks from Jinxcinda's 'transparent' regime.

Waka Kotahi have been spraying Glyphosate around, like its water on the countrys highways.

They have been resisting attempts by media to get the inside story.

What will the Greens say?

What will J put in our water, once she and the big mahout from the Waikato get control of it.

3 waters or P waters?

Marilyn Munroe
06-12-2021, 01:42 AM
In order to conscientiously comply with the new traffic light vaccine cert rules a person entering a place will need to;

1. Provide a vaccination certificate

2. Provide photo ID to confirm it is their certificate

3. Scan in with the QR code reader.

I can't imagine people will put up with this rigmarole for very long.

Boop boop de do

06-12-2021, 07:31 AM

Police Commissioner Bullied By Iwi
Saturday, 4 December 2021, 5:32 pm
Press Release: ACT New Zealand
“Police Commissioner Andrew Coster has confirmed that Police have given into demands of iwi rather than upholding the law,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“In an interview with media yesterday, the man in charge of our Police said ‘it’s better to maintain legal checkpoints than have iwi groups operate their own illegal checkpoints instead.’

“What the Police Commissioner should have said is: ‘The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of movement. The New Zealand Police will uphold this right, we retain all options for ensuring that is so. If you’re thinking of creating illegal checkpoints, you may find your summer is more indoors that you planned.’

“In other words, a group of thugs threatened to break the law and instead of arresting them, the Police have thrown their hands up in the air and said – if you can’t beat em, join em.

“Coster went on to say “Sitting alongside iwi. I’m confident we can avoid illegal activity, which could have realistically turned State Highway One into a carpark. This is about avoiding unlawfulness.”

“Coster needs to tell us, if this is the new modus operandi of Police. If someone threatens to break the law, instead of stopping them, the Police work with them to make their actions legal.

“What happens if you happen upon a checkpoint that has no Police staff there, but only iwi? Do you call the police, and when they arrive is the checkpoint suddenly legal?

“New Zealanders want a Police force that upholds the law, not joins in on lawlessness. We need an assurance from the Commissioner that that’s what will happen.”

Police with over 35 years service, say Costalot and ImPoto are the worst leadership team they have ever had.

06-12-2021, 09:04 AM
In order to conscientiously comply with the new traffic light vaccine cert rules a person entering a place will need to;

1. Provide a vaccination certificate

2. Provide photo ID to confirm it is their certificate

3. Scan in with the QR code reader.

I can't imagine people will put up with this rigmarole for very long.

Boop boop de do

It really isn't that hard.
Spent all Friday, Saturday and Sunday out and about doing it - no probs.
Had it scanned probably 30 times so far.

You forgot to add 'asking for ID' to match the pass.
I haven't had that yet.

06-12-2021, 09:17 AM
Private property rights and freedom of movement - basic fundamentals of our way of life..

I thought it was human rights and democracy...

fungus pudding
06-12-2021, 09:19 AM
It really isn't that hard.
Spent all Friday, Saturday and Sunday out and about doing it - no probs.
Had it scanned probably 30 times so far.

You forgot to add 'asking for ID' to match the pass.
I haven't had that yet.

You didn't read line 2

So here goes the list again.

In order to conscientiously comply with the new traffic light vaccine cert rules a person entering a place will need to;

1. Provide a vaccination certificate

2. Provide photo ID to confirm it is their certificate

3. Scan in with the QR code reader.

06-12-2021, 05:02 PM
Great news in NZ's continued economic success:


08-12-2021, 05:35 PM
Plenty of time for the government & MOH to upgrade NZ's contact tracing & tracking and what happened?


Just like ICUs, bugger all was done because Clueless Cindy was too busy basking in her BS & spin so NZ paid the price of the delta outbreak - Auckland locked down for 107 days and Auckland borders were closed.

Notice how the report was quietly released? So much for the one source of truth.


Fewer than half of the close-plus contacts in that period were isolating within four days of exposure to the virus, while only a third were isolating within 96 hours of their first symptoms, according to an interim report quietly released today by the Ministry of Health.

The gold standard for both of these metrics is at least 80 per cent, which calls into question director-general of health Ashley Bloomfield's repeated statements that the system was ready and wasn't quickly overwhelmed.

08-12-2021, 06:29 PM
.... Notice how the report was quietly released? So much for the one source of truth...

It is indeed a concern that mostly only the OK news gets airtime from media and politicians. Though OIA releases are starting to appear, and also answers to Written Questions. Oral Questions tend to be 'addressed' wordily rather than answered.

08-12-2021, 07:35 PM
NZ needs transparency in donations, particularly for the largest recipients.

08-12-2021, 09:45 PM
NZ needs transparency in donations, particularly for the largest recipients.

And who & which party has benefited the most from hidden donations?


NZ First in 2008 - in coalition with Labour


NZ First again in 2019 - in coalition with Labour

Repugnant & disgusting how Helen Clark & Clueless Cindy both closed their eyes to the scandals.

08-12-2021, 09:49 PM
Mistress of Spin caught in her own web - hoodwinking NZers about following health expert advice when it suits her and revealed to reject the advice when it does not.

And the revelation came out because of a court case brought by Whanau Ora against MOH!


Newly published Ministry of Health advice from Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said there was no justification to keep the city’s hard border in place when the nation moved into the new framework, at the time expected to be around mid-December.

He also wrote “a requirement for testing and vaccination certificates to leave Auckland would direct resources away from where they are most needed, particularly given the high practical cost of enforcement”.

….. Bloomfield’s November 11 advice, published now as part of a Waitangi Tribunal hearing into the Government’s pandemic response.

Marilyn Munroe
09-12-2021, 03:19 AM
There is a world wide supply crunch for AdBlue. This is an fuel additive which breaks down harmful diesel exhaust gases.

Such a virtuous product, helping save the environment.

The major component of this additive is urea. If only there was a country with an ammonia urea plant with an abundant supply of natural gas feed stock. This country would be making a meaningful contribution to saving the environment, the businesses involved would make out like bandits paying wads of tax the finance minister could piss against the wall with abandon.

On the other hand a country which crippled its oil and gas industry will have missed a golden opportunity.

Boop boop de do

09-12-2021, 07:48 AM
There is a world wide supply crunch for AdBlue. This is an fuel additive which breaks down harmful diesel exhaust gases.

Not necessary due to full employment and strong economy.

The major component of this additive is urea. If only there was a country with an ammonia urea plant with an abundant supply of natural gas feed stock. This country would be making a meaningful contribution to saving the environment, the businesses involved would make out like bandits paying wads of tax the finance minister could piss against the wall with abandon.

already have lots due to NZ super fund/kiwisaver income tax.

09-12-2021, 08:17 AM
Backlog of 50,000 mammograms because of the lockdown.

How many cancers and deaths will occur because of the backlog and delays?

09-12-2021, 11:59 AM
Mistress of Spin caught in her own web - hoodwinking NZers about following health expert advice when it suits her and revealed to reject the advice when it does not.

And the revelation came out because of a court case brought by Whanau Ora against MOH!


Newly published Ministry of Health advice from Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said there was no justification to keep the city’s hard border in place when the nation moved into the new framework, at the time expected to be around mid-December.

He also wrote “a requirement for testing and vaccination certificates to leave Auckland would direct resources away from where they are most needed, particularly given the high practical cost of enforcement”.

….. Bloomfield’s November 11 advice, published now as part of a Waitangi Tribunal hearing into the Government’s pandemic response.

This misses an important point.
The Govt should have followed MoH advice and not gone to the new framework in Auckland until all 3 DHBs at 90% fully vaxxed.
Auckland wouldn't have the freedoms that they have now.
Then the rest of the country at 90% - not until late next month.
Then they could have opened the Auckland border as per MoH advice - a couple of weeks from now.

Using the settings as they have Aucklanders are freer than they would have been.
I wouldn't expect you to understand this though.

09-12-2021, 08:50 PM
As insightful a cartoon as you can get of Cindy :

P.M's Xmas wish list ---


10-12-2021, 07:49 AM

One of the Maori cabal controlling Cindy saying whatever he likes, and doing whatever he likes - because Cindy is a weak, clueless & useless leader manipulated and good only for her spinning.

A real leader will not put up with that kind of language and certainly not the garbage from one of the other cabal, Davidson, about pakeha & white society being responsible for Maori becoming child abusers, violence & sexual.

10-12-2021, 01:02 PM
Smoking ban -- I'm surprised imBalance hasn't spoke up against this within minutes of the decision being made.

I think its a bad move, both cannibas and tobacco should be legal (albiet regulated, taxed and with health campaigns).

10-12-2021, 01:03 PM
Plus it's another revenue stream for criminals like cannibas is today.

10-12-2021, 03:08 PM
Smoking ban -- I'm surprised imBalance hasn't spoke up against this within minutes of the decision being made.

I think its a bad move, both cannibas and tobacco should be legal (albiet regulated, taxed and with health campaigns).

Cannabis I can agree with as it has a low health impact (lower than alcohol) but tobacco is just bad.

10-12-2021, 03:17 PM
Cannabis I can agree with as it has a low health impact (lower than alcohol) but tobacco is just bad.

I applaud the move on tobacco but I did vote for cannibals reform.

10-12-2021, 03:39 PM
Plus it's another revenue stream for criminals like cannibas is today.

But Dairies will miss out
I like this bit

Dairy and Business Owners Group chairman Sunny Kaushal​ said dairy owners wanted to be part of the solution, but the Government had not listened to them.
“We all want a smoke-free New Zealand, but destroying dairies and lives and families in the process is not the way. That would happen,” he said.

“The dairies today do depend on cigarette sales to some extent because they are linked with a lot of what we sell.
So we all want to be smoke-free (ie don't smoke or therefore sell cigarettes) but Dairies will lose income so they want to still sell cigarettes - smoke-free and selling cigarettes are mutual exclusive by definition).

10-12-2021, 04:00 PM
I applaud the move on tobacco but I did vote for cannibals reform.

Reforming cannibals is a worthy cause. Hopefully it is not a full time job, though it should come with decent hazard pay.

fungus pudding
10-12-2021, 04:38 PM
Reforming cannibals is a worthy cause. Hopefully it is not a full time job, though it should come with decent hazard pay.
I wonder how you qualify for the position. Do they have a taste-tester?

10-12-2021, 07:10 PM
Deceitful, underhanded and totally untrustworthy - 3 Waters clearly shows just how arrogant and conniving Cindy’s government is.

NZers are being treated as fools to be taken advantage of. And those who view Cindy as the one source of truth absolutely deserves to be treated as such.


The government kept councils guessing for months about whether they would be forced into three waters reforms, despite having already agreed to pursue such a strategy, papers show.

10-12-2021, 07:40 PM
I wonder how you qualify for the position. Do they have a taste-tester?

There's a recent trilogy by Jack Heath where the protagonist is a cannibal. Oh, and also an FBI agent.

10-12-2021, 08:41 PM
Deceitful, underhanded and totally untrustworthy - 3 Waters clearly shows just how arrogant and conniving Cindy’s government is.

NZers are being treated as fools to be taken advantage of. And those who view Cindy as the one source of truth absolutely deserves to be treated as such.


The government kept councils guessing for months about whether they would be forced into three waters reforms, despite having already agreed to pursue such a strategy, papers show.

Eventually you would pop up - all we need is Gus to help you along - seek help quickly

10-12-2021, 09:44 PM
Eventually you would pop up - all we need is Gus to help you along - seek help quickly

Nah - rhetorical bull****. You don't really think Ballance is in need of therapy, and you have no genuine concern for his welfare.

11-12-2021, 04:19 PM
Worth noting as clueless Cindy gets ready to spend even more recklessly in next 2 years to endear her spinning self to the social welfare brigade and breed more beneficiaries out there :

It is to Chris Luxon’s credit that he is one of the few MPs to have taken a pay cut – in his case of over $4,000,000 a year – to enter Parliament, having left the top position at Air NZ.

He is a person who is clearly motivated by public service rather than raiding the taxpayer’s wallet.

He is one of the few MPs who has paid more tax in this life than he has taken out of the system, unlike most Labour MPs.

11-12-2021, 04:25 PM
This entertaining video helps explains why Balance sees Jacinda as an incompetent leader. Because most male leaders are incompetent, he associates leadership with incompetence.

Why do so many incompetent men become leaders? | Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic | TEDxUniversityofNevada

There is a pathological mismatch between the qualities that seduce us in a leader and those that are needed to be an effective leader. Based on research on the psychology of leadership, Chamorro-Premuzic shows that if leaders were selected on competence rather than confidence, humility rather than charisma, and integrity rather than narcissism, we would not just end up with more competent leaders, but also more women leaders. In fact, he argues, the main obstacle preventing competent women from becoming leaders is the lack of career obstacles for incompetent men. Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an international authority in psychological profiling, talent management, leadership development, and people analytics.

“Being unaware of your limitations increases the probability of becoming a boss"

"Instead of falling for people who are confident, narcissistic and charismatic, we should promote people into leadership because of their competence, integrity and humility."

“So rather than asking why there aren’t more women leaders, ask why so many incompetent men become leaders. Three main reasons:

1. Our inability to distinguish between confidence and competence. Many leaders self-perceived talents surpass their actual talents.
2. Our love for charismatic individuals. The best leaders are humble rather than charismatic to the point of being rather boring e.g. Angela Merkel. Charismatic leaders with a fascinating dark side often end up ruining their country or organisation.
3. Our inability to resist the allure of narcissistic individuals, people with grandiose and megalomaniac visions who tap into our own narcissism.

If we want to improve the competence level of our leaders we should first improve our own competence levels for judging and selecting leaders, especially when they are men.”


11-12-2021, 04:29 PM
Don’t deflect to some garbage comparison, moka.

Cindy is incompetent and the proof is that she has failed to deliver on any of the huge promises she made to get elected.

BTW, how much are you getting paid to post for her benefit?

11-12-2021, 04:45 PM
This seems a good initiative

Excited to join @NanaiaMahuta to announce new Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement. IPETCA will strengthen the economic empowerment of Indigenous Peoples in the APEC region and beyond and will enable greater Indigenous connections

11-12-2021, 04:52 PM
Worth noting as clueless Cindy gets ready to spend even more recklessly in next 2 years to endear her spinning self to the social welfare brigade and breed more beneficiaries out there :

It is to Chris Luxon’s credit that he is one of the few MPs to have taken a pay cut – in his case of over $4,000,000 a year – to enter Parliament, having left the top position at Air NZ.

He is a person who is clearly motivated by public service rather than raiding the taxpayer’s wallet.

He is one of the few MPs who has paid more tax in this life than he has taken out of the system, unlike most Labour MPs.

Indirectly he raided our wallets - AIR being majority owned by the government.

11-12-2021, 04:54 PM
Don’t deflect to some garbage comparison, moka.

Cindy is incompetent and the proof is that she has failed to deliver on any of the huge promises she made to get elected.

BTW, how much are you getting paid to post for her benefit?Jacinda Ardern no 34 on the Forbes list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women.


11-12-2021, 04:58 PM
Indirectly he raided our wallets - AIR being majority owned by the government.

Both he and Seymour both seem happy collecting taxpayer funds currently.

ACT can pay their own salaries since they have plenty of private donations which they don't want to be too "open and transparent" about.

11-12-2021, 05:13 PM
Both he and Seymour both seem happy collecting taxpayer funds currently.

ACT can pay their own salaries since they have plenty of donations which they don't want to be "open and transparent" about.

Start with where is your source & link that Luxon paid no tax?

You have zero credibility in any of your postings until you do.

12-12-2021, 02:10 PM
Start with where is your source & link that Luxon paid no tax?

You have zero credibility in any of your postings until you do.

You also have zero credibility having been proven to post false quotes.

12-12-2021, 05:34 PM
You also have zero credibility having been proven to post false quotes.

Try refuting that Clueless Cindy is your one source of truth.

12-12-2021, 05:41 PM
Not only has Clueless Cindy allowed Iwi to man checkpoints, she attempted to hide that fact after deviously inserting a clause in legislation 3 weeks ago to do so.

And now the Police has a different interpretation of what the checkpoints are vs that of iwi. Going to be fun to watch from the sideline as Aucklanders fume in the hot sun at the checkpoints with police doing one thing and iwi another.


Excerpts :

1. Cindy's attempt to cover up:

"While it kept assuring the public there would be no iwi-led checkpoints, the Government had actually amended legislation to allow iwi to man checkpoints. It turns out that three weeks ago Labour inserted a clause into the Covid-19 Health Response Act giving various groups including "a nominated representative of an iwi organisation" the power to "close roads and public places and stop vehicles".

There is a growing sense the Government caved to pressure from Northland iwi and then tried to hide that from the public. Despite numerous questions on the possibility of iwi checkpoints, no government minister or the PM ever volunteered that the law had been changed. Instead, they each ducked and dived and avoid saying anything definitive.It was only after new National Party leader Chris Luxon drew a line in the sand himself the truth emerged."

2. Police vs Iwi

"No one actually seems to know what to expect on Wednesday when the border comes down and Aucklanders head north.

What we do know is that there will be two checkpoints: one near Uretiti on SH1 and one near Maungaturoto on SH12. We know those checkpoints will be manned by both iwi members and police officers.

But that's where the certainty ends and the confusion starts.

Police say they're only doing spot checks. Not every car will be checked.

Tai Tokerau Border Control disagrees. They say every car will be checked. They say police have agreed to allow this and will tolerate some queues as long as health and safety isn't threatened."

13-12-2021, 11:10 AM
Try refuting that Clueless Cindy is your one source of truth.

I refute that.

There you go.

Try refuting that you make up false quotes for people and post them.

13-12-2021, 01:02 PM
I refute that.

There you go.

Try refuting that you make up false quotes for people and post them.

You post quotes completely out of context to deflect, divert & misinform - a typical Labourite tactic.

I posted based upon my assessment that Clueless Cindy is your one source of truth. Nothing you wrote or post has changed that assessment - that Clueless Cindy is your one source of truth.

13-12-2021, 01:42 PM
You post quotes completely out of context to deflect, divert & misinform - a typical Labourite tactic.

I posted based upon my assessment that Clueless Cindy is your one source of truth. Nothing you wrote or post has changed that assessment - that Clueless Cindy is your one source of truth.

This is silly.
You asked that I refute your assertion and I do.
You post false quotes - you can't refute that as it is a fact, not an assessment.

Quit for the sake of your mental health which, from your posts, appears to be deteriorating again.

14-12-2021, 08:04 AM
Clueless Cindy running scared.

NZers are rising up and this incompetent arrogant & racist government is on the run.


14-12-2021, 08:31 AM
Clueless Cindy running scared.

NZers are rising up and this incompetent arrogant & racist government is on the run.


Oh, they will just water it down...

14-12-2021, 08:46 AM
Oh, they will just water it down...

Haha - good one!

14-12-2021, 09:01 AM
An incompetent & racist government of coverup and misinformation led by a clueless leader only interested in mouthing homilies :


14-12-2021, 09:04 AM
Wonder what reports / reviews will come out next week when most have stopped work for the year and won’t even be interested in reading.

14-12-2021, 09:07 AM
Wonder what reports / reviews will come out next week when most have stopped work for the year and won’t even be interested in reading.

Good to see an effective Opposition however in action now - and getting media time & coverage to nail this government so let’s see what happens.

Clueless Cindy & her racist government have been allowed to get away with too much for too long under the cloak of COVID & an ineffectual Opposition.

14-12-2021, 10:10 AM
Clueless Cindy running scared.

NZers are rising up and this incompetent arrogant & racist government is on the run.


You would think this would be an example of a good thing - the Govt pausing after the feedback that they have had.
Yet you see it as a sign of weakness - did you want them to continue no matter what?

14-12-2021, 10:14 AM
Big Willie will be tapped out, holding his water on this latest cock up.

14-12-2021, 10:15 AM
You would think this would be an example of a good thing - the Govt pausing after the feedback that they have had.
Yet you see it as a sign of weakness - did you want them to continue no matter what?

It is a good thing indeed - of an arrogant government led by a clueless leader controlled by a Maori cabal being brought to heel by NZers.

Plenty more of that to come in 2022 & 2023 now that there is an effective Opposition.

Democracy thrives when there is an Opposition.

Here’s another excellent example of the Opposition hammering home the message that this is a government of spin and coverups while innocent & law abiding NZers suffer :


Two Cabinet ministers are also standing by public comments they've made, and in one case responses to parliamentary questions - now brought into serious question with a number of reports and inter-agency communications in the public domain.

14-12-2021, 10:42 AM
Thuggery & gangs thriving in NZ due to this pro-crime & pro-gang government :


14-12-2021, 10:51 AM
Thuggery & gangs thriving in NZ due to this pro-crime & pro-gang government :


Here's one for you to mull over
Jarrod Gilbert: Is gang violence in NZ the worst it's ever been?

fungus pudding
14-12-2021, 11:31 AM
Here's one for you to mull over
Jarrod Gilbert: Is gang violence in NZ the worst it's ever been?

Brilliant. Only available to those silly enough to buy that dopey rag.