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09-02-2022, 08:06 AM
A question like that has no place in a serious political poll.
I have no opinion about that - but it's inclusion doesn't invalidate answers to questions asked before it.

09-02-2022, 08:09 AM
I have no opinion about that - but it's inclusion doesn't invalidate answers to questions asked before it.

Poto Williams agrees with you.

Logen Ninefingers
09-02-2022, 11:16 AM
Isn't it great to be 'rich' off of often unrealised housing gains....with the cost of petrol, food, consumer goods, interest rates, council rates all on the rise NZ's 'rich' but heavily indebted home owners are now stuck between an rock and a hard place. Since the 'Ardern Put' - the declaration that house prices cannot / must not fall as that is not what Kiwi's expect - came into being, the pressures mounting in the economy have increased exponentially. The 'Big Lie' proffered by the government for political purposes is that the housing market is still affordable for first home buyers, and Adern's government (in concert with the pliant Reserve Bank governor) the have used all sorts of tricks such as deposit grants and easy credit to vault first home buyers onto the housing ladder. Thus a 'subprime' situation has been created in NZ whereby people on modest incomes have paid too much for property and will soon be buried under mounting costs. "Thanks for nothing Jacinda" should be the correct response.


Auckland Council budget out for consultation, 6% rate rise for average home mooted
Todd Niall
19:35, Feb 08 2022

Auckland councillors have launched public consultation on an annual budget which is likely to bring a targeted rate for climate action, as well as boost total rates bills for an average value home by around 6 per cent.

While the average general rates rise is proposed at 3.5 per cent, a combination of changes and the new Climate Action Targeted Rate (CATR), equivalent to 2.4 per cent, will increase the annual bill by more.


Petrol has topped $3 a litre but why are prices rising so quickly?
Esther Taunton
05:00, Feb 09 2022

New Zealanders are used to seeing petrol prices head north, but the speed of recent increases has been enough to make even the most level head spin.

Fuel prices hit record highs at the weekend, with several stations across Auckland advertising unleaded 95 fuel for more than $3 a litre and 98 octane costing as much as $3.07 a litre at one site on Saturday.

Prices in Wellington and Christchurch were also approaching the $3 mark, with some coming as close as $2.99 for 95 octane.


New Auckland valuations: The poor get richer and pay the price
8 Feb, 2022 05:00 AM

The latest Auckland Council valuations have a nasty downside for lower income families, many of whom face a rate rise of more than 10 per cent from July.

09-02-2022, 02:00 PM
I have no opinion about that - but it's inclusion doesn't invalidate answers to questions asked before it.

That would be the closest you've ever come to condemning the Government funded media bias in NZ !!

09-02-2022, 02:08 PM
Good morning Britain occassionally has former labour members co-hosting the whole show.


Sky news australia has ex-"Liberal" politicians with their own segments.

All we hear from the NZ media are stories about MIQ non-issues and coverage of protests.

Logen Ninefingers
09-02-2022, 03:42 PM

ACC already recruiting head for Income Insurance Scheme
Tom Pullar-Strecker
13:36, Feb 09 2022

ACC has started seeking candidates to head the Government’s Income Insurance Scheme despite the ink barely being dry on a discussion document describing it as a proposal.

Public consultations on the compulsory unemployment insurance scheme kicked off last Wednesday and the deadline for submissions does not close until April 26.

One of the questions on which the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking input is whether the scheme should be run by ACC or whether it would be “better delivered by a government department or a new entity”.

The public is also being asked the more fundamental question of whether they agree New Zealand should introduce an income insurance scheme covering the loss of work due to health conditions or disabilities.

But ACC’s advertisement for a full-time “executive lead” for the scheme states that the successful candidate will be accountable for ensuring the scheme is in place by December next year if it progresses.

Blue Skies
09-02-2022, 05:50 PM
That would be the closest you've ever come to condemning the Government funded media bias in NZ !!

You haven't noticed the weeks of hammering of the govt in all main media about MIQ & RAT's?

Commentators are remarking on how strong general support must be for the govt to get a rise in the latest poll despite the constant hammering its taking in the media.
Media has been Luxon's best friend.

09-02-2022, 05:57 PM
You haven't noticed the weeks of hammering of the govt in all main media about MIQ & RAT's?

Commentators are remarking on how strong general support must be for the govt to get a rise in the latest poll despite the constant hammering its taking in the media.
Media has been Luxon's best friend.

Latest poll? Nope.

Blue Skies
09-02-2022, 06:52 PM
Latest poll? Nope.

Sorry, not with you?

Newshub-Reid research poll out yesterday is latest isn't it?

There was a lot of talk about how with the bashing the govt's taking in the media, support would have been expected to drop, but instead it increased.

09-02-2022, 06:55 PM
Sorry, not with you?

Newshub-Reid research poll out yesterday is latest isn't it?

There was a lot of talk about how with the bashing the govt's taking in the media, support would have been expected to drop, but instead it increased.

Roy Morgan out today.

fungus pudding
09-02-2022, 06:58 PM
Roy Morgan out today.

There was this one yesterday.


Blue Skies
09-02-2022, 08:13 PM
There was this one yesterday.


Thanks, hadn't seen this.

09-02-2022, 08:24 PM
Polls are but a point in time - the trend is more important.

There is a clear trend that Cindy is past her prime.

10-02-2022, 12:19 AM
Dreamer nothing but a dreamer ;). The above will actually consolidate our government getting back in with a majority enhanced.Safe hands at the tiller guiding us through. Shudder to think what the death rate would be had National/Act been at the controls.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 06:57 AM
Why does the Roy Morgan poll get no media coverage yet the Reid Research poll got blanket media coverage????

This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile – with a New Zealand-wide cross-section of 951 electors during January. Electors were asked: “If a New Zealand Election were held today which party would receive your party vote?” Of all electors surveyed 7%, up 1% points, did not name a party.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 07:00 AM
Several polling firms have conducted opinion polls during the term of the 53rd New Zealand Parliament (2020–present) for the next New Zealand general election. The two regular polls are the quarterly polls produced by Television New Zealand (1 News) conducted by Kantar Public (formerly known as Colmar Brunton), and monthly polls by Roy Morgan Research, with less frequent polls from Discovery New Zealand (Newshub) conducted by Reid Research. The sample size, margin of error and confidence interval of each poll varies by organisation and date.

10-02-2022, 08:07 AM

A keen supporter of Labour policies, Sir Ian Taylor, takes on the arrogance and incompetence of Cindy’s government by going public time & again.

Cindy behaving exactly like Muldoon - power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

fungus pudding
10-02-2022, 08:33 AM

No way LABOUR will survive next election .. doesn't matter who's leading Nats/Act ....

I certaainly hope you're right - but it's too early to say. Can't see the signs of change yet!

10-02-2022, 08:40 AM

A keen supporter of Labour policies, Sir Ian Taylor, takes on the arrogance and incompetence of Cindy’s government by going public time & again.

Cindy behaving exactly like Muldoon - power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

And that is why a democratic system has an opposition.
Our opposition is NOT opposing. How many more chances are we going to give National.
Wake up NZ. Both these parties are on the same side.
Time for real a change.

fungus pudding
10-02-2022, 08:59 AM
And that is why a democratic system has an opposition.
Our opposition is NOT opposing. How many more chances are we going to give National.
Wake up NZ. Both these parties are on the same side.
Time for real a change.

A party that doesn't oppose every single utterance from the govt, will acheive a level of credibility. Opposing is a skill - and jumping up to rubbish everything as soon as the speaker is finished is predictable and silly. Better to agree ocasionally and find the right spots to wade in with a knock-out blow.

10-02-2022, 09:14 AM
A party that doesn't oppose every single utterance from the govt, will acheive a level of credibility. Opposing is a skill - and jumping up to rubbish everything as soon as the speaker is finished is predictable and silly. Better to agree ocasionally and find the right spots to wade in with a knock-out blow.
Like thats going to come from Goodfellows
team of woke losers. Yea Right !
Time for a change.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 09:26 AM
Both parties are all-in on the 'Great New Zealand Housing Ponzi'. I'll be interested to see the choice that now gets made between saving the over-leveraged - including many recent first home buyers - or allowing inflation to rampage. And it was all going so well for Labour until inflation (inevitably) showed up.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 09:30 AM
Amazing that if you go to the 'kiwibuild' website there are zero available homes. The page on the 'Mountview Green' development was last updated on 15 December 2021, and the page on the 'Cessna Place' development was last updated on 4 October 2021. An effective opposition would be hammering Megan Woods every day on this kind of thing.

10-02-2022, 09:49 AM
Amazing that if you go to the 'kiwibuild' website there are zero available homes. The page on the 'Mountview Green' development was last updated on 15 December 2021, and the page on the 'Cessna Place' development was last updated on 4 October 2021. An effective opposition would be hammering Megan Woods every day on this kind of thing.
Absolutely. How many chances are you prepared to give National. They are dead. Time for a change NZ.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 09:58 AM
Absolutely. How many chances are you prepared to give National. They are dead. Time for a change NZ.

They do seem to be far too timid at question time. Why aren't they hammering Labour for the absolute waste of $51 million paid out for a cycle bridge that will never be built? What about the $1 Billion annual bill for consultants and contractors? No opportunity to attack? Maybe they believe the '9 years of neglect' stuff themselves(?) Or maybe they can't attack Labour because they essentially have the same plan: run a giant property ponzi scheme & hope for the best.

10-02-2022, 11:18 AM
They do seem to be far too timid at question time. Why aren't they hammering Labour for the absolute waste of $51 million paid out for a cycle bridge that will never be built? What about the $1 Billion annual bill for consultants and contractors? No opportunity to attack? Maybe they believe the '9 years of neglect' stuff themselves(?) Or maybe they can't attack Labour because they essentially have the same plan: run a giant property ponzi scheme & hope for the best.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. I swore I would never say this but maybe its time to fight fire with fire.
Bring back Winston.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 11:42 AM
Drastic times call for drastic measures. I swore I would never say this but maybe its time to fight fire with fire.
Bring back Winston.

...so he can help prop up Labour. No thanks.

10-02-2022, 12:24 PM
...so he can help prop up Labour. No thanks.
Do you have a better idea ?

Bill Smith
10-02-2022, 12:42 PM
Bring back Whinney is a nightmare, not an idea.

Logen Ninefingers
10-02-2022, 12:59 PM
Winnie sold us this country down the river in 2017.

10-02-2022, 09:09 PM
Winnie sold us this country down the river in 2017.
Absolutely. I am the first to admit that. Nevertheless we do have a major problem that National/Act are incapable of fixing.

10-02-2022, 10:14 PM
If Act raised the idea of going with labour they could actually get more from National than some tiny achievements.

inAct = as ineffective as the greens.

11-02-2022, 08:54 AM
If Act raised the idea of going with labour they could actually get more from National than some tiny achievements.

inAct = as ineffective as the greens.

If the Greens were sensible and went back to being an environmental party as originally planned for it, they could wield significant power if open to working with Labour or National. Instead they place themselves far left and focus on social issues and have absolutely zero power or influence.

11-02-2022, 09:21 AM
Minimum wage going to $21.50

But did Woods have to come out and say such things to make the 'poorly' paid feel important

“With the arrival of Omicron, we are once again calling on many of our frontline workers – such as cleaners, supermarket workers, and security guards – to keep the country running as the virus spreads and cases begin to increase. I think everyone agrees those contributing so much to our Covid response deserve a pay rise.


11-02-2022, 09:32 AM
If the Greens were sensible and went back to being an environmental party as originally planned for it, they could wield significant power if open to working with Labour or National. Instead they place themselves far left and focus on social issues and have absolutely zero power or influence.

So true. Where is the environment focused party of today?

It is probably more important today than ever, as none of the other main parties appear to be doing anything about the biggest threat to our world, for all life on the planet. I would have thought there would be votes to be had here.

The greens have gone full on Maori separatism and socialism.

11-02-2022, 09:32 AM

Some rather weak stuff when unemployment is 3%.

If the Greens were sensible and went back to being an environmental party as originally planned for it, they could wield significant power if open to working with Labour or National. Instead they place themselves far left and focus on social issues and have absolutely zero power or influence.

They probably don't want the open slather oil and gas drilling with the revenue/profit going offshore.

Logen Ninefingers
11-02-2022, 09:42 AM
Minimum wage going to $21.50

But did Woods have to come out and say such things to make the 'poorly' paid feel important

“With the arrival of Omicron, we are once again calling on many of our frontline workers – such as cleaners, supermarket workers, and security guards – to keep the country running as the virus spreads and cases begin to increase. I think everyone agrees those contributing so much to our Covid response deserve a pay rise.


Labour starts the fight against inflation....by fundamentally not understanding inflation....

Wood said the increase would have a stimulatory effect on the economy because workers would spend the money on buying things, which would help support businesses.

11-02-2022, 09:54 AM
We're at risk of becoming like America if we don't start seeing real terms increases:


Their wage hasn't increased in real terms since 1970...

11-02-2022, 10:09 AM
Labour starts the fight against inflation....by fundamentally not understanding inflation....

Wood said the increase would have a stimulatory effect on the economy because workers would spend the money on buying things, which would help support businesses.

Apparently it will move quite a few workers up to the 30% tax bracket

fungus pudding
11-02-2022, 10:21 AM
Apparently it will move quite a few workers up to the 30% tax bracket

Which of course will lift all pay scales moving more into the 33 and 39% brackets.

11-02-2022, 12:06 PM
A real uplift ($22/hr or more this year) would see NZ exceed Australias basic wages for the first time in a long time (for the lower end).

Logen Ninefingers
11-02-2022, 02:15 PM
A real uplift ($22/hr or more this year) would see NZ exceed Australias basic wages for the first time in a long time (for the lower end).

Our inflation is running hotter than theirs, any 'gains' you are seeing are entirely illusory.

11-02-2022, 02:15 PM
Which of course will lift all pay scales moving more into the 33 and 39% brackets. The government's No New Taxes Pledge means they are probably relying on Income Tax Bracket creep for extra revenue instead.

11-02-2022, 02:16 PM
Our inflation is running hotter than theirs, any 'gains' you are seeing are entirely illusory. Purchasing power is important.

11-02-2022, 02:18 PM
Which of course will lift all pay scales moving more into the 33 and 39% brackets. The government's No New Taxes Pledge (although they have slipped in interest deductibility and bright line changes) means they are probably relying on Income Tax Bracket creep for extra revenue instead.

11-02-2022, 04:53 PM
Our inflation is running hotter than theirs, any 'gains' you are seeing are entirely illusory.

Indeed .. some can't see beyond their nose, or next month :)

Perhaps reducing the size of the notes & coins accordingly may help a few comprehend the real effects ? ;)

Have Treasury announced when they will be releasing the new post-Covid "Robertson Gold Standard" vastly reduced
in size so all the boys & girls can fit more of them in their pockets ? ;)

The new reduced editions will presumably keep all happily amused until they discover that a pocketful doesn't
go any further, most likely less distance than the former did before the downsized redesign,
especially after Robertson's Tax Scoopers Dept swoop in for a share at higher marginal rates ;)

11-02-2022, 05:05 PM
We're at risk of becoming like America if we don't start seeing real terms increases:


Their wage hasn't increased in real terms since 1970...

Has Productivity ? or too hard ? :)

With 12 or 20 or 28 or 32 or 60 weeks paid Covid Holiday here in the past 2 years - let's hope for
some detailed answers ;)

11-02-2022, 08:29 PM
South korea has great productivity "in theory" but their median wage is only slightly above our minimum.

Hopefully making labour more expensive will encourage investment into training, machines and with less migration needed to simply keep the lights on.

11-02-2022, 09:22 PM
Poor Cindy - gone are the days when accolades rained down on her. Just another 1 trick pony (or is it horse?):


New Zealand's focus on Covid suppression through closed borders has created the impression that Ardern is incapable of moving the country forward.

Logen Ninefingers
11-02-2022, 09:52 PM
South korea has great productivity.. but their median wage is sadly only slightly above our minimum.

Hopefully making labour more expensive will encourage investment into training, machines with less migration needed to simply keep the lights on.

Yes Panda. It's all going swimmingly isn't it. Question time is going to turn into an absolute nightmare for Cindy and Robbo shortly. The Housing Catastrophe and rampant inflation will have Cindy tapping out before this term of government is over.

Logen Ninefingers
11-02-2022, 09:53 PM
Poor Cindy - gone are the days when accolades rained down on her. Just another 1 trick pony (or is it horse?):


New Zealand's focus on Covid suppression through closed borders has created the impression that Ardern is incapable of moving the country forward.

Ardern to inflation: "Be kind!!"

11-02-2022, 10:24 PM
Yes Panda. It's all going swimmingly isn't it. Question time is going to turn into an absolute nightmare for Cindy and Robbo shortly. The Housing Catastrophe and rampant inflation will have Cindy tapping out before this term of government is over.

The opposition are worse though with the GST rise in particular.

Not really a solution to change course.

11-02-2022, 10:44 PM
The opposition are worse though with the GST rise in particular.

Not really a solution to change course.

but still a vast improvement on the current mob & their long list of notable achievements,
hollow promises abandoned as fast as made & the aftermath descending on all now ;)

and that's being kind :)

11-02-2022, 10:47 PM
No corona deaths and strong economy is good (albiet without wage growth due to lack of worker bargaining power).

11-02-2022, 10:54 PM
No corona deaths and strong economy is good (albiet without wage growth due to lack of worker bargaining power).

someone been hiding under a rock sucking in the spin too long ? ;)

11-02-2022, 11:00 PM
Well it might have been a disaster under the alternative with many deaths, combined with a mediocre economy .

11-02-2022, 11:05 PM
Great Economy alright - Hefty rising Rents, House prices spiralling, Building Materials as scarce as Hen's Teeth,
Interest rates climbing out of Govt's Inflationary policies that none of the nimbies spared a thought for,
Covid running rapid in communities nationwide, Businesses & Employers left on their own through
this, The Homeless instantly abandoned, Gangs & Drugs running amuck, Grant, Cindy and the
rest of the muppets should be proud of the right mess they have landed us in, having failed on
just about every initiative, security they cast their eyes on leaving behind a trail of carnage,
Artificial Debt, inflated costs etc ;)

If it's such a Strong Economy, then why has BUsiness Confidence headed towards the gutter in
recent days - along with confidence in Adern's Leadership (sorry Spinning) ? ;)

11-02-2022, 11:11 PM
Well it might have been a disaster under the alternative with many deaths, combined with a mediocre economy .

Mediocre at best (and that's being very generously kind) is what may be expected to be seen after the trail of carnage courtesy of the current incompetent mob is done - none will be worthy of remembering
for anything of value - with so much splattered on a wall with very little of significance to carry
forward to show for their terms of spinning ;)

Robbo / Labour are even plotting to sell your Kiwibank .. again ;)

Are they short of readies (or hasn't that come out yet) ? ;)

When will Robbo come out and tell all that Labour aren't able to do FREE LUNCHES any more ? ;)

Perhaps there isn't enough left in kitty to pay the Fat Lady to sing and Pianist for the job, before
the announcement was due to be made ? ;)

11-02-2022, 11:13 PM
Great Economy alright - Hefty rising Rents, House prices spiralling, Building Materials as scarce as Hen's Teeth,
Interest rates climbing out of Govt's Inflationary policies that none of the nimbies spared a thought for,

Mostly international issues.

11-02-2022, 11:23 PM
Mostly international issues.

Rents = NO (Dumb Govt initiatives producing opposite result)
House Prices = NO (How many Returnees Labour got back in NZ now?)
Interest Rates = NO (look at Govt's Large Money Creation Scheme)
Fuel = NO (Hiked by Labour's Fuel Add-on's, ignoring Fuel Security ; Exploration Policies)

Did these clowns not learn that if the Money Supply is doubled for the same amount of Goods
out there - then all you get is INFLATION and very unhappy campers ? ;)

Perhaps Robbo should have asked his Father about Rapid Money Creation Schemes
and Other Peoples' Money ? ;)

What happens when the Burger Flipper on the new Min Wage finds in another 3 months
that the increase on 1 April leaves her even further in the cart as the Cost of Living
Rents, Fuel, etc etc bound away in leaps and bounds some more, as they will ? ;)

Will next time be Blame Labour ? Blame her Employer ? or Phone a TV Reporter
to have another whine ? :)

11-02-2022, 11:35 PM
Rents = NO (Dumb Govt initiatives producing opposite result)
House Prices = NO (How many Returnees Labour got back in NZ now?)
Interest Rates = NO (look at Govt's Large Money Creation Scheme)
Fuel = NO (Hiked by Labour's Fuel Add-on's, ignoring Fuel Security ; Exploration Policies)

Other countries are seeing all these things increase and jacinda is not PM there (which is unfortunate for them).

11-02-2022, 11:39 PM
Other countries are seeing all these things increase and jacinda is not PM there (which is unfortunate for them).

Fine .. ignore the LOCALISED factors :)

Others wont be - you can bank on it :)

12-02-2022, 12:12 AM
Mostly international issues.

Yes Global issues ... But in Little old NZ we have some insane Housing Costs Vs low wage economy ..that really relied on International Tourism to balance the the books ... and now with Housing in bubble territory ...profit margin pressures on Construction from inflation in costs hard t source labour ... many Construction firms will hit the wall ...Aussie banks will pull back on easy funding .. domino effects....

We have had one hell of a great party .... but at some point it must come to an end ...then the HANGOVER

12-02-2022, 02:23 AM
Fine .. ignore the LOCALISED factors :)

Others wont be - you can bank on it :)

Here is a very good article from Keith Woodford that is a good read to anyone, particularly people that think the NZ economy is humming away (Panda take note), despite the near total destruction of thepre-pandemic $17B tourism industry and the hospitality industry being brought to it's knees, as well as the huge restraints on others from endless border lockdowns:

"Unfortunately, there are very big storm clouds that are now coming over the horizon. The storm forces are created by large and increasing deficits on New Zealand’s current account. A current account deficit means that New Zealand is not paying its way with the rest of the world.

These growing deficits are not sustainable. The problem is that in an open economy, current-account deficits have to be balanced by inflows of capital. These current account deficits with the rest of the world are very different to internal deficits that can be funded through money creation."


12-02-2022, 07:52 AM
The NZD was higher under National (due to NZ being turned into a financial asset for wall street).

Farmers are making lots of money today esp combined with the high commodity prices.

12-02-2022, 04:00 PM
The NZD was higher under National (due to NZ being turned into a financial asset for wall street).

Farmers are making lots of money today esp combined with the high commodity prices.

Best try to see things for what they were - things were probably doing a whole lot better back then,
the economy was more solid / robust with a heap more international confidence before the current Mob
one way and another started playing and tipped it out on the nearest wall ;)

Logen Ninefingers
12-02-2022, 04:02 PM
The NZD was higher under National (due to NZ being turned into a financial asset for wall street).

Farmers are making lots of money today esp combined with the high commodity prices.

'A financial asset for Wall street'....lol. More meaningless cliches from Panda, couldn't you have worked 'neoliberal in there as well? What about 'Donkey' and a mention of the 'flag referendum'?

Labour have buried first home buyers under a mountain of debt due to record high house prices, and the winners will be Australian banks and their shareholders. It's a river of money flowing offshore and out of our economy; people who are spending most of their income paying off houses have less money for discretionary spending, particularly as the cost of almost everything essential is rising: fuel, food, power.

So I guess Cindy's big legacy will be a mere 'crisis' which morped into a Housing Catastrophe, and the undying gratitude of the fat cats at the Aussie banks.

"The NZD was higher under National": yes, and that meant we could pay for oil and consumer goods with money that had some purchasing power. The NZD will continue to fall off a cliff under Labour, and we will see the pitchforks come out as people are paying mind boggling prices at the pump.

12-02-2022, 04:03 PM
Best try to see things for what they were - things were probably doing a whole lot better back then,
the economy was more solid / robust with a heap more international confidence before the current Mob
one way and another started playing and tipped it out on the nearest wall ;)

Incorrect, NZ's credit rating today is higher than it was then.

12-02-2022, 04:14 PM
Incorrect, NZ's credit rating today is higher than it was then.

S&P must be slow on doing Reratings - probably Covid, or no MIQ spots to come
in to investigate Labour's LARGE INFLATION and borrow from yourself on
Robbo's Never Never plan ;)

12-02-2022, 04:17 PM
'A financial asset for Wall street'....lol. More meaningless cliches from Panda, couldn't you have worked 'neoliberal in there as well? What about 'Donkey' and a mention of the 'flag referendum'?

Labour have buried first home buyers under a mountain of debt due to record high house prices, and the winners will be Australian banks and their shareholders. It's a river of money flowing offshore and out of our economy; people who are spending most of their income paying off houses have less money for discretionary spending, particularly as the cost of almost everything essential is rising: fuel, food, power.

So I guess Cindy's big legacy will be a mere 'crisis' which morped into a Housing Catastrophe, and the undying gratitude of the fat cats at the Aussie banks.

"The NZD was higher under National": yes, and that meant we could pay for oil and consumer goods with money that had some purchasing power. The NZD will continue to fall off a cliff under Labour, and we will see the pitchforks come out as people are paying mind boggling prices at the pump.

some possibly haven't noticed - no Bicycle tax yet is there ? :)

12-02-2022, 04:25 PM
S&P must be slow on doing Reratings - probably Covid, or no MIQ spots to come
in to investigate Labour's LARGE INFLATION and borrow from yourself on
Robbo's Never Never plan ;)

Rerate it back to where national had it?
So things haven't become worse over time?

Some people just want NZ to do badly it seems, as they can't stand a woman PM.

12-02-2022, 04:28 PM
Rerate it back to where national had it?
So things haven't become worse over time?

Some people just want NZ to do badly it seems, as they can't stand a woman PM.

Look Sunshine - we all understand that some missions are an impossible task even for Specs Savers ;)

but it looks like the Parrot might have contracted something far worse :)

Would you be one of the loyal few by chance, who would hold position while dear Leader talks the
vessel down to the murky muddy bottom ? ;)

12-02-2022, 04:47 PM
Look Sunshine - we all understand that some missions are an impossible task even for Specs Savers ;)

Would you be one of the loyal few by chance, who would hold position while dear Leader talks the vessel down to the murky muddy bottom ? ;)

I am certainly left wing (of course for some posters here that means anything to the left of Attilla the Hun) - but I reckon that the current govt is doing well in terms of it's balancing act so far.

Death rate tiny, record job creation, back in surplus in a couple of years, building consents at record levels, plans to open up after the Omicron wave has crested.

When I see us progressing at pace down the path to perdition that pessimists percieve (yeah right - got carried away) - I will join your chorus of doom.

12-02-2022, 04:48 PM
Mahuta tells New Zealanders to get out of Ukraine.

But don't come back to NZ, you are not welcome! Not allowed.

What a blo*dy sick joke

"be kind & inclusive" remember.....

12-02-2022, 04:50 PM
Look Sunshine - we all understand that some missions are an impossible task even for Specs Savers ;)

but it looks like the Parrot might have contracted something far worse :)

Would you be one of the loyal few by chance, who would hold position while dear Leader talks the
vessel down to the murky muddy bottom ? ;)

The ship is starting to leak like a sieve. Don't get your paws wet Panda.

12-02-2022, 05:03 PM
I am certainly left wing (of course for some posters here that means anything to the left of Attilla the Hun) - but I reckon that the current govt is doing well in terms of it's balancing act so far.

Death rate tiny, record job creation, back in surplus in a couple of years, building consents at record levels, plans to open up after the Omicron wave has crested.

When I see us progressing at pace down the path to perdition that pessimists percieve (yeah right - got carried away) - I will join your chorus of doom.

Tousands of new Public Sevice positions created, Building industry stalled going nowhere, Accomodation,
Rentals & Property all at ATH's crisis, No fuel supply security, with waves of inflated values flowing in
compounded by all the new brainless Labour regional levies, Covid & Omicron waves running amuck
out of failed Govt attempts to halt it ; no Govt measures to insulate Business or Jobs in what could
be the worst and deepening waves coming.. no wonder there is discontent around

The current mob it seems don't have a clue and are that far from reality that they
may as well be on a meteor in deep space twiddling their thumbs..

Where are their morals now - if they had any in the first place ? :)

It may just take a mere two months for reality to sink in with some, while the economy
slides further down the toilet after chapters of such Govt incompetence ;)

Let's see how the balance looks in just a month or two's time as more jobs, businesses
and lives are allowed by the current mob to slide over the edge as they attempt to
fudge and clumsily blunder forward (that is those onboard not absent, asleep
under their pews or away busy eating someone elses' lunch trying to dream up
some slightly positive spin to cover the deteriorating situation) ;)

Remember - the revised Operative appears to be 'Forget Kindness' now replaced by -
'You're all on your own during the next Chapters - hopefully you make to the other
side' ;)

The Speaker of the House (Mallard) illustrates the extent of kindness by turning the sprinklers
on those out in the cold - but it doesn't stop there Govt have left all Kiwi's out in the
cold for the next upcoming round. Right or wrong ? ;)

(all done in the same manner as the Homeless were unceremoniously dumped on by the
top Office to never warrant another thought or mention. Subsequently - we can add new home
buyers waiting & just in to the list, those awaiting on the list for any sort of accommodation.
Landlords, Property Owners - is there any that this Govt haven't dumped on aside from
themselves and a few on their selective favoured lists for some preferential ? )

12-02-2022, 05:51 PM
Rerate it back to where national had it?
So things haven't become worse over time?

Some people just want NZ to do badly it seems, as they can't stand a woman PM.
How right you are - seems to my so many men can’t cop a woman PM - in my experience they are superior - Jenny Shipley being the exception.

12-02-2022, 06:10 PM

Mahuta says Kiwi's, leave Ukraine.

Just don't ask to come home to NZ, your not welcome.

"be kind & inclusive", remember.

Logen Ninefingers
12-02-2022, 06:15 PM
I am certainly left wing (of course for some posters here that means anything to the left of Attilla the Hun) - but I reckon that the current govt is doing well in terms of it's balancing act so far.

Death rate tiny, record job creation, back in surplus in a couple of years, building consents at record levels, plans to open up after the Omicron wave has crested.

When I see us progressing at pace down the path to perdition that pessimists percieve (yeah right - got carried away) - I will join your chorus of doom.

Back in surplus after a couple of years? You’re not swallowing that tripe are you?

12-02-2022, 06:26 PM
Back in surplus after a couple of years? You’re not swallowing that tripe are you?

Probably also believes Labours will breeze in, in 2023 too ;)

12-02-2022, 06:29 PM

Mahuta says Kiwi's, leave Ukraine.

Just don't ask to come home to NZ, your not welcome.

"be kind & inclusive", remember.

Can't understand why she's not over at the Ukranian / Russian border right now
rather than dithering around in Welly on the Who can / Who can't Bull----- ;)

Couldn't arrange a fast transport plane & parachute in time ? ;)

or would dropping her in for a cup of tea and a little chin wag with the Ruskies
have damaged / frightened the local fauna + wildlife too much ? ;)

12-02-2022, 06:30 PM
Back in surplus after a couple of years? You’re not swallowing that tripe are you?

Half the country economy wiped out, (tourism and hospitality), and the other half are trying not to pay anything for climate change or environment damage, while selling to evil dictatorship.....

What's left over are on benefits.

Strong as, eh?

Logen Ninefingers
12-02-2022, 06:35 PM
Labour’s housing catastrophe continues to get worse.

Logen Ninefingers
12-02-2022, 06:37 PM
‘The Ministry of Housing and Urban developments public housing quarterly report stated that as of September 2021, demand for housing had risen by 15 per cent.

Of those 92 per cent were ‘priority A’, meaning they were considered high risk and had severe and persistent housing needs that needed to be addressed immediately.

Across the central region, there were 1457 applicants on the housing register, and in New Zealand there were over 25,000 people waiting for permanent housing.‘

12-02-2022, 07:06 PM
Labour’s housing catastrophe continues to get worse.

The international one you probably were meant to say.

12-02-2022, 07:21 PM
‘The Ministry of Housing and Urban developments public housing quarterly report stated that as of September 2021, demand for housing had risen by 15 per cent.

Of those 92 per cent were ‘priority A’, meaning they were considered high risk and had severe and persistent housing needs that needed to be addressed immediately.

Across the central region, there were 1457 applicants on the housing register, and in New Zealand there were over 25,000 people waiting for permanent housing.‘

Becoming clearer and clearer that Cindy is but a one trick show pony :


Logen Ninefingers
12-02-2022, 07:22 PM
The international one you probably were meant to say.

National never got let off the hook like that by you Lefty lot after the GFC. All central banks pushed interest rates to the floor, yet there was Comrade Cindy and the Labour mob shrieking in parliament about a 'Housing Crisis' with the left wing media also leading the chorus. Yet since 2017 we have seen prices sky-rocket to undreamt of levels: currently $1.52 million is the average for a house in Auckland. 25,000 people in the queue for housing - many of them colonising motels all across NZ.

12-02-2022, 08:13 PM
Parliamentary House Moron makes an * of himself again:


could it termed engaging with the crowd or jammed in Neutral / 'I don't know what to do" ? :)

This clown is a real asset to Labour, any Government which has lost it's way + credibility and
whoever else has to tolerate his antics, when he's made unemployed hopefully next year ;)

12-02-2022, 08:21 PM
The international one you probably were meant to say.

Who is importing tens of thousands of returnees ? Where are they being housed ?

Who has been FAIL FAIL FAIL on Housing initiatives ?

Who hasn't being watching the Ball on the lengthening Building Supplies delays ?

Who has FAILED on Rental Accomodation demands & growing queues ?

Who tried to blame the associated market demands FALSELY on Rental Property
Owners providing solutions to this ?

Who thought they could control the Market by imposing Criteria limiting sales
Taxing within Brightline periods ?

Who made it harder for New Home Seekers to be able to borrow to get into
new or existing Homes ?

Pray do tell us exactly who the Bunch of Blind Idiots responsible for this are - if you dare ? ;)

12-02-2022, 08:24 PM
Pray do tell us exactly who the Bunch of Blind Idiots responsible for this are - if you dare ? ;)

The unemployment rate of 3% in only one year and also the stellar credit rating improvement.

12-02-2022, 08:31 PM
The unemployment rate of 3% in only one year and also the stellar credit rating improvement.

So you're not prepared to name the Bunch of Idiots responsible for matters
in the preceding post you replied to - rather try to post on something else ?

Too difficult ? Too obvious or too damning ?

Or Guilty as Charged ?

Add back all the Tens of thousands of extra Public Servants seconded into Govt Employment Villages
around Welly & the country to fudge the figures - why dont you ? ;)

Probably a further raft of exceptions to the list to cover NOT UNEMPLOYED status as per
last time and the time before :)

12-02-2022, 08:32 PM
Didn't someone say that hospitality and tourism were destroyed though.. so which is it?

12-02-2022, 08:45 PM
Didn't someone say that hospitality and tourism were destroyed though.. so which is it?

Probably like Labour will be in the polls next year - no surprise there ;)

12-02-2022, 09:44 PM
The most transparent & accountable government as promised by Cindy in action:


Logen Ninefingers
12-02-2022, 11:25 PM
Panda still cockling on about an unemployment rate of 3% when he knows there are vast hordes who have been pushed across to the jobseeker benefit.
Labour's need to massage any and all stats to make themselves look good is now coming back to bite. Because according to the doctored official numbers there is absolutely no reason for the Reserve Bank not to go 'hard and early' on some big OCR hikes.

13-02-2022, 03:22 AM
Panda still cockling on about an unemployment rate of 3% when he knows there are vast hordes who have been pushed across to the jobseeker benefit.
Labour's need to massage any and all stats to make themselves look good is now coming back to bite. Because according to the doctored official numbers there is absolutely no reason for the Reserve Bank not to go 'hard and early' on some big OCR hikes.

Gone from 147,500 in December 2019 to 188,000 in December 2021. This represents 6% of the 18-64 yo population. This happens despite thousands of foreign workers having left the country in that period and most industries desperately looking for staff. Oh, but they shouldn't be included in the unemployment stats !! They should be kicked of benefits and into available jobs pronto.

13-02-2022, 04:18 AM
Panda still cockling on about an unemployment rate of 3% when he knows there are vast hordes who have been pushed across to the jobseeker benefit.
Labour's need to massage any and all stats to make themselves look good is now coming back to bite. Because according to the doctored official numbers there is absolutely no reason for the Reserve Bank not to go 'hard and early' on some big OCR hikes.

Not focused on the real issues at all..

13-02-2022, 06:32 AM
Not focused on the real issues at all..

you got that right - you aren't nor anywhere near ;)

13-02-2022, 06:34 AM
National never got let off the hook like that by you Lefty lot after the GFC. All central banks pushed interest rates to the floor, yet there was Comrade Cindy and the Labour mob shrieking in parliament about a 'Housing Crisis' with the left wing media also leading the chorus. Yet since 2017 we have seen prices sky-rocket to undreamt of levels: currently $1.52 million is the average for a house in Auckland. 25,000 people in the queue for housing - many of them colonising motels all across NZ.

Social housing waiting list. September 2017 5,844; December 2021 - 25,525.

Certainly looks like a housing crisis for many of those households. Since there are thousands of rental vacancies advertised every day, perhaps they are too risky to be accepted as tenants under the recent rules from the government.

13-02-2022, 06:37 AM

Thanks for the FREE Entertainment - Trev :)

What's on the Playlist for tonight ?

The Gardens around Parliament wont need watering again for a while
unless you want to bring your mates out for a paddle in the puddles
and muddles :)

Isn't Sunday a day off for even the most clueless of Politicians ? --
Morons in high places got to sleep sometime ahead of another
rowdy week mostly asleep (under) rather than in the Speaker bench ;)

Perhaps a bit of 1812 at high volume needed from outside to wake the sleeping
little darling Speaker up in a huge hurry ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
13-02-2022, 08:21 AM

Thanks for the FREE Entertainment - Trev :)

What's on the Playlist for tonight ?

The Gardens around Parliament wont need watering again for a while
unless you want to bring your mates out for a paddle in the puddles
and muddles :)

Isn't Sunday a day off for even the most clueless of Politicians ? --
Morons in high places got to sleep sometime ahead of another
rowdy week mostly asleep (under) rather than in the Speaker bench ;)

Perhaps a bit of 1812 at high volume needed from outside to wake the sleeping
little darling Speaker up in a huge hurry ? ;)

Trev is focussed on the real issues as usual. Has always been a bully boy and gets to keep his role despite his litany of transgressions over the years. The most disgraceful speaker in NZ's history.

Logen Ninefingers
13-02-2022, 08:23 AM
Social housing waiting list. September 2017 5,844; December 2021 - 25,525.

Certainly looks like a housing crisis for many of those households. Since there are thousands of rental vacancies advertised every day, perhaps they are too risky to be accepted as tenants under the recent rules from the government.

A 5 fold increase. Labour's Housing Catastrophe.

13-02-2022, 08:59 AM
A 5 fold increase. Labour's Housing Catastrophe.

Excuse from clueless Cindy & her team of nincompoops - 5 fold increase in housing waiting list, skyrocketing property & rental prices are all unintended consequences of blaming & legislating against overseas speculators, property investors and landlords for the housing crisis.

And indeed it is now not a crisis but a full blown disaster.

All spin and no delivery - that’s Cindy.

Remember how she loved it hard & short? Now it’s all about soft & long.

Wait for the inflationary wage spiral which she has just initiated - one very dumb woman in charge of NZ.

13-02-2022, 09:35 AM
Yes Global issues ... But in Little old NZ we have some insane Housing Costs Vs low wage economy ..that really relied on International Tourism to balance the the books ... and now with Housing in bubble territory ...profit margin pressures on Construction from inflation in costs hard t source labour ... many Construction firms will hit the wall ...Aussie banks will pull back on easy funding .. domino effects....

We have had one hell of a great party .... but at some point it must come to an end ...then the HANGOVER
Labour resiled from the difficult decisions with respect to housing and increasing labour productivity, while concentrating on social wallpapering over the cracks with Te Reo and Treaty policies.

13-02-2022, 09:37 AM
Labour resiled from the difficult decisions with respect to housing and increasing labour productivity, while concentrating on social wallpapering over the cracks with Te Reo and Treaty policies.

It's all about cornering the 17% Maori vote so Cindy & her Maori cabal can stay in power to exact legislative changes to disadvantage the majority of NZers in favor of a minority.

13-02-2022, 11:00 AM
It's all about cornering the 17% Maori vote so Cindy & her Maori cabal can stay in power to exact legislative changes to disadvantage the majority of NZers in favor of a minority.

National should do more to improve their diversity.

It looks like a cabal of wealthy older gentlemen currently, in comparison to Act's rather more diverse lineup.

13-02-2022, 11:11 AM
National should do more to improve their diversity.

It looks like a cabal of wealthy older gentlemen currently, in comparison to Act's rather more diverse lineup.

Just bend over like Cindy & give the Maori cabal everything that they want - easy.

13-02-2022, 11:51 AM
National should do more to improve their diversity.

It looks like a cabal of wealthy older gentlemen currently, in comparison to Act's rather more diverse lineup.

Yes and Luxon just has to act competent lol.

13-02-2022, 12:27 PM
Yes and Luxon just has to act competent lol.

He does not bend over like Cindy for the Maori cabal. That’s becoming very clear to more and more NZers.

For whom the polls tell.

13-02-2022, 01:42 PM
Labour are dolts, small business is going broke while the terrorized population shelter in place from Omicron which is little more now than the common cold. Oh, the double and triple-jabbed population.........

13-02-2022, 02:41 PM
Let's see how forgiving or kind the General Public are going to be of this rapidly
worsening situation due to Govt's failure to control it:


Covid-19: 'Sharp increase' as 810 new community cases reported in Omicron outbreak

The protests in Wellington may well be just the tip of widespread deeper & growing dissatisfaction
of this Govt and what it has or mostly hasn't achieved ;)

13-02-2022, 02:49 PM
..... For whom the polls tell.

Very clever! Mind you, on current polling the 'tell' is a Labour / Green government in 2023.

13-02-2022, 02:57 PM
Jacinda can seal the deal by removing the coat tail rule.

Act will soon fall below 5% as I predicted months ago.

13-02-2022, 02:59 PM
Who has FAILED on Rental Accomodation demands & growing queues ?

Who tried to blame the associated market demands FALSELY on Rental Property
Owners providing solutions to this ?

Who thought they could control the Market by imposing Criteria limiting sales
Taxing within Brightline periods ? ....

Are they failures though? I'm sure Labour carefully considered the impacts of net migration and their rental policies on supply before legislating.

Meanwhile, Christchurch tenants are in trouble, see link. A property manager there said ''... the situation was caused by more landlords selling up. “They’ve had two years of extra tax and compliance costs, and with real estate prices high their property is worth more. We’ve had a lot of landlords sell up and pick up the capital gain.”

True enough but most of the cause is government policies. Certainly a noticeable upward shift in properties for sale, though to be fair 2021 was pretty weird.


13-02-2022, 03:12 PM
Very clever! Mind you, on current polling the 'tell' is a Labour / Green government in 2023.

Not according to the latest poll (Roy Morgan) :


Support for a potential National/ Act NZ coalition government is now at 48.5% and clearly ahead of the current Labour/ Greens government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on 43.5%.

13-02-2022, 03:18 PM
Are they failures though? I'm sure Labour carefully considered the impacts of net migration and their rental policies on supply before legislating.

Meanwhile, Christchurch tenants are in trouble, see link. A property manager there said ''... the situation was caused by more landlords selling up. “They’ve had two years of extra tax and compliance costs, and with real estate prices high their property is worth more. We’ve had a lot of landlords sell up and pick up the capital gain.”

True enough but most of the cause is government policies. Certainly a noticeable upward shift in properties for sale, though to be fair 2021 was pretty weird.


Of course they're failures

If the participants in the market are the very ones that may be able to get you out of
an increasingly difficult bind - you dont go forgetting what the original issue was
to try and blame the other participants and turn them away ..:)

That only compounds the issue further, which is exactly what has happened.

Who can blame some in the sphere from finally having had a guts full of a Govt
who would rather attack those providing Accomodation than fixing it - resulting
in sell ups and more in the queue ?

Property price rises are symptom of the prevailing market conditions

- Record Returnees
- Limited new stock on the market / being built (Brightline / Interest deduction / material for builds etc)
- Low Interest rates
- Record & increasing buyer demand
- Huge amounts of excess credit availability

Let's face it All or most rental properties at some point will end up on the market

If Govt wants to suffocate something in onerous bureaucracy & red tape, an
administration process that favours tenants over property owners (the later
being painted by Govt in many cases wrongly as the Big Bad Wolf) and make
Landlords target practice, then a growing degree of attrition should be expected

Overall Govt's handing of the property market, wrongly thinking they can control
free market operating) while not performing on what they set out to achieve
and were expected to, represents an overall FAIL for this Government

The same Pass mark as they should be awarded for almost anything else they
touched across their terms to date - that is an overall Fail on a job in the main
poorly initiated, delivered on (if at all)

The Residential Rental Property market has seen changes along the way which have
lead to the current crisis:

1. Removal of Depreciation deduction
2. Limitation of Interest deduction
3. Bright Line restriction on sales / Tax

4. Huge Rental demand
5. Exit of former owners with the changes
6. Excess Build Demands at time of Materials Supply issues

Who would want to be a landlord when successive Govt's have shown
they are incapable of seeing the light on what is needed to solve a
potential future problem ?

Potential new RRP owners would have to be very brave, in face of the
Socialist ideals of the current Govt still in play (abeit in head winds)

There are other far more attractive investments areas without all the nonsense

The RRP market operated quite happily in times of earlier Labour Govt terms
(ie Clark/Cullen) suppling a good proportion of market demand before
Government meddling started to change all that ..

That is why we have a problem now and the current Govt have failed to demonstrate
that they any clues on how to fix or improve what has evolved for the better IMO :)

13-02-2022, 03:21 PM
Not according to the latest poll (Roy Morgan) :


Support for a potential National/ Act NZ coalition government is now at 48.5% and clearly ahead of the current Labour/ Greens government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on 43.5%.

True enough, though I wouldn't put money on it as sentiment is very volatile. RM polls do have a good track record of being close to election day actuals.

The next government is going to be no fun to run or for the shrinking pool of net taxpayers. Labour / Green >>> karma.

13-02-2022, 03:22 PM
True enough, though I wouldn't put money on it as sentiment is very volatile. RM polls do have a good track record of being close to election day actuals.

It's what is often called a honeymoon (as good as it gets).

13-02-2022, 03:25 PM
Of course they're failures ....

Unless it pushes forward the Great Reset. In which case, minor blips on the way to the NWO.

13-02-2022, 03:42 PM
True enough, though I wouldn't put money on it as sentiment is very volatile. RM polls do have a good track record of being close to election day actuals.

The next government is going to be no fun to run or for the shrinking pool of net taxpayers. Labour / Green >>> karma.

Very true indeed

14-02-2022, 08:31 AM
PM said inflation was 'imported' ....I read in the paper this morning that Wellington protest 'feels imported'

Not our fault

Bill Smith
14-02-2022, 08:43 AM
Typical labour party trick. Dirty politics at it's finest.

5% rule was fine when anderton was the beneficiary.

14-02-2022, 09:20 AM
PM said inflation was 'imported' ....I read in the paper this morning that Wellington protest 'feels imported'

Not our fault

So we now know where Cindy has been hiding for the last few days - busy with her fellow spin artists (paid for with taxpayers' funds & at her behest) to come out with this latest excuse & spin that the protest & inflation are 'imported'.

Pathetic little girl.

14-02-2022, 09:50 AM
Typical labour party trick. Dirty politics at it's finest.

5% rule was fine when anderton was the beneficiary.

Some guy called Matty on Breakfaston1 apparently had a good time with his mate the PM this morning.... the PM's favourite communication channel at the moment (or propaganda as some would call it)

14-02-2022, 01:53 PM
Typical labour party trick. Dirty politics at it's finest.

5% rule was fine when anderton was the beneficiary.

The greens and NZF both had to fight to stay in parliament (because jacinda was so well liked).

So should act. Dave doesn't need affirmative action.

14-02-2022, 02:10 PM
The greens and NZF both had to fight to stay in parliament (because jacinda was so well liked).

So should act. Dave doesn't need affirmative action.

Sure you don't mean that Labour has to rustle any old sort of renegade bunch
of weirdos & roughies by way of support to get in ? ;)

Bad news - there will be fair few of them who have been dumped on by Labour
in the current terms ..

The fine margin will be fading away rapidly with every screw up Labour make
if it hasn't already evaporated completely ;)

Forget what polls say about the Spinning Parrot, at end of the day the proof is in the pudding
or what's not there, which will probably be the case when the plate reaches you :)

14-02-2022, 04:21 PM
Govt's Covid rules working well -


Covid-19: 'Crisis' in Queenstown as staff isolation rules cause mass closures

15-02-2022, 10:40 AM
Some guy called Matty on Breakfaston1 apparently had a good time with his mate the PM this morning.... the PM's favourite communication channel at the moment (or propaganda as some would call it)

Cindy can run, she can hide but she cannot fool NZers anymore with her BS.

She is not prepared to comment about her speaker (who stabbed an innocent man's career in the back & got taxpayers to pay his legal costs) turning on the sprinklers on the protestors (including children) :


Prime Minister Jacinda Arden has been questioned as to why sprinklers were used on anti-mandate protesters over the weekend, including women and children.

During a press conference on Monday afternoon, Ardern was asked about Trevor Mallard's decision to turn sprinklers on at Parliament on speakers late last week.

"In the spirit of being kind why did the speaker turn the sprinklers on women and kids," a journalist asked Ardern.

Ardern said she would not pass judgment on Mallard or the police.

15-02-2022, 10:45 AM
You need a shower too unbalanced bur no matter how hard you scrub your stink of nastiness,mistruth,,turbospin, fabrication, warped reality,hatred will never wash off you're stuck with it old prune.Whale oil.

15-02-2022, 11:07 AM
You need a shower too unbalanced bur no matter how hard you scrub your stink of nastiness,mistruth,,turbospin, fabrication, warped reality,hatred will never wash off you're stuck with it old prune.Whale oil.

Time is up, JT and for Cindy.

NZers have woken up to the fact that Cindy is full of crap & BS - all spin & no delivery.

Be kind, Cindy said. Be tolerant, Cindy implored.

Well, given how far she is prepared to bend backwards to accommodate Trevor Mallard & the Maori cabal, she can kiss my arse with her homilies.

15-02-2022, 11:34 AM
PM admiration of Goff continues ....from when she worked for him years ago

PM’s comments on Goff unbelievable given SFO probe

The Taxpayers’ Union is condemning the Prime Minister for her comments about Auckland Mayor Phil Goff as a disgraceful shot across the bows of the Serious Fraud Office’s investigation into Mr Goff for alleged electoral corruption.

Speaking to media at the Post-Cab, the Prime Minister offered “I can personally attest to the fact Phil Goff is a man of great integrity.”

“In the context of the continuing SFO probe, it is difficult to believe the PM would go out on a limb like this unless she was trying to prod on the investigation,” said Jordan Williams, a spokesman for the Taxpayers’ Union.

“Of course the Government is in a difficult position. It would be difficult for the Government to appoint Mr Goff to Washington, or any diplomatic post for that matter, while he is still subject to the corruption investigation.”

The SFO confirmed to the Taxpayers’ Union today that their investigation is on-going.

15-02-2022, 12:13 PM
PM admiration of Goff continues ....from when she worked for him years ago

PM’s comments on Goff unbelievable given SFO probe

The Taxpayers’ Union is condemning the Prime Minister for her comments about Auckland Mayor Phil Goff as a disgraceful shot across the bows of the Serious Fraud Office’s investigation into Mr Goff for alleged electoral corruption.

Speaking to media at the Post-Cab, the Prime Minister offered “I can personally attest to the fact Phil Goff is a man of great integrity.”

“In the context of the continuing SFO probe, it is difficult to believe the PM would go out on a limb like this unless she was trying to prod on the investigation,” said Jordan Williams, a spokesman for the Taxpayers’ Union.

“Of course the Government is in a difficult position. It would be difficult for the Government to appoint Mr Goff to Washington, or any diplomatic post for that matter, while he is still subject to the corruption investigation.”

The SFO confirmed to the Taxpayers’ Union today that their investigation is on-going.

Cant be much other worthwhile "GOOD" news for a Govt Spin a Spin when they have to pick
something that may inevitably see another shower of Egg thrown back at Govt ;)

No accolades for this hapless Govt on trying to deflect attention away from their incompetence
yet again.. Full marks however for digging the hole deeper and attracting more Spotlights ;)

A Government which has clearly lost it's way and is on a Slippery Slope ;)

Logen Ninefingers
15-02-2022, 01:33 PM
Robbo is preparing income protection insurance scheme for high income earners so they can keep paying their inflated mortages once our 'all eggs in one basket' economy collapses. Since the levies collected will be a drop in the bucket compared to the massive payouts that are coming, one again it is 'the NZ taxpayer' (future generations, as already Robbo is borrowing $1 Billion a week) paying for all the asset owning communications staff, latte makers, middle managers, property spruikers and other essentially useless 'workers' that are going to be out of a job.

15-02-2022, 01:58 PM
Yep Unbalanced,your arse is waving in the wind alright ,no takers ,lol. Whale oil.

15-02-2022, 01:59 PM
Robbo is preparing income protection insurance scheme for high income earners so they can keep paying their inflated mortages once our 'all eggs in one basket' economy collapses. Since the levies collected will be a drop in the bucket compared to the massive payouts that are coming, one again it is 'the NZ taxpayer' (future generations, as already Robbo is borrowing $1 Billion a week) paying for all the asset owning communications staff, latte makers, middle managers, property spruikers and other essentially useless 'workers' that are going to be out of a job.

Wonder if he will try to include his arrogant dreamy mates in the Beehive pews as Employees' ;)

Some of these skillsets probably are probably worthy of only a portion of the Unemployment
Benefit and no more based what everyone has seen ;)

perhaps he could find a spot for our floating anchor who seems to be a lost cause on here
- assuming they can find a spare unoccupied pew to park his ass on .. ? ;)

15-02-2022, 01:59 PM
Cheers robbo. The open door migration policy followed by the previous govt makes it slightly harder for people across every skill level to secure new jobs than it should be.

15-02-2022, 02:52 PM
Cheers robbo. The open door migration policy followed by the previous govt makes it slightly harder for people across every skill level to secure new jobs faster.

Can only speak for my friends, family and tenants, but none have had any difficulty finding jobs, and that includes the school leavers. Apart from one who is unemployable but family have created a part time position.

Of course they actually want to work.

15-02-2022, 04:29 PM

Liam Dann: Is the housing slump finally here?

(behind the NZH Paywall)

If/when it occurs and foreclosures become the norm, we can be almost guaranteed of DENIALS
coming from ARDERN, ROBERTSON and the HOUSING Muppet - true to form, can't we ? ;)

15-02-2022, 06:46 PM

Liam Dann: Is the housing slump finally here?

(behind the NZH Paywall)

If/when it occurs and foreclosures become the norm, we can be almost guaranteed of DENIALS
coming from ARDERN, ROBERTSON and the HOUSING Muppet - true to form, can't we ? ;)

The article mentions factors influencing market downward direction as - record levels of new building, low immigration, tightened investor and lending regulations, rising interest rates specifically fixed-term mortgage rates, tightening of loan-to-value limits and new responsible lending requirements.

The article does not mention what landlords might do, or why, yet those investors currently own a third of the housing stock and their decisions to sell or buy are material. With some 600k rentals even a small increase in selling up will change the market and importantly for renters.

Investors are going to focus on new builds now, at least until the interest non deductibility and bright line reversals kick in.

Which they will, even if not next year. But with rising build costs those new builds are not going to cater for the lower end of the market unless they are shoeboxes or financed by taxpayers as social housing.

Meanwhile, landlords considering selling who do their sums might well decide to sit out the period until the bright line expires, including leaving the property vacant due largely to the new government rules around tenant tenure rights.

So there is likely to be a steady flow of rentals onto the market in 2023.

The 5 year bright line starts to expire first quarter 2023, now not far off the time to give tenants notice and prepare property for sale. And a change of government next year will see bright line back to 2 years and interest non deductibility gone.

Those sums will include taking into account paying 39% of potentially large capital gain to the government.

15-02-2022, 07:52 PM

Liam Dann: Is the housing slump finally here?

(behind the NZH Paywall)

If/when it occurs and foreclosures become the norm, we can be almost guaranteed of DENIALS
coming from ARDERN, ROBERTSON and the HOUSING Muppet - true to form, can't we ? ;)

But of course it is the previous government’s fault.

Cindy is a saint who can do no wrong as far as the Labour shills are concerned.

A saint continuously scanning the polls and spinning her lies with her army of taxpayer funded PR & spin artists.

15-02-2022, 07:59 PM
PM says inflation has been imported ……Chris Hipkins defends the govt on inflation citing the 2010 GST increase.

Goodness gracious

15-02-2022, 08:49 PM
'Tim Kelleher, head of institutional foreign exchange sales for the Commonwealth Bank New Zealand, said Stats NZ’s yearly migration statistics, released today, were holding back the currency.

NZ’s migration data showed New Zealand had a net loss of 4,000 migrants leaving the country during the full year ending Dec 31.

“It's a risk to the New Zealand economy that we lose our youngest and brightest offshore,” Kelleher told BusinessDesk.@
https://www.goodreturns.co.nz/article/976519915/nzx-50-dips-10-points-infratil-climbs.html?utm_source=GR&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GoodReturns+Market+Report+for+15+Feb+ 2022

15-02-2022, 08:53 PM
'Tim Kelleher, head of institutional foreign exchange sales for the Commonwealth Bank New Zealand, said Stats NZ’s yearly migration statistics, released today, were holding back the currency.

NZ’s migration data showed New Zealand had a net loss of 4,000 migrants leaving the country during the full year ending Dec 31.

“It's a risk to the New Zealand economy that we lose our youngest and brightest offshore,” Kelleher told BusinessDesk.@
https://www.goodreturns.co.nz/article/976519915/nzx-50-dips-10-points-infratil-climbs.html?utm_source=GR&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GoodReturns+Market+Report+for+15+Feb+ 2022

And in the meanwhile, Cindy is accelerating her breeding program to have ever more beneficiaries and no hopers as they are good Labour voters, dependent on the state and feeding off the productive sector.

15-02-2022, 10:14 PM
But of course it is the previous government’s fault.

Cindy is a saint who can do no wrong as far as the Labour shills are concerned.

A saint continuously scanning the polls and spinning her lies with her army of taxpayer funded PR & spin artists.

but of course .. so true too .. or is she developing new lines now, in case someone picks up they're
tired recycled reruns ? :)

15-02-2022, 10:19 PM
PM says inflation has been imported ……Chris Hipkins defends the govt on inflation citing the 2010 GST increase.

Goodness gracious

Wonder when Labour hope to receive their imported crate of enhanced Intelligence packs ? ;)

The old ones appear to all be malfunctioning and leaking badly, with repetitive spinning
and blaming others for their non performance ;)

15-02-2022, 10:46 PM
Look outside your tiny little mind bubble and see what is happening in the world,old fruit.Maybe give up investing ,you're on a highway to poverty if you're going to be that myopic and spin political garbage,so transparent.Youve become what you accuse others of a mini me balance.

15-02-2022, 10:55 PM
Look outside your tiny little mind bubble and see what is happening in the world,old fruit.Maybe give up investing ,you're on a highway to poverty if you're going to be that myopic and spin political garbage,so transparent.Youve become what you accuse others of a mini me balance.

Your anchor appears to have gotten stuck - haven't you noticed ?
It must be affecting your view of things ;)
Keep this up & folk here may even start feeling sorry for you :)

16-02-2022, 07:29 AM
Your anchor appears to have gotten stuck - haven't you noticed ?
It must be affecting your view of things ;)
Keep this up & folk here may even start feeling sorry for you :)

Poor Joshuatree - jilted at the altar and now, misled & cheated by Cindy’s spins.

Poor poor thing.

So bitter about her life.

Anything we can help?

16-02-2022, 07:43 AM
A full blown housing catastrophe - that’s Cindy’s real legacy after her humungous election promise of affordable housing for NZers:


Kiwibuild & Santa Claus, anyone?

fungus pudding
16-02-2022, 08:16 AM
Poor Joshuatree - jilted at the altar and now, misled & cheated by Cindy’s spins.

Poor poor thing.

So bitter about her life.

Anything we can help?

How do you know Joshua tree is a 'she'? I always assumed it was dioecious.

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 10:08 AM
A full blown housing catastrophe - that’s Cindy’s real legacy after her humungous election promise of affordable housing for NZers:


Kiwibuild & Santa Claus, anyone?

I started using the term Housing Catastrophe, and now I see it popping up in this article. Hmm.

16-02-2022, 10:15 AM
I started using the term Housing Catastrophe, and now I see it popping up in this article. Hmm.

Just as I coined the phrase ‘All spin & no delivery’ and I see it being used in the media too.

Tells you that ST is getting the attention of the media.

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 10:21 AM
If National has any brains at all they will start using the term Labours Housing Catastrophe in question time, and Seymour should start using it as well.

This will deliniate a period under the Labour government when the 'crisis' morphed into something much bigger. It will be difficult for Labour to keep wittering away about "that previous government" when they are being made to own a distinct new phase in the evolution of this issue. A 'crisis' has conatations of a situation that is troubling but not yet a full blow disaster, a 'catastrophe' is a clear unmitigated disaster.

16-02-2022, 11:50 AM
If National has any brains at all they will start using the term Labours Housing Catastrophe in question time, and Seymour should start using it as well.

This will deliniate a period under the Labour government when the 'crisis' morphed into something much bigger. It will be difficult for Labour to keep wittering away about "that previous government" when they are being made to own a distinct new phase in the evolution of this issue. A 'crisis' has conatations of a situation that is troubling but not yet a full blow disaster, a 'catastrophe' is a clear unmitigated disaster.

Considering Luxon appears to have a few clues he is hesitant to stand up so far. May be he is strategising, may be hes just there to eat his lunch ?

16-02-2022, 11:57 AM
Considering Luxon appears to have a few clues he is hesitant to stand up so far. May be he is strategising, may be hes just there to eat his lunch ?

Opposition leaders will have reasons for their actions or inactions. Certainly they will be having deep conversations behind closed doors, including timing. Right, wrong or between, who knows but they will have reasons.

16-02-2022, 01:59 PM

Latest polls - the trend continues of National closing the gap. A swing of 3 % on Election Day will see Cindy moving onto her UN job, leaving the catastrophic housing mess she created behind for others to sort out.

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 02:41 PM
People usually change the government when they are angry and afraid. To COVID-19 fatigue and angst you can add anger and fear around inflation, and now property owners are scenting the air for danger as they witness a diametric reversal of all the factors that were pushing up NZ's ridiculous property prices. The fear is real out there. NZ is caught in a trap, caught between the jaws of inflation & our property bubble. Now the people that assumed the risk and took on massive debt will not be wanting to face any adverse consequences, and the pressure will come again for politicians and central bankers to prop them up and bail them out. We cannot have a repeat of 2020, when steps to shore up the market were met with a dramatic increase in house prices. We should learn from this failure, learn that moves to stabilise will only stoke a renewal of the mania. Once bitten, twice shy. For the sake of our collective future and that of future genetrations, our politicians of all stripes must resist the temptation to use taxpayer dollars to bail out asset owners who took risk knowing that interest rates go up & down and that the market responds to elevated prices by meeting demand through a building boom.

16-02-2022, 02:45 PM

Latest polls - the trend continues of National closing the gap. A swing of 3 % on Election Day will see Cindy moving onto her UN job, leaving the catastrophic housing mess she created behind for others to sort out.

How did she create it? It's the international situation currently.

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 03:20 PM
How did she create it? It's the international situation currently.

- Failure to follow through on KiwiBuild. Incompetence of ministers Twyford and Woods.
- Undermining the independence of the central bank with the addition of an employment focus to the mandate.
- Undermining the independence of the central bank with the partisan choice of the under qualified Adrian Orr as the governor.
- The famous 'Ardern Put' where she said that house prices cannot be allowed to fall as 'that is not what Kiwi's expect'. Government should never encourage moral hazard or back-stop the market with real or implied guarantees or taxpayer funds.
- The government stokes the demand side via the use of taxpayer funds and other gimmicks. The OECD wants the Government to stop allowing people to withdraw funds from their KiwiSaver accounts for their first-homes. It also wants an end to First Home Loans and First Home Grants available to low-income earners and first home buyers.

16-02-2022, 04:33 PM
How did she create it? It's the international situation currently.

Can you explain what aspects of the international situation have created a housing problem here? I am sure there are some, but it is a complex sector.

16-02-2022, 05:16 PM
Can you explain what aspects of the international situation have created a housing problem here? I am sure there are some, but it is a complex sector.

All the Returnees I guess - but who's policies & spins encouraged that

Would Labour be dumb enough to blame them (like they did Landlords) ? :)

The returnees must be being housed somewhere or have bought - as there don't appear to
to be many or any of these ones who are camped out in front of the beehive :)

Obviously no-one was bright enough in the Govt ranks to extrapolate that for all
the building activity - there wouldn't be enough materials at hand or in this part of
the world to complete but a fraction of them ;)

16-02-2022, 05:34 PM
Whichever govt consultant gave three waters its name should be moved on.

Healthy water reform.. simple, easy and improved. who could argue against that
This ongoing meme is a drag on the govt.

16-02-2022, 05:48 PM
Can you explain what aspects of the international situation have created a housing problem here? I am sure there are some, but it is a complex sector.

artemis, just in case you missed it as it wasn't quoted to your post. Here is your answer. All clear now, or so I assume.

"Whichever govt consultant gave Three waters its name should be moved on.

Healthy water reform.. simple, easy and improved. who can argue against that?

The ongoing meme is a drag on the govt.

16-02-2022, 05:51 PM
Can you explain what aspects of the international situation have created a housing problem here? I am sure there are some, but it is a complex sector.

Low interest rates
Low restrictions on foreign investment.
Cashed up kiwi expats returning for a bit (sometimes bringing their more generous super schemes with them).

16-02-2022, 05:58 PM
Plus no maximum limit on the number of houses one individual can own.

16-02-2022, 06:07 PM
Plus no maximum limit on the number of houses one individual can own.

Anything but the real underlying reasons :)

16-02-2022, 06:09 PM
Whichever govt consultant gave three waters its name should be moved on.

Healthy water reform.. simple, easy and improved. who could argue against that
This ongoing meme is a drag on the govt.

Why blame the consultant when Mahuta should be the real target for this nonsense ? :)

16-02-2022, 06:10 PM
Plus no maximum limit on the number of houses one individual can own.

Been like that for hundreds of years through multiple Labour terms - why is this an excuse now ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 06:11 PM
How long before Jacinda panics at the putrid plunging poll numbers and confluence of cascading catastrophes?

Protesters on the doorstep, inflation on the rise, housing a debacle, COVID fatigue stalking the land - and Grant is looking like the cat who got the cream for some reason.

16-02-2022, 06:11 PM
Anything but the real underlying reasons :)

There's no real reason a company or individual person should have 10 houses while others have none.

16-02-2022, 06:13 PM
How long before Jacinda panics at the putrid plunging poll numbers and confluence of cascading catastrophes?

She's winning though, another poll showing a loss for National despite using their own polling firm.

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 06:19 PM
There's no real reason a company or individual person should have 10 houses while others have none.

And in a free market they wouldn't, because prices would already have been allowed to fall. Instead we have a central bank trying to be the master puppeteer and doing daft things like printing money and suppressing interest rates. We have Jacinda 'getting first home buyers on the ladder' using taxpayer funds, and now she's trying to move heaven and earth against market forces because she's actually sold these people down the river: they will be donkey deep in negative equity if it all turns to custard. Labour have been just as guilty as any other party of pumping up immigrant numbers pre-pandemic & that is ideologically in their wheelhouse with the Left's desire for 'multiculturalism'. But it meant housing demand overwhelming housing supply while it continued. So she can talk about 'pulling on levers' but its all just talk.

You can say that Labour have done a lot of things that National did or would have done, but that goes to the heart of the problem. Labour campaigned on having the answers, they campaigned on fixing the crisis, on making housing affordable. You can vault someone onto the ladder using gimmicks but that is not making housing affordable, it is just pretending to do so.

Logen Ninefingers
16-02-2022, 06:20 PM
She's winning though, another poll showing a loss for national even with their own polling firm.

'The trend is your friend'.

16-02-2022, 06:25 PM
There's no real reason a company or individual person should have 10 houses while others have none.

Yes there is - if they are providing accommodation businesses
or in property development :)

How do you think Property development projects would progress
if they could only own one ? :)

16-02-2022, 06:27 PM
She's winning though, another poll showing a loss for National despite using their own polling firm.

She's curry and knows it .. Wake up :)

16-02-2022, 06:56 PM
Remember this ?


The offer to take 150 refugees currently detained on Manus Island and Nauru stands, the prime minister says.

"Jacinda Ardern said she wanted to reconfirm New Zealand's offer to Australia to take 150 refugees who had been subject to offshore processing legislation."

She tried to show the Aussies up and well, NZ is reaping the reward now as Australia gets ready to unleash even more 501 criminals back got NZ :

"You want refugees? We have plenty in Oz we will send you."


"Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta says she would be concerned at any moves in Australia that could increase the number of New Zealand citizens being deported.

The Australian government is working through changes to its Migration Act, which would give the immigration minister more power under the "character test" to deport people who have been convicted of a crime."


Marilyn Munroe
17-02-2022, 01:50 AM
I urge the Prime Minister to capitulate to the demands of the Parliament Grounds occupiers.

It wont be an unaccustomed decision for her as she has already capitulated to the Ihumotao occupiers.

Boop boop de do

17-02-2022, 05:30 AM
She's winning though, another poll showing a loss for National despite using their own polling firm.

Yes despite Luxon harvesting the low hanging fruit by simply coming across as competent

17-02-2022, 08:46 AM
Yes despite Luxon harvesting the low hanging fruit by simply coming across as competent

What’s wrong, JT?

Can’t sleep with worries about something (like NZers seeing through all of Cindy’s BS & spin) so you feel compelled to post at 5.30 am in the wee hours?

Can we help?

Don’t be embarrassed to reach out to us, ok? We are all humans and unlike Cindy, are genuinely kind.

Logen Ninefingers
17-02-2022, 08:55 AM
Labour may still be polling strongly as of now but as inflation starts to bite and we stare down the barrell of a property market down-turn then things can change quite rapidly, and the polls are starting to indicate this. The anti-mandates crew are getting a lot of support from traditional Labour voters as well, and there is a backlash at Jacinda's handling of the protest.
Additional to the above, I can see a likely scenario where disillusioned parts of the Labour base simply don't show up and vote come the next election. They won't be motivated to vote for Labour, so they won't bother.

17-02-2022, 09:54 AM
Labour may still be polling strongly as of now but as inflation starts to bite and we stare down the barrell of a property market down-turn then things can change quite rapidly, and the polls are starting to indicate this. The anti-mandates crew are getting a lot of support from traditional Labour voters as well, and there is a backlash at Jacinda's handling of the protest.
Additional to the above, I can see a likely scenario where disillusioned parts of the Labour base simply don't show up and vote come the next election. They won't be motivated to vote for Labour, so they won't bother.

The swing away from Labour next election could well be significant. Like you say a large core of traditional labour voters are dissolutioned to say the least. Where they turn to is another story.
I say bring back Winston which sounds absolutely ridiculous but these are strange times. Who would have ever thought the devil you know could one day be made to look viable considering the options.

17-02-2022, 10:06 AM
The trouble with bringing back Winston is the others he would bring with him.

Logen Ninefingers
17-02-2022, 10:08 AM
The swing away from Labour next election could well be significant. Like you say a large core of traditional labour voters are dissolutioned to say the least. Where they turn to is another story.
I say bring back Winston which sounds absolutely ridiculous but these are strange times. Who would have ever thought the devil you know could one day be made to look viable considering the options.

Ok Winston, I hear you mate. I'm not happy that you put Cindy in power out of spite and a vendetta against the biggest party. National won 44.45% of the vote yet you went with horsey and her bribes and baubles mate. I will never forget or forgive & you got the boot in 2020 so take the hint and bugger off.

17-02-2022, 10:34 AM
Ok Winston, I hear you mate. I'm not happy that you put Cindy in power out of spite and a vendetta against the biggest party. National won 44.45% of the vote yet you went with horsey and her bribes and baubles mate. I will never forget or forgive & you got the boot in 2020 so take the hint and bugger off.

But do you see my point. This lot now make him look credible. Doesn't make him any better, just shows how incompetent this mob are.

17-02-2022, 11:19 AM
A mediocre 44% is not a majority thankfully.

Still fighting battles six years ago when there was a massive worldwide pandemic and near economic recession since then.

fungus pudding
17-02-2022, 11:29 AM
The trouble with bringing back Winston is the others he would bring with him.

The trouble with bringing back Winston is Winston.

Logen Ninefingers
17-02-2022, 12:24 PM
A mediocre 44% is not a majority thankfully.

Still fighting battles six years ago when there was a massive worldwide pandemic and near economic recession since then.

Still fighting battles six years ago

Straight out of the Labour play book really. Whenever anyone asks them to make progress on housing or mental health or ICU beds or anything else for that matter, they start raving about "that previous government". Labour in 2016 wanted a state of emergency declared on the 'housing crisis', yet today we have a 5 fold increase in the waiting list for public housing & we have the most unaffordable housing market in the world.

Bill Smith
17-02-2022, 01:06 PM
And the dozy labour shills don't even know that the previous government was the labour/winston 1st debacle!

17-02-2022, 01:24 PM
And Bill the Dill(pickle:) hasn't a clue how lucky he is here with this govt guiding us through with some of the best stats in the whole wide world.Thank dog National now have a leader who is at least coming across as competent in a CEO spin way. Its a horrible thought to think what would have happened in the last two years under National/Act,make for a classic horror movie.

17-02-2022, 02:03 PM
And Bill the Dill(pickle:) hasn't a clue how lucky he is here with this govt guiding us through with some of the best stats in the whole wide world.Thank dog National now have a leader who is at least coming across as competent in a CEO spin way. Its a horrible thought to think what would have happened in the last two years under National/Act,make for a classic horror movie.

Poor JT - just woken up after a restless night.

You ok, sweetie?

17-02-2022, 02:11 PM
John key gave up and thought he could do better.

Imagine having a team with Judith collins, gerry brownlee, Joyce and Simon bridges in it :(

Logen Ninefingers
17-02-2022, 02:47 PM
John key gave up and thought he could do better.

Imagine having a team with judith collins, Gerry brownlee, joyce and Simon bridges in it.

Imagine having a team of Twyford, Woods, Davis, Clark, Mahuta, and Little: the country would be in a shambles with a housing catastrophe & rampant inflation.

17-02-2022, 03:18 PM
Imagine having a team of Twyford, Woods, Davis, Clark, Mahuta, and Little: the country would be in a shambles with a housing catastrophe & rampant inflation.

Don’t furget Poto(loo) Williams, Faafio and Shaw.

17-02-2022, 03:21 PM
Dreamer, we have them now and all the better for it,it's not perfect but it's the best we've got, no contest.That other party is all talk and Harry hindsight,just hope they can rebuild sometime and be more effective as an opposition,we live in hope.

17-02-2022, 03:25 PM
Imagine having a team of Twyford, Woods, Davis, Clark, Mahuta, and Little: the country would be in a shambles with a housing catastrophe & rampant inflation.

Yea, just imagine, that would be terrifing, bordering on a nightmare.....

17-02-2022, 06:20 PM
Dreamer, we have them now and all the better for it,it's not perfect but it's the best we've got, no contest.That other party is all talk and Harry hindsight,just hope they can rebuild sometime and be more effective as an opposition,we live in hope.

You ok, JT? It's not good for you to be up at 5 am and posting on ST, you know. We are here for you if you need help with your problems.

Meanwhile, this is what your Cindy is all about :


Hell of a worry, especially when she decided to bugger off from Wellington today for some photo ops away from the bad optics of her government being unable to handle the protestors.

Job must be really really getting to her.

17-02-2022, 06:54 PM
You ok, JT? It's not good for you to be up at 5 am and posting on ST, you know. We are here for you if you need help with your problems.

Meanwhile, this is what your Cindy is all about :


Hell of a worry, especially when she decided to bugger off from Wellington today for some photo ops away from the bad optics of her government being unable to handle the protestors.

Job must be really really getting to her.

Might be a bit risky straying away from the Pet Duck's Compound - she might
bring back a few Covid Guests to keep all the rest of the Comrades company ;)

Guess visiting schools is off limits now - probably too many difficult questions from
the kiddies and a balling out likely from Parents & Teachers .. well deserved too :)

Don't worry Cindy - you can run and try to hide but COVID Will seek you out and find you ;)

17-02-2022, 07:09 PM
Might be a bit risky straying away from the Pet Duck's Compound - she might
bring back a few Covid Guests to keep all the rest of the Comrades company ;)

People like Lux and Sir john are hiding away, while essential workers are out there working and don't deserve a minimum wage increase apparently.

The PM will continue in her duties and not hide from omicron behind skype.

17-02-2022, 07:24 PM
Does any one understand Panda's posts?

17-02-2022, 07:59 PM
Does any one understand Panda's posts?

Same sort of garbage from Clueless Cindy & her team of nincompoops.

17-02-2022, 08:59 PM
Wonder how Cindy & her pet duck are going to react to this. Turn on the fire hydrants and wish the water will wash this development away?


‘Kiwi sailing icon Sir Russell Coutts has revealed he plans to travel to Wellington to join those protesting against the Government's pandemic measures, calling the country's current rules "irrational".’

From Sir Russell Coutts’ :

I'm heading to Wellington next week to join the protest. It's the first time I've ever felt compelled to join a protest.

I'm not anti-vaccine (I'm vaccinated) but I'm definitely against forced vaccinations.

I'm also strongly opposed to the ever increasing erosion of our human rights and the growing limitations on our freedom of choice. I believe in having the freedom to be able to question so-called "expert" opinion.

I'm against discrimination and the "them and us" society that is being promoted by our current political leaders.

I'm against creating different rights, laws and privileges based on Race.

I'm also against the irrational Covid rules that are currently being mandated in New Zealand, a few examples being;

- The 10 day quarantine that still remains for international travel.
- The absurd rules where our kids (vaccinated and unvaccinated) can sit in the same classroom and play sport together inside the school yard, yet are prohibited from playing sport together outside the school yard.
- The absurd rules that prohibit two young unvaccinated brothers, living in the same household, from sailing together in a sailing competition because they would be within two metres of each other while sailing their boat.
- The rules that require one to put on a mask to walk to and from the bathroom inside a restaurant when masks have already been removed while eating and drinking.
- The contradictory rules that allow unvaccinated people to take a domestic flight (with a negative Covid test) but prohibit a young unvaccinated kid from competing in their sport (outside school).
- The fact that our kids are forced to wear masks at school (even when it's well known that the surgical masks most of them are wearing are highly ineffective).

Finally and perhaps most important, I'm against the fact that some of our mainstream media have received payment from the New Zealand government conditional on them promoting government policy, propaganda and spin.

So yes, I'll be joining the protest in Wellington.

17-02-2022, 09:23 PM
Does any one understand Panda's posts?This one was very clear to understand and so true it deserves to be repeated.

I doubt this forum is representative of the population.

Most NZers will disagree with the often out of touch views on display here by an older demographic.

17-02-2022, 09:35 PM
This one was very clear to understand and so true it deserves to be repeated.

Truth from panda? Like Luxon not paying any tax or Whanau Ora was set up by National to win Maori votes?

You can choose to be gullible but you should keep that to yourself.

18-02-2022, 07:40 AM

Housing affordability at all time low, thanks to Clueless Cindy & her nincompoops.

State housing waiting list at 25,000 and growing by the day.

Did Cindy not promise affordable housing (& be kind, transparent & accountable) as her election promise?

Her words & promises are not worth a bucket of warm spit.

Logen Ninefingers
18-02-2022, 10:00 AM
Cindy has consistently sided with asset owners, refusing to let them bear any risk in a market that should be subject to the usual market forces with prices moving up and down.

It's the height of stupidity to continue to inflate a bubble just because you are seeking the votes of greedy people who don't believe they should be subject to risk.

Trouble is coming for Cindy as renters finally realise that prices have pushed home ownership out of their reach no matter how many gimmicks the government comes up with to 'get them on the ladder'. And trouble is coming from another quarter as heavily indebted asset owners start to get squeezed by rising interest rates & rising inflation; prices have fallen slighty - are we on the edge of a precipice? One thing is for sure: the greedy people who expect prices to always go up will not be blaming themselves for any adverse outcome, they will blame the government.

18-02-2022, 10:21 AM

Housing affordability at all time low, thanks to Clueless Cindy & her nincompoops.

State housing waiting list at 25,000 and growing by the day.

Did Cindy not promise affordable housing (& be kind, transparent & accountable) as her election promise?

Her words & promises are not worth a bucket of warm spit.

Somebody pointed out that more tents/structures have gone up at Parliament last week than Govt have built in last 4 years ..... maybe an end to the housing crisis is near

fungus pudding
18-02-2022, 10:28 AM
Somebody pointed out that more tents/structures have gone up at Parliament last week than Govt have built in last 4 years ..... maybe an end to the housing crisis is near

We can only hope they're fully insulated to required standard.

Logen Ninefingers
18-02-2022, 10:34 AM
We can only hope they're fully insulated to required standard.

You take pink bats with you on a camping trip?

fungus pudding
18-02-2022, 10:52 AM
You take pink bats with you on a camping trip?

I can assure you there is not one single tent pitched on my property that doesn't meet govt. required standards.

18-02-2022, 02:33 PM
The media doesn't appear to carry any new Spins from the Great Spindy today :)

Have they finally woken up ?

Things must be getting very serious, with no answers at all

Covid spinning wildly out of control too with almost 2K new infections

Time for this incompetent Govt to face a Vote of No Confidence or step down ?

What's next ? ;)

18-02-2022, 05:05 PM
Oh dear, Cindy is having a very bad week indeed. Her past catching up with her just when her incompetence & BS are on display.


"I have no confidence in her, I've seen a video of her that was on TV a while ago where she was doing almost a 'Heil Hitler' salute, as a young socialist."

That will have to be the infamous video of Cindy addressing all & sundry as ‘comrades’ at the Socialist youth camp in Europe.

18-02-2022, 05:07 PM

Covid 19 Omicron: RATs / rapid antigen tests - just 10 per cent of small businesses have tests

Bureaucratic Red Tape :)

Can this hopeless Government get anything they touch right ? ;)

18-02-2022, 05:13 PM
Oh dear, Cindy is having a very bad week indeed. Her past catching up with her just when her incompetence & BS are on display.


"I have no confidence in her, I've seen a video of her that was on TV a while ago where she was doing almost a 'Heil Hitler' salute, as a young socialist."

That will have to be the infamous video of Cindy addressing all & sundry as ‘comrades’ at the Socialist youth camp in Europe.

Was our STAR SPINNER supposed to be fronting up at HARVARD ? ;)

They appear to have misunderstood - "Highly Regarded" probably should be " HIGHLY HOPELESS" :)

As for job prospects with the UN - on recent performances, it may be lucky to get a nose inside the door at UN :)

UN Selection Panel: "Another candidate from NZ ? - this one looks a country mile worse than the previous one"

Yeah right :)

18-02-2022, 05:24 PM
Was our STAR SPINNER supposed to be fronting up at HARVARD ? ;)

They appear to have misunderstood - "Highly Regarded" probably should be " HIGHLY HOPELESS" :)

As for job prospects with the UN - on recent performances, it may be lucky to get a nose inside the door at UN :)

UN Selection Panel: "Another candidate from NZ ? - this one looks a country mile worse than the previous one"

Yeah right :)

Afghanistan UN posting beckons still though for our hijab wearing spin artist. She will help to spin for the Taliban.

18-02-2022, 05:37 PM
The media doesn't appear to carry any new Spins from the Great Spindy today :)

Have they finally woken up ?

Things must be getting very serious, with no answers at all

Covid spinning wildly out of control too with almost 2K new infections

Time for this incompetent Govt to face a Vote of No Confidence or step down ?

What's next ? ;)

I see the Herald headlines around the anti media sentiment down in Wellington. I wonder if they ever actually consider their part in the last few years and that perhaps a large part of the country has not only lost faith in the government but very much lost faith in an unbiased media. I do see things slowly changing in what they now report, either the govt money is running out or they can see a tide change across the country

18-02-2022, 05:41 PM
Sorry just saw a similar post in another thread …. No point in duplicating topic sorry

18-02-2022, 05:41 PM
I see the Herald headlines around the anti media sentiment down in Wellington. I wonder if they ever actually consider their part in the last few years and that perhaps a large part of the country has not only lost faith in the government but very much lost faith in an unbiased media. I do see things slowly changing in what they now report, either the govt money is running out or they can see a tide change across the country


18-02-2022, 05:46 PM
I see the Herald headlines around the anti media sentiment down in Wellington. I wonder if they ever actually consider their part in the last few years and that perhaps a large part of the country has not only lost faith in the government but very much lost faith in an unbiased media. I do see things slowly changing in what they now report, either the govt money is running out or they can see a tide change across the country

Could be similar to what was seen in the USA around the time TRUMP got dumped there.

The Media very quickly wake up and come to their senses when readership is at stake :)

Further Spin now risks making things very considerably worse IMO

The Parrot has lost her mojo and any fairy dust remaining has all but evaporated :)

18-02-2022, 06:04 PM
Covid spinning wildly out of control too with almost 2K new infections

Enough time has been bought for most responsible NZers to get their three shots.

Which is all that can be expected from a govt within a democratic system.

18-02-2022, 06:05 PM
Money will spent I suppose


18-02-2022, 06:06 PM
Nit picking when National would have spent 10b+ in extra business subsidies.

18-02-2022, 06:07 PM
Enough time has been bought for NZers to get their three shots.

Which is all that can be expected from a govt within a democratic system.

David Parker : ‘1 out of 100 infected by COVID will die.’

18-02-2022, 06:12 PM
Enough time has been bought for most responsible NZers to get their three shots.

Which is all that can be expected from a govt within a democratic system.

Resultant from yet another failed Government initiative to control it

This is the result of Government opening the gates so Covid ran wild spreading nationwide :)

The only way to deal with Covid is to contain it and prevent further spread, as has been seen

This Government have failed all Kiwi's and has a good deal to answer for

There is absolutely no excuse for the current Government's failure

18-02-2022, 06:16 PM
Nit picking when National would have spent 10b+ in extra business subsidies.

Wake up and smell the roses

Labour have emptied 100 Billion up against the wall and have nothing to show for it now
aside from mortgaging the endeavours of future generations ahead :)

18-02-2022, 06:18 PM
Wake up and smell the roses

Labour have emptied 100 Billion up against the wall and have nothing to show for it now

We still have assets in our hands (which are worth more too).

NZ super funds plus kiwisaver up in value.

18-02-2022, 06:22 PM
We still have assets in our hands (which are worth more too).

NZ super funds plus kiwisaver up in value.

In real terms after Robo's money creation schemes you can call your Fiat Kiwi
investment in KS and elsewhere now a fraction of what it was in real terms
following the $100B Rob the Reserve Bank job :)

Comprehendo ?

In case you don't - if it would have bought a house just over 3 years ago,
even with gains etc since- it may only buy just half a house now :)

Ramped up inflation - spending power probably 50% of what it was, the ordinary Kiwi's
of the country sold the lies & spin no better (probably worse) off :)

Housing, Rentals, Homeless all running at all time highs with little achieved

What a legacy the current clowns in Govt will leave when they sooner rather than later
get given the boot out

In one word call this Government INCOMPETENT on all counts :)

18-02-2022, 06:25 PM
Ramped up inflation - spending power probably 50% of what it was, the ordinary Kiwi's
of the country sold the lies & spin no better (probably worse) off :)

Only petrol is up. My favourite food(peanut butter) hasn't increased at all.

Strange that we produce things like milk and cheese here but they're still at $12.

18-02-2022, 06:28 PM
It will be the same for local oil and gas drilling here without the "red tape" to actually garuntee lower prices.

NZ business know how to rip off their own.

18-02-2022, 06:30 PM
Only petrol is up. My favourite food(peanut butter) hasn't increased at all.

Strange that we produce things like milk and cheese here but they're still at $12.

Not for long - fuel prices running at all time highs heavily inflated by further Govt levies thrown on
top flows through prices of everything - No security of supply - no exploration so we have no new locally
produced energy sources .. what was the current Govt thinking ? ;)

You obviously have very little understanding of how supply & pricing mechanisms operate :)

18-02-2022, 06:37 PM
It will be the same for local oil and gas drilling here without the "red tape" to actually garuntee lower prices.

NZ business know how to rip off their own.

"YOUR" Govt are the worst at ripping off the public - look no further than Fuel prices
where over 50% is taxes Duties and levies, compounded by every overseas Oil increase.

Give those on the bottom a Wage increase but forget many will lose 30% of that, Kiwisaver
and other deductions - obviously meant to catch up but leaves most WORSE OFF.
Blame the Govt Rip Off Artists in the Current Govt for this prize Idiocy :)

Even the sneakiest of Govt Fees have been subject to over 100% increases overnight
in places during recent Labour terms, Rafts of these, additional red tape added

These are courtesy of the Morons in the current Govt you try to champion as something special :)

18-02-2022, 08:04 PM
News must be slow getting through to "Meathead" Schoolboy Hipkins that schools
are likely to be shut more open if current Covid infections in the Schools continues
to multiply


What a clueless idiot :)

Logen Ninefingers
18-02-2022, 10:05 PM
The hits just keep on coming....


Andrew Little blindsided by news 10,000 healthcare workers will go on strike
Lucy Warhurst

Health Minister Andrew Little was blindsided by the news 10,000 healthcare workers will go on strike.

Those going on strike include contact tracers and lab workers who carry out COVID-19 testing, saying they've had enough of being disrespected by their employers.

There'll be two 24-hour strikes on March 4 and 18 - when the Omicron outbreak could be at its peak.

Those going on strike include contact tracers and lab workers who carry out COVID-19 testing, saying they've had enough of being disrespected by their employers.

"If we go on strike, COVID testing will be delayed. We need to be listened to by the Government and we need to be appreciated for all the work that we do," says laboratory technician Sue.

But Little was blindsided when asked about it on Thursday.

"I'm not familiar with exactly what you're talking about so I'm reluctant to comment on that," he says.

"You've ambushed me, I'm sorry, you've ambushed me and I'm not familiar with that."

18-02-2022, 10:21 PM
TV1 News:

Eyewatering cost of providing Emergency Housing

So says the Govt controlled & paid squawk box presenters :)

All those naughty Motel Owners - must be overcharging in eyes of some :)

What happened to the short Woods Muppet's Large Housebuilding project
after the hapless wonky spinner Twyford fell on his sword ? ;)

Lost in Space by chance or sitting abandoned under her desk ? :)

Best leave those naughty motel owners alone or there could be more tent communes
pop up in cities & towns across the nation ...

and that would never do - with Election Year coming and all the other
Crisis's all happening at once for the Clueless to blunder their way through ;)

What a perfect storm the Clueless in Govt benches have brought on themselves ;)

Logen Ninefingers
18-02-2022, 10:37 PM
Labours housing catastrophe -


Exclusive: Record $365 million spent on emergency housing
By Benedict Collins, 1News Political Reporter
6:40pm Source: 1News
Almost 10,000 Kiwis are currently living in emergency accommodation, including 4500 children.

Figures obtained by 1News show the five motels paid the most last year received more than $26 million for providing emergency accommodation.

The MCentral Apartments in Manukau received $6.9 million, Kerrs Motel and Homestay in nearby Wiri $6 million.

In Hamilton, Anglesea Motel and Hygate Motor Lodge got $5.2 million and $4.4 million respectively.

Napier's Bluewater Hotel received $4 million.

In total, the Government paid motels and hostels $365 million in the past year to accommodate those in need.

The Bluewater's hotel director Rodney Green told 1News they were providing accommodation for about 400 locals because the local rental market was diabolical.

"It's extremely tough, for the average person on the street there's no opportunity to get a rental house," he said.

He said his emergency housing tenants "treat the place like it's their home, most of them take their kids to school every day and go to work".

But the Greens' social development spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March said motel and hotel owners have the Government over a barrel.

"In order for motels to stop ripping people off by charging so much money to provide unsuitable accommodation, the Government needs to provide enough public housing for everyone."

Sepuloni said the Government inherited a housing crisis and it would take time to build the number of extra state houses required.

"Until these are built, we will continue to ensure people have the option of a roof over their heads, and are not forced to sleep in cars or tents."

The latest figures show more than 400 families and individuals have been living in motels for between one and two years.

18-02-2022, 10:56 PM
But the Greens' social development spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March said motel and hotel owners have the Government over a barrel.

"In order for motels to stop ripping people off by charging so much money to provide unsuitable accommodation, the Government needs to provide enough public housing for everyone."

A GREEN waste of space who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about ;)

Sepuloni said the Government inherited a housing crisis and it would take time to build the number of extra state houses required.

NO mention of TWYFORD'S Failure., Wood's lack of progress OR that this has grown out of sight largely as a
result of Labour's own RRP, Interest & Housing Policies in the last few terms ;)

With Talent like this onboard in their ranks which comes across as thick as a Bag of Hammers - who needs
enemies, as Labour/Greens slide down the long slippery slope towards the ultimate 'booted out of power'
once the ordinary Kiwi's out there have had a gutsful of all the BS + Spin, if not earlier ? ;)

19-02-2022, 05:53 AM
The incompetence is just mind boggling https://www.stuff.co.nz/pou-tiaki/300520836/questions-left-hanging-as-minister-for-social-development-carmel-sepuloni-hangs-up

19-02-2022, 07:12 AM
No wonder its a mess
"A $33m up grade "
to $330 m development @ $1,000,000/apartment. Really?
"It is known for its sculptural style, whilst achieving the groundbreaking combination of low-rise and high-rise housing within an integrated site. This project was key in Athfield’s overall drive to change residential and social landscapes in this country.

Ken Davis, an architect who has completed several projects in the Wellington CBD, has been working to save the tower and integrate its preservation into the larger site upgrade.

He is appalled by the decision to remove it."

And then
"Hastings' most expensive house sold for $1.6million, now used to house three people for Oranga Tamariki"

& purchased section next door for $700,000 "There were no plans to develop the vacant section "
So $1.6+ $700+ $xxx 3 month upgrade to house 3 teenagers??

19-02-2022, 07:24 AM
Bluewater Hotel
Guests : 150

Rooms : 49"
Article says 400 guests for year so 8/unit?
For $4 m/yr
So $81,632/room/year?
$223/night,$1565/week ???
Mind boggling !

Logen Ninefingers
19-02-2022, 07:45 AM
No wonder its a mess
"A $33m up grade "
to $330 m development @ $1,000,000/apartment. Really?
"It is known for its sculptural style, whilst achieving the groundbreaking combination of low-rise and high-rise housing within an integrated site. This project was key in Athfield’s overall drive to change residential and social landscapes in this country.

Ken Davis, an architect who has completed several projects in the Wellington CBD, has been working to save the tower and integrate its preservation into the larger site upgrade.

He is appalled by the decision to remove it."

And then
"Hastings' most expensive house sold for $1.6million, now used to house three people for Oranga Tamariki"

& purchased section next door for $700,000 "There were no plans to develop the vacant section "
So $1.6+ $700+ $xxx 3 month upgrade to house 3 teenagers??

What a disgrace. And the Left don't care. They don't want real solutions. Every time they fail they just cop out and blame 'that previous government' or 'neoliberalism' or something. Deep down they are all about 'smash the system'. The more money Robbo borrows and p's up against the wall, the closer the day gets when we become the next Venezuela and the Left can start living out their deluded fantasy of NZ as a socialistic 'utopia' where everything is 'kind' and 'fair'. The actual reality will be NZ as one of the most broken and poor nations in the world.

Logen Ninefingers
19-02-2022, 08:10 AM

The most expensive residential house in Hastings city last year was purchased by the Crown for $1.6 million and is being used to house three teenagers in Oranga Tamariki care.

Built in 2002, the house was sold as being in the suburb’s most sought-after street and was “a cut above”.

Sales data provided by property analysts Turley & Co revealed it was the largest price paid for a house in the city of Hastings, where the average price for a residential house was $784,000.

The Crown also purchased an adjoining vacant property for $700,000.

Residents in the sought-after area say they are not opposed to the property being used for troubled teens, but question whether $2.3 m might have been better spent on similarly good housing that would be capable of housing more people.

Logen Ninefingers
19-02-2022, 08:20 AM
Woke policing meets Labour's housing catastrophe -


Feilding women terrorised by neighbour plead for police and Kāinga Ora to act
George Heagney
05:00, Feb 19 2022

Two Manawatū women feel imprisoned in their own homes after being terrorised by a neighbour and want the police and Kāinga Ora to act.

Caroline Hay and Sherryl Jones live in Kāinga Ora housing in Feilding and share a driveway with a man, who is also in Kāinga Ora housing.
They say the man has been terrorising them, threatening them and damaging their property, and both the police or Kāinga Ora told them there is nothing they can do. They want him to be evicted.
“I’m at my wits’ end,” Jones said. “What has to happen before [Kāinga Ora] do something? Does he have to kill us or maim us?”
The man is due to appear in the Palmerston North District Court at the end of next month. Stuff has chosen not to name him.
She said the problems started when the man came to Hay’s house in July threatening to kill her and smashing her property with an iron bar until police took him away.
Since that incident the man’s house had been empty, but he was still the tenant, she said.
No-one was home when Stuff visited.

She said the man appeared at her house last Friday, having left the mental health ward at Palmerston North Hospital.
Hay told him to leave, which he did, and the police unsuccessfully searched for him. But now she is afraid of leaving her house.
Jones said she had been racially abused by the man, had one of her car tyres slashed, her garage damaged, and the man pulled her brother out of a car in the driveway and started attacking him.
They had previously been on good terms, but Jones believed the man blamed her for his cat going missing.
“He came over and abused me, called me a black so-and-so in front of my granddaughter. He just kept on going. I’ve reported him to Kāinga Ora so many times that I get frustrated.”
Hay said she asked police to do something, but they told her there was nothing they could do.
“He doesn't go back to court until March. We are in prison in our own home and he's walking free.”
Hay, who lives with her autistic adult son, said the man was tormenting them.
“He’s so unpredictable. We’re both scared and petrified.”

Kāinga Ora’s Taranaki, Manawatū and Horowhenua regional director Graeme Broderick said it was a complex situation and he could not go into specifics without privacy waivers from all parties.
“We are working closely with our customers and closely alongside other agencies to ensure we come to a solution that best supports everyone involved.”
He said Kāinga Ora was committed to maintaining tenancies where possible and achieving “positive outcomes” for tenants and the community.
New provisions in the Residential Tenancies Act will be used for “the most severe and persistent disruptive behaviour” where Kāinga Ora can give tenants a warning for “serious disruptive behaviour”.
If a tenant receives three warnings within 90 days, Kāinga Ora can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal to end the tenancy.
Broderick said they did not want to make people homeless so would offer alternative housing and each case would be managed by Kāinga Ora.

MidCentral District Health Board’s operations lead for acute and specialist mental health Jon Gullidge said people admitted to the mental health ward under the Mental Health Act were able to leave if agreed to with staff, but those not admitted under the act could leave more freely.
People leaving the ward were assessed.

“Where anyone leaves the ward without leave or overstays their leave, we work with their next of kin and NZ Police to resolve this.”
A police media spokeswoman said due to privacy reasons, she could not respond to queries about whether a person was under investigation.

19-02-2022, 09:00 AM
Notice the ‘privacy’ excuses?

That is wheeled out on a regular basis now whenever the police, MOH or any government agency have screwed up or done nothing to resolve a problem screaming for attention & resolution.

19-02-2022, 09:33 AM
Woke policing meets Labour's housing catastrophe -

What's the alternative being offered though.

Make interest deductible again.
Allow in foreign investors back in.

keen to hear solutions instead of a list of complaints.

19-02-2022, 09:41 AM
I see the Herald headlines around the anti media sentiment down in Wellington. I wonder if they ever actually consider their part in the last few years and that perhaps a large part of the country has not only lost faith in the government but very much lost faith in an unbiased media. I do see things slowly changing in what they now report, either the govt money is running out or they can see a tide change across the countryI completely agree that the media has to look at the part they have played. The media have lots of opinion pieces creating a tribal “them and us” mentality rather than balanced news articles. They have been a big player in the creating of division between different groups in NZ. So, I don’t find it surprising that those who have been subjected to name-calling and hostility such as anti-vaxxers are using the same tactics towards the news media.


19-02-2022, 09:43 AM
What's the alternative being offered though.

Make interest deductible again.
Allow in foreign investors back in.

keen to hear solutions instead of a list of complaints.

What has your reply got to do with the woke policing which results in 2 women being terrorised in their home?

Paid Labour shill & pathological liar - you are such a typical Cindy cloned BS artist.

19-02-2022, 09:45 AM
What has your reply got to do with the woke policing which results in 2 women being terrorised in their home?

Paid Labour shill & pathological liar - you are such a typical Cindy cloned BS artist.

What has your post got to do with a potential solution to the international housing crisis?

Logen Ninefingers
19-02-2022, 09:46 AM
I completely agree that the media has to look at the part they have played. The media have lots of opinion pieces creating a tribal “them and us” mentality rather than balanced news articles. They have been a big player in the creating of division between different groups in NZ. So, I don’t find it surprising that those who have been subjected to name-calling and hostility such as anti-vaxxers are using the same tactics towards the news media.


There are just so many young woke activist journalists these days, all of them with stern 'I'm going to make a difference' looks on their faces & zero real world experience.

19-02-2022, 10:12 AM
What has your post got to do with a potential solution to the international housing crisis?

There is no international housing crisis - there is only NZ housing catastrophe.

Your deflection & BS do not work here so don’t even try.

Take it to the beneficiaries who Cindy is breeding by the tens of thousands every week.

19-02-2022, 10:49 AM
There are just so many young woke activist journalists these days, all of them with stern 'I'm going to make a difference' looks on their faces & zero real world experience.

No doubt bread in woke university's. Where all this rot began.

19-02-2022, 10:56 AM
No doubt bread in woke university's. Where all this rot began.

Book burning is much more wholesome isn't it.