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13-03-2022, 08:36 PM
Luxon & bridges test positive for corona.

Should really thank labour for waiting until there was a milder strain (and vaccine) rather than following the nats unscientific recommendations.

8 more deaths today - so panda-nz is saying that the families of their loved ones should really thank Labour & Cindy, right?

13-03-2022, 09:31 PM
Do you really think that the masses will be preoccupied with whats in it for for the likes of Mr Luxon, versus some relief from Taxcinda's punitive regime for themselves, or is your point to show how the likes of Mr Luxon is grossly and unthankfully extorted by Taxcinda?

Do you really think $112 (a year) goes anywhere to fix the so called 'crisis'.

While I agree with indexing the tax steps saying it is to help the poor is just disingenuous.
I think a bigger tax-free step at the bottom would be a far better move (1st $20k (or 25k) tax free? $20k would give $2100 to the bottom and would be the maximum the rest get also).
Luxon needs to think a bit more about what he says rather than just dog whistle.

14-03-2022, 04:09 AM
Yes they cancelled their own tax cut which is pretty strange.

DOUGLAS: Zero Personal Income Tax 20 years from GST introduction ? :)

More Deception and Labour No Do ? ;)

14-03-2022, 04:10 AM
I think you have to keep some perspective on this, Charlotte Bellis was splashing her personal details widely all over the media at the time, so some would see it a bit rich to rush to outrage over this pretty minor transgression in this specific case. Context is everything in my view.

Then of course you have to remember other politicians & senior National Party operatives are also guilty of this, people like Paula Bennett, Hamish Walker, Woodhouse, Michelle Boag, & there are others, in some cases leaking the personal health details of some patients for political gain.

Not excusing it, but personally I wouldn't get quite so stewed up over it.

We obviously expect different standards from Ministers.

Through my involvement with a group trying to point out the madness and inconsistencies in the MIQ system, we regularly were faced with blatant mistruths or obfuscation from Government. But it is all coming out now how they operated. Dishonesty.

It’s even come out now that the DJs & other entertainers that were allowed in, given priority over Kiwis or essential workers, were in many cases “fast tracked” through the system.
Not at all did they go through the “normal MIQ” lottery process that Kiwis had to as the Government (and some posters on here) claimed.

Jacinda and Hipkins seem incapable of telling the truth

14-03-2022, 07:53 AM
What about Micheal woodhouse, no GST, assets would remain in NZ hands, fiscal hole, Paul goldsmith's poor costings.

Bill Smith
14-03-2022, 08:06 AM
Wow. What a difference a week makes! Last Monday ardern "refudes" that there there is a cost of living crisis, but today confirms what the team of 5 million already knew. Shows how much the poll shook her.

14-03-2022, 08:22 AM
What about Micheal woodhouse, no GST, assets would remain in NZ hands, fiscal hole, Paul goldsmith's poor costings.

How about your lie that Luxon paid no tax?

14-03-2022, 08:37 AM
Wow. What a difference a week makes! Last Monday ardern "refudes" that there there is a cost of living crisis, but today confirms what the team of 5 million already knew. Shows how much the poll shook her.

Next - the housing crisis.

Then, the child poverty crisis.

Also, criminal gang crisis because of woke policing policies.

Plenty more for Cindy to concede over 2022 and 2023.

fungus pudding
14-03-2022, 08:38 AM
Wow. What a difference a week makes! Last Monday ardern "refudes" that there there is a cost of living crisis, but today confirms what the team of 5 million already knew. Shows how much the poll shook her.

Yep - she's 'bin' swotting up the one-news poll results.

14-03-2022, 08:47 AM
Yep - she's 'bin' swotting up the one-news poll results.

Disgusting how ‘Be Kind’ Cindy can be so mercenary about the suffering which families and households are going through - until the polls shook her to the core.

There is no integrity with Cindy - just hypocrisy and BS spin.

Disgusting woman.

Bill Smith
14-03-2022, 10:23 AM
ardern is paid circa $500k pa, but will now answer questions if we pay $25 per question. Well I guess that has the potential to improve the current level of answers we are getting.

14-03-2022, 11:53 AM
ardern is paid circa $500k pa, but will now answer questions if we pay $25 per question. Well I guess that has the potential to improve the current level of answers we are getting.

Link please

Bill Smith
14-03-2022, 12:38 PM
Link please

Don't be such a lazy shill. No, I'm not going to school you on google!

14-03-2022, 03:13 PM

Cindy’s wasteful spending.

Not mentioned in above clip :

Auckland bike bridge
Pike River
Maori bribes - maraes, vaccination, special grants
Huge increases in bureaucracy
Huge increases in spin staff

fungus pudding
14-03-2022, 03:35 PM
Link please


14-03-2022, 04:03 PM

Nice. Means they are beholden to the voters rather than an elite club of donors.

14-03-2022, 04:35 PM
Nice. Means they are beholden to the voters rather than an elite club of donors.

Which in the case of Cindy & the Labour Party = Maori voters.


Hence, the racist & divisive policies of this incompetent government which has delivered bugger all of the huge promises it made to get into power, but is implementing the racist policies by stealth.


What about your lie that Luxon paid no tax?

14-03-2022, 04:38 PM
Hope everybody who participates in future polls start gaming the system and say they prefer National and Luxon and say the country is doomed

That way we will get 'rewarded' with further things to make us happy ..... so we'll think better of Labour and the PM and think they are so good.

Cutting fuel tax by 25 cents a litre and half price bus and train fares ..... excuse my cynicism

14-03-2022, 04:42 PM
Cutting fuel tax by 25 cents a litre and half price bus and train fares ..... excuse my cynicism

Not even a minimum wage increase above inflation this year.

They're basically right wing and where national was 15 years ago.

14-03-2022, 04:45 PM
Hope everybody who participates in future polls start gaming the system and say they prefer National and Luxon and say the country is doomed

That way we will get 'rewarded' with further things to make us happy ..... so we'll think better of Labour and the PM and think they are so good.

Cutting fuel tax by 25 cents a litre and half price bus and train fares ..... excuse my cynicism

Yup - we need more of this to put more fire up Cindy's backside :


14-03-2022, 05:19 PM
Don't be such a lazy shill. No, I'm not going to school you on google!
Calling someone a lazy shill is not nice. It might cause some other people to believe you are just another troll.

When you posted on "Big fat liar" I asked you for a link because I suspected you were failing to read anything past the headline, and probably misunderstanding that. You were.

When you eventually provided a link, it directly contradicted your claim.

I suspect this may well be happening again.

14-03-2022, 06:08 PM
Government giving the crises ridden households a few hundred million bucks. Not really costing the country anything they say

Jeez, Robertson’s fiscal envelope must be bulging with bills.

14-03-2022, 06:09 PM
That Tremain deserves a Medal :)

14-03-2022, 06:09 PM
Minimum wage to increase by 6%.. other incomes to follow.

This will hugely increase both income tax and gst.

14-03-2022, 06:10 PM
Government giving the crises ridden households a few hundred million bucks. Not really costing the country anything they say

Jeez, Robertson’s fiscal envelope must be bulging with bills.

The borrowing back pocket of a long list of loans must be huge & growing ;)

14-03-2022, 06:50 PM
The borrowing back pocket of a long list of loans must be huge & growing ;)

Tax & Spend.

Borrow & Hope.

Cindy & Grant continuing with leftist grand tradition of buggering the economy while breeding ever more beneficiaries.

14-03-2022, 07:07 PM
Remember Cindy’s huge promise of solving the housing ‘crisis’ in 2017?

Well, she has successfully turned the ‘crisis’ into a disaster and a catastrophe for those on the highest priority ranking for state housing - 860% increase from single digit to triple digit numbers.

Incompetent yet arrogant woman - all spin and no delivery.


Data released under the Official Information Act showed there were three people rated as A20 in December 2017, just after the Labour-led Government came to power. By December 2021, that had risen to 258.

The second-highest category, A19, grew from nine people to 948 people over the same period.

When an individual or family applies for public housing, their needs are assessed and they are given a priority ranking. The highest ranking is A20, which usually means a person is highly vulnerable, has dependent children, and may also have mental health problems or a disability.

14-03-2022, 07:49 PM
Minimum wage to increase by 6%.. other incomes to follow.

This will hugely increase both income tax and gst.

Whose paying ? ;)

It won't be Govt will it ? :)

Whose loosing the Tax, Kiwisaver deductions & likely to be no better off
in fact further behind the eight ball out of presumably a further catch up ? :)

14-03-2022, 07:57 PM
Large Rates increases - Thanks Labour

Large Cost of Living increases - Thanks Labour

Large Fuel Increases (including 50% Govt syphon / Rip Off ) - Thanks Labour

Large Hidden Inflation (not nor anywhere the 6% Reported) - Thanks Labour

Large Interest increases on Loans & Mortgages - Thanks Labour

Money in bank devaluing in real terms at least by 20% (not 6%) - Thanks Labour

Large Tax increases & Kiwisaver deductions eroding the value of any catch up increases
so most reciprients are even WORSE OFF - Thanks Labour

What could possibly go wrong ? ;)

Expect Labour to get support for another term ? Let's see shall we ? ;)

14-03-2022, 08:00 PM
Incompetent yet arrogant woman - all spin and no delivery.

She has just delivered more of a tax cut than Nationals 50c per day.

Plus a wage increase on the way... significant relief from the international cost of living crisis.

14-03-2022, 08:03 PM
Huge relief to compensate which increases - the ones three years ago ? ;)

Might be a huge understanding problem somewhere :)

Go figure :)

14-03-2022, 11:46 PM
She has just delivered more of a tax cut than Nationals 50c per day.

Plus a wage increase on the way... significant relief from the international cost of living crisis.

Not a permanent tax cut equivalent. And only due to the poll last week.

15-03-2022, 08:55 AM
Large Rates increases - Thanks Labour

Large Cost of Living increases - Thanks Labour

Large Fuel Increases (including 50% Govt syphon / Rip Off ) - Thanks Labour

Large Hidden Inflation (not nor anywhere the 6% Reported) - Thanks Labour

Large Interest increases on Loans & Mortgages - Thanks Labour

Money in bank devaluing in real terms at least by 20% (not 6%) - Thanks Labour

Large Tax increases & Kiwisaver deductions eroding the value of any catch up increases
so most reciprients are even WORSE OFF - Thanks Labour

What could possibly go wrong ? ;)

Expect Labour to get support for another term ? Let's see shall we ? ;)

Sad to see you become a wannabe balance apprentice clone full of Pooh and attention seeking fakery.Instead of improving your debate and discussion you've gone to the lower levels of a trumpian like echo chamber.:confused:

15-03-2022, 09:04 AM
Sad to see you become a wannabe balance apprentice clone full of Pooh and attention seeking fakery.Instead of improving your debate and discussion you've gone to the lower levels of a trumpian like echo chamber.:confused:

You ok, JT?

You have become a regurgitator like Cindy, incapable of coherence any more.

Pressure of failing to deliver on promises but pushing racist & divisive policies favouring a minority getting too much?

15-03-2022, 09:17 AM
Worth a read


15-03-2022, 09:36 AM
Worth a read


Excellent perspective.

Excerpt :

"To the number of people reading this who are fired up due to how the fuel prices are affecting you as a “middle income Kiwi” – you are not in a precarious situation and have been insulated from the worst of COVID. Having to take a holiday a bit closer to home due to the cost of fuel is not the end of the world, and it is not the responsibility of the government to make sure you can spend a bit more time in your holiday home. You might find people pandering to you everywhere else, but not here.

Instead good government policy would support those who are most vulnerable – not necessarily those who are most affected – and if it was relatively long-lasting it may support the transition.

With indexed benefits and minimum wages this support of the most vulnerable is already happening.

Meanwhile, the excise and RUC changes do neither and instead shifts the cost of increasing scarce fuel onto those who are not consuming the fuel.

Worst of all it opens the door to increasing arbitrary subsides based on political expediency – with the harder to observe costs seen as acceptable for politicians to keep themselves in power."

It’s clear that Cindy & her team of nincompoops are not only incapable of delivering on their huge promises, they are incapable of coherent policy settings to deliver the right & proper social & economic outcomes. All they care about is getting elected and pushing their racist & divisive policies - and breeding more beneficiaries/voters.

15-03-2022, 09:37 AM
Good to see that die hard Labour supporters are finally seeing through the spin and BS of Cindy.

Roll on 2023!


I’ve always voted Green or red. I’m part of a silent, furious chunk of the faithful who’ve been fermenting in acidic disappointment for a long time now, like a forgotten jar of political pickles.

So now, as we come out of Covid, we’re looking to peacetime governance. And we’re faced with the underwhelming choice of staying in a loveless marriage – or cheating with Luxon. This is about as grim as $4.50 for one piece of broccoli.

But it’s true, you can’t stay in a relationship out of gratitude for the past. You have to actually have hope and faith in their future. And I don’t know if I do any more with Labour.


15-03-2022, 10:59 AM
They're getting a 6% pay rise in 20 days. Then the issue will be fixed for most people.

15-03-2022, 11:21 AM
Demi ds me of the Dracula movies ,titles written in blood ,lol

15-03-2022, 11:27 AM
Demi ds me of the Dracula movies ,titles written in blood ,lol

Exactly! Blood sucking Cindy & her nincompoops - dealing to the hard working families of NZ, sucking the livelihood out of them.

15-03-2022, 01:33 PM
Sad to see you become a wannabe balance apprentice clone full of Pooh and attention seeking fakery.Instead of improving your debate and discussion you've gone to the lower levels of a trumpian like echo chamber.:confused:

It must be all true then ;)

15-03-2022, 01:55 PM
Balance is the #1 cheerleader for NZ to fail.

Sad we have some people who want us to fail simply because a woman is PM or labour in govt.

15-03-2022, 02:45 PM
Balance is the #1 cheerleader for NZ to fail.

Sad we have some people who want us to fail simply because a woman is PM or labour in govt.

NZ is failing precisely because of the incompetence of Cindy & her team of nincompoops.

And they have the likes of you as cheerleaders - idiots who have no clue how the real world operates.

Have you ask the families of those who died from omicron to thank Labour yet for allowing in this ‘milder’ form of the killer virus?

15-03-2022, 02:57 PM
Simon bridges resigns. how many Nat leaders has cindy seen off lately.

It seems to be a bit of a circus.

15-03-2022, 03:01 PM
Simon bridges resigns.. how many Nat leaders has cindy seen off.

It seems to be a bit of a circus.

Double counting - typical of losers like you & your ilk.

Have you ask the families of those who died from omicron to thank Labour yet for allowing in this ‘milder’ form of the killer virus?

15-03-2022, 03:29 PM
Double counting - typical of losers like you & your ilk.

He shouldn't have put himself forward as finance spokesperson if he was retiring.

15-03-2022, 03:51 PM
He shouldn't have put himself forward as finance spokesperson if he was retiring.

He is allowed to change his mind and good on him for deciding he has had enough of politics.

Count the number of times Cindy changed and continues to change her feeble mind.

Have you ask the families of those who died from omicron to thank Labour yet for allowing in this ‘milder’ form of the killer virus?

15-03-2022, 03:53 PM
He shouldn't have put himself forward as finance spokesperson if he was retiring.

There's at least one Labour MP who has done similar :)

Meanwhile a bit of a Cat Fight & Deposing going on in the Green Camp:


15-03-2022, 04:06 PM
This is Labour’s crime policy in action :


Cindy & the Maori cabal - the most pro-criminal government in the history of NZ.

15-03-2022, 06:12 PM
Simon bridges resigns. how many Nat leaders has cindy seen off lately.

It seems to be a bit of a circus.
Too true:t_up:
Unbalanced lost his sanity some time ago,so throw him in too as well,plant a daisy where the sun don't shine and in remembrance "Kiss my arse"

15-03-2022, 06:20 PM
Too true:t_up:
Unbalanced lost his sanity some time ago,so throw him in too as well,plant a daisy where the sun don't shine and in remembrance "Kiss my arse"

And so delightful to see how the polls have Cindy kissing arses. :D:D:t_up:

I LoVe it!

15-03-2022, 06:23 PM
And so delightful to see how the polls have Cindy kissing arses.

I LoVe it!

The decision to increase pay by 6% for the lowest earners was before the polls and will make a huge difference.

$60 every week rather than 50 cents per day.

15-03-2022, 06:29 PM
The decision to increase pay by 6% for the lowest earners was before the polls and will make a huge difference.

$60 every week rather than 50 cents per day.

Write whatever you want but it is delightful to see Cindy kissing arses.

Certainly a change from Jacinda kissing her Maori cabal arses non stop anyway.


You get around yet to getting the families of those who died from omicron to thank Cindy? Just as you wanted Luxon (who was infected) to thank Cindy for bringing the milder omicron into NZ?

15-03-2022, 07:08 PM

16-03-2022, 10:32 AM
On a positive note. Theory is one thing

16-03-2022, 12:04 PM
Have you ask the families of those who died from omicron to thank Labour yet for allowing in this ‘milder’ form of the killer virus?

For someone who railed against lockdowns your constant repetition of this statement is hypocritical and unsympathetic to those who have lost family members. Do you really think Labour could have kept omicron out or are you just suffering from autism ?


16-03-2022, 12:24 PM
It is about as low as one can go using deceased people for his own ends which are so twisted and false.
Just another example why Unbalanced should be permanently banned.No morals or principles,callous beyond belief.
All the indicators of Autism with extreme hatred of women as well. But that's no excuse.

Bill Smith
16-03-2022, 12:49 PM
It is about as low as one can go using deceased people for his own ends which are so twisted and false.
Just another example why Unbalanced should be permanently banned.No morals or principles,callous beyond belief.
All the indicators of Autism with extreme hatred of women as well. But that's no excuse.

Straight out of the labour playbook. Disagree with a thought? Ban it. Ban the messenger. Call the messenger names.

16-03-2022, 12:59 PM
Straight out of the labour playbook. Disagree with a thought? Ban it. Ban the messenger. Call the messenger names.

Cancel culture, it's easier for the Labourites than actually refuting any of the claims of Labours ineptitude and inability to implement anything that they promised, while screwing the economy and peoples livelihoods in the process. Worst government I can recall in 40 years.

Labourites, here's a challenge for you. Rather than shoot the messenger just because you don't like how the message is conveyed, how about pointing out why you think what they say is wrong. Tell us why, tell us what Labour has actually achieved.

16-03-2022, 01:48 PM
Take a look at Bojo or Scomo for an alternative. Nah pass on that shambles.

16-03-2022, 01:50 PM
It is about as low as one can go using deceased people for his own ends which are so twisted and false.
Just another example why Unbalanced should be permanently banned.No morals or principles,callous beyond belief.
All the indicators of Autism with extreme hatred of women as well. But that's no excuse.

Blaming farmer suicides on some modest water regulations, honestly...

16-03-2022, 01:52 PM
Straight out of the labour playbook. Disagree with a thought? Ban it. Ban the messenger. Call the messenger names.

So you think it's ok to do that ,absolute shame on you.And you believe This govt has not protected its citizens,maybe the lowest or one of the lowest death rates from covid in the world.Nothing to do with politics it's do to with decency,ethics,morals,humanity.You know that.God help your whanau if you really don't.

16-03-2022, 01:57 PM
Cancel culture, it's easier for the Labourites than actually refuting any of the claims of Labours ineptitude and inability to implement anything that they promised, while screwing the economy and peoples livelihoods in the process. Worst government I can recall in 40 years.

Labourites, here's a challenge for you. Rather than shoot the messenger just because you don't like how the message is conveyed, how about pointing out why you think what they say is wrong. Tell us why, tell us what Labour has actually achieved.
Shoot morals,decency,ethics,humanity.You know it's about the toon unbalanced out of control,.If you think it's behaviour is acceptable it says more about your parenting or lack it.

16-03-2022, 08:31 PM
Take a look at Bojo or Scomo for an alternative. Nah pass on that shambles.

More omicron deaths today.

You contacted the families of the dead to ask them to thank Cindy yet, like you wanted Luxon to thank Cindy for being infected with omicron?

16-03-2022, 08:35 PM
Shoot morals,decency,ethics,humanity.You know it's about the toon unbalanced out of control,.If you think it's behaviour is acceptable it says more about your parenting or lack it.

As usual, anything but comment on what Clueless Cindy has delivered on the huge promises she made to get elected.

Meanwhile, the dumb puppet is busy pushing through racist & divisive policies to favour Māoris (purely to get their votes and stay in power) - which she has NO mandate to do.

Roll on 2023.

Bill Smith
17-03-2022, 08:40 AM
More omicron deaths today.

You contacted the families of the dead to ask them to thank Cindy yet, like you wanted Luxon to thank Cindy for being infected with omicron?

Care to translate that little rant? Best you post before getting into the sauce!

17-03-2022, 10:18 AM
Care to translate that little rant? Best you post before getting into the sauce!

No sweat, Bill.

Panda-NZ gleefully posted that Luxon should thank Labour & Cindy when he contacted Omicron as it is a milder variant of Covid.

In other words, the resident Labour shill wants Cindy to be praised and credited with allowing in omicron.

Well, over 100+ NZers have died so far from omicron so just as Panda believes that Luxon should thank Cindy for omicron, the same logic surely applies to those who succumbed to omicron, right?

BTW, same Labour shill posted that Luxon had paid no tax.

17-03-2022, 10:26 AM
Kris Farcefoi surfaced to deliver yet another broken promise by Cindy & her team of nincompoops - Hate Speech legislation now indefinitely delayed.


The Government in 2020 promised to create new offences for both hate speech and hate crimes, after the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch mosque terror attacks found the law failed to “appropriately capture” hate-motivated offending, or deal with hate speech.

But the proposed changes have been contentious. There has been no apparent progress in creating new hate crime offences, and the Government’s attempts to move forward with hate speech reforms – Faafoi in June 2021 released a discussion document – was met with a “weight” of public opposition.

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon said the Government needed to “have the gumption” to push forward with the law, and fulfil the promise made after 51 Muslims were murdered in the Christchurch attacks.


17-03-2022, 10:55 AM
Another complete and utter failure from Faafoi's Ministry that seems to be run by incompetent idiots https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/immigration/128063715/french-family-running-popular-napier-cafe-told-they-wont-get-visa

17-03-2022, 11:03 AM
No sweat, Bill.

Panda-NZ gleefully posted that Luxon should thank Labour & Cindy when he contacted Omicron as it is a milder variant of Covid.

Yep it's pretty mild but with the vaccination it's just like the flu (which some of you guys said of the original strain with no vaccine).

Do you become this upset over flu deaths.

17-03-2022, 12:30 PM
Yep it's pretty mild but with the vaccination it's just like the flu (which some of you guys said of the original strain with no vaccine).

Do you become this upset over flu deaths.

Don’t try to deflect from your belief that Cindy & Labour should be thanked by Luxon for allowing omicron into NZ.

Typical Labour shill - zero substance, all spin and BS.

17-03-2022, 01:38 PM
GDP year to December 2021 +5.6% on pcp

That's pretty impressive

Well done Labour Govt - a great effort managing the economy through difficult times ..........and probably better than what Key did through the GFC

17-03-2022, 04:16 PM
Don’t try to deflect from your belief that Cindy & Labour should be thanked by Luxon for allowing omicron into NZ..

I'm sure balance is being sincere when he holds a candlelight vigil for every victim here.

17-03-2022, 05:01 PM
I'm sure balance is being sincere when he holds a candlelight vigil for every victim here.

I don’t do hypocrisy like Cindy & you so please keep that to yourself.

You contacted the families of those who died from omicron yet?

That they should thank Cindy & Labour for allowing the milder omicron into NZ?

Just as you believed Luxon should thank them for bringing in the milder omicron into NZ?

17-03-2022, 05:15 PM
GDP year to December 2021 +5.6% on pcp

That's pretty impressive

Well done Labour Govt - a great effort managing the economy through difficult times ..........and probably better than what Key did through the GFC

So between the two years 2020 and 2021, the economy grew 2.53%.

That’s after the government borrowed $60 billions in the last 2 years and spent that borrowed money mostly in transfer payments with no long term benefits.

NZ GDP was $300 billion so this government borrowed & spent 20% of GDP to generate 2.53% GDP growth!

Impressive indeed!

Venezuela & North Korea must be so envious and wish they can have Clueless Cindy over there to turn their economy around - borrow 20 to get 2.53!

17-03-2022, 05:34 PM
Kris Farcefoi surfaced to deliver yet another broken promise by Cindy & her team of nincompoops - Hate Speech legislation now indefinitely delayed.


The Government in 2020 promised to create new offences for both hate speech and hate crimes, after the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch mosque terror attacks found the law failed to “appropriately capture” hate-motivated offending, or deal with hate speech.

But the proposed changes have been contentious. There has been no apparent progress in creating new hate crime offences, and the Government’s attempts to move forward with hate speech reforms – Faafoi in June 2021 released a discussion document – was met with a “weight” of public opposition.

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon said the Government needed to “have the gumption” to push forward with the law, and fulfil the promise made after 51 Muslims were murdered in the Christchurch attacks.


Unbalanced will be the first one to be made an example of when they do pass it imo.

17-03-2022, 05:39 PM
Unbalanced will be the first one to be made an example of when they do pass it imo.

Be very very very pleased and super proud to stand up and defend in court - if Kris Farcefoi & Spinner Cindy ever dare to resurface the bill in its current form.

Broken promises - that’s all the clueless spinner Cindy is good for.

And breeding beneficiaries to increase Labour’s voter base.

17-03-2022, 06:39 PM
GDP year to December 2021 +5.6% on pcp

That's pretty impressive

Well done Labour Govt - a great effort managing the economy through difficult times ..........and probably better than what Key did through the GFC

Headline number looks good, especially with just a cursory glance.
But what was the real CPI rate over the 12 mths? Over the 5.6% level I would suggest.......Meaning YOY, GDP probably contracted in real terms :cool:

17-03-2022, 09:11 PM
Be very very very pleased and super proud to stand up and defend in court - if Kris Farcefoi & Spinner Cindy ever dare to resurface the bill in its current form.

Broken promises - that’s all the clueless spinner Cindy is good for.

And breeding beneficiaries to increase Labour’s voter base.

Good ,see you there.

17-03-2022, 09:22 PM
Good ,see you there.

Bring it on! 👍

Meantime, you can start by enlightening us about what Cindy has delivered by way of the huge promises she made o get elected.

Stand & deliver - can you?

18-03-2022, 05:36 PM
Good that Clueless Cindy has something she claims to be proud of and is moved:


Pity she is not moved when she goes through the huge (and now, we know as empty) promises she made of :

affordable housing,

eradicating child poverty,



mental health wellbeing,

reducing crime



Instead she is only moved by divisive and racist policies as well as being a pro-criminal government.

Oh, as well as being a Class A spinner.


18-03-2022, 05:58 PM
The most pro-criminal government in NZ in action:

"Two senior political leaders have hit out over violence and fear in a Rotorua street – and expressed frustration at the lack of police and council action. Councillor Merepeka Raukawa-Tait describes the people causing the problems in Tania Cr as ‘’rotten’’ and says it's as if police and Rotorua Lakes Council are ‘’blinded by the problem’’. Rotorua MP Todd McClay describes the situation as ‘’horrific’’ and believes the council has turned its back on the street’s residents and police are under-resourced*."


Criminals running riot in a location and all that Poto Williams can say :

Poto Williams, also the Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing), says the issues in Tania Cr are “no doubt upsetting and distressing for the residents” but they are not related to Kāinga Ora properties.


* No problem with police resources however to send hundreds of scarce resources down to Wellington to sort out the Parliamentary ground protest.

19-03-2022, 10:17 AM
A government more concerned with the polls than principles - that’s Cindy & her team of spinners & nincompoops:


20-03-2022, 12:42 PM
What a conflicted comrade Ms Ardern must be.

On one hand she would love to give some taxpayers money to Vlad the Impaler, on the other, public opinion says she must denounce him.

Then, cringe, thanks to his actions, she has had to ease off with some fuel tax...

Ah well, at least when we see those deep furrows in her brow, as on TV3's The Hui today, we know where we can plant our beet crop for winter!


20-03-2022, 02:06 PM
What a conflicted comrade Ms Ardern must be.

On one hand she would love to give some taxpayers money to Vlad the Impaler,

Please provide some evidence for this claim.

21-03-2022, 02:26 PM
Clueless Cindy was asked this morning what the government is doing to better support Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Her reply shows just how bankrupt she & her team of incompetent nincompoops are of anything beyond covid - she said that her government will do everything to support the Ukrainians just as well as she has done against covid!

WTF has covid got to do with Ukraine?

The interviewer should have asked her what if she does for Ukraine as badly as she has done for home affordability, child poverty, equality, mental health, kiwibuild and inflation!

Once a spinner, always a spinner - that's Cindy. All spin and no clue.

22-03-2022, 10:07 AM
Once again the Immigration Minister implements a cumbersome, ineffective and expensive regulation to once again frustrate business owners. Why is the Government incapable of trying to streamline processes and make them easy for businesses when we are facing crisis in just about every industry in the country ?https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/property/128095382/new-immigration-barrier-for-nelson-construction-industry-says-lawyer

22-03-2022, 10:11 AM
Making an announcement about an announcement to come - that's how desperate Clueless & Incompetent Cindy is to get infront of the podium.

Is she learning how to do a strip tease?


The Prime Minister is under fire over her decision to wait 48 hours before announcing decisions Cabinet has made around vaccine mandates, passes and the wider Covid-19 protection framework.

It comes after Health Minister Andrew Little's admission removing vaccine passes would not increase hospitalisations.

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/x/r/1/z/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .4yxr0l.png/1647839353664.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

22-03-2022, 07:55 PM
Remember that Cindy & her Little man were going to sort out Mental Health?

$1,9 billion later and it’s actually got worse - and it’s now a crisis.


Best part though is this from the supposedly apolitical Bloomfield :

“We are not a huge fan of the word crisis because I think it's used really liberally,” Bloomfield said during a 1pm Covid-19 briefing in Wellington. "There is no doubt we have significant mental health issues and challenges in the country.”

He should have a word with Clueless Cindy as she is the one so fond of using the crisis word?

Perhaps Bloomfield prefers disaster - like the housing disaster & child poverty disaster courtesy of this incompetent and completely inept Labour government.

23-03-2022, 08:08 AM
‘Dog and pony’ show - apt description of Cindy’s circus performance with her announcements & management of omicron.

Watch for the outrage about Cindy being likened to either the dog or the pony.

But it’s ok, Labourite devotees - we know Cindy is simply practising her strip tease.


24-03-2022, 11:15 AM
Is there an industry that is not in a crisis in this country after the craziness of shutting NZ totally away from the World for 18 months ?https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/128117620/remedy-needed-for-dire-pharmacist-shortage

24-03-2022, 11:15 AM
Good that Clueless Cindy has something she claims to be proud of and is moved:


Pity she is not moved when she goes through the huge (and now, we know as empty) promises she made of :

Instead she is only moved by divisive and racist policies as well as being a pro-criminal government.

Oh, as well as being a Class A spinner.



24-03-2022, 11:46 AM
Is there an industry that is not in a crisis in this country after the craziness of shutting NZ totally away from the World for 18 months ?https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/128117620/remedy-needed-for-dire-pharmacist-shortage

Crisis? What crisis?

Cindy is spending almost all of her time doing her strip tease and talking about COVID, rather than on how her incompetent nincompoop government is going to sort out the numerous crisis & disasters as a result of her gross mismanagement :


24-03-2022, 09:07 PM
Jacinda Ardern is young and female: Is that why some people have a problem with her?

“But never have you heard me say some of the terrible things that get said about the Prime Minister. And you never will – and not just Jacinda Ardern, any prime minister. Any person actually when it comes down to it.
But some people feel so compelled to crucify her with words, and I try on a daily basis to work out why.

Well, I think that, even though it's 2022, a fair amount of people in this country still can't cope with the fact that we have a young female Prime Minister. Emphasis on the young. Because I know we've had female prime ministers before – but neither of them were as young as Jacinda Ardern.

And I do think there are people in this country who still think the only person who should be running a country is a white middle-aged guy in a suit.

Bill Smith
24-03-2022, 09:38 PM
Jacinda Ardern is young and female: Is that why some people have a problem with her?

“But never have you heard me say some of the terrible things that get said about the Prime Minister. And you never will – and not just Jacinda Ardern, any prime minister. Any person actually when it comes down to it.
But some people feel so compelled to crucify her with words, and I try on a daily basis to work out why.

Well, I think that, even though it's 2022, a fair amount of people in this country still can't cope with the fact that we have a young female Prime Minister. Emphasis on the young. Because I know we've had female prime ministers before – but neither of them were as young as Jacinda Ardern.

And I do think there are people in this country who still think the only person who should be running a country is a white middle-aged guy in a suit.

Funny that. At the last election a majority of the voters elevated her to government with a strong majority, but in a few months the polls suggest that many thousands have become misogynistic ageist racists. And Jon Macdonald is the same twerp who propounds that the government (who cant run much well) should start a supermarket.

24-03-2022, 09:43 PM
Really. It's got nothing to do with the PM being female, male, young, old, bald, blonde haired, one legged or any other description. It's got everything to with the promise of being an open government and delivering on a host of promises that they haven't and clearly can't.

To be honest the early pandemic response was excellent being health driven and largely non political. Now though it's completely political with no health considerations. Recent announcements make a complete farce of the vaccine mandates that resulted in people losing jobs just weeks ago.

25-03-2022, 03:32 AM
Pretty desperate stuff moka to try to justify the fact that she has become unpopular, due to her inability to execute/implement any of her big promises and mishandling almost everything she touches.
As Bill said above, she was voted in with a clear majority, the only PM to get such overwhelming support under MMP. So that claim of sexism and ageism does not stand any scrutiny !

25-03-2022, 08:03 AM
Pretty desperate stuff moka to try to justify the fact that she has become unpopular, due to her inability to execute/implement any of her big promises and mishandling almost everything she touches.
As Bill said above, she was voted in with a clear majority, the only PM to get such overwhelming support under MMP. So that claim of sexism and ageism does not stand any scrutiny !

Maybe due to a pandemic and major supply chain issues?

25-03-2022, 08:38 AM
Maybe due to a pandemic and major supply chain issues?

But you believe that those who are/were infected with omicron should be thankful to Cindy & her nincompoop ministers for allowing it into NZ.

25-03-2022, 08:56 AM
Maybe due to a pandemic and major supply chain issues?

This excuse for absolutely everything that has gone wrong and there is a lot to choose from, is wearing a bit thin.
So the Government couldn't build houses, couldn't do anything about homelessness, couldn't do anything about mental health except pump out money for zero result, couldn't add ICU beds, couldn't allow essential workers into the country but foreign DJs were ok and on and on and on it goes. All due to a pandemic. Another Tui please.

25-03-2022, 08:59 AM
Pretty desperate stuff moka to try to justify the fact that she has become unpopular, due to her inability to execute/implement any of her big promises and mishandling almost everything she touches.
As Bill said above, she was voted in with a clear majority, the only PM to get such overwhelming support under MMP. So that claim of sexism and ageism does not stand any scrutiny !

Feedback from Labour Party focus groups with Cindy & Grant Robertson is that white female voters (who overwhelmingly voted for her on the last elections) are deserting Cindy in droves.

To get them back requires Cindy to firstly drop all the racist & divisive policies favouring Maoris & to deliver on her huge promises.

There is no likelihood of that happening however according to my contact in the focus groups. Instead, Cindy is going to change her communication strategy.

The Labourite posters here know I am writing with ‘insider’ information.

25-03-2022, 09:07 AM
To get them back requires Cindy to firstly drop all the racist & divisive policies favouring Maoris & to deliver on her huge promises.

There is no likelihood of that happening however according to my contact in the

No it simply requires being better than alternative.

We can all remember the divisive policies National implemented when doing a deal with the maori party.

25-03-2022, 09:19 AM
No it simply requires being better than alternative.

We can all remember the divisive policies National implemented when doing a deal with the maori party.

Which ones in particular do you refer to ?

25-03-2022, 09:23 AM
The drafting of a constitution behind closed doors.
Whanau ora.
The marine coastal bill.
The billions in treaty settlements not voted on.

fungus pudding
25-03-2022, 10:02 AM
Pretty desperate stuff moka to try to justify the fact that she has become unpopular, due to her inability to execute/implement any of her big promises and mishandling almost everything she touches.
As Bill said above, she was voted in with a clear majority, the only PM to get such overwhelming support under MMP. So that claim of sexism and ageism does not stand any scrutiny !

And it's not correct that she has become unpopular; although she may have become less popular she is still the most popular of all our MPs. For all that I think it's only a matter of time before the polls turn on her.

25-03-2022, 06:18 PM
Jacinda Ardern is young and female: Is that why some people have a problem with her?

Here's the reason why the majority of NZers have had a gutsful of her :



This young female PM, Cindy, has betrayed all NZers with her non mandated, devious and hidden agenda to introduce racist & divisive policies, while completely failing to deliver on any of the huge promises she made to get into power.

25-03-2022, 06:20 PM
The drafting of a constitution behind closed doors.
Whanau ora.
The marine coastal bill.
The billions in treaty settlements not voted on.

Your nonsense is hardly worthy of a response when you just make stuff up, again and again. To suggest BILLIONS of dollars spent on Treaty settlements without parliamentary approval is ridiculous.
The Maori Party was not needed to form a majority Government with John Key but he invited them in and gave their 2 MPs Pita Sharples and Tariana Turia ministerial responsibilities.They were very different to the current Leaders of the Maori Party and a lot less divisive.

25-03-2022, 06:57 PM
What a complete lot of Numpties this lot are appealing the ruling that the vaccine mandates for NZDF and Police were unlawful, they have stated that whatever the outcome nothing is going to change, complete waste of taxpayers money and showing complete arrogance that they were called out.

25-03-2022, 06:58 PM
Here's the reason why the majority of NZers have had a gutsful of her :

This young female PM, Cindy, has betrayed all NZers with her non mandated, devious and hidden agenda to introduce racist & divisive policies, while completely failing to deliver on any of the huge promises she made to get into power.


The last paragraph says it all.


25-03-2022, 10:27 PM
Pretty desperate stuff moka to try to justify the fact that she has become unpopular, due to her inability to execute/implement any of her big promises and mishandling almost everything she touches.
As Bill said above, she was voted in with a clear majority, the only PM to get such overwhelming support under MMP. So that claim of sexism and ageism does not stand any scrutiny !There are many reasons for her unpopularity and one reason is because she hasn’t delivered on some of her big promises, and that does not exclude sexism as a reason for her unpopularity, and that she is judged more harshly because she is a woman than a man would be in a similar situation.

She has triggered an avalanche of misogyny in a certain section of the population, who are quite vocal with their dislike of her and her policies. And she would have been more unpopular with them had she delivered on her promise of a capital gains tax.

She went down in my books because she wouldn’t meet with the protestors, but I still think she is much better than any alternative politician.

25-03-2022, 10:41 PM

The last paragraph says it all.

Thanks for the link westerly.

As the last paragraph states the misogyny and hate says more about the haters than Ardern:

Of course, Ardern’s performance is not beyond criticism. But a fair-minded analysis, free from sexist and misogynist bias, would suggest the hatred directed toward her says more about the haters than Ardern.

25-03-2022, 11:02 PM
Jane Clifton has a way with words.

It's getting to the stage where being Reserve Bank Governor is a gig thankless enough to rival coaching the All Blacks. Everyone else in New Zealand knows better than you how to do your job.

In this crowded field, former Act and Labour MP Richard Prebble takes the cup for cheekiest armchair critic with his exhaustive retrospective seminar on preventing inflation. He's the former associate finance minister who, in the 1980s, hailed an 18 per cent inflation rate as a triumph on the grounds that prices were really "fluctuating around a downward trend", and if you took out a few items – he only just managed to stop himself suggesting excluding food – the "underlying" rate was much lower.

The Government's emerging problem is that a growing tally of voters now resent having to pay the ferryman for getting them across Covid in such a buoyant boat. They rightly feel that they weren't warned there'd be such a penalty for maintaining a robust Covid economy. They myopically feel it's up to the Government to make these new costs go away – despite no other country having the immediate means to fix their near-identical crises, either.

It's this can't-win realm of politics that consoles those MPs who, in the time-honoured euphemisms, have Made Their Contribution and Want to Spend More Time With Family.

26-03-2022, 10:09 AM
Nothing to show after 4 years in government for Cindy except divisive racist and COVID politics :


Like a baby desperately hanging onto Mummy’s tits, Cindy cannot let go of COVID politics.

Because she has delivered on none of the huge promises like housing, healthcare and child poverty she made to get into power.

26-03-2022, 11:44 AM
There are many reasons for her unpopularity and one reason is because she hasn’t delivered on some of her big promises, and that does not exclude sexism as a reason for her unpopularity, and that she is judged more harshly because she is a woman than a man would be in a similar situation.

She has triggered an avalanche of misogyny in a certain section of the population, who are quite vocal with their dislike of her and her policies. And she would have been more unpopular with them had she delivered on her promise of a capital gains tax.

She went down in my books because she wouldn’t meet with the protestors, but I still think she is much better than any alternative politician.She's gone down in many peoples books since the protest, it just highlighted her complete arrogance and condescending attitude toward the plebs she says she represents. Meantime her wealth has increased considerably over the last few years while she snuggles up to and mixes with her elite idols at the WEF, you will have nothing yet be happy but she will have plenty.

26-03-2022, 01:04 PM

The last paragraph says it all.


Indeed it does - of the writer who did not once mention in the article how Cindy made huge promises to get into power, and completely failed to deliver on them.

Let's see :

Housing affordability.


Child poverty.

Mental health.

Transparent & accountable government.


Etc Etc

No mention at all of how the Spinner PM is pursuing racist & divisive policies to favor Maoris (for votes) - which she has no mandate to do.

What a pathetic article and what a laugh!


26-03-2022, 01:35 PM
EU Parliament gives Trudeau a good earful. Bet Cindy can't wait for her next EU vist.

26-03-2022, 01:42 PM
EU Parliament gives Trudeau a good earful. Bet Cindy can't wait for her next EU vist. Cindy and Justin are Klaus Schwab's obedient little pets and his star pupils so all good, bit of lost love from the EU won't worry them too much. Lol

26-03-2022, 05:44 PM
He shouldn't have put himself forward as finance spokesperson if he was retiring.


26-03-2022, 06:57 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;948723]Indeed it does - of the writer who did not once mention in the article how Cindy made huge promises to get into power, and completely failed to deliver on them."quote

The PM is not Putin, she does not make decisions on her own. She announces decisions made collectively by Cabinet. However as the article states the hostility generated by those decisions is directed solely at her.
Your vitriol being a prime example and if she had the power of Putin you would not be heard. You should be paying Tremain royalties for your repetitive use of his cartoons. :)


26-03-2022, 08:13 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;948723]Indeed it does - of the writer who did not once mention in the article how Cindy made huge promises to get into power, and completely failed to deliver on them."quote

The PM is not Putin, she does not make decisions on her own. She announces decisions made collectively by Cabinet. However as the article states the hostility generated by those decisions is directed solely at her.
Your vitriol being a prime example and if she had the power of Putin you would not be heard. You should be paying Tremain royalties for your repetitive use of his cartoons. :)





Pathetic poor young female Cindy - incompetent & all spin with no delivery. Only good for COVID politics. Useless otherwise.

Blue Skies
26-03-2022, 09:00 PM

Nicola Willis is Nationals 7th, yes 7th Finance spokesperson since they lost in 2017!
It's been a disappearing act, & although Nicola Willis seems competent & possibly a better potential leader than Luxon, she is only a 2nd term MP & never been a Minister in govt!
If you were flying into a storm, would you hand over the controls to an inexperienced pilot who's just barely got their basic licence?

You could be forgiven for forgetting Michael Woodhouse was Finance spokesperson, he barely asked 1 question of Robertson in almost 2 weeks, and what about Paul Goldsmith's $4 Billion hole in his shadow budget which he described as, wait for it...."an irritating mistake"...
Having quite rightly been savagely demoted for such incompetence, he's now been promoted back to the Front Bench as they are now so desperately short of talent.

Joyce, Adams, Goldsmith, combo Woodhouse & Bayly, Bridges & now Willis, versus Robertson.

And yet Finance is National's strongest card !
Looks anything but.

26-03-2022, 10:07 PM
Nicola Willis is Nationals 7th, yes 7th Finance spokesperson since they lost in 2017!
It's been a disappearing act, & although Nicola Willis seems competent & possibly a better potential leader than Luxon, she is only a 2nd term MP & never been a Minister in govt!
If you were flying into a storm, would you hand over the controls to an inexperienced pilot who's just barely got their basic licence?

You could be forgiven for forgetting Michael Woodhouse was Finance spokesperson, he barely asked 1 question of Robertson in almost 2 weeks, and what about Paul Goldsmith's $4 Billion hole in his shadow budget which he described as, wait for it...."an irritating mistake"...
Having quite rightly been savagely demoted for such incompetence, he's now been promoted back to the Front Bench as they are now so desperately short of talent.

Joyce, Adams, Goldsmith, combo Woodhouse & Bayly, Bridges & now Willis, versus Robertson.

And yet Finance is National's strongest card !
Looks anything but.

So what?

Grant Robertson is burying NZ’s future generations with his debt funded non productive excessive spending on just about everything with zero accountability.

Tax & Spend.

Spend & Waste.

Breed beneficiaries/Labour supporters.

He is but another in Cindy’s line up of incompetent nincompoops.


27-03-2022, 01:14 AM
Funny post Blue Skies. Look at the current FM and PM. Both completely inexperienced and yes it shows. Nicola will do well as our next FM, with Andrew Bayley by her side hopefully.

27-03-2022, 02:55 AM
Nicola Willis is Nationals 7th, yes 7th Finance spokesperson since they lost in 2017!

I imagine it's just a stepping stone for her to challenge luxon for leader.

27-03-2022, 10:27 AM
I imagine it's just a stepping stone for her to challenge luxon for leader.

Why not if she is better than Luxon after he has been PM for 3 terms?

That’s the big difference between National & Labour - can you imagine Grant Robertson or Kelvin Davis being a leader? Or Poto Williams or Megan Woods?

27-03-2022, 11:09 AM
Can you imagine luxon at age 61..

On the other hand maybe it's best not to!

27-03-2022, 11:22 AM
Can you imagine luxon at age 61..

On the other hand maybe it's best not to!

More to the point, can you imagine Cindy at 45 without her make up and looking even more like a nag than she already is now?

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/v/q/0/f/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .23l3f0.png/1636601663226.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

27-03-2022, 11:24 AM
A government without principles - Cindy & her team of nincompoops :


Once again, Jacinda Ardern’s Government has shown it’s more interested in doing what is popular than what is right.”

Tame’s point is that the petrol tax cuts went against the bigger and longer-term goal of shifting people off reliance on fossil fuels through higher prices. He argues that other crises such as housing see the Government only ever thinking about the short-term.

27-03-2022, 11:40 AM
More to the point, can you imagine Cindy at 45 without her make up and looking even more like a nag than she already is now?

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/v/q/0/f/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .23l3f0.png/1636601663226.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

Imagine that and the Minister of foreign affairs arriving somewhere as NZ's delegation.

fungus pudding
27-03-2022, 12:45 PM
Imagine that and the Minister of foreign affairs arriving somewhere as NZ's delegation.


27-03-2022, 02:28 PM
Imagine that and the Minister of foreign affairs arriving somewhere as NZ's delegation.

Jacinda (tm) will be fronting up for team NZ.

Much better than an international nobody.

27-03-2022, 03:46 PM
About As shallow as it gets rating someone on their appearance.

27-03-2022, 04:52 PM
Don't worry team.

All will be balanced, once Jacinda gets a WINZ barcode tattoo on her chin, to match Ms Mahuta.

27-03-2022, 06:48 PM
Don't worry team.

All will be balanced, once Jacinda gets a WINZ barcode tattoo on her chin, to match Ms Mahuta. She's already barcoded by the WEF, her soul is gone.

27-03-2022, 06:50 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;948778]More to the point, can you imagine Cindy at 45 without her make up and looking even more like a nag than she already is now?


The last paragraph says it all.


Blue Skies
27-03-2022, 07:02 PM
Funny post Blue Skies. Look at the current FM and PM. Both completely inexperienced and yes it shows. Nicola will do well as our next FM, with Andrew Bayley by her side hopefully.

Inexperienced compared to 2nd term Nicola Willis & 1st term Luxon who have not even been ministers! You've got to be kidding!

Not sure if anything at this stage will make you reconsider, but Jacinda Adern was a senior policy advisor to the UK cabinet during the Iraq war, is on excellent terms with & highly regarded by Angela Merkel & given & welcomed with full military honours on her visit to Germany & has met the current present President Olaf Scholz, highly regarded by French President Macron, Canada PM Justin Trudeau, was given full military welcome by China's President Xi Jinping, excellent terms with ex Japanese PM Shinzo Abe & met current PM Fumio Kishida, hosted and met with most world leaders via virtual summits including President Biden, addressed the UN General Assembly, & could pick up the phone & talk to many world leaders. Has been in parliament since 2008, in 3rd term as PM, has dealt with the Christchurch massacre, White Island tragedy, a world pandemic. You could go on and on.

And you think a 2nd term MP, Nicolla Willis who until fairly recently 2020 was 48 on National list moving to 13 on list in 2020 election but losing WLG Central to Grant Robertson is experienced enough & invisible Andrew Bayley who 9 out of 10 Kiwi's haven't heard of.
No disrespect but its laughable to suggest they are in the same league.

With the world in the most precarious position since WW2 & the very real threat of Putin launching a nuclear strike or chemical warfare starting WW3, a human catastrophe with millions of refugees pouring into Western Europe, energy shortages, food shortages, disruptions to supplies of everything from medicines to precious metals, rampant inflation in many western countries, personally I don't think National who are making so many mistakes even in opposition are nearly ready for govt.
Luxon didn't even know the correct tax bands, & the other day Luxon & Chris Bishop turned up to support a business where the owner danced in his underpants at the Parliament anti-vax, anti-mandate, anti-govt protest where they threw bricks at the police & set fire to the place. Wow!

27-03-2022, 07:55 PM
Luxon didn't even know the correct tax bands, & the other day Luxon & Chris Bishop turned up to support a business where the owner danced in his underpants at the Parliament anti-vax, anti-mandate, anti-govt protest where they threw bricks at the police & set fire to the place. Wow!

They probably reckon 50c per day in a tax cut is a game changer too.

27-03-2022, 11:19 PM
Glad you have so much repsect for the PM and faith in her ability Blue Skies. Remember she had never been a Minister before Winnie promoted her to PM in return for his $billions into the Provisional Growth Fund.
I don´t care which World leaders have welcomed her and by the way, I don´t hold Maron and Trudeau in particularly high esteem. Merkel was very competent but she´s history now.
I just look at what our PM has achieved (or not achieved) as PM and am seriously underwhelmed.

Your arguement about inexperience was also used against John Key, so holds little water as far as I am concerned.

27-03-2022, 11:22 PM
Jacinda will be fronting up for team NZ..

In Barcelona ?

28-03-2022, 04:18 AM
I don´t care which World leaders have welcomed her and by the way, I don´t hold Maron and Trudeau in particularly high esteem. Merkel was very competent but she´s history now.

Yes she was quite competent in weakening Europe through unnecessary austerity, closing down nuclear energy and generally being a Putin sympathiser.

28-03-2022, 07:36 AM
Here's a bold policy which is not necessarily popular and outside the Merkel/Jacinda/key method of politics:


Europe is perhaps the only continent which can be trusted to do it safely and competently.

28-03-2022, 07:40 AM
Glad you have so much repsect for the PM and faith in her ability Blue Skies. Remember she had never been a Minister before Winnie promoted her to PM in return for his $billions into the Provisional Growth Fund.
I don´t care which World leaders have welcomed her and by the way, I don´t hold Maron and Trudeau in particularly high esteem. Merkel was very competent but she´s history now.
I just look at what our PM has achieved (or not achieved) as PM and am seriously underwhelmed.

Your arguement about inexperience was also used against John Key, so holds little water as far as I am concerned. Make Ardern Go Away ASAP.

fungus pudding
28-03-2022, 08:29 AM
Don't worry team.

All will be balanced, once Jacinda gets a WINZ barcode tattoo on her chin, to match Ms Mahuta.

There's enough room there for a qr code.

28-03-2022, 10:06 AM
Don't worry team.

All will be balanced, once Jacinda gets a WINZ barcode tattoo on her chin, to match Ms Mahuta.
Racist nonsense.

28-03-2022, 10:45 AM
Racist nonsense.
Get used to it. This c... has gone way too far.

28-03-2022, 10:51 AM
Make Ardern Go Away ASAP.

MAGA, nice one :)

Make Australia good again (in two months).

28-03-2022, 11:06 AM
Help for the international cost of living issues on the way


Slightly better than 50c/day

28-03-2022, 12:27 PM
Racist nonsense.

Nah, she can take it on the chin...

28-03-2022, 01:24 PM
Nah, she can take it on the chin...

Seriously, does the tattoo on the chin sometimes not look like the individual is a sloppy eater with food & gravy dribbling down the chin?


fungus pudding
28-03-2022, 01:37 PM
Racist nonsense.

It might be a bit of nonsense, but where's the racist bit?

28-03-2022, 04:29 PM
If they want to try and prove some point by putting it out there and having a tattoo on their chin, we have every right to criticise it.

So last century......

28-03-2022, 05:43 PM
It might be a bit of nonsense, but where's the racist bit?
Equating a moko with a WINZ barcode is racist

If they want to try and prove some point by putting it out there and having a tattoo on their chin, we have every right to criticise it.

So last century......

You do have every right to criticise. You can even do it with racist dogwhistles (= WINZ barcode), and I will continue to point out the racism if you do.

Betcha more wahine have taken a moko this century than last.

fungus pudding
28-03-2022, 05:54 PM
Equating a moko with a WINZ barcode is racist

What utter claptrap.

28-03-2022, 06:29 PM
Equating a moko with a WINZ barcode is racist

You do have every right to criticise. You can even do it with racist dogwhistles (= WINZ barcode), and I will continue to point out the racism if you do.

Betcha more wahine have taken a moko this century than last.

So what. Probably more on the dole as well.

28-03-2022, 06:29 PM
[Betcha more wahine have taken a moko this century than last.[/QUOTE]

That just shows their ignorance, that's all. Imagine walking around Europe or America with a moko...... It's really not that cool!

The world moved on from face tattoo's, spares and clubs. We learned to read and write to express ourselves, to communicate and tell our history.

Like I said, so last century.

And everything you don't agree with is racist, so just take you with a grain of salt, or Puha, if you prefer?

28-03-2022, 07:29 PM
No news out of Labour yet regarding co governance as presented and promoted by its Maori cabal today.

Cindy will be wondering whether to kiss their arses as she has been doing for the last 3 years and risk electoral annihilation in 2023, or risk rebellion from the cabal.

One politician smells blood in the issue and a great electoral opportunity and he will be playing it for all it is worth in 2023 :



28-03-2022, 07:37 PM
Equating a moko with a WINZ barcode is racist

You do have every right to criticise. You can even do it with racist dogwhistles (= WINZ barcode), and I will continue to point out the racism if you do.

Betcha more wahine have taken a moko this century than last.

Yup - going back to when women were branded in various ways as a tribe's property?

Like cattle?

Am surprised myself that Cindy has not opted to have a moko kauae tattooed to her chin so far.


fungus pudding
29-03-2022, 08:10 AM
Yup - going back to when women were branded in various ways as a tribe's property?

Like cattle?

Am surprised myself that Cindy has not opted to have a moko kauae tattooed to her chin so far.


But face tatts are not limited to women.

29-03-2022, 09:46 AM
But face tatts are not limited to women.

Chin & lip tattoo (moko kauae) are limited to females.

fungus pudding
29-03-2022, 09:51 AM
Chin & lip tattoo (moko kauae) are limited to females.

Thanks - 'we live and learn' - not that I was planning on getting any.


29-03-2022, 11:01 AM
Chin & lip tattoo (moko kauae) are limited to females.
There are plenty of Goldie portraits showing men with tattoo's on their chins though ?

fungus pudding
29-03-2022, 11:09 AM
There are plenty of Goldie portraits showing men with tattoo's on their chins though ?

They were just tattoos; he didn't paint apostrophies.

29-03-2022, 11:17 AM
Chin & lip tattoo (moko kauae) are limited to females. I'm more concerned about their inward tattoos than their outward ones, who do they worship other than themselves?

29-03-2022, 11:38 AM
Equating a moko with a WINZ barcode is racist

You do have every right to criticise. You can even do it with racist dogwhistles (= WINZ barcode), and I will continue to point out the racism if you do.

Betcha more wahine have taken a moko this century than last.Thanks for calling out the racism, davflaws.
Most of the comments here are racist, sexist, classist (the poor and beneficiaries) or in some way derogatory and demeaning. All these negative comments from people who say NZ needs to lift its productivity, and who don’t understand that putting people down does not lead to more productivity or innovation. People with good self-esteem do not need to put others down.

29-03-2022, 11:48 AM
Ah well, at least we know if we send the Gruesome Twosome, otherwise known as the PM & Minister of FA, to China, they will abandon the Solomons in fright .

29-03-2022, 01:57 PM
This thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse lately and is full of utter claptrap from some very misogynistic people.
Take a break people until you can post something sensible and useful.

29-03-2022, 03:07 PM
This thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse lately and is full of utter claptrap from some very misogynistic people.
Take a break people until you can post something sensible and useful.

When do you think Cindy & her team of nincompoops will do something useful and for the benefit of NZ?


29-03-2022, 03:20 PM
The Labour party wasn't very kind to Loiisa Wall, so she's jumping ship.

29-03-2022, 03:22 PM
This thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse lately and is full of utter claptrap from some very misogynistic people.
Take a break people until you can post something sensible and useful.

The same diversity in both thought and representation as in the national caucus, esp since the moderates are gone.

The same crap policies only 6 different leaders.

fungus pudding
29-03-2022, 03:46 PM
The Labour party wasn't very kind to Loiisa Wall, so she's jumping ship.

Let's hope she starts a trend!

29-03-2022, 03:58 PM
Not even needed , 65 seats is a huge majority.

29-03-2022, 03:58 PM
The same diversity in both thought and representation as in the national caucus, esp since the moderates are gone.

The same crap policies only 6 different leaders.

Clark, Goff, Shearer, Cuniffe, Little and Cindy - yup, same crap policies with 6 leaders.

Huge promises and zero delivery.

Plenty of racist & divisive policies being pushed though by stealth and devious means.

29-03-2022, 04:01 PM
Huge promises and zero delivery.

The delivery will be on Apr 1 when many NZers get a pay rise (and business one year free of not paying enough compensation to their workers).

Blue Skies
29-03-2022, 04:03 PM
This thread seems to have taken a turn for the worse lately and is full of utter claptrap from some very misogynistic people.
Take a break people until you can post something sensible and useful.

Agreed! I have been thoroughly sickened by the level of vile twisted mysoginist & racist comments on here recently.

I cannot believe ST will continue to knowingly act as a platform for & therefore be culpable in normalising such hateful content.

Obviously there are some on here who have very unhealthy relationships with women if at all, & a sick, distorted, obsessive view of Maori.

I don't expect those responsible have any self awareness of just how vile & hateful their comments are to the rest of us.
It brings to mind that tragic bunch of bitter, mixed up, lost, white men getting together in the barn in the South Island spewing racist mysoginist awfulness, white supremacists mixed up with women haters & neo Nazis.

It is very noticeable how many posters have withdrawn from this thread.

This is a thread about Labour govt, highly offensive racist mysoginist rubbish doesn't belong on ST. & those responsible need a bit more self awareness.

Maori are generally behind the rest of the population in just about every measure, health, education, income, over incarceration, etc & nothing being proposed will take anything away from the rest of us, they are simply about trying to help raise achievable outcomes for Maori in all areas which helps all of us as a country.

29-03-2022, 04:50 PM
Agreed! I have been thoroughly sickened by the level of vile twisted mysoginist & racist comments on here recently.

I cannot believe ST will continue to knowingly act as a platform for & therefore be culpable in normalising such hateful content.

Obviously there are some on here who have very unhealthy relationships with women if at all, & a sick, distorted, obsessive view of Maori.

I don't expect those responsible have any self awareness of just how vile & hateful their comments are to the rest of us.
It brings to mind that tragic bunch of bitter, mixed up, lost, white men getting together in the barn in the South Island spewing racist mysoginist awfulness, white supremacists mixed up with women haters & neo Nazis.

It is very noticeable how many posters have withdrawn from this thread.

This is a thread about Labour govt, highly offensive racist mysoginist rubbish doesn't belong on ST. & those responsible need a bit more self awareness.

Maori are generally behind the rest of the population in just about every measure, health, education, income, over incarceration, etc & nothing being proposed will take anything away from the rest of us, they are simply about trying to help raise achievable outcomes for Maori in all areas which helps all of us as a country. The biggest thing Maori could do to help themselves is to give up the victim mentality, many of us grew up in "Once were Warrrior" type homes and lived in poverty but we didn't stay there or use it as an excuse to commit crime (I did spend 1 night in jail as a youth though) None of my siblings have become benefit dependent or career criminals/gang members although we have faced immense odds at times.

29-03-2022, 07:59 PM
The Labour party wasn't very kind to Loiisa Wall, so she's jumping ship.Yes, a big loss in my opinion.

14 years as an MP. The list MP based in South Auckland won marriage equality for same-sex couples.
Wall was first elected in 2008 on her party's list, and held the Manurewa seat from 2011 to 2020.
Wall said she'd stay involved with indigenous rights, human rights, equality and the rights of women and the LGBTQI+ community.
"Her commitment to human rights and equality has been absolutely unwavering. She has been relentless in her pursuit of human rights for all," Ardern said.

29-03-2022, 08:00 PM
Kind words from Chris Bishop.

“Very sad to see Louisa Wall MP announce her resignation from Parliament. Louisa achieved more as a MP than almost all Ministers from the party she is a member of. I admire her spirit, her enthusiasm and her passion. I will miss her and I think the Parliament will too.”

https://twitter.com/cjsbishop/status/1508600306615320580?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1508600306615320580%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nzherald.co.nz%2Fnz%2Fla bour-mp-louisa-wall-resigns-after-14-years-in-parliament%2FSK6MRV6VV7GKROYDFDYNEGQTYQ%2F

29-03-2022, 10:55 PM
Negatively correlated with beneficiary status.

Last century, I was a senior manager with WINZ. Moko were uncommon. But beneficiaries who were encouraged and supported to embrace and celebrate their culture became self supporting lots faster than those who didn't.

In this century, moko kauae are much more common that they used to be. It is the wahine who are in touch with their culture and standing proud in it who are most likely to have them. They are unlikely to be beneficiaries.

30-03-2022, 07:10 AM
Moral of the story, if you are Maori, and want to be successful, go and get some face paint.

fungus pudding
30-03-2022, 08:41 AM
That's not right. I don't agree with the things at least half the posters on this thread say, but I don't call them racist unless they are - and quite often not then because I am reluctant to feed posters I regard as trolls.

It is not racist to dislike taha moko. It is not racist to believe Maori would be better off without this particular part of their culture. It is racist to imply a connection between moko and being a WINZ beneficiary.

I don't know how to research it empirically, and I doubt you will be convinced no matter what I say - but betcha moko kauae are Negatively correlated with beneficiary status.

As are heavily, or visibly tattoed non-maoris. Common sense should tell you they have made themselves less attractive to employers. It is blind to NOT see a connection between facial adornments of any kind, and unemployment.
It certainly isn't racist.
Similarly many employers will have a 'dress-code', known only to themselves, but we all make judgements on what we see.

30-03-2022, 09:44 AM
I don't know how to research it empirically, and I doubt you will be convinced no matter what I say - but betcha moko kauae are Negatively correlated with beneficiary status.

As are heavily, or visibly tattoed non-maoris. Common sense should tell you they have made themselves less attractive to employers. It is blind to NOT see a connection between facial adornments of any kind, and unemployment.
It certainly isn't racist.
Similarly many employers will have a 'dress-code', known only to themselves, but we all make judgements on what we see.

You have misunderstood my post. My experience leads me to believe that wahine with moko are less likely to become beneficiaries than those without.

30-03-2022, 10:46 AM
Yes, there could be something in the theory.

Witness Debbie Packer, and striped tiger Rawiri Waititi.

Every time I see him. I want to say miouw, instead of kiora.

30-03-2022, 03:05 PM
Cindy cannot help herself - here's her spinning and denying as usual, even in matters of life or death with breast cancer.

Jacinda Ardern said cancer diagnoses are meeting expectations - but those working on the frontline disagree. Breast Cancer Foundation says that's not true and 300 women could have cancer but not know due to delays.

"We strongly disagree [with Ardern]," CEO Ah-Leen Rayner told AM on Wednesday.
"We've been writing to the Government for over six months now… What we know is the Breast Screening Aotearoa system was under pressure pre-COVID, but post-COVID we now know that there are 50,000 women overdue for their screening mammogram and what this means, purely on the numbers, of those 50,000 women, we estimate 300 could have cancer."


All because Cindy wants to be able to claim that she has managed the COVID response so very effectively.

What a disgusting woman.

30-03-2022, 04:33 PM
And under Cindy, there’re :

No housing crisis

No cost of living crisis

No accommodation crisis

No gang violence crisis

No mental health crisis

Because she has turned them into disasters.

30-03-2022, 05:56 PM
Poto, Minister of Police, has put the brakes on again, or did she never take them off?

See NZ Herald, re impeding Mark Mitchell's scrutiny.

She has been "petulant and vindictive'.

Now how does that correlate to "being kind"?

30-03-2022, 06:00 PM
Poto, Minister of Police, has put the brakes on again, or did she never take them off?

See NZ Herald, re impeding Mark Mitchell's scrutiny.

Cindy promised that hers would be the most transparent in NZ’s history, remember?


Too busy but they have enough time & resources to transfer hundreds of cops for weeks to close down the Wellington protest?

30-03-2022, 06:48 PM
Cindy cannot help herself - here's her spinning and denying as usual, even in matters of life or death with breast cancer.

Jacinda Ardern said cancer diagnoses are meeting expectations - but those working on the frontline disagree. Breast Cancer Foundation says that's not true and 300 women could have cancer but not know due to delays.

"We strongly disagree [with Ardern]," CEO Ah-Leen Rayner told AM on Wednesday.
"We've been writing to the Government for over six months now… What we know is the Breast Screening Aotearoa system was under pressure pre-COVID, but post-COVID we now know that there are 50,000 women overdue for their screening mammogram and what this means, purely on the numbers, of those 50,000 women, we estimate 300 could have cancer."


All because Cindy wants to be able to claim that she has managed the COVID response so very effectively.

What a disgusting woman.

"What they are saying at this point is that diagnoses appear to be keeping pace with what we have seen in the past," Ardern said. "In terms of screening there's a mixture of whether or not people were coming and accessing it and its availability. I want to go away and just double check on that because the Cancer Control Agency again has highlighted that, with the exception of August last year, it has been keeping pace with what we would expect."

Read it again you disgusting man


30-03-2022, 06:59 PM
Yes, there could be something in the theory.

Witness Debbie Packer, and striped tiger Rawiri Waititi.

Every time I see him. I want to say miouw, instead of kiora.

Ouch that hurt :)
You mean Kia Ora don't you?

30-03-2022, 07:18 PM
"What they are saying at this point is that diagnoses appear to be keeping pace with what we have seen in the past," Ardern said. "In terms of screening there's a mixture of whether or not people were coming and accessing it and its availability. I want to go away and just double check on that because the Cancer Control Agency again has highlighted that, with the exception of August last year, it has been keeping pace with what we would expect."

Read it again you disgusting man


Why read it again? This is exactly what people on the frontline are disputing and calling the PM out on it, but you sadly once again ONLY believe the garbage from the "pulpit of truth" as spoken by the master of spin herself.

30-03-2022, 07:22 PM
Yet another much talked about issue from this Government of endless inquiries comes to nothing. Just more money down the drain ! Petrol companies the next one is it ?

30-03-2022, 07:45 PM
"What they are saying at this point is that diagnoses appear to be keeping pace with what we have seen in the past," Ardern said. "In terms of screening there's a mixture of whether or not people were coming and accessing it and its availability. I want to go away and just double check on that because the Cancer Control Agency again has highlighted that, with the exception of August last year, it has been keeping pace with what we would expect."

Read it again you disgusting man


How despicably repugnant an individual you must be to only read what Cindy said and completely ignored what frontline said : "post-COVID we now know that there are 50,000 women overdue for their screening mammogram and what this means, purely on the numbers, of those 50,000 women, we estimate 300 could have cancer."

Just because Cindy is a female and you are a female so what she says is the truth?


30-03-2022, 07:46 PM
Cindy promised that hers would be the most transparent in NZ’s history, remember?


Too busy but they have enough time & resources to transfer hundreds of cops for weeks to close down the Wellington protest? Close down the protest using thug cops happy to beat a few elderly to the ground to boot, thats coward Cindy for you.The thing is the ill feelings and division in our society is simmering away nicely, in fact I'd say its continued to grow since Wellington, a lot of people including many hard core Labour supporters have well and truly woken up.

30-03-2022, 08:16 PM
Close down the protest using thug cops happy to beat a few elderly to the ground to boot, thats coward Cindy for you.The thing is the ill feelings and division in our society is simmering away nicely, in fact I'd say its continued to grow since Wellington, a lot of people including many hard core Labour supporters have well and truly woken up.

Son of a contact is a cop in Auckland. He related to his father how so many cops were transferred out of Auckland to ‘sort’ out the protest that they were down to 5 active patrol cars for several days to cover the greater Auckland area.

One night, they had 57 serious incidents and they had to prioritise which 5 to attend. That was how bad it got - thanks to how Cindy & Mallard with their woke Police Commissioner so badly handled the Protest situation.

I have no doubts whatsoever that Poto Williams is blocking Mitchell from meeting the police because the government & Labour do not want the truth of just how unhappy & desperate some of the police are.

30-03-2022, 08:33 PM
Close down the protest using thug cops happy to beat a few elderly to the ground to boot, thats coward Cindy for you.The thing is the ill feelings and division in our society is simmering away nicely, in fact I'd say its continued to grow since Wellington, a lot of people including many hard core Labour supporters have well and truly woken up.

I followed the Grounded Kiwis group when it was actively up and running. Something like 70,000 members from memory but close to a million such Kiwis around the World. A majority of the ones that voted, have been Labour & Greens voters as can be seen consistently from overseas votes in recent elections. It is obvious to me that they have lost a huge proportion of that vote. The 2 parties know it and that is the reason they do not want to make any changes/exemptions to the rules of people needing to come back to NZ in the previous 3 years to when election is held, to be an eligible voter. This is despite that fact that people have not been able to travel freely to NZ for 2 of those years. They are hoping many will not come back and therefore not be eligible to vote but they may be underestimating the anger felt by those unfairly locked out of their own country (many in horrific personal circumstances) and feeling absolutely mad about it. My guess is that Labour (and their lackey the Greens) have decimated that former supporter base.

30-03-2022, 08:37 PM
Son of a contact is a cop in Auckland. He related to his father how so many cops were transferred out of Auckland to ‘sort’ out the protest that they were down to 5 active patrol cars for several days to cover the greater Auckland area.

One night, they had 57 serious incidents and they had to prioritise which 5 to attend. That was how bad it got - thanks to how Cindy & Mallard with their woke Police Commissioner so badly handled the Protest situation.

I have no doubts whatsoever that Poto Williams is blocking Mitchell from meeting the police because the government & Labour do not want the truth of just how unhappy & desperate some of the police are. There were 3 kinds of cops at the protest, the ones that resigned because of it (Quite a few of those), the ones that didn't want to be there but were just doing their duty and then there was the thug arsehole lot that shouldn't be cops at all.

30-03-2022, 08:47 PM
Ouch that hurt :)
You mean Kia Ora don't you?

Ah rats!

At least I didnt put kiore.

30-03-2022, 10:06 PM
The biggest thing Maori could do to help themselves is to give up the victim mentality, many of us grew up in "Once were Warrrior" type homes and lived in poverty but we didn't stay there or use it as an excuse to commit crime (I did spend 1 night in jail as a youth though) None of my siblings have become benefit dependent or career criminals/gang members although we have faced immense odds at times.Couta1, your response is typical in that you immediately deflected the discussion away from taking responsibility for sexist, racist and derogatory comments, and doing a bit of self-reflection on the fact that your comments might be inappropriate.

Instead, you continue to point the finger at the failings of Maori and others. Instead, you and others double down on the inappropriate comments.

Ironically you talk about the victim mentality of Maori. What you seem unaware of is that many of the derogatory comments on this thread are coming from a victim mentality. A victim mentality because the world is not the way you and others think it should be and you find scapegoats such as Ardern and others to vent your anger at.

Yes, it is traumatic that the Labour Party won the election because voters had high confidence and trust in the competent young woman who was the leader of the party. Accept the trauma has happened and move on. When you have a victim mentality you don’t move on from the trauma but you hold onto it, making it part of your story that you tell again and again. And you become stuck in this mindset. Victimhood becomes your identity.

Victim mentality is a term that refers to someone who essentially seeks “evidence” at best (or creates their own “evidence” out of thin air, at worst), to automatically place themselves as the abused party. Plenty of “evidence” posted on this thread telling a story over and over again of victimhood.

Give up the victim mentality.

30-03-2022, 10:22 PM
Yes, it is traumatic that the Labour Party won the election because voters had high confidence and trust in the competent young woman who was the leader of the party. Accept the trauma has happened and move on. When you have a victim mentality you don’t move on from the trauma but you hold onto it, making it part of your story that you tell again and again. And you become stuck in this mindset. Victimhood becomes your identity.

Give up the victim mentality.

So based on that moka, we should never have a political debate because at any given time, who is in Government has a majority based on last election result. But did you really have to mention the PM was a "confident young woman" ? Does it really matter what sex or age the PM is ? It appears to me that you and a few others are completely fixated on such sexist nonsense !

30-03-2022, 11:37 PM
Couta1, your response is typical in that you immediately deflected the discussion away from taking responsibility for sexist, racist and derogatory comments, and doing a bit of self-reflection on the fact that your comments might be inappropriate.

Instead, you continue to point the finger at the failings of Maori and others. Instead, you and others double down on the inappropriate comments.

Ironically you talk about the victim mentality of Maori. What you seem unaware of is that many of the derogatory comments on this thread are coming from a victim mentality. A victim mentality because the world is not the way you and others think it should be and you find scapegoats such as Ardern and others to vent your anger at.

Yes, it is traumatic that the Labour Party won the election because voters had high confidence and trust in the competent young woman who was the leader of the party. Accept the trauma has happened and move on. When you have a victim mentality you don’t move on from the trauma but you hold onto it, making it part of your story that you tell again and again. And you become stuck in this mindset. Victimhood becomes your identity.

Victim mentality is a term that refers to someone who essentially seeks “evidence” at best (or creates their own “evidence” out of thin air, at worst), to automatically place themselves as the abused party. Plenty of “evidence” posted on this thread telling a story over and over again of victimhood.

Give up the victim mentality. What nonsense, if I had a victim mentality I would not be in my current position but would have joined a gang or lived a life of crime and achieved nothing in life and blamed it all on the lousy hand of cards I was dealt as a child and young person. By the way the current Govt has tried their hardest to make Maori victims in order to secure their vote.

fungus pudding
31-03-2022, 08:25 AM
You have misunderstood my post. My experience leads me to believe that wahine with moko are less likely to become beneficiaries than those without.

Maybe you should re-read it. At best it's ambiguous.

31-03-2022, 08:51 AM
"Housing greed threatens New Zealand's future.
This week the International Monetary Fund’s shared its perspective on New Zealand’s post-Covid recovery. The IMF delivered its most alarming statement about New Zealand’s biggest domestic problem: housing. The NZ property market is a financial stability risk.

Freeing up land supply, improving planning and zoning, and fostering infrastructure investment need to be part of the solution, the IMF said.

With house prices out of reach to most buyers unless they have a $200,000 deposit, young, well-educated, and ambitious New Zealanders will be reviewing their options as the border opens = a brain drain.

To this foreigner, it has been illuminating to watch NZ’s housing problem deteriorate over the past few years. The attempts to subdue property speculation met with hysterical, misplaced cries of communism or socialism.
The vested interests fighting tooth and nail to stop houses being built, despite clear evidence of a shortage. And the commentators and politicians transparently attempting to preserve the status quo for older voters."

fungus pudding
31-03-2022, 09:02 AM
"Housing greed threatens New Zealand's future.
This week the International Monetary Fund’s shared its perspective on New Zealand’s post-Covid recovery. The IMF delivered its most alarming statement about New Zealand’s biggest domestic problem: housing. The NZ property market is a financial stability risk.

Freeing up land supply, improving planning and zoning, and fostering infrastructure investment need to be part of the solution, the IMF said.

With house prices out of reach to most buyers unless they have a $200,000 deposit, young, well-educated, and ambitious New Zealanders will be reviewing their options as the border opens = a brain drain.

To this foreigner, it has been illuminating to watch NZ’s housing problem deteriorate over the past few years. The attempts to subdue property speculation met with hysterical, misplaced cries of communism or socialism.
The vested interests fighting tooth and nail to stop houses being built, despite clear evidence of a shortage. And the commentators and politicians transparently attempting to preserve the status quo for older voters."

Quite right. That's why we non-greedy ones stopped buying residential property way back; in fact as soon as we discovered commercial and industrial property is far less likely to attract rat-bag tenants, whose sole mission in life is to make their landlords life as miserable as theirs is.

31-03-2022, 09:07 AM
Quite right. That's why we non-greedy ones stopped buying residential property way back; in fact as soon as we discovered commercial and industrial property is far less likely to attract rat-bag tenants.

And thanks to the ‘unintended’ consequences of Cindy’s government treating ALL landlords as evil & enemies, imposing unnecessary requirements & punitive measures, rents have now gone up to record levels.

Rental crisis is now rental disaster - Clueless Cindy created.



The national median rent has experienced its largest annual increase in seven months, climbing by $45 to a record-breaking $575 per week, according to Trade Me’s latest February Rental Price Index.

Trade Me Property sales director Gavin Lloyd said the rising cost of living would be taking a toll on tenants.

“In the past 12 months we’ve seen rents rise consistently and every month it gets more expensive to rent a property in New Zealand. Add to that the rising cost of food and fuel, and tenants are having to dig deep into their wallets to pay for everyday necessities.” Not true because Cindy, speaking from the pulpit of truth, says there is no cost of living crisis.

Lloyd said rents in a number of regions hit a record, with Bay of Plenty up 6.4 per cent year-on-year to $585, Northland up 9 per cent to $545, and Taranaki up 22 per cent to $550.

31-03-2022, 02:08 PM
National's solution?

50 cents a day in a tax cut.
Offshore buyers allowed back in.
Migration, instead of productivity.

31-03-2022, 02:25 PM
National's solution?

50 cents a day in a tax cut.
Offshore buyers allowed back in.
Migration, in place of productivity.

50 cents a day fir the bottom dwellers who pay no tax any way. Those who actually work hard and generate wealth for NZ are going to pay less tax. That’s how it should always be.

What has banning offshore buyers done to property prices? Sent them rocketing higher under Cindy. Housing disaster under Cindy.

No migration? Great - that’s why the health system & support services are collapsing under Cindy.

More omicron deaths today - you got around yet to ask the families of the dead to thank Labour for allowing the milder omicron in?

31-03-2022, 02:41 PM
50 cents a day fir the bottom dwellers who pay no tax any way. Those who actually work hard and generate wealth for NZ are going to pay less tax. That’s how it should always be.

Then why have a whine about rents. Surely its a bottom dweller issue?

Or maybe its like the farmer suicides, useful as another thing to blame labour for.

31-03-2022, 02:50 PM
Then why have a whine about rents. Surely its a bottom dweller issue?

Or maybe its like the farmer suicides, useful as another thing to blame labour for.

Rents as a bottom dweller issue? Do you actually know how many NZers (especially those working hard to save for a deposit) rent? Yet another example of how arrogant & out of touch Labour & Clueless Cindy are.

Forget about young farmers suicides - just you deal with omicron deaths brought into the country by Cindy & labour. You contacted the families of the dead yet to ask them to thank Cindy?

31-03-2022, 02:53 PM
50 cents is for the median earner

Maybe if you're in the top 20% you can aspire to $1 per day in a lux delux tax cut.

31-03-2022, 02:59 PM
50 cents is for the median earner

Maybe if you're in the top 20% you can aspire to $1 per day in a lux delux tax cut.

Who cares whether it is 50c or $50?

It is all about the government taxing less - not like Cindy with her continuous tax increases and wasteful spending policies.

Tax, borrow & spend recklessly = Labour.

Go back to omicron deaths - you contacted the families of the dead yet and ask them to thank labour?


31-03-2022, 05:31 PM
Cindy's ex-partner NZ First smells blood in Labour's pro-crime & pro-gangs policies : Will be vote winning topic for NZF in 2023.



It is inevitable that lawyers will complain and point to the Bill of Rights. They need to remember rights require people to observe and respect duties. The only obligations organised crime recognises are those to themselves.

The Government has to commit to beating down gang offences, treating them as
organised crime.

No more tokenism and Māori titles such as Operation Tauwhiro, another word for social worker, but misrepresenting run-of-the-mill policing as some far-reaching anti-gang initiative.

More of the paddy wagon and less of the de-colonisation bandwagon.


31-03-2022, 06:21 PM
Exhibiting some of the behaviours on this thread.
Nats know how to do things.

31-03-2022, 06:26 PM
Exhibiting some of the behaviours on this thread.
Nats know how to do things.


Young adults under 30 years old making mistakes, accepting responsibility


Cindy & her team of nincompoops of matured adults spinning & telling mistruths, lies (often from the self promoted pulpit of truth)


going back & reneging on their undertakings & huge promises which got them elected.

Remember how we were promised the most transparent & accountable government?

And have you seen Cindy accepting responsibility for the crises she created under her watch? Housing, crime, equality, mental health just to start the ball rolling.

Which is the greater sin and who is more disgusting?

31-03-2022, 08:45 PM
So based on that moka, we should never have a political debate because at any given time, who is in Government has a majority based on last election result. But did you really have to mention the PM was a "confident young woman" ? Does it really matter what sex or age the PM is ? It appears to me that you and a few others are completely fixated on such sexist nonsense !A political debate would be great, but most of what is on this thread is personal attacks and discrediting people, not debating or discussing the issue itself.
Yes, it does matter that the PM is a competent young woman for some men who feel threatened by that fact, and their comments dominate this thread and also dominate the comments section on the Herald. It appears to me that many men deny theirs and others sexist behaviour and misogyny.

31-03-2022, 08:59 PM
A political debate would be great, but most of what is on this thread is personal attacks and discrediting people, not debating or discussing the issue itself.
Yes, it does matter that the PM is a competent young woman for some men who feel threatened by that fact, and their comments dominate this thread and also dominate the comments section on the Herald. It appears to me that many men deny theirs and others sexist behaviour and misogyny.

Threatened by Cindy because she is a competent young female?

You have the young female part right but competent?

Try clueless, incompetent, dishonest, full of spin and mistruths, incapable of delivering on promises made and attempting to implement racist & divisive policies to secure Maori votes.

Now let’s start debating the above - start with Kiwibuild and the housing disaster.

Follow with her promise to lead the most transparent & accountable administration. Why did she hide matters of state like He Puapua report from her NZ First coalition partner?

Then, let’s discuss her denial that there is a cost of living crisis.

At 40 years young, she has already showed herself to be particularly deceitful, devious and untrustworthy. Imagine her at 60 years old!

There’s is nothing threatening about Cindy but she threatens the future of NZ.



31-03-2022, 09:15 PM
It would be so much better if we had a team which considers half of NZ bottom dwellers (even though they kept NZ open during a worldwide pandemic)

31-03-2022, 09:18 PM
It would be so much better if we had a team which considers half of NZ bottom dwellers (even though they kept NZ open during a worldwide pandemic)

Have you ask the families of those who died from omicron to thank Labour & Cindy for allowing this milder covid variant into NZ?


New Zealand has marked its darkest day of the pandemic with a record 34 deaths, taking the country's Covid-19 mortality rate past that of the United States for the first time.

Experts say despite daily case numbers starting to plateau, given the lag in hospitalisations and deaths, that rate could climb even higher over the next few weeks.


31-03-2022, 09:47 PM
The judge’s remarks about a man who was jailed for threatening to kill Jacinda Ardern in relentless emails, apply to some of those who make comments on this thread.

“You have a complete lack of insight. You have a high sense of entitlement,” the judge said, citing the reports, according to the Herald. “You simply don’t recognise acceptable boundaries.”


31-03-2022, 09:50 PM
The judge’s remarks about a man who was jailed for threatening to kill Jacinda Ardern in relentless emails, apply to some of those who make comments on this thread.

“You have a complete lack of insight. You have a high sense of entitlement,” the judge said, citing the reports, according to the Herald. “You simply don’t recognise acceptable boundaries.”


You wanted a debate but as expected, backs away quickly because you are unable to defend the indefensible.

Instead, you and other Labourites attempt to deflect - Cindy’s favourite strategy when confronted with the truth.

How about Kiwibuild and the cost of living crisis?

How about the transparency & accountability promised by Cindy?

31-03-2022, 09:53 PM
Deleted deleted

31-03-2022, 09:54 PM
In a democracy people have a right to express their opinion, but threats of violence are not okay.

Chris Hipkins asks staff not to show him violent messages he is sent. "I've kind of asked not to be told about the worst of some of that, because otherwise you just live your whole life in fear," Hipkins says.
"I trust all those that are dealing with that correspondence and all of those issues to alert me if there is something that I really need to know about."
Associate Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall also says that she doesn't look at any very negative or violent messages.

31-03-2022, 09:59 PM
In a democracy people have a right to express their opinion, but threats of violence are not okay.

Chris Hipkins asks staff not to show him violent messages he is sent. "I've kind of asked not to be told about the worst of some of that, because otherwise you just live your whole life in fear," Hipkins says.
"I trust all those that are dealing with that correspondence and all of those issues to alert me if there is something that I really need to know about."
Associate Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall also says that she doesn't look at any very negative or violent messages.

Deflection again.

You are such a sore loser, aren’t you?

Try debating the issues as articulated in your previous posts.

31-03-2022, 10:00 PM
Threatened by Cindy because she is a competent young female?

You have the young female part right but competent?

Try clueless, incompetent, dishonest, full of spin and mistruths, incapable of delivering on promises made and attempting to implement racist & divisive policies to secure Maori votes.

Now let’s start debating the above - start with Kiwibuild and the housing disaster.

Follow with her promise to lead the most transparent & accountable administration. Why did she hide matters of state like He Puapua report from her NZ First coalition partner?

Then, let’s discuss her denial that there is a cost of living crisis.

At 40 years young, she has already showed herself to be particularly deceitful, devious and untrustworthy. Imagine her at 60 years old!

There’s is nothing threatening about Cindy but she threatens the future of NZ.



Let’s start the debate, moka.

Your turn next.

01-04-2022, 12:36 AM
The judge’s remarks about a man who was jailed for threatening to kill Jacinda Ardern in relentless emails, apply to some of those who make comments on this thread.

“You have a complete lack of insight. You have a high sense of entitlement,” the judge said, citing the reports, according to the Herald. “You simply don’t recognise acceptable boundaries.”


62 minutes before you posted this you posted about people making personal attacks, not political debate. Go figure !!

01-04-2022, 06:32 AM
In a democracy people have a right to express their opinion, but threats of violence are not okay.

Chris Hipkins asks staff not to show him violent messages he is sent. "I've kind of asked not to be told about the worst of some of that, because otherwise you just live your whole life in fear," Hipkins says.
"I trust all those that are dealing with that correspondence and all of those issues to alert me if there is something that I really need to know about."
Associate Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall also says that she doesn't look at any very negative or violent messages.

When we have an American style opposition its no surprise that some people act out.

The current crew has never admitted the corona response was good, even in some aspects (though it turns out we had a good economy too).

01-04-2022, 08:11 AM
When we have an American style opposition its no surprise that some people act out.

They current crew has never admitted the corona response was good, even in some aspects (though it turns out we had a good economy too).

It wasn't. It's been a disaster and the effects are starting to play out and will lead to a change of Government next year.

01-04-2022, 08:29 AM
Starting to? when can we expact that?

You would think it would have already happened if they were.

01-04-2022, 08:35 AM
Starting to? when can we expact that?

You would think it would have already happened if they were.

You may not have noticed but the hospitality and tourism industries for example are completely stuffed, ditto international education and almost every industry in NZ can not get staff, thanks to our ridiculous border restrictions. This will all get worse with the upcoming exodus of people from NZ with borders slowly and finally opening up.
Housing, rents and homelessness have all reached crisis levels and we have rampant inflation, added to by a Government that has no ideas except to borrow and spend.

01-04-2022, 08:44 AM
Tax, borrow & spend wastefully & recklessly without any accountability = Clueless Cindy & her team of incompetent nincompoops.

Remember the election bribe to Maoris of $120m to fix maraes and create 3,000 jobs? Whatever became of that spending when ACT revealed less than 150 jobs were created and most of the money went to a select few?

From Cindy & her team of nincompoops who promised unrivalled transparency & accountability in government.

"My priority is that this will be the most open, most transparent Government that New Zealand has ever had."


Meanwhile ....


01-04-2022, 04:59 PM
I must say that 21.20 is not good enough (21.50 would be the bare minimum ).

It reminds me of the days when Sir John would flick people 25 cents.

01-04-2022, 05:26 PM
I must say that 21.20 is not good enough (21.50 would be the bare minimum ).

It reminds me of the days when Sir John would flick people 25 cents.

Who cares what you think .

Tell us how you want those who are infected with omicron to thank Labour for allowing it into NZ because it is a milder variant.

More deaths today from omicron - Labour & you must be so pleased.


01-04-2022, 05:38 PM
Pensions up 6% plus the $25 winter energy payment made years ago. That should provide senior NZers with some comfort.

01-04-2022, 05:50 PM
Pensions up 6% plus the $25 winter energy payment made years ago. That should provide senior NZers with some comfort.

What about the omicron deaths - you still want them to thank Labour for allowing in the variant?

Bill Smith
01-04-2022, 05:56 PM
Pensions up 6% plus the $25 winter energy payment made years ago. That should provide senior NZers with some comfort.

And a taxed 6% is way way below true cost of living increases for low income pensioners. You must be a troll, because one cannot be so thick.

01-04-2022, 06:10 PM
Pensions up 6% plus the $25 winter energy payment made years ago. That should provide senior NZers with some comfort. Not much comfort when an ever increasing number of them are paying rent, see how far your pension goes in that situation.

01-04-2022, 06:40 PM
And a taxed 6% is way way below true cost of living increases for low income pensioners. You must be a troll, because one cannot be so thick.

Better than working two years longer, and harder.

01-04-2022, 06:45 PM
Not much comfort when an ever increasing number of them are paying rent, see how far your pension goes in that situation.

The benefits adjustments are a catch up - not a proactive adjustment for inflation raging out there due to the policies of this government of taxing, borrowing and spending wastefully.

Not even enough to offset the high inflation of 2021!

Clueless as usual - Cindy & her team of nincompoops.


Which they might've been if inflation wasn't already out of control, or as ANZ called it this week, moon-bound, because of this inflation.

The fact is that even after this increase in government spending today, families will be no better off in real terms.

The government handouts may have increased, but prices have increased more.

02-04-2022, 10:57 AM
Consequences of Cindy’s failed housing policies coming home to roost big time - from crisis to disaster and she’s completely & utterly clueless about what to do.


The city’s rental market is the toughest for several years and property managers report turning away dozens of prospective tenants.

South New Brighton man Steve Roberts said he was shocked to receive notice last week of a rent rise from $410 to $490 a week.

Well done, Cindy! Landlords and property owners of NZ salute your fine efforts! Go get them & let’s do this, spinner!

02-04-2022, 07:21 PM
Let’s make sure that NZers and the media are reminded in 2023 of just how pro-criminals & anti-decent NZers this Labour government of spin and BS is :


“Claims of death threats, loud parties and speeding cars have plagued a Kāinga Ora tenant, who has a child with serious health complications, for almost three years.

The tenant, who was given name suppression at a Tenancy Tribunal hearing in February, said issues with his neighbour started on the first day they both moved into their state houses, which share a wall and driveway.”

02-04-2022, 07:36 PM
Hey Balancev ….here’s a good job for you

Project Manager, COVID-19 Response recognition


The Government is establishing an award to recognise people who have contributed to New Zealand's COVID-19 response. We are looking for a project manager to lead the establishment and roll out of the award through all stages, working with a small team and in close collaboration with key agencies.

The project manager will be located in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and will report to the Deputy Secretary of Cabinet (Constitutional and Honours). The position is fixed term, for 12 months.

The ideal person will be a highly organised self-starter, creative and collaborative, with proven ability to drive and manage an inter-agency project, and experience in building and managing stakeholder relationships. You must have good judgement and excellent interpersonal communication and relationship skills.

Secondments would be welcomed!

Any questions regarding this position can be emailed to rachel.hayward@dpmc.govt.nz

03-04-2022, 08:29 AM
Hey Balancev ….here’s a good job for you

Project Manager, COVID-19 Response recognition


The Government is establishing an award to recognise people who have contributed to New Zealand's COVID-19 response. We are looking for a project manager to lead the establishment and roll out of the award through all stages, working with a small team and in close collaboration with key agencies.

The project manager will be located in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and will report to the Deputy Secretary of Cabinet (Constitutional and Honours). The position is fixed term, for 12 months.

The ideal person will be a highly organised self-starter, creative and collaborative, with proven ability to drive and manage an inter-agency project, and experience in building and managing stakeholder relationships. You must have good judgement and excellent interpersonal communication and relationship skills.

Secondments would be welcomed!

Any questions regarding this position can be emailed to rachel.hayward@dpmc.govt.nz

We have the perfect candidate on ST here for the job - panda_nz.

He believes that people contacting omicron should thank Labour & Cindy for allowing the milder variant (now killing an average of 17 per day) into NZ.

So a perfect candidate to award the grand prize to this government?

03-04-2022, 08:35 AM
Hey Balancev ….here’s a good job for you

Project Manager, COVID-19 Response recognition


The Government is establishing an award to recognise people who have contributed to New Zealand's COVID-19 response. We are looking for a project manager to lead the establishment and roll out of the award through all stages, working with a small team and in close collaboration with key agencies.

The project manager will be located in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and will report to the Deputy Secretary of Cabinet (Constitutional and Honours). The position is fixed term, for 12 months.

The ideal person will be a highly organised self-starter, creative and collaborative, with proven ability to drive and manage an inter-agency project, and experience in building and managing stakeholder relationships. You must have good judgement and excellent interpersonal communication and relationship skills.

Secondments would be welcomed!

Any questions regarding this position can be emailed to rachel.hayward@dpmc.govt.nz

Surely this is an April Fools Day joke!

03-04-2022, 08:38 AM
Surely this is an April Fools Day joke!

Still up on the recruitment websites along with a few others

03-04-2022, 08:44 AM
Surely this is an April Fools Day joke!

Cindy wants to milk every gram of spin she can from COVID.

Never mind the fact that she is keeping very quiet about the escalating deaths from omicron.

fungus pudding
03-04-2022, 08:45 AM
Surely this is an April Fools Day joke!

It's brilliant! At the foot of the article there is a line 'email this job to a friend'. Easy to complete. All my friends have been listed for which they will be eternally grateful.

03-04-2022, 11:40 AM
50 cents a day fir the bottom dwellers who pay no tax any way. Those who actually work hard and generate wealth for NZ are going to pay less tax. That’s how it should always be. Income earners do carry the burden. Haven't many home owners in past years been amassing more in untaxed capital gains, by grace of government fiscal and monetary policy, than in taxed income from their hard work? The "bottom dwellers" also include those people and businesses who make money from those who receive low incomes and government benefits.

What has banning offshore buyers done to property prices? Sent them rocketing higher under Cindy. Housing disaster under Cindy. Lots of factors at play. Labour and National did not want to spook the voting electorate by doing anything meaningful to stem price increases. The higher they have gone up; the further they have to fall or stagnate over time?

migration? Great - that’s why the health system & support services are collapsing under Cindy. A skills shortage as the NZ housing unaffordability & cost of living/ low pay dynamic increases the appeal of looking for work in developed countries overseas. NZ has rewarded old home owners much more generously than it has rewarded working age health care workers in the last couple of decades, whether under National or Labour governments. Labour is just more of the same...

More omicron deaths today - you got around yet to ask the families of the dead to thank Labour for allowing the milder omicron in? Every death is a tragedy. However omicron in NZ has been inevitable. I think NZ vaccination rates have been a lot better than many other countries, when they started to experience their omicron surges.

04-04-2022, 02:54 AM
Income earners do carry the burden. Haven't many home owners in past years been amassing more in untaxed capital gains, by grace of government fiscal and monetary policy, than in taxed income from their hard work? The "bottom dwellers" also include those people and businesses who make money from those who receive low incomes and government benefits.

Rich males have been in charge not just here but around the world.

And where has it taken us -- a number of crises that will take generations to solve.

04-04-2022, 07:22 AM
38% increase in assaults on police since Cindy took office in late 2017.

This is what happens when NZ has a pro-criminal government like Labour with its soft on crime policies :


04-04-2022, 07:50 AM
Watching Cindy

grimacing (as if in pain), ducking and diving

on TV3 now to try and spin her way out of her claim last week


there is no backlog of breast screening when there is a backlog of 50,000!

Such a shame - all those years ahead of her which should be her best years yet but she has already turned into an untrustworthy consummate liar.

04-04-2022, 09:34 AM
38% increase in assaults on police since Cindy took office in late 2017.

This is what happens when NZ has a pro-criminal government like Labour with its soft on crime policies :

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/128239548/horrific-number-of-police-officers-assaulted-on-the-job-numbers-increasing There will be more after the way the thug element of them operated at the protest, they have lost a lot respect except amongst criminals and gangs who are laughing at them.

04-04-2022, 10:46 AM
There will be more after the way the thug element of them operated at the protest, they have lost a lot respect except amongst criminals and gangs who are laughing at them.

They still have a lot more respect than the ****wits they had to deal with at the protest.