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27-04-2022, 04:41 PM
High Court finds MIQ system unjust.

Hardly a surprise when a DJ can get into NZ 3 times while a pregnant mother cannot even get a slot.

Absoluely disgraceful display of wickedness & unkindness in a grand scale by this Ardern ‘Be Kind’ hypocrite government.


27-04-2022, 07:03 PM
Black and white views tend to come from Ideology and closed minds.
There are shades of grey everywhere.

Not necessary. You have to look at all the facts and then form an opinion. That's an open mind. Sitting on the fence in the grey area may not be the right place to be. It might just mean you can't make up you mind.

Sometimes you need to call a spade a spade.

A lot of "bad actors" are taking advantage of the "grey area's". People are confused by the information overload. The bad guys are using it to their advantage.

27-04-2022, 07:20 PM
The High Court has today confirmed that the Government breached the Bill of Rights with the MIQ lottery system. Not a surprise to those of us that had to deal with it. Disregard for the law is becoming a bit of a theme for this “most open and transparent” Government

27-04-2022, 09:58 PM
Don’t fall for this Ardern/Maori cabal ruse of playing ‘good cop, bad cop’ to lure NZers into believing that this government can be trusted to not push through with its divisive & racist co-governance He Pua Pua policies :


It’s the usual spin and devious deflection by this totally untrustworthy government.

They are playing NZers for suckers.

Only the indoctrinated brain washed and aspiring to be bottom dwellers will believe the whole Rotorua deMaoriCrazy saga is not pre-planned in the beehive.

“Most transparent & accountable government ever” - ArdernYou say “Only the indoctrinated brain washed and aspiring to be bottom dwellers will believe the whole Rotorua deMaoriCrazy saga is not pre-planned in the beehive.”
Who is indoctrinated and brainwashed?

The Rotorua electoral bill was not pre-planned in the beehive. Maori in Rotorua have been trying for years to get better representation. In 1993 the council actually sought to work through better relations and established a committee, which only could make recommendation, and so it had a lack of impact.
In 2012 a working group was formed to get true representation, and in 2014 the Te Arawa Partnership Board was proposed by Maori, and the council resolved to adopt a version of the model. And then last year the council came up with the bill.

I watched Tamati Coffey speech introducing the bill in parliament on this video and he outlined the history that led to the bill.

27-04-2022, 10:09 PM
High Court finds MIQ system unjust.

Hardly a surprise when a DJ can get into NZ 3 times while a pregnant mother cannot even get a slot.

Absoluely disgraceful display of wickedness & unkindness in a grand scale by this Ardern ‘Be Kind’ hypocrite government.

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/grounded-kiwis-fight-in-the-high-court-ends-in-success/OCYSA3UTLNRPXAW2DMA2SZSSZA/Absolute disgrace to say High Court finds MIQ system unjust.
Only the combination of the virtual lobby and narrow emergency criteria meant New Zealanders' rights to enter their country was infringed.

The requirement for returnees to undergo MIQ was lawful and was not an unjustified infringement of New Zealanders' right to come home.
The requirement for people entering the country to isolate was lawful and was reasonable and proportionate.

Hipkins did accept the court's ruling that the virtual lobby system said the Government infringed on New Zealand citizens' right to enter the country.
"We are carefully considering the Court's decision," he said.

28-04-2022, 08:53 AM
You say “Only the indoctrinated brain washed and aspiring to be bottom dwellers will believe the whole Rotorua deMaoriCrazy saga is not pre-planned in the beehive.”
Who is indoctrinated and brainwashed?

The Rotorua electoral bill was not pre-planned in the beehive. Maori in Rotorua have been trying for years to get better representation. In 1993 the council actually sought to work through better relations and established a committee, which only could make recommendation, and so it had a lack of impact.
In 2012 a working group was formed to get true representation, and in 2014 the Te Arawa Partnership Board was proposed by Maori, and the council resolved to adopt a version of the model. And then last year the council came up with the bill.

I watched Tamati Coffey speech introducing the bill in parliament on this video and he outlined the history that led to the bill.

Totally as expected - you swallowed the ruse whole and this deceitful & untrustworthy government's spin, hook, line & sinker.

This Labour government under Spinner Ardern micro-manages everything political in Parliament - there is no way in hell that Coffey would have got to introduce the bill into Parliament without it being stage managed to hoodwink NZers.

You are free to swallow Ardern's spin, moka but don't try with us, ok? We figured her out for the hypocrite that she is. Most transparent government EVER. Kiss my arse.

28-04-2022, 09:03 AM
Absolute disgrace to say High Court finds MIQ system unjust.
Only the combination of the virtual lobby and narrow emergency criteria meant New Zealanders' rights to enter their country was infringed.

The requirement for returnees to undergo MIQ was lawful and was not an unjustified infringement of New Zealanders' right to come home.
The requirement for people entering the country to isolate was lawful and was reasonable and proportionate.

Hipkins did accept the court's ruling that the virtual lobby system said the Government infringed on New Zealand citizens' right to enter the country.
"We are carefully considering the Court's decision," he said.

You are trying to put a spin on what the Court very clearly stated : 'Inevitable that the system would operate unjustly': Grounded Kiwis fight against MIQ ends in High Court win

Justice Mallon said the Government failed to show why an online system couldn't have prioritised New Zealand citizens or those who had faced significant delay.

She said the respondents failed to show why a technical solution was not available to allow a person to keep their place in the queue or provided other priority criteria.

"The emergency allocation process as it operated was an inadequate method of seeking to ensure that New Zealanders could return if they were facing unreasonable delays or had a need to return that warranted priority," Justice Mallon said.

"It was inevitable that the system would operate unjustly in some individual cases because of this."

Don't try the Ardern trick here, moka because we uncovered the incompetence and hypocrisy of Ardern's government a long time ago - using spin & deflection to try & distract from the worse record of non delivery of huge promises made EVER.

28-04-2022, 12:44 PM
They're not very grown up. Balance has a good brain and lots of wisdom about investing and markets. But he hates "the left" so much that on any topic where he can possibly diss the government his rationality deserts him.

At that stage he is not interested in finding out where the truth lies, or even where anyone else thinks it lies. He becomes interested only in scoring points and "winning".

If he can't do that, he doesn't actually engage with the other poster's argument, but instead heaps personal abuse on them.

Don't feed the trolls.You don’t need to feed Balance, he will reply to his own posts if no one engages with him. And he will do several posts in a row, and post the same comments on several threads.
Trolls deliberately post inflammatory comments in an attempt to provoke or upset others. Their real intent is to create conflict for their own amusement.
I think Balance is different, he is on a mission, he is a missionary and his message is that Jacinda is not the saviour. I think he is evangelical - marked by militant or crusading zeal. He is wanting to convert all the lefties to his way of thinking.

28-04-2022, 01:03 PM
Totally as expected - you swallowed the ruse whole and this deceitful & untrustworthy government's spin, hook, line & sinker..

No one would expect you to let facts get in the way of a story.
Keep telling it like it isn't.

28-04-2022, 01:13 PM
While he is very repetitive he is very close to the truth.

28-04-2022, 01:26 PM
Balance why haven't you blamed the four teenager deaths in Southland recently on Labour?

28-04-2022, 02:19 PM
No one would expect you to let facts get in the way of a story.
Keep telling it like it isn't.

Most transparent & accountable government ever. Fact or lie?

Going to deliver affordable housing. Fact or lie?

What is happening where?

fungus pudding
28-04-2022, 02:40 PM
Most transparent & accountable government ever. Fact or lie?

Going to deliver affordable housing. Fact or lie?

Both. It's a lie, and that's a fact.

28-04-2022, 06:49 PM
While he is very repetitive he is very close to the truth.

I am deliberately repetitive because Ardern & her tax payer paid spinners are experts at deflection and resetting facts which do not suit them.

Repetition ensures that they do not get to set the narrative away from the disasters unfolding due to their corrupt ideology, hypocrisy & incompetence - housing, crime, health, poverty, cost of living and above all else, racist & divisive preferences towards one race for votes.

$120m to fix maraes & create 3,000 jobs. Where has the money gone & how many jobs have been created?

$120m to promote vaccination for Māoris - $150 vouchers to get a jab. Go figure.

$2.7m for the Mongrel Mob to learn how to peddle drugs more effectively but no money for Plunket to keep services going for infants.

28-04-2022, 07:03 PM
I am deliberately repetitive because Ardern & her tax payer paid spinners are experts at deflection and resetting facts which do not suit them.

Repetition ensures that they do not get to set the narrative away from the disasters unfolding due to their corrupt ideology, hypocrisy & incompetence - housing, crime, health, poverty, cost of living, racist & divisive preference towards one race for votes.

What about low unemployment and almost no corona impacts.

28-04-2022, 08:20 PM
You don’t need to feed Balance, he will reply to his own posts if no one engages with him. And he will do several posts in a row, and post the same comments on several threads.
Trolls deliberately post inflammatory comments in an attempt to provoke or upset others. Their real intent is to create conflict for their own amusement.
I think Balance is different, he is on a mission, he is a missionary and his message is that Jacinda is not the saviour. I think he is evangelical - marked by militant or crusading zeal. He is wanting to convert all the lefties to his way of thinking.

You are right - Balance is not a troll in the sense of creating conflict for hia own amusement. And you are right that he is on a mission - but I don't think he is actually trying to convert the left - more to burn them at the rhetorical stake.

I have dealt with lotsa Mormons, Jehovas Witnesses, Rajneeshis and a couple of varieties of Hare Krishnas in my time. They all wanted to convert me but took care to present themselves as friendly and helpful.

Balance presents as personally unpleasant and combatative, and I think he is smart enough to realise that that is no way to win converts. I think he just wants to "own the libs" (to borrow an American phrase). I think trying to engage with him is a waste of energy.

28-04-2022, 08:21 PM
I am deliberately repetitive because Ardern & her tax payer paid spinners are experts at deflection and resetting facts which do not suit them.

Repetition ensures that they do not get to set the narrative away from the disasters unfolding due to their corrupt ideology, hypocrisy & incompetence - housing, crime, health, poverty, cost of living and above all else, racist & divisive preferences towards one race for votes.

$120m to fix maraes & create 3,000 jobs. Where has the money gone & how many jobs have been created?

$120m to promote vaccination for Māoris - $150 vouchers to get a jab. Go figure.

$2.7m for the Mongrel Mob to learn how to peddle drugs more effectively but no money for Plunket to keep services going for infants. That vaccination amount was actually more ludicrous at a total $320 mill (200 + 120).

28-04-2022, 09:12 PM
Clueless - Poto Williams on the Ram Raid robberies & youth crime.

First she stated that it’s outside the realm of the police, then she backtracks that it’s up to the police to advise on how to tackle it!


How the heck did this useless piece of Labour tokenism to the female gender & non white get to be police Minister?

Then there’s the Justice Minister, Kris Faafoi, another piece of Labour tokenism, without a clue on how the law pertaining to youth crime must be changed to tackle young repeat offenders.

28-04-2022, 09:19 PM
Clueless - Poto Williams on the Ram Raid robberies & youth crime.

First she stated that it’s outside the realm of the police, then she backtracks that it’s up to the police to advise on how to tackle it!


How the heck did this useless piece of Labour tokenism to the female gender & non white get to be police Minister?

Then there’s the Justice Minister, Kris Faafoi, another piece of Labour tokenism, without a clue on how the law pertaining to youth crime must be changed to tackle young repeat offenders. Dont forget "Lyn of Tawa" Megan Woods. Lol

28-04-2022, 09:32 PM
You are right - Balance is not a troll in the sense of creating conflict for hia own amusement. And you are right that he is on a mission - but I don't think he is actually trying to convert the left - more to burn them at the rhetorical stake.

I have dealt with lotsa Mormons, Jehovas Witnesses, Rajneeshis and a couple of varieties of Hare Krishnas in my time. They all wanted to convert me but took care to present themselves as friendly and helpful.

Balance presents as personally unpleasant and combatative, and I think he is smart enough to realise that that is no way to win converts. I think he just wants to "own the libs" (to borrow an American phrase). I think trying to engage with him is a waste of energy.Thanks for the comment. “Own the libs” is not a phrase I was familiar with. So, I asked Wikipedia which said:
"Owning the libs" is a political strategy used by some conservatives in the United States that focuses on upsetting political liberals. Users of the strategy emphasize and expand upon culture war issues intended to be divisive to provoke a reaction in others.

OMG, Balance is trying to be divisive, the very thing he is accusing Ardern of.

28-04-2022, 10:45 PM
Dont forget "Lyn of Tawa" Megan Woods. Lol

Hard to forget this piece of Labour tokenism to the female gender - took over Kiwibuild from Twyfool and turned the self-described housing crisis into a full blown disaster.

29-04-2022, 04:23 AM
Tokenism is having nicola willis as your deputy, then no other women for miles around.

No wonder women overwhelmingly support Jacinda.

29-04-2022, 07:32 AM
Tokenism is having nicola willis as your deputy, then no other women for miles around.

No wonder women overwhelmingly support Jacinda.
Yeah, wasn't that token woman Poto glorious on the Am show Thursday morning.

Who feels safe with her in charge?
I must buy a shop, so I can barricade myself in.

29-04-2022, 07:52 AM
I thought a ram raid was when we let them loose on the ewes at tupping time, not Potos' people on a rampage.

29-04-2022, 09:12 AM
Tokenism is having nicola willis as your deputy, then no other women for miles around.

No wonder women overwhelmingly support Jacinda. Actually Cindy has lost a lot of support from her former woman voters over the last while, females can also clearly see through the shallow spin and bs.

29-04-2022, 09:15 AM
Tokenism is having nicola willis as your deputy, then no other women for miles around.

No wonder women overwhelmingly support Jacinda.

Once again you just make stuff up. Louise Upston, Erica Stanford & Barbara Kuriger are all in the top 10 for National and hold major portfolios..

A majority of women, for the first time since Jacinda became PM, favoured National in the latest poll.
But don't let truth stand in your way, which never has been a problem for you.

29-04-2022, 09:38 AM
Only 8/35 MPs are women. This is the worst performance of any party even their own.

And it shows when they elected a social conservative as their leader.

29-04-2022, 09:41 AM
Only 8/35 MPs are women. This is the worst performance of any party even their own.

And it shows when they elected a social conservative as their leader. Who cares, people should only be elected on merit not gender or race, actually 44 of the clowns currently in there weren't even elected at all, they got a free list bus ticket.

29-04-2022, 09:42 AM
Only 8/35 MPs are women. This is the worst performance of any party even their own.

And it shows when they elected a social conservative as their leader.

And again you just make up stuff https://www.national.org.nz/team

29-04-2022, 11:05 AM
Anything but kind - that's the cold hard reality of Ardern's leadership.

It's all about the optics and it's all about politics.

Her kindness is the same as her transparency - GARBAGE & HYPOCRISY of the worse kind.


'Kindness and not being afraid to be kind,' says New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, is the key to her leadership.

'I want this government to feel different,' Ardern stated at the beginning of her administration. 'I want people to feel that it's open, that it's listening and that it's going to bring kindness back…If people see they have an empathetic government I think they'll truly understand that when we're making hard calls that we're doing it with the right focus in mind.'

Asked if there was a central guiding philosophy, she was clear. 'Empathy is the one thing that I think that's your foundation, that's your grounding, and we'll keep ourselves in constant check.'

29-04-2022, 11:24 AM

Good news!

Ardern to push ahead with 3 Waters co-governance proposal - presents a clear choice for NZers next year whether they want to elect a unifying government or a divisive racist Ardern government.



29-04-2022, 12:07 PM
OMG, Balance is trying to be divisive, the very thing he is accusing Ardern of.

Balance is harnessing his inner Trump.

29-04-2022, 01:09 PM

Good news!

Ardern to push ahead with 3 Waters co-governance proposal - presents a clear choice for NZers next year whether they want to elect a unifying government or a divisive racist Ardern government.

One that claims that NZ voters are bottom feeders.

Blue Skies
29-04-2022, 01:58 PM

Good news!

Ardern to push ahead with 3 Waters co-governance proposal - presents a clear choice for NZers next year whether they want to elect a unifying government or a divisive racist Ardern government.



You know that apart from Luxon's flip flopping & U turns on,

- a Public Sector Pay Freeze,
- a review into activities of Mega Churches,
- scrapping Labour Day or another Public Holiday.
- that Public Transport needs to stand on its own 2 feet & not get any govt subsidies, ( astonishing, as everyone knows all govt's have been subsidising Public transport for decades )
- when pressed admitting that National's proposed tax cuts would be just as inflationary as Grant Robertson's spending (this straight after blaming govt spending as causing inflation causing a cost of living crisis)
- that the proposed Maori Health Authority would be scrapped under National (Reti says no, Willis says yes, & Luxon after earlier saying it would now indecisive)
- plus the stumbling over National fixing their diversity problem & the fact their 3 Tauranga candidates are all white middle age men
- the stumbling over giving a wealthy CEO a $270,000 tax cut Versus a nurse $800 while pushing the countries in the middle of a cost of living crisis.
- the stumbling over criticising the govt's much wasteful spending & then struggling to cobble together examples of wasteful spending accounting for around 1.5% of the total budget.
- getting the correct median & average wage bands wrong

- that prior to becoming leader of the opposition, Luxon said NZ's water infrastructure desperately needed reform. He backed reform, now he's against it!

National under Luxon just seems to be about opposing anything the govt wants to do & reverting things back to the way they were in 2017 & things weren't that great back then.
There's no vision or plan of how to fix the problems the country is facing, how to improve things. They just don't seem to have any fresh ideas & what about the startling lack of confidence in Willis by bringing in an unelected outside consultant (English) to oversee Nicola Willis in the Finance portfolio! That's unheard of.

It's becoming apparent Willis is streets ahead of Luxon & Key should have anointed her as leader imo. She must feel v hard done by but her time will come.
As a 1st term MP, Luxon is just too inexperienced & making too many gaffes, he should have waited till after the 2023 election.
However, the govt could well be voted out rather than National being voted in & that's seems to be being reflected in recent polling.

29-04-2022, 02:36 PM
Ardern trying her usual deflection trick - attempting to shift the focus away from co-governance to privatization.

Not going to work as NZers (except the indoctrinated brain dead) are now fully aware of the deviousness and hidden agenda of Ardern & the Maori cabal.


"The Government appears keen to shift the debate to concerns over privatisation, by entrenching a provision in the legislation that would mean the water entities could only be privatised if 75 per cent of MPs agreed, or the Government of the day violated political norms by repealing the entrenching provision."


fungus pudding
29-04-2022, 02:40 PM
However, the govt could well be voted out rather than National being voted in & that's seems to be being reflected in recent polling.

Isn't that the usual way? Parties fall out of favour, as Labour are busy demonstrating currently.
The treasury benches are lost - more than won.

29-04-2022, 02:41 PM
Ardern trying her usual deflection trick - attempting to shift the focus away from co-governance to privatization.

One is in Te Tiriti and the other isn't.

Unfortunately National has no credibility under Luxon with his continual policy shifts.

29-04-2022, 02:42 PM
The treasury benches are lost - more than won.

That is what they say.

29-04-2022, 02:46 PM
One is in Te Tiriti and the other isn't.

Unfortunately National has no credibility under Luxon with his continual policy shifts.

That’s not what the polls say - more and more NZers like a leader who is not a spinner and who is not devious & a hypocrite like Ardern.

Notice how quiet she has been lately? Word has it that …. (saving for another day to reveal).

29-04-2022, 03:11 PM
That’s not what the polls say - more and more NZers like a leader who is not a spinner and who is not devious & a hypocrite like Ardern.

Notice how quiet she has been lately? Word has it that …. (saving for another day to reveal).

That is true - the polls do say otherwise, they are behind the times.
"(saving for another day to reveal)" means it is just speculation (like so many of your predictions and utterings over the last 2 years or so) but anyway

Does not matter what I think.

29-04-2022, 03:18 PM
That is true - the polls do say otherwise, they are behind the times.
"(saving for another day to reveal)" means it is just speculation (like so many of your predictions and utterings over the last 2 years or so) but anyway

And I have been deadly accurate with my assessment of just how devious and incompetent Ardern & her team of nincompoops are. Thanks for the opportunity to state that, dobby41!

That is true

29-04-2022, 03:43 PM
Thanks for the opportunity to state that, dobby41!

I left myself open to post abuse there but you have shown that you don't need real quotes - just make them up as you do.

29-04-2022, 04:00 PM
That is true

I knew you would come around to the observations that Ardern is a spinner, a hypocrite and totally untrustworthy.

29-04-2022, 05:25 PM
I knew you would come around to the observations that Ardern is a spinner, a hypocrite and totally untrustworthy.

Now you are just trolling!

29-04-2022, 05:32 PM
Back to Ardern's divisive & racist policies - attempting to hoodwink NZers and implement He Puapua by stealth.


“The move to give Councils shares in the new water entities is an obvious attempt to ward off accusations that Three Waters is an asset grab. But it’s a deceit: regardless of their shareholdings, councils (and therefore ratepayers) will still be stripped of all the crucial rights of control that are usually associated with ownership.

“Councils won’t be allowed to receive a return from the water entities, yet that is specifically allowed for mana whenua groups. Ratepayers will no longer 'own' the assets in any meaningful sense.”


29-04-2022, 05:35 PM
Now you are just trolling!

Am I?

You & your ilk have not ben able to refute one single observation that Ardern has delivered on NOTHING of the huge promises she made to get elected


she is pushing ahead with divisive & racist policies to deprive the majority of NZers of their democratic rights in favor of a minority group, of which she has NO mandate.

That is true


29-04-2022, 07:52 PM
Well well well.!

TV3 news tonite gave the inference that 3 waters co governance would help to prevent such things as the recent burst water main in Wellington.


Who believes that?

What mystical powers and expertise do the prospective co governors have, and why have they been hiding it till now?

Jacinda must think we are wet behind the ears...

29-04-2022, 08:01 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;954141]Back to Ardern's divisive & racist policies - attempting to hoodwink NZers and implement He Puapua by stealth.


“The move to give Councils shares in the new water entities is an obvious attempt to ward off accusations that Three Waters is an asset grab. But it’s a deceit: regardless of their shareholdings, councils (and therefore ratepayers) will still be stripped of all the crucial rights of control that are usually associated with ownership.

“Councils won’t be allowed to receive a return from the water entities, yet that is specifically allowed for mana whenua groups. Ratepayers will no longer 'own' the assets in any meaningful sense.”QUOTE]

You left out the some of the article?

"Multiple failures for every success

Professor Troy Baisden from the School of Environment at the University of Auckland stated that the number of failures should point to the reason for the change.

"New Zealand’s performance on the Three Waters has been poor by the standards of peer nations: for every success that can be pointed to as a case to retain the status quo there are multiple failures,” Baisden said.

“The news is full of water main bursts in our cities and accidental discharges of raw sewage into freshwater and harbours around population centres.

"A recent report keeps a systematic count of these problems, and the lack of improvement. For those who argue their locality has managed its water systems well, we should ask how the impacts of climate change and demands of denser urban centres are considered in that analysis.

“We also need to think back to the once-in-a-generation disasters such as the Havelock North drinking water disaster that sickened most of a large town.”

Continuing with the current status quo wasn’t an option, according to Lokesh Padhye from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland.

"The New Zealand water sector needs reforms, and there is not much debate in the science and engineering community that the status quo is not working when it comes to improving water quality and water management practices,” Padhye said."

I would take more notice of the experts rather than the totally biased Taxpayers Union.


29-04-2022, 08:19 PM
I must say how clever and succinct the Tremain cartoons are, that Balance posts.

What a hoot m'hooter is!

Keep 'em coming.

30-04-2022, 09:47 AM
I must say how clever and succinct the Tremain cartoons are, that Balance posts.

What a hoot m'hooter is!

Keep 'em coming.

That is true

Delivering to her Maori cabal is Ardern


but not to those in real need who she promised to help :


30-04-2022, 01:46 PM
Another bad ad for imPoto's police the other night.

Security camera footage shown on TV of a female police officer standing on the footpath, passively, while 3 juveniles stooped one at a time out of the shop door they had smashed in to gain entry to a shop, then run off into the night with their stolen goods.

We are told she did nothing, because they had hammers.

Why do we equip and train police with tazers and pepper spray?

She had plenty of time to aim straight to the testicles, or some more pc body part, to take control of the doorway herself.

Is this going the "be kind" way, like covid jabs in South Auckland, where the constable is supposed to shout, 'stop, and I will give you each $150 of taxpayer funded MacDonalds vouchers'?

Will the shop owner get a tax rebate for this non performance?

York has voted to strip Prince Andrew of freedom of their city.

Meanwhile Poto has granted crims the freedom of any NZ city.

30-04-2022, 03:47 PM
I am sure the officer had called for backup. I think that is probably sop when there is more than one offender and there are weapons involved.
I doubt that the offenders in this instance "got away", but even if some offenders in similar circumstances do evade capture and manage to dispose of the stolen goods I still would not change that sop.

Your post's references to "ImPouto's police", "female police officer", "aim straight at the testicles", "pc body part", and ""be kind" policing" suggest to me that your post says something about your own testosterone levels as well as your knowledge of National's current "talking points".

I don't want operational procedure dictated by testosterone or politics.

30-04-2022, 03:58 PM
Is this going the "be kind" way, like covid jabs in South Auckland, where the constable is supposed to shout, 'stop, and I will give you each $150 of taxpayer funded MacDonalds vouchers'?

Meanwhile Poto has granted crims the freedom of any NZ city.

Not just South Auckland - started with $50 petrol vouchers and then, $150 supermarket & prezzy card vouchers. Shop assistant at a liquor store in Northland told of the story of the prezzy cards being used to buy hard liquor.

Not a day goes by without evidence of just how incompetent but arrogant this Ardern government is :

Ardern does not have $400k for Plunket to keep services going


She has $600k a year to pay for empty office space for Auckland cycle bridge staff.

Long term lease space rented 3 weeks before she scrapped the Auckland $785m cycle bridge.


She obviously thinks money grows on trees the way she throws it at everything which takes her fancy - especially to buy votes.

30-04-2022, 04:53 PM
I am sure the officer had called for backup. I think that is probably sop when there is more than one offender and there are weapons involved.
I doubt that the offenders in this instance "got away", but even if some offenders in similar circumstances do evade capture and manage to dispose of the stolen goods I still would not change that sop.

Your post's references to "ImPouto's police", "female police officer", "aim straight at the testicles", "pc body part", and ""be kind" policing" suggest to me that your post says something about your own testosterone levels as well as your knowledge of National's current "talking points".

I don't want operational procedure dictated by testosterone or politics.

Sorry mate, my gender reassignment pills are obviously not working, imPotent maybe?

Anyway, I should have known the usual suspect would put me on trial, instead of the crims, oops, alleged crims.

To show I'm new mod, I should write; pending transgender police operative, instead of female constable.

In the days before soppy SOPs, a lone cozzer would have gone in with his truncheon, and delivered some summary justice.

Now thats strange, there was less crime, and less assaults on police in those days.

Perhaps you could do a thesis on that davflaws?

30-04-2022, 05:21 PM
In the days before soppy SOPs, a lone cozzer would have gone in with his truncheon, and delivered some summary justice.

Now thats strange, there was less crime, and less assaults on police in those days.

Perhaps you could do a thesis on that davflaws?

Perhaps you could get me started on my research by specifying when were the days before "soppy SOPs", how we would know whether there was less crime and assaults on police then, and how we would know whether there was a causative relationship between those stats and the incidence of extrajudicial punishment by police.

But that would require some thought and it would certainly be easier to just keep repeating the "talking points"

30-04-2022, 05:52 PM
50 years ago.

'Stats were kept, and Dover would have a relevant view of the subject.

The days when "a boot up the bum" was common terminology.

You know that in recent decades, media report along the lines of "assaults on police have increased", supported by some data.

Drop the line about me, National, and 'talking points", it is some knowledge of them, or prejudice you have, but it simply does not apply to me.

I call things as I see them, unlike Jacinda ites who are indoctrinated to behave like loyal comrades.

30-04-2022, 09:07 PM
Sorry mate, my gender reassignment pills are obviously not working, imPotent maybe?

Anyway, I should have known the usual suspect would put me on trial, instead of the crims, oops, alleged crims.

To show I'm new mod, I should write; pending transgender police operative, instead of female constable.

In the days before soppy SOPs, a lone cozzer would have gone in with his truncheon, and delivered some summary justice.

Now thats strange, there was less crime, and less assaults on police in those days.

Perhaps you could do a thesis on that davflaws?

Interesting how a post can be read differently by different people. What I got from it was your criticism of Police having a lax attitude towards crime. davflaws saw only gender stuff in it. Strange !

01-05-2022, 10:23 AM
Interesting how a post can be read differently by different people. What I got from it was your criticism of Police having a lax attitude towards crime. davflaws saw only gender stuff in it. Strange !

Yep, that dav has some flaws all right...

01-05-2022, 10:31 AM
The expert on crime, who spoke on the first quarter of Q & A this morn, I didn't catch his name, closed in response to a question, by stating that if NZ comes down hard on crime, will make it worse!

Sorry Poto, I've got it all wrong.

You are indeed a woman of the times...

Welcome to Aotearoa 2022, the home of rampant crime!

01-05-2022, 12:52 PM
Interesting how a post can be read differently by different people. What I got from it was your criticism of Police having a lax attitude towards crime. davflaws saw only gender stuff in it. Strange !

I quoted enough of Getty's post to support my suspicion that his "tough on crime", "boot up the bum" beliefs have at least as much to do with his testosterone level and political inclinations as any "facts" about what works in reducing crime by young people.

01-05-2022, 12:56 PM
Yep, that dav has some flaws all right...

Juvenile! Maybe you need a "boot up the bum" from the local cop to teach you some manners and make sure you don't progress to stealing cars and ram raiding toy stores.

01-05-2022, 01:07 PM
I quoted enough of Getty's post to support my suspicion that his "tough on crime", "boot up the bum" beliefs have at least as much to do with his testosterone level and political inclinations as any "facts" about what works in reducing crime by young people.

Yep, its all poverty and colonisation isn't it?

No bad parenting, or failure to instill any values.

Hmm, now how did pre Euro Maori deal with crime?
No boots, because they didn't have any?

Lets try some co governance.

Where to when that doesn't work?

Ah, blame the Asians?

01-05-2022, 01:10 PM
Juvenile! Maybe you need a "boot up the bum" from the local cop to teach you some manners and make sure you don't progress to stealing cars and ram raiding toy stores.

Perhaps I did get one, and it seems to have suppressed my desire to steal and destroy other peoples' property.

01-05-2022, 01:20 PM
The expert on crime, who spoke on the first quarter of Q & A this morn, I didn't catch his name, closed in response to a question, by stating that if NZ comes down hard on crime, will make it worse!

Ian Lambie worked at the "pain face" for 30 years with dysfunctional families, disadvantaged kids, abuse victims, and young people enrolled in the"justice system" as it was then. He was among the two or three most effective workers in the country and developed an international reputation.

He was influential in developing many of the progressive policies in the youth justice area that have worked and are working to divert disadvantaged kids from the "life of crime" treadmill that leaves a trail of victims, wastes ****loads of human potential and costs us zillions.

A few years back he went into academia, and now teaches social work. His comments referred to the substantial research base which shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that a "tough on crime" stance increases lifetime offending, recidivism and severity, however good it may be politically for the right wing,

01-05-2022, 01:33 PM
Yep, its all poverty and colonisation isn't it?

No bad parenting, or failure to instill any values.

Have you ever considered that one might lead to the other in many cases?

01-05-2022, 02:02 PM
Not just South Auckland - started with $50 petrol vouchers and then, $150 supermarket & prezzy card vouchers. Shop assistant at a liquor store in Northland told of the story of the prezzy cards being used to buy hard liquor.

Not a day goes by without evidence of just how incompetent but arrogant this Ardern government is :

Ardern does not have $400k for Plunket to keep services going


She has $600k a year to pay for empty office space for Auckland cycle bridge staff.

Long term lease space rented 3 weeks before she scrapped the Auckland $785m cycle bridge.


She obviously thinks money grows on trees the way she throws it at everything which takes her fancy - especially to buy votes.

$400k for plunket? Have you a link?


01-05-2022, 04:03 PM
$400k for plunket? Have you a link?


01-05-2022, 07:09 PM
Whats Jacinda's regime doing to the country?

Tv3 news now tells us Maori and Pasifica truancy from our schools has reached as high as 56%,

This does not bode well for the future.

For All the money this Labour govt has dished out on social spending, has anything improved, anywhere?

ElectroLux will be busy when the electorate plugs him in to hoover up this mess!

01-05-2022, 07:44 PM
Whats Jacinda's regime doing to the country?

Tv3 news now tells us Maori and Pasifica truancy from our schools has reached as high as 56%,

This does not bode well for the future.

For All the money this Labour govt has dished out on social spending, has anything improved, anywhere?

ElectroLux will be busy when the electorate plugs him in to hoover up this mess!

The legacy of one-two years of not being able to go to school, only the future will know the effects of that. But now it's not surprising imo that 'truancy' is high (like it's suddenly a bad thing not turning up to school) as recent family behaviours have become entrenched. Sadly while for many this might not be much of problem, for those who didn't go to school anyway and probably quite a lot more now, it is a gulf of future knowledge and abilities.

01-05-2022, 08:26 PM
Whats Jacinda's regime doing to the country?

Tv3 news now tells us Maori and Pasifica truancy from our schools has reached as high as 56%,

This does not bode well for the future.

For All the money this Labour govt has dished out on social spending, has anything improved, anywhere?

ElectroLux will be busy when the electorate plugs him in to hoover up this mess!

Don't be like that. Be kind

02-05-2022, 06:38 AM

This is well worth a look at. Elon's take on what is going on in peoples politics now, using his as an example.

02-05-2022, 08:34 AM
Have you ever considered that one might lead to the other in many cases?
I've dealt with more crims than you will ever know.
And None ever offered poverty as an excuse, and as for colonization, what's that, emptyingy out your bowels?

02-05-2022, 09:18 AM
Gun violence erupts in NZ - thanks to a pro-gang & pro-crime government occupied with being kind to criminals than protecting law abiding NZers.


02-05-2022, 09:37 AM
I've dealt with more crims than you will ever know.
And None ever offered poverty as an excuse, and as for colonization, what's that, emptyingy out your bowels?

Since I asked you whether you had considered whether colonisation and poverty were related to bad parenting and a failure to instill values - I take it that is a "no".

Since neither of us knows the other's background, comparing expertise is futile - but I have worked with some interesting clients. The most extreme was a guy with **** tattooed across his forehead. We met for ten 1 hour sessions in his "lounge" across the street from the gang HQ. The ranch slider was broken and boarded up with plywood and there was a slasher head stuck in the curtain rail above it. It was 5 or 6 sessions before he was willing to talk about his childhood. He wasn't into excuses

Perhaps the "crims" you have dealt with didn't raise poverty as an excuse for thir crimes and probably many of them couldn't even spell colonisation. But just because they didn't articulate it and you don't understand it doesn't mean it didn't happen and didn't have real effects (via poverty and bad parenting if you like).

02-05-2022, 11:32 AM
Wealth tax incoming, Ardern backtracking on her 2020 "it will never happen while I'm leader" labour will be scrambling behind the scenes on how to get more tax money to cover their ludicrous spending regime.

02-05-2022, 02:16 PM
Maybe a specific slug on investment property.

I suppose we can thank lux for providing the optics to make it possible now.

02-05-2022, 07:32 PM
Wealth tax incoming, Ardern backtracking on her 2020 "it will never happen while I'm leader" labour will be scrambling behind the scenes on how to get more tax money to cover their ludicrous spending regime.

Not even close to breaking an election promise on GST 12 months later.

02-05-2022, 07:54 PM
The mother of flip-flops and spin : Ardern caught with her skirt down.

She is so full of crap she cannot tell spin from lies anymore.


When AM co-host Ryan Bridge doubled down asking whether Ardern stood by her promise not to introduce a capital gains tax while she was in power, she said yes. But she wouldn't rule out a wealth tax.

A few hours later, Ardern changed her tune:


It comes after Ardern on Monday morning wouldn't rule out implementing such a tax in the future, despite having said during the 2020 election campaign that she wouldn't introduce one while Prime Minister.

"We haven't formulated a policy. In all honesty, it is just not something that we have worked on yet. We are in the role of governing," she said on AM after being asked if a wealth tax was on the table. "We have not worked on our tax policy for 2023."

02-05-2022, 08:24 PM
Ardern should have listened when her elders told her as a child not to tell lies.

Always tell the truth because you then don’t have to remember which lie you told.



She had appeared to forget a fateful day on the election trail, in which she was asked if she would resign if she introduced a wealth tax.

She had replied by saying it was hypothetical because it would not happen and then "I won't allow it to happen as Prime Minister."

02-05-2022, 08:53 PM
The bad news keeps on coming.

Tv3 news tonight informs us that rest homes have empty beds, and are turning away patients, because Jacinda's DHBs have poached all their nurses, in some cases paying them $30k more p.a.
A rest home spokesperson says it has reached crisis point.

All this from the be kind socialists.

How bizarre.

Michael Joseph Savage must be turning in his grave.

03-05-2022, 03:31 AM
Wage growth higher than annual inflation.


03-05-2022, 08:41 AM
The bad news keeps on coming.

Tv3 news tonight informs us that rest homes have empty beds, and are turning away patients, because Jacinda's DHBs have poached all their nurses, in some cases paying them $30k more p.a.
A rest home spokesperson says it has reached crisis point.

All this from the be kind socialists.

How bizarre.

Michael Joseph Savage must be turning in his grave.

But of course - yet another of the unintended consequences of Ardern's warped economic & political policies.

Just like Kainga Ora's policy of competing with the private sector to buy up properties - paying over the top to secure properties and Ardern wonders why property inflation went through the roof.

Or Kainga Ora being kind to gangs and criminals so they terrorize neighbours and law abiding citizens - without any consequence.

03-05-2022, 08:47 AM
Observation of the Day :

2nd May - NZ finally reopens its borders to international tourists & visitors from visa waiver countries after 2 years of locking them out.

Only 2 countries still to reopen their borders - North Korea & China.

Note the great company that Ardern keeps with the control freak pandemic policies?


03-05-2022, 09:15 AM
Well done Labour/Greens with all this focus on trees. Lets just convert all the big lamb & beef farms to forestry and reduce or yet another export industry. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/more-farms-being-sold-to-overseas-buyers-for-forestry-conversion/N6MO445C4UOIQLYMUMFGT455SE/

03-05-2022, 09:24 AM
Heard a conversation in the cafe the other day …..discussing when everybody has turned vegetarian where’s the manure going to come from …vegetables need plenty of manure apparently

03-05-2022, 09:27 AM
Heard a conversation in the cafe the other day …..discussing when everybody has turned vegetarian where’s the manure going to come from …vegetables need plenty of manure apparently

Sri Lanka banned chemical fertilizers in favor of organic & natural fertilizers (including manure) and their agricultural sector has collapsed, driving the country into chaos and bankruptcy.

Sounds like the Greens have the same vision for NZ?

fungus pudding
03-05-2022, 09:29 AM
Heard a conversation in the cafe the other day …..discussing when everybody has turned vegetarian where’s the manure going to come from …vegetables need plenty of manure apparently

There will be more of it if we stop eating the source.

03-05-2022, 09:38 AM
Jacinda's got plenty

fungus pudding
03-05-2022, 09:39 AM
Jacinda's got plenty

Unlikely. She keeps releasing it.

03-05-2022, 09:44 AM
Ardern tried to spin her way out of her wealth tax flip-flop but ended up tying herself in spider-web :


Totally untrustworthy and incompetent - only good for spinning half-truths & lies, that's Ardern.

03-05-2022, 09:46 AM
Thanks, guys!

Best laugh I have had today so far! :D

Jacinda's got plenty

Unlikely. She keeps releasing it.:t_up:

03-05-2022, 10:28 AM
Unlikely. She keeps releasing it.

Well, it makes a change from placing it in our waterways.

03-05-2022, 10:54 AM
Jacinda's got plenty

Luckily, mostly swallowed whole & gleefully by the Ardern devotees like some of the posters here. :t_up:

03-05-2022, 12:29 PM
Another dumb decision by Mallard - apebly (apebly) supported and encouraged by Ardern.

Winston Peters & Matt King trespassed from Parliament grounds for 2 years due to their attendance at the protest.


03-05-2022, 12:34 PM
Another dumb decision by Mallard - apebly (apebly) supported and encouraged by Ardern.

Winston Peters & Matt King trespassed from Parliament grounds for 2 years due to their attendance at the protest.

https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/03-05-2022/banning-former-mp-matt-king-from-parliament-is-a-dumb-idea Ridiculous and petty, Mallard is the biggest Moron ever to quack in Parliament, "Duck off Mallard"(I have that sticker on the back of my car and its much liked)

fungus pudding
03-05-2022, 12:50 PM
Ridiculous and petty, Mallard is the biggest Moron ever to quack in Parliament, "Duck off Mallard"(I have that sticker on the back of my car and its much liked)

He's certainly on the list, but I wouldn't put him at the top.

03-05-2022, 12:52 PM
Stuart Nash ... just on CNBC trying to sell NZ as open for holidays .... just need one test pre departure one when you arrive and another in 5days and if you catch COVID like 100's thousands of kiwis have been of late you get to stay in you hotel room for the next seven days ... but best of all ... you're money goes a long way in NZ LOL ... what a BS artist

03-05-2022, 01:03 PM
Gee I wonder when I will get my trespass notice in the mail, always handy to have a bit of spare toilet paper around.

03-05-2022, 01:09 PM
Gee I wonder when I will get my trespass notice in the mail, always handy to have a bit of spare toilet paper around.

Use it as intended and send it back to Mallard.

Blue Skies
03-05-2022, 02:04 PM
Ridiculous and petty, Mallard is the biggest Moron ever to quack in Parliament, "Duck off Mallard"(I have that sticker on the back of my car and its much liked)

You're going to be pretty gutted then to hear there'a lot of scathing Right Wing chatter roundly condemning National's Christopher Luxon for basically affirming Mallard's decision this morning, (certainly not disagreeing with him) & agreeing with PM Adern trespassing Winston, Matt King etc is a matter for the Speaker of the House.

Wonder if that turns out to be another gaffe ?
Probably not since 90% of the country strongly disapproved of the illegal occupation.

Postscript, apparently Adern has spoken to Mallard about the Winston Peters trespass & asked him to bring the matter to all parties to discuss this afternoon, says he can't delegate this away to Parliaments security services, decision has to sit with him.
Got to admire Adern's sound practical leadership in sorting this thorny issue out with cross party input.

03-05-2022, 03:50 PM
You're going to be pretty gutted then to hear there'a lot of scathing Right Wing chatter roundly condemning National's Christopher Luxon for basically affirming Mallard's decision this morning, (certainly not disagreeing with him) & agreeing with PM Adern trespassing Winston, Matt King etc is a matter for the Speaker of the House.

Wonder if that turns out to be another gaffe ?
Probably not since 90% of the country strongly disapproved of the illegal occupation.

Postscript, apparently Adern has spoken to Mallard about the Winston Peters trespass & asked him to bring the matter to all parties to discuss this afternoon, says he can't delegate this away to Parliaments security services, decision has to sit with him.
Got to admire Adern's sound practical leadership in sorting this thorny issue out with cross party input. 30% of the country supported the protest so not sure where you get your 90% disapproved from? Yes Luxon was a disappointment during the protest, even Jim Bolger condemned his stance along with the rest of the politicians who were a pack of cowards.

03-05-2022, 06:16 PM
Stuart Nash ... just on CNBC trying to sell NZ as open for holidays .... just need one test pre departure one when you arrive and another in 5days and if you catch COVID like 100's thousands of kiwis have been of late you get to stay in you hotel room for the next seven days ... but best of all ... you're money goes a long way in NZ LOL ... what a BS artist

Compared that to the UK which I have recently entered with my wife. Zero paperwork. Not even an arrival card to fill out. Rest of Europe pretty much all the same. As far as most tourists are concerned, NZ is still closed.

03-05-2022, 06:47 PM
Postscript, apparently Adern has spoken to Mallard about the Winston Peters trespass & asked him to bring the matter to all parties to discuss this afternoon, says he can't delegate this away to Parliaments security services, decision has to sit with him.
Got to admire Adern's sound practical leadership in sorting this thorny issue out with cross party input.

Sound practical leadership - kiss my arse.

She knew she was coming in for a bruising, swallowed hard and is trying the deflection trick again.

Stephen Frank, exAct MP, said today he received a call from a bristling Mallard on 1 April threatening trespass on any ex MPs attending the protest.


The clear impression was that Mallard has been made to look like an absolute jackass during the protest and he was out for revenge. And Ardern was blissfully unaware that Mallard was planning this all along?

Kiss my arse.

03-05-2022, 06:47 PM
Another astonishing indictment on an incompetent Government, incompetence that just goers on and on and no learning from all the mistakes. Meanwhile our economy suffers and small business owners go bankrupt https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/sir-ian-taylor-governments-we-know-best-approach-strikes-again/IEOPBNAPQ7IAPYW4OGJIHC25BM/
(I think it's not subscription only but not sure)

03-05-2022, 07:03 PM
Another astonishing indictment on an incompetent Government, incompetence that just goers on and on and no learning from all the mistakes. Meanwhile our economy suffers and small business owners go bankrupt https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/sir-ian-taylor-governments-we-know-best-approach-strikes-again/IEOPBNAPQ7IAPYW4OGJIHC25BM/
(I think it's not subscription only but not sure)

The Govt. may have been correct. https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/05/04/1024450/at-home-covid-test-review-accuracy-binaxnow-lucira-ellume/$55.00 a test?


03-05-2022, 07:34 PM
The Govt. may have been correct. https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/05/04/1024450/at-home-covid-test-review-accuracy-binaxnow-lucira-ellume/$55.00 a test?


We have no idea what price the Government would have negotiated back in 2020 or 2021. But once again we're still fluffing about with this sort of stuff when the most of the rest of the World has moved on from the endless testing requirements and isolation.

03-05-2022, 07:49 PM
And after closing both eyes to crime & gangs for years, Ardern & her team of pro-gang & pro-crime nincompoops finally accept the inevitable and adopt National Party policy to crack down on gangs :


It's part of the party's long-touted crackdown on gangs – a narrative National has been pushing for most of its term in Opposition.

Included in Nationals' law and order election promises was the commitment to established a specialist gang unit to "disrupt the operation of gangs and work within police to target the proceeds of crime".


"The aim is to put pressure on gangs so they can feel it," said one source, "and the public can see it."

The proposal of a ring-fenced unit in Auckland and the wider nationwide strategy to focus on gangs comes after five years of radical change in the criminal underworld.

Blue Skies
03-05-2022, 08:26 PM
Sound practical leadership - kiss my arse.

She knew she was coming in for a bruising, swallowed hard and is trying the deflection trick again.

Stephen Frank, exAct MP, said today he received a call from a bristling Mallard on 1 April threatening trespass on any ex MPs attending the protest.


The clear impression was that Mallard has been made to look like an absolute jackass during the protest and he was out for revenge. And Ardern was blissfully unaware that Mallard was planning this all along?

Kiss my arse.

That's not quite the way I see it.
Agreed, Mallard was furious with the protesters & the way they undermined our democracy & the authority of our Parliament & the Police force, trashed parliament grounds & ground the central city to a halt, and was determined to punish people like Winston & Matt King who typically cynically were out to exploit the situation to further their own political agendas.

The way I saw it today was Adern was annoyed with Mallard, seeing his response as both an unnecessary distraction & an ill judged provocation which Winston & King would be delighted to exploit to the max to get much needed free media exposure, & fire up support from disaffected & deluded voters for NZ First & for King to launch his new party.
Typically Winston is on the phone to his lawyer first thing & am sure he would be happy to draw this out keeping himself in the headlines as long as possible.

Anyway I was pleased when I saw Adern acting swiftly this afternoon to put this whole thing to bed by requesting Mallard discuss his response with all the parties in parliament & thought that her experience & good judgement at managing this thorny issue showed through.
Mallard's a polarising figure & probably has just as much support as disapproval for his actions. Doubt if he cares.

03-05-2022, 08:37 PM
That's not quite the way I see it.
Agreed, Mallard was furious with the protesters & the way they undermined our democracy & the authority of our Parliament & the Police force, trashed parliament grounds & ground the central city to a halt, and was determined to punish people like Winston & Matt King who typically cynically were out to exploit the situation to further their own political agendas.

The way I saw it today was Adern was annoyed with Mallard, seeing his response as both an unnecessary distraction & an ill judged provocation which Winston & King would be delighted to exploit to the max to get much needed free media exposure, & fire up support from disaffected & deluded voters for NZ First & for King to launch his new party.
Typically Winston is on the phone to his lawyer first thing & am sure he would be happy to draw this out keeping himself in the headlines as long as possible.

Anyway I was pleased when I saw Adern acting swiftly this afternoon to put this whole thing to bed by requesting Mallard discuss his response with all the parties in parliament & thought that her experience & good judgement at managing this thorny issue showed through.
Mallard's a polarising figure & probably has just as much support as disapproval for his actions. Doubt if he cares.

No - she has no political capital left to burn with the polls showing her what she is on the way out.

That’s why.

Compare and contract with her sticking by Mallard over his despicable backstabbing of an innocent staffer which ended up costing taxpayers over $360,000 and still counting.

03-05-2022, 08:39 PM
Mallard is a common thug as he has proved by his past actions using his fists, his pathetic/childish actions during the protest just inflamed the situation and were completely unfitting for someone in his position, he made himself look like a complete dick and continues to do so,

03-05-2022, 08:39 PM
Another astonishing indictment on an incompetent Government, incompetence that just goers on and on and no learning from all the mistakes. Meanwhile our economy suffers and small business owners go bankrupt https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/sir-ian-taylor-governments-we-know-best-approach-strikes-again/IEOPBNAPQ7IAPYW4OGJIHC25BM/
(I think it's not subscription only but not sure)

Hell of an indictment from Sir Ian Taylor, self confessed previous admirer and supporter of Adern.

At least he has seen the light & acknowledged that Ardern is all spin & no delivery compared to some of the Ardern indoctrinated brainless posters here.

03-05-2022, 09:01 PM
Is this NZ's Tiananmen Square moment?

Speaker Mallard trespasses men the calibre of Winston Peters & Stephen Franks from Parliament grounds, while thugs and vandals who damaged our Parliament grounds go free.

Neither Peters or Franks could be considered modern day Guy Fawkes, or urban terrorists!

Neither should have to defend themselves.

It should be up to the remaining Labour MP's to say; listen Trev, pull your head in, and stop this breach of democracy.

If they don't, they are complicit in moving NZ further into a dark place of suppression of speech, and restriction on freedom of movement.

03-05-2022, 11:00 PM
Damning evidence of just how totally untrustworthy Ardern is :


Truthful? No

Transparent? No

Accountable? No

04-05-2022, 08:12 AM
Amazing that Robertson saying that nothing about the inflation rate has anything to do with overheated economies and monetary policy mistakes here and abroad. Disowning any responsibility.

Suppose the only fix is for the populus to vote him/them out

04-05-2022, 08:30 AM
A special taskforce to advise on how to tackle & clear the horrendous hospital & medical treatment waiting list - which Ardern denied existed in the first place!

What have the 1,400 extra civil & public servants employed by Ardern being doing for the last 2 years?


Incompetence and denial - two of the outstanding features of this useless government.

04-05-2022, 11:53 AM
Ardern - self proclaimed single source of truth:


Just don’t ask her about the wealth tax!

04-05-2022, 02:44 PM
Mallard - what a joke of a speaker but Ardern loves having him there for protection.


You can judge the true character of a person by the company she keeps.

What does Mallard tell NZers about Ardern?

fungus pudding
04-05-2022, 04:23 PM
Ardern - self proclaimed single source of truth:


Just don’t ask her about the wealth tax!

The wealth tax is currently in Labour's workshop getting a fresh coat of paint, and a brand-new name.

04-05-2022, 05:32 PM
It won't be a wealth tax but a "securing our pandemic recovery" co-contribution.

Then we'll have a chance to vote on it.

04-05-2022, 08:59 PM
15 months after the ever useless Kelvin Davis & Labour government appointed a new task force to restructure OT Oranga Tamariki, becoming evident that nothing has really changed except for the colour of the skin of those in control.

A 5 year old beaten to death after horrific physical & psychological abuse - because OT did nothing.


“….. the family raised the alarm twice with Oranga Tamariki within a week of his mother being jailed, across two separate offices. They say this included providing Oranga Tamariki with photographs of Malachi’s bruises.”

05-05-2022, 05:27 PM
Mallard - what a joke of a speaker but Ardern loves having him there for protection.


You can judge the true character of a person by the company she keeps.

What does Mallard tell NZers about Ardern?

MIA - Mallard for last 3 days according to Parliamentary reporters.

Great sort of company he and Ardern provide for each other. Birds of a feather flock together.

05-05-2022, 05:34 PM
Wonder how long before Ardern wants back on the program:


Bad bad call on her part - like all her calls.

Especially her calls of appointing token females & non whites like Poto and Faafoi to ministerial positions where both have showed themselves to be TOTALLY incompetent & clueless.

05-05-2022, 06:42 PM
MIA - Mallard for last 3 days according to Parliamentary reporters.

Great sort of company he and Ardern provide for each other. Birds of a feather flock together. Mallard is Neve's godfather so very chummy indeed.

05-05-2022, 07:43 PM
Mallard is Neve's godfather so very chummy indeed.

Poor Neve! What a poor start for the little one.

05-05-2022, 07:45 PM
Ardern says she stands behind Mallard and she stands too behind Poto Williams.

68% of NZers polled in today’s Newshub Poll believe Poto is too soft on crime.

Let’s hope Ardern is good with her stand and keeps Poto into 2023 election. :t_up:

06-05-2022, 04:21 AM
Stuart Nash was a decent police minister not sure why he didn't continue.

06-05-2022, 04:23 AM
Robertson will get the credit for lower inflation next year.

National was given a free kick with interest rates but missed with inexperienced luxon as leader.

06-05-2022, 08:30 AM
Stuart Nash was a decent police minister not sure why he didn't continue.

Of course you are joking. Right to the end he was saying that the gun buyback was a success.

06-05-2022, 08:49 AM
Don't worry we can just tick up some more debt head towards 200Bill ...

Labour gives itself room to borrow extra $90 billion

https://www.act.org.nz/labour_gives_itself_room_to_borrow_extra_90_billio n

06-05-2022, 09:19 AM
Poor Neve! What a poor start for the little one. Yes a very unfiiting example for an innocent little one.

06-05-2022, 10:19 AM
Ardern says she stands behind Mallard and she stands too behind Poto Williams.

68% of NZers polled in today’s Newshub Poll believe Poto is too soft on crime.

Let’s hope Ardern is good with her stand and keeps Poto into 2023 election. :t_up:


This is what Labour is trying to do to shut down scrutiny & criticism of its incompetence and failure to deliver on any of the huge promises made to win the election:

"This Government has an image problem and that may be partially reflected in their poll result.

It's the bury the head in the sand approach - 'I reject the premise of the question', nothing to see here.

But worse than that now I think, is this push back we're seeing where the Government is gas lighting its critics.

If you dare to question co-governance, you are racist.

If you criticise a female minister you are sexist.

And now, Poto Williams has taken it next level - she's claiming that saying the Government is 'soft on crime' is a gendered issue and an attack on her, because she's female. Are you serious?

That one is a such a stretch it's hard to believe she even said it out loud, but then she did also call the Police's handling of the Parliamentary protest "fabulous".

That was her word - "fabulous".

I can think of a lot of other words to describe how Police handled the Parliamentary protest but 'fabulous' isn’t one of them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Notice that we have similar behavior here from certain posters - whatever Ardern and Labour do must not be criticized or scrutinized because to do so, one must be sexist or racist?

Well, come & kiss my arse!

06-05-2022, 02:42 PM

This is what Labour is trying to do to shut down scrutiny & criticism of its incompetence and failure to deliver on any of the huge promises made to win the election:

"This Government has an image problem and that may be partially reflected in their poll result.

It's the bury the head in the sand approach - 'I reject the premise of the question', nothing to see here.

But worse than that now I think, is this push back we're seeing where the Government is gas lighting its critics.

If you dare to question co-governance, you are racist.

If you criticise a female minister you are sexist.

And now, Poto Williams has taken it next level - she's claiming that saying the Government is 'soft on crime' is a gendered issue and an attack on her, because she's female. Are you serious?

That one is a such a stretch it's hard to believe she even said it out loud, but then she did also call the Police's handling of the Parliamentary protest "fabulous".

That was her word - "fabulous".

I can think of a lot of other words to describe how Police handled the Parliamentary protest but 'fabulous' isn’t one of them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Notice that we have similar behavior here from certain posters - whatever Ardern and Labour do must not be criticized or scrutinized because to do so, one must be sexist or racist?

Well, come & kiss my arse! "Wokeism" out of control, what a sad/sick place we find ourselves in.

06-05-2022, 07:15 PM
Poto Willams in action after her claim that the Government is 'soft on crime' is a gendered issue and an attack on her, because she's female.

Now, she claims that she is smart rather than soft or is a thug.

Where the HELL did Ardern find this pathetic and useless human being from?


The public has registered a vote of no confidence in Police Minister Poto Williams as youth crime spirals out of control.

The latest Newshub-Reid Research poll asked: Is the current Police Minister too soft on crime?

More than two-thirds - 68.3 percent - said yes, while just 18.3 percent said no.

Minister Williams doesn't think it's fair. She said to Newshub "For me, you're either soft or you're a thug or you're smart and I choose to be smart."

07-05-2022, 10:38 AM
Listen to the garbage (3 minutes in) from Justin Lester, Labour Party apologist about crime & Poto Willams.


Poto Williams "an incredible individual & very hard working' according to him but he missed out the part that she was appointed because she is a non-white and female - and completely clueless and incompetent as Police Minister.

08-05-2022, 01:35 PM
Any views on Mr Waititi and Ms Packer's interview on Q & A this morning?

The kingmakers in waiting according to recent polls.

fungus pudding
08-05-2022, 01:54 PM
Any views on Mr Waitit and Ms Packer's interview on Q & A this morning?

The kingmakers in waiting according to recent polls.

Yeah - frightening.

09-05-2022, 04:48 AM
Any views on Mr Waititi and Ms Packer's interview on Q & A this morning?

The kingmakers in waiting according to recent polls.

Queenmakers. They won't work with the Nats or ACT.

10-05-2022, 07:45 AM
Immigration Reset update from Govt tomorrow

Probably tell us how they will continue to stop people coming to NZ

Bill Smith
10-05-2022, 08:53 AM
Queenmakers. They won't work with the Nats or ACT.

Bit harsh calling arderns replacement Grant a queen.

fungus pudding
10-05-2022, 09:09 AM
Bit harsh calling arderns replacement Grant a queen.

A spade is a spade.

10-05-2022, 10:18 AM
Our only queen is Her Majesty and she doesn't need to be replaced.

10-05-2022, 10:33 AM
A spade is a spade.

And a homophobe is a homophobe.

fungus pudding
10-05-2022, 12:23 PM
And a homophobe is a homophobe.

And let's not forget a rose is a rose is a rose.

10-05-2022, 06:17 PM
Bring back the good ol days when the Budget was read out in the evening without any lead up

Spreading the Budget out of weeks if not months is just boring …..but then it has become one big circus with ministers grandstanding.

10-05-2022, 07:00 PM
Bring back the good ol days when the Budget was read out in the evening without any lead up

Spreading the Budget out of weeks if not months is just boring …..but then it has become one big circus with ministers grandstanding.
If they keep going like this there won’t be any money left by budget night .
Might have to get Orrsome to turn the presses on again …..

10-05-2022, 07:09 PM
Any views on Mr Waititi and Ms Packer's interview on Q & A this morning?

The kingmakers in waiting according to recent polls.

For anybody who did not see it, as well as his misrepresentation of the past, of more concern should be their refusal to acknowledge one person one vote, as acceptable, which is democracy as we know it.

I would say most of NZ regard them as irrelevant, but ignore them at your peril...

How you vote at the next election could well pre empt whether you remain in the global Commonwealth country of New Zealand, or the separatist aparthied state of Aotearoa.

10-05-2022, 07:26 PM
For anybody who did not see it, as well as his misrepresentation of the past, of more concern should be their refusal to acknowledge one person one vote, as acceptable, which is democracy as we know it.

I would say most of NZ regard them as irrelevant, but ignore them at your peril...

Yes they are the new swing vote.

Luxon will never be as popular as John so having this duo pull his strings is sadly likely.

10-05-2022, 07:35 PM
Any views on Mr Waititi and Ms Packer's interview on Q & A this morning?

The kingmakers in waiting according to recent polls.

All good stuff imo.

NZers needs to see what the separatist racist agenda that they are pushing so that voters (especially the majority non-Maoris) have a clear choice in 2023.

Ardern has played the pakeha voters for suckers - using them to push her racist & divisive policies by stealth on NZers.

A black & white choice in 2023 will see the split pakeha vote (the silent majority taken for a ride) reunite in favour of or against the separatist agenda.

The trend is clear - one party is on the up and up while the other is on the down and down.

Bring on 2023!

11-05-2022, 04:10 AM
Vote lab/green and you will have a centrist govt.

Vote the other side and get a frankenstein of act/maori/national and Luxon ditched after two months.

11-05-2022, 08:21 AM
For anybody who did not see it, as well as his misrepresentation of the past, of more concern should be their refusal to acknowledge one person one vote, as acceptable, which is democracy as we know it.

I would say most of NZ regard them as irrelevant, but ignore them at your peril...

How you vote at the next election could well pre empt whether you remain in the global Commonwealth country of New Zealand, or the separatist aparthied state of Aotearoa.

Which is precisely why it is GREAT to have Mr Waititi & Ms Packer push their extreme views - the more airplay and airtime, the better.

They have made it clear they will not work with Act/National so it's only Labour who will benefit from any vote for them


Any vote for Labour is also a vote for Mr Waititi & Ms Packer & Te Pāti Māori.

Meanwhile, internal polling by Labour is sending shock waves through the ranks apparently :

- White middle class women (who voted Ardern in last 2 elections) continue to desert the party in favor of National due to Labour's divisive & racist policies,

- Minority groups (Asians who overwhelmingly voted for Ardern) are swinging away too due to Labour's anti-business & anti-migrant policies.

Next poll is going to be very interesting.

fungus pudding
11-05-2022, 08:39 AM
Which is precisely why it is GREAT to have Mr Waititi & Ms Packer push their extreme views - the more airplay and airtime, the better.

They have made it clear they will not work with Act/National so it's only Labour who will benefit from any vote for them


Any vote for Labour is also a vote for Mr Waititi & Ms Packer & Te Pāti Māori.

And that's the problem with MMP. Many Labour voters will not realise voting for Labour is likely to see these ignoramus clowns in a position of power.

11-05-2022, 09:38 AM
And that's the problem with MMP. Many Labour voters will not realise voting for Labour is likely to see these ignoramus clowns in a position of power.

You would have to conclude MMP was a mistake of major proportion. We initiated a system without fully understanding the consequences.

11-05-2022, 12:22 PM
And that's the problem with MMP. Many Labour voters will not realise voting for Labour is likely to see these ignoramus clowns in a position of power.

Up to ACT & National to drum home that message :

A vote for Labour is a vote for Te Parti Maori & Separatism.

fungus pudding
11-05-2022, 01:31 PM
Up to ACT & National to drum home that message :

A vote for Labour is a vote for Te Parti Maori & Separatism.

...or call it a vote for the fella with the tats and the cowboy hat....


11-05-2022, 02:01 PM
Up to ACT & National to drum home that message :

A vote for Labour is a vote for Te Parti Maori & Separatism.

Only one party has done a deal with them.

Labour is directly competing against them in the electorates (whereas National wants to help them).

11-05-2022, 04:11 PM
How pathetic - Labour government MPs behaving like kindergarten kids.

You can be sure that Ardern's government is on its way out when it behaves the way that it has been - from Poto Williams refusing to take responsibility for the upsurge in crime to Mallard imposing (and then, being forced to retract) trespass notices on exMPs. Incompetent yet arrogant to think they can escape public scrutiny.


"Mitchell tweeted last night he had stopped to talk to Labour MP Greg O'Connor about the Parliamentary rugby team in Parliament's cafe, Copperfields. His tweet said that Williams was at the same table as O'Connor and O'Connor told him he could not sit down.

"He then told me the reason was they don't like me holding the Minister to account. Intense."

" .....last week in Parliament, Williams accused Mitchell of using "gendered language" with the "soft on crime" accusation – although successive National MPs have accused Labour of being soft on crime, regardless of the gender of the police minister."

" .....Williams refusing him permission to meet Police Commissioner Andrew Coster and district commanders - which Williams said was because she believed Police were "too busy".

11-05-2022, 04:31 PM
How pathetic - Labour government MPs behaving like kindergarten kids.

At least they haven't changed leaders multiple times though.

11-05-2022, 05:18 PM
At least they haven't changed leaders multiple times though.

Not recently anyway.

11-05-2022, 05:19 PM
At least they haven't changed leaders multiple times though.

You forget the past so easily. Shearer, Cunliffe, Little, Ardern. Not sure whether Goff should also be there. Itwas hard to keep up with the changes.

11-05-2022, 05:32 PM
You forget the past so easily. Shearer, Cunliffe, Little, Ardern. Not sure whether Goff should also be there. Itwas hard to keep up with the changes.

Clark, Goff, Shearer, Cunliffe, Little, Ardern - from 2008 to 2021. 6 leaders in 13 years. Soon to be 7 leaders comes 2023.

Would have been 7 in 2020 but for COVID.

Key, English, Bridges, Muller, Collins and Luxon - from 2008 to 2021. 6 leaders over same period, 1 less than Labour comes 2023.


11-05-2022, 05:43 PM
You forget the past so easily. Shearer, Cunliffe, Little, Ardern. Not sure whether Goff should also be there. Itwas hard to keep up with the changes.

The past doesn't matter when Labour now has a track record of sticking with a leader while in government.

National is unknown.

11-05-2022, 05:47 PM
Why is the Ardern government so ****-scared of open debate & discussions on co-governance and preferential treatments for Maoris?

This is a good piece on why there must be open discussion so that NZ can move forward with confidence and acceptance with what unites us rather than what divides us :


Simplistically, Ardern & the Maori cabal are fearful that their separatism agenda cannot stand the scrutiny of open debate - which is why they have been doing it by stealth.


Blue Skies
11-05-2022, 07:42 PM
Why is the Ardern government so ****-scared of open debate & discussions on co-governance and preferential treatments for Maoris?

This is a good piece on why there must be open discussion so that NZ can move forward with confidence and acceptance with what unites us rather than what divides us :


Simplistically, Ardern & the Maori cabal are fearful that their separatism agenda cannot stand the scrutiny of open debate - which is why they have been doing it by stealth.


According to former National party Minister Chris Finlayson, you guys are just "the sour right behind the racist resentful rhetoric", and the way to deal with you is just to "leave those losers behind and move on."

What would you say to that!

Just to be clear, I wouldn't say that, however,
I don't really get what you guys are so fearful of around co-governance/partnership, it's not a new concept & there are already examples of it working well.
In reality National is just as on board with this as Labour. Luxon won't be able to pretend to sit on the fence on this for much longer.

Anyway for anyone interested in some educated informed discussion around this subject, here's a link,


11-05-2022, 09:54 PM
According to former National party Minister Chris Finlayson, you guys are just "the sour right behind the racist resentful rhetoric", and the way to deal with you is just to "leave those losers behind and move on."

What would you say to that!

Just to be clear, I wouldn't say that, however,
I don't really get what you guys are so fearful of around co-governance/partnership, it's not a new concept & there are already examples of it working well.
In reality National is just as on board with this as Labour. Luxon won't be able to pretend to sit on the fence on this for much longer.

Anyway for anyone interested in some educated informed discussion around this subject, here's a link,


Chris can say whatever he wants - does not change the fact that this Ardern government is the most devious and deceptive government NZ has ever had. NZers deserve answers to their concerns and this government’s reply is that any challenges are racist so will not be allowed.

Exactly the same stance taken by Poto Williams that she is doing such a great job with her police portfolio that it is sexist to question her.

Kris Faafoi at least had the decency to admit he could not rise up to the challenge of debating the Hate Speech by going to ground.

This government’s refusal to answer basic questions on 3 Waters about the implications co-governance of 3 Waters speaks volume about its ulterior and devious intentions.

Does not work with those of us who refuse to be brainwashed and become sheep.

12-05-2022, 07:42 AM
NZers having to work 10 more days to pay for the wasteful spend & tax policies of Ardern & her nincompoops.


Be kind she says - to her prolific wasteful spending.

12-05-2022, 08:22 AM
50,000 women on the mammogram backlog - with all the implications flowing from it.

But remember that Ardern & Little said that everything is under control?

12-05-2022, 10:21 AM
NZers having to work 10 more days to pay for the spend & tax Ardern & her nincompoops.


Be kind she says - to her prolific wasteful spending.

The myth we are big spenders is rather a fake and phony issue.

Australia realised what their conservatives are up to according to recent polls but it's probably too late to fix the mess.

12-05-2022, 10:44 AM
The myth we are big spenders is a fake and phony issue.


Hand me another Tui please https://tradingeconomics.com/new-zealand/government-spending#:~:text=Government%20Spending%20in%20New% 20Zealand%20averaged%208443.78%20NZD%20Million%20f rom,the%20second%20quarter%20of%201987.

12-05-2022, 01:23 PM
It's called inflation (with pop growth on top).

12-05-2022, 01:27 PM
50,000 women on the mammogram backlog - with all the implications flowing from it.

But remember that Ardern & Little said that everything is under control? The Titanic was under control as well, they said even God couldn't sink it.

fungus pudding
12-05-2022, 01:36 PM
The Titanic was under control as well, they said even God couldn't sink it.

And I can assure you he didn't.

12-05-2022, 01:48 PM
The Titanic was under control as well, they said even God couldn't sink it.

They went through dangerous waters taking known risks to try and get a newspaper headline.

NZ has seen smooth sailing with it's corona and economic responses.

12-05-2022, 02:32 PM
And I can assure you he didn't.

Haha - good one.

The iceberg watcher sank it by not noticing the iceberg?

12-05-2022, 02:38 PM
Haha - good one.

The iceberg watcher sank it by not noticing the iceberg? No the blind belief that it was unsinkable even after hitting the iceberg was what sank it, could be the same for labour come next election.

fungus pudding
12-05-2022, 02:46 PM
No the blind belief that it was unsinkable even after hitting the iceberg was what sank it, could be the same for labour come next election.

At least the the result should tell the doubters whether he/she/ or it exists.

12-05-2022, 02:51 PM
No the blind belief that it was unsinkable even after hitting the iceberg was what sank it, could be the same for labour come next election.

National nearly lost in 2011 unless they could get maori party to back them.

That was with a popular John key vs a dud Phil goff.

When labour runs someone remotely popular they win.

12-05-2022, 03:04 PM
Hand me another Tui please https://tradingeconomics.com/new-zealand/government-spending#:~:text=Government%20Spending%20in%20New% 20Zealand%20averaged%208443.78%20NZD%20Million%20f rom,the%20second%20quarter%20of%201987.

As a percentage of GDP?

12-05-2022, 06:44 PM
Kris Faafoi defends migration settings.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHIEAuMoBXI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHIEAuMoBXI)

Good stuff, its time for higher wages.

12-05-2022, 07:27 PM
As a percentage of GDP?

I hope this answers your question. Good luck with the upcoming NZ recession and economic crash, magnified by bad management of Government finances !!! https://www.statista.com/statistics/436523/ratio-of-government-expenditure-to-gross-domestic-product-gdp-in-new-zealand/

12-05-2022, 07:30 PM
Yes some have been raising those concerns since 2017. Turns out the opposite may have happened.

12-05-2022, 07:53 PM
I hope this answers your question. Good luck with the upcoming NZ recession and economic crash, magnified by bad management of Government finances !!! https://www.statista.com/statistics/436523/ratio-of-government-expenditure-to-gross-domestic-product-gdp-in-new-zealand/

The GDP part of the equation is what went down.


Hence, the ratio is worse. So, some revision of basic maths could be helpful.

13-05-2022, 08:16 AM
Fuel prices hit all time high of $3.15 a litre in Auckland

Time for govt to cut levies/duty again

13-05-2022, 08:36 AM
Fuel prices hit all time high of $3.15 a litre in Auckland

Time for govt to cut levies/duty again

Gotto wait for the polls first so make sure we all continue to poll anyone but Labour.

Then, can be sure that the 25c excise cut will not only stay but be cut further.

Plenty of fat for this prolific wasteful spend & tax Ardern government to use up first.

Prime example - NZ Transport Agency has increased the number of PR staff from 33 to 88 (167%) since Labour took office. And 65 of them are paid over $100k a year.

It's all about the SPIN with Ardern - forget about the delivery of quality services and results.

fungus pudding
13-05-2022, 08:55 AM
Gotto wait for the polls first so make sure we all continue to poll anyone but Labour.

Then, can be sure that the 25c excise cut will not only stay but be cut further.

Plenty of fat for this prolific wasteful spend & tax Ardern government to use up first.

Prime example - NZ Transport Agency has increased the number of PR staff from 33 to 88 (167%) since Labour took office. And 65 of them are paid over $100k a year.

It's all about the SPIN with Ardern - forget about the delivery of quality services and results.

It costs a lot of money to publicise its new, unrecognisable, difficult to remember, and unpronounceable politically correct name.

13-05-2022, 09:18 AM
It costs a lot of money to publicise its new, unrecognisable, difficult to remember, and unpronounceable politically correct name.

Not to mention spending like this from the 88 PR staff who obviously have nothing else better to do :


$5,000 for each of 2 of these big fat ZERO signs :


13-05-2022, 09:32 AM
Out of control spending from these A-hats

Since 2017, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has more than doubled its PR team from 32 staff to 88.

Since 2019, the transport agency has spent $145 million on consultants, covering things like the environment and planning, versus just $200 million on actual construction.


Blue Skies
13-05-2022, 10:37 AM
Out of control spending from these A-hats

Since 2017, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has more than doubled its PR team from 32 staff to 88.

Since 2019, the transport agency has spent $145 million on consultants, covering things like the environment and planning, versus just $200 million on actual construction.


I think we're all heartily sick of successive govt's spending on consultants which really started with National when govt agencies had their staff cut, resulting in a huge loss of experience & what they call 'institutional knowledge'. Many of these people went on to become 'Consultants' who were then hired back by the same govt agencies at 3X the cost, as outside consultants to assist understaffed & under resourced departments with completing projects.

Lets not overlook, John Key's National govt spent $216 million on consultants over 3 years from 2009, for investigative & design work (i.e. not construction) done on roads of national significance.

13-05-2022, 10:54 AM
Lets not overlook, John Key's National govt spent $216 million on consultants over 3 years from 2009, for investigative & design work (i.e. not construction) done on roads of national significance.

Ones with an indefinite construction period given all the resurfacing going on.

13-05-2022, 12:32 PM
Remember, a vote for Labour is a vote for te Pāti Maori.


Tauranga unsafe for a Maori candidate? BS on a grand scale given previous two Tauranga MPs were Maoris. The hypocrisy is beneath contempt.

13-05-2022, 01:50 PM
More colour on Waka Kotahi out of control spending and Ardern’s all care but no responsibility or accountability approach towards taking care of taxpayers’ funds :


13-05-2022, 04:14 PM
Fuel prices hit all time high of $3.15 a litre in Auckland

Time for govt to cut levies/duty again

Much cheaper in Hamilton?
Auckland being ripped off - there is only 10c regional fuel tax.

13-05-2022, 05:57 PM
Ardern waited 100 days before responding to an URGENT request to meet from
The Human Rights Commission.

Shows the disdain that this how arrogant & disdainful Ardern & her government have become - 4 years into office.

Imagine what she & her team of nincompoops are going to be like if they are given another 3 years in 2023.


13-05-2022, 08:24 PM
Ardern waited 100 days before responding to an URGENT request to meet from
The Human Rights Commission.

Shows the disdain that this how arrogant & disdainful Ardern & her government have become - 4 years into office.

Imagine what she & her team of nincompoops are going to be like if they are given another 3 years in 2023.


The HRC is not very important. Seymour is going to abolish it. Imagine what he would be like


fungus pudding
14-05-2022, 10:08 AM
Oh dear. Jacinda's got the lurg. Get well soon.

14-05-2022, 11:00 AM
Bring back the good ol days when the Budget was read out in the evening without any lead up

Spreading the Budget out of weeks if not months is just boring …..but then it has become one big circus with ministers grandstanding. A boring circus?

In The "good" old days of no internet or mobile phones and just two channels that closed down at various times during the day, a Muldoom budget in 1978 was the first one I remember. Insufficient taxes, borrowing and failure to make significant reform. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!


fungus pudding
14-05-2022, 12:05 PM
Labour's got the answer to all your dreams.


14-05-2022, 01:20 PM
Labour's got the answer to all your dreams.


And Save hard, look after your family and be a good citizen.

Plus she loves to hire heaps of more civil servants, PR staff, consultants and lavish $$$$ on Māoris for their votes.

14-05-2022, 03:32 PM
Out of control spending from these A-hats

Since 2017, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has more than doubled its PR team from 32 staff to 88.

Since 2019, the transport agency has spent $145 million on consultants, covering things like the environment and planning, versus just $200 million on actual construction.


Oh, and $40M towards reducing truancy, but with no methodology of measuring its success or failure.

14-05-2022, 08:27 PM
Oh, and $40M towards reducing truancy, but with no methodology of measuring its success or failure.

That’s nothing compared to the billions of dollars squandered by the prolific spend & tax Ardern & her team of addicted spenders.

Just today :

Remember this? $1.9 billion announced in 2019 to be spent on mental health services.


3 years later and what have Ardern & Little delivered?

ZERO. NOTHING. In fact, things have actually got worse.



Ardern heads a government of spin, prolific spending but zero delivery.

And worse of all, Ardern employs PR staff by the hundreds to try and hoodwink NZers with spin to hide how totally incompetent she and her government truly are.

14-05-2022, 08:36 PM
That’s nothing compared to the billions of dollars squandered by the prolific spend & tax Ardern & her team of addicted spenders.

Just today :

Remember this? $1.9 billion announced in 2019 to be spent on mental health services.


3 years later and what have Ardern & Little delivered?

ZERO. NOTHING. In fact, things have actually got worse.



Ardern heads a government of spin, prolific spending but zero delivery.

And worse of all, Ardern employs PR staff by the hundreds to try and hoodwink NZers with spin to hide how totally incompetent she and her government truly are.

The Executive has nothing else to give but laws and money, they don't actually implement anything themselves. So they make laws and spend our money, truckloads of it, in the hope that their Administration and business can implement it. Imo the real failing outside excessive ill-directed spending, is over optimism that massive long term structural issues can be turned around in unreasonable timeframes. By the time they realise that optimism is false logic, they're already history.

15-05-2022, 03:39 AM
That’s nothing compared to the billions of dollars squandered by the prolific spend & tax Ardern & her team of addicted spenders.

NZs financial position is much better than it was five years ago, hence the credit rating upgrade to AA+.

NZ super fund up $20b since 2017. :)

15-05-2022, 09:42 AM
Labour Party & Ardern ‘spend & tax’ policy as explained to a 12 year old :

“You wash & clean your neighbour’s driveway for $20.

Your neighbour gives you $8


gives the balance, $12 to the kid in the opposite house

who is sunning himself on the beach.’

15-05-2022, 10:11 AM
Ardern's government 2022 Budget - You saw it here first :


15-05-2022, 10:48 AM
In reality both kids have a job now whereas they couldn't get one under national.

15-05-2022, 12:14 PM
Another day, another example of how the Ardern government favours gangs and criminals over law abiding citizens:


15-05-2022, 02:42 PM

Landlord refused by almost every insurer after leasing flats for social housing

Suppose Farfoi will be installing Labour's own insurance scheme instead soon to step into the gap :)

It will probably be called "Robbo's Social Housing Dead Loss Fund" and will be another ACC administered SOE ;)

(All Landlords will be levied for the costs of administering and all estimated Losses of the Fund)

15-05-2022, 02:46 PM
In reality both kids have a job now whereas they couldn't get one under national.

One of the kids when not at the beach has a night job on Ram Raiding duties and helping his Gang mates distribute a few other "essential lines" around the area ;)

Since Ardern's well spun policies to help the poor and bring untold prosperity to all have so far mostly
failed to materialise, these were the only jobs going he was qualified for - to stay on the bene collection list :)

15-05-2022, 03:06 PM
Ardern's government 2022 Budget - You saw it here first :

A whole fleet may be needed next year -- could even surpass one of Putin's large fleets :)

15-05-2022, 03:10 PM
NZs financial position is much better than it was five years ago, hence the credit rating upgrade to AA+.

NZ super fund up $20b since 2017. :)

That's OK - after taking into account Real Buying Power of the Kiwi fiat has declined by at least 80% over the same time (Invisible unreported Inflation) then everyone can a Real idea of the way things are going ;)

15-05-2022, 03:15 PM

:scared:........found on HC, Aussies taking the p1ss?

15-05-2022, 03:21 PM
:scared:........found on HC, Aussies taking the p1ss?

More like ACT taking the piss

15-05-2022, 03:22 PM
That's OK - after taking into account Real Buying Power of the Kiwi fiat has declined by at least 80% over the same time (Invisible unreported Inflation) then everyone can a Real idea of the way things are going ;)

Invisible unreported inflation - really?

15-05-2022, 03:30 PM

:scared:........found on HC, Aussies taking the p1ss?

Haha - good one!

Hope there are going to be billboards around NZ with that next year. :t_up:

15-05-2022, 03:36 PM
Invisible unreported inflation - really?

Short memory ? .. what happened in Mar - Apr 2020 then was repeated many times after ? ;)

Hint: Robbing a Bank :)

15-05-2022, 03:45 PM
Remember the hidden GST hike.. how much inflation did that cause.

15-05-2022, 03:52 PM
Remember the hidden GST hike.. how much inflation did that cause.

Very minimal compared with Robbo's recent efforts :)

When the man on the street starts screaming on large increases in tucker + fuel - then you know Labour have
a major problem - which Wage increases will not fix (similar to what is happening in Aussie)

No increases or decreases in Taxes or GST or any new taxes will fix the issue either.

The current Government have already dug themselves into a very deep ditch which is becoming all
the more evident to most Kiwis :)

We know what ignoring the screams towards end of the Clark / Cullen terms culminated in :)

15-05-2022, 04:01 PM
Simply dont use petrol then.. EV, public transport, electric or mechanical bike.

15-05-2022, 04:08 PM
Simply dont use petrol then.. EV, public transport, electric or mechanical bike.

Tell that to the ordinary Joe Bloggs on the street and see how you go :)

You may even get laughed out of town or worse ;)

15-05-2022, 04:14 PM
Very minimal compared with Robbo's recent efforts :)

When the man on the street starts screaming on large increases in tucker + fuel - then you know Labour have
a major problem - which Wage increases will not fix (similar to what is happening in Aussie)

No increases or decreases in Taxes or GST or any new taxes will fix the issue either.

The current Government have already dug themselves into a very deep ditch which is becoming all
the more evident to most Kiwis :)

I gather that they caused the inflation in other parts of the world also?
I agree that they will pay a price for what it happening - their fault or not.

15-05-2022, 04:22 PM
I gather that they caused the inflation in other parts of the world also?
I agree that they will pay a price for what it happening - their fault or not.

Inflation is global issue out of Support during Covid in many places.

But are any others so glowingly obvious as having borrowed the whole fund
rather than using retained reserves - which we must assume NZ either didn't
have, or Robbo couldn't have known how to lay a paw on them for the cause
if they existed at all ? :)

The same Joe Bloggs that Ardern's promised policy mission was to improve his lot
now appears to be being left abandoned and ignored lumping the consequences
of the mishap at the lower etchelons :)

Perhaps a matter of too good to be true should have been heeded far earlier ? ;)

Or a fast buck handed out will usually come back to bite very dearly later
(probably the usual Labour Operandus MO too :) )

15-05-2022, 04:28 PM
Yeah but there's not an election this year.. it's next year.

15-05-2022, 04:36 PM
Yeah but there's not an election this year.. it's next year.

A whole year for things to get even worse :)

15-05-2022, 04:49 PM
A whole year for things to get even worse :) They certainly aren't going to get any better that's for sure.

15-05-2022, 04:50 PM
Is nothing sacrosanct anymore (https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/128607232/how-far-has-grant-robertson-shifted-the-goal-posts-on-government-debt)? Labour said they'd keep debt between 15%-20% of GDP, now it's 36% and forecast to rise to 50%, another $48 billion, but wait .. they just change the rules on how they count debt and bingo it's back to 20%. FFS. These economy wreckers must go, another year of ruining NZ and future generations.

15-05-2022, 04:54 PM
Who cares?
It's the interest that matters (see japan).

Hence the S&P rating.

15-05-2022, 05:28 PM
The governments net worth is increasing:

https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/government-finance-statistics-general-government-year-ended-june-2021 (https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/government-finance-statistics-general-government-year-ended-june-2021#:~:text=Net%20debt%20increased%20from%20%2448 .4,the%20year%20ended%20June%202021)

15-05-2022, 05:54 PM
The governments net worth is increasing:

https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/government-finance-statistics-general-government-year-ended-june-2021 (https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/government-finance-statistics-general-government-year-ended-june-2021#:~:text=Net%20debt%20increased%20from%20%2448 .4,the%20year%20ended%20June%202021)

Not even current figures and in Fiat Kiwi badly eroded courtesy of Govt's directives:)

On the back of what is coming with inflation, rising interest rates and harder times - a red herring :)

No matter how it's spun, it will be cold comfort all those out there who Ardern has promised
better times, which hasn't & likely wont materialise any time soon with them all on the standard IGNORE ;)

15-05-2022, 05:55 PM
Who cares?
It's the interest that matters (see japan).

Hence the S&P rating.

Labour will and probably are caring right now .. back into in crisis mode .. yet again :)

15-05-2022, 06:07 PM
Who cares? The current and future generations of taxpayers who will be up to their eyeballs in debt, they’ll care, probably enough to vote out this incompetent reckless government. S&P won’t care, they’re not paying back the debt.

Incredible naivety, are you topping up your benefit with the labour shill money?

15-05-2022, 06:07 PM
Labour will and probably are caring right now .. back into in crisis mode .. yet again :) They will be digging deep into the bribe pit to stop the ongoing falloff in popularity, since the protest its all been downhill at a rapid rate of knots.

15-05-2022, 06:12 PM
Who cares? The current and future generations of taxpayers who will be up to their eyeballs in debt, they’ll care, probably enough to vote out this incompetent reckless government. S&P won’t care, they’re not paying back the debt.

Paying it back to who?

Who's is suddenly willing to lend trillions during a potential depression.

You can always write the cheque out to me if you like since there's no one else.

15-05-2022, 06:49 PM
Other countries like Australia were actively recruiting and allowing in healthcare workers during the last 2 years while Ardern & her useless ministers shut out healthcare workers.

But she was okay with allowing in DJs - in one case as we know (mate of Gayford), 3 times!

Now NZ is short 4,000 healthcare workers heading into winter - the game is up for Little & Ardern.


15-05-2022, 07:12 PM
Paying it back to who?

Who's is suddenly willing to lend trillions during a potential depression.

You can always write the cheque out to me if you like since there's no one else.

Do you even understand what debt is? What borrowing is? Who the lenders of billions of dollars to profligate governments are? Wake up, no one is writing cheques out to Labour shills, except your employer who has borrowed to do it and the taxpayer is paying for it. Are you one of the hundreds of spin merchants that Labour has deployed into all social media channels, to spin their flawed ideologies and reckless practices. Labour has set up NZ taxpayers for a generation or more of debt repayment liabilities. You have no idea really, do you, nothing you have ever said makes any sense in the real world.

15-05-2022, 07:31 PM
Other countries like Australia were actively recruiting and allowing in healthcare workers during the last 2 years while Ardern & her useless ministers shut out healthcare workers.

But she was okay with allowing in DJs - in one case as we know (mate of Gayford), 3 times!

Now NZ is short 4,000 healthcare workers heading into winter - the game is up for Little & Ardern.


This useless government immigration has loosened up the criteria for 'healthcare workers', but unfortunately for some unknown reason that doesn't include nurses. They're the good souls who graft at the patient level providing daily care for the unwell, broken and elderly. And they do it for ludicrously low pay, less than driving a truck delivering merchandise to a builders site. Let alone they can leave NZ and double their wages for the same work with less stress and time demands.

Good grief, the health sector is not just about importing surgeons and doctors, for every one of them there's dozen or more nurses required. Labour has dealt the near-death blow to Health, and ridiculously they think they can fix grass-roots health sector problems by restructuring Health sector governance, at a cost of many many millions!

Sickening, if it didn't mean we'd need a doctor and nurse to treat us, because there aren't enough and Labour aren't doing anything useful about it. Only the relatively wealthy can afford reliable prompt healthcare through outrageously expensive private health insurance, the rest are sadly beaten down to a lottery by this incompetent reckless government who have only made things a great deal worse while in power.

A disgrace, a totally inexcusable disgrace.

15-05-2022, 08:52 PM
This useless government immigration has loosened up the criteria for 'healthcare workers', but unfortunately for some unknown reason that doesn't include nurses. They're the good souls who graft at the patient level providing daily care for the unwell, broken and elderly. And they do it for ludicrously low pay, less than driving a truck delivering merchandise to a builders site. Let alone they can leave NZ and double their wages for the same work with less stress and time demands.

Good grief, the health sector is not just about importing surgeons and doctors, for every one of them there's dozen or more nurses required. Labour has dealt the near-death blow to Health, and ridiculously they think they can fix grass-roots health sector problems by restructuring Health sector governance, at a cost of many many millions!

Sickening, if it didn't mean we'd need a doctor and nurse to treat us, because there aren't enough and Labour aren't doing anything useful about it. Only the relatively wealthy can afford reliable prompt healthcare through outrageously expensive private health insurance, the rest are sadly beaten down to a lottery by this incompetent reckless government who have only made things a great deal worse while in power.

A disgrace, a totally inexcusable disgrace.

Racist - because most of the nurses are from third world countries like the Philippines & India. Our healthcare system would collapse without them but this government is unwilling to recognise that fact.

Sexist - because the majority of nurses are females.

Talked to an immigration consultant contact who was appalled at how short sighted & incompetent Ardern & her nincompoops have been in the last 2 years - hospitals & retirement villages were screaming out for nurses but none was allowed to come in.

His firm used to help bring in 30 nurses a year from the Philippines but has brought in a grand total of zero in the last 2 years.

It is clear that there have been zero thought given to the post pandemic world when healthcare workers are in hot demand. NZ should have been opening the doors to allow them in when NZ had the chance but this Ardern government arrogantly basked in earlier glory and thought that it could keep COVID out forever with its zero COVID strategy - and based its health response on that arrogant belief.

15-05-2022, 09:05 PM
Amazing how the media (especially TV1) does not cover the homeless sleeping in cars, caravans and/or packed 5 to a room in depth - as was the case during the Key years.

Especially when the problem is now a crisis - 3 times more on the waiting list than when Ardern took office.


“ …. development has been praised for addressing a "critical" need but one social worker said it was "a drop in a puddle of what's needed".

There are 1053 people on the housing register in Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty, with 82 per cent of the demand being for one- and two-bedroom housing.

Of these, 1014 are considered to have a "severe and persistent" housing need that must be addressed immediately.

Trust general manager Jacqui Ferrel said every tenant had a story of housing hardship, with some moving in from portacoms, cars and couch surfing.

16-05-2022, 08:28 AM
Numerous complaints and appeals to the government and the police over a year and NOTHING happens.

And yet another example of Ardern's ‘be kind’ policy of favouring gangs and criminals over law abiding citizens:


The children's mother has been fighting for over a year for police and Kāinga Ora to take action against the state house tenant and her gang member partner due to constant abuse, drug taking and threats of physical and sexual violence.

16-05-2022, 01:29 PM
Do you even understand what debt is? What borrowing is? Who the lenders of billions of dollars to profligate governments are? Wake up, no one is writing cheques out to Labour shills, except your employer who has borrowed to do it and the taxpayer is paying for it. Are you one of the hundreds of spin merchants that Labour has deployed into all social media channels, to spin their flawed ideologies and reckless practices. Labour has set up NZ taxpayers for a generation or more of debt repayment liabilities. You have no idea really, do you, nothing you have ever said makes any sense in the real world.

Everyone has a mortgage and other NZers student loan.

You keep ignoring the credit rating upgrade for some reason though PLUS the overall net worth increase.

16-05-2022, 01:34 PM
There is nowhere to house the nurses.

And luxon wants a surplus pronto so Aucklands infrastructure will have to suffer even more.

16-05-2022, 02:05 PM
Tax cuts plus a paper surplus doesn't leave much for health.

So labour is still the only credible choice to protect health.

16-05-2022, 09:07 PM
Brain drain out of NZ underway.

Will make Ardern’s unemployment numbers look even better - pity about the huge increases in the jobkeeper benefits numbers. Cannot fool all of the people all of the time - just the Labour brainwashed people all of the time.


17-05-2022, 10:06 AM
4.5 years in government and 3 years after announcing a $1.9 billion spend on mental health, this is the crap and bs that the Ardern government comes out with :


All spin, big words and zero delivery.

Would not trust this lot to drive on a straight well sign posted and paved road, let alone the winding one which lays ahead.

17-05-2022, 09:34 PM
When the Banks are suggesting that the guts is about to fall out of things, this must be
confirmation of what we all knew was likely to happen anyway ;)

So much for Robbo's mickey mouse policies - now it all looks like it's about to
descend and land around his ears while he tosses billions at Shaw's play pets
instead oblivious to what is about to come crashing down ;)


Economy 'red lining': Another bank predicts biggest house price fall since 1970s

Perhaps Robbo had better step down now before the real carnage hits ;)

18-05-2022, 12:23 PM
Economy 'red lining': Another bank predicts biggest house price fall since 1970s

About time they fell!

18-05-2022, 01:16 PM
About time they fell!

About time Ardern takes responsibility for the housing disaster.

18-05-2022, 02:06 PM
1,000 deaths from COVID in NZ as of today.

Notice how quiet Ardern & Hipkins are about the growing death toll?

No pronouncements anymore from the pulpit of truth about how great Ardern’s pandemic strategy is at ‘saving lives’ but still lots of excuses about the backlog and delays in the healthcare sector because of the lockdowns (to save lives).

18-05-2022, 02:39 PM
About time Ardern takes responsibility for the housing disaster.

A situation inherited from national, similar to their infrastructure and immigration disaster.

18-05-2022, 03:35 PM
A situation inherited from national, similar to their infrastructure and immigration disaster.

What was her promise to all before she became PM ? :)

Where's Twyford now ?

Where are our promised 1,000,000 new houses or was that 100 million (or was that Shane's failed Tree planting promise) ?

probably both seeing dismally low success ratings after how many changes of Parliamentary seat warmers
and new posturing puppets overseeing ? ;)

The mess was probably inherited from the previous Labour Govt who failed to plan and recognise
what was needed in the future - so merely kept dreaming on :)

18-05-2022, 03:43 PM
About time they fell!

There may be periods of falling prices but the trend is upwards globally in the longer term.

A symptom of loose fiscal controls, money printing and inflation I would say :)

Something that the current Govt are guilty as charged on doing in the past 5 years,
then wonder why they have these issues compound into their worst nightmares
that they then have few clues on addressing without producing further carnage :)

19-05-2022, 03:05 PM

:scared:........found on HC, Aussies taking the p1ss?

We are laughing stock of the western world .. even Countries that we would think we are ahead of now have better living standards for their population