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19-05-2022, 03:20 PM
Ardern says she has lost all her taste.

Never thought she had any taste in the first place by the company of ministers and Maori cabal she keeps.


Blue Skies
19-05-2022, 04:11 PM
Wonderful to see Pharmac getting a $191 million boost to its budget, the largest boost since it was formed 30 years ago, to be able to offer NZ'ers better fully funded drug treatments for cancer & other illnesses.
You never know when you or a loved one at any age might need these, & NZ fallen way behind countries like Australia & Canada in being able to offer some of these newer drugs which are more effective, much easier to tolerate, save lives & in many many cases help people resume their normal productive lives.

Labour govt has increased Pharmac funding by 43% since taking office in 2017, which shows how poorly National were prepared to underfund Pharmac & how
under National access to these newer better treatments was restricted to High Wealth families who could pay for them.
National says it cares about middle NZ, but does it really or is it just political rhetoric?

19-05-2022, 04:31 PM
Labour govt has increased Pharmac funding by 43% since taking office in 2017, which shows how poorly National were prepared to underfund Pharmac & how
under National access to these newer better treatments was restricted to High Wealth families who could pay for them.
National says it cares about middle NZ, but does it really or is it just political rhetoric?

National underfunded Health full stop.
Health, in total, went backwards as budgets were reduced or capped, effectively reducing year on year.
No wonder all the DHBs ran in deficit.

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2022, 06:14 PM
More socialism, more moves to prop up the housing ponzi, more borrowing and debt......just a continuation of the malaise that has been afflicting NZ for some time now. The state doling out more money here and there to paper over the inequality that they and the central bank have caused. Almost every NZer will now be receiving some sort of payment from the state, and when put under pressure no doubt the government will just do more of the same. The winter energy payments are now locked in, income top ups for lower income people are now on the way and will probably only increase, families already get tax credits....there is no longer any attempt to manage the nations finances prudently.

On the other side National are looking at implementing tax cuts, and they won't roll back Labours spending excesses. There will also no doubt be all sorts of gimmicks from them to benefit property investors and speculators. Again, there will no longer be any attempt to manage the nations finances prudently from them either.

Young people and highly qualified people will leave NZ in droves unfortunately.

19-05-2022, 06:16 PM
National underfunded Health full stop.
Health, in total, went backwards as budgets were reduced or capped, effectively reducing year on year.
No wonder all the DHBs ran in deficit.

You mean like $1.9 billion to see mental health go backwards?

Typical Ardern spend & tax budget - throw money at health with zero accountability & clueless idea of how to achieve positive outcomes.

Intellect of a duck needed and Labour delivered.

19-05-2022, 06:23 PM
You mean like $1.9 billion to see mental health go backwards?

Luxon views it as wasteful spending to be sure, like education.

I wonder what he thought of the corporate tax cuts and straight subsidies that National was offering in 2020.

19-05-2022, 06:36 PM
Corporate welfare:

$100m for a new “Business Growth Fund” to invest in small-medium businesses that banks aren’t willing to lend to – i.e. taxpayer funding for Dragon’s Den dropouts. Government representatives of the Fund will even get seats on SME the company boards!

$118m in “advisory services” for farmers and Maori land owners

$40m on “Transformation Plans” for forestry, wood processing, food and fisheries businesses

$350m “Affordable Housing Fund” for housing developers

$15.5m for “Pacific economic development” (i.e. funding for Pasifika-run businesses in New Zealand)

An extra $26m (now $155m in total) for “Progressive Procurement” – i.e. favouring Maori-owned businesses as government contractors

$349m for a Kiwirail bailout


An extra $3.1 billion (one-off) for the new co-governed health system ($1.8 billion of this disappears immediately: it wipes off existing DHB debt)

$580m for “Maori Health and wellbeing” including $188m for the new Maori Health Authority

$20m establishing new “Iwi-Maori Partnership Boards” (i.e. introducing co-governance to the new health system)

$70m for Pasifika health providers

Special interests:

$185m in arts and culture grants “to help build a resilient cultural sector as it continues to adapt to the challenges coming out of COVID-19”

$327m in funding for the new RNZ/TVNZ merged media entity

A $1 billion “Maori Budget” including: $91m on Maori trades, training, and cadetships, $3m for “marae connectivity”, $5m for iwi/Maori teachers

$200m for Maori education

$28m for Maori “language, culture and identity”

$162m for Maori organisations to reduce emissions, including $36m for “matauranga [traditional knowledge]-based approaches to reducing biological emissions” and $30m for “Maori Climate Action”

$38m for Pasifika training, education, and bilingual schooling

$14m for an "historical account of the Dawn Raids"


$2 billion in extra spending on education (to smooth over the end of the decile system)

$662m for Defence

More Police ($562m), initiatives focused on organise crime ($94m), and on reoffending ($198m)

$100m establishing a new “Ministry for Disabled People” ($100m) – of which only $11m is allocated to providing services

$178m for councils dealing with RMA reform, plus a new “National Maori Entity” to co-govern resource management

$40m to research RNA vaccine technology

$114m on family violence initiatives

More taxpayer money pumped into the housing market via more generous First Home Grant and First Home Loan rules

Some of this spending is uncontroversial. A lot of it is mad. But what really hit me was the share scale: spending items costing tens of millions were treated like minor bulletpoints by Ministers.

And New Zealanders didn't want it!
New Zealanders weren’t even asking for this new spending.

19-05-2022, 06:41 PM
We can afford it though (see credit rating).

Plus there's been a lack of investment across the board.

19-05-2022, 06:42 PM
You mean like $1.9 billion to see mental health go backwards?

Typical Ardern spend & tax budget - throw money at health with zero accountability & clueless idea of how to achieve positive outcomes.

Intellect of a duck needed and Labour delivered.

And meanwhile, give the squeezed middle class less than $1 a day to 'take the edge off Ardern's prolific spending induced high cost of living crisis' - not even enough to buy a loaf of bread!

In other words, Robertson told them to go suck on a kumara (grown & planted by the Maori cabal).

Bankrupt of ideas BUT not of throwing money down the dunny - that's Ardern & Robertson.

19-05-2022, 07:05 PM
At least you stopped calling the PM Cindy

19-05-2022, 07:06 PM
And meanwhile, give the squeezed middle class less than $1 a day to 'take the edge off Ardern's prolific spending induced high cost of living crisis' - not even enough to buy a loaf of bread!

Plus the feul tax cuts, which National never gave while in office.

Instead it was a gst increase.

19-05-2022, 07:44 PM
At least you stopped calling the PM Cindy

It’s an insult to Cindy to call Ardern that name.

Read today about the horse named ‘Smiles like Jacinda’?


How PC these days to get upset about that! A whole country which has lost its sense of humour and perspective - except when it comes to humouring the Maori voters who Ardern needs to stay in power.

20-05-2022, 03:10 AM
It’s an insult to Cindy to call Ardern that name.

Read today about the horse named ‘Smiles like Jacinda’?


How PC these days to get upset about that! A whole country which has lost its sense of humour and perspective - except when it comes to humouring the Maori voters who Ardern needs to stay in power.

All 16 of them on the hill ? .. or was the count done when some were unexpectedly also absent ? ;)

20-05-2022, 09:19 AM
Give a clueless-never worked a decent job-leftie power and she will grab it and hang on for dear life - because she has nowhere else to go except the UN.

The Australians are seeing through Ardern for who she is - power mad hungry spin BS artist.



20-05-2022, 09:35 AM
The australian should worry more about the chinese base in the solomans.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2022, 10:09 AM
Corporate welfare:

$100m for a new “Business Growth Fund” to invest in small-medium businesses that banks aren’t willing to lend to – i.e. taxpayer funding for Dragon’s Den dropouts. Government representatives of the Fund will even get seats on SME the company boards!

$118m in “advisory services” for farmers and Maori land owners

$40m on “Transformation Plans” for forestry, wood processing, food and fisheries businesses

$350m “Affordable Housing Fund” for housing developers

$15.5m for “Pacific economic development” (i.e. funding for Pasifika-run businesses in New Zealand)

An extra $26m (now $155m in total) for “Progressive Procurement” – i.e. favouring Maori-owned businesses as government contractors

$349m for a Kiwirail bailout


An extra $3.1 billion (one-off) for the new co-governed health system ($1.8 billion of this disappears immediately: it wipes off existing DHB debt)

$580m for “Maori Health and wellbeing” including $188m for the new Maori Health Authority

$20m establishing new “Iwi-Maori Partnership Boards” (i.e. introducing co-governance to the new health system)

$70m for Pasifika health providers

Special interests:

$185m in arts and culture grants “to help build a resilient cultural sector as it continues to adapt to the challenges coming out of COVID-19”

$327m in funding for the new RNZ/TVNZ merged media entity

A $1 billion “Maori Budget” including: $91m on Maori trades, training, and cadetships, $3m for “marae connectivity”, $5m for iwi/Maori teachers

$200m for Maori education

$28m for Maori “language, culture and identity”

$162m for Maori organisations to reduce emissions, including $36m for “matauranga [traditional knowledge]-based approaches to reducing biological emissions” and $30m for “Maori Climate Action”

$38m for Pasifika training, education, and bilingual schooling

$14m for an "historical account of the Dawn Raids"


$2 billion in extra spending on education (to smooth over the end of the decile system)

$662m for Defence

More Police ($562m), initiatives focused on organise crime ($94m), and on reoffending ($198m)

$100m establishing a new “Ministry for Disabled People” ($100m) – of which only $11m is allocated to providing services

$178m for councils dealing with RMA reform, plus a new “National Maori Entity” to co-govern resource management

$40m to research RNA vaccine technology

$114m on family violence initiatives

More taxpayer money pumped into the housing market via more generous First Home Grant and First Home Loan rules

Some of this spending is uncontroversial. A lot of it is mad. But what really hit me was the share scale: spending items costing tens of millions were treated like minor bulletpoints by Ministers.

And New Zealanders didn't want it!
New Zealanders weren’t even asking for this new spending.

I guess this is what is called ‘delivering for Māori’ - if you total it up it’s actually billions of dollars in this budget. Absolutely mind boggling the amount of money involved, while the media focuses on a $350 bribe (smokescreen) ‘to take the edge of the cost of living’. This is just epic looting and pillaging of a nations finances - and it’s all put on the nations credit card with Robbo again fudging the way we measure debt.

‘$349m for a Kiwirail bailout.’
That is now the umpteenth bailout / handout to the white elephant on rails. Run by the government so the waste and inefficiency will be off the charts.

This is easily the most wasteful government in NZ’s history. Yet you’ll still hear people talk about how ‘we blew all our money on the $26 million flag referendum’ which just proves that many NZers are not so much brainwashed as brain dead.

20-05-2022, 10:12 AM
National gave 2b+ in treaty settlements and whanau ora.

Blue is good, red bad we get the idea.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2022, 10:13 AM
Give a clueless-never worked a decent job-leftie power and she will grab it and hang on for dear life - because she has nowhere else to go except the UN.

The Australians are seeing through Ardern for who she is - power mad hungry spin BS artist.



I think Labour have realised they are going to lose power so are now on a mission to spend as much money as possible and do as much damage to the books as they can. Restraint is just not a word in their vocabulary.

20-05-2022, 10:16 AM
I think Labour have realised they are going to lose power so are now on a mission to spend as much money as possible and do as much damage to the books as they can. Restraint is just not a word in their vocabulary.

Reducing assets was devastating to "tha books".

The net worth is increasing now though far more than the debt.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2022, 10:16 AM
National gave 2b+ in treaty settlements and whanau ora.

Blue is good, red bad we get the idea.

Treaty settlements = settlements on behalf of the nation. Supposed to be ‘full and final’.

The amount of money Labour is handing out in ‘delivering for Māori’ in one budget looks to exceed the total of all those settlements.

None of this truth will penetrate your red bubble. You are a rusted-on Labour fanatic and there is literally nothing they could do that would change your stance one iota.

20-05-2022, 10:20 AM
I think Labour have realised they are going to lose power so are now on a mission to spend as much money as possible and do as much damage to the books as they can. Restraint is just not a word in their vocabulary.

They did that last time under Helen >> TOLL holding couldn't believe their luck being able to get anything for Kiwi rail ... $$300mill tax payer dollars later we have an ongoing nightmare I see just got another $350mill bail out FFS!!! .. All Labour are good at is throwing money at problems they help create .. As many mistakes that National made Bill English was pretty tight on the spending front ... but this lot Billion here Billion there .. no problem we have the nations credit card...

20-05-2022, 10:21 AM
John key & sir bill lost our AA+ credit rating in 2009.

Good thing we have it back now.

20-05-2022, 11:59 AM
John key & sir bill lost our AA+ credit rating in 2009.

Good thing we have it back now.

Did you ever watch the "BIG SHORT" movie .... showed how much a JOKE the credit rating agency's were no more than lapdogs..

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2022, 12:38 PM
Did you ever watch the "BIG SHORT" movie .... showed how much a JOKE the credit rating agency's were no more than lapdogs..

panda has a deeply cynical answer for everything.

20-05-2022, 12:42 PM
Says the person ranting about spending, even though we are in one of the best shape in the OECD.

There is a world outside little old NZ.

20-05-2022, 02:16 PM
National gave 2b+ in treaty settlements and whanau ora.

Blue is good, red bad we get the idea.

National also started the co-governance trend.

20-05-2022, 02:20 PM
As many mistakes that National made Bill English was pretty tight on the spending front ... but this lot Billion here Billion there .. no problem we have the nations credit card...

Yeah - National didn't fund core services as they should have been and we went backward in Health and Education (and more) investment.
Really set us up to fail with all the immigration we had at the time.

20-05-2022, 05:08 PM
[QUOTE=dobby41;958322]Yeah - National didn't fund core services as they should have been and we went backward in Health and Education (and more) investment.
Really set us up to fail with all the immigration we had at the time.[/QUOTE

So what do Labour do for health yesterday, fund tvnz a bucket load more than health. Shows you where labours priority lies.

20-05-2022, 05:58 PM
Yeah - National didn't fund core services as they should have been and we went backward in Health and Education (and more) investment.
Really set us up to fail with all the immigration we had at the time.

Pathetic how 4.5 years in power and Labour & Ardern still attempt at every turn to blame previous governments for Ardern’s inability to deliver on anything!

The only thing she knows to do is SPEND, SPEND and TAX TAX TAX.

$1.9 billion for mental health for it to go backwards.

Billions of dollars and thousands of additional staff for Kainga Ora into housing and she turned a self-described crisis into an unmitigated disaster. Where’s the 100,000 new houses?

Waiting list for housing up 200% and emergency housing costing more than $1.2m a day!

Then, there’s the failure of the $3 billion Provincial Growth Fund to deliver any projects of benefit.

What about the 1,800 extra police personnel?

The 1 billion trees?

The list goes on and on and on.

All spin and no delivery - this budget is no different.

20-05-2022, 08:06 PM
At least you stopped calling the PM Cindy

So, with comrade Cinders at the helm, is NZ at less risk of being overrun by Vlad the Invader, or will the Chinese be here first, via the rogue state of Solomon Islands?

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2022, 08:32 PM
Says the person ranting about spending, even though we are in one of the best shape in the OECD.

There is a world outside little old NZ.

Sounds great. Grant is borrowing $1 Billion a week, we are sitting on the most over-priced housing in the world, inflation is going bananas, and there is a recession brewing. I wonder just what ‘shape’ we will be in by the back end of 2023.

Blue Skies
20-05-2022, 10:52 PM
Sounds great. Grant is borrowing $1 Billion a week, we are sitting on the most over-priced housing in the world, inflation is going bananas, and there is a recession brewing. I wonder just what ‘shape’ we will be in by the back end of 2023.

Worrying indeed & there are some real challenges ahead, but some economic perspective is helpful.

Following the GFC & Christchurch earthquake, National rightly increased debt and ran 6 annual deficits to help Kiwis through those crisis.

Labour is faced with running 5 years of deficits to help protect Kiwis from the economic effects of the Global Pandemic, the war in Ukraine & the disruption to energy & food supplies caused by both.
Our first surplus is expected in 2024/25 something most governments around the world would give their eye teeth for.

Comparing current General Govt Nett Debt as a % of GDP with some of our peer countries, we see -

NZ = 20%
Australia = 37.5%
UK = 76.1%
USA = 95.8%
Canada = 32.1%

And if we look just 4 years ahead to 2025 & compare Gen' Govt' Nett Debt as a % of GDP, we see -

NZ = 18%
Australia = 39.4%
UK = 61.9%
USA = 102.4%
Canada = 29.1%

These are most recent forecasts April 2022, IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.

So some of the criticism of Grant Robertson & catastrophising of the economy by the opposition & a media seems a bit emotive.
If you were Minister of Finance for any of these other countries, you'd be looking rather enviously at NZ's economic position.

Agreed it's certainly tough for a lot of NZ'ers at the moment, while many high wealth individuals have enjoyed spectacular increases in wealth over the last 2 years so lots of imbalances & challenges.
But I can't see National would have done any better & after they presented their last mistake ridden shadow budget, it didn't inspire much confidence in their financial management.
Its also worth noting when pressed, Christopher Luxon refuses to commit to spending $1 less than Grant Robertson.

21-05-2022, 02:31 AM
Tax increases are deflationary.

So if we were to truly believe the likes of seymour then we must logically conclude that "tax and spend" makes no difference to inflation.

21-05-2022, 02:40 AM
Long term permanent tax cuts in contrast cause inflation.

21-05-2022, 04:29 AM
Tax increases are deflationary.

So if we were to truly believe the likes of seymour then we must logically conclude that "tax and spend" makes no difference to inflation.

More Govt Loan Shops bound to be being proposed in 2023 offering higher loan limits ? ;)

RB Governor will say no problem - another $50 Bils on the inter-Govt Loan Tab
to be unpaid over the never never while the local fiat deflates itself further
and rising poverty inspires more dependence and screaming ;)

The alarmed Political nobs will then play a game of try find a scapegoat to blame
to minimise egg splatter back on themselves and to buy a little more time..

Throw them a further few hundred to try to bridge the thousands gap they're
wearing and hope they'll go away until everyone gets totally fed up with the
circus and the job lands in some other unfortunate's lap to clean the mess up :)

Been seen before hasn't it ? .. but it's openly debatable whether the players were
all dreaming or sleepwalking at the time ;)

How to lose control of the reins and deny all the signs and symptoms for today ..
don't worry about tomorrow .. a bit like a Bank Robber who thought he had the
Bank Manager tied up and stash safely in his pocket until he discovered
the trail of all the bills taken dropped on his escape had found him out ;)

21-05-2022, 04:48 AM
Long term permanent tax cuts in contrast cause inflation.

More so large scale Govt spending and the large Lolly scrambles of the past 2-3 years .. that is
unless one has been unfortunate enough to have been asleep under their rock for the whole time
so didn't notice :)

Perhaps not causing it the first place would have been more sensible ? ;)

21-05-2022, 04:59 PM
Perhaps not causing it the first place would have been more sensible ? ;)

How they caused the increasing fuel price (which flows through to pretty much everything) and the global supply chain issues (which exacerbates supply issues) is beyond me.
A lot was spent on employment support - the govt paying what business would have (a bit less actually) doesn't create inflation.
You have brought the opposition lies and exaggerations hook line and sinker.

21-05-2022, 05:25 PM
So what do Labour do for health yesterday, fund tvnz a bucket load more than health. Shows you where labours priority lies.

Quite a lot.
More ambulances etc.
Have a look here

As far as Pharmac is concerned a 20% increase is not to be sneezed at - in Labours terms Pharmac funding has increased some 41%. There is always a need for more though.

The TVNZ/National Radio funding is not quite what it seems (the devil is in the detail).
Very small increase really. Have a read of this

21-05-2022, 05:42 PM
Quite a lot.
More ambulances etc.
Have a look here

As far as Pharmac is concerned a 20% increase is not to be sneezed at - in Labours terms Pharmac funding has increased some 41%. There is always a need for more though.

The TVNZ/National Radio funding is not quite what it seems (the devil is in the detail).
Very small increase really. Have a read of this

Pharmac increase is pathetic - $191m over 2 years for desperately needed LIFE saving medicine.

Just compare it with the $240m spent to BRIBE Maori & South Aucklanders with $150 supermarket, petrol & Prezzy cards to get Maori vaccinated!

And $56m for the cycle bridge (not to be) and $60m+ for Pike River non-recovery.

Shows where Labour's real priorities are - votes.

21-05-2022, 05:46 PM
How they caused the increasing fuel price (which flows through to pretty much everything) and the global supply chain issues (which exacerbates supply issues) is beyond me.
A lot was spent on employment support - the govt paying what business would have (a bit less actually) doesn't create inflation.
You have brought the opposition lies and exaggerations hook line and sinker.

Wonder why all the Oil Explorers in NZ promptly waved adios and disappeared over the horizon ? ;)

Just on the inflation bit - most recognise that it results from additional monetary supply v
available or same amount of goods. Excess injected into the economy for no real extra
productivity can clearly be seen as inflationary as well. as can reduced available goods too :)

Look no further than post lockdown stockmarkets and continued Property market pricing
growth for true measure of the effects of this. Sucking too much out too fast can be inflationary
as well leading to ramp up of financing costs, similar to tax increases in harder times -
the extra has to be found or financed from somewhere by those on the paying end
usually at a higher cost :)

21-05-2022, 05:50 PM
Pharmac increase is pathetic - $191m over 2 years for desperately needed LIFE saving medicine.

Just compare it with the $240m spent to BRIBE Maori & South Aucklanders with $150 supermarket, petrol & Prezzy cards to get Maori vaccinated!

And $56m for the cycle bridge (not to be) and $60m+ for Pike River non-recovery.

Shows where Labour's real priorities are - votes.

The Non recovery is now directed at the Health Sector headed by the bearded Honcho who oversaw
Piker's River feel good & non perform.. the latest exercise at a huge cost and will probably produce
even less aside from a bit of a centralised shuffle and a raft of goffers sailing around none of whom
will likely have the slightest clue on what's supposed to be going on :)

A distinct shortage of mobilised bureaucratic shufflers in Wellington however looks to be the only
indication of any visible beneficiary group going forward winning out of the exercise :)

A bit like the too much water on a Minister's brain exercise which is trying to be pulled off :)

21-05-2022, 07:40 PM
And notice how quiet Robertson and Ardern were about housing in the budget?

That’s because they have added 1,050 more staff (double) in Housing NZ/KO since they took office in 2017. So over $100m at least in staffing costs for what?

Usual answer to any issue by Ardern & Labour - first pay tens of millions of dollars to consultants, then throw more money & staff at the problem - TO MAKE THE PROBLEM WORSE!

Meanwhile, law abiding citizens continue to be terrorised and threatened by criminals and gangs - so what have the staff been doing since they certainly have not delivered on Kiwibuild?

Spend recklessly and tax NZers for their wasteful & prolific spending - Robertson & Ardern.

Based upon the track record of Ardern over the last 4.5 years, this year's budget is going to make everything worse but she has a few thousand PR staff to spin the message that things are great. Like Kiwibuild and Mental Health.

21-05-2022, 07:48 PM
This is the extra 1050 KO staff in action - doing stuff all.


A state house tenant has been awarded $5000 after having to live next to a neighbour from hell who had rowdy parties, was abusive and urinated on the fence.

The Auckland tenant took Kāinga Ora to the Tenancy Tribunal after lodging more than 130 complaints against the neighbour in three years.

21-05-2022, 10:56 PM
And notice how quiet Robertson and Ardern were about housing in the budget?

That’s because they have added 1,050 more staff (double) in Housing NZ/KO since they took office in 2017. So over $100m at least in staffing costs for what?

Consultants are off the books and not counted as public servants (but are more expensive).

Ie that was how National ran a shadow bureaucracy while claming to trim numbers.

22-05-2022, 10:07 AM
This is the extra 1050 KO staff in action - doing stuff all.


A state house tenant has been awarded $5000 after having to live next to a neighbour from hell who had rowdy parties, was abusive and urinated on the fence.

The Auckland tenant took Kāinga Ora to the Tenancy Tribunal after lodging more than 130 complaints against the neighbour in three years.

A government which worsened the housing rental problem into a full blown disaster by pushing punitive measures on the majority of landlords for the misdeeds of a few.

And what has Ardern been doing with KO after adding on 1,050 staff at Housing NZ?

Stuff all, basically as we all now know.


The worse landlord - if it was a private landlord - Kainga Ora. But because it is a government entity, it gets exemptions and excuses.

The hypocrisy & incompetence of Ardern - disgraceful & repugnant.

23-05-2022, 07:31 PM
The Aussies have elected their M J Savage lookalike as PM.

Will the Kiwis elect their Muldoon lookalike as PM next year?

23-05-2022, 08:42 PM
Who else saw Tuk Morgan interviewed on one of the weekends current affairs programs?

When asked for his views on co governance, he said NZ is in for a "major shakeup."

Who is ready to have their cage rattled?"

23-05-2022, 10:58 PM
The Aussies have elected their M J Savage lookalike as PM.

Will the Kiwis elect their Muldoon lookalike as PM next year?

Miss Goody Two Shoes had better be fast otherwise she could get dustered out
before even looking across the ditch for a pow wow with Comrades over yonder,
if they even want to know :)

Mr Biden seems too busy to want even notice an attempted impromptu :)

He must want to preserve his good taste ;)

Is there some spare space for some excess luggage on a freight plane doing an airdrop
over Ukraine for NZ's No 1 sightseer ? ;)

24-05-2022, 11:34 AM
Who else saw Tuk Morgan interviewed on one of the weekends current affairs programs?

When asked for his views on co governance, he said NZ is in for a "major shakeup."

Who is ready to have their cage rattled?"

Tuku ‘Underpants’ Morgan?

Guess all NZers should get ready to show their ‘hands’?

24-05-2022, 09:57 PM
The hypocrisy & incompetence of Ardern - disgraceful & repugnant.Harvard doesn’t agree with you.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand will be the principal speaker at Harvard’s 371st Commencement on May 26, the University announced Monday.

“Prime Minister Ardern is one of the most respected leaders on the world stage and we are delighted she will join us in May to celebrate the Class of 2022,” said Harvard President Larry Bacow. “From climate change and gender equality to COVID-19, she has modeled compassionate leadership that has brought together empathy and science-based solutions to address the most challenging issues of our time. I very much look forward to her address.”
Ardern has won international admiration for her decisive management of the pandemic.

24-05-2022, 10:57 PM
Harvard doesn’t agree with you.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand will be the principal speaker at Harvard’s 371st Commencement on May 26, the University announced Monday.

“Prime Minister Ardern is one of the most respected leaders on the world stage and we are delighted she will join us in May to celebrate the Class of 2022,” said Harvard President Larry Bacow. “From climate change and gender equality to COVID-19, she has modeled compassionate leadership that has brought together empathy and science-based solutions to address the most challenging issues of our time. I very much look forward to her address.”
Ardern has won international admiration for her decisive management of the pandemic.

Yes, wonder if they would have invited her if they knew exactly what sort of leader she has now been uncovered to be - a pathological spin & no delivery artist.

Wonder what they would make of her 'aspirational' leadership in :

1. Promising to solve NZ's housing crisis but turning it into a disaster.

2. Promising 100,000 new houses but delivering less than 3,000 after 4.5 years in power.

3. Promising to eradicate child poverty but she has had to resort to her usual 'reset' to claim any progress!

4. Promising the most transparent & accountable government but being the exact opposite.

5. Using spin to deflect from a pathetic vaccine rollout strategy.

There's more but the above should be mentioned to the Harvard bright eyed and bushy tailed students about to be spun by NZ's spin artist of the century.

Let's hope some of them bother to do a bit of research and ask a few questions of NZ's most transparent spin artist.



Yes, BTW they invited and wrote very highly of Benazir Bhutto & Mark Zukerberg as well.

25-05-2022, 08:21 AM
And Ardern's government says there's NO gang problem in NZ :


Auckland shootings: Police called to seven suburbs around the city overnight

" ...............if gang violence had increased or decreased under her watch, to which she replied: "I reject the premise of that question."


But Poto & Ardern were shot down by their own MP Helen White:


25-05-2022, 02:02 PM
An excellent topic for Ardern to tell the commencement class at Harvard is ‘unintended & unexpected consequences’ - despite the tens of millions of dollars spent on consultants by Ardern when implementing policies.

Rents hitting yet another record level - due to Ardern’s targeting of landlords as enemies of the public.

Absolutely not surprising at all to anyone with common sense but this incompetent government attributes the rental rises as an unexpected & unintended consequence!

How so? Ardern might like to enlighten the commencement students with her considered social philosophy of the world.

25-05-2022, 02:56 PM
Rents hitting yet another record level - due to Ardern’s targeting of landlords as enemies of the public.

Yes and in this strange world govt spending impacts on inflation.

Despite food and petrol driving it. Those nurses and teachers must be eating a lot more recently :confused:

Logen Ninefingers
25-05-2022, 04:09 PM
Inflation has been caused by central banks + COVID. But the central banks have made the inevitable fall-out much worse because they slashed interest rates and printed money since the GFC to deliberately inflate asset prices in order to induce a ‘wealth effect’. The fireman was the arsonist. Now the angry plebs who went ‘all-in’ on property are looking around for someone to blame as disaster looms, and they are far too ignorant to know the first thing about what central banks did and why it was so reckless. Most will blame ‘the gummint’; they will never learn anything unfortunately.

25-05-2022, 10:15 PM
Inflation has been caused by central banks + COVID. But the central banks have made the inevitable fall-out much worse because they slashed interest rates and printed money since the GFC to deliberately inflate asset prices in order to induce a ‘wealth effect’. The fireman was the arsonist. Now the angry plebs who went ‘all-in’ on property are looking around for someone to blame as disaster looms, and they are far too ignorant to know the first thing about what central banks did and why it was so reckless. Most will blame ‘the gummint’; they will never learn anything unfortunately.Money printing is a phase in the rise and fall of empires according to Ray Dalio, and immediately precedes the far more troubling phase of “revolutions and wars.”

Phases of a life cycle of an empire
In brief, after the creation of a new set of rules establishes the new world order, there is typically a peaceful and prosperous period. As people get used to this they increasingly bet on the prosperity continuing, and they increasingly borrow money to do that, which eventually leads to a bubble. As the prosperity increases the wealth gap grows. Eventually the debt bubble bursts, which leads to the printing of money and credit and increased internal conflict, which leads to some sort of wealth redistribution revolution that can be peaceful or violent.

26-05-2022, 08:54 AM
Looking forward to NZ’s spin artist of all time deliver her speech to the commencement class of Harvard.

Going to be the best laughs NZers are going to get for 2022 while the BS hypocrite waxes lyrical about




delivering on promises


unifying a country.

And yes, about kindness and how it’s a wonderful thing to embrace criminals & gangs.

And how she learnt economics and about businesses while working in a fish & chips shop.

Let’s not forget about the politics of unexpected & unintended consequences!

Bring on tomorrow!

26-05-2022, 08:58 AM
Stephen colbert is coming back to NZ.


Though some will probably blame her overseas travel for causing increased education fees.

26-05-2022, 09:42 AM
Adding onto inflation as a key election issue in 2023 : the rise & rise of mortgage rates.

Day of reckoning for Ardern & Labour's fairy godfather, Robertson, in 2023 when $160 billion of fixed rate mortgages roll over.

Every 1% increase will suck $1.6 billion from already hard pressed homeowners, especially first home buyers.

And it looks like 2.5% is thew likely scenario so it's going to be $4.0 billion sucked out of mortgage homeowners' pockets - ouch!

Wonder how they will feel about being kind to the spin artist Ardern then?

Think they will be grateful to her for the housing crisis?


Logen Ninefingers
26-05-2022, 11:13 AM
‘The gummint’ will get the blame for mortgage holders pain. NZers won’t blame themselves for the own outrageous borrowing binge to spurge on overpriced property. Wasn’t that long ago property was all anyone could talk about, and they all had glazed over eyes and enormous grins. Total mania. Now many of them will be feeling pretty sick and sorry.

26-05-2022, 12:06 PM
Billions going to Aussie banks.. sad stuff.

At least they provide kiwisaver and investment fund services to partly offset it.

26-05-2022, 02:59 PM
Billions going to Aussie banks.. sad stuff.

At least they provide kiwisaver and investment fund services to partly offset it.

The Bulls Eye for target practice on this economic idiocy resides in another Wellington Office
not Aussie - as most will already be aware :)

26-05-2022, 07:35 PM
What a sight Little Girl Lost was, in amongst the might of the USA, as they consulted her expertise on gun crime.

Next she will be able to contract out Poto to advise international communities on gun buybacks and ram raid reduction.

No sign of the big Mahoot with the face paintings, below decorum, so it was up to down to earth Damien to do some hand shakes, then hover in the background like a spare one at a wedding

26-05-2022, 07:39 PM
Mahuta - as useless a minister as Poto Williams. Incompetent and incapable.

Imagine - she has not spoken once to NZ’s ambassador in Russia since the invasion! Nor has she spoken to NZ’s representatives in
The Solomon Islands.

So what the heck is she doing as Foreign Minister????


This is what happens when ministers are appointed because of their race rather than their ability.

26-05-2022, 07:43 PM
Mahuta - as useless a minister as Poto Williams. Incompetent and incapable.

Imagine - she has not spoken once to NZ’s ambassador in Russia since the invasion! Nor has she spoken to NZ’s representatives in
The Solomon Islands.

So what the heck is she doing as Foreign Minister????


This is what happens when ministers are appointed because of their race rather than their ability.

Meanwhile, her immediate family members are being awarded government contracts.



$90,000 awarded so far but ‘ A spokesperson for the Ministry for the Environment declined to confirm whether any further fees have been paid to consultancies connected with the Ormsbys outside the financial year 2020/21; the department is considering the Herald's questions under the OIA process.

Most transparent & accountable government ever - that’s what Ardern promised so let’s hope someone ask her that question when she speaks tomorrow at Harvard.

26-05-2022, 08:12 PM
Meanwhile, her immediate family members are being awarded government contracts.



$90,000 awarded so far but ‘ A spokesperson for the Ministry for the Environment declined to confirm whether any further fees have been paid to consultancies connected with the Ormsbys outside the financial year 2020/21; the department is considering the Herald's questions under the OIA process.

Most transparent & accountable government ever - that’s what Ardern promised so let’s hope someone ask her that question when she speaks tomorrow at Harvard.

Smells a bit - does it not ? ;)

Probably a fair bit more of this sort of thing lingering in other Portfolios as well
and likely considerably more than $90k pocket money to the extended whanau :)

Was it tendered out for ? If not, why not ? ;)

It is after all Public Money that Govt is throwing around as if there's no tomorrow
then they come back screaming about how they'll extract more :)

26-05-2022, 08:16 PM
Mahuta - as useless a minister as Poto Williams. Incompetent and incapable

Dangerous as well, this is a real worry having her fronting NZ geopolitical relations as the country faces unprecedented emerging tensions, not the least from our 'by far the largest' trading partner. How much more damage will be done with another 15months before Labour are voted out? Very concerning.

26-05-2022, 08:24 PM
Meanwhile, her immediate family members are being awarded government contracts.

And positions of power in local body politics and choice consulting contracts. Dig deeper, and weep. Husband and sister and others related. Not just $90k, that's just a couple of months on contract rates.

26-05-2022, 08:42 PM
And positions of power in local body politics and choice consulting contracts. Dig deeper, and weep. Husband and sister and others related. Not just $90k, that's just a couple of months on contract rates.

Throw in a Maori word as in ropu - Maori expert ropu(advisor) and you can charge whatever you like.

Ardern is clearly throwing taxpayers' hard earned monies at anything her Maori cabal wants - as long as they deliver the spin artist socialist votes.

26-05-2022, 08:45 PM
Throw in a Maori word as in ropu - Maori expert ropu(advisor) and you can charge whatever you like.

Ardern is clearly throwing taxpayers' hard earned monies at anything her Maori cabal wants - as long as they deliver the spin artist socialist votes.


26-05-2022, 08:50 PM
Dangerous as well, this is a real worry having her fronting NZ geopolitical relations as the country faces unprecedented emerging tensions, not the least from our 'by far the largest' trading partner. How much more damage will be done with another 15months before Labour are voted out? Very concerning. Yes frightening isn't it, but fear not the perfect storm is coming for Ardern and her Govt next year when all those mortgages rolling off fixed get refixed at double or more the interest rates, couple that with unbearable living costs and a hamstrung economy and the punters will be calling for blood.

26-05-2022, 09:34 PM
Yes frightening isn't it, but fear not the perfect storm is coming for Ardern and her Govt next year when all those mortgages rolling off fixed get refixed at double or more the interest rates, couple that with unbearable living costs and a hamstrung economy and the punters will be calling for blood.

That may well be the case, it seems inevitable that horrible economic and social outcomes will now happen, with good people getting crushed through no fault of their own. But do we have the luxury of avoiding 15 months of more damage to the economy and geopolitical relations? I think not.

We're looking at economic and geopolitical hell happening right now (the speed at which this is unfolding is both unsettling and unprecedented), it is staring us in the face right now and we have the most incompetent and facile government ever in the history of NZ just making it worse.

I'm not sure how a vote of no confidence in the government can come about, but it seems it must before we are all drawn into an economic and geopolitic maelstrom that will wreck everyone and take decades to recover from, if ever.

26-05-2022, 09:35 PM
Yes frightening isn't it, but fear not the perfect storm is coming for Ardern and her Govt next year when all those mortgages rolling off fixed get refixed at double or more the interest rates, couple that with unbearable living costs and a hamstrung economy and the punters will be calling for blood.

In another life many years ago I learnt to fly. One thing I have never forgotten is a flying term I have applied to many aspects of my life since. That term is "fly the aeroplane" What it means is obvious, what ever situation you face, irrespective of whatever else is going on around you, a primary function is to FTA. ie; maintain airspeed, etc,etc. Basic necessities of survival. I have never seen an a aeroplane so out of control as this government.

26-05-2022, 10:08 PM
In another life many years ago I learnt to fly. One thing I have never forgotten is a flying term I have applied to many aspects of my life since. That term is "fly the aeroplane" What it means is obvious, what ever situation you face, irrespective of whatever else is going on around you, a primary function is to FTA. ie; maintain airspeed, etc,etc. Basic necessities of survival. I have never seen an a aeroplane so out of control as this government.

It is because this government are ignorant, unskilled and experienced in any of the the matters of real life, business or economy, let alone global politics. We unfortunately are not flying the plane, a majority of our people have voted these ignoramus incompetents as pilots of our future, and that's turning out to be a really bad choice, ... like a really really bad choice.

It's looking like we're seriously ****ed, across any measure you choose except woke stuff which has very little to do with survival and prosperity in the local and global economy. Good people are being wrecked, seriously screwed up and it's only just started. When a government ****s over its middle income constituency, whoa betide them, their reign is over.

Sadly that'll take 15 months of more pain and damage before they get the boot. It's going to get much worse before it gets better, much much worse. That's really upsetting, we were on a decent pathway before these muppets got hold of the tiller, now we're going backwards at a great rate knots.

Meanwhile our largest trading partner by far is challenging our global alliances, right in our sandpit. Well let's see how that plays out, but don't look to this government for any solutions, they'll just dig the hole deeper that we'll all lie in eventually, if we aren't already. The RBNZ just killed every new entrant to the property market, and all the developers, almost like a f'you to the government.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

26-05-2022, 10:37 PM
Yes frightening isn't it, but fear not the perfect storm is coming for Ardern and her Govt next year when all those mortgages rolling off fixed get refixed at double or more the interest rates, couple that with unbearable living costs and a hamstrung economy and the punters will be calling for blood.

I just signed on for another 1yr fixed term loan and from JULY21 to present so 10 months rates have doubled for the term with Westpac and the manager I deal with stated they will only go higher if I waited till end of JUL ..

27-05-2022, 05:34 AM
That may well be the case, it seems inevitable that horrible economic and social outcomes will now happen, with good people getting crushed through no fault of their own. But do we have the luxury of avoiding 15 months of more damage to the economy and geopolitical relations? I think not.

It will be much harder to find a job under national with their open border migration and austerity policies.

More unemployed will make the crime problem worse (though hopefully jacinda gets onto Albo about the deportee issues).

27-05-2022, 07:40 AM
And meanwhile, give the squeezed middle class less than $1 a day to 'take the edge off Ardern's prolific spending induced high cost of living crisis' - not even enough to buy a loaf of bread!

In other words, Robertson told them to go suck on a kumara (grown & planted by the Maori cabal).

Bankrupt of ideas BUT not of throwing money down the dunny - that's Ardern & Robertson.

Labour does seem to be squeezing middle and poorer NZ while engaging in pork barrel politics in attempt to mitigate the effects. It is not the first time, look at what Douglas did.

Ardern's Labour shirked from major tax reform, and then the Govt and RBNZ added more fuel to the housing fire by loosening up LTV requirements while interest rates fell, which resulted in inflating the bubble further. All while botching up social housing provision.

A previous Labour govt undertook reform which ended up shifting the tax burden from the wealthier to the poorer. Why doesn't the current govt undertake reform to shift it back a bit? Otherwise it may be that the last young keen worker will need to turn off the switch before they head overseas?


Kushlan Sugathapala: Why does NZ collect so much tax from the poor?

27-05-2022, 08:04 AM

Kushlan Sugathapala: Why does NZ collect so much tax from the poor?

It's simple though.

Apparently some of those paid squillions in NZ are too simple to figure out how an exemption might work.

Bill Smith
27-05-2022, 11:17 AM
It's simple though.

Apparently some of those paid squillions in NZ are too simple to figure out how an exemption might work.

Good to see you are seeing through this government, although simple is far far to soft a term to describe ardern, Robertson, Mahuta, Coster and Orr et al..

One is either a believer or a thinker. CCP Panda, I thought you were a believer, but perhaps you are starting to think.

27-05-2022, 11:59 AM
Kushlan Sugathapala: Why does NZ collect so much tax from the poor?

What is missing from the conversation is the student loan repayment.

So you could end up paying world leading rent in one of luxon's 7 properties on a subpar income but the other 50% to the government.

27-05-2022, 01:47 PM
Meanwhile, her immediate family members are being awarded government contracts.



$90,000 awarded so far but ‘ A spokesperson for the Ministry for the Environment declined to confirm whether any further fees have been paid to consultancies connected with the Ormsbys outside the financial year 2020/21; the department is considering the Herald's questions under the OIA process.

Most transparent & accountable government ever - that’s what Ardern promised so let’s hope someone ask her that question when she speaks tomorrow at Harvard.

You might have added this quote from the article
"Buckle said that ministers had "no involvement in the selection process, nature and scope of the rōpū contracts. It's important to note Hon Nanaia Mahuta had no involvement in the waste work programme. The personal relationships between the Ormsby family members and Minister Mahuta were disclosed from the beginning."

Buckle also said the Ministry "took the necessary measures to manage conflict-of-interest risk. The Ministry made sure contract rates were set within a standard market range.""

27-05-2022, 04:27 PM
You might have added this quote from the article
"Buckle said that ministers had "no involvement in the selection process, nature and scope of the rōpū contracts. It's important to note Hon Nanaia Mahuta had no involvement in the waste work programme. The personal relationships between the Ormsby family members and Minister Mahuta were disclosed from the beginning."

Buckle also said the Ministry "took the necessary measures to manage conflict-of-interest risk. The Ministry made sure contract rates were set within a standard market range.""

Only tip of the iceberg with Mahuta & conflict of interest :


More revelations in the weeks ahead.

She is being ‘positioned’ for the ‘Pansy Wong’ treatment.

27-05-2022, 04:29 PM

Jacinda Ardern uses Harvard speech to lash 'keyboard warriors', attack disinformation

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has received an honorary degree from Harvard University and used her commencement speech to take aim at unhygienic "keyboard warriors", disinformation and the role played by the big tech companies, while painting New Zealand as a progressive but imperfect nation.

So says the Master of Spin & Disinformation

Anyone with half a brain will already know & see how most of the current Govt's pet projects
are at best stumbling along (many sliding backwards), No blindfold or BS detector needed ;)

Who knows the Keyboard Warriors probably produce more in 5 minutes with their eyes
closed than Ardern & her incompetent bunch of nincompoops have managed in 2+ terms ;)

Is there a space in some back UN Office for a paper filer ?

The best qualified candidate is already in the US .. Close and lock the door once once she's inside ;)

2 & 1/2 mil & growing testimonials on suitability can easily be mustered if needed :)

27-05-2022, 04:45 PM
Nobody has seen any inflation around anywhere lately have they ? :)

The Media must be completely asleep when they diligently report this:


91 petrol price hits new high in NZ, and Gaspy eyes one millionth member

Petrol prices have risen another 10% in the past month, with Auckland setting another national record of $3.19 for a litre of 91 octane.

The national average price of 91 was $2.94 a litre on Tuesday, up nearly 28 cents in 28 days, according to Gaspy data.

In Auckland there was a 50c difference between the cheapest at $2.69 and the most expensive, at $3.19.

“The last record was $3.15, so we’ve gone up another 4c in maybe a week,” said Gaspy co-founder Larry Green. “It dips, or it holds, but it never goes down, it’s like a relentless march.”

Wait for the real screaming to start when the duty & fuel tax reductions get whipped back on ;)

27-05-2022, 05:15 PM
$350 cost of living ‘bonus’ already wiped out by the 0.50% increase in OCR with at least another 1.5% to 2.0% to come.


And the $350 has not even been paid yet.

Ardern & Robertson created the cost of living crisis - now they can suck on it.

27-05-2022, 05:47 PM

Jacinda Ardern uses Harvard speech to lash 'keyboard warriors', attack disinformation

So says the Master of Spin & Disinformation

Anyone with half a brain will already know & see how most of the current Govt's pet projects
are at best stumbling along (many sliding backwards), No blindfold or BS detector needed ;)

Who knows the Keyboard Warriors probably produce more in 5 minutes with their eyes
closed than Ardern & her incompetent bunch of nincompoops have managed in 2+ terms ;)

Is there a space in some back UN Office for a paper filer ?

The best qualified candidate is already in the US .. Close and lock the door once once she's inside ;)

2 & 1/2 mil & growing testimonials on suitability can easily be mustered if needed :)

Ardern’s ‘Be Kind’ message - hypocritical, out of time and out of total disregard for the returnees, especially pregnant ladies and those seeking medical treatment, locked out of NZ in favour of DJs, entertainers and sportspeople.


27-05-2022, 07:58 PM

Interesting website. No information available as to who his responsible for its content or what its purpose is .


27-05-2022, 08:31 PM
Interesting website. No information available as to who his responsible for its content or what its purpose is .


Easy enough westerly to google Victoria O'Brien, the author of the article, albeit not sure whether she is the source of the research which is claimed to be all in the public domain. It seems legit.

Sometimes though it is not about the content per se, despite how apparently awful it is, it's about the optics, how it looks, and this looks really bad.

A powerful minister whose husband, his children and her sister put into positions of power, influence and money, while she is a minister is just plain bad looks. No question about that.

Mahuta and Labour have a problem justifying this and if all they can come up with is a brief process of transfer of power while the appointment process occurred, which reverted back to Mahuta equally as quickly, that will only make the optics worse.

No mug would accept this wasn't contrived long before the transfer of power and appointments of siblings and family. Incredible that it was acceptable to the Labour government even, perhaps that speaks to other issues around influence internally.

There's a 'please explain' coming. Sad that this is the minister of foreign affairs, one of the highest ranked ministers in government, looking like feathering her own nest.

Anyone who thinks this is acceptable, or an isolated case, or that it is not more deeply rooted in corruption at a government level, really needs to reflect on their own gullibility.

28-05-2022, 12:20 AM

NZ entering Ukraine conflict 'at whim of govt' - former Labour politician, secretary

A former senior Labour Party member says New Zealand has effectively gone to war without consulting the public by joining Nato's efforts to defeat Russia's military objectives in Ukraine.

Mike Smith, who served as general-secretary of the party from 2001-2009, told RNZ the government was helping to put back a negotiated peace settlement indefinitely by sending Defence Force personnel and resources to Europe as confrontation between Russia and the Western military alliance continues to escalate.

Let the games begin and let's see how the current lot fare under fire from the earlier in their own camp :)

28-05-2022, 12:41 AM

Transport Minister Wood rebukes NZTA over $5k cost of Road to Zero signs

Transport Minister Michael Wood has had to contact the national transport agency a second time over costly road safety props, after a further three were found to have been on back order.

Waka Kotahi produced two large illuminated red ""zero" symbols this year at a cost of nearly $5000 each, to promote its "Road to Zero" campaign.

Why haven't ZERO Signs been nailed on the door to Wood's Beehive Cave or Treehouse ? :)

The traffic need to be warned of the lurking hazard ahead of some could be correct in thinking -
'Lost delusional directionless Sheep ahead, likely to scatter in front of the Headlights' ;)

After all Safety is Safety is Safety ... even in the case of Zero Ministers :)

Who knows .. perhaps further large signage is needed to protect Them from Themselves ?

Worksafe with their vast experience in investigating alleged Zero cases might be
quite happy to help Zero Minister comply with the matters requiring addressing too,
including suitable versed Work Uniform & PPE with large Zero's boldly showing on it to
warn any approaching incoming traffic of the hazard ahead..

Few would likely object if Signage cost Ten times more and was Ten times larger for the purpose ;)

Logen Ninefingers
28-05-2022, 11:08 AM
The problem this government has got is that the ignorant populace now firmly believes that ‘excessive government spending has caused this inflation’. Therefore the confused and bewildered ignorant populace - whose overriding preoccupations have been banal trivialities & talking gleefully about property - now hold this government directly responsible for the existential horror of CPI inflation and rising mortgage rates.

Usually the ignorance of the populace plays right into Labours hands: see ‘9 years of neglect’, ‘we blew all our money on a flag referendum’, ‘Jacinda saved us from COVID’ for the proof.

Now the ignorance of the populace is a huge headache, because all Robbo knows how to do is spend like a drunken sailor. It has been his answer for every problem. Now when Robbo continues with his habitual spending like a drunken sailor he will cop the anger and dismay of the ignorant populace who are seeing their previous comfortable life of low CPI inflation & property riches delusions disappear before their eyes like a mirage.

28-05-2022, 12:37 PM
The problem this government has got is that the ignorant populace now firmly believes that ‘excessive government spending has caused this inflation’. Therefore the confused and bewildered ignorant populace - whose overriding preoccupations have been banal trivialities & talking gleefully about property - now hold this government directly responsible for the existential horror of CPI inflation and rising mortgage rates.

Usually the ignorance of the populace plays right into Labours hands: see ‘9 years of neglect’, ‘we blew all our money on a flag referendum’, ‘Jacinda saved us from COVID’ for the proof.

Now the ignorance of the populace is a huge headache, because all Robbo knows how to do is spend like a drunken sailor. It has been his answer for every problem. Now when Robbo continues with his habitual spending like a drunken sailor he will cop the anger and dismay of the ignorant populace who are seeing their previous comfortable life of low CPI inflation & property riches delusions disappear before their eyes like a mirage.

Its clearly the obese civil servants and teachers driving SUV's to work causing petrol and food price rises who need to be reigned in. ;)

I agree the public can be slightly fickle but still nowhere close to Australia or the gold standard America, yet.

28-05-2022, 12:50 PM
Aussies for instance reckon the Liberal party are best on national security and the economy.

Despite losing vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, the solomans, various pacific island interventions with 13 terrorist incidents within Aust since 2013.

Absolutely nothing can change these beliefs so they're on the road to america in that regard.

28-05-2022, 01:33 PM
Though come to think of it it's the same with National the economy.

"Get back on track" and similar mindless drivel.

Blue Skies
28-05-2022, 02:54 PM
This hyperbole phrase first coined by National's Paul Goldsmith (remember the finance spokesperson who got all his basic figures wrong) which is carelessly being thrown about by a few people, accusing Robertson of 'spending like a drunken sailor' & the cause of this inflation, doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

If anyone is interested in facts rather than emotion, in 2016 when last National govt was in power, govt spending as a % of GDP was 36.46%.

Now if Robertson was spending like a drunken sailor, you'd expect that ratio to be around 60% maybe 65%.
But in fact despite the once in a lifetime world wide disruption the Covid pandemic has caused & the $20 billion Covid wage subsidy (which National said at the time should have been more), govt spending as a % of GDP was 43.6% in 2021 & forecast to drop to 38.82% next year & 36.2% in 2025 just 3 years from now.

In the context of the massive disruption the pandemic is causing, that doesn't seem like 'spending like a drunken sailer' to me, it seems more like a reasonable response to soften the impacts of the pandemic. Others may see it differently but then you would have to put National in the same basket.
And Neither Luxon or Willis have refused to say they would cut anything from current govt spending.

In terms of being the major cause of this spike in inflation, that as we all know is ridiculous.
Again Luxon & Willis basically acknowledge that unless huge cuts were made in the 3 big spending areas of Health, Education & Social Welfare, any minor tinkering with a few cost cuts here & there, is not going to make the slightest difference to inflation. ( thats also supported by the Reserve Bank Gov & the banks like ASB). And of course they are not going to make big cuts in those 3 areas.

Others may see it differently, but lets see some facts to back up those opinions rather than emotional hyperbole.

28-05-2022, 03:32 PM
Somehow they have to make the numbers add up on:

Tax cuts.
Return to surplus sooner.
Match the health spending increases.

So let's wait for the details the team come up with. :)

28-05-2022, 04:09 PM
Others may see it differently, but lets see some facts to back up those opinions rather than emotional hyperbole.

Unfortunately in this day and age that doesn't have to happen.
As Trump-inspired - if you repeat an untruth often enough it becomes the truth.

28-05-2022, 05:36 PM
Let's see how many remain standing upright on the deck after the approaching perfect storm
has blasted through ;)

28-05-2022, 05:44 PM

Seven people have been arrested following the recent gang-related shooting spree across Auckland.

Our learned mate Kelvin Davis will want to have them all out on bus ticket warnings (in lieu of correcting anything) in a few months time ready to resume combat from where they left off ;)

probably all good model citizens who only occasionally delved into a bit of weed nothing more
serious & have vowed to a select few to never even look at anything more sinister than a pea
shooter going forward .. :)

28-05-2022, 09:30 PM

Steven Joyce: The problems keep piling up, but the band plays on

Our recession clock is steadily moving closer to midnight. Yet the government band plays merrily on.

28-05-2022, 09:34 PM
Yet Another King sized Bulls Up on the way:


Inheritance & Divorce Law Changes

One comment is on to it:

The more the state meddles with trusts, the greater the chance they will transmogrify into something else. Ask Henry VIII.

And another on likely outcome:

A bonanza for lawyers.

29-05-2022, 10:29 AM
Wasteful and unmonitored government spending, of which this Ardern government is all about, is why inflation in NZ is raging out of control.

Economics 101 - investment spending boosts productivity and boost supply of goods & services, lowering prices & reducing inflation.

Ardern is all about spending, no accountability and no transparency - all transfer payments which boost demand with no boost in productivity.

Blue Skies
29-05-2022, 10:58 AM
Wasteful and unmonitored government spending, of which this Ardern government is all about, is why inflation in NZ is raging out of control.

Economics 101 - investment spending boosts productivity and boost supply of goods & services, lowering prices & reducing inflation.

Ardern is all about spending, no accountability and no transparency - all transfer payments which boost demand with no boost in productivity.

Understandable this false narrative is gaining traction, as Liam Dann have said & others back up, Christopher Luxon is doing a good job of creating the false impression govt spending is the main cause of this spike in inflation.

It's ridiculous & anyone with half a brain & who is in touch with global events knows this.

Without any coherent policies or solutions, Luxons relying now on the cost of living crisis sweeping them into power & when pressed on what govt spending he would cut, he ducks & dives.

29-05-2022, 11:35 AM
As China continues expansionism in the South Pacific, and Comrade Cinder meets Joe Biden, will her first announcement upon arriving home, be to re introduce compulsory military training?

Will the at risk youth of south Auckland rally to the defence of their motherlands, or has a lifetime of Chinese takeaways won them over?

Are your grand kids ready?

Awkward questions I know, but who is prepared to do the heavy lifting these days?

Is the continuation of NZ foreign aid payments to these nations just throwing good money after bad?

Will a bidding war emerge between Anzus and China, or is it already present?

Will the big Mahoot board a waka, and paddle into the situation to add some weight?

Will Ron Mark return from Ukraine, to get back into Parliament, and get control of the defence budget?

Will the conflicted comrade Cinders let Aussie nuclear submarines into NZ waters & ports, or will Anzus become ANUS?


29-05-2022, 02:24 PM
Without any coherent policies or solutions, Luxons relying now on the cost of living crisis sweeping them into power & when pressed on what govt spending he would cut, he ducks & dives.

Derss a lot of waste going on but I can't come up with a single example above $100m.

29-05-2022, 04:05 PM

Fuel prices: Cost of importing petrol hits record high

The cost of importing petrol to New Zealand hit a record high last week, according to the latest data collected by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

Petrol importers paid $1.59 per litre for 91, and $1.62 for 95, in the week to May 20.

These prices were 10 cents higher than the prior week (in which the previous record high was recorded), and 90 cents higher than the same week in 2021.

AA motoring affairs principal policy adviser Terry Collins couldn't see prices easing anytime soon.

And what after end of 3 months Fuel Tax cut ? - a further or permanent extension ?

Obviously Fuel Taxes are & have been far too high in the past if there is room for these sort of reductions ;)

Call it Road Users being Ripped Off shall we ?

29-05-2022, 05:10 PM
Obviously Fuel Taxes are & have been far too high in the past if there is room for these sort of reductions ;)

Call it Road Users being Ripped Off shall we ?

Unfortunately wasn't isn't being collected from the road user charges and tax is paid for (compensated by) out of the general taxation.
So not such a rip-off.
The cost of roads hasn't gone away!

It is a pity that it is all the Govts fault that overseas fuel prices have gone up so much - other countries must be really pi$$ed off at NZ for this (sarcasm).

29-05-2022, 05:32 PM
How much Petro processing Margin has now been donated into coffers of Singapore
& elsewhere since the demise of Marsden Point ?

29-05-2022, 07:18 PM
An ode to the Red Empress :


29-05-2022, 08:11 PM
Understandable this false narrative is gaining traction, as Liam Dann have said & others back up, Christopher Luxon is doing a good job of creating the false impression govt spending is the main cause of this spike in inflation.

It's ridiculous & anyone with half a brain & who is in touch with global events knows this.

Without any coherent policies or solutions, Luxons relying now on the cost of living crisis sweeping them into power & when pressed on what govt spending he would cut, he ducks & dives.

A prime driver of inflation is Council rates, paid one way or another by everybody. Also I wonder how many price increases are happening for no other reason than now is a good time ?


29-05-2022, 09:13 PM
A prime driver of inflation is Council rates, paid one way or another by everybody. Also I wonder how many price increases are happening for no other reason than now is a good time ?


Add in also fuel increases going round and round into everything

Revised Minimum wage rates recently with follow on

Supply chain cost increases

Market forces - limited supply & high demand

30-05-2022, 10:30 AM
A prime driver of inflation is Council rates, paid one way or another by everybody. Also I wonder how many price increases are happening for no other reason than now is a good time ?


Have you not noticed that high rate rises have been around for years and years - not just now.
My experience is that the rises have reduced in severity in the last few years.

30-05-2022, 10:38 AM
Have you not noticed that high rate rises have been around for years and years - not just now.
My experience is that the rises have reduced in severity in the last few years.

Not sure where you are based but Wellington has been pretty severe - last year 13.5 % , around 9 % proposed for this year ...
Not good if you are on a pension....

30-05-2022, 04:07 PM

‘ The national target for waiting times is 95 per cent seen within six hours. In recent weeks there have been reports of 30 per cent of people at Waikato DHB waiting longer than six hours and some people substantially longer.’

MOH stopped publishing ED waiting times since June 2021 and has no timeframe for when the stats will be published again.

All to do with the fact that ED waiting times (like police response time) have been heading in the wrong direction - so as usual, Ardern’s response is to become protective of the data!

Transparency & accountability - weren’t NZers promised that Ardern will be the best ever?

30-05-2022, 05:19 PM
As China continues expansionism in the South Pacific, and Comrade Cinder meets Joe Biden, will her first announcement upon arriving home, be to re introduce compulsory military training?

Will the at risk youth of south Auckland rally to the defence of their motherlands, or has a lifetime of Chinese takeaways won them over?

Are your grand kids ready?

Awkward questions I know, but who is prepared to do the heavy lifting these days?

Is the continuation of NZ foreign aid payments to these nations just throwing good money after bad?

Will a bidding war emerge between Anzus and China, or is it already present?

Will the big Mahoot board a waka, and paddle into the situation to add some weight?

Will Ron Mark return from Ukraine, to get back into Parliament, and get control of the defence budget?

Will the conflicted comrade Cinders let Aussie nuclear submarines into NZ waters & ports, or will Anzus become ANUS?


Ok Comrade Cinders, the dominoes are falling.

Samoa has signed a confidential deal with China.

This means you must immediately stop all aid, and all legacy quota immigration.
No bulldust about "loved ones" reuniting etc, and besides Kris Faafoi is too busy to deal with any more immigrants.
Its Chinas problem now.

The big Mahoot is getting more war paint applied, so no public appearances for the mean time.
One must have priorities you realise, even though Ms Wong from Aussie is already on the case.

30-05-2022, 05:55 PM
Ok Comrade Cinders, the dominoes are falling.

Samoa has signed a confidential deal with China.

This means you must immediately stop all aid, and all legacy quota immigration.
No bulldust about "loved ones" reuniting etc, and besides Kris Faafoi is too busy to deal with any more immigrants.
Its Chinas problem now.

The big Mahoot is getting more war paint applied, so no public appearances for the mean time.
One must have priorities you realise, even though Ms Wong from Aussie is already on the case.

It is totally unacceptable & repugnant to call Mahuta a ‘n****r’ and only a racist retard would do something like this.

Excerpt : "Last week, Mahuta was sent a Facebook message which contained a number of slurs. The message read: "F*** off out of Parliament you overpaid useless f***ing n*****"."


Isn't it amazing she has time to respond to a FB post (easily deleted and ignored) but she has declined all interviews (and her two press secretaries are not even responding to calls or emails) for over 2 weeks now over the China move on the South Pacific????

And Ardern says she has total & absolute confidence in Mahuta.

Which is good from a political standpoint for election 2023 - Mahuta along with Poto Williams and Kris Faafoi will remind NZers of what kind of incompetent and irresponsible government Ardern has been running.

30-05-2022, 07:10 PM
The threat to NZ from China's move into the South Pacific is unquestionably the biggest threat to happen to NZ's economic interests since the UK joined the EU imo.

Just think of China's fishing boats by the thousands encrouching on NZ's fishing grounds with China gunboats accompanying them - just to set minds thinking.

But where is Mahuta? WTF has Ardern been doing?


Excerpt : "But even without comparing the current minister to her predecessors, I think on her own Nanaia Mahuta is showing herself to be completely useless.

Can you believe that she has had absolutely nothing to say about China flying around the Pacific these last few days? There have been interview requests - but total silence.

Can you imagine Don McKinnon saying nothing? Can you imagine Gerry Brownlee saying nothing? Can you imagine Winston Peters saying nothing? Of course not.

And what about the Associate Foreign Minister, Aupito William Sio? Well he's not hiding completely, he did put out a media release yesterday. Was it about China in the Pacific?

No, he was making a statement about it being Samoan Language Week this week. To be fair, he is the Minister for Pacific Peoples. But he is also Associate Foreign Affairs Minister and, just like Nanaia Mahuta, he is saying absolutely nothing about what China is up to in the Pacific."

30-05-2022, 07:15 PM
it's because of a Chinese wall...


If we are patient, will we hear a Chinese whisper from those ministers?

30-05-2022, 08:39 PM
Too pre-occupied with trying to implement woke Maorification of NZ than taking care of NZ’s regional interests - Mahuta & Ardern.


30-05-2022, 09:02 PM
Down in the polls again for Labour & Ardern - must be one of the fastest and deepest fall in popularity for a government in such a short time since being elected. What has happened to all the adoring fans of Ardern?


Stripped of the COVID cloak, Ardern and Labour stand naked with their incompetence and dishonesty in full display.

Notice how Ardern steers clear of mentioning how wonderful a job she has done for the team of 5 million with COVID?

30-05-2022, 09:10 PM
Too pre-occupied with trying to implement woke Maorification of NZ than taking care of NZ’s regional interests - Mahuta & Ardern.


Compared with a year ago when Labour was riding the covid wave of public appreciation, despite the heavy lifting falling almost exclusively on Auckland who suffered by far the most, the media have turned on them, exposing the fraud of transparency, obscene largesse targeted to the few and government for all.

Finally the fourth estate are clawing back their independence and telling the true story, that this government is grossly inexperienced in the realities of life for the majority of their taxpayers, asleep at the wheel mired in some insane ideology and taking all of us into a new hell of recession, maybe depression and certainly mortgaging the future of our offspring to a life of debt.

I have no doubt that another 15 months of hypocrisy will be the undoing for this government, sadly though, a lot of damage can be done in that time before they are consigned to history as the worst government of the people that NZ has ever endured.

31-05-2022, 03:17 AM
Auckland has suffered from lack of investment in public services, infrastructure and extreme migration levels.

They probably don't want more of that when the focus returns to actual policies.

31-05-2022, 08:15 AM
And in the news today :

A third member of Ardern’s US contingent tests positive for COVID


her plane broke down in Washington.

Maybe they can keep her in the US for longer? Hasn’t it been great not having her in Aotearoa?

Nothing is going right for the COVID Queen, is it?

How ironical that she who basked in the glory of locking down NZers and keeping pregnant NZers out (in favour of DJs and sports people) find herself hampered by COVID?

Something about being stripped of her COVID cloak.

Relentlessly Positive!

31-05-2022, 09:55 AM
Ardern getting desperate and relentlessly negative now - how about this political advertisement on Labour Party web-site?

Getting panned by the political commentators out there for such a stupid advert - for making it look like a National Party advert and using misinformation (which Ardern railed against at Harvard) to try and spin away Ardern's failures : Relentlessly Positive!

https://scontent.fakl1-4.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/283252474_556699562492744_2805878805001802095_n.jp g?stp=dst-jpg_s1080x2048&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=EmX4Ka1xtTQAX9PevWj&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-4.fna&oh=00_AT9mIh5YYmNXRrVYAkNBL9z8Bjczl2BhbXP30sbcoduR jw&oe=629A2F14

31-05-2022, 10:43 AM
Where is Mahuta?

Relentlessly POSITIVE!



31-05-2022, 02:04 PM
Disappointing to see attack ads, although they don't seem particularly vicious.

Pointing out that Grant Robertson with the help of Adrian Orr have largely created the cost of living crisis(or call it what it is INFLATION) would hardly put Luxon in a bad light. Sadly whether National or Labour you won't see a change in trickle down economics and a reduction in inflation targets. Inflation works well for governments and asset owners (60% of the country at last count) so if you want the problem addressed we will need some other party come forward to address this issue.

national and labour are in a contest to see whose lips are most firmly planted on the boomer arseholes.

31-05-2022, 02:17 PM
Disappointing to see attack ads, although they don't seem particularly vicious.

Pointing out that Grant Robertson with the help of Adrian Orr have largely created the cost of living crisis(or call it what it is INFLATION) would hardly put Luxon in a bad light. Sadly whether National or Labour you won't see a change in trickle down economics and a reduction in inflation targets. Inflation works well for governments and asset owners (60% of the country at last count) so if you want the problem addressed we will need some other party come forward to address this issue.

national and labour are in a contest to see whose lips are most firmly planted on the boomer arseholes.

You need to get over your problem with "boomers".You are just making an idiot of yourself.

31-05-2022, 02:56 PM
Disappointing to see attack ads, although they don't seem particularly vicious.

Pointing out that Grant Robertson with the help of Adrian Orr have largely created the cost of living crisis(or call it what it is INFLATION) would hardly put Luxon in a bad light. Sadly whether National or Labour you won't see a change in trickle down economics and a reduction in inflation targets. Inflation works well for governments and asset owners (60% of the country at last count) so if you want the problem addressed we will need some other party come forward to address this issue.

national and labour are in a contest to see whose lips are most firmly planted on the boomer arseholes.

How did they cause the Global rising fuel prices?
How did they cause the Global supply chain issues?

They spend $1bn on supporting people (the $350 per person and extended transport subsidies) and that's inflationary (according to National) but a $1.8bn tax cut (mainly to the wealthy) isn't? Come on - get real.

31-05-2022, 03:32 PM
How did they cause the Global rising fuel prices?
How did they cause the Global supply chain issues?

Do they support the latest supermarket reforms? Or is it too much for them.

What about adding more labour market regulation to increase wages and conditions.

31-05-2022, 03:40 PM
How did they cause the Global rising fuel prices?
How did they cause the Global supply chain issues?

They spend $1bn on supporting people (the $350 per person and extended transport subsidies) and that's inflationary (according to National) but a $1.8bn tax cut (mainly to the wealthy) isn't? Come on - get real.

I thought we had sorted this out on another thread Dobby.

As far as govt largesse goes over the pandemic NZ and the USA were stand outs. As noted on another thread the RBNZ doubled the size of its balance sheet in over one year. All the people sitting at home went online to spend their free money and voila a supply chain issue.
Grant & Adrian may not be personally responsible for the rise in fuel costs and that will play some part but are the biggest increases in tradable or non-tradable inflation? I don't know to be honest but the actions of the govt are not making the inflation problem go away anytime soon.

31-05-2022, 03:41 PM
You need to get over your problem with "boomers".You are just making an idiot of yourself.

Nothing new then.

31-05-2022, 03:41 PM
Australia had a wage subsidy for over 52 weeks.

NZ did the subsidy for 12 weeks only.

31-05-2022, 04:01 PM
I don't know to be honest but the actions of the govt are not making the inflation problem go away anytime soon.

Though you keep going on as if you do?

More money for health - increase inflation?
Replace payments by the employer with payments by the Govt (the subsidies over lockdowns) - increase inflation?
This is where the dishonesty of Nationals rhetoric comes in - they spout pithy one-liners but can't actually explain how it happens.
This is politics for you!

31-05-2022, 04:05 PM
Tax and spend = neutral on inflation.

Tax cut and still keep spending = more inflation.

31-05-2022, 05:05 PM
Though you keep going on as if you do?

More money for health - increase inflation?
Replace payments by the employer with payments by the Govt (the subsidies over lockdowns) - increase inflation?
This is where the dishonesty of Nationals rhetoric comes in - they spout pithy one-liners but can't actually explain how it happens.
This is politics for you!

Politics is Ardern promising transparency and accountability but doing the exact reverse.

Politics is Ardern promising to solve the housing crisis and turning it into an unmitigated disaster.

Politics is Ardern preaching ‘kindness’ but shutting out pregnant NZ women while allowing in DJs into NZ.

You want more examples?

31-05-2022, 07:01 PM
Very clear now that Ardern had zero clue of preparing NZ for the post COVID world. Hospitals have been left with inadequate staff because of the total lockdown of NZ to offshore workers, desperately needed in the healthcare sector.

The health disaster created by Ardern & Little after 4.5 years in power:

Surgeries deferred


Patients sleeping in cars awaiting treatment


04-06-2022, 03:45 PM

Government quietly backtracks on tax changes after outcry

and with this it appears Nosey Parker has been told to shut up and retreat back in to hiding in his crate :)

04-06-2022, 05:28 PM
Ardern talked big on gun control on her US trip but what has been happening in NZ?


One local man told RNZ he heard five gunshots at 5.15am, which he said was "pretty scary".


A person has been critically injured in a shooting on the main street of a south Auckland town, with police investigating whether it is connected to the ongoing gang tensions.


Police said they were told of shots being fired in Manukau, on Albert St, just before 8pm last night.

Just 10 minutes later, officers responded to reports of more gunfire on Boundary Rd in Ōpaheke.


04-06-2022, 06:14 PM
Great speech by Ardern at Harvard but full of BS as expected :


04-06-2022, 06:31 PM
Poor Ole Joe must have decided they didn't want to keep the free gift we sent him (Covid & all)

Perhaps someone slipped a secret note that most in this part of the world were over all the BS
she spins .. little or no perform, showing up unannounced in a flying crate that wouldn't leave
without their further goodwill assistance .. :)

04-06-2022, 07:35 PM
Very clear now that Ardern had zero clue of preparing NZ for the post COVID world. Hospitals have been left with inadequate staff because of the total lockdown of NZ to offshore workers, desperately needed in the healthcare sector.

The health disaster created by Ardern & Little after 4.5 years in power:

Surgeries deferred


Patients sleeping in cars awaiting treatment


On the news tonight staff at Wellington hospital were complaining about the obsolete equipment they were using and that people were dying as a result.
The following post from NZTX has link to an article about Labours reluctance to disclose tax policy.

Lets be clear, if you want good public health facilities and staff taxes must cover the cost.

Act and National only policy it seems is to reduce Govt. costs and reduce taxes. All welcomed by the wealthy. Unfortunately the resulting anti publicity whenever tax increases are mentioned has left Labour appearing to be a third centre right party with their reluctance to even consider tax increases. Capital gains an example.

Labour has lost their way and no longer represent the average wage earner who has little opportunity to reduce their tax payments.
An IRD report states that in 2014 High Wealth Individuals paid $658m in tax. On estimated $58b in wealth.This was paid by 25% of the HWI population. The rest were not signficant tax payers for various reasons.


04-06-2022, 08:41 PM
How many or what % of the population are NET TAX Reciprients now ?

Perhaps the Hefty Levels of Central Government and Local Body Cost & Red Tape
is instead one of the culprits crippling the economy ?

Which Party is well known for putting 10's of Thousands of Bods on Govt Payrolls
to muff their Unemployment figures ? :)

Probably the same lot Nosey Parker hides out with and would be more than happy
trying to strip many further, who have worked hard, saved and accumulated a little extra
so they can hand it out by the bucketful to those who haven't and those Govt
have extended a doormat to :)

It's taken a while, but many are becoming wide awake to how Ardern's Government
is operating, and ultimately just how few will be left unscathed fiscally or otherwise
by this Govt's reckless style of excess spending, inflationary policies and more,
in addition where the price for Ardern's reign will be ultimately worn ..

05-06-2022, 03:03 AM
How many or what % of the population are NET TAX Reciprients now ?

Perhaps the Hefty Levels of Central Government and Local Body Cost & Red Tape
is instead one of the culprits crippling the economy ?

Health and three waters reforms in principle greatly increases govt efficiency, taking away the say from 30 little empires and giving it to one efficient and well resourced central government.

National calls it democracy to oppose them (but wants to stop 16 year olds from voting and extend the term of central govt to 4 years from the current 3).

05-06-2022, 09:09 AM
She was in the job 11 days and Australia's new Foreign Minister Penny Wong had already made three international trips.

Wong has travelled as much in a week and a half as our Foreign Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, has in a year and a half.

Mahuta can't continue to use the pandemic as an excuse for her failure to travel. The world is opening up. Wong is proving that.

Mahuta should be travelling as much as Wong is, and to the same places. China's move into the Pacific is a direct result of the West - including New Zealand - neglecting it.

It's not clear why Mahuta isn't travelling; whether it's health- or workload-related. Either way, this can't continue. Not now that China has raised the level of threat against us.



Here's the real reason why Mahuta has been missing in action in foreign affairs :

Les we forget what Ardern, Mahuta & her Maori Cabal are up to :



05-06-2022, 09:48 AM
Ardern's government of nincompoops - and increasingly evident for all to see, lazy & useless.

"The higher up the pole you are, the more you can do, and that's a privilege. What a thrill to be able to make a difference, to change a course, to be hungry, to grasp the detail, to immerse yourself into something you can affect and improve.

And yet look at them.

Clare Curran, hopeless and gone.

David Clark was sacked for being an idiot.

Kris Faafoi is asleep at the wheel and desperate to get out.

Phil Twyford is an abject failure.

Poto Williams is a disgrace hiding behind a lack of interest and Mahuta-type excuses about operational matters.

Mahuta herself is too lazy and disinterested to even pick up a phone.

For those of us who long for better, this is a shabby and incompetent let down. Being useless is one thing, but being lazy and useless is the ultimate crime."




05-06-2022, 10:23 AM
Ardern's government of nincompoops - and increasingly evident for all to see, lazy & useless.

"The higher up the pole you are, the more you can do, and that's a privilege. What a thrill to be able to make a difference, to change a course, to be hungry, to grasp the detail, to immerse yourself into something you can affect and improve.

And yet look at them.

Clare Curran, hopeless and gone.

David Clark was sacked for being an idiot.

Kris Faafoi is asleep at the wheel and desperate to get out.

Phil Twyford is an abject failure.

Poto Williams is a disgrace hiding behind a lack of interest and Mahuta-type excuses about operational matters.

Mahuta herself is too lazy and disinterested to even pick up a phone.

For those of us who long for better, this is a shabby and incompetent let down. Being useless is one thing, but being lazy and useless is the ultimate crime."



https://www.rnz.co.nz/assets/news_crops/96942/eight_col_RNZD2858.jpg?1582577452 They would certainly be the most incompetent bunch I think we have ever seen in power, nothing to inspire whatsoever.

Bill Smith
05-06-2022, 11:08 AM
Health and three waters reforms in principle greatly increases govt efficiency, taking away the say from 30 little empires and giving it to one efficient and well resourced central government.

National calls it democracy to oppose them (but wants to stop 16 year olds from voting and extend the term of central govt to 4 years from the current 3).

Why stop at 16 year olds. neves handwriting is indicative of someone with a much older physical age so surely she should be able to vote! (Well if you believe the card her mother displayed as all Neves own work.

fungus pudding
05-06-2022, 12:05 PM
They would certainly be the most incompetent bunch I think we have ever seen in power, nothing to inspire whatsoever.

Bill Rowling's mob were as bad. I'd call it a draw.

05-06-2022, 12:46 PM
Joey Biden puts his arm around Cinders, to the concern of some.

The poor bloke had heard an ear bashing from Damien on how tender our lamb was, so he was just verifying the fact.

He was putting on the squeeze, "you want me to sign any trade agreement, and send my boys down to protect the Pacific, without you letting my nukes into Noo Zealands ports?
You get outta here you silly little fishwife!"

At least Cinders knows whether he likes it crumbed or battered now...

05-06-2022, 12:56 PM



Which country are those terrorists from?

05-06-2022, 03:18 PM
Labour has lost their way and no longer represent the average wage earner who has little opportunity to reduce their tax payments.
An IRD report states that in 2014 High Wealth Individuals paid $658m in tax. On estimated $58b in wealth.This was paid by 25% of the HWI population. The rest were not signficant tax payers for various reasons.


Though, there must be some reason the likes of Act and residential landlords are against them.

Which is good enough for me.

05-06-2022, 09:07 PM
While Ardern was overseas spewing out her spin, health system is imploding.

As usual, Ardern has delivered yet another disaster and she has no one to blame after 4.5 years in power and 2 full years of pandemic to plan for post-COVID.

Start with stopping the recruitment of health workers from overseas during the last two years.

But okay for her to allow DJs in (especially when they are friends).

Christchurch GP - Whole Health System is in Crisis.


06-06-2022, 09:54 AM
Typical of Ardern - spinning overseas while things are blowing up in the backyard. Clueless and useless.


"New Zealand was sucker-punched by both developments. There were not the headlines Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was hoping for on her meticulously orchestrated PR mission to re-sell New Zealand to the world.

Just as the Government was hoping for a foreign policy win, it was found desperately wanting in this area."


06-06-2022, 11:28 AM
Jacinda doesn't want to get rid of Labour day though.

Or raise retirement to 67.

06-06-2022, 12:39 PM
Jacinda doesn't want to get rid of Labour day though.

Or raise retirement to 67. No she just adds another Woke holiday at a time when small business has been trashed due to 2 tough yrs adding further pressure at a time they definitely don't need it.

Blue Skies
06-06-2022, 02:19 PM
No she just adds another Woke holiday at a time when small business has been trashed due to 2 tough yrs adding further pressure at a time they definitely don't need it.

Sheesh...you do look at life through dark glasses don't you!

Matariki July 7th is more relevant to many Kiwis than several of our Public Holidays plus it brings number of NZ National Public Holidays up to 11, about the same as Australia 10-13 depending on State, US - 11, Norway - 14, Sweden -15, France -11, Germany up to 13, even South Korea has 14.

Plus, it provides a break during the long winter between June 5th Queens Birthday & Labour Weekend 24 October.

Plus plus, domestic travel & consumer spending increases during Public Holidays helping many small business even part from the obvious sectors like hospitality & retail, others indirectly.

Hope you're at least enjoying Queens Birthday weekend.

06-06-2022, 03:18 PM
Sheesh...you do look at life through dark glasses don't you!

Matariki July 7th is more relevant to many Kiwis than several of our Public Holidays plus it brings number of NZ National Public Holidays up to 11, about the same as Australia 10-13 depending on State, US - 11, Norway - 14, Sweden -15, France -11, Germany up to 13, even South Korea has 14.

Plus, it provides a break during the long winter between June 5th Queens Birthday & Labour Weekend 24 October.

Plus plus, domestic travel & consumer spending increases during Public Holidays helping many small business even part from the obvious sectors like hospitality & retail, others indirectly.

Hope you're at least enjoying Queens Birthday weekend. The local Aniversary days should be done away with to make up for it as they are meaningless. Your comment about a break during a long winter doesn't stack up as there are 20wks between Queens birthday and Labour day so the holiday should be around mid Aug not just 3 wks after as it will currently be, who needs another day off just 3 wks after the last one? There is far more money lost than gained on a public holiday and as someone who has been self employed for the last 31 yrs I have never been paid for these days off so don't need more of them (Although I only work very much part time now I would still rather have the NZX open for another day than another holiday)

06-06-2022, 03:19 PM
There should be one public holiday every week (4 day workweek).

Making a small step in that direction is better than going backwards.

06-06-2022, 05:46 PM
More than 80,000 breast & cervic cancer screening tests overdue.

All thanks to Ardern & her team of nincompoops.

She could have allowed for recruitment & entry of overseas health workers during the pandemic in the last two years but she preferred to allow in DJs and sportspeople instead.


06-06-2022, 11:07 PM
There should be one public holiday every week (4 day workweek).

Making a small step in that direction is better than going backwards.

And one of every 5 of those weeks will be a payday lost in space - should work fine shouldn't it ? :)

07-06-2022, 08:32 AM
Queensland introduced tough laws against gangs and they work.

Will Ardern & Poto Williams introduce similar laws in NZ as National is proposing?

Not if the Maori cabal & Poto ‘Crims are my people’ Williams have their sway.


Bill Smith
07-06-2022, 10:47 AM
I'm shocked. labour ran a corrupt process against Louisa Wall in Manurewa. Who would have thought Robertson, ardern, Szabo and Davis were even remotely capable of corruption?// (Don't mention the vax number scandal).

07-06-2022, 01:09 PM
I'm shocked. labour ran a corrupt process against Louisa Wall in Manurewa. Who would have thought Robertson, ardern, Szabo and Davis were even remotely capable of corruption?// (Don't mention the vax number scandal).


fungus pudding
07-06-2022, 01:25 PM
Paywalled. Thanks for nothing.

07-06-2022, 01:27 PM
More than 80,000 breast & cervic cancer screening tests overdue.

All thanks to Ardern & her team of nincompoops.

She could have allowed for recruitment & entry of overseas health workers during the pandemic in the last two years but she preferred to allow in DJs and sportspeople instead.


And now Ardern acknowledges the ‘global’ shortage of nursing staff etc etc.

A half wit would have allowed recruitment of nurses and healthcare workers from overseas in the last two years when they were readily available and NZ had a competitor edge.

But NOT Ardern - DJs and sportspeople were more important to her to allow in.


And there are posters here who think she is capable of running a government to benefit NZers! She would not know how to run a bath in a hotel room paid by taxpayers.

07-06-2022, 02:05 PM
Paywalled. Thanks for nothing.


The pertinent bits (excerpts) :

"Despite her national profile as a Silver Fern and Black Fern and the sponsor of the same-sex marriage bill, Wall was considered a difficult member of the Labour caucus. She frequently got offside with people and she had a particularly poor relationship with one of the party's most influential members, Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson. Wall has attributed her poor relationship with Robertson and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to her having been a former staunch supporter of David Cunliffe and to disagreements over how she ran the marriage equality bill."

"Louisa Wall did not lose the support of her LEC. She not only had the support of her LEC, she had the endorsement of E Tu union, the support of Te Kaunihera Māori (the Māori council of the party), and Labour's Māori caucus with the exception of deputy leader Kelvin Davis."

"Ardern was keen for Louisa Wall to endorse Arena Williams as the Manurewa candidate although that did not happen. The pair did not acknowledge each other in their respective valedictory or maiden speeches. Ardern asked Williams to move the address-in-reply to the Speech from the Throne after the 2020 election – a big honour for a new MP – and left no doubt who Ardern supported in the bitter deselection. Wall accepted a fixed-term job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as an ambassador to promote gender equality in the Pacific and LGBTIQ issues more widely. Before leaving Parliament she said she would remain a loyal member of the Labour Party."

Some choice comments from readers :

"Guess she was there to represent the people and Labour decided she didn't toe the party line. Louisa was a team player both in Netball and Rugby, she also played the team game, for the team of 5 million, she played the game for all New Zealanders, not just the reds. Shame she has gone she was one of their best MP's."

"Can we now look at the process where Wall gets a made-up job paid for by the taxpayer, so that she would go quietly and continues to get paid from the public purse.
Wether or not the post is warranted is a separate issue, but it didn’t exist until invented for ms Wall."

"Louisa Wall, competent, courageous, thinks for herself. No place for her in Labour then."

07-06-2022, 05:06 PM
Ardern frustrated by criticism of Mahuta.

Last time we read about frustration was when her Little man expressed frustration with the lack of progress with the $1.9 billion mental health program.

Think Ardern is aware of how frustrated NZers are with her inability to deliver on anything except spin?


07-06-2022, 06:18 PM
Ardern frustrated by criticism of Mahuta.

Last time we read about frustration was when her Little man expressed frustration with the lack of progress with the $1.9 billion mental health program.

Think Ardern is aware of how frustrated NZers are with her inability to deliver on anything except spin?


No frustration with Little man not reaching the bottom of Piker's River mine ? ;)

Perhaps the number of incoming flying full buckets blinded their views ? :)

07-06-2022, 07:10 PM
No frustration with Little man not reaching the bottom of Piker's River mine ? ;)

Perhaps the number of incoming flying full buckets blinded their views ? :)

The Little man was in charge of the EPMU (Union) when Pike River blew up in 2010. He was National Secretary for a decade.

Blue Skies
07-06-2022, 08:48 PM
The Little man was in charge of the EPMU (Union) when Pike River blew up in 2010. He was National Secretary for a decade.

Presume thats intended to cast blame on Andrew Little & an odd curating of the facts.

Its well documented the origins of the explosion at Pike River Mine lay firmly at the feet of earlier National Govt's repealing of the Coal Mining Act & other mining regulations.
It's accepted the explosion would never have happened if the Mining Inspector program hadn't been canned by earlier National govt. going against specialist advice.
Cost cutting measures which cost innocent lives.
Following the tragedy, a subsequent Royal Commission highlighted widespread systemic problems in the mining industry for which John Key later apologised to the families for.
Later it was said, it was not right John Key was making decisions about mining safety when he had no experience in that field, or his supporting leaving it to the police who again had no specialist mining experience.

07-06-2022, 09:24 PM
Presume thats intended to cast blame on Andrew Little & an odd curating of the facts.

Its well documented the origins of the explosion at Pike River Mine lay firmly at the feet of earlier National Govt's repealing of the Coal Mining Act & other mining regulations.
It's accepted the explosion would never have happened if the Mining Inspector program hadn't been canned by earlier National govt. going against specialist advice.
Cost cutting measures which cost innocent lives.
Following the tragedy, a subsequent Royal Commission highlighted widespread systemic problems in the mining industry for which John Key later apologised to the families for.
Later it was said, it was not right John Key was making decisions about mining safety when he had no experience in that field, or his supporting leaving it to the police who again had no specialist mining experience.

I suggest you read the RC Report carefully.

The Little one was in charge of the Union. Period.

07-06-2022, 10:08 PM
Presume thats intended to cast blame on Andrew Little & an odd curating of the facts.

Its well documented the origins of the explosion at Pike River Mine lay firmly at the feet of earlier National Govt's repealing of the Coal Mining Act & other mining regulations.
It's accepted the explosion would never have happened if the Mining Inspector program hadn't been canned by earlier National govt. going against specialist advice.
Cost cutting measures which cost innocent lives.
Following the tragedy, a subsequent Royal Commission highlighted widespread systemic problems in the mining industry for which John Key later apologised to the families for.
Later it was said, it was not right John Key was making decisions about mining safety when he had no experience in that field, or his supporting leaving it to the police who again had no specialist mining experience.
”The Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (EPMU), which is now called E tu, was complicit in the Pike River disaster, which killed 11 of its members. Union officials knew about dangerous conditions in the mine, including the lack of a proper emergency exit, but made no public criticism of the company and refused to organise industrial action to shut down production.Following the first explosion, EPMU leader Andrew Little defended Pike River Coal, telling Radio NZ and the Herald that there was “nothing unusual” about the mine and the union had no concerns about the company’s operations.”

Blue Skies
07-06-2022, 11:47 PM
”The Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (EPMU), which is now called E tu, was complicit in the Pike River disaster, which killed 11 of its members. Union officials knew about dangerous conditions in the mine, including the lack of a proper emergency exit, but made no public criticism of the company and refused to organise industrial action to shut down production.Following the first explosion, EPMU leader Andrew Little defended Pike River Coal, telling Radio NZ and the Herald that there was “nothing unusual” about the mine and the union had no concerns about the company’s operations.”

Agreed, they were complicit to some degree but as I understand it, the company did everything it could to shut the union out & discourage workers from speaking out.
Just about everyone was complicit to some degree including Winston Peters who was part of the govt which canned the Mining Inspector Program.
To my mind, that cost saving exercise was the primary catalyst for the whole disaster & the tragedy would never have happened if the Coal Mining Act & other mining regulations hadn't been repealed.

08-06-2022, 09:10 AM
Agreed, they were complicit to some degree but as I understand it, the company did everything it could to shut the union out & discourage workers from speaking out.
Just about everyone was complicit to some degree including Winston Peters who was part of the govt which canned the Mining Inspector Program.
To my mind, that cost saving exercise was the primary catalyst for the whole disaster & the tragedy would never have happened if the Coal Mining Act & other mining regulations hadn't been repealed.

No - you could not have got it more wrong.

The tragedy would have never happened if Pike River was properly developed and managed - which it wasn't. This is well documented by ME & a few others as evidenced on the Pike River thread :https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?4603-PRC-Pike-River-Coal/page495&highlight=pike+river

Sample : "There would be more risks driving a Taxi these days Mouse, than holding Pike shares." posted after posters were warned about how badly PRC was run.

And for our efforts to try and warn all and sundry, we copped abuse and anger as evidenced on the thread until the mine BLEW UP.

No other mines have blown up in NZ in the last 25 years - guess why?

And Andrew Little has been busy spending taxpayers' funds ($65m+ and counting) to try & clear his conscience by misleading the dead miners' families that he would 'BRING THE BOYS HOME'.


"After years of promises and false hope, Pike River Recovery Minister Andrew Little admitted yesterday there is little chance of recovering the 29 men tragically lost ..."

08-06-2022, 09:32 AM
The Little one promised to BRING THE BOYS home.


and then, stabbed them in the back :


Excerpt :

"Almost half of the families of those killed in the Pike River mine disaster are disputing a statement that they have “accepted” a Government decision to wind down re-entry efforts."

“That’s how we’ve always done it. We stood united against John Key’s Government, but now this Government has split the families by appointing the Family Reference Group. Divide and conquer.”

Trust this Little guy to bring better healthcare to NZers?


https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/m/m/b/v/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .228n95.png/1622767309150.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

08-06-2022, 09:49 AM
And this is the answer from Poto Williams to Aucklanders concerned about the drive by shootings :

‘Ring crime stoppers or the police!’

She has not got a clue but she is Ardern's Police Minister - appointed because of her gender & race as she is so obviously incapable of the job?



08-06-2022, 09:46 PM
Wonder what this weeks Friday Fright announcement will be by this Labour Govt.?

Regardless of what it is, I hope this diversity experiment is put to bed once and for all next election, and Competence & Capability become the new guideline.

I dont care if the Ministers and MPs are ALL Maori, Polynesian, or Asian, or Pale & Male, or LGBT, as long as they are C & C.

Thats the type of representation I want.

What about you?

09-06-2022, 02:59 AM
Agreed. You want a team which sticks with one leader preferably, when both in & out of govt.

09-06-2022, 03:03 AM
Old rich is scared inflation will go down next year.


Then national will have nothing to talk about (even if their solutions are inflationary).

09-06-2022, 08:42 AM
Ardern's largess to Maori extending to those close to her & the Maori cabal :

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/second-government-payment-made-to-labour-minister-nanaia-mahutas-husbands-firm/FC5DBQZUZJHPU5DVLM6IHWFT5E/ paywalled

"A consulting firm belonging solely to the husband of Labour Minister Nanaia Mahuta, (William) Gannin Ormsby, was awarded a grant of $28,300 by the Ministry of Māori Development in a period when Mahuta was the department's Associate Minister. The role of Associate Minister has narrowly defined responsibilities. The funds were awarded from a suicide prevention fund administered by the department; decision-making responsibility for investments from the Rangatahi Suicide Prevention Fund rested with Willie Jackson, the Minister of Māori Development, his office said"

She said the grant awarded to Ka Awatea was made "to deliver a series of workshops, wānanga and excursions for 40 rangatahi, based in Waikato, to connect and learn how to care for the environment and their own wellbeing."

The award is separate from, and in addition to, a consulting contract of $25,000 awarded to Ka Awatea Services, by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) in October, 2020, when Mahuta was also that department's Associate Minister.

In addition, MfE awarded a $65,000 contract to a second consultancy, Kawai Catalyst, owned by Tamoko Ormsby and Waimirirangi Ormsby.


Blue Skies
09-06-2022, 09:17 AM
Ardern's largess to Maori extending to those close to her & the Maori cabal :

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/second-government-payment-made-to-labour-minister-nanaia-mahutas-husbands-firm/FC5DBQZUZJHPU5DVLM6IHWFT5E/ paywalled

"A consulting firm belonging solely to the husband of Labour Minister Nanaia Mahuta, (William) Gannin Ormsby, was awarded a grant of $28,300 by the Ministry of Māori Development in a period when Mahuta was the department's Associate Minister. The role of Associate Minister has narrowly defined responsibilities. The funds were awarded from a suicide prevention fund administered by the department; decision-making responsibility for investments from the Rangatahi Suicide Prevention Fund rested with Willie Jackson, the Minister of Māori Development, his office said"

She said the grant awarded to Ka Awatea was made "to deliver a series of workshops, wānanga and excursions for 40 rangatahi, based in Waikato, to connect and learn how to care for the environment and their own wellbeing."

The award is separate from, and in addition to, a consulting contract of $25,000 awarded to Ka Awatea Services, by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) in October, 2020, when Mahuta was also that department's Associate Minister.

In addition, MfE awarded a $65,000 contract to a second consultancy, Kawai Catalyst, owned by Tamoko Ormsby and Waimirirangi Ormsby.


I share your outrage but it's a wee bit hypocritical over such small contracts when zero zilch (nothing but a few eyebrows were raised), was said about a $1 million contract was awarded to an organisation Mary English was part of when Bill English was PM.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

09-06-2022, 09:54 AM
I share your outrage but it's a wee bit hypocritical over such small contracts when zero zilch (nothing but a few eyebrows were raised), was said about a $1 million contract was awarded to an organisation Mary English was part of when Bill English was PM.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Small contracts ? This sort of stuff is never ending with this Government as well as highly paid jobs in newly created positions gor vlise family. Reading the “job description “ I doubt many kiwis even know what they’re being paid for. It is an absolute disgrace

09-06-2022, 09:55 AM
I share your outrage but it's a wee bit hypocritical over such small contracts when zero zilch (nothing but a few eyebrows were raised), was said about a $1 million contract was awarded to an organisation Mary English was part of when Bill English was PM.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

The issue received coverage in all the main media at the time - 2017 because Lifeline lost the $630,000 (not a million $) contract to Le Va, a non profit CHARITABLE Pasifika organisation.


Mary English was but a board member at that time on Le Va and donated her time to the Organisation.

Compare and contrast with Mahuta's situation where her whanau are the only beneficiaries of the largess being handed out by Ardern.

You must be getting really desperate, Blue Skies to pull out a pathetic comparison like that to try and throw mud at Mary English doing good vs Mahuta lot doing for themselves.

Have you no shame, Blue Skies, to make such a comparison? Or are you simply incapable of distinguishing right from wrong any more now that you are completely spun by Ardern?

Disgusting & repugnant how low you & your fellow Labourites are sinking down to.

fungus pudding
09-06-2022, 10:41 AM
The issue received coverage in all the main media at the time - 2017 because Lifeline lost the $630,000 (not a million $) contract to Le Va, a non profit CHARITABLE Pasifika organisation.


Mary English was but a board member at that time on Le Va and donated her time to the Organisation.

Compare and contrast with Mahuta's situation where her whanau are the only beneficiaries of the largess being handed out by Ardern.

You must be getting really desperate, Blue Skies to pull out a pathetic comparison like that to try and throw mud at Mary English doing good vs Mahuta lot doing for themselves.

Have you no shame, Blue Skies, to make such a comparison? Or are you simply incapable of distinguishing right from wrong any more now that you are completely spun by Ardern?

Disgusting & repugnant how low you & your fellow Labourites are sinking down to.

There is no comparison between Mary English' behaviour and Mahuta and family. English did not personally benefit in any way. So good on you for pointing that out.

09-06-2022, 10:54 AM
There is no comparison between Mary English' behaviour and Mahuta and family. English did not personally benefit in any way. So good on you for pointing that out.

It’s indicative of how corrosive the Ardern government is on NZ’s sense of morality and of what’s right and wrong.

Luckily the majority of NZers are now very aware of just how truly useless, divisive and clueless Ardern is as a leader and how her spin is destroying the sense of moral perspective out there amongst some (like Blue Skies). Eg. Gangs and criminals are victims of society (especially when they are Maori) and law abiding citizens are to be blamed and must suffer the consequences.

Hope the NZ Herald does an investigation as well into the $120m marae election bribe and dig deep into who benefited from that largess. For starters, 3000 jobs were supposed to be created but at last count, only 150 were created. So there must be some very very very happy Maori contractors out there.

They get the $$$&, Ardern got the votes to mess up NZ.

Bill Smith
09-06-2022, 11:38 AM
I share your outrage but it's a wee bit hypocritical over such small contracts when zero zilch (nothing but a few eyebrows were raised), was said about a $1 million contract was awarded to an organisation Mary English was part of when Bill English was PM.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

How much ferreting around in labours bucket of dirty tricks did it take to come up with this non sequitur. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel!

Blue Skies
09-06-2022, 11:51 AM
Geepers, lighten up guys, you sound ready to blow a foofoo valve & its not even midday!
No need to get so wound up, you can't really be so naive to think these things only happen in Labour led govt's & National were squeaky clean!
I could tell you a few stories but sometimes its better to let these things lie, there's too much division, anger & outrage already.

09-06-2022, 11:52 AM
Geepers, lighten up guys, you sound ready to blow a foofoo valve & its not even midday!
No need to get so wound up, you can't really be so naive to think these things only happen in Labour led govt's & National were squeaky clean!
I could tell you a few stories but sometimes its better to let these things lie, there's too much division, anger & outrage already.

BS & spin = Blue Skies & Ardern.

09-06-2022, 12:59 PM
Geepers, lighten up guys, you sound ready to blow a foofoo valve & its not even midday!
No need to get so wound up, you can't really be so naive to think these things only happen in Labour led govt's & National were squeaky clean!
I could tell you a few stories but sometimes its better to let these things lie, there's too much division, anger & outrage already.

The unbalanced one believes this.
He needs to take a break before he has another breakdown.

09-06-2022, 01:17 PM
The unbalanced one believes this.
He needs to take a break before he has another breakdown.

Birds of a feather flock together - BS & dobby41 & Ardern spin mistress.

Mary English with her charitable work vs Mahuta’s husband & Whanau obtaining $$$$ grants from Ardern government - actually a great contrast & great comparison!

09-06-2022, 02:40 PM
Simon power - minister of commerce then westpac NZ CEO.

Not illegal of course but lacks ethics .

09-06-2022, 07:09 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;960991]And this is the answer from Poto Williams to Aucklanders concerned about the drive by shootings :

‘Ring crime stoppers or the police!’

She has not got a clue but she is Ardern's Police Minister - appointed because of her gender & race as she is so obviously incapable of the job?

Not everyone would agree with your continual criticism of the police minister.


Not even a National Party Press release -
“Holding out the hope of a criminal prosecution when the Minister knows that New Zealand Police prosecution decisions must, by law, be made without interference from Ministers,

As an aside, do we really need your continual photos and cartoons with every post ?


09-06-2022, 07:22 PM
As an aside, do we really need your continual photos and cartoons with every post ?


Why not. They sum up the comedy show as it progresses.

09-06-2022, 08:23 PM
As an aside, do we really need your continual photos and cartoons with every post ?

Yes we do, those photos and cartoons are very pertinent and relevant to the discussion, and you know a photo is worth a 1000 words...

10-06-2022, 03:22 PM
Ardern getting things done internationally.


Much better than "nothing can be done" .

10-06-2022, 03:58 PM
Ardern getting things done internationally.


Much better than "nothing can be done" we heard from the previous govt. But getting nothing done other than dishing out Woke money here in NZ.

10-06-2022, 04:38 PM
Ardern told she can have more 501s since she is so keen on taking the boat people from Australia.

Albo basically showing her Australia’s middle finger.


10-06-2022, 05:10 PM
Ardern well passed her use by date :



10-06-2022, 05:26 PM
But getting nothing done other than dishing out Woke money here in NZ.

Nah that would be the last lot.

Whole interview segments during 2016 "we'd love to do more but can't afford it currently".

One does wonder why they seek govt simply to do nothing at all then do interviews about it.

10-06-2022, 05:39 PM
Talking of delivery.. what has a National government ever delivered?

A modestly decent economy but we have that under labour today.

10-06-2022, 06:35 PM
Not everyone would agree with your continual criticism of the police minister.


Not even a National Party Press release -
“Holding out the hope of a criminal prosecution when the Minister knows that New Zealand Police prosecution decisions must, by law, be made without interference from Ministers,

As an aside, do we really need your continual photos and cartoons with every post ?


Afraid of the air-brushed version being revealed for who Labour ministers and Ardern really are :


10-06-2022, 06:39 PM
Talking of delivery.. what has a National government ever delivered?

A modestly decent economy but we have that under labour today.

Talking of delivery, here is yet another failure from a useless Minister. Minister Faafoi announced changes back in January, to the critical worker criteria to allow 20,000 much needed workers in. By end of April, 12 people had entered under this scheme, which expires in July.
Incompetence of the highest order

10-06-2022, 06:44 PM
Talking of delivery, here is yet another failure from a useless Minister. Minister Faafoi announced changes back in January, to the critical worker criteria to allow 20,000 much needed workers in. By end of April, 12 people had entered under this scheme, which expires in July.
Incompetence of the highest order

Kris Faafoi has got to be the dumbest and bumblest minister EVER in the history of NZ - on what basis is he made a minister?

Definitely not on competence and ability!


10-06-2022, 07:08 PM

The misrepresentation in that top photo is an absolute FRAUD.

Quick, call the police!!

10-06-2022, 08:17 PM

Afraid of the air-brushed version being revealed for who Labour ministers and Ardern really are :

When you are reduced to schoolyard appearance comment things must be getting desperate.
Which is fairly obvious.


10-06-2022, 08:29 PM
Afraid of the air-brushed version being revealed for who Labour ministers and Ardern really are :

When you are reduced to schoolyard appearance comment things must be getting desperate.
Which is fairly obvious.


LOL - when the likes of Poto Williams are reduced to using heavily airbrushed and touched up pictures to present themselves to NZers, we know who is getting desperate! :t_up:

Whatever happened to the most transparent government ever as promised by Ardern?

11-06-2022, 09:25 AM
David Parker losing his dignity after losing the argument with his admission that Ardern is letting criminals out early to make stats look good.

Again, it’s all about the spin and NZers pay the price of increased crime & gangs so Ardern looks good.


Love that Nicola Willis - she was calm and measured and had David Parker sweating like a prisoner in Turkiye!

11-06-2022, 09:32 AM

These modern day Vermeer / Van Goghs show the Labour Govt is right into Impressionism.

Helengate in the past, and another poster has alluded to a Nevegate.

If ya cant make it, fake it eh?

Not transparent at all.

These fakes need to be outed...

11-06-2022, 09:36 AM
If ya cant make it, fake it eh?

Not transparent at all.

Maybe some are simply envious that no photoshop can cover up the appearance of a suited thumb (and there's one over in aussie now which needs some work too).

11-06-2022, 10:06 AM
Another night, another spate of robberies & shootings - thanks to Ardern & her pro-crime & pro-gang policies.


Yet, she was so shameless to go overseas and boasted of how great a job she had been doing with gun crime!


12-06-2022, 01:35 PM
Another night, another ram raid by youth offenders (read - will be referred to Youth Court if caught and released back into the community to carry out more ram raids).

Poto Williams’ answer to the crime crisis - call Crimestopper or the police.

But fear not, Ardern says she has total confidence in Poto as she has increased police numbers and the police budget.

No mention that she has also generated increased crime out there with her pro-crime & pro-gang policies. And special mention for early release of prisoners so that the stats look better for Ardern & Kelvin Davis.


‘The owner of a south Auckland jewellery store is spending his Sunday cleaning debris and calculating his losses after another ramraid in Tāmaki Makaurau.’

‘The investment frustrated local business owners and crime-watch associations, who said the package was “too little, too late”.

12-06-2022, 06:46 PM
Q & A this morning TV1.

Pro gang Jack Tame takes Mark Mitchell to task over Nationals proposed new tools to counteract gang crime.

Viewers would be left with the impression, why bother?

Tame's handling of his questions left me with the impression he was a gang advocate, with his inappropriate smirks etc.

12-06-2022, 10:42 PM
Q & A this morning TV1.

Pro gang Jack Tame takes Mark Mitchell to task over Nationals proposed new tools to counteract gang crime.

Viewers would be left with the impression, why bother?

Tame's handling of his questions left me with the impression he was a gang advocate, with his inappropriate smirks etc.

It’s his job to put politicians through their paces and I have no issue with him doing so - as long as he is even handed with all politicians.

The fact is that NZers have had a gutsful of the gangs and they are going to vote accordingly next year.

The Jack Tame and Ardern/Poto Williams of this world have badly misread & misjudged the public’s mood.

Doing nothing and more of the same pro-crime & pro-gang Ardern policies are not options anymore.

Bring on 2023!

13-06-2022, 08:42 AM
Smith & Caughey in the heart of Queen St rammed & raided last night.

Poto Williams and Ardern say to call Crimestopper or the Police.


13-06-2022, 09:55 AM
Cabinet reshuffle today

fungus pudding
13-06-2022, 10:05 AM
Cabinet reshuffle today

That ought to be good for a laugh.

Bill Smith
13-06-2022, 10:28 AM
That ought to be good for a laugh.

Yes. Reshuffle a deck with 52, 2 of spades and no aces.

Be more reminisent of the deck of the Titanic than anything else.

13-06-2022, 12:18 PM
Ardern has absolute confidence in all her ministers, especially Poto Williams, Mahuta & Kris Faafoi.

Hope she shows her confidence by not only retaining them on their portfolios but give additional responsibilities as well.

fungus pudding
13-06-2022, 12:37 PM
Ardern has absolute confidence in all her ministers, especially Poto Williams, Mahuta & Kris Faafoi.

Hope she shows her confidence by not only retaining them on their portfolios but give additional responsibilities as well.

Don't overlook Kelvin Davis, David Parker or Phil Twyford - the true stars of the party!

13-06-2022, 01:28 PM
Smith & Caughey in the heart of Queen St rammed & raided last night.

Poto Williams and Ardern say to call Crimestopper or the Police.


Rammed but not raided - nothing was taken as they were interrupted by members of the public.

13-06-2022, 03:21 PM
Poto fired as Police Minister but still has a job ….Perenara just fired and no job and unlikely to make a comeback

13-06-2022, 03:27 PM
Rammed but not raided - nothing was taken as they were interrupted by members of the public.

Been listening too much, dobby41, to the now non-Police Minister Poto Williams?

"A number of offenders subsequently entered the store and have taken a range of items before [leaving] the scene in three vehicles."

fungus pudding
13-06-2022, 03:44 PM
Poto fired as Police Minister but still has a job ….Perenara just fired and no job and unlikely to make a comeback

Perenara not fired. Didn't make the All Blacks, but still in the Hurricanes.

13-06-2022, 04:03 PM
Been listening too much, dobby41, to the now non-Police Minister Poto Williams?

"A number of offenders subsequently entered the store and have taken a range of items before [leaving] the scene in three vehicles."

Actually no - I read the article.
But it seems that part of the article was on S&C and the other part was on a store in Kelston which was ramraided and nothing was taken.

So S&C wasn't ramraided but had items taken, the store in Kelston was ramraided and nothing was taken.
S&C was initially thought to have been ramraided but the police subsequently said it wasn't.

13-06-2022, 04:15 PM
Actually no - I read the article.
But it seems that part of the article was on S&C and the other part was on a store in Kelston which was ramraided and nothing was taken.

So S&C wasn't ramraided but had items taken, the store in Kelston was ramraided and nothing was taken.
S&C was initially thought to have been ramraided but the police subsequently said it wasn't.

You need to read more carefully or do you need new glasses?


fungus pudding
13-06-2022, 04:38 PM
No doubt most NZers will be pleased and oh-so proud that Mahuta is still able to represent us overseas in her foreign affairs role.
Isn't that wonderful.

13-06-2022, 04:54 PM
You need to read more carefully or do you need new glasses?


I was listening to the news at 10am and they said that they thought a vehicle had been used but they were subsequently wrong.
That article is at 8am.
Things are not always as they seem but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Never mind - National will sort it by their approach to gangs.
Was it gangs who did this?
Maybe National will ban all gatherings by anyone - and social media posts about everything?

13-06-2022, 05:00 PM
No doubt most NZers will be pleased and oh-so proud that Mahuta is still able to represent us overseas in her foreign affairs role.
Isn't that wonderful.

Could be worse... might be gerry brownlee.

No one knows who the foreign affairs minister of Denmark is, almost everyone knows who their PM is just like they do with Jacinda.

13-06-2022, 05:11 PM
No doubt most NZers will be pleased and oh-so proud that Mahuta is still able to represent us overseas in her foreign affairs role.
Isn't that wonderful.

No doubt they will be and yes.

Blue Skies
13-06-2022, 05:17 PM
No doubt most NZers will be pleased and oh-so proud that Mahuta is still able to represent us overseas in her foreign affairs role.
Isn't that wonderful.

What's often not realised by middle aged & elderly Pakeha Kiwis, is that the concept of 'kinship' is terribly important in Pacifica politics as it is in Maori politics something which can & does sometimes cause tension with our Euorcentric view of the world.
Without making any judgment on Mahuta's performance, she has strong family links to Pacific leaders, from politicians & ministers to Matai & tribal chiefs.
With China's growing influence in the Pacific & the tensions that is causing, there is no politician in NZ who is probably in a stronger position to engage with leaders of these Pacific nations & be heard, represent NZ & influence Pacific interests.
You put a white pakeha male like Brownlee in that role & you can forget about any meaningful engagement.

13-06-2022, 05:17 PM
Could be worse... might be gerry brownlee.

No one knows who the foreign affairs minister of denmark is, almost everyone knows who their PM is just like they do with Jacinda.

And both PM popularity heading the same way?

13-06-2022, 05:19 PM
All govts, good and bad get turfed when there's an international inflation crisis (see Australia).

It's a good thing though that there's not an election this year.

13-06-2022, 06:10 PM
Mallard to Duck off finally, should have happened about 10 yrs ago.

13-06-2022, 06:33 PM
No doubt most NZers will be pleased and oh-so proud that Mahuta is still able to represent us overseas in her foreign affairs role.
Isn't that wonderful.

The Maori cabal would have warned Ardern NOT to touch any of them and being Ardern the spin mistress, she dutifully obeyed.

She has no problem getting rid of the Pacific Islanders though in her cabinet though (Kris & Poto) and the Pakeha (Mallard).



13-06-2022, 07:19 PM
Without making any judgment on Mahuta's performance, she has strong family links to Pacific leaders, from politicians & ministers to Matai & tribal chiefs.

Big call there Bluey.

Are you questioning Nanaia's whakapapa?

Are you suggesting she's got a touch of the tar pot? LOL.

13-06-2022, 07:26 PM
It was clear to everyone a year ago (except spin mistress out of touch Ardern) that Faafoi was incompetent and useless as a minister but she continued to express confidence in him.

Even while he checked himself out of being a responsible and working minister, and avoided any interaction with the media & public & hence, scrutiny of wtf he was doing - Ardern was still blowing red smoke up his arse (confident of him).

Faafoi should have been sacked from his immigration post 2 years ago and it is galling that Ardern asked him to stay on.

So many people have had their lives shattered thanks to Faafoi and his do nothing approach and this must be remembered at next year's election.

Now, he admits he was not up to the job. By inference, it is clear he was picked for the job for other than his ability. So why was he appointed?

25 June 2021 :

“On Newshub Nation in late June, Faafoi failed to offer coherent explanations of what kinds of speech would likely fall foul of a new law — including whether millennials could be prosecuted for expressing hatred against boomers because of house prices, or whether someone claiming that homosexuals are destined for hell would be liable for prosecution.

Extraordinarily, he maintained that although he was the Justice Minister, it wasn't up to him to clarify such matters. Rather, that would be a decision for the police. Exactly how a lowly police constable might be expected to do what has clearly foxed the Minister of Justice remains unexplained.”

13-06-2022, 07:31 PM
NZers deserve an effective, efficient and responsible government of competent & hardworking ministers who are appointed because they are up to the job.

Not because of their gender, race or age.

Ardern’s government has to be the absolutely worse that NZ has ever had for being useless precisely of Ardern’s wokeism - appearance matters more than ability.

And NZers are paying the price.

13-06-2022, 10:04 PM
All govts, good and bad get turfed when there's an international inflation crisis (see Australia).

It's a good thing though that there's not an election this year.

Dont worry - the sour taste will probably extend well into next year & beyond :)

Infact .. long after Robbo's band aid fuel tax job and the latest $350 bribe have gone and finished

13-06-2022, 10:09 PM
Mallard to Duck off finally, should have happened about 10 yrs ago.

I'm surprised She didn't sack herself -- bad taste issues must only extend to those who are considered
as obvious collateral damage & very glaring obstacles to trying desperately to trump it (or more likely
BS herself back in) in 2023 again :)

At least 75% of the population have probably had a guts full of gangs, Little's feeble vacant grandstanding on Health restructuring (another disaster in the making) & Mahoota's 3 Waters nonsense - who should she sack to rid herself of those glaring obstacles ? ;)

The notorious Duck will probably next be spotted loitering around Wainuiomata Supermarket carparks & garden centres - hopefully the locals are swift and sharp enough to send a hail of heavy pots flying at the
alien invader on sight :)

13-06-2022, 10:27 PM
NZers deserve an effective, efficient and responsible government of competent & hardworking ministers who are appointed because they are up to the job.

Not because of their gender, race or age.

Ardern’s government has to be the absolutely worse that NZ has ever had for being useless precisely of Ardern’s wokeism - appearance matters more than ability.

And NZers are paying the price.

That's the way the grand plan was spun out for starters or so it was hoped many would believe .. but has it not been effectively hijacked in the interim ?

Problem is with every turn, the quality of the delivery and Parliamentary busy bee squatters expected to
perform on delivery duty has rapidly diminished .

You can't say the Public haven't become increasingly aware of the issue and it wont go away just because
the Head Parrot decides to call a few of the deputies trembling in the spotlight to be cannon fodder like
sacrificial lambs, in efforts to desperately try to save her own skin ..

If 2022 was the year when a couple of Deputies were sacrificed for lessor wrongdoings, then 2023 will be a year where the Captain and rest of the Elite get to walk an even more unstable tenuous plank to potential demise. The greater population at large may not be quite so forgiving in their judging of the overall outcome delivered.. and seek to make those ultimately responsible for the shambles pay dearly.

14-06-2022, 09:45 AM
Schools desperate for teachers as NZ teachers leave for overseas.

Add that to the health workers shortage.

Ardern had 2 long years to plan for the post COVID world and she did NOTHING.

Too busy pandering to her ego and the Maori cabal.


Excerpt :

"Teachers were starting to leave their jobs to go overseas but the traditional supply of foreign teachers had not yet resumed, principals told RNZ.

Macleans College principal Steve Hargreaves said it was nearly impossible to find good teachers.

"It's a nightmare. I went to a workforce supply with a group of principals and we are all battling the same issues - no suitable applicants applying for jobs, having to readvertise, still not getting anybody so then going to our retired staff and saying 'can you fill in', fixed-term contracts with our relievers to plug gaps. Yeah, it's grim, very grim," he said."


14-06-2022, 12:55 PM
Big call there Bluey.

Are you questioning Nanaia's whakapapa?

Are you suggesting she's got a touch of the tar pot? LOL.

Ignorant racist unfunny nonsense

14-06-2022, 02:12 PM
This is the NZ that Ardern has brought to NZers with her pro gang and pro criminal policies :


“ …… whilst a man was dropping off his child near Taupiri School another man started firing a number of shots at the car.”

14-06-2022, 02:33 PM
This is the NZ that Ardern has brought to NZers with her pro gang and pro criminal policies :


“ …… whilst a man was dropping off his child near Taupiri School another man started firing a number of shots at the car.”

You do stretch things beyond credibility.

14-06-2022, 02:48 PM
You do stretch things beyond credibility.

You mean like your Jacinda Ardern with her promise of the most transparent government ever and 100,000 Kiwibuild homes?

14-06-2022, 02:48 PM
Mallard rewarded for doing a bad bad job. Ardern showing her true colours again.


14-06-2022, 03:36 PM
Mallard rewarded for doing a bad bad job. Ardern showing her true colours again.


Winston Peters quote re Parliament grounds trespass.

“Both Mallard and the Prime Minister knew that he was facing potential prosecution for his actions and can be no coincidence that the announcement of his resignation comes just two weeks after my Solicitor’s letter was sent to his office.”

14-06-2022, 03:51 PM
Mallard rewarded for doing a bad bad job. Ardern showing her true colours again.


Or you could read this opinion piece from the same paper - an alternative view
Believe it or not, Trevor Mallard will make a fine diplomat
"Believe it or not, Trevor Mallard will make a fine diplomat.

The trouble for Jacinda Ardern is that most people won't believe it.

Such is the reputation of the Speaker, that even when he turns out to be a good diplomat, few will recognise it, let alone acknowledge it.

People expect him to behave badly.

Most of what he does as Speaker, and previously as a minister, has been uncontroversial and unseen. He is competent, usually acts in the best interests of Parliament and New Zealand, and can work collegially."

14-06-2022, 03:52 PM
or you could read this opinion piece from the same paper - an alternative view
believe it or not, trevor mallard will make a fine diplomat
"believe it or not, trevor mallard will make a fine diplomat.

The trouble for jacinda ardern is that most people won't believe it.

Such is the reputation of the speaker, that even when he turns out to be a good diplomat, few will recognise it, let alone acknowledge it.

People expect him to behave badly.

Most of what he does as speaker, and previously as a minister, has been uncontroversial and unseen. He is competent, usually acts in the best interests of parliament and new zealand, and can work collegially."

bull shxt.

14-06-2022, 03:56 PM
Winston Peters quote re Parliament grounds trespass.

“Both Mallard and the Prime Minister knew that he was facing potential prosecution for his actions and can be no coincidence that the announcement of his resignation comes just two weeks after my Solicitor’s letter was sent to his office.”

Potential court case - from Winston, a private prosecution.
Just Winston being Winston - he'd like to think that he scared them into action and gather some relevancy.