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14-06-2022, 03:59 PM
bull shxt.

But the other opinion isn't?
They are both opinions - one from a political commentator of long-standing and the other from a radio jock.
You choose the poison that suits you - confirmation bias and nothing more.

I wouldn't expect you to see it any other way, certainly not see any balance in your views.

14-06-2022, 04:14 PM
But the other opinion isn't?
They are both opinions - one from a political commentator of long-standing and the other from a radio jock.
You choose the poison that suits you - confirmation bias and nothing more.

I wouldn't expect you to see it any other way, certainly not see any balance in your views.

Mallard - the speaker who stabbed an innocent man in the back and destroyed his career. Taxpayers picked up the tab.

Mallard - the one sided speaker who defends Ardern like a protective scum over sewage.

Mallard - the speaker who screwed up completely over the Parliamentary grounds protest.

Mallard - the speaker who issued trespass notices out of spite and when confronted, withdrew the notices as he had no grounds to stand on.

Any one of the above should be enough to get him sacked as a speaker but it has taken Ardern how long to let him go?

A despicable arrogant egoistic misfit - suited only to be a thug. But that’s Ardern - pro gangs and pro criminals.


14-06-2022, 06:52 PM
Ignorant racist unfunny nonsense

Good description.


14-06-2022, 08:13 PM
Mallard - the speaker who stabbed an innocent man in the back and destroyed his career. Taxpayers picked up the tab.

Mallard - the one sided speaker who defends Ardern like a protective scum over sewage.

Mallard - the speaker who screwed up completely over the Parliamentary grounds protest.

Mallard - the speaker who issued trespass notices out of spite and when confronted, withdrew the notices as he had no grounds to stand on.

Any one of the above should be enough to get him sacked as a speaker but it has taken Ardern how long to let him go?

A despicable arrogant egoistic misfit - suited only to be a thug. But that’s Ardern - pro gangs and pro criminals.

https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52aca146e4b06d986ca82df3/1655158029357-W85MZT0DT40P2O1TS64W/Diplomacy%282%29.jpg?format=2500w Agree with all of the above about Mallard and then some, unfortunately he is heading for a cruisy completely undeserved cushy overseas number.

14-06-2022, 08:19 PM
Agree with all of the above about Mallard and then some, unfortunately he is heading for a cruisy completely undeserved cushy overseas number.

Ardern’s true colours coming through - despicably & cynically manipulative spin mistress - using taxpayers’ funds to reward Mallard just like she did with Louisa Wall (created a job for Wall) so she could get rid of the embarrassment.


15-06-2022, 11:39 AM
No mention of Mahuta in cabinet reshuffle announcement or post cabinet press conference

Suppose Mahuta being lined up to be next Labour leader and possible Prime Minister

15-06-2022, 01:19 PM
Suppose Mahuta being lined up to be next Labour leader and possible Prime Minister

I really doubt it.

15-06-2022, 02:45 PM
No mention of Mahuta in cabinet reshuffle announcement or post cabinet press conference

Suppose Mahuta being lined up to be next Labour leader and possible Prime Minister

She already is - along with the Maori Cabal.



15-06-2022, 09:09 PM
I think Karl Du Fresne sums up the feeling of a growing number of New Zealanders in this piece:

"For your interest.... Karl Du Fresne would not have had this printed in New Zealand Media!!?? Well worth a quick read,
Subject: Fwd: A great opinion piece by Karl Du Fresne - published in The Australian Spectator Magazine

New Zealand’s cultural upheaval
Desperation strikes as Kiwis lose their democracy
Karl du Fresne
16 April 2022
My wife and I recently spent two weeks on a road trip around New Zealand’s South Island. It’s a spectacularly beautiful corner of the world that was recently exposed to an international audience via Oscar-winning director Jane Campion’s film The Power of the Dog, in which the Central Otago region stands in for the wilds of Montana.
It was a good time to be touring the island because the roads were virtually free of traffic, a state of affairs likely to come to an abrupt end now that New Zealand is reopening its doors to international tourists after two years of economically crippling isolation.
But the trip was also a therapeutic experience because in the South Island – or to give it its more poetic Maori name, Te Wai Pounamu – you’re geographically removed from Wellington and Auckland, the epicentres of the culture wars. For those two weeks it was almost possible to delude ourselves that we were back in the familiar New Zealand we knew.
Alas, it wasn’t so. Tuning in even briefly to the TV and radio news was a reminder that the country is in the grip of a cultural revolution reminiscent in tone, if not in scale, of the one that convulsed Mao’s China in the Sixties and early Seventies.
There are days when I barely recognise New Zealand as the country I was born in and where my family has lived for generations. The transformation since the re-election of Jacinda Ardern’s Labour government in 2020 has been breath taking in both its speed and its reach.
Note that I say re-election. Ardern became Prime Minister in 2017, but for the duration of her government’s first term Labour was in coalition with the socially conservative New Zealand First party, which served as an ideological handbrake.
In the 2020 election, voters rewarded Ardern for what they thought was her competent handling of the Covid-19 crisis by giving Labour the power to govern alone. Suddenly the handbrake was released.
The resulting upheaval isn’t measurable so much by legislative change as by a profound shift in the political and cultural tone of the country. Ardern’s re-election was like an injection of steroids for the leftist cabal that now exerts control over all New Zealand’s institutions of power and influence, including the media and the craven business sector.
This university-educated and predominantly middle-class neo-Marxist cabal is distinct from New Zealand’s dwindling old-school socialist/communist Left, which ironically now finds itself aligned with conservatives on issues such as free speech and identity politics. But the New Left wields far more power than the comrades of the Old Left ever dreamed of.
How is this leftist cabal’s influence manifested? Chiefly through the divisive phenomenon known as wedge politics, and most provocatively through the promotion of 50-50 co-governance between representatives of the European majority and a minority consisting of people with Maori ancestry.
There are now effectively two levels of citizenship in New Zealand, one of which confers entitlements not available to the other. This is evident across a range of public policies that include compulsory Maori representation on local councils, the appointment of Maori activists to positions of power and the splurging of vast sums of money targetted exclusively at people who happen, by what is effectively a genetic accident, to have a proportion of Maori blood.
All this is predicated on the notion that people of part-Maori descent are entitled to redress for the baneful effects of colonisation. These deleterious effects presumably included the introduction of democratic government, the rule of law and the end of cannibalism, slavery and tribal warfare.
‘Decolonisation’ is a fashionable catch-cry among the metropolitan elites and one the government does nothing to discourage. Whether decolonisation includes rejecting such innovations as literacy and Western medicine isn’t clear, since the advocates of decolonisation are careful not to spell out exactly what they mean.
Maori co-governance is already well advanced in health and education with virtually no critical scrutiny from the media. However Ardern’s government is facing stiff resistance over an audacious ideological project known as the Three Waters plan, which would transfer control of the country’s water infrastructure from local councils to opaque new entities in which unelected Maori tribal interests would wield equal power with representatives of the wider community.
That may prove to be Labour’s undoing as opinion polls show a pronounced swing in favour of the centre-right National party and its newish leader, Christopher Luxon. It’s a measure of the country’s anxiety – or should that be desperation? – that voters now seem prepared to put their faith in a politician who has never publicly expressed an original thought and whose vision doesn’t seem to extend beyond lowering taxes.
The Three Waters plan is effectively a test run for a radical re-interpretation of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi, the country’s founding document. Under the proposed new model, people of Maori descent, representing 16.5 per cent of the population, would be given an equal say in government across the board – an idea clearly incompatible with the basic tenets of democratic government. The stark choice facing New Zealand voters at next year’s general election will be between democracy and a different form of government for which we have no name.
But the cultural upheaval goes far beyond that, stoked by state-subsidised media that have abandoned their traditional purpose of seeking to reflect the society they purport to serve, and which instead bombard the public with indoctrination promoting the interests of attention-seeking minority groups.
The result is a society more feverishly divided than at any time in living memory – a phenomenon exemplified by February’s protest camp on the lawns of Parliament, which exposed deep sociological fault lines and ended in a violent showdown with the police.
This sense of polarisation is magnified by an authoritarian intolerance of dissent and by Stalinist-style denunciations of anyone bold or foolish enough to speak out against prevailing ideological orthodoxy.
Meanwhile, Ardern floats above it all. She’s a shrewd enough politician to have remained largely aloof from the rancour her government has generated, and who avoids entanglement in any unpleasantness that might detract from her carefully crafted image as an empathetic politician. But she cannot disown responsibility for presiding over a government that is promoting the politics of division and destabilising what was previously an admirably cohesive and harmonious society."

15-06-2022, 10:17 PM
Well said. The next election is in our hands. Another 3 years of this government will send us to destruction.

Logen Ninefingers
16-06-2022, 11:59 AM
The current government will not be voted out by the generally dopey and getting woker populace of New Zealand over an issue like co-governance, it is going to come down to the economy. Labour are about to be engulfed by the rapidly deteriorating global economic situation; where western populations enjoyed the opitate-like qualities of ultra-low interest rates ever since the GFC, they now find themselves part of a walking nightmare where the landscape is dominated by runaway inflation, rising interest rates, and a growing realisation that the seemingly indestructible property market was actually built on the shakiest of foundations. The 'new normal' of a scary economic outlook is the result of a decade and a half of terrible central bank policies colliding with the ongoing effects of a global pandemic, and a war in Ukraine which has now taken on the dimensions of a global economic war.

Voters will not be blaming themselves, and they won't be blaming central banks. Your typical economically illiterate Kiwi is conditioned to blame 'the gummint' whenever some crisis like this takes hold. And because 'the gummint' likes to take all the credit during economic good times, it is difficult for them to duck for cover during the bad times. The problem for Labour is that their favourite solutuion to every problem - throw money at it - won't fix an inflationary crisis, it will just make it worse.

Labour were the beneficiaries of superb Jacinda Ardern 'crisis manager' optics during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when she was virtually canonized as a living saint by a grateful dopey populace. Now it's Labours turn to suffer the negative slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and I can't see any way back for them from here. They will cop the wrath of the nation in 2023.

16-06-2022, 02:35 PM
Well said. The next election is in our hands. Another 3 years of this government will send us to destruction.

Take a look at the threads created in this section as soon as labour was elected.

Sadly though we won't hear an apology for being wrong for 5 years and counting.

Bill Smith
16-06-2022, 02:56 PM
Take a look at the threads created in this section as soon as labour was elected.

Sadly though we won't hear an apology for being wrong for 5 years and counting.

Surely you jest. ardern has never, and is unlikely to ever, apologise for her myriad of lies, deceits and cock-ups of the last 5 years.

16-06-2022, 03:14 PM

Mike Hosking: Cabinet reshuffle shows how short of talent the Government really is

For Nanaia Mahuta to remain untouched in a Cabinet reshuffle gives you an indication of 1, how spectacularly useless Poto Williams actually is, and 2, just how short of talent the Government really is.

16-06-2022, 05:44 PM
Winstone has allot to answer for, imho he clearly has a pent up hatred for his own short comings that he cannot acknowledge but is recgonised by all in sundry.

fungus pudding
16-06-2022, 06:25 PM

Mike Hosking: Cabinet reshuffle shows how short of talent the Government really is

Sure does.

fungus pudding
16-06-2022, 06:26 PM

Mike Hosking: Cabinet reshuffle shows how short of talent the Government really is

What a pity Mahuta doesn't keep her mask on when representing NZ when abroad.



16-06-2022, 06:51 PM
What a pity Mahuta doesn't keep her mask on when representing NZ when abroad.



You think she should wear a bare back blouse?


fungus pudding
16-06-2022, 08:15 PM
You think she should wear a bare back blouse?


I think she shoud wear a full length sack - with peep holes.

17-06-2022, 09:19 AM
Ardern - the gift who keeps giving when it comes to consultants.

Remember the $56m spent for the scrapped Auckland Bike Bridge?

Well, here's $59m spent so far on Auckland Light Rail with not a single track to be seen!


More than two thirds of Auckland's $58.9 million light rail spend has been on consultants, Newstalk ZB can reveal.

The Transport Minister's office has defended the spend and a spokesman said projects of this scale required significant planning, investigation, and design before spades hit the ground.

But National's transport spokesman Simeon Brown said the project was going nowhere.

"Labour promised to build light rail from Auckland's CBD to Mt Roskill by 2021, but all they have delivered is millions of dollars worth of reports."

17-06-2022, 11:56 AM
This is NZ under Ardern’s soft on crime, pro gang and pro criminal policies :

Daylight smash & grab - no police to be seen anywhere except when there are protestors at Parliament or when Ardern is promoting her ego.


Kelvin Davis loves releasing prisoners early to make the stats look good. The prisoners love to reoffend knowing they will be released back to the streets in no time.

17-06-2022, 12:54 PM
Oops - Labour Website taken down to rewrite Labour’s ‘achievements’ as Strong Economic Growth just became Shrinking Economy !


17-06-2022, 01:37 PM
Well, here's $59m spent so far on Auckland Light Rail with not a single track to be seen!

Of course, you'd suggest that they just start digging in the right direction?
Maybe that would be National's plan - just dig somewhere.

17-06-2022, 01:49 PM
Of course, you'd suggest that they just start digging in the right direction?
Maybe that would be National's plan - just dig somewhere.

You miss the point completely as usual - first stage of the light rail to Mt Roskill was supposed to be completed within the first 4 years of Labour getting into power.

We are in 2022 and where is the first track laid?

Yet another of Ardern’s broken promises.

All spin and zero delivery.

Except more crime and 300% increase in housing waiting list.

17-06-2022, 01:51 PM
Well, here's $59m spent so far on Auckland Light Rail with not a single track to be seen!

In a project of that size you want planning to be done.

Unless you prefer seeing waste in the order of billions.

17-06-2022, 02:08 PM
Remember MOT’s 3 Zero signs which cost $5,000 each?

Well, they have found out that they actually have 5 Zero signs and they cost $30,000!!!!

They could have got primary school kids to do it for $1,000.

Not Ardern’s money so she says ‘Spend! Spend large & foolishly!’

What a waste of space she is.

17-06-2022, 02:26 PM
But wait, there’s more!

Just so Ardern gets publicity - $337,000 spent on opening ceremony!


17-06-2022, 02:48 PM
This is NZ under Ardern’s soft on crime, pro gang and pro criminal policies :

Daylight smash & grab - no police to be seen anywhere except when there are protestors at Parliament or when Ardern is promoting her ego.


Kelvin Davis loves releasing prisoners early to make the stats look good. The prisoners love to reoffend knowing they will be released back to the streets in no time.

And more ram raids and robberies.


And Ardern & Davis keep releasing them from prison early - because they love being kind to gangs & criminals.

Too bad for law abiding & hard working citizens - you are not Labour’s voters.

17-06-2022, 02:52 PM
Balance has so much free time on his hands I love it.

Shouldn't you be at work or doing something useful?

17-06-2022, 04:04 PM
Balance has so much free time on his hands I love it.

Shouldn't you be at work or doing something useful?

Well if he/she wasn't here - could we rely on yourself to provide balanced coverage
on what's ACTUALLY going on out in the REAL world ? ;)

17-06-2022, 05:24 PM
Balance has so much free time on his hands I love it.

Shouldn't you be at work or doing something useful?

Panda, The real question that you should be asking yourself, is " who would I trust with my hard earned life savings with ( bearing in mind that the proceeds of which will have to look after you in your old age, Jusinda or John Key" ? ) easy answer wouldnt you think !

17-06-2022, 05:48 PM
The one which doesn't want to raise retirement to 67, defund healthcare then take away the winter energy payment.

17-06-2022, 07:46 PM
The one which doesn't want to raise retirement to 67, defund healthcare or intend to take away the winter energy payment.

That one certainly was NOT J Key, during his period as P M he took the Health spend from $9 Billion to $15 Billion in 9 years a 66.66% increase where he took it from the Helen Davies's ( nee Clarke ) govt, what % has this mob increased the Health spend in 5 years 15% ! so dont tell me that the previous National govt made a hash of things, take the Ch-Ch earth quake a $20 + billion spend no borrowing and no increase in taxes to pay for it.

Never forget , "The left is a lie " -- Russia, China, Nth Korea, Sth Africa, Australia , N Z, Rhodesia , is there any other lying left wing govt that I have left out ?

17-06-2022, 08:14 PM
Balance has so much free time on his hands I love it.

Shouldn't you be at work or doing something useful?

Balance is doing something very useful.

Keep on breaking through the spin, to expose the most inept government NZ has ever had.

The one where diversity is seen to be more important than competence and capability.

18-06-2022, 04:40 AM
That one certainly was NOT J Key, during his period as P M he took the Health spend from $9 Billion to $15 Billion in 9 years a 66.66% increase where he took it from the Helen Davies's ( nee Clarke ) govt, what % has this mob increased the Health spend in 5 years 15% ! so dont tell me that the previous National govt made a hash of things, take the Ch-Ch earth quake a $20 + billion spend no borrowing and no increase in taxes to pay for it.

Migration increased hugely so Auckland is now a mess and that health spend didn't go very far given this record pop growth and the aging of the population.

18-06-2022, 04:43 AM
and no increase in taxes to pay for it.

They increased GST which is one of the worst broken promises NZ has had.

18-06-2022, 07:50 AM
Migration increased hugely so Auckland is now a mess and that health spend didn't go very far given this record pop growth and the aging of the population.

Panda, You talk just sooooooo much B S, the reason that Auckland is in a mess as its been the dumping ground for failed Labour lackies , Goff, Len Brown and Tizard and now they want to foist another failed Labour mayor canditate on us, give us a break please, please give us some real brains and there would be a chance for Aucklands future.

18-06-2022, 08:10 AM
Yes the other candidate will probably be for roads.. except there's no real estate for the car parks.

So we can expect more air pollution, more roadworks and the introduction of toll roads and charges for crossing the habour bridge.

18-06-2022, 09:15 AM
Yes the other candidate will probably be for roads.. except there's no real estate for the car parks.

So we can expect more air pollution, more roadworks and the introduction of toll roads and charges for crossing the habour bridge.

Its called progress .

Blue Skies
18-06-2022, 10:29 AM
Panda, The real question that you should be asking yourself, is " who would I trust with my hard earned life savings with ( bearing in mind that the proceeds of which will have to look after you in your old age, Jusinda or John Key" ? ) easy answer wouldnt you think !

Unless you were an idiot you would surely have to say Jacinda Adern.

You seem to have forgotten or simply don't realise, John Key's National govt stopped all payments to NZ's Superannuation Fund (also known as the Cullen Fund as was introduced by Labour) for 9 years while in govt, at a time when interest rates were low & as a result our Superannuation fund lost out on $ billions of potential returns.
It's been Grant Robertson who re started payments into the fund thank goodness when Labour won in 2017.
(Goldsmith, National's financially illiterate finance spokesperson wanted them stopped again).

18-06-2022, 10:41 AM
Unless you were an idiot you would surely have to say Jacinda Adern.

You seem to have forgotten or simply don't realise, John Key's National govt stopped all payments to NZ's Superannuation Fund (also known as the Cullen Fund as was introduced by Labour) for 9 years while in govt, at a time when interest rates were low & as a result our Superannuation fund lost out on $ billions of potential returns.
It's been Grant Robertson who re started payments into the fund thank goodness when Labour won in 2017.
(Goldsmith, National's financially illiterate finance spokesperson wanted them stopped again).

Only a moron would say Ardern.

100,000 houses to be built
Most transparent government ever
Affordable housing



18-06-2022, 11:01 AM
Only a moron would say Ardern.

100,000 houses to be built
Most transparent government ever
Affordable housing

How are tax cuts going to fix it?

Or going through line by line with spending, whatever that means.

18-06-2022, 02:31 PM
How are tax cuts going to fix it?

Or going through line by line with spending, whatever that means.

What it means are good sound bites - and it seems to be working for National for now.
It means cuts all over the place - set us back again.

Blue Skies
18-06-2022, 05:45 PM
Panda, The real question that you should be asking yourself, is " who would I trust with my hard earned life savings with ( bearing in mind that the proceeds of which will have to look after you in your old age, Jusinda or John Key" ? ) easy answer wouldnt you think !

Obviously Labour has made mistakes but if you kept an open mind & look at the screw ups National made while in govt, you might not be so trusting of Nationals credibility.
Just a few that readily come to mind,

1) suspending contributions to the NZ Super fund for 9 years which cost our retirement fund $32.2 billion in lost gains according to independent Treasury reports, & has put every Kiwi retiree miles behind Australian retirees.

2) the Sky City debacle where National Ministers were made to look like a bunch of amateurs in front of the business community. Sky City entertained govt Ministers in their Corporate Box while taking the govt to the cleaners. The Auditor General was scathing of National's handling of the negotiations, it was said they couldn't negotiate their way out of a wet paper bag.

3) the Serco disaster, the National govt's experiment (they were confident ) with handing the running of our prisons to private for profit company Serco. Result, Fight Club happening weekly even put on social media, prisons out of control, failures on a large scale with prison violence soaring, teenagers being forced to share cells with hardened criminal adults, a complete disaster.

4) Serious flaws in the PPP model (public private partnership) in planning, governance & oversight of Transmission Gully project set up by National in 2012, leading to massive cost over runs & delays.

5) It was called the biggest scam ever played on NZ, & under National govt. HNZ spent $100 million on unnecessary testing & thats not including the private sector. . Thousands of homes vacated, tens of millions of dollars spent on stripping & cleaning perfectly safe homes where some meth had been smoked. Peoples entire possessions being bagged up & taken to the dump, tennants being evicted, landlords ruined, suicides caused by the stress, a whole industry built on a scam while all the while the govt knew or was being advised by its science advisors no one ever got sick from the residue left over from someone smoking meth.

Got to stop here, but there's plenty more. So as I said Labour have certainly made mistakes but if you look a National's screw ups, & look at the serious lack of depth & talent in their current caucus, it might give you pause to think about being so trusting in their competency.

18-06-2022, 06:35 PM
Who is the little mistake responsible for this:


18-06-2022, 06:37 PM
EV Owners soon to get RUC'ed Over by Govt ? :)


Another Govt / Green's disaster ? :)

18-06-2022, 06:38 PM

Claire Trevett: The warning to ministers as Jacinda Ardern signals a mother of all reshuffles

More little mistakes to get swept under the mat (in the Name of Ardern's 'Save thy Spinning Dish' ? ;)

Ardern's forewarning a larger reshuffle is nigh is effectively a signal to ministers to weigh up whether they have the appetite to stay – and engage in some frank self-assessment about whether they think Ardern has the appetite for them to stay.

Could be all gone instead .. hope Joe Public misses the shuffling of backsides on sets thereby failing to notice
the presence of fresh even more incompetent talent on the pews .. but Joe Public isn't that stupid..

Some things are incapable of being hidden - has Ardern not learned anything ? :)

The way things are shaping up - the majority will likely orchestrate the mother of all reshuffles
in 2023 and Ardern will have no say in the final result, aside from waving goodbye after the
job is complete, and hoofing off in to the sunset, never to be seen again :)

18-06-2022, 06:44 PM

But there seem to be better things to do .. like run away from and ignore the blinding obvious

Jacinda Ardern visits Queenstown skifield to mark start of ski season

18-06-2022, 06:58 PM
Panda, You talk just sooooooo much B S, the reason that Auckland is in a mess as its been the dumping ground for failed Labour lackies , Goff, Len Brown and Tizard and now they want to foist another failed Labour mayor canditate on us, give us a break please, please give us some real brains and there would be a chance for Aucklands future.

The Auckland voters must vote them in. Probably worried the National candidates will be far worse?


18-06-2022, 07:15 PM
Why should council elections be Labour or National? It is the city we want administered, not the country.

18-06-2022, 07:51 PM
Be kind to prisoners, say Ardern & Davis.

They must have more rights and more freedom, they say.

They can beat up the prison guards who must not retaliate, they say.

Well, one more of Ardern’s intended consequences - number of assaults on guards have doubled since she took office and there’s now not enough guards.

Up yours, the guards say to Ardern & Davis.


18-06-2022, 09:53 PM
I see today that Jasinda was so gutless that she didnt even turn up ONCE to support the Labour candidate Jas Tanetti in the recent by election , that says it all, she does not back losers ?
Panda what spin can you put on that one, or was she too busy sacking the dumbies that she already has in her cabinate ( which she appointed in the first place ) !!!

19-06-2022, 12:45 AM
Another Crisis for the Goon Show to fumble it's way towards fixing (or further inflaming):


Fire stations closed, short-staffed across Auckland amid ongoing worker crisis

The Duck probably has valuable knowledge in watering down all sorts of things & there shouldn't be any
problem mustering at least another 50 lost causes at a loose end hanging around a Beehive for a bit
of on-the-job retraining for a new mission .. presumably full supervision will be necessary to ensure
they don't stuff that up as well and pour on large quantities of accelerants by mistake ;)

Obviously news of Mahuta's Three Waters legislating that all Large Fires must instantly have a new
capability of putting themselves out with no human assistance needed has not reached our hardworking
frontline Fire Fighters .. Wonder if there is provision in the Legislature for a Minister to come and
sit on the fire to put it out, if nothing else works ? :)

19-06-2022, 12:48 AM

PM 'asking experts' as pressure mounts to reintroduce compulsory masks in schools

Were all the experts invited to a fancy Ski-a-thon Idea Fishing weekend down south to help the thought processes? ;)

Was 'Mr Fixit Flexi-Legs Hipkins' invited or did they conveniently forget, due to him being busy putting out raging fires elsewhere ?

20-06-2022, 08:54 AM
Remember how Ardern promised to fix the housing 'crisis'?

Now that she has turned it into a housing DISASTER, the numbers coming out are showing just what a cock-up she has presided over.

$1m+ a day being spent by MSD on emergency housing with no relief anytime soon for the tenants and for taxpayers.

Motel owners are reaping windfall profits from renting out sub-standard motel accommodation to MSD - in one case, $60m+ in emergency housing grants!


Excerpt : "It started as a small-scale solution to provide shelter for homeless who had nowhere else to go. But emergency housing is now big business, and some motel and motor lodge owners have completely changed their business models to specialise in housing the most vulnerable people in society. One motel alone has been given $16 million in grants for emergency accommodation, data obtained by the Herald shows."

"A handful of companies owning multiple properties have swallowed up around 20 per cent of the emergency housing funding. The biggest recipients were motel owners Roger Nolan and Jinhua Ou, whose 13 properties earned $60m in emergency housing grants. One of their properties, the Anglesea Motel in Hamilton, earned $16.2m in grants alone between 2017 and 2022. The two businessmen did not respond to requests for comment."

20-06-2022, 09:01 AM
Remember how Ardern promised to fix the housing 'crisis'?

Now that she has turned it into a housing DISASTER, the numbers coming out are showing just what a cock-up she has presided over.

$1m+ a day being spent by MSD on emergency housing with no relief anytime soon for the tenants and for taxpayers.

Motel owners are reaping windfall profits from renting out sub-standard motel accommodation to MSD - in one case, $60m+ in emergency housing grants!


Excerpt : "It started as a small-scale solution to provide shelter for homeless who had nowhere else to go. But emergency housing is now big business, and some motel and motor lodge owners have completely changed their business models to specialise in housing the most vulnerable people in society. One motel alone has been given $16 million in grants for emergency accommodation, data obtained by the Herald shows."

"A handful of companies owning multiple properties have swallowed up around 20 per cent of the emergency housing funding. The biggest recipients were motel owners Roger Nolan and Jinhua Ou, whose 13 properties earned $60m in emergency housing grants. One of their properties, the Anglesea Motel in Hamilton, earned $16.2m in grants alone between 2017 and 2022. The two businessmen did not respond to requests for comment."

They inherited the problem Balance and were amazed at how bad it actually was when they got into government

And there’s not many job opportunities for those punters to make a more ‘normal’ life for themselves is there

20-06-2022, 09:09 AM
They inherited the problem Balance and were amazed at how bad it actually was when they got into government

And there’s not many job opportunities for those punters to make a more ‘normal’ life for themselves is there

Absolutely - that’s why Ardern decided she would make millionaires out of motel property owners.

But wait, there’s more :


Remember how Ardern was going to eradicate child poverty in her first term (by throwing more money basically at the problem)?

Well, schools and social services are reporting the problem to be now at crisis point.

Ardern sure know how to solve problems huh? By turning them into crises or better still, disasters.

Then, she can justify borrowing ever more money, tax more and throw more money to make the problems worse.

20-06-2022, 09:26 AM
According to Kidscan, 15% of Aotearoa kids (not Kiwi kids) regularly go hungry - or 144,000 children.

KidsCan is now supporting more than 1000 schools and early childhood centres nationwide, helping to feed a record 44,000 children every day. Thousands more in 19 schools and 52 early childhood centres (ECEs) are waiting for help. Seven schools applied for support in one week alone in April, as inflation hit a 30-year high, and requests for hot meals are up 33% on last term.


Blue Skies
20-06-2022, 12:01 PM
I see today that Jasinda was so gutless that she didnt even turn up ONCE to support the Labour candidate Jas Tanetti in the recent by election , that says it all, she does not back losers ?
Panda what spin can you put on that one, or was she too busy sacking the dumbies that she already has in her cabinate ( which she appointed in the first place ) !!!

C'mon mate, that's ridiculous!
It was just a By election for Tauranga, a solidly safe Blue seat.

Just exactly like when there was the By election for Mt Albert (a solidly safe Labour seat) when then National PM Bill English, 'was so gutless' to use your words, he didn't even stand a National candidate as would have got such a drubbing.
Just standard practice, relax.

Ski & hospitality industry in the S.I. sure appreciated Adern's support over the weekend.

20-06-2022, 12:47 PM
C'mon mate, that's ridiculous!
It was just a By election for Tauranga, a solidly safe Blue seat.

Just exactly like when there was the By election for Mt Albert (a solidly safe Labour seat) when then National PM Bill English, 'was so gutless' to use your words, he didn't even stand a National candidate as would have got such a drubbing.
Just standard practice, relax.

Ski & hospitality industry in the S.I. sure appreciated Adern's support over the weekend.

Is it worth commenting?
Some people will complain about everything just because it involves Labour.
Some are very unbalanced.

I see Luxon has now said that the tax cuts may not be policy for the next election.

20-06-2022, 01:44 PM
Is it worth commenting?
Some people will complain about everything just because it involves Labour.
Some are very unbalanced.

I see Luxon has now said that the tax cuts may not be policy for the next election.

Comment back then on the housing disaster and child poverty - topics which you Labourites & Ardern devotees suddenly seem so shy about.

Or you can comment back on law and order & how the correction service is short of 800 prison guards.

20-06-2022, 02:45 PM
Comment back then on the housing disaster and child poverty - topics which you Labourites & Ardern devotees suddenly seem so shy about.

Or you can comment back on law and order & how the correction service is short of 800 prison guards.

Really not worth engaging with unbalanced people.

20-06-2022, 02:51 PM
Really not worth engaging with unbalanced people.

No sweat, Ardern devotee. I know when you losers know you have no defence or argument to put forward.

Kiwibuild mark 3 & reset policy on the way apparently for election 2023. Or so my sources in Labour tell me. I nearly fell off my chair lmao!

20-06-2022, 03:12 PM
$250m in this year’s budget for lunches for school kids.

Increases year after year in the budget by Ardern but the waiting list of hungry kids grows longer and longer and longer.

Exactly like in housing.

Clueless and incompetent - like a lousy wife who has never earned any money (as in creating wealth & jobs) but only knows how to spend spend spend - Ardern is her name.


Blue Skies
20-06-2022, 03:34 PM
Comment back then on the housing disaster and child poverty - topics which you Labourites & Ardern devotees suddenly seem so shy about.

Or you can comment back on law and order & how the correction service is short of 800 prison guards.

Fair enough, good prompt & look what I found.

On housing, NZ now have the highest number of building consents on record, heading for 50,000 this year & consents usually mean homes being built, people don't go through the process without intending to build.
Policy changes like stopping foreign speculators now mean home buyers are out numbering speculators in the market.
Scrapped the need for consents for low risk buildings like sleep outs.
Built more than 12,500 public housing
Excluded the Bright Line test from New Builds to encourage increased housing supply
Targeted free training & apprenticeship schemes to increase the skilled building & construction labour force
A $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration fund to help housing developments by funding infrastructure like roads & water pipes to new developments.
Repealing & replacing the RMA to simplify & speed up the planning & consent processes

On child poverty, Labour have,
extended free doctors visits to children under 14,
Working for Families Package the biggest boost in household income for thousands of families in decades
largest ever funding boost for primary maternity services
introduced Healthy free lunches in schools
rolling out free period products in schools
extended paid parental leave to 26 weeks
Best Start payment helping parents with costs of new born children
Warmer Kiwi Homes program helping low income families with insulation & heating
The Winter energy payment helping with power bills.
lifted minimum wage for low income workers helps family income.
lifted benefits & linked them to minimum wage to stop low income families falling further behind
Introduced Healthy Homes standards to ensure rentals meet minimum health standards for low income families forced to rent. (NZ had a shameful record of 3rd world respiratory diseases with children forced to live in damp mouldy freezing rental housing).
Childcare Assistance income levels now linked to increases in ave wage.
Reinstated Training Incentive allowance to help solo parents to get back into employment
Expanded mental health support in schools
Introduced measures to stop all that awful predatory lending by unscrupulous finance companies on vulnerable low income families
Funding more Out of School Care program to help low income parents get back to employment.

Lots happening & lots more but this is a good start.

20-06-2022, 03:52 PM
Yes the trades training is good too.

The last lost were fine with NZers in poverty while importing nearly 100k "skilled" workers.

20-06-2022, 04:10 PM
Yawn - usual spin with zero delivery.

20-06-2022, 04:52 PM
C'mon mate, that's ridiculous!
It was just a By election for Tauranga, a solidly safe Blue seat.

Just exactly like when there was the By election for Mt Albert (a solidly safe Labour seat) when then National PM Bill English, 'was so gutless' to use your words, he didn't even stand a National candidate as would have got such a drubbing.
Just standard practice, relax.

Ski & hospitality industry in the S.I. sure appreciated Adern's support over the weekend.

Get your facts right, in todays Herald she said the she chose to go to Queenstown on Saturday ( by election day ) instead of giving support in Tauranga, -- still gutless IMHO ( and others Im picking ! )

20-06-2022, 05:46 PM
Get your facts right, in todays Herald she said the she chose to go to Queenstown on Saturday ( by election day ) instead of giving support in Tauranga, -- still gutless IMHO ( and others Im picking ! )

Same Ardern (good time Cindy) who avoided visiting Auckland like the plague during the Omicron lockdown because she knew she would have received an earful (and eyeful) from peeved off Aucklanders.

It’s all about the optics with good time Cindy.

Good news is that the majority of NZers have seen through her BS optics which is reflected in her rapidly dropping polls.

20-06-2022, 06:47 PM
It’s all about the optics with good time Cindy.

& lots of good news there is.

More support with cost of living than National would ever have given.

20-06-2022, 07:19 PM
& lots of good news there is.

More support with cost of living than National would ever have given.

Who is paying for that? You, if you have a job. Do you have a job, other than being a paid labour shill, or maybe that's all there is and that's enough? The Labour investment in social media monitoring and manipulation will surprise many when it's all added up and comes to light.

20-06-2022, 09:12 PM
& lots of good news there is.

More support with cost of living than National would ever have given.

Gone before it's even received by most - Groceries, Fuel, Rents, Rates, Power, Broadband, Mortgage
plus everything else fuel increases flow into -- not difficult to see is it ? :)

It would have to take a special type of simpleton to not be able to work out the sums, would it not ?

Then what ? - will they pay a similar amount out every month or two months up until election time in the
name of vote buying .. or maybe not -- might be a lost cause by then and everyone winds up sucking up the
increased costs plus returning Excise Impost onto Fuel prices as a further unpleasant surprise ... ;)

20-06-2022, 09:17 PM
And Ardern has now chosen Britain / UK to have a little chinwag with Boris for a further
break away from the ongoing successful trainwreck in progress at home .. nothing like
out of sight, out of mind on Three Waters Disaster zone and Dr Do-Little's Health
Zigsaw destruction exercise thrown on top of the earlier piles of Labour carnage . ;)

Hope she remembers to tell them that this will be her last official trip to the UK
before being given the boot by Joe Public .. wily old Joe has probably already
worked that part out from the desperation to bulldoze herself into an impromptu session
in the Oval Office with no prior appointment :)

20-06-2022, 09:18 PM
Who is paying for that? You, if you have a job. Do you have a job, other than being a paid labour shill, or maybe that's all there is and that's enough? The Labour investment in social media monitoring and manipulation will surprise many when it's all added up and comes to light.

Taxpayers are paying - for the hundreds of spin doctors employed by this Ardern government to hoodwink NZers.


Excerpt : "She says, "In my 20-year plus time as a journalist, this Government is one of the most thin-skinned and secretive I have experienced."

Excerpt : "In her latest column, Vance identifies a big part of the problem as being the increased number of communications staff hired by government to massage the media and produce good public relations: "We are up against an army of well-paid spin doctors. Since the current Government took office, the number of communications specialists have ballooned. Each minister has at least two press secretaries. (Ardern has four). In the year Labour took office, the Ministry for the Environment had 10 PR staff. They now have 18. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade more than doubled their staff - up to 25. MBIE blew out from 48 staff to 64." She points out that the rebranded NZ Transport Agency, now Waka Kotahi, has increased its PR staff from 26 to 72."

20-06-2022, 09:33 PM
Yeps perps!
Are we now trying to sell ice to eskimos?

20-06-2022, 09:42 PM
Yeps perps!
Are we now trying to sell ice to eskimos?

Ta Kiora .. Now we know why Ardern is headed to UK - to help Johnson with the UK Heatwave :)

All that's needed now is for Mr Putrid up in Ruskyland to learn that the UK are buying new sophisticated heat
seeking missiles from down under :)

Two disasters could be gone with one pot shot :)

20-06-2022, 09:48 PM
4.5 years in power and the health system is on the verge of collapsing - because this Ardern & Little dumbos did not prepare for the post COVID world. So busy were they basking in their illusionary zero COVID success.


College of Emergency Medicine deputy chair Dr Kate Allan said emergency departments around the country were slammed while patients were having to wait for a hospital bed due to unprecedented demand and staff shortages.

"The system is under unprecedented stress, it is not coping, it is chaotic and it's dangerous."

20-06-2022, 09:48 PM
Taxpayers are paying - for the hundreds of spin doctors employed by this Ardern government to hoodwink NZers.


Excerpt : "She says, "In my 20-year plus time as a journalist, this Government is one of the most thin-skinned and secretive I have experienced."

Excerpt : "In her latest column, Vance identifies a big part of the problem as being the increased number of communications staff hired by government to massage the media and produce good public relations: "We are up against an army of well-paid spin doctors. Since the current Government took office, the number of communications specialists have ballooned. Each minister has at least two press secretaries. (Ardern has four). In the year Labour took office, the Ministry for the Environment had 10 PR staff. They now have 18. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade more than doubled their staff - up to 25. MBIE blew out from 48 staff to 64." She points out that the rebranded NZ Transport Agency, now Waka Kotahi, has increased its PR staff from 26 to 72."

Goebbels, Nazi WW2 propagandist, would be proud of Comrade Cinders team of sycophants.

21-06-2022, 10:08 AM
Goebbels, Nazi WW2 propagandist, would be proud of Comrade Cinders team of sycophants.

Unfortunately, despite the lessons of and from history, there are many like the labourite posters on this thread, who have learnt nothing - mainly because they are weak minded individuals with no principles and so are easily manipulated by the likes of Ardern & her spin doctors.

Fortunately, the majority of NZers can think for themselves once they assess the track record of each and every government.

21-06-2022, 11:35 AM
I really do not understand why this Labour Govt mess is a surprise to anyone, all one has to remember is ,

The left is a lie, Russia, China, Nth Korea, Sth Africa, Australia , New Zealand, who haver I missed out ?

21-06-2022, 01:14 PM
4.5 years in power and the health system is on the verge of collapsing - because this Ardern & Little dumbos did not prepare for the post COVID world. So busy were they basking in their illusionary zero COVID success.

This is what you get after years of under-investment by the 'other' lot.
They thought that they were being clever - after all, it takes time for the effects to show and they knew they'd be out of power by the time it did.

21-06-2022, 02:02 PM
This is what you get after years of under-investment by the 'other' lot.
They thought that they were being clever - after all, it takes time for the effects to show and they knew they'd be out of power by the time it did.

Garbage. Unadulterated Labour rubbish.

The crisis is as a consequence of the total lockout of healthcare workers from overseas due to Ardern’s policies. Go talk to any DHB and immigration consultants - they were not allowed and able to recruit any healthcare workers in the last 2.5 years.

So NZ lost out on healthcare workers to other countries like Australia, UK, US & overseas! And our healthcare workers are leaving now too to work overseas.

You lot are really pathetic and such losers to try and blame others for Ardern’s incompetence and total lack of preparedness for the post lockdown COVID world.

Are you really so blind? So devoid of any understanding of why there is a healthcare crisis now?

21-06-2022, 02:25 PM
Garbage. Unadulterated Labour rubbish.

The crisis is as a consequence of the total lockout of healthcare workers from overseas due to Ardern’s policies. Go talk to any DHB and immigration consultants - they were not allowed and able to recruit any healthcare workers in the last 2.5 years.

So NZ lost out on healthcare workers to other countries like Australia, UK, US & overseas! And our healthcare workers are leaving now too to work overseas.

You lot are really pathetic and such losers to try and blame others for Ardern’s incompetence and total lack of preparedness for the post lockdown COVID world.

Are you really so blind? So devoid of any understanding of why there is a healthcare crisis now?

Garbage. Unadulterated National rubbish.
I wouldn't expect you to understand reality.

21-06-2022, 02:26 PM
Are you really so blind? So devoid of any understanding of why there is a healthcare crisis now?

Want to see a healthcare crisis wait until National defund it and sell Pharmac to a pharma multi-national.

21-06-2022, 02:56 PM
Garbage. Unadulterated National rubbish.
I wouldn't expect you to understand reality.

To be expected from a weak minded Arden devotee who has been indoctrinated by the spin mistress and her multitude of taxpayers paid spin doctors.

You wouldn’t know a healthcare worker if you sat next to one!

21-06-2022, 05:21 PM
To be expected from a weak minded Arden devotee who has been indoctrinated by the spin mistress and her multitude of taxpayers paid spin doctors.

You wouldn’t know a healthcare worker if you sat next to one!

At least you are consistently deluded and childish in your responses.

21-06-2022, 07:06 PM
At least you are consistently deluded and childish in your responses.

Maybe in your feeble mind but I am not weak minded and indoctrinated into a zombie state of brain dead like you lot.

2.5 years to prepare for the post COVID world and Ardern could only think of lockdowns and keeping migrants out.

What a cock up by the spin mistress.

21-06-2022, 08:07 PM

Waka Kotahi unit facing restructure deemed 'no longer effective', documents reveal

Another Disaster Zone - The Country's Roads - this one under Michael Woods as Minister is it not ? :)

What sort of pathetic abismal excuses will Labour trot out for "grab the taxes - poor delivery" on this ? ;)

21-06-2022, 08:18 PM

PM stands by Nanaia Mahuta after Nats say Government contracts to family show 'pattern of perceived conflicts'

Well - of course she would - all in the name of protecting her own face & Leadership

Put simply - No Mahuta - No Maori Support base - No Ardern - No Labour -- and after 2023 No more ;)

Most can see that will follow on from such incompetent inept performances coming from portfolios where
Ardern has deliberately sought not to stir up the growing swarm of hornets residing within ; )

The Public however are very likely to see things from a totally different viewpoint in 2023 to get rid of these "PM protected hopeless poor performing empires" which she has proven totally gutless in reigning in or maintaining any control over.

21-06-2022, 08:22 PM
Want to see a healthcare crisis wait until National defund it and sell Pharmac to a pharma multi-national.

Read the Media Reports - there already is a Heathcare Crisis .. it may be time someone crawled out from under their rock ;)

21-06-2022, 08:25 PM

Oranga Tamariki oversight: Minister Carmel Sepuloni defends changes amid widespread opposition

And yet another disaster in the making

Apparently with as much Opposition all round to it, as Mahuta's Tragic THREE WATERS Bulls Up ;)

21-06-2022, 09:02 PM

PM stands by Nanaia Mahuta after Nats say Government contracts to family show 'pattern of perceived conflicts'

Well - of course she would - all in the name of protecting her own face & Leadership

Put simply - No Mahuta - No Maori Support base - No Ardern - No Labour -- and after 2023 No more ;)

Most can see that will follow on from such incompetent inept performances coming from portfolios where
Ardern has deliberately sought not to stir up the growing swarm of hornets residing within ; )

The Public however are very likely to see things from a totally different viewpoint in 2023 to get rid of these "PM protected hopeless poor performing empires" which she has proven totally gutless in reigning in or maintaining any control over.

Mahuta Whanau sure are making hay while Ardern blows smoke up the Maori Cabal’s arses.

22-06-2022, 09:15 AM
I think you have to keep some perspective on this, Charlotte Bellis was splashing her personal details widely all over the media at the time, so some would see it a bit rich to rush to outrage over this pretty minor transgression in this specific case. Context is everything in my view.

Minor transgression, wrote Blue Skies.



We now know Hipkins not only went out of his way to disparage Charlotte Bellis, he doubled down to try & totally discredit her.

Be Kind, says Ardern but just don’t anyone dare to criticise anything about the ‘good time’ spin mistress because she & her ministers will then show their nasty side.



22-06-2022, 09:35 AM
And it has taken Charlotte Bellis months of legal action and battle to extract the apology from Chris Hipkins and this Ardern government.

25-06-2022, 06:01 PM
Nothing but bad karma following the spin mistress Ardern these days even as she heads off overseas (again) to avoid all the negative results of her misdeeds from over promising and overwhelming under delivery.



During the peak of the Covid pandemic, Ardern could justifiably boast that New Zealand was "the envy of the world".

But now the EIU has knocked Auckland off its top slot in "the world's most liveable cities" rankings. Not just a peg or two - but a complete nosedive from first place to 34th. Wellington has also been slammed down from fourth place to 50th.

These Ardern trade and business missions are big on PR compared to former Prime Minister Sir John Key, whose missions had a strong transactional component.

25-06-2022, 06:07 PM
And it has taken Charlotte Bellis months of legal action and battle to extract the apology from Chris Hipkins and this Ardern government.

As insincere and cynical as it gets with Hipkins apology to Bellis.

He waited for Ardern to move him from the COVID response ministerial position before issuing the public apology.

Otherwise, precedent & ministerial protocol determine Hipkins has to resign for such an outrageous, disgusting and totally unjustifiable act as he did with Bellis.


Most transparent government - kiss my arse.

25-06-2022, 08:00 PM
As insincere and cynical as it gets with Hipkins apology to Bellis.

He waited for Ardern to move him from the COVID response ministerial position before issuing the public apology.

Otherwise, precedent & ministerial protocol determine Hipkins has to resign for such an outrageous, disgusting and totally unjustifiable act as he did with Bellis.


Most transparent government - kiss my arse.

Incredible really, going from goddess to pariah in such a short time. This government has given us so much material to doubt that they'll ever achieve anything significant except humungous debt, failed policy implementations across all sectors and societies on NZ, and soon an economic inflation driven recession or worse. History seems destined to reflect unkindly on this government, perhaps the most ruinous most will recall.

25-06-2022, 10:54 PM
Govt Revenue Creep on (Addended: NOT ON) Bracket Creep:


Fortunately come along 2023 might see a different sort of Creep dealt back to this sort of hopeless talent ;)

In the mean time the most successful aspirations appear to be in digging the hole deeper around himself :)

Must be fairly stupid to boot to even consider attempting a further try .. after his last blundering releases.

Don't worry - the prancing Head Parrot away busy squawking 'Look at Me's' in Europe wont have missed it - could be demotion to the cheaper seats for naughty Socialists on return - Little Master Nosy Parker :)

And as for what's missed - it is surprising Govt missed putting the unfortunate poor performing Parker on the recent list of stand in portfolio warming talent swiftly upended off their portfolios back into irrelevance ;)

Perhaps a more capable suitable monkey couldn't be found at Wellington Zoo in time for the changes
or all the potential Zoo candidates were strangely enough named Trevor ;)

25-06-2022, 11:29 PM

Ram raiders: Group arrested while fleeing raid on empty Auckland dairy

New Govt Initiative - To catch more ram raiders - patrol empty shops that look like they are not empty ;)

Seems to be working - doesn't it ? .. how much was thrown at revising the enforcement plan ?

Perhaps the intelligence of those left uncaught is now lower than that of the average Govt Minister ? ;)

(for a short while until the wet bus passes and be good pats on the head are dished out, to see more
of the same)

26-06-2022, 08:35 AM
Health system beyond crisis point - thanks to Ardern & Little.

And in the midst of this healthcare disaster, Little is disbanding the existing DHB system for ????


Staff shortages have left health workers in a situation “beyond a crisis”, according to a front line staff member from the Waikato DHB.

“Actually we’re beyond a crisis, we’re broken.

“The Minister and the Prime Minister, they’re not acknowledging it.”

26-06-2022, 10:45 AM
So what happened?

Why has the health system under Ardern become such a disaster area?

A good synopsis :

‘The pandemic reminded us how much we need the health system. We looked around the world as Covid swept through unguarded countries and overwhelmed their health systems and felt grateful we had time to prepare for it.

And yet we are unprepared. And actually worse off now.

The Government should've brought in more staff. They said they would. But health workers found they couldn't get spaces in MIQ. When spaces were set aside for health workers it was woefully late and far too few. Only 300 MIQ spaces a month and only from October last year.

Nurses are still not on the highest priority migrant list. They're on the B-list, forced to work two years for residency when civil engineers get it the minute they land. It's an unnecessary obstacle for globally in-demand nurses who are being offered sweet deals by other countries.’

A government of spin and non delivery - Ardern & her team of nincompoops.

26-06-2022, 09:57 PM
Dr Do-Little - that’s the nickname from the medical & healthcare profession now for the little one.

The one who tried to cleanse his hands with taxpayers’ funds over Pike River.


“The health system is in meltdown. Call it a crisis, or don’t. It is collapsing around us.

As the system buckles, there is incredulity that Health Minister Andrew Little is pushing ahead with a bureaucratic overhaul. Doctors are being asked to work – unpaid – on groups advising the ministry on how to bed in the new regime. No-one seems to know how it will work – the changes are yet another burden that the workforce cannot absorb.

Instead of prioritising a flow of overseas healthcare workers, or returning normal care to reasonable timeframes, his Ministry is pre-occupied with an administrative rejig.”

So Up Yours, Ardern & Little. The two of you are not only useless but increasingly, destructively so by creating one disaster after another.

28-06-2022, 05:43 PM
Government was warned of the healthcare & hospital crisis a year ago by the DHBs - but as usual with Ardern & her team of incompetents, nothing was done to prepare NZ for the chronic problems now besieging our hospitals and healthcare providers.


‘The Government was sent a letter by all district health boards a year ago, warning of “considerable pressures” and outlining “critical workforce issues” being faced by DHBs and exacerbated by the immigration settings at that time.’

“The Health Minister is failing at his core responsibility of ensuring New Zealanders have access to healthcare, all because he is distracted by his ideologically driven desire to restructure the health bureaucracy.‘

28-06-2022, 05:45 PM
Too busy with MIQs and lockdowns & Maori votes - only things that Ardern & Dr Doo-Little care about.


28-06-2022, 07:23 PM
New York Times article :


"The problem has intensified under Ardern's Government, with average home prices rising 58 per cent from 2017 to 2021. Last year, the average home price passed $1 million.

The country has also battled persistent child poverty, which causes rates of rheumatic fever and lung ailments that are surprisingly high for a developed country. In 2017, Ardern declared reducing child poverty a core goal. Currently, 13.6 per cent of New Zealand children live in poverty, a decrease from 16.5 per cent in 2018 but more than the Government's target of 10.5 per cent.

And despite Ardern's promise to treat climate change like her generation's "nuclear-free moment", emissions have increased by 2.2 per cent since 2018."

28-06-2022, 08:51 PM
“The Health Minister is failing at his core responsibility of ensuring New Zealanders have access to healthcare, all because he is distracted by his ideologically driven desire to restructure the health bureaucracy.‘

This government is ideologically driven to restructure all systemically failing sectors, but starting with the government layer of bureaucratic controls in the ministries and the administrations, they have also failed to realise it takes far longer to implement real change anywhere, than the time they have in government.

And, by initiating those changes backed by untold billions of tax payers money, they are only making and tolerating the front-line delivery problems across all sectors worse. Creating a much larger mess for the sectors and the next government to repair.

This government will go down in history as the most ideologically ambitious, misguided, largesse government ever who has thrown enormous amounts of money at problems that cannot be solved or implemented in any unreasonable timeframe, let alone their term in government.

The fish rots from the head. The fish heads are rotten, rotten to the core.

29-06-2022, 03:30 AM
Yeah but John effectively gave billions to the maori party to buy their votes.

Though given there's almost zero chance of a national/act govt, how much would luxon throw at them?

29-06-2022, 08:16 AM
Govt Revenue Creep on (Addended: NOT ON) Bracket Creep:


Fortunately come along 2023 might see a different sort of Creep dealt back to this sort of hopeless talent ;)

In the mean time the most successful aspirations appear to be in digging the hole deeper around himself :)

Must be fairly stupid to boot to even consider attempting a further try .. after his last blundering releases.

Don't worry - the prancing Head Parrot away busy squawking 'Look at Me's' in Europe wont have missed it - could be demotion to the cheaper seats for naughty Socialists on return - Little Master Nosy Parker :)

And as for what's missed - it is surprising Govt missed putting the unfortunate poor performing Parker on the recent list of stand in portfolio warming talent swiftly upended off their portfolios back into irrelevance ;)

Perhaps a more capable suitable monkey couldn't be found at Wellington Zoo in time for the changes
or all the potential Zoo candidates were strangely enough named Trevor ;)

I read this and couldn't believe a sane person would actually be able to say something like this in a situation where people are struggling to pay for basic needs. So it's not a big problem that we're being robbed by inflation for 11 years? Not a problem GOVT is making record tax revenue while people don't have money to get to work? Not a problem 30% tax bracket is almost at minimum wage level?

What exactly is the plan then, to have everyone on benefits?

29-06-2022, 09:00 AM
$1.2 billion spent so far by Ardern on emergency housing grants - mostly to motels.

What a damning indictment of her promise to solve the housing ‘crisis’ which is now a full blown disaster under her reign.

4,000 household and families living in emergency housing!

Meanwhile, waiting list for state housing has grown to a record 27,200 with no relief in sight.

And how many of the 10,000 a year Kiwibuild homes promised have been built? Less than 2,000 at the last count after 4.5 years in power!


29-06-2022, 09:14 AM
And now they are keen to spend billions to help the WCC put on a train to Island Bay in Wellington

29-06-2022, 12:44 PM
Yeah but John effectively gave billions to the maori party to buy their votes.

Though given there's almost zero chance of a national/act govt, how much would luxon throw at them?

And Labour allowed itself to get hijacked so no giving was needed .. instead plenty of taking :)

That includes Health, Separatism, Local Waters hijacked under unworkable idealogical theories
and considerably more under divisive policies overseen by idiots and incompetents who should
be nowhere near any seat of power ..

Let's see who will be laughing & just how Little will be left in the piggy bank come end of 2023 ;)

How long before many more wake up to recent Labour terms being nothing more than yet another
Road to Nowhere, which cost plenty, resulted in little tangible benefit/advance and saw SFA in
tangible progress on most things - that includes the flagship policies the parrot rode in on .. ? ;)

Whatever happened to all those who thought they would be rehomed instantly, those who saw
prosperity untold with Labour .. how many thousands of excuses will be trotted out to cover
the backsides of the Top Spinners who will have failed miserably and let the team of 5 million down
so badly ? :)

29-06-2022, 02:44 PM
Looks like Hipkins cannot handle any real debate without reverting into the snivelling rat he showed he really is (as with Charlotte Bellis):


Pathetic, isn’t it?l

29-06-2022, 04:30 PM
Looks like Hipkins cannot handle any real debate without reverting into the snivelling rat he showed he really is (as with Charlotte Bellis):


Pathetic, isn’t it?l

Mark Mitchell (one of the old boy police) doesn't seem to like increased numbers of women in the Police.
Leaves you wondering if National has a problem with women full stop?

29-06-2022, 07:11 PM
Chris Hipkins in action (being a bully) before his latest episode of getting tangled in spreading misinformation and untrue insinuations about Mark Mitchell:

Took the threat of a court case hearing before an emergency MIQ slot was allotted to another pregnant woman - that's how flimsy the MIQ system was under Hipkins. It could not stand court scrutiny and as we now all know, the court found the MIQ system to be in breach of NZers' right to return home.


As Chris Hipkins apologises to Charlotte Bellis for comments about her MIQ application, it can be revealed the government spent nearly $43,000 fighting another pregnancy-related MIQ case in court.

Having had no luck in the voucher lotteries, she said they applied for emergency allocation and were declined.

Sami lodged a second application for emergency allocation and then took her case to the High Court, seeking a judicial review of the decision.

Her lawyer, Tudor Clee, explained the case was due before the court on 26 October. But on 22 October, the last business day before it was to be heard, Sami and Spears received an email saying he had been granted emergency allocation.

Sami said it was unclear why, given the first one was rejected and their circumstances had not changed.

29-06-2022, 08:26 PM
And Oops, here's Mahuta shooting herself and Ardern in both feet (again)!

Mahuta voted against the Abortion Reform twice but now has the hypocrisy to criticize the US Roe v Wade abortion decision!

Mahuta : The US Supreme Courts overturning of Roe v. Wade Is draconian and does not support the right of women to choice. How can this happen?

Here's Robertson ducking and diving when asked why Mahuta wrote the statement above and he said it was a personal matter for Mahuta.


Robertson said: "That's something for Nanaia Mahuta herself to explain. In the Labour Party we have operated conscience votes when it comes to issues like abortion."

And here's Mahuta saying it wasn't her opinion but she was speaking for the Labour Party!



29-06-2022, 08:42 PM
Yet another "state house" tenant has done $18370 damage to govt. property, but will be neither evicted or pay reparation.

NZ Herald article re Katrina Epiha, damaged ChCh womens prison, in a fit of rage.

Any relation to Epiha who shot dead an Auckland policeman?

Why is NZ so kind to these people?

30-06-2022, 01:11 AM
Govt Housing milestone:


Government demolishes more houses than it builds - National

Kāinga Ora, the government's housing arm has demolished more houses in 2022, than it built, according to data from the department.

Information from the Government Housing Dashboard reveals 202 houses have been demolished since January, while just 193 have been built, a net loss of nine homes.

The stats come as National is slamming Labour's housing policies as "failed", alleging it has spent more than $1 billion on emergency housing since it came to power.

"Labour promised they would solve New Zealand's housing crisis. Five years on, taxpayers have paid more than $1 billion in Emergency Housing Special Needs Grants, mainly to motels, with thousands of people living in motels for months at a time," National's Housing spokesperson Nicola Willis says.

"The Government says state houses are the solution, but have allowed the state house waiting list to explode from fewer than 6000 people when National left office, to more than 27,000 today."

Wood's turf isn't it ? - where is she hiding ?

Housing Minister Megan Woods has been approached for comment.

Lights on - No-one in Office obviously :)

Is she hiding down an abandoned Mine somewhere instead, not wanting to be found ? ;)

30-06-2022, 01:19 AM

Third major bank curtails mortgage lending to those with small deposits

[behind Paywall]

"Get New Homeowners into Houses" seems to be working well ..

Another of the current Govt's promises thrown on the scrap heap
after Robbo and the RBNZ showed they together really knew how to sort
things out for the better - producing another growing shambles

Any chance these two blunt instruments from the Glass Towers can be sent to Ukraine to
absorb some Russian flak & show themselves to be even minutely useful ? ;)

30-06-2022, 01:29 AM
The PM's flying crate to offshore destinations:


The air force's Boeing 757 aircraft, which fly the prime minister on overseas trips, have had thousands of mechanical faults and six safety incidents in recent years.

Details of the mechanical faults and maintenance costs, obtained by ACT Party defence spokesperson Dr James McDowall​, show that since October 2017 more than $70 million had been spent on maintenance of the two Boeings.

A monthly tally shows that January and April this year were among the most costly, with more than $6m being spent each month. In May, one of the planes broke down in Washington DC while flying the prime minister.

"It is not operational costs, that is just maintenance and repair. To have spent that kind of money on two aircraft since late 2017, you would have thought the minister would have sought funds or figured out how to replace these things sooner.

"Clearly, they do need to be replaced.”

McDowall said the two Boeings – which were nearly three decades old – had an “extraordinary number” of breakdowns.

The two 757s have since October 2017 had a combined total of 1561 mechanical faults occur when the planes were not in planned maintenance. During maintenance, a total 2733 faults were recorded as occurring.

If the live Cargo isn't awake enough to realise the flying crate isn't up to warrantable standards & costing
a bomb in repairs - then why not just open the emergency doors to ditch the clueless cargo in the drink
to wake things up in a hurry ? ;)

30-06-2022, 12:58 PM
Prison guard stabbed in the face 12 times by gang prisoner.

All that kindness and pro gang policies of Ardern - encouraging violence and gang activity.


30-06-2022, 05:10 PM
Dumkins on Ram Raids:


Police Minister Chris Hipkins says ram raids spurred by 'made for TikTok' moments and notoriety

Open your legs - Chris - they might all run away laughing ;)

Or should that be 'Minister needs to be Pepper sprayed to become more intelligent' ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
30-06-2022, 07:44 PM
Yeah but John effectively gave billions to the maori party to buy their votes.

Though given there's almost zero chance of a national/act govt, how much would luxon throw at them?

‘Almost zero chance of a national/act govt’.

I suppose that’s based on current polling is it. Polling that suggests Māori giving their party votes to Labour, and then in the special apartheid seats they give their votes to the Māori Party, giving them effectively two votes for every one that the NZ second class citizens (predominantly European / Asian / Pacific Island) get. So the Māori party get bugger all party votes but still end up determining who is the government.

What a great democracy aye. Moving away from ‘First Past The Post’ was supposed to ensure that everyone’s vote counted, and now under MMP some people effectively get one vote, and others get two votes.

30-06-2022, 09:05 PM
The voting with our feet has already started and will get worse under the current hopeless management of the country https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/129114778/why-im-joining-the-postcovid-brain-drain-from-new-zealand?fbclid=IwAR3FGx_yQgWqd0owicqsyhkpNskfIcQEK Ub7Tm1V_dyBMfhCu0upEZXIluE

30-06-2022, 09:20 PM
‘Almost zero chance of a national/act govt’.

I suppose that’s based on current polling is it. Polling that suggests Māori giving their party votes to Labour, and then in the special apartheid seats they give their votes to the Māori Party, giving them effectively two votes for every one that the NZ second class citizens (predominantly European / Asian / Pacific Island) get. So the Māori party get bugger all party votes but still end up determining who is the government.

What a great democracy aye. Moving away from ‘First Past The Post’ was supposed to ensure that everyone’s vote counted, and now under MMP some people effectively get one vote, and others get two votes.

Pakeha can also do the same with ACT?

Give their party votes to National but electoral votes to ACT.

Interesting times ahead.

30-06-2022, 09:59 PM
The voting with our feet has already started and will get worse under the current hopeless management of the country https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/129114778/why-im-joining-the-postcovid-brain-drain-from-new-zealand?fbclid=IwAR3FGx_yQgWqd0owicqsyhkpNskfIcQEK Ub7Tm1V_dyBMfhCu0upEZXIluE

I certainly couldn't argue with my son's reasoning when he announced he was leaving for Australia with three of his mates in March this year. It was the money and cheaper expenses, the opportunity to save a lot more, way better superannuation and salary bonuses. At only 19 years old he's really enjoying Melbourne, has a secure job earning a heck of a lot more than here for bascially the same job, with a hefty bonus coming and an eye watering pay rise coming later this year when he turns 20. He'll double his NZ income in a few months. How can you as a parent, press against that?

So what did I say? I said, go for it mate, I love you and wish it was different and you'd find success here in NZ, and although you could live with us at home rent/board free, I completely understand why you're making this decision. The money difference is just too compelling. I hope you come home to NZ some day, but at least we can stay in touch on FaceTime. Which thankfully we do. I doubt that he will ever come back though, except maybe a xmas visit.

It's so sad imo that our children do not have the opportunity to prosper in NZ anymore, they choose another country to live their lives and they're right, that here in NZ we do not offer any compelling reason to stay. Even more sadly, this doesn't just apply just to our children anymore, it is prevalent across many sectors, demographics, and age groups.

30-06-2022, 11:14 PM
I personally know 5 young doctors in their 30s and 40s (all specialists) who left for better opportunities and prospects in Australia in the last few years.

Besides the better conditions and opportunities, they have all had a gutsful as well of all the woke PC BS racist divisive Ardern garbage while the healthcare system crumbles under Ardern & Little.

They comprise of an anaesthetist, a blood specialist, a nuclear radiologist and two surgeons.

The anaesthetist is currently on a skiing holiday in Queenstown. We caught up in Auckland before he flew down - he earns twice the money for half the work hours and lectures at a university there part time too. Why TF would he ever return to NZ - to learn to speak Maori to get a promotion?

Who can blame them? In fact, matter of time before all the young doctors leave for Australia & overseas.

PS. Make that 7 - I forgot to include the brother of the radiologist & his wife who graduated as doctors 2 years ago. They joined the radiologist in Sydney this year.

Blue Skies
01-07-2022, 10:02 AM
Good to see even right wing commentator Mathew Hooton grudgingly admitting "fairs fair, this is a fantastic achievement Jacinda Adern" .

A $1.8 Billion trade deal with EU which most people thought would not happen.
Adern's global leadership & star power helping us get across the finish line after negotiations had stalled & were deadlocked.

Say what you like ( & I know this will infuriate some here,) but Adern is seen as a global leader overseas & is enormously respected, admired & liked by the leaders of many western nations.

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2022, 11:56 AM
How long until we start to have ‘issues with paperwork’ at Chinese ports.

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2022, 11:57 AM
Good to see even right wing commentator Mathew Hooton grudgingly admitting "fairs fair, this is a fantastic achievement Jacinda Adern" .

A $1.8 Billion trade deal with EU which most people thought would not happen.
Adern's global leadership & star power helping us get across the finish line after negotiations had stalled & were deadlocked.

Say what you like ( & I know this will infuriate some here,) but Adern is seen as a global leader overseas & is enormously respected, admired & liked by the leaders of many western nations.

‘EU trade deal falls flat with beef and lamb, dairy exporters

The new free-trade agreement with the European Union has fallen flat with parts of the primary sector.

Chief executive of the Meat Industry Association Sirma Karapeeva said the deal would provide only a 10,000-tonne allowance of New Zealand beef into a market that consumed 6.5 million tonnes of beef annually.

“We are extremely disappointed that this agreement does not deliver commercially meaningful access for our exporters, in particular for beef,” Karapeeva said.‘

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2022, 12:21 PM
Looks like Labour have made a rod for their own backs by proceeding with ‘Health New Zealand’ changes at this time.
We’ve have outbreaks of flu, RSV, and COVID underway, and the health system is already spluttering.
Perception is everything, as we all know.

01-07-2022, 01:10 PM
‘EU trade deal falls flat with beef and lamb, dairy exporters

Which countries actually have a trade deal with the EU?

Very few and we are one of them.

Blue Skies
01-07-2022, 01:48 PM
‘EU trade deal falls flat with beef and lamb, dairy exporters

The new free-trade agreement with the European Union has fallen flat with parts of the primary sector.

Chief executive of the Meat Industry Association Sirma Karapeeva said the deal would provide only a 10,000-tonne allowance of New Zealand beef into a market that consumed 6.5 million tonnes of beef annually.

“We are extremely disappointed that this agreement does not deliver commercially meaningful access for our exporters, in particular for beef,” Karapeeva said.‘

So lets look at the specifics of this.
NZ currently has a quota of 1102 metric tons of Beef into the EU market with a tariff of 20%.
This tariff will fall to 7.5% on day one of the deal coming into effect, with the quota also immediately expanding by 300% to 3333 tones, and then to 10,000 tones in 7 years.

So despite overcoming all the EU blocks & achieving a much improved deal for the meat sector than we currently have, plus the extremely powerful & protectionist agriculture sector in the EU claiming the EU has capitulated to NZ, do you think we should have just stuck with what we've got & not have signed the deal ?

01-07-2022, 02:08 PM
EU investment into NZ is predicted to increase by 80%.

Best get the super fund to be more active there as we only care about flipping houses here (which the EU's trade negotiators would have noticed).

01-07-2022, 02:14 PM
Photo opportunity garbage deal by Ardern which locks NZ out of the EU meat & dairy markets now for the long haul - where we have huge competitive advantages.

What a waste of space the spin artist Ardern is.

01-07-2022, 02:16 PM
How long until we start to have ‘issues with paperwork’ at Chinese ports.

Won't be happening because of this.
I don't think China expects us to trade only with them.

‘EU trade deal falls flat with beef and lamb, dairy exporters

The new free-trade agreement with the European Union has fallen flat with parts of the primary sector.

Chief executive of the Meat Industry Association Sirma Karapeeva said the deal would provide only a 10,000-tonne allowance of New Zealand beef into a market that consumed 6.5 million tonnes of beef annually.

“We are extremely disappointed that this agreement does not deliver commercially meaningful access for our exporters, in particular for beef,” Karapeeva said.‘

Fortunately, Meat isn't the only thing we farm in NZ.
Meat was the big hold-up and always is with NZ trade deals. We were never going to get all we wanted there.
As O'Connor said - if both sides aren't entirely happy then we have probably met in the middle.

01-07-2022, 02:18 PM
How long until we start to have ‘issues with paperwork’ at Chinese ports.

Photo opportunity garbage deal by Ardern which locks NZ out of the EU meat & dairy markets now for the long haul - where we have huge competitive advantages.

What a waste of space the spin artist Ardern is.

You sound like Mike Hoskings!
A sad, sad person.
I gather Meat is the only thing that matters, in your opinion, to NZ?

01-07-2022, 02:31 PM
Not the only thing but it does help to pay a lot of bills.
Are there any suggestions what we could replace it with?
Carbon credits?
"The meat industry is New Zealand's largest manufacturing sector, providing jobs for 25,000 people at more than 60 locations nationwide. The New Zealand meat industry processes around 25 million sheep and five million cattle every year."
"Meat exports are worth a lot to New Zealand. Beef and lamb exports alone total more than $5 billion a year. MPI's role is to make sure meat exports meet New Zealand food safety standards and comply with the requirements of our overseas customers."

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2022, 02:43 PM
You sound like Mike Hoskings!
A sad, sad person.
I gather Meat is the only thing that matters, in your opinion, to NZ?

Do you realise you are conflating together two different people?

The purpose of my post was to comment on the likely attitude of China, given we have experienced ‘paperwork issues’ with them in the past.

01-07-2022, 04:27 PM
Do you realise you are conflating together two different people?

The purpose of my post was to comment on the likely attitude of China, given we have experienced ‘paperwork issues’ with them in the past.

They are both sad really.
Hoskings says that it is a bad deal, worst deal ever - purely because it doesn't give us full, open access for meat.
You'd think that there was nothing else that this country does?
The Kiwifruit industry is pretty pleased. Same for apples.

As for China - I know we have had 'paperwork' issues in the past when they are displeased with us but I really doubt that they will do so over a FTA with the EU.

01-07-2022, 05:22 PM
Happy birthday to KiwiBuild – four years old today!

To date, KiwiBuild has delivered 1,366 homes, just 98,634 shy of its target.

With 98.6% of the job left to complete, at this rate KiwiBuild will deliver 100,000 new homes for Kiwis by 2315 – just 293 years away!

Where is the shy Minister of Home Building hiding ? ;)

Hibernating in the middle of a bale of Pink Batts somewhere hoping not to be found ? ;)

01-07-2022, 09:41 PM

NZ launches new health system.

In launching the new health system, Health Minister Andrew Little said today marked the first day in improving outcomes for everyone across New Zealand, and "a beacon towards equity".

What could possibly go wrong ?

Little must have seen a light

Unfortunately the light was only searching for any signs of intelligent life in his office

Unfortunately it appears to have hit him in both eyes, so he is now even blinder than before

The Bad News:

The Light will be back next year looking again :)

Most in the Health Sector and Joe Public at large would like to see Little mounted on the Beacon, before being unceremoniously chucked out down the front stairs .. ;)

Then all will see that the true equity has been restored, freed once again from Wellington's mindless meddling which has been a characteristic of Ardern's terms..

02-07-2022, 03:59 AM
Yes they do like to change things.

As opposed to doing nothing for every problem.

02-07-2022, 08:23 AM
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10972733/Jacinda-Ardern-begs-UK-tourists-return-New-Zealand-prepares-FINALLY-reopen-borders.html Read the comments, bloody interesting.

02-07-2022, 09:06 AM
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10972733/Jacinda-Ardern-begs-UK-tourists-return-New-Zealand-prepares-FINALLY-reopen-borders.html Read the comments, bloody interesting.

Yup - other countries are now getting on with their daily lives while Ardern & her team of incompetent nincompoops are trying every which way to pretend that the daily toll of COVID deaths in NZ is of no consequence. This after boasting to all and sundry about how great she was with her zero COVID strategy, lockdowns and illegal MIQ system.

What a wretched woman Ardern is. Rotten in incompetence and spin to the core she is.

Blue Skies
02-07-2022, 09:20 AM
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10972733/Jacinda-Ardern-begs-UK-tourists-return-New-Zealand-prepares-FINALLY-reopen-borders.html Read the comments, bloody interesting.

What do you expect from a Right Wing Tabloid, which supports the Conservative party & an average age reader of 58!
If you read most of the comments are completely unhinged, full of people down conspiracy holes about vaccines & big Pharma.

In reality, after what people have been through in many countries in Europe including the UK, New Zealand is looked at as this wonderful country & generally there is enormous affection for Kiwis and our PM.
The UK is a basket case & the Conservative govt's handing of Covid under Boris, an utter shambles & tragedy. Look at their NHS & inflation rate.

02-07-2022, 10:46 AM
What do you expect from a Right Wing Tabloid, which supports the Conservative party & an average age reader of 58!
If you read most of the comments are completely unhinged, full of people down conspiracy holes about vaccines & big Pharma.

In reality, after what people have been through in many countries in Europe including the UK, New Zealand is looked at as this wonderful country & generally there is enormous affection for Kiwis and our PM.
The UK is a basket case & the Conservative govt's handing of Covid under Boris, an utter shambles & tragedy. Look at their NHS & inflation rate.

Look at Aotearoa’s health system crumbling under Ardern & Little, and our inflation rate! Aotearoa because NZ was never like this under any previous government - a shambles.

The Europeans are laughing their heads off at Ardern - how easy it has been to give her the pittance of easy access for non consequential produce like honey, kiwifruit and apples (where NZ supplies the off season & has no impact on their producers) but continue to effectively lock out NZ from selling meat & dairy products where NZ has huge competitive advantages.

Only a naive novice negotiator would agree to such a dumb trade deal.

The Europeans are indeed laughing their heads off. Taking candy from a baby.


02-07-2022, 10:51 AM
The stories are pouring out a gusher of how unprepared and overwhelmed the health system is - under Ardern & Little.

The waiting list gets longer and longer, the number of healthcare workers get less and less.

Takes some kind of totally clueless morons to inflict this kind of shambles on NZ - being Ardern & Little.


Excerpt : ‘A woman waited six hours for a bed in an “overcrowded, disgusting” Christchurch Hospital ward, then spent the night in a room with an agitated patient, as the city grapples with spiralling flu rates and other illnesses.’


Excerpt : "We're hearing every day of nurses that are choosing to leave. Some of them are chasing the money to go to Australia, some have got opportunities elsewhere but we have also got nurses that are tired and want to leave," Nuku said.

She said pressure on the health system had hit a crisis point. Executive director of the union for salaried medical specialists (ASMS) Sarah Dalton said doctors agreed.‘

02-07-2022, 05:33 PM
The stories are pouring out a gusher of how unprepared and overwhelmed the health system is - under Ardern & Little.

The waiting list gets longer and longer, the number of healthcare workers get less and less.

Takes some kind of totally clueless morons to inflict this kind of shambles on NZ - being Ardern & Little.


Excerpt : ‘A woman waited six hours for a bed in an “overcrowded, disgusting” Christchurch Hospital ward, then spent the night in a room with an agitated patient, as the city grapples with spiralling flu rates and other illnesses.’


Excerpt : "We're hearing every day of nurses that are choosing to leave. Some of them are chasing the money to go to Australia, some have got opportunities elsewhere but we have also got nurses that are tired and want to leave," Nuku said.

She said pressure on the health system had hit a crisis point. Executive director of the union for salaried medical specialists (ASMS) Sarah Dalton said doctors agreed.‘

Signs of a new round of Covid infections on top of the 5000-10000 daily are being suggested in the news


Covid 19 Omicron outbreak: NZ's 'winter wave' accelerated by BA.5 variant, could equal March peak - expert

What sort of incompetent idiot would be intent on rejigging and reforming the DHB's into a larger disfunctional disaster in the middle of a pandemic with the Sector already creaking & struggling under excess weight with even worse forecast ? ;)

LITTLE must be either a special type of Stupid or desperate to receive the full round of boots in the jacksie
to get rid of him for good next year :)

02-07-2022, 05:44 PM

Jacinda Ardern reminisces on her London OE, but warns Britain of 'growing unrest' in Pacific

Growing unrest with ARDERN and her clueless circle of Talent Voids in NZ too ;)

03-07-2022, 06:00 AM
Which countries actually have a trade deal with the EU?

Very few and we are one of them.

Not very few. Approximately 45-50

03-07-2022, 10:10 AM
Not very few. Approximately 45-50

And the world’s two biggest economies, US & China, cannot be bothered. Says a lot about the countries who kowtow to the EU & sign the lopsided agreements.

Blue Skies
03-07-2022, 12:12 PM
What an incredibly sour peevish embittered response some on here have expressed on this historic FTA with the EU which will remove tariffs on over 90% of our current exports to the EU on day 1, rising to 97% removal. Plus a substancial increase in beef & dairy which they were dreaming if they thought they would get all they wanted.
Not even Australia has an FTA with the EU at the moment though still working on one.

Apart from the EU - FTA, Adern's govt has also achieved & signed the CPTPP (Comprehensive & Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership ) one of the biggest free trade agreements in the world which replaced the TPP which was lost during National's time in govt.

Plus the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ) between NZ, Australia, Chile, Japan,Singapore, Viet Nam, Thailand, Brunei, Darusalam creating one of the biggest free trade areas on the globe.

plus a FTA with the UK.

Now does anyone seriously think a National govt led by an inexperienced unknown (internationally) 1st term MP with a 2nd term MP deputy, neither of whom have even been a minister would be capable of achieving anything like this for NZ!

03-07-2022, 12:52 PM
What an incredibly sour peevish embittered response some on here have expressed on this historic FTA with the EU which will remove tariffs on over 90% of our current exports to the EU on day 1, rising to 97% removal. Plus a substancial increase in beef & dairy which they were dreaming if they thought they would get all they wanted.
Not even Australia has an FTA with the EU at the moment though still working on one.

Apart from the EU - FTA, Adern's govt has also achieved & signed the CPTPP (Comprehensive & Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership ) one of the biggest free trade agreements in the world which replaced the TPP which was lost during National's time in govt.

Plus the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ) between NZ, Australia, Chile, Japan,Singapore, Viet Nam, Thailand, Brunei, Darusalam creating one of the biggest free trade areas on the globe.

plus a FTA with the UK.

Now does anyone seriously think a National govt led by an inexperienced unknown (internationally) 1st term MP with a 2nd term MP deputy, neither of whom have even been a minister would be capable of achieving anything like this for NZ!
They would probably bring in someone line Tim Groser to negotiate on their behalf .
So Jacinda can do all this why can’t she build anywhere near target on Kiwibuild . Why can’t we see that light rail down Dominion Road ? Why are there more than 30,000 people on the social housing waitlist ? ( when National was in 7000 was a” crisis” according to the then opposition ..

03-07-2022, 12:53 PM
Now does anyone seriously think a National govt led by an inexperienced unknown (internationally) 1st term MP with a 2nd term MP deputy, neither of whom have even been a minister would be capable of achieving anything like this for NZ!

For many posters on this thread, anything a National Government would do would be worlds better in every respect than anything the current government has done or possibly could do.

03-07-2022, 02:44 PM
And the world’s two biggest economies, US & China, cannot be bothered. Says a lot about the countries who kowtow to the EU & sign the lopsided agreements.

There are quite a few in the wings - they just haven't managed it yet.
Australia is one of them.
The US would like one but Trump set them back a bit.

03-07-2022, 02:52 PM
They would probably bring in someone line Tim Groser to negotiate on their behalf .
So Jacinda can do all this why can’t she build anywhere near target on Kiwibuild . Why can’t we see that light rail down Dominion Road ? Why are there more than 30,000 people on the social housing waitlist ? ( when National was in 7000 was a” crisis” according to the then opposition ..

Tim Groser was a good negotiator - Damian O'Connor has done well also (and don't forget the Trade and Industry team behind them who carry on despite which flavour of Govt is in power (also note that this negotiation started in 2018 - it takes a Govt to kick things off)).

I'm not sure what the rest is trying to say - Kiwibuild was a flop from the start (always was going to be and I've said that before) but this deal was done.

As for the waiting list - this isn't the same as the number without accommodation.
It seems many more now would rather be in a state house rather than private accommodation than was the case prior to the end of 2017.
Fortunately, this Govt is building more state houses than removing them (National liked to remove them). The latest reported reduction is a case of having to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

03-07-2022, 04:06 PM
Meanwhile Inflation, Fuel Prices (soon also to be Re-excised back upwards) and Interest rate increases run rampart ahead of of the $350 to compensate for increases incurred 2-3 months ago alone

Bracket creep continues to steal more hard earned from struggling Kiwi's while Robbo sleeps on..

When will Robbo pull his head out of his fiscal backside to wake up to what is going on & everyone is being hit with ? ;)

03-07-2022, 04:08 PM
Fortunately, this Govt is building more state houses than removing them (National liked to remove them). The latest reported reduction is a case of having to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Government demolishes more houses than it builds (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/government-demolishes-more-houses-than-it-builds-national/HTPVPJGOTTLZMJJSBOHMB2JLO4/)

Blue Skies
03-07-2022, 04:47 PM
Meanwhile Inflation, Fuel Prices (soon also to be Re-excised back upwards) and Interest rate increases run rampart ahead of of the $350 to compensate for increases incurred 2-3 months ago alone

Bracket creep continues to steal more hard earned from struggling Kiwi's while Robbo sleeps on..

When will Robbo pull his head out of his fiscal backside to wake up to what is going on & everyone is being hit with ? ;)

NTX with respect once again you're so out of touch, all of the things you mention are global problems, governments around the world are grappling with these problems at the moment.
Fuel is imported, inflation is imported, interest rates are rising around the world.
We're part of a global economy now, its not the 1950's.
We have a highly deregulated economy, do you want a state controlled economy like communism?

03-07-2022, 05:38 PM
Government demolishes more houses than it builds (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/government-demolishes-more-houses-than-it-builds-national/HTPVPJGOTTLZMJJSBOHMB2JLO4/)

That's the one - pick the time span to give a false narrative (nothing new there).

03-07-2022, 05:38 PM
Government demolishes more houses than it builds (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/government-demolishes-more-houses-than-it-builds-national/HTPVPJGOTTLZMJJSBOHMB2JLO4/)

202 houses demolished by Ardern and 193 built so far in 2022 - even while the housing waiting list blows out to 27,000 from 7,000 in 2017 when Ardern took control.

What a freaking shambles - and she promised (yes, up and down the country in 2017) to solve the housing ‘crisis’!

If it was a crisis then, what has she delivered now?

Clueless and useless - Ardern.

03-07-2022, 05:55 PM
4,000 households in emergency housing - effectively putting ever more families into ‘storage’ with no hope of getting into affordable housing.

Destroying the very basis of any good and competent government of providing housing, education, food, security & health.

And spending ever more $$$$ to create the disaster - $1.2 billion so far.

03-07-2022, 06:04 PM
Emergency housing = dumping ground for Ardern’s disastrous housing & mental health policies (especially rental regulations and making landlord as enemies).



Emergency accommodation is being used as a dumping ground for people with serious mental health and other issues - and a lack of information sharing is placing support workers and other clients at risk, social agencies say.

Ngāi Te Rangi social worker Patrick Mitchell, who has 20 years of experience in the field, says in his view, motels and transitional housing have become a refuge for some people who would have been in specialised community care in the past.

03-07-2022, 07:46 PM
It’s a crisis Balance …..or maybe crises is a better description

04-07-2022, 08:22 AM
Angry Andy upsetting everyone in the health system https://www.stuff.co.nz/opinion/129153136/the-return-of-angry-andy-the-health-minister-who-is-denying-the-obvious

04-07-2022, 09:02 AM
It’s a crisis Balance …..or maybe crises is a better description

Which means that Ardern was making a mountain of a molehill when she campaigned in 2017 of crises in housing, health and whatever.

Now that she has brought cost of living, housing, health, law & order, racial and education areas into crises, she is spinning that these areas are not in crises.

Trying to have it both ways - buttering her toast on both sides. Once a spin mistress, always a spin con artist.

All spin and no delivery.

Clueless and useless = Ardern.

Blue Skies
04-07-2022, 11:03 AM
Here's a link to Jacinda Adern's address & Q&A at Chatham House. As has been said, the Q&A section where she is answering questions off the cuff is an absolute masterclass in leadership communication. (Q&A starts 23.00 if you want to skip the speech. Incredibly intelligent articulate thoughtful answers to questions. )


04-07-2022, 12:14 PM
Here's a link to Jacinda Adern's address & Q&A at Chatham House. As has been said, the Q&A section where she is answering questions off the cuff is an absolute masterclass in leadership communication.


Master BS class - try Kiwibuild leadership then.

All spin and no delivery - clueless and useless = Ardern.

04-07-2022, 12:56 PM
Meanwhile, there is no health crisis according to the Little one so he refuses to address the grave concerns of health practitioners - the frontline staff bearing the brunt of the crisis!

Because he and Ardern know best - there is no crisis.


There are “grave concerns” for the future of the health workforce and “urgent” action is needed to address the staffing crisis, a surgeons' group says.

The Association of General Surgeons has sent an open letter to Health Minister Andrew Little, saying the staffing shortfall is “profoundly reducing” doctors’ ability to deliver care.

President Dr Rowan French, said both acute and planned surgeries in public hospitals had been reduced as a result.

“Most hospitals are already close to, or at over 100% occupancy. This cannot be dismissed as ‘just a winter problem’, as a number of hospitals were at 100% occupancy in January.”

Blue Skies
04-07-2022, 02:50 PM
Master BS class - try Kiwibuild leadership then.

All spin and no delivery - clueless and useless = Ardern.

It's a shame such a predictable closed response.

Anyone I would urge you to watch the Q&A section, such interesting candid articulate answers on a wide range of global issues from Jacinda Adern, even some humour thrown it.
There would be very few global leaders currently who are able to connect with an audience like this.

04-07-2022, 02:57 PM
It's a shame such a predictable closed response.

Anyone I would urge you to watch the Q&A section, such interesting candid articulate answers on a wide range of global issues from Jacinda Adern, even some humour thrown it.
There would be very few global leaders currently who are able to connect with an audience like this.

Talk is cheap.

NZers have been listening to that tripe from Ardern for long enough - action speaks louder than words.

What happened to her promise of the most transparent government ever?

She should try connecting with the pregnant ladies locked out of NZ during the lockdown (and subject to disinformation and leaks from her ministers) and the 4,000 families put into emergency housing storage by Ardern’s housing debacle.

How about she show some real leadership rather than spin and solve the crises she created :



Law & order

Racial divisiveness

for starters.

Anyone can talk - 100,000 Kiwibuild homes, remember?

04-07-2022, 09:17 PM
Jacinda you wastrel, what"s up?

National were going to cut taxes, yet still go ahead with much needed roading projects. that you and your regime cancelled.

You increased taxes, yet hospitals, fire stations, prisons and schools are crumbling under work loads.

You dish taxpayers money out to Mongrel mobs, Gully opening ceremonies and Mahuta whanau as the tip of a very large iceberg.

Is the Titanic due to sink?

04-07-2022, 10:49 PM

Covid-19, flu, health worker shortages - Minister Andrew Little says system as a whole is 'managing'

All the others in the Sector say some thing else


Covid-19 Omicron outbreak: BA.5 expected to become dominant sub-variant in fortnight as case numbers increase

Baker described the 49 per cent increase of the seven-day rolling average of cases on June 25 (4737) to today (7046 ) as an "abrupt rise" and indicative that New Zealand could be at the beginning of another infection wave.

Thanks Little - if you think the System is 'managing' from your windowless cave - then the Country can quite
happily manage as a whole very well without your poor excuses trying to cover your sorry backside ;)

04-07-2022, 10:53 PM
Talk is cheap.

NZers have been listening to that tripe from Ardern for long enough - action speaks louder than words.

What happened to her promise of the most transparent government ever?

She should try connecting with the pregnant ladies locked out of NZ during the lockdown (and subject to disinformation and leaks from her ministers) and the 4,000 families put into emergency housing storage by Ardern’s housing debacle.

How about she show some real leadership rather than spin and solve the crises she created :



Law & order

Racial divisiveness

for starters.

Anyone can talk - 100,000 Kiwibuild homes, remember?

Anyone can talk - 100,000 Kiwibuild homes, remember?

Dont forget the eary ones in Labour's Completed total largely from the previous Govt, conveniently hijacked
and renamed under KiwiBuild banner to polish up the poor excuse for numbers Labour have counted so far ..

05-07-2022, 10:20 AM
Dont forget the eary ones in Labour's Completed total largely from the previous Govt, conveniently hijacked
and renamed under KiwiBuild banner to polish up the poor excuse for numbers Labour have counted so far ..

Even with that hijack, Ardern could only manage 1366 in 4 years! :t_down:

How incomperent, useless and clueless can any leader be to deliver less than 5% of budget and promise!!!!:eek2:

05-07-2022, 10:24 AM
Meanwhile, another day and here's what GPs are saying and predicting about Ardern's Health NZ :

Health system under Little is BEYOND BROKEN.


Excerpt :

“It’s beyond broken,” says a despairing Geoff Cunningham, as he looks ahead to a bleak future for the country’s 5500 GPs.

Health Minister Andrew Little is hailing health reforms being rolled out from this week as a fix for a health system in crisis, but is struggling to convince doctors at the coal face, either in general practice or working in the nation’s hospitals.

Many, like Cunningham, believe in fact that Little’s way so far has only made things worse

06-07-2022, 03:47 PM
Off to Australia now after securing the EU trade deal.

We're so lucky to have her.


06-07-2022, 05:53 PM
Ardern escaping from all the disasters she created in NZ - health, housing, law and order, child poverty, racial divisiveness, gangs, shootings ..

Just as she avoided Auckland during the delta/omicron lockdown in 2021 :


06-07-2022, 05:55 PM
Jacinda you wastrel, what"s up?

National were going to cut taxes, yet still go ahead with much needed roading projects. that you and your regime cancelled.

You increased taxes, yet hospitals, fire stations, prisons and schools are crumbling under work loads.

You dish taxpayers money out to Mongrel mobs, Gully opening ceremonies and Mahuta whanau as the tip of a very large iceberg.

Is the Titanic due to sink?

Ardern's idea of spending :


06-07-2022, 06:06 PM
Haha .. Now a Grocery Commissioner - so says David Clark :)

Dreamed up & put in place by none other than the incompetent Halfwits
whose hare brained policies have substantially caused the rampart inflation ;)

What else could possibly go wrong with these Labour Halfwits trying to blame
Supermarkets & Retailers for what the Politicians have pulled off ;)

Let's blame someone else to try to save our stupid faces at all costs, once again :)

Dont for one moment think the Public will swallow this load of BS for a moment
where the $350 has been swallowed up long before it lands in bank accounts..

Ardern looks likely to follow Boris Johnson to get emptied out on her &**
as the touted solutions and bandaids progressively get worse & less credible
as each new one gets rolled out and even more see through the shallow spin
and excuses

The only question is which will get upended out first :)

06-07-2022, 06:16 PM
Off to Australia now after securing the EU trade deal.

We're so lucky to have her.


Even more are realising that a stuffed doll from the nearest Kids Toy shop could
do better with a fraction of the spin and unbelievable commotion and no
crisis' generated as excuses to cover for the poor effort :)

fungus pudding
06-07-2022, 06:30 PM
Even more are realising that a stuffed doll from the nearest Kids Toy shop could
do better with a fraction of the spin and unbelievable commotion and no
crisis' generated as excuses to cover for the poor effort :)

You should be grateful she is the P.M. Otherwise it could be Kelvin Davis, Mahooter, Twyford, little, Parker, Willie Jackson or another incompetent from the current Labour lot. At least she is the second best of a sad, dismal bunch.

07-07-2022, 03:27 AM
Indeed, there is great leadership stability on offer =)

07-07-2022, 10:40 PM

Jacinda Ardern reminisces on her London OE, but warns Britain of 'growing unrest' in Pacific

Growing unrest with ARDERN and her clueless circle of Talent Voids in NZ too ;)

Here's Britain's Lost Cause on the way out the door from what is being reported


Boris Johnson to resign and will give statement to the country today

Staff in No 10 have been told that Boris Johnson is quitting and his letter has been prepared, with a statement due later today


Boris Johnson resignation LIVE: PM tells Queen and will make Downing Street speech

Boris Johnson has spoken to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the Conservative 1922 Committee, to inform him of his decision to resign as leader though he will remain Prime Minister until a successor is appointed

Now for the next :)

it won't get any better, no matter how much faster the spin wheels go to counter a horrendous
economy about to engulf everyone late this year / early next year if not prior ;)

Perhaps Johnson should have made Ardern his deputy with full spin machine in tow ? :)

07-07-2022, 10:43 PM
You should be grateful she is the P.M. Otherwise it could be Kelvin Davis, Mahooter, Twyford, little, Parker, Willie Jackson or another incompetent from the current Labour lot. At least she is the second best of a sad, dismal bunch.

It's extremely unfortunate that she could not have noticed herself being surrounded in such a large
pool of useless talent .. Barring Mahoota (probably anchored in like a large Kauri) the more useless
the calibre, perhaps the easier to bully & control and keep in line or in their portfolios ? .. but who knows :)

08-07-2022, 04:47 AM
Here's Britain's Lost Cause on the way out the door from what is being reported

"You're joking right.. not another one".


08-07-2022, 11:30 AM
It's extremely unfortunate that she could not have noticed herself being surrounded in such a large
pool of useless talent .. Barring Mahoota (probably anchored in like a large Kauri) the more useless
the calibre, perhaps the easier to bully & control and keep in line or in their portfolios ? .. but who knows :)

Promoting the incompetents is Ardern's specialty :


So she can focus on :


09-07-2022, 12:38 PM
Kiwis might soon be able to vote in Aussie elections.


Bill Smith
09-07-2022, 04:36 PM
El Bow says to his assistant "Struth cobber, if all kiwis are as shallow and thick as ardern we should let them all vote. Easiest 500,000 for labor!"

10-07-2022, 03:35 AM
It would be great for NZ, a shame you dont care about good news if it involves those you dont like.

10-07-2022, 03:39 AM
Better access to welfare would remove a huge fiscal timebomb from NZ.

Instead kiwis can stay there and claim an age pension rather than returning here.

Bill Smith
10-07-2022, 10:29 AM
Struggling to understand English again panda? Voting is not welfare. Although a labour shill must think everything is welfare.

10-07-2022, 01:18 PM
"Off to Australia now after securing the EU trade deal.

We're so lucky to have her."


In the same way that Zimbabwe was lucky to have Mugabe and the USSR was lucky to have Stalin.

10-07-2022, 01:28 PM
"https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...n-borders.html (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10972733/Jacinda-Ardern-begs-UK-tourists-return-New-Zealand-prepares-FINALLY-reopen-borders.html) Read the comments, bloody interesting."

Comments like: "An absolute insufferable virtue signaling hypocrite." At least some people can see through her BS, unfortunately many here in NZ can't or won't.

10-07-2022, 03:41 PM

PM's terrorism, extremism expert Prof Richard Jackson hired then dropped

Was Kelvin (ated many decades ago) Davis or Willie (Be Silly) Jackson better suited for the job instead ? ;)

10-07-2022, 03:47 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Govt's immigration reset is keeping NZ poor

Normally an unemployment rate as low as 3.2 per cent would be something to be proud of.

But talk to any employer looking for workers right now and that number isn't something to celebrate. It represents frustration and worry.

That number is losing the country money.

An Auckland barbershop has closed after 20 years because it can't find staff.

Sealord is 300 workers short. That'll lose it $5m in the Nelson factory this hoki season alone.

Waitoa can't sell as many frozen chicken nuggets as it wants to or as its customers want to buy. It needs 100 staff.

Up to a million ready to jump the gap to the outside to escape this mindless Socialist Ardern BS too on top of this

Surely a few red lights on the dashboard above have began furiously & relentlessly flashing above ?

Are the bulbs all blown or are Govt mistakenly counting the number of flashes as indications of their popularity ? ;)

What could possibly go wrong ? ;)

10-07-2022, 03:49 PM
Up to a million ready to jump the gap to the outside to escape this mindless Socialist Ardern BS too on top of this

Mainly to Australia which has better workplace regulation and 12% super.

10-07-2022, 04:00 PM
Mainly to Australia which has better workplace regulation and 12% super.

What happened to this Govt reducing the Income Gap ?

Another fail like everything else they have touched & failed miserably on ? ;)

10-07-2022, 04:01 PM

Are any of the 'solutions' to the housing crisis working?

Blue Skies
10-07-2022, 08:18 PM

Are any of the 'solutions' to the housing crisis working?

Let people judge for themselves.

Record 12,000 additional homes completed, April, May, June Quarter.
161,000 homes completed in 5 years since Labour came to office, compared to just 157,000 homes in 9 year period under National who also opened the flood gates to immigration & overseas speculators.
Landlords with multiple properties quitting the rental market & selling to home owners.
House prices falling,
Rents falling.
Absurdly tight rental market in cities like Wellington now in surplus with dropping rents.
Record numbers of building consents

Driving around parts of Auckland today & seeing the huge number of new housing developments almost completed & being built, was left wondering who's going to fill all these new houses.
Seriously looks like we could be turning from a critical shortage, to a surplus.
Serious correction underway which Imo is long overdue.
But not going to please everybody.

10-07-2022, 10:24 PM
And yet another Kiwibuild type disaster underway with the amalgamation of the polytechnics - big promise by Ardern with no idea & completely clueless on how to deliver.


Excerpt :

‘Leaderless, well behind schedule, and sinking into a $110 million black hole.

The fortunes of Te Pūkenga, the country’s new merged mega polytech are in dire straits before the organisation has even properly begun functioning.

A damning memo sent from Tertiary Education Commission deputy chief executive Gillian Dudgeon to Education Minister Chris Hipkins paints a very black picture of Te Pūkenga’s fortunes.’

Blue Skies
10-07-2022, 11:28 PM
And yet another Kiwibuild type disaster underway with the amalgamation of the polytechnics - big promise by Ardern with no idea & completely clueless on how to deliver.


Excerpt :

‘Leaderless, well behind schedule, and sinking into a $110 million black hole.

The fortunes of Te Pūkenga, the country’s new merged mega polytech are in dire straits before the organisation has even properly begun functioning.

A damning memo sent from Tertiary Education Commission deputy chief executive Gillian Dudgeon to Education Minister Chris Hipkins paints a very black picture of Te Pūkenga’s fortunes.’

They just don't seem to be able to get the right people to drive these projects, & why does the CE who doesn't seem competent need to be paid a salary of $670,000 plus 5 employees being paid between $380,000 - $450,000.
Although I think the Health reforms are necessary, I have misgivings they have enough of the right people & resources to drive those properly too esp at the moment.

11-07-2022, 01:56 AM
Let people judge for themselves.

Record 12,000 additional homes completed, April, May, June Quarter.
161,000 homes completed in 5 years since Labour came to office, compared to just 157,000 homes in 9 year period under National who also opened the flood gates to immigration & overseas speculators.
Landlords with multiple properties quitting the rental market & selling to home owners.
House prices falling,
Rents falling.
Absurdly tight rental market in cities like Wellington now in surplus with dropping rents.
Record numbers of building consents

Driving around parts of Auckland today & seeing the huge number of new housing developments almost completed & being built, was left wondering who's going to fill all these new houses.
Seriously looks like we could be turning from a critical shortage, to a surplus.
Serious correction underway which Imo is long overdue.
But not going to please everybody.

Possibly .. if even a reasonable % of the 1 million talent on depart list overseas, then I dont fancy
the quality of the remaining talent left behind to fill / afford the surplus in a recessionary economy.

Things could start looking like the new empty cities of China - what sort of disaster would that be ? ;)

Of course Labour will likely be flushed down the confessional very soon, the way progress on
flagship policies is going and further initiatives they probably dont have mandate from the general
public to put in place go ahead. Don't under estimate the general feeling out there in relation to
Three Waters, Decolonising (as some call it) Health System meddling in stressed times and basically
a Labour corpse that has been for all intensive purposes hijacked by certain factions pushing their own
separatist barrows, which all up will likely invite positive opposite pushback very soon .. in response
what is clearly becoming visible as a poor overall showing on almost all fronts Labour have laid eyes on..

Construction companies & investors would be pulling their horns in double quick , those who survive
relatively unburnt ;)

Who would want to be a landlord - when you see some of the tenancy tribunal decisions dealing with some
of the unwashed scumbags trashing the places leaving large arrears and damages bills unlikely to ever be paid.

11-07-2022, 02:13 PM
And yet another Kiwibuild type disaster underway with the amalgamation of the polytechnics - big promise by Ardern with no idea & completely clueless on how to deliver.


Excerpt :

‘Leaderless, well behind schedule, and sinking into a $110 million black hole.

The fortunes of Te Pūkenga, the country’s new merged mega polytech are in dire straits before the organisation has even properly begun functioning.

A damning memo sent from Tertiary Education Commission deputy chief executive Gillian Dudgeon to Education Minister Chris Hipkins paints a very black picture of Te Pūkenga’s fortunes.’

The Aussies had TAFE which was really good at providing technical training.

Some courses were recognised by universities which is great for social mobility.

Of course their conservatives didn't like that so they put it on the chopping block and reduced the quality.

11-07-2022, 07:40 PM
Ardern simply cannot get anything beneficial for NZ done - just good at creating disasters one after another.

The mega polytech entity disaster is unfolding rapidly now and it’s not only the students who suffer but NZ as a whole in future.

What a mess. What a useless bunch of twits in charge of NZ.


“The reforms had failed to address the problems of institutions having difficulties while the good performers had lost incentive to do well because they were now part of an all-inclusive entity.”

Sounds exactly like what Communist China found when farms were placed under collective administration - nobody could be bothered doing more than the minimum. So things just got worse & worse.

History is there to guide the future but with Ardern, history is ignored so she can destroy the present & the future with her ill conceived and equally badly implemented grand plans like Kiwibuild, mega polytech, policing by consent & the mother of all stuffs up well underway, Health NZ.

Blue Skies
11-07-2022, 08:05 PM
It's simply unfathomable why the Ministry of Health 'shoots down' what would seem a completely practical, sensible & urgent solution towards easing the health crisis.
All the schools of nursing have joined together to put forward a proposal to double the numbers of trained nurses entering the health system to 200 /year, thus taking a lot of the workload off GP's & supporting primary healthcare.
Ministry of Health says no thanks, we'll just continue with things as they are, but 'critical shortfalls in the workforce will be worked on over the next 2 years'!
That's going to cost lives.

Can understand why the govt doesn't want to call it a crisis as its not helpful to patients in the system or those waiting for treatment, but everybody can see the health system is getting overwhelmed. Here's a great solution when there's a world wide shortage of nurses.


11-07-2022, 09:14 PM
Arrogance and a total unwillingness to face up to reality and the fact that she has screwed up big time - that’s why Ardern refuses to acknowledge the healthcare crisis :


“The results indicate that we are at risk of a catastrophic collapse of the healthcare workforce,” authors wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, health and associate health ministers and leaders of Te Whatu Ora Health NZ on Monday. A total of 923 doctors in GP clinics and hospitals signed their names to the letter, while survey feedback was anonymised.

“So many [nurses] off sick (and some of them because of burnout) that we have to close areas of the department or work there on our own with no nursing support... Our triage nurses are so afraid that someone will die in the waiting room - so they are all resigning as well,” one emergency department doctor said in the survey.

11-07-2022, 09:46 PM
Arrogance and a total unwillingness to face up to reality and the fact that she has screwed up big time - that’s why Ardern refuses to acknowledge the healthcare crisis

If you translated that into a public listed company, the Chair and board (the Government) are saying 'she'll be right, the strategy is sound and we will not bow to public or investor (voter) sentiment'. Whereas the management (the Administration) are floundering trying to implement the strategy, despite untold billions of new money, which may or may not be unreasonable except for the unrealistic timeframes, and are failing on all fronts.

Investors would leave in droves, as will their voters, who increasingly realise the governments' idealistic goals are simply not implementable within a term, or even two, of government. So billions are squandered, ideals are put to the torch and Administrations are accused of being inept. All because of an idealistic inexperienced un-pragmatic government, out of touch with what it really takes and how long it takes to really change things.

I fully expect the polls to continue to crucify this government leading into the upcoming election, I hope though that it is not devolving to the best of the worst. The opposition have it all in front of them.

11-07-2022, 10:48 PM

Covid-19, flu, health worker shortages - Minister Andrew Little says system as a whole is 'managing'

All the others in the Sector say some thing else


Covid-19 Omicron outbreak: BA.5 expected to become dominant sub-variant in fortnight as case numbers increase

Thanks Little - if you think the System is 'managing' from your windowless cave - then the Country can quite
happily manage as a whole very well without your poor excuses trying to cover your sorry backside ;)

TV News tonight:

The Health System is at Breaking Point

Who is spinning shallow Lies that the Health System is managing again ?

11-07-2022, 11:14 PM
This is NZ today under Ardern - brazen daylight robberies because there is no respect for the law & the police by consent.


‘Armed smash and grab robbers have targeted two Auckland stores today, leaving shocked customers and staff terrified, and making off with jewellery and a phone.’

12-07-2022, 09:24 AM
If you translated that into a public listed company, the Chair and board (the Government) are saying 'she'll be right, the strategy is sound and we will not bow to public or investor (voter) sentiment'. Whereas the management (the Administration) are floundering trying to implement the strategy, despite untold billions of new money, which may or may not be unreasonable except for the unrealistic timeframes, and are failing on all fronts.

Investors would leave in droves, as will their voters, who increasingly realise the governments' idealistic goals are simply not implementable within a term, or even two, of government. So billions are squandered, ideals are put to the torch and Administrations are accused of being inept. All because of an idealistic inexperienced un-pragmatic government, out of touch with what it really takes and how long it takes to really change things.

I fully expect the polls to continue to crucify this government leading into the upcoming election, I hope though that it is not devolving to the best of the worst. The opposition have it all in front of them.

Excellent analogy, Baa Baa.

The problem is that short of a revolution to throw this useless, incompetent and clueless lot led by Ardern out, NZ is stuck with them for another agonising 17 months.

They can wreck so much more havoc and create so many more disasters during that time.


12-07-2022, 10:19 AM
Bal, Why are you surprised when, " everything they have touched they fuc! " , enough said, never forget, " the left is a lie ! "

12-07-2022, 12:49 PM
So the earliest that nurses can come in under the reset immigration policy is Sept 2022!

And do you know that Ardern thinks that NZ is such a **** hot country that we are the only country to require nurses to serve two years before they can be granted residency?

Meanwhile the health system is crumbling due to the horrendous shortage of nurses & healthcare workers.


Blue Skies
12-07-2022, 01:36 PM
So the earliest that nurses can come in under the reset immigration policy is Sept 2022!

And do you know that Ardern thinks that NZ is such a **** hot country that we are the only country to require nurses to serve two years before they can be granted residency?

Meanwhile the health system is crumbling due to the horrendous shortage of nurses & healthcare workers.


No I've got to say its extremely disappointing National are being knowingly cynically underhand here undermining really sensible policy in the pursuit of votes.

When the Govt formulated the current policy (which is frequently reviewed), the DHB's & other healthcare providers requested the govt put a 2 year time frame for nurses on the residency process, because its no good giving foreign registered nurses an open door here to gain immediate residency & on arriving they have no intention of working as nurses, decide on a career change or use it to go & work in Australia. That's no help at all & the 2 year policy was formulated by listening to the needs of healthcare sector.
(Doctors are different as extremely few people go through medical school with huge costs & years of commitment & then decide on a career change. Medical schools go to great lengths at entry level, to weed out anybody who they see not fully committed to medicine for life.)

The nurses pathway to residency here is actually very straightforward compared to many countries & most countries including Australia & Canada also have a time frame requirement.
Problem is there's a worldwide shortage of nurses.
Govt has already increased their pay but needs to more, & get the thousands of registered NZ nurses no longer working back into nursing & double the numbers coming out of our nursing training schools.

12-07-2022, 01:47 PM
Residency does not = Citizenship.

Only NZ citizens have free access and entry to Australia. Residents (PR or otherwise) have to apply all over again to go and work in Australia.

That is the myth & deliberate misinformation being used by Ardern to deflect from her failed healthcare policy which is just going to get worse and worse under Health NZ.

12-07-2022, 01:52 PM
I met a Pilipino couple the other week at the beach. He is an E-commerce executive and she is a nurse.

They have been in NZ for 5 years but the wife only came back to NZ in December last year to resume her nursing job - she went back to Manila on holiday in 2020 before the borders shut, and could not get back in.

The husband had to look after their two kids over that time!!!

That is how screwed up Ardern’s MIQ and lockout policies were.

And NZers are now paying the price. Big time.

12-07-2022, 01:57 PM
That is the myth & deliberate misinformation being used by Ardern to deflect from her failed healthcare policy which is just going to get worse and worse under Health NZ.

Only 1k deaths from corona out of >2M cases seems like a success.

Blue Skies
12-07-2022, 02:27 PM
Residency does not = Citizenship.

Only NZ citizens have free access and entry to Australia. Residents (PR or otherwise) have to apply all over again to go and work in Australia.

That is the myth & deliberate misinformation being used by Ardern to deflect from her failed healthcare policy which is just going to get worse and worse under Health NZ.

But foreign registered nurses could come here & once here still use it as a stepping stone to Australia.
Anyway regardless, its registered nurses coming here to work in the health system we need & gaining residency is straightforward for any reg nurse who wants to come here & work for a min 2 years in the health system.

Re MIQ, yes that was a mixed bag but there were conflicting goals, protect the NZ health system & the NZ population versus opening the border & letting everybody in. Impossible to achieve both.
Didn't National want to build a billion dollar MIQ facility at Ohakea? They certainly wanted us to build a dedicated MIQ facility which would have been a colossal white elephant & waste of money.

12-07-2022, 03:54 PM
But foreign registered nurses could come here & once here still use it as a stepping stone to Australia.
Anyway regardless, its registered nurses coming here to work in the health system we need & gaining residency is straightforward for any reg nurse who wants to come here & work for a min 2 years in the health system.

The point is that NZ is competing with all the other countries for nurses and they are granted residence on acceptance in these other countries - which is fair enough for nurses to want to commit to working in a country when they are in such short supply.

What makes NZ so **** hot that Ardern thinks nurses will be beat a path to our door vs Australia or Canada or US?

Beggars cannot be choosers - that’s why NZ is short of 4,000 nurses and there are unlikely to be many coming with the lower pay here & the 2 year residence rule.

Watch out for the reset but by that time, more NZers would have fallen more sick or die from lack of healthcare workers like nurses.

12-07-2022, 04:24 PM
Why don't they rehire all the Doctor's and Nurse's they fired for not getting vaxed?

12-07-2022, 04:43 PM
Why don't they rehire all the Doctor's and Nurse's they fired for not getting vaxed?

Exactly! That’s what the hundreds of millions of dollars of RATs ordered and in store by Ardern are for!

So essential workers, vaxxed or unvaxxed, can be tested each and every time as required before going to work.

Blue Skies
12-07-2022, 04:44 PM
Why don't they rehire all the Doctor's and Nurse's they fired for not getting vaxed?

Because we are now experiencing a surging 2nd wave of the highly contageous BA variants of covid, & strangely enough patients who are already very sick with cancer or recovering from surgery or in ICU from a car accident etc really want to minimise the risk of being infected with Covid while in hospital when they're already in an extremely vulnerable state of health.

Secondly we are already short of nurses & doctors so why would we multiply the problem by allowing a very tiny minority of unvaccinated nurses and doctors to come back to work & spread more virus?
By far the majority of nurses & doctors would be strongly against having to work alongside unvaccinated colleagues both for the benefit of their patients & themselves.

While vaccination doesn't entirely prevent infection, theres irrefutable evidence the 2 things which strongly reduce & slow the spread of the virus are vaccination & masks.

12-07-2022, 05:09 PM
Andrew Little - Denier in chief - a bloody absolute disgrace.

No other words to describe this useless and clueless Pike River ‘good safety record’ defender Little.


12-07-2022, 05:15 PM
There’s no crisis, says Andrew Little.

Even as the wheels fall off the healthcare system, chicken Little says there are challenges but the system is coping! Unbelievable!


Remember all the dancing-on-a-pinhead the Government did earlier this year over the cost of living crisis? It was like pulling hens' teeth getting them to admit that. And we're seeing it again today - this time it's health.

12-07-2022, 05:23 PM
Breaking news, or broke news?

Kaianga Ora or kangaroo cant pay its debts in even 60 years.

Jacindas transparent regime tried to cover it up, more detail on TV3 probably tonite.

No more money to be lent from govt, so no more state houses??

Megan woods wont front to media questions.

12-07-2022, 05:43 PM
Breaking news, or broke news?

Kaianga Ora or kangaroo cant pay its debts in even 60 years.

Jacindas transparent regime tried to cover it up, more detail on TV3 probably tonite.

No more money to be lent from govt, so no more state houses??

Megan woods wont front to media questions.

And KO more than doubled its staff numbers in 3.5 years since Ardern took office - from 1223 in 2017 to 2272 in 2021.

But delivered even less than when it had less staff!

Go figure!


12-07-2022, 06:27 PM
There’s no crisis, says Andrew Little.

And on TV3 tonight, revelations that cancellations and deferments of surgeries are skyrocketing right across NZ.

In Christchurch* Hospital, 450 cancer surgeries have been postponed to date. And there’s no relief in sight according to the surgeon who decided to speak out.

But there’s no crisis, assures Andrew Little - just challenges.

12-07-2022, 07:01 PM
A couple of elections ago, NZ First campaigned under the catch cry "had enough"?

Next general election will a party campaign under the catch cry "not getting anything"?

12-07-2022, 07:25 PM
A couple of elections ago, NZ First campaigned under the catch cry "had enough"?

Next general election will a party campaign under the catch cry "not getting anything"?

Or ‘Let’s not do this’.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2022, 07:41 PM
‘National's housing spokesman Chris Bishop said the document shows Kāinga Ora has become a "basket case".

"In the last four years they've spent $24m on their own office renovations, hired 1700 official staff and these documents show they're planning on hiring an additional 485 in 2023 alone," he said.

The document shows Kāinga Ora's deteriorating financial position, largely as a result of spiralling construction costs, which are not offset by increased income.’

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2022, 07:43 PM
‘Kāinga Ora's debt is now forecast to peak in 2033 at $28.9b - the previous benchmark had debt peaking much lower, at $20.9b.

Officials at the ministry warned that they had "concerns with Kanga Ora's financial performance over the next four years and will be reviewing options on addressing Kāinga Ora's funding".

Kāinga Ora's debt is forecast to peak at $28.9b in 2033 before it begins to be repaid and that the new debt will not be repaid by 2081 when $8.9b will still be outstanding.

The document questions the efficacy of Kāinga Ora's model.
Currently, the agency operates with a significant degree of independence. It issues debt to private investors on its own. It sustains itself with income from tenants and subsidies from the Government.‘

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2022, 07:46 PM

‘The Government was warned by education leaders that the New Zealand-wide mega polytech Te Pūkenga was the wrong model for Aotearoa, says National’s tertiary education spokesperson Penny Simmonds.

Speaking Monday, the former long-term chief executive at the Southern Institute of Technology said a recent critical Tertiary Education Commission report to Education Minister Chris Hipkins bore out those concerns. It warned of a ballooning $110 million deficit as its chief executive is on personal leave.

Also, around 180 head office jobs had been established. “He has created this massive bureaucracy at head office,” she said.

“This is a whole new layer of non-teaching bureaucracy.”

There was also talk of up to 600 redundancies in the sector, although this had not been confirmed.

Simmonds said about $200 million had been spent setting up Te Pūkenga and there was concern that the potential $110 million deficit could be even higher.’

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2022, 07:48 PM
Labour has two goals and two goals only: to create as many new bureaucrats as it can, and to waste as much money as it can.
These are the aims that it measures its progress by.
It’s insane, but it’s what they are doing.

12-07-2022, 08:12 PM
And KO more than doubled its staff numbers in 3.5 years since Ardern took office - from 1223 in 2017 to 2272 in 2021.

But delivered even less than when it had less staff!

Go figure!


1700 staff in 4 years and planning to add almost another 500 in next year. Seems like they plan to employ all New Zealanders by the end of century. Well before hitting 100 000 Kiwibuild houses.

12-07-2022, 09:14 PM
Poor old Poto can't win a trick.

Part of the proposed KO cutbacks will be no funding to retrofit old homes with improvements to make them compatable for people with disabilities.

As the new Minister of Disabilities, she's a lame duck that one.

12-07-2022, 09:20 PM
Poor old Poto can't win a trick.

Part of the proposed KO cutbacks will be no funding to retrofit old homes with improvements to make them compatable for people with disabilities.

As the new Minister of Disabilities, she's a lame duck that one.

And only half of KO houses are up to warm & dry healthy home standards!

30,000+ homes still to be brought up to standard - 1 year after private landlords had to meet the standard.

Bloody absolute disgrace.


Excerpt : ‘Almost half of Kāinga Ora homes still don’t comply with the Government’s own requirements for warm, dry rental properties.

A year out from its deadline for compliance, just over 51% of the state landlord’s housing stock is up to scratch.’

13-07-2022, 03:41 AM
Simmonds said about $200 million had been spent setting up Te Pūkenga and there was concern that the potential $110 million deficit could be even higher.’

How many bureaucrats do the 20 polytechs employ along with the 20+ dhb's?

These are simply proposals National could have made (though instead choose to be negative like usual)

13-07-2022, 08:46 AM
Labour has two goals and two goals only: to create as many new bureaucrats as it can, and to waste as much money as it can.
These are the aims that it measures its progress by.
It’s insane, but it’s what they are doing.

Blatantly going against Treasury’s advice not to increase spending as it would lead to higher inflation and higher interest rates - but spent & spend as only an incompetent & clueless Labour government led by the ‘fish & chips business-experienced-Ardern’ can do:


Excerpt : ‘ Treasury warned that interest rates are likely to rise even higher if the Government increases spending beyond what it outlined in the Budget earlier this year.’

Ardern & Robertson addicted like P-users to spending and more spending.

Because they cannot point to anything else that they have achieved in government be it housing, health, education or infrastructure.

13-07-2022, 09:06 AM
Only 1k deaths from corona out of >2M cases seems like a success.

The NZ approach to COVID after 2020 has been an abject failure and we’ve only just started to experience the results from it.
I note NZ has for the last 3 months had the highest death rate (of those with COVID) in the developed World.
Closing the country down while doing little other than bragging and BS-ing, is coming home to roost.


Blue Skies
13-07-2022, 10:21 AM
The NZ approach to COVID after 2020 has been an abject failure and we’ve only just started to experience the results from it.
I note NZ has for the last 3 months had the highest death rate (of those with COVID) in the developed World.
Closing the country down while doing little other than bragging and BS-ing, is coming home to roost.


There's obvious reasons why the NZ rate is higher than other countries right now, such as Covid has previously ripped through most other countries populations with several waves decimating populations, plus we are in the middle of winter whereas the northern hemisphere is in summer, and there are other factors at play like immunity from previous infectious waves through the population in other countries, waining immunity from vaccination & complacency around boosters.
Health professionals in the UK are dreading the coming northern winter when they expect there will be a soaring mortality rate due to apathy around masks & boosters.

You need to look at the whole picture & compare countries results over a much bigger time frame which encompasses seasonal variations, new variants, etc to get a clearer picture, rather than a brief snapshot in the middle of the pandemic.

NZ still has one of the lowest deaths per 100,000 population in the world, latest figures NZ 34.13, Australia 40.79, UK 267.21, US 309.99, Israel 127.88, Canada 110.38,

So I hope you can see its nonsense to claim our approach here in NZ has been an abject failure, it fact completely the opposite.

13-07-2022, 10:26 AM
Ardern & Robertson addicted like P-users to spending and more spending.

Because they cannot point to anything else that they have achieved in government be it housing, health, education or infrastructure.

Yes, somehow infrastructure and health projects with a spending timeframe of nearly 10 years is contributing to inflation today.

Particuarly food and petrol prices.

13-07-2022, 10:29 AM
There's obvious reasons why the NZ rate is higher than other countries right now, such as Covid has previously ripped through most other countries populations with several waves decimating populations, plus we are in the middle of winter whereas the northern hemisphere is in summer, and there are other factors at play like immunity from previous infectious waves through the population in other countries, waining immunity from vaccination & complacency around boosters.
Health professionals in the UK are dreading the coming northern winter when they expect there will be a soaring mortality rate due to apathy around masks & boosters.

You need to look at the whole picture & compare countries results over a much bigger time frame which encompasses seasonal variations, new variants, etc to get a clearer picture, rather than a brief snapshot in the middle of the pandemic.

NZ still has one of the lowest deaths per 100,000 population in the world, latest figures NZ 34.13, Australia 40.79, UK 267.21, US 309.99, Israel 127.88, Canada 110.38,

So I hope you can see its nonsense to claim our approach here in NZ has been an abject failure, it fact completely the opposite.

You are the one talking nonsense. Like you said, "you need to look at the whole picture", but you never do. The "whole picture" includes the economic destruction in NZ with whole industries decimated, the ongoing disaster that is our immigration policy and on and on it goes.. But that doesn't suit the Government's line. Nor yours for that matter.
Where I am currently, tourism is up at 2019 levels with a report out yesterday that credit card spending by foreigners has never been higher than it was in June. Meanwhile NZ's tourism and hospitality industries are on their knees, as a direct result of NZ's COVID approach.
It is an abject failure.

13-07-2022, 10:40 AM
NZ still has one of the lowest deaths per 100,000 population in the world, latest figures NZ 34.13, Australia 40.79, UK 267.21, US 309.99, Israel 127.88, Canada 110.38,

So I hope you can see its nonsense to claim our approach here in NZ has been an abject failure, it fact completely the opposite.

Based upon data from the lat 3 months, NZ under Ardern is catching up fast - and that is the ultimate test. If her COVID strategy is such a raging success as claimed, why are record numbers of NZers now dying from COVID? Meanwhile, we all know why Ardern prefers to spend most of her time overseas on useless non consequential meetings:


Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2022, 10:52 AM

‘Every one of the more than 13,000 who've had a surgery delayed in the past year have a story. Some of them hit harder than others:

Every week, Jackie Elliott​ watches as her mum’s worlds grow smaller and smaller.
The Kāpiti Coast District councillor’s 78-year-old mother, whose name has been withheld, has been waiting for a hip replacement for 18 months.
She’s been in constant, debilitating pain since.
Upon hearing elective surgeries at Wellington Regional Hospital had been temporarily stopped for four weeks due to struggles with meeting demand, she burst into tears.
“I think about what she could manage last week and I don’t want to think about what we have to cross of the list next week,” Elliott said.‘

Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2022, 11:01 AM
Mr Little and his Labour cronies are enacting health reforms that will not add one single extra doctor or nurse to the overloaded health system. They are just adding yet more layers of bureaucracy, more people to place yet more demands on the declining number of people that are actually on the front lines. The ideological slaves of the Left that are wasting billions -while delivering ever worsening outcomes - are going to see the whole health system implode in upon itself, probably as early as 2023.


Te Aka Whai Ora / Māori Health Authority

‘The health system reforms will enhance rangatiratanga for Māori over hauora Māori and ensure greater influence throughout the entire health system. This is central to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and will help ensure everyone has the same access to good health outcomes. That includes strengthening mana motuhake for whānau – supporting them to take control of their own health and wellbeing.’

‘What’s changing? / He aha ngā panonitanga?
We need to improve Māori health outcomes and embed the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as central components of the reforms. This will be driven at all levels in the system.

(external link)Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand(external link) is responsible for improving Māori health outcomes and equity through all of its strategic and operational functions at national, regional and local levels.
However, a new, statutory entity (established on 1 July 2022), Te Aka Whai Ora - Māori Health Authority(external link), working in partnership with both Manatū Hauora (Ministry of Health) and Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, is responsible for ensuring the health system works well for Māori by:
- leading change in the way the entire health system understands and responds to Māori health needs.
- developing strategy and policy which will drive better health outcomes for Māori
commissioning kaupapa Māori services and other services targeting Māori communities.
- co-commissioning other services alongside Health NZ.
- monitoring the overall performance of the system to reduce health inequities for Māori.

Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards will have decision-making roles at a local level, and jointly agreeing local priorities and delivery with Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand. They are also the primary source of whanau voice in the system.

Manatū Hauora / Ministry of Health, partnering with Te Aka Whai Ora - Māori Health Authority, will continue to monitor how the system is delivering for Māori overall.’

13-07-2022, 11:04 AM
Mr Little and his Labour cronies are enacting health reforms that will not add one single extra doctor or nurse to the overloaded health system. They are just adding yet more layers of bureaucracy, more people to place yet more demands on the declining number of people that are actually on the front lines. The ideological slaves of the Left that are wasting billions -while delivering ever worsening outcomes - are going to see the whole health system implode in upon itself, probably as early as 2023.


Te Aka Whai Ora / Māori Health Authority

Nothing will change until they tell their most affected people to stop


taking drugs,

eating unhealthy food (especially takeaways)


produce more children than they themselves can support & look after - it's that simple.

PS. And start exercising so that they stop ballooning in weight and in health problems.

Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2022, 11:11 AM
Nothing will change until they tell their most affected people to stop smoking, take drugs, eat unhealthy food (especially takeaways) and produce more children than they themselves can support & look after - it's that simple.

I can just see these myriad of health reforms turning into another extraordinary debacle like the Hipkins mega-polytech fiasco and the Woods Kainga Ora shambles. The formula is familiar by now -
1/ Huge cost overruns.
2/ Enormous waste with few tangible results.
3/ A vast increase in the number of bureaucrats.

13-07-2022, 11:21 AM
I can just see these myriad of health reforms turning into another extraordinary debacle like the Hipkins mega-polytech fiasco and the Woods Kainga Ora shambles. The formula is familiar by now -
1/ Huge cost overruns.
2/ Enormous waste with few tangible results.
3/ A vast increase in the number of bureaucrats.

14,000 increase in the number of bureaucrats at the end of 2021 under Ardern so far!

And there have been zero net positive outcomes on any fronts from Ardern.

13-07-2022, 01:20 PM
Blatantly going against Treasury’s advice not to increase spending as it would lead to higher inflation and higher interest rates - but spent & spend as only an incompetent & clueless Labour government led by the ‘fish & chips business-experienced-Ardern’ can do:

It's a good thing, then, that they haven't gone against the advice!

13-07-2022, 01:56 PM
I can just see these myriad of health reforms turning into another extraordinary debacle like the Hipkins mega-polytech fiasco and the Woods Kainga Ora shambles. The formula is familiar by now -
1/ Huge cost overruns.
2/ Enormous waste with few tangible results.
3/ A vast increase in the number of bureaucrats.

Simply importing american rhetoric.

There is no beareacracy in a country like NZ. What's more, in a country of our size centralisation is best.