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06-08-2022, 02:27 PM
Ardern is not PM of the US, UK or Australia where the same issues are happening too.

Her influence is obviously very far reaching :t_up:

Blue Skies
06-08-2022, 02:34 PM
Agree no one held a gun to peoples head and forced them to buy property. However, the government is a major contributor to the house price inflation through massive sustained economic monetary stimulus and subsequent severe controls over rental property owners, buyers access to capital, and now inflation eroding the value of money and hiking mortgage interest rates. The Government is not just complicit in all of these market forces, it is the largest player by far and openly manipulates the market through various interventions and controls.

Rapid asset inflation took off around the world as Reserve Banks & their equivalents e.g. Federal Reserve, reacted to forecasts of massive unemployment & economic recessions due to the Covid pandemic, & injected huge amounts of cash into their economies. This was not a NZ problem but a worldwide problem.

House buyers were thoroughly warned the market had overshot, & that it would pull back.
There were almost daily warnings in the media from various economists, even the Reserve Bank tightened Bank's Capital requirements to protect & strengthen the banking system from what it was warning was an over exuberant market. ( remember banks like John Key's ANZ fought hard against this through lobbyists in the media seeing these tighter ratios would dampen their extraordinary profits, pretty disgraceful ).
So anyone who bought a house in the last 18 months clearly, definitely, unequivocally, knew prices were going to drop in the short term.
Sometimes you just can't protect people from themselves, but you can protect the banking system.

While the monetary stimulus contributed to house price inflation, the other things you mention have been anti inflationary.
Lower interest rates were a huge driver of house price inflation. Higher interest rates have the effect of taking heat out of the market.
Controls over rental property have taken many investors out of the market & for the first time, the numbers of home owners has overtaken the number of investors in the market.
Again buyers access to capital or the LVR's which the Reserve Bank has imposed on banks, have removed many of the highly speculative buyers who pushed prices up.

fungus pudding
06-08-2022, 02:56 PM
Rapid asset inflation took off around the world as Reserve Banks & their equivalents e.g. Federal Reserve, reacted to forecasts of massive unemployment & economic recessions due to the Covid pandemic, & injected huge amounts of cash into their economies. This was not a NZ problem but a worldwide problem.

House buyers were thoroughly warned the market had overshot, & that it would pull back.
There were almost daily warnings in the media from various economists, even the Reserve Bank tightened Bank's Capital requirements to protect & strengthen the banking system from what it was warning was an over exuberant market. ( remember banks like John Key's ANZ fought hard against this through lobbyists in the media seeing these tighter ratios would dampen their extraordinary profits, pretty disgraceful ).
So anyone who bought a house in the last 18 months clearly, definitely, unequivocally, knew prices were going to drop in the short term.
Sometimes you just can't protect people from themselves, but you can protect the banking system.

While the monetary stimulus contributed to house price inflation, the other things you mention have been anti inflationary.
Lower interest rates were a huge driver of house price inflation. Higher interest rates have the effect of taking heat out of the market.
Controls over rental property have taken many investors out of the market & for the first time, the numbers of home owners has overtaken the number of investors in the market.
Again buyers access to capital or the LVR's which the Reserve Bank has imposed on banks, have removed many of the highly speculative buyers who pushed prices up.

" for the first time, the numbers of home owners has overtaken the number of investors in the market."????

What on earth gave you that that idea?

06-08-2022, 05:07 PM
Your argument seems ill-informed and somewhat emotional. So how about explaining why you disagree that the government is not at fault, when it seems plain and obvious that the government interventions and controls have resulted in extreme volatility in housing prices?

Its simply the market - no different from the stock market whos investors don't blame the government when it goes south.

fungus pudding
06-08-2022, 05:14 PM
Its simply the market - no different from the stock market whos investors don't blame the government when it goes south.

Govt. policies certainly affect all financial markets, including stocks. Surely you knew that.

06-08-2022, 05:18 PM
Govt. policies certainly affect all financial markets, including stocks. Surely you knew that.

I'm well aware of that - thanks for the reminder but I'm sure you get my point.

06-08-2022, 06:29 PM
‘Affordable housing for all via Kiwibuild’.

‘Homeless living in cars is a disgrace and an indictment on NZ.’

Ardern spinning and she spun herself out of the honesty, truth and transparency orbit.

Only 300% increase in the car dwelling homeless population since she took office.

Only 200% increase in state housing wait list since she uttered the promises on housing.

$1 billion spent on emergency housing to date - nothing to show but she made millionaires out of motel & emergency accommodation providers. 😂😂😂

fungus pudding
06-08-2022, 06:53 PM
I'm well aware of that - thanks for the reminder but I'm sure you get my point.

Your original stated point was that investors don't blame the govt. when the share market slumps. I assure you most investors, like you, are well aware of what to blame.

06-08-2022, 08:09 PM
Your original stated point was that investors don't blame the govt. when the share market slumps. I assure you most investors, like you, are well aware of what to blame.
Gee Gus - you being too cute for me there - the markets the market whatever government of the day.

06-08-2022, 08:28 PM
Gee Gus - you being too cute for me there - the markets the market whatever government of the day.

No wonder you are still pauper poor and have no guts to back up any of your assertions with conviction.

10k bet still on offer if you have the guts to back up your assertion.

06-08-2022, 10:43 PM
Ardern is not PM of the US, UK or Australia where the same issues are happening too.

Why not ? .. were they too smart to not want a bar of her .. or did they look past her to see the shambles in motion by the Govt of hijacked spinning puppets here in NZ recognising that she's on a one way road out to oblivion, likely to never be seen again after the UN recognise something of a lesser calibre to what they have already rid themselves of comes rocking up to the door ? ;)

Perhaps New South Zealand sounded too close to something else in Africa that they had already seen ? :)

07-08-2022, 12:51 AM
Why not ? .. were they too smart to not want a bar of her .. or did they look past her to see the shambles in motion by the Govt of hijacked spinning puppets here in NZ recognising that she's on a one way road out to oblivion, likely to never be seen again after the UN recognise something of a lesser calibre to what they have already rid themselves of comes rocking up to the door ? ;)

Perhaps New South Zealand sounded too close to something else in Africa that they had already seen ? :)

That is a lot sillier than anything I have seen you post before.

Ardern was being blamed for extreme volatility in the price of housing, and PNZ asked why other countries where she was not PM were experiencing the same phenomenon.

You used that question as a rhetorical springboard for a completely irrelevant and irrational deflection about why Ardern isn't PM of some other country. Silly - a waste of everyone's time.

07-08-2022, 11:03 AM
An excellent summary of the week that was for Ardern & her team of nincompoops :


Excerpts :


"The prospect of non-residents getting money from our government was met with rising anger among our cohort of media commentators.Over at Today FM, Rachel Smalley argued the payments showed Labour is unfit to lead.

"This could be the defining moment in Labour's leadership. It should be," she said. "It is inept. It is irresponsible. It's chaotic. It is economically and fiscally reckless."

Shortly after, her fellow host Tova O'Brien said it was "emblematic of the government's achilles heel" and told National's leader Christopher Luxon he might have already won the 2023 election because of it."


On last Sunday’s episode of Q&A, host Jack Tame grilled prime minister Jacinda Ardern over the government’s record on child poverty, which children’s charity Kidscan says is worse than ever.

"You'll still hear me talk about New Zealand as a place that should be free of child poverty, because anything less demonstrates that we don't believe that things can and do need to improve," said Ardern.

"Absolutely An A for aspiration, an E for execution," retorted Tame.


07-08-2022, 01:51 PM
No wonder you are still pauper poor and have no guts to back up any of your assertions with conviction.

10k bet still on offer if you have the guts to back up your assertion.
I use my TAB account for betting.

07-08-2022, 02:06 PM
I use my TAB account for betting.

Nope - you are gutless. Haven’t got the balls to back up your assertions.

Like Ardern, all spin and no substance.

I LOVE it when I uncover losers like you.

07-08-2022, 02:29 PM
Ian Foster must have been taking spin lessons from Ardern?


“All Blacks fans, you may need to take a deep breath here. Under-pressure coach Ian Foster has described Sunday's 26-10 defeat to the Springboks as his team’s “most improved” of the year and felt they “went up several cogs” and “shifted our game forward”.

07-08-2022, 02:44 PM


If only it were true. :)


07-08-2022, 07:10 PM
Apologies if this reference has been posted previously but this clip from a relative outsiders perspective is well worth a look.
The speaker Dr Oliver Hartwich speaks a lot of sense about our current political situation. It is a shame we do not get more political opinion like this but due to our disfunctional media its is not surprising.
It must be becoming very apparent internationally that we are under extremely incompetent management.


07-08-2022, 07:27 PM
Nope - you are gutless. Haven’t got the balls to back up your assertions.

Like Ardern, all spin and no substance.

I LOVE it when I uncover losers like you.

Its Sunday - my name is Balance and today I went to confession. This week I bullied any number of people on sharetrader and drunk too much cheap gin.

07-08-2022, 10:45 PM
Its Sunday - my name is Balance and today I went to confession. This week I bullied any number of people on sharetrader and drunk too much cheap gin.

but confession time is in 2023 and he said he doesn't drink that sort of cheap crap :)

there might have to be a special secure wing built upstairs to accommodate Arderns
huddle of spinning misfits for their accumulated sins against the best interests all Kiwi's

Are the glasses on upside down ? ;)

07-08-2022, 10:50 PM
That is a lot sillier than anything I have seen you post before.

Ardern was being blamed for extreme volatility in the price of housing, and PNZ asked why other countries where she was not PM were experiencing the same phenomenon.

You used that question as a rhetorical springboard for a completely irrelevant and irrational deflection about why Ardern isn't PM of some other country. Silly - a waste of everyone's time.

N ot half as silly as something else may be looking after 2023 :)

Oh hang on .. there's a huddle of very curious silliness already @ the Beehive
doing their darnedness to look even more silly and irrelevant, ignoring everyone
outside their closed Beehive Office doors :)

08-08-2022, 09:06 AM
Ardern & her incompetent ministers into the blame game (as usual) - nothing is ever their fault. It's always someone else at fault even when it is crystal clear it is thry who stuffed up big time.

On the cost of living payment being paid to overseas people who are not entitled, here's David Parker trying to shift the blame :

"On Today FM, O’Brien was aghast as revenue minister David Parker accused an ineligible Frenchman who’d been offered the payment of criminal misdeeds.

"For him to get the payment, he would have to be acting fraudulently," he said.

"You're putting this on him?" exclaimed O'Brien, incredulously."


08-08-2022, 12:37 PM
RNZ’s Nine to Noon BusinessDesk founder Pattrick Smellie argued the criticism is likely to stick even if the figures involved aren't massive, mainly because it was the type of story that voters can understand.

"If you say we're giving $350 to goodness knows how many people overseas - and that's the biggest problem for the government, that the IRD doesn't know the answer to that question - inevitably that's political poison.

It just doesn't matter whether it's 20 people or 25,000. It's easy to understand. It makes you wonder what these clowns are up to - that sort of thing."


08-08-2022, 01:52 PM
Talk about the cost of living-

Then criticise a solution to the cost of living.

This payment alone is worth twice what National's tax cuts were for the median earner (ie more than 50 cents per day)

08-08-2022, 02:35 PM
Talk about the cost of living-

Then criticise a solution to the cost of living.

This payment alone is worth twice what National's tax cuts were for the median earner (ie more than 50 cents per day)

Why don't you show us the maths to support your 50 cents per day quote.

08-08-2022, 02:43 PM
Why don't you show us the maths to support your 50 cents per day quote.

He is parroting Ardern and Robertson.

The same Ardern who promised 'most transparent government ever' and 'eradication of child poverty'. :t_up:


08-08-2022, 02:48 PM
Talk about the cost of living-

Then criticise a solution to the cost of living.

This payment alone is worth twice what National's tax cuts were for the median earner (ie more than 50 cents per day)

the same cost of living that Labour have directly & indirectly managed to blow sky high ? :)

what happens for all the months not covered by the $350 as things rise further ?

Too hard or hasn't Robbo considered that a one off is more like a bribe and not a fix
for the continuing issue that Labour have orchestrated and thrown on all Kiwis ? :)

A $350 one off must really look like some mickey mouse Labour solution to everyone out there :)

08-08-2022, 03:53 PM
the same cost of living that Labour have directly & indirectly managed to blow sky high ? :)

what happens for all the months not covered by the $350 as things rise further ?

Too hard or hasn't Robbo considered that a one off is more like a bribe and not a fix
for the continuing issue that Labour have orchestrated and thrown on all Kiwis ? :)

A $350 one off must really look like some mickey mouse Labour solution to everyone out there :)

If the one-off payment adds to inflation pressures short term then tax cuts for the well-off must add to the pressures long term.
Luxon and Willis stumbled over that one.

08-08-2022, 07:54 PM
My bet is Jacinda will bail before the election. Her history for not fronting when the going gets tough is in her DNA. She now knows she has no chance next year and will disappear prior leaving Robo or some other mug to carry the can.

08-08-2022, 09:17 PM
My bet is Jacinda will bail before the election. Her history for not fronting when the going gets tough is in her DNA. She now knows she has no chance next year and will disappear prior leaving Robo or some other mug to carry the can.

The latest poll will prompt her to speed up her bail out plans to the UN.


Her days of spinning and conning NZers are coming to an end.

08-08-2022, 09:21 PM
My bet is Jacinda will bail before the election. Her history for not fronting when the going gets tough is in her DNA. She now knows she has no chance next year and will disappear prior leaving Robo or some other mug to carry the can.

The Unions are very influential in deciding the Labour leader these days and are more likely to install one of their own such as Michael Woods I reckon.

08-08-2022, 09:39 PM
The latest poll will prompt her to speed up her bail out plans to the UN.


Her days of spinning and conning NZers are coming to an end.

I read somewhere recently even the UN are showing a little more care with who they employ these days. Have they had some negative results ? Not sure if that's the case but if so she may have missed the boat there.

09-08-2022, 07:16 PM
My bet is Jacinda will bail before the election. Her history for not fronting when the going gets tough is in her DNA. She now knows she has no chance next year and will disappear prior leaving Robo or some other mug to carry the can.

You are being too pesim - of course Labour have a chance next year - it’s MMP stupid.

09-08-2022, 07:16 PM
Sorry- pessimistic!

09-08-2022, 07:20 PM
The latest poll will prompt her to speed up her bail out plans to the UN.


Her days of spinning and conning NZers are coming to an end.
For what’s it’s worth I think it’s a fair bet that Labour will have a new leader heading into next election.

09-08-2022, 07:54 PM
The latest poll will prompt her to speed up her bail out plans to the UN.


Her days of spinning and conning NZers are coming to an end.

For what’s it’s worth I think it’s a fair bet that Labour will have a new leader heading into next election.

I'm not so sure, we know she doesn't like being a loser and thrives on her popularity, but is also aware of her positive populism effect on Labours chances. Must be an awful conundrum for her to reconcile, like do I leave and appear to be abandoning the Labour party to avoid being a loser because they almost certainly will lose without her, or do I stay and risk Labour losing the election and personally being a loser because of it and stuck with them as the leader. Tough choice.

fungus pudding
09-08-2022, 08:04 PM
I'm not so sure, we know she doesn't like being a loser and thrives on her popularity, but is also aware of her positive populism effect on Labours chances. Must be an awful conundrum for her to reconcile, like do I leave and appear to be abandoning the Labour party to avoid being a loser because they almost certainly will lose without her, or do I stay and risk Labour losing the election and personally being a loser because of it and stuck with them as the leader. Tough choice.

She'll be gone before next election, leaving the impression to overseas observers that her resignation caused Labour's collapse. Be a sensible move; far better for her future than losing an election by a large margin which is inevitable.
'While youi're ahead --- stay ahead'

09-08-2022, 08:08 PM
I'm not so sure, we know she doesn't like being a loser and thrives on her popularity, but is also aware of her positive populism effect on Labours chances. Must be an awful conundrum for her to reconcile, like do I leave and appear to be abandoning the Labour party to avoid being a loser because they almost certainly will lose without her, or do I stay and risk Labour losing the election and personally being a loser because of it and stuck with them as the leader. Tough choice.
yes, must be a conundrum. Obsessed with her own importance on the one hand and absolutely terrified of rejection on the other.

09-08-2022, 08:17 PM
yes, must be a conundrum. Obsessed with her own importance on the one hand and absolutely terrified of rejection on the other.

In her heart, Ardern knows NZers have seen through her - all spin and no delivery. And with a racist agenda to snare Maori votes.

09-08-2022, 08:25 PM
In her heart, Ardern knows NZers have seen through her - all spin and no delivery. And with a racist agenda to snare Maori votes.

As FP said she will let Labour burn in hell as she has absolutely zero consideration to anything or anyone but herself. Cold as a mackerel.

09-08-2022, 09:51 PM
Why would she want to join a failing organisation, if she is apparently focused on success?

She has stitched together deals with amazon and microsoft so could join them in a communications role (which her degree is in too).

10-08-2022, 04:50 AM
She has stitched together deals with amazon and microsoft so could join them in a communications role.
You mean like nodding , waving her arms about, and spouting word sallad.

10-08-2022, 08:53 AM
Why would she want to join a failing organisation, if she is apparently focused on success.

She has stitched together deals with amazon and microsoft so could join them in a communications role (which her degree is in too).

Just like she stitched up deals with Pfizer and NZ went from first in the queue to last in the line for the COVID vaccine?

Sir Ten
10-08-2022, 11:21 AM
Zero Covid has cost New Zealand dearlyJacinda Ardern was never the pandemic heroine she was made out to be.

Ultimately, New Zealand’s Zero Covid strategy was immoral, incoherent and a grand failure.

https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/08/07/zero-covid-has-cost-new-zealand-dearly/?_cldee=iaGhYtUxBiYwIfQ1iYUjebWFYXAouykwsh2enMYTdY zaoIwqAMIylNBpTqRa6ZM2mWZLFQSv6smC-MFMezH6Lw&recipientid=contact-5aa93ea923fde6119406005056a36616-e57e9b7be42745e893ae997bce98c86b&esid=b05205c7-e7eb-419d-b732-d98b137d43b3

Blue Skies
10-08-2022, 11:43 AM
Zero Covid has cost New Zealand dearly

Jacinda Ardern was never the pandemic heroine she was made out to be.

Ultimately, New Zealand’s Zero Covid strategy was immoral, incoherent and a grand failure.

https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/08/07/zero-covid-has-cost-new-zealand-dearly/?_cldee=iaGhYtUxBiYwIfQ1iYUjebWFYXAouykwsh2enMYTdY zaoIwqAMIylNBpTqRa6ZM2mWZLFQSv6smC-MFMezH6Lw&recipientid=contact-5aa93ea923fde6119406005056a36616-e57e9b7be42745e893ae997bce98c86b&esid=b05205c7-e7eb-419d-b732-d98b137d43b3

You're promoting the web site of an extreme right wing organisation.
There's also a popular article titled "The scapegoating of Alex Jones" .
This is the extremist who told his audience the deadly shooting of all those children at Sandy Hook School was a fabrication made up to push back on gun rights for Americans.

The article is nonsense, its a heavily curated conspiracy skewering of the facts to suit an extreme Right wing narrative.

10-08-2022, 01:39 PM
You're promoting the web site of an extreme right wing organisation.
There's also a popular article titled "The scapegoating of Alex Jones" .
This is the extremist who told his audience the deadly shooting of all those children at Sandy Hook School was a fabrication made up to push back on gun rights for Americans.

The article is nonsense, its a heavily curated conspiracy skewering of the facts to suit an extreme Right wing narrative.

Jay Bhattacharya MD, PhD, is an epidemiologist, health economist, and professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.

He is writing as a professor and perfectly entitled to - reasoning is sound and conclusion is damning of Ardern's Zero COVID strategy.

The world (except China & NZ & North Korea) have moved into the post pandemic world while NZ is still stuck - with the highest per capita deaths now (ignored by Ardern & MSM).

The website is not an extreme ring wing organisation as you assert - it is a forum to promote views which MSM will not publish.

"Spiked (also written as sp!ked) is a British Internet magazine focusing on politics, culture and society. The magazine was founded in 2001 with the same editor and many of the same contributors as Living Marxism, which had closed in 2000 after losing a case for libel brought by ITN.[1][2]

There is general agreement that Spiked is libertarian, with the majority of specialist academic sources identifying it as right-libertarian, and some non-specialist sources identifying it as left-libertarian.[3][4][5][6][7][8] Activists associated with Spiked, sometimes described as part of "the Spiked network", took part in the Brexit Party as candidates or publicists,[9][10] while disagreeing with Nigel Farage on many domestic issues."

10-08-2022, 04:03 PM
The world (except China & NZ & North Korea) have moved into the post pandemic world while NZ is still stuck - with the highest per capita deaths now (ignored by Ardern & MSM).

We are in winter with everyone indoors vs everyone else going to the beach.

10-08-2022, 04:28 PM
Australia is in summer?

10-08-2022, 04:40 PM
The world (except China & NZ & North Korea) have moved into the post pandemic world while NZ is still stuck

And you were suggesting, just the other day, that we should have greater mask mandates?
Consistently inconsistent, just to 'have a go'.

10-08-2022, 04:42 PM
Australia is in summer?

Basically, yes. An NZ summer (since there's higher temps over there).

10-08-2022, 05:05 PM
Inflation - raging under Ardern - is the single biggest destructor of well being for the so-called poor.

National says that a short-term injection of money (cost of living payment) into the economy is inflationary (which it is but short term) but their tax cuts for the wealthy isn't.
Who's in lala land?
It seems that National still have that faulty calculator that Goldsmith was using - or more likely they just don't understand economics.

We could always have a new youth policy - one that does what is already being done under Labour.

10-08-2022, 05:20 PM
Basically, yes. An NZ summer (since there's higher temps over there).

Garbage as usual from you.

I have family and friends living in Australia (Queensland, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide & Perth) and it has been cold in Australia. Melbourne has been as low as 1°C and Brisbane, 6°C.

10-08-2022, 05:22 PM
National says that a short-term injection of money (cost of living payment) into the economy is inflationary (which it is but short term) but their tax cuts for the wealthy isn't.
Who's in lala land?
It seems that National still have that faulty calculator that Goldsmith was using - or more likely they just don't understand economics.

We could always have a new youth policy - one that does what is already being done under Labour.

Tax cuts are not inflationary because those who get tax cuts save the money, goes into the bank or investments - good for productivity gains.

Economics 101.

10-08-2022, 05:24 PM
And you were suggesting, just the other day, that we should have greater mask mandates?
Consistently inconsistent, just to 'have a go'.

Consistently consistent - greater mask mandates required due to Ardern’s failed zero COVID strategy & policies.

The silence from Ardern over the number of COVID deaths is deafening. Crocodile tears she shed a’plenty in 2020 over 1 death, remember?

Keep up with the flow.

10-08-2022, 05:29 PM
Tax cuts are not inflationary because those who get tax cuts save the money, goes into the bank or investments - good for productivity gains.

Economics 101.

Wooley economics like Nationals'.

10-08-2022, 05:31 PM
Consistently consistent - greater mask mandates required due to Ardern’s failed zero COVID strategy & policies.

Keep up with the flow.

Complain that we have a few restrictions (limited mask requirements) but you want more.
Keep up that therapy - you need a lot more.

Blue Skies
10-08-2022, 05:36 PM
NZ has been one of the safest places in the world during the pandemic.
Latest deaths per million of population as at 9 August. There are 140 countries with higher death rates.

e.g. here's a sample, Deaths per million of population
USA 3,068
UK. 2,753
Spain. 2,339
Bermuda 2,305
France. 2,266
Sweden. 1,856
Canada. 1,131
Australia. 479
NZ 329


10-08-2022, 05:37 PM
NZ has been one of the safest places in the world during the pandemic.
Latest deaths per million of population as at 9 August. There are 140 countries with higher death rates.

e.g. here's a sample, Deaths per million of population
USA 3,068
UK. 2,753
Spain. 2,339
Bermuda 2,305
France. 2,266
Sweden. 1,856
Canada. 1,131
Australia. 479
NZ 329


NZ now has the highest COVID deaths per capita - no crocodile tears from Ardern however. Plenty though in 2020 over 1 death reported on certain days.

10-08-2022, 05:47 PM
Complain that we have a few restrictions (limited mask requirements) but you want more.
Keep up that therapy - you need a lot more.

If I need therapy, you need a brain transplant - only solution to your Ardern indoctrinated & spun mind.

I LOVE this!

Blue Skies
10-08-2022, 06:02 PM
NZ now has the highest COVID deaths per capita - no crocodile tears from Ardern however. Plenty though in 2020 over 1 death reported on certain days.

I don't actually think that's true but even if we do right at this moment for a variety of reasons, NZ barely makes a dent in the latest up to date ( i.e. yesterday) cumulative totals of Deaths per million of population of other countries around the world.

NZ 329 versus UK 2,753 or US 3,068.
And you get these Right wing US or UK plonkers criticising NZ's response to the pandemic.

We are 140th in the world & many of these other countries have had waves of Covid sweep through their populations several times, killing hundreds of thousands, wiping out those with a weakened immune system.
We avoided the more deadly Delta strain, plus we were able to protect our population until effective new anti-virals like Paxlovid were invented & tested, and are now available.

10-08-2022, 08:36 PM
Not sure if this has been posted before, but it makes interesting listening re the Adern Govt.


10-08-2022, 08:45 PM
Not sure if this has been posted before, but it makes interesting listening re the Adern Govt.

Yes, he is a breath of fresh air.
I also posted a link a couple of days ago on this thread.

10-08-2022, 08:49 PM
Wasn't sure how to inbed it properly.

I can't believe how bad things have gotten here in only a few short years, sad for such a once great country.

10-08-2022, 08:58 PM
Wasn't sure how to inbed it properly.

I can't believe how bad things have gotten here in only a few short years, sad for such a once great country.

The crazy thing is, this was broadcast in Australia. The media here are a disgrace. Political discussion here has been dumbed down to kindergarten level.

11-08-2022, 12:51 PM
Tax cuts are not inflationary because those who get tax cuts save the money, goes into the bank or investments - good for productivity gains.

Economics 101.

National proposed tax cuts for the wealthy as a help for the 'squeezed middle' but you suggest that it is only saved.
Seems like a waste of $1.7billion to me.
Only you and National would think that giving more money to the wealthy ($100+ per week to them and a few $ a week to the target) would solve the cost of living crisis.

I think you and National need to go back and take economics 101 again.

11-08-2022, 12:54 PM
NZ now has the highest COVID deaths per capita - no crocodile tears from Ardern however. Plenty though in 2020 over 1 death reported on certain days.

As a rate right now maybe but overall (and the response is overall) we have one of the lowest deaths/million as Blue Skies pointed out.
There weren't plenty in 2020 - we had negative excess deaths and our life expectancy went up!

11-08-2022, 01:22 PM
As a rate right now maybe but overall (and the response is overall) we have one of the lowest deaths/million as Blue Skies pointed out.
There weren't plenty in 2020 - we had negative excess deaths and our life expectancy went up!

Straight out of Ardern’s spin book of BS & deceit.

11-08-2022, 01:41 PM
National proposed tax cuts for the wealthy as a help for the 'squeezed middle' but you suggest that it is only saved.
Seems like a waste of $1.7billion to me.
Only you and National would think that giving more money to the wealthy ($100+ per week to them and a few $ a week to the target) would solve the cost of living crisis.

I think you and National need to go back and take economics 101 again.

Labour’s attack of the tax cuts is that it favours only the rich, right?

The rich are not going to spend the money they get back from getting less of their incomes taxed on extra consumption - they already consume enough and they can only eat, drink and consume so much.

It is a fact that they will save or invest the money - all good for productivity.

Ronald Reagan did exactly that and the US went on to enjoy huge growth while getting inflation under control.

Which part of the above do you not get?

11-08-2022, 01:55 PM
Labour’s attack of the tax cuts is that it favours only the rich, right?

I don't think that is it solely.
More that it does little for their targeted 'squeezed middle' (it does favour the wealthy) and it isn't targeted.
National brought out the idea to help the 'squeezed middle' weather the 'cost of living crisis'.
They also attacked the cost of living payments as being inflationary.

If people just save the money how does that help their target?
If it does help the target then it must be more inflationary than a short-term payment.

Which part of this do you not get?
Back to Economics 101 for you (and National).

11-08-2022, 03:02 PM
I don't think that is it solely.
More that it does little for their targeted 'squeezed middle' (it does favour the wealthy) and it isn't targeted.
National brought out the idea to help the 'squeezed middle' weather the 'cost of living crisis'.
They also attacked the cost of living payments as being inflationary.

If people just save the money how does that help their target?
If it does help the target then it must be more inflationary than a short-term payment.

Which part of this do you not get?
Back to Economics 101 for you (and National).

It is targeted at those who work hard - which part of that do you not get?

11-08-2022, 03:19 PM
It is targeted at those who work hard - which part of that do you not get?

You mean those classed as essential workers during coronavirus, hardly.

11-08-2022, 03:38 PM
It is targeted at those who work hard - which part of that do you not get?

National said it was targeted at the 'squeezed middle' (whether they work hard or not) but they get little and the wealthy get lots - and then you say they save it!
You are digging yourself a bigger hole - back to school for you.

11-08-2022, 03:40 PM
National said it was targeted at the 'squeezed middle' (whether they work hard or not) but they get little and the wealthy get lots - and then you say they save it!
You are digging yourself a bigger hole - back to school for you.

You can be trained again!

Keep going!

I LOVE this!

11-08-2022, 03:40 PM
You mean those classed as essential workers during coronavirus, hardly.


As insightful as your take on how the likes of Trump make appointments based on merit and competence.

11-08-2022, 03:41 PM
You can be trained again!

Keep going!

I LOVE this!

I see you have fallen back into your old habits again when you have nothing of worth or merit to add.
You can't be trained, a hopeless case, unfortunately.

Blue Skies
11-08-2022, 05:54 PM
Labour’s attack of the tax cuts is that it favours only the rich, right?

The rich are not going to spend the money they get back from getting less of their incomes taxed on extra consumption - they already consume enough and they can only eat, drink and consume so much.

It is a fact that they will save or invest the money - all good for productivity.

Ronald Reagan did exactly that and the US went on to enjoy huge growth while getting inflation under control.

Which part of the above do you not get?

That's not what I'm seeing B.
Wealthy friends have been throwing their money at luxury overseas holidays in Europe, (thinking nothing of spending $16,000 on Business class to Europe when the same fare would have cost around $8,000 pre Covid,), getting the very latest luxury vehicles ( the owner of a large car dealership network. told me they have never sold so many luxury vehicles, they are breaking all sales records), upgrading the $1.5 million Bach to the $3 or $4 million waterfront Bach, & adding another property to the family trust, just in case little Johnny who's only been getting very average grades, needs a hand several rungs up the ladder when he leaves school.

Apart from jobs for a handful of car salesmen, a handful of Real Estate persons, & a tiny amount of commissions for a few Travel Agents, all this money is going overseas.

The idea that giving the wealthy another $180,000 to $200,000 to spend is going to go into productive investment for the NZ economy just doesn't stack up IMHO from what I'm seeing.
Maybe you see it differently but that's definitely the picture we're seeing.

fungus pudding
11-08-2022, 06:07 PM
That's not what I'm seeing B.
Wealthy friends have been throwing their money at luxury overseas holidays in Europe, (thinking nothing of spending $16,000 on Business class to Europe when the same fare would have cost around $8,000 pre Covid,), getting the very latest luxury vehicles ( the owner of a large car dealership network. told me they have never sold so many luxury vehicles, they are breaking all sales records), upgrading the $1.5 million Bach to the $3 or $4 million waterfront Bach, & adding another property to the family trust, just in case little Johnny who's only been getting very average grades, needs a hand several rungs up the ladder when he leaves school.

Apart from jobs for a handful of car salesmen, a handful of Real Estate persons, & a tiny amount of commissions for a few Travel Agents, all this money is going overseas.

The idea that giving the wealthy another $180,000 to $200,000 to spend is going to go into productive investment for the NZ economy just doesn't stack up IMHO from what I'm seeing.
Maybe you see it differently but that's definitely the picture we're seeing.

Envy is such a sad emotion.High earners pay plenty, both in nominal dollars and percentage of income.

11-08-2022, 08:24 PM
Labour & their supporters as well as the media should be very careful with their ruthless current attacks on a single school and a single individual. People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

11-08-2022, 08:42 PM
That's not what I'm seeing B.
Wealthy friends have been throwing their money at luxury overseas holidays in Europe, (thinking nothing of spending $16,000 on Business class to Europe when the same fare would have cost around $8,000 pre Covid,), getting the very latest luxury vehicles ( the owner of a large car dealership network. told me they have never sold so many luxury vehicles, they are breaking all sales records), upgrading the $1.5 million Bach to the $3 or $4 million waterfront Bach, & adding another property to the family trust, just in case little Johnny who's only been getting very average grades, needs a hand several rungs up the ladder when he leaves school.

Apart from jobs for a handful of car salesmen, a handful of Real Estate persons, & a tiny amount of commissions for a few Travel Agents, all this money is going overseas.

The idea that giving the wealthy another $180,000 to $200,000 to spend is going to go into productive investment for the NZ economy just doesn't stack up IMHO from what I'm seeing.
Maybe you see it differently but that's definitely the picture we're seeing.

That’s the rear view mirror.

NZers had been on a spending spree due to the tens of billions of dollars pumped into the economy by this government, the record low interest rates as well as the perceived huge increases in property values.

That’s where the flash cars and property purchases/ upgrades had been coming from.

We know what is now happening with the property sector.

Talk to any car dealers out there and they will tell you that car sales have slowed significantly in the last 3 months. Stocks are building up again out there. For popular models like Toyota & Tesla, there are still waiting lists but not like before.

People have not been able to travel for over 2 years - is it any surprise that they are splashing out? Are they doing it with borrowed money or from savings? I think the answer is very clear.

So tax reductions (back to where they were before Ardern & Robertson decided to reimpose the envy tax) for the wealthy (as defined & articulated by Labour) will not result in the wealthy spending more - they are already spending what they easily can already afford and saving the rest of their income or investing it.

11-08-2022, 08:55 PM
I heard on Radio N Z 7-00 news tonight that a newly elected Labour member who was elected into the Labour govt in 2020 has raised the issue about him being bullied by certain members of the current govt, apparently he was told to not complain / pull his head in or he will go no where with his career with the Labour govt.

He has complained to two Govt departments one of which is the Prime ministers but told not to make waves.

If this is true I wonder if the N Z lefty reporters/press ( gutter press ) will make an issue of it or will they try to deflect this news and continue their attack on Sam Uff ?

Bill Smith
11-08-2022, 10:25 PM
Is Gaurav Sharma the only honest labour politician? Going to be real interesting to watch the left devour him.

11-08-2022, 11:13 PM
Is Gaurav Sharma the only honest labour politician? Going to be real interesting to watch the left devour him.

National needs to drop it's latest suggestion that they could even possibly form a coalition with greens, and instead form a coalition with a new "Gaurav Sharma Party". This guy has got some guts, and integrity !

12-08-2022, 04:25 AM
The idea that giving the wealthy another $180,000 to $200,000 to spend is going to go into productive investment for the NZ economy just doesn't stack up IMHO from what I'm seeing.
Maybe you see it differently but that's definitely the picture we're seeing.

Yes a giveaway to the wealthy is not cost of living relief.

12-08-2022, 08:32 AM
From the most transparent government ever - as promised by Ardern, the COVID Queen who shed so many tears over every single death when reported in 2020:

(Posting by Snoopy)

August 11th: Another day where the official news release does not report the number of people who have died. To make it extra difficult for reporters, there is no link in the NZ Health Department News Release where you can find the deaths information. At least I know where the link is, so I can report the 24 'with Covid-19' deaths here.


"Of the 24 reported dead, one was in their 60s, one was in their 70s, 13 were in their 80s and nine were aged over 90. Of these people, 16 were women and eight were men."


12-08-2022, 08:37 AM
Is Gaurav Sharma the only honest labour politician? Going to be real interesting to watch the left devour him.

He has been complaining to Ardern for 1.5 years and she has been sweeping it under the carpet. Not good optics for the spin mistress - she is just such a caring and care person as well as transparent & accountable - NOT!

And the left has already started attacking him but he has fired back :


“Sharma posted his reply, in which he accused Fenton of being "the reason bullying is still a problem", and said she was victimising him.

"Seems like you are still on the party payroll?" Sharma replied.”

“Sharma then rebuffed Fenton's criticism of not using appropriate channels to raise concerns, saying he had "made multiple complaints including to the PMO [Prime Minister's Office] over the last 1.5 years and nothing has been done".


12-08-2022, 09:17 AM
Yes a giveaway to the wealthy is not cost of living relief.


As insightful as your post on how Trump appointed based on merit & competence!

PLA leadership is appointed based on politics.. Xi would appoint his family if he could.
US appointments are still based on merit and competence.:t_up:

12-08-2022, 09:18 AM
The Coup in New Zealand (https://www.nzcpr.com/coup-in-new-zealand/)

In Defence of Democracy (https://www.nzcpr.com/in-defence-of-democracy/)

12-08-2022, 10:37 AM
In great news for the cost of living, petrol prices have fallen to $2.40/L.

Below what it was under the previous govt.

12-08-2022, 10:39 AM
The Coup in New Zealand (https://www.nzcpr.com/coup-in-new-zealand/)

In Defence of Democracy (https://www.nzcpr.com/in-defence-of-democracy/)
It is quite ironic that The NZ Labour Party is overseeing a shift of control to Iwi from the democratically elected representatives of the people. Labour Parties around the Commonwealth were founded to give voice to ordinary people and workers vis à vis the inherited gentry, Landowners and the owners of capital. Now The NZ labour is trying to shift the balance of power back to inherited vested interest and landowners (Iwi).

12-08-2022, 11:10 AM
It is quite ironic that The NZ Labour Party is overseeing a shift of control to Iwi from the democratically elected representatives of the people. Labour Parties around the Commonwealth were founded to give voice to ordinary people and workers vis à vis the inherited gentry, Landowners and the owners of capital. Now The NZ labour is trying to shift the balance of power back to inherited vested interest and landowners (Iwi).

It’s all about getting the Maori votes for Ardern - without which she has no show in hell of getting into or staying in power.

So she will give anything they want and demand - so she can continue to run NZ into the ground.

12-08-2022, 11:13 AM
Wait for the Ardern spin - get your popcorn ready.

1.5 years of bullying complaints and her office has done nothing!


"Dr Sharma is a very brave man to take a swing at both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, they're extraordinary allegations for the Labour Party to answer,"

“Since writing the column Sharma has refused to comment further except only to mention: "I am not the bully".

When asked who the bully or bullies were, Sharma said: "We'll find out."

12-08-2022, 11:14 AM
In great news for the cost of living, petrol prices have fallen to $2.40/L.

Below what it was under the previous govt.

Panda please do not be a dim wit more than you have to be to live and add on the tax that the govt has taken to make it affordable politically, IMHO it will go back on shortly.

12-08-2022, 11:14 AM
Is Gaurav Sharma the only honest labour politician? Going to be real interesting to watch the left devour him.


12-08-2022, 11:16 AM
Panda please do not be a dim wit more than you have to be to live and add on the tax that the govt has taken to make it affordable politically, IMHO it will go back on shortly.

Which is good for "the books".

Surplus by 2024...

12-08-2022, 11:35 AM
Which is good for "the books".

Surplus by 2024...

if they can be believed, just like the unemployment situation 3.2 % ie 93,000 people but the job seeker benefit has 105,000 people in it, tell me is a person on a job seeker benefit employed or not, yes or no, if they are not in that statist then the unemployment % is 7% +, from the most honest transparent govt ever , yeh right.
My niece is on a job seekers benefit and her supervisor has just given her another year on it, she is 31 years old and does not have to go for any job interviews during that period !!

12-08-2022, 11:50 AM
Which is good for "the books".

Surplus by 2024...

As insightful as this - that US leaders like Trump appointed based on merit & competence. And no family members!

PLA leadership is appointed based on politics.. Xi would appoint his family if he could.
US appointments are still based on merit and competence.:t_up:

12-08-2022, 12:04 PM
if they can be believed, just like the unemployment situation 3.2 % ie 93,000 people but the job seeker benefit has 105,000 people in it, tell me is a person on a job seeker benefit employed or not, yes or no

Half of them are sick though as national put them all on one benefit.

It raises ACC risks for a business to take them on.

What's the real issue - unemployment is lower under labour just as it was in 2006 and 2007.

Logen Ninefingers
12-08-2022, 12:40 PM
Very sad to read about the constant bullying of a Labour MP by people within his own party. What is the world coming to when this sort of thing is happening. Bullying even coming from the PM’s office, which is totally unacceptable. Will Ardern now resign, or instead just brazen it out and hope this blows over?

12-08-2022, 12:49 PM
Half of them are sick though as national put them all on one benefit.

It raises ACC risks for a business to take them on.

What's the real issue - unemployment is lower under labour just as it was in 2006 and 2007.

Panda, so so wrong, if they are sick then they should be on a sickness benefit, another transparent lie from the red witches govt !!

12-08-2022, 01:00 PM
Panda, so so wrong, if they are sick then they should be on a sickness benefit, another transparent lie from the red witches govt !!

There is no sickness benefit today.

It's hard to be on something which doesn't exist.

12-08-2022, 01:56 PM
There is no sickness benefit today.

It's hard to be on something which doesn't exist.

invalids benefit obviously they dont want to work.

12-08-2022, 02:23 PM
Very sad to read about the constant bullying of a Labour MP by people within his own party. What is the world coming to when this sort of thing is happening. Bullying even coming from the PM’s office, which is totally unacceptable. Will Ardern now resign, or instead just brazen it out and hope this blows over?

Ardern rejects the premise that there’s bullying - blames the victim for complaining.


She obviously is blind as she says she has not seen any bullying at Parliament or Trevor Mallard must be invisible.

12-08-2022, 08:33 PM
Ardern rejects the premise that there’s bullying - blames the victim for complaining.


She obviously is blind as she says she has not seen any bullying at Parliament or Trevor Mallard must be invisible.

Sharma hits back - 2600 word statement listing the instances of how bullying has been taking place under Ardern’s watch.

Notice how Ardern is insinuating that Sharma is unwell and needs help? Her way of trying h to deflect from the bullying charges.


“Sharma hit back this evening with the lengthy 2600-word statement posted on his Facebook page, in which the Hamilton West MP provided a timeline of his interactions with Parliamentary Services and the Labour Party Whips.

He claimed he had been gaslit, shouted at, degraded in front of caucus members and told that he was a terrible MP.

"I stand by my claims that I have been subjected to ongoing bullying by the Parliamentary Service and the Labour Whips and none of my concerns have been investigated.

Logen Ninefingers
12-08-2022, 08:45 PM
This guy has all the evidence detailing the horrific bullying that the Labour Party has subjected him to. The rot goes deep it seems, what a vipers nest.


‘Labour Party MP Gaurav Sharma has posted an excoriating social media post detailing grievances with the Labour Party, its former senior whip Kieran McAnulty, current whip Duncan Webb, the Prime Minister’s Office and Parliamentary Service.

In an extraordinary tirade, he said that bullying and harassment of him started on “day 0” at Parliament.

Sharma, the MP for Hamilton West, claims that he has “hundreds of pages” of documents that show bullying and harassment at the hands of the Labour Party.’

12-08-2022, 09:29 PM
This guy has all the evidence detailing the horrific bullying that the Labour Party has subjected him to. The rot goes deep it seems, what a vipers nest.


‘Labour Party MP Gaurav Sharma has posted an excoriating social media post detailing grievances with the Labour Party, its former senior whip Kieran McAnulty, current whip Duncan Webb, the Prime Minister’s Office and Parliamentary Service.

In an extraordinary tirade, he said that bullying and harassment of him started on “day 0” at Parliament.

Sharma, the MP for Hamilton West, claims that he has “hundreds of pages” of documents that show bullying and harassment at the hands of the Labour Party.’

He has been careful to document his experience of the bullying.

Ardern is looking really shifty and deceitful (we know that is her underlying personality.

This is what he wrote today as a follow up :

Over the last 24hours many of you would have read the op-ed I wrote in NZ Herald. I want to start by thanking a large number of you who have contacted me from across the country with support. I have also had a few people who have tried to harass me without knowing the fully story. Due to being busy with constituent work and more recent matters I haven’t had much time to follow the comments on social media, but from what I have seen there are many genuine questions out there. In order to give context to the issues I raised yesterday, I am sharing the following timeline of events:

⁃Before I took my oath I was assigned a Relationship Manager by Parliamentary Services to look after me and my staffing levels. This person had a direct conflict of interest in their role due to being a Labour member who had tried to stop me getting selected as a candidate. I raised this on Day 0 with a senior Parliamentary Manager who assured me that this would never be an issue.

⁃In February 2021 I had an underperforming staff member but instead of listening to my concerns, this was actively turned into a major project by the Labour Party Whips to bring me into disrepute and to rein me in. I sat in meetings after meetings being told I was doing a terrible job and that 9/10 times the MP is a bully so we refuse to listen to anything you have to say. I wrote numerous emails to Parliamentary Services and Whips Office asking for support, providing significant evidence of underperformance by a staff member but I was told in clear words “if you are staying up and working until 3am, you should work until 5am to make up for your staff’s incompetence.” Issues I raised involved staff being drunk at work, not showing up to work, being sent on leave without any notice or approval, and a significant wastage of taxpayer’s money. But all I was told was that I need to shut up and do a mentoring course on managing people. I had hundreds of pages to prove that my staff wasn’t doing the work they were hired to do and it affected my ability to provide services to my constituents but I was never listened to. The main bully was Kieran McAnulty who kept gaslighting me, shouting at me, degrading me in front of caucus members and other attendees at events and telling me that I was a terrible MP. His staff members at the Whips Office were the same. One of the most clearest examples was on the night of the America’s Cup final race where he asked me to come to his room for a meeting on a very short notice, but when I got there I was advised that he had to be in an important meeting so couldn’t make it. I spent close to 2 hours sitting with Kieran McAnulty’s staff in his office being told how terrible a manager I was, with no right of reply. But what was most sickening was that when I came out I saw photos of him drinking and celebrating the America’s Cup final while I sat in his office like a school kid at the headmaster’s office.

⁃In August 2021 I found that a Member of Parliament of the Labour Party and a Parliamentary staff member (also a Labour Member) were misusing taxpayer’s money. As someone who took an oath to uphold and protect the interests of this country I raised my concerns with the Relationship Manager at Parliamentary Services. Instead of protecting my identity and looking into this matter, Parliamentary Services forwarded my concerns to the Labour Party Whips and alerted them of what I had said.

⁃Following this incidence, I was put through further bullying. I was told by then Junior Whip Duncan Webb that what I did was wrong and I should be ashamed of myself. I was told that it was lucky that this Parliamentary Services Relationship Manager (who I had raised issues re conflict of interest on day 0) who is also a Labour Party member informed the Whips Office, because it could have fallen into the wrong hands which could have caused trouble. I was then told by Duncan Webb that an accusation like this could mean that the government could get into trouble, lose the election etc and such issues needed to be contained rather than discussed freely. I was then told by Duncan Webb in clear terms that “the only way this country can succeed is if Labour is in government. Government means Labour. So the Party comes first and foremost before the country.” The matter was never looked into and everything was hushed.

⁃Due to my outspoken stance on squandering of taxpayers money and other policy issues I was further bullied. I was called to last minute meetings with no notice and no support person (but once when I managed to take a caucus colleague with me).

⁃My staffing issues created through the mismanagement of the Whips Office and Parliamentary Services continued. My messages to the Parliamentary Services Relationship Manager were often not returned and I was repeatedly deflected to instead sort it out with the Whips.The same Whips who would bully me and had no legal right to begin with in a triangular relationship between Parliamentary Services (employer), my staff (employee) and myself (day-to-day-manager). I went to the Manager’s Manager but nothing came out of it. I went to the CEO of Parliamentary Services, I wrote emails and made calls - I was promised support to help with the staffing issue but all I got was silence. Many weeks after meeting the CEO I was told that I should go back and talk to the Whips.

Slowly I fell into a cycle of stress, depression and lack of hope as I found myself stuck. I remember one of my former patients sending me very kind message on World Mental Health Day about how I had helped her as a doctor a while ago. I thought to myself about how despite listening to and assisting many of my constituents with bullying and harassment issues, I had to put a bold face up as I struggled everyday with the thought of contemplating suicide. The Labour Party Whips Office and the Parliamentary Services removed all my mānā and didn’t give me any fair process to express my concerns. Slowly I started withdrawing from all the social events in Wellington. Every time I saw my bully Kieran McAnulty speak or smile, it made me sad and angry at the system and the process.

⁃I came to a point in 2021 where I advised Duncan Webb that I had had enough, and because I hadn’t received the support and justice I had been seeking I would go to the media to present the whole issue and tell them how I was being mistreated and there was no investigation into serious claims I had made about the incompetence of a staff member. This is the first time they listened. I was told that they would fly up to Hamilton and talk to me face to face to resolve my issues, which I declined because I had been in meetings after meetings with them for months with no resolution. Their solution included paying a severance pay from taxpayer’s purse to a person who had been repeatedly underperforming. I refused on principle, doing this would mean a double wastage of public money. I kept being pushed to concede but I refused. Eventually they cut a deal with the staff member to encourage them to resign from my office (I did not pay this person out because I stood by my claims which were never and still haven’t been investigated).

⁃After this, the bullying continued in many ways, simplest of which was a freeze on hiring staff. I challenged this and asked them to openly and fairly investigate my claims. But it was refused. For months on end I continued to be short staffed in providing support and services to my constituents who deserved better. I was told that I wasn’t an employee of the Labour Party, or its caucus or Parliamentary Services. My employers were the constituents - but my resourcing was halted by the Labour Party Whips - who were not legally even part of the triangular relationship. A fourth wheel which I continued to challenge shouldn’t be able to make decisions for my constituents especially when they were themselves the bully. When I tried to contact the Parliamentary Services they stopped taking my calls or replying to emails, instead again asking me to talk to the Whips.

⁃I went the only place I felt I could to seek help in December 2021. The Prime Ministers’ Office. The advice was always clear - do not give anything in writing and do not expect anything in writing. Everything can be OIA’ed. So I met the Chief of Staff of PMO for over an hour of meeting which was supposed to be only a 30mins appointment. I took with me hundreds of pages of evidence - emails, timelines, issues etc to explain my case. I very clearly said that Kieran McAnulty was a bully. That I was being bullied. That other caucus members were being bullied by Kieran McAnulty. Few weeks after the meeting when I had not heard from PMO, I contacted the PMO with a written complaint on 18th of December 2021. An investigation was never done. My bully still walks the halls of power with his head held up high, while a “messenger from Caucus” advised me yesterday after my op-ed in Herald that I should take the basement exit and try to avoid Parliament. The kick in the guts however is that despite raising concerns about Kieran McAnulty, not only by me but as I understand by other members of the caucus too (which I had clearly said to the PMO) he was promoted to being a Minister of the Crown. This is our justice.

⁃The issues with Parliamentary Services are even more complex & detailed and have continued. My current staff member has also raised significant concerns about the support from Parliamentary Services and has essentially been ghosted and stone walled. They have had no support in terms of expectation settings & annual review and have been underpaid for a significant amount of time. They went on to raise similar concerns as me re the Relationship Manager (the Labour member with conflict of interest) but it was only after 17months that this person was removed but never investigated for a serious breach of confidentiality (in my case raising concerns re taxpayers money) and in other cases re appropriate support and training.

⁃I know that some people think that I had for some reason tried to time this with what was happening with the issues at the National Party but that is far from the truth. I was told in an email in May by Parliamentary Services that there had never been an investigation against me despite me asking for an official review on multiple incidences. In April this year I contacted a range of lawyers in Wellington and eventually engaged someone to help me draft a legal challenge to the issues I had been facing. I was open about this to the Parliamentary Services and the Labour Whips from the moment I hired the lawyer but they thought I was bluffing. Due to a recent overseas trip and the staff shortage it has taken me a bit longer than I had anticipated to put together all the notes for my grievances and concerns (I am at 40+pages but still writing). Last week I had written to a new Manager at Parliamentary Services asking for a report on some serious complaints I had made (over a year ago). This Manager had promised me 4months ago that things would be looked into but I had not heard back. In reply to my most recent query the Parliamentary Services Manager advised me that they would instead first like to meet me with the Labour Whips and then they would give a written reply. Don’t forget that Parliamentary Services is part of the triangular employment relationship, but Labour Whips aren’t. Hence my comments yesterday about seldom replying and often from behind the Whips’ table.

⁃To me this meeting on Thursday was another attempt to silence me, to bully me and to put me in my place. But unlike other times this time they had given me a slightly longer notice for the meeting. Having been in numerous meetings where I had no support person and was being talked at by 3-4 people often, I decided to take my lawyer Phil Mitchell with me to the meeting to support me. The meeting was called by the Labour Party Whips in their room with the presence of Parliamentary Services on the day of their choosing. They weren’t expecting me to bring a support person let alone a lawyer. Suddenly the conversation in the room was about moving forward. The staffing issues that PM and Whips office claim they had been working with me in good faith to resolve had been going on for 1.5 years but now somehow with the lawyer in the room and threat of a legal case hanging about their head, I was advised that all was forgotten! That I just had to move forward, drop my complaints about Parliamentary Service and significant issues of drunk staff, staff with serious complaints from constituents etc because they didn’t want to investigate these claims. I was told that I was relitigating old matters. At the Thursday meeting I continued to say that Kieran McAnulty is a bully and if they would investigate him. I was just given blank stares and told to move on. I was also told by Duncan Webb that making such claims against a sitting senior Labour MP can affect my career projection.

⁃But they agreed to resolve the staffing issues. Within 30mins of a meeting with my lawyer I had been emailed by two Managers at Parliamentary Services that everything would be resolved and we were moving forward. The ads and roles for staffing were sent to me and I was free to hire asap, something that couldn’t be done in 1.5 years was done in a short meeting with a lawyer.

⁃The reason the op-ed came out yesterday was because the meeting was called by the Labour Whips yesterday at a time and place of their choosing and in that meeting they continued to laugh on my face saying in front of my lawyer “how will you even sue us, you have no legal rights” while repeatedly refusing to investigate anything I have said or investigate me for any issue.

⁃In summary, I stand by my claims that I have been subjected to ongoing bullying by the Parliamentary Service and the Labour Whips and none of my concerns have been investigated. Neither has there been an investigation into any claims against me as per the last written contact from the Deputy CEO of Parliamentary Service. I didn’t just wake up on the wrong side of the bed one day and made these serious claims. For 1.5years I have been trying to seek independent investigation, justice and support from Parliamentary Service, Labour Whips and the PMO. I also want to clearly state that despite what Duncan Webb says it has always been my belief that the country should always come ahead of any party. If I ever have to choose between party and country my allegiance will always be with the country first.

12-08-2022, 09:34 PM
This guy has all the evidence detailing the horrific bullying that the Labour Party has subjected him to. The rot goes deep it seems, what a vipers nest.


‘Labour Party MP Gaurav Sharma has posted an excoriating social media post detailing grievances with the Labour Party, its former senior whip Kieran McAnulty, current whip Duncan Webb, the Prime Minister’s Office and Parliamentary Service.

In an extraordinary tirade, he said that bullying and harassment of him started on “day 0” at Parliament.

Sharma, the MP for Hamilton West, claims that he has “hundreds of pages” of documents that show bullying and harassment at the hands of the Labour Party.’

Sharma has exposed a situation that rational citizens have no problem accepting as true. Labour BS is not hard to understand, It will come as no surprise to most, at least those who are not under the "labour can do no wrong" spell that this is the worst government we have ever had, without question.

12-08-2022, 11:08 PM
This ain't 3 Waters, it's Watergate.

13-08-2022, 04:15 AM
Maybe he's simply not a team player. His own staff don't seem to like him much either.

13-08-2022, 05:07 AM
Maybe he's simply not a team player. His own staff don't seem to like him much either.

Panda, maybe your boss is a workplace bully.......??

13-08-2022, 08:08 AM
Maybe he's simply not a team player. His own staff don't seem to like him much either.

By team player I guess you mean, < SHUT UP AND DO AS WE SAY>

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2022, 08:32 AM
Panda tries to gaslight the poor guy straight off the bat. Lots of implied violence pent up in the Left - revolution, societal conflict, workers vs bosses, ‘scabs’, heroes like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot - not hard to understand that ‘kindness’ is the mask covering the true visage.

‘Not liked by the Party’….yeah, for having integrity and exposing dodgy colleagues, rather than buying in to collectively sweeping it all under the carpet.

‘I was then told by Duncan Webb in clear terms that “the only way this country can succeed is if Labour is in government. Government means Labour. So the Party comes first and foremost before the country.”’

Maintain power at all costs. That’s the Labour ethos. The propaganda wing in the NZ media constantly digging for dirt on the opposition and running hit piece after hit piece, as the PM sanctimoniously brays about ‘kindness’ while running the least open and transparent government in New Zealand’s history.

13-08-2022, 09:00 AM
Maybe he's simply not a team player. His own staff don't seem to like him much either.

I thought you of all people Panda, would see Labour only wanted him as a token Asian.

When the TA turns out to be a very conscientious chap with high integrity, unlike most of their team, they try to suppress him and steer him in the direction of the Gulag.

When a medical doctor is driven to contemplate suicide by Labours contempt for him, thats not team, thats downright mean!

13-08-2022, 09:08 AM
Panda tries to gaslight the poor guy straight off the bat. Lots of implied violence pent up in the Left - revolution, societal conflict, workers vs bosses, ‘scabs’, heroes like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot - not hard to understand that ‘kindness’ is the mask covering the true visage.

‘Not liked by the Party’….yeah, for having integrity and exposing dodgy colleagues, rather than buying in to collectively sweeping it all under the carpet.

‘I was then told by Duncan Webb in clear terms that “the only way this country can succeed is if Labour is in government. Government means Labour. So the Party comes first and foremost before the country.”’

Maintain power at all costs. That’s the Labour ethos. The propaganda wing in the NZ media constantly digging for dirt on the opposition and running hit piece after hit piece, as the PM sanctimoniously brays about ‘kindness’ while running the least open and transparent government in New Zealand’s history.

As we know, Panda is "one of them" and the best thing many on this forum could do is put him on ignore. We may as well be talking to Jacinda or Mallard when entering a discussion with him/her.

13-08-2022, 09:33 AM
‘Not liked by the Party’….yeah, for having integrity and exposing dodgy colleagues, rather than buying in to collectively sweeping it all under the carpet.

All I want to see is some evidence.

Like luxon waited 24 hours even though King's college already had the evidence filed away.

13-08-2022, 09:53 AM
Another day, another Labour Party bullying case.

So much for Ardern rejecting the premise that there’s no bullying in her party and government.


‘A senior parliamentary staffer says she was the victim of bullying while working for Labour MP Anna Lorck, including being forced to move furniture around the office for an hour, and sober drive her home outside work hours.’

‘She said she and another staff member raised their concerns about Lorck with Parliamentary Service in February, but were only offered counselling. She then raised her concerns with the Labour whip's office.’

‘After she complained, Parliamentary Service tried to move her into a different executive assistant role, but she said this was stopped by Labour Chief Whip Duncan Webb.’

13-08-2022, 10:20 AM
All I want to see is some evidence.

Like luxon waited 24 hours even though King's college already had the evidence filed away.

The game is up Panda. I suggested you bail on the 9th floor months ago but it looks like you are in for the long haul. Good luck !

13-08-2022, 10:34 AM
Plenty of evidence coming out about how Ardern & the Labour Party bullied and muzzled Sharma - until he had enough and spilled the beans on them this week.

For the first time, we are getting a real picture of how Ardern & the Labour Party operate to BS and hoodwink NZers from Dr Sharma.

Classic case of someone young and idealistic, Doctor Sharma made the grievous mistake of believing the BS kindness and transparency crap of Ardern & the Labour Party - and instead of helping him achieve his idealism, they were more concerned about covering up misdeeds (bullying, misuse of taxpayers' funds etc) and keeping the misdeeds from the public domain.

"Most transparent government ever," Ardern! :t_up:

Case 1:

"In February 2021 I had an underperforming staff member but instead of listening to my concerns, this was actively turned into a major project by the Labour Party Whips to bring me into disrepute and to rein me in. I sat in meetings after meetings being told I was doing a terrible job and that 9/10 times the MP is a bully so we refuse to listen to anything you have to say.

I wrote numerous emails to Parliamentary Services and Whips Office asking for support, providing significant evidence of underperformance by a staff member but I was told in clear words “if you are staying up and working until 3am, you should work until 5am to make up for your staff’s incompetence.”

Case 2 :

"In August 2021 I found that a Member of Parliament of the Labour Party and a Parliamentary staff member (also a Labour Member) were misusing taxpayer’s money. As someone who took an oath to uphold and protect the interests of this country I raised my concerns with the Relationship Manager at Parliamentary Services. Instead of protecting my identity and looking into this matter, Parliamentary Services forwarded my concerns to the Labour Party Whips and alerted them of what I had said.

Following this incidence, I was put through further bullying. I was told by then Junior Whip Duncan Webb that what I did was wrong and I should be ashamed of myself. I was told that it was lucky that this Parliamentary Services Relationship Manager (who I had raised issues re conflict of interest on day 0) who is also a Labour Party member informed the Whips Office, because it could have fallen into the wrong hands which could have caused trouble."

Case 3:

"I went the only place I felt I could to seek help in December 2021. The Prime Ministers’ Office. The advice was always clear - do not give anything in writing and do not expect anything in writing. Everything can be OIA’ed."

13-08-2022, 10:44 AM
Another day, another Labour Party bullying case.

So much for Ardern rejecting the premise that there’s no bullying in her party and government.


‘A senior parliamentary staffer says she was the victim of bullying while working for Labour MP Anna Lorck, including being forced to move furniture around the office for an hour, and sober drive her home outside work hours.’

‘She said she and another staff member raised their concerns about Lorck with Parliamentary Service in February, but were only offered counselling. She then raised her concerns with the Labour whip's office.’

‘After she complained, Parliamentary Service tried to move her into a different executive assistant role, but she said this was stopped by Labour Chief Whip Duncan Webb.’

Hah, all this staff abuse coming from the party that thinks it champions staff rights and conditions.

Its no secret around here that Anna Lorck is on a 1 person crusade to keep the alcohol industry viable, by indulgence in their product.

She also wants to see public money pumped into a passenger rail service between Napier and Hastings, while the existing subsidised buses cruise around on a much wider user friendly suburban trail, with 0 to 3 people on board.

13-08-2022, 11:01 AM
Hah, all this staff abuse coming from the party that thinks it champions staff rights and conditions.

Its no secret around here that Anna Lorck is on a 1 person crusade to keep the alcohol industry viable, by indulgence in their product.

As in …

“Anna just drank and drank and drank...and she said now you will have to drive me home because I can’t drive.”


“She said she and another staff member raised their concerns about Lorck with Parliamentary Service in February, but were only offered counselling. She then raised her concerns with the Labour whip's office.

“I said, look, her behaviour is erratic, it is really hard to work for her, she is being rude, demanding, she will ask you one thing and send you 15 emails in a day asking you to do all this stuff - she was over the place.”


Clear that as long as a Labour MP toe the party line & keep scandals from the public domain, they will be accorded protection & shielded from everything - especially bullying and incompetence.

13-08-2022, 11:09 AM
"She said, he said".

Welcome to the sharetrader gossip section.

13-08-2022, 11:28 AM
All I want to see is some evidence.

Like luxon waited 24 hours even though King's college already had the evidence filed away.

You have discredited yourself beyond belief. You have no morals at all

13-08-2022, 11:29 AM
You have discredited yourself beyond belief. You have no morals at all

One random dude vs 50 people including his own staff denying there's an issue.

Even the media has dropped this non-story.

13-08-2022, 11:36 AM
One random dude vs 50 people including his own staff denying there's an issue.

Even the media has dropped this non-story.

Dictators are surrounded by yes men. All Labour pollys, no problem.

13-08-2022, 11:39 AM
One random dude vs 50 people including his own staff denying there's an issue.

Even the media has dropped this non-story.

“One random dude”. You’re nuts. Had he been a National MP you’d say National failed with the selection . With Labour, he’s a “random dude ��

13-08-2022, 11:40 AM
If there was an issue surely it would have been long term.. which means the media would have picked up on it.

The same media which blames labour for the cost of living (without international comparisons).

Bill Smith
13-08-2022, 12:40 PM
Dr Sharma has more integrity than the rest of labour MPs put together.

I see Lorck has finally been outed. Having known her in the past, I wondered how long it would take. Leopards and spots etc.

13-08-2022, 12:47 PM
Dr Sharma has more integrity than the rest of labour MPs put together.

I see Lorck has finally been outed. Having known her in the past, I wondered how long it would take. Leopards and spots etc.

Yup - getting sloshed on the job and then, becoming abusive towards her staff. That’s Ardern’s kindness in action.

But Ardern rejects the premise that there’s bullying in the government!

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2022, 01:06 PM
One random dude vs 50 people including his own staff denying there's an issue.

Even the media has dropped this non-story.

‘Even the left wing media has dropped this non-story.’


Gee, I wonder why. Meanwhile they are trawling around Dunedin looking for dirt on Uffindell, including ‘information’ such as him apparently living in a filthy flat in his student days.

Pretty disgraceful and mind-boggling of you to say that serious allegations made by a Labour MP are a ‘non story’. Even if the guy had made the whole thing up, there would still be enormous public interest. I think that anything showing Labour in a bad light is automatically a ‘non story’ as far as you are concerned, due to your inherent bias.

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2022, 01:11 PM
Dr Sharma has more integrity than the rest of labour MPs put together.

I see Lorck has finally been outed. Having known her in the past, I wondered how long it would take. Leopards and spots etc.

The fact that this guy is actually a working doctor stands out, while the rest of them have come through student politics, unions, fish & chip shops etc. Most of them haven’t done a days work in their lives, just wheedling party hacks and flunkeys. This guy came in from the outside world with huge integrity, and they’ve tried to tear him apart for it.

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2022, 01:14 PM
Spotted in a Stuff article today -

‘Sean Teddy, hautū (leader) operations and integration at the Ministry of Education, says they encourage parents and schools to work together to ensure ‘incidents of bullying are quickly, safely and effectively addressed’.’

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2022, 01:18 PM
If they don’t like violent people in parliament, why did the bloke who punched Tau Henare get to stick around, and even become the speaker? ‘Arderns Rottweiler’ they called him. Charming.

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2022, 01:28 PM
The ‘most popular’ (i.e. most read) story on the Stuff website is the bald facts of a staffer hurling bullying allegations at a Labour MP, while the Tom Scott cartoon takes aim at Uffindell and Luxon, and the Janet Wilson opinion piece is about how the Uffindell selection ‘reflects Nationals values’.

It seems Labours values are all about bullying others, but not sure if we will see the cartoons and opinion pieces that bear out this viewpoint.

13-08-2022, 01:59 PM
It seems Labours values are all about bullying others, but not sure if we will see the cartoons and opinion pieces that bear out this viewpoint.

Nah just ones about three waters and gang violence instead.

That said, calling their water reforms "three waters" was a poor move by labour.

Bill Smith
13-08-2022, 02:14 PM
And while labour flunkies are scouring Dunners for dirt on Uffindell, how did they miss the 1st sponge (clarke) efforts in disrespecting young women in the COW videos?

13-08-2022, 04:30 PM
The ‘most popular’ (i.e. most read) story on the Stuff website is the bald facts of a staffer hurling bullying allegations at a Labour MP, while the Tom Scott cartoon takes aim at Uffindell and Luxon, and the Janet Wilson opinion piece is about how the Uffindell selection ‘reflects Nationals values’.

It seems Labours values are all about bullying others, but not sure if we will see the cartoons and opinion pieces that bear out this viewpoint.
Maybe the the left wing Stuff has a Right wing readership keeping it in business?

It is great to see so much concern for the tax-payer paid Wellington public servants, who have employment disputes, and a Labour MP (allegedly Bullied by public servants and his own party) from right-wingers. There is hope for our social democracy yet.

fungus pudding
13-08-2022, 04:47 PM
If they don’t like violent people in parliament, why did the bloke who punched Tau Henare get to stick around, and even become the speaker? ‘Arderns Rottweiler’ they called him. Charming.

If he was determined to punch someone, he ccouldn't have found a more deserving target.

13-08-2022, 07:13 PM
The ‘most popular’ (i.e. most read) story on the Stuff website is the bald facts of a staffer hurling bullying allegations at a Labour MP, while the Tom Scott cartoon takes aim at Uffindell and Luxon, and the Janet Wilson opinion piece is about how the Uffindell selection ‘reflects Nationals values’.

It seems Labours values are all about bullying others, but not sure if we will see the cartoons and opinion pieces that bear out this viewpoint.

Good to see TV1 leading with the Dr Sharma’s allegations of bullying.

He has provided dates and names which Ardern & Labour will now have to refute - after Ardern tried to shut him down and victimise him further by stating that it was all about ‘hiring’ practices.

Telling that nobody from Labour fronted again - hoping that it will all go away.

Blue Skies
13-08-2022, 08:30 PM
Good to see TV1 leading with the Dr SharmaÂ’s allegations of bullying.

He has provided dates and names which Ardern & Labour will now have to refute - after Ardern tried to shut him down and victimise him further by stating that it was all about ‘hiring’ practices.

Telling that nobody from Labour fronted again - hoping that it will all go away.

Obviously the journalists who jumped in on the story based on Dr Sharma's social media posts without checking the story have realised they may have got things horribly wrong.
Turns out some of his staff have made allegations against him, so lets just calm down & wait till we get all the facts before we rush headlong to judgement & as one poster has breathlessly suggested, the PM needs to resign.
His Facebook post was quite extraordinary & for most people would immediately raised more alarm bells about his state of mind than what was being alleged.
A freeze on hiring more staff is a red flag that they were trying to protect potential employees from being put into a caustic work environment.
Lets see what unfolds.

It was notable both Chris Bishop & Erica Stamford didn't hesitate to dive in angrily condemning Labour without all the facts,
while Jacinda Adern & other Labour ministers have avoided passing judgemental comments on the Uffindell affair.
When questioned, Adern as always hitting the right notes, said is it's something for the National party to deal with.

On the other allegation of bullying, on the face of it, I don't think being asked to move office furniture or an incident of being asked to be the sober driver qualifies as bullying under the Worksafe definition.
There may be more to it, but there will need to be or it looks bit underwhelming.

14-08-2022, 08:12 AM
Retracted as I posted on the Wrong thread.

14-08-2022, 09:31 AM
Gee it's almost like there is no culture of bullying within Labour after all. The story has basically disappeared from both the Stuff and NZ Herald websites.
Who really believed they had the guts to bite the hand that feeds?

For me, this quote is perhaps the most scary thing I have heard in NZ politics.

‘I was then told by Duncan Webb in clear terms that “the only way this country can succeed is if Labour is in government. Government means Labour. So the Party comes first and foremost before the country.”

Sounds more like Stalin or Mao than a NZ politician. With a mindset like that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, a government will not do to its own citizens.

14-08-2022, 10:59 AM
Poor old Gaurev Sharma reminds me very much of the boy in the Anchor milk TV ad, albeit with a very different outcome.

He goes into Labour caucus with the words of his Gran ringing in his ears, "only use the best."

He finds out his classmates/colleagues have much lower standards and principles however, and turn their noses up at his offering!

How many dead rats can a bloke be expected to swallow?

14-08-2022, 12:03 PM
Poor old Gaurev Sharma reminds me very much of the boy in the Anchor milk TV ad, albeit with a very different outcome.

He goes into Labour caucus with the words of his Gran ringing in his ears, "only use the best."

He finds out his classmates/colleagues have much lower standards and principles however, and turn their noses up at his offering!

How many dead rats can a bloke be expected to swallow?

He has a life and career outside of politics, unlike the career politicians of Ardern & almost all of her ministers.

So after a year and half, he has had enough and is courageous enough to tell them where to get off.

His revelations shine a spotlight on what the majority of Labour’s MPs are - sycophants, yes people and brainwashed losers. Whipped into submission and indoctrinated into believing that BS & Spin = one source of truth.

Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2022, 12:40 PM
Gee it's almost like there is no culture of bullying within Labour after all. The story has basically disappeared from both the Stuff and NZ Herald websites.
Who really believed they had the guts to bite the hand that feeds?

For me, this quote is perhaps the most scary thing I have heard in NZ politics.

‘I was then told by Duncan Webb in clear terms that “the only way this country can succeed is if Labour is in government. Government means Labour. So the Party comes first and foremost before the country.”

Sounds more like Stalin or Mao than a NZ politician. With a mindset like that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, a government will not do to its own citizens.

Yeah, the story is done it seems - serious allegations concerning systemic bullying and misuse of taxpayer funds & the lengths Labour will go to to maintain power - it’s all over as far as the media are concerned. The Lorck story warranted just a cursory report it seems, and is now over as well. As far as bullying in the Labour Party is concerned, the media have put 2 and 2 together and come up with zero. (‘Be Kind’ everyone!).
Now the media can get back to the job of eviscerating Uffindell (and Luxon) over his teenage misdeeds and the filthy state of his flat.

14-08-2022, 01:14 PM
Newshub are still running the Sharma story (https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2022/08/labour-bullying-allegations-what-we-know.html)

14-08-2022, 02:25 PM
He has a life and career outside of politics, unlike the career politicians of Ardern & almost all of her ministers.

Maybe he failed in his career and this is the backup.

It could be the same "issues" derailing his new career, though.

14-08-2022, 02:44 PM
Maybe he failed in his career and this is the backup.

It could be the same "issues" derailing his new career, though.

And do not forget, he may have no issues, only the truth.

14-08-2022, 05:33 PM
Is Gaurav Sharma the only honest labour politician? Going to be real interesting to watch the left devour him.

Hardly - he is described as a Plonker around the traps - seems spot on!

14-08-2022, 05:38 PM
Dr Sharma has more integrity than the rest of labour MPs put together.

I see Lorck has finally been outed. Having known her in the past, I wondered how long it would take. Leopards and spots etc.

Sharma had profile as a Dr and now he’s in parliament as a nobody and he can’t handle the ego dent - as they say he is a Plonker.

14-08-2022, 05:43 PM
Hardly - he is described as a Plonker around the traps - seems spot on!

Out comes the indoctrinated Labour sycophants - on cue.

Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2022, 06:36 PM
‘ The head of New Zealand’s polytechs has refused to discuss why he isn’t at work while earning up to $13,000 a week.

Te Pūkenga chief executive Stephen Town has been on “special leave” for at least five weeks but continues to receive his full salary, between $670,000 and $679,999 a year.

Town, who has yet to speak publicly about his absence or when he might return, repeatedly declined to answer questions when Stuff called him on Friday evening.

During the short interview he appeared to be struggling with his answers. When asked if there were any problems with his health he said, “that's not up for public discussion, I'm afraid”.’

Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2022, 06:50 PM
It seems like Ardern has lost control, the Empress has no clothes, and all that’s left is the army of on-line trolls desperately in over-drive trying to run interference for this crumbling mess that this government has become.

14-08-2022, 06:51 PM
Out comes the indoctrinated Labour sycophants - on cue.
On cue and on the money!

14-08-2022, 07:13 PM
It seems like Ardern has lost control, the Empress has no clothes, and all that’s left is the army of on-line trolls desperately in over-drive trying to run interference for this crumbling mess that this government has become.


And getting more strident as the desperation sets in.

I LOVE this!

14-08-2022, 07:53 PM
It seems like Ardern has lost control, the Empress has no clothes, and all that’s left is the army of on-line trolls desperately in over-drive trying to run interference for this crumbling mess that this government has become.

Seems there are more oposition on-line trolls on this thread. Covering up for Luxon and Mr Bean.


15-08-2022, 09:46 AM
The letter that the Hamilton West Labour party branch has now written to Labour Party Nz, in unconditional support of Dr Sharma, and expecting investigation to his claims, is a very powerful and damning document.

Signed by 24 members, it means nobody including the PM can dismiss, isolate or belittle Dr Sharma as a lone individual, who may have mental health issues affecting his judgement.

24 members is not just 1 or 2 cronies back scratching each other.

Looks like Jacinda & McAnulty's gas supply will be cut off for non payment...

15-08-2022, 05:09 PM
Interesting to note Jacinda has yet to speak to Anna Lorck, since Wednesday.

Can we assume Anna is insufficiently sober enough to face the music yet?

15-08-2022, 05:40 PM
I see Guarev Sharma was number 63 on Labour's 2020 Party list of 81.

Anna Lorck is not there at all, too busy attending her own parties perhaps? Cheers.

Below 26, which happens to be Kieran McAnulty, you dont hear about the rest.

Are they still on the payroll?

15-08-2022, 07:49 PM
Dr Sharma not backing off.

Plenty fun times for the spin mistress - trying to pretend to be kind after showing she could not really care a hoot in the last year and half.


15-08-2022, 08:31 PM
Dr Sharma not backing off.

Plenty fun times for the spin mistress - trying to pretend to be kind after showing she could not really care a hoot in the last year and half.


Sadly, he doesn't know what real bullying is, until the caucus meeting when he's going to get another one reamed. You can see the PM distancing herself, putting the caucus in the way to do the dirty on Sharma, they'll hurt this guy bad, real bad. He's ruined his political career already, one way or the other, hopefully he doesn't come out of this completely broken, at least he has a real professional career to fall back on.

15-08-2022, 08:45 PM
Sadly, he doesn't know what real bullying is, until the caucus meeting when he's going to get another one reamed. You can see the PM distancing herself, putting the caucus in the way to do the dirty on Sharma, they'll hurt this guy bad, real bad. He's ruined his political career already, one way or the other, hopefully he doesn't come out of this completely broken, at least he has a real professional career to fall back on.
True- he’s acted like a suicide bomber you really wonder what his motivation really is?

15-08-2022, 08:59 PM
If the other MPs that Dr Sharma claims have been bullied, including the ones who wanted a fake positive covid test, to avoid Jacinda's thugs, decide to side with him in the caucus meeting, the resultant punch up will make the Mallard/Henare fracas look like a sideshow!

Prepare for a new set of independent MP's..

15-08-2022, 09:04 PM
If the other MPs that Dr Sharma claims have been bullied, including the ones who wanted a fake positive covid test, to avoid Jacinda's thugs, decide to side with him in the caucus meeting, the resultant punch up will make the Mallard/Henare fracas look like a sideshow!

Prepare for a new set of independent MP's..
Siding with the Dr would be foolish- quick way to end ones political career.

15-08-2022, 09:17 PM
Siding with the Dr would be foolish- quick way to end ones political career.
Point taken, but they may have already had a gutsful of pretence, to be Jacinda's sycophants.

15-08-2022, 09:23 PM
Point taken, but they may have already had a gutsful of pretence, to be Jacinda's sycophants.

They are probably so far down the food chain that they will be gone by next election anyway.

15-08-2022, 09:36 PM
They are probably so far down the food chain that they will be gone by next election anyway.

True, and they know that, so are more likely to be reckless, and 'bring the house down.'

15-08-2022, 09:43 PM
Sadly, he doesn't know what real bullying is, until the caucus meeting when he's going to get another one reamed. You can see the PM distancing herself, putting the caucus in the way to do the dirty on Sharma, they'll hurt this guy bad, real bad. He's ruined his political career already, one way or the other, hopefully he doesn't come out of this completely broken, at least he has a real professional career to fall back on.

Ah - but she will be kind, will she not?

Kindness, one source of truth and transparency - Ardern promised all that and more, remember?


Excerpt : “Caucus has the option of suspending or expelling Sharma from caucus for bringing the party into disrepute, and Ardern said the caucus would be considering whether Sharma had done that.

She said she would expect Sharma to be at that meeting to put his case. She would not be drawn on her own view, saying she preferred to wait to hear what his peers had to say and leave it to caucus.”

15-08-2022, 09:53 PM
Siding with the Dr would be foolish- quick way to end ones political career.

Just maybe they want to do what's right. It is always an option.

Bill Smith
15-08-2022, 10:19 PM
True- he’s acted like a suicide bomber you really wonder what his motivation really is?

Ever thought there might be 1, just 1, labour MP with some ethics and morals. I know it's a bit of a stretch but...........................

Blue Skies
15-08-2022, 10:26 PM
Current National MP Michael Woodhouse, the MP who waived around a toilet seat with a picture of a female Labour MP's face painted on it as a trophy, so he could piss on her (his words or to that effect) , standing alongside Dr Sharma at media standups, is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Woodhouse's own bullying behaviour towards a women MP was abhorrent. The perpetrator pretending to care.
The man has no shame.

Bill Smith
16-08-2022, 08:13 AM
Current National MP Michael Woodhouse, the MP who waived around a toilet seat with a picture of a female Labour MP's face painted on it as a trophy, so he could piss on her (his words or to that effect) , standing alongside Dr Sharma at media standups, is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Woodhouse's own bullying behaviour towards a women MP was abhorrent. The perpetrator pretending to care.
The man has no shame.

Poor effort BS. Surely the labour parti can come up with a better deflection than that! How about implying Woodhouse has mental health issues or beats his staff?

16-08-2022, 08:49 AM
Poor effort BS. Surely the labour parti can come up with a better deflection than that! How about implying Woodhouse has mental health issues or beats his staff?

Ardern & Labour Party getting desperate - word has indeed gone out to smear Dr Sharma’s character.

His revelations are becoming increasingly damaging so Ardern is trying to ascertain what other revelations Dr Sharma can make before deciding what and how to do with him.

He is revealing the inner workings of the Labour Party indoctrination machinery - hence, the attempt to smear him as unstable and unreliable so that he cannot be believed.

Fun times ahead!

Bill Smith
16-08-2022, 09:14 AM
After watching ardern on the AM show yesterday, it's her mental health she should be concerned about. Jiggling about, arms waving and screeching at the interviewer "if I may" every few seconds. It wasn't the display of a rational person.

16-08-2022, 09:25 AM
After watching ardern on the AM show yesterday, it's her mental health she should be concerned about. Jiggling about, arms waving and screeching at the interviewer "if I may" every few seconds. It wasn't the display of a rational person.

Her spin has got her now well and truly tied up in lies, misinformation and deceit.

And it is showing.


Blue Skies
16-08-2022, 11:07 AM
Poor effort BS. Surely the labour parti can come up with a better deflection than that! How about implying Woodhouse has mental health issues or beats his staff?

You guys are sooo defensive, its tiresome. Why must everything be so binary, everything Labour does is bad & any criticism of National not tolerated ?

I know its difficult for a simple mind to grasp more than one thing at a time, but it is actually possible for MP's on both sides of the House to behave badly.

You'ld have to have the mind like a feather in the wind to be deflected from the issues around Dr Sharma by the comment about Woodhouse's hypocrisy.
Woodhouse's behaviour has been disgraceful, he has form for bullying, & its a bit rich for him to stand alongside Dr Sharma in media stand-ups supporting the alleged victims of bullying.

You may disagree, but if so, say why rather than attack another poster.
It's very noticeable you guys constantly attack other posters rather than confront & advance arguments.
If you have a rational view on these issues lets hear it, we're listening.

In discussions around National's Uffendel's behaviour, Labour's Mallard was & still is constantly brought up by some on here. Is that not a deflection by National people too then?
Lets try and keep things rational & civil.

fungus pudding
16-08-2022, 11:31 AM
Current National MP Michael Woodhouse, the MP who waived around a toilet seat with a picture of a female Labour MP's face painted on it as a trophy, so he could piss on her (his words or to that effect) , standing alongside Dr Sharma at media standups, is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Woodhouse's own bullying behaviour towards a women MP was abhorrent. The perpetrator pretending to care.
The man has no shame.

Woodhouse may be a jerk, but waving a toilet seat around is hardly 'bullying'.

Bill Smith
16-08-2022, 11:33 AM
Well ol BS'er, you should know that the clips of Woohouse and Sharma were taken when Sharma accepted a petition on behalf of the labour government. You know, a "file photo" you ol BS'er you! labour motto, Don't let the truth get in the way of a deflection.

16-08-2022, 11:35 AM
When does “lively” opposition criticism of an MP and then government minister (Claire Curran) become bullying? When someone becomes an MP they must expect some lively opposition stunts and when they becomes a minister they must expect the rhetoric against them to ratchet up. A toilet seat photo seems like small beer for an mp (and it was actually related to metaphorical comments she made about pissing.)

16-08-2022, 11:56 AM
I've got a spare ticket to todays 2.30 Labour caucus meeting, as I cant make it.

Could you please submit your bids here for a chance to attend the show, and be part of history?

No drinks will be served (sorry Anna) but there could be an Indian takeaway.

Bill Smith
16-08-2022, 01:16 PM
It's a zoom meeting so Anna may very well have a "soda" handy!

16-08-2022, 01:59 PM
I've got a spare ticket to todays 2.30 Labour caucus meeting, as I cant make it.

Could you please submit your bids here for a chance to attend the show, and be part of history?

No drinks will be served (sorry Anna) but there could be an Indian takeaway.

It would be more interesting seeing Nationals.

Luxon: I've known you for about 5 mins but you're all fantastic . The lady who served me coffee today is also fantastic (though not enough for a minimum wage).

16-08-2022, 02:20 PM
The good doctor is taking in his scalpel to the meeting, so may well emerge as a surgeon.

Big Willie will probably get a free vasectomy if he gets too frisky.

Dr really needs a chainsaw though, if he wants to cut out all the dead wood.


16-08-2022, 02:36 PM
Dies not look like Dr Sharma cares one way or the other when it comes to the caucus meeting today.

That should have Ardern & her sycophants thinking twice about what else the Dr may make public.


16-08-2022, 02:48 PM
He was not invited to last nights hui.


16-08-2022, 02:54 PM
Ah, secret meeting?

Very transparent and inclusive.

No wonder Sharma is ambivalent about todays meeting, he knows the kangaroo court has already been held!

16-08-2022, 03:37 PM
Well as McAnulty is minister of Racing, he knows all about a Dundeel...

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2022, 04:44 PM
I think most people believe Dr Sharma. Why would you need a meeting, prior to the meeting? A secret meeting to make sure there was no dissent at the caucus meeting. Just more stage management from the control freak.

16-08-2022, 04:45 PM
Karma for sharma. bye. :)

16-08-2022, 04:47 PM
What a lot of 2 faced double talk from Comrade Cinda at the press conference.

MP's" must be able to speak openly and freely"...

Well Gaurev has been trying to do that faithfully within his party for 18 months, but suppressed and bullied.

After all that frustration, he finally publicly speaks open & freely, and gets suspended.

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2022, 04:55 PM
The only reason the ‘secret meeting’ is being revealed is because a message about it was sent to Dr Sharma in error.

Why do we have to believe Arderns version of events(?) Dr Sharma is more credible .


‘It's been revealed Labour MPs had a secret Zoom meeting last night - without Dr Sharma.

The NZ Herald understands MPs met at 8pm, but Sharma says he was not told of the meeting.

He found out about it after a message - including a photo of Kelvin Davis on the zoom call - was sent to him by mistake.’

16-08-2022, 04:59 PM
Anyway, by having a zoom call yesterday with caucus, without Sharma, Jacinda was able to keep some of her mad dogs at bay, not being able to rip into human flesh as they would have face to face, and also preventing collateral damage as Sharma named some names and called for their support.

Her ship is damaged, but not sunk.

Sir Ten
16-08-2022, 06:06 PM
You smell.

16-08-2022, 06:21 PM
Good on Dr Sharma for sticking his middle finger at Ardern & her team of sycophants.

In not bothering to join the kangaroo court proceedings, he thumbed his nose at them and showed them what a bunch of cowards & hypocrites they really are.

Bravo, Doc!

17-08-2022, 10:22 AM
He was elected as a labour candidate (since they won bigly) so he should respect the voters.

Most of all seek counselling by a qualified expert.

17-08-2022, 10:32 AM
Skeletons rattling in the cupboard - fun times ahead as to how Dr Sharna decides to toy with Ardern & the Labour Party.

That’s a mighty straight middle finger he is pointing at them.


Sherson added Dr Sharma's suspension and the "let's wait until Christmas to see if he's behaved himself" approach isn't a permanent fix.

"It leaves a skeleton sort of rattling in the closet at any moment that door could burst open."

Commentator Ben Thomas agrees, he told Newshub Live at 8pm it prolongs the issue providing a "continual plot line" to Dr Sharma's episode.

"It has this December sort of drop dead date for either fixing the relationship or then taking next steps when the suspension runs out."

17-08-2022, 10:57 AM
The day Ardern & Labour started slipping in the polls - the spin is spun and all that remains is the BS.


17-08-2022, 01:45 PM
Good on Dr Sharma for sticking his middle finger at Ardern & her team of sycophants.

In not bothering to join the kangaroo court proceedings, he thumbed his nose at them and showed them what a bunch of cowards & hypocrites they really are.

Bravo, Doc!

Brilliant - a perfect duo you and Dr Plonker.

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2022, 02:15 PM
‘Embattled Te Pūkenga chief executive Stephen Town has resigned, the organisation announced on Wednesday.

The resignation from the mega polytech, after weeks of controversy about his being on special leave while drawing a salary of up to $13,000 a week, took effect Tuesday, Te Pūkenga said.

“We thank him for his contribution to Te Pūkenga over the past two and a half years,” said board chairperson Murray Strong in a note to staff of the Hamilton-headquartered, national organisation.’

17-08-2022, 06:17 PM
Why would he contact the spin mistress Ardern when he has already showed his middle finger to her & her kangaroo court?

That’s class!


“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she still hasn’t heard from rogue MP Gaurav Sharma, after he decided not to attend Labour’s caucus meeting called to determine his place in the party.”

17-08-2022, 06:50 PM
Why would he contact the spin mistress Ardern when he has already showed her his middle finger to her & her kangaroo court?

That’s class!


“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she still hasn’t heard from rogue MP Gaurav Sharma, after he decided not to attend Labour’s caucus meeting called to determine his place in the party.”

He probably hasn’t any words left - mind you every time he does speak he makes himself look even more foolish- a true Plonker it has to be said.

17-08-2022, 07:11 PM
He probably hasn’t any words left - mind you every time he does speak he makes himself look even more foolish- a true Plonker it has to be said.

An insight into the Labour caucus, so many more of them fit this description, ineffective achieving nothing. Only thing that distinguished Sharma is that he didn't tolerate the bullying culture, ghosting and gaslighting, unlike not one single apparently supportive MP who lacked the fortitude to speak up for him when the time came for them to do so. Plonkers and gutless with it.

Anyone who has had anything to do with Parliament and Parliamentary Service will know he spoke the truth, one sided perhaps but the truth nevertheless. Ask about what has actually changed since the 2019 Francis Review (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/debbie-franciss-review-of-parliaments-culture-released/BVFVO6CK4ARAPKM7LHIMLMWBOI/) (irony who commissioned it!). Then this insight Parliament workplace bullying culture review (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/parliament-workplace-bullying-culture-review-mps-the-staff-you-cant-fire/6XHPXYTF6K527LDY3FIUABN26A/) published April 2022.

Nothing has changed, that's very clear. We can thank the turncoat Sharma for keeping us informed. Unlike the Labour caucus, who have thrown him under the bus. Didn't see that coming? Open your eyes.

17-08-2022, 07:17 PM
An insight into the Labour caucus, so many more of them fit this description, ineffective achieving nothing. Only thing that distinguished Sharma is that he didn't tolerate the bullying culture, ghosting and gaslighting, unlike not one single apparently supportive MP who lacked the fortitude to speak up for him when the time came for them to do so. Plonkers and gutless with it.

Anyone who has had anything to do with Parliament and Parliamentary Service will know he spoke the truth, one sided perhaps but the truth nevertheless. Ask about what has actually changed since the 2019 Francis Review (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/debbie-franciss-review-of-parliaments-culture-released/BVFVO6CK4ARAPKM7LHIMLMWBOI/) (irony who commissioned it!). Then this insight Parliament workplace bullying culture review (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/parliament-workplace-bullying-culture-review-mps-the-staff-you-cant-fire/6XHPXYTF6K527LDY3FIUABN26A/) published April 2022.

Nothing has changed, that's very clear. We can thank the turncoat Sharma for keeping us informed. Unlike the Labour caucus, who have thrown him under the bus. Didn't see that coming? Open your eyes.

You’re assuming his version is true - I suspect he’s a fantasist. Who else would throw stones owing a glass house?

17-08-2022, 07:57 PM
You’re assuming his version is true - I suspect he’s a fantasist. Who else would throw stones owing a glass house?

As usual, you try to answer everything in a twitter sized sound bite, it's not enough to address the points made in the quoted post. Dig deeper, explore the depth and you will be hard pressed to find a reasonable point against Sharma, except that he broke the caucus rules by shaming them publicly, which imo they deserve.

That in itself does not mean he is not correct in his assertions. I also acknowledged that his argument is one sided, which is also not surprising as he has no real insights into the workings of the powers that control him, except what they wanted to do with him, which is shut him down, ghost him, gaslight him, deflect to his own shortcomings.

If anything fantasist, Sharma wished for a free and open Labour party, which in his opinion and stated experience it is not, and far from it. Anyone with any real insights will know that is true, especially those who abandoned him at the eleventh hour when he could have benefited from some support.

Blue Skies
17-08-2022, 08:00 PM
An insight into the Labour caucus, so many more of them fit this description, ineffective achieving nothing. Only thing that distinguished Sharma is that he didn't tolerate the bullying culture, ghosting and gaslighting, unlike not one single apparently supportive MP who lacked the fortitude to speak up for him when the time came for them to do so. Plonkers and gutless with it.

Anyone who has had anything to do with Parliament and Parliamentary Service will know he spoke the truth, one sided perhaps but the truth nevertheless. Ask about what has actually changed since the 2019 Francis Review (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/debbie-franciss-review-of-parliaments-culture-released/BVFVO6CK4ARAPKM7LHIMLMWBOI/) (irony who commissioned it!). Then this insight Parliament workplace bullying culture review (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/parliament-workplace-bullying-culture-review-mps-the-staff-you-cant-fire/6XHPXYTF6K527LDY3FIUABN26A/) published April 2022.

Nothing has changed, that's very clear. We can thank the turncoat Sharma for keeping us informed. Unlike the Labour caucus, who have thrown him under the bus. Didn't see that coming? Open your eyes.

That's not the way I see it, at least 3 staff have accused Dr Sharma of bullying & as indicated in the Francis Report, its MP's bullying their staff which is the main problem. MP's are the ones in a position of power over staff.
Dr Sharma hasn't produced any credible evidence (not one person to back his claims V at least 3 staff ) to support his accusations of being bullied & the way he has gone on social media, plus the precision timing of his media posts creates the impression of a man with a vendetta against being performance managed in his job.

Sharma has acknowledged there were serious issues with staff.
By his own admission, he is unwell & like everyone I hope he is ok. Contrary to being thrown under a bus, it looks like he is being given support & treated with enormous patience.

18-08-2022, 04:03 AM
Dr Sharma hasn't produced any credible evidence (not one person to back his claims V at least 3 staff ) to support his accusations of being bullied & the way he has gone on social media, plus the precision timing of his media posts creates the impression of a man with a vendetta against being performance managed in his job.

National believe in a hierarchical society/NZ. Those 3 staff members are not to be believed just like Sam's victim(s) simply because they have a lower class job while an MP has "status" with lots of money.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2022, 09:38 AM
Norway taking a big hit to their Sovereign Weath Fund...they like to think they are a 'rich' nation but are very much pretenders when you look at our credit rating, nose-bleed level property prices, and Robbo's vast war chest.

'Norway saved much of its oil riches, building the world's largest sovereign wealth fund. But recent market turmoil has hit it hard and they lost US$174 bln (NZ$278 bln) in the first half of 2022. After that loss their fund is worth only US$1.3 trillion, the largest drop in the funds history. To put that loss into perspective, in half a year the New Zealand GDP is NZ$185 bln. Norway has a population of 5.5 mln people, so the Fund is worth about NZ$375,000 per citizen.'

18-08-2022, 01:45 PM
Contractor spoke up in support of Dr Sharma & how well their interaction had been with him and his staff.

So why the hesitation to do a full and proper investigation as Dr Sharma wanted?

Someone smells and it’s coming from the spin mistress.


They only met with him once a month, but say interactions they witnessed between Dr Sharma and his staff never indicated management problems.

They said they were "completely shocked" when they heard about the complaints against Dr Sharma.

"I never had that feeling that any staff or his office staff were feeling that situation," they said.

But there's still no commitment to investigate any of the complaints.

18-08-2022, 06:47 PM
Well, well - looking like Dr Sharma is the story which will keep giving!

Watch Newshub tonight and his second middle finger salute at Ardern & the Labour Party.

Bravo, Dr Sharma!

Let’s do this!

18-08-2022, 07:02 PM
Well, well - looking like Dr Sharma is the story which will keep giving!

Watch Newshub tonight and his second middle finger salute at Ardern & the Labour Party.

Bravo, Dr Sharma!

Let’s do this!

The "most transparent government ever". We'll see if David once again brings down Goliath.

18-08-2022, 07:34 PM
Well, well - looking like Dr Sharma is the story which will keep giving!

Watch Newshub tonight and his second middle finger salute at Ardern & the Labour Party.

Bravo, Dr Sharma!

Let’s do this!

Thanks for letting us know that was on Tv3.

Dr Sharma interviewed very well.

Anybody who wants to disregard him as a sick man who cannot be taken seriously, better think again!

18-08-2022, 07:54 PM
Thanks for letting us know that was on Tv3.

Dr Sharma interviewed very well.

Anybody who wants to disregard him as a sick man who cannot be taken seriously, better think again!

Clear that Ardern is a very sick woman - spins and tells half truths too easily. Something not right with her head.

She desperately needs help & therapy.

Indoctrination of her at the Socialist Youth Congress manifesting itself? Jacinda Ardern (2008 President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, IUSY)


18-08-2022, 08:15 PM
Behold the full might of the Labour spin machine as it ramps up into full force, firstly by denial of the accuser, next by expulsion of same, then with the cover up. All of these; denial; expulsion; and cover up, will be liberally laced with subjugation and undermining the credibility of the accuser.

Get some popcorn and a beer, this show is just beginning.

18-08-2022, 08:55 PM
Thanks for letting us know that was on Tv3.

Dr Sharma interviewed very well.

Anybody who wants to disregard him as a sick man who cannot be taken seriously, better think again!

Believing Dr Plonker is a fools game.

18-08-2022, 09:28 PM
Believing Dr Plonker is a fools game.

If he is a plonker, you are a gutless bonehead.

So everytime you refer to him as a plonker, you are referring to yourself as a gutless bonehead.

You need to get help quick.

18-08-2022, 09:33 PM
Thanks for letting us know that was on Tv3.

Dr Sharma interviewed very well.

Anybody who wants to disregard him as a sick man who cannot be taken seriously, better think again!

Haven't seen the interview as I'm overseas and not watching NZ TV. But the attacks on this forum from Labour supporters on this disgruntled MP, has been quite shocking and shows the real colours of the people involved. Quite disgusting and the much talked about kindness completely absent, as it is (as it always is) from the PM !
I suggest we've only seen the start of this story and may well see a few more come out in Sharma's support, now that they're all facing oblivion with their parliamentary careers.

18-08-2022, 09:35 PM
Believing Dr Plonker is a fools game.

Games up Timmy Boy. Labour are Toast.

18-08-2022, 09:36 PM
Ardern offers mediation while Dr Sharma has requested a full investigation and inquiry.

Fact is that Dr Sharna obviously has other MPs sympathetic to his grievances and are prepared to keep him briefed.

Ardern knows that and there are more revelations to come.

Feel the fear?

Ardern’s spin is spun.


18-08-2022, 09:44 PM
This could warrant another national meeting in Parliament Grounds. Preferably before the Mallard duck flies the coup.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2022, 10:09 PM
Disgraceful that this esteemed doctor is being subject to abuse and bullying by on-line Labourite trolls. If he’d been a trade union official or worked in a fish & chip shop then maybe they would show some decency towards him.

18-08-2022, 10:26 PM
Disgraceful that this esteemed doctor is being subject to abuse and bullying by on-line Labourite trolls. If he’d been a trade union official or worked in a fish & chip shop then maybe they would show some decency towards him.

You are being a bit tough on union officials. This new breed of lefty makes a trade union official look like choir boy.

Bill Smith
18-08-2022, 10:53 PM
Believing Dr Plonker is a fools game.

And you tim23 qualify as scumbag of the year for that comment.

18-08-2022, 10:57 PM
Thanks for letting us know that was on Tv3.

Dr Sharma interviewed very well.

Anybody who wants to disregard him as a sick man who cannot be taken seriously, better think again!

Agree with you

Says a lot about Ardern & her crew now fully intent on a vendetta round against him

Clearly a Government who have no credibility whatsoever engaging in this sort of thing ..

19-08-2022, 09:58 AM
Ardern offers mediation while Dr Sharma has requested a full investigation and inquiry.

Fact is that Dr Sharna obviously has other MPs sympathetic to his grievances and are prepared to keep him briefed.

Ardern knows that and there are more revelations to come.

Feel the fear?

Ardern’s spin is spun.


Bal, Never forget "the left is a Lie " case in point, also their moto is ": do as I say not as I do " !!

19-08-2022, 12:07 PM
Labour now in front vs National in a Taxpayer union poll (ie a conservative pollster).


19-08-2022, 12:09 PM
It's a bit of a misnomer the taxpayer union, don't you have to pay some tax like every PAYE worker would rather than representing those paying near zero.

19-08-2022, 03:02 PM
Ardern offers mediation while Dr Sharma has requested a full investigation and inquiry.

Fact is that Dr Sharna obviously has other MPs sympathetic to his grievances and are prepared to keep him briefed.

Ardern knows that and there are more revelations to come.

Feel the fear?

Ardern’s spin is spun.


This sums up the reasons for his outbursts. Anyone who doesn't agree with him is a bully. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/on-the-inside/472942/power-play-rogue-mp-gaurav-sharma-s-social-media-missile-propels-labour-into-damage-control


19-08-2022, 04:32 PM
If he is a plonker, you are a gutless bonehead.

So everytime you refer to him as a plonker, you are referring to yourself as a gutless bonehead.

You need to get help quick.

That’s a long bow to draw - you can always bring forward confession but in the meantime have another Gin - you are kinder after a couple 😀

19-08-2022, 04:35 PM
Haven't seen the interview as I'm overseas and not watching NZ TV. But the attacks on this forum from Labour supporters on this disgruntled MP, has been quite shocking and shows the real colours of the people involved. Quite disgusting and the much talked about kindness completely absent, as it is (as it always is) from the PM !
I suggest we've only seen the start of this story and may well see a few more come out in Sharma's support, now that they're all facing oblivion with their parliamentary careers.
I watched the interview with Ryan Bridges on the AM show - the clincher (not that I really needed one) was when he said he sent 65 emails on one issue. I actually feel a bit sorry for the guy - the wheels are well and truely off.

19-08-2022, 04:40 PM
It's a bit of a misnomer the taxpayer union, don't you have to pay some tax like every PAYE worker would rather than representing those paying near zero.
Good call - you suspect their members have fancy lawyers and accountants who help minimise their tax liabilities.

19-08-2022, 06:34 PM
Dr Sharma - the gift who keeps giving to unveil the dirty tricks structure of Ardern & the Labour Party.

The Ombudsman has written to Ardern requiring confirmation about Labour's workshop and instructions to MPs and staff on how to circumvent the OIA.

Let's see how the spin mistress respond to this.

I am LOVING this! More! More!


“Dr Sharma told Newshub that Labour MPs elected in 2020 were forced to attend a workshop where they were coached on:

‘…how to talk to somebody without having a track record of it so nobody could track it down the road.’

“Sharma alleges staff in the Prime Minister's office use different employment “hats” and pick which one they're wearing when they receive information:

‘They said the staffing arrangements are done in a way that some staff work part-time for Labour Leader's Office and part-time for Prime Minister's Office and when they want to prevent OIA, they just sort of make it that this is Labour Leader's problem, this is not the Prime Minister's office problem and then they can get away with it.’

“He told Newstalk ZB:

‘If there is anything when we need to fudge stuff we just say this is a Labour Leader's Office issue. This is not a Prime Minister's Office issue. Don't send anything in text, don't send anything in email...because we don't want a paper trail.


Screenshot of Kelvin Davis which put a lie to Ardern’s assertion that there was no predetermined decision on Dr Sharma.


19-08-2022, 07:26 PM
Dr Sharma - the gift who keeps giving to unveil the dirty tricks structure of Ardern & the Labour Party.

The Ombudsman has written to Ardern requiring confirmation about Labour's workshop and instructions to MPs and staff on how to circumvent the OIA.

Let's see how the spin mistress respond to this.

I am LOVING this! More! More!


“Dr Sharma told Newshub that Labour MPs elected in 2020 were forced to attend a workshop where they were coached on:

‘…how to talk to somebody without having a track record of it so nobody could track it down the road.’

“Sharma alleges staff in the Prime Minister's office use different employment “hats” and pick which one they're wearing when they receive information:

‘They said the staffing arrangements are done in a way that some staff work part-time for Labour Leader's Office and part-time for Prime Minister's Office and when they want to prevent OIA, they just sort of make it that this is Labour Leader's problem, this is not the Prime Minister's office problem and then they can get away with it.’

“He told Newstalk ZB:

‘If there is anything when we need to fudge stuff we just say this is a Labour Leader's Office issue. This is not a Prime Minister's Office issue. Don't send anything in text, don't send anything in email...because we don't want a paper trail.


Screenshot of Kelvin Davis which put a lie to Ardern’s assertion that there was no predetermined decision on Dr Sharma.


Your problem is you are giving Dr Plonker so much credibility- I’m guessing you don’t know him from Adam?

19-08-2022, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;971467]Dr Sharma - the gift who keeps giving to unveil the dirty tricks structure of Ardern & the Labour Party.

The Ombudsman has written to Ardern requiring confirmation about Labour's workshop and instructions to MPs and staff on how to circumvent the OIA.

Let's see how the spin mistress respond to this.

I am LOVING this! More! More!


Get it right. Acts Mr Bean has written to the Ombudsman according to the link. Don't get so excited it is not good for you


19-08-2022, 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;971467]Dr Sharma - the gift who keeps giving to unveil the dirty tricks structure of Ardern & the Labour Party.

The Ombudsman has written to Ardern requiring confirmation about Labour's workshop and instructions to MPs and staff on how to circumvent the OIA.

Let's see how the spin mistress respond to this.

I am LOVING this! More! More!


Get it right. Acts Mr Bean has written to the Ombudsman according to the link. Don't get so excited it is not good for you

Spin Mistress- now another poster uses that often - can’t think - hold on the Kings College Old Boy who loves a nip of gin. You really need to invent some original lines 😀

19-08-2022, 08:20 PM
Well, it certainly got rapidly and exponentially worse for Labour and the PM today with the Dr going nuclear, releasing the recording, doing a lengthy release last night and fronting numerous interviews today, all of which got reported at length in mainstream media and even overseas media.

Labour bosses appear to have seriously under estimated their MP's resolve and tenacity, with their squirming and gyrating around their counter argument. It's obvious to the layperson who has the most credibility, and it isn't the PM or the Labour party.

Sad that Labour and their shills here can't bring themselves to even consider that the whistleblower has something on them, but the aggressive responses, attacks, ghosting, gaslighting and denials clearly show they are worried. With good reason it would seem.

It's certainly entertaining though, not being a Labour supporter, but watching a Labour MP attack his own Labour party and the Labour PM, and her office and the Whip directly, intent on tearing the party apart with damning allegations. Even the ombudsman may have to get involved.

Four days to go until the Labour caucus meet and almost certainly expel the Dr, though much more damage will probably come, and of course expulsion in itself can't stop the accusations. What a circus, pass the popcorn.

19-08-2022, 08:24 PM
Well, it certainly got rapidly and exponentially worse for Labour and the PM today with the Dr going nuclear, releasing the recording, doing a lengthy release last night and fronting numerous interviews today, all of which got reported at length in mainstream media and even overseas media.

Labour bosses appear to have seriously under estimated their MP's resolve and tenacity, with their squirming and gyrating around their counter argument. It's obvious to the layperson who has the most credibility, and it isn't the PM or the Labour party.

Sad that Labour and their shills here can't bring themselves to even consider that the whistleblower has something on them, but the aggressive responses, attacks, ghosting, gaslighting and denials clearly show they are worried. With good reason it would seem.

It's certainly entertaining though, not being a Labour supporter, but watching a Labour MP attack his own Labour party and the Labour PM, and her office and the Whip directly, intent on tearing the party apart with damning allegations. Even the ombudsman may have to get involved.

Four days to go until the Labour caucus meet and almost certainly expel the Dr, though much more damage will probably come, and of course expulsion in itself can't stop the accusations. What a circus, pass the popcorn.

Really- you think the desperate Dr has more credibility than the PM or Kieran McAnulty - you are seriously deluded and I reckon the average punter would agree.

19-08-2022, 08:32 PM
Really- you think the desperate Dr has more credibility than the PM or Kieran McAnulty - you are seriously deluded and I reckon the average punter would agree.

Credibility for either side is still to be decided, and amusing that they're all supposed to be on the same side! LOL.

So far the public are seeing a raft of accusations against the Labour party internal processes, the PM herself and the chief Whip, with only a shallow dance on the head of a pin response from the bosses.

I think it's you Labour shills that are deluded, but I have the patience to see how this plays out, without jumping to a conclusion or taking sides.

19-08-2022, 08:43 PM
Credibility for either side is still to be decided, and amusing that they're all supposed to be on the same side! LOL.

So far the public are seeing a raft of accusations against the Labour party internal processes, the PM herself and the chief Whip, with only a shallow dance on the head of a pin response from the bosses.

I think it's you Labour shills that are deluded, but I have the patience to see how this plays out, without jumping to a conclusion or taking sides.
I think shill is a bit strong - supporter maybe - recommend you watch Dr Plonker interview with Ryan Bridges - its cringey.

19-08-2022, 08:52 PM
I think shill is a bit strong - supporter maybe - recommend you watch Dr Plonker interview with Ryan Bridges - its cringey.

Shill fits your lack of objectivity just fine. I've watched and listened to every interview today, read everything in the media and social media and I'd say at this stage, Labour 2, Dr 8. Ball is in Labours' court, let's see how or if they can dig themselves out of this mess and still be kind.

19-08-2022, 08:56 PM
Shill fits your lack of objectivity just fine. I've watched and listened to every interview today, read everything in the media and social media and I'd say at this stage, Labour 2, Dr 8. Ball is in Labours' court, let's see how or if they can dig themselves out of this mess and still be kind.

Happy to be a Labour supporter but shill
Is silly - even you know that. You’ve listened to every interview today and you have the nerve to say I lack objectivity- I think that’s a bit rich.

19-08-2022, 09:18 PM
Happy to be a Labour supporter but shill
Is silly - even you know that. You’ve listened to every interview today and you have the nerve to say I lack objectivity- I think that’s a bit rich.

Think what you want. Until you objectively acknowledge that the Dr may have a point, may be correct, until proven otherwise, other than glib unproven denials by the Labour party bosses, it is you and your fellow shills who have no credibility. Face it, that you're indoctrinated and cannot see through to any possibility that the Dr may be right, or even partially right, in that the Labour party has a culture of bullying and internal obsequiousness to itself.

19-08-2022, 09:22 PM
Think what you want. Until you objectively acknowledge that the Dr may have a point, may be correct, until proven otherwise, other than glib unproven denials by the Labour party bosses, it is you and your fellow shills who have no credibility. Face it, that you're indoctrinated and cannot see through to any possibility that the Dr may be right, or even partially right, in that the Labour party has a culture of bullying and internal obsequiousness to itself.
Well that’s a lot of big words at this time of day. You should google the meaning of shill - you may be one but count me out😀

19-08-2022, 09:38 PM
Well that’s a lot of big words at this time of day. You should google the meaning of shill - you may be one but count me out

Why google 'Shill' which just trawls millions of websites and turns up all sorts of weird definitions, when you can use a dictionary, how about Merriam Webster "to act as a spokesperson or promoter", or Collins "a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty" (like a voter).

Sorry about the big words, didn't mean to talk over your your intellect or comprehension, maybe google them?

Come up with something that is objective about the Dr, something that acknowledges he may actually have a point despite the shallow responses from his bosses. At least be open minded, give him the benefit of the doubt until both he or the Labour bosses prove otherwise.

Just defending Labour and debasing the Dr at this stage is, shilling the argument in favour of Labour.

20-08-2022, 04:41 AM
The media it seems has turned into the woman's weekly recently.

20-08-2022, 08:08 AM
Investigation required into how the ‘most transparent’ government coaches its MPs to circumvent the OIA requirement :


An investigation into her ‘kindness’ mantra should be investigated - what kind of scumbag have we got fur a PM who attempts to gaslight another person as mentally unsound - because she cannot handle the truth getting out?

Disgusting woman.

‘Sharma says he was warned that the machinations of the Labour Party would either discredit his claims or blame mental health. And the warning was sound. The Prime Minister's Office has moved to discredit him saying he is misrepresenting conversations, his wellbeing called into question.’

20-08-2022, 08:21 AM
Investigation required into how the ‘most transparent’ government coaches its MPs to circumvent the OIA requirement :

Which is still legal.

While having secret recordings is probably not.

20-08-2022, 08:33 AM
Investigation required into how the ‘most transparent’ government coaches its MPs to circumvent the OIA requirement :


An investigation into her ‘kindness’ mantra should be investigated - what kind of scumbag have we got fur a PM who attempts to gaslight another person as mentally unsound - because she cannot handle the truth getting out?

Disgusting woman.

‘Sharma says he was warned that the machinations of the Labour Party would either discredit his claims or blame mental health. And the warning was sound. The Prime Minister's Office has moved to discredit him saying he is misrepresenting conversations, his wellbeing called into question.’ An interesting opinion piece. It sounds ike this government was just acting as previous governments have done. Of course if Labour fails to deliver on a campaign promise for increased transparency, and not more of the same old ways, then that is up to the voters to judge them at the polls, and to decide which other Party would deliver a more transparent government.

20-08-2022, 08:59 AM
An interesting opinion piece. It sounds ike this government was just acting as previous governments have done. Of course if Labour fails to deliver on a campaign promise for increased transparency, and not more of the same old ways, then that is up to the voters to judge them at the polls, and to decide which other Party would deliver a more transparent government.

Provided that National will not release their "independent" report into sam's potentially criminal conduct then we can rule them out.

20-08-2022, 09:18 AM
Leading news article in Australia :

‘What is she hiding? Scandal rocks Ardern.’


20-08-2022, 09:27 AM
Leading = buried half way down the page.

20-08-2022, 09:34 AM
And yet more revelations this morning.

On Newshub Nation now.

Dr Sharma being interviewed and he has released the letter he sent to Ardern’s office.

It is all written down and should be more revelations to come out before the Tuesday caucus meeting.

20-08-2022, 11:21 AM
In this mornings Newshub interview, Dr Sharma presented as credible, coherent, lucid, sharp, rational, relaxed & attentive, as he did in an earlier interview I commented on.

Not symptoms of bipolar disorder, or on medication for it, as inferred by one or two.

The 'transparent trio' of Ardern, McAnulty & Szabo declined their invitations to appear.

Do they have something to hide?

Conversely, Matt McCarten made a strong visual statement, evidencing homelessness under Labour, by appearing as if he had been sleeping rough under a hedge, despite the efforts of the make up crew.