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02-09-2022, 04:44 PM
You look to have omitted Grant Robertson - I’m actually expecting him to be the leader and therefore PM before next election.

I'm looking at another personable woman to counter National's deficit on women's issues.

02-09-2022, 04:57 PM
Lizz Craig is like Labour's version of amy adams... could do well in the unlikely event ardern is defeated by the two out of touch individuals.

02-09-2022, 05:33 PM
Lizz craig is like Labour's version of amy adams... could do well in the unlikely event ardern is defeated by two out of touch individuals.
Come the election, provided Jacinda has not bailed by then, her ratings will be through the floor.
She doesn't take failure well so no chance she will stick around. 100% gone come the election.

fungus pudding
02-09-2022, 05:39 PM
You look to have omitted Grant Robertson - I’m actually expecting him to be the leader and therefore PM before next election.

I don't think so. But there is one......

02-09-2022, 05:43 PM
Come the election, provided Jacinda has not bailed by then, her ratings will be through the floor.
She doesn't take failure well so no chance she will stick around. 100% gone come the election.

Just look at her with the KiwiSaver tax grab U-Turn - she looked like she had swallowed a dead rat and something else all at the same time. 🤣🤣🤣

02-09-2022, 06:09 PM
Just look at her with the KiwiSaver tax grab U-Turn - she looked like she had swallowed a dead rat and something else all at the same time. ������
We are certainly getting an up close look at the real Jacinda and it's not pretty.
No wonder Sharma was stressed out.

02-09-2022, 06:53 PM
We are certainly getting an up close look at the real Jacinda and it's not pretty.
No wonder Sharma was stressed out.
Sharma simply wasn’t up to being an MP - the guy was a 🍋 even you know that.

02-09-2022, 06:54 PM
I don't think so. But there is one......
Too cryptic as usual for me and that’s ironic as I’m a cryptic crossword fan.

fungus pudding
02-09-2022, 07:34 PM
Too cryptic as usual for me and that’s ironic as I’m a cryptic crossword fan.

Well, just for you, I doubt that Grant Robertson will replace Ardern, but there is one in the current Labour party who could.

02-09-2022, 08:23 PM
The really sad thing is that most of the population don't care about this stuff. What they want is decisions nand policies that are well thought through and good for the country in the long term.

How the government could spend my money deciding on a strategy and then completely reverse that position less than 24hrs later is ridiculous. In my business we make lots of unpopular decisions that we believe in. Sometimes they need to be changed but not just on the basis they are unpopular. If that was the case we would have gone broke years ago.

I expect more for my money than this.

02-09-2022, 08:32 PM
Well, just for you, I doubt that Grant Robertson will replace Ardern, but there is one in the current Labour party who could.

The member for Napier by any chance?

02-09-2022, 09:06 PM
The really sad thing is that most of the population don't care about this stuff. What they want is decisions nand policies that are well thought through and good for the country in the long term.

How the government could spend my money deciding on a strategy and then completely reverse that position less than 24hrs later is ridiculous. In my business we make lots of unpopular decisions that we believe in. Sometimes they need to be changed but not just on the basis they are unpopular. If that was the case we would have gone broke years ago.

I expect more for my money than this.
This is the issue. We/ I should not be wasting time on this topic. That is what politicians are paid to do. Like you say if we ran our lives like they did with the gst debacle we would need to get our heads examined. Not the first flip flop either, it seems to be their norm.

02-09-2022, 09:17 PM
The member for Napier by any chance?

I would hope not.

02-09-2022, 09:27 PM
The member for Napier by any chance?

An otherwise good candidate but National has a woman and diversity problem that is too tempting to simply ignore this time.

02-09-2022, 10:06 PM
They promised they would catch us up in income to Australia - epic fail

From a recent NZ Herald piece :
"From mid-2020, real wages began falling and have done so for eight quarters. Since the Labour Cost Index (LCI) began in 1992, that has never happened before.

By mid-2021, real wages fell below where they were under National. A year later, they have fallen a further 3.7 per cent, so that New Zealand wage and salary earners have experienced a 3.3 per cent cut in their real wages since Ardern has been Prime Minister — the worst five-year change since the series began 30 years ago."

Well done by this clueless and incompetent Government !

02-09-2022, 11:36 PM
From a recent NZ Herald piece :
"From mid-2020, real wages began falling and have done so for eight quarters. Since the Labour Cost Index (LCI) began in 1992, that has never happened before.

By mid-2021, real wages fell below where they were under National. A year later, they have fallen a further 3.7 per cent, so that New Zealand wage and salary earners have experienced a 3.3 per cent cut in their real wages since Ardern has been Prime Minister — the worst five-year change since the series began 30 years ago."

Well done by this clueless and incompetent Government !

that's what Robertson's funny money solutions have done :)

The great unwashed ignorant at large may still count the increased wad landing but still not understand
why it doesn't go anywhere near as far by at least a half on what it did previously
and that's after Govt taxes and whole range of deductions have chewed their way through
a large portion of the increasingly worthless local fiat :)

02-09-2022, 11:41 PM
An otherwise good candidate but National has a woman and diversity problem that is too tempting to simply ignore this time.

otherwise good but equally as useless ? :)

Police Minister at one time .. that went well :)

Small Business through Covid too .. one of the garden gnomes could have expedited
faster progress with it's eyes closed .. ;)

Approached by media on failings -- no-one should have any problem remembering
what was seen .. and that's definitely not PM or Leader Material any day of the week :)

Not a shadow of the Politician of similar name in Government back in the 1950's :)

But then that's indicative of the general rating of all of Ardern's clueless bunch residing in recent terms ;)

02-09-2022, 11:48 PM
Sharma simply wasn’t up to being an MP - the guy was a 🍋 even you know that.

but he had more balls than all the rest of the Left's cabinet put together :)

that's been proven by what has come out in the media and swiftness of Labour to try to
stem the tide of carnage hitting their doorsteps en-mass :)

03-09-2022, 05:43 AM
Well done by this clueless and incompetent Government !

Wait until the fair pay agreements come through ;)

This govt has made the commitment to keep migration lower than it would otherwise be - providing an incentive at long last for both higher wages and productivity.

03-09-2022, 06:50 AM
Labour is pulling ahead of national according to the latest trendline.

A maori party/national/act coalition would be disastrous (the conservatives only chance of a win) - marrying wild west economics with political seperation.

Though a Labour/Green/Maori is not too good either and will be bad news for NZ.

It's a real dilemma.

03-09-2022, 07:31 AM
From a recent NZ Herald piece :
"From mid-2020, real wages began falling and have done so for eight quarters. Since the Labour Cost Index (LCI) began in 1992, that has never happened before.

By mid-2021, real wages fell below where they were under National. A year later, they have fallen a further 3.7 per cent, so that New Zealand wage and salary earners have experienced a 3.3 per cent cut in their real wages since Ardern has been Prime Minister — the worst five-year change since the series began 30 years ago."

Well done by this clueless and incompetent Government !

You don't think that is more to do with the Pandemic and now Russia?

Real wages also falling in Australia

...and even more in the UK, although the UK right wing government voluntary added the extra problem of withdrawing from trade and other co-operative arrangements with its neighbours in the middle of Covid.

03-09-2022, 07:38 AM
Labour is pulling ahead of national according to the latest trendline.

A maori party/national/act coalition would be disastrous (the conservatives only chance of a win) - marrying wild west economics with political seperation.

Though a Labour/Green/Maori is not too good either and will be bad news for NZ.

It's a real dilemma.
Good candid comment.

If anyone reads between the lines in the autobiographies of David Lange and Jim Bolger, they will understand how fragile democracy & politics really are in NZ.

03-09-2022, 08:23 AM
...and even more in the UK, although the UK right wing government voluntary added the extra problem of withdrawing from trade and other co-operative arrangements with its neighbours in the middle of Covid.

They could soon have King Charles and Queen Camilla with Liz Truss as PM.

I'm a monarchist but charles as NZ's head of state?? hmm

03-09-2022, 08:43 AM
Though a Labour/Green/Maori is not too good either and will be bad news for NZ.

It's a real dilemma.

Good to see your are finally seeing the light Panda.

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 09:17 AM
The frothy outrage by Luxon & Willis over the Australian Banks Kiwisaver providers having to pay some GST to us (i.e. our govt) was most unfortunate, and the all too predictable vitriol aimed at Jacinda Adern by some posters on here, almost foaming off the pages.

Tell me, why wouldn't we want the Australian owned banks/providers who reap millions in fees & extraordinary profits off our countries retirement scheme to have to pay some GST to us?

Just shows what a powerful lobby group these people are & how Luxon was used like a puppet to stymie any incursion into their huge profits.
The industry was quick to mount a massive PR campaign, feeding & using the opposition to stomp out any move to close the privileged loophole they enjoy.

You may say the GST would have been passed on to customers, but its more likely they, esp those with higher fees would have had to absorb the GST from their extraordinary profits to match NZ owned Kiwis Saver providers who already pay GST.

Imo the mistake was David Parker's in not thinking closing this small loophole to even the playing field (on advice & backed by David Seymour) was worth flagging in advance to the PM. She would have managed things differently.

This is an interesting piece in todays Stuff. A more rational perspective on the whole business.


fungus pudding
03-09-2022, 09:21 AM
The frothy outrage by Luxon & Willis over the Australian Banks Kiwisaver providers having to pay some GST to us (i.e. our govt) was most unfortunate, and the all too predictable vitriol aimed at Jacinda Adern by some posters on here, almost foaming off the pages.

Tell me, why wouldn't we want the Australian owned banks/providers who reap millions in fees & extraordinary profits off our countries retirement scheme to have to pay some GST to us?

And just where would that GST come from?

03-09-2022, 09:23 AM
Tell me, why wouldn't we want the Australian owned banks/providers who reap millions in fees & extraordinary profits off our countries retirement scheme to have to pay some GST to us?

It can also be avoided by simply changing provider to one with a low fee.

03-09-2022, 09:23 AM
You may say the GST would have been passed on to customers, but its more likely they, esp those with higher fees would have had to absorb the GST from their extraordinary profits to match NZ owned Kiwis Saver providers who already pay GST.

The large Kiwisaver providers all made it very clear that they would pass on the GST to the savers via increased fees. How naive it is to think these providers would absorb the GST.

Fortunately the bill was pulled, the fastest retreat ever by any government in New Zealand, very embarrassing for Labour.

fungus pudding
03-09-2022, 09:28 AM
The large Kiwisaver providers all made it very clear that they would pass on the GST to the savers via increased fees. How naive it is to think these providers would absorb the GST.

I'm not sure if that's Irish, Double Dutch or a combination.

03-09-2022, 09:32 AM
The large Kiwisaver providers all made it very clear that they would pass on the GST to the savers via increased fees. How naive it is to think these providers would absorb the GST.

Well, they could regulate the fee, in some way.

I imagine delivering kiwisaver would be low cost with technology these days.

03-09-2022, 09:34 AM
I'm not sure if that's Irish, Double Dutch or a combination.

It's not often that you are not sure. Shall I phrase it another way? You'd have to be naive to think that the Kiwisaver providers would absorb the GST on the fees that they charge savers, especially when they all said they would load the GST on to the savers fees.

03-09-2022, 09:37 AM
It's not often that you are not sure. Shall I phrase it another way? You'd have to be naive to think that the Kiwisaver providers would absorb the GST on the fees that they charge savers, especially when they all said they would load the GST on to the savers fees.

They're dealing with a labour govt who ideally shouldn't be afraid to introduce fee regulation as an option.

03-09-2022, 09:39 AM
Well, they could regulate the fee, in some way.

I imagine delivering kiwisaver would be low cost with technology these days.

Make that suggestion to Labour, it's a good idea, standardise the fees across all Kiwisaver providers. Oh but wait, that wouldn't take into account the costs of the providers investing the savers fees in all sorts of different investments that incur a wide range of fees. Hmm. Better think that though a bit more.

I suppose delivering kiwisaver would be low cost with technology, if you assume the technology itself and operating it has no costs. If you saw the capital and ongoing operating investment in technology to run banks and funds, you might have a different opinion.

03-09-2022, 09:45 AM
Just goes to show people being polled are pretty dumb - those 3 are not even in parliament 😀
Who is Dumb? Judith Collins is still in parliament as far as I know!

03-09-2022, 09:47 AM
Make that suggestion to Labour, it's a good idea, standardise the fees across all Kiwisaver providers. Oh but wait, that wouldn't take into account the costs of the providers investing the savers fees in all sorts of different investments that incur a wide range of fees. Hmm. Better think that though a bit more.

Returns have been huge over the last decade.. even a fixed fee would have seen a provider's revenue increase by far more than CPI.

Though fees have been increasing as a percentage along with returns.

03-09-2022, 09:48 AM
Add GST on Kiwisaver (no new taxes) to Ardern's legacy of broken promises & deceit :



Photo of the three stooges swallowing the dead rat : :t_up:


03-09-2022, 09:57 AM
Returns have been huge over the last decade.. even a fixed fee would have seen providers revenue increase by far more than CPI.

Though fees have been increasing as a percentage along with returns.

Demonstrating that you have no business acumen if you think a bank or fund would benchmark their ROI against CPI. Try to uplift your assessment to a commercial return on capital and costs.

There's no doubt that the banks and funds make a bundle on Kiwisaver fees, which is easy to distinguish when comparing the low cost funds with the higher costs funds. Regulating fees however is not a simple exercise.

But this is getting away from the point, that Labour really screwed the pooch on this by trying to sneak a GST on savers fees into an omnibus bill and didn't even mention the GST bit in their introduction of the bill to Parliament. Shocking behaviour.

03-09-2022, 10:01 AM
Demonstrating that you have no business acumen if you think a bank or fund would benchmark their ROI against CPI. Try to uplift your assessment to a commercial return on capital and costs.

I'm not looking at it from a business perspective (and don't care about it other than finding their costs), but from the consumer perspective.. hence the consumer price index comparsion.

If aussie banks can't meet their KPI's then that's fair enough.. they can sell it back to NZ based organisations.

fungus pudding
03-09-2022, 10:07 AM
It's not often that you are not sure. Shall I phrase it another way? You'd have to be naive to think that the Kiwisaver providers would absorb the GST on the fees that they charge savers, especially when they all said they would load the GST on to the savers fees.

Have you any idea how the GST system of credits and debits works? Thought not.

03-09-2022, 10:12 AM
I'm not looking at it from a business perspective (and don't care about it other than finding their costs), but from the consumer perspective.. hence the consumer price index comparsion.

The banks and funds are not charities or concerned with breaking even. These idealistic views you have would just mean the banks and funds would shut shop on Kiwisaver. Buy some shares in the Kiwisaver providers and see if you have the same perspective as an owner of the business, that they should provide a service that is not profitable and only covers its costs.

This is partly why the banks and funds would immediately pass on a GST on fees to the savers, and they told the government that they would do that. Outrageous that Labour would sneak an omnibus bill into Parliament without even mentioning the GST on savers fee.

Trust this government? Not likely.

03-09-2022, 10:16 AM
Have you any idea how the GST system of credits and debits works? Thought not.

Yes I do, but how the system works is not relevant to this discussion imo, that the cost of GST on fees would be borne by the saver, not the provider. How it's collected and disbursed is not the point.

03-09-2022, 10:28 AM
The banks and funds are not charities or concerned with breaking even. These idealistic views you have would just mean the banks and funds would shut shop on Kiwisaver. Buy some shares in the Kiwisaver providers and see if you have the same perspective as an owner of the business, that they should provide a service that is not profitable and only covers its costs.

Where are these huge costs coming in.

Most of these aussie banks offer seperate managed funds, sometimes with lower fees and without the economies of scale and "captive" customers that kiwisaver gives them.

03-09-2022, 11:09 AM
It's not often that you are not sure. Shall I phrase it another way? You'd have to be naive to think that the Kiwisaver providers would absorb the GST on the fees that they charge savers, especially when they all said they would load the GST on to the savers fees. They could introduce maximum fee regulations, but then wouldn’t GST and any other government imposts would still need to be charged extra to that fee? However if the fee is unrealistic as with rest homes and hospitals, with the government imposed maximum contribution rates, many providers will quit if they cannot cross-subsidise from other revenue streams.Some may decide providing loss making KiwiSaver services would lead to other more profitable business.

Edit: Oops This was meant as a reply to a Panda post…

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 11:32 AM
And just where would that GST come from?

Ummm...perhaps from their obscene profits.

Last year the 4 Australian banks hoovered up $5.5 Billion nett profit after tax (NPAT) from NZ. Do you realise how much that is per day!
It's nearing the total profit of our entire NZX50 which made about $7 billion NPAT.
Just 4 Australian owned banks earn about 80% as much as our top 50 largest Public companies combined.

Australian banks are among the most profitable in the world with among the highest margins against us Kiwis.
ANZ (John Key chairman) alone, made nearly $2 Billion in profit.

The Kiwi Saver industry generates over $650 million in fees for very little work, with a large chunk of that going to Australian banks.
And while NZ providers pay GST on fees, there's an explosion of outrage when there's a move to close the loophole Australian providers enjoy to avoid paying us tax.

Ask yourself, if the situation was reversed, would the Australian govt opposition get so frothy about extending NZ such a special privilege putting their own domestic providers at a disadvantage?

What chance does the govt have against such a powerful lobby group & an influential but generally uninformed media.

03-09-2022, 11:54 AM
Ummm...perhaps from their obscene profits.

Last year the 4 Australian banks hoovered up $5.5 Billion nett profit after tax (NPAT) from NZ. Do you realise how much that is per day!
It's nearing the total profit of our entire NZX50 which made about $7 billion NPAT.
Just 4 Australian owned banks earn about 80% as much as our top 50 largest Public companies combined.

Australian banks are among the most profitable in the world with among the highest margins against us Kiwis.
ANZ (John Key chairman) alone, made nearly $2 Billion in profit.

The Kiwi Saver industry generates over $650 million in fees for very little work, with a large chunk of that going to Australian banks.
And while NZ providers pay GST on fees, there's an explosion of outrage when there's a move to close the loophole Australian providers enjoy to avoid paying us tax.

Ask yourself, if the situation was reversed, would the Australian govt opposition get so frothy about extending NZ such a special privilege putting their own domestic providers at a disadvantage?

What chance does the govt have against such a powerful lobby group & an influential but generally uninformed media. Perhaps Kiwi residents find it more profitable after tax to invest in real estate using mortgages supplied by the Aussie owned banks, rather than investing in banks themselves. So it is profitable for Australian bank investors as well as Kiwi real estate investors, in the current fiscal and investment environment in NZ?

fungus pudding
03-09-2022, 11:59 AM
Ummm...perhaps from their obscene profits.

GST is added to their fees and is a cost to the consumer only - it is not related in any way to their profits and is not a tax on the business.
A business simply collects it as an agent and hands it over to Govt.

03-09-2022, 12:09 PM
You do know don’t you that ANZ and Westpac are in the NZX50? So are you including or excluding their profits from your calculations?

Ummm...perhaps from their obscene profits.

Last year the 4 Australian banks hoovered up $5.5 Billion nett profit after tax (NPAT) from NZ. Do you realise how much that is per day!
It's nearing the total profit of our entire NZX50 which made about $7 billion NPAT.
Just 4 Australian owned banks earn about 80% as much as our top 50 largest Public companies combined.

Australian banks are among the most profitable in the world with among the highest margins against us Kiwis.
ANZ (John Key chairman) alone, made nearly $2 Billion in profit.

The Kiwi Saver industry generates over $650 million in fees for very little work, with a large chunk of that going to Australian banks.
And while NZ providers pay GST on fees, there's an explosion of outrage when there's a move to close the loophole Australian providers enjoy to avoid paying us tax.

Ask yourself, if the situation was reversed, would the Australian govt opposition get so frothy about extending NZ such a special privilege putting their own domestic providers at a disadvantage?

What chance does the govt have against such a powerful lobby group & an influential but generally uninformed media.

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 12:15 PM
GST is added to their fees and is a cost to the consumer only - it is not related in any way to their profits and is not a tax on the business.
A business simply collects it as an agent and hands it over to Govt.

Fair call, I know.
Was just making a point about the amount of money they plunder from the NZ economy which is staggering, & they could easily absorb that by reducing their charges & fees.
As am sure you're aware, there's been calls for regulation, look at ANZ how many other companies increased their profits by around 40% during Covid.

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 12:18 PM
You do know don’t you that ANZ and Westpac are in the NZX50? So are you including or excluding their profits from your calculations?

They'll be included.

03-09-2022, 12:20 PM
They'll be included.

Then that screws up your comparison of bank profits to nzx50 profits

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 12:22 PM
Now this sort of thing annoys me. Ridiculous, Disability communities only given 24 hours to submit feedback on mask mandates, just paying lip service to the process. What are they thinking!


03-09-2022, 12:49 PM
but he had more balls than all the rest of the Left's cabinet put together :)

that's been proven by what has come out in the media and swiftness of Labour to try to
stem the tide of carnage hitting their doorsteps en-mass :)
Really- he promised some dirt - where is it? By supporting this Pup you do yourself no favours.

03-09-2022, 12:54 PM
Just goes to show people being polled are pretty dumb - those 3 are not even in parliament 😀
Who is Dumb? Judith Collins is still in parliament as far as I know!

Thanks - I forgot she was still there - very low key in that case.

03-09-2022, 01:07 PM
Thanks - I forgot she was still there - very low key in that case.

Even Bridges still gets some ratings for preferred prime minister, no sign of Robertson though.

Don’t have to be in parliament for someone to still prefer them for prime minister.

You weren’t serious were you that Robertson would be a good replacement for Adern?

03-09-2022, 02:00 PM
but he had more balls than all the rest of the Left's cabinet put together :)

that's been proven by what has come out in the media and swiftness of Labour to try to
stem the tide of carnage hitting their doorsteps en-mass :)

You really show your bias there - Sharma was not good with his staff and didn't like being told so.
So he pulls the bully card.
Promised a tell-all but, so far, hasn't backed anything up.
He's knackered!

03-09-2022, 02:37 PM
They'll be included. What percentage of the ANZ and Westpac total share capitalisations are held by NZ resident instos and individuals? They don’t plunder from the NZ economy. Perhaps the mortgages supplied to NZers have lower interest rates than otherwise by virtue of the money markets the big Aussies can tap into*. Perhaps Kiwis are relatively disinterested in investing in banks rather than in real estate through the the mortgages supplied by banks. Under the CER investment protocols, Australian investment is relatively free to enter NZ.

* I am not sure if that is still the case.

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 03:11 PM
Then that screws up your comparison of bank profits to nzx50 profits

I assume the Oz banks NPAT is included, but either way its bad.
It looks to me like a case of worse, or worse-er or more worse or even, most worst!

If the $5.5 billion NPAT is not included in the total NZX50 NPAT of $7 billion the comparison looks terrible, but if it is, i.e. it's $5.5 billion of the total profit of the top NZX50 i.e. 80% of it, it's even worse-er!

Ha, would you like to see them gouge even more out of the NZ economy?

03-09-2022, 04:27 PM
I assume ... [...]

If the $5.5 billion NPAT is not included in the total NZX50 NPAT of $7 billion the comparison looks terrible, but if it is, i.e. it's $5.5 billion of the total profit of the top NZX50 i.e. 80% of it, it's even worse-er!

Still wrong, not all the Aussie banks are listed here. Back to the calculator. Have you written to your MP with suggestions on how the banking sector profits can be regulated, surely Labour would love doing that, especially if they can gouge some tax from it?

03-09-2022, 04:37 PM
Ha, would you like to see them gouge even more out of the NZ economy?

Imagine a company tax cut on top.. NZ shareholders get imputation credits so foreign owners would benefit the most.

It would be a pillage if it's lowered further.

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 05:23 PM
Still wrong, not all the Aussie banks are listed here. Back to the calculator. Have you written to your MP with suggestions on how the banking sector profits can be regulated, surely Labour would love doing that, especially if they can gouge some tax from it?

Well no actually, not wrong.
That $5.5 billion dollar cheque we send to the Australian banks, is just the NPAT the 4 Australian banks make here in NZ.

Why the apologist for Australian banks?
I guess if you don't think us giving the Aussies $5.5 billion every year is a big deal, ok, but that's not the way I see it.
e.g. ANZ makes half a million dollars profit here every hour, but despite this they've closed branches all over the country, cut staff, reduced lending to business & walked away from rural NZ.

On the issue of regulations, I understand some banking experts said NZ customers were being charged 20%-30% more in fees than their Australian counterparts, and do you know what fees you were charged last month?
Your Power company has to tell you what you've been charged each month, but banks don't have to.
Banks just add charges to your account without telling you, they could email you a bill every month but choose not to.

03-09-2022, 05:50 PM
Well no actually, not wrong.
That $5.5 billion dollar cheque we send to the Australian banks, is just the NPAT the 4 Australian banks make here in NZ.

You were trying make an argument that the big four banks' profits represent, or not, a large part of the total NZX50 profit. I'm not apologising for anything to do with the banks, moreso interested in your calculations of the big 4 share of NZX50 profits when they are not all listed here.

Not sure why you're moaning about the banks anyway, while your government is in power surely they could do something about it? For example, now that they've nationalised Kiwibank, why not mandate that all banking shifts there, make all other non-NZ banks illegal, force the big nasty banks to handover their business, and all kiwisaver and other funds, and regulate the fees over all of it.

Surely Robertson would be up for that, only one year to go to get it in law and implemented though.

03-09-2022, 06:23 PM
You were trying make an argument that the big four banks' profits represent, or not, a large part of the total NZX50 profit. I'm not apologising for anything to do with the banks, moreso interested in your calculations of the big 4 share of NZX50 profits when they are not all listed here.

Not sure why you're moaning about the banks anyway, while your government is in power surely they could do something about it? For example, now that they've nationalised Kiwibank, why not mandate that all banking shifts there, make all other non-NZ banks illegal, force the big nasty banks to handover their business, and all kiwisaver and other funds, and regulate the fees over all of it.

Surely Robertson would be up for that, only one year to go to get it in law and implemented though.
There's a thought. Would such a proposal ever have a chance of success ? I would imagine near impossible to implement.

03-09-2022, 06:46 PM
There's a thought. Would such a proposal ever have a chance of success ? I would imagine near impossible to implement.

Unlikely now that the PM has admitted Labours policies have all been "aspirational" (ref interview with Jack Tame), rather than 'implementable' as has been obvious to many that they've been unable to successfully implement almost everything they've promoted. But, never underestimate the blind ambition of a socialist government.

Just think about this, why would Robertson cash out the SOE's to nationalise Kiwibank outright? Why would he do that, other than the SOE's recognised Kiwibank as a poor commercial investment and wanted out. Why would he do that?

What's his cunning plan for a truely nationalised bank? First step would be pulling all core central government banking from the big nasty aussie banks and giving it to Kiwibank. Next step, all non-core government banking, then local government banking, then business and private banking, assets, funds, the whole shooting match.

The only problem of course is that is long term socialist nationalisation thinking and they're not looking too good for another term, let alone long term. Besides, arguably the banks are more powerful than the government, they are certainly a lot richer, albeit they don't make the law.

Blue Skies
03-09-2022, 06:56 PM
You were trying make an argument that the big four banks' profits represent, or not, a large part of the total NZX50 profit. I'm not apologising for anything to do with the banks, moreso interested in your calculations of the big 4 share of NZX50 profits when they are not all listed here.

Not sure why you're moaning about the banks anyway, while your government is in power surely they could do something about it? For example, now that they've nationalised Kiwibank, why not mandate that all banking shifts there, make all other non-NZ banks illegal, force the big nasty banks to handover their business, and all kiwisaver and other funds, and regulate the fees over all of it.

Surely Robertson would be up for that, only one year to go to get it in law and implemented though.

You misunderstand, being an 'apologist' means supporting/taking a controversial position, nothing to do with 'apologising'.

And its your government too.

And the rest of it is just nonsense.

03-09-2022, 07:39 PM
You misunderstand, being an 'apologist' means supporting/taking a controversial position, nothing to do with 'apologising'.

And its your government too.

And the rest of it is just nonsense.

I don't misunderstand that what you said you are unable to substantiate, because you are wrong and not even able to calculate why you are wrong.

The rest of it is beyond your comprehension because you are not a true Labour supporter, you don't understand socialist ideals or ambitions of the current government, moreover you are just an Adern devotee.

Have a good night.

03-09-2022, 07:53 PM
A kiwi consortium had a chance to get the National Bank in 2003, but the ANZ put in a more compelling bid to Lloyds. Kiwi funds prefer different investments so we shouldn’t bemoan profits being sent across the ditch. I am always happy to get my imputed HGH dividend though.

03-09-2022, 10:38 PM
Wait until the fair pay agreements come through ;)

This govt has made the commitment to keep migration lower than it would otherwise be .

Yes they are hell bent on destroying several industries in NZ and are already well on their way down that track. It will be a long and difficult road for the next Government to rebuild NZ

04-09-2022, 02:56 AM
But wages will rise, which is what we should want if we want to catch up with Australia.

04-09-2022, 05:01 AM
But wages will rise, which is what we should want if we want to catch up with Australia.

There are good reasons why we can never match Australian wages. We are a tin pot economy relative to Ausi.

04-09-2022, 10:55 AM
Q & A today shows 'family' of 8 living in emergency motel unit for 4 years, as an example of many. At least 2 of the children born in to that situation.
Some will just say the govt is not doing enough.

But is it responsible to keep having kids, when you can not provide for them yourself?

Is one group of people, who do act with restraint and manage personal responsibility, just put on the planet to subsidize those who don't?

Does this build a better society?

When will the money run out?

04-09-2022, 11:17 AM
But wages will rise, which is what we should want if we want to catch up with Australia.

Yes everyone wants wages to rise. But they can only do so sustainably through increased efficiency and output. Not a no clues Government legislating it.

04-09-2022, 02:44 PM
Does this build a better society?

When will the money run out?

The more money you give them the less kids they'll have.

Sounds paradoxical, but consider the example of Africa and pre-1900's britain.

04-09-2022, 02:46 PM
But they can only do do sustainably through increased efficiency and output. Not a no clues Government legislating it.

No incentive for efficiency when labour is cheap.

The jobless rate has been low for ages, so what are we waiting for?

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2022, 07:04 AM
Pledged that he wouldn’t run….now he’s running. Zero integrity, his word means nothing. Another hit for the taxpayers of NZ.


If Labour’s Paul Eagle wins the Wellington mayoralty next month, he will trigger a by-election in the Rongotai electorate that is expected to cost taxpayers $1.2 million.

That cost is making some Wellington residents baulk, not least because Eagle pledged in the run-up to the 2020 general election that he would not run for mayor in 2022, before the end of his parliamentary term.

Eagle has not resigned his Rongotai seat to run for the mayoralty, instead he has taken leave from Parliament while he campaigns. But he has said he would resign from Parliament if he won.

Because there would still be more than six months until the general election, a by-election would be held.

fungus pudding
05-09-2022, 08:30 AM
Yes everyone wants wages to rise. But they can only do so sustainably through increased efficiency and output. Not a no clues Government legislating it.

Or by increasing the price of goods and services. a.k.a. a cat chasing tail excercise; the result of a no clues govt. 'fixing' the economy to pacify the unions.

Blue Skies
05-09-2022, 09:11 AM
Yes everyone wants wages to rise. But they can only do so sustainably through increased efficiency and output. Not a no clues Government legislating it.

At first glance I'm not sure its true that wages can only rise through increased efficiency & output. e.g.

There seem to be a number of examples over recent years where CEO's & Directors gained massive increases with no link to increased profitability.

e.g. didn't the MD & Directors of Fletcher Building get big pay increases a couple of years ago when company earnings fell & the share price plummeted ?
And there are numerous studies showing the increased pay packages of CEO's does not reflect the increase/decrease in returns to shareholders.
Just something to think about.

05-09-2022, 01:52 PM
At first glance I'm not sure its true that wages can only rise through increased efficiency & output.

Efficiency and output per worker for a reasonably sized country.

Importing swathes of unskilled migrants only increases the denominator.

05-09-2022, 02:10 PM
Pledged that he wouldn’t run….now he’s running. Zero integrity, his word means nothing. Another hit for the taxpayers of NZ.


If Labour’s Paul Eagle wins the Wellington mayoralty next month, he will trigger a by-election in the Rongotai electorate that is expected to cost taxpayers $1.2 million.

Hopefully he won't win - certainly doesn't deserve it after he said he wouldn't run!

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2022, 02:23 PM
KiwiBank now seems to be operating on the basis that it’s not a serious commercial entity. Taxpayers will be the loser, again.

05-09-2022, 02:56 PM
Though the super fund and ACC now have room to make massive new investments.

Blue Skies
05-09-2022, 03:19 PM
KiwiBank now seems to be operating on the basis that it’s not a serious commercial entity. Taxpayers will be the loser, again.

Lot of Kiwi taxpayers use Kiwibank, & those who don't might start to consider it. I think overall its a nett positive benefit for the country.
The big 4 Australian banks shovel around $5.5 billion in NPAT out of the NZ economy while closing branches, reducing customer services & shunning the rural sector.

Wonder if the govt will switch its banking from Australian owned Westpac to Kiwibank?

05-09-2022, 05:13 PM
Their savings account is now competitive with heartland.


I've written them off in terms of providing fee/interest competition but maybe we'll see a change soon.

"Changes effective Aug 24".

05-09-2022, 05:59 PM
Meanwhile, in the real world where the clueless Ardern & her team of incompetent nincompoops govern, the healthcare system continues to deteriorate for those in need :


"Nearly 7500 patients waiting more than a year for surgery are now meant to have spots on operating lists – but some in the sector say it’s unlikely it will speed things up as the workforce remains at breaking point.

Between August 15, 2021, and June 26, 2022, 13,410 surgeries were cancelled nationally."

So much for Little's promise to improve healthcare and shorten the waiting list.

05-09-2022, 06:03 PM
Trying to hide the failures of the new Healthcare NZ (Te Whatu Ora) - Little & Ardern who promised the 'most transparent & open' government ever.


"Patient advocates worry their voices will be silenced in the new health system, with no clear avenue for public submissions and fears bureaucratic spin has reached new heights.

Rob Campbell, chairperson of the two-month-old Crown entity, Te Whatu Ora – Health NZ (HNZ), has this week been defending a decision to keep media and the public out of board meetings – a move Health Minister Andrew Little says he’s comfortable with.

Gastroenterologist and former Hutt Valley health board member Dr Richard Stein said it was a “huge entity that’s operating in secret”."

05-09-2022, 06:10 PM
And it's official : Gangs love Ardern & her pro-criminal policies.

Headhunters told to vote Ardern & Labour. :t_up:


It comes after a Head Hunters member shared a post from National on social media, urging their followers not to support the party. The post detailed how National planned to crack down on gangs including banning gang patches, giving police the ability to stop gang gatherings in public and the ability to search gang hangouts for guns.

"If you vote or you are considering voting for these f******* please remove yourself from my friends list," the gang member wrote under the post, according to NZ Herald.


06-09-2022, 03:12 AM
Numerous police officers and criminologists have come out against National's plans too.

Which includes a ban on a piece of clothing and to get the IRD to go after them.

06-09-2022, 08:51 AM
NZ a land of crisis after crisis after crisis …..but I’m pleased our government is finding a pathway out of each crisis.

It seems NZ is no longer the land of milk and honey - rather one of crises and pathways

06-09-2022, 10:00 AM
NZ a land of crisis after crisis after crisis …..but I’m pleased our government is finding a pathway out of each crisis.

It seems NZ is no longer the land of milk and honey - rather one of crises and pathways

Ardern & her team of nincompoops in Opposition were fond of calling everything (housing, health, education, Maori, police etc) a crisis situation.

Now they have turned all the crises into disasters, they are fond of rolling out voluminous press releases with aspirational words but no real solutions.

As Jack Tame said to the spin mistress Ardern - A for Aspirational, E for Execution.

Turf them out!

06-09-2022, 10:13 AM
Consign Comrade Taxcinda and her regime to the motels in Rotorua's Fenton Street.

Sharma on them!

06-09-2022, 10:20 AM
Consign Comrade Taxcinda and her regime to the motels in Rotorua's Fenton Street.

Sharma on them!

Kindness & caring? Kiss Rotorua's arse, Megan Woods.

Rotorua is a train wreck - courtesy of Ardern & Megan Woods.

Absolutely disgraceful and morally repugnant.


"What we have created in Rotorua now, we have made everyone vulnerable. There is so much crime, the place isn't safe."


06-09-2022, 11:20 AM
No doubt Tamati, the list MP from Rotorua, regrets inviting the homeless in for a Coffey...

06-09-2022, 02:02 PM
Kindness & caring? Kiss Rotorua's arse, Megan Woods.

Rotorua is a train wreck - courtesy of Ardern & Megan Woods.

National has won the Bay of Plenty electorate which includes rotorua for nearly 100 years.

What have they ever done for them?

Where's todd gone?

06-09-2022, 03:24 PM
National has won the Bay of Plenty electorate which includes rotorua for nearly 100 years.

What have they ever done for them?

Where's todd gone?

Rotorua was a thriving and attractive world class tourism centre - until Ardern brought crime, lawlessness and despair to the city.

Tell her and Megan Woods that Rotorua is very happy to NOT have their homeless and crime problems brought to the city.

Only someone with the mentality of a newt and intellect of a jackass would describe what Ardern has done to Rotorua as a benefit!

Kiss Rotorua’s arse, Ardern & Megan.

06-09-2022, 04:19 PM
Caught lying - Ardern & David Clark.

Turned out that they never consulted any fund manager directly about the retirement tax on KiwiSaver.



"KiwiSaver fee tax U-turn: Government didn't consult with individual fund managers on GST change

The Herald didn't speak to a single manager that had been directly consulted."

06-09-2022, 05:30 PM
$1400 a week for an emergency motel room - that's what Ardern is doing - throwing money (as usual) without solving the problem but introducing gangs, crime, fires, despair and hopelessness.

$1 billion spent so far on Ardern emergency housing.

And making millionaires out of motel owners.

Watch the TVNZ Sunday program - it is really really horrific.


And NZ still has record number of children & homeless living in cars & tents.

06-09-2022, 09:11 PM
Every mayoral candidate lays the Rotorua emergency housing disaster at Ardern’s door.

And how much has the spin mistress spent to create the disaster?

$1 billion so far!


07-09-2022, 10:03 AM
How many more lies do we the N Z public have to put up with from the most dishonest, unprincipled, inexperenced, dumb , untrustworthy , flaky government that N Z has ever seen, even beats the Lange govt !!!!

07-09-2022, 11:57 AM
Winston's slogan 5 years ago was "Had enough"?

Yet look what he installed as government.

What will he say now?

fungus pudding
07-09-2022, 12:16 PM
Winston's slogan 5 years ago was "Had enough"?

Yet look what he installed as government.

What will he say now?

:cool:He'll claim he wasn't there to keep them honest.:eek2::D

07-09-2022, 01:55 PM
How many more lies do we the N Z public have to put up with from the most dishonest, unprincipled, inexperenced, dumb , untrustworthy , flaky government that N Z has ever seen, even beats the Lange govt !!!!

So long as the alternative is 'not very' National.

07-09-2022, 02:31 PM
Under National & John Key :

NZ recovered strongly from GFC

NZ recovered from ChCh devastating earthquake

Rock star economy

No homeless, healthcare, law & order, housing disasters

No cost of living crisis

No inflation

Under Ardern & Labour - nothing but disasters and reckless spending with nothing to show except ever increased debts

Plus - broken promises on everything, lies and spin

Plus - most transparent & open government ever NOT!

07-09-2022, 02:50 PM
Under National & John Key

Housing crisis.
Low wages crisis.
Healthcare crisis.
Migration crisis.

To name a few.

07-09-2022, 02:52 PM
Housing crisis.
Low wages crisis.
Healthcare crisis.
Migration crisis.

To name a few.

You need to add
reduced funding for Education
reduced funding for Police
roading and other infrastructure not keeping up with growth (a lack of understanding of the consequences of their actions).

07-09-2022, 02:52 PM
Plus the corruption too (dirty politics, orvida, novapay) and broken promises with GST.

07-09-2022, 02:53 PM
Housing crisis.
Low wages crisis.
Healthcare crisis.
Migration crisis.

To name a few.

Now all disasters under Ardern & Labour.

Complete and utter disasters.

But no rock star economy.

Add on a divided NZ as Ardern panders to one race to get their votes to the detriment of ALL NZers.

07-09-2022, 02:56 PM
Add on a divided NZ as Ardern panders to one race to get their votes to the detriment of ALL NZers.

At least she doesn't call the voters bottom dwellers then.

07-09-2022, 02:57 PM
At least she doesn't call the voters bottom dwellers then.

She calls them her 'voters'. :t_up:

Sharma on her.

Rotorua housing disaster - Ardern in total denial. More revelations soon of how long she has been made aware of the problems but has done nothing but made it worse. Disgusting woman.

07-09-2022, 03:41 PM
More revelations about how Ardern & co manipulated information & fed misinformation to make heroes of themselves with the COVID response.

Remember how Hipkins leak private information and fed misinformation about a pregnant woman to create outrage against her?

Well, here’s another example :


Sharma on Arden & Hipkins.

07-09-2022, 03:42 PM
:cool:He'll claim he wasn't there to keep them honest.:eek2::D

That was never possible !

07-09-2022, 03:43 PM
You talking about Lying Labour ?

fungus pudding
07-09-2022, 03:51 PM
That was never possible !

Keeping them honest wasn't, but Winnie claiming it - was.

07-09-2022, 04:12 PM
More revelations about how Ardern & co manipulated information & fed misinformation to make heroes of themselves with the COVID response.

Remember how Hipkins leak private information and fed misinformation about a pregnant woman to create outrage against her?

A government of misinformation and spin in action - always somebody else's fault, never theirs.

Disgusting woman is Ardern & morally bankrupt for promising the 'most transparent & open' government ever.

Well, here’s another example :


Sharma on Arden & Hipkins.

Becoming very clear that Ardern & Hipkins have been shifting blame on COVID mishaps to others who were not at fault - but whose stories were inconvenient about how hapless the government really was :

1. KFC worker


New documents confirm coronavirus Case L, who went to work at an Auckland KFC before testing positive three days later, wasn't contacted directly by health officials until after the shift.

Health officials had claimed there were multiple attempts to contact the family, but 19-year-old Case L claimed she did not receive clear instructions to self-isolate before her February 22 shift - leading to a war of words with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

2. Charlotte Bellis


Former Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has apologised to Charlotte Bellis for comments made regarding her MIQ application.

Hipkins said he has written to the New Zealand journalist apologising for errors in comments he made earlier this year and for the inclusion of personal information.

The journalist went public with her struggle to secure an MIQ spot to get home from Afghanistan while pregnant.

Hipkins had previously refused to apologise for his comments over her case.

3. Northland lockdown


A blunder by a government worker sent Northland into an 11-day lockdown after travel documents that were meant to be declined were mistakenly approved.

The case of three women who travelled from Auckland to Northland hit headlines in October 2021 in the midst of a Delta outbreak - but new documents released under the Official Information Act finally outline the truth behind the saga, and the reason Northland was put into lockdown.

The OIA papers show the women - who had earlier been blamed for using "false information" to get travel permits - had no links to gangs and weren't sex workers, as had been suggested.

Among the documents released is a summary of a police investigation into the women which found "no offence" and no "deception" in obtaining the travel documents.

Now documents show the first direct communication between Case L and the Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) was on February 23 - the day after.

07-09-2022, 08:34 PM
Becoming very clear that Ardern & Hipkins have been shifting blame on COVID mishaps to others who were not at fault - but whose stories were inconvenient about how hapless the government really was :

1. KFC worker


New documents confirm coronavirus Case L, who went to work at an Auckland KFC before testing positive three days later, wasn't contacted directly by health officials until after the shift.

Health officials had claimed there were multiple attempts to contact the family, but 19-year-old Case L claimed she did not receive clear instructions to self-isolate before her February 22 shift - leading to a war of words with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

2. Charlotte Bellis


Former Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has apologised to Charlotte Bellis for comments made regarding her MIQ application.

Hipkins said he has written to the New Zealand journalist apologising for errors in comments he made earlier this year and for the inclusion of personal information.

The journalist went public with her struggle to secure an MIQ spot to get home from Afghanistan while pregnant.

Hipkins had previously refused to apologise for his comments over her case.

3. Northland lockdown


A blunder by a government worker sent Northland into an 11-day lockdown after travel documents that were meant to be declined were mistakenly approved.

The case of three women who travelled from Auckland to Northland hit headlines in October 2021 in the midst of a Delta outbreak - but new documents released under the Official Information Act finally outline the truth behind the saga, and the reason Northland was put into lockdown.

The OIA papers show the women - who had earlier been blamed for using "false information" to get travel permits - had no links to gangs and weren't sex workers, as had been suggested.

Among the documents released is a summary of a police investigation into the women which found "no offence" and no "deception" in obtaining the travel documents.

Now documents show the first direct communication between Case L and the Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) was on February 23 - the day after.

Shameful but like the whole COVID response since 2020, has been based on lies, misinformation and scare tactics. Shameful.

07-09-2022, 09:30 PM
Shameful but like the whole COVID response since 2020, has been based on lies, misinformation and scare tactics. Shameful.

It's also embarrassing and awkward that so many of us bought into the charade, upset our lives, became minions to the government believing their BS, and now still living the consequences which will go on for a long time yet.

Trust. It's the one thing every government needs, trust, and yet this government has forsaken trust for its ideals while failing to implement any of them. Deceit, outright lies, obfuscation, there's no end to how far this government will go to hoodwinking the populous.

It's not about Adern, it's the Labour government that are treating NZ'ers like dumb ****s. Shoot the PM messenger if you want, but even she is a puppet of the Labour machine and their socialist policies and woefully inadequate means or timing to implement them.

It's all coming un-stuck, in front of our eyes we are witnessing the undoing of an overly optimistic government with no realistic grasp on how long or what it takes to fundamentally implement change.

Their legacy looks like being that they are hoisted out of government without having actually achieved anything meaningful, how's that going to look on their CV's?

07-09-2022, 11:51 PM
It's also embarrassing and awkward that so many of us bought into the charade, upset our lives, became minions to the government believing their BS, and now still living the consequences which will go on for a long time yet.

Trust. It's the one thing every government needs, trust, and yet this government has forsaken trust for its ideals while failing to implement any of them. Deceit, outright lies, obfuscation, there's no end to how far this government will go to hoodwinking the populous.

It's not about Adern, it's the Labour government that are treating NZ'ers like dumb ****s. Shoot the PM messenger if you want, but even she is a puppet of the Labour machine and their socialist policies and woefully inadequate means or timing to implement them.

It's all coming un-stuck, in front of our eyes we are witnessing the undoing of an overly optimistic government with no realistic grasp on how long or what it takes to fundamentally implement change.

Their legacy looks like being that they are hoisted out of government without having actually achieved anything meaningful, how's that going to look on their CV's?

Exactly, a total sham, bloody disgraceful. Without a doubt the worst government we have ever experienced. Hopefully we can learn this from and turn this country back on track if is not too late.
The left puppets that parade around these parts can go for a hike also.

08-09-2022, 03:56 AM
What would be more of a sham is a theocracy, i'm not into christian "values" myself.

08-09-2022, 08:13 AM
What would be more of a sham is a theocracy, i'm not into christian "values" myself.

Do you mean you you preference would be more non Theocracy, say North Korea. Lovely !

fungus pudding
08-09-2022, 08:27 AM
Do you mean you you preference would be more non Theocracy, say North Korea. Lovely !

Does anyone know what 'christian values' are?

08-09-2022, 08:30 AM
Does anyone know what 'christian values' are?

Christian values are not "North Korea"

08-09-2022, 08:38 AM
Does anyone know what 'christian values' are?

The Beatitudes are a good place to start.

08-09-2022, 08:40 AM
Christian values are not values as practised by the Catholic Church or the various sects which have emerged over the centuries - where theology, power and doctrine rule in place of values.

Christian values derive from the teachings of Jesus Christ - a man or God (depending on one’s point of view) who preached :





forgiveness and


towards our fellow human beings.

He did not live a luxurious life, walked around in basic clothings (no tall hats and clothings of silk & gold threads) while preaching spiritual well-being over material well-being to the multitude.

So what’s wrong with the above as so many on the left in NZ today would have us believe?

08-09-2022, 08:43 AM
The same left btw who hypocritically embrace Maori blessings, preaching and prayers before meetings, at ceremonies and other public places.

Basically, if there are votes to be had, Christian values Maori sect wise is a OK.


Sharma on Ardern & the Labour Party.

fungus pudding
08-09-2022, 08:46 AM
Christian values are not values as practised by the Catholic Church or the various sects which have emerged over the centuries - where theology, power and doctrine rule in place of values.

Christian values derive from the teachings of Jesus Christ - a man or God (depending on one’s point of view) who preached :





forgiveness and


towards our fellow human beings.

He did not live a luxurious life, walked around in basic clothings and preached spiritual well-being over material well-being.

So what’s wrong with the above as so many on the left in NZ today would have us believe?

Most liists of 'Christian values are more or less smilar to those you posted. Nothing wrong with them, but why are they called 'Christian' values?

08-09-2022, 09:03 AM




forgiveness and


towards our fellow human beings.

These words sound very familiar. Recently spoken by evil woman with forked tongue.

08-09-2022, 09:04 AM
Most liists of 'Christian values are more or less smilar to those you posted. Nothing wrong with them, but why are they called 'Christian' values?

What did Christianity derive from?

"Christianity originated with the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent Kingdom of God and was crucified c. AD 30–33 in Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea."

So Christain values are derived from the teachings and preachings of Jesus CHRIST.

Brian Tamaki imo does not preach or practice Christian values - like many con-artists through the millenniums who use religion to enrich themselves. But it suits the narrative of the left to paint him as indicative of what Christianity is about.

08-09-2022, 09:08 AM
Q & A today shows 'family' of 8 living in emergency motel unit for 4 years, as an example of many. At least 2 of the children born in to that situation.
Some will just say the govt is not doing enough.

But is it responsible to keep having kids, when you can not provide for them yourself?

Is one group of people, who do act with restraint and manage personal responsibility, just put on the planet to subsidize those who don't?

Does this build a better society?

When will the money run out?

Since this post, the Sunday program aired, skewed to show some of the Rotorua emergency motel operators in a bad light.

A young mother, with not just 1,2 or 3 kids, but 5.
These baby factories choose to use their kids as human shields, as an income source, and as an emotive ploy on the nations do gooders.

Did you notice all the fathers hovering in the background, contributing to the financial and other needs of their kids?

One of Jacinda's early moves was to remove the benefit differential to solo mothers who did not name the father, so they could pay some family support.
Supposed to 'only' cost the taxpayer an extra $20M pa.
Whats it costing now in total, and who's counting?

Did you see all the scones being baked, with flour you can buy for $1.20 per 1,5kg, so no need of food bank support?

Because they don't have any lawns to mow, did you see the tenants all tidying their rooms, and doing the cleaning, just like you do in your home?

Did you see all the work they do for charities?

Would the bleeding heart reporter give the 'victim' a hug if she had smashed her way into the reporters home, and illegally occupied it?

Were you sufficiently moved by the program, to now open up your spare room or garage, to help out?

It doesn't matter if you are the Salvation Army, or Tiny Deane, you have to rule with a firm hand, or be ruled!

My answer to my questions is no time, ever.

What's yours?

08-09-2022, 09:17 AM
Since this post, the Sunday program aired, skewed to show some of the Rotorua emergency motel operators in a bad light.

A young mother, with not just 1,2 or 3 kids, but 5.
These baby factories choose to use their kids as human shields, as an income source, and as an emotive ploy on the nations do gooders.

Not that smart then are they, children are nearly always a drain (hence the need for WFF, family tax credits and childcare).

08-09-2022, 09:33 AM
Not that smart then are they, children are nearly always a drain (hence the need for WFF, family tax credits and childcare).

They are Ardern’s voters - she breeds them like rabbits in the church of Ardern of kindness and transparency.

Those who study hard, work hard and save hard get their hard earned monies redistributed by Ardern to those who don’t.

08-09-2022, 10:48 AM
Police minister Hipkins, somewhat more articulate than Poto, says we need more educational psychologists to prevent ram raids.
Will the shop owners and youth doing the raids be high fiving on that news, or is it another kick down the kerb, until such EP's materialise?

08-09-2022, 11:02 AM
Police minister Hipkins, somewhat more articulate than Poto, says we need more educational psychologists to prevent ram raids.
Will the shop owners and youth doing the raids be high fiving on that news, or is it another kick down the kerb, until such EP's materialise?

Prison's are a crime university.

It would be tragic if a young person is turned into a life of crime through learning from the best of NZ's criminal elements.

08-09-2022, 11:11 AM
Yes, they seem to be learning a lot from Jacinda.

08-09-2022, 11:18 AM
You want your crims to at least be incompetent, giving them access to a 24/7 "social club" with free meals and rent provided doesn't seem to be effective.

08-09-2022, 11:23 AM
Ah yes, but does a lot for the welfare of people on both sides of the fence.

08-09-2022, 08:14 PM
These words sound very familiar. Recently spoken by evil woman with forked tongue.

The ballad of Cinders, the woman who reduced NZ to ashes.
Sharma on her!

08-09-2022, 08:33 PM
The ballad of Cinders, the woman who reduced NZ to ashes.
Sharma on her!

Ardern certainly learnt plenty from her years in the Mormon church and instead of practising Christian values, she preaches them to hoodwink others with zero intention of following the eternal values of love, truth and honesty.

08-09-2022, 08:33 PM
You want your crims to at least be incompetent, giving them access to a 24/7 "social club" with free meals and rent provided doesn't seem to be effective.

Only a problem if you let them out.

09-09-2022, 07:03 PM
Ardern & her useless mob were warned in 2019 that due to the government dumping the homeless in the city, Rotorua was becoming a slum and criminal hotbed.

Instead of taking heed, her government increased the number of homeless being housed there - and the result is the disaster we are witnessing today in what was once one of NZ's top tourism cities.


Rotorua has become a "dumping ground" and "slum" for beneficiaries from around the central North Island who are getting a "holiday" in motels and causing havoc, local business leaders say.

The leaders believe the city's tourism reputation has also taken a hammering.

The Ministry for Social Development acknowledged some of the behaviour of its clients was not acceptable but said it could not provide data on how many people it had relocated into motels from outside the area.

09-09-2022, 07:06 PM
$1.2 billion spent to create a disaster - the speciality of Ardern & her incompetent mob.

2019 : Rotorua moteliers say they aren't trained or equipped to be dealing with what they have to deal with. That's everything from gang and domestic violence, to mental health and drug issues. The problem has been compounded by an increase in homeless people being housed in motels. It prompted a meeting between key players to discuss just how the city got into this position, and what can be done. Katee Shanks reports.

"Weapons, drugs, violence - we're dealing with it all."

Those are the words of Rotorua Association of Motels chairwoman Shelley Hobson-Powell, who says local moteliers are having to deal with drugs, mental health issues, gang fights and domestic violence as increasing numbers of homeless people are put up in motels.


10-09-2022, 07:24 AM
Any truth in the rumour that Cinders, the woman who reduced NZ to ashes, is moving Hells Gate 13 km to the Whaka end of Rotorua's Fenton Street, to fence in a few whukas?

10-09-2022, 07:49 AM
Any truth in the rumour that Cinders, the woman who reduced NZ to ashes, is moving Hells Gate 13 km to the Whaka end of Rotorua's Fenton Street, to fence in a few whakas?

One of the worlds greatest geothermal attractions reduced to a ghetto. Thanks Labour. You can not make this stuff up, Can you imagine the USA developing a ghetto in Yellowstone national park. That is the equivalent to what they have done here.

10-09-2022, 08:22 AM
One of the worlds greatest geothermal attractions reduced to a ghetto. Thanks Labour. You can not make this stuff up, Can you imagine the USA developing a ghetto in Yellowstone national park. That is the equivalent to what they have done here.

And using $1.2 billion of funds to make it happen.

Ardern’s ‘Let’s Do This!’

10-09-2022, 08:34 AM
And using $1.2 billion of funds to make it happen.

Ardern’s ‘Let’s Do This!’

Ardern thought process. Rotorua. World renown tourist attraction > ghetto > tourism > na bugger it > ghetto.

10-09-2022, 08:52 AM
Apt that Taxcinda has changed Queens Birthday holiday to Kings Birthday.

She's got the taxpayers paying a King's ransom anyway!

10-09-2022, 09:17 AM
Apt that Taxcinda has changed Queens Birthday holiday to Kings Birthday.

She's got the taxpayers paying a King's ransom anyway!

Should be an extra public holiday this year.

Have some mercy and give the workers a small break from making people like Luxon wealthy.

10-09-2022, 09:22 AM
Matariki will put stars in a few eyes.

10-09-2022, 09:27 AM
Matariki will put stars in a few eyes.

Add another one on top of it then.

You can't have too many of them in this overworked country.

10-09-2022, 09:50 AM
Add another one on top of it then.

You can't have too many of them in this overworked country.

And thanks to the destruction of the economy & deterioration in living standards by Ardern in just the last 4.5 years, they better work harder and harder - until a new government puts a stop to the Labour rot.

10-09-2022, 09:56 AM
And thanks to the destruction of the economy & deterioration in living standards by Ardern in just the last 4.5 years, they better work harder and harder - until a new government puts a stop to the Labour rot.

Open borders will get rid of any wage rises and increase unemployment back to 5% (rather than 3).

10-09-2022, 10:05 AM
Anyway, the major question of the day is will Cavalier King Charles be a dog?

fungus pudding
10-09-2022, 10:26 AM
Anyway, the major question of the day is will Cavalier King Charles be a dog?

:lol: Maybe you should start a poll! :laugh:

10-09-2022, 10:28 AM
I opened a new thread in off market discussions.

12-09-2022, 08:15 AM
Well, just for you, I doubt that Grant Robertson will replace Ardern, but there is one in the current Labour party who could.

The Queen has passed to a King, so time to reveal your pick to replace our Queen Bee.

fungus pudding
12-09-2022, 08:28 AM
The Queen has passed to a King, so time to reveal your pick to replace our Queen Bee.

Hipkins is my pick. Initially he came across to me as a plonker, but he's growing into his position. I think he's probably the most capable of that lot.

12-09-2022, 08:58 AM
Hipkins is my pick. Initially he came across to me as a plonker, but he's growing into his position. I think he's probably the most capable of that lot.
So popular as well.

14-09-2022, 01:39 PM
Flights disrupted at Auckland airport due to guns being used to shoot at police near the airport.

Thanks to Ardern’s pro-crime and woke policing policies, violent crime is running rampant out there.

Law & order will be one of the major election issues next year.

You know who to vote if you want to get rid of Ardern & her mob of gang hugging lovers.


14-09-2022, 08:20 PM
More lies, unbelievable. https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/news/300687933/the-government-has-quietly-made-one-covid-rule-long-term--its-a-complete-waste-of-time

15-09-2022, 02:50 PM
More lies, unbelievable. https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/news/300687933/the-government-has-quietly-made-one-covid-rule-long-term--its-a-complete-waste-of-time

It is unbelievable that people write such rubbish.
You'd think filling the NZTD was hard and the end of the world - it isn't.
Easy as!
People just have to have something to complain about!

15-09-2022, 03:03 PM
Latest poll - National/Act to form


15-09-2022, 03:46 PM
Latest poll - National/Act to form


Ardern going out of favour, who would have thought !

15-09-2022, 04:48 PM
After today's GDP write admiration I heard for the Govt - "Stand up Grant Robertson and take a slap on the back, guiding one of the most successful economies through the pandemic, how lucky is NZ...."

15-09-2022, 05:17 PM
After today's GDP write admiration I heard for the Govt - "Stand up Grant Robertson and take a slap on the back, guiding one of the most successful economies through the pandemic, how lucky is NZ...."

Yup - throw 20% GDP of debt funded spending to get 5% GDP growth, cost of living crisis and housing disaster.

Takes someone really special (& clueless) to obtain that kind of outcome!

15-09-2022, 06:21 PM
Breaking news from a Labour Party insider :

Auckland focus group used to attract between 200 to 300 party faithfuls keen to give feedback and suggestions to Ardern & her ministers about how things are going and how their government is being perceived by the public.

Recent months have seen less than 30 attendees - because Ardern & her mob are not interested in their feedback. Instead, they are told to toe the party line and get out & spin like Ardern about what a great job the government is doing.

Insider said the arrogance of Ardern & her mob is now beyond belief. Completely out of touch with the public and with previous party faithfuls.

He is certainly not going to waste any more time on what is an outgoing government.

16-09-2022, 05:51 AM
After today's GDP write admiration I heard for the Govt - "Stand up Grant Robertson and take a slap on the back, guiding one of the most successful economies through the pandemic, how lucky is NZ...."

True. NZ also avoids the brutal gas crisis currently in many countries.

Yup - throw 20% GDP of debt funded spending to get 5% GDP growth, cost of living crisis and housing disaster.

Takes someone really special (& clueless) to obtain that kind of outcome!

Sounds like they're following the Sir John recipe but without the asset sales - or record migration rate.

16-09-2022, 09:46 AM
Ardern has been busy promoting NZ overseas :


16-09-2022, 10:44 AM
Ardern has been busy promoting NZ overseas :


The NZ Freedom & Outdoors Party would endorse that billboard.

16-09-2022, 01:48 PM
Ardern has been busy promoting NZ overseas :

Or we could have Luxon running the country down overseas - such a good look (not)!

16-09-2022, 02:06 PM
Or we could have Luxon running the country down overseas - such a good look (not)!

Good look?

National going up in the polls while Arden & Labour are going down and out.

Now that’s a great look!

16-09-2022, 05:05 PM
Does anyone know what 'christian values' are?

Christians (both confessions, though the Catholic church was much more effective) loved to burn innocent people (mainly women) as witches ... so - burning innocent people is clearly a Christian value

Catholic Church loves to protect child molestors and hide them from punishment - i.e. supporting and furthering child molestors clearly is a Christian value.

Russian Orthodox church (yes, they are Christians as well) fully supports Putin's attack against Ukraine - i.e. the raping of women and the killing of thousands of civilians clearly must be a Christian value

Christians loved their crusades and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians to occupy territories they had no business in - another great Christian value.

But I am sure there are more ...

16-09-2022, 05:12 PM
Christians (both confessions, though the Catholic church was much more effective) loved to burn innocent people (mainly women) as witches ... so - burning innocent people is clearly a Christian value

Catholic Church loves to protect child molestors and hide them from punishment - i.e. supporting and furthering child molestors clearly is a Christian value.

Russian Orthodox church (yes, they are Christians as well) fully supports Putin's attack against Ukraine - i.e. the raping of women and the killing of thousands of civilians clearly must be a Christian value

Christians loved their crusades and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians to occupy territories they had no business in - another great Christian value.

But I am sure there are more ...

Christian values are not values as practised by the Catholic Church or the various sects which have emerged over the centuries - where theology, power and doctrine rule in place of values.

Christian values derive from the teachings of Jesus Christ - a man or God (depending on one’s point of view) who preached :





forgiveness and


towards our fellow human beings.

He did not live a luxurious life, travelled around in basic clothings (no tall hats and clothings of silk & gold threads), did not lead an army of soldiers intent on war & conquest and he led an exemplary life while preaching spiritual well-being over material well-being to the multitude.

So what’s wrong with the above as so many on the left in NZ today would have us believe otherwise?

16-09-2022, 05:24 PM
Christian values are not values as practised by the Catholic Church or the various sects which have emerged over the centuries - where theology, power and doctrine rule in place of values.

The old testament is full of butchery and unpleasant recommendations on life.

Further in both old and new testament, divorce is one of the main sins which christians ignore and still think they're going to heaven after 3 marriages.

16-09-2022, 05:27 PM
Christian values are not values as practised by the Catholic Church or the various sects which have emerged over the centuries - where theology, power and doctrine rule in place of values.

Christian values derive from the teachings of Jesus Christ - a man or God (depending on one’s point of view) who preached :





forgiveness and


towards our fellow human beings.

He did not live a luxurious life, walked around in basic clothings (no tall hats and clothings of silk & gold threads) while preaching spiritual well-being over material well-being to the multitude.

So what’s wrong with the above as so many on the left in NZ today would have us believe?

The Christian values I listed are based on long time observations of the behaviour of various groups subscribing to "Christian" believes, some of them claiming that only they are entitled to speak for Jesus.

The ideals you listed sound aspirational for any group of people, I suspect however that you will struggle to point to any real existing group of people consistently following them ... and hey, they (the values) have absolutely nothing to do with "Christ" - Same aspirational set of goals would be applicable for Buddhists, Muslims, many other religions and anybody subscribing to humanism.

But anyway - probably the wrong thread to continue this discussion :) ;

16-09-2022, 05:48 PM
Ardern's values vs Christian values : She sure learnt a few things in the Mormon Church perhaps about twisting the truth?


16-09-2022, 05:54 PM
There are many many good people out there and I have seen & experienced with my own eyes and life, such good people.

Such as the doctors who save and immunise children when 50% died in christian times.

16-09-2022, 06:03 PM
Such as doctors who save and immunise children when 50% died in christian times.

Go back to posting at 3 am - your nonsense is less then.

16-09-2022, 06:12 PM
The Christian values I listed are based on long time observations of the behaviour of various groups subscribing to "Christian" believes, some of them claiming that only they are entitled to speak for Jesus.

The ideals you listed sound aspirational for any group of people, I suspect however that you will struggle to point to any real existing group of people consistently following them ... and hey, they (the values) have absolutely nothing to do with "Christ" - Same aspirational set of goals would be applicable for Buddhists, Muslims, many other religions and anybody subscribing to humanism.

But anyway - probably the wrong thread to continue this discussion :) ;

Yup - and we have Ardern & her mob preaching kindness, transparency & accountability. Which they do not practice.

Does that mean that such values do not exist in the world anymore then because of their mis-use by Ardern & her mob?

There are many many good people out there and I have seen & experienced with my own eyes and life, such good people.

You need to be with those who are truly needy and who truly hunger to see such good people putting into practice religious values.

Open your eyes and travel to such places.

Good people who sacrifice a lot dear to them to bring religious values, education and life skills in forsaken places to uplift the welfare of many.

Now, they are the ones, who unseen and un-acknowledged by those in power and the media, who truly practise and promote true religious values.

Don’t insult them by comparing their deeds with those who use religion to commit crimes against at their fellow beings - cherish them.

16-09-2022, 06:43 PM
Labour must be worried. Their puppet tv channel TVNV is warning local body electorate voters to be aware of "misinformation bearing candidates" standing for local body elections.
I'm actually surprised it was only a warning and not an ultimatum as would be fitting for any socialist govt worth its salt.

16-09-2022, 06:53 PM
Labour must be worried. Their puppet tv channel TVNV is warning local body electorate voters to be aware of "misinformation bearing candidates" standing for local body elections.
I'm actually surprised it was only a warning and not an ultimatum as would be fitting for any socialist govt worth its salt.

TVNZ the only MSM not to carry the scandal of the Northland ladies who were ‘outed’ as prostitutes by Ardern & Hipkins.

Says a lot about how state media has been corrupted by the spin mistress.

Vote her out & let’s lock her out!

16-09-2022, 07:13 PM
TVNZ the only MSM not to carry the scandal of the Northland ladies who were ‘outed’ as prostitutes by Ardern & Hipkins.

Says a lot about how state media has been corrupted by the spin mistress.

Vote her out & let’s lock her out!
Honestly Balance I think this type of behavior at this level is criminal. Blatant corruption. Behaviour, More fitting of 3rd world states.

16-09-2022, 07:17 PM
TVNZ the only MSM not to carry the scandal of the Northland ladies who were ‘outed’ as prostitutes by Ardern & Hipkins.

Says a lot about how state media has been corrupted by the spin mistress.

Vote her out & let’s lock her out!

It's tabloid stuff which typically features on newshub.

The AM show looks like a childcare centre for adults - lots of colours.

16-09-2022, 07:32 PM
Honestly Balance I think this type of behavior at this level is criminal. Blatant corruption. Behaviour, More fitting of 3rd world states.

Absolute scandal - Ardern & Hipkins spreading misinformation and telling lies about the ladies.

Then covering up during the lockdown and only revealing the real information 9 months later.

Then there’s Charlotte Bellis’ debacle where Hipkins spread misinformation and leaked private information to incite abuse and odium against at her.


Women at the centre of a bureaucratic blunder that sent Northland into an 11-day lockdown last year are yet to receive a public apology from Chris Hipkins after they were incorrectly accused of providing "false information" to get travel permits.

16-09-2022, 07:36 PM
TVNZ the only MSM not to carry the scandal of the Northland ladies who were ‘outed’ as prostitutes by Ardern & Hipkins.

Says a lot about how state media has been corrupted by the spin mistress.

Vote her out & let’s lock her out!

I can see now, Monday morning TVNZ breakfast show. "Now children this is how to vote in the local body election"

Blue Skies
16-09-2022, 08:41 PM
TVNZ the only MSM not to carry the scandal of the Northland ladies who were ‘outed’ as prostitutes by Ardern & Hipkins.

Says a lot about how state media has been corrupted by the spin mistress.

Vote her out & letÂ’s lock her out!

Your hostility & outrage needs to be directed at Winston Peters.

It was Winston who publicly suggested the women were prostitutes & had gang links to the Mongrel Mob. Winston had to apologise after Harry Tam threatened to take him to court.
So apparently its Winston you want voted out & locked up ?

Hey if you think Jacinda Adern is to blame for anything & everything, no wonder you have such a hostile view of her.
She would never 'accuse' other women of being sex workers like that. Nor Hipkins, he was just advised by MBIE that false information had been provided for the women to gain an exemption. Never said anything about them being prostitutes.

The target of your ire over this is Winston Peters.
Your accusation state media is corrupted does seem a little overblown! ( by state media do you mean TV1 ? )

17-09-2022, 09:05 AM
Anna Lorck caught out between drinks again.

Another of her staff, male, has made a complaint to govt authority regarding his 6 months of misery working for her.

17-09-2022, 09:16 AM
Your hostility & outrage needs to be directed at Winston Peters.

It was Winston who publicly suggested the women were prostitutes & had gang links to the Mongrel Mob. Winston had to apologise after Harry Tam threatened to take him to court.
So apparently its Winston you want voted out & locked up ?

Hey if you think Jacinda Adern is to blame for anything & everything, no wonder you have such a hostile view of her.
She would never 'accuse' other women of being sex workers like that. Nor Hipkins, he was just advised by MBIE that false information had been provided for the women to gain an exemption. Never said anything about them being prostitutes.

The target of your ire over this is Winston Peters.
Your accusation state media is corrupted does seem a little overblown! ( by state media do you mean TV1 ? )

Ardern & Hipkins are the two who took charge (and eagerly took the credit) of NZ's COVID 'successful' response. Remember how they told everyone that NZers must only listen to and accept information from their pulpit of truth?

Well, here's the truth - revealed 11 months after the lockdown :


"If you needed convincing that an inquiry into our Covid response is necessary, take a look at the Northland lockdown revelations this week.

It turns out, it wasn't two sex workers who caused the 11-day Northland lockdown in October last year. It was one Ministry of Social Development (MSD) worker.

In fact, there weren't two women. There were three. They weren't sex workers. They applied under a construction business.

They asked for permission to go from Auckland to Northland during the Delta lockdown for work. For whatever reason, they should've been declined. But an MSD worker accidentally said yes. The worker realised it three days before the lockdown was called. "Sorry, my mistake."

That is the only sorry we seem likely to get. Because the Government's not saying it. Not Jacinda Ardern. Not Chris Hipkins. Not Carmel Sepuloni, whose department is to blame.

They happily take credit for their system working. But not for their system failing. Their system allowed the women to wrongly cross the border. The women took Covid with them. The system was set up to stop exactly that. It was supposed to keep Covid in Auckland.

They won't say sorry for letting us all believe for 11 months that these women used "false information" to cross the border.

The Government could've corrected the record. They could've done it the minute they realised the women hadn't committed fraud. Or they could've done it when one of the women told the Herald "I did nothing wrong" less than a fortnight after the lockdown started.

But they didn't. The only reference we can find is Hipkins dropping into the middle of a radio interview on day five of the lockdown that "there was a degree of error in the approval in the first place". They held a press conference accusing these women of fraud. They never held a press conference undoing that accusation.

That's why we need an inquiry. To find out what really happened. Not what the PM says happened. Not what Hipkins says happened. But what really happened."

Ardern fronts and heads her government - a government of spin, misinformation and cover-ups. It is NOT a government which NZers can trust any longer to act in their best interests - only in their own arrogant & deceiving interests.

Vote Ardern out & lock her out. She is not worthy of being NZ's PM.

17-09-2022, 09:34 AM
Jacinda learned the art of spin and misinformation early, while at Morrinsville High School.
Teacher Gregor Fountain set up a socialist youth group.
Jacinda joined in, with just a few others.

This 'fountain of youth' took a photo for publication, showing @ 30 pupils, supposedly as being part of the group.
But no, they were not, and were surprised to find themselves used unwittingly as a prop.

Good student of
Fountain was our Jacinda.

Sharma on both!

Blue Skies
17-09-2022, 10:22 AM
Ardern & Hipkins are the two who took charge (and eagerly took the credit) of NZ's COVID 'successful' response. Remember how they told everyone that NZers must only listen to and accept information from their pulpit of truth?

Well, here's the truth - revealed 11 months after the lockdown :


"If you needed convincing that an inquiry into our Covid response is necessary, take a look at the Northland lockdown revelations this week.

It turns out, it wasn't two sex workers who caused the 11-day Northland lockdown in October last year. It was one Ministry of Social Development (MSD) worker.

In fact, there weren't two women. There were three. They weren't sex workers. They applied under a construction business.

They asked for permission to go from Auckland to Northland during the Delta lockdown for work. For whatever reason, they should've been declined. But an MSD worker accidentally said yes. The worker realised it three days before the lockdown was called. "Sorry, my mistake."

That is the only sorry we seem likely to get. Because the Government's not saying it. Not Jacinda Ardern. Not Chris Hipkins. Not Carmel Sepuloni, whose department is to blame.

They happily take credit for their system working. But not for their system failing. Their system allowed the women to wrongly cross the border. The women took Covid with them. The system was set up to stop exactly that. It was supposed to keep Covid in Auckland.

They won't say sorry for letting us all believe for 11 months that these women used "false information" to cross the border.

The Government could've corrected the record. They could've done it the minute they realised the women hadn't committed fraud. Or they could've done it when one of the women told the Herald "I did nothing wrong" less than a fortnight after the lockdown started.

But they didn't. The only reference we can find is Hipkins dropping into the middle of a radio interview on day five of the lockdown that "there was a degree of error in the approval in the first place". They held a press conference accusing these women of fraud. They never held a press conference undoing that accusation.

That's why we need an inquiry. To find out what really happened. Not what the PM says happened. Not what Hipkins says happened. But what really happened."

Ardern fronts and heads her government - a government of spin, misinformation and cover-ups. It is NOT a government which NZers can trust any longer to act in their best interests - only in their own arrogant & deceiving interests.

Vote Ardern out & lock her out. She is not worthy of being NZ's PM.

Look you're continuing to fraudulently claim & blame Adern & Hipkins for something Winston Peters said & for which Peters had to apologise for.
You're guilty of spinning this.
You seem apoplectic over a single error made by a MSD staff member dealing with thousands of cases in the middle of a pandemic.
Admit your mistake, neither Adern or Hipkins ever accused the women of being prostitutes as you claimed.

And get real, there was no cover up, Winston Peters had to publicly apologise & it was covered in all media, & governments don't resign over the occasional admin mistake made by a govt dept staff member.

On another note, its absolutely laughable David Seymour, who demanded we open up & NZ 'live with the virus' in August of 2020, now demanding an expensive inquiry into 'what we did wrong'.
Let that sink in, in 2020, absolutely nuts!
If the govt had yielded to the constant pressure National, ACT, Hoskins Hawkesby, Soper etc heaped on the govt to open up esp when the far more deadly Delta variants were killing millions in the UK, US, Europe, Russia, & Asia, we would have lost hundreds of thousands instead of having one of the lowest death rates in the whole world.
Lets not forget, Covid has killed almost 6.5 million people in just over 2 years.

17-09-2022, 11:03 AM

There are many many good people out there and I have seen & experienced with my own eyes and life, such good people.


Don’t insult them by comparing their deeds with those who use religion to commit crimes against at their fellow beings - cherish them.

I agree - there are many good people out there, as well as many bad people. Both sorts are evenly spread across any faith, ethnicity and political conviction. Christians are neither better nor worse than any other faith group, which makes me wonder why anybody would want to praise Christian values.

The ability to decide between good and bad has nothing to do with faith, ethnicity or political conviction. There are good and bad people in all faiths, ethnicities and (democracy based) political groups.

And hey , I cherish good people who happen to be Christians as well as i cherish good people who happen to be Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hinduists, followers of any other faith or Atheists.

So should you :) ;

17-09-2022, 11:10 AM
Jacinda learned the art of spin and misinformation early, while at Morrinsville High School.
Teacher Gregor Fountain set up a socialist youth group.
Jacinda joined in, with just a few others.

This 'fountain of youth' took a photo for publication, showing @ 30 pupils, supposedly as being part of the group.
But no, they were not, and were surprised to find themselves used unwittingly as a prop.

Good student of
Fountain was our Jacinda.

Sharma on both!

If you think that's OK, then remain silent if your children are featured as part of a Neo Nazi group, when they are not.

17-09-2022, 11:51 AM
If you think that's OK, then remain silent if your children are featured as part of a Neo Nazi group, when they are not.

Sharma on you for needlessly invoking Godwin's law.

17-09-2022, 01:27 PM
Sharma on you for needlessly invoking Godwin's law.

Regardless of Godwin or Goodwin, Comrade Cinders is heading for a bad loss.

Sharma on her!

18-09-2022, 01:29 PM
Crime up 19.1% in Auckland, and 20.5% in Waikato.
Sentences & fines more lenient.

Hope everyone is enjoying the social progress Jacinda and the Labour party have inflicted on NZ!

Comrade Cinders really is reducing N, oops Aotearoa to ashes!

Sharma on her and her mob!

18-09-2022, 03:13 PM
Crime up 19.1% in Auckland, and 20.5% in Waikato.
Sentences & fines more lenient.

Hope everyone is enjoying the social progress Jacinda and the Labour party have inflicted on NZ!

Comrade Cinders really is reducing N, oops Aotearoa to ashes!

Sharma on her and her mob!
Gangs are definitely more brazen in S. Auckland. ‘The purchasing power of wages are falling; housing policy failure. Any connection with increased crime?

How many extra Covid casualties would there have been under National? How many families would have lost grandparents? A valid question to ask if they thought Labour lockdowns were too tough. Better Labour through covid than the alternative. Now the choice is not so clear imho.

18-09-2022, 03:58 PM
Gangs are definitely more brazen in S. Auckland. ‘The purchasing power of wages are falling; housing policy failure. Any connection with increased crime?

Hell BJ, you suck things dry!

An apologist for crime.

I Notice few mention poverty anymore, is that word out of fashion?

Try drugs as an excuse.

Is that National's fault?

18-09-2022, 06:20 PM
On TV3 tonight, armed forces suffering the highest attribution rate in decades.

Particularly high in the last 12 months as personnel leave for overseas as well as to the private sector.

Head of armed forces has taken the unprecedented step of appealing to the government on TV for help.

Same government which spent $1 billion on consultants, $56m on a bridge to nowhere, $60m+ on Pike River non-recovery and billions of dollars on wasteful spending.

Not surprisingly, neither Peeni Henare nor anyone else from the Ardern government was prepared to front or be interviewed.

Too busy supporting criminals & the gangs and giving taxpayers cost of living money to overseas recipients.

18-09-2022, 06:26 PM
In what may be their finest deed to date, David Parker and the government have moved to save NZ's most productive soils from urban encroachment.

Well done.

Better late than never.

18-09-2022, 07:18 PM
Head of armed forces has taken the unprecedented step of appealing to the government on TV for help.

That shows the lack of maintenance that Chorus do on his hotline to the PM's office, and the nation's communication network in general.

18-09-2022, 07:27 PM
TVNZ the only MSM not to carry the scandal of the Northland ladies who were ‘outed’ as prostitutes by Ardern & Hipkins.

Says a lot about how state media has been corrupted by the spin mistress.

Vote her out & let’s lock her out!

You mean the Ladies who refused to cooperate with the police, and managed to get thrown out of an hotel ?


19-09-2022, 08:17 AM

An apologist for crime.

I Notice few mention poverty anymore, is that word out of fashion?

Try drugs as an excuse.
upset some with a vested interest in
Is that National's fault? I didn't say that falling real wages and housing policy failure were National's fault. National have not been in government recently. I am certainly not an apologist for crime. It is a scourge. I certainly do think we as a society need to more to tackle the causes and drivers of crime BEFORE crime is committed, as well as dealing with the criminals AFTER crime has been committed.

Obviously I understand this will upset some, who think they have a vested interest in society and the economy remaining unchanged, and who are happy with only toughening processes after the commission of crime. I prefer that there would be fewer victims in the first place as well as a tough justice system, which hopefully would also act as a deterrent.

19-09-2022, 08:24 AM
Amen to that.

Blue Skies
19-09-2022, 10:35 AM
Crime up 19.1% in Auckland, and 20.5% in Waikato.
Sentences & fines more lenient.

Hope everyone is enjoying the social progress Jacinda and the Labour party have inflicted on NZ!

Comrade Cinders really is reducing N, oops Aotearoa to ashes!

Sharma on her and her mob!

The Police & Courts act independently of any govt. Sentences & fines are imposed by the Courts, not the govt & there hasn't been any reduction in sentencing guidelines so there's no point blaming the PM, that's not going to achieve anything. You're just spitting into the wind.

I know, lets get National to fix the problem, after all they were so brilliant when the crime rate was rising under National govt, tendering out our prison services to private for profit company Serco to run prisons, resulting in prisoners virtually taking over control of the prisons from Corrections, engaging in online Fight Clubs between prisoners, intimidating understaffed corrections officers into compliance as well as gifting a wonderful new supply of our youth for gang recruitment. It was so out of control, prisoners had to join a gang for protection.
And under Crusher Collins, how many boy racer cars were crushed, that's right, just the one!

19-09-2022, 10:53 AM
#resignjacinda always seems to be trending twitter from NZ members... even with the Labour paid shills doing their paid best to pump the narrative..

19-09-2022, 01:39 PM
Feedback from a surgeon (specialist) in private practice who used to contract his services 2 days a week to one of the HDBs in Auckland.

Compared to what he charges in his private practice, his charges to the HDB are to him almost ‘charitable’.

In any case, he stopped providing his services to the HDB (now part of TWO or Te Whatu Ora) a few months ago.

He said he could not in all clear conscience stand by and support the apartheid system being introduced by TWO as to who get surgery.

The waiting surgery list is now not ranked by those with greatest need but by race on their points system.

He said he is not the only specialist to have terminated his contract with TWO in recent months.

Ardern would call the resulting delays in NZers getting much needed surgeries ‘unintended consequences’ of her racist & divisive policies.

NZers - be careful of what Ardern is introducing to NZ. The spin mistress could not care a hoot about those in urgent need of surgery as long as she gets her votes by playing the race card.

21-09-2022, 11:58 AM
$788 Million
That's the bill taxpayers have paid to emergency motel operators for 27 months up to June this year.

Does not include all the admin costs, and wrap around services.

Value for money?

Yes say a few on the left side of the room, the tax all comes from 'rich pricks' anyway.

Tell that to the bus drivers, cleaners etc being taxed in their sub $65K p.a, while they house their families at their own expense.

How many hip replacements and gender reassignments would $788M pay?

What's the end game here please Labour?

Is it time to re establish green fields camps of huts, like we did at short notice in the 2nd world war, to house the American troops for the Pacific campaign?

Your thoughts/solutions please?

Blue Skies
21-09-2022, 12:20 PM
$788 Million
That's the bill taxpayers have paid to emergency motel operators for 27 months up to June this year.

Does not include all the admin costs, and wrap around services.

Value for money?

Yes say a few on the left side of the room, the tax all comes from 'rich pricks' anyway.

Tell that to the bus drivers, cleaners etc being taxed in their sub $65K p.a, while they house their families at their own expense.

How many hip replacements and gender reassignments would $788M pay?

What's the end game here please Labour?

Is it time to re establish green fields camps of huts, like we did at short notice in the 2nd world war, to house the American troops for the Pacific campaign?

Your thoughts/solutions please?

No one is happy about this, its terrible, even heard a pro Labour political commentator yesterday saying how terrible it was. He did mention the figure tripled in the space of a 3 month period under National govt so its not a problem confined to this govt & neither have done anything to solve it.
The problem with most apparent solutions is private sector developers will naturally go for the highest returns on investment meaning even deposits for 'affordable houses' are still going to be out of reach for these people.
The only solution both right & left commentators suggested is what worked in the past, a return to building & providing State Housing.
We don't want those slum Tower Blocks though that they've built in England.
Even Queensland Australia has something like 70,000 homeless people sleeping in tents & cars, its a growing problem in rich countries around the world.
The 'Free Market' is unable to provide a solution, I guess there will have to be some sort of govt intervention.

21-09-2022, 12:41 PM
The difference is that Ardern promised to solve the housing crisis and vowed that under her, no child or homeless would have be allowed to sleep in cars.

Well, the crisis has become a disaster while she is in charge. The numbers sleeping in cars have tripled under her.

Meanwhile, she is introducing apartheid into our health system - making heathcare services worse for all NZers.

21-09-2022, 01:28 PM
$788M buys just 1050 homes @ $750000, but is an investment, rather than a perpetual expense.

However 37887 people were emergency accommodated in the 27 months, so average of 36 per home.
This is an inaccurate figure of course, because there would have been a turnover of people within the 27 months.
But still has to be tempered by reports of families of 8 accommodated for 48 months.

Hence my suggestion using huts instead of conventional housing for the singles and couples.

How about rescuing some cruise ships from scrap?
It costs @ $10K a day to berth at a commercial wharf, but much cheaper to anchor beside a pontoon.

Or as with prisons, fitted out shipping containers.

Logen Ninefingers
21-09-2022, 03:46 PM
When do we get the next update on how KiwiBuild is going? Haven’t heard anything about it for months. Not good enough!

Logen Ninefingers
21-09-2022, 03:47 PM
‘Late on Tuesday night, Parliament – with six days left until Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day – passed the law to ensure New Zealand had a public holiday to mark the monarch’s death.

The bill passed with the support of the Labour, National and Green parties – giving it 108 votes in support.

The ACT and Māori parties both voted against it. ACT argued it was an unnecessary cost on business.

Te Pāti Māori was critical of such recognition being given to the English Queen, when no similar event had ever taken place for any Māori leaders.
Co-leader Rawiri Waititi said this unbalanced approach to New Zealand culture was an example of colonialism in practice.’

fungus pudding
21-09-2022, 03:56 PM
‘Late on Tuesday night, Parliament – with six days left until Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day – passed the law to ensure New Zealand had a public holiday to mark the monarch’s death.

The bill passed with the support of the Labour, National and Green parties – giving it 108 votes in support.

The ACT and Māori parties both voted against it. ACT argued it was an unnecessary cost on business.

Te Pāti Māori was critical of such recognition being given to the English Queen, when no similar event had ever taken place for any Māori leaders.
Co-leader Rawiri Waititi said this unbalanced approach to New Zealand culture was an example of colonialism in practice.’

I agree completely with Act - it's an uneccessary cost on business.

21-09-2022, 06:03 PM
The really sad thing that all N Zers are slowly starting to realize is that " everything that Labour has touched theyve F!ucked " and thats the sad truth !!!!

21-09-2022, 07:04 PM
5 years of Comrade Cinders repressive regime is achieving its aim to dumb down NZ.

Males in Universities dropped to ALL TIME LOW of 39%

Expect less highly skilled students to fill the nations jobs.

21-09-2022, 09:11 PM
This is disgusting - Hipkins attempting to cite racism as the only reason for public scrutiny of Mahuta whanau government contracts.

The same Hipkins who leaked confidential information and spread misinformation about Charlotte Bellis, the pregnant mother who dared to challenge the pulpit of truth.


Sharma on Hipkins and the Labour Party.

“As Act leader David Seymour asked a question to Acting Prime Minister Grant Robertson about whether he still believed Mahuta was scrupulous in her adherence to the Cabinet Manual (the answer was yes), the normally cheerful Leader of the House, Chris Hipkins, snarled loudly.

"Let's talk about Bill English's family shall we? Or it's okay because he's white?"

National is able to suggest that Labour can dish it out but cannot take it. They point to Robertson's own complaints in 2011 to the State Services Commission (which has become the Public Service Commission).

It was about the appointment of a brother of then Finance Minister Bill English to a job in the Ministry of Health which was not advertised. That was examined and assessed to be in line with internal policies.

21-09-2022, 10:11 PM
Disgusting - Hipkins attempting to backtrack on his insinuation that Mahuta is being scrutinised only because she is Maori, while Bill English was not because he is white.

“Just before 8 pm Chris Hipkins apologised in Parliament for his interjection about Bill English. He said he had not intended to suggest that the appointments involving the English family had been inappropriate.
"In fact, I was attempting to illustrate the opposite."
Hipkins said he had worked with members of English's family in Opposition and government and had found them very professional.
"I regret that my interjection has been interpreted as suggesting the opposite of what I intended and on reflection, I also regret bringing the former member and his family into a debate that they were not part of. Accordingly, I withdraw and apologise for my interjections."

There is no mis-intepretation, Mr 'Charlotte Bellis' Hipkins - you use race to try and shut down scrutiny of potential corruption. Sharma on you & Labour.

22-09-2022, 02:28 PM
Nasty piece of work - Chris Hipkins.


Blue Skies
22-09-2022, 03:35 PM
Nasty piece of work - Chris Hipkins.


It's not that unusual for political interests to run in extended family & there are several examples of National MP's relatives being awarded senior Public Service roles or contracts during the National govt with it all being above board as long as due process has taken place.
Examples while National was in govt include Bill English's brother Mervyn to the Health Ministry & his other brother Connor to the Reserve Bank while Bill was Minister of Finance. Amy Adams sister Belinda was appointed Families Commissioner & there are others as well.
The Mahuta family are notably senior people with deeply extended networks in Maoridom & its not that surprising members of her family should therefore be awarded contracts relating to this work, as long as due process was followed.
I wouldn't know & not making any judgment, just pointing this out.
Mahuta does seem to have become sick of the sniping & actually invited a review, confident she has followed disclosure & cabinet protocols, in order to end the sniping at her.
I guess Hipkins was just pointing this out too & certainly was not intended as a slight on Bill English.

22-09-2022, 03:46 PM
It's not that unusual for political interests to run in extended family & there are several examples of National MP's relatives being awarded senior Public Service roles or contracts during the National govt with it all being above board as long as due process has taken place.
Examples while National was in govt include Bill English's brother Mervyn to the Health Ministry & his other brother Connor to the Reserve Bank while Bill was Minister of Finance. Amy Adams sister Belinda was appointed Families Commissioner & there are others as well.
The Mahuta family are notably senior people with deeply extended networks in Maoridom & its not that surprising members of her family should therefore be awarded contracts relating to this work, as long as due process was followed.
I wouldn't know & not making any judgment, just pointing this out.
Mahuta does seem to have become sick of the sniping & actually invited a review, confident she has followed disclosure & cabinet protocols, in order to end the sniping at her.
I guess Hipkins was just pointing this out too & certainly was not intended as a slight on Bill English.

What a load of garbage.

22-09-2022, 06:11 PM
What a load of garbage.

Its not because its not opinion but fact you goose.

22-09-2022, 07:02 PM
Its not because its not opinion but fact you goose.

I guess Hipkins was just pointing this out too & certainly was not intended as a slight on Bill English.

Fact? What a load of garbage.

22-09-2022, 08:56 PM
Nosey Parker imposes more Tax on Taxes:


GST to be consistently applied to more than 250 fees and charges

Considering that the backtrack on GST on the Kiwisaver fees made him look an idiot, he must be a tiger
for further consistent punishment ;)

No new taxes anywhere, didn't they promise ? .. obviously the consistency part has been lost on
fumbling Revenue Excuse Comrade Parker ;)

23-09-2022, 10:32 AM
There is some focus and enquiry into the alleged nepotism of Mahuta/Ormsby contract awards.

I Want explanation of what content, benefit and necessity of the contracts themselves, regardless of who 'delivered' them.

Seems like spiritual imposition into a secular work place?

23-09-2022, 10:39 AM
There is some focus and enquiry into the alleged nepotism of Mahuta/Ormsby contract awards.

I Want explanation of what content, benefit and necessity of the contracts themselves, regardless of who 'delivered' them.

Seems like spiritual imposition into a secular work place?

Same government which openly promotes atheistism, especially against Christianity.

But it's all kapai for blessings, prayers and appeal to idols as long as it's Maori.

23-09-2022, 11:00 AM
Anna Lorck, OFF the wagon, is on a campaign to reintroduce passenger trains to Hawkes Bay.

Anyone remember Richard Pebble touring NZ, including a stop by Hastings clock tower,, with a freshly painted
white wagon, proudly emblazoned; Labour, Save Rail.

Months later he fire sold all the NZ Railway rolling stock to private enterprise.
They then promptly scrapped the class of wagon he used.

Ah the irony of it all, keeps the scrap metal dealers busy!

23-09-2022, 11:01 AM
Worse government since Muldoon.


23-09-2022, 11:24 AM
Notice how the Labour shills have been more aggressive while the PM is offshore?

Is it a case of while the cats away the mice play, or are they missing their daily fix?

23-09-2022, 01:54 PM
Worse government since Muldoon.


They want their migrants back in.

They were like this with Helen clark too so it's not an Ardern issue.

23-09-2022, 02:19 PM
Want to discuss aparthied, there's few women or people of colour in these boards.

They all look like Lux.

23-09-2022, 02:50 PM
Want to discuss aparthied, there's few women or people of colour in these boards.

They all look like Lux.

Diversity for diversity’s sake is a recipe for failures and disasters.

Ardern’s cabinet is living proof.

23-09-2022, 03:46 PM
Is such talent responsible for NZ's low productivity?

Maybe getting some migrants in at the board level only would improve the adoption of labour saving technology.

25-09-2022, 01:36 PM
Robbers smash & grab at The Base, Hamilton during busy daylight hours.

Never used to happen before in NZ but now a regular occurrence - due to Ardern’s pro- crime & pro-gang policies.

This is what you get from a clueless and useless PM who is all spin and no delivery.


25-09-2022, 03:40 PM
Thanks jacinda for giving me a break off work tommorow.

25-09-2022, 03:54 PM
Robbers smash & grab at The Base, Hamilton during busy daylight hours.

Never used to happen before in NZ but now a regular occurrence - due to Ardern’s pro- crime & pro-gang policies.

This is what you get from a clueless and useless PM who is all spin and no delivery.


Actually - I think we are now just harvesting the fruits of a long series of failures combined with active undermining of children's education and family values in New Zealand.

Our school standards are dropping for the last two generations with mainstreaming and active discouragement of performance. Weaker students are neither encouraged nor supported to improve, it is ok if students don't learn anything or even if they don't attend.

Even some of our teachers can't properly read / write anymore and using maths is even discouraged in teachers college.

Problem children live in "families" where either both partners work full-time (and most have to) and nobody cares for the kids, or in families where booze and drugs are for the caregivers more important than the kids. Both Labour as well as National are responsible for this disaster.

Truancy services are not anymore belonging to the schools, but are a faceless and toothless "service" not knowing their clients and not caring - and truancy rates are horrific for a country which had once (in the 1960íes) the highest rate of literacy in the OECD.

Sue Bradford's anti slapping bill probably gave it the rest. While obviously nobody advocates injuring of children ... but taking an occasional slap (an important tool in the toolkit for parents) away just means that now a generation of children grew up knowing that there are no consequences for bad behaviour.

That's what we are paying for - and National as well as Labour and the Greenies worked hand in hand to deteriorate our culture and the education of our children to the point where we currently are.

While I agree that Labours actions in the last 5 years didn't help - the problem is bigger. Our society is sick, and all political parties allowed us to get where we are.

Just finger pointing to the current government does not help - just changing the government in this situation would be as meaningful as changing the deckchairs on the Titanic.

25-09-2022, 05:02 PM
With regard to BP's above post, prediction of the recent past, was easy.

26-09-2022, 10:18 AM
Ardern has been very quiet about the deaths and crackdown over the hijab in Iran.



27-09-2022, 06:59 PM
Ardern on her way out with National/Act to form next government on today’s TV1 poll results.


What a disastrous fall - Ardern & her mob have lost 32% of the 2020 election night votes.

Think she will wear the hijab next year to try & get the Muslim votes?

28-09-2022, 05:09 PM
5 years of Comrade Cinders repressive regime is achieving its aim to dumb down NZ.

Males in Universities dropped to ALL TIME LOW of 39%

Expect less highly skilled students to fill the nations jobs.

I think you're looking at it from wrong angle. Men usually go for higher paying jobs (big reason why there are almost no male teachers). Universities (with exceptions like STEM/Lawyers/Doctors) aren't the place to go to earn decent money anymore and men understand it. If you start a job out of high school, you have 5 years of experience by the time university graduate starts working. With 5 years of experience in trades/IT/business you can be running your own business or be highly skilled in your occupation. And no student loans as another benefit.

Men are not dumbing down. University education got to the level of high school education 50 years ago just so the governments could artificialy inflate the percentage of "educated" people.

29-09-2022, 04:29 PM
The likes of Kelvin Davis and Willie Jackson have become disgustingly condescending to anyone who disagrees with their view of the World, including personal attacks and racism. They should be ashamed of themselves and it is sad that the PM accepts this behaviour from her Ministers:

“What the member needs to do is cross the bridge that is Te Tiriti o Waitangi from her Pākehā world into the Māori world and understand exactly how the Māori world operates. It's no good looking at the world from a vanilla lens,” Davis said, in a response to Chhour on Wednesday.

29-09-2022, 05:03 PM
I think you're looking at it from wrong angle. Men usually go for higher paying jobs (big reason why there are almost no male teachers). Universities (with exceptions like STEM/Lawyers/Doctors) aren't the place to go to earn decent money anymore and men understand it. If you start a job out of high school, you have 5 years of experience by the time university graduate starts working. With 5 years of experience in trades/IT/business you can be running your own business or be highly skilled in your occupation. And no student loans as another benefit.

Men are not dumbing down. University education got to the level of high school education 50 years ago just so the governments could artificialy inflate the percentage of "educated" people.

Isn't that sexism though and part of the reason for a pay disparity. Jobs are being given to men with no/few qualifications.

29-09-2022, 05:15 PM
The likes of Kelvin Davis and Willie Jackson have become disgustingly condescending to anyone who disagrees with their view of the World, including personal attacks and racism. They should be ashamed of themselves and it is sad that the PM accepts this behaviour from her Ministers:

“What the member needs to do is cross the bridge that is Te Tiriti o Waitangi from her Pākehā world into the Māori world and understand exactly how the Māori world operates. It's no good looking at the world from a vanilla lens,” Davis said, in a response to Chhour on Wednesday.

Kelvin Davis is thick as two planks - example of the token white skin Maori in Ardern's cabinet.

Willie Jackson showed that he is way out of his depth yesterday as a minister and the only reply he can ever muster to any searching queries is that it's Maori - so that makes it ok, irrespective of what a pig's backside Ardern & Labour have made of anything.

Another token Maori in Ardern's cabinet.


Jackson was not quite so successful. He is known for his energy but not his political deftness.

He was being questioned by National's broadcasting spokeswoman Melissa Lee about the TVNZ-RNZ merger.

Lee doesn't make a lot of headlines often but it is a foolish minister who underestimates her political skills, as former minister Clare Curran found out last term.

Lee was putting the heat on Jackson over the cost of the merger and asking why there was no Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) by officials about the merger or a cost-benefit analysis. He disputed her claim that the merger would cost $370 million, saying it would cost $40 million over four years.

Speaker Adrian Rurawhe allowed her to repeat her question about why there was no regulatory impact statement or cost-benefit analysis.

"I'll come back to the member on that," Jackson replied to howls of derision. He broke the cardinal rule of ministerial answers which is never to admit that you don't know something that you should.

Rurawhe awarded Lee another question for that answer.

And she asked again, to which Jackson said that a cost-benefit analysis had been done.

Where? Cried the Opposition.

"Come to my office and I'll show you," he replied.

Lee changed tack to ask about the reasons for the merger, and this allowed Jackson to completely free-wheel down a path, skidding out of control with no notes. The change was needed, he said, because New Zealand had changed.

"We no longer have trust in national media … we need a trusted public broadcaster because national identity is incredibly important and no longer do people trust New Zealand television or New Zealand radio … we need a national broadcaster for a great public identity."

29-09-2022, 06:06 PM
Up to how recently, would the Speaker of Parliament have clamped down on racist talk, and how long before that he would not even had to?

More manifestation of Labour's descent to new lows .

29-09-2022, 08:00 PM
Kelvin Davis is thick as two planks - example of the token white skin Maori in Ardern's cabinet.

Willie Jackson showed that he is way out of his depth yesterday as a minister and the only reply he can ever muster to any searching queries is that it's Maori - so that makes it ok, irrespective of what a pig's backside Ardern & Labour have made of anything.

Another token Maori in Ardern's cabinet.


Jackson was not quite so successful. He is known for his energy but not his political deftness.

He was being questioned by National's broadcasting spokeswoman Melissa Lee about the TVNZ-RNZ merger.

Lee doesn't make a lot of headlines often but it is a foolish minister who underestimates her political skills, as former minister Clare Curran found out last term.

Lee was putting the heat on Jackson over the cost of the merger and asking why there was no Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) by officials about the merger or a cost-benefit analysis. He disputed her claim that the merger would cost $370 million, saying it would cost $40 million over four years.

Speaker Adrian Rurawhe allowed her to repeat her question about why there was no regulatory impact statement or cost-benefit analysis.

"I'll come back to the member on that," Jackson replied to howls of derision. He broke the cardinal rule of ministerial answers which is never to admit that you don't know something that you should.

Rurawhe awarded Lee another question for that answer.

And she asked again, to which Jackson said that a cost-benefit analysis had been done.

Where? Cried the Opposition.

"Come to my office and I'll show you," he replied.

Lee changed tack to ask about the reasons for the merger, and this allowed Jackson to completely free-wheel down a path, skidding out of control with no notes. The change was needed, he said, because New Zealand had changed.

"We no longer have trust in national media … we need a trusted public broadcaster because national identity is incredibly important and no longer do people trust New Zealand television or New Zealand radio … we need a national broadcaster for a great public identity."

Although you draw a degree of negative attention on such topics Balance I am sure many Kiwis back your dogged approach on this type of political behavior. It needs to be examined.

29-09-2022, 10:40 PM
Although you draw a degree of negative attention on such topics Balance I am sure many Kiwis back your dogged approach on this type of political behavior. It needs to be examined.

After decades of oppression and marginisation, Maoris as a people are rightly asserting themselves and I doubt anyone of us has a problem with that.

Where we have as a problem is Ardern’s Maori cabal and the way that they are allowed to carry on like they must not be challenged, questioned and are untouchable - because they are Māoris.

The only politician with the guts to call them out is David Seymour and if they are allowed to call him a token Maori, they can certainly be called the same.

NZ is heading down the wrong path with Ardern’s willingness to give them anything and everything because she needs the Maori vote to have any chance of holding onto power.

Ardern is not for New Zealanders - just for herself.

29-09-2022, 11:02 PM
After decades of oppression and marginisation, Maoris as a people are rightly asserting themselves and I doubt anyone of us has a problem with that.

Where we have as a problem is Ardern’s Maori cabal and the way that they are allowed to carry on like they must not be challenged, questioned and are untouchable - because they are Māoris.

The only politician with the guts to call them out is David Seymour and if they are allowed to call him a token Maori, they can certainly be called the same.

NZ is heading down the wrong path with Ardern’s willingness to give them anything and everything because she needs the Maori vote to have any chance of holding onto power.

Ardern is not for New Zealanders - just for herself.

I agree. It's an absolute circus. In honor of all the great New Zealanders who built this nation I feel compelled to put this current mobs performance and ambitions under the spotlight.

30-09-2022, 06:33 PM
Ardern has been very quiet about the deaths and crackdown over the hijab in Iran.



And still not a single word from Ardern & her mob about the deaths & demonstrations in Iran over the hijab.

The hijab is used as an oppressive tool against women in some Islamic countries and Ardern happily endorsed that oppression by donning the hijab (post the ChCh massacre various commemorations & ceremonies) despite being asked not to do so.

All about the optics - there’s no principle behind what Ardern does.

Where is her compassion as a female leader for her ‘sisters’ being beaten up, arrested and killed in Iran for refusing to wear the hijab?

Where are you, Ardern and your principles?

Disgusting woman.

Clueless & useless as well.

30-09-2022, 06:56 PM
And still not a single word from Ardern & her mob about the deaths & demonstrations in Iran over the hijab.

The hijab is used as an oppressive tool against women in some Islamic countries and Ardern happily endorsed that oppression by donning the hijab (post the ChCh massacre various commemorations & ceremonies) despite being asked not to do so.

All about the optics - there’s no principle behind what Ardern does.

Where is her compassion as a female leader for her ‘sisters’ being beaten up, arrested and killed in Iran for refusing to wear the hijab?

Where are you, Ardern and your principles?

Disgusting woman.

Clueless & useless as well.
Exhibit number 17005 you just can’t help yourself I almost feel pity for you 😗

30-09-2022, 07:05 PM
Exhibit number 17005 you just can’t help yourself I almost feel pity for you 

Boring, contribute something useful if you have it, it doesn't seem that you have.

30-09-2022, 07:13 PM
Boring, contribute something useful if you have it, it doesn't seem that you have.

............. ��

30-09-2022, 07:53 PM
Boring, contribute something useful if you have it, it doesn't seem that you have.

And out comes another White Knight.

01-10-2022, 01:38 AM
I think sadly, that this guy is saying what thousands are thinking

https://i.stuff.co.nz/stuff-nation/assignments/contribution/130035658/when-overseas-experience-counts-against-you-in-nz?fbclid=IwAR1tXji3oYXHKlNVK0HAJhddvsuKGHEp_dYckV xda5kr-zXxAXkYGQgarlY

01-10-2022, 09:27 AM
If you were say, an overseas nurse, would you go to Australia or NZ??

Australia you would earn at least 30% (conservative estimate) more than in NZ with a lower cost of living, and better weather.

NZ you will struggle to earn enough to live on, live in a country with diminishing global prospects, and you will need to learn te reo Maori as part of you job......

Big choice......:confused:

01-10-2022, 10:15 AM
I think sadly, that this guy is saying what thousands are thinking

https://i.stuff.co.nz/stuff-nation/assignments/contribution/130035658/when-overseas-experience-counts-against-you-in-nz?fbclid=IwAR1tXji3oYXHKlNVK0HAJhddvsuKGHEp_dYckV xda5kr-zXxAXkYGQgarlY

Well, yes - the way New Zealand has treated its own overseas citizens as well as other valid visa holders can only be described as disgusting and absolutely heartless.

My father died last year overseas ... and thanks to Ardern and her absolutely shameful and broken MIQ system I could not visit him at the deathbed. While I could have left NZ, there would have been no way to guarantee a return.