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05-12-2022, 02:50 PM
So, you agree she has lied about it and should resign?

My point about the Nats is that for 4 years or so they were an ineffectual opposition which let Labour's incompetency run riot. Luxon is still finding his feet. Doesn't mean he would be a poor PM. I certainly think he is more honest than the incumbent.

I comment on part of your post and you draw a conclusion on the rest?
Is that how you usually think?

Luxon like to be topical and makes stuff up as he goes, then changes his mind, then changes it again. You never know where you are with Luxon.

05-12-2022, 03:17 PM
Luxon like to be topical and makes stuff up as he goes, then changes his mind, then changes it again. You never know where you are with Luxon.

Then gets Nicolla Willis in to clarify a few things.

"What he meant was actually this..."

05-12-2022, 03:54 PM
Cinders can not lie low from her low lies!


05-12-2022, 05:17 PM
Then gets Nicolla Willis in to clarify a few things.

"What he meant was actually this..."

They should just go for Willis - she seems far more with it!

05-12-2022, 05:52 PM
Maximum Sentences are virtually never applied.
Half of the max at best, then the crim only serves one third of that.

I never expected a Police spokesperson to publicly warn small shop workers there would be consequences if they arm themselves, then go on to make excuses for offenders such as dropping out of school, and not be able to afford shoes.

Serve and protect?

Swerve and deflect more like it!

Which PM has lead that change in attitude?

Can't afford shoes eh?
In the Sandringham example will the defence lawyer say his client was high on expensive meth?

While this 501 was amassing his criminal record, how many times has a judge admonished him that it was time to reform his behaviour?

Future punishment regime for all crims.
Two public floggings, then if third offence, bullet between the eyes, and off to the dog tucker factory.
Obviously if first or second offences are serious, then straight to the bullet.
No more parasite crims preying on the community.

No prisons.

Too Draconian?

Where has all our humanity towards crims got us?

Just a growth industry in crime.

And a lot of pain and suffering for victims.

Care to tell us about just one real existing country which implemented the "justice system" as proposed by you where crime rates are lower than here and where any of us would want to live?

I see at least three problems with your argumentation:

1) Crooks are not distracted by harsh sentences, but by a high likelyhood to be caught.

2) States which are fast with killing so called crooks typically have the worst of them controlling government and police (like e.g. Iran, China).

3) Even in a Western style system like the US roughly 10% of people on death row are innocent of the crime they are convicted off (and at some stage, often after decades or post mortem explained innocent). No justice system is perfect. Do you want to volunteer for the dog tucker position if you are innocent? If not - why do you propose other people do so?

05-12-2022, 07:27 PM
Singapore shows the way when it comes to combating crime - you do the crime, you do the time as well as strikes of the rattan. You commit crimes where victims are severely harmed (like drugs offences), you hang.

No need to argue and debate too much about what’s right or wrong as long as the government provides properly for its citizens.

Victims first, criminals last.

05-12-2022, 08:01 PM
I comment on part of your post and you draw a conclusion on the rest?
Is that how you usually think?

Luxon like to be topical and makes stuff up as he goes, then changes his mind, then changes it again. You never know where you are with Luxon.

You're about as evasive as Ardern. Did she lie? If not, how do you explain the conflicting information from herself and Mahuta? Should she and Mahuta resign?

05-12-2022, 10:31 PM
First Kelvin Davis, then Mahuta and now, Willie Jackson.

Ardern’s Maori cabal showing her who are really in charge :


Ardern is a puppet and nothing as far as the Maori cabal is concerned.

06-12-2022, 07:54 AM
Tell me if I am wrong, I did not believe what I was hearing. Did Willie Jackson suggest live that Jack Tame could lose his job for his inappropriate line of questioning ?

06-12-2022, 08:19 AM
Tell me if I am wrong, I did not believe what I was hearing. Did Willie Jackson suggest live

that Jack Tame could lose his job for his inappropriate line of questioning ?

Paywalled but the gist of the article is that Willie was way out of his depth and resorted to using threats to try & bully Jack Tame not to ask the difficult questions.


Speaking about public support for the reforms, Jackson said that, “people like you” meaning Tame, were “of course … a bit disappointing” for not backing the bill - as if it were Tame’s job to support the Government’s current broadcasting policy.

He doubled down, when speaking to fears the legislation would not pass before the election.

“If you keep doing negative interviews like this, you won’t help Jack,” Jackson said.

Blue Skies
06-12-2022, 08:37 AM
Paywalled but the gist of the article is that Willie was way out of his depth and resorted to using threats to try & bully Jack Tame not to ask the difficult questions.


Speaking about public support for the reforms, Jackson said that, “people like you” meaning Tame, were “of course … a bit disappointing” for not backing the bill - as if it were Tame’s job to support the Government’s current broadcasting policy.

He doubled down, when speaking to fears the legislation would not pass before the election.

“If you keep doing negative interviews like this, you won’t help Jack,” Jackson said.

Yes very disappointing, you can't do that as a Minister, seems Willie fell back into his old Radio Live Host role (provocative, brash & rash ), instead of his Ministerial role.

06-12-2022, 09:07 AM
Latest TV1 poll :

National 38%
Act 11%
Labour 33%
Greens 9%

Ardern as preferred PM down to the lowest level since 2017 - 29%. Even Labour supporters are now giving her the middle finger!


The latest 1 News Kantar Public Poll put Labour down one at just 33 per cent, yet another slice off its support base which has been crumbling now for a year, but which Labour hoped had halted.



06-12-2022, 09:14 AM
Yes very disappointing, you can't do that as a Minister, seems Willie fell back into his old Radio Live Host role (provocative, brash & rash ), instead of his Ministerial role.

The interview was a useful expos'e and insight for the public to see the culture and attitude emanating from Labour Cabinet and caucus.

06-12-2022, 09:22 AM
Would she be good as a food taster?

Especially as a lemon sucker? :t_up:

Plenty of lemons from her Maori cabal, especially Mahuta.


Labour will be relieved to have found the photo to use on their 2023 election bill boards.

06-12-2022, 09:23 AM
Meanwhile, the repression of women in Iran goes on and on.

Women beaten, jailed, raped and killed for not wearing the hijab.

And it came to pass that the warnings to Ardern NOT to don the hijab (at every occasion she wanted publicity) have come to pass :


"I felt admiration that a prominent leader and women in New Zealand showed compassion to the Muslim community, but I also felt that you are using one of the most visible symbols of oppression for Muslim women in many countries for solidarity, and it also broke my heart.

"That is why I call on them to show their sisterhood and solidarity with us, who are being beaten up, imprisoned and punished for fighting against compulsory hijab as well."


fungus pudding
06-12-2022, 09:29 AM
Labour will be relieved to have found the photo to use on their 2023 election bill boards.

No - that's the one they will use after the election.

Blue Skies
06-12-2022, 09:44 AM
Latest TV1 poll :

National 38%
Act 11%
Labour 33%
Greens 9%

Ardern as preferred PM down to the lowest level since 2017 - 29%. Even Labour supporters are now giving her the middle finger!


The latest 1 News Kantar Public Poll put Labour down one at just 33 per cent, yet another slice off its support base which has been crumbling now for a year, but which Labour hoped had halted.



After the absolute hammering the govt has been getting in the media, the perfect storm of the Reserve Bank indicating its engineering a recession, inflation at 7%, falling house prices, increasing mortgage rates, the protests over the Sandringham Dairy murder, controversies over 3 Waters, & Covid fatigue, its amazing Labour only dropped 1 point to 33%.
Most thought they would drop under 30.

National couldn't get stronger tail winds yet only went up 1 point.
Outwardly they'll be cheering by the results but inwardly not too much.

06-12-2022, 01:07 PM
The interview was a useful expos'e and insight for the public to see the culture and attitude emanating from Labour Cabinet and caucus.

Too right. If they maintain this level of indiscretion between now and the election they will bury themselves.

06-12-2022, 01:08 PM
The interview was a useful expos'e and insight for the public to see the culture and attitude emanating from Labour Cabinet and caucus.


fungus pudding
06-12-2022, 01:27 PM
After the absolute hammering the govt has been getting in the media, the perfect storm of the Reserve Bank indicating its engineering a recession, inflation at 7%, falling house prices, increasing mortgage rates, the protests over the Sandringham Dairy murder, controversies over 3 Waters, & Covid fatigue, its amazing Labour only dropped 1 point to 33%.
Most thought they would drop under 30.

'Most thought they would drop under 30.' Could you post that survey please.

06-12-2022, 01:49 PM

Future punishment regime for all crims.
Two public floggings, then if third offence, bullet between the eyes, and off to the dog tucker factory.
Obviously if first or second offences are serious, then straight to the bullet.
No more parasite crims preying on the community.

No prisons.

Too Draconian?

Where has all our humanity towards crims got us?

Just a growth industry in crime.

And a lot of pain and suffering for victims. Don’t just go in half-taliban. Surely the floggings and executions should not just be public but mandatory for the public to attend in the same way as we have mandatory jury service. I would suggest however that the great and good not be allowed to weasel out of their service, in the way they do from jury service. The citizenry should “own” the judicial system carried out in King Charles III’s name.

06-12-2022, 02:34 PM
National couldn't get stronger tail winds yet only went up 1 point.
Outwardly they'll be cheering by the results but inwardly not too much.

Tough on crime.
Tax cuts (now cancelled; or not?).

They'll shoot themselves in the foot with policy announcements unless they play small target (and Lux is not the right person for that).

06-12-2022, 02:42 PM
Tough on crime.
Tax cuts (now cancelled; or not?).

They'll shoot themselves in the foot with policy announcements unless they play small target (and Lux is not the right person for that).

They don't have to make any policy announcements. Just watch Labour continuing it's steep downward spiral with "trainwreck" interviews like Willy and the endless exposure of rushed and poor policy making. There's no coming back for them because they're finally being shown up as incompetent. The only surprising thing is how long it took so many people and the media to see it.

06-12-2022, 03:16 PM
They don't have to make any policy announcements. Just watch Labour continuing it's steep downward spiral with "trainwreck" interviews like Willy and the endless exposure of rushed and poor policy making. There's no coming back for them because they're finally being shown up as incompetent. The only surprising thing is how long it took so many people and the media to see it.

They don't have to, but they will, because they are not that competent either.

06-12-2022, 03:20 PM
Don’t just go in half-taliban. Surely the floggings and executions should not just be public but mandatory for the public to attend in the same way as we have mandatory jury service. I would suggest however that the great and good not be allowed to weasel out of their service, in the way they do from jury service. The citizenry should “own” the judicial system carried out in King Charles III’s name.

Thanks for the endorsement??

Anyway, I think of my time in Luxor, Egypt.
I entered a shop, selling among other things, jewellery.
After @10 minutes browsing, I went up to the counter.
The shop keeper, until then out of sight, was asleep on the other side on a mat on the floor.
I thought he was dead.
How trusting, leaving the doors wide open, and going to sleep.
No alarms.

Will MHJ follow that example?

Says something about our 'enlightened' society, versus somewhere you may get your arm cut off if you steal.
NZ's missing component is deterrent.
When some say they would rather be in prison than on the street, you know the pendulum has swung too far.

The same people who have no compunction in killing a fly or cockroach with spray, or kill a rodent with chemical, revile against my suggestions.

I invite them to reconsider who is doing more harm to NZ?

Crims, insects or rodents?

Which of these is capable of seeing a deterrent, and behaving accordingly, and which is merely surviving?

06-12-2022, 03:34 PM
I found this article on youth crime good, it is nice when the media try to educate and provide perspective rather than hyping up a story.


In summary
Youth crime has increased recently, but according to the best data we have, the overall trend is still a drop-off since 2014.

It seems silly that police always get blamed when some young sh*t bag does a runner in a car. You always get the parents crying and saying how great their kid was.

Also sad to see cops being prosecuted for putting the boot in. Easy for the bleeding hearts to get all sad or outraged when they are not dealing with these d*ckheads all day.

06-12-2022, 04:23 PM
I found this article on youth crime good, it is nice when the media try to educate and provide perspective rather than hyping up a story.


In summary
Youth crime has increased recently, but according to the best data we have, the overall trend is still a drop-off since 2014.

It seems silly that police always get blamed when some young sh*t bag does a runner in a car. You always get the parents crying and saying how great their kid was.

Also sad to see cops being prosecuted for putting the boot in. Easy for the bleeding hearts to get all sad or outraged when they are not dealing with these d*ckheads all day.

Ivory towers and pontificating. Its the progressive liberal way.

06-12-2022, 04:59 PM
I found this article on youth crime good, it is nice when the media try to educate and provide perspective rather than hyping up a story.


In summary
Youth crime has increased recently, but according to the best data we have, the overall trend is still a drop-off since 2014.

It seems silly that police always get blamed when some young sh*t bag does a runner in a car. You always get the parents crying and saying how great their kid was.

Also sad to see cops being prosecuted for putting the boot in. Easy for the bleeding hearts to get all sad or outraged when they are not dealing with these d*ckheads all day.

Statistics are dependent on the data collected. If a car goes missing and it's not known who took it, it's not going to appear on this list. That, I suspect would be a high percentage of car thefts.

06-12-2022, 05:10 PM
Statistics are dependent on the data collected. If a car goes missing and it's not known who took it, it's not going to appear on this list. That, I suspect would be a high percentage of car thefts.

That's the benefit of assumptions - you can smear population groups without the need to have any data, isn't it?

06-12-2022, 05:16 PM
That's the benefit of assumptions - you can smear population groups without the need to have any data, isn't it?

Do you agree a large percentage of car thefts would fall into the unknown who took them category? If so, my point is valid in this context.
Find yourself another cheap shot target BP. I aint it.

06-12-2022, 05:41 PM
You're about as evasive as Ardern. Did she lie? If not, how do you explain the conflicting information from herself and Mahuta? Should she and Mahuta resign?

Did she lie - No.
Should Mahuta be dropped from 3 waters - yes.

06-12-2022, 05:44 PM
I found this article on youth crime good, it is nice when the media try to educate and provide perspective rather than hyping up a story.


In summary
Youth crime has increased recently, but according to the best data we have, the overall trend is still a drop-off since 2014.

It seems silly that police always get blamed when some young sh*t bag does a runner in a car. You always get the parents crying and saying how great their kid was.

Also sad to see cops being prosecuted for putting the boot in. Easy for the bleeding hearts to get all sad or outraged when they are not dealing with these d*ckheads all day.

Many people here and the general public have no idea of the real stats and are being hyped by National and Act to believe that crime is totally out of control - it isn't.
Most won't read or believe an article like this - they don't want to know the facts.

06-12-2022, 05:46 PM
Did she lie - No.
Should Mahuta be dropped from 3 waters - yes.

So you're saying her and other senior Ministers didn't read this very important legislation she is driving through Parliament without proper scrutiny and simply didn't know what they were voting for ?

06-12-2022, 05:52 PM
Did she lie - No.
Should Mahuta be dropped from 3 waters - yes.

Thanks for the direct response.
How do you ascertain Ardern didn't lie? All the evidence we have suggests she did. Why has she been so evasive and thrown in that the normal expectation for entrenchment would be 75%....a red herring.
Mahuta has just shown what a reprehensible human being she is, now throwing junior MPs under the bus in an effort to try and save her own hide.


Mahuta and 5 waters should not only be dropped. Mahuta should be sacked and resign from parliament.

06-12-2022, 05:52 PM
duplicate duplicate

fungus pudding
06-12-2022, 06:02 PM
Thanks for the direct response.
How do you ascertain Ardern didn't lie? All the evidence we have suggests she did. Why has she been so evasive and thrown in that the normal expectation for entrenchment would be 75%....a red herring.
Mahuta has just shown what a reprehensible human being she is, now throwing junior MPs under the bus in an effort to try and save her own hide.


Mahuta and 5 waters should not only be dropped. Mahuta should be sacked and resign from parliament.

Poor old Mahooter
Labour should boot 'er

06-12-2022, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the direct response.
How do you ascertain Ardern didn't lie? All the evidence we have suggests she did. Why has she been so evasive and thrown in that the normal expectation for entrenchment would be 75%....a red herring.
Mahuta has just shown what a reprehensible human being she is, now throwing junior MPs under the bus in an effort to try and save her own hide.


Mahuta and 5 waters should not only be dropped. Mahuta should be sacked and resign from parliament.

Deception, lies, passing the buck, spin, BS and non accountability - from the self proclaimed 'most transparent government ever.'

Either Ardern lied or she did not do basic due diligence before voting on the 60% threshold - either way, she is not fit to lead NZ.


06-12-2022, 07:11 PM
Poor old Mahooter
Labour should boot 'er

Poor old Mahoota, labour should boot'er.
Bad boy Willy, He thinks we're all silly.
Not to mention the Prime Minister, who couldn't be more sinister.

fungus pudding
06-12-2022, 07:33 PM
Poor old Mahoota, labour should boot'er.
Bad boy Willy, He thinks we're all silly.
Jacinda and the rest,
None of them pass the test

06-12-2022, 07:58 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;984960]Meanwhile, the repression of women in Iran goes on and on.

Women beaten, jailed, raped and killed for not wearing the hijab.

And it came to pass that the warnings to Ardern NOT to don the hijab (at every occasion she wanted publicity) have come to pass :


"I felt admiration that a prominent leader and women in New Zealand showed compassion to the Muslim community, but I also felt that you are using one of the most visible symbols of oppression for Muslim women in many countries for solidarity, and it also broke my heart.

"That is why I call on them to show their sisterhood and solidarity with us, who are being beaten up, imprisoned and punished for fighting against compulsory hijab as well." [quote]

Boring repetition.


06-12-2022, 08:57 PM
Boring repetition.


Hey westerly, you have to learn to use the quote function properly, and stop deleting either of the [ ] brackets by mistake. It's hard to know who you're quoting or what you're saying yourself. Anyone who quotes your whole post now will have screwed up attribution.

06-12-2022, 08:58 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;984960]Meanwhile, the repression of women in Iran goes on and on.

Women beaten, jailed, raped and killed for not wearing the hijab.

And it came to pass that the warnings to Ardern NOT to don the hijab (at every occasion she wanted publicity) have come to pass :


"I felt admiration that a prominent leader and women in New Zealand showed compassion to the Muslim community, but I also felt that you are using one of the most visible symbols of oppression for Muslim women in many countries for solidarity, and it also broke my heart.

"That is why I call on them to show their sisterhood and solidarity with us, who are being beaten up, imprisoned and punished for fighting against compulsory hijab as well."

Boring repetition.


Like this.

06-12-2022, 10:49 PM

Like this.

I deleted the link to the photo. not noticing the [quote] had gone to .


06-12-2022, 11:29 PM

I deleted the link to the photo. not noticing the [quote] had gone to .


Now, we cannot have you missing the best part & the principal point of the post about Ardern wearing the hijab time & again, should we?



"But when I saw photos of her recent visit to Zayed​ College for Girls in Mangere, I couldn't help but cringe.

Enough with this disguise game, please, an inner voice screamed in protest.

It wasn't Ardern's first time wearing a hijab."


07-12-2022, 07:42 AM
She thinks of the perfect job after being kicked out of office by NZers sick and tired of her clueless & useless government and her racist & divisive Maori vote grabbing policies:


A better job would be sucking on lemons as she did this week over 3 ‘lemon’ waters. :t_up:

07-12-2022, 08:16 AM
Love those Tremain cartoons!

07-12-2022, 08:24 AM
Many people here and the general public have no idea of the real stats and are being hyped by National and Act to believe that crime is totally out of control - it isn't.
Most won't read or believe an article like this - they don't want to know the facts.

Sadly I think you are right. Even the media seems to hype things up rather than provide perspective. That is why it was great to see an article trying to put a few facts into the debate.

All these facts and figures are boring though, better to be enraged, sells more papers and attracts more eyeballs.

07-12-2022, 09:03 AM
Do you agree a large percentage of car thefts would fall into the unknown who took them category? If so, my point is valid in this context.
Find yourself another cheap shot target BP. I aint it.

You are right - you placed the cheap shot. I was just pointing out this fact and you are now shooting the messenger.


07-12-2022, 09:21 AM

Either Ardern lied or she did not do basic due diligence before voting on the 60% threshold - either way, she is not fit to lead NZ.

Isn't it tragic that none of the opposition parties did do their due diligence either? The issue only came up after the tweet of a law expert not even involved in the process - neither National or ACT discovered the issue during the readings in parliament. No political party did (well, the Greens probably knew, but this is a different matter).

Which means, we clearly have a government not doing their job (and we both agree on that full heartedly), however - we do have as well an opposition sleeping in their benches instead of keeping the government on their toes (as they should).

Are you sure that the best remedy of this situation is to put somebody who excelled with sleeping on the opposition benches into government? I recon this might teach us ...

Clearly - the only party awake during this process (though somewhat mischievous) was Green ;) .

Blue Skies
07-12-2022, 09:26 AM
Personally, I would have liked to see the semi entrenchment clause put into the Water reforms with a 60% threshold required before any govt was able to privatise them.

1) Conventions are all very well, but have often got in the way of progress. Breaking with convention is not necessarily a reason in itself to prevent change or ways of doing things better.

2) Our Water Resources fall into that rare category in my view of being 'too important to be allowed to fail'.
So if sold off & privatised, shareholders know that governments will always be forced to bail the company out if it fails.

Look at the case of AIR where shareholders knew the company was going bust, the shares should have been worth nothing, but shareholders delighted in the fact the govt would be forced to bail the airline out.
Now we have the Power companies returning bigger dividends to their shareholders than their profits allow, instead of investing in much needed infrastructure for NZ's future demands.

07-12-2022, 09:40 AM
Personally, I would have liked to see the semi entrenchment clause put into the Water reforms with a 60% threshold required before any govt was able to privatise them.

1) Conventions are all very well, but have often got in the way of progress. Breaking with convention is not necessarily a reason in itself to prevent change or ways of doing things better.

2) Our Water Resources fall into that rare category in my view of being 'too important to be allowed to fail'.
So if sold off & privatised, shareholders know that governments will always be forced to bail the company out if it fails.

Look at the case of AIR where shareholders knew the company was going bust, the shares should have been worth nothing, but shareholders delighted in the fact the govt would be forced to bail the airline out.
Now we have the Power companies returning bigger dividends to their shareholders than their profits allow, instead of investing in much needed infrastructure for NZ's future demands.

I think these are several different discussions.

Discussion one is whether we should sell our water assets - and I agree with you that history of our own asset sales as well as plenty of examples in other countries show that this clearly would neither be in the best interest of the people or of the tax payer.

Discussion two is whether Three Waters is a good idea. I do see Three waters as an asset grab in combination with furthering racism and building up just another incredibly expensive and useless bureaucracy layer adding cost and inertia. Anything entrenching Three Waters is clearly a significant damage to New Zealands interest.

Discussion three would be whether we should make it harder for future governments to sell essential assets belonging to the tax payer. I think this is a legit discussion, but I think it should be an open discussion, and not something sneaked into a law without any of the parties deciding about it having a clue what they are doing.

07-12-2022, 09:58 AM
Isn't it tragic that none of the opposition parties did do their due diligence either? The issue only came up after the tweet of a law expert not even involved in the process - neither National or ACT discovered the issue during the readings in parliament. No political party did (well, the Greens probably knew, but this is a different matter).

Which means, we clearly have a government not doing their job (and we both agree on that full heartedly), however - we do have as well an opposition sleeping in their benches instead of keeping the government on their toes (as they should).

Are you sure that the best remedy of this situation is to put somebody who excelled with sleeping on the opposition benches into government? I recon this might teach us ...

Clearly - the only party awake during this process (though somewhat mischievous) was Green ;) .

This is what happens when you have a Government pushing legislation after legislation through Parliament under "urgency". The legislators don't get time to properly read the hundreds of pages in front of them and the public is largely excluded from due process to comment on it. I think it's clear the Greens knew full well what they were doing and so did Mahuta.

07-12-2022, 10:02 AM
Personally, I would have liked to see the semi entrenchment clause put into the Water reforms with a 60% threshold required before any govt was able to privatise them.

1) Conventions are all very well, but have often got in the way of progress. Breaking with convention is not necessarily a reason in itself to prevent change or ways of doing things better.

2) Our Water Resources fall into that rare category in my view of being 'too important to be allowed to fail'.
So if sold off & privatised, shareholders know that governments will always be forced to bail the company out if it fails.

Look at the case of AIR where shareholders knew the company was going bust, the shares should have been worth nothing, but shareholders delighted in the fact the govt would be forced to bail the airline out.
Now we have the Power companies returning bigger dividends to their shareholders than their profits allow, instead of investing in much needed infrastructure for NZ's future demands.

Agree that our water resources are "too important to be allowed to fail". So any structural change to how we managed it should have a broad cross party agreement on it, not ideologically driven crap like we have now.
The scaremongering about privatisation is just that, scaremongering. Both Labour and National have clearly stated they will not privatise water management. John Key said it well back in the foreshore and seabed debate, "nobody owns the water".

07-12-2022, 10:05 AM
This is what happens when you have a Government pushing legislation after legislation through Parliament under "urgency". The legislators don't get time to properly read the hundreds of pages in front of them and the public is largely excluded from due process to comment on it. I think it's clear the Greens knew full well what they were doing and so did Mahuta.

Fair enough.

Though from memory - National (when in government) had these urgency urges as well, but yes, there is probably something we should learn as society:


07-12-2022, 10:19 AM
Fair enough.


This is what is being pushed through under urgency right now. You really have to ask "what is the rush" ?

Water Services Entities Bill Committee stage
Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards) Amendment Bill All stages
Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill (No 2) All stages
Social Security (Accommodation Supplement) Amendment Bill All stages
COVID-19 Public Health Response (Extension of Act and Reduction of Powers) Amendment Bill All stages
Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Bill Committee stage, third reading
Climate Change Response (Extension of Penalty Transition for Forestry Activities with Low Volume Emissions Liabilities) Amendment Bill Committee stage, third reading
Arms (Licence Holders' Applications for New Licences) Amendment Bill Second reading, committee stage, third reading
Companies (Levies) Amendment Bill Committee stage, third reading
Grocery Industry Competition Bill First reading
Fuel Industry Amendment Bill First reading
Crown Minerals Amendment Bill First reading
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill First reading
Legal Services Amendment Bill First reading
Accident Compensation (Access Reporting and Other Matters) Amendment Bill First reading
Health and Safety at Work (Health and Safety Representatives and Committees) Amendment Bill First reading
Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill/ Security Information in Proceedings (Repeals and Amendments) Bill Third readings continued
Māori Purposes Bill Third reading
Remuneration Authority Legislation Bill Third reading
Statutes Amendment Bill Third reading
Organic Products and Production Bill Committee stage, third reading
Natural Hazards Insurance Bill Committee stage, third reading
Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill Committee stage, third reading
Civil Aviation Bill Second reading Committee stage, third reading

07-12-2022, 10:26 AM
And the winner is :



07-12-2022, 10:30 AM
No question who is in charge of the Ardern government :


07-12-2022, 11:12 AM
Personally, I would have liked to see the semi entrenchment clause put into the Water reforms with a 60% threshold required before any govt was able to privatise them.

1) Conventions are all very well, but have often got in the way of progress. Breaking with convention is not necessarily a reason in itself to prevent change or ways of doing things better.

2) Our Water Resources fall into that rare category in my view of being 'too important to be allowed to fail'.
So if sold off & privatised, shareholders know that governments will always be forced to bail the company out if it fails.

Look at the case of AIR where shareholders knew the company was going bust, the shares should have been worth nothing, but shareholders delighted in the fact the govt would be forced to bail the airline out.
Now we have the Power companies returning bigger dividends to their shareholders than their profits allow, instead of investing in much needed infrastructure for NZ's future demands.

Blue Skies, this is the second time you have spoken of our "Water Resources" being privatised, and the second time I have pulled you up on it. If you mean infrastructure, say so. If you are implying the selling of actual water resources you are being mischievous and are going down the Ardern route of fudging the issue for political capital. Which is exactly why she finds herself in ever deeper holes!

07-12-2022, 11:56 AM
Blue Skies, this is the second time you have spoken of our "Water Resources" being privatised, and the second time I have pulled you up on it. If you mean infrastructure, say so. If you are implying the selling of actual water resources you are being mischievous and are going down the Ardern route of fudging the issue for political capital. Which is exactly why she finds herself in ever deeper holes!

And in the case of Air NZ cited by BS, the government and NZers enjoyed 2 big bites of the cherry - once when privatising it and second, when buying it back cheap.

Should do deals & privatisations like Air NZ more often.

07-12-2022, 02:31 PM
Personally, I would have liked to see the semi entrenchment clause put into the Water reforms with a 60% threshold required before any govt was able to privatise them.

Simply rename it from Three Waters to the Clean Water Act.

National will then face an electoral backlash if they try to change it.

07-12-2022, 02:42 PM
Look at the case of AIR where shareholders knew the company was going bust, the shares should have been worth nothing, but shareholders delighted in the fact the govt would be forced to bail the airline out.

Yes AIR has been poorly run for a decade now. Incurring unsustainable debt levels to pay a dividend.

07-12-2022, 02:58 PM
Yes AIR has been poorly run for a decade now. Incurring unsustainable debt levels to pay a dividend.

More crap from you.

07-12-2022, 03:01 PM
More crap from you.

He's getting worried about the Government being in their last year and goes to extreme lengths to attack the National Party Leader !!

07-12-2022, 03:07 PM
He's getting worried about the Government being in their last year and goes to extreme lengths to attack the National Party Leader !!

It's 2022, only 23 days left.

I'm not a fan of everything this govt does but the opposition is simply not up to it.

A new face (not a pleasant one either) to the same ideas.

07-12-2022, 03:30 PM
So you're saying her and other senior Ministers didn't read this very important legislation she is driving through Parliament without proper scrutiny and simply didn't know what they were voting for ?

Thanks for the direct response.
How do you ascertain Ardern didn't lie? All the evidence we have suggests she did. Why has she been so evasive and thrown in that the normal expectation for entrenchment would be 75%....a red herring.
Mahuta has just shown what a reprehensible human being she is, now throwing junior MPs under the bus in an effort to try and save her own hide.


Mahuta and 5 waters should not only be dropped. Mahuta should be sacked and resign from parliament.

The SOP came from another party.
National and Act seemed to be asleep and didn't notice until it was raised by academics.
At least Seymor owned up to the party being asleep, Luxon says otherwise. He says that they were aware but, for some reason, didn't say anything until raised in public - a lie!

Bill Smith
07-12-2022, 03:30 PM
It's 2022, only 23 days left.

I'm not a fan of everything this govt does but the opposition is simply not up to it.

A new face (not a pleasant one either) to the same ideas.

Come on CCP Panda. Times up. Come clean. You are really a a right thinking girl having a laugh. How do I know, you may well ask? Because no one could be as stupid as you come across here!

07-12-2022, 03:50 PM
Come on CCP Panda. Times up. Come clean. You are really a a right thinking girl having a laugh. How do I know, you may well ask? Because no one could be as stupid as you come across here!

Name a current policy you like that National supports.

All they have is "tough on crime" now but they slashed police numbers under Sir John.

07-12-2022, 04:32 PM
Name a current policy you like that National supports.

All they have is "tough on crime" now but they slashed police numbers under Sir John.

Don't let the truth get in your way. Nothing changes with you. From AAP factcheck:
"In an emailed statement, NZ Police provided AAP FactCheck with constabulary numbers for 2008 to 2020, as at June each year. The figures, which are not routinely published nor publicly available, show officer numbers as distinct from the total number of NZ Police employees.

According to NZ Police, in June 2008, there were 8,211 police officers. Ms Collins first became police minister in November 2008.

The NZ Police figures show officer numbers then rose to 8,643 in June 2009 and 8,707 in June 2010, before dropping to 8,638 in June 2011.

Ms Collins’ portfolios changed in December 2011, but she returned to the role of police minister in December 2015.

There were 8,923 police officers in June 2015 and this dropped to 8,899 in June 2016. Ms Collins portfolios changed again in December 2016.

While there were some year-on-year decreases in the number of police officers during Ms Collins’ stints as police minister, officer numbers increased overall by 688."

07-12-2022, 07:09 PM
The SOP came from another party.
National and Act seemed to be asleep and didn't notice until it was raised by academics.
At least Seymor owned up to the party being asleep, Luxon says otherwise. He says that they were aware but, for some reason, didn't say anything until raised in public - a lie!

National and Act voted against it!

Ardern and her cohort of idiots voted for it. Was Ardern really incompetent enough to not know what she was voting for? Did Mahuta not inform the caucus, or is Ardern lying through her fulsome teeth?

So did Ardern lie, or did Mahuta pull a swifty on her colleagues who were stupid enough not to vet what was in the bill? Take your pick, it's one or the other.
And don't come back with the Mahuta line of it originating with the Greens. We know they are idiots. Mahuta or Ardern? Who needs to fall on their sword?

07-12-2022, 08:18 PM
Mahuta or Ardern? Who needs to fall on their sword?

It's all just a sideshow Jonu, they got caught being sneaky again, so who cares whose fault it is, no-one will be held culpable, no-one will lose their job, they'll "fix the mistake" and Labour will vote in 3-Waters with their majority and the noise will die down about the entrenchment because it will have been removed.

Job done, despite nationwide condemnation of the 3-waters bill (5-waters if you look closely).

You and other Labour skeptics are debating the entrenchment clause which is a non-issue since this duplicitous government got called out, when the real issue is that this bill should not be enacted in law, for many reasons that are more important than making it difficult to overturn.

This government will go down in history as the most ideological implementation inept government ever in the history of NZ. It's an utter embarrassment.

07-12-2022, 08:21 PM
Ew thats just ugly. The both of them. Back in Uni days that would have been fugly.
What an embarrassing sexist post - you’re pathetic. With a name like blackcap you don’t deserve to be a cricket 🏏 supporter.

07-12-2022, 08:46 PM
What an embarrassing sexist post - you’re pathetic. With a name like blackcap you don’t deserve to be a cricket �� supporter.

Let's examine the evidence :


07-12-2022, 08:50 PM
Let's examine the evidence :

I’m sure blackcap can respond on their own but your endorsement is hardly surprising- equally pathetic - you seem to be a sad individual.

07-12-2022, 08:52 PM
I’m sure blackcap can respond on their own but your endorsement is hardly surprising- equally pathetic - you seem to be a sad individual.

Not as sad as those with eyes but would not see.

07-12-2022, 08:53 PM
Let's examine the evidence :


I love that photo. Makes me feel all warm inside.

07-12-2022, 08:57 PM
It's all just a sideshow Jonu, they got caught being sneaky again, so who cares whose fault it is, no-one will be held culpable, no-one will lose their job, they'll "fix the mistake" and Labour will vote in 3-Waters with their majority and the noise will die down about the entrenchment because it will have been removed.

Job done, despite nationwide condemnation of the 3-waters bill (5-waters if you look closely).

You and other Labour skeptics are debating the entrenchment clause which is a non-issue since this duplicitous government got called out, when the real issue is that this bill should not be enacted in law, for many reasons that are more important than making it difficult to overturn.

This government will go down in history as the most ideological implementation inept government ever in the history of NZ. It's an utter embarrassment.

There was NO mistake.

Ardern heads a deceitful, incompetent and clueless government in disarray.


Ardern has said she did not know about the vote on the clause until after it occurred, despite being in a caucus meeting where it was discussed.

Never mind that she (Mahuta) had discussed it with the Greens, discussed it with Labour’s caucus “broadly”, spoke in seeming support of it on the night, and Labour voted it through.

Labour’s leader of the House, Chris Hipkins, said nothing more than “sometimes mistakes happen” and he was not aware a 60% supermajority threshold was even being voted on.

Attorney-General David Parker has emerged as a dissenting Labour voice, indicating he advised against an entrenchment clause and he was not alone within Labour in doing so.

There are no plausible scenarios to emerge from this that are good for the Government. Labour MPs may have decided to vote for the entrenchment, against advice, and have only backtracked because of the outcry. Or, as heavily suggested by Ardern, they voted for an entrenchment clause they didn’t fully understand.

The most charitable scenario – that Labour MPs, ill-informed or confused, somehow voted in error – does not absolve them of responsibility.

If the last scenario were the case, fault would in effect lie with Mahuta, for either failing to properly inform her colleagues of the 60% threshold and that it would succeed with Labour’s support, or failing to understand this herself.

07-12-2022, 08:59 PM
Not as sad as those with eyes but would not see.

Sad and obsessed- have another gin.

07-12-2022, 09:07 PM
There was NO mistake.

Ardern heads a deceitful, incompetent and clueless government in disarray.


Ardern has said she did not know about the vote on the clause until after it occurred, despite being in a caucus meeting where it was discussed.

Never mind that she (Mahuta) had discussed it with the Greens, discussed it with Labour’s caucus “broadly”, spoke in seeming support of it on the night, and Labour voted it through.

Labour’s leader of the House, Chris Hipkins, said nothing more than “sometimes mistakes happen” and he was not aware a 60% supermajority threshold was even being voted on.

Attorney-General David Parker has emerged as a dissenting Labour voice, indicating he advised against an entrenchment clause and he was not alone within Labour in doing so.

There are no plausible scenarios to emerge from this that are good for the Government. Labour MPs may have decided to vote for the entrenchment, against advice, and have only backtracked because of the outcry. Or, as heavily suggested by Ardern, they voted for an entrenchment clause they didn’t fully understand.

The most charitable scenario – that Labour MPs, ill-informed or confused, somehow voted in error – does not absolve them of responsibility.

If the last scenario were the case, fault would in effect lie with Mahuta, for either failing to properly inform her colleagues of the 60% threshold and that it would succeed with Labour’s support, or failing to understand this herself.

Sadly it's still a sideshow balance, they'll vote in the 3-waters bill with their majority. No one will lose their jobs, despite how awful the optics are. Focus on the real issue, it's not just that they got caught fudging the process, it's about 3-waters legislation is a crock, stealing a national asset and rights from the population and putting it under the control of another biased and race-based governance. Like health.

07-12-2022, 10:04 PM
Sadly it's still a sideshow balance, they'll vote in the 3-waters bill with their majority. No one will lose their jobs, despite how awful the optics are. Focus on the real issue, it's not just that they got caught fudging the process, it's about 3-waters legislation is a crock, stealing a national asset and rights from the population and putting it under the control of another biased and race-based governance. Like health.

And making a complete mess as Ardern & Little have with healthcare.

Despicably disgraceful.

Bring on Election 2023!

07-12-2022, 10:18 PM
Ardern is so full of crap.

Maybe we will see her imploding into a messy pile of dung soon.


08-12-2022, 07:41 AM
Yet another example of just how shambolic the government of Ardern & her useless mob really is - fog canons for shops.

Ardern said there’s a global shortage of said fog canons.

Installers say that the government via the police simply did not place the orders to buy fog canons and the process for shops to get them installed is a shambles.

Who do you believe?


Bill Smith
08-12-2022, 08:49 AM
When david parker emerges as the only principled labour/green pollie, things have reach a dire situation.

Blue Skies
08-12-2022, 09:15 AM
Yet another example of just how shambolic the government of Ardern & her useless mob really is - fog canons for shops.

Ardern said thereÂ’s a global shortage of said fog canons.

Installers say that the government via the police simply did not place the orders to buy fog canons and the process for shops to get them installed is a shambles.

Who do you believe?


I noticed a local dairy had a fog cannon so asked the owner how difficult it had been to get it installed.
He said he paid entirely for it himself & had it put in 6 years ago after a spate of attacks on dairys by armed youths.

Among the more notable of many, there was the 14 year old who with a young accomplice killed Arun Kumar in his Henderson Superette in 2014, he was sentenced in 2015 but was out of jail before he turned 17 i.e. 3 years & 3 months. He suffered foetal alcohol syndrome & had been brought up in a violent household.
And the 4 armed offenders who attacked Jitesh Arora with a baseball bat in his Mt Roskill Superette in 2017, leaving him lucky to survive & with permanent injuries.

You may remember the media trying to get an interview with then associate Minister of Justice Mark Mitchell (2017) after a similar spate of attacks & Mitchell hiding from the media. Some nicknamed him Cowardly Mitchell as he wouldn't front. Now he accuses Labour of failing to crack down on crime, everything he was guilty of himself.

Our local dairy owner said he didn't think many small dairy owners will get them due to the ongoing costs & they are not that straighforward to install.
They need to be serviced every year, & every few years the gas canisters have to be replaced, costs the govt (taxpayer) will not be paying for.

Which begs the question, should the govt be heavily subsidising bollards & fog cannons for shops & where do you draw the line? If dairys why not liquor outlets, jewellers or sports shops ?

08-12-2022, 09:49 AM
I noticed a local dairy had a fog cannon so asked the owner how difficult it had been to get it installed.
He said he paid entirely for it himself & had it put in 6 years ago after a spate of attacks on dairys by armed youths.

Among the more notable of many, there was the 14 year old who with a young accomplice killed Arun Kumar in his Henderson Superette in 2014, he was sentenced in 2015 but was out of jail before he turned 17 i.e. 3 years & 3 months. He suffered foetal alcohol syndrome & had been brought up in a violent household.
And the 4 armed offenders who attacked Jitesh Arora with a baseball bat in his Mt Roskill Superette in 2017, leaving him lucky to survive & with permanent injuries.

You may remember the media trying to get an interview with then associate Minister of Justice Mark Mitchell (2017) after a similar spate of attacks & Mitchell hiding from the media. Some nicknamed him Cowardly Mitchell as he wouldn't front. Now he accuses Labour of failing to crack down on crime, everything he was guilty of himself.

Our local dairy owner said he didn't think many small dairy owners will get them due to the ongoing costs & they are not that straighforward to install.
They need to be serviced every year, & every few years the gas canisters have to be replaced, costs the govt (taxpayer) will not be paying for.

Which begs the question, should the govt be heavily subsidising bollards & fog cannons for shops & where do you draw the line? If dairys why not liquor outlets, jewellers or sports shops ?

BS, high time that Ardern & her clueless mob take responsibility for what's happening under their watch rather than use excuses (National government etc etc) to try and deflect from their failures.

High time too that Ardern stops lying so blatantly as she did with the fog cannons (global shortage - how pathetic of a PM to lie so easily) as NZers are not fooled any more by her spin and lies.

And high time too that you stop parroting Ardern & her mob with the excuses and deflections.

Own up, take responsibility and fix the problems.

Or are Ardern, her useless mob and you admitting you are incapable of fixing the disasters which have exploded under this government's watch?

08-12-2022, 09:58 AM
High time too that Ardern stops lying so blatantly as she did with the fog cannons (global shortage - how pathetic of a PM to lie so easily) as NZers are not fooled any more by her spin and lies.

Own up, take responsibility and fix the problems.

Ardern has moved from spin to outright lies - that's how pathetic she has become.


The PM’s post-cabinet chat yesterday was stomach churning in so many ways.

The lies, the disingenuousness of it all, the theatrics and the pretence that they’ve actually been active as a government on crime. Embarrassing. No one’s buying it.

This new fog canon measure is too late – they know it, we know it.

Worse yet, the PM tried to deflect all blame from her Government by saying that there’d be a delay on said fog cannons – due to a global shortage. This turns out to be an outright lie.

08-12-2022, 10:05 AM
Is she the soul source of truth, or just an r sole?

08-12-2022, 11:43 AM
You know you gotta major problem when the Media start repeatedly kicking the Crap out of your party ;)



08-12-2022, 11:50 AM
You know you gotta major problem when the Media start repeatedly kicking the Crap out of your party ;)



Looks like a fair assessment to me. I guess the only thing I don't understand is ...

A number of posters on this thread kept telling us how unfair and biased the NZ media are towards the government.

Is this how a favorable critique looks like, or does this mean that maybe the media have got it right all the way?

08-12-2022, 12:04 PM

THREE BLIND COWS escape past the gate (for now)

but bound to be chased back into their paddock late next year

(when Joe Public has decided which of another lot get to be sent off to the clappers yard)



08-12-2022, 12:26 PM
You know you gotta major problem when the Media start repeatedly kicking the Crap out of your party ;)



Doesn't help Labour that it has coincided with the media bribe money running out. Willie Jackson's veiled threats to Jack Tame demonstrated how Labour saw the media as their lap dog. Now the media is biting the hand that doesn't feed!

08-12-2022, 12:39 PM
Looks like a fair assessment to me. I guess the only thing I don't understand is ...

A number of posters on this thread kept telling us how unfair and biased the NZ media are towards the government.

Is this how a favorable critique looks like, or does this mean that maybe the media have got it right all the way?

Ever heard :

Ardern can fool all of the people some of the time

She can fool some of the people all of the time

But she cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

08-12-2022, 12:43 PM
Looks like a fair assessment to me. I guess the only thing I don't understand is ...

A number of posters on this thread kept telling us how unfair and biased the NZ media are towards the government.

Is this how a favorable critique looks like, or does this mean that maybe the media have got it right all the way?

It would appear the media are well aware of just how much life is left in this Labour government and have their sights set who will next pull their strings.

08-12-2022, 12:44 PM
Latest Roy Morgan poll (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/9122-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2022) will have Labour very concerned, lowest rating since 2017 before Adern was leader

08-12-2022, 12:59 PM
Latest Roy Morgan poll (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/9122-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2022) will have Labour very concerned, lowest rating since 2017 before Adern was leader

Labour under spin mistress liar Ardern down to 25.5%.

Half what the party got in 2020 and now, at the same level as when Andrew Little & David Cunliffe were the pathetic Labour leaders.

Hear the knives being sharpened in the background?

So will it be Robertson, Hipkins or Parker who turns Brutus?

Maybe Mahuta?

08-12-2022, 01:33 PM
Ever heard :

Ardern can fool all of the people done of the time

She can fool some of the people all of the time

But she cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

It appears you have an Ardern complex. Seek help :) ;

08-12-2022, 01:37 PM
Doesn't help Labour that it has coincided with the media bribe money running out. Willie Jackson's veiled threats to Jack Tame demonstrated how Labour saw the media as their lap dog. Now the media is biting the hand that doesn't feed!

It would appear the media are well aware of just how much life is left in this Labour government and have their sights set who will next pull their strings.

Sigh - I guess they can't win, can they? They get beaten up when they do and when they don't.

Just interesting that the people who tend to be so keen on the freedom of speech (no matter how big the lie is they are supporting) have always a tendency to beat up the free press. No freedom of speech for the media? Food for thought.

08-12-2022, 01:45 PM
Looks like a fair assessment to me. I guess the only thing I don't understand is ...

A number of posters on this thread kept telling us how unfair and biased the NZ media are towards the government.

Is this how a favorable critique looks like, or does this mean that maybe the media have got it right all the way?

I think a lot of that criticism came during the COVID madness here, when no media spoke against the Government's official line from the Pulpit of Truth. No media ever questioned the sanity of some of the crazy rules they implemented.

08-12-2022, 01:49 PM
It appears you have an Ardern complex. Seek help :) ;

Most of the country probably does according to the polls ;)

How did you manage to escape being infected by the stupid woman's leadership ? ;)

08-12-2022, 03:00 PM
You know you gotta major problem when the Media start repeatedly kicking the Crap out of your party ;)



If that Herald interview does not ring alarm bells to the loyal Arden fans nothing will. She is obviously unhinged.

08-12-2022, 03:10 PM
Delete delete

08-12-2022, 03:44 PM
Looks like a fair assessment to me. I guess the only thing I don't understand is ...

A number of posters on this thread kept telling us how unfair and biased the NZ media are towards the government.

Is this how a favorable critique looks like, or does this mean that maybe the media have got it right all the way?

To be honest, the Media starting to dig the scalpel deep into Labour is well overdue
with what has happened over the past 12 months (akin to Clark's final months)

Why it took so long for the Media to wake up to what has been sitting infront
of them in full view for so long defies comprehension.

They now appear to recognise the transparency for exactly what it is - that is a large
bundle of Nothing with much spin, no leadership, no direction all poorly organised
and hijacked by certain minorities which do not represent most Kiwi's, all in need
of reining in hard, rather being allowed to run riot

And as for the party on receiving end of the long knife - the Media attacks will only deepen and
become more frequent, invariably leading to the end of that Party's time in power ;)

The media will be reading and assessing the state of the confidence levels around NZ.

Labour will not be so lucky in having as accurate readings up to their rapid demise
and have now apparently crossed the crest of the hill, so all downwards now ;)

It would be surprising if the downwards spiralling out of control would be survivable
for a stretched Government of such poor talent quality.

The NZ Public have likely also had a guts full of the current shambles charading
as a Government who are supposed to represent all and exhibit quality leadership
rather than something approaching the exact opposite ;)

08-12-2022, 03:44 PM
Sigh - I guess they can't win, can they? They get beaten up when they do and when they don't.

Just interesting that the people who tend to be so keen on the freedom of speech (no matter how big the lie is they are supporting) have always a tendency to beat up the free press. No freedom of speech for the media? Food for thought.

The media which ignores international context.

Ie hows the UK and US doing with crime, cost of living. This tiny island apparently operates its own bubble.

08-12-2022, 03:57 PM
The media which ignores international context.

Ie hows the UK and US doing with crime, cost of living. This tiny island apparently operates its own bubble.

First inflation, now ram raids. All just global issues you say. I think not. The ram raids have nothing to do with cost of living increases either. It is all about a complete lack of respect for the law and for other people's property and livelihoods. Just scumbags that are no longer scared of the Police or any authority.

08-12-2022, 04:09 PM
First inflation, now ram raids. All just global issues you say. I think not. The ram raids have nothing to do with cost of living increases either. It is all about a complete lack of respect for the law and for other people's property and livelihoods. Just scumbags that are no longer scared of the Police or any authority.

Our little friend must be referring to a small bubble somewhere in a secluded Nelson location with no view outside
and where little sunlight lands ;)

08-12-2022, 04:33 PM
First inflation, now ram raids. All just global issues you say. I think not. The ram raids have nothing to do with cost of living increases either. It is all about a complete lack of respect for the law and for other people's property and livelihoods. Just scumbags that are no longer scared of the Police or any authority.

I agree that the ram raides are a local issue, and clearly within the responsibility of the current government.

They didn't bother to put a fence at the top of the cliff (by preventing kids to get into this situation in the first place) and they don't bother about the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff (adjust youth justice system and give police appropriate rights) either. Little care as well for the life and property of our shop owners, maybe the problem is Labour giving such a bad example for our youth?

The causes of this drama have a lot to do with the long ongoing running down our education system as well as with neglecting family values, and while Labour contributed happily to this downturn, they are in my view not the only culprit in the room :) ;

Just saying - I don't think we fix this issue just by changing the government. We need to change society and reintroduce some old-fashioned values like
Respect (for other people and their property) and
Discipline (e.g. to get up in the morning and go to school).

If they then manage to teach the children as well to learn how to learn, than we are ready for the golden 60'ies (Remember - in the 60'ies was NZ the OECD country with the highest literacy- and a very low crime rate).

Unfortunately - neither throwing money at teachers (as Labour did) nor tomorrows schools (introduced as well by Labour) did anything to improve learning outcomes. Pity is just that National used their time to govern over the last handful of decades mainly to cut taxes and starve the school system instead of improving it and reintroducing values.

Lets hope they do it better next time ... but - is hope a good election strategy?

Blue Skies
08-12-2022, 04:53 PM
First inflation, now ram raids. All just global issues you say. I think not. The ram raids have nothing to do with cost of living increases either. It is all about a complete lack of respect for the law and for other people's property and livelihoods. Just scumbags that are no longer scared of the Police or any authority.

The breakdown in respect for our institutions like the police, courts, parliament, & science was directly correlated with the global pandemic. Not just here, but around the world.

The Parliamentary occupiers suddenly made the police look impotent, while they illegally put up tents & structures & trashed the grounds, the police had to stand off for days & when they did finally move in there was no respect for the police, they threw bricks at them.
Next thing we have Destiny Church thumbing their noses at the law & police, blocking traffic on the Harbour Bridge, marching down motorways, taking over city streets with reving motor bikes. Again the police facing a bad choice or an even worse one (containment versus violent confrontation).
And then there's the conspiracy wackos undermining trust in medicine & science.

So how do we expect the impressionable young & those on the edges of society to react after seeing what these people got away with.
It was all predictable.

08-12-2022, 05:41 PM
The breakdown in respect for our institutions like the police, courts, parliament, & science was directly correlated with the global pandemic. Not just here, but around the world.

The Parliamentary occupiers suddenly made the police look impotent, while they illegally put up tents & structures & trashed the grounds, the police had to stand off for days & when they did finally move in there was no respect for the police, they threw bricks at them.
Next thing we have Destiny Church thumbing their noses at the law & police, blocking traffic on the Harbour Bridge, marching down motorways, taking over city streets with reving motor bikes. Again the police facing a bad choice or an even worse one (containment versus violent confrontation).
And then there's the conspiracy wackos undermining trust in medicine & science.

So how do we expect the impressionable young & those on the edges of society to react after seeing what these people got away with.
It was all predictable.

There is so much wrong with this post it is hard to know where to start.

1. Since when was science an institution?
2. Idiot speaker and Ardern protector-in-chief Trevor Mallard trashed parliament grounds by turning on the sprinklers.
3. I don't recall violent confrontation being associated with destiny church.
4. Ardern's podium of truth did more to undermine trust in medicine and science than "conspiracy wackos".

I'm really thinking Blue Skies is part of Ardern's media PR team. The continual subtle unfounded associations and bending of the truth sound a lot like what comes out of the mouth of our liar-in-chief. At least you haven't spun privatisation of "water resources" into it, although sprinkler systems under Mallard's control weren't a good idea!

08-12-2022, 05:47 PM
And so it begins - the writing is on the wall and we will see more choosing to jump, rather than be voted out and pushed by electors.


08-12-2022, 06:52 PM
I agree that the ram raides are a local issue, and clearly within the responsibility of the current government.

They didn't bother to put a fence at the top of the cliff (by preventing kids to get into this situation in the first place) and they don't bother about the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff (adjust youth justice system and give police appropriate rights) either. Little care as well for the life and property of our shop owners, maybe the problem is Labour giving such a bad example for our youth?

The causes of this drama have a lot to do with the long ongoing running down our education system as well as with neglecting family values, and while Labour contributed happily to this downturn, they are in my view not the only culprit in the room :) ;

Just saying - I don't think we fix this issue just by changing the government. We need to change society and reintroduce some old-fashioned values like
Respect (for other people and their property) and
Discipline (e.g. to get up in the morning and go to school).

If they then manage to teach the children as well to learn how to learn, than we are ready for the golden 60'ies (Remember - in the 60'ies was NZ the OECD country with the highest literacy- and a very low crime rate).

Unfortunately - neither throwing money at teachers (as Labour did) nor tomorrows schools (introduced as well by Labour) did anything to improve learning outcomes. Pity is just that National used their time to govern over the last handful of decades mainly to cut taxes and starve the school system instead of improving it and reintroducing values.

Lets hope they do it better next time ... but - is hope a good election strategy?

We are on the same page here. My wife and I came to this conclusion quite some time ago with her witnessing first hand as a teacher, the complete breakdown in family structures and society in general and the effect this is having in the schools. The primary school teachers have basically become social workers feeding the kids (many completely out of control) and worrying more about cultural issues than reading, writing and maths. A very sad state of affairs.

08-12-2022, 06:55 PM
And so it begins - the writing is on the wall and we will see more choosing to jump, rather than be voted out and pushed by electors.


What a stupid headline. He "intends to resign from Parliament at the next election". No he doesn't. His term will be over and he does not intend to stand again.

08-12-2022, 08:05 PM
So how do we expect the impressionable young & those on the edges of society to react after seeing what these people got away with.
It was all predictable.

It all began with Ihumatao.

An illegal occupation, ministers & Ardern colluding with trespassers to deprive private interests out of private property, police told to stand back, protestors using racist chants against other races and taxpayers' funds used to buy Maori votes.

08-12-2022, 08:33 PM
Is she the soul source of truth, or just an r sole?
Clearly with a comment like that you are a complete idiot- 😞

08-12-2022, 08:35 PM
Ever heard :

Ardern can fool all of the people done of the time

She can fool some of the people all of the time

But she cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Sentence one - you sound you’ve done time - you are so bitter- it all makes sense now.

08-12-2022, 08:39 PM
I think a lot of that criticism came during the COVID madness here, when no media spoke against the Government's official line from the Pulpit of Truth. No media ever questioned the sanity of some of the crazy rules they implemented.

That’s silly - everyone is a genius in hindsight except you.

08-12-2022, 08:50 PM
That’s silly - everyone is a genius in hindsight except you.

You seem to be getting more and more angry lately with the anti-Labour/Adern posters, Tim. Surely you can see how it is all rapidly unravelling for the government, how the sentiment is turning against them?

Does that surprise you, that eventually the lies and social manipulation have caught up with them and trust of 75% of the population has already gone?

I'm thinking that it will be your posts and increasingly personal abuse of other posters that will age the worst, but carry on by all means, slug it out until the end. Which isn't that far away.

08-12-2022, 09:01 PM
Clearly with a comment like that you are a complete idiot- 😞

Ta, that will get me a job with the Labour Party anytime!

08-12-2022, 09:39 PM
That’s silly - everyone is a genius in hindsight except you.

Wow you really are in a good mood. You seem to forget that not everyone bought into the madness that went on here in NZ during 2021 & 2022, with restrictions far in excess of other countries bar China, for no gain as has been proven without a shadow of a doubt now. Some of us even dared to say so at the time, just to be attacked by the online mob. I said then and I say it now, the NZ reaction to COVID was way over the top, bordering on insanity.

09-12-2022, 07:53 AM
Ta, that will get me a job with the Labour Party anytime!

Ohhhhh … that is deliciously wicked and so profoundly true!

A knockout blow to the supporters of the party on 25.5%, Getty! :t_up:

09-12-2022, 09:01 AM
You seem to be getting more and more angry lately with the anti-Labour/Adern posters, Tim. Surely you can see how it is all rapidly unravelling for the government, how the sentiment is turning against them?

Does that surprise you, that eventually the lies and social manipulation have caught up with them and trust of 75% of the population has already gone?

I'm thinking that it will be your posts and increasingly personal abuse of other posters that will age the worst, but carry on by all means, slug it out until the end. Which isn't that far away.

Hmm, I hear what you are saying ... but to be fair, I think this needs some balance.

It would be nice if all posters could reduce their repetitive anger and outrage and focus more on the issues - and I think even you would see that we have on this thread ways more consistently angry right wing posters here than angry left wing posters.

Unfortunately there are ways too little well centered posters around here :) (and they are rarely angry unless we talk about Trump or conspiracy theories), probably correlated with our society moving towards the extremes on both sides and creating a vacuum in the centre.

09-12-2022, 09:20 AM
If the Labour government was not so divisive, with policy it did not campaign on at election time, and treated the contributors to society with less contempt, the push back wouldn't be necessary.

09-12-2022, 09:30 AM
If the Labour government was not so divisive, with policy it did not campaign on at election time, and treated the contributors to society with less contempt, the push back wouldn't be necessary.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
(Matthew 7:3) :) ;

09-12-2022, 09:35 AM
(Matthew 7:3) :) ;
I trust you will be forwarding that wisdom straight to Jacinda and her cabal?

09-12-2022, 09:38 AM
I trust you will be forwarding that wisdom straight to Jacinda and her cabal?

Stop it, Getty!

Doubt Ardern's supporters can handle any more of your upper jabs. :t_up:

09-12-2022, 10:09 AM

And so the election bribes from taxpayers wallet begin.

09-12-2022, 10:19 AM

And so the election bribes from taxpayers wallet begin.

This from the article highlights what a manipulative bullshi**er Ardern is.

As New Zealanders looked to heal the division caused by the protest and the anti-vaccination movement, Ardern had a message for the small number of people who still felt disenfranchised.

The division wasn't caused by the protest. The division was caused by Ardern creating a lower caste in NZ society with job vaccine mandates that made no sense. Teaching being the most obvious. You have to wonder if she actually believes her own BS.

09-12-2022, 10:47 AM

And so the election bribes from taxpayers wallet begin.

The PM says in the interview that tax credits are less inflationary than tax cuts. Go figure !

09-12-2022, 10:54 AM
The PM says in the interview that tax credits are less inflationary than tax cuts. Go figure !

She is clueless.

And useless.

09-12-2022, 11:25 AM
She is clueless.

And useless.

She just wants control and to make people feel they can't live without her generosity

09-12-2022, 03:57 PM
The PM says in the interview that tax credits are less inflationary than tax cuts. Go figure !

$0 rather than $18k goes to the rich

& a pensioner and minimum wage earner would get more than 100 bucks.

09-12-2022, 04:03 PM
You seem to be getting more and more angry lately with the anti-Labour/Adern posters, Tim. Surely you can see how it is all rapidly unravelling for the government, how the sentiment is turning against them?

Does that surprise you, that eventually the lies and social manipulation have caught up with them and trust of 75% of the population has already gone?

I'm thinking that it will be your posts and increasingly personal abuse of other posters that will age the worst, but carry on by all means, slug it out until the end. Which isn't that far away.
I didn’t call the PM a r sole - is that okay by you? There is no disputing that this government in in trouble and the Hamilton result tomorrow will likely show this.

09-12-2022, 05:15 PM
$0 rather than $18k goes to the rich

& a pensioner and minimum wage earner would get more than 100 bucks.

You've obviously done your homework. Where is the limit for "rich" ?

09-12-2022, 05:28 PM
Stop it, Getty!

Doubt Ardern's supporters can handle any more of your upper jabs. :t_up:

Surely not a crisis on a boomarang job that turned around and went in the wrong direction
after all the overworked Comrades just happened to have disappeared off on holiday ? ;)

09-12-2022, 05:30 PM
$0 rather than $18k goes to the rich

& a pensioner and minimum wage earner would get more than 100 bucks.

100 bucks aint much compared with the extent of price hikes of recent times
Has something fried her silly little spinning brain to not realise that ? ;)

Ripping all Income Tax off the first $10k would be more meaningful

Another token feel good bandaid-- too little too late :)

09-12-2022, 05:36 PM

And so the election bribes from taxpayers wallet begin.

Must still be something leftover in Robbo's Covid Slush fund tin that can be converted,
given legs and applied to something else ? ;)

Or is the future IOU still to be applied to a new red tin to replace a bit of unseen
temporary take from one tin to put in another ? ;)

Hopefully no petty cash tins were raided & robbed to make up the differences :)

09-12-2022, 05:52 PM
Becoming clear that Mahuta knew exactly what she was doing with the 60% entrenchment clause, and Labour's MPs were briefed on it as well before they voted for & passed the bill.

Ardern is a LIAR & unworthy to be PM of NZ if she does not sack Mahuta.


Sequence of events which show that Ardern knew what was going on and that there was no mistake :

1. National had got hold of a cabinet minute from May which said it had been decided there would be no entrenchment in the Three Waters legislation.

2. ......... when Nanaia Mahuta, the minister in charge of the bill, had spoken in support of the Greens' amendment she had gone against a cabinet decision.

3. As the media delved further into the entrenchment fiasco it was reported that the Labour MPs in the chamber that night did know what was going on.

4. Mahuta backed the Greens' entrenchment amendment, saying those who opposed privatisation of water assets had a "moral obligation" to support it.

5. Labour's Greg O'Connor, in the chair, explained how many votes were needed to get 60 percent entrenchment through, which was 72. Labour and the Greens mustered more than that, and the clause was put into the bill.

6. Stuff reported there was no shock-horror after the vote, no surprise was shown, and Associate Local Government Minister Kieran McAnulty "could be seen smiling at the successful vote".

Mahuta appeared to have conspired with the Greens to bring in the last-minute amendment.

She had "seemingly defied the prime minister and cabinet, and breached the cabinet manual - normally all sackable offences," Edwards said.

His conclusion as to why she hadn't been sacked was that Labour's Māori caucus was large and powerful - 15 MPs and six out of 20 cabinet ministers.

"Insiders say that they have incredibly strong leverage over Ardern and her fellow ministers."


09-12-2022, 08:23 PM
I didn’t call the PM a r sole - is that okay by you? There is no disputing that this government in in trouble and the Hamilton result tomorrow will likely show this.
No answer baa baa - are you just another 🐑 like the rest of the PM haters?

09-12-2022, 11:08 PM
Someone replying to their own posts again .. that's clever :)

09-12-2022, 11:19 PM
No answer baa baa - are you just another 🐑 like the rest of the PM haters?

Another mature answer from you, Tim. How’s the anger management going?

09-12-2022, 11:49 PM
No answer baa baa - are you just another 🐑 like the rest of the PM haters?

Is that a bleat for help Tim, or just feeling sheepish?

Just because your PM has pulled the wool over your eyes as she fleeces the country, no need to ram her down everyone else's throat.

You may enjoy Silence of the Lambs, but don't fence me in.

10-12-2022, 03:17 AM
100 bucks aint much compared with the extent of price hikes of recent times
Has something fried her silly little spinning brain to not realise that ? ;)

Ripping all Income Tax off the first $10k would be more meaningful

Another token feel good bandaid-- too little too late :)

I'm waiting for "they" to tell us what rich means. I doubt "they" have any idea and are seeking answers from the Labour machine before an answer will be seen !!

10-12-2022, 06:29 AM

Public Service Commission’s dim view of MfE process related to Mahuta family contracts

(Premium Content)

What is this disgusting piece of work still doing even being in Parliament ? ;)

It should have been sent packing months if not years ago and has been clearly shown
to be grossly incompetent and incapable of representing the high standards expected
of those who represent the people, supposedly expected to act in interests of ALL KIWI'S

10-12-2022, 06:35 AM
I'm waiting for "they" to tell us what rich means. I doubt "they" have any idea and are seeking answers from the Labour machine before an answer will be seen !!

It must be up to at least $350 K by now :)

10-12-2022, 06:48 AM
Ardern's Christmas Present to all Kiwi's:


New Zealanders struggling to pay for Christmas

Research firm Toluna found two-thirds of survey respondents said the rising cost of living was affecting their plans to celebrate Christmas this year, with 17% stating they would like to spend less.

More than 35% of the 520 Kiwis surveyed said they were stressed about not having enough money to buy gifts but the expectations around gift-giving made them feel obliged to spend despite facing financial constraints.

About 85% said the cost of living crisis had affected how much they could spend on Christmas.

How could Ardern have allowed this to happen, before the dodgy Beehive scum disappeared off early for the Christmas break ? ;)

10-12-2022, 05:11 PM

Kiwis' Ardern love affair 'is coming to an end', UK newspaper article says

10-12-2022, 05:28 PM

Kiwis' Ardern love affair 'is coming to an end', UK newspaper article says

But Ardern's love affair with Mahuta will never end.

So much so that Mahuta has stated well ahead of time that she WILL BE standing for re-election in 2023.

"Mahuta said she will stand again next year "because I think that it’s important to ensure that the changes that we've been putting through can continue to progress".





10-12-2022, 09:29 PM

Southland nurse frustrated by Health Minister Andrew Little’s visit

A Southland nurse in her second year was disheartened by Health Minister Andrew Little’s visit to Southland Hospital last month.

Emergency department nurse Kerri Templeton, 23, has since handed in her resignation and plans to embark on a working holiday next year because of the high demands of the job.

Before his visit to the hospital, Templeton penned a letter she planned to read to Little during the visit — though never got the chance as he did not address the department or speak to any staff not in positions of leadership.

She said his visit frustrated her, and that he didn’t appear to take the opportunity to truly investigate how bad the situation was.

“He was there for five minutes and he didn’t talk to any of the staff apart from the consultant doctors and a couple of the charge nurses. He didn’t talk to the little man. He didn’t talk to the people that are doing all the hard yards which could give him a real insight into how bad the situation is.

This goes a long way towards explaining why LITTLE is so divorced from reality and what is happening
in the nation's health sector

Some may term it close to complete and total incompetence ;)

Why is Little still in Parliament and why hasn't this sort of useless blind scruffy talent been removed
from Ministerial benches long before now ? ;)

No wonder the Maori Quotient wanted their own System separate from poorly governed, inefficient, poorly resourced, poorly managed, poorly governed empire that Little threw further Large public funds in developing rather than concentrating on the already glowing frontline issues ;)

No wonder Private facilities are being built around the Nation at times when this Govt can't even address
long existing issues in the public system without creating further and trying to whitewash it over with new structuring, based on a badly failing UK System.

Does Little have no fresh clues of his own without trying to replicate those of failing structures elsewhere ? ;)

How many thousands on NZ Shores is the rejigged Health system failing, while LITTLE can't even get the slightest grasp on what is going wrong and what urgently needs fixing ? ;)

Our public hospitals are nothing short of an under-resourced disgrace with one centralised control point
& obviously very little focus on front line delivery, or their resourcing in the hands of halfwit talent in Parliament
which has no idea nor inclination of where to look to address the ongoing problems ;)

10-12-2022, 10:11 PM

Hamilton West byelection: National’s Tama Potaka wins, seat flip a blow for Government

A Shameful Labour get Sharma'd on yet again, not that any different outcome was expected ;)

10-12-2022, 10:12 PM

Southland nurse frustrated by Health Minister Andrew Little’s visit

This goes a long way towards explaining why LITTLE is so divorced from reality and what is happening
in the nation's health sector

Some may term it close to complete and total incompetence ;)

Why is Little still in Parliament and why hasn't this sort of useless blind scruffy talent been removed
from Ministerial benches long before now ? ;)

No wonder the Maori Quotient wanted their own System separate from poorly governed, inefficient, poorly resourced, poorly managed, poorly governed empire that Little threw further Large public funds in developing rather than concentrating on the already glowing frontline issues ;)

No wonder Private facilities are being built around the Nation at times when this Govt can't even address
long existing issues in the public system without creating further and trying to whitewash it over with new structuring, based on a badly failing UK System.

Does Little have no fresh clues of his own without trying to replicate those of failing structures elsewhere ? ;)

How many thousands on NZ Shores is the rejigged Health system failing, while LITTLE can't even get the slightest grasp on what is going wrong and what urgently needs fixing ? ;)

Our public hospitals are nothing short of an under-resourced disgrace with one centralised control point
& obviously very little focus on front line delivery, or their resourcing in the hands of halfwit talent in Parliament
which has no idea nor inclination of where to look to address the ongoing problems ;)

Hipkins visited police comms, was supposed to stay 30 minutes (ridiculously short visit to a center keeping Emergency services running) and was gone in under 5 minutes. They don't give a sht about running the country, only about their salary and appearances.

10-12-2022, 10:17 PM
Hipkins visited police comms, was supposed to stay 30 minutes (ridiculously short visit to a center keeping Emergency services running) and was gone in under 5 minutes. They don't give a **** about running the country, only about their salary and appearances.

You bet they don't .. this is the final downhill drift on the rims (akin to Clark's final year)

As I remember they didn't give a flying razoo about fuel prices, grocery prices, interest rates etc back then

2023 will be no different and a repeat as they fumble towards a very robust emptying out in Nov 2023 ;)

These are the tell tale signs of a failed Govt on it's way towards being emptied out on ongoing failures to
deliver on their promises and not doing what is in best interests of all ;)

10-12-2022, 10:19 PM
This was before it was obvious Labour is going out.

10-12-2022, 10:40 PM
Three Waters
Health Reforms
Poor Crime issues resolution
High Cost of Living
Housing Downturn
Low Business Confidence
Long term large Covid Debt hoisted on all
Poorly planned unwind of Covid Initiatives
Divisive / Racist Policies let slip in on a Hijacked Ministerial front bench

Probably more too

Ongoing failure to even get their Legislation in order
Urgency on items many MP's suggest they know nothing about
The Ministerial Talent Pool at the top so shallow some Ministers have faced frequent retarring
sometimes in the same week

A Leader who has lost face with numerous U-Turns and spins trying to cover her previous
incorrect or false spinning.

The Perfect Storm as most of the Goldfish Bowl faces harder times arising from their Policies
and incompetence in many of the facets above.

The Media are not wrong in sniffing out Labour's final months on the back of ongoing
failed or unworkable initiatives, and are now seeing straight through Ardern's transparent ears
for what things really represent well past the shallow meaningless dribble and spin :)

Many Kiwis will be sick and tired of the Labour created quagmire continuing to look like
it will headed backwards for some time ahead in the politically hijacked cesspit Ardern has
blindly fostered and lost control of, while other countries see sunlight on the horrizon ;)

11-12-2022, 10:48 AM
Hamilton West by election - resounding win by National & a collapse in Ardern & Labour votes:

National 48%
Labour 32%
Act 10.8%

Ardern's kiss of death playing out - any candidate embraced & endorsed by the Mistress of Spin will get the same treatment of odium & disgust towards her.



https://res.cloudinary.com/cognitives-s3/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,g_faces:auto,h_440 ,q_auto,w_970/v1/cog-aap/n/303/2022/Oct/09/FDFpnK1YhJggP3OJUHhT.jpg

https://res.cloudinary.com/cognitives-s3/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,g_faces:auto,h_440 ,q_auto,w_970/v1/cog-aap/n/303/2022/Oct/04/VQEMDe8iSH8vux5qxvMt.jpg


Bill Smith
11-12-2022, 12:02 PM
58% National & Act v 32% labour & green. Here's hoping that slide continues.

11-12-2022, 01:45 PM
58% National & Act v 32% labour & green. Here's hoping that slide continues.

Labour in for a walloping - Ardern’s spin has turned into a death spiral.


11-12-2022, 01:48 PM
Hamilton West by election - resounding win by National & a collapse in Ardern & Labour votes:

It's a turnout story - those who dont like the govt are more motivated to vote.

Btw petrol prices are down to $2.35.

11-12-2022, 02:02 PM
It's a turnout story - those who dont like the govt are more motivated to vote.

Get used to it.

Btw petrol prices are down to $2.35.
Of course they are down. Now $72us barrell.

11-12-2022, 02:28 PM
It's a turnout story - those who dont like the govt are more motivated to vote.

Strange logic, you’d think the people who do like the govt are more likely to want to keep them in and would vote.

Sure got a hiding, labour be packing on these results.

11-12-2022, 02:30 PM
Strange logic, you’d think the people who do like the govt are more likely to want to keep them in and would vote.

They have +4 seats.. hamilton west doesn't matter one bit for pro-labour supporters.

11-12-2022, 02:36 PM
Ardern's Christmas Present to all Kiwi's:


New Zealanders struggling to pay for Christmas

How could Ardern have allowed this to happen ? ;)

From my observation a considerable amount of inflation is because business is raising prices for no other reason than they can.


11-12-2022, 02:41 PM
They have +4 seats.. hamilton west doesn't matter one bit for pro-labour supporters.

That’s good. S’pose that’s why the PM turned up, cos to pro labour supporters it doesn’t matter one bit.

Blue Skies
11-12-2022, 03:49 PM
Ardern's Christmas Present to all Kiwi's:


New Zealanders struggling to pay for Christmas

How could Ardern have allowed this to happen, before the dodgy Beehive scum disappeared off early for the Christmas break ? ;)

Given that NZ (7.2%) has an inflation rate comparable with Australia (6.9%) & Canada but lower than the UK (9.6%), EU (10.6%) , & US (9.1%), and that every country is dealing with labour shortages, supply chain disruptions, the effects of war in Europe, & the climate crisis, we've just had the wettest summer followed by the winter on record & its still pouring in November affecting agricultural crops,

AND, we have an economy which weathered the Global pandemic strongly meaning it is running too hot,
AND we have the lowest unemployment on record,
AND the Reserve Bank policy is independent of govt
AND National's blanket tax cuts will worsen the inflation problem resulting in interest rates staying higher for longer to cool the economy
AND Labour's tax credits will target support where it needed without fueling inflation & adding to the problem.
AND Australia, UK, the EU countries, US, Canada etc are all facing a cost of living crisis,

what exactly are your solutions?
You can't just criticise your way out of a cost of living crisis, you must have opinions on what the govt should be doing instead.
Let's hear them.

11-12-2022, 05:04 PM
AND Australia is moving towards providing a pathway to citizenship for kiwis.

11-12-2022, 05:45 PM
AND Australia is moving towards providing a pathway to citizenship for kiwis.

All the better to encourage the best to migrate from NZ to Australia.

Let Ardern borrow ever more to spend on breeding beneficiaries.

11-12-2022, 06:09 PM
Labour and Ardern have laid the groundwork to make NZ the next South Africa or Zimbabwe, both basket cases.

Anybody who can not see it, is either too busy working to pay the high mortgage on their over priced home, or got the stereo turned up to drown out the noise from the Kainga Ora house or emergency motel next door!

Comrade Cinders, the woman who reduced New Zimbabwe to ashes.

11-12-2022, 09:25 PM

Wellington man critically injured after confronting burglar

Yet more serious crime under this Government and more on the way as times tighten

Where is the ineffective invisible softly softly Police Minister hiding on now seeing to safe communities
free from the criminal scum that shown up in increasing numbers under Arden's watch ? ;)

11-12-2022, 09:30 PM
From my observation a considerable amount of inflation is because business is raising prices for no other reason than they can.


Still a major issue if it's affecting so many Kiwi's

If not sorted - will most of them ever consider supporting Labour again ? ;)

After all, it appears that Ardern formerly the great protector and provider to the masses
now must be seen to be leaving many many Kiwi's wallowing in their Christmas misery
all on their own, with even more misery forecast to engulf the lands next year ;)

Increased Wages and add-on's (Look no further than increased stat holidays etc as well)
Fuel prices
Increased costs of combatting crime against businesses

Operating a business or being employed by one looks to be becoming
a very hazardous occupation with the levels of criminal scum on the
loose under this Government too ;)

and probably more factors

No crackdown from Labour for businesses for raising prices, or didn't the recent
attempts go so well ?

Perhaps the last $300 free for all bribe was supposed to cover everything increased for the next
2 years even though it was all but gone before it landed ? ;)

Stop Press: Confirmation posted in another thread:

I can tell you from that wage inflation is running exceptionally hot

11-12-2022, 09:38 PM
All the better to encourage the best to migrate from NZ to Australia.

Let Ardern borrow ever more to spend on breeding beneficiaries.

Room for more Aussie 501's to ease into their new Kiwi criminal lifestyle with some gentle Labour massaging ? ;)

11-12-2022, 09:46 PM
Given that NZ (7.2%) has an inflation rate comparable with Australia (6.9%) & Canada but lower than the UK (9.6%), EU (10.6%) , & US (9.1%), and that every country is dealing with labour shortages, supply chain disruptions, the effects of war in Europe, & the climate crisis, we've just had the wettest summer followed by the winter on record & its still pouring in November affecting agricultural crops,

AND, we have an economy which weathered the Global pandemic strongly meaning it is running too hot,
AND we have the lowest unemployment on record,
AND the Reserve Bank policy is independent of govt
AND National's blanket tax cuts will worsen the inflation problem resulting in interest rates staying higher for longer to cool the economy
AND Labour's tax credits will target support where it needed without fueling inflation & adding to the problem.
AND Australia, UK, the EU countries, US, Canada etc are all facing a cost of living crisis,

what exactly are your solutions?
You can't just criticise your way out of a cost of living crisis, you must have opinions on what the govt should be doing instead.
Let's hear them.

I'm not in Government and any advisory on solutions are expected to come at a very large cost :)

Suggest you ask your own Government on why just about everything they have touched has been allowed
to turn to Cr%p with worse to follow and without a safety chute.

There is absolutely no excuse for it to be this way when we look at other nations

This is a Government that started out with answers on how to fix everything overnight or so it was inferred :)

11-12-2022, 09:51 PM

Exclusive: Auckland Hells Angel member accused in record breaking Ecuadorian cocaine case

Crime must pay fairly well under Labour

No wonder Gangs are proliferating under this Government

A shame a few more inteliigent clues weren't seen from another well known Wellington Gang who
manage to mostly stuff up everything they touch ;)

11-12-2022, 10:20 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Split reveals where power lies


What happens when they all get made unemployed ?

Could be some major headaches or will all desert Labour enmasse after a massive rejection ?

If that were to happen Labour could implode with even shallower tired lousy excuses for talent left in a smaller goldfish bowl

When the hijacking of Ardern no longer is of any value and she gets tossed out like yesterday's rubbish, then what ? ;)

Perhaps there might be a split and two separate parties for each of the rebellious factions .. let's face it - a little division if on what might be seen as racial grounds has never been beyond Labour in the past, if only to save a bit of face or stop the lipstick running off, or even to defuse a further possible rebellion ;)

12-12-2022, 09:03 AM
An Ode to .. the Queen of Three Waters

The First Rule of Co-Governance Club

The Tribespeople approached the Queen
and requested co-governance of the rivers.

They also suggested throwing in the creeks,
the swamps, the aqueducts, the puddles,
and the wide still lakes with their merry green
algae blooms from the herds of ****ting beasts.

The Queen was a Kind Queen.

“Why not?” she said;
and appointed the affable Willie of Jackson
as Count Co-Governance to sort it out.

But while nine-tenths of the Queendom
had already been happily sold off to the moneylenders
of the Land of Oz and the satraps of the Orient,
there was a sudden concern amongst the yeomen
that the Tribespeople might have diabolical plans
for the Thirty Eight Waters.

There was much raving and screeching,
and confusion grew amongst the peasants.

Thus the Queen grew discontented
and drummeth her fingers on her throne.

She called before her Willie of Jackson.

“Kia Ora, Count Co-Go,” she declaimed.
“Change of Plan. My royal spies advise me
that there are plotters in the ranks;
so, we are going to do the same thing
with the Ninety Nine Waters
as we did with the new hovels for the serfs,
the same thing we did as with the plague regulations,
and the same thing as we did with our promise
to do battle to the death with the
Mighty and Cruel Dragon, Carbo El Dioxide.”

“What is that?” asked Count Co-go,
who to be honest could not remember any of above.

“The First Rule of Co-governance Club,”
said the Queen,
“is that we do not talk about Co-Governance Club.”

Thus the Queen departed
as she had a meeting with an Ice Princess
from the distant land of Ultima Thule,
who had brought tribute of a fresh supply of banging
12” Happy House club remix vinyl.

And Count Co-go was left to deliver the change of plan
to the waiting crowds of surly tribespeople,
revolting yeomanry,
and bloodthirsty scribblers from Grub Street.


12-12-2022, 10:22 AM
newsletter (https://www.nzcpr.com/newsletter/)

By Dr Muriel Newman

As we finish the second year of Jacinda Ardern’s premiership of the only majority Government to have been elected outright under our MMP voting system, two polls and a by-election spell bad news for Labour.

Taken chronologically, Monday’s 1News Kantar poll (https://www.1news.co.nz/2022/12/05/poll-national-and-act-strengthen-luxon-closes-gap-on-ardern/) showed support for Labour continues to slide, down 1 to 33 percent – the lowest ranking since before the 2017 election. National increased 1 to 38, ACT rose 2 to 11, the Greens were steady on 9, and the Maori Party steady on 2.

On those results, National and ACT would have the numbers to govern with 64 MPs.

Jacinda Ardern is also on the slippery slope in the preferred Prime Minister stakes, falling from the heady heights of over 60 percent support to 29 - her lowest rating since becoming Prime Minister. Meanwhile National’s Chris Luxon is on the rise, now ranking at 23 percent.

Tuesday’s Roy Morgan poll (https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/9122-nz-national-voting-intention-november-2022) was much more brutal. It painted a devastating picture of a collapsing Labour vote - down 3.5 to 25.5 percent, the lowest level of support for the Party since June 2017 - before Jacinda Ardern became leader.

In fact, it was in response to a One News poll in mid-2017 showing Labour only fractionally lower at 24 percent that former Labour leader Andrew Little stepped aside.

On the current levels of polling, Labour would lose more than 30 of its 64 MPs at the next election. As a result, a number of those Labour MPs are now signalling they intend moving on, with the PM expected to announce some resignations before the House rises for Christmas.

Meanwhile, the poll showed support for National is on the rise - up 7 to 39 percent – and while ACT lost 1.5 to 11, at 50 percent, the two parties would have the numbers to govern.

The Greens fell 3.5 to 12, the Maori Party rose 1 to 4, and New Zealand First was steady on 3.5.

The poor performance of Labour was not only reflected in a decline in confidence in the Government, which has dropped to a record low, but also in those who think the country is ‘heading in the wrong direction’ - up 5 to a record high of 55 percent compared to a 7 percent drop to 35 percent in those who believe New Zealand is ‘heading in the right direction’.

Roy Morgan’s in-depth breakdown of voter support showed for the first time more women are supporting National and ACT at 44.5 percent, than Labour and the Greens at 42.5 percent, with support more pronounced amongst those who are older.

The difference for men is much more defined – 55 percent support National and ACT with the support of older men aged 50+ at 66 percent, compared to younger men aged 18-49 at 44.5 percent. In comparison, 32.5 of men support Labour and the Greens, with older men at 29.5 percent and younger at 35 percent.

Further analysis shows that both the Green and Maori parties rely almost entirely on the support of young people. Clearly, exploiting impressionable young voters with radical agenda-driven narratives pays dividends: for the Greens, supporting their extremist climate policies is the only way to save the planet, and for the Maori Party, supporting Maori supremacy is the only way to alleviate repression and inequality. It’s therefore little wonder that both parties are strong advocates for lowering the voting age.

Saturday’s by-election in Hamilton West was a definitive win for National’s Tama Potaka. He gained (https://www.electionresults.govt.nz/) 46 percent of the vote, compared to Labour on 30 percent, ACT on 10 percent, and former Labour MP Gaurav Sharma on 8 percent.

National will be buoyed by their success. The seat is regarded as a reliable ‘bellwether’ of the electorate’s mood and is usually won by the party of Government.

For Labour, it’s another clear message that the electorate no longer wants what they are delivering, with many commentators now saying the Ardern administration is the worst government ever.

Labour seems to lack the ability to do even the basics well. This is exemplified by the fact that New Zealand’s cost-of-living crisis is largely of their own making.

Auckland University’s Professor Robert MacCulloch explains (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/robert-macculloch-the-case-against-the-reserve-bank-and-the-finance-minister/WANWN3KGNDS5SWES3N2URJZROM/) that a simple formula used by central banks around the world to control inflation is to raise the Official Cash Rates by one percent for every one percentage increase in inflation. With New Zealand’s annual inflation jumping from 1.5 percent in March 2021 to 6.9 percent in March 2022 and the Reserve Bank increasing the OCR by only a little over one percent during that period, it’s clear that not nearly enough was done:

“After keeping the cash rate so low for so long and embarking on a $53 billion Quantitative Easing programme, the bank is now in panic mode. Those having trouble paying back their mortgages in the next few years can blame our RBNZ Governor and Finance Minister. They encouraged a borrowing binge to buy houses at wildly inflated prices, financed by dirt cheap credit, turning a blind eye to the breach of the target to which they mutually agreed and not learning the lessons of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008.”

Exacerbating the rising price of goods and services is the increasing cost of carbon. This is a direct result of the Prime Minister’s obsession with being seen to be leading the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But imposing restrictions onto New Zealand when major emitters intend dramatically increasing emissions for the next thirty years, is madness.

Then there’s the disaster of falling education standards and rising truancy rates, the escalating crime-wave, the crisis in health care, the increasing homelessness and poverty, a seeming inability to address the country’s critical shortage of workers – and so it goes on. Almost every area of government touched by Jacinda Ardern’s administration has failed.

In addition, major reforms have been undertaken to benefit iwi leaders without any mandate from voters - as the Three Waters debacle shows only too clearly. They lied to councils that the scheme was optional when it was always going to be compulsory. They claimed councils would still own their assets while confiscating them without compensation. They promised massive consumer savings that will never materialise. They used a model that independent analysis exposed as faulty. They engaged in an unconstitutional attempt to entrench policy to bind future Parliaments. And they failed to disclose to the public that the primary objective of the reforms is passing control of all water in New Zealand - freshwater, stormwater, wastewater, coastal water, and geothermal water - to Maori tribal leaders.

Only Labour voted in favour of the Bill – all other parties were opposed. And now two more Three Waters bills have been tabled - the Water Services Legislation Bill HERE (https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_130199/water-services-legislation-bill) to transfer assets from local authorities to the Water Services Entities, and the Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill HERE (https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_130196/water-services-economic-efficiency-and-consumer-protection) to establish an economic regulator.

More significantly, Three Waters has exposed the fact that New Zealand is now being co-governed by Maori. Nanaia Mahuta has assumed the mantle of a de-facto Prime Minister, blatantly flaunting Cabinet rules and acting as a law unto herself as she pursues her legacy project of delivering control of New Zealand’s water - along with all the financial benefits that will flow - to iwi, including to her own Tainui tribe.

The scale of this transfer of power and wealth through co-governance is eye-watering. It amounts to an effective mass privatisation of key New Zealand assets, as control is stripped from the public and passed into the hands of some of the biggest private businesses in the country. Instead of elected officials being in charge and acting in the public interest, unaccountable tribal representatives will be driven by self-interest.

It is astonishing hypocrisy from Labour – a party that not only rails against privatisation and the accumulation of private wealth but feigns to value democracy and individual rights.

But after two years of the Ardern Government, we have now learned that they have no respect for New Zealand’s core values of freedom and democracy. With their jack boots, they have trampled over our traditional culture as they attempt to divide our society and crush our spirit.

But Kiwis are not for crushing. We may be slow to react to acts of aggression from government, which we generally consider to be working in our best interests, but when a line is crossed, we will not take it lying down.

So why is Jacinda Ardern losing the support of voters?

The simple reason is that she cannot be trusted. Of her litany of lies, some stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Claiming to be an open and transparent government, whilst running the most secretive and devious administration in our history.

Emulating George Orwell by claiming to be New Zealand’s single source of truth: “I want to send a clear message to the New Zealand public: We will continue to be your single source of truth.”

Entrenching globalist agendas without informing the public - including the United Nations Agenda 2030, and the World Economic Forum’s ‘great reset’.

Using the UN’s Paris Agreement to restrict farming - in direct contravention of article 2, which prohibits governments from enacting climate policies that threaten food production.

Then there’s ‘co-governance’ – not only failing to inform the public that her He Puapua goal of tribal rule was being introduced under the guise of implementing the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, but denying the agenda was underway even as power-sharing arrangements with iwi leaders were established.

With health and polytechs already controlled by iwi, and now Three Waters, is the proposed new public broadcaster the next in line, or will it be the conservation estate - or what about the whole of local government?

The ambition of Maori supremacists knows no bounds.

And how has Jacinda Ardern responded to those who are taking a stand and challenging her radical idealism? By labelling their views as misinformation or disinformation and turning the media and government agencies against them.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is former District Court Judge David Harvey, with his comprehensive analysis of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s on-going attack on the freedom of expression, in which he concludes she has “the mindset of a tyrant”:

“Ms Ardern is possessed of a high sense of the righteousness of her cause. She does not debate ideas. She rejects them or refutes the premises of opposition without engaging in debate. She therefore avoids confronting the uncomfortable reality that she may be wrong. And by rejecting and refuting she adopts an air of superiority that views dissent as evil and, because it has become ‘weaponized’ it is too dangerous to allow.

“But for her it is dissent that is the enemy. Ms Ardern does not want a single voice raised against her. This is the most common cry of the 21st-century authoritarian – that contrarian speech can have a destabilising and even life-threatening impact, especially if it concerns big crises like climate change or Covid-19.

“So ‘climate deniers’ are a threat to the future of the human race and thus may be legitimately silenced. ‘Lockdown deniers’ threaten to encourage the spread of viral infection and thus may be legitimately gagged. The spectre of crisis is cynically used to clamp down on anyone who dissents from the new global consensus.”

The reality is that Jacinda Ardern has a delusional view of how the rest of us should live. She clearly has no regard for our rights as free citizens, or our traditions as a representative democracy: ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’.

With the power of the state at her fingertips, she is dangerous.

It’s no wonder that Kiwis are disillusioned and no longer trust the Prime Minister.

That’s why she’s falling in the polls.

The sooner she leaves office, the safer New Zealand will be."

Bill Smith
12-12-2022, 11:17 AM
AND Australia is moving towards providing a pathway to citizenship for kiwis.

Great for aspirational Kiwis with real skills and qualifications. Not so great for NZ though. Skilled Kiwis go to Au and 501's leave Au. Win-win for Australia and opposite for New Zealand. But I guess even you knew that.

12-12-2022, 12:38 PM
Given that NZ (7.2%) has an inflation rate comparable with Australia (6.9%) & Canada but lower than the UK (9.6%), EU (10.6%) , & US (9.1%), and that every country is dealing with labour shortages, supply chain disruptions, the effects of war in Europe, & the climate crisis, we've just had the wettest summer followed by the winter on record & its still pouring in November affecting agricultural crops,

AND, we have an economy which weathered the Global pandemic strongly meaning it is running too hot,
AND we have the lowest unemployment on record,
AND the Reserve Bank policy is independent of govt
AND National's blanket tax cuts will worsen the inflation problem resulting in interest rates staying higher for longer to cool the economy
AND Labour's tax credits will target support where it needed without fueling inflation & adding to the problem.
AND Australia, UK, the EU countries, US, Canada etc are all facing a cost of living crisis,

what exactly are your solutions?
You can't just criticise your way out of a cost of living crisis, you must have opinions on what the govt should be doing instead.
Let's hear them.

EU's inflation is in large part tied to Energy crisis we don't have in NZ.
While I agree most of inflation is global issue, Labour's excesive spending is directly fueling inflation.
Introducing tax on debt for landlords directly caused rent rises, making cost of living worse.

National proposed "tax cuts" are not tax cuts. It's a very small step to adjusting tax brackets to inflation, which hasn't been done for more than 11 years. Ever wonder why people have less money than decade ago? Maybe being taxed more by stealth every year has something to do with it. Tax brackets need to be tied to inflation.

12-12-2022, 01:59 PM
MIQ lottery system unreasonable and alternatives were available but Ardern & MBIE preferred to stick with the system which locked out NZers trying to come back and locked in NZers who wanted to go overseas.

So clear why Ardern left the RCI as late as possible so that a report will not come out after the 2023 election.

Most transparent government ever - BS from the one source of truth.


12-12-2022, 02:09 PM
MIQ lottery system unreasonable and alternatives were available but Ardern & MBIE preferred to stick with the system which locked out NZers trying to come back and locked in NZers who wanted to go overseas.

So clear why Ardern left the RCI as late as possible so that a report will not come out after the 2023 election.

Most transparent government ever - BS from the one source of truth.


Anyone that had anything to do with MIQ already knows all that this "investigation" concluded. To say it would have been complicated and time consuming to come up with a different system is rubbish. Any hotel booking software would have done the job. Many other countries required isolation on arrival but no nation bar China has such a draconinan system in place, where citizens were not even allowed into their home country. Parts of this stupid system has already been found to have been illegal.

12-12-2022, 02:09 PM
EU's inflation is in large part tied to Energy crisis we don't have in NZ.
While I agree most of inflation is global issue, Labour's excesive spending is directly fueling inflation.
Introducing tax on debt for landlords directly caused rent rises, making cost of living worse.

National proposed "tax cuts" are not tax cuts. It's a very small step to adjusting tax brackets to inflation, which hasn't been done for more than 11 years. Ever wonder why people have less money than decade ago? Maybe being taxed more by stealth every year has something to do with it. Tax brackets need to be tied to inflation.

Want to reduce inflation?

Tax more rather than have a tax cut.. maybe go after one of Luxon's properties.

12-12-2022, 02:23 PM
Want to reduce inflation?

Tax more rather than tax cut.. maybe go after one of Luxon's properties.

Labour is promising tax credits, to fuel inflation.

12-12-2022, 02:31 PM
National is always saying Labour is about tax and spend.

Meaning they cancel each other out - nil effect on inflation.

12-12-2022, 02:45 PM
Want to reduce inflation?

Tax more rather than have a tax cut.. maybe go after one of Luxon's properties.

Do you rent one of Luxon's properties? You are obsessed about them.Maybe he had to evict you and you are upset.

12-12-2022, 03:22 PM
Do you rent one of Luxon's properties? You are obsessed about them.Maybe he had to evict you and you are upset.

He/she just doesn't like people to be successful and "own" stuff, whether money or property :p

12-12-2022, 03:50 PM
When you harp on about economics & sound financial management etc it's somewhat a conflict of interest to have an entire portfolio of NZ residential properties.

12-12-2022, 04:02 PM
When you harp on about economics & sound financial management etc it's somewhat a conflict of interest to have an entire portfolio of NZ residential properties.

Hahaha. So someone that has nothing and no experience with any of it, is better qualified :confused:

12-12-2022, 04:18 PM
So, does "Waka Kotahi" , formally The Ministry of Transport, translate to "Ministry of Dumbas*" now.

Don't worry about the silly woke translations, just do the job properly please.



Unfortunately the whole country is going the same way...... Thanks to the woke ones.

12-12-2022, 04:25 PM
So, does "Waka Kotahi" , formally The Ministry of Transport, translate to "Ministry of Dumbas*" now.

Don't worry about the silly woke translations, just do the job properly please.



Unfortunately the whole country is going the same way...... Thanks to the woke ones.

"Waka GoNoWare"

Bill Smith
12-12-2022, 04:58 PM
When you harp on about economics & sound financial management etc it's somewhat a conflict of interest to have an entire portfolio of NZ residential properties.

Not as bad as mahuta awarding her husbandcousin uncontested contracts thou.

12-12-2022, 07:31 PM

Warkworth assault: Father critically injured, family living a nightmare after dispute over burnouts turned violent

More serious crime in Labour's Lala-Land - where the gently massaged Scum get away scott free ;)

12-12-2022, 10:43 PM
Sir Ian Taylor, previously a huge supporter and cheerleader for Ardern & her mob, on the divisive social & racial disaster which this incompetent and useless mob have created in the 5 years they have been in power :


When the Labour government became the first under MMP to win complete control of the House, I really believed that at last there was a party in power that would use that privilege to show the compassion, leadership, collaboration and transparency that was needed to address some of the major issues around the growing social and economic divide that was facing Aotearoa New Zealand.

Instead, transparency has disappeared, the economic and social divide has grown and the dangers of a party led by ingrained and inflexible ideologies have come to the fore.

And into this gap has stepped Willie Jackson and Nanaia Mahuta.

fungus pudding
13-12-2022, 09:03 AM
Sir Ian Taylor, previously a huge supporter and cheerleader for Ardern & her mob, on the divisive social & racial disaster which this incompetent and useless mob have created in the 5 years they have been in power :


When the Labour government became the first under MMP to win complete control of the House, I really believed that at last there was a party in power that would use that privilege to show the compassion, leadership, collaboration and transparency that was needed to address some of the major issues around the growing social and economic divide that was facing Aotearoa New Zealand.

Instead, transparency has disappeared, the economic and social divide has grown and the dangers of a party led by ingrained and inflexible ideologies have come to the fore.

And into this gap has stepped Willie Jackson and Nanaia Mahuta.

no point in posting paywalled link
Read here from McWin - 'for those without premium'.


13-12-2022, 09:18 AM
no point in posting paywalled link
Read here from McWin - 'for those without premium'.


Deafening silence from our resident Ardern indoctrinated & brainwashed posters like dobby41 & davflaws.

They could be counted upon to jump up and down, froth around their mouths while crying racism whenever Maoris are mentioned but pity them.

It must be devastating to them as 2022 comes towards a close that they cannot cry racism to try and cancel & shut Sir Ian Taylor up.

He is a well respected and knighted voice of Maoridom, see?

Excerpt :

I don’t need to highlight the concerns around the ideology-driven agenda that appears to have taken control of Cabinet. Both ministers did that for us last week.

What the five Māori MPs in Cabinet (and 15 Māori MPs in the Labour caucus) need to reflect on is the damage they are doing to those who argue that Māori have an increasingly important and constructive contribution to make to the future of Aotearoa New Zealand. I believe the majority of Kiwi share that view, but the increasingly inflexible, we know best, we are owed this, stand some of our Māori ministers are taking has opened the doors for those who don’t.

This is a future we can all grow together. It is a future we need to pursue, with dignity, for the benefit of our mokopuna. That was the Labour Party I used to know."

13-12-2022, 11:58 AM
Some say good old Cinders, and others tell the truth.

Cinders, the bug who put evil into weevil.

13-12-2022, 12:05 PM
Some say good old Cinders, and others tell the truth.

Cinders, the bug who put evil into weevil.

And totally tone-dead these days to the plight of the NZers battling the cost of living crisis with worse to come in 2023.

It's all about the optics for her and preparing her excuse to bail out before she gets pushed out.

As Sir Ian Taylor wrote :

"I have no idea who is advising the Prime Minister at the moment, but surely that article, on sale in supermarkets across the country where ordinary Kiwis come face to face with the cost of living crisis every week, was as tone-deaf as it possibly could have been.

In the article, the Prime Minister extolled the importance of being together as a family - especially in challenging times. Well, times didn’t get more challenging than they did at the height of the Covid pandemic.

Imagine how those hundred of thousands of Kiwi citizens who found themselves locked out of their country by a totally unfit-for-purpose MIQ system, felt seeing the PM finally acknowledging that being together as a family was important."


13-12-2022, 12:11 PM
Ah, look at her.
Enough gush to flush 1000 toilets, but the output is just the same.

13-12-2022, 12:18 PM
Now, was that mast head Womans ekly intentional?

13-12-2022, 02:47 PM
Ah, look at her.
Enough gush to flush 1000 toilets, but the output is just the same.

With current inflationary pressures, coverage dictates having to be ripped into 1/8th squares
and alternated with disgarded fish and chip wrappers / used KFC napkins ;)

Tmes are getting tough you know :)

13-12-2022, 03:12 PM
Wow that is one severely photo shopped image. She is looking very haggard these days. Not surprising really.

13-12-2022, 07:24 PM
Wow that is one severely photo shopped image. She is looking very haggard these days. Not surprising really.

This is Ardern without the optics - just imagine how long she would have spent on her make up to look like the dolly bird.

All the time in the world to look good but no time to pull up Mahuta & Willie Jackson for undermining democracy & making her look like a fool.

Which Ardern is - a clueless & useless IDIOT.



13-12-2022, 09:26 PM

‘Such an arrogant p*ick’ - PM Jacinda Ardern lashes out at Act leader David Seymour

Seymour had been asking Ardern a series of questions relating to senior Labour MP Nanaia Mahuta’s performance, hate speech reforms and other policies.

Hope David rinsed the incoming spit from the challenged one off his ears

Just remember David - it's a compliment in Labour circles to be called such words where so many dumb (something else) linger. They just dont have many suitable untarnished candidates for the special words
you received :)

The spinning device must broken, in for repairs or left in the office upstairs..
hope she didn't sit on it when she got back up there or biff it out in to the
garden in a further temper tantrum after resulting in a rapid spray in a new tone ;)

As all will note She's finally learned a new word .. but which Lingo retarded Labour member from the frontbench did she catch it from ? ;)

Why didn't she get kicked out like the Trev the Duck used to practice before he smashed up the parliamentary garden then got made to fly far away ? ;)

2023 could be a "Insert a Nice Word" sort of a year for the potty mouthed Labour Leader on the way out
then some other poor victim might have to suffer a few fancy words and a bit of venom .. poor p**ck ;)

If the tides are right the fishies might enjoy some extended company and not be quite so hazardous to try to navigate a safe distance around ;) Note new introductions might be needed so they feel comfortable
and dont get too spiny around the hooks, or some other toned scream of "Insert a Nice Word" might
be heard rolling in from across the water

13-12-2022, 09:45 PM

‘Crown determined to be better partner’: $115m Treaty settlement passes through Parliament

Goodness - is Andrew trying to play Father Christmas again with Treats for those muchly favoured ? ;)

A handsome specimen isn't he - if you have special glasses

To all Ye Nurses - please take care - the creature still might bite a bit, if seen please call security :)

Note to self: Father Christmas always looked a far merrier friendly fellow than this specimen - maybe he's an imposter or just some soon to be jobless fellow retraining for a new job in late 2023 ? Never mind, if things don't work out, the King of the Kiwi Peso Pile might be able to find him a different spot scraping lost Kiwi pesos out of a gutter near you - reputedly expensive darn things to lose they are, if a new batch needs to be minted :)

Hope everyone remembered to put their requests in to Andrew

Any not processed will be used to light Labour's Christmas candles when the lights go out late next year
and to make confetti for Ardern's final going away party :)

Please remember to chuck a Peso or two at the open mouth in the corner to help get the lights back on.

Note for every peso landing in the open mouth with the red lippy - three further free shots if you hear "He's a Smart P*ick" as the wayward peso makes it mark and disappears from sight :)

A Good Christmas to all Ye Comrades - please watch for needles on those trees to avoid running ACC
off their feet when they're sposed to be all on holiday away from all the injured or think they've suffered
something poor "insert a nice word" +s across our inflation troubled land where the hoots and
cheers for the Comrades above from those down under will indeed likely be rare as this year :)

14-12-2022, 04:28 AM


Quick, do a DNA Swab!

The top and bottom photos cannot be the same person.

Notice how in the carefully posed photo relating to family, she covers her LEFT hand, to hide that there is no ring.


What a fake!

Can this woman be trusted to do anything right?


14-12-2022, 07:15 AM
Quick, do a DNA Swab!

The top and bottom photos cannot be the same person.

Notice how in the carefully posed photo relating to family, she covers her LEFT hand, to hide that there is no ring.


What a fake!

Can this woman be trusted to do anything right?


What family? She has a boyfriend (possibly). No husband like some media like to portray.

She has been exhibiting bizarre hand flapping behavior of late. Maybe she is on the powder? Wouldn't be hard for her to attain with her boyfriends connections. But maybe its just stress release creating these funny facials and expressions. Who knows.

14-12-2022, 08:39 AM
On the powder.

I like that expression.

Keep ya powder dry Cinders!

fungus pudding
14-12-2022, 08:50 AM

‘Such an arrogant p*ick’ - PM Jacinda Ardern lashes out at Act leader David Seymour

Hope David rinsed the incoming spit from the challenged one off his ears

Just remember David - it's a compliment in Labour circles to be called such words where so many dumb (something else) linger. They just dont have many suitable untarnished candidates for the special words
you received :)

The spinning device must broken, in for repairs or left in the office upstairs..
hope she didn't sit on it when she got back up there or biff it out in to the
garden in a further temper tantrum after resulting in a rapid spray in a new tone ;)

As all will note She's finally learned a new word .. but which Lingo retarded Labour member from the frontbench did she catch it from ? ;)

Why didn't she get kicked out like the Trev the Duck used to practice before he smashed up the parliamentary garden then got made to fly far away ? ;)

2023 could be a "Insert a Nice Word" sort of a year for the potty mouthed Labour Leader on the way out
then some other poor victim might have to suffer a few fancy words and a bit of venom .. poor p**ck ;)

If the tides are right the fishies might enjoy some extended company and not be quite so hazardous to try to navigate a safe distance around ;) Note new introductions might be needed so they feel comfortable
and dont get too spiny around the hooks, or some other toned scream of "Insert a Nice Word" might
be heard rolling in from across the water

At least she hit the world headlines.


14-12-2022, 09:11 AM
At least she hit the world headlines.


Think she muttered ‘freaking prig’ at her Maori cabinet cabal when she found out about Mahuta’s 60% entrenchment clause?


14-12-2022, 11:42 AM
Dear Cinders.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho

Its away from work the 6 go.

So sad but we must look at replacements.

I suggest one of each;

Ngati Tuwharetoa.
Oh, and 1 token whitey, but must be rainbow, and have an Arts degree.

So glad to be able to assist.

Your friend in times of need.


14-12-2022, 06:36 PM
[QUOTE=Balance;985870]This is Ardern without the optics - just imagine how long she would have spent on her make up to look like the dolly bird.

All the time in the world to look good but no time to pull up Mahuta & Willie Jackson for undermining democracy & making her look like a fool.

Which Ardern is - a clueless & useless IDIOT. Quote

Admit it, you are secretly in love with the PM. Otherwise why would you collect photos?



14-12-2022, 07:40 PM
This is Ardern without the optics - just imagine how long she would have spent on her make up to look like the dolly bird.

All the time in the world to look good but no time to pull up Mahuta & Willie Jackson for undermining democracy & making her look like a fool.

Which Ardern is - a clueless & useless IDIOT.
Admit it, you are secretly in love with the PM. Otherwise why would you collect photos?


Another screwed up quote, when will you learn? Here, fixed it for you.

15-12-2022, 06:53 AM
Signs of the internal pressure being brought to bear on Ardern.


Peeni Henare clearly has Ardern over a barrel for his position on the list. This reminds me of Dover Samuels blackmailing Helen Clark for a number 4 position. Clark caved, but knifed him at the first opportunity. Aunty Helen mentored Ardern. Peeni, watch your back!

Logen Ninefingers
15-12-2022, 07:01 AM
The Labour governments destruction of NZ via enormous wasteful spending continues apace -

‘The Treasury has forecast it will cost $659 million to build and operate a new computer system for the four entities that will manage the country’s drinking and waste water after the Three Waters reforms.

It estimated in its half-year economic and fiscal update (Hyefu) on Wednesday that the system would require $75m in capital expenditure and $582m in operational expenditure.

It said there was a risk “additional funding may be required” and that the actual split between operating and capital expenditure could also differ from its forecast.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson said funding at about that level had been factored into the Government’s fiscal plans for “quite some time”.’

15-12-2022, 07:06 AM
Finance Minister Grant Robertson said funding at about that level had been factored into the Government’s fiscal plans for “quite some time”.’

That's the problem with big government. They don't care as it is not their money. So glad I have my own water and don't rely on these muppets to provide sustenance. But will still feel it in my taxes as ultimately that's where it come from. Tax really is theft.

Blue Skies
15-12-2022, 11:54 AM
It's about time some commercial media changed the narrative. You can only ignore the facts & figures for so long without starting to look a bit out of touch.
Grant Robertson is proving to be a sound economic manager through this once in 100 year event, the global pandemic. (Not even the GFC was regarded as a once in 100 year event).
We have low govt debt & Treasury say govt spending is not fuelling inflation.

Yes there has been some wastage & mistakes, but every govt is guilty of that & esp the National govt who recklessly tried to privatise prisons, got taken to the cleaners with the Sky City deal & spent $1.6 Billion of taxpayers money bailing out South Canterbury Finance investors for a start.
There's no one in the remaining bunch of Nat MP's who could be a capable Minister of Finance.
And on current polls about 25% of a National govt caucus would be ACT MP's, that should scare anybody.

Commercial media tends to blow whichever way the target is perceived by their audience & Labour is perceived as down at the moment, hence the constant framing of stories in a negative light.
Even an extension of the public transport & fuel subsidy was headlined in a negative way!


15-12-2022, 01:31 PM
Even an extension of the public transport & fuel subsidy was headlined in a negative way!


Too right as it should be. The govt has no business using my money to subsidise fuel on a whim. Nor should it be subsidising public transport.

15-12-2022, 02:57 PM
We have low govt debt & Treasury say govt spending is not fuelling inflation.

AA+ credit rating, most of the indebted junk in NZ is from the private sector (high mortgage and corporate debt levels).

15-12-2022, 05:07 PM
Too right as it should be. The govt has no business using my money to subsidise fuel on a whim. Nor should it be subsidising public transport.

And tax is theft - but I still don't know who this John Galt joker is.

If the right keep winning the media war and we get a National ACT coalition, you will certainly get some of what you want. Unless ACT get enough seats to exert real muscle, most of the changes will be cosmetic.

But to your substantive point about subsidising Public Transport - I think there are some problems the market can't solve. Public Transport is almost certainly one of them.

You could quite reasonably argue that the govt's measures won't solve it either, and while any subsidy we could conceivably afford is not going to change things overnight, it is a signal and a start, targeted (at least so the policy people will believe) to get the biggest bang for the available buck.

We live in interesting times.

15-12-2022, 07:18 PM
It's about time some commercial media changed the narrative. You can only ignore the facts & figures for so long without starting to look a bit out of touch.
Grant Robertson is proving to be a sound economic manager through this once in 100 year event, the global pandemic. (Not even the GFC was regarded as a once in 100 year event).
We have low govt debt & Treasury say govt spending is not fuelling inflation.

Yes there has been some wastage & mistakes, but every govt is guilty of that & esp the National govt who recklessly tried to privatise prisons, got taken to the cleaners with the Sky City deal & spent $1.6 Billion of taxpayers money bailing out South Canterbury Finance investors for a start.
There's no one in the remaining bunch of Nat MP's who could be a capable Minister of Finance.
And on current polls about 25% of a National govt caucus would be ACT MP's, that should scare anybody.

Commercial media tends to blow whichever way the target is perceived by their audience & Labour is perceived as down at the moment, hence the constant framing of stories in a negative light.
Even an extension of the public transport & fuel subsidy was headlined in a negative way!


Anyone in the National Party will be a better Minister of Finance than the wasteful, non accountable, opaque and clueless Robertson - ably assisted by the useless prig of a spendthrift Ardern.

As for government spending not fueling inflation, here's what the RB has been telling the useless prig Ardern & her clueless mob :


And Treasury :


Just remember that the Prig Ardern said there was no cost of living crisis in March 2022 and then, proceeded to pump billions of dollars in cost of living payments and fuel subsidies to fuel inflation.

Blue Skies
15-12-2022, 08:26 PM
Anyone in the National Party will be a better Minister of Finance than the wasteful, non accountable, opaque and clueless Robertson - ably assisted by the useless prig of a spendthrift Ardern.

As for government spending not fueling inflation, here's what the RB has been telling the useless prig Ardern & her clueless mob :


And Treasury :


Just remember that the Prig Ardern said there was no cost of living crisis in March 2022 and then, proceeded to pump billions of dollars in cost of living payments and fuel subsidies to fuel inflation.

You're quoting out of date articles.

These latest results have been described by ASB Senior Economist as "stupendously strong" & others the strength of NZ Economy as "exceedingly resilient".

We're in a good place, much better than any other OECD country including Australia.
(If you want I can give you the actual figures for a comparison so you can see how well we are going).

And in this latest report, Treasury says the govt's Fiscal policies & restraint are reducing inflationary pressures in the economy.

These strong numbers have surprised economists & journalists.
Its something everyone other than those overly obsessed with our PM will be delighted about & applauding.
Nicola Willis looked like she was sucking on a lemon, responding to the fact the economy boomed & GDP figures showing solid growth.
Shame to be like that!


15-12-2022, 08:40 PM
You're quoting out of date articles.

These latest results have been described by ASB Senior Economist as "stupendously strong" & others the strength of NZ Economy as "exceedingly resilient".

We're in a good place, much better than any other OECD country including Australia.
(If you want I can give you the actual figures for a comparison so you can see how well we are going).

And in this latest report, Treasury says the govt's Fiscal policies & restraint are reducing inflationary pressures in the economy.

These strong numbers have surprised economists & journalists.
Its something everyone other than those overly obsessed with our PM will be delighted about & applauding.
Nicola Willis looked like she was sucking on a lemon, responding to the fact the economy boomed & GDP figures showing solid growth.
Shame to be like that!


Strong growth because of the billions of dollars pumped into the system by the Clueless Prig Ardern.

Price to be paid by most NZers via even higher interest rates.

Nobody is fooled except those who are blinded by the $$$$ borrowed and pumped into the economy by the two prigs, Ardern & Robertson.

15-12-2022, 10:58 PM
And tax is theft - but I still don't know who this John Galt joker is.

If the right keep winning the media war and we get a National ACT coalition, you will certainly get some of what you want. Unless ACT get enough seats to exert real muscle, most of the changes will be cosmetic.

But to your substantive point about subsidising Public Transport - I think there are some problems the market can't solve. Public Transport is almost certainly one of them.

You could quite reasonably argue that the govt's measures won't solve it either, and while any subsidy we could conceivably afford is not going to change things overnight, it is a signal and a start, targeted (at least so the policy people will believe) to get the biggest bang for the available buck.

We live in interesting times.

We sure live in interesting times. I hope the National-ACT Government we'll get next year will reverse the oil & gas ban (maybe too late), leave our farmers alone to do their jobs for the country, reduce taxes on low & middle income earners, get serious about increasing youth crime, address absenteeism in our schools, stop the "cultural" crap and get on with English, maths and spelling, kick useless "arrogant pricks" off "job seekers" and into work,open immigration for people that want to work and contribute to NZ, get serious about "clean green energy" by mandating newbuilds to have solar (encourage communities to work together on that), mandating water collection for newbuilds, reintroducing interest deductability for all businessesand on and on it goes.

16-12-2022, 03:44 AM
Increased super age to 67... lower real term spending increases in health.

Only 100 bucks in tax cuts if you're a pensioner or low income.

16-12-2022, 04:23 PM
Another screwed up quote, when will you learn? Here, fixed it for you.

Thats what I get when I click on the reply tab. wiping unnecessary photos seems to eliminate the last [/QUOTE]

Don,t be pedantic.


16-12-2022, 04:40 PM
Don,t be pedantic.

Don't has an apostrophe, not a comma. :p

16-12-2022, 10:29 PM
The Labour governments destruction of NZ via enormous wasteful spending continues apace -

‘The Treasury has forecast it will cost $659 million to build and operate a new computer system for the four entities that will manage the country’s drinking and waste water after the Three Waters reforms.

It estimated in its half-year economic and fiscal update (Hyefu) on Wednesday that the system would require $75m in capital expenditure and $582m in operational expenditure.

It said there was a risk “additional funding may be required” and that the actual split between operating and capital expenditure could also differ from its forecast.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson said funding at about that level had been factored into the Government’s fiscal plans for “quite some time”.’

Ho Ho

Huge Water charges for all soon to appear

Spend it while you got it the fancier the better .. one last chance
before the huge cost avalanche starts to morph then's almost
certain for the future for sure.

You can bet the Local Bodies will make sure they don't miss out on
the fun either by one hand or another ;)

17-12-2022, 07:58 PM
A good summary of the clueless prig Ardern’s last 2 days in Parliament in 2022 :


Enjoy! :t_up:

17-12-2022, 08:17 PM

Gang member shot dead at Auckland church once involved in brutal kidnapping

Where is Labour's Head of Gangland relations & easy easy hiding now ?

Along with the The Head Parrot Puffpiece spinner and deny all - the lot gone off on holiday early :)

Welcome to Labour's curious idea of Safe(r) Communities with better to come as times tighten ;)

17-12-2022, 08:23 PM
And some more:


Hamilton dairy worker’s fingers chopped off by machete wielding robbers

fungus pudding
17-12-2022, 10:33 PM
Don't has an apostrophe, not a comma. :p


18-12-2022, 07:21 AM
Increased super age to 67... lower real term spending increases in health.

Only 100 bucks in tax cuts if you're a pensioner or low income. That's tough for those older folk, who have physically demanding working lives, to have an extra two years to wait. Tough also for the pensioners who couldn't afford to buy housing and cannot now equity release all those untaxed and system-provided capital gains.

18-12-2022, 11:00 AM
And some more:


Hamilton dairy worker’s fingers chopped off by machete wielding robbers

This is gratuitous violence exacted on law abiding NZers who are working to pay the taxes extracted from them by Ardern & Robertson to spend on making criminals ever more brazen and consequence free.

Started with Ardern being 'kind' to criminals,

Kelvin Davis taking the side of prisoners (because they are mostly Maoris),

Poto Williams taking the side of criminals (the police are not as important as her electoral base in South Auckland),

Andrew Coster implementing WOKE policing policies (policing by consent) and

Labour government failing to deliver on any of the huge promises it made on housing, education, health and living standards.

Plus, of course, Ardern pushing racist & divisive policies on NZers.


18-12-2022, 11:51 AM
Ardern’s policy of moving criminals and anti-socials via Kainga Ora to where law abiding citizens reside so they can create crimes, mayhem & havoc without consequences :


No eviction policy first, then

Build & buy accommodation amongst peaceful & neighbourly suburbs for the crims and anti-socials.

18-12-2022, 11:26 PM

Watch: Bungling burglars botch Big Barrel burglary, chain hit twice in the same night

Two carloads of bungling burglars have failed to smash their way into a Napier bottle shop, but still caused thousands of dollars of damage in their botched raid.

A senior manager for the Big Barrel chain, who did not want to be identified, said shortly after the attempted burglary of their Carlyle St liquor shop in Napier in the early hours of Sunday, the liquor chain’s Mt Eden Rd Store was hit by burglars who were more successful.

The Mt Eden store has now had three burglaries in as many weeks.

19-12-2022, 05:56 AM

Cyber criminals drain $150k from pensioner’s online bank accounts in elaborate Prezzy Card scam

However, despite the incident occurring in August, he was told last month police were yet to assign the case and were unlikely to do so given the number of fraud cases and a lack of resources.

“Police have done absolutely nothing. The lady I spoke to said it’s probably not going to be assigned. They’ve got so much work.”

Where is Labour's Goon of a Police Minister holidaying while this sort of thing goes untouched for god knows how long ? ;)

“Occasionally police are required to redeploy staff to areas of additional risk, such as incidents involving violence against a person or property and this can often cause delays.

My **** it is - this has been a regular recurring issue up and down the country for decades
with complaints etc probably left going moldy a back cupboard for long periods of time
if they ever see dalight again, then there the 'thats a civil matter' one frequently trotted out :)

19-12-2022, 06:06 AM

Inflation pushes up the cost of Government, putting pressure on Grant Robertson

Pressure getting to him now or is he just imagining his seat suffering a bit of global warning ? ;)

At least Welly Central F&E wont be too far away to come put out the flames sneaking around his
trouser legs ;)


Firefighters accept pay offer

At worst, why not just take him across the road and down a bit and biff him into the harbour
to wake things up ? :)

19-12-2022, 08:27 AM
She says politics is about solving problems but her government has all been about creating disasters.


The Clueless Prig Cindy - all spin and no delivery.

fungus pudding
19-12-2022, 08:51 AM

Inflation pushes up the cost of Government, putting pressure on Grant Robertson

Pressure getting to him now or is he just imagining his seat suffering a bit of global warning ? ;)

At least Welly Central F&E wont be too far away to come put out the flames sneaking around his
trouser legs ;)


Firefighters accept pay offer

At worst, why not just take him across the road and down a bit and biff him into the harbour
to wake things up ? :)

Because he's a designed to float model, defeating the purpose.

19-12-2022, 03:51 PM
This is gratuitous violence exacted on law abiding NZers who are working to pay the taxes extracted from them by Ardern & Robertson to spend on making criminals ever more brazen and consequence free.

Started with Ardern being 'kind' to criminals,

Kelvin Davis taking the side of prisoners (because they are mostly Maoris),

Poto Williams taking the side of criminals (the police are not as important as her electoral base in South Auckland),

Andrew Coster implementing WOKE policing policies (policing by consent) and

Labour government failing to deliver on any of the huge promises it made on housing, education, health and living standards.

Plus, of course, Ardern pushing racist & divisive policies on NZers.


Home invasion, burglaries, robberies, ram raids and shooting at police.

Criminals out of control - thanks to Clueless & Useless Prig Ardern.


Excerpt : "Four youths have been arrested following a home invasion, a series of commercial burglaries, and an incident in which shots were fired at police in the Waikato District early this morning."


19-12-2022, 05:57 PM

Four youths arrested after Waikato home invasion, burglary spree

Waikato District Commander Superintendent Bruce Bird told media shots were fired at police from a light-coloured car as they were doing their investigations on Bader Street in Hamilton.

Bird said police are working to find six other offenders, and will work tirelessly until they are caught and brought before the court.

Bird called the offenders an “organised crime group, pure and simple”.

“These people are now out of control.”

And clueless Ardern and her useless band of sidekicks have LOST CONTROL

No further excuses - Pure and Simple ;)

Any sign of Arms in use in criminal hands - Police should be empowered to deploy Sharpshooters to inflict
maximum damage for permanent solutions and not be required to answer any questions in these situations.

Only one way to purge our Societies of this sort of offending criminal scum - that is permanently
so it does not get to come back any day of the week.

The current deterrents are just patting the problem on the head by this Govt and obviously not working ;)

19-12-2022, 07:06 PM
Even the fish are running away:


How did that be allowed to happen ? :)

19-12-2022, 07:11 PM
Here's some more:


Armed police responding to sudden death in Massey, West Auckland, reports of weapon

“Police are attending a serious incident in Royal Rd, Massey, where a person has died,” police said in a statement.

Yet more Lawlessness under an equally hopeless useless Govt with Ardern and sidekicks hoping
to dreamwalk it out of sight after having failed miserably to come up with effective solutions ;)

20-12-2022, 05:43 PM
Have just seen the survey on Stuff re several of Labour's big policy reforms

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/300769657/yeah-nah-do-you-support-the-governments-big-reforms. At time of writing

TVNZ/Radio merger 80/20% against

3 (5) Waters 78/22 Against

Hate speech 69/21 Against

Income Insurance 75/25 Against

I wonder if Cindy realises she has a problem?

20-12-2022, 06:41 PM
Have just seen the survey on Stuff re several of Labour's big policy reforms

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/300769657/yeah-nah-do-you-support-the-governments-big-reforms. At time of writing

TVNZ/Radio merger 80/20% against

3 (5) Waters 78/22 Against

Hate speech 69/21 Against

Income Insurance 75/25 Against

I wonder if Cindy realises she has a problem?

She will not be remotely aware nor does the clueless prig that she is wants to know.

She is too busy spouting class A bull dust - Excerpt : " .......a short clip of Arden saying: “As leaders, we have the keys to create a sense of security and a sense of hope,” before it cuts to Ardern giving someone a hug."


Sense of security? Tell that to the ram raided businesses and law abiding citizens terrorised by Kainga Ora criminal & anti-social tenants, who are untouchables.

Sense of hope? Tell that to those on the hospital waiting lists and emergency housing.

Ardern is so full of crap it's no wonder she avoids crowds these days - she smells.



Marilyn Munroe
20-12-2022, 08:17 PM
I wonder what King Charles reaction will be when he finds out the person whose political advise he is constitutionally obliged to accept regarding his realm of New Zealand is to appear in Netflix documentary produced by Megan Markle and Prince Harry.

My guess is the current Prime Minister won't be invited to spend the weekend at Balmoral like a previous one.

Boop boop de do

Blue Skies
20-12-2022, 09:58 PM
I wonder what King Charles reaction will be when he finds out the person whose political advise he is constitutionally obliged to accept regarding his realm of New Zealand is to appear in Netflix documentary produced by Megan Markle and Prince Harry.

My guess is the current Prime Minister won't be invited to spend the weekend at Balmoral like a previous one.

Boop boop de do


Just to bring you up to speed, the 'Live to Lead' Netflix documentary which you refer to & features famous international global leaders like the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Greta Thunburg, Gloria Steinham, Jacinda Adern, among others, was produced by our very own Geoff Blackwell & Ruth Hobday who you might remember are the Auckland publishers of a number of Award winning international best sellers including the M.I.L.K. series.

They're both extremely impressive, lovely people, & became Nelson Mandela's publishers.
They must have done this recent project in collaboration with Harry & Megan.

It would be naive to have any doubts about King Charles having the slightest problem with Jacinda Adern being included along with other such notable figures, after all Jacinda Adern is already quite close to Prince William & Catherine.
Remember Prince William (who could have chosen anyone) asked Adern to deliver a speech for him earlier this year when he was unable to due to the death of the Queen.

Marilyn Munroe
20-12-2022, 11:00 PM
Whatever the merits of the participants and producers of this documentary the Prime Minister is at the intersection between monarchy and government.

It is apparent relations within the Royal Family are strained and the public at large are becoming increasingly partisan in their view of Megan Markle and Prince Harry.

It is not beyond the bounds of reason for this to blow up into a constitutional crisis in which the New Zealand and other Prime Ministers would be expected to provide the Monarch with advise.

The New Zealand Prime Ministers ability to provide the Monarch with sound advise could be called into question if she is praised in public by parties hostile to the Monarchy.

Boop boop de do

21-12-2022, 06:35 AM
Just to bring you up to speed, the 'Live to Lead' Netflix documentary which you refer to & features famous international global leaders like the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Greta Thunburg, Gloria Steinham, Jacinda Adern, among others, was produced by our very own Geoff Blackwell & Ruth Hobday who you might remember are the Auckland publishers of a number of Award winning international best sellers including the M.I.L.K. series.

They're both extremely impressive, lovely people, & became Nelson Mandela's publishers.
They must have done this recent project in collaboration with Harry & Megan.

It would be naive to have any doubts about King Charles having the slightest problem with Jacinda Adern being included along with other such notable figures, after all Jacinda Adern is already quite close to Prince William & Catherine.
Remember Prince William (who could have chosen anyone) asked Adern to deliver a speech for him earlier this year when he was unable to due to the death of the Queen.

Famous global leaders ??? Too funny

21-12-2022, 07:24 AM
Famous global leaders ??? Too funny

You should have put Ruth Bader in bold too. No one outside the US knew who she was really. But good point, global leaders... don't make me laugh. Ruth, a judge of dubious repute, Greta an insolent lying child, who is Gloria? and Jacinda "I will wreck NZ till I get voted out" Ardern are 4 of the worst people in history I can think of and have done incalculable damage to society.

21-12-2022, 08:10 AM
Just to bring you up to speed, the 'Live to Lead' Netflix documentary which you refer to & features famous international global leaders like the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Greta Thunburg, Gloria Steinham, Jacinda Adern, among others, was produced by our very own Geoff Blackwell & Ruth Hobday who you might remember are the Auckland publishers of a number of Award winning international best sellers including the M.I.L.K. series.

They're both extremely impressive, lovely people, & became Nelson Mandela's publishers.
They must have done this recent project in collaboration with Harry & Megan.

It would be naive to have any doubts about King Charles having the slightest problem with Jacinda Adern being included along with other such notable figures, after all Jacinda Adern is already quite close to Prince William & Catherine.
Remember Prince William (who could have chosen anyone) asked Adern to deliver a speech for him earlier this year when he was unable to due to the death of the Queen.

Ardern's office seems to see it differently to you Blue Skies.


AWKWARD! Oh dear, I think Meghan and Harry will be removed from the Cindy and Clarke Christmas card list... and maybe Cindy from King Charles'.

21-12-2022, 08:22 AM
Ardern's office seems to see it differently to you Blue Skies.


AWKWARD! Oh dear, I think Meghan and Harry will be removed from the Cindy and Clarke Christmas card list... and maybe Cindy from King Charles'.

Suddenly the Clueless Prig Cindy wants nothing to do with Harry & Megan?

Well, here's Cindy gushing with enthusiasm & curtsies :


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSeAFKCQ5lEqn4CdFjiqUIPIbjJvCwjq UbkXQ&usqp=CAU


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQz_SzYJ3RECKjw__FLYWBSuf5KE2FJO IO97g&usqp=CAU

Egg on face of Blue Skies, Cindy's devotee & apologist :


22-12-2022, 07:05 AM
I wonder what King Charles reaction will be when he finds out the person whose political advise he is constitutionally obliged to accept regarding his realm of New Zealand is to appear in Netflix documentary produced by Megan Markle and Prince Harry.

My guess is the current Prime Minister won't be invited to spend the weekend at Balmoral like a previous one.

Boop boop de do
I would say the opposite would be the case. The British PMs have weekly audiences with the British Monarch. They can be confident that it can be a no-holds bar discussion which won't be leaked. The British monarch would expect the PM to relay the views and opinions of the gamut of society. I am sure Charles does not just want the opinions of his own bubble reflected back at him by his PM in these audiences. Likewise with his meetings and communications with the PMs of his other Realms too.

The King cut off Harry's security despite maintaining Andrew's. Earning money from Netflix to provide security is a lot more honourable than some other sources of the Royal family's wealth.

Blue Skies
22-12-2022, 01:21 PM
Ardern's office seems to see it differently to you Blue Skies.


AWKWARD! Oh dear, I think Meghan and Harry will be removed from the Cindy and Clarke Christmas card list... and maybe Cindy from King Charles'.

Not the way I see it.
Due to Adern's position as PM & sensitivity around the just aired 6 part series "Harry & Meghan," Jacinda Adern's office just making things clear, to head off the tabloid media & the Adern haters speculating, misconstruing things & posting misinformation & causing conflict & stirring things up when there's no reason.

As I said, this particular Netflix series "Live to Lead", is not about Harry & Meghan or the Royal Family, it's about other people, notable global leaders several of whom we know King Charles respects & admires.

And as I said, NZ'ers Blackwell & Hobday are the publishers for the Mandala foundation which produced this series which I think it was done around 2019.
Netflix got hold of it needing content for Harry & Meghan, edit them into it, give them titles Executive producers & they pretty much just promote it & introduce it.

Old footage Jacinda Adern being included in a documentary as one of several notable global leaders is not going to cause a constitutional crisis as some immediately jumped to, or damage friendships with any of the parties involved.

Merry Christmas & best wishes for 2023 to fellow posters on here.

22-12-2022, 01:43 PM
Not the way I see it.
Due to Adern's position as PM & sensitivity around the just aired 6 part series "Harry & Meghan," Jacinda Adern's office just making things clear, to head off the tabloid media & the Adern haters speculating, misconstruing things & posting misinformation & causing conflict & stirring things up when there's no reason.

As I said, this particular Netflix series "Live to Lead", is not about Harry & Meghan or the Royal Family, it's about other people, notable global leaders several of whom we know King Charles respects & admires.

And as I said, NZ'ers Blackwell & Hobday are the publishers for the Mandala foundation which produced this series which I think it was done around 2019.
Netflix got hold of it needing content for Harry & Meghan, edit them into it, give them titles Executive producers & they pretty much just promote it & introduce it.

Old footage Jacinda Adern being included in a documentary as one of several notable global leaders is not going to cause a constitutional crisis as some immediately jumped to, or damage friendships with any of the parties involved.

Merry Christmas & best wishes for 2023 to fellow posters on here.

And Christmas greetings and best wishes to you Blue Skies. We might not agree on much, but mutual civility is a prerequisite in maintaining the utility of a debate, which I note you generally adhere to. :)