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19-01-2023, 01:17 PM
Not all is lost. Twyford is still there.

thought he got flushed away long ago ? ;)

19-01-2023, 01:20 PM
This is a day for great celebration country wide. Bottles will be uncorked and beers opened. I will be joining others in toasting good riddance to the witch.

19-01-2023, 01:21 PM
Ardern is gone in February!

It had to happen. No way was she going to ware the election loss. Gutless.

19-01-2023, 01:24 PM
It had to happen. No way was she going to ware the election loss. Gutless.

We all read her like a book with 2 pages.

Off to the UN, she goes.

NZers will remember her for the clueless and useless Cindy that she is.

19-01-2023, 01:26 PM
What update? Lenin said it and Ardern is a socialist who is a communist at heart.

You are a spin maestro - you did say

The goal of socialism is communism - Ardern & Lenin
which attributes the quote to Ardern as well as Lenin.
You have a habit of doing that - misattributions. Even making stuff up and presenting it as facts.
You have learnt well from Trump.

19-01-2023, 01:28 PM
You are a spin maestro - you did say

which attributes the quote to Ardern as well as Lenin.
You have a habit of doing that - misattributions. Even making stuff up and presenting it as facts.
You have learnt well from Trump.

Yawn - the red witch has jumped and your devotion to her spin and lies means you are the biggest loser along with all the other posters who defended her spin and lies.

She is a failed leader and you are all losers for supporting her.

19-01-2023, 01:31 PM
And she is still spinning and lying - cannot hide her true self.


19-01-2023, 01:37 PM
And no doubt this damned thread will continue even after she has left - ad nauseum.

I do not currently support a Labour government, and I expect them to lose the election, but I don't for one minute believe National or worse still, a National/Act Coalition, will magically fix all of your "issues." The grass is always greener on the other side ..... until you get there.

I do not feel even remotely optimistic about any of the three main parties. We will just carry on as we always do .... rinse and repeat.

And she is still spinning and lying - cannot hide her true self.


19-01-2023, 01:37 PM
Ardern leaving changes things a lot - identity politics being alive and well in NZ.
National was on track to sleepwalk into Govt but maybe not now.

Any bets on who will be the next leader of Labour?

19-01-2023, 01:41 PM
And she is still spinning and lying - cannot hide her true self.

As a lier and spinner of some repute yourself I suppose you should know.
Or it could be a continuation of your delusions.

19-01-2023, 01:42 PM
And no doubt this damned thread will continue even after she has left - ad nauseum.

I do not currently support a Labour government, and I expect them to lose the election, but I don't for one minute believe National or worse still, a National/Act Coalition, will magically fix all of your "issues." The grass is always greener on the other side ..... until you get there.

I do not feel even remotely optimistic about any of the three main parties. We will just carry on as we always do .... rinse and repeat.

Unfortunately, I think you are right.
National needs to get some ideas rather than just pull out years-old playbooks.

19-01-2023, 01:44 PM
As a lier and spinner of some repute yourself I suppose you should know.
Or it could be a continuation of your delusions.

Be kind.

100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

One source of truth.

Most transparent government ever.

You lot deserves the odium coming your way for supporting the mistress of spin and lies.

19-01-2023, 01:47 PM
Why did she run if she's not going to serve a full term.

Its like signing a three year legal document then wanting our after two years.

19-01-2023, 01:55 PM
Ardern's parting 'gift' to NZers who are struggling to meet the cost of living :

Highest food inflation in 32 years.


Experts say there is no evidence inflation pressures are easing after Stats NZ revealed annual food prices jumped the highest in 32 years.

Food prices rose 1.1 per cent in the month of December and were 11.3 per cent higher than a year earlier, the highest increase since April 1990.

ANZ economist Finn Robinson said, “What we’re seeing in that data is no evidence that inflation pressures are easing. At this stage, it’s not encouraging.”

He said Stats NZ’s findings were much stronger than expected.

“When you consider that food prices are usually flat or falling in December because of seasonal patterns in vegetable prices, to see such a strong positive number in December month, that’s a very strong print for the data.”

19-01-2023, 01:57 PM
And no doubt this damned thread will continue even after she has left - ad nauseum.

I do not currently support a Labour government, and I expect them to lose the election, but I don't for one minute believe National or worse still, a National/Act Coalition, will magically fix all of your "issues." The grass is always greener on the other side ..... until you get there.

I do not feel even remotely optimistic about any of the three main parties. We will just carry on as we always do .... rinse and repeat.

You are one of those who voted for her.

Be kind, most transparent government ever, 100,000 kiwibuild homes, one source of truth BS BS BS - you fell for her spin, hook line and sinker.

19-01-2023, 01:58 PM
You don't do yourself any favours when you use global issues to try to convince people of a party's "failings."

Ardern's parting 'gift' to NZers who are struggling to meet the cost of living :

Highest food inflation in 32 years.


Experts say there is no evidence inflation pressures are easing after Stats NZ revealed annual food prices jumped the highest in 32 years.

Food prices rose 1.1 per cent in the month of December and were 11.3 per cent higher than a year earlier, the highest increase since April 1990.

ANZ economist Finn Robinson said, “What we’re seeing in that data is no evidence that inflation pressures are easing. At this stage, it’s not encouraging.”

He said Stats NZ’s findings were much stronger than expected.

“When you consider that food prices are usually flat or falling in December because of seasonal patterns in vegetable prices, to see such a strong positive number in December month, that’s a very strong print for the data.”

19-01-2023, 01:58 PM
Which one of the clueless Halfwits will take on the Hot Seat ? ;)

Will Health Disaster Do-Little be there ? perhaps can't see the Wood for the trees,
the sheila who can't put in 3 Waters Legislation without having
amending legislation twice the volume immediately following on top of the first,
the Dwarf holding back Energy development and shuffling invisible house building
on a massive scale in her dreams, or Willie Wonker fresh from sending TV & Radio
off on it's unworkable demise down the road ? ;)

19-01-2023, 02:01 PM
Helen Clark Part 2.

19-01-2023, 02:04 PM
Helen Clark Part 2.

Helen Davis, remember she is married to Peter Davis !

19-01-2023, 02:04 PM
You don't do yourself any favours when you use global issues to try to convince people of a party's "failings."

Global issues?

Treasury & RBNZ have already attributed a big chunk of inflation to government over spending and domestic issues.

Keep up with the play, JAK or else you will vote the wrong BS artist again.

19-01-2023, 02:07 PM
Ardern leaving changes things a lot - identity politics being alive and well in NZ.
National was on track to sleepwalk into Govt but maybe not now.

Any bets on who will be the next leader of Labour?

who cares.

19-01-2023, 02:09 PM
PM Jacinda Ardern announces her shock resignation at the Labour Party caucus retreat in Napier saying she 'no longer have that bit extra in the tank'.

Must have been mission impossible holding back the destructive factions all in it for their own ends ? ;)

19-01-2023, 02:10 PM
Anyone picked up the UN Vacancy yet ? ;)

19-01-2023, 02:12 PM
Poor old Trevor .. might have his luxurious London retirement ripped back in like a yoyo in a hurry soon :)

19-01-2023, 02:14 PM
Till then, I see my role to help the Labour Party, who I consider my family, navigate this next phase. And then, to leave the next colleague who takes on this role, all the space they need to make their mark.

Sorry Family - hate to let you all down all of a sudden .. ;)

19-01-2023, 02:15 PM
Don't treat me like an idiot Balance. That may be so (as it probably is with many countries over the past few Covid years) but it does not change the fact that NZ is not experiencing current levels of inflation, in isolation. The rise in the cost of living is being experienced everywhere.

Don't you worry about me and the value of my vote. You should worry more about the voters who have no interest in the process, who either don't vote at all, or who simply look for a name they recognise to put their tick beside.

The next four years will not be pretty.

Global issues?

Treasury & RBNZ have already attributed a big chunk of inflation to government over spending and domestic issues.

Keep up with the play, JAK or else you will vote the wrong BS artist again.

19-01-2023, 02:18 PM
Grant Robertson will not seek PM role: His full statement

Don't worry Robbo - it's probably a poisoned chalice and full crock for failure after what has been seen
from the Finance seat & RB meddling in things anyway ;)

19-01-2023, 02:20 PM
Don't treat me like an idiot Balance. That may be so (as it probably is with many countries over the past few Covid years) but it does not change the fact that NZ is not experiencing current levels of inflation, in isolation. The rise in the cost of living is being experienced everywhere.

Don't you worry about me and the value of my vote. You should worry more about the voters who have no interest in the process, who either don't vote at all, or who simply look for a name they recognise to put their tick beside.

The next four years will not be pretty.

Next 4 years will be infinitely better than the last 4 years now that the spin mistress and liar Cindy will be gone.

You voted for her, remember?

19-01-2023, 02:28 PM
This is a day for great celebration country wide. Bottles will be uncorked and beers opened. I will be joining others in toasting good riddance to the witch. I am not surprised she has resigned after serving during the Covid nightmare and aftermath. It is a wise woman who knows when the time to hand over the reins has come.

We could have had English as PM during the start of Covid. Would we have seen a Tumpian or Johnsonian response or muddle? I can’t see that he would have acted as decisively as Ardern did in introducing epidemic measures. More than likely many older relatives are still alive as a result of Ardern winning in 2017. I won’t be voting Labour next election*, but thank you Ardern for your service.

*current but not final intention

19-01-2023, 02:31 PM
British PM Margaret Thatcher and forthright leader was called a witch by some opponents on the left . It is interesting to see misogyny is alive and well in NZ.

19-01-2023, 02:33 PM
Yes I did. I have always been honest about that. I make my voting decision on the day, based on what the four main parties have presented as policy. I do my homework and then I make a calculated decision. I do not vote for the same party every election out of some ridiculous sense of party loyalty OR out of an equally ridiculous "anti the other parties" stance. I am a swinging voter and will continue to be so. I do not regret voting for Labour. I am not disgruntled with everything they have done or every decision they have made. They have had a term full of out of the ordinary crises, none of which were in their control. I know you will refuse to acknowledge it, but I am not at all convinced that National would have handled these situations any better. It doesn't matter now anyway. It's done and dusted. People will make their own minds up about it, as they always do. As far as I'm concerned, the focus now needs to be on the future. It is a complete waste of time and energy continuing to rant and rave about Jacinda. It is time to focus on what the main parties can and will do for NZ, and for individual Kiwis. I am sure National will take great care of you Balance, but I am not so sure about how they will take care of those on lower incomes, and more importantly for me, our elderly folk. My job is important to me, and I will be looking very closely to see which (if any) party has the balls to step up and do what they need to, to support the aged care sector, and to ensure every person in this country can access quality residential care if and when they need it. I am not at all confident that National will do this.

Time will tell. You have a wonderful afternoon Balance, and enjoy your celebratory wine tonight. Maybe today's news will have a positive impact on your overall disposition. We can but live in hope ;)

Next 4 years will be infinitely better than the last 4 years now that the spin mistress and liar Cindy will be gone.

You voted for her, remember?

Sideshow Bob
19-01-2023, 02:36 PM
Who is going to keep the seat warm until the October election??

No Robertson, Davis didn't even want the deputy position. Who does that leave?? Carmen Woods?? Chris Hipkins? (straight from the 4th form), Carmen Sepaloni? Andrew Do Little who stood aside from leadership for Jacinda when failing in the polls badly?? Parker?? Mahuta?? O'Conner?? Nash??

Barrel bottom fairly thin.

268 days to go.....

19-01-2023, 02:37 PM
The way I see it is that the direction the ship was headed, it was becoming ever more instable
and difficult for any leader to control - largely out of her own making.

Any sign of forward Leadership planning, given the thin spread of talent covering multiple
portfolios, mostly not very well ? ;)

This was poorly stacked structuring & a formula for disaster becoming more so as the fairy dust
started falling away as did ability to pin to any new crisis along the way for spin and attention
seeking also eroded as time went on.

Of course it was always going to fall apart at some point as more of the many out there became
more disallusioned with being left wearing collateral damage and abandoned in the gutter ;)

The people have now seen the pitfalls of a Leadership spinning the idealogical but failing to deliver
what matters to them on a grand and continuing scale.

This wont be the last of it .. the final deed will be the People's unceremonious ripping of what remains
of this excuse for a Government out from Beehive benches, likely to happen later in the year ;)

19-01-2023, 02:46 PM
I reckon Ardern has spent the break trying to reign in Mahuta and Jackson so that she could ditch 5 waters and co-governance to have any chance of re-election. When she found she couldn't she has jumped.

19-01-2023, 02:48 PM
I reckon Ardern has spent the break trying to reign in Mahuta and Jackson so that she could ditch 5 waters and co-governance to have any chance of re-election. When she found she couldn't she has jumped.

I'm with you there, my friend

19-01-2023, 02:55 PM
I reckon Ardern has spent the break trying to reign in Mahuta and Jackson so that she could ditch 5 waters and co-governance to have any chance of re-election. When she found she couldn't she has jumped.

What do they actually have over her though to be able to do that? She is leader of the party, surely she could pull them in line? Or have they got the "we will walk" line hanging over her or is there something else?

19-01-2023, 02:58 PM
What do they actually have over her though to be able to do that? She is leader of the party, surely she could pull them in line? Or have they got the "we will walk" line hanging over her or is there something else?

Labour's terrified of another Foreshore and Seabed walkout. Ardern's weak leadership and diversity over competence has come home to roost.

19-01-2023, 03:00 PM
Who is going to keep the seat warm until the October election??

No Robertson, Davis didn't even want the deputy position. Who does that leave?? Carmen Woods?? Chris Hipkins? (straight from the 4th form), Carmen Sepaloni? Andrew Do Little who stood aside from leadership for Jacinda when failing in the polls badly?? Parker?? Mahuta?? O'Conner?? Nash??

Barrel bottom fairly thin.

268 days to go.....

I'm going to stick my neck out and say Unionist Michael Woods will be next !!

fungus pudding
19-01-2023, 03:04 PM
I'm going to stick my neck out and say Unionist Michael Woods will be next !!

Chris Hipkins. He's slightly less incompetent than the rest of the hopeless bunch.

19-01-2023, 03:06 PM
Is it really too difficult to simply accept that the time is right for her to leave, for personal reasons? Her daughter is starting school soon. Chances are they might want another baby? I don't for one minute accept that she was lying when she said she wasn't going to leave. She has had some time out over Christmas and New Year, to "take stock" - and has obviously realised she's too tired (probably emotionally and physically) to do another full term. She is a mother and no matter how much support one has at home/with children etc, working Mum's do miss out on a heck of a lot of their kids' childhoods. Maybe she simply wants to not do that anymore.

She really couldn't "win" no matter when she decided to leave. If she had left it until the middle of the year, you would be bitching about that. If she had led the party through the election (win or lose) then resigned partway a year later - you'd be pissed. The fact is, no matter what she decided to do, and when, you guys would be judgmental about her motives.

Is it any wonder she's had enough? Really?

She's gone (or near enough). Be thankful and rejoice if that's what you need to do, but don't lower yourselves to be completely inhumane. She is a person, with a family, just like the rest of us. Just respect her decision.

19-01-2023, 03:08 PM
I'm going to stick my neck out and say Unionist Michael Woods will be next !!

He was over the top and effusive in his praise of her which means he is a hypocrite (a requirement to be Ardern’s successor) and angling for the job.

19-01-2023, 03:09 PM
Is it really too difficult to simply accept that the time is right for her to leave, for personal reasons? Her daughter is starting school soon. Chances are they might want another baby? I don't for one minute accept that she was lying when she said she wasn't going to leave. She has had some time out over Christmas and New Year, to "take stock" - and has obviously realised she's too tired (probably emotionally and physically) to do another full term. She is a mother and no matter how much support one has at home/with children etc, working Mum's do miss out on a heck of a lot of their kids' childhoods. Maybe she simply wants to not do that anymore.

She really couldn't "win" no matter when she decided to leave. If she had left it until the middle of the year, you would be bitching about that. If she had led the party through the election (win or lose) then resigned partway a year later - you'd be pissed. The fact is, no matter what she decided to do, and when, you guys would be judgmental about her motives.

Is it any wonder she's had enough? Really?

She's gone (or near enough). Be thankful and rejoice if that's what you need to do, but don't lower yourselves to be completely inhumane. She is a person, with a family, just like the rest of us. Just respect her decision.

Respect her?

Like she deserves respect for lying and spinning for the last 5 years to NZers?

Respect is earned, not given because she is PM.

And a useless and clueless PM at that.

She is not fit to be a fish & chip shop assistant.

19-01-2023, 03:10 PM
Better put the call in to WINSTON to see if he wants a year's fill in job
as both Leader & PM ? ;)

Let's face it -- there doesn't seem be any talent unscarred, capable or able
to carry the task within the ranks with any credibility left .. wonder how that happened ? ;)

19-01-2023, 03:11 PM
He was over the top and effusive in his praise of her which means he is a hypocrite (a requirement to be Ardern’s successor) and angling for the job.

He of the "river of filth" comment? His contempt for the people he was elected to serve probably makes him a shoo-in.

19-01-2023, 03:12 PM
I'm going to stick my neck out and say Unionist Michael Woods will be next !!

he'll probably be seen running towards the nearest large pot hole faster than fat boy slim Robbo
ruled himself out of the top level mission .. it probably looks too much like hard work ;)

19-01-2023, 03:13 PM
Read my lips. Respecting someone and respecting their decision is not the same thing. It is possible to do one without the other.

Respect her?

Like she deserves respect for lying and spinning for the last 5 years to NZers?

She is not fit to be a fish & chip shop assistant.

19-01-2023, 03:15 PM
Labour's terrified of another Foreshore and Seabed walkout. Ardern's weak leadership and diversity over competence has come home to roost.

about the size of things too :)

Bet Arden never stopped to consider 'the devil within' while all the glitter and fairy dust was
continuing to be thrown and shine .. :)

Looks like a repeat of Rome's Trojan Horse .. did she not realise or skipped History classes ? ;)

19-01-2023, 04:37 PM
The bacteria have finally consumed her high capacity septic tank of BS

19-01-2023, 04:51 PM
Congratulations and celebrations to all who predicted her demise as PM.


19-01-2023, 05:19 PM

‘Arrogant prick’ remark: Subtle sign Jacinda Ardern was getting fed up with the job

But there may have been signs Ardern’s time in the top job had been wearing her thin, when she was caught out calling Act leader David Seymour an “arrogant prick” last year.

Ardern announced today that she would be standing down as Prime Minister in February after being unable to find the energy and heart to continue in the top job.

A caucus vote will unfold on Sunday for a new Party leader and new prime minister with Labour taking the decision to choose a new leader within three days.

But last month, a hot mic in Parliament captured Ardern calling Seymour an “arrogant prick” under her breath.

Seymour told Newstalk ZB host Heather du Plessis-Allan he’d been called worse, and he actually saw it as “a victory”.

Labour had better make that Seymour man their new Leader & PM ;)

19-01-2023, 05:24 PM

An interesting NZH Poll

Did Jacinda Ardern make the right decision to stand down today as Prime Minister?

78% of the 50,200 votes currently made say she made the right decision to stand down as PM

Based on this, the current Labour Government appear to have a very major problem ..

19-01-2023, 05:32 PM
The Shallow depth of the potential PM Talent Pool exposed:


Who’s in and who’s out? The race to be the next Prime Minister

Nothing very exciting or enthusing among that lot of possibles hung out on the line ;)

The Christmas & New Years Leftovers displayed a better degree of Chop than that
motley bunch of useless & clueless talent pieces ;)

19-01-2023, 05:50 PM
The Shallow depth of the potential PM Talent Pool exposed:


Who’s in and who’s out? The race to be the next Prime Minister

Nothing very exciting or enthusing among that lot of possibles hung out on the line ;)

The Christmas & New Years Leftovers displayed a better degree of Chop than that
motley bunch of useless & clueless talent pieces ;)

Chris Hipkins - the cultural cringe underhanded leg spreader who tried to defend Mahuta by his racist attempts to tarnish the good names of Bill English family.

Michael Wood - $5,000 for a zero sign man. Knows how to waste money and create potholes all over NZ.

So which one to replace the DJ who thought she could spun her BS and fool NZers all the time?

Alas for her, she ended up drowning in her own BS and spun web of deceit.

One source of truth - my foot.

19-01-2023, 07:02 PM
Lets hope the "maggot " does not put his hand up and say , " N Z needs me " !!

19-01-2023, 08:23 PM
Is it really too difficult to simply accept that the time is right for her to leave, for personal reasons? Her daughter is starting school soon. Chances are they might want another baby? I don't for one minute accept that she was lying when she said she wasn't going to leave. She has had some time out over Christmas and New Year, to "take stock" - and has obviously realised she's too tired (probably emotionally and physically) to do another full term. She is a mother and no matter how much support one has at home/with children etc, working Mum's do miss out on a heck of a lot of their kids' childhoods. Maybe she simply wants to not do that anymore.

She really couldn't "win" no matter when she decided to leave. If she had left it until the middle of the year, you would be bitching about that. If she had led the party through the election (win or lose) then resigned partway a year later - you'd be pissed. The fact is, no matter what she decided to do, and when, you guys would be judgmental about her motives.

Is it any wonder she's had enough? Really?

She's gone (or near enough). Be thankful and rejoice if that's what you need to do, but don't lower yourselves to be completely inhumane. She is a person, with a family, just like the rest of us. Just respect her decision.

Yes you would think the haters on this site would be happy but on no they just let loose with their nasty rants - a bunch of pathetic sad sacks.

19-01-2023, 08:50 PM
Yes you would think the haters on this site would be happy but on no they just let loose with their nasty rants - a bunch of pathetic sad sacks.

Come on now .. dear leader has made a choice to to jump rather be eaten from within on what she has fostered and facilitated and when what is seen isn't to liking, you throw your toys out of the cot ;)

Everyone else can see what's going on - aside from just a few who choose to throw their vitriol around

Congratulations on membership of a group of as you put it 'a bunch of pathetic sad sacks' ;)

19-01-2023, 08:59 PM
Come on now .. dear leader has made a choice to to jump rather be eaten from within on what she has fostered and facilitated and when what is seen isn't to liking, you throw your toys out of the cot ;)

Everyone else can see what's going on - aside from just a few who choose to throw their vitriol around

Congratulations on membership of a group of as you put it 'a bunch of pathetic sad sacks' ;)

That’s being too kind to the likes of Tim23.

They are devotees who have swallowed so much of Ardern’s BS and spin that they cannot now differentiate truth from lies, decency with immorality and success from failure. For them, Kiwibuild is success and most transparent government ever is truth. And locking out families while their members died alone is decent.

In other words, they are Labour bred parrots ready for the PNG slaughter house.

19-01-2023, 09:51 PM
Best summary of Clueless Cindy’s 5 years as PM :

Sir Ian Taylor, previously a huge supporter and cheerleader for Ardern & her mob, on the divisive social & racial disaster which this incompetent and useless mob have created in the 5 years they have been in power :


When the Labour government became the first under MMP to win complete control of the House, I really believed that at last there was a party in power that would use that privilege to show the compassion, leadership, collaboration and transparency that was needed to address some of the major issues around the growing social and economic divide that was facing Aotearoa New Zealand.

Instead, transparency has disappeared, the economic and social divide has grown and the dangers of a party led by ingrained and inflexible ideologies have come to the fore.

And into this gap has stepped Willie Jackson and Nanaia Mahuta.

19-01-2023, 09:56 PM
And totally tone-dead these days to the plight of the NZers battling the cost of living crisis with worse to come in 2023.

It's all about the optics for her and preparing her excuse to bail out before she gets pushed out.

As Sir Ian Taylor wrote :

"I have no idea who is advising the Prime Minister at the moment, but surely that article, on sale in supermarkets across the country where ordinary Kiwis come face to face with the cost of living crisis every week, was as tone-deaf as it possibly could have been.

In the article, the Prime Minister extolled the importance of being together as a family - especially in challenging times. Well, times didn’t get more challenging than they did at the height of the Covid pandemic.

Imagine how those hundred of thousands of Kiwi citizens who found themselves locked out of their country by a totally unfit-for-purpose MIQ system, felt seeing the PM finally acknowledging that being together as a family was important."


“Why family is more important than ever”

A month ago as she was getting ready for exit - all so predictable.

What about the families you forced to stay overseas while their family members died alone in NZ because of your illegal lockdowns?

19-01-2023, 10:37 PM
If Hipkins wins the poisoned chalice of PM until Oct 2023, he will have this to look forward to :

“Going to be a fascinating next couple of months as the power plays take place .

Will Hipkins try and control Mahuta and Jackson or roll over and push ahead with their doomed policies.

Maori caucus will be circling the wagons and we may well see a second PM casualty before the election.

Will be better than any sitcom.”

If Hipkins is smart, he will save himself for the post election Labour leadership.

Let Wood get chopped to bits.

20-01-2023, 12:44 AM

from abc.net.au

Jacinda Ardern announces resignation as New Zealand prime minister

Decrease in popularity

Ms Ardern's resignation comes not long after she saw support for her party decreasing, with polls conducted last November showing only 33 per cent of respondents in support of Labour.

Ms Ardern's approval rate also dropped, down to 29 per cent, which was the lowest since 2017, just before she was elected prime minister.

In her campaign, she had pledged to tackle New Zealand's housing problems with a program called Kiwibuild in which 100,000 affordable homes were to be built.

But by July last year, only about 1,300 homes had been constructed, with another 1,200 underway, according to the NZ government.

In the same issue is this on housing in Aussie:


Are more property investors the solution?

The PropTrack report said the most effective way to alleviate rental pressures in the short-term was to encourage more investment in housing.

Shaun Bond, an economist from the University of Queensland, said corporate investors could play an integral role in alleviating the current pressure in the rental market.

Mr Kusher said planning for more supply could take about five years.

He said the quickest solution is to get more investors to buy residential properties that already exist and make them available for rent.

"If we look at the share of lending to property investors, it's been below its long-term average since early 2017.

Everybody is already aware of the NZ Shoot from the Hip, to h4ll with the consequences knee jerk decisions
coming out of blind Robbo's cave and before that a previous administration further inflating the issue
of out what was previously (There was very little of an issue when the cunning but do little to rock the
political boat Cullen was Finance Minister occupying what is now Robbo's seat, but obviously a far
smarter version of Finance Minister than Robbo will likely ever be ;) )

Obviously responsibility for current housing mess in Kiwiland can be quite clearly attributed
to those back in the Beehive - the Blind and Stupid Robbo, Dwarf Woods, Dozy asleep Twyford
along with those back in an earlier administration who started the seemingly blind cycle
of Political rot that has resulted in today's ballooning issues ;)

* Who were the idiots who whipped off Building depreciation claims from Rental housing ?

* Who were the idiots who brought in unworkable Loan to Value ratios ?

* Who were the idiots who thought they could control market prices from the walls of their polltical
kindergarten ?

* Who were the idiots who further rode with unworkable Loan to Value ratios making them even
more unworkable ?

* Who were the idiots who decided that interest deductibility might help control the rental market ?

* Who were the idiots who minted so much free money that it in turn saw inflated values of assets as the real spending power of the local fiat was a fraction of what it was previously ?

* Who were the idiots who decided that new housing initiatives would become a Govt or Quazi Govt controlled project after they froze and drove other private operators all but out of the market ?

* Who were the idiots who racheted up compliance costs & requirements in the rental market
while wondering why Rents went exponentally higher ?

* Who were the idiots who then decided that Govt & Quazi Govt Landlords should be granted
exemptions from compliance on the onerous requirements imposed on other players in the market ?

* Who were the idiots who then decided that Rent increases be restricted with disregard for rising costs ?

* Who were the idiots who have consistently failed to deliver on their own promises of housing build numbers over the entire tenure of their reign ?

All of these idiots responsible for the growing mess are or were inhabitants of Wellington's Beehive

Who paid the price and will continue to do so for decades ahead for this growing housing shambles ? ;)

20-01-2023, 02:59 AM

How New Zealand's post-COVID reality forced Jacinda Ardern to step down

But the popularity "Brand Ardern" has enjoyed internationally has been fading at home.

By the middle of last year there was speculation her time as the leader of New Zealand might soon come to an end.

Pundits pointed to the prime minister's worsening polls and the fact the opposition had finally managed to get itself together enough to offer a legitimate alternative.

But there was another sign — one literally written on the sidewalks in New Zealand.

The strict COVID policies of Ms Ardern's government had divided her country and left it nearly impossible for the leader to deliver on the promises she made when the world was different.

The political risk came when the walls of fortress New Zealand eventually came down, and Ms Ardern was faced with not only a series of unmet election promises, but rocketing inflation.

University of Auckland political analyst Lara Greaves said polls now showed that if an election were held today, Labour would likely lose.

"A lot of the erosion of Ardern's popularity, and Labour's popularity, has been around not being really able to fight for the working class or the middle class ... or just really make their day-to-day lives easier in terms of their economic wellbeing and their ability to make ends meet," she said.

Child poverty has marginally improved under Jacinda Ardern, but it is still far worse than most developed countries.

The New Zealand Human Rights Commission has launched an inquiry into the country's housing crisis.

And despite Ms Ardern campaigning on a promise to improve public housing to a point that New Zealanders were not forced to live in their cars, government data showed that trend has got worse too.

"There's been that kind of misalignment between what Ardern's polls have looked like and the public perceptions of Ardern in New Zealand compared to what you see overseas.

20-01-2023, 03:06 AM

8 Sep 2022 ABC.net.au

NZ sees ram raids increase, more people living in cars as cost-of-living pressures mount

The number of people living in their cars is climbing

Ram-raid crime increases

The unmistakable warning signs of all not well were beginning to be aired across the Tasman last year
and further afield too

20-01-2023, 04:10 AM
If Hipkins wins the poisoned chalice of PM until Oct 2023, he will have this to look forward to :

It shouldn't be a political insider, like bill english or judith collins.

But someone NZ'ers can relate to.

Dr Liz Craig for instance was busy saving NZ's kids while pro-life Luxon was making millions in america and canada.

Labour is on the backfoot now so it will be a David vs Goliath contest where they can't compete with all the "anonymous" donations National/Act recieve in order to buy some "vote blue" banners on Stuff and NZH during election week.

20-01-2023, 07:36 AM
From nztx:

* Who were the idiots who whipped off Building depreciation claims from Rental housing ?
I don't agree with that. However the UK with its rightwing Conservative government also withdrew deductions for depreciation. The UK also has only limited deductibility for mortgage interest paid. Idiotic right wingers?

* Who were the idiots who brought in unworkable Loan to Value ratios ? After years of risky loan lending they did go to the other extreme.

* Who were the idiots who thought they could control market prices from the walls of their polltical
kindergarten ? You could say that about any government. They resiled from other major reforms, which may have had greater effect. Previous government wanted to boost asset prices as a pork barrel for their voters.

* Who were the idiots who further rode with unworkable Loan to Value ratios making them even
more unworkable ? A second bite of the cherry?

* Who were the idiots who decided that interest deductibility might help control the rental market ? Too little; too late.

* Who were the idiots who minted so much free money that it in turn saw inflated values of assets as the real spending power of the local fiat was a fraction of what it was previously ? Covid response. They could have introduced regulations to reduce the amount that ended up in residential land.

* Who were the idiots who decided that new housing initiatives would become a Govt or Quazi Govt controlled project after they froze and drove other private operators all but out of the market ?

* Who were the idiots who racheted up compliance costs & requirements in the rental market
while wondering why Rents went exponentally higher ? We need minimum standards fitting for a developed nation in the 21st Century. Anything offered to other people needs to abide by appropriate standards. I thought rents were going up by less than cpi inflation

* Who were the idiots who then decided that Govt & Quazi Govt Landlords should be granted
exemptions from compliance on the onerous requirements imposed on other players in the market ?

* Who were the idiots who then decided that Rent increases be restricted with disregard for rising costs ?

* Who were the idiots who have consistently failed to deliver on their own promises of housing build numbers over the entire tenure of their reign ?

All of these idiots responsible for the growing mess are or were inhabitants of Wellington's Beehive

Who paid the price and will continue to do so for decades ahead for this growing housing shambles ? Previous governments did little as the housing price and supply crisis built up ;)

20-01-2023, 08:08 AM
Very telling that Grant Robertson decided against standing for PM. Obviously read the reading on the wall and he will resign in 2024 when Labour is in Opposition.


As clueless and useless as Ardern.

20-01-2023, 09:15 AM
Very telling that Grant Robertson decided against standing for PM. Obviously read the reading on the wall and he will resign in 2024 when Labour is in Opposition.


As clueless and useless as Ardern.

I would have assumed he is aware there are as many homophobes as misogynists which won't help the party and he is tied in to the covid over reaction.

Surprised you still sound as angry after Jacinda resigned. For your sake I hope National win so you don't have to be so angry all the time.

I appreciate your comments in the investment threads but on this political thread you come across as a real ahole.

20-01-2023, 09:17 AM
This thread would make a good study for a psychological student. It was started on 21/10/2020, and has 9066 posts. That is over two years of daily ranting about Labour and Jacinda. Balance, and those of you who have posted here as anti-Jacinda/Labour, have been longing for this moment for years. Your wishes have now come true, but still you rant. Your blood pressure is clearly still elevated, your spittle still flies with every word you utter, and your vitriol becomes more acidic by the day. Some of the comments here over the past 24 hours, are worse than anything we have seen since this thread began. Your anger has destroyed any shred of humanity you might have once had. Can you not see that?

Your dissatisfaction with the government is justified, but your abusive hatred is not. It demeans you.

Move on. You have made your points, not that the rest of us ever needed you to do that, as we are more than capable of forming our own conclusions. There is zero point in continuing this rant. It will achieve nothing. Jacinda and probably Labour, are done and dusted. If you are true supporters of National, or ACT or NZF or whoever else, put your energies into ensuring that the party of your choice will actually do a better job.Your theory that "any party will be better than Labour" is borne out of emotion and is blatantly wrong. Do you really want Brian or Hannah Tamaki running the country?

The reality is, this thread has now run its course. Start a new one for whichever party you support if you wish. But dragging this discussion on and on and on - is just stupid.

20-01-2023, 09:18 AM
I would have assumed he is aware there are as many homophobes as misogynists which won't help the party and he is tied in to the covid over reaction.

Surprised you still sound as angry after Jacinda resigned. For your sake I hope National win so you don't have to be so angry all the time.

I appreciate your comments in the investment threads but on this political thread you come across as a real ahole.

Did not stop him standing in 2013 and 2014.

There are no greater arseholes anywhere in the world than like Ardern devotees and Labour supporters - mindless dumbos who vote on BS, Spin & words rather than deeds and abilities.

The goal of socialism is communism. Ardern, Robertson, Hipkins, Wood & Lenin

20-01-2023, 09:22 AM

from abc.net.au

Jacinda Ardern announces resignation as New Zealand prime minister

In the same issue is this on housing in Aussie:


Are more property investors the solution?

Everybody is already aware of the NZ Shoot from the Hip, to h4ll with the consequences knee jerk decisions
coming out of blind Robbo's cave and before that a previous administration further inflating the issue
of out what was previously (There was very little of an issue when the cunning but do little to rock the
political boat Cullen was Finance Minister occupying what is now Robbo's seat, but obviously a far
smarter version of Finance Minister than Robbo will likely ever be ;) )

Obviously responsibility for current housing mess in Kiwiland can be quite clearly attributed
to those back in the Beehive - the Blind and Stupid Robbo, Dwarf Woods, Dozy asleep Twyford
along with those back in an earlier administration who started the seemingly blind cycle
of Political rot that has resulted in today's ballooning issues ;)

* Who were the idiots who whipped off Building depreciation claims from Rental housing ?

* Who were the idiots who brought in unworkable Loan to Value ratios ?

* Who were the idiots who thought they could control market prices from the walls of their polltical
kindergarten ?

* Who were the idiots who further rode with unworkable Loan to Value ratios making them even
more unworkable ?

* Who were the idiots who decided that interest deductibility might help control the rental market ?

* Who were the idiots who minted so much free money that it in turn saw inflated values of assets as the real spending power of the local fiat was a fraction of what it was previously ?

* Who were the idiots who decided that new housing initiatives would become a Govt or Quazi Govt controlled project after they froze and drove other private operators all but out of the market ?

* Who were the idiots who racheted up compliance costs & requirements in the rental market
while wondering why Rents went exponentally higher ?

* Who were the idiots who then decided that Govt & Quazi Govt Landlords should be granted
exemptions from compliance on the onerous requirements imposed on other players in the market ?

* Who were the idiots who then decided that Rent increases be restricted with disregard for rising costs ?

* Who were the idiots who have consistently failed to deliver on their own promises of housing build numbers over the entire tenure of their reign ?

All of these idiots responsible for the growing mess are or were inhabitants of Wellington's Beehive

Who paid the price and will continue to do so for decades ahead for this growing housing shambles ? ;)

I'll disagree with the claim that solution to rental/housing crisis is investors buying existing stock. Obvious solution is for govt to zone more land for building smaller houses and townhouses. Creating infrastructure around them and selling the sections to investors for market rate and FHBs for less than market rate.

20-01-2023, 09:34 AM
Speaking of arseholes, you better pray that your precious National party does an excellent job of running the country after the next election. Because if they finish their term with even one "failure" - I'll be back here ripping you a new one.

There are no greater arseholes anywhere in the world than like Ardern devotees and Labour supporters - mindless dumbos who vote on BS, Spin & words rather than deeds and abilities.

The goal of socialism is communism. Ardern, Robertson, Hipkins, Wood & Lenin

20-01-2023, 09:39 AM
Speaking of arseholes, you better pray that your precious National party does an excellent job of running the country after the next election. Because if they finish their term with even one "failure" - I'll be back here ripping you a new one.

And what make you think I voted National?

You voted Ardern because she is a female who uttered a lot of words but had no ability to deliver. That’s the quality of your decision making.

But nobody could have done a worse job than Clueless Cindy & her useless mob - end of story.

20-01-2023, 09:43 AM
I'll disagree with the claim that solution to rental/housing crisis is investors buying existing stock. Obvious solution is for govt to zone more land for building smaller houses and townhouses. Creating infrastructure around them and selling the sections to investors for market rate and FHBs for less than market rate.

You are exactly right but governments here prefer to spend money on wasteful social welfare rather than houses.

Go to Singapore if you want to see how a government provides affordable quality housing for 75% of its citizens. And it is a country which has to import all of its building material!!!!

20-01-2023, 09:47 AM
Feel free to replace the word "National" with whichever party you do vote for. It makes zero difference to the sentiment of my post.

And what make you think I voted National?

20-01-2023, 09:55 AM
You are exactly right but governments here prefer to spend money on wasteful social welfare rather than houses.

Go to Singapore if you want to see how a government provides affordable quality housing for 75% of its citizens. And it is a country which has to import all of its building material!!!!

Enough about spending, what about tax.

Is it right that the wealthy here can pay less as a percentage than a casual labourer.

20-01-2023, 10:03 AM
Enough about spending, what about tax.

Is it right that the wealthy here can pay less as a percentage than a casual labourer.

Absolutely - they got wealthy by being hardworking and smart.

Casual labourer pays bugger all tax under Ardern & Labour.

Remember : "Study hard, work hard and save hard. We will take from you to give to those who don't." Labour Party Policy

20-01-2023, 10:06 AM
Enough about spending, what about tax.

Is it right that the wealthy here can pay less as a percentage than a casual labourer.

Someone that works as a casual labourer is likely to be a net receiver of funds from the Government, so your statement once again is false.

20-01-2023, 10:06 AM
Feel free to replace the word "National" with whichever party you do vote for. It makes zero difference to the sentiment of my post.

You live in a fantasy and make believe world, JAK.

Be Kind.

One source of truth.

100,000 kiwibuild homes (2,800 built in 5 years!)

Most transparent government ever.

And Ardern allowed you for a while to live in your fantasy world. Good while it lasted? :D

20-01-2023, 10:09 AM
The goal of socialism is communism. Ardern, Robertson, Hipkins, Wood & Lenin

Now I think I understand.

As we all know the quickest route to socialism and communism is extreme inequality. For example Russia in the early 1900s and China in 1927-1949 with Mao ironically aided by America and the allies in WW2.

I suspect with the help of the RBNZ this labour govt has seen the biggest shift in wealth from the poor and middle class to the well off than any govt in recent memory.

That might explain your extreme dislike but unfortunately, I suspect that is not really the reason.

Sgt Pepper
20-01-2023, 10:16 AM
My prediction proved correct. Posted this on 24th October 2021

One prediction, I believe is quite possible, is that Jacinda Ardern will not serve out the next three years as Leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister. I believe that she will stand down toward the end of 2022

20-01-2023, 10:24 AM
She has 1.9M facebook followers.

That would have been a formidable asset to counter national's silly blue brochures they mail out (and ruin the environment doing so).

20-01-2023, 10:25 AM
My prediction proved correct. Posted this on 24th October 2021

One prediction, I believe is quite possible, is that Jacinda Ardern will not serve out the next three years as Leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister. I believe that she will stand down toward the end of 2022

You were out by 19 days so well done.

On what basis did you make your prediction that Clueless Cindy would not serve out her 3 years?

20-01-2023, 10:28 AM
She has 1.9M facebook followers.

That would have been a formidable asset to counter national's silly blue brochures they mail out (and ruin the environment doing so).

Fat lot of good the 1.8 FB dumbos and devotees did for Clueless Cindy.

"Study hard, work hard and save hard. We will take from you to give to those who don't." Labour Party Policy


20-01-2023, 10:29 AM
I'll disagree with the claim that solution to rental/housing crisis is investors buying existing stock. Obvious solution is for govt to zone more land for building smaller houses and townhouses. Creating infrastructure around them and selling the sections to investors for market rate and FHBs for less than market rate.

The free market has worked just fine until one possibly two Govts thought they could manipulate and control it the last of which has failed miserably in delivering alternative results.

A large number of Kiwis have paid dearly for Labour's Housing lies & incompetence as Govt sought to change the field without anywhere near adequate replacement solution immediately at hand to compensate.
Cullen was smart enough to see that you do not touch anything that there isn't a working solution at hand.

We have a Govt which has shot itself in both feet on Housing, hung one of its own (Twyford) handed the impossible
task of filling the gap for its own stupidity, and even then still come up short on anywhere near its own targets.

Not satisfied they have tried to savage other players in the market in their envy Politics gungho shoot from the hip,
wear the consequences later antics, in the hands of the most stupid and clueless of Finance Ministers ever seen.

This Govt's policies themselves are responsible for escalating property values as a consequence of their funny money
free for all which only saw relative recognition of true value against a local fiat then worth a fraction of what it earlier purchased.

The answer - even more tricks to try to control freemarket sales & purchases, restrictions on lending etc.

Then the inevitable whatever goes up usually comes down in the hands of usually one bunch of fools whilst they are
in power. Net result - some of those who made it onto the property market get their equity wiped out and get left
with eye watering financing grief and rising interest rates.

The whole shambles is resultant of and can be levelled at the current Govt's incompetent policies and mindless
actions, with complete disregard for those they are supposed to be representing.

It's not surprising that the Captain overseeing this and a multitude of other messes set to worsen further as time goes on has now decided to depart to avoid the fire storm approaching, and without seeing through any corrective actions that have worked, other than temporary band aids.

Completely incompetent & gutless Leadership even allowing this and other facets to devolve into the state now being seen.

Look no further than 3 Waters, Health, Co-Governance, Employment etc etc for further live smoking grenades, and it instead stood down, says a lot for the shallow calibre of clueless spinning top talent that was, and most Kiwi's are and have seen straight through it for what it represented ;)

Like it or love it the egg has well and truly smeared in large layers over the faces of all those in the current Govt over their total & complete collective incompetence, and will be recognised as such for decades to come.

It really is that simple :)

20-01-2023, 10:45 AM
The infighting begins, as expected.

Pressure by the Māori cabal for Labour to elect a Maori PM or DPM.

Willie Jackson for PM! Mahuta for DPM!

I have my crayfish & champagne ready!


Te Pāti Māori has also been vocal in its call for Labour to select a minister such an Allan or Nanaia Mahuta to lead the party.

Labour’s dominance over the Māori electorates was expected to be challenged this year, with Te Pāti Māori preparing a major campaign to win Te Tai Hauāuru​ for its co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer​.

20-01-2023, 10:51 AM
The infighting begins, as expected.

Pressure by the Māori cabal for Labour to elect a Maori PM or DPM.

Willie Jackson for PM! Mahuta for DPM!

I have my crayfish & champagne ready!


Because in Labour World all that matters is the colour of your skin. To be consistent they should also be demanding an Indian/Asian leadership ticket.

20-01-2023, 10:55 AM
Because in Labour World all that matters is the colour of your skin. To be consistent they should also be demanding an Indian/Asian leadership ticket.

Wasn't the last one out the door in Hamilton ? ;)

Any potential of a repeat might have them worried that they might have to be honest :)

fungus pudding
20-01-2023, 10:55 AM
Because in Labour World all that matters is the colour of your skin. To be consistent they should also be demanding an Indian/Asian leadership ticket.

Kiri Allen should be top of the list: Maori and Homosexual to boot. 'Two ticks Labour'.

20-01-2023, 10:57 AM
What happens if no-one gets across the line and no-one can agree even in the wider audience ? ;)

Winston can be heard in the distance laughing his socks off in hysterics ..

20-01-2023, 11:06 AM
Mahuta would be funny, can Lab sink lower than 10%?

They should look for someone strong in a regional electorate (National territory).

20-01-2023, 11:08 AM
Mahuta would be funny, can Lab sink lower than 10%?

They should look for someone strong in a regional electorate (National territory).

Most would not be too worried if she was made the 10 month sacrificial lamb for the chopping board
by year end ;)

It would probably be doing everyone a favour :)

20-01-2023, 11:19 AM
One thing for certain .. 8 or so months focus on Ardern as a smokescreen ahead .. perhaps Labour think they are going to sleepwalk it back in while the peasants on the street suffer more pain and grief ? ;)

You bet Labour will try to milk it for as long as they can to try to deflect attention away from the poor condition
of all the scarred and ragged Labour representatives of their battered electorate seats :)

20-01-2023, 11:21 AM
Hipkins is too smart and he is only 44 so has time to try to become PM for 2026 election.

So likely to be ‘the $5000 for zero sign’ ever ambitious trade unionist Wood and the naive Allan (dream ticket of diversity indeed with her) to become the sacrificial lamb in October 2022.

“Labour MPs are expected to pick from three frontrunner Cabinet ministers but there remains an outside chance Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson may yet be convinced to stand for the top job, says a political commentator.

Political commentator Bryce Edwards is picking an open contest between Chris Hipkins, Kiri Allan and Michael Wood, with no clear consensus on who should succeed Ardern.”

20-01-2023, 11:33 AM
And no doubt this damned thread will continue even after she has left - ad nauseum.

I do not currently support a Labour government, and I expect them to lose the election, but I don't for one minute believe National or worse still, a National/Act Coalition, will magically fix all of your "issues." The grass is always greener on the other side ..... until you get there.

I do not feel even remotely optimistic about any of the three main parties. We will just carry on as we always do .... rinse and repeat.

Indeed. So far as I'm concerned, the two parties play hot potato with one another over and get jack done. I imagine I'll be clear of NZ by 2025; my sentiment about this country's direction and complete inability to solve serious economic concerns is at an all-time low. NZ - the Baby Boomer's paradise. Everyone south of 40 (perhaps older) is wise to the fact the game is out of kilter now.

Jacinda has left the country more divided than ever. No doubt Luxon will as well. Things don't have a chance of getting fixed until something fully breaks, in my opinion.

As for successor options, every name thrown about by the media has given me a chuckle. Hipkins vs Luxon? Hipkins hasn't got the X factor and a weak personality. None of Labour's caucus have got the X factor. Luxon is a shoe in. Short of a disastrous first-term, I'd say Jacinda has ensured at least a two-term National government.

Good luck to them. I hope I change my tune.

20-01-2023, 11:35 AM
Got $3.80 for Labour to win next election at Sportsbet

All the chatter might get more in next week or so

Great bet .... even more certain now Adhern has resigned

Who'd back a loser at $1.25 ..... all their's to lose and they will do a good job in doing that

20-01-2023, 12:00 PM
Got $3.80 for Labour to win next election at Sportsbet

All the chatter might get more in next week or so

Great bet .... even more certain now Adhern has resigned

Who'd back a loser at $1.25 ..... all their's to lose and they will do a good job in doing that

All that Luxon has to do is sit back, do nothing and let Labour tear instead apart with its Maori cabal pushing through their agenda.

Don’t underestimate Labour’s propensity to eat itself up.

Source in Labour tells me that it’s all over and a lot of them (who busted their chops last ejection) will not bother doing any work this coming election for the ‘bastards’.

20-01-2023, 12:09 PM
Source in Labour tells me that it’s all over and a lot of them (who busted their chops last ejection) will not bother doing any work this coming election for the ‘bastards’.

ooh another source from Balance. he has friends everywhere.

20-01-2023, 12:11 PM
Jacinda has left the country more divided than ever. No doubt Luxon will as well. Things don't have a chance of getting fixed until something fully breaks, in my opinion.

As for successor options, every name thrown about by the media has given me a chuckle. Hipkins vs Luxon? Hipkins hasn't got the X factor and a weak personality. None of Labour's caucus have got the X factor. Luxon is a shoe in. Short of a disastrous first-term, I'd say Jacinda has ensured at least a two-term National government.

Good luck to them. I hope I change my tune.

Keep in mind that their announced policies are to raise the retirement age to 67, take away one public holiday and remove paid rest breaks.

That will create discontent if implemented, let alone any other "unannounced policies" they try to pull over NZ.

20-01-2023, 12:14 PM
ooh another source from Balance. he has friends everywhere.

As opposed to your loser contacts & delusional suckers.

20-01-2023, 12:16 PM
ooh another source from Balance. he has friends everywhere.

Guess you're stuck with having to read what comes in off his wide network then ? ;)

Perhaps you should get out more ? :)

20-01-2023, 12:36 PM
Over the last 2 days Balance leads NZTX 28 -24 in the number of posts. Dead scared of Labour the Act/Nat activists are well into campaign mode :)


20-01-2023, 12:39 PM
Over the last 2 days Balance leads NZTX 28 -24 in the number of posts. Dead scared of Labour the Act/Nat activists are well into campaign mode :)


So very very very satisfying.

Ardern = Clueless Cindy = proven HYPOCRITE and now LOSER.

Soon Labour = Clueless & Useless = Dog Tucker.

20-01-2023, 12:40 PM
Over the last 2 days Balance leads NZTX 28 -24 in the number of posts. Dead scared of Labour the Act/Nat activists are well into campaign mode :)


more like someone else doesn't want to show how scared they are of Labour completely self destructing as the factions scrap it out and the victor takes off with what remains of the severely savaged carcass ;)

20-01-2023, 12:50 PM
And this is Clueless Cindy showing her true colours - she slept well while many thousands of NZers have no proper place to sleep properly because she is all spin & BS and no delivery.

Remember how she said that she refused to live in a country where children have to sleep in cars?


20-01-2023, 01:03 PM
How timely:

It comes as almost 100 MPs are in the city due to National and Labour both holding their annual caucus retreats in the city.


Napier council cleaner attacked at Sound Shell, man arrested

A Napier council worker is recovering at home after being attacked while carrying out cleaning work at the Sound Shell on Marine Parade.

Police have arrested one person over the alleged assault which happened about 7.30am on Friday.

“We can confirm one of our staff members, a cleaner, was physically assaulted at the Sound Shell on Marine Parade this morning,” a Napier City Council spokeswoman said.

“He was subsequently seen by staff at Napier Medical Centre and is now resting at home. Family and Napier City Council will provide continued support as needed.”

Police confirmed a 45-year-old man has been arrested and charged with assault over the incident.

He must have known that the city was full of Govt's questionable clueless talent in for their meet ups ;)

20-01-2023, 01:15 PM
In the words of Dennis Waterman .... "You make me laugh you do!"

Balance, you live in an alternate reality where you practice selective memory. I used to work for Child Youth and Family. I can tell you this. Families and children have been living in poverty for years. National was in government when I worked there. We dealt with all manner of poverty related "issues" - none of which National ever managed to solve. Homeless people slept under the railway over-bridge I walked over to get to work every day.

The problems were there well before Labour/Jacinda took over. I agree that they have not managed to achieve what they had hoped to, but NO government has ever adequately addressed these issues, and no government has ever managed to solve them. This applies to housing, crime and any other "issue" you believe Labour has failed on.

As I have said before, NZ just keeps on rinsing and repeating with the same two parties, which are actually more similar than they are different. That's the reality.

And this is Clueless Cindy showing her true colours - she slept well while many thousands of NZers have no proper place to sleep properly because she is all spin & BS and no delivery.

Remember how she said that she refused to live in a country where children have to sleep in cars?


20-01-2023, 01:32 PM
And this is Clueless Cindy showing her true colours - she slept well while many thousands of NZers have no proper place to sleep properly because she is all spin & BS and no delivery.

Remember how she said that she refused to live in a country where children have to sleep in cars?


She won't be able to live in this country soon and that is a good thing. Good riddance to rubbish.

20-01-2023, 01:58 PM
She won't be able to live in this country soon and that is a good thing. Good riddance to rubbish.

Maybe balance has another friend who can offer her a passport and smuggle her out of the country.

20-01-2023, 01:58 PM
In the words of Dennis Waterman .... "You make me laugh you do!"

Balance, you live in an alternate reality where you practice selective memory. I used to work for Child Youth and Family. I can tell you this. Families and children have been living in poverty for years. National was in government when I worked there. We dealt with all manner of poverty related "issues" - none of which National ever managed to solve. Homeless people slept under the railway over-bridge I walked over to get to work every day.

The problems were there well before Labour/Jacinda took over. I agree that they have not managed to achieve what they had hoped to, but NO government has ever adequately addressed these issues, and no government has ever managed to solve them. This applies to housing, crime and any other "issue" you believe Labour has failed on.

As I have said before, NZ just keeps on rinsing and repeating with the same two parties, which are actually more similar than they are different. That's the reality.

The dirty washing from the last 5 or so years might need an extra long wash cycle , but then with no spinner
the dry cycle could be long and torturous ;)

20-01-2023, 01:59 PM
Labour will co opt a Mongrel Mob leader to replace the burnt out Cinders.

He's already on the payroll, and will feel right at home with the mongrels and curs of the party.

I hope Michael Wood gets picked, we need more apt quotes like "I looked out the window and saw a river of filth"

Better than Cinders spin and BS anyway.

20-01-2023, 02:01 PM
Maybe balance has another friend who can offer her a passport and smuggle her out of the country.

the cost could be inhibitive and the boy might have to sell the boat & kit, which won't go down well ;)

He mightn't like the prospect of having to swallow dead fish for the privilege ;)

20-01-2023, 02:12 PM

Who will replace Jacinda Ardern? Megan Woods not in the running, Labour hopefuls quizzed on PM aspirations

The Housing & Lack of Energy muppet is out of the match ;)

Based on performance seen most would probably see more bounce out of flattened pancake than out of Woods ;)

20-01-2023, 02:14 PM

Russia sanctions Clarke Gayford, media executives, over ‘propaganda’

Russia is out for exile stage left now, it seems ;)

they probably like to see more interesting fish anyway ..

fungus pudding
20-01-2023, 02:15 PM

[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Who will replace Jacinda Ardern?

Has to be Kerre Allen or Chris Hipkins.

Bill Smith
20-01-2023, 03:55 PM
Hipkins is Leader of the House, Minister of Police, Minister of Education, Minister of the Public Service and is on several Select Committees. Where amongst the rag-tag bunch of ne'er-do-wells that masquerade as a government will they find replacements if Hipkins is promoted.

20-01-2023, 04:14 PM
Has to be Kerre Allen or Chris Hipkins.

Dr Megan Woods… hah that’s a nightmare.

They have 60 MPs now so should look further down the list.

20-01-2023, 04:19 PM
Has to be Kerre Allen or Chris Hipkins.

I have been impressed with Kiri Allen. She is an intelligent woman, a lawyer, very articulate and communicates well with most people. She also has charisma which is sadly lacking in most of the other contenders. But probably not experienced enough to be leader at this point in time.

I am surprised Grant Robertson isn’t putting his name forward. If successful he would be NZs first ever openly gay leader. He would have been my first choice.

I anticipate it will be Chris Hipkins. I think he has been grooming himself for this role for quite sometime. He would probably do a reasonable job but lacks the X factor

fungus pudding
20-01-2023, 05:03 PM
I have been impressed with Kiri Allen. She is an intelligent woman, a lawyer, very articulate and communicates well with most people. She also has charisma which is sadly lacking in most of the other contenders. But probably not experienced enough to be leader at this point in time.

I am surprised Grant Robertson isn’t putting his name forward. If successful he would be NZs first ever openly gay leader. He would have been my first choice.

Kerre Allen is also openly homosexual. Of the probable contenders she certainly is the most charismatic.

20-01-2023, 05:11 PM
In this day and age, one's sexual orientation should be 100% irrelevant.

20-01-2023, 05:42 PM
Dr Megan Woods… hah that’s a nightmare.

They have 60 MPs now so should look further down the list.

The Stuffed toy up the back of Willy's cupboard might be best bet .. all it does it sit there silent keeping it's mouth shut, and has never been blamed for anything or blamed anyone else for anything :)

Everyone to date is still in the dark on what it could possibly be thinking :)

20-01-2023, 05:42 PM
Helen Davis, remember she is married to Peter Davis !

You do your credibility no good with outdated comments like that.

20-01-2023, 05:42 PM
In this day and age, one's sexual orientation should be 100% irrelevant.

It's unnatural for some.. the same who believe the earth was created in a few days.

It was irrelevant more than 2000 years ago in greece/rome, until a certain religion weighed in.

20-01-2023, 05:43 PM
Hipkins is Leader of the House, Minister of Police, Minister of Education, Minister of the Public Service and is on several Select Committees. Where amongst the rag-tag bunch of ne'er-do-wells that masquerade as a government will they find replacements if Hipkins is promoted.

That is a good question!

20-01-2023, 05:45 PM
In this day and age, one's sexual orientation should be 100% irrelevant.

Maybe, but when the honorable member is asked to stand, people need to know which way to turn, or who they can turn to.

20-01-2023, 05:47 PM
What does that even mean?

Maybe, but when the honorable member is asked to stand, people need to know which way to turn, or who they can turn to.

20-01-2023, 05:48 PM
I am surprised Grant Robertson isn’t putting his name forward. If successful he would be NZs first ever openly gay leader. He would have been my first choice.

The general concensus may be that everyone has already seen quite enough b^m jobs from the finance role in the past 6 years that no further are needed anywhere else ;)

20-01-2023, 05:50 PM
What does that even mean?

You don't need to know as you have me on ignore remember.

Curiosity killed the cat.

20-01-2023, 05:52 PM
Clueless Cindy must have been shocked and distressed by the poll results which prompted her to quit yesterday.

She should not have been surprised as her 5 years of spin & BS caught up with her in 2021 and it had been downhill ever since.


"A poll taken just before Jacinda Ardern resigned as prime minister showed – for the first time – that more people had an unfavourable opinion of her than favourable.

The Taxpayers’ Union – Curia Poll was conducted earlier in January and released on Friday, the day after Ardern revealed she was stepping down as prime minister.

It showed 40% of those polled had a favourable view of Ardern, while 41% had an unfavourable view, meaning her net-favourability was -1%.

It is the first time Ardern’s favourability – the difference between those who have a favourable opinion and those who have unfavourable opinion – slipped into the negative in a Taxpayers’ Union – Curia Poll."


20-01-2023, 05:56 PM
You don't need to know as you have me on ignore remember.

Curiosity killed the cat.

it probably also killed Clueless Cindy's future leadership aspirations when she finally got to take in how the
great unwashed were thinking about how well her spin was being sucked in ;)

20-01-2023, 05:57 PM
In this day and age, one's sexual orientation should be 100% irrelevant.

Couldn't agree more. So should skin colour

20-01-2023, 06:00 PM
Was this the final straw for Clueless Cindy as she tried to rein the Maori cabal and they told her where to go?


"Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won’t commit to maintaining her record number of Māori MPs in her Cabinet during her impending reshuffle but says she is committed to representational diversity."


20-01-2023, 06:06 PM
Cinders has just told the nation via TV3 news she had her best nights sleep for ages last night.

Guess what Cinders?

So did the rest of NZ now you're going!

20-01-2023, 06:08 PM
So why did you reply to my post?

You don't need to know as you have me on ignore remember.

It's not curiosity. It's stupidity. For some unfathomable reason I feel the need to give those on "ignore" a second chance, but you always prove my gut instincts right. I feel sorry for you.

Curiosity killed the cat.

20-01-2023, 06:10 PM
Did the constant security concerns and other vilification contribute to the PM’s burn-out resignation? Even Helen Clark who herself had some of the worst previous vilification in NZ denounced the level of vitriol directed at Ardern.
Jacinda Ardern: political figures believe abuse and threats contributed to PM’s resignation


20-01-2023, 06:11 PM
Maori cabal to meet prior to Sunday to decide who they back as a bloc.

Will the real Labour and real Maori party stand up please?

20-01-2023, 06:13 PM
She won't be able to live in this country soon and that is a good thing. Good riddance to rubbish.
If you are a bloke you are an embarrassment and if you are female then you should be ashamed - either way you are a 🍋.

20-01-2023, 06:15 PM
Her name is Jacinda not Cinders or Cindy - you are simply another misogynistic lemon 🍋

20-01-2023, 06:28 PM
Ah, tutti frutti Tim eh?

Please tell us your pick for leader, so we can practice our PC skills with their name?

20-01-2023, 06:35 PM
Go away - you are simply lame and pathetic- sad really.

20-01-2023, 06:38 PM
mmm, just like the Labour government.

20-01-2023, 06:38 PM
Go away - you are simply lame and pathetic- sad really.

They are called trolls!
People without a real life who get their sad kicks here.
Best to ignore them.

20-01-2023, 06:46 PM
Quite right - but sometimes you can’t help yourself 😀

20-01-2023, 08:21 PM
Trouble is Gus and is ilk are stuck in another century- certainly not this one - unbelievable that they would mention her sexuality.

20-01-2023, 08:38 PM
So much garbage from the Cindy devotees, thrashing around now that the spin mistress has been forced to stop spinning.

20-01-2023, 08:48 PM
So much garbage from the Cindy devotees, thrashing around now that the spin mistress has been forced to stop spinning.
Her name is not Cindy or Cinders and you should jog on now and enjoy your double gin😀

20-01-2023, 09:12 PM
So much garbage from the Cindy devotees, thrashing around now that the spin mistress has been forced to stop spinning.

wait until the new Leadership reveals itself for whatever that might bring :)

20-01-2023, 09:21 PM
wait until the new Leadership reveals itself for whatever that might bring :)

Your reply makes as much sense as the post by Balance- none😀

20-01-2023, 09:23 PM
Your reply makes as much sense as the post by Balance- none��

it wasn't replying to anything or none that you posted :)

20-01-2023, 09:34 PM
Her name is not Cindy or Cinders and you should jog on now and enjoy your double gin😀

And you should stop spinning because the spinning from Cindy the useless prig has been terminated.

Very very satisfying.

20-01-2023, 10:06 PM
And you should stop spinning because the spinning from Cindy the useless prig has been terminated.

Very very satisfying.
Some would say you are OTT on this topic Balance. I would say you like many of us were deeply concerned as Cindy gained a higher profile and slowly but surely exposed her true agenda. Thanks for leading the charge on this dangerous individual.
She walked all over some citizens of our country, we were just pawns in her game of inflated ego.

20-01-2023, 10:11 PM
Both these threads are now beyond ridiculous!

20-01-2023, 10:14 PM
Some would say you are OTT on this topic Balance. I would say you like many of us were deeply concerned as Cindy gained a higher profile and slowly but surely exposed her true agenda. Thanks for leading the charge on this dangerous individual.

You sad sad individuals - I wonder if you ever read your posts in the light of day.

20-01-2023, 10:16 PM
Both these threads are now beyond ridiculous!
Agree - you may have been too forgiving to Blackcap as they came back with more of the same anti female stuff.

20-01-2023, 10:23 PM
And you should stop spinning because the spinning from Cindy the useless prig has been terminated.

Very very satisfying.

And you should stop being a parrot, continually repeating whatever your master has told you to say.


20-01-2023, 11:09 PM
wait until the new Leadership reveals itself for whatever that might bring :)

Yes a scary prospect for the next 9 months.

20-01-2023, 11:16 PM
Some would say you are OTT on this topic Balance. I would say you like many of us were deeply concerned as Cindy gained a higher profile and slowly but surely exposed her true agenda. Thanks for leading the charge on this dangerous individual.
She walked all over some citizens of our country, we were just pawns in her game of inflated ego.

Thanks ynot.

There are many out there who took note of what we wrote and realised that they had been spun by Cindy, the mistress of spin.

And we see the result in the polls and now, the good riddance to Clueless & Useless Cindy.

She was not alone of course in deceiving NZers - her whole mob were doing the same.

So let’s keep on exposing them for what they really are - power hungry and egoistic incompetents who use taxpayers funds to lavish on those who vote for them so they stay in power to push their divisive, corrupt and racist agenda.

Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can give to those who don’t - Ardern & Labour Party policy.

21-01-2023, 07:53 AM
Labour - Party with Hidden Agendas

So big day for the Maori caucus as they gather to plot how to keep their hidden agenda (some of which is now public) to the Maorification of NZ alive.

Do they elect a leader like Mahuta who will bull headedly push ahead with their hidden agenda (knowing that will surely lose Labour the election)


do they elect a leader like a white face Hipkins or Wood who will try to convince NZers not to fear the hidden agenda by postponing its implementation so Labour gets a chance to be re-elected and then, push ahead with the implementation from 2024?

NZers better be aware of just how devious and cunning Labour & the Maori cabal have been.

The answer is of course for the new PM and Labour to unequivocally state its position on the hidden agenda and let NZers vote accordingly.

If a majority of NZers vote for the hidden agenda, so be it and lets all live with it or migrate to Australia.


21-01-2023, 08:07 AM
That’s the best idea you’ve had yet. Do it!

……or migrate to Australia.

21-01-2023, 08:16 AM
That’s the best idea you’ve had yet. Do it!

You would love that, wouldn’t you?

So NZ becomes a country of losers and no hopers?

Like some of the posters here?

Well, you have read wrong, JAK - you vote Labour and let’s see what happens in October 2023.

Let’s do this!

21-01-2023, 08:20 AM
So big day for the Maori caucus as they gather to plot how to keep their hidden agenda (some of which is now public) to the Maorification of NZ alive.

The solution is to vote National and their lily white out of touch team.

Economic inequality between groups in NZ will widen even more, and we'll see what a divided country looks like.

21-01-2023, 08:22 AM
The solution is to vote National and their lily white out of touch team.

Economic inequality between groups in NZ will increase widen even more and we'll see what a divided country looks like.

Vote Labour so it can continue to implement its policy :

‘Study hard, work hard and save hard so Labour can take from you to give to those who don’t.”

And better still, Labour encourages criminal behaviour so they can forcefully take from you.

And Labour loves giving money to gangs.

21-01-2023, 08:25 AM
It's OK to take 15% from a poor person each time they buy some bread tnough.

21-01-2023, 08:27 AM
It's OK to take 15% from a poor person each time they buy some bread tnough.

Poor person in NZ gets paid by Labour to breed beneficiaries (voters). Their loaves are free.

More, panda-NZ! I am enjoying this!

21-01-2023, 08:39 AM
Balance, to be perfectly honest .... yes I would.

Your demeanour in these forums is unpleasant to say the least. You appear to have little self-awareness or insight into how you portray yourself to others.

You don't seem to be a happy person. Whether what we see here is what you really are in real life, I have no idea. I really hope not, for your sake and the sake of your family.

Your constant repetitive obsessive compulsive ranting is wearing thin. It exhausts me. Yes, I can put you on ignore again, but that never works due to the fact that others can "reply with quote." We are all guilty of falling off the "just ignore him/her!" wagon. I'm a bigger idiot in that respect than most.

I know you won't migrate to Aussie. People who tout that as a solution, never actually do it, because they know full well the grass is only greener on the other side, until you get there.

I do genuinely wish you would though.

Enjoy your weekend.

You would love that, wouldn’t you?

21-01-2023, 08:43 AM
If a majority of NZers vote for the hidden agenda, so be it and lets all live with it or migrate to Australia.

If only .....

21-01-2023, 08:44 AM
JAK - I am blissfully happy, especially after the spin mistress showed her true colours and abandoned ship.

So no thanks for your insincere concern as no one who votes Labour & Ardern can be sincere about caring for the well being of NZers.

You just keep living in your fantasy and make believe world where there is one source of truth.

Do have a lovely weekend and I do mean that sincerely.

Just remember to vote Labour in October 2023 so you can continue to believe in 100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

21-01-2023, 08:48 AM
If only .....

Make your wish come true and vote Labour in October 2023.

I personally know 6 doctors who are specialists who have migrated to Australia since Ardern became PM. They had enough of the garbage from her and her useless mob.

Vote Labour so your children become dumb and poor in NZ.

21-01-2023, 08:48 AM
I rest my case.

JAK - I am blissfully happy, especially after the spin mistress showed her true colours and abandoned ship.

So no thanks for your insincere concern as no one who votes Labour & Ardern can be sincere about caring for the well being of NZers.

You just keep living on your fantasy and make believe world where there is one source of truth.

Do have a lovely weekend and I do mean that sincerely.

Just remember to vote Labour in October 2023 so you can continue to believe in 100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

21-01-2023, 08:59 AM
I rest my case.

From your one source of truth? 🤪

21-01-2023, 09:02 AM
Smart move by Allan. No point being the sacrificial lamb.

“Meanwhile, NZ Herald understands that Kiri Allan will not be standing for leader of the Labour Party, and has thrown her support behind Chris Hipkins.”

21-01-2023, 09:12 AM
Labour - Party with Hidden Agendas

So big day for the Maori caucus as they gather to plot how to keep their hidden agenda (some of which is now public) to the Maorification of NZ alive.

Do they elect a leader like Mahuta who will bull headedly push ahead with their hidden agenda (knowing that will surely lose Labour the election)


do they elect a leader like a white face Hipkins or Wood who will try to convince NZers not to fear the hidden agenda by postponing its implementation so Labour gets a chance to be re-elected and then, push ahead with the implementation from 2024?

NZers better be aware of just how devious and cunning Labour & the Maori cabal have been.

The answer is of course for the new PM and Labour to unequivocally state its position on the hidden agenda and let NZers vote accordingly.

If a majority of NZers vote for the hidden agenda, so be it and lets all live with it or migrate to Australia.


Looks like the Maori cabal has decided to support white fronting Hipkins as Allan has withdrawn?

21-01-2023, 09:20 AM
This is policing by consent under Hipkins :


Basically, the police cannot be bothered as they know that the burglars are being supported by government ‘soft on crime’ and pro crime policies.

21-01-2023, 09:30 AM
Make your wish come true and vote Labour in October 2023.

I personally know 6 doctors who are specialists who have migrated to Australia since Ardern became PM. They had enough of the garbage from her and her useless mob.

Vote Labour so your children become dumb and poor in NZ.

If you need 6 specialists to treat you and they then migrate to Australia you must be
a difficult case.


21-01-2023, 09:33 AM
If you need 6 specialists to treat you and they then migrate to Australia you must be
a difficult case.


Tell that to the tens of thousands of NZers on waiting lists for treatment due to the failed policies of Ardern’s useless government.

The six doctors who left NZ for Australia :

Anaesthetist - Queensland
Blood specialist - Melbourne
Radiologist x2 - Sydney
Fine plastic surgeon - Melbourne
Eye specialist - Melbourne


21-01-2023, 10:04 AM
If you need 6 specialists to treat you and they then migrate to Australia you must be
a difficult case.


Hehe nice :)

The six doctors who left NZ for Australia :

Anaesthetist - Queensland
Blood specialist - Melbourne
Radiologist x2 - Sydney
Fine plastic surgeon - Melbourne
Eye specialist - Melbourne

You forgot the phyciatriast and the emotion processing specialist.

I take it you are now a good looking zombie with excellent eyesight?

21-01-2023, 10:08 AM
Hehe nice :)

Nice like this :


"Thousands of people in need of a hip or knee replacement and other elective surgeries are languishing in pain on waiting lists for longer than 12 months, with one surgeon saying they feel like the “living dead”.

Very nice indeed, I am sure as you praise Ardern & Little for the healthcare mess.


Any more, panda-NZ? I am really enjoying this! :D

21-01-2023, 10:12 AM
Looks like the Maori cabal has decided to support white fronting Hipkins as Allan has withdrawn?

And Hipkins it is.


Now watch for the spin from him as Labour rolls back the Maorification agenda to try and win the election so they can implement it from 2024 onwards.

Spread the lies while spreading his legs!

21-01-2023, 10:15 AM
If you need 6 specialists to treat you and they then migrate to Australia you must be
a difficult case.


Brilliant post 😀

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 10:19 AM
And Hipkins is it.


Yep. I reckon he's their best shot. I'd like to see him pick Kerre Allen for deputy PM. Seem to me to be the best two brains in Labour.

21-01-2023, 10:22 AM
Brilliant post 😀

Brilliant how Arden & Little ‘transformed’ the healthcare system into the mess it is in now?


Thanks for providing NZers with the reminder of those who are languishing in waiting lists for treatment due to the brilliance of Clueless Cindy!


21-01-2023, 10:23 AM
Yep. I reckon he's their best shot. I'd like to see him pick Kerre Allen for deputy PM. Seem to me to be the best two brains in Labour.

Ambition has got the better of sense as the other potential contenders kindly step
aside so the leg spreading Hipkins can drink from the poisoned chalice? 🤣

21-01-2023, 10:36 AM
Yep. I reckon he's their best shot. I'd like to see him pick Kerre Allen for deputy PM. Seem to me to be the best two brains in Labour.

I agree fungus. Clever chap and a very experienced politician. I think he will give Luxon a very good run for his money, in fact this may be a game changer for Labour. I think Kiri Allen would be a good deputy but the media are picking Carmel Sepuloni. Its going to be an interesting few months thats for sure

21-01-2023, 10:43 AM
Charlotte Bellis will have their chance to comment about Hipkins.

Looking forward to the election!

21-01-2023, 10:47 AM
Brilliant how Arden & Little ‘transformed’ the healthcare system into the mess it is in now?


Thanks for providing NZers with the reminder of those who are languishing in waiting lists for treatment due to the brilliance of Clueless Cindy!


6 Doctors was probably a bit light Westerly😀I Valance it does sounds like you have considerable experience with the health care system- it all makes sense now.

21-01-2023, 10:47 AM
Oops try Balance not Valance 😗

21-01-2023, 10:52 AM
Charlotte Bellis will have their chance to comment about Hipkins.

Looking forward to the election!

I dont think Charlotte Bellis did herself any favours behaving like an entitled brat. That being said there were a lot of people who were extremely hard done by because of the Covid restrictions. I feel very very sorry for people who could not attend funerals for their loved ones or visit sick loved ones. Its was a truely dreadful situation.

I wouldn't count your chickens yet Balance, having a new leader may prove to be a turning point for Labour. It will be interesting to watch how things unfold

21-01-2023, 10:54 AM
6 Doctors was probably a bit light WesterlyI Valance it does sounds like you have considerable experience with the health care system- it all makes sense now.

He knows what the wait times for specialists are like.. where can that come from other than his own personal experience. :p

21-01-2023, 11:04 AM
Pretty positive response to Hipkins being the new leader so far.

It may turn out to have been a very smart strategic move on Jacindas part. That being said I actually believe she stepped down for the reasons she stated. Who on earth would want the life she has had for another three years!

21-01-2023, 11:08 AM
Interesting comment seen elsewhere:

And yet on all these issues, Labour has made them worse! The rich have got richer, workers are struggling, the living wage has been eaten up by inflation, public services are in a downward spiral, and expensive climate policies will not save the word but will impoverish NZ.

21-01-2023, 11:11 AM
Nats want record high migration, which will only add to the problems.

21-01-2023, 11:12 AM
I dont think Charlotte Bellis did herself any favours behaving like an entitled brat. That being said there were a lot of people who were extremely hard done by because of the Covid restrictions. I feel very very sorry for people who could not attend funerals for their loved ones or visit sick loved ones. Its was a truely dreadful situation.

I wouldn't count your chickens yet Balance, having a new leader may prove to be a turning point for Labour. It will be interesting to watch how things unfold
I concur - an entitled brat who was eventually rewarded for petulant behaviour.

21-01-2023, 11:15 AM
Pretty positive response to Hipkins being the new leader so far.

It may turn out to have been a very smart strategic move on Jacindas part. That being said I actually believe she stepped down for the reasons she stated. Who on earth would want the life she has had for another three years!

A temporary fill in or fall guy to carry the can until Labour get emptied out later in the year ?

In the most unlikely case Labour get back in - wont Robertson be reassessing whether he should want top job again ? ;)

Hipkins may well be made target practice and not immune to that for his role in the Covid pandemic times

His existing portfollios dont show glowing pass marks for results achieved

Will he survive or get ripped to pieces by an unforgiving opposition, public and Greater NZ not wanting a bar of anyone with those tainted affiliations ? ;)

Anyway welcome Hipkins - the next accidental Labour PM :)

Let's see how many further major accidents occur between now & year end

An accidental Snap Election might be good if all else failed and the roadblocks still remain
impassable ;)

meanwhile all out in the electorates must be in hysterics trying not to split their trousers
by accident, on seeing this accidental appointment ;)

Blue Skies
21-01-2023, 11:59 AM
Carmel Sepuloni an excellent choice for Deputy PM & foil for Chris Hipkins.

She is Pacifica 'royalty' & with over 300,000 Pacifica living just in Auckland alone, (compare that with a total population of just 65,000 for Napier or 170,000 the whole of conservative Hawkes Bay) & you can see she (& her husband) could easily energise a massive voting bloc & bring a lot of votes to Labour.

(NB these figures are total pop figures & obviously include those under voting age)

21-01-2023, 11:59 AM
Stockholm syndrome has caused the ardent Ardernees to knee jerk and lament the loss of their captor, and vent on anyone who has the temerity to interfere with their grief.

21-01-2023, 12:15 PM
Carmel Sepuloni an excellent choice for Deputy PM & foil for Chris Hipkins.

She is Pacifica 'royalty' & with over 300,000 Pacifica living just in Auckland alone, (compare that with a total population of just 65,000 for Napier or 170,000 the whole of conservative Hawkes Bay) & you can see she (& her husband) could easily energise a massive voting bloc & bring a lot of votes to Labour.

(NB these figures are total pop figures & obviously include those under voting age)

Confirming that the Maori cabal & Labour have decided to try and hoodwink NZers into believing that they have abandoned their hidden agenda of the Maorification of NZ.

Where is the Maori face in the leadership?

Beware the Cabal sharpened knife hidden from sight, NZers!

21-01-2023, 12:52 PM

Richard Prebble: Jacinda Ardern quits, abandons the team of five million

(Premium content)

Interesting comments & views from readers too

21-01-2023, 01:49 PM

Inland Revenue asks more than 80,000 people to return cost of living payment

Inland Revenue has written to about 80,000 people who it believes wrongly received a Cost of Living Payment from the Government, telling them how they can repay the hand-out.

It emerged last year that a large number of people had received the payments despite not being entitled to them.

It might be time for another COST OF LIVING PAYMENT - surely ? :)

After all no-one can celebrate the New Leadership with empty Wallets & Purses ..

21-01-2023, 02:03 PM
Stockholm syndrome has caused the ardent Ardernees to knee jerk and lament the loss of their captor, and vent on anyone who has the temerity to interfere with their grief.

Pot kettle black😀

Blue Skies
21-01-2023, 02:13 PM
Wonderful tributes from Barack Obama to Jacinda on his official Facebook page & Instagram, including... "Her country is better off because of her remarkable leadership - and the rest of us are too."

( Great photo of them together too if you're interested).

21-01-2023, 02:15 PM
The resident left on here are notably agitated.
Just a taste of what the backbone (those that carry the weight, you know, successful hard working kiwis, not bludgers) have put up with for the last 3 years.

Sir Ten
21-01-2023, 02:15 PM
Some would say you are OTT on this topic Balance. I would say you like many of us were deeply concerned as Cindy gained a higher profile and slowly but surely exposed her true agenda. Thanks for leading the charge on this dangerous individual.
She walked all over some citizens of our country, we were just pawns in her game of inflated ego.

I concur.

The folk on this forum supporting Labour's divisive and destructive policies can rarely justify the lack of implementation, excessive consultation and poor cost-benefit outcomes.

Easier to play the man when the house of cards starts crumbling.

She's been a complete and utter failure on POLICY - donning a hijab, fronting the media when a volcano erupted and responding to Covid with the benefit of 6 months' foresight from the rest of the world are hardly achievements.

The real proof of a leader is their ability to respond with policy (where required) to such events - burning hundreds of millions on the gun buyback from legitimate owners, reappointing a woke-focused RBNZ governor for 5 years a year out from an election and then ultimately walking away from the Covid hangover she created... she's no better than a drunken ram-raider.

21-01-2023, 02:21 PM
The resident left on here are notably agitated.
Just a taste of what the backbone (those that carry the weight, you know, successful hard working kiwis, not bludgers) have put up with for the last 3 years.
I suspect most of the left leaning posters on this site work for a living. And if you have any dosh was it all “hard earned ?😀

21-01-2023, 02:25 PM
Remember what the Labour Party is about :

“Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you and give it to those who don’t.”

21-01-2023, 02:29 PM
I concur.

The folk on this forum supporting Labour's divisive and destructive policies can rarely justify the lack of implementation, excessive consultation and poor cost-benefit outcomes.

Easier to play the man when the house of cards starts crumbling.

She's been a complete and utter failure on POLICY - donning a hijab, fronting the media when a volcano erupted and responding to Covid with the benefit of 6 months' foresight from the rest of the world are hardly achievements.

The real proof of a leader is their ability to respond with policy (where required) to such events - burning hundreds of millions on the gun buyback from legitimate owners, reappointing a woke-focused RBNZ governor for 5 years a year out from an election and then ultimately walking away from the Covid hangover she created... she's no better than a drunken ram-raider.
Reality is, even though she has been around 10 years, she has not got much going for her other than a big mouth. All talk and no delivery.
I have not always been a big fan of Michael Laws over the years but if you take a listen to him yesterday on "The Platform" he does a fairy accurate summary of her performance in charge.

21-01-2023, 02:32 PM
Her name is not Cindy or Cinders and you should jog on now and enjoy your double gin😀

It is a form of bullying used by some when they have nothing intelligent to offer.
Ignore it - don't feed the trolls.

Sir Ten
21-01-2023, 02:32 PM
Reality is, even though she has been around 10 years, she has not got much going for her other than a big mouth. All talk and no delivery.
I have not always been a big fan of Michael Laws over the years but if you take a listen to him yesterday on "The Platform" he does a fairy accurate summary of her performance in charge.

Pop a link in. Maybe one or two of our mates on the left might put themselves through a reality check.

Sir Ten
21-01-2023, 02:37 PM
It is a form of bullying used by some when they have nothing intelligent to offer.
Ignore it - don't feed the trolls.

So what you're saying is if we all call her the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern you'll start listening and rebutting the arguments?

It'd be an interesting experiment, but my guess is you'll find some other predictable ad hominem

21-01-2023, 02:38 PM
Reality is, even though she has been around 10 years, she has not got much going for her other than a big mouth. All talk and no delivery.
I have not always been a big fan of Michael Laws over the years but if you take a listen to him yesterday on "The Platform" he does a fairy accurate summary of her performance in charge.
What do you mean by the PM having a big mouth?

Sir Ten
21-01-2023, 02:44 PM
What do you mean by the PM having a big mouth?

This epitomizes your limited ability to have an objective argument... "big mouth" is a common and well established phrase to describe someone who is all talk... all you woke folk see / hear is some reference to her objectively large food hole.

Enlighten me on what genuine good she has delivered relative to her promises... or any good for that matter.

21-01-2023, 02:44 PM
What do you mean by the PM having a big mouth?
I really do wonder about you sometimes Timbo.
"All talk no delivery" = big mouth

21-01-2023, 02:50 PM
Pop a link in. Maybe one or two of our mates on the left might put themselves through a reality check.


21-01-2023, 03:06 PM
I really do wonder about you sometimes Timbo.
"All talk no delivery" = big mouth
Why don’t you answer the question?😀

21-01-2023, 03:21 PM
Why don’t you answer the question?��
Read my reply to you Tim.

21-01-2023, 03:27 PM
Read my reply to you Tim.
Very strange as a so called big mouth PM had hardly been heard over for several weeks prior to Thursday- hardly a big mouth?😀

21-01-2023, 03:37 PM
So what you're saying is if we all call her the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern you'll start listening and rebutting the arguments?

It'd be an interesting experiment, but my guess is you'll find some other predictable ad hominem

I'm not saying that at all - it would be interesting if people here stopped bullying though.

I have listened, I have rebutted, I have shaken my head in sadness at some of the behavior here, and can't, generally, be bothered anymore.
People are so entrenched in their views so why bother giving facts?

I had a great Xmas, away seeing the rest of the world. It was interesting to come back and see that many here hadn't moved on (or, in many cases, moved past views of 100 years ago).

21-01-2023, 03:41 PM
So what you're saying is if we all call her the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern you'll start listening and rebutting the arguments?

It'd be an interesting experiment, but my guess is you'll find some other predictable ad hominem
Dobby is probably not saying that at all - saying refer to her as Jacinda or the PM but using names like Cindy or Cinders or worse on this site is plain crass and misogynistic.

21-01-2023, 03:46 PM
Very strange as a so called big mouth PM had hardly been heard over for several weeks prior to Thursday- hardly a big mouth?��
Sorry Tim, we are not on the same page here. She has been on holiday the last few weeks, of course we have not heard from her.
My big mouth comment is a summary of my opinion on her overall. Nothing to do with recent behaviour.
I am talking of my impression of her overall.

Bill Smith
21-01-2023, 03:57 PM
Carmel Sepuloni an excellent choice for Deputy PM & foil for Chris Hipkins.

She is Pacifica 'royalty' & with over 300,000 Pacifica living just in Auckland alone, (compare that with a total population of just 65,000 for Napier or 170,000 the whole of conservative Hawkes Bay) & you can see she (& her husband) could easily energise a massive voting bloc & bring a lot of votes to Labour.

(NB these figures are total pop figures & obviously include those under voting age)

ROYALTY. Her mother was/is a convicted welfare cheat. Is that the correct lineage to be Pacifica royalty?

21-01-2023, 03:59 PM
An interesting comment elsewhere else:

... Ardern and Robertson were about to get rolled, There was an air that something was changing, along with murmurings that The Cabinet wasn't a happy place for them. Ardern's micro managing and her brand before the party was wearing thin

Robertson didn't stand because the vote would have made that clear to the public that the party didn't want him.

Could it be not wrong ? :)

21-01-2023, 04:03 PM
ROYALTY. Her mother was/is a convicted welfare cheat. Is that the correct lineage to be Pacifica royalty?

How about the Finance Minister - Robertson ?

His Father was an Accountant, before becoming a Jail Bird

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Robertson#:~:text=His%20father%20was%20an%20 accountant,where%20he%20was%20head%20boy.

His father was an accountant, who was imprisoned in 1991 for stealing around $120,000 from the law firm he worked for


"Money plays such a big role in the way we live our lives," Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson tells Liam Dann on the Money Talks podcast.

How about all the ones struggling now Robbo - whom your lot have been ignoring while inflation and other day to day costs surge out of control, aside from just seeing a pitiful $350 COL flash in the pan after the damage had been worn by them ? ;)

21-01-2023, 04:54 PM
ROYALTY. Her mother was/is a convicted welfare cheat. Is that the correct lineage to be Pacifica royalty?

Sepuloni is all about spending money wastefully and without any accountability.

$1m a day for sub-standard emergency housing under her ministry. And for that, Hipkins decided to pick her as his deputy.

Blue Skies
21-01-2023, 04:56 PM
ROYALTY. Her mother was/is a convicted welfare cheat. Is that the correct lineage to be Pacifica royalty?

"Royalty" was in quotation marks Bill.
Means figuratively not literally, i.e. Carmel Sepuloni having great Mana ( authority, influence, respect ).
Kinship is everything in Pacifica culture, people operate in a communal sense which is quite different to NZ Euro culture.

21-01-2023, 05:12 PM
"Royalty" was in quotation marks Bill.
Means figuratively not literally, i.e. Carmel Sepuloni having great Mana ( authority, influence, respect ).
Kinship is everything in Pacifica culture, people operate in a communal sense which is quite different to NZ Euro culture.

Like her mother?

21-01-2023, 05:23 PM
I really do wonder about you sometimes Timbo.
"All talk no delivery" = big mouth “All mouth and no trousers” is a colourful expression I like from Coronation Street. It’s usually said of a man, but hey no reason not to apply to anyone…

21-01-2023, 05:27 PM
"Royalty" was in quotation marks Bill.
Means figuratively not literally, i.e. Carmel Sepuloni having great Mana ( authority, influence, respect ).
Kinship is everything in Pacifica culture, people operate in a communal sense which is quite different to NZ Euro culture. Anglo culture has “noblesse oblige” community obligation (although that has probably faded in NZ recently) and the “old boy” network which can amount to something similar. Good old nepotism has been around since, well I guess the ancient Greek uncles at least.

21-01-2023, 05:33 PM
“All mouth and no trousers” is a colourful expression I like from Coronation Street. It’s usually said of a man, but hey no reason not to apply to anyone…

definitely .. not too difficult to see who was wearing the trousers and who was in danger of splitting theirs
if they opened their legs too wide .. wonder how long Hipkins had been practicing the routine
on the table tops during the regular Chip sessions before it was good enough for public release
(and better than the Education & Policing assignments completed at hand) ? ;)

21-01-2023, 05:37 PM
An outsiders take on Ardern. On the money in my opinion.
Only the woke left media exemplifies her be kind persona.



21-01-2023, 05:39 PM
You are one sick puppy.

definitely .. not too difficult to see who was wearing the trousers and who was in danger of splitting theirs
if they opened their legs too wide .. wonder how long Hipkins had been practicing the routine
on the table tops during the regular Chip sessions ? ;)

21-01-2023, 05:40 PM
definitely .. not too difficult to see who was wearing trousers and who was in danger of splitting theirs
if they opened their legs too wide .. wonder how long Hipkins had been practicing the routine
on the table tops during the regular Chip sessions ? ;)
Good luck to Spreader Chippy anyway. We all need him to do as good a job as he can, even if we don’t support his political Party.

21-01-2023, 05:47 PM
Good luck to Spreader Chippy anyway. We all need him to do as good a job as he can, even if we don’t support his political Party.

He seems like a fairly resilient sort of fella .. like a Jack in a Box
Throw anything at him and he will still bounce back with a large smile
or smirk, while the spring was still working ;)

21-01-2023, 05:48 PM
You are one sick puppy.

I wouldn't try my luck if I was you :)

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 05:54 PM
Dobby is probably not saying that at all - saying refer to her as Jacinda or the PM but using names like Cindy or Cinders or worse on this site is plain crass and misogynistic.

Does Chippie meet with your approval?

21-01-2023, 06:13 PM
You are one sick puppy.
Hard not to disagree- that post was plain weird- sick puppy is probably too kind.

21-01-2023, 06:16 PM
Does Chippie meet with your approval?
You mean Chris Hipkins? You are smart enough to know that the names for the current PM, Cindy and Cinders are misogynistic.😀

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 06:26 PM
You mean Chris Hipkins? You are smart enough to know that the names for the current PM, Cindy and Cinders are misogynistic.��
Don't be ridiculous. Politicians, male or female, often get nick named. Think Kiwi Keith, Piggy Muldoon for former PMs.

21-01-2023, 06:29 PM
Don't be ridiculous. Politicians, male or female, often get nick named. Think Kiwi Keith, Piggy Muldoon for former PMs.
You are showing your age (again) you know dam well that Cindy, Cinders and let’s not forget Aunty Helen are derogatory. Maybe you are not very smart after all.

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 06:43 PM
You are showing your age (again) you know dam well that Cindy, Cinders and let’s not forget Aunty Helen are derogatory. Maybe you are not very smart after all.

Make up your mind. Are you saying they are misogynistic or derogatory, or do you think they are both?

21-01-2023, 06:46 PM
Make up your mind. Are you saying they are misogynistic or derogatory, or do you think they are both?
Take your pick Gus - I know you get my drift

21-01-2023, 06:55 PM
Make up your mind. Are you saying they are misogynistic or derogatory, or do you think they are both?

Don't be too hard on tim23. He's grieving.

21-01-2023, 07:00 PM
Don't be too hard on tim23. He's grieving.
If you’ve read other post I’ve said Hipkins as new PM is positive for Labour. Poor OLD Gus needs his flunkies to come to the rescue and there you are Jonah.

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 07:05 PM
Take your pick Gus - I know you get my drift

So you have got your knickers in a knot over someone's nick name, yet you call me Gus. Henceforth I will use the nickname, Hypo, for you.

21-01-2023, 07:07 PM
So you have got your knickers in a knot over someone's nick name, yet you call me Gus. Henceforth I will use the nickname, Hypo. for you.
Oh boy - Gus - the High Priest is having a hissy fit 😀

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 07:14 PM
Oh boy - Gus - the High Priest is having a hissy fit ��

Not at all, Hypo. Cool, calm and all together as normal. Hope you don't mind my using the abbreviated version of your new nickname; but it's rather tiresome typing 'Hypocrite' all the time.

21-01-2023, 07:21 PM
Not at all, Hypo. Cool, calm and all together as normal. Hope you don't mind my using the abbreviated version of your new nickname; but it's rather tiresome typing 'Hypocrite' all the time.
Lame Gus - you could have done better but nice to see you off your high 🐎 and others will enjoy as much as I ado😀

Blue Skies
21-01-2023, 07:30 PM
Ha, you have to watch Stephen Colbert's tribute to Jacinda....after you've had a rest we need to you to come and run America.

21-01-2023, 07:44 PM
[QUOTE=Blue Skies;989788]Ha, you have to watch Stephen Colbert's tribute to Jacinda....after you've had a rest we need to you to come and run America.[/Q

Tough choice. Ardern or Biden. Both fake.

21-01-2023, 07:49 PM
[QUOTE=Blue Skies;989788]Ha, you have to watch Stephen Colbert's tribute to Jacinda....after you've had a rest we need to you to come and run America.[/Q

Tough choice. Ardern or Biden. Both fake.
You don’t like it one bit - but there you are she’s famous and you can’t handle it.😀

21-01-2023, 07:59 PM
Oops reply was meant for ynot😀

Blue Skies
21-01-2023, 08:35 PM

21-01-2023, 09:40 PM
Does Chippie meet with your approval?

I think it comes down to the context and the intent in which a nick name is used.

Hipkins is called Chippie by his friends and work mates. I think of it as a term of endearment so I am ok with it.

Cindy on the other hand is frequently used by people on here who openly dislike or even hate Jacinda. Used in that way it is definitely derogatory. Is it misogynistic as well? Well quite possibly…but thats harder to ascertain.