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01-02-2023, 05:52 PM
Glaring hole in your argument there dobby41. This Labour government has presided over the biggest transfer of wealth to the wealthy and growth of inequality in NZ history.

01-02-2023, 05:52 PM
National will (and already are) selling themselves to the rich.
Do you think all the people who gave the party millions don't expect something in return?
They want a continuation of policies that got them rich!

Are you suggesting corruption? Your posts are getting sadder every day. You just repeat the same old "national is just there to look after the rich". Give up on it. It is not true, just in your imagination.

01-02-2023, 05:59 PM
Just a reminder of the continuous claptrap https://youtu.be/_pUrlBWpzzk

fungus pudding
01-02-2023, 06:00 PM
National will (and already are) selling themselves to the rich.
Do you think all the people who gave the party millions don't expect something in return?
They want a continuation of policies that got them rich!

The rich are perfectly capable of generating their own wealth. Generally their interest in politics is simply preventing the useless and lazy socialists from getting into power and separating them from their money through an unfair 'Robin Hood' tax system.

01-02-2023, 06:06 PM
Just a reminder of the continuous claptrap https://youtu.be/_pUrlBWpzzk

Wow, as of writing Cindy got 96 views and 2 likes in over a year out of that bit of misinformation/disinformation. Not her greatest work....but one of her bigger lies. Nek minute....

Good find iceman. Ardern's true legacy needs to be on full display. She should include this clip in her CV alongside the infamous comrade speech. The WEF and UN will snap her up in a heartbeat.

01-02-2023, 08:51 PM
They may be tone deaf in both ears in your opinion but it’s probably better than having excess moisture behind your ears.��

Suffering from that too now as well as understanding difficulties & a low IQ ? ;)

Have you checked to see if there is mold or worse still ROT flourishing under your thinking cap ?

Is there a special benefit for all those disabilities ? :)

02-02-2023, 04:45 AM
The rich are perfectly capable of generating their own wealth. Generally their interest in politics is simply preventing the useless and lazy socialists from getting into power and separating them from their money through an unfair 'Robin Hood' tax system.

In practice grandma cops it from real terms health cuts and no effective pandemic measures.

Protecting the weak is a good value to have - even a christian value.

02-02-2023, 07:23 AM
In practice grandma cops it from real terms health cuts and no effective pandemic measures.

Protecting the weak is a good value to have - even a christian value.

Except there wasn't any improvement in the situation of the elderly, the poor and the sick over the last 5 years. Quite the contrary actually.

02-02-2023, 07:27 AM
I gather then that any policy National or Act come up with would be a bribe also?

People complain that petrol will go up - now it won't due to the tax.

By the way - how come when 25c/l of tax was removed fuel went down 25c/l but when it was going to be restored fuel was tipped to increase by 40c/l?
Was it expected that the oil companies would act in bad faith? Capitalism at work?

I don't consider adjusting tax brackets a bribe. It's a small step in fixing over 11 years of stealth tax theft. Tax brackets should be indexed to inflation and adjusted anually. Other than that, if Nats or ACT promise other ways to subsidise living, yes, it's a bribe. I'm not affiliated with any parties, I'm missing a good common sense center political party.

As for the fuel increase, I haven't heard it's supposed to go up 40 cents, so I can't comment. I understand it would have to be more than 25c due to GST being calculated on the levies as well, but that's all my knowledge of this.

02-02-2023, 08:31 AM
Parting gift from the Mistress of SPIN, Clueless and useless Cindy :


02-02-2023, 08:38 AM
Meanwhile, in the real world where 'Chip off Ardern block' Hipkins is busy throwing more money to help the rich & the consultants, here's the reality of Labour's bankrupt and useless policies :


"Worse Ever Hospital Wait List Climbs to 67,000"

Best example of how inept Labour government is :

Opening up NZ too late to attract nurses.

Not putting nurses on priority to residence list until it is clear even to the totally clueless Immigration Minister Michael Wood that no international nurses were coming.

New faces in the government but same old tired & arrogant inept muppets.

02-02-2023, 10:45 AM
Leopards and Spots. Hipkins already carrying on Ardern's nefarious ways as exposed here by Bryce Edwards.

Political Roundup: Chris Hipkins hires a lobbyist to run the Beehive

New Zealand is the second least corrupt country on earth according to the latest Corruption Perception Index published yesterday by Transparency International. But how much does this reflect reality?

The problem with being continually feted for world-leading political integrity – which the Beehive and government departments love to boast about – is that it causes complacency about the existence of real corruption and shortcomings in our democracy.

For example, one of the biggest failings in New Zealand’s political system is our entirely unregulated system of corporate-political lobbying. Unlike similar countries, we have virtually no laws and regulations to keep the political power of vested interests and the wealthy in check. This means that the lobbying industry is booming, and corporate lobbyists are able to move back and forwards between senior government positions and private businesses with almost nothing to prevent conflicts of interest.

One of the latest high-profile cases involved former Justice and Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi quitting his Cabinet job and taking on a corporate lobbying job almost immediately. The move was one of the more brazen, but it was hardly an isolated incident, as those who work in the lobbying industry frequently shift in and out of senior government roles. This behaviour is referred to as the “revolving door”, in which lobbyists and political insiders frequently trade places, gaining influence, networks, knowledge, power, and then enriching themselves and the private sector.

The Labour Government has a lobbying problem

Lobbyists running the Beehive have become quite a recurring theme since Labour came to power. When Jacinda Ardern became prime minister in 2017 she immediately got rid of her existing Chief of Staff, Neale Jones, who straight away became a lobbyist. She then employed another well-known lobbyist, GJ Thompson, who helped set the Government up, employed the staff, and then shifted straight back to the private sector to help corporates lobby the Beehive.

Yesterday we learned PM Chris Hipkins has hired another lobbyist to run the Beehive – Andrew Kirton. The new Labour prime minister has therefore followed Ardern’s democratically dangerous precedent of bringing in someone from the world of corporate power and influence, who is likely to eventually go back to lobbying afterwards.

Kirton has been working for the last year for Anacta Consulting – a trans-Tasman “government relations” firm run by David Talbot who, with political commentator Stephen Mills, also provides opinion polling to the Labour Government and corporate clients.

A former student of the University of Oxford and London School of Economics, Kirton has in the past run his own lobbying firm, Kirton Consulting, but is more well known in the lobbying industry for being the head of government relations for Air New Zealand, working for Christopher Luxon when he was CEO. Kirton’s background in the corporate world also includes working for housing property developers and, when living in London, with the London Chamber of Commerce and head of public relations for Heathrow Airport.

Kirton also has a very strong political background in the Labour Party, having worked as the party’s general secretary responsible for corporate fundraising, and as a spindoctor and strategist for Helen Clark’s Labour Government.

He rose through the ranks of the Labour Party in the typically modern way, first as a president of the New Zealand University Students Association, and then working for a union (Finsec). He then became close friends with rising Labour stars including Jacinda Ardern, Grant Robertson, and Chris Hipkins. In 2017 he ran Labour’s successful election campaign.

He is now married to Labour list MP Camilla Belich, who is the frontrunner to take over from Ardern as the MP for Mt Albert. And Kirton himself has been upfront about wanting to enter Parliament. Wellington insiders say that despite his deliberate low profile, Kirton is one of the most well-connected in the Capital.

Kirton is no stranger to controversy, however, as he was General Secretary of Labour at the time of the 2017 Summer Camp scandal, when allegations of sexual harassment occurred. Kirton was criticised for presiding over an investigation that took a “victim-centred” approach, which was seen by some as a “cover-up”, with Police not called, no outside investigation launched, and families not informed.

The problem with a lobbyist running the Beehive

The conflicts of interest involved in having corporate lobbyists come in and run governments are immense. In other countries, it would be illegal. Here in New Zealand, unusually, there are no rules preventing lobbyists from coming in and out of top political rules.

While lots of media analysis is given to the ministers running the country, especially when there are reshuffles, there is a lack of acknowledgement that it is the unelected officials in the Beehive who often have much more power and influence over what happens.

Therefore, it is disappointing that Kirton’s appointment is not receiving much publicity or scrutiny. So far, the news items about his appointment don’t even mention that he is a lobbyist, and instead there is a vague mention of him being a “PR man”.

Kirton has deleted his social media accounts such as Twitter, and his LinkedIn profile, which gave the details of his past lobbying and corporate employment roles.

It's time to have some clear rules about ministerial jobs and the lobbying industry. Currently, there is nothing in the Cabinet Manual to prevent the likes of Kris Faafoi or the various lobbyists from moving in and out of the Beehive. And of course, once Kirton finishes his job as Chief of Staff, perhaps in October, he will be free to go straight back into the corporate world lobbying government again.

At the very least, when lobbyists come into positions of political power they should have to manage their conflicts of interest with full transparency. If lobbyists are to be allowed to take on jobs running the Beehive, a condition of employment should be the full public disclosure of the clients of their lobbying firm. But don’t expect to find out who Kirton’s Anacta worked for anytime soon. This isn’t the culture in the Beehive.

When she was prime minister Jacinda Ardern was frequently lampooned for the promise that her government would be the most transparent government ever. We are yet to see how transparent Chris Hipkins will be, and how much he is willing to allow decision-making to be tied up with vested interests. But he is off to a very poor start by giving his top position to a corporate lobbyist.

02-02-2023, 11:00 AM
Leopards and Spots. Hipkins already carrying on Ardern's nefarious ways as exposed here by Bryce Edwards.

At the very least, when lobbyists come into positions of political power they should have to manage their conflicts of interest with full transparency. If lobbyists are to be allowed to take on jobs running the Beehive, a condition of employment should be the full public disclosure of the clients of their lobbying firm. But don’t expect to find out who Kirton’s Anacta worked for anytime soon. This isn’t the culture in the Beehive.

When she was prime minister Jacinda Ardern was frequently lampooned for the promise that her government would be the most transparent government ever. We are yet to see how transparent Chris Hipkins will be, and how much he is willing to allow decision-making to be tied up with vested interests. But he is off to a very poor start by giving his top position to a corporate lobbyist.


All about the spin, not the delivery.

All about words, not deeds.

Different leader, same tired, arrogant and clueless government.


02-02-2023, 11:39 AM
The rich are perfectly capable of generating their own wealth. Generally their interest in politics is simply preventing the useless and lazy socialists from getting into power and separating them from their money through an unfair 'Robin Hood' tax system.
…or….another way of looking at it….the rich are interested in politics to ensure NZ’s regressive tax system is maintained.

02-02-2023, 11:53 AM
…or….another way of looking at it….the rich are interested in politics to ensure NZ’s regressive tax system is maintained.

They do not need to - the Labour government is very adept at making the rich wealthier while impoverishing NZ as a whole.

Take the fuel subsidy extension by a further 3 months - unaffordable and unsustainable according to Robertson in November 2022 but suddenly, there's money which can be borrowed to keep it going!

"Advice from government agencies has consistently urged the Government to bring the subsidies to an end - and Infometrics principal economist Brad Olsen agrees.

"The extension is an extremely dumb economic policy; it gives three times as much support to those on the highest incomes who don't need that much support, compared to those on the lowest incomes who need the support the most.

Olsen calculated people on the highest incomes could save $64 a month under the policy, while those earning the least could save just $21."


02-02-2023, 12:54 PM
As for the fuel increase, I haven't heard it's supposed to go up 40 cents, so I can't comment. I understand it would have to be more than 25c due to GST being calculated on the levies as well, but that's all my knowledge of this.

Widely reported - here even


Fuel prices could rise by up to 40 cents a litre by April as tax cuts end

I can get the GST argument to a degree but 25c+GST = 28.75c
and they should have gone down by the same amount?

fungus pudding
02-02-2023, 01:13 PM
Widely reported - here even

I can get the GST argument to a degree but 25c+GST = 28.75c
and they should have gone down by the same amount?

From the article “At the end of March it could be about 40c more a litre than what we’ve seen. And that will be a combination of increased oil price, if it eventuates, and the fuel excise duty going back on.”

02-02-2023, 03:03 PM
Have to laugh loud at Robertson’s ‘be nimble’ extension to the fuel subsidy.

Effectively a Tax Cut from Labour for the rich!

And funded by borrowings!


02-02-2023, 03:11 PM
Have to laugh loud at Robertson’s ‘be nimble’ extension to the fuel subsidy.

Effectively a Tax Cut from Labour for the rich!

And funded by borrowings!


I raise your further debt with a dollop of misinformation/disinformation from the departed Dear Leader


Preachy Cindy exhorting world governments to stop subsidising fuel. Nek minute...

Robber Robbo says work is being done to figure a way out of the pricing mess they have got themselves into. What was being done since the last extension?

02-02-2023, 04:06 PM
I raise your further debt with a dollop of misinformation/disinformation from the departed Dear Leader


Preachy Cindy exhorting world governments to stop subsidising fuel. Nek minute...

Robber Robbo says work is being done to figure a way out of the pricing mess they have got themselves into. What was being done since the last extension?

Despicable woman - useless, clueless and a hypocrite.

And now, we have PM Hipkins - a chip off the Ardern block. Spin mistress handing over to spin master.

02-02-2023, 05:20 PM

Police Minister Stuart Nash pushing for faster removal of cigarettes from dairies

Ram raids became a very common crime-type last year, increasing by more than 500 per cent at one point and leading to various Government interventions, namely through changes to how youth offenders were addressed and extensions to financial support for small business owners.

How about faster permanent removal of the criminal scum off the streets - Nash ?

(or should that be 'useless goon' ? ) ;)

02-02-2023, 05:23 PM

Auckland floods: Taxpayers may be called on to top up EQC fund


How's Gobbo Robbo's borrowed Covid Slush Fund looking ? - enough left over to tip $500m+
out into the EQC pot ? ;)

02-02-2023, 05:46 PM

Ram-raid accusations: Mother charged with shooting at cops so her kids could escape

A Ministerial wet bus ticket being prepared for this sweet little darling and her criminal colony of lawless
little youth thugs ? ;)

Probably all ardent members of the Labour fan club ;)

02-02-2023, 07:18 PM
Despicable woman - useless, clueless and a hypocrite.

And now, we have PM Hipkins - a chip off the Ardern block. Spin mistress handing over to spin master.

It was great without you for the last week or so assume you were red carded for repeated crass posts. We get how you feel about Ardern- isn’t it time to let it go- it’s in bad taste and tedious.

03-02-2023, 08:25 AM
It was great without you for the last week or so assume you were red carded for repeated crass posts. We get how you feel about Ardern- isn’t it time to let it go- it’s in bad taste and tedious.

Lets all try to stop feeding the troll (difficult though that may be).

03-02-2023, 08:28 AM
$72m spent on Auckland’s Light Rail proposal so far and not a cm of rail track has been laid.

On TV3 this morning, the ‘$5k for a zero sign’ minister Michael Wood did not even attempt to defend and he also wasn’t prepared to support the proposal! After spending $72m!

What a drongo of a minister!

So more money down the drain - just like the $56m spent on the bike bridge to nowhere.

And he is also the minister for Auckland! Useless and clueless but he sure knows how to spend & waste taxpayers’ funds.

Remember Labour’s promise to have it up and underway within its first term in government?

Words, not deeds - what this Labour government is all about.

Spin, not delivery.

BS as usual from ‘Chip off Ardern block’ Hipkins.

03-02-2023, 01:18 PM

Infometrics predicts long recession despite glimmer of hope over interest rates

The economy has entered a protracted period of recession, despite growing hopes among banks that interest rates may not need to rise as high as previously thought, according to a prominent forecaster.

Infometrics chief forecaster Gareth Kiernan said the research house expected “a prolonged contraction in the economy through until March 2024” as fixed mortgages roll-off and households grapple with higher interest rates.

He believed GDP data due out later this month and in May would show the economy went into recession in September and is forecasting only one quarter of positive growth in the six quarters between then and the start of the June 2024 quarter.

Slighter weaker-than-expected inflation and employment data has prompted all the major banks to trim their forecasts of how much the Reserve Bank will raise the official cash rate when it releases its next monetary policy statement on February 22.

03-02-2023, 03:46 PM
They do not need to - the Labour government is very adept at making the rich wealthier while impoverishing NZ as a whole.

Take the fuel subsidy extension by a further 3 months - unaffordable and unsustainable according to Robertson in November 2022 but suddenly, there's money which can be borrowed to keep it going!

"Advice from government agencies has consistently urged the Government to bring the subsidies to an end - and Infometrics principal economist Brad Olsen agrees.

"The extension is an extremely dumb economic policy; it gives three times as much support to those on the highest incomes who don't need that much support, compared to those on the lowest incomes who need the support the most.

Olsen calculated people on the highest incomes could save $64 a month under the policy, while those earning the least could save just $21."


Olsen the media go to economist. Without the numbers on how he worked out those figures he has no credibility.


03-02-2023, 04:05 PM
Olsen the media go to economist. Without the numbers on how he worked out those figures he has no credibility.


Do you think he worked out those figures without numbers. Did you expect an in-depth study of his calculations by our soundbite media ?

03-02-2023, 04:24 PM
Do you think he worked out those figures without numbers. Did you expect an in-depth study of his calculations by our soundbite media ?

Independent economists make their livelihood with fee paying clients through their credibility with their numbers and forecasts.

Something that the freeloading wasteful spending Labour ministers will never understand - because they are all career politicians who have never run a business or create employment before.

Blue Skies
03-02-2023, 05:41 PM
Olsen the media go to economist. Without the numbers on how he worked out those figures he has no credibility.


I wonder if Brad factored in many high income people live close to the city & a fair number drive EV's & Hybrids, while low income people tend to have long commutes, fuel inefficient vehicles & as a percentage of their weekly income, after rent, petrol being one of their biggest costs ?

I guess Brad Olsen fed all those stat's into the matrix, up-weighted the generic elements, then built a platform to use as a springboard to spit out the prediction of what people 'could' save!
Yep sounds like he has a good feel for the subject. :)

See, if you use the right jargon even I can sound like I know what I'm talking about!
Have a good Waitangi weekend everyone.

03-02-2023, 05:53 PM
If you have ever wondered on the power of identity politics rooted in Marxism read the following. It's no wonder racism is at the heart of identity politics. According to the mantra, your race defines you. If not race, insert sex, or gender, victim or whatever subset the manipulator wishes to use.


This is the BS being promoted through the universities and schools as part of the "long march through the institutions".

Challenge it. Don't stand for it. Expose it! Labour, Ardern, Hipkins, Mahuta etc are all invested in it. Hence the co-governance push.

03-02-2023, 07:41 PM
Wonderful news!

Maoris support Mahuta and want ‘Chip off the Ardern block’ Hipkins to keep 3 Waters intact and implemented.

NZers have a clear choice comes October to back the divisive, racist and asset grab policies of Labour or the enlightened 1 NZ for all policy of National/ACT.



03-02-2023, 09:17 PM
$72m spent on Auckland’s Light Rail proposal so far and not a cm of rail track has been laid.

On TV3 this morning, the ‘$5k for a zero sign’ minister Michael Wood did not even attempt to defend and he also wasn’t prepared to support the proposal! After spending $72m!

What a drongo of a minister!

So more money down the drain - just like the $56m spent on the bike bridge to nowhere.

And he is also the minister for Auckland! Useless and clueless but he sure knows how to spend & waste taxpayers’ funds.

And then the scumbags want to increase tax, so they can waste more money!

Meanwhile the nations roads, another revenue source with road user charges, have so many potholes, they are only good for planting pot plants!

Out with the Labour clowns!

03-02-2023, 09:20 PM
Wonderful news!

Maoris support Mahuta and want ‘Chip off the Ardern block’ Hipkins to keep 3 Waters intact and implemented.

NZers have a clear choice comes October to back the divisive, racist and asset grab policies of Labour or the enlightened 1 NZ for all policy of National/ACT.



Many of the Iwi leaders are compromised. They have taken the 3 waters bribe. As for Tuku, what the hell is Tainui doing running the northern entity? Mahuta handed out the lollies and they have sold out as quick as that.

03-02-2023, 09:31 PM
Many of the Iwi leaders are compromised. They have taken the 3 waters bribe. As for Tuku, what the hell is Tainui doing running the northern entity? Mahuta handed out the lollies and they have sold out as quick as that.

They have been salivating at the prospect of controlling all of NZ’s water assets for FREE.

Now watch Chip off Ardern block Hipkins squirm and thrash around - them Māoris were supposed to play nice until Labour gets another term before they extract their pound of flesh again.

What happened to the playbook? $$$$$ that’s what happened.

03-02-2023, 09:33 PM
And then the scumbags want to increase tax, so they can waste more money!

Meanwhile the nations roads, another revenue source with road user charges, have so many potholes, they are only good for planting pot plants!

Out with the Labour clowns!

Looks like they have more than pot holes to contend with now .. try large craters and long gullies
along with new springs everyone had long forgotten about :)

More than enough space for the whole of the Labour Govt to get lost in while Wood knocks
himself out dealing with a broken city ..

03-02-2023, 09:37 PM
They have been salivating at the prospect of controlling all of NZ’s water assets for FREE.

Now watch Chip off Ardern block Hipkins squirm and thrash around - them Māoris were supposed to play nice until Labour gets another term before they extract their pound of flesh again.

What happened to the playbook? $$$$$ that’s what happened.

Away being rewritten .. there are probably 7 waters now after Shaw has had a play in the sandpit :)

Anyway, not many read the first playbook .. it's rumoured most were only there to eat their lunch
and for the lolly scramble afterwards :)

03-02-2023, 10:03 PM
Hipkins has more Maori ministers and more Maori on the front bench than Jacinda Ardern.

- a move down the rankings for Nanaia Mahuta and Peeni Henare.
- it was a good reshuffle in terms of promotions for four members of the Maori caucus: Willie Jackson, Kiri Allan, Willow-Jean Prime and Rino Tirikatene.

- Rino Tirikatene – (outside Cabinet) Minister for Courts and Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth.
- Willow-Jean Prime – (outside Cabinet) Minister of Conservation, Minister for Youth, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Associate Minister of Health


03-02-2023, 10:09 PM
Chip off Ardern block Hipkins fools no one except the woke leftist maggots.

It is so obvious that the Maori cabal has been told to keep quiet so Labour stands a chance at the election.

Then, it’s payback time either way.

As transparent as it could be to anyone with sense - ironical given Labour’s promise of the most transparent government ever!

03-02-2023, 10:19 PM
Hipkins has more Maori ministers and more Maori on the front bench than Jacinda Ardern.


Is that supposed to be a good thing?

03-02-2023, 10:20 PM
Hipkins has more Maori ministers and more Maori on the front bench than Jacinda Ardern.

- a move down the rankings for Nanaia Mahuta and Peeni Henare.
- it was a good reshuffle in terms of promotions for four members of the Maori caucus: Willie Jackson, Kiri Allan, Willow-Jean Prime and Rino Tirikatene.

- Rino Tirikatene – (outside Cabinet) Minister for Courts and Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth.
- Willow-Jean Prime – (outside Cabinet) Minister of Conservation, Minister for Youth, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Associate Minister of Health


Crunch time soon enough for Hipkins.
He is staring down the barrel of a big call.
Arden has left him standing up to his knees in it. No wonder no one else put their hand up.

04-02-2023, 08:01 AM

Police Minister Stuart Nash pushing for faster removal of cigarettes from dairies

How about faster permanent removal of the criminal scum off the streets - Nash ?

(or should that be 'useless goon' ? ) ;)

The Scum are laughing at NASH and his clueless bunch of Political sidekicks who think that
constant tax increases are the answer to everything, blaming everyone but themselves
for the unfolding problems & spate of ram raids and burglaries.

NASH - you and your clueless & useless Labour mates at the Beehive are to blame for this
sort of thing -


Auckland ram raid: Thieves smash and grab from Wicked Habits tobacco, smoke store

04-02-2023, 08:47 AM
Crunch time soon enough for Hipkins.
He is staring down the barrel of a big call.
Arden has left him standing up to his knees in it. No wonder no one else put their hand up.

Tuku Morgan - the underwear man? The leader who used treaty settlement money in Maori TV and helped himself generously to expenses as well very expensive silk undies in a Newmarket store?


"The iwi leaders were not shy about it either, with Tukoroirangi Morgan telling reporters they wanted co-governance or a similar partnership retained in the Three Waters legislation."

04-02-2023, 02:12 PM
It is interesting how some here struggle with the idea of Maori having any power.
They complain that the Labour Maori caucus have any power at all.

When the treaty was signed in 1840 there were around 80k Maori and 2k Pakeha.
When the first Parliament was enacted in 1854 there were around 61k Maori and 33k Pakeha which you would think would give Maori the upper hand. But no - the system was set up so that only those men who had land titles issued by the crown could vote - consequently only around 100 Maori voted.
Pakeha were pretty clever in using their rules to beat the numbers game.
Now when Maori might get some small advantage it is wrong?

04-02-2023, 05:17 PM
Now when Maori might get some small advantage it is wrong?

Yes, it is wrong.
New Zealand is a multi cultural democracy, NOT a bi cultural dictatorship. Why do Maori think they have special rights over every other race that lives and strives to make NZ a better place for all who live here.

I think Maori are a selfish bunch of racist who are out to take what they can off whoever they can.

This is 2023 not 1530. Get off your backsides Maori, and work like everyone else does and stop whinging that you are "special", because you are not.....

Putin thinks he is "special" too.

04-02-2023, 05:49 PM
Yes, it is wrong.
New Zealand is a multi cultural democracy, NOT a bi cultural dictatorship. Why do Maori think they have special rights over every other race that lives and strives to make NZ a better place for all who live here.

When did that happen? Did the treaty disappear?

04-02-2023, 06:07 PM
When did that happen? Did the treaty disappear?

It's called progress dobby, Maori don't seem to understand the concept of progress. It happened while you and Maori were stuck looking at the past.

The Treaty served it's purpose, it stopped everyone trying to kill each other and gave a foundation to move the nation forward, to build the NZ we have today.

There are so many race's living here now, we have laws that apply to everyone, we don't need the treaty now.

Maori think they are on a winner with it, but the truth is, we will all lose as a nation for everybody.

Like I said, I think the elite Maori are selfish and just use race to get what they can, it is all about them, bugger everyone else.

04-02-2023, 06:35 PM
It is interesting how some here struggle with the idea of Maori having any power.
They complain that the Labour Maori caucus have any power at all.

Rubbish. Nobody has said that. You've just made this stuff up.

04-02-2023, 06:39 PM
It is interesting how some here struggle with the idea of Maori having any power.
They complain that the Labour Maori caucus have any power at all.

When the treaty was signed in 1840 there were around 80k Maori and 2k Pakeha.
When the first Parliament was enacted in 1854 there were around 61k Maori and 33k Pakeha which you would think would give Maori the upper hand. But no - the system was set up so that only those men who had land titles issued by the crown could vote - consequently only around 100 Maori voted.
Pakeha were pretty clever in using their rules to beat the numbers game.
Now when Maori might get some small advantage it is wrong?

You apparently subscribe to the 2 wrongs make a right theory.

04-02-2023, 06:48 PM
Maybe the power dobby is referring is "Black Power", Maori have that in abundance, they hold the rest of NZ in terror and peddle their drugs to anyone they can. Kids, adults, black, white it's all about money for them.

Maori should clean up their own mess before accusing everyone else of wrongdoing.

04-02-2023, 06:51 PM
Jacinda gave them $3m, Mongrel Mob I think, another Maori gang.

Small change for drug dealers....

05-02-2023, 07:04 AM
Yes, it is wrong.
New Zealand is a multi cultural democracy, NOT a bi cultural dictatorship. Why do Maori think they have special rights over every other race that lives and strives to make NZ a better place for all who live here.

I think Maori are a selfish bunch of racist who are out to take what they can off whoever they can.

This is 2023 not 1530. Get off your backsides Maori, and work like everyone else does and stop whinging that you are "special", because you are not.....

Putin thinks he is "special" too.
Gee I think that’s a bit rough - check out the stats they don’t show Maori to be advantaged by special treatment.

05-02-2023, 10:00 AM
Gee I think that’s a bit rough - check out the stats they don’t show Maori to be advantaged by special treatment.

So why are Maori looking for special treatment?
Can't they succeed, like everyone else, without "special" advantages.

Very condescending suggesting that average Maori, or anyone else, can't look after themselves without "special" treatment.

Too ignorant to be vaccinated.
Too scared to go to the doctor.
To dumb to get a bowel check, or fill in a census form.

I would think most Maori feel talked down to, and don't like being treated like children, like Jacinda and elite Maori think they need to be. They don't need "special" treatment. Everyone needs to be treated equally and fairly, that's all.

05-02-2023, 12:09 PM

Michael Wood can't afford the distraction: our transport networks are poked

Has the deadwood overseeing a growing number of large pot holes at the top ever been awake or on to it ? ;)

05-02-2023, 02:54 PM

Michael Wood can't afford the distraction: our transport networks are poked

Has the deadwood overseeing a growing number of large pot holes at the top ever been awake or on to it ? ;)

Labour is too busy electioneering with taxpayers' funds & ever more borrowed monies to care about NZ's infrastructure - $900m for cost of living adjustment and $2.1 billion for fuel subsidy so far.

Why fix the cause when you can plaster over it?

05-02-2023, 03:04 PM
You apparently subscribe to the 2 wrongs make a right theory.

Could it be that the supposed second wrong is actually correcting the 1st wrong?

05-02-2023, 03:09 PM
It's called progress dobby, Maori don't seem to understand the concept of progress. It happened while you and Maori were stuck looking at the past.

The Treaty served it's purpose, it stopped everyone trying to kill each other and gave a foundation to move the nation forward, to build the NZ we have today.

There are so many race's living here now, we have laws that apply to everyone, we don't need the treaty now.

Maori think they are on a winner with it, but the truth is, we will all lose as a nation for everybody.

Like I said, I think the elite Maori are selfish and just use race to get what they can, it is all about them, bugger everyone else.

Actually, it isn't called progress - it is called dishonouring a treaty.
The purpose of the treaty was never to stop everyone trying to kill each other - that came later during the NZ Wars (where did you get that idea on the treaty purpose from?).

Maori were on a loser the moment they signed the treaty and money became involved (the NZ Company).
Just think about what I wrote and how the system was quickly stacked against them.
It is easy to say 'bygones should be bygones' if you aren't on the losing side.

fungus pudding
05-02-2023, 03:15 PM
Actually, it isn't called progress - it is called dishonouring a treaty.
The purpose of the treaty was never to stop everyone trying to kill each other - that came later during the NZ Wars (where did you get that idea on the treaty purpose from?).

Maori were on a loser the moment they signed the treaty and money became involved (the NZ Company).
Just think about what I wrote and how the system was quickly stacked against them.
It is easy to say 'bygones should be bygones' if you aren't on the losing side.

The handover.


05-02-2023, 03:18 PM
So why are Maori looking for special treatment?
Can't they succeed, like everyone else, without "special" advantages.

Very condescending suggesting that average Maori, or anyone else, can't look after themselves without "special" treatment.

Too ignorant to be vaccinated.
Too scared to go to the doctor.
To dumb to get a bowel check, or fill in a census form.

I would think most Maori feel talked down to, and don't like being treated like children, like Jacinda and elite Maori think they need to be. They don't need "special" treatment. Everyone needs to be treated equally and fairly, that's all.

Labour prefers the Maoris to be dumb, poor, backward and uneducated - guaranteed Labour voters, see?

Meanwhile, who have been benefiting from the billions of dollars of treaty settlements, and the special treatments Maoris are accorded?

The elite Maoris (think of Tuku Morgan with his expensive undies) and the lawyers & consultants too on the treaty gravy train - that's who.

05-02-2023, 06:18 PM
Despite over 5 years of attempted brain washing by Labour, 52% of NZ still want to be known as New Zealand, not that A word supported by @ 36%.

05-02-2023, 07:09 PM
And after 5 years of secretly implementing divisive anti-pakeha policies and the Maorification of NZ, ‘Chip off Ardern block’ Hipkins urged NZers to not be afraid to discuss Crown Maori relationship!

Why is his government so petrified of discussing Crown Maori relationship openly and transparently?

What a maggot!


“He(Hipkins) reiterated that New Zealanders should not be afraid of talking about Maori and Crown relations and related issues.”

05-02-2023, 09:33 PM
And after 5 years of secretly implementing divisive anti-pakeha policies and the Maorification of NZ, ‘Chip off Ardern block’ Hipkins urged NZers to not be afraid to discuss Crown Maori relationship!

Why is his government so petrified of discussing Crown Maori relationship openly and transparently?

What a maggot!


“He(Hipkins) reiterated that New Zealanders should not be afraid of talking about Maori and Crown relations and related issues.”

How long before the current lightweight school boy twit falls on his own sword ? ;)

it might only take a small shove from a group of chairs just down the row, not liking what they see :)

05-02-2023, 11:17 PM

Tasman, West Coast weather: Residents warned that no cell service will be available as slips rip through the region

More very large pot holes ahead soon, different place for Waka No Paddle and 'Can't see the Wood' for trees :)

06-02-2023, 08:02 AM
Children's Commissioner Eivers will be popular with Labour.

On their song about raising taxes to feed more money to parents of 'deprived' children, so they can squander more.

Not one word about those parents managing family money better, and changing priorities, ie, food on the table instead of drugs, booze and gambling.

Plenty of words though, of trying to create guilt on those who have made the right decisions to care for their families, to have an extraction made on their income, to hand over more to the wastrels than what they already do.

06-02-2023, 08:42 AM
Children's Commissioner Eivers will be popular with Labour.

On their song about raising taxes to feed more money to parents of 'deprived' children, so they can squander more.

Not one word about those parents managing family money better, and changing priorities, ie, food on the table instead of drugs, booze and gambling.

Plenty of words though, of trying to create guilt on those who have made the right decisions to care for their families, to have an extraction made on their income, to hand over more to the wastrels than what they already do.

Labour’s pledge :

“Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t”

Add to that - so we can squander your money on consultants and inflationary election bribes.

06-02-2023, 09:05 AM
Not one word about those parents managing family money better, and changing priorities, ie, food on the table instead of drugs, booze and gambling.

Would it be ok to give more money to those parents who don't spend money on drugs, booze, and gambling, and still struggle to put food on the table?

06-02-2023, 09:15 AM
Would it be ok to give more money to those parents who don't spend money on drugs, booze, and gambling, and still struggle to put food on the table?

Would it be OK to have an expos'e on how much money is going through the type of household Eivers refers to, where it comes from, all the grants and taxpayer concessions, and where and how such money is spent .

Then that rude question
nett taxpayers are not supposed to ask, are we getting value for money from such spenders?

Would it be OK to teach budgeting in the school curriculum, as it seems a foreign concept to many, and as long as Eivers and co use kids as an emotive ploy, there will be no incentive to change attitudes and learn?

06-02-2023, 09:29 AM
Ten post-settlement iwi have $8.1b assets - new report


Maybe spend some of this money.....?

06-02-2023, 09:44 AM
Ten post-settlement iwi have $8.1b assets - new report


Maybe spend some of this money.....?

Why would they spend that money when they can get the taxpayers to pay for everything and they can keep accumulating ever more assets and funds through the treaty gravy train?

06-02-2023, 11:27 AM

Ok for Maoris to disrupt others but don’t you dare try to do it to them.

And we have the police attempting to block journalists and the media from recording them manhandling the disruptor.

Bloody disgraceful.

06-02-2023, 11:47 AM
Ten post-settlement iwi have $8.1b assets - new report


Maybe spend some of this money.....?

How about pay some income taxes ? ;)

like the Religious fraternitys' commercial activities which should also be made target practice for the Revenue ..

06-02-2023, 12:03 PM

The Front Page: Co-governance controversy - Chris Hipkins and David Seymour face tough decisions

The issue of co-governance has become a controversy lightning rod over the past 12 months.

New Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has acknowledged the Government was facing significant backlash to ideas of co-governance and even owned up to Labour erring in its messaging around the concept.

The lack of clear messaging has contributed to heavy criticism being levelled at the Three Waters scheme, which features a number of co-governance elements in the proposed legislation. This has galvanised opposition to what would otherwise have been seen as a dull, but necessary water management plan for the country.

06-02-2023, 10:07 PM

Waitangi: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins doesn't rule out shifting Waitangi commemorations to new location each year

The Prime Minister has made a commitment to always attend official Waitangi Day commemorations - as long as he has the job.

But Chris Hipkins is not ruling out shifting Waitangi commemorations to a new location each year.

Good grief .. surely not .. yet another wandering holiday ;)

Tipene is open to sharing around - just not on the actual day.

"I don't think the Government should go anywhere else on February 6 but I think attention should be brought to the many places where it was signed."

Who is stumping up the bill for the observed day ? ;)

07-02-2023, 06:55 AM

Waitangi: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins doesn't rule out shifting Waitangi commemorations to new location each year

Good grief .. surely not .. yet another wandering holiday ;)

Who is stumping up the bill for the observed day ? ;)

Us, of course, as usual. Labour and Maori are great at spending our money to brainwash us.

Jacinda was the queen of brainwashing, Hipkins looking the same.

07-02-2023, 06:15 PM
$1.5M aid from NZ for Turkey after suffering devastating 7.8 earthquakes, Vs $2.75M for the Mongrel mob.

That will give Hippo a discussion on priorities with Albo.

07-02-2023, 07:39 PM
$1.5M aid from NZ for Turkey after suffering devastating 7.8 earthquakes, Vs $2.75M for the Mongrel mob.

That will give Hippo a discussion on priorities with Albo.

There are votes to be obtained from giving the money to the Mongrel Mob.

It’s that simple with Hipkins and Labour.

08-02-2023, 07:36 AM
80,000 people (not entitled to the money because they were non residents etc) asked to give cost of living payment back after they were gifted the tens of millions of dollars in Labour’s haste to stop theor polling rot at taxpayers’ expense.

Robertson & Labour - can’t even give money away properly!


08-02-2023, 04:38 PM
So Hipkins bonfire of policies has been lit.

While in the circumstances I am relieved that some commonsense is beginning to get a look-in, wouldn't ithave been the honourable thing to call an early election to gain a mandate for their pet projects? Now we are stuck with the same pack of idiots who secretly want to implement all this nonsense but know they can't or they'll be booted out in September.

08-02-2023, 05:27 PM
So Hipkins bonfire of policies has been lit.

While in the circumstances I am relieved that some commonsense is beginning to get a look-in, wouldn't ithave been the honourable thing to call an early election to gain a mandate for their pet projects? Now we are stuck with the same pack of idiots who secretly want to implement all this nonsense but know they can't or they'll be booted out in September.

So more BS and spin from Hipkins until October. And if they win, out comes the secret agenda again of state control over everything, more bureaucracy and the Maorification of NZ.

08-02-2023, 05:59 PM
Too funny watching the PM cancelling and criticising the Government policies under his predecessor, where he was the sous-chef in the kitchen cabinet :eek2:

08-02-2023, 06:36 PM
Too funny watching the PM cancelling and criticising the Government policies under his predecessor, where he was the sous-chef in the kitchen cabinet :eek2:

A shyster is 'Chip off the Ardern block" Hipkins. That’s what he is now and has been - part of the Labour maggots intake of 2008.

Remember he voted for the 60% entrenchment clause in 3 Waters and then, said as leader of the house that he was unaware of it?

And what has he achieved as minister of education and police? Anything got better there since he took over as minister?

09-02-2023, 09:14 AM
An excellent summary of Chip off Arden block Hipkins U-turn yesterday & policy pronouncements :


None of Labour's policies work!


Just a lot of money wasted and squandered for what?

09-02-2023, 09:50 AM
Just a lot of money wasted and squandered for what?

In other news, we are likely to have a budget surplus next year.

Will our credit rating be upgraded again, do you think?

09-02-2023, 10:01 AM
In other news, we are likely to have a budget surplus next year.

Will our credit rating be upgraded again, do you think?

From the woke leftist maggot Labour playbook of ignoramus economics.

09-02-2023, 10:23 AM
From the woke leftist maggot Labour playbook of ignoramus economics.

Yes standard and poors, an American financial services institution, are known to be woke social activists.

The NZ Treasury is filled with Act party types so you can take their word if you prefer too.

09-02-2023, 12:54 PM
Surprise, surprise. Labour up to its old tricks. Centralisation of power and Ministerial over-reach. Leopards and spots.


09-02-2023, 01:08 PM
This morning I spoke to a friend in Hamilton. She saw a guy behaving suspiciously at her Countdown yesterday. Told the checkout operator serving her. She looked around and said "yes we know him. He's a prolific shoplifter". They put staff on watching him. As my friend was loading her shopping into her car, the guy came out all acting strange. Went to a bench and pulled out a dozen beers and put under the bench. Then went inside again with a trolley. She went and took the beers and put safely in her car before going back in and telling staff she had the beer and pointed the guy out to them again. They had people watching him as he came with a half trolley full of meat, walked to the self checkout area and straight out. My friend who was outside again saw him come running out with the trolleyload, empty it into his car and take off. She then went inside with the beers for which the staff thanked her but asked why they didn't stop him as they were watching him. I tried said one of the staff members but he rammed me with the trolley and we are not allowed to touch them and they know it. The scumbags also know that the police no longer responds to shoplifting calls, something my friend confirmed with a superintended friend in Whangarei. The NZ Police no longer responds to calls about shoplifting and all the scumbags know it.
Sadly we still have people that believe this Government hasn't gone soft on crime. What sort of a society are we becoming :mad ;:

09-02-2023, 01:27 PM
He must have been a nice upmarket scumbag.

The one's around here push a new trolley every time they 'shop' all the way home to the Kainga Ora enclaves, and leave them there.

Blue Skies
09-02-2023, 05:30 PM
This morning I spoke to a friend in Hamilton. She saw a guy behaving suspiciously at her Countdown yesterday. Told the checkout operator serving her. She looked around and said "yes we know him. He's a prolific shoplifter". They put staff on watching him. As my friend was loading her shopping into her car, the guy came out all acting strange. Went to a bench and pulled out a dozen beers and put under the bench. Then went inside again with a trolley. She went and took the beers and put safely in her car before going back in and telling staff she had the beer and pointed the guy out to them again. They had people watching him as he came with a half trolley full of meat, walked to the self checkout area and straight out. My friend who was outside again saw him come running out with the trolleyload, empty it into his car and take off. She then went inside with the beers for which the staff thanked her but asked why they didn't stop him as they were watching him. I tried said one of the staff members but he rammed me with the trolley and we are not allowed to touch them and they know it. The scumbags also know that the police no longer responds to shoplifting calls, something my friend confirmed with a superintended friend in Whangarei. The NZ Police no longer responds to calls about shoplifting and all the scumbags know it.
Sadly we still have people that believe this Government hasn't gone soft on crime. What sort of a society are we becoming :mad ;:

I agree this is awful but be real, the police haven't responded to shoplifting incidents since about the last century!
By the time police get there, the shoplifter has long gone.
Yes they are becoming more frequent probably encouraged by Social media clips of shoplifting in the US where staff are told not to physically confront shoplifters or risk being sued if injury results.
Supermarkets are making over $1 Million in profits every single day.
Time for them to spend a fraction on employing a constant security presence t555at checkout.

09-02-2023, 05:43 PM
I agree this is awful but be real, the police haven't responded to shoplifting incidents since about the last century!
By the time police get there, the shoplifter has long gone.
Yes they are becoming more frequent probably encouraged by Social media clips of shoplifting in the US where staff are told not to physically confront shoplifters or risk being sued if injury results.
Supermarkets are making over $1 Million in profits every single day.
Time for them to spend a fraction on employing a constant security presence t555at checkout.

Garbage as usual from one of the resident woke leftist maggots.

I have seen police responded to freeloaders at a restaurant in the city and I have seen police attending to a shoplifting incident at our local supermarket.

And every supermarket now has security staff just as every Michael Hill store has security guards.

You really have no idea of the real world where people work or run businesses for a living and take risks doing so, do you?

09-02-2023, 05:51 PM
I agree this is awful but be real, the police haven't responded to shoplifting incidents since about the last century!
By the time police get there, the shoplifter has long gone.
Yes they are becoming more frequent probably encouraged by Social media clips of shoplifting in the US where staff are told not to physically confront shoplifters or risk being sued if injury results.
Supermarkets are making over $1 Million in profits every single day.
Time for them to spend a fraction on employing a constant security presence t555at checkout.

You mean like the security presence imposed on them with Covid restrictions? Who pays for it in the long run? The poor sucker who actually pays for their groceries!
How about a society that pays its own way! That doesn't expect the State to put groceries on their table or a roof over their head. How about a society that realises Rights come with Responsibilities!
I expect the number of individuals as brazen as iceman describes are small, but they are emboldened by the woke policing and general BS promoted by this Labour government.
Don't even start me on the Masterton pool incident. Academic do-gooder jumping in while admitting she doesn't have the context.
I felt for the police officers involved. But it's no wonder that antipathy towards the police from sections of the populace has increased since the parliament occupation. Who created that situation? Oh gee...St Cindy, ably supported by the chip of the old block Hipkins and Ardern's idiot protector-in-chief Mallard.

Blue Skies
09-02-2023, 06:12 PM
Garbage as usual from one of the resident woke leftist maggots.

I have seen police responded to freeloaders at a restaurant in the city and I have seen police attending to a shoplifting incident at our local supermarket.

And every supermarket now has security staff just as every Michael Hill store has security guards.

You really have no idea of the real world where people work or run businesses for a living and take risks doing so, do you?

Oh I see, so you're saying the police are attending these incidents, shoplifting at Supermarkets & even freeloaders at restaurants.
That's reassuring, I didn't think they were.
Better tell Iceman & Jonu.

None of the supermarkets I go to in the city have security guards.

09-02-2023, 06:35 PM
Oh I see, so you're saying the police are attending these incidents, shoplifting at Supermarkets & even freeloaders at restaurants.
That's reassuring, I didn't think they were.
Better tell Iceman & Jonu.

None of the supermarkets I go to in the city have security guards.

You were writing that the police stopped attending since last century. I am telling you I have seen police attending to such crime before. Fact.

That has all changed with this useless and clueless Labour government who appointed a police commissioner who initiated the policing by consent, remember?

I have yet to go to one supermarket in Auckland where there’s no security guard in attendance.

Meanwhile, police resources are stretched attending to multiple and persistent call-outs to unruly Kainga Ora criminal & gang tenants - because of Labour’s no eviction policy.

You get the picture or you still swallowing the spin and BS?

Blue Skies
09-02-2023, 07:04 PM
Latest Talbot Mills poll has National slightly ahead of Labour, but on these numbers Labour would govern with the Greens & TMP.

But the thing that's going to rattle some is Hipkins after 5 minutes on the job, on 35% significantly & increasingly ahead of Luxon on 27%, as Preferred PM.

Luxon's not working & now being regularly questioned on his low trust figures must be damaging.

09-02-2023, 07:11 PM
Latest Talbot Mills poll has National slightly ahead of Labour, but on these numbers Labour would govern with the Greens & TMP.

But the thing that's going to rattle some is Hipkins after 5 minutes on the job, on 35% significantly & increasingly ahead of Luxon on 27%, as Preferred PM.

This https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/national-ahead-of-labour-in-latest-poll-but-labour-could-form-government/OOTGQPH6ZBH7LHLXD3TDA65SDM/

09-02-2023, 07:20 PM
But the thing that's going to rattle some is Hipkins after 5 minutes on the job, on 35% significantly & increasingly ahead of Luxon on 27%, as Preferred PM.

Better than Jacinda's preferred PM ratings.

09-02-2023, 07:35 PM
Garbage as usual from one of the resident woke leftist maggots.

I have seen police responded to freeloaders at a restaurant in the city and I have seen police attending to a shoplifting incident at our local supermarket.

And every supermarket now has security staff just as every Michael Hill store has security guards.

You really have no idea of the real world where people work or run businesses for a living and take risks doing so, do you?

The parrot has been taught a new phrase. Wonder who his master is?


09-02-2023, 08:03 PM
Wait until National are forced to talk about policies. That is where the fun begins.

Saw luxon harping on about 90 day trials and removing the brightline test... is rehashing these old ideas going to win over middle NZ.

09-02-2023, 08:12 PM
Wait until National are forced to talk about policies. That is where the fun begins.

Saw luxon harping on about 90 day trials and removing the brightline test... is rehashing these old ideas going to win over middle NZ.
I concur- someone recently posted that Luxon got a late Christmas gift when Ardern resigned- my immediate reaction was the opposite- he would rayhave been given coal.😀

Blue Skies
09-02-2023, 08:22 PM
"Ah look I came to accept the National Party just like to sort of whinge & moan about things. It's difficult to have a contest of ideas with them when they don't seem to have any.."
Ha classic & perfectly summed up Chris Hipkins.

Labour's far from perfect but their intentions are worthy, how could anyone but a fool support the current National party who offer nothing.

They've undermined & stuffed the Income Protection Scheme by framing it as a tax when it's really good policy & fixes the unfairness.
A person who loses their income from breaking their leg on a ski holiday gets income & treatment supported under ACC, but someone who loses their income from a severe illness or cancer while undergoing treatment gets nothing.

And the Hate Speech laws again so desperately needed in this age of violent rhetoric, conspiracy, grooming & misinformation, & National have undermined that instead of providing some constructive cross-party support.

And the Water Reforms which surely no one can be left in any doubt are needed after the disastrous floods the top half of the North Island have suffered, again National have buggered those by muddying the issues.
They've undermined & again muddied the conversations we need to have around Climate Change, trying to have a bob both ways, "we will repeal the clean car discount" (which has been great policy) & "NZers need to support the farmers like they support the All Blacks" - what the hell that's supposed to mean.

And their tough on crime policy is the reintroduction of the 3x tried & failed Boot Camps, really?

09-02-2023, 08:23 PM
The parrot has been taught a new phrase. Wonder who his master is?


Ah - the maggot emerges! Guess there’s not much left of Clueless Cindy dead political corpse to feed off huh?

You certainly must have enjoyed swallowing all that BS and then, the dead meat?

Don’t worry - ‘Chip off Ardern’s block’ Hipkins is already feeding you with his BS and spin. His political corpse will come in Oct.

09-02-2023, 08:56 PM
And their tough on crime policy is the reintroduction of the 3x tried & failed Boot Camps, really?

On their website there's two sentences per sub-heading (with no numbers from the party that's good with numbers).

There's an election on in 8 months guys, time to get it sorted. ;)

09-02-2023, 09:00 PM
On their website there's two sentences per sub-heading (with no numbers from the party that's good with numbers).

There's an election on in 8 months guys, time to get it sorted.

No need.

Labour has had 5 years and delivered NOTHING.

Just a lot of BS and spin.

100,000 kiwibuild homes.

Most transparent government ever.

One source of truth.

Child poverty is a disgrace and will be eliminated.

Waiting lists at hospitals are a disgrace.

No child should live in cars or tents.

Be kind and show compassion.

Oooops - they have all gotten worse under Labour.

09-02-2023, 09:41 PM
On their website there's two sentences per sub-heading (with no numbers from the party that's good with numbers).

There's an election on in 8 months guys, time to get it sorted. ;)

Chippie & Robbo might need another 12 months to get their untidy sh*t together
if it rains bad again ..

Can it be deferred or postponed or will the knives be out in the back pews
as the 18% start getting impatient for more of their mindless agenda's ? ;)

09-02-2023, 09:59 PM

And the Hate Speech laws again so desperately needed in this age of violent rhetoric, conspiracy, grooming & misinformation, & National have undermined that instead of providing some constructive cross-party support.


Totally disagree with you on this. Free speech should remain free speech. The violent rhetoric should be seen for what it is, sunlight is the best disinfectant. If it is "outlawed" it goes underground and festers. It is better to know what you enemy is plotting so to speak. So glad the hate speech laws are off the cards.

If people want to marginalise minorities like Christians, or whites, that's fine, it exposes them for the bigots and racists they are. An old saying was I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend your right to say it. I quite like that one.

Oh and on the grooming and misinformation, who gets to decide what is misinformation? The crown? The jury? The judge? What was misinformation yesterday is de rigueur today.

09-02-2023, 10:01 PM
Chippie & Robbo might need another 12 months to get their untidy sh*t together
if it rains bad again ..

Lets hope the brochures this time are better than the website.

09-02-2023, 11:48 PM
Lets hope the brochures this time are better than the website.

Would operating the airbrush in reverse sort it ? ;)

Or serve to worsen the splatter effects ?

10-02-2023, 06:03 AM
Totally disagree with you on this. Free speech should remain free speech. The violent rhetoric should be seen for what it is, sunlight is the best disinfectant. If it is "outlawed" it goes underground and festers. It is better to know what you enemy is plotting so to speak. So glad the hate speech laws are off the cards.

If people want to marginalise minorities like Christians, or whites, that's fine, it exposes them for the bigots and racists they are. An old saying was I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend your right to say it. I quite like that one.

Oh and on the grooming and misinformation, who gets to decide what is misinformation? The crown? The jury? The judge? What was misinformation yesterday is de rigueur today.

Spot on. There is no "desperate need" for any so called Hate Speech law. Particularly worrisome from a Government & Ministers that have been caught lying and misleading on a regular basis. Why not be clear on what they want to do and come out with it as a policy before the election. That is a perfect time for them to put their money where their mouth is.
But these guys are not known for implementing policies they campaign on.

10-02-2023, 10:45 AM
Has Three Waters been given a kick in the B*M and sent into outer space yet
or would that offend / mobilise great over-represented quotient too much ? ;)

Better hurry up Chippie and sort it or Joe Public at large might want to see you go down the
potato grinder .. to follow in the unceremonious steps of your dizzy clueless predecessor ;)

10-02-2023, 10:59 AM
Bryce Edwards exposing the Wellington Swamp.


The conflicts of interest generated and fostered by this government are astounding. The transfer of wealth to the wealthy caused by their Covid policies is well documented. But here, the ineptitude and reliance on external advice to make simple decisions is extraordinary.

Michael Woods is exposed for the wasteful fool he is. Tens of millions wasted on advice for projects that appear no closer to fruition or have already been dumped. How has it come to this in this country? In effect, legalised corruption enabled by complete incompetence.

10-02-2023, 11:30 AM
Bryce Edwards exposing the Wellington Swamp.


The conflicts of interest generated and fostered by this government are astounding. The transfer of wealth to the wealthy caused by their Covid policies is well documented. But here, the ineptitude and reliance on external advice to make simple decisions is extraordinary.

Michael Woods is exposed for the wasteful fool he is. Tens of millions wasted on advice for projects that appear no closer to fruition or have already been dumped. How has it come to this in this country? In effect, legalised corruption enabled by complete incompetence.

The $5k for a zero sign man - that’s Michael Woods. As incompetent as they come.

10-02-2023, 11:58 AM
The $5k for a zero sign man - that’s Michael Woods. As incompetent as they come.

5k is what he wastes before breakfast. It's tens of millions across his tenure.

10-02-2023, 12:33 PM
5k is what he wastes before breakfast. It's tens of millions across his tenure.

Exactly - indicative of his big wasteful spending mindset & priorities.

Just have to look at the $56m spent on the bike bridge to nowhere and know that he is wasting billions of dollars elsewhere on doing nothing beneficial.

Potholes are his speciality.

10-02-2023, 02:47 PM
You were writing that the police stopped attending since last century. I am telling you I have seen police attending to such crime before. Fact.


I have yet to go to one supermarket in Auckland where there’s no security guard in attendance.

Meanwhile, police resources are stretched attending to multiple and persistent call-outs to unruly Kainga Ora criminal & gang tenants - because of Labour’s no eviction policy.

I have seen police attending such crime before also - last century (1999).
As for supermarkets without guards don't confuse what you see where you are with what is happening elsewhere - my 3 local supermarkets don't have guards.

The no-eviction policy is problematic I feel but where do the people go otherwise?
I guess you'd say 'who cares' or some such but as a society we should care. Eviction will drive other consequences for society as a whole.

10-02-2023, 03:53 PM
I agree this is awful but be real, the police haven't responded to shoplifting incidents since about the last century!
By the time police get there, the shoplifter has long gone.
Yes they are becoming more frequent probably encouraged by Social media clips of shoplifting in the US where staff are told not to physically confront shoplifters or risk being sued if injury results.
Supermarkets are making over $1 Million in profits every single day.
Time for them to spend a fraction on employing a constant security presence t555at checkout.

This is simply not true. The shoplifter has gone, that is true, but this century we have CCTV galore and it is easy to find these scumbags that do this day after day. What is the point in having security if they are not allowed to manhandle the scumbags ? But as you say, the supermarkets are making profits. Shame on them. They deserve what they get I hear you say !!

10-02-2023, 04:00 PM
"TVNZ to cancel controversial crime show Ten 7"

Headline from NZ Herald.

No wonder, you just need to look outside your window now in any small town to see NZ crime on full display.

Thanks, Jacinda....

10-02-2023, 04:32 PM
What is the point in having security if they are not allowed to manhandle the scumbags ?

They can but there are limits.
Think bouncers in some pubs and clubs - they don't just ask nicely and then let you in if you say bugger off.

10-02-2023, 04:59 PM
They can but there are limits.
Think bouncers in some pubs and clubs - they don't just ask nicely and then let you in if you say bugger off.

The scumbags know the limits and are not afraid of anyone. They should have security guards with tasers and handcuffs to deal with these idiots.

10-02-2023, 05:58 PM
"TVNZ to cancel controversial crime show Ten 7"

Headline from NZ Herald.

No wonder, you just need to look outside your window now in any small town to see NZ crime on full display.

Thanks, Jacinda....

Post of the month.

10-02-2023, 07:15 PM
The govt should research exactly who the crims are.

Are they Aussie expats, what’s their age profile, repeat offenders etc.

Only then can an effective solution can be found (rather than assuming they are all young people, for some reason).

Blue Skies
10-02-2023, 07:26 PM
This is simply not true. The shoplifter has gone, that is true, but this century we have CCTV galore and it is easy to find these scumbags that do this day after day. What is the point in having security if they are not allowed to manhandle the scumbags ? But as you say, the supermarkets are making profits. Shame on them. They deserve what they get I hear you say !!

I'm just as outraged by shoplifting as you but I think if you check the Police website & I'll add a link, shoplifting is an example of 'a crime that is not an emergency' & if you want to report it, call 105 or report it online.
I think we're talking about slightly different things, by respond I'm talking about a police car racing to the incident as if it was an emergency, rather than after the event possibly investigating a recognised habitual offender.
So we probably have quite similar stance on this.

Recently I witnessed a really nasty incident at the supermarket where an intimidating heavily built man, was exploding with incredibly angry racist (go back to your own country) comments at an Asian women doing her job at checkout.
He wouldn't leave & there was only a young male student checkout worker to go and quietly stand beside the women while this guy delivered a torrent of swearing & abuse at her.
We all stood ready to do something if he started throwing things & getting physical, but everyone being careful not to worsen the situation.

Seeing she was shaking after he eventually left, I told her she needed to go & have a break, but she said she couldn't as the supermarket was short staffed. She said it happens all the time!
So I just think the Supermarkets need to provide a full time Security guard now to keep their staff safe. It's very unfortunate but they need a full time security presence.
Checkout staff (& customers) should not be expected to have to keep each other safe. (and making $1 million profit per day, they can afford it)


10-02-2023, 07:52 PM
I'm just as outraged by shoplifting as you but I think if you check the Police website & I'll add a link, shoplifting is an example of 'a crime that is not an emergency' & if you want to report it, call 105 or report it online.
I think we're talking about slightly different things, by respond I'm talking about a police car racing to the incident as if it was an emergency, rather than after the event possibly investigating a recognised habitual offender.
So we probably have quite similar stance on this.

Recently I witnessed a really nasty incident at the supermarket where an intimidating heavily built man, was exploding with incredibly angry racist (go back to your own country) comments at an Asian women doing her job at checkout.
He wouldn't leave & there was only a young male student checkout worker to go and quietly stand beside the women while this guy delivered a torrent of swearing & abuse at her.
We all stood ready to do something if he started throwing things & getting physical, but everyone being careful not to worsen the situation.

Seeing she was shaking after he eventually left, I told her she needed to go & have a break, but she said she couldn't as the supermarket was short staffed. She said it happens all the time!
So I just think the Supermarkets need to provide a full time Security guard now to keep their staff safe. It's very unfortunate but they need a full time security presence.
Checkout staff (& customers) should not be expected to have to keep each other safe. (and making $1 million profit per day, they can afford it)


Why do you not address the societal issue at the root of this? The literal daylight robbery, the disrespect for human life? Why has it come to this? What is it about this government's policies has enabled and encouraged this behaviour? Could the cynicism and disrespect shown for the populace it was elected to serve be part of the problem?

10-02-2023, 08:21 PM
When a government gives $2.7m to gangs so that they can become more effective drug runners …

When the police minister stated that votes from her electorate are more important than the lives of policemen & policewomen ….

When the police commissioner decrees that policing is by consent ….

Is it any wonder that crims have no fear of consequences and the police are but eunuchs in the eyes of the crims?

11-02-2023, 04:33 PM
Jacinda was a bit of a disaster for NZ.

Nearly ALL her policies trashed by incoming replacement Hipkins.....

Blue Skies
11-02-2023, 05:14 PM
Jacinda was a bit of a disaster for NZ.

Nearly ALL her policies trashed by incoming replacement Hipkins.....

BDL with respect I think you've misunderstood.
Luxon, Bishop Willlis etc are all saying (correctly) be warned, the policies haven't been scrapped at all, they've just been delayed ( to allow the govt to focus immediate issues like the cost of living & inflation ).

And it's on record, towards the end of last year Jacinda Ardern stated her govt was going to review these policies early in the new year as it was felt they are trying to do too much too quickly, so Hipkins is just continuing what Adern was going to do anyway.

It's smart & pragmatic & has hit the right tone with the public, hence Labour well and truely back in the race & National dropping in the polls.
If Labour win the election, policies like the Income Protection Insurance, Hate Speech legislation, Water reforms etc will be back on the table so don't think they've gone away.


11-02-2023, 05:49 PM
It's smart & pragmatic & has hit the right tone with the public, hence Labour well and truely back in the race & National dropping in the polls.
If Labour win the election, policies like the Income Protection Insurance, Hate Speech legislation, Water reforms etc will be back on the table so don't think they've gone away.

Income Protection - National was saying that it wasn't the right time, Labour agreed (it wasn't coming in until 2025 anyway).
Hate Speech - it became so diluted by all and sundry that no one liked it, best that it is reworked by the Law Commission.
3 Waters - not gone at all, we are waiting to see what changes will be made to appease the opposers.

Meanwhile, Luxon is reading the room very wrongly - he needs to say what he really means (and not have to explain what he just said that people took the wrong way) and stop whinging. National has been caught on the hop - hopefully they will get a bit smarter.

11-02-2023, 06:28 PM
So Hipkins (Chip off Ardern block) has just spent the first 2 weeks repudiating Clueless Cindy's policies


is in denial that he was a critical part of the cabinet which made all the ruinous policies in the last 5 years!


Guess our resident woke leftist maggots cannot bring themselves to stop feeding off the rotting corpse of lies, spin and BS from the Labour Party.

Remember :

"Study hard, work hard and Save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don't." Labour

11-02-2023, 06:42 PM
Jacinda's policies got so unpopular and hated that the only option was for Hipkins to take them off the table for awhile and hope the heat dies down.

Jacinda was a disaster for NZ.

Blue Skies
11-02-2023, 07:01 PM
Jacinda's policies got so unpopular and hated that the only option was for Hipkins to take them off the table for awhile and hope the heat dies down.

Jacinda was a disaster for NZ.

No, Ardern's policies were a disaster for you, but politics is the process of organising how we all live together, & unfortunately the reality is sometimes that means policies which help others won't always help everyone.

Her management through the Covid pandemic a once in 100 year event which has killed almost 7 million people around the world in just 3 years, saved possibly 20,000 lives in NZ.
All the while jobs were protected & we had an economy which was the envy of most OECD countries.

Throughout history, global pandemics, more than any other event have caused the most upheaval & disruption of societies & I think people forget or just don't register what an extraordinary challenging period we have just been through & the disruption it has caused.
That's why history is such an important subject to be taught in schools.
Enough for now.

Stay safe everyone if you are in the path of this cyclone.

11-02-2023, 07:11 PM
So Hipkins (Chip off Ardern block) has just spent the first 2 weeks repudiating Clueless Cindy's policies


is in denial that he was a critical part of the cabinet which made all the ruinous policies in the last 5 years!


Guess our resident woke leftist maggots cannot bring themselves to stop feeding off the rotting corpse of lies, spin and BS from the Labour Party.

Remember :

"Study hard, work hard and Save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don't." Labour

The parrot is off again


11-02-2023, 07:13 PM
I think NZ has been very disappointed in Jacinda, not being able to make any of her policies work.

What a mess she has left for Hippo to try and clean up....

11-02-2023, 07:59 PM
BDL with respect I think you've misunderstood.
Luxon, Bishop Willlis etc are all saying (correctly) be warned, the policies haven't been scrapped at all, they've just been delayed ( to allow the govt to focus immediate issues like the cost of living & inflation ).

And it's on record, towards the end of last year Jacinda Ardern stated her govt was going to review these policies early in the new year as it was felt they are trying to do too much too quickly, so Hipkins is just continuing what Adern was going to do anyway.

It's smart & pragmatic & has hit the right tone with the public, hence Labour well and truely back in the race & National dropping in the polls.
If Labour win the election, policies like the Income Protection Insurance, Hate Speech legislation, Water reforms etc will be back on the table so don't think they've gone away.


Well at last some transparency. This Labour government is only looking to appease the pissed off electorate until the next election when, if by some miracle it is re-elected, it will continue headlong with its destructive and woke policy madness. After all, Hipkins was, up until 3 weeks ago, joined at the hip to Ardern. He helped devise the BS, disseminate the BS, and defend the BS.

Leopards and spots.

11-02-2023, 08:03 PM
I think NZ has been very disappointed in Jacinda, not being able to make any of her policies work.

What a mess she has left for Hippo to try and clean up....

The official nickname is Chippie. You must not deviate from Chippie. To do so would "chip" away at the wholesome, friendly carefully crafted image. Gosh, Hippo is heading for fat shaming territory. (sorry Hippos....but you are kinda fat. I know it's genetics and everything, but still...) How dare you BDL. Chippie must be perceived in the manner Labour dictates...and don't forget it, or the mob and the pitchforks will be after you.

11-02-2023, 08:09 PM
The parrot is off again


Writes the maggot still crawling & feeding on Clueless Cindy’s dead political corpse.

12-02-2023, 07:42 AM
I think NZ has been very disappointed in Jacinda, not being able to make any of her policies work.

What a mess she has left for Hippo to try and clean up....
You seemed to have forgotten the 2020 election result- overwhelmingly support for Ardern.

12-02-2023, 07:53 AM
The wheels are falling off the Ardern / Labour / Maori takeover of NZ.

They have been found out to be losers, with a racist agenda.

She encourages Maori woman to play woman's rugby so they get head injuries. Buys them Poi's to wave around and cheer. And they buy into it!!

"Be kind" The biggest fake NZ has ever seen.

12-02-2023, 08:00 AM
She wears a scarf on her head to show her support for repression of woman.

Jacinda, the ex Mormon, who stands for repression.

Would like to see elite Maori tribal rule over NZ.

Thank god she's gone.

12-02-2023, 08:10 AM
You seemed to have forgotten the 2020 election result- overwhelmingly support for Ardern.

How about that? Funny thing for a bunch of misogynistic, misinformation spreading, can't cope with a woman in power type people to do wasn't it? What could possibly have caused her fall in our affections? Hmmm. And how is the Chipster, who was her fixer, her defender and one of her policy developers, really any different?

Leopards and spots.

12-02-2023, 08:44 AM
BDL with respect I think you've misunderstood.
Luxon, Bishop Willlis etc are all saying (correctly) be warned, the policies haven't been scrapped at all, they've just been delayed ( to allow the govt to focus immediate issues like the cost of living & inflation ).

And it's on record, towards the end of last year Jacinda Ardern stated her govt was going to review these policies early in the new year as it was felt they are trying to do too much too quickly, so Hipkins is just continuing what Adern was going to do anyway.

It's smart & pragmatic & has hit the right tone with the public, hence Labour well and truely back in the race & National dropping in the polls.
If Labour win the election, policies like the Income Protection Insurance, Hate Speech legislation, Water reforms etc will be back on the table so don't think they've gone away.


Based on that, would you expect them to campaign on these policies and tell us exactly what it is that they'd want to do next term ? Bearing in mind they never mentioned any of them except the hate speech fiasco, before last election !

12-02-2023, 09:10 AM
You seemed to have forgotten the 2020 election result- overwhelmingly support for Ardern.

And look how long that support lasted.

12-02-2023, 09:22 AM
And look how long that support lasted.

She thought she can fool all NZers all the time with her spin and BS.

Chip Off Ardern block Hipkins is doing the same of course and he has the maggots like our resident posters (tim23, dobby41, panda-nz etc) swallowing whole the same garbage.

12-02-2023, 09:41 AM
I'm just as outraged by shoplifting as you but I think if you check the Police website & I'll add a link, shoplifting is an example of 'a crime that is not an emergency' & if you want to report it, call 105 or report it online.
I think we're talking about slightly different things, by respond I'm talking about a police car racing to the incident as if it was an emergency, rather than after the event possibly investigating a recognised habitual offender.
So we probably have quite similar stance on this.

Recently I witnessed a really nasty incident at the supermarket where an intimidating heavily built man, was exploding with incredibly angry racist (go back to your own country) comments at an Asian women doing her job at checkout.
He wouldn't leave & there was only a young male student checkout worker to go and quietly stand beside the women while this guy delivered a torrent of swearing & abuse at her.
We all stood ready to do something if he started throwing things & getting physical, but everyone being careful not to worsen the situation.

Seeing she was shaking after he eventually left, I told her she needed to go & have a break, but she said she couldn't as the supermarket was short staffed. She said it happens all the time!
So I just think the Supermarkets need to provide a full time Security guard now to keep their staff safe. It's very unfortunate but they need a full time security presence.
Checkout staff (& customers) should not be expected to have to keep each other safe. (and making $1 million profit per day, they can afford it)


In short, what you are saying is that Comrade Cinders crew imposed yet another way to get honest decent folk to subsidise scumbags, and drag society down another level in their socialist state..

As Ministers of Police, Poto and Hippocritter presided over this retrograde move.

Now the baton has been handed back to teeth Nasher from Napier, which way will he ram it, or just drop it on the way to the election?

12-02-2023, 11:05 AM
The official nickname is Chippie. You must not deviate from Chippie. To do so would "chip" away at the wholesome, friendly carefully crafted image. Gosh, Hippo is heading for fat shaming territory. (sorry Hippos....but you are kinda fat. I know it's genetics and everything, but still...) How dare you BDL. Chippie must be perceived in the manner Labour dictates...and don't forget it, or the mob and the pitchforks will be after you.

I have just realised you are the same Jonu who posts on the New Talisman thread “I'm John Upperton, a Director of New Talisman”

I have had the greatest respect for your posts on there up until now. While you are entitled to express your personal opinion you do yourself no favours in the eyes of New Talisman shareholders posting in this way. Very disappointing.

12-02-2023, 11:45 AM
I have just realised you are the same Jonu who posts on the New Talisman thread “I'm John Upperton, a Director of New Talisman”

I have had the greatest respect for your posts on there up until now. While you are entitled to express your personal opinion you do yourself no favours in the eyes of New Talisman shareholders posting in this way. Very disappointing.
I don't understand your disappointment Rupert.

Just because someone is a director of a company, doesn't mean they should be gagged from expressing their opinions publicly if they wish.

Blue Skies
12-02-2023, 11:52 AM
In short, what you are saying is that Comrade Cinders crew imposed yet another way to get honest decent folk to subsidise scumbags, and drag society down another level in their socialist state..

As Ministers of Police, Poto and Hippocritter presided over this retrograde move.

Now the baton has been handed back to teeth Nasher from Napier, which way will he ram it, or just drop it on the way to the election?

No, that's clearly what you are saying!

I would never think or say somethings so foolish & immature, or use language filled with so much flatulence.

Carry on, but own your own posts which are often filled with racism & misogyny, & wild reckless claims.

12-02-2023, 12:11 PM
No, that's clearly what you are saying!

I would never think or say somethings so foolish & immature, or use language filled with so much flatulence.

Carry on, but own your own posts which are often filled with racism & misogyny, & wild reckless claims.

Roll out the go to buzz words Labourites hide behind to deflect heat, but racism?

You are supporting the most racist regime NZ has ever seen.

12-02-2023, 12:11 PM
No, that's clearly what you are saying!

I would never think or say somethings so foolish & immature, or use language filled with so much flatulence.

Carry on, but own your own posts which are often filled with racism & misogyny, & wild reckless claims.

Dont be a twit .. ;)

"foolish & immature, or use language filled with so much flatulence" is the very sort of BS twoddle that the Labour Govt have been spitting out for you & other blind and gullables to swallow, while achieving nothing .. ;)

12-02-2023, 01:07 PM
I don't understand your disappointment Rupert.

Just because someone is a director of a company, doesn't mean they should be gagged from expressing their opinions publicly if they wish.

I never said he should be gagged Getty, in fact I said he is entitled to express his personal opinions. As am I.

I am a shareholder in New Talisman and I was very pleased when Jonu became a new director. I believe he will do his best to get the mine up and running and productive. His posts on the New Talisman threads have been excellent. However I find it hard to reconcile posts like this one have been written by the same man.

QUOTE=jonu;992278] “Well at last some transparency. This Labour government is only looking to appease the pissed off electorate until the next election when, if by some miracle it is re-elected, it will continue headlong with its destructive and woke policy madness. After all, Hipkins was, up until 3 weeks ago, joined at the hip to Ardern. He helped devise the BS, disseminate the BS, and defend the BS.

Leopards and spots”

12-02-2023, 01:42 PM
Her management through the Covid pandemic a once in 100 year event which has killed almost 7 million people around the world in just 3 years, saved possibly 20,000 lives in NZ.
All the while jobs were protected & we had an economy which was the envy of most OECD countries.

Mmmmmm, a little intriguing....Nearly verbatim, straight from the NZLP PR/Comm's 'office'. ;)

With over 90% of your posts on Sharetrader being on politically focused threads, it is obvious that you are super energised, motivated & engaged with (perhaps even remunerated in some way?) politics in NZ.

Comparatively, the individual Company & Investment threads on ST seem to only get cursory engagement from you.

Good on you for being so passionate about politics!

IMV too many kiwis 'aren't interested' enough about politics and are actually quite apathetic about what happens, all things governance related, in the country they live in. Only moaning long after the politicians have imposed on 'their life", and the figurative horse has well & truly bolted.

However, one does wonder what your your genuine motivation(s) and agenda(s) are when it comes to posting so prolifically on politician threads, on a Share Forum site.
If the Labour Party was a company, it seems you would be called out for being a recidivous Ramper! As we know, every Ramper certainly has their desired outcomes.

So, time for much more transparency. Time to be open, honest, & brave Blue Skies....

Tell us Blue Skies, what exactly is (& has) your involvement with politics in NZ ? Are you are fully paid up member of a political party and if so, which one? Do you do volunteer work or are remunerated by any politically affiliated organisations/entities/NGO's?

Thanks in advance.

12-02-2023, 01:50 PM
Are you freaking serious??? Out of all the possible political recidivists you could possibly have called out, you picked on Blue Skies?

I guess you must have Balance and his minions on ignore? Unbelievable.

However, one does wonder what your your genuine motivation(s) and agenda(s) are when it comes to posting so prolifically on politician threads, on a Share Forum site.
If the Labour Party was a company, it seems you would be called out for being a recidivous Ramper! As we know, every Ramper certainly has their desired outcomes.

So, time for much more transparency. Time to be open, honest, & brave Blue Skies....

Tell us Blue Skies, what exactly is (& has) your involvement with politics in NZ ? Are you are fully paid up member of a political party and if so, which one? Do you do volunteer work or are remunerated by any politically affiliated organisations/entities/NGO's?

Thanks in advance.

12-02-2023, 02:10 PM
or use language filled with so much flatulence.

Wow, that's getting heavy language..

12-02-2023, 02:53 PM
Are you freaking serious??? Out of all the possible political recidivists you could possibly have called out, you picked on Blue Skies?

I guess you must have Balance and his minions on ignore? Unbelievable.

Go back into your caravan and chill, JAK.

You are getting yourself worked up, involving yourself with woke leftist maggots.

12-02-2023, 02:57 PM
Interesting. Would you have said "go back in your house" if I lived in one? Of course you wouldn't. You are such a snob.

Go back into your caravan and chill, JAK.

12-02-2023, 03:09 PM
Interesting. Would you have said "go back in your house" if I lived in one? Of course you wouldn't. You are such a snob.

Not a snob, JAK.

You are on record as being very fond and settled in your lifestyle living in your caravan - something which I have noted and make mention of.

I am ok with writing 'Go back into your XXXX' if XXXX is what you have mentioned.

FYI - Blue Skies regurgitates almost exactly what the Labour spin machine put out to counter any criticism of or challenge to the failed policies of this useless and clueless government.

As I have mentioned before, I have Labour card carrying members among my contacts and I know what they are told and told to say.

Eg. Clueless Cindy should not be mentioned any more by party members when promoting the doctrines of Chip off the Ardern block Hipkins.

12-02-2023, 04:08 PM

For sale: new, warm and dry homes. The catch? They're in a flood plain, and the flood is coming sooner than you think

There are already 55,000 houses in flood zones in Auckland. Many of them were inundated in the recent deluge, including some that were just a few years old. So why are we continuing to build in these areas – and can we prevent it? Kate Newton investigates.

A disaster waiting to happen’

Since the beginning of 2016, Auckland Council has granted resource consent for 9220 new dwellings in flood plains (areas where runoff from waterways will flow) and 4295 dwellings in flood prone areas (natural and human-made features like depressions, dips and gullies where rainwater can collect).

There isn’t data for the number of dwellings consented on land where there are also ‘overland flow paths’ – the routes taken by stormwater when the normal stormwater system is overwhelmed.

Guess the Central Govt Labour contingent were just too busy trying to bulldoze their poorly performing
housing disaster through with further speed while this crock of incompetence was being railroaded through ;)

Oh Megan Muppet Woods - where were you hiding while this and more got approved ? ;)

It was you wasn't it - because Twit Twyford had already gotten flushed down the nearest plughole on the Housing portfolio .. :)



Around the corner on Bede Pl, mounds of mattresses, wrecked furniture, ruined carpet, and other belongings beyond saving, teeter on berms outside yellow-stickered houses.

Next door, silhouetted against a bright blue sky, builders clamber along the wooden framework of more townhouses under construction.

A Kāinga Ora branded hoarding is attached to the fence: “New warm, dry homes are coming, Māngere.”

12-02-2023, 04:39 PM
And while we are looking at Incompetence rife at high levels in Central & Local Govt
things can't look more stupid that the following, happening under Labour's reign:


Digger driver owed $6m by council tells court to sell its headquarters to pay the debt

Here is a Northland Council that it seems cant even get it's sh* t sufficiently together to save it's
own Headquarters from being at risk of getting sold off on Court's orders ;)

Don't ask this Council to organise even a small a p*ss up in light rain .. not dissimilar to another central Govt Mob, they would likely have no idea and manage to skrew it up royally at great cost ;)

13-02-2023, 03:04 PM
And while we are looking at Incompetence rife at high levels in Central & Local Govt
things can't look more stupid that the following, happening under Labour's reign:

Anything to distract from the Wayne Brown mess, a preview of what a conservative govt will deliver to NZ.

There's a cyclone headed for Auckland too while the "mayor" is missing in action to clear drains.

13-02-2023, 04:39 PM
Anything to distract from the wayne brown mess, a preview of what a conservative govt will deliver for NZ.

There's a cyclone headed for Auckland too while the "mayor" is missing in action to clear drains.

You mean Labour's mess surely ? ;)

The Wellington Brigade of failed Labour Meathead talent hailing from a Beehive who never learn ? ;)

What happened to Cyclone "Wood" from the Govt Pot Hole conglomerate - the same prat coincidentally in charge of overseeing Waka No Paddle - did he get lost in a large deep pot hole or run away as soon as the first long range cyclone weather reports started coming in - aiming direct for him or was that Auckland ? ;)

Did the job get redelegated out to Mc Really Nutty from the outback of Wairarapa -- not much better chop and a bit crowd shy on getting his backwards Labour Promo Cart at least 100 years vintage off the blocks ? ;)

Everyone can be sure that the latest weather event probably exhibits more strength and direction than Chippies' hopeless tired same old unchanged crew of failures will ever show ;)

13-02-2023, 08:56 PM
And look how long that support lasted.
That level of support was never likely to be sustained but Labour are holding up better than most National voters would have hoped.

15-02-2023, 12:00 AM

The Prime Minister has labelled Cyclone Gabrielle the “most severe weather event this century”

Must be some Crisis Chris .. coming from the Crisis experts & worst Govt this Century .. last Century as well :)

Poor Chris probably doesn't remember When Bola swept through when he was likely in Kindy or Infant school & busy playing marbles in the rain ;)

15-02-2023, 12:04 AM

Mc-A-Nutty finally wakes up to there being another distressed Community further up the coast that nothing had been heard from:

“Wairoa, particularly, is of concern,” Emergency Response Minister Kieran McAnulty earlier said about communication with the town.

That was bright Kieran - are you always so fast off the blocks ? ;)

They could all be floating some way offshore before your clueless crew even woke up :)

fungus pudding
15-02-2023, 08:44 AM

Must be some Crisis Chris .. coming from the Crisis experts & worst Govt this Century .. last Century as well :)

Worst Govt? Don't overlook Wallace Rowling and his lot! (1974-75)

15-02-2023, 11:43 AM

Cyclone Gabrielle devastation potentially moves the dial on climate change action

So who's paying ? ;)

Many will have noted Shaw crowing away like the Rooster that has found the lost flock of golden chooks ;)

Too much more of the loud 5.00 am crowing and Joe Public might decide to fix that too :)

15-02-2023, 01:35 PM
Worst Govt? Don't overlook Wallace Rowling and his lot! (1974-75)

That nay be a bit harsh- they had the oil crisis to deal with and were defeated by Muldoon and his Cossacks campaign 😀

fungus pudding
15-02-2023, 01:54 PM
That nay be a bit harsh- they had the oil crisis to deal with and were defeated by Muldoon and his Cossacks campaign ��
So what? He failed the Bob Jones scoutmaster test. That's all anyone needs to know.

15-02-2023, 07:53 PM
So what? He failed the Bob Jones scoutmaster test. That's all anyone needs to know.

Cheap shot there - what’s Bob Jones got to do with it? Hope for your sake your name isn’t Kevin because Bob doesn’t like Kevin’s 😀

fungus pudding
15-02-2023, 08:25 PM
Cheap shot there - what’s Bob Jones got to do with it? Hope for your sake your name isn’t Kevin because Bob doesn’t like Kevin’s ��

That doesn't make sense. Doesn't like Kevin's what?

15-02-2023, 08:29 PM
That doesn't make sense. Doesn't like Kevin's what?

Being obtuse is your go to but in this case you are trying to be just a little bit cute. You quote Jones so you should know his theories about blokes called Kevin - more research required FP.

fungus pudding
15-02-2023, 10:58 PM
Being obtuse is your go to but in this case you are trying to be just a little bit cute. You quote Jones so you should know his theories about blokes called Kevin - more research required FP.

You make no sense at all. I have no idea about Jones' or anyone's 'Kevin theories'. Nor do I have any idea what Kevin has that Bob doesn't like, and as you won't answer - calling me obtuse is ridiculous.

16-02-2023, 09:49 AM
Another wacky lefty bites the dust.
Sturgeon gone the same way as Ardern. Pushing wacky left policy beyond logic.

16-02-2023, 09:54 AM
Another wacky lefty bites the dust.
Sturgeon gone the same way as Ardern. Pushing wacky left policy beyond logic.

Yes she forgot to take the voters with her on her journey of implementing policies she didn't campaign on. The result is she lost all support and became despised. Sounds familiar.

16-02-2023, 10:18 AM
Yes she forgot to take the voters with her on her journey of implementing policies she didn't campaign on. The result is she lost all support and became despised. Sounds familiar.
Democracy at its best. When even your own party has no option but to take out the
loose cannons. Love it.
She is even spinning the same BS story as Ardern. No petrol left in the tank.

Bill Smith
16-02-2023, 01:00 PM
Yes she forgot to take the voters with her on her journey of implementing policies she didn't campaign on. The result is she lost all support and became despised. Sounds familiar.

Did Sturgeon do that too.

16-02-2023, 01:10 PM
Did Sturgeon do that too.

An example is her pushing through of the "gender recognition bill" recently which lead to resignations of MPs and deep and often nasty division, from what I have read https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-64650704

16-02-2023, 04:53 PM
An example is her pushing through of the "gender recognition bill" recently which lead to resignations of MPs and deep and often nasty division, from what I have read https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-64650704 The now unpopular Right wing Conservative Government full of ideologues, that has taken the UK on a self-destruction course, vetoed the Scottish Parliament’s legislation. Bear in mind that only 29% of Scottish voters last election voted for the Westminster Conservative Party. The democratic deficit for Scotland is glaring. The UK Conservatives are the masters of divisive politics,

This same Conservative Party took the UK out of the EU with the support of 37% of the electorate claiming independence from the oppressive EU. Even fewer in Scotland supported Brexit. Yet now they deny Scotland a post-Brexit independence vote but remain happy to undemocratically block the Scottish parliament. British Right Wing oppression in action.

16-02-2023, 06:29 PM
[QUOTE=fungus pudding;992666]You make no sense at all. I have no idea about Jones' or anyone's 'Kevin theories'. Nor do I have any idea what Kevin has that Bob doesn't like, and as you won't answer - calling me obtuse is ridiculous.[/QUOTE
You are the one who mentioned Bob Jones so I simplified added to that and you have the gall to say I’m being ridiculous. Maybe your name is Kevin after all and maybe you are a scoutmaster too?

fungus pudding
16-02-2023, 08:44 PM
[QUOTE=fungus pudding;992666]You make no sense at all. I have no idea about Jones' or anyone's 'Kevin theories'. Nor do I have any idea what Kevin has that Bob doesn't like, and as you won't answer - calling me obtuse is ridiculous.[/QUOTE
You are the one who mentioned Bob Jones so I simplified added to that and you have the gall to say I’m being ridiculous. Maybe your name is Kevin after all and maybe you are a scoutmaster too?

I cannot make head or tail of the content of your posts, or your weird formatting.

16-02-2023, 08:57 PM
I cannot make head or tail of the content of your posts, or your weird formatting.

You're not the only one who can't figure out what he's saying, he butchers most of his quotes so we have no idea who he's attributing them too. That said, tim23 doesn't say much, other than slagging other posters. Boring.

16-02-2023, 11:05 PM
It sounds like Dipkins is going to have to get Gobbo Robbo to orchestrate another
large slush fund to sure up all the busted infrastructure .. and more rainy
days than they could ever have imagined in their wildest of nightmare dreams..

Can the RB manage any more fancy billion dollar funny money tricks that dont come back to
sting them, then Govt and ultimately the taxpayer badly in the tail ? ;)

Adrian may need a whole shed full of new Oars to float the boat again on all the carnage
and local Govt hands out for large assistance hand outs :)

The coffers may be seriously depleted in not too distant future .. hope Labour have
their fleet of Wakas ready for a speedy departure, for when everyone wakes up to
the cookie jar having been completely cleaned out while no-one was looking ;)

17-02-2023, 10:38 AM
It sounds like Dipkins is going to have to get Gobbo Robbo to orchestrate another
large slush fund to sure up all the busted infrastructure .. and more rainy
days than they could ever have imagined in their wildest of nightmare dreams..

Can the RB manage any more fancy billion dollar funny money tricks that dont come back to
sting them, then Govt and ultimately the taxpayer badly in the tail ? ;)

Adrian may need a whole shed full of new Oars to float the boat again on all the carnage
and local Govt hands out for large assistance hand outs :)

The coffers may be seriously depleted in not too distant future .. hope Labour have
their fleet of Wakas ready for a speedy departure, for when everyone wakes up to
the cookie jar having been completely cleaned out while no-one was looking ;)

Infrastructure is a stimulus rather than tax cuts for teslas and yachts. There will be work until 2030 with full employment forever.

NZD hasn't even dropped 1 cent.

17-02-2023, 11:43 AM
Infrastructure is a stimulus rather than tax cuts for teslas and yachts. There will be work until 2030 with full employment forever.

NZD hasn't even dropped 1 cent.

They should have thought of it like that when they dropped the "Roads of National Significance" project that was humming along under National and which they replaced with complete inaction on critical infrastructure for 5 years.

17-02-2023, 05:08 PM

I cannot make head or tail of the content of your posts, or your weird formatting.
I may have not got the formatting to your liking but itÂ’s still written in English and I reckon you are smart enough to work it out.

18-02-2023, 01:05 PM
Infrastructure is a stimulus rather than tax cuts for teslas and yachts. There will be work until 2030 with full employment forever.

NZD hasn't even dropped 1 cent.

Lets see how well the Labour stimulus for slow response to restoring essential infrastructure
goes down with those affected... gut feeling says there might be a bunch of disconnected
clueless delinquents all looking for new day jobs by year end ;)

Perhaps they should have woken up to reality long before now rather than embarking
on largescale ideological crusades and wasteful spending sprees, while leaving the foundations
bare to risk of wholesale rack and ruin .. ;)

18-02-2023, 01:08 PM
I may have not got the formatting to your liking but itÂ’s still written in English and I reckon you are smart enough to work it out.

quoting and talking to yourself again ? ;)

Not sure if lessons may be of help to some :)

18-02-2023, 07:47 PM
In the last 3 years of Labour's Tenancy, arrears owed by Kainga Ora tenants has increased from $2M to $17M.
One owes nearly $42000.

What a disgrace Labour.

Your custody and stewardship of State assets is pathetic.

Sharma on you!

19-02-2023, 01:50 AM

Why didn't we make ticket scalping illegal?

More broken promises ..

But look - there are even photos of two notable Labour Scalps already claimed ;)

and just as well they lost their way - so quite legally, there is a whole bunch more Scalps on Govt Front benches
sitting ready to be taken out later in the year ;)

Doubt ticket prices for seeing some of that clueless talent being taken out will command too much of a premium ;)

19-02-2023, 12:52 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle: Grant Robertson hints at larger Budget after ‘multi-billion dollar’ cyclone cost

Robertson suggested he might be forced to both increase new spending to fund the flood rebuild, whilst reprioritising existing spending because capacity constraints in the economy were making it difficult to do everything at once.

Startling admission from one of the "will do everything yesterday" Ardern Sidekicks club ;)

What happened Robbo - did you sit on something sharp or just getting tired before disappearing? ;)

So No New Disaster Slush Fund - instead take off the other spending areas ? ;)

(May have been a different story if the Cyclone had made a direct hit on the Beehive however)

Folk will be very very annoyed on both ends of the spectrum, on losing at one and not seeing action the other ;)

Looks like Gobbo Robbo's piggy bank might be bare on resources, ideas, initiatives and action ;)

Rainy day - more Labour, Supply & Rectification constraints being spouted again, while the victims
get left in a long painful lurch and the Wellington Political clueless continue to spin away

Yet more excuses for being basically unprepared, not seeing the obvious risks and not doing anything about them until disaster struck, then being shown up on the schedule fix up..

Time these useless Labour clowns were flushed out down the nearest drain ;)

19-02-2023, 03:54 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Chris Hipkins has hardly put a foot wrong in his first 25 days

For National the political calculation is miserable. Chris Luxon is irrelevant. He will be starved of air time as long as this Cyclone keeps serving up images of unbelievable destruction and heart-breaking accounts of loss.
This will get harder for National. Labour’s polls will probably climb, National’s will probably fall. They’ll get antsy behind closed doors.

19-02-2023, 04:23 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Chris Hipkins has hardly put a foot wrong in his first 25 days

For National the political calculation is miserable. Chris Luxon is irrelevant. He will be starved of air time as long as this Cyclone keeps serving up images of unbelievable destruction and heart-breaking accounts of loss.
This will get harder for National. Labour’s polls will probably climb, National’s will probably fall. They’ll get antsy behind closed doors.

Yes and I think she’s about right - Luxon and National starved for oxygen it’s almost unfair that a crisis favours the government provided of course they manage it well and so far so good.

fungus pudding
19-02-2023, 07:28 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Chris Hipkins has hardly put a foot wrong in his first 25 days

For National the political calculation is miserable. Chris Luxon is irrelevant. He will be starved of air time as long as this Cyclone keeps serving up images of unbelievable destruction and heart-breaking accounts of loss.
This will get harder for National. Labour’s polls will probably climb, National’s will probably fall. They’ll get antsy behind closed doors.

Labour will fly back in next election.

19-02-2023, 10:12 PM
Labour will fly back in next election.

might need another major Crisis to fill the attention gap :)

too many p****d off people left sucking eggs & being ignored in the corners
having to wear the hard consequences of past Govt economic misadventures
and incompetence .. Gobbo Robbo will probably be too preoccupied elsewhere
to even see them .. ;)

And if Govt doesn't perform on where their diverted attention is focussed, then
count that lot in as a further lot of even more p*****d off people around
Nash County and further afield which won't do Labour any further favours ..

20-02-2023, 07:12 AM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Chris Hipkins has hardly put a foot wrong in his first 25 days

For National the political calculation is miserable. Chris Luxon is irrelevant. He will be starved of air time as long as this Cyclone keeps serving up images of unbelievable destruction and heart-breaking accounts of loss.
This will get harder for National. Labour’s polls will probably climb, National’s will probably fall. They’ll get antsy behind closed doors.

She is right and this always happens when we have disasters like this. Nothing new about that, as per COVID, Christhcurhc/Kaikoura earthquakes etc.
That's why I think Matthew Hooton has a point when he says in a recent column that Labour will call an election in April.

20-02-2023, 09:54 AM

NASH - no matter how it's spun - your lot funded the gangs and have proven yourselves
so light on crime & criminals - it's a joke ;)

Expect gangs and criminals to listen to you now ? ;)

If they had any intention on listening to or taking notice of a spinning clueless member for Napier,
then there would be no need for squadrons of extra police from other regions or Eagle here :)

Police Minister Stuart Nash has defended comments in which he said “now is not the time” for gangs to be taking advantage of victims of Cyclone Gabrielle.

Residents in cyclone-hit Hawke’s Bay have resorted to erecting roadblocks in some suburbs to protect their properties and homes from looters and thieves, and police have so far arrested 42 people.

Grilled by Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB this morning, Nash was asked whether he thought the gangs would actually “pull their heads in” after the minister had made the plea to do so. “My plea ... no, not my plea ... my request is pull your bloody head in, get your animals off the streets and out of their cars. They have whanau and family affected as well. Get out and start helping them,” Nash told Hosking.

Referencing Nash’s comment about it not being the right time to commit crime, Hosking asked the minister when was the right time.

“There is no right time,” Nash responded.

Nash said that the criminal behaviour by gangs in Hawkes Bay was totally unacceptable.

”Police are onto this and, as a community, we won’t stand for such behaviour by gangs.”

Nash said gangs had a very strict hierarchy, with leaders and then men who go out on the streets.

”I ask them to take control of these men because their families are also impacted.”

Nash said it was not the right time especially when the city was in distress and people had no communication.

”We don’t want gangs. I called gang leaders and told them to get this under control, they call themselves community leaders so this is the time to show that leadership.”

The region had got 120 additional frontline police staff in the wake of the cyclone and an extra 25 were coming on top of 770 already there, Nash said.

”Eagle helicopter has also come down from Auckland.”

Gang response units were also on the way and army personnel were also in the region, he said.

20-02-2023, 10:00 AM
She is right and this always happens when we have disasters like this. Nothing new about that, as per COVID, Christhcurhc/Kaikoura earthquakes etc.
That's why I think Matthew Hooton has a point when he says in a recent column that Laour will call an election in April.

Interesting point

20-02-2023, 10:03 AM
She is right and this always happens when we have disasters like this. Nothing new about that, as per COVID, Christhcurhc/Kaikoura earthquakes etc.
That's why I think Matthew Hooton has a point when he says in a recent column that Laour will call an election in April.

A funny look on Gobbo Robbo's face when he said there was still room for adjusting the 2023 Budget
that they are working on for Cyclone matters, but time is closing in for finalising .. Was he lying ? ;)

20-02-2023, 10:59 AM

Road workers had guns pointed at them and Police Minister Stuart Nash has defended comments in which he said “now is not the time” for gangs to be taking advantage of victims of Cyclone Gabrielle.

Be a different story if they assembled outside NASH'S NAPIER ELECTORATE crib and tried it there ;)

20-02-2023, 11:27 AM


Another Te Pūkenga executive has resigned soon after being appointed

Another senior figure has resigned from national education provider Te Pūkenga soon after being appointed – 10 weeks into the job.

Wellington-based Richard Forgan was unveiled as deputy chief executive strategy and transformation at Te Pūkenga on December 1. He resigned on February 7 and will finish on March 3.

He is the latest Te Pūkenga senior leader to quit soon after joining.

Deputy chief executive Merran Davis quit her “dream job” after eight months in April 2021, while Matthew Walker resigned as chief financial officer after less than 12 weeks in September last year.

Meanwhile, plans to unify the branding across Te Pūkenga’s 25 tertiary providers have been stalled for “further work” to be done.

The crown entity*, which now runs the country’s 16 polytechs and 9 industry training organisations, was working towards “a unified Te Pūkenga brand” from March 1, but the plans have been shelved.

20-02-2023, 11:36 AM

Costs come under the microscope as businesses prepare for a downturn

Confirmation that the Economy is starting to stall - boys & girls :)

Did someone say Early Election forecast to allow Hipkin's Clueless Brigade a fast exit ? ;)

It's quite clear that Gobbo Robbo can't pull a big wad out from under the cushion in a hurry
for the vast Cyclone carnage fix up jobs

21-02-2023, 11:47 AM

Government opens door to reassessing new taxes for cyclone at Budget in May

Confirmation that Govt are preparing to SCREW everyone over

Confirmation that Labour are prepared to to put the Economy into an even deeper recession

Confirmation that there is nothing left in the pot. Gobbo Robbo has blown it all

Confirmation that Labour are prepared to get kicked out by year's end


21-02-2023, 12:02 PM

Legal challenge to Three Waters reforms dismissed as bid to influence legislation

Grand Theft Labour - Part I - dismissed for the wrong reasons

Now let's see what the man on the street says about this ;)

21-02-2023, 02:35 PM

Legal challenge to Three Waters reforms dismissed as bid to influence legislation

Grand Theft Labour - Part I - dismissed for the wrong reasons

Now let's see what the man on the street says about this ;)

He will be happy ,for once in a life time the Mayors will have to reduce rates.


21-02-2023, 02:41 PM
He will be happy ,for once in a life time the Mayors will have to reduce rates.


Only to be hit with a sh*tload of higher water costs courtesy of Labour's Three Idiots on Water initiatives ;)

Go figure ..

Meddling politicians invariably means someone else is left paying dearly for the Beehive fiddling :)

22-02-2023, 08:14 PM
Lots of affected businesses & jobs on the line in Cyclone affected areas while Robbo
& Hipkins dilly dally around -- just like what happened with Covid Lockdowns

Fully expect some very loud yelling and screaming directed at the Beehive twits
from those affected very soon :)

With so many affected areas and carnage - will Labour want to risk being hung
strung, drawn & quartered then unceremoniously getting kicked out over their
gross incompetence and failure to address the obvious issues ? ;)

When will NASH wake up to the obvious around him & do something about it ?

22-02-2023, 09:13 PM
Lots of affected businesses & jobs on the line in Cyclone affected areas while Robbo
& Hipkins dilly dally around -- just like what happened with Covid Lockdowns

Fully expect some very loud yelling and screaming directed at the Beehive twits
from those affected very soon :)

With so many affected areas and carnage - will Labour want to risk being hung
strung, drawn & quartered then unceremoniously getting kicked out over their
gross incompetence and failure to address the obvious issues ? ;)

When will NASH wake up to the obvious around him & do something about it ?
Don't be so harsh on Nash , he has been very vocal and told the gangs to pull their heads in - that'll do it :eek2:

22-02-2023, 10:19 PM
Don't be so harsh on Nash , he has been very vocal and told the gangs to pull their heads in - that'll do it :eek2:

Well his Napier Seat is right in the midst of the carnage .. anyone would have to be blind, dumb, deaf and stupid to not notice :)

If not mistaken, a crowbar under Nash during the Covid Lockdowns was needed to even see recognition that
wholesale jobs and businesses were on the line ..

23-02-2023, 12:16 AM

Grant Robertson warns 'unknown territory' ahead for the economy

And the unknown territory will continue to grow into a larger deeper hole while Gobbo Robbo & his clueless mates flounder around even more, and further jobs along with businesses disappear in the regions ;)

Do they want almost everyone in affected regions to be jobless ?

Do they expect Businesses with little trade or sales after the Cyclone to continue carrying the can
for keeping employees on deck, when there is little or no revenue coming in to pay wages ? ;)

That's what is starting to happen with few Govt Lifelines, unlike Labour's reluctant Covid
subsidy mess which only happened after the screams became roars from every direction ..

How thick & clueless are the current mob in Govt benches ? ;)

NZ appears to have been in danger of ending up in Unknown Territory right from when Robbo
landed the Finance Portfolio ;)

That is becoming increasingly apparent as things start unravelling and Govt have few answers :)

Is that a surprise to anyone ?

23-02-2023, 06:23 AM
Simple question for you nztx ….. what would you do right now if you were in charge of the cyclone recovery situation?

Tell us exactly how you would resolve it.

Logen Ninefingers
23-02-2023, 07:29 AM
‘Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr is calling on banks to lift deposit rates as much as they have lifted mortgage rates, saying their tardiness is boosting their profits and preventing the benefits of the higher Official Cash Rate (OCR) flowing to savers.’

23-02-2023, 07:40 PM
A nice Large Juicy Smokescreen in Forestry Slash for a Clueless Labour Govt now ;)

Shall we say Govt have long been ignoring the wood for the trees and growing waste ?

Who has been approving Foreign Forestry initiatives coming in buying farmland
for new forestry / aka Carbon credit farming for years now ? ;)

Who has been aware for years of Forestry Slash causing issues and done nothing
tangible about it ?

Who has encouraged the Green Policy of more Trees needed in eyes of some, ignoring the perils ?

Who has been against burning of Green Waste / Slash ignoring the perils & potential
problems ? (Australia is no better also with their Green Approach to non burning of
excess green waste & foliage - providing more fuel for the wild fires)

23-02-2023, 07:43 PM
Simple question for you nztx ….. what would you do right now if you were in charge of the cyclone recovery situation?

Tell us exactly how you would resolve it.

Everything carries a cost..

Will need to see the Consultancy Contract & size of the Cheque book first :)

23-02-2023, 08:08 PM
That doesn't answer my question. You are clearly unhappy with the way the government is responding to the cyclone recovery situation. So you must have some suggestion for what they could do, that they are apparently failing to do currently.

What should they be doing right now, in your view? You can't turn around now and say "I don't know because I don't have the info I need" - while at the same time condemning them for not doing the right thing.

Everything carries a cost.

Will need to see the Consultancy Contract & size of the Cheque book first https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/images/smilies/001_smile.gif

fungus pudding
23-02-2023, 09:06 PM
That doesn't answer my question. You are clearly unhappy with the way the government is responding to the cyclone recovery situation. So you must have some suggestion for what they could do, that they are apparently failing to do currently.

What should they be doing right now,

Easy - get Twyford, Mahuta and Willie Jackson on to it.

24-02-2023, 03:28 PM
I think nztx should put up or shut up. He whinges about the Govt's response to the cyclone, but avoids saying what he believes they should do depite being asked twice. FP not much better.

25-02-2023, 07:08 AM
The most open & honest Government on full display yet again https://www.todayfm.co.nz/home/opinion/2023/02/rachel-smalley-the-damning-oia-that-pits-pharmac-against-the-government.html?fbclid=IwAR3Vf3VEedlmqNNgREVwhiT7R _m0Vjbj1wGb13bw1D6KF_hQBNVUO48B_6I_aem_AR6ht5S_HWT 1BXPyln1-YRP-FfVj5kFsEjBekmjN472vZtjHXnn9scbXozxq9uA8iJCIMsfJn4 CCBSm5W8AaaVXxsRaRNztrie1NT_05PSSodEtUJDNFLScAfOkp 1MkjfHA

25-02-2023, 08:26 AM
The most open & honest Government on full display yet again https://www.todayfm.co.nz/home/opinion/2023/02/rachel-smalley-the-damning-oia-that-pits-pharmac-against-the-government.html?fbclid=IwAR3Vf3VEedlmqNNgREVwhiT7R _m0Vjbj1wGb13bw1D6KF_hQBNVUO48B_6I_aem_AR6ht5S_HWT 1BXPyln1-YRP-FfVj5kFsEjBekmjN472vZtjHXnn9scbXozxq9uA8iJCIMsfJn4 CCBSm5W8AaaVXxsRaRNztrie1NT_05PSSodEtUJDNFLScAfOkp 1MkjfHA

Absolutely appalling. And Ardern's office was in the loop.
Sounds like we have another Anthony Fauci situation developing here.
BTW, I thought female leadership was meant to cure all ills. That it was more empathetic, less bullying, more kind. All the key players here are women and they come across as unempathetic, cynical and vicious. At least they can't be accused of toxic masculinity. Not that we would want any stereotyping occurring.

fungus pudding
25-02-2023, 08:37 AM
Absolutely appalling. And Ardern's office was in the loop.
Sounds like we have another Anthony Fauci situation developing here.
BTW, I thought female leadership was meant to cure all ills. That it was more empathetic, less bullying, more kind. All the key players here are women and they come across as unempathetic, cynical and vicious. At least they can't be accused of toxic masculinity. Not that we would want any stereotyping occurring.

God only knows why you thought that! Have you never met a female? (That ought'a do it)

26-02-2023, 12:25 AM

Cyclone Gabrielle: Titirangi family with baby twins ‘lived out of a chilly bin’ for 11 days

And not the only ones by accounts

Where was the Support needed for these people ?

Pretty poor by any standards they got left in this position in the largest city in Labour's
"New Zimbabwe" ;)

26-02-2023, 09:25 AM
Labours cyclone response will be their black swan song.
In 5 years of power they have achieved virtually nothing. Most if not all of their major projects to date have failed or been abandoned. If the manage to hang on to three waters that will also be another disaster.
They have 6 months until the election. What can possibly go wrong !
Ardern has thrown Hipkins the ultimate hospital pass.
How much more chaos can they inflict on the nation in six months. I suggest plenty.

28-02-2023, 11:10 AM

Winston Peters: What happened to the $14 billion Covid recovery money?

Premium content

Gobbo Robbo - Where's the Dough - big boy ? ;)

Not still in your back pocket, or you're sitting on it keeping it warm - surely ? ;)

28-02-2023, 11:17 AM
Meanwhile not far from Zimbabwe sits another nation which has shown
decades of exquisite Governance which has lead to possible renaming

New South Acrid A


South Africa faces ‘civil war’ conditions due to possibility of power grid collapse

Once a very wealthy nation, but with issues, the leadership dial rapidly changed

The same sort of formulas but further advanced on those that Labour appear pushing this country towards ;)

All it takes is large disasters to highlight the underlying Leadership incompetence ..

“Understand that there are many hangers on,”

and then the bulk of the rest - mostly reduced to poor long suffering serfs on a subsistance existence,
now wide awake to what they have been lead into

28-02-2023, 11:27 AM

Winston Peters: What happened to the $14 billion Covid recovery money?

Premium content

Gobbo Robbo - Where's the Dough - big boy ? ;)

Not still in your back pocket, or you're sitting on it keeping it warm - surely ? ;)

Sadly it has been spread widely to the "never never", most notably on subidising fossil fuel consumption :D

28-02-2023, 11:27 AM

Whanganui Mayor ‘can’t answer’ why flood work wasn’t done in Pūtiki

Whanganui’s mayor says he doesn’t have answers as to why a report 20 years ago recommending flood prevention work at the papakāinga of Pūtiki was never actioned.

In 2004, a Catchment Management Study on the Ngatarua Catchment commissioned by Whanganui District Council made a raft of recommendations to address known flooding issues at the riverside marae settlement in Whanganui.

Too much admiring the Long River and not enough doey was it - Mr Whanganui Mayor ? :)

Much more of this sort of thing can be expected in regard to the Collective of Local Body Empires
that flourished and enriched themselves under the Clark/Cullen reign unabated ;)

The Red Hot Poker might not only have Labour within target range but Local Government as well ;)

28-02-2023, 11:41 AM

Cyclone Gabrielle: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins backtracks on comments about guns pointed at road workers

Really Chris - sure it wasn't the cannon which you and your incompetent spinning mob
will likely be fed into later into the year to be catapulted off into political no mans land ? ;)

That's what happens to Fill-in's who come devoid of anything new to contribute on
the back of chapters of failed key policy projects - which mostly all register FAILED ;)

Don't expect to be left untarred for all those when you were part of the mob all
along instrumental in the shambles :)

Very soon, Cyclone Hipkins will likely be blown away, never to be seen again
as a very brief insignificant weak influence and mere fill in along a chapter of Labour's
continuing disaster path, where they could never quite get their hands on the problem
let alone comprehend how to fix any ;)

28-02-2023, 11:48 AM

Political Roundup: Cyclone Gabrielle - how will we pay for the recovery? Tax the rich - Branko Marcetic

interesting comments posted:

When a country starts devouring it's own (eat the rich) you know you are in big big trouble. And believe me, trust me. New Zealand is in big big trouble.

The recent record tax take has unfortunately been spent now. It’s a shame, but it’s gone.

Some very rich Labour Front Bench MInisters , Profit orientated Businesses owned by Not for Profit Charities , Large Maori Trusts and Incorporations (benefactors of past large scale Taxpayer generosity), Wealthy Religious Collectives & Churches - Why not tax them all at elevated highest rates ?

Surely they can afford it, instead of their expecting a continuing free ride ? ;)

28-02-2023, 12:00 PM
"The nuclear moment of my generation" https://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/climate-news/300812525/government-agencies-buy-more-petrol-and-diesel-cars--despite-big-ev-subsidies

28-02-2023, 12:04 PM

Fears more property investors will sell up amid rising interest rates and high tax bills

Thanks for the overkill - Labour - as expected the results of your stupidity are starting to appear ;)

28-02-2023, 12:06 PM

Should it take a regulatory change for banks to issue emergency finance?

More Govt Lunacy & Incompetence exposed ;)

28-02-2023, 12:12 PM
"The nuclear moment of my generation" https://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/climate-news/300812525/government-agencies-buy-more-petrol-and-diesel-cars--despite-big-ev-subsidies

What does Cindy care? She had her photo opp! Onto the next cockup. Labour's climate stance, energy cockups and now continuing fuel tax cuts kinda sums up their virtue signaling lying behinds. BTW, the fuel tax cut is to compensate for the Cost of Living crisis they helped create. It's a lose/lose, what's not to like if Cindy gets her photo opp?

28-02-2023, 12:35 PM

Mortgage shock: $900/fortnight rise forecast for many Aucklanders - Westpac

Thanks Adrian & Gobbo Robbo - that's just ORRSOME landing on plates for Aucklanders soon ;)

The favour can be expected to be returned and then some more very soon ;)

Best start sorting out your new Day Jobs - if anyone will have a bar of high level gits who hoist
this sort of thing on struggling Kiwi's in recessonary times after multiple disasters ;)

If anything, this seems to have proven just how low that some high level useless scum are prepared to stoop to inflict further unnecessary pain on those already suffering from disasters etc :)

28-02-2023, 12:39 PM
It's so helpful having someone copy and paste headlines from media that we can and probably do look at everyday ourselves. Who on earth has the time to do that! Just paste a link to Stuff, Herald etc everyday, save us having to find our bookmarks.


28-02-2023, 06:18 PM
Politicising the civil service - this is how deep the rot has set into the civil service with this divisive and racist government.

If this arsehole wannabe Rob Campbell wants to be political, by all means become a politician and join one of the parties of the left.

He has presided over the health mess as Chairman and wants to comment on the 3 Waters mess?

Playing the race card to deflect from his failure after being appointed by Labour.

Well past his used by date as a person of consequence. Should follow Ardern and f .. k off.


28-02-2023, 08:00 PM

Mortgage shock: $900/fortnight rise forecast for many Aucklanders - Westpac

Thanks Adrian & Gobbo Robbo - that's just ORRSOME landing on plates for Aucklanders soon ;)

The favour can be expected to be returned and then some more very soon ;)

Best start sorting out your new Day Jobs - if anyone will have a bar of high level gits who hoist
this sort of thing on struggling Kiwi's in recessonary times after multiple disasters ;)

If anything, this seems to have proven just how low that some high level useless scum are prepared to stoop to inflict further unnecessary pain on those already suffering from disasters etc :)

Just when we thought it was safe to venture out - guess who’s back? Same theme - boring.

28-02-2023, 08:08 PM
It's so helpful having someone copy and paste headlines from media that we can and probably do look at everyday ourselves. Who on earth has the time to do that! Just paste a link to Stuff, Herald etc everyday, save us having to find our bookmarks.


Completely agree.


01-03-2023, 06:05 AM
Good to see the Government show a bit of steel and sack Rob Campbell for failing to follow the Code of Conduct for his position..
Better reaction than the arrogance shown by Stuart Nash and Chris Hipkins when they accused residents of Hastings & Napier of lying about the crime spree they were facing. At least they have both come out and said they got it wrong. So did the useless Andrew Coster.

01-03-2023, 12:42 PM
Good to see the Government show a bit of steel and sack Rob Campbell for failing to follow the Code of Conduct for his position..
Better reaction than the arrogance shown by Stuart Nash and Chris Hipkins when they accused residents of Hastings & Napier of lying about the crime spree they were facing. At least they have both come out and said they got it wrong. So did the useless Andrew Coster.

Nothing to do with showing steel but everything to do with shutting down any threat to Hipkins’ attempt to close down the co-governance controversy before the election.

Suited Labour to get rid of the arsehole wannabe Rob Campbell who belatedly joined the divisive Maori co-governance brigade - remember he got very very rich by jettisoning his union credentials to join the privatisation bonanza.


“Last year there had been rumblings emanating from the Beehive about unhappiness with Campbell’s performance. How far those rumblings ever got towards removing him from his role at Te Whatu Ora – Health NZ is unclear.”

01-03-2023, 02:08 PM
Just when we thought it was safe to venture out - guess who’s back? Same theme - boring.

What sparked your dim reappearance - too much excess H2O pouring into your cave, by chance ? ;)

01-03-2023, 02:12 PM
Nothing to do with showing steel but everything to do with shutting down any threat to Hipkins’ attempt to close down the co-governance controversy before the election.

Suited Labour to get rid of the arsehole wannabe Rob Campbell who belatedly joined the divisive Maori co-governance brigade - remember he got very very rich by jettisoning his union credentials to join the privatisation bonanza.


“Last year there had been rumblings emanating from the Beehive about unhappiness with Campbell’s performance. How far those rumblings ever got towards removing him from his role at Te Whatu Ora – Health NZ is unclear.”

Is this the same one - Chair of NZL which is currently doing a Cap Raise, by chance ? ;)

01-03-2023, 02:47 PM
Is this the same one - Chair of NZL which is currently doing a Cap Raise, by chance ? ;)

The same.

Well past his used by date & a total waste of space, Rob Campbell has delivered zilch as chairman of Te Whatever Ora except maybe wax lyrical about race based healthcare & Ardern BS.


“ …….legislation that disestablished the 20 district health boards and set up a centralised national service in July last year had initially signalled hope of positive and meaningful reform and a more equitable system.

But since Health NZ/ Te Whatu Ora was launched Stein said nothing had changed and the issues seemed to be getting worse, while meetings by management over reform plans had been held privately, leaving health workers in the dark.

"I saw it as a way to consolidate or create centres of excellence, bring medical care to communities that were severely lacking in health care," Stein said.

"But I just haven't seen anything. I think that one of Rob Campbell's first decisions was to hold board meetings in private and keeping out the media... I think the people in the healthcare system really feel disconnected from leadership."

01-03-2023, 04:27 PM
Ultimately, all these *ock ups that are emerging are Ardern's doing.

Don't forget that when history tries to whitewash her wokness failures.

She employed a bunch or radicals like herself.

01-03-2023, 06:06 PM
Ultimately, all these *ock ups that are emerging are Ardern's doing.

Don't forget that when history tries to whitewash her wokness failures.

She employed a bunch or radicals like herself.


The most transparent government ever revealed itself - secret meetings and hidden agenda.

As the Queen monkey danced the secrecy routine, the arsehole monkey Campbell followed.

01-03-2023, 08:13 PM
What sparked your dim reappearance - too much excess H2O pouring into your cave, by chance ? ;)

Being a flunky to Balance has never been a good idea.

02-03-2023, 10:56 AM
Being a flunky to Balance has never been a good idea.

His IQ is considerably higher than 23 - comprehendo ? ;)

must only be lost flunkies sailing around Wairarapa now, following
the self decrowning act by the Princess of much Mindless Spin :)

02-03-2023, 10:58 AM

Forestry slash inquiry: Debris-battered East Coast sees red over minister’s measure of pine plantation content

Who would have thought that the Labour member for Napier has a DEGREE which qualifies for Slash Management and Estimation ? ;)

Why is not seeing the wood for trees still a problem ? ;)

02-03-2023, 12:18 PM
Where's Mr Fixit - Hipkins hiding ?

Perhaps too busy assembling the next 'pin the tail' in the blame game on further targets ;)

Has McNutty been pulled back up the Emergency chute, never to be seen or heard from again ?

An emergency exit - to ensure the spotlight doesn't show up what's not happening ? ;)

NASH has popped up along with a few other Ministers (Probably bewildered Walking Disasters at best)
some making complete A55'es of themselves on what is reported coming out.

(Best make time to jack up your next back office long term NEW day jobs soon - boys & girls )

Probably alot conveniently obscured while Labour have conveniently seen the dealings to
Campbell have stolen the spotlight, drowning out the focus on reality of what is (or more so from
Govt's involvement) what isn't happening elsewhere..

Still no real support for all the businesses struggling along on largely reduced Turnovers out of the Disasters

The Locals in many places largely left to fix things & provide their own security / effort, while visible
support from this Trainwreck Govt is all but non existent and invisible

Gobbo Robbo has gone to ground .. any sort of support to what keeps the wider community turning
over must have been fired in the 'too hard basket on the hope that Govt's tardiness and absence
wont be noticed ;)

Does the current Labour Circus really think that the greater parts of the population base
left in tatters will really be inspired to want to return Labour into the Hot Seats later in the year
on current performances and an Economy now clearly heading down the Long Drop on further
disaster impacts on where things were earlier with rising Interest Rates, Cost of Living,
worsening housing and Inflationary affects starting to bite home ? ;)

02-03-2023, 01:47 PM
The same.

Well past his used by date & a total waste of space, Rob Campbell has delivered zilch as chairman of Te Whatever Ora except maybe wax lyrical about race based healthcare & Ardern BS.


“ …….legislation that disestablished the 20 district health boards and set up a centralised national service in July last year had initially signalled hope of positive and meaningful reform and a more equitable system.

But since Health NZ/ Te Whatu Ora was launched Stein said nothing had changed and the issues seemed to be getting worse, while meetings by management over reform plans had been held privately, leaving health workers in the dark.

"I saw it as a way to consolidate or create centres of excellence, bring medical care to communities that were severely lacking in health care," Stein said.

"But I just haven't seen anything. I think that one of Rob Campbell's first decisions was to hold board meetings in private and keeping out the media... I think the people in the healthcare system really feel disconnected from leadership."

Labour cannot move fast enough to shut down the arsehole monkey Campbell so the co-governance controversy is not an issue until after the election.

Wonder how long the Maoris are going to take this indignity of their own being fired by non-Maoris.

Or is it just a ploy to try and win the election and unleash the full force of Maori sovereignty in 2024?


Campbell ‘soup’ is out of the EPA.

02-03-2023, 02:02 PM
His IQ is considerably higher than 23 - comprehendo ? ;)

must only be lost flunkies sailing around Wairarapa now, following
the self decrowning act by the Princess of much Mindless Spin :)

Okay Mr Flunky - whats your IQ?

02-03-2023, 06:30 PM
Okay Mr Flunky - whats your IQ?

Quite a few multiples of 23 .. happy ? and while you're at it the only flunkies are down your way
and apparently a bit slow understanding things .. ;)

02-03-2023, 07:28 PM
Quite a few multiples of 23 .. happy ? and while you're at it the only flunkies are down your way
and apparently a bit slow understanding things .. ;)

Answer the question Mr Flunky- I’m wondering if your IQ is 23, 46 or 69 ad you seemed to have struggled so far.

02-03-2023, 10:07 PM
Labour cannot move fast enough to shut down the arsehole monkey Campbell so the co-governance controversy is not an issue until after the election.

Wonder how long the Maoris are going to take this indignity of their own being fired by non-Maoris.

Or is it just a ploy to try and win the election and unleash the full force of Maori sovereignty in 2024?


Campbell ‘soup’ is out of the EPA.

How can this be?

Arsehole Campbell is saying that Labour ministers targeted him over his co-governance comments!

Surely Labour must be so pleased to have someone like Arsehole Campbell speak in support of co-governance?

Unless of course Labour is trying to now do a magic disappearing act on co-governance until after the election.
