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02-03-2023, 10:08 PM
Answer the question Mr Flunky- I’m wondering if your IQ is 23, 46 or 69 ad you seemed to have struggled so far.

No struggle here .. and it seems your IQ (or lack thereof) appears to be more in question ;)

02-03-2023, 10:15 PM
How can this be?

Arsehole Campbell is saying that Labour ministers targeted him over his co-governance comments!

Surely Labour must be so pleased to have someone like Arsehole Campbell speak in support of co-governance?

Unless of course Labour is trying to now do a magic disappearing act on co-governance until after the election.


If anything it hogs the limelight off other things that reflect a very much poorer light and state of affairs ;)

Look no further than Govt's lacklustre attitude to supporting of businesses and employers etc in disaster areas, for which no answers which were acknowledged as under consideration have yet appeared..

Perhaps the message sent from HQ got lost in the mail before it reached Rob Campbell or didn't get sent at all ? :)

Is another posting for new day job due out soon, or deferred until after the smoke around the election clears, if indeed it does at all ?

A vacancy coming up for Party President or Chief of Staff in the offing when things cool down or a boot in both cheeks and hurled out down the road, like yesterday's refuse for being loudly out of step like the naughty child up the back in Hipkin's schoolhouse of smoke & mystery mirrors ? ;)

03-03-2023, 12:23 PM

Overnight raids on North Shore, Auckland stores, shopfront wrecked

Forestry Slash Specialist - NASH'S Pet Portfolio "Policing" continuing to function well on preventative measures ? ;)

Next week when he comes out from hiding - Will he deny that further Ram Raids are even happening .. again ? :)

03-03-2023, 03:02 PM
In the best tradition of Labour Party appointees :

Suddenly Arsehole Campbell grows a pair between his legs!

Was he not the chair of Te Whatever Ora?

Why is he suddenly speaking out about what bewoes the healthcare system?


fungus pudding
03-03-2023, 03:52 PM
In the best tradition of Labour Party appointees :

Suddenly Arsehole Campbell grows a pair between his legs! ]

Wouldn't that make it painful to walk?

03-03-2023, 03:54 PM
Wouldn't that make it painful to walk?

Methinks you have in mind the prickly pear variety as opposed to the manly pair those non-chest feeders of us possess.

03-03-2023, 03:58 PM
Wouldn't that make it painful to walk?

Haha - they have made him suddenly find his voice about what he was supposed to be doing at Te Whatever Ora?

He is squealing and squeaking at the same time now.

Labour appointees are like that.

03-03-2023, 05:44 PM
Haha - they have made him suddenly find his voice about what he was supposed to be doing at Te Whatever Ora?

He is squealing and squeaking at the same time now.

Labour appointees are like that.

Certainly smacks of Labour walking back on co-governance, at least until after the election. After all, his LinkedIn post criticised the opposition, not the government! And he got fired by the government for doing it. Lol, what a shambles, and right before they start the great re-organisation of health, removing 100's of duplicated highly paid roles across the DHB's (his comments catching out Health and Labour who are now at pains to hose down the flames, as it's the first time senior/middle management have heard about the imminent 'restructuring'). This is politics at it's ugliest, I hope the media shine light on the real issues behind his sacking, whether you like him or not, now that he's unshackled from his pet project (Health reform and co-goverance), he can unleash the hailstorm. Next there'll be a restraint order to shut him down completely.

03-03-2023, 05:56 PM
Certainly smacks of Labour walking back on co-governance, at least until after the election. After all, his LinkedIn post criticised the opposition, not the government! And he got fired by the government for doing it. Lol, what a shambles, and right before they start the great re-organisation of health, removing 100's of duplicated highly paid roles across the DHB's (his comments catching out Health and Labour who are now at pains to hose down the flames, as it's the first time senior/middle management have heard about the imminent 'restructuring'). This is politics at it's ugliest, I hope the media shine light on the real issues behind his sacking, whether you like him or not, now that he's unshackled from his pet project (Health reform and co-goverance), he can unleash the hailstorm. Next there'll be a restraint order to shut him down completely.

What are the real issues?
He said what he shouldn't have under his contract (the same sort of contract as others of that level) and had to go.
I bet that there won't be a restraint to shut him down - as a private individual he is free to say what he wants - as a Head he was supposed to be Apolitical!

03-03-2023, 06:15 PM
What are the real issues?
He said what he shouldn't have under his contract (the same sort of contract as others of that level) and had to go.
I bet that there won't be a restraint to shut him down - as a private individual he is free to say what he wants - as a Head he was supposed to be Apolitical!

Of course you would leap in to defend the Labour decision to sack him.

What he said was pretty dumb, especially how he did it, on a public forum and his excuse was weak, that it was a personal view, and not from his position as Chair. Plenty of people have survived worse though, with an apology and promise not to do it again.

I wouldn't expect you to consider the politics of it, as that would test your allegiance to Labour and their blindingly obvious back-peddling on go-governance (the subject of Campbells criticism, albeit directed at National). Do you see that Labour are toning down co-governance, sweeping it under the carpet .. but not ruling it out (until after the election)?

However, that's all done now and he's gone. Have you any experience with senior position employment/engagement contracts in government? The confidentiality clauses are enduring, and strict. Lets see whether he chooses to go out all guns blazing, or abide by his legal obligations to keep his mouth shut.

03-03-2023, 10:08 PM
Surgeries postponed, cancelled or transferred to smaller hospitals from
Christchurch Hospital due to lack of anaesthetic staff.

Labour Party government policies in action - basically making all situations worse by throwing money and big ideas at them.


04-03-2023, 09:38 AM
Health system nearly broken.

Roads to nowhere falling apart.

Crime, absolutely out of control.

Maori staging a take over (just looking after themselves, stuff New Zealand)

Education now third world teaching myths and legends instead of science.

And guess what. All under Ardern's watch, but she's now deserted her "team of 5 million". (stuff you, look after yourself, be kind!!)

04-03-2023, 10:04 AM
You are delusional. People like you, create your own "story" based on the actions of a few, and convince yourself that it is "truth."

It is not.

Maori staging a take over (just looking after themselves, stuff New Zealand)

04-03-2023, 10:13 AM
You are delusional. People like you, create your own "story" based on the actions of a few, and convince yourself that it is "truth."

It is not.

And "a want to be woke", like yourself, can't see what is really happening right in front of themselves.

To busy believing the BS.

You pulled out one line, which I believe to be true, based on what is going on in this country. Separatism by race, Just look at the health system. Unelected so called co governance to run water and councils, one race thinking they are more special than the rest and have more rights than the rest. How is that not racism?

Do you also dispute the rest also?

04-03-2023, 11:03 AM
Do not presume to know me. I most certainly do not fall into the "woke" category, neither am I a "leftie" or a "Labour Supporter." I will vote for whichever party I believe will be the best option both for NZ and for myself as an individual, when the time comes. Right now, none of the main parties are floating my boat. So save your breath and don't waste your time throwing me the usual "believe the BS" BS.

I commented on one sentence in your post only. I did not label it racist. I labelled it as "delusional." Because it is.

And "a want to be woke", like yourself, can't see what is really happening right in front of themselves.

To busy believing the BS.

You pulled out one line, which I believe to be true, based on what is going on in this country. Separatism by race, Just look at the health system. Unelected so called co governance to run water and councils, one race thinking they are more special than the rest and have more rights than the rest. How is that not racism?

Do you also dispute the rest also?

04-03-2023, 12:43 PM
Do not presume to know me. I most certainly do not fall into the "woke" category, neither am I a "leftie" or a "Labour Supporter." I will vote for whichever party I believe will be the best option both for NZ and for myself as an individual, when the time comes. Right now, none of the main parties are floating my boat. So save your breath and don't waste your time throwing me the usual "believe the BS" BS.

I commented on one sentence in your post only. I did not label it racist. I labelled it as "delusional." Because it is.

You called me racist last time, now delusional.

So why do you think it is delusional? I think it is exactly what is going on.

04-03-2023, 02:18 PM
You claim to believe that the entire Maori population is "staging a takeover" and focused only on their own needs and wants, at the expense of everyone else.

I am not suggesting you are delusional in the sense of having a mental illness - I am simply stating that your belief is wrong, and if you truly believe it .... you are kidding yourself aka ... delusional.

End of story. Have a lovely weekend.

You called me racist last time, now delusional.

So why do you think it is delusional? I think it is exactly what is going on.

04-03-2023, 02:21 PM

Bruce Cotterill: New Zealand’s road to the future is full of potholes

Interesting reader comment:

Originally coming from a 3rd world country and seeing the roads in NZ deteriorate over the past 10 years is worrying as much as it is noticeable and is always the 1st sign of an crumbling govt. The current govt incompetence further exasperating these issues

04-03-2023, 03:07 PM
Some roads built by the Romans have lasted 2000 years.

We need to ask why ours barely last 5 years before needing repaving (too much use). Permanent roadworks is the future under either government.

04-03-2023, 03:55 PM
You claim to believe that the entire Maori population is "staging a takeover" and focused only on their own needs and wants, at the expense of everyone else.

I am not suggesting you are delusional in the sense of having a mental illness - I am simply stating that your belief is wrong, and if you truly believe it .... you are kidding yourself aka ... delusional.

End of story. Have a lovely weekend.

It is pretty self-explanatory. I don't know what more I can say to

I never said the "entire population" (you said that), but I would also ask why the more moderate Maori are not condemning what's going on in their name.

Pushing a racist agenda's where Maori have some "special" place over every other race living in NZ is plain wrong. That's not delusional, that's common sense and the democracy long fought for.

We are meant today to be "colour blind" where we don't even think in terms of race, but you seem ok with Maori being thought of as "special". (who's the racist?)

04-03-2023, 04:05 PM

And now this, more Ardern / labour / Maori policy making us the laughing stock of the world. This government has done so much damage to this country.

The sheep and cows in NZ will end up more educated than our children.....

04-03-2023, 04:39 PM

And now this, more Ardern / labour / Maori policy making us the laughing stock of the world. This government has done so much damage to this country.

The sheep and cows in NZ will end up more educated than our children.....

The standard 'it is Racist" response trotted out again :)

04-03-2023, 04:43 PM
Methinks you have in mind the prickly pear variety as opposed to the manly pair those non-chest feeders of us possess. Heaven knows to what Balance was referring as being able to suddenly grow there. Is a politicised civil service a good thing?

04-03-2023, 04:43 PM

Holy h4LL - Michael - Dont tell us that you have found a solitary road with NO POT HOLES ? ;)

and then someone from Beehive appeared to inspect it .. or not ?

How about the holes on the other extensive 'to do' list ?

04-03-2023, 08:00 PM
Give it up you are losing - Just a Kiwi has you summed up BDL.

05-03-2023, 12:03 AM
Heaven knows to what Balance was referring as being able to suddenly grow there. Is a politicised civil service a good thing?

Labour has already politicised the civil service - remember the Kainga Ora episode?

The point is that Labour would have been most happy normally to have Arsehole Campbell spoke in support of co-governance and attacked National.

But Labour does not want co-governance to be an election Issue this year - why they moved quickly to shut him down.

Post 2023 election, Labour will show its true divisive and racist agenda again.

Most transparent government ever, remember?

05-03-2023, 12:12 AM
Killed over a minor road rage incident - this is Clueless Cindy’s ‘be kind society’.

So is NZ a kinder and better society 5.5 years after Labour?


05-03-2023, 07:11 AM
Give it up you are losing - Just a Kiwi has you summed up BDL.

What am I losing tim23? I'm just stating the truth for all to reflect on where NZ is today after 5 years of "Ardern thought".

I repeat, because JAK objected to one line (ignorantly, as usual), and ignored the rest.

Ardern has divided and set NZ back years.

Health system nearly broken.

Roads to nowhere falling apart.

Crime, absolutely out of control.

Maori staging a take over (just looking after themselves, stuff New Zealand)

Education now third world teaching myths and legends instead of science.

And guess what. All under Ardern's watch, but she's now deserted her "team of 5 million". (stuff you, look after yourself, be kind!!)

fungus pudding
05-03-2023, 08:20 AM
What am I losing tim23? I'm just stating the truth for all to reflect on where NZ is today after 5 years of "Ardern thought".

I repeat, because JAK objected to one line (ignorantly, as usual), and ignored the rest.

Ardern has divided and set NZ back years.

Health system nearly broken.

Roads to nowhere falling apart.

Crime, absolutely out of control.

Maori staging a take over (just looking after themselves, stuff New Zealand)

Education now third world teaching myths and legends instead of science.

And guess what. All under Ardern's watch, but she's now deserted her "team of 5 million". (stuff you, look after yourself, be kind!!)

Be grateful that she's so useless. Imagine the damage she would have done to us all if she was effective.

05-03-2023, 08:35 AM
Be grateful that she's so useless. Imagine the damage she would have done to us all if she was effective.

Yes, I have thought of that, and people don't realise how dangerous it is believing the one "pulpit of truth".

Frightening where it could go.....

05-03-2023, 01:47 PM
Voters need only ask one question at the election before casting their previous votes :

‘Is NZ a better country after 6 years under Labour?’

05-03-2023, 01:52 PM
Actually that is not the question now. Voters will have already made that determination for themselves, and the answer is irrelevant now.

The question is now ... which party will improve things for NZ over the next three years.

It doesn't even matter which side of the fence one is on now. The past cannot be changed. Voters need to think with their heads at election time, and focus on the next three years, not the past six.

Voters need only ask one question at the election before casting their previous votes :

‘Is NZ a better country after 6 years under Labour?’

05-03-2023, 02:34 PM

Former Labour Party member becomes National candidate

Smart woman :)

05-03-2023, 03:06 PM
Actually that is not the question now. Voters will have already made that determination for themselves, and the answer is irrelevant now.

The question is now ... which party will improve things for NZ over the next three years.

It doesn't even matter which side of the fence one is on now. The past cannot be changed. Voters need to think with their heads at election time, and focus on the next three years, not the past six.

That is where you are so wrong - leopards do not change their spots although Labour is doing its darn best to scrub the last 5 years of incompetent, divisive and spin driven government out of its record book.

Sadly, there are many NZers who still fall for the continuing spin.

05-03-2023, 03:11 PM
Actually that is not the question now. Voters will have already made that determination for themselves, and the answer is irrelevant now.

The question is now ... which party will improve things for NZ over the next three years.

It doesn't even matter which side of the fence one is on now. The past cannot be changed. Voters need to think with their heads at election time, and focus on the next three years, not the past six.

One would need to be a screw loose to not reflect on the damage Labour has inflicted on the nation prior to casting a vote in the looming election.

05-03-2023, 03:24 PM
One would need to be a screw loose to not reflect on the damage Labour has inflicted on the nation prior to casting a vote in the looming election.

People like JAK swallow spin without thinking like they breathe air.

Now they would like NZers to forget the last 5.5 years under Labour - it never happened!

Most transparent government ever!

100,000 Kiwibuild homes!

Transformative initiatives to drive healthcare, education and policing!


Bill Smith
05-03-2023, 03:57 PM
One would need to be a screw loose to not reflect on the damage Labour has inflicted on the nation prior to casting a vote in the looming election.

That's the point! dobby, jak, bluesky, tim123, and the other labour shills here, are in dire need of a screwdriver.

05-03-2023, 05:34 PM
That's the point! dobby, jak, bluesky, tim123, and the other labour shills here, are in dire need of a screwdriver.

JAK is confirming without doubt her commmitment to Labour is set in stone. Blind faith is not healthy.

05-03-2023, 07:06 PM
So Mahuta declined a desperate request from Ukraine last year for 10 high-tech grain stacking machines from MHM Automation in Christchurch. She prefers to send "humanitarian and military support", both of which we do on such small scales that it is meaningless. But apparently better than sending them grain stackers that are actually much needed and could make a difference.
From the Herald:
"But the minister declined the application, saying the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) does not currently have a development co-operation programme for Ukraine and “at this stage the Government’s focus is on humanitarian assistance to meet immediate needs, and responding to Ukraine’s requests for military equipment in defence of its sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

"Premium" article in the Herald https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/russia-ukraine-war-desperate-plea-for-help-over-2023-ukraine-grain-harvest-declined-by-foreign-minister-nanaia-mahuta/6K3T2RSHAFG3PCYHOZ2O4PEG6I/

fungus pudding
05-03-2023, 07:17 PM
So Mahuta declined a desperate request from Ukraine last year for 10 high-tech grain stacking machines from MHM Automation in Christchurch. She prefers to send "humanitarian and military support", both of which we do on such small scales that it is meaningless. But apparently better than sending them grain stackers that are actually much needed and could make a difference.
From the Herald:
"But the minister declined the application, saying the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) does not currently have a development co-operation programme for Ukraine and “at this stage the Government’s focus is on humanitarian assistance to meet immediate needs, and responding to Ukraine’s requests for military equipment in defence of its sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

"Premium" article in the Herald https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/russia-ukraine-war-desperate-plea-for-help-over-2023-ukraine-grain-harvest-declined-by-foreign-minister-nanaia-mahuta/6K3T2RSHAFG3PCYHOZ2O4PEG6I/

You may be expecting a little too much.

05-03-2023, 07:24 PM
That is where you are so wrong - leopards do not change their spots although Labour is doing its darn best to scrub the last 5 years of incompetent, divisive and spin driven government out of its record book.

Sadly, there are many NZers who still fall for the continuing spin.
Actually leopards do change their spots- remember the Labour years with Roger Douglas? You surely don’t need a history lesson do you?

05-03-2023, 07:32 PM
Actually leopards do change their spots- remember the Labour years with Roger Douglas? You surely don’t need a history lesson do you?

Douglas and Prebble left the Left to form ACT. Which is now right of the Right.

Has Labour been wrong these last 5.5 years? You have constantly defended them. Is Labour right now that Hipkins is undoing the most extreme of their idiotic policies as fast as he can?

Where does that leave voters like you? A flock without a shepherd?

Where has Cindy gone? Where is Hipkins leading you?

05-03-2023, 07:52 PM
People like JAK swallow spin without thinking like they breathe air.

Now they would like NZers to forget the last 5.5 years under Labour - it never happened!

Most transparent government ever!

100,000 Kiwibuild homes!

Transformative initiatives to drive healthcare, education and policing!


That is a very harsh comment Balance and one that is clearly not correct.

Justakiwi has stated many times on here she is not a labour supporter and she does not come across to me as someone who swallows spin without thinking. You do her an injustice saying that. I think she comes across as someone who actually thinks a lot about how things have been and how things could be better in the future and which party can make that happen going forward.

Be anti Labour all you want Balance but please give up your relentless attacks on people like Justakiwi who are just an entitled as you are to express their opinion without being subjected to personal attacks

05-03-2023, 08:01 PM
That is a very harsh comment Balance and one that is clearly not correct.

Justakiwi has stated many times on here she is not a labour supporter and she does not come across to me as someone who swallows spin without thinking. You do her an injustice saying that. I think she comes across as someone who actually thinks a lot about how things have been and how things could be better in the future and which party can make that happen going forward.

Be anti Labour all you want Balance but please give up your relentless attacks on people like Justakiwi who are just an entitled as you are to express their opinion without being subjected to personal attacks

JAK is on record as having voted for Labour because of Ardern - twice.

Ardern is nothing but spin and BS.

So who has been swallowing spin & BS?

05-03-2023, 08:14 PM
Douglas and Prebble left the Left to form ACT. Which is now right of the Right.

Has Labour been wrong these last 5.5 years? You have constantly defended them. Is Labour right now that Hipkins is undoing the most extreme of their idiotic policies as fast as he can?

Where does that leave voters like you? A flock without a shepherd?

Where has Cindy gone? Where is Hipkins leading you?
I was simply replying to Balances allegation that leopards don’t change their spots and as you have kindly pointed out - they do.

05-03-2023, 08:20 PM
JAK is on record as having voted for Labour because of Ardern - twice.

Ardern is nothing but spin and BS.

So who has been swallowing spin & BS?

Just because Justakiwi voted for Labour in the past does not mean she swallowed any spin or BS. We all have our reasons for how we voted in the past.

I think Justakiwi has made it pretty clear she is undecided who she will vote for this time. I say good on her for being open minded and taking time to decide whose policies she supports.

I am confident she will do her own research and reach a decision that feels right. That is all any of us can do.

05-03-2023, 08:22 PM
I was simply replying to Balances allegation that leopards don’t change their spots and as you have kindly pointed out - they do.

They don’t - Douglas & Prebble never changed their free market stance & policies.

Hipkins and Labour are the same as Ardern & Labour - all spin & no delivery.

Only drongoes with the IQ of a mite think differently.

05-03-2023, 08:42 PM
Just because Justakiwi voted for Labour in the past does not mean she swallowed any spin or BS. We all have our reasons for how we voted in the past.

I think Justakiwi has made it pretty clear she is undecided who she will vote for this time. I say good on her for being open minded and taking time to decide whose policies she supports.

I am confident she will do her own research and reach a decision that feels right. That is all any of us can do.

She voted Ardern because she swallowed Ardern’s spin and BS.

All spin and no delivery.

Most transparent government ever!

05-03-2023, 08:58 PM
I was simply replying to Balances allegation that leopards don’t change their spots and as you have kindly pointed out - they do.

But Hipkins is merely hiding his until after the election. Blue skies has been at least upfront enough in their repeated claims of just delaying Labour's racist policies.

05-03-2023, 09:07 PM

Russia-Ukraine war: NZ Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta declines plea for help over grain harvest

Probably too busy fumbling her way (not very well) through 3 Idiots on Water ? ;)

Blue Skies
05-03-2023, 09:18 PM
Voters need only ask one question at the election before casting their previous votes :

‘Is NZ a better country after 6 years under Labour?’

OR a more rational question would be, would NZ have been a better country under National govt?
And the answer is definitely no.

There's as many as 80,000 people alive today, who would have died if National had led the response to the Covid pandemic.
Many of us going through chemotherapy in 2020 thought there was no way we would survive as we watched mass graves being dug in New York, Italy & Spain, & the thousands dying in the UK.
The oncologists didn't know what to do.
They said it was too dangerous to continue with chemo which will wreck your immune system meaning you won't survive Covid, but we can't let your cancer continue to spread.
It was a Sophies choice!
They had never experienced a global pandemic sweeping the planet like this.

Then Jacinda led an elimination policy & NZ literally became the safest place on the planet.
It was like a miracle for us & meant we could continue with chemo, radiotherapy & many other treatments, operations which had been postponed could suddenly go ahead & hospitals were not overwhelmed as in other countries.
Apart from cancer patients there are so many others with compromised immune systems, up to 25% of the population, organ transplant patients on immunosuppressive drugs, people with M.S, diabetes, Stem cell transplant patients, & many others living & working in our communities.

I remember early on a lovely girl of about 20 busily doing her uni assignment towards her degree next to me in the ward as we got our bags of IV chemo dripping through a line into a vein in our arms.
It seemed so unfair on young people like her, with her whole life ahead of her, National & ACT were saying we have to open the borders & just learn to live with Covid!
How ridiculous, as if that was a possibility for any of us, we had no chance & would have just been collateral damage.

And although eventually we had to open the borders, it allowed precious time for vaccines & antivirals like Paxlovid to be developed & Covid to mutate into less lethal variants.

So for thousands of us we are incredibly grateful Jacinda Ardern was our PM when this global pandemic struck & we will always be grateful to those fellow Kiwis who made sacrifices like missing weddings, or seeing relatives for those few years in order to save many lives. They may not realise it but it made a difference.

05-03-2023, 09:25 PM
OR a more rational question would be, would NZ have been a better country under National govt?
And the answer is definitely no.

There's as many as 80,000 people alive today, who would have died if National had led the response to the Covid pandemic.
Many of us going through chemotherapy in 2020 thought there was no way we would survive as we watched mass graves being dug in New York, Italy & Spain, & the thousands dying in the UK.
The oncologists didn't know what to do.
They said it was too dangerous to continue with chemo which will wreck your immune system meaning you won't survive Covid, but we can't let your cancer continue to spread.
It was a Sophies choice!
They had never experienced a global pandemic sweeping the planet like this.

Then Jacinda led an elimination policy & NZ literally became the safest place on the planet.
It was like a miracle for us & meant we could continue with chemo, radiotherapy & many other treatments, operations which had been postponed could suddenly go ahead & hospitals were not overwhelmed as in other countries.
Apart from cancer patients there are so many others with compromised immune systems, up to 25% of the population, organ transplant patients on immunosuppressive drugs, people with M.S, diabetes, Stem cell transplant patients, & many others living & working in our communities.

I remember early on a lovely girl of about 20 busily doing her uni assignment towards her degree next to me in the ward as we got our bags of IV chemo dripping through a line into a vein in our arms.
It seemed so unfair on young people like her, with her whole life ahead of her, National & ACT were saying we have to open the borders & just learn to live with Covid!
How ridiculous, as if that was a possibility for any of us, we had no chance & would have just been collateral damage.

And although eventually we had to open the borders, it allowed precious time for vaccines & antivirals like Paxlovid to be developed & Covid to mutate into less lethal variants.

So for thousands of us we are incredibly grateful Jacinda Ardern was our PM when this global pandemic struck & we will always be grateful to those fellow Kiwis who made sacrifices like missing weddings, or seeing relatives for those few years in order to save many lives. They may not realise it but it made a difference.

GARBAGE as usual.

Unadulterated garbage from one of Labour’s spin & BS artists.

05-03-2023, 09:37 PM
OR a more rational question would be, would NZ have been a better country under National govt?
And the answer is definitely no.

There's as many as 80,000 people alive today, who would have died if National had led the response to the Covid pandemic.
Many of us going through chemotherapy in 2020 thought there was no way we would survive as we watched mass graves being dug in New York, Italy & Spain, & the thousands dying in the UK.
The oncologists didn't know what to do.
They said it was too dangerous to continue with chemo which will wreck your immune system meaning you won't survive Covid, but we can't let your cancer continue to spread.
It was a Sophies choice!
They had never experienced a global pandemic sweeping the planet like this.

Then Jacinda led an elimination policy & NZ literally became the safest place on the planet.
It was like a miracle for us & meant we could continue with chemo, radiotherapy & many other treatments, operations which had been postponed could suddenly go ahead & hospitals were not overwhelmed as in other countries.
Apart from cancer patients there are so many others with compromised immune systems, up to 25% of the population, organ transplant patients on immunosuppressive drugs, people with M.S, diabetes, Stem cell transplant patients, & many others living & working in our communities.

I remember early on a lovely girl of about 20 busily doing her uni assignment towards her degree next to me in the ward as we got our bags of IV chemo dripping through a line into a vein in our arms.
It seemed so unfair on young people like her, with her whole life ahead of her, National & ACT were saying we have to open the borders & just learn to live with Covid!
How ridiculous, as if that was a possibility for any of us, we had no chance & would have just been collateral damage.

And although eventually we had to open the borders, it allowed precious time for vaccines & antivirals like Paxlovid to be developed & Covid to mutate into less lethal variants.

So for thousands of us we are incredibly grateful Jacinda Ardern was our PM when this global pandemic struck & we will always be grateful to those fellow Kiwis who made sacrifices like missing weddings, or seeing relatives for those few years in order to save many lives. They may not realise it but it made a difference.

You can't have a definite answer to a hypothetical. We don't know whether NZ would have been better off under the Nats. We do know that Labour have made a dog's breakfast of the country, radicalised the far right (thankfully tiny numbers), imposed authoritarian divisive and harmful policies and shown themselves to be the most incompetent government in my lifetime.

As for your last paragraph, the supreme arrogance of demanding charity and sacrifice of others by imposing mandates, splitting families from their dying loved ones, delaying treatments and surgeries and a myriad of other ongoing side effects, sums up Ardern's virtue signaling hypocrisy.

The obvious path was what the WHO's pandemic plan provided prior to the pandemic. Protect the vulnerable while keeping society functioning.

05-03-2023, 09:39 PM
OR a more rational question would be, would NZ have been a better country under National govt?
And the answer is definitely no.

There's as many as 80,000 people alive today, who would have died if National had led the response to the Covid pandemic.
Many of us going through chemotherapy in 2020 thought there was no way we would survive as we watched mass graves being dug in New York, Italy & Spain, & the thousands dying in the UK.
The oncologists didn't know what to do.
They said it was too dangerous to continue with chemo which will wreck your immune system meaning you won't survive Covid, but we can't let your cancer continue to spread.
It was a Sophies choice!
They had never experienced a global pandemic sweeping the planet like this.

Then Jacinda led an elimination policy & NZ literally became the safest place on the planet.
It was like a miracle for us & meant we could continue with chemo, radiotherapy & many other treatments, operations which had been postponed could suddenly go ahead & hospitals were not overwhelmed as in other countries.
Apart from cancer patients there are so many others with compromised immune systems, up to 25% of the population, organ transplant patients on immunosuppressive drugs, people with M.S, diabetes, Stem cell transplant patients, & many others living & working in our communities.

I remember early on a lovely girl of about 20 busily doing her uni assignment towards her degree next to me in the ward as we got our bags of IV chemo dripping through a line into a vein in our arms.
It seemed so unfair on young people like her, with her whole life ahead of her, National & ACT were saying we have to open the borders & just learn to live with Covid!
How ridiculous, as if that was a possibility for any of us, we had no chance & would have just been collateral damage.

And although eventually we had to open the borders, it allowed precious time for vaccines & antivirals like Paxlovid to be developed & Covid to mutate into less lethal variants.

So for thousands of us we are incredibly grateful Jacinda Ardern was our PM when this global pandemic struck & we will always be grateful to those fellow Kiwis who made sacrifices like missing weddings, or seeing relatives for those few years in order to save many lives. They may not realise it but it made a difference.

Gosh, sorry to hear you had cancer and needed chemo Blue Skies, thanks for sharing that with us, that would have been an extremely tough time for you and your family. I hope you are well now. All the best :)

05-03-2023, 09:40 PM
Deleted deleted

05-03-2023, 09:47 PM
GARBAGE as usual.

Unadulterated garbage from one of Labour’s spin & BS artists.


So Blue Skies just shares with us he had cancer and needed chemotherapy in 2020 and he believes Jacinda’s elimination helped save his and others lives and you call his post GARBAGE! :scared:

What a heartless comment :t_down:

05-03-2023, 10:25 PM

So Blue Skies just shares with us he had cancer and needed chemotherapy in 2020 and he believes Jacinda’s elimination helped save his and others lives and you call his post GARBAGE! :scared:

What a heartless comment :t_down:

Zero mention of the horrendous waiting lists for surgeries, diagnosis, screening and treatment because of Ardern’s dumb & disastrous policies during and post Covid.

Hence, absolute garbage from Blue Skies.

05-03-2023, 10:49 PM

Blue Skies
05-03-2023, 11:07 PM
Gosh, sorry to hear you had cancer and needed chemo Blue Skies, thanks for sharing that with us, that would have been an extremely tough time for you and your family. I hope you are well now. All the best :)

Many thanks RB, I've hesitated sharing this but just feel its time to speak up because we never hear the other side of the government's pandemic response story.
- The people who didn't die, the thing that didn't happen, therefore, that some will never have the capacity to understand.

There's a bit to add actually.
Unfortunately my cancer returned a year after the chemo, but due to the govt's record 40% increase in funding for PHARMAC, there are new drugs which are both more effective & far easier to tolerate now fully funded.
(They're fully funded in Australia.)

It was almost criminal the National govt so starved PHARMAC for funding & would allow people to go through chemo which is cheap & brutal, when there were far better treatments available & provided by our nearest neighbour.
PHARMAC is still underfunded compared to Australia, but at least this govt is trying to address the huge gap National left us.

Although parts of our health system like every country are under huge stress, the standard of care, attention & expertise in my experience has been nothing short of amazing. We are so lucky.
As one cancer nurse said to me, we only hear the bad stories in the media!

Im doing well now thanks, there's others like me, under treatment but still extremely active & busy & apart from battling this cancer, fitter than many of my contemporaries.

And for others, I've never ever even considered joining a political party & have voted both National & Labour in the past.

06-03-2023, 12:04 AM
46% jump in hospital waiting list :


Most transparent government ever!

06-03-2023, 08:47 AM
46% jump in hospital waiting list :


Most transparent government ever!

You missed the bit where they have spent nearly $400 million in a failed effort to reduce waiting times. And the bit where non-acute elective surgery waiting list has jumped 69% over a similar period.

Yet another of the "we'll lock you up and keep you safe" policy side effects coming home to roost. But no one wanted to know when the down stream effects were pointed out. Such was the fear that Ardern and Hipkins promulgated. Add to that the beyond useless Andrew Little and what a toxic mess of failure!

Can anyone name anything Little has touched that has been a success? He's got a similar track record to Twyford....maybe more expensive!

06-03-2023, 08:57 AM
I don't know how you sleep at night Balance. You listen to nobody. You have zero empathy and zero insight into your own obnoxious personality and behaviour. I am more than used to, and now unbothered by your personal attacks, but your treatment of Blue Skies is unconscionable. He shares something incredibly personal and you ride rough-shod over it, trampling his experience with cancer into the ground on the way.

Your lowest point ever, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You owe Blue Skies an apology, but we all know it won't be forthcoming. You are as predictable as the rising sun.

It matters not which political party Blue Skies supports. He/she is genuinely good human being - something you will never be.

46% jump in hospital waiting list :


Most transparent government ever!

06-03-2023, 09:48 AM
I don't know how you sleep at night Balance. You listen to nobody. You have zero empathy and zero insight into your own obnoxious personality and behaviour. I am more than used to, and now unbothered by your personal attacks, but your treatment of Blue Skies is unconscionable. He shares something incredibly personal and you ride rough-shod over it, trampling his experience with cancer into the ground on the way.

Your lowest point ever, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You owe Blue Skies an apology, but we all know it won't be forthcoming. You are as predictable as the rising sun.

It matters not which political party Blue Skies supports. He/she is genuinely good human being - something you will never be.

Totally agree

06-03-2023, 10:20 AM
He shares something incredibly personal and you ride rough-shod over it, trampling his experience with cancer into the ground on the way.

You owe Blue Skies an apology, but we all know it won't be forthcoming. You are as predictable as the rising sun.

It matters not which political party Blue Skies supports. He/she is genuinely good human being - something you will never be.

JAK, you are right that Blue Skies shared a personal and sad story. But he/she also makes some highly political and seriously questionable comments about deaths etc in the justification of the World's cruelest COVID response, outside of China. Many people have personal stories to share from the lockdowns and the terrible and unnecessary effects it had on tens of thousands of people. I personally have such a story but it is not for this thread. They deserve the same empathy as Blue Skies with his issue but have been completely ignored by the Government and those justifying the cruel COVID response. "Be kind" never extended to them.

06-03-2023, 10:40 AM
I respect and accept that. I also accept and respect the fact that we all have different opinions and that is fine. But what I’m talking about has nothing to do with politics. Balance is entitled to his opinion as are you and I and Blue Skies. Nobody denies that. But this thread has brought out the very worst in people. Are we really at the point where we can not even care about someone who has a differing opinion to our own? Are we really willing to sacrifice our humanity to shred those we don’t agree with? My comments to Balance have never been about his political views. They have always been about his lack of humanity and his behaviour towards others. He is obsessive and is becoming less rational in his responses to others, by the day, and I am not OK with it. Are you?

I don’t wish to add anything more to this thread. I have said what I needed to say and I stand by my comments. It is not politics that divides us. It is our lack of humanity and humility.

JAK, you are right that Blue Skies shared a personal and sad story. But he/she also makes some highly political and seriously questionable comments about deaths etc in the justification of the World's cruelest COVID response, outside of China. Many people have personal stories to share from the lockdowns and the terrible and unnecessary effects it had on tens of thousands of people. I personally have such a story but it is not for this thread. They deserve the same empathy as Blue Skies with his issue but have been completely ignored by the Government and those justifying the cruel COVID response. "Be kind" never extended to them.

06-03-2023, 10:46 AM
JAK, you are right that Blue Skies shared a personal and sad story. But he/she also makes some highly political and seriously questionable comments about deaths etc in the justification of the World's cruelest COVID response, outside of China. Many people have personal stories to share from the lockdowns and the terrible and unnecessary effects it had on tens of thousands of people. I personally have such a story but it is not for this thread. They deserve the same empathy as Blue Skies with his issue but have been completely ignored by the Government and those justifying the cruel COVID response. "Be kind" never extended to them.

We were all impacted in some way by Covid or the elimination strategy. We probably all know someone close to us who died from Covid or people who were affected by the elimination strategy and unable to attend a family members funeral for example. It had wide reaching effects on all of us and still does. There are many people whose health is still badly affected from having Covid and there are many people whose businesses have gone under. It is easy to look back and say **** the Government handled that really badly and their policies were cruel and uncalled for. As a medical professional I can tell you doctors and nurses were terrified of going to work when Covid was rampant in the community and terrified the hospital system would not cope with the number of cases coming through the doors. No one knew at the time what the best strategy was, this was a new world we were trying to navigate. Sure the Government didnt get everything right but I do believe a lot of lives were saved by the early elimination strategy as Blue Skies has stated. His being one of them

06-03-2023, 02:07 PM
I don't know how you sleep at night Balance. You listen to nobody. You have zero empathy and zero insight into your own obnoxious personality and behaviour. I am more than used to, and now unbothered by your personal attacks, but your treatment of Blue Skies is unconscionable. He shares something incredibly personal and you ride rough-shod over it, trampling his experience with cancer into the ground on the way.

Your lowest point ever, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You owe Blue Skies an apology, but we all know it won't be forthcoming. You are as predictable as the rising sun.

It matters not which political party Blue Skies supports. He/she is genuinely good human being - something you will never be.

Genuinely good human being?

Just like Clueless Cindy?

You know, the one who promised ‘most transparent government ever’ but is now revealed to be the most manipulative and divisive person to lead NZ since Buffoon Muldoon?

The one who abandoned ship after failing to deliver on any of the huge promises she made to hoodwink the likes of you to vote for her?

Blue Skies is but another Labour & Ardern supporter using spin and BS to try and justify the 5.5 years of all spin and no delivery by this wretchedly incompetent and power mad government intent on driving NZ down into the ground.

Is NZ a kinder and better place today than 2017?

I sleep well at night because I know I called Ardern & this government & their supporters right - they are fraudsters and useless.

06-03-2023, 03:45 PM
GARBAGE as usual.

Unadulterated garbage from one of Labour’s spin & BS artists.
OMG - I don’t know Blue Skies from Adam but I’m confident their talking about Chemo is genuine. So you reply with this crass stuff - you should be ashamed but sadly you probably aren’t and worst still you will have your other Flunkies who will support you.

06-03-2023, 03:49 PM
OMG - I don’t know Blue Skies from Adam but I’m confident their talking about Chemo is genuine. So you reply with this crass stuff - you should be ashamed but sadly you probably aren’t and worst still you will have your other Flunkies who will support you.

You are a fraud just like Blue Skies & Clueless Cindy.

Using spin and BS - you and your kind.

Trying to deny now that the last 5.5 years under Ardern’s broken promises and useless government never happened. How gullible do you think
NZers are?

06-03-2023, 04:06 PM
You are a fraud just like Blue Skies & Clueless Cindy.

Using spin and BS - you and your kind.

Trying to deny now that the last 5.5 years under Ardern’s broken promises and useless government never happened. How gullible do you think
NZers are?

You clearly needed help some time ago and sadly you probably never got it. I’m guessing you are beyond apologising. Tragic.

06-03-2023, 04:33 PM
You clearly needed help some time ago and sadly you probably never got it. I’m guessing you are beyond apologising. Tragic.


To frauds like BS & the likes of you lot?

To the deniers of the 5.5 years of lies, spin and BS of Labour government?

Come kiss my posterior.

06-03-2023, 06:26 PM
More spin & BS from Hipkins :


From the very same government which blew $56m on the bike bridge to nowhere.

06-03-2023, 07:09 PM
Hopefully the TV series Faking It does an episode on Comrade Cinders.

Then even the blind and deaf Jacindaites will have to accept what a fraud she is.

06-03-2023, 07:25 PM
Hopefully the TV series Faking It does an episode on Comrade Cinders.

Then even the blind and deaf Jacindaites will have to accept what a fraud she is.
Another Balance Flunky - your post is lame at best.

06-03-2023, 07:35 PM
Another Balance Flunky - your post is lame at best.
As much as anyone may have sympathy for Blue Skies affected by cancer, such deference should not be at the expense of incisive comment.
This is a public forum, not the BS friendship society.

06-03-2023, 09:01 PM
I respect and accept that. I also accept and respect the fact that we all have different opinions and that is fine. But what I’m talking about has nothing to do with politics. Balance is entitled to his opinion as are you and I and Blue Skies. Nobody denies that. But this thread has brought out the very worst in people. Are we really at the point where we can not even care about someone who has a differing opinion to our own? Are we really willing to sacrifice our humanity to shred those we don’t agree with? My comments to Balance have never been about his political views. They have always been about his lack of humanity and his behaviour towards others. He is obsessive and is becoming less rational in his responses to others, by the day, and I am not OK with it. Are you?

I don’t wish to add anything more to this thread. I have said what I needed to say and I stand by my comments. It is not politics that divides us. It is our lack of humanity and humility.

Don't be worried about what Balance does. The real issue in NZ lies with Jacinda Ardern having done a top job in ram railing here ideas through Parliament. The co-governance has affected every single person living in NZ. If you point out of the few people in this forum as being evil, I can't think of any other person in NZ that has done so much damage to the country than Ms Ardern. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because a political leader has some fancy ideas for the country, they should at least be in line with what the voters wanted. I'm saying don't be mad at Balance.. there's worse things to be mad about.

06-03-2023, 09:19 PM

Pharmac/ACC chairman, former Labour minister Steve Maharey in hot water for public political comments

How are the Brownie points tally on your card - Steve ? ;)

If insufficient - best you step down before the Labour Beehive posse gets to you and takes your head and shoulders off :)

06-03-2023, 09:24 PM

Petrol tax hikes on the table as Government plans multi-billion dollar transport shakeup, swapping car parks for bus lanes and cycle ways

More large craters in everyone's wallets coming up soon from Woody Woodpecker - the Labour Pot Hole master ;)

06-03-2023, 09:57 PM

To frauds like BS & the likes of you lot?

To the deniers of the 5.5 years of lies, spin and BS of Labour government?

Come kiss my posterior.

With your crude description of Rob Campbell and the above comment you seem to have a rather unhealthy obsession ?


06-03-2023, 10:17 PM
Another Balance Flunky - your post is lame at best.

Now you mention lame, a bloke lost his prosthetic leg in the cyclone.
He's made an insurance claim, but the company reckon he hasn't got a leg to stand on!

fungus pudding
07-03-2023, 09:01 AM
Now you mention lame, a bloke lost his prosthetic leg in the cyclone.
He's made an insurance claim, but the company reckon he hasn't got a leg to stand on!

I'm not all that good at maths, but I reckon he should still have one left to stand on; not sure if it will be the right left, or the left left.

Reminds me of the fella with wooden legs who lived in a wooden house.
One day the house caught fire. The fire brigade managed to save the house, but he was burnt to the ground.

07-03-2023, 09:10 AM
I'm not all that good at maths, but I reckon he should still have one left to stand on; not sure if it will be the right left, or the left left.

We do know he needn't waste his time as an artiste casting for the new Tarzan movie...which as we all know, would pose its challenges for a unidexter. (apologies Peter Cook/Dudley Moore)

Blue Skies
07-03-2023, 10:02 AM
Don't be worried about what Balance does. The real issue in NZ lies with Jacinda Ardern having done a top job in ram railing here ideas through Parliament. The co-governance has affected every single person living in NZ. If you point out of the few people in this forum as being evil, I can't think of any other person in NZ that has done so much damage to the country than Ms Ardern. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because a political leader has some fancy ideas for the country, they should at least be in line with what the voters wanted. I'm saying don't be mad at Balance.. there's worse things to be mad about.

If you're seriously interested in this area of co-governance, instead of getting all this nonsense off Social Media, you might want to do some basic research, and you will very quickly find Co-governance is not some idea belonging to Jacinda Ardern or that she was trying to 'ram railing' it 'through parliament'.

The Co-governance model was worked on by Chris Finlayson former Minister for Treaty Negotiations in John Key's National government some years ago.
In fact Co-governance was introduced in 1995, when Jacinda Ardern would have been in her late teens or early twenties!
So I have to ask, whats with the attacking Ardern for Co-governance & suggesting it was her idea & she was ram railing some fancy ideas for the country through parliament ???

The Crown Law office constantly has to defend this govt from claims it is not doing enough to honour the Treaty.
No PM can overrule the law, & if there's a change of govt, you're dreaming if you think Luxon will be any different. Anything suggesting otherwise is just race baiting electioneering & he's patronising a chunk of disaffected voters as easily fooled & being too simple to get it.

You're mad, really angry about this so do a bit of basic research, go to your local library & stay away from the nonsense on Social media which is full of rubbish written by ignorant people.


07-03-2023, 12:57 PM
If you're seriously interested in this area of co-governance, instead of getting all this nonsense off Social Media, you might want to do some basic research, and you will very quickly find Co-governance is not some idea belonging to Jacinda Ardern or that she was trying to 'ram railing' it 'through parliament'.

The Co-governance model was worked on by Chris Finlayson former Minister for Treaty Negotiations in John Key's National government some years ago.
In fact Co-governance was introduced in 1995, when Jacinda Ardern would have been in her late teens or early twenties!
So I have to ask, whats with the attacking Ardern for Co-governance & suggesting it was her idea & she was ram railing some fancy ideas for the country through parliament ???

The Crown Law office constantly has to defend this govt from claims it is not doing enough to honour the Treaty.
No PM can overrule the law, & if there's a change of govt, you're dreaming if you think Luxon will be any different. Anything suggesting otherwise is just race baiting electioneering & he's patronising a chunk of disaffected voters as easily fooled & being too simple to get it.

You're mad, really angry about this so do a bit of basic research, go to your local library & stay away from the nonsense on Social media which is full of rubbish written by ignorant people.


A thoughtful, measured, and informative reply which (unfortunately) will make no difference whatever to many of the posters on this site.

07-03-2023, 02:15 PM
If you're seriously interested in this area of co-governance, instead of getting all this nonsense off Social Media, you might want to do some basic research, and you will very quickly find Co-governance is not some idea belonging to Jacinda Ardern or that she was trying to 'ram railing' it 'through parliament'.

The Co-governance model was worked on by Chris Finlayson former Minister for Treaty Negotiations in John Key's National government some years ago.
In fact Co-governance was introduced in 1995, when Jacinda Ardern would have been in her late teens or early twenties!
So I have to ask, whats with the attacking Ardern for Co-governance & suggesting it was her idea & she was ram railing some fancy ideas for the country through parliament ???

The Crown Law office constantly has to defend this govt from claims it is not doing enough to honour the Treaty.
No PM can overrule the law, & if there's a change of govt, you're dreaming if you think Luxon will be any different. Anything suggesting otherwise is just race baiting electioneering & he's patronising a chunk of disaffected voters as easily fooled & being too simple to get it.

You're mad, really angry about this so do a bit of basic research, go to your local library & stay away from the nonsense on Social media which is full of rubbish written by ignorant people.


Garbage as usual from the resident Ardern apologist and denier of the last 5.5 years of Labour’s incompetent and deceitful government.

If co-governance is not such a big issue, why did Ardern downplay it and being the ‘most transparent government ever’ hid the Maorification agenda from the public and Winston Peters?

And we now have Hipkins downplaying and in fact, scrapping it as a policy for 2023 until after the election?

07-03-2023, 02:24 PM
Hipkins said one thing and now, his health minister says another.

Chip off the Ardern block Hipkins cannot help revealing his true self - all spin and BS like his predecessor.


07-03-2023, 02:30 PM
Most transparent government ever in action!

Real reason why Hipkins sacked Campbell :



“And he promoted the value of co-governance, with the benefit of his own experience, at a time when Hipkins had signalled he wanted to shut down the debate and possibly the policy itself.

Campbell faux-enraged National by criticising them, although secretly they must have been thrilled. He enraged Labour much more by enraging National. Worst of all, he publicly questioned the wisdom of the very reforms he was supposed to champion.”

07-03-2023, 10:59 PM
46% jump in hospital waiting list :


Most transparent government ever!

Dunedin Hospital postpones operations & surgeries due to staff shortages - the bankrupt & clueless antics of Ardern, Little & Labour in action.

Remember how they said there were queues of nurses and medical personnel beating a path to NZ - so NZ can be very choosy with who to allow into NZ?


Blue Skies
08-03-2023, 11:47 AM
JAK, you are right that Blue Skies shared a personal and sad story. But he/she also makes some highly political and seriously questionable comments about deaths etc in the justification of the World's cruelest COVID response, outside of China. Many people have personal stories to share from the lockdowns and the terrible and unnecessary effects it had on tens of thousands of people. I personally have such a story but it is not for this thread. They deserve the same empathy as Blue Skies with his issue but have been completely ignored by the Government and those justifying the cruel COVID response. "Be kind" never extended to them.

Just a couple of points Iceman, I wasn't sharing a sad story, it was a happy story for so many of us. But I never said for everyone.
The world was facing the greatest public health crisis in the last 100 years, with an extremely infectious airborne virus killing hundreds of thousands (almost 7 million now) & overloaded health systems collapsing everywhere.

We didn't expect to live through it, but I & so many others are still here.
NZ's covid response made us the safest place in the world. Everywhere life expectancy dropped but here in NZ life expectancy actually increased.
I wasn't making any political statement, just telling what it was like for many of us & the side of the story which seldom gets mentioned.
We've never tried to diminish & always acknowledged the pain the lockdowns caused some people, but you guys never seem to acknowledge us, the huge numbers who were protected & alive today because of our govt's response.
And that above all our Health system was protected from being overwhelmed.
Friends who are doctors in hospitals in both the US & UK say it was catastrophic, chaos, terrifying & we're not just talking about deaths from Covid but from many fairly minor treatable ailments because the hospitals were completely overwhelmed.
In a situation like this, there are no 'good' choices, there's only difficult choices and worse ones.

And every single Covid policy was driven not by Jacinda Ardern, but by the whole machinery of Public Health experts & scientists.
The PM was implementing the best scientific & public health advice available at the time.

Other leaders like Boris Johnson & Trump, Bolsenaro, Conte in Italy (now under investigation for waiting too long for lockdown) etc ignored advice resulting in millions of preventable deaths.

08-03-2023, 12:06 PM
Blue Skies you sid the following in the post in question:
"OR a more rational question would be, would NZ have been a better country under National govt?
And the answer is definitely no.

There's as many as 80,000 people alive today, who would have died if National had led the response to the Covid pandemic."

It is quite a stretch to say this isn't political and your most recent post that makes all sorts of claims such as "safest place in the World", "The PM was implementing the best scientific & public health advice available at the time.".

All highly political and seriously debatable.

Blue Skies
08-03-2023, 12:47 PM
Blue Skies you sid the following in the post in question:
"OR a more rational question would be, would NZ have been a better country under National govt?
And the answer is definitely no.

There's as many as 80,000 people alive today, who would have died if National had led the response to the Covid pandemic."

It is quite a stretch to say this isn't political and your most recent post that makes all sorts of claims such as "safest place in the World", "The PM was implementing the best scientific & public health advice available at the time.".

All highly political and seriously debatable.

Well we can see now looking at the world data, our early hard & fast lockdown response & continuing response did make us one of the safest places in the world. Just look at the data, its not really debatable.
And it's on record, National were all over the place, they would have delayed until it was too late & elimination became impossible, wanting to open the borders at the wrong times, undermining the best Public Health advice, politicising the health response as hard as they could with little regard for the consequences. Sometimes they got it right & sometimes they got it wrong, but as we've seen overseas, Covid is so infectious you can't afford to get it wrong because once it gets into the population you can't stop it.
Modelling suggests up to 80,000 lives would have been lost if Delta had got into NZ in 2020.

You've alluded to the fact you or someone close to you has obviously suffered deeply as a result of the lockdowns & I don't mean to diminish in any way what you've been through. I know it's been tough for many, while others have done very well.
We had close relatives who couldn't see their kids who were overseas for a couple of years and a friend who lost their business, & they suffered but have recovered & doing well now.
There's only one thing I can think of which might have affected you so deeply and that's a suicide & if that's it then that's truely awful & tragic & I'm really sorry & can understand your antipathy towards the govt.
That would be a very private thing so don't feel you need to respond to that.

08-03-2023, 01:01 PM
Well we can see now looking at the world data, our early hard & fast lockdown response & continuing response did make us one of the safest places in the world. Just look at the data, its not really debatable.
And it's on record, National were all over the place, they would have delayed until it was too late & elimination became impossible, wanting to open the borders at the wrong times, undermining the best Public Health advice, politicising the health response as hard as they could with little regard for the consequences. Sometimes they got it right & sometimes they got it wrong, but as we've seen overseas, Covid is so infectious you can't afford to get it wrong because once it gets into the population you can't stop it.
Modelling suggests up to 80,000 lives would have been lost if Delta had got into NZ in 2020.

You've alluded to the fact you or someone close to you has obviously suffered deeply as a result of the lockdowns & I don't mean to diminish in any way what you've been through. I know it's been tough for many, while others have done very well.
We had close relatives who couldn't see their kids who were overseas for a couple of years and a friend who lost their business, & they suffered but have recovered & doing well now.
There's only one thing I can think of which might have affected you so deeply and that's a suicide & if that's it then that's truely awful & tragic & I'm really sorry & can understand your antipathy towards the govt.
That would be a very private thing so don't feel you need to respond to that.

You still seem to dwell in the world of fear spread by Ardern Blue Skie. Modelling can give you any result you seek depending on the inputs. Our Covid mortality rate would appear to have been merely delayed and spread over a longer time period than other countries. For this we are now paying a heavy price through all the downstream consequences.

Not really debateable? That's what was rammed down our throats from the Pulpit of Truth, which as is being shown in the US inquiry into Covid management, was full of scaremongering and misinformation. What we were told was "the science" were often poorly conducted or biased studies that served the purposes of those promoting them.

Labour will reap what it sowed. Unfortunately it will impact deeply on a now divided nation for many years to come.

08-03-2023, 01:05 PM
If you're seriously interested in this area of co-governance, instead of getting all this nonsense off Social Media, you might want to do some basic research, and you will very quickly find Co-governance is not some idea belonging to Jacinda Ardern or that she was trying to 'ram railing' it 'through parliament'.

The Co-governance model was worked on by Chris Finlayson former Minister for Treaty Negotiations in John Key's National government some years ago.
In fact Co-governance was introduced in 1995, when Jacinda Ardern would have been in her late teens or early twenties!
So I have to ask, whats with the attacking Ardern for Co-governance & suggesting it was her idea & she was ram railing some fancy ideas for the country through parliament ???

The Crown Law office constantly has to defend this govt from claims it is not doing enough to honour the Treaty.
No PM can overrule the law, & if there's a change of govt, you're dreaming if you think Luxon will be any different. Anything suggesting otherwise is just race baiting electioneering & he's patronising a chunk of disaffected voters as easily fooled & being too simple to get it.

You're mad, really angry about this so do a bit of basic research, go to your local library & stay away from the nonsense on Social media which is full of rubbish written by ignorant people.


The blame is not co-governance and you were right that National under John Key had placed the importance of this issue. The blame is how I dare say, 'preferential treatment' to 1 party over another. Why are the Maori given the better treatment than anyone else? I am a tax payer, should I have a right to say how the funding is allocated out? Not under Jacinda - no no nope. Because critical issues like 3 Waters should at least be done under a referendum. This has nothing to do with social media and all to do with asking yourself some basic common sense:


Why does the Maori affected in those flood regions have special preferential treatment than the Pakeha?

This is the real anger that divides people, society, and your neighbours. I was a parent helper at a school outing at a nearby swimming pool. They did some events and at the end EVERYONE was treated with an ice block. That's the NZ that I regard highly about. But what has been done by the Jacinda clan has been everything else. To neglect the majority of the population to pander to the few.

08-03-2023, 01:15 PM
Why are the Maori given the better treatment than anyone else?

Simple answer - the Treaty!

08-03-2023, 01:25 PM
Simple answer - the Treaty!

Where in the Treaty of Waitangi that specifically says the Maori are treated in 'preferential' treatment? Furthermore, explain how the Maori are worse off post colonisation of the Pakeha?

Co-governance to me is TOGETHER FORWARD and that means not one party that sees themselves as better than the other (through via receiving benefits). These are not mutually exclusive issues.

This morning:


We're going to be a lower productive nation by forcing people to ride bicycles instead of driving cars. No one in gov't ever talks about productivity. NZ is already a low carbon foot print nation compared to Canada and America.

08-03-2023, 01:51 PM

Minister Kelvin Davis warns Oranga Tamariki officials over shoddy information sharing

Run for cover Boys & Girls .. it's an incoming warning from k e l v i n the terrible :)

Logen Ninefingers
08-03-2023, 01:53 PM
They said on TV that it’s important to do the census as it ‘helps Iwi, the government, and councils to make decisions ‘.

08-03-2023, 02:00 PM
They said on TV that it’s important to do the census as it ‘helps Iwi, the government, and councils to make decisions ‘.

Which of the above need new hearing aids ? ;)

Iwi, Govt, or Councils ?

08-03-2023, 02:03 PM
What happened to the Cost of Living Crisis that was engulfing all before the Cyclone Crisis Pts 1, 2 & 3 ?

Did the fuses get pulled on coverage & the imaginary Govt concern for all those suffering ?? ;)

Did coverage of RB's Mr Orrsome sticking the boot in hard divert all interest away ?

08-03-2023, 02:16 PM
And a third head on the block:


Fire and Emergency NZ’s Ruth Dyson challenged over social media comments about National Party Opposition

Only those with very short memories wont know who this one is :)

but how did this tart get to land a high spot at Fire & Emergency ? ;)

Much experience putting out difficult fires when it was a Beehive resident in an earlier life or not ? ;)

Paid retirement on Social Media might be coming to an end - Ruth .. what were you thinking ? ;)

Who is next for Labour to look at decapitating for a bit of unwanted politicking on Social Media
when they shoudn't be , following Hipkin's Govt's crackdown ? ;)

Wont be many left for Labour's Beehive posse to go after at this rate :)

then they might have to practice on themselves .. nothing like a bit of internal backstabbing
and deposing practice behind the scenes out the back, to sharpen the skills up :)

08-03-2023, 02:20 PM
Simple answer - the Treaty!

Yip! All the more reason to get rid of this racist treaty!

08-03-2023, 02:21 PM

Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson defends $16.1 million costs of scrapped TVNZ-RNZ merger, next steps

Poor Willie .. the Stars just happened to out before the Dancing started :)

Such a disappointment and now all the excuses ;)

How's the search for a new Day Job going - Willie ? ;)

08-03-2023, 02:41 PM

State Highway 25: Coromandel highway closed after further collapse

More stuffed roading for Woody Woodpecker to preside over fixing the earlier stuffed up fixing up ;)

At this rate Michael Pothole might have to put his Beehive Salary, perks & Super back in the pot
to help pay for all the ongoing chapters of fixing up previous fixed originally badly potholed stuff ups
he didn't want to know about earlier ;)

08-03-2023, 05:31 PM
@nztx past 2 posts:

1) Don't worry, $16M is a drop in a bucket if 3 Waters is going to be reversed.

2) $ that would be for maintaining our roadways. Building cycle paths and walkways does NOT add to productivity to the country... it lowers it.

One thing certain, and i'm not being racist here. The Maori agenda certainly has wasted a LOT of $$$$. Their methodology certainly can not win.

Blue Skies
08-03-2023, 07:20 PM

State Highway 25: Coromandel highway closed after further collapse

More stuffed roading for Woody Woodpecker to preside over fixing the earlier stuffed up fixing up ;)

At this rate Michael Pothole might have to put his Beehive Salary, perks & Super back in the pot
to help pay for all the ongoing chapters of fixing up previous fixed originally badly potholed stuff ups
he didn't want to know about earlier ;)

Yes, despite huge opposition, back in 2010 influential trucking transport groups successfully lobbied Stephen Joyce & the National govt to increase the maximum allowable weight of trucks far beyond what our roads were designed to carry, causing $billions of damage.
Once permitted its very hard to unwind & Private companies have been allowed to extract the profits while socialising the costs, i.e. the taxpayer/ratepayer having to pay to fix the roads the trucks are destroying.
A 20% increase in axle weight results in a doubling increase in road damage.
You might want to consider previous National govt's have caused a lot of damage.


08-03-2023, 08:37 PM
Yes, despite huge opposition, back in 2010 influential trucking transport groups successfully lobbied Stephen Joyce & the National govt to increase the maximum allowable weight of trucks far beyond what our roads were designed to carry, causing $billions of damage.
Once permitted its very hard to unwind & Private companies have been allowed to extract the profits while socialising the costs, i.e. the taxpayer/ratepayer having to pay to fix the roads the trucks are destroying.
A 20% increase in axle weight results in a doubling increase in road damage.
You might want to consider previous National govt's have caused a lot of damage.


You forgot this bit Blue Skies.

"Despite fairly overwhelming opposition, it has been decided to allow the maximum weight of trucks on New Zealand’s roads to increase from 44 tonnes to 53 tonnes – although only on particular routes designated for this increase. "

Which rather undermines the whole premise of your post.

And this bit, which outlines the rationale of the policy change.

Developing this permit system creates an environment where productivity gains in the range of 10 to 20 percent could be realised by using fewer trucks to carry a given amount of freight while enabling the impacts of heavy vehicles to be properly managed.

“This will help to reduce road congestion, operating costs, vehicle emissions and improve the road safety environment by slowing the increase in heavy vehicle movements on New Zealand’s roads.”

Trucks carrying heavier loads will not be any wider or higher than present vehicles, though a limited number may be slightly longer. Roads that are allowed to be used by vehicles will be specified in their permit and road controlling authorities will have the final say on whether routes applied for are suitable for heavier vehicles.

Any vehicle issued with a permit to operate at a heavier weight under a permit system will have to meet all appropriate safety requirements.

Your post does nothing to back your claims when this is taken into account.

How about the problem of Waka Kotahi's poor record of maintenance and inefficient spending since Labour got in? How about Labour's reversal of the roads of significance programme to suit Cindy's idiotic Climate Change policies which have also resulted in 100s of thousands of tonnes of coal being imported from Indonesia?

Five and a half years in charge and all Labour can do is still blame others for their own incompetency.

fungus pudding
08-03-2023, 08:50 PM
You forgot this bit Blue Skies.

"Despite fairly overwhelming opposition, it has been decided to allow the maximum weight of trucks on New Zealand’s roads to increase from 44 tonnes to 53 tonnes – although only on particular routes designated for this increase. "

Which rather undermines the whole premise of your post.

And this bit, which outlines the rationale of the policy change.

Developing this permit system creates an environment where productivity gains in the range of 10 to 20 percent could be realised by using fewer trucks to carry a given amount of freight while enabling the impacts of heavy vehicles to be properly managed.

“This will help to reduce road congestion, operating costs, vehicle emissions and improve the road safety environment by slowing the increase in heavy vehicle movements on New Zealand’s roads.”

Trucks carrying heavier loads will not be any wider or higher than present vehicles, though a limited number may be slightly longer. Roads that are allowed to be used by vehicles will be specified in their permit and road controlling authorities will have the final say on whether routes applied for are suitable for heavier vehicles.

Any vehicle issued with a permit to operate at a heavier weight under a permit system will have to meet all appropriate safety requirements.

Your post does nothing to back your claims when this is taken into account.

How about the problem of Waka Kotahi's poor record of maintenance and inefficient spending since Labour got in? How about Labour's reversal of the roads of significance programme to suit Cindy's idiotic Climate Change policies which have also resulted in 100s of thousands of tonnes of coal being imported from Indonesia?

Five and a half years in charge and all Labour can do is still blame others for their own incompetency.

Of course he/she 'forgot' that bit. 'Remembering it' would deprive Blue Skies of his or her favourite pastime, throwing shiit at National at every opportunity, whether they deserve it or not.

08-03-2023, 09:09 PM
@nztx past 2 posts:

1) Don't worry, $16M is a drop in a bucket if 3 Waters is going to be reversed.

2) $ that would be for maintaining our roadways. Building cycle paths and walkways does NOT add to productivity to the country... it lowers it.

One thing certain, and i'm not being racist here. The Maori agenda certainly has wasted a LOT of $$$$. Their methodology certainly can not win.
The classic line I’m not racist but…😀

Blue Skies
08-03-2023, 09:47 PM
You forgot this bit Blue Skies.

"Despite fairly overwhelming opposition, it has been decided to allow the maximum weight of trucks on New Zealand’s roads to increase from 44 tonnes to 53 tonnes – although only on particular routes designated for this increase. "

Which rather undermines the whole premise of your post.

And this bit, which outlines the rationale of the policy change.

Developing this permit system creates an environment where productivity gains in the range of 10 to 20 percent could be realised by using fewer trucks to carry a given amount of freight while enabling the impacts of heavy vehicles to be properly managed.

“This will help to reduce road congestion, operating costs, vehicle emissions and improve the road safety environment by slowing the increase in heavy vehicle movements on New Zealand’s roads.”

Trucks carrying heavier loads will not be any wider or higher than present vehicles, though a limited number may be slightly longer. Roads that are allowed to be used by vehicles will be specified in their permit and road controlling authorities will have the final say on whether routes applied for are suitable for heavier vehicles.

Any vehicle issued with a permit to operate at a heavier weight under a permit system will have to meet all appropriate safety requirements.

Your post does nothing to back your claims when this is taken into account.

How about the problem of Waka Kotahi's poor record of maintenance and inefficient spending since Labour got in? How about Labour's reversal of the roads of significance programme to suit Cindy's idiotic Climate Change policies which have also resulted in 100s of thousands of tonnes of coal being imported from Indonesia?

Five and a half years in charge and all Labour can do is still blame others for their own incompetency.

Didn't forget it, but you ignored the section after that, & other opinion refuting that rationale/ spin by the then National govt to justify the policy, AND the resulting damage which has proven beyond any doubt our roads were not built for these weights.
For example you would have to be blind to ignore the damage heavy logging trucks have done to the roads in Northland, Whanganui, Tairāwhiti, etc
Im not saying the Labour govt shouldn't have done something, but as I said its very difficult to unwind policies when you've got a powerful lobby & opposition fighting any move.

08-03-2023, 09:53 PM
You forgot this bit Blue Skies.


Five and a half years in charge and all Labour can do is still blame others for their own incompetency.

Hey Jonu, you're absolutely right. Drill into the policies and what you will find is that the 5 years of Labour have massively distracted a number of very large and expensive government agencies away from their core functional and regulatory responsibilities.

It is incredible that the government, who are voted in to serve us, and the public service (agencies), are actually serving themselves manipulating public opinion, denying services to non-idealistic policy, encouraging service to aligned policy and attempting to move society toward idealistic ambitions, that only a portion of society voted for, even if those ambitions where not manifesto during an election and only emerged after the government was voted into power.

As well as increased their agencies workloads. Outside of their core mandates. Which increases head count and costs.

You cite NZTA, who used to be, and should be just building and maintaining roads. They certainly get a large whack of the taxes from fuel tax, road user charges, vehicle registrations, and a heap other other 'taxes', etc (user pays, apparently). But no, now they're 'Road to Zero', Carbon Emission reduction, Clean Cars (soon trucks as well), Safety Cameras (fancy speed cameras), cycleways, walkways, tunnels, heavy rail, light rail ... and on and on.

The policies behind all of this, and not just NZTA, are basically just to implement Labour legislation (creating laws) that they rammed though with their majority .. which is, outside of their core mandate, essentially social engineering, or society manipulation if you prefer. They are all designed to change societal behaviours and they are all funded by taxation on businesses and people.

Other agencies are similarly burdened with widening mandates, they just cannot do it all without increasing the take on the Crown purse, which taxpayer pay for. Even then, they're mostly not achieving it in the unreasonable timeframe that the current Labour government has expected them to, so costs are escalating and timeframes are blowing out. (because that same government has no real-life appreciation for how complex, or long it takes to gets things done, whether it's sensible or not).

This doesn't just distract, it diverts funding away from core infrastructure investment (across, health, corrections, police, education, transport, infrastructure, etc) to arguably idealistic ambitions. None of which are actually successfully implemented during the term of government, prior to another government being voted in, who ends up revoking some or all of it, but still incurs the costs of sunk capital, devolution and remediation. Which the taxpayer pays for!

It beggars belief how wasteful and extravagant on social engineering policies, that this current government is and has been, without care or attention to any practicalities of actual cost or implementation timeframes, regardless of whether the polices were sound, or not.

And, possibly even worse, a new government if it comes, will waste another fortune undoing it all, before they can spend another fortune implementing their alternatives, which the taxpayer will pay for!

Think about that. Understanding the machinery of government is complex, confounding and often confronting. Not that most of the population would have any idea about what actually goes on, which is sad because it's their taxes that pay for it.

These are some of the things that the partisan posters here will never acknowledge. It is not just that the current government has dug a very deep hole, or that that the past governments set the scene for them to revise every policy because it didn't fit well well their ideals, but that any new government will squander many millions, or billions more, undoing it all.

Worst still, under the current government term, any new government will still not be able to make the changes to reform or fully implement new policies, and the cycle of political dysfunction will be perpetuated. Ad Infinitum.

08-03-2023, 09:57 PM
Didn't forget it, but you ignored the section after that, & other opinion refuting that rationale/ spin by the then National govt to justify the policy, AND the resulting damage which has proven beyond any doubt our roads were not built for these weights.
For example you would have to be blind to ignore the damage heavy logging trucks have done to the roads in Northland, Whanganui, Tairāwhiti, etc
Im not saying the Labour govt shouldn't have done something, but as I said its very difficult to unwind policies when you've got a powerful lobby & opposition fighting any move.

The next section was opinion which was about as valid as yours.

The roads in Northland have been hammered by logging trucks for years, partly due to lack of investment for decades and also the rail not being adequately utilised. Northland's roads have been a disgrace forever which is an indictment on the Nats given the seat was held by them for such a longtime through governments of both hues.

08-03-2023, 10:23 PM
Yes, despite huge opposition, back in 2010 influential trucking transport groups successfully lobbied Stephen Joyce & the National govt to increase the maximum allowable weight of trucks far beyond what our roads were designed to carry, causing $billions of damage.
Once permitted its very hard to unwind & Private companies have been allowed to extract the profits while socialising the costs, i.e. the taxpayer/ratepayer having to pay to fix the roads the trucks are destroying.
A 20% increase in axle weight results in a doubling increase in road damage.
You might want to consider previous National govt's have caused a lot of damage.


Are we blaming the Trucking operators for what they were allowed to do weight wise by the powers that be,
or should the question be leveled at those who allowed the higher weight levels but failed to deliver up on
infrastructure to support those levels, or as time went on failed to ensure that it was adequately maintained to stop it descending into a line of potholes etc ? :)

Where was the future + upgrade planning & maintenance of what they had ?
Someone must have laid eyes on something to allow increase in volumes/weights in the first place
and realised that what was there may or may not support increased volume/weight going over those
roads & infrastructure without something needed on the future plan ?

Obviously the symptoms of no look, no do anything could be levelled not only at respective Govt's along the timeframe, possibly also local authorities and Waka No Paddle and it's predecessor outfit too

How many have been caught out sleeping on the fence nationwide over infrastructure inadequacy
issues ? .. this isn't only Northland, although as good an example as any.

Obviously if existing infrastructure is dated 1950's suitable with minimal sticky plaster repairs since
then maintenance costs will likey be on the increase and every year puts full cost of upgrade to higher
current day / future proofed beyond, up and off the wall through the ceiling..

Why weren't these things thought of and acted on earlier ? Surely everyone wasn't asleep on this ? ;)

Probably a bit late, but now we have Wood dropped head first into the muck on this one with Roads,
only because it has reached crisis point in many regions out of the disasters. Somehow beyond the most
basic replacement infrastructure, with extent of the carnage, it's difficult now even to see much
in way of actual upgrade / improvement other than back to usable standard anywhere on vast areas
of carnage.

Who knows possibly of the task being landed in the lap of someone else post election for whatever
that might then see going forward. Actually upgrading & enhancing is likely to be a large multiple
of $13 B and that wont happen overnight, while repairs continue..

Germany have done a good job on their Roading infrastructure - done properly from start .. perhaps
something NZ could learn from and adapt from with the different added factors we have here.

Interesting point isn't it ? :)

09-03-2023, 07:20 AM
You cite NZTA, who used to be, and should be just building and maintaining roads. They certainly get a large whack of the taxes from fuel tax, road user charges, vehicle registrations, and a heap other other 'taxes', etc (user pays, apparently). But no, now they're 'Road to Zero', Carbon Emission reduction, Clean Cars (soon trucks as well), Safety Cameras (fancy speed cameras), cycleways, walkways, tunnels, heavy rail, light rail ... and on and on.

Greg Murphy agrees that NZTA is completely failing in what should be their main and possibly sole task, to build and maintain our roading infrastructure https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/mike-hosking-breakfast/audio/greg-murphy-road-saftey-advocate-says-all-he-has-seen-from-waka-kotahi-is-excuses-for-not-meeting-median-barrier-target/?fbclid=IwAR2Nnyfzn4FTqhtyYAfrS253iuPpjZ1PxQRZIDL-_yuQGciH4LvX2DlfR4k

09-03-2023, 01:14 PM
Rising Fuel Prices (that's before Wood cracks another Hefty Tax Woody on top & Tax cuts rug gets pulled)
Rising Grocery prices (Cyclone ravaged supply issues yet to come)
Interest rates doubled in just 12-18 months
Increasing Building Woes
Cook Strait Ferries in Disarray
Min Wage rounds to go go round & round from 1 April - what will that bring ?
Transport infrastructure issues to remain for months if not years forwards
Massive rebuild / Repairs needs
Short term housing in Cyclone Areas under increased stress
No major Cyclone relief for those indirectly affected (Gobbo Robbo gone to ground after opening his trap then Zilch)

Let's see how well that large pile goes for a floundering clueless Govt with Elections almost ontop of them,
coffers looking under extreme stress after prior squandering and their gobs zipped firmly shut .. hardly even acknowledging a major Crisis has occurred ;)

Blue Skies
09-03-2023, 01:37 PM
Rising Fuel Prices (that's before Wood cracks another Hefty Tax Woody on top & Tax cuts rug gets pulled)
Rising Grocery prices (Cyclone ravaged supply issues yet to come)
Interest rates doubled in just 12-18 months
Increasing Building Woes
Cook Strait Ferries in Disarray
Min Wage rounds to go go round & round from 1 April - what will that bring ?
Transport infrastructure issues to remain for months if not years forwards
Massive rebuild / Repairs needs
Short term housing in Cyclone Areas under increased stress
No major Cyclone relief for those indirectly affected (Gobbo Robbo gone to ground after opening his trap then Zilch)

Let's see how well that large pile goes for a floundering clueless Govt with Elections almost ontop of them,
coffers looking under extreme stress after prior squandering and their gobs zipped firmly shut .. hardly even acknowledging a major Crisis has occurred ;)

You don't want to sound too gleeful NZ is facing some huge challenges due mostly to the Global pandemic & unprecedented widespread devastation caused by the recent cyclones.

If you'ld just look at the data, our Govt debt compared to most other countries, despite the big expenditure on the Covid response, is low & we are in a reasonably strong position.
No need to stir.
It was higher than this back in 2012 during the GFC.

09-03-2023, 01:43 PM
You don't want to sound too gleeful NZ is facing some huge challenges due mostly to the Global pandemic & unprecedented widespread devastation caused by the recent cyclones.

If you'ld just look at the data, our Govt debt compared to most other countries, despite the big expenditure on the Covid response, is low & we are in a reasonably strong position.
No need to stir.
It was higher than this back in 2012 during the GFC.

But we're not in a GFC. What headroom will be left if we were?
We are however paying the price for the government's management of Covid, it's exorbitant spending on non-productive consultants and tens of millions of our tax dollars being burnt on abandoned non-viable idealogically driven vanity projects.

09-03-2023, 01:53 PM
Rising Fuel Prices (that's before Wood cracks another Hefty Tax Woody on top & Tax cuts rug gets pulled)
Rising Grocery prices (Cyclone ravaged supply issues yet to come)
Interest rates doubled in just 12-18 months
Increasing Building Woes
Cook Strait Ferries in Disarray
Min Wage rounds to go go round & round from 1 April - what will that bring ?
Transport infrastructure issues to remain for months if not years forwards
Massive rebuild / Repairs needs
Short term housing in Cyclone Areas under increased stress
No major Cyclone relief for those indirectly affected (Gobbo Robbo gone to ground after opening his trap then Zilch)

Let's see how well that large pile goes for a floundering clueless Govt with Elections almost ontop of them,
coffers looking under extreme stress after prior squandering and their gobs zipped firmly shut .. hardly even acknowledging a major Crisis has occurred ;)

If things are so bad National will not contest the next election. there is no way they could cope.


09-03-2023, 02:15 PM
Yip! All the more reason to get rid of this racist treaty!

Yip - no one should have to honor an agreement (contract) once it is made if they don't like it years later.
Give them back all the land that was stolen and full governance.

09-03-2023, 02:22 PM
If things are so bad National will not contest the next election. there is no way they could cope.


Umm yeah .. right! :)

09-03-2023, 02:28 PM
In the US:



Way down in NZ, a similar problem has become more and more evident on Govt benches at the Beehive :)

10-03-2023, 09:48 AM
I saw on the platform last night Real Estate agents now have to do "cultural training" every year on all things treaty.

NZ is being brainwashed by the woke and radical Maori / Labour.

Maori think they are "special", and New Zealanders are being deceived. Guess what, they are not special, just a bunch of greedy radicals that have nearly achieved their goals of being the dominant race in NZ.

Imagine a Maori / Chinese takeover. May not be far away..... Maori don't mind Chinese because they were not "colonisers".....How dumb can you get??

10-03-2023, 10:21 AM
How dumb can you get??

Pretty dumb - as you repeatedly keep demonstrating with your racist rants.

10-03-2023, 10:38 AM
Pretty dumb - as you repeatedly keep demonstrating with your racist rants.

Cannot be more dumb and woke than your ‘no culture unless it’s Maori culture’.

10-03-2023, 11:16 AM
Pretty dumb - as you repeatedly keep demonstrating with your racist rants.

"Study to investigate lower vaccination rates for Māori pēpi and barriers to access"


Hey davflaws, could this be because of being "too dumb" too.....

10-03-2023, 12:55 PM
You don't want to sound too gleeful NZ is facing some huge challenges due mostly to the Global pandemic & unprecedented widespread devastation caused by the recent cyclones.

If you'ld just look at the data, our Govt debt compared to most other countries, despite the big expenditure on the Covid response, is low & we are in a reasonably strong position.
No need to stir.
It was higher than this back in 2012 during the GFC.

Must be why Gobbo Robbo has gone to ground in his cave on anything too supportive of Flood/Cyclone Support..

Too much looking at the airbrushed well massaged images of dreams on how well things are imagined to be
looking, after 5.5 years of Labour going nowhere, a pile of prize projects all showing little desired headway or
success and a great pile squandered in the process to achieve that - all covered by excuses of a continuing
trail of crisises inflated and massaged by the Media Relations Dept in hope that gets them through :)

How's Ardern's former pet project - Child Poverty going now - or still be reallocated into the lap of another Minister after a period of too hard / forget with nothing much achieved ?

10-03-2023, 01:11 PM
"Study to investigate lower vaccination rates for Māori pēpi and barriers to access"


Hey davflaws, could this be because of being "too dumb" too.....

More racist nonsense.

10-03-2023, 02:01 PM
One more running for the hills. I doubt he will missed by many:

"Prime Minster Chris Hipkins said he had spoken to Coffey and supported his decision to resign."

10-03-2023, 03:25 PM
More real effects of the 5 Waters proposal coming to the fore https://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/300826176/nelson-mayor-to-take-nelmac-campaign-to-wellington

Blue Skies
10-03-2023, 04:41 PM
Roy Morgan poll just out 2 hours ago also puts Labour ahead of National, with the Right/ Left blocs equal & TMP in the box seat to choose next govt.
Clearly Labour's change of leadership to Chris Hipkins is causing a boost in support for a Labour led govt.
This is first time since December 2021, Labour is ahead of National.

Trend is going against National who until Hipkins took over were expected to sleepwalk into victory.
What do they do?
Luxon is underwater in favourability while Hipkins is even liked by National voters.
Notable recently when Willis & Luxon are at a presser together, she often looks slightly impatient with him & talks over him as if worried he'll talk word salad or get his facts wrong.


10-03-2023, 05:10 PM
How has the Roy Morgan polling compared with other polls in the past? Does it consistently estimate one party's support as being higher than other polls taken at around the same time do?

10-03-2023, 05:47 PM
Health is a disaster.
Crime is a disaster.
Education is disaster.
Roading is a disaster.

Hey I have a good idea.
Lets vote the turkeys back in.

10-03-2023, 06:19 PM
None of those is a disaster except for crime (and the solution isn't a boot camp).

10-03-2023, 06:49 PM
None of those is a disaster except for crime (and the solution isn't a boot camp).

You must walk around with your eyes shut Panda.

10-03-2023, 06:59 PM
Health is a disaster.
Crime is a disaster.
Education is disaster.
Roading is a disaster.

Hey I have a good idea.
Let’s vote the turkeys back in.
Turkeys or Dinosaurs - any party who thinks boot camps are the answer is in the later category.

10-03-2023, 07:11 PM
Turkeys or Dinosaurs - any party who thinks boot camps are the answer is in the later category.

So what is working now?

These kids need to be put into some sort of institution to give them a chance at life after their parents have failed.

The use of "boot camp" is merely a reference to it.

10-03-2023, 07:40 PM
So what is working now?

These kids need to be put into some sort of institution to give them a chance at life after their parents have failed.

The use of "boot camp" is merely a reference to it.
Good luck with boot camps - it won’t work but the policy appeals to National party voters - I just don’t think it’s going to attract new voters for them though.

10-03-2023, 07:52 PM
None of those is a disaster except for crime (and the solution isn't a boot camp).

Panda-NZ who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a massive share buyback.

Cuckoo land & fantasy economics as typified by all of Labour Party economic policies.

10-03-2023, 07:59 PM
Anyone getting the impression from the 2023 Census ads on TV and radio, that NZers are a bunch of retards and juveniles?

I'm sure a visitor to the country would.

New Zimbabwe is a dumbed down place after Comrade Cinders and Hippocritter have had their way!

10-03-2023, 08:28 PM
Anyone getting the impression from the 2023 Census ads on TV and radio, that NZers are a bunch of retards and juveniles?

You want people who are unlikely to fill out the census accurately to do so.

Though I would rather fines and penalties be dished out (in typical socialist fashion ;)) for A) not completing it and B) knowingly providing false information.

These questions on gender on top of the current religion issue (jedi) make the thing a bit of a joke and could encourage false information .

10-03-2023, 09:07 PM
Anyone getting the impression from the 2023 Census ads on TV and radio, that NZers are a bunch of retards and juveniles?

I'm sure a visitor to the country would.

New Zimbabwe is a dumbed down place after Comrade Cinders and Hippocritter have had their way!

They have to talk down to Maori and Pacifica cose they don't understand anything.

(do they really like being treated like simpletons?)

10-03-2023, 09:30 PM
They have to talk down to Maori and Pacifica cose they don't understand anything.

(do they really like being treated like simpletons?)

Suits the Maori cabal & elite to treat their kind with contempt and disdain - they are there to be taken advantage of. Just like the good old days before the Treaty.

Just like breeding beneficiaries & Labour voters by Hipkins & Labour MPs - no brains, no questions.

10-03-2023, 10:23 PM
This is good stuff - let the co-governance debate be out in the open and for the racial division sowed by the Labour government to be there for all to see.


11-03-2023, 12:54 AM

Skool's out everyone on Strike

Teachers' strike a bitter pill to swallow for some parents after disruptions

11-03-2023, 12:57 AM

Why Ruth Dyson and all other leaders should be reading their codes of conduct

Those who lead and occupy governance roles within our organisations set the tone for workplace culture. Their behaviour shows what will and will not be tolerated.

That’s why it was so utterly disappointing to see the dismissiveness with which Hon Ruth Dyson QSO, deputy chair of the board of Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ), responded to questions about the FENZ board’s code of conduct, which requires her and other board members to be politically neutral.

Dyson admitted that she had not read the code of conduct.

This is simply unacceptable. How can someone responsible for the governance of an entity that has code of conduct issues not read and digest its code of conduct?

How about Gone by Monday at Lunchtime - Ruth ? ;)

You know you really should ..

11-03-2023, 11:00 AM
This is what is being pushed by Maori and Labour.

In short : Maori OWN New Zealand and have sovereignty over everything. That is what the Maori version interpretation is, they say.

Just check this slick, innocent looking video out :


The brainwashing of everyday New Zealanders.....

The true version, the English one, says the opposite, that they gave sovereignty to the crown.

Do you really want to live in a country owned and run by 14% of the population, based on race where they have all the say and OWN everything??

It is nearly a done deal under Labour.

11-03-2023, 11:15 AM
Zero mention of the horrendous waiting lists for surgeries, diagnosis, screening and treatment because of Ardern’s dumb & disastrous policies during and post Covid.

Hence, absolute garbage from Blue Skies.
Of course, a different government may have brought us the worst of both Worlds - excess deaths in the first stages of Covid (instead of a reduced death rate) followed by burgeoning waiting lists and queues. Do you think the British and Australian health services are in better shape and don’t have staff and waiting list crises?

11-03-2023, 11:27 AM
You want people who are unlikely to fill out the census accurately to do so.

Though I would rather fines and penalties be dished out (in typical socialist fashion ;)) for A) not completing it and B) knowingly providing false information.

These questions on gender on top of the current religion issue (jedi) make the thing a bit of a joke and could encourage false information .
I couldn’t help but sing Aretha Franklin’s song “You make me feel like a natural woman” when completing it. I identify as an “old fogie” but that wasn’t an option!

fungus pudding
11-03-2023, 11:38 AM
I couldn’t help but sing Aretha Franklin’s song “You make me feel like a natural woman” when completing it. I identify as an “old fogie” but that wasn’t an option!

That's the best type of woman to feel.

11-03-2023, 12:10 PM
I couldn’t help but sing Aretha Franklin’s song “You make me feel like a natural woman” when completing it. I identify as an “old fogie” but that wasn’t an option!

Jill Biden has just awarded a biological male the "International Women of Courage Award". What is a woman? When the world's superpower doesn't know is it any wonder people can't be arsed filling out a census form?

Blue Skies
11-03-2023, 12:33 PM
This is what is being pushed by Maori and Labour.

In short : Maori OWN New Zealand and have sovereignty over everything. That is what the Maori version interpretation is, they say.

Just check this slick, innocent looking video out :


The brainwashing of everyday New Zealanders.....

The true version, the English one, says the opposite, that they gave sovereignty to the crown.

Do you really want to live in a country owned and run by 14% of the population, based on race where they have all the say and OWN everything??

It is nearly a done deal under Labour.

Just watched that video & its fine.

1) Māori signed the version which was given to them by those representing the Crown, in Te Reo not the English version. They didn't sign the English version, its wishful thinking saying that's the 'true' version!
The True version has to be the one offered by the Crown and signed by Māori.
If you go into a law office and sign a contract & years later the other signatory says, by the way at the time I had another version in my desk which you didn't sign and that's the 'true' version of the contract between us, you'll be laughed out of a courtroom.
That's not that hard to understand!

2) You say its nearly a done deal under Labour, but would have to have been asleep not to know it's been people like National's Doug Graham, & lately Chris Finlayson who have done way way way more than any Labour politician to advance Treaty claims!

3) There's considerable debate over the meaning of the word sovereignty, & it doesn't mean ownership in the way which obviously scares you.
If it did, Māori iwi land holdings would be a dam sight more land than around just 5% of the country.

11-03-2023, 05:44 PM
Just watched that video & its fine.

1) Māori signed the version which was given to them by those representing the Crown, in Te Reo not the English version. They didn't sign the English version, its wishful thinking saying that's the 'true' version!
The True version has to be the one offered by the Crown and signed by Māori.
If you go into a law office and sign a contract & years later the other signatory says, by the way at the time I had another version in my desk which you didn't sign and that's the 'true' version of the contract between us, you'll be laughed out of a courtroom.
That's not that hard to understand!

2) You say its nearly a done deal under Labour, but would have to have been asleep not to know it's been people like National's Doug Graham, & lately Chris Finlayson who have done way way way more than any Labour politician to advance Treaty claims!

3) There's considerable debate over the meaning of the word sovereignty, & it doesn't mean ownership in the way which obviously scares you.
If it did, Māori iwi land holdings would be a dam sight more land than around just 5% of the country.
Fine, yes a fine piece of propaganda.

English was the true version, the Maori translation is what has been "misinterpreted" by Maori radicals in the last 30 years to try and change history.

Do you really think the English would have written and signed a treaty that only advantaged the local natives....

I don't think so.

You must be in dreamland if you really think that!

It is all a bull*hit by radical Maori to be greedy and bugger everyone else who has made this country great over the years.

They would still be in grass skirts eating each other if they had been left to their own devises.

They should be paying us!

11-03-2023, 08:44 PM
Fine, yes a fine piece of propaganda.

English was the true version, the Maori translation is what has been "misinterpreted" by Maori radicals in the last 30 years to try and change history.

Do you really think the English would have written and signed a treaty that only advantaged the local natives....

I don't think so.

You must be in dreamland if you really think that!

It is all a bull*hit by radical Maori to be greedy and bugger everyone else who has made this country great over the years.

They would still be in grass skirts eating each other if they had been left to their own devises.

They should be paying us!
Weird post - ironically it was the later disgraced Doug Graham that really impelled the treaty settlements and you are probably too young or too ignorant to know - he was National.

12-03-2023, 05:34 AM
Weird post - ironically it was the later disgraced Doug Graham that really impelled the treaty settlements and you are probably too young or too ignorant to know - he was National.

The point is, in a multiethnic society, why are some Maori thinking they "own" a country, and are therefore entitled to tell everyone else how to live?

There has been silly politicians over the years who have gone along with this, but Labour (Jacinda), has really pushed this without telling anyone. Disgusting.

They are a greedy bunch of loser's (Mr underpants Morgan), who are no better than dictators anywhere else.

It is a take over, a control of a country by race. Disgusting.

And they are calling everyone who opposes them "racist", to shut them down.

It is all a lie, the British would not have signed a contract like they suggest. Just ridiculous to be going along with this in 2023....

12-03-2023, 07:57 AM
The point is, in a multiethnic society, why are some Maori thinking they "own" a country, and are therefore entitled to tell everyone else how to live?... When the in-laws come to stay I will get them to occupy the neighbours' spare room.

...It is all a lie, the British would not have signed a contract like they suggest. Just ridiculous to be going along with this in 2023.... Treaties are binding international agreements, but are they contracts? The Maori version Treaty was signed by both the Crown and many iwi. Have you checked and compared the effect of all the Treaties, signed around the World by the British in the Victorian period when British influence was expanding in all manner of ways?

12-03-2023, 08:28 AM
When the in-laws come to stay I will get them to occupy the neighbours' spare room.

Treaties are binding international agreements, but are they contracts? The Maori version Treaty was signed by both the Crown and many iwi. Have you checked and compared the effect of all the Treaties, signed around the World by the British in the Victorian period when British influence was expanding in all manner of ways?

I repeat. The English would not have signed a treaty that disadvantaged themselves.

No one would do that.

It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise. It is just Maori racist propaganda, plain and simple.

fungus pudding
12-03-2023, 08:41 AM
Treaties are binding international agreements, but are they contracts?

A binding agreement is a contract.
A contract is a binding agreement.
'A rose by any other name.....' as Wiilly Shakespeare declared back before the internet, frozen TV dinners and tinned guavas.

12-03-2023, 08:43 AM
They have to talk down to Maori and Pacifica cose they don't understand anything.

(do they really like being treated like simpletons?)

More vile racist nonsense.

12-03-2023, 08:45 AM
They would still be in grass skirts eating each other if they had been left to their own devises.

Still more vile racist nonsense.

12-03-2023, 09:10 AM
Still more vile racist nonsense.

True though. But you don't like the truth, that it is Maori that are the racist in this country, and that they think they are "special" and should have more than other race's.

Hitler thought that too....

12-03-2023, 09:12 AM
A binding agreement is a contract.
A contract is a binding agreement.
'A rose by any other name.....' as Wiilly Shakespeare declared back before the internet, frozen TV dinners and tinned guavas. Contracts are a sub-set of binding agreements. Deeds are a sub-set of binding agreements. Treaties are sub-set of binding agreements. Not all binding agreements are contracts.

12-03-2023, 09:13 AM
More vile racist nonsense.

But they can't understand vaccines, and census and modern medicine.
So you have to talk down to them, like children, because they don't understand.

That's not racism, that's dumbness.

12-03-2023, 09:14 AM
I repeat. The English would not have signed a treaty that disadvantaged themselves.

No one would do that.

It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise. It is just Maori racist propaganda, plain and simple. The English or England did not have legal capacity to make treaties. Whereas the UK of GB and Ireland or rather its Sovereign did.

12-03-2023, 09:16 AM
Contracts are a sub-set of binding agreements. Deeds are a sub-set of biding agreements. Treaties are sub-set of binding agreements.

Garbage to disguise the fact that Maori want more than everyone else.

I just call that "greedy buggers"!

12-03-2023, 09:16 AM
The English or England did not have legal capacity to make treaties. Whereas the UK of GB and Ireland or rather its Sovereign did.

More garbage designed to confuse.

And Maori knew all about how to do treaties, yea, right.

They couldn't even read and write, and hardly had a language.

A load of crap from the Maori propagandisers.

12-03-2023, 09:19 AM
They have to talk down to Maori and Pacifica cose they don't understand anything.

(do they really like being treated like simpletons?)
Surely not?

Aren't these the special knowledge people, who must be consulted on everything from a new subdivision to a water take.

It just doesn't make census!

12-03-2023, 09:30 AM
Garbage to disguise the fact that Maori want more than everyone else.

I just call that "greedy buggers"!
Facts and detail are the enemies of bigotry.

12-03-2023, 09:31 AM
More garbage designed to confuse.

And Maori new all about how to do treaties, yea, right.

They couldn't even read and write, and hardly had a language.

A load of crap from the Maori propagandisers.
Facts and detail are the enemy of bigotry.

12-03-2023, 09:49 AM
Another glaring example of Labour having no respect for rights of citizens.
Hipkin's over rides the bill of rights law.


12-03-2023, 10:45 AM
Facts and detail are the enemies of bigotry.

Yes, you are short of facts and are racist because you think, one race, Maori, should have more than everyone else.

Call me names to shut me down because you are short of facts and are supporting this racist nonsense.

12-03-2023, 10:49 AM
Surely not?

Aren't these the special knowledge people, who must be consulted on everything from a new subdivision to a water take.

It just doesn't make census!

Yea, funny that, all full of "special" knowledge, (they will advise everyone else) but too scared to go to a doctor, and would rather believe in myths and legends, and expect us to as well.

fungus pudding
12-03-2023, 11:16 AM
Contracts are a sub-set of binding agreements. Deeds are a sub-set of binding agreements. Treaties are sub-set of binding agreements. Not all binding agreements are contracts.

What are the elements of a valid contract?
There are five key elements of a valid contract; a clear offer, unequivocal acceptance, adequate consideration, an intention for all parties to enter into legal relations and certain terms.

What is the difference between a contract and an agreement?
The terms ‘contract’ and ‘agreement’ are interchangeable – both refer to a valid and legally enforceable arrangement.

12-03-2023, 11:30 AM
Yes, you are short of facts and are racist because you think, one race, Maori, should have more than everyone else.

Call me names to shut me down because you are short of facts and are supporting this racist nonsense.I corrected errors. Where and when have I promoted what you allege?

The irony is that you think that I was trying to shut down the discussion.

12-03-2023, 11:37 AM
What are the elements of a valid contract?
There are five key elements of a valid contract; a clear offer, unequivocal acceptance, adequate consideration, an intention for all parties to enter into legal relations and certain terms.

What is the difference between a contract and an agreement?
The terms ‘contract’ and ‘agreement’ are interchangeable – both refer to a valid and legally enforceable arrangement. An agreement may or may not have consideration. A contract must have consideration.

GTM 3442
12-03-2023, 11:44 AM
What are the elements of a valid contract?


What is the difference between a contract and an agreement?
The terms ‘contract’ and ‘agreement’ are interchangeable – both refer to a valid and legally enforceable arrangement.

As I understand it, a contract comes with the legally enforceable concept of "specific performance", which does not necessarily apply to an agreement

12-03-2023, 12:51 PM
More garbage designed to confuse.

And Maori knew all about how to do treaties, yea, right.

They couldn't even read and write, and hardly had a language.

A load of crap from the Maori propagandisers.

I'm sure that it will make no difference whatsoever to you, but there is good evidence that Maori adopted reading and writing very readily from about 1815, and at an astounding rate from 1830, setting up village schools and wananga, valuing books very highly, and even publishing widely read newspapers in Maori. Some authors have suggested that there was a period in the 1860s when Maori literacy in Maori was in fact greater than Settler literacy in English.

12-03-2023, 01:22 PM
Yea, funny that, all full of "special" knowledge, (they will advise everyone else) but too scared to go to a doctor, and would rather believe in myths and legends, and expect us to as well.
So all the special knowledge is just a myth.

No wonder that fairy tale woman Cinders fell for it.

They had her sized up!

12-03-2023, 01:31 PM
I'm sure that it will make no difference whatsoever to you, but there is good evidence that Maori adopted reading and writing very readily from about 1815, and at an astounding rate from 1830, setting up village schools and wananga, valuing books very highly, and even publishing widely read newspapers in Maori. Some authors have suggested that there was a period in the 1860s when Maori literacy in Maori was in fact greater than Settler literacy in English.

So what the hell happened, not like that today, that's for sure.....

Oh, wait for it, it's everyone else's fault, the bloody colonisers again, stopped them learning!

Today, they don't even know to go to a doctor or how to do a census.

12-03-2023, 01:32 PM
So all the special knowledge is just a myth.

No wonder that fairy tale woman Cinders fell for it.

They had her sized up!

She was a Mormon. magic underpants and stuff....

12-03-2023, 01:59 PM
She was a Mormon. magic underpants and stuff....
Has spellchecker failed, did you mean moron?

12-03-2023, 03:03 PM
So what the hell happened, not like that today, that's for sure.....

Again, I'm sure you don't really want to know - but between about 1860 and the late 1880s, Maori were swamped by the tide of settlers arriving in huge numbers. Maori suffered massive loss of land, economic resources, and political power. They were eventually provoked to resist breaches of the TOW, and after they were defeated militarily, vast amounts of land were confiscated - much of it from iwi who had taken no part in "rebellion".

The Treaty settlements over the past 40 years have compensated Iwi (at thee or four cents in the dollar), but the legacy of colonisation in terms of loss of land, economic and political power and culture has resulted in significant ongoing disadvantage. In that respect NZ is not unique. The story is the same for indigenous people suffering colonisation all over the world.

12-03-2023, 03:42 PM
Again, I'm sure you don't really want to know - but between about 1860 and the late 1880s, Maori were swamped by the tide of settlers arriving in huge numbers. Maori suffered massive loss of land, economic resources, and political power. They were eventually provoked to resist breaches of the TOW, and after they were defeated militarily, vast amounts of land were confiscated - much of it from iwi who had taken no part in "rebellion".

The Treaty settlements over the past 40 years have compensated Iwi (at thee or four cents in the dollar), but the legacy of colonisation in terms of loss of land, economic and political power and culture has resulted in significant ongoing disadvantage. In that respect NZ is not unique. The story is the same for indigenous people suffering colonisation all over the world.
And of course Maori are going to compensate Moriori.

12-03-2023, 04:08 PM
Again, I'm sure you don't really want to know - but between about 1860 and the late 1880s, Maori were swamped by the tide of settlers arriving in huge numbers. Maori suffered massive loss of land, economic resources, and political power. They were eventually provoked to resist breaches of the TOW, and after they were defeated militarily, vast amounts of land were confiscated - much of it from iwi who had taken no part in "rebellion".

The Treaty settlements over the past 40 years have compensated Iwi (at thee or four cents in the dollar), but the legacy of colonisation in terms of loss of land, economic and political power and culture has resulted in significant ongoing disadvantage. In that respect NZ is not unique. The story is the same for indigenous people suffering colonisation all over the world.

Exactly like I said you would do, blame the bloody colonisers.

Do you ever stop to think that maybe they should take a hard look at themselves instead of blaming everyone else?

Very much the "victim" mentality.

Look how prosperous NZ has become since the 1800's, open to all races to make a pretty good standard of living.

Other race's have done well here, why does Maori and Pacifica struggle so much? It's not all racism.

12-03-2023, 04:12 PM
Anyway, all I wanted to know this morning is why do Maori think they should have "special" status over every other race in NZ, and OWN the country, water and everything else?

Doesn't sound fair to me. in fact, sounds like racism....

12-03-2023, 04:38 PM
Exactly like I said you would do, blame the bloody colonisers.

Do you ever stop to think that maybe they should take a hard look at themselves instead of blaming everyone else?

Very much the "victim" mentality.

Look how prosperous NZ has become since the 1800's, open to all races to make a pretty good standard of living.

Other race's have done well here, why does Maori and Pacifica struggle so much? It's not all racism.

Embrace education & drop the victim mentality as Māoris living in Australia have and see what a difference that makes.

Brains, not brawn - that’s the answer.

12-03-2023, 05:14 PM
Exactly like I said you would do, blame the bloody colonisers.

Do you ever stop to think that maybe they should take a hard look at themselves instead of blaming everyone else?

Very much the "victim" mentality. So do you think that the Treaty breaches, confiscations, and cultural alienation should have had no socio-economic impact on Maori iwi in comparison to settlers and their descendants?

Look how prosperous NZ has become since the 1800's, open to all races to make a pretty good standard of living.

Other race's have done well here, why does Maori and Pacifica struggle so much? It's not all racism. The NZ government used to have a racially selective immigration policy https://nzhistory.govt.nz/keyword/racism.

Much of the recent Immigration from many countries is based mainly on skills, economic and financial criteria. Tokelau, Niue and The Cooks are part of the Realm of NZ. NZ has a post colonial Treaty with Samoa. There is a Pacific Access quota for PI immigration too.

12-03-2023, 06:13 PM
Yes, you are short of facts and are racist because you think, one race, Maori, should have more than everyone else.

Call me names to shut me down because you are short of facts and are supporting this racist nonsense.

Nice try to bounce your racist posts back on those posters who rightly pull you up - your posts are embarrassing and seems that you need to do some reading in the Treaty of Waitangi - you actually might get some balance.

12-03-2023, 06:30 PM
The English would not have signed a treaty to get a bad deal for themselves.

All you need to do is think about that fact.....

12-03-2023, 06:34 PM
The English would not have signed a treaty to get a bad deal for themselves.

All you need to do is think about that fact.....

I reckon they should ban teenagers from this site starting with you.

12-03-2023, 06:49 PM
I reckon they should ban teenagers from this site starting with you.

Big hit there mate.

Did you think about it and realize it would be true..... It's a bit like the emperor has no clothes, this treaty argument of yours. Not logical.

12-03-2023, 06:59 PM
Big hit there mate.

Did you think about it and realize it would be true..... It's a bit like the emperor has no clothes, this treaty argument of yours. Not logical.

Two things - I’m not your mate and secondly you can’t quote the treaty because you are quite clearly ignorant of its content.

12-03-2023, 07:12 PM
Retail crime up 40% - welcome to NZ, thanks to pro-crims Labour Party & Hipkins government.

More the merrier though as it means more beneficiaries & voters to be bred by Labour.


12-03-2023, 09:57 PM
Anyone previewed Nosy Parker's Planning & RMA bills which are on the way taking control
away from Local Bodies- not dissimilar to the 3 Idiots on Water which Mahuta tried to sneak in
but made a huge shambles of before Hipkins tried to minimalise & hide it?

A big dallop of Co-Governance in Parker's Bills trying to be snuck through on the quiet :)

Labour can lie and cheat their way through on No Co-Governance anywhere to be seen,
but Comrade Parker's efforts show this is alive and well still on the agenda

Can Labour be trusted at all with their apparently hidden agendas tucked away in the shadows
ready to trot out when and if they fool enough for a further term ? ;)

Parker's Planning & RMA Bills are likely to be next loud screaming match to come, following
Mahuta's efforts then dumping it and her, when it threatened to overtake Hipkin's chances
of seeing the clueless and incompetent into another term ;)

13-03-2023, 10:30 AM
Here is another post from Nelson Mayor Nick Smith about the disaster that is 3-5 Waters. I post it here as I think it explains in layman’s terms what the plan really is, something we have not heard clearly from the Government:

Presented at Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Select Committee this morning on Three Waters with NCC and Nelmac CEOs Lindsay McKenzie and Jane Sheard.

These radical changes are bad for Nelson. We lose control of $750 million of water infrastructure built up and paid for by ratepayers over 150 years. Our management of storm events is compromised by splitting up responsibilities between rivers, drains and pipes when it is common sense to manage as one. Nelson has done a good job of investing in our water infrastructure yet we will now pick up a share of the bill for billions to fix the mess in Wellington.

The impact of these changes on Nelson has gone from bad to worse with recent revelations that they also want to take off Nelmac its water contracting business worth millions and over 50 of its staff. This makes this Council-owned business unsustainable. This will mean in the short term higher rates (as we'll get no dividend and Nelmac will need a cash injection), putting the jobs of 300 people at risk as well as damaging NCCs balance further than the $750 million of water infrastructure.

The further cheekiness in this current law change is that councils still have to send out the bills to ratepayers for the new water services entity. I do not mind getting stick for charges Council sets but we are now being ask to bill for charges set by others. I also object to Council losing control of $750 million of assets on 1st July 2024 but not the $70 million debt for some years down track. This is like someone taking your house off you but still leaving you with the mortgage.

I have four further major gripes with this reform:

1. Govt said at the 2020 election Three Waters was voluntary and councils could opt in or out. They changed it to being compulsory in 2021. There is no electoral mandate for this massive asset grab.

2. Govt predicates this reform on councils having done a poor job of water infrastructure. That is true of some councils but not Nelson, which has some of best in country. Why should we be punished for doing a good job? Nor is there evidence that Govt-controlled infrastructure in NZ is in great shape - look at failures of SH bridges and Transpower substations in East Coast last month or the state of KiwiRail ferries.

3. Three waters theory is that centralisation will be more efficient because of economies of scale and standard designs - that is exactly the reasons expounded for KiwiBuild that has turned into unmitigated failure. The merger of polytechnics has also been predicated on big is better but three years and millions has been wasted, training numbers are down and the organisation is a mess with a revolving door of CEOs.

4. These changes contradict a fundamental tenant of democracy -no taxation without representation. To give historic context this triggered the famous Boston tea revolt and the American revolution and the English revolution and Bill of Rights. This bill enables the unelected Three Waters Entities to strike a rate (a land tax) without democratic representation.

For the record, I want Nelsonians to know how little say we will have on water matters into the future. Water Entity C, based in Wellington, will have a regional representation group of 18. NCC, TDC and MDC will have one rep as will the eight Te Tauihu iwi. The other 16/18 will be from the North Island.

Three waters is the biggest threat to the assets and future of NCC in its 149 years of existence. I will be doing all I can to defeat it. My immediate objective is to get the claims to parts of Nelmac off the table. My longer-term goal is to rework reform into a model where Nelson retains control of our three waters and where we get genuine improvements in how we manage this vital infrastructure.

Blue Skies
13-03-2023, 12:31 PM
The other side of the coin on 3 Waters reform is that,

1) For years, Councils & councillors driven by the ambition to get re-elected, have used their Water infrastructure as an asset for the Councils to borrow against in order to keep rates down.
2) The money borrowed against the Water Assets has not been properly used to maintain & replace ageing water infrastructure. It's been used for other things Councils do & to artificially keep rates lower than they should be.
3) Now many Councils are at or near their max debt levels, they are terrified of losing the ability to borrow more money against those assets & will have to either cut services or find the money for all the things councils do from rates or other forms of revenue.
4) That's not good when you're a mayor or councillor trying to get re-elected.

In my view, it would be unfortunate if Nelson one of the better councils is grouped in with Wellington whose water infrastructure needs billions.

13-03-2023, 01:05 PM
She was a Mormon. magic underpants and stuff....

Was - but not for a long time.
She saw the light.

13-03-2023, 01:10 PM
The other side of the coin on 3 Waters reform is that,

1) For years, Councils & councillors driven by the ambition to get re-elected, have used their Water infrastructure as an asset for the Councils to borrow against in order to keep rates down.
2) The money borrowed against the Water Assets has not been properly used to maintain & replace ageing water infrastructure. It's been used for other things Councils do & to artificially keep rates lower than they should be.
3) Now many Councils are at or near their max debt levels, they are terrified of losing the ability to borrow more money against those assets & will have to either cut services or find the money for all the things councils do from rates or other forms of revenue.
4) That's not good when you're a mayor or councillor trying to get re-elected.

In my view, it would be unfortunate if Nelson one of the better councils is grouped in with Wellington whose water infrastructure needs billions.

Actually what happened was that they were forced to allow for the depreciation of the water assets.
They then saw a big pile of money that they used for other things (as you say).
They were warned that they were misusing the money but carried on.
National says that they will keep the same system but tell the councils again to behave and that will sort it - Tui moment.

13-03-2023, 02:05 PM
The other side of the coin on 3 Waters reform is that,

1) For years, Councils & councillors driven by the ambition to get re-elected, have used their Water infrastructure as an asset for the Councils to borrow against in order to keep rates down.
2) The money borrowed against the Water Assets has not been properly used to maintain & replace ageing water infrastructure. It's been used for other things Councils do & to artificially keep rates lower than they should be.
3) Now many Councils are at or near their max debt levels, they are terrified of losing the ability to borrow more money against those assets & will have to either cut services or find the money for all the things councils do from rates or other forms of revenue.
4) That's not good when you're a mayor or councillor trying to get re-elected.

In my view, it would be unfortunate if Nelson one of the better councils is grouped in with Wellington whose water infrastructure needs billions.

Come on now .. Auckland and other City's Labour aligned mayors & councils wouldn't do a thing or two like that - surely ? ;)

13-03-2023, 02:07 PM
She saw the light.

Can't have .. where is she now ? .. did all the bulbs blow at once ? :)

or did a fill in apprentice electrician manage to reverse wire things by mistake ?

13-03-2023, 02:17 PM
Actually what happened was that they were forced to allow for the depreciation of the water assets.
They then saw a big pile of money that they used for other things (as you say).
They were warned that they were misusing the money but carried on.
National says that they will keep the same system but tell the councils again to behave and that will sort it - Tui moment.

So lets give it to the financially capable and responsible central Government, far removed from any locals that actually may know what is needed in their regions :t_up:

13-03-2023, 02:34 PM
The English would not have signed a treaty to get a bad deal for themselves.

All you need to do is think about that fact.....
When England becomes independent again, then maybe we will find out.

The UK-EU withdrawal treaty agreed to by old Etonian and USA-born Englishman Boris Johnson with the EU was so shockingly bad for the British, though, that it has already been renegotiated by the British Indian Rishi Sunak.

Blue Skies
13-03-2023, 02:37 PM
So lets give it to the financially capable and responsible central Government, far removed from any locals that actually may know what is needed in their regions :t_up:

Well this raises another problem, there are what 72 Councils around the country.

The Councils do not have the economies of scale, or resources to employ highly qualified experts in the field of water infrastructure, & even if they did, it would be an absurd situation of them all competing for the limited number we have in the country.
The Water reforms will introduce much needed economies of scale.

13-03-2023, 03:00 PM
So lets give it to the financially capable and responsible central Government, far removed from any locals that actually may know what is needed in their regions :t_up:
Whatever happens, decades of underspending and misuse, will see hefty expenses loaded onto water-users, residents and taxpayers.

13-03-2023, 03:03 PM
Well this raises another problem, there are what 72 Councils around the country.

The Councils do not have the economies of scale, or resources to employ highly qualified experts in the field of water infrastructure, & even if they did, it would be an absurd situation of them all competing for the limited number we have in the country.
The Water reforms will introduce much needed economies of scale.

How did all Labour's other expertly focussed precision policy initiatives fare ? ;)

The Beehive experts on the frontline couldn't push 3 Idiots on Water across the line without getting the backs up
of most of the councils, a majority of the Joe Bloggs out in the hinterlands and then without truckloads of
amendments trying to patch the previous day's legislative C*ck ups they tried to bulldoze throuugh mostly asleep at the helm :)

Good luck with that .. most already have very good idea of the sort of expensive disaster coming courtesy
of Labour's gross incompetence in hands of the now deposed Mahuta on Govt's 3 Waters Infrastructure Theft ;)

The councils are likely 72 times more knowledgable and better equipped on their local areas Water needs than any poorly managed & controlled blundering Govt Quango's at a huge cost ever will be - how long have the Councils been doing this again ?

Verses a bunch of Labour Beehive Twits in the job for 5.5 years who still can't get their Legislature right on first or second run without further truckloads of amendments immediately following .. :)

13-03-2023, 04:09 PM

Policy purge: Chris Hipkins cuts a swathe of once trumpeted Government projects

Wont be much left soon .. might have to borrow one of the faithful followers from off
here to paint eyelashes on to provide the entertainment, the way things are going ;)

13-03-2023, 04:14 PM

Cost of living: Benefits, including pensions and student allowances, to rise

To combat inflation & COL rises, or to create more inflation & increases ? ;)

Keep rolling out the bandaids - Chris - have to have something going on to keep
Gobbo Robbo busy before he finally departs :)

13-03-2023, 04:18 PM

All five major banks now forecasting economy shrank in December quarter

Where's Gobbo Robbo hiding ?

Surely Adrian the ORRSOME and Gobbo Robbo could have told us this would happen before now ? :)

It's okay to come out now GRANT and tell everyone that you %*****d up big time ;)

13-03-2023, 04:53 PM
And another casualty of Labour's could care less stance to Construction industry:


KBL Joinery in liquidation: Company with 28 staff folds - shock, dismay in building sector

A Well known firm, with an almost a 50 year history

13-03-2023, 04:55 PM
How's the RECESSION going that your mob have steered us into - Chippie & Robbo ?

How's Inflation going ?

How's Cost of Living Going ?

How will Fuel Costs be going after Woody Woodpecker has a peck away ?

How are Interest rates going ?

How are the new hidden Tax Agendas going to pay for all the Incompetence ? ;)

13-03-2023, 05:04 PM
Maybe you could try consolidating your multiple posts into one, to make life easier for those of us who need to scroll past. It would probably help those who actually wish to read it too.

How's the RECESSION going that your mob have steered us into - Chippie & Robbo ?

How's Inflation going ?

How's Cost of Living Going ?

How will Fuel Costs be going after Woody Woodpecker has a peck away ?

How are Interest rates going ?

How are the new hidden Tax Agendas going to pay for all the Incompetence ? ;)

13-03-2023, 05:21 PM
How's the RECESSION going that your mob have steered us into - Chippie & Robbo ?

How's Inflation going ?

How's Cost of Living Going ?

How will Fuel Costs be going after Woody Woodpecker has a peck away ?

How are Interest rates going ?

How are the new hidden Tax Agendas going to pay for all the Incompetence ? ;)
The recession might arrive but you clearly have a crystal ball. Interest rates are the domain of the Reserve Bank so you can’t blame rises on the government- anyway rate rises are helpful to depositors who are hardly ever mentioned.

13-03-2023, 06:00 PM
So after today's policy bonfires, can anyone say what this Government actually stands for, or better still, what did Jacinda Ardern stand for ?. I can only imagine the scorn that would be posted on here had National cancelled nearly all the policies they've introduced in the last 5 years.

13-03-2023, 06:16 PM
So after today's policy bonfires, can anyone say what this Government actually stands for, or better still, what did Jacinda Ardern stand for ?. I can only imagine the scorn that would be posted on here had National cancelled nearly all the policies they've introduced in the last 5 years.
Probably but what policies have National suggested in the last 5 years anyway?

Blue Skies
13-03-2023, 06:31 PM
So after today's policy bonfires, can anyone say what this Government actually stands for, or better still, what did Jacinda Ardern stand for ?. I can only imagine the scorn that would be posted on here had National cancelled nearly all the policies they've introduced in the last 5 years.

Hold your horses, they haven't cancelled nearly all the policies they've introduced in the last 5 years! Not even close, but what else would you expect ACT & National to say. It's politics.

Look a bit more closely and remember we've just had a massive cyclone cause incredible devastation across huge areas of the country.

Everyone can see the repair bill is going to cost billions & money will need to be diverted from other areas in the short term.

13-03-2023, 06:54 PM
5.5 years of wasted time with this clueless and useless incompetent government.

Voters need to ask themselves a very simple question :

“ Are they better off today than they were 5 years ago?”

13-03-2023, 07:02 PM
5.5 years of wasted time with this clueless and useless incompetent government.
Have you got any new lines I reckon we’ve had that one a few times before 😀

13-03-2023, 07:03 PM
Have you got any new lines I reckon we’ve had that one a few times before 😀


Yawn to ST resident lead failed Labour Party policies denier.

So petrified are the deniers of the last 5.5 years of the most useless & incompetent Labour government.

13-03-2023, 08:19 PM

Yawn to ST resident lead failed Labour Party policies denier.

So petrified are the deniers of the last 5.5 years of the most useless & incompetent Labour government.

Yawn to the resident parrot.


14-03-2023, 01:22 AM
Have you got any new lines I reckon we’ve had that one a few times before 

Don't feed the troll.

14-03-2023, 07:28 AM
Hold your horses, they haven't cancelled nearly all the policies they've introduced in the last 5 years! Not even close, but what else would you expect ACT & National to say. It's politics.

Look a bit more closely and remember we've just had a massive cyclone cause incredible devastation across huge areas of the country.

Everyone can see the repair bill is going to cost billions & money will need to be diverted from other areas in the short term.

Yes they have but I'll put it to you differently. Which major policy Labour campaigned on have the successfully implemented ? I do remember the howl of scorn from you resident Laborites on this thread, when National announced they would reconsider they're tax policy given the economic situation has changed. Haven't heard anything from you now when Hipkins only task since firing Ardern is to cancel her policies.

It should be easy for them to quickly attend to the disaster in Hawkes Bay-Gisborne. The Government is taking in $ 40 BILLION in tax more annually than the previous Government did at the end of their tenure. Just a shame the clowns are sending $ 65 BILLION more.

14-03-2023, 08:00 AM
5.5 years of wasted time with this clueless and useless incompetent government.

Voters need to ask themselves a very simple question :

“ Are they better off today than they were 5 years ago?”
NZX50 is up about 44% and House prices are up about 37% since late 2017, but cpi inflation is only up by about 20%. Maybe the electorate that traditionally votes National should switch to Labour….

Have you got comparison stats as to how Australia, Canada and the UK have fared in that period, which includes Covid?

14-03-2023, 01:14 PM
5.5 years of wasted time with this clueless and useless incompetent government.

Voters need to ask themselves a very simple question :

“ Are they better off today than they were 5 years ago?”

Way better off!

14-03-2023, 01:26 PM
Is Hipkins twice the man that Ardern was?

14-03-2023, 07:06 PM
Can ya believe it?

An Aussie Labour government tooling up with nukes.

What would have Bob Hawke said?

They must be getting some grim news from their intelligence sources.

Meanwhile Hippocritter says you Aussies won't
be welcome in my 3 waters!

14-03-2023, 07:25 PM
From the Herald. Yet another huge waste but we still have people on here saying all will be fixed by centralisation:
Radio New Zealand executives knew the merger with TVNZ was on shaky ground before forking out thousands for a staff member to stay in New York, Boston and Toronto while visiting media outlets.

Although RNZ said the staffer’s trip overseas was a “personal one”, they confirmed accommodation related to the media visits were approved and reimbursed by RNZ.

In a document, released to the Herald through an Official Information Act request, RNZ said a total of $4268 was spent on the hotels in North America in late December and Early January this year. This included the $462 per night at the Soho Marriott in New York.

14-03-2023, 07:29 PM
Why didn't he just stay at Radio Shack?

14-03-2023, 08:23 PM
Can ya believe it?

An Aussie Labour government tooling up with nukes.

What would have Bob Hawke said?

They must be getting some grim news from their intelligence sources.

Meanwhile Hippocritter says you Aussies won't
be welcome in my 3 waters!
I said the other day that teenagers should be banned from this site - you seem to meet that criteria with your juvenile posts.

fungus pudding
14-03-2023, 08:56 PM
Why didn't he just stay at Radio Shack?

Why didn't he take a hikers' tent?

15-03-2023, 07:35 AM
Can ya believe it?

An Aussie Labour government tooling up with nukes.

What would have Bob Hawke said?

They must be getting some grim news from their intelligence sources.

Meanwhile Hippocritter says you Aussies won't
be welcome in my 3 waters!
Unlike NZ, Australia has not got the luxury of being able to hide under a defence alliance others are responsible for and pay for. Australian Labor takes responsibility.

Would a National Party government introduce changes to boost defence spending and allow the nuclear powered ships of our allies to visit?

15-03-2023, 09:09 AM
Would a National Party government introduce changes to boost defence spending and allow the nuclear powered ships of our allies to visit?

As a bleeding heart, wooly headed, sandal wearing, tree hugging green - I sincerely hope not.

Blue Skies
15-03-2023, 10:09 AM
Unlike NZ, Australia has not got the luxury of being able to hide under a defence alliance others are responsible for and pay for. Australian Labor takes responsibility.

Would a National Party government introduce changes to boost defence spending and allow the nuclear powered ships of our allies to visit?

Once again National party talk the big talk but don't walk the talk. Labour govt has significantly increased defence spending from the previous National govt.
Not defending this, just pointing out the widely held but false belief.


Everything was severely underfunded under the previous National Govt, Health esp, Police, Corrections, education, defence. In the end it catches up with you.

15-03-2023, 10:29 AM
Everything was severely underfunded under the previous National Govt, Health esp, Police, Corrections, education, defence. In the end it catches up with you.

They talk about outcomes but what did they have to show for their nine years.

Where were the outcomes when Serco was running NZ prisons.

Where were the outcomes when they brought in record immigration numbers to NZ with no forward planning in infrastructure or health.

15-03-2023, 10:55 AM
Once again National party talk the big talk but don't walk the talk. Labour govt has significantly increased defence spending from the previous National govt.
Not defending this, just pointing out the widely held but false belief.


Everything was severely underfunded under the previous National Govt, Health esp, Police, Corrections, education, defence. In the end it catches up with you.
I agree with your post. However with respect to Bryce Edwards’ article, I disagree with him in a fundamental way. An increased defence budget is the price of peace and security, not war.

Logen Ninefingers
15-03-2023, 12:23 PM


‘The price of Auckland’s big City Rail Link project has risen by just over $1 billion.

The price of the project will now be $5.5 billion and its completion will be at least a year later than previously thought.

The long-speculated cost increase to the country’s biggest public transport infrastructure project was confirmed on Wednesday.

Auckland Council and the Government are expected to split the higher cost between them.

Completion of the project had been expected by the end of 2024, but that has now been pushed back to at least November 2025, with some station fit-outs by Auckland Transport and KiwiRail to follow.

In a statement, Auckland Council flagged the increase would add to significant financial challenges it faced when it prepared its next 10-year budget starting in 2024.’

15-03-2023, 01:02 PM


‘The price of Auckland’s big City Rail Link project has risen by just over $1 billion.

The price of the project will now be $5.5 billion and its completion will be at least a year later than previously thought.

The long-speculated cost increase to the country’s biggest public transport infrastructure project was confirmed on Wednesday.

Auckland Council and the Government are expected to split the higher cost between them.

Completion of the project had been expected by the end of 2024, but that has now been pushed back to at least November 2025, with some station fit-outs by Auckland Transport and KiwiRail to follow.

In a statement, Auckland Council flagged the increase would add to significant financial challenges it faced when it prepared its next 10-year budget starting in 2024.’

That's the 2nd time the costs have blown out by a cool $ BILLION. Up by over $2 BILLION from original estimate.

Logen Ninefingers
15-03-2023, 01:24 PM
That's the 2nd time the costs have blown out by a cool $ BILLION. Up by over $2 BILLION from original estimate.

‘The CRL is a 3.45km twin-tunnel underground rail link.’

15-03-2023, 01:59 PM
They talk about outcomes but what did they have to show for their nine years.

Where were the outcomes when Serco was running NZ prisons.

Where were the outcomes when they brought in record immigration numbers to NZ with no forward planning in infrastructure or health.

Written by panda-NZ who wanted Ryman to load up on more debt to do a share buyback.

15-03-2023, 02:02 PM
Once again National party talk the big talk but don't walk the talk. Labour govt has significantly increased defence spending from the previous National govt.
Not defending this, just pointing out the widely held but false belief.


Everything was severely underfunded under the previous National Govt, Health esp, Police, Corrections, education, defence. In the end it catches up with you.

And Labour government is all about wasting taxpayers’ funds to give the illusion of doing something.

5.5 years of spin and no delivery - that’s the real record of Ardern & Hipkins.

And now they are trying to deny that they are responsible for all the wasted years and spending!

Most transparent government ever!

15-03-2023, 02:13 PM

Opposition parties demand Police Minister Stuart Nash resign after he criticised judge’s decision

Oh dear

Meanwile out on the Hon Meathead for Napier's current hobby horse -


Auckland crime: Police hunting offenders after supermarket burglary overnight

Hopefully someone remembered how to add the new toll to the revised spiralling tally of RR Jobs ;)

15-03-2023, 02:18 PM
And Labour government is all about wasting taxpayers’ funds to give the illusion of doing something.

5.5 years of spin and no delivery - that’s the real record of Ardern & Hipkins.

And now they are trying to deny that they are responsible for all the wasted years and spending!

Most transparent government ever!

We all knew Ardern was as cynical as they come...but wait...there's more! Chipkins has shown he's more than prepared to crap on everything he and Ardern espoused just a few short months ago....except the elephants in the room, Mahuta's 5 Waters and Parker's RMA "reforms", which it is becoming clear is 5 Waters Mark 2.

Does he have the backing to stand up to Mahuta and the Maori caucus, or is it a bridge too far? Either way, Chipkins has shown himself to be a hollow man, bereft of principles in the pursuit of power.

Leopards and Spots!

15-03-2023, 02:21 PM
Minister overboard

Someone deploy the life rafts and brace for more mirrors and smokescreens while another suitable incapable inexperienced temporary fill-in is found to front the desk :)


Police Minister Stuart Nash resigns after he criticised judge’s decision

All future Leadership potential browny points for Nash erased .. :)

It might be back to a bit of Forestry Consultancy & Slash Management for a new day job soon ..

Does this Labour Prize Circus Class act really think they are coming back this year ? ;)

15-03-2023, 02:26 PM
Minister overboard

Someone deploy the liferafts and brace for more mirrors and smokescreens while another incapable inexperienced temporary fill-in is found :)


Police Minister Stuart Nash resigns after he criticised judge’s decision

Does this Labour Prize Circus Class act really think they are coming back this year ? ;)

Bring back Poto!

15-03-2023, 02:36 PM
Bring back Poto!

God forbid - the Media are saying that the current miniature Phantom House Building Expert
and Energy Resource Restrainer has sprouted an extra arm :)

One muffled bark from the temporary Pipsqueak new in the hotseat (when not balancing other more urgent things) is really going scare the C&@p out of Ram Raiders and other Crims .. :)

Lots of 'Cant see Wood for the Trees' in the current Chippy lead Government shambles :)

15-03-2023, 02:44 PM
Nash has resigned from his Police portfolio for an inappropriate interference in the judicial system when he was not Police Minister. He has breached several rules in the Cabinet Manual according to the PM. Why does that not require him to resign from all his portfolios ?

From the Herald: Hipkins confirmed Nash had breached the Cabinet Manual in multiple ways - by not exercising a professional approach or good judgment in interaction with officials and by commenting on and involving himself in the results of particular cases.

“The Minister has reflected on his actions and agrees it is no longer tenable for him to hold the Police portfolio,” Hipkins said.

“As such Minister Nash has offered me his resignation from the Police portfolio, effective immediately. I have advised the Governor General to accept it and she has done so.”

15-03-2023, 03:02 PM
So how many police ministers have Labour put in place in the last 5.5 years?

There was Stuart Nash,

then Poto ‘Clueless’ Williams,

Chris ‘spread your crime’ Hipkins,

Stuart Nash

and now,

Megan ‘Kiwibuild’ Woods!

For a pro-crims government, Labour is definitely up with the play of showing incompetence!

15-03-2023, 03:03 PM
Nash will have to resurrect his boxing match with Mitchell

15-03-2023, 03:09 PM
Nash will have to resurrect his boxing match with Mitchell

Well he could put the "Shovelling Muck" skills to practical use in the region he hails from

No end of the stuff around after the Cyclone to be cleaned up and then lots of Forestry Slash
to be cleared (Degree Qualified for that one according to the Media) .. :)

Anyone would have to be fairly thick and hopeless to stuff up either of those two tasks ..

15-03-2023, 04:09 PM
Did Costar inform the PM when it happened?

fungus pudding
15-03-2023, 04:13 PM
Did Costar inform the PM when it happened?

Did he have to?

15-03-2023, 04:19 PM
I don't know but at the very least he should have imo made an entry into a journal or the like.

15-03-2023, 04:20 PM
Did Costar inform the PM when it happened?

Costar the woke policeman?

Policing by consent, remember?