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15-03-2023, 06:44 PM
Nash has resigned from his Police portfolio for an inappropriate interference in the judicial system when he was not Police Minister. He has breached several rules in the Cabinet Manual according to the PM. Why does that not require him to resign from all his portfolios ?

From the Herald: Hipkins confirmed Nash had breached the Cabinet Manual in multiple ways - by not exercising a professional approach or good judgment in interaction with officials and by commenting on and involving himself in the results of particular cases.

“The Minister has reflected on his actions and agrees it is no longer tenable for him to hold the Police portfolio,” Hipkins said.

“As such Minister Nash has offered me his resignation from the Police portfolio, effective immediately. I have advised the Governor General to accept it and she has done so.”

After being soft on crime and being pro-crims, Hipkins and Labour decided to let Nash loose with his mouth to talk tough on crime.


He shot himself in the foot and shot Labour in the head!


15-03-2023, 07:09 PM
And the sentencing Nash was so critical of?

Not gang or criminal related - basically a farmer who refused to surrender his firearm as he wanted to protect himself!

So it’s clear - Labour supports gangs and crims but be careful if you are not related to gangs or crime, this government will come after you.


Blue Skies
15-03-2023, 09:00 PM
An own goal in a moment of unbelievable stupidity by announcing on radio he had once questioned the Police Commissioner if he would appeal a judges dismissal, but would anyone seriously believe previous Police Ministers like Woodhouse, Collins, Bennett or Tolley had never out of interest had the occasional confidential chat with their Police Commissioners about various Court decisions.
I mean you just would wouldn't you, we question them so why wouldn't a Minister, but so stupid to state it publicly.

Good to see Hipkins taking immediate & firm action though & a shame Luxon does nothing about National MP Barbara Kuriga who used her position to interfere & intimidate MPI officials & even attempt to get one fired, for investigating her son & husband for animal cruelty.

15-03-2023, 10:52 PM
After being soft on crime and being pro-crims, Hipkins and Labour decided to let Nash loose with his mouth to talk tough on crime.


He shot himself in the foot and shot Labour in the head!


Nash played ‘big dick’ politics with crime & order, and got his dong shot off - that’s what happened.


Blue Skies
15-03-2023, 11:10 PM
And the sentencing Nash was so critical of?

Not gang or criminal related - basically a farmer who refused to surrender his firearm as he wanted to protect himself!

So it’s clear - Labour supports gangs and crims but be careful if you are not related to gangs or crime, this government will come after you.


Does every farmer really needs a military stye AR-15, a 12 Gauge shotgun, a couple of AR-15 magazines, a couple of Ruger magazines, plus thousands of rounds of ammunition to protect themselves?
How much ammunition do you need?
And you need a licence to have these weapons.

AR-15's are the weapon most commonly used in mass shootings in the US & not the sort of weapon hunters use.


15-03-2023, 11:12 PM
Good to see the media picking up on the hypocrisy of Hipkins ‘punishing’ Nash :


When Hipkins says Nash has paid the price, he’s only been punished for the first part – making the phone call – and the conflict that creates as the minister in charge of police.

By not stripping him of his other portfolios, Hipkins has done nothing to respond to Nash’s inability to identify that his actions were unwise, unprofessional, and made him unfit for any ministerial role.

If after almost six years as a minister, Nash still doesn’t know what breaching the Cabinet manual looks like how can Hipkins trust him not to do it again?

15-03-2023, 11:27 PM
Meanwhile, here’s what Labour’s healthcare reform is delivering :


The usual BS spin from Labour and no delivery with heathcare getting worse and worse.

And remember the pulpit of truth?


Te Whatu Ora is still checking whether it has published any more incorrect data, a week after emergency department figures were revealed to be seriously wrong.

All performance data was taken down from the health agency's website last week to check whether it also contained mistakes.

16-03-2023, 10:48 AM
Labour's be lenient on Crims & let'em out fast and early coming back to meet everyone:


Give police 'extra eyes' community leader says after four businesses burgled in Bell Block

What did everyone expect with such braindead policies coming out of Labour's Meathead contingent on Front Benches ? ;)

16-03-2023, 10:59 AM
My son is a farmer and a hunter. No idea what kind of shotgun he uses, but he would agree with you 100% re the AR-15s etc. I have no problem with farmers and hunters having what they need, but they do not need assault weapons. Nobody does except the military.

Does every farmer really needs a military stye AR-15, a 12 Gauge shotgun, a couple of AR-15 magazines, a couple of Ruger magazines, plus thousands of rounds of ammunition to protect themselves?
How much ammunition do you need?
And you need a licence to have these weapons.

AR-15's are the weapon most commonly used in mass shootings in the US & not the sort of weapon hunters use.


16-03-2023, 01:03 PM
Holy h4ll .. not another large Crisis ;)


Teachers strike live updates: Tens of thousands take to the streets demanding better pay and conditions; schools closed

16-03-2023, 01:10 PM

Stock Market: NZ shares, Kiwi dollar, interest rates fall as recession looms

It's safe to come crawling out now - Gobbo Robbo ;)

NZH have seen the balloon going up (or more aptly deflating) and have now called it ;)

You wont get kicked too hard for breaking & smashing things ;)

16-03-2023, 02:59 PM
Holy h4ll .. not another large Crisis ;)


Teachers strike live updates: Tens of thousands take to the streets demanding better pay and conditions; schools closed

5.5 years in power and all that Labour can show is a broken education system - and a lot of Maori words.

Bloody disgrace.


Parts of the system 'absolutely broken': Tinetti
Tinetti told the crowd it was hard to be in the position she was today as a former teacher and principal.

“I know the last few years have been horrific across the country … particularly for you in the classrooms.

“I know there are parts of the systems that are absolutely broken and we can do better,” she said to boos from the crowd.

16-03-2023, 03:37 PM
And who was minister of Education while the education system went into decline and spiralled into the mess that it is?

None other than Hipkins!

16-03-2023, 05:30 PM
And who was minister of Education while the education system went into decline and spiralled into the mess that it is?

None other than Hipkins!

Hippocritter is the Master of Disaster!

16-03-2023, 06:54 PM
And who was minister of Education while the education system went into decline and spiralled into the mess that it is?

None other than Hipkins!

Don't worry. One thing certain is the voters who vote for Labour would not have a clue. They can't even recall what happened 2 or 3 years ago.

How intelligent are the teachers in genearl? The norm is teachers typically side with the left political party or 'Labour', and would they choose to vote for National instead knowing how much of a con job the Labour has become?

17-03-2023, 09:01 AM
Local Government Minister McAnulty wants Mayors to come to the Beehive to thrash out 5 Waters reform of the reforms. How short does he think their memories are?

They were told by his predecessor participation in the then 3 Waters was voluntary...until it wasn't. Then that same Minister tried to sneak through embedding legislation (apparently even the PM and most of the Cabinet didn't know about that stunt...pass the Tui).


This government is morally and ethically bankrupt.
Leopards and spots!

17-03-2023, 09:14 AM
Media 4th estate bias looks to be similar to previous Australian election. Total 90° left hand down.
Completely unrealistic approach.
The word pragmatism is to be banned by Labour cabinet, as they deem it highly "O"ffensive.

Logen Ninefingers
17-03-2023, 12:55 PM
‘The world's largest credit rating agency, S&P, said New Zealand's credit rating could be pressured by "the persistently weak and worsening current account position".’

17-03-2023, 02:56 PM
Looks like Stuart Nash is gone burger as a minister.

As one of the leadership aspirants, it will be so convenient for Hipkins to sack him so Nash does not represent a leadership threat post labour’s October election loss to come.


“If I make the same mistake again, the prime minister will have to take further action - but we learn from our errors.”

But it was just a day later when Newstalk ZB revealed the Solicitor-General considered prosecuting Nash for contempt over public comments he made after the arrest of Eli Epiha in the case of the killing of Police Constable Matthew Hunt.

17-03-2023, 03:04 PM
Nash not a gone burger but ‘demoted’ to lowest ranked minister.


How pathetic can Hipkins & the Labour government be?

All spin and no delivery as usual.


17-03-2023, 03:13 PM
Nash not a gone burger but ‘demoted’ to lowest ranked minister.


How pathetic can Hipkins & the Labour government be?

All spin and no delivery as usual.


Hipkins looks weaker by the minute. Yet another example of Nash not having the intellect or judgement to be a Minister and Hipkins still keeps him in Cabinet. We all know Labour is short of talent but this is indefensible.


Labour lurching from one shambles to another....oh, and by the way we have a recession to look forward to that has been engineered by the Reserve Bank, who along with Grant Robertson were castigated in a report from a former RB Governor earlier.

Blue Skies
17-03-2023, 03:36 PM
It is interesting if you look at the specifics of each of Nash's indiscretions.
The final one was in his capacity as the electorate MP contacting a senior official MBIE to request they look at the immigration case of a health professional (doctor ?) who Hawkes Bay did not want to lose. He did not follow the established procedure to do this.
Earlier ones were saying he hoped the killer of a Policeman would get a long sentence in jail, & criticising a judge as being too lenient in a case of a man found with military AR-15 & thousands of rounds of ammunition & no gun licence.

I absolutely agree Nash had to lose his Ministerial portfolios & be demoted, & Hipkins has quickly removed any target for the opposition.
But Imo the opposition didn't want to over-egg this as generally the public probably think judges are too lenient, & he was trying to assist a doctor who otherwise might be lost to his electorate, with their immigration case.

17-03-2023, 03:50 PM
It is interesting if you look at the specifics of each of Nash's indiscretions.
The final one was in his capacity as the electorate MP contacting a senior official MBIE to request they look at the immigration case of a health professional (doctor ?) who Hawkes Bay did not want to lose. He did not follow the established procedure to do this.
Earlier ones were saying he hoped the killer of a Policeman would get a long sentence in jail, & criticising a judge as being too lenient in a case of a man found with military AR-15 & thousands of rounds of ammunition & no gun licence.

I absolutely agree Nash had to lose his Ministerial portfolios & be demoted, & Hipkins has quickly removed any target for the opposition.
But Imo the opposition didn't want to over-egg this as generally the public probably think judges are too lenient, & he was trying to assist a doctor who otherwise might be lost to his electorate, with their immigration case.

A well intentioned fool is still a fool. In Nash's position they become a dangerous fool. He is bereft of the judgement required of a Minister. Hipkins is weak and desperately short of Ministerial talent of any description.

17-03-2023, 04:05 PM
Hipkins looks weaker by the minute. Yet another example of Nash not having the intellect or judgement to be a Minister and Hipkins still keeps him in Cabinet. We all know Labour is short of talent but this is indefensible.


Labour lurching from one shambles to another....oh, and by the way we have a recession to look forward to that has been engineered by the Reserve Bank, who along with Grant Robertson were castigated in a report from a former RB Governor earlier.

RBNZ forecast 0.7% GDP growth and it came in at -0.6%! You cannot get it more wrong than that!!!!

And the current account deficit has been blowing out, showing how the labour constraint/immigration engineered by this incompetent & clueless government is severely impacting on production and the economy.

Heading towards the day when NZ cannot pay its way in the world.

But hi - there will be more Maori words being used and what a great achievement to crow about! Never mind the best and most able of NZers will all be in Australia.

17-03-2023, 08:13 PM
Battle for the white middle class voters - where 2023 real battle ground really is.

The brown vote will be with Labour so they will be taken for granted. So it is to be expected that Act & NZ First will play that up to scare the white middle class to NOT vote Labour or the Greens.

Then, there’s all the other issues which will bring the ‘Winter of discontent’ to NZ:


Cost of living crisis



Rising interest rates

Current account disaster



Race policies

18-03-2023, 09:45 AM
Snap election coming up …..best chance Labour have

Maybe even June before we know we are in a recession and employment still high

Logen Ninefingers
18-03-2023, 10:02 AM
‘ Ratings agency Standard & Poors has warned that New Zealand’s credit rating could be reduced if the current account deficit does not improve and government interest costs rise substantially to more than 10% of revenues.

The current account deficit is the amount that spending exceeds revenues.’

18-03-2023, 10:31 AM
Snap election coming up …..best chance Labour have

Maybe even June before we know we are in a recession and employment still high
Classic Labour trick, attempt to dodge the obvious approaching decline in the economy. They need to own the damage they have inflicted on the economy, not hide from it.

Blue Skies
18-03-2023, 10:56 AM
Classic Labour trick, attempt to dodge the obvious approaching decline in the economy. They need to own the damage they have inflicted on the economy, not hide from it.

Maybe you need to stop being so dismissive of the damage the Atmospheric Deluge plus the Cyclone (as well as the Covid pandemic) have had on the economy.

Im sorry but its insulting to all those around the country who have lost their homes, their farms, their business machinery & equipment, their roads, bridges, State Highways, land washed away etc from Northland to the West Coast of the South Island. Tauranga may have escaped but so much of the rest of the country didn't, even in Auckland there is a massive amount of damage to be repaired, let alone Northland & Hawkes Bay & Tai Rawhiti, Marlborough Sounds, Nelson, West Coast.

It's going to cost billions to fix, or do we just forget about the Coromandel, or Hawkes Bay etc because it might affect our credit rating?
Or do we raise taxes to pay for it?
Or do we just complain & do nothing?

For some reason this doesn't even rate a mention in your potted appraisal of the NZ economy.

Besides, prior to these catastrophic weather events, the NZ economy was running so hot we were one of the first countries to raise interest rates to cool it off.
And our economy was in a much better state than most OECD countries even including Australia.
Yes unfortunately there has been upheaval & some businesses have really struggled, but others have done really well making record profits. This always seems to be ignored.

18-03-2023, 10:56 AM
‘ Ratings agency Standard & Poors has warned that New Zealand’s credit rating could be reduced if the current account deficit does not improve and government interest costs rise substantially to more than 10% of revenues..’

It’s a good thing it’s currently less than 3% of revenue.

It was upgraded under labour after being downgraded under Sir Bill so it would only be returning to that situation.

18-03-2023, 10:58 AM
Maybe you need to stop being so dismissive of the damage the Atmospheric Deluge plus the Cyclone (as well as the Covid pandemic) have had on the economy.

Im sorry but its insulting to all those around the country who have lost their homes, their farms, their business machinery & equipment, their roads, bridges, State Highways, land washed away etc from Northland to the West Coast of the South Island. Tauranga may have escaped but so much of the rest of the country didn't, even in Auckland there is a massive amount of damage to be repaired, let alone Northland & Hawkes Bay & Tai Rawhiti, Marlborough Sounds, Nelson, West Coast.

For some reason this doesn't even rate a mention in your appraisal of the NZ economy.

Besides, prior to these catastrophic weather events, the NZ economy was running so hot we were one of the first countries to raise interest rates to cool it off.
And our economy was in a much better state than most OECD countries even including Australia.
Yes unfortunately there has been upheaval & some businesses have really struggled, but others have done really well making record profits.

We don't have the GDP figures for that period yet. In other words Robbo had managed to screw it up prior, without any help from the weather.

Blue Skies
18-03-2023, 11:16 AM
We don't have the GDP figures for that period yet. In other words Robbo had managed to screw it up prior, without any help from the weather.

Hey can I politely ask, if people are going to "Reply with Quote" they include the whole Quote & don't do their own editing of someone else's post ?
It may not seem important, but context is everything & sometimes context is lost or at least diminished by editing.
Many thanks.

18-03-2023, 11:37 AM
Hey can I politely ask, if people are going to "Reply with Quote" they include the whole Quote & don't do their own editing of someone else's post ?
It may not seem important, but context is everything & sometimes context is lost or at least diminished by editing.
Many thanks.

You can politely ask that. But I just did reply with quote. It appears you edited your post just after I posted. What I replied to was the original.

Blue Skies
18-03-2023, 11:46 AM
You can politely ask that. But I just did reply with quote. It appears you edited your post just after I posted. What I replied to was the original.

Thanks Jonu, yes you're right, that explains it.

18-03-2023, 11:54 AM
More skulduggery coming through David Parker's RMA reform. As was feared by many, he is creating a far worse framework capped off by co-governance arrangements. See the below extract from the Taxpayer's Union and their exposing of the concerns from the Chief Justice.

But because the bill leaves so much to negotiation between councils, iwi and the minister, it is difficult to know exactly where things will end up. The likely answer is in the courts.

But the courts aren't too happy either. In a very unusual move, the Chief Justice made a submission on the Natural and Built Environment Bill. She warned that many of the provisions contained within the proposed legislation were things that were likely to be challenged in the courts. This means that the true implications of David Parker's bills are very uncertain and these court battles will be expensive.

In an even more staggering intervention, however, the Chief Justice raised concerns about the role of the proposed new National Māori Entity. She said that the bill as currently drafted includes the Environment Court as an entity whose decisions would be independently monitored by the National Māori Entity and would be required to respond to their reports.

The Chief Justice said that such a set up "would be inconsistent with New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements" and that "Court decisions are appropriately challenged by way of appeal, not by way of review by a statutory entity". She was so surprised by this that she said that the Supreme Court "assume[d] this is an error in drafting or an oversight."

18-03-2023, 02:47 PM
It’s a good thing it’s currently less than 3% of revenue.

It was upgraded under labour after being downgraded under Sir Bill so it would only be returning to that situation.

Tell us how Ryman, according to you, should be loading up with more debt to do a share buyback, ignoramus peasant. You have zero credibility.

When in a hole, dig deeper - that’s Labour Party economic and fiscal policy.

Keep spending by using ever more debt - that’s the bankrupt economic policy of Robertson, Ardern & Hipkins.

Same Labour Party policy & logic which delivered NZ it’s worse current account deficit since records began in 1988 :

New Zealand’s annual current account deficit last year was $33.8 billion, or 8.9% of gross domestic product — the worst ratio since measurement began in 1988.

The deficit was $12.7 billion wider than in 2021, making the ratio to GDP worse than the previous record of 7.8% during the global financial crisis in 2008.

Statistics New Zealand said a current account deficit shows we are spending more than we are earning overseas, and the ratio to GDP shows its significance to the overall economy.

18-03-2023, 05:17 PM
Nobody wants the Police minister job - hardly surprising after the screw-ups by Hipkins, Poto and Nash.

Takes an especially incompetent and clueless government to appoint Poto ‘head in the ethnic sand’ Williams to be police minister, to be followed by Hipkins with his Ardern spin and then, Nash to do chest beating with no substance.


Kieran McAnulty, currently busy with the cyclone response as emergency management minister and the Three Waters reforms as local government minister, has been more upfront.

He told reporters on Thursday he was “absolutely certain” he didn’t want the job.

“If the PM offered me whatever I’d say yes, but I just don’t want it.”

McAnulty hadn’t told Hipkins this, as he hadn’t had a chance to speak to “Chippy” in recent days. Presumably speaking publicly about his lack of enthusiasm was one way of letting his boss know.

18-03-2023, 06:33 PM
Unprecedented - armed robbery of school children.

The result of the policies of this pro-crims and pro-gangs Labour government. Be kind and release criminals back into society as fast as possible to make the crime stats look good, but NZers know now what is really happening out there .


19-03-2023, 02:10 PM

An Ode to .. Stuart Nash

Bard Billot on the Labour blatherer

19-03-2023, 02:52 PM

An Ode to .. Stuart Nash

Bard Billot on the Labour blatherer

The hypocrisy of Hipkins in full display :


White middle class voters - that’s where the election will be won or lost in 2023.

They have been waking up to the fact that their core values (honesty, education, hard work, self reliance, respect for law & order and good morals) are under attack as privileges (!!!) by this racist and divisive beneficiary breeding Labour government.

Study hard, work hard and save hard so Labour can take from you to give to those who don’t. As true as it gets.

19-03-2023, 08:08 PM
Where was I reading that Govt Covid Support was proposed at one point in $5K blobs loaded
on Plastic or was that Prezzy cards - dished out to everyone in papers now released? ;)

The only issue was .. couldn't get the cards from China :)

This was back when Ardern was leading the current Goon Show spin extravaganza ;)

Now we have the schoolmaster pushing special Lotto draws for Cyclone affected
areas while the clueless sit on their laurels in glass towers watching but doing very little,
aside from firing a few minor instalments into a pool and the poor suckers in the regions
do clean up missions on their own ;)

What happened those surplus billions left over sitting in the Covid Support Fund ? :)

The Woody's & Nash's travel expenses cant have swallowed all that was left over - surely ;)

or was it Robbo's Belamy's bill for fine parliamentary dining that cleaned it out ? ;)

19-03-2023, 09:04 PM

An Ode to .. Stuart Nash

Bard Billot on the Labour blatherer "Mate," says Lord of Punishings Stu,
"Can we get a bit more enthusiastic
With the floggings and beheadings?"

I have always thought that Stuart Nash’s values were aligned more with those of the National Party, than the Labour Party. It seemed to me he was in the wrong party.

20-03-2023, 01:35 PM
More food for thought on the 3-5 Waters proposal: https://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/300797371/no-taxation-without-representation-at-risk-in-three-waters-plan

Bill Smith
20-03-2023, 03:46 PM
You know labours depth and quality of MP's is bereft of talent when G Anderson is the POLICE MINISTER.
How useless does hipkins think Greg O'Connor is?
Maybe hipkins has got one thing correct!

20-03-2023, 05:06 PM
You know labours depth and quality of MP's is bereft of talent when G Anderson is the POLICE MINISTER.
How useless does hipkins think Greg O'Connor is?
Maybe hipkins has got one thing correct!

Ginny is a kind soul (first hand experience) and Stuff says she speaks te reo Māori.

20-03-2023, 05:15 PM
Ginny is a kind soul (first hand experience) and Stuff says she speaks te reo Māori.

And she can kiss the gangs’ arses extra well?

20-03-2023, 05:21 PM
You know labours depth and quality of MP's is bereft of talent when G Anderson is the POLICE MINISTER.
How useless does hipkins think Greg O'Connor is?
Maybe hipkins has got one thing correct!

No way O'Connor, the past Police Association President (Union), would be appointed Minister of Police. Slim pickings for Hipkins on the Police portfolios' ministerial conveyer belt.

20-03-2023, 05:28 PM
Ginny is a kind soul (first hand experience) and Stuff says she speaks te reo Māori.

So does anyone still believe cultural competence isn't a requirement for advancement?

20-03-2023, 05:37 PM
So does anyone still believe cultural competence isn't a requirement for advancement?

First define cultural competence. How about just competence? That gets my vote.

20-03-2023, 05:47 PM
So does anyone still believe cultural competence isn't a requirement for advancement?

I am sure little Moana will be much better of because her whanau, that totally failed her and mistreated her as a baby, have lead years of legal harassment against the couple that wanted to love her, look after her and give her the upbringing she deserves.
Her unexplained "cultural needs" are obviously much more important than her health and safety. What a ridiculous country we have become https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/131476321/hardest-decision-of-our-lives-foster-parents-return-moana-to-state-care?fbclid=IwAR28dn0klQlRwaBAaNj6mSqHXy5W8PpOLRiR QS9tYYtxvDql93eQKRInKGI

20-03-2023, 06:27 PM

Fitch Solutions downgrades New Zealand GDP outlook

(Premium content)

Formal Confirmation that "the Job's b&ggered up - mate" ;)

Where are the two now silent muddlers and meddlers - Finance Fiddler Gobbo Robbo and
Adrian Just ******* Orr-Some from the RB hiding now ? ;)

It had to happen, didn't it with the trajectory things were headed, with worse to follow :)

Welcome to New Zimbabwee - the newest Banana Republic of the South Pacific
coming at everyone real soon :)

20-03-2023, 06:39 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle impact - PM Chris Hipkins announces six new bridges; Ginny Andersen new Minister of Police

Good grief - now HippoDipkins has assumed the new role of Minister of New Bridges :)

Probably wont help them appearing on the scene any faster - will he be first to walk the plank
across each of them ? ;)

Blue Skies
20-03-2023, 07:00 PM
You know labours depth and quality of MP's is bereft of talent when G Anderson is the POLICE MINISTER.
How useless does hipkins think Greg O'Connor is?
Maybe hipkins has got one thing correct!

I didn't know her either, but give her a chance. Just looked her up & she's obviously v bright, & has significant police experience, worked for NZ Police for 11 years from 2006 -2017 on policy around gangs, organised crime & meth, & married to a former Police inspector.
Being smart & experience in the field are key attributes.
Lets just give her a chance rather than default straight to complaining about everything.

As Sam Neil says, we're becoming a nation of complainers, constant negativity.

20-03-2023, 07:04 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle impact - PM Chris Hipkins announces six new bridges; Ginny Andersen new Minister of Police

Good grief - now HippoDipkins has assumed the new role of Minister of New Bridges :)

Probably wont help them appearing on the scene any faster - will he be first to walk the plank
across each of them ? ;)

Don’t building bridges win elections ….think a Nat trick

I think they promised 10;bridges up north once

20-03-2023, 07:05 PM
I didn't know her either, but give her a chance. Just looked her up & she's obviously v bright, & has significant police experience, worked for NZ Police for 11 years from 2006 -2017 on policy around gangs, organised crime & meth, & married to a former Police inspector.
Being smart & experience in the field are key attributes.
Lets just give her a chance rather than default straight to complaining about everything.

As Sam Neil says, we're becoming a nation of complainers, constant negativity.

Sam comes across as a likeable bloke. He's been known to complain about a few things himself. But let's face it...he is something of a Pinot Noir socialist isn't he? (would've said champagne but it aint what he produces)

Blue Skies
20-03-2023, 07:45 PM
Sam comes across as a likeable bloke. He's been known to complain about a few things himself. But let's face it...he is something of a Pinot Noir socialist isn't he? (would've said champagne but it aint what he produces)

Ha, ...yes, & has been said, we're all socialists in the end, we just argue over who the beneficiaries should be!

20-03-2023, 07:49 PM
I didn't know her either, but give her a chance. Just looked her up & she's obviously v bright, & has significant police experience, worked for NZ Police for 11 years from 2006 -2017 on policy around gangs, organised crime & meth, & married to a former Police inspector.
Being smart & experience in the field are key attributes.
Lets just give her a chance rather than default straight to complaining about everything.

As Sam Neil says, we're becoming a nation of complainers, constant negativity.

Wrong - NZ is becoming a nation of losers under Labour.

All spin and no delivery.

Most transparent government ever.

Which of the above does Sam not understand?

20-03-2023, 07:51 PM
So does anyone still believe cultural competence isn't a requirement for advancement?

Must be why the police under-reported ram raids by 50%? Cultural competence, see?

Kiss my tuara.

20-03-2023, 07:57 PM
Ha, ...yes, & has been said, we're all socialists in the end, we just argue over who the beneficiaries should be!

A lot of people of people think Christianity and socialism are closely linked, but I heard a very succinct and wise comment describing the difference.

"Christianity demands charity of the individual for the needy, whereas Socialism demands someone else's money."

Or to put it another way, "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money."

Blue Skies
20-03-2023, 08:28 PM
A lot of people of people think Christianity and socialism are closely linked, but I heard a very succinct and wise comment describing the difference.

"Christianity demands charity of the individual for the needy, whereas Socialism demands someone else's money."

Or to put it another way, "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money."

Well, here's another thought to ponder.
Capitalism is about extraction of wealth, whereas Socialism is about reciprocation of wealth i.e. helping others & being helped in return if needed.

Those contrasts are often used to describe Colonialism (e.g. the English in India, West Indies etc, & France, Belgium, Spain etc in Africa ) extraction of resources/ wealth, compared to Indigenous Cultures reciprocation e.g. ensuring sustainability.

20-03-2023, 08:42 PM
Well, here's another thought to ponder.
Capitalism is about extraction of wealth, whereas Socialism is about reciprocation of wealth i.e. helping others & being helped in return if needed.

Those contrasts are often used to describe Colonialism (e.g. the English in India, West Indies etc, & France, Belgium, Spain etc in Africa ) extraction of resources/ wealth, compared to Indigenous Cultures reciprocation e.g. ensuring sustainability.

Perhaps generation of wealth is a term more in line with modern economies. Industrialisation and tech have changed the game. References to Colonial Monarchies may suit the grievance industry, but they have little relevance in the explosion of the generation of wealth created by modern capitalism in the 20th Century, enabling the lifting of unprecedented numbers from poverty and resulting in the wealthiest and most educated era humanity has ever been.
Not to say it's perfect, and that there isn't inequity, that there isn't waste, but it's led to better quality of life than anthing we have had before.

20-03-2023, 08:42 PM
Well, here's another thought to ponder.
Capitalism is about extraction of wealth, whereas Socialism is about reciprocation of wealth i.e. helping others & being helped in return if needed.

Those contrasts are often used to describe Colonialism (e.g. the English in India, West Indies etc, & France, Belgium, Spain etc in Africa ) extraction of resources/ wealth, compared to Indigenous Cultures reciprocation e.g. ensuring sustainability.

Must be why the Moa became extinct and cannibalism became an indigenous Maori practice?

20-03-2023, 08:56 PM
Those contrasts are often used to describe Colonialism (e.g. the English in India, West Indies etc, & France, Belgium, Spain etc in Africa ) extraction of resources/ wealth, compared to Indigenous Cultures reciprocation e.g. ensuring sustainability.

????? Many indigenous cultures would burn vast swathes of land to hunt their food. Many indigenous cultures knew SFA about sustainability. There just were not that many of them so sustainability was never an issue.

Maori and Moa?

The whole indigenous culture B/S and how great it was and how bad colonial cultures were is just modern crap. All cultures have their good and bad.

If it wasn't for some white priviledged English yobs, slavery would still be a thing globally. I am thinking in particular of Wilberforce. It was him and his allies that put an end to slavery in all forms, be it black on black, black on white (yes Newton also was a slave), or white on black or white on white.

20-03-2023, 08:59 PM
Ginny is a kind soul (first hand experience) and Stuff says she speaks te reo Māori.

Ah, that's a relief!

She will be able to consult with the special knowledge people, to ask why their rangitahi are committing so much crime.

Ginnys just the tonic we need!

Recent events have left us so deflated, we need a stiff one!

21-03-2023, 04:17 AM
A lot of people of people think Christianity and socialism are closely linked, but I heard a very succinct and wise comment describing the difference.

The bible doesn't say much, if anything, about individual choice and freedom.

Bill Smith
21-03-2023, 07:54 AM
O'Connor was a serving officer and Andersen is married to a dog handler. So that explains why she gets the gig!

In reality Andersens main claim to fame is that she is related to SUP Bill Andersen.

21-03-2023, 07:56 AM
The bible doesn't say much, if anything, about individual choice and freedom.

It's a book that expounds individual choice and freedom throughout. I'd recommend Jordan Peterson's excellent lecture series on Genesis and Exodus if you wish to approach it from an agnostic/archetypal viewpoint.

21-03-2023, 02:26 PM
Hmm... should I listen to Mr peterson or pope francis (the latter being somewhat of a critic of capitalism).

21-03-2023, 03:31 PM
Hmm... should I listen to Mr peterson or pope francis (the latter being somewhat of a critic of capitalism).

Listen to Ardern & Hipkins.

Then apply your Ryman logic of loading up on more debt to do a share buyback, ignoramus peasant.

21-03-2023, 04:13 PM
Maybe Labour should follow how NZRFU do things and appoint the next PM for 2024 onwards now and just let Hipkins roll on until the big day

21-03-2023, 07:19 PM
Maybe Labour should follow how NZRFU do things and appoint the next PM for 2024 onwards now and just let Hipkins roll on until the big day
Except Chippy is too busy doing ‘Emotion’ just like his predecessor, which Labour think is the way to get re-elected. Go to flood affected towns, do sympathy and do nothing meaningful.
Whoaaaa! Hold the presses - a tornado on the west Coast today - expect Chippy to be on a plane and down there to express sympathy, oh. Yes - and do nothing.
But wait, 6 metre waves expected in Wellington. He could nick down there at lunch time and view damage - and express sympathy - and do nothing.
Emotion is the key to re-election - who ever said politicians were elected to run the economy of this country.

21-03-2023, 08:10 PM
Hippocritter is determined to let us know he's from the same sty as Cinders.

He's trotting out as many porkies!

He appoints Ginny as Minister of Police, yet it seems he had not read her CV.

What a Cop out!

What will save his bacon?

21-03-2023, 11:10 PM

Police Minister’s pie plunder: Ginny Andersen accidentally steals pie from PM Hipkins’ favourite shop

New Police Minister Ginny Andersen may be feeling slightly awkward as she spearheads the Government’s crackdown on retail crime after she accidentally nicked a pie from the Prime Minister’s favourite pie shop on her first day in the job.

Just new in the job & the replacement Police Minister already has PIE splattered on her face :)

How the heck does one accidentally nick a pie ? Was she asleep, sleepwalking or on prescription drugs ? ;)

How about - Credibility blown on Day One in new Police Portfolio spot :)

Why did the Parliamentary plastic decline ? ;)

With talent like this onboard, everyone will be wondering whether the current Labour fill in will come in any better than previous occupiers of the Police Portfolio ;)

22-03-2023, 12:24 PM

Government policies blamed for record rents in new survey from Housing Ministry

(Premium Content)

But most will have already seen that this was the case ;)

Any of this Govt's Core Policies still standing which aren't sitting in a disarray ? ;)

How's the Sound Economy spiel going - Robbo .. or is it sit and hide time until it's kicked out the side door
never to be seen again ? ;)

How's Child Poverty going ? .. or should that be renamed to just a wider "POVERTY" title ?;)


The Front Page: Why the cost of living will be critical this election

$2 Bills bandaid thrown at it in election year .. then go back to sleep and ignore other areas hit ? ;)

The Labour way isn't it ? ... if it's too difficult - go back to sleep and pretend no problem exists
unless you can make a beneficial CRISIS issue out of it for some added limelight :)

22-03-2023, 12:38 PM

Dunedin’s Clan Construction building firm collapses owing $2m, eight projects in limbo

Yet more smashing & crashing going on out there

How's Unemployment going ?

22-03-2023, 02:40 PM
I see Michael Wood hasn't progressed far from his "river of filth" comments when referring to anti-jab mandate protestors.

Now he's saying a Womens Rights activist has "vile and incorrect views".


Interesting how NZ media are framing Posie Parker as anti-trans when she is a woman's rights advocate. She just doesn't want people with penises sharing women's only areas. This is where Scotland's former First Minister Sturgeon got all tangled up over a male inmate raping a female inmate in a Womens prison. Will we see Wood get similarly tangled up? Sturgeon was off out the door shortly after, following a public pile-on of ridicule. Get out the popcorn as the Emperor's New Clothes is about to play out here.

"But,but,but...you can see...he has a willy. What's he doing in the Ladies?"

"Oh he's OK, he self identifies as a woman. Doesn't need any treatment. Even his passport and birth certificate say so shortly" So he's a she....take a walk on the wild side"

22-03-2023, 04:25 PM

Cost of living: Household expenses could increase by $150 a week this year - ASB

A further little Gift on it's way to all - courtesy of your favourite Labour crew ;)

Time for a further $5 billion hand out from Gobbo Robbo & Chris Hippocritter as a fix it soon ? ;)

After all there are still billions sitting in the Covid Recovery Fund .. well supposed to be .. isn't there ? :)

fungus pudding
22-03-2023, 05:46 PM

Cost of living: Household expenses could increase by $150 a week this year - ASB

A further little Gift on it's way to all - courtesy of your favourite Labour crew ;)

Time for a further $5 billion hand out from Gobbo Robbo & Chris Hippocritter as a fix it soon ? ;)

After all there are still billions sitting in the Covid Recovery Fund .. well supposed to be .. isn't there ? :)

Not blocked


22-03-2023, 10:29 PM
I see Michael Wood hasn't progressed far from his "river of filth" comments when referring to anti-jab mandate protestors.

Now he's saying a Womens Rights activist has "vile and incorrect views".


Interesting how NZ media are framing Posie Parker as anti-trans when she is a woman's rights advocate. She just doesn't want people with penises sharing women's only areas. This is where Scotland's former First Minister Sturgeon got all tangled up over a male inmate raping a female inmate in a Womens prison. Will we see Wood get similarly tangled up? Sturgeon was off out the door shortly after, following a public pile-on of ridicule. Get out the popcorn as the Emperor's New Clothes is about to play out here.

"But,but,but...you can see...he has a willy. What's he doing in the Ladies?"

"Oh he's OK, he self identifies as a woman. Doesn't need any treatment. Even his passport and birth certificate say so shortly" So he's a she....take a walk on the wild side"
Well Wood was spot on with his river of filth comment and his Posie Parker comment too.

23-03-2023, 01:03 PM
Well Wood was spot on with his river of filth comment and his Posie Parker comment too.

Heck yes. we an not be seen defending woman's rights.

23-03-2023, 02:03 PM
Heck yes. we an not be seen defending woman's rights.

This is the awful dilemma this Identity politics alphabet soup nonsense creates for its adherents. It was enough to end Sturgeon's career. Who will be keen to follow in her footsteps here? Do they go along with the Emperor's New Clothes lie, or do they acknowledge the willy being waved under their noses....so to speak.

Who in our woke media will confront Wood? Who will grill Hipkins? What is a woman?

23-03-2023, 02:38 PM
Who in our woke media will confront Wood? Who will grill Hipkins? What is a woman?

Duh that's easy. Anyone that identifies as a woman is a woman silly.

23-03-2023, 06:17 PM
Duh that's easy. Anyone that identifies as a woman is a woman silly.

Even though ‘she’ carries a pair of balls in her groin area?

23-03-2023, 06:21 PM
Remember how Labour & Ardern prioritised the eradication of child poverty?

How Ardern & Robertson were ashamed to live in a country where children lived in cars?

Well, here’s the results after 5.5 years of Labour’s pathetic efforts :


All spin and no delivery - that’s Labour and now, it’s all about resetting targets!

Most transparent government ever!

23-03-2023, 06:35 PM
Even though ‘she’ carries a pair of balls in her groin area?

Funny how the usual Labourites are quiet on this issue. Will they tow the party line? Does a Womens Rights activist hold "vile and incorrect views" about not wanting willys in women's private spaces? Will they fall into the Sturgeon trap? Poor old Nicola couldn't decide whether a man who raped a woman in a women's prison was a he or a she. What is Chipster's position? Does he hold "vile and incorrect views"? Will he protect women's rights?

Blue Skies
23-03-2023, 09:01 PM
Funny how the usual Labourites are quiet on this issue. Will they tow the party line? Does a Womens Rights activist hold "vile and incorrect views" about not wanting willys in women's private spaces? Will they fall into the Sturgeon trap? Poor old Nicola couldn't decide whether a man who raped a woman in a women's prison was a he or a she. What is Chipster's position? Does he hold "vile and incorrect views"? Will he protect women's rights?

Do either National or Labour have a party line on this ?

In the absence of further evidence, I'm in agreement with Richard Dawkins that sex is a biological & scientific fact, i.e. male or female based on the 2, X & Y chromosomes.

However, Gender is a personal choice referring to the socially constructed characteristics & behaviours associated with men & women, non-binary, whatever.
The difficulty is Gender has legal status so we run into problems over whose rights take priority.

Obviously it's complicated.
But I don't think we should unnecessarily be cruel towards people who are already facing enough challenges, by being flippant about a rape & using that single isolated case to base a position on this whole issue, or condemn someone like Nicola Sturgeon who after all was only trying to advocate for tolerance & accomodate those in society who don't fit the norm.

God hope that doesn't sound too preachy! Anyway I'm all for tolerance & letting people be whoever they want to be, there's far more important things to worry about.
It's a quagmire, was discussing with my daughter today this in relation to sport.
What's your take?

23-03-2023, 09:09 PM
Do either National or Labour have a party line on this ?

In the absence of further evidence, I'm in agreement with Richard Dawkins that sex is a biological & scientific fact, i.e. male or female based on the 2, X & Y chromosomes.

However, Gender is a personal choice referring to the socially constructed characteristics & behaviours associated with men & women, non-binary, whatever.
The difficulty is Gender has legal status so we run into problems over whose rights take priority.

Obviously it's complicated.
But I don't think we should unnecessarily be cruel towards people who are already facing enough challenges, by being flippant about a rape & using that single isolated case to base a position on this whole issue, or condemn someone like Nicola Sturgeon who after all was only trying to advocate for tolerance & accomodate those in society who don't fit the norm.

God hope that doesn't sound too preachy! Anyway I'm all for tolerance & letting people be whoever they want to be, there's far more important things to worry about.
It's a quagmire, was discussing with my daughter today this in relation to sport.
What's your take?

A Labour Minister certainly has a position on it. "Vile and incorrect" was Mr Wood's response to the Women's Rights campaigner. I really hope someone in the MSM has the guts to press him on his misogynist views. Sturgeon dug her own hole with her ridiculous woke views. Wood has got the spade out. Dig Michael, dig.

My take? You can't change your sex. Male is male is a man. Female is female is a woman. Not really that complicated. Women should not have to put up with men in their private spaces. Simples.

23-03-2023, 09:30 PM
Maybe Michael Wood needs to watch this.


Who holds "vile and incorrect views"?

24-03-2023, 08:49 AM
The World Athletics Council gets it.


They have followed the common sense of the Swimming authority.

Do they hold "vile and incorrect views'?

Oh dear, Michael Wood is now being taken to court by the alphabet soupers for not blocking Posie Parker's entry to NZ. Will he double down? Will he do a Nicola Sturgeon? Where will the Wood worm turn?

24-03-2023, 01:40 PM
A Labour Minister certainly has a position on it. "Vile and incorrect" was Mr Wood's response to the Women's Rights campaigner. I really hope someone in the MSM has the guts to press him on his misogynist views. Sturgeon dug her own hole with her ridiculous woke views. Wood has got the spade out. Dig Michael, dig.

My take? You can't change your sex. Male is male is a man. Female is female is a woman. Not really that complicated. Women should not have to put up with men in their private spaces. Simples.

If you think Posie Parker is a women’s rights campaigner then I’m Father Christmas- she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

24-03-2023, 01:55 PM
If you think Posie Parker is a women’s rights campaigner then I’m Father Christmas- she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Really Father Christmas? Please expand. What is wrong with her? Would you want your daughter to be using the same changing rooms and toilets with a male? What is wrong with women wanting their safe spaces protected? Let us know.

How about males in women's prisons and the example of the rape in a Scotland prison of a female inmate by a male? Nicola Sturgeon got herself tangled up in that one enough to kill her career. Let's see Michael Wood spell out the strength of his convictions on this. Let's have him spell out what he sees as "vile and incorrect views". Let's see the Emperor's New clothes play out.

Blue Skies
24-03-2023, 02:17 PM
Really Father Christmas? Please expand. What is wrong with her? Would you want your daughter to be using the same changing rooms and toilets with a male? What is wrong with women wanting their safe spaces protected? Let us know.

How about males in women's prisons and the example of the rape in a Scotland prison of a female inmate by a male? Nicola Sturgeon got herself tangled up in that one enough to kill her career. Let's see Michael Wood spell out the strength of his convictions on this. Let's have him spell out what he sees as "vile and incorrect views". Let's see the Emperor's New clothes play out.

Jono I don't think you realise Posie Parker is a trans phobic who courts neo Nazis & white supremacist groups & incites hatred & even violence against trans & rainbow communities. You only have to see the neo- Nazi groups who turn up at her rallies to support her & the violent rhetoric to understand that.
Just because she describes herself as a womens rights campaigner, doesn't mean she is, any more than as Trump describes himself as a practicing Christian, Brian Tamaki is a real Bishop, or Putin as the liberator of Ukraine. That's just twisted.

Michael Wood has said some of her views are vile & incorrect & hopefully most would agree with him.


24-03-2023, 02:19 PM
Really Father Christmas? Please expand. What is wrong with her? Would you want your daughter to be using the same changing rooms and toilets with a male? What is wrong with women wanting their safe spaces protected? Let us know.

How about males in women's prisons and the example of the rape in a Scotland prison of a female inmate by a male? Nicola Sturgeon got herself tangled up in that one enough to kill her career. Let's see Michael Wood spell out the strength of his convictions on this. Let's have him spell out what he sees as "vile and incorrect views". Let's see the Emperor's New clothes play out.

With dopey views like yours I’d give you a lump of coal come Christmas.

24-03-2023, 02:25 PM
With dopey views like yours I’d give you a lump of coal come Christmas.

What's dopey Father Christmas? What was wrong with the questions I asked? You seem hesitant to answer, but are happy to insult.

24-03-2023, 02:32 PM
Jono I don't think you realise Posie Parker is a trans phobic who courts neo Nazis & white supremacist groups & incites hatred & even violence against trans & rainbow communities. You only have to see the neo- Nazi groups who turn up at her rallies to support her & the violent rhetoric to understand that.
Just because she describes herself as a womens rights campaigner, doesn't mean she is, any more than as Trump describes himself as a devout Christian or Putin as the liberator of Ukraine. That's just twisted.

Michael Wood has said some of her views are vile & incorrect & hopefully most would agree with him.


Which of her views are "vile and incorrect'? Do you support males in Women's spaces? Would you want your daughter put in that position. Why is it that you are parroting the MSM view of her as anti-trans when she is a feminist? She (yes, she is a she) didn't invite or court neo-nazis, they hijacked her event. The photos I saw showed hatred and vile gestures towards her from those protesting her.

I'm looking forward to Michael Wood's verbal gymnastics to avoid a Nicola Sturgeon repeat. What is a Woman Michael?

Emperor's New Clothes here we come.

24-03-2023, 02:57 PM
Which of her views are "vile and incorrect'? Do you support males in Women's spaces? Would you want your daughter put in that position. Why is it that you are parroting the MSM view of her as anti-trans when she is a feminist? She (yes, she is a she) didn't invite or court neo-nazis, they hijacked her event. The photos I saw showed hatred and vile gestures towards her from those protesting her.

I'm looking forward to Michael Wood's verbal gymnastics to avoid a Nicola Sturgeon repeat. What is a Woman Michael?

Emperor's New Clothes here we come.
Haven’t you got a company to direct instead of bothering us?

24-03-2023, 04:22 PM
Haven’t you got a company to direct instead of bothering us?

Your mommy is calling you. Time to have your milk.

24-03-2023, 06:14 PM
Yay, Posey has arrived!

When will the Rainbows stop showing their true colours, with their intolerant and biased behavior?

Blue Skies
24-03-2023, 07:13 PM
Which of her views are "vile and incorrect'? Do you support males in Women's spaces? Would you want your daughter put in that position. Why is it that you are parroting the MSM view of her as anti-trans when she is a feminist? She (yes, she is a she) didn't invite or court neo-nazis, they hijacked her event. The photos I saw showed hatred and vile gestures towards her from those protesting her.

I'm looking forward to Michael Wood's verbal gymnastics to avoid a Nicola Sturgeon repeat. What is a Woman Michael?

Emperor's New Clothes here we come.

Just a clarification re the Scottish case you referenced, because its important to get the facts straight.

Adam Graham was found guilty of rape as a man, not in prison & before transitioning to a woman. The rape didn't happen in prison like you think & was before they transitioned to become Isla Bryson.

On finding this out, after an intervention by Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Bryson was moved from an all women prison to a male prison.
Sturgeon said, it was not possible to incarcerate a rapist in a female prison.

Based on the correct facts, you might reconsider your criticism of Nicola Sturgeon.


25-03-2023, 09:00 AM
Just a clarification re the Scottish case you referenced, because its important to get the facts straight.

Adam Graham was found guilty of rape as a man, not in prison & before transitioning to a woman. The rape didn't happen in prison like you think & was before they transitioned to become Isla Bryson.

On finding this out, after an intervention by Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Bryson was moved from an all women prison to a male prison.
Sturgeon said, it was not possible to incarcerate a rapist in a female prison.

Based on the correct facts, you might reconsider your criticism of Nicola Sturgeon.


Trying to rewrite the narrative, BS?

Fact is that Adam/Isla Bryson transitioned into a 'female' and was placed in a woman's jail.

There was an outcry and Sturgeon went back on her commitment about transgender rights and transferred Adam/Isla to a man's jail.

So what is Sturgeon's real position now on transgender? She is clueless - just like Ardern.

25-03-2023, 09:05 AM
Meanwhile, watch Winston play the race card now to the hilt in the lead up to October's election.

And Hipkins & Labour will have no reply because they stand accused of exactly what they are accused of - using divisive & racist policies to lock in the brown vote to the detriment of the white middle class electorate.

And being Maori, Winston can say all he like with the Maori cabal in Labour unable to respond.

Very interesting and very very satisfying to watch this play out with Hipkins on the backfoot - imagine him being asked to comment!

NZ First to crack the 5% level again?


He says it's not an attack on the Māori language but on "the elite virtue signallers who have hijacked the language for their own socialist means".

"This conceited, conniving, cultural cabal doesn’t represent hard working ordinary Māori - they only seek to use Māori to further their own agenda."


25-03-2023, 10:02 AM
Just a clarification re the Scottish case you referenced, because its important to get the facts straight.

Adam Graham was found guilty of rape as a man, not in prison & before transitioning to a woman. The rape didn't happen in prison like you think & was before they transitioned to become Isla Bryson.

On finding this out, after an intervention by Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Bryson was moved from an all women prison to a male prison.
Sturgeon said, it was not possible to incarcerate a rapist in a female prison.

Based on the correct facts, you might reconsider your criticism of Nicola Sturgeon.


Thanks for the clarification, but overall it doesn't affect the central issues that Sturgeon got herself into a tangle as to whether she was dealing with a he or a she, and furthermore made a judgement call as to the sincerity of Bryson's transition. Instead of calling BS on the whole situation and the foolish legislation that has enabled it, she dug her hole deeper by pissing off both sides. Which is exactly where Michael Wood is heading. And I think Labour and their supporters are very aware of it, hence the reluctance to engage on the issue. Hence the fear of Posey Parker for dropping truth bombs.

Here's the Wikipedia link which seems to carry a good summary of the whole debacle.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isla_Bryson_case#:~:text=The%20case%20caused%20con troversy%20after,transgender%20people%20in%20Scotl and%20to

It is the Emperor's New Clothes 2023. Everyone can see where the truth lies, but once you buy into the gender ideology lie you become willfully blind. Of course the downstream consequences are beginning to become apparent.

I'm awaiting the circus and verbal gymnastics of Hipkins and Wood mangling their way out of this one. Perhaps they should call Nicola Sturgeon for advice?

fungus pudding
25-03-2023, 10:43 AM
Meanwhile, watch Winston play the race card now to the hilt in the lead up to October's election.

And Hipkins & Labour will have no reply because they stand accused of exactly what they are accused of - using divisive & racist policies to lock in the brown vote to the detriment of the white middle class electorate.

And being Maori, Winston can say all he like with the Maori cabal in Labour unable to respond.

Very interesting and very very satisfying to watch this play out with Hipkins on the backfoot - imagine him being asked to comment!

NZ First to crack the 5% level again?


He says it's not an attack on the Māori language but on "the elite virtue signallers who have hijacked the language for their own socialist means".

"This conceited, conniving, cultural cabal doesn’t represent hard working ordinary Māori - they only seek to use Māori to further their own agenda."


He (Winston) got a few good hits in on The Nation this morning.

25-03-2023, 05:58 PM
I was talking to a Labour supporter/voter last night around the topics of farming and carbon credits etc. This chap who is intelligent and well educated, had no idea about the impacts on food production and farmers in general. All he could respond was "I don't know much about this stuff, but what you say doesn't sound good" in relation to me describing the ludicrous carbon credit system and the general attack on farmers in the Western world. This same guy thought Ardern could do no wrong.

This isn't just a Labour issue. But Ardern made sure they were going to embed everything they could. The populace is sleepwalking on these issues. Urban dwellers have lost connection to reality in terms of rural realities and food production, and believe everything the politicians and MSM feed them. It's a big problem with a bad ending...and I'm not referring to the climate.

25-03-2023, 06:20 PM
What a debacle!

The Rainbows rained on Poseys parade.

They claim to be anti fascist, while they wreck the rotunda in Albert Square, and shut down free speech.

I see?

Not enough cops on site to maintain law and order.

If Coster is a consensus cop, he should have weighed in on behalf of the non Rainbows?

Or did Ginny interfere?

Either way, not a gay day.

25-03-2023, 06:37 PM
He (Winston) got a few good hits in on The Nation this morning.

Winston voicing what most middle class white NZers think but are too scared these days to say aloud in case they are labelled racists.

Fully expecting ACT to join in the fray so the media is not going to be able to sweep the white middle class concerns & angst under the carpet as they had been doing.

Bring on the debates and discussions!


25-03-2023, 09:50 PM
What a debacle!

The Rainbows rained on Poseys parade.

They claim to be anti fascist, while they wreck the rotunda in Albert Square, and shut down free speech.

I see?

Not enough cops on site to maintain law and order.

If Coster is a consensus cop, he should have weighed in on behalf of the non Rainbows?

Or did Ginny interfere?

Either way, not a gay day.

James' sidekick even got flattened in the proceedings .. hopefully a forerunner of things to follow :)

Perhaps Bryan's mob need to be more gentle or do a proper job next time on garden pests which just happen to wander deliberately onto the thoroughfare for the sheer h4ll of it ;)

25-03-2023, 09:58 PM

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta tells China of concerns about lethal aid to Russia for its war in Ukraine

Run for the hills - Chinese brothers & sisters .. a lethal weapon from the South Pacific is putting
out loud humming noises, beeps, burps and farts and a bit of floor stamping directed towards you
guys up there :)

It might also be an excess water problem ..

26-03-2023, 10:45 AM
Yay, Posey has arrived!

When will the Rainbows stop showing their true colours, with their intolerant and biased behavior?
And gone - good riddance to bad rubbish.

26-03-2023, 09:16 PM
And gone - good riddance to bad rubbish.

You never did spell out what was so awful about her. Did you have a problem with her, and many others, not wanting men in women's spaces? What is a woman tim23?

I don't think that the irony is lost anyone who saw the hate filled bile and intimidation coming from the alphabet soup brigade. Such tolerance. Such inclusivity!

27-03-2023, 10:10 AM

Revealed: Finance Minister Grant Robertson sought advice from Reserve Bank on introducing a bank tax

Sounds like more of the Labour antics most have got to expect from a party that has lost it's way and achieved very little ;)

What size clodhopper should be ordered to deliver maximum impression in the final 'Gonzo Robbo' chapter ? ;)

27-03-2023, 11:22 AM
Hey Hippocritter, when are you going to sack that Green wannabe road cone Marama, for her offensive racist sexist comments, as one of your Ministers?

What would Nash say?

27-03-2023, 12:12 PM
Culture war in NZ underway - how will white middle class NZers who will decide this year’s election winners react to the war?

Labour’s internal polling shows them fed up to the back teeth with all the woke & racist nonsense being pushed by this government.

Good perspective well worth reading:


27-03-2023, 04:32 PM
So Marama Davidson's true racial bigotry is exposed but apparently it's OK because she was stressed at the time. Isn't it when people are under pressure that you see their true colours?


Add to that the assault and intimidation by the "pro-trans" protestors on Saturday, the same group who demand tolerance and inclusivity and the lies at the centre of their hypocrisy are exposed. It's a power grab full stop. And they are prepared to trample on anyone who gets in their way.

27-03-2023, 06:01 PM
Culture war in NZ underway - how will white middle class NZers who will decide this year’s election winners react to the war?

Labour’s internal polling shows them fed up to the back teeth with all the woke & racist nonsense being pushed by this government.

Good perspective well worth reading:

Brexit and Trump backers tended to be older as well. What does the Labour polling indicate when it comes to the age groups who support the reformist side of the “culture war?” Obviously older property owners are a force with which to be reckoned, insofar as their turnout in elections is high.

27-03-2023, 07:26 PM
So Marama Davidson's true racial bigotry is exposed but apparently it's OK because she was stressed at the time. Isn't it when people are under pressure that you see their true colours?


Add to that the assault and intimidation by the "pro-trans" protestors on Saturday, the same group who demand tolerance and inclusivity and the lies at the centre of their hypocrisy are exposed. It's a power grab full stop. And they are prepared to trample on anyone who gets in their way.

Something not quite right in that Dozey's top department .. probably more serious than just a few loose screws rattling around ;)

Poor old James might need personal protection from the weird & wonderful forces morphing alongside him :)

28-03-2023, 09:58 AM
So Hipkins wants the Marama Davidson' racist & sexist 'violence are caused by white cis men' episode closed as 'she clearly did not mean what she said'!

Well, he is showing his true colours as well - gutless and out of touch with white middle class NZers who will decide this year's election.

Roll on October 2023.


28-03-2023, 10:13 AM
Culture war in NZ underway - how will white middle class NZers who will decide this year’s election winners react to the war?

Labour’s internal polling shows them fed up to the back teeth with all the woke & racist nonsense being pushed by this government.

Good perspective well worth reading:


White middle class will do nothing. The white guilt is too strong. For some reason white people born in NZ seem to have an idea that they're to be blamed for everything bad minorities are experiencing.

Logen Ninefingers
28-03-2023, 10:15 AM
Apparently Davidson was ‘traumatised because she has just been hit by a motorcycle’. Anyone who views the video can see for themselves just how valid that excuse is. Lying politicians are the bane of this country’s existence. Lying and excuse making is now pathological and habitual.

28-03-2023, 11:45 AM
So Marama Davidson's true racial bigotry is exposed but apparently it's OK because she was stressed at the time. Isn't it when people are under pressure that you see their true colours?


Add to that the assault and intimidation by the "pro-trans" protestors on Saturday, the same group who demand tolerance and inclusivity and the lies at the centre of their hypocrisy are exposed. It's a power grab full stop. And they are prepared to trample on anyone who gets in their way.

Marama wasn't careful. I will be:-

The majority of individually violent acts in NZ are perpetrated by white cis men.

I don't know anything about "true colors". I know her comment was a bloody stupid thing to say and I'm pleased she walked it back. Crow about the backtrack by all means. Celebrate the fact that (unlike the US) our public discourse still condemns all violence

As far as the rest of your comments go, my greenie leftie liberal take is that PP's visit was part of the right's worldwide push on the "culture wars" front, and that transgender people are simply the latest minority to be targeted, made "other" and objectified as an object of fear.

My understanding is that PP has recieved and welcomed the support of neo nazi and white supremacist groups and has no real interest in or knowledge of feminism except insofar as it can be weaponised for her political ends. In any case - if you lie down with dogs, you tend to come away with fleas.

28-03-2023, 11:52 AM
Marama wasn't careful. I will be:-

The majority of individually violent acts in NZ are perpetrated by white cis men.

I don't know anything about "true colors". I know her comment was a bloody stupid thing to say and I'm pleased she walked it back. Crow about the backtrack by all means. Celebrate the fact that (unlike the US) our public discourse still condemns all violence

As far as the rest of your comments go, my greenie leftie liberal take is that PP's visit was part of the right's worldwide push on the "culture wars" front, and that transgender people are simply the latest minority to be targeted, made "other" and objectified as an object of fear.

My understanding is that PP has recieved and welcomed the support of neo nazi and white supremacist groups and has no real interest in or knowledge of feminism except insofar as it can be weaponised for her political ends. In any case - if you lie down with dogs, you tend to come away with fleas.

Still searching for your cultural roots and heritage, I see.

I think you are finding it in Marama Davidson's backside which you kiss on a regular basis?

28-03-2023, 01:46 PM
Marama wasn't careful. I will be:-

The majority of individually violent acts in NZ are perpetrated by white cis men.


Is that in percentage or absolute terms?

28-03-2023, 02:07 PM
If real men are cis, does that mean tranny men are sic?

28-03-2023, 02:20 PM
Is that in percentage or absolute terms?

Pertinent question.
Considering white men are the majority, it's not news any statistic will be proportionate to their numbers.

But how do other races compare percentage wise?

28-03-2023, 03:03 PM
Is that in percentage or absolute terms?

Absolute of course. In percentage terms brown cis men are overrepresented in the perpetrator category. Whether they would be if we had some way of correcting for socioeconomic class and all the stuff that goes with it I don't know, but suspect not.

There is very good evidence (which I can not be bothered researching right now) that a substantial proportion of brown cis men's overrepresentation in statistics for minor "violent crime" is due to structural racism and differential policing in the Justice system.

28-03-2023, 03:08 PM
If real men are cis, does that mean tranny men are sic?

The cis-trans distinction came originally from stereo chemistry. Consider a chain of carbon atoms like a sring of beads. Now add a couple of other chemical units to the chain like amulets on the string of beads.
If they are both on the same side of the chain, they are cis. If they are on different sides of the chain they are trans.

28-03-2023, 03:13 PM
Pertinent question.
Considering white men are the majority, it's not news any statistic will be proportionate to their numbers.

But how do other races compare percentage wise?

I don't know - but if I had to bet, I would guess that the higher socioeconomic status of people of Asian origin (a pretty wide net) among other protective factors (including the fact that a high proportion of them are immigrants) would result in lower incidence of violence.

28-03-2023, 03:24 PM
Absolute of course. In percentage terms brown cis men are overrepresented in the perpetrator category. Whether they would be if we had some way of correcting for socioeconomic class and all the stuff that goes with it I don't know, but suspect not.

There is very good evidence (which I can not be bothered researching right now) that a substantial proportion of brown cis men's overrepresentation in statistics for minor "violent crime" is due to structural racism and differential policing in the Justice system.
Of course it is. They can not be responsible for their own actions. Its all my fault.

28-03-2023, 03:25 PM
Tourism NZ swamped with negative comments including the following

"Having witnessed the treatment of women trying to speak in a public place in Auckland, I won't be visiting NZ anytime soon," one person commented on a Tourism New Zealand promotional tweet.

"I think you just ruined your tourism industry today," a second wrote.

"@PureNewZealand expect your visitor numbers to plummet. Who'd want to visit a place where the government, media and police encourage aggression and mob rule?"

From this article


Thanks Michael Wood. Thanks Marama Davidson. Thanks (soggy wet bus ticket) Chippy.

28-03-2023, 04:02 PM
Oh the irony! Stuff travel writer tries to calm tourism nerves with an article about how friendly and safe NZ really is.


She includes a couple of paragraphs about women only safe activities

There are plenty of options for women wanting to retreat to a safe space
If you’re a woman in New Zealand, or anywhere for that matter, kids and blokes can make life complicated – and exhausting. Hence the growing number of retreats tailored to women only.

Beverly Holt, co-founder of Te Wahi Ora, a small, women’s retreat at Auckland’s Piha Beach, has found that many guests are in need of a hiatus from the stressors of their everyday lives.

“Most women come because they want time to do their own thing. They usually know what they need to be restored, to recover, to feel better, to regain their sense of direction," she said.

Gina Cambridge, meanwhile, aims to make her Wanderlust Solo Women’s Tours retreats feel like a weekend away with the girls. You get up more or less when you want to, do just enough exercise to make you feel fine about indulging in decadent meals, and spend much of the rest of the time chatting and chilling.

I wonder what the criteria for these "women only events and spaces" are? Will they be invaded by males in frocks? Which is kind of Posey Parker's point isn't it?

28-03-2023, 05:02 PM
Of course it is. They can not be responsible for their own actions. Its all my fault.

If you were being serious rather than sarcastic, I imagine that would feel pretty awful. But take heart. I don't think anyone is holding you personally responsible, and I don't know of anyone arguing that perpetrators are not individually responsible to a large degree.

But structural and institutional racism exists and has an effect on society that we would all be better off without.

28-03-2023, 05:04 PM
If you were being serious rather than sarcastic, I imagine that would feel pretty awful. But take heart. I don't think anyone is holding you personally responsible, and I don't know of anyone arguing that perpetrators are not individually responsible to a large degree.

But structural and institutional racism exists and has an effect on society that we would all be better off without.

Straight out of Davisson’s culturally brown backside.

28-03-2023, 05:07 PM
"I think you just ruined your tourism industry today," a second wrote.

"@PureNewZealand expect your visitor numbers to plummet. Who'd want to visit a place where the government, media and police encourage aggression and mob rule?"

Sacre Bleu! With a very large proportion of Parisian GDP related to tourism and the natives rioting in the streets, the French are in big trouble

28-03-2023, 05:17 PM
I wonder what the criteria for these "women only events and spaces" are? Will they be invaded by males in frocks? Which is kind of Posey Parker's point isn't it?

Thank god for PP! she is all that stands between us and woke anarchy! Big swinging dicks in all our little girls' bathrooms! Drag Queens reading stories of questionable literary value to our children!

But seriously - if this issue wasn't high on the right's agenda as part of the "culture war" that you hope will bring you electoral advantage - would you regard it as important?

28-03-2023, 05:39 PM
Thank god for PP! she is all that stands between us and woke anarchy! Big swinging dicks in all our little girls' bathrooms! Drag Queens reading stories of questionable literary value to our children!

But seriously - if this issue wasn't high on the right's agenda as part of the "culture war" that you hope will bring you electoral advantage - would you regard it as important?

What planet are you on Davflaws. I find your first paragraph true. Men in dresses highlighted this at Albert park. Despicable display of antisocial behaviour.

28-03-2023, 05:44 PM
Thank god for PP! she is all that stands between us and woke anarchy! Big swinging dicks in all our little girls' bathrooms! Drag Queens reading stories of questionable literary value to our children!

But seriously - if this issue wasn't high on the right's agenda as part of the "culture war" that you hope will bring you electoral advantage - would you regard it as important?

Again, straight out of Davidson's culturally brown backside embraced by the likes of you.


28-03-2023, 05:47 PM
Quite a few brown men wearing dresses at the Otara shopping centre whenever I visit.

Some of them do look cross, but I don't think they are all Trans!

28-03-2023, 05:54 PM
Thank god for PP! she is all that stands between us and woke anarchy! Big swinging dicks in all our little girls' bathrooms! Drag Queens reading stories of questionable literary value to our children!

But seriously - if this issue wasn't high on the right's agenda as part of the "culture war" that you hope will bring you electoral advantage - would you regard it as important?

Yes! Because the truth matters. Men are not women. A denial of the truth as basic and simple as this is a denial of the most basic elements of humanity.
And I can assure you women do not want "big swinging dicks" in their private spaces, or do parents want them in their young daughter's faces. Women Athletes don't want them in their sports taking their opportunities and competing unfairly either. See the brief clip from a US swimmer who has been confronted by this very issue.


Or male rapists in women's prisons. I suggest you ask Nicola Sturgeon if this is a big deal or not. Out the door quicker than Cindy. The reason it will be a hot button election topic is people are fed up with the Identity Politics woke BS and lies. The hypocrisy, the intimidation and the bullying cancel culture associated with it.

Yes I regard it as important. And so should every NZer. Enough is enough. Middle NZ has been sleepwalking on this stuff.

28-03-2023, 06:16 PM
Quite a few brown men wearing dresses at the Otara shopping centre whenever I visit.

Some of them do look cross, but I don't think they are all Trans!

Thanks to Marama, we can rest assured there is no chance of any violence there.

Woe betide if you shop at Parnell though!

28-03-2023, 06:42 PM
Stuart Nash finally on the way out?

He is on his final warning, remember from Hipkins?

Well, the silly boy has been caught out again!


28-03-2023, 06:51 PM

Human Rights Commission receives nearly 100 complaints on Marama Davidson and her ‘white cis men’ comment

Another crisis decision looming for Hippocritter ? ;)

28-03-2023, 07:08 PM
Stuart Nash finally on the way out?

He is on his final warning, remember from Hipkins?

Well, the silly boy has been caught out again!


Bye bye Nash!


28-03-2023, 07:13 PM
Tourism NZ swamped with negative comments including the following

"Having witnessed the treatment of women trying to speak in a public place in Auckland, I won't be visiting NZ anytime soon," one person commented on a Tourism New Zealand promotional tweet.

"I think you just ruined your tourism industry today," a second wrote.

"@PureNewZealand expect your visitor numbers to plummet. Who'd want to visit a place where the government, media and police encourage aggression and mob rule?"

From this article


Thanks Michael Wood. Thanks Marama Davidson. Thanks (soggy wet bus ticket) Chippy.
No surprises- probably swamped by a bunch of crazies like Parker herself- I reckon Parker knew how this whole thing was going to play out.

28-03-2023, 07:13 PM
Nash now finally gone. What an utter mess this Government has become

28-03-2023, 07:14 PM
No surprises- probably swamped by a bunch of crazies like Parker herself- I reckon Parker knew how this whole thing was going to play out.

Mommy calling you - milk time boyo!

28-03-2023, 07:29 PM
No surprises- probably swamped by a bunch of crazies like Parker herself- I reckon Parker knew how this whole thing was going to play out.

You may be right about Posey Parker knowing how it would play out. A senior government Minister (Wood) and our woke MSM set up a witch hunt that exposed the woke mob for what they are. An intolerant bigoted anti-truth brigade. Emperor's New Clothes?

Who are the crazy ones tim23? What is a woman?

28-03-2023, 07:30 PM
Nash now finally gone. What an utter mess this Government has become

How long until Davidson follows?

28-03-2023, 07:36 PM
C'mon Marama, Nash has been slashed like a bit of forestry waste, it's time for you too Sis!

28-03-2023, 07:36 PM
How long until Davidson follows?

Not going to happen - Hipkins need the Greens to have any chance of staying in government so he will keep kissing her culturally brown arse.

28-03-2023, 07:40 PM
How long until Davidson follows?

She won't. The Greens have no standards and weak Hipkins has no say over them as he needs them

28-03-2023, 07:50 PM
Not going to happen - Hipkins need the Greens to have any chance of staying in government so he will keep kissing her culturally brown arse.

I'm not so sure. The Greens are going to make Labour unelectable by association. Hipkins has been pretty good at reading the room so far. Even though all he is doing is making superficial noises and changes. I figure they are toast either way. Hopefully by the time they get anywhere near the treasury benches again this incompetent woke mob will be long gone.

28-03-2023, 08:38 PM
A bit for the ill informed Government apologists on this thread.
The Government was found to have broken the law with the treatment of seafarers during COVID, while classed internationally as “essential workers”.

Now the Onbudsman, after 2 blimmin years stuffing around with seafarers complaints, has told the Government to apologise for their illegitimate actions. The NZ Government is a signatory to international treaties, including the International Maritime Organisation. It can not just ignore it’s obligations under such treaties.

But given this Government’s dictatorial behaviour, I don’t expect them to take any notice of the Ombudsman, or anyone else for that matter

https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/486892/mbie-told-to-apologise-to-seafarers-who-struggled-to-get-miq-spot?fbclid%3DIwAR2wrs8MwbfxD_W0A2y4qZdYDIP6wZAowg OM-HEDHO_dcYg9vILDDBT_Jbw&h=AT1b1C9W0NW_m9oPLdo1-yNbCDkU6gLPIS07NaITz488bJ9TjQAGuJbicyo5yvdJx44xEFe CkB8s79MG-7R-q3M8PEIBrDho_51PqSOMiTrKezI_eseVJkXAYZ8k&s=1&mibextid=ncKXMA

Bill Smith
28-03-2023, 09:04 PM
Well well well. Old Chippy Monkey will have to return to that smelly mucky barrel to see what cadaver he can scrape up to fill portfolios previously held by that bastion of impropriety Stuart Nash.

Last return to the barrel provided the niece of one Bill Andersen of SUP fame. Who knows what sort of degenerate is lurking in the barrel slops.

28-03-2023, 09:20 PM
Well well well. Old Chippy Monkey will have to return to that smelly mucky barrel to see what cadaver he can scrape up to fill portfolios previously held by that bastion of impropriety Stuart Nash.

Last return to the barrel provided the niece of one Bill Andersen of SUP fame. Who knows what sort of degenerate is lurking in the barrel slops.

And as this clip shows, Hipkins did not have much of an idea who Ginny Andersen really is!

Credits her with working in and with the police when she was but a reporter!!!!!!


Blue Skies
28-03-2023, 09:26 PM
Yes! Because the truth matters. Men are not women. A denial of the truth as basic and simple as this is a denial of the most basic elements of humanity.
And I can assure you women do not want "big swinging dicks" in their private spaces, or do parents want them in their young daughter's faces. Women Athletes don't want them in their sports taking their opportunities and competing unfairly either. See the brief clip from a US swimmer who has been confronted by this very issue.


Or male rapists in women's prisons. I suggest you ask Nicola Sturgeon if this is a big deal or not. Out the door quicker than Cindy. The reason it will be a hot button election topic is people are fed up with the Identity Politics woke BS and lies. The hypocrisy, the intimidation and the bullying cancel culture associated with it.

Yes I regard it as important. And so should every NZer. Enough is enough. Middle NZ has been sleepwalking on this stuff.

You might be surprised but in a recent Ipsos Global Trends survey of 50 countries, NZ was ranked second & overwhelmingly tolerant of transgender people, we are one of the most accepting & tolerant countries in the world.
Little wonder persecutors of trans folk like Posie Parker were made unwelcome & there was so much support for trans protesters.
So I doubt this is a voting issue for middle NZ even if you think it should be.

We're not all the prudes you think we should be.
Maybe that's an old Scottish Presbyterian thing, but NZ is changing & much more progressive & liberal than it used to be.

In fact the sight of Brian Tamaki's goon squad & the Nazi & Far Right White Supremists with their faces hidden & death squad paraphernalia there to support PP, would have sent shivers down the spines of most decent Kiwis.

I don't want to invite abuse from the usual abusive posters, but have to say I don't see what the problem is.

Trans folk don't represent a threat & my daughter & wife wouldn't care less if a person who had transitioned to a women were in the same changing room.
They don't actually go around looking at each others genitals or staring at each others bodies.
To my mind the real threat is from sick men who spike drinks in bars, stalk women on Tinder, domestic abusers, the Graham Capill's from Christian Heritage Party of this world, even the local village Catholic priest.

This persecution of others who are different to us is just based on fear & reminds me of the way gays were persecuted.
Why can't we just let people be who they want to be if they're not hurting anybody?

28-03-2023, 09:53 PM
Trans folk don't represent a threat & my daughter & wife wouldn't care less if a person who had transitioned to a women were in the same changing room.
They don't actually go around looking at each others genitals or staring at each others bodies.

This persecution of others who are different to us is just based on fear & reminds me of the way gays were persecuted.
Why can't we just let people be who they want to be if they're not hurting anybody?

I think you missed the viral video of transgender woman masturbating in womens locker room. And it wasn't a vagina being fondled.

I think your wife and daughter would mind. I'm sure I wouldn't be okay with penis being stroked in mens locker room, let alone womens.

28-03-2023, 09:53 PM
You might be surprised but in a recent Ipsos Global Trends survey of 50 countries, NZ was ranked second & overwhelmingly tolerant of transgender people, we are one of the most accepting & tolerant countries in the world.
Little wonder persecutors of trans folk like Posie Parker were made unwelcome & there was so much support for trans protesters.
So I doubt this is a voting issue for middle NZ even if you think it should be.

We're not all the prudes you think we should be.
Maybe that's an old Scottish Presbyterian thing, but NZ is changing & much more progressive & liberal than it used to be.

In fact the sight of Brian Tamaki's goon squad & the Nazi & Far Right White Supremists with their faces hidden & death squad paraphernalia there to support PP, would have sent shivers down the spines of most decent Kiwis.

I don't want to invite abuse from the usual abusive posters, but have to say I don't see what the problem is.

Trans folk don't represent a threat & my daughter & wife wouldn't care less if a person who had transitioned to a women were in the same changing room.
They don't actually go around looking at each others genitals or staring at each others bodies.
To my mind the real threat is from sick men who spike drinks in bars, stalk women on Tinder, domestic abusers, the Graham Capill's from Christian Heritage Party of this world, even the local village Catholic priest.

This persecution of others who are different to us is just based on fear & reminds me of the way gays were persecuted.
Why can't we just let people be who they want to be if they're not hurting anybody?

A woman was assaulted while NZ police looked on. Nothing to see here says Blue Skies. How has it come to this? NZ, the first country in the world to give women the vote. Now its women are fair game for the mob.

28-03-2023, 10:43 PM

Hipkins suggested Nash may no longer contest the seat of Napier at the 2023 election - and confirmed that he had asked Nash to reflect on his position.

Oh dear new Monkey for Napier potentially needed :)

Nash had already had to distance himself from Bowker after a 2021 incident in which he accused animation entrepreneur Sir Ian Taylor of “sucking up to the left Māori loving agenda”.

Oh - that sensitive area again of not stirring the pot :)

Were Nash to leave Parliament after mid-April he would be able to depart Parliament without triggering a byelection.

Nothing like a Good Bye By-Election close to an election to really show up how many of the encumbent dreaming incompetents are likely to to be carried out on stakes like feral goats no-one wants around .. just a bit later later down the track :)

Poor old NASH - he must have severely p*ss4d someone important off at Party Central to have attracted
a very large red Cross to be painted on his back when they start digging up misdeeds from back in the
leadership of the previous clueless Fish & Chip spinner :)

The Red Head Spinning Schoolmaster trying to lead the circus had better be careful .. if the back office get bored then the long knives might get drawn and a posse sent out after him too :)

The way the attrition rates are going around the Govt front bench, they might have to hire some more
space occupiers to keep the empty seats warm.. Guess nothing much amazing can be expected from those
actually present juggling their numerous portfolios on any of their portfolios any time soon :)

29-03-2023, 08:02 AM
Absolute of course. In percentage terms brown cis men are overrepresented in the perpetrator category. Whether they would be if we had some way of correcting for socioeconomic class and all the stuff that goes with it I don't know, but suspect not.

There is very good evidence (which I can not be bothered researching right now) that a substantial proportion of brown cis men's overrepresentation in statistics for minor "violent crime" is due to structural racism and differential policing in the Justice system. The statistics from NZ police relating to proceedings for acts intended to cause injury indicate that Europeans are involved as perpetrators in 33% of cases. That is some way from an absolute majority.


So whatever factor you are attributing for Policing bias and legal-societal bias is considerable, and of course difficult to quantify.

Of course Davidson referred to "cause" and she may claim (and I don't know if this is the case) that white men cause violence by creating an unequal society, environmental degradation etc.

Bill Smith
29-03-2023, 09:28 AM
I think you missed the viral video of transgender woman masturbating in womens locker room. And it wasn't a vagina being fondled.

I think your wife and daughter would mind. I'm sure I wouldn't be okay with penis being stroked in mens locker room, let alone womens.

Given that blue sky is rather weird, it follows that his wife and daughter are also not normal. So maybe that sort of behaviour is quite acceptable to them.

Blue Skies
29-03-2023, 10:27 AM
Given that blue sky is rather weird, it follows that his wife and daughter are also not normal. So maybe that sort of behaviour is quite acceptable to them.

Didn't take long for an abuser to show up. Get some help Bill.

If you have something worthwhile to hear & contribute to the discussion, lets hear it.
Otherwise keep your abuse to yourself.

29-03-2023, 10:39 AM
Didn't take long for an abuser to show up. Get some help Bill.

If you have something worthwhile to hear & contribute to the discussion, lets hear it.
Otherwise keep your abuse to yourself.

Bill does not need help - you do.

Please get it soon as it's clear your brain is so indoctrinated with Ardern's BS & Spin that you are incapable of processing normal information any more.



29-03-2023, 11:25 AM
Given that blue sky is rather weird, it follows that his wife and daughter are also not normal. So maybe that sort of behaviour is quite acceptable to them.
Quite unnecessary.

Bill Smith
29-03-2023, 12:29 PM
Didn't take long for an abuser to show up. Get some help Bill.

If you have something worthwhile to hear & contribute to the discussion, lets hear it.
Otherwise keep your abuse to yourself.

You are the clown who thinks it OK for young girls to be exposed to males masterbating in a female changing room. Maybe you are beyond help.

29-03-2023, 01:35 PM
No, you are the clown for judging an entire group of people, based on the actions of one/a few. If you knew anything at all about what it means to be transgender, you would be well aware, and understand, that masturbating in a female changing room is not normal behaviour for people who are transgender. Anymore than it presumably is, for you.

Educate yourself.

You are the clown who thinks it OK for young girls to be exposed to males masterbating in a female changing room. Maybe you are beyond help.

29-03-2023, 03:02 PM
No, you are the clown for judging an entire group of people, based on the actions of one/a few. If you knew anything at all about what it means to be transgender, you would be well aware, and understand, that masturbating in a female changing room is not normal behaviour for people who are transgender. Anymore than it presumably is, for you.

Educate yourself.

It's also not normal to have people with penis in female bathrooms or female sport competitions.

This is not a single incident. There are now multiple incidents of male criminals claiming to be women to get into womes prisons and then have sex, impregnate or rape female prisoners. Generally anyone with healthy common sense knows giving anyone who identifies as woman access to womens facilities is a recipe for disaster.

29-03-2023, 07:09 PM
Will Stuart Nash form a new political party called Nashional?

29-03-2023, 07:17 PM
Will Stuart Nash form a new political party called Nashional?

Try saying something sensible for change, otherwise you contribute nothing to the discussion. Ignore is but a click away.

29-03-2023, 07:31 PM
Try saying something sensible for change, otherwise you contribute nothing to the discussion. Ignore is but a click away.

Click go the shears sheepish one.

The pleasure will be all mine.

29-03-2023, 07:41 PM
Now it has emerged that Ardern's PM Office knew of Nash's cabinet leak to donors.


So had her staff been told not to implicate her? How can a known breach of the Cabinet Manual not get past Ardern's underlings? Something of systemic coverups are starting to emerge. How many other things was Ardern spared knowledge of? Who made the decision? Did Ardern herself tell staff to keep her in the dark?

29-03-2023, 07:51 PM
I'm a woman. I also have daughters and granddaughters. You are making huge assumptions and generalisations about trans people, without any justification, other than your own prejudice based on anecdotal, extraordinary incidents.

I would rather share a bathroom with a transgender woman, than with a cis, heterosexual man. It seems to me that you are the one with the unhealthy obsession. Quite possibly stemming from the unrealistic portrayal of transgender in porn. Either that or you feel that your own sexuality is threatened by anyone who doesn't fit your definition of "normal."

It is attitudes like yours that create generations of transphobia, which has the potential to result in violence against trans people. Unless you have walked in their shoes, or you know someone really close to you who is trans, you have zero idea what you are talking about.

It's also not normal to have people with penis in female bathrooms or female sport competitions.

This is not a single incident. There are now multiple incidents of male criminals claiming to be women to get into womes prisons and then have sex, impregnate or rape female prisoners. Generally anyone with healthy common sense knows giving anyone who identifies as woman access to womens facilities is a recipe for disaster.

29-03-2023, 09:17 PM
I'm a woman. I also have daughters and granddaughters. You are making huge assumptions and generalisations about trans people, without any justification, other than your own prejudice based on anecdotal, extraordinary incidents.

I would rather share a bathroom with a transgender woman, than with a cis, heterosexual man. It seems to me that you are the one with the unhealthy obsession. Quite possibly stemming from the unrealistic portrayal of transgender in porn. Either that or you feel that your own sexuality is threatened by anyone who doesn't fit your definition of "normal."

It is attitudes like yours that create generations of transphobia, which has the potential to result in violence against trans people. Unless you have walked in their shoes, or you know someone really close to you who is trans, you have zero idea what you are talking about.

What kind of illogical comparison are you trying to make? What woman in her right mind would share a bathroom with a man unless he is a partner?

Sometimes you just need to get some fresh air, jak before writing such garbage.

29-03-2023, 09:18 PM
No, you are the clown for judging an entire group of people, based on the actions of one/a few. If you knew anything at all about what it means to be transgender, you would be well aware, and understand, that masturbating in a female changing room is not normal behaviour for people who are transgender. Anymore than it presumably is, for you.

Educate yourself.

Which is exactly what Marama Davidson did and not a whisper from you?

Educate her and spare us your judgemental posting.

29-03-2023, 09:20 PM
Now it has emerged that Ardern's PM Office knew of Nash's cabinet leak to donors.


So had her staff been told not to implicate her? How can a known breach of the Cabinet Manual not get past Ardern's underlings? Something of systemic coverups are starting to emerge. How many other things was Ardern spared knowledge of? Who made the decision? Did Ardern herself tell staff to keep her in the dark?


Clueless Cindy's sins are starting to come out and she has nowhere to hide this time round.

Disgusting woman and now, a fallen one.


St Jacinda? Cover-up artist as well as Mistress of Spin & BS.


29-03-2023, 10:04 PM
I'm a woman. I also have daughters and granddaughters. You are making huge assumptions and generalisations about trans people, without any justification, other than your own prejudice based on anecdotal, extraordinary incidents.

I would rather share a bathroom with a transgender woman, than with a cis, heterosexual man. It seems to me that you are the one with the unhealthy obsession. Quite possibly stemming from the unrealistic portrayal of transgender in porn. Either that or you feel that your own sexuality is threatened by anyone who doesn't fit your definition of "normal."

It is attitudes like yours that create generations of transphobia, which has the potential to result in violence against trans people. Unless you have walked in their shoes, or you know someone really close to you who is trans, you have zero idea what you are talking about.

So because I don't agree people with penises should be in female locker rooms, I must have some unhealthy obsession? That's rather silly. I'm generally indifferent to trans people and think this one has a simple solution of letting them use generally available facilities for disabled people or separate neutral facilities.

It's actually extremists like you, who would force women uncomfortable with the situation to actually having to share the lockers with trans people, who make the situation unnecessarily problematic. As far as I know showing penis in womans locker room is an act of sexual assault.

I would rather share a bathroom with a transgender woman, than with a cis, heterosexual man.

This makes no sense. I'm making point of you not having to share bathroom with any human with penis.

29-03-2023, 10:39 PM

Clueless Cindy's sins are starting to come out and she has nowhere to hide this time round.

Disgusting woman and now, a fallen one.


St Jacinda? Cover-up artist as well as Mistress of Spin & BS.


Oh dear .. the Look on Hippowriggler's face as he tried to squirm out of that one :)

A Public Caning coming for you soon too - Hippocritter ? :)

29-03-2023, 10:48 PM
You seem be be under the impression that a penis is something to be afraid of. A penis is a dual purpose appendage. Its primary function is urination. Women’s restrooms do not have urinals therefore anyone with a penis would be using a private stall just as I would. Private. Nobody can see my bits and I can’t see theirs. Besides which, you are conveniently forgetting that some trans women will have undergone gender reassignment surgery. I couldn’t care less whether a trans woman using the women’s restroom, has a penis or not.

You seem to be hung up on the fact that to you, your penis is primarily a sexual organ. It’s not. I can guarantee that you use it to pee a hell of a lot more often, than you use it for sex.

Being open minded, educating myself and demonstrating empathy, does not make me an “activist” and no, I would never pressure another woman to accept a situation they are not comfortable with.

The comment I made about sharing a bathroom was in response to your assumption that women would be “in danger” if transgender women are allowed to use the same restroom. We are far more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped (in any location) by a cis heterosexual male and that is a statistical fact. Hence, in the hypothetical scenario of a shared bathroom, I would feel more comfortable sharing with a trans female than I would, sharing with you.

So because I don't agree people with penises should be in female locker rooms, I must have some unhealthy obsession? That's rather silly. I'm generally indifferent to trans people and think this one has a simple solution of letting them use generally available facilities for disabled people or separate neutral facilities.

It's actually extremists like you, who would force women uncomfortable with the situation to actually having to share the lockers with trans people, who make the situation unnecessarily problematic. As far as I know showing penis in womans locker room is an act of sexual assault.

This makes no sense. I'm making point of you not having to share bathroom with any human with penis.

30-03-2023, 07:04 AM
You seem be be under the impression that a penis is something to be afraid of. A penis is a dual purpose appendage. Its primary function is urination. Women’s restrooms do not have urinals therefore anyone with a penis would be using a private stall just as I would. Private. Nobody can see my bits and I can’t see theirs. Besides which, you are conveniently forgetting that some trans women will have undergone gender reassignment surgery. I couldn’t care less whether a trans woman using the women’s restroom, has a penis or not.

You seem to be hung up on the fact that to you, your penis is primarily a sexual organ. It’s not. I can guarantee that you use it to pee a hell of a lot more often, than you use it for sex.

Being open minded, educating myself and demonstrating empathy, does not make me an “activist” and no, I would never pressure another woman to accept a situation they are not comfortable with.

The comment I made about sharing a bathroom was in response to your assumption that women would be “in danger” if transgender women are allowed to use the same restroom. We are far more likely to be sexually assaulted or raped (in any location) by a cis heterosexual male and that is a statistical fact. Hence, in the hypothetical scenario of a shared bathroom, I would feel more comfortable sharing with a trans female than I would, sharing with you.

Define trans-female. Then you might assist us with defining a woman given you are so well educated on the matter. Just so we are clear as to what we are talking about here.

30-03-2023, 07:18 AM

Sacked minister Stuart Nash breaks silence after dismissal, says he will continue to serve as Napier’s MP

Sacked minister Stuart Nash has broken his silence following his dismissal and taken a shot at Christopher Luxon, saying the National Party leader is “one of these guys who smiles to your face but stabs you in the back”.

Stu Art Thou - it was Gingernuts or was it another Ginger in Back Office at HQ ? :)

Do let everyone know when the operation to chop every branch off the tree with only the perch
left standing in bright sunlight up there has been successfully completed ;)

Nothing like removing all the wood to get clearer view of any Leadership or Ministerial prospect
rapidly disappearing into the distance ..

30-03-2023, 08:12 AM
Women’s restrooms do not have urinals therefore anyone with a penis would be using a private stall just as I would. Private. Nobody can see my bits and I can’t see theirs.

It seems that through implication you are suggesting society could totally do away with 'women's restrooms' then - just have unisex/'neutral' restrooms (with private stalls)?

30-03-2023, 08:21 AM
I was not suggesting we should do that, but yes, we could. Unisex restrooms are not uncommon in some countries, including in workplaces.

It seems that through implication you are suggesting society could totally do away with 'women's restrooms' then - just have unisex/'neutral' restrooms (with private stalls)?

30-03-2023, 02:33 PM
Women’s restrooms do not have urinals therefore anyone with a penis would be using a private stall just as I would. Private. Nobody can see my bits and I can’t see theirs.

I would never pressure another woman to accept a situation they are not comfortable with.

You're conveniently choosing scenarios. I've been talking about locker rooms all this time.

You also dismissed my legitimate examples as anecdotal and therefore irrelevant. In the same manner I could dismiss your argument of women being raped by men, if I didn't have enough intellect to actually understand that those very small percentages of incidents are exactly why the rules are already in place.

I do see vaginas and penises as sexual organs... they're actually primary sexual organs.. biology classes, you see. I'm also from Europe and very open minded when it comes to nudity. But being a person that looks at things from different angles, I can see that overwhelming majority of popuplation does not want to see genitalia of the other sex in the spaces where they are supposed to be naked.

30-03-2023, 02:46 PM
JAK has forgotten what pleasure the male appendage can give a female? Lol!

30-03-2023, 02:48 PM
OK, so now you've clarified that you're talking about locker rooms, not rest rooms. There is a big difference. Obviously in an open locker room (which would generally be sports related) there is no privacy, but I was talking about rest rooms/bathrooms. I see no reason why a unisex restroom/bathroom would be a problem. An open locker room - yes.

As for vaginas and penises being sexual organs, of course they are, but a penis is a somewhat different organ in that it performs two functions - sexual and urination. Whether a penis is primarily a sexual organ, is debatable. Women most definitely do not urinate via their vagina. If you need a diagram let me know.

This discussion is ridiculous. My comments were purely in response to the transphobic posts that have been made. If people are so closed minded that they are unwilling to consider an alternative perspective, that's their choice. But I stand by my statement and belief, that women have little to fear from transgender women.

You're conveniently choosing scenarios. I've been talking about locker rooms all this time.

You also dismissed my legitimate examples as anecdotal and therefore irrelevant. In the same manner I could dismiss your argument of women being raped by men, if I didn't have enough intellect to actually understand that those very small percentages of incidents are exactly why the rules are already in place.

I do see vaginas and penises as sexual organs... they're actually primary sexual organs.. biology classes, you see. I'm also from Europe and very open minded when it comes to nudity. But being a person that looks at things from different angles, I can see that overwhelming majority of popuplation does not want to see genitalia of the other sex in the spaces where they are supposed to be naked.

30-03-2023, 02:51 PM
I'm sure you posted that thinking I'd blush. Clearly you do not know me at all :laugh:

JAK has forgotten what pleasure the male appendage can give a female? Lol!

30-03-2023, 02:58 PM
Oh the irony! Stuff travel writer tries to calm tourism nerves with an article about how friendly and safe NZ really is.

And it is.
French riots don't stop people visiting France and US shootings don't seem to stop people visiting the US.
Running Posie out of town won't affect people coming here - they can easily see through her narrative that NZ is unsafe for women in general.

30-03-2023, 03:07 PM
Fascinating insight into a few of the posters here - from way back in the dark ages.

30-03-2023, 03:59 PM
I'm sure you posted that thinking I'd blush. Clearly you do not know me at all :laugh:

No, I do not expect you to blush. I expected you to realise that I wrote is indeed what you have forgotten? LOL!

30-03-2023, 05:02 PM
And it is.
French riots don't stop people visiting France and US shootings don't seem to stop people visiting the US.
Running Posie out of town won't affect people coming here - they can easily see through her narrative that NZ is unsafe for women in general.

Quoted somewhat out of context dobby41. The irony was the travel writer listing some women only activities. But if you read the post you would have known that.

30-03-2023, 05:04 PM
Define trans-female. Then you might assist us with defining a woman given you are so well educated on the matter. Just so we are clear as to what we are talking about here.

Not interested in replying justakiwi? It would be ever so helpful if you or someone would.

tim23 disappeared when I asked him similar. Funny all these people trumpeting trans-rights. Lets have some clear definitions.

Blue Skies
30-03-2023, 07:47 PM
Not interested in replying justakiwi? It would be ever so helpful if you or someone would.

tim23 disappeared when I asked him similar. Funny all these people trumpeting trans-rights. Lets have some clear definitions.

Remember Hayley Cropper married to Roy on Coronation Street? Might give you an idea.
Her character was credited with "bringing the issues facing trans people to public attention in a sympathetic manner rather than the sensationalist coverage which previously existed. "
It was also alleged that "the resultant public support for her fictional character went in favour of the 2004 Gender Recognition Act, granting trans people full legal rights" in the UK.

Just a matter of treating law abiding people not hurting anybody with respect.
They're not all sexual deviants anymore than all priests are paedophiles, all members of the House of Lords are cross dressers, all Mexicans are rapists & drug dealers, etc.


We've probably said enough on this topic here, but you could start a new thread if you feel it's important enough to continue.

30-03-2023, 07:51 PM
Remember Hayley Cropper married to Roy on Coronation Street? Might give you an idea.
Her character was credited with "bringing the issues facing trans people to public attention in a sympathetic manner rather than the sensationalist coverage which previously existed. "
It was also alleged that "the resultant public support for her fictional character went in favour of the 2004 Gender Recognition Act, granting trans people full legal rights" in the UK.

Just a matter of treating law abiding people not hurting anybody with respect.
They're not all sexual deviants anymore than all priests are paedophiles, all members of the House of Lords are cross dressers, all Mexicans are rapists & drug dealers, etc.


We've probably said enough on this topic here, but you could start a new thread if you feel it's important enough to continue.

Still no definition ay Blue Skies. What about the simple one? What is a woman? Why is nobody willing to define this most basic term? Are they afraid the Emperor has no clothes?

30-03-2023, 07:58 PM
Interesting you use an example of a trans-woman played by...wait for it...a real woman. I wonder what the audience reaction would have been to a bloke in a frock...?

It's a wonder she hasn't been cancelled for cultural gender appropriation or some other "woke crime".

30-03-2023, 08:04 PM
You can bait me all night if you wish but I’m not biting. I have a very dear friend who is transgender. So my comments are not simply pulled out of thin air. They are based in part on my experiences of knowing her. If I thought for one minute that you or your transphobic buddies, would be willing to listen to anything I had to say, and would be respectful towards my friend, I would share some of her personal (anonymous of course) experiences, in an effort to help you learn. But I have zero doubt that none of you are willing to hear the realities of transgender, and I know that being respectful is also off the table for you. So I will not be sharing anything.

It is not my job to educate you. So don’t bother responding again. I am ashamed to be part of the human race right now, and I am not interested in giving your transphobia any more of my time, attention or energy.

Still no definition ay Blue Skies. What about the simple one? What is a woman? Why is nobody willing to define this most basic term? Are they afraid the Emperor has no clothes?

30-03-2023, 08:07 PM
You can bait me all night if you wish but I’m not biting. I have a very dear friend who is transgender. So my comments are not simply pulled out of thin air. They are based in part on my experiences of knowing her. If I thought for one minute that you or your transphobic buddies, would be willing to listen to anything I had to say, and would be respectful towards my friend, I would share some of her personal (anonymous of course) experiences, in an effort to help you learn. But I have zero doubt that none of you are willing to hear the realities of transgender, and I know that being respectful is also off the table for you. So I will not be sharing anything.

It is not my job to educate you. So don’t bother responding again. I am ashamed to be part of the human race right now, and I am not interested in giving your transphobia any more of my time, attention or energy.

You know nothing of my knowledge of this topic. How about the simple definition? What is a woman? Surely that's not baiting?

30-03-2023, 08:29 PM
I'm sure you posted that thinking I'd blush. Clearly you do not know me at all :laugh:
Gee I thought his post was just wishful thinking

30-03-2023, 08:31 PM
Not interested in replying justakiwi? It would be ever so helpful if you or someone would.

tim23 disappeared when I asked him similar. Funny all these people trumpeting trans-rights. Let’s have some clear definitions.
Because your questions are stupid and you’d be better served helping NTL extract some gold.

30-03-2023, 10:00 PM
And as this clip shows, Hipkins did not have much of an idea who Ginny Andersen really is!

Credits her with working in and with the police when she was but a reporter!!!!!!

It is unfortunate that so called news articles focus on trivial, negative aspects of politicians, which undermines trust and confidence in democracy, and tries to dumb us down, in a race to the bottom. She was not a reporter but a policy adviser.

Ginny Anderson has some very relevant qualifications and experience as the new police minister.

Andersen started with the police as a senior policy adviser before progressing to be a policy manager at the national police headquarters.
She advised on Māori, Pacific and ethnic services with a focus on reducing Māori offending. As a policy manager, her main areas of work were methamphetamine and organised crime.
Andersen worked with police for nearly a decade as a senior policy adviser before progressing to be a policy manager at the national police headquarters.

30-03-2023, 10:28 PM
Because your questions are stupid and you’d be better served helping NTL extract some gold.

Mommy calling you boyo - milk time again. Yum yum.

30-03-2023, 10:29 PM
Interesting you use an example of a trans-woman played by...wait for it...a real woman. I wonder what the audience reaction would have been to a bloke in a frock...?

It's a wonder she hasn't been cancelled for cultural gender appropriation or some other "woke crime".

A good definition of what’s a woman and what’s a transsexual :


30-03-2023, 10:46 PM
You seem to be hung up on the fact that to you, your penis is primarily a sexual organ. It’s not. I can guarantee that you use it to pee a hell of a lot more often, than you use it for sex.
.... That depends on the owner's age and definition of sexual activity. A penis has two main functions, and the frequency of these varies over its lifespan.

30-03-2023, 11:25 PM
You know nothing of my knowledge of this topic. How about the simple definition? What is a woman? Surely that's not baiting?
For me a woman is someone who can have babies = biology, scientific fact.

And that is what Posie Parker is saying “Why should I be ‘cancelled’ for arguing that biological sex is real?”

My understanding is that Posie Parker is a woman, and not trans, and she is an anti-transgender rights activist.

I agree with her and JK Rowling and Richard Dawkins who says “Science. There are two sexes. You can talk about gender, if you wish. That’s a subjective—I’m not interested in that. As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it. … Sex really is binary.”

Gender is a cultural construction. There are societal rules such as if you are a woman you wear dresses, make-up etc. If you are a man you play rugby, drink beer, etc. And those rules about gender identity are a barrier to equality. And that is what feminists have been fighting for years. We should all be identified primarily as human beings, and in some circumstances sexual differences are relevant. Gender is the problem because it focuses on differences between male and female, and there are double standards for men and women.

Rowling on the accusation that she believes trans women are "second-class women" because of their biological differences and that they're "not quite" women. Can you understand the pain that that could cause?" Phelps-Roper asked.

"Yes is the short answer. Yes, I could understand that hurt," Rowling said.

…. many people of my generation particularly think that we're talking about old school transsexuals, people who've been through full sex reassignment because of profound gender dysphoria, and I feel 100% compassion for such people and I would absolutely respect their pronouns — always have, always will — and would want, as I say, to have comfortable, easy lives.

This [new] movement, though, is pressing for something different, very different. This movement has argued, continues to argue, that a man may have had no surgery whatsoever but if he feels himself to be a woman, the door of every woman's bathroom, changing room, rape center should be open to him. And I say no. I'm afraid I say no."

31-03-2023, 08:50 AM
I agree with her and JK Rowling and Richard Dawkins who says “Science. There are two sexes. You can talk about gender, if you wish. That’s a subjective—I’m not interested in that. As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it. … Sex really is binary.”

I have been following Richard Dawkins with admiration for more than 40 years, but in this instance he is simply wrong.

Sex is not always binary. Its complicated. Even if we regard sex purely as a chromosomal matter, there used to be at least four known possibilities (there are probably more now). Then each of the chromosomal possibilities can be affected by gradations in terms of the production of a range of hormones. That says nothing about orientation - a whole different topic again.

That's sex. But gender is even more complicated, because it is a social construct - hugely affected by personal history and the social climate.

We have certainly become very aware of the whole range of "Rainbow issues" over the last 10-20 years. I think that is a good thing. But "Transgender" has been sucessfully weaponised by the right. I think thatis a shame and has added to the sum total of human misery.

31-03-2023, 08:56 AM
For me a woman is someone who can have babies = biology, scientific fact.

And that is what Posie Parker is saying “Why should I be ‘cancelled’ for arguing that biological sex is real?”

My understanding is that Posie Parker is a woman, and not trans, and she is an anti-transgender rights activist.

I agree with her and JK Rowling and Richard Dawkins who says “Science. There are two sexes. You can talk about gender, if you wish. That’s a subjective—I’m not interested in that. As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it. … Sex really is binary.”

Gender is a cultural construction. There are societal rules such as if you are a woman you wear dresses, make-up etc. If you are a man you play rugby, drink beer, etc. And those rules about gender identity are a barrier to equality. And that is what feminists have been fighting for years. We should all be identified primarily as human beings, and in some circumstances sexual differences are relevant. Gender is the problem because it focuses on differences between male and female, and there are double standards for men and women.

Rowling on the accusation that she believes trans women are "second-class women" because of their biological differences and that they're "not quite" women. Can you understand the pain that that could cause?" Phelps-Roper asked.

"Yes is the short answer. Yes, I could understand that hurt," Rowling said.

…. many people of my generation particularly think that we're talking about old school transsexuals, people who've been through full sex reassignment because of profound gender dysphoria, and I feel 100% compassion for such people and I would absolutely respect their pronouns — always have, always will — and would want, as I say, to have comfortable, easy lives.

This [new] movement, though, is pressing for something different, very different. This movement has argued, continues to argue, that a man may have had no surgery whatsoever but if he feels himself to be a woman, the door of every woman's bathroom, changing room, rape center should be open to him. And I say no. I'm afraid I say no."

Thank you moka. I wonder why all the Posey Parker critics/Michael Wood supporters couldn't say the same? Not one of them would front on a definition.

I do take issue with gender being completely a social construct. Societal norms accentuate natural traits. Traits natural to male and female have been documented in the psychological science for decades (as well as being inherently understood by the populace).

What the gender activists have done is seperate gender from sex. French and other languages have used gender to show a masculine and a feminine and I believe this is the activists leaping point.

People with gender dysphoria have in recent years been encouraged in their delusion by the psychology profession, which is a scandal that is coming back to bite them. This encouragement has led many physically healthy people to mutilate their bodies with hormones and surgeries. The lawsuits are stacking up in the UK and the US.

31-03-2023, 09:15 AM
Sex is not always binary. Its complicated. Even if we regard sex purely as a chromosomal matter, there used to be at least four known possibilities (there are probably more now). Then each of the chromosomal possibilities can be affected by gradations in terms of the production of a range of hormones. That says nothing about orientation - a whole different topic again.

Combination of 2 is still binary. That's a definition of binary. You can disagree, but that just makes you wrong.

31-03-2023, 09:16 AM
Becoming clearer by the day that the 'most transparent' government ever is anything but!

The stench of COVERUP is over-powering except for the kissers of Marama Davidson's culturally brown backside.


Nash’s office and the staff from the prime minister’s office discussed the OIA request three times in July, and then decided later that month that the email – along with other emails to donors – “were out of scope” of the request because Nash wasn’t writing in his capacity as a minister but as an MP.

“How does Stuart Nash, backbench Labour MP, happen to have information Stuart Nash, government minister, has about discussions in Cabinet,” Treadwell said.

However, this was despite the content of the email relating entirely to his work as a minister, and detailing information he gleaned from Cabinet meetings – which only ministers attend.

Andrew Ecclestone, a Victoria University researcher, said senior Beehive staffers should know what a Cabinet breach looks like.

“It does raise questions about training on propriety and ethics,” said the senior associate at the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies. “You don't get to be a senior adviser on OIA requests unless you are pretty experienced.”

31-03-2023, 09:23 AM
How is it legal for Labour PM to have government pay for advertisement about increasing benefits during election year? I keep getting Hipkins ugly mug on Youtube, telling me how amazing he is for wasting more taxpayer money to fix cost of living crisis they caused.

31-03-2023, 09:29 AM
Becoming clearer by the day that the 'most transparent' government ever is anything but!

The stench of COVERUP is over-powering except for the kissers of Marama Davidson's culturally brown backside.


Nash’s office and the staff from the prime minister’s office discussed the OIA request three times in July, and then decided later that month that the email – along with other emails to donors – “were out of scope” of the request because Nash wasn’t writing in his capacity as a minister but as an MP.

“How does Stuart Nash, backbench Labour MP, happen to have information Stuart Nash, government minister, has about discussions in Cabinet,” Treadwell said.

However, this was despite the content of the email relating entirely to his work as a minister, and detailing information he gleaned from Cabinet meetings – which only ministers attend.

Andrew Ecclestone, a Victoria University researcher, said senior Beehive staffers should know what a Cabinet breach looks like.

“It does raise questions about training on propriety and ethics,” said the senior associate at the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies. “You don't get to be a senior adviser on OIA requests unless you are pretty experienced.”

Some big blurring of the lines here .
Another good example of this was Julie Anne Genter writing to the Wellington Mayor on Ministerial letter head and refusing to release the contents.

31-03-2023, 11:14 AM
Some big blurring of the lines here .
Another good example of this was Julie Anne Genter writing to the Wellington Mayor on Ministerial letter head and refusing to release the contents.

Becoming very very clear that Guarav Sharma’s accusation that Labour MPs were being carefully coached and briefed on how to avoid the requirements of the OIA is bang on and true :


31-03-2023, 11:44 AM
Becoming very very clear that Guarav Sharma’s accusation that Labour MPs were being carefully coached and briefed on how to avoid the requirements of the OIA is bang on and true :


And remember the haughty denials from her on high? Guarav had it all wrong according to Cindy. The instructions were coming from the top down. Arm's length Cindy, the most transparent PM ever!

31-03-2023, 11:46 AM
And remember the haughty denials from her on high? Guarav had it all wrong according to Cindy. The instructions were coming from the top down. Arm's length Cindy, the most transparent PM ever!

Hard to find a more disgusting human being than Clueless Manipulative & Incompetent Cindy.

31-03-2023, 11:48 AM
Time to buy a new mirror. Clearly, yours is cracked and obscuring your view.

Hard to find a more disgusting human being than Clueless Manipulative & Incompetent Cindy.

31-03-2023, 12:02 PM
Time to buy a new mirror. Clearly, yours is cracked and obscuring your view.


Most transparent government ever.

From the pulpit and one source of truth.

Only someone like you would fall for that spitefully devious and disgusting Cindy’s words.

31-03-2023, 12:05 PM
Combination of 2 is still binary. That's a definition of binary. You can disagree, but that just makes you wrong.

Your post makes no sense to me in the context of the discussion. Dawkins claimed "As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it. … Sex really is binary.”

My post explained why he is wrong. There are more than two sexes chromosomally, and even more than that developmentally, anatomically, and hormonally.

If there were only two sexes, your "binary" claim would stand. As there are more than two, it doesn't.

Dawkins is arguably still the world's greatest evolutionary biologist, but over the last 20 years he has increasingly ventured into other areas in which he is sometimes wrong. This is one of them.

31-03-2023, 12:14 PM
Your post makes no sense to me in the context of the discussion. Dawkins claimed "As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it. … Sex really is binary.”

My post explained why he is wrong. There are more than two sexes chromosomally, and even more than that developmentally, anatomically, and hormonally.

If there were only two sexes, your "binary" claim would stand. As there are more than two, it doesn't.

Dawkins is arguably still the world's greatest evolutionary biologist, but over the last 20 years he has increasingly ventured into other areas in which he is sometimes wrong. This is one of them.

Then why do the trans brigade demand to be acknowledged as women? Dawkins is correct. Men cannot be women and vice versa. What you are describing is people who have come to be known as intersex. Not a third sex. This is a very small minority and is the "i" in the alphabet soup. They don't identify as trans.

31-03-2023, 12:27 PM
It appears the political commentariat are united on the Labour stench of corruption. From Bryce Edwards who quotes sundry others in agreement. Do I see Cinders overseas posting going up in smoke?

Political Roundup: The Astonishing Government suppression of Nash’s email

It’s truly astonishing the way that the Government has been able to suppress evidence of business donors gaining special access to Cabinet information.

Now that Stuart Nash has been fired from Cabinet for leaking sensitive information to individuals who funded his election campaign, the focus has shifted to why this information was kept from the public back in 2021. It turns out that the Prime Minister’s Office knew Nash had given privileged information to donors. Furthermore, the PM’s Office played a central role in preventing that information from being released to a journalist who specifically asked for it, and should have received it, under the provision of the Official Information Act.

The Nash scandal is now far wider than the ex-minister, and there are fundamental questions about the role of the Government in allegedly covering up the misuse of public office for vested interests. Labour politicians are calling the suppression of official information a “stuff up” due to “human error” in the PM’s Office, while the National Opposition is calling it a “conspiracy”, and demanding an inquiry into what looks like “corruption”.

The Facts of how unlawful political-donor communications were suppressed

Sometimes the details of scandals involving breaches of ethics and integrity can become mired in overly complicated minutiae and competing allegations. Therefore, it’s worth outlining the astonishing facts about what has happened in the Nash scandal:

Two businessmen gave donations to Cabinet Minister Stuart Nash to help his election campaign
Nash subsequently sent an email to those donors detailing Cabinet inside information, breaking Cabinet rules
A journalist then requested copies of any emails between Nash and the donors and, under the Official Information Act, he was legally entitled to receive these
Nash’s office decided to withhold the email to the donors based on the incorrect notion that they weren’t legally required to relinquish it. They deemed that the Cabinet information was sent by the Minister in his capacity as a local MP
In declining to release the Nash email, Nash’s office checked three times with the staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, including Jacinda Ardern’s deputy Chief of Staff
Ardern’s staff agreed with Nash’s staff about withholding the email, and say they didn’t inform either the Prime Minister or the Chief of Staff about the existence of Nash’s email or the decision not to release it to the media

“Disturbing, staggering, mysterious, outrageous”

The Herald’s Thomas Coughlan has labelled the latest revelations about the suppression of official information as “disturbing”, and says National’s allegations of a coverup are “staggering”. He explains that the Government successfully withheld the Nash email on the (incorrect) grounds “the email was written in Nash’s capacity as a Labour MP, rather than as a minister – and the OIA only applies to ministerial material.” He points out that the Government isn’t disputing that this decision was incorrect.

So why did the information get wrongly suppressed? Labour is claiming it was “human error” by staff in the two ministerial offices, and presumably Nash himself. Labour has pointed to the Beehive staff being overworked and not having enough resources to deal properly with OIA requests from journalists. Covid has even been offered as an excuse.

Many others don’t accept that it was an oversight. For example, Coughlan isn’t quite buying the line from the PM’s Office that it was a mistake, saying today: “it’s very hard to believe that not one of the multiple staff who saw and handled the damning email on multiple occasions ever once understood that it needed to be released”. He says that if the genuine explanation is one of “incompetence” at the top of the Beehive, then this is also “staggering”.

The other explanation is even more disturbing – that the Labour Government deliberately conspired to cover up the violation of Cabinet rules and what might look like a “cash for Cabinet access” fundraising scenario.

National deputy leader Nicola Willis made the coverup allegation yesterday in Parliament. Willis accused Labour of a “conspiracy between a minister’s office and the Prime Minister’s Office to decide to hide information from the New Zealand public”.

Most commentators seem to be incredulous that the senior staffers in the PM’s Office regarded it as unnecessary to raise with their boss that a journalist’s request for information about political donations had produced an email from Stuart Nash to two of his donors providing sensitive Cabinet information.

Likely that the PM’s Office wanted to prevent a scandal

It’s hard not to conclude that the staffers saw Nash’s email and the journalist’s request for it and realised an enormous scandal would occur if it was released. Quite simply the OIA request and what it uncovered was clearly explosive. And this led to numerous discussions about political management – the email was referred three times to the PM’s Office, in this sense receiving the serious attention it deserved. It certainly wasn’t a case that the Nash email simply fell through the cracks unnoticed.

The staffers who dealt with the Nash email were very senior, which means that they are very unlikely to have missed the significance of the issues at hand. One expert on the OIA, Greg Treadwell from AUT, is quoted today saying “You don't get to be a senior adviser on OIA requests unless you are pretty experienced.”

It was Ardern’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Holly Donald, who was ultimately responsible for the decision not to allow the Nash email to be released to the media. She was also in the news in August last year when rebel Labour MP Gaurav Sharma alleged that the PM’s Office was coaching MPs about how to get around the OIA.

According to Sharma, Donald was the person who led a Beehive coaching panel to help MPs understand the OIA and how to stay within the boundaries of the law in their communications and release of information. Donald’s expertise in navigating the OIA means it’s unlikely she made a “human error” in suppressing the Nash email.

In order to believe that Ardern’s Deputy Chief of Staff didn’t understand the problematic nature of the Nash email and the ramifications of releasing it to a journalist investigating political donations, you would have to believe that she was incompetent. If she decided not to elevate the email to her boss, then she would have been in clear dereliction of her duty.

Of course, it is possible that Donald did in fact elevate the issue to either Ardern or the Chief of Staff, and the public isn’t being told of this. Alternatively, Donald was fully aware of the need to keep the Nash email from her superiors, so that there was plausible deniability for the Government.

Does the Beehive have a culture of suppressing public information?

The Spinoff’s Toby Manhire has also expressed shock at the latest revelations about the deliberate suppression of the Nash email – saying it is “is mysterious – or, to put it another way, outrageous” and what has occurred is “an act of dissembling at best, straight out deceit at worst.”

Manhire believes that National’s application of the term “cover-up” now has merit, and the scandal should call into question whether the public can trust that the OIA isn’t being seriously abused by the Government: “just how often are OIA requests unscrupulously denied, stonewalled, ruled out of scope, for sheer, naked, political expediency? How often is official information withheld in defiance of the law, in affront to public scrutiny?”

Similarly, Thomas Coughlan writes today that the latest revelation “leaves the Government facing unsettling questions about probity: How many information requests have seen information withheld that should have been released? And worse still: Whether this was by accident or whether the Government has a broader culture problem around the release of official information.”

Official Information Act abuse and reform

The Official Information Act is meant to allow the public to be informed about what goes on at the highest levels of decision-making in New Zealand. It’s intended to create open government. And yet this latest scandal has come out due to the official information being leaked.

There will now be increased calls for reform of the OIA. Writing today for Newsroom, Marc Daalder says “These systemic flaws in the official information system mean we still have no idea how common it is to improperly withhold information as Nash may have done”. Due to the OIA’s weaknesses, Daalder says “It's much harder to tell how common breaches like Nash's are, by virtue of the secrecy”.

Confidence in the Ombudsman’s office in dealing with abuses of the OIA will also take a big hit from this scandal. The Ombudsman is supposed to be the watchdog on misuse of the OIA, but in this case appears to have allowed the misuse to occur, even after a complaint was made by the journalist involved. It now appears that the Beehive was easily able to fob off the Ombudsman’s office with weak justifications for suppressing the Nash email, and at this stage, it appears that the Ombudsman didn’t even insist on seeing the full Nash email before making a decision not to investigate.

The Ombudsman’s Office has indicated that they are now reviewing the case. Their office needs to take strong action to uncover how such a serious breach of the OIA has occurred, and how their own office became party to this.

An inquiry should occur. And as National-aligned political commentator David Farrar says, “we need a full inquiry into this led by a QC with powers to compel testimony and potential perjury charges for anyone who gives false testimony.”

Leftwing blogger No Right Turn is also incensed by what has occurred, arguing “it’s clear that the announced review into what else Nash might have corruptly disclosed isn't enough; we also need a full investigation into Labour's handling of OIA requests. And if this government won't do it, I'd hope the next one will.”

The blogger says: “the PM's staff's willingness to overlook this calls every OIA judgement they have ever made into question, and suggests they are systematically illegally withholding information on political grounds.”

He raises the question of whether the OIA now needs to include criminal penalties which could apply for deliberate non-compliance. The blogger explains: “this is a perfect example of why the OIA needs criminal penalties for deliberate violations. Canada does this, with the Access to Information Act having a penalty of two years imprisonment for those who, with intent to frustrate a request, conceal, falsify or destroy records. We should do the same, to deter such behaviour and enable public servants to stand up to illegal demands from their political masters.”

It's also worth mentioning that Chris Hipkins was in charge of open government when these OIA breaches occurred. He has also admitted that the legislation needs “more teeth”. The Government had previously promised to undertake a review of how to strengthen the OIA, but this has been continuously delayed.

Today, Toby Mahire appeals to Prime Minister Hipkins to add OIA reform back into the Government’s urgent reform agenda, and explains why: “What often looks like an esoteric subject of interest to few has suddenly emerged as emblematic of something much bigger, going to the heart of the probity, integrity and basic honesty of government.”

Problems for the Prime Minister

In dealing with the burgeoning scandal, the Labour Government’s new strategy is to blame everything on Stuart Nash. He certainly deserves blame for his involvement in it all. But he’s also now being used as a convenient fall guy for what seems like unethical behaviour in other parts of the Beehive.

It’s not clear that this strategy of blaming Nash for it all will wash. For instance, broadcaster Tova O'Brien responded to these events yesterday, saying “Something is very rotten. And just because Hipkins has cut out the source of the rot, I’m not feeling particularly assured that the government’s going to get to the bottom of how deep that rot goes.”

She also says that the public shouldn’t allow the Prime Minister to hide behind the fact that he’s launched an investigation. Hipkins has been refusing to answer questions about the scandal on the basis that he will “await the outcome of that review before making any further decisions or comment on it”. Commenting on this, O’Brien says it’s “beyond appalling that the PM is using that as a smokescreen to hide behind and avoid accountability now.”

Increasingly political commentators and journalists are using words like “stench” and “rottenness” in regard to the Government’s Nash email scandal. Hipkins will be forced to take the issue much more seriously than he has been if he’s to avoid his reputation being tarnished and his government associated with the smell of corruption.

31-03-2023, 03:18 PM
Then why do the trans brigade demand to be acknowledged as women? Dawkins is correct. Men cannot be women and vice versa. What you are describing is people who have come to be known as intersex. Not a third sex. This is a very small minority and is the "i" in the alphabet soup. They don't identify as trans.

Maybe this should have its' own thread rather than filling this one with off-topic stuff.

31-03-2023, 03:28 PM
[QUOTE=dobby41;997970]Maybe this should have its' own thread rather than filling this one with off-topic stuff.]

I agree. And the thread could be called Transphobia


31-03-2023, 04:05 PM
I agree. And the thread could be called Transphobia


Yes - there seem to be quite a few people here triggered by this.
As I said earlier - very enlightening on some people's character though I don't think I have learned anything new (just had my suspicions confirmed).

31-03-2023, 06:21 PM
Your post makes no sense to me in the context of the discussion. Dawkins claimed "As a biologist, there are two sexes and that’s all there is to it. … Sex really is binary.”

My post explained why he is wrong. There are more than two sexes chromosomally, and even more than that developmentally, anatomically, and hormonally.

If there were only two sexes, your "binary" claim would stand. As there are more than two, it doesn't.

Dawkins is arguably still the world's greatest evolutionary biologist, but over the last 20 years he has increasingly ventured into other areas in which he is sometimes wrong. This is one of them.

That's because you don't understand whan Binary means. The extra sexes you're talking about are just a combination of the 2 basic sexes, therefore binary.

Take it this way, computers only work in binary code, but can count into almost infinity. It's because by combining 0 and 1, we can achieve any number under binary system.

31-03-2023, 09:16 PM
Maybe this should have its' own thread rather than filling this one with off-topic stuff.

Because it's very much on topic. Michael Wood denounced a women's rights activist as having "vile and incorrect views". No one amongst the usual Labour supporter suspects have been willing to explain what was vile and incorrect about them. No one apart from moka was prepared to define a woman. They all ran a mile.

Emperor's New Clothes playing out in front of our eyes. Many of us don't buy into the identity/gender politics/victim posers. Labour, along with the Greens, clearly does. Long may it haunt them. As if they haven't got enough stench to deal with in the PM's office!

31-03-2023, 09:29 PM

In dealing with the burgeoning scandal, the Labour Government’s new strategy is to blame everything on Stuart Nash. He certainly deserves blame for his involvement in it all. But he’s also now being used as a convenient fall guy for what seems like unethical behaviour in other parts of the Beehive.

It’s not clear that this strategy of blaming Nash for it all will wash. For instance, broadcaster Tova O'Brien responded to these events yesterday, saying “Something is very rotten. And just because Hipkins has cut out the source of the rot, I’m not feeling particularly assured that the government’s going to get to the bottom of how deep that rot goes.”

She also says that the public shouldn’t allow the Prime Minister to hide behind the fact that he’s launched an investigation. Hipkins has been refusing to answer questions about the scandal on the basis that he will “await the outcome of that review before making any further decisions or comment on it”. Commenting on this, O’Brien says it’s “beyond appalling that the PM is using that as a smokescreen to hide behind and avoid accountability now.”

Increasingly political commentators and journalists are using words like “stench” and “rottenness” in regard to the Government’s Nash email scandal. Hipkins will be forced to take the issue much more seriously than he has been if he’s to avoid his reputation being tarnished and his government associated with the smell of corruption.

31-03-2023, 10:39 PM
A very uncomfortable Michael Wood as Erica Stanford focused on the cover up in the PMO over Stuart Nash’s email :


Where is Clueless Cindy? Most transparent government ever!

01-04-2023, 10:41 AM

Thirsty Work: Three Waters consultant and contractor spend gushes past $50 million


$50 Million so far ******* up against the Wall by the Clueless Labour crew on something the majority
didn't want ;)

Where is that walking precious art piece and relic from the past all would like seen gone - Mahuta hiding now ? ;)

(The same Mahuta who couldn't even get her legislation correct without need for wheelbarrows more amendments to fix up the errors in the very next session)

No wonder the cost of consultants etc is going off the graph when the calibre of the talent residing in Wellington doing the steering in Parliament is seen for what it is :)

01-04-2023, 01:04 PM
Comrade Cinders burning ambition to get an international job must be extinguished by now.

Anyone who appoints her to a high level job should be fired.

It's been out of the frying vat and into the fire for Cinders.
Back to the local chippie for you Cinders.

2F 1C

01-04-2023, 03:12 PM
Comrade Cinders burning ambition to get an international job must be extinguished by now.

Anyone who appoints her to a high level job should be fired.

It's been out of the frying vat and into the fire for Cinders.
Back to the local chippie for you Cinders.

2F 1C

Is she any good at gutting & scaling fishies ..?

Could be a part time job on a fishing boat somewhere .. if she doesn't get dizzy and swept overboard .. :)

01-04-2023, 03:39 PM
Business looks like it is doing real well under the current Govt:


Kool’s Chicken and Gracias Tex-Mex closing their doors for good


Teenage girls smash 19 vehicles at Whangārei car dealership


Armed supermarket robbery: Thirteen-year-old among youths arrested

01-04-2023, 08:45 PM
Is she any good at gutting & scaling fishies ..?

Could be a part time job on a fishing boat somewhere .. if she doesn't get dizzy and swept overboard .. :)
You are a first class idiot - you have had some competition on this site but you win.

02-04-2023, 11:53 AM
Labour’s solution on the way :

Just reduce the standard so they can all pass.


02-04-2023, 12:35 PM
Labour’s solution on the way :

Just reduce the standard so they can all pass.


A related article. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/487049/new-ncea-tests-poorly-designed-for-maori-pacific-students-report
"Some teachers and principals are worried the tests will be too difficult for some students and Māori and Pacific students will be particularly disadvantaged."
Does the test somehow know the particular race of the student? This sort of stuff makes me incredibly angry. Perhaps their solution will be to lower the passing grade for just Maori and Pacific students.

Blue Skies
02-04-2023, 03:55 PM
A related article. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/487049/new-ncea-tests-poorly-designed-for-maori-pacific-students-report
"Some teachers and principals are worried the tests will be too difficult for some students and Māori and Pacific students will be particularly disadvantaged."
Does the test somehow know the particular race of the student? This sort of stuff makes me incredibly angry. Perhaps their solution will be to lower the passing grade for just Maori and Pacific students.

I think you've misunderstood. The NCEA tests are designed to test Reading, Writing & Maths levels, not fluency & familiarity with digital devices.

Since the tests are online & often require repeated scrolling up & down from question to answer, students who haven't had access to digital devices, who are suddenly presented with a test on a desktop, PDA or Tablet or iPad, are seriously disadvantaged & their results may not be a true indication of their reading writing or maths level.

There's plenty of adults who if they use macOS and then asked to do something on Windows, struggle with the alternative operating system, so imagine a year 10 student who has had little access to a digital device suddenly presented with a test on one. These students may do better with pen & paper.

It was an independent report so its silly to blame the govt & no need to get incredibly angry.
They just want a clear picture of these specific levels & there should/could be a seperate test for digital literacy.

Incidentally, despite the catastrophising of our education system, NZ is ahead of countries like Australia, UK & US in either writing or reading, and the US & UK have the top universities in the world.
Always aim for improvement but there's so much hyperbole in some quarters, we lose perspective.

02-04-2023, 04:08 PM
I think you've misunderstood. The NCEA tests are designed to test Reading, Writing & Maths levels, not fluency & familiarity with digital devices.

Since the tests are online & often require repeated scrolling up & down from question to answer, students who haven't had access to digital devices, who are suddenly presented with a test on a desktop, PDA or Tablet or iPad, are seriously disadvantaged & their results may not be a true indication of their reading writing or maths level.

There's plenty of adults who if they use macOS and then asked to do something on Windows, struggle with the alternative operating system, so imagine a year 10 student who has had little access to a digital device suddenly presented with a test on one. These students may do better with pen & paper.

It was an independent report so its silly to blame the govt & no need to get incredibly angry.
They just want a clear picture of these specific levels & there should/could be a seperate test for digital literacy.

Incidentally, despite the catastrophising of our education system, NZ is ahead of countries like Australia, UK & US in either writing or reading, and the US & UK have the top universities in the world.
Always aim for improvement but there's so much hyperbole in some quarters, we lose perspective.
What annoyed me about the article was the suggestion that Maori and Pacific students were somehow more disadvantaged than others. People who grow up in a low socioeconomic environment are disadvantaged, its correlation v causation.

I fully agree that students should be given the option to sit the test using pen and paper.

02-04-2023, 05:14 PM
What annoyed me about the article was the suggestion that Maori and Pacific students were somehow more disadvantaged than others. People who grow up in a low socioeconomic environment are disadvantaged, its correlation v causation.

Thank you for clarifying your position. We understand the article differently.

I got that the problem concerned students from "the realm". From the examples given, I took that to mean the Pacific Territories that are administratively part of NZ.

02-04-2023, 07:53 PM
Anyone have an opinion on, or able to explain the reasoning behind Maori able to change back and forth between General and Maori electoral rolls?

Logen Ninefingers
02-04-2023, 08:05 PM
Are there any clowns out there who intend to do the census but haven’t done it yet? If not, why not? Took about 5 minutes to complete. Sick of the deluge of TV ads begging people to ‘do the census’. It’s like the ‘car safety rating’ ads (“your neck will be snappy snap, stop talking, no more chatterbox”) that seem to have been running for about 10 years now. How many ‘one star rated’ cars are currently being sold in NZ?! How much money is being wasted on this type of garbage?

02-04-2023, 09:15 PM
I think you've misunderstood. The NCEA tests are designed to test Reading, Writing & Maths levels, not fluency & familiarity with digital devices.

Since the tests are online & often require repeated scrolling up & down from question to answer, students who haven't had access to digital devices, who are suddenly presented with a test on a desktop, PDA or Tablet or iPad, are seriously disadvantaged & their results may not be a true indication of their reading writing or maths level.

There's plenty of adults who if they use macOS and then asked to do something on Windows, struggle with the alternative operating system, so imagine a year 10 student who has had little access to a digital device suddenly presented with a test on one. These students may do better with pen & paper.

It was an independent report so its silly to blame the govt & no need to get incredibly angry.
They just want a clear picture of these specific levels & there should/could be a seperate test for digital literacy.

Incidentally, despite the catastrophising of our education system, NZ is ahead of countries like Australia, UK & US in either writing or reading, and the US & UK have the top universities in the world.
Always aim for improvement but there's so much hyperbole in some quarters, we lose perspective.

This made me laugh. I actually grew up without computer and managed to learn how to use it in school in couple months. There's so much access to computers and digital devices for example in schools or libraries that your comment must be a satire. Do you actually think in year 2023 you'd find a kid that has problem scrolling? My guess is if you go to decile 10 school, you won't find a single kid that doesn't know how to use computer, tablet and phone.

Blue Skies
02-04-2023, 10:07 PM
This made me laugh. I actually grew up without computer and managed to learn how to use it in school in couple months. There's so much access to computers and digital devices for example in schools or libraries that your comment must be a satire. Do you actually think in year 2023 you'd find a kid that has problem scrolling? My guess is if you go to decile 10 school, you won't find a single kid that doesn't know how to use computer, tablet and phone.

Oh it's extremely disappointing to read posts like this.

There are many kids in South Auckland for example where there is 1 digital device, maybe a tablet (& maybe its broken) for a family of 4 or 5 kids to share. Guess who gets the tablet for most of the night, - the eldest who may have left school, meaning the younger ones miss out.
There are hundreds of families in Northland, Tairāwhiti, etc where children have extremely limited access to good digital devices, even good internet.

03-04-2023, 08:51 AM
Andrea Vance calling a spade a spade. Labour's "grubby irony".

"This was an administration obsessed with keeping an iron grip on the control of information, despite farting out promises to be the most open, honest, and transparent in history."


Maybe Andrea's been reading sharetrader!

03-04-2023, 09:05 AM
Oh it's extremely disappointing to read posts like this.

There are many kids in South Auckland for example where there is 1 digital device, maybe a tablet (& maybe its broken) for a family of 4 or 5 kids to share. Guess who gets the tablet for most of the night, - the eldest who may have left school, meaning the younger ones miss out.
There are hundreds of families in Northland, Tairāwhiti, etc where children have extremely limited access to good digital devices, even good internet.

That makes absolutely no difference to what I said, there will not be a single year 10 student that would fail, because they're not able to effectively use the computer.

I find this an interesting insight into your mind and frankly find it racist that you say kids of minority groups from South Auckland are not capable of using digital devices to the point their inability to scroll and click on checkboxes contributes to them failing tests.

03-04-2023, 09:35 AM
That makes absolutely no difference to what I said, there will not be a single year 10 student that would fail, because they're not able to effectively use the computer.

I find this an interesting insight into your mind and frankly find it racist that you say kids of minority groups from South Auckland are not capable of using digital devices to the point their inability to scroll and click on checkboxes contributes to them failing tests.

The article that started this discussion referred to children in NZ's Pacific territories.

03-04-2023, 01:33 PM
Clueless Cindy’s soul mate, Finland’s PM, voted out.

Must admit Cindy is very smart about one thing and one thing only - self preservation.

She jumped before she got booted out.

Useless and fallen woman.


03-04-2023, 02:02 PM
Clueless Cindy’s soul mate, Finland’s PM, voted out.

Must admit Cindy is very smart about one thing and one thing only - self preservation.

She jumped before she got booted out.

Useless and fallen woman.


Watch for the WEC goons cry out that the world is not doing enough and insist people must support their WEC narrative.

03-04-2023, 04:17 PM
Not a squeak from Labour and NZ First to questions about anti-corruption measures :


Very telling!

03-04-2023, 05:24 PM
Andrea Vance calling a spade a spade. Labour's "grubby irony".

"This was an administration obsessed with keeping an iron grip on the control of information, despite farting out promises to be the most open, honest, and transparent in history."


Maybe Andrea's been reading sharetrader!

Hipkins and the Labour Party along with their spin artists are trying to make fools of NZers with their 'cock-up' explanation for Stuart Nash's email cover-up. Fortunately, their deceitful behaviour has been uncovered along with their arrogance.

" Only the hopelessly jejune can take this explanation at face value.

It relies on the assumption that Stuart Nash’s ministerial advisors and two of Jacinda Ardern’s staffers could not recognise a very blatant breach of cabinet confidentiality.

Nor could they properly classify a document and apply freedom of information laws, even under the looming threat of an investigation by official information guardian, the chief Ombudsman.

(The email was withheld for being “out of scope” – Nash arguing it was sent in his capacity as an MP, which is not covered by official information rules, even though it explicitly discussed information he held as a minister).

Implausibly, none of this was picked up during at least three separate conversations between the prime minister’s office, Nash’s office and the Ombudsman?

Lastly, we would have to believe that two experienced aides at the heart of government could not spot a glaring political risk."

jejune - naive, simplistic and superficial


Bill Smith
03-04-2023, 09:00 PM
Hipkins and the Labour Party along with their spin artists are trying to make fools of NZers with their 'cock-up' explanation for Stuart Nash's email cover-up. Fortunately, their deceitful behaviour has been uncovered along with their arrogance.

" Only the hopelessly jejune can take this explanation at face value.

It relies on the assumption that Stuart Nash’s ministerial advisors and two of Jacinda Ardern’s staffers could not recognise a very blatant breach of cabinet confidentiality.

Nor could they properly classify a document and apply freedom of information laws, even under the looming threat of an investigation by official information guardian, the chief Ombudsman.

(The email was withheld for being “out of scope” – Nash arguing it was sent in his capacity as an MP, which is not covered by official information rules, even though it explicitly discussed information he held as a minister).

Implausibly, none of this was picked up during at least three separate conversations between the prime minister’s office, Nash’s office and the Ombudsman?

Lastly, we would have to believe that two experienced aides at the heart of government could not spot a glaring political risk."

jejune - naive, simplistic and superficial

Vances writings will make the labour shills on sharetrader apoplectic.
Previously I have classed her as an ardern sycophant. Maybe she is further proof that wise people gravitate to the conservative spectrum as they get older.
Unlike dobby, bs, panda and tim.23 et al.

03-04-2023, 09:06 PM
Our PM struggles when asked the most basic question. What is a woman? Says he hadn't come prepared for that question.


This is what happens when you give into the lie of gender ideology. He literally doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

Emperor's New Clothes.

03-04-2023, 10:06 PM
Our PM struggles when asked the most basic question. What is a woman? Says he hadn't come prepared for that question.


This is what happens when you give into the lie of gender ideology. He literally doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

Emperor's New Clothes.

Classic mate. This one response from this idiot tells all you need to know.

03-04-2023, 10:11 PM
Our PM struggles when asked the most basic question. What is a woman? Says he hadn't come prepared for that question.


This is what happens when you give into the lie of gender ideology. He literally doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

Emperor's New Clothes.

Haha good question, you can see his brain erroring real time. Trying to figure out which way he's losing more voters. If he grew a pair and identified as a man, he might have actually gain couple percent of voters.

03-04-2023, 11:07 PM
Our PM struggles when asked the most basic question. What is a woman? Says he hadn't come prepared for that question.


This is what happens when you give into the lie of gender ideology. He literally doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

Emperor's New Clothes.

Even Cunliffe managed better some time back with his curious apology than Hipkins seems
to, in avoiding going anywhere near now .. the fractions in between must have Hipkins confused :)

03-04-2023, 11:17 PM
You are a first class idiot - you have had some competition on this site but you win.

Oh look .. a mention in dispatches from the Village Idiot :)