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04-04-2023, 04:33 AM

Stuart Nash to leave at election, Cabinet secretary reviewing his messages

To borrow the very convenient quote by Mikhail Podolyak:

“The spiders are eating each other in a jar,”


04-04-2023, 04:45 AM

National Party candidate for Whanganui Carl Bates starts petition demanding a greater local voice in UCOL’s future

The start of unravelling of this Govt's "Puke Up" of a shambles that now is the Country's Tertiary Education sector ? ;)

04-04-2023, 07:11 AM
That makes absolutely no difference to what I said, there will not be a single year 10 student that would fail, because they're not able to effectively use the computer.

I find this an interesting insight into your mind and frankly find it racist that you say kids of minority groups from South Auckland are not capable of using digital devices to the point their inability to scroll and click on checkboxes contributes to them failing tests. Familiarity with technology is related more to poverty. NZ is an unequal society. Lockdown exposed more starkly the uneven access to computers and tablets. Pupils who have access at home to their own computer and tablet, will obviously likely be more adept at using them. In addition, pupils who arrive at school after having slept in a warm and dry bedroom, and after a hearty and nutritious breakfast, will likely be able to learn more effectively.

04-04-2023, 07:32 AM
Familiarity with technology is related more to poverty. NZ is an unequal society. Lockdown exposed more starkly the uneven access to computers and tablets. Pupils who have access at home to their own computer and tablet, will obviously likely be more adept at using them. In addition, pupils who arrive at school after having slept in a warm and dry bedroom, and after a hearty and nutritious breakfast, will likely be able to learn more effectively.

I grew up in the same situation, so it really irritates me when people think poor people are dumb to not know how to scroll or check a box to push their virtue signaling. Literally skills you can learn in 5 minutes and any year 10 kid wiill posses them. Having done a fair bit of digital tests, the skills required are so basic, I'm convinced this is not impairing any able minded child in finishing the test. I'd even say let them use paper, because I'm convinced the test would finish with the same result.

If you guys want to feel better about "helping poor minorities", why don't you guys donate couple computers to schools. Surely you can spare couple hundred dollars from your portfolios to purchase some old office computers.

This is a full on case of failing education blaming their failure on something else.

04-04-2023, 07:51 AM
I grew up in the same situation, so it really irritates me when people think poor people are dumb to not know how to scroll or check a box to push their virtue signaling. Literally skills you can learn in 5 minutes and any year 10 kid wiill posses them. Having done a fair bit of digital tests, the skills required are so basic, I'm convinced this is not impairing any able minded child in finishing the test. I'd even say let them use paper, because I'm convinced the test would finish with the same result.... "The Four Yorkshiremen" argument?

You are right though there many factors, other than access to technology, relating to poverty which could impact scholastic achievement.

04-04-2023, 09:06 AM
"The Four Yorkshiremen" argument?

You are right though there many factors, other than access to technology, relating to poverty which could impact scholastic achievement.

Good one, never seen this sketch :).

Blue Skies
04-04-2023, 09:30 AM
I grew up in the same situation, so it really irritates me when people think poor people are dumb to not know how to scroll or check a box to push their virtue signaling. Literally skills you can learn in 5 minutes and any year 10 kid wiill posses them. Having done a fair bit of digital tests, the skills required are so basic, I'm convinced this is not impairing any able minded child in finishing the test. I'd even say let them use paper, because I'm convinced the test would finish with the same result.

If you guys want to feel better about "helping poor minorities", why don't you guys donate couple computers to schools. Surely you can spare couple hundred dollars from your portfolios to purchase some old office computers.

This is a full on case of failing education blaming their failure on something else.

Peetter, calm down.
Hurling insults, accusing people of racism & making wild assumptions accusing people of thinking "poor people are dumb" are not on, and what would you know about other posters engagement with the countries education providers.

Admirable you've managed to overcome challenges, but too often people fall into the trap of saying if I can pull myself up then everyone can.
That's just not reflected in the data we're seeing.

Data collected in recent years show in Decile 1-3 schools, 47% said more than half students lacked a device at home, & 23% said fewer than half had home internet access.

During the pandemic with schools switching to online teaching for extended periods, internet access has been critical.

There's also examples of Secondary school students not asking their schools for Ministry funded devices for a whole range of reasons, including being worried younger siblings would damage the devices with some schools charging a $100 bond, others due to embarrassment for having to ask, while a student on a scholarship to a private school was too worried about how their device would look compared to all the wealthy private school kids having the latest MacBook.

1 in 6 of the countries poorest schools found less than a quarter of the students had access to internet at home.
Chorus did a survey finding 40% of homes in Muripara don't have access to home internet.
Grandparents who were looking after school age kids after school saying they don't have either a digital device or internet.
I could go on, but hope this might modify your thoughts on this issue.



04-04-2023, 10:28 AM
Think about this for one minute :

$56m down the drain on the bridge to nowhere.

Say $1,000 per laptop so that’s 56,000 laptops which could have been made available to underprivileged students.

$58.9m down the drain so far on the Auckland light rail to oblivion.

That’s another 58,900 laptops which could make a huge difference (if the Labourite posters are to be believed).

Where is this Labour government’s priority?

04-04-2023, 10:53 AM
Peetter, calm down.
Hurling insults, accusing people of racism & making wild assumptions accusing people of thinking "poor people are dumb" are not on, and what would you know about other posters engagement with the countries education providers.

Admirable you've managed to overcome challenges, but too often people fall into the trap of saying if I can pull myself up then everyone can.
That's just not reflected in the data we're seeing.

Data collected in recent years show in Decile 1-3 schools, 47% said more than half students lacked a device at home, & 23% said fewer than half had home internet access.

During the pandemic with schools switching to online teaching for extended periods, internet access has been critical.

There's also examples of Secondary school students not asking their schools for Ministry funded devices for a whole range of reasons, including being worried younger siblings would damage the devices with some schools charging a $100 bond, others due to embarrassment for having to ask, while a student on a scholarship to a private school was too worried about how their device would look compared to all the wealthy private school kids having the latest MacBook.

1 in 6 of the countries poorest schools found less than a quarter of the students had access to internet at home.
Chorus did a survey finding 40% of homes in Muripara don't have access to home internet.
Grandparents who were looking after school age kids after school saying they don't have either a digital device or internet.
I could go on, but hope this might modify your thoughts on this issue.



Again not a single of those statistics you provided actually mentions year 10 students are unable to effectively use a computer (scrolling and clicking) to the point of causing failures on tests.

And yes, you associating this with minority groups in South Auckland and Northland is racist in nature. If this doesn't indicate you think the kids are literally stupid, I don't know what does.

Since the tests are online & often require repeated scrolling up & down from question to answer, students who haven't had access to digital devices, who are suddenly presented with a test on a desktop, PDA or Tablet or iPad, are seriously disadvantaged & their results may not be a true indication of their reading writing or maths level.

04-04-2023, 01:36 PM
Our PM struggles when asked the most basic question. What is a woman? Says he hadn't come prepared for that question.


This is what happens when you give into the lie of gender ideology. He literally doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

Emperor's New Clothes.

Here's another question for all those Labourites who ran from answering "What is a woman?". Especially now that our PM doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

If it is offensive for white folks to put on black face and a woolly wig and ham it up as a black person (and I agree it is), why is it OK, and even to be encouraged, for men to trowel on makeup, over the top wigs and fake breasts and ham it up as women? Even flaunting themselves to little children. Why is that not deemed offensive? As gender appropriation or mocking?
To put it in simple terms (because I suspect I have to), why is a drag queen OK when black face or golliwogs are not?

04-04-2023, 01:45 PM
The fact that you refer to trans people as drag queens, speaks volumes.

To put it in simple terms (because I suspect I have to), why is a drag queen OK when black face or golliwogs are not?

04-04-2023, 01:51 PM
The fact that you refer to trans people as drag queens, speaks volumes.

Where did I say that? Or have you just conflated the two? I suspect they conflate the two themselves if they want to be known as "she/her".

And perhaps you might have a crack at answering why drag queens are OK and black face is not!

04-04-2023, 02:42 PM
Where did I say that? Or have you just conflated the two? I suspect they conflate the two themselves if they want to be known as "she/her".

And perhaps you might have a crack at answering why drag queens are OK and black face is not!

I never though of it like that, but drag queens are just "woman face" aren't they. Good question.

04-04-2023, 04:39 PM
Here's another question for all those Labourites who ran from answering "What is a woman?". Especially now that our PM doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha.

If it is offensive for white folks to put on black face and a woolly wig and ham it up as a black person (and I agree it is), why is it OK, and even to be encouraged, for men to trowel on makeup, over the top wigs and fake breasts and ham it up as women? Even flaunting themselves to little children. Why is that not deemed offensive? As gender appropriation or mocking?
To put it in simple terms (because I suspect I have to), why is a drag queen OK when black face or golliwogs are not?

You really are challenged by this, aren't you?
No one is making Trans compulsory you know - just as the Homosexuality Reform Bill didn't make homosexuality compulsory (though at the the time you would have thought so).

04-04-2023, 04:57 PM
You really are challenged by this, aren't you?
No one is making Trans compulsory you know - just as the Homosexuality Reform Bill didn't make homosexuality compulsory (though at the the time you would have thought so).

Women's Rights are challenged by this. The militant trans activists are trying to make trans entry into the opposite sex's facilities and sports compulsorily available. Which was Posey Parker's point if anyone had bothered to listen. Why are women's rights suddenly disposable for those who have gender dysphoria?

People like you and our PM haven't thought this through. Hipkins' bumbling answer to "What is a woman?" was toe curling. You could see he wanted to tell the truth but is too scared of the trans cancel culture mob. He clearly has the spine of a jelly fish.

The Emperor's new clothes. The truth is staring you in the face. You just have to have the spine to declare it.

04-04-2023, 05:02 PM
Here's another question for all those Labourites who ran from answering "What is a woman?". Especially now that our PM doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha…. It was a LOL moment. The PM of our country was stumped by the most basic of questions. He struggled to dig up the most politically correct answer. He needed to read a doctoral thesis as prep for that one!

04-04-2023, 05:04 PM
It was a LOL moment. The PM of our country was stumped by the most basic of questions. He struggled to dig up the most politically correct answer.

He's so caught up in identity politics he's lost his own. Spineless.

04-04-2023, 06:07 PM

Act’s David Seymour calls Ardern ‘too dumb’ to be part of a global conspiracy

He made the comments on a podcast with Max Key last month while speaking about Covid-19 conspiracy theories.

Seymour assured people Ardern couldn’t have been part of one because she was “too dumb” and would “screw it up”.


It must be the weaving and confused Hippocritter's turn for some red hot poker waving next week :)

04-04-2023, 06:25 PM
“It’s a tough job and it’s tougher for Jacinda as a young woman to do the job! “ Hipkins

No, Hipkins - it’s because she is a useless and clueless woman.


04-04-2023, 06:34 PM
“It’s a tough job and it’s tougher for Jacinda as a young woman to do the job! “ Hipkins

No, Hipkins - it’s because she is a useless and clueless woman.


The Chipster doesn't even know what a young woman is!

04-04-2023, 06:46 PM
The Chipster doesn't even know what a young woman is!

Post of today!

04-04-2023, 07:12 PM
The arrogance of this useless and incompetent Labour government is beyond contempt.

Here we have the Minister of Justice, Kiri Allan, mouthing off and criticising RNZ because her partner did not get the job she coveted.

She obviously thinks that her partner must get the job as she is Maori and these days, being Maori is the most important criteria.


“Allan took aim at RNZ’s treatment of Māori reporters and urged the public broadcaster to have a look at its culture”.

Allan told the Herald that, while she does not have ministerial responsibility for media and broadcasting, she sincerely apologised “if any of my comments or reflections said at Māni’s farewell made any person feel uncomfortable”.

“On reflection, I also accept that it could have been interpreted as me telling RNZ how to manage their staff or company. That was not my intent and it is certainly not my job.”

04-04-2023, 07:19 PM
The arrogance of this useless and incompetent Labour government is beyond contempt.

Here we have the Minister of Justice, Kiri Allan, mouthing off and criticising RNZ because her partner did not get the job she coveted.

She obviously thinks that her partner must get the job as she is Maori and these days, being Maori is the most important criteria.


“Allan took aim at RNZ’s treatment of Māori reporters and urged the public broadcaster to have a look at its culture”.

Allan told the Herald that, while she does not have ministerial responsibility for media and broadcasting, she sincerely apologised “if any of my comments or reflections said at Māni’s farewell made any person feel uncomfortable”.

“On reflection, I also accept that it could have been interpreted as me telling RNZ how to manage their staff or company. That was not my intent and it is certainly not my job.”

How long have these Labour/Greens drongos been in Govt now ?

They must be fairly thick, arrogant or nothing much learned for the vast raft
of incompetence & inappropriate matters coming out ;)

04-04-2023, 07:35 PM
How long have these Labour/Greens drongos been in Govt now ?

They must be fairly thick, arrogant or nothing much learned for the vast raft
of incompetence & inappropriate matters coming out ;)

More colour on the Kiri Allan saga:


Bloody disgraceful.

04-04-2023, 07:40 PM
More colour on the Kiri Allan saga:


Bloody disgraceful.

Yep .. she's there in Parliament to do a job

The fine line of self interest has been crossed

Some might say the same line that MAHUTA may or may not have crossed
with contracts etc for the whanau

Will Hipkins have the balls to send ALLAN packing by lunchtime tomorrow
seeing as the Media are hot onto this sort of transgression or would that leave
one too many empty deckchairs ? :)

04-04-2023, 07:42 PM
Yep .. she's there in Parliament to do a job

The fine line of self interest has been crossed

Some might say the same line that MAHUTA may or may not have crossed
with contracts etc for the whanau

Will Hipkins have the balls to send ALLAN packing by lunchtime tomorrow
seing as the Media are hot onto this sort of transgression ? :)

Not going to happen - Hipkins is too busy kissing the culturally brown arses. Needs them to have any chance to stay in power.

04-04-2023, 07:46 PM

How's the Cost of Living going of recent days .. a bit of an extra handout helping ? .. make the most of it :)

Brace yourselves - this is on the horizon:


AA warns Kiwis petrol prices likely to go up by 40 cents in July

04-04-2023, 07:48 PM
Not going to happen - Hipkins is too busy kissing the culturally brown arses. Needs them to have any chance to stay in power.

The Spotlight wont be too far away from the very thing he doesn't want illuminated in floodlights
and which could blow things completely out of the water, if it hasn't already ;)

It must be Willy Wonka's turn next to make a complete @%s4 of himself .. he really wouldn't want
to be seen to be missing out on the action or seeing some limelight ..

04-04-2023, 10:44 PM
Corrected stats from Te Whatu Ora show worsening wait times for surgeries.

Legacy of Clueless & Useless Cindy - and now, being made worse by Hipkins and the new minister of healthless mess.


04-04-2023, 11:51 PM

Grant Robertson seeking ETS advice, as tumbling carbon price lowers cost of pollution

Oh look the retreating price of carbon has woken up another sleeping giant ;)

To be perfectly honest it was probably a fabricated load of BS anyway and now everyone has much
more urgent and productive things to do as your hobby horse economic mess starts imploding
and limping faster than Trevor (the clueless)'s lame leg towards full blown recession ..

It's okay Robbo - everyone knows your lot have blown it badly and everything is well on the way
towards turning to cr@p under your management .. no Einstein help needed to see that :)

How's the wider Support package promised coming along for all those Cyclone affected businesses - Robbo
or perhaps all disappearing carbon vapor promises you didn't really mean to make.. before losing your
keys to the side door at Adrian Orr-Some's large money vault ? ;)

Chamber of Commerce Offices are running very low of funds and have more claims than they can eat in the next five years .. ;)

Better get off the fat useless perch - Grant and do something, otherwise everyone will be wanting to forget your name well before this side of the election :)

05-04-2023, 12:03 AM
Corrected stats from Te Whatu Ora show worsening wait times for surgeries.

Legacy of Clueless & Useless Cindy - and now, being made worse by Hipkins and the new minister of healthless mess.



Fresh from b*&&ering up the Health System and now onto the next disaster

National and Act want audit of communist security cameras on ‘sensitive’ buildings

Anyone recognise the critter with the beard in the photo ?

Here is what he has to say on Security Cameras:

Intelligence Agencies Minister Andrew Little says he is unlikely to do an audit of Government buildings that have controversial Chinese security cameras installed, despite many like-minded countries like Australia and the UK dumping the cameras from public infrastructure.

Little said a full audit would be “unlikely - because there could be any number of cameras”.

Sounds like a pathetic cop out in any number of eyes

As for an Audit - sure that's not too difficult .. ? ;)

How did the audit at the bottom of Pike River Mine go ? ;)

Another too difficult job ? ;)

How many audits of the needs of front lines in our hospitals were done or are another
10 layers of middle manager brass (who likely have run away already) needed to
even start that mission ? :)

but alas did that all become yet another too difficult job as well ? ;)

People are probably keeling over and suffering dearly while the chapters of Beehive BS get
spun out, ignored and minimalised, but does that really matter to those who would rather
hide away in the beehive with the frequent breaks in Bellamy's on the Taxpayer's ticket,
as if nothing is happening or important in the world on the outside ? ;)

then obviously the health portfolio got ripped out of one lot of hands and tossed at another
to pick up the pieces .. ;)

all very convenient isn't it ? ;)

when does the little stint producing little leading into retirement finally come to the close, when
all will finally get to see the back end of such an amazing performer disappearing into the distance ? ;)

05-04-2023, 05:04 PM
Yep .. she's there in Parliament to do a job

The fine line of self interest has been crossed

What self-interest line did she cross?
She wasn't trying to get her fiance a job - that was already lost - she was giving them a piece of her mind.

Unlike the National woman who was trying to get something for her son - a corrupt person if ever there was one!

05-04-2023, 08:51 PM
Clueless and useless Cindy - a phenomena for sure but hopeless in running a government


in the end, she blazed, crashed and burned.

And NZers is paying the price and will continue to pay for decades to come for her incompetence and BS.


06-04-2023, 07:20 AM
And lest we forget what this Labour government is all about :

"Jacinda Ardern gives her valedictory statement to Parliament today.

She came in with great promises.

Her Government would be kind, open and transparent, the housing crisis would be fixed, climate change solved in “her generation’s nuclear-free moment”, and child poverty dealt with.

Sadly, none of her promises came true.

Some of them now seem ironic. “The most open and transparent Government” is a joke after the past week. "


06-04-2023, 06:23 PM
And besides being useless and clueless, Cindy is ungrateful and ungracious - did not even mention the man who chose and made her to be PM.

Something to do with her stabbing him in the back?

Showing her true colours.


06-04-2023, 06:36 PM
And besides being useless and clueless, Cindy is ungrateful and ungracious - did not even mention the man who chose and made her to be PM.

Something to do with her stabbing him in the back?

Showing her true colours.


You and that pest Crypto Crude are conversation killers - you both have to revert to posting to yourselves. I reckon you’d be that Nigel no mates kind of guy that people would dread getting stuck with at a school reunion or family wedding.

06-04-2023, 08:09 PM
I've just seen a recording of this week's Fair Go.

A couple of wheel chair people having issues with accessing Eden Park, and concerts at normal prices.

Who can believe this is an issue in 2023?

What has the Ministry of Disabilities achieved in the last 2 terms?

Are you there Poto?

Please update us on what your Ministry is costing us, and what, if anything you have done, that would not of otherwise happened anyway?

You were not mentioned in Cinders feel good valedictory speech?


06-04-2023, 11:25 PM

Scarbro Construction liquidation: $39m, 89-unit Kāinga Ora projects left in the lurch

Things going well in Housing Sector as all can see ;)

07-04-2023, 08:57 AM
Laughing stock of the world - woke PM does not know what is a woman!



07-04-2023, 11:30 AM
Laughing stock of the world - woke PM does not know what is a woman!



He must have a short memory .. or wasn't she one., abeit a questionable example ;)

His mother would probably kick his scrawny white a&53 for showing such stupidity :)

07-04-2023, 11:38 AM
Laughing stock of the world - woke PM does not know what is a woman!



J K Rowling said it best

“In the interests of balance, someone should now ask women how they define Chris Hipkins.”

07-04-2023, 01:12 PM
J K Rowling said it best

“In the interests of balance, someone should now ask women how they define Chris Hipkins.”

Love it!!!!!

By spreading his legs? :t_up:

07-04-2023, 03:20 PM
I've just seen a recording of this week's Fair Go.

A couple of wheel chair people having issues with accessing Eden Park, and concerts at normal prices.

Who can believe this is an issue in 2023?

What has the Ministry of Disabilities achieved in the last 2 terms?

Are you there Poto?

Please update us on what your Ministry is costing us, and what, if anything you have done, that would not of otherwise happened anyway?

You were not mentioned in Cinders feel good valedictory speech?

More importantly - if you are disabled and need to access hospital services - you have little chance of finding a mobility car space near to a hospital entrance. Hospital car park owners have no motivation in policing car spaces to ensure those without a mobility permit are towed from disabled parks. As long as they get their expensive fees, they earn profits.

Mobility car space enforcement is a joke in general too.

07-04-2023, 05:12 PM
J K Rowling said it best

“In the interests of balance, someone should now ask women how they define Chris Hipkins.”

So Hipkins says that people define themselves and Rowling comes back with that?
It doesn't make sense!

I think most people have lost the plot on this because they want to - they want an issue.

07-04-2023, 05:23 PM
So Hipkins says that people define themselves and Rowling comes back with that?
It doesn't make sense!

I think most people have lost the plot on this because they want to - they want an issue.

Enlighten us dobby41... What is a woman?

07-04-2023, 05:55 PM
Love it!!!!!

By spreading his legs? :t_up:

And after the way he ended up kissing Marama’s and Kiri’s culturally brown arses (no reprimand for their racist & totally out of order behaviour), the women are likely to find nothing between Hipkins’ legs?

07-04-2023, 06:49 PM
And after the way he ended up kissing Marama’s and Kiri’s culturally brown arses (no reprimand for their racist & totally out of order behaviour), the women are likely to find nothing between Hipkins’ legs?

Not sure we really want to go here but...the Chipster doesn't need to undergo a cut and tuck. In his fantasy world people can define their own gender. If the Chipster wanted to, he could declare himself a woman and go up against Marama for leader of the Greens alongside James Shaw. I wonder how welcoming the alphabet soupers in the Greens would be?

08-04-2023, 08:33 AM
Not sure we really want to go here but...the Chipster doesn't need to undergo a cut and tuck. In his fantasy world people can define their own gender. If the Chipster wanted to, he could declare himself a woman and go up against Marama for leader of the Greens alongside James Shaw. I wonder how welcoming the alphabet soupers in the Greens would be?

Hipkins and that dreaded word ‘woman’ …. the embarrassment/gift which keeps giving to all who are objective and comfortable with who they are.

‘Woman’ - the scariest word to the wokesters in the government and specifically, the Labour Party & ‘Spread your legs’ Hipkins!


“So, is Hipkins a coward, or is he a card-carrying subscriber to gender ideology? Either way, his ridiculous comments don’t bode well for women’s rights in New Zealand.”

fungus pudding
08-04-2023, 09:01 AM
Enlighten us dobby41... What is a woman?

For Allah's sake, every schoolboy knows that; It's the fleshy part around a vagina.

08-04-2023, 09:03 AM
Hipkins and that dreaded word ‘woman’ …. the embarrassment/gift which keeps giving to all who are objective and comfortable with who they are.

‘Woman’ - the scariest word to the wokesters in the government and specifically, the Labour Party & ‘Spread your legs’ Hipkins!


“So, is Hipkins a coward, or is he a card-carrying subscriber to gender ideology? Either way, his ridiculous comments don’t bode well for women’s rights in New Zealand.”

To paraphrase J K Rowling....Someone should ask Kate Shepherd to define Chris Hipkins. Spineless misogynist perhaps?

08-04-2023, 09:49 AM

Money Talks: Roger Douglas on losing faith in all the parties - including Act

The problem is that the politicians of today, they want to help themselves. So they poll in order to know what to say and it’s disgusting.”

As for Labour, he sees the party as having reverted to 1960s-style centrism

Douglas still argues that the country would be much better served if it had a low flat tax to cover the basics and a savings regime which gave people back their own money to allocate to services such as health and retirement.

But it was that belief that New Zealand’s welfare system wasn’t sustainable that eventually brought conflict within the Fourth Labour Government to a head.

Douglas’ attempts to introduce a flat tax rate and reform the welfare system caused a rift with Prime Minister David Lange, who resigned in 1989 to head off the policies.

“That was the big debate, it was about welfare, it was whether we continue with Government running all the welfare institutions, if you had the Government deciding whether you got an operation, the Government deciding where your kids go to school ... or whether we change that.

What price - all the Welfare Policies today ?

08-04-2023, 09:57 AM
For Allah's sake, every schoolboy knows that; It's the fleshy part around a vagina.

It used to be standard medical practice to smack a newborn on the bum, so that the Willie would fall off the silly ones.

Since gone out of vogue, but may explain the rise in Trans gender wannabes.

What do you call a trannies amputated Willie?
A trans fat!

08-04-2023, 11:20 AM
Given Ardern's speech to the UN on disinformation and misinformation being "weapons", the attached link sheds light on what is emerging from the Twitter Files that Elon Musk is making available.


Clear evidence that the FBI in collusion with the Biden campaign, spread misinformation about the Hunter Biden laptop being supposedly Russian misinformation.

Also deliberate blocking of accurate Covid information at the behest of the Biden administration.

The US Defence Dept was colluding with Twitter to spread propaganda in the Middle East.

Ardern is either a pawn in other's agenda or she is a part of it. Either way it's not good.

What is "Christchurch Call" really setting out to do? Will it stop what has been happening with the social media giants or enable it further to limit free speech? Can we really trust someone shown to be so incompetent and cynical to work this through?

08-04-2023, 01:31 PM

Money Talks: Roger Douglas on losing faith in all the parties - including Act

His grand ideas are what helped us to fall behind Australia and drop to 32nd place in gdp per capita.

Productivity stats are even more depressing.

08-04-2023, 03:00 PM
His grand ideas are what helped us to fall behind Australia and drop to 32nd place in gdp per capita.

Productivity stats are even more depressing.

Well he had some, better than none, still better than the current Labour mob which has lost it's way and
probably still wont have a clue in another 5 years to see where they went wrong ;)

the real world rather than the nanny state welfare world is where the jobs
are, taxes come from, growth etc are generated to keep another lot in land of clover ;)

Time soon for new pair of rose coloured tints to replace the current ones which are fading ? :)

A woman might actually be serving behind the counter, which appears to be lost on the current
excuse for a accidental fill-in leader, whose abilities even at slightest spin must be depressing
to the decreasing band of inflation hit followers navigating Orr-Some hiked interest rates ..

08-04-2023, 03:08 PM
His grand ideas are what helped us to fall behind Australia and drop to 32nd place in gdp per capita.

Productivity stats are even more depressing.

Tell us how Ryman should borrow more money to do a share buyback rather than a CR as you asserted, you ignoramus peasant.

10-04-2023, 09:35 AM
Chris Trotter has his finger on the pulse as always https://www.interest.co.nz/public-policy/120697/chris-trotter-watching-growing-struggle-within-green-party-where-radical

10-04-2023, 10:29 AM
Chris Trotter has his finger on the pulse as always https://www.interest.co.nz/public-policy/120697/chris-trotter-watching-growing-struggle-within-green-party-where-radical

The comments section on that article is worth a read as well. What a horrible exclusive, sexist, racist and I would go so far as to say dangerous bunch the Greens are.

10-04-2023, 10:36 AM
The comments section on that article is worth a read as well. What a horrible exclusive, sexist, racist and I would go so far as to say dangerous bunch the Greens are.


"The Green Party of Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald, within which the principal ideological divide fell between the radical environmentalists and the eco-socialists (with some avant-garde “treatyism” and second-wave feminism off to the side) has long since ceased to exist.

The Green Party of 2023 is a volatile mixture of “decolonising” Māori nationalism, revolutionary anti-capitalism, and uncompromising Rainbow zealotry.

The idea that these are nothing more than frothing eddies of youthful activism, and that deep down the slower currents of ecological wisdom and political responsibility continue to flow serenely on, may soon be exposed as the purest wishful thinking.

The test will be the final Green Party List. Over the next few weeks the Green Party membership has the opportunity to study the provisional list presented to them by the party’s ruling bodies. If the provisional list seems wildly out-of-sympathy with the membership’s mood, then members have the power to re-organise it from top to bottom."

10-04-2023, 10:41 AM
The Disinformation Project at it again. Blatantly ignoring the fact that the lovely trans supporters assaulted a woman right in front of police. Ignoring the fact that the MSM built up Parker's visit as some Ultra Right wing/Nazi rally. There was where the disinformation was. Who funds these activists?


The Disinformation Project show clearly why we should be worried by Ardern's Christchurch Call activities. It looks very much like a double bluff to me.

10-04-2023, 12:09 PM

Paul Glass: The real size of Govt debt in NZ, stripped of accounting tricks

Any more room on the slate for Gobbo Robbo to add a bit more or are we done awaiting the incoming economic storm ? ;)

11-04-2023, 09:05 AM
Meanwhile, in the real world where Labour's clueless and incompetent management of the country is manifesting in disastrous outcomes for NZers :


Nearly 5,000 nurses have registered to move and work in Australia. That's 10% of the nursing work force in NZ.

What happened to the queues of skilled healthcare personnel banging at the doors to enter NZ?

And here's the best part :

Centralised Te Whatu Ora (or Whatever Ora) has no idea how many nurses NZ is short of!!!!!

"Last year, the estimated shortage was 4000 but Te Whatu Ora said it did not know what the current situation was."


11-04-2023, 10:41 AM
The Disinformation Project at it again. Blatantly ignoring the fact that the lovely trans supporters assaulted a woman right in front of police. Ignoring the fact that the MSM built up Parker's visit as some Ultra Right wing/Nazi rally. There was where the disinformation was. Who funds these activists?


The Disinformation Project show clearly why we should be worried by Ardern's Christchurch Call activities. It looks very much like a double bluff to me.

Seems like I'm not the only one concerned about the "Disinformation Project".


Its ties to the Dept of the PM is chilling. Ardern and her Christchurch Call is a cynical double bluff to manipulate and control the public square. She can not be trusted with our Civil Liberties. The Disinformation Project are in fact spreaders of propaganda and disinformation themselves. Orwellian and sinister.

11-04-2023, 02:11 PM
The Disinformation Project at it again. Blatantly ignoring the fact that the lovely trans supporters assaulted a woman right in front of police. Ignoring the fact that the MSM built up Parker's visit as some Ultra Right wing/Nazi rally. There was where the disinformation was. Who funds these activists?


The Disinformation Project show clearly why we should be worried by Ardern's Christchurch Call activities. It looks very much like a double bluff to me.

More coming to light of the "Disinformation Project" collusion with MSM in spreading disinformation.


The Police only responded to a question from a RNZ journalist with a generic answer that anyone should report hate speech etc.
To summarise....RNZ created a story to support a narrative being pushed by MSM on the Posey Parker/Trans issue.

Furthermore the Disinformation Project hasn't provided any evidence for their "genocidal" claims.

Does it get anymore disgusting and manipulative? Where is Ardern's Christchurch Call really taking us?

11-04-2023, 05:04 PM
Hipkins outright lying at today's post-cabinet press conference

Our health system is better now than it was three years ago, he says, despite being quizzed by a journalist regarding long patient wait times. He rebutted this by saying a challenge is staffing, and they've just made an immigration announcement today to help with this.

(quoted from Stuff)

He seems determined to be as bad as Ardern.

11-04-2023, 05:15 PM
The so called "reshuffle" today shows the lack of talent we have with this Labour caucus. The PM could not fill Nash's ministerial roles with anybody and left them with Woods and Parker in an acting capacity. As Nash's departure left an empty chair at the Cabinet table, he "promoted" the very prominent and energetic Northland MP to the role, so he could claim, very importantly, that we now had the first ever Cabinet with half women. Not that he can tell us what a woman is but that's another story.

Then they "considered" COVID settings and decided they have it prefect and no need to change anything.

So again, we see a PM out of his depth that, does absolutely nothing, but makes announcements about all of that nothingness.

11-04-2023, 05:31 PM
The so called "reshuffle" today shows the lack of talent we have with this Labour caucus. The PM could not fill Nash's ministerial roles with anybody and left them with Woods and Parker in an acting capacity. As Nash's departure left an empty chair at the Cabinet table, he "promoted" the very prominent and energetic Northland MP to the role, so he could claim, very importantly, that we now had the first ever Cabinet with half women. Not that he can tell us what a woman is but that's another story.

Then they "considered" COVID settings and decided they have it prefect and no need to change anything.

So again, we see a PM out of his depth that, does absolutely nothing, but makes announcements about all of that nothingness.

He's determined to outArdern Ardern.

I think we need a new colloquialism in this country. We could call outright bullshi^^ery Arderning. That Hipkins, he's Arderning again. What an Arderner!

11-04-2023, 06:40 PM
He's determined to outArdern Ardern.

I think we need a new colloquialism in this country. We could call outright bullshi^^ery Arderning. That Hipkins, he's Arderning again. What an Arderner!

Chip off the Ardern block - that’s Hipkins. Another useless and incompetent PM.

Only knows how to kiss culturally brown arses.

Logen Ninefingers
12-04-2023, 07:27 AM
Census shambles, and this is despite the TV ads which are continuing to run 24/7. This census is costing double the last one, but it looks as though - once again - the government has ‘failed Māori‘.


‘A leading Māori demographer says Statistics New Zealand needs to adopt a wider whānau approach to improve collection of census data from and about Māori and Pacific populations.

Professor Tahu Kukutai from Waikato University’s Te Ngira Institute for Population Research says Stats NZ learned a lot from the troubled 2018 Census, where responses fell to 83 per cent.

The 2023 census is tracking even worse as it operates in a low trust environment with a lot of disinformation in the community.

As of last week, one in five people had not completed their forms. For people of Māori and Pacific descent, that figure is two in five.’


‘This year's Census is expected to cost about $259 million, more than double what the last Census cost. Stats NZ says that's because they're using more paper, they've got more accessible formats (ie sign language, large print, braille and audio) and there'll be more collectors out on the streets.’


Five years on from the last disastrous tally, the 2023 census will focus on delivering for iwi and Māori with a raft of changes to ensure it gets it right – says the group tasked with delivering the survey.

Stats NZ says this year will have twice as many census engagement staff than in 2018, with more than half being Māori; as well as a fully bilingual census website, census forms, and other support available in te reo Māori.

Data collected in the census has the potential to create a real and positive difference for whānau, hapū, and iwi,” said Simon Mason, deputy chief executive of census and collection operations.

“We did not deliver well enough for Māori and iwi in the 2018 census, including consulting and engaging on how data was collected and how we could have supported Māori to participate.”

A flagship initiative for the 2023 census is Te Mana Whakatupu, an iwi-led data analytics and collections pilot, led by Te Kāhui Raraunga, the operating arm of the Data Iwi Leaders Group.

As part of this, iwi collectives in Te Tai Tokerau and Tairawhiti, and Te Whānau ā Apanui, will collect responses to the census from whānau in their rohe.

Rahui Papa, co-chair of Pou-Tāngata and chair of Data ILG said there will be cultural, social and economic benefits for iwi, such as improving the health and wellbeing of whānau.

“It is also a vital source of information for our iwi business and to develop investment plans that will deliver for our people.”

12-04-2023, 07:38 AM
Hipkins outright lying at today's post-cabinet press conference

Our health system is better now than it was three years ago, he says, despite being quizzed by a journalist regarding long patient wait times. He rebutted this by saying a challenge is staffing, and they've just made an immigration announcement today to help with this.

(quoted from Stuff)

He seems determined to be as bad as Ardern.

Patient with 8 weeks to live told of 12 week wait to see a specialist.


Hipkins says the Health system is better than it was 3 years ago. Yet waiting lists for elective surgeries continue to grow. How dumb does he think NZers are? Or is it just plain arrogance and dishonesty. What an Arderner!

12-04-2023, 08:05 AM
He's determined to outArdern Ardern.

I think we need a new colloquialism in this country. We could call outright bullshi^^ery Arderning. That Hipkins, he's Arderning again. What an Arderner!

I classify Ardern as the most dangerous evil liar to ever enter Parliament!

12-04-2023, 08:17 AM
Census shambles, and this is despite the TV ads which are continuing to run 24/7. This census is costing double the last one, but it looks as though - once again - the government has ‘failed Māori‘.


‘A leading Māori demographer says Statistics New Zealand needs to adopt a wider whānau approach to improve collection of census data from and about Māori and Pacific populations.

Professor Tahu Kukutai from Waikato University’s Te Ngira Institute for Population Research says Stats NZ learned a lot from the troubled 2018 Census, where responses fell to 83 per cent.

The 2023 census is tracking even worse as it operates in a low trust environment with a lot of disinformation in the community.

As of last week, one in five people had not completed their forms. For people of Māori and Pacific descent, that figure is two in five.’


‘This year's Census is expected to cost about $259 million, more than double what the last Census cost. Stats NZ says that's because they're using more paper, they've got more accessible formats (ie sign language, large print, braille and audio) and there'll be more collectors out on the streets.’


Five years on from the last disastrous tally, the 2023 census will focus on delivering for iwi and Māori with a raft of changes to ensure it gets it right – says the group tasked with delivering the survey.

Stats NZ says this year will have twice as many census engagement staff than in 2018, with more than half being Māori; as well as a fully bilingual census website, census forms, and other support available in te reo Māori.

Data collected in the census has the potential to create a real and positive difference for whānau, hapū, and iwi,” said Simon Mason, deputy chief executive of census and collection operations.

“We did not deliver well enough for Māori and iwi in the 2018 census, including consulting and engaging on how data was collected and how we could have supported Māori to participate.”

A flagship initiative for the 2023 census is Te Mana Whakatupu, an iwi-led data analytics and collections pilot, led by Te Kāhui Raraunga, the operating arm of the Data Iwi Leaders Group.

As part of this, iwi collectives in Te Tai Tokerau and Tairawhiti, and Te Whānau ā Apanui, will collect responses to the census from whānau in their rohe.

Rahui Papa, co-chair of Pou-Tāngata and chair of Data ILG said there will be cultural, social and economic benefits for iwi, such as improving the health and wellbeing of whānau.

“It is also a vital source of information for our iwi business and to develop investment plans that will deliver for our people.”

And after all that, the 2023 response from Maori will be the same, and the excuse will always be; We weren't consulted.
Apathy, caused by looked after well by the system, despite what some may have you believe.

12-04-2023, 09:24 AM
Apathy, caused by looked after well by the system, despite what some may have you believe.

If Maori are being "looked after well by the system" why are they disproportionately poor and disproportionately towards the bottom of all the social statistics?

fungus pudding
12-04-2023, 09:34 AM
If Maori are being "looked after well by the system" why are they disproportionately poor and disproportionately towards the bottom of all the social statistics?

Maybe they have different aspirations.
Maybe they have different motivation factors.
I think you know the answer.

12-04-2023, 10:23 AM
Maybe they have different aspirations.
Maybe they have different motivation factors.
I think you know the answer.

My experience working in Education and Health and Justice in Te Taitokerau for forty odd years has certainly informed my thinking on the question - but I was reacting to Getty's rhetoric.

In relation to your answer above re different aspirations and motivation - it shifts any responsibility for the "problem" onto Maori and relieves everyone else of any responsibility to change and improve "the system". That may make you (and others) feel better, but doesn't do much to effect change.

12-04-2023, 10:39 AM
My experience working in Education and Health and Justice in Te Taitokerau for forty odd years has certainly informed my thinking on the question - but I was reacting to Getty's rhetoric.

In relation to your answer above re different aspirations and motivation - it shifts any responsibility for the "problem" onto Maori and relieves everyone else of any responsibility to change and improve "the system". That may make you (and others) feel better, but doesn't do much to effect change.

But doesn't do much to effect change.

Good choice of words, but whose court is the ball in?

You will bounce it out of there, into the colonials court, as usual.

Twice as many Census people, with more than 50% of them being Maori, to engage 15% of the people, assuming they reach all.

What does this say?

12-04-2023, 10:58 AM
Bryce Edwards exposing the Disinformation Project's exponential hyperbole....And its failure to hold the government to account on being a misinformation/disinformation spreader. Gee, I wonder why? Couldn't be to do with the Dept of the PM's funding? And their ever increasing hyperbole apparently touting for business now that the funding has dried up! (As Edwards notes, they have given no evidence to back their ever more alarmist claims)


Ardern's fingerprints all over it! Divide and rule. Sow fear and manipulate the populace. Cynical and disgusting.

Logen Ninefingers
12-04-2023, 12:07 PM
This government is wasting billions and billions of dollars, and unfortunately for NZ there is virtually nothing to show for it. Our ageing existing infrastructure is falling apart at the seams, while many billions disappear into the doomed Auckland CRL black hole and the government lines up another multi-billion dollar vanity project in Auckland in the form of ‘light rail’.
Meanwhile, look at a place like Tauranga: population exploding, legions of elderly, but still just the one old hospital which sadly is desperately struggling to cope with the demands placed on it.
We are heading for a total health and health infrastructure debacle because the fundamental needs of the population are not being met. Health is as basic and fundamental as in gets. This government has had no plan for delivering better health outcomes other than shovelling billions into the pockets of consultants and managers and undertaking expensive restructuring exercises that produce nothing in the way of improved services for ailing Kiwi’s.

12-04-2023, 07:23 PM
But doesn't do much to effect change.

Good choice of words, but whose court is the ball in?

You will bounce it out of there, into the colonials court, as usual.

Twice as many Census people, with more than 50% of them being Maori, to engage 15% of the people, assuming they reach all.

What does this say?

Gotta make sure all that Kai put on table for Census bods afternoon tea gets put down
a hatch my friend .. the more da merrier .. after all who is paying for checking all the forms
get marked the correct way, duly blessed in traditional way and not used for something else ? ;)

Do they get sent out with plenty of spares or is the remuneration strictly on a "Bring your
own wipes" basis with full instructions for correct use ? ;)

Supply of free laptops to the outer hinterlands must be still difficult or have free promo broadband
jobs for the great unwashed & computer challenged run out .. just in time for Census ?

Logen Ninefingers
13-04-2023, 06:32 AM

‘The Māori Health Authority (Te Aka Whai Ora) is spending more than $1.15 million a month on contractors and consultants, newly released figures show.’

13-04-2023, 09:00 AM

‘The Māori Health Authority (Te Aka Whai Ora) is spending more than $1.15 million a month on contractors and consultants, newly released figures show.’

Throwing money will fix the collapsing healthcare system - Labour's only solution.

Just like throwing $1.9 billion and NOT add a single bed to mental healthcare.

13-04-2023, 09:20 AM
Bryce Edwards exposing the Disinformation Project's exponential hyperbole....And its failure to hold the government to account on being a misinformation/disinformation spreader. Gee, I wonder why? Couldn't be to do with the Dept of the PM's funding? And their ever increasing hyperbole apparently touting for business now that the funding has dried up! (As Edwards notes, they have given no evidence to back their ever more alarmist claims)


Ardern's fingerprints all over it! Divide and rule. Sow fear and manipulate the populace. Cynical and disgusting.

Chris Trotter is on to it! He outlines what US authorities have been doing in collusion with the Social Media giants. He draws the parallel to NZ and Ardern's creation of the "Disinformation Project".


This puts Ardern's speech to the UN on "Disinformation and Misinformation" as weapons in its proper context. She is in donkey deep with her overseas paymasters.

13-04-2023, 09:44 AM
This puts Ardern's speech to the UN on "Disinformation and Misinformation" as weapons in its proper context. She is in donkey deep with her overseas paymasters.

In the unlikely event that you actually have evidence that JA has overseas paymasters, please provide it.

13-04-2023, 09:48 AM
In the unlikely event that you actually have evidence that JA has overseas paymasters, please provide it.

One source of truth.

13-04-2023, 09:55 AM

‘The Māori Health Authority (Te Aka Whai Ora) is spending more than $1.15 million a month on contractors and consultants, newly released figures show.’

Entirely predicted, and will be ongoing.

Much hui on where to put the bone carvings and tuku tuku, and where to hang the poi.
Regular blessings from various kaumatua.

Not 1 cent to put a band-aid on a bee sting though, but the Tax payers are stung.

Apartheid costs you know.

13-04-2023, 09:57 AM
In the unlikely event that you actually have evidence that JA has overseas paymasters, please provide it.

Do you think she works for nothing? Funny how it was announced her Christchurch Call work would be unpaid. There are many forms of payment.

What about the rest of the points made?

13-04-2023, 10:11 AM
Do you think she works for nothing? Funny how it was announced her Christchurch Call work would be unpaid. There are many forms of payment.

What about the rest of the points made?

If you will acknowledge that you actually have no evidence that JA is "in donkey deep with her overseas paymasters" and that your insinuation of corruption is without any foundation other than your particular animus towards her, I will try to address them.

13-04-2023, 10:12 AM
Throwing money will fix the collapsing healthcare system - Labour's only solution.

Just like throwing $1.9 billion and NOT add a single bed to mental healthcare.


”We can’t start writing cheques,” said Hipkins.

Will a cheque be okay instead ? ;)

or a pretend cheque :)

or even an invisible cheque that only gets a mention when the spotlight falls on something in the wrong light ? :)

A solution has been found to the Healthcare System's woes and deficiencies by Labour ...

It appears to be to send 25% or more of our Nurses off to overseas hospitals, so they don't need to be paid here ;)

A further OE for them .. very similar to a long break that the clueless remnants of this Govt are likely to score later in the year :)

13-04-2023, 10:24 AM
If you will acknowledge that you actually have no evidence that JA is "in donkey deep with her overseas paymasters" and that your insinuation of corruption is without any foundation other than your particular animus towards her, I will try to address them.

The evidence is in the modus operandi. A State sponsored propaganda operation mimicking the US tactics. Then touting the need to the World for clamping down on exactly what she and the US have been doing. Bryce Edwards sees it. Chris Trotter sees it. They are hardly RW Conspiracy theorists.

Logen Ninefingers
13-04-2023, 11:36 AM
‘Concerns are being expressed over low returns as the census budget potentially leaps to $300 million.

Stats NZ says it is working to lift responses around the country. It has more than 3000 collectors in the field, who will be in communities until at least May 3, and until June 1 in Hawkes Bay and Te Tairāwhiti.’

13-04-2023, 01:03 PM

Three Waters reset: Ten new entities in policy purge, co-governance remains

Goodbye Three Waters - hello, “Affordable Water Reforms”.

The Government has scrapped a major part of its unpopular Three Waters reforms, ditching the four mega entities that would have delivered Three Waters (freshwater, wastewater, and stormwater) services to households.

10 Lazy Water Empires instead of Three now all requiring Chairman, Staff and a truck load of
associated dictated red tape and bureaucratic bullsh*t around them now ?

Who's paying for this large chapter of Labour's WATER Screw Ups ?

And not one watermain, leaking pipe repair or improvement has occurred in meantime
at the hands of this Bureaucratic Bulls Up for how many millions thrown at it ?

At least Wellington Council got the Street Lamps up and actually working, even if
all were later found stuffed & a safety hazzard due to prevailing winds everyone forgot about ;)

With Labour's 3 or 10 Idiot's on Water it appears quite obvious that there are still no Lights on
and no sign of that happening anytime .. total disconnect and there was no wind to blame it on :)

50 may have represented no change though ;)

Local Government Minister Kieran McAnulty said his model would deliver savings to households of between $2,770-$5,400 per year by 2054.

Most will believe the totally Nutty BS Plan if & when it delivers any savings rather than an expected expensive blackhole devised by a bunch of clueless blundering twits who have clearly demonstrated their deficient fiscal abilities and non delivery on most things very well during most recent terms ;)

“Let’s be clear about co-governance - co-governance as it’s traditionally understood, was taken off the table in Three Waters reform process some time ago. There was an early discussion around whether a full co-governance model should be adopted here and ultimately, the government decided not to do that,” Hipkins said.

While co-governance on the entity boards was ultimately ditched, the last time the Government reviewed the Three Waters Reforms, it deliberately kept the elements of co-governance that appear in today’s policy: 50-50 representative groups.

No co-governance on Entity Boards now ?

That might hurt a few feelings in places or was the pool of suitable talent from the 16% of eligibles running mysteriously dry .. or perhaps none wanted to know ? ;)

Perhaps they have seen the writing on the wall already and the pay deal for likely just 7 or 8 months
then down the road didn't excite them :)

Let's see just how far these slight sidesteps get Hipkins among the 80% plus who didn't like the previous Artform's managing only to produce no less than an unpopular litany of incompetent screw ups every way she turned ;)

Larger shovel needed - Hipkins to dig your way into a cave under the shambles to hide in :)

Mahuta orchestrated the mess and the best option now appears to be to not try excavating on top
but digging underneath for a safe hiding spot :)

Logen Ninefingers
13-04-2023, 01:24 PM
‘Three Waters’ scrapped? More wasted money, the epitaph of this government will be ‘6 Years of Waste’.


‘Complaints about the government's Three Waters Reform TV adverts have described them as misinformation, untrue and a taxpayer-funded propaganda campaign.

The $3.5 million advertising campaign, which began in June 2021, depicts unhappy cartoon people and animals with poor quality water.

A voiceover says the government is working to make sure Kiwis can keep drinking straight from the tap: "Imagine Aotearoa without good water. That'd be rude as, eh? That's why we're working with councils to make sure it doesn't happen for real. So now, instead of them having to shoulder this burden, we're grouping them together, to keep everybody on the path to better all round water. So our trout will be happy, undies can still be togs, and best of all, us Kiwis can keep drinking straight from the tap, so how about that? Better water is better for everyone."

In another version, the voiceover describes what "a stink-as place that would be", how showers would be a complete waste of time and awa (rivers) would be 'all filthy with slime'. The animation included green liquid coming from a "coughing" pipe, with a thermometer in its mouth.’

Logen Ninefingers
13-04-2023, 01:49 PM
All hail ‘Ten Waters’! What a farce….

13-04-2023, 02:25 PM

Mike Hosking: The Government’s economic choices are coming back to haunt us

Gobbo Robbo - where be your large pimply white b*m hiding out now, as things start looking
like they are headed towards hitting the fan badly ? ;)

Looks like a really ORR-SOME Recession is on it's way ..

How many will lose their Jobs, Homes, Businesses and Shirts off their backs in this Recession ?

Is there any more room to slap some more tick on the Government Slate or would
that inspire the ORR-SOME talent at the RB to start selling the Finance Minister's Soul
and soiled Underpants off to highest bidder ? ;)

You have to admit that this Government have been nothing short of Masters at the BORROWING
UP LARGE like there is no tomorrow, even with the most Rainy days on record which hasn't
seen much thrown in that direction .. perhaps the Consultant's Cyclone bills are still awaited ? ;)

Even poor old CULLEN (bless his prudent soul) must now be turning in his grave looking down
on the abismal performance levels that the current Govt fiscal underperformers have dived to ;)

Time to issue all the young Kiwi's with a Debt monitor, so they can all see very clearly how much is on
the tab and how much they and future Kiwi's will be each contributing for the Current Govt's mindless
squandering and gross incompetence ? ;)

The smart ones with slightest hint of any clue will be long gone overseas, long before however :)

(and as you guessed - special NZH reading privileges needed)

13-04-2023, 03:04 PM
Interesting comment seen somewhere:

"The tank is really empty now…

We just didn’t understand at the time as to what JA meant when she said this"

13-04-2023, 03:14 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle, floods and inflation ‘dire’ for sole traders’ mental health and finances

Many sole traders and especially tradies are seriously struggling due to inflation and major disasters, an accountancy firm says.

But most sole traders do not want to raise their rates to offset the impacts of inflation, according to Hnry, an accountancy service for sole traders.

Hnry said nearly 40 per cent of businesspeople it surveyed recently reported impacts from both Cyclone Gabrielle and the January Auckland floods.

Where are the rest of the things & support Gobbo Robbo promised to help those above ?

Is he sitting on them, or are they squashed under his cushion never to be seen again ? ;)

Inflation hit Consumers could be next,

newer vulnerable Interest hit borrowers as well


waiting to happen

Remember that Labour have a past history of leaving some effectively roadkill and
abandoned as signs of their final demise and crumbling in Government start emerging

Who will the Victims left abandoned by a clueless careless Govt on the way out
be this time round ? Will it be you ?

Dont believe it ? .. it happened with the previous Labour term under Clark and Cullen.

13-04-2023, 05:39 PM
‘Three Waters’ scrapped? More wasted money, the epitaph of this government will be ‘6 Years of Waste’.

Only the national books matter... the most creditworthy entity with the lowest interest rates & lets ignore the councils bleeding red ink because they have to find $200b over 30 years from somewhere for infrastructure.


No wonder the credit rating was downgraded under National with this thinking.

13-04-2023, 05:42 PM
Only the national books matter... the most creditworthy entity with the lowest interest rates & lets ignore the councils bleeding red ink because they have to find $200b over 30 years from somewhere for infrastructure.


No wonder the credit rating was downgraded under National with this thinking.

Tell us how Ryman should load up with more debt to do a share buyback instead of a capital raising to stave off a downgrade, ignoramus peasant.

You have zero credibility.

13-04-2023, 05:44 PM

Mike Hosking: The Government’s economic choices are coming back to haunt us

Gobbo Robbo - where be your large pimply white b*m hiding out now, as things start looking
like they are headed towards hitting the fan badly ? ;)

Looks like a really ORR-SOME Recession is on it's way ..

How many will lose their Jobs, Homes, Businesses and Shirts off their backs in this Recession ?

Is there any more room to slap some more tick on the Government Slate or would
that inspire the ORR-SOME talent at the RB to start selling the Finance Minister's Soul
and soiled Underpants off to highest bidder ? ;)

You have to admit that this Government have been nothing short of Masters at the BORROWING
UP LARGE like there is no tomorrow, even with the most Rainy days on record which hasn't
seen much thrown in that direction .. perhaps the Consultant's Cyclone bills are still awaited ? ;)

Even poor old CULLEN (bless his prudent soul) must now be turning in his grave looking down
on the abismal performance levels that the current Govt fiscal underperformers have dived to ;)

Time to issue all the young Kiwi's with a Debt monitor, so they can all see very clearly how much is on
the tab and how much they and future Kiwi's will be each contributing for the Current Govt's mindless
squandering and gross incompetence ? ;)

The smart ones with slightest hint of any clue will be long gone overseas, long before however :)

(and as you guessed - special NZH reading privileges needed)
You would probably improve your credibility if you ceased using petty names for politicians- it’s juvenile and cringey.

13-04-2023, 06:49 PM
You would probably improve your credibility if you ceased using petty names for politicians- it’s juvenile and cringey.

OK and you would know :)

14-04-2023, 02:40 AM

Grant Robertson: No ‘accounting trick’ to Government debt measure

No Tricks - but still some very serious BORROWING however

Change the Reporting Rules in 2022 conveniently after the event and hope like h3ll no-one notices ;)

It sounds like the Cat has properly been tipped out of the bag now - Robbo ;)

No number of excuses after the event will ever gloss over the cover up now :)

(Special NZH reading pass needed for article)

Can't have been important enough for STUFF to want to know about :)

14-04-2023, 02:55 AM

ACT leader David Seymour said Labour’s “powerful Māori caucus” had won out over Hipkins.

“Co-government remains part of Three Waters because the prime minister was either too scared to stare down the powerful Māori Caucus, or he did and he lost.

“Hipkins has been desperate to differentiate himself from [former Prime Minister] Jacinda Ardern but, by reheating and rebranding co-governance, he’s showing he’s no different,” Seymour said.

It didn't take long for Seymour to work out that Fill-in Hapless Hopeless Hipkins was starting to
resemble an unfortunate floundering insect entrapped & stuck to the sticky tentacles of a predatory plant
just like his predecessor fared before making a hasty retreat from limelight - did it ? ;)

No flies on Seymour :)


Government quietly withdraws $1.5b promised to councils in Three Waters reset

The Tin getting a bit bare - Robbo ? ;)

Meanwhile just 6 months ago:


Grant Robertson: 'We're in a really good position here'

11:17, Sep 21 2022

Something crept out of the woodwork since - Robbo, and bit you on the b*m hard to make you so quiet ? ;)

and just 11 months ago:


Budget 2022: Grant Robertson walks the line between big plans and economic reality

14:29, May 19 2022

How is the Reality now Robbo ? - have the delusions finally started diminishing and worst nightmares replacing them started keeping you awake at night yet ? ;)

Has the ORR-SOME RB Governor passed on news on when the STOP CREDIT sign goes up ? :)

How are the big plans for a new day job going or no vacancies going for a soon to become vacating ..... ? ;)

All those fine Bellamy's delicacies might mean much practice needed before attempting to walk the plank ..

Logen Ninefingers
14-04-2023, 07:48 AM
‘The Government yesterday unveiled its refresh of the reforms formerly known as Three Waters, announcing that 10 regionally owned and led public water entities would be established instead of the four previously proposed to take over stormwater, wastewater and drinking water infrastructure.

The entities would be owned by councils and run by a “professional board”, with “50-50 (co)governance oversight between councils and mana whenua”, which would also appoint the board.’

14-04-2023, 10:19 AM

Extra water entities in Three Waters plan will cost some households $2300

The new Three Waters plan is meant to increase local accountability, but that comes with a hefty price tag for many households.

Households in most of the country will have to pay hundreds more, with some expected to fork out up to $2300 per year under the new plan.

While households will have to pay more than they would have under the earlier Three Waters model, the updated reforms are still projected to save thousands compared to maintaining the status quo.

As expected, COST instead of SAVINGS from this Government's 10 Waters Shambles ;)

The same will probably be seen in each and every other district to pay for the swarm of Consultants
feeding the blind, challenged and incompetent lot which chaperoned in this disaster ..

14-04-2023, 12:50 PM

Extra water entities in Three Waters plan will cost some households $2300

As expected, COST instead of SAVINGS from this Government's 10 Waters Shambles ;)

The same will probably be seen in each and every other district to pay for the swarm of Consultants
feeding the blind, challenged and incompetent lot which chaperoned in this disaster ..

BS & Spin :


Logen Ninefingers
14-04-2023, 01:39 PM
‘10 Waters’ will see these new ‘mana whenua’ (co)controlled water entities take on enormous debt which will invariably be sheeted back to NZ taxpayers. Profligate councils and the profligate NZ government are already up to their ears in debt, so we apparently need the new ‘water entities’ to be able to load up with $180+ Billion more debt on their ‘clean balance sheets’.

“Look at those lovely clean balance sheets” say the wasteful spenders, rubbing their hands with glee. Standing behind them are a legion of ‘consultants’ and ‘contractors’ who will be popping the champagne corks with great gusto if this all goes ahead.

Anyone that thinks that these ‘water entities’ will carry out their plans with a view to careful and prudent spending of borrowed funds has rocks in their head. This is yet another boondoggle for the ‘snouts in the trough’ brigade.

14-04-2023, 02:13 PM
Don't worry, l'm getting a moko tattoo.
I won't be adding any value, but at least l will look authentic at the board table.
Some will assume l have special knowledge!

fungus pudding
14-04-2023, 02:30 PM
Don't worry, l'm getting a moko tattoo.
I won't be adding any value, but at least l will look authentic at the board table.
Some will assume l have special knowledge!

Shave your dome first, assuming you have hair. Then you could look as good as this fella'.


14-04-2023, 02:38 PM
Shave your dome first, assuming you have hair. Then you could look as good as this fella'.


Very symmetrical, so no doubt he's quite a balanced bloke?

14-04-2023, 03:14 PM
Simple answer to ‘what is a woman?’

If you have a penis, you cannot be a woman.

As clear, definitive and precise as it gets.

Except for Hopeless Hipkins.


fungus pudding
14-04-2023, 05:35 PM
Simple answer to ‘what is a woman?’

If you have a penis, you cannot be a woman.

As clear, definitive and precise as it gets.

Except for Hopeless Hipkins.

Plenty of women have had far more than one - fact.

14-04-2023, 06:52 PM
Very symmetrical, so no doubt he's quite a balanced bloke?

they didn't do a very good job of prettying up those things sitting on his beak
or is the Design Team still confused on what traditional rights should be attached
to them ? ;)

14-04-2023, 06:57 PM
Plenty of women have had far more than one - fact.

Hipkins probably reminded them of how Cunliffe already seriously scared all into wondering
if there could be a few loose screws, nuts and bolts among the male front bench line up ;)

14-04-2023, 06:59 PM
Plenty of women have had far more than one - fact.

I trust you are a reliable witness Fungus.

Reminds of the sweet young thing who went to see her Doctor, and said Dr, you need to check my aviaries.
Don't you mean your ovaries?

No my aviaries.

OK pop up on the bed and I'll have a look.

Yeah l see what ya mean, does look like there's been a Cockatoo in here!

14-04-2023, 07:01 PM
they didn't do a very good job of prettying up those things sitting on his beak
or is the Design Team still confused on what traditional rights should be attached
to them ? ;)

Just a few mods, so he can get in the Koru club.

14-04-2023, 07:11 PM
Just a few mods, so he can get in the Koru club.

Should a special Health & Safety warning be posted about some participants adorning curious
camouflage trying "Flying High" without the prerequisite licences ? :)

14-04-2023, 08:09 PM

Grant Robertson: No ‘accounting trick’ to Government debt measure

No Tricks - but still some very serious BORROWING however

Change the Reporting Rules in 2022 conveniently after the event and hope like h3ll no-one notices ;)

It sounds like the Cat has properly been tipped out of the bag now - Robbo ;)

No number of excuses after the event will ever gloss over the cover up now :)

(Special NZH reading pass needed for article)

Can't have been important enough for STUFF to want to know about :)

For some reason I thought this site was R18 but clearly I was wrong - grow up and come back when you reach your 18th birthday. At least by then you might have matured.

15-04-2023, 11:05 AM
"Hospital employees in New Zealand filed more than 23,000 formal reports warning of unsafe levels of staffing in the past three years, a Weekend Herald investigation has found.

Figures obtained under the Official Information Act (OIA) reveal that some wards and departments racked up hundreds of unsafe staffing reports as workers repeatedly alerted their bosses to critical shortages. One service in Porirua for people with severe intellectual disabilities recorded more than 1,000 incidents in a single year."

"The investigation also found that hospitals recorded 22,870 incidents of violence, aggression, or harassment against staff in the same period - a rate of more than 20 such incidents per day nationally."


Who do you believe?

The hospital health workers pleading for help and relief


Ardern, Little or Hipkins that all's good & there’s no crisis with the healthcare system.

Blue Skies
15-04-2023, 01:58 PM
"Hospital employees in New Zealand filed more than 23,000 formal reports warning of unsafe levels of staffing in the past three years, a Weekend Herald investigation has found.

Figures obtained under the Official Information Act (OIA) reveal that some wards and departments racked up hundreds of unsafe staffing reports as workers repeatedly alerted their bosses to critical shortages. One service in Porirua for people with severe intellectual disabilities recorded more than 1,000 incidents in a single year."

"The investigation also found that hospitals recorded 22,870 incidents of violence, aggression, or harassment against staff in the same period - a rate of more than 20 such incidents per day nationally."


Who do you believe?

The hospital health workers pleading for help and relief


Ardern, Little or Hipkins that all's good & there’s no crisis with the healthcare system.

I don't think anyone disagrees parts of the health system are under enormous stress, (& by the way the current minister of Health has acknowledged this ) but the way I see it, things will be a thousand time worse under a National govt going on their past performance.

The National govt allocated zero, nothing, not a cent towards Hospital infrastructure maintenance or building, for 2 whole years, & the other years while in govt severely underfunded Health, while allowing hundreds of thousands of new immigrants to come into the country. Labour faced a disaster when it came into office in 2017.

On the other hand the Labour govt has commenced upgrade programs on many of our regional hospitals, major projects on Auckland Hospital, Middlemore, built a new hospital in Whangarei, started a new hospital in Dunedin, increased PHARMAC's budget by 40% giving access to new more effective drugs & treatments for thousands of Kiwi's who would otherwise have to fundraise or mortgage themselves into debt to pay for them. They've also given nurses substantial pay increases with median being $73,500 & high of $87,000.

The Health system is always under stress, the question is which govt has the better record on Health, & there's absolutely no question, its Labour.
Vote National if you want a run down of our incredibly precious Public Health system & privatisation of services & a move towards a system where the rich can afford good healthcare while the average Joe Bloggs can not.

15-04-2023, 03:13 PM
I don't think anyone disagrees parts of the health system are under enormous stress, (& by the way the current minister of Health has acknowledged this ) but the way I see it, things will be a thousand time worse under a National govt going on their past performance.

Primary care is going great, specialists under pressure as always and under any govt.

It's great incentive to take care of your health and it's good that our health system focuses on prevention.

In the US so many people are obese, take huge risks with their health with no focus on prevention at all despite the huge hospital bills.

fungus pudding
15-04-2023, 07:15 PM
I trust you are a reliable witness Fungus.

Reminds of the sweet young thing who went to see her Doctor, and said Dr, you need to check my aviaries.
Don't you mean your ovaries?

No my aviaries.

OK pop up on the bed and I'll have a look.

Yeah l see what ya mean, does look like there's been a Cockatoo in here!

Ten points for that.
Then there was the young lass at the doctors. He was poking around with his stethoscope and said to her 'big breaths.'
'Yeth' she replied, and I'm only thixteen',

15-04-2023, 07:28 PM
Primary care is going great, specialists under pressure as always and under any govt.

It's great incentive to take care of your health and it's good that our health system focuses on prevention.

In the US so many people are obese, take huge risks with their health with no focus on prevention at all despite the huge hospital bills.

Primary care is not going great, you naive loser it's a disaster! Long wait times, blocked from GP's patient lists, GP's aging and leaving, GP's burning out! How can you post this ****, unless you have absolutely no idea, which apparently you don't.

It's is only going great for the private equity who are buying up primary care practices, turning doctors into employees and creaming profits from the few who can still afford get primary care, while the greater others are abandoned and go to hospital instead and suffer the umpteen hours before they are seen.

How can you possibly be so disconnected from the truth? It is unbelievable that you think what you post is the truth, it is not, and is very far from it. You have no idea, no credibility whatsoever. Hopefully others see this as well.

15-04-2023, 09:37 PM
Easy, I can book an appointment now and be seen within two days. It wasn’t like that during the pandemic of course. Things are definitely improving.

15-04-2023, 10:02 PM
Easy, I can book an appointment now and be seen within two days. It wasn’t like that during the pandemic of course. Things are definitely improving.

That say's it all Panda. It's all about you and bugg*r how anyone else is getting on.....

15-04-2023, 10:52 PM
That say's it all Panda. It's all about you and bugg*r how anyone else is getting on.....

I'm a patient too of this health system that is apparently broken.

16-04-2023, 10:27 AM
I'm a patient too of this health system that is apparently broken.

Panda-nz : the ignoramus peasant who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback when the company was in danger of debt default!

“ $$$ grow on trees” : Labour economic strategy

That’s the sort of garbage quality of the Labour posters here.

16-04-2023, 10:39 AM
4 police ministers in a year while crime is out of control out there :



Vote Labour & be assured more woke & pro-crim & pro-gang policies. NZ the way that Hipkins & Ardern want it.

A reminder of what Hipkins really represents :


16-04-2023, 04:09 PM
No law & no order under Labour :


The sort of crime (killing & robbery) which used to be so rare in NZ.

16-04-2023, 08:36 PM
The National govt allocated zero, nothing, not a cent towards Hospital infrastructure maintenance or building, for 2 whole years.
Which two years is that? Have you got a (credible) source for that? That does not mesh with what I am seeing in the health sector.

17-04-2023, 02:12 AM

Democracy or Tribal rule?

Labour / Maori finally admitting they do not believe / care about democracy.

So this election New Zealand, that is our choice. Be careful what you vote for.

Ardern's legacy.

Sir Ten
17-04-2023, 06:13 AM

Democracy or Tribal rule?

Labour / Maori finally admitting they do not believe / care about democracy.

So this election New Zealand, that is our choice. Be careful what you vote for.

Ardern's legacy.

Scary stuff.

17-04-2023, 08:16 AM
McAnulty cites Eketahuna, where his parents live, as an example of small communities where each ratepayer would have to pay $8000 plus to bring services up to 3 waters standards, as justification for state and Maori control over water.

That begs the question, which region is going to pick up their bill?


They have enough problems of their own with CRL etc.

People who choose to live in smaller communities save a fortune in property value, so can afford to pay disproportionate rates.

What thanks will another region get for subsidising them?


Thanks Labour.

17-04-2023, 12:25 PM
Which two years is that? Have you got a (credible) source for that? That does not mesh with what I am seeing in the health sector.

Don’t expect BS to reply - his purpose on this site is to regurgitate the lies, misinformation and BS put out by the Labour Party to deflect from the disastrous wasteful non productive spending which have yielded nothing but crises in healthcare, housing, law and order, social division and education.

Notice how he proclaimed Labour’s record housing build but used building consents rather than actual builds? Challenged, he ducks, dives and deflects - anything except answer the question.

I am very pleased that more and more posters (thanks for your PMs) are becoming aware of just how devious the Labour Party affiliated posters like BS, dobby41, westerly, tim23 are.

Blue Skies
17-04-2023, 05:15 PM
Which two years is that? Have you got a (credible) source for that? That does not mesh with what I am seeing in the health sector.

The source is Vote Health, Ministry of Health & you're welcome to look up the figures, but since I notice you've been platforming Conspiracy influencer, Chantelle Baker, (who recently platformed Dutch politician Thierry Baudet a conspiracy theorist who promotes Climate denial, anti-Nato, pro Russia, anti- Semitism & racism) , and you & Balance seem to have hitched your wagons to her (in my view) fringe craziness, you're not going to believe anything from one of our govt' dept's.

The Vote Health new infrastructure funding by year of appropriation was (in millions),
2013 $431M
2014 $200M
2015 zero
2016 zero
2017 $150M
2018. $788M
2019. $2,136M
2020. $867M

I don't know how to post the graph but since you & Balance in my view hold fringe views it doesn't really matter, not going to change your minds anyway.

fungus pudding
17-04-2023, 05:25 PM
The source is Vote Health, Ministry of Health & you're welcome to look up the figures, but since I notice you've been platforming Conspiracy influencer

What does that mean?

Blue Skies
17-04-2023, 05:32 PM

Democracy or Tribal rule?

Labour / Maori finally admitting they do not believe / care about democracy.

So this election New Zealand, that is our choice. Be careful what you vote for.

Ardern's legacy.

It's good you brought this up.

For years, many have been dismayed by National & ACT so blatantly manipulating Democracy in the Epsom electorate.

Also still based on old paternalistic laws from the 1800's that only people who own land get to vote, the rule one person one vote does not apply when people who have properties in more than one area (such as property speculators or investors) get to vote more than once in local body elections. It seems particularly unfair when they not only get multiple votes but also get to vote in areas they don't actually live in.

17-04-2023, 05:51 PM
It's good you brought this up.

For years, many have been dismayed by National & ACT so blatantly manipulating Democracy in the Epsom electorate.

Also still based on old paternalistic laws from the 1800's that only people who own land get to vote, the rule one person one vote does not apply when people who have properties in more than one area (such as property speculators or investors) get to vote more than once in local body elections. It seems particularly unfair when they not only get multiple votes but also get to vote in areas they don't actually live in.

BS, are you being naughty?
There is nothing unfair about
being able to vote in a local body region you own property in, which will be affected by the elected council.

This is still a singular vote, in each authority one owns property in, NOT multiple votes as you state.

You already know this, but insist on this obfuscation to con the great unwashed.

17-04-2023, 09:15 PM
The source is Vote Health, Ministry of Health & you're welcome to look up the figures, but since I notice you've been platforming Conspiracy influencer, Chantelle Baker, (who recently platformed Dutch politician Thierry Baudet a conspiracy theorist who promotes Climate denial, anti-Nato, pro Russia, anti- Semitism & racism) , and you & Balance seem to have hitched your wagons to her (in my view) fringe craziness, you're not going to believe anything from one of our govt' dept's.

The Vote Health new infrastructure funding by year of appropriation was (in millions),
2013 $431M
2014 $200M
2015 zero
2016 zero
2017 $150M
2018. $788M
2019. $2,136M
2020. $867M

I don't know how to post the graph but since you & Balance in my view hold fringe views it doesn't really matter, not going to change your minds anyway.

Absolute Garbage as usual from BS.

Here's the Health Vote for 2015/2016:


$818 million (5.2% of the Vote) is to provide debt or equity for DHBs or health sector Crown agencies
to cover new investments or for other purposes agreed by the Crown, including balance sheet
restructuring, or to invest in specific health sector assets


"nearly $645 million (4.1% of the Vote) is to provide debt or equity for DHBs or health sector Crown agencies to cover new investments or for other purposes agreed by the Crown, including balance sheet restructuring, or to invest in specific health sector assets"

BS only interested in regurgitating Labour Party lies, misinformation and BS.

fungus pudding
18-04-2023, 08:41 AM
How Labour caucus works .........


18-04-2023, 09:58 AM
How Labour caucus works .........


At what stage does Hippocritter and the silly Labour party realise they have allowed themselves to be strung along, and cut the strings?

NZ's hanging out for it!

18-04-2023, 02:25 PM
The source is Vote Health, Ministry of Health & you're welcome to look up the figures, but since I notice you've been platforming Conspiracy influencer, Chantelle Baker, (who recently platformed Dutch politician Thierry Baudet a conspiracy theorist who promotes Climate denial, anti-Nato, pro Russia, anti- Semitism & racism) , and you & Balance seem to have hitched your wagons to her (in my view) fringe craziness, you're not going to believe anything from one of our govt' dept's.

The Vote Health new infrastructure funding by year of appropriation was (in millions),
2013 $431M
2014 $200M
2015 zero
2016 zero
2017 $150M
2018. $788M
2019. $2,136M
2020. $867M

I don't know how to post the graph but since you & Balance in my view hold fringe views it doesn't really matter, not going to change your minds anyway.

You are a laugh and a half are you not. I am actually a paid up member of Thierry's party. Forum voor Democratie. Or known as FvD. Not sure where you get the nonsense about anti-semitism, pro russia etc from. Yes he is maligned in the fake news media but nothing new there. What the hell does "climate denial" even mean? How can you deny the climate? It happens, it is what it is. What is a conspiracy influencer? Weird.

18-04-2023, 03:40 PM
You are a laugh and a half are you not. I am actually a paid up member of Thierry's party. Forum voor Democratie. Or known as FvD. Not sure where you get the nonsense about anti-semitism, pro russia etc from. Yes he is maligned in the fake news media but nothing new there. What the hell does "climate denial" even mean? How can you deny the climate? It happens, it is what it is. What is a conspiracy influencer? Weird.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forum_for_Democracy provides plenty of information on Thierry's party and his politics, including antisemitism, homophobia, and pro Russian stances.

I suspect you know very well what "climate denial" means, but in case you really have been living under a rock for the last twenty years -

"Climate Deniers" are people who (for whatever reason) deny anthropogenic climate change. Some of them deny that the earth is gettting warmer, some of them acknowledge that fact, but deny that human activity is responsible.

18-04-2023, 04:25 PM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forum_for_Democracy provides plenty of information on Thierry's party and his politics, including antisemitism, homophobia, and pro Russian stances.

I suspect you know very well what "climate denial" means, but in case you really have been living under a rock for the last twenty years -

"Climate Deniers" are people who (for whatever reason) deny anthropogenic climate change. Some of them deny that the earth is gettting warmer, some of them acknowledge that fact, but deny that human activity is responsible.

I too believe that we humans have limited impact on climate change. The big thing called the sun does its job. The earth is getting warmer, has been for a while since the little ice age.

Wikipedia, give me a break.

18-04-2023, 04:40 PM
Don’t expect BS to reply - his purpose on this site is to regurgitate the lies, misinformation and BS put out by the Labour Party to deflect from the disastrous wasteful non productive spending which have yielded nothing but crises in healthcare, housing, law and order, social division and education.

Notice how he proclaimed Labour’s record housing build but used building consents rather than actual builds? Challenged, he ducks, dives and deflects - anything except answer the question.

I am very pleased that more and more posters (thanks for your PMs) are becoming aware of just how devious the Labour Party affiliated posters like BS, dobby41, westerly, tim23 are.

Come out of your cage parrot and stop repeating the rubbish your master keeps feeding you.
The reasons for crises in healthcare, housing, etc. are simple. Both parties are fixated on decreasing tax rates. If you don’t pay tax you do not get Govt. services
To reduce tax, important Govt. Depts. like the MOW were aboliished ,resulting in a loss of expertise amongst other things, one reason large amounts of cash is paid to consultants.
National is a conservative party, in otherwords a do nothing outfit. Act is more for increasing the
wealth of those who have plenty.
Labour once more left of centre and the working persons party has lost it’s way and deserted it’s
true supporters.
I doubt Iwill be voting for Labour, they show no real desire to assist those who are struggling to get a house or even maintain a reasonable living standard. National and Act will not get my vote.
Doing away with introducing a CGT was Labours first big mistake and they show little sign of recovering.
Maori co governance is a sideshow. If you have both European and Maori ancestry you are a New Zealander. Not a Maori.


18-04-2023, 06:01 PM
Maori co governance is a sideshow. If you have both European and Maori ancestry you are a New Zealander. Not a Maori.


Tell it to these 'New Zealanders" :



18-04-2023, 06:01 PM
Come out of your cage parrot and stop repeating the rubbish your master keeps feeding you.
The reasons for crises in healthcare, housing, etc. are simple. Both parties are fixated on decreasing tax rates. If you don’t pay tax you do not get Govt. services
To reduce tax, important Govt. Depts. like the MOW were aboliished ,resulting in a loss of expertise amongst other things, one reason large amounts of cash is paid to consultants.
National is a conservative party, in otherwords a do nothing outfit. Act is more for increasing the
wealth of those who have plenty.
Labour once more left of centre and the working persons party has lost it’s way and deserted it’s
true supporters.
I doubt Iwill be voting for Labour, they show no real desire to assist those who are struggling to get a house or even maintain a reasonable living standard. National and Act will not get my vote.
Doing away with introducing a CGT was Labours first big mistake and they show little sign of recovering.
Maori co governance is a sideshow. If you have both European and Maori ancestry you are a New Zealander. Not a Maori.


Bravo! I lost ALL credibility to the Labour Party when Jacinda made that statement where "For as long as i'm in politics, CGT will not be considered..." - In translation to the those that voted Labour? An outright LIE where she campaign on introducing a tax or CGT. They asked what she could do on making houses more affordable. She called out in clear black and white "I will look to imposing CGT on multiple property ownership..."

Nevertheless, my greatest concern is the public has short term memories and a large majority believe Jacinda (and the Labour Gov't) did a spectacular job in handing Covid-19. They're not connected to the problems we have as Balance often mentions (Education, Health Care, Media NZ, 3 Waters, all = FAIL). So in return, don' t be surprise if The Labour Party gets close to 50% in this year's election.

18-04-2023, 08:06 PM
Labour government spending stoked inflation.

Should add - prolific and wasteful spending with no long term benefits.


19-04-2023, 01:47 PM
Labour government spending stoked inflation.

Should add - prolific and wasteful spending with no long term benefits.


My Macroeconomics prof in Canada was taught by none-other, Mr Milton Friedman who strongly advocated that inflation is not caused by trade unions, consumers, foreign trade imbalances, etc, but rather, solely caused by the gov't printing presses:


Now lets see if the Labour voter can understand what he means by that? So much talk about inflation but no one in NZ is asking where does it come from? This is how pathetic the NZ voters are :(

19-04-2023, 02:51 PM
My Macroeconomics prof in Canada was taught by none-other, Mr Milton Friedman who strongly advocated that inflation is not caused by trade unions, consumers, foreign trade imbalances, etc, but rather, solely caused by the gov't printing presses:


Now lets see if the Labour voter can understand what he means by that? So much talk about inflation but no one in NZ is asking where does it come from? This is how pathetic the NZ voters are :(

As one of your pathetic NZ voters I think a large amount of inflation is being caused by sellers increasing prices not because they have to but because they can. As an aside what is so great about Canada?


Blue Skies
19-04-2023, 03:37 PM
Labour government spending stoked inflation.

Should add - prolific and wasteful spending with no long term benefits.


From the article it looks like govt spending added around 2% to the inflation figures, but here's the trade off - And there's always a Trade Off!

The govt wage subsidies which kept people employed, & therefore many businesses afloat & stopped the economy crashing was the government driver of that extra approx 2% to the inflation figure.
Now no politician from any party has said the govt should not have given the wage subsidy.

For spending to have any impact at all on the inflation figures, you have to be talking about additional spending in the Billions, & that was the Wage subsidy.

Alternatively, ask yourself should the govt have not given the wage subsidy, with the trade off being the economy to collapse, unemployment to skyrocket, people unable to pay their rent, massive increase in Benefits, businesses to fall over, lost tax revenue etc.

Other main contributors towards the inflation figure outside direct govt control were low interest rates, supply chain shortages, war in Ukraine etc.

(Items considered 'wasteful spending' like money spent on the proposed cycle bridge crossing, even added together would be too small to have any impact on the nation's inflation rate ).

19-04-2023, 09:38 PM
As one of your pathetic NZ voters I think a large amount of inflation is being caused by sellers increasing prices not because they have to but because they can. As an aside what is so great about Canada?

The Lakes.

fungus pudding
19-04-2023, 09:57 PM
The Lakes.

And maple syrup.

19-04-2023, 11:08 PM
The Heist, on TV3 tonight featured a spectacular Swedish bank robbery.

The comment was made that it was planned at a time when Sweden had a reputation for being soft on crime, and sentences.

Sound familiar to any country you know?

19-04-2023, 11:58 PM
Did they get away with the Peaches or the Cream ?


must have absolutely scared the cr@p out of the robbers to have a burly bucksome
female in close pursuit and onto their bonnet for a closer look at them ..

Even the more glamorous businesses that Labour bent over backwards to encourage are getting done over
in Labour's last dance of no concern out to complete implosion in October ;)

20-04-2023, 07:11 AM
TV journalist Daniel Faitaua's take on the NZ he returned to after 3 and a half years away.

“I think I suffered a reverse culture shock,” he says, six months after his return.

“Three and a half years ago, you could walk down the street and Kiwis would be so friendly. Now, I feel like people are just so closed off, which is not the Kiwi way that I remember.

“I feel like I’ve come back to this new world, this new era, where there’s been, I sense, a lot of tension and a lot of division. Everyone you talk to seems to be upset about something. This is not a New Zealand I recognise.

“I’m still trying to find my way to belong here, in a country I really felt I belonged to. It’s just weird.”

Quote taken from this article


Jacinda's legacy!

20-04-2023, 11:44 AM

David Parker failed to stop NZ's 11th-biggest emitter beating a climate law

Staff advised the Environment Minister to urgently step in to stop a major polluter getting ahead of a crucial law change. What he did next was "deeply disappointing" to some. Eloise Gibson reports.

One of New Zealand’s biggest climate polluters can keep operating until 2046, after Environment Minister David Parker rejected advice to stop a high-emitting factory beating a law change.

Parker was advised to step in “as soon as possible” to prevent Auckland’s Glenbrook Steel Mill getting consent to keep making air pollution for decades to come, without climate change being considered.

The mill’s owner, NZ Steel, applied for its permits after the Government announced it was changing the law so councils could consider climate change, but before the change took effect. Parker had the option to put the climate back on the table, but chose not to.

Sounds a bit of a large FAIL on part of Dozy Parker ;)

Too difficult Comrade ? or busy elsewhere / asleep under the desk ? ;)

Must have made Comrade Shaw real happy to see that happening ..

20-04-2023, 11:53 AM
TV journalist Daniel Faitaua's take on the NZ he returned to after 3 and a half years away.

“I think I suffered a reverse culture shock,” he says, six months after his return.

“Three and a half years ago, you could walk down the street and Kiwis would be so friendly. Now, I feel like people are just so closed off, which is not the Kiwi way that I remember.

“I feel like I’ve come back to this new world, this new era, where there’s been, I sense, a lot of tension and a lot of division. Everyone you talk to seems to be upset about something. This is not a New Zealand I recognise.

“I’m still trying to find my way to belong here, in a country I really felt I belonged to. It’s just weird.”

Quote taken from this article


Jacinda's legacy!

20 year old ‘male’ at Posie Parker protest punched elderly woman in the head.

Obviously not following Comrade Cindy’s one source of truth & advice to be kind.

Clueless Cindy’s legacy - racial, social and gender divisions.


20-04-2023, 05:57 PM
Absolute Garbage as usual from BS..
Thanks for replying Balance......absolute nonsense post not worth replying to.....BS from BS as per usual. He still can't provide a link for zero maintenance expenditure. Pure spin and lies - aka disinformation.

20-04-2023, 06:19 PM
Report on Parliament protest.
The Police did not use armament (riot gear) for the first Police deployed on removal day, because it would look 'confrontational'.
I see.
I don't think the decent public of NZ want to see their Police bashed in a riot situation, because someone wants to be kind to the law breakers.


20-04-2023, 06:39 PM
Report on Parliament protest.
The Police did not use armament (riot gear) for the first Police deployed on removal day, because it would look 'confrontational'.
I see.
I don't think the decent public of NZ want to see their Police bashed in a riot situation, because someone wants to be kind to the law breakers.


You are forgetting the 'Be kind' edict from the 'One source of Truth' Clueless Cindy?

Most transparent government ever!

20-04-2023, 06:45 PM
Thanks for replying Balance......absolute nonsense post not worth replying to.....BS from BS as per usual. He still can't provide a link for zero maintenance expenditure. Pure spin and lies - aka disinformation.

The "Disinformation Project" should be on full alert, but wait. they had their origins in Ardern's office. Nah, that's not gonna fly. They'll just stick to Cindy special interest projects. When will the Disinformation Project report on itself?

20-04-2023, 06:47 PM
You are forgetting the 'Be kind' edict from the 'One source of Truth' Clueless Cindy?

Most transparent government ever!

I may also be falling for the line, that there was no political interference as to how Police handled the protest, leading up to, and on the final day?

21-04-2023, 10:33 AM

Man discharged after six months stuck in hospital, but still waiting for surgery

A man with an intellectual disability who was stuck in an Auckland hospital for six months has finally been discharged.

However, the operation he was admitted for is yet to be completed.

So this is the way our Health System under Labour looks after the vulnerable ?

Logen Ninefingers
21-04-2023, 10:33 AM
Inflation came in at 6.7%, while the Reserve Bank was expecting 7.1%

Food prices were up.

Petrol prices were down 8%.

Robbo says the fuel taxes will go back on to petrol in June.

What does it all mean? Well according to the media / property industry (media) it means “yay, inflation has fallen big time - let the good times roll again!”

21-04-2023, 11:05 AM
The solution though is obviously to bring in uncapped labourers from India with a free trade deal (get rid of high paying IT jobs and swap them over for fruit pickers ).

Only the best will do.

21-04-2023, 11:16 AM
The solution though is obviously to bring in uncapped labourers from India with a free trade deal (get rid of high paying IT jobs and swap them over for fruit pickers ).

panda-nz, the ignoramus peasant who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback when it was close to default.

NTA is over $7..

Should do a share repurchase, with some debt if necessary.

21-04-2023, 01:42 PM
panda-nz, the ignoramus peasant who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback when it was close to default.

Balance the parrot who can't help repeating himself.


21-04-2023, 05:48 PM
Balance the parrot who can't help repeating himself.


Actually, this is more accurate

Does not matter what I think.

Or Balance who didn't believe in Covid - fake news

Precisely because of the media beat up - not because the spread is anyway near as bad as the annual spread of the common seasonal flu.

There's so much fake news going around and vested interests beating the story up for their own purposes.

21-04-2023, 07:51 PM

Cost of living: Fuel tax subsidy to end in June, Finance Minister Grant Robertson confirms

Cost of Living crisis over already Folks or is Robbo having a brain fade and wet dream knowing that the September 2023 Quarter will be reported when ?

A whole quarter's Fuel Tax pain before elections on Robbo's Road to Political oblivion ;)

Might be a few bribes in Gobbo Robbo's upcoming Smoke & Mirrors Money Fudget to try to fool many .. :)

Probably only suffering fools with empty wallets, eroding equity and dreams of Aussie out there,
aside from the preferred beneficiary breeder class firmly attached to the Govt's tit for everything ..

But he might be hoping like h3ll it doesn't come back to bite him hard on his pimply white b*m
before then .. what's Robbo's exit date from Parliament again likely taking the unfortunate
frequently embarrassed and short on answers Dipkins with him ? :)

21-04-2023, 08:04 PM

2023 Census: More than 17,000 Rotorua people have yet to return their forms

What % of Rotorua population is that ?

What were all the extra Govt Census Papershufflers doing to miss all those ?

Perhaps many of the 17,000 have all reverted back to their previous names before leaving to go back to Auckland
after their Rotorua Holiday break in flash motel on the taxpayer .. ;)

21-04-2023, 08:14 PM

2023 Census: More than 17,000 Rotorua people have yet to return their forms

What % of Rotorua population is that ?

What were all the extra Govt Census Papershufflers doing to miss all those ?

Perhaps many of the 17,000 have all reverted back to their previous names before leaving to go back to Auckland
after their Rotorua Holiday break in flash motel on the taxpayer .. ;)

I think the issue is much more widespread than Rotorua. I spoke to a census worker during the week that said the amount of pushback and mistrust of the government is huge. The gender based questions, linked to the latest identity politics nonsense also annoyed many.

Two census undertaken under Labour, both looking to be huge failures. Sound familiar?

21-04-2023, 08:31 PM

'There’s cancelled orders everywhere' - Squeeze goes on rural economy

After not selling a single tractor over the quietest summer months he’d seen in his eight years in business, Steve Elgar’s March sales suddenly went off the chart.

It was good news for the Morrinsville second hand farm machinery dealer, but it points to rough weather ahead in the heartland of New Zealand’s rural economy.

As times get tougher for farmers, they start looking for second hand gear and tractors, says Elgar, owner of AgParts NZ.

She's in the ditch mate .. a bit like this Labour Government ;)

21-04-2023, 08:37 PM

Ezibuy owes $101m to creditors

Ezibuy Group owes creditors about $101 million, administrators say.

Earlier this month, Ezibuy’s owners Mosaic Group said the brand’s sales had declined and administrators had been appointed.

Total sales in the first half of the financial year were down 51% compared to the same time a year earlier.

Boom and Bust - the familiar tone usually every time Labour hits the Government Benches .. sound familiar ? :)

Be lots of casualities coming out of this one, with Gobbo Robbo and Adrian ORR-SOME having their nice little
tail chasing exercises chasing mythical & imaginary inflationary ghosts all over the place .. they don't give a continental on who the unforseen road kill will be along the way either, flattened for no other reason than minding their own business ;)

22-04-2023, 08:20 PM

Exposing the lie at the heart of labour 3 waters con job.

Nothing but a greedy maori takeover (small font intended, I have no respect for this nonsense)

23-04-2023, 09:59 AM

Mortgagee sale: South Auckland ‘family’ home suffers near $500K loss

Property bought for $1.22m 18 months ago sells for fraction of the price at auction this week.

A run-down home in South Auckland has taken an almost half-a-million-dollar hit in less than 18 months after selling at auction this week for $773,000.

The Manurewa home is just of a handful of houses with development potential that was snapped up in the housing boom and is now being on-sold 18 months later at a hefty loss, as experts warn more forced sales are likely.

Lots more of this on the way, under a Government which came out batting for everyone having their own home
and in past year has effectively knifed all those who bought on low interest rates through it's own incompetent
and wasteful policies, now seeing a RB Governor ensnared in the funny money creation tricks pulling the rug ;)

Trust Us - you will pay very dearly later ..

and Labour still think NZ would want this incompetent clueless Govt back ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
23-04-2023, 10:37 AM
Looks like the ‘brain drain’ to Australia is well and truly kicking into high gear, the young & the skilled are set to leave in droves while the government tries to paper over the cracks with a mass immigration drive. Our structural problems are getting worse with every passing day: an ageing population, ageing and inadequate infrastructure, an ongoing obsession with basing the economy on the property industry / boondoggle, a worsening balance of payments deficit, a focus on mass immigration to ‘solve’ complex issues….Labour has given up and is reverting to failed policies which only accentuate the boom - bust cycle.

23-04-2023, 11:04 AM
Looks like the ‘brain drain’ to Australia is well and truly kicking into high gear, the young & the skilled are set to leave in droves while the government tries to paper over the cracks with a mass immigration drive. Our structural problems are getting worse with every passing day: an ageing population, ageing and inadequate infrastructure, an ongoing obsession with basing the economy on the property industry / boondoggle, a worsening balance of payments deficit, a focus on mass immigration to ‘solve’ complex issues….Labour has given up and is reverting to failed policies which only accentuate the boom - bust cycle.

How many among us here have NOT got increasing numbers of young family members and friends with highly sought after skills who have migrated to Australia in the last 5 years, despite the restrictive access to Australian citizenship?

Watch the migration to Australia continue irrespective of who is in power in 2024 (legacy of Ardern’s clueless leadership) but the flow will become a torrent in the next 3 years if Labour and its racist & divisive beneficiary breeding policies is allowed to continue.

Those who can, best leave now so you get a good head start into the 4 years’ citizen requirement.

The ones left in NZ (frogs in coconut shells) will happily suck the country dry of initiative, enterprise and skills. NZ by 2030 will be a forlorn and pathetic place populated by ever increasing number of beneficiaries, unskilled workers and ever declining living standards.

NZ as Ardern, Hipkins and Labour wants it to be. A land of dependent & reliable Labour voters.

Last person with intelligence to leave NZ, leave with our best wishes for a better and brighter future.

23-04-2023, 01:56 PM
The ones left in NZ (frogs in coconut shells) will happily suck the country dry of initiative, enterprise and skills. NZ by 2030 will be a forlorn and pathetic place populated by ever increasing number of beneficiaries, unskilled workers and ever declining living standards.

Aust is an unskilled workers haven- $18k tax free every year, 10% GST with exemptions, >10% compulsory superannuation in addition to the high wage.

23-04-2023, 08:37 PM
Hey Dame Naida,
Goodness knows why it took until Friday for you to pop a Census form into my mailbox.

Talk about putting the cart before the horse, with all your TV ads, before giving me the tools to do the Mahi!

Too much tax payers money eh?

Anyway, I've sped it up by doing it online, so please stop harassing me.

23-04-2023, 10:35 PM
Aust is an unskilled workers haven- $18k tax free every year, 10% GST with exemptions, >10% compulsory superannuation in addition to the high wage.

They must be giving poor cousin Panda stuck over in the long white cloud of much debt and poverty
the fingers, laughing jeering, cracking all sorts of jokes, while wondering why cousin so backwards by now ;)

Any sign of a bit of their tax free cash gift for you to skip over to join them, or are they enjoying the new hangout and Aussie lifestyle too much to be bothered ? :)

23-04-2023, 10:40 PM
Hey Dame Naida,
Goodness knows why it took until Friday for you to pop a Census form into my mailbox.

Talk about putting the cart before the horse, with all your TV ads, before giving me the tools to do the Mahi!

Too much tax payers money eh?

Anyway, I've sped it up by doing it online, so please stop harassing me.

Sure it was yours and not for the fella down the road whose mailbox is now situated
firmly stuck upright on the beach out Waipatiki way ? ;)

Need special sort of Wises map interpretation skills to track down wayward mailboxes,
a bit like trying to detect very faint signs of any intelligent life on Labour's front bench :)

23-04-2023, 10:53 PM

More industrial action for secondary and primary teachers as new term begins

As a new school term begins, so does further industrial action by both secondary and primary school teachers as they continue to fight for better pay and working conditions.

Must be Robbo's COST OF LIVING Crisis coming home to bite .. ;)

Better give him a break .. He must be all tired out after dishing out all those Covid
Billions and then another huge pile more, with little to show for any of it :)

Then Adrian ORR-SOME will pull out his magic stirring stick, and none of the eager peasants anywhere
will be any better off even after much screaming and yelling .. ;)

On March 16, tens of thousands of primary, area, and secondary school teachers participated in a historic one-day walkout, but unions say it wasn’t enough to get the Government to listen to their pleas.

it wasn’t enough to get the Government to listen to their pleas

IT's Labour's Election Year BIG IGNORE trick .. anyone surprised ? ;)

To teach the the deaf Politicians a lesson - the more that IGNORE Labour the better - pretty fair deal, isn't it :)

They probably wont learn though ..

24-04-2023, 12:55 PM
How many among us here have NOT got increasing numbers of young family members and friends with highly sought after skills who have migrated to Australia in the last 5 years, despite the restrictive access to Australian citizenship?

Watch the migration to Australia continue irrespective of who is in power in 2024 (legacy of Ardern’s clueless leadership) but the flow will become a torrent in the next 3 years if Labour and its racist & divisive beneficiary breeding policies is allowed to continue.

Those who can, best leave now so you get a good head start into the 4 years’ citizen requirement.

The ones left in NZ (frogs in coconut shells) will happily suck the country dry of initiative, enterprise and skills. NZ by 2030 will be a forlorn and pathetic place populated by ever increasing number of beneficiaries, unskilled workers and ever declining living standards.

NZ as Ardern, Hipkins and Labour wants it to be. A land of dependent & reliable Labour voters.

Last person with intelligence to leave NZ, leave with our best wishes for a better and brighter future.

That would be nirvana for Labour - everyone in NZ dependent on the state for their existence. Socialist heaven and everyday bigger strides towards it

24-04-2023, 01:25 PM
Wheels falling off Labour’s coalition partner, the loony Greens.

Internal fighting spilling into the open.

Good to see that Kerekere’s use of her Maori heritage to fend off criticisms as ‘racist’ is not working - she is just a plain nasty power hungry piece of shxt.


One of the five people who initially spoke out has since contacted RNZ to request that future coverage identify them as Māori to dissuade the narrative that Kerekere's critics were all Pākehā.

"That suggestion is a huge slap in the face… I've witnessed her corrosive behaviour to other people of colour, and that includes myself."

24-04-2023, 06:19 PM
Wheels falling off Labour’s coalition partner, the loony Greens.

Internal fighting spilling into the open.

Good to see that Kerekere’s use of her Maori heritage to fend off criticisms as ‘racist’ is not working - she is just a plain nasty power hungry piece of shxt.


One of the five people who initially spoke out has since contacted RNZ to request that future coverage identify them as Māori to dissuade the narrative that Kerekere's critics were all Pākehā.

"That suggestion is a huge slap in the face… I've witnessed her corrosive behaviour to other people of colour, and that includes myself."

Get ready Aotearoa.

There's plenty more of Kerekeres type ready for a bit of co govern, oops, co dictatorship!

24-04-2023, 06:19 PM
Does anyone know what Labour's position is on the monstrous plans the WHO has as part of its binding pandemic treaty plans? See the speech from a UK MP to a select committee in the UK.


25-04-2023, 10:39 AM
Another spat of ram raids overnight with the police unable to prevent or catch the culprits.

NZ the way that Ardern & Hipkins want you to have, 4 police ministers in 1 year!


25-04-2023, 11:22 AM
Rental property completely trashed … thanks to Labour’s targeting of landlords as enemies.


25-04-2023, 04:41 PM
Rental property completely trashed … thanks to Labour’s targeting of landlords as enemies.


Despicable behaviour but this sort of thing has been happening for decades - under National also.
Nothing to do with Labour's policies but I wouldn't expect you to see that given your bias.

26-04-2023, 11:23 AM
More NZ cops to head off to Oz.

4 Labour police ministers in 1 year - what a great job they have done in promoting crime and marginalising our police force.


Blue Skies
26-04-2023, 12:14 PM
Rental property completely trashed … thanks to Labour’s targeting of landlords as enemies.



Im quite sure I'm not the only one who had a rental property trashed during the Key National govt, but never thought for a moment to blame the government.
And despite giving the Police the culprits contact details, & Judith Collins being Minister of Police at the time, they did nothing because they were too overwhelmed with dealing with violent crime to bother with damage to property.

But the real kicker was the destruction of Landlords property & wealth overseen by the National govt with the meth contamination scam. Over $100 million was spent stripping & decontamination properties if the slightest trace was found, totally unnecessarily & despite scientific advice & even medical advice, because the National govt did not want to look soft on crime. It even had to be registered on the properties LIM report.
Was a total nightmare for landlords.
It was Phil Twyford who taking advice from Professor Gluckman & other experts who tossed out this reckless & incredibly damaging meth contamination policy.
Ross Bell, Exec Director of NZ Drug Foundation, slammed the out of control meth testing industry which caused so much damage to landlords & tenants & wondered why the National govt had let things get so out of control.


27-04-2023, 02:59 PM

Budget 2023: Chris Hipkins torpedoes capital gain tax, Cyclone Gabrielle response levy

Lots more Lotto Draws instead to rake in the dough - Chippie ? ;)

Will one of them also decide your leadership prospects ? ;)

The torpedo must have instead been a peashooter up the back of the class which scored a direct hit on hapless hopeless Hipkins but it still didn't wake him up :)

27-04-2023, 03:20 PM

Budget 2023: Chris Hipkins torpedoes capital gain tax, Cyclone Gabrielle response levy

Lots more Lotto Draws instead to rake in the dough - Chippie ? ;)

Will one of them also decide your leadership prospects ? ;)

The torpedo must have instead been a peashooter up the back of the class which scored a direct hit on hapless hopeless Hipkins but it still didn't wake him up :)

Only before the budget ….it’ll all be on pst budget lead up to election

27-04-2023, 03:31 PM
Would be funny if they slashed and burned consultants and most other things not related to core areas.

The opposition would be like a deer in the headlights. :)

27-04-2023, 05:00 PM
like a deer in the headlights. :)

The nearest thing to a deer caught in the headlights is HIPKINS :)

Who will deliver the knifing first ? .. the factions within Labour front bench who realise he
is easy meat as fall guy or Joe Public who will have finally had a guts full of Labour's
repeatedly coming out low achievers on anything they touch aboard the little red
submarine sprouting large leaks and rapidly sinking to the bottom ? :)

27-04-2023, 08:05 PM

Budget 2023: Chris Hipkins torpedoes capital gain tax, Cyclone Gabrielle response levy

Lots more Lotto Draws instead to rake in the dough - Chippie ? ;)

Will one of them also decide your leadership prospects ? ;)

The torpedo must have instead been a peashooter up the back of the class which scored a direct hit on hapless hopeless Hipkins but it still didn't wake him up :)

So disappointing his speech and a lot of LIES!! Why are so many of the skilled labour have left NZ??? He says NZ ranks highly in the OECD but never talks about the top 5 nations killing NZ from all angles?

Talks about the inflation focus but blames on the gov't "doing too much" which translates to 'spending too much' (printing $) YET he was there next to Jacinda throughout the entire Labour Party watching the $ go out the door? He's a disgrace and I can tell by the way he speaks, he will admit no wrong doing just like Trump does.

"A range of reprioritisation ???" That sounds like the financial advisers I see that actively manage funds from year to year. They perform poorly 1 year so the next year they reprioritise thing just so "it does not make themselves look bad" because they don't want to make it look like they "don't know what they're doing".

27-04-2023, 08:56 PM
Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t.

As true as it gets when it comes to Labour & Chris Hipkins.

28-04-2023, 02:15 AM

Business confidence flat - ANZ survey

A bit like Robbo's cushion .. no surprises there ;)

28-04-2023, 02:42 AM

Simon Botherway: Three Waters a risk to NZ’s investment reputation

Simon .. there are now ten idiots on water .. not the original three :)

(Some of the extra Waka must have been behind the front most visible ones)

Haven't Robbo & Adrian ORR-Some already stuffed NZ's Investment Reputation with their
Funny Money Creation exercises on a grand scale ? ;)

The Kiwi Fiat is a standing joke globally now courtesy of the clueless policies and
wriggling of just a couple of high level prize idiots ;)

Anyone who would even be wanting to invest here from offshore must either be chasing
windfall gains then fast exit with the prize, or have rocks in their head while the current Govt
are orchestrating their clueless stupidity across the land ..

Murmurs of CGT, Change the Rules on Interest to suit Govt's own shortsighted goals wont have helped,
and stuffing just about everything that this Govt has laid eyes on wont have helped .. Outsiders
don't need to look far to see a Backwards facing Labour mob intent on digging the ditch deeper backwards
in time and ignoring reality sitting right in front of them, even with the newly installed nodding puppet
busy posturing away the faked up 'everything's changed' spin to anyone stupid enough to swallow it ;)

Logen Ninefingers
28-04-2023, 02:59 PM
At the behest of David Parker, the tax department spent two years and $3.2 million investigating the financial affairs of ‘the richest’ 311 families.

Is this ‘Parker probe’ legal?
What happened to privacy in NZ?
How were these ‘311 families’ identified?

Our shady media has presented to the public not a saga of ‘311 families’, but a sweeping generalisation that ‘wealthy Kiwis’ aren’t paying their fair share of tax.

The cartoon is the NZ Herald today presents a sad and angry horde of ‘ordinary Kiwis’ protesting outside a National Party Palace of Versailles.
These ordinary Kiwis with downcast faces hold placards calling for Capital Gains Tax and ‘tax fairness’. Chris Luxon - as Louis XIV - casts a displeased eye upon the mass of ordinary Kiwis, while Nicola Willis as Marie Antoinette croaks “let them eat tax breaks”.

Are these ‘ordinary Kiwis’ showing up in polls?
Are there marches on parliament - or anywhere else - calling for a CGT and ‘tax fairness’?
If no, what on earth is the Herald cartoonist smoking?!

The Left Wing rags spend all day, every day attacking the opposition in this country. Just look at the cartoons which get served up as evidence. A truly bizarre situation.

28-04-2023, 05:07 PM
The Left Wing rags spend all day, every day attacking the opposition in this country. Just look at the cartoons which get served up as evidence. A truly bizarre situation.

A truly bizarre claim. Tremain (for just one) attacks the Govt every tikme he picks up a pen.

28-04-2023, 05:09 PM
Only before the budget ….it’ll all be on pst budget lead up to election

You mean it will be in the policies that they take to the election?

28-04-2023, 05:13 PM
At the behest of David Parker, the tax department spent two years and $3.2 million investigating the financial affairs of ‘the richest’ 311 families.

Is this ‘Parker probe’ legal?
What happened to privacy in NZ?
How were these ‘311 families’ identified?

Our shady media has presented to the public not a saga of ‘311 families’, but a sweeping generalisation that ‘wealthy Kiwis’ aren’t paying their fair share of tax.

The cartoon is the NZ Herald today presents a sad and angry horde of ‘ordinary Kiwis’ protesting outside a National Party Palace of Versailles.
These ordinary Kiwis with downcast faces hold placards calling for Capital Gains Tax and ‘tax fairness’. Chris Luxon - as Louis XIV - casts a displeased eye upon the mass of ordinary Kiwis, while Nicola Willis as Marie Antoinette croaks “let them eat tax breaks”.

Are these ‘ordinary Kiwis’ showing up in polls?
Are there marches on parliament - or anywhere else - calling for a CGT and ‘tax fairness’?
If no, what on earth is the Herald cartoonist smoking?!

The Left Wing rags spend all day, every day attacking the opposition in this country. Just look at the cartoons which get served up as evidence. A truly bizarre situation.

The 311 were asked to participate with a questionnaire - others were too but declined.
So no issues on legality or privacy.

Are the ordinary kiwis showing up in the polls - yes hence the continued support for Hipkins and Labour (lower than 2.5 years ago but still there).

The right-wing media spend all day, every day attacking Labour (and trumpeting National (have a listen to NewsTalk ZB sometime)). During the election period, they may have to declare their donation in kind.

Logen Ninefingers
28-04-2023, 05:17 PM
A truly bizarre claim. Tremain (for just one) attacks the Govt every tikme he picks up a pen.

So Tremain is employed by a New Zealand media company and has his cartoons published in one of the daily newspapers, is that what you are saying? If yes, please provide details.

Logen Ninefingers
28-04-2023, 05:21 PM
The 311 were asked to participate with a questionnaire - others were too but declined.
So no issues on legality or privacy.

Are the ordinary kiwis showing up in the polls - yes hence the continued support for Hipkins and Labour (lower than 2.5 years ago but still there).

The right-wing media spend all day, every day attacking Labour (and trumpeting National (have a listen to NewsTalk ZB sometime)). During the election period, they may have to declare their donation in kind.

So you are claiming that ‘ordinary Kiwis’ support Labour because they want a Capital Gains Tax and they expect Labour will deliver one?
Turn it up.

28-04-2023, 05:28 PM
The media keeps saying National will deliver tax cuts but they don't say that it's almost nothing for low income earners or pensioners. 100 bucks.

Credit where it's due though, some media do state that it is unpaid for from the party of economic management(tm).

28-04-2023, 06:07 PM
So Tremain is employed by a New Zealand media company and has his cartoons published in one of the daily newspapers, is that what you are saying? If yes, please provide details.
Probably freelance, but cetainly published (and paid) in MSM (ODT).

28-04-2023, 07:14 PM
Minister of Justice without a clue about why violent crime has gone up 30% over the same time that prison population has gone down 20% :


4 police ministers in 1 year - heck of a track record of incompetency!

fungus pudding
28-04-2023, 09:20 PM
A truly bizarre claim. Tremain (for just one) attacks the Govt every tikme he picks up a pen.

That is what good cartoonists do regardless of their stripes.

Logen Ninefingers
28-04-2023, 09:53 PM
‘TVNZ announced the show Ten 7 Aotearoa - previously Police Ten 7 - will end with three one-hour specials planned from April to highlight its run.’

Another victim of these PC times….crime is going through the roof - and this show is getting binned.

28-04-2023, 10:16 PM
Tha latest thing in the litany of incompetencies from this government. The Erebus monument that was due to be started in 2021 is now looking for a new home. Cindy's old Ministry of Culture and Heritage in charge. And they have the cheek to say it's due to recent weather events when it's obvious they have caved to community pressure. They couldn't lie straight in bed.


This government couldn't deliver pizza!

29-04-2023, 01:53 AM
‘TVNZ announced the show Ten 7 Aotearoa - previously Police Ten 7 - will end with three one-hour specials planned from April to highlight its run.’

Another victim of these PC times….crime is going through the roof - and this show is getting binned.

Willie Wonka has prescribed some other "local content" undoubtedly to fill a gap to appease a minority element ;)

Just as well the TVNZ garbage programming is free, as most probably avoid it and look to other channels :)

29-04-2023, 02:10 AM

Christopher Hitchens.

Ardern has the "Mother Teresa" syndrome too I think.

Blue Skies
29-04-2023, 02:59 AM
Tha latest thing in the litany of incompetencies from this government. The Erebus monument that was due to be started in 2021 is now looking for a new home. Cindy's old Ministry of Culture and Heritage in charge. And they have the cheek to say it's due to recent weather events when it's obvious they have caved to community pressure. They couldn't lie straight in bed.


This government couldn't deliver pizza!

Oh no, I can guarantee you the decision was a result of the cliff face collapsing after the deluge & Cyclone Gabrielle just exactly where they were going to put the memorial.
Just go and have a look, you can see the cliffs & tons of earth have come down into Hobson Bay & there's no way they could put a couple of hundred tons of steel & concrete near that cliff edge now. It's really unstable & exposed to the elements & more will likely come down in the next big weather event.
It was a poor choice anyway as the cliff isn't very stable & the huge earthworks involved so close to the edge would be asking for trouble. Trouble was none of the other options offered it wanted it. The proposed memorial was also facing north when really it should be facing south towards Antartica.

29-04-2023, 07:59 AM
Oh no, I can guarantee you the decision was a result of the cliff face collapsing after the deluge & Cyclone Gabrielle just exactly where they were going to put the memorial.
Just go and have a look, you can see the cliffs & tons of earth have come down into Hobson Bay & there's no way they could put a couple of hundred tons of steel & concrete near that cliff edge now. It's really unstable & exposed to the elements & more will likely come down in the next big weather event.
It was a poor choice anyway as the cliff isn't very stable & the huge earthworks involved so close to the edge would be asking for trouble. Trouble was none of the other options offered it wanted it. The proposed memorial was also facing north when really it should be facing south towards Antartica.

So it was a poor choice of location and designed wrong in the first place? Sounds about right for anything Ardern and the Labour government has been anywhere near.

This from the Ministry of Culture and Heritage website (which says it will soon be updated to reflect recent changes. https://mch.govt.nz/erebus-memorial

The memorial site
The memorial will be located within Auckland’s Dove-Myer Robinson Park, overlooking Taurarua Judges Bay and the Waitematā Harbour.

Several options were considered before this site was identified as the most suitable location. Its central, accessible, park-like features reflect the preference of the Erebus families for a setting of that nature.

The area is of significant cultural and heritage value to mana whenua and the community.

The park is also home to some significant trees, including what is thought to be the largest pōhutukawa in Auckland. Preserving the cultural, heritage and environmental values of the site is central to the memorial design.

The memorial design

Te Paerangi Ataata – Sky Song was announced as the design for the National Erebus Memorial in April 2019 following a national design competition. It was designed by Studio Pacific Architecture in collaboration with artists Jason O’Hara and Warren Maxwell.

Te Paerangi Ataata reflects the enormity of the Erebus tragedy while also acknowledging the adventurous spirit of the crew and passengers.

Designed specifically for the site in Auckland’s Dove-Myer Robinson Park, Te Paerangi Ataata sits lightly on the landscape. Its location overlooking Waitematā Harbour allows for a strong visual connection to the ocean and the distant horizon.

So they spent a bundle of money on the wrong site and the wrong design. Who was Minister for Culture and Heritage? Jacinda Ardern.

Cindy's Legacy. Stuff that doesn't get built! Let's not do this!

29-04-2023, 04:54 PM
Cinders couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.

Now Anna Lorck on the other hand, could drink one dry...

29-04-2023, 07:34 PM
So after 5.5 years of Ardernisation which have delivered nothing but spin and failures for NZ, Hipkins embark on the de-Ardernisation of the Labour government.

5.5 years of NZ down the dunny.

And Hipkins, who was an integral part of the Ardern government, wants NZers to forget the last 5.5 years and give him a chance to hoodwink them, just as Ardern did.


“It is part of his wider de-Ardernisation, a deliberate shift away from the style and priorities of Jacinda Ardern to his own and an attempt to rebuild bridges that Covid and Labour’s reforms agenda had destroyed - bridges with business and the voters.”

29-04-2023, 10:42 PM
So after 5.5 years of Ardernisation which have delivered nothing but spin and failures for NZ, Hipkins embark on the de-Ardernisation of the Labour government.

5.5 years of NZ down the dunny.

And Hipkins, who was an integral part of the Ardern government, wants NZers to forget the last 5.5 years and give him a chance to hoodwink them, just as Ardern did.


“It is part of his wider de-Ardernisation, a deliberate shift away from the style and priorities of Jacinda Ardern to his own and an attempt to rebuild bridges that Covid and Labour’s reforms agenda had destroyed - bridges with business and the voters.”

Like I mentioned before, Hipkins is like these financial advisors that manage people's portfolios year after year. Clients find out why they underperform, so they sit in their office and give another spin saying maybe we need to invest in this instead of that (because they ALWAYS have to do something different from 1 year after another, or else they would look like they didn't know what they're doing)

But the voters in NZ are dumb. They hold no accountability of fault. They'll say oh we had Covid to deal with or some excuse to give the Labour another chance.

30-04-2023, 08:47 AM
Like I mentioned before, Hipkins is like these financial advisors that manage people's portfolios year after year. Clients find out why they underperform, so they sit in their office and give another spin saying maybe we need to invest in this instead of that (because they ALWAYS have to do something different from 1 year after another, or else they would look like they didn't know what they're doing)

But the voters in NZ are dumb. They hold no accountability of fault. They'll say oh we had Covid to deal with or some excuse to give the Labour another chance.

Excellent analogy, SBQ.

Allow me to add that like fund managers, this Labour government is very adept at taking credit for anything half positive and blaming others & other things for anything negative.

Plus, just like non-performing incompetent fund managers, they will urge voters to focus on the long term and continue to keep them in power - never mind the fact that they were elected in the first place by making huge promises and undertakings which they have not delivered.

‘Study hard, work hard & be successful and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t.’ Labour Party motto

30-04-2023, 11:57 AM

“The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

30-04-2023, 04:07 PM
So you are claiming that ‘ordinary Kiwis’ support Labour because they want a Capital Gains Tax and they expect Labour will deliver one?
Turn it up.

Not what I was claiming at all.

30-04-2023, 05:05 PM

“The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

Yup - it all went to hell. Five hundred years later, the empire had completely collapsed.

30-04-2023, 05:26 PM
Yup - it all went to hell. Five hundred years later, the empire had completely collapsed.

Only took Ardern & Hipkins 5.5 years to achieve the same.

30-04-2023, 07:50 PM

Kiwirail bosses called into Beehive to explain major disruptions to Wellington rail services

Terrorised by Woody Wood Peckerisation .. the distraction is bound to produce a lot ;)

Has Woody finished filling in all the Pot holes nationwide or too difficult for Michael the Hopeless ? ;)

He could try pushing the broken down Rail cart if he was really worried, up the steepest slope possible :)

01-05-2023, 09:03 PM
The Platform doing good work again. Exposing what this Labour government is quietly planning for gender education for our children.


Beggars belief.

01-05-2023, 11:12 PM
The Platform doing good work again. Exposing what this Labour government is quietly planning for gender education for our children.


Beggars belief.

Incredible crap and a Government yet again wasting millions on stupidity like this.

02-05-2023, 08:49 AM
Incredible crap and a Government yet again wasting millions on stupidity like this.

The indoctrination is far worse than the waste of money.

02-05-2023, 10:18 AM
The indoctrination is far worse than the waste of money.

All over to the white middle class voters in October 2023 to say 'ENOUGH' and vote this lot of communists out.

02-05-2023, 11:13 AM
All over to the white middle class voters in October 2023 to say 'ENOUGH' and vote this lot of communists out.

What worries me is that people are exhausted with battling post Covid and are also pre-occupied with keeping their heads above water to take much notice. They are messing with our children's minds. They started in the universities and are now going for our infants. The "long march through the institutions" continues and is gathering pace.

02-05-2023, 05:49 PM
The indoctrination is far worse than the waste of money.

Back to the future for NZ under Labour.


02-05-2023, 06:18 PM
If a whitey gets a 6am knock on the door by Police, it's a start of shift visit.

But if a Pacific Islander gets a 6 am knock on the door from Immigration, it's a dawn raid.

So says Carmel, acting PM.

The message to government departments is just get sloppy at your job, and back off, just like the Labour Government.

02-05-2023, 10:22 PM

Labour Cabinet minister Meka Whaitiri jumps to Māori Party in shock move

What's that sound of deserters rushing to escape Hippocrit's floundering ship headed towards the rocks ahead of a storm ? ;)

She has obviously seen the writing on the wall for Labour

How many more will desert the ranks ? :)

02-05-2023, 10:27 PM

Company liquidations are climbing as Covid support wears off

Economy must still be robust where Robbo's window looks out .. probably across a stormy Cook Strait :)

Got your life jacket prepped - big boy ?

and your paddling lessons up to date for when your lot get tipped into the drink ? ;)

02-05-2023, 10:35 PM

Cyclone-hit communities to wait longer for consultation on rebuild or red-zone future

Conversations with residents of cyclone and flooding-hit communities about whether they can rebuild their homes are being delayed amid requests from Hawke’s Bay mayors for more certainty from the Government.

About two weeks ago, Cyclone Recovery Minister Grant Robertson said he was hoping to initiate consultation on the Government’s plan for regions impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland floods from the start of May.

“Grant Robertson needs to act with much greater transparency and urgency than we have seen so far.”

Transparency - Chris ? ... Labour wouldn't know what the word meant :)

and October might be their only urgency ..

02-05-2023, 10:42 PM

Labour Cabinet minister Meka Whaitiri jumps to Māori Party in shock move

What's that sound of deserters rushing to escape Hippocrit's floundering ship headed towards the rocks ahead of a storm ? ;)

How many more will desert the ranks ? :)

That's big news
l haven't been able to read the article, just the headline, but would be a backward step to move from being a minister where she can do something, to a back bencher to do little.

Is there room for Dr Sharma in the Maori party, or is he the wrong colour?

02-05-2023, 11:04 PM

Fees go up, rebates go down as Government rejigs feebate EV scheme

Too much paid out for Tesla's = It gets Woody Woodpeckerised by the Master of Pot Holes ;)

Real Transparency that can't see Wood for the Trees .. as exists on Labour front benches :)

The same mob of hopeless blind knobs who meddled in the Carbon Credit Scheme which lost altitude recently ? ;)

02-05-2023, 11:53 PM

Reserve Bank: Mortgage holders paying 22% of income in interest by year's end

Homeowners with a mortgage can expect to be paying 22% of their disposable income in interest payments on their home loan on average by the end of the year, the Reserve Bank says.

That would be up from a low of 9% in 2021, and the increase will be much higher for many recent home-buyers with hefty mortgages.


Consumer debt crisis: Buy now, pay later loan arrears hit record level

A record number of buy now, pay later loan account holders are behind in their payments, credit reporting company Centrix says.

At the end of March 10.5% of all buy now, pay later (BNPL) loans were in arrears, Centrix managing director Keith McLaughlin said.

“Buy now, pay later is breaking a record every month,” McLaughlin said

The Local Economy still Robust - Rockstar Min of Finance - Gobbo Robbo ? ;)

or getting a bit shaky and trembling more by the week- which puts you into hiding mode under the desk ..
until the inevitable October 2023 "getting kicked out down the road" ? ;)

03-05-2023, 12:11 AM
Labour's Cyclone Damage Financial Support Goon Show at Work:


Orchard wiped-out in cyclone denied financial support, then offered just $15K

An orchard wiped out in Cyclone Gabrielle was initially told its application for support funding was declined because funding was only going to the “most severely impacted businesses”.

Later the owners were told they could get a grant of $15,000 – less than half the $40,000 maximum that other businesses had received.

They were one of numerous families in the valley to have lost all they own.

“We are hands down the single most impacted property in the Esk Valley. There is literally nothing left standing,”

What was that Robbo ? - more red tape needed while you lot rest on your laurels making excuses ? ;)

03-05-2023, 08:10 AM
C'mon Meka, give us the bully...

What's happening to the Cabally?

03-05-2023, 09:15 AM
C'mon Meka, give us the bully...

What's happening to the Cabally?

Writing is on the wall for many of the Labour MPs - jump ship before the fed up electorate shove them off.

Did Hipkins not look like a possum caught in the headlights this morning when he was asked about Meka jumping waka?

Maenwhile, the Greens are in disarray.

03-05-2023, 11:47 AM

Acting PM Carmel Sepuloni reacts to Meka Whaitiri’s shock resignation from Labour

Whaitiri may have inadvertently resigned from Parliament under the waka jumping provisions in the Electoral Act - a step which will require Parliament to vote on whether or not to have a byelection in the Ikaroa-Rawhiti electorate.

The Speaker is yet to confirm it, but the waka jumping provisions can be triggered by either an MP or a party leader in the Electoral Act. It states that their seat becomes vacant if the MP writes to the Speaker to notify him either that they have resigned from the parliamentary membership of the political party for which they were elected, or that they want to be recognised as either an independent or a member of another political party.

Whaitiri said she had written to the Speaker this morning to say she had resigned from the Labour Party and joined Te Pāti Māori, effective immediately. She also stated her intention to be seated with her new party when they returned to Parliament.

If the wording of that letter meets the criteria of the legislation, she will have quit her own seat. That will mean Parliament will have to vote on whether to have a byelection - no byelection is necessary within six months of an election as long as 75 per cent of Parliament agrees.

Any further Waka Jumpers - feel free to join in this free for all, while Chippie tries to play possum on Coronation Avenue far far away ;)

The more the merrier .. no sense in riding the battered sinking Labour ship down to the depths when everyone can jump off now en masse across to newer waiting waka ;)

The opportunity to save face, walk away tall and proud and jump well clear of the Ardern/Chippie shambles destined to plaster all the co-conspirators in the failed reign wont last long :)

Where's Willie Wonka ? .. still chirping away, trying to further stuff up the Broadcasting shambles ? ;)

03-05-2023, 12:03 PM

Cost of living: 300,000 more New Zealanders worrying about money weekly


And another class of sacrificial lambs emerges - courtesy of the current clueless mob on Govt front benches
to join those who default on mortgages, which Robbo has declared Govt wont assist

from the most caring kind mob of excuses to hit Parliament ever ;)

03-05-2023, 12:08 PM
Even if Labour did get into government at the next election, there is no doubt that it would not achieve the unprecedented number of seats in parliament that the previous landslide election gave them. For this reason, it is almost certain that there will be less seats = less ministers. Anyone that is ranked below the current polling number of seats will be considering their future. The single biggest risk to Labour is 'flight risk' of concerned ministers leading up to the election, who don't want to wait to find out they don't have a job anymore. I expect this is just the beginning of the exodus prior to the election.

Logen Ninefingers
03-05-2023, 12:10 PM
Meka has jumped the waka, but may return as a minister anyway in due course as part of a Labour / Greens / Maori Party coalition regime.
Between the solid Left / special interest groups / environmental watermelon types bloc & the apartheid ‘special Maori electorate seats’, the Left / Maori grouping pretty much have a lock on power.

Logen Ninefingers
03-05-2023, 12:11 PM
NZ is in a shambles, let’s be honest. Young NZers are leaving in droves and this trend will only continue.

03-05-2023, 12:11 PM

Reserve Bank: House prices remain overvalued and risk falling a lot more

"With these hands I try to prescribe a FULL BLOWN RECESSION " ? ;)

Just to egg on the other fella Robbo to come out with what he wont do .. )

Guess who the sardines getting squashed in this game will be .. :)

Logen Ninefingers
03-05-2023, 12:15 PM
In the wake of the Meka waka jump, Kelvin Davis was asked by one of our woke journalists whether Labour had “failed Maori”. He must have been absolutely gobsmacked: Labour have spent their entire time in government since 2017 ‘delivering for Maori’.

03-05-2023, 12:15 PM
NZ is in a shambles, let’s be honest. Young NZers are leaving in droves and this trend will only continue.

And they go with our best wishes for a brighter and better future.

To countries like Australia where their hard work will be properly awarded and their children will have proper education and upbringing.

03-05-2023, 12:26 PM
Well who will be next? Willie?

03-05-2023, 12:55 PM
Serious question. If you are so disillusioned with life in NZ, why have you not made a move to somewhere else Balance? I imagine you have the ability to do that, from a financial and work related skills point of view, so why not do it?

I am not stirring. I am genuinely interested to know your thinking behind staying in a country where you are clearly very unhappy.

And they go with our best wishes for a brighter and better future.

To countries like Australia where their hard work will be properly awarded and their children will have proper education and upbringing.