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Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 04:53 PM
John Tamihere is fully half Irish as well.

“Ruby Elaine Tamihere was mother to 12 children; she was completely ostracised by her own Irish Catholic family once she married my Māori father.”

Rawiri Waititi -

“Raised by an English Grandmother and very Maori Grandparents, all extremely knowledgeable in their own worlds, I am able to comfortably walk in both Te Ao Maori and the Pakeha world with confidence and ease.”

Also Rawiri Waititi -

‘Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi has called the British Crown “a thief, a murderer and a coward” ahead of King Charles III’s coronation this weekend.
Waititi made the comments during an online gathering of Indigenous peoples from 12 countries this morning, all calling on King Charles to acknowledge the impacts of colonisation during his coronation.’

19-05-2023, 04:54 PM
What a very strange country this is. I wonder how much celebrating of her Irish heritage Debbie Ngarewa-Packer does. Does she turn up in Parliament dressed in the green of the Emerald Isle, guinness in hand? I’m yet to see it.
She is literally fully one half Irish, her mother was an Irish immigrant. Packers recent links to Europe are stronger than mine as far as I can tell.


And what can you tell us about your mum?

“Well, my dad was Hemi Ngarewa and he met this fiery Irish redhead, Colleen Cleasby, when she was 16. She was the first non-Māori to marry into our whānau. Most of the relationships earlier were pre-arranged. But not this one. Mum married Dad and they lived in Pātea with our Koko. And she eventually became a much better reo speaker than Dad.”

That means that Debbie is more Irish than Maori. I doubt if her dad was 100% Maori as that was long gone. So really she is in the wrong party.

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 05:04 PM
That means that Debbie is more Irish than Maori. I doubt if her dad was 100% Maori as that was long gone. So really she is in the wrong party.

Can 'they' explain to me why it would be racist to raise this stuff? She is the person who is literally leading a race-based party!

The other leader was raised by an English grandmother, and is directly inflammatory and intemperate language at an English King. Does his Maori half hate his English half? Does his Maori half demand reparations from his English half? Such an odd and disingenous situation!

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 05:16 PM
Interesting little factoid on how the conqueror and slave-taker Te Rauparaha got his name -

'His name is derived from an edible plant called rauparaha. Soon after he was born a Waikato warrior who had killed and eaten a relation of his threatened to eat the child as well, roasted with rauparaha leaves; the child was called Te Rauparaha in defiance of this threat.'

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 05:25 PM
Some information here about the 'horrors of colonisation' -

'After Te Rauparaha's sister, Waitohi, the mother of Te Rangihaeata, died in 1839 war broke out among the tribes allied to Te Rauparaha. A huge funeral gathering was held. A Rangitāne slave of Te Āti Awa, who had brought tribute from the South Island, was killed and eaten, against Te Āti Awa's wishes. Quarrelling at the feast led to renewed fighting between Te Āti Awa and Ngāti Raukawa, culminating in the battle of Te Kūititanga at Waikanae. Te Rauparaha crossed over from Kāpiti to assist Ngāti Raukawa, but had to escape in a whaling boat when they suffered a severe defeat. After the battle there was no looting of the dead or cannibalism, as Christian influences had been brought to Te Āti Awa by freed slaves returning from the Bay of Islands. Ngāti Raukawa dead were buried with their clothing and arms and ammunition.'

19-05-2023, 05:43 PM
Labour's uneasy bedfellow Te Pati Maori in troubled waters over Waipareira Trust making loans to John Tamihere to fund political campaigning to the tune of 380k.


Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 05:59 PM
Labour's uneasy bedfellow Te Pati Maori in troubled waters over Waipareira Trust making loans to John Tamihere to fund political campaigning to the tune of 380k.


Since the Treaty of Waitangi was between individual Maori tribal groups and 'the British Crown', all state funding to 'honour the treaty' should by rights be routed only via Maori tribal entities.

Of course, many of the individual Maori tribal leaders never signed the Treaty of Waitangi, even though - to all-intents-and-purposes - modern New Zealand maintains the pretence that they did.

Saying 'no' Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia, a Ngāti Tamaterā leader in the Thames area, was one of several rangatira who declined to sign the Treaty. Others included Ngāi Te Rangi leader Tupaea of Tauranga, Te Wherowhero of Waikato-Tainui, and Mananui Te Heuheu of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Again, there has never been a homogenous 'Maori' nation-state in New Zealand. The closest entity is the Kingitanga - a post-colonial construct based on a European model.

One of New Zealand’s most enduring political institutions, the Kīngitanga (Māori King movement) was founded in 1858 with the aim of uniting Māori under a single sovereign. Waikato is the seat of the Kīngitanga.

Te Pati Maori can claim to represent all Maori, though Rawiri Waititi got 12,389 votes at the last election - enough to win the seat of Waiariki, Debbie Packer came into Parliament on his coat-tales with Te Pati Maori winning 1.2% of the overall vote, and Meka Whateri is a recent 'waka jumper' from Labour. People with a pitifully small mandate attempting to win outsized influence.

19-05-2023, 06:07 PM
The Disinformation Project being further exposed for what they are: emotive Marxist activists with an "absence of verifiable evidence". Remembering they emerged from the Office of the PM under Ardern.
Retired judge Harvey who has a background being published in IT and legal issues hangs them out to dry. Not only their self identified motivations but also lack of research rigour.


Looks like the government is looking to hand them another 500k. The Disinformation Project's current funding is presently extremely opaque. Funny that.

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 06:19 PM
The Disinformation Project being further exposed for what they are: emotive Marxist activists with an "absence of verifiable evidence". Remembering they emerged from the Office of the PM under Ardern.
Retired judge Harvey who has a background being published in IT and legal issues hangs them out to dry. Not only their self identified motivations but also lack of research rigour.


Looks like the government is looking to hand them another 500k. The Disinformation Project's current funding is presently extremely opaque. Funny that.

'The Disinformation Project' would be an apt name for what has been going on in New Zealand in the modern era. Some aspects of our history are amplified, and others are buried. Why is that? Why must 'decendents of colonists' be constantly atoning for 'colonial wrongs', while people who practiced slavery, infanticide, and cannibalism as part of their societal fabric are never called on it? If I wanted to make a documentary series on the life and crimes of Te Rauparaha, would there be any appetite for it from the people who decide what is shown on our TV screens? What about a 5 part series on 'The Musket Wars', anyone keen?

Thousands of Māori died in the intertribal Musket Wars of the 1810s, 1820s and 1830s. Many more were enslaved or became refugees. Northern rivals Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Whātua led the way, but all the tribes were soon trading for muskets.

Muskets (ngutu pārera) changed the face of intertribal warfare, decimating some tribes and drastically altering the rohe (territorial boundaries) of others.

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 06:55 PM
I think most New Zealanders would say that they want to live in a modern democratic country. And constitutionally it looks like we do live in one. But I do not know if this is actually the case now. I guess that 'full and final' Treaty settlements in the past - along with fullsome apologies - aimed to salve what was once referred to as 'the greviance industry', but I am personally unsure if that is the case. It seems that contempory ideas have moved some way past settlements to address past wrongs with a view to establishing New Zealand as a harmonious modern constitutional democracy. Now we have entered a new era where Maori ambition - with some governmental acquiesance - encompasses a view that they truly will govern New Zealand in conjuction with a government that is elected by all the citizens of New Zealand. And indeed, in many areas and in many ways Iwi groups actually do appear to be co-governing New Zealand along with the elected central and local government entities.

Moreover, we have crossed a line from a view of 'full and final' Treaty settlements to a kind of endless stream of 'reparations' (for want of a better term) for 'the harm wrought on the Maori people by colonisation'. (If you are endlessly referring back to 'colonisation', can you ever truly 'move on'?)

There are a lot of terms that have fallen out of favour in this new paradigm that we live in. It used to be fashionable to talk about a 'Treaty gravy train' or a 'Treaty industry'. These days the Waitangi Tribunal does its business quietly but perpetually. The Waitangi Tribunal seems to be an entity that has always been with us and will always be with us. Their 'work' seems to now consist of reporting on ways that 'the Crown' is 'failing in its Treaty obligations to Maori'. I think many people would have thought that the Tribunal was set up to negotiate on Treaty settlements, although maybe the ground has shifted and - once again - we are being introduced to a new reality.

If you listen to Te Pati Maori, then you would form a view that Maori in general have never been poorer or more down-trodden, and this is mainly due to the Crown who shirk their obligations at every turn. For an opposing view, we may consider that there was $1 Billion of funding specifically targeted at Maori in last years budget (as an example). And for another view again, we may consider the following -

The Māori economy is also diversifying, with new investment areas including geothermal, digital, services, education, tourism and housing. Chapman Tripp's 2017 “Te Ao Māori - Trends and Insights” estimated the value of the Māori asset base at over $50 billion.

Sometimes what is presented as 'truth' by a particular growth may be a form of lobbying or politiking. But to the forelock tugging and ever so 'umble general populace it seems that whatever is presented as truth in the case of Maori hardship is readily accepted, and the self-flagellation begins again. I don't really know where we are at with 'the process' of making the country into a place where Maori are truly content with their lives as a group. Chris Hipkins says there is still "much work to do"....perhaps he believes we are only at step one of a road that will never end.

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 06:58 PM
I think most New Zealanders would say that they want to live in a modern democratic country. And constitutionally it looks like we do live in one. But I do not know if this is actually the case now. I guess that 'full and final' Treaty settlements in the past - along with fullsome apologies - aimed to salve what was once referred to as 'the greviance industry', but I am personally unsure if that is the case. It seems that contempory ideas have moved some way past settlements to address past wrongs with a view to establishing New Zealand as a harmonious modern constitutional democracy. Now we have entered a new era where Maori ambition - with some governmental acquiesance - encompasses a view that they truly will govern New Zealand in conjuction with a government that is elected by all the citizens of New Zealand. And indeed, in many areas and in many ways Iwi groups actually do appear to be co-governing New Zealand along with the elected central and local government entities.

Moreover, we have crossed a line from a view of 'full and final' Treaty settlements to a kind of endless stream of 'reparations' (for want of a better term) for 'the harm wrought on the Maori people by colonisation'. (If you are endlessly referring back to 'colonisation', can you ever truly 'move on'?)

There are a lot of terms that have fallen out of favour in this new paradigm that we live in. It used to be fashionable to talk about a 'Treaty gravy train' or a 'Treaty industry'. These days the Waitangi Tribunal does its business quietly but perpetually. The Waitangi Tribunal seems to be an entity that has always been with us and will always be with us. Their 'work' seems to now consist of reporting on ways that 'the Crown' is 'failing in its Treaty obligations to Maori'. I think many people would have thought that the Tribunal was set up to negotiate on Treaty settlements, although maybe the ground has shifted and - once again - we are being introduced to a new reality.

If you listen to Te Pati Maori, then you would form a view that Maori in general have never been poorer or more down-trodden, and this is mainly due to the Crown who shirk their obligations at every turn. For an opposing view, we may consider that there was $1 Billion of funding specifically targeted at Maori in last years budget (as an example). And for another view again, we may consider the following -

The Māori economy is also diversifying, with new investment areas including geothermal, digital, services, education, tourism and housing. Chapman Tripp's 2017 “Te Ao Māori - Trends and Insights” estimated the value of the Māori asset base at over $50 billion.

Sometimes what is presented as 'truth' by a particular growth may be a form of lobbying or politiking. But to the forelock tugging and ever so 'umble general populace it seems that whatever is presented as truth in the case of Maori hardship is readily accepted, and the self-flagellation begins again. I don't really know where we are at with 'the process' of making the country into a place where Maori are truly content with their lives as a group. Chris Hipkins says there is still "much work to do"....perhaps he believes we are only at step one of a road that will never end.

I wonder where Rawiri Waititi thinks we are at with our 'process'. I wonder if we are salving a sense of greviance, or stoking and fuelling it. I wonder how many maori Waititi is speaking for when he says what he does say....

Waititi went on to say the British crown had “rained war on every continent on Earth” and “inherited power based on stolen wealth”.

“This Crown, both directly and through its successor colonial governments, continues to be an illegal occupation of … Indigenous nations throughout the world,” he said.

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 07:24 PM
Perhaps over future decades the co-governance model with become embedded and accepted by all. Maybe the future is a place where the Maori economy continues to grown exponentially, from $50 billion of assets in 2017 to hundreds of billions by the year 2060. Maybe by then the Crown and Iwi govern the country arm in arm in perfect harmony, with both these parties assuming 50/50 responsibility for all citizens of New Zealand. Maybe in this New Zealand of the future the Maori half of the partnership is funded by burgeoning tribal revenues, while the Crown contributes the other 50% of funding. So in practice the Health system would be funded 50% from tribal revenues, 50% from the Crown accounts.

19-05-2023, 08:27 PM
Interesting article in the NZ Herald today: ‘No such thing as a free lunch?’
It’s behind a paywall, the gist is that it is currently costing $274 million for a ‘free school lunches’ programme in a quarter of NZ schools, and a cabal of academics & ‘health providers’ are seeking to get this state overreach extended to half of all NZ schools.
Robbo has been booking the costs of the free lunches up to the ‘COVID’ slush fund, despite Treasury advice that it should come from the ordinary budget process.
Watch this space to see what happens next with regards to what the Labour nanny-state outfit will do.

Sadly much of this food ends up in scrap bins. A typical do-gooder program with noble intentions that achieves very little

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 08:33 PM
Sadly much of this food ends up in scrap bins. A typical do-gooder program with noble intentions that achieves very little

It's not really targeted either, like so much this government does. Winter energy payments for millionaires, clean car rebates for millionaires, subsidised hearing aids for millionaires, free school lunches for the kids of millionaires. It's a creeping socialism that's spreading its tentacles far and wide, and the result is mounting debt and inflation and a clouded economic outlook.

19-05-2023, 08:51 PM
That means that Debbie is more Irish than Maori. I doubt if her dad was 100% Maori as that was long gone. So really she is in the wrong party.

That's why l just refer to Te Pati, without adding Maori.

It's really Te Patrick Pakeha!

Logen Ninefingers
19-05-2023, 08:59 PM
That's why l just refer to Te Pati, without adding Maori.

It's really Te Patrick Pakeha!

Te Be Sure, Te Be Sure.

19-05-2023, 09:17 PM
Haven’t seen anything in the media about the fact that Labour is severely cutting road maintenance in the Budget

This from the Mayor of Nelson:

“Shocked by massive cuts in road maintenance funding in this weeks Budget.

Found it on Vol1 Page 305 (copied below) that has Local Roads Maintenance cut $315 million (42%) and State Highway Maintenance cut $164 million (25%). The total cut is $479 million but to keep up with 7% inflation it would have needed to go up $98 m - so a cut in real terms of $577million.

This is a real worry for Councils. I am already getting a lot of criticism on state of our roads over potholes and insufficient maintenance. I will be asking questions through Regional Transport Committee and through LGNZ - I cannot see any logic in such dramatic reductions in basic road maintenance.”

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 06:41 AM
Haven’t seen anything in the media about the fact that Labour is severely cutting road maintenance in the Budget

This from the Mayor of Nelson:

“Shocked by massive cuts in road maintenance funding in this weeks Budget.

Found it on Vol1 Page 305 (copied below) that has Local Roads Maintenance cut $315 million (42%) and State Highway Maintenance cut $164 million (25%). The total cut is $479 million but to keep up with 7% inflation it would have needed to go up $98 m - so a cut in real terms of $577million.

This is a real worry for Councils. I am already getting a lot of criticism on state of our roads over potholes and insufficient maintenance. I will be asking questions through Regional Transport Committee and through LGNZ - I cannot see any logic in such dramatic reductions in basic road maintenance.”

Disgusting. The media should be all over this but are missing in action, as usual. Our roads are falling apart.

20-05-2023, 07:55 AM
Disgusting. The media should be all over this but are missing in action, as usual. Our roads are falling apart.

This is the influence of Julie Ann Genter and the silly Greens coming through.

She thinks everyone and everything can be moved by bicycle and rickshaw.

As for Elizabeth Kerekere, she has demonstrated everyone should be paddling their own waka...

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 08:22 AM
In today’s ‘attack the opposition’ cartoon from rabid socialist media outlet ‘Stuff’, cartoonist ‘Jeff Bell’ has Nicola Willis his cross-hairs. He has her saying that ‘bread and butter’ is a nice to have and presents Nationals alternative budget: a bowl of flour & a jug of water.

This is the media reinforcing the Labour spin that Robbo produced a no-frills, ‘bread and butter’ budget. The reality is that it is anything but. Spending has blown out to the extent that the government will post a huge deficit next year -

‘A deficit for next year that is $7.1 billion higher than expected only six months ago is a pretty big number. Debt will remain higher for longer.’

I think NZ governments are certainly capable of producing no frills budgets, ones that don’t drive inflation & drive up interest rates & massively increase borrowing. But it hasn’t happened lately.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 08:27 AM
Past generations of New Zealand cartoonists certainly did take an even handed approach when it came to satirising politicians. The current crop - with the banished Tremain the only outlier - are so ideologically blinkered that it seems it is total anathema to them to balance out their criticism. They are actually active crusaders for the Left, right there in the trenches with party activists, rather than studied observers of the foibles of both sides.

20-05-2023, 08:31 AM
That's why l just refer to Te Pati, without adding Maori.

It's really Te Patrick Pakeha!

The English language gifted to Te Reo the use of the letter R.

However Te Pati, in their wisdom, left out r in pati, as it would look Italian, and further demonstrate how contrived words such as timi etc are.

Pati in Italian means to depart, whereas parti means to suffer.

How appropriate.

NZ will wish Te Pati had departed, before we suffer any of their version of co governance!

20-05-2023, 08:32 AM
You would think that heads would roll over an $8.8 billion (and counting) mistake - but this is NZ. It barely gets reported and nobody really gives two hoots about it. I remember the absolute outrage (ongoing) about ‘wastage’ on the $26 million ‘flag referendum’. What a strange country this is. Not sure how many times $26 million goes into $8.8 billion but I reckon it would be a few.

The Wikipedia page on the ‘flag referendums’ states as follows -

‘Opposition parties, Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association (RSA) president Barry Clark and members of the public criticised the referendum plan for costing $26 million which could be spent on other issues.’

BTW, these days nobody bats an eyelid at $34 million for a Kapa Haka festival:

‘Over the next two years Te Matatini will get $34 million, up from $2.9 million a year.

The biennial national kapa haka festival received its biggest increase in funding since it first started 50 years ago in the latest Budget.

The financial injection has made many pukana with excitement.

"I'm just over the moon," Te Matatini chief executive Carl Ross said. "I've had to shut my door because my staff are still jumping up and down outside."

True, the big stuff is hard for many to conceptualise. Did many of the public want the flag referendum? Anyway, It was a good distraction. I would have pledged allegiance to the laser eyed Kiwi.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 09:06 AM
True, the big stuff is hard for many to conceptualise. Did many of the public want the flag referendum? Anyway, It was a good distraction. I would have pledged allegiance to the laser eyed Kiwi.

Laser eyed Kiwi was (is) good. Iconic now in fact.
Not sure who wanted what but if you ask a Labour supporter why we are up to our ears in debt they’d probably say ‘the flag referendum’.
I know I certainly didn’t want the Reserve Bank & government to lose $8.8 billion between them on the QE idiocy but your average Kiwi won’t have a clue about it and if they did they probably wouldn’t give a stuff anyway. They’ve been programmed to believe Robertson is a ‘fiscally responsible’ fiscal maestro.

20-05-2023, 09:21 AM
Meh it isn't real money.

The RBNZ owns the debt so the NZ govt has lent itself money.. which is a great deal for taxpayers when compared to the GFC response (...where we had to borrow from foreigners).

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 09:29 AM
I'm going to strawberry fields
Nothing is real

20-05-2023, 09:32 AM
There are more important things than making numbers line up on a page (considering the circumstances and with no credit rating agency highlighting any concern).

Esp when you would propose to impoverish millions of NZers with cuts to vital services.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 10:31 AM
There are more important things than making numbers line up on a page (considering the circumstances and with no credit rating agency highlighting any concern).

Esp when you would propose to impoverish millions of NZers with cuts to vital services.

Communications staff, government advertising, bureaucratic excess, consultants, working groups….the whole country can see that spraying billions around is producing no tangible outcomes. $45 million for a cycle bridge that will never be built was just an exercise in lining the pockets of consultants and planners, and this is probably 1 example from about 100,000 since this government took office. There is not a Kiwi alive who doesn’t want nurses and teachers to be well paid, but unfortunately $1 out of every $100 actually gets to the people on the front line, the rest just disappears into the monstrous bureaucratic edifice this government has created. $35 million for a 3 day Kapa Haka festival that is held only once every 2 years - a festival that should be funded from the $70 billion ‘maori economy’ asset base (it’s increased by $20 billion since 2017) and private sponsorship. We are absolutely being taken to the cleaners by this government, that wasn’t a ‘bread and butter’ budget, that was the ‘pork barrel’ budget!!

20-05-2023, 10:36 AM
There are more important things than making numbers line up on a page (considering the circumstances and with no credit rating agency highlighting any concern).

Esp when you would propose to impoverish millions of NZers with cuts to vital services.

Don't worry, the impoverish are already covered by having their $5 prescription fees waived. :lol:

As for the GFC, the bail outs had to happen for the greater good of preventing an economic Armageddon (keep in mind GFC had little impact on NZ). But what Mr Robertson is doing is being irresponsible to future generations and ALL of the tax payers so i'm not sure how any debt borrowing is good for the tax payer?

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 10:55 AM
Haven’t seen anything in the media about the fact that Labour is severely cutting road maintenance in the Budget

This from the Mayor of Nelson:

“Shocked by massive cuts in road maintenance funding in this weeks Budget.

Found it on Vol1 Page 305 (copied below) that has Local Roads Maintenance cut $315 million (42%) and State Highway Maintenance cut $164 million (25%). The total cut is $479 million but to keep up with 7% inflation it would have needed to go up $98 m - so a cut in real terms of $577million.

This is a real worry for Councils. I am already getting a lot of criticism on state of our roads over potholes and insufficient maintenance. I will be asking questions through Regional Transport Committee and through LGNZ - I cannot see any logic in such dramatic reductions in basic road maintenance.”

Hmmmm….they announce funding increases, then they quietly cut them. Is this part of the so-called ‘savings’ Labour has found?


‘Road maintenance has been on the AA’s radar for a long time; it topped the 2020 Election Calls list of matters needing urgent consideration. Three years on, the situation needs more attention than ever.

Ahead of the last three-year funding cycle, the AA estimated that our roads needed an additional $300 million per annum to catch up on the backlog. The $500m in total announced by the Government was a marked improvement but $400m short of returning the roads to what the AA believes is needed.

A recent survey of our 10,000-person AA Member Panel put fixing road surfaces at the top of the list of potential transport improvements they supported; 85% want more done than the Government's current work.

The cost to individuals is also mounting. Repair shops in places such as Northland and Taranaki have reported big increases of people coming in for tyre and rim repairs, or suspension and alignment fixes - costs that households wouldn't have faced if the potholes weren't there.

The road network is one of New Zealand's biggest assets; roads are like 'shop windows' for regions. It is hard for people to feel good about their area and how they are being served by authorities when they’re driving on neglected roads.

Motorists pay more than $4 billion a year in fuel tax and Road User Charges, the AA says, and safe, well-maintained roads is the least we should expect.’

20-05-2023, 12:22 PM
Past generations of New Zealand cartoonists certainly did take an even handed approach when it came to satirising politicians. The current crop - with the banished Tremain the only outlier - are so ideologically blinkered that it seems it is total anathema to them to balance out their criticism. They are actually active crusaders for the Left, right there in the trenches with party activists, rather than studied observers of the foibles of both sides.

Who,why and when did Tremain get banished?

Bill Smith
20-05-2023, 01:17 PM
Who,why and when did Tremain get banished?

The left hounded and harassed ODT until they eventually cowardly caved and banished Tremain. Sir Bob on nopunchespulled.com often highlights some of Garricks goodies.

20-05-2023, 01:27 PM
What a weak management ODT have. Mind you with newspapers throughout the country all becoming woke productions I shouldn't be surprised. Perhaps we could get him to become a member and publish here.

Logen Ninefingers
20-05-2023, 02:51 PM
‘Auckland-based construction firm Construct Civil has been put into liquidation.

The company’s sole director, Barry Brady, said the firm had about 75 staff.

An application was placed to put Construct Civil into liquidation on March 17, according to the Government Gazette.

The application was brought by Promains, and on May 5 Christopher Carey McCullagh and Stephen Mark Lawrence were appointed liquidators.

There are warnings the construction sector is entering a bust cycle, with one law firm director recently reporting liquidations in the sector had grown from 25% of his firm’s business to 70%.

A separate analysis found 355 businesses failed in the three months to March 31.

Headwinds to buffet the industry in recent times included higher labour and material costs, and delays in receiving some products.’

Logen Ninefingers
21-05-2023, 09:51 AM
‘A $25 million refurbishment of New Zealand's Moscow embassy has continued in the months after Russia invaded Ukraine, with Kiwi tradespeople and materials being shipped to the warring nation to finish the job.

New Zealand diplomats were moved out of their longstanding embassy building in Moscow in 2015 by the Russian government for strengthening and refurbishment works. But New Zealand’s part of the fit-out was halted during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In July 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade restarted the $25.6m renovation of the art deco building, which a former ambassador to Moscow said was prized by the Russians, and it has continued as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted condemnation and sanctions from the Government.

National Party foreign affairs spokesperson Gerry Brownlee said refurbishing the Moscow embassy amid the Ukraine war was “perplexing”, and the project should “absolutely” be put on hold.’

Logen Ninefingers
21-05-2023, 10:50 AM
In today’s ‘attack the opposition’ NZ Herald cartoon by rabid socialist ‘Rod Emmerson’, a lady is telling an arrogantly pouting Chris Luxon (in a blazer with the Air New Zealand logo on it) that - with regards to his caucus - “your children are a little too old to qualify for free daycare…”. And there are caucus, depicted as a bunch of children with Judith Collins staring daggers dressed up as a Queen. The ‘point’ of the cartoon is that National are child-like, just a bunch of squabbling kids.
The hatred of ‘Emmerson’ towards those that threaten to take power from his beloved Labour really shows through, and it’s an attitude that The New Zealand Herald obviously endorses.

22-05-2023, 09:05 AM
What this Labour government with its 4 police ministers in 1 year gives you :

Be kind and give criminals all the help they need to victimise and terrorise law abiding and hard working NZers.


22-05-2023, 03:47 PM
The left hounded and harassed ODT until they eventually cowardly caved and banished Tremain. Sir Bob on nopunchespulled.com often highlights some of Garricks goodies.



Bill Smith
23-05-2023, 09:34 AM
It's true. If you go to Sir Bobs site you will see some great cartoons posted there.

23-05-2023, 10:21 AM
Crocodile tears from the useless & clueless ex-Minister of Police, now equally useless PM :


"Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said the closure of a West Auckland NZ Post shop due to increasing crime was “heartbreaking” and the level of retail crime is “unacceptable”.

The owners of Titirangi Lotto and Post Shop told the Herald yesterday they were quitting after decades of running their business - frustrated by repeat destructive raids targeting their store.

Hipkins told the AM Show this morning that the news was “absolutely heartbreaking and totally unacceptable."


23-05-2023, 11:20 AM
Here are the damning statistics of crime blossoming under the 4 Labour ministers of Police in 1 year :

1. Ram raids are up 500 per cent since 2018. ('New' Police Minister Andersen said that ram raids are continuing to trend downwards, ignoring that there were 51 ram raids in March this year, up by 24 per cent on the month before.')

2. According to the Salvation Army, the number of victimisations for violent crime has jumped 33 per cent since 2017. There are a lot more of them now and NZers are more likely to be one of those victims than ever before.

3. Police statistics report that there were 292 retail crime incidents every day in 2022.

4. There is a 61 per cent increase in gang members, in real numbers that is 300 more on the National Gang List in the last two months.

5. Text messages between Stuart Nash when he was Police Minister and the Police Commissioner five days after Cyclone Gabrielle hit his region. He asked the Commissioner to deploy more police to the area urgently and to get a senior officer to go and sort out the local gangs. He was ignored and Hipkins contradicted him in public - there's no serious crime post Cyclone Gabrielle.

And here they are - the 4 Useless Police Ministers in 1 year:


https://res.cloudinary.com/cognitives-s3/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,g_faces:auto,h_440 ,q_auto,w_970/v1/cog-aap/n/303/2023/Mar/15/VlOlBfkG5YFW23E1KE3h.jpg

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/o/5/k/x/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .4yo61e.png/1616188796204.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

23-05-2023, 11:25 AM

John Gascoigne: How New Zealand fell to become one of the worst economies in the developed world

23-05-2023, 12:20 PM

John Gascoigne: How New Zealand fell to become one of the worst economies in the developed world

Excerpt : "Firstly, we have an increasingly undisciplined, dysfunctional multicultural population entirely lacking any sense of national purpose or common interest except sport.

Secondly, as a middle-income agricultural export nation, we simply do not have the massive industrial / high-tech or productive sector that is so striking a feature of all the tiny, high-income nations. Put simply, we just do not have the means to achieve the very high living standards enjoyed by those nations.

Pervasive anti-social behaviour in all its forms and escalating crime not only cancel out all quality of life but impose enormous costs on a nation. Add that stratum of unmotivated, undisciplined people, our expanding feral underclass, and our problems, both economic and social, are immeasurably compounded."

"To many New Zealanders success in international sport provides confirmation that, despite our sinking status, “we’re doing alright,” as one blinkered commentator recently put it."

Luckily for the young, skilled, motivated and experienced - Australia beckons and that's where most intelligent and forward looking NZers will eventually make their home in the nrxt ten years to be replaced by low skilled and semi-skilled migrants, and of course the hundreds of thousands of state dependent parasites and beneficiaries bred by the Labour Government for their obedient votes.


Logen Ninefingers
23-05-2023, 12:38 PM
Excerpt : "Firstly, we have an increasingly undisciplined, dysfunctional multicultural population entirely lacking any sense of national purpose or common interest except sport.

Secondly, as a middle-income agricultural export nation, we simply do not have the massive industrial / high-tech or productive sector that is so striking a feature of all the tiny, high-income nations. Put simply, we just do not have the means to achieve the very high living standards enjoyed by those nations.

Pervasive anti-social behaviour in all its forms and escalating crime not only cancel out all quality of life but impose enormous costs on a nation. Add that stratum of unmotivated, undisciplined people, our expanding feral underclass, and our problems, both economic and social, are immeasurably compounded."

"To many New Zealanders success in international sport provides confirmation that, despite our sinking status, “we’re doing alright,” as one blinkered commentator recently put it."

Luckily for the young, skilled, motivated and experienced - Australia beckons and that's where most intelligent and forward looking NZers will eventually make their home in the nrxt ten years to be replaced by low skilled and semi-skilled migrants, and of course the hundreds of thousands of state dependent parasites and beneficiaries bred by the Labour Government for their obedient votes.


And every day we get the increasingly desperate retail banks and property shills screaming increasing loudly that “we’ve hit the bottom!” of the housing market ‘slump’.
Fact: without dirt-cheap borrowed money, this country is clearly stuffed. For ideological reason the clowns in government shut down oil and gas industry, knocked coal on the head, and shuttered Marsden Point refinery. We are at the mercy of the wider world and the USD. We might sell some logs and farm produce, but the illusion of prosperity was provided by very low CPI inflation and ‘selling houses back and forth amongst each other for ever increasing amounts of money’. That illusion has now been shattered, and the apocalyptic weather and crime rampage are the kickers.

23-05-2023, 04:46 PM
Here are the damning statistics of crime blossoming under the 4 Labour ministers of Police in 1 year.

And here they are - the 4 Useless Police Ministers in 1 year:


https://res.cloudinary.com/cognitives-s3/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,g_faces:auto,h_440 ,q_auto,w_970/v1/cog-aap/n/303/2023/Mar/15/VlOlBfkG5YFW23E1KE3h.jpg

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/o/5/k/x/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .4yo61e.png/1616188796204.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

Here’s how brazen and fearless the criminals are now in NZ - three burglaries in 2 days for a young family and the police had done NOTHING.


And how many Police Ministers have this Labour government had in 1 year?



All useless and all clueless - just like the whole freaking cabinet of chaos.

23-05-2023, 08:22 PM
So Labour grabs a big headline with it's Corporate Welfare announcement supposedly being great for NZ's emmissions targets while ensuring heavy use of electricity. Bit like Ardern's "nuclear free moment" announcement which has led to surety of energy supply problems on all sorts of fronts.

Today we have this in the Good Returns newsletter

"National grid operator Transpower said it is working closely with the electricity sector to manage potentially tight supply during cold snaps this winter, and consumers may be asked to cut back on power use at peak times."

More Indonesian coal anyone?

24-05-2023, 06:51 AM
So Labour grabs a big headline with it's Corporate Welfare announcement supposedly being great for NZ's emmissions targets while ensuring heavy use of electricity. Bit like Ardern's "nuclear free moment" announcement which has led to surety of energy supply problems on all sorts of fronts.

Today we have this in the Good Returns newsletter

"National grid operator Transpower said it is working closely with the electricity sector to manage potentially tight supply during cold snaps this winter, and consumers may be asked to cut back on power use at peak times."

More Indonesian coal anyone?

I would prefer it if NZ used local home grown Bathurst Coal (am in investor), but for some reason the smart people in the greens and Labour thought it was better to import Indonesian (less clean) coal. What would I know, its probably better for NZ's image this way.

24-05-2023, 07:29 AM
I would prefer it if NZ used local home grown Bathurst Coal (am in investor), but for some reason the smart people in the greens and Labour thought it was better to import Indonesian (less clean) coal. What would I know, its probably better for NZ's image this way.

Transpower warning shows that NZ under this Labour/Green coalition of chaos is heading rapidly towards third world status when it comes to energy & electricity supply.

Where is the planning and contingencies to ensure that there’s more than electricity generation to keep householders and industries going when there’s spikes in demand (to be expected during cold winter days and months)?

The only option is Transpower telling consumers to cut back consumption or else there will be brown outs and potentially catastrophic blackouts!

The consequence of blindly going green without any idea of how to keep the lights on.

‘Labour is the government of infrastructure’ … kiss our arses, Hipkins.

Logen Ninefingers
24-05-2023, 12:08 PM
One for Panda to take note of -

‘New Zealand's record current account deficit is significant in both a NZ and global context, and there are interesting comparisons to draw between 2023 and 2011 when S&P Global Ratings last downgraded NZ's sovereign credit rating, S&P's Martin Foo says.
The current account deficit, reflecting we're spending more than we're earning overseas, swelled to its highest dollar value of $33.8 billion last year. As a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), showing its significance in the context of NZ's overall economy, it weighed in at 8.9%, the highest it has been since the 1970s.’

Logen Ninefingers
24-05-2023, 12:11 PM
Panda will say “it doesn’t matter - it’s not real money”. 😂

Logen Ninefingers
24-05-2023, 12:15 PM
‘Up to 260 jobs may go at Victoria University to address massive $33 million deficit. Staff at the Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) have been told to brace for job cuts as the University strives to cut costs even further.

An email to staff from vice-chancellor Nic Smith, seen by the Herald, said VUW is forecasting a deficit of $33 million this year and as a result, costs must be cut.’

Logen Ninefingers
24-05-2023, 12:20 PM
‘Sanford plans to sell most of its North Island inshore wildcatch fishing rights to iwi-owned rival Moana New Zealand, and close its Auckland processing plant.

Sanford was evaluating the future of its Wynyard Quarter processing site in Auckland’s CBD, an area that has undergone significant change and is now very residential.

More than 100 staff would be impacted if the deal goes ahead.

Reidie met with staff in the processing facility on Monday morning and talked through future employment possibilities.’

24-05-2023, 01:04 PM
‘Up to 260 jobs may go at Victoria University to address massive $33 million deficit. Staff at the Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) have been told to brace for job cuts as the University strives to cut costs even further.

An email to staff from vice-chancellor Nic Smith, seen by the Herald, said VUW is forecasting a deficit of $33 million this year and as a result, costs must be cut.’

That is probably a good thing. The quicker these woke institutions get gutted, the better.

Logen Ninefingers
24-05-2023, 01:37 PM
That is probably a good thing. The quicker these woke institutions get gutted, the better.

Not good for the property ponzi though….

Logen Ninefingers
24-05-2023, 02:06 PM
‘Breaking news: Reserve Bank raises Official Cash Rate to 5.5%’

Homeowners should blame Labour’s budget blow-out shocker & ‘open borders’ mass immigration stupidity.

24-05-2023, 05:48 PM
‘Breaking news: Reserve Bank raises Official Cash Rate to 5.5%’

Homeowners should blame Labour’s budget blow-out shocker & ‘open borders’ mass immigration stupidity.

And what further can be expected when Robbo starts tossing election treats out from his bag Willy Nilly very soon ? :)

Can almost guarantee which sectors / hand tied participants in this dopey game with ORR-SOME gliding around with the long handled butterfly net soon afterwards are going to be missed out of all the fun and action .. ;)

24-05-2023, 05:55 PM

Retail sales down, signs of ‘stark’ year for Kiwi households

24-05-2023, 05:56 PM

Richard Prebble: Mass immigration - Labour’s biggest U-turn will swamp our infrastructure

Enjoy the road trip folks .. lots more large pot holes coming up :)

but hey .. if the lights go out no-one will be any the wiser on who fell in ..

Logen Ninefingers
25-05-2023, 09:18 AM
For those who may have been doubting that Orr is anything but an erstwhile Labour lackey -

‘Willis questioned how the former could be the case given the Treasury was forecasting government spending as a proportion of GDP was expected to rise from 32.5% of GDP to the higher level of 33% of GDP in the next financial year.

Orr appeared to briefly stumble at times as he checked data, but reiterated that the forecasts showed government spending falling in real terms as a proportion of GDP overall during its forecast period, which currently runs to June 2026.’

25-05-2023, 12:05 PM

Peak OCR pain: Auckland couple working four jobs to pay mortgage

A South Auckland couple working four jobs between them to pay their mortgage say they are contemplating moving to Australia after the latest Official Cash Rate (OCR) rise.

“We would have no other option but to migrate to another country,” Sunny Saharan, 37, and his wife Pooja Saharan, 34, said, telling the Herald they are short $450 every week.

The Reserve Bank (RBNZ) raised the OCR by 25 basis points to 5.5 per cent yesterday – and in a surprising move, said this was the OCR’s peak and anticipated cuts from late next year.

Economists and mortgage brokers were taken aback by the forecasts, given prior expectations were for a peak OCR of 6 per cent, with lower-than-expected forecast rates signalling a potential reprieve for homeowners.

Within minutes of the announcement, ASB lifted its interest rates. Its Housing Variable rate will move from 8.39 per cent to 8.64 per cent while the Orbit home loan rate moves from 8.49 per cent to 8.74 per cent.

The Saharans said their mortgage is unaffordable and if rates don’t drop when their current interest rate of 6.7 per cent expires next year they will leave the country.

The pair are juggling monthly $4500 mortgage repayments with raising their 1-year-old, Summer, and simply trying to survive.

Lots more of this suffering will be happening across the land - courtesy of Labour's incompetent economic policies

Logen Ninefingers
25-05-2023, 02:33 PM

Peak OCR pain: Auckland couple working four jobs to pay mortgage

Lots more of this suffering will be happening across the land - courtesy of Labour's incompetent economic policies

It would be a shame to see the Saharan’s desert New Zealand.

fungus pudding
25-05-2023, 02:54 PM
It would be a shame to see the Saharan’s desert New Zealand.

Very good. :p:p

25-05-2023, 03:59 PM
It would be a shame to see the Saharan’s desert New Zealand. Life is sunnier for young working people across the ditch. It’s ok though, we just open the door further to workers from poorer countries.

I visited Waiheke Island recently from Auckland. Demographically, It was like stepping back to Auckland from about a generation ago (30 years). So what will be the changes in the next 30 years? It looks like the doors will remain wide open in order to provide the replacements for those workers who will leave, and to provide growth in the economy, given current policies on both sides of politics.


Logen Ninefingers
25-05-2023, 04:07 PM
Life is sunnier for young working people across the ditch. It’s ok though, we just open the door further to workers from poorer countries.

I visited Waiheke Island recently from Auckland. Demographically, It was like stepping back to Auckland from about a generation ago (30 years). So what will be the changes in the next 30 years? It looks like the doors will remain wide open in order to provide the replacements for those workers who will leave, and to provide growth in the economy, given current policies on both sides of politics.


Life is sunnier for young working people across the ditch.


A higher standard of living for all I believe, no matter what your age is. The main objections I see from people reluctant to go is jingoistic mumbo jumbo + ‘I’m scared of snakes and spiders’. Weak sauce in other words.

25-05-2023, 04:58 PM
A higher standard of living for all I believe, no matter what your age is. The main objections I see from people reluctant to go is jingoistic mumbo jumbo + ‘I’m scared of snakes and spiders’. Weak sauce in other words.

Family and friends..

It's harder to leave pets behind though I would think, as they don't know what's happening :(

fungus pudding
25-05-2023, 05:08 PM
Life is sunnier for young working people across the ditch.


A higher standard of living for all I believe, no matter what your age is. The main objections I see from people reluctant to go is jingoistic mumbo jumbo + ‘I’m scared of snakes and spiders’. Weak sauce in other words.

I'm scared of the Strines.

25-05-2023, 06:17 PM
Family and friends..

It's harder to leave pets behind though I would think, as they don't know what's happening :(

sorry to hear that you got left behind ..

better put your application in for faster process to make it easier for a fast exit ticket soon then :)

25-05-2023, 07:17 PM
Life is sunnier for young working people across the ditch.


A higher standard of living for all I believe, no matter what your age is. The main objections I see from people reluctant to go is jingoistic mumbo jumbo + ‘I’m scared of snakes and spiders’. Weak sauce in other words.

So why don't you ?


26-05-2023, 04:49 AM
Family and friends..

It's harder to leave pets behind though I would think, as they don't know what's happening :(

Unless you have rats, pandas or ferrets as pets you can easily take them with you.

26-05-2023, 05:21 AM
sorry to hear that you got left behind ..

I'm too much of a half-breed/mutt.

Though being a half-breed I won't have any of the health issues so can live slightly longer to ponder things in that tiny brain of mine (mainly about food/walks).

26-05-2023, 11:05 AM
Police Minister Fill-in Gingerly Ginnys around the issue


Police Minister Ginny Andersen won’t rule out law tweak to address violent youth offenders

26-05-2023, 11:06 AM
I'm too much of a half-breed/mutt.

Though being a half-breed I won't have any of the health issues so can live slightly longer to ponder things in that tiny brain of mine (mainly about food/walks).

Hope the other half catches up at some stage so you get to feel whole again :)

26-05-2023, 11:19 AM

RBNZ confirms easing of mortgage lending restrictions

Just Orr-Some - now the RBNZ throw more higher cost petrol on the flames for those who dare ;)

26-05-2023, 11:28 AM

Google NZ pays $870m fee to US parent, books $78m local revenue

Now let's see how Nosey Parker & the huddle of clueless mates in a dozy Goon Showing interpret what's going on with this .. ;)

26-05-2023, 11:37 AM

HYPOCRISY - Environment Ministry CEO flying to Wellington once a week

350 Aotearoa climate campaigner Adam Currie said MfE is not doing what is needed to cut climate pollution.

“The real issue here is not one man’s flights - it’s MfE’s utter failure to boldly address the climate crisis with the depth and urgency required.

“MfE needs to be pulling all the meaningful levers it has on climate, hard.”

Climate Change Minister David Parker would not comment.

A bit of a Carbon hand palm moment - Parker ? or too busy being a Nosey Parker elsewhere ? ;)

26-05-2023, 11:47 AM
The Disinformation Project being further exposed for what they are: emotive Marxist activists with an "absence of verifiable evidence". Remembering they emerged from the Office of the PM under Ardern.
Retired judge Harvey who has a background being published in IT and legal issues hangs them out to dry. Not only their self identified motivations but also lack of research rigour.


Looks like the government is looking to hand them another 500k. The Disinformation Project's current funding is presently extremely opaque. Funny that.

This post earned me a bad rep and the associated comment from BlackPeter "pretty disgusting language ... is this really you?"

Now, I'm not sure what BlackPeter sees as disgusting language. Maybe he doesn't like to see the word Marxist in print? Kate Hannah has described herself as a Marxist feminist who engages emotionally with her research. It's all in the Platform clip in my post. What's your problem?

Logen Ninefingers
26-05-2023, 12:35 PM


‘The CEO of the Ministry for the Environment has come under fire for flying to Wellington once a week while the ministry advises New Zealanders to reduce the number of flights they’re taking to reduce emissions.

The Herald can reveal that the newly appointed Ministry for the Environment chief executive and secretary James Palmer is regularly travelling by air for his role in which he advises Government on environmental policy.’

26-05-2023, 01:57 PM


‘The CEO of the Ministry for the Environment has come under fire for flying to Wellington once a week while the ministry advises New Zealanders to reduce the number of flights they’re taking to reduce emissions.

The Herald can reveal that the newly appointed Ministry for the Environment chief executive and secretary James Palmer is regularly travelling by air for his role in which he advises Government on environmental policy.’

And most surprisingly, “Environment Minister David Parker would not comment.”

Hypocrisy, thou name is Labour Government.

26-05-2023, 04:48 PM

Bryce Wilkinson: Government profligacy is unkind and reckless

What sort of Deficits are being racked up ?

What levels of borrowing are projected to be racked up ?

Over how many households in NZ ?

Bryce Wilkinson appears to be right on the money over Labour's Economic Antics ;)

The current Government will be out to sell your parents & grandparents in effort to save
their miserable incompetent ideological backsides on road to nowhere for those still asleep ;)

The Comrades' communal efforts have already tipped what they started with up
against the wall and then Covid saw the souls of future generations mortgaged up high,
and they're still not finished digging the hole deeper .. who will they come after next ? ;)

How many still ahead on Wage increases, COL allowances and other hiked up bribes
after heavily increased interest rates, rents, Living Costs, Fuel etc etc in months to come
and due are deducted ? .. Probably very few if any at the hands of the current Parliamentary
Cheats & Halfwit BS Spinning Clowns :)

No doubt Ardern saw this coming too, before running away fast from the Labour
nightmare starting to engulf and manifest itself on the country ;)

How long will School Boy Hipkin's farce & Feel good antics continue to cover the growing pain and
shallow whitewash attempts on the hopeless mess this Govt are orchestrating with clearly no tangible
positive productive forward plan at hand ? ;)

26-05-2023, 05:36 PM
Is there nothing this government can get right?


"Three-quarters of the sector has now called for an urgent meeting with ministers, saying they wanted the policy reconsidered - believing it to be unworkable. That's because the number of 2-year-olds to educators was being funded at a ratio of one teacher to 10 children - a ratio the sector has said is "unsafe".

Wood's response?....it's been well received by parents.

The incompetency of this lot beggars belief.

26-05-2023, 05:47 PM
Is there nothing this government can get right?


"Three-quarters of the sector has now called for an urgent meeting with ministers, saying they wanted the policy reconsidered - believing it to be unworkable. That's because the number of 2-year-olds to educators was being funded at a ratio of one teacher to 10 children - a ratio the sector has said is "unsafe".

Wood's response?....it's been well received by parents.

The incompetency of this lot beggars belief.

The University Education Empire appears to be going equally well

2 if not 3 of the largest Universities not seeing enrollees, so laying off large numbers of staff

What happens with all this experienced Teaching talent once lost ?

Likely off elsewhere or offshore not to be seen again & difficult to replace in places when the time comes ?

The Tertiary Sector Mergers are obviously yet another Govt abortion of a Disaster where
the Control Room have lost touch (if they ever were) on regulation by a Govt that has
lost it's way and has repeatedly demonstrated Gross Incompetence on all that it touches :)

26-05-2023, 06:22 PM
Houses for All - Ardern's Flagship Rant appears to be working .. well ,, Not Very Well

Isn't her mate - Megan Wood now in charge of this Accommodation & Housing shambles, after Twyford
got flushed down the dunny ? ;)

And just who was a minister during that time ? .. so current Labour Leadership also own this one too ..


Homeless family of five sleeping in car in Taupō as temperatures plummet

A family of five, including a baby, are facing another miserable night in their car because they can’t find anywhere to live.

Erika Rahui, Nathan Chapman and their three children aged 4, 2 and 10 months, and their dog, had to move out of their Reporoa home two days ago after Nathan lost his job as a farm assistant and the house that went with it.

Erika said they had been searching for a new rental for the past month with no luck and had been in touch with Work and Income to try to arrange emergency housing, but had yet to be provided with a place to stay.

“It is just going around and around in circles and not going anywhere. They are all aware that the three children are in the car.”

She said it could be Monday before their case was reassessed.

The family slept in their Mitsubishi SUV on Thursday night, when the temperature dropped to 4C and it was expected to get down to 3C on Friday night.

This wont be an isolated example of reality out there either

26-05-2023, 06:33 PM

Consumer confidence falls flat, Kiwis slightly more hopeful

Not surprising Robbo's poor excuse for an Election year Fudget didn't even make the first hurdle and ORR-SOMES chasing imagined inflationary butterflies wont have helped a bar since

Consumer confidence is flat in May, with Kiwis still wary about the economy according to ANZ.

One-year-ahead consumers price index (CPI) inflation expectations fell back to 4.8 per cent, down from 5.2 per cent.

ANZ chief economist Sharon Zollner said CPI expectations are “finally interrupting what was starting to look like an upward trend”.

Zollner said the labour market remained tight and ongoing cost of living increases “continue to bite” Kiwis.

Not surprising that many may now be feeling badly screwed over by Labour ;)

26-05-2023, 06:37 PM
Houses for All - Ardern's Flagship Rant appears to be working .. well ,, Not Very Well

Isn't her mate - Megan Wood now in charge of this Accommodation & Housing shambles, after Twyford
got flushed down the dunny ? ;)

And Hipocrit was a minister during that time so current Labour Leadership also owns this one too ..


Homeless family of five sleeping in car in Taupō as temperatures plummet

This wont be an isolated example of reality out there either

Meanwhile Cindy pops up at the WHO talkfest saying "We aren't all well until we are all well" Who paid for her ticket? Who wrote her terrible BS script? Cindy who said people sleeping in cars was unacceptable. Now she is advocating handing our medical sovereignty to the WHO. Who paid her ticket?

Perhaps I can rephrase Ardern's scripted comment. WHO was foreseen by Orwell. Cindy is a character from Orwell.

27-05-2023, 09:55 AM
Anyone else notice that the wokest Police Chief in the world, Andrew Coster, has more or less disappeared from the scene and does not front any more these days?

Just like members of the Maori cabal (especially the ever sloppy looking Mahuta) have been asked to go into hiding until after the election, Coster has obviously been asked to hide his woke face as well.


Names given to Andrew Coster as crimes in NZ spiral ever higher and police rank & file joke about their chief :


"The Lantern"

"The Wokester"

27-05-2023, 10:53 AM
The rank and file can look forward to a pay freeze for 3 years (again) if humpty & robin get in.

National considers them public servants.

27-05-2023, 11:00 AM

Labour starts election-year Congress by taking aim at National and Act’s policies to raise Super age, cap KiwiSaver subsidies

Yeah Right & Labour's "Borrow Now Pay Later" Economic Policies make Hipkins & Robbo look like
right Easter Bunnies sitting in the sun melting away ;)

How many hundreds of Billions have these clueless Labour idiots burned in just 6 years with little to
show for it now ? :)

In October, the Country gets to decide how far it can kick the style of Economic Incompetence
which Labour have orchestrated on future generations..

27-05-2023, 11:11 AM
On the $5 prescription charge:

It shouldn't be going to me luxon says (another opportunity to brag about how rich he is) so that justifies abolishing it for everyone.

Luxon & dave don't seem to realise we have a public health system where services are supposed to be free and universal.

27-05-2023, 11:48 AM
On the $5 prescription charge:

It shouldn't be going to me luxon says (another opportunity to brag about how rich he is) so that justifies abolishing it for everyone.

Luxon & dave don't seem to realise we have a public health system where services are supposed to be free and universal.

If Labour can afford now to offer this for FREE - then why have they been taking it for the past 6 years ? ;)

Yet another shallow election year bribe from Clown Hipkins and Hapless Robbo to attempt to blind the gullable, that most will see straight through ;)

27-05-2023, 11:57 AM
On the $5 prescription charge:

It shouldn't be going to me luxon says (another opportunity to brag about how rich he is) so that justifies abolishing it for everyone.

Luxon & dave don't seem to realise we have a public health system where services are supposed to be free and universal.

Tell us about how Ryman should be doing a share buyback instead of a CR to prevent default, you ignoramus Labour Party peasant.

27-05-2023, 12:00 PM
Labour Government's advice on how the elderly should save energy/power to tackle cost of living crisis:


Shortening showers to five minutes. :t_up:


27-05-2023, 12:03 PM
Tell us about how Ryman should be doing a share buyback instead of a CR to prevent default, you ignoramus Labour Party peasant.

Tells us why you won't enter the stock picking competition where I have been privileged to feature in the top 25% each time for 2022/23.

27-05-2023, 12:05 PM
Tells us why you won't enter the stock picking competition where I have been privileged to feature in the top 25% each time for 2022/23.

He probably plays with real money, rather than play money :)

might be a while for your $5 Pharmacy fees saved to accumulate :)

27-05-2023, 12:06 PM
Tells us why you won't enter the stock picking competition where I have been privileged to feature in the top 25% each time for 2022/23.

Ignoramus peasant trying to divert attention away from Labour government's disasters - as highlighted by his peasant recommendation for Ryman to spend, spend and borrow until bankruptcy.

Once peasants, always peasants - that's the Labour government & their supporters.


27-05-2023, 12:18 PM

Labour commits to Super age and winter energy payment, Robertson taunts ‘Captain Cliché' Luxon

Poor Robbo "Pi&&ed it all up Against the Wall and Leave Most of NZ out in the Cold Fudget Failed Attempt"
now skidding around in clueless circles trying to divert attention from Labour's continuing Crisis of ongoing
Incompetent Disasters ;)

Labour - now the equivalent of the Flat Squashed Cushion Robbo has been parked up on, incapable
of any sort of meaningful bounce - as everyone sees straight through the shallow Clown spins :)

Peters might be back soon to reclaim the stolen Policies :)

Better check all the pencils and paperclips are present and accounted for when this lot get sausage rolled out ;)

27-05-2023, 12:18 PM
Remember her when you vote in October 2023 - the true face of the Labour Party : clueless, useless, incompetent, woke, racist and arrogant.


27-05-2023, 12:35 PM
Any vacancies with the Circus for soon departing Labour Talent ? ;)

Talent Available:

One wide eyed smiling Clown with moving head & open mouth - suitable for mounting on the Ball throwing Board. Has had previous experience gulping down sausage rolls :)
Often seen as confused, messing up the lines, widely rumoured to have been dumped headfirst into a swirling cesspit on a temporary assignment, after being outed opening his legs, whilst trying to scare a virus..

One former Finance Artform - suitable for Spinning the Prize Wheel as in a slow moving anchor exhibit, but the Superviser will need to be present to ensure the money is safely stowed away. Rumoured to have been pursued by imaginary Inflationary monsters and suffered repeated caning by Bank Manager for ongoing misdeeds ..

One Pot Hole specialist - often seen with eyes open so wide but known to be totally blind to most things near and far - a useful addition to the Opposum cage in Wildlife stand. Not known to be useful in any other area, including navigating any sort of Waka or map reading.


27-05-2023, 01:30 PM
Remember her when you vote in October 2023 - the true face of the Labour Party : clueless, useless, incompetent, woke, racist and arrogant.


Don't count your blessing so soon. There's a saying among the many voters in NZ 'once a Labour supporter.... always a Labour Party supporter'.

Scary eh?

27-05-2023, 01:42 PM
Don't count your blessing so soon. There's a saying among the many voters in NZ 'once a Labour supporter.... always a Labour Party supporter'.

Scary eh?

No blessing to be counted as it’s clear that a majority of NZers are easily swayed by false promises, spin, BS and sweet words (be kind) as long as these are articulated by a persuasive speaker like Cindy or whoever. That’s what they prefer over substance and competence from a less articulate but very capable speaker.

The blessing is that Australia has opened up the welcome mat and so young, bright, motivated and hard working NZers will continue to leave for the future of themselves and their families.

Watch NZ become the crime ridden & impoverished country that it is rapidly descending towards, populated by the hundreds of thousands of parasites & beneficiaries being bred by Labour.

And watch Australia slam the door shut when the parasites and beneficiaries attempt to cross the ditch when Labour & they have reduced NZ into a pathetic broken nation with no hope.

All up to the white middle class NZers to vote smart in October 2023, instead of their votes being split into insignificance vs the unified brown votes.

“Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give up those who don’t.” Labour, Robertson, Ardern & Hipkins.

27-05-2023, 02:10 PM

New Zealand to Australia: Kiwis enjoying Aussie mining jobs as industry revenues hit record high

Meanwhile on this side of the Tasman, in Labour & the Greens backwards focused cesspit of incompetent spinning Socialists on the take more, squander more, with nothing much to show in the end for it .. ;)

What was that about bridging the gap between OZ & NZ .. or are the Goons who spun it gone / hiding under their desks here now ? :)

27-05-2023, 02:38 PM

Bay of Plenty homeowners anticipate refixing mortgage rates

All happy Labour Campers eagerly awaiting being taken further to the Cleaner in Robbo & ORR-SOMES silly little
imaginary Inflationary games .. or maybe not ? ;)

27-05-2023, 02:46 PM

Commerce Commission’s reach into grocery fuelled by new money and staff

Doesn't seem to be working very well .. are they all still on extended training leave or haven't they worked
out what they are supposed to be doing yet ? :)

Wouldn't be surprising if ComCom were confronted with a jumble similar to what Mahuta and few other of the
Govt incompetents have dubious track record of producing, which is incomprehendible .. ;)

27-05-2023, 03:10 PM

Government's 2023 Budget underwhelming for business

OPINION: Businesses were underwhelmed with what the Budget offered up.

There was definitely nothing to get excited about, especially from a business point of view.

Hospitality New Zealand, which represents around 3000 mostly small businesses, said it was a disappointment with little in it for businesses of any size, and business accounting software giant Xero agreed.

Add in most of NZ, COL, Inflation, Mortgage borrowers Interest, a cooling economy, Increasing Unemployment coming


27-05-2023, 03:16 PM

'They should be in English': National to ditch te reo traffic signs

National does not support bilingual traffic signs in te reo and English, said its transport spokesperson, Simeon Brown.

“Signs need to be clear. We all speak English, and they should be in English. Place names are okay, but when it comes to important signs saying things like ‘Expressway’, they should be in English, as it’s going to be confusing if you add more words,” he said.

Brown made the comments in a public meeting on transport held in a town hall in Bethlehem, Tauranga, on Friday.

Also in attendance were Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell, local councillors and a large crowd of disgruntled road users.

An invitation to Woody "Pot Hole" Woodpecker's Going Away Bombfire Farewell Party coming up real soon ;)

27-05-2023, 06:33 PM

'They should be in English': National to ditch te reo traffic signs

An invitation to Woody "Pot Hole" Woodpecker's Going Away Bombfire Farewell Party coming up real soon ;)

I reckon he should just re sign...

28-05-2023, 12:00 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Labour is in a pickle over economy

Interesting comment:

Every Labour government in recent history has left the country in a worse financial position than when they took office. It's no surprise this time either except that Labour's out of control spending with absolutely zero benefits to kiwis has been multiple times worse than ever before. This Labour government have fuelled inflation and cost of living increases with their daft, high taxation, outdated socialist, state dependency policies.
A fiscally responsible National Act government is the only solution as has been the case numerous times in the past. The difference this time is the huge size of the problem money wasting Labour have created

Appears to be right on the money :)

Labour have gone to great lengths spouting copious BS on Wage Increases, COL Adjustments and
all the Lavish Squandering .. What they didn't tell all or even dare to - was that the extra would
be dished out in decimated Lower Valued Bills and None of the Faithful would be any better off, in fact
far worse off out of Labour's Money Go Round Circus - The gullable have all been deceived and now
are likely to be left paying the hefty price of trusting the current deficient floundering Labour mob :)

Of course Robbo is abandoning the financial strings of ship in October before the sh*t splatters
badly in his face as a consequence of some of the poorest financial stewardship in history ;)

28-05-2023, 06:12 PM
Election still best part of 5 months away ………the amount of ‘electioning’ crap in the media etc is nauseating

Can’t seem to avoid it

I’ll be the mad house by October at this rate

28-05-2023, 09:32 PM

PM Chris Hipkins reveals Labour’s $420m investment to make apprenticeship support permanent

Chippie - dont be a prize moron .. they may not be needed soon as the economic woes come home to bite hard
and the rest of NZ comes after you & your clueless mates wanting to bury their No. 8's in the nearest excuse for all the carnage ;)

News must be slow in arriving somewhere on the number of firms in some sectors going belly up of recent times - which means heaps of already experienced bods looking for a new spot .. who would be bothered with apprenticeships when there are plentiful skillsets with yonks of experience available ? ;)

Best open your legs and run for it Chippie .. it may not be a very kind farewell party with not many backers left that haven't woken up to the writing on the wall - You have blown it and everyone knows who got their mits on all the sausage rolls while many missed out :)

Any bets on the next lame desperate performance that the media will be sucking up from this clueless clown ? ;)

28-05-2023, 09:36 PM
Election still best part of 5 months away ………the amount of ‘electioning’ crap in the media etc is nauseating

Can’t seem to avoid it

I’ll be the mad house by October at this rate

You'll 'be the mad house' ? .. sounds like a new one :)

28-05-2023, 09:54 PM

Damien Grant: Chris Hipkins fails the moral and competence tests to be PM

OPINION: In his maiden speech, the 30-year-old Chris Hipkins reached across the Pacific for inspiration, quoting former US vice-president Hubert Humphrey: “…the moral test of a government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick and the needy.”

Consider those words and recall that it was the same gentlemen who played politics with Charlotte Bellis as she languished in Afghanistan, pregnant and abandoned by her government.

Consider those words and recall Hipkins was Minister of Covid 19 Response when hundreds of citizens were denied the chance to see their dying relatives in an ultimately futile attempt to prevent the virus entering our shores.

Damien Grant: Hipkins had achieved almost nothing by the time he entered Parliament, and in the 15 years since has left nought but a trail of mistakes and missed opportunities.

Hipkins was the Minister of Education from the start of this government until his ascension to Premier House, and under his guidance the only achievement has been his decision to close charter schools.

More was to come. Hipkins took 16 institutes of technology and polytechnics and forced them into one morass of dysfunction called Te Pukenga, that has managed to lose 10 percent of its student body and $63 million in 2022 alone, and asked the Crown for $330m to bail it out earlier this year.

The failure in that one portfolio should have ended his political career. He has demonstrated that he either cannot drive performance from the civil service, or he does not care what is happening in his portfolio.

Either would be disqualification for further promotion if the Government’s talent pool wasn’t as shallow as the fawning access-junkies of the parliamentary press gallery.

Then we come to Covid 19 and his central role in events.

Hipkins resolved we would be at the “front of the queue” when it came to getting the vaccine, then botched the ordering process.

In late 2020, in a report critical of aspects of the Covid response, Heather Simpson and Sir Brian Roche made a number of key recommendations, including the rapid introduction of saliva testing. Hipkins, the relevant minister, failed to sort this out and we were still groping around with the slow and expensive PSR tests nearly a year later.

28-05-2023, 11:07 PM

Damien Grant: Chris Hipkins fails the moral and competence tests to be PM

You may know all the short comings of Hipkins. The problem I see here in NZ is most people don't. They have short term memories, and are very gullible at accepting gov't hand outs. Basically the overall intelligence of NZ voters is not very high and do not be surprise if the Labour Party wins another term. This is the most scary aspect I can think of and proof that the newer post baby boom generations were brought up with poor education and standards. Yes because having the All Blacks win is all that matters.

Blue Skies
29-05-2023, 12:05 AM

Damien Grant: Chris Hipkins fails the moral and competence tests to be PM

Not sure if you realise who you're quoting but Damien Grant is just an Insolvency Practitioner who in the past has been in prison for 18 fraud, theft & conspiracy to defraud convictions, & never repaid his victims.
While we all believe in giving people second chances, & possibly his advice on insolvency issues might have some value, very few is any informed people would trust his moral pronouncements on other people.


Bill Smith
29-05-2023, 08:17 AM
And right in cue comes BS, the labour shill, attacking the man rather than his ideas. You won't try attacking Grant's post, because you can't.

Logen Ninefingers
29-05-2023, 08:21 AM
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/cost-of-living-debt-to-msd-balloons-to-24-billion-working-for-families-debt-rises-25-per-cent-in-a-year/3WEMZDRHMRHYFBBXDFLD7LD2JI/#:~:text=The%20MSD%20data%2C%20released%20to,taken %20directly%20out%20of%20benefits.

‘Debt to MSD balloons to $2.4 billion, Working for Families debt rises 25 per cent in a year.

The MSD data, released to the Green Party, showed as of March this year just under $2.4 billion was owed by nearly 600,000 people to the Government at an average of about $4000 each. This debt had to be repaid at an average of $16 a week - taken directly out of benefits.‘

29-05-2023, 09:37 AM
Not sure if you realise who you're quoting but Damien Grant is just an Insolvency Practitioner who in the past has been in prison for 18 fraud, theft & conspiracy to defraud convictions, & never repaid his victims.
While we all believe in giving people second chances, & possibly his advice on insolvency issues might have some value, very few is any informed people would trust his moral pronouncements on other people.


But give $3m to criminal maori gangs is fine, they can do no harm, because they are maori. Yea, right.

29-05-2023, 11:49 AM
Not sure if you realise who you're quoting but Damien Grant is just an Insolvency Practitioner who in the past has been in prison for 18 fraud, theft & conspiracy to defraud convictions, & never repaid his victims.
While we all believe in giving people second chances, & possibly his advice on insolvency issues might have some value, very few is any informed people would trust his moral pronouncements on other people.


Probably well qualified to educate this wayward clueless Government on the largescale errors of their policies ;)

You no-like, or is the Damage too far gone on the clues deficient trainwreck product that Labour have produced so far, and with further improvements to come if permitted - ignore and attack others instead ? :)

That's what the Country gets with a Labour Govt charading forth on little expertise and available talent pool as shallow as a birdbath on a hot summers day ;)

The Labour schoolboy talent have well and truly emptied the Lolly jar and are now on the next mission to pilfer
from any and everyone near and far, to continue more of the same incompetent tirade of destruction ;)

29-05-2023, 03:40 PM

Hawke’s Bay Hospital: Minister Carmel Sepuloni distances herself from statement about new facility

Carmel the Septic fill in for even more hopeless Davis made to look stupid on new hospitals and Jobseekers
doing the building ;)

Where did Labour dredge up this disconnected talent from and what qualified it for Deputy ? ;)

Who needs an opposition when Labour have this calibre of clueless spinning talent onboard as a No 2 :)

29-05-2023, 08:40 PM
And right in cue comes BS, the labour shill, attacking the man rather than his ideas. You won't try attacking Grant's post, because you can't.

No comment on the obvious shills NZTX and Logen Ninefingers given their multiple posts?


Bill Smith
29-05-2023, 10:03 PM
No comment on the obvious shills NZTX and Logen Ninefingers given their multiple posts?


Are you BS, or is BS too deficient to post for herself?

29-05-2023, 10:48 PM

Corrections urgently pulling ‘racist, offensive’ ads from Waikato buses after complaints

Northland's favourite pet talentpiece - Kelvinator's Ministry of Jail Massaging being offensive & racist ? ;)

Surely not :)

A few hundred thousand freshly vandalised Road Signs with new BS for the non readers coming up for similar treatment :)

Obviously a danger to all on the Road, due to having to halt to decipher the surplus lingo on 'WTF are we supposed to be going' before the latest lot of BS hit all the signage :)

29-05-2023, 10:51 PM
No comment on the obvious shills NZTX and Logen Ninefingers given their multiple posts?


Showing up blind now as well as looking stupid ? ;)

30-05-2023, 10:58 AM

Labour Party Congress: Energy for Chris Hipkins in election year but where were the new ideas?

No New Ideas ? :)

So all Stale, Past Sale Date Sausage Rolls .. ? ;)

Bet that went down well with all the boys & girls trying to decipher the words falling from Clown Chippie's Lips ;)

30-05-2023, 11:03 AM

Retail crime: $11m added to Fog Cannon Subsidy Scheme to help businesses

Labour want more fog, so no-one can actually see what little is being achieved on Retail Crime under this Govt ;)

Did anyone expect any better from this Government of incompetent serial spinners, under & non achievers ? ;)

30-05-2023, 11:10 AM
Back to the future for Andrew Coster, Woke 'Cuddles' Police Lantern Commissioner - police car chase to resume after number of criminals/car fleeing police increased 106% since 2020.


Chris Hipkins, ex Police Minister stated at the Labour Congress :

"We have come too far not to go further."

He means go backwards!


30-05-2023, 05:02 PM

Jan Tinetti referred to Privileges Committee for possible contempt

Education Minister Jan Tinetti has been referred to Parliament’s Privileges Committee by the Speaker and could be found in contempt of Parliament after she failed to correct a false statement she made in the House quickly enough.

Tinetti would be the first MP in 15 years to be found in contempt of Parliament. The most recent was Winston Peters.

The issue at the heart of the matter is that Tinetti told the House in February that she had no responsibility for the release of school attendance data.

She was told later that day by staff that this was an error, but only corrected the record on May 2 - 14 sitting days later. Parliament sat on February 23, when Tinetti could have corrected the answer.

Speaker Adrian Rurawhe told Parliament today he had referred the question to the Privileges Committee.

He said that a complaint had alleged that Tinetti had “deliberately misled the House by failing to correct a misleading statement at the earliest opportunity.

Another Labour Education Fill-in in trouble ;)

30-05-2023, 05:17 PM
Back to the future for Andrew Coster, Woke 'Cuddles' Police Lantern Commissioner - police car chase to resume after number of criminals/car fleeing police increased 106% since 2020.


Chris Hipkins, ex Police Minister stated at the Labour Congress :

"We have come too far not to go further."

He means go backwards!


I’m sure co-governance will solve all these problems.

Oh, I just wrote the next Tui advert. :)

30-05-2023, 05:49 PM

Jan Tinetti referred to Privileges Committee for possible contempt[/B]

Another Labour Education Fill-in in trouble ;)

Ex school principal (20 years as one) so one would have expected a very high level of integrity from her but alas, she has been taught by none other than Cindy, the Mistress of Spin and Chippie, Chip off the Ardern block.

To spin, bs and if necessary, lie.

Anything but the truth.

And she has a Master of Education from University of Canterbury, proving that even a ‘master’ can be taught by the mistress of spin. :t_up:


30-05-2023, 06:22 PM
More University Fail - Is this another part of the Tinetti & Fill-ins Reign ? :)


University apologises for 'unreasonable' must-pass test that more than half of engineering students failed

Acting executive dean of engineering Conan Fee told Stuff following the test: “No society wants bridges, dams, or other vital infrastructure that fail.”

Try swallowing this then -

“No society wants or expects to see Universities that fail on the obvious.”


30-05-2023, 06:56 PM
More University Fail - Is this another part of the Tinetti & Fill-ins Reign ? :)


University apologises for 'unreasonable' must-pass test that more than half of engineering students failed

Try swallowing this then -

“No society wants or expects to see Universities that fail on the obvious.”


This is of no surprise. When the NZCE has been thrown out the door and primary and secondary highschool education has changed their focus from academics, to more social cultural studies, you'll find that the quality of 1st year entrants at uni would be of very low quality.

I did my uni years in Canada. ALL OF THEM had strict minimum standards by requiring entrance exams. if you were not up to scratch, you had to enroll in addition 'basic studies' courses (English and Math) and if you failed those courses, you could not graduate. Some years ago a uni prof (at Canterbury Uni - who's a close friend of my cousin) told me that over the years the quality of students have eroded that many can't even write a paragraph. What it does is it 'cheapens' the quality of the university. If you can't do the basics like writing English, then you should not be at university at all. But then again i've never known any of the NZ Universities to be in the top ranking of universities around the world. So why are parents so hell bend on paying north of $40K/year on private school education ?

30-05-2023, 07:17 PM
Our Hospitals "are managing: - said Little and here is the result:


Death of pregnant woman with sepsis: Damning report into Palmerston North Hospital

Where is the Hapless Little hiding now - under the coat tails of the Defence Portfolio - probably asleep ;)

Who is the current Government talent piece excuse in charge of the Health Portfolio now ? ;)

30-05-2023, 09:58 PM

Labour and National in standoff over housing density

How's the Density reading on Govt Front benches in the Beehive going ? ;)

with one Clown face elevated recently and the goddess of 3 waters shot into the back cupboard ? :)

30-05-2023, 10:04 PM

How much you need to earn to avoid mortgage stress

House prices are still a long way from being at a sustainable level, and households have to earn well above the average income to avoid mortgage stress, according to an analysis by Canstar.

Canstar found Auckland households needed to earn $219,000 a year to be able to afford an average-priced house and keep up with repayments at current interest rates without going into mortgage stress.

“That is nearly $80,000 more than the average Auckland household income, meaning homeowners will either face mortgage stress or need to find a far bigger deposit,” Canstar noted.

Things were not much better at the national level, with the average household needing to earn $171,417 to avoid mortgage stress, which was more than $50,000 higher than average.

How are all Labour's rich plicks going .. perhaps being savaged every which way - wherever they look, as a consequence of entrusting Robbo, Ardern and now fill-in Clown Face at the helm for a certain unholy knifing of their personal finances ? ;)

Poor gullables .. they never knew when they were probably better off, before this clueless mob even reached Govt front benches :)

31-05-2023, 12:42 PM

MP Kiri Allan gives wrong speech on freedom camping bill in Parliament

Labour Cabinet Minister Kiri Allan read the wrong speech at the third reading of a freedom camping bill in Parliament last night.

She re-read almost word for word a speech given at the Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation bill’s second reading.

The bill is not Allan’s, but belongs to Tourism Minister Peeni Henare, who was not able to be in the House. Allan was roped in to speak on the bill at the last minute and Labour whips gave her the wrong speech to read.

National MPs Joseph Mooney and Simeon Brown spotted the error and noted Allan’s speech referred to potential changes that would be made to the bill in the Committee of the Whole Stage, which had already been and gone.

Allan told the Herald she was “handed the wrong speech”.

What a numbskull ;)

Why is this talent piece still even camping out in the Beehive ? ;)

31-05-2023, 12:45 PM

Teachers’ strike: Secondary teachers’ union says pay offer inadequate, strike action to resume

The secondary teachers’ union has told its members the latest pay offers from the Ministry of Education are inadequate.

The ministry made revised offers to primary, area and secondary school teachers on Tuesday which the Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) and the New Zealand Educational Institute Te Riu Roa (NZEI) shared with their members overnight.

The offers included identical pay deals - a lump sum payment of $4500 and three pay rises totalling between 11 per cent and more than 16 per cent by the end of next year.

Unlike the previous three-year offers, the new offers had a two-year term and provided the first pay rises in June and July rather than backdating them to December 2022.

The unions told their members the changes had allowed the ministry to “front-load” the offer to provide bigger pay rises and lump-sum payments at the start of the agreement.

Education sector still badly in chaos - probably know a weak Labour Beehive gaggle of incompetents ripe for the
plucking when they see it ;)

At least they have seen reality out across the nation - Many Labour Supporters still amongst them ? :)

Secondary teachers are a smart bunch

The rest of the Civil Service will be carefully watching for their opportunity to convert Robbo's wallet
threads into their own paydirt ..

31-05-2023, 12:50 PM
If you still believe the MSM doesn't serve as a mouthpiece for the government in this country have a read of this "fact checker" from Stuff that appears to deliberately misconstrue the proposed WHO Treaty and regulations.

It completely ignores the draft wording that repeatedly binds signatories to the wishes of the WHO. Stuff should be ashamed of itself and held to account.


31-05-2023, 12:52 PM

‘Outrageous’: $9m of Govt’s cyclone business support in Hawke’s Bay unspent and could be returned

Almost $9 million of the Government’s financial support for businesses affected by Cyclone Gabrielle in Hawke’s Bay, one of the hardest-hit regions, hasn’t been spent and could be returned to the Government.

The latest update from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) shows $21.5m of the $30.4m provided to the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce for distribution has been given to businesses, leaving about $8.8m.

While all other regions had spent almost their entire allocation, the remainder in Hawke’s Bay meant about 86 per cent of the roughly $74m contributed by the Government to support businesses affected by the cyclone and the Auckland floods had been distributed, almost four months after the severe weather events.

Meanwhile some of the worst affected have been declined, claims razored back or turned away in the region.

An absolute hopeless shambles on part of the local Agencies and facilitators in getting Support out to
those who have suffered most Loss - as has been a repeating theme reported in the local rag.

Ironically even HBRC have been declined reimbursement from Govt Response for large chunks
of Cyclone Repair expenditure .. The number of Labour B#ms holding the Cyclone Response
portfolio (including Nash) before replacement by another etc wont have helped in seeing nothing short of a shameful performance by Government on what has proved too little too late, poorly managed and still left wanting months after the event.

31-05-2023, 12:54 PM
Definition of a parrot : Kiri Allan but with no brain.


Mind boggling to think that she is the Minister of Justice.

No wonder she shot her mouth off at Her partner’s departure party - brainless parrot.

31-05-2023, 01:04 PM

Top scientist Mike Joy loses role at Victoria University

One of New Zealand’s best-known scientists says it’s “gutting” to have been made redundant in a top research role at Victoria University of Wellington, where a proposed cost-cutting restructure could lead to hundreds of job losses.

Freshwater ecologist Dr Mike Joy – known for bluntly speaking out over the state of our waterways, and the inaugural recipient of Universities New Zealand’s inaugural Critic and Conscience of Society Award – told the Herald he’d been given three months’ notice on Monday.

A pretty poor reflection on Govt's Education shambles, when this sort of thing is the result

Who is the incompetent Labour Numbskull overseeing Education portfolio ? ;)

Same portfolio that the Schoolboy Clown (now fill-in Leader) oversaw for how long and made a shambles of ? ;)

31-05-2023, 01:07 PM

Mike Hosking: Crime is out of control - Police Minister Ginny Andersen is a disgrace to the office

31-05-2023, 01:23 PM
Definition of a parrot : Kiri Allan but with no brain.


Mind boggling to think that she is the Minister of Justice.

No wonder she shot her mouth off at Her partner’s departure party - brainless parrot.


Parrot seeks advice on Cook Strait swimming lessons ;)

Associate Transport Minister Kiritapu Allan has requested preliminary advice from Maritime NZ on open water rescues in the Cook Strait.

fungus pudding
31-05-2023, 02:09 PM

Mike Hosking: Crime is out of control - Police Minister Ginny Andersen is a disgrace to the office

Not much point in posting locked article. Why not copy and post the script?

31-05-2023, 05:55 PM
Not much point in posting locked article. Why not copy and post the script?

that's all I can see - like you :)

01-06-2023, 01:18 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle: 700 homes unliveable, 10,000 need flood protection - Govt and councils to offer voluntary buyout

Grunt find another hidden billion under his cushion

No AI working or needed - it probably wont compute on Grunt's old Lappy anyway :)

The real cost / loss probably a multiple of a lonely stray rudely squashed billion in real terms ..

01-06-2023, 01:26 PM

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta puts Pacific in the spotlight, raises concerns over Taiwan Strait tensions

Just imagine what could have resulted if AI could have been plugged into one of the Treaty provisions
and what it could have done here ;)

01-06-2023, 02:43 PM

Army gets new $100m Bushmaster fleet as resignation requests dip after pay bump

Despite being seen here behind the wheel, Defence Minister Andrew Little was not allowed to drive the Bushmaster vehicle

One too many Duck-ups and Largescale failures on the card already, so not much of a Master - Andy ? ;)

Word must have spread about past adventures at Piker's River, the NZ Health Trainwreck and other deeds
before being dumped out of these or shuffled quietly sideways - A Little too difficult for someone ? :)

Might have to make do with hiding behind a Bush instead and hope to not get run over while peacefully
dreaming away in Lala-Land ;)

01-06-2023, 02:49 PM

‘Funky smell’ in Wellington nothing to worry about, council says

Funny, but some are suggesting it might be a stink coming out of the Beehive on not enough Sausage Rolls
dished out with Robbo's most recent Fudget it Up attempt ;)

01-06-2023, 06:09 PM
The Government of Cover-ups and Spin in full cry : PM office knew about ex-principal now Minister of Education Jan Tinetti holding up and covering up information :


Face of a trained Cover-Up Artist and Incompetent Labour Stooge :


02-06-2023, 01:06 PM

Matthew Hooton: Chris Hipkins’ image fraying at the seams as Jan Tinetti hauled before Parliament’s privileges committee

As everyone might guess - Clown Face still has confidence in her .. but then some might think he would still have confidence in any old burnt stale sausage roll .. well he would have to based on the deficient state of the talent pool ;)

02-06-2023, 01:30 PM

'Putin's chef' confirms plans for Chatham Islands in cryptic email to Stuff

And how would you like Chatham Island Crayfish cooked - Mr Little ? ;)

In a defensive sleeping position (like yourself most of the time) or with the deep fried guts blown out several
thousand kilometres away ? ;)

Your vast experience gained in Pikers River Cave and in Kiwi Hospitals should be of great value in protecting
us from a rough Russian Galley Cook used to dealing up all sorts of putrid fares now eyeing our Chathams ;)

02-06-2023, 01:44 PM
We already have enough “hair barren” people in opposition. We dont need an outpost for one of them on the Chathams.

Man the battlements !

02-06-2023, 06:35 PM
The Police are testing electic vehicles.

Will they get to lay any more charges, or just go power crazy?

02-06-2023, 06:42 PM
The Police are testing electic vehicles.

Will they get to lay any more charges, or just go power crazy?
This shouldn’t be a shock to you .

02-06-2023, 06:44 PM
This shouldn’t be a shock to you .

They will probably assault a battery...

02-06-2023, 06:53 PM
They will probably assault a battery...

With all the crimes lately, let's not have it become another shocking case of high-voltage resistence arrest.

02-06-2023, 06:58 PM
With all the crimes lately, let's not have it become another shocking case of high-voltage resistence arrest.

They are getting so amped up, to the point of being revolting.

02-06-2023, 07:28 PM
The Platform's Sean Plunket and David Seymour discussing Labour's various plans to impose its ideology and control society, from free speech, to media to lawyers. Legacy media appear to be waking up to the monster they have helped create as the cancel culture is turned upon them. (go figure)


Ardern spawned a cabal of ideological control freaks who fail to realise that the horrendous powers they seek for the State can be used against them the minute they are out of power. The control they seek is totalitarian, no other word for it.

02-06-2023, 09:23 PM
Ex-principal - Minister of Education Jan Tinetti a woman with no principles:


02-06-2023, 10:09 PM
A spokesperson for the Electoral Commission said it was only one of three referrals it made to police in about social media content on election day.

Do we know who were the other two?

02-06-2023, 10:20 PM
Ex-principal - Minister of Education Jan Tinetti a woman with no principles:


Wonder how Clown Face's confidence levels in his replacement in the Portfolio are faring now ? ;)

Sounds like Labour have an excess of ex Principals displaying excessive lack of principles

It's disgusting to think that this talent has been teaching up and coming Kiwi's on what is coming out now.

Can Labour descend any further into the gutter ? ;)

Meanwhile sectors of the teaching fraternity are striking under Hipkin's leadership of the rocky goon show :)

02-06-2023, 10:36 PM

Minister commits to investigate sector’s concerns with Govt’s $1.2b childcare policy

Associate Education Minister Jo Luxton is reportedly looking into the possibility of an independent review of early childhood education funding and the sector’s concerns about the Government’s $1.2 billion expansion to 20-hours-free childcare.

It comes after almost the entire ECE sector signed a letter to Luxton and Education Minister Jan Tinetti, saying Budget 2023′s flagship policy to extend 20-hours free childcare per week to 2-year-olds is completely unworkable and will degrade the quality of childcare, limit the stock of educators and increase the hundreds of services shutting up shop in recent years.

Luxton hosted nine ECE providers at Parliament yesterday and heard from each about their concerns about the policy. Tinetti was supposed to attend but didn’t. It was understood another engagement ran late and she could not make the meeting.

The sector’s problems with the policy centred around the funding for the 20-hours-free being based on a 1:10 teacher to child ratio. Many childcare centres operate at ratios between 1:4 to 1:8, which was a target of the Early Learning Action Plan 2019-2029.

Tinetti's sidekick to investigate earlier Govt ECE Co#kup ;)

Who stuffed up ?

Who didn't do their homework on ECE's ?

Could Tinetti be on the hook again over this ECE job not well done ?

20 Hour's Free poorly executed ECE about to leave more Egg on Hipkin's smiling face ? ;)

Wonder why the smarter operators in the ECE Sector have departed the NZ Sector long since ? :)

It looks like Robbo's scantily thrown together Free Budget is starting to unravel badly .. didn't take long..

02-06-2023, 10:46 PM

Govt’s red-sticker buyout scheme: Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson confused over ‘funding split’

Auckland’s deputy mayor has expressed confusion over who will foot the bill for about 700 red-stickered homes the Government yesterday announced will be voluntarily bought out - describing it as an extra burden on the council’s already dire finances.

Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson last night told the Herald Auckland Council “didn’t know” how the estimated $1 billion price tag for the buyout would be split between the Government and local councils.

“If you say it’s 400 [Auckland homes] times $1.2 million, give-or-take just like the average house price, you’re talking half a billion dollars,” Simpson said.

“This could cost us a lot. We don’t know what the split is between the taxpayer, the ratepayer and the homeowner themselves.

Ignoramous Gobbo Robbo's $1 billion buck find to buy out worst of cycloned plots seems to have landed in the thick sticky muck of much Local Govt confusion :)

No-one seems to know how it's supposed to work .. Robbo probably doesn't know himself either

All Smoke, Mirrors & thick clouds of BS - Robbo as countdown to your final days in the seat draw closer ;)

03-06-2023, 11:23 AM

New poll on crime and safety shows New Zealanders feel less safe today than five years ago

04-06-2023, 03:41 PM

Rumours grow after farming Minister tackles fertiliser tax

Agricultural Minister Damien O'Connor refused to rule out a tax on fertilisers, sparking speculation of a Government U-turn on farming.

Labour has planned to charge farms for their greenhouse gas emissions from 2025, with the money recycled to reward agribusinesses introducing carbon-cutting tech and trees.

This would take the form of levies on methane and nitrous oxide.

But Damien - just look to your left and right - far more dangerous Methane & Nitrous Oxide is being
exhaled by your own mates on the Govt Front benches .. shouldn't you rein in these clueless oxygen
wasting lifeforms first ? ;)

04-06-2023, 03:59 PM

Labour's Kiri Allan to the Watermelon Munchers - We dont smell or see any Oil ;)

A Northland shipwreck has been labelled an environmental time bomb - so why is the Government refusing to act?

In April, 20 people gathered in an Auckland office, some shaking hands with new acquaintances, some nodding at old friends, some beaming in by Zoom.

Some were lured by the scent of sunken treasure, some by the prospect of an extreme technical challenge, all had ecological disaster on their minds.

They’d come together to discuss a shipwreck lying off Northland’s east coast, its hull corroding millimetre by millimetre, year by year; its hulk swept by storms and snagged by trawler nets; five gold ingots from its cargo still somewhere within it.

For 83 years, the steel encasing the RMS Niagara’s fuel tanks had been gnawed at to the point their collapse was imminent.

With that came the risk of its oil spilling and coating areas including the Poor Knights and Goat Island marine reserves; Little Barrier Island, and Hen and Chicken Islands nature reserves; and even Great Barrier and Waiheke Islands – a risk so high that the Hauraki Gulf Forum’s chief executive, Alex Rogers, decided someone had to do something.

So he organised the meeting, where concerns could coalesce, with the aim of sparking action on the looming catastrophe of the Niagara.

Because nobody else seemed to give a sh!t.

Seemingly ignoring firsthand reports of leaks, it argued the oil had virtually solidified in the cold temperatures below 100m, or had dissipated.

In 2005, while claiming incorrectly that the wreck had almost disintegrated, a Maritime NZ spokesperson put the threat to the environment as “very low-key, if at all”.

But at the same time, Maritime NZ admitted it hadn’t examined the wreck, and actually had no idea how much oil remained on board.

The Niagara had capacity for over 4300 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, and likely had close to that when it left Auckland, some of which spilt when it sank, covering local beaches.

More was discharged when salvage crews recovering the gold used explosives to access the strongroom.

In September 2018, a Maritime NZ report to associate transport minister Julie Anne Genter and conservation minister Eugenie Sage recommended a comprehensive underwater survey and environmental risk analysis be carried out

Genter and Sage twice put in Budget bids to fund this work.

Both were turned down by senior ministers.

So nothing happened, leaving nobody any wiser about the wreck’s condition, or the threat of an oil spill.

Associate transport minister Kiritapu Allan has responsibility for the Niagara shipwreck. She was previously also conservation minister.

Nyree Manuel, the Northland Conservation Board’s chairperson, says authorities are playing Russian roulette with the disintegrating Niagara.

“We’re dodging bullets, mate.”

She wants an explanation from new conservation minister and Northland MP Willow-Jean Prime why the government isn’t acting, and has already begun discussions with her.

“Which is more than the kōrero we did not get with our last minister, Kiritapu (Allan).”

Gosh .. a mere $5 million to determine & fix it - compared to the Billions Robbo has been throwing around
wastefully willy nilly like there is no tomorrow .. ;)

“We have a 100-year-old vessel that’s been sitting on the bottom of the ocean for 80-odd years.

“It’s a tin can. It’s rusting away. And it will haemorrhage.

“It’s going to take very, very little to burst this thing open - and then we have an ecological disaster.”

04-06-2023, 04:06 PM

Labour's $327 million climate policy that will save little carbon

Nelson Hospital’s coal boilers each puff out more carbon than will be saved by the Government’s $327.4 million proposal to make public transport cheaper.

Free public transport for under-13s and half-priced fares for under-25s and Total Mobility cardholders will prevent between 625 and 3825 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, according to the Ministry of Transport. (The two boilers burn up to 4000 tonnes of coal annually, producing about 9000 tonnes of emissions in total.)

Of all the Budget spending announcements, just one could significantly benefit the environment: $300m provided to the Green Investment Finance, a bank investing in companies’ emissions-cutting efforts.

Economist Eric Crampton criticised the spending, calling it “a grab-bag of subsidies”.

Hey Meathead Robbo - don't your windows face out towards Nelson ? ;)

Looks like your recent shallow Fudget Duckup is further fraying badly around the edges :)

Budget 2023 spent $1.7 billion from the proceeds of carbon penalties, paid by polluters and consumers. The funded policies would collectively prevent 4.3m tonnes of emissions entering the atmosphere.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins did not comment on the spending announcements. His office referred Stuff to Climate Minister James Shaw who passed questions to Finance Minister Grant Robertson.

And the expected School Boy Clown Face pass-the-buck shuffle .. :)

04-06-2023, 04:17 PM

PM Chris Hipkins strolls down memory lane before being grilled by Otago students

Dozens of protesters angry over proposed cuts to the University of Otago awaited Prime Minister Chris Hipkins on his visit to Dunedin.

‘’We thought Labour supported universities,’’ was the chant as the former education minister was ushered to speak to hundreds of students at a forum organised by the Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA).

On Friday, Hipkins acknowledged the impact of rising living costs and declining enrolments on students, but also the uncertainty facing staff at the tertiary institution, where hundreds of jobs could be cut due to a $60million deficit.

‘’Why can’t you just fix it?’’ asked one student.

Sounds like those Students didn't like the Clown Face BS, History lesson & Rolls tossed at them - Chippie ;)

They might be more awake to reality, while the clueless Chippie continues a sleep walk to Political oblivion :)

05-06-2023, 10:42 AM

US promises bolstered alliances to deter China, NZ left off the list

Austin did not mention New Zealand in the long list of countries he spoke about throughout the speech – an omission noticed by the New Zealand delegation in attendance.

He said there the US would increase military planning and co-operation with partners across the East and South China Seas, and the Indian Oceans.

“That includes staunch allies such as Australia, Japan, Republic of Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand. It includes as well such valued partners as India, Indonesia, Vietnam.”

“We’re working with our Pacific partners to combat illegal and unregulated and unreported fishing,” he said.

Uncle Sam seems to be giving Labour's Dippy Clown Face & 'Hide Behind Me' Little Andy the One Finger salute ;)

05-06-2023, 10:55 AM

... Dame Jacinda Ardern recognised in King Charles Birthday and Coronation Honours

Looks like poor old Charlie has screwed up a bit .. the Dame might be better substituted with "Dim" 'Dismal" or 'Dizzy' .. a bit of AI needed - old boy ? ;)

Obviously the Queen's notebook hasn't been passed down & HRH QE II probably saw straight through the shallow spin being generated to what was actually being achieved on local turf in contrast ;)

On this basis, all those in regions off their own bats on Cyclone Rescues & the Homeless for having suffered as a consequence of "Nothing Happening" should all be awarded higher Medals :)

05-06-2023, 11:57 AM
From OZ:


Wages rise but sorry, you're probably still going backwards

Inflation means only rare workers are getting ahead, despite award wage boost

A lesson for Labour & NZ's fans of Labour here ;)

05-06-2023, 12:29 PM
From Australia:


What is the PwC tax scandal?

In the meantime, more details will continue to come to light through Senate Estimates hearings, the inquiry into the government's use of consulting firms, and media reporting.

Many PwC clients are evaluating their relationship with the consulting firm — especially the federal government and its slew of departments.

But given the scale of the operation and how many questions remain unanswered, the investigation into the PwC scandal has only just begun.

NZ Govt & Local Government must feature on Consulting Client lists here too ? ;)

With the shallow depth of Govt Front bench talent akin to that of a Bird bath on a hot day, without Large Consulting firms contracted in - Labour would have long ago gone sailing down the stream upside down bumping their heads on the bottom :)

Perhaps Labour need to come clean on the extent of Consulting Contracts to these large firms and the level of Total Cost relating to each and every large consulting contract ? ;)

05-06-2023, 01:31 PM
Ardern's desire to control the narrative and be the "source of truth", continued in her connection to her Harvard "studies" appears to be contagious.
The UK are heading down the same track. Hard to know who infected who. Or should that be WHO, where Ardern turned up recently for a scripted photo-op.


05-06-2023, 05:56 PM

Cinders a dame?

What's next?

Robbo a queen?

06-06-2023, 09:13 AM
"Everything they've touched they've fu$ked", and it still goes on every day !

fungus pudding
06-06-2023, 01:13 PM
"Everything they've touched they've fu$ked", and it still goes on every day !

At least they managed to turn a ¢ into a $.

06-06-2023, 01:18 PM

Chris Hipkins refuses to say whether he will sack Michael Wood over Auckland Airport shares

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins will sit down with Transport Minister Michael Wood today to decide whether Wood should lose his ministerial portfolios over failing to properly disclose shares owned in Auckland Airport.

Hipkins said he would give an update on Wood’s future at his post-Cabinet press conference at 4pm today.

“I haven’t had a chance to sit down with him for a conversation. I’m going to do that before making any judgement on it - I’m going to be doing that this morning,” Hipkins said.

“As I have indicated I want to sit down with Michael and have a conversation about it - I will answer further questions about it this afternoon,” he said.

Hipkins said the situation was “certainly not helpful, but I’m going to have a conversation with him about it”.

National leader Christopher Luxon said Wood’s position was becoming “pretty untenable”.

Luxon said Wood should have been suspended when Hipkins found out about the shares on Friday.

Woody Woodpecker get's potholed after copping a Chipshot ;)

Brilliant - Clown Face .. keep this up & the front bench will be bare aside from the sight of
Mahuta's sorry painted up chassis being wheeled back in ;)

On Tuesday, the Herald revealed Wood owned about 1530 shares in the airport, worth about $13,000 at the current share price. He is currently in the process of selling the shares.

Wood has owned the shares since he was a teenager and should have declared them in each one of his pecuniary interest statements since becoming an MP.

Instead, they were only declared in January 2022. Wood said he had initially believed they were held inside a trust, which he did declare.

He said he declared the shares properly once he became aware they were not held inside a trust. Once it became clear they were not held in a trust, Wood said he declared them appropriately.

He said the shares were declared to the Cabinet Office shortly after he became a minister in 2020. Wood did not go back and correct previous pecuniary interest declarations, which he should have.

The issue is complicated by the fact that for more than a year after November 2020, Wood was the minister in charge of the aviation sector. Responsibility for that sector was handed over to an associate minister in 2021.

Wood said that he had tried to sell the shares in his first year as a minister.

What's the sound of an outed Woody Woodpecker furiously trying to wriggle ? ;)

Would you trust this fellow ? ;)

06-06-2023, 01:40 PM
If Hippocritter looks over his cabinet, he will see a river of filth, and lies.

06-06-2023, 01:43 PM
If Hippocritter looks over his cabinet, he will see a river of filth, and lies.

It will probably take more than a dab of Lipstick to paint over this incompetent clueless bunch come October ;)

No amount of polishing is likely to bring back any shine .. and the shuffling clown has probably lost his balls ;)

06-06-2023, 01:43 PM
If Hippocritter looks over his cabinet, he will see a river of filth, and lies.

Getty, You cannot call toyboy that !!

06-06-2023, 01:51 PM

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment blocks AI technology from staff use

That's okay - the Beehive Masters appear to be missing slightest shadow of intelligence, so it would be lost on them ;)

06-06-2023, 01:57 PM
Fuel about to get taxed up the Wall plus some


Newsable: Why petrol prices could be about to pump right up

Pain at the pump could be on the cusp of getting a lot worse, after the OPEC+ alliance agreed to continue cutting oil production.

OPEC+ is the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries – an intergovernmental organisation made up of some of the world’s leading oil-producing companies.

Saudi Arabia, the group’s chair, announced it will be slashing output by an additional one million barrels a day for at least a month later this year, in a bid to combat declining crude oil prices – something previous cuts have not managed to turn around.

And then Labour's Tax Cut reversal hits at full force very soon ;)

Enjoy all the coming extra FUEL PAIN folks - with love from your Trustworthy Labour Govt incompetents ;)

and guess what - following this, everything else bounces up in price and the finale will be that Gobbo Robbo & Adrian ORR-SOME get to play another round of chasing imaginary Inflation beasties around the room ;)

Now Just who winds up on the gruesome paying end of these silly little price spiral games ? :)

06-06-2023, 02:08 PM

'Brain drain' to Australia increases 42% in three months

Last of the Brain Dept out - put the plug back in the bath to keep any of the Lesser escaping :)

06-06-2023, 02:20 PM

'Brain drain' to Australia increases 42% in three months

Last of the Brain Dept out - put the plug back in the bath to keep any of the Lesser escaping :)

It's the working class mostly as those with skills could get citizenship before.

We need to start raising wages & restricting migration here (which will encourage investment in productivity)

The govt is only interested in one and the opposition neither.

06-06-2023, 05:57 PM
IT's the working class mostly as those with skills could get citizenship before.

We need to start raising wages & restricting migration here (which will encourage investment in productivity)

The govt is only interested in one and the opposition neither.

When the Workers start deserting NZ for Aussie - then that's clear sign of how much confidence they have in Labour's Comedy Goon show in progress here. Writing on the wall for all to see ;)

Raising of Wages requires increase in productivity & Confidence - neither of which this trainwreck of a deceitful money grabbing squandering excuse for a Govt is likely to foster any time soon.. ;)

As with previous Labour Governments - expect just one thing .. a trail of economic destruction :)

Once the the 16% hijacking the regime and Clown Face's puppetmasters wake up - expect Labour to be
gutted back to a shell, as all start realising they have nothing further to gain .. Ardern woke up to what
was going on and coming up ;)

06-06-2023, 06:06 PM

PM: Michael Wood was asked six times to ditch Auckland Airport shares, explanation not ‘adequate’

Gone by Lunchtime tomorrow or no-one available to replace the incompetent A-Hole with - Clown Face ? ;)

06-06-2023, 06:34 PM

PM: Michael Wood was asked six times to ditch Auckland Airport shares, explanation not ‘adequate’

Gone by Lunchtime tomorrow or no-one available to replace the incompetent A-Hole with - Clown Face ? ;)

He will sell his pitiful number of shares and be re-instated before the week is out. This will very quickly not be news. Labour can't afford to lose him, Hipkins especially.

06-06-2023, 06:45 PM
He will sell his pitiful number of shares and be re-instated before the week is out. This will very quickly not be news. Labour can't afford to lose him, Hipkins especially.

The most "open and honest" Government ever. He lied about this until 2021 when lodging his interests with Parliament, for several years. Also lies to this day on why he hasn't sold them despite being asked to on multiple occasions. But no consequences.

07-06-2023, 02:56 AM
The most "open and honest" Government ever. He lied about this until 2021 when lodging his interests with Parliament, for several years. Also lies to this day on why he hasn't sold them despite being asked to on multiple occasions. But no consequences.

And now his wife, an Auckland Councillor, has been caught our lying as well. Claiming not to be aware of the things the Trust owns, while admitting both of them are Trustees and Beneficiaries, makes it even worse. They should both resign from their public positions. This is not an innocent mistake. They are barefaced lies.

07-06-2023, 07:29 AM
I think all this Maori promotion stuff has been a huge own goal.

Te Pati Maori is now at 4%.. whoops the pandering didn't work. Then it turns off the centre voters.. a double hit.

Labour could still be at 40% or more.

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 08:13 AM
It's the working class mostly as those with skills could get citizenship before.

We need to start raising wages & restricting migration here (which will encourage investment in productivity)

The govt is only interested in one and the opposition neither.

We need to start raising wages & restricting migration here (which will encourage investment in productivity)


You can raise wages by restricting immigration. A tighter labour market is what raises wages, not diktat by the state.

07-06-2023, 08:16 AM
I think all this Maori promotion stuff has been a huge own goal.

Te Pati Maori is now at 4%.. whoops the pandering didn't work. Then it turns off the centre voters.. a double hit.

Labour could still be at 40% or more.

Totally agree. I know many center left voters that think there has been over reach in this area, particularly co-governance which undermines democracy.

07-06-2023, 08:23 AM
Chippie better not be counting his sausage rolls before they are cooked.

NZ has a history of dumping Prime Ministers that inherited the position rather than being elected.

Bill Rowling, Mike Moore, Jenny Shipley & Bill English come to mind. The latter being a little unlucky.

07-06-2023, 08:30 AM
Chippie better not be counting his sausage rolls before they are cooked.

NZ has a history of dumping Prime Ministers that inherited the position rather than being elected.

Bill Rowling, Mike Moore, Jenny Shipley & Bill English come to mind. The latter being a little unlucky.
This bill english?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_New_Zealand_general_election#:~:text=The%2020 02%20New%20Zealand%20general,by%20the%20opposition %20National%20Party.

All have no charisma so would struggle getting elected to a school board if it came to a vote. Luxon and Dave make chippie look like Cicero.

I want Winnie back in there though to actually give all sides hell and provide a centrist alternative.

07-06-2023, 08:37 AM
This bill english?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_New_Zealand_general_election#:~:text=The%2020 02%20New%20Zealand%20general,by%20the%20opposition %20National%20Party.

All have no charisma so would stuggle getting elected to a school board. Luxon and Dave make chippie look like cicero.

I want winnie back in there though to actually give all sides hell and a provide a centrist alternative.

Yep, I wasn't a fan but he was unlucky as he got by far the largest percentage of the vote & it was Winnie's revenge that handed the election to Labour.

In hindsight, English had far more credibility than the current mob on either side of the fence.

Winnie seems very quiet either Shane Jones far more vocal. Is he timing his run or is this one election too far?

07-06-2023, 11:47 AM
Any bets on who the next Government Ministerial Talent piece will be for some Soft Chips treatment
or was that being struck off the list for burnt and unsaleable sausage rolls ? ;)

Been quite a queue of these incompetent excuses on Govt Benches of late requiring Clown Face
Sausage Roll Crisis Management :)

The ongoing Crisis hits appear to have been brought home to within Party ranks by Chippie .. probably
where it has been all the way along, even under the former Lippie & Spin Mistress before the mirror
broke and smoke lifted :)

Out of all this Chippie in the eyes of most is probably left looking like a bit of squashed sausage roll :)

It'd debatable whether Robbo's Budget Flop - akin to trying to raid the Money Box only to find that it's already been raided on multiple previous occasions with only a few coins left over, so there is a rattle .. comes up to the low level of Chippie's honeymoon that wasn't a honeymoon and only saw a Clown scampering away out the side door after, in comparison :)

07-06-2023, 11:49 AM
When the Workers start deserting NZ for Aussie - then that's clear sign of how much confidence they have in Labour's Comedy Goon show in progress here. Writing on the wall for all to see ;)

Raising of Wages requires increase in productivity & Confidence - neither of which this trainwreck of a deceitful money grabbing squandering excuse for a Govt is likely to foster any time soon.. ;)

As with previous Labour Governments - expect just one thing .. a trail of economic destruction :)

Once the the 16% hijacking the regime and Clown Face's puppetmasters wake up - expect Labour to be
gutted back to a shell, as all start realising they have nothing further to gain .. Ardern woke up to what
was going on and coming up ;)

Hi NZTX, just listening to RNZ & apparently in the first 3 years of Key's government 2.5 times the amount of Kiwis left than have left in the last three years here. Obviously borders were closed for some of that time, but perhaps it just feels worse as for a time recently that it was just people leaving and very little immigration.
I would still prefer we hang on to our own as much as possible.

fungus pudding
07-06-2023, 11:50 AM
Hi NZTX, just listening to RNZ & apparently in the first 3 years of Key's government 2.5 times the amount of Kiwis left than have left in the last three years here. Obviously borders were closed for some of that time, but perhaps it just feels worse as for a time recently that it was just people leaving and very little immigration.
I would still prefer we hang on to our own as much as possible.

What on earth is 'an amount of kiwis'?

07-06-2023, 12:03 PM
Everything is a commodity to me Fungus. 😅

I believe the correct terminology for more than one Kiwi is a tribe.

07-06-2023, 12:13 PM
Hi NZTX, just listening to RNZ & apparently in the first 3 years of Key's government 2.5 times the amount of Kiwis left than have left in the last three years here. Obviously borders were closed for some of that time, but perhaps it just feels worse as for a time recently that it was just people leaving and very little immigration.
I would still prefer we hang on to our own as much as possible.

Let's face it the ones leaving now must clearly be all those who recognise that Labour have flushed the economy and their future prospects down the toilet ;)

Never have a Govt managed to pull off economic destruction to levels seen under the current clueless mob ..

The only bounce likely under the current Labour Government might be what will be seen when their b*ms bounce down the road enmasse on the way out after being rejected by Joe Public as consequences of the wholesale mess this Govt have orchestrated ;)

Let's not make excuses to try to cover what Labour in recent terms under Ardern & now Chippie have failed to deliver on .. let's say almost everything they touched has resulted in a shambles, failure or mess ;)

Joe Public doesn't need to look far to determine what is or isn't a Labour attempt to 'cover backsides' for a fail, non deliver, incompetence, ignorance .. ;)

07-06-2023, 12:18 PM
Let's face it the ones leaving now must clearly be all those who recognise that Labour have flushed the economy and their future prospects down the toilet ;)

Or because Australia has changed it's migration laws.

Get in quick before some try to change the status quo to trap NZers here on low wages, at the direction of various secret meetings of "rich pricks" in the central Auckland cbd.

07-06-2023, 12:19 PM
Let's face it the ones leaving now must clearly be all those who recognise that Labour have flushed the economy and
their future prospects down the toilet ;)

The only bounce likely under the current Labour Government might be what will be seen when their b*ms bonce down the
road enmasse on the way out after being rejected by Joe Public as reward for the wholesale mess this Govt have orchestrated ;)

I'm sure there is some of that, in fact we know there is some of that, but there was always going to be pent up demand for off-shore opportunities post the pandemic so it's hardly surprising.

It's hardly a new thing, Kiwis leaving for higher wages in Australia. In the commodities boom around 2010 - 12 period I use to visit Perth regularly for work & there were reports of a 1000 people arriving a week into WA alone, to fill all the highly paid resources sector jobs. I remember a Maccas managers job in some far flung mining town being offered $150K per year & a free house!

07-06-2023, 12:21 PM
Everything is a commodity to me Fungus. ��

I believe the correct terminology for more than one Kiwi is a tribe.

You should have no problem then working out the commodities missing with the current Govt talent pool ;)

07-06-2023, 12:29 PM
You should have no problem then working out the commodities missing with the current Govt talent pool ;)

Yes it's quite apparent isn't it.
So why isn't National killing them in the polls?
It's three main reasons imo.
1) They to lack the skills required
2) They lack integrity and backflip more often than an Olympic gymnast.
And 3) Luxon for reasons outlined in point 2.

Quite frankly quality of NZ's politicians across either side of the divide is at modern time lows imo, well maybe not quite, it might have improved marginally since Symin & Paula flew the coop & Rude Jude was sent to her room to fester.

07-06-2023, 12:29 PM
I'm sure there is some of that, in fact we know there is some of that, but there was always going to be pent up demand for off-shore opportunities post the pandemic so it's hardly surprising.

It's hardly a new thing, Kiwis leaving for higher wages in Australia. In the commodities boom around 2010 - 12 period I use to visit Perth regularly for work & there were reports of a 1000 people arriving a week into WA alone, to fill all the highly paid resources sector jobs. I remember a Maccas managers job in some far flung mining town being offered $150K per year & a free house!

So why is the Aussie economy stronger, more resilient than NZ ?

Current Govt policies have done nothing to strengthen the economic base to produce improved productivity ..

Too much looking over the fence, looking at ones own navel and trying to work out how the hair around Robbo's belly button can be multiplied up to twice the number before without doing anything ? ;)

It doesn't come out of dreaming about it, hiking up tax or reducing deductions on certain sectors over night to plug gaps

The current lot are too busy staring at their navels and missing the wider picture, then rushing to try to fill gaps or finding the money box empty when it looks like it's all turning to sh*t

Every Labour Govt seems to foster and encourage flight of capital into one sector niche or quirk .. hardly good for any economy.

What was it this time ? .. 'Everyone should get into Residential Real Estate' before Labour turned around and knifed some, including new participants in that sector :)

It seems that the shallow level of Labour Financial and other talent have a lot to do with it

Then when following is not strong enough - the cause prostitutes itself to other minorities & factions to get in or keep power, with the resultant factions clashing or feigning representing all :)

Hardly a good recipe for long term prosperity ;)

Labour certainly know very well how to shoot themselves in both feet, produce an economic shambles and flush the previously accrued prosperity up against the wall when things start wobbling .. eventually no amount of spin saves the cause ;)

What is the tally of High Cost "Consultants" so far in the most recent Labour terms to cover for the void of talent within the ship ? ;)

In any other circles would a ship without the required paid qualified & able talent be allowed to set sail ? :)

07-06-2023, 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Panda-NZ

Or because Australia has changed it's migration laws.

Get in quick before some try to change the status quo to trap NZers here on low wages, at the direction of various secret meetings of "rich pricks" in the central Auckland CBD.

Your time might be near soon - when the gates open up to 'Other pr!cks' ;)

07-06-2023, 12:37 PM
Yes it's quite apparent isn't it.
So why isn't National killing them in the polls?

They have people like Sam uffindel still there, who luxon thinks is a good bloke at heart.

07-06-2023, 12:48 PM
NZTX hardly an economic shambles. We still have a very strong labour market, some of the lowest Government debt in the OECD.
Australia is very fortunate to have such rich resources and they also have scale. Many Kiwis are leaving for higher wages, imagine how many more Kiwis would have left if Labour hadn't lifted the minimum wage.

You avoided the question.
If what you say about Labour is true, why isn't National romping to victory in the polls?

I think we need change as well, however I'm wondering if the medicine will be worse than the illness.

07-06-2023, 12:51 PM
They have people like Sam uffindel still there, who luxon thinks is a good bloke at heart.

That's okay .. Labour Ministerial Talent appears to be resembling toilet paper

The squares of any use have been long pulled out from the bunch gone

The remaining ones keep coming up for rinse dry and repeat the same old

How many have gone through the Crisis Treatment Process since Nash fell on his sword ? ;)

How many have landed in it and are still being washed or dried ?

The thicker ones probably needing a longer series of drying after 3 water cycles ;)

Chippie might need a new Sausage Roll recipe to make the process faster, easier and removes the marks better ;)

07-06-2023, 12:53 PM
NZTX hardly an economic shambles.

It's probably better than when national was in. Do we want a 5% unemployment and credit downgrade to AA.

Inflation is an international problem.

07-06-2023, 12:58 PM
NZTX hardly an economic shambles. We still have a very strong labour market, some of the lowest Government debt in the OECD.
Australia is very fortunate to have such rich resources and they also have scale. Many Kiwis are leaving for higher wages, imagine how many more Kiwis would have left if Labour hadn't lifted the minimum wage.

You avoided the question.
If what you say about Labour is true, why isn't National romping to victory in the polls?

I think we need change as well, however I'm wondering if the medicine will be worse than the illness.

Of course it's an economic shambles .. dont need to look far on cyclone effort to work out the extent of
Govt fix it there .. A budget that wasn't one, ignore middle NZ .. Robbo fearful of Orr-Some's mysterious
inflationary monsters and deficits all over the place .. No formulas for growth or anything positive in it
ie ignore what is generating the taxes .. and in Election Year too

NZ has resources .. Labour / Greens simply turn their backs on them and face the opposite direction

You might be looking at the wrong polls or too early.. A few more months of the sort of incompetence
and stab thy classmates in Govt pews and ongoing increasing pain around greater NZ may well seal
fate for an unfortunate Govt of Spin, BS & excuses .. and not before time :)

07-06-2023, 12:59 PM
It's probably better than when national was in. Do we want a 5% unemployment and credit downgrade to AA.

Inflation is an international problem.

Well you do expect more for doing less - are you not part of the problem ? ;)

07-06-2023, 01:25 PM
Well you do expect more for doing less - are you not part of the problem ? ;)

The GFC was a shambles.. a shambles I tell you!

What did we get for the wasted money on south canterbury finance, treaty settlements, whanau ora and flag debates... with nothing to show!

07-06-2023, 01:31 PM

Michael Wood declined competitor's application while holding shares in Auckland Airport

Michael Wood is standing by his decision to decline a North Shore Airport application last year while holding shares in Auckland Airport, saying he carefully considered “overwhelmingly negative feedback”, and advice.

ACT Leader David Seymour says the public can no longer give Michael Wood the “benefit of the doubt” over not realising he still owned shares in Auckland Airport, and that Wood needed to resign.

Seymour said Wood, who was stood down as transport minister on Tuesday, could not "carry on as a minister after declining airport authority status to North Shore Aerodrome, despite owning shares in a competing airport”.

Woody Woodpecker "Pot Hole King" might need to find a deeper pot hole to hide in ;)

07-06-2023, 01:32 PM
The GFC was a shambles.. a shambles I tell you!

What did we get for the wasted money on south canterbury finance... zero to show.

That's okay .. going by current Labour talent standards .. clear indication that they would have *****ed it up worse ;)

How's Labour's Consulting Contracts list of large bills coming ? .. many large Accounting Firms ? ;)

Or too difficult for Chippie, Robbo and the blind goon show all in perma-Crisis mode on wayward Ministers ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 03:51 PM
Extraordinary arrogance, stupidity, and incompetence from Wood, with the saga dragging on for years -

‘Michael Wood was approached 12 times by the Cabinet Office over his Auckland Airport shares, seeking to confirm he had divested or was in the process of divesting his shares.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was questioned about the suspended transport minister’s shares in the House on Wednesday by deputy National leader Nicola Willis.

Hipkins listed the 12 dates, ranging from December 19, 2020 to March 27, 2023, when the Cabinet Office “sought to confirm whether he had divested the shareholding”.

“Throughout the process Michael Wood confirmed he was about to, or was in the process of divesting the shareholdings,” Hipkins said.’

07-06-2023, 04:04 PM
Extraordinary arrogance, stupidity, and incompetence from Wood, with the saga dragging on for years -

‘Michael Wood was approached 12 times by the Cabinet Office over his Auckland Airport shares, seeking to confirm he had divested or was in the process of divesting his shares.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was questioned about the suspended transport minister’s shares in the House on Wednesday by deputy National leader Nicola Willis.

Hipkins listed the 12 dates, ranging from December 19, 2020 to March 27, 2023, when the Cabinet Office “sought to confirm whether he had divested the shareholding”.

“Throughout the process Michael Wood confirmed he was about to, or was in the process of divesting the shareholdings,” Hipkins said.’

Same BS given by Wood about fixing the potholes in NZ roads.

The guy is a complete waste of space.

He has to go and best he follows Clueless Cindy & get out of NZ.

For God’s sake, fxxk off!

07-06-2023, 04:44 PM
Come on guys give a guy a break he was waiting for lucky 13!

Jeepers what is wrong with the guy! I thought 6 times was bad enough!

Such a pittance in value causing so much trouble. Just ridiculous.

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 04:48 PM
It is clear that Wood either has a) no integrity or b) is so incompetent that he cannot sell $13,000 worth of shares.

How can Wood be in charge of even running a bath if he cannot attend to something as simple as the disposal of a parcel of shares?

Absolutely frightening that someone as pathetic (or breathtakingly arrogant) as Wood is in charge of delivering major transport projects for this country.

fungus pudding
07-06-2023, 04:56 PM
It is clear that Wood either has a) no integrity or b) is so incompetent that he cannot sell $13,000 worth of shares.

How can Wood be in charge of even running a bath if he cannot attend to something as simple as the disposal of a parcel of shares?

Absolutely frightening that someone as pathetic (or breathtakingly arrogant) as Wood is in charge of delivering major transport projects for this country.

W0rry not - he'll be gone by lunchtime.

07-06-2023, 05:09 PM
It is clear that Wood either has a) no integrity or b) is so incompetent that he cannot sell $13,000 worth of shares.

How can Wood be in charge of even running a bath if he cannot attend to something as simple as the disposal of a parcel of shares?

Absolutely frightening that someone as pathetic (or breathtakingly arrogant) as Wood is in charge of delivering major transport projects for this country.

Remember his ‘river of filth’ comment?

Guess he should refer to the Labour government as the water in which filth flows in.

07-06-2023, 05:17 PM
Not always easy to recover your SRN anf FIN if you’ve lost it …….can take time and big effort …..esp hard if you are busy

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 05:20 PM

‘Wood was asked by the all-powerful Cabinet office a dozen times over the past two years or so to get rid of the shares. The requests came from November 19 2020, with the latest one coming on March 27 2023. On each occasion, he said he was about to divest himself of the shares. Most of us would simply be able to do this by picking up the phone.

That seems beyond Wood’s capability.

An embarrassed Chris Hipkins says it’s unacceptable for the minister to hold on to the shares for so long and after so many requests to rid himself of them. But it seems unacceptability is acceptable in this Government’s books.’

07-06-2023, 05:38 PM
Remember his ‘river of filth’ comment?

Guess he should refer to the Labour government as the water in which filth flows in.

Cesspit of incompetence probably describes it aptly ;)

slightly larger by many multiples than the largest Pot Hole that Woody Woodpecker has ever hidden in :)

07-06-2023, 05:41 PM

‘Wood was asked by the all-powerful Cabinet office a dozen times over the past two years or so to get rid of the shares. The requests came from November 19 2020, with the latest one coming on March 27 2023. On each occasion, he said he was about to divest himself of the shares. Most of us would simply be able to do this by picking up the phone.

That seems beyond Wood’s capability.

An embarrassed Chris Hipkins says it’s unacceptable for the minister to hold on to the shares for so long and after so many requests to rid himself of them. But it seems unacceptability is acceptable in this Government’s books.’

Dipkin's corroded record is no better .. in fact equally unacceptable and incapable :)

No amount of leg opening and leaping in the air with full range of clown smiles is going to change that ..

Did Chippie mislead everyone ? ;)

12 times is not the six times he stated, is it ? :)

asked by the all-powerful Cabinet office a dozen times over the past two years

07-06-2023, 05:52 PM
Mr ‘River of Filth’ Wood goes from Mr Fix It to Mr Fluffed It.

Swimming in the Labour River of Filth.


“So what the heck happened? Why has he stuffed this up so much?

It's either intentional negligence or gross incompetence.

He's known as Mr Fix It. But this week he became Mr I Fluffed It.”

07-06-2023, 05:54 PM

Here's how much Michael Wood's shares have increased in value since he was first asked to sell

Michael Wood’s failure to sell his shares in Auckland International Airport over the past three years has had high-profile repercussions – but did not net him much in financial gain.

It was reported on Wednesday that he had been approached 12 times by the Cabinet Office about the shares, wanting to confirm whether he had sold or was in the process of selling them.

He still had not sold them but had contacted a broker to begin the process on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said the first time he was asked was November 19, 2020.

At that point, shares had recovered from the worst of their Covid lows and were changing hands for $7.72.

Today, they are worth $8.61, valuing Wood’s holding at just over $13,000.

Greg Smith, head of retail at Devon Funds, said the gain over the period was about 11.5%, or $1360.

There had been no dividends paid to shareholders over that time.

Woody Woodpecker seems to have made a filthy Capital Gain while feeding clouds of worthless BS to Labour HQ ;)

Woody - meet a large deep Pothole especially custom modelled for your stupid spinning chassis :)

How is this worthless incompetent moron still on Govt Front benches and not been jettisoned ? ;)

New set of special heavy duty wiper blades needed - Chippie to remove the never ending cloud of thick sticky stuff from your dial.. as they continually manage to make complete Asses of themselves ;)

07-06-2023, 06:12 PM

Hawke's Bay river restored to original name, Te Awa o Mokotūāraro

Hey Woody Woodpecker - here's a renamed river, fairly filthy and small one at times too :)

Could it be the one you were referring to ?

Why hasn't this been designated a natural person already .. or did you get lost in a pot hole ? :)

ps: Most of everyone to save confusion will still be referring to it as it's shorter version :


Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 06:26 PM
‘Parliament rolled out a red carpet for a military welcome of Rabuka, who previously led the country through the 90s after instigating two military coups in 1987. Further military coups occurred in the early 2000s, but after elections in 2014 relations with New Zealand improved and sanctions on the country were lifted.

Speaking after their meeting, Hipkins said the Government would provide a further $11.1 million to Fiji for dealing with the effects of climate change.’

07-06-2023, 06:32 PM
‘Parliament rolled out a red carpet for a military welcome of Rabuka, who previously led the country through the 90s after instigating two military coups in 1987. Further military coups occurred in the early 2000s, but after elections in 2014 relations with New Zealand improved and sanctions on the country were lifted.

Speaking after their meeting, Hipkins said the Government would provide a further $11.1 million to Fiji for dealing with the effects of climate change.’

Dipkins seems to have forgotten about funding Climate Change here ;)

The ones up in Fiji should be quite capable of fixing their own issues without swallowing more of our needed hard earned :)

07-06-2023, 06:34 PM

‘Intention to open’ Mt Ruapehu’s ski fields this season as $81.6m debt revealed

Yet another large crater that Labour's policies helped to dig :)

07-06-2023, 06:37 PM

Organisations write open letter to Government to stop NZ Post price hikes

Businesses and rural communities are appealing to the Government to stop significant postal price hikes.

From July 1, NZ Post is increasing its postage price for bulk mail customers by 30%, meaning the cost of sending mail has increased 100% in the past five years for these customers.

Thirteen organisations representing community groups and businesses that will be significantly affected by the price rise sent a letter to ministers on Wednesday asking them to amend the deed of understanding that exists between the Government and state-owned NZ Post.

meaning the cost of sending mail has increased 100% in the past five years for these customers

Enough's enough - you clueless Labour Beehive Knobs ;)

07-06-2023, 06:44 PM
NZTX, I was reminded of a quote today from the great Don McGlashan when the John Key led National Party asked to use his song Anchor Me in their campaign advertising.

He said, "I would rather have sex with a very ugly crayfish than allow you to use my music."


07-06-2023, 06:50 PM
NZTX, I was reminded of a quote today from the great Don McGlashan when the John Key lead National Party asked to use his song Anchor Me in their campaign advertising.

He said, "I would rather gave sex with a very ugly crayfish than allow you to use my music."


Labour will probably still be having difficulty finding even an ugly Crayfish willing to give them theme music this time round ... 6 months after October is come & gone ;)

Perhaps Michael Wood might be able to direct them to some suitable large pot holes where the sound of mud pies being made can be used for Free ? ;)

07-06-2023, 08:33 PM
NZTX, I was reminded of a quote today from the great Don McGlashan when the John Key led National Party asked to use his song Anchor Me in their campaign advertising.

He said, "I would rather have sex with a very ugly crayfish than allow you to use my music."


That’s BS and your post shows your true colours.

The National Party NEVER asked to use this leftie song in their campaign.

Get your facts right before you post something.

So how many crayfishes (be them beautiful or ugly) have the "Great" Don McGlashan screwed …???? Weirdo! :t_up:

07-06-2023, 08:57 PM
Hi NZTX, just listening to RNZ & apparently in the first 3 years of Key's government 2.5 times the amount of Kiwis left than have left in the last three years here. Obviously borders were closed for some of that time, but perhaps it just feels worse as for a time recently that it was just people leaving and very little immigration.
I would still prefer we hang on to our own as much as possible.

What a pathetic comparison! Straight out of Labour's playbook of BS, Spin and lies.

Confirms what I wrote about the one eyed person (Labour) being king in the land of the blind (Labour supporters).

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 09:34 PM
Labourites reverting to type and are bringing up 'John Key' whenever possible. Maybe they want to pretend that the Ardern / Hipkins era has just been a bad dream, and utopia will be delivered by some future Labour team. For now they lose themselves in pleasant reminiscing about time spent railing against 'John Key'. Soon we'll be hearing about 'the evil flag referendum' again. Remember how the whole country had to incur 'massive debt' to pay $26 million for the flag referendum? (Today Hipkins chucks $11.1 at Fiji for 'climate change', and nobody bats at eyelid. Labour are wasting so much money that Kiwi minds are now totally discombobulated.)
Yes, it's like the Labour-led governments since 2017 haven't even existed. Remember 'Let's Do This!' and how they were going to fix the housing crisis, slash immigrant numbers, sort out 'child poverty', plant a billion trees, and all the rest of it. Pipe-dreams that could never be implemented by the kind of person that for year after year couldn't even dispose of a small parcel of shares....how on earth could such a person deliver light rail for Auckland?

Marilyn Munroe
08-06-2023, 12:00 AM
Regarding cabinet minister Michael Woods controversy about his undeclared Auckland Airport shares.

A tell as to whether "I forgot" or deliberate concealment applied would be whether he participated in to ca[ital raise in 2020.

If he subscribed it would mean he had to figuratively reach into his trouser pocket for cash to pay for them.

If he subscribed his "I forgot" excuse doesn't pass the sniff test.

Boop boop de do

08-06-2023, 12:27 AM

Graeme Hart donates more than $6 million to Starship’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

These people deserve recognition more than Labour's last clueless Leader who did a runner :)

08-06-2023, 07:03 AM
Opinions welcome as to why Michael Wood would ignore 12 prompts to sell his airport shares?

Any pecuniary advantage would be minor.

08-06-2023, 07:12 AM
Labourites reverting to type and are bringing up 'John Key' whenever possible. Maybe they want to pretend that the Ardern / Hipkins era has just been a bad dream, and utopia will be delivered by some future Labour team. For now they lose themselves in pleasant reminiscing about time spent railing against 'John Key'. Soon we'll be hearing about 'the evil flag referendum' again. Remember how the whole country had to incur 'massive debt' to pay $26 million for the flag referendum? (Today Hipkins chucks $11.1 at Fiji for 'climate change', and nobody bats at eyelid. Labour are wasting so much money that Kiwi minds are now totally discombobulated.)

It's national running with the slogan "back on track".

Backwards with National(tm) .

08-06-2023, 07:38 AM
It's national running with the slogan "back on track".

Backwards with National(tm).

Ignoramus peasant who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback when the company was close to default.

08-06-2023, 07:41 AM
Opinions welcome as to why Michael Wood would ignore 12 prompts to sell his airport shares?

Any pecuniary advantage would be minor.

It's funny because the opposition have all sorts of blind trusts and residential housing portfolios while speaking disproportionately on housing policy.

Nonetheless not making adjustments to your minor $13k stake when you were warned multiple times is not acceptable.

08-06-2023, 08:26 AM
That’s BS and your post shows your true colours.

The National Party NEVER asked to use this leftie song in their campaign.

Get your facts right before you post something.

So how many crayfishes (be them beautiful or ugly) have the "Great" Don McGlashan screwed …???? Weirdo! :t_up:

I think your over the top reaction displays your colours far more & it ain't a pretty compilation.

Quite right though, it was TVNZ that made the request to cover the NP conference. It's the quote that's the pertinent part though, but don't let that distract you from your blind rage.

I'm seeing the great troubadour at a concert in August. I can't wait to see one of our truly great musicians live & I can pass on your regards.

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 09:02 AM
Politicised Reserve Bank governor is going to end up looking foolish, again.


‘Just like the RBA on Tuesday, the Bank of Canada did the unexpected and hiked their policy interest rate by +25 bps to 4.75%, saying their monetary policy was not sufficiently tight enough yet "to bring supply and demand back into balance" and return inflation sustainably to their 2% target. Essentially they admitted their earlier guidance that they had done enough was wrong.
Growing global concerns that inflation is stickier than expected strengthened expectations that the US Fed will also deliver another rate hike when they next meet a week from today.’

08-06-2023, 09:08 AM
I think your over the top reaction displays your colours far more & it ain't a pretty compilation.

Quite right though, it was TVNZ that made the request to cover the NP conference. It's the quote that's the pertinent part though, but don't let that distract you from your blind rage.

I'm seeing the great troubadour at a concert in August. I can't wait to see one of our truly great musicians live & I can pass on your regards.

I find GREAT pleasure in outing people like you.

Only someone with an unresolved hatred of something would care to remember something like a songwriter screwing crayfishes and post somethoing like this :

Hi NZTX, just listening to RNZ & apparently in the first 3 years of Key's government 2.5 times the amount of Kiwis left than have left in the last three years here. Obviously borders were closed for some of that time, but perhaps it just feels worse as for a time recently that it was just people leaving and very little immigration.
I would still prefer we hang on to our own as much as possible.

Very very satisfying indeed! :t_up::t_up:

08-06-2023, 09:28 AM
Politicised Reserve Bank governor is going to end up looking foolish, again.


‘Just like the RBA on Tuesday, the Bank of Canada did the unexpected and hiked their policy interest rate by +25 bps to 4.75%, saying their monetary policy was not sufficiently tight enough yet "to bring supply and demand back into balance" and return inflation sustainably to their 2% target. Essentially they admitted their earlier guidance that they had done enough was wrong.
Growing global concerns that inflation is stickier than expected strengthened expectations that the US Fed will also deliver another rate hike when they next meet a week from today.’

Another example of going backwards(tm) is changing the Reserve Bank Act to focus only on inflation again simply because Labour made the change. So thousands of kiwis will lose their jobs and end up on welfare.

Lower tax revenue, more govt spending -> credit downgrade.

08-06-2023, 09:30 AM
Another example of going backwards(tm) is changing the Reserve Bank Act to focus only on inflation again simply because Labour made the change. So thousands of kiwis will lose their jobs and end up on welfare.

Lower tax revenue, more govt spending -> credit downgrade.

From the ignoramus Labour peeasant who wanted Ryman to go broke by loading up on more debt to do a share buyback.

Bankrupt in mind and bankrupt of ideas just like the Labour government.

08-06-2023, 09:31 AM
Opinions welcome as to why Michael Wood would ignore 12 prompts to sell his airport shares?

Any pecuniary advantage would be minor.

Because he has a death wish?


08-06-2023, 09:33 AM
But wait, there's more! :t_up::D:D:t_up:

Hope that brightens up everybody's morning with a smile!


Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 09:35 AM

‘The roiling case of Michael Wood’s modest Auckland Airport shareholding is threatening to envelop the Government, and to cost Chris Hipkins another minister.

On Wednesday in the House, Hipkins had to stand up and list off all the dates that Wood had been asked by the Cabinet Office whether he was selling his shares in Auckland Airport. On Tuesday, Hipkins had estimated it was half a dozen.

Turns out that 12 times between November 2020 – about a month after the 2020 election – right through until March 27, 2023, “the Cabinet Office sought to confirm whether he had divested the shareholding,” Hipkins said.

”Throughout the process, Michael Wood confirmed that he was about to, or was in the process of, divesting the shareholdings,” he said.‘

08-06-2023, 09:39 AM

‘The roiling case of Michael Wood’s modest Auckland Airport shareholding is threatening to envelop the Government, and to cost Chris Hipkins another minister.

On Wednesday in the House, Hipkins had to stand up and list off all the dates that Wood had been asked by the Cabinet Office whether he was selling his shares in Auckland Airport. On Tuesday, Hipkins had estimated it was half a dozen.

Turns out that 12 times between November 2020 – about a month after the 2020 election – right through until March 27, 2023, “the Cabinet Office sought to confirm whether he had divested the shareholding,” Hipkins said.

”Throughout the process, Michael Wood confirmed that he was about to, or was in the process of, divesting the shareholdings,” he said.‘

Haunting image of Wood in Hipkins' dream/nightmare last night :
