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08-06-2023, 11:35 AM
I find GREAT pleasure in outing people like you.

Only someone with an unresolved hatred of something would care to remember something like a songwriter screwing crayfishes and post somethoing like this :

Very very satisfying indeed! :t_up::t_up:

Ha! I didn't remember it I came across it yesterday!

Outing? I didn't realise I was in the closet
Funny how people assume you are a screaming lefty just because you criticise National. I have a crack at both sides as they are pretty much equally inept at the moment.

Balance, you come across as a very sad individual. Chin up the worst may never happen.

08-06-2023, 11:59 AM
Ha! I didn't remember it I came across it yesterday!

Outing? I didn't realise I was in the closet
Funny how people assume you are a screaming lefty just because you criticise National. I have a crack at both sides as they are pretty much equally inept at the moment.

Balance, you come across as a very sad individual. Chin up the worst may never happen.

Sad? LOL about someone screwing crayfishes!

Actually very very happy with outing people like you who has unresolved issues. :t_up:

Keep posting garbage like this :

Hi NZTX, just listening to RNZ & apparently in the first 3 years of Key's government 2.5 times the amount of Kiwis left than have left in the last three years here. Obviously borders were closed for some of that time, but perhaps it just feels worse as for a time recently that it was just people leaving and very little immigration.
I would still prefer we hang on to our own as much as possible.

08-06-2023, 12:02 PM
Michael Wood - the gift which keeps giving!


”The Registrar’s preliminary review also took account of the degree of importance of the matter under inquiry; whether the matter may involve a breach of the obligations to make a return; and whether the matter is technical or trivial. ”Having conducted a preliminary review of the request, the Registrar has determined that an inquiry is warranted.”

And there's more :

"Today’s development follows Wood having to defend another instance of not giving the whole picture of his shareholding today, after revelations he told the Newsroom Pro website he had no further interests to declare - when in fact he should have declared his Auckland Airport and Contact Energy shares.The newsletter this morning revealed Wood was asked whether he had any interests to declare beyond those disclosed in the 2021 register after Wood was named as one of the MPs who was late to declare their pecuniary interests. “What pecuniary interests, I asked the minister, did he have beyond those disclosed in the 2021 register of interests? “None,” Michael Wood replied, unequivocally,” wrote Newsroom Pro’s editor, Jonathan Milne in the email.


08-06-2023, 12:34 PM

Embattled Education Minister Jan Tinetti grilled by Parliament’s powerful privileges committee

Clown Face's Sh*t Show in full Wobble Mode ;)

Who's next to fail the 'Walk the Plank' test or are the rest hiding in the Red Curtains ? ;)

Anyone would have to be fairly stupid to want to pay to see Chippies Circus performing :)

A whole heap of conversations going - Chippie ? ;)

but no good if they're stone deaf or so stupid that a rock pulled out of Lake Taupo may have more clues ;)

08-06-2023, 12:56 PM

National MP Mark Mitchell v Police Minister Ginny Andersen: Labour fails to stop use of partial quote

Police Minister Temporary Fill-in #5 gets upset ;)

How long until this one Ginny tails it out on non performance counts ? ;)

Labour has failed in its efforts to stop National MP Mark Mitchell from using a partial quote by Police Minister Ginny Andersen when firing questions at her in the House.

Mitchell, National’s police spokesman, has repeatedly used Question Time to interrogate Andersen on her response to a written question of his, asking whether she thought New Zealanders feel safe - something Andersen made a priority when she became Police Minister earlier this year.

To a similar question in April, Andersen replied: “It is my view that New Zealanders feel safer with a Government on track to deliver 1800 extra police.”

Mitchell has repeatedly used that response to ask Andersen whether she stands by her statement that New Zealanders feel safer.

08-06-2023, 01:13 PM

PM Chris Hipkins truly irritated and deflated in Question Time barrage over Michael Wood

It was the first Question Time in the House since Hipkins became prime minister that he flopped back into his seat looking truly irritated and deflated.

But it was not Christopher Luxon who rubbed Hipkins’ nose in it, but his deputy, Nicola Willis who led the questioning. Luxon was in Christchurch.

This isn't as bad as it will likely get - Chippie :)

Consider this to be good day at the office compared to what may follow..

Joe Public's posse's are going be coming after your sorry chassis very soon for further misdeeds
and the shambles your mob have created ;)

08-06-2023, 01:19 PM

Nanaia Mahuta says New Zealand will partner 'not exclusively with those mirroring our views'

Things must be getting desperate with Crisis after Crisis engulfing the hapless Labour HQ Spinners ;)

Look what just got hauled back out of the wood work for a fleeting appearance :)

08-06-2023, 01:50 PM

Crown accounts already slipping below May Budget forecast

The Government’s Crown accounts have already slipped below the Treasury’s Budget projections due to a shortfall in tax revenues.

Its operating (Obegal) deficit for the 10 months to the end of April was almost $1.3 billion or 22% above forecast at just over $7b, versus the Budget forecast of a $5.7b deficit.

The shortfall could be entirely attributed to tax revenues for its financial year to date lagging the Budget forecast by just under $1.4b.

Robbo's Budget Fudget already well out and slip sliding away ... into Recession ;)

Most with a clue all recognised it was Complete & Total BS anyway ;)

Any more spare imaginary billions squashed under the cushion that your frame is parked up on - Robbo .. or is the seat bare & all gone ? ;)

08-06-2023, 01:55 PM

UPDATED Political Roundup: Does Michael Wood have enough integrity to be a minister? - Bryce Edwards

New Zealanders are supposed to be able to trust that there are adequate systems in place to ensure our politicians aren’t corrupt. There are mandatory systems of transparency requiring MPs and ministers to disclose all possible conflicts of interest, and yet we have learnt that this integrity system has fallen over once again. This time Labour Cabinet Minister Michael Wood has been caught out for not complying with the Cabinet and Parliamentary rules in properly disclosing his ownership of shares in Auckland International Airport.

Wood has been stood down from his Transport role temporarily as a result. But it’s not yet clear that Wood should be reinstated as Transport Minister, or indeed whether he can reasonably continue as a minister at all. His numerous transgressions paint a picture of a politician lacking in the necessary integrity – or perhaps even competency – that New Zealanders expect of politicians.

Woody Woodpecker gone by lunchtime tomorrow - another Nashing smashing moment, or not ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 02:25 PM

Crown accounts already slipping below May Budget forecast

Robbo's Budget Fudget already well out and slip sliding away ... into Recession ;)

Most with a clue all recognised it was Complete & Total BS anyway ;)

Any more spare imaginary billions squashed under the cushion that your frame is parked up on - Robbo .. or is the seat bare & all gone ? ;)

The budget was only last month….how could Treasury get it so horribly wrong?! These forecasts are not worth the paper they are written on, and the public have effectively been lied to as far as I can see; we are only in early June and already there is this clear fiscal hole due to rubbish ‘forecasts’. Incompetence seems to be the norm in all tiers of our government.

08-06-2023, 03:18 PM
The budget was only last month….how could Treasury get it so horribly wrong?! These forecasts are not worth the paper they are written on, and the public have effectively been lied to as far as I can see; we are only in early June and already there is this clear fiscal hole due to rubbish ‘forecasts’. Incompetence seems to be the norm in all tiers of our government.

Adrian ORR-SOME probably uses the same miserable excuses for ratcheting up more pain on Kiwi's :)

Wonder how his Recession planning is going now on lower tax takes ? ;)

A sure sign that things are not as right as these twits previously relayed :)

It wouldn't have taken any ordinary Joe Bloggs going for a short walk to determine what had been missed
and what the real state of things was ..

08-06-2023, 03:23 PM

Michael Wood sells problematic Auckland Airport shares, faces pecuniary interest inquiry

The under-fire minister has now sold his shares in Auckland Airport and he will donate the money to charity.

It emerged in Parliament today that Ardern’s office was told at least three times about the shareholding - and was once wrongly told he had sold the shares.

Wood said he could not recall Ardern ever speaking to him about the shares.

Lier Lier Pants on Fire - Woody Woodpecker ? ;)

No credibility left whatsoever .. should be sacked and kicked into the nearest Pot Hole immediately ;)

“If [Hipkins] doesn’t sack him today, he is lowering the standard of conduct expected of ministers in New Zealand in a way that will be damaging, not just to him personally but to the perception of our Government and its ethics,” she said.

“It is wrong for ministers to conduct themselves this way. The Prime Minister must set a standard. He must be strong, he must act,” she said.

08-06-2023, 04:01 PM

Auckland traffic chaos: Man parks car on Southern Motorway centre lane, meditates on roof

A Labour follower meditating for Woody Woodpecker's wellbeing ? ;)

The long passage on the confusing Saga over the lost AIA shares ? :)

Or a Secondary School teacher meditating for his next pay rise ? ;)

08-06-2023, 04:07 PM

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei offers Wayne Brown an alternative to massive rates rise or Auckland Airport share sell-off

Had to be expected didn't it ? .. Trot out "Some pr!ck stole our waterfront land 200 or so years ago" line ;)

09-06-2023, 12:12 AM

Minister stood down every 6.5 weeks: Will blunders cost Labour the election?

The Front Page: Will Michael Wood and Jan Tinetti blunders cost Labour the election in 2023?

The Labour Party has endured a challenging six months since Chris Hipkins took over as Prime Minister.

NZ Herald deputy political editor and host of the On The Tiles podcast, Thomas Coughlan tells The Front Page that Hipkins has now stood down a minister every six and half weeks since he took office.

This has happened amid a series of Ministerial mishaps that have all attracted negative headlines, some more serious than others.

Transport Minister Michael Wood, Education Minister Jan Tinetti, Police Minister Stuart Nash and Justice Minister Kiri Allan are just some of the Labour Ministers to have caused headaches for the Prime Minister recently. And on top of this, he’d also had the defection of Meka Whaitiri to Te Pāti Māori.

“It certainly looks bad,” says Coughlan.

09-06-2023, 12:19 AM

Tainui makes an audacious play for Auckland Council’s Airport shares - as Ngāti Whātua puts port deal on the table

Cashed up iwi Waikato-Tainui wants the Government to buy all Auckland Airport shares that are put up for sale as Auckland Council looks to balance its books to meet the future needs of its ratepayers.

Tainui executive chair Tukoroirangi Morgan says Waikato Tainui have outstanding Treaty of Waitangi claims in the Auckland region particularly around Māngere.

This latest sell-off proposal he says, “presents a significant opportunity for the Government to purchase the shares and utilise them to settle our remaining claims in the area.

Let's shuffle things about for some more "Something for Free" for the 16% ? ;)

Why not Auckland Council sell all the AIA shares at discounted prices by way of entitlement to Auckland Ratepayers instead ? ;)

but that might rip someone's XL size grundies properly ..

After all Labour as a Government have gone out to prove themselves more & more grossly untrustworthy as each week goes by :)

Who are the reciprients by far of large scale Govt Welfare handouts courtesy of a document that keeps on giving to a minority of the population, and then mostly into hands of probably a band of disconnected greedy activists at the top of the receiving structures, which then pay little or no tax ? ;)

09-06-2023, 12:25 AM

Sir Roger Douglas on why he’s lost faith in politicians:

Sir Roger Douglas, former Labour Finance Minister and co-founder of the Act Party, is unimpressed with modern politics.

“Look at the last 20 years, you tell me anyone, any government that’s done anything,” he says.

Douglas, now 86, probably has more right than most to make that claim, having been the key driver of an economic revolution in his four years as Finance Minister, from 1984 to 1988.

To many Kiwis it was a revolution that saved the country from bankruptcy, pulling it out of a spiral of debt and depression.

But others see the reforms - “Rogernomics”, they were dubbed - as a right-wing coup which sought to dismantle the welfare state.

Actually, Douglas wouldn’t argue with the second part of that statement.

He still advocates what some would describe as radical reform of the welfare system.

But Douglas says that back in the 80s, there was never a grand plan that he and his Labour colleagues were following.

“I think it was more organic,” he tells the Money Talks podcast. “We were faced with a problem, we needed to fix it. Had I been tribal in the sense of Labour right or wrong, I don’t think we would have necessarily done it.”

So where did the term Rogernomics come from? He laughs: “From one of you guys! The media.”

09-06-2023, 03:11 PM

Dame Jacinda Ardern set to sign record book deal, publishing industry abuzz after ‘bidding war’

A book of what ? ;)

When does the date for a Book Burning bomb fire get announced ? :)

All we need now are Before and After images of the disaster zone that the abandoned Labour
Front bench has descended to :)

09-06-2023, 03:15 PM

Tainui makes an audacious play for Auckland Council’s Airport shares - as Ngāti Whātua puts port deal on the table

Let's shuffle things about for some more "Something for Free" for the 16% ? ;)

Why not Auckland Council sell all the AIA shares at discounted prices by way of entitlement to Auckland Ratepayers instead ? ;)

but that might rip someone's XL size grundies properly ..

After all Labour as a Government have gone out to prove themselves more & more grossly untrustworthy as each week goes by :)

Who are the reciprients by far of large scale Govt Welfare handouts courtesy of a document that keeps on giving to a minority of the population, and then mostly into hands of probably a band of disconnected greedy activists at the top of the receiving structures, which then pay little or no tax ? ;)

In fact, why not distribute the shares in-specie to Auckland rate payers. After all they are the ones who really own these shares. That way people can themselves make a decision whether they want to sell the shares or hold for future dividends.

09-06-2023, 03:16 PM

Matthew Hooton: End of the line for lethally arrogant Labour — and Auckland light rail plans

The jettisoned Fools that Ardern abandoned in the swirling currents seem to be just doing very well trying to drown themselves ;)

No number of different Clown Faces & opening the legs for leap in the air can apparently save them from themselves ;)

Unfortunately there weren't many takers in the bidding war for the Leader seat Ardern abandoned in a hurry .. what is being seen now on the poorly executed excuses for multiple trainwrecks may be a reason why ;)

09-06-2023, 03:18 PM
In fact, why not distribute the shares in-specie to Auckland rate payers. After all they are the ones who really own these shares. That way people can themselves make a decision whether they want to sell the shares or hold for future dividends.

Yep - seems the best way to go

Interestingly the current AIA Big Chief has had a brief hand in another white elephant project at Port of Napier before abandoning the NPH Board Seat for the larger Auckland Bird Landing CEO role :)

09-06-2023, 03:35 PM

More strike action as secondary teachers reject latest pay offer

Secondary school teachers have voted “overwhelmingly” in favour of rejecting the latest Government offers, with a return to different year levels being rostered home as part of strike action.

It follows close to a year of negotiations between the PPTA (Post Primary Teachers’ Association) Te Wehengarua and Ministry of Education and multiple strike actions.

Chris Abercrombie​, acting president at the PPTA, said members had given a “clear mandate” to seek a better offer.

It comes after secondary teachers resumed strike action this week, when the union advised its members to reject the latest “inadequate” Government pay offer.

Another trainwreck in process for the hapless Tinetti's pet portfolio ;)

Let's just say those smart Secondary Teachers got you by the curlies Darling, since the previous
encumbent got promoted to head Clown Face and any sign of any thing looking like balls or marbles capable of managing things even very poorly at that, disappeared from the Education portfolio ;)

09-06-2023, 03:52 PM
Things don't appear to working well - Chippie

Perhaps these people might be able to help with some precision reimaging as a new Labour Cookie Monster:


No extra intelligence needed, but might have to open the legs wider and jump higher ;)

You organise the makin of them and the other Chris will organise the extra kids to gobble them down :)

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 03:53 PM
Ardern set to bank a juicy $1 million sum in a new book deal. Should buy quite a few bottles of chardonnay. To those cynics suggesting that 'socialism pays handsomely to its most ardent advocates' I would say "wait and see": it may be that Ardern donates the bulk of the funds to the fight against child proverty, while retaining a modest amount of the proceeds for her own personal expenses.

09-06-2023, 09:23 PM

Victoria's teaching students offered thousands of dollars in subsidies to take up country placements

Student teachers in Victoria will be offered thousands of dollars in subsidies if they choose to take up a regional or rural placement over the next two years.

Not too many unhappy faces over the ditch ..

If the Labour mob give Kiwi teachers too much of the large screw around here .. then a quick hop skip & a jump over yonder may send a further message home to Clown Face's ungrateful ignorant muddlers ;)

09-06-2023, 09:29 PM
Ardern set to bank a juicy $1 million sum in a new book deal. Should buy quite a few bottles of chardonnay. To those cynics suggesting that 'socialism pays handsomely to its most ardent advocates' I would say "wait and see": it may be that Ardern donates the bulk of the funds to the fight against child proverty, while retaining a modest amount of the proceeds for her own personal expenses.

Can't be much of a Book if there is only 2017-2023 (nearer 5 years) Leadership to crow on about ;)

What was achieved during that short time ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 10:07 PM
Can't be much of a Book if there is only 2017-2023 (nearer 5 years) Leadership to crow on about ;)

What was achieved during that short time ? :)

Jacindamania, ‘Let’s do this!’, kindness, Matariki holiday, child poverty ended….surely you haven’t forgotten the greatest hits?

10-06-2023, 04:46 AM
Jacindamania, ‘Let’s do this!’, kindness, Matariki holiday, child poverty ended….surely you haven’t forgotten the greatest hits?

Coronavirus response, white island, chch shooting, trade deals with huge markets on actually decent terms.

10-06-2023, 11:16 AM
Coronavirus response, white island, chch shooting, trade deals with huge markets on actually decent terms.

You missed the final Crisis which sent her packing .. and brought us Clown Face ;)

Logen Ninefingers
10-06-2023, 11:20 AM
Coronavirus response, white island, chch shooting, trade deals with huge markets on actually decent terms.

A bit churlish of you to hold her responsible for those various tragedies. I was talking about what the Labour-led governments have delivered for New Zealanders; diddly squat.

10-06-2023, 11:21 AM

New Zealand to Australia: Kiwi teachers and nurses share what they make across the ditch

Puts a real perspective on Living in poverty ridden NZ - where the Govt's best shots are looking at their navels
as things steadily descend down the dunny, under the reign of the current mob of incompetents ;)

10-06-2023, 11:47 AM
Jacindamania, ‘Let’s do this!’, kindness, Matariki holiday, child poverty ended….surely you haven’t forgotten the greatest hits?

Oh for all those continuing Crisis moments & putting a spin on the Space between the Ears
to bluff & BS Kiwis' across our land .. until the thinly fabricated facade starting showing signs
of falling apart .. when there was a lapse in finding another Crisis to cover actual reality :)

Now all will be presented with a Book of Crisis moments that most would rather forget about
in current turbulent times of the onslaught of consequences for previous incompetent policies
and wanton plundering of the country's accrued prosperity and that of future generations ..

11-06-2023, 05:30 PM

Banks split on whether NZ recession will be confirmed on Thursday

Well - that might really confuse Robbo and Adrian Orr-Some big time :)

A bigger plug in the bath or more apples in the bucket needed ? :)

Best not forget something that resembles a squashed sausage roll for the School Boy trying to
organise the Clown Face event :)

11-06-2023, 05:54 PM
Oh for all those continuing Crisis moments & putting a spin on the Space between the Ears
to bluff & BS Kiwis' across our land .. until the thinly fabricated facade starting showing signs
of falling apart .. when there was a lapse in finding another Crisis to cover actual reality :)

Now all will be presented with a Book of Crisis moments that most would rather forget about
in current turbulent times of the onslaught of consequences for previous incompetent policies
and wanton plundering of the country's accrued prosperity and that of future generations ..

I wonder if she will include the time she threw health practitioners under the bus for the cock-up over Covid testing. When challenged on it all she had to say was "test,test,test"

Given her penchant for bu*llshi**ery and PR spin her book will be a masterclass for those who want to play pied piper to the gullible masses and compliant media.

Rule #1 Pay off the media (in an election year) with $105 million and demand to qualify for the lollies, they must cover areas that Labour demands....Maori/Diversity/Climate Change

Rule #2 Declare yourself the sole source of truth.

Rule #3 Give daily briefings on how the public must comply to win back their normal freedoms

Rule #4 Answer difficult questions by stating "I reject the premise of your question"

Rule #5 Throw taxpayer money around like confetti to ensure compliance with rule #3

Rule #6 Divide and conquer. Create the worst divisions in NZ society and demonise the minority who had the sense to question the course the government took.

Rule #7 Create a psuedo independent Ministry of Propaganda called the "Disinformation Project" to back up rule #2

Someone should pay me a million bucks for leaking the plot summary of Cindy's book according to history rather than the redacted BS version that will be published.

11-06-2023, 05:57 PM

Fonterra accounts: Auditing watchdog to hear charges against accountants accused of breaching code of ethics

One of the larger Consultancy Service Providers to Labour Govt here too .. as well as Central Govt elsewhere ? ;)

11-06-2023, 06:00 PM
I wonder if she will include the time she threw health practitioners under the bus for the cock-up over Covid testing. When challenged on it all she had to say was "test,test,test"

Given her penchant for bu*llshi**ery and PR spin her book will be a masterclass for those who want to play pied piper to the gullible masses and compliant media.

Rule #1 Pay off the media (in an election year) with $105 million and demand to qualify for the lollies, they must cover areas that Labour demands....Maori/Diversity/Climate Change

Rule #2 Declare yourself the sole source of truth.

Rule #3 Give daily briefings on how the public must comply to win back their normal freedoms

Rule #4 Answer difficult questions by stating "I reject the premise of your question"

Rule #5 Throw taxpayer money around like confetti to ensure compliance with rule #3

Rule #6 Divide and conquer. Create the worst divisions in NZ society and demonise the minority who had the sense to question the course the government took.

Rule #7 Create a psuedo independent Ministry of Propaganda called the "Disinformation Project" to back up rule #2

Someone should pay me a million bucks for leaking the plot summary of Cindy's book according to history rather than the redacted BS version that will be published.


but an interesting distraction moment orchestrated for Labour away from hapless Chippie who still can't master the clown spin on his head act without falling over (slow learner anyone ?) and some of the lesser Ministerial specimens disgracing themselves badly in public in short sequence .. in election year ;)

Nothing like trying to use any excuse to divert attention from a fairly serious crisis after crisis at top Labour Leadership level .. which Chippie the Clown still came up with no real answers on :)

Many might be left wondering if Labour's Chips are already badly burnt to a blackened frazzle, ahead of being biffed out .. ;)

12-06-2023, 12:48 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: What’s the point of sacking Michael Wood?

Wood still not sacked & gone ?

Says a lot about the Leadership & Labour's Governance to swallow dead rats on an ongoing litany of sackable transgressions by Wood ;)

Or is the Clown fronting the Labour shambles incapable, incompetent, in a difficult spot and heading towards being given the boot by Kiwi's at large in October ? ;)

This unprincipled untrustworthy mob will shortly be expecting gullable Kiwi's to consider voting for them ;)

12-06-2023, 01:30 PM

Retail spending slump signals looming economic downturn

Where's Robbo ? :)

How's your newest Nightmare going .. just in time for Chippy's going away Ceremony ?

Better make the most of those last few burnt Sausage Roll's on the Leader's shout table up front :)

12-06-2023, 01:42 PM
Rob Campbell: Why move backwards and create sunk costs when we could move forward to create new value?


Rob Campbell: Luxon’s lack of Māori health knowledge will take more than two aspirin to remedy

Who's going backwards ?

Aspirins finally worn off - Rob ?

Sorry .. you were previously where ?

then got sent backwards.. courtesy of push & sidekick from where ?

must have hurt :)

Issues (and large ones at that) still persist where previously .. no sign of improvement or value added ;)

Just fortunate that Minister was either blind in both eyes, asleep or didn't want to pay too much attention
whilst desperately hoping he didn't need any specialist attention any time soon, spinning the opposite in fairy tales out to any equally as blind or otherwise ;)

Did a call come in ? ;)

You didn't unfriend them after they said they didn't like what they saw ? ;)

and it didn't raise an eyebrow that they may be running out of friends to run to ? ;)

The new shovel provided must be their old one with less features than a new one
but could still have a fair bit of recoil or kick .. have to watch for unforeseen Clown tricks ;)

especially when the free gifts come from those who are accomplished specialists in sending things backwards, creating large sunk costs, and generating little value .. usually larger gaping craters in the ground ;)

12-06-2023, 02:58 PM

The drop in spending comes ahead of the release of GDP figures on Thursday, which will show whether the country entered a technical recession last year.

Retail spending drops month-on-month for the first time this year

Seasonally adjusted card spending fell across all retail industries, which included consumables, durables, apparel, fuel, and motor vehicles, as well as the non-retail excluding services category.

“Retail prices are continuing to rise at a rapid pace. We’re also seeing increasing numbers of households rolling on to higher mortgage rates.

“We expect those factors will be an increasing drag on household spending over the months ahead. Today’s result reinforces our expectations for a downturn in domestic economic conditions over the coming months.”

Grant's Depressing Progress announcement due on Thursday ;)

The only question remaining is how far down the toilet Robbo's fiscal mismanagement has dropped us ;)

12-06-2023, 03:03 PM

Auditor-General 'not yet certain' PGF reset delivered value for money

A review of the Covid “reset” of the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) has painted an unflattering picture of the controls and processes built to dole out $640 million of public money.

“We saw no evidence of clear reporting or regular monitoring of how well the PGF reset was achieving its objectives or how its overall success or value for money could be determined.

“We also did not see evidence of planning for, or commitment to, an evaluation of the outcomes of the PGF reset,” it said.

Formerly Shane Jones oversaw this Slush Fund of large handouts for many purposes

Guess who holds the baby now ? ;)

Regional Development Minister Kiri Allan has been approached for comment.

No-one home .. or too hard ? ;)

12-06-2023, 03:08 PM

Chippie to Woodie Woodpecker:

Sit in the Corner and don't move today:

While there was some speculation that he could also further sanction his errant minister Michael Wood for his handling of his shares in Auckland Airport - and failure to sell them despite 12 nudges from the Cabinet Office - that is unlikely to happen today as Hipkins appears to have decided to wait on the outcome of a review by the Pecuniary Interests Registrar.

Still sharpening up on the cane - Chippie .. must be fairly blunt or have the instructions for safe use
been lost in all the continuing chaos ? ;)

Sure 12 strokes are within the capability ? :)

If you mistime the stroke it might catch on your desk leg and send you flying headfirst out the window
bouncing along the pavement under ;)

Now, that would be an entertaining Clown performance worth buying a ticket to watch :)

12-06-2023, 08:01 PM

Chippie to Woodie Woodpecker:

Sit in the Corner and don't move today:

Still sharpening up on the cane - Chippie .. must be fairly blunt or have the instructions for safe use
been lost in all the continuing chaos ? ;)

Sure 12 strokes are within the capability ? :)

If you mistime the stroke it might catch on your desk leg and send you flying headfirst out the window
bouncing along the pavement under ;)

Now, that would be an entertaining Clown performance worth buying a ticket to watch :)

Gee you write some rubbish.


12-06-2023, 08:22 PM
2019 to 2023 … 4 long long years of enduring abuse before Kainga Ora (KO) took action.

And who instructed the monkeys in KO to persist with its ‘no eviction’ policy to the detriment of law abiding and reasonable citizens?

Yes, this pro-crim and pro-gang Labour government.


Sooner October 2023 comes around and this bunch of incompetent & useless ministers get the boot from NZers, the better.

12-06-2023, 09:33 PM
2019 to 2023 … 4 long long years of enduring abuse before Kainga Ora (KO) took action.

And who instructed the monkeys in KO to persist with its ‘no eviction’ policy to the detriment of law abiding and reasonable citizens?

Yes, this pro-crim and pro-gang Labour government.


Sooner October 2023 comes around and this bunch of incompetent & useless ministers get the boot from NZers, the better.

The most important election ever in my opinion.
Hopefully the hard working Kiwis will outnumber the dreamers and bludgers.

13-06-2023, 08:39 AM
The most important election ever in my opinion.
Hopefully the hard working Kiwis will outnumber the dreamers and bludgers.

White middle class NZers need to wake up to the scam which is this Labour/Green government - pretending to care and share while

1. deliberating impoverishing more & more NZers to entrench dependency & breed loyal leftist voters

2. dividing NZ into racial, religious and social groups to divide and rule

3. allowing law & order to break down with their pro-crim & pro-Maori gang policies


4. squandering the country’s wealth & loading up with debt & tax burdens for future generations to shoulder.

Two examples this morning of the above :


In 18 months, 3 evictions (yes, three) by Kainga Ora out of the 10,000 complaints by law abiding citizens of anti-social & criminal state tenants.


Schools having to close because gangs have overwhelmed the resources of law enforcement to protect students & children.

Wake up, middle class NZers - your country is being destroyed. There is but one opportunity left to arrest the rot perpetuated by the rats in Labour this October.

Do not miss the opportunity to do good and restore positivity to New Zealand.

Logen Ninefingers
13-06-2023, 09:12 AM
Not sure what can be done to pull NZ out of the mire at this point.

The parties of the Left are addicted to borrowing & spending wastefully with nothing to show for it, high immigration to post up lazy ‘GDP growth’, the politics of envy, ‘delivering for maori’ (a euphemism for transferring taxpayer funds to maori), and clobbering Kiwi farmers in the name of ‘fighting climate change’ while China burns 2 billion tonnes of coal a year.

The parties on the Right will be focussed on tax cuts when we have a yawning revenue hole, tax breaks for property investors, high immigration to post up lazy ‘GDP growth’ and to keep construction companies in work building shoebox dwellings for new immigrants while an army of real estate agents & mortgage brokers ‘clip the ticket’.

All political parties in NZ are committed to restarting the property ponzi scheme as soon as possible, trying to make Kiwi’s feel ‘wealthy’ through massive debt while 100,000+ new immigrants every year add to the problems in the overburdened health system and on our pot-holed and congested roads.

Unfortunately NZ politicians are totally out of ideas on how to drive real wealth in NZ. We continue to do the bare basics of exporting raw logs, kiwifruit, and dairy products while our productivity plummets and our incomes stagnate. There is no innovation that would produce the high incomes needed to lift living standards, just the failed idea of using immigrants and hype to propel the ‘property, property, property’ paradigm of selling houses back and forth amongst each other for increasing amounts of debt.

We probably needed 10 new hospitals to be built in New Zealand over Labours time in office to keep up with demand caused by an ageing population and the health needs of ‘new New Zealanders’.

We probably needed a second harbour crossing in Auckland, because the existing bridge has to be closed when the wind gets up.

We have 20,000 people living in temporary housing due to failed government policies.

Our roads are falling apart.

We are probably headed for a similar fate as Ireland experienced in the 2000’s. Famed as the ‘Celtic Tiger’ off the back of a property boom, it all fell apart during the GFC and was revealed to be nothing but debt-fuelled ‘smoke and mirrors’.

13-06-2023, 10:49 AM
Unacceptable - that’s the response to schools closing down in Ōpōtiki due to the gangs by Hipkins & the Police Minister!

And who was Police Minister before he became PM? None other than Hipkins.

Bloody useless and clueless just like his predecessor, Clueless Cindy.


When the police cannot contain the gangs, this government’s response is to utter completely meaningless comments.

Middle class white NZers, take note of what you voted into unbridled power in 2020 - a useless yet arrogant bunch of incompetent pro criminal and pro Maori-gang electoral shysters led by the biggest hypocrite Ardern.

Logen Ninefingers
13-06-2023, 11:16 AM
The ‘pump up immigration’ scam has a full head of steam up -

‘The number of people arriving in New Zealand on work visas is almost back up to the record pre-pandemic levels of 2019.
The latest figures from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment show 17,319 people arrived in NZ on work visas in May.’

13-06-2023, 11:23 AM
The ‘pump up immigration’ scam has a full head of steam up -

‘The number of people arriving in New Zealand on work visas is almost back up to the record pre-pandemic levels of 2019.
The latest figures from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment show 17,319 people arrived in NZ on work visas in May.’

This is the very same Labour government which wanted to cut immigration to 20,000 a year, remember?

Clueless and useless in delivering on anything they say they will do.

100,000 kiwibuild homes, anyone?

Logen Ninefingers
13-06-2023, 11:28 AM
This is the very same Labour government which wanted to cut immigration to 20,000 a year, remember?

Clueless and useless in delivering on anything they say they will do.

100,000 kiwibuild homes, anyone?

Just a pack of outright liars devoid of any ideas. They are there to govern on behalf of the unions & ‘deliver for maori’, and the rest of us can get stuffed.

13-06-2023, 11:34 AM
Just a pack of outright liars devoid of any ideas. They are there to govern on behalf of the unions & ‘deliver for maori’, and the rest of us can get stuffed.

On TV3 the other night, the news showed a company having to bring in a tyre fitter migrant from the Philippines because none of the nearly 100,000 people on the jobseeker benefit could or would do the job.

The fitter brings in his wife and children so go figure the imposition on the services (education, healthcare etc) needed just to fill in one job.

When did tyre fitting constitute a skilled job?

That's how successful Labour & Ardern have been in breeding beneficiaries & parasites of NZers in the last 5.5 years.

13-06-2023, 12:29 PM
Gee you write some rubbish.


You're in the right thread for Rubbish .. all about a clueless Government which has lost it's way
with the odd interjection from a few who can't or don't want to see the results ;)

Thanks for putting your hand up for all to see :)

13-06-2023, 01:29 PM
How's this Labour Government of Filth doing with dealing with a very Pot Holed Minister of Filth
over his long trail of transgressions ? ;)

Was he even any good at removing Cyclone filth or filling in any pot holes ? :)

Still too difficult ? :)

or All solved by Chippie announcing a China visit & then off to Europe .. with Woody Woodpecker and
another Parrot who made herself look rather stupid both having covers pulled over them, told to shut up and wheeled into the back room out of sight ? ;)

Those Pot holes & Education Services teetering on brink of growing Deeper, School Lessons cancelled and forced Uni downsizings respectively, all hitting deaf & absent ears in desperate hope they blend into the background chatter - just don't go away with the wheeling the offending filthy talent into the back room and Leader making feel-good tour squawking noises - do they ? ;)

Looks like a bit of a hopeful at best Clown act to try to wash hands of splattered filth from two of Govt's many non performers - What a filthy shambles Chippie has eagerly dropped himself into the midst of ;)

What's the sound of an empty room devoid of all but the Filthy residue come October - Chippie ? ;)

Let's face it - there will be no final Clown act with the chief clown diving head first into the filth .. and all the spectators will likely be left floundering in the filth that this clueless & incompetent Labour Govt have once again left them in, regretting they even stopped to hear Cinderella's spins, on back of earlier similar poor shows ;)

That is Labour's standard closing Circus Act each & every time the performance comes to a close with the Red Curtains coming down in tatters on a few more tragic crisis ravaged Labour terms, leaving everyone else to clean up the filth ;)

13-06-2023, 02:39 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/5/e/r/i/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26rok4.png/1686575874965.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

More of the same Filth - Suckers .. or not? ;)

13-06-2023, 04:35 PM

Migration still running hot as annual net gain tops 72,000

All in bringing their own houses on their backs .. or not ? :)

There is no Housing Crisis, no-one living in Cars or on the Streets is there ? ;)

How many new Homes have Megan Housebuilder Muppet presided over building now to fix problem ? :)

Earlier Housebuilder Muppet, as all will remember fell on his head and got flushed down dunny on poor numbers achieved ;)

Or are Motels still being snapped up as soon as they come on market to fill growing gap ?

Must be a fair few of Labour's Housing Slumlands popping up all around the land, especially after
the Cyclone then inconveniently washed through .. where are all those displaced hiding or hanging out now ? ;)

13-06-2023, 04:56 PM

Alpine Fault rupture will be 'largest earthquake in recorded history'

Larger than the quake likely when the rift between the pimply pale b*ms and occupying hijackers of the
Labour little red submarine holed up near the bottom sees a very rapid violent rupturing of ways on
both factions waking up to there being no fast escape from the bind they have dug themselves into ? ;)

13-06-2023, 05:36 PM

National leader Christopher Luxon clarifies ‘wet, whiny’ remarks, says he’s a patriot

National leader Christopher Luxon has declared himself a patriot and distanced himself from his comments calling New Zealand a “wet, whiny” country.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins criticised Luxon’s remarks, saying Luxon was “running down” New Zealand:

Chippie - Hero of all those poor under nourished poverty strickened and homeless bods badly afflicted by all the COL Fuel, Rent, Interest and every other cost hike up under the Sun .. Try not to be a Wet and Whiny Clown ;)

All but just the blind and stupid might unlove and unfriend you in an instant if that's seen :)

Champ -- all those who you might think to be Hero for might just be losing confidence in your Govt's incompetent Clown tricks which has deceived & left them floundering in the filth that your mob have orchestrated upon them ;)

It was after all the Spinning Mouthpiece from your own Govt that encouraged all to spend months of otherwise better applied time confined, gazing inwards towards their navels until directed otherwise - was it not ? ;)

No amount of leaping in the air and opening your legs after the event can change past history :)

Nobody wants to know how many braincells Covid did or didn't remove from a Head Clown's nether regions :)

13-06-2023, 06:05 PM

RNZ Russia edits: More changes to Reuters content found with Palestine, China, North Korea, Cuba stories also edited

There are calls for the Government to launch an independent inquiry after further edits appearing to be sympathetic to authoritarian regimes have emerged in stories on Radio New Zealand’s (RNZ) website.

Act Party leader David Seymour has called on Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson to commission an inquiry into the state-owned media organisation.

More changes to Reuters content on RNZ’s website have been found, some edits appearing to be sympathetic towards Palestine and the militant group Hamas in the conflict in Gaza and China’s position in its treatment of Uyghurs.

Things going just spinningly fine in Willie's Fun and Games Portfolio, it seems ;)

Aborted mergers that cost Mega bucks, fake news to represent the correct earlier version :)

What will be tossed out next ?

Looks like plenty of fun and games being had in the Govt controlled Media Sandpit :)

Or were things just re-edited for prevailing Political convenience and the whole
farce is now getting washed out of the woodwork .. just in time for election year ? ;)

13-06-2023, 06:45 PM

Exclusive: Kāinga Ora evicts three people after pledging unruly tenant crackdown

Opposition MPs are fuming after revelations just three people have been evicted from state housing for bad behaviour - despite a promised Government crackdown.

And a top lawyer is calling on the Housing Minister to step up and protect those who are suffering at the hands of unruly tenants across the country.

In February last year, Kāinga Ora announced new policies to deal with the worst offenders, including a termination option if three serious incidents were recorded within a 90-day period.

Newstalk ZB can reveal in the 18 months since the measures were announced, three people have been kicked out of Kāinga Ora properties.

Over the same period, tenants attracted more than 10,000 complaints, which the housing agency largely puts down to noise or frequency of visitors.

Must be a lot of good little boys and girls in Megan Housebuilder's Mega Home Shambles
or somebody changed the meanings to allow more of the same destruction & unruly behaviour
to carry on unabated ;)

"just three people have been evicted" - were they ones that had to be wheeled out ? :)

Were staff asleep or away elsewhere watching ram raiders in progress in the central city ? :)

Now why are some calling this likely a Crock of BS, decreed from above ? ;)

Litigation lawyer Adina Thorn said although the Government insists that it does not have a “no evictions policy” for disruptive tenants, these numbers tell another story.

She said many people contact her at breaking point, and it’s not uncommon to receive emails from people being harassed or threatened by their Kāinga Ora neighbours.

Thorn said she has even been told by people that their children and grandchildren are unable to visit, due to safety concerns, and others are too scared to leave their homes.

“They’re complaining and complaining to Kāinga Ora, and no matter how bad they say their neighbours are, Kāinga Ora says... you can live there as long as you like.”

She added that Kāinga Ora is reaching “the point of negligence”, as the provider has obligations under the Residential Tenancies Act.

13-06-2023, 09:25 PM
More ferals created by this Government's stupid Kaianga Ora policies. These twits have been lighting toxic fires & smoking meth in the backyard to smoke out their neighbours. Environment Waikato has become involved because of it. Repeated complaints to the property manager have gone unanswered. The Police have attended the property 92 times in 5 years and on some occasions have been attacked by these ferals.
Yet they remain there and no doubt paying no rent. What a bloody lawless fiasco.

14-06-2023, 08:50 AM
Seems like Caxton have some competition to produce NZ made toilet paper.

Someone has rolled out a million dollars for Dame Cinders to write a book.

Not sure how it will pan out.

Will the title be Impurex or TrainRex?

14-06-2023, 09:29 AM
Willy asleep again?
"The Christchurch man sent an email complaining about the article to Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson in October 2022. It was also sent to RNZ, and co-signed by more than 20 members of the Ukrainian community in New Zealand."

"""NZ entering Ukraine conflict at whim of govt",""

"""New Zealand was "inadvertently helping to arm neo-Nazi militias and far-right groups"."

Logen Ninefingers
14-06-2023, 09:42 AM
New Zealanders democratic rights are being trampled over by ‘Iwi groups’ as regards to our (all New Zealanders) Kermadec Islands. The NZ government wants to set up an ‘ocean sanctuary’ - and are (of course) willing to fork over the obligatory koha of $40 million taxpayer dollars (‘delivering for maori) but ‘Iwi groups’ say “it ain’t happening”. This isn’t even the co-governance that the government was proposing to allow in regards to the management of the sanctuary, instead it’s governance of New Zealand by ‘Iwi groups’ who can veto the democratically expressed will of the NZ people - and the hapless elected government is seemingly powerless to do anything about it.


‘As indicated by their name for the Islands, Rangitahua – the Stopping-off Place, Polynesian people "stopped off" on the Kermadec Islands in around the 14th century (and perhaps previously in the 10th century).[4] However the first Europeans to reach the area – arriving onboard the Lady Penrhyn in May 1788 – found no inhabitants on these volcanic islands.’


‘Iwi organisations with interests around the Kermadec Islands have almost unanimously voted to reject the Government’s latest proposal for an ocean sanctuary, a decision Environment Minister David Parker says is unexpected and disappointing.

It is another major setback in fraught attempts by the government to set up the 620,000sq km Ocean Sanctuary since it was first announced at the UN in New York by former prime minister John Key in 2015.

That swiftly came a cropper after iwi with fishing rights in the area objected to the lack of consultation and lack of recognition of indigenous fishing and Treaty rights in the area - and Te Ohu Kaimoana took legal action.

Parker had put up a further proposal after years of working with Te Ohu Kaimoana and the iwi involved – but of 45 iwi organisations at a meeting in Wellington on Tuesday, 42 rejected it outright and only one voted in favour of it. Two abstained.

Parker said the decision was “very disappointing”.

“Only recently it has been indicated to us that the parties were close to an agreement on the sanctuary. Today’s decision – reportedly by a large majority – is a big setback for marine protection in New Zealand.

“The Government will seek to understand more about why this unexpected decision has been made before deciding on our next steps.”

A statement from Te Ohu Kaimoana, which hosted the special general meeting, said the iwi would hold a further hui to talk about a more indigenous-led approach rather than an approach “imposed upon us by the Crown”.

“Iwi present at the hui said that an indigenous-led approach, designed by iwi for iwi, is the only pathway forward and a first step toward any form of future marine management arrangements for that area.”

Parker, who had hoped to get it over the line before the election, said he had been working on the revised proposal since 2017 to try to get the sanctuary established. His changes included renaming the sanctuary the Ngā Whatu-a-Māui Ocean Sanctuary and setting up a co-governance entity Te Kāhui to manage it. Te Kāhui was to get a $40 million research fund to do that.

The proposed legislation also required it be managed in a way that recognised Māori rights and interests. Te Kāhui was also to be tasked with considering whether the sanctuary could be given legal personhood, as happened with the Whānganui River. It also allowed for a review of the fishing total allowable catch in 10 years’ time, and rights to compensation.

Te Kāhui would consist of four government ministers, four Te Ohu Kaimoana representatives and one representative each for Te Aupōuri and Ngāti Kuri - mana whenua in the area.

Peter-Lucas Jones of Te Aupōuri said it was never going to support what was proposed – because of the impact on rights and the structure of the proposal.

“We were never going to agree to the Crown extinguishing our indigenous rights and interests in the moana that has been identified for the sanctuary.

“[However], we are the original conservationists and we want to see more happen in that space in the interests of the future of our mokopuna. But we want to lead that, not be added onto somebody’s relationship strategy with Unesco and the Americans. We want to be part of an idea that looks much further into the future than the next 20 years.”

Parker said iwi had indicated they were not interested in compensation, but the Government had been clear it was willing to consider compensation for fishing rights that would be suspended, saying the cost would be modest because little commercial fishing took place in the area concerned due to its remoteness.’

Logen Ninefingers
14-06-2023, 09:48 AM
The Labour party’s idea of throwing chunks of meat to a Taniwha in order to pacify it has only succeeded in awakening a voracious appetite in the beast. Hand only a billion dollars today & next week you will be asked “what have you done for me lately?”

14-06-2023, 12:14 PM
Another large Pot Hole in the System turns into a larger crater - courtesy of Woody Woodpecker's "Done Nothing" again ? ;)

Minister Michael Wood


The missing Employment Relations Authority member: Law Society, Opposition slam case logjam

How is it that Chippie can continue to allow this Talent piece to still stay on Govt Front Benches or in Parliament ? ;)

The long knives are banging on the deck across the land it would seem .. will it be a large slice of Woody and thinly diced Chips on the side ? ;)

14-06-2023, 12:21 PM
The Labour party’s idea of throwing chunks of meat to a Taniwha in order to pacify it has only succeeded in awakening a voracious appetite in the beast. Hand only a billion dollars today & next week you will be asked “what have you done for me lately?”

Why settle for milk when you can have the cream and cow as well?

14-06-2023, 12:26 PM

Cost of living: Annual food prices rise 12.1 per cent

Lap it up - Loyal supporters of Labour's Clownfest trainwreck .. this is what Ardern's, Chippy's' and Robbo's Social Experiment gone wrong now derailed and running wild off the tracks has brought upon everyone's wallets ;)

Logen Ninefingers
14-06-2023, 12:52 PM

Cost of living: Annual food prices rise 12.1 per cent

Lap it up - Loyal supporters of Labour's Clownfest trainwreck .. this is what Ardern's, Chippy's' and Robbo's Social Experiment gone wrong now derailed and running wild off the tracks has brought upon everyone's wallets ;)

They’ll probably respond with another round of hand-outs which will only drive inflation higher. What happened to getting tough with supermarkets (and petrol companies)? Woods couldn’t knock the skin off a rice pudding, just so weak. As usual, NOTHING delivered for ordinary New Zealand taxpayers.

14-06-2023, 01:00 PM
No wonder Dr Sharma and Meka baled out of Labour.

They didn't want to drown in the river of filth.

Logen Ninefingers
14-06-2023, 02:23 PM
Another widening of Robbo’s fiscal hole has occurred, with a fresh debacle at the latest ‘pollution auction’.


‘The Government has for the second time walked away empty-handed from a “pollution auction”, creating a revenue shortfall.

Polluters purchase the “rights” to produce greenhouse gas at regular auctions. All bids are assessed collectively. Those making an offer below the Government’s secret reserve price meant everyone walked away with nothing, according to the official results.

At today’s carbon price, the Government could have earned $512 million by selling the 8.95m carbon units on offer – double the number usually on sale after the March auction also failed.

The failed auctions would have a permanent impact on Government revenue.

After the carbon price crashed, Treasury estimated the auctions this year would collect roughly $800m less than expected.’

14-06-2023, 02:24 PM

One low-ball bid at an auction today could cost the Government half a billion


Government short half a billion in revenue after 'pollution auction' fails

The Government has for the second time walked away empty-handed from a “pollution auction”, creating a revenue shortfall.

Polluters purchase the “rights” to produce greenhouse gas at regular auctions. All bids are assessed collectively. Those making an offer below the Government’s secret reserve price meant everyone walked away with nothing, according to the official results.

At today’s carbon price, the Government could have earned $512 million by selling the 8.95m carbon units on offer – double the number usually on sale after the March auction also failed.

Fewer carbon units sold means less greenhouse pollution will ultimately be created. So today’s outcome was “a great result for the environment,” Janett said.

The failed auctions would have a permanent impact on Government revenue, however.

After the carbon price crashed, Treasury estimated the auctions this year would collect roughly $800m less than expected.

Too much untrustworthy Pollution being generated at Govt Beehive benches instead ? ;)

Well Govt did try to put a finger into the pot of Twoddle previously and came out of it looking prize idiots
now fare no better out of a repeat :)

Logen Ninefingers
14-06-2023, 02:27 PM

One low-ball bid at an auction today could cost the Government half a billion


Government short half a billion in revenue after 'pollution auction' fails

Too much untrustworthy Pollution being generated at Govt Beehive benches instead ? ;)

Well Govt did try to put a finger into the pot of Twoddle previously and came out of it looking prize idiots
now fare no better out of a repeat :)

They are now down $800 million on where they thought they’d be after the last two auctions were a bust. An utter shambles.

14-06-2023, 02:29 PM

Recession is here, but that’s only part of the story

OPINION: News that the Treasury and Reserve Bank don’t see eye-to-eye on whether we’ll see a recession this year has enlivened the “will we/won’t we” recession debate.

For the record, we’re in the “we will” camp. Actually, that should probably be “we had”. We think there’s a good chance this week’s first quarter GDP figures will confirm a technical recession was recorded over the six months ended March 2023.

We first laid out our recession expectations around this time last year, a minority of one at the time. Our motivation in doing so wasn’t that we necessarily saw it as a sure thing – if only our forecasting ability was that reliable. It was more about flagging to people the risk that economic conditions would deteriorate sharply this year.

Come all Ye Loyal Twits and followers :)

This is what all thee untrustworthy meddling incompetent worthless Govt gits have beset on all ;)

All Robbo's rescue ladders are too short or broken .. and the chasm continues deepening with Finance Wizard
still dozing and wondering how it happen :)

Soon, the only thing that could even be regarded as strong will be the pong of rancid Chips and moldy stale sausage rolls wafting down the chambers to greet all who dare venture anywhere near ;)

Confidence in this hopeless mob has long previously been flushed down the toilet, of their own doing :)

14-06-2023, 02:37 PM
They are now down $800 million on where they thought they’d be after the last two auctions were a bust. An utter shambles.

Indeed .. who is in charge of this shambles ? :)

14-06-2023, 02:44 PM

Widespread power, internet outages across Auckland causing havoc on coldest day

Welcome to the prelude to Labour's Third World Auckland .. where things aplenty are disfunctional, unreliable, broken, incapable or falling over and no-one from the Wellington Beehive Control tower has any slightest of a clue on how to right things ;)

A child with a set of building blocks probably knows more about Infrastructure than the clowns playing away on Govt benches in Beehive ;)

14-06-2023, 02:56 PM

What will happen to fuel prices when the 25 cents-a-litre tax cut ends?

But what will happen to price when the fuel tax cut ends on June 30?

The fuel excise duty is a tax all fuel retailers collect and pass directly through the government. It collects 77c a litre in direct fuel taxes, as well as GST and the 10c Auckland Regional Fuel Tax.

The 25c cut was worth slightly more than 25c a litre because GST is calculated after other taxes.

A Z energy spokesperson said when the tax was reintroduced in two weeks’ time petrol would increase by 29c a litre, inclusive of GST.

Suck it up Folks .. at month's end - Labour are set to deliver another large unmissable POT HOLE on your wallets & purses ;)

Already feeling sick at the thought of it and ends not meeting on your own forward budget ?

Well that's not the end of it by far ... just wait until it goes round and round into the cost of everything else

Everyone will then really know what it feels like to be totally skrewed over by this Labour Government ;)

Thought you were ahead with your last pay rise .. think again - you won't be very very soon ..

Enjoy the Clown Performance while it lasts .. don't miss out :)

Limited tickets remain to see your future and what further tricks these spinning clowns have in store :)

14-06-2023, 03:00 PM
And what if they find that pines don't sequester as much in the soil as native plantations or as much as they thought?
"Scion researchers will test if pine forest soils are helping reducing NZ’s methane levels"



14-06-2023, 03:18 PM

IMF calls for tax reform in New Zealand and more disciplined govt spending

Just in time for Robbo's going away party ;)

Large head ache avoided - Robbo ? :)

Organised a replacement day job with a new circus yet or aren't IMF interested ? ;)

14-06-2023, 03:22 PM

Food prices may have peaked, but lower inflation still ‘a long way away’, economists say

More of Adrian's mythical inflationary beasties still forecast to keep chasing Kiwi's ;)

See what Robbo and Adrian have done for all Kiwi's ? ;)

Should both be fired and sent down the road yesterday for these sort of tricks ? ;)

14-06-2023, 03:27 PM

Christchurch Oranga Tamariki manager charged with $2m fraud, used fake references to get job

Megan Housebuilder's mob employed an honest flakey ? .. Surely not - how that happen ? ;)

Not enough energy obvious spent overseeing the chiefs watching those below .. wonder why ? ;)

When everything else is falling apart, then this sort of thing is not surprising popping up in other portfoiios across Chippy's imploding trainwreck ;)

Hope other two Ministerial gophers on supervised leave for questionable antics are enjoying washing dishes and cleaning the back office dunnies, while they await word of their demise :)

14-06-2023, 03:45 PM
Should both be fired and sent down the road yesterday for these sort of tricks ? ;)

How can food be going up though when it's govt spending driving inflation?

What have public servants got to do with food .

14-06-2023, 03:45 PM

Ōpōtiki Mongrel Mob Barbarians death: Police presence at tangi for slain Mongrel Mob Barbarians president Steven Taiatini

Even Kelvin would say it's okay to have a bit of a celebration, a few burnouts, wheel stands, and leave
a bit of rubber behind - while in Opotiki - would he not ? ;)

Bring the mates .. the more the merrier

Remember - Limp Labour hands wont disagree that you own the place by simply landing there :)

14-06-2023, 03:48 PM
How can food be going up though when it's govt spending driving inflation?

What have public servants got to do with food .

Food distribution doesn't require Fuel to be taken from A to B ? ;)

How about also the myriad of Govt inspired red tape .. Labour love adding it, if you haven't noticed :)

Enjoy the next round of increases .. due just after month end .. increased fuel costs - Champ

with love from your Labour mates in Beehive :)

No means test required ., they're happy to swipe all you got left then some more on top

14-06-2023, 04:22 PM

Kate MacNamara: Provincial Growth - fund of the long black cloud

Not another long Black Cloud ? ;)

Who's large Grundies are on fire this time ? ;)

More long and large skid marks - Robbo ? ;)

Pollution protection & Splatter-proof H&S BS Screens needed for all the poor suckers nearby .. don't worry -
they're not selling well anyway .. but needed in case any of the peacefully sleeping should awaken :)

New cushion required ? .. petty cash might be all spent, so BYO self stuffed is on you :)

Can't blame Chippy's catering of all those FREE past-sale-date burnt sausage rolls for this one ;)

14-06-2023, 04:48 PM

Richard Prebble: Here’s how we can start closing the gap with Australia

Richard - to understand the word requires knowing how to spell and pronounce it

Rumour has it that both would likely be beyond the capabilities of the residual confused talent ;)

In the unlikely event that a correct answer was to emerge then there is high probability that
the talent would misunderstand and duck up the task in hand, in line with earlier attempts ;)

Do you have a spare canoe instead so paddling lessons can be trialled ? ;)

14-06-2023, 05:16 PM

Insurer IAG tells investors house insurance premiums rising at 20% to 30%

Giant insurer IAG has been increasing premiums by around 20% on car insurance and about 20% to 30% on house insurance, a presentation to investors on the ASX Australian sharemarket shows.

IAG, which owns the State, AMI and NZI brands in New Zealand, posted a presentation for investors on Wednesday flagging “rising rate increases” as a result of high inflation and higher reinsurance costs.

It shows the car insurance premiums it is charging to New Zealand households rising by around 20%, and house insurance rising by 20% to 30%.

All Chippy & Robbo's poor unfortunate poverty strickened peasants might need another pay rise & COL adjustment in July with the way the fiscal jaws are coming at them ;)

Time to fit in a special holiday trip away to Argentina, Brazil or Zimbabwe - Robbo to see how counting the rapidly dividing local fiat works before your 'going-away' party .. or too hard ? ;)

At worst it would put them in the loop on not being so lonely with another talent piece from an obscure country in the South Pacific landing headfirst in the filth .. now wanting to steal a few clues on how things work ;)

14-06-2023, 05:24 PM
Ah well, l suppose it had to happen.

All main roads will be re marked into 3 lanes each way.
One for buses, one for general public, and one for gang members.

Woe betide if the general public stray into the gang lane.

The Police will issue them with a ticket fine!

14-06-2023, 08:00 PM
What a pathetic wet, whiny and humourless lot the Labour Party & Government are … can’t even take a joke and some ribbing & niggling.


“Farmers’ protest group Groundswell NZ claims Labour “narked” on them for selling golf balls emblazoned with the Prime Minister’s face, among others, at Fieldays.”


Logen Ninefingers
15-06-2023, 08:32 AM
‘Parts of northern Auckland remain without power for the second day, amid some of the lowest temperatures so far this winter.

Much of Warkworth and neighbouring Wellsford, Snells Beach, Omaha and Matakana have been without power since 7am Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, a smaller number of houses were without power, as people woke to another cold morning of about 5C.

On Wednesday, the power outage caused major problems for local schools, with several closing due to the disruption.

Meanwhile in central Auckland, Remuera and Newmarket have been facing internet troubles.

Internet provider Chorus shows outages remain in the central Auckland region with further outages in Onehunga and East Tāmaki.’

15-06-2023, 08:40 AM
‘Parts of northern Auckland remain without power for the second day, amid some of the lowest temperatures so far this winter.

Much of Warkworth and neighbouring Wellsford, Snells Beach, Omaha and Matakana have been without power since 7am Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, a smaller number of houses were without power, as people woke to another cold morning of about 5C.

On Wednesday, the power outage caused major problems for local schools, with several closing due to the disruption.

Meanwhile in central Auckland, Remuera and Newmarket have been facing internet troubles.

Internet provider Chorus shows outages remain in the central Auckland region with further outages in Onehunga and East Tāmaki.’

Last one to leave NZ to the parasites, beneficiaries and losers being bred by Hipkins/Ardern now need not switch off the light as this Labour/Green government’s energy strategy & policies take effect.

Forget about increasing power generation to
Meet the future needs of NZ, just follow India with its brown outs and black outs.

Accelerate the descend of NZ from first world to third world - Labour’s vision for NZ.

Logen Ninefingers
15-06-2023, 10:22 AM
NZ taxpayers getting robbed blind. ‘Come to NZ to run rorts and then send the loot back home.’


‘A woman is accused of using forged reference letters to secure a manager’s role at Oranga Tamariki before allegedly fraudulently obtaining more than $2 million.

Neha Sharma, 34, of Christchurch, was due to appear in the Christchurch District Court on Wednesday facing four charges after an investigation by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO).

However, when her case was called it was revealed she was in India.

The SFO alleges that between January and February 2021 Sharma used written references, knowing them to be forged, from two people to get a job as property facilities manager at Oranga Tamariki.

It’s then alleged that between July 25, 2021 and October 27, 2022, she and Amandeep Sharma obtained a pecuniary advantage, with 103 payments totalling $2.1m made to Divine Connection Limited in relation to 326 invoices by Divine Connection to Oranga Tamariki.

Amandeep Sharma is the director of Divine Connection. The company is listed on the Companies Office as being involved in building and house construction.

The SFO said Neha Sharma, whose maiden name according to the charge sheets is Chandrasekaran, omitted to disclose her conflict of interest in relation to Divine Connection, with intent to deceive Oranga Tamariki, where there was a duty to disclose it to them.

Court documents list the invoices which include work or services carried out on various addresses and residential properties in Christchurch and greater Canterbury. The addresses include Te Puna Wai (youth justice facility), Te Oranga (care and protection residence), Te Poutama Ārahi Rangtahi (residential treatment programme for boys aged 12-18 with at-risk behaviour).

The pair also face a charge of money laundering $791,500. Charge sheets allege they removed the money from New Zealand in seven transactions in April and May.’

15-06-2023, 11:05 AM
NZ taxpayers getting robbed blind. ‘Come to NZ to run rorts and then send the loot back home.’


Monkey sees, monkey does.

This Labour government has fleeced taxpayers with ever bigger tax take and squandered billions of dollars on all manner of scams and wasteful spending on Taxpayers :

1. Provincial Growth Fund - $3 billion

2. Emergency housing - $1 billion

3. Consultants - $1 billion

4. Auckland bike Bridge to nowhere - $56m

5. Cost of living payments to non residents and overseas - $30m

6. Light rail proposal - $65m

7. Mongrel Mob - $3m

Etc etc etc etc

What is $2m?

Logen Ninefingers
15-06-2023, 11:52 AM
‘The economy entered a recession in the first quarter falling 0.1 per cent, in line with market expectations.

Data from Stats NZ this morning showed how the economy shrank in the first three months of 2023.

And revised data showed GDP contracted by 0.7 per cent in the final quarter of 2022, worse than the 0.6 per cent recorded earlier.

Two successive quarters of economic contraction are widely considered a technical recession.’

15-06-2023, 12:30 PM
Monkey sees, monkey does.

This Labour government has fleeced taxpayers with ever bigger tax take and squandered billions of dollars on all manner of scams and wasteful spending on Taxpayers :

1. Provincial Growth Fund - $3 billion

2. Emergency housing - $1 billion

3. Consultants - $1 billion

4. Auckland bike Bridge to nowhere - $56m

5. Cost of living payments to non residents and overseas - $30m

6. Light rail proposal - $65m

7. Mongrel Mob - $3m

Etc etc etc etc

What is $2m?

Is it time for Robbo to front up with some Labour Bullsh*t O'clock to deliver some feel good
to cover the disaster that his party's fiscal mismanagement and the little side games with
the equally dozy Reserve Bank contingent have managed to orchestrate ? ;)

Perhaps too hard or one of those 'Labour - you done it again and F***** up monumentally' moments
for a spinning mob of clueless incompetents clearly on the way out ? ;)

15-06-2023, 12:40 PM
Someone is on the money today:

”A recession is when your neighbour loses their job. A recovery is when Chris Hipkins loses his”

Give that man a medal ..


15-06-2023, 12:44 PM
How's the shaping going - Robbo ? ;)

Full circle yet to out the back door by twice or three times what your mob started with ? ;)

Found any more bank accounts, slush funds or new sectors to plunder .. or are they all deflated ? :)

Free tickets to Sky City with Star Status arrived yet :)

15-06-2023, 12:56 PM
Meanwhile Chippie is headed off to China to try to source Christmas Turkeys that aren't burnt to a crisp,
but won't want to tell the Chinese what happened experimenting with a new recipe on our own ;)

15-06-2023, 01:11 PM

Household spending squeeze continues as BNZ follows ANZ in mortgage rate rises

Rising home loan rates have combined with large increases in house insurance premiums to bring about a big leap in the costs of owning a home.

Insurers have hiked house insurance premiums as a result of the extreme weather events in January and February, which caused tens of thousands of insurance claims.

You poor unfortunate peasants who swallowed Cindy's home ownership spin .. Enjoy ..

Adrian & Robbo asked to be included on the card & send much love :)

15-06-2023, 01:17 PM

NZ in recession: Proof Reserve Bank 'did too much', economist says

"Kiwibank chief economist Jarrod Kerr says worse is still to come."

..National’s finance spokesperson, Nicola Willis, said the economy was now “incredibly fragile”.

“Excessive inflation, high interest rates, a severe balance of payments deficit and now recession: this is a dangerous combination that threatens New Zealanders’ livelihoods.

“While the Government continues to make excuses, the data does not lie: New Zealand is now in worse shape than many of the countries we compare ourselves with including Australia, Canada and the US, all of which have faced similar global challenges but none of which face the toxic economic predicament we now find ourselves in.

15-06-2023, 01:23 PM

Staff 'gutted' as details about Te Pūkenga restructure emerge

Staff at Te Pūkenga are feeling “shocked” and “gutted” after hundreds found out their roles have been cut – and they still don’t know how many jobs might be left to reapply for.

The mega polytech flagged it would be consulting staff this week as part of its “organisational design and change programme”.

One staff member, with more than a decade experience in the sector, said she was given a letter at a meeting on Wednesday informing her that her position had been disestablished.

However, the letter did not explain why or provide any information about opportunities to reapply under the new structure.

15-06-2023, 01:28 PM

Up to 25% in 'mortgage prison' as rates and falling prices lock them into existing provider

A growing number of New Zealanders are becoming “mortgage prisoners”, as rising interest rates and house price falls mean they no longer meet the lending criteria to shift to a different bank.

Mortgage brokers estimate up to a quarter of borrowers could be in this position, and find themselves less able to shop around for a competitive rate, benefit from cash-back offers, or move from more expensive second-tier lenders’ rates.

Rod Schubert is the managing director of Rod Schubert Financial Advice (RSFA), and estimated 10% to 20% of his clients had no ability to refinance due to not meeting servicing requirements, meaning they ended up in what he called “mortgage purgatory”.

He said many borrowers might find themselves paying low-equity premiums for longer periods as well - a situation he called “low equity lockdown”.

Logen Ninefingers
15-06-2023, 02:28 PM

Staff 'gutted' as details about Te Pūkenga restructure emerge

Confusing viewpoint bring expressed by the Union. On the one hand they say that the organisation is understaffed, but then go on to admit that most of the 400 that are going are middle managers.


‘Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology is planning to axe 400 roles following a fresh round of changes in a move slammed by the union.

TEU organiser Daniel Benson-Guiu said it was another blow to an organisation already understaffed and under resourced, with most of the job losses coming from middle management.’

15-06-2023, 02:36 PM
Confusing viewpoint bring expressed by the Union. On the one hand they say that the organisation is understaffed, but then go on to admit that most of the 400 that are going are middle managers.


‘Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology is planning to axe 400 roles following a fresh round of changes in a move slammed by the union.

TEU organiser Daniel Benson-Guiu said it was another blow to an organisation already understaffed and under resourced, with most of the job losses coming from middle management.’

This gutting can only be a good thing. Especially if it is middle management.

15-06-2023, 03:14 PM
This gutting can only be a good thing. Especially if it is middle management.

Management will keep their jobs - it’s the ‘bloated’ frontline staff like lecturers who will lose their jobs. That’s how it is with this Labour government.

15-06-2023, 04:08 PM

CEO pay: Highest paid public sector bosses, SOE rankings and new health entities

The top level SOE fish heads don't appear to be suffering too much pain, rather a gain :)

KiwiRail & TVNZ doubled in just two years ..

Move over middle muddlers, more for those up top ? ;)

It obviously wouldn't look good to be outdone by Labour's legions of Consultants & Contractors dragged in at huge cost to fill glaring gaps - would it ? :)

15-06-2023, 04:36 PM

'Very cannibalistic': Millions of Mormon crickets invade Nevada

Do they spin as well as Labour's followers here or just chirp loudly
asking for a longer straw each time ? :)

15-06-2023, 04:51 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/5/f/x/c/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26s6um.png/1686746023264.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

Large salary and bundle of perkies for CEO needed to oversee this lot - Willie ? ;)

understandably once inside Beehive the stance will be it didn't happen or
no-one knew it was happening :)

15-06-2023, 06:44 PM
Anyone still trust this hopeless Labour mob with the even more clueless watermelon shades around the sides ? ;)

Of course they misunderstand the concept and instead go on to attack those other beasties - Trusts :)

They probably understand them even less, while mythical inflation beasties and COL bumps bounce across the room bruising all their own supporters & followers even more badly each time ;)

15-06-2023, 09:47 PM
Compare govt debt to GDP to our neighbours Australia.

Australia previous period 28.6% now 22.3%

New Zealand previous period 29.8% now 35.9%

Australia is lowering Debt to GDP while here in New Zealand our Labour Govt are vastly increasing debt to GDP

Spending beyond our means

Blue Skies
15-06-2023, 10:49 PM
Compare govt debt to GDP to our neighbours Australia.

Australia previous period 28.6% now 22.3%

New Zealand previous period 29.8% now 35.9%

Australia is lowering Debt to GDP while here in New Zealand our Labour Govt are vastly increasing debt to GDP

Spending beyond our means

Which is still below the 38.7% which it was in 2013 under National govt. GFC (and nothing like Greece at 175% which someone tried to compare to! )

You have to remember NZ has been hit by not just the global Covid pandemic but also the catastrophic Anniversary Weekend floods & then Cyclone Gabrielle, plus the world economy is very weak & close to being in recession.

Everyone is crying out for money from the govt at the moment.

So if you think National are going to somehow magically fix things you are dreaming.
Get some perspective.

NB. The global Covid Pandemic was way worse than the GFC, the Pandemic created the worse crisis for governments since the Great Depression, according to IMF

Logen Ninefingers
16-06-2023, 07:25 AM
Which is still below the 38.7% which it was in 2013 under National govt. GFC (and nothing like Greece at 175% which someone tried to compare to! )

You have to remember NZ has been hit by not just the global Covid pandemic but also the catastrophic Anniversary Weekend floods & then Cyclone Gabrielle, plus the world economy is very weak & close to being in recession.

Everyone is crying out for money from the govt at the moment.

So if you think National are going to somehow magically fix things you are dreaming.
Get some perspective.

NB. The global Covid Pandemic was way worse than the GFC, the Pandemic created the worse crisis for governments since the Great Depression, according to IMF

‘Everyone is crying out for money from the govt at the moment.’

And being Labour, Robbo is shovelling money at them as fast as he can borrow it.

16-06-2023, 07:36 AM
Labour govts nearly always run surpluses in NZ though.. which must be partly why the credit rating always gets upgraded under them.


16-06-2023, 07:38 AM
‘Everyone is crying out for money from the govt at the moment.’

And being Labour, Robbo is shovelling money at them as fast as he can borrow it.

And with zero accountability and zero transparency.

And with f..k all delivery.

16-06-2023, 12:17 PM

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins opens Puhoi to Warkworth motorway mocked by Labour as a ‘holiday highway’

Oh look .. a shallow Clown Face about Face :)

Timetable for arrival of Woody Woodpecker's scheduled Pot Holes ? :)

Poor old Woody Woodpecker conveniently chopped out of the picture while sitting
on suspenders in the back cupboard for transgressions .. can't have been much else
for Chippy to spout about & about put his best clown face on for media ;)

At least it goes somewhere, which is more than can be said for Chippy's incompetent clueless mob where
pile driving the economy into recession appears their best achievement before likely being upended out ;)

Long Holiday coming up in October Chippie ;)

but haven't done much - have you ? ;)

16-06-2023, 12:25 PM

‘Pretty sh*t’: Farmers worry about huge costs & IMF assesses NZ economy

Confidence in Chippy's Mob & the Green Elves probably ranks similarly

What happens when you dont look after the country's major export earners ? ;)

16-06-2023, 12:34 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/5/h/1/v/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26sh4n.png/1686844092733.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

See what too many burnt Sausage Rolls does with no transport to get them ?

Gingernuts instead soon heading for a good dunking ? ;)

16-06-2023, 02:11 PM

Stuart Nash saga: Conflict of interest identified in investigation into sacked minister

An investigation into sacked minister Stuart Nash’s communications with his donors has identified another conflict of interest.

However, Cabinet Secretary Rachel Hayward, who conducted the investigation, determined it was “at the lower end of transgressions”, given Nash’s attempts to manage the conflict.

Nash, the former Police Minister, was placed on a final warning by PM Chris Hipkins for breaches of the Cabinet Manual and was later sacked in March after it was revealed the Napier MP had sent an email in 2020 to donors Troy Bowker and Greg Loveridge with details of Cabinet discussions and noting Nash’s personal disagreements with ministerial colleagues concerning a commercial rent relief package during Covid.

No Final Warning for Woody Woodpecker - yet Chippie ? ;)

Perhaps too many wayward talent pieces in Govt pews lately to get the Nashers around ..

or too busy filling in doing their jobs .. like opening new highways ? ;)

16-06-2023, 02:44 PM

Stuart Nash saga: Conflict of interest identified in investigation into sacked minister

No Final Warning for Woody Woodpecker - yet Chippie ? ;)

Perhaps too many wayward talent pieces in Govt pews lately to get the Nashers around ..

or too busy filling in doing their jobs .. like opening new highways ? ;)

NZTX, are you a paid blogger by the right? The amount of posts you do and quite often one after the other. It's like a career for you.
Rather sad.

16-06-2023, 04:54 PM
NZTX, are you a paid blogger by the right? The amount of posts you do and quite often one after the other. It's like a career for you.
Rather sad.

The best you can come up with in face of the continuing trail of irrefutable, fails, transgressions etc etc ? ;)

If I was a paid blogger I wouldn't be here :)

but does beg the question .. can't be much worthwhile or positive for you to post about ? :)

17-06-2023, 01:59 PM

Steven Joyce: Labour’s poor spending leaves us on a motorway to nowhere

Faster road to get in to do some more precision Ram Raids - Chippie ? ;)

but will their escape be faster than your rapid fall down the exit shute come October ? :)

Were any sausage rolls tossed out or did Woody Woodpecker get to scoff them all down while planning
the next large bundle of strategically placed Pot Holes ? ;)

Best hope that Wayne Brown doesn't notice that the Dip-Sh*t Minister for Auckland is missing in action
or there could be an interesting shower of eloquent incendiaries headed your way ;)

17-06-2023, 02:11 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/s/p/u/m/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26spv1.png/1686918382672.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

Error, wrong caption - Chippie .. that be a graph of Labour's growing support levels ;)

A few more sausage rolls, leaps in the air along with customary open the legs tricks needed to see
if it shows any sign of moving.. if not, fast order for fresh supply of ginger nuts and prepare for dunking ;)

17-06-2023, 02:43 PM

Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa, Rotorua: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins attends opening after $52m Govt investment

A $52 million government investment into a new luxury spa and wellness centre in Rotorua has “really paid off”, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says, as it adds to New Zealand’s tourism offering and promotes the unique culture of local iwi.

How the Homeless slumming & moteling it just down the road doing while this is going on - Chippie Bro ? ;)

17-06-2023, 04:35 PM

Chris Hipkins pushes back against Luxon’s ‘negative, wet, and whiny’ comments

Wet Whiny hopeless Clown tries to wriggle ;)

More sausage rolls needed - Chippie ;)

Everyone knows Labour are stuffed and come October you're toast :)

18-06-2023, 11:06 AM
And the Centralised Health board Te Whatu Ora set up by this totally useless Labour government says it has NO idea :

1. How many assaulted staff have been followed up on

2. How much money they spend on security

3. What money have been spent on security improvements


"Newshub can reveal assaults on health staff have more than doubled in a year and one nurse says it's forcing some to consider leaving the industry.

In the first three months of 2022, 455 assaults were recorded. In the following three months, there were 875. The number rose to 900 from July to September, until reaching 1180 in the final three months of the year. In the first three months of 2023, 1354 assaults occurred."

"Be Kind" : Ardern (She meant to criminals & gangsters)

Logen Ninefingers
18-06-2023, 01:40 PM

Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa, Rotorua: Prime Minister Chris Hipkins attends opening after $52m Govt investment

How the Homeless slumming & moteling it just down the road doing while this is going on - Chippie Bro ? ;)

More ‘delivering for maori’ from the ventriloquists dummy.

18-06-2023, 02:01 PM
More ‘delivering for maori’ from the ventriloquists dummy.

Lol, he does resemble one of those doesn't he.

Whose knee is he sitting on?

18-06-2023, 02:30 PM

NZ frigate confronted by Chinese navy in South China Seas, investigation reveals

How about the Chinese Leader's knee ?

How many different clown faces can Chippie pull while sitting there ? :)

The other larger painted lapdog might be too heavy and after earlier watery disgrace moments might have to stay on the floor .. might frighten Chinese too much ;)

Logen Ninefingers
18-06-2023, 03:49 PM
‘A Stop Co-Governance meeting in Dunedin was closed down yesterday after Scouts NZ claimed it was misled about the type of meeting being held.

Scouts NZ chief executive Chris Hooper said the volunteers who run the centre in the suburb of St Kilda took the booking in good faith and were none the wiser it was made by Stop Co-Governance.

“Members of the public made us aware over social media, just before it kicked off, the true intent of the booking,” he said.

“Some of our volunteers went down there, cancelled the booking with immediate effect, and asked them to leave because it doesn’t align with their values, and the values of the organisation,” he said.’

18-06-2023, 03:58 PM
‘A Stop Co-Governance meeting in Dunedin was closed down yesterday after Scouts NZ claimed it was misled about the type of meeting being held.

Scouts NZ chief executive Chris Hooper said the volunteers who run the centre in the suburb of St Kilda took the booking in good faith and were none the wiser it was made by Stop Co-Governance.

“Members of the public made us aware over social media, just before it kicked off, the true intent of the booking,” he said.

“Some of our volunteers went down there, cancelled the booking with immediate effect, and asked them to leave because it doesn’t align with their values, and the values of the organisation,” he said.’

Sounds to me that Scouts NZ have become a racist organisation.

But that said, when do we cancel bookings in NZ because the people doing the booking do not "align with our values" ?

Shame on you Scouts NZ.

Logen Ninefingers
18-06-2023, 05:27 PM
Sounds to me tat Scouts NZ have become a racist organisation.

But that said, when do we cancel bookings in NZ because the people doing the booking do not "align with our values" ?

Shame on you Scouts NZ.

Expect a name change soon to ‘Te Torotoro Aotearoa’.

18-06-2023, 05:41 PM
Expect a name change soon to ‘Te Torotoro Aotearoa’.

Bad enough that Scouts NZ was a grooming ground for some pedophiles - now it has become a grooming ground for leftist parasites, beneficiaries and losers.






19-06-2023, 09:11 AM
This is good stuff - Meng Foon has not resigned so this will drag out for a while longer for all NZers to see just how arrogant & morally corrupted this Labour government has become.


19-06-2023, 09:17 AM
This is good stuff - Meng Foon has not resigned so this will drag out for a while longer for all NZers to see just how arrogant & morally corrupted this Labour government has become.


What an entitled & arrogant pr..k

19-06-2023, 11:37 AM
What an entitled & arrogant pr..k

He will be remembered as bufFoon.

Bill Smith
19-06-2023, 11:52 AM
Just watched one lefty (campbell) interview another lefty (foon). Don't you just love karma when it skewers wayne kerrs like this. I normally won't watch campbell, but this one is worth a watch as the thinking of foon is a revealing.

19-06-2023, 12:21 PM

Kiri Gillespie: Bay of Plenty ram raids cowardly and lazy but their impact shouldn’t be underestimated

Kiri - you appear to have missed the mob of Lazy & Cowardly excuses for Politicians parked up in Govt benches
at the Beehive on this ;)

19-06-2023, 01:29 PM
A racial biopsy will now be part of any medical consultation.

Thanks Labour.

Logen Ninefingers
19-06-2023, 04:24 PM
The reckless Labour 'borrow & spend' spend-up continues....

'Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has today announced paid parental leave is set to go up on 1 July by $51 a week for new parents.
It means eligible parents will see an increase in the parental leave payment from $661.12 per week to $712.17 per week, before tax. Hipkins made the announcement in his post-Cabinet press conference, and has also indicated the government has backed down on a condition which would have required early childhood centres to accept (some) children only for the (free) 20 hours a week.'

Logen Ninefingers
19-06-2023, 04:27 PM
Looks like Foon is now trying to cling on to his highly paid role....

'Is Meng Foon still the race relations commissioner? He’s “not quite sure”.
He says he hasn’t resigned, despite Associate Justice Minister Deborah Russell​ on Friday announcing his resignation.
He said Russell and the prime minister’s office had messed up, wrongly telling reporters he had resigned.
Foon said the entire process had been “a shambles”, where the Government effectively announced they’d sacked him via the press – instead of getting in touch.
“I don't know what I'm up to now. There have been so many twists and turns. I haven't formally written to the associate minister [to resign]”'

19-06-2023, 05:17 PM
Looks like Foon is now trying to cling on to his highly paid role....

'Is Meng Foon still the race relations commissioner? He’s “not quite sure”.
He says he hasn’t resigned, despite Associate Justice Minister Deborah Russell​ on Friday announcing his resignation.
He said Russell and the prime minister’s office had messed up, wrongly telling reporters he had resigned.
Foon said the entire process had been “a shambles”, where the Government effectively announced they’d sacked him via the press – instead of getting in touch.
“I don't know what I'm up to now. There have been so many twists and turns. I haven't formally written to the associate minister [to resign]”'

Oh no, pay that man $1.5M for incorrect dismissal procedure and hurt feelings!

Thanks Labour.

19-06-2023, 06:11 PM
Back to the cabbage patch for Meng.

19-06-2023, 06:15 PM
Back to the cabbage patch for Meng.

Kiri Allen, as the minister in charge a recipient of undisclosed donations, must go as well. Labour now have a gaggle of MP's with various clouds over them, all of them should be fired. If not, Hipkins looks weak and the Labour party looks corrupt.

Logen Ninefingers
19-06-2023, 06:36 PM
Kiri Allen, as the minister in charge a recipient of undisclosed donations, must go as well. Labour now have a gaggle of MP's with various clouds over them, all of them should be fired. If not, Hipkins looks weak and the Labour party looks corrupt.

Hipkins looks weak and the Labour party looks corrupt.


19-06-2023, 06:40 PM
A racial biopsy will now be part of any medical consultation.

Thanks Labour.

So Whatu Ora wants to address known inequities and improve outcomes eh?

What's missing from that statement, is the words "self inflicted" in front of known inequities etc.

PI's and Maori are notorious for not keeping appointments made for their benefit to see specialists and or further assessment.
This leads to wasted professional time affecting all races, apart from affecting their own outcomes.

So the solution is to move them up the que?

Will it work?

19-06-2023, 07:21 PM
So Prince William is on a mission with Homelessness in the UK

What happened with Labour's Princes & Princesses Royal campaigns on Homelessness here in Kiwiland
done with much screaming and grandiose spinning .. but just when it suited? ;)

First Princess of Labour's cloaks appears to lost sight of the cause here before throwing herself overboard in a rapid hurry to embark on a new mission to feed copious loads of spun BS to in American universities etc .. and any other poor sucker who would listen :)

The new stand in fill-in Prince (unelected and unproved on anything except past instances of incompetence and leg opening spins) hasn't yet woken up and appears more able on missions of pulling Clown Faces .. probably most likely on his likely chances come October .. while the homeless remain homeless and no-one in the beehive gives too much of a stuff where they lay their heads or how many Motel rooms get rearranged in the process :)

Even the more wayward Actors of the Labour Realm get shot out the back and told to keep their heads down so no-one will realise they are missing in action .. Are their Salaries during this time also missing in action or fired into the kitty for the next Sausage Roll buying trip ? :)

Sounds like a lost cause for Homelessness here .. with Labour's Realm of Tattered Rags & Threadbare Clowns ;)

Blue Skies
19-06-2023, 08:04 PM
Kiri Allen, as the minister in charge a recipient of undisclosed donations, must go as well. Labour now have a gaggle of MP's with various clouds over them, all of them should be fired. If not, Hipkins looks weak and the Labour party looks corrupt.

That's not correct.
Kiri Allen did fully disclose the donations including the rent subsidy for the vacant shop.
Allen's return showed $9,185.04 provided in rent subsidies, plus the $1,500 donation was also declared.

Bit careless making false accusations like this.

(Meng Foon also previously made donations to National's Tania Tapsell, as well of course.)


19-06-2023, 09:01 PM
That's not correct.
Kiri Allen did fully disclose the donations including the rent subsidy for the vacant shop.
Allen's return showed $9,185.04 provided in rent subsidies, plus the $1,500 donation was also declared.

Bit careless making false accusations like this.

(Meng Foon also previously made donations to National's Tania Tapsell, as well of course.)


I could have worded it better, Meng Foon did not disclose the donations and he should have in his position. Anyway, he's gone and Allen is a recipient of his foul money. She should go as well, should have never accepted it from Foon, she should have known better, along with the other corrupted Labour ministers who have acted holier than thou. I don't care what National did or did not do, they're not the government, it's all smelling very bad for Labour who are the government. It's not acceptable.

19-06-2023, 10:43 PM

EIT Te Pūkenga lecturer says treatment of staff ‘appalling’ as job losses proposed

Labour's Te Pukenga Trainwreck: "How to p*ss off the locals in each of the regions"

There was a time when the regions had immense pride in what their Tertiary / Polytech
institutions were doing & they were very much a part of the regions on training etc..

Then successive Labour mobs (the current lot being the worst) came along and progressively trashed,
amalgamated and decimated what had been established ;)

Look at the Education Sector disaster we have now ..

19-06-2023, 11:16 PM

PM Chris Hipkins announces moves to salvage early childhood education Budget offering, gets Health Minister to look at Health NZ ethnicity criteria

Can't have such a recent announcement coming off the rails and turning into another trainwreck - can we ? ;)

Well let's face it - just about everything else this clueless mob have laid eyes on has turned into a festering
disaster zone ;)

Anyone still want to salvage Chippy & his clueless mates' miserable worthless butts from out of the quagmire they've dug themselves into - come October ? ;)

20-06-2023, 12:46 PM

Government announces major market study into banking

New Zealand’s banking sector is next in line for a Commerce Commission market study.

The Government has directed the agency to investigate the competitiveness of the sector, dominated by four big Australian-owned banks – ANZ, ASB, BNZ and Westpac.

A bit of "Let's screw up the Country's Banks" now being planned by the Goon Show's Oxygen thieves ? ;)

Market Study needed on the current Govt's Economic incompetence & collusion with the RB Goffers too - Robbo ;)

Can't let the current mob of clueless F-wits disappear into the yonder without a post mortem - can we ? ;)

20-06-2023, 05:44 PM

"A Billion Pine Trees" Shane Jones: 'Tikanga tonics' - this Govt is dithering on ram-raiders, gang barbarians

Shane Jones: Gangs don’t respect the law, time for the Government to unleash the police response

How all them Billion Pine Trees that Labour have grown large allergy towards in a hurry growing now Shane ? ;)

Or was that just one .. or one hundred ? :)

It's okay Big Boy if you only helped plant just one .. all fractions are rounded up and no fancy video will be reviewed as evidence of the event ..

Labour need help with a Slash Fund - interested ? .. best be fast before they get flushed down political drain ;)

Previous incumbent got Nashed, mashed, diced and booted out through the back exit in clown fit for immeasurable misdeeds, leaving everyone up to eyeballs in heap of slash :)

Job also going for better managing PGF - the current incumbent seems to be floundering out of her depth ..
Job really need someone who can do proper justice to it :)

Now on the Ram Raids .. you will need to be proven in how to stop after hours shopping to be considered for job with experience on tally card first and that wont be helping to just stop one in their tracks - seriously no dithering or say you watch fancy video to become gang member on that one - Big Boy :)

20-06-2023, 06:19 PM

Travel pain: Falling kiwi dollar will hit holidaymakers

Consumer confidence down

Fuel prices going up

COL going up

Crime and Lawlessness going up by the day

Dissatisfaction rising by the day

Exchange rate headed down the dunny now ;)

Welcome to Chippy & Robbo's New Zimbabweland - where everything they lay eyes on quickly turns to Krap ;)

Enjoy - Boys & Girls .. dont complain - your chance to deal to this incompetent bunch of actors, fill ins and imposters is just a mere 3-4 months away ;)

20-06-2023, 06:32 PM

Where house prices have crashed and billions in wealth have vanished

New York Times
By Natasha Frost

Robbo's Kiwi Housing Smash Up goes global :)

Bad news Robbo - Not even Harvard may look to want your miserable pimply white backside over their
doorstep after this ;)

It seems that Economic Wreckers & Smashers aren't on their Fav Recipes & Contributors list :)

20-06-2023, 06:43 PM
Minister of Sport Grant Robertson speaking out about the racial slur incident in the All Whites against Qatar. At the very time his government is defending using race based decisions in healthcare. Beggars belief how self unaware they are.


"Sports Minister Grant Robertson agreed with the All Whites' decision to not return to the field.

"There is absolutely no place for racism in sport or anywhere else for that matter and I know that FIFA is wanting to crack down on these issues and I support the team in supporting their colleague and in standing up to racism. It is what we should all do," Roberston said."

20-06-2023, 07:15 PM
In their effort to reduce so called inequities in the health system, Whatu Ora have created inequity.

Maori, Pl and rural folk in Northland and Auckland will be elevated up the system, whereas the rest of those folk in other parts NZ will be left to suffer under the supposed inequity.

It's killing me!

20-06-2023, 07:47 PM
Minister of Sport Grant Robertson speaking out about the racial slur incident in the All Whites against Qatar. At the very time his government is defending using race based decisions in healthcare. Beggars belief how self unaware they are.


"Sports Minister Grant Robertson agreed with the All Whites' decision to not return to the field.

"There is absolutely no place for racism in sport or anywhere else for that matter and I know that FIFA is wanting to crack down on these issues and I support the team in supporting their colleague and in standing up to racism. It is what we should all do," Roberston said."

We talk about "the government" but what we really mean is 'these people' who were elected to govern the country. They are real people, we have seen them in their jobs governing NZ, that the population voted them in to do. It's easy to forget that kiwis actually voted these idealistic people with no practical experience of real life, into the ultimate seat of power, to decide and set the laws of our country. Were they deluded?

These people, collectively the government, are the most appalling example in living NZ memory, of hypocrisy and manipulation, social engineering and beleaguering the very source of their funding, the tax payer. It beggars belief that the population of NZ are and have been subjected to this, with no recourse but to wait until they can vote again.

The damage inflicted on all of us, by these people, the government, especially since they won a NZ precedent majority government under MMP, is just enormous. So much of our money has been spent on achieving so little, with side effects of unknown consequence only just emerging, such as racial and social division, biased inequity, punishing success, rewarding failure or disadvantage, at the expense of taxpayers.

It will take a long time to unwind the mess that these people, yes real people that were voted in (trusted) by a majority of NZ'rs, the government, have created, if even it is possible to reverse and unwind the damage. It is amazing that on the basis of a majority consensus that managing covid was well done, despite the numerous inequities and long tail of undesirable outcomes still to unfold, this government, these people, were swept into power, by the people of NZ.

It is extremely concerning and awkwardly uncomfortable to have observed NZ descend into such troubled circumstances across so many sectors and demographics, whether or not one voted for them.

These people, the anointed government, with their idealistic opinions with absolutely no idea whatsoever about what it takes, or how long it takes to implement them (assuming they were right in the first place), with almost unlimited access to public funds (tax) to pay for it, and unprecedented power to make the laws of the country have not only squandered the opportunity of a lifetime to advance NZ, they have set the path to break NZ, on so many fronts.

Our only hope is to make sure that these people, the government, are not making the laws of our country from the election in October. Vote them out, get rid of them, let history decide whether what they did was as truely appalling as it seems to be now.

Don't waste your vote at the coming election, we can all see now what a wasted vote on idealism and inexperienced people can do, to our country.

20-06-2023, 08:12 PM
We talk about "the government" but what we really mean is 'these people' who were elected to govern the country. They are real people, we have seen them in their jobs governing NZ, that the population voted them in to do. It's easy to forget that kiwis actually voted these idealistic people with no practical experience of real life, into the ultimate seat of power, to decide and set the laws of our country. Were they deluded?

These people, collectively the government, are the most appalling example in living NZ memory, of hypocrisy and manipulation, social engineering and beleaguering the very source of their funding, the tax payer. It beggars belief that the population of NZ are and have been subjected to this, with no recourse but to wait until they can vote again.

The damage inflicted on all of us, by these people, the government, especially since they won a NZ precedent majority government under MMP, is just enormous. So much of our money has been spent on achieving so little, with side effects of unknown consequence only just emerging, such as racial and social division, biased inequity, punishing success, rewarding failure or disadvantage, at the expense of taxpayers.

It will take a long time to unwind the mess that these people, yes real people that were voted in (trusted) by a majority of NZ'rs, the government, have created, if even it is possible to reverse and unwind the damage. It is amazing that on the basis of a majority consensus that managing covid was well done, despite the numerous inequities and long tail of undesirable outcomes still to unfold, this government, these people, were swept into power, by the people of NZ.

It is extremely concerning and awkwardly uncomfortable to have observed NZ descend into such troubled circumstances across so many sectors and demographics, whether or not one voted for them.

These people, the anointed government, with their idealistic opinions with absolutely no idea whatsoever about what it takes, or how long it takes to implement them (assuming they were right in the first place), with almost unlimited access to public funds (tax) to pay for it, and unprecedented power to make the laws of the country have not only squandered the opportunity of a lifetime to advance NZ, they have set the path to break NZ, on so many fronts.

Our only hope is to make sure that these people, the government, are not making the laws of our country from the election in October. Vote them out, get rid of them, let history decide whether what they did was as truely appalling as it seems to be now.

Don't waste your vote at the coming election, we can all see now what a wasted vote on idealism and inexperienced people can do, to our country.

I agree with much of the sentiment expressed Baabaa, but I think describing them as "idealistic" is underestimating their cynicism. They have been the most deceitful, opaque and I believe corrupt government in living memory, despite their claims of the opposite.

Let's not forget the blatant bribe of $105 million to the media in an election year...with strings attached to cover leftist agendas. Let's not forget the setting up of the "Disinformation Project" by the Dept of the PM which would have been more accurately named the Ministry of Propaganda.

Mahuta hoodwinking the Cabinet over 3/5 Waters

Ministers Curran, Clarke, Whaitiri, Lees-Galloway, Twyford, Nash, Wood stood down or sacked (bound to be some I've missed, there's been so many).

The disaster of Trevor Mallard as Speaker

The implementation by stealth of He Puapua and co-governance.

That list just scratches the surface.

20-06-2023, 08:45 PM
I agree with much of the sentiment expressed Baabaa, but I think describing them as "idealistic" is underestimating their cynicism. They have been the most deceitful, opaque and I believe corrupt government in living memory, despite their claims of the opposite.

Let's not forget the blatant bribe of $105 million to the media in an election year...with strings attached to cover leftist agendas. Let's not forget the setting up of the "Disinformation Project" by the Dept of the PM which would have been more accurately named the Ministry of Propaganda.

Mahuta hoodwinking the Cabinet over 3/5 Waters

Ministers Curran, Clarke, Whaitiri, Lees-Galloway, Twyford, Nash, Wood stood down or sacked (bound to be some I've missed, there's been so many).

The disaster of Trevor Mallard as Speaker

The implementation by stealth of He Puapua and co-governance.

That list just scratches the surface.

Yes Jonu, and that is just a short list, of the appalling failures of these people, our government, voted into a majority that cannot be influenced by opposition. So much damage has been done. Read the Hansard, it is quite depressing though, what a majority government can do to change law, despite any protestation.

Never again!

So idealistic they were, that they even assumed their ideals could not only be put into law, they could be put into reality, within the timeframe of their government! So naive it really does beggar belief. We can all see how simplistic and naive those ideals and ambitions were, at the expense of billions (yes many billions of our money as taxpayers, and borrowers). For what? Not much really, not much at all.

We have witnessed the single most destructive government in NZ of all time, undermining and in some cases destroying the fabric of NZ's society and success, vilifying those that pay for it, running up enormous debts shackling future generations, for what? Very little.

Muldoon, for example, has been slammed by history for screwing up the country (he did do some wacky things), but he did also ensure some things that have enduring goodness, like certainty of supply of electricity (amongst other things).

This Labour government has very little, maybe nothing good to show for their legacy, and legacy is everything, for what they have or have not achieved while in power, except for enduring discontent, division, social inequity, massive almost inconceivable debts ... the list goes on.

My simple message is, this cannot be allowed to continue. Vote them out.

20-06-2023, 09:45 PM

Barry Soper: National rollout of surgery race-ranking seems on ice as Hipkins, Verrall not on same page

Verrally interesting .. but this Race base Surgery Twoddle does appear to be Official Govt Racism at it's worst ;)

Hipkins & Verrall should know better ;)

Time these clueless clowns were sent packing if this is the best they are pushing in the Health Sector ..

Neither have any idea of what is going on in the Health Sector, nor it appears of what they are doing ;)

21-06-2023, 07:09 AM
And yet Baa Baa the latest polls say its an incredibly tight race.

So what does that say about the opposition & in particular Luxons' polling as preferred PM?

So if Labour is so bad and they have made plenty of blunders recently, why isn't National streets ahead in the polls?

fungus pudding
21-06-2023, 10:30 AM
And yet Baa Baa the latest polls say its an incredibly tight race.

So what does that say about the opposition & in particular Luxons' polling as preferred PM?

So if Labour is so bad and they have made plenty of blunders recently, why isn't National streets ahead in the polls?

Don't panic - you'll know before the end of the year.

21-06-2023, 11:15 AM
Don't panic - you'll know before the end of the year.

The worst case scenario is likely. The election is decided either by ACT or the Maori Party. And some people thought NZF were bad.... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 12:33 PM
Absolute shambles at ‘Orange Tamariki’, and none of the executive team running the joint have the skill set to sort out the issues themselves, the highly paid CEO has to whistle up Mike Bush to do the job instead. Bush is fast becoming a ‘minister outside Parliament’, tasked with rushing from fiasco to fiasco cleaning up messes occurring on this inept Labour governments watch.


‘ Allegations of “inappropriate sexual behaviour” have surfaced against two staff members of Oranga Tamariki and ex-police commissioner Mike Bush will take over management of its youth residences.

At a press conference in Wellington, Oranga Tamariki chief executive Chappie Te Kani said police were investigating, and the two staff members had been taken out of youth justice residences. He said he was told of the allegations this week.

Ex-police commissioner Mike Bush will take over management of the Oranga Tamariki youth residences, and take out a review across all residences to find out if other staff were involved. External staff would work with him to investigate the ministry, Bush said, before he would take on the role of implementing any reforms needed.’

21-06-2023, 12:39 PM
The worst case scenario is likely. The election is decided either by ACT or the Maori Party. And some people thought NZF were bad.... you ain't seen nothing yet.

We have seen everything which defines an incompetent, useless, divisive and clueless government - Labour under Ardern & Hipkins, controlled by the Maori cabal to the detriment of all NZers in the end.

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 01:21 PM
What a circus…..total and utter shambles.


‘Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has called a sudden news conference about suspended Transport Minister Michael Wood, who has been under scrutiny for holding shares in Auckland Airport.

It will begin about 1:30pm. It will be livestreamed above.’

21-06-2023, 01:41 PM
What a circus…..total and utter shambles.


‘Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has called a sudden news conference about suspended Transport Minister Michael Wood, who has been under scrutiny for holding shares in Auckland Airport.

It will begin about 1:30pm. It will be livestreamed above.’

Wood has resigned due to non disclosure of other shares he holds.

A coalition of chaos with untrustworthy and arrogant yet incompetent ministers.

21-06-2023, 01:42 PM
Wood has resigned due to non disclosure of other shares he holds.

A coalition of chaos with untrustworthy and arrogant yet incompetent ministers.

Time for the GG to dissolve Parliament perhaps?

21-06-2023, 01:48 PM
Time for the GG to dissolve Parliament perhaps?

Chippie throw in his chips? All on RED! 😅

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 02:06 PM
Total muppet show. Disgraceful. Why did the ventriloquists dummy stand by Wood for so long? Hipkins clearly suffers from impaired judgement yet farcically is our PM.


‘Suspended transport minister Michael Wood has resigned as a minister, after it has been revealed his family trust held in shares in Chorus, Spark, and the National Australia Bank.

As a Cabinet minister, Wood had made or been involved in decisions which involved the sectors in which he held these shareholdings. Wood had already been under scrutiny for not declaring a conflict of interest related to his shareholding in Auckland Airport while working as transport minister.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins called a sudden news conference for 1.30pm Monday to tell the public he had advised the Governor-General that Wood had resigned. The press conference is livestreamed above.

“Despite repeated requests from the Cabinet Office and myself for Michael to manage his shareholdings, he's repeatedly failed to identify, disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest.”’

21-06-2023, 02:11 PM
Total muppet show. Disgraceful. Why did the ventriloquists dummy stand by Wood for so long? Hipkins clearly suffers from impaired judgement yet farcically is our PM.


‘Suspended transport minister Michael Wood has resigned as a minister, after it has been revealed his family trust held in shares in Chorus, Spark, and the National Australia Bank.

As a Cabinet minister, Wood had made or been involved in decisions which involved the sectors in which he held these shareholdings. Wood had already been under scrutiny for not declaring a conflict of interest related to his shareholding in Auckland Airport while working as transport minister.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins called a sudden news conference for 1.30pm Monday to tell the public he had advised the Governor-General that Wood had resigned. The press conference is livestreamed above.

“Despite repeated requests from the Cabinet Office and myself for Michael to manage his shareholdings, he's repeatedly failed to identify, disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest.”’

Wood and Hipkins highlight the gross incompetence of this clueless and useless Labour government.

How can Wood be trusted to be a minister in charge of billions of dollars of spending when he cannot even manage his own share portfolio?



Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 02:17 PM
Wood and Hipkins highlight the gross incompetence of this clueless and useless Labour government.

How can Wood be trusted to be a minister in charge of billions of dollars of spending when he cannot even manage his own share portfolio?


He’s just bluffing his way through, showing up for media soundbites then going back to his office and twiddling his thumbs . A bit like Twyford, the guy who used to stand around at building sites posing for photos in a hard hat, but had no clue on how to implement KiwiBuild.

21-06-2023, 02:25 PM
He’s just bluffing his way through, showing up for media soundbites then going back to his office and twiddling his thumbs . A bit like Twyford, the guy who used to stand around at building sites posing for photos in a hard hat, but had no clue on how to implement KiwiBuild.

The cartoonist certainly got Wood exactly right - that cartoon was drawn by the cartoonist 2 weeks ago.


21-06-2023, 02:33 PM
Poor Michael .. lost in one of his own large pot holes ;)

Sounds like one of those naughty TRUSTS Labour just love tripped Woody up badly :)

Which of the further reduced number of Ministerial Trash will get thrown Minister of Auckland
and Minister of all the Nation's vast stockpile of Pot Holes now ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 02:58 PM
Wood needs help tying his own shoelaces.

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 03:01 PM
Shambles….they are all totally clueless.


‘The government does not know how many vape shops are already operating within 300m of schools –despite launching a new policy on it.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins unveiled new regulations on June 6 with Health Minister Ayesha Verrall, which included promising to keep new vape retailers more than 300m from schools and marae.

The policy won’t apply to existing retailers already inside the boundary.

But despite a national database of 1300 specialist vape retailers, the government doesn’t know how many of those are already trading within 300m of a school.’

21-06-2023, 04:10 PM
Jeez …Kiri Allan now Associate Finance Minister

21-06-2023, 04:57 PM
‘Suspended transport minister Michael Wood has resigned as a minister, after it has been revealed his family trust held in shares in Chorus, Spark, and the National Australia Bank.

As a Cabinet minister, Wood had made or been involved in decisions which involved the sectors in which he held these shareholdings. Wood had already been under scrutiny for not declaring a conflict of interest related to his shareholding in Auckland Airport while working as transport minister.

“Despite repeated requests from the Cabinet Office and myself for Michael to manage his shareholdings, he's repeatedly failed to identify, disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest.”’

Next we will find he has been posting here on ST under an alias, to influence his shares!

Any guesses as which one of us he is?

21-06-2023, 05:12 PM
Jeez …Kiri Allan now Associate Finance Minister

$1 + $1 = $1

Another ignoramus Labour spendthrift petty grievance MP into the mix.

fungus pudding
21-06-2023, 05:21 PM
Jeez …Kiri Allan now Associate Finance Minister

She makes a bit more sense than most of their mps.
She's probably the only one left with half a brain.
And just think how she'll get along with the finance minister.
They're both members of the same club!!! :D:D:D:D

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 06:06 PM
Hipkins is ‘frustrated and angry’ about Wood and the latest revelations about his conflicts of interest.
NZers should be frustrated and angry about the weakness Hipkins showed in not sacking a minister who was told 12 times over 2 years that he must sell his shares, and still hadn’t done it when he was caught out.
Hipkins has been kneecapped by himself.

21-06-2023, 06:09 PM
Hipkins is ‘frustrated and angry’ about Wood and the latest revelations about his conflicts of interest.
NZers should be frustrated and angry about the weakness Hipkins showed in not sacking a minister who was told 12 times over 2 years that he must sell his shares, and still hadn’t done it when he was caught out.
Hipkins has been kneecapped by himself.

Notice that it’s the pakeha ministers who are getting sacked but not the Maori ones when inappropriate behaviour & conflicts of interest are surfaced? M
One must wonder why.

Logen Ninefingers
21-06-2023, 06:31 PM
‘Canterbury appears to be underserved by the police, new figures show, as suburbs in Christchurch battle spiralling crime.

With about 650,000 residents, Canterbury makes up about 13% of New Zealand’s population.

But the region is only home to 987 sworn officers, about 9% of the New Zealand police force. National roles, such as those in the police prosecution team, are not counted in the district numbers.

It comes as some people in Christchurch are demanding an increased police presence following a massive spike in crime in their suburb.
Thefts and burglaries in Hornby are up by more than 80% in the past year, and tired residents are calling on the region’s top officers to step in.

Residents in Hornby are petitioning the police to have their police station manned 24 hours a day following a major spike in theft and burglary.

The petition, which on Monday night was just shy of 1000 signatures, will be presented to Canterbury Metro Superintendent Lane Todd on Tuesday night at a community meeting to discuss rising levels of crime.’

Bill Smith
21-06-2023, 06:55 PM
‘Canterbury appears to be underserved by the police, new figures show, as suburbs in Christchurch battle spiralling crime.With about 650,000 residents, Canterbury makes up about 13% of New Zealand’s population.ut the region is only home to 987 sworn officers, about 9% of the New Zealand police force. National roles, such as those in the police prosecution team, are not counted in the district numbers.
It comes as some people in Christchurch are demanding an increased police presence following a massive spike in crime in their suburb.
Thefts and burglaries in Hornby are up by more than 80% in the past year, and tired residents are calling on the region’s top officers to step in.

Residents in Hornby are petitioning the police to have their police station manned 24 hours a day following a major spike in theft and burglary.
The petition, which on Monday night was just shy of 1000 signatures, will be presented to Canterbury Metro Superintendent Lane Todd on Tuesday night at a community meeting to discuss rising levels of crime.’

They might feel better having presented their petition, but Todd will just ignore it. He is as effective as Superintendent as wood was as Transport Minister.

21-06-2023, 07:25 PM

NZ debt market braces for wall of Government bonds

Let's mortgage thing up to the hilt before October to pay for all this Govt's clueless rounds of incompetence ;)

Where will the value of the pot holed Kiwi peso & interest rates go on the back of this ? ;)

Down the dunny and off the wall ? ;)

Meanwhile employers & businesses are smashing & crashing .. COL etc etc skyrocketing ;)

Robbo's fiscal train wreck seems to be meandering wildly from side to side .. pick the corner when the wreck goes completely sideways and derails ;)

Early election - Boys & Girls ? :)

Some poor unfortunates are going to pay dearly for this uncontrolled shambles .. could it be you ? :)

21-06-2023, 08:13 PM

Michael Wood's bizarre behaviour casts a pall over Labour

“I still don't quite understand.”

“I still don't understand how.”

“I don't understand why he has not done it.”

“As I've indicated, I don't really understand.”

Chris Hipkins was fuming at various times during his hastily-convened press conference where he revealed that Michael Wood had resigned as a minister for further undeclared shares and conflicts of interest. He wasn’t the only one.

The Prime Minister was again floored by Michael Wood and why Wood didn’t declare – not just his Auckland Airport shareholdings – but as it turns out a raft of other shares in Chorus, Spark and the National Australia Bank that created conflicts in various decisions that he took as a minister.

Everyone else understands ;)

Too thick & stupid to be Leader of even a Clown Troupe ? ;)

Obviously no Kid before has behaved in a manner like what is seen from Labour's kindergarten creche
of mismatches, incompetents and wayward challenged ignorant, stupid, dozy & defective talent ..

The gardener outside the window still repairing Mallards mighty muck up could probably lead things better :)

21-06-2023, 08:16 PM
Failing to protect vulnerable children in state care via Oranga Tamariki - here’s the ever incompetent & clueless Kelvin Davis (part of the Maori cabal controlling this useless Labour government) as usual denying any responsibility or accountability.

And he knew of the first sexual exploitation since 5 June but took no action until the second revelation on Friday!

Disgusting and repugnant.


Labour pitched it as creating extra safeguards for children living in state care but critics were concerned it removed the Children’s Commissioner as Oranga Tamariki’s independent monitor.

“We said children would fall between these cracks, young people would fall between these cracks, and we’re seeing it happen already.

“Where were the people that were supposed to protect these young people?”

“Not once did he apologise or show any inclination of the care and protection and the duty he has to every single child in a youth justice facility or in State care.

“Instead, what we should have is humanity for those five children, and I am deeply concerned that there are others to come.”

21-06-2023, 09:55 PM
It comes as some people in Christchurch are demanding an increased police presence following a massive spike in crime in their suburb.
Thefts and burglaries in Hornby are up by more than 80% in the past year, and tired residents are calling on the region’s top officers to step in.

Yep. it's out of control. Residents are fed up of hearing 3am tire spin outs while the police do nothing. At least over in Canada they setup 'bait cars'. Why doesn't NZ have the resources to do this? I'll tell you why... I blame it on the Labour Gov't.

21-06-2023, 10:48 PM

Audrey Young: Michael Wood’s resignation from cabinet forced by unforgivable sloppiness - but there’s a way back

Indeed Chippy - there is .. a quick phone call to Gayford on what colours a caterpillar is painted and how it's multiple sets of legs move slowly in reverse or fast forwards if need be to run away from the next large Crisis that hits you fair & square in the face, which wont be far away .. let's face it you're a magnet and attract every looming crisis to make it's prime target :)

If you need to hide longer, instructions could be given on how to hide in disguise as a brightly coloured Caterpillar cake .. who knows you might get to like the mixture better than stale sausage rolls burnt to a crisp ;)

22-06-2023, 06:21 PM
So is Michael Wood stinking rich or dishonest?


Clearly dishonest. Next one to be found dishonest and deceitful must be Jan Tinneti, ex principal with no principles.

“A conscientious and hard-working minister he’s been described as by his executioner Hipkins, and goodness only knows the talent pool in the Labour caucus is obviously no deeper than a puddle.

At 62 MPs it has the biggest caucus in recent history and yet all of his portfolios have gone to overloaded, senior ministers, meaning none of them will get the attention they deserve.

And that says everything about this parlous Government.”

22-06-2023, 06:34 PM
Chippie chops Wood from his cabinet.

Will there be a splinter group?

Or was he just barking up the wrong tree?

23-06-2023, 09:52 AM
Chippie chops Wood from his cabinet.

Will there be a splinter group?

Or was he just barking up the wrong tree?

Now that is funny! (in stark contrast with most of nztx's nonsense)

23-06-2023, 11:19 AM
Complacent? Only a fool or a dishonest person would describe Wood's dishonest & deceitful behaviour as complacent.

A timeline of Michael Wood's reminders to sell his AIA shares :


The following is a written government response to at least 100 questions from the National Party's Simeon Brown about Michael Wood's shares and related concerns about conflicts of interest.

It was the only response the government provided to those written questions, and details 16 times the Cabinet Office contacted Wood or his office over the matter. All but the first - in 2017 - were within a two-and-a-half year period.

The notes have been edited slightly for readability, brevity and consistency. Additional information, denoted by an asterisk *, has been added to give readers additional context about what happened regarding Wood's resignation.

2017 - Wood advises the Cabinet Office the JM Fairey Family Trust holds shares, and that he intends to move all shareholdings into a managed fund.

November 2020 - Wood advises the Office he holds shares in Auckland International Airport. The Office suggests he may want to consider divesting (selling) them.

19 November - Cabinet Office notes by email that, based on their discussions, the draft register of pecuniary interests shows Wood having sold his shares in Auckland Airport and Contact Energy. It asks Wood's office to confirm whether or when that had occurred. No reply is received.

9 December - Cabinet Office follows up by email and phone to ask whether the shares in Auckland Airport and Contact Energy have been sold, and when.
14 December - Cabinet Office again emails to ask Wood's office for clarification of what shares are held and what action has been taken.

23 December - Wood's office responds to both emails, confirming he has not yet sold the shares and is looking to do so over the holiday period.

24 March 2021 - Cabinet Office emails Wood's office asking about the status of the Auckland Airport shares, noting the post-election review of ministers' interests is going to then-Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at the end of the week. It includes an attachment of the register of interests showing Wood having divested his Auckland Airport shares. Cabinet Office is unable to confirm whether Wood or his office responded to this email.

30 June - Cabinet Office phones Wood's office to discuss the sale and follows up by email. Wood's office advises that his sharebroker has been instructed to sell his Auckland Airport shares, but no time is specified.

5 July - Cabinet Office sends Wood a letter relating to the annual review including the line of the register stating, "Mr Wood has divested himself of shares in Auckland Airport".

17 December - Cabinet Office emails to ask, among other things, whether Wood personally held shares in any listed companies. No reply was received.

21 January 2022 - Cabinet Office follows up on the previous email.

11 February - Cabinet Office provides substantive advice about ministers' interests and advises Wood's office that the Auckland Airport shares issue requires management. It says the most appropriate action would be for Wood to sell the shares. It does not include a question about whether he has sold them.

15 February - Wood emails Cabinet Office stating "I am in the process of divesting of the two personally held shareholdings and will take care to avoid timing this around any decisions or announcements that could be related".
1 March - Cabinet Office emails Wood's office to ask if the shares have been sold. No reply has been identified.
28 March - Cabinet Office emails Wood's office to ask again. By reply on the same day, Wood's office says they have spoken to him, he had found what he needed to get the process under way, and had said "it is happening this week".
4 May - Cabinet Office asks Wood's office again if the shares have been sold. He replies the same day, saying: "Not quite. I've spent the past month chasing up all the signatures and details I need and have now sent all of this to the broker to action the sale - so hopefully done within the week".


16 January 2023 - Cabinet Office notes in an email to Wood's office its understanding that he is in the process of divesting the Auckland Airport shares, and asks whether that process has been completed. His office does not respond to this question, but does reply to the email.
6 March - Cabinet Office meets with Wood to discuss his shares as part of its conflict of interest reviews following the portfolio reshuffle, and asks about the status of the Auckland Airport shares. He advises them he intended to sell the shares but had not yet done so. No time period for doing so is specified.
27 March - Cabinet Office notes in an email to Wood's office that his intention was to divest his shares in Auckland Airport and suggests he do so as soon as possible. The office replied to confirm the proposed actions.
* 6 June - NZ Herald publishes a report about Wood's Auckland Airport shares. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins stands him down from his transport portfolio while any remaining conflicts are resolved.
* 8 June - Wood confirms he has sold his shares in Auckland Airport, and donated the proceeds to charity.
* 21 June - Hipkins announces Wood's resignation from his remaining ministerial portfolios after the discovery of additional shares held by his trust, which raise concerns about conflicts of interest relating to some of his recent decisions.

23-06-2023, 01:03 PM

Pike River mine disaster: Further human remains found

Are Little & Peters still trying to arrange their trip to the bottom, or wouldn't their walkers make it down there through the gates ? :)

23-06-2023, 01:05 PM

Matthew Hooton: Michael Wood still a contender for PM - next decade

So no sign of the depth of the talent pool improving anytime in the next 20 years ? ;)

23-06-2023, 01:08 PM

Children’s Minister Kelvin Davis says Oranga Tamariki care and protection residences are on way out

Guess what Kelvin .. something else might be on the way out faster & sooner ;)

and it wont be the Waste Collection from your section .. but close :)

23-06-2023, 10:31 PM

Banks 'first cab off the rank' in Govt's consumer data right plan

Based on recent achievements, the current mob of incompetent clowns squatting in Govt Benches would probably find even cracking an egg a problematic task ;)

23-06-2023, 10:36 PM

Election 2023: Labour MPs stake futures on winning Māori electorates

Stand back folks - it's a large scrap among the warring 16% factions ;)

the most effective and achieved of the little huddle have voted themselves timeout to squat on a listing submarine .. hoping desperately it doesn't turn turtle and send all to the bottom

23-06-2023, 10:43 PM
Now that is funny! (in stark contrast with most of nztx's nonsense)

cant be much to talk about after all the muffled beeping sounds of burned sausage rolls emitted from Party HQ :)

24-06-2023, 08:17 AM
Hey, Cinders you witch, how does it feel to have flicked NZ and Hipkins a hospital pass?

When are you coming back with your broomstick and mop to clean up the mess you presided over?

You cast your evil spell over NZ, then you accept the title of Dame.

Cinders, the Dame of Infame and Shame!

24-06-2023, 10:35 AM
Hey, Cinders you witch, how does it feel to have flicked NZ and Hipkins a hospital pass?

When are you coming back with your broomstick and mop to clean up the mess you presided over?

You cast your evil spell over NZ, then you accept the title of Dame.

Cinders, the Dame of Infame and Shame!

Once a spin artist, always a spin artist of no substance - dame or damn what a useless witch.


24-06-2023, 10:51 AM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/u/0/0/f/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26u018.png/1687516699902.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

24-06-2023, 10:57 AM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/u/0/0/f/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26u018.png/1687516699902.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/u/0/0/f/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26u018.png/1687516699902.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

Meanwhile, here's where NZ is heading under Hipkins and Labour - NIGHTMARE.

24-06-2023, 11:45 AM

Home ownership: Labour Government’s $400m Progressive Home Ownership scheme under pressure over targets and priorities

Wobble wobble .. ;)

24-06-2023, 11:51 AM

Third Oranga Tamariki worker accused of sexual misconduct

Another allegation of sexual misconduct has been raised against an Oranga Tamariki employee, who was investigated over inappropriate touching and sexual comments.

The worker was hired to look after children at an Oranga Tamariki youth justice residence, and continued working at the facility despite advocates and the teenager raising concerns with officials.

This third incident has come to light after Oranga Tamariki revealed it had stood down two employees, following separate allegations of sexual misconduct earlier this month.

The latest case was raised with Oranga Tamariki last year. The young woman who made the complaint has chosen to speak out about the incident, because she’s concerned about the safety of other young people in Oranga Tamariki residences.

All must be fine on Kelvin's turf .. these things dont happen ;)

Has he drifted off to sleep again ? :)

24-06-2023, 11:53 AM

Outflanked Hipkins faces checkmate after soldiers let him down

OPINION: In chess, the king is the most important but the weakest piece at play, reliant on the strength of his team around him and able to be taken down by the humblest pieces.

It is the job of the king’s pawns, rooks, bishops, knights and queen to protect him at all costs, to ensure he isn’t left in check, able to be taken.

Which is where we come to the troubling pattern of behaviour Labour’s caucus finds itself in towards Labour’s king, Chris Hipkins, who’s increasingly being exposed because his team keeps letting him down.

More sausage rolls needed to convey to the masses that things are on their way to being completely stuffed ? ;)

24-06-2023, 11:56 AM

Newsable: Why are firearm owners so against the new gun registry?

All the Crims & Gang members' guns registered up ? :)

An initiative from an earlier watch of the Damn Stupid and Spinning furiously - wasn't it ? ;)

24-06-2023, 03:34 PM

Nanaia Mahuta received ‘dressing down’ from Chinese Foreign Minister - reports

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta was subjected to a major dressing down from the Chinese Foreign Minister during her visit to Beijing in March.

All Chinese whisper and hidden when the big painted up talent piece got back home
on reports Chinese no like what they see and hear ? ;)

Ducked it up yet again - big girl .. no different from your much despised 3 Waters shambles ;)

Sound like another cover up

How many more disasters before Chippie decides this curious heifer is of no use anywhere
as well and should be put out to pasture to never be seen again ? ;)

Send them the lover of stale sausage rolls and see if they like the fill-in leader excuse any better ? ;)

This hopeless incompetent mob are having the light shone straight through them for what little they represent - wherever they show up on any stage :)

24-06-2023, 06:41 PM

Willis said the election was coming at a “critical time” for the country, as Kiwis struggled with rising food, rents, and interest rates, which had created a “mortgage bomb” set to make “the whole economy shudder”.

“Interest rates have risen so fast that a ticking time bomb lies in front of us. In the months ahead, hundreds of thousands of mortgage holders will have to move off a home loan with a 2 or 3% interest rate to a loan with 6 or 7% interest.

“Many homeowners will be left scrambling for the hundreds of extra dollars they will need to make their mortgage payments each fortnight.”

Coming mortgage bomb will make your pimply white bottom shudder - Robbo ;)

Worse than a cold winter's night out in a freezing Wellington gale :)

Hundred's of thousands will be calling you every name under the sun for destroying their lifestyle,
draining their finances and exposing them all to huge COL and other large cost increases
.. who knows there could be a huge hail of projectiles awaiting especially for the occasion :)

25-06-2023, 10:12 PM

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Three reasons why Wood’s departure is cause for celebration

Hopkin's scorecard seems to be getting more ragged by the week

Can he badly skrew up & produce a Chinese Trade Trainwreck any better than the fumbling painted
3 waters princess from the backblocks managed to orchestrate earlier in the year and got severely
whiplashed by the Chinese on ? ;)

In election year there are very very few if any accolades being handed out for Labour's mob of
achieved incompetents and Losers covering all that they laid paws on ;)

Any guesses on what a further term of meddling & fumbling from the shambles of Arden's abandoned
mob of bunglers that Hopkins threw himself into to play lead public puppet for - will likely produce ?

something worse than Zimbabwe ? ;)

25-06-2023, 10:36 PM

Faced with tertiary sector challenges, Government should learn health's lessons

OPINION: Chris Hipkins must surely be wondering when the Gods of Politics will give him an even break.

In normal times you might apply Helen Clark’s first amendment to the Popularity Act: “No prime minister ever lost votes by sacking an errant minister (or bagging the Aussies).”

But three ministers overboard is at least one jettisoned minister too many, even for Clark’s caveat.

Damage has been done to Labour and Prime Minister Hipkins, despite his decisive response.

That’s before you remember he carries an extra responsibility because the two fallen ministers were promoted by Hipkins, as was Education Minister Jan Tinetti​, who is still awaiting the result of her appearance before the privileges committee.

It is just nuts, not to mention a false economy, to annually underfund peak academia, causing staff cuts based on an uncertain ebb and flow of students.

What is the Government thinking?

New Zealand must preserve the expertise in these institutions, to train the next generation of experts.

But it won’t happen without more money and, arguably, without swingeing reform of the sector model. It is frankly busted as well as broke.

A good place to start would be a national strategy that coordinated courses and minimised staff reductions, where unavoidable, to ensure we continue to compete as a country.

What a shambles .. get Handy Andy in there to completely duck it up a matter of months ;)

A few announcements (without looking) that it's managing fine

A few angry faces when the opposite is clearly the case .. what could possibly go wrong ? ;)

especially when there is no nor any other capable talent with any ability ..

26-06-2023, 08:14 AM
I thought this article might remind us all of a bit of etiquette wouldn't go astray.


fungus pudding
26-06-2023, 08:27 AM
I thought this article might remind us all of a bit of etiquette wouldn't go astray.


On behalf of the vast majority of the country who do not subscribe to the Herald - thanks for nothing.

26-06-2023, 09:57 AM
Well don't complain about the quality of journalism if you aren't willing to pay for it.

26-06-2023, 10:04 AM
News should be accessible to everyone, whether they can pay for it or not.

Well don't complain about the quality of journalism if you aren't willing to pay for it.

fungus pudding
26-06-2023, 10:09 AM
Well don't complain about the quality of journalism if you aren't willing to pay for it.

Assuming you are replying to my post - note that I am not complaining about the quality of journalism. And I'm certainly willing to pay for what I want, which doesn't extend to every newspaper in the country. My concern is with the stupidity of posting links, which, when readers click on them, find it is not available to them. I suggest, to save readers time, if you persist in posting paywalled links, that you simply add (paywalled) after the link. I'd also suggest that if you are replying to a post you follow the conventional practise of including the post, or part thereof. Keep in mind that the reader is unlikely to be a mindreader.

26-06-2023, 12:19 PM
News should be accessible to everyone, whether they can pay for it or not.

Prior to the internet, people paid for the paper. Or borrowed someone else's.
The subscriptions now after accounting for inflation are probably cheaper than they were then.

Fungus Pudding, you made a choice as you outline. It's not up to others to cater for your choices.

Logen Ninefingers
26-06-2023, 04:13 PM
‘The Government has announced a $6 million boost to food bank providers, who have recently described record levels of need amid the cost of living crisis and recovery from extreme weather events.

Acting Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni made the announcement during the weekly post-Cabinet press conference today, with Chris Hipkins currently in China for a much-anticipated weeklong visit.’

Logen Ninefingers
26-06-2023, 04:14 PM
‘An eleventh-hour payment of up to $5 million from the Government will ensure the ski season this year will go ahead on Mt Ruapehu.

Regional Development Minister Kiri Allan announced the funding today to the liquidators of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL), aimed at saving hundreds of jobs and preventing the economic loss to the region if the season hadn’t been able to go ahead.

“This will allow time for liquidators to decide on the purchaser or purchasers of the business and its assets,” Allan said in a statement.’

Logen Ninefingers
26-06-2023, 04:16 PM
‘The Prime Minister’s office says flying a backup plane for Chris Hipkins’ trip to China was justified in case of a breakdown, but says it did not travel all the way to Beijing and is instead waiting in Manila.

Hipkins is in China for a week doing a series of high level political meetings including with President Xi Jinping as well as business meetings with New Zealand exporters. He has brought a large business and trade delegation, as well as journalists, on the trip.

The spare plane, flew to Manilla and will relocate to Cairns. Both planes are about 30 years’ old and are due to be replaced between 2028 and 2030. The RNZAF made the decision to bring the back-up plane because of the importance and distance of the trip.’

26-06-2023, 04:59 PM
News should be accessible to everyone, whether they can pay for it or not.

Someone has to pay though - with the Internet people want everything for free.

Logen Ninefingers
26-06-2023, 06:21 PM
The television news is telling me that the government will make a major announcement about more funding for universities tomorrow, and ‘One News’ will have all the details.
All of the recent constant stream of new funding announcements should have been in last months budget. The government obviously tried to hoodwink Treasury, credit ratings agencies, and the the public that we had a responsible ‘bread & butter’ budget.
“We’re gonna need a bigger (borrowing) boat!”

26-06-2023, 06:42 PM
The television news is telling me that the government will make a major announcement about more funding for universities tomorrow, and ‘One News’ will have all the details.
All of the recent constant stream of new funding announcements should have been in last months budget. The government obviously tried to hoodwink Treasury, credit ratings agencies, and the the public that we had a responsible ‘bread & butter’ budget.
“We’re gonna need a bigger (borrowing) boat!”

Hopefully this is great news. What is happening in our universities is appalling. Lack of funding could set back tertiary education for decades. The model needs to changed away from the US path we have chosen and become more sustainable.

fungus pudding
26-06-2023, 07:47 PM
Someone has to pay though - with the Internet people want everything for free.

Who are 'the internet people' ?

Logen Ninefingers
26-06-2023, 09:33 PM
‘Rescue package’ = Bailout.


‘The Government is poised to step in with a rescue package for the country’s struggling universities facing hundreds of job cuts.

The Herald understands the Government will on Tuesday announce major new funding to help universities that are facing major deficits following drops in student numbers, particularly international students over the Covid years.

The funding will be reallocated from within the existing Budget.’

26-06-2023, 10:48 PM
‘Rescue package’ = Bailout.


‘The Government is poised to step in with a rescue package for the country’s struggling universities facing hundreds of job cuts.

The Herald understands the Government will on Tuesday announce major new funding to help universities that are facing major deficits following drops in student numbers, particularly international students over the Covid years.

The funding will be reallocated from within the existing Budget.’

Nothing to rescue themselves yet .. or will that be the spare Airforce plane in Manila on the off chance
taking away burnt sausage rolls and being back Tip Top icecream Sundays for the Chinese melt ? ;)

Has Robbo located another hidden slushfund of spare loot ? .. hope it wasn't Handy Andy's large fuel & repairs fund
for the Chinese rescue trip ? ;)

26-06-2023, 11:37 PM

Retailer H&J Smith confirms closure, job losses of 220

With such lofty levels of current Consumer & Business confidence, Govt a Trainwreck going nowhere
fast with wheels all off, this sort of thing will be of no surprise to most, with more to follow ..

Sad to see this happen

Prepare for more destruction to follow

27-06-2023, 07:27 AM
‘The Prime Minister’s office says flying a backup plane for Chris Hipkins’ trip to China was justified in case of a breakdown, but says it did not travel all the way to Beijing and is instead waiting in Manila.

Hipkins is in China for a week doing a series of high level political meetings including with President Xi Jinping as well as business meetings with New Zealand exporters. He has brought a large business and trade delegation, as well as journalists, on the trip.

The spare plane, flew to Manilla and will relocate to Cairns. Both planes are about 30 years’ old and are due to be replaced between 2028 and 2030. The RNZAF made the decision to bring the back-up plane because of the importance and distance of the trip.’

A total embarrassment to NZ that we don’t have a decent long range plane for our PM to travel in

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 07:31 AM
‘Almost $160 million worth of rapid antigen tests (Rats) bought during the Covid-19 pandemic are set to be wasted if Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand doesn’t find a way to re-purpose or recycle them.

It’s prompted a hurry-up from Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall directed at Te Whatu Ora after officials were asked months ago to develop options for the future use of leftover tests.

But a solution hasn’t yet been decided on.

In response to a written parliamentary question from Act deputy leader Brooke van Velden, Verrall said as of June 12, Te Whatu Ora had possession of 1,830,758 expired Rats in its central stores and a further 16,008,766 that would not be dispatched as they were nearing expiry.’

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 07:58 AM
‘Four Oranga Tamariki staff appear to be clocking up close to two years of paid leave after being suspended for their involvement in a shut-down children’s home in Christchurch.

The child protection agency launched an investigation and closed the 10-bed Te Oranga care and protection house in June 2021, after a leaked video showed a boy being tackled and held in a headlock.

As of last week, most of the 28 staff who worked at the Te Oranga residence had been redeployed to other sites and roles while four remained suspended with pay.’

27-06-2023, 08:59 AM
‘Four Oranga Tamariki staff appear to be clocking up close to two years of paid leave after being suspended for their involvement in a shut-down children’s home in Christchurch.

The child protection agency launched an investigation and closed the 10-bed Te Oranga care and protection house in June 2021, after a leaked video showed a boy being tackled and held in a headlock.

As of last week, most of the 28 staff who worked at the Te Oranga residence had been redeployed to other sites and roles while four remained suspended with pay.’

Shock, horror!

A little darling being restrained while in the care of the state.

It's their right to run amok!


Disillusioned staff, and nearly impossible to replace them.

Leading to even more problems for the state.

Anyone who thinks differently should provide a refuge for the little darlings in their own home.

Then they will 'find out'.

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 09:07 AM
Shock, horror!

A little darling being restrained while in the care of the state.

It's their right to run amok!


Disillusioned staff, and nearly impossible to replace them.

Leading to even more problems for the state.

Anyone who thinks differently should provide a refuge for the little darlings in their own home.

Then they will 'find out'.

Two years of ‘garden leave’ going fishing and travelling on full pay. Welcome to Labours New Zealand, land of endless hand outs, bailouts, and cop outs.

27-06-2023, 09:35 AM
Two years of ‘garden leave’ going fishing and travelling on full pay. Welcome to Labours New Zealand, land of endless hand outs, bailouts, and cop outs.

Yes, and in the meantime the sire and dam (not parents) will conceive another couple of little darlings to envelop with aroha before tossing them to the state.

And then the critics will attack the caregivers, but never the 'whanau'.

Pay up taxpayer suckers, and if you're late we will come after you!

27-06-2023, 09:58 AM
The child protection agency launched an investigation and closed the 10-bed Te Oranga care and protection house in June 2021, after a leaked video showed a boy being tackled and held in a headlock.

It was very irresponsible of that staff member to tackle that poor waif.

They should have invoked the standard Labour promise of a ticket to a Warriors game and a $75 bucket of KFC.
Bad behavior must be rewarded eh!

Ah well, sometimes the primeval instincts just kick in..

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 10:22 AM
Government bailout incoming? We know KiwiRail runs on endless bailouts, NZ Post probably next in line to assume that model, then KiwiBank.


‘NZ Post has told its workforce it plans to lay off at least 750 staff.

The national mail carrier will soon begin consultation on reducing the number of its mail roles, which it says comes in response to its postal services no longer being used like they once were.

The 750 full-time equivalent roles would be phased out over the next five years, it confirmed.

A spokesperson for NZ Post stressed that the “people changes” were “going to be a slow adjustment”.’

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 11:45 AM
‘Employment confidence has fallen to its lowest level in two years as job opportunities narrow and living costs continue to climb, according to a bank survey.

The Westpac McDermott Miller Employment Confidence Index fell by 3.9 points to 105.6 in the June quarter.

A figure above 100 indicates the number of optimists outnumbered pessimists in the survey.

While households remained positive on balance about conditions in the labour market, this was the lowest reading for the Index since June 2021.’

27-06-2023, 11:51 AM
‘Employment confidence has fallen to its lowest level in two years as job opportunities narrow and living costs continue to climb, according to a bank survey.

The Westpac McDermott Miller Employment Confidence Index fell by 3.9 points to 105.6 in the June quarter.

A figure above 100 indicates the number of optimists outnumbered pessimists in the survey.

While households remained positive on balance about conditions in the labour market, this was the lowest reading for the Index since June 2021.’

Starting to hear stories of mortgage holders in shock after being told how much more in repayment they have to start making upon refixing their interest rates.

Wait for the full impact to hit over the next 6 months.

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 11:55 AM
Starting to hear stories of mortgage holders in shock after being told how much more in repayment they have to start making upon refixing their interest rates.

Wait for the full impact to hit over the next 6 months.

Yet amoral property industry shills are telling latent buyers that the market has definitely bottomed.

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 11:57 AM
It is obvious that Robbo’s ‘bread and butter’ budget was a mirage, just smoke and mirrors. The budget is blown. The credit ratings agencies will not be duped. We will all suffer because of this duplicity and profligacy.

27-06-2023, 01:14 PM
Two years of ‘garden leave’ going fishing and travelling on full pay. Welcome to Labours New Zealand, land of endless hand outs, bailouts, and cop outs.

Yep this is of no surprise. Where wifey works in public health, they had a Maori person that was doing 'massage' care for the staff. He would visit the offices and public health buildings to do such 'massage' when shortly, a woman made a sexual harassment complaint. Because he was Maori, they did not want this to be a massive media scandal so they swept this under the table.... by keeping him on the pay role for well over a year... What better way to not have to show up for work but still get paid?

Now there's every group wanting bail outs. AJ Hackett in Queenstown soon 1 tourist operator after another. Then the Universities profs are walking off or dismissed as student enrollments are down. Every week, someone sticking their hand out.

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 01:25 PM
Hundreds of jobs on state sponsored life support. The moral hazard in this is institutions have no incentive to get their houses in order as they can see the state will eventually cave & offer up a bailout. We can’t borrow our way out of an unsustainable mess but Labour will do it anyway. Practically a vote buying exercise.


‘$128 million bail-out for struggling tertiary sector

The Government will pour $128 million into the nation’s tertiary education to help universities in a one-off boost to get it through the next two years.

Education Minister Jan Tinetti made the announcement Tuesday, saying the Government will also review the entire higher education sector as it grapples with huge budget deficits and fewer enrolments.

“The Government has heard the concerns of the sector,” she said in a statement.’

Logen Ninefingers
27-06-2023, 02:40 PM
Will ‘universal winter energy payments’ be the next socialist hand out? Amazing that we have so many people claiming they can’t afford to heat their homes when the state already pays a ‘winter energy payment’ to all of the following groups -

‘You'll automatically get the Winter Energy Payment if you're getting:
NZ Superannuation
Veteran's Pension
Jobseeker Support
Jobseeker Support Student Hardship
Sole Parent Support
Supported Living Payment
Young Parent Payment
Youth Payment
Emergency Benefit
Emergency Maintenance Allowance.’

If the ‘winter energy payment’ is not being spent on energy over winter, then what is it being spent on(?)



‘More than 100,000 households can’t afford to keep their homes warm, with Māori and Pacific households, renters and low-income households more likely to experience “energy hardship,” fresh analysis shows.

According to the latest Report on Energy Hardship Measures from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), about 110,000 households were unable to keep their homes adequately warm in the year to June 2022.’

28-06-2023, 12:07 AM

Chinese President Xi Jinping hails relationship with NZ at meeting with PM Chris Hipkins

Look who has found another knee to perch on for a little cuddle and a sausage roll sharing moment :)

No blunder bus large painted Kiwi dragons anywhere in sight to stuff it up either ;)

Aint that cute ;)

they might want to see all of the Clown Tricks - Chippie ..

Want to become Ambassador there after October ? ;)

28-06-2023, 12:22 AM
Brace yourselves - Aucklanders & Northlanders - some really Nutty Water reforms on their way

You lucky folk are guinea pigs for first instalment of the Goon's Halfwit Water Show

brought to you by the mob who probably have well proven that they can't perform or reform anything out of
a paperbag without making a complete hash of it ;)

Just announced in time for a quick chew it over and then kick it back out of the park in October
before anything much happens :)


Three waters reforms: Auckland, Northland first to form new water service entities in July 2024

Auckland and Northland will be the guinea pigs in a revised three waters model, becoming the first to form one of 10 water entities in July next year, with the remaining staggered out to mid-2026.

Logen Ninefingers
28-06-2023, 08:01 AM
‘Former Transport Minister Michael Wood ignored official advice to not toll the new O Mahurangi Penlink road north of Auckland and went ahead with charges for motorists, official documents show.

Wood, who quit as a Cabinet minister last week over further shareholdings that clashed with his portfolios, used his power to set tolls for Penlink against the advice of the Ministry of Transport.

He also dismissed public consultation showing 60 per cent of people were opposed to tolls and just 20 per cent in favour. A further 17 per cent supported lower tolls.

A local councillor says the newly revealed documents cast doubt over the legitimacy of the process to toll Penlink. National says it will reconsider the tolling decision should it win the election.‘

28-06-2023, 03:59 PM
Be kind!

Well, sounding like Kiri Allan has not been a kind person or minister to work with :


A staffer seconded to work with Cabinet Minister Kiritapu Allan chose to leave early because of concerns about “working relationships” in the office.

Problems in the Beehive office saw Department of Conservation chief executive Penny Nelson take her concerns to the Department of Internal Affairs, which manages Ministerial Services.

Stuff understands that other senior public servants – including from Emergency Management, and the Ministry of Business, innovation and Employment – have also voiced concerns about how staff were treated.

It comes as Allan is on leave from Parliament, because she is “struggling with mental health and wellbeing”.

Bill Smith
28-06-2023, 04:45 PM
Be kind!

Well, sounding like Kiri Allan has not been a kind person or minister to work with :


A staffer seconded to work with Cabinet Minister Kiritapu Allan chose to leave early because of concerns about “working relationships” in the office.

Problems in the Beehive office saw Department of Conservation chief executive Penny Nelson take her concerns to the Department of Internal Affairs, which manages Ministerial Services.

Stuff understands that other senior public servants – including from Emergency Management, and the Ministry of Business, innovation and Employment – have also voiced concerns about how staff were treated.

It comes as Allan is on leave from Parliament, because she is “struggling with mental health and wellbeing”.

Yet another labour trougher into witless protection. Bully and harangue staffers until they are forced to leave, then pull the old "struggling with mental health" trick when you are being held to account for your atrocious behaviour.

28-06-2023, 05:59 PM
Whatever the circumstances of Kiri Allan's health issues, l'm sure we all wish her recovery.
If leaving Parliament is part of her recovery, let's respect her decision.

28-06-2023, 06:26 PM
TV1 news gives the impression that Chris Hipkins acquitted himself well in China on behalf of NZ.

Well done and thank you.

We don't need any ruffled feathers with our major trading partners.

28-06-2023, 07:14 PM
Whatever the circumstances of Kiri Allan's health issues, l'm sure we all wish her recovery.
If leaving Parliament is part of her recovery, let's respect her decision.

Fast Rescue plane needed to parachute Chippie back to Kiwiland .. another Minister out of action .. with matters
being missed, ignored and stacked in the corner unattended to ;)

The Beehive rats fat on sausage roll biff outs & pastry leftovers might be able to look after a bit of stray paper .. perhaps the staffers should pick a representative specimen and tape a "Kiri" name tag on it, so it can be tracked around the building ? :)

No one would raise slightest of eyebrow :)

Why doesn't the whole Govt front bench go on holiday while Chippie is away ? :)

Let's face it - SFA of any value or substance gets done whether they're there, kicked out the back by Speaker for time out, or nowhere to be seen ;)

That's clearly evident, with among a multitude of other things - the rising pong coming off areas of the Provincial Growth Slush Fund (PGF) management, formerly Jonesies pet project but now firmly wedged under Allen's basket of things that may be a large problem .. not a great report card entry for Attorney General :)