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Blue Skies
28-06-2023, 09:10 PM
‘Former Transport Minister Michael Wood ignored official advice to not toll the new O Mahurangi Penlink road north of Auckland and went ahead with charges for motorists, official documents show.

Wood, who quit as a Cabinet minister last week over further shareholdings that clashed with his portfolios, used his power to set tolls for Penlink against the advice of the Ministry of Transport.

He also dismissed public consultation showing 60 per cent of people were opposed to tolls and just 20 per cent in favour. A further 17 per cent supported lower tolls.

A local councillor says the newly revealed documents cast doubt over the legitimacy of the process to toll Penlink. National says it will reconsider the tolling decision should it win the election.‘

Just to set the record straight, it seems the official advice given to Michael Wood from the 2 relevant departments was conflicting. MoT opposed it while Waka Kotahi proposed it.

You would get the impression from the Herald, Michael Wood was going against official advice, but that's not the whole picture.

The Herald's become a cheap tabloid, with click bait controversy headlines.
I also seem to remember when concept initially proposed, commuters were strongly in favour of the road even if tolls were the way of making it feasible.
It gave them a choice & alternative to the choked only current road off the peninsular.
Hardly surprising now project going ahead, if given a choice commuters would prefer not to pay a toll.

$3 each way does seem a bit steep though.

Logen Ninefingers
28-06-2023, 10:20 PM
Just to set the record straight, it seems the official advice given to Michael Wood from the 2 relevant departments was conflicting. MoT opposed it while Waka Kotahi proposed it.

You would get the impression from the Herald, Michael Wood was going against official advice, but that's not the whole picture.

The Herald's become a cheap tabloid, with click bait controversy headlines.
I also seem to remember when concept initially proposed, commuters were strongly in favour of the road even if tolls were the way of making it feasible.
It gave them a choice & alternative to the choked only current road off the peninsular.
Hardly surprising now project going ahead, if given a choice commuters would prefer not to pay a toll.

$3 each way does seem a bit steep though.

‘I also seem to remember when concept initially proposed, commuters were strongly in favour of the road even if tolls were the way of making it feasible.’


Any link to some evidence to back up your “I seem to remember” claim?

It’s as if you think Michael Wood can do no wrong. Utterly incapable of it. The Herald and ‘commuters’ must be the ones to blame.

Logen Ninefingers
29-06-2023, 08:47 AM

‘Amendments to the Three Waters reform plan have blown out establishment costs by an estimated $1 billion.’

Logen Ninefingers
29-06-2023, 08:49 AM

‘National says it is “ridiculous” that nearly $80 million has been spent as part of a safety improvement programme on the notorious Dome Valley section of State Highway 1 north of Auckland since 2019 yet none of it related to increasing resilience to future weather events.

It comes as the critical road linking Auckland and Northland is closed for a third day after major slips. It follows two other closures already this year due to slips - one in February after Cyclone Gabrielle lasting 76 days.’

29-06-2023, 09:09 AM

‘Amendments to the Three Waters reform plan have blown out establishment costs by an estimated $1 billion.’

One of my friends has already had his first encounter with the brain numbing & very expensive requirements of 3 Waters.

His farm needs to renew access to water from an aquifer in the Taranaki region and his farm duely applied for the renewal.

Instead of the simple process which used to happen in the past, he must now hire a consultant like Beca Carter, Fulton Hogan etc to put forward a proposal as to why his renewal should be approved!

There's a telephone directory book thick application to fill in, requiring very detailed geographic aquifer and discharge information which has to be provided by the applicant! For example, how many bores are within 2 kms perimeter of the bore and how much water are bring drawn etc etc etc!

Estimated cost : $120,000 (quoted by the consultants)
Estimated time frame : 9 months to 1 year but he will be granted a temporary extension if his application is in progress

Final approval will require local iwi sign off with no clear protocols in place.

29-06-2023, 09:26 AM
One of my friends has already has his first encounter with the brain numbing & very expensive requirements of 3 Waters.

His farm needs to renew access to water from an aquifer in the Taranaki region and his farm duely applied for the renewal.

Instead of the simple process which used to happen in the past, he must now hire a consultant like Beca Carter, Fulton Hogan etc to put forward a proposal as to why his renewal should be approved!

Estimated cost : $120,000 (quoted by the consultants)
Estimated time frame : 9 months to 1 year but he will be granted a temporary extension if his application is in progress

Final approval will require local iwi sign off with no clear protocols in place.

I didn't think it had even gone the the select committee yet with a roll out planned from next year?

29-06-2023, 09:30 AM
I didn't think it had even gone the the select committee yet with a roll out planned from next year?

Nope - it is already in process. I was with my friend last week and he was tearing his hair out.

And my friend can tell you that the local councils have no clue what to do as they have little guidance from the government.

29-06-2023, 10:14 AM
Nope - it is already in process. I was with my friend last week and he was tearing his hair out.

And my friend can tell you that the local councils have no clue what to do as they have little guidance from the government.

WTF?! This isn't even law yet.

29-06-2023, 10:19 AM
WTF?! This isn't even law yet.

Sounds like balance's friend has been scammed by someone for 120k.

29-06-2023, 10:22 AM
Sounds like balance's friend has been scammed by someone for 120k.

Yes. The current government

29-06-2023, 10:32 AM
Yes. The current government

Post of the month!

29-06-2023, 10:42 AM
The govt mostly provides farmers with free water infrastructure though and (this one at least) properly funds biosecurity so there's no existential risks like we saw under National.

Plus who provides electricity and other services to the middle of nowhere? It can only be done with govt mandate (ie, red tape).

29-06-2023, 10:50 AM
The govt mostly provides farmers with free water infrastructure though & (this one at least) properly funds biosecurity so there's no existential risks there like we saw under National.

Neither statement is true. Ask any farmer about the ongoing management of mbovis and you'll need earmuffs.

"Free water infrastructure" has been paid for over generations through the old Catchment Boards and more recently Regional Councils who charge rates. Many of the older stopbank systems were paid for directly by adjacent farmers through various schemes.

29-06-2023, 11:00 AM
Neither statement is true. Ask any farmer about the ongoing management of mbovis and you'll need earmuffs.

One thing National will deliver is savings from biosecurity -- especially with Act as a coalition partner demanding across the board spending cuts.

Farmers should decide whether these savings are worth having destroyed crops and livestock culls.

Logen Ninefingers
29-06-2023, 01:41 PM
‘Education Minister Jan Tinetti has escaped being held in contempt of Parliament - but has been told to apologise for her “high degree of negligence” in misleading the House.

Parliament’s privileges committee has released its report into the matter today.

Tinetti was referred to the committee at the end of May for not correcting a false statement quickly enough.

Tinetti had told Parliament in February that she had no responsibility for the release of school attendance data. She was told later that day by staff did, in fact, have input into the timing of the release.’

29-06-2023, 01:43 PM
Yes. The current government

Did anyone expect any better from the current bunch of Govt Numbskulls
after seeing Mahuta floundering around trying to ram the 3 Waters Shambles
through Parliament before she got shot back into a cupboard out back ? ;)

That in itself should have been fair warning of the calibre of the impending scam
being hoisted on the Country by Labour's huddle of clueless incompetents ..

Logen Ninefingers
29-06-2023, 01:47 PM
“You’re gonna need a bigger bailout!”


‘Massey University is the latest tertiary institute looking at slashing jobs, with reports there are 300 to 400 to go.

People are calling for the university to pause restructure policies in the wake of a Government funding announcement for the tertiary sector.

Universities across the country have been grappling with budget deficits and fewer enrolments, and this week the Government announced $128 million of funding for tertiary education, a one-off boost for the next two years.

Massey could get an extra $12.8 million over 2024 and 2025 depending on enrolments, but it said this wouldn’t solve the problems the tertiary sector was facing.

Major job losses at Victoria and Otago universities are also due to go ahead despite the Government rescue package.’

29-06-2023, 01:51 PM

Social media giant TikTok deletes, bans thousands of NZ gang-linked accounts, videos - promises more to come

TikTok show Labour how fast move to fix things works .. probably be lost on the mob in Govt Front benches
who instead might look at making Hurt Feelings compensation handouts ;)

Dont worry -- things are TickTocking closer towards the current incompetent Govt's own demise in 4 months :)

Logen Ninefingers
29-06-2023, 01:53 PM
While Universities struggle, just a reminder that a certain Chris Hipkins presided over a mega-merger of NZ polytechs that saw $200 million spent on ‘the transition costs to merge the 16 polytechs and institutes of technology with the nine industry training organisations to form Te Pūkenga’


‘Steve McCabe, a senior lecturer at MIT who also functions as MIT's TEU (Tertiary Education Union) Branch President, said that four years on he was still waiting to see any benefits in his day-to-day experience as a lecturer, in a sector that was promised transformation.

"Twice a month now on my bank statement, my salary comes from Te Pūkenga and not from M.I.T," he said.

"That's about the most profound change I've seen."’

29-06-2023, 01:57 PM

Labour pains - how much will they hurt Chris Hipkins?

Questions over Cabinet Minister Kiri Allan and the working relationships in her office are the latest ministerial pains for Chris Hipkins.

It was the last thing the Prime Minister needed during his trip to China. Fresh from meeting the three most senior political leaders there, he was forced to front questions about whether his minister had acted inappropriately.

It’s not the first time Hipkins has had to deal with issues in his Cabinet while overseas. Last month, he landed in the UK for King Charles’ coronation to news that Meka Whaitiri had defected to Te Pāti Māori.

Along with losing Whaitiri, he’s also lost Michael Wood for mishandling conflicts of interest, and sacked Stuart Nash for breaking Cabinet collective responsibility and confidentially. Meanwhile, Jan Tinetti has faced the Privileges Committee over whether she deliberately misled Parliament.

The Opposition are saying that the “wheels are falling off the bus”, and while many of these issues pre-date Hipkins’ tenure as Prime Minister, he won’t be immune to the fallout from such a long list of ministerial scandals leading to October’s general election.

What a wonderful collection of junior clowns - head Chippie Clown has hand selected to grace Labour's Beehive kindergarten / creche ;)

Dishing out Play Dough & Sausage Rolls appears to have had to be supervised to prevent further
carnage occurring behind the Chief Clown's back :)

29-06-2023, 02:11 PM

Banks’ preparations for tough times could dampen profits

With such Bl**dy good fiscal management exercised by Robbo & ORR-SOME playing their little sandpit games,
robbing the central Bank and pilfering pockets across the lands to cover their screw ups and incompetence
along the way - did anyone expect any better ? ;)

No wonder things started to develop bad wobbles before heading towards the traditionally expected
impact & derailment - the usual end result of Labour Goons overstaying their tenure in Govt seats :)

29-06-2023, 02:25 PM

Cabinet minister Kiri Allan confirms relationship break-up with Māni Dunlop, returns to Parliament after mental health break

Now that that personal laundry has been hung out for all to see - are there any other Labour Ministerial seatwarmers who want to hang out theirs in public .. before the Head Clown gets back to pick up the pieces of the unruly gaggle ? ;)

Grow a pair - Woman .. this is Parliament .. not your own personal life announcements chamber :)

Most are probably already aware that Willie & Andy are still sound asleep under their desks counting sheep .. likely still awaiting confirmation of extended holiday leave :)

Logen Ninefingers
29-06-2023, 04:40 PM
The ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ continues to make life a struggle for most Kiwi’s as they fret over rising interest rates and wonder how on earth they will make ends meet….


‘The demand from Kiwi Taylor Swift fans heading across the Tasman has forced airlines to add extra capacity to Australia, after the US singer announced announced she would not be performing on this side of the Ditch.

Air New Zealand says they have added 2000 additional seats on trans-Tasman services out of Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland.’

29-06-2023, 06:29 PM

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown furious at senior Government ministers Grant Robinson and Megan Woods over light rail

Incoming Wayne Brown missile threatens to put Robbo's & "No Energy - Few Houses" Dwarf Wood's miserable pimply backsides into orbit ;)

But Wayne just look - these ignorant Govt Beehive prats couldn't plan themselves out of a paper bag without screwing things up badly at a huge cost ..

Wait a few months and these incompetent excuses for any sort of talent will be flushed & gone ;)

29-06-2023, 06:38 PM

Cabinet Minister Kiri Allan hits back at Opposition probing over staff issues

Time to resign Kiri - then you will have plenty of time to sort your personal crap out ..
in all your extra personal spare time & not in Parliamentary time ;)

They probably have much more up their sleeves to come .. Enjoy ! ;)

How's that troublesome PGF Slush Fund & poor management of it coming along ?
Still in the too difficult basket ? ;)

29-06-2023, 06:51 PM

PM denies Kiri Allan issue has overshadowed China trip

Just feed everyone Lies & BS from afar - Chippie .. Back Office say okay to spin .feelgood . it's just fine :)

If there's a problem - just ask the Chinese how to polish the job up :)

Just dont tell them what you're trying to polish .. okay :)

Everyone back home have their eyes painted on backwards and will just swallow the clouds of BS being
put out on the long trail of incompetents sidelined, demoted and kicked out in just a few months ;)

Just think .. if this continues .. in another few months only the sleeping hopeless will be left under their pews on Govt Benches and the Toilet ducks from the cubicles might have be deputised in to look like fill in Ministers to make up front bench numbers ;)

29-06-2023, 07:16 PM

Census declared a 'success' despite return estimates falling short of target

Statistics Minister Deborah Russell has told Parliament she considers this year's Census a success despite appearing to fall short of the 90% return target.

The return period for the final census forms is set to end at 5pm on Friday, and Russell on Thursday said forms for more than 4.5 million people had so far been returned.

It indicated an estimated individual return rate of 89% nationally, with rates of 74% and 79% for Māori and Pacific people respectively.

She said that compared to the 2018 raw-return completion rate of about 83.3%, 67.4% for Māori and 63.7% for Pacific people.

The 2018 census was plagued by difficulties however, with returns the lowest in 50 years - down from 94.5% in 2013 - and the Māori and Pacific rates were considered "unacceptably low" even after being boosted by a new method integrating additional data.

Let's just keep on putting out BS Feel Good Excuses on it .. it's just fine ;)

Blue Skies
29-06-2023, 08:56 PM

Cabinet minister Kiri Allan confirms relationship break-up with Māni Dunlop, returns to Parliament after mental health break

Now that that personal laundry has been hung out for all to see - are there any other Labour Ministerial seatwarmers who want to hang out theirs in public .. before the Head Clown gets back to pick up the pieces of the unruly gaggle ? ;)

Grow a pair - Woman .. this is Parliament .. not your own personal life announcements chamber :)

Most are probably already aware that Willie & Andy are still sound asleep under their desks counting sheep .. likely still awaiting confirmation of extended holiday leave :)

What a nasty post. Think before you write this sort of rubbish.

Kiri Allan just recovered from Stage 3 cervical cancer & brutal chemo treatment about 18 months ago, as a minister has had to deal with the devastating impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle & continuing destruction caused by severe weather events, plus the pandemic, and now under the full glare of public scrutiny a relationship break up.
Enough stress to crush anyone, but she has resilience, courage & determination in spades.
She took a few days off.

You grow a pair!
Or at least grow up.

29-06-2023, 10:05 PM
The ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ continues to make life a struggle for most Kiwi’s as they fret over rising interest rates and wonder how on earth they will make ends meet….


‘The demand from Kiwi Taylor Swift fans heading across the Tasman has forced airlines to add extra capacity to Australia, after the US singer announced announced she would not be performing on this side of the Ditch.

Air New Zealand says they have added 2000 additional seats on trans-Tasman services out of Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland.’

Those buying Taylor Switch adventure tickets (I say adventure if they require to buy air tickets to fly over) are those that have the wealth and are unaffected by the rising cost of inflation. This may be the top 5% of the population.

Now that 29¢/L is going to be added to the petro pumps, this will squeeze more pressure on those on limited income.

29-06-2023, 10:18 PM
Those buying Taylor Switch adventure tickets (I say adventure if they require to buy air tickets to fly over) are those that have the wealth and are unaffected by the rising cost of inflation. This may be the top 5% of the population.

Now that 29¢/L is going to be added to the petro pumps, this will squeeze more pressure on those on limited income.

Exactly - 2000 seats costing $500 on average = $1m. Not going to make much of a dent.

The 29c/L cost the government $781m which will now be borne by the driving public. That along with increased interest rates are going to hurt.

30-06-2023, 06:23 AM
Banks, petrol companies and landlords - National's mates.

I'm betting they're going to put it up more than is necessary, similar to what took place with GST.

30-06-2023, 08:59 AM
Big FAIL by Te Whatu WTF Ora after 1 year by doctors.

Hardly surprising but what a disaster for NZers who need good and proper healthcare.


30-06-2023, 09:00 AM
Business confidence lifts by 13 points in latest survey. The highest level since Nov 2021.


30-06-2023, 09:17 AM
So who do you believe?

Kiri Allan or ministerial & departmental staff?


Same Kiri who was supposed to be on sick and mental health leave but turned up last Sunday to comment on National’s conference. Too sick to work but not too sick to be an attack poodle?

And she could not even get her facts straight about the marginal cost of adding in more prisoners to the prison system with spare capacity.

Same Kiri who is supposedly so overloaded but happily accepted additional ministerial responsibilities when Wood was fired. She cannot have it both ways but being a Labour minister and a Maori, Hipkins will close both eyes (as usual).

Logen Ninefingers
30-06-2023, 10:17 AM
Business confidence lifts by 13 points in latest survey. The highest level since Nov 2021.


It’s like comparing worm eaten apples with rotten apples.

Sideshow Bob
30-06-2023, 10:18 AM
So who do you believe?

Kiri Allan or ministerial & departmental staff?


Same Kiri who was supposed to be on sick and mental health leave but turned up last Sunday to comment on National’s conference. Too sick to work but not too sick to be an attack poodle?

And she could not even get her facts straight about the marginal cost of adding in more prisoners to the prison system with spare capacity.

Same Kiri who is supposedly so overloaded but happily accepted additional ministerial responsibilities when Wood was fired. She cannot have it both ways but being a Labour minister and a Maori, Hipkins will close both eyes (as usual).

It is clear there is something there - has been rumbling along for a few days and kept in the news when no details were available. I think National have been giving the story a bit of a push, waiting for the details to come out.

In the meantime, Minister Allan then keeps saying no formal allegations, she isn't aware of anything etc etc. Tui!!

30-06-2023, 12:01 PM
It is clear there is something there - has been rumbling along for a few days and kept in the news when no details were available. I think National have been giving the story a bit of a push, waiting for the details to come out.

In the meantime, Minister Allan then keeps saying no formal allegations, she isn't aware of anything etc etc. Tui!!

Well, there cannot be two Kiri Allans :

1. This one : https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/492831/kiri-allan-rejects-claims-she-treated-staff-badly

'"I don't think so, nah I think I can be a fair bit of fun, I can be pretty passionate, and I'm definitely not a Wellington politician - that's something I'm not. I'm from the regions, we do things a little bit differently but I think I'm fair, I think I have clear expectations and when those aren't met I'm clear about those as well." She said she had never shouted at staff.

2. And this one : https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?11916-Labour-govt-2020-23&p=1009715#post1009715

"A senior public servant, with decades of experience, says Cabinet Minister Kiritapu Allan “yelled and screamed” so loudly, staff in the office heard the telephone call. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they witnessed Allan’s interactions with younger staff members both from government agencies and her Beehive office in a meeting, as well as seeing her “absolutely berate” another official for 20 mins on another occasion."

30-06-2023, 05:32 PM
Hipkins flies back into NZ -

“He’ll be terrified that in the next week or two, more will emerge about Allan’s complicated relationship with her staff that requires him to discipline her, possibly a suspension while an investigation is carried out.

He is in a bind until then. Absent any formal complaint, Hipkins and Allan are in limbo. He can hardly discipline her over anonymous allegations, but it’s also untenable to do nothing as more and more people come forward to the media - as of Thursday, Stuff reported four senior staff have come forward.”

Leak … leak … drip … drip … :eek2:

30-06-2023, 05:44 PM
Welcome to Labour's train wreck central where every twist and bend in the tracks sees
things lurch over even further towards an ultimate full out of control derailment ;)

Labour might love Railways & Trains, but nothing will save them from the impending disaster
and their own demise brought on by their own blind incompetents already onboard ;)

30-06-2023, 07:22 PM
Watched Hipkins ducking and diving trying to elude pointed questions on Kiri Allan this afternoon?

Well, he finally lost his composure and told one reporter ‘That’s the answer you are getting’ which was not an answer!

“It was a fairly straightforward equation he outlined: more pressure equals more pressure equals more pressure. Unfortunately for Labour and Hipkins, the pressure keeps compounding, and is taking out ministers along the way. Stuart Nash got the ball rolling by failing to keep his mouth shut. Michael Wood seemed to not have a spare minute to figure out what shares he owned. And Allan’s self-described “high standards” are now being considered in a different light.

Hipkins failed to give a direct answer on a number of questions regarding Allan’s behaviour, including why, since he claimed to be aware of pressures and tensions within ministerial offices, did he give Allan yet another portfolio (associate finance minister) just last week after Michael Wood resigned? Pressure begets pressure. And with ministers dropping like flies lately, there aren’t many places left for that pressure to land.”

30-06-2023, 07:27 PM
Leader Jacinda- see ya later ...I'm not cleaning up this mess
Tineti- gross negligence
Wood- conflict of interests & lying
Nash- interfering with Police + betraying cabinet secrets
Poto- incompetence
Clark- breaking Covid rules & incompetence
Curran- Lying
Lees-Galloway- sex with staff
Whaitiri- bitterness

....Labour .... ongoing train wreak

30-06-2023, 08:43 PM

NZTA spends $80m on Dome Valley SH1 road safety project, none on resilience as key Auckland, Whangārei link closed 2 days

National says it is “ridiculous” that nearly $80 million has been spent as part of a safety improvement programme on the notorious Dome Valley section of State Highway 1 north of Auckland since 2019 yet none of it related to increasing resilience to future weather events.

It comes as the critical road linking Auckland and Northland is closed for a third day after major slips. It follows two other closures already this year due to slips - one in February after Cyclone Gabrielle lasting 76 days.

Who is the Minister in charge of the Roading Waka of Incompetence and untold Pot Holes now ? ;)

What is the new Labour Dome Head doing to fix the shortfalls while this unholy shambles of filth was under the watch of previous deposed incompetent Woody Woodpecker ? ;)

Going by the widespread trail of continuing disasters, Labour clearly prove they couldn't manage anything, even a minor job of tipping play blocks for kids out of a paper bag :)

01-07-2023, 08:42 AM
Drip …. Leak….. drip …drip

Yesterday the Prime Minister wouldn't say whether he knew about the allegations before the story broke.

"As I've indicated, I'm not going to comment on rumours," he said.

And today he refused to confirm whether senior ministers had raised concerns about Allan.

"I don't discuss staffing matters publicly," he said. "That's the answer you're getting."

The Prime Minister unable to say no.


Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2023, 10:06 AM
Leader Jacinda- see ya later ...I'm not cleaning up this mess
Tineti- gross negligence
Wood- conflict of interests & lying
Nash- interfering with Police + betraying cabinet secrets
Poto- incompetence
Clark- breaking Covid rules & incompetence
Curran- Lying
Lees-Galloway- sex with staff
Whaitiri- bitterness

....Labour .... ongoing train wreak

Twyford - incompetence
Davis - incompetence
Jackson - incompetence

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2023, 10:07 AM
Hipkins himself is guilty of gross incompetence over the polytechnics mega-merger.

01-07-2023, 10:14 AM
Hipkins himself is guilty of gross incompetence over the polytechnics mega-merger.

Mr 'spray & walk away' Hipkins.


01-07-2023, 02:07 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/v/2/s/s/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26v438.png/1688121051455.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

Same rabbit spotted back on the range folks :)

too fat stuffed full of excess sausage rolls to run fast enough ;)

01-07-2023, 02:09 PM

Recession warning: Building industry downturn likened to GFC as new residential house numbers plummet

likely to further confuse the already confused mob of Govt Beehive twits ;)

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2023, 04:11 PM
Downturn in the building industry? Must be time to import 100,000 immigrants so they can live in vast tent cities.

‘Black Saturday’ saw an end to the petrol excise tax cut (25 cents), the diesel road user charge discount (36%) and half-price public transport.

Clean car discount: For new vehicles, the maximum rebate will decrease by about $1600 and the maximum fee will increase by about $1700.

Cost of mail: The cost of sending letters and parcels domestically and internationally will increase, as will the cost of NZ Post couriers, PO Boxes and Private Bags.

Alcohol: The alcohol excise rates increased by 6.6 per cent.

Logen Ninefingers
01-07-2023, 04:16 PM
Downturn in the building industry? Must be time to import 100,000 immigrants so they can live in vast tent cities.

‘Black Saturday’ saw an end to the petrol excise tax cut (25 cents), the diesel road user charge discount (36%) and half-price public transport.

Clean car discount: For new vehicles, the maximum rebate will decrease by about $1600 and the maximum fee will increase by about $1700.

Cost of mail: The cost of sending letters and parcels domestically and internationally will increase, as will the cost of NZ Post couriers, PO Boxes and Private Bags.

Alcohol: The alcohol excise rates increased by 6.6 per cent.

‘Infometrics economist Brad Olsen said the fuel tax cuts were not targeted and had been ineffectual.

“The fuel tax subsidies were a dumb economic policy to start with,” he said.

“It doesn’t make their removal, though, any easier for the average New Zealander who’s having to pay more for fuel from tomorrow. It wasn’t a good, targeted policy. We shouldn’t repeat it again, but it certainly is going to be a challenge for households when they have to readjust.”

Olsen also said with only a few months to go before the general election, “this is the sort of thing that people are going to be looking at and wondering [about]”.’

01-07-2023, 04:46 PM
‘Infometrics economist Brad Olsen said the fuel tax cuts were not targeted and had been ineffectual.

“The fuel tax subsidies were a dumb economic policy to start with,” he said.

“It doesn’t make their removal, though, any easier for the average New Zealander who’s having to pay more for fuel from tomorrow. It wasn’t a good, targeted policy. We shouldn’t repeat it again, but it certainly is going to be a challenge for households when they have to readjust.”

Olsen also said with only a few months to go before the general election, “this is the sort of thing that people are going to be looking at and wondering [about]”.’

Doesn't he imply by accident it targeted householders. Surely the readjustment is the opposite of the adjustment. I.e more money on people's pockets for a time when inflation was rampant. Is argument as you posted is illogical.

01-07-2023, 06:22 PM
Downturn in the building industry? Must be time to import 100,000 immigrants so they can live in vast tent cities.

‘Black Saturday’ saw an end to the petrol excise tax cut (25 cents), the diesel road user charge discount (36%) and half-price public transport.

Clean car discount: For new vehicles, the maximum rebate will decrease by about $1600 and the maximum fee will increase by about $1700.

Cost of mail: The cost of sending letters and parcels domestically and internationally will increase, as will the cost of NZ Post couriers, PO Boxes and Private Bags.

Alcohol: The alcohol excise rates increased by 6.6 per cent.

sorry - nowhere to house them all & their dependents, who might prefer extended duration here on cheap ;)

bit cold & rough to put up 100,000 tents & outside amenities .. they may not like that :)

and then they might lay eyes on a Govt which likes doing Ram Raids - like yesterday's Fuel Tax Ram Raid,
the Residential Property Interest Ram Raid, and where Postal System can't even post itself out of paper bag without extortionate increases to cover it's own ongoing incompetence, etc etc .. ;)

Who like bunch of blind Labour Govt idiots who do and oversee that .. and only wake up later to fact they have large glaring problems all over place ? :)

01-07-2023, 06:45 PM

More video of Auckland Harbour Bridge clip-on lanes swaying emerges

More video has emerged of the Auckland Harbour Bridge clip-on lanes swaying as people walk on them.

Footage of a 50-millimetre gap opening and closing during an anti-mandate protest last year alarmed Waka Kotahi.

Documents showed the bridge’s operators had known about the wobble occurring during other mass walks, notably the hikoi led by Dame Whina Cooper in 1975.

Another previous land hikoi in 2004 also set it off, and Mike Millett of the North Shore caught it on camera.

At 1.05 minutes into his short Youtube video, the swaying can be seen.

“You can see the actual gap closing and opening and the crashing of signs on a truck parked up,” Millett said.

Engineers brought in by transport authorities came up with relatively simple options to damp down the swaying in a report in 2010.

She's right Bro - can't be serious .. The Waka of Roading Incompetence have not moveth to do anything .. must be waiting until it falls off .. or a Ministerial sticky beak crew turn up underneath for looksie :)

Looks like Woody the hapless halfwit Woodpecker dodged a collapsing bridge on this one :)

01-07-2023, 10:29 PM
Couldn't agree more with Steven Joyce:

"The AA has done us all a service by highlighting the number of people being killed on our roads as a result of drunk driving. Last year was horrific: 111 deaths were caused by people who were either above the legal limit or refused a test. That’s double the number from 2013, just under a decade ago.The overall road toll was horrific too. We had 377 deaths on the road last year. In 2013, the recent low, just 253 died on our roads. Still too many, but 124 fewer. Something clearly has gone wrong.

It is fair to place some of the blame on our pandemic response. However successful it was in containing the spread of the virus, it appears to have caused untold harm to the fabric of our society. Whether it shows up in ram raids and delinquent behaviour, drinking and driving, or truancy from school, locking people in their houses for months on end seems to have torn the fabric of society and encouraged more risky and rebellious behaviour by a sizeable chunk of our population. I can only hope our Covid Royal Commission, which has been very quiet lately, is beavering away in the background grappling with some of these thorny issues."

I'm spending a few months in Europe during northern summer like we did last year and I really am seeing the difference in economic activity and optimism where we are (absolutely booming) and sad old NZ which is going down the gurgler on every front and no focus on matters that really matter. The real results of the crazy COVID response in NZ are starting to come through loud and clear.
Very sad to watch and I fear for our future generations.

Blue Skies
01-07-2023, 11:52 PM
Couldn't agree more with Steven Joyce:

"The AA has done us all a service by highlighting the number of people being killed on our roads as a result of drunk driving. Last year was horrific: 111 deaths were caused by people who were either above the legal limit or refused a test. That’s double the number from 2013, just under a decade ago.The overall road toll was horrific too. We had 377 deaths on the road last year. In 2013, the recent low, just 253 died on our roads. Still too many, but 124 fewer. Something clearly has gone wrong.

It is fair to place some of the blame on our pandemic response. However successful it was in containing the spread of the virus, it appears to have caused untold harm to the fabric of our society. Whether it shows up in ram raids and delinquent behaviour, drinking and driving, or truancy from school, locking people in their houses for months on end seems to have torn the fabric of society and encouraged more risky and rebellious behaviour by a sizeable chunk of our population. I can only hope our Covid Royal Commission, which has been very quiet lately, is beavering away in the background grappling with some of these thorny issues."

I'm spending a few months in Europe during northern summer like we did last year and I really am seeing the difference in economic activity and optimism where we are (absolutely booming) and sad old NZ which is going down the gurgler on every front and no focus on matters that really matter. The real results of the crazy COVID response in NZ are starting to come through loud and clear.
Very sad to watch and I fear for our future generations.

In 2013 there were approx 3.4 million vehicles on our roads.
By 2023 that figure had increased to estimated 4.5 million vehicles on our roads.
That's whats gone wrong.

You don't think the extra million plus vehicles might have something to do with the increase in road toll ?
Would have thought the answer to that one was glaringly obvious.

Also remember back in the first decade of 2000's the road toll was higher than it is now.

And I should add, our infrastructure, roads, bridges, motorways haven't been able to cope with the increase.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/735099/new-zealand-currently-licensed-vehicles/ (https://www.statista.com/statistics/735099/new-zealand-currently-licensed-vehicles/)

02-07-2023, 12:38 AM
Happy School Holidays - folks

Labour delivers up Kindness in Election year:


Petrol prices rise: Pumps are quiet as full taxes are re-applied after 18 months of subsidies

02-07-2023, 09:45 AM
Leak … drip … drip … drip … leak …drip

Watch Hipkins and Kiri Allan dance the duck & dive routine so typical of this useless incompetent yet arrogant Labour government :


So, given most public servants’ instincts for an omerta-like approach to controversies, why have we seen the confirmation of “concerns about working relationships” by several departmental heads?

Perhaps they are getting ahead of a rumoured paper trail that will emerge.

The worry for Allan is that an apparent unanimity may have developed among several senior bureaucrats that things have crossed a line. That accusations of “yelling and screaming” as one senior official has told Stuff, were a rant too far.

Logen Ninefingers
02-07-2023, 10:32 AM

‘Jason Crewe is seven cars back from the petrol pumps and seething.

Ahead, a man whose already topped up his van has now turned his attention to a collection of containers, filling them to the brim and pausing between each one to shrug a “sorry” at the waiting cars.

“This is going to save me about $15 at most,” says Crewe from his Holden, adding he’s not angry at his fellow motorists but at what they’re being forced to do.

“The country is stuffed... When you’ve got people queueing to save a few bucks on gas, it proves it.”’

02-07-2023, 11:06 AM

‘Jason Crewe is seven cars back from the petrol pumps and seething.

Ahead, a man whose already topped up his van has now turned his attention to a collection of containers, filling them to the brim and pausing between each one to shrug a “sorry” at the waiting cars.

“This is going to save me about $15 at most,” says Crewe from his Holden, adding he’s not angry at his fellow motorists but at what they’re being forced to do.

“The country is stuffed... When you’ve got people queueing to save a few bucks on gas, it proves it.”’

Meanwhile, other countries are starting to phase in EV road charges to recognise that EVs also use roads & transport infrastructure and need to contribute to their upkeep.

Not so in NZ as this clueless Labour government know only to sting motorists via a multitude of charges via fuel at the pump.


02-07-2023, 01:56 PM

Labour minister Kiri Allan's future in the balance

Gone by lunchtime Monday ? ;)

Might have to deputise the Muppets in as Ministers to fill the gaps soon .. but then they would probably
be seen to have more intelligence than the excuses for talent given the boot ;)

02-07-2023, 02:10 PM

'The country is stuffed': Petrol pain is back and not just at the pumps

Ahead, a man whose already topped up his van has now turned his attention to a collection of containers, filling them to the brim and pausing between each one to shrug a “sorry” at the waiting cars.

“This is going to save me about $15 at most,” says Crewe from his Holden, adding he’s not angry at his fellow motorists but at what they’re being forced to do.

“The country is stuffed... When you’ve got people queueing to save a few bucks on gas, it proves it.”

And, as budgeting advisors warned the double blow will only worsen the lives of already struggling New Zealanders, Kiwis rushed to pumps around the country amid warnings not to stockpile.

“People can’t afford to live any more. We're living week-to-week like everybody else, and cutting back where we can, but it’s not like I can say, ‘I can’t come to work because I can’t afford to get there’. Petrol is a necessity.”

Lara Dolan, chief executive of the Māngere Budgeting Services Trust, says that’s exactly the problem: transport is essential and Kiwis don’t have any fat left to trim from their expenses.

“What we can see is people currently spend about $50 -$100 per week on petrol... Bear in mind, those who access our service are already struggling.”

Dolan says that while the return of the fuel tax might seem paltry when compared to other costs, its effect shouldn’t be downplayed. ”It might only add up to $15, but that’s $15 people just don’t have.”

brought to everyone .. by a bunch of incompetent Labour clowns ;)

02-07-2023, 02:18 PM

'Held to ransom': Immigration boss targets growing migrant scam, hundreds affected

A rapidly-growing immigration scam targets overseas workers who pay big bucks to come to New Zealand, only to find themselves out of a job once they’ve arrived. Steve Kilgallon investigates.

“Sometimes,” says Liu*, “we think it would be better to jump into the sea.”

He’s been left penniless and starving by a new immigration scam that could be affecting hundreds of new migrants – with a senior official from Immigration NZ (INZ) admitting the problem is “number one on my list”.

A statement from the newly-appointed Immigration Minister Andrew Little did not directly answer a question

Time for one of those "They are managing okay" moments - Andy ? ;)

In reality they probably properly skrewed .. but in eyes of a few asleep in Govt Beehive Seats .. that means okay and time to go back to snoring and dreaming away as if nothing happened ;)

02-07-2023, 07:35 PM
In 2013 there were approx 3.4 million vehicles on our roads.
By 2023 that figure had increased to estimated 4.5 million vehicles on our roads.
That's whats gone wrong.

You don't think the extra million plus vehicles might have something to do with the increase in road toll ?
Would have thought the answer to that one was glaringly obvious.

Also remember back in the first decade of 2000's the road toll was higher than it is now.

And I should add, our infrastructure, roads, bridges, motorways haven't been able to cope with the increase.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/735099/new-zealand-currently-licensed-vehicles/ (https://www.statista.com/statistics/735099/new-zealand-currently-licensed-vehicles/)

Excuses excuses excuses for the failures wherever we look at this Government.
You may have missed the fact that safety features in cars have improved immensely in the last few years and many of us are now driving cars that are highly unlikely to crash into other cars or other road users barring some idiotic out of control moves.
The increased road deaths in NZ has come despite Waka Kotahi's ridiculous speed reduction campaign, not to mention the very expensive and infamous "Road to Zero" waste of time & money.
At the same time we have a Government that in 5 years has not started any new roading projects.

I just had a quick look at Norway with a similar population as NZ and slightly fewer cars and the trend is steadily down https://www.statista.com/statistics/1240414/fatalities-in-traffic-accidents-in-norway/

02-07-2023, 07:52 PM
Meanwhile, other countries are starting to phase in EV road charges to recognise that EVs also use roads & transport infrastructure and need to contribute to their upkeep.

Not so in NZ as this clueless Labour government know only to sting motorists via a multitude of charges via fuel at the pump.


As an EV owner, I find it ridiculous that we do not contribute our fair share to road building and maintenance. With the technology available in new EVs today, it is easy to implement online and automatic road user charges per km traveled..

Blue Skies
02-07-2023, 08:32 PM
As an EV owner, I find it ridiculous that we do not contribute our fair share to road building and maintenance. With the technology available in new EVs today, it is easy to implement online and automatic road user charges per km traveled..

Im not sure what the fuss is about, as I understand it (& happy to be corrected) the EV road user charges exemption has only been extended to next March, to incentivise NZ's fleet transition to EV's & hybrids which helps us reach our emissions targets.
It has less than a year to go.

Interested to see National's road user charges based on km's travelled, which overlooks the impact different size & weight & emissions of vehicles, have on road surfaces, other drivers & emissions targets.

03-07-2023, 08:18 AM
As an EV owner, I find it ridiculous that we do not contribute our fair share to road building and maintenance. With the technology available in new EVs today, it is easy to implement online and automatic road user charges per km traveled..

All combustion engine car owners subsidise the trucking industry with the damage to roads caused by trucks far out weighing the contribution collected through RUC.

But let's focus on EVs that are actually good for the environment and light on road wear.
If trucks paid their fare share, the argument for more rail would be a lot stronger.

Blue Skies
03-07-2023, 08:41 AM
Excuses excuses excuses for the failures wherever we look at this Government.
You may have missed the fact that safety features in cars have improved immensely in the last few years and many of us are now driving cars that are highly unlikely to crash into other cars or other road users barring some idiotic out of control moves.
The increased road deaths in NZ has come despite Waka Kotahi's ridiculous speed reduction campaign, not to mention the very expensive and infamous "Road to Zero" waste of time & money.
At the same time we have a Government that in 5 years has not started any new roading projects.

I just had a quick look at Norway with a similar population as NZ and slightly fewer cars and the trend is steadily down https://www.statista.com/statistics/1240414/fatalities-in-traffic-accidents-in-norway/

That's right, put over an extra million vehicles on our roads between 2013 & 2022 , 800,000 extra people, and the 124 higher road toll is all this governments fault!
And "most of us are driving cars that are highly unlikely to crash into other cars...." Really ?

C'mon mate, next you'll be telling us this weather, like everything else is all this govt's fault.

For a National ACT supporter, how about advocating for a bit of personal responsibility.

(And btw overall our road toll has been trending downwards, its lower now than it was in the early 1990's/ early 2000's but there will always be outlier years.)

Logen Ninefingers
03-07-2023, 08:52 AM
Labour seem to now be running an ‘open borders’ immigration system, anyone and everyone flooding in & invariably there are very nasty scams emerging as a result. A Peruvian woman says: “But the agent promised that after one year, I could get residency and sponsor my parents and brother to move here too.”
So she was to come here for a year, then the parents and the brother get a ticket to NZ to burden our health and transport and housing infrastructure that they have paid nothing towards.
The immigration system itself is the scam: a scam on behalf of the greedy property industry, skin-flint employers, and our lazy and ineffectual government. A scam against NZ citizens who paid taxes all their lives for our hospitals, roads, wastewater services etc etc etc.



‘A 24-year-old Peruvian woman who has resorted to sex work to repay loans she took out to move to New Zealand is among a spate of South American immigrants being duped by job and visa scams.

The head of an organisation helping victims says she is aware of about 250 people from South American countries who have arrived here since the beginning of the year on work and visitor visas — many of whom are victims of scams promising jobs that lead to residency.

The Peruvian woman borrowed close to $32,000 from gang-related loan sharks to pay an agent for an allegedly high-paying job and visa arrangements. After landing in New Zealand from Lima with just a visitor visa, the woman quickly realised there was no job and she had been scammed.

The woman’s South American family had thought she would be their ticket out of poverty, but they are now facing death threats after missing a payment of a loan amount that is increasing by the day. In desperation, the 24-year-old has turned to sex work - which is unlawful for migrants in New Zealand on temporary visas - to repay the debt.

The Peruvian woman said she was promised a job paying $43 per hour to manage Spanish-speaking migrant workers at a construction company.

“We needed about $32,000 to pay for the visa, agent’s fee, job offer, flight and one month’s accommodation. But the agent promised that after one year, I could get residency and sponsor my parents and brother to move here too,” she said.

“The only way we could get that money was to borrow from illegal money lenders, who are linked to gangs in Lima. When I arrived in Auckland in May, there was no job, no accommodation, nothing.”

The woman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said gang members threatened to shoot her father after they missed their first payment.

“I couldn’t stop crying, and when I shared my story with a Chilean lady I met at the backpackers where I stayed, she introduced me to sex work,” she said.

“I am desperate, I don’t know what else to do. I want to go home to be with my family, but if I do that, then maybe all of us will be dead.”’

03-07-2023, 09:13 AM
All combustion engine car owners subsidise the trucking industry with the damage to roads caused by trucks far out weighing the contribution collected through RUC.

But let's focus on EVs that are actually good for the environment and light on road wear.
If trucks paid their fare share, the argument for more rail would be a lot stronger.

An incorrect statement, and a common myth.

Even a small diesel car at an average weight of 1.16 tonne on 4 skinny tires as fitted, lays on the road at the same pounds per square inch, as a 44 tonne loaded truck sitting on 28 tires of at least double the width, and greater the circumference.

LTA, the waka people who collect Road User Charges have calculated this correctly.

If you further calculate that the car will have a horsepower ratio of at least 68 per tonne versus 10 to 14 for the truck, the car is far more likely to break traction, a wheelie, especially with front wheel drive, versus the truck, even though the truck is driven proportionately through less wheels.
If you further consider the truck spends some of its time running empty, or partly loaded, vs the 1.16 tonne tare weight car carrying 440kg of people and shopping, the trucks are seriously subsidising the cars!

Going back to the original statement, petrol combustion cars pay no RUCs whatsoever, so are getting a free ride, compared to the trucks!

Historically, 5 sixth of the cost of diesel has been in taxes, so the trucks are well and truly getting rorted!

fungus pudding
03-07-2023, 09:51 AM
An incorrect statement, and a common myth.

Even a small car at an average weight of 1.16 tonne on 4 skinny tires as fitted, lays on the road at the same pounds per square inch, as a 44 tonne loaded truck sitting on 28 tires of at least double the width, and greater the circumference.

So a kid on a pogo must be causing a heap of damage! Ban them.

03-07-2023, 09:58 AM
So a kid on a pogo must be causing a heap of damage! Ban them.

Oh yes, and overweight ladies on stilettos.

03-07-2023, 10:00 AM
What about the electric Buses in Auckland, seems to be increasing in numbers by the day almost, plus a few electric trucks as well (not big ones , but bigger than a car)

03-07-2023, 10:37 AM
(And btw overall our road toll has been trending downwards, its lower now than it was in the early 1990's/ early 2000's but there will always be outlier years.)

I saw this the other day which supports your comment.
but it is something that is not being discussed. we are actually way better on the road toll than 2000 (19 years before the data below).
we must be off the chart compared to 1985 but I didn't find that data.

NZ Road Safety to 2019

Report by the OECD International Transport Forum

The longer-term trend for road deaths in New Zealand has been inconsistent.

Between 2000 and 2019, the number of annual road fatalities fell by 24%.

The greatest reduction was achieved in the 2000-13 period, when road fatalities fell by 45%.

However, from 2013-17 road deaths steadily increased (before decreasing slightly in 2018 and 2019), with an overall increase of 39% between 2013 and 2019.

The number of traffic deaths per 100 000 inhabitants in New Zealand fell by 41% between 2000 and 2019.

In 2019, 7.1 traffic deaths per 100 000 inhabitants were recorded, compared to 12.0 in 2000.

By way of comparison, the average in the European Union is 5.1 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants in 2019.

Measured as traffic deaths per billion vehicle-kilometres (vkm) driven, the fatality risk of New Zealand showed an encouraging longer-term trend.

In 2019 this metric stood at 7.2, 47% lower than in 2000.

New Zealand recorded 0.8 road fatalities per 10 000 registered vehicles in 2019.

This represents a decrease of 55% compared to the year 2000, when the rate of deaths to registered vehicles stood at 1.8.

Blue Skies
03-07-2023, 10:40 AM
An incorrect statement, and a common myth.

Even a small car at an average weight of 1.16 tonne on 4 skinny tires as fitted, lays on the road at the same pounds per square inch, as a 44 tonne loaded truck sitting on 28 tires of at least double the width, and greater the circumference.

LTA, the waka people who collect Road User Charges have calculated this correctly.

If you further calculate that the car will have a horsepower ratio of at least 68 per tonne versus 10 to 14 for the truck, the car is far more likely to break traction, a wheelie, especially with front wheel drive, versus the truck, even though the truck is driven proportionately through less wheels.
If you further consider the truck spends some of its time running empty, or partly loaded, vs the 1.16 tonne tare weight car carrying 440kg of people and shopping, the trucks are seriously subsidising the cars!

Ha, lots of nice theory there but in practice doesn't work that way.

Put a heavy logging truck or 50t freight truck braking down a long hill from 100kmh and apart from the weight the vibrations do huge damage to our NZ roads, which were never built to carry theses kinds of weights.


fungus pudding
03-07-2023, 11:39 AM
Oh yes, and overweight ladies on stilettos.

Yep. Ban them too.

03-07-2023, 01:01 PM
Blue Skies posts and writes some Class A Cindy's inspired BS and garbage.

First he argues that the road toll is up because there are more cars.

Then, he argues against himself that actually the number of cars has not affected the road toll! In fact, it has been trending down even as the number of cars has been increasing year on year.

In 2013 there were approx 3.4 million vehicles on our roads.
By 2023 that figure had increased to estimated 4.5 million vehicles on our roads.
That's whats gone wrong.

You don't think the extra million plus vehicles might have something to do with the increase in road toll ?
Would have thought the answer to that one was glaringly obvious.

Also remember back in the first decade of 2000's the road toll was higher than it is now.

And I should add, our infrastructure, roads, bridges, motorways haven't been able to cope with the increase.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/735099/new-zealand-currently-licensed-vehicles/ (https://www.statista.com/statistics/735099/new-zealand-currently-licensed-vehicles/)

That's right, put over an extra million vehicles on our roads between 2013 & 2022 , 800,000 extra people, and the 124 higher road toll is all this governments fault!
And "most of us are driving cars that are highly unlikely to crash into other cars...." Really ?

C'mon mate, next you'll be telling us this weather, like everything else is all this govt's fault.

For a National ACT supporter, how about advocating for a bit of personal responsibility.

(And btw overall our road toll has been trending downwards, its lower now than it was in the early 1990's/ early 2000's but there will always be outlier years.)

Blue Skies = Bull ****


03-07-2023, 01:26 PM
Not that there was ever any doubt that this government is pro-gang, but this Labour MP joining a Mongrel mob meeting to get votes takes away any doubts:


03-07-2023, 01:31 PM
An incorrect statement, and a common myth.

Even a small diesel car at an average weight of 1.16 tonne on 4 skinny tires as fitted, lays on the road at the same pounds per square inch, as a 44 tonne loaded truck sitting on 28 tires of at least double the width, and greater the circumference.

LTA, the waka people who collect Road User Charges have calculated this correctly.

If you further calculate that the car will have a horsepower ratio of at least 68 per tonne versus 10 to 14 for the truck, the car is far more likely to break traction, a wheelie, especially with front wheel drive, versus the truck, even though the truck is driven proportionately through less wheels.
If you further consider the truck spends some of its time running empty, or partly loaded, vs the 1.16 tonne tare weight car carrying 440kg of people and shopping, the trucks are seriously subsidising the cars!

Going back to the original statement, petrol combustion cars pay no RUCs whatsoever, so are getting a free ride, compared to the trucks!

Historically, 5 sixth of the cost of diesel has been in taxes, so the trucks are well and truly getting rorted!

It's not incorrect or a myth. I can provide ample evidence that contradicts what you are saying.

But firstly petrol cars pay the excise when buying fuel so be it RUC or excise they both pay for road maintenance.

Now for the evidence.

80% of the non weather related damage is caused by trucks & yet they only pay 23% of the excise.

This link says that a truck causes 2500 times the damage of a sedan.
https://www.insidescience.org/news/how-much-damage-do-heavy-trucks-do-our-roads#:~:text=Considering%20that%20the%20truck%20h as,times%20that%20of%20the%20sedan.

I could go on as there is overwhelming evidence that contradicts what you wrote.

03-07-2023, 01:56 PM

Labour MP Ingrid Leary gatecrashes Dunedin Mongrel Mob meeting; says she thought it was a different meeting

Fairly intelligent Labour talent indeed - presumably with difficulty on what time & day of the week it is too ? ;)

How much is the taxpayer stumping up to keep this sort of dumb talent making a prize fool of herself ? :)

03-07-2023, 02:10 PM

‘Joyriding’ kids go on crime spree in Dunedin

A Toyota Aqua was stolen and taken on a joyride around Dunedin as the rash of child offending in the city continued at the weekend.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said on Friday night two children went to an address in Corstorphine Rd and stole a Toyota Aqua.

The Mums & Dads musta been at the Gang's Labour Electoral Meeting which the half asleep local Labour MP just managed to inadvertently gatecrash without realising it ? ;)

The Media appear to be very capable of identifying some of the more curious Otago Life forms :)

03-07-2023, 02:28 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/v/7/7/j/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26v7qz.png/1688282556927.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

03-07-2023, 04:54 PM

Value of troubled mortgage debt up 12pc in a month

Whoa .. a growing pile of Non Performing .. a bit like this Labour Government ;)

Nothing like baiting them all in on lure of cheap money then turning the dial and repeatedly
stabbing all that partook hard in the back, while they're still wriggling .. ;)

That's your "Cindy decreed be kind" Labour Govt that the deceived & gullable thought they could trust ;)

Worse still to come folks - watch the Govt numbskulls try to ignore everything going on right in front of their noses and all the loud screaming as the dial gets turned harder & rising COL & Fuel prices really start to bite ;)

03-07-2023, 05:09 PM

Kiri Allan is 'taking a bit of time out' - PM Chris Hipkins

Hipkins confirmed he had asked her to take some time off, and the pair would catch up when he gets back from a trip to Europe next week where he will attend a Nato meeting.

“Kiri has had a rough couple of weeks and I think it would be good for her to take some time off,” he said Monday at a post-Cabinet briefing where journalists continued to ask about the matter.

Still some empty space for prescribed out of view in the backroom cupboard - Chippie ? ;)

03-07-2023, 05:22 PM

Census closes with 'raw' response rate just short of 90% target

Stats NZ said on Monday that it had received 4,563,800 responses by the deadline, which equates to a raw response rate of just over 89%.

Statistics Minister Deborah Russell agreed in March to stake her job on reaching the 90% target.

Another non performing coward who thinks her words don't count after the event on failing to reach the mark - over 1 in 10 didn't show .., Deborah as you promised - you should go ;)

03-07-2023, 05:58 PM
Not that there was ever any doubt that this government is pro-gang, but this Labour MP joining a Mongrel mob meeting to get votes takes away any doubts:


And the story keeps getting better (or worse as is the case with Hipkins now either lying or clueless) :

“Prime minister Chris Hipkins, speaking at his weekly post-Cabinet press conference, said he accepted Ingrid Leary’s explanation.

“This Government has changed the law to give police more power to crack down on gangs,” he said, adding he didn’t “particularly” want their votes.

He said Leary had received an invitation and she had mistakenly thought it was from the Elecotral Commission.

He added that he hadn’t spoken to her directly.”

How could she not know it’s a Mongrel
Mob meeting?????

And how could Hipkins accept her explanation if he hadn’t spoken to her?

Notice Hipkins’ nose growing longer and longer?


03-07-2023, 06:08 PM
If it adds to the discussion, I received a Labour Party flyer in my mail. On front is Chris Hipkins standing titled

"What's Your Government Doing For You?"

on back: "Fixing What Matters Today | Building a Better Tomorrow"

inside: - Help Control the Cost off Living - Rebuilding Our Communities - Doing More for Kiwi Families - Smart Investments to Grow our Economy - & Doing More on Climate Change

To the people in NZ that support and vote for Labour, they must have rocks in their head...

04-07-2023, 10:28 AM
If it adds to the discussion, I received a Labour Party flyer in my mail. On front is Chris Hipkins standing titled

"What's Your Government Doing For You?"

on back: "Fixing What Matters Today | Building a Better Tomorrow"

inside: - Help Control the Cost off Living - Rebuilding Our Communities - Doing More for Kiwi Families - Smart Investments to Grow our Economy - & Doing More on Climate Change

To the people in NZ that support and vote for Labour, they must have rocks in their head...

Spin, BS and Lies are now the stock trade of this Labour government which has squandered tens of billions of dollars in frivolous and unproductive pursuits with nothing to show.

Here's what's Labour is really really doing for and to NZers - destroying the future for generations to come :

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzwhtmPSRy9hI86i9ku9pqTEiVmB6Ey HMBapPKuWfeOdfWaRggNqqaLOvioklvWDIbYwM&usqp=CAU


04-07-2023, 10:33 AM
That's right, put over an extra million vehicles on our roads between 2013 & 2022 , 800,000 extra people, and the 124 higher road toll is all this governments fault!
And "most of us are driving cars that are highly unlikely to crash into other cars...." Really ?

C'mon mate, next you'll be telling us this weather, like everything else is all this govt's fault.

For a National ACT supporter, how about advocating for a bit of personal responsibility.

(And btw overall our road toll has been trending downwards, its lower now than it was in the early 1990's/ early 2000's but there will always be outlier years.)

Why pick parts of sentences if you're going to quote my posts ?
Here is what you missed highlighted and yes I have a car that is highly unlikley to crash into other cars as are many new model cars:
"many of us are now driving cars that are highly unlikely to crash into other cars or other road users barring some idiotic out of control moves."

If we are serious about road safety, build decent new roads, fix potholes and make older roads safer and get old ****ty unsafe cars of our roads

04-07-2023, 11:02 AM
Ashen faced Hipkins being interviewed on TV3 - I actually feel sorry for him a bit.

So Kiri Allan gets more leave and time to check through all her dealings with staff. Not that it matters - she's part of the all powerful Maori cabal and Hipkins would not dare to do anything to her or any one of them.



04-07-2023, 11:11 AM
Ha, lots of nice theory there but in practice doesn't work that way.

Put a heavy logging truck or 50t freight truck braking down a long hill from 100kmh and apart from the weight the vibrations do huge damage to our NZ roads, which were never built to carry theses kinds of weights.


Those naughty truck drivers wouldn't be exceeding their legal limit of 90 km/h would they.?

If the hill is as steep as made out, the trucks would be under engine braking doing 50 km/h.

That CEAC mob mentioned in the attachment sound like a pack of Green flat earthers, who think a rail line should be running up every street!

Would introducing hovercraft for freight be an appeasement?

Or will all non bulk freight be conveyed by drone from 1 national warehouse direct to your door?
Buzz buuuuzzzzzzzzz.

Blue Skies
04-07-2023, 11:50 AM
Roy Morgan poll just out has,

Lab 30.5 ( - 0.5)
Nat 30. ( - 1.5)
ACT. 15. (+1.5)
Greens 9.5. (-2.5)
TPM. 7
NZF. 3

Seats -
Lab 40
Nat 39
ACT 20
Greens 12

Lab, Greens TPM, 61
Nat ACT 59

Looks like National not increasing its vote & losing 1.5 straight to ACT.
Luxon seems to be fighting hard to get farmers back off ACT

Hard to believe with so many govt ministers in the news lately for wrong reasons, National not miles out ahead.

NB, this is worst result for National since Chris Luxon took over leadership.

04-07-2023, 12:02 PM
Roy Morgan poll just out has,

Lab 30.5 ( - 0.5)
Nat 30. ( - 1.5)
ACT. 15. (+1.5)
Greens 9.5. (-2.5)
TPM. 7
NZF. 3

Seats -
Lab 40
Nat 39
ACT 20
Greens 12

Lab, Greens TPM, 61
Nat ACT 59

Looks like National not increasing its vote & losing 1.5 straight to ACT.
Luxon seems to be fighting hard to get farmers back off ACT

Hard to believe with so many govt ministers in the news lately for wrong reasons, National not miles out ahead.

Excellent results!

White middle class NZers know what they have to do to get rid of this divisive, racist, arrogant and incompetent government.

Roll on October 2023!!!!

04-07-2023, 01:13 PM
Meanwhile, this useless & clueless Labour government with its creation, Te WTF Ora, want those suffering mental health problems in Wellington to do so during normal office hours as they do not have enough staff to man the mental crisis hot line during non office hours x.

Where has TWTFO been spending the $1.9 billion? Not on improving services obviously for those who are in need. Consultants and the bloated bureaucrats get even fatter.


“People experiencing a mental health crisis in the Wellington region are being told to call the region’s 24/7 triage centre during “normal business hours” because it does not have enough clinicians to always respond at night.

Last year, a major investigation by the Herald identified services for people in acute distress as one of the major gaps in a system plagued by problems. Across the country, people who are acutely distressed or suicidal struggle to find timely support, often with devastating consequences. Police respond to hundreds of mental health-related callouts every day and EDs are inundated because there is not an adequate crisis-response system.”

04-07-2023, 01:24 PM
Balance, if Labour are clueless which in some instances is correct, as Blue Skies asks, why aren't National miles ahead in the polls?
Perhaps it's because they are even more clueless.

National are in a difficult spot because if them lean further right to chip away at ACT they lose voters in the center.

Anyone who supports ACT should take a good hard look at themselves. They obviously don't give two hoots about the environment or their fellow Kiwis. It's just me me me.

Their tax policy is inept and will bankrupt the country. Luckily that's just the BS campaign & they never intend to implement it & they have the luxury of blaming the Nats for not supporting it. But they also know there are enough greedy suckeres that will buy the campaign BS.

04-07-2023, 02:44 PM
NB, this is worst result for National since Chris Luxon took over leadership.

People just need to get to know the real Chris Luxon:


Sorry guys you can't unsee this :p

04-07-2023, 04:05 PM
Excellent results!

It is isn't it?
Luxon just can't nail it - I'm disappointed really, I expected much more from him.
Now I don't expect anything!

04-07-2023, 05:32 PM
People just need to get to know the real Chris Luxon:


Sorry guys you can't unsee this :p

I hadn't seen that, what a shocker. Luxon obviously has a short attention span.

04-07-2023, 05:34 PM
Great news from the Government to address health worker shortage.


04-07-2023, 06:20 PM
We need more politicians like Big Norm.

04-07-2023, 09:26 PM
Great news from the Government to address health worker shortage.


Same government who was going to address housing, homelessness, child poverty, law & order and mental health.

12,000 state houses built under Labour? Come and kiss my arse.

100,000 Kiwibuild homes? Come kiss my dog’s …..:t_up:

04-07-2023, 09:40 PM
But wait, there’s more!

Here’s the police minister (the 4th one in a year and the one who declared NZers are feeling safer under Labour!) proudly pointing out that there have been two (yes, 2) gun seizures since this clueless government passed new law 9 months ago to seize guns from dangerous individuals! :D


04-07-2023, 09:51 PM
Lest not forget folks that it is just a Poll of <1000 people. Margin of error has often shown to be higher than the Pollsters will claim.

Nevertheless the trends that the Polls highlight can be informative. Those trends tend to paint a more accurate picture of what is really happening in the electorate. The downward trend (momentum) of the Labour/Green Block is clear and entrenched.

Most recently...

The previous Roy Morgan Poll ('Finding 9242'), released on May 30th printed the following.

Labour/Green Block: 43%
National/Act Block: 45%

Whereas Today's published results ('Finding 9292') show....

Labour/Green Block 40% (down 3%) (NB. 2nd worst Roy Morgan result since Mar 2020)
National/Act Block: 45% (+/- 0%)

04-07-2023, 10:42 PM
Lest not forget folks that it is just a Poll of <1000 people. Margin of error has often shown to be higher than the Pollsters will claim.

Nevertheless the trends that the Polls highlight can be informative. Those trends tend to paint a more accurate picture of what is really happening in the electorate. The downward trend (momentum) of the Labour/Green Block is clear and entrenched.

Most recently...

The previous Roy Morgan Poll ('Finding 9242'), released on May 30th printed the following.

Labour/Green Block: 43%
National/Act Block: 45%

Whereas Today's published results ('Finding 9292') show....

Labour/Green Block 40% (down 3%) (NB. 2nd worst Roy Morgan result since Mar 2020)
National/Act Block: 45% (+/- 0%)

FTG you are a missing a key component of the poll being the Maori Party. As National have lost votes to Act, so to have Labour to the Maori Party. And this poll suggests that National & ACT will stay in opposition.

05-07-2023, 03:47 AM
Whereas Today's published results ('Finding 9292') show....

Labour/Green Block 40% (down 3%) (NB. 2nd worst Roy Morgan result since Mar 2020)
National/Act Block: 45% (+/- 0%)

Simon Bridges had National at 45% .

05-07-2023, 08:41 AM
Noticed a change when visiting the Supermarket in the last few days?
No single use plastic bags at the fruit & vege bins.
NZ is leading the way in the banning of single use plastic. It also just goes to show that most businesses won't make change for the better unless they are forced. This change was signaled a year ago & yet the Supermarkets waited until the new law came in to implement the change.

Well done Labour & the Greens.


Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 08:53 AM
Dairy product prices falling, more pressure to come on balance of payments deficit and government revenues.


‘There was another dairy auction this morning and lower price levels are setting in again. Prices fell a sharpish -3.3%, much more than the -1% expected, driven by a -10% dive in the butter price and a -6% retreat in the SMP price. Volumes sold were up on the prior auction two weeks ago but actually came in less than the advertised 'minimums'.
Milk supply is strongish in most producers and the local season is ending with higher supply volumes. So perhaps buyers realise in future the supply situation will be flush. A year ago this same event fell -4.1% and was followed by a set of following events that fell at similar levels. Let's hope that doesn't happen like that again this year.’

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 09:03 AM
Davis must go, this is all occurring on his watch & the issues are getting worse not better. No good bringing in Mike Bush to do his job for him.



‘Almost a dozen staff members working in Oranga Tamariki youth justice facilities have been stood down after serious incidents have come to light.

The latest involve at least two MMA-style fights involving youths staying in the facilities, watched by staff.

Children’s Minister Kelvin Davis said on the AM show this morning at least 11 Oranga Tamariki staff at the residences have been stood down.‘

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 11:03 AM
If there was any doubt that Robbo is a clown and it’s a total muppet show at Treasury, then conclusive proof is below -



‘Government debt is now $5b above Budget forecast as accounts continue to disappoint.’

‘The Treasury reported that the Government’s operating (Obegal) deficit for the 11 months to the end of May stood at $6.5 billion, which was $2.1b higher than the forecast it released in the Budget.

The deficit had been $1.3b behind forecast at the end of April.

The higher-than-forecast operating deficit can be entirely accounted for by tax revenues for the 11 month-period being $2.2b behind forecast, as government spending has been essentially in line with expectations.

The even larger deviation in government debt from forecast was caused by higher Crown entity borrowings compounding the tax shortfall.

The higher-than-forecast operating deficit can be entirely accounted for by tax revenues for the 11 month-period being $2.2b behind forecast, as government spending has been essentially in line with expectations.

The even larger deviation in government debt from forecast was caused by higher Crown entity borrowings compounding the tax shortfall.’

05-07-2023, 12:38 PM

Budget deficit $2 billion deeper than expected as corporate tax take falls

Drive everything into the ditch hard Robbo - the usual departing Labour shot at the end of the reign - isn't it ;)

Clearly a Government who come badly off the rails and couldn't manage anything without orchestrating a huge shambles ;)

Blue Skies
05-07-2023, 12:45 PM
If there was any doubt that Robbo is a clown and it’s a total muppet show at Treasury, then conclusive proof is below -



‘Government debt is now $5b above Budget forecast as accounts continue to disappoint.’

‘The Treasury reported that the Government’s operating (Obegal) deficit for the 11 months to the end of May stood at $6.5 billion, which was $2.1b higher than the forecast it released in the Budget.

The deficit had been $1.3b behind forecast at the end of April.

The higher-than-forecast operating deficit can be entirely accounted for by tax revenues for the 11 month-period being $2.2b behind forecast, as government spending has been essentially in line with expectations.

The even larger deviation in government debt from forecast was caused by higher Crown entity borrowings compounding the tax shortfall.

The higher-than-forecast operating deficit can be entirely accounted for by tax revenues for the 11 month-period being $2.2b behind forecast, as government spending has been essentially in line with expectations.

The even larger deviation in government debt from forecast was caused by higher Crown entity borrowings compounding the tax shortfall.’

I share your outrage, its a disgrace neither the Minister of Finance, or Treasury didn't predict Cyclone Hale in late January, followed by Cyclone Gabrielle in March.
What do they think we pay them for.
And who cares about those people who lost their homes the devastated communities, farmers, orchardists, wine producing areas, roads & bridges, railway lines, flooded suburban areas etc.
Their fault for building homes & businesses in West Auckland, Northland, Coromandel, Hawkes Bay & Tairāwhiti so why should we be supporting them with all this money.
They should all move to the South Island where there's a sensible climate.

05-07-2023, 12:47 PM
Literally put nothing aside in case of a (really) rainy day.

05-07-2023, 12:49 PM

School science curriculum: Teachers shocked at leaked draft - ‘Where’s the science?’

WTF - No Science in Labour's reincarnated Deficient Skool programming ? .. :)

Who are the Govt Ministerial Dummies who gave this a pass mark ? ;)

05-07-2023, 12:54 PM

Cyclone displaced fear ‘falling through the cracks’ with limited housing support

Almost five months on and the parade of temporary Govt Ministerial Incompetents in on temporary passes still haven't managed to get a handle on this or other aspects of Cyclone carnage .. absolutely hopeless ..

05-07-2023, 01:01 PM

IRD tells woman she's 123 years old, she tells them ‘I'd be dead'

When Robbo's Tax Collectors can't even get a taxpayer's birth date right .. then :)

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 01:03 PM
I share your outrage, its a disgrace neither the Minister of Finance, or Treasury didn't predict Cyclone Hale in late January, followed by Cyclone Gabrielle in March.
What do they think we pay them for.
And who cares about those people who lost their homes the devastated communities, farmers, orchardists, wine producing areas, roads & bridges, railway lines, flooded suburban areas etc.
Their fault for building homes & businesses in West Auckland, Northland, Coromandel, Hawkes Bay & Tairāwhiti so why should we be supporting them with all this money.
They should all move to the South Island where there's a sensible climate.

This just goes to show that you will sheet home any and all failings by Treasury forecasters and the Finance Minister to weather events and other assorted excuses.
Yet in doing so you talk of ‘predictions’ (which is ‘forecasting’ btw) but you make the glaring mistake of not noting that the Budget was in May….and the weather related events you speak of occurred in January and March. That’s right, the events in question pre-date the Budget.
No doubt there are many highly paid people at Treasury contributing to these erstwhile highly inaccurate forecasts, and Robbo himself will be paid handsomely for his ‘work’. So when it is evident that all of these people are getting it hopelessly wrong then the only appropriate response is surely to ‘sack the lot of them’.

05-07-2023, 01:04 PM
Who is Labour's incompetent Ministerial Mouthpiece for the Education shambles again ? ;)


Students not allowed at school for months after reporting principal for assault

Three teenage students at a private school have been locked out of education for months after accusing their principal of an assault in a toilet.

Lucas, Ethan and Zane (not their real names), students at Tyndale Park Christian School​​, said principal Prasad Patchigalla​​ followed them into the bathroom and ripped Lucas’ shirt.

After reporting the alleged assault, all three students have since been told to stay home until they admit their accusation was a lie, parents say.

It’s been more than two months without official suspension or exclusion.

05-07-2023, 01:17 PM

Health system short about 8000 nurses, doctors and other health professionals

But Comrade Little said it was managing just fine - so just who is/was feeding porkies & trying to deceive everyone ? ;)

Blue Skies
05-07-2023, 02:27 PM
This just goes to show that you will sheet home any and all failings by Treasury forecasters and the Finance Minister to weather events and other assorted excuses.
Yet in doing so you talk of ‘predictions’ (which is ‘forecasting’ btw) but you make the glaring mistake of not noting that the Budget was in May….and the weather related events you speak of occurred in January and March. That’s right, the events in question pre-date the Budget.
No doubt there are many highly paid people at Treasury contributing to these erstwhile highly inaccurate forecasts, and Robbo himself will be paid handsomely for his ‘work’. So when it is evident that all of these people are getting it hopelessly wrong then the only appropriate response is surely to ‘sack the lot of them’.

Just stirring, got to keep a sense of humour, things get awfully serious on this thread, hadn't looked at it closely but would think apart for unforeseen expenditure, cyclone damage would have affected the tax take ?

05-07-2023, 02:30 PM
"John Campbell on OT youth justice: 'Most of us will never meet kids this broken'"

Put some KFC at the end of your gate at night and wait, you will meet them.....

Woke John Campbell

05-07-2023, 02:35 PM
Just stirring, got to keep a sense of humour, things get awfully serious on this thread, hadn't looked at it closely but would think apart for unforeseen expenditure, cyclone damage would have affected the tax take ?

I think the cyclone damage shortfall won't show up for a few months yet. Tax returns only just started turning up at the IRD.

05-07-2023, 02:40 PM
Just stirring, got to keep a sense of humour, things get awfully serious on this thread, hadn't looked at it closely but would think apart for unforeseen expenditure, cyclone damage would have affected the tax take ?

Stirring? Kiss my arse.

You were caught out yet again with your Labour BS & lies.

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 02:41 PM
Have the Treasury forecasting boffins factored in a ‘cyclone damage shortfall’ that may emerge in coming months?
Who knows. Perhaps the pressure was on to provide a set of forecasts that aligned more closely with Robbo’s highly optimistic projections during that annual piece of political theatre that is ‘The Budget’. The fact that the accounts are blowing out so badly only a few weeks after ‘The Budget’ was presented certainly does not bode well….

Blue Skies
05-07-2023, 02:48 PM

05-07-2023, 02:48 PM
It's like forecasting that a racehorse who won 10 of the previous races will win the next race.

Except this time one of it's legs have been chopped off, but the forecast remains the same.

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 02:50 PM
A big borrowing and big spending government & an export price slump. It would not surprise me one iota if NZ gets a credit rating downgrade this year.



‘Export prices for meat and logs tumbled in June as slower-than-expected Chinese economic growth hit demand for New Zealand commodities.’

05-07-2023, 02:54 PM
A big borrowing and big spending government & an export price slump. It would not surprise me one iota if NZ gets a credit rating downgrade this year.

If so, it would only take it to where Bill English had it (since it was upgraded under labour).

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 03:11 PM
If so, it would only take it to where Bill English had it (since it was upgraded under labour).

It would be a downgrade. Hard to say we’d be making progress under this mob if we start going backwards. Anyway, we’ll see.

05-07-2023, 04:26 PM

Budget deficit $2 billion deeper than expected as corporate tax take falls

And business confidence up - go figure.

Literally put nothing aside in case of a (really) rainy day.

Maybe you haven't noticed that it is rainy - really rainy?

05-07-2023, 04:28 PM

Budget deficit $2 billion deeper than expected as corporate tax take falls

Drive everything into the ditch hard Robbo - the usual departing Labour shot at the end of the reign - isn't it ;)

Clearly a Government who come badly off the rails and couldn't manage anything without orchestrating a huge shambles ;)


IRD tells woman she's 123 years old, she tells them ‘I'd be dead'

When Robbo's Tax Collectors can't even get a taxpayer's birth date right .. then :)

Funny how she's been in the system at that birth date for a long time - even during National's days.

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 04:41 PM
Funny how she's been in the system at that birth date for a long time - even during National's days.

I thought Labour were righting all National’s purported wrongs though? “Lets do this!”, remember?

05-07-2023, 04:53 PM
And business confidence up - go figure.

Maybe you haven't noticed that it is rainy - really rainy?

Liquidations up .. Retail down .. haven't you noticed ?

Housing activity slumped

Lower Tax Collects

No-one from glass towers got their paws around that in time with forecasting - did they ?

Increasing COL

Wait for the ensuing shambles as the reimposed Fuel Tax rake off screws over even more as
the increases go round and round to clip those on the bottom of the feed structure

Higher mortgage arrears and default stats coming

and Rain - Labour's best friend also increasing .. for another crisis Labour will try to sleepwalk away from :)

Looks like a really vibrant economy NOT .. as Labour sleepwalk all their growing nightmares out to October :)

05-07-2023, 05:00 PM
I thought Labour were righting all National’s purported wrongs though? “Lets do this!”, remember?

More like .. "Lets really screw it up this time" :)

Easy to see everywhere ...

Once the blinkers come off and the reality of wage increases and other handouts & Robbo's 'flash in the pan' feel good bribes for what little they did hits home - there wont be many smiling :)

05-07-2023, 05:02 PM
If so, it would only take it to where Bill English had it (since it was upgraded under labour).

Got your piece of paper upside down again ? :)

05-07-2023, 05:04 PM
Funny how she's been in the system at that birth date for a long time - even during National's days.

Probably never seen such a poor excuse for a Labour Govt and poor administration in all her born days either :)

05-07-2023, 08:50 PM
Daylight robbery in Mt Roskill dairy today. Two people, one being the owner’s wife, attacked, suffered serious injuries and are hospitalised.

This is law and order under this useless Labour government - pro gang and pro crims.

And the police minister, no 4 in a year, has the audacity to state that it’s safer out there because of Labour’s policies.


"One man ran behind the counter and swiped his hammer at the woman. The fog cannon then went off from above her, obscuring her and any blows she received. Another man swung his hammer at the woman from in front of the counter."


05-07-2023, 08:58 PM
And under this woke government and police commissioner, the police are not allowed to use force to enforce the law.

Here are 3 police officers charged with assaults in Mt Roskill after using force when arresting 3 ram raiders.


05-07-2023, 09:18 PM
And under this woke government and police commissioner, the police are not allowed to use force to enforce the law.

Here are 3 police officers charged with assaults in Mt Roskill after using force when arresting 3 ram raiders.


They joined the police to presumably make society safer for everyone, then when confronted by violence and misdemeanour which is their day job, they, themselves, become the victim and face a 12 month sentence behind bars. WTF, imagine being a plod and being convicted and locked up with the crime for a year. For what? Trying to protect us all?

There is something really very seriously wrong going on here.

Logen Ninefingers
05-07-2023, 09:59 PM
Seems the new Science curriculum will be just a trojan horse to inculcate a daily 'climate change' and 'green' anti-farming activist agenda into children, probably with double helpings of 'Te Tiriti' thrown in for good measure. Forget physics, biology, chemistry....the new science is wokeistry.
The resurgent marauding gangs will have have to share our pot-holed roads with endless protest marches of placard-waving angry children screaming "how dare you!" while their nodding marxist 'teacher' instructors shepherd them along.
I considered the brainwashing regime that happens at NZ schools was already adequate for the Lefts purposes, but they appear not to think so & are taking it up another notch.

06-07-2023, 02:44 AM
Education does seem to scare many conservatives... I wonder why that may be?

Climate change is science, and is mainly caused by our endless quest for "economic growth".

06-07-2023, 07:05 AM
Seems the new Science curriculum will be just a trojan horse to inculcate a daily 'climate change' and 'green' anti-farming activist agenda into children, probably with double helpings of 'Te Tiriti' thrown in for good measure. Forget physics, biology, chemistry....the new science is wokeistry.
The resurgent marauding gangs will have have to share our pot-holed roads with endless protest marches of placard-waving angry children screaming "how dare you!" while their nodding marxist 'teacher' instructors shepherd them along.
I considered the brainwashing regime that happens at NZ schools was already adequate for the Lefts purposes, but they appear not to think so & are taking it up another notch.

The "Long March through the Institutions" is coming to fruition. Its aim of destroying the West and Western values is nearing completion.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 07:46 AM
Education does seem to scare many conservatives... I wonder why that may be?

Climate change is science, and is mainly caused by our endless quest for "economic growth".

Sounds like you were involved in crafting the new curriculum.

06-07-2023, 08:00 AM
Sounds like you were involved in crafting the new curriculum.

Well according to some kids aren't in school anyway, so why worry whether they might learn something.

06-07-2023, 08:16 AM
Education does seem to scare many conservatives... I wonder why that may be?

Climate change is science, and is mainly caused by our endless quest for "economic growth".
The world's endless quest for economic growth has pulled billions out of poverty.

06-07-2023, 08:25 AM
The world's endless quest for economic growth has pulled billions out of poverty.

Climate change is caused by it though and threatens to put hundreds of millions back into poverty (or worse).

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 08:35 AM
Climate change is caused by it though and threatens to put hundreds of millions back into poverty (or worse).

And does fossil fuel burnt in a communist country contribute to global warming?
Hope you aren’t personally contributing to global warming.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 08:36 AM
Just another reminder that Adrian may think he can put his cue in the rack, while Grant looks on approvingly, but the US has other ideas.


‘The Fed FOMC minutes of their June 15 meeting were released overnight revealing that all officials agreed that, with inflation still well above their 2% goal and the labour market remaining very tight, maintaining a restrictive stance for monetary policy is still the right course and almost all thought they should raise their benchmark rate further this year. There was disagreement about when the next rise should come however. The release of these minutes brought a yawn from equity and currency markets but set US bond yields noticeably higher, especially at the long end. That will no doubt echo in our markets later today.’

06-07-2023, 08:40 AM
And does fossil fuel burnt in a communist country contribute to global warming?
Hope you aren’t personally contributing to global warming.

China mainly produces goods for our benefit.

Imagine if they didn't have a one child policy though (or followed Luxon's advice for NZ to have more kids).

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 09:00 AM
China mainly produces goods for our benefit.

Imagine if they didn't have a one child policy though (or followed Luxon's advice for NZ to have more kids).

Panda gushing over China and how they are mass producing plastic cooking spoons for our benefit and burning 2 billion tonnes of coal a year for our benefit. Now if ingrate NZ can just dramatically reduce its 0.17% share of global emissions then the climate change issue will be solved!

06-07-2023, 09:02 AM
Panda gushing over China and how they are mass producing plastic cooking spoons for our benefit and burning 2 billion tonnes of coal a year for our benefit. Now if ingrate NZ can just dramatically reduce its 0.17% share of global emissions then the climate change issue will be solved!

We (the developed nation club) could have changed our trade policies at any point in the last 40 years.

Environmental tariffs may be an option.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 09:15 AM
We (the developed nation club) could have changed our trade policies at any point in the last 40 years.

Environmental tariffs may be an option.

If only we’d changed our trade policy China wouldn’t have been forced into this position.
- Panda logic

China doesn’t give a fig about what we do down here.


EU climate chief is concerned over the expansion of the coal industry in China

Published 12:59 AM NZST, July 4, 2023

BEIJING (AP) — The European Union’s climate chief on Monday expressed concern over the expansion of China’s coal industry, with the building of new coal-fired plants.

At a conference in Beijing, Frans Timmermans said that while China is forging ahead with plans to expand its use of renewable resources such as wind and solar energy, the country has also been constructing an ever-growing number of coal-fired plants in the past few years.

Official plans called for boosting coal production capacity by 300 million tons last year, at least the third consecutive year of growth.

The Communist Party has rejected binding emissions commitments, citing its economic development needs. Beijing has avoided joining governments that promised to phase out the use of coal-fired power.

China accounts for 26.1% of global emissions, more than double the U.S. share of 12.8%.

06-07-2023, 09:18 AM
There is an externality to imports which isn't factored in.. so it could make the market more efficient.

But some people get " really rich" from the status quo so it doesn't happen (similar to how the carbon tax was torpedoed in Australia).

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 09:36 AM
There is an externality to imports which isn't factored in.. so it could make the market more efficient.

But some people get " really rich" from the status quo so it doesn't happen (similar to how the carbon tax was torpedoed in Australia).

From reading the article it seems China’s ever-expanding coal usage (burning) had very little to do with it exporting rubber bath toys to NZ.


‘Although China is one of the biggest investors in wind and solar, anxious leaders called for more coal-fired power after economic growth plunged and shortages caused blackouts and factory shutdowns. Russia’s attack on Ukraine added to the anxiety that foreign oil and coal supplies might be disrupted.

At a conference in Beijing, Frans Timmermans said that while China is forging ahead with plans to expand its use of renewable resources such as wind and solar energy, the country has also been constructing an ever-growing number of coal-fired plants in the past few years.

“And that seems to be in a contradiction and it is in contradiction,” said Timmermans. “But at the same time, I do understand the anxiety caused by potential blackouts.”’

06-07-2023, 09:43 AM
From reading the article it seems China’s ever-expanding coal usage (burning) had very little to do with it exporting rubber bath toys to NZ.

Nonetheless, worldwide tariffs tied to carbon emissions will change their behaviour.

If we put tariffs tied to them holding more taylor swift concerts, it would only make sense for them to do so.

06-07-2023, 09:44 AM
China mainly produces goods for our benefit.

Imagine if they didn't have a one child policy though (or followed Luxon's advice for NZ to have more kids).

Panda, China ended its one Child policy back in 2016.

China accounts for 26.1% of global emissions, more than double the U.S. share of 12.8%.

LNF, So the US has twice the carbon emissions per capita that China does. They have so much more they could be doing.
It's difficult for developing nations with such big populations to not dramatically increase their fossil fuel usage. It's a lot easier for already developed nations such as the US, European and of course NZ needs to play its part.

What infuriates me is although Labour is attempting to address this, their policies have been poor. Gas is an excellent alternative to coal for instance. Less cows is the obvious answer not only for emissions but our soils & waterways.
But they need to be supporting farmers to transition and also supporting alternatives such as sheep farming & the wool industry. Great to hear on the wireless that the sheep milk company is growing rapidly. This is the sort of going NZ needs more of. Innovation.

06-07-2023, 09:52 AM
China mainly produces goods for our benefit.

Imagine if they didn't have a one child policy though (or followed Luxon's advice for NZ to have more kids).

The end of China's one-child policy was announced in late 2015, and it formally ended in 2016. Beginning in 2016, the Chinese government allowed all families to have two children, and in 2021 all married couples were permitted to have as many as three children.

06-07-2023, 09:55 AM
The end of China's one-child policy was announced in late 2015, and it formally ended in 2016. Beginning in 2016, the Chinese government allowed all families to have two children, and in 2021 all married couples were permitted to have as many as three children.

Yet their population is declining (& many don't even want to have kids due to career pressures).

So it has had and will still deliver environmental benefits.

06-07-2023, 10:01 AM
The end of China's one-child policy was announced in late 2015, and it formally ended in 2016. Beginning in 2016, the Chinese government allowed all families to have two children, and in 2021 all married couples were permitted to have as many as three children.

China's problem is that while the official policy was dropped, couples are still not having more babies for a complex mix of reasons. China's demographic imbalance will see its population plummet, possibly by as much as 50% by 2050. In the short term this is irreversible. There are simply not enough women of child bearing age to change it. Effectively as an economic super power, China's days are numbered. Perhaps 12-15 years at best.

The problem for everyone else is China's likely political instability as the slide gathers pace.

06-07-2023, 10:31 AM
This is interesting. The gender ratio in China by age bracket. The average is 104 men to every 100 women. But in the last 20 years its more like 114 men to every 100 women.


06-07-2023, 10:47 AM
Daylight robbery in Mt Roskill dairy today. Two people, one being the owner’s wife, attacked, suffered serious injuries and are hospitalised.

This is law and order under this useless Labour government - pro gang and pro crims.

And the police minister, no 4 in a year, has the audacity to state that it’s safer out there because of Labour’s policies.


"One man ran behind the counter and swiped his hammer at the woman. The fog cannon then went off from above her, obscuring her and any blows she received. Another man swung his hammer at the woman from in front of the counter."


And another armed robbery with the store owner injured, this time in Hastings.



Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 11:48 AM
Panda, China ended its one Child policy back in 2016.

LNF, So the US has twice the carbon emissions per capita that China does. They have so much more they could be doing.
It's difficult for developing nations with such big populations to not dramatically increase their fossil fuel usage. It's a lot easier for already developed nations such as the US, European and of course NZ needs to play its part.

What infuriates me is although Labour is attempting to address this, their policies have been poor. Gas is an excellent alternative to coal for instance. Less cows is the obvious answer not only for emissions but our soils & waterways.
But they need to be supporting farmers to transition and also supporting alternatives such as sheep farming & the wool industry. Great to hear on the wireless that the sheep milk company is growing rapidly. This is the sort of going NZ needs more of. Innovation.

Nah, when China plans to burn another 300 million tonnes of coal on top of the 2 billion tonnes they already burn, then trying to force our handful of farmers to ‘transition’ is nothing less than puerile harassment by sadly indoctrinated ignoramuses who think that we can ‘save the planet’ by doing something here in NZ.

Try to imagine someone dumping 200 tonnes of coal in your backyard.
Now imagine the pile is 300,000 tonnes of coal.
Now imagine a million tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 30 million tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 300 million tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 2 billion tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 2.3 billion tonnes of coal.
Now imagine that whole lot going up in smoke this year, and the next year, and the next year, and the next year, and the next year & so on and so forth.

Meanwhile Sameer on the ANZ genuinely thinks he’s ‘saving the planet’ by turning the bathroom light off….

Agree with you 100% on non-pollution of waterways, and farmers address that now through riparian planting and fencing off streams and drains etc. Other than that, leave our farmers alone. Cow numbers peaked and have declined. Leave them alone. Let them earn crucial foreign exchange and maybe we’ll keep our credit rating.

The idea of some urban non-productive type cruising to the beach in their gas guzzler while fuming about a hard working farmer (exporter) is quite honestly sickening. Let’s fix our polluted cities and the situation of human faecal waste constantly washing up on Auckland’s unswimmable beaches before putting the boot into our rural communities yet again.

06-07-2023, 11:53 AM
Meanwhile Sameer on the ANZ genuinely thinks he’s ‘saving the planet’ by turning the bathroom light off….

I always cringe at that.. NZ's power comes from hydroelectricity.

06-07-2023, 11:53 AM
The idea of some urban non-productive type cruising to the beach in their gas guzzler while fuming about a hard working farmer (exporter) is quite honestly sickening. Let’s fix our polluted cities and the situation of human faecal waste constantly washing up on Auckland’s unswimmable beaches before putting the boot into our rural communities yet again.

You got it spot on. Rural communities are suffering. Suicide is a huge concern. Some people unwittingly (or not) have blood on their hands.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 11:56 AM
And another armed robbery with the store owner injured, this time in Hastings.




‘Five vehicles ram raided a Thames shopping centre overnight causing “significant damage” and forcing some shops to close today.

Goldfields Shopping Centre manager John Freer said vehicles drove through the front doors about 2am smashing through one side of the centre and out the other.

He said it “smashed” a set of doors inside and damaged the vape shop and computer kiosk before driving out the other entrance by “smashing through the doors”.

Police Detective Senior Sergeant Kristine Clarke said five vehicles were used to gain entry through commercial premises on Mary St in Thames and were “driven carelessly through the premises”.

Police were called after multiple alarms were activated about 2.10am.

“Significant damage was caused, and an unknown amount of goods and money were stolen,” she said.’

06-07-2023, 11:57 AM
You got it spot on. Rural communities are suffering. Suicide is a huge concern. Some people unwittingly (or not) have blood on their hands.

They were actually experiencing a golden age until the last few months... record prices and low NZD.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 12:07 PM
You got it spot on. Rural communities are suffering. Suicide is a huge concern. Some people unwittingly (or not) have blood on their hands.

Farmers are just the whipping boys (and girls) for 4,445,853 (as per 2021 figures) urban dwelling New Zealanders who are all farting, defecating, eating, drinking, and driving their vehicles hither and tither on our roads while angrily pontificating about the farmers who grow their food and bring in the foreign exchange which goes some way towards alleviating our horrific balance of payment deficits.

Farmers are expected to be ever so ‘umble and spend all their time apologising to the urban majority who seem to resent their existence of this earth.

Meanwhile you get the shocking hypocrisy of James Shaw and his entourage flying halfway around the world to attend a climate change conference, Chloe Swarbrick living in Auckland and flying to Wellington and back every week, and the young climate activist who lectured people about non-essential travel and then got caught out flying off on a lovely family holiday to Fiji.

06-07-2023, 12:07 PM
They were actually experiencing a golden age until the last few months... record prices and low NZD.

And record input costs, you ignoramus peasant.

06-07-2023, 12:17 PM
Nah, when China plans to burn another 300 million tonnes of coal on top of the 2 billion tonnes they already burn, then trying to force our handful of farmers to ‘transition’ is nothing less than puerile harassment by sadly indoctrinated ignoramuses who think that we can ‘save the planet’ by doing something here in NZ.

Try to imagine someone dumping 200 tonnes of coal in your backyard.
Now imagine the pile is 300,000 tonnes of coal.
Now imagine a million tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 30 million tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 300 million tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 2 billion tonnes of coal.
Now imagine 2.3 billion tonnes of coal.
Now imagine that whole lot going up in smoke this year, and the next year, and the next year, and the next year, and the next year & so on and so forth.

Meanwhile Sameer on the ANZ genuinely thinks he’s ‘saving the planet’ by turning the bathroom light off….

Agree with you 100% on non-pollution of waterways, and farmers address that now through riparian planting and fencing off streams and drains etc. Other than that, leave our farmers alone. Cow numbers peaked and have declined. Leave them alone. Let them earn crucial foreign exchange and maybe we’ll keep our credit rating.

The idea of some urban non-productive type cruising to the beach in their gas guzzler while fuming about a hard working farmer (exporter) is quite honestly sickening. Let’s fix our polluted cities and the situation of human faecal waste constantly washing up on Auckland’s unswimmable beaches before putting the boot into our rural communities yet again.

And yet our waterways are still not swimmable in many instances, let alone drinkable. Nitrate levels are creating a health hazard and cancer risk that Europe acknowledges at much lower levels than we are prepared to hear.

If everyone has your attitude then nothing gets done. There are many ways we could reduce our emissions without causing economic harm.
The bill taxpayers are & will be paying to clean up the environmental mess of the farming industry will far outweigh the cost of doing something now. Funny those on the right don't like welfare unless of course it's corporate welfare.

In your latter post you complain about those polluting cities driving their guzzlers etc. A bit of hypocrisy there regarding the Rights view on subsidising EVs. Of course our cities can do better, however they house by far the majority of the population in a comparatively small space. 97% of our fresh waterways are outside of cities. Nice diversion tactic though, although a bit simplistic.

Blackcap, yes the metal health issues occurring in farming is a sad indictment of the industry. The Government is the easy scapegoat, when really, many farmers aren't enjoying modern farming which has become more like factory production rather than a country lifestyle. This is driven by production is King, more milk, more fertilizer, more antibiotics, more palm kernel, intensive winter grazing so they and their cows are constantly in mud/cow ****e soups.
Intensive farming has been pummeled into farmers by the fertilizer companies, industry bodies & banks and the cost of production has gone through the roof as a result.

I bet ya those practicing regenerative and more sustainable farming are enjoying what they are doing far form. Looking after their land, lowering costs, lowering production and looking after their animals.

06-07-2023, 12:19 PM
Farmers are just the whipping boys (and girls) for 4,445,853 (as per 2021 figures) urban dwelling New Zealanders who are all farting, defecating, eating, drinking, and driving their vehicles hither and tither on our roads while angrily pontificating about the farmers who grow their food and bring in the foreign exchange which goes some way towards alleviating our horrific balance of payment deficits.

The urban dwellers fund their water infrastructure for free.

& turn a blind eye to the chronic misuse of water (since it's free).

Naturally, they will complain if their own tap water poisons them though.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 12:28 PM
And yet our waterways are still not swimmable in many instances, let alone drinkable. Nitrate levels are creating a health hazard and cancer risk that Europe acknowledges at much lower levels than we are prepared to hear.

If everyone has your attitude then nothing gets done. There are many ways we could reduce our emissions without causing economic harm.
The bill taxpayers are & will be paying to clean up the environmental mess of the farming industry will far outweigh the cost of doing something now. Funny those on the right don't like welfare unless of course it's corporate welfare.

You must have ignored the part where I said farmers are busy with riparian planting and fencing off waterways.

But I understand that castigating our farmers is your pressure release valve, your little contribution to the virtue signalling effort which helps you sleep more soundly at night.

Meanwhile, in Auckland…..


Eleven Auckland beaches black flagged for sewage
Karanama Ruru
11:58, Jan 27 2023

‘Eleven Auckland beaches have been black flags due to wastewater overflow, according to Safeswim.

Mission Bay, St Heliers, Okahu Bay, Te Tiana, St Mary's Bay, Taipari Strand, Chapman Strand, Beach Haven, Herne Bay, Home Bay and Point England are all affected.

Wastewater overflows occur when wastewater, or sewage spills out from gully traps, manholes, engineered overflow points or pump stations. It then flows into backyards or waterways as well as the sea.

“Overflows are more common in wet weather, but they can happen in dry weather if pipes are blocked or damaged,” Safeswim said.’

06-07-2023, 12:29 PM
This artificial urban - rural divide is a political tool for National anyway.

"War on farmers"... There is no divide, we're all NZers and row the same boat :)

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 12:30 PM
And yet our waterways are still not swimmable in many instances, let alone drinkable. Nitrate levels are creating a health hazard and cancer risk that Europe acknowledges at much lower levels than we are prepared to hear.

If everyone has your attitude then nothing gets done. There are many ways we could reduce our emissions without causing economic harm.
The bill taxpayers are & will be paying to clean up the environmental mess of the farming industry will far outweigh the cost of doing something now. Funny those on the right don't like welfare unless of course it's corporate welfare.

There are many ways we could reduce our emissions without causing economic harm.


You could trade in your car for a donkey for starters

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 12:31 PM
This artificial urban - rural divide is a political tool for National anyway.

"War on farmers"...

There is no divide- we're all NZers and in the same boat :)

National is driving the attacks on farmers?
That’s a decidedly weird perspective.

06-07-2023, 12:32 PM
There was no war until National declared there was one on their website.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 12:42 PM
There was no war until National declared one on their website.

Many rural electorates voted labour last time (and still have sizable shares, even if national wins).

I didn’t know that National had declared war on New Zealand farmers. But will take your word for it.

06-07-2023, 12:45 PM
I didn’t know that National had declared war on New Zealand farmers. But will take your word for it.

Hehe.. they do mention a "war on farmers" quite a bit, no one else does.

I suppose we must assume it's a priority of theirs should they win govt.

06-07-2023, 12:47 PM
You must have ignored the part where I said farmers are busy with riparian planting and fencing off waterways.

But I understand that castigating our farmers is your pressure release valve, your little contribution to the virtue signalling effort which helps you sleep more soundly at night.

Meanwhile, in Auckland…..


Eleven Auckland beaches black flagged for sewage
Karanama Ruru
11:58, Jan 27 2023

‘Eleven Auckland beaches have been black flags due to wastewater overflow, according to Safeswim.

Mission Bay, St Heliers, Okahu Bay, Te Tiana, St Mary's Bay, Taipari Strand, Chapman Strand, Beach Haven, Herne Bay, Home Bay and Point England are all affected.

Wastewater overflows occur when wastewater, or sewage spills out from gully traps, manholes, engineered overflow points or pump stations. It then flows into backyards or waterways as well as the sea.

“Overflows are more common in wet weather, but they can happen in dry weather if pipes are blocked or damaged,” Safeswim said.’

Farmers were forced to fence waterways & plant riparian strips. Many since have bought into it which is great. But at the time the law was introduced there was a major push back from industry bodies such as Federated Darmers & that was despite the Government funding (corporate welfare) that was made available. These waterways are the same places they farmed & had their cows in streams for decades. Land they drained to create more farmland so much so that NZ has lost 90% of its wetlands.

Planting riparian strips helps but doesn't prevent nitrates getting into the water tables, it also doesn't prevent run off in heavy rain. You are dreaming if you think riparian planting is all that is required.

You obviously missed the part where I said the Cities need to do their part. However the challenges cities face doesn't let farming off the hook.

I live in a rural area, I am looking out the window at calves right now. I'm not anti farming that is done well but there are too many who don't give a crap and the Industry bodies fight every change at any opportunity.

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 01:51 PM
Farmers were forced to fence waterways & plant riparian strips. Many since have bought into it which is great. But at the time the law was introduced there was a major push back from industry bodies such as Federated Darmers & that was despite the Government funding (corporate welfare) that was made available. These waterways are the same places they farmed & had their cows in streams for decades. Land they drained to create more farmland so much so that NZ has lost 90% of its wetlands.

Planting riparian strips helps but doesn't prevent nitrates getting into the water tables, it also doesn't prevent run off in heavy rain. You are dreaming if you think riparian planting is all that is required.

You obviously missed the part where I said the Cities need to do their part. However the challenges cities face doesn't let farming off the hook.

I live in a rural area, I am looking out the window at calves now. I'm not anti farming that is done well but there are too many who don't give a crap and the Industry bodies fight every change at any opportunity.

I'm not anti farming that is done well but there are too many who don't give a crap



06-07-2023, 02:01 PM
I'm not anti farming that is done well but there are too many who don't give a crap



Why don't the industry bodies have any alternative plan (that is workable & practical in their view).

They simply oppose things.

06-07-2023, 02:10 PM
I'm not anti farming that is done well but there are too many who don't give a crap


The degradation of our rural environment in the last 30 years says otherwise.

But don't take my word for it, read tge evidence. Here is a short summary report with 68% of tests failing the ecoli level for safe drinking.


Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 02:35 PM
The degradation of our rural environment in the last 30 years says otherwise.

But don't take my word for it, read tge evidence. Here is a short summary report with 68% of tests failing the ecoli level for safe drinking.


‘Our Freshwater 2023 is a joint report from the Ministry for Environment and StatsNZ that looks at the pressures on freshwater across the motu.

It found agriculture, forestry and urban expansion were big stress points, as were in-water activities like dams and stopbanks that break up ecosystems.’

06-07-2023, 02:56 PM
It found agriculture, forestry and urban expansion were big stress points, as were in-water activities like dams and stopbanks that break up ecosystems.’

Now there's a job for Sameer, after the cricket game* he can help to clean up our rivers.

*Brought to you by ANZ

06-07-2023, 02:59 PM
They were actually experiencing a golden age until the last few months... record prices and low NZD.

the imitation gold plating appears to be falling off Labour's age .. again ;)

06-07-2023, 03:00 PM

Pascoes Napier jeweller targetted in daytime robbery

Welcome to Labour's land of out of control scum and lawlessness ..

06-07-2023, 03:03 PM

Five youths aged 11 to 14 arrested after Napier dairy ram raid

Police arrested five youths aged 11 to 14 after spiking a stolen vehicle allegedly used in a ram raid on a Napier dairy.

The Manna Family Mart on Marine Parade was broken into during the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The store’s owner said icecream, chips and soft drinks were taken and thousands of dollars of damage was done to the store during the ram raid.

Binu Thomas earlier said his shop had been broken into more than once and the offenders were usually youths.

The stolen vehicle that had been used in the burglary was spotted by a police patrol overnight Tuesday in central Napier.

Who is ultimately on the paying end for damage etc done by these out of control lawless little prats ?

06-07-2023, 03:27 PM

‘Fanaticism’ driving 30km speed limit for Whakatāne towns

“Waka Kotahi are showing a level of fanaticism and idealism that I am not convinced is going to yield significant results. They are trying to reduce deaths and injuries to zero in the cheapest way possible, by slowing us down to a snail’s pace.”

Sounds like yet more retarded inwards navel gazing coming from the Waka of Roading C*ckups & Stupidity
now devoid of it's most glaring example of a stupid disgraced Ministerial Parrot ;)

06-07-2023, 03:34 PM

‘Fanaticism’ driving 30km speed limit for Whakatāne towns

Sounds like yet more retarded inwards navel gazing coming from the Waka of Roading C*ckups & Stupidity
now devoid of it's most glaring example of a stupid disgraced Ministerial Parrot ;)

Bring back the NZTA I say. Waka Kotahi seem to cock everything they touch up.

06-07-2023, 03:53 PM
‘Our Freshwater 2023 is a joint report from the Ministry for Environment and StatsNZ that looks at the pressures on freshwater across the motu.

It found agriculture, forestry and urban expansion were big stress points, as were in-water activities like dams and stopbanks that break up ecosystems.’

Yep and agriculture mostly cows cause most of the damage.

06-07-2023, 04:20 PM
Lawlessness, daylight robberies and wanton violence against defenceless women - that’s the state of law & order in NZ after 5.5 years of this useless Labour government.

But NZers are told that it is safer out there by #4 police minister in 1 year.

@#!^# Ardern & Hipkins


06-07-2023, 04:23 PM
Lawlessness, daylight robberies and wanton violence against defenceless women - that’s the state of law & order in NZ after 5.5 years of this useless Labour government.

Show us the Sam Uffindel report. :)

06-07-2023, 04:37 PM
Show us the Sam Uffindel report. :)

Show us the long list of useless Labour Ministers all shown up under the spotlight as incompetent or wanting )

06-07-2023, 04:45 PM

Watch: Thames five-car ram raid: Thieves steal vape shop’s entire stock worth $150,000

Dramatic video footage shows the moments a vape store owner was left at least $150,000 out of pocket after a five-vehicle ram raid at a Thames mall overnight.

The mall manager described the heist as ”like something out of a movie”.

The vehicles were driven through the front doors about 2am and smashed through one side of the centre and out the other.

The footage shows a car ramming into the Vape Vice Co. in the middle of the mall and driving off. A person is seen climbing over the counter before people in the background can be seen kicking glass cabinets.

At least six people frantically grab products while several jump back and forth over the counter, passing goods to those on the other side.

At one point, a person leans over the counter near the computer while everyone continues to grab products from shelves and cabinets, running out of shot with the goods before returning to grab some more.

More people then climb over the counter and go through all the cabinets and shelves, passing goods back to those on the other side.

Vape Vice Co. Thames owner Kevin Carroll told the Bay of Plenty Times it was the fifth ram raid in three months across his six stores in the North Island: two in Ta Rapa in Hamilton, one at Victoria St in Hamilton, and one in Te Awamutu.

Two of his stores were boarded up waiting for roller doors and other security measures.

“I’m absolutely so sick of this,” he said.

06-07-2023, 04:54 PM
Show us the Sam Uffindel report. :)

Ignoramus Labour peasant who wanted Ryman to go bankrupt by increasing its debts to do a share buyback when it was already near default.

That’s how credible you are.

06-07-2023, 05:02 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle: Twyford residents don’t feel safe returning even after rebuild green light

And onto Labour's Waka of Incompetent Cyclone Fix-up C*ck-ups ;)

How many hopeless temporary losers did Govt put in the hotseats as Ministers on this
and elsewhere before each got deposed to be replaced by the next ? ;)

No wonder things are moving so slowly and this sort of thing is coming out ..

Stop banks back to pre Cyclone standards or not ? What is that going to stop
if further incidences of worse occur in future ? ;)

Quite clearly the improved standard of defences appear to be lost on the Councils, & will probably
get lost in noise .. until it appears again next time ;)

Who was responsible for not upgraded & maintained to higher standards before the Cyclone
when they should have known of increased risks ?

Are they dumb stupid as well as blind - and get off with a quick band aid, little improvement ? ;)

Clearly neither Govt nor Local Govt can be trusted to even plan for future proofing - when this
is repeatedly seen and all the puppets in the room run away shaking their heads each time
a worse event occurs ..

06-07-2023, 05:24 PM

Rebels gang member used threats of violence to extort cash from victim caught wearing rival’s colours

Rebels MC captain Robin Edwards menacingly assured his victim that failure to pay the price for wearing a rival’s colours on their patch would result in violence or even death.

“Don’t be a smart c..t,” Edwards told his target.

“I will take you and shoot you and you won’t be seen again.”

Edwards appeared before Judge Justin Marinovich in the Whanganui District Court on Monday for sentencing on a charge of non-aggravated robbery, by threats.

He pleaded guilty to the charge, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment, after receiving a sentencing indication in April.

Another of Comrade Kelvin & Labour's poor disadvantaged harmless kids being dealt with by the Beak ;)

Perhaps the Beak should be made aware that Labour have decreed these unfortunate examples are allowed to have their own Street Laws and the other Laws only apply to everyone else usually minding their own business ;)

06-07-2023, 05:34 PM

What Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was told about Michael Wood’s inability to sell his airport shares by Cabinet Office

Cabinet Secretary Rachel Hayward said it was “highly unusual” for Labour MP Michael Wood to continue to have shares in Auckland Airport despite being told repeatedly to sell them.

She also said the “difficulties in getting traction on the issue” called for the involvement of the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, which usually resolved the issue - but in Wood’s case, it had not.

Hayward’s insights were included in a letter she wrote to Prime Minister Chris Hipkins apologising for not informing him earlier of the issues with Wood, his shares and the several interactions he had with the Cabinet Office telling him to sell them. The most recent was in March this year, after Hipkins’s tenure at the top had begun.

Hayward’s letter to Hipkins, released to the Herald, is dated June 7, a day after a story in the Herald revealed the potential conflict of interest involving the then-Transport Minister and his airport shares.

Wood was stood down from the transport portfolio, and sold his shares his shares two days after the Herald story came out.

He assured Hipkins that he had nothing else hiding in the closet, but then resigned as a minister two weeks later after further shareholdings and potential conflicts of interest emerged that he had failed to adequately manage. He remains the MP for Mt Roskill.

More smoke & mirrors to try to submerge Woody Woodpecker's Share disclosure antics ;)

Lots of highly unusual things going on right under Chippy's nose - aren't there ? ;)

What other things with a high pong are lurking under pews of the other peacefully sleeping front bench ?
Cant blame any past sale date burned sausage rolls for any of this .. :)

06-07-2023, 06:01 PM

Mortgage pain: Four major banks hike home loan rates

Four major banks have now moved to lift their home loan rates this week, heaping more pressure on mortgage holders.

With Love from Labour, Robbo & RB Chief Spoon Stirrer - Adrian Orrsome

Enjoy - Boy's and Girls .. it's another of Labour's Free Gifts, but you'll save SFA with this one :)

They really want you all to know what pain & suffering feels like ..

Just remember .. it's election year, so all your screams will be ignored.

It was free after all :)

06-07-2023, 06:56 PM
Lawlessness, daylight robberies and wanton violence against defenceless women - that’s the state of law & order in NZ after 5.5 years of this useless Labour government.

But NZers are told that it is safer out there by #4 police minister in 1 year.

@#!^# Ardern & Hipkins


Last week, Newshub asked Auckland Minister Carmel Sepuloni just how bad the crime was in her city.

"Oh I wouldn't say it's bad at all," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Watch the video and ask yourself what sort of country NZ has become :

Cowardly scums of the earth using hammers to attack defenseless woman - that's the society bequeath by @#%@&# Ardern and Hipkins as police minister.


"The “reckless” attack by hammer-wielding offenders on two people at an Auckland dairy caught on camera last night has been revealed, as police continue to search for the perpetrators.

Two people were seriously injured in the attack - the wife of the dairy owner and a customer - after the Mt Roskill store became the latest target of an aggravated robbery at around 4.30pm yesterday.

Security footage of the attack shows two men enter the Jyotis Dairy on Mt Albert Rd in Mt Roskill between 4-5pm.

One man ran behind the counter and swiped his hammer at the woman, the wife of the store owner who was minding the shop at the time."

06-07-2023, 08:48 PM
Show us the Sam Uffindel report. :)

C'mon Panda, l did think you had more class than to trivialize the wanton damage and pillage that is sweeping the nation, by going on about any Uffindel report!

Logen Ninefingers
06-07-2023, 09:11 PM
5 vehicles smashing through the Goldfields Shopping Centre is just the latest atrocity perpetrated by out-of-control marauding criminals. Labour and our media want to paint the crime wave as something concocted out of thin air; a National Party beat up to ‘play politics with law and order in election year’. Cartoons and articles are produced to reinforce this message, while the likes of Carmel Sepuloni blithely claim that what is transpiring is all pretty ho hum…New Zealand has apparently always been a place where ram raids are a daily norm.

Labour and the Greens and the media know who the real evil doers are: the descendants of ‘colonialists’, wealthy New Zealanders, and the hated farming sector.

07-07-2023, 03:17 AM
Show us the Sam Uffindel report. :)

Much more important than law & order

07-07-2023, 06:27 AM
Much more important than law & order

Before you throw stones, get your own house in order.

Though at least Labour aren't trying to keep the statistics a secret (..while using the day of the queen's funeral to avoid media scrutiny).

07-07-2023, 08:35 AM
C'mon Panda, l did think you had more class than to trivialize the wanton damage and pillage that is sweeping the nation, by going on about any Uffindel report!

That’s ok - let the ignoramus Labour peasant write his pathetic posts so everyone can see for themselves how this Labour government prioritises real criminals as victims over the real victims of the criminals.

07-07-2023, 09:02 AM
That’s ok - let the ignoramus Labour peasant write his pathetic posts so everyone can see for themselves how this Labour government prioritises real criminals as victims over the real victims of the criminals.

I would like to see all victims of intimidation and gang violence (even for so-called historical events) taken seriously.

07-07-2023, 09:04 AM
I'm more NZF aligned on the issue, tough on crime but also provide an acceptable alternative (work that pays decently where you don't cancel public holidays & stop minimum wage hikes).

Both sides of the current argument on the crime issue will fail.

07-07-2023, 09:08 AM
The ‘quality’ of Labour’s COVID response :

Half a billion dollars, $500,000,000 (yes, $500m) of over-ordered RAT tests in stock and expiring month by month.

This Labour government is not fit to kiss a donkey’s backside when it comes to making sound economic decisions.


fungus pudding
07-07-2023, 09:12 AM
The ‘quality’ of Labour’s COVID response :

$500,000,000 (yes, $500m) of over-ordered RAT tests in stock and expiring month by month.

This Labour government is not fit to kiss a donkey’s backside when it comes to making sound economic decisions.

I beg to differ. That is exactly what they are good for.

07-07-2023, 09:15 AM
The ‘quality’ of Labour’s COVID response :

Half a billion dollars, $500,000,000 (yes, $500m) of over-ordered RAT tests in stock and expiring month by month.

This Labour government is not fit to kiss a donkey’s backside when it comes to making sound economic decisions.

How about taking a tax-funded limo to cross the street?

Luxon has run up a huge bill despite being in a position with effectively no job duties. How does that work.

07-07-2023, 09:18 AM
How about taking a tax-funded limo to cross the street?

Luxon has run up a huge bill despite being in a position with effectively no job duties. Imagine what he would do in govt.

Keep posting, ignoramus Labour peasant.

The more you reveal your bankrupt pathetic mental capability, the better. :t_up:

07-07-2023, 09:19 AM
I beg to differ. That is exactly what they are good for.

Ok, not fit even to kiss Michael Wood’s or Mahuta’s backside.

Imagine what the $500m can do to give the charities struggling out there to take care of the children marginalised by Labour’s incompetence.

07-07-2023, 09:24 AM
The ‘quality’ of Labour’s COVID response :

Half a billion dollars, $500,000,000 (yes, $500m) of over-ordered RAT tests in stock and expiring month by month.

This Labour government is not fit to kiss a donkey’s backside when it comes to making sound economic decisions.


But Cindy said "Test, test, test". At the time she was throwing medical practitioners under the bus for following her policy of restricting tests due to previous under ordering.

Well, they weren't going to fall into that trap again were they? What the heck, squander $500m in taxpayer funds. Let's do this!

07-07-2023, 09:27 AM
How about taking a tax-funded limo to cross the street?

Luxon has run up a huge bill despite being in a position with effectively no job duties. How does that work.

You are seriously comparing a limo ride to a $500 mill screw up !

07-07-2023, 09:35 AM
You are seriously comparing a limo ride to a $500 mill screw up !

Didn't luxon and his many predecessors say we need to "test, test, test".

I even remember them saying there's not enough tests & we need even more.

It was a bipartisan policy (maybe not including Act).

07-07-2023, 12:07 PM
The ‘quality’ of Labour’s COVID response :

Half a billion dollars, $500,000,000 (yes, $500m) of over-ordered RAT tests in stock and expiring month by month.

This Labour government is not fit to kiss a donkey’s backside when it comes to making sound economic decisions.


What's the chances that the RATs tests aren't reliable a couple of months after the expiry date I wonder? If it's negligible just use them up.

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 12:24 PM
Hipkins blew $200 million just on admin costs for the dunderheaded polytech mega-merger, and another $500 million on a mountain of RAT’s that no-one will ever use, yet I see Labour questioning how National will find $280 million to put towards a 3rd medical school to be created in Hamilton.
Obviously Labour are taking a scorched earth approach and trying to ensure that a National led government finds the cupboard is bare when they take office.
But it must be really disappointing for fervent Labour supporters to see the party of “Let’s do this !” standing against progress and more homegrown doctors & nurses.

07-07-2023, 12:30 PM
Labour had already announced a policy literally the day before National to increase not only the number of doctors, but nurses & other Healthcare workers. It's obvious the next day National had a knee jerk reaction and thought they needed to respond. So regurgitated an old policy that no one believed then or does now.

Can't deny the waste you mention though. Beyond ridiculous.

07-07-2023, 12:41 PM
Labour had already announced a policy literally the day before National to increase not only the number of doctors, but nurses & other Healthcare workers. It's obvious the next day National had a knee jerk reaction and thought they needed to respond. So regurgitated an old policy that no one believed then or does now.

Can't deny the waste you mention though. Beyond ridiculous.

How long has it taken the current mob of idiots to wake up to there being a very large problem ? ;)

Remember that Little was portraying a Health system that was managing, when obvious media reports were
coming through regularly that all was not well :)

The fact he got kicked sideways into the less visible Defence portfolio from Health in itself should send
a very good message on things to all ..

Did someone kick the new Fill-in's chair with screams of 'Election Year - some feel good excuses of something happening needed' ? ;)

The current Health Shambles (along with other Ministerial Portfolios now in similar shambles) will be all too obvious to all out around the country .. No amount of spinning or Verral feeding BS out now will change that or past inaction while Little was asleep in the chair .. It's too late ;)

07-07-2023, 12:46 PM
Labour had already announced a policy literally the day before National to increase not only the number of doctors, but nurses & other Healthcare workers. It's obvious the next day National had a knee jerk reaction and thought they needed to respond. So regurgitated an old policy that no one believed then or does now.

To be "delivered" in 2028 when the doctors are fully trained.

They also want to put $5 back on prescriptions.. to collect this token fee they will turn pharmacists into receptionists again .

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 12:46 PM
You can see the defeatist attitude of Labour supporters. Apparently nobody believes a 3rd medical school can be set up. It seems the real ‘knee jerk’ response in all this is the Labourites instant dismissal of a potentially transformative solution.


‘Dr. Jo Scott-Jones, Pinnacle's clinical director, emphasises the significance of a third medical school as one of many solutions needed to address a dire problem.

The workforce situation in primary care is desperate. Doctors are under immense pressure, often having to prioritise their patients' wellbeing at the expense of their own."

Statistics from the RNZCGP reveal that 90 percent of doctors surveyed in 2022 agree the system forces them to make personal sacrifices.

Scott-Jones says as the demand for doctors continues to rise, the burden on the healthcare workforce intensifies, with professionals departing from practices. He highlights the potential domino effect resulting from the loss of a single general practitioner in a small community, adversely impacting surrounding practices and hospitals.

“The proposed third medical school, with its unique approach to graduate entry and community-focused training, holds the potential to be a transformative solution to the acute medical workforce shortage.”’

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 12:47 PM
To be "delivered" in 2028 when the doctors are fully trained.

They also want to put $5 back on prescriptions.. to collect this token fee they will turn pharmacists into receptionists again.

“Let’s not do this!” should be the new Labourite slogan.

07-07-2023, 12:48 PM
“Let’s not do this!” should be the new Labourite slogan.

True, hipkins is a great choice for running a scare campaign.

It would have ruined Ardern's brand.

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 12:49 PM
More commentary that will no doubt anger the “Let’s not do this!” brigade….


‘Waikato leaders are welcoming National’s plans to develop a third medical school for New Zealand at the University of Waikato in Hamilton if the party wins the election in October.

Leader Christopher Luxon announced National’s health policy in Hamilton on Wednesday , saying a National Government under his leadership will open a medical school in Waikato to boost the number of doctors.

“National will also increase the number of medical school placements at Auckland and Otago by a total of 50 from 2025. This will be in addition to the 50 extra places already funded in Budget 2023. Together, this will see an additional 220 doctors graduating a year by 2030, compared to just 50 more under Labour’s plan.”

Waikato Chamber of Commerce chief executive Don Good applauded National’s policy announcement saying he was thrilled to see the party’s commitment to addressing our “dire shortage” of doctors, GPs, and those practising in rural outposts.’

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 12:51 PM
Team “Let’s not do this!” will be shaking with rage over all the positive comments….


‘University of Waikato Vice-Chancellor Professor Neil Quigley said a third medical school was a “fundamental step” towards addressing the health workforce needs and reducing “our chronic reliance on importing our health workforce from overseas”.

“We consistently made the case for investment in a third medical school ... We are committed to establishing a medical school based here in the Waikato region but with partners in other parts of New Zealand, as well as to build a full range of allied health programmes.”’

07-07-2023, 12:53 PM

Forget about election bribes - this Government has spent all the money

Where all the Money been squandered and wasted by your clueless mob - Robbo ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 12:53 PM
Even Labour MP’s support the 3rd medical school, despite all the poo pooing coming from the gaggle of “Let’s no do this!” negative Nellies.


‘Labour MP for Hamilton East Jamie Strange says his view on the new medical school has been consistent. “As a local MP, I support the establishment of a third medical school based at Waikato University, I always supported it. I advocated for it [in the past] but I haven’t been successful.”

“[The school] would need to work closely with the government and industry professionals to make sure that there are jobs for the students once they graduate.”’

07-07-2023, 12:54 PM
When you keep people healthy via free prescriptions and affordable preventative healthcare they won't need expensive medical care.

07-07-2023, 01:00 PM
Further evidence of the WONDERFUL state of our Health System:


Elderly woman’s surgery one of four cancelled in one day at Wellington Hospital as health sector pressure builds

An 81-year-old woman languishing on an operating wait list for the past year sat hungry and cold for two and a half hours expecting hernia surgery only to be told it was cancelled because the hospital was too busy.

Helen Hennessey of Lyall Bay has also been on the waiting list for hip and shoulder replacements for the past year.

“I’m in agony. I have the most horrific pain in my groin and down my leg. Of course, my shoulder is sore - I can’t reach, can’t stretch, so to walk is pretty horrible,” she told the Herald.

She was one of four patients who had surgeries cancelled at Wellington Regional Hospital on Tuesday as the health system once again comes under pressure this winter.

Who was the Minister of Health who said everything was managing fine .. not so long ago ? ;)

This is not an isolated case either

07-07-2023, 01:05 PM
When you keep people healthy via free prescriptions and affordable preventative healthcare they won't need expensive medical care.

Not going to do much for queues waiting waiting waiting is it ?

So in your imaginary world Free prescriptions and preventative care prevents more serious ? ;)

Pull the other one :)

Have you asked whether the local Chemist has something for free to fix a broken IQ and selective blindness ? ;)

Blue Skies
07-07-2023, 01:05 PM
When you consider NZ already has too many tertiary institutions with overlapping courses (for our population) which has resulted in the mess a number find themselves in now, with huge budget shortfalls & needing bailouts, it does seem the announcement of a new medical school at Hamilton is pure politicking & another ill conceived knee jerk policy response to a problem.

Of course Waikato university want it to boost their standing & there's even speculation around a deal with the eye watering $1million in consultancy fees the university has paid ex Nat Minister Stephen Joyce, & Luxon's announcement.
But it's not as though a new medical school in Hamilton will turn out doctors who can go straight into the work force.

Far far better & more efficient & better return for tax payers to increase funding for more placements at existing medical schools esp Auckland.

07-07-2023, 01:06 PM
Even Labour MP’s support the 3rd medical school, despite all the poo pooing coming from the gaggle of “Let’s no do this!” negative Nellies.

Given National doesn't really have an evidence base for their existing policies (or rather, slogans on a website) where do they get the numbers on precisely how many doctors we will need from?

Too many doctors leads to cuban socialist healthcare.

07-07-2023, 01:09 PM
Helen Clark must be deeply ashamed and disgusted that the current incompetent mob have not paid
much attention and left the Education System & Uni's her Govt went to great lengths to encourage
and build, to fall into rack and ruins - a disgusting neglected shadow of what it previously was, courtesy
of the meddling and fumbling of the current mob of Labour idiots ;)

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 01:12 PM
Never thought I’d see Labourites (faux) angry over the prospect of more doctors. The message from the Unions & party hierarchy is clear: “Oppose every initiative - let’s not do this!”

07-07-2023, 01:12 PM
Given National doesn't really have an evidence base for their existing policies (or rather, rather slogans on a website) where do they get the numbers on precisely how many doctors we will need from?

Too many doctors = cuban socialist healthcare.

Cuba's Healthcare probably works far more efficiently than what is seen here

Must be the reason why Comrade Little wanted a British style NHC Shambles here instead
which has proven that a larger Empire doesn't work and only inspires more lies required from
the top to cover a greater shambles created and why it's not delivering ;)

Must be fairly good reason why Little got given the boot from Health Portfolio .. which
Labour now have to carry the can for covering up on it not delivering and huge cost.

We already have a bloated Cuban style Govt sector -- how many have the current mob added to Public t*t here in just 5 or so years in employment villages up and down the country ? ;)

With all the bells and whistle thrown on top - no wonder there is very little in the tin now :)

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 01:13 PM
We already have a bloated Cuban style Govt sector -- how many have the current mob added to Public t*t here in just
5 or so years in employment villages up and down the country ? ;)

With all the bells and whistle thrown on top - no wonder there is very little in the tin now :)

He wants more admin staff and middle managers - more frontline staff is anathema to Labour thinking.

07-07-2023, 01:18 PM
Cuba's Healthcare probably works far more efficiently than what is seen here

There we go - why don't you move there :p

More of the wet, whiny and inward looking commentary we have come to expect from some.

07-07-2023, 01:19 PM
He wants more admin staff and middle managers - more frontline staff is anathema to Labour thinking.

They have removed all of the DHB's and their managers which is a sound reform... but the name should simply be Health NZ or something most people can understand.

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 01:20 PM
Plenty of money available for flash new whānau-centric courthouses, but none for medical schools. Typical of this wasteful and wrong-headed government.


‘The Government has confirmed $208 million in funding to build a new courthouse in Tauranga.

The current courthouse is served by two linked buildings. The Cameron Rd building is leaky and “too expensive to fix” while the other, McLean House, is outdated, a Ministry of Justice press release said.

As part of the estimated $208m redevelopment, the Cameron Rd building would be decommissioned, and a new courthouse building built on the corner of McLean, Willow and Monmouth Sts.

This was across the road from McLean House, which would be refurbished as part of the project, the press release said.

The number of courtrooms would increase from 10 to 13, including provision for High Court criminal trials to return to Tauranga, rather than be heard in Rotorua or Hamilton. This would minimise the extra travel burden placed on victims, whānau and lawyers resident in Tauranga.

The press release said it was in the final phases of designing the courthouse. The design would will reflect Te Ao Māori values and concepts including Hohou te Rongo, which was about resolution and restoration of balance.

It would also include whānau-centric spaces, where people could work with participants and their whānau to support, restore and facilitate.

“We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Te Kāhui Hapū o Te Papa - representatives of Ngāi Tamarāwaho, Ngāti Tapu, Ngāi Tūkairangi, Ngāti Hē, Ngāi Te Ahi and Ngāti Ruahine - we have worked together to help ensure the new courthouse will meet the needs of the Tauranga community.”’

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 01:22 PM
There we go - why don't you move there :p

More of the wet, whiny and inward looking commentary we have come to expect from some.

The wet and whiny comments are coming from the Labourites who are seething over the prospect of more homegrown doctors and nurses.

07-07-2023, 01:25 PM
The wet and whiny comments are coming from the Labourites who are seething over the prospect of more homegrown doctors and nurses.

They're against the plan they're actually implementing? (though in lesser numbers than a "proposal" from the opposition national party).

I'm not a labourite but I don't buy into the dave/lux alternative at all.

07-07-2023, 01:32 PM
There we go - why don't you move there :p

More of the wet, whiny and inward looking commentary we have come to expect from some.

Looks like the ideal spot for you .. they probably have free prescriptions on offer for IQ Improvement there too :)

No waiting round for Ryman to spit the dummy and borrow to pay out either ..

What you waiting for ? ;)

07-07-2023, 01:34 PM
Looks like the ideal spot for you .. they probably have free prescriptions on offer for IQ Improvement there too :)

I can get my free prescriptions here though and enjoy my extra public holiday. It's rather nice :)

07-07-2023, 01:37 PM

Prices set to rise as retailers battle high costs and fear of closure

Prices will continue to rise in the next three months as almost 60% of retailers fail to meet sales targets and others fear closure within the year.

The latest Retail Radar report from Retail NZ found many of the challenges that retailers reported last quarter had continued into the winter months, with inflation, increasing wage costs and retail crime proving stubborn.

Almost 60% of retailers did not meet their sales targets over the past three months, which was up from 44% in the previous quarter, Retail NZ’s chief executive Greg Harford said.

“Much of the same outlook continues for the next three months, with half of all retailers not expecting to meet targets again in the third quarter of 2023.”

Thanks Labour - As many thought was coming - All Consumers going to suffer more Wallet Sting courtesy
of your clueless economic management ;)

but Guess who is likely to score a severe dose of backside hurt in October ? ;)

07-07-2023, 01:38 PM
I can get my free prescriptions here though and enjoy my extra public holiday. It's rather nice :)

Dont forget to ask for your free complimentary one way tickets for holiday in Cuba :)

07-07-2023, 01:45 PM

Live: PM to give foreign policy speech ahead of Nato

The Prime Minister is delivering a speech on foreign policy, ahead of his trip to Lithuania for the Nato summit and less than a week after his trade trip to China.

Have to make most of FREE overseas trips before Travel Gravy Train come to abrupt halt ;)

Also must make impression while away .. so don't forget to demonstrate How Opening the Legs keeps Covid away .. then they won't forget who you are ;)

07-07-2023, 01:49 PM

Live: PM to give foreign policy speech ahead of Nato

Have to make most of FREE overseas trips before Travel Gravy Train come to abrupt halt ;)

Also must make impression while away .. so don't forget to demonstrate How Opening the Legs keeps Covid away .. then they won't forget who you are ;)

Maybe another surprise trade deal will be announced.. great for the farmers eh.

Blue Skies
07-07-2023, 01:50 PM
The wet and whiny comments are coming from the Labourites who are seething over the prospect of more homegrown doctors and nurses.

You miss the point entirely.
If you want the smartest, quickest most efficient increase the number of doctors coming out of our medical schools, it's simple, increase funding for more places at Auckland & Otago.

NZ now has a significant problem with too many tertiary institutions competing against each other for the size of our population.
Medical schools require huge levels of subsidising from taxpayers, so we don't want 3 schools competing against each other when a smarter policy is to increase the number of placements available in our 2 schools.

Building another medical school, with all the academic scaffolding needed to turn House officers into doctors who can work independently without supervision & Specialists, just down the road from Auckland medical school & hospital, is copying a broken model.

07-07-2023, 01:52 PM

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins confronts Nanaia Mahuta ‘haranguing’ in speech on China and world affairs

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins addressed head-on reports that his Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta received a “haranguing” at the hands of her Chinese counterpart Qin Gang, in a March meeting this year.

Reports of that conversation, published in The Australian, leaked out shortly before Hipkins’ trip to China last month.

In his first major foreign policy speech as prime minister, Hipkins addressed the issue head on.

“Reports emerged just before my trip of a robust conversation between our Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta and the Chinese Foreign Minister,” Hipkins said.

“You might have noticed we didn’t deny that,” he said.

So it didn't happen .. and Mahuta just got put into the backroom Broom Cupboard for a little Nap instead ? ;)

and the Aussies must have just been imagining they saw some dirty water instead ? ;)

Likely story - Chippy - spin us another one ;)

07-07-2023, 02:00 PM

Housing sign-off saga affects more than 1000 properties around New Zealand

Looks like a slight Housing C*ck Up - Boys and Girls ;)

Is Megan Housebuilder still sound asleep like a fallen log or revising the forward tallies further downwards ? ;)

Someone best wake her up on another huge Crisis and Red Tape shambles headed her way :)

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 02:07 PM
You miss the point entirely.
If you want the smartest, quickest most efficient increase the number of doctors coming out of our medical schools, it's simple, increase funding for more places at Auckland & Otago.

NZ now has a significant problem with too many tertiary institutions competing against each other for the size of our population.
Medical schools require huge levels of subsidising from taxpayers, so we don't want 3 schools competing against each other when a smarter policy is to increase the number of placements available in our 2 schools.

Building another medical school, with all the academic scaffolding needed to turn House officers into doctors who can work independently without supervision & Specialists, just down the road from Auckland medical school & hospital, is copying a broken model.

I get it: “Let’s not do this!”

07-07-2023, 02:11 PM
You miss the point entirely.
If you want the smartest, quickest most efficient increase the number of doctors coming out of our medical schools, it's simple, increase funding for more places at Auckland & Otago.

NZ now has a significant problem with too many tertiary institutions competing against each other for the size of our population.
Medical schools require huge levels of subsidising from taxpayers, so we don't want 3 schools competing against each other when a smarter policy is to increase the number of placements available in our 2 schools.

Building another medical school, with all the academic scaffolding needed to turn House officers into doctors who can work independently without supervision & Specialists, just down the road from Auckland medical school & hospital, is copying a broken model.

In addition to bringing back the DHBs and returning water assets to 78 councils… National will be busy expanding the public service.

07-07-2023, 02:13 PM
Also unwinding the polytech reforms, each of our regions much have their own set of wasteful administrators.