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07-07-2023, 02:39 PM

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says disagreements with China reflect ‘robust’ relationship

Slight disagreements now ? ;)

Didn't they like Puppet sitting in Leaders knee demonstrating fine art of the sausage roll munch up ? ;)

too much flakey flakey may not have impressed them ..

Or was it the demonstration of opening the legs to scare Covid away afterwards that confused them ?

Perhaps they mistakenly thought they saw undersized Kiwifruit being smuggled in ? :)

Mahuta can't have done the moves right in March, or did she turn around too fast and frighten them into
thinking that Chinese Dragons should be painted up in less conspicuous colours ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 04:24 PM
Robbo’s blown budget continues to blow out.


‘More than 1150 midwives employed by Te Whatu Ora are in line for a 15% pay boost as part of their ongoing gender equity negotiations.

The pay deal covers midwives directly employed by Te Whatu Ora and will be backdated to April 4, 2022.’

07-07-2023, 04:54 PM

Budget deficit $2 billion deeper than expected as corporate tax take falls

Drive everything into the ditch hard Robbo - the usual departing Labour shot at the end of the reign - isn't it ;)

Clearly a Government who come badly off the rails and couldn't manage anything without orchestrating a huge shambles ;)

Robbo’s blown budget continues to blow out.


‘More than 1150 midwives employed by Te Whatu Ora are in line for a 15% pay boost as part of their ongoing gender equity negotiations.

The pay deal covers midwives directly employed by Te Whatu Ora and will be backdated to April 4, 2022.’

Are you suggesting that they shouldn't get a pay rise and maybe go overseas?
Then we get a bigger shortage.
Market economics suggests that when you when you can't keep the staff you should pay more.

07-07-2023, 04:57 PM
Are you suggesting that they shouldn't get a pay rise and maybe go overseas?
Then we get a bigger shortage.
Market economics suggests that when you when you can't keep the staff you should pay more.

No, I suspect he's worried Robbo hasn't factored it in. Even though he's had nearly 6 years to think about it. This is the first time I can recall a budget blowout as bad as this within mere months.

Logen Ninefingers
07-07-2023, 04:58 PM
Are you suggesting that they shouldn't get a pay rise and maybe go overseas?
Then we get a bigger shortage.
Market economics suggests that when you when you can't keep the staff you should pay more.

Not once have I said that people should not get pay rises. Not once.

07-07-2023, 07:50 PM
Are you suggesting that they shouldn't get a pay rise and maybe go overseas?
Then we get a bigger shortage.
Market economics suggests that when you when you can't keep the staff you should pay more.

A bit late for that - it's been happening already while this Govt dreamed on.

What was Little doing while Living costs were rising, Staff disappearing and gaps in Heath providers growing ?

That's right - building empires and telling everyone things were managing - which they weren't from Media
reports coming out at the same time ..

Clearly a Govt that has ignored what is going on including Strikes across Health & Education Sectors
and once things reach Crisis stage only then wake up ;)

Govt being asleep at the helm does little for retaining staff or the confidence in the Sector when
far more friendly opportunities exist not far away and those who jump are better looked after ..

07-07-2023, 07:54 PM

Teacher Connor Taurapa Matthews grooming case: Education Minister to meet with Teaching Council over ‘misconduct’ at Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, Christchurch

Labour's Education Goon Show & trail of Gross Ministerial Incompetence manages a slight wake up ;)

07-07-2023, 07:57 PM

Government mulled Google, Facebook big tech tax to help news media companies

The same targets that the Labour Incompetents previously tried to say weren't paying tax ? ;)

Aussie & Canadian rules must be too difficult for our Govt Beehive Idiots ;)

Let's face it - they've managed to Duck Up almost everything else they have touched :)

Logen Ninefingers
08-07-2023, 12:40 PM
National will reverse some of Labours cruel cuts to the planned Dunedin hospital.


‘National's pledging to restore pared back plans for the new Dunedin hospital to their original specifications; meaning more operating theatres, specialist equipment and in patient beds, if it's in government.

It estimates the up-sizing will cost close to $30 million. But it won't mean all elements of the initial hospital plan are reinstated.

National's health spokesperson Shane Reti told Checkpoint that the party would put an extra 23 inpatient beds, two operating theatres and a PET scanner in the new build.

"The cost of this commitment is $29.5 million and will be fully funded as part of the next National government's programme of capital investment," he said.’

08-07-2023, 01:13 PM

Bruce Cotterill: When the only thing transparent is the politicians’ spin

08-07-2023, 01:14 PM

Jenée Tibshraeny: Will clobbering the indebted cool inflation?

08-07-2023, 01:20 PM

Chris Hipkins will need to make some decisions about Kiri Allan

ANALYSIS: On Thursday night embattled Justice Minister Kiri Allan posted a message on her Instagram. The message was pretty promptly deleted.

In it, she said she had had challenging times with mental health of late, before hitting back at what she called an “unsubstantiated allegation”, reported in media last week, about her alleged treatment of staff and senior officials.

(Several high level public officials have voiced their concerns about her conduct to Stuff. One, for example, said she ‘’yelled and screamed at staff”.)

Allan said that she knows that the allegations “will stick”.

Extended holiday leave out of sight, wiping dishes out the back or down the road ? ;)

08-07-2023, 03:37 PM
Not once have I said that people should not get pay rises. Not once.

OK - what are you suggesting then?

Logen Ninefingers
08-07-2023, 06:16 PM
OK - what are you suggesting then?

Robbo’s blown budget continues to blow out.


‘More than 1150 midwives employed by Te Whatu Ora are in line for a 15% pay boost as part of their ongoing gender equity negotiations.

The pay deal covers midwives directly employed by Te Whatu Ora and will be backdated to April 4, 2022.’

08-07-2023, 09:09 PM
Before you throw stones, get your own house in order.

Though at least Labour aren't trying to keep the statistics a secret (..while using the day of the queen's funeral to avoid media scrutiny).

No idea what you’re talking about. My house is in good order thank you

09-07-2023, 09:42 PM

Around 1000 kilometres of Auckland’s roading network due for repairs

New data obtained by the Herald shows it is going to take Auckland Transport up to a decade to clear the backlog of local road repairs, which currently sits at around 1000 kilometres.

National Party spokesperson for transport Simeon Brown said the statistics portrayed an “ugly picture of the state of the roads in the Auckland region”.

“While Labour has been fixated on trying to build a $30 billion light rail tram in Auckland, our roads are crumbling,” Brown said.

Puts a new scale on what hasn't been happening while that Woody Woodpecker Talent piece has been asleep at the Transport helm on Govt front benches ;)

09-07-2023, 09:48 PM

Thousands of Auckland bus users to be hit by drivers’ strike tomorrow

Not another strike under hopeless hapless halfwit Clown - Hipkin's leadership - surely ? ;)

Who is the Fill-in Labour Ministerial pie & sausage roll warmer supposedly responsible for overseeing this shambles ? ;)

What a train wreck of continuing C*ck-ups the Country is becoming under this incompetent hopeless mob with'
the even more stupid Green comrades hitch-hiking along for free ;)

Guess everyone is going to have to open their legs and make a mad dash for it :)

Don't let Chippie see you all, or he might think everyone is into another wave of Covid :)

10-07-2023, 08:55 AM
NZTX, what no post about the successful trade mission to Europe by the Government signing the FTA?
You normally regurgitate the news enmass with your copy paste propaganda machine.
What's next? Dropping propaganda flyers from a plane?

Even ex Nat Trade Minister Tim Groser was full of praise for the result.

Blue Skies
10-07-2023, 09:12 AM
NZTX, what no post about the successful trade mission to Europe by the Government signing the FTA?
You normally regurgitate the news enmass with your copy paste propaganda machine.
What's next dropping propaganda flyers from a plane?

Even ex Nat Trade Minister Tim Groser was full of praise for the result.

Yes it sure is curious, NTX seems to think the Auckland bus drivers strike & some road repairs are more important than the EU Trade deal ( one of 5 Trade Deals or Trade updates Jacinda Ardern achieved in office ) which is going to deliver billions of dollars to the NZ economy, including enormous benefits to our farmers.

Logen Ninefingers
10-07-2023, 03:08 PM
Yes it sure is curious, NTX seems to think the Auckland bus drivers strike & some road repairs are more important than the EU Trade deal ( one of 5 Trade Deals or Trade updates Jacinda Ardern achieved in office ) which is going to deliver billions of dollars to the NZ economy, including enormous benefits to our farmers.

We are inking an inferior deal due to O’Connor and Hipkins waving the white flag.


‘Trade Minister Damien O’Connor has urged those calling for bigger wins to reflect on the political "reality" of what New Zealand’s negotiators can achieve.

O’Connor is currently in Brussels with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins to sign the trade deal with the European Union — which includes big wins for some sectors — but much more modest gains for red meat and dairy industries.

Meanwhile Australia’s negotiators have continued to push the European Union, refusing to sign a deal they don’t think gives them enough market access.

O'Connor told Q+A: “Look, that is the reality. We do not get everything we want. Sometimes we get what we need. And actually we went right to the wire, pushing them as far as we could. We are a market of five million people. Australia is considerably larger.

"And so every country will negotiate with the coin that it has, and we do not have a lot, but we got a pretty good deal."’

10-07-2023, 04:43 PM
We are inking an inferior deal due to O’Connor and Hipkins waving the white flag.


‘Trade Minister Damien O’Connor has urged those calling for bigger wins to reflect on the political "reality" of what New Zealand’s negotiators can achieve.

O’Connor is currently in Brussels with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins to sign the trade deal with the European Union — which includes big wins for some sectors — but much more modest gains for red meat and dairy industries.

Meanwhile Australia’s negotiators have continued to push the European Union, refusing to sign a deal they don’t think gives them enough market access.

O'Connor told Q+A: “Look, that is the reality. We do not get everything we want. Sometimes we get what we need. And actually we went right to the wire, pushing them as far as we could. We are a market of five million people. Australia is considerably larger.

"And so every country will negotiate with the coin that it has, and we do not have a lot, but we got a pretty good deal."’

That's not what ex National trade minister said.
This is where you lose credibility, this is a very good deal that has significant benefit for NZ.
To be taken seriously you need to show some sort of balance & give credit where credit is due.

Logen Ninefingers
10-07-2023, 05:55 PM
That's not what ex National trade minister said.
This is where you lose credibility, this is a very good deal that has significant benefit for NZ.
To be taken seriously you need to show some sort of balance & give credit where credit is due.

I didn’t write the article fella, it’s not my credibility on the line.

To be taken seriously you need to stop pretending to be some sort of neutral observer just because you purportedly once ‘voted for John Key’. Admit you are a Labourite to the core and you’ll get more respect.

10-07-2023, 06:00 PM
NZTX, what no post about the successful trade mission to Europe by the Government signing the FTA?
You normally regurgitate the news enmass with your copy paste propaganda machine.
What's next? Dropping propaganda flyers from a plane?

Even ex Nat Trade Minister Tim Groser was full of praise for the result.

Jeez .. someone found something the current bunch of nincompoops think they have scored a pass mark on ? ;)

Probably a pass mark compared to Mahuta's shambolic efforts elsewhere earlier :)

How many knees did Chippie have to sit on to pull puppet faces ? ;)

Did someone notice that European markets are troubled at the moment .. likely to stay that way with Ukraine & Russia ? :)

Poor farmers need some positive news after the shower of destruction incoming from the Govt Front Bench idiots .. while things head further south :)

10-07-2023, 06:04 PM

Dawn raids: Review slams Jacinda Ardern’s ‘hollow’ apology after nothing done to stop dawn raids

God forbid - done very little / nothing confirmed from a current Ministerial Do Little ;)

Apology due soon for all those living on the streets, homeless or in cars .. years later ? ;)

or too hard still ? :)

10-07-2023, 06:12 PM

Warning over ‘convincing’ NZ Post scam

No warning needed - as further look to abandon this outfit everytime the Govt Goon Show approved further large
price hikes as the solution to cover for the past large droves who deserted after onset of the previous hikes and
other reimaging and other shambles :)

Have to love the Socialist mentality - Less Volume + Let the costs increase out of sight = Huge spiralling Price hikes for service each round ... then wonder where all the customers gone and why they all gone shy of outfit :)

Perhaps next review they should rename themselves "NZ Ghost" ? ;)

At least they probably wont become completely invisible before another lot of incompetent nincompoops manages the feat first - those currently residing in Govt benches @ Beehive :)

10-07-2023, 06:13 PM
We are inking an inferior deal due to O’Connor and Hipkins waving the white flag.


‘Trade Minister Damien O’Connor has urged those calling for bigger wins to reflect on the political "reality" of what New Zealand’s negotiators can achieve.

O’Connor is currently in Brussels with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins to sign the trade deal with the European Union — which includes big wins for some sectors — but much more modest gains for red meat and dairy industries.

Meanwhile Australia’s negotiators have continued to push the European Union, refusing to sign a deal they don’t think gives them enough market access.

O'Connor told Q+A: “Look, that is the reality. We do not get everything we want. Sometimes we get what we need. And actually we went right to the wire, pushing them as far as we could. We are a market of five million people. Australia is considerably larger.

"And so every country will negotiate with the coin that it has, and we do not have a lot, but we got a pretty good deal."’

Are these your words or should you be attributing them to someone or some publication?
Tim Groser thinks it is a good deal and he should know.

Logen Ninefingers
10-07-2023, 06:21 PM
Never heard so much praise for a former National minister. Labourites love ‘Tim Groser’!

10-07-2023, 06:25 PM
Never heard so much praise for a former National minister. Labourites love ‘Tim Groser’!

Have Labour been asking Tim to give them a few clues and coaching lessons ? :)

A few more bubbles and lower water level in Bird Bath to make slightly higher noisy splash ? :)

One wrong move, someone bump plug and all could go sailing down the plughole in October ..

10-07-2023, 07:40 PM

Auckland bus strike: Thousands of riders to be affected this week

Bus drivers will be continuing their strike in Auckland tomorrow and throughout the rest of the week following unsuccessful mediation this week.

Between 4am and 8am, union members will walk off the job to strike against unfair wages, according to the union.

First Union organiser Hayley Courtney said members sat down in “good faith” today, however, the offer that was put forth had no change from the one previously.

Lucky Aucklanders having to navigate around this :)

10-07-2023, 07:46 PM

NZ-EU free trade deal: Australia farmers rubbish deal

must have been a darn good trade deal, if the Aussies advocate running away if similar offered their way ;)

What was all that hot air that Chippie and the Beehive Goon Show were spouting all about ? ;)

10-07-2023, 10:40 PM

Are Kiwis saving enough to survive the economic storm?

Data out in the last week showed the amount Kiwis are saving is in decline.

Savings fell to $653 million in the March 2023 quarter, an $874m decline from the December 2022 quarter’s $1.5b, according to Stats NZ.

These numbers are concerning during a tough economic period when families will be expected to dig a little deeper to get through.

“The real tough part in the recession will come later in the year,” says Dann, pointing out that many Kiwis are yet to shift to the higher mortgage rates.

How's the "We were in GREAT shape" as Robbo loudly declared from the top of the pile just a month or so ago going now - folks ? ;)

Probably very very loudly it was meant to be too - coming from the Man who presided over spending it all and emptying the tin properly and then quite a few buckets full more on loan, very rudely loud .. so it didn't scare the lenders to NZ Inc too much .. completely oblivious & ignorant to what too many stale burned sausage rolls do .. :)

Hopefully there might still be shared ambulance seats available for pickups at the bottom of the cliff
to take the casualties away - but bookings will need to be done fairly soon for 2-3 months out .. don't forget to stop off to vote on the way & make the big decision on whether you want to see the current lot of numbskulls back .. ;)

11-07-2023, 08:03 AM
Never heard so much praise for a former National minister. Labourites love ‘Tim Groser’!

Well it's unusual for someone from the otherside of the political fence to provide praise.
On this site from the right it is nigh on non existent such is the one eyed bias.

11-07-2023, 08:13 AM
I didn’t write the article fella, it’s not my credibility on the line.

To be taken seriously you need to stop pretending to be some sort of neutral observer just because you purportedly once ‘voted for John Key’. Admit you are a Labourite to the core and you’ll get more respect.

Fake news. I'm not looking for respect from such one eyed serial posters such as you, NTX or Balance.
What I said was I have voted right more than I have voted left & I could again if a party on the right started to show that they take climate change & the environment seriously.

What we have from the right is regressive policy from National & absolute lunacy from ACT that would bankrupt the Government.

I haven't made up my mind how I will vote yet as I think Labour have some good policy, (not all) but they are absolutely hopeless at implementation.

National is about as inspirational as a slug. They are so afraid of losing they don't want to put out any significant policy.
They want to regress on environmental changes made such as winter grazing.
And even if they do win they will be partnered with NZs most extreme right party ACT, with a strong but deluded leader who will run rings around Luxon and lead NZ down an isolationist & dangerous path.

Blue Skies
11-07-2023, 08:41 AM
Never heard so much praise for a former National minister. Labourites love ‘Tim Groser’!

You & NTX have been extraordinarily negative about the EU Deal, preferring to believe negative comments from a few Aussie farmers naturally with their own agenda, over the praise of someone like Tim Groser, a former Chief Negotiator in the GATT international Trade Agreement, former NZ Ambassador to the WTO (World Trade Organisation) & later became Chairman of the WTO's Agriculture negotiations, short listed for Director General of the WTO & subsequently NZ Ambassador to the US, who happened to also be a member of the National Party & former Minister of Trade under John Key's govt.

If you still prefer to support the comments by some Aussie farmers over Groser's analysis "the deal is more valuable strategically & politically than economically for the EU Bloc and helps NZ diversify away from China."
perhaps you could explain exactly what the problem is you see with the EU Agreement & why/ how you would have done better.

We are already dependent on China for 1 third of our exports, no one except perhaps you & NTX think that's satisfactory & that dependence should be allowed to grow.

fungus pudding
11-07-2023, 08:43 AM
Fake news. I'm not looking for respect from such one eyed serial posters such as you, NTX or Balance.
What I said was I have voted right more than I have voted left & I could again if a party on the right started to show that they take climate change & the environment seriously.

What we have from the right is regressive policy from National & absolute lunacy from ACT that would bankrupt the Government.

I haven't made up my mind how I will vote yet as I think Labour have some good policy, (not all) but they are absolutely hopeless at implementation.

National is about as inspirational as a slug. They are so afraid of losing they don't want to put out any significant policy.
They want to regress on environmental changes made such as winter grazing.
And even if they do win they will be partnered with NZs most extreme right party ACT, with a strong but deluded leader who will run rings around Luxon and lead NZ down an isolationist & dangerous path.

Likewise - I have voted left and right over the years. Both major parties come up with some good ideas - as well as some spectacularly dumb ones. This time round I'll vote in the best way possible to bring about a change of govt. Labour have little talent in their ranks, and putting the Maori party and Greens in the mix is positively frightening.

11-07-2023, 10:45 AM
Likewise - I have voted left and right over the years. Both major parties come up with some good ideas - as well as some spectacularly dumb ones. This time round I'll vote in the best way possible to bring about a change of govt. Labour have little talent in their ranks, and putting the Maori party and Greens in the mix is positively frightening.

Fungus, I think you have summed up the polling quite well there. It reflects an anti vote I.e. those want change but are not a positive vote I.e they are not voting for the opposition but against the Government. And I can understand that view completely.

11-07-2023, 12:48 PM

Labour and Chris Hipkins crash in latest poll, gap with National widest since 2017

Labour’s support has crashed to its lowest point in at least four years in the latest Talbot Mills corporate poll, tumbling five points to 31 per cent, its lowest rating in that poll since at least 2019.

National rose one point to 36 per cent, as did likely governing partner Act which is on 12 per cent.

The Greens are up one point too, on 8 per cent.

Commentary released with the poll said it is the first time National has been ahead of Labour by five points or more and the first time the centre-right has been ahead of the centre-left has by five points or more since the 2017 election.

Te Pati Maori scored 4.2 per cent, NZ First was on 4 per cent, and TOP was on 2.9 per cent.

The bad news did not stop there for Labour, with leader Chris Hipkins tumbling six points to 32 per cent in the Preferred Prime Minister poll.

Oh dear .. must be fake news and a broken pole ;)

Can't have the stale Labour sausage roll loving Chippie being seen skewered and hung out to dry on his own petard - can we ? :)

but then again .. having done little and presided over delivery of considerable pain & suffering to all the boys and girls out there - don't hold back Kiwi's - time to transfer and inflict maximum pain back on these greasy spinning Govt Front Bench prats and then some more on top for good measure, as the price for turning things into a hopeless shambles ;)

11-07-2023, 02:07 PM

https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMzFkeHdtMjJtem1oOTljc2M2bndzMGQ 3bWkzZTRhdm1kNWh6cTZyeSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/GQ6JiT8RSvfiDjxKBL/giphy.gif

Bill Smith
11-07-2023, 02:22 PM
https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMzFkeHdtMjJtem1oOTljc2M2bndzMGQ 3bWkzZTRhdm1kNWh6cTZyeSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/GQ6JiT8RSvfiDjxKBL/giphy.gif

Go chippie. I don't care where you go, but go. Do it fast and preferably as far away as possible.

11-07-2023, 03:41 PM

Why are mortgage rates rising when the official cash rate is expected to remain unchanged?

Thank you Mr Robertson for your approval to screw the vice down harder on all those hocked up to their eyeballs ;)

We Large Banks happy to oblige .. :)

We like nice big fat juicy lending margin and seeing all these Kiwi peasants of yours writhing and
screaming in much pain on edge of gutter, each time the number on the dial goes even higher :)

with much Love from the Australian Banking Cartels - We love you muchly our Buddy - Mr Robbo :)

11-07-2023, 05:30 PM

Kiri Allan text: Message about how senior official is getting on with senior minister to stay secret, Chief Ombudsman rules

"Let's keep it hidden, so no-one finds out what is going on" ;)

Most transparent Government ever ..

So shallow devious & devoid of clues the Sunshine can be seen coming out their ears from the other side ;)

Obviously can't have another imbalance and fall off the wobbling plank this side of October :)

11-07-2023, 05:52 PM

Foodstuffs made almost $52 million in profit in 2023

Foodstuffs North Island and South Island made $51.8 million in combined profit in their 2023 financial years, with the southern co-operative back in the black after two years of making a loss.

On a revenue basis, across the two co-operative businesses, Foodstuffs made $13.2 billion in sales in FY23 -- $9.8b at Foodstuff North Island and $3.41b at Foodstuffs South Island.

The South Island business’ sales increased by 6.9% in the year and Foodstuffs North Island’s sales by 3%.

Not much dough being made by this outfit ;)

Can Labour's bunch of clueless Losers actually identify who is ripping who off or where the large price
increases have arisen from ? ... or too hard ? ;)

How about the Govt's own Rip Off Artists with all hatcheted up taxes, levies, oncosts etc etc all thrown
at the job ? ;)

Probably too difficult for Labour's mob of retarded taxing skillsets to even begin to understand ;)

11-07-2023, 07:06 PM

Changed my mind.

12-07-2023, 07:22 AM

Foodstuffs made almost $52 million in profit in 2023

Not much dough being made by this outfit ;)

Can Labour's bunch of clueless Losers actually identify who is ripping who off or where the large price
increases have arisen from ? ... or too hard ? ;)

How about the Govt's own Rip Off Artists with all hatcheted up taxes, levies, oncosts etc etc all thrown
at the job ? ;)

Probably too difficult for Labour's mob of retarded taxing skillsets to even begin to understand ;)

You obviously don't understand how this cooperative works.
The profits are through the till to the Supermarket owner.
However, what's interesting is they have gone from making small losses to a $52M profit in a year that the Government forced opening access to their distribution centers to all grocery store owners which is the biggest shake up in the industry in decades.

My local corner store has many goods now at similar prices to the Supermarket so quite often its not worth the drive for just a few items.

Blue Skies
12-07-2023, 11:23 AM

Kiri Allan text: Message about how senior official is getting on with senior minister to stay secret, Chief Ombudsman rules

"Let's keep it hidden, so no-one finds out what is going on" ;)

Most transparent Government ever ..

So shallow devious & devoid of clues the Sunshine can be seen coming out their ears from the other side ;)

Obviously can't have another imbalance and fall off the wobbling plank this side of October :)

Since you're so twitchy about transparency, you don't seem to be aware of the high profile member of a political party who has been given name suppression until after the election & whose trial on child sex abuse charges has been set back until after the election because it could affect the fortunes of their political party, esp one so vocal on consequences for young offenders & law & order.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 11:37 AM
Hipkins vs Robbo.

Looks like Hipkins is moving to shore up his dwindling popularity by pitching himself at wealthier NZers.


‘Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has confirmed the Government was looking at a wealth tax or a capital gains tax (CGT) in Budget 2023, but he killed the idea.

“While work was already under way on a potential wealth tax and CGT as part of a tax switch in the Budget, I ultimately made the call not to proceed with it. We simply didn’t have a mandate to implement those tax changes,” Hipkins said.’

Blue Skies
12-07-2023, 12:50 PM
Hipkins vs Robbo.

Looks like Hipkins is moving to shore up his dwindling popularity by pitching himself at wealthier NZers.


‘Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has confirmed the Government was looking at a wealth tax or a capital gains tax (CGT) in Budget 2023, but he killed the idea.

“While work was already under way on a potential wealth tax and CGT as part of a tax switch in the Budget, I ultimately made the call not to proceed with it. We simply didn’t have a mandate to implement those tax changes,” Hipkins said.’

And today, Hipkins has completely ruled out any Wealth or Capital gains tax by any govt he leads.

I wish Luxon would be so clear & definite on ruling out some of ACT's more extreme & contentious policies instead of prevaricating on just about any question put to him.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 01:03 PM
And today, Hipkins has completely ruled out any Wealth or Capital gains tax by any govt he leads.

I wish Luxon would be so clear & definite on ruling out some of ACT's more extreme & contentious policies instead of prevaricating on just about any question put to him.

Chipkins says he cancelled Labours intended CGT and wealth tax. He can do that, as he is the Labour leader.

It’s is not for Luxon to dictate ACT’s policies to it, or commence policy negotiations prior to the election.

You won’t be voting for National or ACT anyway, and wouldn’t no matter what policy mix these parties come up with.

12-07-2023, 01:07 PM
Chipkins says he cancelled Labours intended CGT and wealth tax. He can do that, as he is the Labour leader.

It’s is not for Luxon to dictate ACT’s policies to it, or commence policy negotiations prior to the election.

You won’t be voting for National or ACT anyway, and wouldn’t no matter what policy mix these parties come up with.

Wealth Tax would be Political Suicide for Chumpkins & Labour - Ardern knew that - many would have to wonder if Chumpkins a bit slow waking up or just fairly thick & clueless ? ;)

12-07-2023, 01:09 PM
Since you're so twitchy about transparency, you don't seem to be aware of the high profile member of a political party who has been given name suppression until after the election & whose trial on child sex abuse charges has been set back until after the election because it could affect the fortunes of their political party, esp one so vocal on consequences for young offenders & law & order.

but Labour proclaimed their wish to be very transparent from outset .. no-one can forget that .. aside from a few
of the more forgetful with selective amnesia ;)

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 01:12 PM
The fact that Robbo and the Labour cabinet were looking to push through a CGT and wealth tax at the recent budget just shows how trustworthy the Labour mob are. Chipkins told them that they have no mandate to do it, and he is right!
But the voting public should get the message loud and clear: once Chipkins is rolled or steps down, the next Labour leader will have absolutely no qualms about imposing major new taxes, regardless of whether they have a mandate or not.

12-07-2023, 01:15 PM
You obviously don't understand how this cooperative works.
The profits are through the till to the Supermarket owner.
However, what's interesting is they have gone from making small losses to a $52M profit in a year that the Government forced opening access to their distribution centers to all grocery store owners which is the biggest shake up in the industry in decades.

My local corner store has many goods now at similar prices to the Supermarket so quite often its not worth the drive for just a few items.

I know very well how co-operatives work .. obviously a few twits aligned with the dozier fiscal pieces among the current clueless bunch would expect the Supermarkets & Retail Sector to tolerate all the nonsense Labour's mismanagement has brought,wear all the excessive add-ons and taxes decreed and be expected to run at a loss.. ;)

Look no further that the current mob of Dead Losses hanging out in Govt Front Benches for examples of pristine fiscal management to empty the tin completely put things on the edge of going down the toilet :)

Don't forget these clowns not so many years ago put out a hate campaign on Supermarkets, then it was Offshore multinationals here, finally anything that looked like a trust :)

It must cause many to wonder why anyone could trust the current mob at all, after the orchestrated series of chapters to deliver the closest to another train wreck on all in usual Labour fashion :)

12-07-2023, 01:29 PM
The fact that Robbo and the Labour cabinet were looking to push through a CGT and wealth tax at the recent budget just shows how trustworthy the Labour mob are. Chipkins told them that they have no mandate to do it, and he is right!
But the voting public should get the message loud and clear: once Chipkins is rolled or steps down, the next Labour leader will have absolutely no qualms about imposing major new taxes, regardless of whether they have a mandate or not.

Ha. Since when did Labour need a mandate for anything? I don't remember being asked about and giving a mandate to create race base health system or co-governance, etc

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 01:39 PM
Ha. Since when did Labour need a mandate for anything? I don't remember being asked about and giving a mandate to create race base health system or co-governance, etc

By and large the majority populace have assumed the mantle of ‘guilt-ridden descendants of colonists’ without too much complaint, and most will stand around passively while co-governance gets rammed through.

Threatening their capital gains and wider wealth is a different story altogether however, and we will witness a very fierce backlash administered to any party attempting to implement policies targeting these sacred cows.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 01:44 PM
Although Orr has already said that the Reserve Bank is done hiking, I still expect breathless media reports today: ‘RESERVE BANK HOLDS THE OCR AT CURRENT LEVEL!!!!!’

12-07-2023, 01:49 PM
By and large the majority populace have assumed the mantle of ‘guilt-ridden descendants of colonists’ without too much complaint, and most will stand around passively while co-governance gets rammed through.

Threatening their capital gains and wider wealth is a different story altogether however, and we will witness a very fierce backlash administered to any party attempting to implement policies targeting these sacred cows.

Ain't that truth....you can add retirement age to that list

12-07-2023, 01:51 PM
Although Orr has already said that the Reserve Bank is done hiking, I still expect breathless media reports today: ‘RESERVE BANK HOLDS THE OCR AT CURRENT LEVEL!!!!!’

Funny, today TVNZ were looking for people to interview who are going to struggle given todays "rate increase". No doubt they have a interviewee's that also are happy with holding the OCR at the current level.

12-07-2023, 01:55 PM
Ain't that truth....you can add retirement age to that list

Add to that the wrath of those now being stung with spiralling COL, interest, Rental availability,
and whole raft of other issues coming forth from Ardern's reign dropped into Chumpkin's lap :)

A severe caning for the whole episode including that inherited on the way ?

What does a possum caught in the headlights seconds before the inevitable look like ? ;)

12-07-2023, 02:01 PM
A wealth tax is a dumb tax. Taxing people fir being successful no matter what they paid in tax along the way.

If both major political parties wanted do the right thing by the country they would have a CGT as policy & in return, lower PAYE rates.

I think most of the swing voters in the middle ground would support a CGT especially if it gave workers more money in their back pocket.

12-07-2023, 02:08 PM

Budget documents show Government scrambled to avoid 2-year delay to surplus

The Treasury warned Finance Minister Grant Robertson in April that it expected its return to surplus would be delayed by two years, documents released on Wednesday show.

That was after the department looked at a near-final version of the Budget and as worries grew about weaker tax revenues.

The warning prompted Robertson to seek “urgent advice” on steps he could take to avoid that scenario.

“Based on modelling the near-final Budget and Economic Fiscal Update (Befu) tax forecasts provided to you on April 1, your Budget 2023 decisions to date, and other known matters, we are now anticipating a return to Obegal surplus in 2026-27,” the Treasury advised Robertson on April 4.

Sounds like a madhatter's fiscal circus - compete with a performing Clown dragged in from a schoolhouse
where no lessons were learned ;)

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 02:11 PM
A wealth tax is a dumb tax. Taxing people fir being successful no matter what they paid in tax along the way.

If both major political parties wanted do the right thing by the country they would have a CGT as policy & in return, lower PAYE rates.

I think most of the swing voters in the middle ground would support a CGT especially if it gave workers more money in their back pocket.

With the property market looking like a Jenga tower I’m not sure that too many home owners ‘in the middle’ would be cheering on a CGT right at the moment. The time to introduce one was about a decade ago. Right now - with a lot of mortgage refixing set to take place this year - we are about to pay the price for fostering a ponzi scheme which is on its last legs.

12-07-2023, 02:11 PM

Reserve Bank leaves official cash rate unchanged at 5.5%

Stop, Stop - you crazy RB Bankers - there's an Election that's causing issues and we dont want any more carnage out there ;)

12-07-2023, 02:15 PM
With the property market looking like a Jenga tower I’m not sure that too many home owners ‘in the middle’ would be cheering on a CGT right at the moment. The time to introduce one was about a decade ago. Right now - with a lot of mortgage refixing set to take place this year - we are about to pay the price for fostering a ponzi scheme which is on its last legs.

A Property ponzi scheme under Labour ? .. Never - how could that be ? ;)

Well, it seems like they started one fuelled by all the borrowed Billions translating to low interest rates
whether they liked it or not .. the old supply cobbled by higher demand ..

Didn't Labour want to see the property market crashed ? A Wealth Tax would sure put the icing on
the cake for that to happen, as everyone runs to exit .. What are they thinking ?

Chippie might have really put Nosey Parker's beak out of joint not wanting a bar of what the
Comrades wanted on the near future plan :)

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 02:16 PM

Budget documents show Government scrambled to avoid 2-year delay to surplus

Sounds like a madhatter's fiscal circus - compete with a performing Clown dragged in from a schoolhouse
where no lessons were learned ;)

‘The Budget’ was obviously absolute fantasy and was clearly a redundant document even before it was unveiled to the public.
Credit ratings agencies will be looking on baffled and dismayed by what is going on here; this looks like the opposite of ‘careful and prudent fiscal management’.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 02:17 PM

Reserve Bank leaves official cash rate unchanged at 5.5%

Stop, Stop - you crazy RB Bankers - there's an Election that's causing issues and we dont want any more carnage out there ;)

As I mentioned, Orr had already said weeks ago that the Reserve Bank was done hiking.

12-07-2023, 02:24 PM

PM Chris Hipkins says poll showing four-year low in support for Labour sends 'a message'

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says he has received the “message” provided by voters in a poll showing Labour has reached a four-year low in support.

"Any poll result like that is disappointing, but it is real, and I take it seriously,” Hipkins said while in Lithuania, overnight Wednesday.

“It is an indication that New Zealanders don't feel like we've been focused on the issues that they want us to be focused on, and I think that's a message that the whole of the Labour Party will hear.”

Labour returned its lowest result since 2019 in the poll, which showed its support had slumped five points to 31% of voters, placing it five points below the National Party, at 36%.

Sounds like news from HQ might be a bit slow filtering through ;)

12-07-2023, 02:27 PM
‘The Budget’ was obviously absolute fantasy and was clearly a redundant document even before it was unveiled to the public.
Credit ratings agencies will be looking on baffled and dismayed by what is going on here; this looks like the opposite of ‘careful and prudent fiscal management’.

Of course it was .. all the mystery barrels must have been found mislabelled full after, and no-one bothered checking..

So Robbo was left fumbling and having to fudget it in Election year with empty tins ;)

Of course no-one stopped to realise that the good years were gone :)

Anyone would be mistaken if they could see a bar of ‘careful and prudent fiscal management’ over
the whole 5.5 years ;)

12-07-2023, 02:32 PM

Annual migration still running hot but signs of cooling

New Zealand gained almost 78,000 people thanks to migration in the year to May, although there are signs that the surge is tapering off.

Word must be getting around about the poor excuse for a shambles of a Sh!tshow that Labour have orchestrated around Aotearoa ;)


For first time in a decade, New Zealand is not named 'greatest country on Earth'

For a decade, New Zealand has been named the ‘greatest country on Earth’ by readers of The Telegraph in the UK. But that run has finally come to an end.

Aotearoa has been dethroned by South Africa as the country of choice by the 30,000 readers who voted in the latest poll.

12-07-2023, 02:43 PM

The Front Page: Why the coming economic storm could keep hitting Labour in the polls

The country might be in a technical recession, but for many Kiwis the worst is yet to come.

The latest report from Westpac shows that many New Zealanders are currently on to higher mortgage rates, leading to enormous pressure on household finances. As time goes by and more fixed mortgage rates expire, this pain will spread across the country.

Add to this the prediction from economists that we could see as many as 150,000 job cuts as the unemployment rate returns to historic averages and you have a dangerous cocktail for an incumbent government.

“The main two things that hurt a Government [in the polls] are rising unemployment and higher mortgage rates because they’re felt by most people,” Newstalk ZB chief political editor Jason Walls tells The Front Page podcast.

“When people start losing their jobs, it starts to become a lot more real.”

Welcome to Labour's approaching nightmare of nightmares

Expect little support from these clueless Govt goons - Robbo has already emptied the tin

and borrowed up to the highwater mark plus some ..

Enjoy while you can ;)

12-07-2023, 03:04 PM
Panic in Labour Camp:

Polls falling - they dont love us as much .. how come those Pollsters know before us ?

Fast move - No Wealth Tax .. as much as it will cause Robbo's & Parkers grundy elastic to fray badly
and likely snap in all the confusion..

Hide Kiri Allan in back room, as no-one to replace her .. can't have her screeching wrong speeches
in public or throwing out any more dirty laundry .. apply cover so she thinks it's night time.

Muzzle Kelvin Davis in back room on all the Oranga Disaster BS and continuing failures to do anything
(Hope like h3ll the installed copshop talent can knock some order to the little punks on it)

Spin pink fluffies on Trade Deal even the Aussies would rather choke than sign up for

Make sure no interest hike, even if Large Aussie Banks still increase their sting

See if Robbo can find any full barrels mislabeled empty in error to fill large gaping gap or even
say he think he know where some might be hidden

Smile sweetly, pull many clown faces (as if no butt hurt) and hope it does job

Anything missed ? ;)

12-07-2023, 03:39 PM
A Property ponzi scheme under Labour ? .. Never - how could that be ? ;)

Wait until National make their proposed changes - property will boom again.
I'll be able to make more millions in un-taxed capital gain :t_up: :t_up:

12-07-2023, 04:36 PM
Panic in Labour Camp:

Polls falling - they dont love us as much .. how come those Pollsters know before us ?

Fast move - No Wealth Tax .. as much as it will cause Robbo's & Parkers grundy elastic to fray badly
and likely snap in all the confusion..

Hide Kiri Allan in back room, as no-one to replace her .. can't have her screeching wrong speeches
in public or throwing out any more dirty laundry .. apply cover so she thinks it's night time.

Muzzle Kelvin Davis in back room on all the Oranga Disaster BS and continuing failures to do anything
(Hope like h3ll the installed copshop talent can knock some order to the little punks on it)

Spin pink fluffies on Trade Deal even the Aussies would rather choke than sign up for

Make sure no interest hike, even if Large Aussie Banks still increase their sting

See if Robbo can find any full barrels mislabeled empty in error to fill large gaping gap or even
say he think he know where some might be hidden

Smile sweetly, pull many clown faces (as if no butt hurt) and hope it does job

Anything missed ? ;)

Yes the voter swing is not going to National but minor parties. Says it all really about Luxon's National.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 04:53 PM
Absolutely extraordinary from Hipkins today: "they wanted to tax you more - but I stopped them!"

He must be under immense pressure from the idealogues. Robbo saw off Ardern over the CGT issue, so is Hipkins now next in the firing line, and now appealing directly to the public?

Didn't Stuart Nash have to jog on because he revealed Cabinet secrets? I cannot imagine a bigger revelation that "they wanted to tax you more - but I stopped them!"

12-07-2023, 04:57 PM
Tax a relative minority of NZers... that have hoodwinked the rest via talk radio memes.

Oh well, there's still the 38% rate.

Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 05:02 PM
Tax a relative minority of NZers... that have hoodwinked the rest via talk radio memes.

Oh well, there's still the 38% rate.

That's all rather beside the point when it seems it's the PM vs the disaffected Robbo faction.

12-07-2023, 05:28 PM
Yes the voter swing is not going to National but minor parties. Says it all really about Luxon's National.

More like Labour starting to start slip sliding down the toilet, as the hard reality of the recent terms of gross
incompetence comes swinging to bite the masses hard .. ;)

12-07-2023, 05:30 PM
Absolutely extraordinary from Hipkins today: "they wanted to tax you more - but I stopped them!"

He must be under immense pressure from the idealogues. Robbo saw off Ardern over the CGT issue, so is Hipkins now next in the firing line, and now appealing directly to the public?

Didn't Stuart Nash have to jog on because he revealed Cabinet secrets? I cannot imagine a bigger revelation that "they wanted to tax you more - but I stopped them!"

What - No "Don't you know who I am ?" emitted from the hapless spinning Chumpkins ? ;)

12-07-2023, 05:32 PM
Tax a relative minority of NZers... that have hoodwinked the rest via talk radio memes.

Oh well, there's still the 38% rate.

while the rest enjoy the Labour 2023 Show Stopper Nightmare of nightmares orchestrated by Chump & his clueless mates ? ;)

Many wont stay around to see how many silly clown faces he pulls shortly after :)

12-07-2023, 05:34 PM
Wait until National make their proposed changes - property will boom again.
I'll be able to make more millions in un-taxed capital gain :t_up: :t_up:

Must be a bit slow if not awake to it, while Labour were sitting around ignorant to what they inadvertently
had created .. :)

12-07-2023, 05:39 PM

New Taxpayers’ Union - Curia poll delivers more bad news to Labour’s Chris Hipkins

It is the second poll this week to show a drop for Labour after a Talbot Mills poll for its corporate clients showed it had dropped five points to 31 per cent.

Is Chumpkins still trying to pull silly clown faces ? :)

12-07-2023, 05:42 PM

Education: Govt spends $1m to ‘raise awareness’ but not increase school attendance rates with campaign

Schools in - attendance now optional - when the Waka of Transport incompetence is working and Teachers
aren't so p!ssed off - they're on strike .. etc ;)

Of course some will be taking alternative classes learning the finer points of Ram Raiding and a few chapters of petty and not so petty burglary etc instead :)

12-07-2023, 05:46 PM

Grant Robertson considered taxing banks’ ‘windfall’ profits

Anything that that Robbo didn't consider taxing to fill a large self dug gap ? ;)

So the Australian Banking cartels get a lucky break - because if he had have hit them, it would have
been the Mother of a All economic disasters for NZ Inc and likely shut the curtains if he had of moved ..

Instead all hocked up borrowers get screwed over with impunity by the Banking Cartels ;)

Must have known .. letting the Kiwi sacrificial lambs pay the price was a lesser evil to large Aussie
Bank clodhoppers hot on his tail, lining up his pimply white backside for a volley of King Shots ;)

12-07-2023, 05:58 PM

A calamity for Māori’: Hawke’s Bay councillor argues Matariki fires a public health hazard

Didn't take long for Matariki fanfares to get screwed - did it ? :)

How fast can the exemption passes get printed ?

Or will the soon to be deemed 'Racist Councils' following the book of sometimes idiot rules go on a Bad List ? ;)

12-07-2023, 06:09 PM
The trend is getting established with Labour clinging on at 31% and Hipkins is getting found out, dropping to 23%.


What happened to the heady days of 'Chippie' polling at 33%?

Well, NZers have figured out who and what he really really is :

A failure in his portfolios


A puppet


A Con-Artist like Cluesless Cindy


Logen Ninefingers
12-07-2023, 07:57 PM
Why on earth would anyone have thought she was 'aligned to Labour'?!


'The poster of a video National leader Christopher Luxon described as “another Labour hit job”, says she went along to the public meeting “absolutely in good faith” and is not aligned to Labour.

Kate Davis, the poster of the video, said she went along to the meeting as a member of the public and as a PSA union organiser.'

13-07-2023, 07:50 AM
The trend is getting established with Labour clinging on at 31% and Hipkins is getting found out, dropping to 23%.


What happened to the heady days of 'Chippie' polling at 33%?

Well, NZers have figured out who and what he really really is :

A failure in his portfolios


A puppet


A Con-Artist like Cluesless Cindy


Well that's one way of reading the poll with one eye closed.

Both major parties down in the polls but National down by more than Labour.

The Green's performing well just shy of 9% which is a bit of a surprise, perhaps their tax policy has taken a few votes from Labour.

NZF is on the radar and could end up being the King maker.

Chippie down considerably, Luxon at only 20%!
The poll released only a few days earlier showed Chippie a lot higher, so this poll is not to be relied on.
Let's see if the next poll backs it up.

Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2023, 10:58 AM
The media and Chipkins will no doubt cook up some more ‘spread your legs’ and ‘walking out if the bush to a press conference’ stunts to try and reverse his decline.

13-07-2023, 11:12 AM
Since you're so twitchy about transparency, you don't seem to be aware of the high profile member of a political party who has been given name suppression until after the election & whose trial on child sex abuse charges has been set back until after the election because it could affect the fortunes of their political party, esp one so vocal on consequences for young offenders & law & order.

I trust you're not just making this stuff up and have some facts to base this serious allegation on. Are you suggesting that the courts are doing a particular and unnamed political party a favour until after the election ? I know you and Labour are desperate and the mudslinging has well and truly started, but this level is pretty low.

13-07-2023, 11:20 AM
Well that's one way of reading the poll with one eye closed.

Both major parties down in the polls but National down by more than Labour.

The Green's performing well just shy of 9% which is a bit of a surprise, perhaps their tax policy has taken a few votes from Labour.

NZF is on the radar and could end up being the King maker.

Chippie down considerably, Luxon at only 20%!
The poll released only a few days earlier showed Chippie a lot higher, so this poll is not to be relied on.
Let's see if the next poll backs it up.

One eyed? Certainly agree with you on that - except who is really being one-eyed?


"Labour is on the ropes following back-to-back bad poll results, which will have them very worried, according to a political pundit.

Two days ago, the latest Talbot Mills poll showed Labour had pulled in just 31 percent of support while National soared to 36 percent. The right bloc also had its biggest lead on the left since 2017.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins also suffered a six-point drop in the preferred Prime Minister rankings - down to 32 percent but National leader Christopher Luxon also fell a point to 21 percent.

A day later, the latest Taxpayers' Union - Curia poll showed similar results for Labour. It pulled 31 percent, while National was just ahead on 33 percent.

Hipkins took a big hit as preferred Prime Minister, dropping from 29 percent to 23 percent, while Luxon dropped three points to 20 percent."

Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2023, 11:49 AM
One eyed? Certainly agree with you on that - except who is really being one-eyed?


"Labour is on the ropes following back-to-back bad poll results, which will have them very worried, according to a political pundit.

Two days ago, the latest Talbot Mills poll showed Labour had pulled in just 31 percent of support while National soared to 36 percent. The right bloc also had its biggest lead on the left since 2017.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins also suffered a six-point drop in the preferred Prime Minister rankings - down to 32 percent but National leader Christopher Luxon also fell a point to 21 percent.

A day later, the latest Taxpayers' Union - Curia poll showed similar results for Labour. It pulled 31 percent, while National was just ahead on 33 percent.

Hipkins took a big hit as preferred Prime Minister, dropping from 29 percent to 23 percent, while Luxon dropped three points to 20 percent."

He’s started talking up the chances of Winston First.

13-07-2023, 12:20 PM

Definitely looking more and more like a chip off the Clueless Cindy block as we approach October!

Even to the same extent of ruling out a CGT or Wealth Tax while he is PM!



13-07-2023, 12:30 PM

Bank workers feel 'shafted' as they battle to get pay increases while banks earn mega profits

Bank workers say they feel their pay is being “shafted” in favour of profits.

Westpac First Union members rejected an “insulting” pay offer this week, which they say is not enough considering the bank’s large profits.

First Union national organiser finance Callum Francis said the sentiment was felt by workers across the industry who said their pay was not increasing while banks basked in profits.

More than 95% of members voted to reject a 7% pay increase over 18-months offer from and after four months of bargaining. Westpac responded with an offer of an additional one-off lump sum payment of $1000.

Oh Robbo - so you granted an windfall exemption for these model corporates who look after their staff very well ? ;)

Along with their Customers on no OCR hike up too :)

The Employees must be wondering if you and your clueless Govt Front Bench mates enjoy being shafted :)

The October shafting coming up soon is bound to be a good one for Beehive Bunglers :)

Blue Skies
13-07-2023, 12:31 PM
I trust you're not just making this stuff up and have some facts to base this serious allegation on. Are you suggesting that the courts are doing a particular and unnamed political party a favour until after the election ? I know you and Labour are desperate and the mudslinging has well and truly started, but this level is pretty low.

Surprised you're unaware of this, no am not making anything up, its fairly common knowledge in certain circles & frequently mentioned on social media but can't be reported by main media due suppression orders.
Seems if you have the right powerful connections, you get treated differently to everybody else.
No way I'm going to identify them or their party as would break the law.
But lets just say a significant figure & it would undermine & embarrass the hell out of any pronouncements on consequences for young offenders & law & order from this particular party if identified.

13-07-2023, 12:54 PM
Surprised you're unaware of this, no am not making anything up, its fairly common knowledge in certain circles & frequently mentioned on social media but can't be reported by main media due suppression orders.
Seems if you have the right powerful connections, you get treated differently to everybody else.
No way I'm going to identify them or their party as would break the law.
But lets just say a significant figure & it would undermine & embarrass the hell out of any pronouncements on consequences for young offenders & law & order from this particular party if identified.

You didn't answer iceman's question. Your original post essentially said that a political party influenced the judiciary to suppress a name and ergo their political affiliation, and to delay a court appearance, in order to not affect the party's chances in the election.

That is preposterous!

13-07-2023, 12:58 PM
Surprised you're unaware of this, no am not making anything up, its fairly common knowledge in certain circles & frequently mentioned on social media but can't be reported by main media due suppression orders.
Seems if you have the right powerful connections, you get treated differently to everybody else.
No way I'm going to identify them or their party as would break the law.
But lets just say a significant figure & it would undermine & embarrass the hell out of any pronouncements on consequences for young offenders & law & order from this particular party if identified.

Sounds like a load of nonsense you are spouting there BS. Either pony up, or don't make slurs.

13-07-2023, 01:02 PM

Food prices increase 12.5% annually in June

Labour just love seeing everyone getting screwed hard over and over

July wont be much better with hiked Fuel Tax heist going round and round either :)

13-07-2023, 01:07 PM

Oranga Tamariki turns to Student Job Search to staff Auckland youth justice facility

Oranga Tamariki has turned to Student Job Search to fill vacancies at its Auckland youth justice facility, after it stood down staff over conduct concerns.

Labour's Child Minister - Comrade Kelvin in Beehive still snoozing ? ;)

Shame .. probably yet another thing he wasn't aware of .. then wonders why problem keep coming up :)

13-07-2023, 01:11 PM

PM Chris Hipkins misses chance for bilateral meeting with Ukraine President

What ? .. No burned stale Sausage Roll for Ukrainian President ? ;)

Chumpie - you disgraceful shocker piking on that opportunity :)

Don't worry .. he probably was too busy elsewhere & didn't miss much :)

13-07-2023, 01:26 PM

Treasury dubbed big four bank profits 'supernormal' in advice on windfall taxtax

Robbo - they saying no Windfall Bank profit after all .. just supernormal - from those sitting on pile of Treasure that isn't really there :)

Now how Bank profits get tied into to Super Normal Hawke's Bay Cyclone event rebuild might have many amused ;)

Who pay for Northland ?

Who pay for Auckland ?

Who pay for Bay of Plenty ?

Who pay for Gisborne ?

Or did Nash & the ensuing trail of clueless Cyclone Minister fill-ins lose the rest of the file in changeovers ? ;)

What was being smoked at the time and was the correct ration prescribed for fumbling Labour Front Bench Fiscal pretenders or too much too stale ? ;)

Might be quite a bit of Wind fall out of Labour sails come October .. in a Super Normal way :)

13-07-2023, 01:48 PM

Feral stoat seen scurrying around biosecurity declaration area at Auckland International Airport

Someone missing from Chumpy's little visiting party - returning from Europe ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2023, 06:20 PM

‘Treasury cautioned the Government against its $1.2 billion early childhood education big Budget announcement to extend the 20 hours fees free scheme to 2-year-olds.

A pre-budget Treasury briefing warned there was a risk of “significant deadweight cost” and “relatively low value for money” as the increased subsidies were unlikely to be passed fully on to parents.

“A key limitation is that services may choose to not pass subsidy increases on to whānau through reduced fees,” it noted.’

13-07-2023, 07:24 PM
Since you're so twitchy about transparency, you don't seem to be aware of the high profile member of a political party who has been given name suppression until after the election & whose trial on child sex abuse charges has been set back until after the election because it could affect the fortunes of their political party, esp one so vocal on consequences for young offenders & law & order.

I trust you're not just making this stuff up and have some facts to base this serious allegation on. Are you suggesting that the courts are doing a particular and unnamed political party a favour until after the election ? I know you and Labour are desperate and the mudslinging has well and truly started, but this level is pretty low.

Surprised you're unaware of this, no am not making anything up, its fairly common knowledge in certain circles & frequently mentioned on social media but can't be reported by main media due suppression orders.
Seems if you have the right powerful connections, you get treated differently to everybody else.
No way I'm going to identify them or their party as would break the law.
But lets just say a significant figure & it would undermine & embarrass the hell out of any pronouncements on consequences for young offenders & law & order from this particular party if identified.

You didn't answer iceman's question. Your original post essentially said that a political party influenced the judiciary to suppress a name and ergo their political affiliation, and to delay a court appearance, in order to not affect the party's chances in the election.

That is preposterous!

Strangely quiet BS?

Perhaps not surprising that you might have missed these in the storm of spam coming from nztx polluting the thread with articles we probably have already read in the media.

So here's the key points, it would not be unreasonable imo for you to be asked to defend why you think that the Judiciary has been influenced by a political party, to name suppress an accused child sex abuser, and defer trial to after the election, just to save the party from embarrassment and criticism leading up to the election.

It might help to divulge your sources and explain the voracity of them, for example, post some links to these social media posts and we can decide for ourselves whether this has substance.

It is preposturous to suggest the Judiciary can or is influenced by a political party. Evidence please.

13-07-2023, 07:55 PM
Yep fair call Baa Baa. Name suppression can be in place to protect the victims or until the suspect is proven guilty or found innocent etc.
It's reasonable considering the damage it can do to someone's reputation when they haven't yet faced the outcome of the justice system and obviously the media circus resulting in the accused name being released can influence the jury pool selection process.

13-07-2023, 08:32 PM
Yep fair call Baa Baa. Name suppression can be in place to protect the victims or until the suspect is proven guilty or found innocent etc.
It's reasonable considering the damage it can do to someone's reputation when they haven't yet faced the outcome of the justice system and obviously the media circus resulting in the accused name being released can influence the jury pool selection process.

Yes Daytr, that's all true, but it doesn't ameliorate or excuse the implied, even suggested, political party influence on the Judiciary, by BS.

It is so wrong to suggest that which amounts to corruption, it would be a travesty of justice and an enormous contravention of the separation of the three pillars of governance.

It simply cannot be right, or if it is, there would be an enquiry to uncover the corruption that BS purports to have happened. This is not a trivial matter, whether or not BS brought it up as part of his diatribe of defences for the Labour party, by attacking the other party's is irrelevant, imo.

What is relevant is that BS seems to be willing to convey that the Judiciary has been influenced by some unknown political party, in order to not affect their chances of being elected, AND the Judiciary agreed to do that by not naming a defendant and deferring trial until after the election!

This is an outrageous preposterous claim, it needs to be exposed for whether it has any truth behind it. I have no concern for BS's reputation or credibility as I have no respect for either of them, but to drag this here-say into the public domain, based apparently on social media postings that apparently we should know about even though many of us may not actually engage in any of the de-rigour social media channels, is appalling.

BS needs to front this and explain it, identify and validate the source, and the reason why he puts it out there as the truth. It is so profoundly far from the separation of the three pillars of government, that it suggests corruption, of the Judiciary!! Unbelievable.

He said this
Since you're so twitchy about transparency, you don't seem to be aware of the high profile member of a political party who has been given name suppression until after the election & whose trial on child sex abuse charges has been set back until after the election because it could affect the fortunes of their political party, esp one so vocal on consequences for young offenders & law & order.

Logen Ninefingers
13-07-2023, 08:47 PM
Yes Daytr, that's all true, but it doesn't ameliorate or excuse the implied, even suggested, political party influence on the Judiciary, by BS.

It is so wrong to suggest that which amounts to corruption, it would be a travesty of justice and an enormous contravention of the separation of the three pillars of governance.

It simply cannot be right, or if it is, there would be an enquiry to uncover the corruption that BS purports to have happened. This is not a trivial matter, whether or not BS brought it up as part of his diatribe of defences for the Labour party, by attacking the other party's is irrelevant, imo.

What is relevant is that BS seems to be willing to convey that the Judiciary has been influenced by some unknown political party, in order to not affect their chances of being elected, AND the Judiciary agreed to do that by not naming a defendant and deferring trial until after the election!

This is an outrageous preposterous claim, it needs to be exposed for whether it has any truth behind it. I have no concern for BS's reputation or credibility as I have no respect for either of them, but to drag this here-say into the public domain, based apparently on social media postings that apparently we should know about even though many of us may not actually engage in any of the de-rigour social media channels, is appalling.

BS needs to front this and explain it, identify and validate the source, and the reason why he puts it out there as the truth. It is so profoundly far from the separation of the three pillars of government, that it suggests corruption, of the Judiciary!! Unbelievable.

He said this


Disgraceful post indeed from BS. Totally unsubstantiated hearsay (or totally made up) pulled from who knows where, smearing two political parties (that he is vehemently opposed to) plus our judiciary.

13-07-2023, 09:40 PM
just watching replay of the news I see the free "school lunches" come in plastic containers + lids ?? made from crude oil ... around Million per week ??? straight to the bin ?? my kids have lunch boxes along with recyclable food containers and even wraps ... and I'm pro Crude oil !!!! how many greenie parents happy with the million + plastic containers per week >>>

Blue Skies
13-07-2023, 09:56 PM
Sorry guys, been busy & don't spend all my time on this thread & only just seen this has been an ongoing discussion.

Here's some of story from the Herald, naturally it didn't take long for social media to identify the accused but Im certainly not going to.

I never said or even implied any Political Party influenced the judge to postpone the trial or give name suppression, but you can see the accused lawyer successfully argued because of his clients position the case would have become a political football in an election year , defusing a potential election bombshell.

Judge Anna Skellern said in her judgement " I accept publication of the applicants name (withheld) against a backdrop of his former role in a prominent political party would very likely result in the case becoming the subject of intense media interest and a political football. This is particularly the case in election year"

And who had to resign earlier this year not long after someone expressed complete confidence in them?



14-07-2023, 07:36 AM
just watching replay of the news I see the free "school lunches" come in plastic containers + lids ?? made from crude oil ... around Million per week ??? straight to the bin ?? my kids have lunch boxes along with recyclable food containers and even wraps ... and I'm pro Crude oil !!!! how many greenie parents happy with the million + plastic containers per week >>>

Good question for the green / red party and Dame Ardern and her "nuclear moment" on climate change.

14-07-2023, 08:04 AM
Guy ranting and raving at the local last night says his mate who works close to Labour central reveals David Parker and Grant Robertson are planning to roll Hipkins. Megan Woods doing the numbers. Apparently Hipkins killing CGT and other tax changes is their final straw. Lots of very angry lefties are fuming

Love such speculation

14-07-2023, 08:16 AM
They should have stopped with their maori stuff.. it created an agenda where there was none before.

Their vote has splintered to the greens + MP rather than only one party.

14-07-2023, 08:16 AM
Guy rantingband raving atbthe local last night says his mate who works close to Labour central reveals David Parker and Grant Robertson are planning to roll Hipkins. Megan Woods doing the numbers. Apparently Hipkins killing CGT and other tax changes is their final straw. Lots of very angry lefties are fuming

Love such speculation

Hipkins better watch his backside then - Robertson would be looking forward to give him one from the back? :eek2:

14-07-2023, 08:20 AM
Robertson has no appeal at all outside wellington.

Rule number one in politics is to put someone who lacks charisma in the finance minister spot to prevent these sort of leadership issues (bill english/robertson)

14-07-2023, 08:42 AM
Hipkins better watch his backside then - Robertson would be looking forward to give him one from the back? :eek2:

Hipkins’ gift to Robertson from the Ukraine!

Yup - Robertson would have been mighty pxssed off, not only having to watch his cherished ‘soak the rich’ wealth tax ‘rolled’ by Hipkins but having to be the one to explain why.

David Parker & Robertson have been diligently and obsessively working on the wealth tax for the last few years (since Clueless Cindy scrapped a CGT) and to have it pulled at the last hour before the budget must have really wounded his wafer-thin sensitive ego.

Hipkins have got to go!


“But I’m also a team player,” he told media, not once but twice.

Robertson can’t be blamed for feeling let down by the team given the timing of the announcement, and the substance of it.

He pointed to “social justice and fairness” as being big drivers for him, yet Hipkins’ decision to not pursue a wealth or capital gains tax makes it incredibly difficult to fulfil a principle Labour and Robertson stand for – fairness in the tax system.

The Green Party will win from this by pulling votes off Labour, and a few more voters in the middle might stick with Labour because of it.“


Logen Ninefingers
14-07-2023, 09:09 AM
‘TVNZ forecasts $15.6 million loss’

14-07-2023, 09:09 AM
deleted deleted

Logen Ninefingers
14-07-2023, 09:15 AM
Hipkins has absolutely presented this as “they wanted to tax you more - but I stopped them!”

Voters will be eyeing Robbo as the guy who will stick them with new taxes whether they are in the manifesto or not. He must be stoked with Hipkins right now.

14-07-2023, 09:20 AM
Hipkins has absolutely presented this as “they wanted to tax you more - but I stopped them!”

Voters will be eyeing Robbo as the guy who will stick them with new taxes whether they are in the manifesto or not. He must be stoked with Hipkins right now.

Robbo must be crying out for his days in the sun with Clueless Cindy - the days when they implemented any number of policies with their underlying philosophy :

"Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can tax you hard and give to those who don't."

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/m/e/0/c/8/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .1meu2u.png/1508486707297.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

14-07-2023, 09:23 AM
deleted deleted

14-07-2023, 09:40 AM
Sounds a lot like someone I know.

Make no mistake, Grant Robertson is a nasty piece of work when he wants things his way.

14-07-2023, 09:50 AM
Sounds a lot like someone I know.

Happy Matariki, JAK!

Hope you are celebrating Aotearoa's very own Maori New Year!

And trust that you are commemorating this Taonga gifted by the Maoris to all NZers in appropriate ways - do remember the ABC of making Matariki super special and free of all that crass Western celebrations like getting drunk and going to shopping malls for New Year sales.

Kai pai to ra!

14-07-2023, 10:05 AM
Sorry guys, been busy & don't spend all my time on this thread & only just seen this has been an ongoing discussion.

Here's some of story from the Herald, naturally it didn't take long for social media to identify the accused but Im certainly not going to.

I never said or even implied any Political Party influenced the judge to postpone the trial or give name suppression, but you can see the accused lawyer successfully argued because of his clients position the case would have become a political football in an election year , defusing a potential election bombshell.

Judge Anna Skellern said in her judgement " I accept publication of the applicants name (withheld) against a backdrop of his former role in a prominent political party would very likely result in the case becoming the subject of intense media interest and a political football. This is particularly the case in election year"

And who had to resign earlier this year not long after someone expressed complete confidence in them?



Wow the links you have posted confirm how low you stoop. Saying it is a high profile member of a political party and suggesting the courts are corrupt by continuing name suppression until the trial.
It has nothing to do with the election and even the Herald, despite alarmist headlines, simply reports this:

He was not as prominent as entertainment figures who were household names and had been granted lengthy periods of interim name suppression, she said.

“He’s a former political figure,” McClintock said.

“He’s not asserted by the Crown to be a household name.”

Thanks also for confirming what type of sleazy social media you frequent. Your original post on this issue is shameful.

14-07-2023, 10:06 AM
Seems if you have the right powerful connections, you get treated differently to everybody else.

I never said or even implied any Political Party influenced the judge to postpone the trial or give name suppression ...

You can slither around this as much as you want, but it is you that are doing precisely what the judge decided on avoiding by granting name suppression, making this a "political football". You literally brought up this non-story on the political threads here!

Given that you staunchly defend Labour and stridently attack National, we can probably assume that by your promotion of this smear, it is a person affiliated with the opposition.

You stoop to such low levels, it is a disgrace to you. Shame on you.

14-07-2023, 11:53 AM
Just remember Blue Skies = BS = Labour Party.

14-07-2023, 12:52 PM
You can slither around this as much as you want, but it is you that are doing precisely what the judge decided on avoiding by granting name suppression, making this a "political football". You literally brought up this non-story on the political threads here!

Given that you staunchly defend Labour and stridently attack National, we can probably assume that by your promotion of this smear, it is a person affiliated with the opposition.

You stoop to such low levels, it is a disgrace to you. Shame on you.

Thanks for saving this on the web BaaBaa before BS deletes his BS

Blue Skies
14-07-2023, 01:09 PM
Wow the links you have posted confirm how low you stoop. Saying it is a high profile member of a political party and suggesting the courts are corrupt by continuing name suppression until the trial.
It has nothing to do with the election and even the Herald, despite alarmist headlines, simply reports this:

He was not as prominent as entertainment figures who were household names and had been granted lengthy periods of interim name suppression, she said.

“He’s a former political figure,” McClintock said.

“He’s not asserted by the Crown to be a household name.”

Thanks also for confirming what type of sleazy social media you frequent. Your original post on this issue is shameful.

Extraordinary !
If you read my post again you'll see I never pointed to a political party as interfering with suppression orders, it was the accused lawyer who successfully argued for that, and the judge agreed in her written statement it would become a political football in this election year.

Here's my post - "Since you're so twitchy about transparency, you don't seem to be aware of the high profile member of a political party who has been given name suppression until after the election & whose trial on child sex abuse charges has been set back until after the election because it could affect the fortunes of their political party, esp one so vocal on consequences for young offenders & law & order."

Baba unfortunately drew the conclusion it was a political party rather than the accused lawyer, posted that & now other posters are attributing that same incorrect conclusion to me.

Secondly the accused was (they had to resign ) most definitely a very significant figure in a political party, (but most Kiwis are far more familiar with prominent entertainment figures who are household names than our political figures) & as stated the accused lawyer "has avoided a potential political bombshell in election year" (not my words)

Thirdly the so called sleazy social media is Twitter & compared to some of the stuff on here its rocks thrown in glasshouses.
( got a nasty evil threatening rep from FTG.)

There was an interesting discussion on RNZ yesterday about Suppression orders & how out of step we have become with other countries, & how they are being used to interfere with natural justice, i.e. the rich & powerful seem to frequently block their names being made public for unreasonably long periods, for example the recent case of Sir James Wallace who managed to keep his name suppressed for several years by repeated appeals.

You might want to think about this in terms of natural justice rather than how the law stands at the moment, & if this trial went ahead now & the accused name was made public, it could affect the way people vote in the upcoming election.
Post election, will we have people who say if i'ld know that, I wouldn't have voted that way ? Maybe.

This is a political thread, & you might pretend its a non-story but when you have the Herald saying things like the accused lawyer has avoided a political bombshell in election year, many would disagree with you.

There certainly has been lots of discussion on Twitter & no doubt other social media, but for some reason, posters on this thread, seem to get outraged if its tangentially referred to here in response to the frequent over & over again accusations of lack of transparency by any Labour politician (e.g. Kiri Allen txts) including ones where the Chief Ombudsman ha said there is no case to answer.

14-07-2023, 02:50 PM
Extraordinary !

Extraordinary indeed. Despite effectively cornering & "trapping" yourself, you continue to slip & slide around with the narrative just like a career politician. Not only attempting to wriggle away from taking ANY responsibility for your poor comms, but going on to double-down on your fundamentally weak position.

( got a nasty evil threatening rep from FTG.

Incorrect. Further BS from your Blue Skies. Read it again, sllloooooowly if need be. To be very clear. I make no threats, simply observations.

14-07-2023, 05:33 PM
Extraordinary indeed. Despite effectively cornering & "trapping" yourself, you continue to slip & slide around with the narrative just like a career politician. Not only attempting to wriggle away from taking ANY responsibility for your poor comms, but going on to double-down from your fundamentally weak position.

Incorrect. Further BS from your Blue Skies. Read it again, sllloooooowly if need be. To be very clear. I make no threats, simply observations.

BS thinks that he can behave like Clueless Cindy, the mistress of spin & BS, and nobody would notice still.

What a loser.

14-07-2023, 05:44 PM

Retail crime: Almost 400 ram raids in six months, judge tells young offender the public have had enough


Auckland police take five people into custody following two separate incidents involving stolen vehicles


Matariki celebrations in Shannon, Horowhenua, canceled after stolen car ploughs into vehicle, cop injured

Labour's handle on things Law and Order brings us what ? ;)

14-07-2023, 05:49 PM

Kiri Allan allegations: Minister returning to work Monday, Prime Minister says

Justice Minister Kiri Allan has apologised to anyone who has found her behaviour towards them unacceptable.

”I will also offer that apology personally to anyone who wants to talk to me individually,” Allan said in a statement released this afternoon.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said he met with Allan this morning to discuss her recent leave and allegations made against her.

She will return to work on Monday and resume her full duties. She will receive “extra coaching to support her to create the positive working environment both of us are committed to”, he said.

Sorry - Chumpy can't afford to dunk her out .. no-one else available from shallow bird bath to fill vacancy months before election

Defective talent gets an exemption to try again after much excuses and a%se covering to try make problem go away ;)

that's what happens when there is a Labour Front bench of incompetent nincompoops lead by a weak kneed Chump who has failed all the grades, now frantically pulling clown faces trying to keep the circus in order ;)

14-07-2023, 05:56 PM

More than a third of Auckland’s bus network shut down indefinitely as talks collapse

More than a third of Auckland’s bus network will be shut down after strike action continues by union drivers for NZ Bus-operated routes.

It will impact about 4000 trips per day and “tens of thousands of Aucklanders” according to Auckland Transport (AT).

The boss of NZ Bus also slammed union members for the elevation in strike action today, calling them “disingenuous and incredibly unhelpful”.

More Bus to nowhere around SuperSh!tty with all wheels fallen off ahead folks ;)

Govt too busy applying band aids elsewhere, and issuing instruction to count pot holes to see if they
have multiplied while the Head Chipmonk was on holiday overseas giving out burned sausage rolls ;)

14-07-2023, 06:33 PM

Wealth tax 'would create compliance headaches, little gain'

A wealth tax as proposed by the Government could have been expensive and complicated, for relatively limited benefit, tax experts say.

Deloitte tax partner Robyn Walker said there were only three countries in the OECD that had a wealth tax – Norway, Spain and Switzerland. She said there was some evidence that when countries introduced a wealth tax, or extended one, it led to some high-net wealth individuals leaving.

Dumb Idea, the Experts are saying - Robbo ;)

The Ideology seeking Labour & Green retards focused on much inwards navel gazing appear to have egg on their face yet again ;)

Of course Chumpie the Clown probably knew that the idea would see what few miserable chips he had left over would be well and truly burnt to a crisp ;)

Had to borrow that little play from the equally stupid Ardern past playbook so to weasel out of a potentially greater rejection disaster projectory :)

14-07-2023, 06:49 PM

Cabinet agrees to keep supermarket break-up option in back pocket

The Cabinet has agreed to keep a break-up of supermarket groups Countdown and Foodstuffs “in reserve” while it monitors the impact of its existing reforms of the grocery sector.

It could look more closely at the options and likely outcomes of forcing the supermarket chains to sell some of their stores to make way for new competitors “should it become clear that was needed to achieve a properly competitive grocery market”, Commerce Minister Duncan Webb advised fellow ministers.

Sorry Boys & Girls - too hard .. Labour says you can all continue enjoying all the nice COL price spirals

Not that Labour have slightest clue now, or in future on what some petty Supermarket meddling might bring ;)

After all, they have already most screwed up and trashed everything else they have laid eyes on so far ..

Another disaster right on Election time might result in the Performing Clown getting catapulted off the high rope and disgracing himself in front of all before being laughed out bouncing down the road ;)

14-07-2023, 07:03 PM

More than a third of Auckland’s bus network shut down indefinitely as talks collapse

More Bus to nowhere around SuperSh!tty with all wheels fallen off ahead folks ;)

Govt too busy applying band aids elsewhere, and issuing instruction to count pot holes to see if they
have multiplied while the Head Chipmonk was on holiday overseas giving out burned sausage rolls ;)

Several of your posts have nothing to do with central government including the building consents that were fraudulently approved.

Both these issues are Council level issues nothing to do with the Labour Government.

Your strategy of just firing mud hoping it sticks no matter how relevant just erodes your credibility. There are plenty of legitimate issues without blaming central government for irrelevant issues facing Wayne Brown etc.

Logen Ninefingers
14-07-2023, 10:16 PM
Several of your posts have nothing to do with central government including the building consents that were fraudulently approved.

Both these issues are Council level issues nothing to do with the Labour Government.

Your strategy of just firing mud hoping it sticks no matter how relevant just erodes your credibility. There are plenty of legitimate issues without blaming central government for irrelevant issues facing Wayne Brown etc.

Militant unions and the Left wing agenda of pushing everyone in NZ onto public transport - that’s on Labour and their Green allies. I live in a city where there is a huge fleet of largely empty buses driving around constantly emitting untold amounts of noxious fumes, all for Left wing ideological reasons. The bus drivers here are the highest paid in the country, and all they do is drive around with 1 or 2 seats occupied per trip - if they are lucky. Make it make sense! Why are people buying electric cars and scooters when the plan is to herd us all onto buses and trains like so many sheep?

14-07-2023, 10:30 PM

Māori Party launches at Matariki, says Prime Minister and Labour won’t call the shots come election night

A surging Te Pāti Māori is warning Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Labour they won’t be calling the shots come election day in response to his ruling out a wealth and/or capital gains tax.

The comments came as the party officially launched its election campaign at a Matariki festival Thursday evening in Henderson, West Auckland.

Who's a pretty Puppet pulling Clown faces - Chumpkins ? ;)

Looks like the minority splinter factions think they're taking turns on the job ;)

Give them an inch - they might want the lot .. No worries - likely bound to be an exemption
for the wealth tax impost, on top of income tax for them, if it ever makes the grades ..
for you know who .. all 16% of them - they're probably bigger stake holders in the local turf
than churches & their satellite commercial operations now .. by billions of taxpayer compo
payouts ;)

Vote for Labour - you know you can Trust Labour to take it from any coalition minority
knobs who want to jump in the queue to have a go :)

The same Labour who have already proven that they're drifting lost in outer space, have produced
little of any real value to majority of Kiwi's across 5.5 years - apart from deluding themselves
& emptying the tin plus a huge amount borrowed more, all frittered and squandered away .. :)

Who needs Labour when the fractionised factions think they can soon do it alone without having to
drag around the cumbersome carcase of a soon to be extinct Labour dinosaur tossed away as soon
as the bones become of no use along with a few desperate expendable cling-ons still attached ? ;)

Nothing like a little cannabalising the Labour target from the inside out .. waiting for things to implode
then all jumping overboard while Head Clown is fast asleep dreaming pink fuzziies, completely
unaware of the trojans hard at work within :)

and of course certain factions are all for Wealth Taxes (and of course Income Tax) ... just so long as it doesn't apply to them, being privileged factions exempted ; and everyone else winds up on the paying end :)

14-07-2023, 11:41 PM
Militant unions and the Left wing agenda of pushing everyone in NZ onto public transport - that’s on Labour and their Green allies. I live in a city where there is a huge fleet of largely empty buses driving around constantly emitting untold amounts of noxious fumes, all for Left wing ideological reasons. The bus drivers here are the highest paid in the country, and all they do is drive around with 1 or 2 seats occupied per trip - if they are lucky. Make it make sense! Why are people buying electric cars and scooters when the plan is to herd us all onto buses and trains like so many sheep?

Public transport aye.Guess who pays.

15-07-2023, 08:54 AM
Militant unions and the Left wing agenda of pushing everyone in NZ onto public transport - that’s on Labour and their Green allies. I live in a city where there is a huge fleet of largely empty buses driving around constantly emitting untold amounts of noxious fumes, all for Left wing ideological reasons. The bus drivers here are the highest paid in the country, and all they do is drive around with 1 or 2 seats occupied per trip - if they are lucky. Make it make sense! Why are people buying electric cars and scooters when the plan is to herd us all onto buses and trains like so many sheep?

I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.

15-07-2023, 09:40 AM
I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.


Tell us again about the 12,000 new state houses you claimed have been built by this useless government! :t_up:

Logen Ninefingers
15-07-2023, 09:42 AM
I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.

You can call whatever you like: I see the evidence every day with my own two eyes.

Logen Ninefingers
15-07-2023, 09:43 AM
I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.

Militant unions have been emboldened by this weak as water Left wing government, and councils and businesses will pay the price.

15-07-2023, 09:51 AM
I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.

Paraparaumu, very often you see big busses go past with 1 or 2, if you are lucky 5 people in them. They run every half hour, but outside peak times there is no patronage. Useless.

15-07-2023, 10:06 AM
Paraparaumu, very often you see big busses go past with 1 or 2, if you are lucky 5 people in them. They run every half hour, but outside peak times there is no patronage. Useless.

Doesn't surprise me from that location, with three train into the city being a much better option & the new motorway. How many patrons are on when the journey is complete? I.e how many more stops on the journey to puck up passengers?

Anywsy the buses patronage has nothing to do with the Labour or their union members.

Logen Ninefingers
15-07-2023, 10:54 AM
Doesn't surprise me from that location, with three train into the city being a much better option & the new motorway. How many patrons are on when the journey is complete? I.e how many more stops on the journey to puck up passengers?

Anywsy the buses patronage has nothing to do with the Labour or their union members.

Even Panda shows signs of being open minded on occasions. You style yourself as some sort of neutral but spend all your time running interference for the Left. Fact: NZ ratepayers and taxpayers are being royally shafted by the immense bureaucratic machine set up by Left wing councils and central government. Instead of essential services we instead get innumerable white elephants and expensive sops to wrong-headed green activism.

15-07-2023, 11:12 AM
Doesn't surprise me from that location, with three train into the city being a much better option & the new motorway. How many patrons are on when the journey is complete? I.e how many more stops on the journey to puck up passengers?

Anywsy the buses patronage has nothing to do with the Labour or their union members.

Can you explain your sentence "with three train into the city"?

Because that makes no sense. There are 3 trains into the city every hour at peak times, outside of peak times, trains run every half hour to the city. There are more than 30 train services running every day and then more than 30 coming back.

15-07-2023, 12:07 PM
Can you explain your sentence "with three train into the city"?

Because that makes no sense. There are 3 trains into the city every hour at peak times, outside of peak times, trains run every half hour to the city. There are more than 30 train services running every day and then more than 30 coming back.
Typo. The train...

15-07-2023, 12:12 PM
Even Panda shows signs of being open minded on occasions. You style yourself as some sort of neutral but spend all your time running interference for the Left. Fact: NZ ratepayers and taxpayers are being royally shafted by the immense bureaucratic machine set up by Left wing councils and central government. Instead of essential services we instead get innumerable white elephants and expensive sops to wrong-headed green activism.

Ha ha what a joke you are becoming.
I'm not defending anyone. I am accusing you of making things up.

I asked you to back up obvious BS statement about the buses but you can't do it.
You know it has nothing to do with the unions or the government or if you don't then you shouldn't be commenting full stop.

Just mind-boggling, hysterical, paranoia.

Honestly with the likes of you, NZTX & Balance its like shootin fish in a barrel.
So one eyed & so full of %$#@.

15-07-2023, 01:26 PM

Treasury said Working for Families reform one of ‘highest priorities’, but Govt scrapped changes at Budget

A proposal to change the Government’s $3 billion Working for Families tax credit system failed to make it into the Budget this year, despite Treasury officials listing it among the “highest priorities” for new spending in the Social Development portfolio.

Budget documents released this week show that Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni put changes to the system at the heart of her bids for Budget funding.

A February 16 paper prepared by Treasury for a meeting between Sepuloni and Finance Minister Grant Robertson said Sepuloni had “sought significant funding” for the Budget, although it did not specify how much.

“The largest new spending initiative would fund changes to Working for Families (WFF),” the paper said.

It warned the new funding was “unlikely to be possible given fiscal constraints”.

Sorry Suckers - The Tin is empty - End of Story ;)

15-07-2023, 01:29 PM
Ha ha what a joke you are becoming.
I'm not defending anyone. I am accusing you of making things up.

I asked you to back up obvious BS statement about the buses but you can't do it.
You know it has nothing to do with the unions or the government or if you don't then you shouldn't be commenting full stop.

Just mind-boggling, hysterical, paranoia.

Honestly with the likes of you, NZTX & Balance its like shootin fish in a barrel.
So one eyed & so full of %$#@.


End of Labour's shallow Fairy Tale C*ckup coming very soon folks :)

Confirmed when every Media release is punching holes in Labour's thin flimsy facade
and the little boys and girls who don't like what they see start getting worried and attacking
anything and everyone nearby ;)

It's the Labour way you know .. and all the fish soon start dancing & pulling faces at them as
things rapidly crumble, before reality finally hits .. :)

15-07-2023, 02:13 PM

End of Labour's shallow Fairy Tale C*ckup coming very soon folks :)

Confirmed when every Media release is punching holes in Labour's thin flimsy facade
and the little boys and girls who don't like what they see start getting worried and attacking
anything and everyone nearby ;)

It's the Labour way you know .. and all the fish soon start dancing & pulling faces at them as
things rapidly crumble, before reality finally hits .. :)

Labour are pretty dismal alright but National are losing votes at the same time.
As I keep saying Labour have been poor but why aren't National storming home in the polls?


15-07-2023, 02:15 PM

NZ pledges almost $19m for wetlands at risk of climate change in Asia

New Zealand is giving almost $19 million to help people living in wetland areas in Asia adapt to climate change and avoid displacement.

It will go to the Asian Mega-Deltas initiative which develops climate change-resilient rice, horticulture and aquaculture farming systems in Mekong (Cambodia and Vietnam), Irrawaddy (Myanmar) and Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (Bangladesh and India).

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said “to succeed in the global fight against climate change we need to find innovative ways to work together, become more sustainable and lower emissions regionally”.

Why is this happening when the Labour Goon Show still haven't seen to fixing of Cyclone Damage here - over FIVE Months ago ? ;)

15-07-2023, 02:17 PM
Labour are pretty dismal alright but National are losing votes at the same time.
As I keep saying Labour have been poor but why aren't National storming home in the polls?


Labour down from 50% on election night to 31% now tells you all tyou wanbt to know about what is going to happen in October 2023.

So very very very satisfying to see NZers give their one finger at Ardern & Hipkins.

15-07-2023, 02:18 PM

Māori concerns ETS review putting $16b economic opportunity at risk, calling for UN to investigate

Māori business group Te Taumata wants the UN to investigate Government plans to reform the Emissions Trading Scheme, amid concerns the proposals are putting a “$16b economic opportunity for Māori at risk”.

Members of Te Taumata would call for the UN investigation during meetings in Geneva in the coming week, the group said in a statement on Friday.

The ETS review would have far reaching implications for Māori land rights as well as the future of the Māori economy.

“The current proposals are putting a $16 billion economic opportunity for Māori at risk,” Te Taumata chair Chris Karamea Insley said.

Oh F&*# .. surely not ? ;)

Who's sitting on the UN's Hurt Feelings desk now ? ;)

Comrade Shaw of the Green Communist League wouldn't be looking at putting a stop to all the fun and games - would he ? ;)

Who provided the deposit for a $16 B bit of large scale ETS opportunity etc ? ;)

15-07-2023, 02:32 PM

Govt’s $108m spend-up on office renovations and refurbishments

Government departments are spending tens of thousands of dollars on high-end couches, phone booths, meeting pods and video conferencing booths in offices across the country.

New figures compiled from hundreds of pages of documents from dozens of government departments’ annual review documents show last year, the Government spent $108 million on office renovations, refurbishments and redecorations.

That includes hundreds of pieces of office furniture, such as $16,700 for a seating booth at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; $14,200 for a wardrobe unit and $22,700 for a bookcase, both at the Ministry of Justice.

The Public Service Commission spent $35,700 on a “four-person meeting pod”.

The spending has caught the irk of National’s Simeon Brown, who said it was a significant amount of money for the Government to be spending during a cost of living crisis.

“They should be focusing on the basics – not making their offices plush.”

Best make sure it all gets spent before Robbo takes a look & calls the tin dry ;)

Public Service Minister Andrew Little said he is confident government departments understand his expectations about responsible and prudent spending.

Joe Public probably have issues in having any confidence in what gets spat out - given past examples emitted from this talent piece ;)

15-07-2023, 03:56 PM
Hey Balance …this is a bit weird eh


As has been reported, the PM’s mother is the Chief Researcher at the New Zealand Council for Education Research and has been involved in the controversial school curriculum refresh. The NZCER has a four year strategic plan from 2021-24 which has four priorities. The first of which is ‘decolonising education’. In the 2019 New Years Honours, it was reported in the Herald that a “Raumati South woman was “surprised and then delighted” to receive an honour. No mention that her son was Minister of Education and for the Public Service, and sat on the Appointment and Honours Committee that conferred the honour. It’s a small club. Friends and family only.

15-07-2023, 04:00 PM
The Herald article about Hipkins mother ……assuming it is his mother


15-07-2023, 05:14 PM

NZ pledges almost $19m for wetlands at risk of climate change in Asia

Why is this happening when the Labour Goon Show still haven't seen to fixing of Cyclone Damage here - over FIVE Months ago ? ;)

I have a word for that. It's treason, and I would think the penalty for such is apt.

15-07-2023, 05:23 PM
The Herald article about Hipkins mother ……assuming it is his mother


There can be little doubt who she is - mother of Hipkins, the chip off the Clueless & Useless Cindy block.

15-07-2023, 06:06 PM
There can be little doubt who she is - mother of Hipkins, the chip off the Clueless & Useless Cindy block.

I do know Hipkins' parents live in Raumati South so not that hard to join the dots. Could be an aunt though if you are being charitable.

15-07-2023, 09:28 PM
Kirstie Stanway is Ngati Porou.
Too bad about the rest of the Sky rugby commentary team at the table.
Their bloodline doesn't count.
Karl Te Nana was out on the sideline, I missed his special credits if he got any.

16-07-2023, 10:13 AM
Here's how Ardern felt in 2022 and Hipkins is feeling today :


Hipkins now less popular that Clueless Cindy when she was ousted.


16-07-2023, 11:46 AM
Chris emailed me this morning

IN IT FOR YOU he said

16-07-2023, 11:50 AM
Chris emailed me this morning

IN IT FOR YOU he said

It should be ‘In It For Us!’

This is the real Labour’s new slogan :

“Let’s Not Do Anything!”

16-07-2023, 01:25 PM
Here's how Ardern felt in 2022 and Hipkins is feeling today :


Hipkins now less popular that Clueless Cindy when she was ousted.


One, she wasn't ousted.
Two, what's that say about Luxon then who polling lower still.

Reality & Balance, never the Twain shall meet.

16-07-2023, 02:54 PM
Chris emailed me this morning

IN IT FOR YOU he said

Should be more like "Dropped everyone in it" .. and hope all remain blind to the Labour's hopeless muppets ;)

16-07-2023, 06:06 PM
The Labour Government has betrayed the trust of New Zealanders by changing key constitutional conventions without any mandate from voters.

When Labour took Office in 2017, equality of citizenship and the Rule of Law were constitutional cornerstones of New Zealand democracy.

Now, five and a half years later, New Zealand is no longer a society of equals.

Labour has elevated the leaders of multi-million-dollar iwi business corporations into a privileged ruling class. On the basis of race, they have been given the power to influence Government decision-making. As a result, a Maori world view is now being imposed onto the country.

16-07-2023, 06:08 PM
Similar requirements are also being imposed on the private sector in companies that rely on government registration or funding. A Labour Party Private Member’s Bill, the Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill, has even proposed that private companies should honour the Treaty.

Nowhere can the takeover be seen more clearly than in health, where an Equity Adjustor Score has now been introduced to prioritise Maori patients over others in greater clinical need.

The legislation requires both Health New Zealand and the Maori Health Authority to have expertise in the Treaty, tikanga, and matauranga Maori – and by requiring both bodies to “jointly develop and implement a New Zealand Health Plan”, Maori have been given the power of veto.

Everyone just remember the treaty document is an agreement, not a treaty as recognised in international law[1] and it has no independent legal status, being legally effective only to the extent it is recognised in various statutes, but Labour are going to change that, and make it law.

Labour is destroying NZ as we know it and implementing tribal rule, behind our backs, without telling anyone.

16-07-2023, 06:14 PM

That's what the wastrels of Labour will do with the tax you pay!

16-07-2023, 06:15 PM
Similar requirements are also being imposed on the private sector in companies that rely on government registration or funding. A Labour Party Private Member’s Bill, the Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill, has even proposed that private companies should honour the Treaty.

Nowhere can the takeover be seen more clearly than in health, where an Equity Adjustor Score has now been introduced to prioritise Maori patients over others in greater clinical need.

This is what Ardern & Hipkins have forced on all NZers - without any mandate to do so :



16-07-2023, 06:53 PM

Cost of living crisis: No improvements in cost of living survey since March

About one in three New Zealanders are going without medical care when they’re unwell, according to a cost of living survey.

GDP data suggested there was a recession earlier this year and inflation had peaked, but food prices increased and interest rates on mortgage payments continue to bite.

In March, Research New Zealand found 32 per cent of its survey’s respondents said they were going without medical care when they felt unwell in the previous three months due to cost concerns, and that trend continued this month with 33 per cent saying the same.

Research NZ managing partner Emanuel Kalafatelis said that result was concerning considering it was winter.

Results of the poll of 1000 people aged 18 and over in July:

33 per cent (compared with 30 per cent in March) said they had been unable to buy things that were needed (such as clothing or school supplies).
32 per cent (compared with 29 per cent in March) struggled to pay for the cost of transport (for example bus or train tickets, or fuel for a car etc).
32 (compared with 27 per cent in March) per cent struggled to pay for essential bills such as power/water/internet.
32 (compared with 27 per cent in March) per cent struggled to pay (or gone without) insurance.
29 (compared with 24 per cent in March) per cent struggled to pay rent or mortgage payments.
26 (compared with 23 per cent in March) per cent had gone without basics such as food and groceries.

You can Trust Us .. to:

“Come back to Sh!t on poor Kiwi's some more !”

16-07-2023, 07:00 PM

Liam Dann: Ugly economic data adds to Labour’s week of woes

In Gobbo Robbo Gibberish: "It's never been better ;)

The same prat who tossed some a few free Pharmo jobs but then on 1 July allowed full Fuel tax impost to suddenly reappear screwing all over by more .. with spiralling hikes set to go round and round on top of that ? ;)

The excuse: Robbo's tin was all but empty and that was before discovering nothing much in the bottom
for even Cyclone Repairs .. No lolly pops this time boys and girls - Labour's shifty twits have already raided
the lolly jar many times over and no-one saw anything :)

Wonder why you're not getting ahead or winning out of the petty Robbo give in this hand and then take more with the other ? ;)

In election year - Who's trying to lead everyone down the garden path ? ;)

16-07-2023, 07:37 PM

Banks checking loan affordability against 'test' rates of 8.75% to 9.5%

ANALYSIS: If you think taking out a home loan at 7% is tough – what about 9.5%?

As the retail rates charged by banks have increased, so too have the “test rates” that they use to check that buyers can afford the loans.

They are now between 8.75% and 9.5%. That may be as high as they get now that the Reserve Bank opted to keep the official cash rate on hold.

Often, the very existence of test rates comes as a surprise to people trying to buy homes, says mortgage adviser Karen Tatterson from Loan Market.

About that Mortgage - Joe Bloggs - We here at your friendly bank have an underlying plan to really stress you :)

Don't blame us - we just lend the money ... send any complaints to the two twits in the Wellington glass towers who are the real money experts .. well - they think they are .. ;)

16-07-2023, 07:45 PM

Would you trust this fellow with your spare change ? ;)

Blue Skies
16-07-2023, 11:51 PM
The Labour Government has betrayed the trust of New Zealanders by changing key constitutional conventions without any mandate from voters.

When Labour took Office in 2017, equality of citizenship and the Rule of Law were constitutional cornerstones of New Zealand democracy.

Now, five and a half years later, New Zealand is no longer a society of equals.

Labour has elevated the leaders of multi-million-dollar iwi business corporations into a privileged ruling class. On the basis of race, they have been given the power to influence Government decision-making. As a result, a Maori world view is now being imposed onto the country.

I think there is an inexorable tide of change which no government can stop. Ironically National has always been more favourable to Māori than Labour.

Also people overlook for the first time we now have young Māori in their early to late 30's & early 40's, who have been right through the Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Wharekura & Wānaga, full immersion Mātauranga Māori (Māori World View) education system & they are well qualified, smart, very confident & ambitious for their people & like pakeha/ Europeans becoming well represented in our Public Service/ govt departments & at all levels of seniority.
This is simply a result of the first Kohanga Reo, Kura being established in the early 1980's.

There is absolutely nothing any govt can (or should) do to prevent young qualified ambitious Māori from entering the Public Service so to blame this on Labour is just not facing reality.
If you think a Luxon Seymour National ACT govt will magically "fix" things, you're going to be extremely disappointed & ACT's policies if attempted would likely drive a level of Civil unrest which could tear the country apart.

17-07-2023, 06:12 AM
I think there is an inexorable tide of change which no government can stop. Ironically National has always been more favourable to Māori than Labour.

Also people overlook for the first time we now have young Māori in their early to late 30's & early 40's, who have been right through the Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Wharekura & Wānaga, full immersion Mātauranga Māori (Māori World View) education system & they are well qualified, smart, very confident & ambitious for their people & like pakeha/ Europeans becoming well represented in our Public Service/ govt departments & at all levels of seniority.
This is simply a result of the first Kohanga Reo, Kura being established in the early 1980's.

There is absolutely nothing any govt can (or should) do to prevent young qualified ambitious Māori from entering the Public Service so to blame this on Labour is just not facing reality.
If you think a Luxon Seymour National ACT govt will magically "fix" things, you're going to be extremely disappointed & ACT's policies if attempted would likely drive a level of Civil unrest which could tear the country apart.

I am not surprised BS advocates for this race based form of politics, and justifies it.

These few "young educated" maori are more interested in utu, revenge, than taking NZ to a better place for ALL races.

They are angry and extreme, and our woke politicians are too weak to stand up to them.

The NZ public generally will be the loser, but they don't care about that.

17-07-2023, 07:02 AM

Banks checking loan affordability against 'test' rates of 8.75% to 9.5%

About that Mortgage - Joe Bloggs - We here at your friendly bank have an underlying plan to really stress you :)

Don't blame us - we just lend the money ... send any complaints to the two twits in the Wellington glass towers who are the real money experts .. well - they think they are .. ;)

This is nothing knew. Bank's have stress tested home loan applicants for years.
Nothing to see here at all.

Blue Skies
17-07-2023, 07:05 AM

Blue Skies
17-07-2023, 07:07 AM
I am not surprised BS advocates for this race based form of politics, and justifies it.

These few "young educated" maori are more interested in utu, revenge, than taking NZ to a better place for ALL races.

They are angry and extreme, and our woke politicians are too weak to stand up to them.

The NZ public generally will be the loser, but they don't care about that.

This is typical, anything you don't like, jump to wrong conclusions, rush to judgement, blame & condemn the messenger & govt rather than facing facts.
Im simply making an observation, informing, providing context. No opinion.

If you read my post again, I haven't advocated anything.
Read.. read ..read it, & stop reacting so emotionally.

FWIW I purposefully avoided offering an opinion and if you jump to conclusions its almost certainly the wrong one.

17-07-2023, 07:28 AM
Chris emailed me this morning

IN IT FOR YOU he said He is in it for me and not for THEM! That's good, innit. Bryan Adams could adapt one of his songs - Everything I do etc.

I am not sure if it is good to have a "nit" in his logo!

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 08:29 AM
I think there is an inexorable tide of change which no government can stop. Ironically National has always been more favourable to Māori than Labour.

Also people overlook for the first time we now have young Māori in their early to late 30's & early 40's, who have been right through the Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Wharekura & Wānaga, full immersion Mātauranga Māori (Māori World View) education system & they are well qualified, smart, very confident & ambitious for their people & like pakeha/ Europeans becoming well represented in our Public Service/ govt departments & at all levels of seniority.
This is simply a result of the first Kohanga Reo, Kura being established in the early 1980's.

There is absolutely nothing any govt can (or should) do to prevent young qualified ambitious Māori from entering the Public Service so to blame this on Labour is just not facing reality.
If you think a Luxon Seymour National ACT govt will magically "fix" things, you're going to be extremely disappointed & ACT's policies if attempted would likely drive a level of Civil unrest which could tear the country apart.

ACT's policies if attempted would likely drive a level of Civil unrest which could tear the country apart.


Who is going to be carrying out this ‘civil unrest’? Sounds like blackmail to me: ‘continue with the ‘co-governance’ & maorification agenda, or you’ll get ‘civil unrest’’.
896,000 mixed race people will hold the other 4.2 million to ransom? Really?

Still no answer on why Te Rauparaha could murder, enslave, and conquer with impunity, yet him and his haka aren’t cancelled - while some captain who sailed his boat up the Waikato River had his statue taken down and hidden away.

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 08:32 AM
He is in it for me and not for THEM! That's good, innit. Bryan Adams could adapt one of his songs - Everything I do etc.

I am not sure if it is good to have a "nit" in his logo!

Labour is in it for the unions and public service & ‘delivering for maori’. That’s it.
Anybody else in the populace are simply the bodies they need to bribe or brainwash into voting for them & their agenda.

17-07-2023, 09:29 AM
So voting ACT looks to be the clear answer to take NZ to a better place, and off this racist, undemocratic path we are on, if Blue Skies is correct.

I'll vote for that.

17-07-2023, 09:39 AM
The Labour Government has betrayed the trust of New Zealanders by changing key constitutional conventions without any mandate from voters.

When Labour took Office in 2017, equality of citizenship and the Rule of Law were constitutional cornerstones of New Zealand democracy.

Now, five and a half years later, New Zealand is no longer a society of equals.

Labour has elevated the leaders of multi-million-dollar iwi business corporations into a privileged ruling class. On the basis of race, they have been given the power to influence Government decision-making. As a result, a Maori world view is now being imposed onto the country.


I think there is an inexorable tide of change which no government can stop. Ironically National has always been more favourable to Māori than Labour.

Also people overlook for the first time we now have young Māori in their early to late 30's & early 40's, who have been right through the Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa, Wharekura & Wānaga, full immersion Mātauranga Māori (Māori World View) education system & they are well qualified, smart, very confident & ambitious for their people & like pakeha/ Europeans becoming well represented in our Public Service/ govt departments & at all levels of seniority.
This is simply a result of the first Kohanga Reo, Kura being established in the early 1980's.

There is absolutely nothing any govt can (or should) do to prevent young qualified ambitious Māori from entering the Public Service so to blame this on Labour is just not facing reality.
If you think a Luxon Seymour National ACT govt will magically "fix" things, you're going to be extremely disappointed & ACT's policies if attempted would likely drive a level of Civil unrest which could tear the country apart.

The two of you aren't even talking about the same thing. What BS is saying is great. Education, confidence, etc.

What BDL is saying is demoracy is dying, racist policies, etc.

To throw my 2c in, I have first hand knowledge that in the hospitals, in clinical and management roles, if you are non-Maori and need more resource for your team = 3+ months of paperwork and running around to get approval. If you are Maori and simply don't like your current job, just come up with a new job description for whatever you want to do, tie it to some sort of cultural need, and they'll create the role for you within weeks. And everyone is too scared to question it because they'll be called racist.

17-07-2023, 09:45 AM
So voting ACT looks to be the clear answer to take NZ to a better place, and off this racist, undemocratic path we are on, if Blue Skies is correct.

I'll vote for that.

Do you understand ACT's tax policy?
If so please outline what the tax rates will be under ACT.

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 10:09 AM

The two of you aren't even talking about the same thing. What BS is saying is great. Education, confidence, etc.

What BDL is saying is demoracy is dying, racist policies, etc.

To throw my 2c in, I have first hand knowledge that in the hospitals, in clinical and management roles, if you are non-Maori and need more resource for your team = 3+ months of paperwork and running around to get approval. If you are Maori and simply don't like your current job, just come up with a new job description for whatever you want to do, tie it to some sort of cultural need, and they'll create the role for you within weeks. And everyone is too scared to question it because they'll be called racist.

Yes, it seems that anyone objecting is instantly branded a racist, but probably the correct term in Left wing parlance would be ‘reactionary’, because we are undoubtedly seeing a revolution taking place here. There is no other word for it: it is a revolution by stealth, it is a revolution that has been driven by the Leftist education system and media & captured arms of government bureaucracy.

Who voted for the members of the Waitangi Tribunal, what is their role and function, and when will his entity be dissolved?

Given that the Maori Electorates were set up to address a lack of maori representation in Parliament, and these days maori are probably over-represented in Parliament, when will these seats be de-established?

Asking these kinds of questions is verboten in New Zealand, ask these kinds of questions you will get Willie Jackson or Rawiri Waititi talking about ‘dog whistles’.

Sadly I do think that 4.2 million people are just expected to capitulate and accept what is happening, because there is a latent threat of violence and civil unrest underlying this process and many politicians are scared.

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 10:35 AM
Crime chaos in Christchurch. But don’t discuss it because apparently that’s ‘playing politics with crime in election year’ and is very bad. This level of crime is normal, apparently.



Police investigating seven burglaries in Christchurch overnight

Nadine Roberts
09:24, Jul 17 2023

‘Police are investigating if seven commercial burglaries in Christchurch overnight are linked.

Christchurch Metro Area Commander superintendent Lane Todd said the burglaries were reported between 2.45am and 6.10am. In three of the burglaries a vehicle was used to gain access to the premises.

The burglaries were reported at:

2.45am in Centaurus Road Huntsbury
3am in Sparks Road, Halswell
3.15am in Wigram Road, Wigram
4am in Hopkins Street, Woolston
4.35am at FreshChoice in London Street, Lyttelton
5.15am at Parnwell Superette Store in Bassett Street, Burwood
6.10am in Cutts Road, Russley’

17-07-2023, 10:36 AM

The two of you aren't even talking about the same thing. What BS is saying is great. Education, confidence, etc.

What BDL is saying is demoracy is dying, racist policies, etc.

To throw my 2c in, I have first hand knowledge that in the hospitals, in clinical and management roles, if you are non-Maori and need more resource for your team = 3+ months of paperwork and running around to get approval. If you are Maori and simply don't like your current job, just come up with a new job description for whatever you want to do, tie it to some sort of cultural need, and they'll create the role for you within weeks. And everyone is too scared to question it because they'll be called racist.

The two issues are intrinsically tied together in NZ, race and politics.

Denying that is why we are in such danger of really going off the rails.

Most people don't want to talk about it, and the left / maori are taking advantage of that.

I think the good nature and fairness, that most New Zealanders abide by, and aspire to, has, and is, being taken advantage of.

Weak politicians, and radical maori is where we are at as a nation. We need to talk about it.

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 11:50 AM
Vote Labour and you’ll get the ‘Coalition of Chaos and Collapse’, because a Labour-led coalition including the Greens and Te Pati Maori will mean chaos and division and societal collapse in this country. The Greens are now effectively the ‘Other Te Pati Maori’ party, with a radical as co-leader in Marama Davidson pushing through radical policies. A purported green environmentalist party is being used as a trojan horse for separatism and radicalism.

‘A vote for Labour is a vote for Chaos’.



Greens launch Māori land policy, Hoki Whenua Mai - vows to return ‘stolen’ land, revisit claims and redress

By Michael Neilson
17 Jul, 2023 11:28 AM

‘The Green Party is vowing to make sure all stolen land is returned to tangata whenua by introducing legislation including removing a historical claims deadline for breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and establishing a process for private land.

The Hoki Whenua Mai policy builds on another launched under the same name on Waitangi Day last year but adds further provisions around reforming the Public Works Act, which allows for taking of Māori land and removing the 2008 claims deadline.

“The Aotearoa we know today has been built off of Māori land, much of which was wrongly taken through breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi over the last 183 years,” said Marama Davidson, Green Party co-leader.

“As Aotearoa approaches the 185-year anniversary of the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the 50-year anniversary of the Treaty of Waitangi Act, the time is now to reflect on next steps to ensure the promise of Te Tiriti is honoured and wrongs are put right.”

Davidson said their policy would recognise tino rangatiratanga and repair the harms of the past.

“We will do this by organising a commission of inquiry into land dispossession to investigate land taken through breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

“We will remove the 2008 deadline to lodge new Treaty claims and reinstate the ability for the Waitangi Tribunal to make recommendations in relation to privately owned land, as that land comes on the property market.”

The Hoki Whenua Mai plan will amend the Public Works Act to stop whenua Māori being taken in future and provide a path for the return of land previously taken, Davidson said. This was something the party had campaigned on ahead of the 2020 election.

The plan would also end perpetual leases, returning full control of the whenua back to Māori landowners.

Other aspects of the policy include an investigation into alienated Māori land, a process for returning it and revisiting all Treaty settlements to ensure they are just and enduring.

The settlement process has seen close to $3 billion provided in redress across close to 100 settlements for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, or slightly more than the annual budget for the Department of Corrections.

Those settlements were often designed to compensate for loss of land, including where it was taken by force - raupatu - and excluded any discussions around land that had changed into private hands.

Critics have argued this experience had denied many iwi and hapū the right to have land taken from them returned, which was especially problematic now with rising property prices pushing any land purchases further out of reach.

The party also proposes an investigation into the dispossession of whenua across the country, including that seized because of public works and rating arrears, wrongfully alienated through the Native Land courts and through improper transactions.

A Commission of Inquiry would look into dispossession and redress and revisit Treaty settlements to ensure they were just and enduring - something the party campaigned on ahead of the 2020 election.

Mana whenua would be given right of first refusal over any land deemed to have been wrongfully alienated, and the Waitangi Tribunal powers restored to make recommendations, including private land.

As outlined in the policy document from last year, a fund for the process would be established along with a registry to give current landowners the option of signing up, regardless of land status.

Green Party Māori Development spokesperson Teanau Tuiono said indigenous control over land would also help boost biodiversity.

“Returning land to tangata whenua is the right thing to do to address the ongoing injustices that Māori experience.

“Aotearoa can be a place where active kaitiakitanga led by tangata whenua guides our relationship with te taiao, ensuring our tūpuna whenua, awa, and maunga are cared for.”’

17-07-2023, 12:45 PM
Wow so basically revisit and redo EVERYTHING - treaty claims, settlements, court decisions, EVERYTHING ever done.

Sounds doable and sensible. Marama Mugabe is right on the money here.

The settlement process has seen close to $3 billion provided in redress across close to 100 settlements for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, or slightly more than the annual budget for the Department of Corrections.

I was quite surprised by this figure. Seems low? Is there a number that the Govt/taxpayers could just pay and be done with all this baggage?

Also, when a Maori tribe massacred another, maybe ate them, and took the women and children as slaves, but also took that tribes land, will the current-day descendants of that land-stealing tribe need to return it too?

Or what if the "white person" that stole some land actually had 1/32 Maori blood in them (or whatever the standard today is)? Are they white under this law designed to apply to olden times, but Maori when suits, like today, when they can jump the queue for healthcare and such?

17-07-2023, 04:07 PM

PM Chris Hipkins reveals new Govt youth crime policy as Kiri Allan returns

People who influence children to commit crimes could be imprisoned for up to 10 years through a new offence created by the Government.

Those who publish recordings of criminal behaviour on social media will also receive stronger punishments as it will be considered by judges as an aggravating factor in sentencing, something the National Party proposed in June but with a focus on social media videos of ram raids.

The changes make up part of Prime Minister Chris Hipkins’ intention to focus on “prevention, protection and accountability” when addressing young offenders who are committing more violent crimes like ram raids and aggravated robberies.

Another change, announced by Hipkins at his post-Cabinet press conference today, empowered the Family Court to require offenders aged 10 and older to undertake community work like cleaning graffiti and picking up rubbish. Currently, the Family Court could only request such activities be completed.

The court would also be able to require the person to attend an “educational, recreational or activity programme” with the intention to re-engage them with education.

“None of this is about locking up children and perpetuating the cycle of crime,” Hipkins said.

Haha .. sounds fairly clueless .. how to beat around the bush .. and likely achieve more SFA .. aside from some Clown Face feel good :)

Accountability in Govt Front Benches is pretty good - isn't it ? ;)

Help needed with lessons on how to jump out of a brown paper bag ? ;)

Lesson sent out to Young Offenders - Do It some more .. they can't touch us ..
direct from the Govt mob that are in it and responsible for it up to their stupid necks :)

'Kiwis have had a gutsful' - PM hits out at rising youth crime in policy reveal

No - Chippie - people have had a gutsful of your mob of useless sleeping knobs on this ;)


PM announces shake-up to tackle ‘brazen criminal offending’

To get all the pastry bits from Sausage Roll out of bag - put paper bag back over head - Chippie :)

then no-one can see what you are failing to achieve :)

17-07-2023, 04:28 PM

Auckland train delays: Eastern, Southern Line services face cancellations due to ‘overhead line issue’

Oh dear - such a reliable mode of transport that Labour have fixations on throwing buckets of Bils at ;)

Then how much in vehicular movement savings occurs ? ;)

Even Labour's little Ram Raider contingent choose alternative transport options and leave the train wreck job to the blind Labour spinners parked up in the Beehive :)

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 04:42 PM
Sell your electric car and put yourself at the mercy of bus driver strikes and the constant shambles that is the NZ rail services. Welcome to the public transport debacle.

17-07-2023, 04:44 PM

Auckland tiny home burglary leaves Haka Homes owner stunned after theft

The owner of an Auckland tiny home construction company is stunned after finding one of his cabins blocking the middle of a busy West Auckland road after a daring pre-dawn heist.

Haka Homes owner William Dewa told the Herald he was shocked when he received a call from the police in the early hours of this morning informing him that one of his cabins was in the middle of the Great North Rd in Glen Eden.

“It is really surprising to me,” said Dewa.

“Police rang me and when I got there officers had blocked the road. I saw my cabin in the middle with ACE Towing truck.

“It was being stolen by some people.

“We don’t know how many are involved. Police are still investigating.”

Must still be a Housing Crisis even after all Labour's posturing and trying to say something has happened ;)

“They took it off the property but as soon as they started making the turn, they got stuck on the kerb.

“I sat inside because I did not know what they had in their hands and I didn’t want to go and confront them because I was alone and it was dark.”

He told the Herald he stayed awake and saw a police patrol car arrive.

“They started calling other units and they called an ambulance and fire brigade and all that stuff.”

He believed one of the men had accidentally been hit by the truck.

New Labour Policy due out soon: "If you like what you see .. just rock up and take it away .. it all okay" :)


17-07-2023, 04:56 PM
Soon NZ will need to import gas or burn more thermal coal to keep vital industries and the country going - no thanks to Labour’s short sighted and totally unrealistic no exploration restrictions.


The amount of natural gas held in reserve will last less than 10 years, according to new information from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

"Natural gas is not just used to generate electricity. New Zealand’s industry is powered by affordable natural gas, including industries such as dairy, methanol and steel."

Carnegie says that greater investment confidence is needed immediately, as New Zealand now faces an energy shortfall.

"What affordable alternative renewable energy source at scale can possibly fill the gap now forecast to emerge in less than eight years’ time? Alarm bells should be ringing," Carnegie says.

17-07-2023, 05:05 PM

Police chase 'high risk' driver in helicopter before spiking tyres to make arrest

Police have arrested a wanted driver after tracking them across North Canterbury in a helicopter before spiking their tyres.

The motorist was first spotted in a stolen car on Williams St in Kaiapoi, around 20 minutes north of Christchurch on Monday.

Police used a helicopter to track the person, who was wanted for several high-risk driving offences and warrants for their arrest, a police spokesperson said.

They then used road spikes to puncture the car’s tyres, and it came to a stop on Cones Rd in Loburn around 1.40pm.

Chumpy's new Crime Formula bound to have helped out with this one - boys & girls :)

Maybe some KFC or even stale burnt Sausage Rolls might have worked better instead ? ;)

17-07-2023, 05:51 PM

Auckland crime: Vape store in East Tāmaki targeted by thieves overnight

An East Auckland vape store owner has woken up to another “nightmare” as two child robbers, one who looked as young as 8, ransacked a store before stealing thousands of dollars worth of products.

Police were called to Dark Vapes on Springs Rd in East Tāmaki in the early hours of this morning after reports of a smash-and-grab incident.

Dark Vapes owner Rakib Howlader told the Herald his store - which has been targeted by burglars more than 20 times - was hit by two hammer-wielding child robbers in the latest raid.

“Two of them smashed their way into the shop using a hammer. They were inside for five minutes and took a lot of devices worth around $5000.

“The video footage shows one was just about eight years old and the other looked 12 or 14.

“There is glass everywhere we are not touching anything because police want to do a forensic examination.”

Oh Chumpkins, darling Dumpkins - how your new Crime formula going stop these little darlings having a smashing
great shopping session after hours ? .. or too hard still for your dozy Beehive mob ? ;)

Maybe some KFC or even stale burnt Sausage Rolls instead ? :)

17-07-2023, 06:11 PM

Christchurch GPs increase prices

Did someone say Robbo give free Five Buck prescription ? ;)

Look like Robbo Free Five Buck just vanished in one swift swipe ;)

Have to watch out for strange fellow from Beehive pleading tin empty and giving things
away for free - as someone else might like Free Five Buck more, that is if Strange
Fat Fellow from Beehive hasn't already swiped it back before you noticed ;)

Of course, the Robbo Free Five Buck likely already disappear in extra petrol tax
heist by the Robbo before even reaching GP or Pharmacy :)

Morale of Exercise: Before trusting Strange Fat Beehive fellow, check from all sides to ensure
that Free gift does not mean you get screwed over two or three times, to receive gift, then no smile :)

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 06:18 PM
The Spanish woman’s football team has given a grovelling apology to Iwi for ‘mocking’ the haka. Maori have apparently given a stern warning that they will not tolerate any more of such behaviour.

17-07-2023, 06:41 PM

Supermarket competition won't change much in 20 years, Government warned

The Government’s much-touted reforms of the supermarket industry are unlikely to result in a material improvement in competition, according to its own advisers.

Instead, without additional action, consumers can expect little to change for the better over the next 20 years, with a risk that the variety of products stocked by the supermarkets will continue to reduce and that supermarkets’ gross profit margins will continue to rise, ministers have been told.

"Labour must screw up the Supermarkets" - Consultants

Who going to pay the large price of this piece meal Screw up ?

Probably everyone on your supermarket visits - boys and girls :)

Remember anything Labour touch turns into a large screw up at a huge cost ..

Guess who is going to pay for this Screw Up if it eventuates and if the Labour Goon Show start meddling ? ;)

17-07-2023, 06:47 PM

Kiwibank lifts home loan rates, standard one-year nearly 8%

You poor unfortunate Debt Ridden plicks - even the Govt's captive owned little bank, which used to be such a sweet little creation of Anderton's making is coming after you now for a larger slice out of your pockets :)

Don't blame us - we just lend the dough - blame the two money prats in Wellington glass towers for this with their fiscal games .. who think they know what they're doing ;)

With Love - your little Green Bank :)

ps: we have adopted some new tricks after watching our larger Aussie cousins to perfect the routine of delivering a similar sting :)

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 06:49 PM
Soon NZ will need to import gas or burn more thermal coal to keep vital industries and the country going - no thanks to Labour’s short sighted and totally unrealistic no exploration restrictions.


The amount of natural gas held in reserve will last less than 10 years, according to new information from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

"Natural gas is not just used to generate electricity. New Zealand’s industry is powered by affordable natural gas, including industries such as dairy, methanol and steel."

Carnegie says that greater investment confidence is needed immediately, as New Zealand now faces an energy shortfall.

"What affordable alternative renewable energy source at scale can possibly fill the gap now forecast to emerge in less than eight years’ time? Alarm bells should be ringing," Carnegie says.

China burns over 2 billion tonnes of coal a year while NZ throws itself at the mercy of overseas energy suppliers. The Ardern governments green-washing jihad against gas and oil exploration has left NZ up the creek without a paddle.

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 06:56 PM

Kiwibank lifts home loan rates, standard one-year nearly 8%

You poor unfortunate Debt Ridden plicks - even the Govt's own bank is coming after you now for a larger slice
out of your pockets :)

Don't blame us - we just lend the dough - blame the two prats in Wellington glass towers for this ..
who think they know what they're doing ;)

With Love - your little Green Bank :)

ps: we have adopted some tricks after watching our larger Aussie cousins to perfect the routine :)

This election the choice is between handing the country over to Iwi or trying to restart a dead-end property ponzi scheme. Perhaps someone out there is interested in productivity & innovation but they certainly are not in any if our major political parties. They have no doubt joined the ‘brain drain’ and moved overseas.

People who don’t like paying much interest on their loans shouldn’t borrow $800,000 to buy over-priced property. This country is nowhere near as wealthy as it thinks it is; the ‘good times’ were enabled by an absolute mountain of borrowed money. NZ has turned into a madhouse in the space on two decades.

17-07-2023, 06:58 PM

The shopping categories facing the biggest price hikes

There are hopes that consumer price index (CPI) data this week will show that price increases are starting to taper off – but research from price comparison website PriceSpy has found that the cost of most consumer goods continues to rise.

The website, which canvasses the prices of almost 140,000 commonly bought items, says price increases are still present across three-quarters of shopping categories, despite China’s manufacturing sector resuming operations and declining international inflation rates.

Its recent study in June examined average price points across thousands of products listed under popular shopping categories.

PriceSpy found that the average price of 73% of all consumer goods sold in this country continued to rise, with the most significant price hikes recorded in games and consoles, children’s and family and garden retail categories.

The COL HIkes that Robbo ordered for all the Boys & Girls and then conveniently left you all wearing ;)

Enjoy ! :)

with love - from your (clueless) Labour Beehive Comrades

17-07-2023, 07:03 PM
This election the choice is between handing the country over to Iwi or trying to restart a dead-end property ponzi scheme. Perhaps someone out there is interested in productivity & innovation but they certainly are not in any if our major political parties. They have no doubt joined the ‘brain drain’ and moved overseas.

People who don’t like paying much interest on their loans shouldn’t borrow $800,000 to buy over-priced property. This country is nowhere near as wealthy as it thinks it is; the ‘good times’ were enabled by an absolute mountain of borrowed money. NZ has turned into a madhouse in the space on two decades.

The housing market is likely to go a lot higher under NACT than Labour. NACT want to do away with the brightline test & bring back tax deductions on investment properties. So if you think it's a ponzi scheme now, watch out.

NZTX, Kiwibank's 20% deposit rate for 1 year is 7%, actually 0.25% lower than the ASB.

17-07-2023, 07:04 PM
This election the choice is between handing the country over to Iwi or trying to restart a dead-end property ponzi scheme. Perhaps someone out there is interested in productivity & innovation but they certainly are not in any if our major political parties. They have no doubt joined the ‘brain drain’ and moved overseas.

People who don’t like paying much interest on their loans shouldn’t borrow $800,000 to buy over-priced property. This country is nowhere near as wealthy as it thinks it is; the ‘good times’ were enabled by an absolute mountain of borrowed money. NZ has turned into a madhouse in the space on two decades.

And there was a Labour Government .. not so many years back in times of artificially concocted dirt cheap interest rates encouraged all to jump on the bandwagon - your own home .. before tightening the elastic when too many jumped onboard & things overheated ;)

Everyone else got the blame for it - Residential Property Landlords, Offshore Property Owners, etc until ;)

This Labour Govt is complicit in the current Residential Property shambles that they tried to manipulate then lost control of in the name of homelessness and pink fuzzies on everyone is entitled ; and still haven't worked out how it works :)

Then they applied the fiscal vice grips .. no prizes on how that might work out for some caught in the shambles now..

Lots of free cheap money from robbing the Central Bank .. then someone got inflationary nightmares and started the pump to mop it back in ;)

No prizes for guessing who the greasy players in these devious fiscal games were and are now ;)

17-07-2023, 07:13 PM
Another poll confirming the trend - National & ACT on 47% vs Labour & Greens on 43%.

Margin of error 3.1% so call it 50% vs 40% on election night.


17-07-2023, 07:15 PM
The housing market is likely to go a lot higher under NACT than Labour. NACT want to do away with the brightline test & bring back tax deductions on investment properties. So if you think it's a ponzi scheme now, watch out.

NZTX, Kiwibank's 20% deposit rate for 1 year is 7%, actually 0.25% lower than the ASB.

KB have done a bl**dy amazing job of taking on the Aussie big banks then mysteriously jumping in to join them :)

They have access to some of the cheapest loan capital as a Govt Captive Bank and appear to have deserted the job in hand ..

Poor old Comrade Anderton must be turning in his grave seeing what things have descended to under Govt control & ownership - having abandoned their establishment goals ;)

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 08:18 PM
The housing market is likely to go a lot higher under NACT than Labour. NACT want to do away with the brightline test & bring back tax deductions on investment properties. So if you think it's a ponzi scheme now, watch out.

NZTX, Kiwibank's 20% deposit rate for 1 year is 7%, actually 0.25% lower than the ASB.

Better dead than red & I won't be voting for LABGREETIPATI so they can borrow and spend to infinity and 'hand the 'stolen' country to Iwi'.


17-07-2023, 08:56 PM
Better dead than red & I won't be voting for LABGREETIPATI so they can borrow and spend to infinity and 'hand the 'stolen' country to Iwi'.


Not suggesting you would.
I doubt I will either, but certainly won't be backing NACT.
Speaking of borrowing, what do you think is going to happen when ACT implements its hair brained tax policy.

17-07-2023, 09:06 PM
Hey Hippo,

I'm seeing all these blue signs with Lux and Nicola beaming at me, but your Bin it for you signs only have you.

Where's Carmel captain?

What gives?

Is there something we need to know?

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 09:16 PM
Not suggesting you would.
I doubt I will either, but certainly won't be backing NACT.
Speaking of borrowing, what do you thinks going to happen when ACT implements its hair brained tax policy.

Well then you are only left with Winston First - the party that started this Labour / ‘co governance’ shambles by handing power to Ardern - or the TOP outfit that always get 1% or 2% of the vote but no seats. Good luck with your choice, personally I see your vote going to the radical Left bloc just based on your posting history.

Labour are already trying to restart the housing ponzi anyway, shipping in 100,000 people this year - seemingly with no doctors, nurses, teachers amongst them. We are probably stuck with the bubble no matter who is in power.

Blue Skies
17-07-2023, 09:38 PM
Anyone else surprised by tonights TV1 poll results?

After the sagas around Michael Woods resigning as a Minister, plus Kiri Allen's & Jan Tinetti's in the lead up to the poll, the current environment - cost of living crisis & the mood for change, I expected Labour would be below 30%, but instead they're still neck & neck with National (33 to 35 & within the margin of error) who should be miles ahead & cantering to the finish line.

While Labour's down slightly, so almost unbelievably is National who have been campaigning hard.

And now Hipkins has ruled out Wealth & CG taxes he's removed a target National were intending to go after, and at same time will have reassured some nervous swing voters.

National's got everything going for it but Chris Luxon def seems to be a drag on National & the people he surrounds himself with aren't too appealing either.

Where are their big ideas, the big ticket economic policies to make a difference ?
Instead we get rather pathetic things like a fund to fix pot holes in the road (there already is funding & its being done as fast as weather allows ) & people under 30 being able to withdraw their Kiwsaver to pay rental bonds (who's going to pay the withdrawal fee?), which will make absolutely no difference to the country.

Logen Ninefingers
17-07-2023, 10:10 PM
Anyone else surprised by tonights TV1 poll results?

After the sagas around Michael Woods resigning as a Minister, plus Kiri Allen's & Jan Tinetti's in the lead up to the poll, the current environment - cost of living crisis & the mood for change, I expected Labour would be below 30%, but instead they're still neck & neck with National (33 to 35 & within the margin of error) who should be miles ahead & cantering to the finish line.

While Labour's down slightly, so almost unbelievably is National who have been campaigning hard.

And now Hipkins has ruled out Wealth & CG taxes he's removed a target National were intending to go after, and at same time will have reassured some nervous swing voters.

National's got everything going for it but Chris Luxon def seems to be a drag on National & the people he surrounds himself with aren't too appealing either.

Where are their big ideas, the big ticket economic policies to make a difference ?
Instead we get rather pathetic things like a fund to fix pot holes in the road (there already is funding & its being done as fast as weather allows ) & people under 30 being able to withdraw their Kiwsaver to pay rental bonds (who's going to pay the withdrawal fee?), which will make absolutely no difference to the country.

So apparently stupid swing voters are supposed to put all their faith in the idea that Chippy Hipkins will be able to hold off the skulking Robbo and Parker and somehow stitch a deal together with the Green radicals and Ti Pati Maori radicals that will see no wealth tax or CGT introduced?
I can see a scenario where Chippy Hipkins is down the road and someone else is presiding over the LABGREETIPATI circus.
Vote for the ‘Coalition of Chaos’ if you want to see New Zealand become an absolute banana republic.

17-07-2023, 10:27 PM
Yep, National blows. Put Seymour in charge as PM

18-07-2023, 03:36 AM
If the split in the party vote between Nat/Act carries over to electorates then NZF and TOP could bypass the 5% requirement if they win an electorate (much easier with a weak national).

Logen Ninefingers
18-07-2023, 07:57 AM
If the split in the party vote between Nat/Act carries over to electorates then NZF and TOP could bypass the 5% requirement if they win an electorate (much easier with a weak national).

Winston First and TOP won’t be winning any electorates.

GTM 3442
18-07-2023, 08:12 AM
Since the mid-1930s, New Zealand has gradually settled into a liking for three-term governments. Yes, there are exceptions, but the trend is pretty clear.

From time to time, Labour manage to buck the trend - can they pull it off again this time?

Logen Ninefingers
18-07-2023, 08:40 AM
Since the mid-1930s, New Zealand has gradually settled into a liking for three-term governments. Yes, there are exceptions, but the trend is pretty clear.

From time to time, Labour manage to buck the trend - can they pull it off again this time?

Labour won in a COVID landslide last time.

This time Labourites might think they’ll be getting ‘Labour’ again, but the best they can hope for is LABGREETIPATI. It would be a government already in crisis on its first day.

18-07-2023, 09:26 AM
TOP no, but you might be surprised re NZF.

Winston First and TOP won’t be winning any electorates.

fungus pudding
18-07-2023, 09:29 AM
TOP no, but you might be surprised re NZF.

Agree - never underestimate Peters. They don't call him Lazrus for nothing.

18-07-2023, 09:46 AM
Yep, National blows. Put Seymour in charge as PM

Speaking of Banana Republics...
Seymour is a joke.
Let's all look after the already wealthy & privileged & stuff the rest.

Stuff health.
Stuff education
Stuff inequality
Stuff housing affordability

Under Seymour NZ is just stuffed.

18-07-2023, 09:48 AM
Agree - never underestimate Peters. They don't call him Lazrus for nothing.

TOP is getting more of a mention.
I need to do more reading up on their policies but their policies might align more with the swing voters that are fed up with Labour's ineptitude, yet don't see a better outcome under NACT.

18-07-2023, 09:54 AM
Hipkins looking more desperate and more stressed by the day - cannot even announce a crime policy without making mistakes.

The idiot showed how rushed the policy announcement really was - he was not properly briefed and made a donkey of himself.

What a joke he and the Labour Party have become!

Knife getting sharpened by Robbo & Parker - Hipkins better watch his back.


"Hipkins announced a new offence for adults inciting youth to commit crime but his office issued a correction less than two hours later, saying the policy would instead make it an aggravating factor in sentencing, not a new offence."


18-07-2023, 10:46 AM
Comments below

Speaking of Banana Republics...
Seymour is a joke.
Let's all look after the already wealthy & privileged & stuff the rest.

Stuff health. - Racist waitlist jumping for Maori and Pacific Islanders under Labour
Stuff education - dumbing down of everyone under Labour / Green
Stuff inequality - the opposite with Act - everyone is equal, regardless of colour. No racist policies.
Stuff housing affordability - skyrocketed under Labour / Greens, useless

Under Seymour NZ is just stuffed.

Logen Ninefingers
18-07-2023, 11:17 AM
Winston First couldn’t win Northland with Shane Jones (he came 3rd) in 2020 after deploying the ‘Regional Slush Fund’, but will win one this year? Turn it up.

Logen Ninefingers
18-07-2023, 11:21 AM
Comments below

As I said, just knee-jerk responses from Daytr as regards ACT. The assertion that ACT don’t want any money to go to education and health is scaremongering bs. And it turns out dairy owners who are getting robbed and attacked are ‘wealthy and privileged’. Who knew. Seymour wants to get tough on crime so therefore the victims of crime are just the ‘wealthy and privileged’. (But now Chipkins wants to get tough on crime as well).

Logen Ninefingers
18-07-2023, 11:24 AM
TOP is getting more of a mention.
I need to do more reading up on their policies but their policies might align more with the swing voters that are fed up with Labour's ineptitude, yet don't see a better outcome under NACT.

‘TOP is getting more of a mention’.
It would a miracle for them to get over 5%

You can read up on their policies and vote for them but you might as well abstain for all the good it will do. One more person copping out & facilitating the election of a LABGREETEPATI government.

fungus pudding
18-07-2023, 11:49 AM
Winston First and TOP won’t be winning any electorates.

Don't forget about Winston's proven ability to rise from the dead.

Logen Ninefingers
18-07-2023, 01:09 PM
Don't forget about Winston's proven ability to rise from the dead.

Which electorate seat/s do you believe Winston First has a good chance of winning?

18-07-2023, 03:57 PM
Hipkins looking more desperate and more stressed by the day - cannot even announce a crime policy without making mistakes.

Maybe he is taking lessons from Luxon?

18-07-2023, 03:59 PM
Don't forget about Winston's proven ability to rise from the dead.

Have a read of this about how he is doing it.
Principles - haha. Makes for interesting reading.

fungus pudding
18-07-2023, 04:02 PM
Which electorate seat/s do you believe Winston First has a good chance of winning?

Don't know - don't care, but he might hit 5% which would get him over the line. Allah forbid!

18-07-2023, 04:53 PM

Michael Wood ‘cast a shadow’ over public’s trust in MPs - inquiry

Former Transport Minister Michael Wood has been referred to the Privileges Committee after an inquiry “cast a shadow” over the “trust and confidence that the public are entitled to expect they can have in their elected representatives” because he did not adequately declare his financial interests to Parliament.

The Registrar of Pecuniary and Other Specified Interests, Maarten Wevers, investigated Wood’s declarations after the Herald revealed Wood had not declared his shareholdings in Auckland Airport and Contact Energy in several of his returns. Despite having owned the shares since the 1990s, Wood only began declaring them in 2022.

Wood told the inquiry he “took full responsibility for what had happened and that it was important not to cast blame on staff members”.

How's the Public's trust in Labour going ? ;)

That's always been an issue which the Public will be all to well aware of :)

Still headed down the toilet as the two latest fumbling twits including the clueless Wood reappear at the Beehive ? ;)

18-07-2023, 07:03 PM
And here's David Parker denying that Labour was planning on a wealth tax in April.

And he doubled down with this : "Asked about that by Newshub, Parker said he couldn't answer because tax policy hadn't even been developed."

He knew that a wealth tax was being formulated and he lied.


"David Parker wants to start 'debate' on tax, but denies Government is planning taxes on wealth and capital"

Remember what Labour is about :

"Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can tax and take from you to give to those who don't."

18-07-2023, 08:08 PM
After 6 years of turmoil Labour has waited this long, less than 3 months before an election to announce "tax wiggle room" & "tough on crime" dribble. It's almost laughable.

Now we are getting releases on all the additional Taxes they looked at to try shoring up the sinking Red Submarine with an empty tin already well sucked dry, held proudly high for all to see..

Robbo running around with an empty cup must be most clueless of antics any Finance Minister has ever been seen doing ;)

It took a few thousand ramraids for them to announce tougher penalties

Labour's slogan should be "You're in it , neck deep, because of us"

God help anyone who think this bunch of clueless excuses are even electable and that's before all
the next instalments of wish list devisive Racist policies get swung around by the excited factions
and Labour being placed potentially in a position where they have to take it from multiple directions ..
that's if Joe Public hasn't already had a gutsful now of the idiots & the shambles already produced ;)

18-07-2023, 08:28 PM
Speaking of Banana Republics...
Seymour is a joke.
Let's all look after the already wealthy & privileged & stuff the rest.

Stuff health.
Stuff education
Stuff inequality
Stuff housing affordability

Under Seymour NZ is just stuffed.


A new slogan needed - ‘Got it in for you’ seems more appropriate when citizens are treated as tax ATMs while Labour dig a debt, an inflation chasm and a cost of living hole.

Who would trust these *Holes with a shovel ? ;)

Labour have already stuffed it up - with any luck they'll have you on ignore list too, until it comes to
harvesting some bills to get their miserable battered butts out of a ditch where they got left :)

18-07-2023, 09:49 PM

Victoria axes hosting of Commonwealth Games in 2026, New Zealand not a replacement option

In a shock announcement, that blindsided both the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) and the NZOC, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews told a press conference on Tuesday that the cost of his state’s bid had ballooned out from A$2.6 billion to at least A$6b (NZ$6.5b) and it would be withdrawing its bid.

The New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) remains confident the 2026 Commonwealth Games will go ahead despite there being no host city following a dramatic termination of Victoria’s bid on Tuesday.

Victoria’s monumental costings for a unique model that the Australian state was hoping to achieve by growing investment in its regions, means the budget blowout has not dented confidence in a New Zealand concept for 2034.

Meanwhile, in NZ Labour's Blow hard Large Debt digging Gobbo Robbo thinks NZ is in with a shot in 2034

All those excavated Billions needed - borrowed will likely have Labour Wanabies planning digging the hole all across to the come out on the other side of the globe in Europe somewhere ;)

Meanwhile the tin is empty here .. deep in debt in just 5.5 years into the ruinous Labour reign of gross stupidity and incompetence and making noises on trying to asset strip good kiwi's already -- to try to fill a smaller gap ;)

Looks like fairly good proof that Robbo and Labour have lost their fiscal marbles and are in dream world down the bottom of the garden ;)

18-07-2023, 11:35 PM

Transport Minister David Parker to be briefed on ‘slow-moving landslide’ along Pūhoi-Warkworth motorway

Transport Minister David Parker is expecting a briefing shortly on a landslide that threatens the new $880 million Ara-Tūhono Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway north of Auckland.

The Auckland Anniversary floods have reactivated a landslide on the motorway that was only opened to motorists last month.

“This could potentially be a safety risk for motorists,” Parker said.

Labour's new Waka of Transport Incompetence Public Safety Risk No. 1 has been spotted on duty
learning about tar, seal, landslides, things unstable (very similar to the Beehive Shambles he hails from) and how slowly the Transport Waka crawls along .. at great cost, with many hiccups.

Expect Nosey Parker to be delving into every Large Pot Hole, before deciding it's too difficult and
heading for the next on the list ;)

Bound to be a Report or two coming out soon on how the Pot Holes created themselves, the tax on the tar makes any repairs too costly and for new initiatives to start applying a Windfall tax on the Pot Holes to stop them multiplying out of sight of this little scheming Commo cretin .. or worse still - even more tax on all Roads to pay for all the previous 5.5 years of Waka of Transport incompetence on jobs not done, not done well etc and trying to palm off excuses on everyone else ;)

You know that you can really trust this Talent piece to want to come after more and more of your hard earned on any old excuse - as the past record shows ;)

But unfortunately or very fortunately there mightn't be much time before a large landslide washes the Little Comrade away and with it all his sticky beaking bad habits ; more than likely before even the first job gets fixed ;)

Would you Trust this fellow with your Road:


18-07-2023, 11:53 PM

Countdown rebranding to Woolworths:

One off the List .. and bound to totally confuse Labour's specialist Supermarket Destruction posse ;)

19-07-2023, 09:22 AM

Victoria axes hosting of Commonwealth Games in 2026, New Zealand not a replacement option

Meanwhile, in NZ Labour's Blow hard Large Debt digging Gobbo Robbo thinks NZ is in with a shot in 2034

All those excavated Billions needed - borrowed will likely have Labour Wanabies planning digging the hole all across to the come out on the other side of the globe in Europe somewhere ;)

Meanwhile the tin is empty here .. deep in debt in just 5.5 years into the ruinous Labour reign of gross stupidity and incompetence and making noises on trying to asset strip good kiwi's already -- to try to fill a smaller gap ;)

Looks like fairly good proof that Robbo and Labour have lost their fiscal marbles and are in dream world down the bottom of the garden ;)

Yes its much easier to spend taxpayers money and future incomes via borrowings ,,, than actually run a balanced economy ...

Under Labour/Greens/NZF .... we have seen NZ Govt net debt move from sub $50Bill 2019 towards $140Bill at present.... what have we seen from all this spending ??

19-07-2023, 09:56 AM
Yes its much easier to spend taxpayers money and future incomes via borrowings ,,, than actually run a balanced economy ...

Under Labour/Greens/NZF .... we have seen NZ Govt net debt move from sub $50Bill 2019 towards $140Bill at present.... what have we seen from all this spending ??

JB you seem like a reasonable fella. Have you such a short memory as to forget the cost of the pandemic? $60Bln was the Government cost, meanwhile the tax take was hit hard during all the lockdowns etc.

12,0000 additional public houses (despite the misinformation that Balance constantly repeats) cost of circa $7- 8Bln.

The completion of the motorways into Wellington & to Puhoi. (I can't wait for the Puhoi response after recent news)

Huge increases on health spending including fixing and building hospital capacity.

Huge & justified increases in wage costs for teachers, health care workers & emergency services.

Has there been waste? Sure by the bucket load but there has also been very justified expenditure. The country would not have got through without the likes of the wage subsidy & support supplied to business.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 10:05 AM
JB you seem like a reasonable fella. Have you such a short memory as to forget the cost of the pandemic? $60Bln was the Government cost, meanwhile the tax take was hit hard during all the lockdowns etc.

12,0000 additional public houses (despite the misinformation that Balance constantly repeats) cost of circa $7- 8Bln.

The completion of the motorways into Wellington & to Puhoi. (I can't wait for the Puhoi response after recent news)

Huge increases on health spending including fixing and building hospital capacity.

Huge & justified increases in wage costs for teachers, health care workers & emergency services.

Has there been waste? Sure by the bucket load but there has also been very justified expenditure. The country would not have got through without the likes of the wage subsidy & support supplied to business.

The ‘neutral guy’ who apparently won’t vote for National or Labour….spends all his time defending Labour and trying to change posters minds about Labour.

Extract from an article in 2021 -

‘Since Labour came to power in late 2017, 7934 additional public housing spaces have been added. The Government has a target of adding 18,000 new spaces by 2024 as a fix for the housing crisis, which has been driven in large part by lack of housing supply.

But figures released to National by Housing Minister Megan Woods show that fewer than half of the 7934 additional public housing spaces are new-builds. The bulk are existing homes that have been purchased or leased from the private market.’

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 10:11 AM
‘Huge increases in health spending’….for poorer outcomes & longer waiting lists.

Daytr admits Labour has wasted money ‘by the bucket load’, but even with the immense borrowing and colossal waste, Labour pinched pennies on Dunedin Hospital, taking a razor to the original plan with the aim of delivering a cheapskate version that wouldn’t have met Otago’s current and future needs. Shameful!


Friday, 7 July 2023
National pledges Dunedin hospital budget boost

By Fiona Ellis

National has announced a $30 million plan to bring back cut beds, theatres and a PET scanner at the new Dunedin hospital.
Leader Christopher Luxon this morning revealed the party’s intention to reverse some cuts made to the build last December if elected later this year.

It was a critical piece of infrastructure for the region, he said.

"We’re going to build this hospital back to the specification that was originally intended, in terms of giving us the capacity we need, and that we will need for the future with the generations to come."’

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 10:17 AM
Labour are absolutely indefensible. $500 million wasted on RAT’s no-one will ever use, $45 million on a cycle bridge that will never be built, $19.6 million (so far) on an aborted RNZ and TVNZ merger that will never happen, $60+ million (so far) on Auckland light rail that was promised years ago but so far not one metre of track laid….it just goes on and on. But when it comes to giving Dunedin the hospital it deserves, they pinch pennies. Disgraceful.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 10:18 AM

Auckland light rail: Taxpayers forking out $1.2 million a week

By Bernard Orsman
15 Apr, 2023 05:00 AM

‘Taxpayers are forking out $1.2 million a week to keep the wheels turning on the Government’s $14.6 billion light rail project in Auckland.

Auckland Light Rail (ALR) is paying about $920,000 a week to two engineering companies to plan and design the central city-to-airport light rail project and a further $310,000 to its own contractors and consultants.

The figures came from Transport Minister Michael Wood in response to a written Parliamentary question from National’s transport spokesman Simeon Brown.

The Government has already spent $50m with about 200 different firms, including five big law firms and competing consultancies like PwC, EY and KPMG on Auckland’s light rail system in the five years to 2017.’

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 10:22 AM
New Zealanders should be very, very angry about the appalling waste that this Labour government seems to be addicted to. Nothing but wall to wall incompetence and the frittering away of taxpayer funds.

Article below is from March of this year.



Ludicrous' spending on establishment board weeks after RNZ/ TVNZ merger canned

10:32 am on 8 March 2023

‘The merger between RNZ and TVNZ was cancelled weeks ago, but the board set up to establish the new entity is still being paid out thousands of taxpayer dollars - with more to come.

After years of planning and millions of dollars paid to private consultants and nine establishment board members, the government cancelled the merger less than a month before the formal start date of 1 March 2023.

Under political pressure over the cost of living, Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media was one of the first casualties of new Prime Minister Chris Hipkins' policy reset.

Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson has confirmed the board has not yet been disestablished and was still being paid, weeks after the public announcement the merger would not be going ahead.‘

19-07-2023, 10:45 AM
JB you seem like a reasonable fella. Have you such a short memory as to forget the cost of the pandemic? $60Bln was the Government cost, meanwhile the tax take was hit hard during all the lockdowns etc.

12,0000 additional public houses (despite the misinformation that Balance constantly repeats) cost of circa $7- 8Bln.

The completion of the motorways into Wellington & to Puhoi. (I can't wait for the Puhoi response after recent news)

Huge increases on health spending including fixing and building hospital capacity.

Huge & justified increases in wage costs for teachers, health care workers & emergency services.

Has there been waste? Sure by the bucket load but there has also been very justified expenditure. The country would not have got through without the likes of the wage subsidy & support supplied to business.

Have you heard of spending within ones balance sheet .. yes during hard times one might well increase debt levels but what we have seen in just 4-5yrs is the explosion of net GOVT debt more that previous 100yrs !!!!! in just 5yrs .. its woke anti reality policy it's slogans , vote buying , lazy follow the non-elected leaders of international groups WEF/UN/club of rome ... the anti Fossil fuel movement while 90% kiwis drive ICEs and will continue to for a very long time..

NZ isn't getting safer or financial better under present leaders(not that the NATs will be the fix either) .. one can blame everything but face reality ... I could blame everyone but my own decisions ... blame old leaders ..blame the sun ... carbon ... terrorists ..blah blah ....

I like to view > marco to micro study ... now if I acted like our GOVT over the last 6yrs I'd be bankrupt and mentally ill ... If I increased my debt 180%+ .from.. spending my time learning Maori over my core business.. stopped using my ICE autos and replaced everything with EVs ... stopped investing in Resources and just looked for net zero investments .. pumped endless jabs into my body ,,, spent many dollars on covid tests and art , overseas donations , solar /windmills ...stopped working for weeks to keep safe ..etc

19-07-2023, 11:27 AM
Have you heard of spending within ones balance sheet .. yes during hard times one might well increase debt levels but what we have seen in just 4-5yrs is the explosion of net GOVT debt more that previous 100yrs !!!!! in just 5yrs .. its woke anti reality policy it's slogans , vote buying , lazy follow the non-elected leaders of international groups WEF/UN/club of rome ... the anti Fossil fuel movement while 90% kiwis drive ICEs and will continue to for a very long time..

NZ isn't getting safer or financial better under present leaders(not that the NATs will be the fix either) .. one can blame everything but face reality ... I could blame everyone but my own decisions ... blame old leaders ..blame the sun ... carbon ... terrorists ..blah blah ....

I like to view > marco to micro study ... now if I acted like our GOVT over the last 6yrs I'd be bankrupt and mentally ill ... If I increased my debt 180%+ .from.. spending my time learning Maori over my core business.. stopped using my ICE autos and replaced everything with EVs ... stopped investing in Resources and just looked for net zero investments .. pumped endless jabs into my body ,,, spent many dollars on covid tests and art , overseas donations , solar /windmills ...stopped working for weeks to keep safe ..etc

So you don't think the Government shouldn't have supported workers & business through the pandemic? Let alone paid for the tests & vaccines?
Raised the wages of teachers, nurses, police etc?
Speaking of bankruptcies how many would we have seen if the Government hadn't put in place these measures?

Interesting you say "in a hundred years" as that's exactly when there was a global pandemic of this sort of scale.

Virtually all Governments around the world substantially increased debt due to the pandemic.

And no we aren't even close to going bankrupt as we still have a debt level of around 50% of GDP or about 100% of Government revenue. Most house holds have debt levels multiple times their incomes.

As I said I'm not saying there hasn't been waste in spending, there are plenty of examples of that but the bulk of the borrowing has gone towards either funding the pandemic response or building some significant projects and increased wage costs to public servants, I.e teachers, nurses, etc.

So you are proposing an isolationist policy of withdrawing from the UN, WTO etc?
See how that serves an export lead economy.

A bit of a reality check required there my friend.
As you said, not that the Nats are the answer. And that's where the problem lies.
Both parties lack real leadership & policy that will solve many of the core underlying problems NZ has built & not faced during the last 40 years.

19-07-2023, 11:30 AM
The ‘neutral guy’ who apparently won’t vote for National or Labour….spends all his time defending Labour and trying to change posters minds about Labour.

Extract from an article in 2021 -

‘Since Labour came to power in late 2017, 7934 additional public housing spaces have been added. The Government has a target of adding 18,000 new spaces by 2024 as a fix for the housing crisis, which has been driven in large part by lack of housing supply.

But figures released to National by Housing Minister Megan Woods show that fewer than half of the 7934 additional public housing spaces are new-builds. The bulk are existing homes that have been purchased or leased from the private market.’

Not defending Labour's, correcting your extreme bias. Nothing is typically all bad or all good.

And yes I am aware of the huge amount of wasted spending by Labour, because I have an open mind & not the Labour puppet you constantly accuse me of.

National are the last ones to talk about spending on hospitals.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 11:48 AM
Not defending Labour's, correcting your extreme bias. Nothing is typically all bad or all good.

And yes I am aware of the huge amount of wasted spending by Labour, because I have an open mind & not the Labour puppet you constantly accuse me of.

National are the last ones to talk about spending on hospitals.

National will spend the extra $30 million giving Dunedin a fit-for-purpose hospital while Labour refuse to, so National are imminently qualified to speak up on the matter. Labour would rather spend many multiples of that money on a polytech mega-merger that has been a disaster - thanks to Chipkins.
When your phoney narratives get debunked you go into high dudgeon; not my problem.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 11:49 AM
‘Extreme bias’ these days is defined as presenting facts that debunk Labour / union slogans. Who knew.