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Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 11:56 AM
Inflation still running hot at 6%
Adrian refused to say that Robbo’s big spending budget was inflationary, put his cue in the rack…and now we are up the creek without a paddle. Kiwi’s know it too, they know it when the go to supermarket, they know it when they go to the petrol station, they know it when they get their rates bill. They know they’ve been let down by this government and Grant Robertson, and his hand-picked lackey at the Reserve Bank.


‘Annual inflation has dropped to 6%, but domestic price pressures in the economy remain more stubborn than some economists had expected.

Stats NZ reported that annual non-tradeable inflation, which is generally regarded as a better measure of domestic price pressures, was running at 6.6% in the June quarter, above ANZ’s 6.4% forecast.’

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 11:58 AM
Inflation still running hot at 6%
Adrian refused to say that Robbo’s big spending budget was inflationary, put his cue in the rack…and now we are up the creek without a paddle. Kiwi’s know it too, they know it when the go to supermarket, they know it when they go to the petrol station, they know it when they get their rates bill. They know they’ve been let down by this government and Grant Robertson, and his hand-picked lackey at the Reserve Bank.


‘Annual inflation has dropped to 6%, but domestic price pressures in the economy remain more stubborn than some economists had expected.

Stats NZ reported that annual non-tradeable inflation, which is generally regarded as a better measure of domestic price pressures, was running at 6.6% in the June quarter, above ANZ’s 6.4% forecast.’

But wait, there’s more -

‘Next quarter will contain some extra inflation pressure as Government fuel tax cuts and public transport subsidies ended on July 1. Council rate increases will also be high.’

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 12:16 PM
$15.6 million goes to Indonesia for ‘thermal energy’, but Labour couldn’t find $30 million to give Dunedin the hospital in needs. Disgusting!



Indonesia, New Zealand agree to continue geothermal cooperation

Kamis, 13 July 2023 22:36

‘Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Government of New Zealand has agreed to extend cooperation in the geothermal field with the Indonesian Government to accelerate geothermal development and support the energy transition in Indonesia.

"We are very grateful to have good cooperation with the New Zealand Government through MFAT (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and the New Zealand Embassy," Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif said at a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday.

This joint effort is expected to be able to accelerate geothermal development in Indonesia and provide sustainable solutions to support Indonesia's energy transition, he said.

He informed that the New Zealand Government, through the MFAT, has committed to extending cooperation in the geothermal sector with Indonesia for the 2023–2028 period, with a total grant of 15.64 million New Zealand dollars (NZD), which is equivalent to Rp147.8 billion.

The cooperation program has been named the Indonesia-Aotearoa New Zealand Geothermal Energy Program (PINZ).

At the press conference, Tasrif also emphasized Indonesia's decarbonization commitment, which was also encouraged through the focus of Indonesia's G20 Presidency and the achievement of the Bali Compact that gathered commitment from G20 countries toward energy transition.

In addition, the minister said that Indonesia's electricity needs are projected to reach 1,942 kWh by 2060. The challenge will be to provide this electricity using renewable energy sources that are affordable, reliable, and sustainable.

"To increase the use of clean energy, Indonesia will build around 700 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy power plants, considering that Indonesia has abundant sources of renewable energy, reaching more than 3,600 GW," he noted.

According to him, New Zealand also has significant resources and expertise for developing geothermal projects, including direct utilization and innovation in geothermal operations, such as green hydrogen production and carbon capture storage (CCS).

Meanwhile, New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said that PINZ's commitment is based on achievements and will further expand Indonesia's access to affordable, reliable, and clean energy.

Aotearoa New Zealand is strengthening support for Indonesia's geothermal energy sector through continued investment in the PINZ program. This collaboration will help reduce climate emissions and benefit the Indo-Pacific region broadly, she added.

Mahuta said the PINZ program aims to increase the contribution of geothermal energy for realizing Indonesia's renewable energy targets through technical assistance and capacity building.

This commitment of 15.6 million NZD will help Indonesia to achieve its renewable energy target through the provision of technical assistance and capacity building in three main areas, namely the regulatory framework, geothermal exploration, and increasing the skills and technical capacity of the workforce, she added.

The funding will be provided for five years based on the long-standing good relationship between New Zealand and Indonesia in geothermal development, she said.‘

19-07-2023, 12:23 PM
11 posts today already as it's barely gone midday. Someone is a little fixated.

The Government are spending over $1.5Bln on the new hospital in Dunedin and National think they need to score points by saying they will spend an additional $30M.
Is this some kind of joke?
Surely you aren't putting out garbage like this to be taken seriously.

19-07-2023, 12:39 PM
11 posts today already as it's barely gone midday. Someone is a little fixated.

The Government are spending over $1.5Bln on the new hospital in Dunedin and National think they need to score points by saying they will spend an additional $30M.
Is this some kind of joke?
Surely you aren't putting out garbage like this to be taken seriously.


Nothing like the mythical 12,000 new state houses built by Labour - swallowed whole by the likes of you and regurgitated faithfully. From shxt comes shxt - that’s the stuff you are made of.

Blue Skies
19-07-2023, 12:56 PM
11 posts today already as it's barely gone midday. Someone is a little fixated.

The Government are spending over $1.5Bln on the new hospital in Dunedin and National think they need to score points by saying they will spend an additional $30M.
Is this some kind of joke?
Surely you aren't putting out garbage like this to be taken seriously.

Yes absolutely agree, if you want better health services, vote Labour, if you want cuts to health & a move to privatisation of health like in the US vote National ACT.
National playing politics, a wolf in sheeps clothing with this paltry $30million.

Some posters on here are totally unaware of the new health infrastructure projects around the country Labour has initiated plus the record 40% increase in funding for the previously disgracefully underfunded PHARMAC budget under National.

Who can forget National's Minister of Health, Johnathon Coleman's humiliating attempts to excuse the perilous state of so many of our hospitals & the numbers of dying people having to crowd source funds to pay for life saving cancer drugs which were freely available in Australia, following years of cutting funding while relying on immigration to grow the economy.

19-07-2023, 12:56 PM

Nothing like the mythical 12,000 new state houses built by Labour - swallowed whole by the likes of you and regurgitated faithfully. From shxt comes shxt - that’s the stuff you are made of.

You just keep underpinning your lack of credibility by repeating a lie.
Nothing mythical about it, those 12,000 houses exist in the real world, not some lala land you, NZTX & Logen Ninefingers fantasize about.

But keep it up, it's great that you keep reminding everyone here of one of the Government's achievements in stark contrast to the previous NACT Government. Well done & thanks.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 01:02 PM
‘Neutral’ guy continues to sing Labour’s praises and deride ‘NACT’ (his term, not mine). No credibility in claiming a neutral stance when in actuality being the most pro-Labour poster on the site.

Blue Skies
19-07-2023, 01:08 PM

Nothing like the mythical 12,000 new state houses built by Labour - swallowed whole by the likes of you and regurgitated faithfully. From shxt comes shxt - that’s the stuff you are made of.

You might have to eat your hat!

No government has done more in the last 30 years in the housing space than Labour.

From stopping foreign speculators parking their money in NZ housing to extending the Brightline test to discourage property flippers & speculators, putting first home buyers on an even footing with existing property owners, Healthy Homes standards etc.

And it has delivered more than 12,000 Public homes since 2017.


Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 01:23 PM
You might have to eat your hat!

No government has done more in the last 30 years in the housing space than Labour.

From stopping foreign speculators parking their money in NZ housing to extending the Brightline test to discourage property flippers & speculators, putting first home buyers on an even footing with existing property owners, Healthy Homes standards etc.

And it has delivered more than 12,000 Public homes since 2017.


The promise was to deliver 100,000 KiwiBuild homes in 10 years. This was a promise to ordinary New Zealanders; nothing about delivering 12,000 state houses in 6 years. Less than half of these state houses are new builds, so Labour has been effectively competing in the market with ordinary Kiwi’s who want to get in the property ladder.
This is where ordinary hard-working Kiwi’s get duped and sold out by a Labour outfit which is only interested in securing their votes so that it can implement the agenda of its union & maori caucus masters.
Labour can talk about this or that ‘reset’ all they like - those of us with a functioning brain are still fully aware of what was promised and what was not delivered.
‘KiwiBuild’ is the single biggest broken promise in New Zealand political history.

19-07-2023, 01:53 PM

New ram raid offence as PM and Kiri Allan front for Govt’s third crime announcement

Hope they remembered to legislate for an intensive programme covering the dreaming kiddies in the Govt Beehive Kindy when the large October Ram Raid breezes through sweeping the place clean ;)

How many Ram Raids & other Crime instances has it taken for Labour's Front Bench morons to wake up ..
within just three months before the election that they are going to get their backsides kicked badly on Crime ? ;)

Oranga Tamariki Family Group Conferences (FGC) would also get an extra $1 million towards new family group coordinators who will be specifically focused on youth crime issues. This was expected to fund an extra 350 conferences.

Family Group Conferences are formal meetings where the family comes together with professionals to talk about concerns Oranga Tamariki may hold for a child.

More for sessions to spin BS round in circle and print "Be Good" Cards with space on back for entering
Repeat appointments for further entries ;)

Oranga Tamariki - the same outfit Kelvin the Clueless doesn't even know what is going on at and repeatedly has said issues have been fixed only for the same to happen again and again and again ? ;)

What a priceless prize &U%#-up ;)

19-07-2023, 02:00 PM
‘Neutral’ guy continues to sing Labour’s praises and deride ‘NACT’ (his term, not mine). No credibility in claiming a neutral stance when in actuality being the most pro-Labour poster on the site.

I never claimed to be neutral but a swing voter that votes on policy.
I give credit where credit is due & I have also openly criticized Labour & the Greens on many occasions & I probably won't be voting for either of them.

I dont deny the facts, such as producing 12k new public houses whilst also introducing policy that has contained the property market which has had a soft landing a most desirable outcome overall.

I don't make ridiculous claims such as NACT promising a measly $30M on a $1.5Bln project or $10M spent a decade ago.

To be taken seriously, you need to show some balance. Otherwise like Luxon, people just question your sincerity.

Nice fine day here. I'm off to get the boat ready.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 02:05 PM
I never claimed to be neutral but a swing voter that votes on policy.
I give credit where credit is due & I have also openly criticized Labour & the Greens on many occasions & I probably won't be voting for either of them.

I dont deny the facts, such as producing 12k new public houses whilst also introducing policy that has contained the property market which has had a soft landing a most desirable outcome overall.

I don't make ridiculous claims such as NACT promising a measly $30M on a $1.5Bln project or $10M spent a decade ago.

To be taken seriously, you need to show some balance. Otherwise like Luxon, people just question your sincerity.

Nice fine day here. I'm off to get the boat ready.

‘producing 12k new public houses’ implies these were built by Labour. But less than half were. For the rest, Labour was out there competing in the market with first home buyers, pushing up house prices.
No mention of KiwiBuild in your response, which was to be expected.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 02:11 PM
Kiwi’s are eating possums because the cost of meat is so high. ‘People piled in with recipes’ on one money saving chat group.
Mmmmm, slow cooked possum in a herb casserole.
Annual food price inflation is running at 12.1% so don’t let Adrian Orr or Grant Robertson tell you that the job is done & the inflation genie is back in the bottle. We are in dire straits.



Kiwis are throwing possum on the barbie in a cost of living crisis, but is it a good idea?

Annemarie Quill
10:56, Jul 19 2023

‘Kiwis are frying up possum as meat prices soar in the cost of living crisis, but food safety experts warn it could contain bacteria, TB or poison.

Northland man Owen Robertson, who served the family a Matariki feast of possum butter ‘chicken’ for just a few cents per head, said possums were an untapped food source in the country, while meat prices had increased by 12% in a year.

“I’d rather eat possum than meat from the supermarket, because of cost, but also because it’s way tastier than processed food,” said Robertson, who hunts his own possum.

“People’s negative image of possum is because they mostly see them dead on a road, which mightn’t make you feel like (possum) mince that night,” he said.

When possum was suggested as “free meat when people are struggling to buy groceries” in a money saving group, one woman said she’d rather starve, but others said it was “good tucker”.

People piled in with recipes, including roasted possum with sugar and orange, slow cooking in a herb casserole with lemon juice, or braised with garlic and spices.

Robertson chooses to slow cook, roast or hot smoke the meat with barbecue sauce.‘

19-07-2023, 02:45 PM
Good effort from Government in getting inflation down ……been going down for quite a few quarters now

Well done Robbo et al

19-07-2023, 02:47 PM
Good effort from Government in getting inflation down ……been going down for quite a few quarters now

Well done Robbo et al

Yes and we need to keep it down through avoiding deficit-funded tax cuts.

19-07-2023, 02:55 PM
Just while people are going back and forth on the 12,000 homes - here's the place to see that number broken down. There is some interesting stuff being included in it. I used to contribute to it as part of my old job


Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 02:57 PM
Good effort from Government in getting inflation down ……been going down for quite a few quarters now

Well done Robbo et al

And what happens next quarter when the effects of the below changes from 1 July are recorded, plus the increases in council rates?

You tell me, and then we will compare notes when the next inflation figure comes out.


’The biggest hit to New Zealanders’ back pockets is the end of the fuel tax discount, adding 25c a litre and almost 4c extra GST. The subsidy for road user charges for diesel vehicles will also end.

Half-price public transport fares will stop for most, with only children under 13 riding for free, while half-price fares for community services card holders and people under 25 will remain.’

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 03:01 PM
And what happens next quarter when the effects of the below changes from 1 July are recorded, plus the increases in council rates?

You tell me, and then we will compare notes when the next inflation figure comes out.


’The biggest hit to New Zealanders’ back pockets is the end of the fuel tax discount, adding 25c a litre and almost 4c extra GST. The subsidy for road user charges for diesel vehicles will also end.

Half-price public transport fares will stop for most, with only children under 13 riding for free, while half-price fares for community services card holders and people under 25 will remain.’

Additionally, ‘global crude prices have also jumped 13% since 1 July.’

Oh dear.

19-07-2023, 03:05 PM
Yes and we need to keep it down through avoiding deficit-funded tax cuts.

From the ignoramus Labour peasant who wanted Ryman to default on its debts by doing a share buyback using even more debt.

19-07-2023, 03:12 PM
Good effort from Government in getting inflation down ……been going down for quite a few quarters now

Well done Robbo et al

Think Robbo will accept responsibility for next inflation number? :D

19-07-2023, 03:13 PM
Just while people are going back and forth on the 12,000 homes - here's the place to see that number broken down. There is some interesting stuff being included in it. I used to contribute to it as part of my old job


Interesting. So Kainga Ora has a net gain of 31 houses if buyins and leases are excluded. And a nett loss of 933 if leases to CHPs are factored in.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 03:16 PM
Think Robbo will accept responsibility for next inflation number? :D

It’ll either be a dead rat for the new National government to swallow or the LABGREETEPATI mob will raise taxes to deal with it.
He’s a cunning bugger, putting the fuel tax back on only on 1 July so it wouldn’t show up in this quarters inflation figures.

19-07-2023, 03:16 PM
Think Robbo will accept responsibility for next inflation number? :D

He might be able to blame the Nat Govt of the day ….who’ll say they inherited it ;)


19-07-2023, 03:33 PM
Kiwi’s are eating possums because the cost of meat is so high. ‘People piled in with recipes’ on one money saving chat group.
Mmmmm, slow cooked possum in a herb casserole.
Annual food price inflation is running at 12.1% so don’t let Adrian Orr or Grant Robertson tell you that the job is done & the inflation genie is back in the bottle. We are in dire straits.



Kiwis are throwing possum on the barbie in a cost of living crisis, but is it a good idea?

Annemarie Quill
10:56, Jul 19 2023

‘Kiwis are frying up possum as meat prices soar in the cost of living crisis, but food safety experts warn it could contain bacteria, TB or poison.

Northland man Owen Robertson, who served the family a Matariki feast of possum butter ‘chicken’ for just a few cents per head, said possums were an untapped food source in the country, while meat prices had increased by 12% in a year.

“I’d rather eat possum than meat from the supermarket, because of cost, but also because it’s way tastier than processed food,” said Robertson, who hunts his own possum.

“People’s negative image of possum is because they mostly see them dead on a road, which mightn’t make you feel like (possum) mince that night,” he said.

When possum was suggested as “free meat when people are struggling to buy groceries” in a money saving group, one woman said she’d rather starve, but others said it was “good tucker”.

People piled in with recipes, including roasted possum with sugar and orange, slow cooking in a herb casserole with lemon juice, or braised with garlic and spices.

Robertson chooses to slow cook, roast or hot smoke the meat with barbecue sauce.‘

Haha Owen Robertson is a nutbar.
Saw his rants during the pandemic.
He would fit right in with a few of you

Leg of lamb in the Supermarket $12.90/kg haven't seen it this cheap in 20 years.
Pork $8.60/Kg absolute bargain.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 03:45 PM
Haha Owen Robertson is a nutbar.
Saw his rants during the pandemic.
He would fit right in with a few of you

Leg of lamb in the Supermarket $12.90/kg haven't seen it this cheap in 20 years.
Pork $8.60/Kg absolute bargain.

Is there anybody you won’t try and discredit in your ongoing quest to make Labour look like a silk purse rather than the sows ear that they really are?
Do you work for the Labour Party by any chance?

19-07-2023, 03:51 PM
Interesting. So Kainga Ora has a net gain of 31 houses if buyins and leases are excluded. And a nett loss of 933 if leases to CHPs are factored in.

This government failed completely and resoundingly with its promise of 100,000 houses to be built by Kiwibuild - by a factor of 90%!

It failed utterly to solve the homeless crisis (which is now a disaster) with record numbers in emergency housing.

It failed totally with cutting back the state housing waiting list which is up 350%.

So it decided to compete with the market and spent billions of dollars buying existing homes (increasing demand), driving up house prices to unaffordable levels and declared it had delivered 12,000 houses - all spin but eagerly swallowed whole by the likes of Daytr & BS as 12,000 new houses built.

Ardern sure taught this lot really really well how to BS and spin.

Luckily NZers have wised up to them.

19-07-2023, 04:00 PM
Interesting. So Kainga Ora has a net gain of 31 houses if buyins and leases are excluded. And a nett loss of 933 if leases to CHPs are factored in.

Why would you exclude those if the ultimate goal is to increase public housing fast?
Kianga Ora has bought many close to finished projects to fast track the number of public housing. It's smart.

19-07-2023, 04:02 PM
Is there anybody you won’t try and discredit in your ongoing quest to make Labour look like a silk purse rather than the sows ear that they really are?
Do you work for the Labour Party by any chance?

No chance. But nice clutch at the proverbial straw. Providing balance is hardly making Labour look good.
They have been a shambles of late.

Logen Ninefingers
19-07-2023, 04:10 PM
Why would you exclude those if the ultimate goal is to increase public housing fast?
Kianga Ora has bought many close to finished projects to fast track the number of public housing. It's smart.

Who is really ‘clutching at straws’? Labours numbers are revealed as smoke and mirrors, and your response is “it’s smart”.

19-07-2023, 05:25 PM
Who is really ‘clutching at straws’? Labours numbers are revealed as smoke and mirrors, and your response is “it’s smart”.

Sounding very Donald Trump.

Fact is that Daytr was trumpeting and boasting how 12,000 new state houses were BUILT by Labour. He has been back-pedalling, spinning and frothing around his mouth in agony ever since.

19-07-2023, 05:57 PM
Sounding very Donald Trump.

Fact is that Daytr was trumpeting and boasting how 12,000 new state houses were BUILT by Labour. He has been back-pedalling, spinning and frothing around his mouth in agony ever since.

Thanks again for repeating how many houses Labour has added to the public housing stock.
I should retire. You are doing the job for me.

How many did NACT add in 9 years?

19-07-2023, 06:42 PM
Thanks again for repeating how many houses Labour has added to the public housing stock.
I should retire. You are doing the job for me.

How many did NACT add in 9 years?

My pleasure! :t_up:

Labour NEVER built 12,000 new state houses - it is a lie regurgitated by the likes of you and you are proud of lying?

Well, here's more for you to be proud of :

1. 350% increase in state housing waiting list under Labour.

2. Record numbers in emergency housing, especially children under Labour.

Do you want more?

Yup - I love doing the job for you! :t_up:


19-07-2023, 06:54 PM
My pleasure! :t_up:

Labour NEVER built 12,000 new state houses - it is a lie regurgitated by the likes of you and you are proud of lying?

Well, here's more for you to be proud of :

1. 350% increase in state housing waiting list under Labour.

2. Record numbers in emergency housing, especially children under Labour.

Do you want more?

Yup - I love doing the job for you! :t_up:


I repeat the question.
How many did houses did NACT add to the public housing stock in the 9 years they were in Government?

If they had added the same as Labour I.e 18k in 9 vs 6 years we wouldn't have the acute issue in public housing we currently do.

Answer the question.

19-07-2023, 07:05 PM
I repeat the question.
How many did houses did NACT add to the public housing stock in the 9 years they were in Government?

If they had added the same as Labour I.e 18k in 9 vs 6 years we wouldn't have the acute issue in public housing we currently do.

Answer the question.

I don’t need to answer to a self-acknowledged liar who is trying to deflect away from his lies.

350% increase in state housing waiting list - you must be so proud.

And record numbers in emergency housing.

Labour’s proud housing record.:t_up:

19-07-2023, 07:14 PM
I don’t need to answer to a self-acknowledged liar who is trying to deflect away from his lies.

350% increase in state housing waiting list - you must be so proud.

And record numbers in emergency housing.

Labour’s proud housing record.
Much prouder than NACTs

19-07-2023, 07:22 PM
Much prouder than NACTs

But of course - liars are like that. :t_up:

Useless Cindy has indoctrinated you well. She would be proud of you.

19-07-2023, 07:27 PM
But of course - liars are like that. :t_up:

Useless Cindy has indoctrinated you well. She would be proud of you.

Again answer the question.
How many public houses did NACT add in its 9 years in Government?

19-07-2023, 07:27 PM

Auckland landlord discovers destroyed driveway, graffiti and other damage after evicting tenant

Wonder if the thing responsible for this large trail of destruction is now hiding under a newly
built Govt abode roof .. awaiting time to do some further renovations, before going invisible again ? ;)

Who's paying ? :)

This Trollop of Tennant would probably be one of the first to scream and complain on anything :)

Perhaps a woven grass hut or an empty container written off by a shipping company might be more appropriate accommodation that she can beat up, destroy, redecorate or try burn down to her hearts content ;)

19-07-2023, 07:29 PM
Again answer the question.
How many public houses did NACT add in its 9 years in Government?

Should include a factor for all the privately provided ones that current mob of clueless idiots have scared away ? :)

19-07-2023, 07:31 PM

19-07-2023, 07:34 PM
Again answer the question.
How many public houses did NACT add in its 9 years in Government?

Answer : 350% increase in state housing waiting list.

Answer : Record numbrs in emergency housing.

Answer : Daytr lied about the number of new state houses were built by Labour and he is proud to be a liar. :t_up:

19-07-2023, 07:36 PM

19-07-2023, 07:45 PM
Answer : 350% increase in state housing waiting list.

Answer : Record numbrs in emergency housing.

Answer : Daytr lied about the number of new state houses were built by Labour and he is proud to be a liar. :t_up:

Still haven't answered a quite a simple question.
How many houses did NACT add in in 9 years of government?

Is their reason why you can't supply an answer?

The reason is obvious to anyone who has an open mind. That apparently doesn't include you.

19-07-2023, 07:47 PM

Health Minister Ayesha Verrall corrects answer to Parliament, echoing Jan Tinetti mishap

Health Minister Ayesha Verrall corrected an answer to Parliament this evening, admitting her office had stopped health data from being released because of the timing of other Government announcements.

Earlier in the day, Verrall had denied this was the case under questioning from National’s Shane Reti.

Speaking to the House shortly before the 6pm dinner break, Verrall said since Question Time she had been “advised by my office that Te Whatu Ora reported a provisional date for the data to be released on first of July and a staff member had said that it should not be released that week due to other announcements”.

“I have told my staff that they should not have given that direction and it is my expectation that it does not happen again,” Verrall said.

“The final date that the data was determined by Te Whatu Ora based on when the information was ready,” she said.

The swift correction brought back memories of Education Minister Jan Tinetti making a similar false statement to the House, when she said her office was not involved in the release of truancy data. The fact Tinetti took so long to correct that answer after finding she was incorrect landed her before the Privileges Committee, which found she had acted with a “high degree of negligence”.

Sounds as Verrally Hopeless as the last sleeping twit in the Health Chair .. in fact most of the clueless mob on Govt Front benches ;)

19-07-2023, 07:49 PM
Still haven't answered a quite a simple question.
How many houses did NACT add in in 9 years of government?

Is their reason why you can't supply an answer?

The reason is obvious to anyone who has an open mind. That apparently doesn't include you.

Whatever number that National built, there was enough to go around compared to the 24,836 (350%) increase in state housing waiting list under Labour.

And why would anyone answer a question from a self-acknowledged liar like you? Lying about the number of new state houses built by Labour.

12,000 new state houses built by Labour

So very very very satisfying to out a shameless Labour indoctrinated liar like you. :t_up:


19-07-2023, 07:57 PM
Whatever number that National built, there was enough to go around compared to the 24,836 (350%) increase in state housing waiting list under Labour.

And why would anyone answer a question from a self-acknowledged liar like you? Lying about the number of new state houses built by Labour.

So very very very satisfying to out a shameless Labour indoctrinated liar like you. :t_up:


Your response is hilarious even though you didn't answer the question.

Under NACT public housing decreased!
But answer the question, by how many?

And if they had added the number of public houses that Labour have in 6 years what would that have done to the current deficit over their 9 years in Government?

Simple math really. Perhaps too simple for you.

19-07-2023, 08:00 PM
Your response is hilarious even though you didn't answer the question.

Under NACT public housing decreased!
But answer the question, by how many?

And if they had added the number of public houses that Labour have in 6 years what would that have done to the current deficit over their 9 years in Government?

Simple math really. Perhaps too simple for you.

Next you'll be telling us that number & dimensions of Pot Holes around the place can be correlated to
Labour's House building antics ;)

19-07-2023, 08:09 PM

Transmission Gully remains unfinished 15 months after opening

More success stories from Labour's Waka of Transport Incompetence - boys & girls :)

The snails on the side of the road probably move faster than the box of Roading C*ck-ups
thrown into Commo Nosey Parker's lap at great force to keep him from screwing something
else up badly instead ;)

19-07-2023, 08:11 PM
Your response is hilarious even though you didn't answer the question.

Under NACT public housing decreased!
But answer the question, by how many?

And if they had added the number of public houses that Labour have in 6 years what would that have done to the current deficit over their 9 years in Government?

Simple math really. Perhaps too simple for you.

Irrelevant question as you are a LIAR and the state housing waiting list grew 350% to 24,836 under this Labour government.

12,000 new state houses built by Labour

So very satisfying to see Daytr frothing around his mouth rather than with his tongue hanging out licking Useless Cindy's BS.

19-07-2023, 08:25 PM
Irrelevant question as you are a LIAR and the state housing waiting list grew 350% to 24,836 under this Labour government.

So very satisfying to see Daytr frothing around his mouth rather than with his tongue hanging out licking Useless Cindy's BS.

Haha this is getting comical.
Still won't answer the question.
Keep it up for all to see.

19-07-2023, 08:30 PM
Haha this is getting comical.
Still won't answer the question.
Keep it up for all to see.

What question?

That you are a liar and that the state housing waiting list grew by 350% under this Labour government?


19-07-2023, 08:44 PM
What question?

That you are a liar and that the state housing waiting list grew by 350% under this Labour government?


Thanks for asking.😅
What are you afraid of?
Or are you just not particularly bright?
How many public houses did NACT add in their 9 years of Government?

19-07-2023, 08:52 PM
Thanks for asking.��
What are you afraid of?
Or are you just not particularly bright?
How many public houses did NACT add in their 9 years of Government?

What question?

That you are a liar and that the state housing waiting list increased 350% under this Labour government?

Keep going.

So very satisfying to out this Labour indoctrinated liar.

19-07-2023, 09:05 PM
Another day and another instance of a Labour Minister pervading the timely release of pertinent information and data for political expediency.

This Labour government of spin and BS is not only incompetent but arrogant - treats NZers as fools to be manipulated.

‘Most transparent government ever’. Kiss my arse - Hipkins & co.


19-07-2023, 09:08 PM
How many public houses did NACT add in their 9 years of Government?

I'm not sure anyone cares anymore Daytr, it's ancient history and not adding anything to the debate, that was the nine years pre 2017, when Labour made some outrageous claims of 100,000 new builds, and have failed miserably. It's in your face obvious.

Acknowledge the stats and the fudging of the numbers by Labour, they're desperate to spin this and you seem to be supporting the spin. Deflecting to the nine years prior to their ambitions doesn't remove their incompetence and complete failure to deliver anywhere near their promises, on so many matters, not just housing. They failed, full stop, end of.

The stats have been laid out clearly here, there is no point in defending Labour by vilifying the National Government before them. Move on, hopefully we get a government next time who are not ideologically ambitious incompetents, that can make things actually happen!

I'm not holding my breath though, the centre right and centre left major party's seem both to be bereft of plausible solutions to NZ's ailments, brought on by decades of mismanagement by elected governments.

19-07-2023, 11:59 PM

Fears of fuel tax hikes as Government promises to publish much-delayed transport budget

Transport Minister David Parker said the Government will finally publish its much-delayed draft transport budget, saying it would be out by the time the house rises on August 31.

It puts pressure on councils to put together their own funding plans, and does nothing to assuage fears of potential tax hikes.

Parker would not say whether the Government intended to hike fuel taxes in that budget. Fuel taxes have been frozen since 2020. Prior to that, the Government hiked the tax by 3.5 cents a litre for three years, and hiked road user charges (RUC) by an equivalent amount.

Former Transport Minister Michael Wood was in charge of putting together a draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport, which acts as an effective transport budget, telling Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and councils how much money the Government wanted spent in different priority areas like road maintenance, new roads, and public transport.

It was meant to be published in draft form for consultation earlier this year before taking effect on July 1 next year, but Wood was sent back to the drawing board after outrage at part of the plan, which would have allowed councils to swap out car parks for cycleways while they were repairing roads.

Wood said in May the draft document would be published “approximately in the next month”, while his replacement in the role, Parker, said he expected the draft GPS would come “before the House rises”.

“I haven’t got a specific date,” Parker said.

Could it be a large Nosey Parker SCREW YOU OVER on Fuel Taxes on the way ? ;)

We all know this devious little Comrade just loves plotting to screw everyone over badly ;)

Forget about the small COL Hikes so far .. September 2023 Quarter will include the reapplied Robbo Taxes reapplied

but when the next Hike gets imposed, everyone's COL & Fuel costs could be right off the chart, through the roof & into the neighbour's yard

Remember Fuel Tax hikes go round and round into costs of most goods and services, and you wont
escape taking a king shot out of anything the current mob of incompetents swing on top

Would you trust this mob of devious spinners & incompetents with anything ? ;)

There is a reason why PARKER is there and it's not because the Incompetent disgraced Wood made an *Rse
of himself or that Fill in Commo Parker just wants to make friends and smile sweetly while fronting Wood's former chaotic and shambolic excuse for a Waka of Pot Holes and little achieved :)

20-07-2023, 12:15 AM
Meanwhile .. hard on the heels of Chumpkin's weak excuse for something on Lawlessness, Crime:


Youth crime crackdown: Children’s Commissioner ‘frustrated’ at Government plans for more youth ‘prison-like facilities’

Chief Children’s Commissioner Judge Frances Eivers says she is “frustrated” to see the Government’s plans to build more “prison-like facilities” for young offenders - the exact opposite of what she and successive commissioners before her have called for in asking they be shut down.

Had to come - didn't it ;)

Every Man, Woman and their dog having their piece to show Chumpkins up for the doziest Leadership Excuse
Labour have presented in over 40 years on the back of 5.5 years of Crisis after Crisis excuses and the final sucker
left carrying the baby, on hand to close the curtains for on last time on the mob's most current train wreck ;)

20-07-2023, 12:20 AM

Russian hackers may be behind 'DDoS' attack on NZ Parliament website

A Russian hacker group has claimed responsibility for a denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against the New Zealand Parliament website, which was carried out as retribution for the Government’s support of Ukraine, according to overseas reports.

They probably only wanted to get to know Mahuta a bit better .. but were they disappointed
or confused ? ;)

20-07-2023, 12:28 AM

New ram raid law to charge 12 year olds, new offence with up to 10 years' jail

Bound to learn something new in there .. for once

Probably just what they were wanting to know too

Gangs must be overjoyed and clapping at Chumpkins for wanting to put so many eager
learners in one place for them :)

Will the young Ram Raiders stay around for long enough to thank Chumpkins and Labour,
or will it be a certain solute and off to work at higher level jobs .. again ? ;)

Obviously the Labour mob have suddenly woken up to nothing done on Crime might have
something come back on October and hence a deviation from prior Let them Out early,
Dont put them in prison lax stance which caused what we have now .. 5.5 years of tripe
being emitted by Davis, Little and Labour doesn't exactly erase itself - does it, when Party
HQ determine a rapid 180 degrees turn needed for any slight chance preserving themselves
in Govt benches ;)

That folks, is clear indication of the Poor Quality of the Shallow Incompetent clueless talent left
residing in Govt Front Benches, after Crisis Cinders got a large scare, a push and thence bolted
knowing full well that the good days were gone and what was left parked up in the deckchairs were
totally useless would probably get bumped out or fall on their swords in very near future ;)

20-07-2023, 03:59 AM
The stats have been laid out clearly here, there is no point in defending Labour by vilifying the National Government before them. Move on, hopefully we get a government next time who are not ideologically ambitious incompetents, that can make things actually happen!

Yes they have such an ambitious agenda of bringing back boot camps and changing the kiwisaver rules to allow for rent payments.

20-07-2023, 05:11 AM
Leg of lamb in the Supermarket $12.90/kg haven't seen it this cheap in 20 years.
Pork $8.60/Kg absolute bargain.

And sometimes I eat lamb, sometimes I eat pork, sometimes I eat rabbit, sometimes I eat goat, sometimes I eat venison, and sometimes I eat possum. Because they all taste good.

20-07-2023, 08:31 AM
And sometimes I eat lamb, sometimes I eat pork, sometimes I eat rabbit, sometimes I eat goat, sometimes I eat venison, and sometimes I eat possum. Because they all taste good.

What about human meat? As practised historically by your self-acclaimed ‘superior’ NZ culture - is it a taonga’?


20-07-2023, 09:21 AM
I'm not sure anyone cares anymore Daytr, it's ancient history and not adding anything to the debate, that was the nine years pre 2017, when Labour made some outrageous claims of 100,000 new builds, and have failed miserably. It's in your face obvious.

Acknowledge the stats and the fudging of the numbers by Labour, they're desperate to spin this and you seem to be supporting the spin. Deflecting to the nine years prior to their ambitions doesn't remove their incompetence and complete failure to deliver anywhere near their promises, on so many matters, not just housing. They failed, full stop, end of.

The stats have been laid out clearly here, there is no point in defending Labour by vilifying the National Government before them. Move on, hopefully we get a government next time who are not ideologically ambitious incompetents, that can make things actually happen!

I'm not holding my breath though, the centre right and centre left major party's seem both to be bereft of plausible solutions to NZ's ailments, brought on by decades of mismanagement by elected governments.

BaaBaa I'm not very good at doing what I'm told.

Perhaps you should be directing your move on comment to Balance, NZTX & Logen Ninefingers who have a splatter gun approach on posting anything & everything no matter how relevant & hope the mud sticks.

They will not answer simple & obvious questions. And here's one for you.
What numbers in Labour's 12,000 additional public houses have been fudged?

Yes their outrageous promise of building 100k houses in 10 years was a massive fail, the real fail being right at the start, promising an undeliverable number.

It's easy not to be blamed when you don't try to do anything such as NACT did on so many fronts in their nine years.

If you think nine years of neglect can be fixed in six you are dreaming. That is asking the Government to produce at multiples of the rate of production.

It is NACTs legacy and its important to be reminded of how we got here on so many fronts.

Stating facts such as the addition of 12k public houses is not defending Labour, its just stating what is.

They should have been able to deliver probably twice that number, although they did lose at least a year due to the pandemic.

20-07-2023, 09:23 AM
And sometimes I eat lamb, sometimes I eat pork, sometimes I eat rabbit, sometimes I eat goat, sometimes I eat venison, and sometimes I eat possum. Because they all taste good.

Fair enough mate & good to see you are helping solving the possum problem.
It's just not for me.

fungus pudding
20-07-2023, 09:32 AM
What about human meat? As practised historically by your self-acclaimed ‘superior’ NZ culture - is it a taonga’?


Apparently tastes a bit salty, and I think it's illegal.

20-07-2023, 09:43 AM
Apparently tastes a bit salty, and I think it's illegal.

But Maoris are claiming back their traditional practices?

All traditional practices are taonga?

20-07-2023, 09:49 AM
Just gonna chuck this grenade in and see what happens


20-07-2023, 09:57 AM
Just gonna chuck this grenade in and see what happens


That is good stuff as far as surfacing the racist & divisive nature of the Greens is concerned - there for all NZers to see and think about.

Will put Hipkins and Labour into an impossible position when they are asked their stance to work with the Greens in implementing this policy.

Middle white NZ voters will be taking note and let's hope that they vote accordingly.

Roll on October 2023!

20-07-2023, 10:00 AM
After all that has happened over the last 6 years I cannot believe that the polls are still this close.

20-07-2023, 10:11 AM
After all that has happened over the last 6 years I cannot believe that the polls are still this close.

12% of those surveyed for their voting preferences chose NOT to participate.

Then, there's the 3% margin of error.

Labour insider tells me that Labour is panicking at how they are losing votes to the National Party, the Maori Party and the Greens.

Roll on October 2023!


20-07-2023, 10:19 AM
After all that has happened over the last 6 years I cannot believe that the polls are still this close.

People don't like losing public holidays and $50k from raising the retirement age.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 10:33 AM
People don't like losing public holidays and $50k from raising the retirement age.

So additional to the rusted-on Labourites who were always going to ignore 6 years of non-delivery, a bunch of purely selfish swing voters will vote Labour as well.
Got it.

20-07-2023, 10:37 AM
So additional to the rusted-on Labourites who were always going to ignore 6 years of non-delivery, a bunch of purely selfish swing voters will vote Labour as well.
Got it.

To trade it in for a party of chronic non-delivery?

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 10:41 AM
To trade it in for a party of chronic non-delivery?

Steady on, you didn’t judge the “Let’s do this!” mob before they started their latest turn at bat.

“Let’s do ‘this’!”
“Do what?”
“Waste billions and deliver absolutely nothing!”
“Yeah, let’s do that!”

20-07-2023, 11:01 AM
So additional to the rusted-on Labourites who were always going to ignore 6 years of non-delivery, a bunch of purely selfish swing voters will vote Labour as well.
Got it.

Labour has lost approx 40% of its support from election day 2020. People tend to forget Ardern/Labour was toast prior Covid. They were set to be a one term government. Ardern used Covid to rule by a mix of carrot and stick with a healthy dose of division.
She and Robertson showered our money around like confetti while

-imposing draconian human rights abuses on the population,

-established a "pulpit of truth", the government as the one source of truth,

- bribed news media to the tune of 105 million in an election year

-created an underclass of NZ citizens for the sin of maintaining bodily autonomy by rejecting a "vaccine" that didn't do what was promised.

Ardern then went on to establish the "Misinformation Project" (essentially a Ministry of Propaganda), run by Kate Hannah, a woman who descibes herself as a feminist Marxist who engages emotionally with her work.

And who was there right alongside Robertson and Ardern through all that? A fellow called Chris Hipkins.

As if all that isn't enough to be shod, it's now also clear that a vote for Labour is a vote for the Greens and Maori parties.

They are unelectable. And they deserve it. That's also the only reason Hipkins is safe until the election. No one will want that hospital pass.

20-07-2023, 11:02 AM
Labour has lost approx 40% of its support from election day 2020. People tend to forget Ardern/Labour was toast prior Covid. They were set to be a one term government. Ardern used Covid to rule by a mix of carrot and stick with a healthy dose of division.

Simon bridges used to get 45% (average, some polls were higher).

Until recently it was the same for the NACT coalition. It's not enough to govern unless they do another shady deal with the maori party, despite promising not to.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 11:09 AM
Labour has lost approx 40% of its support from election day 2020. People tend to forget Ardern/Labour was toast prior Covid. They were set to be a one term government. Ardern used Covid to rule by a mix of carrot and stick with a healthy dose of division.
She and Robertson showered our money around like confetti while

-imposing draconian human rights abuses on the population,

-established a "pulpit of truth", the government as the one source of truth,

- bribed news media to the tune of 105 million in an election year

-created an underclass of NZ citizens for the sin of maintaining bodily autonomy by rejecting a "vaccine" that didn't do what was promised.

Ardern then went on to establish the "Misinformation Project" (essentially a Ministry of Propaganda), run by Kate Hannah, a woman who descibes herself as a feminist Marxist who engages emotionally with her work.

And who was there right alongside Robertson and Ardern through all that? A fellow called Chris Hipkins.

As if all that isn't enough to be shod, it's now also clear that a vote for Labour is a vote for the Greens and Maori parties.

They are unelectable. And they deserve it. That's also the only reason Hipkins is safe until the election. No one will want that hospital pass.

Dopey asset-owning ‘swing’ voters vote Labour / Chipkins at this election at their peril. Note he doesn’t say that a wealth tax / CGT won’t be clapped on in the next term under LABGREETEPATI, just that these taxes won’t be clapped on ‘under a government he leads’.

Meanwhile the ideologue Robbo says the taxes aren’t right to be clapped on ‘under the current economic conditions’.

So if Chipkins stands aside or is rolled, expect these taxes to be imposed shortly thereafter.

20-07-2023, 11:10 AM
So if Chipkins stands aside or is rolled, expect these taxes to be imposed shortly thereafter.

Well, that make it a stronger promise than the GST debacle.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 11:13 AM
Well, that make it a stronger promise than the GST debacle.

I’ll see your purported ‘debacle’ and raise you KiwiBuild.

100,000 affordable homes in 10 years, remember?

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 11:16 AM
Well, that make it a stronger promise than the GST debacle.

‘Minister Phil Twyford has met Fletcher Building's residential and land development chief executive Steve Evans, representatives of Mike Greer Homes and Mark Todd of Ockam Residential who he said were "absolutely bursting to be part of this work. Fletchers are keen to do more housing. They've done a lot of work on panelisation."

"We're going to do large-scale urban renewal projects around rail corridors at Avondale, New Lynn and Panmure, around town centres, taking advantage of the rail and roading network.

"We're going to be as ambitious as possible. There is a $2b cash injection for KiwiBuild over 10 years and we will recycle that money over and over," he said of the state buying the properties, then on-selling to first-home buyers.

"It's not going to happen in the first week. We've always said we'll step it up over three years to hit the 10,000-a-year target. There's a bunch of projects already under way and we'll make sure there's more affordable places there, at Northcote, Mt Roskill and Hobsonville Point."

"We're going to legislate the new urban development agency and that will have various powers and it will hold all the Government's urban land holdings and that will give it a massive balance sheet. It will have a mandate to develop projects specifically like the [former] Hobsonville Land Company."

Half KiwiBuilds will be in Auckland "and the rest will be in places where the housing crisis is most acute. Queenstown which is really in need for urgent intervention. Queenstown is a special case, which needs a particular kind of approach and the Queenstown Lakes District Council has done some great work but it needs the Government to give it a hand. Regions like the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and in Hamilton and Tauranga are under real pressure.

"There will be other areas. We have not done precise modelling in each individual place in New Zealand but the focus will be on Auckland in the short term because that's where the shortage is most acute."

"Part of the concept of KiwiBuild is that work will be tendered to companies that can scale up and build thousands of homes a year, instead of dozens. Fletcher and Mike Greer are the two most obvious. We've had extensive conservations with GJs [Gardner] and lots of others too. So we're wanting to tender work to companies that can drive down the build cost due to economies of scale, off-site manufacturing and panellised construction."

Twyford praised PrefabNZ's chief executive Pamela Bell as "a star, an absolute hero" who he said had led extensive progress in this sector "and that area is brimming with people who have great talent".

KiwiBuild quality would be kept high because "you just have to set standards. The learnings from off-site manufacturing around the world is that you can deliver far better quality," he said, citing Mike Greer's $14m Concision joint venture factory with Spanbuild, using computer technology at Rolleston south of Christchurch, where German components were making panellised home components.

"We need half a dozen other firms that can scale up and then we get a much more competitive building industry. We're going to drive down cost through bulk procurement and accessing suppliers and materials and by giving multiple contracts that enables [companies] to invest in off-site manufacturing and the big objective is to build more competitive, innovative and productively."

Asked if state or taxpayer funds was being risked through buying off the plans, Twyford said "when you're buying land, you always have the land. There's a huge need for affordable homes, only 5 per cent of new builds have been affordable."’

Blue Skies
20-07-2023, 11:30 AM
Dopey asset-owning ‘swing’ voters vote Labour / Chipkins at this election at their peril. Note he doesn’t say that a wealth tax / CGT won’t be clapped on in the next term under LABGREETEPATI, just that these taxes won’t be clapped on ‘under a government he leads’.

Meanwhile the ideologue Robbo says the taxes aren’t right to be clapped on ‘under the current economic conditions’.

So if Chipkins stands aside or is rolled, expect these taxes to be imposed shortly thereafter.

Im kind of curious, whats your stand on the fact that out of 35 OECD countries, NZ is the ONLY one without a CGT & something like 54% of NZ'ers support one?

Doesn't that say anything to you ?

Australians have been taxed on their Capital Gains on things like property & shares since 1985.
In Britain since 1965.


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/the-front-page-capital-gains-tax-experts-still-want-it-so-could-this-issue-rise-from-the-dead/H66T3JMYARA5XFGY2NNZBMIIAM/#:~:text=“In%20fact%2C%20New%20Zealand%20is,gains% 2C%20but%20not%20comprehensively.”

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 11:42 AM
Im kind of curious, whats your stand on the fact that out of 35 OECD countries, NZ is the ONLY one without a CGT & something like 54% of NZ'ers support one?

Doesn't that say anything to you ?

Australians have been taxed on their Capital Gains on things like property & shares since 1985.
In Britain since 1965.


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/the-front-page-capital-gains-tax-experts-still-want-it-so-could-this-issue-rise-from-the-dead/H66T3JMYARA5XFGY2NNZBMIIAM/#:~:text=“In%20fact%2C%20New%20Zealand%20is,gains% 2C%20but%20not%20comprehensively.”

Has the Aussie CGT reduced their house prices?

Other than that, the time to introduce a CGT was from about the time prices started to surge under Helen Clark onwards.
Now with people in negative equity & struggling to pay their mortgages it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Stand by for a ‘surprise’ increase in inflation next month which will exacerbate these issues.
Ideologues such as yourself witness Robbo blowing his budget and crave fresh sources of revenue for him to burn through, but there is no longer a pot of gold at the end of that particular rainbow.

Labour have proved that spending billions and billions and billions extra does not produce better outcomes for New Zealanders, just monumental waste. They had two terms to prove that spending money like water would deliver a ‘Let’s do this!’ utopia and they’ve utterly failed. Those on the Left can cling to their delusions (“if only we could tax people harder, everything would be great”) but the rest of us can see the fallacy of this line of thinking for ourselves.

20-07-2023, 01:20 PM
Labour has lost approx 40% of its support from election day 2020. People tend to forget Ardern/Labour was toast prior Covid. They were set to be a one term government. Ardern used Covid to rule by a mix of carrot and stick with a healthy dose of division.
She and Robertson showered our money around like confetti while

-imposing draconian human rights abuses on the population,

-established a "pulpit of truth", the government as the one source of truth,

- bribed news media to the tune of 105 million in an election year

-created an underclass of NZ citizens for the sin of maintaining bodily autonomy by rejecting a "vaccine" that didn't do what was promised.

Ardern then went on to establish the "Misinformation Project" (essentially a Ministry of Propaganda), run by Kate Hannah, a woman who descibes herself as a feminist Marxist who engages emotionally with her work.

And who was there right alongside Robertson and Ardern through all that? A fellow called Chris Hipkins.

As if all that isn't enough to be shod, it's now also clear that a vote for Labour is a vote for the Greens and Maori parties.

They are unelectable. And they deserve it. That's also the only reason Hipkins is safe until the election. No one will want that hospital pass.

Ohhhh Reds under the beds!
Watch out for the black helicopters above as you can't hear them in whisper mode you know.

What a surprise that you don't like an intelligent strong woman who wants to combat misinformation, something you live in breath.

They may well be unelectable but not for the nonsense you spin.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 01:25 PM
Ohhhh Reds under the beds!
Watch out for the black helicopters above as you can't hear them in whisper mode you know.

What a surprise that you don't like an intelligent strong woman who wants to combat misinformation, something you live in breath.

They may well be unelectable but not for the nonsense you spin.

The non-aligned ‘swing voter’ quickly jumps up to defend a ‘marxist’, calling her a ‘strong woman’.
Datyr, you are as Left wing as it gets. The idea of you ever voting for NACT (your term, not mine) is simply not credible. You should have been more forthcoming and accurate about your true political leanings, but your posts are speaking volumes.

20-07-2023, 01:28 PM
Has the Aussie CGT reduced their house prices?

Other than that, the time to introduce a CGT was from about the time prices started to surge under Helen Clark onwards.
Now with people in negative equity & struggling to pay their mortgages it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Stand by for a ‘surprise’ increase in inflation next month which will exacerbate these issues.
Ideologues such as yourself witness Robbo blowing his budget and crave fresh sources of revenue for him to burn through, but there is no longer a pot of gold at the end of that particular rainbow.

Labour have proved that spending billions and billions and billions extra does not produce better outcomes for New Zealanders, just monumental waste. They had two terms to prove that spending money like water would deliver a ‘Let’s do this!’ utopia and they’ve utterly failed. Those on the Left can cling to their delusions (“if only we could tax people harder, everything would be great”) but the rest of us can see the fallacy of this line of thinking for ourselves.

I think never too late to consider implementing CGT:


The issue isn't that houses don't come down in price but rather, it's maintaining affordability. As you can see in the chart, there's gradual house price rises, and there's stupid insane house price rises (NZ).

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 01:38 PM
I think never too late to consider implementing CGT:


The issue isn't that houses don't come down in price but rather, it's maintaining affordability. As you can see in the chart, there's gradual house price rises, and there's stupid insane house price rises (NZ).

I see the black line falling at the end of your graph there. So that means there are people who bought into the ponzi in its late stages who are now in negative equity. Where will the black line go next? If you believe in TA, you’ll tell me the line could go up, or it could go down. If you are Nostradamus, you might be able to tell to me where it goes next. But you aren’t Nostradamus.

I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that fuel prices have increased by 29 cents in government taxes since 1 July. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that oil prices have increased by 13% since 1 July. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that the public transport subsidy ended on 1 July for everyone except children. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that council rates are going up this quarter. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know we have to import a lot of fruit and vegetables during the winter months. What will all this mean for inflation? You don’t have to be Nostradamus to work it out, although bank economists will still invariably be ‘surprised’. Will the Reserve Bank then increase the OCR in response? Don’t rule it out. Not good for house prices.

20-07-2023, 01:39 PM

Auckland shooting: Three dead, five injured - police to provide update

Downtown Auckland remains closed in the aftermath of the shooting which left three dead, including the gunman.

Police are due to give an update at 1pm on this morning’s deadly shooting in which at least five others, including a police officer, were injured.

The police officer was taken to hospital in a critical condition but his condition has since stabilised.

Five people were taken to Auckland Hospital - one in a serious condition, the others in moderate conditions. One other person was taken to Middlemore in a serious condition.

Two others, one in moderate condition and one with minor injuries were being treated at the scene.

The Herald understands the gunman responsible, Matu Tangi Matua Reid, was serving a community-based sentence of home detention at the time of the shooting and was subject to electronic monitoring via an ankle bracelet tracker.

WTF - Didn't Clueless Cindy put something in place after CHCH on firearms so this wouldn't happen again ?

Another of the good little boys that Comrade Kelvin thinks should be out on the loose this time ?

20-07-2023, 01:39 PM
Median house price in world class melbourne .. 1m

Median in gridlocked Auckland with high poverty rates and social misfits.. $1.3m

Brought to you by the Aussie banking sector :)

20-07-2023, 01:41 PM
Median house price in world class melbourne .. 1m

Median in gridlocked Auckland with high poverty rates and social misfits.. $1.3m

Brought to you by the Aussie banking sector

but nowhere near the value of your mouse hole ? ;)

20-07-2023, 01:44 PM
The non-aligned ‘swing voter’ quickly jumps up to defend a ‘marxist’, calling her a ‘strong woman’.
Datyr, you are as Left wing as it gets. The idea of you ever voting for NACT (your term, not mine) is simply not credible. You should have been more forthcoming and accurate about your true political leanings, but your posts are speaking volumes.

You really are becoming a bore.
This post wasn't directed at you was it?
Are you to in same rabbit hole with Jonu?
Must be a tight fit.

20-07-2023, 01:48 PM

Auckland shooting: Three dead, five injured - police to provide update

WTF - Didn't Clueless Cindy put something in place after CHCH on firearms so this wouldn't happen again ?

Another of the good little boys that Comrade Kelvin thinks should be out on the loose this time ?

Are you seriously politicizing this tragic event?
Have you no morals!
If it wasn't for Ardern's gun reform the offender could have been armed with a semi automatic rifle.

20-07-2023, 01:52 PM
Are you seriously politicizing this tragic event?
Have you no morals!
If it wasn't for Ardern's gun reform the offender could have been armed with a semi automatic rifle.

Poor little fellow .. now throws a spewie for attention when he doesn't like what he see on internet ..:)

The sort of thing to be expected from the moral-less left ;)

How's the Govt front bench doing lately ?

Was poor disadvantaged little gunman being monitored at the time ?

How did Gun get up there ?

Did it walk by itself ?

20-07-2023, 01:54 PM
Are you seriously politicizing this tragic event?
Have you no morals!
If it wasn't for Ardern's gun reform the offender could have been armed with a semi automatic rifle.

But for Ardern’s & Labour’s pro-crim policies, he would be in jail rather than home detention.

That’s the huge difference between law & order when it comes to this useless Labour government.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 01:56 PM
Median house price in world class melbourne .. 1m

Median in gridlocked Auckland with high poverty rates and social misfits.. $1.3m

Brought to you by the Aussie banking sector :)

Didn’t Orr - hand-picked by Robbo - and his 0.25% OCR ‘contribute in some small way’? Orr with his ‘funding for lending’ programme which went straight into the property market; that didn’t contribute to the speculative frenzy? Orr relaxing LVR limits had no impact?
You tell me.

Then there was Jacinda Ardern vaulting subprime FHB’s ‘onto the ladder’ with her deposit grant schemes and talking up of market affordability. Yeah, ‘onto the ladder’ buying homes that they really couldn’t afford over the long run of a mortgages life, ‘onto the ladder’ and now in negative equity and in a mountain of pain.

As Bart Simpson once said, “I can’t help but feel partly responsible”.

20-07-2023, 01:58 PM
Didn’t Orr - hand-picked by Robbo - and his 0.25% OCR ‘contribute in some small way’? Orr with his ‘funding for lending’ programme which went straight into the property market; that didn’t contribute to the speculative frenzy? Orr relaxing LVR limits had no impact?
You tell me.

Then there was Jacinda Ardern vaulting subprime FHB’s ‘onto the ladder’ with her deposit grant schemes and talking up of market affordability. Yeah, ‘onto the ladder’ buying homes that they really couldn’t afford over the long run of a mortgages life, ‘onto the ladder’ and now in negative equity and in a mountain of pain.

As Bart Simpson once said, “I can’t help but feel partly responsible”.

Orr was also endorsed by Luxon

20-07-2023, 02:01 PM
How about we try and change the tone of these political threads. All I see is negative campaigning from three serial posters.

So offer some constructive policies & reasons why NACT should be the next Government.

Let's see how long the positivity lasts.
Always the optimist.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 02:09 PM
How about we try and change the tone of these political threads. All I see is negative campaigning from three serial posters.

So offer some constructive policies & reasons why NACT should be the next Government.

Let's see how long the positivity lasts.
Always the optimist.

I’ve tried to post positive good news stories such as the one about National responding to need and proposing to spend $30 million to make Dunedin hospital fit-for-purpose. Your responses were extremely negative and frothing at the mouth with a debunked fantasy about ‘rotting schools and hospitals’. If you stop reciting pat Labour talking points and slogans then quality and tone will improve markedly.

20-07-2023, 02:12 PM
Let's be positive

Labour have dropped everyone in it

The Comrade's new Slogan even admits that :)

Is there even a small flame burning under any of the seats on the front bench, since the glowing
star gave up and run away from the shambles ? ;)

20-07-2023, 02:13 PM
How about we try and change the tone of these political threads. All I see is negative campaigning from three serial posters.

So offer some constructive policies & reasons why NACT should be the next Government.

Let's see how long the positivity lasts.
Always the optimist.

Good sentiment. However, for a lot of us its not about finding reasons to vote National/ACT in but voting Labour out.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 02:20 PM
Labour had a good crack and delivered nothing. I’d need more than ‘Chippys a good egg and has a great “spread your legs” sense of humour’ to vote for the absolutely hapless Labour shambles.
Perhaps the best reason to not vote Labour is revealed in a succession of poll results: they will doubtless have to form a government with the Greens (‘we will return NZ to it’s real owners’) and Te Pati Maori. If you want radicals commanding the reins of power then by all means vote Labour.

20-07-2023, 02:21 PM
Good sentiment. However, for a lot of us its not about finding reasons to vote National/ACT in but voting Labour out.

Yep understand that.
Sad state of affairs huh.
I won't be voting for the Government unless they surprise me with some significant policy shifts during the campaign, however one I think it's unlikely & 2 I would question their ability to deliver.
I just can't vote for a NACT coalition despite the fact they will probably put more money in my back pocket.
The parts of society that suffer the most under me first type policy are the marginalized and the underrepresented.

Such as the disability sector, low income workers. Vocational type workers such as nurses & teachers.

20-07-2023, 02:22 PM

Mike Hosking: Election 2023 - Chris Hipkins, Labour’s slogan meaningless, it’s results that count

Chumpie: 'I only been Leader for two months, but actually have been working as part of this mob since they got in'

'Don't blame me - I saw nothing and knew of none of this' ;)

Time for a Winston moment coming up - Chumpie ? ;)

Might need more handfuls of BS thrown into the pot of burned sausage rolls :)

20-07-2023, 02:24 PM
I’ve tried to post positive good news stories such as the one about National responding to need and proposing to spend $30 million to make Dunedin hospital fit-for-purpose. Your responses were extremely negative and frothing at the mouth with a debunked fantasy about ‘rotting schools and hospitals’. If you stop reciting pat Labour talking points and slogans then quality and tone will improve markedly.

Fair enough to a degree, however its not a policy is it and it is a pretty paltry amount.
I didn't say the policies won't be critiqued, however I will try and keep it positive.
Anyway I welcome more & I'm sure others will as well.

20-07-2023, 02:35 PM
Fair enough to a degree, however its not a policy is it and it is a pretty paltry amount.
I didn't say the policies won't be critiqued, however I will try and keep it positive.
Anyway I welcome more & I'm sure others will as well.

350% increase state housing waiting list to record number.

Better than 500% which is where it is heading towards under this clueless big spending useless Labour government.

But let’s be positive as they are on the way out.

Roll on October 2023.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 02:36 PM
Yep understand that.
Sad state of affairs huh.
I won't be voting for the Government unless they surprise me with some significant policy shifts during the campaign, however one I think it's unlikely & 2 I would question their ability to deliver.
I just can't vote for a NACT coalition despite the fact they will probably put more money in my back pocket.
The parts of society that suffer the most under me first type policy are the marginalized and the underrepresented.

Such as the disability sector, low income workers. Vocational type workers such as nurses & teachers.

You say ‘me first’ but the reality is that most Kiwi’s who pay their bills, go to work every day, ensure their kids have food on the table…they are just doing what mums and dads have been doing since about the year 3,000 BC. These days they live complicated modern lives that are actually onerous with responsibility and obligation. If you have a job then you have obligations to your employer. You can’t be away fishing or flying a kite if you are obliged to be sat behind a desk 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You have to make sure your vehicle is well maintained and warranted and registered. On it goes.
Yes they look after ‘them and theirs’, but that’s hardly selfish when we have a vast welfare state and free healthcare and education and a raft of other things ‘the state’ (taxpayers) provide. And many of these people give to charity, are active in the community and at their local school, and abide by the law.
If the government undertakes to carry out certain societal functions then why blame ‘selfish people’ when they don’t carry them out effectively? Labour - representing ‘big government’ - has no divine right to stay in power in perpetuity. We don’t all have to buy into Labours worldview on what constitutes ‘fairness’, and we shouldn’t just be moralised at and lectured to by people who have an unrealistic and one-eyed view of how society functions.

You should let go of hackneyed marxist archetypes such as the ‘greedy’ businessman, the ‘selfish’ middle class, the ‘salt of the earth’ poor and downtrodden. The real world is a lot more complex and nuanced than this blinkered method of categorising people.

20-07-2023, 02:37 PM
Labour had a good crack and delivered nothing. I’d need more than ‘Chippys a good egg and has a great “spread your legs” sense of humour’ to vote for the absolutely hapless Labour shambles.
Perhaps the best reason to not vote Labour is revealed in a succession of poll results: they will doubtless have to form a government with the Greens (‘we will return NZ to it’s real owners’) and Te Pati Maori. If you want radicals commanding the reins of power then by all means vote Labour.

The greens are in no position to make demands as they will only ever support a left government.

What the maori party can get depends on National really.. whether they hold negotiations with them after the election (and break a core promise before even getting started).. then the party can threaten Labour with supporting National if they don't get everything they want.

20-07-2023, 02:51 PM
You say ‘me first’ but the reality is that most Kiwi’s who pay their bills, go to work every day, ensure their kids have food on the table…they are just doing what mums and dads have been doing since about the year 3,000 BC. These days they live complicated modern lives that are actually onerous with responsibility and obligation. If you have a job then you have obligations to your employer. You can’t be away fishing or flying a kite if you are obliged to be sat behind a desk 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. You have to make sure your vehicle is well maintained and warranted and registered. On it goes.
Yes they look after ‘them and theirs’, but that’s hardly selfish when we have a vast welfare state and free healthcare and education and a raft of other things ‘the state’ (taxpayers) provide. And many of these people give to charity, are active in the community and at their local school, and abide by the law.
If the government undertakes to carry out certain societal functions then why blame ‘selfish people’ when they don’t carry them out effectively? Labour - representing ‘big government’ - has no divine right to stay in power in perpetuity. We don’t all have to buy into Labours worldview on what constitutes ‘fairness’, and we shouldn’t just be moralised at and lectured to by people who have an unrealistic and one-eyed view of how society functions.

You should let go of hackneyed marxist archetypes such as the ‘greedy’ businessman, the ‘selfish’ middle class, the ‘salt of the earth’ poor and downtrodden. The real world is a lot more complex and nuanced than this blinkered method of categorising people.

You missed my point.
I wasn't referring to citizens or categorizing people and I agree with your general depiction of people. I.e most people are good etc.
I was referring to me first policy, particularly ACT's policies.

We have free education to a degree, however there are still plenty of fees that parents have to come up with.

We certainly don't have a free Healthcare system. Have you been to the dentist?
Dr's fees, prescription costs, ambulance charges and obviously long waiting lists.
I don't see ACTs tax policy funding a better health or education system.

I do actually agree with National's policy of getting back to basics on education and concentrating on literacy & numerousy.

Anyway finally good to have a decent discussion. Hopefully some others can follow suit.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 02:51 PM
The greens are in no position to make demands as they will only ever support a left government.

What the maori party can get depends on National really.. whether they hold negotiations with them after the election (and break a core promise before even getting started).. then the maori party can threaten Labour with supporting National if they don't get everything they want.

Labour winning the last election by a landslide put them in a unique position where they did not have to listen to anyone’s demands. But perhaps you remember the outcome of the 2017 election and the protracted horse trading that went on before an agreement was reached? I seem to remember that Winston Peters was in a position to make demands and Jacinda Ardern was very happy to accede to those demands.

To suggest that in a scenario where the Greens and Te Pati Maori hold the key to Labour retaining power that Labour will consider these parties as being ‘in no position to make demands’….it defies logic and reason.

The Greens could easily refuse to be part of the government on principle , but on the other hand Labour will not be going and sitting on the opposition benches because they refuse to accomodate Green and Te Pati Maori ‘demands’. You can believe it, I don’t. The Labour PM and ministers are used to being in power, they crave it, and they would capitulate to radical minor parties to retain it.

One thing Labour would never do is go into a coalition with National.

20-07-2023, 02:59 PM
To suggest that in a scenario where the Greens and Te Pati Maori hold the key to Labour retaining power that Labour will consider these parties as being ‘in no position to make demands’….it defies logic and reason.

If Luxon is true to his word (being an evangelical type I doubt it) then the maori party has nowhere to go. It would be like the Greens in 2017.

James Shaw with his votes and background at PWc could only manage to become a minister of statisitics.

20-07-2023, 03:02 PM
One thing Labour would never do is go into a coalition with National.

Luxon ruled it out because he prefers the colour blue.

Though on current polls it would be an interesting contest to see who would be PM when both are at 30%.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 03:18 PM
Luxon ruled it out because he prefers the colour blue.

Though on current polls it would be an interesting contest to see who would be PM when both are at 30%.

It’s not really interesting if it’s a total non-starter.

‘On current polls’ the Greens (NZ back to its ‘rightful owners’ + wealth tax and more) and Te Pati Maori (ditto) are Labours only path to victory. And Labour voters are apparently fine with that.

20-07-2023, 03:22 PM
Heh, at least they would be locals rather than chinese and american billionaires. ;)

Though it would be tempting to onsell the land for muskets & blankets 2.0.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 03:32 PM
Heh, at least they would be locals rather than chinese and american billionaires. ;)

Though it would be tempting to onsell the land for guns & muskets 2.0.

Let me know when Chinese and American billionaires are being lined up to compulsorily acquire land out from under New Zealand citizens. (The key word being ‘compulsorily’).

You may be happy to relitigate the outcome of the New Zealand Wars from the 1800’s, I’m not so sure about it.
And as regards ‘Te Tiriti’, since the British Crown was one signatory to ‘Te Tiriti’ my view is that King Charles III should get his chequebook out if there are ongoing claims and complaints about things that happened in the distant past. Or will there actually be a civil war in New Zealand to sort some of these issues out once and for all? How far is this going to go before a significant proportion of 4.2 million New Zealand citizens decide they are being backed into a corner?

I find this key Greens policy to be unhelpful, malicious, and mischievous, and certainly nothing to do with environmental politics.

20-07-2023, 03:48 PM

Teacher who stole nearly $20,000 in ‘gross breach of trust’ escapes cancellation

A registered teacher who stole nearly $20,000 from her employer through false invoices has escaped cancellation and is now working at a polytechnic, managing a budget of close to half a million dollars.

While now barred from undertaking any teaching role that involves the handling of money, a tribunal allowed the teacher to continue her role with the Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT).

Former Cabinet minister Sam Lotu-liga, who has been the Auckland woman’s boss for two years, vouched for her in an affidavit, saying she has since proven herself trustworthy and is not a risk to the profession.

Who could ask more - Teaching levels being maintained at their expected exemplary high standards ;)

Oh hang on a moment .. a few of these educational types littered around Govt front benches too .. how the standards there ? :)

20-07-2023, 03:51 PM
Labour, the Greens and the Maori Farty are all fighting for the biggest share of the 17% Maori votes which have formed part of the bedrock of Labour politics in the last 2 elections.

Now that white middle class NZers have largely deserted Labour, Labour is having to come out with policies to appease them (for a change). That clears the way for the other two to poach Labour’s Maori votes.

Roll on October 2023!

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 04:14 PM
Labour, the Greens and the Maori Farty are all fighting for the biggest share of the 17% Maori votes which have formed part of the bedrock of Labour politics in the last 2 elections.

Now that white middle class NZers have largely deserted Labour, Labour is having to come out with policies to appease them (for a change). That clears the way for the other two to poach Labour’s Maori votes.

Roll on October 2023!

Maori get a say in the outcome of the election which is not in proportion to their percentage of the population. At this election, for example, maori could elect Te Pati Maori MP’s in the 7 segregated race-based seats in which other races are excluded from voting, and give their party votes to Labour or the Greens. This is a form of gerrymandering that is currently enshrined in law.

The race-based seats were introduced to increase maori representation in parliament. These days with key ministers and party leaders being maori it is clear that maori enjoy a level of representation in parliament that renders the ‘exclusively for maori’ seats unnecessary. But we just seem to be stuck with them, the Left rely on them, and a true representative democracy in this country is not possible.

20-07-2023, 04:54 PM
Maori get a say in the outcome of the election which is not in proportion to their percentage of the population. At this election, for example, maori could elect Te Pati Maori MP’s in the 7 segregated race-based seats in which other races are excluded from voting, and give their party votes to Labour or the Greens. This is a form of gerrymandering that is currently enshrined in law.

The race-based seats were introduced to increase maori representation in parliament. These days with key ministers and party leaders being maori it is clear that maori enjoy a level of representation in parliament that renders the ‘exclusively for maori’ seats unnecessary. But we just seem to be stuck with them, the Left rely on them, and a true representative democracy in this country is not possible.

There’s an old wise saying that ‘Giving based on need should only ever be done once until the need is met. Otherwise, the need becomes an entitlement which cannot be taken away.’ That’s exactly what has happened with the Maori seats.

Likewise, all the Maori special rights.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 05:07 PM
No-one will really be bothered about the segregated ‘for one race only’ seats until Te Pati Maori are wagging the dog with 6 or 7 electorate seats. Hey, it could happen at this election. Then everything will hit the fan.

20-07-2023, 05:23 PM

10 characters

20-07-2023, 05:31 PM
Goodness me .. we can has a large Crisis with National Mourning .. again ;)

Dat very timely and ideal break from getting pummeled left, right and centre
by abusive constituents blaming us for everything and demanding top ups :)

just as well Back Office Crisis Spin Team didn't get laid off or sent on holiday

All might start forgetting about the absolutely dismal Crime Response emissions
and all the rest of wreckage and carnage laying in tatters nationwide ;)

Note for return to 8th floor: Add 4 inch pea shooters on endangered weapons list ..

those things really make teachers life miserable

Hope there not another mourning for party going away in 3 month time

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 05:39 PM

10 characters

Put them all on ‘home detention’ aye, so they can wander around freely ‘with exemptions’.

Thousands of years of history and there were always crimes, and society always dealt with criminals. The Left will be astonished to learn that robbery, assault, rape, and murder - and more - all existed before Karl Marx got so triggered by the Industrial Revolution.

Chloe almost bursts into tears at the thought of some poor murderer having to go to prison for a few years, but in fact in past eras criminals were treated very harshly. In the middle ages, severe cases of theft ‘could be punishable by flogging, the cutting off of one or both ears or a hand, or death by hanging.’

20-07-2023, 05:45 PM
Put them all on ‘home detention’ aye, so they can wander around freely ‘with exemptions’.

Thousands of years of history and there were always crimes, and society always dealt with criminals. The Left will be astonished to learn that robbery, assault, rape, and murder - and more - all existed before Karl Marx got so triggered by the Industrial Revolution.

Chloe almost bursts into tears at the thought of some poor murderer having to go to prison for a few years, but in fact in past eras criminals were treated very harshly. In the middle ages, severe cases of theft ‘could be punishable by flogging, the cutting off of one or both ears or a hand, or death by hanging.’

Has she considered having a bundle of Home-D bods moving into her abode and camping with her ? ;)

The experience might turn her gills a pretty shade of green never seen before and she might even learn
some fancy new words :)

20-07-2023, 05:50 PM
This is what happens when the government bribes the media. Three "independent" companies colluding to block ads for "What is a Woman?" Apparently it's a controversial question.


The same media that whipped up a frenzy that saw women, (one of them in her 70s) assaulted at Albert Park. The Free Speech Union, to their credit are taking the media to task.

20-07-2023, 06:38 PM
No-one will really be bothered about the segregated ‘for one race only’ seats until Te Pati Maori are wagging the dog with 6 or 7 electorate seats. Hey, it could happen at this election. Then everything will hit the fan.

Best thing to happen - soonest NZ confronts the ugly truth of non-proportional representation and entitlement, the better.

Logen Ninefingers
20-07-2023, 06:47 PM
‘Imagine there’s no race-based electorates
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to seperate or divide us
And no racial segregation too
Image there’s no more cruel gaslighting
About how objecting to race-based seats
Illogically makes the objector a ‘racist’
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And New Zealand will be as one’

21-07-2023, 12:25 PM
Thanks again for repeating how many houses Labour has added to the public housing stock.
I should retire. You are doing the job for me.

Very very happy to keep 'praising' the stupendous job Labour is doing with fixing the housing disaster in NZ :

Remember this?

Jacinda Ardern said in 2017, ‘I refuse to stand by while children are sleeping in cars’.

"Associate Social Development Minster Priyanca Radhakrishnan, under questioning in the House on Thursday afternoon, said Ministry of Social Development (MSD) data showed there were 480 applicants for emergency or transitional housing who listed “a car" as their current accommodation, compared to 102 in October 2017."

370% increase in families sleeping in cars!

So what has Labour & Ardern/Hipkins (chip off the Clueless Cindy block) been doing?

They are not only standing by but actively promoting families to live in cars obviously!

More to come with praising Labour on its housing fix.

21-07-2023, 01:32 PM

Solomon Islands wants its own armed forces, PM reveals after China visit

While New Zealand has not received a request to assist the Solomon Islands to establish its own military forces, the Government says it will continue to commit to stronger economic and security ties with the Pacific nation.

Solomons Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare announced this week his country’s ambition to create its own defence force due to an “inadequately resourced police force”.

Scene set for Mahuta to thunder forth to Solomans waving large handful of Kiwi Taxpayer free cash .. again ? ;)

21-07-2023, 01:40 PM

Some 480 housing applicants, including families with children living in cars

Some 480 applicants for emergency housing, possibly including families with children, have been living in cars, a sharp increase in the figure since Labour first came to power promising to fix homelessness.

Associate Social Development Minster Priyanca Radhakrishnan, under questioning in the House on Thursday afternoon, said Ministry of Social Development (MSD) data showed there were 480 applicants for emergency or transitional housing who listed “a car" as their current accommodation, compared to 102 in October 2017.

Families living in cars became a major election issue in 2017 and fixing homelessness and a housing crisis through the building of state and affordable housing was a major promise of the Labour Government when it was elected that year. The Government has since spent more than $1 billion on providing emergency housing, most often hotel rooms, to people without accommodation.

Homeless living in cars .. after Ardern's posturing on fixing it - surely not under Labour's watch ;)

21-07-2023, 01:44 PM

The risk the Greens’ wealth tax poses to our economy

Cabinet papers released last week show a very advanced decision process, right down to planning the parliamentary timetable for introducing a wealth tax.

Promises by Jacinda Ardern about no wealth taxes and capital gains taxes under her leadership did not stop her ministers starting work under her watch at least nine months ago on these strictly ruled-out taxes.

What a TRUSTWORTHY bunch of devious backhanding Scumbags we have inhabiting Govt Front Benches ;)

21-07-2023, 02:05 PM
Cabinet papers released last week show a very advanced decision process, right down to planning the parliamentary timetable for introducing a wealth tax.

Promises by Jacinda Ardern about no wealth taxes and capital gains taxes under her leadership did not stop her ministers starting work under her watch at least nine months ago on these strictly ruled-out taxes."

Just goes to show what a managed coup it was to dethrone Ardern. No gas in the tank eh? Nope. Her inner circle told her it was time to shuffle on. They could see the opposition benches in their close future.

21-07-2023, 02:22 PM

Government’s new ram raid criminal offence ‘knee jerk reaction’, criminologist says

A criminologist says the Government is following the polls, not the evidence, in its new hard-line strategy for young ram raiders.

Smash and grabs are set to become a new criminal offence as the Government moves to crack down on the rise in retail offending.

It is a move that has been roundly criticised from both the left and right of politics and now those with expertise in the area have weighed in.

Auckland University criminologist Dr Ronald Kramar said the policy might be tough on crime but it did not make sense.

Kramar put the Government’s policy down to a “knee-jerk reaction” to look tough on crime in an election year.

Seems to be becoming a common labour move - the old knee jerk - even Robbo know the move when it interested him to have a little meddle ;)

Might have to rename themselves soon if this continues ..

How about "A mob of hopeless jerks who dropped everyone in it" ? ;)

22-07-2023, 08:09 AM
Cabinet papers released last week show a very advanced decision process, right down to planning the parliamentary timetable for introducing a wealth tax.

Promises by Jacinda Ardern about no wealth taxes and capital gains taxes under her leadership did not stop her ministers starting work under her watch at least nine months ago on these strictly ruled-out taxes."

Just goes to show what a managed coup it was to dethrone Ardern. No gas in the tank eh? Nope. Her inner circle told her it was time to shuffle on. They could see the opposition benches in their close future.

Having failed to deliver on any of her big election promises, Useless Cindy knew it was a matter of time before she was going to be turfed out. So she jumped before she would be made to walk the plank.

Good summary of how the writing was on the wall way before she ‘resigned’ :


Useless & Clueless, the spin mistress & red witch Cindy watched Robbo and Parker schemed to finish her off by breaking her ‘no CGT or wealth tax’ promise.

Blue Skies
22-07-2023, 09:25 AM
What Labour delivered in budget.
What would National/ ACT cut ?


22-07-2023, 09:53 AM
What Labour delivered in budget.
What would National/ ACT cut ?


Less than 2 months after delivering the budget, the deficit is already $5 billion (yes, 5,000,000,000) worse than what this useless and clueless Labour government under Hipkins and Robertson forecast.

At this rate, it will be $25 billion worse than the budget comes June 2024.

Drunk with over-spending and on the over/taxing meth/drug, this incompetent government is driving the NZ economy into the gully for future generations of NZers.

More taxes, more wasteful and directionless spending and ever bigger deficits.

Useless and clueless as always - that’s Labour.


“Net core Crown debt has now risen $5b above forecast to $73b, or to 18.9% of GDP.

That is significantly above the Budget forecast which had charted that it would stand at 17.6% of GDP at the end of May.”

22-07-2023, 10:33 AM
What Labour delivered in budget.
What would National/ ACT cut ?


Other countries are investing big in their country (perhaps the last chance to do it).

Not looking forward to the "managed decline" on offer from luxon & co should his "preaching" actually work.

Blue Skies
22-07-2023, 11:02 AM
Less than 2 months after delivering the budget, the deficit is already $5 billion (yes, 5,000,000,000) worse than what this useless and clueless Labour government under Hipkins and Robertson forecast.

At this rate, it will be $25 billion worse than the budget comes June 2024.

Drunk with over-spending and on the over/taxing meth/drug, this incompetent government is driving the NZ economy into the gully for future generations of NZers.

More taxes, more wasteful and directionless spending and ever bigger deficits.

Useless and clueless as always - that’s Labour.


“Net core Crown debt has now risen $5b above forecast to $73b, or to 18.9% of GDP.

That is significantly above the Budget forecast which had charted that it would stand at 17.6% of GDP at the end of May.”

Take some deep breaths and get a grip.

For some perspective $5 billion represents 1.3% of our GDP.

In the incredibly unstable & swiftly changing international current environment & impacts of climate destruction, 1% is hardly "driving the economy into the gully"!

Apart from this, our ratio of Govt debt to GDP is still comparatively low compared to most OECD countries.

You do your self & levels of anxiety no good by grossly over exaggerating and framing everything the govt does as catastrophic for now & entire future generations.

Would be great if we could keep the debate rational & get less of the highly emotional stuff on here .

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 11:18 AM
Take some deep breaths and get a grip.

For some perspective $5 billion represents 1.3% of our GDP.

In the incredibly unstable & swiftly changing international current environment & impacts of climate destruction, 1% is hardly "driving the economy into the gully"!

Apart from this, our ratio of Govt debt to GDP is still comparatively low compared to most OECD countries.

You do your self & levels of anxiety no good by grossly over exaggerating and framing everything the govt does as catastrophic for now & entire future generations.

Would be great if we could keep the debate rational & get less of the highly emotional stuff on here .

It just goes to show your extraordinary bias that you think in is nothing of any note that a budget presented in May (2 months ago) should have already blown out to the tune of $5 Billion dollars. ‘Nothing to see here folks’.
But then again, why should we expect honesty from people who are to-all-intents-and-purposes agents of the Labour movement, bound to defend any Labour foul up through thick & thin.

Yes, time and again the hypocritical ‘rational’ Labourites - who lambasted National for years for ‘running up big debt’ and ‘wasting $26 million on a flag referendum’ - tell us that the latest examples of a Labour blow out, big borrowing, or outright waste are nothing at all worth mentioning. It’s a standard tactic of the Left to pull out the old ‘move along folks, nothing to see here’ in regards to Labours constant balls ups.

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 11:23 AM
One thing you never ever heard from the Left during the John Key government was this trite phrase that they now constantly trot out: ‘our ratio of Govt debt to GDP is still comparatively low compared to most OECD countries.’

Maybe our debt looks low compared to the USA but then again: we are a tiny nation of just over 5 million people.

So Robbo can blow his budgets to kingdom come & borrow and spend like a drunken sailor and the Left will continue to coo ‘our ratio of Govt debt to GDP is still comparatively low compared to most OECD countries.’ But we should bear in mind how this blow out looks to the credit rating agencies, what effect it has on inflation, and the fact that we must pay interest on our debt.

22-07-2023, 11:23 AM
I look forward to Act's alternative budget being audited by a big four accounting firm, or National's if they ever come up with one.

Other political parties overseas have done just that. Otherwise we must assume the tax cuts will deliver even more debt than Labour.

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 11:26 AM
I look forward to Act's alternative budget being audited by a big four accounting firm, or National's if they ever come up with one.

Parties overseas have done just that.

Yes, because you want Labour to run up as much debt and create as many new public servants as possible, then you will be scanning the National and ACT alternative budgets like a hawk so you can howl about ‘cruel cuts’. Labour have a history of trying to get incoming governments to swallow ‘dead rats’. Actually, the way Labour operates is with ‘rat cunning’.

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 11:30 AM
We always hear that Labour policies and budgets are ‘fully costed’. Then when it comes to the actual delivery it all falls apart and you get the chronic non-delivery and waste that have been the hallmarks of this government. I can just imagine Panda howling about an ACT alternative budget (“the numbers don’t add up!”) while Robbo’s budget blowing out by $5 billion in 2 months is apparently completely normal.

22-07-2023, 12:46 PM
I look forward to Act's alternative budget being audited by a big four accounting firm, or National's if they ever come up with one.

Other political parties overseas have done just that. Otherwise we must assume the tax cuts will deliver even more debt than Labour.

From panda-nz, the ignoramus Labour peasant who wanted Ryman to go broke by loading up with more debt to do a share buyback when the company was close to defaulting on its debt burden.

Just like this Labour government, you have no idea of economic reality and it’s all about loading up with debt until a company or country goes broke.

That’s how much credibility you have - zero.

22-07-2023, 12:55 PM
Well imagine the fallout if ryman did what act has done - put out unaudited statements based on legendary assumptions.

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 01:01 PM
Well imagine the fallout if ryman did what act has done - put out unaudited statements based on legendary assumptions.

So you are seriously telling us that Labours ‘fully costed’ policies were / are worth the paper they are written on? Was KiwiBuild delivered ‘on time and on budget’? Do you believe in unicorns?

The Left delight is this kind of stuff. Ignoring the total farce that is their own fiscal management while demanding that the other side provide ‘audited’ numbers.

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 01:05 PM
View from the Left:

“$5 billion (in 2 months) represents (only) 1.3% of our GDP. Take some deep breaths and get a grip.”

also -

“We demand to see National and ACT’s fully costed and audited numbers!”

22-07-2023, 04:01 PM

DoC paying bonus of up to $3500 a year for civil servants’ Māori language proficiency

Good Godfathers .. whatever next ;)

Does the same bonus structure apply to other Languages - say Chinese for tourism, Indian etc etc ? :)

Hopefully DOC saved some in the pot to save themselves from extinction :)

22-07-2023, 04:03 PM

St James Theatre Auckland: Restoration planned after Government promises $15 million

$15 million promise from Labour .. to help the homeless .. well about as close as the Beehive Incompetents will get to it :)

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 04:21 PM

St James Theatre Auckland: Restoration planned after Government promises $15 million

$15 million promise from Labour .. to help the homeless .. well about as close as the Beehive Incompetents will get to it :)

It’s an endless river of borrowed cash. No wonder the Budget has been blown to smithereens.

22-07-2023, 04:23 PM

Labour tramples its principles in a grab for the centre vote

Things are getting desperate - folks .. when the Lieutenants dont know what the Captain wants and are all
getting their projects kicked sideways while the Captain replots the course for the mythical centre line :)

How the trojans hiding within going - Capitain ? - still hard at work gnawing their way out from inside unnoticed :)

22-07-2023, 04:25 PM
It’s an endless river of borrowed cash. No wonder the Budget has been blown to smithereens.

Think most are wondering now if we had a budget this year :)

Obviously there wont be anything in the tin for the Labour Spring farewell party .. probably a large dallop of BYO :)

Labour's Christmas party appears to be looking even more bleaker and even the turkey has long since fled in fear ..

Logen Ninefingers
22-07-2023, 04:26 PM

Labour tramples its principles in a grab for the centre vote

Things are getting desperate - folks .. when the Lieutenants dont know what the Captain wants and are all
getting their projects kicked sideways while the Captain replots the course for the mythical centre line :)

How the trojans hiding within going - Capitain ? - still hard at work gnawing their way out from inside unnoticed :)

The Captain will be walking the plank at some stage, the drums are beating. Some people think they are voting for ‘Chris Hipkins’ rather than Labour. We aren’t voting in a President for a term in office like in the US: vote Labour and you’ll get a LABGREETEPATI government which in short order will be helmed by Robbo or Parker.

22-07-2023, 04:46 PM

'Nothing short of astonishing': Health Ministry to recommend reversal of opioid access loosening blunder

”The stuff of nightmares,” one pharmacist submitted. “DO NOT ALLOW IT.”

Yet another Verrally Serious large Health C*ck-up - folks ;)

Who is the Minister supposedly in charge of the Health Shambles again ? ;)

22-07-2023, 05:09 PM

'Noticeable increase' in gang and drug related gunshot wounds, ED doctor says

There has been a “noticeable increase” in people with gunshot wounds turning up at emergency departments from drug and gang related activity, a doctor says.

John Bonning has worked in emergency departments across New Zealand and Australia over the past 30 years and said accidental gunshot injuries used to be the most common.

But the Waikato-based doctor said in the past 10 years or so, inflicted or assault gunshot wounds had overtaken them, with “a noticeable increase in gang and drug related interpersonal violence”.

Welcome to Labour's 'Ganglands Aotearoa' .. all part of Labour's Safer Communities dream - folks :)

In the eyes of Govt Front Bench sleeping darlings - It's never been safer :)

Just the odd naughty boy, occasional burglaries, a bit of petty drug dealing - nothing really serious

Most can be released on Home D on repeated occasions .. none re-offend, the Fire Arms Register
has stopped all problems with renegade arms and shootings. There are few Ram Raids, Few cars
are getting stolen. Few instances of violent crime.

If there is an issue, the Politicians just close their eyes, spin out some waffle on further useless
legislation to likely change nothing. The judiciary close both eyes, swallow all the excuses
and roll out a few more low level wet bus tickets with free licence to do more.
The jails are the new gang educational facilities, where a dallop of KFC usually fixes everything.

The Crims just love it .. with prescribed educational holiday breaks, then once out off to try out what they
just learned.

It's Labour's new Aotearoa - folks with their view of Safer Communities ;)

22-07-2023, 06:04 PM

Construction industry workers quitting New Zealand for Australia, says boss

Now who going to build all the houses and other stuffs ? :)

Congradulations Labour - now we can has yet another Housing & Construction screw up ;)

Any more Crims with ankle bracelets on Home D available to fill a gap and maybe go a bit crazy ? ;)

23-07-2023, 09:32 AM
64.5% of NZers believe Aotearoa (this is Labour's country, not the NZ most of us know) is heading in the wrong direction :



23-07-2023, 10:21 AM
Speaking of wealth taxes which I don't agree with by the way.
According to an RNZ interview, back in the day you borrowed money from the State Advance Corp to buy a house.
If you had a low to medium income you paid 3%. If you had a large income you paid 5%.

Who knew NZ had a quazi wealth tax way back whe

23-07-2023, 10:39 AM
Watching Kelvin Davis ducking and diving while being questioned by Jack Tame on Q&A - excuses, BS, spin - anything but accept responsibility for not fixing the crisis in prisons and youth facilities he was scathing about 8 years ago in Opposition.

He said then that the Minister must resign but he is not going to, even though the very same abuses if not worse are happening under his watch.

What kind of arsehole has Aoteraoa got as a minister of the crown in Kelvin Davis?

Logen Ninefingers
23-07-2023, 11:20 AM
Watching Kelvin Davis ducking and diving while being questioned by Jack Tame on Q&A - excuses, BS, spin - anything but accept responsibility for not fixing the crisis in prisons and youth facilities he was scathing about 8 years ago in Opposition.

He said then that the Minister must resign but he is not going to, even though the very same abuses if not worse are happening under his watch.

What kind of arsehole has Aoteraoa got as a minister of the crown in Kelvin Davis?

Being ‘tough on crime’ is ‘bad’ apparently.

If you ‘imprison’ (meaning: incarcerate in a prison) a person it is ‘bad’. Home detention is ‘good’, apparently. Community service: even better.

A modern prison is a place where you get intense rehabilitation and educational opportunities, apparently.

If you imprison a person who has committed multiple murders, aren’t you at least preventing them for again murdering another member of society?
If the person saved from being attacked is a National or ACT voter and therefore ‘selfish’, and the potential ‘criminal’ (can we still call them that, or is the term too loaded with negative connotations?) is a poor deprived person who has been through hardship, is it still a societal good if violence is prevented, or has ‘justice’ been denied?

If you have 30% of the potential prison (rehabilitation facility) population circulating in the law abiding (‘privileged’) community, is that ‘really great’ - or have you just denied 30% of the criminal (sorry in advance for using this negative term) a chance at intensive rehabilitation?

Is ‘tough on crime’ (so brutal, so harsh) where a criminal (apologies) gets a ‘tough sentence of prison’ (rehabilitation) for a violent crime on a helpless victim in any way comparable to the days of ‘eye for an eye’ (potentially even harsher, to some)?
Have we lost sight of what the word ‘tough’ actually means? Or is a long sentence (not eye for an eye folks) for murder ‘really tough’?

When we consider what is ‘tough’ and what isn’t, how ‘tough’ is it for a person to be murdered by a violent criminal? How ‘tough’ is it on their family, their spouse, their children, their elderly parents, their work colleagues?
Is that pretty ‘tough’ on those left behind with a yawning jagged bleeding hole on their lives, or something to be shrugged off with a bit of counselling and a few deep breaths?

In the old days didn’t the ‘criminals’ (we really need to find a new term) get a bit of ‘roughing up’ from the cops? I guess they were ‘tough on crime’ back then….is that where our fire-brand right wing demagogue politicians want us to go next? Is Seymour wanting a thief to lose a hand for stealing something? Is Luxon advocating stoning to death for serious offences? I’m not familiar with the exact detail of their ‘harsh’ policies. (Let me know in the comments).
Speaking of cops and ‘roughing up’ and ‘tough on crime’, these days you can create societal havoc and receive KFC from the ‘policing by consent’ cops. We know this is ‘tough’ because fast foods such as KFC cause obesity. And crims in the middle ages thought they had it tough!

Is The Bible (apparently the word of God) the ultimate ‘Right wing document’ for advocating harsh punishment for ‘crime’ (sorry)? It seemed to take a harsh stance on even adultery, an act which these days is practically a rite of passage and so passe. Was God right or wrong & what thoughts did he have on ‘rehabilitation’ and ‘deprivation’? (Let me know in the comments).

Once you could be stoned to death for adultery (blame God, not me) & now - in more enlightened times (see Neitzsche) you can choke your partner half to death and shortly thereafter find yourself facing very harsh consequences: you are now working on a building site.
No friends, not ‘hard unpaid manual labour breaking rocks’; you find yourself in the horrific situation of earning a wage and being gainfully employed.
Welcome to our harsh right wing capitalistic evil modern society!

23-07-2023, 05:07 PM
This is where Ardern's "Misinformation Project" and no doubt "Christchurch Call" will take us.


A collusion between government agencies, social media and legacy media to smear the Hunter Biden laptop facts as 'Russian misinformation". The Misinformation police spreading misinformation and shutting down criticism of themselves. Everything claimed by this woman's initial reporting has proven to be true. The FBI knew it and still did their best to kill the story. The Biden family, including Joe, up to their eyeballs in corruption in Ukraine and China, and Joe Biden further pushing the Russian misinformation lie in the Presidential debates.

Logen Ninefingers
23-07-2023, 06:17 PM
More good news for the fight against inflation….

‘India has banned exports of non-basmati white rice, stoking fears of further global food inflation just as Russia’s targeting of grain ships has pushed up wheat prices.’

23-07-2023, 06:53 PM

Census 'bribes' topped $1 million

More than $1 million was spent on incentives to persuade people to complete the Census, according to Statistics Minister Deborah Russell.

The incentives comprised supermarket, petrol and movie vouchers that were provided to just under 12,000 people at a cost of $934,130, and Warriors tickets and vouchers offered to thousands more at a cost of $96,040.

The incentives, which ACT Party statistics spokesperson Damien Smith labelled “bribes”, may have helped Stats NZ just achieve the Government’s target of garnering census responses from at least 90% of people.

But that won’t be known for sure until Stats NZ completes its tally next year, and there appears a risk that the push to get the census over the line may have come at the cost of reducing participation in any future census.

Hey Labour Census Goof Ball - Deborah - where's da bribe for all of us who didn't need persuading and were sensible about this info collecting job ? ;)

23-07-2023, 07:19 PM

Census 'bribes' topped $1 million

Hey Labour Census Goof Ball - Deborah - where's da bribe for all of us who didn't need persuading and were sensible about this info collecting job ? ;)

Yeah, we can look forward to getting the blame for all the under resourcing of schools and services in those areas where the 20% of phantoms exist!

Logen Ninefingers
23-07-2023, 07:33 PM

Census 'bribes' topped $1 million

Hey Labour Census Goof Ball - Deborah - where's da bribe for all of us who didn't need persuading and were sensible about this info collecting job ? ;)

Census day was 7 March 2023, it is now July, and we should find out at some stage next year whether we hit 90%.
Welcome to New Zealand, a country where you can spend $337 million on a census, pay $1 million in 'inducements', and not know the results for a year.

24-07-2023, 07:09 AM
Kiri Allan's career is careering around smashing into parked cars?

She's in Police custody anyway.

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:25 AM

Kiri Allan resigns as minister, charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest

Wellington reporters
07:17, Jul 24 2023

‘Kiri Allan has resigned as Justice Minister, after being taken into police custody on Sunday night.

In a statement, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed she was charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest.

Earlier, The Post reported Allan was taken into police custody after being involved in a car crash in Wellington.

Witnesses say the East Coast MP’s car struck a parked car on Evans Bay Parade in Roseneath on Sunday evening.

Earlier, a Post reporter at the scene said police were in attendance, but there was no sign of Allan.

Police said in a statement they received a report of a crash involving two vehicles on Evans Bay Parade, Roseneath, shortly after 9pm. The road was blocked for a short time, but no injuries were reported.

One person was taken in to custody and was “assisting police with enquiries into the circumstances of the crash”, the statement said.

The prime minister’s office on Sunday evening repeatedly refused to answer questions about the incident or confirm if Allan had been involved or was in police custody.’

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:26 AM
A few words for this imploding Labour government:
“You are not serious people.”

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:28 AM
New Labour slogan for the election revealed:
‘Womans Football World Cup NZ 2023’

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:31 AM
High level corruption. One rule for them, another for us plebs.

Looks like you can go drink driving if in ‘emotional distress’ folks.


‘Allan returned a breath test over the legal limit at a level considered an “infringement offence”. She will not be charged.

”While her alleged actions are inexcusable, I’ve been advised she was experiencing extreme emotional distress at the time of the incident. Her recent personal struggles with mental health have been well documented and it appears some of those issues came to a head yesterday.

“I have spoken with her first thing this morning and advised her I do not believe she’s in a fit state to hold a Ministerial warrant.

“I believe it’s also untenable for a Justice Minister to be charged with criminal offending,” Hipkins said.’

24-07-2023, 08:37 AM
I wonder why Stuff hasn't opened up the comments section of that article.

24-07-2023, 08:52 AM
They have made a mess of the economy.

They have made a mess of the social fabric of NZ.

They have made a mess of race relations.

They have made a mess of education and health.

They have made a mess of law & order.

And they are a mess, losing one minister after another week by week.

What is Labour good for?

24-07-2023, 08:53 AM
High level corruption. One rule for them, another for us plebs.

Looks like you can go drink driving if in ‘emotional distress’ folks.


‘Allan returned a breath test over the legal limit at a level considered an “infringement offence”. She will not be charged.

”While her alleged actions are inexcusable, I’ve been advised she was experiencing extreme emotional distress at the time of the incident. Her recent personal struggles with mental health have been well documented and it appears some of those issues came to a head yesterday.

“I have spoken with her first thing this morning and advised her I do not believe she’s in a fit state to hold a Ministerial warrant.

“I believe it’s also untenable for a Justice Minister to be charged with criminal offending,” Hipkins said.’

I think it's actually very sad that it has come to this. Hipkins should have acted weeks ago.

24-07-2023, 08:55 AM
High level corruption. One rule for them, another for us plebs.

Looks like you can go drink driving if in ‘emotional distress’ folks.


‘Allan returned a breath test over the legal limit at a level considered an “infringement offence”. She will not be charged.

”While her alleged actions are inexcusable, I’ve been advised she was experiencing extreme emotional distress at the time of the incident. Her recent personal struggles with mental health have been well documented and it appears some of those issues came to a head yesterday.

“I have spoken with her first thing this morning and advised her I do not believe she’s in a fit state to hold a Ministerial warrant.

“I believe it’s also untenable for a Justice Minister to be charged with criminal offending,” Hipkins said.’

Where is the corruption? You need to be careful what you randomly accuse people of.

Perhaps the comments weren't opened up because spurious accusations like this & ugly comments are likely to be made.

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 08:58 AM
Where is the corruption? You need to be careful what you randomly accuse people of.

Perhaps the comments weren't opened up because spurious accusations like this & ugly comments are likely to be made.

Calm down. I mean the word in the below sense, as in ‘a rotten government’.

the process of decay; putrefaction.
"the potato turned black and rotten with corruption"

24-07-2023, 09:00 AM
They have made a mess of the economy.

They have made a mess of the social fabric of NZ.

They have made a mess of race relations.

They have made a mess of education and health.

They have made a mess of law & order.

And they are a mess, losing one minister after another week by week.

What is Labour good for?

A police statement said a person was charged following a crash on Evans Bay Parade, Roseneath, last night shortly after 9pm.

They were charged with careless use of a motor vehicle, and refusing to accompany a police officer. They were to appear in court at a later date.

An infringement notice was also issued for excess breath alcohol between 250 and 400 micrograms.

In New Zealand, the alcohol limit for drivers aged 20 years and over is 250mcg.

24-07-2023, 09:18 AM
Calm down. I mean the word in the below sense, as in ‘a rotten government’.

the process of decay; putrefaction.
"the potato turned black and rotten with corruption"

I'm quite calm. I'm not the one making false accusations. "One rule for them, one rule for us plebs" makes it quite clear what you meant.
Personally, I would make a retraction, rather than making something up to try & cover for my actions.
Moving on.

24-07-2023, 09:25 AM
Calm down. I mean the word in the below sense, as in ‘a rotten government’.

the process of decay; putrefaction.
"the potato turned black and rotten with corruption"

Who was the Labour shill who recently posted here that there was corruption when a judge allowed name suppression for an ex politician pending trial?

Now that is allegation of corruption!

24-07-2023, 09:41 AM
Surely this has to be the final final nail in the coffin for Labour. it shows that their ministers are not even close to being up to the task.

24-07-2023, 09:44 AM
I think it's actually very sad that it has come to this. Hipkins should have acted weeks ago.

Once again Hipkins shows he’s incapable of making the right decisions.

24-07-2023, 09:55 AM
While it's all too easy to throw egg on Hipkin's face, I think we must never count out the chance of Labour getting back in for another term. The members of Sharetrader here do NOT speak for the general consensus of NZ voters. When I walk out in public, go to school to meet the teachers and parents where my children attend, it's very clear that there's a VERY large supporter base for Labour. These supporters do not listen to the news or talk radio or essentially NZ politics. These people are those that live day to day without any concern of the details of gov't, and overall, support the bold actions that Labour has done (ie. agree on ethnic diversity and support co-governance, support a clean environment which is why the Green Party is so relevant today, etc). Anotherwords, they are under the belief that they've "always voted for Labour" and it's not so simple for these voters to change.

We must not be so complacent...

24-07-2023, 10:07 AM
While it's all too easy to throw egg on Hipkin's face, I think we must never count out the chance of Labour getting back in for another term. The members of Sharetrader here do NOT speak for the general consensus of NZ voters. When I walk out in public, go to school to meet the teachers and parents where my children attend, it's very clear that there's a VERY large supporter base for Labour. These supporters do not listen to the news or talk radio or essentially NZ politics. These people are those that live day to day without any concern of the details of gov't, and overall, support the bold actions that Labour has done (ie. agree on ethnic diversity and support co-governance, support a clean environment which is why the Green Party is so relevant today, etc). Anotherwords, they are under the belief that they've "always voted for Labour" and it's not so simple for these voters to change.

We must not be so complacent...

As most on here know I have voted Labour in recent elections & this time around I think they are toast SBQ.

Yes there are a core of Left & Right voters but something like 400K of National voters last election voted Labour. I would suggest all & more of those voters have swung back right, perhaps a similar number have swung further right towards ACT.

A few people I know that would deem themselves as left leaning swing voters are talking about not voting at all, which is a shame, but it displays the malaise of NZ politics and the major parties lack of inspirational policy.

24-07-2023, 10:21 AM
Both of these statements are huge assumptions on your part. The assumption that anyone voting Labour this time round, is stupid, is far from correct. There will be people who take the "better the devil you know" approach, and there will be other people who will vote for Labour because they see that National has nothing/very little to offer. Not everyone is prepared to give National/Act their vote purely as an attempt to oust Labour.

As far as your comment "they've always voted Labour" goes - you've got that one well and truly back to front. Historically, National voters are the ones who were the greatest party loyalists, especially if they were farmers or business people. The last election resulted in a significant departure from that habitual voting behaviour, but I suspect we will not see that happen again any time soon.

Blind loyalty achieves nothing. National supporters are far more "blind" in that respect than any other party, other than perhaps the Greens.

(Don't even bother Balance. This is a general response to SBQ's comments - not a declaration of support for Labour, or any other party)

.... it's very clear that there's a VERY large supporter base for Labour. These supporters do not listen to the news or talk radio or essentially NZ politics. These people are those that live day to day without any concern of the details of gov't, and overall, support the bold actions that Labour has done (ie. agree on ethnic diversity and support co-governance, support a clean environment which is why the Green Party is so relevant today, etc). Anotherwords, they are under the belief that they've "always voted for Labour" and it's not so simple for these voters to change.

We must not be so complacent...

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 11:04 AM
Unfortunately we have reached the stage in New Zealand where a mainstream political party and likely Labour coalition is running on a policy platform that basically boils down to ‘give NZ back to its rightful owners’, and no-one bats an eyelid. Does anyone remember the Green party of Jeanette Fitzsimmons and Rod Donald? It seems to be dead and buried in all but name. Apparently any ‘race relations’ issues are the fault of ACT and National - these 2 parties continue to be demonised by our media….yet the media are now giving Winston First ample coverage, as they want to see an ‘exciting election race and drama’. But what is NZ First saying? Let’s review:


‘Scrapping the Waitangi Tribunal and building a prison just for gang members are among some of the policy proposals New Zealand First members have voted in favour of.
It comes as the spokeswoman of lobby group Hobson’s Pledge, Casey Costello, confirms she will run as NZ First’s candidate in the Port Waikato electorate.

"What is clear to me now is that three years of absence of New Zealand First [from Parliament] has seen enormous harm to race relations in this country," Costello said.
"We cannot allow ourselves to be further divided and cannot allow Māori to continue to be used as sacrificial pawns in this political chess match."


NZ First would campaign on five key issues, Peters said. This would see the party take a stand against “racist separatism”, fight Australian-owned banks and the supermarket duopoly, invest in health and social services, as well as crime and eldercare.

The crowd cheered with Peters ruled out working with the “racist” Labour Party, after a question from Stuff.

“I made it very clear,” he said. Asked if he stood by his earlier call, to rule out Labour, Peters cussed Labour of racism and said “I don’t like racists”.

24-07-2023, 12:22 PM
Bit sad when the Attention Seeking comes down to the incompetents taking turns falling
on their swords for another Crisis .. how many is that down in 5.5 years ?

Slogan might have to adjusted - "No-one does it better than us - Your heroes skilled at falling in it" ;)

Kamikaze Davis, Little or Tinetti next ? :)

24-07-2023, 01:09 PM

Kiri Allan is the fifth minister Labour's lost this year

The Government has lost another minister. Kiri Allan, who served in Cabinet as the minister of justice and regional development, resigned after being arrested on Sunday night.

Police charged Allan with careless use of a motor vehicle, and refusing to accompany a police officer. She also failed an alcohol breath test, and was issued an infringement notice, after being involved in a car crash on Sunday night. Nobody was injured, but it’s alleged Allan crashed into a parked car on Evans’ Bay Parade in Wellington.

Welcome to Labour's Trainwreck Central .. limping off down the track shortly but unlikely to make it past the second bend ;)

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 01:20 PM
Wait for it….

‘Kiri has come from a background of significant deprivation. This is definitely not Kiri’s fault, rather: this is societies fault.’

24-07-2023, 01:25 PM
Wait for it….

‘Kiri has come from a background of significant deprivation. This is definitely not Kiri’s fault, rather: this is societies fault.’

How about a blanket excuse ? .. all Labour's MP's have come from backgrounds of severe disadvantage & deprivation ;)

probably explains the trainwreck sessions seen :)

24-07-2023, 01:32 PM
G*ddamnit .. that new Ram Raid Legislation hasn't fixed the trail of sell inflicted Govt Front Bench Rammings ;)

they just keep on coming .. and now the Justice centrepiece has just had her legs swept out from under her in another drunken ram raid

24-07-2023, 01:53 PM
I think there's an increasing urban/rural split...

Ie Auckland central went fron nikki kaye to chloe swarbrick (blue to far-left green!).. cities had left wing mayors until recently although low turnout can deliver unpredictable results in local elections.

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 02:08 PM
I think there's an increasing urban/rural split...

Ie Auckland central went fron nikki kaye to chloe swarbrick (blue to far-left green!).. cities had left wing mayors until recently although low turnout can deliver unpredictable results in local elections.

City folks would need to see more than a crime wave, rampant inflation, a cost-of-living crisis, musical chairs in cabinet, a justice minister charged with resisting arrest, a monumental borrowing rate and colossal waste before they’d dump their cherished Labour party.
They still haven’t forgotten about the awful $26 million flag referendum which has destroyed this countries finances.

24-07-2023, 02:38 PM
While it's all too easy to throw egg on Hipkin's face, I think we must never count out the chance of Labour getting back in for another term. The members of Sharetrader here do NOT speak for the general consensus of NZ voters. When I walk out in public, go to school to meet the teachers and parents where my children attend, it's very clear that there's a VERY large supporter base for Labour. These supporters do not listen to the news or talk radio or essentially NZ politics. These people are those that live day to day without any concern of the details of gov't, and overall, support the bold actions that Labour has done (ie. agree on ethnic diversity and support co-governance, support a clean environment which is why the Green Party is so relevant today, etc). Anotherwords, they are under the belief that they've "always voted for Labour" and it's not so simple for these voters to change.

We must not be so complacent...

I suspect on the whole you are correct. However, I will say from my experience teachers have one point of view and most other parents I interact with have another. Most of the parents I know are politically pro-active and more so have a good understanding of the damages this incumbent govt are causing to our young ones with the travesty that is the current and proposed school curriculum. I find generally, on other issues, they are aware and have strong views around racial division, crime and how fiscally irresponsible the govt have been and are. Of course, the sphere of parents I deal with are bound within the area we live

24-07-2023, 04:22 PM
How about a blanket excuse ? .. all Labour's MP's have come from backgrounds of severe disadvantage & deprivation ;)

probably explains the trainwreck sessions seen :)

The problem is she isn't wealthy enough.. see NZ's treatment of white collar crime & good old sam uffindel.

24-07-2023, 04:22 PM

Nation of debt: How much more do Kiwis owe?

You lot of bl**dy spendthrifts .. $151k on average each in hock ;)

24-07-2023, 04:23 PM
The problem is she isn't wealthy enough.. see NZ's treatment of white collar crime & good old sam uffindel.

Are the Church mice around Nelson any better .. or still asleep under the floorboards ? ;)

24-07-2023, 04:30 PM

Auckland fire: Blaze rips through Kāinga Ora construction site strongly opposed by community

A resident of an east Auckland suburb said a building under construction that went up in flames this morning was set to become Kāinga Ora public housing and was strongly opposed by the community.

Time to revise the Housebuilding effort downwards .. all the builders heading over the water even before this ;)

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 04:32 PM
The problem is she isn't wealthy enough.. see NZ's treatment of white collar crime & good old sam uffindel.

Poor Kiri is not wealthy enough. Can’t they pay Ministers of the Crown something other than a pittance? Panda has a new excuse for her to go with all the others: ‘she didn’t have enough money for a taxi’.

Sour grapes from the Left. Can’t face up to what happened so just default to blathering about ‘the rich’ as per usual.

Uffindel was involved in a hazing incident as a minor.
What should have happened to him Panda? Perhaps the same punishment as a youth ram raider? Caught, and then released?

24-07-2023, 04:35 PM

Kiri Allan arrest and resignation: Chris Hipkins reveals reallocation of ministerial portfolios

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has made Police Minister Ginny Andersen the new Justice Minister and Kieran McAnulty will become the Regional Development Minister in light of Kiri Allan’s resignation following her arrest last night.

Allan is heading home to reconsider her future in politics having been charged with careless driving and refusing to accompany police after crashing her car in Wellington about 9pm last night.

Hipkins, speaking at a post-Cabinet press conference, said he felt he had handled Allan’s mental health struggles fairly and would never judge her for it or let it impact her job unnecessarily.

He confirmed he hadn’t spoken with Allan again today after their conversation at around 7am.

Asked if he knew if Allan left the scene of the crash without police, Hipkins said he “couldn’t say for certain what happened last night”.

Gingerly Ginny on Justice and McNutty on Regional Development ;)

Must have reached the bottom of the barrel to have to toss Labour's drunken absconding Car Rammer's portfolios across to such impressive other talent ;)

Next thing Labour will be trying to tell all it was an unfortunate accident .. probably waiting to happen :)

Labour's Justice Ministry's take on Crime:


Small White Car driven by Beehive drunk take on Large Ute in slow ram raid and have incident photographed as proof it happened ;)

Must be all part of Govt's "Road to Zero" Ministers on Front Benches - folks :)

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 04:45 PM

Kiri Allan arrest and resignation: Chris Hipkins reveals reallocation of ministerial portfolios

Gingerly Ginny on Justice and McNutty on Regional Development ;)

Must have reached the bottom of the barrel to have to toss the drunken absconding Ram Raider's portfolios across to such impressive talent ;)

McNulty the alleged bully? How is Dr Sharma these days btw?

24-07-2023, 04:52 PM
McNulty the alleged bully? How is Dr Sharma these days btw?

Probably very happy to shot of the Labour disintegrating shambles :)

24-07-2023, 04:55 PM

Justice Minister Kiri Allan arrested: Audrey Young - it will be a miracle if Chris Hipkins can rescue his Government from this

Anyone seen the gopher who has the honour of closing Labour's red curtains or did he get fired in distant past
or go out for some other misdeeds - perhaps at a Socialist Youth Camp .. or somewhere else ? ;)

Chumpie: In all honesty your 6 months as Labour Leader have delivered nothing short of an unmitigated continuing F*&k-Up ... and that's being extremely generous and kind ;)

All these deposed, knifed and decapitated Ministerial Talent pieces were such good examples,
and of course the Chumpie - what sort of Leadership example you setting for all out there - Bro ? ;)

Teacher, Teacher .. another brick fall out .. another hole in da wall :)

24-07-2023, 05:13 PM

Sinkhole growing rapidly in Auckland CBD

Things are improving with Nosy Parker overseeing the Waka of Roading Incompetence

Large Pot holes of past are now replaced by growing Sinkholes left to grow ;)


Sinkhole forming near police headquarters in Auckland

A sinkhole is growing rapidly on a central Auckland road – metres away from where the harbour’s high watermark was in 1840.

A Stuff reporter on the scene said the hole looks to be about 1.6 metres deep, 3.5m long and 2.5m wide, with a hole tunnelling under the road for about 1.5m.

Just next to the hole is a covered-up hole that was formed during the Auckland Anniversary weekend flooding in January, which locals say has never been repaired.

While there are cones around the hole, there are no staff or workers onsite.

24-07-2023, 05:21 PM

Sinkhole growing rapidly in Auckland CBD

Things are improving with Nosy Parker overseeing the Waka of Roading Incompetence

Large Pot holes of past are now replaced by growing Sinkholes left to grow ;)

I note Parker “has asked to be relieved of the Revenue portfolio”. A bit grumpy after Chippie dumped all the work he & Robinson had done on CGT & wealth taxes !

24-07-2023, 05:26 PM
I note Parker “has asked to be relieved of the Revenue portfolio”. A bit grumpy after Chippie dumped all the work he & Robinson had done on CGT & wealth taxes !

I see that too .. must be quite a few unhappy and confused Campers on Labour's front bench now :)

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 06:50 PM
I was talking to some South African immigrants today. They told me they couldn’t handle living in a disintegrating country, wracked with violent crime, crumbling infrastructure, & unrelenting economic pressures.
So they’ve booked flights back to South Africa.

24-07-2023, 06:52 PM
I was talking to some South African immigrants today. They told me they couldn’t handle living in a disintegrating country, wracked with violent crime, crumbling infrastructure, & unrelenting economic pressures.
So they’ve booked flights back to South Africa.

What absolute BS. You are full of it.

24-07-2023, 06:55 PM
On this thread alone, 24 posts from NZTX & Logen Ninefingers today & the night is still young.
Just who's payroll are they on?

24-07-2023, 07:03 PM
Our Kiri out on the piss eh?

Was Tory Whanau with her, or was Anna Lorck there to add her considerable expertise in such matters?

Did Kiri try on the "do you know who l am" line with the coppers?

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:04 PM
On this thread alone, 24 posts from NZTX & Logen Ninefingers today & the night is still young.
Just who's payroll are they on?

Crimestoppers. No wonder the Left hate us.

24-07-2023, 07:05 PM
Crimestoppers. No wonder the Left hate us.

Make that 25.
That retort was actually pretty sharp.

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:06 PM
Our Kiri out on the piss eh?

Was Tory Whanau with her, or was Anna Lorck there to add her considerable expertise in such matters?

Did Kiri try on the "do you know who l am" line with the coppers?

Any truth to the rumour that Tory Whanau has many family members who are staunch National voters?

24-07-2023, 07:11 PM
On this thread alone, 24 posts from NZTX & Logen Ninefingers today & the night is still young.
Just who's payroll are they on?

Down to counting the posts ;)

Nothing better to do now ? :)

One more Govt Front Bench Car Rammer on a DIC to add to the tally too :)

Goes to show the calibre of talent that Chumpie has available to shuffle ..

The rest of the possums must be running scared to lift their heads in case they get caught in the headlights :)

Coming up two months away .. any poor unfortunate straying might now be off with the kneecaps for even tip toeing on the line ..

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:25 PM
‘Labour party members disown shambolic parliamentary wing.’
“They are not us” explained Willard Q McTavish, sipping his chardonnay and stroking his goatee beard.

24-07-2023, 07:31 PM

Barry Soper: Jacinda Ardern left Chris Hipkins to clean up the mess she created

What Ardern has done, though, is to leave her colleagues this year to clean up the mess she created.

The sous chef in her kitchen Cabinet, Chris Hipkins, has done his best to distance himself from her acquiescence to factions, particularly to Māori. Her Cabinet appointments and her arm’s length approach to them (think Michael Wood telling her he’d sold his Auckland Airport shares) has left Hipkins to clean up the mess as the true face of her Cabinet appointments is becoming clear.

This Government has become as messy as the last two-term Government, ironically also led by a populist leader, David Lange. He exited in the same way as Ardern, although his reasons were a little more salacious.

There are more than 20 new Labour MPs who came in at the last election who will now be filling out job applications.

The Ardern/Hipkins Government have failed on so many fronts, despite their unbridled power, the strongest majority since the first Labour Government of Mickey Joseph Savage 1935. At least Savage left a legacy of state housing and free medical care, as did the Lange Government, the economic foundation stone which set the country on the difficult recovery path after the Muldoon misery.

This Government has left a lawless, impoverished, struggling country, longing for relief.

How are Ardern's Book sales going now ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 07:36 PM

Barry Soper: Jacinda Ardern left Chris Hipkins to clean up the mess she created

How are Ardern's Book sales going now ? ;)

Paper Tigress : My Journey From Legend To Myth
By Jacinda Ardern

24-07-2023, 07:36 PM

Kiri Allan arrest and resignation: RNZ board member lashes out over former Justice Minister’s scandal

“When there’s blood in the water the sharks circle and they’re more than happy to digest every last morsel and watch the bones sink to the depths. It is a blood sport,” Ake wrote.

Still watching your back - Chumpie ? ;)

Who will be the next Minister to walk the plank or fall on their sword ? :)

24-07-2023, 07:40 PM

Thomas Coughlan: Where’s Labour’s election policy?

81 Days away from E Day and still deeply embroiled in Labour Camp Crisis moments hot on the heels of previous chapters of the same BS ;)

Easy to see why this mob of clueless fumbling incompetents achieved next to nothing :)

24-07-2023, 07:48 PM
Our Kiri out on the piss eh?

must be thought to cure all ills ... especially when there is hope any number of excuses could cover things ;)

A Govt chaffeur may not have been a good look, in light of the officially claimed symptoms :)

and donkey must have been safely tethered up in paddock, well up the coast out of reach of crazy East Coast Beehive wahine, out on a night's p!ssy eyed session .. but also shortly due to deliver a few kicks of payback for being left ignored :)

24-07-2023, 08:32 PM
Hipkins flustered and clueless - could not even name who is the Customs Minister!



Logen Ninefingers
24-07-2023, 08:50 PM
Hipkins flustered and clueless - could not even name who is the Customs Minister!



He should have said "spread your legs" at the presso, to get the media eating out of his hand again.

25-07-2023, 08:04 AM
He should have said "spread your legs" at the presso, to get the media eating out of his hand again.

25-07-2023, 08:12 AM
33 posts yesterday on this thread alone by Logen Ninefingers & NZTX! 33!
Serial propagandists or paid trolls?

25-07-2023, 08:17 AM
33 posts yesterday on this thread alone by Logen Ninefingers & NZTX! 33!
Serial propagandists or paid trolls?

12,000 new state houses built by Labour?

Only a paid troll would write such blatant lie and Labour garbage.

How about the truth - 350% increase in state housing waiting list. 380% increase in families living in cars.


25-07-2023, 08:27 AM
Viewing TV3 now - Hipkins being interviewed by Bridges.

He looks like death warmed up.

Not surprising given the circumstances but they should have at least been frugal with the make up as he has too much powder on. Too much covering up - but that’s Labour through & through.

Asked about David Parker’s exit from the revenue portfolio, Hipkins ducked, dived and basically, lied. He refused to link Parker’s exit with his wealth tax ditching - Parker resigning from the revenue portfolio a week before Labour announces its election year tax and revenue policy.

What a shambles.

A government which cannot manage itself but wants to convince NZers that it can govern the country.



Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 10:31 AM
Daytr has some sort of agenda going here. This is a discussion forum, the average post literally takes seconds to write, yet one person is saying that if I want to come here and discuss politics then that should be frowned upon. Isn’t how I choose to spend my time my business? Right now, there is an awful lot to discuss. We have an imploding government & the emergence of radical political parties with radical separatist agendas. IMO, this election is pivotal and a possible turning point in our nations history….surely that is worth discussing? We don’t all have to agree with your world view Daytr.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 10:40 AM
I think Labour have to be very careful about how they seek to minimise Kiri Allen’s actions. On the one hand they say they are ‘inexcusable’, on the other they continue to offer up excuses. And the public are listening. A community leader from Tologa Bay said on RNZ this morning “that could be any one of us”. Given the amount of work pressure and mental health issues out in the community at the moment, this could indicate that their is an awful lot of drink driving that is going on at the moment that the police are not picking up on. And that is serious. We see TV messaging that no matter your level of inebriation, what you must absolutely not do is drive - otherwise you are ‘a bloody idiot’. Human lives are literally at stake. We cannot send a message that seemingly responsible members of society can elect to ignore this rule if they have work pressures, a personal crisis, or mental health issues. Because most people face one or other of these problems on a regular basis. It’s either we don’t drink drive, or we do. There is no room for a double standard in this regard. We don’t say that because someone has a personal crisis that they can ‘understandably’ attack their partner. We don’t say thar because someone has a personal crisis that they can ‘understandably’ break a shop window.

Tough times do not give anyone a license to engage in criminal or anti-social behaviour.

25-07-2023, 10:49 AM
Another Labour appointee to RNZ decided to make political comments :


Obviously they are all thick as the Rob Campbell incident illustrated clearly that these appointees are not to make political comments if they want to be in their jobs.

Jason Ake will obviously get away with his indiscretion (since he is insinuating hypocritical behavior by some in the Opposition).

25-07-2023, 11:01 AM
Daytr has some sort of agenda going here. This is a discussion forum, the average post literally takes seconds to write, yet one person is saying that if I want to come here and discuss politics then that should be frowned upon. Isn’t how I choose to spend my time my business? Right now, there is an awful lot to discuss. We have an imploding government & the emergence of radical political parties with radical separatist agendas. IMO, this election is pivotal and a possible turning point in our nations history….surely that is worth discussing? We don’t all have to agree with your world view Daytr.

Ha! That's rich coming from the serial poster.
Between NZTX, Balance & yourself probably make up 80% of the posts on here!

It would be good if there was discussion, but you three seldom engage in anything like what would be considered a reasonable discussion.

25-07-2023, 11:23 AM
33 posts yesterday on this thread alone by Logen Ninefingers & NZTX! 33!
Serial propagandists or paid trolls?

Labour's exciting Crisis moments too much for some already ? :)

Blue Skies
25-07-2023, 11:30 AM
I think Labour have to be very careful about how they seek to minimise Kiri Allen’s actions. On the one hand they say they are ‘inexcusable’, on the other they continue to offer up excuses. And the public are listening. A community leader from Tologa Bay said on RNZ this morning “that could be any one of us”. Given the amount of work pressure and mental health issues out in the community at the moment, this could indicate that their is an awful lot of drink driving that is going on at the moment that the police are not picking up on. And that is serious. We see TV messaging that no matter your level of inebriation, what you must absolutely not do is drive - otherwise you are ‘a bloody idiot’. Human lives are literally at stake. We cannot send a message that seemingly responsible members of society can elect to ignore this rule if they have work pressures, a personal crisis, or mental health issues. Because most people face one or other of these problems on a regular basis. It’s either we don’t drink drive, or we do. There is no room for a double standard in this regard. We don’t say that because someone has a personal crisis that they can ‘understandably’ attack their partner. We don’t say thar because someone has a personal crisis that they can ‘understandably’ break a shop window.

Tough times do not give anyone a license to engage in criminal or anti-social behaviour.

"Tough times do not give anyone a licence to engage in criminal or anti-social behaviour"

Seriously...Give it a break, what do you want, blood?
No one's offering excuses, but for goodness sake show a little human empathy & equanimity, something which is seriously missing by a few posters here & Luxon & Willis.
Kiri was just over the new legal limit, would have been fine under the previous legal limit, probably 2 glasses of wine would do that.
And listen to the ****e's on ZB with DIC convictions way over the limit, but got name suppression cause it could affect their jobs, ripping into her.

Don't expect you to agree but listening to Chris Hipkins on this, I & many others impressed with his steadiness & equanimity, his calmness, balance & soundness under extreme pressure.
Jacinda Ardern had it too in spades & a true mark of leadership. Would have had little sleep either.
Chris Luxon would have been floundering & that's another thing which worries me about a Nat ACT govt with this group of MP's in the current unstable global environment.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 11:30 AM
Ha! That's rich coming from the serial poster.
Between NZTX, Balance & yourself probably make up 80% of the posts on here!

It would be good if there was discussion, but you three seldom engage in anything like what would be considered a reasonable discussion.

I wouldn’t mind a ‘reasonable discussion’ but you are so often disingenuous about your political allegiances and motivations. That makes for a poor foundation for a debate.

25-07-2023, 11:32 AM
Ha! That's rich coming from the serial poster.
Between NZTX, Balance & yourself probably make up 80% of the posts on here!

It would be good if there was discussion, but you three seldom engage in anything like what would be considered a reasonable discussion.

What’s there to discuss with Labour shills like you who posts nothing but BS, lies and spin?

12,000 new state houses built by Labour? Kiss my arse.

25-07-2023, 11:35 AM
33 posts yesterday on this thread alone by Logen Ninefingers & NZTX! 33!
Serial propagandists or paid trolls?

I'm no paid troll but I have had more than enough of Labours politics.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 11:36 AM
"Tough times do not give anyone a licence to engage in criminal or anti-social behaviour"

Seriously...Give it a break, what do you want, blood?
No one's offering excuses, but for goodness sake show a little human empathy & equanimity, something which is seriously missing by a few posters here & Luxon & Willis.
Kiri was just over the new legal limit, would have been fine under the previous legal limit, probably 2 glasses of wine would do that.
And listen to the ****e's on ZB with DIC convictions way over the limit, but got name suppression cause it could affect their jobs, ripping into her.

Don't expect you to agree but listening to Chris Hipkins on this, I & many others impressed with his steadiness & equanimity, his calmness, balance & soundness under extreme pressure.
Jacinda Ardern had it too in spades & a true mark of leadership. Would have had little sleep either.
Chris Luxon would have been floundering & that's another thing which worries me about a Nat ACT govt with this group of MP's in the current unstable global environment.

There you go again, minimising what occurred. Now it’s ‘two glasses of wine’. She didn’t get pulled over by the cops and breathalysed pal, she crashed into a car - and resisted arrest! You really are being wilfully blind about this, or are not quite functioning at full intellectual capacity.

I’m not after blood. In fact, I’m after the exact opposite. I don’t want to see a single innocent person killed because some other person got a ‘soft signal’ that it’s excusable to drink & drive if you are having personal issues. I make no apologies for taking this view.

25-07-2023, 11:45 AM
Don't expect you to agree but listening to Chris Hipkins on this, I & many others impressed with his steadiness & equanimity, his calmness, balance & soundness under extreme pressure.
Jacinda Ardern had it too in spades & a true mark of leadership. Would have had little sleep either.

Only the blind like BS would write the garbage above.

Hipkins was all over the place and looked like he was on drugs.

And no wonder :


"Electoral calculation was surely at the centre of Prime Minister Chris Hipkins’ unfortunate decision to keep flailing Minister Kiri Allan on in her job when alarm bells were going off about her integrity and mental health. That decision has now led to tragedy for both the former minister and a Government that is rocked by the unprecedented downfall of a Justice Minister being arrested in chaotic circumstances.

Allan’s final downfall was shocking, but not entirely surprising. For many months the Justice Minister displayed all sorts of puzzling behaviour suggesting she was in trouble and not necessarily fit to be a minister. And yet she was kept on in one of the top roles in politics despite the warning signs. That decision is something that Hipkins is now struggling to justify."

25-07-2023, 11:48 AM
Big red flags all over the place but the Labour Party & Hipkins did nothing. Kiri Allan could have killed somebody, driving in the state she was in.


She’s sick and needs support’.

"Labour minister spoke to Allan before accident, says she wasn't in a 'good way'

Labour Minister Willie Jackson said Allan was adamant about returning to work after taking a break.

However, some people - including the Prime Minister -thought it might be too soon for her to come back.

He said they put a lot of support around Allan, and he wasn’t sure they could have done much more.

He spoke to Allan about 6pm, a few hours before her accident on Sunday, and said it was personal struggles that overcame her.

“She wasn’t in a good way." He said he didn’t send someone to her, because they ended their conversation on a positive note.

“You can have a good korero with her and then start off in a crazy sort of mode and then end up falling over in laughter you know, which is where we were at on Sunday. And then of course, it all fell apart later."

Blue Skies
25-07-2023, 11:58 AM
There you go again, minimising what occurred. Now it’s ‘two glasses of wine’. She didn’t get pulled over by the cops and breathalysed pal, she crashed into a car - and resisted arrest! You really are being wilfully blind about this, or are not quite functioning at full intellectual capacity.

I’m not after blood. In fact, I’m after the exact opposite. I don’t want to see a single innocent person killed because some other person got a ‘soft signal’ that it’s excusable to drink & drive if you are having personal issues. I make no apologies for taking this view.

Kiri was issued with an Infringement Notice for returning a breath test slightly over the legal limit but at a level considered an infringement & not a DIC charge. Not good but lets not over-egg it.
She was charged with careless driving & refusing to accompany a police officer, not resisting arrest.

In 2021 she was diagnosed with a grade 3 cancer & a 13% chance of survival, & went through chemotherapy. It's impossible for anyone to appreciate the impact that has on a young person unless they have been through it themselves.
She was a talented dedicated & extremely hard working Minister & its a tragic loss.
I hate seeing the way Luxon & Willis are politicising this, its completely opposite to the way Jacinda Ardern treated Muller with care & respect when he had to step back & raises questions about their character.

25-07-2023, 12:15 PM
I hate seeing the way Luxon & Willis are politicising this,
It is political !

25-07-2023, 12:16 PM
Open dissent in Labour - not too long now before Robertson and Parker move against Hipkins.

Hipkins is a dead man walking while Parker and Robertson prefer:

“Better red than dead!”


Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 12:17 PM
Kiri was issued with an Infringement Notice for returning a breath test slightly over the legal limit but at a level considered an infringement & not a DIC charge. Not good but lets not over-egg it.
She was charged with careless driving & refusing to accompany a police officer, not resisting arrest.

In 2021 she was diagnosed with a grade 3 cancer & a 13% chance of survival, & went through chemotherapy. It's impossible for anyone to appreciate the impact that has on a young person unless they have been through it themselves.
She was a talented dedicated & extremely hard working Minister & its a tragic loss.
I hate seeing the way Luxon & Willis are politicising this, its completely opposite to the way Jacinda Ardern treated Muller with care & respect when he had to step back & raises questions about their character.

Unfortunately you have chosen to continue going down this path of minimising what occurred due to your own cognitive biases.

Now - according to you - one of the purported reasons that she could not catch a taxi, could not get an uber, could not get a dial-a-driver (so many available options in todays society) is because she previously had cancer.
Actually, you’d think a life and death brush with cancer would give someone an extra appreciation of the value of human life. If you drink to excess and get behind the wheel you endanger your own life and those of others.

Your ‘argument’, such as it is, is that having cancer has discombobulated her to the extent that she is incapable of making the right decisions, and I think that is unfair on someone who until quite recently was a Minister of the Crown and making decisions which affect all New Zealanders.

With each fresh purported ‘reason’ (excuse) you continue to actually completely miss the point. The point being that if we do not say that drink driving is unacceptable under any circumstances, then we might as well take the ads off the TV and give up.

25-07-2023, 12:34 PM

Nation of Debt: Rising costs and falling milk price mean farmers could struggle to break even

The same farming industry that Labour & Greens have expressed desires to pummel ? ;)

What happens when major industries get given certain adverse attention from Labour & Greens ?

The mob of Govt Front Bench incompetents certainly know how to bite the hand that feeds :)

25-07-2023, 12:38 PM
What’s there to discuss with Labour shills like you who posts nothing but BS, lies and spin?

12,000 new state houses built by Labour? Kiss my arse.

Such a nasty person.
Amazing how people will act when there identity is hidden.

25-07-2023, 12:39 PM
Big red flags all over the place but the Labour Party & Hipkins did nothing. Kiri Allan could have killed somebody, driving in the state she was in.


She’s sick and needs support’.

"Labour minister spoke to Allan before accident, says she wasn't in a 'good way'

Labour Minister Willie Jackson said Allan was adamant about returning to work after taking a break.

However, some people - including the Prime Minister -thought it might be too soon for her to come back.

He said they put a lot of support around Allan, and he wasn’t sure they could have done much more.

He spoke to Allan about 6pm, a few hours before her accident on Sunday, and said it was personal struggles that overcame her.

“She wasn’t in a good way." He said he didn’t send someone to her, because they ended their conversation on a positive note.

“You can have a good korero with her and then start off in a crazy sort of mode and then end up falling over in laughter you know, which is where we were at on Sunday. And then of course, it all fell apart later."

Very easy for Labour to try to apply smoke & mirrors afterwards for some look good too

Those reports continuing to creep out on Labour Minister's treatment of Civil Servants certainly suggests
that rot is rampart within the ranks .. right through to what is being emitted in faulty misguided legislation
requiring numerous patch ups to fix afterwards ;)

That's what happens when the talent pool is so scarce on the ground and of such poor deficient quality, necessitating
numerous cover ups applied after on all the glowing failures becoming evident for all to see ..

25-07-2023, 12:42 PM
Such a nasty person.
Amasing how people will act when there identity is hidden.

Says a twit who attacks posters and counts postings rather than posting on issues ;)

25-07-2023, 12:46 PM

The Front Page: Will Labour’s long list of ministers lost in 2023 derail Chris Hipkins?

The Labour Party has had a tumultuous 2023, losing a minister every five to six weeks since Chris Hipkins took over as Prime Minister.

NZ Herald deputy political editor and host of the On the Tiles podcast, Thomas Coughlan, tells The Front Page podcast Hipkins looked shell-shocked when fronting media after the news Justice Minister Kiri Allan had been arrested overnight.

“He doesn’t look [to be] in a good place,” Coughlan said.

“I think he’s probably sick of fronting media to talk about his ministers getting into trouble. Officially, he’s talking about wanting to take a supportive approach to a minister who’s obviously going through a rough time … but it would be impossible for him not to think about the fact that this year, he has lost an awful lot of ministers.”

This long list of ministers who have either lost or left their jobs includes former Police Minister Stuart Nash, former Transport Minister Michael Wood, long-time Minister Meka Whaitiri and now former Justice Minister Kiri Allan. If you were to take it back even further, you could also include the loss of former PM Jacinda Ardern at the beginning of the year.

The question is whether the latest departure will become the nail in the coffin for the Labour Government.

“Vast numbers of New Zealanders think the country is on the wrong track

25-07-2023, 12:50 PM

Kiri Allan breaks silence, reveals she won’t stand in this year’s election

Kiri Allan will not be contesting this year’s election so she can heal and “chart a new course” for her life following her mental health struggles that led to her crashing her car in Wellington on Sunday.

In a social media post, Allan apologised to Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and to her party members for her actions.

25-07-2023, 12:58 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/6/y/8/u/g/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .26yaia.png/1690185926742.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

Poor little fellow - after just 6 months at the steering wheel, looks like he needs a very long holiday ;)

25-07-2023, 01:05 PM

Prime Minister Hipkins failing to arrest regular Cabinet minister departures

First a quiz – name the month Labour got through this year without sacking a cabinet minister, having one resign, or quit Parliament.

Give up? February.

Seven months. Five ministers gone, former minister of justice Kiri Allan the latest after drink-driving and resisting arrest.

Former prime minister Jacinda Ardern was first when she resigned in January, then left in April, as the hits keep on coming, with an election three months away.

A trail of Ministerial carnage never seen before ;)

Well done Labour

Could this be the opening shots in a Campaign on The Road to Zero Ministers ? ;)


The Kiri Allan saga means the result of the election may have been sealed

OPINION: The Prime Minister did the right thing giving Kiritapu Allan the green light to come back to work but once again - as with so many of his best laid plans since becoming PM, it doesn’t matter. Chris Hipkins will be punished at the polls.

25-07-2023, 01:24 PM
This thread reminds me of Whale Oil.
No matter the accuracy let's just throw mud & see if it sticks.
Continual nasty put downs of anyone who has a different opinion.

I wonder what an investigative journalist might think about what's written here & perhaps who is really behind it.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 01:30 PM
Daytr spends zero time making coherent, thoughtful points & pretty much 100% of the time bagging out other posters and rubbishing the quality of the thread.

Nobody made up a story about Kiri Allen. It is a matter of fact and public record that she drove under the influence, crashed into a parked car, and then ‘refused to accompany a police officer to the police station’.

No matter how much you regret these facts exist Daytr, they do. Wishing, hoping, or getting angry will not change these facts. They will be discussed, at length.

I will not diminish the responsibility of someone to make the correct call once they are under the influence and considering driving, particularly not a Minister of the Crown who is making important decisions every day that impact on all New Zealanders.

25-07-2023, 01:39 PM
Daytr spends zero time making coherent, thoughtful points & pretty much 100% of the time bagging out other posters and rubbishing the quality of the thread.

Nobody made up a story about Kiri Allen. It is a matter of fact and public record that she drove under the influence, crashed into a parked car, and then ‘refused to accompany a police officer to the police station’.

No matter how much you regret these facts exist Daytr, they do. Wishing, hoping, or getting angry will not change these facts. They will be discussed, at length.

I will not diminish the responsibility of someone to make the correct call once they are under the influence and considering driving, particularly not a Minister of the Crown who is making important decisions every day that impact on all New Zealanders.

Oh the irony of your post, writing of being coherent when I haven't mentioned the Kiri Allen saga once.
But hey this is the standard of this thread, just write anything, someone will believe it.
Like the Whale Oil blog, absolutely no integrity, none.
Nicky Hager was the journalist I believe that uncovered the links of Cameron Slater to Judith Collins. I'm sure he would find the activity on here interesting.