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25-07-2023, 01:41 PM
Here's a nice little summary of Dirty Politics


25-07-2023, 01:43 PM
Daytr spends zero time making coherent, thoughtful points & pretty much 100% of the time bagging out other posters and rubbishing the quality of the thread.

Nobody made up a story about Kiri Allen. It is a matter of fact and public record that she drove under the influence, crashed into a parked car, and then ‘refused to accompany a police officer to the police station’.

How about giving her the sam uffindel treatment.

She's a decent lady and a fantastic representative for XXX. Most importantly she has learned something.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 01:44 PM
Oh the irony of your post, writing of being coherent when I haven't mentioned the Kiri Allen saga once.
But hey this is the standard of this thread, just write anything, someone will believe it.
Like the Whale Oil blog, absolutely no integrity, none.
Nicky Hager was the journalist I believe that uncovered the links of Cameron Slater to Judith Collins. I'm sure he would find the activity on here interesting.

‘People commenting in a political thread’ = a conspiracy worthy of investigation by Nicky Hagar. Turn it up. That’s a paranoid mind-set if ever I heard one.

Often what is being posted here is the exact same information being reported by the New Zealand news media. You are getting yourself into a lather worrying that ‘someone might believe it’. You can bury your head in the sand if you like, but when facts are widely reported I’m pretty sure that people will become aware of them.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 01:49 PM
How about giving her the sam uffindel treatment.

She's a decent lady and a fantastic representative for XXX. Most importantly she has learned something.

Uffindel drove under the influence, crashed into a parked car, then ‘refused to accompany a police office to the police station’? Really? When was this? Was he a Minister of the Crown at the time?

Pretty sure Uffindel was involved in a hazing incident of a fellow student as a youth.

Youths these days go ram raiding as a lark and cause untold damage to businesses and society. If they get caught they get driven home to mum and dad. Or they climb on top of buildings causing disruption - and get rewarded with KFC.

25-07-2023, 01:50 PM
This thread reminds me of Whale Oil.
No matter the accuracy let's just throw mud & see if it sticks.
Continual nasty put downs of anyone who has a different opinion.

I wonder what an investigative journalist might think about what's written here & perhaps who is really behind it.

Too funny .. Looks like someone is getting desperate now :)

Labour's performance and antics must have been real good to warrant so much attention right across the spectrum

This is the Labour thread - right ? :)

No-one made up all the reports by the Media .. and they can't be wiped away as if they didn't happen

The investigating Journo's probably have a good 10 years ahead checking the shadows of snouts parked up around the trough through the 6 years .. could be interesting seeing what they dig up ;)

25-07-2023, 01:55 PM
Such a nasty person.
Amazing how people will act when there identity is hidden.

Sounds like you with your BS, lies and spin regurgitated from the Labour party spin merchants.

25-07-2023, 02:01 PM
‘People commenting in a political thread’ = a conspiracy worthy of investigation by Nicky Hagar. Turn it up. That’s a paranoid mind-set if ever I heard one.

Often what is being posted here is the exact same information being reported by the New Zealand news media. You are getting yourself into a lather worrying that ‘someone might believe it’. You can bury your head in the sand if you like, but when facts are widely reported I’m pretty sure that people will become aware of them.

Well you have nothing to worry about then.
Yes there is an excessive amount of repetitious copy & pasting that goes on here that is already widely available. Goes to wonder why it needs constantly repeating and why you would bother.

25-07-2023, 02:03 PM

Watch live: Labour on back foot as fallout from Kiri Allan saga continues

25-07-2023, 02:07 PM

Crime in the Times - The mental cost of ram raids

The cost of a ram raid, burglary or aggravated robbery is hefty for Ash Parmar both financially and mentally, and more business owners than ever are facing the same burden as rates soar.

The Waikato bottle store owner has to pay thousands in excess with each robbery or ram raid.

“No matter what happens, the first $5000 will have to come out of our pocket. We will never be able to claim all the extra time me and all those who have helped me...Nor the paperwork, which will take 50 to 60 hours”

And he won’t be the only small business seeing the cost increase, with data from insurance company NZI showing New Zealand business owners are making more crime related claims than ever before.

In 2022, NZI received 213 ramraid claims, a 132% increase from 2021 and 420% above 2020.

Waikato made up 18% of the 3698 commercial crime claims received by NZI, Auckland are at the top of the table with 37%, Canterbury third on 12%, followed by Bay of Plenty 8%.

Aotearoa - the way Labour wanted it , delivered it & dropped everyone in the cesspit of rampart Crime ;)

25-07-2023, 02:14 PM
Well you have nothing to worry about then.
Yes there is an excessive amount of repetitious copy & pasting that goes on here that is already widely available. Goes to wonder why it needs constantly repeating and why you would bother.

It's strange they claim there's media bias but post non stop articles from stuff and NZ Herald.

25-07-2023, 02:43 PM
It's strange they claim there's media bias but post non stop articles from stuff and NZ Herald.

No Media Bias over earlier Spin Goddess years of the past 6 years - was there ? :)

must be a strange Nelson thing ..

25-07-2023, 02:50 PM
Welcome to Labour's Lawless Gangland Aotearoa:


Sylvia Park fight: Armed police arrest two Rebels gangmen

Police have arrested two gang members after a fight at the Sylvia Park Shopping Centre in Auckland’s Mt Wellington and are hunting at least two others involved in the brawl.

The two men are members or associates of the Rebels gang, Acting Inspector Matt Child says. He said there were no injuries reported.

Armed police and ambulances have swarmed the mall after reports of a fight involving at least one man armed with a knife about 1pm.

Yet another example of Labour's delivering up of Safer Communities ;)

Poor disadvantaged Crims and Gang members must be released back into our Communities to resume
what they were doing best - more of the same ;)

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 02:54 PM
It's strange they claim there's media bias but post non stop articles from stuff and NZ Herald.

You obviously have no idea of the meaning of the word 'bias'. You are confusing 'bias' with 'information suppression'. I have never suggested that the media have suppressed basic facts regarding, for example, New Zealands rapidly increasing debt, or rapidly expanding deficit.

25-07-2023, 04:03 PM
Did Kiri end up legging it rather than staying in the car as earlier reported?

Also "Once charged, she accepted she was in the drivers seat' .
Translation, she initially denied being the driver. I might be wrong, but I think that's another charge right there.

Logen Ninefingers
25-07-2023, 04:47 PM
Did Kiri end up legging it rather than staying in the car as earlier reported?

Also "Once charged, she accepted she was in the drivers seat' .
Translation, she initially denied being the driver. I might be wrong, but I think that's another charge right there.

Do we know how long had elapsed between when the incident occurred, and when she was finally apprehended by the police?

I know some have claimed that she was only at the level of 'a couple glasses of wine' when the crash occurred, but obviously this is not correct: she was at that (approximate) level when her blood - alcohol level was able to be tested.

In any case, I think they are going to let some aspects / potential charges slide, as this is already an embarrassing situation for the state as it is.

25-07-2023, 05:36 PM
Another Labour appointee to RNZ decided to make political comments :


Obviously they are all thick as the Rob Campbell incident illustrated clearly that these appointees are not to make political comments if they want to be in their jobs.

Jason Ake will obviously get away with his indiscretion (since he is insinuating hypocritical behavior by some in the Opposition).

Doubling down despite warning from Hipkins.

Hipkins really has lost his mojo, hasn’t he? No respect anymore from his government’s appointees.


“ An RNZ board member is doubling down on public commentary about Kiri Allan, despite the prime minister describing his initial comments as inappropriate.”

25-07-2023, 05:39 PM
They are not buying the spin and excuses from Hipkins and the Labour Party about the circumstances around Kiri Allan’s meltdown :



25-07-2023, 07:50 PM
Kiri Te Car nga wa eh?

She knows how to put on an opera that girl!

25-07-2023, 08:12 PM
Says a twit who attacks posters and counts postings rather than posting on issues ;)

Copying from newspaper articles and making supposedly smart schoolyard comments, is not posting on current issues.

You are the twit.


25-07-2023, 08:31 PM
In It For You! :t_up:



25-07-2023, 09:10 PM
Copying from newspaper articles and making supposedly smart schoolyard comments, is not posting on current issues.

You are the twit.


Don't take your eye off Govt's Beehive schoolyard twits - will ya .. but you mightn't miss much ;)

Do they know that you've jumped the fence and escaped again ? :)

The Media have the comings and mostly goings fairly well covered

Along with the truck full of potentially terminal issues Lab/Green have dug for themselves

Thanks for providing the further entertainment here .. and making yourself look stupid .. again :)

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 08:03 AM
Hundreds of thousands of people on benefits, and now over 100,000 on the ‘Jobseeker’ benefit - yet we are told that unemployment is very low. Make it make sense.


‘A new weekly report from the Ministry of Social Development shows 564 more people are receiving a benefit. It increased from 352,944 on July 7 to 353,508 on July 14.

The JobSeeker Support benefit also saw an increase from 99,822 on July 7 to 100,302 on July 14 - an increase of 498 people.

comes as New Zealand's gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 0.1 percent this quarter, according to data from Statistics NZ, as rising interest rates continued to weigh in on the economy. It was the second-consecutive quarterly contraction, placing the country in a technical recession.

Independent economist Cameron Bagrie told AM on Tuesday the latest figures from the Ministry of Social Development are grim reading.

While the figures show a slight increase in people going on a benefit over the last week, Bagrie told AM co-host Laura Tupou they have been rapidly increasing since the start of the year.

"If you look at the headline numbers, we've seen a 9000 increase in the number of people on a welfare benefit since the start of May. The rolling average over the past four weeks is about a thousand additions," he said.

While more and more Kiwis are getting on a benefit, New Zealand's unemployment rate dropped to a record low of 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2022 - the lowest it has been since 1986. It's currently at 3.4 percent.

Bagire told AM with more and more Kiwis getting a benefit and the unemployment rate being so low, it shows there is a structural issue with the economy.

"If we go back and have a look at the last five years, there have been 75,000 more people getting on a benefit at a time the unemployment rate has gone from 4.6 percent down to 3.4 percent," he said.

"So we have some of the strongest labour market conditions we've ever seen and we're still seeing welfare dependency rise, so there is a structural issue that needs to be looked at down the track."’

26-07-2023, 08:19 AM
Hardly surprising that the numbers on welfare are starting to rocket upwards now that all of labour’s wasteful and deceitful policies are coming home to roost.

Everything that this useless Labour government does is about spin, window dressing and hiding the truth from the public - because they have delivered nothing of the grandiose promises they made to get into power.

All about optics - never about substance or delivery.

Cannot deliver on housing? Fudge the numbers.

Cannot deliver on child poverty? Provide school lunches which are thrown away & fed to pigs.

Cannot deliver on law & order? Promise to get tough on crime less than 3 months before the election!

Just goes on and on.

26-07-2023, 08:19 AM
It's strange they claim there's media bias but post non stop articles from stuff and NZ Herald.

Very good point Panda

26-07-2023, 08:27 AM
36 posts on this thread yesterday by NZTX, Logen Ninefingers & Balance! 36!

It will be interesting if some digging is done to see if there are any party connections behind these serial posters.

I am happy to declare that I have no connection to any political party.

26-07-2023, 08:33 AM
36 posts on this thread yesterday by NZTX, Logen Ninefingers & Balance! 36!

It will be interesting if some digging is done to see if there are any party connections behind these serial posters.

I am happy to declare that I have no connection to any political party.

Who cares about your declaration about political party? We all know how Labour shills (like Ardern) operate - spin, BS and lies.

Your declaration is not worth a bucket of Ardern's spit.


26-07-2023, 08:37 AM
Who cares about your declaration about political party? We all know how Labour shills (like Ardern) operate - spin, BS and lies.

Your declaration is not worth a bucket of Ardern's spit.


That's a great cartoon.

Correct nobody would care about my lack of a connection but they might care about the serial posters connections to political parties.

Nobody in there right mind would spend as much time as you three do on here without some sponsored connection.
Wouldn't it be ironic if a dirty politics type scandal discovered just before the election tipped the scales.
Well let's see shall we.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 09:03 AM
That's a great cartoon.

Correct nobody would care about my lack of a connection but they might care about the serial posters connections to political parties.

Nobody in there right mind would spend as much time as you three do on here without some sponsored connection.
Wouldn't it be ironic if a dirty politics type scandal discovered just before the election tipped the scales.
Well let's see shall we.

Yet here’s where you also seem to always be; you may post a bit less than others but on the other hand you’re very busy counting up other people’s posts and writing letters to Nicky Hagar about vast conspiracies you’ve uncovered.

How about you stop the bleating about others and instead starting posting about all the good things that are happening within your beloved Labour party.

26-07-2023, 09:15 AM
Yet here’s where you also seem to always be; you may post a bit less than others but on the other hand you’re very busy counting up other people’s posts and writing letters to Nicky Hagar about vast conspiracies you’ve uncovered.

How about you stop the bleating about others and instead starting posting about all the good things that are happening within your beloved Labour party.

I'm not voting for Labour, so why would I do that?

Nothing vast about it. Just worthy of investigation considering the nature and abundance of posts.
It would be highly embarrassing for any party if any of you were found to have connections.

26-07-2023, 09:16 AM
Yet here’s where you also seem to always be; you may post a bit less than others but on the other hand you’re very busy counting up other people’s posts and writing letters to Nicky Hagar about vast conspiracies you’ve uncovered.

How about you stop the bleating about others and instead starting posting about all the good things that are happening within your beloved Labour party.

I sincerely hope Nicky Hagar does an investigation into who are posting here.

I for one believe that the likes of dobby41, Blue Skies and westerly are either paid Labour Party spinsters or at lest, Labour Party members given their faithful and repetitive regurgitation of Labour’s misinformation, spin and lies.

Could be a real election issue indeed for Nicky to uncover how Labour’s cyber staff have been spreading the garbage around.

26-07-2023, 09:24 AM
I sincerely hope Nicky Hagar does an investigation into who are posting here.

I for one believe that the likes of dobby41, Blue Skies and westerly are either paid Labour Party spinsters or at lest, Labour Party members given their faithful and repetitive regurgitation of Labour’s misinformation, spin and lies.

Could be a real election issue indeed for Nicky to uncover how Labour’s cyber staff have been spreading the garbage around.

Balance, that really is calling the kettle black.
Perhaps they are party members who knows, but they are hardly serial posters like yourself constantly utilizing negative/ attack posts.

It's uncanny how similar the style of the posts of the serial trio is to Cameron Slater's Whale Oil uncovered in Dirty Politics.

26-07-2023, 09:36 AM
Balance, that really is calling the kettle black.
Perhaps they are party members who knows, but they are hardly serial posters like yourself constantly utilizing negative/ attack posts.

It's uncanny how similar the style of the posts of the serial trio is to Cameron Slater's Whale Oil uncovered in Dirty Politics.

Like I wrote, I sincerely hope Nicky Hagar does an expose of who are making the numerous repetitive postings regurgitating Labour’s spin , BS and lies.

Only the truth hurts.

And Labour is now finding that the truth is coming out in a torrent - even the Covid response is something Labour distanced itself these days from.

26-07-2023, 09:49 AM
Like I wrote, I sincerely hope Nicky Hagar does an expose of who are making the numerous repetitive postings regurgitating Labour’s spin , BS and lies.

Only the truth hurts.

And Labour is now finding that the truth is coming out in a torrent - even the Covid response is something Labour distanced itself these days from.

Hagar has investigated both sides of politics in the past so I am sure he will be neutral if he chooses to take up the task.
It's the serial nature and attack strategy however that is most apparent & I would have thought of most interest especially if tied back to a political party.

Bring it on!

Blue Skies
26-07-2023, 10:21 AM
Blimey, I thought we had thoroughly debunked this conspiracy theory already, this thread is read by a comparative handful of people, why would any political party bother here.

Put your ego's back in check, this is an interesting but small community of individuals with strong political views & not going to make the slightest difference to the outcome of the election.

Election interference if /when it happens is going to happen on Social media like Facebook & Twitter & other huge platforms as we're seeing in the US, esp foreign interference which is the big threat for the 2024 US elections.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 10:47 AM
Like I wrote, I sincerely hope Nicky Hagar does an expose of who are making the numerous repetitive postings regurgitating Labour’s spin , BS and lies.

Only the truth hurts.

And Labour is now finding that the truth is coming out in a torrent - even the Covid response is something Labour distanced itself these days from.

They probably work for the PSA or the unions or are ivory tower academics. Nothing much to do in their day jobs except to ‘work’ (post on-line) on behalf of the Labour Party (= union movement and global socialism).
Daytr as well I’d say.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 10:48 AM
Blimey, I thought we had thoroughly debunked this conspiracy theory already, this thread is read by a comparative handful of people, why would any political party bother here.

Put your ego's back in check, this is an interesting but small community of individuals with strong political views & not going to make the slightest difference to the outcome of the election.

Election interference if /when it happens is going to happen on Social media like Facebook & Twitter & other huge platforms as we're seeing in the US, esp foreign interference which is the big threat for the 2024 US elections.

Tell that to Daytr. He’s the one who thinks he’s uncovered a conspiracy of ‘Watergate’ proportions.

26-07-2023, 10:51 AM
Blimey, I thought we had thoroughly debunked this conspiracy theory already, this thread is read by a comparative handful of people, why would any political party bother here.

Put your ego's back in check, this is an interesting but small community of individuals with strong political views & not going to make the slightest difference to the outcome of the election.

Election interference if /when it happens is going to happen on Social media like Facebook & Twitter & other huge platforms as we're seeing in the US, esp foreign interference which is the big threat for the 2024 US elections.

Oh yeah, that foreign interference bogey man.

Just like the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian Disinformation". Curious how nobody on the left is the slightest bit interested in solid proof of the Biden Family corruption in Ukraine and China.

Just like Trudeau claiming the Canadian Truckers were MAGA financed puppets and used the lie to freeze hundreds of people's bank accounts.

Just like Ardern saying the Parliament occupation felt imported. Straight out of Trudeau's playbook.

We all need to be saved from free speech....with an iron fist cloaked in the speech of compassion if necessary, it seems.

26-07-2023, 10:59 AM
Oh yeah, that foreign interference bogey man.

Just like the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian Disinformation". Curious how nobody on the left is the slightest bit interested in solid proof of the Biden Family corruption in Ukraine and China.

Just like Trudeau claiming the Canadian Truckers were MAGA financed puppets and used the lie to freeze hundreds of people's bank accounts.

Just like Ardern saying the Parliament occupation felt imported. Straight out of Trudeau's playbook.

We all need to be saved from free speech....with an iron fist cloaked in the speech of compassion if necessary, it seems.

Wow that spiraled quickly.
From Jonu the king of conspiracy theories! 🤣

26-07-2023, 11:02 AM
Tell that to Daytr. He’s the one who thinks he’s uncovered a conspiracy of ‘Watergate’ proportions.

The only similarity to Wategate is the bumbling attempt of the conspirators. 😅

Has any one seen the recent Woody Harrelson series? Absolutely hilarious and scary at the same time.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 11:26 AM
Wow that spiraled quickly.
From Jonu the king of conspiracy theories! 🤣

He’s correct that Ardern and her pliant media lapdogs cockled on about ‘far right’ and ‘overseas influence’ as regards the protests at Parliament, whereas anyone with eyes could see a plethora of Tino Rangatiratanga flags and accompanying maori radicals and professional protestors, Green hemp-smoking hippies and astrologers, anti-mandate people upset they had lost their jobs, various home-grown kooks and oddballs, plus a smattering of libertarians and independent thinkers.
No squads of Proud Boys from the US, no massed ranks of black-shirted neo-Nazis.

26-07-2023, 11:29 AM
Oh yeah, that foreign interference bogey man.

Just like the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian Disinformation". Curious how nobody on the left is the slightest bit interested in solid proof of the Biden Family corruption in Ukraine and China.

Just like Trudeau claiming the Canadian Truckers were MAGA financed puppets and used the lie to freeze hundreds of people's bank accounts.

Just like Ardern saying the Parliament occupation felt imported. Straight out of Trudeau's playbook.

We all need to be saved from free speech....with an iron fist cloaked in the speech of compassion if necessary, it seems.

Good valid points there Jonu. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Not saying the right is immune, far from it, but the left have been promulgating this nonsense for quite some time now. Ardern's "fells imported" totally missed its mark, as did at the time the fatty, Gerry Brownlee who also was way off the mark.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 11:47 AM
New Zealand’s ‘ponzi scheme’ economy is being badly exposed. I thought New Zealand was supposedly a ‘very rich country’? Seems to be just the inflated property values which only exist on paper, and an awful lot of borrowing holding the whole thing together. Labour have borrowed their way up to a national debt of $193.63 Billion (as at 30 May this year) according to Liam Dann writing in the NZ Herald. Astonishing stuff, as I thought we were sitting at around $150 Billion.

And how are house-holds looking? Liam Dann says our total gross debt is now $790 Billion, up from $739 Billion at this time last year. Growing like Topsy in other words.

And then there’s this -


Nation of Debt: Kiwis pay by credit, debt rises amid cost of living crisis

By Alka Prasad
26 Jul, 2023 05:01 AM

‘Kiwis are spending more on their credit cards to keep up with the rising cost of living, prompting a warning from a financial expert who says it won’t be sustainable in the long term.’

26-07-2023, 12:17 PM

Cabinet to reverse 'astonishing' opioid access loosening blunder

Astonishing to see this Govt move so fast - was something chasing Verrall ? ;)

26-07-2023, 12:17 PM
New Zealand’s ‘ponzi scheme’ economy is being badly exposed. I thought New Zealand was supposedly a ‘very rich country’? Seems to be just the inflated property values which only exist on paper, and an awful lot of borrowing holding the whole thing together. Labour have borrowed their way up to a national debt of $193.63 Billion (as at 30 May this year) according to Liam Dann writing in the NZ Herald. Astonishing stuff, as I thought we were sitting at around $150 Billion.

And how are house-holds looking? Liam Dann says our total gross debt is now $790 Billion, up from $739 Billion at this time last year. Growing like Topsy in other words.

And then there’s this -


Nation of Debt: Kiwis pay by credit, debt rises amid cost of living crisis

By Alka Prasad
26 Jul, 2023 05:01 AM

‘Kiwis are spending more on their credit cards to keep up with the rising cost of living, prompting a warning from a financial expert who says it won’t be sustainable in the long term.’

That is a lot of money. Rough back of envelope calc, $38k for every man, and child.

26-07-2023, 12:19 PM
Like I wrote, I sincerely hope Nicky Hagar does an expose of who are making the numerous repetitive postings regurgitating Labour’s spin , BS and lies.

Only the truth hurts.

And Labour is now finding that the truth is coming out in a torrent - even the Covid response is something Labour distanced itself these days from.

Very true .. Labour must be in Dreamland if they didn't expect the truth to come knocking :)

26-07-2023, 12:20 PM
That is a lot of money. Rough back of envelope calc, $38k for every man, and child.

NZH came out with $151K per head a few days ago

26-07-2023, 12:22 PM
NZH came out with $151K per head a few days ago

Well the Herald are obviously morons then. 200/5 is 40, or 193/5 is 38 ish. Not sure how they get $151k? $151k would be insurmountable.

26-07-2023, 12:23 PM

After court loss, ministers lift the lid on the cost to pollute

The Government has backtracked on its decision to keep a tight lid on the carbon price, shortly after losing a court case to climate-concerned lawyers.

The Zero Carbon Act is meant to remove carbon pricing from the swings of the election cycle, by requiring the government of the day to consider advice from the independent Climate Change Commission.

But, concerned about the cost of living, the Government in December ignored the commission’s recommendation to give the carbon price a longer rein.

The move landed it in court, after Lawyers for Climate Action challenged the legality of the decision. Earlier this month, the Government admitted its process breached the Act.

Ooops - that went well :)

26-07-2023, 12:28 PM
Well the Herald are obviously morons then. 200/5 is 40, or 193/5 is 38 ish. Not sure how they get $151k? $151k would be insurmountable.

Try Gross Debt over 5.5 :)

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 12:39 PM

After court loss, ministers lift the lid on the cost to pollute

Ooops - that went well :)

The indigenous owners of land currently being ‘carbon- farmed’ - by culturally appropriated non-native pine trees - obviously have no interest in planting the land in indigenous & native trees and bringing back culturally-significant and mana-enhancing toanga such as Kiwi and Kokako to those areas. Not when significant profits can be made for the benefit of tribal elites and insiders. But what does this say about the maori ‘world view’?


Māori landowners head to UN in bid to stop Emissions Trading Scheme changes

Sat, Jul 15

‘Māori landowners are flying to the United Nations in a last-ditch effort to stop changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme.

The scheme forces polluters to offset their emissions by buying carbon credits.

Planting trees creates those credits, which can then be traded. It’s led to the creation of an industry of carbon farming which many Māori landowners rely on.

They say the Government's proposals could jeopardise the local carbon credit industry, which is worth an estimated $16 billion to the Māori economy.’

26-07-2023, 12:46 PM
The indigenous owners of land currently being ‘carbon- farmed’ - by culturally appropriated non-native pine trees - obviously have no interest in planting the land in indigenous & native trees and bringing back culturally-significant and mana-enhancing toanga such as Kiwi and Kokako to those areas. Not when significant profits can be made for the benefit of tribal elites and insiders. But what does this say about the maori ‘world view’?


Māori landowners head to UN in bid to stop Emissions Trading Scheme changes

Sat, Jul 15

‘Māori landowners are flying to the United Nations in a last-ditch effort to stop changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme.

The scheme forces polluters to offset their emissions by buying carbon credits.

Planting trees creates those credits, which can then be traded. It’s led to the creation of an industry of carbon farming which many Māori landowners rely on.

They say the Government's proposals could jeopardise the local carbon credit industry, which is worth an estimated $16 billion to the Māori economy.’

Oh .. so UN action to try to put a stop to curbs being put on the CC Gravy train ? .. like free money for nothing ? :)

26-07-2023, 01:01 PM
Well the Herald are obviously morons then. 200/5 is 40, or 193/5 is 38 ish. Not sure how they get $151k? $151k would be insurmountable.

Not for me to defend the Herald, but I think they included all household, business and national debt in their figure.

26-07-2023, 01:01 PM

RNZ board member Jason Ake quits, telling board chair ‘I won’t be constrained because I’m on a Crown board’

Someone's not happy .. "Stuff It" - Willy Wonka & Chumpy won't be happy with another departure :)

26-07-2023, 01:04 PM

Spies will take over: Controversial cybersecurity shakeup to go ahead from August, Little says

Another Little shake up .. look what got ignored :)

26-07-2023, 01:04 PM
Not for me to defend the Herald, but I think they included all household, business and national debt in their figure.

That would make sense then. Apologies for calling The Herald a moron.

Always good to compare apples with apples etc.

26-07-2023, 01:54 PM
Oh .. so UN action to try to put a stop to curbs being put on the CC Gravy train ? .. like free money for nothing ? :)

The UN will have such model countries as Saudi Arabia and Venezuela judging on the merits of the case.

You can't beat that panel !

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 02:20 PM
More bad news for Robbo's ‘wing and a prayer’ blown budget.


Fonterra seen as having to lower its milk price forecast soon, as one major bank economist slashes his forecast price by over a dollar

26th Jul 23, 1:13pm

‘Fonterra's very likely to cut its milk price forecast for farmers soon and it is looking like this season's milk price will be below the break-even point for many farmers, according to Westpac economists.

In a Dairy Update, Westpac senior agri economist Nathan Penny has slashed his own forecast for the current season milk price by over a dollar.
Giant dairy co-operative Fonterra has made an opening milk price forecast for the season that started last month of between $7.25-$8.75 per kilogram of milk solids, giving a 'mid-point' price of $8.
Penny, who has tended to be something of a milk price 'bull' - but has a good track record at picking the price - has now lowered his forecast to $7.80 from $8.90.

Last week, following another lacklustre GlobalDairyTrade auction result, ANZ agricultural economist Susan Kilsby, dropped her forecast by 50c and now has a price of $7.75.

Penny said that for many farmers, this season’s milk price is likely to be below their break-even point.’

26-07-2023, 03:39 PM
He’s correct that Ardern and her pliant media lapdogs cockled on about ‘far right’ and ‘overseas influence’ as regards the protests at Parliament, whereas anyone with eyes could see a plethora of Tino Rangatiratanga flags and accompanying maori radicals and professional protestors, Green hemp-smoking hippies and astrologers, anti-mandate people upset they had lost their jobs, various home-grown kooks and oddballs, plus a smattering of libertarians and independent thinkers.
No squads of Proud Boys from the US, no massed ranks of black-shirted neo-Nazis.

It wasn't just Ardern that mentioned far right influences and if you don't think there were people there influenced by the likes of Qanon, Brietbart & Trump and other far right misinformation peddlers then you are misguided.

But then again if someone jaywalked Ardern was blamed by her opponents so it wouldn't surprise me if there was this sort of skewed thinking.

Influenced is the key word, not that they had to be physically present.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 03:51 PM
It wasn't just Ardern that mentioned far right influences and if you don't think there were people there influenced by the likes of Qanon, Brietbart & Trump and other far right misinformation peddlers then you are misguided.

But then again if someone jaywalked Ardern was blamed by her opponents so it wouldn't surprise me if there was this sort of skewed thinking.

Influenced is the key word, not that they had to be physically present.

Yeah, there would have been ‘some’ people there ‘influenced’ by ‘Qanon, Brietbart & Trump and other far right misinformation peddlers’.
These people would have been far outnumbered by maori radicals and professional protestors, Green hemp-smoking hippies and astrologers, anti-mandate people upset they had lost their jobs, various home-grown kooks and oddballs, plus a smattering of libertarians and independent thinkers.
I’d say there were definitely some violent criminals who attended as well, the kind of people who gravitate to where ‘something is going down’ and would enjoy a confrontation with the hated police. The kind of people who would thrive on a riot and a running street battle with police.

26-07-2023, 03:55 PM
Yeah, there would have been ‘some’ people there ‘influenced’ by ‘Qanon, Brietbart & Trump and other far right misinformation peddlers’.
These people would have been far outnumbered by maori radicals and professional protestors, Green hemp-smoking hippies and astrologers, anti-mandate people upset they had lost their jobs, various home-grown kooks and oddballs, plus a smattering of libertarians and independent thinkers.
I’d say there were definitely some violent criminals who attended as well, the kind of people who gravitate to where ‘something is going down’ and would enjoy a confrontation with the hated police. The kind of people who would thrive on a riot and a running street battle with police.

Here is an interesting summary of the convoy and how the original organizers lost control of the movement.


Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 04:04 PM
Here is an interesting summary of the convoy and how the original organizers lost control of the movement.


Well that relates to the convoy.
As to the protest, it was 100 on the first night and then at its peak another 2900 ‘moths to the flame’ turned up.


In early February, about 100 people camped overnight at Parliament the first night and over the ensuing weeks, numbers peaked at about 3000.[64] The protest was inspired by the truck convoy which occupied downtown Ottawa, Canada and several Wellington protesters carried Canadian flags in support.[65] The Wellington protesters were a very diverse group consisting of "young, middle-aged and old, Māori, Pākehā (European New Zealanders), Asians, hippies, gang members, church groups, stoners, naked and clothed."[66]

On 21 February, David Farrar's Curia Market Research published the results of a poll surveying 312 protesters in Wellington between 19 and 20 February. In terms of origins, 41% of protesters came from provincial cities; 18.9% from towns, 7.7% from rural areas; 17% from Auckland; 8.7% from Wellington; and 6.7% in Christchurch. 55% of the protesters identified as female while 45% identified as male. In terms of ethnicity, 64.4% percent of protesters identified as Europeans; 27.2% as Māori; 4.2% as Asians, and 2.6% as Pasifika. In terms of voting patterns during the 2020 New Zealand general election, 29.8% of the protesters had voted for Labour; 15.9% for the Greens; 15.9% for National, 11.9% for ACT, 8.7% for the New Conservatives, 7.5% for Advance New Zealand; and 3.6% for the Māori Party. The survey found that 76.9% of protesters were unvaccinated; 4.8% had received one shot; 13.8% had received a double shot; and that 2.9% had been triple boosted. The survey also found that most protesters were motivated by opposition to mandates, support for freedom of choice, concerns about children being vaccinated, and the loss of jobs.[69]

26-07-2023, 04:06 PM
Here is an interesting summary of the convoy and how the original organizers lost control of the movement.


What a load of drivel. Newsroom no less. The original organisers did not lose control by day 5 as this article tries to imply.

The convoy was an organic movement, and there was not a real leader per-se or an organiser.

Thankfully the protestors were instrumental in the covid mandates and pass system being lifted.

26-07-2023, 04:47 PM
What a load of drivel. Newsroom no less. The original organisers did not lose control by day 5 as this article tries to imply.

The convoy was an organic movement, and there was not a real leader per-se or an organiser.

Thankfully the protestors were instrumental in the covid mandates and pass system being lifted.

Sounds like you might have been there Blackcap.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 04:56 PM
Sounds like you might have been there Blackcap.

He was playing a T20 series at the time.

26-07-2023, 05:04 PM
Well that relates to the convoy.
As to the protest, it was 100 on the first night and then at its peak another 2900 ‘moths to the flame’ turned up.


In early February, about 100 people camped overnight at Parliament the first night and over the ensuing weeks, numbers peaked at about 3000.[64] The protest was inspired by the truck convoy which occupied downtown Ottawa, Canada and several Wellington protesters carried Canadian flags in support.[65] The Wellington protesters were a very diverse group consisting of "young, middle-aged and old, Māori, Pākehā (European New Zealanders), Asians, hippies, gang members, church groups, stoners, naked and clothed."[66]

On 21 February, David Farrar's Curia Market Research published the results of a poll surveying 312 protesters in Wellington between 19 and 20 February. In terms of origins, 41% of protesters came from provincial cities; 18.9% from towns, 7.7% from rural areas; 17% from Auckland; 8.7% from Wellington; and 6.7% in Christchurch. 55% of the protesters identified as female while 45% identified as male. In terms of ethnicity, 64.4% percent of protesters identified as Europeans; 27.2% as Māori; 4.2% as Asians, and 2.6% as Pasifika. In terms of voting patterns during the 2020 New Zealand general election, 29.8% of the protesters had voted for Labour; 15.9% for the Greens; 15.9% for National, 11.9% for ACT, 8.7% for the New Conservatives, 7.5% for Advance New Zealand; and 3.6% for the Māori Party. The survey found that 76.9% of protesters were unvaccinated; 4.8% had received one shot; 13.8% had received a double shot; and that 2.9% had been triple boosted. The survey also found that most protesters were motivated by opposition to mandates, support for freedom of choice, concerns about children being vaccinated, and the loss of jobs.[69]

I have no doubt that most of the people that attended were there for the reasons the survey mentions. But again you misunderstand the "influence" from the Far Right.

They don't care what your cause is they just look for disunity that they can take advantage of. There objective is create chaos & erode democracy.
Mission accomplished.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 06:12 PM
I have no doubt that most of the people that attended were there for the reasons the survey mentions. But again you misunderstand the "influence" from the Far Right.

They don't care what your cause is they just look for disunity that they can take advantage of. There objective is create chaos & erode democracy.
Mission accomplished.

You're talking about the Left, surely?

Go and have another look at the make-up of the protestors. Who they vote for was interesting, wasn't it.

26-07-2023, 06:23 PM
You're talking about the Left, surely?

Go and have another look at the make-up of the protestors. Who they vote for was interesting, wasn't it.

For the 3rd time, you are not differentiating the influencer & who was influenced.
The influencers referred to are far right overseas interests influencing the antivax & anti mandate protesters in NZ through spreading misinformation and through chat rooms and the like.

Logen Ninefingers
26-07-2023, 06:34 PM
For the 3rd time, you are not differentiating the influencer & who was influenced.
The influencers referred to are far right overseas interests influencing the antivax & anti mandate protesters in NZ through spreading misinformation and through chat rooms and the like.

Someone 'influenced' you to adopt a Left wing mindset.

26-07-2023, 09:43 PM
Add Labour appointees to those who smell the death throes of this useless government.

Thry know they are going to get kicked off the boards anyway so might as well make a 'principled' stand (or so they say).



26-07-2023, 10:51 PM
SpIN it for you.

Cinders would love that slogan, but it leaves the rest of us feeling dizzy.

27-07-2023, 01:31 AM

New Firearms Safety Authority criticised after gun owner data leak

The newly created Firearms Safety Authority has found themselves in the gun after another inadvertent leak of the details of Auckland firearms owners.

In an email sent shortly after noon on Wednesday, seen by the Herald, Auckland Central Police District firearms staff emailed more than 100 gun owners to warn them their listed firearms licence address may not be up to date.

Their email addresses, in many cases including their first and last names, were visible in the cc field, rather than hidden in the bcc section.

The visible addresses included various prominent Auckland residents, including lawyers, company directors, police officers and government officials.

The email was sent from the Auckland City Police District’s firearms email address and signed NZ police, but also carried the signature and logo of the new Firearms Safety Authority, set up to administer the newly launched gun register.

Asked whether it was police or the Firearms Safety Authority who sent the email, a police spokeswoman said it was the authority.

The sender attempted to recall the email shortly after it was sent, and also sent a second email asking recipients to delete the message due to an “error in sending”.

In a statement, Superintendent Richard Wilson, Te Tari Pūreke Firearms Safety Authority director of operations, confirmed it had sent the email to 147 recipients revealing the email address of the recipients to fellow licence holders.

Gun Control Register going gunningly well ;)

Was the loose musket on this bungle up a new trainee ? ;)

and hot on the heels of this :

Those concerns came to the fore last year with the theft of old firearms files containing the names and address of thousands of gun owners from the old, disused Auckland central police station in Vincent St, first revealed by the Herald.

At the time, one gun owner said he feared a knock on the door from criminals after the theft because the documents could serve as a shopping list for potential firearms burglars.

However, police said last year they had recovered and secured the documents after making an arrest in relation to theft, and had not linked any burglaries to the stolen documents.

One firearms owner caught up in Wednesday’s leak said to make matters worse, the email saying his address was incorrect was wrong.

27-07-2023, 01:36 AM

Sinkholes could open up in other areas of Auckland city says council

None in Wellington just yet or a little too early ? ;)

27-07-2023, 08:11 AM
They are not buying the spin and excuses from Hipkins and the Labour Party about the circumstances around Kiri Allan’s meltdown :


And it absolutely sounds like they are right - no substance to the spin coming from Hipkins & co that Kiri Allan is but an unfortunate poor wahine involved in an incident purely because of mental health issues.

Drip … drip … drip …. Ever more information coming out to embarrass Hipkins & Labour (Hipkins should have come clean instead of trying to spin his way through a drink driving & reckless driving episode by Kiri).

Turned out she tried to do a runner and had to be tracked down by police dogs. Then, she refused to be breath tested and to accompany the police so had yo be arrested.


Police dogs were used to track Kiri Allan’s movements and confirm she was driving the car that crashed in Wellington, according to a report.

Stuff reports it is understood police dogs were used to gather evidence - and that Allan was located about 500 metres from the crash site, while her car remained at the scene.

Blue Skies
27-07-2023, 09:44 AM
And it absolutely sounds like they are right - no substance to the spin coming from Hipkins & co that Kiri Allan is but an unfortunate poor wahine involved in an incident purely because of mental health issues.

Drip … drip … drip …. Ever more information coming out to embarrass Hipkins & Labour (Hipkins should have come clean instead of trying to spin his way through a drink driving & reckless driving episode by Kiri).

Turned out she tried to do a runner and had to be tracked down by police dogs. Then, she refused to be breath tested and to accompany the police so had yo be arrested.


Police dogs were used to track Kiri Allan’s movements and confirm she was driving the car that crashed in Wellington, according to a report.

Stuff reports it is understood police dogs were used to gather evidence - and that Allan was located about 500 metres from the crash site, while her car remained at the scene.

For goodness sake, what spin?
Kiri has apologised to the country, apologised to Chris Hipkins, apologised to her fellow MP's, said she has let Hipkins down, let her constituents down, let her fellow MP's down & let herself down, resigned as a Minister & not going to stand in forthcoming election to sort herself out.

She is grieving & deeply distressed.
You're flogging a dead horse, just like David Seymour, & since her mental health is at extremely high risk, it reflects poorly on you & others who continue to hound her.

Everyone knows its an absolute unmitigated disaster for Labour, they will get wiped in the next poll & anything less than around 50% for National would be embarrassing.
The election has been handed to them on a plate.

27-07-2023, 09:54 AM
For goodness sake, what spin?
Kiri has apologised to the country, apologised to Chris Hipkins, apologised to her fellow MP's, said she has let Hipkins down, let her constituents down, let her fellow MP's down & let herself down, resigned as a Minister & not going to stand in forthcoming election to sort herself out.

She is grieving & deeply distressed.
You're flogging a dead horse, just like David Seymour, & since her mental health is at extremely high risk, it reflects poorly on you & others who continue to hound her.

Everyone knows its an absolute unmitigated disaster for Labour, they will get wiped in the next poll & anything less than around 50% for National would be embarrassing.
The election has been handed to them on a plate.

Garbage from our resident Labour shill as usual.

Did you listen to what Michael Laws was saying - that Hipkins & co were busy on Sunday night working on their spin on how to avoid telling the truth about what really happened?

That is the issue now - that their spin is coming apart as more revelations come out.

So spare is your BS about poor ole Kiri Allan etc etc - you are right that she is distressed (as she should be) and grieving (hardly surprising) so in a way she is indeed out of the picture.

This is now all about the attempted cover-up by Hipkins & co.

Don’t try your usual deflection attempt - does not work with us here although it clearly does with the brain dead indoctrinated Labour parasites, beneficiaries & losers out there.

What an absolute disgrace (but panicky move) for the likes of you, BS, to try and shut down further discussions about what really happened with Kiri Allan.

27-07-2023, 09:54 AM
For goodness sake, what spin?
Kiri has apologised to the country, apologised to Chris Hipkins, apologised to her fellow MP's, said she has let Hipkins down, let her constituents down, let her fellow MP's down & let herself down, resigned as a Minister & not going to stand in forthcoming election to sort herself out.

She is grieving & deeply distressed.
You're flogging a dead horse, just like David Seymour, & since her mental health is at extremely high risk, it reflects poorly on you & others who continue to hound her.

Everyone knows its an absolute unmitigated disaster for Labour, they will get wiped in the next poll & anything less than around 50% for National would be embarrassing.
The election has been handed to them on a plate.

Blue Skies, you are making a critical error in judgement here.

To think any of these serial posters will show any compassion let alone display any morals in regard someone's mental health is overly optimistic.

As one pundit said, there is blood in the water & they smell blood & its a blood sport & they don't care about the consequences of their actions.

Twice one poster has made totally unfounded suggestions of potential police corruption in regards what charges she will face etc.
Pathetic & obscene.

27-07-2023, 10:05 AM
Drip .... drip ...leak ....leak ...drip ...

More revelations about the truth coming out about Kiri Allan - this time directly from a Labour MP no less!

Remember how she said she never yelled at anyone? Well, here's the cold hard truth which was covered up by Hipkins and Labour.


"Just hours before former Justice Minister Kiri Allan quit politics for good, an emotional Labour MP spoke out about her conduct, chiding the party for turning a blind eye."

During the meeting, a first-term MP was reportedly visibly emotional, telling colleagues: “We can't pretend that we haven't known about this for two years.”

The MP told the meeting they had been “bullied and yelled at” by Allan but thought it “was the price to pay to get decent policy through.”


Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 11:32 AM
Blue Skies, you are making a critical error in judgement here.

To think any of these serial posters will show any compassion let alone display any morals in regard someone's mental health is overly optimistic.

As one pundit said, there is blood in the water & they smell blood & its a blood sport & they don't care about the consequences of their actions.

Twice one poster has made totally unfounded suggestions of potential police corruption in regards what charges she will face etc.
Pathetic & obscene.

You’re a ‘serial poster’ yourself though, look back through the thread for the proof. And although you to not be a Labour supporter, your posts get angrier by the day.

What is Nicky Hagar saying in response to your claims of being on to a vast political conspiracy? Does he think there might be a riveting book in it?

27-07-2023, 11:39 AM
You’re a ‘serial poster’ yourself though, look back through the thread for the proof. And although you to not be a Labour supporter, your posts get angrier by the day.

What is Nicky Hagar saying in response to your claims of being on to a vast political conspiracy? Does he think there might be a riveting book in it?

Not in the same league as the trio of trolls despite what you try & conjure up.

No anger either, just disdain.

27-07-2023, 11:46 AM
Not in the same league as the trio of trolls despite what you try & conjure up.

No anger either, just disdain.

Class A bullshxt from you - 12,000 new state houses built by Labour.

Try 350% increase in state housing waiting list to over 20,000.

Waiting for the ignoramus Labour peasant panda to join in the BS.

27-07-2023, 11:47 AM
Class A bullshxt from you - 12,000 new state houses built by Labour.

Try 350% increase in state housing waiting list to over 20,000.

Case in point

27-07-2023, 11:56 AM
Case in point

Good you acknowledge you post BS.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 12:04 PM
Not in the same league as the trio of trolls despite what you try & conjure up.

No anger either, just disdain.

The ‘morally superior’ Lefty. What a trope. What a cliche.

27-07-2023, 12:18 PM
Leaking like a sieve - Labour MPs know their days in government are numbered. Time to befriend the media by leaking information to curry favour.


Minister and former party whip – the role tasked with keeping MPs in line – Kieran McAnulty was right to lament the gravity of this week’s leak, telling reporters in parliament on Wednesday, “I’m very surprised to hear that... It’s actually quite a serious thing and I’m disappointed to hear that it’s happened.”

Because leaking is a true hallmark of opposition and weakened leadership.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 12:25 PM
Leaking like a sieve - Labour MPs know their days in government are numbered. Time to befriend the media by leaking information to curry favour.


Minister and former party whip – the role tasked with keeping MPs in line – Kieran McAnulty was right to lament the gravity of this week’s leak, telling reporters in parliament on Wednesday, “I’m very surprised to hear that... It’s actually quite a serious thing and I’m disappointed to hear that it’s happened.”

Because leaking is a true hallmark of opposition and weakened leadership.

Dr Sharma spoke up about the shocking bullying occurring within Labours ranks, and instead of sympathy and support he was shunned and booted out. The alleged bully was made a whip.

Now another Labour MP - who wants to remain anonymous, presumably to avoid being shunned and booted out - says that the party has known about issues with Allan ‘for 2 years’ and that they have been “bullied and yelled at” by Allan.

The Labour camp has not been a happy one for a long time now. Bullying gets covered up, perpetrators get promoted, victims get the cold shoulder and are told to keep quiet. It’s a sick and deeply sad situation. Labour may believe they are morally superior people, when the facts are speaking loud and clear: they are not morally fit to govern us.


‘Just hours before former Justice Minister Kiri Allan quit politics for good, an emotional Labour MP spoke out about her conduct, chiding the party for turning a blind eye.
Subdued MPs gathered in Wellington on Tuesday for the first caucus meeting following Allan’s arrest, after a car crash on Sunday evening.
The Post understands there was a “frank discussion” about the events which lead to her downfall. Allan was struggling with her mental health after a relationship break-up.
But she had also faced allegations in recent weeks about her treatment of staff, which the former justice minister strongly denies.
During the meeting, a first-term MP was reportedly visibly emotional, telling colleagues: “We can't pretend that we haven't known about this for two years.”
The MP told the meeting they had been “bullied and yelled at” by Allan but thought it “was the price to pay to get decent policy through.” They did not respond to requests for comment on Tuesday night.’

27-07-2023, 12:31 PM
Dr Sharma spoke up about the shocking bullying occurring within Labours ranks, and instead of sympathy and support he was shunned and booted out. The alleged bully was made a whip.

Now another Labour MP - who wants to remain anonymous, presumably to avoid being shunned and booted out - says that the party has known about issues with Allan ‘for 2 years’ and that they have been “bullied and yelled at” by Allan.

The Labour camp has not been a happy one for a long time now. Bullying gets covered up, perpetrators get promoted, victims get the cold shoulder and are told to keep quiet. It’s a sick and deeply sad situation. Labour may believe they are morally superior people, when the facts are speaking loud and clear: they are not morally fit to govern us.


‘Just hours before former Justice Minister Kiri Allan quit politics for good, an emotional Labour MP spoke out about her conduct, chiding the party for turning a blind eye.
Subdued MPs gathered in Wellington on Tuesday for the first caucus meeting following Allan’s arrest, after a car crash on Sunday evening.
The Post understands there was a “frank discussion” about the events which lead to her downfall. Allan was struggling with her mental health after a relationship break-up.
But she had also faced allegations in recent weeks about her treatment of staff, which the former justice minister strongly denies.
During the meeting, a first-term MP was reportedly visibly emotional, telling colleagues: “We can't pretend that we haven't known about this for two years.”
The MP told the meeting they had been “bullied and yelled at” by Allan but thought it “was the price to pay to get decent policy through.” They did not respond to requests for comment on Tuesday night.’

Sounds like that Allan lady was quite the bully and nasty person. Not nice to hear.

27-07-2023, 12:39 PM
Sounds like that Allan lady was quite the bully and nasty person. Not nice to hear.

Chippy can't have been blind to what was happening & what he stated he had confidence in either ..

A direct reflection on the quality of the Leadership

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 12:41 PM
Sounds like that Allan lady was quite the bully and nasty person. Not nice to hear.

Labour covered it all up for two years, until we ultimately get to the sad events that occurred the other night in Wellington. Now it’s everyone else’s fault: the media, the opposition, on-line commentators - everyone is to blame except Labour, and Allan herself.

Apparently this incident occurred because of the way people treat ‘wahine maori’. We can see the way this ‘wahine maori’ was treated: she was made a cabinet minister with all the perks and power that that prestigious role entails.

27-07-2023, 12:44 PM

Nation of Debt: Govt’s seismic borrowing is coming at a huge cost

Who's paying ?

What's the financing cost on all of the accumulated hock Labour have racked up running at now ?

A free lunch for this mob - come October ? ;)

or will they be borrowing to pay for their going away party ?

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 12:49 PM

Nation of Debt: Govt’s seismic borrowing is coming at a huge cost

Who's paying ?

What's the financing cost on all of the accumulated hock Labour have racked up running at now ?

A free lunch for this mob - come October ? ;)

or will they be borrowing to pay for their going away party ?

It’s all one big ‘dead rat’ for National to swallow. They are doing scorched earth tactics at this point - leave a barren wasteland for your enemy to deal with.

27-07-2023, 12:51 PM
Sounds like that Allan lady was quite the bully and nasty person. Not nice to hear.

But she said she never yelled at anyone … ever.

And Hipkins accepted that, as he accepted the assurances of Stuart Nash & Michael wood.

27-07-2023, 12:52 PM
It’s all one big ‘dead rat’ for National to swallow. They are doing scorched earth tactics at this point - leave a barren wasteland for your enemy to deal with.

Yep - Roll it forward .. Can't pay

Dump it the laps of the next lot .. a repeat of the final terms of earlier Labour Govt's

The books must have been pretty bad for a virtually barren excuse for a budget, which has already been blown out the back door too ..

Robbo's careful fiscal management - folks .. a gold medal warranted for the economic shambles ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 12:58 PM
But she said she never yelled at anyone … ever.

And Hipkins accepted that, as he accepted the assurances of Stuart Nash & Michael wood.

When you look at Chippy do you see a strong leader? I don’t.

27-07-2023, 01:04 PM

Te Pāti Māori lobs grenade into the tax debate

Te Pāti Māori is about to make the Prime Minister’s day that bit more difficult with a massive new tax policy due to be announced on Thursday morning.

The Prime Minister may have avoided a tax fight on the campaign by ruling out a wealth tax or capital gains tax. But, if the left block is in a position to form a government after October 14, Chris Hipkins is in for an almighty clash with his coalition partners.

Both Te Pāti Māori and the Greens want a new tax-free band coupled with a wealth tax.

Stuff understands Te Pāti Māori is due to release its tax policy on Thursday, which will include an income tax-free bracket up to $30,000 offset by higher taxes on higher incomes and four new taxes including a wealth tax.

Haha .. more of the tail wagging the dog .. let's tax our way out of the shambles Labour created

but Joe Public might decide enough is enough and that none of the mangy mutts deserve a place in the kennel come October ;)

Not difficult to identify the mangy mutts appearing, who aspire to make all Kiwi's TAX ATM's to cover Labour's gross fiscal incompetence - in the approaching difficult economic times ..

27-07-2023, 01:24 PM

Cost of living climbs 7.2% as higher interest rates add to inflation

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 01:42 PM

Cost of living climbs 7.2% as higher interest rates add to inflation

Inflation will be up next quarter. Petrol (gasoline to the yanks) is on the up and up straight after the dopey government whacked 29 cents back onto fuel. What a mess.



Gasoline Is Surging All Over the World in Fresh Inflation Blow

Refinery outages and low stockpiles combining to boost prices

‘Higher energy costs may push up consumer prices,’ Citi says.

By Elizabeth Low, Chunzi Xu, and Rachel Graham
July 26, 2023 at 11:54 AM EDT

‘The price of gasoline is starting to surge everywhere, an inflationary omen for central banks and governments the world over.

Futures just soared to a nine-month high in New York, sending shock waves through to the pump, while prices have also been rising in Asia. Markets for the motor fuel have tightened worldwide due to a combination of unexpected refinery outages plus lower-than-normal stockpiles in key storage hubs.’

27-07-2023, 01:49 PM
Inflation will be up next quarter. Petrol (gasoline to the yanks) is on the up and up straight after the dopey government whacked 29 cents back onto fuel. What a mess.

A reason the election date was set 3-5 days before the September quarter inflation announcement.

27-07-2023, 01:58 PM
One has to ask what would National do when if they had a " Kiri Allen" type of incident.

Though we already know..

Exhibit A: Sam uffindel.

It's worse in a lot of ways since it's both covered up, and he's still there.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:02 PM
One has to ask what would National do when if they had a " Kiri Allen" type of incident.

Though we already know..

exhibit a: Sam uffindel.

It's worse in a lot of ways since it's both covered up, and he's still there.

Pretty pathetic that you keep carrying on like a pork chop about a hazing incident from when the guy was a minor. If he’s bullying his caucus colleagues as an adult, or running from police as Minister of Justice, let us all know about it.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:03 PM
A reason the election date was set 3-5 days before the September quarter inflation announcement.

Yep, will be the ultimate ‘dead rat’ for the country to have to deal with.

27-07-2023, 02:06 PM
Pretty pathetic that you keep carrying on like a pork chop about a hazing incident from when the guy was a minor. If he’s bullying his caucus colleagues as an adult, or running from police as Minister of Justice, let us all know about it.

But then we have supporting evidence...Exhibit B: all the dirty politics stuff thrown in there.

27-07-2023, 02:08 PM
It would be pretty easy to confirm it was a minor hazing incident by releasing the report.

But they made the announcement that he was staying on as an MP on the day of the queen's funeral to avoid publicity.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:13 PM
One has to ask what would National do when if they had a " Kiri Allen" type of incident.

Though we already know..

Exhibit A: Sam uffindel.

It's worse in a lot of ways since it's both covered up, and he's still there.

But then we have supporting evidence...Exhibit B: all the dirty politics stuff thrown in there.

The ‘dirty politics’ = the dirty Labour cover-ups of bullying incidents inflicted on inexperienced first term MP’s, cover-ups which have sometimes lead to unexpected and embarrassing outcomes. The example was set when bovver boy Trevor Mallard was allowed to lord it over the whole of Parliament despite umpteen different incidents and miscalculations. Ardern swept everything under the carpet and obstinately refused to act, and Chipkins obviously learnt at her feet. It’s all coming back to bite Labour now.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:15 PM
Would be pretty easy to confirm it was a minor hazing incident by releasing the report.

But they made the announcement that he was staying on as an MP on the day of the queen's funeral to avoid publicity.

“Labours in big trouble, quick - reactivate the old Uffindel story team; we have to start running interference, again.”

27-07-2023, 02:17 PM
“Labours in big trouble, quick - reactivate the old Uffindel story team; we have to start running interference, again.”

Get used to it... it will haunt National all the way to the election.

Women voters in particular are turned off by this.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:29 PM
Get used to it... it will haunt National all the way to the election.

Women voters in particular are turned off by this.

‘Get used to it’ = with each new Labour melt-down, Panda will bleat more about ‘Uffindel’.

27-07-2023, 02:41 PM
‘Get used to it’ = with each new Labour melt-down, Panda will bleat more about ‘Uffindel’.

Why can't they release the sam uffindel report?

That's not really an answer.

27-07-2023, 02:48 PM
Leaking like a sieve - Labour MPs know their days in government are numbered. Time to befriend the media by leaking information to curry favour.


Minister and former party whip – the role tasked with keeping MPs in line – Kieran McAnulty was right to lament the gravity of this week’s leak, telling reporters in parliament on Wednesday, “I’m very surprised to hear that... It’s actually quite a serious thing and I’m disappointed to hear that it’s happened.”

Because leaking is a true hallmark of opposition and weakened leadership.

Oh dear - more leaks from Labour. GST to be removed from fruit and veges by Hipkins, opposed by Robertson.


This clueless government’s boat is leaking very fast!

27-07-2023, 02:48 PM

‘Staggering’ cost of public sector CEO departure

Just 12 months in the job

How many more taxpayer funded troughs have Labour installed, each staffed with expensive snouts manning the stools ? ;)

27-07-2023, 02:50 PM

PM Chris Hipkins to speak as Nicola Willis claims GST tax plan on the cards

It must be Election Year - where there is no money in the tin and Labour are rattling around the empty vessels
for stray lost pennies ;)

Bound to be a long hairy arm being prepared to grab all that is giveth back plus some more in days following the line drawn in the sand ... if the desperados don't get pushed well back into the undergrowth on loud jeers of rejection ;)

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:51 PM
One has to ask what would National do when if they had a " Kiri Allen" type of incident.

Though we already know..

Exhibit A: Sam uffindel.

It's worse in a lot of ways since it's both covered up, and he's still there.

It’s a pity that Left wing women aren’t ‘turned off’ by the obvious culture of bullying that exists within the Labour caucus. Instead it seems that those who speak out are not supported and are shunned and vilified, leading some to resort to anonymous leaking.

‘Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide.’

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 02:56 PM

‘Staggering’ cost of public sector CEO departure

Just 12 months in the job

How many more taxpayer funded troughs have Labour installed, each staffed with expensive snouts manning the stools ? ;)

Almost half a million dollars down the drain. Below is some more about the organisation he was heading. Seems it’s part of some vast bureaucracy that the wasteful Labour ideologues have set up -

‘Toitū te Waiora (Community, Health, Education, and Social Services) Workforce Development Council represents sectors including care services, youth services, disability services, education and educational support services, funeral services, and mental health and addictions services.’

‘Toitū te Waiora is one of six Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) formed in 2021, tasked with ensuring the vocational education system meets industry needs and gives a stronger voice to Māori business and iwi development. We will give our industries and employers greater leadership and influence across vocational education. Success for us will mean employers - including Māori business owners - are confident that vocational education graduates are ready for work and that the future skills needs of their industry will be addressed by the vocational education system.   As well as directly benefiting employers, we will improve confidence and outcomes across the sector. Providers can be confident their programmes are relevant to employers and endorsed by industry. Learners can be confident their qualifications will meet employers’ expectations and national industry standards.’

27-07-2023, 02:58 PM
Clueless and useless with bugger all real life experience, it is no wonder that Labour’s ministers are crashing into the wall like drunken drivers :


From Day One the Ardern-Hipkins ministries revealed themselves to be inadequately prepared to face the challenges of office. We are witnessing the consequent, predictable collapse.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 03:03 PM
St John Ambulance now calls itself
‘Hato Hone St John’.
‘Hato’ means Saint.
‘Hone’ means John.

Maybe they thought that they’d get more funding from Labour if they changed their name to ‘Hato Hone St John’(?)

27-07-2023, 03:13 PM

Horowhenua Expressway: David Parker’s ‘administrative error’ on Ō2NL causes upset

A Nosy Parker Roading C*ck-up .. didn't take long for Comrade to pull that one off - did it ? ;)

and the excuses get trotted out - "it was all an “administrative error”.

Try coming up 6 Years of every sort of possible Administrative Error with Labour's mob of incompetents ;)

27-07-2023, 03:13 PM
St John Ambulance now calls itself
‘Hato Hone St John’.
‘Hato’ means Saint.
‘Hone’ means John.

Maybe they thought that they’d get more funding from Labour if they changed their name to ‘Hato Hone St John’(?)

So now we call "Saint John St John" when calling for an ambo?

What a load of shambles.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 03:19 PM
Dr Shane Reti has tweeted as follows -

‘In February the number of staff for the Maori Health Authority was reported at a staggering 227 FTEs, but the CE told the Select Committee a few weeks go it was 321, and now that has had to be corrected to 400! To put in context, Pharmac has around 150 FTEs and double the budget!’

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 03:20 PM
So now we call "Saint John St John" when calling for an ambo?

What a load of shambles.

“Hello, is that Hato Hone St John?”

27-07-2023, 03:20 PM

Waitangi Tribunal must stay – Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi

Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi says there is still a place for the Waitangi Tribunal despite calls from New Zealand First to disband the nearly 50-year-old tribunal.

The Winston Peters-led party voted in favour of a policy to abolish the tribunal by 2025 at its campaign launch on Sunday.

Northland NZ First candidate Shane Jones told teaonews.co.nz that the tribunal has become listless and lost focus from its purpose.

More gravy train needed .. ;)

Good luck if Labour think they can keep the trainwreck of divisive warring factions anywhere near the rails .. as the remnants of the shambles ploughs it's way onwards towards the edge of the cliff ;)

27-07-2023, 03:34 PM
Desperation setting in …… Hipkins caught out with a tax policy leak on removing GST from fruit and veges.

The leaks keep a coming and Hipkins looks like little boy lost.

All he can do is refuse to comment knowing that he is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.

Especially when Robertson had stated that he is against such a policy.


Such a policy had previously criticised by Finance Minister Grant Robertson as recently as May, when he claimed it would be too difficult to administer and supermarkets would likely benefit more than consumers.

National’s finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis says she understands Robertson has been overruled by Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, with him set to announce the policy as part of its tax plans.

Hipkins today said he would not comment on any of the claims.

27-07-2023, 03:43 PM
Desperation setting in …… Hipkins caught out with a tax policy leak on removing GST from fruit and veges.

The leaks keep a coming and Hipkins looks like little boy lost.

All he can do is refuse to comment knowing that he is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.

Especially when Robertson had stated that he is against such a policy.


Such a policy had previously criticised by Finance Minister Grant Robertson as recently as May, when he claimed it would be too difficult to administer and supermarkets would likely benefit more than consumers.

National’s finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis says she understands Robertson has been overruled by Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, with him set to announce the policy as part of its tax plans.

Hipkins today said he would not comment on any of the claims.

Chippy is really trying hard to make Robbo look like the biggest dope that Labour have had as Finance Minister :)

27-07-2023, 03:45 PM
Chippy is really trying hard to make Robbo look like the biggest dope that Labour have had as Finance Minister :)

Hell haveth no fury a female scorned.

Hipkins seems to have forgotten about Robbo’s feminine disposition.

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 03:47 PM
Desperation setting in …… Hipkins caught out with a tax policy leak on removing GST from fruit and veges.

The leaks keep a coming and Hipkins looks like little boy lost.

All he can do is refuse to comment knowing that he is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.

Especially when Robertson had stated that he is against such a policy.


Such a policy had previously criticised by Finance Minister Grant Robertson as recently as May, when he claimed it would be too difficult to administer and supermarkets would likely benefit more than consumers.

National’s finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis says she understands Robertson has been overruled by Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, with him set to announce the policy as part of its tax plans.

Hipkins today said he would not comment on any of the claims.

Robbo or Parker may have been the leaker? Or one of their clique?

27-07-2023, 03:49 PM
Hell haveth no fury a female scorned.

Hipkins seems to have forgotten about Robbo’s feminine disposition.

But Chippy doesn't seem to want to cross with Caramel the Septic .. she might take his kneecaps off
to use as paper weights in one swipe :)

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 03:52 PM
A bit more info below on the Maori Health Authority, which now has 400 full time employees.


‘Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority is an equal partner in the reformed health system of Aotearoa New Zealand.

An organisation that puts a Te Tiriti lens on the delivery of all health services for Māori, we work together with Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand and Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health.

Our role is to lead and monitor transformational change in the way the entire health system understands and responds to the health and wellbeing needs of whānau Māori.

People and whānau are at the heart of health.‘

27-07-2023, 03:53 PM
Robbo or Parker may have been the leaker? Or one of their clique?

Nothing like a Good Leak, to expose the chaos going on within :)

27-07-2023, 03:58 PM
A bit more info below on the Maori Health Authority, which now has 400 full time employees.


‘Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority is an equal partner in the reformed health system of Aotearoa New Zealand.

An organisation that puts a Te Tiriti lens on the delivery of all health services for Māori, we work together with Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand and Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health.

Our role is to lead and monitor transformational change in the way the entire health system understands and responds to the health and wellbeing needs of whānau Māori.

People and whānau are at the heart of health.‘

Bro - they different species from you, me and some of the others here .. to need all this specialist treatment
they think we dont need, all paid for by .. you know who ? ;)

When we get details of our different tribes Koha Payout desks for our feel good claims and to provide for all our specialist treatments ahead of everyone else ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 04:02 PM
Bro - they different species from you, me and some of the others here .. to need all this specialist treatment
they think we dont need, all paid for by .. you know who ? ;)

400 people….but no new front line doctors and nurses - which would actually lead to better outcomes.

‘Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink’.

27-07-2023, 04:06 PM

Work and Incomes across Auckland in lockdown after threats

Police were called to the Work and Income location in Pukekohe after a man threatened workers.

Work and Income locations in Queen St, Papakura, Tobin St, Pukekohe and Queen St, Waiuku were locked down as a precaution.

The man was found by police soon after in the wider Pukekohe area and taken into custody. A replica firearm was also seized.

Do the Winz papershufflers get paid Danger Allowances before getting the day off - due to unreasonable demands made at front desk ? ;)

Poor unfortunate much have been badly disadvantaged - thinking an imitation peashooter might look the part .. somewhere some poor kid has lost it's toy :)

27-07-2023, 04:09 PM
400 people….but no new front line doctors and nurses - which would actually lead to better outcomes.

‘Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink’.

Nothing much learned across the Health Empires by looks, that includes the newly formulated divisions of focused tribal care ;)

How many Koha & Feel good palm greasing sessions did the 400 added achieve ? ;)

27-07-2023, 04:14 PM

National's Nicola Willis claims she's been leaked Labour's tax policy

Look like bad leaky Labour leak :)

Chippy's burned sausage roll recipe could be on next leak list

Let's face it .. probably not a lot more worth a good leak :)

Meanwhile Te Pāti Māori has been campaigning for GST-free kai, both Robertson and Willis said it wasn’t a workable policy.

Te Pāti Māori co-leaders Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer called it a "half pai, ka pai" idea, given it wouldn't exclude all kai from GST.

"But it's not kai pai, because there's no kai," Waititi continued."Taking GST off kai right now will give our people the dignity and the mana to be able to put kai on their table."

Sounds half baked - only a 13% discount on da kai or is this an angle towards the FREE Kai ? ;)

13% not going to put much extra kai on table the way COL is spiralling away ..

27-07-2023, 04:45 PM

Māori Party wealth tax plan: Over 98 per cent of NZers get tax cut, GST off kai and higher top rates

Te Pāti Māori is proposing what it says is the “most radical tax policy in a generation” that will help redistribute money from the country’s wealthiest few to over 98 per cent of New Zealanders.

That must mean their Te Pati Wealth Tax will be applied to all Maori Trusts & Incorporations too ;)

And they will be paying full Income Tax at Corporate rates - 33% which they suggest is fair ;)

or not ? :)

It would be refreshing to see some of the loudest largest Sacred Cows previously running around as tax exempt who have had their hand out taking billions now pulling their weight and paying the full chop of tax due and full chop of any Wealth Tax on top :)

Surely no-one would object to Income Tax & Wealth Tax chompers chasing the $16 Billion of Carbon Credits a certain lot were complaining to UN about Shaw's reshuffling on ;)

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 05:35 PM
Looks like food will be referred to as ‘kai’ going forward. Slowly but surely each word of everyday parlance is being replaced.

27-07-2023, 05:46 PM
Looks like food will be referred to as ‘kai’ going forward. Slowly but surely each word of everyday parlance is being replaced.


No more 'cheap as chips' as soaring potato prices hit the cost of a scoop

It’s the end of “cheap as chips”, as soaring potato costs force chippies to hike prices and cut portions, with some chip fans finding the shrinking size of their beloved scoops hard to stomach.

The cause? The humble spud is being bitten in the cost of living crisis, soaring 48% this year, with potatoes a main driver in the massive rise in produce prices, at record 30-year highs.

Thanks - Labour :)

27-07-2023, 06:18 PM
Looks like food will be referred to as ‘kai’ going forward. Slowly but surely each word of everyday parlance is being replaced.
Hopefully back to English come October.

27-07-2023, 07:29 PM
So who is going to buy Clueless Cindy’s forthcoming book on leadership?

Definitely a read for anyone who wants to know how to NOT be a leader like the red witch.


“The Ardern/Hipkins Government have failed on so many fronts, despite their unbridled power, the strongest majority since the first Labour Government of Mickey Joseph Savage 1935.

At least Savage left a legacy of state housing and free medical care, as did the Lange Government, the economic foundation stone which set the country on the difficult recovery path after the Muldoon misery.

This Government has left a lawless, impoverished, struggling country, longing for relief.”

Yup - not only clueless but completely useless - if she is a leader, then Hitler was a saint.

27-07-2023, 09:06 PM
Health issues or not, what a total disgrace and embarrassment to the country the Kiri affair has been.

A Minister of the Crown, Justice none less, boozing up, pranging into someone's ute, with a tax payer funded vehicle?, then slinking off like a dog, then having the dogs put onto her, then refusing to accompany the law she is supposed to uphold!

How low can one go?

New Zimbabwe's international reputation must be in tatters.

Bill Smith
27-07-2023, 09:35 PM
Health issues or not, what a total disgrace and embarrassment to the country the Kiri affair has been.

A Minister of the Crown, Justice none less, boozing up, pranging into someone's ute, with a tax payer funded vechile?, then slinking off like a dog, then having the dogs put onto her, then refusing to accompany the law she is supposed to uphold!

How low can one go?

New Zimbabwe's international reputation must be in tatters.

Chipkins is being economical with the facts. Still a lot to be exposed yet.
What was Allan doing on Sunday? Stalking while drunk?
Why did W Jackson not get help for Allan if he knew her state early on Sunday?
What are the chances that of all the thousands of houses to crash outside of in Wellington, she crashed into a ute outside a senior Justice Department staff house?

27-07-2023, 09:38 PM
What are the chances that of all the thousands of houses to crash outside of in Wellington, she crashed into a ute outside a senior Justice Department staff house?

Was it karma or utu?

Logen Ninefingers
27-07-2023, 09:39 PM
New Zealand's debt is growing like Topsy yet Hipkins is mulling removing GST from fruit and vegetables, while Labours erstwhile prospective coalition partners Te Pati Maori upped the ante and put forward a plan that would apparently see 98% of New Zealanders get a tax cut. Meanwhile we know the current government has fallen into a revenue hole with billions in tax dollars Treasury thought would be rolling in the door actually melting away like morning mist.

It's a lolly scramble in New Zealand. The cupboard is bare yet every party is lining up to dish out tax cuts that the country can't afford. And we are also set to enter the really silly season when all the big pork-barelling promises start being brought out.

The country is in total denial as to the state of our books and the economic mire we are increasingly getting ourselves into. 'We' want our goodies in the annual budget, and 'we' want our goodies in the 3 yearly bribeathon called 'the election'. 'Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you'.

International lenders and credit ratings agencies will be drawing conclusions about 'our' behaviour and I expect them to reach the same conclusion Logan Roy reached about his children on 'Succession' -
"You are not serious people".

27-07-2023, 11:57 PM
Everyone's screaming for dough -


Cash-strapped councils need their funding doubled to survive

Increasing numbers will need supplement to survive / pay accomodation, energy, transport costs

Then there is this:


Govt projects make up more than a quarter of $357b in spending

Added to the accumulating wreckage -

The Economy & Confidence are turning to custard.

Tax Revenues are plummeting downwards.

Govt have clearly sent signals that the tin is worse than empty with excessive borrowing on top.

Interest rates are running high levels.

COL is biting hard, with worse to come with fuel cost tax spiked upwards.

High numbers of mortgage borrowings will reset to higher current rates, Defaults will grow.

Company Reports are mostly pointing to Downturn.

Primary Export earnings in major commodity areas - farming / dairy are showing what ?

Crime is up - a clear sign all is not well out there and easier times gone - only going to get worse.

Sooner or later this will all impact into growing unemployment, as consumer spending tracks lower after essentials, further businesses fold and collapse. This aside from what has been seen in Building & Construction sector already.

What a frigging shambles Labour have dropped everyone in ;)

No answers should be expected from Robbo after Adrian sent clear message of what will likely happen if the money printing press isn't switched off ;)

28-07-2023, 06:24 AM
Yeah; we gotta change to a team who wants bootcamps, 50 new doctors and to change the kiwisaver rules to allow students to pay rent.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 06:57 AM
Yeah; we gotta change to a team who wants bootcamps, 50 new doctors and to change the kiwisaver rules to allow students to pay rent.

These are your key objections? “Help, they might send a panda to a bootcamp!”
Under this farcical Labour outfit we are 8,000 healthcare professionals short, yet you and Labour think another medical school is ‘bad’.
No, not access their KiwiSaver to pay rent: to pay their bond. Try again.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 07:11 AM
Fervent socialist Josie Pagani argues that Labour are in such a mess that their only option to keep power within their malign clutches is to go with bribes of such magnitude that the electorate won’t be able to resist them.



Josie Pagani: Labour's only path to victory now is to go big

Josie Pagani
05:00, Jul 28 2023

‘Labour's law and order week ended with, first, a shooting from a character on home detention who plainly should not have been on home detention. And then, well. Then the justice minister was arrested. Let’s hope they don’t do an economy week next week. Chris Hipkins has looked like the adult son in a suit enduring his mother's third wedding.

For Labour, this has so far been election campaigning by the scream emoji, head in hands, about to explode.

Whatever Labour's election strategy is – and I'm not sure we will know it when we see it – it's probably unwise to rule out more caucus resignations, ministerial arrests, or other unforeseen yet strangely foreseeable calamities.

There is only one way Labour can win in October, and it isn't “Hope for the Best”.

They need to come up with something so bold that we talk about nothing else.

How about free or cheap dental care?

It's a policy that would bring a smile to everyone's face. Few of us can easily afford $6000 for a crown or even $400 for a filling.’

28-07-2023, 07:27 AM
Fervent socialist Josie Pagani argues that Labour are in such a mess that their only option to keep power within their malign clutches is to go with bribes of such magnitude that the electorate won’t be able to resist them.

I like Josie but her idea of raising super age would take one of labour's key advantages.

Simply add it to the debt, so what if we reach a paper surplus in May 2025, instead of April 2025. It's an investment in our human resources.

28-07-2023, 07:31 AM
Luxon took on tons of debt at Air NZ.

& wants interest tax deductibility put back on residential property loans. So he thinks debt has a place too.

28-07-2023, 07:34 AM
Preventative dental care services could be free once every 2 years, and we know prevention is more cost effective than cure.

Highly affordable, and only a fraction of Josie's figures.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 08:51 AM
I like Josie but her idea of raising super age would take one of labour's key advantages.

Simply add it to the debt, so what if we reach a paper surplus in May 2025, instead of April 2025. It's an investment in our human potential.

‘Simply add it to the debt.’


So says Panda. The state pays for everything, and we just add it to the debt. It’s easy. And oh so simple. And why stop there when there is so much more that the state could pay for so we don’t have to, and we just add it all to the debt.

28-07-2023, 09:01 AM
‘Simply add it to the debt.’


So says Panda. The state pays for everything, and we just add it to the debt. It’s easy. And oh so simple. And why stop there when there is so much more that the state could pay for so we don’t have to, and we just add it all to the debt.

Panda - who wanted Ryman to load up on more debt to do a share buyback when the company was going around the market trying to do a capital raise to stave off default.

That’s the sum total of panda’s intelligence.

28-07-2023, 09:11 AM
I am #15 currently in the 2023 stock picking comp, up from #40 last year.

I have excellent financial nous, with a heart of gold to match.

28-07-2023, 09:57 AM
I am #15 currently in the 2023 stock picking comp, up from #40 last year.

I have excellent financial nous, with a heart of gold to match.

All socialists have a heart of gold with other peoples money.

28-07-2023, 10:11 AM
Your net income (post-tax) is yours.

Anything else is tax evasion and is illegal.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 10:49 AM
I am #15 currently in the 2023 stock picking comp, up from #40 last year.

I have excellent financial nous, with a heart of gold to match.

’I have excellent financial nous, with a heart of gold to match’


There’s that weak virtue-signalling claim of moral superiority again. Yet during the last 6 years of socialist dogma and unfettered spending, your lot have only succeeded in practically wrecking this country. And the equally ‘morally superior’ group of MP’s you elected and put your profound trust in are doing everything from leaking cabinet information to refusing to sell shares to jumping wakas to running from police after drink driving. Collectively, they couldn’t run a bath. It’s all compelling evidence pointing to a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger effect, and you may well be the best example of all.

28-07-2023, 11:12 AM
’I have excellent financial nous, with a heart of gold to match’


There’s that weak virtue-signalling claim of moral superiority again. Yet during the last 6 years of socialist dogma and unfettered spending, your lot have only succeeded in practically wrecking this country. And the equally ‘morally superior’ group of MP’s you elected and put your profound trust in are doing everything from leaking cabinet information to refusing to sell shares to jumping wakas to running from police after drink driving. Collectively, they couldn’t run a bath. It’s all compelling evidence pointing to a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger effect, and you may well be the best example of all.
Well said. This rabble are exhibiting their true colours. They certainly know how to not run an election campaign but then what can they do right ?

28-07-2023, 11:34 AM
Fervent socialist Josie Pagani argues that Labour are in such a mess that their only option to keep power within their malign clutches is to go with bribes of such magnitude that the electorate won’t be able to resist them.



Josie Pagani: Labour's only path to victory now is to go big

Josie Pagani
05:00, Jul 28 2023

‘Labour's law and order week ended with, first, a shooting from a character on home detention who plainly should not have been on home detention. And then, well. Then the justice minister was arrested. Let’s hope they don’t do an economy week next week. Chris Hipkins has looked like the adult son in a suit enduring his mother's third wedding.

For Labour, this has so far been election campaigning by the scream emoji, head in hands, about to explode.

Whatever Labour's election strategy is – and I'm not sure we will know it when we see it – it's probably unwise to rule out more caucus resignations, ministerial arrests, or other unforeseen yet strangely foreseeable calamities.

There is only one way Labour can win in October, and it isn't “Hope for the Best”.

They need to come up with something so bold that we talk about nothing else.

How about free or cheap dental care?

It's a policy that would bring a smile to everyone's face. Few of us can easily afford $6000 for a crown or even $400 for a filling.’
A slight aside to the free dental idea would come with a caveat, the pots holes in the roads would be so big you would have to walk to the dentist.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 11:43 AM
A slight aside to the free dental idea would come with a caveat, the pots holes in the roads would be so big you would have to walk to the dentist.

A caveat, or a cavity? In any case, there’s plenty that of holes that need filling in NZ these days, from Auckland sinkholes to about a million potholes to the kind you find in a human mouth.

28-07-2023, 11:47 AM
The quality of National's roads of significance on display.

A serious policy would be to ban trucks over a certain weight.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 12:07 PM
The quality of National's roads of significance on display.

A serious policy would be to ban trucks over a certain weight.

A tacit admission from the bamboo muncher that Labour don’t build roads, much less maintain them.

28-07-2023, 12:13 PM
A tacit admission from the bamboo muncher that Labour don’t build roads, much less maintain them.

They do... but since they are recent they don't need repair.

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 12:40 PM
They do... but since they are recent they don't need repair.

Chipkins can turn up and grin all he likes at the new road Labour dubbed ‘the holiday highway’; it’s still a road built because of the foresight and determination of National. Then when a slow-motion landslide was noted in the vicinity, suddenly Labour were distancing themselves from it again.
Half the time the Left are decrying new roads, the other half of the time they are taking credit for them. They are all over the shop. A thoroughly slippery bunch whose only real commitment is to huge borrowing and spending with not a lot to show for it.

28-07-2023, 12:44 PM
The Government's don't build roads, or maintain them, nor do the government agencies, or the Council's, they prioritise development pay for them. Contractors build and maintain them. Under Labour, maintenance was not a priority, that's why after 6 years the roads are falling apart.

28-07-2023, 04:25 PM

More than 300 full-time jobs gone in first wave of Te Whatu Ora redundancies

Another Little shuffle at Labour's Te Health C*ck-Up ;)

How all those fronting the incoming droves at Front Door faring now ?

Waiting Lists continuing to turn into extra Long Wait ? :)

Progress appears to be Verrally hopelessly slow even in Election Year.

28-07-2023, 04:32 PM
Chipkins can turn up and grin all he likes at the new road Labour dubbed ‘the holiday highway’; it’s still a road built because of the foresight and determination of National. Then when a slow-motion landslide was noted in the vicinity, suddenly Labour were distancing themselves from it again.
Half the time the Left are decrying new roads, the other half of the time they are taking credit for them. They are all over the shop. A thoroughly slippery bunch whose only real commitment is to huge borrowing and spending with not a lot to show for it.

Obviously no new roads or Pot Holes sighted around Pandaville - probably doesn't get out much :)

28-07-2023, 04:45 PM

Businesses to share supply chain and operation details through public register to tackle slavery

Businesses will need to be transparent about their operations and supply chains through a new public register designed to combat modern slavery, the Government has announced.

But humanitarian agency Tearfund said the announcement doesn’t go far enough for effective change.

Organisations with more than $20 million in revenue will be required to report and outline the actions they take to address exploitation risks in their operations and supply chains.

While the walls are falling in desks collapsing into the large chasm Labour have dug - Deputy Caramel the Septic
still manages to focus in on yet more red tape that most Kiwi's struggling with an every spiralling COL couldn't
give a flying ***k about or want to know anything on ;)

Just trying to survive for some in NZ might soon be worse than slavery - and of course inflicted by an uncaring unkind Labour, to clueless to even toss any relief their way ;)

Obviously nothing worth campaigning on .. count off the days until large Landslide sweep Labour's clueless Front bench mob out :)

fungus pudding
28-07-2023, 04:52 PM

Businesses to share supply chain and operation details through public register to tackle slavery

While the walls are falling in desks collapsing into the large chasm Labour have dug - Deputy Caramel the Septic
still manages to focus in on yet more red tape that most Kiwi's struggling with an every spiralling COL couldn't
give a flying ***k about or want to know anything on ;)

Obviously nothing worth campaigning on Dear .. count off the days until Landslide sweep the mob out :)

Don't forget this mob could gather some equally hopeless coalition partners ----Imagine greens, labour, NZ first and Te Moory in coalition. Could happen and should be over 50%!

28-07-2023, 04:56 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/6/2/h/y/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.710x400. 26yker.png/1690411128029.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

Sausage Roll Revenge ? ;)

28-07-2023, 05:00 PM

Josie Pagani: Labour's only path to victory now is to go big

OPINION: Labour's law and order week ended with, first, a shooting from a character on home detention who plainly should not have been on home detention. And then, well. Then the justice minister was arrested. Let’s hope they don’t do an economy week next week. Chris Hipkins has looked like the adult son in a suit enduring his mother's third wedding.

For Labour, this has so far been election campaigning by the scream emoji, head in hands, about to explode.

Whatever Labour's election strategy is – and I'm not sure we will know it when we see it – it's probably unwise to rule out more caucus resignations, ministerial arrests, or other unforeseen yet strangely foreseeable calamities.

Think big .. from an empty over extended tin ? ;)

28-07-2023, 05:01 PM
Don't forget this mob could gather some equally hopeless coalition partners ----Imagine greens, labour, NZ first and Te Moory in coalition. Could happen and should be over 50%!

Stop it, you are being far too sensible for our political climate. ;)

(borrowed from Old Harry's book of Political phrases)

Imagine the disagreements and Beehive brawls if those warring factions ever tried getting together.
absolutely nothing would get done at even higher cost. The poor sucker in control as leader would
be in constant threat of being knifed, stabbed, stuffed in barrel and rolled by the clueless militants

Most of NZ probably wants to get rid of the current filthy lot of failed pretenders too badly for that :)

28-07-2023, 05:21 PM

Josie Pagani: Labour's only path to victory now is to go big

Think big .. from an empty over extended tin ? ;)

The savings will be from not going ahead with pro-wealthy tax cuts and boot camps.

28-07-2023, 05:26 PM
The savings will be from not going ahead with pro-wealthy tax cuts and boot camps.

So cane the wealthy for the h3ll of it

and Let the Crims out again to do some more Crime ? ;)

More of the 'Let's go stupid' and hope not many notice ;)

Hardly solves why Labour managed to drop themselves down a large shaft into the sh*t
in the first place though ;)

Logen Ninefingers
28-07-2023, 05:27 PM
The savings will be from not going ahead with pro-wealthy tax cuts and boot camps.

Although you are personally terrified of (insert scary noise here) ‘bootcamps’, as far as I know they are survivable - as much as the Left may hoot and holler - and not a harbinger of the Apocalypse or anything like that. They will probably cost a small fraction of the $500 million that Labour wasted on those now-expired RAT tests.

p.s. Did you hear that Chipkins may be proposing some (insert scary noise here) tax cuts of his own?

28-07-2023, 05:30 PM

How much difference would removing GST from fruit and veg really make?

Labour's Three Dollar Fruit & Vege GST Tax Give back - folks ;)

Looks like a red herring from a clues bankrupt Govt on the way out

Probably the same three dollar they grab on 1 July - with Robbo's Fuel Tax snatch re-imposed again ;)

What an honest Trustworthy mob of devious Little spinning Double dealing Cretins :)

fungus pudding
28-07-2023, 06:09 PM

How much difference would removing GST from fruit and veg really make?

Labour's Three Dollar Fruit & Vege GST Tax Give back - folks ;)

Looks like a red herring from a clues bankrupt Govt on the way out

Probably the same three dollar they grab on 1 July - with Robbo's Fuel Tax snatch re-imposed again ;)

What an honest Trustworthy mob of devious Little spinning Double dealing Cretins :)

Removing gst from fruit and veg. will not make them cheaper. Supply and demand will decide what price they will fetch. So buyers will pay the same but the govt. will have to find a way to recover their reduced gst take. A very foolish proposal indeed.

28-07-2023, 06:26 PM
Removing gst from fruit and veg. will not make them cheaper. Supply and demand will decide what price they will fetch. So buyers will pay the same but the govt. will have to find a way to recover their reduced gst take. A very foolish proposal indeed.

Income tax cuts will just go to increased rent and mortgage payments.

Property vs the supermakets if it becomes a tax cut war this election.

28-07-2023, 07:54 PM
Ardern's legacy "Disinformation Project" and associated censorship programme continues. An RNZ documentary already suggesting a Left/Labour election loss will be illegitimate.


Ardern has gone onto Harvard looking to implement this BS world wide. Ardern and her authoritarian agenda will plague us for years to come.

28-07-2023, 08:22 PM
Removing gst from fruit and veg. will not make them cheaper. Supply and demand will decide what price they will fetch. So buyers will pay the same but the govt. will have to find a way to recover their reduced gst take. A very foolish proposal indeed.

It may be a foolish proposal, but that's not the point, they're all trying it on, with an election looming.

And it's not correct, imo, to say it won't make fruit and veg cheaper, of course it will as it removes 15% of the cost to the buyer immediately. Sure, the price will move around with supply and demand, but none of it would have the 15% impost. So, yes it's cheaper immediately.

It is not a given that the govt would seek to increase the tax intake to offset the removal of the GST, but I'd assume that if it's the left side they'll look to the very 'rich' and tax them more to cover it, and the 'right' are unlikely to go there.

Interesting that tax has become a battlefield in this election lead up.

28-07-2023, 09:11 PM
Ardern's legacy "Disinformation Project" and associated censorship programme continues. An RNZ documentary already suggesting a Left/Labour election loss will be illegitimate.


Ardern has gone onto Harvard looking to implement this BS world wide. Ardern and her authoritarian agenda will plague us for years to come.
The Ardern Schwab connection is not to be underestimated.

28-07-2023, 09:16 PM
The Ardern Schwab connection is not to be underestimated.

The WEF are one of the sponsors of her Harvard work. Along with the usual suspects of Soros and Bill Gates. The club looks after its own.

Blue Skies
28-07-2023, 10:39 PM
Irritating hearing all these so called 'tax experts' criticising the removal of GST on fresh fruit & vegetables, with not a single medical or health experts opinion being sought.

Reducing the price of fresh fruit & vegetables which are so important in our daily diet, compared to unhealthy foods like highly processed biscuits, chips etc has enormous downstream health benefits & a great Public Health policy, reducing many cancers, diabetes, kidney disease & many more illnesses, with huge cost savings for our Public Health system, fewer productive days lost, fewer beneficiaries, & a healthier population.

This is not simply a tax policy, its also a Public Health Policy.
Where are the journalists seeking comment from the medical experts?

29-07-2023, 05:30 AM
Pretty much all of the OECD exempts food from sales tax... what the media is saying is we're too "simple" to do the same.

Simply find the most efficient model from one of these many examples and copy & paste.

29-07-2023, 09:56 AM
Ardern's legacy "Disinformation Project" and associated censorship programme continues. An RNZ documentary already suggesting a Left/Labour election loss will be illegitimate.

Did you even listen to Suzie Ferguson's podcast? Nothing of the sort was stated.

You select Sean Plunket, the ultimate shock jock, as your source when he has strong opinions on the series that he admits he hasn't listened to more than 5 minutes of an episode! He also starts to conjure projections of the left having a violent reaction to a Labour loss. This guy is dangerous and this is a case in point of the misinformation that you & your whacko sources pedal.


Ardern has gone onto Harvard looking to implement this BS world wide. Ardern and her authoritarian agenda will plague us for years to come.

The WEF are one of the sponsors of her Harvard work. Along with the usual suspects of Soros and Bill Gates. The club looks after its own.

Anyone else you want to throw in the conspiracy club. I heard Gates actually was born at all but was found naked in the foetus position at a place called area 51.

Honestly have some self respect.

29-07-2023, 10:09 AM
Anyone else you want to throw in the conspiracy club. I heard Gates actually was born at all but was found naked in the foetus position at a place called area 51.

Honestly have some self respect.

Soros, Gates and WEF are well known for meddling in politics and trying to influence governments. Soro's Open Foundation has billions at disposal. Gates too has an agenda. As for the WEF, they are just a bunch of megalomaniacal nutters.

29-07-2023, 10:10 AM
Doubt very much that removing GST off fruit and vegetables will change the consumption of them by those that could benefit.

29-07-2023, 11:14 AM
Soros, Gates and WEF are well known for meddling in politics and trying to influence governments. Soro's Open Foundation has billions at disposal. Gates too has an agenda. As for the WEF, they are just a bunch of megalomaniacal nutters.

Due to their maneuverings been done in plain sight people think there is nothing to worry about.

Old "Great Reset" Klaus. Old Klaus of the infamous "You will own nothing and you will be happy". He never did say who would own things did he?

The WEF in which Larry Fink of BlackRock is also heavily involved, are now fixtures at G7, G20, Nato and WHO events. Why is that? The WEF "trains" (perhaps indoctrinates is a better descriptor) young leaders (Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Obama) who then implement different aspects of the WEF's agenda. Hence my comment on the Club looking after Ardern.

The WEF's world vision is very similar to the Chinese model, of which Klaus is very complimentary (the genocide, forced abortions and sterilisations, and other human rights atrocities ignored). They appear to advocate a form of Corporate neo-Marxism, where Capital and the means of production are controlled by a very small number of Corporations which will instruct governments and other corporates what to do. BlackRock are already doing this via their dissemination of ESG. If you want Capital, conform to their dictates. Remember Ardern's surprise visit to BlackRock HQ?

Anyway, nothing to see here. It's happening right under our noses. Must be OK. Roll on 2030 and the Great Reset!

fungus pudding
29-07-2023, 11:31 AM
Doubt very much that removing GST off fruit and vegetables will change the consumption of them by those that could benefit.

I doubt very much that removing gst will lower the price. Perishable and seasonal produce will rise and fall according to supply and demand. If a potato will sell for 50 cents, then it will sell for that price with or without tax. So I think we'll be paying the same but the govt. will increase taxes elsewhere to compensate.

29-07-2023, 11:43 AM
So we have a PM, Hipkins, who completely mismanaged and misjudged just how damaged and impaired Kiri Allan was - allowing her to come back to work, making important decisions on state matters - when she was clearly not in a state to do so.

Imagine -

She was driving inebriated (DUI),

driving at high speed in wet conditions,

smashed into a parked ute & shunting it 3 meters (the force required as in e=mc2),

running away from the scene of the accident,

police dogs had to be used to track her down after she had moved 500m from the scene,

resisting arrest/refusing alcohol test,

Arrested and put into custody until 1am.

This is the kind of PM Aotearoa has got - political expediency and appearances above all else.

(From what Andrea Vance indicated on TV3 this morning, there are more revelations to come out).


" ........ a narrative will now be embedded in many voters’ minds that there is a core problem of competency and judgement that is lacking in the Beehive this year.

Further details of the Kiri Allan scandals – particularly the working relationships in her Beehive office – could still come out in the near future, raising more questions about why Chris Hipkins was aware of the alarm bells going off about his Justice Minister but decided against doing more. Voters will judge him poorly on this if they feel that the decisions he made were more about electoral calculation than doing the right thing."


29-07-2023, 11:46 AM
Due to their maneuverings been done in plain sight people think there is nothing to worry about.

Old "Great Reset" Klaus. Old Klaus of the infamous "You will own nothing and you will be happy". He never did say who would own things did he?

The WEF in which Larry Fink of BlackRock is also heavily involved, are now fixtures at G7, G20, Nato and WHO events. Why is that? The WEF "trains" (perhaps indoctrinates is a better descriptor) young leaders (Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Obama) who then implement different aspects of the WEF's agenda. Hence my comment on the Club looking after Ardern.

The WEF's world vision is very similar to the Chinese model, of which Klaus is very complimentary (the genocide, forced abortions and sterilisations, and other human rights atrocities ignored). They appear to advocate a form of Corporate neo-Marxism, where Capital and the means of production are controlled by a very small number of Corporations which will instruct governments and other corporates what to do. BlackRock are already doing this via their dissemination of ESG. If you want Capital, conform to their dictates. Remember Ardern's surprise visit to BlackRock HQ?

Anyway, nothing to see here. It's happening right under our noses. Must be OK. Roll on 2030 and the Great Reset!
To anyone with their eyes open this is obvious.
The bottom feeding lefties that believe any of this will benefit either themselves or mankind are dreaming.

Blue Skies
29-07-2023, 11:52 AM
Due to their maneuverings been done in plain sight people think there is nothing to worry about.

Old "Great Reset" Klaus. Old Klaus of the infamous "You will own nothing and you will be happy". He never did say who would own things did he?

The WEF in which Larry Fink of BlackRock is also heavily involved, are now fixtures at G7, G20, Nato and WHO events. Why is that? The WEF "trains" (perhaps indoctrinates is a better descriptor) young leaders (Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Obama) who then implement different aspects of the WEF's agenda. Hence my comment on the Club looking after Ardern.

The WEF's world vision is very similar to the Chinese model, of which Klaus is very complimentary (the genocide, forced abortions and sterilisations, and other human rights atrocities ignored). They appear to advocate a form of Corporate neo-Marxism, where Capital and the means of production are controlled by a very small number of Corporations which will instruct governments and other corporates what to do. BlackRock are already doing this via their dissemination of ESG. If you want Capital, conform to their dictates. Remember Ardern's surprise visit to BlackRock HQ?

Anyway, nothing to see here. It's happening right under our noses. Must be OK. Roll on 2030 and the Great Reset!

It's hard to know how to respond to someone like yourself who has been so deeply seduced by conspiracy theories & radicalised into supporting extremist ideology.
Like everyone who becomes radicalised, something must have set you off at some point onto this pathway.

The World Economic Forum is an open & extremely democratic forum with laudable ideas of how we are going to face the huge challenges in the years ahead.

You quote a statement made by the Danish politician Ida Auken hypothesising about a future where " you will own nothing. And you'll be happy. What you want you'll rent & it will be delivered by drone" who was talking about a prediction of where we could be heading for better or worse & wanted to start a discussion. It's not a goal of the WEF !

This & other false claims have been conflated with goals of the WEF by disinformation networks who have produced conspiracy videos now being widely shared on social media like Facebook.


29-07-2023, 12:09 PM
It's hard to know how to respond to someone like yourself who has been so deeply seduced by conspiracy theories & radicalised into supporting extremist ideology.
Like everyone who becomes radicalised, something must have set you off at some point onto this pathway.

The World Economic Forum is an open & extremely democratic forum with laudable ideas of how we are going to face the huge challenges in the years ahead.

You quote a statement made by the Danish politician Ida Auken hypothesising about a future where " you will own nothing. And you'll be happy. What you want you'll rent & it will be delivered by drone" who was talking about a prediction of where we could be heading for better or worse & wanted to start a discussion. It's not a goal of the WEF !

This & other false claims have been conflated with goals of the WEF by disinformation networks who have produced conspiracy videos now being widely shared on social media like Facebook.


What is democratic about the WEF? Who elects them? Here's a piece from the Guardian that shows how entirely undemocratic it is.


I was not quoting a Danish politician. I was quoting Klaus Schwab from his infamous video that was on the WEF website. (Since removed after a pile on of ridicule).

What is the Great Reset then BlueSkies?

29-07-2023, 12:09 PM
The World Economic Forum is an open & extremely democratic forum with laudable ideas of how we are going to face the huge challenges in the years ahead.


Boy do you have your head in the sand. That is extremally naïve thinking.

Actually on second thoughts, I take that back. It all depends on your perspective and what you consider laudable.
I for one do not think a controlled, secure world controlled by few is laudable.
For me freedom is more important than security. Whilst I guess for you that may differ.

29-07-2023, 12:43 PM

Borrowers forced to dig deeper as home loan test interest rates jump again

Thanks Labour ;)

Love from all your struggling supporters, now being hit over the head financially from every direction ..

29-07-2023, 01:01 PM

Fuel prices look to rise again one month after fuel excise duty cut ended

Boom + Fuel taxes on increase ... then round and round the spiral goes again :)

29-07-2023, 01:02 PM

Borrowers forced to dig deeper as home loan test interest rates jump again

Thanks Labour ;)

Love from all your struggling supporters, now being hit over the head financially from every direction ..

Yup - first they sucked them into the property bubble they created with abundant stimulus and unsustainable low interest rates.

Then, they sock them with inflation and ever higher interest rates.

Now, the Labour voters are sucking the lemon big time.


29-07-2023, 01:06 PM

Police admit motels data they tried to hide 'paints a very unattractive picture'

A more than 900% spike in police call-outs to just five Rotorua emergency housing motels can finally be revealed after the Ombudsman ruled data requested by Stuff a year-and-a-half ago, which the police admitted “paints a very unattractive picture”, should be released.

Back in January 2022, Stuff asked police to provide data on the number of times they had been called to five motels in 2016 – before their use for emergency accommodation – and also in 2020 and 2021.

Which Labour fill-in was overseeing the Cops while this "hide the bad news" job was going on ? ;)

The news on RotoVegas must have already been a bad look for Labour as it was without this .

29-07-2023, 01:08 PM
Yup - first they sucked them into the property bubble they created with abundant stimulus and unsustainable low interest rates.

Then, they sock them with inflation and ever higher interest rates.

Now, the Labour voters are sucking the lemon big time.


Will the Supporters Club still trust Labour after they have been knifed over badly by Hipkins & Robbo
and left to wear large collateral damage ? ;)

The next chapters will be when the Downturn leads to increasing unemployment and all the excess Villiages full of Civil Servants Labout have taken on need to be chopped back down to levels the country can afford ..

Decreasing Tax takes is just first of the signals on the next chapters on the way

Meanwhile Labour are playing games with miniscule amounts of GST on Fruit & Veges that market forces will probably mean wont make any difference - in the hope no-one wakes up to reality ;)


OPINION: There’s nothing quite so humiliating for a government as having a flagship election policy - like removing GST from fruit and vegetables - leaked before its announced.

It could only be made worse if the recipient of the leak was the Opposition who then had the audacity to announce said major policy in advance.

Insult could only be added to injury, if the Government’s revenue minister had just quit in a strop after an ideological clash over a wealth tax.

Humiliation would only morph into sheer mortification if the Government’s finance minister had been forced to swallow yet another dead rat by accepting the policy in the first place, contradicting myriad statements he’d made in opposition to such a policy in the past.

29-07-2023, 01:10 PM
Sharma on the Labour Government!

The doctor recognised a corpse when he saw one!

29-07-2023, 01:25 PM
Interesting Comment seen elsewhere:

"If Labour were Honest, they would have all the Ministers standing in Seats rather than in List Spots" ;)

How many who came in last time will likely now be made unemployed, come an impending October landslide ?

fungus pudding
29-07-2023, 01:26 PM
It may be a foolish proposal, but that's not the point, they're all trying it on, with an election looming.

And it's not correct, imo, to say it won't make fruit and veg cheaper, of course it will as it removes 15% of the cost to the buyer immediately. Sure, the price will move around with supply and demand, but none of it would have the 15% impost. So, yes it's cheaper immediately.

But a week later....it will magically increase. It's priced to acheive as much as it can, while not hanging around to spoil, and without running out of stock for customers. If you want the price to lower. figure out how to increase supply - without increasing the production costs.

Blue Skies
29-07-2023, 01:27 PM
Nicola Willis...during a cost of living crisis, this govt is going to take the GST off fresh fruit & vegetables & make them cheaper ... so vote National.
Ummm...Nicola isn't that bit of an own goal?

And since this hasn't been announced as a govt policy, now Hipkins can see how popular or not this policy would be with voters (& previous polls suggested 75% of voters would support it) & how it plays out in the media & decide to go ahead with it or not.

29-07-2023, 01:32 PM
Nicola Willis...during a cost of living crisis, this govt is going to take the GST off fresh fruit & vegetables & make them cheaper ... so vote National.
Ummm...Nicola isn't that bit of an own goal?

And since this hasn't been announced as a govt policy, now Hipkins can see how popular or not this policy would be with voters (& previous polls suggested 75% of voters would support it) & how it plays out in the media & decide to go ahead with it or not.

You mean he could take the GST off Toilet Paper instead to deal with the aftermath of an October landslide ? ;)

that might really confuse any of the poor suckers who still have any trust left in Labour :)

29-07-2023, 01:33 PM
Nicola Willis...during a cost of living crisis, this govt is going to take the GST off fresh fruit & vegetables & make them cheaper ... so vote National.
Ummm...Nicola isn't that bit of an own goal?

We've got to reduce red tape like the holidays act and easter trading laws.

Though many economists think their tax cuts will drive inflation higher (causing more pain with interest rates).

29-07-2023, 01:37 PM
We've got to reduce red tape like the holidays act and easter trading laws.

Though many economists think their tax cuts will drive inflation higher (causing more pain with interest rates).

What have "holidays act and easter trading laws" got to do with GST on Fruit & Veg ? ;)

29-07-2023, 01:39 PM
It's a contrast between different approaches to deal with cost of living.. National, along with poorly targeted tax cuts (bad outcomes) says red tape has to go so we can unlock all this new efficiency.

Though somehow this wasn't possible during John Key's nine years.

29-07-2023, 01:44 PM
It's a contrast between different approaches to deal with cost of living.. National, along with poorly targeted tax cuts (bad outcomes) says red tape has to go so we can unlock all this new efficiency.

Removing GST on Fruit & Veg is unlikely to show any efficiency, in fact the opposite and unlikely to deliver any real savings - given pricing is on supply & demand. Not a week goes by where glaring examples of the Labour mob's poor understanding of things & their own lack of efficiency is hung out to dry for all to see ;)

If Labour were efficient - there would be no COL Crisis, No hefty Interest Spikes, No Homeless etc etc ;)

29-07-2023, 02:16 PM
Due to their maneuverings been done in plain sight people think there is nothing to worry about.

Old "Great Reset" Klaus. Old Klaus of the infamous "You will own nothing and you will be happy". He never did say who would own things did he?

The WEF in which Larry Fink of BlackRock is also heavily involved, are now fixtures at G7, G20, Nato and WHO events. Why is that? The WEF "trains" (perhaps indoctrinates is a better descriptor) young leaders (Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Obama) who then implement different aspects of the WEF's agenda. Hence my comment on the Club looking after Ardern.

The WEF's world vision is very similar to the Chinese model, of which Klaus is very complimentary (the genocide, forced abortions and sterilisations, and other human rights atrocities ignored). They appear to advocate a form of Corporate neo-Marxism, where Capital and the means of production are controlled by a very small number of Corporations which will instruct governments and other corporates what to do. BlackRock are already doing this via their dissemination of ESG. If you want Capital, conform to their dictates. Remember Ardern's surprise visit to BlackRock HQ?

Anyway, nothing to see here. It's happening right under our noses. Must be OK. Roll on 2030 and the Great Reset!

So a bunch of rightwing capitalists have captured & indoctrinated the new left.
Get a grip of yourself.
You are a company director for gawds sake.

Does extreme wealth have influence?
Of course it does. Perhaps you should be concentrating on the likes of the Murdochs who have been convicted of offenses relating to interference with democracy, but then please take it back to rabbit warren as you are embarrassing yourself publicly.

The irony of you referencing a left leaning MSM article to back your delusions is quite incredible considering how often you have slated MSM.

So the press is doing the right thing by exposing what they see as undue influence by an autocratic organization. Great!
And Ardern is in the thick of this of course. What baloney.

Blue Skies
29-07-2023, 03:55 PM
What is democratic about the WEF? Who elects them? Here's a piece from the Guardian that shows how entirely undemocratic it is.


I was not quoting a Danish politician. I was quoting Klaus Schwab from his infamous video that was on the WEF website. (Since removed after a pile on of ridicule).

What is the Great Reset then BlueSkies?

Since your post I've been doing more extensive reading about the WEF & understand some (but not all) of your concerns, some of which seem justified hence want to apologise for the harshness of my earlier post.
My describing the WEF as open & democratic was partly but not entirely correct.
However, name me any large global organisation which doesn't suffer at times from internal power struggles & tensions between members in direction. e.g. look at the UN but it's a thousand times better to have it than for it not to exist.
Ive always though the big problems we are facing now are global & require multi-lateral co-operation, hence global forums with input from the widest range of world leaders in govt & NGO's is best, & maintaining open dialogue vital.

29-07-2023, 04:33 PM
Since your post I've been doing more extensive reading about the WEF & understand some (but not all) of your concerns, some of which seem justified hence want to apologise for the harshness of my earlier post.
My describing the WEF as open & democratic was partly but not entirely correct.
However, name me any large global organisation which doesn't suffer at times from internal power struggles & tensions between members in direction. e.g. look at the UN but it's a thousand times better to have it than for it not to exist.
Ive always though the big problems we are facing now are global & require multi-lateral co-operation, hence global forums with input from the widest range of world leaders in govt & NGO's is best, & maintaining open dialogue vital.

Apology acknowledged and accepted BlueSkies. I appreciate it. I may not be correct in all my fears about the WEF, but there is enough there to scare the hell out of me. The idea that billionaires are all right wing is a fallacy. Both Gates and Soros would bristle at the thought. Globalist financial titans dictating to governments and capital markets is extremely unhealthy, but that is exactly where we are at the moment and it is becoming more entrenched.

Interesting that Elon Musk got out of it a few years ago. He doesn't like where they are heading either.

Back to my original point though, Ardern has been rubbing shoulders with this crowd for a long time. That Guardian article indicated Tony Blair might be the one to succeed Schwab. Ardern worked in his office although she was as quick to down play that just as she was her infamous "comrade" speech.

29-07-2023, 06:16 PM
The pushback against Ardern's censorship programme has begun in the US.


The FBI paying facebook to squash "Russian disinformation" around the Hunter Biden laptop (now shown to be a democrat seeded lie, the laptop story was all true), the Covid response etc. The government being the "single source of truth" (Ardern). Musk's "Prosecute Fauci" pronouns might yet see the light of day also.

29-07-2023, 06:40 PM
Her tentacles are truly everywhere.

Sir Peter tried to warn us 15 years ago through the media of film (he knew it would be safe and the WEF couldn't decode the hidden message).


29-07-2023, 06:44 PM
Hipkins only saved from a palace coup initiated by Robertson & co because of proximity to Oct elections.

Otherwise, he is gone burger.


29-07-2023, 07:10 PM
Crime is caused by poor housing and poverty so the Labour academics tell us.

So as just one example, Kangaroo has replaced solid sub 60 year old homes in Anson St, Hastings with new builds.

Less than 1 year in, the lawn grass is half a metre high.

What's happened to duty of care?

Ah well, once a bludger always a bludger eh?

Anyone wanna buy some meth?

fungus pudding
30-07-2023, 12:13 AM
Removing GST on Fruit & Veg is unlikely to show any efficiency, in fact the opposite and unlikely to deliver any real savings - given pricing is on supply & demand. Not a week goes by where glaring examples of the Labour mob's poor understanding of things & their own lack of efficiency is hung out to dry for all to see ;)

If Labour were efficient - there would be no COL Crisis, No hefty Interest Spikes, No Homeless etc etc ;)

If Labour had half a clue they'd look closely at this dude's proposal.


"Removing GST from food is a pretty terrible idea''. .................................................. .....................

......."The Tax Working Group in 2018 showed that for the same cost to government revenues as a whole in GST exempting food you could provide
a universal transfer to every household in the country that would give twice as much money to poor people as the effect of taking GST off of food for them."


30-07-2023, 04:59 AM
Crime is caused by poor housing and poverty so the Labour academics tell us.
So in the hope that you are actually willing to engage on this topic rather than dog whistle:-

It isn't just 'Labour academics' who tell us that crime is caused by poor housing and poverty. I don't believe you don't know that. I don't know any research (left wing, right wing, whatever) that claims they are the only causes of crime, but they are solidly established as primary causes.

So as just one example, Kangaroo has replaced solid sub 60 year old homes in Anson St, Hastings with new builds.

Less than 1 year in, the lawn grass is half a metre high.

What's happened to duty of care?

As just one example of what? Unless 50cm of lawn is a crime? One house, two houses/ All the houses?

'Kangaroo' went past me - I presume they are some Govt agency, and from what you say I presume you don't think they should have done the project to build more 'social housing'?

What is obvious, is that you disapprove of the standard the tenants are currently keeping the property or properties. I would too, and I am pleased that I'm not living next door. If all the properties in that part of Anson St are similarly neglected, there is clearly a problem, or more likely, a number of problems.

'Duty of care' will be covered in the tenancy agreement. Enforcing that agreement will (and imo should remain) a matter of judgment. Successful Property managers in the social housing sector try to balance a whole variety of considerations.

Ah well, once a bludger always a bludger eh?

Anyone wanna buy some meth?

I think your prejudices are showing. I think you think many/most/all people in social housing are either bludgers or on the edge of bludgerhood. I think you think it is usually/almost always their own fault and/or the result of choices they freely made.

My particular life journey has led me to different understandings. But that is not the point. We have a problem. 50cm of grass is emblematic. There is an underclass that barely gets by and whose energies and talents are currently underutilisedto the detriment of all of us. I don't know whether it is currently shrinking or growing, but I suspect the latter.

Calling them bludgers, denying they have dreams and ambitions to improve their circumstances, and making completely unevidenced and outlandish claims about meth is no help.

30-07-2023, 09:24 AM
Meanwhile, Hon Dr Megan Woods appears this morning on Q & A reassuring NZ that having a new KO development in your area will increase property values.

Even Jack Tame gulped.

Prepare yourself for a KO blow over the fence NZ!

The folk of the likes of Rotovegas motels are on their way, with or without their lawn mowers!

30-07-2023, 02:36 PM
Meanwhile, Hon Dr Megan Woods appears this morning on Q & A reassuring NZ that having a new KO development in your area will increase property values.

Even Jack Tame gulped.

Prepare yourself for a KO blow over the fence NZ!

The folk of the likes of Rotovegas motels are on their way, with or without their lawn mowers!

What else would you expect from Megan Woods? There's nothing surprising that the Labour Party can say. We have a close friend that has lived in Rotorua almost all their life. He's witness the problems that this KO Kangaroo development has caused - police presence all over the place, people moving out of town, bad for the tourism market, etc.

30-07-2023, 09:41 PM
Wake up and smell the Coffey, for Tamati has carpet bagged Kiri's East Coast seat, after previously announcing he would not stand again in Rotorua.

Was he part of the flight out of Rotovegas, or has Tiny Dean evicted him?

31-07-2023, 07:22 AM
Wake up and smell the Coffey, for Tamati has carpet bagged Kiri's East Coast seat, after previously announcing he would not stand again in Rotorua.

Was he part of the flight out of Rotovegas, or has Tiny Dean evicted him?

The only Labour MP to lose his seat in the 2020 Labour landslide (he relied on his list placing to be in parliament). Coffey presided over the trashing of Rotorua and now he says he wants to put the "mighty" back in East Coast. Hardly a quality candidate is he?

Logen Ninefingers
31-07-2023, 08:10 AM
The only Labour MP to lose his seat in the 2020 Labour landslide (he relied on his list placing to be in parliament). Coffey presided over the trashing of Rotorua and now he says he wants to put the "mighty" back in East Coast. Hardly a quality candidate is he?

Just shows the lack of quality people in the Labour party that they have to recycle proven mediocrities / failures like Coffey. Couldn’t they find a Union official to parachute into the East Coast instead?

31-07-2023, 12:36 PM

New species of dinosaur discovered in Thailand

We likely will have a new species here too .. after 14 October :)

31-07-2023, 12:44 PM
Labour still navel gazing and trying to work out how to shoot themselves in both feet at once
to better last week ? ;)

Parker still out counting & measuring depth of the Pot Holes or confused about trying to tax them ? :)


National’s Transport spokesperson Simeon Brown said National will 'scrap costly projects that are going nowhere like Auckland Light Rail and Let's Get Wellington Moving'.

Bound to please the "Going Nowhere" Labour mob a real treat ..

Hipkins said, "we're going to be campaigning to win a very large share of the party vote so all of our team are back".

Hahahaha - The Party's long been over - Chumpie ;)

Obviously nothing learned from the Justice Minister's crash and run and no pot holes were anywhere near :)

Hipkins says the party's campaign was just gearing up.

Labour will have "heaps" of MPs after the election, he said.

How about "Sitting In a Heap in It" after Joe Public have delivered their own precise assessments
on the calibre of the Labour train wreck disaster ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
31-07-2023, 02:24 PM
Two former cabinet ministers who’ve cooked their goose. Hopefully their electorates give them the boot


‘Labour has announced its list of candidates for the 2023 election, with former Cabinet ministers Michael Wood and Phil Twyford among the many now relying on winning electorate seats to remain in Parliament.’

31-07-2023, 03:40 PM
Two former cabinet ministers who’ve cooked their goose. Hopefully their electorates give them the boot


‘Labour has announced its list of candidates for the 2023 election, with former Cabinet ministers Michael Wood and Phil Twyford among the many now relying on winning electorate seats to remain in Parliament.’

Means Wood and Twyford are going to have to work their butts off until October to stay in their jobs - makes sense for Labour but what about the electorates represented by these two 'losers'?

Who wants ex-ministers to represent them?

31-07-2023, 03:43 PM
As dumb as it gets to remove GST from fruit & veges.

Labour & Hipkins are hell bent on making the supermarkets & the wealthy even more profitable than they have been.

The indoctrinated Labour parasites and losers are too dumb and stupid however to realise that - just as they failed to see that the fuel subsidy mostly went to the already wealthy who did not need the government handout.


"Sunny Kaushal, chairperson of the Dairy and Business Owners’ Group, said removing GST from fresh fruit and vegetables was “one of those policies that sounds good unless you think about it a bit”.

“It's like giving those big supermarkets another 15% margin. This is going to be in the pockets of the supermarkets,” he said.

“Some prices might go down. But within a year or so it will become lost in the mists of inflation, supply chain issues, the war in Ukraine, storms and seasonality and so on.”

"A study by the International Monetary Fund in 2015 estimated that when goods were exempted from GST by governments in Europe “for various political reasons”, as little as 30% of the savings were commonly passed on."


31-07-2023, 05:27 PM

Cyclone Recovery: Govt announces state highway repairs for Tairāwhiti, Wairoa, Hawke’s Bay, Coromandel and Northland

Over Five months on after the Cyclone & these tardy Labour dumb cl7%ks still haven't left the starting blocks, now trying to make Cyclone Repairs etc an Election issue for a little mileage ;)

The way things are headed - None of these Roading Repairs will be being done under Labour's watch , obviously headed for a landslide of an upending out in a few months time ;)

Clearly too deluded and clues bankrupt to be anywhere near Parliament ;)

The Snails along the side of Road move faster than the Labour front bench on just about everything :)

31-07-2023, 06:30 PM
As dumb as it gets to remove GST from fruit & veges.

Labour & Hipkins are hell bent on making the supermarkets & the wealthy even more profitable than they have been.

The indoctrinated Labour parasites and losers are too dumb and stupid however to realise that - just as they failed to see that the fuel subsidy mostly went to the already wealthy who did not need the government handout.


"Sunny Kaushal, chairperson of the Dairy and Business Owners’ Group, said removing GST from fresh fruit and vegetables was “one of those policies that sounds good unless you think about it a bit”.

“It's like giving those big supermarkets another 15% margin. This is going to be in the pockets of the supermarkets,” he said.

“Some prices might go down. But within a year or so it will become lost in the mists of inflation, supply chain issues, the war in Ukraine, storms and seasonality and so on.”

"A study by the International Monetary Fund in 2015 estimated that when goods were exempted from GST by governments in Europe “for various political reasons”, as little as 30% of the savings were commonly passed on."


I'll have to agree. It's desperation by the Labour Party because they got nothing. Because they've failed in all the major issues from housing, education, etc. they're putting on a show to fool people that removing GST on food will be the biggest feat like cream cheese. In reality this GST thing is small beans.

01-08-2023, 09:17 AM
And it absolutely sounds like they are right - no substance to the spin coming from Hipkins & co that Kiri Allan is but an unfortunate poor wahine involved in an incident purely because of mental health issues.

Drip … drip … drip …. Ever more information coming out to embarrass Hipkins & Labour (Hipkins should have come clean instead of trying to spin his way through a drink driving & reckless driving episode by Kiri).

Turned out she tried to do a runner and had to be tracked down by police dogs. Then, she refused to be breath tested and to accompany the police so had yo be arrested.


Police dogs were used to track Kiri Allan’s movements and confirm she was driving the car that crashed in Wellington, according to a report.

Stuff reports it is understood police dogs were used to gather evidence - and that Allan was located about 500 metres from the crash site, while her car remained at the scene.

More revelations ....drip ....drip ....


Three further agencies – Waka Kotahi, the Ministry for the Environment and the Public Service Commission – raised concerns about workplace relations in Kiri Allan’s office, it has emerged.

And on three separate occasions, Allan had “robust discussions” with the transport agency’s staff relating to its response to Cyclone Gabrielle and the approach to longer-term recovery work from the storm.

01-08-2023, 12:22 PM
Latest poll results : Labour below 30%.

The trend is clear and there are many Labour MPs who will be busy looking for jobs before Oct rather than be out campaigning.



National - 33.5 (up 3.5)

Labour - 26 (down 4.5)

ACT - 14 (down 1)

Greens - 9 (down 0.5)

Maori - 6 (down 1)

NZ First - 5 (up 2)

TOP - 4 (up 1)

01-08-2023, 12:53 PM
Latest poll results : Labour below 30%.

The trend is clear and there are many Labour MPs who will be busy looking for jobs before Oct rather than be out campaigning.



National - 33.5 (up 3.5)

Labour - 26 (down 4.5)

ACT - 14 (down 1)

Greens - 9 (down 0.5)

Maori - 6 (down 1)

NZ First - 5 (up 2)

TOP - 4 (up 1)

Winnie can see stars in his eyes again.

That party vote for Labour is the lowest level since national got 24% in 1991 and a loss of half the seats 65 to 33 the largest loss since the start of MMP

01-08-2023, 02:17 PM
In that scenario winne can't go left because they need the maori party.

Still, he will have more leverage over National than Act regardless of percentage (as long as its over 5%)

01-08-2023, 03:07 PM
In that scenario winne can't go left because they need the maori party.

Still, he will have more leverage over National than Act regardless of percentage (as long as its over 5%)

Winnie has already ruled out going with Labour. So no need to get your hopes up.

Bill Smith
01-08-2023, 03:47 PM
Wow. Over 60% on the RM poll say New Zealand is headed in the wrong direction. Not sure it's ever been that bad before!

01-08-2023, 07:54 PM
Looks like Coster might be corrupt after all if Mike Hosking is to be believed. Not sure who the poster was previously but they might just be spot on about corruption in the halls of government.

01-08-2023, 08:03 PM

BNZ lifts home loan rates, two economists ask why

Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) has increased the interest rates on three of its home loan terms, and one of the moves has prompted questions from economists.

The bank is lifting its classic fixed six-month interest rate from 7.25% to 7.39%. Its four- and five-year rates increase from 6.29% to 6.49%.

Yet another of the Aussie Banking Cartel contributing to MORE INFLATION

Who said raising Interest rates was a means of controlling Inflation when all it seems to do is to stroke it further upwards then throw the excess spoils scooped off direct into the pockets of the Aussie Banking Cartel ? ;)

01-08-2023, 08:09 PM

MYOB says 64% of SMEs want a change in Government

More than half of small and medium-sized businesses want a change in Government, a survey by software accounting firm MYOB has found.

It found 64% of SMEs wanted a change. Another 21% believed the current Government deserved to be re-elected, and one in every 10 respondents said it did not make any difference who was in power.

The poll found National was a firm favourite for the SME vote, with 42% of respondents saying they expected to vote for the party.

The intention to vote Labour dropped significantly from the 2020 pre-election snapshot, with just 15% of SMEs now saying they would vote Labour, from 38% last election. A further 15% said they would vote for the ACT Party and 6% for the Green Party.

01-08-2023, 08:20 PM

PM Chris Hipkins responds to recommended 14.5pc pay rise for teachers

Hipkins says resolving the teachers’ pay dispute comes with a “very big price tag”.

Your previous stomping ground turned Labour large scale disaster - Chumpie

How bout you go back to join them & take the other Village Idiot with you ? ;)

You might even learn something ..

01-08-2023, 08:23 PM

Election 2023: Labour’s Māori caucus all smiles as six Māori in top 20 and 11 in top 40

How is treatment for those scary Trojan Monster dreams going - Chumpie ? ;)

Those strange noises in your head only going to be getting worse as we head towards October :)

01-08-2023, 08:28 PM
Looks like Coster might be corrupt after all if Mike Hosking is to be believed. Not sure who the poster was previously but they might just be spot on about corruption in the halls of government.

The police at the scene of Kiri Allan’s attempted run from the law after she crashed her ministerial car (while driving drunk) said ‘she was abusive, resisted arrest and told them that they were all going to lose their jobs.’

This was put to Hipkins directly yesterday and he did not challenge the assertion - just said that the ‘incident’ is now under investigation so he could not possibly comment.

Remember though that it was perfectly ok for him to comment and divulge confidential information in the cases of Charlotte Bellis and the Northland lockdown ‘prostitutes’?

The police on the scene were obviously really peeved off that the charges against Kiri Allan were substantially reduced - hence the leaks to the media.

So why were the charges reduced?

01-08-2023, 08:39 PM

Mass arrivals bill: Immigration Minister Andrew Little hits out at Greens, says National ‘opportunistic’ in opposing

Labour's Opportunist puts his head up after a long trail of Portfolio Co*k-Ups - Let's see
- Pikers River, The Health Shambles, probably more to add to the list too, before being shuffled
into quiet post retirement portfolios with instructions to keep his head down ;)

01-08-2023, 09:06 PM

The Māori in Me podcast: How can Māori disconnected from their culture heal their identity?

Would more Koha poured from the Taxpayer's Bottomless Trough help ? ;)

01-08-2023, 09:11 PM

‘Blank wall’ wins $25,000 Parkin Drawing Prize for 2023

Don't tell Chumpie - but a Blank Red Campaigning wall might offend some of the Gang Supporters into thinking
Labour have stolen something :)

01-08-2023, 09:15 PM
The police at the scene of Kiri Allan’s attempted run from the law after she crashed her ministerial car (while driving drunk) said ‘she was abusive, resisted arrest and told them that they were all going to lose their jobs.’

This was put to Hipkins directly yesterday and he did not challenge the assertion - just said that the ‘incident’ is now under investigation so he could not possibly comment.

Remember though that it was perfectly ok for him to comment and divulge confidential information in the cases of Charlotte Bellis and the Northland lockdown ‘prostitutes’?

The police on the scene were obviously really peeved off that the charges against Kiri Allan were substantially reduced - hence the leaks to the media.

So why were the charges reduced?

If this is true, and who really knows the source of the truth, it is shocking and repugnant that some of the police have to find some back door channel to express what really happened.

Notwithstanding her mental state, some really bad things seem to have happened here and they should not be covered up by political obsequious pandering.

I can't think of any country that the Minister of Justice was involved in a drunken car accident, ran from the scene, was caught by police dogs, and covered by a smoke screen from the presiding government, and Prime Minster!

Unbelievable, but it has happened. What a disgrace on this government, and Hipkins in particular. A poignant and timely illustration of their, and his errors of judgement.

Read the room! None of this is tolerable and none of this is excusable, directly or by deflection.

01-08-2023, 09:16 PM
Two former cabinet ministers who’ve cooked their goose. Hopefully their electorates give them the boot


‘Labour has announced its list of candidates for the 2023 election, with former Cabinet ministers Michael Wood and Phil Twyford among the many now relying on winning electorate seats to remain in Parliament.’

A very uninspiring list. Just a continuation of the current disastrous lack of talent.

01-08-2023, 09:59 PM

Three Waters: The new bosses and why their pay of $602,500 to $815,500 is so extraordinary

Three Rivers of Excessive Cost coming at everyone - as most would have thought would be the case

How many others are parked around the troughs courtesy of Mahuta's grand scheme of water incompetence ? ;)

02-08-2023, 10:21 AM
Latest poll results : Labour below 30%.

The trend is clear and there are many Labour MPs who will be busy looking for jobs before Oct rather than be out campaigning.



National - 33.5 (up 3.5)

Labour - 26 (down 4.5)

ACT - 14 (down 1)

Greens - 9 (down 0.5)

Maori - 6 (down 1)

NZ First - 5 (up 2)

TOP - 4 (up 1)

If a 3rd coalition partner is required & the options are TOP or NZF which do you think Luxon & Seymour would choose?

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 10:25 AM
If a 3rd coalition partner is required & the options are TOP or NZF which do you think Luxon & Seymour would choose?

Don't think they need either of these tin-pot parties. Looks like Winston First and POT are taking votes off the left-wing bloc. My hope is these outfits both end up with around 4% of the vote in the election, and that's where POT are sitting anyway.

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 10:27 AM
My understanding is that 'Iwi groups' are holding the Port to ransom....


Concern grows about long wait for Environment Court decision on Port of Tauranga

By Andrea Fox
2 August 2023

'The wait for an Environment Court decision on Port of Tauranga’s container terminal expansion is nearing six months, creating uncertainty for the company’s share price and investor nervousness, says market analyst Craigs Investment Partners.'

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 11:09 AM
More pressure on Robbo's blown budget....


A ‘shocker’ dairy auction: Prices fall despite China’s return

By Jamie Gray
2 Aug, 2023 08:08 AM

'Dairy prices fell sharply at this morning’s Global Dairy Trade Auction (GDT), despite China returning to the table.

The GDT price index for the twice-monthly auction dropped 4.3 per cent.'

02-08-2023, 11:25 AM
Don't think they need either of these tin-pot parties. Looks like Winston First and POT are taking votes off the left-wing bloc. My hope is these outfits both end up with around 4% of the vote in the election, and that's where POT are sitting anyway.

Well ACT was down 1% in the poll. NZF is courting a similar component of the electorate and they have only just kicked off their campaign.

TOP I would suggest are taking votes from the Left.

Either way there is a reasonable chance that a 3rd party is required to form Government. If TOP can get to the 5% threshold they maybe the less difficult party to form a coalition with.

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 11:33 AM
Well ACT was down 1% in the poll. NZF is courting a similar component of the electorate and they have only just kicked off their campaign.

TOP I would suggest are taking votes from the Left.

Either way there is a reasonable chance that a 3rd party is required to form Government. If TOP can get to the 5% threshold they maybe the less difficult party to form a coalition with.

Labour, Te Pati Maori, and Green all down. This is what I referred to as the 'Left bloc'.

National is up, and they probably took percentage from Labour and ACT.

02-08-2023, 01:04 PM

Police Association’s Chris Cahill on worsening crime, Megan Woods questions lolly theft in stats

New Zealand’s police association boss says retail crime is worsening, but a senior cabinet minister is questioning whether the bulk of retail crime is small-time thefts of “20C lolly bags”.

Police Association president Chris Cahill told Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking this morning crime had totally overwhelmed the number of sworn officers.

Cahill said he understood the frustration of the retailers across the country pleading for urgent action.

“Members of the public want to see more police out on the streets actually doing something,” he said.

But previous Fill-in Temporary Minister - Dwarf Megan Woods tries desperately to polish the growing Crime turd that Labour have cultivated:

But senior cabinet minister Megan Woods, who was acting Police Minister earlier this year, questioned the seriousness of these offences.

She had not had time to dig into retail crime data but asked whether the majority of the offences were “kids stealing 20c bag of lollies”.

She said if ram raids were taken out of retail crime data then there had been “over 1000 prosecutions”.

“So in terms of that 45,000, are we talking about the kids stealing a 20c bag of lollies? What is the continuum we are looking at there so I would like to look into that,” Woods told Hosking.

Kaushal said the Labour government’s soft-on-crime approach was not working and there had been suggestions to go back to the old policing model used in 2015.

“Crime does pay for 98 per cent of people who get away with it so it has been a constant pattern and we want to go back to the old system which actually worked half of the time not 2 per cent of the time.”

Kaushal said the government had not given retailers a good enough response.

“It’s only a look into it.

“There’s only three weeks left for the parliament to rise so there is not much policy or action to come.

“We have been saying a crime tsunami was coming for over six years now and we have been ignored until the emergency became a political emergency.”

How's the too difficult Housebuilding project going ?

Still less than 5000 after removing all the State Houses pulled down then replaced ? ;)

Looks like 100,000 additional might be a large pink fluffy dream and nothing more.

By the time even 15,000 are reached, a quotient of earlier new ones will likely be bashed and trashed up by the grateful tenants and also need replacing ;)

How many more weeks until this 20c mob of clueless Labour incompetents get swept away in a large landslide ? ;)

Better get out more - Megan Dwarf Housebuilder - the days of the 20c bag of lollies may be long gone after all the rampant inflationary increases that your own Government have inflicted on all :)