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02-08-2023, 01:23 PM

The Government has agreed to fund a $4.4 billion package to settle teachers’ and principals’ agreements.

An arbitration panel recommended secondary teachers get a 14.5 per cent pay rise spread over three instalments.

Education Minister Jan Tinetti announced today the Government offer would see beginner teachers receive an annual increase of almost $10,000, in addition up to the $7,210 lump sum payment.

If accepted by both parties the recommended settlement is likely to have knock-on effects for early childhood and primary school teachers. Under pay parity rules, the Ministry of Education must offer any changes to teachers’ unified base salary scale to primary teachers and then in turn to kindergarten teachers.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said on Monday resolving the teachers’ pay dispute came with a “very big price tag”.

It would cost many billions of dollars, he told TVNZ.

“That’s not the sort of money you find down the back of the couch.”

No problem - Chumpie, especially when your lot have inspired rolling teacher strikes and will more than likely not be paying it , after your incompetent clueless mob get sent packing Goneburger in October ;)

Better practice Opening your Legs for a quick Hop Skip and a Jump :)

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 01:25 PM
Looks like the gummint has found a lazy $374 million down the back of the couch, so all’s well that ends well….


‘The Government has agreed to support an Independent Arbitration Panel’s recommendation to increase teachers' pay by 14.5%.

However, the pay bump will be funded by shifting $374 million from the education budget.

"After careful consideration and weighing up the current challenging financial environment, the Government has agreed to find the money through savings from other parts of the Education Budget and Education’s Budget 2024 cost pressure allowance,” Education Minister Jan Tinetti said.

The PPTA members will now vote on the new offer over the next week.’

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 01:30 PM
Settlement is $4.4 billion but government will fund it by saving $374 million from elsewhere….


02-08-2023, 01:33 PM
Looks like the gummint has found a lazy $374 million down the back of the couch, so all’s well that ends well….


‘The Government has agreed to support an Independent Arbitration Panel’s recommendation to increase teachers' pay by 14.5%.

However, the pay bump will be funded by shifting $374 million from the education budget.

"After careful consideration and weighing up the current challenging financial environment, the Government has agreed to find the money through savings from other parts of the Education Budget and Education’s Budget 2024 cost pressure allowance,” Education Minister Jan Tinetti said.

The PPTA members will now vote on the new offer over the next week.’

Amazing what Robbo manages to find buried in the pile of flaky pastry sausage roll crumbs down the back of Chumpies couch ;)

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 01:33 PM
‘Old Chris Luxon
Went to the cupboard
To check on the funds kept in there
When he got there
The cupboard was bare
And so on and so forth’

02-08-2023, 01:38 PM

The Government has agreed to fund a $4.4 billion package to settle teachers’ and principals’ agreements.

No problem - Chumpie, especially when your lot have inspired rolling teacher strikes and will more than likely not be paying it , after your incompetent clueless mob get sent packing Goneburger in October ;)

Better practice Opening your Legs for a quick Hop Skip and a Jump :)

Perhaps if NACT had reimbursed teachers, nurses & carers appropriately in their 9 years there wouldn't have needed to be so much catching up to do.

02-08-2023, 01:50 PM
Perhaps if NACT had reimbursed teachers, nurses & carers appropriately in their 9 years there wouldn't have needed to be so much catching up to do.

I'm sure they're pleased to finally put Labour over the barrel in Election year after 5.5 years of Labour
Navel gazing, posturing & very little else happening, in a deep sleep under the desk

What was Chumpie thinking ? - Open the Legs and it would go away, or no problem ? ;)

02-08-2023, 02:04 PM
‘Old Chris Luxon

He wouldn't understand poverty or even a personal budget.

He takes a limo to cross the street.

02-08-2023, 02:15 PM
He wouldn't understand poverty or even a personal budget.

He takes a limo to cross the street.

Neither would anyone from Labour. The Govt provided self drive Labour Limo is bound to wind up
smashed up on the side of the road, after a drunken Sunday night bash :)

02-08-2023, 02:35 PM

Hospital ED shuts doors as illness and staff shortages push doctors and nurses to breaking point

Our Hospitals still "managing" as A Little fellow was heard muttering a while back ? ;)

02-08-2023, 03:11 PM

Cyclone Gabrielle: Hawke's Bay locals call for military help as clean-up approaches sixth month

Hawke's Bay locals are calling for the military to help with the clean-up, over 170 days on from Cyclone Gabrielle, which left a massive mess in the region.

They say the clean-up job is too overwhelming for them and what they need now is the might of the military.

Almost six months on from the disaster, members of Parliament are still facing tough questions from the community, including where the Defence Force is to help.

Some locals in Hawke's Bay have been forced to live in a shed, crematorium, caravan and a tent as some residents are still stuck in the mud.

Places like Eskdale and Puketapu are still littered with logs and the constant days of cleaning up have become unbearable for some.

Where are Govt's Frontbench Loafers hiding on this - ONLY 6 months later ? ;)

Blue Skies
02-08-2023, 03:48 PM

Hospital ED shuts doors as illness and staff shortages push doctors and nurses to breaking point

Our Hospitals still "managing" as A Little fellow was heard muttering a while back ? ;)

If you want a good Public Health system with competitive pay rates for doctors & nurses, an excellent education system attracting the best teachers, a properly resourced Police force with the return of local police stations, & a resilient roading network, we need as a country to pay more tax.

Otherwise its pointless moaning.

02-08-2023, 03:52 PM
If you want a good Public Health system with competitive pay rates for doctors & nurses, an excellent education system attracting the best teachers, a properly resourced Police force with the return of local police stations, & a resilient roading network, we need as a country to pay more tax.

Otherwise its pointless moaning.

Wrong. Its not about quantum. Its all about allocation.

Blue Skies
02-08-2023, 04:02 PM
Wrong. Its not about quantum. Its all about allocation.

That's just what National & ACT want you to believe, & naturally understandably you want to believe it - no one wants to face reality we don't pay enough tax too adequately fund Health, Education, Police & roading over a long narrow earthquake & weather prone country with a comparatively small population of 5 million.

You're being sold a lemon, they know it, the govt knows it, but our 3 year election cycle prevents any govt from doing anything about it.

NZ taxes are comparatively low compared to other OECD countries, look it up if you don't believe me.

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 04:04 PM
If you want a good Public Health system with competitive pay rates for doctors & nurses, an excellent education system attracting the best teachers, a properly resourced Police force with the return of local police stations, & a resilient roading network, we need as a country to pay more tax.

Otherwise its pointless moaning.

Robbo is spending like a drunken sailor, but you say that he still doesn’t have enough money & we must “pay more tax”. Robbo has never indicated that he’s had a problem getting his hands on funds; just look at the colossal amounts he is currently borrowing.
But if even more tax revenue was collected, Labour would continue its current rate of borrowing and would simply waste the additional tax funds on more consultants and the establishment of even more bureaucracies.

fungus pudding
02-08-2023, 04:12 PM
If you want a good Public Health system with competitive pay rates for doctors & nurses, an excellent education system attracting the best teachers, a properly resourced Police force with the return of local police stations, & a resilient roading network, we need as a country to pay more tax.

That's far too simplistic. It depends where we sit on the Laffer curve.

02-08-2023, 04:22 PM
NZ taxes are comparatively low compared to other OECD countries, look it up if you don't believe me.

They want to cut what little tax we have too.

Recipe for a credit rating downgrade when long term expenditures will increase due to an aging population.

They generally ignore short term stuff like covid and flood relief.

Blue Skies
02-08-2023, 04:46 PM
Robbo is spending like a drunken sailor, but you say that he still doesn’t have enough money & we must “pay more tax”. Robbo has never indicated that he’s had a problem getting his hands on funds; just look at the colossal amounts he is currently borrowing.
But if even more tax revenue was collected, Labour would continue its current rate of borrowing and would simply waste the additional tax funds on more consultants and the establishment of even more bureaucracies.

People are mixed up with Govt Debt and Private debt, you see it on here, posters who are confusing the two.
If you think Grant Robertson is spending like a drunken sailor how would you describe most other countries who have much higher Govt Debt to GDP ratios than us !

Due to the Pandemic & its on flowing effects in many different areas, the war in Ukraine, Global instability, the catastrophic weather events on large parts of both islands, everyone is crying out for support at the moment.
Our Govt Debt to GDP ratio is still low compared to many many other countries.

Yes we have high Private Debt but that's not Govt Debt & is due to this insane housing market & the increasing Consumer society where with so much credit available, today you can have anything you want.


Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 05:28 PM
People are mixed up with Govt Debt and Private debt, you see it on here, posters who are confusing the two.
If you think Grant Robertson is spending like a drunken sailor how would you describe most other countries who have much higher Govt Debt to GDP ratios than us !

Due to the Pandemic & its on flowing effects in many different areas, the war in Ukraine, Global instability, the catastrophic weather events on large parts of both islands, everyone is crying out for support at the moment.
Our Govt Debt to GDP ratio is still low compared to many many other countries.

Yes we have high Private Debt but that's not Govt Debt & is due to this insane housing market & the increasing Consumer society where with so much credit available, today you can have anything you want.


I’m talking about the rate of government borrowing, i.e. the rate at which Robbo is adding to existing debt. So why are you yammering on about our *total* government debt relative to GDP? You people on the Left insist on setting the parameters of every discussion. Again, I am talking about the extraordinary rate of borrowing that is occurring with the current Minister of Finance at the helm.

02-08-2023, 05:56 PM
I’m talking about the rate of government borrowing, i.e. the rate at which Robbo is adding to existing debt. So why are you yammering on about our *total* government debt relative to GDP? You people on the Left insist on setting the parameters of every discussion. Again, I am talking about the extraordinary rate of borrowing that is occurring with the current Minister of Finance at the helm.

What about the extraordinary rate of borrowing in the private sector? All of it foreign debt too.

What about the rate of borrowing at Air NZ?

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 06:13 PM
What about the extraordinary rate of borrowing in the private sector? All of it foreign debt too.

What about the rate of borrowing at Air NZ?

Yeah, it’s crazy.

You seem to be on a ‘whataboutism’ rampage. Discuss Air NZ borrowing in their thread if you like. I’m discussing the doings of the current Labour government in the appropriate thread.

02-08-2023, 06:19 PM
More evidence of racist Labour's New Zimbabwe.

Mother's who identify as Maori get a $50 prezzy card when they take their baby in for a medical check over.

Whities & others, well you always were expected to just show care for your child without extra tax payer reward.

Was this special treatment in the Treaty Willie Jackson?

Logen Ninefingers
02-08-2023, 06:56 PM
Nothing comes cheap these days….


RNZ facing overhaul after editorial standards audit

16:32, Aug 02 2023

‘RNZ faces an overhaul of its news operations after an investigation into pro-Russian bias being written into news stories blamed differences between news teams, a lack of supervision and inconsistent editorial standards.

However, a report released today by an independent panel also accused RNZ's leadership of over-reacting, saying it "contributed to public alarm and reputational damage" while the journalist who made the pro-Russian edits "genuinely believed he was acting appropriately".

The panel was made up of lawyer Willy Akel, lawyer and former broadcaster Linda Clark, and the ABC's former Editorial Standards Director Alan Sunderland.

The full cost of the investigation was projected to be $230,400.’

03-08-2023, 02:13 AM

Public service bosses called in as Government accounts plunge deeper into the red

Former Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters has alleged there is a $20 billion hole in the Government’s revenue as a result of the weakening economy.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson’s office said the statement was untrue. He later said in the House that “we have been driving savings in all budgets”.

“Ongoing discussions with the public sector are an integral part of being the Minister of Finance,” Robertson said.

In a press statement, Peters alleged public service chief executives had been called in by Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes on Wednesday to “find and claw back cuts of 10 per cent of core Crown spending to the Consolidated Fund”.

A deficit of $20b is almost implausibly large. The Covid-19 deficit in 2019/20 was $23b, and the current deficit is forecast to be just $7b this year, although it is set to be about $18.2b over the next three years. The “hole” if there is one could an accumulation of deficits over multiple years.

The Herald has confirmed public service chief executives met with Robertson as recently as today. It is understood the fiscal outlook and spending restraint was at the very least discussed, although the idea of cuts of 10 per cent was not.

Treasury is currently putting together the Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update (Prefu), its most up-to-date set of forecasts.

Robertson said it was no secret that the Government’s revenue position had been worse than forecast.

“We’ve seen from the Crown accounts that where the Treasury had hoped we would be in the forecast, we are not. So we have an ongoing programme of work that involves discussion with the public service - that’s regular,” he said.

Bosses have also been advised to restrain spending growth - although this is hardly unusual.

Throw out the anchors and man the lifeboats - there are large leaks all over the bottom of the boat - Mr Robertson ;)

The rising water level must have reached Robbo's toes :)

Now who's been a dreaming boy hoping no-one would notice the fiscals going down the toilet fast ? ;)

How's the task of finding the rest of the $4.4 Bils needed for teachers settlements going ? ;)

Lenders becoming increasingly worried about all the red figures on the In Hock side of the Ledger already ? ;)

At this rate the Kiwi peso will soon be on par with the Chilean peso and inflation will be off like a robber's dog into the distance as Robbo & Adrian try to work out what made it run so fast ..

Act leader David Seymour put out his own press statement alleging the hole was closer to $30b - a figure Robertson also denied.

“Act is aware of two meetings. Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes called departmental chief executives into a meeting last Wednesday to demand a 10 per cent reduction in spending,” Seymour said.

The Herald understands public service chiefs did also meet last week. Robertson said he had “absolutely not” told the public service to cut spending by 10 per cent.

National Finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis said she had been aware of discussions in the public service about the deteriorating fiscal position.

She said it was a pity the Government was only now looking at restraining its own spending.

“There are now widespread leaks and reports suggesting the Labour Government is in financial panic mode,” Willis said.

At every opportunity the Labour Government has resisted the need to instil financial discipline and fiscal rectitude, she said.

“Now the cupboard is bare,” Willis said.

03-08-2023, 02:31 AM

Police hiring freeze, contractor cuts: High-level directive warns of ‘more fiscally constrained environment’

Very good - bound to do great things on fixing all things Crime that Labour have been emitting muffled mutters on ;)

More Do Nothing - Mouth the Opposite on the way from Labour .. if they last until October :)

03-08-2023, 06:46 AM
More evidence of racist Labour's New Zimbabwe.

Mother's who identify as Maori get a $50 prezzy card when they take their baby in for a medical check over.

Whities & others, well you always were expected to just show care for your child without extra tax payer reward.

Was this special treatment in the Treaty Willie Jackson?

How demeaning. I would be pretty embarrassed if I were a Maori.

03-08-2023, 10:58 AM

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Police hiring freeze, contractor cuts: High-level directive warns of ‘more fiscally constrained environment'

Confirms that Labour & Grant Robertson are panicking as the budget deficit blows out and government debt keeps piling up - nothing left in the kitty to bribe the parasites, indoctrinated losers and beneficiaries with.

Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Update 2023 (PREFU) to be released on 12 September 2023 will be very very revealing indeed as to how deep a hole Labour has dug NZ into.


"Things already looked bad when Robertson received the April accounts, showing tax was $1.4b lower for the first 10 months of the year than planned. Back then, Treasury still hoped for a last-minute catch-up. In the May accounts, all hope is gone, with the nation’s bookkeepers finally conceding that the wider-than-forecast gap will persist through to the end of the financial year.

In cash terms, the picture is horrifying, or even Muldoonist.

On Budget Day, Robertson hoped for an annual cash deficit of “only” $19.4b by the end of May. Alas, it was $23.8b, over 6 per cent of GDP, and already more than the $22.4b forecast for the whole year on Budget Day."


03-08-2023, 12:11 PM
How demeaning. I would be pretty embarrassed if I were a Maori.

Maori or not: I'm embarrassed (and a few other feelings that can't be articulated publicly)

03-08-2023, 05:10 PM

Video shows prisoner van door open on Auckland’s Southern Motorway

Labour's path forward on Crime, ... and just about everything else :)

finally all the contents and passengers have disappeared when the van finally screeches to a halt down the road

the support base ahead of October looks like it's following a similar path too :)

03-08-2023, 05:22 PM

Police hiring freeze, contractor cuts: High-level directive warns of ‘more fiscally constrained environment’

Police have to cut more necessary costs, because of all the KFC they buy to dish out to crims and gangsters these days.

03-08-2023, 05:36 PM

Parliament in Question Time hysterics as Nicola Willis asks Grant Robertson: ‘How big is his hole?’

In a rare moment, Parliament achieved near-unity today, with MPs in hysterics following an unfortunate - or perhaps fortunate - slip-up from National’s finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis as she probed counterpart Grant Robertson.

During Question Time, Willis prosecuted the Finance Minister over the state of the books, accusing him of “spraying New Zealanders’ money around” and only now asking the public sector to “tighten its belt”, following reports of a meeting between Robertson and public service bosses and a larger-than-expected fiscal hole.

Robertson hit back, pointing to past and ongoing savings and arguing the real issue was Willis now “couldn’t pay for the promises that had already been made”.

In what was until then a tense exchange Willis then began to respond, “How big is his hole...?”, before pausing over the last word as she realised the inference she could be making.


03-08-2023, 05:46 PM

Election 2023: Herald’s Poll of Polls show Labour’s re-election chances seem to be evaporating

fungus pudding
03-08-2023, 06:01 PM
Maori or not: I'm embarrassed (and a few other feelings that can't be articulated publicly)

Of course they can.

04-08-2023, 12:16 PM

Fonterra slashes milk price forecast as demand slumps

Fonterra has slashed its forecast milk price for the 2023/24 season by $1 as demand slumps.

On Friday the co-operative announced a revised farmgate milk price range of $6.25 to $7.25 per kilogram of milk solids, with a mid-point of $7 per kgMS.

and Robbo's Goneburger Fiscals deficit is bound to slide further down the toilet with even lower taxes on this ;)

04-08-2023, 12:26 PM

Here are new taxes being proposed this election

A Taxing little bundle of demanding Rif Raf that probably don't deserve to be anywhere near Parliament,
Labour's potential clueless bedmates ;)

Would you trust any of these with even your Parking meter money ? ;)

04-08-2023, 05:58 PM

Chaos in House as National tries to adjourn Parliament after Labour caught not knowing what it was debating

The Government was caught scrambling in the House to find the right speech, as it moved to pass a new legislation to crack down on fleeing drivers.

Labour’s duty minister in the House Jo Luxton was caught without a speech, appearing not to know what the House was about to debate. When she was told, she incorrectly motioned for the House to debate the bill a first time.

The mess-up appears to have come because Labour’s whips did not have the correct speech with her in time.

What we debating now - Comrade ? ;)

Makes Labour's current state of confused madness look like Gross Stupidity ;)

Logen Ninefingers
04-08-2023, 06:14 PM

Fonterra slashes milk price forecast as demand slumps

and Robbo's Goneburger Fiscals deficit is bound to slide further down the toilet with even lower taxes on this ;)


Fonterra’s milk price chop predicted to hit tax take and GDP hard, big farmer losses ahead

By: Andrea Fox and Jamie Gray
4 Aug, 2023 03:18 PM

‘A deep cut in Fonterra’s milk price forecast will wipe $5 billion off the country’s GDP and most dairy farmers will make significant losses this year, according to a leading agri-economist.’

04-08-2023, 06:55 PM

Election 2023: Minister of Health ‘disappointed’ no new waiting list data before election

Sounds Verrally hopeless .. how much other data is being "not released" from other parts of
the Comrade's Shambles of a Govt ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
04-08-2023, 07:18 PM
‘Stuff’ has recently hired foul-mouthed left wing talkback radio host Tova O’Brien as their ‘chief political correspondent’, and today the word is that they are chopping a bunch of their established staff to cut costs.
I guess a few people at ‘Stuff’ will be saying “they trucked us!!” Not Tova though of course.

05-08-2023, 07:17 AM

Fonterra’s milk price chop predicted to hit tax take and GDP hard, big farmer losses ahead

By: Andrea Fox and Jamie Gray
4 Aug, 2023 03:18 PM

‘A deep cut in Fonterra’s milk price forecast will wipe $5 billion off the country’s GDP and most dairy farmers will make significant losses this year, according to a leading agri-economist.’

As I have been saying, too many cows.
NZ is far too reliant on Dairy's export earnings.
Cost of production is far too high due to the flawed approach of more production at any cost.

And our waterways & inshore fisheries are also suffering. 500,000 tons of sediment is being flushed into the Bay if Islands alone each year.

05-08-2023, 08:44 AM

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 09:10 AM
As I have been saying, too many cows.
NZ is far too reliant on Dairy's export earnings.
Cost of production is far too high due to the flawed approach of more production at any cost.

And our waterways & inshore fisheries are also suffering. 500,000 tons of sediment is being flushed into the Bay if Islands alone each year.

NZ might be reliant on the dairy industry but prices of all commodities go up and go down, and if Robbo wasn’t spending like a drunken sailor he wouldn’t have put the country in this position. It’s Murphys Law; spend and budget based on every best case scenario occurring and then stand back and watch what happens in reality. Robbo is finding out the hard way.

So what’s the answer to being reliant on the dairy industry?
Kiwifruit? Doing it.
Logs? Doing it.
Wool and lamb? Doing it.
Gold mining on DOC land? The Left aren’t interested.

More Public Servants? “Yeah, let’s do this! That’ll bring in foreign exchange and fix our balance of payments problem!”

The Left seem to think increasing the size of the bureaucracy and bringing in immigrants are the answers to all our problems. They aren’t solutions, they just make more problems.

05-08-2023, 09:23 AM
NZ might be reliant on the dairy industry but prices of all commodities go up and go down, and if Robbo wasn’t spending like a drunken sailor he wouldn’t have put the country in this position. It’s Murphys Law; spend and budget based on every best case scenario occurring and then stand back and watch what happens in reality. Robbo is finding out the hard way..

What does govt spending have to do with dairy prices?

Farmers have been doing better than they would have under National (higher dairy prices and lower NZD).

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 09:34 AM
What does govt spending have to do with dairy prices?

Farmers have been doing better than they would have under National (higher dairy prices and lower NZD).

‘What does govt spending have to do with dairy prices?’


Well if a Panda is budgeting on getting 14 kgs of bamboo a week to meet its dietary needs but is only getting 7 kgs, then you’ve got an issue. Trying to use an analogy that you may understand. In this analogy bamboo = revenue.

05-08-2023, 09:56 AM
NZ might be reliant on the dairy industry but prices of all commodities go up and go down, and if Robbo wasn’t spending like a drunken sailor he wouldn’t have put the country in this position. It’s Murphys Law; spend and budget based on every best case scenario occurring and then stand back and watch what happens in reality. Robbo is finding out the hard way.

So what’s the answer to being reliant on the dairy industry?
Kiwifruit? Doing it.
Logs? Doing it.
Wool and lamb? Doing it.
Gold mining on DOC land? The Left aren’t interested.

More Public Servants? “Yeah, let’s do this! That’ll bring in foreign exchange and fix our balance of payments problem!”

The Left seem to think increasing the size of the bureaucracy and bringing in immigrants are the answers to all our problems. They aren’t solutions, they just make more problems.

You are the only one suggesting increasing bureaucracy. Labour got rid of DHBs, proposed 3 waters to reduce to 4 entities from 67. Reforms to the RMA.

The obvious thing is further diversification and added value products.
We are poisoning our fresh water.
The run off from farms mostly heavy cattle is causing loss of topsoil and sitting up our estuaries.
Logs is good example. We aren't doing it right.
This is an area we should look to add value rather than just ship logs offshore & leave the mess behind.

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 10:14 AM
You are the only one suggesting increasing bureaucracy. Labour got rid of DHBs, proposed 3 waters to reduce to 4 entities from 67. Reforms to the RMA.

The obvious thing is further diversification and added value products.
We are poisoning our fresh water.
The run off from farms mostly heavy cattle is causing loss of topsoil and sitting up our estuaries.
Logs is good example. We aren't doing it right.
This is an area we should look to add value rather than just ship logs offshore & leave the mess behind.

‘The obvious thing is further diversification and added value products.’


Diversification into what?

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 10:16 AM
You are the only one suggesting increasing bureaucracy. Labour got rid of DHBs, proposed 3 waters to reduce to 4 entities from 67. Reforms to the RMA.

The obvious thing is further diversification and added value products.
We are poisoning our fresh water.
The run off from farms mostly heavy cattle is causing loss of topsoil and sitting up our estuaries.
Logs is good example. We aren't doing it right.
This is an area we should look to add value rather than just ship logs offshore & leave the mess behind.

Labour has increased the bureaucracy. 400 people at the Maori Health Authority for example.

05-08-2023, 10:18 AM
Diversification into what?

Renewable energy, taking those damn trucks off the road and mandating freight by rail (reducing the need for imports of petrol & truck cabs).

05-08-2023, 10:20 AM
As I have been saying, too many cows.
NZ is far too reliant on Dairy's export earnings.
Cost of production is far too high due to the flawed approach of more production at any cost.

And our waterways & inshore fisheries are also suffering. 500,000 tons of sediment is being flushed into the Bay if Islands alone each year.

Better to breed more non-contributing Labour parasites, beneficiaries and losers like this clueless government is doing.

Remember Labour’s motto :

‘Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t.’

05-08-2023, 10:25 AM
Better to breed more non-contributing Labour parasites, beneficiaries and losers like this clueless government is doing.

National is the one who wants everyone on welfare .. that's why they said in the 1970's compulsory savings was like communism and always strive to undermine kiwisaver and the NZ super fund.

05-08-2023, 10:30 AM
What would be the logical result of the Luxon special (tm) KiwiSaver policy.

Withdrawing what little is in there to pay rent now.. missing out on 40 years of compounding returns... then end up on welfare with nothing to show for a life of work.

05-08-2023, 10:32 AM
National is the one who wants everyone on welfare .. that's why they said compulsory savings was like communism in the 1970's and always undermine kiwisaver and the NZ super fund.

Agree with you there for once - Muldoon was the most socialist PM NZ ever had.

But even he was more competent than Clueless Cindy & Chip off the Ardern block Hipkins.

Now, tell us why this government is proposing to take GST off fruit and veges but not milk, eggs and bread?

And what about the tax on the sick - GST of doctors fees?

Remember Labour’s motto :

‘Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t.’

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 10:33 AM
Renewable energy, taking those damn trucks off the road and mandating freight by rail (reducing the need for imports of petrol & truck cabs).

That’s your big answer to diversifying away from dairy. ‘Renewable energy to get trucks off the road and mandating freight by rail’.
So you have no answer in other words.

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 10:35 AM
What would be the logical result of the Luxon special (tm) KiwiSaver policy.

Withdrawing what little is in there to pay rent now.. missing out on 40 years of compounding returns... then end up on welfare with nothing to show for a life of work.

It’s not the rent, it’s a one off bond payment. Stop lying.

You’d rather the students borrow the money from Instant Finance at an eye-popping interest rate.

05-08-2023, 10:36 AM
That’s your big answer to diversifying away from dairy. ‘Renewable energy to get trucks off the road and mandating freight by rail’.
So you have no answer in other words.

Don't waste your time with panda-nz, the ignoramus Labour peasant.

He wanted Ryman to go broke by loading up with more debt to do a share buyback when the company was close to defaulting on its existing debt burden - that's how 'smart' he is. That's his answer to a company in financial distress - imagine his answers to NZ in distress!

05-08-2023, 10:41 AM
Don't waste your time with panda-nz, the ignoramus Labour peasant.

Balance doesn't have the financial ability to enter this year's stock market competition.

Though he's incredibly skilled at copy & pasting children's cartoons .

Logen Ninefingers
05-08-2023, 10:41 AM
Amazing how Labour lets people gut their Kiwisaver to buy unaffordable property - and many of them will now be in negative equity - but a rental bond payment by a student is ‘beyond the pale’. Give me a break.

05-08-2023, 10:42 AM
It’s not the rent, it’s a one off bond payment. Stop lying.

You’d rather the students borrow the money from Instant Finance at an eye-popping interest rate.

I'd rather the landlords come up with more acceptable payment terms.

05-08-2023, 10:53 AM
Amazing how Labour lets people gut their Kiwisaver to buy unaffordable property - and many of them will now be in negative equity - but a rental bond payment by a student is ‘beyond the pale’. Give me a break.

Don't waste your time with panda-nz, the ignoramus Labour peasant.

He wanted Ryman to go broke by loading up with more debt to do a share buyback when the company was close to defaulting on its existing debt burden - that's how 'smart' he is. That's his answer to a company in financial distress - imagine his answers to NZ in distress!

BTW - he does not eat bamboos like the real pandas, he sticks them up his arse so that the BS comes out faster. :D

05-08-2023, 11:06 AM
He wanted Ryman to go broke by loading up with more debt to do a share buyback when the company was close to defaulting on its existing debt burden - that's how 'smart' he is. That's his answer to a company in financial distress - imagine his answers to NZ in distress!

After naming myself emperor like Napoleon did I would immediately take out more debt at 5% to put into a sovereign wealth fund in a staged manner. :)

The problem is if National ever get in they would privatise all my hard work to pay for a tax cut hence becoming emperor for life.

05-08-2023, 11:12 AM
How clueless is this Labour government?

Another prime example :


"The Government was caught scrambling in the House to find the right speech, as it moved to pass a new legislation to crack down on fleeing drivers.

Labour’s duty minister in the House Jo Luxton was caught without a speech, appearing not to know what the House was about to debate. When she was told, she incorrectly motioned for the House to debate the bill a first time.

The mess-up appears to have come because Labour’s whips did not have the correct speech with her in time."

This after the hapless Kiri Allan (now we know what she is actually like - a criminal who tried to escape from the law when she was driving inebriated) read the wrong speech in early June!


Allan, a Cabinet minister, read the 8-minute-long speech through to the end on Tuesday after accidentally being given the wrong text by Labour's whips.

"I take responsibility for that, I would point out that this is not solely something that has happened in this Government - it has happened under a National Government as well," chief Labour whip Tangi Utikere told AM on Friday.

"It is very rare, that is the good news - but it just means we need to reflect on these and make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Not so rare after all!

Blue Skies
05-08-2023, 11:16 AM
It’s not the rent, it’s a one off bond payment. Stop lying.

You’d rather the students borrow the money from Instant Finance at an eye-popping interest rate.

Personally I agree with the experts, National allowing under 30's to raid their Kiwisavers to pay for rental bonds is a terrible idea. Short term thinking at the expense of long term benefits.

1) It damages their eventual Retirement savings making these people more dependent on the State in retirement, which is the exact opposite of why Kiwisaver was established.

2) It's more interfering in the free market & 'enabling' of the financing of the viability of rental property as an investment by the State.

If the State continues to find ways to support landlords by interfering & finding new ways of enabling rental property as an investment, it continues to push up prices of property and rents.
If there's a shortage of tenants who can't pay the bonds & can't pay the high rents, landlords have to start competing against each other & rents drop, or they sell up.

I imagine someone like Christopher Luxon with is 7 rental properties or the guy a know with 42 rental properties & needing to find good tenants are keen on any taxpayer funded help the State can give good but financially struggling tenants to pay their bonds & rent.
In the end the NZ taxpayer is subsidising landlords to the tune of hundreds of millions every year.

So many of our problems in NZ stem from the insane cost of housing and rents

05-08-2023, 11:22 AM
Personally I agree with the experts, National allowing under 30's to raid their Kiwisavers to pay for rental bonds is a terrible idea. Short term thinking at the expense of long term benefits.

1) It damages their eventual Retirement savings making these people more dependent on the State in retirement, which is the exact opposite of why Kiwisaver was established.

2) It's more interfering in the free market & 'enabling' of the financing of the viability of rental property as an investment by the State.

If the State continues to find ways to support landlords by interfering & finding new ways of enabling rental property as an investment, it continues to push up prices of property and rents.
If there's a shortage of tenants who can't pay the bonds & can't pay the high rents, landlords have to start competing against each other & rents drop, or they sell up.

I imagine someone like Christopher Luxon with is 7 rental properties or the guy a know with 42 rental properties & needing to find good tenants are keen on any taxpayer funded help the State can give good but financially struggling tenants to pay their bonds & rent.
In the end the NZ taxpayer is subsidising landlords to the tune of hundreds of millions every year.

So many of our problems in NZ stem from the insane cost of housing and rents


It's a refundable bond which they will get back in time - so they can afford to live somewhere - or have you not noticed that rents are at record highs due to the bankrupt policies of this anti-landlord and anti-enterprise government?

100,000 kiwibuild homes - less than 2% built after 5.75 years in power.

Reduce the state housing waiting list - stunning increase of 350% to over 20,000 under this government.

No families to live in cars - huge 380% increase under this government.

$1m a day spent on emergency housing (basically parking families desperate for a roof to live under in limbo).

Any more bright ideas, BS sunshine?

Let’s do nothing?

05-08-2023, 01:45 PM

It's a raid on kiwisaver pure and simple.

Like the ECST, removing $1k kickstart, slashing the tax credit.

05-08-2023, 02:01 PM
It's a raid on kiwisaver pure and simple.

Like the ECST, removing $1k kickstart, slashing the tax credit.

From panda who wanted Ryman to go broke by loading up on more debt.

05-08-2023, 02:03 PM
Renewable energy, taking those damn trucks off the road and mandating freight by rail (reducing the need for imports of petrol & truck cabs).

Ex and corrupt Transport Minister M Wood could't even manage a simple public train to the Hutt. How would you expect them to manage a rail network of significance? Oh wait, there's vested interest in non-rail transport via undeclared investments....

05-08-2023, 02:47 PM
Ex and corrupt Transport Minister M Wood could't even manage a simple public train to the Hutt. How would you expect them to manage a rail network of significance? Oh wait, there's vested interest in non-rail transport via undeclared investments....

It's easy when the competition is trucks in traffic gridlock. Though yes you would need competent management (not the labour party) & not ideologues like NACT are.

05-08-2023, 02:51 PM
It's a raid on kiwisaver pure and simple.

Like the ECST, removing $1k kickstart, slashing the tax credit.
There is no reason that the money would have to be withdrawn from the individuals account .
The bond amount could be held against the funds in the Kiwisaver account . So only an award against the tenant would see it paid out .Everyone is making a big deal out of this , pretty simple to implement .

05-08-2023, 03:38 PM
There is no reason that the money would have to be withdrawn from the individuals account .
The bond amount could be held against the funds in the Kiwisaver account . So only an award against the tenant would see it paid out .Everyone is making a big deal out of this , pretty simple to implement .

Labour and its parasites prefer the renters/students to be homeless or sleep in cars, use emergency housing or go on the state housing waiting list rather than use the KiwiSaver funds for something positive.

Anything so they can breed more beneficiaries and parasites, so Labour voters.

Despicable career politicians with no clue how the real world works.

12,000 Kiwibuild homes? Kiss my arse, Cindy & Chippie.

05-08-2023, 03:53 PM
There is no reason that the money would have to be withdrawn from the individuals account .
The bond amount could be held against the funds in the Kiwisaver account . So only an award against the tenant would see it paid out .Everyone is making a big deal out of this , pretty simple to implement .

That's a very good idea. I am a bit puzzled why posters on this (or any other investment forum) would support a measure that reduces young saver's "time in the market".

05-08-2023, 04:03 PM
That's a very good idea. I am a bit puzzled why posters on this (or any other investment forum) would support a measure that reduces young saver's "time in the market".

You are assuming they are going to be renting for life? That they have zero ambition like the Labour bred parasites who live on state handouts for life.

That’s Labour’s ambition for NZers of course - you show your true colours as a parasite-supporter in supporting that proposition.

05-08-2023, 05:13 PM

'Not a lot of positive feeling': Sheep meat exports down, cost of living bites sector at home

The cost of living is having an effect on the red meat sector at home, and volatile overseas markets have led to a drop in sheep meat exports.

The Meat Industry Association said red meat exports reached $935 million in June, with sheep meat exports down 20% by volume to 25,369 tonnes and 28 per cent by value to $281m.

Sheep meat exports to China dropped by 21% in value (to $89.4m) compared to June last year.

Southland Federated Farmers president Chris Dillon said the schedule [the price meat processors pay farmers for their meat] had dropped.

”It’s causing a fair bit of concern amongst the sheep and beef guys. There’s not a lot of positive feeling out there at the moment, especially with all the additional rules and regulations that are being thrown at us as well,’’ he said.

Hot on the heels of Dairy farming downturn

More tax take reduction on the way to add to Robbo's growing fiscal hole

05-08-2023, 05:35 PM

Claire Trevett: Election 2023 - Robertson and Willis as crucial as Hipkins and Luxon

So more prodding of Robbo's growing hole should be expected ;)

Hope it's not a very large sink hole as have been seen recently up in Brown's County

Hope he doesn't fall into it .. might take a fair bit of trying to fish him out once he's In It
especially as there appear to be very few contenders capable of trying to hold the long pole ;)

There are even a few Comrades who may be quite happy if he was left wallowing In It :)

06-08-2023, 10:37 AM
The government of announcements (but zero delivery) makes yet another announcement.

Harbour crossing for Auckland! Will only see a proposal after they spend $500m on consultancy fees and the crossing may get completed in 2080 based upon the track record of this totally clueless and useless government.


Bike bridge, anyone?

Or do you prefer light rail?

How about $500m of expiring RATs - supply commandeered by Hipkins & Ardern because only they know what is good for NZers.

06-08-2023, 12:48 PM
Yep Balance …Cjppie the tunnel man

An observation I came across -

A tale of two cities:

Sydney: Builds an at-grade 12km light rail line in about 4 years (2015-2019). Ridership exceeds 80,000 passengers per day.

Auckland: Proposes at-grade light rail in 2015. Changes to a tunnel in 2022. Proposes even more tunnels in 2023. Builds nothing.

06-08-2023, 03:51 PM
Yep Balance …Cjppie the tunnel man

An observation I came across -

A tale of two cities:

Sydney: Builds an at-grade 12km light rail line in about 4 years (2015-2019). Ridership exceeds 80,000 passengers per day.

Auckland: Proposes at-grade light rail in 2015. Changes to a tunnel in 2022. Proposes even more tunnels in 2023. Builds nothing.

And still it doesn't get done because everyone seems to disagree with everything in Auckland (since at least Sir Dove-Myer Robinson's time).

06-08-2023, 04:11 PM
And still it doesn't get done because everyone seems to disagree with everything in Auckland (since at least Sir Dove-Myer Robinson's time).

$56m spent by Ardern & Hipkins on light rail consultancy fees etc and not a single track laid.

Remember the 2017 promise by Ardern to have light rail started in her first term?

Ardern can come and kiss my arse.

06-08-2023, 04:42 PM
Ardern can come and kiss my arse.

My understanding is she is no longer available. Robbo on the other hand....

06-08-2023, 04:58 PM
My understanding is she is no longer available. Robbo on the other hand....

... might be tied up trying to grow the size of his fiscal hole ;)

fungus pudding
06-08-2023, 05:03 PM
... might be tied up trying to grow the size of his fiscal hole ;)

Oh, I don't think he'll need to be tied up for that....

06-08-2023, 05:13 PM
Oh, I don't think he'll need to be tied up for that....
Too much information.

07-08-2023, 08:25 AM
Dame Ardern has nearly destroyed New Zealand.

If you are concerned and want to know what co govermence and the Treaty really means before you cast your vote, read this:


Why we need to stop co governance.
Article 1 of the Treaty :

“Ceded sovereignty” simply means that they gave up complete control of the country, all of it, forever, to the government. It is patently clear just by reading the Treaty that there is no mandate for ‘co governance’, ‘co-management’, or so called ‘partnership’.

Blue Skies
07-08-2023, 08:46 AM
Dame Ardern has nearly destroyed New Zealand.

If you are concerned and want to know what co govermence and the Treaty really means before you cast your vote, read this:


Why we need to stop co governance.
Article 1 of the Treaty :

“Ceded sovereignty” simply means that they gave up complete control of the country, all of it, forever, to the government. It is patently clear just by reading the Treaty that there is no mandate for ‘co governance’, ‘co-management’, or so called ‘partnership’.

The booklet's a load of nonsense, it even refers to the Littlewood copy of the Treaty which is an absurd wild conspiracy theory.
Look at the authors & sources behind this booklet, I would say some are suffering from mental issues like mild paranoia, delusions & psychosis.
These are people with strong agendas pushing their bigoted crazy beliefs onto other gullible people.

You might as well believe men never landed on the moon which of course some people do due to the fake videos & booklets promoting that particular conspiracy theory.

Get your information from reliable thoroughly researched & peer reviewed sources from our top historians, go to your local library & ask a librarian where to find information rather than the internet, or look at sources on the internet like the Te Papa site.


07-08-2023, 09:19 AM
Remember this?


"Jacinda Ardern has pledged Labour would build light rail from downtown Auckland to the airport within a decade if it wins the September 2017 general election."

Well, 2027 is 4 years away and after spending $56m (mostly to the Labour Party consultancy fees gravy train), this useless government has not laid a track!

And now, Hipkins & Parker (latest Transport Minister) want NZers to believe Labour can deliver light rail to the North Shore across the harbour! :D


07-08-2023, 10:06 AM
The booklet's a load of nonsense, it even refers to the Littlewood copy of the Treaty which is an absurd wild conspiracy theory.
Look at the authors & sources behind this booklet, I would say some are suffering from mental issues like mild paranoia, delusions & psychosis.
These are people with strong agendas pushing their bigoted crazy beliefs onto other gullible people.

You might as well believe men never landed on the moon which of course some people do due to the fake videos & booklets promoting that particular conspiracy theory.

Get your information from reliable thoroughly researched & peer reviewed sources from our top historians, go to your local library & ask a librarian where to find information rather than the internet, or look at sources on the internet like the Te Papa site.


I think that it is you Blue Skies, that is the one twisting meanings and believing in conspiracy theories.

That link that you included links to the first words:

"Read the original English and te reo Māori texts of Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi, and a contemporary translation of the te reo Māori."

Note the word "contemporary"..... very convenient for maori translations??

The ONLY genuine versions of the Treaty are the signed ones, maori and English versions, not that latest maori "contemporary translation" that make up new meanings.

Blue Skies, get YOUR facts right!

07-08-2023, 10:07 AM
The booklet's a load of nonsense, it even refers to the Littlewood copy of the Treaty which is an absurd wild conspiracy theory.
Look at the authors & sources behind this booklet, I would say some are suffering from mental issues like mild paranoia, delusions & psychosis.
These are people with strong agendas pushing their bigoted crazy beliefs onto other gullible people.

You might as well believe men never landed on the moon which of course some people do due to the fake videos & booklets promoting that particular conspiracy theory.

Get your information from reliable thoroughly researched & peer reviewed sources from our top historians, go to your local library & ask a librarian where to find information rather than the internet, or look at sources on the internet like the Te Papa site.


There is a huge problem with your link. The TePapa link contains the letters "Govt". By definition, not a reliable source.

07-08-2023, 01:04 PM
My understanding is she is no longer available. Robbo on the other hand....
Homophobic dog whistling.

07-08-2023, 01:05 PM
... might be tied up trying to grow the size of his fiscal hole ;)
More homophobic dog whistling

07-08-2023, 01:10 PM
Homophobic dog whistling.

Just stating facts for the humourless.

07-08-2023, 01:34 PM
More homophobic dog whistling

now your stretching a point.

07-08-2023, 02:03 PM
Oh, I don't think he'll need to be tied up for that....

Kia ora Gus
I am addressing you at more length because I believe that you are basically of good will and of sufficient intellect to engage.

Would you feel it appropriate to refer to the sexual activities of a heterosexual politician in this way? I wouldn't, and I think that people who have done so on this site have been called out by more posters than just me. I think that the same standards should apply to gay politicians, and I think that the last few posts on this thread relating to Grant Robertson have been dogwhistling putdowns.

You don't usually stoop so low.

07-08-2023, 02:15 PM
There is a huge problem with your link. The TePapa link contains the letters "Govt". By definition, not a reliable source.

By your definition. I am quite sure that there are some thousands of others who share it. You also deny AGW and believe all sorts of other nonsense in relation to vaccination and Trump's innocence. There are thousands of others who share those delusions as well. It is an unforseen (AFAIK) consequence of the age of Social Media.

As far as Co Governance and Trump go, matters have a way of righting themselves and in the long run it may well not make too much difference to the trajectory of human history.

In relation to your other delusions, reality has an uncomfortable habit of intruding into any delusional system.

07-08-2023, 02:28 PM
By your definition. I am quite sure that there are some thousands of others who share it. You also deny AGW and believe all sorts of other nonsense in relation to vaccination and Trump's innocence. There are thousands of others who share those delusions as well. It is an unforseen (AFAIK) consequence of the age of Social Media.

As far as Co Governance and Trump go, matters have a way of righting themselves and in the long run it may well not make too much difference to the trajectory of human history.

In relation to your other delusions, reality has an uncomfortable habit of intruding into any delusional system.

I recommend you read Dame Ann Salmond's view.


07-08-2023, 04:04 PM
Boy davflaws, has the realisation that Labour / Greens / maori are going to lose this election made you loose your sense of humour?

07-08-2023, 04:12 PM
I recommend you read Dame Ann Salmond's view.


That's a good read.

We obviously haven't honoured this intention within the treaty, instead we have used our waterways as a bovine latrine.

"The closest contemporary approach to this understanding of Te Tiriti is perhaps Te Awa Tupua: the Whanganui River Act, in which the rights of the river itself are placed above those of people, both hapū and other citizens, who nevertheless work together to care for it at a local level, within a legal framing informed by tikanga."

07-08-2023, 05:45 PM
Kia ora Gus
I am addressing you at more length because I believe that you are basically of good will and of sufficient intellect to engage.

Would you feel it appropriate to refer to the sexual activities of a heterosexual politician in this way? I wouldn't, and I think that people who have done so on this site have been called out by more posters than just me. I think that the same standards should apply to gay politicians, and I think that the last few posts on this thread relating to Grant Robertson have been dogwhistling putdowns.

You don't usually stoop so low.

Nothing to do with dog whistles.
This fool deserves everything coming his way.

07-08-2023, 05:46 PM
That's a good read.

We obviously haven't honoured this intention within the treaty, instead we have used our waterways as a bovine latrine.

"The closest contemporary approach to this understanding of Te Tiriti is perhaps Te Awa Tupua: the Whanganui River Act, in which the rights of the river itself are placed above those of people, both hapū and other citizens, who nevertheless work together to care for it at a local level, within a legal framing informed by tikanga."

"rights of the river itself are placed above those of people, both hapū and other citizens"

That is NOT co governance, the rights of the river are ABOVE people. ( accept that sort of belief or not!)

Yes, excellent read.

”Maories and Europeans shall be equally protected, and live alike under equal laws.

As to the modern translations (1987) :

As noted above, Sir Robin and his colleagues had to rely on translations of Te Tiriti, and had a limited knowledge of tikanga Māori at the time that the Treaty was signed. Perhaps because of this, Sir Robin and his colleagues effectively rewrote Te Tiriti as a bilateral partnership between races at the national level, between ‘Pakeha and Maori’ or ‘the Crown and the Maori race.’

This racialised reframing is very different from Martin’s reading of Te Tiriti, which emphasised the national scope of kāwanatanga (Ture 1); the tino rangatiratanga of hapū, their rangatira and all the tāngata (persons) of New Zealand at the hapū and personal levels (Ture 2); and the absolute equality of indigenous (māori) and British tāngata (persons) at the personal level, with their tikanga alike informing how decisions are made (Ture 3).

07-08-2023, 06:32 PM
Boy davflaws, has the realisation that Labour / Greens / maori are going to lose this election made you loose your sense of humour?

Nah - my sense of humour has always been pretty loose. But the sorts of stuff you post and find funny is often vile -even if you can't see that.

07-08-2023, 06:42 PM
Quick, Ardern's new book is out! BS, daveflaws and the rest of you Labour addicts :


07-08-2023, 06:49 PM
Seen on twitter (X) : This is the sort of country ardern has left us, sad but I am afraid, largely true.

"Co-governance means giving up your human rights to please people who will still hate you."

07-08-2023, 08:30 PM

Rising petrol price brings pain at pump and new headache in inflation fight

Rising Oil Prices
Fall in Kiwi Dollar

Impost of full whack of Fuel Taxes on top from 1 July 2023

Bound to be a happy Sep 2023 Quarter for many .. well not really ;)

Thanks Labour ;)

07-08-2023, 08:48 PM
Seen on twitter (X) : This is the sort of country ardern has left us, sad but I am afraid, largely true.

"Co-governance means giving up your human rights to please people who will still hate you."

Yes they may still hate you because as Davflaws pointed out some of your posts are pretty vile.

07-08-2023, 09:48 PM
Yes they may still hate you because as Davflaws pointed out some of your posts are pretty vile.

Nothing vile about mentioning Robertson’s hole - everyone knows what the hole is. You have a perverted mind so you think what you want.

Come and kiss my arse.

07-08-2023, 11:59 PM

GST is the Government's MacGuffin moment

Competition would, in truth, have downward pressure on prices at the margins, but it would be trivial and, in case we forget, wealthy pay more for food. Foie gras costs more than chuck steak. Those who frequent Farro Fresh would benefit more than those who wheel their trolly around the specials at Pak'nSave.

The accounting treatment of GST isn’t well understood; which is why we have been seeing stories that this policy will reduce the cost of apples and similar produce by 15%. It won’t and the failure to explain this to the public, or challenge politicians who make this dishonest claim, are part of the problem.

Removing GST from food will not help the poor. It will not significantly lower food prices. It will increase costs and lead to a diversion of resources to debating if Protein Shakes and Tim Tams are really food. It is, in the Garden of Godzone, forbidden fruit.

Things gone mysteriously silent among Labour's Front Bench & Fruit & Veges now on removing GST on produce ? ;)

Wonder why ?

Or are they all too busy trying to work out where their slices of the fiscal spending has suddenly been knifed on instruction from Head Arty Farty Finance Big Cheese trying to keep a check on his growing Fiscal Hole ? ;)

Only a couple of months to go .. might be a rush to look for new day jobs happening among the confused and clueless Fruit & Veges :)

08-08-2023, 08:35 AM
Nothing vile about mentioning Robertson’s hole - everyone knows what the hole is. You have a perverted mind so you think what you want.

Come and kiss my arse.

You doubled down with your ugly nature Balance.

1) I wasn't addressing you, although every post you put up has some form of insult inserted. A sad individual with no imagination indeed.

2) I wasn't referring to a post about Grant Robertson, so it is you who seems fixated on a that part of the anatomy, highlighted in your signature. Kiss my...
Why is you are so keen on someone 💋 your arse. A little fantasy of yours going on there?

08-08-2023, 08:54 AM
You doubled down with your ugly nature Balance.

1) I wasn't addressing you, although every post you put up has some form of insult inserted. A sad individual with no imagination indeed.

2) I wasn't referring to a post about Grant Robertson, so it is you who seems fixated on a that part of the anatomy, highlighted in your signature. Kiss my...
Why is you are so keen on someone �� your arse. A little fantasy of yours going on there?

You spend most of your life and time swallowing Labour's BS and spin and then, faithfully regurgitating their garbage as we can all read from your posts here.

So ... kiss my arse as that will be a nice change for you and may just wake you up from being the Labour indoctrinated grovelling boot licker that you are.

12,000 new state houses built by Labour.

Watch the deeds, not the words.


08-08-2023, 09:02 AM
That's hilarious. You spew forth verbal garbage ad infinitum, but you never actually do anything to back up your beliefs.

If you actually believed your comment below, you'd have left NZ years ago. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Watch the deeds, not the words.

08-08-2023, 09:05 AM
That's hilarious. You spew forth verbal garbage ad infinitum, but you never actually do anything to back up your beliefs.

If you actually believed your comment below, you'd have left NZ years ago. Hypocrisy at its finest.

You would love to have just parasites and beneficiaries left in NZ, wouldn’t you?

Sorry but because you voted Ardern because she is female and she made huge promises with her words does not mean we all have to live forever with your mistake.

100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

No families to live in cars.

Be kind.

In other words, kiss her arse.

08-08-2023, 09:08 AM
You spend most of your life and time swallowing Labour's BS and spin and then, faithfully regurgitating their garbage as we can all read from your posts here.

So ... kiss my arse as that will be a nice change for you and may just wake you up from being the Labour indoctrinated grovelling boot licker that you are.

Watch the deeds, not the words.


Yet again you are trying every which you can to get someone to 💋 😘 😗 your arse.
Get some help man!

Or perhaps pay someone to have you fantasy fulfilled so you can leave us out of it!
And no I won't be watching the deed!

08-08-2023, 09:12 AM
Yet again you are trying every which you can to get someone to �� �� �� your arse.
Get some help man!

Or perhaps pay someone to have you fantasy fulfilled so you can leave us out of it!
And no I won't be watching the deed!

Yup - you are too busy swallowing the BS & spin from Ardern, Hipkins and Labour to have time for anything else.

Just don’t try regurgitating that garbage here as you are in non-indoctrinated territory. Keep that garbage to the parasites and losers bred by your Labour masters.

12,000 new state houses built by Labour. :D

08-08-2023, 09:16 AM
Yup - you are too busy swallowing the BS & spin from Ardern, Hipkins and Labour to have time for anything else.

Just don’t try regurgitating that garbage here as you are in non-indoctrinated territory. Keep that garbage to the parasites and losers bred by your Labour masters.

12,000 new state houses built by Labour. :D

That's much better BS than trying to coax people to 💋 your arse and much easier to ignore.
Pleased you have decided to keep your fetish to yourself going forward.

08-08-2023, 09:26 AM
That's much better BS than trying to coax people to �� your arse and much easier to ignore.
Pleased you have decided to keep your fetish to yourself going forward.

‘Light rail to airport to be built within a decade when Labour becomes government - Ardern 2017.’

‘I refuse to stand by and allow children to sleep in cars’. Ardern 2017.

You just keep swallowing that BS and garbage.

I give you permission to kiss my arse.

08-08-2023, 09:35 AM
I know I shouldn't keep feeding the troll, but I am actually starting to feel quite worried about you. The fact that you continue to attack me for voting Labour previously, even when you know I no longer support the party, is a sign that you are stuck in your obsession. You have always been rude and obnoxious, but the language you are now using, shows that any filter you might have once had, has completely disappeared. I am not a doctor, but seriously, this behaviour is concerning. I would strongly encourage you to talk to your GP and show him or her some of your posts. It may be that there is "something going on" that you are unaware of. The never-ending rage that you express here, is not normal behaviour. Some people will no doubt say, that what we see here is not a true indication of what a person is like in real life. Unfortunately, in your case, I have zero doubt that this is the real you. Which makes it even more concerning.

Get off the computer Balance. Go for a walk in Nature. Spend time with the people you love. Focus on the good things in life. Take a break from the forums. Get some balance Balance.

You would love to have just parasites and beneficiaries left in NZ, wouldn’t you?

Sorry but because you voted Ardern because she is female and she made huge promises with her words does not mean we all have to live forever with your mistake.

100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

No families to live in cars.

Be kind.

In other words, kiss her arse.

08-08-2023, 09:46 AM
I know I shouldn't keep feeding the troll, but I am actually starting to feel quite worried about you. The fact that you continue to attack me for voting Labour previously, even when you know I no longer support the party, is a sign that you are stuck in your obsession. You have always been rude and obnoxious, but the language you are now using, shows that any filter you might have once had, has completely disappeared. I am not a doctor, but seriously, this behaviour is concerning. I would strongly encourage you to talk to your GP and show him or her some of your posts. It may be that there is "something going on" that you are unaware of. The never-ending rage that you express here, is not normal behaviour. Some people will no doubt say, that what we see here is not a true indication of what a person is like in real life. Unfortunately, in your case, I have zero doubt that this is the real you. Which makes it even more concerning.

Get off the computer Balance. Go for a walk in Nature. Spend time with the people you love. Focus on the good things in life. Take a break from the forums. Get some balance Balance.

Thanks, JAK.

Too late however for Ardern voters like you to go back and repair the horrendous damage done to NZ for the 5.4 years Ardern of gross mismanagement.

08-08-2023, 09:48 AM
‘Light rail to airport to be built within a decade when Labour becomes government - Ardern 2017.’

‘I refuse to stand by and allow children to sleep in cars’. Ardern 2017.

You just keep swallowing that BS and garbage.

I give you permission to kiss my arse.

Ahhh it's a permission thing. So your fetish includes being a dominatrix.
Leather or latex Balance? As you seem so willing to share your fantasies with the world.

Justakiwi is right. Get some help!

08-08-2023, 10:40 AM

Climate change and tax on the agenda: 'We probably don’t have enough tax'

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins will this week confront two near impossible problems, tax and climate change.

Damien O’Connor, a senior minister at the centre of the climate change issue, started the week with a blunt assessment of the tax-climate issue. He told the red meat sector: “We probably don’t have enough tax in this country.”

PM on Tax - how many are actually Net Taxpayers again ? 20% ? ;)

O'Connor trying to preach to Farmers after what markets have delivered in past few weeks ;)

Who are these two clueless Beehive Idiots ? ;)

08-08-2023, 04:43 PM
Labour’s U-turn on roads and climate change :


First Labour said roads are bad and now, roads are great!

You cannot trust Labour and Hipkins as they will say anything to regain popularity.

Deeds, not words - Hipkins & Ardern, kiss my arse.

08-08-2023, 05:59 PM

ANZ economists: Why the RBNZ will need to hike the OCR one more time

Inflation beasties still gonna keep poor Robbo & Adrian awake at night ? ;)

Wonder how that happen ? ;)

Enjoy Boys & Girls - a going away gift from .. you know who :)

08-08-2023, 06:05 PM

Another Government building found to be earthquake prone

Another Government department has staff working from home after its building was identified as being partly earthquake prone.

Home of the Department of Internal Affairs, 45 Pipitea St in Thorndon, is the latest building to have fallen short of New Building Standards (NBS). Stuff understands a recent report found the building met only 34% of NBS, with staff given the option of working from home.

Acting chief executive Hoani Lambert confirmed the department had recently received a draft detailed seismic assessment for the building from its landlords.

“Nearly all elements of our building are at 100% NBS, however, there are four isolated areas which need strengthening,” he said in a statement.

Progress must be a bit slow in discovering what lies immediately under Labour's Front Bench Squatters - expected to breach in the next 2 months ;)

08-08-2023, 06:13 PM

Disgruntled primary health care leaders examine political candidates

New Zealand’s health system is disintegrating and is just not working, primary health care workers told a clutch of political candidates in Palmerston North on Monday night.

They were at a meeting organised by the local sub-faculty committee of the College of GPs to challenge candidates about how they would fix an already-stretched primary health care workforce and struggling hospital systems.

Part-time Manawatū GP with 40 years’ experience David Le Page aimed most of his criticism at sitting Palmerston North MP Tangi Utikere.

He said he took a very dim view of Labour’s health regime.

Someone best book the ambulance ride for Labour's Health retards in October before the schedules become overbooked :)

08-08-2023, 06:17 PM

Live: Government announces $2b 'net zero' climate fund

Holy sh!t - a "new $2bn renewable energy investment fund" .. as all guessed - Show us where the Money is coming from ;)

08-08-2023, 06:21 PM

Live: Government announces $2b 'net zero' climate fund

Holy sh!t - a "new $2bn renewable energy investment fund" .. as all guessed - Show us where the Money is coming from ;)

Better still, show us what happened to the $3 billion Provincial Growth Fund.

Money down the dunny thanks to Ardern & Robertson in their greed for power.

08-08-2023, 06:29 PM

Live: Government announces $2b 'net zero' climate fund

Holy sh!t - a "new $2bn renewable energy investment fund" .. as all guessed - Show us where the Money is coming from ;)

Larry Fink, much like Al Gore before him, creates a "climate crisis" alongside an "energy crisis" and is now cashing in. Great business model eh? Fink's ESG model is working beyond his wildest dreams.

08-08-2023, 06:51 PM

What we can learn from Labour’s election loss 30 years ago

Good Godfathers - another fish & burnt chips Labour Govt that got tossed out with the rubbish back then :)

Surely not .. and Labour are still continuing to have problems with Tax & GST today ;)

they had enough tax back then, so why not now & why haven't they woken up earlier ?

All the promised personal income tax that wasn't supposed to be grabbed with GST coming in still
being pilfered .. well past 20 years later .. and the current lot still can't make the grade :)

Are today's Labour Front Bench Squatters even more retarded now than previous fill ins ? ;)

08-08-2023, 07:53 PM

Petrol prices bite as government holds firm against bringing subsidy back

Motorists can expect more pain at the pump as petrol prices once again start to trend upwards.

Price tracking website Gaspy reports the average price for unleaded 91 has gone up by 4.7 per cent in the last 28 days to $2.78. Unleaded 98 was up 5.5 per cent to just over $3, and diesel up 8.6 per cent to $2.07.

This followed the government’s fuel subsidy coming to an end in June as well as a volatile global fuel market.

Labour to all Kiwi's: "Suck it Up & Enjoy - you miserable lot of moaning peasants" ;)

It's Election Year Kindness from Labour ..

08-08-2023, 09:44 PM
Thanks, JAK.

Too late however for Ardern voters like you to go back and repair the horrendous damage done to NZ for the 5.4 years Ardern of gross mismanagement. Horrendous damage done to NZ in the eight years when John Key was Prime Minister, such as homelessness and child poverty, which got much worse after the 2008 GFC.
And it is not just a Labour or National issue or even a political issue, but one of EGOs = Embedded Growth Obligations.

Embedded Growth Obligations (EGOs) are structures built into institutions in times of growth that assume growth will continue. An institution must therefore grow to meet its EGOs, or its leaders must lie about the presence of growth.

And since the period between the end of World War II in 1945 and the early 70s had such an unusually beautiful growth regime, many of our institutions became predicated upon low-variance technology-led, stable, broadly distributed growth.

Now, this is a world we have not seen in an organic way since the early 1970s, and yet, because it was embedded in our institutions, what we have is a world in which the expectation is still present in the form of an embedded growth obligation.
That is, the pension plans, the corporate ladders, are all still built very much around a world that has long since vanished.

Large institutions built on implicit growth expectations don't die when growth runs out. They simply become pathological in steady state.

The growth model is breaking down in many industries - but we pretend that it is still going. It is corrupting many of us and many of our institutions.

Well, in large measure, our institutions are built for a world in which growth doesn't happen in the same way anymore.


09-08-2023, 08:32 AM
Another record - disaster - under this clueless and useless Labour government :

Figures obtained by Newshub show the number of charges for breaches of home detention conditions hit a new high of 2035 in the year to June.



09-08-2023, 11:30 AM
Another record - disaster - under this clueless and useless Labour government :

Figures obtained by Newshub show the number of charges for breaches of home detention conditions hit a new high of 2035 in the year to June.


Another day and another stolen car and car jacking in NZ .... thanks Labour & Hipkins!

Probably another criminal on Home Detention.


A person fleeing police drove the wrong way on two Auckland motorways in two different stolen vehicles, crashed into a truck and car-jacked a bystander’s vehicle.

The incident began on Richard Pearse Drive, Māngere when police spotted a stolen SUV and signalled the driver to stop.

The vehicle was seen going on the Southern Motorway near Hill Rd in the wrong direction.




09-08-2023, 09:59 PM

Major disruptions on Southern and Eastern lines for Auckland trains this evening

Commuters using trains on the Eastern lines in Auckland are being advised to consider other options due to significant disruptions.

Earlier, Auckland Transport (AT) said there would also be disruption to the Southern line, however, the issue has since been resolved.

Two separate incidents occurred late this afternoon, including where a car crash damaged a railway bridge near Ellerslie and a track failure in the Parnell tunnel.

Labour's preferred "Most Reliable Auckland Transport" show's it's up or down for it .. yet again ;)

09-08-2023, 10:01 PM

Lavish farewell: Ministry for Pacific Peoples spent $40,000 to farewell boss - falls foul of public service rules

A lavish event including gifts to farewell the boss at the Ministry for Pacific Peoples (MPP) last year failed to meet the “moderate and conservative” standards of the public service, a review has found.

Nor was a near-$5000 spend appropriate for a welcome event for Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae - including $3000 in travel costs for six members of his family - as he moved from head of MPP to the head of the Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH).

“This is a case of one agency getting it wrong,” Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes said today.

“Taken together, the Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ expenditure on the farewell and the welcome was an inappropriate use of taxpayers’ money. When a mistake is made, I expect public service chief executives to own it, fix it, learn from it, and to be accountable.”

Dont worry about the cost .. slam as much as possible on the tab .. the suckers out there are picking up the cost ;)

09-08-2023, 10:22 PM

Middle income feeling the squeeze: 'They're starting to struggle'

Financial mentors say households like Anne’s are increasingly the sorts of clients they see asking for help.

Kathleen Guttenbeil, from Vaiola Pacific Island Budgeting Service Trust in Auckland, said it was clear that the “middle class” was starting to feel the stress.

She said she would see people coming in with both halves of a couple working, not entitled to any benefits because they were earning more than the threshold, but struggling.

Andrew Henderson, executive officer at Dunedin Budget Advisory Service, agreed.

“From our service in Dunedin we’re seeing more and more people who you would think would be ‘middle income’. They’re starting to struggle.”

He said the rising costs of mortgages was taking a chunk out of families’ food budgets.

Tessa Bell, financial mentor at Nelson Budget Service, said it had become apparent there were no longer “luxuries” for a lot of people.

“Insurance has moved into a luxury category for a lot of our clients. Stuff we take for granted… in Nelson rates increases have been in the 7% to 9% [band]. Personally, mine has jumped $500 a year. It takes a bite, it’s $15 a week you have to find from somewhere… you add mortgage rates on top of that and the cost of living has dramatically increased across the board.”

Note to Chumpie & Robbo - P!ss this sector of the Population off badly and your Labour clueless mob will likely be completely %uc%ed come October, if you aren't done for already ... Enjoy :)

09-08-2023, 10:29 PM
The trend is clear - latest poll showing Labour crashing below 30%.

National/ACT - government in waiting.


Meanwhile, Hipkins is still wondering what a woman is. :D

10-08-2023, 04:58 PM

Election 2023: New poll shows Labour crashing, NZ First rising, and National-Act with enough support to govern


Claire Trevett: Latest poll - Labour now at risk of collapse, driving voters to the Greens

Something must have gone wrong with the sausage rolling that no clown could ever hope to cover up ;)

10-08-2023, 05:00 PM

Election 2023: New poll shows Labour crashing, NZ First rising, and National-Act with enough support to govern


Claire Trevett: Latest poll - Labour now at risk of collapse, driving voters to the Greens

Something must have gone wrong with the sausage rolling that no clown could ever hope to cover up ;)

In fact, the latest poll shows Labour voters are flocking to ACT & National.

10-08-2023, 05:01 PM

Home insurance premiums expected to rise by more than 20pc

Inevitable - more COL spiking sharply upwards on top of all the rest hitting right now :)

What a sh!tshow for Joe Public - Labour's last quarter will likely turn out to be :)

10-08-2023, 05:05 PM

BlackRock retracts substantial shareholder notices posted to NZX showing stakes in listed companies

Labour's Renewables Funding mates - are they not ? .. the go to when the Govt has nothing in kitty ;)

The same lot who had a little play not so long ago with our Energy companies shares before selling down ?

and now shown to be having Reporting problems in their filings ;)

Nice choice of partners for a Bankrupt Govt on the way out :)

10-08-2023, 05:08 PM

ANZ takes a knife to its milk price forecast

How's Robbo's growing Fiscal Hole looking now ? ;)

Large enough yet for the whole clueless mob to have a going away party ? ;)

10-08-2023, 05:16 PM

‘Somewhat convoluted’: PM confronts minister’s claim there isn’t enough tax in New Zealand

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins believes Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor’s claim New Zealand doesn’t have enough tax is being taken out of context.

He also denies footage of O’Connor making the comment was withheld by the Government even as the Meat Industry Association, which organised the event O’Connor was speaking at, allege O’Connor’s office declined the association’s request to release the footage.

O’Connor appeared in a political debate with National’s agriculture and trade spokesman Todd McClay at the Red Meat Sector Conference on Sunday night.

Poor Chumpie .. trying to spin his way out of the large hole O'Connor has dug ;)

Don't worry - everyone knows what they heard regardless of all the Sausage Roll skid marks
to try to make it look different ;)

Who needs enemies when you've got fools on your own side of the calibre the Chumpie has on board ;)

It's a wonder that word hasn't already been passed on that the swear word "Tax" must not be uttered
by any of the sundry Labour fools anywhere for fear of reducing the 30% and still sagging, down to 10% or less in coming weeks :)

At least there won't be need to print so many Labour Christmas Party invites this year .. the few dozen needed could easily be fired through the photocopier :)

10-08-2023, 05:37 PM
No Chinese Whisper to Labour's Sausage Roll fan that things turning to Sh!t up there, on recent visit ? ;)


Another huge Chinese developer teeters, fuelling fears about the economy


Chinese economy falls into deflation as recovery stumbles


Chinese exports suffer worst fall since start of pandemic


A ‘shocker’ dairy auction: Prices fall despite China’s return


Chinese economists told not to be negative as rebound falters

Who this dumb clown from NZ who come offer us awful Sausage Roll ? ;)

Dont tell .. we gonna get cheap dairy and meat soon and make them work hard for every small sale they make ;)

perhaps Robbo should have been sent instead as NZ's free gift to China to help them sort out their deflation :)

10-08-2023, 09:14 PM
Very very pleased that a majoritry of NZers have well and truly woken up to the snow job Hipkins has been trying on them - hiding the real power (the Maori cabal) from sight :


11-08-2023, 07:11 AM
Labour says Acts victim focused crime policy will lead to more crime.


What have your policies done Labour??

11-08-2023, 09:25 AM
A government totally addicted to spending and taxing - as revealed by Damien O'Connor sub-consiously in this tax tape.

And note how Labour immediately tried to get the tax tape covered up?


"As reported earlier, an attendee asked O’Connor about the Green and Te Pāti Māori proposals for wealth taxes.

He started his answer by saying: “There’s talk of these taxes around the world, and I think there’s a concern around the concentration of wealth at the top end.”

He’s then interrupted, but eventually continues: “We probably don’t have enough tax in this country.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bear in mind that the 2023 budget saw the highest record level of tax taken in by any NZ government but worse, even highest record spending ever!

Tax, spend and borrow - Labour under Hipkins & Ardern & Robertson.


Blue Skies
11-08-2023, 09:57 AM
Labour says Acts victim focused crime policy will lead to more crime.


What have your policies done Labour??

Of course ACT's policies will lead to more crime, that's a given but the very wealthy are always far more able to protect themselves from crime than the average person/family.

ACT wants to cancel the gun register which the Police assoc strongly support as it strongly helps prevent guns being sold into criminal hands.
ACT wants judges to throw more young non-violent first offenders into jail which will turn them into lifetime criminals
ACT's policies will further increase the wealth gap & inequality, a prime driver of crime
ACT's Charter Schools are a failure & divert desperately needed funding from our Public Education system into the hands of some pretty weird unregulated private set ups, some with religious or political agendas.
ACT wants to ignore the experience, advice & independence of judges & exert control over them
ACT wants NZ to build more prisons & incarcerate even more people, prisons are recruiting grounds for the gangs esp young first offenders. Remember these people have to be let out of prison & prison doesn't rehabilitate people.
ACT wants to remove funding from Drug rehabilitation programs.
ACT's policies will remove some of the support for low income families putting even more pressure on them while the wealthiest 1% will hugely increase their wealth under ACT policies.

I could go on, things could be much worse than they are now & most countries around the world, yes even Australia, are facing increasing levels of crime due to a range of reasons like inequality, the disruption from the pandemic, school truancy, the internet & social media, time & financial pressure on parents, alcohol availability & marketing, drugs, etc
It's complicated & if you think ACT will make things better, your dreaming, they will only make things much much worse.

11-08-2023, 10:43 AM
Of course ACT's policies will lead to more crime, that's a given but the very wealthy are always far more able to protect themselves from crime than the average person/family.

ACT wants to cancel the gun register which the Police assoc strongly support as it strongly helps prevent guns being sold into criminal hands.
ACT wants judges to throw more young non-violent first offenders into jail which will turn them into lifetime criminals
ACT's policies will further increase the wealth gap & inequality, a prime driver of crime
ACT's Charter Schools are a failure & divert desperately needed funding from our Public Education system into the hands of some pretty weird unregulated private set ups, some with religious or political agendas.
ACT wants to ignore the experience, advice & independence of judges & exert control over them
ACT wants NZ to build more prisons & incarcerate even more people, prisons are recruiting grounds for the gangs esp young first offenders. Remember these people have to be let out of prison & prison doesn't rehabilitate people.
ACT wants to remove funding from Drug rehabilitation programs.
ACT's policies will remove some of the support for low income families putting even more pressure on them while the wealthiest 1% will hugely increase their wealth under ACT policies.

I could go on, things could be much worse than they are now & most countries around the world, yes even Australia, are facing increasing levels of crime due to a range of reasons like inequality, the disruption from the pandemic, school truancy, the internet & social media, time & financial pressure on parents, alcohol availability & marketing, drugs, etc
It's complicated & if you think ACT will make things better, your dreaming, they will only make things much much worse.

Excellent post!

11-08-2023, 11:03 AM
Of course ACT's policies will lead to more crime, that's a given but the very wealthy are always far more able to protect themselves from crime than the average person/family.

ACT wants to cancel the gun register which the Police assoc strongly support as it strongly helps prevent guns being sold into criminal hands.
ACT wants judges to throw more young non-violent first offenders into jail which will turn them into lifetime criminals
ACT's policies will further increase the wealth gap & inequality, a prime driver of crime
ACT's Charter Schools are a failure & divert desperately needed funding from our Public Education system into the hands of some pretty weird unregulated private set ups, some with religious or political agendas.
ACT wants to ignore the experience, advice & independence of judges & exert control over them
ACT wants NZ to build more prisons & incarcerate even more people, prisons are recruiting grounds for the gangs esp young first offenders. Remember these people have to be let out of prison & prison doesn't rehabilitate people.
ACT wants to remove funding from Drug rehabilitation programs.
ACT's policies will remove some of the support for low income families putting even more pressure on them while the wealthiest 1% will hugely increase their wealth under ACT policies.

I could go on, things could be much worse than they are now & most countries around the world, yes even Australia, are facing increasing levels of crime due to a range of reasons like inequality, the disruption from the pandemic, school truancy, the internet & social media, time & financial pressure on parents, alcohol availability & marketing, drugs, etc
It's complicated & if you think ACT will make things better, your dreaming, they will only make things much much worse.

Terrible post!

11-08-2023, 11:08 AM
Excellent post!

Writes one indoctrinated clueless Labour sucker to another Ardern indoctrinated sucker.

11-08-2023, 11:15 AM
Of course ACT's policies will lead to more crime, that's a given but the very wealthy are always far more able to protect themselves from crime than the average person/family.

ACT wants to cancel the gun register which the Police assoc strongly support as it strongly helps prevent guns being sold into criminal hands.
ACT wants judges to throw more young non-violent first offenders into jail which will turn them into lifetime criminals
ACT's policies will further increase the wealth gap & inequality, a prime driver of crime
ACT's Charter Schools are a failure & divert desperately needed funding from our Public Education system into the hands of some pretty weird unregulated private set ups, some with religious or political agendas.
ACT wants to ignore the experience, advice & independence of judges & exert control over them
ACT wants NZ to build more prisons & incarcerate even more people, prisons are recruiting grounds for the gangs esp young first offenders. Remember these people have to be let out of prison & prison doesn't rehabilitate people.
ACT wants to remove funding from Drug rehabilitation programs.
ACT's policies will remove some of the support for low income families putting even more pressure on them while the wealthiest 1% will hugely increase their wealth under ACT policies.

I could go on, things could be much worse than they are now & most countries around the world, yes even Australia, are facing increasing levels of crime due to a range of reasons like inequality, the disruption from the pandemic, school truancy, the internet & social media, time & financial pressure on parents, alcohol availability & marketing, drugs, etc
It's complicated & if you think ACT will make things better, your dreaming, they will only make things much much worse.
Rubbish post.
If Labours failed efforts to govern are not curtailed we are doomed.

11-08-2023, 11:40 AM
Desperate times for Labour & Hipkins.

Now they have taken to leaking 'internal polling' to the media even though said polling also shows Labour support down, down and down.


Has Hipkins figured out what is a woman yet?

11-08-2023, 12:14 PM
I know I shouldn't keep feeding the troll, but I am actually starting to feel quite worried about you. The fact that you continue to attack me for voting Labour previously, even when you know I no longer support the party, is a sign that you are stuck in your obsession. You have always been rude and obnoxious, but the language you are now using, shows that any filter you might have once had, has completely disappeared. I am not a doctor, but seriously, this behaviour is concerning. I would strongly encourage you to talk to your GP and show him or her some of your posts. It may be that there is "something going on" that you are unaware of. The never-ending rage that you express here, is not normal behaviour. Some people will no doubt say, that what we see here is not a true indication of what a person is like in real life. Unfortunately, in your case, I have zero doubt that this is the real you. Which makes it even more concerning.

Get off the computer Balance. Go for a walk in Nature. Spend time with the people you love. Focus on the good things in life. Take a break from the forums. Get some balance Balance. Good on you for justakiwi for calling out Balance’s behaviour. I agree that Balance’s behaviour is concerning but I don’t agree that there is an underlying health/medical problem causing it, because that explanation lessens his responsibility. He can post reasonable sensible comments when he chooses to. It is sick behaviour but he is not sick. Separate the person from the behaviour.

He does it because he wants to and because he can i.e. there are no negative consequences for what you and I see as offensive behaviour. For many people being insulting, offensive, making personal attacks is “free speech” and something to be protected. They attack the person rather than discuss the actual issue. I see it as bad behaviour, like a child throwing a tantrum, or throwing their toys out of the cot because they are not getting what they want. It is intentional. It is a choice because aggressive, violent behaviour usually works in the short term to get what you want even though it damages relationships long term.

11-08-2023, 12:43 PM
Terrible post!

Rubbish post.
If Labours failed efforts to govern are not curtailed we are doomed.

Writes one indoctrinated clueless Labour sucker to another Ardern indoctrinated sucker.

Is anything that Blueskies wrote incorrect?
They are ACT's policies aren't they?
Can you refute any of it?

11-08-2023, 12:49 PM

Sample reveals half of beneficiaries paid wrongly by MSD - ‘What happens next?’

The Ministry of Social Development has discovered it is failing to pay almost half of beneficiaries the right amount.

A new survey of a sample of the country’s 350,000 beneficiaries suggests this but does not break that down into how many are getting too much versus those getting too little.

Beneficiaries advocate Kay Brereton said what they have warned of for years, was now official.

“It’s shocking” but not surprising, and significant because it proved there was a systemic problem, she said.

“What we want to know is what happens next?”

The internal survey that MSD ran for a year, and which is still being number-crunched, showed as of 30 June 57 per cent of beneficiaries were getting what they should be paid and 43 per cent were not.

“In these instances, our staff worked to correct these payments accordingly,” the director of a $2 billion programme to overhaul the ministry’s payments systems, Craig Hill, said in a statement on Thursday.

But Brereton said that only applied to those in the survey - about 1200 beneficiaries took part in it - not the other 150,000 affected - and she was sure most of those would have been underpaid rather than overpaid.

What a shambles - who is the Labour Front Bench talentpiece overseeing this mess ? ;)

11-08-2023, 12:53 PM
Is anything that Blueskies wrote incorrect?
They are ACT's policies aren't they?
Can you refute any of it?

Still National tries to outdo Act.

With a gang patch ban (they like to ban things)...so the police and public simply don't know who to watch out for in the streets.

11-08-2023, 12:54 PM
Still National tries to outdo Act.

With a gang patch ban (they like to ban things)... so the police and public don't know who to watch out for.

Who was it wanted to ban Social Media a while back .. when things weren't going well for themselves ? ;)

11-08-2023, 01:02 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/2/7/0/j/q/k/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .270qco.png/1691665206369.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

How fast can Joe Public send the clueless Lab/Green void off to get stuffed before they get any chance to come back and stuff what remains of Kiwiland ? ;)

11-08-2023, 03:08 PM
Is anything that Blueskies wrote incorrect?
They are ACT's policies aren't they?
Can you refute any of it?

I just followed your suit and gave my 2c without anything else to add.

11-08-2023, 03:47 PM
Desperate times for Labour & Hipkins.

Now they have taken to leaking 'internal polling' to the media even though said polling also shows Labour support down, down and down.


Has Hipkins figured out what is a woman yet?

No, but eminent Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins has. His conversation with Helen Joyce (PhD in Mathematics, journalist and Author) is worth a listen as to what is happening in the UK and US.


Blue Skies
11-08-2023, 03:51 PM
I should have added, apart from ACT's policies increasing crime, ACT's complete dismissal of the most important issue facing us all, Climate Change, is criminal.

How anyone could possibly vote for a party which ignores Climate Change & even want to reverse policies designed to reduce our global emissions in view of the catastrophic climactic events we are seeing all around the globe, is beyond me!

If you're thinking of voting for ACT, think of your children & your grandchildren. They will be ashamed of you. Wilful ignorance is no excuse.
It's telling neither David Seymour or deputy Brooke van Veldon have children.

Again it is the high wealth families & individuals who are best able to protect themselves & their assets from the catastrophic effects of climate change.
The costs and damage will fall mainly on the most vulnerable.

11-08-2023, 03:59 PM
Again it is the high wealth families & individuals who are best able to protect themselves & their assets from the catastrophic effects of climate change.
The costs and damage will fall mainly on the most vulnerable.

Get out of here. It is net zero policies and "climate change" mitigation that is causing the biggest damage to those most vunerable. The poor and vunerable are paying the costs whilst the middle class and wealthy can wear it. EV's anyone?

"Climate Change" is a wealth distribution scam and its not of the Robin Hood variety.

11-08-2023, 04:06 PM
I should have added, apart from ACT's policies increasing crime, ACT's complete dismissal of the most important issue facing us all, Climate Change, is criminal.

How anyone could possibly vote for a party which ignores Climate Change & even want to reverse policies designed to reduce our global emissions in view of the catastrophic climactic events we are seeing all around the globe, is beyond me!

https://www.act.org.nz/environment policies including climate change.

Sounds like the resident Labour shills are increasingly nervous that they're going to lose the election. Interesting that the narrative has changed from 'champion Labour', to 'attack National', 'attack ACT'.

11-08-2023, 04:10 PM
Desperate times for Labour & Hipkins.

Now they have taken to leaking 'internal polling' to the media even though said polling also shows Labour support down, down and down.


Has Hipkins figured out what is a woman yet?


David Cunliffe: I'm sorry for being a man

Perhaps Cunliffe might be able to help the lost Chumpie on that one ..

A confused mob of clueless riff raff - aren't they ;)

11-08-2023, 04:29 PM

Live: China, Russia and Iran interfering in NZ's democracy, SIS says

So wittle Andrew decide time to buy new defence hardware to try scare them away in 5 years time ;)

Strange that the same little Comrade seems to know so little about things he should when questioned ;)

The Pikers River shambles, the rejigged Health Empire shambles etc were no better :)

Time that the useless little cretlin was permanently put out to pasture away from Parliament ? ;)

Labour promises compulsory gender pay gap reporting for big businesses

More useless red tape & bureaucracy which will achieve little ;)

How's Robbo's Unemployment Insurance going for all those shortly to be made unemployed as Labour's
Fiscal Hole disaster unwinds and implodes around Robbo & Chumpkins ears ? ;)

Yet another Labour Disaster that never made it off Govt's Front Bench Starting blocks ? ;)

Been quite a few tossed in the wishful thinking & pipedream tray that never would likely fly ;)

11-08-2023, 04:30 PM

David Cunliffe: I'm sorry for being a man

Perhaps Cunliffe might be able to help the lost Chumpie on that one ..

A confused mob of clueless riff raff - aren't they ;)

Asked in a press conference how he and his government would define a woman, the Kiwi PM floundered, complaining that, ‘To be honest… That question has come slightly out of the left field for me.’ He then began to list ‘biology, sex, gender’ before hastily adding that ‘people define their own genders’.

Clearly the hapless PM needed a day’s prep to answer a question on basic biology.

Pressed again on Starmer’s remarks that 99.9 per cent of women don’t have penises, and how he defined a woman, Hipkins stressed that ‘he wasn’t expecting this question so it’s not something I have pre-formulated an answer on’, before dodging the question once again and adding that ‘in terms of gender identity, I think people define gender identity for themselves.’

With talent like this in the party, no wonder Ardern was so keen to get away…

Just spread the legs, Chippie! Spread the legs!


11-08-2023, 04:31 PM
With all due respect Baa Baa, that’s a little “pot calling the kettle black.” The anti-Labour brigade here have done nothing but attack Labour/Ardern. I have actually seen very little “championing” of National or much discussion of their policies. The general theme of the discussion has been much more about “doesn’t matter which party you vote for as long as we get Labour out!”

Interesting that the narrative has changed from 'champion Labour', to 'attack National', 'attack ACT'.

11-08-2023, 04:39 PM
The general theme of the discussion has been much more about “doesn’t matter which party you vote for as long as we get Labour out!”

Yes I'd certainly agree with that. I was more specifically referring to the Labour shills, who have changed their narrative from championing and defending Labour (which I thought would be a good thing to do leading into an election), to attacking the other parties, on the Labour thread.

11-08-2023, 05:00 PM
The short memories must have run out of Labour's Crisis moments worthy of any mention ;)

How about the Crisis moments of all the failed initiatives that for a variety of reasons got shelved,
disappeared into a large pothole or derailed a growing number of front bench chumps in a shower
of embarrassment for the head Fill In Comrade .. in the ongoing carnage of the Labour trainwreck ? ;)

What little Labour have or haven't achieved at great expense always was and will be fair game for
Labour being attacked on, in face of worsening Leadership and a Govt seen floundering on repeated
regular internal Party Crisis & Failure moments of recent times :)

Those on the receiving end of the Labour Fiscal disaster are well justified in delivering up very robust
and hard judgement on the shambles seen now..

Blue Skies
11-08-2023, 05:48 PM
Yes I'd certainly agree with that. I was more specifically referring to the Labour shills, who have changed their narrative from championing and defending Labour (which I thought would be a good thing to do leading into an election), to attacking the other parties, on the Labour thread.

No need to be like that, just a continuation of responses to Getty's question on this thread re ACT v Labour which deserved a reply.

You don't seem to have the capacity to understand we all have different priorities & not everyone who doesn't agree with you is a shrill or even a member of any political party.

11-08-2023, 06:08 PM
No need to be like that, just a continuation of responses to Getty's question on this thread re ACT v Labour which deserved a reply.

You don't seem to have the capacity to understand we all have different priorities & not everyone who doesn't agree with you is a shrill or even a member of any political party.

I managed to say it without directly insulting anyone in particular, unlike you. However perhaps unintentionally the term 'shill' was a dog whistle, and look who turned up. I don't see how party membership has any bearing on months and years of shilling Labour here, I'd guess that a very small percentage of voters are members of a party. Your attacks on National and ACT have become ever more strident and desperate as Labour crashes in the polls and we approach the election, and your defence and promotion of Labour has gone silent.

11-08-2023, 06:14 PM
Around 4:45PM for the 1st time I saw a group of young adults at the corner of Blenheim Rd & Curlettes as I was going to Burger King (that corner in the Z petro station. They were hollering, waving, and holding up National Party signage to get people's attention. I wonder what this kind of marketing will do for Labour supporters?

When I came out, they moved on to the next corner

12-08-2023, 06:41 PM

Steven Joyce: Light rail - Labour’s Dom Perignon tastes on a carrot juice budget

How many $ Bil's & chapters of spouting under Labour's menu has this cost so far .. only to see few if any tracks laid ? ;)

13-08-2023, 09:56 AM
Of course ACT's policies will lead to more crime, that's a given but the very wealthy are always far more able to protect themselves from crime than the average person/family.

ACT wants to cancel the gun register which the Police assoc strongly support as it strongly helps prevent guns being sold into criminal hands.
ACT wants judges to throw more young non-violent first offenders into jail which will turn them into lifetime criminals
ACT's policies will further increase the wealth gap & inequality, a prime driver of crime
ACT's Charter Schools are a failure & divert desperately needed funding from our Public Education system into the hands of some pretty weird unregulated private set ups, some with religious or political agendas.
ACT wants to ignore the experience, advice & independence of judges & exert control over them
ACT wants NZ to build more prisons & incarcerate even more people, prisons are recruiting grounds for the gangs esp young first offenders. Remember these people have to be let out of prison & prison doesn't rehabilitate people.
ACT wants to remove funding from Drug rehabilitation programs.
ACT's policies will remove some of the support for low income families putting even more pressure on them while the wealthiest 1% will hugely increase their wealth under ACT policies.

I could go on, things could be much worse than they are now & most countries around the world, yes even Australia, are facing increasing levels of crime due to a range of reasons like inequality, the disruption from the pandemic, school truancy, the internet & social media, time & financial pressure on parents, alcohol availability & marketing, drugs, etc
It's complicated & if you think ACT will make things better, your dreaming, they will only make things much much worse.
Much of ACT’s policies relate to identity politics. The policies tend to place more restrictions on those at the bottom and give more freedom for those at the top. They would increase the gap between rich and poor and would increase inequality.

13-08-2023, 11:04 AM
Much of ACT’s policies relate to identity politics. The policies tend to place more restrictions on those at the bottom and give more freedom for those at the top. They would increase the gap between rich and poor and would increase inequality.

ACT policies are there to lift individuals towards their highest and optimal potential.

Labour/Greens/Maori Party policies are there to breed ever more losers, parasites, beneficiaries and bottom dwellers who are devout indoctrinated leftist voters.

Which policies increase the wealth gap the most?


Blue Skies
13-08-2023, 11:32 AM
ACT policies are there to lift individuals towards their highest and optimal potential.

Labour/Greens/Maori Party policies are there to breed ever more losers, parasites, beneficiaries and bottom dwellers who are devout indoctrinated leftist voters.

Which policies increase the wealth gap the most?


I think you will be shocked to know, this bigot Tremain is recycling the same old racist cartoon, just with a different Prime Minister.
Many years ago when National were in govt, Tremain drew the original cartoon with John Key as the monkey on a chain, dancing to the tune of the organ grinder which was Pita Sharples, ex head of the Māori Party.

I don't know how to post it to show how awful & racist this Tremain is, but if you Google, 'Tremain cartoon with John Key as monkey dancing to organ grinder,' you should be able to find it.

He used to do work for the Otago Daily Times until they decided he was just a senile old angry racist bigot appealing to other racists & got rid of him.

13-08-2023, 11:37 AM
I think you will be shocked to know, this bigot Tremain is recycling the same old racist cartoon, just with a different Prime Minister.
Many years ago when National were in govt, Tremain drew the original cartoon with John Key as the monkey on a chain, dancing to the tune of the organ grinder which was Pita Sharples, ex head of the Māori Party.

I don't know how to post it to show how awful & racist this Tremain is, but if you Google, 'Tremain cartoon with John Key as monkey dancing to organ grinder,' you should be able to find it.

He used to do work for the Otago Daily Times until they decided he was just a senile old angry racist bigot appealing to other racists & got rid of him.

He Puapua Report

He Puapua Report

He Puapua Report

He Puapua Report

There's your answers.


13-08-2023, 11:39 AM
I get more enjoyment from Tremain's cartoons than BS's posts. Never looked at them as racist though.

13-08-2023, 12:27 PM
I get more enjoyment from Tremain's cartoons than BS's posts. Never looked at them as racist though.

His cartoons cut to the chase and reveal the politicians and politics as they really are.

This government is deceitful and untrustworthy while incompetent and arrogant & power mad at the same time.

It is good to see all that succinctly summed up in cartoons.

13-08-2023, 01:13 PM
I get more enjoyment from Tremain's cartoons than BS's posts. Never looked at them as racist though.

Likewise .. probably any old excuse will do when a certain few see something they dont like ;)

Similarly a very good prognosis of all that's going wrong within Labour, with a few tag alongs
who either dont want to see, refuse to do so or are too stupid or not awake enough to reality ;)

Not forgetting the hard core few who would rather accompany the failed badly holed submarine down to it's
resting place on the bottom ..

13-08-2023, 01:22 PM

Labour tax policy: Chris Hipkins promises to remove GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables

No tax on Tooty Fruities confirmed by Chumpie .. here's a few imaginary bucks back that is if
market forces don't gobble it up first .. Any savings probably already swallowed after July in extra
Fuel tax reimposed to even reach the supermarket .. ;)

Enjoy folks - a few dollars thrown back by a clues bankrupt failed Govt who have already swiped the
savings off all starting about 6 weeks ago and only have an empty tin to offer all - likely for swiping yet
more tax from all to cover their previous episodes of Gross Incompetence ;)

13-08-2023, 01:37 PM

The Labour Government is promising to scrap GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables from next April, which it says will save households about $20 a month.

Only $20 a month savings - Chumpie ? that's SFA in Savings ;)

The way COL is spiralling they might have to cut 25% Fruit & Vege off the list between now & next April :)

The package also includes a $25 boost per week to low-income, working families through the Working for Families tax credit system. It was the largest-ever increase, he said, which would affect about 160,000 families.

W4F must be their Major Income source now for some - exceeding any Tax deducted by a country mile ;)

Who's paying for this ?

How the 20% up the other end of Tax Spectrum faring - or will some more large scale borrowing be needed to fill
Robbo's growing $ Hole ? ;)

13-08-2023, 02:05 PM
This will probably be the only time I ever agree with anything you have to say.

Absolutely ridiculous "nothing" announcement, that will cost ****loads to implement, for bugger all gain. If families can expect to save just $20 a month, wtf are single people saving? 50c? They would have been better off to simply reduce the GST rate, on everything. At least that way, everyone would stand to benefit. It's all a moot point anyway, as it doesn't come into effect until April, so clearly, it is never actually going to happen.

Don't even bother Balance. Just don't.

Only $20 a month savings - Chumpie ? that's SFA in Savings ;)

13-08-2023, 02:31 PM
SFA in Savings ;)

It's also a health policy.. you can't get T2 diabetes from eating too many fruit and vegetables.

13-08-2023, 02:48 PM
Deleted …….

It's also a health policy.. you can't get T2 diabetes from eating too many fruit and vegetables.

13-08-2023, 03:54 PM

Labour tax policy: Chris Hipkins promises to remove GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables

No tax on Tooty Fruities confirmed by Chumpie .. here's a few imaginary bucks back that is if
market forces don't gobble it up first .. Any savings probably already swallowed after July in extra
Fuel tax reimposed to even reach the supermarket .. ;)

Enjoy folks - a few dollars thrown back by a clues bankrupt failed Govt who have already swiped the
savings off all starting about 6 weeks ago and only have an empty tin to offer all - likely for swiping yet
more tax from all to cover their previous episodes of Gross Incompetence ;)In September 2018 the Tax Working Working Group did the calculations to remove GST from food, and said a more targeted welfare transfer could provide greater benefits to lower income households.

32. For example removing food and drink from the GST base has a greater absolute benefit for higher income households than lower income households. Such an exception would benefit a decile 1 household by $14.58 a week and would benefit a decile 10 household by $53.03 a week.

33. Such an exception would reduce GST revenues by an estimated $2.6 billion. With this same amount of revenue each household could instead be given a cash transfer of $28.85. Removing GST from food instead of such a transfer would therefore provide approximately an additional $24 weekly benefit to the richest households and $14 less to decile 1 households compared with lump sum payments. In addition, for the same fiscal cost a more targeted welfare transfer could provide greater benefits to lower income households.

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2023, 05:03 PM
Hipkins is nothing but an economic vandal. He doesn’t give a toss that New Zealand is absolutely stuffed on the revenue front, he just continues his socialist lolly scramble pushing us deeper and deeper into the red. Absolutely disgraceful. It’s going to take ‘the Razor Gang II’ to reverse the damage Hipkins is doing in his blind lust for personal power. He will clearly destroy the country if it enables him to keep his filthy mitts on the levers of power.

13-08-2023, 06:24 PM
Hipkins is nothing but an economic vandal. He doesn’t give a toss that New Zealand is absolutely stuffed on the revenue front, he just continues his socialist lolly scramble pushing us deeper and deeper into the red. Absolutely disgraceful. It’s going to take ‘the Razor Gang II’ to reverse the damage Hipkins is doing in his blind lust for personal power. He will clearly destroy the country if it enables him to keep his filthy mitts on the levers of power.

Whilst I don't necessarily disagree, Luxon comes across as someone who is in the job for the power or the legacy of being a PM rather than doing right by the country.

13-08-2023, 07:15 PM
Whilst I don't necessarily disagree, Luxon comes across as someone who is in the job for the power or the legacy of being a PM rather than doing right by the country.
You may well be right on Luxon, I'm still undecided, but Hipkins I have no doubt, in my opinion is prepared to sell his soul (should he have one) to keep the job.

13-08-2023, 08:48 PM
Of course this expensive and silly GST policy is going to be funded from the imaginary COVID fund. What an absolute joke

13-08-2023, 08:55 PM
Hipkins is nothing but an economic vandal. He doesn’t give a toss that New Zealand is absolutely stuffed on the revenue front, he just continues his socialist lolly scramble pushing us deeper and deeper into the red. Absolutely disgraceful. It’s going to take ‘the Razor Gang II’ to reverse the damage Hipkins is doing in his blind lust for personal power. He will clearly destroy the country if it enables him to keep his filthy mitts on the levers of power.It seems to me that many countries are heading down the same path, taking on more debt, and spending more than they earn and it doesn’t seem to matter whether it is Labour or a conservative party that is in power.

So, it is not a problem that is unique to New Zealand. NZ has 51% debt to GDP, Australia 52%, Canada 92%.

Many voters are calling for and support increased government spending on health, education, police etc.

Japan 259.43%
Sudan 200.35%
Greece 194.50%
Eritrea 179.66%
Singapore 159.87%
Maldives 154.39%
Lebanon 150.58%
Italy 150.30%

13-08-2023, 09:04 PM
Of course this expensive and silly GST policy is going to be funded from the imaginary COVID fund. What an absolute joke

Like all election promises, they'll come to nothing if the party doesn't form a government, and the way it's going with almost certainly coalitions being required, nothing is certain. GST off food is a vote winner though, (however it's funded, the average voter probably doesn't care about that), it's up to the opposition to prove that reduced taxes are a better alternative that puts more $ in their pocket.

Either way, the majors are arguing to put more of our money in our pockets. That's what people need, in this very expensive inflationary environment and cost of living crisis! That'd be nice instead of a 6 year history of government take take take with f'all to show for it.

Bring it on, this is shaping up to be the most interesting election in decades. Choose your party vote carefully, the choices are another 3 years of ambition, borrow and spend albeit constrained only by the lunatic fringe coalition parties, or more money in your pocket, restrained government growth and realistic sensible economic restoration to sustainable health and growth.

13-08-2023, 09:08 PM
It seems to me that many countries are heading down the same path, taking on more debt, and spending more than they earn and it doesn’t seem to matter whether it is Labour or a conservative party that is in power.

So, it is not a problem that is unique to New Zealand. NZ has 51% debt to GDP, Australia 52%, Canada 92%.

Many voters are calling for and support increased government spending on health, education, police etc.

Japan 259.43%
Sudan 200.35%
Greece 194.50%
Eritrea 179.66%
Singapore 159.87%
Maldives 154.39%
Lebanon 150.58%
Italy 150.30%

Who are they indebted to, that is the question? Where is all this borrowed money coming from, who is the creditor? When will the creditor want it paid back? Can it ever be repaid back? Country debt is not like taking a loan from a bank.

13-08-2023, 10:04 PM
Who are they indebted to, that is the question? Where is all this borrowed money coming from, who is the creditor? When will the creditor want it paid back? Can it ever be repaid back? Country debt is not like taking a loan from a bank.

More importantly, what that website does not show, is what % of that debt is domestic? The US figures from what I last recall is that over 2/3rds of their total debt is domestic (meaning internal). Technically, a country can not go bankrupt on it's own, which is the people that lend their $ in buying US treasury bonds, can not force themselves into bankruptcy. This is very different if the debt was wholly owned by a foreign country.

Above all, it all depends on the quality of the debt and not all central banks are the same. To the unbaised investor, when they look at small countries like NZ they realise that it's really hard to invest anywhere else but in the US and being the largest economy in the world, your odds are far better lending to the US than say lending to NZ. They are the magnet that attracts all business and the leaders of capitalism.

Logen Ninefingers
13-08-2023, 10:47 PM
It seems to me that many countries are heading down the same path, taking on more debt, and spending more than they earn and it doesn’t seem to matter whether it is Labour or a conservative party that is in power.

So, it is not a problem that is unique to New Zealand. NZ has 51% debt to GDP, Australia 52%, Canada 92%.

Many voters are calling for and support increased government spending on health, education, police etc.

Japan 259.43%
Sudan 200.35%
Greece 194.50%
Eritrea 179.66%
Singapore 159.87%
Maldives 154.39%
Lebanon 150.58%
Italy 150.30%

It’s the rate of borrowing that is the issue, not the amount. Hipkins and Robbo - and their supporters - seem to think they can go absolutely berserk with the borrowing because past governments were prudent. The race is on to spend as many borrowed billions as possible as quickly as possible because some other nations are now in a debt mess and we are lagging behind the pack. And still - despite all the borrowing - there is virtually nothing to show for it.

14-08-2023, 12:47 AM
It’s the rate of borrowing that is the issue, not the amount. Hipkins and Robbo - and their supporters - seem to think they can go absolutely berserk with the borrowing because past governments were prudent. The race is on to spend as many borrowed billions as possible as quickly as possible because some other nations are now in a debt mess and we are lagging behind the pack. And still - despite all the borrowing - there is virtually nothing to show for it.

Bang on there.

What is the huge cost of servicing large Govt Debt ?

With our export markets in recession mode (eg China) Europe in turmoil and so many other countries
carrying large Debt loads - how is the debt here going to be serviced ?

Our Export Sector doesn't exactly look too good going forwards now

It wont be from the large bundle of net Tax Reciprients here, who already have COL & a myriad of
their own issues to deal with.

Where do Labour's Fiscal Pixies think they are going to dig up the vast billions needed to fill a gap?

Robbo has probably been rudely awakened that Banks can only be robbed once, while all are dreaming,
then everyone is awake when the consequences hit home ;)

Extra Taxes such as any Wealth Tax or similar stupid ideas will only catapult things further backwards
in recession and further stunt chances of recovery . Likely one shot wonders that will achieve
nothing but dig Robbo's Fiscal Hole even deeper ;)

What happens in October will have a grave & lengthy effect on where NZ goes and what rate

The past 5.5 years point to Labour's fiscal incompetence and imprudence, any continuation of
that trajectory could be detrimental for a small country far from markets in troubled times
where any number of factors could escalate costs here like energy etc.

Now is the time to look at the likely effects of the Green Idiots suggesting they might like
to have further play round the fire at the bottom of the garden in an unrealistic dream world
of their own, where none of their policies would survive standalone in the real world.

Labour have so far come up with no substantial meaningful stand out policies, except for perhaps more of
the past shallow irresponsible and incompetent management, which is to be expected from a talent devoid,
clues bankrupt Govt of residual clingons after those who have seen the light or represented best chance of
something different (incompetent & stupid some have been) have either run or been tossed overboard in
the mad scramble for who claims the clown seats around front bench, in readiness for the coming landslide ;)

It could be the mother of implosions that Labour have seen in a very long time as most of greater Kiwiland deliver up their decisions on Labour's shallow populist tenure which has produced clouds of feel-good BS, excuses, divisiveness, excessive pain out to all to cover Robbo's fiscal experimenting games and basically mortgaged the futures of generations of Kiwi's with Little to show for what was expended ;)

What Labour/Greens & their hijacker trojan factions have put on the table through this Govt's actions across the past 5.5 years invites very considerable backlash & rejection from Greater NZ - which may or may not occur. Labour have little or nothing now to offer going forward. Some may suggest what is being seen now are Weak excuses for Policies in turn acknowledging a certain coming defeat by Labour :)

There are no uniting Crisis points now, unlike the past.

Remediation of past Crisis's are an unmitigated incomplete poorly managed shambles

The Fiscal Ledgers are a disaster zone

All the Financial Indicators are pointed towards impending disaster for all passengers

Chumpie has achieved nothing apart from rearranging the deckchairs and tossing a few over the side

There is no meaningful future plan from Labour

14-08-2023, 03:42 AM
What is missing from the conversation, again, is the credit rating. Which was upgraded under Labour after being downgraded under the previous administration.

14-08-2023, 09:08 AM
If Brad Olsen thinks this GST carry on is stupid ‘policy’ it must be stupid

Election 2023: Brad Olsen says Labour's GST policy puts economic credibility at stake


Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2023, 09:18 AM
What is missing from the conversation, again, is the credit rating. Which was upgraded under Labour after being downgraded under the previous administration.

So borrowing profligacy is now fine cos ‘credit rating’? Make it make sense!
Of course, an upgraded credit rating can also be downgraded again.

Bill Smith
14-08-2023, 12:50 PM
So chipkins GST on "sort of fresh" veges was under costed by a few hundred thousand $. Is that robbers son getting even for chipkins forcing him to eat rats? Chipkins ready to be rolled before or after the election?

14-08-2023, 12:50 PM

NZ election 2023: Labour forced to fix GST policy after $240m hole found

National’s Nicola Willis says Labour made a mistake in the costings of its GST policy, which mean the cost of the policy had blown out by $235 million - an error Labour has acknowledged was in its early material but was quickly rectified ahead of the public release.

Labour said it was only included in the first version of the policy document which was sent to media ahead of the announcement. It was not in the material that was released publicly after. The error was fixed on Sunday ahead of that announcement, but not all media were advised of it.

“The correct cost of the GST policy has always been accounted for in our fiscals and was discussed in the media conference yesterday,” a spokesperson said.

Do Labour & Robbo know what they are trying to do ? ;)

What a bunch of dumb A-Holes ;)

After 5.5 years in Govt they still can't get things right without making a large Hole of It ;)

14-08-2023, 01:00 PM

Election 2023: Commercial property owners to foot the bill for Labour’s tax policy

Commercial Building Depreciation which by some magic Robbo shot from the hip became OK with Covid

Now a strike of the pen to remove deductibility to help fund a hand out to the breeders :)

This is clearly a Govt & Finance Minister acting out of desperation knowing full well they are going out
on a landslide in October after fronting with an empty tin for an Election Year Budget :)

What message does this send out to most out in Greater Kiwiland ? ;)

No 8's being polished & shined to fix a clueless bunch of Govt Front Bench Holes very soon ? ;)

14-08-2023, 05:57 PM
So chipkins GST on "sort of fresh" veges was under costed by a few hundred thousand $. Is that robbers son getting even for chipkins forcing him to eat rats? Chipkins ready to be rolled before or after the election?

And notice who did not front up with "Chip off the Ardern block" Hipkins when he made the GST announcement yesterday?

None other than the new Revenue Minister, Barbara Edmond, who was no doubt too embarrassed and shamed to support the GST change.

Too hard a dead rat for Barbara, ex TAX CONSULTANT, to swallow.

Imagine her face if she was asked what she thought of the dumb move.


14-08-2023, 06:13 PM
And notice who did not front up with "Chip off the Ardern block" Hipkins when he made the GST announcement yesterday?

None other than the new Revenue Minister, Barbara Edmond, who was no doubt too embarrassed and shamed to support the GST change.

Too hard a dead rat for Barbara, ex TAX CONSULTANT, to swallow.

Imagine her face if she was asked what she thought of the dumb move.


I honestly think what a waste of time this GST removal on 'fresh fruits and veg'. If they really wanted to make a meaningful impact, the GST should be removed on ALL fresh perishable foods such as MEATS! Look at the price of salmon at nearly $50/kg for filleted !!! What about milk and bread? It's a half baked approached just like Kiwi Saver.

We can rant all we want, the problem is the general NZ population is too clueless in the head that no wonder NZ politicians can get away misleading.

Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2023, 06:25 PM
I honestly think what a waste of time this GST removal on 'fresh fruits and veg'. If they really wanted to make a meaningful impact, the GST should be removed on ALL fresh perishable foods such as MEATS! Look at the price of salmon at nearly $50/kg for filleted !!! What about milk and bread? It's a half baked approached just like Kiwi Saver.

We can rant all we want, the problem is the general NZ population is too clueless in the head that no wonder NZ politicians can get away misleading.

Remove GST from everything, then make everything ‘free’, then make it that all jobs paid at the exact same rate, and then we all must live in the same standardised houses and wear the same standardised clothes (grey).
All aspects of life must be standardised and made uniform, so life can finally be ‘fair’.
What great ideas you have comrade!

14-08-2023, 06:43 PM
Remove GST from everything, then make everything ‘free’, then make it that all jobs paid at the exact same rate, and then we all must live in the same standardised houses and wear the same standardised clothes (grey).
All aspects of life must be standardised and made uniform, so life can finally be ‘fair’.
What great ideas you have comrade!

No one is implying a complete removal of GST. The premise of this GST discussion by our political parties is to compare what other countries have done. If Australia, Canada, & UK are able to exempt GST on "basic necessities", then why can't NZ do the same? This is far from anything communistic and instead, all about placing in the right incentives. You want more affordable housing? Remove that tax free CGT on multiple house ownership; which only shows the incentive to turn houses into a profit making asset class.

Fairness is about having the right policies that creates "social mobility".

fungus pudding
14-08-2023, 06:54 PM
Remove GST from everything, then make everything ‘free’, then make it that all jobs paid at the exact same rate, and then we all must live in the same standardised houses and wear the same standardised clothes (grey).
All aspects of life must be standardised and made uniform, so life can finally be ‘fair’.
What great ideas you have comrade!

Sounds great. Do we all get a Lada to push around?

Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2023, 07:17 PM
Remove GST on fruit and vegetables, and suddenly the cry is “ooeerrr….you need to remove GST from ALL basic necessities!” Give Left wing types an inch, they’ll soon be demanding a mile. And the answer is apparently to apply a CGT at a time when property prices continue to fall and the economy is teetering on a knife edge. Paying out tax refunds to those selling property at a loss won’t do much to plug the yawning revenue hole that the government has fallen into.

14-08-2023, 07:38 PM
Give Left wing types an inch, they’ll soon be demanding a mile. And the answer is apparently to apply a CGT at a time when property prices continue to fall and the economy is teetering on a knife edge. Paying out tax refunds to those selling property at a loss won’t do much to plug the yawning revenue hole that the government has fallen into.

There's no guarantee that they would refund a capital gains tax loss on a property, it'll be like, suck it up loser. What galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes over that lifetime supporting untold beneficiaries (not just handouts), and every time a Labour government gets in they just want more and more and more from those 'who have'. Even though what they have they've worked bloody hard for, after deducting all the endless taxes and fees. And to thank us, they demand more, and squander it on vanity policies and 'ambitions' that have absolutely no possibility of ever being implemented while they're in government!

14-08-2023, 08:01 PM
You’re starting to sound like Balance. Do any of you beneficiary bashers ever stop to consider that there could be people here who are on a benefit of some kind? People who have also worked for many years to support their families, but who, for various reasons, now find themselves needing some assistance? Have you any idea what that feels like or how it impacts on one’s sense of self worth?

Nah, I didn’t think so. Sometimes I really hate this place.

What galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes over that lifetime supporting untold beneficiaries ….

14-08-2023, 08:24 PM
You’re starting to sound like Balance. Do any of you beneficiary bashers ever stop to consider that there could be people here who are on a benefit of some kind? People who have also worked for many years to support their families, but who, for various reasons, now find themselves needing some assistance? Have you any idea what that feels like or how it impacts on one’s sense of self worth?

Nah, I didn’t think so. Sometimes I really hate this place.

You're blending your own circumstances into the term 'beneficiaries', there are many many types of benefits. I am not bashing those who need some help. Have a look at what else MSD pays out, and what for, how easy it is to game the system and how many do game it. It's gravy train.

My point though, is that I've worked my lifetime, I've worked very hard, paid all my taxes and fees, a very large sum of taxes, tried to save a bit and even though I own my own house and my investments and some savings, I will still not be able to 'retire'. I will have to sell my house when I cannot work, find some cheaper accomodation and forego life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, draw down on my savings and investments, take the superannuation. I will become dependent on the state as well. It makes me ill to think about it. It is so depressing for our younger folks, who see this and wonder how on earth they have any hope making a financially independent life for themselves.

Don't bash me just because you feel bashed and react like a firecracker, and please, don't liken me to Balance. Let's not fall out over this JK, especially on a public forum, step back, take a deep breath and consider that even those who apparently have done the 'right thing' all their lives and even though they have literally paid millions in taxes and are considered 'wealthy' by some, will still not have a sustainable standard of living without earning an income from a job, and are likely to become a beneficiary of the state before they die.

This is what the Labour government promote. They have done it for many decades, they are the Robin Hood of governments. I will be very pleased to see the back of this one which has exceeded any and all previous Labour governments largess at the expense of everyone who is paying for it.

14-08-2023, 08:35 PM
You’re starting to sound like Balance. Do any of you beneficiary bashers ever stop to consider that there could be people here who are on a benefit of some kind? People who have also worked for many years to support their families, but who, for various reasons, now find themselves needing some assistance? Have you any idea what that feels like or how it impacts on one’s sense of self worth?

Nah, I didn’t think so. Sometimes I really hate this place.

Nothing wrong or degrading about being on a benefit for those who need the hand up. That’s what NZ’s social welfare system is truly about - and should always be about.

But everything wrong with the growing numbers who use social welfare and the benefit system as a lifestyle choice. Solo mums with 6 kids from 6 men - what chance have the poor kids got? Parasites who are high on drugs and alcohol, and can’t be bothered getting jobs. Parents who smoke, drink excessively but have children - they have a choice but the children do not.

And we have a government today actively encouraging people to get into that as a lifestyle choice.

I say Curse this Hipkins and Ardern government. Curse them for their hypocrisy, their incompetence, their arrogance and their self-serving lies, BS & spin.

14-08-2023, 08:36 PM

The end of Covid measures: Chris Hipkins 'longed for the day', but some are worried

Professor Nick Wilson, Department of Public Health, University of Otago, said the Government was wrong to end isolation requirements.

“The Government is so keen to pretend it's all over, despite people dying daily in hospital. It’s not trivial,” he said.

He said in the last week nearly three people had died each day and 171 people were in hospital.

He had hoped that instead of a full seven days, the system would change to a “test release” with a negative test ending a person’s required isolation.

“It’s still highly infectious. The average person is still infecting more than one other person. If they go to work, it will affect productivity,” he said.

Dr Siouxsie Wiles, one of the public faces of the Covid-19 response who was named New Zealander of the Year in 2021, said she was disappointed by the Government’s decision.

“Gutted by today’s news that masking in healthcare settings and mandatory isolation are goneburgers,” she wrote on Twitter.

“Sending hugs to everyone who understands what this means. I’m going to keep doing all I can because that’s all we’ve got left right?”

There is no more Covid any more - is there - Open your Legs - Chumpie says it's safe

Ignore the Experts

Only 2000 + have died due to Covid with more ill every week - not far off peak numbers weekly ;)

It's Labour's way forward folks - Dropped you all in it and advocating for more of the same ;)

Try not to catch Covid, Try not to die from Covid .. Labour say it doesn't matter anymore and they don't give a sh!t going forward ;)

Don't even think that the Hospitals will be able to help .. some ED's can't even open due to staffing shortages

Please try to be kind and do remember to vote for dropping everyone in it again :)

Chumpie might even Open his little peastick legs, jump in the air and try to have everyone believe that he's scaring Covid away :)


Covid 19 pandemic: The downstream impacts will reverberate indefinitely

A bit like the pitter patter of Labour hooves rapidly departing in October ? :)

14-08-2023, 08:45 PM
You're blending your own circumstances into the term 'beneficiaries', there are many many types of benefits. I am not bashing those who need some help. Have a look at what else MSD pays out, and what for, how easy it is to game the system and how many do game it. It's gravy train.

My point though, is that I've worked my lifetime, I've worked very hard, paid all my taxes and fees, a very large sum of taxes, tried to save a bit and even though I own my own house and my investments and some savings, I will still not be able to 'retire'. I will have to sell my house when I cannot work, find some cheaper accomodation and forego life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, draw down on my savings and investments, take the superannuation. I will become dependent on the state as well. It makes me ill to think about it. It is so depressing for our younger folks, who see this and wonder how on earth they have any hope making a financially independent life for themselves.

Don't bash me just because you feel bashed and react like a firecracker, and please, don't liken me to Balance. Let's not fall out over this JK, especially on a public forum, step back, take a deep breath and consider that even those who apparently have done the 'right thing' all their lives and even though they have literally paid millions in taxes and are considered 'wealthy' by some, will still not have a sustainable standard of living without earning an income from a job, and are likely to become a beneficiary of the state before they die.

This is what the Labour government promote. They have done it for many decades, they are the Robin Hood of governments. I will be very pleased to see the back of this one which has exceeded any and all previous Labour governments largess at the expense of everyone who is paying for it.
Just 1 point Baa Baa.
Superannuants are not dependents of the state. They earned this income from a lifetime of paying tax.

14-08-2023, 08:46 PM
Remember the anguished faces of Ardern & Hipkins when one person died from COVID during the lockdowns?

Not a word from them from them these days about the 10 on average who died from Covid in recent times.

All about feigning concern & sadness but they were actually taking NZers for a ride to serve their political purposes.

COVID has served its purpose so time for Hipkins to shut down any further discussions as the truth will keep revealing itself.

Ardern & Hipkins are certainly showing their true colours now.

A curse on the two of them and the Labour government.

14-08-2023, 08:49 PM

Grim verdict for NZ: No respite from downturn this year - global research group BMI

All the leaks in the little Red Submarine been fixed or is the program to fixing up on the same
"to do" trajectory as the extensive stock pile of Large & Growing Pot Holes on the books of
the Waka of Transport Incompetence ? ;)

All ye loyal Suckers - Labour want everyone top jump in and start pushing the little Red Submarine through the rough patches - might be quite a few of them, it will be rocky, and the tin is empty - so don't expect Robbo to shell out too much ;)

To those smarter - Labour have dropped things onto the bones of it Ass & into a big hole without thinking
about tomorrow ..

Remember - they are well proven at dropping all "In It" ;)

14-08-2023, 08:58 PM

New Zealand tax experts respond to GST-free fruit and vegetables

‘Populist’ and ‘stupid’: 12 tax experts respond to GST-free fruit and vegetables

The concensus of the experts = what a bunch of stupid chumps ;)

but everyone with half a clue probably already knew that anyway ;)

Could be quite a few very happy to see Chumpie & the hopeless mob left up to their necks "wallowing in it"
while everyone laughs & jeers from the ring side seats on who will sink to the bottom first :)

14-08-2023, 09:03 PM

Regions and NZ take a $5b hit with drop in forecast dairy price

Regional New Zealand is gritting its teeth and getting on with it after news Fonterra and Synlait’s forecast milk price will cut billions of dollars out of the national economy over the next 12 months.

Dairy NZ estimated that taking in wider spending, the loss would be $5 billion. This decline came on top of lower returns for beef and lamb exports on global markets.

The NZ Economy still a box of Fluffy Ducks - Robbo .. or is the window still fogged up ? ;)

14-08-2023, 09:06 PM
Firstly, I apologise for comparing you to Balance. You are nothing like him, and I have a great deal of respect for you. I have no desire to fall out with you either. I read your comments, and felt hurt and defensive. There is a stigma attached to receiving government assistance (or whatever kind it may be), and many beneficiaries live with guilt, and some level of shame. You very quickly learn, that it pays to choose carefully, who you share your "situation" with. It doesn't help when you come here, and are confronted with Balance's never-ending insulting rants.

Anyway, I am genuinely sorry Baa Baa. You didn't deserve that reaction.

You're blending your own circumstances into the term 'beneficiaries', there are many many types of benefits. I am not bashing those who need some help. Have a look at what else MSD pays out, and what for, how easy it is to game the system and how many do game it. It's gravy train.

14-08-2023, 09:09 PM
Firstly, I apologise for comparing you to Balance. You are nothing like him, and unlike him, I have a great deal of respect for you. I have no desire to fall out with you either. I read your comments, and felt hurt and defensive. There is a stigma attached to receiving government assistance (or whatever kind it may be), and many beneficiaries live with guilt, and some level of shame. You very quickly learn, that it pays to choose carefully, who you share your "situation" with. It doesn't help when you come here, and are confronted with Balance's never-ending insulting rants.

Anyway, I am genuinely sorry Balance. You didn't deserve that reaction.

You mean Baa Baa?

14-08-2023, 09:19 PM
What do you think? ;)

(I just edited it)

You mean Baa Baa?

14-08-2023, 09:21 PM
What do you think? ;)

(I just edited it)

Deep down inside, you know I am right about Ardern, Hipkins and this useless & yet arrogant Labour government.

Logen Ninefingers
14-08-2023, 10:28 PM
Just 1 point Baa Baa.
Superannuants are not dependents of the state. They earned this income from a lifetime of paying tax.

Many of them were paying tax for most of their lives in China, the UK, South Africa, India, the Philippines, and umpteen other countries & are now set to enjoy NZ superannuation. Others have taken more in benefits and WFF than they have actually contributed. So many superannuants are not as entitled as they appear.

14-08-2023, 10:36 PM
Many of them were paying tax for most of their lives in China, the UK, South Africa, India, the Philippines, and umpteen other countries & are now set to enjoy NZ superannuation. Others have taken more in benefits and WFF than they have actually contributed. So many superannuants are not as entitled as they appear.

How many like those vs the overwhelming majority who diligently worked hard and diligently paid their taxes & dues?

15-08-2023, 09:38 AM
Hipkins and Labour - showing themselves to be haplessly and desperately incompetent in the rushed announcements to bribe votes from NZers.


"What could possibly be worse than having your flagship cost of living policy leaked and announced by the opposition? Finally announcing your leaked and already announced flagship cost of living policy but buggering up the cost.

C’mon Labour! The Finance Minister pitched his election year budget as ‘getting the basics right’."

The spin machine was quick to fire up about falsehoods from the opposition with a government spokesperson telling journalists, “the fact sheet was an earlier version that was only sent to media under embargo ahead of the announcement”.

“The materials that were publicly released at the time of the announcement were all correct.”

Problem was there were no materials publicly released at the time of the announcement - or at any point after it for that matter."


Logen Ninefingers
15-08-2023, 12:00 PM
Labours ‘high quality’ immigration farce continues. What a disgrace this government is. Immigration New Zealand shouldn’t be ‘launching an investigation’; an investigation should be launched into what is going on at Immigration New Zealand.
Perhaps a Royal Commission of Inquiry is needed??
‘Forty men were crammed into the filthy, overcrowded three-bedroom home in Auckland for months on end, sharing a single shower and cooking over one stove.’
What the hell is going on in New Zealand, and why are we turning into a lawless and squalid banana republic?



'No food, nothing': Major criminal investigation after dozens of migrants discovered living in small, squalid Auckland home

Story by Nick Truebridge • 17h

‘A major criminal investigation is underway after dozens of migrants were discovered crowded inside a squalid three-bedroom home in south Auckland.

It's alleged the men paid thousands of dollars for employment agreements with local recruitment contractors, but since arriving they've received no work or pay.

On Sunday night, the men called police after their food ran out and they were forced to turn to begging.

Forty men were crammed into the filthy, overcrowded three-bedroom home in Auckland for months on end, sharing a single shower and cooking over one stove.

"Three days, we don't have nothing to eat, only just drinking water. No food, nothing. No food, sir, we are only drinking water," said Indian migrant Prasad Babu.

Newshub visited the Papakura property on Sunday night and found dozens of migrants crowding their street after calling in local police.

It's a last resort. They say they paid tens of thousands of dollars each for job offers and signed contracts with New Zealand recruitment contractors, but haven't worked an hour or seen a cent.

"You guys took $20,000 from us to get a job. Why did you promise us you can give a better life here? There is no better life here," Babu said.

Instead of a better life, they've turned to begging.

"Like beggars, we are going to the temple and eating the food there. I'm a Christian, I can't even go to the temple, Indo Temple, but I'm going because I need food."

They arrived via the accredited employer work visa scheme but instead of jobs, they're on the breadline - and it's not just them.

"Three months we have been suffering here. We didn't send even one dollar back to my family and my children. How can they eat?" Babu said.

Union Network of Migrants president Mandeep Bela walked Newshub through the property on Sunday night. Several men were crammed into a porta com out the front, suitcases were piled up into a lounge that doubles as a laundry, tiny back rooms were full of mattresses, while others sleep in the garage.

"In terms of work visa schemes - scam schemes - this is really at another level," Bela said.

Immigration New Zealand has launched a major investigation into alleged visa fraud and migrant exploitation, which are serious criminal offences.

"Once the investigation is complete, if the charges are proven we will prosecute and we will take serious action against any offenders," said Steve Watson, immigration compliance and investigations general manager.

So how widespread are scenes like this? The Ministry concedes it simply doesn't know.

"Um, makes me sad for the integrity of the system being called into question because there are a large number of employers and people who come to this country and have a positive experience. And I don't believe these people have had a positive experience," Watson said.

But Immigration Minister Andrew Little still won't commit to pausing the accredited employer scheme.

"We have about 27,000 accredited employers, we have about 77,000 workers here in New Zealand under visas under that scheme. The vast majority are working fine," he said.

Even though this is the reality for who knows how many.

"You told us that you have a better life in New Zealand, you can settle with the family here, your children have a good education here. Where is it? Like this? Everybody sleeping like this?" Babu said.

They were sold a dream, but instead they bought a lie.’

15-08-2023, 12:12 PM
Labours ‘high quality’ immigration farce continues. What a disgrace this government is. Immigration New Zealand shouldn’t be ‘launching an investigation’; an investigation should be launched into what is going on at Immigration New Zealand.
Perhaps a Royal Commission of Inquiry is needed??
‘Forty men were crammed into the filthy, overcrowded three-bedroom home in Auckland for months on end, sharing a single shower and cooking over one stove.’
What the hell is going on in New Zealand, and why are we turning into a lawless and squalid banana republic?


Employers out there have known about the immigration scam for months and months.

It is unbelievable and not credible that Immigration (& Andrew USELESS Little) do not know how bad the problem is.

As usual, the shxt has hit the fan via the media and only now will they investigate?

This is PEOPLE SMUGGLING & HUMAN TRAFFICKING courtesy of this Labour government.

Disgusting, despicable & repugnant.

15-08-2023, 12:32 PM

Nicola Willis says Grant Robertson ‘probably needs a cup of tea and a lie down’, after Robertson calls her ‘liar’

National deputy leader Nicola Willis said Finance Minister Grant Robertson “probably needs a cup of tea and a lie down” after an excoriating radio interview in which Robertson repeatedly called her a “liar”.

Allegations of lying are serious and difficult to substantiate - they occasionally lead to defamation action being taken against the accuser, but Willis said she would not be taking any legal action against Robertson.

“The last thing he needs is a lawyer letter. He probably needs a cup of tea and a lie down,” Willis said.

A defamation action might also put the spotlight on how much evidence Willis has for her own theory that Robertson has fallen out with the Prime Minister. So far, she has only put it forward as a theory rather than a claim for why Labour made a mistake in its GST policy.

In his regular weekly interview on Newstalk ZB’s Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive, Robertson was asked about the mistake in Labour’s GST policy that saw the first version of the policy cost $235m less than the final version.

It looks like Robbo might be losing the plot ;)

Time for a Lie down .. VG :)

Things not going well on the airy fairy arty farty GST Free Fruits & Veges that Robbo didn't like until he receive new Clown instruction ? ;)

Even the Front Bench Govt Fruits and Veges must be confused about Labour's announcement on what is or isn't ;)

If it's too hard & to avoid putting yourself in a tight spot up against the wall - you could just resign & step down - Robbo ;)

It's just a matter of a month or two until new incoming Finance Minister you call Liar come in and expose more of the 5.5 years of Labour fiscal incompetences & squandering to make you look more stupid ..

The back office tea makers probably could have done a better job of coming out fiscally with a much smaller hole .. and that's with their eyes closed :)

Logen Ninefingers
15-08-2023, 12:37 PM
‘A Clockwork Orange’ in New Zealand….teenagers on a crime rampage.


Teens arrested after 48-hour crime spree from Browns Bay to Whangārei

By Jaime Lyth
15 Aug, 2023 09:16 AM

‘Four teenagers have been captured by police after an alleged spree of burglaries, robberies and a dramatic police chase over 48 hours.

Police arrested the teenagers, aged between 13-15, this morning after a series of incidents that started in the early hours of Monday morning between Browns Bay and Whangārei.

Police allege the offending spree included burglaries, an aggravated robbery and the ramming of a police vehicle. In one incident last night police say three masked males entered a store armed with knives and screwdrivers.

A police spokesperson said yesterday at 1.20am police were called following a report of a burglary at a petrol station on State Highway 1, Whakapara, 20 km north of Whangārei.

Three people were reportedly smashing windows and took a number of items before fleeing.

At 3.11am that same morning police were notified of a burglary at a fast food restaurant on Bank St, Whangārei.

The Northern Advocate understands the group of teens broke into the Pizza Hut store by shattering a glass door.

They were seen leaving the store at 3.11am with some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, bottles of coke and some money.

Police have now linked this group to an aggravated robbery at a restaurant in Browns Bay, Auckland last night.

At around 10.40pm a group of three masked males entered the store on Clyde Rd armed with knives and screwdrivers and made demands for money.

The offenders stole cash registers from behind the counter before fleeing in a vehicle.

Then, at 12.32am police were called to a petrol station on State Highway 1, Te Hana after a group of offenders gained entry to the store.

They stole a number of items before fleeing in a stolen vehicle.

Whangārei CIB Detective Senior Sergeant Geoff McCarthy said police were then called at approximately 1.37am to a petrol station on State Highway 1, Oakleigh following a report of a burglary.

”At about 1.46am a mobile police patrol unit located the vehicle involved in the initial burglary and signalled for the vehicle to stop.

”When the driver failed to stop police initiated a pursuit.

”Shortly after, the pursuing police vehicle was rammed by the offending vehicle and rendered immobile. Thankfully the officers involved were uninjured.”

He said spikes were successfully deployed a short time later and the vehicle was brought to a stop.

The offenders abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot and after a brief search of the area, four young people were arrested.

Property was recovered from both of the burglary scenes.

”I would like to acknowledge the work carried out by our staff, who quickly located this group and took them into custody,” he said.

”This type of crime is unacceptable and has no place in our communities.

”We want to reassure the community that this type of offending will not be tolerated. We work hard to hold offenders to account and to ensure the safety of our community.”’

Logen Ninefingers
15-08-2023, 12:43 PM
Employers out there have known about the immigration scam for months and months.

It is unbelievable and not credible that Immigration (& Andrew USELESS Little) do not know how bad the problem is.

As usual, the shxt has hit the fan via the media and only now will they investigate?

This is PEOPLE SMUGGLING & HUMAN TRAFFICKING courtesy of this Labour government.

Disgusting, despicable & repugnant.

Bringing in tens of thousands of people…with 100,000 people on ‘jobseeker’ and job ads declining by 25.8% on a year ago.
Make it make sense!



‘Job ads, which had been running hotter than hot, have declined for the fourth month in a row and are down by about a quarter on what they were a year ago - suggesting that the expected sharp cooling in the labour market is under way.

According to the July BNZ & SEEK Employment Report, SEEK job ads fell 3.9% in July on a seasonally adjusted basis. That is the fourth consecutive monthly decline, and Job ads in July were 25.8% lower than a year earlier.’

15-08-2023, 12:47 PM

Nicola Willis says Grant Robertson ‘probably needs a cup of tea and a lie down’, after Robertson calls her ‘liar’

It looks like Robbo might be losing the plot ;)

Time for a Lie down .. VG :)

Things not going well on the airy fairy arty farty GST Free Fruits & Veges that Robbo didn't like until he receive new Clown instruction ? ;)

Even the Front Bench Govt Fruits and Veges must be confused about Labour's announcement on what is or isn't ;)

Swallowing dead rats (3 in a row) will do that to anyone but Robertson has to worry about his ever widening hole as well!

rat 1 - income insurance scheme canned

rat 2 - wealth tax canned

rat 3 - GST on fruit & veges

Nicola Willis sure know how to get under his skin, doesn't she?! :D



15-08-2023, 01:13 PM

Election 2023: Labour leader Chris Hipkins to launch new paid parental leave policy

Have to look after thems breeders .. the rest of you suckers on the paying end can suck the kumara and start spitting out more coins to fill the empty tin :)

Love from your LABOUR Comrades

Your experts in dropping everyone in the sh!t :)

Please don't forget to vote for us if you want more of the mindless fiscal sh!t, crime coming out your ears, pot holes for as far as the eye can see, Health & Education a shadow of what they were and borrowings higher than anyone's wildest dreams to bankroll the farce - while the whole show slides further down the dunny :)

15-08-2023, 01:32 PM
SIX WASTED YEARS and what a disaster !!

15-08-2023, 02:37 PM
SIX WASTED YEARS and what a disaster !!

Following on from 9 wasted years of nothing ...

Should have made Helen Clark our queen (she was keen for a fourth term)

15-08-2023, 02:41 PM

Election 2023: Labour’s offer for new parents is four weeks’ paid leave for partners on top of paid parental leave

Labour is pledging to give four weeks of paid parental leave to the partner of the main carer of a baby, on top of the 26 weeks paid parental leave for a main caregiver.

Prime Minister and Labour leader Chris Hipkins is announcing the new policy in Wellington today as part of his push to win Labour a third term, saying it will ease the financial burden for partners taking leave after the birth of a child to help the main carer.

It would be phased in – starting with two weeks leave for partners from July 1, 2024, increasing to three weeks from July 2025 and the full four weeks from July 2026. The leave could be taken concurrently with paid parental leave or consecutively, giving families the option of having both parents at home after the child’s birth or having at least one parent home on paid leave for up to 30 weeks.

Who's paying - Comrades ? ;)

Show us the money and not the bottom of the empty tin - Labour have now looking for more taxing;)

15-08-2023, 02:45 PM
Following on from 9 wasted years of nothing ...

Should have made Helen Clark our queen (she was keen for a fourth term)

The UN loved the talent kicked out of office from here .. so much they obviously didn't want
the next Clueless Mouthy Spinner who abandoned the ship mid voyage anywhere near :)

At least Cullen had a half clue even if he didn't do much .. probably shows the current mob up for the
hopeless bunch misfit excuses they are, expert only in dropping everyone in it ;)

15-08-2023, 02:53 PM
Nothing offering from Labour for Middle NZ & most of NZ - as could be predicted

Likely all the ones wearing the ravages of Labour's grossly incompetent management

Robbo's Fiscal Hole must be plumbing really grim depths for the shallow excuses of policy tossed out so far ;)

Robbo must be inviting Greater Kiwiland to kick Labour to the curb after the past 6 years of excuses for a Govt :)

15-08-2023, 05:10 PM

'We live on bare basics': 55% of New Zealanders struggling financially

New research from the Retirement Commission shows that she is not alone. It found 55% of New Zealanders were struggling with their financial situation, up 17% compared to February 2021, and the highest level since surveying began.

All happy Labour Campers now realising that Labour have dropped them in it ? or probably not ;)

15-08-2023, 05:19 PM

Tova O'Brien: Labour's GST own goal the gnarliest we’ve seen all FIFA Women’s World Cup

ANALYSIS: What could possibly be worse than having your flagship cost of living policy leaked and announced by the opposition?

Finally announcing your leaked and already announced flagship cost of living policy but buggering up the cost.

C’mon Labour! The Finance Minister pitched his election year budget as ‘getting the basics right’.

Who needs enemies or opponents when you've got a prize A-Hole like this on the team digging fiscal holes ? ;)

15-08-2023, 08:21 PM
There's no guarantee that they would refund a capital gains tax loss on a property, it'll be like, suck it up loser. What galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes over that lifetime supporting untold beneficiaries (not just handouts), and every time a Labour government gets in they just want more and more and more from those 'who have'. Even though what they have they've worked bloody hard for, after deducting all the endless taxes and fees. And to thank us, they demand more, and squander it on vanity policies and 'ambitions' that have absolutely no possibility of ever being implemented while they're in government!Sounds like you think you are a victim Baa Baa, when you say “what galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes…..” A poor me story, from someone who is far from poor. You are fortunate to have earned enough to pay humungous taxes. You are fortunate to be in the category of those ’who have.’ How about an attitude of gratitude for what you have, and the opportunities you have had.

Many people work bloody hard, and only a few earn enough to pay humungous taxes.
Many work hard just to pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table for their family, with nothing left over.

15-08-2023, 08:44 PM
Nothing wrong or degrading about being on a benefit for those who need the hand up. That’s what NZ’s social welfare system is truly about - and should always be about.

I say Curse this Hipkins and Ardern government. Curse them for their hypocrisy, their incompetence, their arrogance and their self-serving lies, BS & spin.I say projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a person about their incompetence, hypocrisy, BS & spin etc, they might be projecting their own struggle with hypocrisy, competence etc onto the other person.

15-08-2023, 08:49 PM
I say projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a person about their incompetence, hypocrisy, BS & spin etc, they might be projecting their own struggle with hypocrisy, competence etc onto the other person.

Unadulterated garbage as usual from the resident cuckooland commentator moka.

15-08-2023, 08:54 PM
I think this is a little unfair, and unjustified moka. You don't know Baa_Baa's personal or financial situation. You can't make judgmental calls like that about whether someone is rich or poor, or something in between. I have no doubt whatsoever that whatever his situation is currently, Baa_Baa got there by sheer hard work and determination. You are implying that he is rich and got rich because he had more "opportunities" than others. What does that even mean? That you think he got handouts from parents, inheritances, or just got paid too much??? I think your comments are pretty offensive to be honest.

Sounds like you think you are a victim Baa Baa, when you say “what galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes…..” A poor me story, from someone who is far from poor. You are fortunate to have earned enough to pay humungous taxes. You are fortunate to be in the category of those ’who have.’ How about an attitude of gratitude for what you have, and the opportunities you have had.

Many people work bloody hard, and only a few earn enough to pay humungous taxes.
Many work hard just to pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table for their family, with nothing left over.

15-08-2023, 08:56 PM
Sounds like you think you are a victim Baa Baa, when you say “what galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes…..” A poor me story, from someone who is far from poor. You are fortunate to have earned enough to pay humungous taxes. You are fortunate to be in the category of those ’who have.’ How about an attitude of gratitude for what you have, and the opportunities you have had.

Many people work bloody hard, and only a few earn enough to pay humungous taxes.
Many work hard just to pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table for their family, with nothing left over.

There are opportunities a plenty in NZ for anyone to do well.

NZ having to import labour while 100,000+ are on the jobseeker benefits tell you all one needs to know why there are beneficiaries, parasites and losers who cannot make ends meet.

Get a life, moka. Go out there and do some good with the bottom dwellers. Tell them to study hard, work hard and save hard. Sacrifice some pleasures today for a better tomorrow.

Remember what Labour is about:

“Study hard, work hard and save hard do we can take from you to give to those who don’t.”

15-08-2023, 09:17 PM
I say projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a person about their incompetence, hypocrisy, BS & spin etc, they might be projecting their own struggle with hypocrisy, competence etc onto the other person.

Which is exactly what you just did to me, you a*hole. Says a lot more about you than me.

I agree with JAK, your comments are offensive. Carry on though, digging your hole by all means, it just reenforces your own ill-informed bigotry.

I share that I've paid millions in taxes over the lifetime of my career, so you decide to bash that with uninformed assumptions. It is a fact that the more money you earn in this country, the more money you pay in taxes, and this Labour government has made it even more burdensome with the 39% tax rate ... that's the few percentage above the 33% that some of us used to put into our savings. Not anymore.

You need to get over the fact that the 'middle income' in NZ is not the rich, nor are they the poor, but they are the ones who are getting smashed left right and centre, being expected to be taxed taxed taxed and pay pay pay, for what? This government's obscene largesse! A lifetime is a long time, especially when you're at the other end of of it, to have a government decide you cannot save anymore because we're taking it in taxes.

All the while we have in NZ very large global conglomerates and very rich people who can afford to legally avoid paying taxes. Perhaps the government might be better served in going after them, instead of the toilers.

I don't like you Moka, you're a text book spewing idealistic troll who lacks perspective and is quick to cite theory and others opinions, probably without very much real life experience, or so it would seem.

15-08-2023, 10:00 PM
Kiss my arse, moka.

15-08-2023, 10:56 PM
Sounds like you think you are a victim Baa Baa, when you say “what galls is a lifetime of providing for your family, paying humungous taxes…..” A poor me story, from someone who is far from poor. You are fortunate to have earned enough to pay humungous taxes. You are fortunate to be in the category of those ’who have.’ How about an attitude of gratitude for what you have, and the opportunities you have had.

Many people work bloody hard, and only a few earn enough to pay humungous taxes.
Many work hard just to pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table for their family, with nothing left over.

I'm in the same camp as Baa Baa in terms of paying millions in taxes to the NZ gov't in my lifetime. I don't see myself as being fortunate - but rather, 'conforming' to what ever tax laws our gov't imposes on the productive part of society. If i'm paying taxes, then I believe I should have the right to criticize the gov't when especially, the gov't provides me with little benefit in return. Where is the safety net that the gov't is suppose to provide me? Things like our superannuation pension that i've paid taxes and contributed to, the gov't is on the path that maybe those that pay taxes, should not be entitled to the pension? How about an eroding health care and education system? Don't forget, I paid a lot of taxes over the years and I should at least expect some decent level of care. But all of that has been flushed down the toilet since the Labour Party took control. Wifey tells me all the time where she works at Public Health, where recently, they 'de-establish' (fancy word for redundancies) of certain positions but maintain the Maori and Pacific Island workers by offering them a different position. It's full on racist but that's what the Labour Party has done.

15-08-2023, 11:25 PM
I think this is a little unfair, and unjustified moka. You don't know Baa_Baa's personal or financial situation. You can't make judgmental calls like that about whether someone is rich or poor, or something in between. I have no doubt whatsoever that whatever his situation is currently, Baa_Baa got there by sheer hard work and determination. You are implying that he is rich and got rich because he had more "opportunities" than others. What does that even mean? That you think he got handouts from parents, inheritances, or just got paid too much??? I think your comments are pretty offensive to be honest.I said how about an attitude of gratitude for what you have, and the opportunities you have had.

Opportunities means things that not everyone has or gets. Opportunities can be things that you just take for granted, like being fit, healthy, intelligent, and living in NZ. I had opportunities that many others don’t have. I acknowledge the privileges that being white and middle class brings me. I have seen how difficult it is for someone who is not white middle class to get ahead.

I did well at school. I have an above average IQ, I enjoyed studying and I was able to get qualifications that helped me get better jobs. I was fortunate to be born to parents who had good values. They were hardworking, disciplined, frugal and honest, and they instilled those values in their children.

I didn’t have a disability or health issue that made it hard or impossible to get work. There has also been some luck in my life, being in the right situation at the right time. I know other people who have a series of accidents, illnesses and misfortunes. Living in NZ is something to be grateful for. Personality traits like determination give you more opportunities to get ahead, and you are more likely to succeed. Opportunities can mean that jobs were available, that you had the opportunity to buy a house, invest and to have enough money left over to save.

16-08-2023, 08:23 AM
Remember ‘Be Kind’?

That’s a dirty word now that Hipkins is doing everything he can to distance himself and this useless Labour government from
Ardern & her follies.

An example of ‘kindness’ in action overnight :

Six 12-13 year olds breaking into cars - no doubt they will be referred to youth aid and then, allowed back to commit crimes again in the name of ‘be kind’ to criminals as they are ‘victims’ too of crimes.


100,000 Kiwibuild homes anyone?

How about 350% increase in families living in cars?

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 09:13 AM
More bad news for big-spending Robbo and his gaping fiscal hole….


‘Dairy prices crashed to their lowest levels in nearly five years at the Global Dairy Trade auction overnight, led by a 10.9 percent fall in the price of whole milk powder.

The average price fell 7.4 percent to US$2875 (NZD$4830) a tonne.

The price of whole milk powder, which strongly affects the payout for local farmers, fell to US$2548 a tonne.
Prices for skim milk powder and butter also fell 5.2 percent and 3 percent respectively.’

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 09:48 AM
Schools are drowning in sewage under Labour, as per this example. Daytr won’t be happy about this state of affairs!


‘A central Auckland secondary school will reopen tomorrow after a major sewage leak closed it for two days.

An email sent to parents and caregivers by Western Springs College on Monday said the hazardous drainage had seeped into carpets.

“The school is a three-level building. The sewage is coming from the top floor’s toilets bubbling through the floor drains of each floor’s toilet then seeping into the stairwells and entrance carpet,” Western Springs College Principal Ivan Davis said in the email.
“It’s major.”’

16-08-2023, 10:03 AM
A well written piece on Labour's achievements over the past 6 years:

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 11:23 AM
Just been to the Sunshine Coast on holiday, where you can get tomatoes for AUD 2.90/kg and sweet potatoes for AUD 4.50kg. At my local Countdown in NZ, tomatoes are NZD 14.49/kg and sweet potatoes / kumara’s are NZD 13.50/kg.

16-08-2023, 12:16 PM

Election 2023: Richard Prebble - Labour whale to sharks, Chris Hipkins to blame

Not difficult to see either :)