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16-08-2023, 12:22 PM

Three Waters: Amendment bill passes third reading

Amending legislation to the government’s controversial Three Waters programme has passed its third reading under urgency at Parliament.

The bill would put in place the final series of changes to the drinking, waste and stormwater management regulations, including the increase from four entities to 10 smaller ones, announced in April.

It also delayed the start date of the entities by two years, to 2026.

The greater number of entities will mean they are more localised, and councils will typically have more influence in strategic oversight groups, but also means costs for ratepayers will likely be higher than under Labour’s previous plan.

Labour and the Green Party supported the Water Services Entities Amendment Bill, while National, ACT, and Te Pāti Māori opposed it.

National and ACT have promised to repeal the entire suite of reforms - but keep the water regulator Taumata Arowai - if elected in October.

Yet another soon to be failed Mahuta / Labour fail at a huge cost to be shortly thrown away ;)

More waste & incompetence courtesy of the current mob of incompetents ;)

16-08-2023, 12:29 PM
A well written piece on Labour's achievements over the past 6 years:

Robbo has certainly nurtured our former Rock Star Economy along just fine into a large Hole, a miserable shadow of it's former self ;)

Gut the job, turn it to a shell and throw what's left into a large chasm - Clueless fiscal management from a bunch of prize idiots with very few clues and direction ;)

Of course, the 16% trojan faction appear to have come out of it untaxed and unscathed to detriment of all others .. obviously and very clearly in it for themselves ;)

16-08-2023, 01:09 PM

Vegetable growers, cooks not keen on Government's GST plan

The idea of taking GST off fruit and vegetables has not been welcomed in Taranaki, even by those whose businesses might seem set to benefit.

The Labour Government is promising to scrap GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables from next April if it wins the general election in October – a $2 billion policy which it says will save households about $20 a month.

It comes as the price of fruit and vegetables have increased 22.5% in a year, but the policy, announced on Sunday, has been widely panned by economists as too costly and difficult to administer.

Chere Bailey, co-owner of plant-based cafe and deli Wild Pear Kitchen in New Plymouth, said the plan was too complicated.

Chumpie - they is saying take your dumb "GST off Fruits and Veges" Red Herring and have Robbo sit on it ;)

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 01:41 PM
Look out below….


‘Economists have been taking the scissors to their milk price forecasts after what one described as a "terrible" dairy auction in the early hours of Wednesday.

ASB economist Nat Keall (he described the overnight auction results as "terrible") had for a long time the lowest milk price forecast for this season among major bank economists and he's down there again now, having slashed his farmgate milk price forecast from $7.25 to $6.60. But close behind is BNZ senior economist Doug Steel, who has slashed his forecast from $7.60 to $6.70.

In a Dairy Update Keall says the latest dairy auction result means overall dairy prices are now at their lowest point since late 2018, while WMP prices are at their lowest point since this time in 2016.

Keall noted that Chinese dairy demand "remains soft". Purchases have ticked up a little over the last couple of auctions – perhaps a bit of bargain hunting – but ‘North Asia’ is still buying quantities well below historical averages.
"With the Chinese economy continuing to deteriorate – data yesterday saw big downside surprises in retail sales and industrial production – dairy consumption is unlikely to dramatically improve in the medium term," he said.
"There is plenty of uncertainty at this stage in the season, and there are some upside risks as well as downside ones. Nonetheless, we think it is prudent for farmers to be budgeting on a milk price in the lower half of Fonterra’s present guidance range."

BNZ's Steel said in an Economy Watch note that "one small saving grace" is that the New Zealand dollar has pushed below US60c, at least taking the edge off the product price falls when expressed in local currency.‘

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 01:49 PM
The Labour faithful will be delighted….


‘Te Pukenga has published its 2022 annual report. This allows us to see how well the personal brainchild of Chris Hipkins is doing. A summary:

- Deficit of $80.4 million

- A 10.6% drop in EFTS (effective full time students)

- Targets for course completion and credit achievement for Maori and Pacific learners were generally not met

- Overall targets for all learners generally not met

- Lower achievement levels on the industry training side

16-08-2023, 03:26 PM
Imagine being an overseas employer (even in Aust) and seeing a candidate with a qualification from Te Pukenga on a resume.

Now "The New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology".. that has mana.

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 03:48 PM
'The Government has released the latest benefit data. Here are the changes from June 2017 to June 2023.'

All working age benefits -

Total working age: 276,331 to 351,759, an increase of 27%
Maori: 97,916 to 131,413, an increase of 34%
Under 25s: 42,615 to 52,689, an increase of 24%
More than one year: 72,558 to 92,814, an increase of 28%

16-08-2023, 04:25 PM

Debt repayment off table for farmers this season as agri-economy pressure builds

Gobbo Robbo's worst fiscal hole nightmares building to bite really hard in election year ;)

Looks like the tin might be bare for a while courtesy of these dreaming clueless Labour Govt twits ;)

16-08-2023, 04:27 PM
Imagine being an overseas employer (even in Aust) and seeing a candidate with a qualification from Te Pukenga on a resume.

Now "The New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology".. that has mana.

Is that your reason for still being here ? ;)

No-one want Pandered Up advisory anywhere ? :)

16-08-2023, 04:28 PM
'The Government has released the latest benefit data. Here are the changes from June 2017 to June 2023.'

All working age benefits -

Total working age: 276,331 to 351,759, an increase of 27%
Maori: 97,916 to 131,413, an increase of 34%
Under 25s: 42,615 to 52,689, an increase of 24%
More than one year: 72,558 to 92,814, an increase of 28%

Confirming how Hipkins and Ardern are breeding parasites, beneficiaries and losers.

By the tens of thousands.

16-08-2023, 04:34 PM

Reserve Bank keeps OCR on hold at 5.5pc, future rate hike not ruled out

The new forecasts also see New Zealand’s economy to enter recession in the third quarter.

So the Economy not so Orr-Some after all ?

So how come the RB Pointy Noses didn't see that coming or was everyone looking the other way ? :)

but the knife being kept overhead just in case

but don't worry Labour might want to borrow it after October landslide to do some Leadership
reorganision and dice the Chips more finely for their going away party :)

Have the Reserve Bank twits looked at recent Company Results coming through or too hard ? ;)

Still no Communicado with Robbo the clueless on some more Bank Robbery to cover Labour's new bribes
or are they all out on the Never Never happen once October landslide sweeps the Govt Front benches clean
of Labour's hopeless bums and other useless self serving excuses, only good at digging big hole ? ;)

16-08-2023, 06:00 PM

Election 2023: Audrey Young - who takes over as Labour’s leader if it loses the election?

Media must be sensing Chumpy's dethrowning on a looming Labour dumping ;)

A mother of a landslide of stale & rancid burnt sausage rolls on the way - boys & girls ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 07:35 PM

Reserve Bank keeps OCR on hold at 5.5pc, future rate hike not ruled out

So the Economy not so Orr-Some after all ?

So how come the RB Pointy Noses didn't see that coming or was everyone looking the other way ? :)

but the knife being kept overhead just in case

but don't worry Labour might want to borrow it after October landslide to do some Leadership
reorganision and dice the Chips more finely for their going away party :)

Have the Reserve Bank twits looked at recent Company Results coming through or too hard ? ;)

Still no Communicado with Robbo the clueless on some more Bank Robbery to cover Labour's new bribes
or are they all out on the Never Never happen once October landslide sweeps the Govt Front benches clean
of Labour's hopeless bums and other useless self serving excuses, only good at digging big hole ? ;)

Well the Reserve Bank may have to hike to defend the NZ dollar. The Dairy Auction results are telegraphing that NZ doesn't have a lot going for it at the moment. A huge infrastructure deficit, export prices tanking, a whopping balance of payments deficit....saying "we're clean and green!" and deluding ourselves that we're rich is not going to appease the credit ratings agencies and international lenders.
The penny just isn't dropping for many New Zealanders, and I can't really understand why. Perhaps people have deluded themselves for so long that they think local two-bit companies and the property market represent the 'real economy': they don't. The most important part is the export bit, and it is under the hammer.

16-08-2023, 07:51 PM
Well the Reserve Bank may have to hike to defend the NZ dollar. The Dairy Auction results are telegraphing that NZ doesn't have a lot going for it at the moment. A huge infrastructure deficit, export prices tanking, a whopping balance of payments deficit....saying "we're clean and green!" and deluding ourselves that we're rich is not going to appease the credit ratings agencies and international lenders.
The penny just isn't dropping for many New Zealanders, and I can't really understand why. Perhaps people have deluded themselves for so long that they think local two-bit companies and the property market represent the 'real economy': they don't. The most important part is the export bit, and it is under the hammer.

And you can thank Labour with its anti-business and anti-farming policies for what’s happening.

As for the exchange rate, NZ$ at US0.50c would be good. It will drive the export sector while constraining consumption (especially import sector).

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 07:57 PM
And you can thank Labour with its anti-business and anti-farming policies for what’s happening.

As for the exchange rate, NZ$ at US0.50c would be good. It will drive the export sector while constraining consumption (especially import sector).

NZ$ at US 0.50c with the price of oil on the rise...that's a nightmare scenario. The 'pain at the pump' will be visceral.

16-08-2023, 08:05 PM
NZ$ at US 0.50c with the price of oil on the rise...that's a nightmare scenario. The 'pain at the pump' will be visceral.

NZers will simply have to learn to live within their means and drive less.

I have seen the NZ$ at 38c and the world did not end for the country. The export & productive sectors boomed, especially tourism.

16-08-2023, 09:34 PM

Couple ordered to pay $30k for meth contamination and drug-related damage to Auckland apartment

A landlord awarded $30,000 after tenants used his property to cook methamphetamine before leaving owing thousands in rent will probably never recover the losses, his agent says.

The couple, who are also alleged to have gang connections, initially had their lease for the apartment on Vogel Lane, Auckland Central, terminated by the Tenancy Tribunal in July 2022, for rent arrears of $8950.

Barfoot and Thompson managed the unit on behalf of the owner Jeff Lau.

After the couple vacated the property, drug paraphernalia was discovered during an inspection resulting in tests being carried out at the property which revealed significant methamphetamine contamination.

Readings of up to 75mg per 100sq cm were detected throughout the apartment, five times chief science adviser Sir Peter Gluckman’s recommended level of 15mg per 100sq cm - a guideline the Tenancy Tribunal has followed since 2018 - and well in excess of the current New Zealand standard of 1.5mg per 100sq cm.

Extensive damage to the walls and door frames of the unit, attributed to drug use, was also located during the inspection, which resulted in a second compensation claim to the tribunal.

In line now for one of Megan Housebuilders New Taxpayer funded Shacks yet for some more of the same ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
16-08-2023, 09:39 PM

Couple ordered to pay $30k for meth contamination and drug-related damage to Auckland apartment

In line now for one of Megan Housebuilders New Taxpayer funded Shacks yet for some more of the same ? ;)

'Barfoot and Thompson managed the unit on behalf of the owner Jeff Lau.'

Managed or mismanaged?

16-08-2023, 09:49 PM
'Barfoot and Thompson managed the unit on behalf of the owner Jeff Lau.'

Managed or mismanaged?

Interesting, but the unwanted drug peddling & making patrons probably aren't immediately evident until
they have installed themselves in the houses, they then get comfy in their short term abodes with bad habits when they think they haven't been noticed, only uncovered in later inspections on what is going on ..

Wonder how much Barefoot Tenant Managers will be contributing on the back of little / anything expected from those now well departed ? ;)

16-08-2023, 10:03 PM

Petrol passes $3 again, but Government says subsiding prices again is 'unsustainable'

Enjoy Boys & Girls .. with love from your caring Labour Clowns - Chippie, Robbo & the gang ;)

Don't forget to vote for us - you lot of blind ignorant peasants

for simply just more the same .. no thrills, nothing fancy, untold potholes, an orchestration of new f*^k-ups .. :)

We know you all just really love being dropped right in it .. :)

17-08-2023, 08:58 AM
GST off fruit and veges to benefit the wealthy the most - this from a Labour government!

How? Read on :


"Who would profit most from Labour’s GST-exemption policy? It won’t be those struggling with the cost of living – the average shopper is unlikely to see any real change in supermarket prices if Chris Hipkins was to implement his tax-off fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables.

The real winner would be the supermarket company duopoly who will pocket most of the GST exemption, along with supermarket lobbyists, the lawyers, accountants and public servants who would be in demand to administer and fight over the tax rules. Even if there is a trickle-down in reduced fruit and vege prices, economists say most of this will be disproportionately enjoyed by wealthier shoppers."



17-08-2023, 12:45 PM

Bill To Lower The Voting Age For Local Elections Is Introduced To Parliament

Today the Government has introduced a Bill to Parliament to lower the voting age for local elections, following through on its commitment made following the Supreme Court declaring that the voting age of 18 for local and general elections is inconsistent with the Bill of Rights.

McANutty from Labour's Hotel Desperado appears to have seen smoke signals that Labour needs more
of the underage clueless to try to buy more Labour Tax Ram Raids, Smash & Grab all on a wholesale scale;)

What's the urgency with a last minute Bill - McANutty ? ;)

A shame the same expediency hasn't been shown to vast chapters of other slow moving Labour f*7k-ups
like the Cyclone Repairs job sitting in your own camp and 6 months later still resembling a vast shambles ;)

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 12:46 PM
Under Labour, immigrants are imported en masse and then disgracefully debased, living in abject squalor while twiddling their thumbs waiting for ‘work’ that doesn’t exist. Disgusting and inhuman!
Even the Immigration Minister admits this situation is human trafficking, occurring on his watch. But, like Pontius Pilate, he just washes his hands of the issue.

‘Immigration Minister Andrew Little admitted that things are bad. Asked if this situation is human trafficking, he said: "Yes, almost certainly."

But he won't commit to a review.’



Four more Auckland properties under investigation for allegedly housing exploited migrants

Nick Truebridge

‘Since Newshub revealed on Monday the alleged exploitation of dozens of migrants living in a single house, Immigration officials have begun investigating four more Auckland properties housing dozens more.

In Papakura, at least 20 more migrants were shoved into a grotty, run-down three-bedroom property. There was an overflowing rubbish bin, one toilet, and one shower. The garage was being used to hang clothes.

One room was only about three by two metres, but there were five people crammed in there. It's a real squeeze to get through the door because of how much the beds are piled up.

In another room measuring about four by five metres, six people were jammed in there.

Then there's the bathroom. There's only one in the entire house and Newshub was told there's a line to use it every morning.

But then there's what you can't see. There's a smell of sewage from underneath the home and one of the occupants said the plumbing is broken.

The men in this house sought a better life through the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme. Instead, they're facing an entirely different reality. They've turned to Union Network of Migrants president Mandeep Bela for help.

"So workers are waiting to receive work and be paid, because they are ready, willing and able to be able to do that work," he told Newshub. "They hold licences to be able to work as drivers but this employer seems to be not providing that work and asking them to just wait."

Back in Papakura, the fridge is nearly empty and food is being prepared on the floor as dozens of men cook on a single stove. Among them is Gurbinder Singh, who was brought here as a truck driver. Months after arriving, he's had no work.

"We have no hope anymore. We have been trying to contact the companies, but they no longer respond to us," Gurbinder said. "If they do then they say that you should wait, you should wait, you will get the job, you will get the job but no one is holding our hand, no job has come through. We are sitting in darkness doing nothing in the room."

He's just one worker who signed an employment agreement with a New Zealand recruiter called CPL.

Newshub managed to talk to CPL director Ross Berry on Tuesday afternoon, but he said he couldn't answer Newshub's questions.

"At the moment, I've got three or four things happening, right. We're uplifting those guys out there, that house, at the moment," he said.

"We cannot comment at the moment. Sadly, at this stage, we're taking advice at the moment.

"Ring me back, mate, you can start recording then," Berry concluded, before hanging up the call.

Newshub has obtained a video message Berry sent to frustrated employees.

"My message simply is to you boys thank you, thank you for sticking with me. Look, I muck up, and I make mistakes, but you guys it's taken too long. It's taken us too long to put you into a job," he said.

Bela said all up he's heard from 60 drivers waiting for work from the company after separately paying agents overseas tens of thousands of dollars for job offers.

The accredited employer work visa scheme was brought in last year to boost the skilled workforce while stopping exploitation. But critics said it's done the opposite because it ties workers to one employer.

"We're seeing an explosion of exploitation and fraud at the moment, which people like myself in the industry put solely down to this new accredited employer work visa policy and the flaws in that policy," said immigration lawyer Alastair McClymont.

Immigration Minister Andrew Little admitted that things are bad. Asked if this situation is human trafficking, he said: "Yes, almost certainly."

But he won't commit to a review, instead, he hit back at critics.

"The so-called immigration experts I've heard of have got their facts wrong about when the increase in migrant worker exploitation complaints started," he said. "There is no relationship between that visa, or any visa, and the increase in migrant worker exploitation complaints."’

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 12:49 PM
Under Labour, immigrants are imported en masse and then disgracefully debased, living in abject squalor while twiddling their thumbs waiting for ‘work’ that doesn’t exist. Disgusting and inhuman!
Even the Immigration Minister admits this situation is human trafficking, occurring on his watch. But, like Pontius Pilate, he just washes his hands of the issue.

‘Immigration Minister Andrew Little admitted that things are bad. Asked if this situation is human trafficking, he said: "Yes, almost certainly."

But he won't commit to a review.’



Four more Auckland properties under investigation for allegedly housing exploited migrants

Nick Truebridge

‘Since Newshub revealed on Monday the alleged exploitation of dozens of migrants living in a single house, Immigration officials have begun investigating four more Auckland properties housing dozens more.

In Papakura, at least 20 more migrants were shoved into a grotty, run-down three-bedroom property. There was an overflowing rubbish bin, one toilet, and one shower. The garage was being used to hang clothes.

One room was only about three by two metres, but there were five people crammed in there. It's a real squeeze to get through the door because of how much the beds are piled up.

In another room measuring about four by five metres, six people were jammed in there.

Then there's the bathroom. There's only one in the entire house and Newshub was told there's a line to use it every morning.

But then there's what you can't see. There's a smell of sewage from underneath the home and one of the occupants said the plumbing is broken.

The men in this house sought a better life through the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme. Instead, they're facing an entirely different reality. They've turned to Union Network of Migrants president Mandeep Bela for help.

"So workers are waiting to receive work and be paid, because they are ready, willing and able to be able to do that work," he told Newshub. "They hold licences to be able to work as drivers but this employer seems to be not providing that work and asking them to just wait."

Back in Papakura, the fridge is nearly empty and food is being prepared on the floor as dozens of men cook on a single stove. Among them is Gurbinder Singh, who was brought here as a truck driver. Months after arriving, he's had no work.

"We have no hope anymore. We have been trying to contact the companies, but they no longer respond to us," Gurbinder said. "If they do then they say that you should wait, you should wait, you will get the job, you will get the job but no one is holding our hand, no job has come through. We are sitting in darkness doing nothing in the room."

He's just one worker who signed an employment agreement with a New Zealand recruiter called CPL.

Newshub managed to talk to CPL director Ross Berry on Tuesday afternoon, but he said he couldn't answer Newshub's questions.

"At the moment, I've got three or four things happening, right. We're uplifting those guys out there, that house, at the moment," he said.

"We cannot comment at the moment. Sadly, at this stage, we're taking advice at the moment.

"Ring me back, mate, you can start recording then," Berry concluded, before hanging up the call.

Newshub has obtained a video message Berry sent to frustrated employees.

"My message simply is to you boys thank you, thank you for sticking with me. Look, I muck up, and I make mistakes, but you guys it's taken too long. It's taken us too long to put you into a job," he said.

Bela said all up he's heard from 60 drivers waiting for work from the company after separately paying agents overseas tens of thousands of dollars for job offers.

The accredited employer work visa scheme was brought in last year to boost the skilled workforce while stopping exploitation. But critics said it's done the opposite because it ties workers to one employer.

"We're seeing an explosion of exploitation and fraud at the moment, which people like myself in the industry put solely down to this new accredited employer work visa policy and the flaws in that policy," said immigration lawyer Alastair McClymont.

Immigration Minister Andrew Little admitted that things are bad. Asked if this situation is human trafficking, he said: "Yes, almost certainly."

But he won't commit to a review, instead, he hit back at critics.

"The so-called immigration experts I've heard of have got their facts wrong about when the increase in migrant worker exploitation complaints started," he said. "There is no relationship between that visa, or any visa, and the increase in migrant worker exploitation complaints."’

‘Then there's the bathroom. There's only one in the entire house and Newshub was told there's a line to use it every morning.

But then there's what you can't see. There's a smell of sewage from underneath the home and one of the occupants said the plumbing is broken.’


Once the exploited immigrants have departed, stick the house on OneRoof, it’s indicative of our collective housing stock & no doubt some hapless ‘FHB’ will shell out $1.2 million (mostly borrowed) bucks for it.

17-08-2023, 12:56 PM

Associate Revenue Minister Again At Odds On Tax

Labour, Diddly Dumb & Diddly Dee

National can reveal that tax expert Associate Revenue Minister Dr Deborah Russell is at odds with her own government’s tenant tax policy – yet another Minister who has publicly disagreed with Labour’s tax policies

“Prior to becoming an MP, Dr Deborah Russell made it clear in a now-deleted post on her blog that removing the ability for landlords to deduct interest costs is ‘…a bad idea’, would be ‘…an arbitrary rule, designed to achieve a non-tax purpose’, and simply ‘won’t work’.

“Dr Russell also warned that ‘…residential property investors would simply increase rents instead’. She was right, with median rents increasing $75 since Labour announced this policy.

“This comes after Dr Russell’s previous comments speaking out against the removal of GST on fruit and vegetables resurfaced yesterday.

D - Your talents are wasted hanging out with these clueless Labour numbskulls who don't have any idea on what they're doing ;)

Best watch for flying knives that go astray when things implode .. apparently some of the competitors are blind in both eyes and don't know what the targets look like .. a few others haven't passed their knife throwing tests ;)

17-08-2023, 12:56 PM
Another bit of stalking horse policy making by the Labouring Party trying to screw the scrum in yet another nefarious and non-mandated way. Local Gov Minister McAnulty introduced a bill at the last moment to change to voting age from 18 to 16 for council elections. This will probably be pushed through quietly under urgency next week. Electoral voting age is a fundamental democratic decision and not something that should be slipped past, using their majority, in the hope we, the public, are sleeping. Make no mistake this piece of legislation will be of benefit to Labour and the Greens.

Labour has a history of manipulating local elections, to name but just a couple: Mahuta's banning local referenda on Maori words. Tamati Coffeey's change to give the Rotorua Maori role 2.6 times the voting power of those on the general role

This needs to go through the full select committee and not rushed through under urgency before parliament raises in a few weeks.

17-08-2023, 12:58 PM

Bill To Lower The Voting Age For Local Elections Is Introduced To Parliament

McANutty from Labour's Hotel Desperado appears to have seen smoke signals that Labour needs more
of the underage clueless to try to buy more Labour Tax Ram Raids, Smash & Grab all on a wholesale scale;)

What's the urgency with a last minute Bill - McANutty ? ;)

A shame the same expediency hasn't been shown to vast chapters of other slow moving Labour f*7k-ups
like the Cyclone Repairs job sitting in your own camp and 6 months later still resembling a vast shambles ;)

Snap. Lol....

17-08-2023, 01:11 PM

Government unveils $20b transport plan - but fuel taxes going up 12 cents to pay for it

Direct from Labour's Hotel Desperado:

Good News: We can has solution for Untold Growing Pot Holes

Bad News: You going to get screwed over by 12c / Litre in EXTRA Fuel Taxes

All part of Labour's "Drop you in it" - folks

What did anyone expect from previously failed Labour Revenue Comrade - "Tax You Hard" Parker

Can anyone ever see Parker as a future Labour Leader when he is so fixated on screwing all Kiwi's over ? ;)


Live: Government says fuel tax will increase to fund new transport projects, fill potholes

Sorry folks Chumpie say pot hole fix not part of what you already paid

Any bets on whether Labour's Front Bench pot holes will be fixed by Joe Public in October
when the Labour's long hairy tax grabbing arm threatens to come along to steal more in tax ? ;)


Petrol passes $3 again

Plus all the Add-ons

Plus Emissions Add ons

Plus more Labour Add-ons

You poor suckers are all going to get ripped off badly on Transport costs very very soon.

Nosey Parker is going to get you all :)

17-08-2023, 01:20 PM

Government takes the reins on Let’s Get Wellington Moving state highway projects

The Government is taking the lead on long-delayed state highway projects in Wellington, including improvements at the Basin Reserve and a second Mt Victoria tunnel.

Both projects are a part of the beleaguered $7.4b Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) transport plan, which Prime Minister Chris Hipkins acknowledged has lacked momentum.

The Government has now identified LGWM’s state highway projects as one of 14 key strategic routes for Waka Kotahi to consider as it develops its next 10-year National Land Transport Plan.

Mass rapid transit from the central city to Island Bay, the centrepiece of LGWM, has also been identified as one of these “critical nation-building” priorities.

The draft Government Policy Statement on land transport was released for consultation today, which proposes to increase transport funding to a record $20.8 billion between 2024 and 2027.

Labour - Now we take over having large meddle in Wellington Muck to see if we can make collosal muck up of it ;)

Who's paying ?

How's the coin count in bottom of the tin - Labour ?

How's the momentum going with Labour ? Still fading ? shame :)

How is the stockpile of Large Growing Pot Holes on the books of the Waka of Transport Incompetence going ? .. still growing out of sight ? shame :)

Watch for Pot Holes & Large Blow outs,

Love from your clueless spinning Labour Comrades - Experts at dropping everyone in it ;)

17-08-2023, 01:27 PM

National Party wants review into contracts awarded to firm run by partner of Peeni Henare

National has asked the public service commissioner to investigate the handling of government contracts with a company run by Cabinet minister Peeni Henare’s partner Skye Kimura.

The opposition had previously revealed the consultancy Tātou - where Kimura was until recently chief executive - had been awarded multiple government contracts totalling around $600,000 over the past two years.

About $250,000 came from work for the Ministry of Health, while Henare was Associate Minister of Health.

Who been seen hanging out around Taxpayer trough now ? ;)

Must be a fair few more than just isolated case

Might be quite a few more tied up with Labour's 10 Idiots on Water all with large Consultancy straws extended out .. and the other portfolios too .. always happens when Labour are in - doesn't it ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 01:48 PM
Another bit of stalking horse policy making by the Labouring Party trying to screw the scrum in yet another nefarious and non-mandated way. Local Gov Minister McAnulty introduced a bill at the last moment to change to voting age from 18 to 16 for council elections. This will probably be pushed through quietly under urgency next week. Electoral voting age is a fundamental democratic decision and not something that should be slipped past, using their majority, in the hope we, the public, are sleeping. Make no mistake this piece of legislation will be of benefit to Labour and the Greens.

Labour has a history of manipulating local elections, to name but just a couple: Mahuta's banning local referenda on Maori words. Tamati Coffeey's change to give the Rotorua Maori role 2.6 times the voting power of those on the general role

This needs to go through the full select committee and not rushed through under urgency before parliament raises in a few weeks.

Tauranga currently being run unelected Commissioners, thanks to Mahuta.


https://www.tauranga.govt.nz/council/about-your-council/commissioners/commissioners-remuneration-and-declarations-of-interests#:~:text=Commission%20Chair%20remuneratio n%20is%20set,Commissioners%20at%20%241%2C500%20per %20day.

‘Commissioners' remuneration is set by the Minister of Local Government.

Commission Chair remuneration is set at $1,800 per day and Commissioners at $1,500 per day.

The council is responsible for paying Commissioners' remuneration.’

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 01:55 PM

Government unveils $20b transport plan - but fuel taxes going up 12 cents to pay for it

Direct from Labour's Hotel Desperado:

Good News: We can has solution for Untold Growing Pot Holes

Bad News: You going to get screwed over by 12c / Litre in EXTRA Fuel Taxes

All part of Labour's "Drop you in it" - folks

What did anyone expect from previously failed Labour Revenue Comrade - "Tax You Hard" Parker

Can anyone ever see Parker as a future Labour Leader when he is so fixated on screwing all Kiwi's over ? ;)


Live: Government says fuel tax will increase to fund new transport projects, fill potholes

Sorry folks Chumpie say pot hole fix not part of what you already paid

Any bets on whether Labour's Front Bench pot holes will be fixed by Joe Public in October
when the Labour's long hairy tax grabbing arm threatens to come along to steal more in tax ? ;)


Petrol passes $3 again

Plus all the Add-ons

Plus Emissions Add ons

Plus more Labour Add-ons

You poor suckers are all going to get ripped off badly on Transport costs very very soon.

Nosey Parker is going to get you all :)

‘It will take national fuel taxes on Unleaded 91 to about 90 cents a litre - or about $1 in Auckland, thanks to the Auckland Regional Fuel tax.’

Blue Skies
17-08-2023, 02:09 PM
‘It will take national fuel taxes on Unleaded 91 to about 90 cents a litre - or about $1 in Auckland, thanks to the Auckland Regional Fuel tax.’

No wonder sales of EV's, Hybrids & Electric bikes are going through the roof.

For a relatively small investment you can buy a 40kph electric bike, costs about 12c per 100kms to charge, zoom past all the traffic jams, park right at the door of where you're going, no parking tickets, no registration, a lot of fun & helping us reach our emissions targets.
They even have great electric cargo & farm bikes now.

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 02:16 PM
No wonder sales of EV's, Hybrids & Electric bikes are going through the roof.

For a relatively small investment you can buy a 40kph electric bike, costs about 12c per 100kms to charge, zoom past all the traffic jams, park right at the door of where you're going, no parking tickets, no registration, a lot of fun & helping us reach our emissions targets.
They even have great electric cargo & farm bikes now.

Yippee!! Meanwhile China will burn 2.3 billion tonnes of coal this year.

17-08-2023, 02:26 PM
Yippee!! Meanwhile China will burn 2.3 billion tonnes of coal this year.

Yep & they can choke on it.

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 04:12 PM
‘It will take national fuel taxes on Unleaded 91 to about 90 cents a litre - or about $1 in Auckland, thanks to the Auckland Regional Fuel tax.’

‘The Taxpayers’ Union said the hike would hit the poorest hardest.

“Fuel taxes hit the poorest and rural communities the hardest who rely on their cars to travel and get to work. The announcement that fuel taxes would rise a further 12 cents under the Government’s plans will be a further slap in the face to New Zealanders who are already struggling with the cost of living,” Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves said.’

Blue Skies
17-08-2023, 04:12 PM
Yippee!! Meanwhile China will burn 2.3 billion tonnes of coal this year.

This could be the most important thing you read today.
Will try & post a link but in case doesn't work here is quote from Rod Carr from Climate Change Commission destroying that argument.

" NZ is 0.06% of 1% of the world's population,
We emit 0.17% of global emissions, that's 3X our share of the worlds population.

Historically NZ is responsible for 0.3% of 1% of the CO2 in the atmosphere emitted since the industrial revolution, that's 5X our share!

If we took ALL of our agriculture emissions OUT of our emissions profile, & left ALL of China's manufacturing emissions IN their profile, our emissions would still be TWICE theirs per capita.

We are among the richest nations in the world & we have access to technologies that should we choose to, we can reduce our emissions.
We can afford it & arguing that because we are little we won't make a difference, would mean every NZ'er who fought in any war, wasted their effort because clearly we were never going to make that much difference.

We need to do the right thing & role model for 100 small countries like us, that being little does not get you out of jail free.

But being little reassures others they too can take action.
And those 100 little countries emit one third of Global emissions."



17-08-2023, 04:20 PM
FFS! :mad ;:

(directed at Labour, not you Logen Ninefingers)

‘The Taxpayers’ Union said the hike would hit the poorest hardest.

“Fuel taxes hit the poorest and rural communities the hardest who rely on their cars to travel and get to work. The announcement that fuel taxes would rise a further 12 cents under the Government’s plans will be a further slap in the face to New Zealanders who are already struggling with the cost of living,” Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves said.’

17-08-2023, 04:25 PM
This could be the most important thing you read today.
Will try & post a link but in case doesn't work here is quote from Rod Carr from Climate Change Commission destroying that argument.

" NZ is 0.06% of 1% of the world's population,
We emit 0.17% of global emissions, that's 3X our share of the worlds population.

Historically NZ is responsible for 0.3% of 1% of the CO2 in the atmosphere emitted since the industrial revolution, that's 5X our share!

If we took ALL of our agriculture emissions OUT of our emissions profile, & left ALL of China's manufacturing emissions IN their profile, our emissions would still be TWICE theirs per capita.

We are among the richest nations in the world & we have access to technologies that should we choose to, we can reduce our emissions.
We can afford it & arguing that because we are little we won't make a difference, would mean every NZ'er who fought in any war, wasted their effort because clearly we were never going to make that much difference.

We need to do the right thing & role model for 100 small countries like us, that being little does not get you out of jail free.

But being little reassures others they too can take action.
And those 100 little countries emit one third of Global emissions."



Per capita BS. But if you look at the quantum, we could totally get rid of our emissions and it will make not one iota of difference. I say we should just emit and get our economy going. China and India dwarf anything we do or could do. It makes our efforts totally irrelevant.

Also, as you get closer to this mythical zero (fat chance of that), the costs increase exponentially for every incremental gain. It would be far easier to get the low hanging fruit out of Asia but no, cant go doing that can we.

I am totally over this net zero nonsense. Thankfully I can do my bit and burn my rubbish and drive a nice big V6 petrol to emit nice amounts of carbon into the atmosphere and add some more CO2 which seems to be helping the greening of the earth.

17-08-2023, 04:31 PM
‘The Taxpayers’ Union said the hike would hit the poorest hardest.

“Fuel taxes hit the poorest and rural communities the hardest who rely on their cars to travel and get to work. The announcement that fuel taxes would rise a further 12 cents under the Government’s plans will be a further slap in the face to New Zealanders who are already struggling with the cost of living,” Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves said.’

Not even Act has said they will bring the feul tax cut back though.

With labour you at least get transfers elsewhere to protect the vulnerable (cost of living payment, winter energy etc)

Logen Ninefingers
17-08-2023, 04:40 PM
Not even Act has said they will bring the feul tax cut back though.

With labour you at least get transfers elsewhere to protect the vulnerable (cost of living payment, winter energy etc)

Millionaires get the Winter Energy Payment. Nothing targeted about it.

17-08-2023, 04:54 PM
Millionaires get the Winter Energy Payment. Nothing targeted about it.

At a flat number which is highly progressive.

Millionaires will recieve almost nothing as a percentage of their income.

17-08-2023, 04:56 PM
It is also only a temporary payment over Winter, so not going to help for the rest of the year. Cost of Living payment, was covid related so not even relevant (assuming that's the payment you are referring to Panda-NZ)

Millionaires get the Winter Energy Payment. Nothing targeted about it.

17-08-2023, 04:58 PM
It is also only a temporary payment over Winter, so not going to help for the rest of the year. Cost of Living payment, was covid related so not even relevant (assuming that's the payment you are referring to Panda-NZ)

As was the feul tax cut, so why complain about that ?

Winter energy payment is more permanent and takes place every winter indefinately.

17-08-2023, 05:00 PM
I am not complaining about the fuel cut ending. I'm complaining about Labour's plan to increase the current fuel tax by 12%.

As was the feul tax cut, so why complain about that?

Winter energy payment is more permanent and takes place every winter indefinately.

17-08-2023, 05:10 PM
Speculation surfacing already on who is going to oust Hipkins after October 2023.

The cabinet is rather bare of talent (mostly useless & clueless) but Hipkins' days sure are numbered.

Expect David Parker & Robertson to wield the daggers and stb Hipkins in the back ...hard.


"But the strongest combination, assuming their survival, would likely be Kieran McAnulty as leader and Ayesha Verrall as deputy leader."


17-08-2023, 05:16 PM
If Labour loses the election.. is that the best you can do.

I'm sure National will ditch the Air NZ bloke if they lose (whereupon he will likely move from NZ to canada).

17-08-2023, 05:20 PM
What is a boondoggle?

https://scontent.fakl1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/366940329_850358123172047_6648765541856820933_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=6OABytt6FSwAX8uDY7B&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-3.fna&oh=00_AfAHP03lxuGMGehhZFIZ7AVrZYsP251dcbUTbG1VMcS9 vQ&oe=64E31B5D

Who really controls Labour?


17-08-2023, 05:47 PM
If Labour loses the election.. is that the best you can do.

I'm sure National will ditch the Air NZ bloke if they lose (whereupon he will likely move from NZ to canada).

If National lose, thousands will be moving somewhere.

17-08-2023, 05:48 PM
If National lose, thousands will be moving somewhere.

If National win it will be kiwi's out -> migrants in.

17-08-2023, 05:52 PM
Considering the GST removal from food policy is just an election voter getter, it seems odd that they would shaft their voters and themselves by even mentioning the increases in fuel taxes to pay for transport improvements! Chaotic policy on the hoof, desperate signs this close to an election.

Another own goal, fortunately none of it will happen when they lose the election, bye bye Labour.

17-08-2023, 05:52 PM
If National win it will be kiwi's out -> migrants in.

Unlikely. But like BS you appear to think you have it all sorted out. But due to your lack of credibility no one takes any notice.

17-08-2023, 05:53 PM
If National win it will be kiwi's out -> migrants in.

All kiwis are already migrants or descendants of migrants. Keep up, you're making less sense by the day, and that's a feat in itself! LOL.

17-08-2023, 05:54 PM
Unlikely. But like BS you appear to think you have it all sorted out. But due to your lack of credibility no one takes any notice.

Ha ha, too true, LOL.

17-08-2023, 05:59 PM
All kiwis are already migrants or descendants of migrants. Keep up, you're making less sense by the day, and that's a feat in itself! LOL.

You can say that for anywhere.

Many migrants once they are settled actually support robust migration laws, like they have in Asia.

Though NZ needs a more modest approach than that, which is not to fling the doors wide open either.

17-08-2023, 06:09 PM
Yep & they can choke on it.

So can we given the incumbent govt and their "environmental" partners the Greens have had their way our coal imports have increased massively. 95% of the billion kilograms of coal we import come from Indonesia. Not only is it the dirtiest burning coal its also of such poor quality we need to burn more of it for the same output. Consider also its imported from a country that have some of the worst mining conditions for workers in the world.

17-08-2023, 06:29 PM
So can we given the incumbent govt and their "environmental" partners the Greens have had their way our coal imports have increased massively. 95% of the billion kilograms of coal we import come from Indonesia. Not only is it the dirtiest burning coal its also of such poor quality we need to burn more of it for the same output. Consider also its imported from a country that have some of the worst mining conditions for workers in the world.

Daytr & the other resident Labour shills love choking on BS, hypocrisy & imported CO2.

17-08-2023, 06:43 PM
So can we given the incumbent govt and their "environmental" partners the Greens have had their way our coal imports have increased massively. 95% of the billion kilograms of coal we import come from Indonesia. Not only is it the dirtiest burning coal it's also of such poor quality we need to burn more of it for the same output. Consider also it's imported from a country that have some of the worst mining conditions for workers in the world.

And unbelievably incredible is that NZ has an abundance, vast resources, of the highest quality coals in the world. But no, even though we still use untold amount of coal and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, we buy the crap coal from Indonesia and ours stays in the ground!

You can't make this absolutely nonsensical stuff up.

17-08-2023, 06:45 PM
And unbelievably incredible is that NZ has an abundance, vast resources, of the highest quality coals in the world. But no, even though we still use untold amount of coal and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, we buy the crap coal from Indonesia and ours stays in the ground!

You can't make this absolutely nonsensical stuff up.

The coal would be exported for the benefit of private owners (incl foreign based entities), NOT consumed locally.

It's a low value activity too.. can't national be talking about something other than wages at cafes and coal.

17-08-2023, 06:56 PM
The benefits would be exported for the benefit of private owners (incl foreign based entities), NOT consumed locally.

It's a low value activity too.. can't national be talking about something other than wages at a cafe and coal.

They are discussing how Labour shills like you believe France and Australia are returning to the Stone Age by banning mobiles in schools. :t_up:

17-08-2023, 07:06 PM

Stuart Nash wants more accountability for judges as he exits politics

Labour’s Napier MP Stuart Nash wants politicians to be able to call out judges if they are “ignoring the very clear guidance” Parliament sends them, echoing an issue that set him on the path to being sacked as a minister.

In giving his final speech as an MP before he retires from politics, Nash also thanked “a group of exceptional mates” for their financial support of his campaigns. It was Nash’s communication with donors that was the final straw for Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, who kicked Nash out of Cabinet and stripped him of his ministerial portfolios in March.

Former Promising Labour talent kicked out - then we get this ;)

So why did it take getting sacked for these thoughts to be emitted and not before ?

Just a few months until the remaining hopeless misfits still on deck get swept away to join those who did hold hint of promise ;)

17-08-2023, 07:11 PM

Kim Dotcom searches for gardener, nanny, security, chef for plush Queenstown mansion

This could be the best job you’ll ever have.

Goddarn it - so NZ PM & Labour Leader aren't the best jobs after all - as Dot.com tends to confirm ? ;)

Who broke the mold ? ;)

17-08-2023, 07:25 PM

Milk price slump: DairyNZ sees 12-18 months of reduced income for farmers

The industry group also said farmers could expect 12-18 months of reduced income due to the current poor state of the market.

More and more serious signs emerging of things turning badly to sh!t around Robbo's shallow clueless flappers ;)

Could be a humungous hole in one coming the way of you and the Comrades in October - Big Boy ;)

NZ Deserves better than to be "dropped in it" by a bunch of Incompetent Clowns :)

Blue Skies
17-08-2023, 07:27 PM
And unbelievably incredible is that NZ has an abundance, vast resources, of the highest quality coals in the world. But no, even though we still use untold amount of coal and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, we buy the crap coal from Indonesia and ours stays in the ground!

You can't make this absolutely nonsensical stuff up.

Obviously you haven't caught up with developments.
You'll be delighted to know our coal use has plummeted to a 32 year low, while our electricity use is generated from 85% renewables & increasing.

We had a temporary situation in 2021 when due to climate change & exceptionally low hydro lake levels, we temporarily had to import a lot of coal to supplement energy from renewable sources.


17-08-2023, 07:32 PM

Poll of Polls: Labour’s chances slip, NZ First’s chances improve

Slip Slip Sliding away .. better start jacking up new day jobs for after October .. if anyone will have dem ;)

17-08-2023, 07:36 PM

Accredited Employer Work Visa, exploitation allegations: Immigration Minister Andrew Little orders review after ‘serious concerns’

Immigration NZ has launched a major investigation after 115 migrants from India and Bangladesh were found living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in six houses across Auckland.

They arrived in New Zealand under the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme, which already has 164 active investigations after complaints of worker exploitation and breaches.

Meanwhile, Immigration Minister Andrew Little has ordered an urgent independent review of how the scheme is being operated after “serious concerns” were raised by a whistleblower on Tuesday that checks of potential accredited employers were not being carried out.

So who's A Little fellow who has been caught out peacefully napping it out under the desk .. yet again ? ;)

Must be just enough time for one final Labour f&^k-up to be exposed before being shown the door in October ;)

17-08-2023, 07:52 PM
The coal would be exported for the benefit of private owners (incl foreign based entities), NOT consumed locally.

It's a low value activity too.. can't national be talking about something other than wages at cafes and coal.

I haven't seen National talk about coal at all, and I don't care whether they do or not. I won't be voting for National, or especially Labour.

Labour though has really forsaken this country in their 6 years, forsaking our abundant natural resources while cynically continuing to import oil, petrol, coal, gas .. unbelievably naive and short sighted. Sure, phase these things out, but do it reasonably and over time that doesn't put the whole economy at jeopardy ... not enough oil, bugger, not enough petrol, bugger, not enough coal, bugger, shutdown gas, not enough, bugger.

The sooner these Labour economy smashing idealistic overly amibitious underdeliver's are gone, the better. Good riddance, you Labour have seriously screwed the pooch. It will take years and years to recover from this.

17-08-2023, 09:26 PM
Obviously you haven't caught up with developments.
You'll be delighted to know our coal use has plummeted to a 32 year low, while our electricity use is generated from 85% renewables & increasing.

We had a temporary situation in 2021 when due to climate change & exceptionally low hydro lake levels, we temporarily had to import a lot of coal to supplement energy from renewable sources.


Thats good to see! I believe its better use of the publics green money being put into large industrial polluters like NZ Steel rather than wasting it on the fringes: greenwashing projects to make people feel good where the majority of funding is spent on PR

17-08-2023, 10:20 PM
Obviously you haven't caught up with developments.
You'll be delighted to know our coal use has plummeted to a 32 year low, while our electricity use is generated from 85% renewables & increasing.

We had a temporary situation in 2021 when due to climate change & exceptionally low hydro lake levels, we temporarily had to import a lot of coal to supplement energy from renewable sources.



The drop in coal imports & usage was of course offset by the huge increase in imports of fuel and petroleum products - overall ‘dirty’ energy consumption remained high.

Most of New Zealand's energy is still supplied by fossil fuels, including 99% of transport energy, and around 60% of industrial energy. Only 40% of NZ’s energy needs comes from renewable sources.

Spare us the spin and BS from this useless and clueless incompetent Labour government led by the failed Ardern & her hapless clone, Hipkins.


Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 09:16 AM
What a shambles….and foot-dragger Little now orders a review after refusing to just yesterday. Too Little, too late.


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/accredited-employer-work-visa-exploitation-allegations-immigration-minister-andrew-little-orders-review-after-serious-concerns/VIGRRIYWEJGQDBOMS5ZN5U56MY/?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=nzh_fb&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1HHwhsOJurZF-2RZDOvirY86j3mr_61lMXJm8lckxyqTgbQ5Ivj1Vyck0#Echob ox=1692259417

‘Immigration NZ has launched a major investigation after 115 migrants from India and Bangladesh were found living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in six houses across Auckland.

They arrived in New Zealand under the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme, which already has 164 active investigations after complaints of worker exploitation and breaches.

Meanwhile, Immigration Minister Andrew Little has ordered an urgent independent review of how the scheme is being operated after “serious concerns” were raised by a whistleblower on Tuesday that checks of potential accredited employers were not being carried out.’

Blue Skies
18-08-2023, 09:18 AM

The drop was of course offset by the huge increase in imports of fuel and petroleum products - overall ‘dirty’ energy consumption remained high.

Most of New Zealand's energy is still supplied by fossil fuels, including 99% of transport energy, and around 60% of industrial energy. Only 40% of NZ’s energy needs comes from renewable sources.

Spare us the spin and BS from this useless and clueless incompetent Labour government led by the failed Ardern & her hapless clone, Hipkins.


Of course NZ' transport fleet, cars, Utes trucks etc is still mostly petrol or diesel driven, reflected in high petrol/oil consumption, but the govt has put a number of incentives in place to transition our old dirty fuel driven fleet to EV's & Hybrids, plus vehicle manufacturers are going all out on EV's now.

So the good news is our coal use has dropped to a 32 year low, & its not going to happen overnight but our transport fleet is gradually being transitioned towards EV's which will use electricity from our flourishing renewable energy sector, hydro, wind, thermal etc. helping us reach our emissions targets & less dependent on oil imports.

The price of second hand EV's & Hybrids are dramatically dropping & miles cheaper than just a few years ago, putting them in the price range of low cost buyers. Reliable second hand EV's go from about $6,500, $7000, $8,000 to under $12,000 now. Unheard of a few years ago.

18-08-2023, 09:22 AM
Of course NZ' transport fleet, cars, Utes trucks etc is still mostly petrol or diesel driven, reflected in high petrol/oil consumption, but the govt has put a number of incentives in place to transition our old dirty fuel driven fleet to EV's & Hybrids, plus vehicle manufacturers are going all out on EV's now.

So the good news is our coal use has dropped to a 32 year low, & its not going to happen overnight but our transport fleet is gradually being transitioned towards EV's which will use electricity from our flourishing renewable energy sector, hydro, wind, thermal etc. helping us reach our emissions targets & less dependent on imports.

The price of second hand EV's & Hybrids are dramatically dropping & miles cheaper than just a few years ago, putting them in the price range of low cost buyers.

Coal down but other fossil fuel imports up far more than the drop in coal imports & fuel.

Which part of the above statement do you not get about overall ‘dirty’ energy usage in Aotearoa (the Labour government fxxked up country)?

18-08-2023, 09:25 AM
Meanwhile, this is what this useless government is spending part of the $1m emergency accommodation on - uninhabitable accommodation at $280 per room per week in Dunedin.


Helps with the spin & BS though - a few less homeless in the 348% increase stats in families living in cars.

Remember how Ardern said she refused to standby while there were families living in cars?

Well, she quickly left the scene of her crime! Useless red witch.

18-08-2023, 09:28 AM
Coal down but other fossil fuel imports up far more than the drop in coal imports & fuel.

Which part of the above statement do you not get about overall ‘dirty’ energy usage in Aotearoa (the Labour government fxxked up country)?

Becoming even more dependent on saudi arabia and russia for oil is the solution is it?

Nope the future is e-bikes and EV's using NZ made energy.

18-08-2023, 09:34 AM
Becoming even more dependent on saudi arabia and russia for oil is the solution is it?

Nope the future is e-bikes and EV's using NZ made energy.

Record fossil fuel importation by NZ under this clueless Labour government - deeds, not words.

In any case, panda-nz believes that Australia & France are returning to the Stone Age by banning mobiles in schools. :t_up:

18-08-2023, 09:51 AM
Of course NZ' transport fleet, cars, Utes trucks etc is still mostly petrol or diesel driven, reflected in high petrol/oil consumption, but the govt has put a number of incentives in place to transition our old dirty fuel driven fleet to EV's & Hybrids, plus vehicle manufacturers are going all out on EV's now.

So the good news is our coal use has dropped to a 32 year low, & its not going to happen overnight but our transport fleet is gradually being transitioned towards EV's which will use electricity from our flourishing renewable energy sector, hydro, wind, thermal etc. helping us reach our emissions targets & less dependent on oil imports.

The price of second hand EV's & Hybrids are dramatically dropping & miles cheaper than just a few years ago, putting them in the price range of low cost buyers. Reliable second hand EV's go from about $6,500, $7000, $8,000 to under $12,000 now. Unheard of a few years ago.
Couple of omissions in your EV theory.
1/ High carbon levels used to build the vehicle.
2/ Hopefully you have also factored in the cost of the new battery when the old battery fails.
3/ How will we deal with the old lithium batteries.
The green story may give you warm fuzzies but whether it relates to reality is another story.

18-08-2023, 09:58 AM
Its not even remotely about that and you it Balance. It is purely about National having significantly more important things to be focussing on/developing policy on. Voters aren't going to vote based on a cell phone in schools policy. We want to know what National plans to do about all those things you keep telling us are wrong with the country/need fixing. I agree with you - they do. So that is what I, as a potential voter, want to see policy on. The cell phone issue is already under control.

National is running out of time. They need to stop wasting time on stuff that will not sway people like me. If they want my vote, give me something substantial to vote on!!!!

In any case, panda-nz believes that Australia & France are returning to the Stone Age by banning mobiles in schools. :t_up:

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 10:18 AM
Its not even remotely about that and you it Balance. It is purely about National having significantly more important things to be focussing on/developing policy on. Voters aren't going to vote based on a cell phone in schools policy. We want to know what National plans to do about all those things you keep telling us are wrong with the country/need fixing. I agree with you - they do. So that is what I, as a potential voter, want to see policy on. The cell phone issue is already under control.

National is running out of time. They need to stop wasting time on stuff that will not sway people like me. If they want my vote, give me something substantial to vote on!!!!

So that Labour can simply copy the policies, or so that Labour / the media can start howling about ‘not fully costed’! Yeah, good plan.
Make no mistake, Labours costings are not worth the paper they are written on, as evidenced by Robbos ongoing borrowing binge & massive fiscal hole. We are living in bizarre times, full of high farce - the media and ‘independent economists’ absolutely lost the plot some time ago; Robbo still trumpets that he is a prudent and responsible minister of finance and he never gets challenged on it.
Personally I don’t care if National don’t release their policies until the last possible moment. We cannot endure another 6 years of this profligate, divisive, shambolic Labour-led government.

Blue Skies
18-08-2023, 10:20 AM
Coal down but other fossil fuel imports up far more than the drop in coal imports & fuel.

Which part of the above statement do you not get about overall ‘dirty’ energy usage in Aotearoa (the Labour government fxxked up country)?

The government has put incentives in place to encourage NZ's transition to an EV, Hybrid transport fleet plus is pushing as hard as it can without damaging the economy & peoples livelihoods toward our emissions targets.
No government can force people to overnight replace their dirty internal combustion engine cars to clean EV's.
What part of that can't you understand !

Good grief, some of you anti -Labour people are so unrealistic & such pessimists.
People have to take some responsibility for themselves, you can't blame the govt or expect govt to solve every problem with the flick of a switch.
You go on & on about the dirty coal & when you find you're mistaken immediately find something else to moan about.
It's enough to put anyone off voting National or ACT.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 10:26 AM
The government has put incentives in place to encourage NZ's transition to an EV, Hybrid transport fleet plus is pushing as hard as it can without damaging the economy & peoples livelihoods toward our emissions targets.
No government can force people to overnight replace their dirty internal combustion engine cars to clean EV's.
What part of that can't you understand !

Good grief, some of you anti -Labour people are so unrealistic & such pessimists.
People have to take some responsibility for themselves, you can't blame the govt or expect govt to solve every problem with the flick of a switch.
You go on & on about the dirty coal & when you find you're mistaken immediately find something else to moan about.
It's enough to put anyone off voting National or ACT.

You’ll be pessimistic when your living standards are in free-fall while China continues to increase its emissions all the way through to 2030. Reminder: 2030 is 7 years away.
The more people driving ‘clean’ EV’s in NZ, the more pressure on existing power generation, the more the need to import ‘dirty’ coal to generate sufficient extra electricity.
Left wing idiocy is enough to drive anyone to vote for National or ACT.

18-08-2023, 10:27 AM
So that Labour can simply copy the policies, or so that Labour / the media can start howling about ‘not fully costed’! Yeah, good plan.
Make no mistake, Labours costings are not worth the paper they are written on, as evidenced by Robbos ongoing borrowing binge & massive fiscal hole. We are living in bizarre times, full of high farce - the media and ‘independent economists’ absolutely lost the plot some time ago; Robbo still trumpets that he is a prudent and responsible minister of finance and he never gets challenged on it.
Personally I don’t care if National don’t release their policies until the last possible moment. We cannot endure another 6 years of this profligate, divisive, shambolic Labour-led government.

The alternative is repetitive slogans and motherhood statements, then being made fun of for that.

The debates will be interesting in terms of the changes in opinion polls (though I find luxon boring to listen to so I might end up switching off the TV and only watching some of the highlights on stuff).

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 10:33 AM
The alternative is repetitive slogans and motherhood statements, then being made fun of for that.

The debates will be interesting in terms of the effect it has on opinion polls (though I find luxon boring to listen to so I might end up switching off the TV and only watching the highlights on stuff )

Yeah, you love Labour to bits and hate Luxon, so that figures.

18-08-2023, 10:36 AM
Well I do. I don't want to be standing in the damned voting booth, still trying to decide who the hell to vote for. I will give National my vote if they can successfully convince me to do so, but they need to do it now, not five minutes before polling opens.

So that Labour can simply copy the policies, or so that Labour / the media can start howling about ‘not fully costed’! Yeah, good plan.
Make no mistake, Labours costings are not worth the paper they are written on, as evidenced by Robbos ongoing borrowing binge & massive fiscal hole. We are living in bizarre times, full of high farce - the media and ‘independent economists’ absolutely lost the plot some time ago; Robbo still trumpets that he is a prudent and responsible minister of finance and he never gets challenged on it.
Personally I don’t care if National don’t release their policies until the last possible moment. We cannot endure another 6 years of this profligate, divisive, shambolic Labour-led government.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 10:37 AM
Labours dismal Housing Catastrophe rolls on….


Heartbreak hotel: Dunedin lodgings deemed unfit for homeless

By Mary Williams
18 Aug, 2023 06:38 AM

‘The former Carisbrook Hotel has been branded by the Government “not a suitable option” for emergency accommodation and the Ministry of Social Development has stopped referring homeless people to its rooms.

The announcement comes after the Otago Daily Times exposed the Carisbrook’s appalling facilities as one of the city’s “Houses of Horror”.

Local government officials have also swarmed to the Carisbrook this week to scrutinise its compliance with building standards and tenancy rules.

A Dunedin City Council spokesman said building owner Jacky Cheung had come under the spotlight of both the council and Tenancy Services, which is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

The Otago Daily Times exposed the Carisbrook slumlord for housing vulnerable homeless people in bare rooms without facilities. People were sleeping on the floor — with no beds or heaters provided and no cooking facilities.

Cheung said his rental income came from homeless people’s benefits, paid to him directly by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) agency Work and Income.

The MSD has also now admitted it had pointed at least one homeless person to the Caversham horror house.

MSD regional commissioner Steph Voight said the role of the MSD was to “identify a suitable accommodation supplier” based on homeless people’s “particular needs and what [was] available at the time”.

At the Carisbrook, Cheung was still willing to house people on benefits paid for by Work and Income — and had put his prices up.

Yesterday, the Otago Daily Times rang Cheung and he offered a single-occupancy room for $280 a week. Last week, he quoted $250 a week, or $400 for a couple.

He was asked if Work and Income payments could be used.

“Yes, yes, yes. Tell Work and Income to call me. I am registered. Yes, go to Work and Income,” Cheung said.’

Blue Skies
18-08-2023, 10:52 AM
So that Labour can simply copy the policies, or so that Labour / the media can start howling about ‘not fully costed’! Yeah, good plan.
Make no mistake, Labours costings are not worth the paper they are written on, as evidenced by Robbos ongoing borrowing binge & massive fiscal hole. We are living in bizarre times, full of high farce - the media and ‘independent economists’ absolutely lost the plot some time ago; Robbo still trumpets that he is a prudent and responsible minister of finance and he never gets challenged on it.
Personally I donÂ’t care if National donÂ’t release their policies until the last possible moment. We cannot endure another 6 years of this profligate, divisive, shambolic Labour-led government.

So then what do you think of Luxon saying he has a responsibility to manage the economy responsibly so we can't afford to extend paid parental leave at a cost of $230 million, but is planning on borrowing $8.4 Billion to pay for tax cuts which will give people like Luxon who owns 7 houses & charges us taxpayers $90,000 p.a to rent 2 to himself, an extra $349 per week while about 60% of the population on under $43,000 will get a measly $2.15 extra per week.

He won't even confirm he will retain the school lunch program (huge benefit to cost ratio) which many school principals have said has been a godsend, & pleading to keep, reducing truancy & stopping hungry kids losing focus during school lessons.

If the economy is so wrecked why has Moody's just given us Aaa+ credit rating & how can National possibly justify a $8.4 Billion tax cut with it primarily going to the very wealthy.
Tell me how does that work?
And don't pretend it can be fully funded from somewhere else, until we have no debt every extra cost is adding to our debt.

18-08-2023, 11:14 AM
It’s wrecked because they can’t import an Indian labourer on $20/hr to make a coffee.

They only care about the economy when it comes to how certain wealthy people are doing. They can’t complain about NZs 40 year low unemployment rate for instance.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 11:51 AM
So then what do you think of Luxon saying he has a responsibility to manage the economy responsibly so we can't afford to extend paid parental leave at a cost of $230 million, but is planning on borrowing $8.4 Billion to pay for tax cuts which will give people like Luxon who owns 7 houses & charges us taxpayers $90,000 p.a to rent 2 to himself, an extra $349 per week while about 60% of the population on under $43,000 will get a measly $2.15 extra per week.

He won't even confirm he will retain the school lunch program (huge benefit to cost ratio) which many school principals have said has been a godsend, & pleading to keep, reducing truancy & stopping hungry kids losing focus during school lessons.

If the economy is so wrecked why has Moody's just given us Aaa+ credit rating & how can National possibly justify a $8.4 Billion tax cut with it primarily going to the very wealthy.
Tell me how does that work?
And don't pretend it can be fully funded from somewhere else, until we have no debt every extra cost is adding to our debt.

Moody’s wouldn’t know their arts from their elbow. Since they made their latest pronouncement dairy commodity prices have nose-dived. They are like a broken clock.

Tax cuts? Labour are planning to cut taxes on fresh fruit and vegetables so that millionaires can eat cheaper melons and pineapples.
Labour pay Winter Energy Payments to millionaires.

There are simply going to have to be cuts in the bloated public service. Billions and billions and billions of extra dollars and more public servants have not delivered better outcomes for New Zealanders. In fact, perhaps all the extra people and extra money is causing such intransigence and waste that a malaise is setting in and outcomes are in fact getting worse. Just look at Immigration New Zealand where people are paid good money to do checks that apparently have not been done. The ‘leaders’ in that organisation are paid eye-popping salaries to run the outfit properly, and they have failed us all.

More generally, everything that the major political parties are doing on tax is utterly indicative of the mind-set of New Zealanders: we refuse to live within our means and continue to delude ourselves that we are a wealthy nation. To me, true collective wealth equals living standards. New Zealand’s living standards are going to fall from here and there are no good choices facing anyone tasked with cleaning up the mess we are in. Building an economy on a housing ponzi scheme, mass immigration, and exporting raw unprocessed commodities has been proven to be a recipe for disaster. We cannot keep on bringing hundreds of thousands of people into a country where the infrastructure demonstrably cannot cope.

This election I will not be awarding my vote to a Labour outfit that have demonstrably wasted billions while delivering nothing, and who are shot through with internal chaos in the parliamentary ranks. Nobody voted for a ‘co-governance’ agenda, nobody voted for a programme of mega-mergers that has seen literally billions down the drain with poorer outcomes as the result. So the rusted-on Labourites will continue to vote for their shambolic favourites, while the ‘swingers’ vote for TOP, Winston First (a party seemingly given over to conspiracy theorists), McGillicuddy Serious, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis and who knows who else. I be voting to change the government and to block the looming LABGREETEPATI monstrosity.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 11:56 AM
It’s wrecked because they can’t import an Indian labourer on $20/hr to make a coffee.

They only care about the economy when it comes to how certain wealthy people are doing. They can’t complain about NZs 40 year low unemployment rate for instance.

And you are against Indian labourers coming here now Panda are you? They are coming here - and living 40 to a house thanks to Labour and its bumbling bureaucrats. The Left are all in favour of this kind of thing: they call it ‘diversity’, and its also covert social engineering. Moreover, they know its a lazy way to juice the GDP figures to bolster their chances of keeping a vice-like grip on power. The formula for Labour is always the same: hoodwink and / or bribe enough of the so-called ‘middle class’ in order to stay in power and continue the social engineering and socialistic agenda.

18-08-2023, 11:57 AM
Do you really think ratings agencies care about one off & short term spends and minor 1 year commodity price variations.

They care about permanent change like tax cuts and maybe superannuation, both of which NaCT are weak on.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 11:59 AM
It’s wrecked because they can’t import an Indian labourer on $20/hr to make a coffee.

They only care about the economy when it comes to how certain wealthy people are doing. They can’t complain about NZs 40 year low unemployment rate for instance.

Over 400,000 people on benefits Panda. You can cook up names like ‘Jobseeker’ for the umemployed and unemployable, but the truth is out there. The government and Reserve Bank (and you) are only fooling your selves.

18-08-2023, 12:00 PM
Over 400,000 people on benefits Panda. You can cook up names like ‘Jobseeker’ for the umemployed and unemployable, but the truth is out there. The government and Reserve Bank (and you) are only fooling your selves.

They cost NZ a pittance, who cares.

If they remain out of the workforce, then wages for the rest will increase, which will increase tax revenue.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 12:02 PM
Do you really think ratings agencies care about one off & short term spends and minor 1 year commodity price variations.

They care about permanent change like tax cuts and maybe superannuation, both of which NaCT are weak on.

I’ll keep my opinion on Moodys and you can keep your opinion on how vital it all is that we vote for the shambolic Labour and increasingly desperate ‘Chippy’. You’ve basically given up defending Labours record and now spend all your time ranting about National.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 12:05 PM
They cost NZ a pittance, who cares.

If they remain out of the workforce, then wages for the rest will increase, which will increase tax revenue.

Poor old Panda, continuing to delude yourself that NZ is set to enter a new ‘golden age’ of prosperity with wages increasing and increasing tax revenue. In this alternate universe, 400,000+ people on benefits is actually a good thing.

18-08-2023, 12:05 PM
I’ll keep my opinion on Moodys and you can keep your opinion on how vital it all is that we vote for the shambolic Labour and increasingly desperate ‘Chippy’. You’ve basically given up defending Labours record and now spend all your time ranting about National.

No one internationally thinks NZ is an economic disaster...

Europe is having issues due to dependency on russian gas.

Only biased locals think there's an issue and the solution is to give themselves more money in tax cuts of course.

There is a worldwide cost of living problem though.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 12:10 PM
No one internationally thinks NZ is an economic disaster...

Europe is having issues due to dependency on russian gas.

Only biased local people think there's an issue and the solution is to give themselves more money in tax cuts of course.

There is a worldwide cost of living problem though.

Just wait for the PREFU.

You are all for tax cuts, which are official Labour party policy. Labour are campaigning on tax cuts.

I’ve repeatedly said that we are in a revenue hole and New Zealanders refuse to live within their means. Moreover, many people expect the government to insulate them from the consequences of their own decisions.

Sorry pal, I won’t be enabling the LABGREETEPATI monstrosity, no matter how much you bleat. The ‘swingers’ can dither and hand-wring if they want to.

18-08-2023, 12:14 PM
Just wait for the PREFU.

What about all the positive surprises you previously ignored?

Just deduct that from those and we have a relatively normal situation.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 12:15 PM
What about all the positive surprises you previously ignored?

Just deduct that from those and we have a relatively normal situation.

Positive surprises? You are kidding. Either that or you have totally lost it.

18-08-2023, 12:20 PM
Managed to retrieve these news articles in only 30 seconds: :)


Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 12:23 PM
Managed to retrieve these news articles in only 30 seconds:


These links are to articles from 2021 and 2022.
Totally bizarre that you would post these.
You can see the fall in commodity prices and corporate profits, and it is a known fact that tax receipts are nowhere near where Treasury expected them to be, yet you believe that somehow there will be a miracle in the PREFU. Strange thinking.

18-08-2023, 12:29 PM
Well we had a labour govt for 5 years during those dates.

What actions do you think they have taken during this year to contribute to a bad PREFU? Do they have any influence over the milk price reverting back to the same price it was during the National govt.

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 01:57 PM
Well we had a labour govt for 5 years during those dates.

What actions do you think they have taken during this year to contribute to a bad PREFU? Do they have any influence over the milk price reverting back to the same price it was during the National govt.

Wasteful spending, nothing delivered. Despite the one-off chunks of waste, they have now baked-in much higher spending via an array of exercises in bureaucratic empire building and hand-outs. Pretty obvious, but you can’t see it.

Loathe as I am to quote from a Tony Alexander article, he’s simply quoting what the Reserve Bank is now saying -


‘It is interesting to note that the Reserve Bank has downgraded their forecasts for the government’s accounts over the next three years. Whereas just three months ago it anticipated a deficit only equal to 0.8% of the size of our economy this fiscal year, now it sees it near three times that at 2.3%.

For the 2024/25 fiscal year the RBNZ now sees a deficit of 1.3% of GDP and not 0.5%, and the previous pick of a 0.5% surplus for 2025/26 has disappeared.’

18-08-2023, 03:03 PM

Fonterra cuts farmgate forecast again, to $6.75/kg mid point

Fonterra has, for the second time this month, cut its milk price forecast due to weak Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction prices.

The co-op now expects a milk price for the 2023/24 season in a range of $6.00 - $7.50 per kg, with a midpoint of $6.75 per kg.

The previous forecast, issued on August 4, was for $6.25 - $7.75 per kgMS, with a midpoint of $7.00 per kg.

The fall follows a sharp decline in whole milk powder prices at this week’s GDT auction to near five-year lows.

How's your HOLE now - Robbo ? ;)

Growing bigger by the part months ? ;)

At this rate October might see a long very deep trench that eclipses anything in Comrades Parker's
stockpile of large pot holes ;)

Looking like all the muddling Govt Front Bench clueless Pot Holes might be able to hide in the bottom unnoticed :)

18-08-2023, 03:15 PM

Alan Hall to get $5 million and apology for wrongful murder conviction

The matter has been delegated to Russell as part of managing the potential conflict with Justice Minister Ginny Andersen’s police portfolio.

Surely not .. the shallow talent depth in Chumpy's bird bath of decrepid and vacant numbskulls in the residual Comrades leftover gives rise to a potential conflict ;)

Who would have thought :)

Are there enough onboard to make the tea and wash the Ministerial dishes or has no-one complained yet about most being busy trying to hide the dirty laundry put out in a hurry ? ;)

18-08-2023, 03:24 PM

Will Australia's 2.8 billion-bottle wine hangover be a headache for NZ?

Might be more cheap surplus Aussie Wine available than anyone could throw a stick at - to help Robbo with severe headaches on the growing size of the Hole ;)

Suck it up - Robbo .. it dont rain but it pour and a large landslide might be headed your way :)

What was that you were telling all about our economy .. not so long ago like a unHoley Rock Star ? :)

around the time Ardern was spouting Pink Fuzzies of every kind and Chumpkins was leaping in the Air joyously opening his legs to scare away the Covid nasties ..

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 03:40 PM

Labour's GST removal will help whanau put healthy kai on the table - economist

Ripu Bhatia
15:30, Aug 18 2023

‘The removal of GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables will help whānau put healthy kai on the table and criticisms from experts are out of step with the public, an economist says.

Labour announced the policy that will save households around $20 a month at a cost of $2 billion over four years.

The policy was dismissed by a GST expert, National and ACT, with the latter calling it an “act of desperation”.

Matthew Roskruge (Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama) is an associate dean at Massey Business School and says the policy is a positive for whānau Māori.

"People want to be able to provide healthy food on the table for their whānau, and they see any move by the government, however small, as a positive contributor to their wellbeing,” he said.’

fungus pudding
18-08-2023, 04:02 PM

Labour's GST removal will help whanau put healthy kai on the table - economist

Ripu Bhatia
15:30, Aug 18 2023

‘The removal of GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables will help whānau put healthy kai on the table and criticisms from experts are out of step with the public, an economist says.

Labour announced the policy that will save households around $20 a month at a cost of $2 billion over four years.

The policy was dismissed by a GST expert, National and ACT, with the latter calling it an “act of desperation”.

Matthew Roskruge (Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama) is an associate dean at Massey Business School and says the policy is a positive for whānau Māori.

"People want to be able to provide healthy food on the table for their whānau, and they see any move by the government, however small, as a positive contributor to their wellbeing,” he said.’

What garbage. Removing GST from fruit and veg will not lower the price to consumers, as anyone who has worked with f+V produce will know. But it does mean the govt. will have to find more revenue from elsewhere - maybe lift excise tax on petrol? Now there's an idea.

18-08-2023, 04:02 PM

Labour's GST removal will help whanau put healthy kai on the table - economist

Ripu Bhatia
15:30, Aug 18 2023

‘The removal of GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables will help whānau put healthy kai on the table and criticisms from experts are out of step with the public, an economist says.

Labour announced the policy that will save households around $20 a month at a cost of $2 billion over four years.

The policy was dismissed by a GST expert, National and ACT, with the latter calling it an “act of desperation”.

Matthew Roskruge (Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama) is an associate dean at Massey Business School and says the policy is a positive for whānau Māori.

"People want to be able to provide healthy food on the table for their whānau, and they see any move by the government, however small, as a positive contributor to their wellbeing,” he said.’

They still have to find the other 86% of the cost even if Fruits & Veges were GST Zero

What wont help them one little bit is the growing tax impost being added by likes of Comrade Parker
on already financially stressed households

$8 a fill from Parker's 12c / Litre additional Road Tax Scoop

This Govt is a joke if they think they can toss back $20 a month on fruit/Veges GST free,
then only days later turn around to swipe $8 extra tax on each & every fuel fill up from those ;)

How clueless is that ?

The current mob of Labour Govt idiots are completely disconnected from reality and have no idea :)

What is coming out now is that the tin is empty and all will be wearing additional tax to cover
for Labour's past squandering & incompetence - that is if Labour dont get kicked out first

Global economic times are not good, many export markets are declining, costs are rising
and it's almost certain Labour will have us in a deep recession when what they propose
is thrown on top ..

Logen Ninefingers
18-08-2023, 04:09 PM
They still have to find the other 86% of the cost even if Fruits & Veges were GST Zero

What wont help them one little bit is the growing tax impost being added by likes of Comrade Parker
on already financially stressed households

$8 a fill from Parker's 12c / Litre additional Road Tax Scoop

This Govt is a joke if they they they can toss $20 a month on fruit/Veges back
then days later turn around to swipe $8 extra tax on each & every fuel fill up from those ;)

How clueless is that ?

The current mob of Labour Govt idiots are completely disconnected from reality and have no idea :)

This government is ‘helping whanau put healthy kai on the table’, but making it more expensive to fill up the motokā with penehīni.

fungus pudding
18-08-2023, 04:20 PM
This government is ‘helping whanau put healthy kai on the table’, but making it more expensive to fill up the motokā with penehīni.

First clause.
Second clause.

18-08-2023, 05:52 PM
Ginny Andersen's vision of implementing the policing policies of Ardern & ex-Police Minister Hipkins :



Mitchell, a former police officer, said on Friday he made the comments in response to figures on Operation Cobalt - a nationwide crackdown on gangs - provided to him by Andersen's office.

"The reason why I put that... out is that we asked for a detailed breakdown of all the offences, the charges, the convictions around Operation Cobalt," he told Newstalk ZB.

"Quite simply, she did not give us a breakdown - she gave us a very generic response which said that 50 percent of those offences were traffic infringement... and administration charges which are category 1 and category 2 minor offences."

Mitchell accused the Government of having a "hopeless track record" on crime.

Andersen is the fifth Police Minister since Labour took office in 2017, succeeding Stuart Nash who had two stints in the role, now-Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Poto Williams.

19-08-2023, 12:43 PM
A small list of the achievements of Hipkins, Ardern & Labour fxckwits after nearly 6 years in gicetdnt :

- Kiwibuild anyone?
- Te Pua Pua hidden prior to 2020 election
- 300%+ increase in state housing waiting list
- 300%+ increase in homeless sleeping in cars
- $1m a day in emergency housing
- Inflation
- Auckland light rail
- Te Whatu Ora
- Polytech merger
- Mental health missing 1.9b
- RAT confiscation, expiring wastage
- School Lunches for all, not just the needy
- Prison population reduction scheme (still full, 35% on remand)
- Auckland cycle bridge
- 5 Waters
- Motels housing scheme
- Shutdown and concrete pouring sabotage of Marsden Point refinery
- Cost of living payment to dead people, those outside NZ
- Education curriculum dropping the education part
- Vastly lowered speed limits
- Firearms buyback from lawful owners, not criminals
- Let's get Wellington Moving
- Te Huia rail

19-08-2023, 05:59 PM

Thomas Coughlan: Election 2023 - This Parliament is begging for its own dissolution

It's not election year - is it ? ;)

19-08-2023, 06:04 PM

Comanchero gangster arrested after police chase stolen ute driving on wrong side of road, find arsenal of 3D printed guns and drugs

One of Labour's most favoured importees have a little fun ? ;)

Why not stop wasting time playing games with this sort of scum and try some of the 3D stuff on him instead to see if they work ?

Perhaps our cops need a few lessons from Singapore on how to deal with worthless unwanted scum ?

might be a darn sight faster. hassle free and cheaper :)

19-08-2023, 06:09 PM

Security incident at Korowai Manaaki youth justice facility: Three young people climb onto roof

Quick - Kelvin - a few rounds of Ministerial KFC needed ;)

19-08-2023, 06:13 PM

Auckland, Palmerston North fatal shootings: Killers still on run after three homicides this month

Labour's Safer Communities folks .. all available bods must be busy on other Ginny be Gentle things and picking
up the pieces after nightly ram raid shopping trips ;)

19-08-2023, 10:59 PM

Election 2023: Labour’s Māori MPs in “fight of our lives” as day of campaigning sees protests

How many ways can that 16% be diced sliced and spiced ? ;)

Will things look extra Ugly on what's already been seen ? :)

Will prints of rock drawings on soles of feet be taken for judging ? ;)

Will Chumpy still be officiating with burnt sausage rolls at the going away party ?


Labour makes a promise-free plea to Māori: 'We are in the fight of our lives'

The Labour Party decided not to release any new policies with the launch of its campaign for the Māori electorates. Instead, its Māori candidates delivered a rallying call for what they called “the fight of our lives”.

"Please save our miserable Labour azzes - we are in the crap big time and have f%^ked up at every turn and are headed for a mother of all hidings for all our incompetence .. please save our miserable azzes .. we gave you promised gravy train and so much racial preference, own health, bench seats around trough, and more .. you have to save us .. please" ;)

If you don't save us, gravy train will stop, no more Chippie sausage roll, all the Comrades and 16% bench seat dwellers with a view, share of hand on steering wheel plus special large straw in trough will be gone gone :)

Remember "We've made a lot of Progress" - don't tell anyone else .. they just think we dropped everyone right in it and are being racist :)

19-08-2023, 11:10 PM

Heartbreak hotel: Dunedin lodgings deemed unfit for homeless

There's a problem Bro - this sh!thole is a Dump

Only $280 a week or $400 a double - must be something that the Ministry of Social Disfunction
didn't like about things that another Ministry of Mi$$fits didn't say anything about ;)

How about a tent colony in Octagon instead - seeing as the good old taxpayer is spitting
out the readies for this and plenty of it ? :)

19-08-2023, 11:27 PM
https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/6/g/m/q/image.related.StuffThumbnailSixteenByNine.1600x900 .271oe5.png/1692287423300.jpg?optimize=high&crop=16:9,smart&width=748&format=webp

.. how much BS and large fart emissions come from Labour Sausage Roll catering spend - Comrade ? ;)

19-08-2023, 11:31 PM

Susan Edmunds: If Covid is over, what did it do to the economy?

Labour's Coviditis - yet another populist Political Crisis rigged and milked for the Ardern Govt's continuity

but alas .. now some poor pr!ck has to pick up the mess and fix the ensuing shambles in aftermath :)

Easy for the architects of the Crisis Spun to play fancy games at the time, but obviously not so to fix what they wove and unravel all the fancy games :)

The Financier mice perky at the time have deliberated that all the poor peasants shall pay dearly for the fancy games and then some more .. while the bank robbers who orchestrated the fancy schemes get off scot free with a farewell payout :)

19-08-2023, 11:48 PM

Delay to farm-level reporting of climate change emissions, pricing

"You poor Farmers - who have recently fallen on hard times

We Labour - grant you poor Farmer slight reprieve from our BullSh!t ETS Rip-Off Scam .. assuming we dont get kicked in the teeth, get made to look more stupid than already seen and booted out of Beehive first ;)

20-08-2023, 12:12 AM
When do we next hear on how well Labour have cooked the books - boys & girls ? ;)

fungus pudding
20-08-2023, 08:52 AM
When do we next hear on how well Labour have cooked the books - boys & girls ? ;)

Rachel will tell you.


20-08-2023, 09:22 AM
Bit of chatter around town and the PR machine set in motion about McAnulty taking over as last ditch effort to win election

Nice guy with appeal they say

20-08-2023, 10:15 AM
I don't think Brian thinks much of Hipkins


20-08-2023, 10:16 AM
Bit of chatter around town and the PR machine set in motion about McAnulty taking over as last ditch effort to win election

Nice guy with appeal they say
Nice guy ! Rat would be a more apt description.

Blue Skies
20-08-2023, 12:31 PM
Bit of chatter around town and the PR machine set in motion about McAnulty taking over as last ditch effort to win election

Nice guy with appeal they say

Just the usual grubby politics by some, e.g. the Cam Slater's, Sean Plunkett's, journalists, ZB on-air hosts, etc often try & plant a speculation and then extract a denial to get some attention.

Hipkins was way out in front of Luxon as preferred PM & Labour & National polling even, until Hipkins was let down by Ministers Michael Wood & what finally broke the camels back, the sad Kiri Allen incident.

Logen Ninefingers
20-08-2023, 12:36 PM
I don't think Brian thinks much of Hipkins


Anything that challenges the polynesian / maori rusted-on perception that they simply must always vote for ‘Labour’ is a good thing IMO. Get people thinking; Labour is not the be all and end all, and voting for them should not be akin to an obligation.
There should have been a number of political parties there confronting the ventriloquist's dummy ‘Chippy’ and his government on their very poor record, a fringe outfit was seemingly the only one that could manage to organise themselves.

Logen Ninefingers
20-08-2023, 12:39 PM
Just the usual grubby politics by some, e.g. the Cam Slater's, Sean Plunkett's, journalists, ZB on-air hosts, etc often try & plant a speculation and then extract a denial to get some attention.

Hipkins was way out in front of Luxon as preferred PM & Labour & National polling even, until Hipkins was let down by Ministers Michael Wood & what finally broke the camels back, the sad Kiri Allen incident.

Grubby politics….like Mike Williams flying to Australia trying to dig up dirt on John Key & shady characters going through his garbage cans, digging for dirt. Still waiting for Nikki Hagar to write the definitive account of that sorry chapter in NZ political history.

Logen Ninefingers
20-08-2023, 12:41 PM
The next inflation figure reported will be very, very interesting indeed….


‘Prices at the petrol pump has now risen past $3 in some regions – but the Government says it would be “unsustainable” to subsidise it again.

On Wednesday morning prices for 91 were above $3 a litre at most stations in Auckland and Wellington.’

Bill Smith
20-08-2023, 12:51 PM
Anyone who seeks confirmation of McAnultys "niceness" should have a look at his treatment of his former partner.

fungus pudding
20-08-2023, 12:57 PM
Anyone who seeks confirmation of McAnultys "niceness" should have a look at his treatment of his former partner.

Good idea.


20-08-2023, 12:58 PM
Anyone who seeks confirmation of McAnultys "niceness" should have a look at his treatment of his former partner.

What was his name?

20-08-2023, 01:08 PM
The next inflation figure reported will be very, very interesting indeed….


‘Prices at the petrol pump has now risen past $3 in some regions – but the Government says it would be “unsustainable” to subsidise it again.

On Wednesday morning prices for 91 were above $3 a litre at most stations in Auckland and Wellington.’

Just more ‘spin’ it was never a “subsidy”, it was a reduction in tax!

Logen Ninefingers
20-08-2023, 01:09 PM
McAnulty the ex bookie who is now Minister of Racing….


‘The government’s announcement of a new strategic 25-year partnership between the TAB and the British betting Entain that will guarantee our racing industry additional funding of nearly $1 billion over the next five years seems sensible. At the same time, the government is proposing to extend the TAB’s current monopoly for racing and sports betting to cover online betting.

In other words, all forms of betting, other than through the TAB, are likely to be outlawed, effectively entrenching the intent of the establishment of the TAB, three-quarters of a century ago.

It is not clear whether this is a component of the Entain deal or separate from it. How this might be achieved without resorting to Chinese-like censorship of New Zealanders’ online access is another matter altogether, raising its own questions about the extent to which the government is prepared to go to protect the TAB monopoly.

Conflict of Interest
The racing industry’s delight at this latest windfall is drowning out other more concerning aspects of this new deal, specifically related to conflict of interest.

This has been a problem that has dogged the Hipkins government in recent months. First came the unfortunate case of former Minister Stuart Nash who proved himself incapable of separating his private connections from his Ministerial responsibilities.

Then there was the situation surrounding Minister Kiri Allen and her now infamous speech at the Radio New Zealand farewell to her partner.

In both cases, Prime Minister Hipkins was very slow to act, only dismissing Nash when it became impossible to retain him any longer, and declining any action regarding Allen, even after it became clear her speech was no accident.

In doing so, the Prime Minister appears to have relied on an overly literal interpretation of the Cabinet office rules regarding conflict of interest. There was arguably no material gain for both Nash and Allen from their actions, apparently explaining Hipkins’ reluctance to act. Nash fell, in the end, more because the egregious nature of his overall conduct, rather than any specific benefit gained, made it impossible to retain him. Allen’s remarks have so far been ignored by those at whom they were aimed and consequently, the Prime Minister.

Importance of public perception
However, the Cabinet Manual also makes the point that “public perception is a very important factor” in dealing with Ministers’ interests.

In other words, the perception of a potential conflict of interest is as important as an actual conflict. This latter point is relevant to the government’s decisions regarding the TAB, specifically the proposal to extend the TAB’s current monopoly for racing and sports betting to cover all online betting.

Racing Minister Kieran McAnulty, who made the announcement, was previously a bookmaker for seven years with the TAB. There is no suggestion that he stands in any way to gain materially from the extension of the TAB’s bookmaking monopoly, but his involvement in, and presumably as Minister leadership of this plan, is of concern.

It fails the Cabinet Manual’s “public perception” test and simply looks like an ex-bookie looking after his former colleagues.

While McAnulty’s expertise in the area is relevant to the issue, and should not be disregarded, it was unwise to have him fronting the issue, given his career background. At the very least, to avoid any perception of conflict of interest, the announcement should have been made by another Minister, possibly the Minister of Internal Affairs who already has responsibility for gaming matters.’

20-08-2023, 03:18 PM

Election 2023: Labour launches financial literacy in schools policy

Did Robbo supervise writing it ? ;)

Too funny

20-08-2023, 03:35 PM

Election 2023: Labour launches financial literacy in schools policy

Did Robbo supervise writing it ? ;)

Too funny

He will be on the first course. It will give him something to do after October 14.

fungus pudding
20-08-2023, 03:49 PM

Election 2023: Labour launches financial literacy in schools policy

Did Robbo supervise writing it ? ;)

Too funny

Sounds like this crew of misfits have finally come up with a good idea. Now if only they can get the young hooligans to turn up to school occasionally.

Bill Smith
20-08-2023, 04:58 PM
What was his name?

HER name! Chipkins has the beard, not mcanalty.

20-08-2023, 06:15 PM

Election 2023: Labour launches financial literacy in schools policy

Did Robbo supervise writing it ? ;)

Too funny

Long overdue that financial management was taught.

I hope showing the series How to Eat Well for Less is part of it.

Full marks to those who have the courage to appear on that series, but it certainly shows the weekly excess that some live by.
Then the bleeding hearts expect taxpayers to subsidise such excess.

20-08-2023, 09:50 PM
NO such thing as "Financial mgmt" in the LIEBORE party and esp GREENS

The number of bureaucrats has also skyrocketed by 14,000 since 2017 when Labour came to power. That increase comes at a substantial cost to the taxpayer, with an additional $1.8 billion added to the Government’s wage bill.

“Despite that, spending on contractors and consultants also rose from $896 million in 2018 to $902 million last year....

the utter waste on the masses of bureaucrats last 6yrs has been the biggest waste of OUR TAX dollars in the History of NZ .. what have these bureaucrats achieved for our nation?? over these 6yrs of work what ?????more ideas to fund even more working groups ..just look at the GOVT muppets at the present every week a new plan to then push towards working groups to waste even more of TAX payers funds..

imagine if instead of investing into looney lefty idealism social engineering , net zero ,+ doz over issues are GOVT has been trying to solve through talk and study groups ... trips around the world talking with other looneys

had they actually invested in driving real investment in the country through more engineers more skilled labour works ...big insfurstrure projects

driven muti sectors primary to secondary downstream growth to diverse our economy ...from present the milk powder/real estate/tourism pumps/bureaucrats

... Backed smarter farming / fishing / forestry/ mining /energy ...

and a key one for any nation is lower cost ENERGY ... we had a high tech OIL refineries our anti-Fossil fuel GOVT made sure an even increasing TAX/REG/LAWS would push offshore.... (previous GOVT sold much of our ownership of power generation)... talk about putting our nation at the mercy of foreign interests

NZ has massive O&G prospects that we could have developed through International energy partnerships over the last many years .. but instead our GOVT went the other way and wants only renewable utopia...

In the US consumers pay in NZD $1.85 per litre for GAS and they complain about that HUGELY!!

NZD $4lt Petrol is coming this summer IMHO...

Logen Ninefingers
21-08-2023, 01:58 PM
This must be one of those ‘positive surprises’ someone was referring to….


‘The impact of sagging dairy prices and the economic slowdown in China is apparent in New Zealand's latest monthly merchandise trade figures, which show a bigger than expected deficit of $1.1 billion.

A deficit was expected for July, but this is larger than economists were forecasting.

According to Stats NZ the latest gap between the value of goods we exported and the goods we imported gave us 12-month running deficit of $15.8 billion. That's large, but it is actually down on the record 12 month deficit that was hit in May this year of $17.1 billion. It is, however, up on the $12 billion deficit at the same time a year ago.
Stats NZ describes the overseas merchandise trade statistics as providing information on imports and exports of merchandise goods between New Zealand and other countries, while the balance of payments figures (including the current account) record the total value of all the country's transactions with the rest of the world.’

21-08-2023, 02:09 PM
NZ can start correcting the trade deficit by exporting some of the 14,000 civil servants added by Hipkins, Ardern and this useless Labour government.

If any country wants them, that is.

Logen Ninefingers
21-08-2023, 04:35 PM
More ‘postive surprises’; Hipkins asked about the latest one after todays Cabinet meeting -

‘Westpac has forecast the Government's books may be even more in the red than they are now - by between an extra $4 billion to $5 billion.

Hipkins was asked about this, and how he might handle the debt. He says he is always looking for savings, but wouldn't say whether he would offset the deficit - or absorb it.’

Logen Ninefingers
21-08-2023, 04:39 PM

Another ‘positive surprise’….the hits just keep on coming. I can hear Hipkins saying “DOH!” from here….

After the teachers bagged a whopping 14% pay increase, is there any money left for the doctors and dentists? Oh well, we’ll just borrow a few more billions I suppose….


Senior doctors and dentists vote to strike on September 5

‘Senior doctors and dentists have voted in overwhelming numbers to go on their first ever nationwide strike next month over failed pay negotiations, their union has confirmed.

Sarah Dalton, chief executive of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, said it had been seeking a wage increase for its members to match inflation. The union has about 5,500 members, 82% of which voted in favour of strike action on September 5.

"We put up a very conservative pay claim which was predicated around ensuring doctors got a CPI adjustment this year instead of a real terms pay cut," she said.

She was issuing Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand with a strike notice at 4pm.

It is a good bet that the strike will bring major disruption to services that have already had to reschedule as a result of the pandemic, and other sickness.

Doctors have also become increasingly frustrated with poorly-staffed wards, which make it harder for them to provide care to the standard they were trained to meet, she added.

"It does nothing to help retains doctors we do have and it certainly does nothing around our ability to recruit. There is no interest in people coming here to work

"Resource constraints are starting to bite, people have to wait too long to get the treatment they need. That is something immensely frustrating for our members."’

21-08-2023, 05:56 PM
Confirming how clueless and bereft of idea Hipkins, Ardern & the Labour really are - copying & following in the Opposition’s footsteps.

Exhibit 1 : National Party Policy on education - maths, science, reading and writing (March 2023)


5 months later (August 2023)

Exhibit 2 : Labour Party policy on education


21-08-2023, 06:05 PM
But how will they possibly manage two different curriculums and find the time to indoctrinate our young and teach them to read and write at the same time?!

21-08-2023, 06:06 PM
Latest TV1 polls :

Preferred PM

Hipkins 21%

Luxon 20%

Logen Ninefingers
21-08-2023, 06:25 PM
Latest TV1 polls :

Preferred PM

Hipkins 21%

Luxon 20%

Chipkins looking very p’d off and flinty on the news tonight. Spitting chips and looking daggers. His “spread your legs” faux nice guy glory days are behind him, now we are seeing the cold-blooded stalinist apparatchik reality behind the mask.

21-08-2023, 07:00 PM
Chipkins looking very p’d off and flinty on the news tonight. Spitting chips and looking daggers. His “spread your legs” faux nice guy glory days are behind him, now we are seeing the cold-blooded stalinist apparatchik reality behind the mask.

Notice how Hipkins and Labour government are now shifting blame to Ardern for all the mess and crises created by them?

Starting to eat their own - soon there will be a big knife in Hipkins' back.



Logen Ninefingers
21-08-2023, 07:10 PM
Notice how Hipkins and Labour government are now shifting blame to Ardern for all the mess and crises created by them?

Starting to eat their own - soon there will be a big knife in Hipkins' back.



‘Mr Tremain, the policy was to plant 1 billion trees’.

21-08-2023, 07:15 PM
‘Mr Tremain, the policy was to plant 1 billion trees’.

Here's Ardern rejecting the premise of your assertion :

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/23/00/52126173-10337949-New_Zealand_Prime_Minister_Jacinda_Ardern_pictured _has_been_hail-a-39_1640217684883.jpg

And here's Hipkins :


21-08-2023, 07:44 PM
Latest TV1 polls :

Preferred PM

Hipkins 21%

Luxon 20%

There will be more and more Labour MPs busy emailing out their CVs and profile for job interviews in the next 2 months rather than out campaigning.



Ouch. The latest poll showing Labour slipping down into the 20s after playing an ace card will make for some very nervous and frustrated Labour MPs heading into caucus on Tuesday morning.

Labour’s drop down four points to 29 per cent in the 1News Varien poll makes the ground very unstable under Labour’s feet. It is their worst result since before Jacinda Ardern became leader in 2017. In short, it will feel very much like the chance of a third term is slipping away at pace.

Hipkins’ trouble is that once the polling starts to slide, it is very difficult to reverse it. It is also very difficult to hold on to the discipline, unity and enthusiasm that are needed to reverse it.

fungus pudding
21-08-2023, 08:07 PM
There will be more and more Labour MPs busy emailing out their CVs and profile for job interviews in the next 2 months rather than out campaigning.



Ouch. The latest poll showing Labour slipping down into the 20s after playing an ace card will make for some very nervous and frustrated Labour MPs heading into caucus on Tuesday morning.

Labour’s drop down four points to 29 per cent in the 1News Varien poll makes the ground very unstable under Labour’s feet. It is their worst result since before Jacinda Ardern became leader in 2017. In short, it will feel very much like the chance of a third term is slipping away at pace.

Hipkins’ trouble is that once the polling starts to slide, it is very difficult to reverse it. It is also very difficult to hold on to the discipline, unity and enthusiasm that are needed to reverse it.

Probably about right - poll

21-08-2023, 08:18 PM
Robertson’s hole gets bigger and bigger - been too busy doing what he enjoyed tremendously, spending without heed amongst other things he loves doing.

“Westpac has forecast the Government's books may be even more in the red than they are now - by between an extra $4 billion to $5 billion.

Hipkins was asked about this, and how he might handle the debt. He says he is always looking for savings, but wouldn't say whether he would offset the deficit - or absorb it.”

21-08-2023, 08:27 PM
Robertson’s hole gets bigger and bigger - been too busy doing what he should not, spending without heed.

“Westpac has forecast the Government's books may be even more in the red than they are now - by between an extra $4 billion to $5 billion.

Hipkins was asked about this, and how he might handle the debt. He says he is always looking for savings, but wouldn't say whether he would offset the deficit - or absorb it.”

As John Key would say, Robertson has been spending like a drunken sailor .

He knows Labour's time is nearly over, and is ensuring the incoming government are impeded by the mess they will inherit.

21-08-2023, 08:35 PM
As John Key would say, Robertson has been spending like a drunken sailor .

He knows Labour's time is nearly over, and is ensuring the incoming government are impeded by the mess they will inherit.
That would be taking irresponsibility to another level. I would like to think anyone elected to control govt expenditure would have at least a few scruples but who knows.

Logen Ninefingers
21-08-2023, 08:43 PM
That would be taking irresponsibility to another level. I would like to think anyone elected to control govt expenditure would have at least a few scruples but who knows.

Scruples? The Labour Party has always been about making the other side ‘swallow dead rats’ once they know the jig is up. A mix of pure spite & deliberate spiking of the enemies guns.

fungus pudding
21-08-2023, 08:54 PM
That would be taking irresponsibility to another level. I would like to think anyone elected to control govt expenditure would have at least a few scruples but who knows.

They wouldn't be the first to 'leave the cupboard bare' as a special 'welcome mat' for the new govt.

21-08-2023, 09:29 PM
Scruples? The Labour Party has always been about making the other side ‘swallow dead rats’ once they know the jig is up. A mix of pure spite & deliberate spiking of the enemies guns.
Too true. Wishful thinking on my part.

21-08-2023, 10:49 PM


Parliament, not government, passes legislation. Legislation is law. Government Ministers must comply with the law. If they do not, and get a way with it, really bad things can happen.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act 1994 aimed to stop chronic government deficit spending that induces a debt spiral that ends in a searing recession. That was New Zealand’s 1974-1992 economic experience, in a nutshell.

Did the 1994 Act get renamed "Fiscal Irresponsibility.." under urgency to cover Robbo's rapidly growing hole ? ;)

21-08-2023, 11:03 PM

Election 2023: Labour crashes to worst result in 6 years in 1News Verian poll

Looks like the Chips are going get thinly sliced, diced and well shredded by an unforgiving NZ Public who are now well awake to having been "Dropped In It" by a clueless Labour trying their luck to BS all again ;)

22-08-2023, 08:00 AM

Election 2023: Labour crashes to worst result in 6 years in 1News Verian poll

Looks like the Chips are going get thinly sliced, diced and well shredded by an unforgiving NZ Public who are now well awake to having been "Dropped In It" by a clueless Labour trying their luck to BS all again ;)
And its all down to Ardern. Labour needs to be burried for a very, very long time.

22-08-2023, 08:13 AM
And its all down to Ardern. Labour needs to be burried for a very, very long time.

And this is the real Chippie "off the Ardern block" :



22-08-2023, 12:56 PM

Election 2023: What does Labour do now? The trajectory is unmistakable - and Chris Hipkins is running out of options

Wheels are off, the wreck laying sideways in the ditch, Robbo has ensured the tin is empty and things are heavily
up to their eyeballs in hock, none of the peasants believe Chumpy's spin and tricks any more and very close
to the surface lurk issues inspiring the muffled sound of the long knives being sharpened among the soon to be warring splinter factions & 16 percenter trojan invaders ;)

Can anything save this ailing excuse parading as a desperate huddle of the Comrades, who have lost their
way & popular support once the Ardern rug of masterful BS Spinning and whatever else it took to save No.1's
face got ripped away in a hurry ? ;)

22-08-2023, 01:44 PM

Election 2023: Thousands of families, cyclone victims subject to capital gains tax on family home under new rules; ‘capital gains tax by stealth’ - National

Yet more Hastily Concocted Poor Excuses for Legislation thrown in by the clueless huddle of Comrades - ripping off Kiwi's ;)

Not difficult to see why this clueless Govt is sliding down the toilet :)

22-08-2023, 01:52 PM

Election 2023: Chris Hipkins promises ‘vigorous campaign’ as Labour drops in the polls

Let's get vigorous .. as most Kiwi's "dropped In It" determine that NZ deserves better than Chumpy & Comrades Circus of incompetence among the pot holes ;)

Too late to leap in the air and open your legs - Chumpy ? "Empty Tin" Bare Budget Robbo, The Health, Education, Roading, Policing & Water Labour Wrecking teams might have already scared all the boys & girls quite enough on what a future with Labour and the Watermelon Cling-ons might look like..

Will that be a Clown performance with an heavy duty paper bag over head ? ;)

How's Robbo's large Hole going ? :)

Growing faster than Nosey Parker's stockpile of large expanding Pot Holes ? ;)

At 12c a litre extra fuel tax to fill a gap in the Waka Of Roading Incompetences Fix Up tin - imagine all the extra inflation that will inflict on all .. going round and round and round ..

Some might not even be able to afford to go to Supermarket after Parker's extra Fuel Tax Impost hits ;)

and even if they do make it - imagine what all that extra fuel tax going round and round will do to grocery prices ..

Kiwi's across the land are already really concerned with high COL now .. imagine what it will look like with Nosy Parker's further extra 12c / Ltr fuel taxes thrown on top plus some to spike COL even higher

New Zimbabwe coming with another term of these clueless idiots wreaking further destruction .. or time to shove Labour and the clueless Chumpy into the gutter, where they well deserve to be for all their earlier chapters of gross incompetence ? ;)

22-08-2023, 02:05 PM
Roll up, roll up - TAB Australia paying $3.75 for $1 bet on Labour/Hiopkins win in October 2023!


Australian TAB is offering bets on our election outcome, and the odds they are offering are quite instructive about what might happen.

At the last election, the bookies gave National very long odds – paying about $5 for every $1 bet on National winning, whereas they were only offering Labour bets $1.16.

This time around, bets on National winning the election and forming a government are paying out $1.25 for a $1 bet,

while the TAB is offering $3.75 for a Labour win.

It’s hard to disagree with those odds. Although the Australian TAB is promising a big payout to anyone successfully backing a Labour win, it’s unlikely that you’d find many in Labour willing to take that gambling bet.


22-08-2023, 02:22 PM

Chris Hipkins was confident Labour's issues with ministers wouldn't continue.

Best lock them all up in the back room out of sight so they can't cause any further mischief - Chumpy :)

might be a bit late to put Willy Wonka, Nosy "Tax Yee" Parker and "Empty Tin" Robbo in their cages ;)

The Poor Greens might be having an emergency huddle down the bottom of the garden already
on breaking news of all the new day job applications being sent out from Beehive Offices ;)

22-08-2023, 02:31 PM

Election 2023: Chris Hipkins hauls out the ‘underdog’ card as Labour MPs suffer bout of poll indigestion - Claire Trevett

Sausage Roll must have been off -- not even Dog wanted to know about them ;)

Have to watch when everyone aware Labour off the roll with indigestion and every man and his dog run away ;)

How many weeks left now until this mangy Beehive dog is gone ? ;)

22-08-2023, 02:46 PM

Political Round-up: Is it now all over for the Labour Government?

Labour appears to be in something of an electoral death spiral. The four-point drop in last night’s 1News Verian poll to just 29 per cent - together with National’s bump up to 37 per cent – suggests that the gulf between the left and right blocs is now opening up, and will be difficult to reverse.

Perception is going to be a big part of Labour’s problem. When a party in government drops into the 20s just weeks out from voting, the psychological effect can be huge. It will affect both voters and politicians. Increasingly, the public will not believe that Labour can win this election. Such a mood will risk becoming a self-fulfilling factor in the campaign.

Just as “success begets success”, for Labour, a poll result like this will threaten to fuel a further deterioration in support below 29 per cent. It shapes the whole mood of the campaign, sapping momentum and motivation for those on the Government side. What’s more, when a party is losing, the despair can cause infighting and panic, which just makes everything much worse.

In this regard, Herald political editor Claire Trevett says today: “Hipkins’ trouble is that once the polling starts to slide, it is very difficult to reverse it. It is also very difficult to hold on to the discipline, unity and enthusiasm that are needed to reverse it.”

Hope no-one stole the Curtains to Close the Show, while Ardern was busy puffing out untold feel goods before a rapid exit ;)

No-one would really want to see the fill-in replacement Skoolmaster getting a caning - would they ? ;)

22-08-2023, 02:58 PM
No-one would really want to see the fill-in replacement Skoolmaster getting a caning - would they ? ;)

Apparently Helen Clarke is so keen she will pay to see it. She will make a $ for $ donation to Labour. She must be confident that donors have little confidence in a Labour victory

22-08-2023, 02:58 PM

King Charles approves cancellation of James Wallace’s knighthood, PM confirms at post-Cabinet press conference

Hope you remember to put in Application to King to cancel you as Leader & PM in a few weeks - Chumpy ;)

Can never be too early with these things .. and polls might halve again by end of next week ;)

Bill Smith
22-08-2023, 03:35 PM
Chipkins is half right. Not sure about an under dog. Positively, they are a DOG though.

23-08-2023, 07:13 AM
NZ needs low paid immigrants to replace the NZ trained young people who need to leave this country for housing and career opportunities. Neither major party want fundamental reform to make NZ housing affordable with a high skilled economy. So, Unlike Labour, will National provide adequate funding and resources to administer immigration properly?


23-08-2023, 09:10 AM
NZ needs low paid immigrants to replace the NZ trained young people who need to leave this country for housing and career opportunities. Neither major party want fundamental reform to make NZ housing affordable with a high skilled economy. So, Unlike Labour, will National provide adequate funding and resources to administer immigration properly?


I read that this morning. What an appalling admission. The Labour govt has really run out of ideas on how to make a productive society so much so they have had to resort to exploiting migrant workers to increased GDP. Take migration out of the picture and NZ is woefully underperforming. Its embarrassing. Remember: Be Kind


Logen Ninefingers
23-08-2023, 10:38 AM
I read that this morning. What an appalling admission. The Labour govt has really run out of ideas on how to make a productive society so much so they have had to resort to exploiting migrant workers to increased GDP. Take migration out of the picture and NZ is woefully underperforming. Its embarrassing. Remember: Be Kind


But if the 40 migrants in the house are only eating what they can forage from the backyard and garbage cans, how does that help our economy? I suppose the money they paid to criminal exploiters to get here will probably make its way into our economy, but that seems like a pretty dire way to try to elevate our GDP figures.
There was a letter to the editor in the NZ Herald today suggesting that the starving exploited migrant workers could be retrained to crew the Fullers ferries that are now out of action due to having no crews. (You’d think some of the 100,000 people on ‘Jobseeker’ could be gently nudged in that direction as well, perhaps even before the exploited migrant workers).

23-08-2023, 11:50 AM
Ardern's legacy


23-08-2023, 11:54 AM
But if the 40 migrants in the house are only eating what they can forage from the backyard and garbage cans, how does that help our economy? I suppose the money they paid to criminal exploiters to get here will probably make its way into our economy, but that seems like a pretty dire way to try to elevate our GDP figures.
There was a letter to the editor in the NZ Herald today suggesting that the starving exploited migrant workers could be retrained to crew the Fullers ferries that are now out of action due to having no crews. (You’d think some of the 100,000 people on ‘Jobseeker’ could be gently nudged in that direction as well, perhaps even before the exploited migrant workers).

Don't get me started on the Auckland ferries. I live in Devonport and suffer the appalling service regularly. Could be worse. I could live in Birkenhead, Bayswater or Northcote and have the service completely removed. I guess we will have to get back into our cars again...

23-08-2023, 11:56 AM
Ardern's legacy



23-08-2023, 01:47 PM

Maori Authoritys Million Dollar Website

$1m website!? If thats not bad enough only $300k was spent on the actual website. So the other $700k was spent on.....?

Logen Ninefingers
23-08-2023, 06:48 PM

Debt blowout: Government expected to borrow $35 billion more than planned eight months ago

By Jenée Tibshraeny
23 Aug, 2023 05:40 PM

As political parties dangle costly sweeteners before voters, Westpac chief economist Kelly Eckhold is warning the next government won’t have much money to play with.

23-08-2023, 06:57 PM

Debt blowout: Government expected to borrow $35 billion more than planned eight months ago

By Jenée Tibshraeny
23 Aug, 2023 05:40 PM

As political parties dangle costly sweeteners before voters, Westpac chief economist Kelly Eckhold is warning the next government won’t have much money to play with.

Robertson's hole just get bigger and bigger as he buggerise with the country's finances by over spending and then, having to borrow ever more to fill the hole.


23-08-2023, 07:09 PM
Ardern's legacy


Cindy has got to be one of the most hypocritical and useless PM ever in the history of the Western world.

Notice how the Labour Party and government these days lay the blame for most of their problems on her?

That's how smelly her legacy is.



fungus pudding
23-08-2023, 07:25 PM
Cindy has got to be one of the most hypocritical and useless PM ever in the history of the Western world.

Be fair - that honour belongs fairly and squarely with Wallace Rowling. Credit where cedit is due.

23-08-2023, 07:28 PM
Robertson's hole just get bigger and bigger as he buggerise with the country's finances by over spending and then, having to borrow ever more to fill the hole.


And that's before any Cooking of the Books gets hung out on the line too ;)

It take a very special sort of large A-Hole to blow things out that badly & not see it coming ;)

but to have very little to show for it .. what does that say ?

23-08-2023, 07:34 PM

Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi faces possible censure for comment in Parliament on court case

Co-Capitain of Labour's hopeful bedfellows landing in the sh!t ?

Probably didn't need to look far to perfect how it is done ;)

23-08-2023, 07:41 PM
Be fair - that honour belongs fairly and squarely with Wallace Rowling. Credit where cedit is due.

Whatever he was (useless), he was a decent man.

Do tell us though how he was hypocritical?

23-08-2023, 08:04 PM

Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi faces possible censure for comment in Parliament on court case

Co-Capitain of Labour's hopeful bedfellows landing in the sh!t ?

Probably didn't need to look far to perfect how it is done ;)

Getting desperate - taking a leaf from the resident Labour shill Blue Skies to try & tar another political party.

The tattooed loser sees his kingmaker status going down the dunny.

23-08-2023, 09:07 PM
Robertson's hole just get bigger and bigger as he buggerise with the country's finances by over spending and then, having to borrow ever more to fill the hole.


Now there's an image I'd wish you hadn't put in my head

23-08-2023, 09:53 PM

Maori Authoritys Million Dollar Website

$1m website!? If thats not bad enough only $300k was spent on the actual website. So the other $700k was spent on.....?

Remember I warned this type of thing was on the way, and will only be the tip of the iceberg, replicated in every tribal area on a perpetual basis.

Anyone who dares to question it will meet with more chicanery and outrage than they thought could exist.

The R word may even be slapped on you.

Taxpayers only exist in Labourville to pay up and shut up!

23-08-2023, 10:24 PM
Remember I warned this type of thing was on the way, and will only be the tip of the iceberg, replicated in every tribal area on a perpetual basis.

Anyone who dares to question it will meet with more chicanery and outrage than they thought could exist.

The R word may even be slapped on you.

Taxpayers only exist in Labourville to pay up and shut up!

Wouldn't that be ironic?! To be racially cancelled by outing a fundamentally racist organisation - a racially divided health system that includes the implementation of a race-based Maori health authority, race used to prioritise surgical waitlists, giving prezzy cards to exclusively pregnant Maori women and pharmacy healthcare initiatives only accessible to Maori and Pacifica. Indeed you can't even call Healthline without being given the option (if you are Maori) to talk to a Maori clinician while the rest of us must "stay on the line with Healthcare who will triage your call".

23-08-2023, 10:28 PM

PM Chris Hipkins to miss engagements to care for 4yo daughter with blood condition

Oops - Leader called away urgently .. No election to be won, no problem, as things slide further down the dunny

It's a major Crisis - trot out the "Please be Kind to Us" Signs ..

The ship drifts rudderless until Capitain swims back to ship while the mice play away around the stalls

What could possibly go wrong ?

Who is next in the queue to put their foot in it big time ? ;)

Who is the fill-in in charge of the shambles - the King of the mother of all Fiscal Holes or another of the clueless misfits ? ;)

24-08-2023, 08:17 AM

PM Chris Hipkins to miss engagements to care for 4yo daughter with blood condition

Oops - Leader called away urgently .. No election to be won, no problem, as things slide further down the dunny

It's a major Crisis - trot out the "Please be Kind to Us" Signs ..

The ship drifts rudderless until Capitain swims back to ship while the mice play away around the stalls

What could possibly go wrong ?

Who is next in the queue to put their foot in it big time ? ;)

Who is the fill-in in charge of the shambles - the King of the mother of all Fiscal Holes or another of the clueless misfits ? ;)

For goodness sake nztx. The man's 4 year old is in hospital. Let him be for 5 minutes.

Logen Ninefingers
24-08-2023, 11:36 AM
‘Westpac economists expect to see a continued deterioration in the books when the full-year results are published on September 12, alongside an updated set of Treasury forecasts.

Westpac economists believe this will mean that instead of issuing $120b of New Zealand Government Bonds (debt) in the four years to 2026/27 (as forecast in May), Treasury will need to issue $135b.

In other words, if the Government sticks to its spending plans, and if Westpac economists’ forecasts of Treasury’s forecasts eventuate, the Government will need to borrow an extra $15b over the next four years.

This would add to a string of previous upward revisions, which would see Treasury issue $35b (or 35 per cent) more debt over the four-year period than expected in December.’

24-08-2023, 12:00 PM
Racist, divisive and arrogant behaviour enabled by Ardern & Hipkins + the Maori cabal - that Māoris are above the law so some feel they can do whatever they like.

Treaty of Watangi obligation according to this arsehole Maori top cop who completely disregarded the lock down health order to take a group of a Maori to attend a tangi across lockdown border.

Never mind that all other NZers were unable to attend funerals, births, weddings or be with their loved ones at their death beds.


A top cop who breached Covid-19 restrictions by taking a group of people across the then-border of Auckland to attend a tangi has resigned. Inspector Regan Tamihere breached the Covid-19 Health Order in place at the time by taking the group out of Auckland on September 5, 2021 in a police car

Tamihere was the district’s Māori Responsiveness Manager and considered it a part of his policing role to uphold what he saw as Crown obligations to the Māori community under te Tiriti o Waitangi, the IPCA said.

24-08-2023, 05:04 PM

PM Chris Hipkins to miss engagements to care for 4yo daughter with blood condition

Oops - Leader called away urgently .. No election to be won, no problem, as things slide further down the dunny

It's a major Crisis - trot out the "Please be Kind to Us" Signs ..

The ship drifts rudderless until Capitain swims back to ship while the mice play away around the stalls

What could possibly go wrong ?

Who is next in the queue to put their foot in it big time ? ;)

Who is the fill-in in charge of the shambles - the King of the mother of all Fiscal Holes or another of the clueless misfits ? ;)

Disgusting post. I was wondering when one of the trio of trash would resort to this.
Do you even think before your post how you come across?
One of the ugliest posts on here & I've seen plenty.

24-08-2023, 06:08 PM
Stuart Nash seat up for grabs - early polls show a massive swing underway towards National.

See the Labour MPs heading towards their computers to update their CVS as they increase their efforts to find jobs before the election.


24-08-2023, 06:14 PM
One of the ugliest posts on here & I've seen plenty.

Yes, you certainly have, considering you write most of them!

24-08-2023, 06:26 PM
Yes, you certainly have, considering you write most of them!

Daytr cannot help himself - once an arsehole, always an arsehole just like his hero, Grant Robertson.

24-08-2023, 06:28 PM
Daytr cannot help himself - once an arsehole, always an arsehole just like his hero, Grant Robertson.

Daytr is feral Gang Labour.

Logen Ninefingers
24-08-2023, 06:39 PM
Disgusting post. I was wondering when one of the trio of trash would resort to this.
Do you even think before your post how you come across?
One of the ugliest posts on here & I've seen plenty.

Up on your moral superiority high-horse, virtue signalling like mad, looking down your left wing nose at others, probably with a glass of chardonnay within easy reach.

24-08-2023, 07:31 PM
Don't let anyone tell you this government isn't using media as a propaganda outlet. Media bribes in the 2020 election year. And now Megan Woods forced to outline paid propaganda masquerading as news specials. Of course TVNZ's spin doctors have fancy terminology to excuse it. (You paid for that too)


The most cynical, dangerous and incompetent government this country has seen in living memory. Thanks Cindy. Thanks Chippy.

24-08-2023, 08:17 PM
This is where Ardern's speech/thought police will take us.


Thanks Cindy. Once again Ardern follows Trudeau's Canada lead. Look out for authoritarianism emitting from Ardern's censorship mission.

24-08-2023, 08:37 PM
This is where Ardern's speech/thought police will take us.


Thanks Cindy. Once again Ardern follows Trudeau's Canada lead. Look out for authoritarianism emitting from Ardern's censorship mission.

"Violated his rights - but it was justified"....... lol

24-08-2023, 09:13 PM
Remember I warned this type of thing was on the way, and will only be the tip of the iceberg, replicated in every tribal area on a perpetual basis.

Anyone who dares to question it will meet with more chicanery and outrage than they thought could exist.

The R word may even be slapped on you.

Taxpayers only exist in Labourville to pay up and shut up!

So will the new Maori Health Authority deliver better health outcomes for Maori?

Well, um, er NO!

But there will be a few Maori significantly better off materially...

Suck it up taxpayers.

24-08-2023, 11:51 PM
Up on your moral superiority high-horse, virtue signalling like mad, looking down your left wing nose at others, probably with a glass of chardonnay within easy reach.

Dont tell anyone, but one day very soon the horse will be seen to have bolted leaving someone in a dizzy heap
on the ground wondering what just happen .. no talkie about it any more ;)

then the vast extent of the current clueless mob's trash to be thrown out will become plainly evident to all

fungus pudding
25-08-2023, 08:55 AM
Don't let anyone tell you this government isn't using media as a propaganda outlet. Media bribes in the 2020 election year. And now Megan Woods forced to outline paid propaganda masquerading as news specials. Of course TVNZ's spin doctors have fancy terminology to excuse it. (You paid for that too)


The most cynical, dangerous and incompetent government this country has seen in living memory. Thanks Cindy. Thanks Chippy.

Most incompetednt title in living memory belongs To Wallace Rowling (1974/75) a.k.a The mouse.

25-08-2023, 09:11 AM
Daytr cannot help himself - once an arsehole, always an arsehole just like his hero, Grant Robertson.

This post says far more about you than me.

25-08-2023, 09:21 AM
This post says far more about you than me.

Once an arsehole, becoming an even bigger one like his hero Grant Robertson.

Note the ‘even bigger’?

Blue Skies
25-08-2023, 10:28 AM

PM Chris Hipkins to miss engagements to care for 4yo daughter with blood condition

Oops - Leader called away urgently .. No election to be won, no problem, as things slide further down the dunny

It's a major Crisis - trot out the "Please be Kind to Us" Signs ..

The ship drifts rudderless until Capitain swims back to ship while the mice play away around the stalls

What could possibly go wrong ?

Who is next in the queue to put their foot in it big time ? ;)

Who is the fill-in in charge of the shambles - the King of the mother of all Fiscal Holes or another of the clueless misfits ? ;)

What a cruel & heartless post, where's your sense of decency & humanity?
Obviously you've never personally experienced, had to spend hours, desperate nights consumed with fear, by the bedside of your own young child facing a life threatening condition.
I can tell you from experience, there is nothing, nothing more terrifying on this earth than having your child face a life threatening condition.
You would swap with them if only it was possible.
And its the children who are so inspirational & courageous, while the parents while putting on a brave face are slowly dying inside.

For god's sake put politics aside for a moment, this is simply a father & his 4 year old daughter.

Your indifference to suffering is startling.
Hopefully it is just based on ignorance & immaturity rather than more worrying clinical tendencies such as lack of empathy & compassion, callousness, lack of remorse , impulsivity & narcissm.
Think about it, its never too late to apologise.

25-08-2023, 10:50 AM
What a cruel & heartless post, where's your sense of decency & humanity?
Obviously you've never personally experienced, had to spend hours, desperate nights consumed with fear, by the bedside of your own young child facing a life threatening condition.
I can tell you from experience, there is nothing, nothing more terrifying on this earth than having your child face a life threatening condition.
You would swap with them if only it was possible.
And its the children who are so inspirational & courageous, while the parents while putting on a brave face are slowly dying inside.

For god's sake put politics aside for a moment, this is simply a father & his 4 year old daughter.

Your indifference to suffering is startling.
Hopefully it is just based on ignorance & immaturity rather than more worrying clinical tendencies such as lack of empathy & compassion, callousness, lack of remorse , impulsivity & narcissm.
Think about it, its never too late to apologise.

Well said Blue Skies

Logen Ninefingers
25-08-2023, 12:05 PM
Media companies that promote a Left wing agenda seem to struggle in NZ…when I think of The New Zealand Herald I think of the incredible prominence given by that masthead to two rabid left wingers: Simon Wilson and Rod Emmerson.
Go woke, go broke?



NZME reports 76% profit drop as a result of 'difficult economic conditions'

Tom Pullar-Strecker
10:51, Aug 25 2023

‘Media company NZME has warned investors its operating profit is likely to be at the lower end of its previous forecast after reporting a 76% drop in its net profit to just under $2 million for the six months to the end of June.

The company publishes the New Zealand Herald and owns about half of the country’s commercial radio stations.’

Blue Skies
25-08-2023, 01:13 PM
Well said Blue Skies

Thanks Daytr & same to you.

I'ld like to march NZTX & his group of deplorable supporters up into the Children's ward at Wellington Hospital or Starship in Auckland, & in front of those brave children hooked up to numerous machines, with wires & tubes all over the place, feeding tubes through their noses, drip lines in their arms or stomachs, quietly stoically bearing the injections the nausea, the bruising, the weight loss & discomfort, with their sleepless parents & specialist doctors & nurses around them, & get NTX to repeat his post.
Can you imagine the reaction.

If NTX & his ilk represent the typical National ACT voter, heaven help us. Their indifference to the suffering is deplorable.
However, Im quite sure Chris Luxon wouldn't want a bar of them.

25-08-2023, 02:38 PM
Thanks Daytr & same to you.

I'ld like to march NZTX & his group of deplorable supporters up into the Children's ward at Wellington Hospital or Starship in Auckland, & in front of those brave children hooked up to numerous machines, with wires & tubes all over the place, feeding tubes through their noses, drip lines in their arms or stomachs, quietly stoically bearing the injections the nausea, the bruising, the weight loss & discomfort, with their sleepless parents & specialist doctors & nurses around them, & get NTX to repeat his post.
Can you imagine the reaction.

If NTX & his ilk represent the typical National ACT voter, heaven help us. Their indifference to the suffering is deplorable.
However, Im quite sure Chris Luxon wouldn't want a bar of them.

Agreed. They are so brave to be so objectionable whilst sitting behind a keyboard.
The bizarre thing is it does their cause no good as anyone, left or right with any sensibility would see how ugly some of these posts are.

In fairness I don't think they represent the typical right winger, perhaps more the ACT voter than National at least. I know plenty of right wingers that are decent people.
Flawed imo 😉 but still decent. 🤣

Logen Ninefingers
25-08-2023, 02:59 PM
Agreed. They are so brave to be so objectionable whilst sitting behind a keyboard.
The bizarre thing is it does their cause no good as anyone, left or right with any sensibility would see how ugly some of these posts are.

In fairness I don't think they represent the typical right winger, perhaps more the ACT voter than National at least. I know plenty of right wingers that are decent people.
Flawed imo 😉 but still decent. 🤣

Flawed in what way?

25-08-2023, 03:21 PM
When Labour has nothing to offer after stripping the cupboard bare, buried many households
in huge COL & interest increases, rampant fuel increases with more to come, failed on most of it's
promised initiatives and there is little to write home about - why not resort to attacking the poster instead ?

It's the Labour way - is it not ? ;)

Out with the long knives on anything that exposes the gross extent of the ongoing incompetence & failures ;)

The defenders of the current mob of incompetents make themselves quite obvious

NZ deserved considerably better than to be dropped in it by the current Govt front bench mob ..

26-08-2023, 09:57 AM
Hipkins & Labour government soft on crime & favouring Maori gangs reaping huge benefits for the gangs as they run rampant all over the police.

More in the police now feel that they are facilitating gang activities like unruly gang processions rather than enforcing the law.

High time to get tough with these thugs and bring the hammer down on the gangs.

Forget about Labour ever doing anything about crime - they are too busy breeding parasites, beneficiaries and losers who turn to welfare or crime. But they are good Labour supporters and voters.



"Internal reports obtained by the Herald show some police officers feel like they’re being asked to facilitate, rather than police, gang motorcycle runs.

Auckland police view the gang runs and funeral rides as a real risk to the police force’s relationship with the public.

“Whether gang runs continue unchanged, or intensify, it is possible members of the public will become increasingly frustrated with police,” the report said.

Frustration, the report continued, could erode trust and confidence and give the impression police will not - and cannot - manage the gang convoys."


26-08-2023, 11:05 AM
Legacy of Ardern & Hipkins & Coster woke policing and soft on crime - Queen St & Auckland City unsafe & crime ridden.


“I’ve always worked on Queen St, you know? I felt safe in Queen St. I don’t now, I’m scared.”

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown said people should feel safe in the central city and that things “had to change”. Yup - change the government & kick out the woke police commissioner & his 'policing by consent.'



26-08-2023, 01:47 PM
When Labour has nothing to offer after stripping the cupboard bare, buried many households
in huge COL & interest increases, rampant fuel increases with more to come, failed on most of it's
promised initiatives and there is little to write home about - why not resort to attacking the poster instead ?

It's the Labour way - is it not ? ;)

Out with the long knives on anything that exposes the gross extent of the ongoing incompetence & failures ;)

The defenders of the current mob of incompetents make themselves quite obvious

NZ deserved considerably better than to be dropped in it by the current Govt front bench mob ..

You do not offer any solutions to the problems copied from Herald opinion pieces and crime reports in your rather whimsical posts.
If you think things will improve under National / Act whose major policies appear to be “reduce any thing we can so the wealthy can get even more wealthy “ wait and see.
Douglas and Richardson ‘s actions from previous Labour an National Govts. are the direct cause of all NZ’s problems today.


26-08-2023, 02:08 PM
You do not offer any solutions to the problems copied from Herald opinion pieces and crime reports in your rather whimsical posts.
If you think things will improve under National / Act whose major policies appear to be “reduce any thing we can so the wealthy can get even more wealthy “ wait and see.
Douglas and Richardson ‘s actions from previous Labour an National Govts. are the direct cause of all NZ’s problems today.


Your Labour mates have spun pretty dreams about how well things were looking - the Rockstar Economy
that somehow wasn't and isn't while they continued plucking all the low hanging fruit.

Try asking them why they dont have the answers and why things are sliding into a deep hole now ;)

Coming up six years and Labour have once again proven admirably well that they still haven't learned to
drive anything in a meaningful way without leaving things a wreck in the ditch on the side of the road
with the wheels fallen off

How many lots of Labour terms is it now where Labout have managed to orchestrate a shambles
after emptying the tin .. ? ;)

Starting off 6 years ago Labour inherited a ship with solid fiscals and in just a short time have squandered
borrowed and emptied the lot up against the wall .. that's the calibre of Govt we have in now and not for much longer

Anyone want to trust Labour with their life savings & bank accounts on just the past 5-6 years Govt performance seen .. or maybe not ?

The Businesses and Wealthy are paying the bulk of the taxes to keep the rest - how many or few net Taxpayers are
there ? and how many net tax reciprients ;)

The direct cause of today's problems are the current incompetent clueless Govt, not any previous Govt ..
the current Govt has gone to great extents to spout on what would be fixed instantly and next to none
have been achieved ..a mob of shallow excuses and failures, a few of illlterate & blind twits + supporters
around are seen follow & suck up ;)

Chippy & Robbo will be feeling happy that they have dropped one - that is yourself yourself "in it" which you have happily & unquestionably swallowed .. most others will be thinking twice, distancing themselves from Labour's orchestrated shambles and any likely continuation of the out of control circus ;)

26-08-2023, 02:34 PM
You do not offer any solutions to the problems copied from Herald opinion pieces and crime reports in your rather whimsical posts.
If you think things will improve under National / Act whose major policies appear to be “reduce any thing we can so the wealthy can get even more wealthy “ wait and see.
Douglas and Richardson ‘s actions from previous Labour an National Govts. are the direct cause of all NZ’s problems today.


Unadulterated communist garbage.

Logen Ninefingers
26-08-2023, 04:11 PM
People are living in garden sheds - and paying through the nose to do so - in a place apparently now called ‘Aotearoa’.



Live in a garden shed at $450/wk in NZ's most costly town

Annemarie Quill
07:58, Aug 26 2023

‘A garden shed described as “private and quiet” with no bathroom, water or heating is being advertised at $450 a week – evidence of how far Bay of Plenty rents have soared.

The region’s city of Tauranga is now the most expensive place to rent in Aotearoa.

Garden shed owner Judy Randell told Stuff she had already received many inquiries since posting the ad for her rental, which is in her backyard.

“Interest has been strong. For us it’s a good passive income and I like to help others.”

The shed is “fully furnished” with a bed, microwave and kitchenware, and Randell said there was an outdoor barbecue area, and even a vege patch, which was a strip of dirt along the side of the shed.

Randell said she would charge $450 to a couple and $330 to a single person.

While some questioned the owner about the safety of having no water or heat and a gas bottle inside, others said it was better than sleeping in a car.’

26-08-2023, 04:19 PM
Ardern - ‘I refuse to standby when there are children living in cars.’

Well, what has she been doing as number of families living in cars has increased by over 300% since the clueless red witch took office.

Logen Ninefingers
26-08-2023, 04:30 PM
New Zealand is swiftly becoming one vast hopelessly divided battleground. Develop a subdivision, then have someone else tell you what you can name the street. No sensible explanation in the article why the council couldn’t run with ‘Acacia Street’ if it did not meet the definition on an ‘Avenue’. No explanation on why the council cannot name the area ‘Papakangahorohoro’ and let the street be named as per the residents preference. The article conflates an area with a specific street. Surely the ‘reporter’ (propagandist) understands that we can see this?


Homeowners oppose street name chosen by iwi, saying the 17-letter name is too long

Annemarie Quill
05:00, Aug 26 2023

‘A 17-letter name, the traditional Māori name for the location, has been rejected by Bay of Plenty residents for being too long, leaving it a street with no name.

Papakangahorohoro Road was proposed as the name of a development of new houses at Bunyan Rd, Whakatāne, after the Whakatāne District Council consulted with local iwi.

The name – meaning “to move swiftly in battle formation like the crab” – was chosen by Ngāti Awa cultural adviser Pouroto Ngaropō, because the houses were on land where chief Taiwhakaea trained his warriors in defence tactics and battle formations.

“Papakangahorohoro” is the traditional Māori name for the area and it was appropriate as the iwi’s ancestral chief held the mana over the land, Ngaropō said.

Residents, represented by Dianne Hawkes who developed the subdivision with husband Darrin, said the proposed name was “impractical, being too long and difficult to communicate”, to the likes of emergency services or having to relay the address.

Hawkes had originally requested the name Acacia Avenue, but council rejected that on the grounds the road did not meet the criteria for an avenue, which had to be a broad, tree-lined road.

Under the council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy, the subdivision developer has the responsibility to suggest appropriate names for roads, but consultation with relevant iwi is required.

Long names are not unusual in Aotearoa which has one of the longest place names in the world, Taumatawhakatangi*hangakoauauotamatea*turipukakapi kimaunga*horonukupokaiwhen*uakitanatahu, in Hawke’s Bay.

Streets in Wellington and in Hamilton have previously been changed from European colonial names in favour of traditional te reo Māori names.

In a meeting on August 18, council put forward the motion for approval of the road name “Papakangahorohoro Road”. Council staff wanted to proceed given the area had “huge cultural significance” to Ngati Awa. The motion was supported by mayor Victor Luca.

Iwi wanted to go ahead with Papakangahorohoro Road, and Ngaropō said it was the correct name, and further described its origin and historical significance.

“We acknowledge this area as one of Ngāti Awa’s many significant sites which uniquely identifies the tribe,” he told Stuff.

The name was important to reflect ancestral links to the past, present and the future, Ngaropō said.

Acacia remained the preferred name for the residents, said Hawkes, who presented council with a letter signed by residents saying that they “strongly object” to the proposed name and didn’t want a decision “against our wishes”.

Given objections to the name, it was decided council staff would facilitate a hui between Hawkes and the local hapū and iwi.

Paul Warbrick, the council’s kaihautū for strategic Māori partnerships, would organise the meeting.’

Logen Ninefingers
26-08-2023, 04:37 PM
New Zealand is swiftly becoming one vast hopelessly divided battleground. Develop a subdivision, then have someone else tell you what you can name the street. No sensible explanation in the article why the council couldn’t run with ‘Acacia Street’ if it did not meet the definition on an ‘Avenue’. No explanation on why the council cannot name the area ‘Papakangahorohoro’ and let the street be named as per the residents preference. The article conflates an area with a specific street. Surely the ‘reporter’ (propagandist) understands that we can see this?


Homeowners oppose street name chosen by iwi, saying the 17-letter name is too long

Annemarie Quill
05:00, Aug 26 2023

‘A 17-letter name, the traditional Māori name for the location, has been rejected by Bay of Plenty residents for being too long, leaving it a street with no name.

Papakangahorohoro Road was proposed as the name of a development of new houses at Bunyan Rd, Whakatāne, after the Whakatāne District Council consulted with local iwi.

The name – meaning “to move swiftly in battle formation like the crab” – was chosen by Ngāti Awa cultural adviser Pouroto Ngaropō, because the houses were on land where chief Taiwhakaea trained his warriors in defence tactics and battle formations.

“Papakangahorohoro” is the traditional Māori name for the area and it was appropriate as the iwi’s ancestral chief held the mana over the land, Ngaropō said.

Residents, represented by Dianne Hawkes who developed the subdivision with husband Darrin, said the proposed name was “impractical, being too long and difficult to communicate”, to the likes of emergency services or having to relay the address.

Hawkes had originally requested the name Acacia Avenue, but council rejected that on the grounds the road did not meet the criteria for an avenue, which had to be a broad, tree-lined road.

Under the council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy, the subdivision developer has the responsibility to suggest appropriate names for roads, but consultation with relevant iwi is required.

Long names are not unusual in Aotearoa which has one of the longest place names in the world, Taumatawhakatangi*hangakoauauotamatea*turipukakapi kimaunga*horonukupokaiwhen*uakitanatahu, in Hawke’s Bay.

Streets in Wellington and in Hamilton have previously been changed from European colonial names in favour of traditional te reo Māori names.

In a meeting on August 18, council put forward the motion for approval of the road name “Papakangahorohoro Road”. Council staff wanted to proceed given the area had “huge cultural significance” to Ngati Awa. The motion was supported by mayor Victor Luca.

Iwi wanted to go ahead with Papakangahorohoro Road, and Ngaropō said it was the correct name, and further described its origin and historical significance.

“We acknowledge this area as one of Ngāti Awa’s many significant sites which uniquely identifies the tribe,” he told Stuff.

The name was important to reflect ancestral links to the past, present and the future, Ngaropō said.

Acacia remained the preferred name for the residents, said Hawkes, who presented council with a letter signed by residents saying that they “strongly object” to the proposed name and didn’t want a decision “against our wishes”.

Given objections to the name, it was decided council staff would facilitate a hui between Hawkes and the local hapū and iwi.

Paul Warbrick, the council’s kaihautū for strategic Māori partnerships, would organise the meeting.’

The main reason why many people no longer vote in local body elections: councils have been hijacked by agendas that most New Zealanders have zero interest in supporting.
If I vote in a local body election I am simply endorsing and validating a whole reconfigured system of local government that I no longer believe in, as it does not represent the wishes & best interests of the majority. I am sure many people feel this way.
Councils now have multiple idiotic agendas, including running vast empty bus services, systematically removing public parking, ‘investing’ in all sorts of guff and malarky far removed from the provision of core services, and meek submission to ‘Iwi’. This has all now unfortunately passed the point of no return under 6 years of this rabid Labour government.

26-08-2023, 07:07 PM
A reminder for everyone of when the tide turned on Ardern and her authoritarian idealogues. It was all down hill from here. Note the number of Maori "non-elites". They don't have their snouts in the Labour trough. It is seriously under-estimated how pissed off Maori are with Labour.


Michael wood's River of Filth comment didn't age too well did it?

Logen Ninefingers
26-08-2023, 07:42 PM
A reminder for everyone of when the tide turned on Ardern and her authoritarian idealogues. It was all down hill from here. Note the number of Maori "non-elites". They don't have their snouts in the Labour trough. It is seriously under-estimated how pissed off Maori are with Labour.


Michael wood's River of Filth comment didn't age too well did it?

The maori non-elites don’t even have access to ‘the maori trough’. The situation is exacerbated in Northland because the tribes there can’t reach treaty settlements with the Crown; often, they can’t even agree on which tribal entity should be the one to negotiate with the Crown i.e. the process hasn’t even started, much less concluded. Wealthy tribes like Ngai Tahu and Tainui are consequently light years ahead of them in terms of growing their revenue and assets.

27-08-2023, 11:48 AM
A timely reminder of who really call the shots in this Hipkins and Ardern government - hidden from view in the meantime but ready to pounce post October 2023 if NZers are complacent and fooled by 'the most transparent government ever " :




Logen Ninefingers
27-08-2023, 12:02 PM
If LABGREETEPATI win the upcoming election then I have no doubt that you will see large scale capital flight from New Zealand.

27-08-2023, 12:17 PM
If LABGREETEPATI win the upcoming election then I have no doubt that you will see large scale capital flight from New Zealand.

Which will suit LABGREETEPATI very very well as they implement the Pol Pot equivalent of getting rid of those with intellect, capital, ability and audacity to challenge their communism-inspired ideology to bring equality (of poverty) to NZ.

Logen Ninefingers
27-08-2023, 12:28 PM
Going by the polls, and what Chipkins has stated today, LABGREETEPATI is now the only option for a government on the Left. And Chipkins wants us to believe that such a government will be more stable and less divisive than any government from the Right.


Labour rules out working with NZ First

‘Labour leader Chris Hipkins has ruled out working with NZ First and Winston Peters.

"I will not be seeking to divide New Zealand communities," he said.

"I've also considered how I intend to lead that I am successful in securing a full term as prime minister," he said.

"In this campaign, I will promote the message of unity, and I intend to work with parties and leaders who are seems to do the same."

Hipkins had been signalling for weeks he would announce which parties Labour would work with.’

Logen Ninefingers
27-08-2023, 12:59 PM

‘The Government is facing accusations of manipulating news narratives, after paying TVNZ and Stuff advertising to feature content with hand-picked experts in their news segments and platforms. …

The allocated $300,000 encompassed a package of multimedia coverage across TVNZ.

This included an hour-long prime-time climate special on TV1, online content hosted at 1news.co.nz and TVNZ.co.nz with a dedicated web page, digital banners, logo placement, and pre-roll commercials.

Additionally, five articles on 1News.co.nz, five social media posts on platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, a week’s worth of interviews with climate and energy experts on Breakfast TV, a Seven Sharp interview with an EECA ambassador, and 12 months of on-demand hosting for the Climate Special on TVNZ+ were part of this media package.

Cranmer said “the government paying the state-owned broadcaster to run news stories and interviews with hand-picked “experts” was pure political propaganda.”’

27-08-2023, 01:48 PM

'coalition of fear'

Let's have our own Spiral into what South Africa has seen over the years
from where it was, with our own Kiwi variation of the theme

but throw in a dallop of Co-Governance aka a minority tail trying to wag the dog
where all the minor factions have difficulty seeing eye to eye

In the meantime Global conditions worsen, global trade declines and our economy
continues sliding down the toilet, and Labour's Fiscal policies continue to see us with
the empty tin

What has 8 months of fearful Leadership by the parading clown Chumpy brought ? ;)

Anyone fancy the Fearful shambles that more of the same from the clueless misguided misfits
Labour and their Green / Te Pati cling-on meddlers will bring ? ;)

27-08-2023, 02:03 PM
How many New Zealand kids were abused or killed last year? Oranga Tamariki can’t say.

You’d think it was a simple question. Child abuse has been in the headlines for decades. Is it getting better or worse?

“Do you want my honest answer?" Says Jane searle, ceo of Child Matters "I think the figures would be so confronting – and put such a spotlight on what is happening – that it wouldn’t be tolerable to the hierarchy at Oranga Tamariki.”

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300958410/how-many-kids-are-being-killed-oranga-tamariki-cant-say (https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300958410/how-many-kids-are-being-killed-oranga-tamariki-cant-say)

Logen Ninefingers
27-08-2023, 03:39 PM
Chipkins is the most dangerous and divisive political leader in New Zealand. Support his left wing coalition and accede to political control of NZ by maori entities within and without parliament, or he will label you a bad New Zealander, an ‘un-Kiwi’ person.

27-08-2023, 05:31 PM
Meanwhile at the BBQ, the Green onion Chippie who has taken a dip and is down on his Lux, isn't Firsty, he just wants a Pati...
It's a hard Act to follow.

27-08-2023, 11:08 PM

Kāinga Ora spends more than $300,000 a year renting seven high-end Bloomberg computer terminals

The Government’s housing agency Kāinga Ora is under fire for spending $312,025 a year on seven expensive Bloomberg computers.

Did they find any pixies who knew how to use them or was just for all the pretty flashing lights to impress the various Ministers of the Nation's Housing Disasters that something was happening ? ;)

Kāinga Ora had been issuing its own debt. This meant the agency could borrow to fund its housing build programme on its own, without going through Treasury, like most other government departments. It issued about $2.5b a year and currently has has $12.1b in debt in its portfolio.

Managing that debt has required seven costly Bloomberg terminals, Kāinga Ora claims.

A Bloomberg terminal is a computer used by people in the financial services sector to help monitor market information and make trades.

Those terminals collectively cost $312,000 a year, or about $44,570 per terminal, according to an Official Information Act request released to the Herald.

It issued about $2.5b a year and currently has has $12.1b in debt in its portfolio.

Some hidden Large Dent - folks ;)

28-08-2023, 09:19 AM
This is the 'Chip off the Arden block 'Hipkins today :


This was 6 months ago when he thought he could walk on water (10 Waters, that is) :


28-08-2023, 10:48 AM
New IMF data ranks NZ's GDP growth as worst out of 159 nations in world along with Equatorial Guinea


28-08-2023, 12:54 PM
New IMF data ranks NZ's GDP growth as worst out of 159 nations in world along with Equatorial Guinea

All we need now is a civil war to beat Equatorial Guinea for last place. We could yet manage that based on Labour's instigated race division. Lets just vote them back in and we may well achieve last place.

28-08-2023, 01:00 PM
All we need now is a civil war to beat Equatorial Guinea for last place. We could yet manage that based on Labour's instigated race division. Lets just vote them back in and we may well achieve last place.

From rock star economy under National to rock bottom under Hipkins, Ardern & Robertson.

Mirrors Labour’s poll numbers, I guess - from 50% down down down to below 30%. At the current rate, Labour may be lucky to get 21% on election day.

28-08-2023, 01:00 PM
New IMF data ranks NZ's GDP growth as worst out of 159 nations in world along with Equatorial Guinea


It's going to be interesting, as a lot of Government expenditure by way of debt is likely to be cut by the incoming Government.
Overall that's a good thing, but it may actually result in the economy deteriorating further.

28-08-2023, 01:04 PM
It's going to be interesting, as a lot of Government expenditure by way of debt is likely to be cut by the incoming Government.
Overall that's a good thing, but it may actually result in the economy deteriorating further.
Thanks Jacinda. World class performance.

28-08-2023, 04:09 PM
Government of cuts - after spending recklessly and wastefully over the last 5 years, Hipkins and Robertson now initiate spending cuts.

And get this - they are going to cut spending on consultants! What have National & ACT been advocating for!

Hipkins, Ardern & Robertson - what an absolutely clueless & useless bunch of losers.


Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Finance Minister Grant Robertson have announced a sweeping package of public service savings, cutting the Government’s cloth as clouds gather over the New Zealand economy.

Logen Ninefingers
28-08-2023, 04:40 PM
Government of cuts - after spending recklessly and wastefully over the last 5 years, Hipkins and Robertson now initiate spending cuts.

And get this - they are going to cut spending on consultants! What have National & ACT been advocating for!

Hipkins, Ardern & Robertson - what an absolutely clueless & useless bunch of losers.


Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Finance Minister Grant Robertson have announced a sweeping package of public service savings, cutting the Government’s cloth as clouds gather over the New Zealand economy.

Wow, Labour instantly find $4 billion through cuts, but wait….what’s this from the big-spending Labour mob?

‘The Government said these cuts do not affect frontline services.’

Wow, big cuts and no impact on services. Wow.

28-08-2023, 05:27 PM
Wow, Labour instantly find $4 billion through cuts, but wait….what’s this from the big-spending Labour mob?

‘The Government said these cuts do not affect frontline services.’

Wow, big cuts and no impact on services. Wow.

Shot themselves (along with the Labour shills and apologists on ST) in their feet and mouths.

Now they have no legs to stand on to protest about National/Act cutting costs from the bloated bureaucracy built by Hipkins, Ardern & Labour.

What a bunch of clueless and useless monkeys.

28-08-2023, 06:19 PM
Ex Labour party member Chris Trotter delivers a scathing attack on Hipkins "Going For Broke With Woke"


28-08-2023, 06:22 PM

‘Foiled’ ankle bracelets: Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis reiterates expectations after leaked report

Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis has “reiterated” his expectations that all breaches of electronic monitoring are dealt with and responded to “as quickly as possible”, following a “damning” internal police report.

Meanwhile, the Parole Board says it expects alerts to be treated as a “priority” by Corrections and “immediately investigated”.

The report, revealed by the Herald on Sunday, says criminals are “regularly” exploiting a “significant vulnerability” by wrapping tinfoil around their ankle bracelets and going on to re-offend.

Immediately probably = Repeat reminders and Nothing Happen in the land of Kelvin the Clueless
dither around in cicrles or try blame someone else, as recent media interviews have repeatedly uncovered ;)

When does this useless idiot get returned to his village up North ? ;)

28-08-2023, 06:31 PM

A crisis of confidence is gripping China’s economy

The same Crisis wracked country thar Arderne, Clark & other Labour excuses hobnobbed with then had a
little skite to the peps back home ;)

A shame that Chumpy, Mahuta & Robbo now find they can't share those China Crisis moments anymore
with a 'together we climb out of growing hole together' .. as things implode & collapse around their ears ;)

Must be real bad hole that Robbo is slip sliding down into and hoping everyone else in Kiwiland wants to jump in to join him for some excuses on how he didn't realise it was happening :)

28-08-2023, 06:37 PM
Wow, Labour instantly find $4 billion through cuts, but wait….what’s this from the big-spending Labour mob?

‘The Government said these cuts do not affect frontline services.’

Wow, big cuts and no impact on services. Wow.

Not much of a Saving .. looks like mere Chump change to many .. ahead of the changing of Labour's Chump
for something much better :)