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Logen Ninefingers
28-08-2023, 06:45 PM
Not much of a Saving .. looks like mere Chump change to many .. ahead of the changing of Labour's Chump
for something much better :)

$4 billion didn’t use to be ‘chump change’, but it is now under this woeful Labour government.

28-08-2023, 07:34 PM
The September fiscal update is going to one almighty ugly picture of just how this Hipkins, Ardern & Robertson Labour government has grossly mismanaged the NZ economy.

Takes a lot with less than 2 months to go with the election for Robertson to swallow another dead rat …. and this rat has maggots!

29-08-2023, 09:17 AM
Crime running rampant in hospitals and supermarkets.

Labour/Green voters must be rejoicing as their measure of success is how many criminals (victims of crime too according to St Ardern) are out and about attacking law abiding citizens.

4 police ministers in one year with Hipkins (spread & walk away Chippie) being one, ably assisted by the most woke police commissioner Foster.


"Violence and abuse by patients and visitors have forced staff at North Shore and Waitākere hospitals to call security or hit panic buttons thousands of times within a seven-month period."


"A supermarket giant says crime has surged in its North Island stores, with more than a thousand incidents a month. The company said it recorded 3900 separate incidents from the start of May to end of July this year, a 59 per cent increase year-on-year, and up almost 19 per cent on the previous quarter. “Serious incidents reported by Foodstuffs stores such as assault, robbery and burglary have more than doubled year on year, and are already up 13 per cent on the last quarter of this year,” the company said this morning."

"Foodstuffs said repeat offenders were involved in more than a third of all incidents across the North Island’s New World, Pak’nSave and Four Square stores."


Logen Ninefingers
29-08-2023, 01:34 PM
‘Labour's sorry not sorry to James Shaw after cuts’…..fall in line Jimmy S, your master Chippy has spoken…..


‘Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced cutbacks to their Budget on Monday, promising to shear $4 billion off the Government's books.

Robertson said the majority of the savings would come from cutting consultants, stalling a few non-shovel ready projects, and from reconsidering hiring decisions across the public service.

But about $250 million of that came from the Climate Emergency Response Fund - and nobody gave Climate Minister James Shaw a heads up.

On Tuesday, Robertson said Shaw should have been told about the Government's decision.

"There was a communication breakdown around that. And so I'll have a chat with James and apologise to him for that. He definitely should have known about it," the finance minister said.

But Hipkins wasn't too concerned.

"They're not necessarily all things that are in James's portfolio," he said.

Adding: "Almost every aspect of government activity has an impact on climate change."

He said the cuts in Monday's announcement had been identified by ministers, and the projects scaled back weren't under Shaw's direct control.’

29-08-2023, 01:45 PM
Sorry, James but the climate emergency simply won't plug Grants hole and we have an election to win

Logen Ninefingers
29-08-2023, 03:02 PM
The latest from LABGREETEPATI….


Te Pāti Māori co-leader suspended from House

‘Speaker Adrian Rurawhe says Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi will not be referred to the Privileges Committee, but will face consequences after appearing to breach a suppression order in Parliament last week.

Instead of going to the Privileges Committee, Rurawhe called for a vote in Parliament just before question time on Tuesday. The House voted to suspend Waititi.

That means he can't come to the debating chamber, or vote, for the next 24 hours.

During a verbal vote, all parties apart from Te Pāti Māori appeared to support the suspension. No party vote was called for.

"In his comments, Mr Waititi's conduct was grossly disorderly," Rurawhe said.’

29-08-2023, 03:11 PM
The latest from LABGREETEPATI….


Te Pāti Māori co-leader suspended from House

‘Speaker Adrian Rurawhe says Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi will not be referred to the Privileges Committee, but will face consequences after appearing to breach a suppression order in Parliament last week.

Instead of going to the Privileges Committee, Rurawhe called for a vote in Parliament just before question time on Tuesday. The House voted to suspend Waititi.

That means he can't come to the debating chamber, or vote, for the next 24 hours.

During a verbal vote, all parties apart from Te Pāti Māori appeared to support the suspension. No party vote was called for.

"In his comments, Mr Waititi's conduct was grossly disorderly," Rurawhe said.’

Slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket.

What a freaking disgrace NZ democracy has descended down to.

Blue Skies
29-08-2023, 04:48 PM
Slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket.

What a freaking disgrace NZ democracy has descended down to.

Outrageous, you must be just about the only person on here who doesn't know what this is about, because its the exact opposite of what you claim.

In a democracy don't you think the voting public has a right to know if a senior person in a political party has been charged with a heinous crime before the election, rather having their name suppressed until after the election so voters are kept in the dark purely to protect the political party?
Let voters decide, rather than hiding this from them until after the election.

I can't blame Rawiri Waititi for shining some light on this, for too long these perverts & deviants who are wealthy or with powerful connections have been protected & abuse has been swept under the carpet in this country.

29-08-2023, 04:57 PM
It's not about the particular content of his words, rather the action itself.
You're sounding a lot like Stuart Nash, few would deny he had good intentions but ultimately he committed an unforgivable error of judgement.

Logen Ninefingers
29-08-2023, 05:25 PM
Outrageous, you must be just about the only person on here who doesn't know what this is about, because its the exact opposite of what you claim.

In a democracy don't you think the voting public has a right to know if a senior person in a political party has been charged with a heinous crime before the election, rather having their name suppressed until after the election so voters are kept in the dark purely to protect the political party?
Let voters decide, rather than hiding this from them until after the election.

I can't blame Rawiri Waititi for shining some light on this, for too long these perverts & deviants who are wealthy or with powerful connections have been protected & abuse has been swept under the carpet in this country.

You’re practically breaking the suppression order too Blue Skies, because you intimated you had knowledge of this individual and case prior to Waititi making his comments in Parliament. So you are obviously in possession of information that regular members of the public did not have prior to Waititi’s outrageous comments in the house.
You are old enough and seemingly intelligent enough to know that any person accused of alleged offences has a right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty - and the right to a fair trial.
I find all of your comments on this matter to be absolutely disgraceful. You clearly have contempt for the justice system, for the right of judges to make suppression orders, for the right of accused individuals to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and also for the standing orders under which Parliament conducts its business.
Is this what we can now expect from the Labour supporting left? That - because Waititi is now vital to Labours hopes of clinging to power - he will be supported and excused no matter what he does? If so, it’s a jolly poor show.

Logen Ninefingers
29-08-2023, 05:29 PM
Outrageous, you must be just about the only person on here who doesn't know what this is about, because its the exact opposite of what you claim.

In a democracy don't you think the voting public has a right to know if a senior person in a political party has been charged with a heinous crime before the election, rather having their name suppressed until after the election so voters are kept in the dark purely to protect the political party?
Let voters decide, rather than hiding this from them until after the election.

I can't blame Rawiri Waititi for shining some light on this, for too long these perverts & deviants who are wealthy or with powerful connections have been protected & abuse has been swept under the carpet in this country.

‘don't you think the voting public has a right to know if a senior person in a political party has been charged with a heinous crime before the election, rather having their name suppressed until after the election so voters are kept in the dark purely to protect the political party?’

So you are saying that Judge reached his decision ‘purely to protect (a) political party’.
Another very, very grave allegation made by you against the Judge and the whole judicial system.

Blue Skies
29-08-2023, 06:21 PM
‘don't you think the voting public has a right to know if a senior person in a political party has been charged with a heinous crime before the election, rather having their name suppressed until after the election so voters are kept in the dark purely to protect the political party?’

So you are saying that Judge reached his decision ‘purely to protect (a) political party’.
Another very, very grave allegation made by you against the Judge and the whole judicial system.

Not a grave allegation at all, it's on public record, read Judge Anna Skellern's explanation on her ruling making the suppression order until after the election.
Published in the Herald 6 July this year & other media.

29-08-2023, 06:38 PM

China’s slow rebound weighs on NZ red meat exports

So Mahuta's trying to scare the Chinese earlier in the year & Chumpy doing the great Kiwi Sausage Roll
waddle over with don't be scared of Mahuta (she's in a cupboard now) to China obviously was a large waste of time ;)

29-08-2023, 06:43 PM

Immigration NZ inspects Auckland properties housing dozens of migrants amid review of accredited employer scheme

Immigration New Zealand yesterday descended on six properties across Auckland as part of an investigation into immigration fraud involving Indian and Bangladeshi nationals that allegedly uncovered “filthy” and inhumane living conditions.

Little Handrew must have smelt something bad .. probably after media alerted him to a large stink somewhere
that had been going on somewhere for a fair while the Beehive Boys & Girls peacefully dreamed on under their desks ;)

29-08-2023, 06:45 PM

Retail crime: Supermarket chain says assaults, robberies, burglaries more than doubled in a year

It's Labour's Safer Communities -- folks - but do you really want these Political Incompetents back ? ;)

29-08-2023, 06:47 PM
Which performing Clown would most want to see back ? -



29-08-2023, 06:51 PM

Government’s plan to tackle ram raids violates the rights of children, says attorney-general

The Government’s plan to crack down on ram raids has been given a stinging rebuke by Attorney-General David Parker, who says it is inconsistent with the Bill of Rights Act (BORA) on multiple grounds.

He said the new proposals might be justified if the benefits outweighed the harms, but the evidence suggested that wouldn’t be the case.

The Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures Amendment Bill is one of several bills the Government is progressing under urgency in the last sitting week of Parliament.

Nosy Parker tries to kick the can down the road of nothing happen ;)

Nothing like an extension of what very Little Labour have achieved & got to show for things coming up 6 years down the track of destruction, squander up and dream of new taxes to further screw over the fare paying patrons putting into the tin .. ;)

Who would of guessed the Commo Labour Tax Gripper wouldn't want to have a further little play and stir

He must still be suffering hurt feelings after Chumpy up and stomped on his grandiose taxing & strip the wealthy ideas :)

Now the little Tax Stinker says Ram Raiders feelings may be hurt & the little darlings have rights above all others :)

29-08-2023, 07:06 PM

Election 2023: Grant Robertson’s digital services tax on Big Tech ‘a drop in the ocean’

Another fiscal red herring .. can't be much worthwhile left in Labour's empty bucket :)

How's the empty tin looking now and size of the rapidly growing HOLE - Robbo ? ;)

Larger than the back country ranges & beyond yet ? ;)


Stock Takes: Lower tax take to batter the books

The Government’s finances are expected to be squeezed as businesses make less money and pay less tax, making a tough situation for an elected Government to inherit this year.

“The Government’s books are coming under more pressure from that reduced corporate tax take, while also looking at a slowdown in the domestic economy,” Westpac senior economist Satish Ranchhod said on the Herald’s Stock Takes podcast.

“Against that backdrop, the Government could be looking to increase its bond programme by about $15 billion over the next four to five years.”

The mother of all Holes on the way - folks - brought to us by Labour's Arty Farty Fiscal architect - Robbo the Beehive expert on orchestrating large holes, robbing the central bank and pulling off selected tax raids on all from the hip at drop of a hat ;)

Would you trust this fellow with even your small change tin or coin for meter money ? ;)

29-08-2023, 07:51 PM

Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi suspended from Parliament

Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi has been suspended from Parliament after a vote by political parties, following comments he made in the House.

Speaking in Parliament under the legal protection of parliamentary privilege last week, Waititi appeared to refer to a case before the courts to which suppression orders apply.

After an objection about it, Speaker of the House Adrian Rurawhe told MPs he would review the comments.

Rurawhe this afternoon told the House he found Waititi’s conduct was “grossly disorderly.

Out by order of the collective boot ;)

MPs were asked to judge whether Waititi should be suspended from the service of the House. The question passed with only Te Pāti Māori voting against on the voice vote but did not call for a more specific party vote, which would have recorded how the parties voted.

Waititi was not in the House at the time. According to his social media, Waititi was participating in New Zealand Fashion Week today.

The punishment will mean Waititi loses his voting rights while he is suspended, reportedly for a day.

but while absent & just for a day ;)

what a waste of time :)

29-08-2023, 07:55 PM

Victim contacted Hawke’s Bay mental health team about neighbour in the days before he was choked to death

A man choked to death by his neighbour had contacted mental health services with concerns about him about a week before his death.

Timothy David Buchanan, 34, had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and subject to a community treatment order since 2009.

However, there were no beds available at the mental health inpatient unit.

Our Superior Health System managing Verrally barely well .. yet again ? ;)

Where's the Govt Beehive Frontbench Health Mouthpiece hiding on this ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
29-08-2023, 09:22 PM
Not a grave allegation at all, it's on public record, read Judge Anna Skellern's explanation on her ruling making the suppression order until after the election.
Published in the Herald 6 July this year & other media.

Waititi pulled a shocking stunt in Parliament and he has your full endorsement and backing for doing so. Very, very poor.

29-08-2023, 09:47 PM
Waititi pulled a shocking stunt in Parliament and he has your full endorsement and backing for doing so. Very, very poor.

Hardly surprising - same sort of Labour shill mindset that committing crimes is ok as long as it is done by one of their own, or by Māoris.

Blue Skies
29-08-2023, 11:26 PM
Waititi pulled a shocking stunt in Parliament and he has your full endorsement and backing for doing so. Very, very poor.

Exactly who are you trying to protect here, who are you defending, which side are you backing, an alleged deviant individual or their multiple young victims ?

"Your full endorsement" are your words, - not mine.
I said I don't blame Waititi, the hypocracy must be infuriating.

Balance in my view un-wisely initiated this conversation with the accusation Waititi was somehow undermining democracy.
That demanded a response.
I don't agree, nor obviously the numerous journalists & others who requested name suppression be lifted before the election even if as Judge Skellern said on public record it would risk becoming a political football & media interest would be high.

Obviously we see differently on this but should probably cease discussion due to the suppression order.

29-08-2023, 11:50 PM

Te Pāti Māori apologises to refugees and migrant communities for ‘harmful narratives’ on party website

Te Pāti Māori has apologised to migrant and refugee communities for allowing what it described as “harmful narratives” on its website.

A series of posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, said the party did not stand for xenophobia and racism in any form, and thanked migrant and refugee communities for holding it to account.

Te Pāti Māori said “it should not have taken this long” to change the policy.

”We wholeheartedly apologise to our migrant and refugee whānau for allowing harmful narratives on our website, and thank you for holding us to account.

What wonderful bedmates Labour look to be happy to cuddle up to provided the whole unholy unprincipled lot dont get washed out first ;)

Labour in desperation mode ? :)

Can anyone imagine this clueless faction in the Beehive ?

What a shambles & hot on the back of their Co-Leader's antics :)

29-08-2023, 11:56 PM

Warning over household debt, current account deficit as NZ maintains AA+ rating

Global credit rating agency Fitch has reaffirmed the country’s AA+ rating, but warns that high household debt and a large current account deficit are risks.

The rating, with a stable outlook, is the agency’s second highest, which it said reflected New Zealand’s strong governance structures and commitment to fiscal discipline.

“The ‘AA+’ ratings reflect our view that the Government’s commitment to return to surplus will put gross government debt/GDP on a downward path in the medium term, despite more near-term fiscal expansion.

FIscal discipline .. hahahaha - were they checking the right basketcase or was news slow arriving ? ;)

It said the economic outlook was challenging with growth falling to 0.8 per cent in the coming year because of a worsening trade picture, higher debt servicing costs and weak consumer sentiment as house prices have fallen and the labour market showed signs of easing.

Fitch said the Reserve Bank’s rate rises would be fully felt over the next year, but a rebound in tourism and migration would soften the downturn, before growth picked up above 2 per cent in 2025.

30-08-2023, 09:22 AM

Te Pāti Māori apologises to refugees and migrant communities for ‘harmful narratives’ on party website

What wonderful bedmates Labour look to be happy to cuddle up to provided the whole unholy unprincipled lot dont get washed out first ;)

Labour in desperation mode ? :)

Can anyone imagine this clueless faction in the Beehive ?

What a shambles & hot on the back of their Co-Leader's antics :)

Does the Maori Party still think Maori's are genetically superior or have they removed that from their website as well? Historically this belief hasn't turned out well for anyone

Logen Ninefingers
30-08-2023, 09:26 AM
Does the Maori Party still think Maori's are genetically superior or have they removed that from their website as well?

They still think it, but they removed it from their website. No story on One News about it. Hipkins probably doesn’t see anything racist about it. Can you imagine the absolute sheet storm that would erupt if National or ACT or any political party had anything about ‘xxxxx people are genetically superior’ on their website?! Any claims of racial superiority are a real no-no and put one in mind of events in Europe during the 1930’s. But seems to be a bit of a non-story when Waititi’s mob do it.

30-08-2023, 10:54 AM
They still think it, but they removed it from their website. No story on One News about it. Hipkins probably doesn’t see anything racist about it. Can you imagine the absolute sheet storm that would erupt if National or ACT or any political party had anything about ‘xxxxx people are genetically superior’ on their website?! Any claims of racial superiority are a real no-no and put one in mind of events in Europe during the 1930’s. But seems to be a bit of a non-story when Waititi’s mob do it.
Correct, and well done to those who push back on the double standards and treachery some wish to unleash on NZers.

30-08-2023, 11:20 AM
Does the Maori Party still think Maori's are genetically superior or have they removed that from their website as well? Historically this belief hasn't turned out well for anyone

Hipkins' mates :



30-08-2023, 10:56 PM

Customer left shocked at $14.50 sausage roll

As the cost of living crisis continues, one New Zealander is questioning how much is too much to pay for a humble sausage roll.

When John Bredican returned from overseas he was shocked to see soaring prices of sausage rolls around Aotearoa.

Bredican told RNZ’s First Up although he was not a "massive fan" of the treat, he liked to keep an eye on it because it was an "iconic" Kiwi food.

When does Chumpy roll out Labour's large subsidy for these things ? .. but probably going to be iconic long after
he's gone & forgotten about with no-one wanting to remember his name ;)

Or will it be Chumpy do a dumpy on all Kiwi's on expensive Sausage Rolls, followed by Most Kiwi's dumpy Chumpy in large Hole that Robbo has been busy overseeing excavating, a month or so ahead in October ? ;)

It's called being "Rolled into a Large Hole you and your clueless Labour mates dug .. you said you wanted to be in it" - Chumpy ;)

31-08-2023, 10:18 AM
An excellent summary of what Hipkins, Ardern, Robertson & the Labour Party have been doing to NZ's future in the last 6 years :





Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 01:58 PM

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 01:59 PM

TVNZ Breakfast host apologises on air again - this time to National’s Nicola Willis

By Jaime Lyth
31 Aug, 2023 01:29 PM

‘TVNZ Breakfast host Anna Burns-Francis has apologised on-air to National deputy leader Nicola Willis after incorrectly saying she was in the Labour Party.

Last week the host was forced to issue an apology to Act Leader David Seymour for misquoting him on his controversial Guy Fawkes comments.

Burns-Francis finished her interview with the National finance spokesperson this morning by saying “Labour’s finance spokesperson Nicola Willis, joining us from Wellington this morning”.

Burns-Francis immediately owned up to the error and apologised on-air after the ad break.’

31-08-2023, 02:27 PM
She could be you know, given she has the opposite views to her leader on pretty much every social issue.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 02:35 PM
Robbo holding up a Sharon Murdoch cartoon from ‘Stuff’ in the house today, the one where he is set to push Nicola Willis into a dark hole. It’s all very funny isn’t it, Labour and the mainstream NZ media working hand in glove to shape perceptions and provide ready-made props with which to undermine opposition.

31-08-2023, 03:22 PM
Robbo holding up a Sharon Murdoch cartoon from ‘Stuff’ in the house today, the one where he is set to push Nicola Willis into a dark hole. It’s all very funny isn’t it, Labour and the mainstream NZ media working hand in glove to shape perceptions and provide ready-made props with which to undermine opposition.

They fooled many NZers with their lies, BS and spin over the last 6 years. Now that NZers have woken up to just how devious and useless Hipkins, Ardern, Robertson and Labour really are, they are wasting their time with their pathetic attempts.

Roll on October 2023!

31-08-2023, 03:38 PM
Thoughts by Nick Mowbray, founder of Zuru.

Its time NZ looked at our return on bureaucrats.

In the year 2000 New Zealand had 1200 Bureaucrats working in the ministry of education. We had 2800 schools and according to the M.O.E we had 750,000 students. We ranked highly on international metrics such as the program for international student assessment (PISA) We were ranked fourth in reading, sixth in mathematics and fifth in science. Fast forward to today and student numbers have risen a little over 11% and the number of schools has decreased to 2600, but bureaucrat numbers have ballooned, nearly tripling, a rise of 166.7%. And what have we got for it? Nothing. In fact, we have gone backwards rapidly, now ranked 13th in reading, 27th in Math and 20th in science.

This same pattern is repeated across almost all Government departments. Since Labour took office public service headcount has exploded. Since 2017, Oranga Tamaraki’s headcount has increased 49%, MBIE has grown 53%, the Ministry of social development 35% and so the list goes on. These numbers are not small. They are tens of thousands of extra people. The sobering thing is results and outcomes have gone backwards in every single area dramatically.

So, what does this tell us? Like in business bloated bureaucracies stifle decision-making, leading to inefficiencies, and hindering the effective implementation of policies and leading to worse results. I have always found that small agile teams with clear objectives and accountability will deliver better results and do it for far less cost. The problem with companies like governments is that the creep starts to come in. We have a saying at ZURU “fight the creep”. There are no points for adding more people for the sake of it. We are consistently looking at ways to drive efficiency, simplify and rationalise. We know that over time companies naturally become more complex, and complexity drives inefficiency. Inefficiency is the enemy.

Twitter is a great example of creep that got out of control. The workforce has now been reduced from 7500 to below 2000 and they are already delivering record users and on track to get back to profitability.

More people lead to worse results.

Unfortunately, governments are the worst culprits for adding complexity. Governments bring new agendas, new laws, consultants on top of consultants, and more staff and at some point, they lose context of what it is that they do that is important. They lose focus on the core role of government and things start to get ugly.

When we have obscure ministries like the Ministry of pacific people which had 34 people in 2017 ballooning to 128 people or when communications staff doubled since Labour came into government, everyone should rightly be asking some serious questions about the competence of this government to manage a country in a fiscally and economically responsible way.

How is it the government needs 532 full-time communications staff? That is outrageous. At ZURU we have zero. Not saying the government does not need communications staff but really 532 of them? What do they all honestly do? What do 128 people in the Ministry of Pacific People actually do? Who is holding them to account?

At some point, we need to demand better than this. When a government is spending so much more, driving the country into huge debt and not delivering results or setting us up to be more productive in the future, we have serious problems.

Urgent time for change.

31-08-2023, 03:44 PM
Change? or return to the past (which we know failed to deliver).

I'm not to keen on the sort of change that would see CCP connected individuals buy up auckland property etc.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 04:08 PM
Change? or return to the past (which we know failed to deliver).

I'm not to keen on the sort of change that would see CCP connected individuals buy up auckland property.

So rather than get the country back on track you prefer what we have currently: an 80% increase in government spending for WORSE outcomes.

The left wing mindset: “Duh, more spending and more bureaucrats equals better outcomes”.

Sorry, the results, data, and stats say otherwise.

You can’t get to prosperity by setting up highly paid government ‘make work’ positions that fleece the system of the money that should be directed towards real infrastructure and real front-line services. Labour and Panda think you can, and they’ll destroy the country in the attempt.

$66 million spent so far on Auckland Light Rail….and not one metre of track has been installed. Emblematic of the hopeless waste and ineptitude of this terrible government.

This election I’ll be voting to stop the final descent of New Zealand into a lawless and bankrupt banana republic riven with racial division and extremist agendas, which is where LABGREETEPATI will take us. Unionist Panda is rubbing its hands will glee at the thought of LABGREETEPATI driving in the final nails to replace New Zealand with ethno-state socialist hell-hole ‘Aotearoa’, we just have to hope enough Kiwi’s prevent it from happening.

31-08-2023, 04:12 PM
$66 million spent so far on Auckland Light Rail….and not one metre of track has been installed. Emblematic of the hopeless waste and ineptitude of this terrible government.

Which Chris said this: I'd love for china to come help us build our roads... please sign us up to the belt and road initiative.

Debt to china is far more insidious than when it's owned locally (or created from nothing).

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 04:17 PM
Which Chris said this: I'd love for china to come help us build our roads... please sign us up to the belt and road initiative.

Debt to china is far more insidious than when it's owned locally (or created from nothing).

Which Grant said this in 2022?
"GST is a comprehensive tax which makes it very easy to administer, and people in the room who've been in other countries with more exemptions will know it becomes an absolute boondoggle to get through.”

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 04:22 PM
LABGREETEPATI is pandas ultimate fantasy: more wealth taxes than you can poke a stick at, capital flight from New Zealand, a fascinating contest with Equatorial Guinea to see who has the better performing economy, radical green and racial policies unfurled to continue the ‘Great Leap Backwards’ that we are enduring. And of course the left’s forte: even more spending for even worse outcomes.

31-08-2023, 04:24 PM
LABGREETEPATI is pandas ultimate fantasy: more wealth taxes than you can poke a stick at, capital flight from New Zealand, a fascinating contest with Equatorial Guinea to see who has the better performing economy, radical green and racial policies unfurled to continue the ‘Great Leap Backwards’ that we are enduring. And of course the left’s forte: even more spending for even worse outcomes.

Back on track = trying to revive the John key years but failing.. because the world has since moved on.

Change is necessary to keep up with what's happening but not the "back on track" kind.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 04:30 PM
Back on track = trying to revive the John key years but failing.. because the world has since moved on.

Change is necessary to keep up with what's happening but not the "back on track" kind.

‘Back on track’ means setting the country back on the rails after this Labour government derailed the nation and left us poorer, more indebted, more divided, more crime ravaged, and more despondent. It does not mean ‘taking us back to the John Key years’, which is just pitiful left wing spin.

31-08-2023, 04:49 PM
Back on track = trying to revive the John key years but failing.. because the world has since moved on.

Change is necessary to keep up with what's happening but not the "back on track" kind.

Panda-nz - Labour shill (& BS artist) who asserts that France & Australia are going back to the stone age because they ban mobiles from schools.

Kiss my arse.

31-08-2023, 04:49 PM
‘Back on track’ means setting the country back on the rails after this Labour government derailed the nation and left us poorer, more indebted, more divided, more crime ravaged, and more despondent. It does not mean ‘taking us back to the John Key years’, which is just pitiful left wing spin.

Why does luxon say "like john key did" or "like bill english did".

I don't hear Helen clark's name being drudged up by Labour fans even though she was good.

31-08-2023, 04:51 PM
Why does luxon say "like john key did" or "like bill english did".

I don't hear Helen clarks name being drudged up even though she was good.

Panda-nz - Labour shill (& BS artist) who asserts that France & Australia are going back to the stone age because they ban mobiles from schools.

Kiss my arse.

31-08-2023, 04:54 PM
The election Labour has to lose and will lose :


LABOUR’S GOING TO LOSE the General Election, and everybody with a shred of objectivity left knows it.

The government of Chris Hipkins is doomed, and it’s not just the polls that are giving them the bad news, it’s Hipkins himself.

He has nothing to offer the electorate: nothing that it wants to hear; and he knows it. Political promises are useless now.

There are simply too many voters convinced that, after 14 October, Labour will be in no position to honour them. Hipkins is in the same position as a country experiencing hyperinflation: no matter how many zeros get added to the notes rolling off the printing presses, the currency remains worthless.


Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 04:55 PM
Why does luxon say "like john key did" or "like bill english did".

I don't hear Helen clark's name being drudged up by Labour fans even though she was good.

Helen Clark was good? Not in my opinion she wasn’t. Trade unionists, marxists, and centrist flip-floppers probably think she was though.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 05:58 PM
Exploited immigrants caught up in Labour immigration scandal are worried about a gruesome end to their hopes for a better life, as they have little options available except freezing to death.

I guess this is what Labour meant when they said “be kind”….


Migrants in overcrowded Auckland house face eviction in the midst of INZ investigation

By Lincoln Tan
31 Aug, 2023 05:31

‘First they were placed into a three-bedroom house crammed with 24 men. Now, they have been told they have a week to leave the property because they were occupying it illegally.

The men are among a group of more than 100 migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India who allegedly paid thousands of dollars for employment agreements with local recruitment agents but have received no work or pay since arriving.

“We are being evicted, but where do we go?” asked Parjinder Singh, 25.

“If we have to sleep in the streets, we will die in the cold.”’

31-08-2023, 06:51 PM
Extract from refresh curriculum draft:
Purpose statement for mathematics and statistics Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.

Behold, it is like the web of a spider.
This whakataukī celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world. Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge. The learning area has been designed to support the vision of Mātaitipu and reflects the four kinds of value each learning area contributes: personal value, participatory value, pathways value, and planetary value. Collectively, these express the richness and value of mathematics and statistics learning for ākonga. Ākonga discover inherent personal enjoyment and satisfaction in persistence, solving problems, identifying patterns, and seeing the beauty in mathematics and statistics. They come to appreciate the everyday use of mathematical and statistical tools in, for example, personal finance, music and dance, estimation, and measurement. They recognise how their culture is included and valued in the learning area. Ākonga participate as they take part in discussions with their peers about their mathematical and statistical thinking and the thinking of others. They discuss and take action on important social matters such as the ethical gathering, interpretation, and communication of data, and challenging misinformation and disinformation. They also engage with diverse cultural perspectives, including te ao Māori and Pacific world- views, on being numerate in Aotearoa New Zealand.

31-08-2023, 06:59 PM
Extract from refresh curriculum draft:
Purpose statement for mathematics and statistics Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.

Behold, it is like the web of a spider.
This whakataukī celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world. Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge. The learning area has been designed to support the vision of Mātaitipu and reflects the four kinds of value each learning area contributes: personal value, participatory value, pathways value, and planetary value. Collectively, these express the richness and value of mathematics and statistics learning for ākonga. Ākonga discover inherent personal enjoyment and satisfaction in persistence, solving problems, identifying patterns, and seeing the beauty in mathematics and statistics. They come to appreciate the everyday use of mathematical and statistical tools in, for example, personal finance, music and dance, estimation, and measurement. They recognise how their culture is included and valued in the learning area. Ākonga participate as they take part in discussions with their peers about their mathematical and statistical thinking and the thinking of others. They discuss and take action on important social matters such as the ethical gathering, interpretation, and communication of data, and challenging misinformation and disinformation. They also engage with diverse cultural perspectives, including te ao Māori and Pacific world- views, on being numerate in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Lord Rutherford would turn in his grave! This is unintelligible.

31-08-2023, 07:10 PM
Extract from refresh curriculum draft:
Purpose statement for mathematics and statistics Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.

Behold, it is like the web of a spider.
This whakataukī celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world. Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge. The learning area has been designed to support the vision of Mātaitipu and reflects the four kinds of value each learning area contributes: personal value, participatory value, pathways value, and planetary value. Collectively, these express the richness and value of mathematics and statistics learning for ākonga. Ākonga discover inherent personal enjoyment and satisfaction in persistence, solving problems, identifying patterns, and seeing the beauty in mathematics and statistics. They come to appreciate the everyday use of mathematical and statistical tools in, for example, personal finance, music and dance, estimation, and measurement. They recognise how their culture is included and valued in the learning area. Ākonga participate as they take part in discussions with their peers about their mathematical and statistical thinking and the thinking of others. They discuss and take action on important social matters such as the ethical gathering, interpretation, and communication of data, and challenging misinformation and disinformation. They also engage with diverse cultural perspectives, including te ao Māori and Pacific world- views, on being numerate in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This is pure drivel and BS.

31-08-2023, 07:10 PM
Extract from refresh curriculum draft:
Purpose statement for mathematics and statistics Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.

Behold, it is like the web of a spider.
This whakataukī celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world. Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge. The learning area has been designed to support the vision of Mātaitipu and reflects the four kinds of value each learning area contributes: personal value, participatory value, pathways value, and planetary value. Collectively, these express the richness and value of mathematics and statistics learning for ākonga. Ākonga discover inherent personal enjoyment and satisfaction in persistence, solving problems, identifying patterns, and seeing the beauty in mathematics and statistics. They come to appreciate the everyday use of mathematical and statistical tools in, for example, personal finance, music and dance, estimation, and measurement. They recognise how their culture is included and valued in the learning area. Ākonga participate as they take part in discussions with their peers about their mathematical and statistical thinking and the thinking of others. They discuss and take action on important social matters such as the ethical gathering, interpretation, and communication of data, and challenging misinformation and disinformation. They also engage with diverse cultural perspectives, including te ao Māori and Pacific world- views, on being numerate in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This is pure drivel and BS.

fungus pudding
31-08-2023, 07:44 PM
Extract from refresh curriculum draft:
Purpose statement for mathematics and statistics Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.

Behold, it is like the web of a spider.
This whakataukī celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world. Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge. The learning area has been designed to support the vision of Mātaitipu and reflects the four kinds of value each learning area contributes: personal value, participatory value, pathways value, and planetary value. Collectively, these express the richness and value of mathematics and statistics learning for ākonga. Ākonga discover inherent personal enjoyment and satisfaction in persistence, solving problems, identifying patterns, and seeing the beauty in mathematics and statistics. They come to appreciate the everyday use of mathematical and statistical tools in, for example, personal finance, music and dance, estimation, and measurement. They recognise how their culture is included and valued in the learning area. Ākonga participate as they take part in discussions with their peers about their mathematical and statistical thinking and the thinking of others. They discuss and take action on important social matters such as the ethical gathering, interpretation, and communication of data, and challenging misinformation and disinformation. They also engage with diverse cultural perspectives, including te ao Māori and Pacific world- views, on being numerate in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Y'don't say!

31-08-2023, 08:10 PM
Exploited immigrants caught up in Labour immigration scandal are worried about a gruesome end to their hopes for a better life, as they have little options available except freezing to death.

I guess this is what Labour meant when they said “be kind”….


Migrants in overcrowded Auckland house face eviction in the midst of INZ investigation

By Lincoln Tan
31 Aug, 2023 05:31

‘First they were placed into a three-bedroom house crammed with 24 men. Now, they have been told they have a week to leave the property because they were occupying it illegally.

The men are among a group of more than 100 migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India who allegedly paid thousands of dollars for employment agreements with local recruitment agents but have received no work or pay since arriving.

“We are being evicted, but where do we go?” asked Parjinder Singh, 25.

“If we have to sleep in the streets, we will die in the cold.”’

I would hope that Parjinder & co would seek redress via the Sikh mafia, from those they paid their $1000's to.

There is nothing new in this, the NZ taxpayer is dragged in to the rescue, just leading to a furtherance of the scam.

31-08-2023, 08:18 PM
Extract from refresh curriculum draft:
Purpose statement for mathematics and statistics Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.

Behold, it is like the web of a spider.
This whakataukī celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world. Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge. The learning area has been designed to support the vision of Mātaitipu and reflects the four kinds of value each learning area contributes: personal value, participatory value, pathways value, and planetary value. Collectively, these express the richness and value of mathematics and statistics learning for ākonga. Ākonga discover inherent personal enjoyment and satisfaction in persistence, solving problems, identifying patterns, and seeing the beauty in mathematics and statistics. They come to appreciate the everyday use of mathematical and statistical tools in, for example, personal finance, music and dance, estimation, and measurement. They recognise how their culture is included and valued in the learning area. Ākonga participate as they take part in discussions with their peers about their mathematical and statistical thinking and the thinking of others. They discuss and take action on important social matters such as the ethical gathering, interpretation, and communication of data, and challenging misinformation and disinformation. They also engage with diverse cultural perspectives, including te ao Māori and Pacific world- views, on being numerate in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Thanks for the post ithaka, alerting us to the nonsense Labour is letting slip into our schools.

It says draft, but no doubt it has Jan Tinetti's approval.

Who's going to pay my pension if they come out of school swinging a poi, and a head full of that crap!

31-08-2023, 08:20 PM
Y'don't say!

It's truely extraordinary that such incredible (dictionary version, i.e. not credible) nonsense has been able to creep into and overtake the education curriculum! It is quite unreal that our children's curriculum has become hostage to this utter nonsensical diatribe. Any academic, qualified professional, or just plain common sense observer, must surely realise this rubbish is a massive back step to an uneducated society that cannot or could not compete in a global level, let alone nationally. The myopia is appalling and unfortunately race based as well, as we have seen from so many other sectors who are also forsaking sensibility for some ill advised self centred utopias that take us all to a worse place!

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 09:17 PM

Why The New Zealand Curriculum is changing
Our shared kaupapa for the Curriculum Refresh

Together, we’re refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum so that schools and communities are better supported to do what they do best: create rich and responsive learning that helps every ākonga realise their goals and aspirations.
Through Kōrero Mātauranga, we’ve heard from tens of thousands of New Zealanders, including ākonga, kaiako, education experts, and members of the public about their vision for the future of The New Zealand Curriculum.

We heard that change is needed to ensure Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed NZ curriculum:

• gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
• is inclusive
• clear about the learning that matters for our ākonga
• is easy to use.

We are keeping many of the elements from the current 2007 New Zealand Curriculum, but the refreshed curriculum will make the learning journey coherent, rich, and responsive to the needs of our ākonga.

This shared kaupapa was gifted by our Curriculum Voices Group. It sets out why we’re refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum, and lays down a vision that puts ākonga – their languages, cultures, identities, and strengths – at the centre of the refreshed curriculum.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 09:19 PM

What's changing?
What will change and what it means for you

The Ministry is two years into a six-year programme to refresh The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) – both the overall framework and the eight existing learning areas.

The final draft of Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed NZ curriculum will be released in Term 3, 2023. You can download the current version below.

Te Mātaiaho means “to observe and examine the strands of learning.” This name was gifted by Dr Wayne Ngata and members of our Rōpū Kaitiaki.

Te Mātaiaho will continue the same eight learning areas as in the existing 2007 Curriculum.

These are being developed and released in phases, and schools will have until the beginning of 2027 to start using the fully refreshed curriculum.

The final draft of Te Mātaiaho will be released in Term 3, 2023.

Te ao tangata | social sciences was released in November 2022, and the new Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories must now be taught in all schools.
English is now available to be explored and used in schools and kura
Mathematics and statistics is now available to be explored and used in schools and kura
Science is in development for release in 2024
Technology is in development for release in 2024
The arts is in development for release in 2024
Health and physical education is in development for release in 2025
Learning languages is in development for release in 2025.
At every stage of the refresh, the Ministry will support kaiako and leaders with curriculum resources to help implement the change and build capability.

What's different from the existing curriculum?
Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed NZ curriculum includes:

the whakapapa of Te Mātaiaho
Mātaitipu | vision for young people – this was written by young people
a purpose statement to ensure equity and inclusion for all ākonga.
Mātauranga Māori will sit at the heart of the learning areas, with key competencies, literacy, and numeracy explicitly woven into each learning area.

This will help ākonga understand a dynamic and evolving knowledge system unique to Aotearoa.

The refreshed curriculum will be progression-focused, rather than outcomes-focused.

Curriculum levels and achievement objectives will be replaced with five phases of learning: Y1-3, Y4-6, Y7-8, Y9-10 and Y11-13.

Understand, Know, Do: A progression-focused curriculum
Each of the five phases of learning contains progress outcomes that describe what ākonga should understand, know, and do by the end of each phase.

Students deepen their understanding of the big ideas (understand), as they explore the context (know), using critical practices (do).

Each phase is cumulative, building on the last and increasingly complex as ākonga progress.

The model is designed to make it easier for teachers to create rich and responsive learning, and puts ākonga – their voice, wellbeing, and aspirations – at the centre of learning.

When using progressions, assessment for learning is an ongoing process integral to teaching and learning.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 09:21 PM
Why would you need to adorn a bird with feathers; don't they come pre-feathered?


Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum

Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar


Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 09:31 PM
From the refreshed English curriculum -

I am building knowledge about language
and texts and drawing on the practices of

Through this, I am deepening my
understanding that:

Mā te reo, ka mōhio; mā te reo ka
mārama; mā te reo ka ora.
Language and literature give us insights into
ourselves and others.

Kia mau ki tō ūkaipō.
The stories of Aotearoa New Zealand are
unique taonga tuku iho.

Ko pohewa, ko auaha ngā ara ki ao hou.
Stories are a source of joy and nourishment.

Ko te reo me ōna tikanga te hā o te
whakawhitiwhiti kōrero.
Communication depends on shared codes
and conventions.

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōna
te ngahere; ko te manu e kai ana i te
mātauranga nōna te ao.
Literature, language, and texts embody
power relationships.

https://curriculumrefresh-live-assetstorages3bucket-l5w0dsj7zmbm.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2023-08/CO3101_MOE_English-A4_JULY_002_0.pdf?VersionId=T0LCvWIeD74A0XM1gR0vVv X6aU1V0k02

31-08-2023, 09:41 PM

What's changing?
What will change and what it means for you

The Ministry is two years into a six-year programme to refresh The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) – both the overall framework and the eight existing learning areas.

The final draft of Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed NZ curriculum will be released in Term 3, 2023. You can download the current version below.

Te Mātaiaho means “to observe and examine the strands of learning.” This name was gifted by Dr Wayne Ngata and members of our Rōpū Kaitiaki.

Te Mātaiaho will continue the same eight learning areas as in the existing 2007 Curriculum.

These are being developed and released in phases, and schools will have until the beginning of 2027 to start using the fully refreshed curriculum.

The final draft of Te Mātaiaho will be released in Term 3, 2023.

Te ao tangata | social sciences was released in November 2022, and the new Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories must now be taught in all schools.
English is now available to be explored and used in schools and kura
Mathematics and statistics is now available to be explored and used in schools and kura
Science is in development for release in 2024
Technology is in development for release in 2024
The arts is in development for release in 2024
Health and physical education is in development for release in 2025
Learning languages is in development for release in 2025.
At every stage of the refresh, the Ministry will support kaiako and leaders with curriculum resources to help implement the change and build capability.

What's different from the existing curriculum?
Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed NZ curriculum includes:

the whakapapa of Te Mātaiaho
Mātaitipu | vision for young people – this was written by young people
a purpose statement to ensure equity and inclusion for all ākonga.
Mātauranga Māori will sit at the heart of the learning areas, with key competencies, literacy, and numeracy explicitly woven into each learning area.

This will help ākonga understand a dynamic and evolving knowledge system unique to Aotearoa.

The refreshed curriculum will be progression-focused, rather than outcomes-focused.

Curriculum levels and achievement objectives will be replaced with five phases of learning: Y1-3, Y4-6, Y7-8, Y9-10 and Y11-13.

Understand, Know, Do: A progression-focused curriculum
Each of the five phases of learning contains progress outcomes that describe what ākonga should understand, know, and do by the end of each phase.

Students deepen their understanding of the big ideas (understand), as they explore the context (know), using critical practices (do).

Each phase is cumulative, building on the last and increasingly complex as ākonga progress.

The model is designed to make it easier for teachers to create rich and responsive learning, and puts ākonga – their voice, wellbeing, and aspirations – at the centre of learning.

When using progressions, assessment for learning is an ongoing process integral to teaching and learning.

All that spiel from a source that never had a written language!

Good at telling myths and legends though.

It needs to myth off and leg it out of the education system though.

New Zimbabwe is too far into the Great Leap Backwards as it is.

Just because a silly little girl whose tank ran out, panicked when Te Pati stole one of her seats, so she thought she would throw out some appeasements, and chuck the rest of NZ under the bus while she was at it.

Thanks for nothing Cinders and Labour.

Logen Ninefingers
31-08-2023, 10:02 PM
All that spiel from a source that never had a written language!

Good at telling myths and legends though.

It needs to myth off and leg it out of the education system though.

New Zimbabwe is too far into the Great Leap Backwards as it is.

Just because a silly little girl whose tank ran out, panicked when Te Pati stole one of her seats, so she thought she would throw out some appeasements, and chuck the rest of NZ under the bus while she was at it.

Thanks for nothing Cinders and Labour.

The people who are now controlling New Zealand - via the government and throughout the bureaucracy - have got it into their heads that 'New Zealand' is and was 'a colonial project', and therefore that it must be totally re-made. We now live in the emerging state of Aotearoa New Zealand. Anyone deemed to have what they term a 'neo-colonial' mindset will simply be bypassed - and vilified if they resist. A 'racist' is a term that will henceforth be a term to describe someone who doesn't accept that New Zealand must be purged of the old order and reborn as Aotearoa New Zealand. It is all no longer up for discussion, all decisions have been made.

31-08-2023, 10:15 PM
The people who are now controlling New Zealand - via the government and throughout the bureaucracy - have got it into their heads that 'New Zealand' is and was 'a colonial project', and therefore that it must be totally re-made. We now live in the emerging state of Aotearoa New Zealand. Anyone deemed to have what they term a 'neo-colonial' mindset will simply be bypassed - and vilified if they resist. A 'racist' is a term that will henceforth be a term to describe someone who doesn't accept that New Zealand must be purged of the old order and reborn as Aotearoa New Zealand. It is all no longer up for discussion, all decisions have been made.

I was going to say President Zuma would be impressed, but no, he was anti apartheid.

So it looks like this is a job more akin to Idi Amin!

31-08-2023, 10:21 PM
All that spiel from a source that never had a written language!

Good at telling myths and legends though.

It needs to myth off and leg it out of the education system though.

New Zimbabwe is too far into the Great Leap Backwards as it is.

Just because a silly little girl whose tank ran out, panicked when Te Pati stole one of her seats, so she thought she would throw out some appeasements, and chuck the rest of NZ under the bus while she was at it.

Thanks for nothing Cinders and Labour.
Yes, all very well to have the odd incompetent punching above their weight in the workplace, It happens, but running a nation, maybe we should pay a little more attention to who we have steering our ship.
The consequences should we get that wrong could be disastrous. Nothing a rough decade or two won't sort out hopefully.

02-09-2023, 03:26 PM
So Labour will provide free dental care to those under 30. What about the rest of the population who still have their own teeth, and can't afford dental treatment? Especially the elderly.

Is it really too much to ask for a party that considers the entire population, not simply a selected age group? Some here have been bitching about Kiwis only thinking about themselves, and "what's in it for me" but this is why. Parties that are clearly creating policy in a bid to attract very specific sectors of society, which they believe will give them the most votes. They are all as bad as each other.

Pathetic, meaningless "carrots" designed to bribe, not solve problems. I am beyond disillusioned right now.

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:41 PM
So Labour will provide free dental care to those under 30. What about the rest of the population who still have their own teeth, and can't afford dental treatment? Especially the elderly.

Is it really too much to ask for a party that considers the entire population, not simply a selected age group? Some here have been bitching about Kiwis only thinking about themselves, and "what's in it for me" but this is why. Parties that are clearly creating policy in a bid to attract very specific sectors of society, which they believe will give them the most votes. They are all as bad as each other.

Pathetic, meaningless "carrots" designed to bribe, not solve problems. I am beyond disillusioned right now.

So what would you do if you were heading a political party? Blanket free stuff for all perhaps? How would you solve complex problems?

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:44 PM

Election 2023: Labour leader Chris Hipkins announces free dental care for under-30s to launch election campaign

By Claire Trevett
2 Sep, 2023 03:25 PM

'Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has used his election campaign launch to announce free dental care for under under-30s starting in mid-2025.

It is Hipkins’ latest play to try to outflank National for the voters’ ticks on the cost of the living front.

The new Labour policy would offer free annual check-ups, cleans, X-rays, basic fillings and extractions for nearly 800,000 under 30-year-olds.

It would be staged and offered initially to 18-23-year-olds from July 2025 and then expanded up to all under 30s from July 2026.'

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:45 PM
This may be ultimate pork barreling election, but you can see what the problem confronting the parties of the right is and why they offer tax cuts: it's just an endless socialistic giveaway from Labour.

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:47 PM
Amazing that Labour can just continue to offer more and more bribes, and nobody questions 'the numbers'. The Greens were going to fund it with a wealth tax, but with Labour it's just Robbo and his gigantic slush fund made up of borrowed dosh.

02-09-2023, 03:47 PM
20 bucks a week for $14b, or free preventative dental care for $400m.

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:49 PM
20 bucks a week for $14b or free dental care for $400m.

So Labour are going to tax foreign buyers and overseas gambling concerns to fund this are they red panda?

How are they paying for free dental care for the under 30's red panda? What are 'the numbers'?

02-09-2023, 03:50 PM
How are they paying for free dental care for the under 30's red panda? What are 'the numbers'?

Well if they increase the minimum wage by a dollar again that's easily worth $400m in income tax/GST. ;)

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:53 PM
Well if they increase the minimum wage by a dollar again that's easily worth $400m in income tax/GST. ;)

Epic trolling from you, you'll be pouring yourself a nice chardonnay this afternoon and celebrating yet more 'unfunded socialism'.

02-09-2023, 03:55 PM
Epic trolling from you, you'll be pouring yourself a nice chardonnay this afternoon and celebrating yet more 'unfunded socialism'.

Someone's going to pay for dental care regardless... you can stop future $6k operations with $200 checkups... bargain.

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:57 PM
Someone's going to pay for dental care regardless... you can stop future $6k operations with $200 checkups... bargain.

Someone's going to pay for an increasing range of things.....the taxpayer. And the taxpayer has no hope of covering it, so it's up to 'Robbo's magic money tree' (borrowing).

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 03:58 PM
Well if they increase the minimum wage by a dollar again that's easily worth $400m in income tax/GST. ;)

'Well if they increase the minimum wage by a dollar again'

It's no Robbo paying the minimum wage is it, it's increasingly stretched businesses - many of them small businesses.

02-09-2023, 04:00 PM
Someone's going to pay for an increasing range of things.....the taxpayer. And the taxpayer has no hope of covering it, so it's up to 'Robbo's magic money tree' (borrowing).

You still haven't told us where the $14b is coming from.

No right to criticise labour when that's out there.

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 04:05 PM
Here's Tova O'Briens sh*t take....'a lot of voters' will have the calculators out figuring out which party will give them the most 'bang for buck'.

So in other words, who can loot the economy the most & fleece lenders to the government the most.

Quite sickening really: she calls it a 'contest of policy', but it's the Left buying an election & the right having no choice but to play the same game.


'The maths a lot of voters will be calculating now is which major party will give them more bang for buck.

We have a real contest of policy now. That’s great for all voters - the politicians are desperate to please you and win you over.

National's campaign launch is tomorrow, your move Christopher Luxon.'

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 04:06 PM
You still haven't told us where the $14b is coming from.

No right to criticise labour when that's out there.

I don't have to tell you anything red panda. We know where Grant gets his untold billions from: he just borrows & loads us up with more debt.

02-09-2023, 04:38 PM
I don't have to tell you anything red panda. We know where Grant gets his untold billions from: he just borrows & loads us up with more debt.

And Willis is going to have to borrow even more as her figures just don't add up!

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 04:42 PM
And Willis is going to have to borrow even more as her figures just don't add up!

According to you they don't add up. And Robbo's numbers have never added up, tens of billions wasted and it's just explained away with 'fully costed'. It was ridiculous some years ago and now it's a farce. Labour keep promising stuff, free this, free that....I don't blame National for countering Labours endless parade of bribes because this election is critical. If a LABGREETEPATI government takes office the country will be well & truly stuffed and I'd expect to see large-scale capital flight.

02-09-2023, 05:15 PM
Jacinda said this not long ago

Free dental care a political dream and a financial nightmare


02-09-2023, 05:18 PM
Jacinda said this not long ago

Free dental care a political dream and a financial nightmare

Bugger! That adds credibility to today's policy announcement then.

02-09-2023, 05:23 PM
Labour would have been better to offer subsidised dental care to everyone, rather than free care to just a few.

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 06:07 PM
Labour would have been better to offer subsidised dental care to everyone, rather than free care to just a few.

It’s hardly a few though is it: everyone under 30. ‘Divide and conquer’. Chipkins is the great divider: town vs country, young vs old, race vs race.

Probably just a matter of time until farmers are branded ‘kulaks’ and their land is confiscated for the coming new green collective farms. This will go hand in glove with ‘seizing the means of production.’ I’ll see you in the gulags.

02-09-2023, 08:30 PM
Recently drove through Rotovagrance, that used to be known as Rotovegas.

Several of the Fenton St motels that housed the 'social ' types have been torched, presumably by those types themselves.

Is there a government that will cull them out, or is NZ just becoming a big hot pool?

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 08:54 PM
Recently drove through Rotovagrance, that used to be known as Rotovegas.

Several of the Fenton St motels that housed the 'social ' types have been torched, presumably by those types themselves.

Is there a government that will cull them out, or is NZ just becoming a big hot pool?

An article from November 2022 -


'Nearly $70 million has been spent on emergency housing in Rotorua over almost five years and the average stay in motels has stretched to 35 weeks, new figures reveal.

A slide presentation by the Rotorua Lakes Council, obtained by the Rotorua Daily Post Weekend, also reveals Government officials were warned about the city's dire situation in February last year.

The presentation described Rotorua as being on a "downward spiralling poverty crisis exacerbated by siloed Government initiatives".'

Blue Skies
02-09-2023, 09:48 PM
Free dental care for everyone under 30, (eventually to be extended to all ) is a brilliant policy move.
Only costs $380 million versus $14.6 Billion tax cuts, its not inflationary, & will appeal to not just those in that age group but also parents and grandparents of people in that age group, worried about the cost of going to the dentist.

I see NZME Head of Business Fran O'Sullivan worried, as I am about National's policy to open the doors to foreign buyers once again, putting pressure on the squeezed middle finding it hard to service mortgages or buy a home.

Great for National's base - property investors, - but terrible for everyone else. Mortgage rates will eventually come back, but this is just going to reignite house bubble, & more unoccupied homes with overseas owners.

And will we go back to those days of Auckland suburbs full of vacant houses owned by foreign owners, and the heavy marketing of NZ homes overseas - advertising no CGT, no Stamp Duty, no regulations around occupancy & can flip after only 2 years. ?

Logen Ninefingers
02-09-2023, 10:13 PM
Free dental care for everyone under 30, (eventually to be extended to all ) is a brilliant policy move.
Only costs $380 million versus $14.6 Billion tax cuts, its not inflationary, & will appeal to not just those in that age group but also parents and grandparents of people in that age group, worried about the cost of going to the dentist.

I see NZME Head of Business Fran O'Sullivan worried, as I am about National's policy to open the doors to foreign buyers once again, putting pressure on the squeezed middle finding it hard to service mortgages or buy a home.

Great for National's base - property investors, - but terrible for everyone else. Mortgage rates will eventually come back, but this is just going to reignite house bubble, & more unoccupied homes with overseas owners.

And will we go back to those days of Auckland suburbs full of vacant houses owned by foreign owners, and the heavy marketing of NZ homes overseas - advertising no CGT, no Stamp Duty, no regulations around occupancy & can flip after only 2 years. ?

Only costs $340 million.....yet on One News tonight those numbers were questioned by the dentists rep. A 'hole in the numbers' perhaps(?)

The policy will be rolled out over several years and more dentists will need to be trained first. As usual with Labour, the devil is in the detail. Judging from the comments accompanying the below article on 'Stuff', the populace either sees this latest giveaway as cynical vote buying, or doesn't believe Labour can deliver.....'fool me once' and all that.

See for yourself -


02-09-2023, 11:00 PM
Only costs $340 million.....yet on One News tonight those numbers were questioned by the dentists rep. A 'hole in the numbers' perhaps(?)

The policy will be rolled out over several years and more dentists will need to be trained first. As usual with Labour, the devil is in the detail. Judging from the comments accompanying the below article on 'Stuff', the populace either sees this latest giveaway as cynical vote buying, or doesn't believe Labour can deliver.....'fool me once' and all that.

See for yourself -

The comments are almost 90% disapproving. This could be a huge own goal by labour.

Blue Skies
03-09-2023, 12:16 AM
Only costs $340 million.....yet on One News tonight those numbers were questioned by the dentists rep. A 'hole in the numbers' perhaps(?)

The policy will be rolled out over several years and more dentists will need to be trained first. As usual with Labour, the devil is in the detail. Judging from the comments accompanying the below article on 'Stuff', the populace either sees this latest giveaway as cynical vote buying, or doesn't believe Labour can deliver.....'fool me once' and all that.

See for yourself -


I see what you mean, lots of negativity, quite surprising really but possibly something to do with not many under 30's at home on a Saturday night reading the paper or having Stuff accounts to make comments, or even bothering to comment.
Polls say around 80% of the population support free dental care so will be interesting to see how this pans out in next political poll.
The policy certainly seemed to get a v positive reaction when 1News interviewed people on the street this evening.

You can call it cynical politics & maybe it is but its also worth noting Labour has put a lot more funding into health, huge record increase in funding for PHARMAC for new treatments & drugs , new hospital in Whangarei plus all the infrastructure work going on at Auckland Hospital & many provincial hospitals around the country, increased the emergency Dental grant in 2021, higher pay for nurses, free period products in schools, etc.

03-09-2023, 03:48 AM
Only costs $340 million.....yet on One News tonight those numbers were questioned by the dentists rep. A 'hole in the numbers' perhaps(?)

National has a pothole repair fund of $500m of top of their $14.6b... which they found from somewhere. Money tree?

So take that and fix the holes in people's teeth instead.

03-09-2023, 07:19 AM
Desperate for people to replace kiwis leaving, the visa scheme is broken. However NZ continues to tax workers harder than investment in housing, so I understand the desperation to replace the young leaving NZ. I only see the need to replace emigrants certainly not getting better under National.

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 08:33 AM
National has a pothole repair fund of $500m of top of their $14.6b... which they found from somewhere. Money tree?

So take that and fix the holes in people's teeth instead.

All fully costed and independently checked….despite anything you and pompous windbag Robertson may say.

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 08:40 AM
Desperate for people to replace kiwis leaving, the visa scheme is broken. However NZ continues to tax workers harder than investment in housing, so I understand the desperation to replace the young leaving NZ. I only see the need to replace emigrants certainly not getting better under National.

‘Immigration officers say they’ve been told to ignore criminal convictions and investigations, not to read supporting documents on visa applications, and not to check work visas at the border in a “light touch” drive to grant more visas faster.

Multiple past and present Immigration NZ (INZ) staff have told Stuff about their concerns with what they say is a completely dysfunctional visa regime that has allowed rampant fraud – including visa staff themselves exposing the flaws by using pictures of cats and dogs as supporting documents in a dummy visa application that was allegedly approved.

Staff had already told Stuff of issues with the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme, with one saying the system was “completely f....d”.

Stuff has since seen an email from a senior INZ official, Peter Elms, which admits that the AEWV visa has “been manipulated by bad actors”.’

03-09-2023, 09:00 AM
National has a pothole repair fund of $500m of top of their $14.6b... which they found from somewhere. Money tree?

So take that and fix the holes in people's teeth instead.

No, fix the potholes instead, it's hitting the potholes that's rattling people's fillings out, and damaging their car tyres and suspension.

03-09-2023, 09:17 AM
‘Immigration officers say they’ve been told to ignore criminal convictions and investigations, not to read supporting documents on visa applications, and not to check work visas at the border in a “light touch” drive to grant more visas faster.

Multiple past and present Immigration NZ (INZ) staff have told Stuff about their concerns with what they say is a completely dysfunctional visa regime that has allowed rampant fraud – including visa staff themselves exposing the flaws by using pictures of cats and dogs as supporting documents in a dummy visa application that was allegedly approved.

Staff had already told Stuff of issues with the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme, with one saying the system was “completely f....d”.

Stuff has since seen an email from a senior INZ official, Peter Elms, which admits that the AEWV visa has “been manipulated by bad actors”.’
Michael wood, aka "rivier of filth" was minister of immigration directing these moves. Say no more.

03-09-2023, 09:30 AM
So Labour's policies not only breed leeches on society internally, but we import them too!

03-09-2023, 09:48 AM
With all that is going on, and Kainga Ora tenants who paint swastikas on the road, then openly have homosexual sex on the back lawn in full view of the neighbours, the country is buggered!

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 10:34 AM
Another ‘attack cartoon’ targeting National from Sharon Murdoch out today. It never stops with these left wing clowns.

fungus pudding
03-09-2023, 10:59 AM
Another ‘attack cartoon’ targeting National from Sharon Murdoch out today. It never stops with these left wing clowns.


03-09-2023, 11:18 AM
Todays Marae TV1, Should be compulsory viewing, if voters want to see an example of 2, Meka and Cushla, standing for Parliament and making all sorts of promises, but with no idea how much it will cost.
Meka is advocating Utu (revenge) in a separate justice system.

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 11:35 AM
Todays Marae TV1, Should be compulsory viewing, if voters want to see an example of 2, Meka and Cushla, standing for Parliament and making all sorts of promises, but with no idea how much it will cost.
Meka is advocating Utu (revenge) in a separate justice system.

Labours potential coalition partners in a radical LABGREETEPATI government. Red panda and red skies have no fears whatsoever about a radical rabble at the reins.

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 11:39 AM

Clear media bias obviously doesn’t perturb you.

“TREEEMAAAIIIIN!!!!”……I can hear you crying from here.

fungus pudding
03-09-2023, 11:45 AM
Clear media bias obviously doesn’t perturb you.

“TREEEMAAAIIIIN!!!!”……I can hear you crying from here.

My comment was a mildly sarcastic reply to your post which was of no use to anyone who does not have psychic powers.

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 11:49 AM
My comment was a mildly sarcastic reply to your post which was of no use to anyone who does not have psychic powers.

Here’s the Murdoch cartoon -


fungus pudding
03-09-2023, 11:53 AM
Here’s the Murdoch cartoon -


Thank-you on behalf of myself and 90% of the rest of the population.

03-09-2023, 01:05 PM
According to you they don't add up.

According to you they do but you seem to be in denial.
Many economists don't see them adding up either.

Tax cuts are always the biggest bribe - even if we can't afford it at the moment.

Logen Ninefingers
03-09-2023, 01:20 PM
According to you they do but you seem to be in denial.
Many economists don't see them adding up either.

Tax cuts are always the biggest bribe - even if we can't afford it at the moment.

We can’t afford 90% of what Labour offers up but it doesn’t stop them doing more upon more socialism does it. Interesting to see dentists saying Labours ‘free dental care for under 30’s’ costs look to be very light: hardly surprising - Labour made up (stole from the Greens) this policy on the fly as Chipkins keeps desperately unveiling new bribes in a vain attempt to turn the poll numbers around. National’s tax plan other other hand has been ‘fully costed and independently verified’.

(‘Vote LABGREETEPATI for a justice system based on Utu!’ No thanks.)

04-09-2023, 01:52 AM
Labour's orchestrated Health System sh!t show appears to be going verrally well on managing more chaos & disruption:


Doctors strike: More than 5000 senior doctors, dentists to strike on Tuesday, more planned

The unprecedented strike of senior doctors and dentists will go ahead next week after a weekend of failed mediation between Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand and the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS).

The strike will take place nationwide on Tuesday from midday until 2pm at public hospitals and other health facilities where senior medical officers work.

It will include an estimated 5500 doctors and 100 dentists.

If mediation fails again after this, a further strike between 10am and 12pm on September 13 has also been confirmed, as well as a four-hour strike on another date.

Some 250 planned medical operations will be postponed, in addition to outpatient visits during the strike.

Where's the idiot who merged all the Health Boards into a greater disfunctional mess - then said it was 'managing' without looking around, while everyone knew otherwise ? ;)

By chance still asleep under his desk dreaming of grandiose Defence Force hardware spend ups that the country can't afford nor will be able to for years after Labour's reign of fiscal incompetence & squandering .. :)

Te Whatu Ora appears to be badly in need of a further renaming ..

''Te Whata Fu%k Up' appears an appropriate new name label on what is being seen & experienced by many Kiwis out there at the mercy of this unholy shambles that the clueless Labour clowns have meddled with ;)


‘We don’t need this bull***t’: Shake-up of mental health service prompts backlash from exhausted staff

Plans to shake up one of New Zealand’s busiest mental health services have prompted a backlash from staff, who say the proposed reforms could put more pressure on an overwhelmed and increasingly unsafe public system, the Herald has learned.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and social workers have expressed serious concerns about a proposed restructuring of community mental health services in the Greater Wellington region, according to interviews with staff and union representatives and a review of consultation documents that have not been made public.

The mental health workers say plans formulated by Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley, which include dismantling the region’s central triage and crisis response teams, will not solve their most pressing issue — a desperate shortage of skilled and experienced clinicians able to support patients with severe mental illnesses.

The reforms could worsen staffing pressures by pushing already overworked and stressed-out clinicians to leave or reduce their hours, the employees warned. Staff turnover in the service is already unsustainably high, they said.

“We don’t need this bull***t,” said one employee. “We just need to be resourced to do our jobs.”

After 6 years - was this not something Labour were going to fix ? ;)

NZ Labour Party
https://www.labour.org.nz › mental-health-2209

We're the first Government to ever take mental health seriously.

Really ? Why is it still understaffed & under-resourced ? ;)

As those out on the ground are suggesting - it looks like a poor excuse for a load of worthless puffed up Bull***t ;)


New Zealand mental health crisis has worsened under Labour, data shows

1 Apr 2021

New Zealand’s mental health system is “in crisis” and in worse shape now than four years ago, practitioners say – despite much-heralded government efforts to reform it and prioritise national wellbeing.

A commitment to improving New Zealand’s mental health record has been at the heart of the progressive, Jacinda Ardern-led Labour government. The country has enduring challenges with mental health, including the highest rate of youth suicide in the developed world. When Ardern was leading her first election campaign in 2017, she made it a central election issue.

“It is time for us to move from grief and loss, to love and hope for our next generation,” Ardern said at the time, in a tearful speech to families who had lost members to suicide. “If I was going to give you any commitment here today it’s that … I’ll think about the people, the lives, and do everything practically we can to make a difference for those families who have already experienced loss.” After about a year in power, the government unveiled its “world-first” wellbeing budget in 2019, which drew international attention for its focus on support for New Zealand’s most vulnerable. That year, mental health was given the biggest funding and investment boost on record, receiving NZ$1.9bn (Ł980m).

Seriously ? Nothing done .. where did the $1.9 billion go ?

What were those Labour 2022 Budget promises made again ? ;)

Now everyone can see a large cloud of Labour's own Bullsh!t ;)

How many Labour Beehive Health Bullsh!**ers have been sidelined and moved into cozy less strenuous
portfolios out of the firing line in the 6 years, while very Little was happening, aside from the clouds of worthless
Bull **** being generated ? ;)

04-09-2023, 09:18 AM
Spending $26,000 a month to store obsolete expired face masks over-ordered by this clueless Labour government!

Money which could be used to improve school services but is squandered on bureaucratic incompetence - first in ordering far too many masks (millions of them) and secondly, having no clue what to do with them!

Trust Labour with your money?


The ministry has calculated that storing the masks until they expire would cost $520,000 plus the $119,000 to destroy them then anyway.

04-09-2023, 09:48 AM
Firstly, no government anywhere, had any idea how Covid was going to pan out, or how many masks would be needed. Better to buy more than needed, than to not have enough at the time.

Secondly, I don't believe they should pay to continue storing them. They should distribute some to hospitals, rest homes/RVs, and other medical facilities - free of charge. Those are the places now, most likely to need/use them, especially the standard surgical masks which are used in operating theatres and for certain medical procedures. Distribute as many as possible, then donate the rest to developing countries via organisations working in medical scenarios there. There is no reason to "do nothing" with them.

It is not rocket science.

Spending $26,000 a month to store obsolete expired face masks over-ordered by this clueless Labour government!

Money which could be used to improve school services but is squandered on bureaucratic incompetence - first in ordering far too many masks (millions of them) and secondly, having no clue what to do with them!

Trust Labour with your money?


The ministry has calculated that storing the masks until they expire would cost $520,000 plus the $119,000 to destroy them then anyway.

04-09-2023, 09:50 AM
Labour's orchestrated Health System sh!t show appears to be going verrally well on managing more chaos & disruption:


Doctors strike: More than 5000 senior doctors, dentists to strike on Tuesday, more planned

Where's the idiot who merged all the Health Boards into a greater disfunctional mess - then said it was 'managing' without looking around, while everyone knew otherwise ? ;)

By chance still asleep under his desk dreaming of grandiose Defence Force hardware spend ups that the country can't afford nor will be able to for years after Labour's reign of fiscal incompetence & squandering .. :)

Te Whatu Ora appears to be badly in need of a further renaming ..

''Te Whata Fu%k Up' appears an appropriate new name label on what is being seen & experienced by many Kiwis out there at the mercy of this unholy shambles that the clueless Labour clowns have meddled with ;)


‘We don’t need this bull***t’: Shake-up of mental health service prompts backlash from exhausted staff

After 6 years - was this not something Labour were going to fix ? ;)

NZ Labour Party
https://www.labour.org.nz › mental-health-2209

We're the first Government to ever take mental health seriously.

Really ? Why is it still understaffed & under-resourced ? ;)

As those out on the ground are suggesting - it looks like a poor excuse for a load of worthless puffed up Bull***t ;)


New Zealand mental health crisis has worsened under Labour, data shows

1 Apr 2021

Seriously ? Nothing done .. where did the $1.9 billion go ?

What were those Labour 2022 Budget promises made again ? ;)

Now everyone can see a large cloud of Labour's own Bullsh!t ;)

How many Labour Beehive Health Bullsh!**ers have been sidelined and moved into cozy less strenuous
portfolios out of the firing line in the 6 years, while very Little was happening, aside from the clouds of worthless
Bull **** being generated ? ;)

As a father of raising 2 children with autism spectrum disorder, I can attest nothing has been done under the past 6 years of Labour Gov't. My wife and I try our best to prove all the care for our children and i'm disgusted about the lack of resources the gov't provides. Everything from health care to education has been a massive disappointment. It's more disheartening when I see my friend back in Canada (who also has a child with ASD), receive more care and resources by the Cdn gov't than what the NZ gov't does. Everything from taxation, to providing employers a credit scheme to encourage employment and diversity for employees with mental health issues.

Labout Gov't is proof that spending a whole bunch of $$$ does not mean better results. All that extra funding (as where my wife works in public health can attest) is squandered and wasted through hiring more staff, more processes, that shows no improved outcome for those with metal health issues. Yes wasted in administration costs.

Logen Ninefingers
04-09-2023, 10:04 AM
As a father of raising 2 children with autism spectrum disorder, I can attest nothing has been done under the past 6 years of Labour Gov't. My wife and I try our best to prove all the care for our children and i'm disgusted about the lack of resources the gov't provides. Everything from health care to education has been a massive disappointment. It's more disheartening when I see my friend back in Canada (who also has a child with ASD), receive more care and resources by the Cdn gov't than what the NZ gov't does. Everything from taxation, to providing employers a credit scheme to encourage employment and diversity for employees with mental health issues.

Labout Gov't is proof that spending a whole bunch of $$$ does not mean better results. All that extra funding (as where my wife works in public health can attest) is squandered and wasted through hiring more staff, more processes, that shows no improved outcome for those with metal health issues. Yes wasted in administration costs.

Sorry to hear that the government is not providing you with the assistance your family needs.

When you say “Labour Gov’t is proof that spending a whole bunch of $$$ does not mean better results”, I truly believe that Labours eye-watering spending & dramatic increases to the number of bureaucrats are done purely as a strategy to hold on to power.

1/ Labour supporters consider increased spending to be a tangible result, irrespective of what the real results may be. Although a bloated bureaucracy may actually be counter-productive to achieving better outcomes, Left wing dogma insists that ‘spending = outcomes’.

2/ Increased spending makes it harder for the right wing opposition to offer the only thing they can counter with: tax cuts.

3/ More bureaucrats means more ready-made Labour voters, dependent on Labour for their livelihoods. People with desperately needed skills have choice as to where they work - doctors and nurses can go to a private hospital, go overseas. But when you are a middle manager, communications staffer, policy advisor, diversity officer etc etc etc at a government dept then you are dependent on Labour for your fat salary.

4/ By ramping up government spending by 80% since 2017 and employing tens of thousands more people in the public service, Labour sets a trap for their opposition by claiming that all of the spending is essential, all of the new public servants are essential, and the opposition are a cruel and heartless ‘razor gang’ looking to make cuts that will impact on the delivery of public services. This is not true, but the message is amplified by the media & to a certain extent the public come to accept Labours propaganda.

Logen Ninefingers
04-09-2023, 10:57 AM
Today’s ‘attack cartoon’ on the far left Stuff website is by Emma Cook and depicts Nicola Willis with a very long pointy nose as per Pinocchio (as in ‘she’s a liar’) doing wonky maths on an abacus. This will have the lefty’s cackling with glee at the alleged ‘humour’ (left wing propaganda), but in all honesty it is truly disgusting & sickening the level of bias we are seeing from ‘our’ media.

p.s. I’m standing by for the inevitable howls of ‘TREEEMAAAIIIIN!!’

fungus pudding
04-09-2023, 02:26 PM
Today’s ‘attack cartoon’ on the far left Stuff website is by Emma Cook and depicts Nicola Willis with a very long pointy nose as per Pinocchio (as in ‘she’s a liar’) doing wonky maths on an abacus. This will have the lefty’s cackling with glee at the alleged ‘humour’ (left wing propaganda), but in all honesty it is truly disgusting & sickening the level of bias we are seeing from ‘our’ media.

p.s. I’m standing by for the inevitable howls of ‘TREEEMAAAIIIIN!!’

I'll save you the trouble ..........


Logen Ninefingers
04-09-2023, 05:48 PM
The dirty politics from Labour continues. Expect a book from Nikki Hagar once the dust has settled…..


‘Labour says an Instagram post claiming a National-ACT coalition would reintroduce interest to student loans if elected was a mistake.

The incumbent governing party has been accused of disinformation after several recent social media posts raised eyebrows.

“A National/ACT coalition will not only cut fees free for first-year students, but they will also add interest back on ALL current student loans,” one post said, despite the Nat’s last week saying it would keep fees-free if elected.

Another post depicted a news story about military-style guns (MSSAs) being “back” if ACT was in Government. The report, however, was the headline of a press release by Labour itself.’

04-09-2023, 06:33 PM
The dirty politics from Labour continues. Expect a book from Nikki Hagar once the dust has settled…..


‘Labour says an Instagram post claiming a National-ACT coalition would reintroduce interest to student loans if elected was a mistake.

The incumbent governing party has been accused of disinformation after several recent social media posts raised eyebrows.

“A National/ACT coalition will not only cut fees free for first-year students, but they will also add interest back on ALL current student loans,” one post said, despite the Nat’s last week saying it would keep fees-free if elected.

Another post depicted a news story about military-style guns (MSSAs) being “back” if ACT was in Government. The report, however, was the headline of a press release by Labour itself.’

My word, where is Ardern's Misinformation Project when you need it? It appears both sides of the coin have originated from the Office of the PM. The info police AND the misinforming propagandists. What a world she and her ilk have led us into.

04-09-2023, 07:06 PM
The dirty politics from Labour continues. Expect a book from Nikki Hagar once the dust has settled…..


‘Labour says an Instagram post claiming a National-ACT coalition would reintroduce interest to student loans if elected was a mistake.

The incumbent governing party has been accused of disinformation after several recent social media posts raised eyebrows.

“A National/ACT coalition will not only cut fees free for first-year students, but they will also add interest back on ALL current student loans,” one post said, despite the Nat’s last week saying it would keep fees-free if elected.

Another post depicted a news story about military-style guns (MSSAs) being “back” if ACT was in Government. The report, however, was the headline of a press release by Labour itself.’

Shows just how desperate Hipkins and Labour are.

6 years in government with nothing to show but debt, disasters and crises.

Captain abandoning ship after 5.5 years, caught out by NZers for her spinning and lying, cabinet ministers falling like ten pins due to their arrogance and incompetence.

And what can ever best a Minister of Justice driving inebriated, crashing a government car, running away from the scene and then, resisting arrest?

And she is supposed to be a future leader of the Labour Party!!!!

She sums up what the Labour Party is all about - period.

Can there ever be a worse government in the history of NZ?

05-09-2023, 10:06 AM
New Zealand: National/Act NZ up 1.5% to 49% in August and on course for victory at next month’s election

Act soars, Labour crashes to new poll low

05-09-2023, 10:20 AM
New Zealand: National/Act NZ up 1.5% to 49% in August and on course for victory at next month’s election

Act soars, Labour crashes to new poll low

So National 31% + ACT 18% = 49%

Labour crashes to 24% + Greens 12.5% + Maori Party 4% = 40.5%


05-09-2023, 10:27 AM
Which means, I am back where I started, with no option but to vote NZF. They need to meet the threshold, to provide at least some accountability to NAT/ACT. Winston might not be my favourite person, but at least he is known to provide that.

05-09-2023, 10:58 AM
Which means, I am back where I started, with no option but to vote NZF. They need to meet the threshold, to provide at least some accountability to NAT/ACT. Winston might not be my favourite person, but at least he is known to provide that.

What sort of accountability are you expecting from NZF?

He was voted in 2017 to provide some accountability to National but chose to go with Labour.

The rest as we all know, is history with Ardern & Labour doing exactly what they wanted to, leaving behind the divided country which is now Aotearoa (Maori NZ).

05-09-2023, 11:13 AM
Not much to be honest. But at least we know, that if Winston disagrees with something, or has an opinion on something, he's not afraid to stand up and say so.

How do you know he was voted in in 2017 to hold National accountable? That's nothing more than an assumption on your part. Anybody who votes for NZF is always doing it strategically, not because they have any expectation NZF can ever win an election. That applies to voters who are left OR right leaning.

I don't know Balance. All I know is, I have to make a decision at some point, and right now, this might well be it. If National were not in bed with ACT, it might be a different story. To be brutally honest, I would rather see a National only government than a NAT/ACT coalition. Which is something I would never have ever expected to hear myself say.

What sort of accountability are you expecting from NZF?

He was voted in 2017 to provide some accountability to National but chose to go with Labour.

The rest as we all know, is history with Ardern & Labour doing exactly what they wanted to, leaving behind the divided country which is now Aotearoa (Maori NZ).

05-09-2023, 11:18 AM
Not much to be honest. But at least we know, that if Winston disagrees with something, or has an opinion on something, he's not afraid to stand up and say so.

How do you know he was voted in in 2017 to hold National accountable? That's nothing more than an assumption on your part. Anybody who votes for NZF is always doing it strategically, not because they have any expectation NZF can ever win an election. That applies to voters who are left OR right leaning.

I don't know Balance. All I know is, I have to make a decision at some point, and right now, this might well be it. If National were not in bed with ACT, it might be a different story. To be brutally honest, I would rather see a National only government than a NAT/ACT coalition. Which is something I would never have ever expected to hear myself say.

Winston was voted back into Parliament in 2017 by mainly centre-right voters who switched from National.

History showed that they deserted him in 2020 because he chose to go with Labour in 2017.

05-09-2023, 11:21 AM
Ok. Thanks for the clarification.

Winston was voted back into Parliament in 2017 by mainly centre-right voters who switched from National.

History showed that they deserted him in 2020 because he chose to go with Labour in 2017.

05-09-2023, 11:35 AM
I would rather see a National only government than a NAT/ACT coalition

I suspect you'd lose a few votes from ST'ers for saying this!
Very pleased to see ACT continuing to find support, if they show NZ they are capable over the next three years just think what 2026 election will go like :t_up:

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 11:40 AM
Which means, I am back where I started, with no option but to vote NZF. They need to meet the threshold, to provide at least some accountability to NAT/ACT. Winston might not be my favourite person, but at least he is known to provide that.

Hmmm….so after claiming yesterday that ‘responsible voters’ - such as yourself - ignore stuff coming out of the media, you are now desperately flip-flopping around - because of one Roy Morgan opinion poll. Nothing to do with any given parties actual policies, it’s just “I must support Winston so he can hamstring the right, even though I abhor what his party stands for”. Seymour was saying today that we must improve productivity in New Zealand: I guess that sort of thing sends a chill up your spine and sends you running to Winston(?)
You are everything that is wrong with the voting populace in New Zealand; your attitude is key to why Winston Peters continues to be able to regularly secure much personal power and the baubles of office.

05-09-2023, 11:44 AM
I'm used to "losing votes" from people here. Doesn't bother me. I have always been an open book here - God knows why - but it's who I am. What you see is what you get. If people don't like it they know where the "ignore" button is.

I do not like ACT. End of story.

I suspect you'd lose a few votes from ST'ers for saying this!
Very pleased to see ACT continuing to find support, if they show NZ they are capable over the next three years just think what 2026 election will go like :t_up:

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 11:45 AM
I suspect you'd lose a few votes from ST'ers for saying this!
Very pleased to see ACT continuing to find support, if they show NZ they are capable over the next three years just think what 2026 election will go like :t_up:

ACT have been demonised by the media, and JAK was going off about some comments made by Seymour that were reported in the media. But we know that ‘responsible voters’ ignore that kind of stuff and instead play close attention to a parties policies. ‘Responsible voters’ ignore the mud-slinging and instead think deeply about what steps need to be taken to make New Zealand a happier, safer, and more prosperous country. Or perhaps they just ignore policy & instead vote for Winston First and hope for the best.

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 11:46 AM
I'm used to "losing votes" from people here. Doesn't bother me. I have always been an open book here - God knows why - but it's who I am. What you see is what you get. If people don't like it they know where the "ignore" button is.

I do not like ACT. End of story.

‘I do not like ACT. End of story.’

Ooooh, what happened? Did Seymour run over your dog?

fungus pudding
05-09-2023, 11:50 AM
I'm used to "losing votes" from people here. Doesn't bother me. I have always been an open book here - God knows why - but it's who I am. What you see is what you get. If people don't like it they know where the "ignore" button is.

I do not like ACT. End of story.

Oh dear - I'll email Seymour and let him know.

05-09-2023, 11:50 AM

Robertson said the social unemployment insurance scheme would not be introduced until economic conditions allowed. The scheme would be paid for by a 1.39 cent tax on every dollar earned - $834 a year on an income of $60,000.

How's your own personal Unemployment Insurance Scheme doing - Robbo - in as much of a large hole as the Country's Fiscals yet ? ;)

Don't forget to start filling in the paperwork soon, will you :)

Wouldn't do to see the Labour Professor of the Large Fiscal Hole being left looking a clueless A-Hole sitting in the bottom of one of Labour's large holes (and larger than any among the vast collection of Huge Pot Holes Labour will shortly leave behind) :)

05-09-2023, 12:01 PM

Police allege Auckland man who bought 18 guns and 2500 rounds of ammunition was a ‘straw buyer’ for gang and other criminals

Labour Gun Legislation working a dream - folks :)

Labour's Safer Communities - from the same clueless mob who brought everyone the large HOLE

You gotta have a hole in the head to want to support this clueless mob for a further term of large HOLE digging :)

Blue Skies
05-09-2023, 12:12 PM
Winston was voted back into Parliament in 2017 by mainly centre-right voters who switched from National.

History showed that they deserted him in 2020 because he chose to go with Labour in 2017.

Hmm.....I thinks that's speculation, my & others read was by 2020 Jacinda Ardern's govt was so overwhelmingly popular, even National party voters were deserting National for Labour, & if Winston hadn't made a fatal mistake to campaign hard against Labour, ( the problem small parties in coalition always face) & instead campaigned on the theme of being a responsible coalition partner, NZF would not have lost so much support.

NZF couldn't draw support away from popular Labour & they didn't seem to want to appear to remain a coalition partner with the most popular govt in decades.

Yes there were some NZF voters who might have wanted them to go with National, but in 2020, the Labour govt was incredibly appealing & just as many if not more NZF voters would have been keen for them to stay in coalition with Labour as a handbrake, but Winston who had had an excellent relationship with Ardern (first time he had completed a full term in coalition) misjudged the mood & campaigned against Labour.

05-09-2023, 12:17 PM
New Zealand: National/Act NZ up 1.5% to 49% in August and on course for victory at next month’s election

Act soars, Labour crashes to new poll low
https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/act-soars-labour-slumps-new-poll-low Support for the two main parties is quite low, with the smaller parties gaining more market share.

Support for National was actually down in August, by 2.5% points to 31%.
Act NZ surging, up 4% points to 18%.
Labour Party support dipping 2% points to 24%
Greens increased their support by 2.5% points to 12.5% in August
The Maori Party on 4%,
Support is surging for New Zealand First, up for the second straight month and up 0.5% points to 5.5% in August.

Blue Skies
05-09-2023, 12:26 PM

Police allege Auckland man who bought 18 guns and 2500 rounds of ammunition was a ‘straw buyer’ for gang and other criminals

Labour Gun Legislation working a dream - folks :)

Labour's Safer Communities - from the same clueless mob who brought everyone the large HOLE

You gotta have a hole in the head to want to support this clueless mob for a further term of large HOLE digging :)

Ok, so you're obviously not up to date with this legislation.

The Labour govt's Gun Register which has the full support of the Police, didn't start till June this year & gun owners have been given a generous 5 years to register all the firearms in their possession.
It would have been faster if not for the intense pushback & lobbying of the Gun Lobby.

The police say one of the most common ways guns get into the hands of criminals is through the sale of guns owned by licensed gun owners to criminals.
The Gun register will stop this happening as if a gun is registered to you & you don't have it, or it turns up as a a murder weapon or used in a crime, you will have some explaining to do!

Now you know how this works, unless you think you know better than our police who have to face these criminal everyday, presume you will support this legislation.

05-09-2023, 12:30 PM
Which means, I am back where I started, with no option but to vote NZF. They need to meet the threshold, to provide at least some accountability to NAT/ACT. Winston might not be my favourite person, but at least he is known to provide that.

Based on that current poll, NAT/ACT would not need NZF as a coalition partner, so NZF (assuming they win a seat or two) would become just as impotent in opposition as the Labour, Greens and Maori party's. A vote for NZF would be imo be a wasted vote as it would achieve nothing in terms of holding a NAT/ACT government to account.

As aside, the combined Labour, Greens, Maori, and NZF is still quite a way behind NAT/ACT, on the current poll.

05-09-2023, 02:01 PM
Yes there were some NZF voters who might have wanted them to go with National, but in 2020, the Labour govt was incredibly appealing & just as many if not more NZF voters would have been keen for them to stay in coalition with Labour as a handbrake, but Winston who had had an excellent relationship with Ardern (first time he had completed a full term in coalition) misjudged the mood & campaigned against Labour.

National ruled winston out at least 100 times prior to 2017.

Then a few days after the election: Why has Winston ruled us out??.. *stephen joyce sad face*

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 02:08 PM
National ruled winston out at least 100 times prior to 2017.

Then a few days after the election: Why has Winston ruled us out??.. *stephen joyce sad face*

Now it’s Chipkins with the sad face after Winston ruled him out about 6 months ago.

Blue Skies
05-09-2023, 02:19 PM
Just as a further point to the comments on the Gun Register which National support, but ACT want to repeal along with most off the second tranche of firearm reforms including the one about the testing regime of who would be suitable to obtain a firearms licence.

David Seymour was the ONLY MP to vote against the legislation to ban Military style Automatic weapons in the wake of the 2019 Christchurch massacre.

ACT MP, Nicole McKee is a prominent advocate for the gun lobby & ACT has leaned heavily into the gun vote.

After the Christchurch massacre, Winston Peters said, - "you can't have 51 people lose their lives & 49 almost dead or damaged for the rest of their time on this earth without you doing something".
"we were never going to be the puppets of the NRA from the USA."

It cost NZF votes as gun owners left NZF at the 2020 election & flocked to ACT.

So I guess if you're for opening up NZ to Military style automatic weapons, and cancelling the Gun Register, and loosening up the testing regime for licences, and you think you know better than & don't care about our police, vote ACT.
If you think crimes out of control now, imagine what it would be like.


05-09-2023, 02:29 PM
There is no consensus on whether the gun control laws introduced in New Zealand after the Christchurch mosque massacre are or will be effective.
Those military style weapons were never automatic either, to own particularly dangerous weapons you had to have a special category of firearms licence and required regularly scrutiny and attendance of particular membership/events for each period of holding said licence.

An older style semi automatic rifle with a wooden stock was "military style" 75+ years ago, they use the same types of ammunition and are capable of being fitted with extended capacity magazines, they can be modified just as easily also. All these things are possible but they are and always were illegal.

I don't even like guns that much myself but anyone with a reasonable ability to make their own informed decisions can see how the law changes implemented are largely tax payer funded fan fare.

05-09-2023, 02:33 PM
Based on that current poll, NAT/ACT would not need NZF as a coalition partner, so NZF (assuming they win a seat or two) would become just as impotent in opposition as the Labour, Greens and Maori party's. A vote for NZF would be imo be a wasted vote as it would achieve nothing in terms of holding a NAT/ACT government to account.

As aside, the combined Labour, Greens, Maori, and NZF is still quite a way behind NAT/ACT, on the current poll.

Isn’t interesting that only the ODT in NZ has published today’s Roy Morgan polls which show Labour crashing to 24% - the kind of number which resulted in Cunliffe (I am sorry for being a man) and Little (not just in name but small in everything) being dumped.

The other msm like Stuff, RNZ … have not covered this disastrous polling for Hipkins(he who has no idea what is a woman) so far.


Even the Canberra Times has published the polls :


05-09-2023, 02:34 PM
Just as a further point to the comments on the Gun Register which National support, but ACT want to repeal along with most off the second tranche of firearm reforms including the one about the testing regime of who would be suitable to obtain a firearms licence.

David Seymour was the ONLY MP to vote against the legislation to ban Military style Automatic weapons in the wake of the 2019 Christchurch massacre.

ACT MP, Nicole McKee is a prominent advocate for the gun lobby & ACT has leaned heavily into the gun vote.

After the Christchurch massacre, Winston Peters said, - "you can't have 51 people lose their lives & 49 almost dead or damaged for the rest of their time on this earth without you doing something".
"we were never going to be the puppets of the NRA from the USA."

It cost NZF votes as gun owners left NZF at the 2020 election & flocked to ACT.

So I guess if you're for opening up NZ to Military style automatic weapons, and cancelling the Gun Register, and loosening up the testing regime for licences, and you think you know better than & don't care about our police, vote ACT.
If you think crimes out of control now, imagine what it would be like.


You're right, the first thing criminals do before committing a crime with a gun, is to make sure the weapon is registered.

05-09-2023, 02:49 PM
The police say one of the most common ways guns get into the hands of criminals is through the sale of guns owned by licensed gun owners to criminals.
The Gun register will stop this happening as if a gun is registered to you & you don't have it, or it turns up as a a murder weapon or used in a crime, you will have some explaining to do!

Now you know how this works, unless you think you know better than our police who have to face these criminal everyday, presume you will support this legislation.

You've just described what is, under an unregistered environment, a criminal-to-criminal transaction ("the sale of guns owned by licensed gun owners to criminals"), and it's incredibly naive to think that a registry will in any way hinder a black market trade in firearms.

05-09-2023, 03:30 PM
And, re the gun registry, wondering, and I'm sure some of you Labourites will know, but isn't serial number removal taught in Crim 101?

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 03:36 PM
Isn’t interesting that only the ODT in NZ has published today’s Roy Morgan polls which show Labour crashing to 24% - the kind of number which resulted in Cunliffe (I am sorry for being a man) and Little (not just in name but small in everything) being dumped.

The other msm like Stuff, RNZ … have not covered this disastrous polling for Hipkins(he who has no idea what is a woman) so far.


Even the Canberra Times has published the polls :


Because our media are biased & corrupt.

05-09-2023, 04:22 PM
Thank you pointing this out, without being disrespectful, accusatory, or treating me like a moron. Some here should take a leaf from your book.

Based on that current poll, NAT/ACT would not need NZF as a coalition partner, so NZF (assuming they win a seat or two) would become just as impotent in opposition as the Labour, Greens and Maori party's. A vote for NZF would be imo be a wasted vote as it would achieve nothing in terms of holding a NAT/ACT government to account.

As aside, the combined Labour, Greens, Maori, and NZF is still quite a way behind NAT/ACT, on the current poll.

05-09-2023, 04:25 PM
Thank you pointing this out, without being disrespectful, accusatory, or treating me like a moron. Some here should take a leaf from your book.

No worries, you might like this read from Verity Johnson (https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/opinion/300963898/please-you-still-have-to-vote), she saying exactly what you've been saying.

05-09-2023, 04:38 PM
Thank you for sharing this! I'm not familiar with Verity's journalism, but thank God ... someone actually understands where I'm coming from.

No worries, you might like this read from Verity Johnson (https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/opinion/300963898/please-you-still-have-to-vote), she saying exactly what you've been saying.

05-09-2023, 04:46 PM
Thank you for sharing this! I'm not familiar with Verity's journalism, but thank God ... someone actually understands where I'm coming from.

Except she clearly didn't want to reference ACT or NZF!

So please, please vote. Vote Green, vote, Te Pāti Māori, God, vote National if you have to. Just vote.

05-09-2023, 04:48 PM
Thank you pointing this out, without being disrespectful, accusatory, or treating me like a moron. Some here should take a leaf from your book.

justakiwi, vote for the party you like best. If that's NZF, vote for them. Someone else telling you it's a wasted vote is not really how it's supposed to work.

05-09-2023, 04:49 PM
Probably for the reason Baa_Baa pointed out.

Except she clearly didn't want to reference ACT or NZF!

05-09-2023, 04:51 PM
Except she clearly didn't want to reference ACT or NZF!

A pretty corrupt article, telling people to Vote! Make sure you vote! For anyone! ...Except not for NZ First or Act.

05-09-2023, 04:59 PM
Thank you for sharing this! I'm not familiar with Verity's journalism, but thank God ... someone actually understands where I'm coming from.

Pretty apt description of those who voted for Ardern?

Excerpt : "The vague left, the swing left, the centre-yeah-that-seems-cool left who were dazzled by Labour’s fresh vision for NZ in 2017 and 2020. We were the engine that drove the current government to power. And who, in the years since, have been left out in the back garden to deflate like punctured pool toys. We’re the furious ones. We’re not voting for Chris Hipkins, simply because his Government will forever be our disappointing ex. The one who promised us everything, delivered nothing, and feels like they’ve just been ignoring our broken relationship for the last few years."


05-09-2023, 05:01 PM
Just give it (and me!) an effing rest Balance.

Pretty apt description of those who voted for Ardern?

Excerpt : "The vague left, the swing left, the centre-yeah-that-seems-cool left who were dazzled by Labour’s fresh vision for NZ in 2017 and 2020. We were the engine that drove the current government to power. And who, in the years since, have been left out in the back garden to deflate like punctured pool toys. We’re the furious ones. We’re not voting for Chris Hipkins, simply because his Government will forever be our disappointing ex. The one who promised us everything, delivered nothing, and feels like they’ve just been ignoring our broken relationship for the last few years."


Blue Skies
05-09-2023, 05:17 PM
And, re the gun registry, wondering, and I'm sure some of you Labourites will know, but isn't serial number removal taught in Crim 101?

So the way this works,
If a firearm is registered to you, and the police ask you where it is, and you don't have it, you are going to have a very plausible explanation why not & whats happened to it.
With the requirements around keeping guns securely locked away when not in use, stolen is not going to pass muster.

As a result, any licenced owner tempted to start filing off the serial number & selling guns to criminals or dodgy unlicensed buyers is going to think twice, as they will be held to account.
Prior to the law, a licence gun owner could hold as many weapons as they want & sell off some to anyone & no one would have a clue.

You enact this law now & in say 10 years time, by 2033, the number of unlicensed weapons circulating on the black market, without serial numbers will be a fraction of the number today.
And NZ will be a lot safer for our kids & grandkids generations.

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 05:23 PM
A pretty corrupt article, telling people to Vote! Make sure you vote! For anyone! ...Except not for NZ First or Act.

The way some people are hand-wringing and agonising over their vote you'd think it was their *one* party vote that will decide the whole election. Maybe some will cover their eyes with their hand and let the marker fall where it will, others will be playing eeny meeny miny moe.

Verity Johnson shreiks "JUST VOTE!".....no matter who for. Well, she suggests Green. Or Te Pati Maori.
"God, vote National if you have to."

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 05:34 PM
The amount that this country will have to borrow over the next 4 years is truly staggering. 'Thanks Labour'.


'Today week (September 12) we will get the Treasury's Pre-Election Fiscal Update (PREFU). Analysts are assessing what is likely to come given the quickly deteriorating fiscal situation. One corner on analysis is the bond issuance program. As much as $10 bln extra is likely to be needed to be borrowed over the next four years to 2027. Currently extra debt issuance is scheduled as an extra +$120 bln, but that may have to rise to an extra +$130 bln over those 4 years. The last Crown financial statements revealed gross debt at $134 bln and net debt at $73 bln. From either starting point, the new debt being contemplated is a lot.'

05-09-2023, 06:29 PM
So the way this works,
If a firearm is registered to you, and the police ask you where it is, and you don't have it, you are going to have a very plausible explanation why not & whats happened to it.
With the requirements around keeping guns securely locked away when not in use, stolen is not going to pass muster.

As a result, any licenced owner tempted to start filing off the serial number & selling guns to criminals or dodgy unlicensed buyers is going to think twice, as they will be held to account.
Prior to the law, a licence gun owner could hold as many weapons as they want & sell off some to anyone & no one would have a clue.

You enact this law now & in say 10 years time, by 2033, the number of unlicensed weapons circulating on the black market, without serial numbers will be a fraction of the number today.
And NZ will be a lot safer for our kids & grandkids generations.

I don't think you understand what criminals do for a living.

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 06:36 PM
I don't think you understand what criminals do for a living.

The Left are often hopelessly naive.

05-09-2023, 06:36 PM
You're right, the first thing criminals do before committing a crime with a gun, is to make sure the weapon is registered.

Ha ha, lol.

Well done Azz for taking a pot shot at idealistic nonsense.

Blue Skies
05-09-2023, 07:02 PM
I don't think you understand what criminals do for a living.

I'ld like to see you saying this to a bunch of our Cops on the frontline who have to face armed crim's every day!

You guys are "hopelessly naive " & it's just "idealistic nonsense "
We know better.

Yeah right!

How about supporting our police.

05-09-2023, 07:04 PM
I'ld like to see you saying this to a bunch of our Cops on the frontline who have to face armed crim's every day!

You guys are "hopelessly naive " & it's just "idealistic nonsense "
We know better.

Yeah right!

How about supporting our police.

Did you ask that of Poto Williams, Kelvin Davis and Andrew ‘woke’ Coster - support the police rather than criminals (who are also victims according to Labour)?

05-09-2023, 07:13 PM
I'ld like to see you saying this to a bunch of our Cops on the frontline who have to face armed crim's every day!

You guys are "hopelessly naive " & it's just "idealistic nonsense "
We know better.

Yeah right!

How about supporting our police.

We're talking about a gun registry that will record transactions containing honest data between law-abiding citizens. Only in a fantasy world do criminals partake in such an enterprise; they will either utilize false data within it, or bypass it completely.

05-09-2023, 07:18 PM
I'ld like to see you saying this to a bunch of our Cops on the frontline who have to face armed crim's every day!

You guys are "hopelessly naive " & it's just "idealistic nonsense "
We know better.

Yeah right!

How about supporting our police.

As Mark Mitchell would ask, do New Zealanders feel any safer?

Have the crims & gangsters handed in their firearms?

As it turns out a few decent folk were quite happy to take a generous government cash offer for tired and faulty weapons.

Thanks Labour.

Blue Skies
05-09-2023, 08:08 PM
As Mark Mitchell would ask, do New Zealanders feel any safer?

Have the crims & gangsters handed in their firearms?

As it turns out a few decent folk were quite happy to take a generous government cash offer for tired and faulty weapons.

Thanks Labour.

Before these gun reforms whenever the Police seized weapons off the gangs or crim's, they found it easy to replace them. There's been an ongoing supply from enough unscrupulous licenced gun owners.

The Gun reforms including the Registration of every weapon will make it far more difficult for gangs & crims to get hold of & replace seized weapons, gradually diminishing the numbers in the hands of the gangs & wannabe gangsters.

The Police Commissioner supported by members of the Police assoc, say " the register will make it far harder for gangs & criminals to acquire guns."
"It's an important tool in intelligence gathering (of criminals) & will allow the Police to monitor suspicious looking transactions."

These kinds of gun reforms & Registers overseas have resulted in significant reduction in gun crime.

It's not going to happen overnight, but will work as increasing numbers of illegal weapons are seized in gang pad raids, arrests etc & removed from circulation.

I have to Register the car, even the dog, so whats the problem with registering a weapon/s ?

Now what reason could you possibly have to object to this?

05-09-2023, 08:20 PM
Before these gun reforms whenever the Police seized weapons off the gangs or crim's, they found it easy to replace them. There's been an ongoing supply from enough unscrupulous licenced gun owners.

The Gun reforms including the Registration of every weapon will make it far more difficult for gangs & crims to get hold of & replace seized weapons, gradually diminishing the numbers in the hands of the gangs & wannabe gangsters.

The Police Commissioner supported by members of the Police assoc, say " the register will make it far harder for gangs & criminals to acquire guns."
"It's an important tool in intelligence gathering (of criminals) & will allow the Police to monitor suspicious looking transactions."

These kinds of gun reforms & Registers overseas have resulted in significant reduction in gun crime.

It's not going to happen overnight, but will work as increasing numbers of illegal weapons are seized in gang pad raids, arrests etc & removed from circulation.

I have to Register the car, even the dog, so whats the problem with registering a weapon/s ?

Now what reason could you possibly have to object to this?

We're being lied to for the reason for it. Registration of firearms is not an anti-criminal feature. And any cop worth their salt knows this (the Commissioner of Police and the Police Association are political in nature). The only reason to register every law-abiding person's firearms is for confiscation purposes.

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 09:30 PM
The 'missing maracopa dad' - who has seemingly been on the run for years, and evades the police like the scarlet pimpernel, is going up through the gears in the seriousness of the crimes he is committing.


'Missing Marokopa man Tom Phillips allegedly robbed a bank and shot at a supermarket worker in Te Kūiti in May, prompting police to issue a warrant for his arrest today.

Police have charged Phillips, missing since December 2021, with aggravated robbery, aggravated wounding and unlawfully possessing a firearm over the armed heist of ANZ Te Kūiti on Rora St.'

Some troubling things are happening in this country under this Labour government.

I'll give you a some examples of the comments under this Herald story on their Facebook page:
- "How have they charged him without speaking to him."
- "NZs Ned Kelly .. a legend in my eyes ..supporting his kids"
- "No face no case.....he's on point good job!!!!"
- "New Zealand herald where’s the proof of robbery your known for not releasing full proof"
- "Rubbish post and rubbish job the cops are doing to locate a man and his children that have been missing for so long!! Now all of a sudden he's robbing banks , hope he gets away with this too"
- "How'd they know it's him? They didn't say how they identified him? May? Why are we hearing about it now? There's got to be more to why he took off. Media is full of lies."
- "Omg What everrrrrr"


Last night their was a story on One News about a spate of animal decapitations happening right across the country. Over a dozen incidents: dolphins decapitaed, seals decapitated, sharks decapitated, birds decapitated. One family found a shark on the beach, towed it behind their vehicle with someone riding it, decapitated it....and then someone wore the decapitated shark head over their own head.

What is happening in this country??!!

05-09-2023, 09:39 PM
The 'missing maracopa dad' - who has seemingly been on the run for years, and evades the police like the scarlet pimpernel, is going up through the gears in the seriousness of the crimes he is committing.


'Missing Marokopa man Tom Phillips allegedly robbed a bank and shot at a supermarket worker in Te Kūiti in May, prompting police to issue a warrant for his arrest today.

Police have charged Phillips, missing since December 2021, with aggravated robbery, aggravated wounding and unlawfully possessing a firearm over the armed heist of ANZ Te Kūiti on Rora St.'

Some troubling things are happening in this country under this Labour government.

I'll give you a some examples of the comments under this Herald story on their Facebook page:
- "How have they charged him without speaking to him."
- "NZs Ned Kelly .. a legend in my eyes ..supporting his kids"
- "No face no case.....he's on point good job!!!!"
- "New Zealand herald where’s the proof of robbery your known for not releasing full proof"
- "Rubbish post and rubbish job the cops are doing to locate a man and his children that have been missing for so long!! Now all of a sudden he's robbing banks , hope he gets away with this too"
- "How'd they know it's him? They didn't say how they identified him? May? Why are we hearing about it now? There's got to be more to why he took off. Media is full of lies."
- "Omg What everrrrrr"


Last night their was a story on One News about a spate of animal decapitations happening right across the country. Over a dozen incidents: dolphins decapitaed, seals decapitated, sharks decapitated, birds decapitated. One family found a shark on the beach, towed it behind their vehicle with someone riding it, decapitated it....and then someone wore the decapitated shark head over their own head.

What is happening in this country??!!

Musical Chairs .. Labour are trying to get as many useless & clueless b#ms through each Ministerial seat in shortest
possible time .. how many through the Police portfolio so far in Labour's quality Clown circus ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
05-09-2023, 09:43 PM
Musical Chairs .. Labour are trying to get as many useless & clueless b#ms through each Ministerial seat in shortest
possible time .. how many through the Police portfolio so far ? ;)

I reckon we has a quite large group of people who are either criminals, latent criminals (who will act an opportunity when it presents itself), or fully sympathise with criminals and don't care who knows it.

05-09-2023, 09:49 PM
Re the decapitations Logen, you will attest the country is being run by headless chooks, so...

Confucius Getty say beheading must come from the top!

05-09-2023, 10:23 PM
Which means, I am back where I started, with no option but to vote NZF. They need to meet the threshold, to provide at least some accountability to NAT/ACT. Winston might not be my favourite person, but at least he is known to provide that.

Winston will give the trannies a tune up.

06-09-2023, 02:24 AM
Winston will give the trannies a tune up.

So the BS Bishop might be out of a job thinking earthquakes help ? :)

06-09-2023, 02:29 AM
I reckon we has a quite large group of people who are either criminals, latent criminals (who will act an opportunity when it presents itself), or fully sympathise with criminals and don't care who knows it.

Very possibly .. aided & abetted by Labour and a Judiciary too used to looking for excuses to reduce sentences ;)

Of course each victim of the courts called up to the beak must have a potential large fees note stuck to their foreheads for one of these mobs of enforcers looking after their up & coming; and the other is too busy pouring buckets of loot on the cause to see if that makes the problem go away.. while squawking large feel goods out in hope someone thinks something improving the state of offending is happening ;)

06-09-2023, 02:35 AM

Hundreds of surgeries cancelled as senior doctors strike for better pay

Hundreds of patients had their surgeries cancelled or postponed on Tuesday as thousands of senior doctors took to the streets calling for better pay.

Things must be very desperate for Labour & our Health Services aka Te Whata F%ck Up to see this happening in Election year and not be scurrying around trying to get it resolved yesterday ASAP so it goes away with not many noticing it ;)

Where is Verrally Hopeless hiding while this is going on ? :)

06-09-2023, 02:52 AM
As a father of raising 2 children with autism spectrum disorder, I can attest nothing has been done under the past 6 years of Labour Gov't. My wife and I try our best to prove all the care for our children and i'm disgusted about the lack of resources the gov't provides. Everything from health care to education has been a massive disappointment. It's more disheartening when I see my friend back in Canada (who also has a child with ASD), receive more care and resources by the Cdn gov't than what the NZ gov't does. Everything from taxation, to providing employers a credit scheme to encourage employment and diversity for employees with mental health issues.

Labout Gov't is proof that spending a whole bunch of $$$ does not mean better results. All that extra funding (as where my wife works in public health can attest) is squandered and wasted through hiring more staff, more processes, that shows no improved outcome for those with metal health issues. Yes wasted in administration costs.

I have seen similar over 5 years & very rapid worsening of resources, staffing, management of the Health System
starting with Little's grandiose DHB merger program. I have great sympathy for the many great Health staffers
having to put up with the nonsense Labour have thrown on them, then ignored comonsense resourcing and
further past that feeding everyone blatant lies about how Hospitals etc were managing.

Without a doubt if not already on us already, we are close to Third World Health Services due to Central
Government gross incompetence. The blame lies fair and squarely on the clueless that Labour have had
installed on Front benches for much of this, which extends to delayed treatments, most likely lives lost
and numerous other failures in the hands of orchestrated bloated corporate structure with little care
much expense, low accountability and few clues in some areas on what was needed at grass roots level.

Rather than concentrating on delivery of care, this lumbering structure has instead created divisive Service
Sections and many excuses to try to cover up on why essential care & services clearly doesn't bridge the gap even if the patient may be headed towards being on last legs.

What has happened with long queues and delays in Hospital ED sections appears to be just the tip of a much larger iceberg with likely similar issues apparent throughout the structure. This is very apparent looking at standard & nature of resourcing & supplies across multiple arms of each Health facility, staffing, equipment etc etc.

All up the Health Circus has gone backwards courtesy of the meddling of Labour's Font Bench Beehive idiots

Is a Third World Health System which Labour appear to have delivered on really what all Kiwi's want & deserve
to see ? ;)

Is it too much to hope for from Labour's Beehive Idiots that our Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Health Professionals etc are properly paid & resourced to do the job expected on a timely basis, with regular reviews, so that our Health System does not slide down the toilet, in the same way that this Labour Government appear to now be headed ? ;)

06-09-2023, 07:43 AM
ALEX HOLLAND: Labour's Failures
Labour is attacking the person rather than playing the ball, maybe to distract from their achievements over the past 6 years:
• Multiple recessions under Labour in this term of government (2020 & 2023) and another forecast now for 2024.
• 30,000 more people on surgery wait list than when Labour came into power.
• 25,000 on Kāinga Ora's wait list currently without a house, tripling in size since Labour came into power.
• Over the past 2 years, the average mortgage has increased by $1000 per month under this government.
• 2023: 19,000 nurses have left the profession in the last 5 years under this Labour government. In 2017 it was under 3000 leaving compared to 5000 leaving in last year – a 60% increase in nurses leaving.
• In 2016, retail crime was 25,000 per year, in the 3 months to the end of April 2023, there were 45,046 retail crimes reported (equates to 180,000 per year) = a 620% increase. 70% of the crimes are not even being reported. In 2016, police attended 1 in every 2 crimes compared to only 1 in 10 now. In 2016 the arrests were 20 times higher, now the arrests are only 2.3% meaning that over 97% get away with it. Police retail crimes unit only has 8 staff.
• Labour introduced state funding of pre-sentencing reports to reduce criminal sentences.
• 2023: NZ hospitals are short of 7136 full time workers, Auckland alone needs 1128.
• August 2023: The IMF now forecasts NZ will have the second worst economic growth in the world next year, just edging out Equatorial Guinea (which has been ripped apart by civil war).
• Labour keeps trumpeting low unemployment figures, however Carmel Sepuloni from Labour announced in parliament on 31/8/23 that since 2017 there are 52,404 more people on job seeker support and 34,872 on it for more than a year.
• NZ total net wealth has been falling for five successive quarters - having peaked in December 2021 at $2.43 trillion.
• Announced in 2017 the promise by Labour to build 100,000 homes – by September 2023 only 1834 built, or 1.8% of that promised. At this rate it would take Labour 332 years to hit their own target.
• Patient organisations declare medicines crisis in New Zealand - New Zealanders' ability to access new and breakthrough medicines lags well behind other comparable OECD countries, with New Zealand dead last, ranking 32nd in a list of 32 OECD countries for public funding of medicines.
• Against every economist’s recommendation, Labour proceeded with election bribe to remove GST on vegetables.
• MYOB survey found 64% want a change in government and only 21% backed Labour. The number of businesses backing Labour has dropped from 38% in 2020 to just 15% now.
• August 2023: There are 50 accused of homicide & 70 accused of kidnapping or abduction who are out in the community on bail with ankle bracelets; which can be wrapped in tin foil to bypass the monitoring allowing them to freely roam around the public.
• In 2023 Labour drove NZ into the worst Current Account Balance in the OECD, just like what they did in 2008 when handing over to National.
• August 2023: Number of children waiting longer than 4 months for hospital treatment has jumped by 600%.
• Te Whatu Ora staff say a year after new health regime changes only 11% have seen an improvement while over a half say things are worse.
• 12.5% increase in the cost of food in the year to June 2023.
• NZ has the highest OCR rate in the world, 2nd highest splash of cash per head in world over last few years.
• 140% increase in serious assaults on what it was in 2017, 60% increase in metal health crisis callouts, 70% increase in gang membership, over 500% increase in ram raids and aggravated robberies, record levels of assaults on police while the 4th police minister in 12 months defends gang members to wear patches.
• 10,000 school-aged kids are not even enrolled at a school. If the schools don’t enrol them… The gangs certainly will.
• Some GPs have a three-month wait for non-urgent appointments. Too bad if you need a medical for a driver’s licence.
• Number of Kiwis living in cars has more than quadrupled since 2017.
• Sixty-four percent of Kiwis, across all ages, believe New Zealanders are more divided than ever.
• 2023: 5,500 teachers quit last year in NZ.
• Net debt has gone from $5.4 billion in 2019, to $78.7 billion in 2023 (1357% increase).
• Labour has taken away all healthcare targets. Every single healthcare metric has gone backwards in the last five years, even though Labour has increased healthcare spending by 68%.
• Tax take in 2017 was $69 billion, now it is $107 billion, an increase of $38 billion in tax every year = over $100 million in extra tax every single day! That’s $17,500 in extra tax per household each year.
• Average weekly rent in 2017: $400, in 2023 up 53% to $610. Labours Healthy Homes regulations, massive inflation affecting mortgages & removing interest deductibility have pushed rent prices up record amounts while reducing properties for rent by 19% year ended June, while demand is up 35% (against reduced supply, pushing rents up even further).
• 211,00 kids living in benefit dependent homes, which is 39,000 more kids than when Labour’s government began 6 years ago.
• Labour government has increased consultant spending from $900 million the previous year to $1.25 billion this year – a massive 33% increase, even after Labour increased public service employees by 50,000 since Labour took office.
• Stats NZ data showed a deficit of $10.5 billion between export earnings and import costs for the year ended June, the highest annual deficit since current records began in 1960.
• Ministry for the Environment CEO flying from Hawke’s Bay to Wellington once a week.
• 3,500 families live in motels paid by the tax payer, and over 400 families live in cars.
• Emergency Department wait times are now the worst in at least a decade, with more than one in five people waiting at least six hours for treatment.
• Road maintenance budget is only 78% of what it was in 2012, even though population has increased.
• Ram-raids on retailers have soared under Labour, with a more than 500 per cent increase within the first six months of 2022 compared to the same period in 2018. 2022 = 516 ram raids. 2023 = 400 in first 6 months therefore tracking for 800. Recent case before courts of someone committing multiple ram raids where could have been sentence to 20 years in prison resulted in only 7 months home detention with name suppression.
• Research by Velocity shows that during 2021 only 10% of investment properties were loss making, by the end of 2022 that number rose to 90% & requiring landlords to top up an average of $30,000 per year to be able to keep the property.
• In five of our police districts we have more gang members than we now have police officers.
• Ramping hours (Ambulances sitting outside ER waiting to get patients in) went from 3000 hours in 2019 per quarter to 9756 hours per quarter in 2023. Targets of 90% of patients should receive MRIs within 42 days – currently it is 36%, 95% for CT scans within 42 days – currently it is 57%.
• Michael Hill has 165 stores in Australia, of which only one has been broken into, New Zealand has thirty-six stores with 44 break-ins.
• Cultural reports to reduce prison sentences are written by 3rd parties (who don’t always know the offenders) and paid by the tax payer. These have gone from 8 in 2017 to 2,400 in 2022. Harry Tam (life member of the Mongrel Mob) has created 140 of these reports and charged $3500 for each one.
• Patients waiting for specialists for over a year has gone up 17 fold since 2019.
• More than 100,000 students were chronically absent from school.
• NZTA has increased staff by 60% in last 4 years (1000 extra bureaucrats).
• 70% of NZ businesses have no confidence in this government to steer them through the economic down turn.
• Domestic inflation is up 6.3% and has a higher weighting than trade based inflation.
• In a multi nation survey involving 12000 people, NZ is now ranked 51st out of 52 countries for best place to live, no.52 was Kuwait.
• July 2023: Just 22.1% (-2.7 points on last month) of New Zealanders think the country is heading in the right direction while 64.5% (+7.1 points) think the country is heading in the wrong direction. This results in a new record low for the net country direction of -42.4% (-9.8 points).
• This was a Government elected to make housing affordable, help those less well off, reduce child poverty, and give us a kinder, more united society. On every front, it could not have failed more profoundly.
• 316 foreign entertainers, including 64 DJs, were fast-tracked through MIQ in 2021. Taxpayers have spent $1.2 billion on MIQ – $660 for every household in the country.
• Stating that we will be front of the vaccine queue versus being the slowest in the OECD to roll it out.
• 25% drop in prisoners, just ‘let out’ doing community sentences, while there has been an increase in offending against prisoner officers. Record low number of offences resulting in prison sentences in last year representing an overall decrease of 44% under Labour.
• Savings report from Finders that looks at savings data across all the OECD says NZ will record the second to lowest savings in the world at -0.2% (only Poland is lower) compared to the average of +7%, showing how bad the cost of living crisis is.
• For more than three decades, the Swiss Institute for Management and Development (IMD) has compiled annual rankings of competitiveness for 63 of the world’s most important countries. Back in 2017 when Labour took power, New Zealand ranked #16 - ahead of Australia at #21. Five years on, New Zealand has fallen to #31, while Australia is now ranked #19. Over the past few years, we have plunged in economic performance, falling from 22nd to 47th place. Government efficiency has also deteriorated markedly from 7th to 17th place. Consumer confidence in New Zealand now stands at the lowest level since Westpac’s Consumer Confidence survey began in 1988. And, perhaps most damningly, for the first time, a majority has a negative 5-year outlook on the economy.
• Jamie Ngatata Love – 3rd strike law removed by Labour resulting in his sentence for armed robbery reduced from 10 years to 18 months, with 138 previous convictions.
• Day Jacinda resigns, news pushed aside of food price inflation data released showing the highest rate of increase in more than 30 years.
• Doctor GP waiting times are now 5th to bottom of OECD countries (38 countries). Access to GP’s is the first thing to go in a failing health system.
• Emissions have increased and the importing of coal has more than tripled for year ending June 2022 compared to year ending 2017 - all after Jacinda declared climate change is her 'Nuclear free moment'.
• Farm conversions into forestry in 2013 = 1, under Labour: 2022 = 31 due to carbon credits incentives, 2017 = 695 Hectares, under Labour 2022 = 18,000 Hectares. At the same time Labour calling foul on amount of slash washing away bridges etc & killing a child in East Cape.
• Government car fleet grown 16% for past 3 years and 1000 of them are petrol or Diesel, their stated ambition on being EV by 2025 is a joke.
• Public sector managers have been growing at nearly twice the rate of frontline workers since the current Government came to power.
• Nearly 5000 New Zealand nurses have registered to work in Australia since August 2022. As of March 4th 2023, only 1 nurse has arrived from overseas to NZ.
• Burglaries crime stats: 49% under 18 years old, 51% of those did not face court action. 112 between 0-17 arrested received a family group conference - that’s it. Most was just a formal or informal warning. 94 didn't receive any consequence whatsoever.
• Much of the bad luck is the result of Labour’s own actions. The Reserve Bank only agreed to the inflationary $100 billion money printing programme after the Labour Government gave a taxpayer guarantee. Labour is recklessly running a deficit at a time of over-full employment. Borrow and spend always results in bust. The bank has no doubt that Labour’s borrowing to spend is inflationary.
• IMFs 2023 outlook forecasts New Zealand will have one of the lowest GDP growth rates and one of the highest inflation rates in the Asia Pacific region in the coming years. In their projections for GDP, NZ's current account balance is reported as -8.6 percent of GDP, worse than Greece's at -8.0 percent, in 2023. NZ was one of the best GDP performing countries in the world, now we are bottom half of advanced countries in the world with the worst current account deficit of all of them.
• Frontline police told to ‘consider necessity’ of bail arrests as NZ’s largest prison nears capacity.
• Core Crown Revenue since 2017 is up 334% (never taxed us more), while Core Crown Expenses has gone up 596% (day to day expenses which do not build physical assets for the Crown), net Core Crown Debt has gone up 482% (borrowing). Can’t run your life like that but Labour are running a country like that.
• April 2023: The number of households in emergency accommodation for more than 2 years has doubled in the last year. Over 20,000 looking for help with housing. Now at 65,000 state houses. 3 weeks was the average time in emergency accommodation in 2018, 2022 = 21 weeks, March 2023 = 26 weeks.
• Passport power rankings – NZ passport has dropped out of the top 10 in the world to 17th in the world under Labour.
• May 2023: 68% of NZ businesses think economy is poor or very poor.
• Labour has failed to protect our children from preventable diseases and viruses. From the end of 2017, the immunisation rate of children aged 24 months was 92.4 per cent. Compared to the end of 2022, that number has dropped to 82.9 per cent.
• 11/5/23 In an attempt to tackle the truancy crisis, the Government funded 82 new attendance officers, so far, even though considered urgent, only one is working. Only 46% of students attend school regularly.
• International assessment (PEARLS) of New Zealand’s year 5 reading ability – lowest score it has ever been – half of 15 year olds can’t pass the standard test. Math gone from 4th in world to 27th.
• 2023 May: Survey question on if you became ill whether you are confident you will receive the care required = 50.7% said no.
• Inflation is eroding the incomes of the hundreds of thousands of families who receive Working for Families tax credits, leaving them with less support in some cases than when the Government introduced the families package in its first 100 days.
• During the cost of living crisis, Labour thinks it is a priority to spend money on changing road signs to be bilingual, meantime Labour decreased police funding to tackle out of control crime and not enough money to fix the chronic state of health care.
• Number of attacks on police has almost doubled in last 2 years.
• Reported crime increased in the last year in Auckland over previous year by 26%, Wellington increased by 25%, increased Christchurch by 41%.
• Patients waiting for surgery to be asked by Te Whatu Ora if they still need operations to help tackle backlog.
• June 2022: When Labour got into power there were approx. 450 prosecutions each year for benefit fraud, now there is only 60 for the past year, not following up as much and prosecuting.
• Under Labour the number of fleeing drivers since 2020 doubled due to the failed ideology of not pursuing fleeing vehicles, resulting in a backflip on the policy. Also due to Labours soft on crime stance and reducing prison numbers by 25%, the tax payer is having to fund smoke canons and bollards to private businesses; and at the worse time, during a cost of living crisis and record debt & inflation.
• Labour failed to intervene with the closing of Marsden Point, and we now see the results. Roads are falling apart, bad batches of jet fuel are causing chaos for airlines, and food manufacturers are suffering from a shortage of CO2. And all that’s been achieved is to make our national emissions accounts better at the expense of Indonesia – no emissions reduction whatsoever.
• 80,000 public submissions opposing Three Waters were not only ignored by Labour, they then tried to sneak entrenchment through.
• In December 2022, NZ 13 year-olds recorded their worst-ever score in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study.
• Labours Police Minister Ginny Andersen telling Kiwis they feel safer under Labour while crime is soaring and an overwhelming 67 per cent felt either more concerned or much more concerned about being the victims of crime compared to five years ago.
• Net loss of people moving to Auz: 2014 to 2019 net migration loss of 3000 per year to Australia, from 2022 March to 2023 March that number is now a net loss of 31,630 from NZ to Auz according to the Australian bureau of statistics.
• More than 200,000 New Zealanders were sitting on a health-related wait list at the end of July 2022; more than the entire population size of Hamilton.
• Labours continuous attack on landlords now infiltrating our court decisions – tenancy tribunal will not evict tenants that owe a landlord 97 weeks’ worth of rent ($62,238.90), instead allowed to stay in rental and pay it off at $30 per week over next 40.5 years.
• A woman whose broken bones were put in plaster without being reset…. There was no doctor on hand to do the job… So they just plastered her up as best they could.
• People waiting longer than four months for their first appointments with hospital specialists has grown from less than 1000 under National to almost 30,000 under Labour.
• Labour ministers Ginny Andersen and former police ministers Poto Williams and Hipkins intentionally deceived and misled New Zealanders saying “1800 new police officers are on the beat” when 270 of them don’t have arrest powers and work predominantly within stations.
• The IMF suggested NZs personal income and corporate tax rates could be cut and more disciplined government spending.
• Nearly two-thirds of students failed the writing standard in the latest NCEA literacy and numeracy pilot.
• Chris Hipkins held a celebration ceremony to open Puhoi to Warkworth motorway when previously mocked by Labour as a ‘holiday highway’ and campaigning against it being built.
• MPs breaking rules: Michael Wood (failing to declare a conflict of interest - Auckland airport shares even after being told to sell them 12 times – conflict with light rail to airport & North Shore airport decisions, then shares in Chorus & Spark – conflict with including telecommunications technicians on the immigration green list, and the National Australia Bank shares – conflict into study into the banking industry), Stuart Nash (leaking Cabinet details to donors), Kiri Allan (failing to declare a conflict of interest – Meng Foon paid office & donations when her ministry appointed him), Jan Tinetti (first MP in 15 years to be dragged before the Privileges Committee after admitting to misleading Parliament and clearly failed to fix the record immediately as convention demands), Meng Foon (Race Relations Commissioner failing to declare a conflict of interest after being director of a company that received more than $2 million for the provision of accommodation including emergency housing), Ruth Dyson - admitted she has not read the code of conduct governing her position as a Crown entity board member, regarding tweets promoting Labour and attacking the National Party despite a requirement she remain politically neutral.
• Assaults on Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand staff are up 135 percent in 2023 compared to previous year.
• Labours transport delivery: record number of potholes, the Cook Strait ferry breakdowns, the Wellington bus network shambles, the 1000 daily Auckland bus cancellations, the track maintenance shutting down chunks of the Auckland train network for years, cancelled more significant roading projects than started (Mill Rd, south of Auckland, Stage 2 of the Takitimu Northern Link near Tauranga, Whangārei to Port Marsden highway, the rescoping of Otaki to Levin), slowed down Auckland by allowing the dropping of speeds on 1600 roads and the $51 million spent on a cancelled bike bridge.
• In 2022 there were 9800 incidents of drivers fleeing from police, less than a third of them ended up in court.
• There’s been a 120% increase in serious assaults resulting in injury – 13,000 more a year.
• Under Labour there has been a 35% reduction in prisoner rehabilitation.
• Survey of 140 businesses in Southland region of 20+ employees: 64% are recruiting overseas, 85% are seeking staff right now. (Labour’s change in immigration setting way too late to get staff when required).
• Four suspended staff still being paid two years after Oranga Tamariki facility closed with no end in sight as no investigation has been performed on the incident by the staff that caused the closure.
• Immigration Service setup by Health NZ in October 2022 to make it as easy as possible for getting GPs into NZ have resulted in zero new GPs 8 months into it.
• Labour backed down on an element of its early childhood education (ECE) policy to get providers across the line with extending 20 hours free care to two-year-olds, because they didn’t speak to anyone about it and it was unworkable for the healthcare providers – Labour ‘just knew best’.
• Westpac & McDermott Miller Employment Confidence report has employment confidence at its lowest level in 2 years.
• While NZ is running a deficit, Australia is forecasting a $20 billion surplus mainly due to allowing the extraction of natural resources.
• The open letter in 2023 supporting Labour signed by various wealthy people, celebrities, and former civil servants that called for higher taxes with "We write as people who are frustrated with how much tax we pay. We want to pay more” - not a single person who said they wanted to pay more had made a voluntary contribution since then.
• Looks like the $2.75 million tax payer dollars given to the Mongrel Mob by Labour has paid off with Mongrel Mob senior leader Harry Tam endorsing Labour and the Greens for this year’s election, telling his Facebook followers Labour Dunedin MP Ingrid Leary attended one of the gang’s ‘election hui’.
• The number of public servants is 28% higher than in June 2017. The economy-wide employment increase was only 12%.
• More than 211,000 potholes have been reported on New Zealand state highways over the past five years, 54,000 in last year, and yet this government prioritises things like $7.5 million for 22 raised pedestrian crossings on SH2 in Wairarapa alone and spending $330,000 per speed bump.
• Within only 2 months of the May Budget, the Crown received $2 billion less in corporate tax than what was forecast.
• Between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023, Te Whatu Ora fell 16,130 procedures short of its planned volume of 132,469. Only two of 12 areas of care met their targets.
• In 2017 when Labour took power, police were able to hit emergency response times within their 90% target, now under 50%. Because the police are so under staffed, the targets have now been pushed out 100% from 20-25 minutes to 45 minutes for emergency response within an urban area, just to make the stats look better.
• July 2022 there were 345,807 people on main benefits, 171,195 on Job Seeker, more than 100,000 ‘work ready’ – that is still 23,000 (30%) higher than 2019 – how is that possible with record low unemployment? 55% increase in those on jobseeker for more than a year since 2017, during a time when people are crying out for employees.
• While Labour has been fixated on trying to build a $30 billion light rail tram in Auckland, our roads are crumbling. It is going to take Auckland Transport up to a decade to clear the backlog of local road repairs, which currently sits at around 1000 kilometres.
• Under this Labour government, gone from 15 (in 2017) to 234 families waiting 5 or more years for answers from Coroners Court. The number waiting more than 3 years for a family court resolution have tripled to 1165, and the average number of days to resolve criminal cases in the District Court has jumped from 114 to 176 days.
• Jacinda Ardern made a commitment to rule out "any new taxes", but she broke her word – repeatedly – despite the Labour majority we have seen: Continued tax hikes by stealth through bracket creep, Introduction of the ute tax to subsidise Tesla’s for wealthy people, Annual tax increases to alcohol and tobacco, The extension of the bright line test, Stopping interest deductibility for rental properties, Increasing the trust tax rate, 10c per litre Regional (Auckland) Fuel Tax. Labour was planning a Jobs Tax where everyday Kiwis earning $60,000 will pay $834 more every year. Any Government Chris Hipkins leads post-election would have to involve the Greens and the Māori Party who both want nothing less than exorbitant tax hikes and new asset taxes.
• In 1990 12 countries had wealth tax, now its down to 3 because it doesn’t work. Norway increased theirs recently and it had an adverse effect with wealthy people leaving the country and total tax take actually decreasing. Meantime Labour had planned to introduce one regardless of this failed policy elsewhere and with no mandate to, then flip flopped on it.
• Dawn raids continued for 2 years after Ardern promised her apology would be made “in such a way that it’s meaningful”. Not a single person in Ardern’s office ever bothered to check if dawn raids were still happening and order that they be stopped. It is incomprehensible that a Government could be so incompetent as to make such an historic apology without bothering to check whether dawn raids were still occurring and ordering them to stop.
• In the last half of the previous Labour-led Government, we lost an average of 30,000 people net per year to Australia, now we are starting to track towards the same number of Kiwis desponded by this government to move their life to another country.
• Businesses dealing with government contracts now rate their engagement experience worse than it was 5 years ago in nearly every metric (overall experience, innovative, communication & timing, decision making and perhaps most shocking of all, only half of businesses rated their contract manager as “professional” – competent to do their job).
• While Labour has been slow to allow businesses to get the migrant labour they need, they have let in many to do jobs that could have been easily filled by the 100,000+ on job seeker benefit: 60 checkout operators, 88 garden labours, 2 windows cleaners, 11 shelf fillers, 22 luggage porters etc
• Since Labour have been in government from 2017, bail granted increased 147% while there has been a 97% increase in number absconding from electronic bail.
• July 2023, Canada’s inflation rate fell to 2.8 per cent, and the United States’ fell to 3 per cent. Australia’s inflation is 5.6 per cent, but NZs is still 6+ per cent. New Zealand is now entering its third year of out-of-control inflation – the longest period of high inflation since the early 1990s.
• Labour’s priorities have been reducing the prison population by 30%, removing three strikes, funding cultural reports for convicted crims pre-sentencing, and giving KFC to escapee youths.
• Labour keeps gloating about the NZ unemployment rate only approx. 3.5 per cent, but what they are not telling us is they are not deemed as unemployed if they are not actively seeking employment. So… the proportion of the working-age population on the Jobseeker Support benefit is 6%. When you include all other main benefits like sickness benefit, it balloons out to 11.7 per cent of the working-age population (up from 9.7% when Labour took office).
• Achievement data released shows that just 42 per cent of Year 8 students are meeting curriculum expectations in maths & school attendance has fallen to an unprecedented low. This is an utter failure from a Labour Government that is spending over $5 billion more on education.
• University of Otago assistant research fellow with more than 40 years’ experience studying firearm use has written a PhD thesis saying the newly-launched weapon registry is a waste of money. Firearms featured in less than 1.5 percent of violent crime and under 0.2 percent of deaths. Creating a new bureaucracy costing $1 million a week seems expensive when no information has been provided to show its cost-effectiveness, a normal practice before the spending of public money on things like roading improvements and public health.
• August 2023: ANZ Roy Morgan survey: consumer confidence at lows of -39%.
• Since the Government announced its retail crime prevention fund at the end of May last year, there have been nearly 1,000 ram raids on retailers to the end of May this year.
• Under Labours current reign, the Customs minister has changed 6 times, Economic Development minister 5 times, Health minister 4 times, Immigration minister 4 times, ACC minister 3 times, Police minister 6 times, Justice minister 4 times, Emergency Management minister 4 times, Ocean & Fisheries minister 5 times, Work place and relations & safety minister 4 times & Transport minister 3 times – clearly competence is low and turnover is high.
• Gross debt figure is now $722.62 Billion, up 47% from 5 years ago.
• Labours upgrade transport package in 2020 went against official warnings to leave just $48 million in contingency for a $6.8b transport package - that blunder meant a handful of those roads had to be cancelled and the rest bailed out with an additional $1.8b.
• During the 2016 Mount Roskill byelection, Labour committed to funding what was then a $1.36b light rail project to the electorate (the airport bit came later). In 2020, the party decided not to attach a cost to the project in its manifesto. Nearly $100m of consultant spending later and we have a revised cost of $14.6b.
• The government collected $78 million more tax than forecast for the five months ended November 2022 while its expenses were up $742m on forecast.
• Man jailed for 2.5 years for shooting a picture of Jacinda Arden and in 2021 a farmer found guilty of breaching Regional Council Resource Management Act consents received a three-month prison sentence, when: 1. Matu Reid, who attacked his girlfriend so brutally that she needed hospitalisation, ended up with a community sentence – in spite of already being under supervision for a previous violence offence and being assessed by his probation officer as being at high risk of causing harm to others, who then went on a shooting rampage in Auckland CBD killing 2 people, 2. letting another man have home detection for raping 4 woman, 3. An unprovoked punch by a man deported from Australia on a night out in Queenstown left his victim with a fractured skull and a brain bleed, but the judge handed a community sentence and a fine, 4. Ray Marshall is killed by two brothers, the one who hit Ray in the head several times with a claw hammer got a judge who started off sentencing at 7 years in jail, then reduced it by 70% before reaching an outcome of 12 months home detention.
• Nationals Nicola Willis’ parental leave bill to allow parents to take paid parental leave at the same time was passed by every party bar Labour. Some babies come very early. Some are twins or triplets. Some mums get bad postnatal depression. In all of those cases, it could be very helpful to the mum if the other parent is at home helping her for the first three months. Instead, Labour is telling parents what’s best for them rather than letting the parents decide.
• No change in access to mental health services despite spending $1.9 billion.
• May survey of 1,000 people published by the Herald. It shows two-thirds of Kiwis are more concerned they may become a victim of crime today than they were five years ago. The most revealing statistic is the diverging trend between reported crimes which increased 33 percent between 2017 and 2022, and the 26 percent decline in Police arrests, the 25 percent drop in convictions, and the 38 percent fall in prison sentences.
• Year to June 2023 record high of charges against people breaching ankles bracelets (2035).
• Federated Farmers latest survey results show 81% of farmers say current economic conditions are bad, and only 29% are making a profit (was 72% last year), and only 3% are optimistic that economic conditions will improve over next 12 months.
• The proportion of properties selling for less than they were bought is at its highest level since 2015.
• Activity sales level indicator is the lowest ever, global comparisons show NZ is the lowest.
• Labour makes another major U-turn - Removal of commercial tax write-offs.
• No major road started and finished within Labours 6 years of government, new roading pledge a U-turn & 6 years too late.
• Countdown has reported a 663% increase in theft & 300% increase in physical assaults over the last 6 years of Labour government. Countdown is investing $45 million in security, which increases food prices as operating costs are passed on. Foodstuffs (PaknSave & New World) has already said publicly that retail crime is the “worst it’s ever been”.
• Number of gang members on home detention (rather than in prison) is up 60% in the last 6 years of this Labour government. Absconding on home detention is up 90%.
• Firearms violence has increased under Labour.
• Government spending has gone up 40% in 6 years and with no KPIs on the public service, what’s improved? Ministry of Education budget has gone up 38% and we now have some of the worst education results and school attendance. A recent poll (including Labour voters) said education, health, welfare, criminal justice and transport have all got worse since 2020.
• Number of people on electronically monitored bail has increased from 495 in 2017 to 2345 in 2013, up 474% under the 6 years of Labour government. 140% increase in police opposition to bail being ignored.
• The number of students missing from the education system has almost doubled since October 2021.
• Labours fast track immigration processing: Only 20% processed with the 10 day timeframe promised by the minister. Setup to process 3500, only got through 169 with only 1 approved within the first 4 weeks it was open.
• Labour have increased government spending by 9% every year for the past 6 years - that’s over 50% increase since 2017. The average government spending increase in the 6 years before Labour became government was 1.5% per year. As if this wasn’t enough, in the 2023 Budget unveiled in May, the Government announced plans to spend an additional 32 per cent over the four years to 2027. This despite the evidence that the tax take is no longer meeting expectations. As a result, the Government is going to have to borrow an additional $15 Billion over and above what was budgeted to see it through the current shortfalls. Labour has taken our borrowing from $60b to $160b in just six years. The current account deficit of NZ, as a percentage of GDP, is now the worst of all the countries in the OECD. International Monetary Fund data projects the NZ economy to have the second-lowest GDP growth in the world in 2024, placing us in 159th place out of 160 countries.
• In February 2022, Kāinga Ora announced new policies to deal with the worst offenders, including a termination option if three serious incidents were recorded within a 90-day period. In the 18 months since the measures were announced, only three people have been kicked out of Kāinga Ora properties even though there has been more than 10,000 complaints.
• Government rushing to spend money without knowing what taxpayers are getting in return - the Office of the Auditor-General on the $640 million of public money spent on the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF): We are not yet certain that Parliament or the public can have confidence that the investments made through the PGF reset will ultimately represent good value for money, did not see evidence of planning for, or commitment to, an evaluation of the outcomes (money channelled into marae renovations, and Māori and Pasifika businesses).
• 29/8/23 The last week of parliament saw Labour pass many bills under urgency (usually under urgency is very rare and not very democratic and usually results in poor legislation due to it being rushed):
• 3 waters amendment
• Crown minerals amendment bill
• Bus driver pay legislation
• Local government electoral legislation bill to encourage equality Maori representation
• Fuel industry improvement fuel resilience bill (because of the stuff up with Marsden Point)
• Visual artists bill
• Land transport road safety amendment bill
• Grant Robertson’s ‘transformative policy for the productivity of the NZ economy’ announced in 2017 was fees free policy but it attracted less than two thirds of the projected student numbers so they dumped the promised extension last year.
• Every measure of education achievement for students leaving high school is going downhill. Of the 64,000 or so students who left school in 2022, only half attained NCEA 3 or above. A quarter of them left without NCEA 2 - considered the minimum level needed to pursue work or further study - while 15 per cent failed to even reach NCEA 1. These proportions are at their worst levels for several years, while the retention rate hasn’t been so poor since 2009; more than one in five school leavers - almost 14,000 teenagers - left school before they turned 17. Fewer school leavers are enrolling in tertiary education, and as high inflation and interest rates bite into household budgets, more and more teens are working rather than schooling.
• You know when a government has no idea on how to run an economy when their primary focus is on new taxes to stunt ambition rather than: inspiring business growth, reducing government spending and attracting international investment (lowest its been for some time). It’s all very deja vu. I wonder how many times we have to repeat the cycle to realise the political left in this country almost always ends up in the same place. High government spending, big fiscal deficits, inflation, domestic recession, big balance of payments deficits, a squeezed middle class - and more people leaving for a better life elsewhere.
• Labour deliberately left their hidden agenda out of the last election campaign and prevented the public having any say or vote on them; including co-governance, He Puapua, officially backing & rolling out the unofficial Te Tiriti o Waitangi (including the fabricated intent of ‘partnership’), 3 Waters, Maori Health Authority, TVNZ & RNZ merger, speed limit reductions, removal of public vote on Maori health wards, proliferation of Maori names, The Three Strikes Repeal Bill, fair pay agreement and income insurance scheme. Even when most of these were released under stealth tactics (and most only consulted with Maori – especially constitutional transformation), they disguised the impact of change under a mountain of spin, not what New Zealanders expected when Jacinda Ardern promised that she would run an open and transparent government.
• Labours failed ideological projects like the unmitigated cluster of merging the most and least successful Polytech’s into one big sea of mediocrity which is haemorrhaging money and lost over half of its top staff, cycle harbour bridge that didn’t deliver anything with more than $51 million spent on it, the bright-line test extension that didn’t slow house price inflation, the clean car discount to the most wealthy to buy an electric car, the Plain Language Act police, the fart tax to put one in 5 farms out of business, banning using NZ coal to use records amounts of imported dirty Indonesian coal, public interest journalism fund where the public has no interest in seeing extortion used by having to promote the unofficial Te Tiriti o Waitangi agenda & falsehoods in order to get funding, the new history curriculum that divides New Zealanders into victims and villains, shutting down charter schools while school attendance rates have plummeted, cost of living payments to foreigners and dead people, preventing immigration while businesses fail due to staff shortages etc. And that’s before you get to the Covid handling abomination – slowest in OECD to get the vaccines causing unnecessary extension to expensive lockdowns, MIQ lottery & debt, leaked private records, tracing failures & millions spent on Covid app Blue tooth tracking then never used, PCR testing meltdown, slowest in OECD to get RAT tests then confiscated private business imports of them, ‘short & sharp’ lockdown imprisoning Aucklanders for 4 months, saying would never mandate the vaccine then mandating it & persecutions etc.

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 07:57 AM
The latest news on the crime rampage happening while Labour pushes to reduce the prison population by 30%. Criminals respond to government policy with a hearty "thanks very much!"


Ram Raid 2 : Sword, watches and jewellery stolen as five-car ram-raid mall hit again

Te Aorewa Rolleston
September 6, 2023

A Thames shopping mall which was the victim of a five-car ram-raid resembling a “movie set” has been targeted for a second time, and the robbers escaped with jewellery, watches and a large sword.

The raid comes amid slowing trading as retailers said consumers are tightening their belts.

Police received a report of a ram-raid at the Goldfields Mall on Mary street in Thames at about 3am on Tuesday, and a vehicle used in the incident was found abandoned at the scene.

Inquiries were under way to identify and locate the offenders.

The second looting comes two months after five vehicles barged their way through the large glass entrance doors at the shopping centre, ransacking multiple stores including a vape shop and the warehouse.

The lone victim of Tuesday morning’s “targeted” break-in was Boots N All, owned by James O’Grady.

O’Grady featured in Waikato Times coverage following the first ram-raid on July 6 but this time round, the thieves barged into his store, stealing TimeX watches, jewellery and a katana sword.

Deflated but relieved that no one was injured during the incident, O’Grady arrived to find the store, which he’s manned for 28 years, in a shambles.

It was “shocking”, he said, with CCTV footage showing two “hoodied up” individuals wearing gloves using a “big steel bench” from the shopping centre to bash their way through the metal roller door.

“They destroyed the roller doors... luckily they didn’t get any money because it was pitch black... I feel sick to my stomach,” O’Grady said.

“It makes you want to close ... Business has dropped off since the first ram-raid because people are scared.”

Police are investigating.

“Police have confirmed the car left at the shopping centre had earlier been stolen.”

The thieves had attempted to enter the store using the stolen vehicle but faced with new bollards, turned to ramming their way into the side of the entranceway.

It was debilitating for shop owners and the community O’Grady said. A town like Thames didn’t deserve it when business wasn’t exactly “booming”.

He was contacting his insurance company, but at first glance there appeared to be around $15,000 to $20,000 worth of stock taken.

“It was within a few weeks that we put the bollards in on the back of the last ram-raid,” said mall manager John Freer.

Freer was back at the complex this morning to examine the damage. They had taken all the steps necessary to try and deter attacks, from alarms to bollards and a security guard.

“It’s frustrating for everybody... Things are so very tough in our region at the moment so to lose half a day of trading is significant.”

“There were two of them...dressed in dark clothing and balaclavas protecting their identity.”

Thames Coromandel District Councillor Robyn Sinclair said it was obvious that these break-ins were not subtle and the destruction was “devastating”.

The merciless crime does take a toll on the community and businesses, Sinclair said, given the “really tough years” it had faced from the pandemic, to a soggy, wet summer where it rained bucketloads, followed by Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle.

The tight-knit community would recover but to those responsible, her message was “find a better hobby”.

“We’ve had enough, we just want a break...we don’t want this in our town.

“The good does outweigh the bad in this place.”

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 08:10 AM
The latest left wing 'attack cartoon' in the mainstream media is part of a constant stream of them from hard-left caricaturist Sharon Murdoch.

Christopher Luxon feels the right wing forces of 'reaction' (to the revolution-by-stealth) brushing his legs, while Chipkins feels the Te Pati Maori and Green left wing forces of 'radicalism'.....err, make that 'aspiration', brushing his legs.

The way that the hard-left have embraced the simmering cauldron of resentment and fanaticism that is Te Pati Maori is truly remarkable.

Usually you'd associate aspiration with National, but not in Murdoch's red world. No doubt in this context she means an 'aspiration' to implement wealth taxes and further planks of the 'co-governance' agenda.


06-09-2023, 08:31 AM
The wealthy & farmers have both done better under labour than national... hardly revolutionary.

Though the former group are donating heavily to NACT despite these facts.. like lambs to the slaughter.

06-09-2023, 08:49 AM
Farmers will vote National, for very good reasons. Again, something I never thought I'd hear myself say.

Though the former group are donating heavily to NaCT despite these facts.. like lambs to the slaughter.

06-09-2023, 08:50 AM
Reasons like, their grandparents once did? or identity politics.

06-09-2023, 09:04 AM
I daresay some will, but not all farmers fit that demographic. Farmers will vote National this time, because Labour has completely let farmers down, and has done nothing to practically support them, while at the same time, enforcing impractical BS nonsense such as ute tax. Farmers are freaking struggling. You have no idea how many hours these people work every week, how hard it is to get staff, how stressful it is putting food on their tables. Go spend a month with a dairy farmer and come back and tell me I'm wrong.

And don't bother coming back with an anti-dairy farming rant. I will eat you for breakfast :glare:

Reasons like, their grandparents once did? or identity politics.

06-09-2023, 09:10 AM
I daresay some will, but not all farmers fit that demographic. Farmers will vote National this time, because Labour has completely let farmers down, and has done nothing to practically support them, while at the same time, enforcing impractical BS nonsense such as ute tax. Farmers are freaking struggling. You have no idea how many hours these people work every week, how hard it is to get staff, how stressful it is putting food on their tables. Go spend a month with a dairy farmer and come back and tell me I'm wrong.

And don't bother coming back with an anti-dairy farming rant. I will eat you for breakfast :glare:

Is that a promise?

He will be salivating for the rest of the day in anticipation, being the Labour shill pervert that he is! :t_up:


06-09-2023, 09:13 AM
And don't bother coming back with an anti-dairy farming rant. I will eat you for breakfast :glare:

I'm quaking in my gumboots.

When can we expect lower milk and cheese prices given the recent dairy price falls.

Will our farmers put NZ consumers first, or last?

06-09-2023, 09:23 AM
Firstly, dairy price falls mean already struggling farmers, are paid less for their milk.

Secondly, do you seriously believe farmers have any part whatsoever in setting prices for dairy products????

You really are an idiot.

I'm quaking in my gumboots.

When can we expect lower milk and cheese prices given the recent dairy price falls.

Will our farmers put NZ consumers first, or last?

06-09-2023, 09:30 AM
Fonterra is a monopoly so yes they set the prices for milk.

The price New Zealand consumers pay for dairy products is influenced by global dairy commodity prices and the cost of making the finished products, Henshaw argues. As well as farmgate prices, Fonterra considers labour, packaging, energy, manufacturing, storage and distribution costs in setting prices. "In times of high inflation, like we are currently experiencing, these input costs increase more quickly than usual and are reflected in Fonterra Brands NZ’s wholesale prices."

https://www.newsroom.co.nz/retailers-increase-their-margins-on-soaring-food-prices#:~:text=The%20price%20New%20Zealand%20consu mers,distribution%20costs%20in%20setting%20prices.

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 10:01 AM
Fonterra is a monopoly so yes they set the prices for milk.

https://www.newsroom.co.nz/retailers-increase-their-margins-on-soaring-food-prices#:~:text=The%20price%20New%20Zealand%20consu mers,distribution%20costs%20in%20setting%20prices.

The full section gives a more nuanced perspective. There are high input costs for making finished products. Consider a bottle of milk and the logistical steps it goes through from collection at the farm, trucking to factory, processing and pasteurising at the factory, bottling, the cost of the bottle, the delivery to the selling point….lots of movement, lots of people to be paid for their part in the supply chain. Only a complete numpty fails to consider all of this.


‘Brett Henshaw, the managing director of Fonterra Brands NZ, says the big co-op is experiencing inflationary pressure and higher costs at every point in its supply chain. "It’s a similar story behind the farm gate with our farmers also managing significantly higher input costs," he says.

The price New Zealand consumers pay for dairy products is influenced by global dairy commodity prices and the cost of making the finished products, Henshaw argues. As well as farmgate prices, Fonterra considers labour, packaging, energy, manufacturing, storage and distribution costs in setting prices. "In times of high inflation, like we are currently experiencing, these input costs increase more quickly than usual and are reflected in Fonterra Brands NZ’s wholesale prices."’

06-09-2023, 10:07 AM
Fonterra profit up 50% in latest results.

https://www.fonterra.com/nz/en/our-stories/media/fonterra-profit-up-50-in-fy23-interim-results.html (https://www.fonterra.com/nz/en/our-stories/media/fonterra-profit-up-50-in-fy23-interim-results.html)

Surely NZ consumers can't be expected to pick up the tab for all of the costs.

The export markets should contribute something.

06-09-2023, 10:18 AM
My son is a contract milker. He holds no shares in Fonterra. They contract him to provide milk and that's it. He has zero say in anything. Your understanding of the industry is seriously lacking.

Fonterra is a monopoly so yes they set the prices for milk.

https://www.newsroom.co.nz/retailers-increase-their-margins-on-soaring-food-prices#:~:text=The%20price%20New%20Zealand%20consu mers,distribution%20costs%20in%20setting%20prices.

06-09-2023, 10:29 AM
My son is a contract milker. He holds no shares in Fonterra. They contract him to provide milk and that's it. He has zero say in anything. Your understanding of the industry is seriously lacking.

His understanding of anything is seriously lacking.

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 10:38 AM
Fonterra profit up 50% in latest results.

https://www.fonterra.com/nz/en/our-stories/media/fonterra-profit-up-50-in-fy23-interim-results.html (https://www.fonterra.com/nz/en/our-stories/media/fonterra-profit-up-50-in-fy23-interim-results.html)

Surely NZ consumers can't be expected to pick up the tab for all of the costs.

The export markets should contribute something.

So you ignore the points about input costs going up, and instead point to a 50% increase in profits. $546 million profit is peanuts when you consider the size of Fonterra’s revenue, so the year prior must have been a very poor one.

As to the issue of increased costs, this is indeed covered in the announcement you posted -

“Our Total Group normalised operating expenses are up from $1.1 billion to $1.4 billion due to the New Zealand consumer business and Asia brands impairments, increased costs including inflation and foreign exchange, and last year having a one-off favourable item.”

Blue Skies
06-09-2023, 10:44 AM
I daresay some will, but not all farmers fit that demographic. Farmers will vote National this time, because Labour has completely let farmers down, and has done nothing to practically support them, while at the same time, enforcing impractical BS nonsense such as ute tax. Farmers are freaking struggling. You have no idea how many hours these people work every week, how hard it is to get staff, how stressful it is putting food on their tables. Go spend a month with a dairy farmer and come back and tell me I'm wrong.

And don't bother coming back with an anti-dairy farming rant. I will eat you for breakfast :glare:

I know its incredibly tough for dairy at the moment, hopefully just a temporary low point in the cycle, & then theres' been the devastating cyclones.

Genuine question from a curious city person, when you say the govt has done virtually nothing to support farmers while enforcing impractical regulations, I'm interested to know specifics. What regulations?
Help us understand.

Didn't the govt set up a $26 million relief fund on top of another $4 million for farmers for Cyclone relief, & when I look at the MPI site there seem to be a raft of funding grants available to encourage innovation & support agriculture & horticulture.

Also didn't this Labour govt make us the first country in the world to eradicate Mycoplasma Bovis, with grants to help farmers who lost stock? (And didn't National say it couldn't be done)

And isn't agriculture the only industry which has been given exclusive exemptions from meeting emissions targets, that's a privilege other industries don't get.

The Clean Car Discount scheme, encouraging new vehicle buyers away from heavily emitting vehicles which some farmers derogatorily called a Ute tax, was very broadly supported by NZ'ers & even Chris Luxon used it to buy 2 EV Teslas.
As well as being popular its been way more successful than anticipated.
Apart from helping us reach our emissions targets which Even Chris Luxon says National are 100% committed to, with the price of petrol & diesel EV's & Hybrids are looking sound economic choices.
So perhaps we can leave the Clean Car Discount out of it?

Despite all this, it sounds like there's no support where there should be & there must be some regulations which are unfair, so share this with us.

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 11:21 AM
I know its incredibly tough for dairy at the moment, hopefully just a temporary low point in the cycle, & then theres' been the devastating cyclones.

Genuine question from a curious city person, when you say the govt has done virtually nothing to support farmers while enforcing impractical regulations, I'm interested to know specifics. What regulations?
Help us understand.

Didn't the govt set up a $26 million relief fund on top of another $4 million for farmers for Cyclone relief, & when I look at the MPI site there seem to be a raft of funding grants available to encourage innovation & support agriculture & horticulture.

Also didn't this Labour govt make us the first country in the world to eradicate Mycoplasma Bovis, with grants to help farmers who lost stock? (And didn't National say it couldn't be done)

The Clean Car Discount scheme, encouraging new vehicle buyers away from heavily emitting vehicles which some farmers derogatorily called a Ute tax, was very broadly supported by NZ'ers & even Chris Luxon used it to buy 2 EV Teslas.
As well as being popular its been way more successful than anticipated.
Apart from helping us reach our emissions targets which Even Chris Luxon says National are 100% committed to, with the price of petrol & diesel EV's & Hybrids are looking sound economic choices.
So perhaps we can leave the Clean Car Discount out of it?

There’s a clean car discount of course, but the ‘ute tax’ is the fee part of the whole thing.

‘The Government’s Clean Car scheme works by charging polluting cars a fee, and using revenue from those fees to offer a rebate on cleaner cars.’

Farmers contend that there is no electric vehicle available that is able to do what a petrol driven utility vehicle can do in on-farm conditions.

Blue Skies
06-09-2023, 11:27 AM
There’s a clean car discount of course, but the ‘ute tax’ is the fee part of the whole thing.

‘The Government’s Clean Car scheme works by charging polluting cars a fee, and using revenue from those fees to offer a rebate on cleaner cars.’

Farmers contend that there is no electric vehicle available that is able to do what a petrol driven utility vehicle can do in on-farm conditions.

But that's not true & besides it only applies to new vehicles, many won't have to replace existing Utes for some years.

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 11:30 AM
But that's not true & besides it only applies to new vehicles, many won't have to replace existing Utes for some years.

Not true? Oh yes it is.

‘Officials said that as there were “few low-emission utes available in New Zealand, Cabinet also considered two options for the treatment of the best performing diesel utes”.

The first example was to treat “efficient diesel utes differently from other high emission vehicles”

This would mean that low-emissions utes would get an exemption from the “ute tax” if registered before June 30, 2024.

The second option considered was to keep the current non-exempt status of utes, which is what Cabinet decided on in the end.

Officials warned this would hit rural communities.

“The increase in charges for utes would be expected to impact most on rural communities where the need for the functionality of utes is often great,” officials said.’

06-09-2023, 11:38 AM
Sorry, I really don't have the energy or will to collate info to support my comments right now, but suffice to say, Labour's expectations of what farmers should be doing, with regards to environmental protection/sustainability, are unrealistic and unfair. The vast majority of dairy farmers are doing their absolute best to farm sustainably and to protect the environment. Those few who make the headline news, deserve condemnation and are making things harder for those farmers who are farming responsibly. If government (whichever one) wants to enforce particular changes in practice, then they should foot the bill. All this talk of reducing herd numbers is total BS. How do they expect farmers to operate economically if they are forced to do that? Where is that lost income coming from, to feed their kids, pay their staff, and care for their stock? Farmers in general, are not the wealthy "exploiters" people seem to think they are. They are down to earth, hard working, dedicated men and women, who work long days, and often go months without a day off. I'd like to see some of you get out of bed at 4am to start work every day, and still be working 12+ hours later.

If you really want detail on what issues dairy farmers are facing - just google it. There is plenty of info available.

I know its incredibly tough for dairy at the moment, hopefully just a temporary low point in the cycle, & then theres' been the devastating cyclones.

Genuine question from a curious city person, when you say the govt has done virtually nothing to support farmers while enforcing impractical regulations, I'm interested to know specifics. What regulations?
Help us understand.

Didn't the govt set up a $26 million relief fund on top of another $4 million for farmers for Cyclone relief, & when I look at the MPI site there seem to be a raft of funding grants available to encourage innovation & support agriculture & horticulture.

Also didn't this Labour govt make us the first country in the world to eradicate Mycoplasma Bovis, with grants to help farmers who lost stock? (And didn't National say it couldn't be done)

The Clean Car Discount scheme, encouraging new vehicle buyers away from heavily emitting vehicles which some farmers derogatorily called a Ute tax, was very broadly supported by NZ'ers & even Chris Luxon used it to buy 2 EV Teslas.
As well as being popular its been way more successful than anticipated.
Apart from helping us reach our emissions targets which Even Chris Luxon says National are 100% committed to, with the price of petrol & diesel EV's & Hybrids are looking sound economic choices.
So perhaps we can leave the Clean Car Discount out of it?

06-09-2023, 11:51 AM
But that's not true & besides it only applies to new vehicles, many won't have to replace existing Utes for some years.

Sometimes it's better not to argue from a position of ignorance, you are illustrating that you know very little about the CCD/CCD schemes.

Blue Skies
06-09-2023, 12:14 PM
Sometimes it's better not to argue from a position of ignorance, you are illustrating that you know very little about the CCD/CCD schemes.

Well new or newly registered vehicles in NZ, but since this is a broadly popular policy which has been highly successful & widely supported, it was the other specific issues - the apparent lack of govt support and the regulations which I was hoping someone might share to help us understand the reasons for the claims this govt hates farmers.

Lets not get deflected off into a discussion about the Clean Car Discount scheme.

06-09-2023, 12:28 PM
Lets not get deflected off into a discussion about the Clean Car Discount scheme.

It's not a deflection, it was you that brought it up, perversely in defence of farmers not being affected by government regulations. When clearly they are affected adversely through a fee on higher emissions vehicles, when they have no low emission vehicle alternatives.

Your ignorance is tying you up in knots. Did you know that CCD is running at a huge loss, that the tax payer is funding, and both National and ACT are on record that they will repeal the CCD legislation? ACT want to repeal both the CCD and the CCS legislation.

06-09-2023, 12:34 PM

Labour economic policy announcement

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has revealed how his party plans to grow the economy if re-elected and has promised to lead a prime ministerial trade delegation to India within the first 100 days of taking office.

Laying out his party’s economic strategy today at University of Auckland, Hipkins said India would be a priority next term.

“After securing trade deals with the UK and EU this year, my next priority will be to lead a Prime Ministerial delegation to India within the first 100 days of a new Government,” he said. Hipkins met Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi in Papua New Guinea earlier this year, where Modi invited Hipkins to visit India.

The announcement came alongside a five-point economic growth plan and a pledge for $100m of public money to be given to the Government’s Venture Capital Fund to invest in agritech.

If the first 6 months of Chumpy's hopeless leadership are any indication - then another term will likely see Robbo's growing hole excavated deeper and come out on the other side of the globe ;)

Things must be getting pretty desperate if the Chump change remaining is being tossed around out of what is an empty tin, after almost 6 years of fiscal squandering and incompetence from the Labour mob .. picking up on whistles of we been ignored :)

Perhaps next week Chumpy will make a new announcement throwing $100 mil at the bunch of Penguins & rare dolphins who may start crying out ignored by Labour's clueless :)

Fortunately any sort of Chips - raw, baked or crispy are bad for these guys among our wildlife - as bad as Chumpy & the mob of Labour incompetents are and likely will ever be for Kiwiland as a whole :)

Labour's ability to grow anything aside from large disasters, crisis after crisis, large pot holes & failed iniatives all over the place and well proven pattern of turning things into a large shambles must be a growing source of much amusement to all - in back of their minds knowing that Chumpy and clueless mates are headed for a dumpy out ;)

More Untrustworthy promises from Labour ? .. Look no further at what their promises of the past 6 years have brought ;)

A pretty miserable performance track record from Labour .. now they think everyone will want to trust them to drop us in it ;)

06-09-2023, 12:43 PM

Richard Prebble: The real election issue – are we a nation that rewards hard work, not freeloading?

Wonder what response will be seen from Labour's clueless Front Bench freeloaders on this ? ;)

06-09-2023, 12:47 PM

Richard Prebble: The real election issue – are we a nation that rewards hard work, not freeloading?

Wonder what response will be seen from Labour's clueless Front Bench freeloaders on this ? ;)

When did we? Freeloading property owners are what's left as productive young people have mostly fled, to be replaced by immigrants who will eventually do the same.

06-09-2023, 12:48 PM

Richard Prebble: The real election issue – are we a nation that rewards hard work, not freeloading?

Wonder what response will be seen from Labour's clueless Front Bench freeloaders on this ? ;)

This is Labour : "Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don't."

Breeding parasites, losers and beneficiaries as they are reliable and super loyal Labour voters - Labour's election strategy.


06-09-2023, 12:54 PM

Oil shock: Motorists should brace for more pain despite ComCom warning to petrol companies

Fuel prices on the rise and add a further 12c/Litre if Labour come back & the Sly Taxing Comrade gets his way

What will that do to your wallets & purses ? ;)

Mortgage Interest rates being ratcheted up by Banks too in recent days

Liquidators cannot even quit businesses from Liquidations, with more destined to fall over .. loss of more jobs

COL spiralling up and away with Grocery costs headed towards the Moon..

It's all part of Labour's uncontrolled growing fiscal hole and trail of gross incompetence to drop you all in it, Folks - Enjoy :)

The clueless mob of Cretins who did this to you all will shortly be calling for your support

You all know what to do to the Clueless Incompetents who do this to you all and drop you in it ;)

06-09-2023, 12:59 PM
When did we? Freeloading property owners are what's left as productive young people have mostly fled, to be replaced by immigrants who will eventually do the same.

Be a lot more freeloading Govt Housing tenants without a roof over their head without private sector Landlords :)

Blame the Labour mob for scaring the Young productive away - they aren't stupid and know a clueless Govt out
to cream them of any opportunity and mortgage their futures up for decades without anything to show for it ;)

Just remember - Panda - Labour are shafting you too and will have a lot more of the same to come if not dumped

And you can't blame those who have worked, saved, taken risks and own some property for your own situ whatever that might be ;)

Save us the screams as well .. very few Kiwi's want to hear of the Commo farce what's yours is mine and we'll tax to achieve that as has been seen from Chumpy's clueless mob :)

No Bonus points for picking why our Productive Young have fled and why we need to have a flood of immigrants in from countries further down the economic ladder to fill a gap .. the answer is resting on Govt Front benches on why this is happening ;)

Bill Smith
06-09-2023, 01:08 PM
Wow. BS and panda are excelling today. They do have some connection to agriculture after all. They are both as thick as Pig S**t!

06-09-2023, 01:16 PM
Wow. BS and panda are excelling today. They do have some connection to agriculture after all. They are both as thick as Pig S**t!

2/10 ... improvement needed.

Maybe you would benefit from teaching the basics brilliantly.

06-09-2023, 01:24 PM
2/10 ... improvement needed.

Maybe you would benefit from teaching the basics brilliantly.

Sorry 10/10 .. Did you not pick up that Labour have thrown the Basics Book out ? ;)

Obviously it didn't work for you either :)

Hopefully Agriculture will improve some time .. how about considering migrating
to India .. so a win / win could be seen there & here sooner ? ;)

Do it at least as a goodwill gift for Chumpkins .. bound to a growing hole in India
for Ag helpers good on the shovel to make up for those brighter sorts coming here :)

06-09-2023, 01:35 PM
Hopefully Agriculture will improve some time .. how about considering migrating
to India .. so a win / win could be seen there & here sooner ? ;)

Yes we gotta to get back to farming ... tax credits from property speculation.

It's not my natural habitat but I'll be going into exile on Auckland Islands.

06-09-2023, 01:46 PM
Yes we gotta to get back to farming ... tax credits from property speculation.

It's not my natural habitat but I'll be going into exile on Auckland Islands.

If Labour get their way .. your farming antics are likely to be left rusting in a ditch for a very long time

Who would property speculate in our current economic climate after Labour have gutted the engine and taken the wheels off ? .. Guess the Young Productive weren't so stupid after all on seeing what Labour's clueless No-Hopers & hijackers were up to :)

Sooner or later someone will work out that Labour's incompetents have screwed up massively at huge cost
and everyone will abandon that cause in their droves when their factions are seen to not be making ground ;)

Nothing like a bit of pile driving to finalise things, when the Comrade's loud attention seeking tendencies are outed for what they represented all along .. hopefully the hole that Robbo has been orchestrating is large enough to accomodate all the abandoned and lost causes of the clueless reign ;)

Are you sure that the wildlife on the Auckland Islands would want you there ? ;)

06-09-2023, 02:08 PM

Third carbon auction this year fails to clear

Oh the pain - Robbo's hole grows some more .. Not much Carbon joy this year ;)

Wonder why .. are the clueless on Govt Front Benches spouting B*llsh!t again ? ;)

James & the little green pixies huddled up down da bottom of the garden will be besides themselves on this news :)

Blue Skies
06-09-2023, 03:08 PM
It's not a deflection, it was you that brought it up, perversely in defence of farmers not being affected by government regulations. When clearly they are affected adversely through a fee on higher emissions vehicles, when they have no low emission vehicle alternatives.

Your ignorance is tying you up in knots. Did you know that CCD is running at a huge loss, that the tax payer is funding, and both National and ACT are on record that they will repeal the CCD legislation? ACT want to repeal both the CCD and the CCS legislation.

Yes, everybody knows all that, & like all policies there's positives & negatives to weigh up, which depending on your perspective e.g. country versus industry sector everyone will have their own opinion.

But I was hoping to hear from someone with a farming or knowledgable background the specific regulations which farmers hate & why they think this govt hates farmers when at first glance from the outside it looks like there has been significant support. e.g.

$26 million + another $4 million support fund for the devastation caused by the cyclones,
eradication of mycoplasma bovis,
the FTA's,
exclusive privileged exemptions from our emissions targets,
and a raft of special grants from MPI to encourage innovation & support in the agriculture & horticulture sectors.

You all seem to think I'm arguing when I'm inviting some knowledgeable person to share with us specific examples of the regulations/lack of support so I can better understand the challenges the sector is facing.
Instead all I get is rudeness & banal insults like you don't understand.
Well if I felt I fully understood I wouldn't be asking would I !

06-09-2023, 03:23 PM
I'm not a farmer myself, so I am not the best person to explain this to you. I would ask my son, but sadly, he is dealing with a very traumatic family situation today, so I won't be doing that.

Have a look here: https://www.groundswellnz.co.nz/

With an open mind if you can. Read everything. Then try and put yourself in the position of a farmer. Particularly a dairy farmer, because dairy farmers have been painted as the most evil of all farmers, and it has to stop.

Yes, everybody knows all that, & like all policies there's positives & negatives to weigh up, which depending on your perspective e.g. country versus industry sector everyone will have their own opinion.

But I was hoping to hear from someone with a farming or knowledgable background the specific regulations which farmers hate & why they think this govt hates farmers when at first glance from the outside it looks like there has been significant support. e.g.

$26 million + another $4 million support fund for the devastation caused by the cyclones,
eradication of mycoplasma bovis,
the FTA's,
exclusive privileged exemptions from our emissions targets,
and a raft of special grants from MPI to encourage innovation & support in the agriculture & horticulture sectors.

You all seem to think I'm arguing when I'm inviting some knowledgeable person to share with us specific examples of the regulations/lack of support so I can better understand the challenges the sector is facing.
Instead all I get is rudeness & banal insults like you don't understand.
Well if I felt I fully understood I wouldn't be asking would I !

06-09-2023, 03:28 PM
The Spinoff are thrilled to announce the return of Policy.nz – thank you to everyone who contributed to their PledgeMe campaign. The Spinoff has partnered with the Policy.nz team since 2017, across two general and two local body elections.

Since then, Policy.nz has made it easy for New Zealanders to compare the parties and candidates vying for their ticks. Before each election, hundreds of thousands of voters have used the tool to inform their votes.

The tool is now live, offering non-partisan, trustworthy information about the parties and their policies.

06-09-2023, 03:34 PM
Saw Labour’s hoarding featuring Hipkins today with the message :

In It for Your Taxes $$$$!

Most appropriate, I thought.

06-09-2023, 03:47 PM
How is it that NZ is the only country in the Asia Pacific region that is in Recession ? ;)

Very telling of Robbo's hopeless Fiscal management :)

06-09-2023, 03:47 PM
I'm not a farmer myself, so I am not the best person to explain this to you. I would ask my son, but sadly, he is dealing with a very traumatic family situation today, so I won't be doing that.

Have a look here: https://www.groundswellnz.co.nz/

With an open mind if you can. Read everything. Then try and put yourself in the position of a farmer. Particularly a dairy farmer, because dairy farmers have been painted as the most evil of all farmers, and it has to stop.

You are wasting your time with the Labour shills like BS, JAK.

This Labour government has been demonising any NZer who takes risks, create jobs, uses initiatives, works hard and contributes to the economy - be them farmers, property owners, businessmen - the usual communism strategy of dividing people into different categories and classes to create envy, jealousy and odium to get votes.

06-09-2023, 03:48 PM
How is it that NZ is the only country in the Asia Pacific region that is in Recession ? ;)

Very telling of Robbo's hopeless Fiscal management :)

Robbo loves holes - keeps making them bigger and deeper.

It is in his DNA.

06-09-2023, 04:39 PM
Pretty apt description of those who voted for Ardern?

Excerpt : "The vague left, the swing left, the centre-yeah-that-seems-cool left who were dazzled by Labour’s fresh vision for NZ in 2017 and 2020. We were the engine that drove the current government to power. And who, in the years since, have been left out in the back garden to deflate like punctured pool toys. We’re the furious ones. We’re not voting for Chris Hipkins, simply because his Government will forever be our disappointing ex. The one who promised us everything, delivered nothing, and feels like they’ve just been ignoring our broken relationship for the last few years."


Proof that Hipkins is but another pathological liar like Ardern:


Hipkins - a despicable nasty piece of works.

Logen Ninefingers
06-09-2023, 05:03 PM
Another $900 million that this government had counted on but now won’t see.
In other news, Chipkins has announced $100 million for ‘agritech’….don’t worry, I’m sure it’s ‘all fully costed’ (= borrowed).



Carbon credit auction fails again, depriving Treasury of about $900 million

Tom Pullar-Strecker
14:12, Sep 06 2023

‘Businesses passed over buying more than 13 million carbon credits with a supposed market value of almost $900 million that were offered at a government auction on Wednesday.’

06-09-2023, 05:14 PM
Another $900 million that this government had counted on but now won’t see.
In other news, Chipkins has announced $100 million for ‘agritech’….don’t worry, I’m sure it’s ‘all fully costed’ (= borrowed).



Carbon credit auction fails again, depriving Treasury of about $900 million

Tom Pullar-Strecker
14:12, Sep 06 2023

‘Businesses passed over buying more than 13 million carbon credits with a supposed market value of almost $900 million that were offered at a government auction on Wednesday.’

$100m for agritech vs $3 billion for Winston's Slush Fund (PGF).

Shows glaringly where Hipkins and Ardern's priorities have been.

Pair of political shysters.

06-09-2023, 06:55 PM
I dunno about you guys but I watched Willie Jackson speak at the Tax Payer's Union debate in Christchurch. Then just about 2 hours ago I hear him spew his mind on Talk Radio ZB saying that Maori have an "Indigenous Right" in NZ but would not answer the basic question the host kept asking. He made it sound like the people of NZ owe it ALL to the Maori and this comes in the form of compensation !! He would say Maori have a higher level of rights than the rest of the NZ population but he made it clear we should be kissing their ass.

God I can't stand Willie Jackson. He's the true epitome of a Labour Party troll, out to aggravate the majority while refusing to accept that everyone should be judged on an equal basis.

06-09-2023, 07:40 PM
Unlike you Balance, I don’t label people for their political beliefs. I have a lot of respect for Blue Skies, and while I don’t share his views on everything, I try to be respectful. Sometimes I fail at that.

You are wasting your time with the Labour shills like BS, JAK.

06-09-2023, 08:03 PM
Unlike you Balance, I don’t label people for their political beliefs. I have a lot of respect for Blue Skies, and while I don’t share his views on everything, I try to be respectful. Sometimes I fail at that.

Good on you, JAK.

As I wrote before, be careful not to suffer fools - just be careful you are not being taken for a fool like Ardern & the Labour Party have taken many (dumb) voters for in the last 6 years.

06-09-2023, 08:19 PM

Prison term extended for 501 deportee Frank Fualema after guilty plea to explosives charge

A 501 deportee has had his existing prison sentence extended after pleading guilty to being in possession of high-powered explosives.

Papakura resident Frank Fualema, 26, was initially sentenced in May to one-and-a-half years’ imprisonment following a random attack on a couple in Auckland’s city centre.

During that hearing, Judge John McDonald mentioned a pending charge involving two sticks of gelignite, also known as jelly, and a detonation device that was found when police searched his home. He did not take the charge into consideration, though, because it was still pending.

Fualema pleaded guilty to the explosive charges a month later, and today Judge Kevin Phillips had to decide what total sentence his colleague might have imposed had the charge been considered earlier.

He decided the sentence would have been two years instead of 18 months, so during today’s brief hearing at Auckland District Court he ordered a six-month sentence to be served consecutively with the one Fualema is already serving.

“You did not give an explanation as to why you had them,” Judge Phillips noted today, noting that the explosives - often used for mining blasts - can be extremely volatile if stored in unsafe conditions.

Another of Ardern's & Labour's favoured migrants of privilege lands in the crap .. again ;)

How is it that almost everyone knew instantly that these deported scumbags would mostly be bad news.. that is aside from Labour's Beehive Incompetents and BS spinners .. ;)

06-09-2023, 08:48 PM
‘Criminals are also victims of crime’ - Ardern, Hipkins, Kelvin Davis & Labour government.

They are fools but the bigger fools are the ones who voted for them.

06-09-2023, 09:03 PM
‘Criminals are also victims of crime’ - Ardern, Hipkins, Kelvin Davis & Labour government.

Well, that's not working out so well is it. Tell us about the policy to reduce incarceration numbers by releasing the crims into the community, or not punishing them at all, and why we seem to have an explosion of criminal offending across all ages and offences.

Bloody beggars belief, in six short years we've gone from feeling safe in our communities to afraid to even leave our homes, that some low life is going to accost us, steal our stuff, or worse hurt or even murder us.

06-09-2023, 09:19 PM

Election 2023: Willie Jackson says David Seymour is Aotearoa’s most dangerous man

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson says in his opinion Act leader David Seymour - who he once described as a useless Māori - is the country’s most dangerous man, and if he gets into power will make life a misery for more than Māori.

Poor Willie .. how's the Parliamentary track record over past 6 years again ?

All sweet nothings much to write home about with prescribed large dallop of handwringing, BS and Hot Air
and a ton of polish to apply to the shiny dome for the odd appearances ?

Broadcasting a raving success or an unmitigated shambles and large failure .. like all else Labour have touched ? ;)

The standard of Broadcasting programming doesn't seem to have improved much over the period
for anyone across the lands, other than the 16% privileged splinter mob :)

How much wasted on failed Merger again ? ;) That went well - didn't it ? :)

Maybe Willie need some misery with the new day job to wake him up properly back in real world again ? .. No polishing likely needed for that though :)

Joe Public may be very happy to oblige on that and deliver up some finitem on the most clueless hopeless and Dangerous Govt of Incompetents ever seen across the lands ;)

Was Seymour was right after all ? He's not usually far off the mark .. ;)

Of course Willie wouldn't be making a complete Ar$e of himself now if what Seymour stated earlier
hadn't made some lasting impression, even if it got lost along the way as intended possible wake up call ;)

Maybe Willie has proven Seymour was right .. and on realising it and large landslide on the way - Willie got some bad diarrhea & hurty b*m now ? ;)

A shame that our Health System in bad shape now and Doctors don't want to know..

The bad news is that few can see any benefit or improvement for all Willes posturing and yoddling into the wind, leaving many wondering how many more jumped onboard the now foundering red submarine just for the free lunch, the ocassional leap in the air, the odd burp, fart & yoddle .. so they are seen still there relaxing in the deckchairs ;)

07-09-2023, 08:13 AM
Another day, another poll showing support for this useless & clueless racist & divisive Labour government crashing to a 6 year low of 26%, 10 points behind National.

National/ACT 36%/11% (47%)
Labour/Greens/Maori 26%/12%/3% (41%)
NZF 6%

At this rate, Labour will be lucky to have 20% on election day.

And to rub salt into Hipkins’ wounds, he is but 2 points only ahead of Luxon in the preferred PM stake!

Takes some kind of clown government and leader to be polling so badly after winning the 2020 election by a landslide - but we know this government is indeed a bunch of idiots and jackasses.

Arrogance and incompetence - thy name is Hipkins & Ardern.


07-09-2023, 08:28 AM
If you have a herald sub, this was an interesting opinion piece that sounds a lot like Balance, but more reasoned and less emotive.


But unfortunately, the ability to develop good policy - and successfully implement it - has been lacking for some time.

Since 2018, a lot of time and money has been spent on working groups that developed policy advice for the Government, only to have much of it discarded. It is hard to excuse this wasteful activity given the people on the groups were chosen by the government of the day and included former Labour luminaries like Sir Michael Cullen and Heather Simpson as chairs.

If a government doesn’t take advice from its own hand-picked former colleagues, after specifically asking them for it, what was the point?

The Tax Working Group, headed by Cullen, a former Labour Deputy PM and Minister of Finance, produced a very thorough and well-considered piece of advice. The group, or a majority of it, recommended “a broad extension of the taxation of capital gains” and backed it up with details on how that should be done.
It’s clear I’m not alone in thinking Labour’s promise to remove GST from fruit and vegetables is one of the worst bits of policy-making we have seen for some time. It flies in the face of all expert advice and contradicts earlier statements by both Hipkins and Finance Minister Grant Robertson that it’s a bad idea. The Tax Working Group had also recommended against removing GST from particular products because such measures are complex, poorly targeted and involve large compliance costs.
We need much better policy-making from whoever leads the next government. How good would it be to see policies that are underpinned by evidence and expert advice, clearly explained and thought all the way through to their successful implementation.
Kathy Spencer was a Deputy Director-General in the Ministry of Health, a general manager in ACC, and a tax manager in the Treasury.

If Michael Cullen hadn't wanted to stick it to the wealthy people and suggested a much less scary tax rate for the capital gains it might have got more traction. I think he suggested it was at the same rates as income tax but he needed to make it politically palatable. I wonder if a focus group poo pooed the idea. They are apparently running govt policy at the moment.

Labour sounding desperate to stay in power. I doubt they are putting all the effort in for us. "In it for us" ... yeah right. That is not to say that Chris Luxon and David Seymour aren't a couple of total bell ends who are only concerned about those earning over $180,000 a year. It makes choosing someone to vote for very hard.


07-09-2023, 08:45 AM
Now we have an "ED assault crisis" where the few medical workers we have left in this country don't feel safe to work at anymore


07-09-2023, 08:53 AM
Now we have an "ED assault crisis" where the few medical workers we have left in this country don't feel safe to work at ED's


What a damning indictment on what a lawless & violent country NZ has become - that those who are there to save lives (& bodies) are assaulted in their line of duty.

This is what happens when lawlessness is allowed to take hold in a country - thanks to the pro-criminal policies of Hipkins and Ardern.

One of the legacies of Ardern, the Queen of Woke for sure.

It is going to take a concentrated and tough approach by the new government to turn around the lawlessness out there for NZ to be a safe place again.

Meanwhile, this government continues on its woke ways :


Logen Ninefingers
07-09-2023, 09:54 AM
Another day, another vile ‘attack cartoon’ aimed at National on far left ‘news’ site Stuff. This time it’s Jim Hubbard joining the pile on, with an ugly swipe at Chris Bishop who has been drawn as a giant slobbering man-baby, complete with rattle and diaper and teddy bear. He is sitting in a puddle of his own urine. “Labour nasty, Labour nasty, Labour mean & nasty” gurgles the crying man-baby. Really sickening from the cowardly Hubbard: you can sense the media fear is almost palpable, with their Labour gravy-train set to come to an end in October.


Logen Ninefingers
07-09-2023, 10:14 AM

‘This election campaign has degenerated into a media circus with endless trivial claims and counter claims, many of them driven by the media. As a result, we, the long-suffering voters find ourselves dependent more and more on the integrity of the journalists who are reporting the parties’ policies.
Sadly, many aren’t doing the job. We know the Herald’s Simon Wilson of old. On Tuesday Professor Robert McCulloch in his Down to Earth Kiwi blog showed Wilson up once more, this time because of his attack on National’s tax figures. Wilson claimed Chris Luxon’s figures regarding the 15% levy on foreigners purchasing houses didn’t add up, when the real problem turned out to be Wilson’s own shaky sources. I hope Robert McCulloch doesn’t stop here: little of what Wilson thinks is journalism ever seems to pass muster. Several other Herald journalists also peddle their personal politics, although not as blatantly as Wilson. The others dress their stories up as reporting. Claire Trevett, Audrey Young, Michael Neilson and a couple of others slant their reporting towards the left. This isn’t surprising: a majority of reporters from time immemorial have been Labour supporters. Some, like Newsroom’s Jo Moir, just can’t help themselves. But they need to remember that in a tight campaign, slanted journalism can damage a perpetrator’s reputation for life.

The owners of the Herald, NZME, also need to exercise more care. They should have thought twice before letting the Council of Trade Unions, in the middle of a campaign, take over the front cover last Monday for a personal attack on a major political party’s leader. The Council of Trade Unions has a shady past, going back to the days of Fintan Patrick Walsh. Starting 83 years ago, the then FOL and its affiliates began playing games with the Labour Party, sending union bosses to its conferences armed with card votes and voting up or down on issues they’d never bothered to consult their membership about. The current Labour Government has over-empowered the unions once more, and until this is rectified the CTU are indulging in what resembles corrupt practices in defence of their newly-found privileges. The one thing we can be absolutely certain about is that the wider membership of trade unions, whom the CTU purports to represent, weren’t consulted before those front-page adverts. Shayne Currie and Murray Kirkness at the editorial level ought to have known that, and blown the whistle.

These days, of course, we get more of the news from television and radio than newspapers. Varying levels of professionalism are evident on the two main TV channels. Mike McRoberts and Simon Dallow are reliable performers, but TV3’s Amelia Wade shows her colours more than she should. Jack Tame does his job, but is more interested in avenues of attack than discovering the background to the issue. Despite its excessive, untranslated Maori verbiage, RNZ succeeds most of the time in straight reporting. Of course, blogs like this one, are a different matter. We don’t pretend to be unbiased, and nor do we charge for our stories. We don’t get money from the Public Interest Journalism Fund that Labour established in 2020, purportedly to assist media outlets adversely affected by Covid, but in reality, to exercise more control over the media. At the time the fund was created, many commentators smelled a rat and criticised newspapers for accepting what looked like a government bribe to journalists paid for by the taxpayer. The Herald’s editors haughtily dismissed those fears, but right now, in an election campaign, those assurances can be carefully scrutinised and, in several cases, have already been found wanting.

In a free country, journalists and the media in general need to be trusted to “speak truth to power” on their readers’ and viewers’ behalf. Prostrating themselves before Mammon, in the form of the Public Interest Journalism Fund, should be beneath them. Television and radio editors and communicators have considerable influence. They should use that power honestly. When interviewing, it isn’t necessary always to find fault with the interviewee. Teasing out a policy, its origin and its possible effect can be revealing. Constant negativity is the way our media succeed in blighting all politicians, giving the triennial election process in our lives a bad name. Why not leave trolling to social media?’

Logen Ninefingers
07-09-2023, 03:20 PM
‘Labour leader Chris Hipkins says he isn't worried about Labour reaching a new low, polling at just 26% in The Post Freshwater Strategy political poll, released this morning.

"That poll was taken a few weeks ago before the campaign had even launched," he said.

The poll isn't quite weeks old - it was taken just last week.’

07-09-2023, 05:42 PM
Oh dear, where is the "Disinformation Project" when you need them? Ardern's pet project seems to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to Labour telling fibs about National and Act.

Not a hint of an apology from the Chipster to the Nats either.


07-09-2023, 06:26 PM

Another poll - showing the same gloomy numbers for Labour but especially for Hipkins.

Luxon is going up as preferred PM while Hipkins is plummeting down.

What happened to the sausage rolls? Notice that he is not bothering to be seen with them any more? Must be so hard to swallow.

Guess that’s why Ginny ‘#4 police minister in one year’ Anderson has stopped calling and referring to Hipkins as Chippie as she did profusely & obsessively before?

07-09-2023, 06:30 PM

Another poll - showing the same gloomy numbers for Labour but especially for Hipkins.

Luxon is going up as preferred PM while Hipkins is plummeting down.

What happened to the sausage rolls? Notice that he is not bothering to be seen with them any more? Must be so hard to swallow.

Guess that’s why Ginny ‘#4 police minister in one year’ Anderson has stopped calling and referring to Hipkins as Chippie as she did profusely & obsessively before?

I'm still waiting for the "Disinformation Project" to clamp down on Labour's scurrilous aversion to the truth. Perhaps they don't bite the hand that feeds?

07-09-2023, 06:51 PM
I'm still waiting for the "Disinformation Project" to clamp down on Labour's scurrilous aversion to the truth. Perhaps they don't bite the hand that feeds?

Of course not. The Disinformation Project is a proxy for the PMO. While they didn't get direct funding from the PMO the criteria for an "independent organisation" was written such that it fitted the Disinformation Project

07-09-2023, 07:00 PM
Of course not. The Disinformation Project is a proxy for the PMO. While they didn't get direct funding from the PMO the criteria for an "independent organisation" was written such that it fitted the Disinformation Project

Perhaps Ministry of Propaganda would have been a more suitable name. Ardern's degree was in Communications wasn't it?

07-09-2023, 07:19 PM
Perhaps Ministry of Propaganda would have been a more suitable name. Ardern's degree was in Communications wasn't it?
I distinctly recall Arden around 2021 using the word propaganda as is as if it was a perfectly acceptable procedure. Never forget it.

07-09-2023, 07:24 PM
I distinctly recall Arden around 2021 using the word propaganda as is as if it was a perfectly acceptable procedure. Never forget it.

That would have been around the time of her acknowledging she had created two classes of citizen. What a piece of work.

07-09-2023, 07:34 PM
That would have been around the time of her acknowledging she had created two classes of citizen. What a piece of work.
Absolutely, at the time I could not believe what I heard, what I immediately understood was that she had zero perception that what she was saying was sinister.
For me it was a turning point.

07-09-2023, 07:48 PM
I intend to use my degree in communication, by getting a copy of Ardern's book Trainrex when released, and page by page using it the same way I use Purex!

Logen Ninefingers
07-09-2023, 08:30 PM

Labour removes false advertising over public transport for disabled people

RNZ reporter
18:56, Sep 07 2023

'Labour has been caught out claiming National would cut free public transport for disabled people, despite never providing that support in the first place.

The party has removed an attack ad from social media which warned that "National's tax plan cuts free public transport for disabled Kiwis" under a banner reading, "coalition of cuts".

But Total Mobility users are not - and were never made - eligible for free public transport.

They are also not eligible for the half-price public transport announced in the May Budget, despite that being wrongly claimed in Budget documents.

The main Budget document, on page 51, stated that half-price public transport would be provided to "everyone aged 13 to 24 and Total Mobility Passengers".

An accompanying media release stated the lower fares "for under 25s as well as Community Service Card holders and Total Mobility Users will help over 1.6 million Kiwis save money".

The government has now admitted that the lower fares do not apply to Total Mobility Users. They instead get up to a 75 percent discount on taxi and shuttle fares, made permanent in the Budget.

The error was first revealed by Stuff after the subsidies ended for the wider public and public transport users with disabilities noticed they were being charged the full price.

A National Party spokesperson told RNZ the party had no plans to scrap the Community Services half-price public transport support, nor the Total Mobility scheme.'

08-09-2023, 07:30 AM
Labour’s internal pollings confirm disastrous collapse in support - Hipkins a dead man walking.

The red rats are all getting to the lifeboats to abandon the sinking ship.

Where is Ardern?

The Queen red Rat was the first to jump & abandon ship!


“I’ve been told from within the Labour caucus that senior political staffers, even ministers are considering their next moves - they think it is over for Labour.

When your team starts jumping ship, it’s usually a sign the ship is sinking.

Chris Hipkins is increasingly sounding like Jacinda Ardern used to in her longer form interviews, saying a whole lot without saying much at all.”