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Logen Ninefingers
08-09-2023, 09:29 AM
A new anti-National ‘attack cartoon’ out today on Stuff from hard left cartoonist Sharon Murdoch -


08-09-2023, 11:52 AM
The most transparent government ever caught delaying & covering up information … again.


Prime Minister Chris Hipkins’ office has been ordered to apologise by the Chief Ombudsman for breaching the Official Information Act.

In a formal finding that has not been made public until now, Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has upheld a complaint by the Herald about a weeks-long delay in the release of government documents relating to the extreme flooding in Auckland earlier this year.

08-09-2023, 01:26 PM
Sean Plunkett, who hasn't been exactly receptive to anti-mandate views, gives his appraisal of "River of Freedom". I've only seen the trailer so can't really comment on its quality, but Plunkett says it is rightly damning of both government and media and that in time it will be seen as an important document of a time in our history.


08-09-2023, 03:44 PM
Sean Plunkett, who hasn't been exactly receptive to anti-mandate views, gives his appraisal of "River of Freedom". I've only seen the trailer so can't really comment on its quality, but Plunkett says it is rightly damning of both government and media and that in time it will be seen as an important document of a time in our history.


Did you expect anything else?
She is hardly neutral, in fact if you look in the neighboring rabbit hole you might find her.

Just a snippet of the caliber of this 'documentary' maker.


08-09-2023, 05:42 PM
Interesting to note that reporters observe that Chippy’s heart does not seem to be in the campaign.

He has knocked off for the afternoon in the last few days and when invited to discuss Labour’s policies on radio, has turned down the opportunity today.

Guess it must be tough as his rating keeps falling and he has run out of excuses. Does not help that his ministers are pre-occupied with spreading fake news about National then campaign on Labour’s track record.

Oh, I forgot - Labour has no track record to run on!!!! :scared:

And Chippy will be hearing the knives being sharpened by Robbo & Clark, the two who have had to swallow many dead rats courtesy of Chippy’s captain calls.

08-09-2023, 05:57 PM
Hippocritter is having trouble tieing down his loose cannons.

Silly Jackson is doing what he can to cause embarrassment, and Robbo gave him the cold shoulder last week.

Any more captains calls?

08-09-2023, 06:26 PM
So the work visa scam people are going to be put up in motels and get $220 each per week expenses, thanks to the NZ taxpayers.

I see.

What a great scam
The scamsters get paid thousands, the victims get a paid holiday, and the taxpayers, well they just suck it up, and feel kind.

And as for the 'work', who's doing that??

08-09-2023, 06:51 PM
Did you expect anything else?
She is hardly neutral, in fact if you look in the neighboring rabbit hole you might find her.

Just a snippet of the caliber of this 'documentary' maker.


The Fascist Labour Party: forcing "medicines" to be injected into people. "Not your body, Not your choice."

08-09-2023, 07:07 PM
So the work visa scam people are going to be put up in motels and get $220 each per week expenses, thanks to the NZ taxpayers.

I see.

What a great scam
The scamsters get paid thousands, the victims get a paid holiday, and the taxpayers, well they just suck it up, and feel kind.

And as for the 'work', who's doing that??

Another fxxked up by the master of fxxked ups, Andrew Little.

This is beyond incompetence - it is reckless, careless and immoral.

And what has Little been doing? Busy posting fake news and misinformation about National in social media.

Excerpt from RNZ : “ Senior MP Andrew Little was also asked to remove a Facebook post after making the hyperbolic claim that National and ACT would "flog off the schools and sack all the teachers".

A newsletter sent by Labour's Christchurch central candidate Duncan Webb also claimed Matariki would be abolished and 10-days sick leave was at risk - but National has committed to keep both.”



08-09-2023, 07:09 PM
Balance, I don't wanna put words in your mouth, but I take it you're not voting Labour at the election?

08-09-2023, 07:10 PM
Balance, I don't wanna put words in your mouth, but I take it you're not voting Labour at the election?

Just you try & stop me! :D

08-09-2023, 08:20 PM
Another fxxked up by the master of fxxked ups, Andrew Little.

This is beyond incompetence - it is reckless, careless and immoral.

It beggars belief that for so many years, Labour leaders have failed to see that everything Do Little has touched has turned into a pile of excrement. Even before that.

Remind us Balance, from the disgraceful abhorrent Pike River to today, the litany of screw ups that Do Little has orchestrated.

It is truely appalling, if it wasn't legal for union leaders and politicians to seriously feck this country and it's people, they'd be behind bars!

Logen Ninefingers
08-09-2023, 08:54 PM

As the week has progressed so have Labour’s false claims

By Barry Soper
8 Sep, 2023 07:21 PM

'They’ve been out on the hustings for a week now and there are a couple of things that have stuck in my craw.

As the week’s progressed so have the porkies, coming from the self-proclaimed most kind, transparent Government we have ever experienced. Labour cares about wellbeing and it’s become apparent that applies only to themselves in their desperation to retain the baubles of office.

It seems they’re willing to say anything that will keep the centre right wolves from their door, like Willie Jackson screaming in a debate that National’s planning to get rid of the minimum wage, which was clearly wrong and dismissed by his political betters.

And then we had Andrew Little, the leader who handed the reins over to Jacinda Ardern, telling anyone who was silly enough to listen, that National and Act were going to sack all the teachers and close the schools - preposterous.

If that wasn’t bad enough, we had Labour’s Shanan Halbert telling his Facebook followers that National planned to reduce sick days to five a year which was again simply untrue.

Is there any wonder then why Labour’s now languishing in the psychological opinion poll vortex?

The media have reason to be reflecting on the high dudgeon expressed in some quarters about the email correspondence between National’s health spokesman, Shane Reti, and the Vice-Chancellor of Waikato University, Neil Quigley, over a third medical school.

We were told Quigley went to considerable lengths to help National develop its policy to establish the school. He even made the observation to Reti that the new school, scheduled to take its first students in 2027, could be a present for National to begin its second term in Government.

Now that was seen by some quarters in the media as some sort of clandestine, sinister cuddle-up between professors and power.

What it was in fact was the chief executive of an academic institution, rightly lobbying a politician to extend the university’s offering.

And why not? National had been in talks with Waikato University a year before Ardern limped to power only to see the idea canned by her government the year after she had settled into the Prime Minister’s chair.

With the idea being resurrected, why wouldn’t the university boss embrace it? There were suggestions our universities should be politically impartial which defies any sort of logic.

All of them have political studies professors who are always expressing their views, without fear or favour, and no one has a problem with that.'

08-09-2023, 09:20 PM

As the week has progressed so have Labour’s false claims

By Barry Soper
8 Sep, 2023 07:21 PM

'They’ve been out on the hustings for a week now and there are a couple of things that have stuck in my craw.

As the week’s progressed so have the porkies, coming from the self-proclaimed most kind, transparent Government we have ever experienced. Labour cares about wellbeing and it’s become apparent that applies only to themselves in their desperation to retain the baubles of office.

It seems they’re willing to say anything that will keep the centre right wolves from their door, like Willie Jackson screaming in a debate that National’s planning to get rid of the minimum wage, which was clearly wrong and dismissed by his political betters.

And then we had Andrew Little, the leader who handed the reins over to Jacinda Ardern, telling anyone who was silly enough to listen, that National and Act were going to sack all the teachers and close the schools - preposterous.

If that wasn’t bad enough, we had Labour’s Shanan Halbert telling his Facebook followers that National planned to reduce sick days to five a year which was again simply untrue.

Is there any wonder then why Labour’s now languishing in the psychological opinion poll vortex?

The media have reason to be reflecting on the high dudgeon expressed in some quarters about the email correspondence between National’s health spokesman, Shane Reti, and the Vice-Chancellor of Waikato University, Neil Quigley, over a third medical school.

We were told Quigley went to considerable lengths to help National develop its policy to establish the school. He even made the observation to Reti that the new school, scheduled to take its first students in 2027, could be a present for National to begin its second term in Government.

Now that was seen by some quarters in the media as some sort of clandestine, sinister cuddle-up between professors and power.

What it was in fact was the chief executive of an academic institution, rightly lobbying a politician to extend the university’s offering.

And why not? National had been in talks with Waikato University a year before Ardern limped to power only to see the idea canned by her government the year after she had settled into the Prime Minister’s chair.

With the idea being resurrected, why wouldn’t the university boss embrace it? There were suggestions our universities should be politically impartial which defies any sort of logic.

All of them have political studies professors who are always expressing their views, without fear or favour, and no one has a problem with that.'

Thoroughly disgusting how low Labour is stooping to, spreading lies and misinformation to try & retain power.

If ever there was any doubt as to the sort of characters Hipkins and the senior Labour MPs/ministers are, their recent behaviour should now leave no one who is decent and truly care about NZ, in any doubt.

Desperation can bring out the best in some but the absolute worse in others - we now see how truly grubby, deceitful and vindictive Labour MPs are.


fungus pudding
09-09-2023, 09:20 AM
Balance, I don't wanna put words in your mouth, but I take it you're not voting Labour at the election?
Of course he's not. Nobody wants to be 'the odd man out '

09-09-2023, 09:41 AM
So much hypocrisy in this thread. Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on, all the main parties are doing the same thing with their campaigning. Making promises without providing the proof that their "calculations" are correct. They are basing their campaigns on attempting to convince you that the current government is ****e, instead of working to convince you of why they deserve your vote. They are all tarred with the same brush in this respect, but of course, the "ranting and raving brigade" here, are incapable of even seeing that.

So much time and energy wasted on the politicians part, and so much time and energy wasted on the voters' part. Why the hell can't we all just cut the crap. It is no freaking wonder that voters get turned off at election time, especially this time round. Go read public comments on social media and other public platforms. Many, many people are expressing the same sentiment - "I don't need you to tell me what's wrong with Labour. I can see that for myself. I need you to tell me why you deserve MY vote." So many people have already thrown the towel in and have decided not to vote - even some people here have indicated that. Its not apathy. It is sheer frustration and tiredness, which the pointless political sparring is contributing to. Most of it is nothing more than "noise" - and we, as investors, know all about the "noise."

09-09-2023, 09:49 AM
Has anyone set up a poll on this site for 'Which party will you vote for with your LIST vote?'

09-09-2023, 09:57 AM
So much hypocrisy in this thread. Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on, all the main parties are doing the same thing with their campaigning. Making promises without providing the proof that their "calculations" are correct. They are basing their campaigns on attempting to convince you that the current government is ****e, instead of working to convince you of why they deserve your vote. They are all tarred with the same brush in this respect, but of course, the "ranting and raving brigade" here, are incapable of even seeing that.

So much time and energy wasted on the politicians part, and so much time and energy wasted on the voters' part. Why the hell can't we all just cut the crap. It is no freaking wonder that voters get turned off at election time, especially this time round. Go read public comments on social media and other public platforms. Many, many people are expressing the same sentiment - "I don't need you to tell me what's wrong with Labour. I can see that for myself. I need you to tell me why you deserve MY vote." So many people have already thrown the towel in and have decided not to vote - even some people here have indicated that. Its not apathy. It is sheer frustration and tiredness, which the pointless political sparring is contributing to. Most of it is nothing more than "noise" - and we, as investors, know all about the "noise."

I've lost you here JAK. "all the main parties are "trying to convince you that the current Government is ****e"
When you say "main parties", I assume you include Labour and the Greens/Reds ? Are you saying they're trying to convince us the current Government is ****e ?

09-09-2023, 10:12 AM
Has anyone set up a poll on this site for 'Which party will you vote for with your LIST vote?'

And can polls be anonymous ?

09-09-2023, 10:20 AM
Yes, by all the main parties, I mean Nat, Lab, ACT, The Greens.

I am saying, they don't need to waste time and energy attempting to convince us that Labour has let us down. We can figure it out for ourselves. Very similar to this place actually.

It is time that political parties just cut the crap, and ran their campaigns based solely on their merits. There is literally no need for National, for example, to even mention Labour's name. Spend that time, telling us what you stand for, what your philosophies are, what your plans for NZ are, and convince us that you have what it takes to put your plans into action. Give us the detail, not just the flowery "carrot" stuff. Present your case so well, that there is nothing left for a reporter to ask you, because you're dotted the I's and crossed the T's from day one. Don't base your sales pitch on trashing the opposition, because it is not necessary! If I go to buy a car, the salesperson is going to do his damnedest to sell me a car on his lot - he's not going to waste his time telling me, the car sales down the road's cars are inferior. Sell me on what you have got to offer me.

Yeah, I realise this is "whacko" thinking but I'll tell you what. Parties would gain way more credibility, and trust, from potential voters, if they did things differently. Voters would get the info they needed without all the background "noise" and would stay engaged. Isn't that what parties want?

NZ sucks at thinking outside the square.

I've lost you here JAK. "all the main parties are "trying to convince you that the current Government is ****e"
When you say "main parties", I assume you include Labour and the Greens/Reds ? Are you saying they're trying to convince us the current Government is ****e ?

Logen Ninefingers
09-09-2023, 11:57 AM
Yes, by all the main parties, I mean Nat, Lab, ACT, The Greens.

I am saying, they don't need to waste time and energy attempting to convince us that Labour has let us down. We can figure it out for ourselves. Very similar to this place actually.

It is time that political parties just cut the crap, and ran their campaigns based solely on their merits. There is literally no need for National, for example, to even mention Labour's name. Spend that time, telling us what you stand for, what your philosophies are, what your plans for NZ are, and convince us that you have what it takes to put your plans into action. Give us the detail, not just the flowery "carrot" stuff. Present your case so well, that there is nothing left for a reporter to ask you, because you're dotted the I's and crossed the T's from day one. Don't base your sales pitch on trashing the opposition, because it is not necessary! If I go to buy a car, the salesperson is going to do his damnedest to sell me a car on his lot - he's not going to waste his time telling me, the car sales down the road's cars are inferior. Sell me on what you have got to offer me.

Yeah, I realise this is "whacko" thinking but I'll tell you what. Parties would gain way more credibility, and trust, from potential voters, if they did things differently. Voters would get the info they needed without all the background "noise" and would stay engaged. Isn't that what parties want?

NZ sucks at thinking outside the square.

You think National have spent all their time going on about Labour? I don’t. I think they’ve been forced into talking about Labour more than they want to because of the myriad of lies that Labour has been telling & because of things like full page front-page attack ads in the New Zealand Herald.
You have clearly got an axe to grind with both major parties, and your skewed perception is that both are vigorously attacking each other rather than announcing any policy, which is a rather strange take. When National do announce new policy such as a potential new ‘great walk’ for the paltry sum of $14 million, you have a monumental whinge about it.
In your world everyone else is stupid, and you are smart and ‘responsible’. You’ve definitely got tickets on yourself, yet it’s hard to understand where you are coming from. You have no idea who to vote for, so clearly nobody really appeals to you despite the swathes of policy that has been released by all parties. Your main play at this stage seems to be to vote for cunning ‘bauble getter’ Winston First - not because you like what he stands for but solely because he could be a hand-brake on others.

09-09-2023, 12:08 PM
I am as entitled as you are, to express my opinions. The fact that you are incapable of comprehending what I am saying, is your issue, not mine. I think I have been very transparent and clear during these "discussions" but the fact that you think I'm voting for Winston, just demonstrates your reading comprehension level.

You can join your buddy on my ignore list. I have zero interest in continuing to try to explain myself to you.

You think National have spent all their time going on about Labour? I don’t. I think they’ve been forced into talking about Labour more than they want to because of the myriad of lies that Labour has been telling & because of things like full page front-page attack ads in the New Zealand Herald.
You have clearly got an axe to grind with both major parties, and your skewed perception is that both are vigorously attacking each other rather than announcing any policy, which is a rather strange take. When National do announce new policy such as a potential new ‘great walk’ for the paltry sum of $14 million, you have a monumental whinge about it.
In your world everyone else is stupid, and you are smart and ‘responsible’. You’ve definitely got tickets on yourself, yet it’s hard to understand where you are coming from. You have no idea who to vote for, so clearly nobody really appeals to you despite the swathes of policy that has been released by all parties. Your main play at this stage seems to be to vote for cunning ‘bauble getter’ Winston First - not because you like what he stands for but solely because he could be a hand-brake on others.

09-09-2023, 12:26 PM
You can join your buddy on my ignore list. I have zero interest in continuing to try to explain myself to you.

You leftists are always blocking or trying to censor opinions.

09-09-2023, 12:52 PM
I give up. You are another one who clearly has reading comprehension deficits. Go back and read all my freaking posts. Then read them again. Then come back and tell me I’m a leftist. Unbelievable.

You leftists are always blocking or trying to censor opinions.

09-09-2023, 01:00 PM
I give up. You are another one who clearly has reading comprehension deficits. Go back and read all my freaking posts. Then read them again. Then come back and tell me I’m a leftist. Unbelievable.

I apologize. Question: why aren't you voting Act? Or NZF?

Edit: If you don't like the major parties.

Edit the second: No political party can anyone support 100% of their policies. It's just the party who has the most you like. That's how I see it.

09-09-2023, 01:11 PM
Go back and read all my freaking posts.

Just on this, I have read what you've written. I think you're being unrealistic as to how elections work. It appears you're exasperated with politicians and politics - but we all are lol........ Most just figure out either to not vote or to vote for who they like the most (or dislike the least).

09-09-2023, 01:17 PM
on my ignore list

Maybe unblock Logen Ninefingers? Up to you, of course, but I just dislike the blocking that goes on, it ruins the site.

09-09-2023, 01:20 PM
Repost from another thread:


Thank you pointing this out, without being disrespectful, accusatory, or treating me like a moron. Some here should take a leaf from your book.

justakiwi, vote for the party you like best. If that's NZF, vote for them. Someone else telling you it's a wasted vote is not really how it's supposed to work.

09-09-2023, 01:23 PM
This is precisely the point I've been making (for myself, and my situation).

I don't like any of them "the most" - I have given serious consideration to all (except the Greens and Labour). ACT and NZF both have some policies/philosophies that I do not agree with or support. Am I supposed to just ignore that, and vote for them anyway, simply to ensure Labour doesn't win? That is exactly what people here are suggesting I do, but I am not willing to compromise my own principles and values to do that.

I absolutely hate that I find myself in this position, and I can genuinely understand why many people (intelligent people who have never before not voted) are now seriously considering not voting this time. Maybe that is their way of being true to themselves and refusing to compromise their values and principles? I am pretty damned sure they are not making this decision out of apathy.

I don't even know why I keep involving myself in these discussions. They are pointless and achieve nothing. October 14th will come and go, and whatever will be will be. And in 12 months, 24 months, 36 months - we will be back here, doing this all over again. Forever.

I apologize. Question: why aren't you voting Act? Or NZF?

Edit: If you don't like the major parties.

Edit the second: No political party can anyone support 100% of their policies. It's just the party who has the most you like. That's how I see it.

09-09-2023, 01:28 PM
This is precisely the point I've been making (for myself, and my situation).

I don't like any of them "the most" - I have given serious consideration to all (except the Greens and Labour). ACT and NZF both have some policies/philosophies that I do not agree with or support. Am I supposed to just ignore that, and vote for them anyway, simply to ensure Labour doesn't win? That is exactly what people here are suggesting I do, but I am not willing to compromise my own principles and values to do that.

I absolutely hate that I find myself in this position, and I can genuinely understand why many people (intelligent people who have never before not voted) are now seriously considering not voting this time. Maybe that is their way of being true to themselves and refusing to compromise their values and principles? I am pretty damned sure they are not making this decision out of apathy.

I don't even know why I keep involving myself in these discussions. They are pointless and achieve nothing. October 14th will come and go, and whatever will be will be. And in 12 months, 24 months, 36 months - we will be back here, doing this all over again. Forever.

Do this (I do):
* Weigh each policy for each party in some manner, and vote for the party who does best
* If no party reaches a 50% threshold (50% threshold = whereby you agree with at least 50% of their [weighted] policies) then don't vote

Note: there is nothing wrong with not voting; it's a form of "protest vote".

09-09-2023, 01:31 PM
I don't even know why I keep involving myself in these discussions. They are pointless and achieve nothing. October 14th will come and go, and whatever will be will be. And in 12 months, 24 months, 36 months - we will be back here, doing this all over again. Forever.

Chin up! A famous quote:

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."--Winston Churchill, 1947

09-09-2023, 01:33 PM
No it doesn't. When used wisely, it saves a hell of a lot of stress.

Maybe unblock Logen Ninefingers? Up to you, of course, but I just dislike the blocking that goes on, it ruins the site.

09-09-2023, 01:40 PM
No it doesn't. When used wisely, it saves a hell of a lot of stress.

The issue as I see it is that there are many threads on this site, and someone you block in one of them might have a good viewpoint in another which you will then not see. But completely up to you. :-)

09-09-2023, 01:54 PM
Give this a bash if you haven’t already - https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/nz2023

09-09-2023, 02:05 PM
Give this a bash if you haven’t already - https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/nz2023

Is it open source? Because if not, any bias (deliberate or not) in creating the end result will not be known.

09-09-2023, 02:05 PM
It's an interesting discussion that's emerging here.

My opinion is that if you wish to dislodge a government, settle for voting for the party you dislike the least.

If you abstain, you are letting others make that choice for you, and you may not like it.

09-09-2023, 02:07 PM
Interesting. Thanks.

Give this a bash if you haven’t already - https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/nz2023

09-09-2023, 02:09 PM
My opinion is that if you wish to dislodge a government, settle for voting for the party you dislike the least. If you abstain, you are letting others make that choice for you, and you may not like it.

That's a very good point.

09-09-2023, 02:18 PM
Interesting. Thanks.
Here's another that's worth a look

fungus pudding
09-09-2023, 02:29 PM
It's an interesting discussion that's emerging here.

My opinion is that if you wish to dislodge a government, settle for voting for the party you dislike the least.

Yes. Use your vote strategically against the party you think will do the most harm

09-09-2023, 02:42 PM
Yes. Use your vote strategically against the party you think will do the most harm
This is important. In this election, your vote is as much about damage limitation.

Logen Ninefingers
09-09-2023, 03:26 PM
JAK continues the endless navel-gazing, and when called out on it - responds by saying that others have comprehension problems. Never have I witnessed a person agonise over the casting of their vote to this degree.

09-09-2023, 04:24 PM
Give this a bash if you haven’t already - https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/nz2023

Thanks for posting, that was an interesting and useful exercise.

09-09-2023, 04:54 PM
I spend a lot of time interfacing with the lower socio economic population.

More often than not these days, they can not find it within themselves to express any gratitude for services received.

It's as if it's owed to them, even though they have never made any contribution towards it.
Their lifestyles are wasteful.
A huge amount of charity and taxpayers money goes their way.

They breed at a rate 3 times of others.

Meanwhile, the likes of Labour actively conspire to tax the toilers and innovators of the country even more to throw extra money at the unproductive sector.


Well if having multi cars, Sky TV, large pit bulls and even larger takeaway expenses is poverty, then these people are very poor!

If you work for your money, and have exercised some thrift, and provided for your future, then you need to make it clear to Labour and the Greens you have had enough of their theft.

Logen Ninefingers
09-09-2023, 05:39 PM
No prisons by 2040. The Te Pati Maori plan is to do ‘tikanga’ justice. Under the new system a murderer could be back on the streets hunting for fresh victims before you can say Bob’s your aunties live-in lover.

Nothing scary about LABGREETEPATI aye folks…..(?)



‘Te Pāti Māori is challenging Labour to abolish prisons by 2040 and introduce a tikanga-based justice system to address the purported enormous inequities facing this country’s ‘indigenous’ peoples.

Co-leader Rawiri Waititi launched what he called a “revolutionary plan to reform the justice system in Aotearoa” that would tackle the purported institutional racism that has purportedly “traumatised and failed Māori communities at every level”.

Under Labour the incarceration rate has dropped dramatically, peaking in 2018 at 213 people per 100,000 and close to the highest rate in the OECD to now 149 per 100,000. It is part of an overall goal to reduce the prison population 30 per cent on 2017 levels by 2033.

The Government has also introduced a range of measures to reduce purported inequity between Māori and non-Māori, including the five-year strategy Hōkai Rangi.

However, while for Māori the incarceration rate has dropped as well, Māori are still imprisoned at over seven times the rate of non-Māori.

Waititi said reforming the justice system was purportedly about upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

“We are asserting our tino rangatiratanga to oversee our own tikanga-based models of restorative justice.”

The justice policy includes establishing a Māori Justice Authority, creating a parallel Māori justice system based on tikanga and self-governance, and laying a pathway to abolish prisons in Aotearoa by 2040.’

09-09-2023, 05:43 PM
I spend a lot of time interfacing with the lower socio economic population.

More often than not these days, they can not find it within themselves to express any gratitude for services received.

It's as if it's owed to them, even though they have never made any contribution towards it.
Their lifestyles are wasteful.
A huge amount of charity and taxpayers money goes their way.

They breed at a rate 3 times of others.

Meanwhile, the likes of Labour actively conspire to tax the toilers and innovators of the country even more to throw extra money at the unproductive sector.


Well if having multi cars, Sky TV, large pit bulls and even larger takeaway expenses is poverty, then these people are very poor!

If you work for your money, and have exercised some thrift, and provided for your future, then you need to make it clear to Labour and the Greens you have had enough of their theft.

There's a problem with this statement and that is, when the productive members of society choose to leave NZ for another country, then you must face the problem that the unproductive, become a higher proportion to voting for the Labour Party. What NZ needs is more of the productive migrants but most of the migrants that do not make it to Australia, Canada, or the US, end up in NZ and quite often, they're more likely to vote the left leaning party.

It all boils down to the level of education we have, if the 'general population' is intelligent enough to understand that socialism drains the productivity of the country. But none of our schools in the highschool level teach about politics.

Logen Ninefingers
09-09-2023, 06:05 PM
There's a problem with this statement and that is, when the productive members of society choose to leave NZ for another country, then you must face the problem that the unproductive, become a higher proportion to voting for the Labour Party. What NZ needs is more of the productive migrants but most of the migrants that do not make it to Australia, Canada, or the US, end up in NZ and quite often, they're more likely to vote the left leaning party.

It all boils down to the level of education we have, if the 'general population' is intelligent enough to understand that socialism drains the productivity of the country. But none of our schools in the highschool level teach about politics.

Socialists (Progressives) don’t like our society, they want it to be ‘fair’ according to their definition of what fair is. Society must be destroyed in order to be rebuilt the way they want it to be. Labour, the Greens, and Te Pati Maori all have different ideas on how society must be radically changed, but they agree that it must be radically changed. Yes, this will end up driving people out of the country those people with the means to escape. If you are an impoverished migrant from a poor country you will stick around in the *new* Aotearoa New Zealand because it is still better than where you have come from. But the trend will be a decline in New Zealand’s living standards, and it will be a dramatic one if LABGREETEPATI gain power.

09-09-2023, 06:22 PM
Recent migrants have been referred to in the above posts. But most of the people l'm referring to have been here somewhat longer.

Third generation beneficiaries, gang members etc.
All able bodied, and many with the punch bag hanging out the back, not to relieve their tensions, but to practice beating the crap out of more genteel folk.

Work exists for them, but that is that filthy 4 letter word ending in k.

09-09-2023, 06:36 PM
No prisons by 2040. The Te Pati Maori plan is to do ‘tikanga’ justice. Under the new system a murderer could be back on the streets hunting for fresh victims before you can say Bob’s your aunties live-in lover.

TPM trying their best at comedy.

If you don't do crime you won't end up in prison (NZ gives many rights to prisoners incl voting and almost no innocent people are in there).

I've been reading up on El Salvador's mega prisons and it certainly has seen short-term success esp when you target the source of the crime outside the prison (ie gang membership). Tough on crime can also be a disaster like in the US as they don't deal effectively with fundamental drivers like organised crime and poverty.

Logen Ninefingers
09-09-2023, 06:40 PM
TPM trying their best at comedy.

If you don't do crime you won't end up in prison (NZ gives many rights to prisoners incl voting and almost no innocent people are in there).

Well at one stage incarcerated criminals weren’t allowed to vote, but Labour were keen to ensure all their supporters get a vote so they overturned the law.

09-09-2023, 08:12 PM
No prisons by 2040. The Te Pati Maori plan is to do ‘tikanga’ justice. Under the new system a murderer could be back on the streets hunting for fresh victims before you can say Bob’s your aunties live-in lover.

Nothing scary about LABGREETEPATI aye folks…..(?)



‘Te Pāti Māori is challenging Labour to abolish prisons by 2040 and introduce a tikanga-based justice system to address the purported enormous inequities facing this country’s ‘indigenous’ peoples.

Co-leader Rawiri Waititi launched what he called a “revolutionary plan to reform the justice system in Aotearoa” that would tackle the purported institutional racism that has purportedly “traumatised and failed Māori communities at every level”.

Under Labour the incarceration rate has dropped dramatically, peaking in 2018 at 213 people per 100,000 and close to the highest rate in the OECD to now 149 per 100,000. It is part of an overall goal to reduce the prison population 30 per cent on 2017 levels by 2033.

The Government has also introduced a range of measures to reduce purported inequity between Māori and non-Māori, including the five-year strategy Hōkai Rangi.

However, while for Māori the incarceration rate has dropped as well, Māori are still imprisoned at over seven times the rate of non-Māori.

Waititi said reforming the justice system was purportedly about upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

“We are asserting our tino rangatiratanga to oversee our own tikanga-based models of restorative justice.”

The justice policy includes establishing a Māori Justice Authority, creating a parallel Māori justice system based on tikanga and self-governance, and laying a pathway to abolish prisons in Aotearoa by 2040.’

Hard to believe this. Fortunately even if a labour coalition got voted in they’ve ruled this out.

09-09-2023, 08:20 PM
Hard to believe this. Fortunately even if a labour coalition got voted in they’ve ruled this out.
Nothing fortunate for anyone should that scenario materialize.

09-09-2023, 08:41 PM
Nothing fortunate for anyone should that scenario materialize.

The stats in that article are truly alarming, but the proposed responses to it by the Maori party are beyond belief. Basically, they're saying just let the crims out of jail, or don't put them in jail in the first place, then get rid of the jails altogether! WTF, of which most of them (as a %) are Maori.

No wonder people, normal good Kiwi's are upset and concerned, with criminal stats like these, the conclusions of who's behind it are unavoidable, yet the Maori party reckon they are special and above the law?

I think we do in fact have apartheid in New Zealand, I never thought I would ever see it, but there it is, in your face Maori versus everyone else. I don't think this Maori party speaks for all Maori, my experience is quite the opposite. They seem to be far right Maori radicals, not actually speaking for all Maori, even detracting from them.

Logen Ninefingers
09-09-2023, 09:10 PM
Hard to believe this. Fortunately even if a labour coalition got voted in they’ve ruled this out.

How can Labour rule it out if Te Pati Maori rule it in? The CTU want their parliamentary political wing running the country, I think they’d agree to anything to stay in power.

09-09-2023, 09:49 PM
I wonder if Debbie Packer & Rawiri would like to live in the same street as one of their restorative justice scholars..

Or would only working class maori have to be subjected to that.

Logen Ninefingers
10-09-2023, 02:02 PM
I wonder if Debbie Packer & Rawiri would like to live in the same street as one of their restorative justice scholars..

Or would only working class maori have to be subjected to that.

One of the main reasons why people will be voting for the centre-right rather than Labour is because a vote for Labour is a vote to bring the dangerous radicals in Te Pati Maori into the government, which must be stopped at all costs.

Your personal messiah Chipkins was revealed as a dirty liar when he said that Te Pati Maori are still the same party of Turia and Sharples, and that all that has changed is that National has become ‘hostile’ towards them. The policies of this Te Pati Maori outfit are diametrically different to the moderate ‘Maori Party’ of Turia and Sharples. Chipkins would do a deal with the Devil himself if it meant he could be allowed to continue to rule this country on behalf of the CTU, and many people can see this in the way he has conducted this campaign. IMO, he is a thoroughly nasty piece of work with totalitarian instincts.

Logen Ninefingers
10-09-2023, 02:07 PM
More wasteful and quite bizarre spending from Labour. Labour do not give a stuff about the vast majority of people in this country, they only care about ‘scorched earthed’ politics & forcing their opponents to swallow dead rats. They have proven themselves to be dangerous marxist wreckers.



‘In one of the clearest displays of optimism (gross stupidity), ‘Auckland Light Rail’ has contracted to buy the prominent Kiwi Bacon Building for $33 million, even though National has promised to scrap plans if elected next month.‘

Logen Ninefingers
10-09-2023, 02:10 PM
Remember the Labourite howling about Nationals ‘pledge card’? Well now the quite pathetic and juvenile Chipkins has launched one of his own….


‘Labour leader Chris Hipkins has started a “pledge card” battle with National, unveiling his party’s own list of priorities he will achieve in his first term if he is elected Prime Minister.

It comes after National did the same just over a week ago during its campaign launch with eight key priorities - Hipkins unveiled nine, all policies that have already been announced, while also pointing out it was actually Labour that originally came up with the “pledge card” concept.’

10-09-2023, 02:39 PM
Well at least it isn't vague like "We will bring down inflation"....

They seem to be actual pledges instead of "we'll keep Labour's winter energy payment because otherwise we'll lose too many votes".

Logen Ninefingers
10-09-2023, 02:58 PM
Well at least it isn't vague like "We will bring down inflation"....

And are actual pledges instead of "we'll keep Labour's winter energy payment because otherwise we'll lose too many votes".

I’m not going to get into a pitiful tit-for-tat debate with you on the merits of ‘whose pledge card is better’. You seem to have a whingeing ‘poor Labour never done nuffing wrong’ mentality of late, as if you just can’t accept the reasons for Labours dwindling support. It’s got nothing to do with tax cuts and everything to do with the fact that the majority no longer trust your beloved Labour Party.

10-09-2023, 04:35 PM
China is a mess. Xi won't stimulate consumer demand because it leads to "western values" and leaves the G20 in a huff.

The next govt will have to deal with an NZ economy that is flat due to our China dependence with a less sane and reliable trading partner. NZ needs to find other baskets, rather than asking them to build our roads for instance.

Logen Ninefingers
10-09-2023, 08:48 PM
China is a mess. Xi won't stimulate consumer demand because it leads to "western values" and leaves the G20 in a huff.

The next govt will have to deal with an NZ economy that is relatively flat due to our China dependence with a less sane and reliable trading partner. NZ needs to find other baskets rather than asking them to build our roads.

Easy to talk of finding 'other baskets', but much harder to do in practice. New Zealand doesn't do hard graft like building the kind of energised and entreprenerial economy that could fund a transformational 'welfare state' (for want of a better word) of the kind that the Scandinavian countries enjoy. There they have universally high private sector incomes that fund a truly remarkable suite of benefits for all the populace. They embrace the best of both right and left: hard work & social cohesion with a dash of rugged individualism. Here we just flatter ourselves over our place in the world, imagining everyone looks on admiringly over such inconsequential guff as a 'nuclear free stance' and 'the Christchurch call'. We are lazy vaguely-lefty virtue signallers who tinker with the names of government departments while adopting a 'post-work' mentality*. We'll slowly go broke imagining we are 'world leaders' that the likes of China and Europe are paying close attention to. They aren't.

*A mentality you yourself have admitted to.

11-09-2023, 08:14 AM
Thinking of 3 more years under this completely inept Labour government on Big Announcements?

Here is what to expect :

$100m more allocated to Mental Healthcare in addition to the $1.9 billion announced by Andrew Little - yet not one single additional acute bed added in 5 years+ under Labour.

And the result is tragic for mental health patients :


“A young man receiving care at a North Shore mental health unit took his own life after a series of failures by health authorities that culminated in a second man committing suicide at the same facility days later.

Willcox his family had been deeply impacted by the tragedy. And despite multiple reviews, he felt nothing had changed since his son’s death.”


“ …. billions of dollars in mental health funding is going down the drain, with exclusive figures provided to Newshub showing New Zealand currently has 608 beds for acute patients - the exact same number as five years ago when Labour came into Government.”

“Little said the $100 million for acute mental health services was on top of the $1.9 billion allocated in 2019.”

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 09:28 AM
A couple of important articles below. The government and Reserve Bank are preparing to defend the NZD in case the bottom drops out of it. The government has given the Reserve Bank funds to build a foreign currency war chest, and indeed the Reserve Bank has been quietly selling NZD in order to build this war chest (they sold $4 billion of NZD in July!)
This foreign currency war chest will be deployed to buy back NZD in case it starts rapidly falling, with the aim of holding up our dollar.
Why is this happening? Hint: the PREFU being released tomorrow is expected to be dire.



Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 09:33 AM
A couple of important articles below. The government and Reserve Bank are preparing to defend the NZD in case the bottom drops out of it. The government has given the Reserve Bank funds to build a foreign currency war chest, and indeed the Reserve Bank has been quietly selling NZD in order to build this war chest (they sold $4 billion of NZD in July!)
This foreign currency war chest will be deployed to buy back NZD in case it starts rapidly falling, with the aim of holding up our dollar.
Why is this happening? Hint: the PREFU being released tomorrow is expected to be dire.



More on the PREFU here -


‘Treasury predicts that the financing costs on (the) debt will rise from under three billion in 2022 up to nearly nine billion by 2027. Nine billion in interest costs alone; and this is assuming all goes well.

‘How do we pay for all of this? In the May data, Crown revenue was forecast to grow from $155 billion to 193 billion by 2026, but the budget will still be in deficit. What we are likely to see on Tuesday is that these figures are optimistic.

Revenue is falling because economic activity is soft; and thanks to the automatic stabilisers of welfare spending, as employment falls government spending rises.

But here is the reality check. If the economy is doing what most of us know it is doing, which is slowing faster than Treasury forecast, then the deficit will blow out.

Because we can no longer afford to pay our own way we borrow heavily. Not just the government; all of us. Our trade deficit is 8% of our GDP and the crown accounts are a mess. At some point the kind folks who are funding our lifestyle will discover that we are insolvent. If this happens, two things will occur.

The first is that foreigners will want a higher interest rate to compensate them for the risk we will default, and second they will devalue our dollar. Thus begins a negative feed-back loop of higher debt, resulting in higher borrowing costs, reducing the ability of the state to cover its basic costs without ever more expensive borrowing or reverting to quantitative easing.

Rating agencies are not good at predicting events, more recording when market sentiment has soured, and for the moment they remain either confident or oblivious to the unravelling fiscal and economic reality of Aotearoa.

This benign neglect may not end on Tuesday, but it will end.’

11-09-2023, 09:37 AM
Let's see what the credit rating groups have to say.

I agree there will be issues since there's a problem with China, which will hit Australia too.

edit -----------

Rating agencies are not good at predicting events, more recording when market sentiment has soured, and for the moment they remain either confident or oblivious to the unravelling fiscal and economic reality of Aotearoa.

Nonetheless they take a more comprehensive view rather than looking at figures in isolation.

Who cares if low interest debt is increasing, if net wealth is increasing even more.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 09:47 AM
Let's see what the credit rating groups have to say.

I agree there will be issues since there's a problem with China, which will hit Australia too.

With all due respect, it is not the credit rating agencies that are the active participants in currency markets; they won’t be the ones selling down the NZD.

Secondly, why would the RB (fully supported by the government) be quietly selling NZD to build up a foreign currency ‘war chest’ if they did not think there was a reasonable chance of an event in which these funds will need to be deployed? It’s not an everyday event….the move has been described as being of ‘unprecedented’ scale.


$9 billion a year in debt servicing costs will be an awful burden for a small country like NZ to bear. And as various articles have stated & the PREFU will show, this forecast is predicted to worsen. This is the downside of the ‘our debt is low compared to others so let’s pin our ears back and borrow’ thinking that some indulge in: it comes with significant costs that are growing by the day.

11-09-2023, 09:53 AM
With all due respect, it is not the credit rating agencies that are the active participants in currency markets; they won’t be the ones selling down the NZD.

Secondly, why would the RB (fully supported by the government) be quietly selling NZD to build up a foreign currency ‘war chest’ if they did not think there was a reasonable chance of an event in which these funds will need to be deployed? It’s not an everyday event….the move has been described as being of ‘unprecedented’ scale.

Countries are in the middle of an interest rate war which is directly related to currency values.

See the japan situation -- 0% interest rates has caused a massive depreciation of the yen even though Japan is sound and reliable with a good credit rating.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 09:53 AM
Let's see what the credit rating agencies have to say.

I agree there will be issues since there's a problem with China, which will hit Australia too.

Nonetheless they take a more comprehensive view rather than looking at figures in isolation.

Who cares if low interest debt is increasing if net wealth is increasing even more

‘Who cares if low interest debt is increasing if net wealth is increasing even more.’


‘Who cares’ indeed. That short phrase could very well sum up the attitude of this government and many New Zealanders when it comes to borrowing. ‘Who cares’.

A few points though:
1/ The debt is getting more expensive.
2/ The debt being issued needs to be absorbed. Lenders may want more of premium when Treasury has to increase the number of bonds it is issuing.
3/ Is our collective wealth really increasing in an environment of falling house prices & falling dairy prices?

11-09-2023, 10:05 AM
ASB predicts the NZD will go up even though GDP growth is 0%.


Since NZ interest rates will be higher for longer.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 10:29 AM
ASB predicts the NZD will go up even though GDP growth is 0%.


Since NZ interest rates will be higher for longer.

You are clutching at straws now. 😂

11-09-2023, 10:30 AM
I'm the one looking for supporting evidence from ratings agencies and banks rather than "vibes" from a politically biased individual.

Anyway, it's off topic. Except to the extent the next govt has to deal with this.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 10:36 AM
I'm the one looking for supporting evidence from ratings agencies and banks rather than "vibes" and "what ifs" from a potically biased individual.

Anyway, it's off topic. Except to the extent the next govt has to deal with this.

It’s the bank economists who invariably talk their own book & predict according to the ‘vibes’ they are getting from their CEO.

It’s a discussion that is not at all off-topic, the PREFU will be the hottest topic going around tomorrow & will be hugely consequential for this upcoming election. (It’s not my problem if the average punter is clueless in lead up). When it comes to elections the old adage is “it’s the economy stupid”.

11-09-2023, 10:39 AM
Who dives into bank economic forecasts except the 2% of the population who are nerds like us. ;)

I suppose it has a minor influence on news stories.

11-09-2023, 10:39 AM
Let's see what the credit rating groups have to say.

I agree there will be issues since there's a problem with China, which will hit Australia too.

edit -----------

Nonetheless they take a more comprehensive view rather than looking at figures in isolation.

Who cares if low interest debt is increasing, if net wealth is increasing even more.

Why do you state Nelson as your location in your profile ? I live there and it isn't part of the World you live in

11-09-2023, 10:42 AM
More on the PREFU here -


‘Treasury predicts that the financing costs on (the) debt will rise from under three billion in 2022 up to nearly nine billion by 2027. Nine billion in interest costs alone; and this is assuming all goes well.

‘How do we pay for all of this? In the May data, Crown revenue was forecast to grow from $155 billion to 193 billion by 2026, but the budget will still be in deficit. What we are likely to see on Tuesday is that these figures are optimistic.

Revenue is falling because economic activity is soft; and thanks to the automatic stabilisers of welfare spending, as employment falls government spending rises.

But here is the reality check. If the economy is doing what most of us know it is doing, which is slowing faster than Treasury forecast, then the deficit will blow out.

Because we can no longer afford to pay our own way we borrow heavily. Not just the government; all of us. Our trade deficit is 8% of our GDP and the crown accounts are a mess. At some point the kind folks who are funding our lifestyle will discover that we are insolvent. If this happens, two things will occur.

The first is that foreigners will want a higher interest rate to compensate them for the risk we will default, and second they will devalue our dollar. Thus begins a negative feed-back loop of higher debt, resulting in higher borrowing costs, reducing the ability of the state to cover its basic costs without ever more expensive borrowing or reverting to quantitative easing.

Rating agencies are not good at predicting events, more recording when market sentiment has soured, and for the moment they remain either confident or oblivious to the unravelling fiscal and economic reality of Aotearoa.

This benign neglect may not end on Tuesday, but it will end.’Your post makes it clear to me that global macro economics are the biggest influence on the NZ economy and it doesn’t matter which party is in power as they will only be able to do a bit of tweaking to the economy.

So, perhaps instead of constantly criticising and blaming Labour for NZ’s problems we look the problems as New Zealanders, rather than imagining that if National gets into power the economy is going to boom and everything will be rosy. No, it won’t because of higher interest rates, revenue falling etc.

The problem is bigger than which government get selected. So, thanks for starting to look and post about the real elephant in the room.

11-09-2023, 10:43 AM
Why do you state Nelson as your location in your profile ? I live there and it isn't part of the World you live in

Cool story - It's a much lovelier place than down and out. You should come visit it might lighten up your mood. :)

11-09-2023, 10:50 AM
So, perhaps instead of constantly criticising and blaming Labour for NZ’s problems we look the problems as New Zealanders, rather than imagining that if National gets into power the economy is going to boom and everything will be rosy. No, it won’t because of higher interest rates, revenue falling etc.

Even more tenously they tried to blame the tiny NZ govt for the cost of living.

They would like us to believe Foodstuff's management team (as an example) , will be directly referencing the light rail cost blowout, or the spend on advisors in their upcoming pricing strategy.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 11:10 AM
Your post makes it clear to me that global macro economics are the biggest influence on the NZ economy and it doesn’t matter which party is in power as they will only be able to do a bit of tweaking to the economy.

So, perhaps instead of constantly criticising and blaming Labour for NZ’s problems we look the problems as New Zealanders, rather than imagining that if National gets into power the economy is going to boom and everything will be rosy. No, it won’t because of higher interest rates, revenue falling etc.

The problem is bigger than which government get selected. So, thanks for starting to look and post about the real elephant in the room.

I’ve posted about the real elephant in the room for a while now. Done some lengthy diatribes on it in fact. The issue as regards the upcoming election is people will get a generalised filtered message into their earholes, via the telly & around the water cooler & when speaking to Dave at the pub and it’ll be this: “we are in the poo”. And people who were grinning from ear to ear in the heady days of low inflation and surging house prices will be saying angrily “it’s all the fault of this bloody gummint”.

How do we fix the big issues facing our economy?

- Fonterra sold off the more innovative parts of its business to shore up its balance sheet after its China debacle: their business is now mainly Whole Milk Powder which every man and his dog (including China) can do and is doing.
- For all Shane Jones and others talk circa 2017 / 2018 about upping the ante on processing our logs…we still largely export raw logs.
- The government has run up a heap of debt that will come back to haunt us.
- We have a $200+ billion infrastructure deficit.
- We have an ageing population requiring a bigger chunk of the budget every year in national superannuation payments.
- Our doctors, nurses, cops are all in high demand in Australia and other places; will they stick around here?
- House prices are still at a level where they are out of reach for younger NZers and cannot be justified by our current economic situation, but where further falls would crush household wealth and impoverish highly indebted mortgage holders. They are currently propped up by high immigration numbers and the jawboning of the property industry.
- We have a couple of gold mines but it is seemingly verbotten to mine more metal resources in the vast conservation estate & we seem uninterested in mining our own coal - preferring to import it from Indonesia. Oil and gas exploration has fallen away and we will have a significant issue when our remaining gas reserves run out.
- We have a generalised anti-capitalist attitude, low productivity per capita, a growing ‘post-work’ mind-set, and no significant areas of entrepreneurial dynamism.
- The national focus is on issues relating to the current reorganisation of society to place maori front and centre of our national identity. This is peripheral to the pressing economic problems we have, which present a ‘Titanic in proximity of iceberg’ scenario.

Hope that answers your question.

11-09-2023, 12:55 PM
Easy to talk of finding 'other baskets', but much harder to do in practice. New Zealand doesn't do hard graft like building the kind of energised and entreprenerial economy that could fund a transformational 'welfare state' (for want of a better word) of the kind that the Scandinavian countries enjoy. There they have universally high private sector incomes that fund a truly remarkable suite of benefits for all the populace. They embrace the best of both right and left: hard work & social cohesion with a dash of rugged individualism. Here we just flatter ourselves over our place in the world, imagining everyone looks on admiringly over such inconsequential guff as a 'nuclear free stance' and 'the Christchurch call'. We are lazy vaguely-lefty virtue signallers who tinker with the names of government departments while adopting a 'post-work' mentality*. We'll slowly go broke imagining we are 'world leaders' that the likes of China and Europe are paying close attention to. They aren't.

Scandinavian countries - differences from NZ seem to stem from attitude – people trust government, willing to pay high taxes, happiest people in the world.

The Nordic model merges free-market capitalism with a generous welfare system. These nations are known for high living standards and low-income disparity.
Some view the Nordic model as an attractive alternative to the winner-take-all brand of capitalism that has resulted in significant inequality.

Opponents criticize the high taxes, high degree of government intervention, and relatively low gross domestic product (GDP) and productivity.

The citizens have a high degree of trust in their government and a history of working together to reach compromises and address societal challenges through democratic processes.

Their policymakers have chosen a mixed economic system that reduces the gap between the rich and the poor through redistributive taxation and a robust public sector while preserving the benefits of capitalism.

The history of this part of the world is largely one of family-driven agriculture.
The result is a nation of small entrepreneurial enterprises directed by citizens facing the same set of challenges. Solutions that benefit one member of society are likely to benefit all members. This collective mentality results in a citizenry that trusts its government because the government is led by citizens seeking to create programs that benefit everyone.

Accordingly, the citizens willingly choose to pay higher taxes in exchange for benefits that they and their family members will get to enjoy. The result is publicly funded services, such as healthcare and education, that are of such high quality that private enterprise has no reason to offer these services or room to improve them. This mindset remained intact as capitalist enterprises developed.

Nordic countries seem content to work through their problems together in a collective manner that consistently results in them topping global surveys of the happiest people in the world.

11-09-2023, 01:35 PM
This is a "covid" election. There is a spooky silence in the country about covid. NOBODY talks about it. NOBODY talks about the obvious lies we were told. NOBODY talks about the ridiculous things the Labour government forced on people.

A police state was created by Labour, with the entire nation put under house arrest, the making illegal the right to assemble and to protest, the aggressive attempt to shut down free speech, the sacking of people from their jobs if they refused the useless covid vaccine, forcing people to wear useless masks, closing down and destroying businesses (but allowing the Big Two supermarkets to trade), the lie that we could ever "eliminate" covid, the lie of the covid vaccine with "95% efficacy", the creation of an internal passport called My Vaccine Pass (which disappeared one day without explanation), and not forgetting: the shutting down of our entire health system, including for mental health, for months and months and months, and this meant imaging, testing, diagnosis, treatment for cancer, for heart, for everything, was stopped; complete madness.

And this spooky silence among the population is going to be translated in the manner of voting against Labour at the upcoming election.

fungus pudding
11-09-2023, 01:49 PM
This is a "covid" election. There is a spooky silence in the country about covid. NOBODY talks about it. NOBODY talks about the obvious lies we were told. NOBODY talks about the ridiculous things the Labour government forced on people.

A police state was created by Labour, with the entire nation put under house arrest, the making illegal the right to assemble and to protest, the aggressive attempt to shut down free speech, the sacking of people from their jobs if they refused the useless covid vaccine, forcing people to wear useless masks, closing down and destroying businesses (but allowing the Big Two supermarkets to trade), the lie that we could ever "eliminate" covid, the lie of the covid vaccine with "95% efficacy", the creation of an internal passport called My Vaccine Pass (which disappeared one day without explanation), and not forgetting: the shutting down of our entire health system, including for mental health, for months and months and months, and this meant imaging, testing, diagnosis, treatment for cancer, for heart, for everything, was stopped; complete madness.

And this spooky silence among the population is going to be translated in the manner of voting against Labour at the upcoming election.

Perhaps the silence will be drowned out by the laughter......


Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 01:50 PM
This is a "covid" election. There is a spooky silence in the country about covid. NOBODY talks about it. NOBODY talks about the obvious lies we were told. NOBODY talks about the ridiculous things the Labour government forced on people.

A police state was created by Labour, with the entire nation put under house arrest, the making illegal the right to assemble and to protest, the aggressive attempt to shut down free speech, the sacking of people from their jobs if they refused the useless covid vaccine, forcing people to wear useless masks, closing down and destroying businesses (but allowing the Big Two supermarkets to trade), the lie that we could ever "eliminate" covid, the lie of the covid vaccine with "95% efficacy", the creation of an internal passport called My Vaccine Pass (which disappeared one day without explanation), and not forgetting: the shutting down of our entire health system, including for mental health, for months and months and months, and this meant imaging, testing, diagnosis, treatment for cancer, for heart, for everything, was stopped; complete madness.

And this spooky silence among the population is going to be translated in the manner of voting against Labour at the upcoming election.

Yes, I think there will be a backlash, but it’s due to multiple major factors really. Over 50% of the population put all their faith and trust in ‘the leader’….then one day - like that vaccine passport - she was just gone, leaving a yawning hole in the lives. And we are left with the He Puapua / ‘co-governance’ mess, and there will be a backlash against that as well. She also told first home buyers that NZ housing was affordable & she said that house prices would always go up because that’s what Kiwi’s expect….and that turned to custard and so there will be a backlash against that as well.
My feeling is that a lot of Labours traditional supporters are still trying to figure out just what the heck has happened: from ‘Let’s do this!’ and the cult of Jacinda…to Chipkins standing amongst the rubble. I reckon quite a few of them are so nonplussed by it all that they won’t even bother to show up and vote.

11-09-2023, 02:16 PM
Yes, I think there will be a backlash, but it’s due to multiple major factors really. Over 50% of the population put all their faith and trust in ‘the leader’….then one day - like that vaccine passport - she was just gone, leaving a yawning hole in the lives. And we are left with the He Puapua / ‘co-governance’ mess, and there will be a backlash against that as well. She also told first home buyers that NZ housing was affordable & she said that house prices would always go up because that’s what Kiwi’s expect….and that turned to custard and so there will be a backlash against that as well.
My feeling is that a lot of Labours traditional supporters are still trying to figure out just what the heck has happened: from ‘Let’s do this!’ and the cult of Jacinda…to Chipkins standing amongst the rubble. I reckon quite a few of them are so nonplussed by it all that they won’t even bother to show up and vote.

I don't think Ardern quit because of co-governance. And Labour's silence on covid for this election campaign speaks volumes. And economic issues such as inflation and government debt all stem from human policy against covid. The smartest virus ever known: it got humans to act in moronic ways, the virus didn't lock the healthy population in their homes, the virus didn't destroy businesses, the virus didn't print all that money.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 04:41 PM
I don't think Ardern quit because of co-governance. And Labour's silence on covid for this election campaign speaks volumes. And economic issues such as inflation and government debt all stem from human policy against covid. The smartest virus ever known: it got humans to act in moronic ways, the virus didn't lock the healthy population in their homes, the virus didn't destroy businesses, the virus didn't print all that money.

‘I don't think Ardern quit because of co-governance.’

Neither do I.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 06:10 PM

Newshub-Reid Research poll: Labour's support collapses as National rockets into 40s

‘Despite every effort to capture the public with pledges like free dental, Labour has tanked to numbers not seen since Andrew Little was Labour leader.

The party's support has collapsed into the terrifying twenties at 26.8 percent. That is a catastrophic 5.5-point fall from our last poll.

On the other side, National will be sounding the celebration siren. It is on 40.9 percent, up 4.3 points.’

11-09-2023, 06:23 PM
What were you saying earlier about tax cuts ?

Flick voters 20 bucks... ooh yes, that does it for me.

Logen Ninefingers
11-09-2023, 06:28 PM
What were you saying earlier about tax cuts ?

Flick voters 20 bucks... ooh yes, that does it for me.

That’s your conclusion. My conclusion is that voters see Labour as doomed at this point, and are disassociating themselves from them.

11-09-2023, 06:50 PM


11-09-2023, 06:56 PM
And on the Preferred Leader stake, Dead Man Walking Hipkins has plummeted to a new Low while PM in Waiting Luxon has soared :


ANALYSIS: Newshub Reid Research Poll feels like nail in the coffin (Tova O'Brien)[/COLOR]


It’s getting harder and harder to see Labour coming back from this.

Tonight’s Newshub Reid Research Poll feels like the coffin is getting very close to being nailed shut.

The numbers echo our The Post/Freshwater Strategy poll which also had Labour on 26%

We’ve seen other regular public polls, even Labour’s own internal polling tip it into the torrid twenties but only just.

The last TVNZ Verian had Labour on 29% - and that felt excruciating for the party and Prime Minister.

This plunge to 26% in one of the most reputable established public polls will be an absolute dagger to the heart for the red team.

Throw back to 27 September 2020 - about this time before the last election - here’s what I said on the telly about the poll I was presenting that night:

“National is in despair on 29.6 percent. It's up 4.5 points, but that really means nothing when you're still on less than 30 percent.”

“Collins once set 35 percent in a poll as her sacking point as leader and on that basis, Collins, you're fired.”

Today, Chris Hipkins would probably make a faustian bargain to be sitting at 29.6%

Also worth pointing out it only got worse for National last election, eventually landing on 25.6% on election night.

Hipkins has been refusing to set a sacking point for himself, at this rate he doesn’t have to - as Prime Minister, the voters are doing it for him.

11-09-2023, 07:32 PM
Has a message been sent to Trev the Clueless & former Beehive Garden wrecker - that he's going be made jobless soon ? ;)

Will the Wainuiomata Supermarket patrons even know who he is, if he shows up back from his long London holiday away out of trouble & earshot of the clueless muddling Comrades, in a hurry with his teddy bear ? ;)

12-09-2023, 09:07 AM
Labour still full of BS, spin and lies - absolutely beyond redemption.


Labour’s Northcote MP Shanan Halbert​ - who was in trouble over “misleading” election advertising during the 2020 election campaign - is facing another complaint for housing claims made in his campaign brochure this election.

In his glossy flyer pitching to win back the people of Northcote, Halbert celebrates “1700 new warm, dry homes as part of the Northcote Development”.

But those new homes aren’t due to be completed until 2026.


Logen Ninefingers
12-09-2023, 03:03 PM

‘It’s become hard to believe that Labour’s fibs about National and Act were mistakes. It looks more like a planned campaign of misinformation executed so badly that Labour got busted.

Clearly, Labour has got desperate. They’ve run out of every other strategy. Policy hasn’t worked. The big one was supposed to be GST off fruit and vegetables. They’re so embarrassed by it they barely talk about it anymore. Hipkins hasn’t worked. He’s now neck and neck with Christopher Luxon in polls. Going dirty is all Labour has. And it’s probably not to win the election, but just to keep the polling high enough to save the furniture. On current numbers, they stand to lose about half their MPs.

Going dirty is not a good strategy though. Telling fibs, calling Act racists, making excuses for their union buddies buying attack ads on Luxon can backfire.

Sure, some voters will hear the fibs and not hear the corrections and will be freaked out enough to flip away from the centre-right and back to Labour.

But there are plenty of other voters who will see the desperation and nastiness for what it is and find it sad and ugly. It’s especially bad for Labour because it’s so off-brand. They’ve just pushed the “Be Kind” schtick for five years. It’s whiplash-inducing to go from Jacinda hugging everyone to Chris’ troops spreading misinformation on Facebook with a brazenness that would make the anti-vaxxers blush.

If Labour’s going to lose, it’s probably better to lose with dignity than to lose dirty.’

Logen Ninefingers
12-09-2023, 03:09 PM
Robertson is one of the biggest bulldust artists we’ve ever seen in these parts. Labour want to forge ahead with Auckland Light Rail….but the borrowing numbers in the PREFU don’t include the $14 billion cost of building Auckland Light Rail. This is sheer madness, this is the ultimate in ‘cooking the books’.
‘No funding source identified’…..so don’t put it in the PREFU??!!



‘The forecasts were underpinned by a number of assumptions that seem optimistic.

The borrowing numbers do not include most of the cost of building things like the Auckland Light Rail project, currently costed at more than $14b, or the building of the new Waitematā crossing, which could run to more than $40b.

Robertson said many of these costs fell outside of the forecast period, and Treasury said how they had been funded had not yet been determined.

Treasury warned that there were “a number of significant infrastructure investments that have been announced, or are in pre-implementation stages, but which have limited, or no funding committed yet, and often no clear funding source identified”.’

Logen Ninefingers
12-09-2023, 04:13 PM
Lies and fantasy -
‘Labour leader Chris Hipkins said Prefu showed the economy was turning a corner and New Zealand was "winning the battle against inflation".

Hipkins said the Government's "careful management" would see the books return to surplus, albeit a year later than forecast in the Budget.

"Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the picture the [Prefu] is showing."’

Reality -

‘The road to surpluses is paved with deeper deficits in the short term. The deficit this year is now expected to be $10b, up from $6.9b forecast at the 2023 budget. Next year’s deficit is expected to be $11.4b, up from $7.6b forecast at the Budget.

Those large deficits contribute to much larger borrowing over the four-year forecast period. As recently as May, net core Crown debt was forecast to be $181b in 2027. These forecasts have revised that upwards to $193.3b, or 39.6 per cent of GDP.

Unemployment is expected to rise to 5.4 per cent next year, and end the forecast period on 4.6 per cent, higher than now.

Inflation is expected to stay higher for longer, with CPI inflation running at 3.8 per cent next year, falling to 2.5 per cent in 2025 and 2.1 per cent in 2026. That forecast is worse than what Treasury was forecasting back in May, when it reckoned inflation would be 3.3 per cent in 2024, and 2.6 per cent in 2025.

This will keep interest rates higher for longer.’

Logen Ninefingers
12-09-2023, 08:53 PM
‘Decolonisation’ and ‘re-indigenisation’ continue apace with the aid of ‘prezzy cards’ -


Defendants on serious charges among those to get $75 Prezzy Cards to attend meetings

Marty Sharpe
18:30, Sep 12 2023

‘Defendants facing serious charges were among those given a $75 Prezzy Card for attending meetings in Hawke’s Bay courts to share their court experiences and ideas, and to “re-imagine the District and Family Court” in the region.

About 50 people attended the two-hour meetings, or wānanga, held at Napier District Court on the evening of September 5 and at Hastings District Court on September 6.

About 12 attended the Napier meeting and over 40 the Hastings meeting.

Ministry of Justice chief operating officer Carl Crafar said the wānanga, which were led by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated and supported by the Ministry, were held in order to gain a deeper understanding of the local community’s aspirations for Te Ao Mārama.

Te Ao Mārama – Enhancing Justice for All was “the vision for the District Court, a journey towards a more enlightened justice system, in response to repeated calls for transformative change”, Crafar said.

The wānanga were advertised through brochures and posters in the courthouses and a Ngāti Kahungunu newsletter in which whānau were invited to “connect, share, wānanga, and shape Te Ao Mārama together”.

”During the two-hour wānanga, attendees took part in tailored, one-on-one, small group or large group-facilitated interviews, to share their ideas for improving outcomes through Te Ao Mārama,” Crafar said.

To acknowledge their time and contributions, and to help with travel costs, a Prezzy Card with a value of up to $75 was made available to all participants, he said.

Crafar said the knowledge shared at the wānanga was invaluable for all those involved, and many participants expressed their appreciation at the opportunity to share their views.’

12-09-2023, 09:13 PM
'a journey to a more enlightened justice system' can only mean a softer justice system.

This must have been what Kiritapu Allan was testing...

Logen Ninefingers
12-09-2023, 09:32 PM
'a journey to a more enlightened justice system' can only mean a softer justice system.

This must have been what Kiritapu Allan was testing...


‘The Te Ao Mārama – Enhancing Justice for All initiative is being developed for the benefit of all people who are affected by the business of the court, including defendants, witnesses, victims, parties to proceedings and whānau (wider families). It is intended to be inclusive of all cultures and ethnicities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

It will be designed and implemented by working together with local iwi, communities (of all cultures and ethnicities), justice sector agencies and the legal profession.

The Te Ao Mārama initiative seeks to emphasise restoration, rehabilitation and healing. It also seeks to implement judicial best practices from the existing Specialist Courts.

These best practices include:

- using plain language to improve understanding.
- toning down formalities in court to improve understanding and participation.
- incorporating tikanga Māori processes or other appropriate cultural processes that may be relevant to the parties (for example Pasifika and Asian).
- improving the quality of information available to judicial officers to make well-informed decisions.
- inviting community, iwi and whānau into the courtroom.
- identifying and addressing underlying issues and barriers to participation.

The District Court will continue to apply the law and all relevant legal principles. It will also aim to ensure fairness for all people who are affected by the business of the court.’

12-09-2023, 09:42 PM
The District Court will continue to apply the law and all relevant legal principles. It will also aim to ensure fairness for all people who are affected by the business of the court.’[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they've already got the fairness part right, because crims have no fear of the court whatsoever.

NZ'S biggest growth industry under Labour has been crime!

12-09-2023, 10:06 PM
The District Court will continue to apply the law and all relevant legal principles. It will also aim to ensure fairness for all people who are affected by the business of the court.’

Yeah, they've already got the fairness part right, because crims have no fear of the court whatsoever.

NZ'S biggest growth industry under Labour has been crime!

Gang numbers on electronic monitoring home detention increasing in numbers. Likewise, the number of breaches - but no additional penalties for the breaches.

No wonder the gangs are spitting at the law, the police and the courts.

This is what NZ gets with this pro-crime and pro-gang Labour government of Hipkins, Ardern & Robertson.


Logen Ninefingers
12-09-2023, 10:14 PM
Gang numbers on electronic monitoring home detention increasing in numbers. Likewise, the number of breaches - but no additional penalties for the breaches.

No wonder the gangs are spitting at the law, the police and the courts.

This is what NZ gets with this pro-crime and pro-gang Labour government of Hipkins, Ardern & Robertson.


Once you understand that the entirety of academia, public service, media and government are engaged in a Quixotian process of ‘decolonisation’ and ‘re-indigenisation’, all of this baffling stuff that has been going on comes into focus.

13-09-2023, 02:12 PM
Labour party Life Member and former Minister of Maori Affairs Dover Samuels has changed to the General Roll, such is his disenchantment with Labour and Co-governance and virtue signaling use of Maori names.



Having met Dover a number of times, and having witnessed his holding Helen Clark over a barrel for No4 on the party list, (for which she later knifed him at the first opportunity) I'm astounded and pleasantly surprised. If he is a bell weather for rural Maori's view of the BS virtue signaling coming from the Beehive, Labour's in a deeper hole than the polls reveal. They won't get these people back. I'm hearing similar views from kaumatua and kuia where I live on the west coast in Northland.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 02:43 PM
Demands for houses for prisoners are now being made. Currently Aotearoa is failing prisoners.

Associate Professor Alice Mills says it's tough for burglars, sex offenders, murderers etc to find stable housing. Amazingly though, this is not due to their criminal actions -
“This is likely to reflect the difficulties faced by Māori in wider society, including racism and discrimination in rental housing markets, and demonstrates the need for specialist housing support and provision for Māori leaving prison,” Mills said.

Yes, it's racism and discrimination. The awful 'neo-colonialists' are victimising the newly released 'innocent criminals'.

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/kahu/prisoners-lacking-stable-housing-support-find-themselves-back-inside-study/N4ZYWVBAWVFWTCPE4OC5JMYXMA/#:~:text=Prisoners%20with%20unstable%20housing%20a re,options%20once%20they%20are%20released

The University of Auckland study suggests Aotearoa is failing prisoners by not providing stable housing options once they are released.

The study interviewed 201 people from six prisons while they were incarcerated, just before their release and six and 12 months afterwards.

The report’s lead author, Associate Professor Alice Mills, said 34 per cent of people who reported having unstable housing during their first post-release interview were reimprisoned within a year.

Having stable housing meant people leaving prison were in a better position to re-establish their lives and relationships, access support, services, and work, she said.

“We can’t afford as a society not to do this. Recidivism has a high human and economic cost in Aotearoa, which is why everyone who enters prison, regardless of their status, should be given a detailed housing needs assessment which should be maintained and updated throughout their stay.”

Figures from the Department of Corrections suggested less than half of those released were able to settle into long-term accommodation, and roughly 60 per cent of former prisoners would be resentenced within two years.

Of those interviewed, three-quarters identified as Māori, 17 per cent as women, more than three-quarters had children, and most served sentences of two years or less.

Close to a third of participants reported receiving any support to find housing before being released, with no respondents who were homeowners reporting any assistance to help them keep it.

The report found more than 20 per cent did not know where they were going to live after being released and expected they would become homeless.

After they were released, more than half reported it was very hard to find housing.

The study found Māori were 1.7 times more likely to live in unstable housing and 2.4 times more likely to have moved twice or more in the six months after their release.

“This is likely to reflect the difficulties faced by Māori in wider society, including racism and discrimination in rental housing markets, and demonstrates the need for specialist housing support and provision for Māori leaving prison,” Mills said.

Corrections and its partners provide more than 1200 housing places each year which include emergency accommodation, transitional housing and provisions for specific groups.

Most of those programmes supported people who had been in prison for two or more years and not those on shorter sentences, she said.

The report recommended more diverse housing options be available post-release nationwide, and more targeted, culturally appropriate services to help Māori find and keep stable housing after prison.

“And for wāhine who have often experienced abuse within the home, post-release housing should be safe, secure and supported, and provide a place for them to rebuild their relationships with their children,” Mills said.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 03:01 PM
If you can't enter with facial tattoo's, you can't enter with facial tattoo's. The rules are the rules & the Australian's tend to enforce their rules without fear or favour.


'A Māori SAS veteran has spoken out after a Perth pub denied him service because he proudly wears facial moko.

Michael Barclay shared his story on Australian television after the incident that saw him rejected because his mataora reportedly breached the establishment’s own rules.

The refusal is the latest incident that has seen Māori in Australia turned away because of their moko.

Earlier this year, Juanita McNamara said she was left embarrassed and shocked after being denied entry to a bar because of her moko kauae.

She told the Herald she was enjoying a night out with friends in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley in April when three security guards at Finn McCool’s would not let her through the door.

“As I went to give my ID, the female security guard said to me you’re not allowed in because of your face and neck tattoos,” said McNamara.

“I explained to her the moko kauae [is a] taonga, it’s a treasure.”'

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 03:11 PM
'By 2040, it's hoped one million New Zealanders will be able to speak basic te reo Māori.

This is just one of the Government's ambitious goals included in Maihi Karauna - the crown's Māori language strategy.

By 2040, it's aimed that:
- 85 per cent of New Zealanders will value te reo Māori as a key part of national identity.
- One million New Zealanders will be able to speak basic te reo Māori.
- 150,000 Māori aged 15 and over will used te reo as much as English.

https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/114928434/one-million-kiwis-to-speak-te-reo-the-plan-behind-revitalising-the-mori-language#:~:text=By%202040%2C%20it's%20aimed%20tha t,reo%20as%20much%20as%20English.

13-09-2023, 03:13 PM
After they were released, more than half reported it was very hard to find housing.

Do they even want a house if they start damaging it.

Should be a database which lists those who intentionally damage housing in a major way. If this is done, I think the public may be much more onboard with state housing.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 03:18 PM
Do they even want a house if they start damaging it.

Should be a database which lists those who intentionally damage housing in a major way. If this is done, I think the public may be much more onboard with state housing.

What is not known is whether having a 'stable housing environment' would have made any difference to whether or not these convicted criminals would re-offend. The Associate Professor reckons it would, whereas perhaps a 'stable housing environment' - i.e. a stable base - would simply allow a better platform from which to undertake further criminal activity.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 03:18 PM
Another pledge from Labour today -

'Labour is pledging to train an extra 335 doctors a year from 2027 - up 62% from current levels.'

13-09-2023, 03:41 PM
Another pledge from Labour today -

'Labour is pledging to train an extra 335 doctors a year from 2027 - up 62% from current levels.'

And 300 will migrate to Australia every year if Labour is the government.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 03:48 PM
And 300 will migrate to Australia every year if Labour is the government.

At least.

And they would be only starting it from 2027 anyway. Why even announce such c-rap.

13-09-2023, 04:05 PM
At least.

And they would be only starting it from 2027 anyway. Why even announce such c-rap.

Totally in tune with this Woke Useless & Incompetent government of announcements.

All spin and no delivery.

13-09-2023, 04:08 PM
If a majority of NZer's fell for it 3 times in a row it'd be a no-brainer for sell up and ship out!

13-09-2023, 04:12 PM
Another pledge from Labour today -

'Labour is pledging to train an extra 335 doctors a year from 2027 - up 62% from current levels.'

I expect they will live in the 100,000 kiwibuild houses. Oh, hang on...

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 04:18 PM
I expect they will live in the 100,000 kiwibuild houses. Oh, hang on...

If anyone believes Labour will deliver hundreds of new doctors then I’ve got a cycle bridge to sell them…

13-09-2023, 04:27 PM
If anyone believes Labour will deliver hundreds of new doctors then I’ve got a cycle bridge to sell them…

Which will connect nicely with the Light Rail

13-09-2023, 04:47 PM
Never forget " the left is a lie " !!

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 04:52 PM
Which will connect nicely with the Light Rail

The Light Rail which is apparently going to go ahead (honest).

Red skies and red panda tell us that Labour’s policies are all ‘fully costed and funded’.
But they aren’t.
Treasury says it couldn’t include the cost of Light Rail in the PREFU figures because no-one yet knows the actual cost & more importantly: how it will be funded.
It’s like when you commit to building a new house, but you don’t currently have the money to build it and you don’t know where you’ll get the money from….so you leave it off your list of upcoming expenses!!!! Then you sit there and you hope nobody will call you out on it. It’s a farce. A total and utter farce.

13-09-2023, 05:02 PM
One off spend in infrastructure with low ongoing cost (the initial funding does need to be controlled though).

Vs permanent tax cuts $4b -> $8b -> $12b until the end of time.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 05:12 PM
One off spend in infrastructure with low ongoing cost (the initial funding does need to be controlled though).

Vs permanent tax cuts $4b -> $8b -> $12b until the end of time.

And how will Labour be funding light rail?
It’s a pretty simple question.

Treasury says the project has commenced. The other day the Kiwi Bacon building on the proposed route was purchased for $33 million.

Apparently because Treasury doesn’t know the answer on how it will be funded, they couldn’t put it in the PREFU. This is anywhere from $14 billion to $28 billion in required funding that currently has nothing but a rather large question mark next to it and is ‘off the books’.

So how can Treasury and Labour not know how it will be funded if all of Labours commitments are fully funded?

Am looking forward to your answer.

13-09-2023, 05:25 PM
Remember how that useless ex-school teacher Kelvin Davis became DPM and he was going to sort out the Ministry for Children Welfare?

So he changed the name to Oranga Tamariki and everything was going to be sorted out. And this clueless Labour government increased its budget to over $1.2 billion a year.

A new CEO was appointed and hundreds of additional staff (especially Maori as they are culturally safe and aware) were employed.

Well, we know nothing much has changed - sex abuse continued to occur as well as assaults.

Meanwhile, a culture of cover-up and/or plain incompetence have obviously developed because of this :

Oranga Tamariki-Ministry for Children, which only received 153 requests, took the longest time to respond with 35.5 days on average.

The data showed 73.9 percent of requests to Oranga Tamariki were completed within the legislated timeframe, well behind the average of 98.2 per cent across all agencies.

Oranga Tamariki's Nicolette Dickson said the ministry took its obligations under the Official Information Act seriously and the organisation must do better.


13-09-2023, 05:30 PM
Both parties have unfunded promises on infrastructure -

$24b Transport for the future plan.


If they have to demolish too many houses to make room for the four lane highways then $24b is the conservative figure.

13-09-2023, 05:32 PM
Though they do say they want private equity to part fund it (a PPP is/was considered for light rail too).

In exchange for toll roads.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 05:40 PM
Though they do say they want private equity to part fund it (a PPP is/was considered for light rail too).

In exchange for toll roads.

Ok, so you’ve got no idea how Labour will fund their Light Rail, and never have they. Makes a mockery of their ‘fully funded’ c-rap aye.

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 06:24 PM
National still getting hammered by the media over it’s tax cuts….about which it has put forward a plan to fund.

Meanwhile Labour has not revealed *any* plan to pay its Light Rail commitment….and it gets off scot free.

The public can see what is going on though.


‘A recent study by AUT’s Centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy revealed the lack of trust New Zealanders have in our media.

82% consider it to be biased and in line with the political leanings of its newsroom.

73% consider it over relies on opinion rather than fact.

The most extraordinary statistic revealed 69% of New Zealanders avoid reading or listening to the news, the highest percentage in the world. By way of contrast 29% of Germans, 20% Finns and 14% Japanese have similar distrust of the media.’

Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 06:44 PM
National still getting hammered by the media over it’s tax cuts….about which it has put forward a plan to fund.

Meanwhile Labour has not revealed *any* plan to pay its Light Rail commitment….and it gets off scot free.

The public can see what is going on though.


‘A recent study by AUT’s Centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy revealed the lack of trust New Zealanders have in our media.

82% consider it to be biased and in line with the political leanings of its newsroom.

73% consider it over relies on opinion rather than fact.

The most extraordinary statistic revealed 69% of New Zealanders avoid reading or listening to the news, the highest percentage in the world. By way of contrast 29% of Germans, 20% Finns and 14% Japanese have similar distrust of the media.’

Case in point, far left cartoonist Sharon Murdoch’s latest effort -


Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 06:59 PM

‘As feared, the Treasury is not now forecasting the Government will get back into surplus until the year ending June 2027, a year later than it had expected in the Budget.
Even the prediction of a $2b surplus that year needs to be seen in the context that the Treasury had already pushed back the date for a return to surplus by a year in May, and that the Government’s fiscal responsibility rules effectively require a prediction of a return to surplus by the end of its forecast period.’


Former Reserve Bank senior economist Michael Reddell joined Breakfast this morning, saying that Aotearoa is dealing with "some of the largest deficits in any advanced countries".

"The further up numbers look good, but the only reason they look good is because the Treasury uses spending numbers that [Finance Minister] Grant Robertson's given them and said 'these are our plans for the years ahead'. Treasury themselves comment on the document, 'we don't really believe these numbers, minister'.

14-09-2023, 10:08 AM
So very very very satisfying to see that NZers have seen through the nasty piece of incompetent work, Chippy :




Logen Ninefingers
14-09-2023, 12:11 PM
Police are 'appalled' by the large numbers of drink drivers they are catching in Hamilton.
Let's be honest: sometimes we don't see a great example being set by our political leaders.
Police are quite condemnatory, but have they considered that these drink drivers may be undergoing mental health issues and / or work stresses?!
"These drunk drivers are driving towards you and your family. It's simply not good enough." - righto mate, where's your empathy? Hello, mental health??


Drink driving numbers appal police

Thu 14 Sep, 2023

'Waikato Police are appalled by the number of people caught drink driving in Hamilton City over the last two weekends.

Police processed and charged 26 drink drivers over the weekend of September 1-3 and another 33 over the weekend of September 8-10.

On this latter weekend, the Impairment Prevention Team breath tested 5273 drivers in the city.

Waikato Road Policing manager Inspector Jeff Penno is stunned and appalled by the results.

"That's one in every 160 cars on the road over the weekend who are affected by alcohol.

"This is not a police issue – this is a community issue.

"They were all drinking somewhere with someone who should have cared enough to stop their friend, partner or whānau from driving drunk.

"These drunk drivers are driving towards you and your family.

"It's simply not good enough.

"This is a staggering number of drunk drivers in one weekend, and doesn’t include those apprehended by the rural teams who operate in Waikato’s rural towns every weekend."

"These results show us that there is a real and significant issue and we will be increasing our enforcement in the drink drive area."'

14-09-2023, 12:47 PM

Whangārei fuel price hits $3 a litre - residents want answers

Whangārei motorists have been paying some of the highest average fuel prices in the country, but the reason why has remained unanswered despite a recent Commerce Commission report.

The revelation comes after fuel reached $3 per litre overnight on Monday in the Whangārei area, a price that is becoming all too familiar.

Questions have been raised as to why prices are so high despite international shipping and local transport costs being lower due to the Marsden Point terminal being situated nearby.

And that's before the useless Labour knobs think they would like to throw more Tax on top ;)

14-09-2023, 01:54 PM
So very very very satisfying to see that NZers have seen through the nasty piece of incompetent work, Chippy :




Toyboy !! Toyboy Toyboy

Logen Ninefingers
14-09-2023, 01:58 PM
The constant unhinged attacks on National by far left cartoonists continue, with todays effort on 'Stuff' being by hardcore lefty Jim Hubbard -


Logen Ninefingers
14-09-2023, 03:20 PM
‘Decolonisation’ and ‘re-indigenisation’ claims another victim with the IwiNews weatherman having a complete meltdown….


14-09-2023, 04:34 PM
‘Decolonisation’ and ‘re-indigenisation’ claims another victim with the IwiNews weatherman having a complete meltdown….


Another term of Labour and we would all be sounding like Jim last night. When I saw it lyesterday I sympathized with him. Said to the wife he probably got the ultimatum, no maori, no job.

14-09-2023, 04:43 PM
Another term of Labour and we would all be sounding like Jim last night. When I saw it lyesterday I sympathized with him. Said to the wife he probably got the ultimatum, no maori, no job.

Next they will all have to wear grass skirts and have face tattoos before they are allowed to appear on TV.


Where are Ardern and Hipkins with their moko?

14-09-2023, 04:57 PM
Next they will all have to wear grass skirts and have face tattoos before they are allowed to appear on TV.


Where are Ardern and Hipkins with their moko?
O well them's the breaks. Maori getting jammed down everyones throats.
My power company in a newsletter last week was written in Maori headlines.
I emailed them asking to stop communicating to me in maori as i speak english. The wrote me back some condescending BS and then said if our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elseware.

Logen Ninefingers
14-09-2023, 05:06 PM
O well them's the breaks. Maori getting jammed down everyones throats.
My power company in a newsletter last week was written in Maori headlines.
I emailed them asking to stop communicating to me in maori as i speak english. The wrote me back some condescending BS and then said if our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elseware.

A good way to lose customers. 'Go woke, go broke'?

14-09-2023, 05:10 PM
O well them's the breaks. Maori getting jammed down everyones throats.
My power company in a newsletter last week was written in Maori headlines.
I emailed them asking to stop communicating to me in maori as i speak english. The wrote me back some condescending BS and then said if our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elseware.

Their values? What values?

They must mean paying lip service and kissing arses so the management keep their high paying job by ripping off customers via an essential utility service.

I personally am ok with the frugal use of common Maori words from companies and government departments as they are being directed from above. But the arrogance of this electricity company you use need a response.

You should send their reply to Winston Peters so that he creates major discomfort for the CEO & the PR stooge. He will have a field day with them.

14-09-2023, 05:29 PM
Their values? What values?

They must mean paying lip service and kissing arses so the management keep their high paying job by ripping off customers via an essential utility service.

I personally am ok with the frugal use of common Maori words from companies and government departments as they are being directed from above. But the arrogance of this electricity company you use need a response.

You should send their reply to Winston Peters so that he creates major discomfort for the CEO & the PR stooge. He will have a field day with them.
Hopefully they are aligning with their shareholder values as well.

fungus pudding
14-09-2023, 05:36 PM
O well them's the breaks. Maori getting jammed down everyones throats.
My power company in a newsletter last week was written in Maori headlines.
I emailed them asking to stop communicating to me in maori as i speak english. The wrote me back some condescending BS and then said if our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elseware.

Are you going to take them up on that?

Logen Ninefingers
14-09-2023, 05:53 PM
'Coming up one OneNews tonight, economists have identified a half billion dollar hole in National's tax plan'.
Simon is grinning like a cheshire cat and it'll be the lead story.

(Labour will be borrowing $940 million a week in 2024 if re-elected*).

*Will not be a story (lead or otherwise) tonight on OneNews.

14-09-2023, 05:54 PM
Their values? What values?

They must mean paying lip service and kissing arses so the management keep their high paying job by ripping off customers via an essential utility service.

I personally am ok with the frugal use of common Maori words from companies and government departments as they are being directed from above. But the arrogance of this electricity company you use need a response.

You should send their reply to Winston Peters so that he creates major discomfort for the CEO & the PR stooge. He will have a field day with them.

It's quite unbelievable ("If our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elsewhere"), we don't want the political BS that we see overseas infiltrating NZ corporates - by that I mean to the point where they tell customers to f off.

14-09-2023, 07:04 PM
This is the state of law & order in NZ today :

Criminals free to steal and roam around with law abiding citizens unable even to do anything.

This is what happens when there is a breakdown in law and order - thanks to 6 years of woke policing and woke policies from this pro-crim Labour government.


“As a man started to abuse staff and tried to leave a downtown Auckland supermarket without paying, news publisher Todd Scott says he acted on instinct - tackling the thief to the ground.

But after holding him down for 10 minutes as staff called police, the owner of the National Business Review said he was surprised by their response, telling him to let the person go or risk being arrested himself.“

Logen Ninefingers
14-09-2023, 09:47 PM
This is the state of law & order in NZ today :

Criminals free to steal and roam around with law abiding citizens unable even to do anything.

This is what happens when there is a breakdown in law and order - thanks to 6 years of woke policing and woke policies from this pro-crim Labour government.


“As a man started to abuse staff and tried to leave a downtown Auckland supermarket without paying, news publisher Todd Scott says he acted on instinct - tackling the thief to the ground.

But after holding him down for 10 minutes as staff called police, the owner of the National Business Review said he was surprised by their response, telling him to let the person go or risk being arrested himself.“

The stinking thief is a 'person', the hero who tried to stop them is treated as a criminal scumbag. Sick country.

In Australia people who stop thieves become national heroes.


Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:02 AM

Ministry of Health reviewing contracts with firm linked to Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare, but no wider probe deemed necessary

By Kate MacNamara
15 Sep, 2023 05:00 AM

‘The Public Service Commissioner has declined to launch a broad review into $600,000 of Government contracts awarded to marketing and communications company Tātou, with close family ties to Labour Minister Peeni Henare.’

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:19 AM
Sharon Murdoch’s latest effort for far Left media company ‘Stuff’ -


15-09-2023, 10:21 AM
Chris Trotter - Delirious Hatred: The Dystopic Tendencies of Twenty-First Century Progressivism.

"Chippy can talk about “bread and butter” all he likes, but everybody knows that he and Grant Robertson have already committed themselves to less butter and thinner bread for at least the next three years. We also know that if, by some miracle, Labour-Green wins the election, then none of the initiatives which both parties signed-up to over the past six years: radical ethnic nationalism, censorship, transgenderism; are going to be abandoned. What looms ahead of New Zealand if Labour-Green wins is grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. Thinner bread and bloody roses.

The cynicism of the Greens is particularly galling. As the election looms ever closer, the party’s dominant ultra-progressive faction has been careful to remove the most off-putting of their policies from the party’s shop-front window. Barely tolerated by Green activists for most of the past three years, James Shaw has been thrust forward to sell the party’s popular and genuinely progressive policies to the electorate. Unfortunately, everybody who understands just how radical the Greens have become, also knows that the moment the votes are counted Shaw will be pushed aside and the party’s ultra-progressive priorities reclaimed from the backstage area and thrust forward.

It is precisely this sort of conscious deception, this deliberate “fooling” of the voters, that has transformed progressive politics from what used to be a joyful affirmation of idealism into a joyless exercise in dishonesty."


Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:25 AM
Chris Trotter - Delirious Hatred: The Dystopic Tendencies of Twenty-First Century Progressivism.

"Chippy can talk about “bread and butter” all he likes, but everybody knows that he and Grant Robertson have already committed themselves to less butter and thinner bread for at least the next three years. We also know that if, by some miracle, Labour-Green wins the election, then none of the initiatives which both parties signed-up to over the past six years: radical ethnic nationalism, censorship, transgenderism; are going to be abandoned. What looms ahead of New Zealand if Labour-Green wins is grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. Thinner bread and bloody roses.

The cynicism of the Greens is particularly galling. As the election looms ever closer, the party’s dominant ultra-progressive faction has been careful to remove the most off-putting of their policies from the party’s shop-front window. Barely tolerated by Green activists for most of the past three years, James Shaw has been thrust forward to sell the party’s popular and genuinely progressive policies to the electorate. Unfortunately, everybody who understands just how radical the Greens have become, also knows that the moment the votes are counted Shaw will be pushed aside and the party’s ultra-progressive priorities reclaimed from the backstage area and thrust forward.

It is precisely this sort of conscious deception, this deliberate “fooling” of the voters, that has transformed progressive politics from what used to be a joyful affirmation of idealism into a joyless exercise in dishonesty."


Extraordinary stuff from Trotter, he truly loathes what Labour and the Greens have become.

15-09-2023, 10:36 AM
Chris Trotter - Delirious Hatred: The Dystopic Tendencies of Twenty-First Century Progressivism.

"Chippy can talk about “bread and butter” all he likes, but everybody knows that he and Grant Robertson have already committed themselves to less butter and thinner bread for at least the next three years. We also know that if, by some miracle, Labour-Green wins the election, then none of the initiatives which both parties signed-up to over the past six years: radical ethnic nationalism, censorship, transgenderism; are going to be abandoned. What looms ahead of New Zealand if Labour-Green wins is grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. Thinner bread and bloody roses.

The cynicism of the Greens is particularly galling. As the election looms ever closer, the party’s dominant ultra-progressive faction has been careful to remove the most off-putting of their policies from the party’s shop-front window. Barely tolerated by Green activists for most of the past three years, James Shaw has been thrust forward to sell the party’s popular and genuinely progressive policies to the electorate. Unfortunately, everybody who understands just how radical the Greens have become, also knows that the moment the votes are counted Shaw will be pushed aside and the party’s ultra-progressive priorities reclaimed from the backstage area and thrust forward.

It is precisely this sort of conscious deception, this deliberate “fooling” of the voters, that has transformed progressive politics from what used to be a joyful affirmation of idealism into a joyless exercise in dishonesty."


Reading the full commentary, Chris Trotter appears to have come to the same conclusions that Jordan Peterson has been espousing the last 5 years or so. Peterson knows his Nietzche and his Solzhenitsyn. He has also spent decades studying the atrocities of the 20th Century and their origins.

fungus pudding
15-09-2023, 11:26 AM
Spending under Labour.


Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 12:38 PM
Spending under Labour.


Delivering public services(?) Just a massive socialist rort, a promotional event for Labour itself, & a raised middle finger to working Kiwi's and the long-suffering NZ taxpayer. Labour MP's and the entrenched troughers in many areas of the public service: they are all completely out of touch with reality in a nation that is getting poorer by the day and is set to borrow $940 million a week in 2024. Disgraceful!!



National targets Ministry for Pacific Peoples' $50k post-Budget breakfasts spend

'National is accusing the Ministry for Pacific Peoples (MPP) of more extravagant spending, this time for post-Budget breakfast events featuring Labour MPs in May.

National said government responses to written parliamentary questions showed the Ministry spent nearly $53,000 on the breakfast events.

However, Labour's spokesperson for Pacific Peoples Barbara Edmonds has defended the events, comparing them to briefings similar to those given to businesspeople after the Budget.

It follows Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes criticising the ministry last month for spending more than $40,000 on a farewell for its departing chief executive last October.

National's public service spokesperson Simeon Brown said Labour should also explain why the events were advertised as featuring the party's Pacific MPs.

The responses showed the four events - in Auckland, Christchurch, Hawke's Bay and Wellington - included nearly $25,000 on catering, nearly $5000 on venue hires, and more than $22,000 on audio and visual equipment.

"This shows Labour's claims of fiscal prudence cannot be taken seriously, now or ever," Brown said.

The events had been advertised online as "an opportunity for our stakeholders and communities to talanoa with Ministry staff and Government officials following this year's Budget 2023 announcement".

"The Hon. Barbara Edmonds, Minister for Pacific Peoples, will host the breakfast, together with the Hon. Carmel Sepuloni, Deputy Prime Minister, together with members of the Pacific Caucus and other officials. Our Chief Executive, Gerardine Clifford-Lidstone will also make an address."

Brown said Labour leader Chris Hipkins must explain how the spending was able to go ahead, given an investigation into the farewell had already been launched.

"He should also explain how Kiwis can believe his spin on fiscal prudence when this was able to happen right under his nose."

Brown told Morning Report the spending was unacceptable and needed to stop.

He disagreed the events were to share information from the Budget, describing them as "promotional events" for Labour MPs with no National MPs invited in an election year.

"The one in Hawke's Bay cost $110 per person that attended ... this ministry is throwing money around like it grows on trees."

Material from the Budget could have been shared in less expensive ways, such as by online means like Zoom.

Brown denied National was singling out the Ministry of Pacific Peoples, however, it had increased its spending by 477 percent in the last five years.

Edmonds has defended her ministry's spending on the breakfast events.

She said Pacific communities had been overlooked in post-Budget communication and it was appropriate for them to hear how Budget initiatives affected them.

She described the breakfasts as "community events" and said they were held in Pacific church and community halls around the country.

Edmonds said it was not just business audiences that deserved to be involved in the Budget process.'

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 05:57 PM
The Wellington Post has a poll and a story on co-governance and bilingual signs -


Voters want a referendum on co-governance - but not bilingual signs, poll shows

Andrea Vance
September 15, 2023

'Almost half of voters believe there should be a referendum on Māori co-governance – and reject bilingual road signs, according to a new poll.

It comes as Labour signalled a delay to plans to add te reo Māori to traffic signage.

The Post/Freshwater Strategy poll shows 48% of respondents want the chance to vote, while 17% disagree. More than a third (34%) opted to stay neutral.

The question posed was: “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: there should be a referendum on Māori co-governance, to end the confusion and let every New Zealander have a say.”

ACT is the only party to propose a referendum. But despite being a hot political topic for the last year, race and ethnicity have not played a significant role in the election campaign, with the focus on the economy and cost of living.

But among voters, racial division is a concern. The poll also asked if there should be more co-governance with Māori in government decision-making – and 45% disagreed. Fewer – 28% – agreed, and 27% remained neutral.

There was a similar split among voters about whether road signage should be written in te reo Māori as well as English: 45% were not in favour, compared with 32% in favour.

Almost half (49%) think government departments should be known by their English, not Māori name. Only 26% disagreed with this statement.

Respondents were also asked if there should be quotas to ensure different ethnic groups are represented in Parliament and government. A total of 38% disagreed – with 31% in favour.

However, that flipped for gender. More (38%) said there should be quotas to ensure enough women were represented. A third (33%) disagreed.

Co-governance is a shared governance arrangement, with Treaty of Waitangi partners having equal seats around the table.

The Labour Government instituted co-governance in its reform of water services, and put an element into health reforms, creating a devolved Māori health authority.

Many treaty settlements, signed in the past two decades included co-governance provisions for places like the Whanganui River and Te Urewera.

But on taking office in January, Labour’s leader Chris Hipkins conceded there was uncertainty among New Zealanders about what it means.

”New Zealanders signed up to the Treaty more than 180 years ago,” Hipkins said on Thursday. “I don't think that having a referendum on whether you should back out of obligations that effectively allowed us all to be here is the right way to go.”

Campaigning on the West Coast with Hipkins, associate transport minister Damien O’Connor was asked why he had not yet approved bilingual signs. He said he has asked for more advice, because he was new in the role following the resignation of Kiri Allan in July.

“I'm looking at the effectiveness of the signage system across New Zealand,” he said. “We have a high road toll. Signage, in my view, contributes in part to the confusion on the roads that leads to accidents.”

Transport agency Waka Kotahi opened consultation earlier this year, but it inflamed racial tensions. O’Connor denied the delay was due to the election campaign.

National has argued against co-governance in the delivery of public services, and said it would dismantle the Māori health authority. Leader Christopher Luxon said said he didn’t think the country was ready for a referendum – but hasn’t explicitly ruled it out.

He doesn’t oppose bilingual road signs, and has said he doesn’t want the country’s transport agency to spend money on them.

NZ First wants to re-christen agencies that have adopted te reo Māori for their primary name, like Te Whatu Ora.

Te Pati Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer has strongly criticised ACT for proposing the referendum.

”To do a referendum would mean none of the settlements are binding, or full and final and that land and assets stolen should be returned,” she said.

”Co-governance is happening – and has been happening successfully for years. Those debating it and promoting it have divisive political agendas which no doubt will go silent when their parties get into Government.

ACT leader David Seymour said he was pleased to see the poll result.

“New Zealanders don't like being divided by race, no one asked them if it was OK and they want it to stop,” he said. “Most people I meet want to cherish the Māori language and culture, but they also want to be able to navigate the Government they pay for in a language they understand.

“Forcing the Māori language on people causes them to resent it, which is a massive own goal. There is clear support for ACT's proposal to have a referendum on Treaty principles, and a say on co-government.

“Dividing people by race has never worked and it has no place in a modern multi-ethnic liberal democracy."'

Freshwater Strategy, interviewed 1511 eligible voters in New Zealand, aged 18 + online, between August 28-30. The margin of error is approximately +/ - 3%.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 06:02 PM
The Wellington Post has a poll and a story on co-governance and bilingual signs -


Voters want a referendum on co-governance - but not bilingual signs, poll shows

Andrea Vance
September 15, 2023

'Almost half of voters believe there should be a referendum on Māori co-governance – and reject bilingual road signs, according to a new poll.

It comes as Labour signalled a delay to plans to add te reo Māori to traffic signage.

The Post/Freshwater Strategy poll shows 48% of respondents want the chance to vote, while 17% disagree. More than a third (34%) opted to stay neutral.

The question posed was: “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: there should be a referendum on Māori co-governance, to end the confusion and let every New Zealander have a say.”

ACT is the only party to propose a referendum. But despite being a hot political topic for the last year, race and ethnicity have not played a significant role in the election campaign, with the focus on the economy and cost of living.

But among voters, racial division is a concern. The poll also asked if there should be more co-governance with Māori in government decision-making – and 45% disagreed. Fewer – 28% – agreed, and 27% remained neutral.

There was a similar split among voters about whether road signage should be written in te reo Māori as well as English: 45% were not in favour, compared with 32% in favour.

Almost half (49%) think government departments should be known by their English, not Māori name. Only 26% disagreed with this statement.

Respondents were also asked if there should be quotas to ensure different ethnic groups are represented in Parliament and government. A total of 38% disagreed – with 31% in favour.

However, that flipped for gender. More (38%) said there should be quotas to ensure enough women were represented. A third (33%) disagreed.

Co-governance is a shared governance arrangement, with Treaty of Waitangi partners having equal seats around the table.

The Labour Government instituted co-governance in its reform of water services, and put an element into health reforms, creating a devolved Māori health authority.

Many treaty settlements, signed in the past two decades included co-governance provisions for places like the Whanganui River and Te Urewera.

But on taking office in January, Labour’s leader Chris Hipkins conceded there was uncertainty among New Zealanders about what it means.

”New Zealanders signed up to the Treaty more than 180 years ago,” Hipkins said on Thursday. “I don't think that having a referendum on whether you should back out of obligations that effectively allowed us all to be here is the right way to go.”

Campaigning on the West Coast with Hipkins, associate transport minister Damien O’Connor was asked why he had not yet approved bilingual signs. He said he has asked for more advice, because he was new in the role following the resignation of Kiri Allan in July.

“I'm looking at the effectiveness of the signage system across New Zealand,” he said. “We have a high road toll. Signage, in my view, contributes in part to the confusion on the roads that leads to accidents.”

Transport agency Waka Kotahi opened consultation earlier this year, but it inflamed racial tensions. O’Connor denied the delay was due to the election campaign.

National has argued against co-governance in the delivery of public services, and said it would dismantle the Māori health authority. Leader Christopher Luxon said said he didn’t think the country was ready for a referendum – but hasn’t explicitly ruled it out.

He doesn’t oppose bilingual road signs, and has said he doesn’t want the country’s transport agency to spend money on them.

NZ First wants to re-christen agencies that have adopted te reo Māori for their primary name, like Te Whatu Ora.

Te Pati Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer has strongly criticised ACT for proposing the referendum.

”To do a referendum would mean none of the settlements are binding, or full and final and that land and assets stolen should be returned,” she said.

”Co-governance is happening – and has been happening successfully for years. Those debating it and promoting it have divisive political agendas which no doubt will go silent when their parties get into Government.

ACT leader David Seymour said he was pleased to see the poll result.

“New Zealanders don't like being divided by race, no one asked them if it was OK and they want it to stop,” he said. “Most people I meet want to cherish the Māori language and culture, but they also want to be able to navigate the Government they pay for in a language they understand.

“Forcing the Māori language on people causes them to resent it, which is a massive own goal. There is clear support for ACT's proposal to have a referendum on Treaty principles, and a say on co-government.

“Dividing people by race has never worked and it has no place in a modern multi-ethnic liberal democracy."'

Freshwater Strategy, interviewed 1511 eligible voters in New Zealand, aged 18 + online, between August 28-30. The margin of error is approximately +/ - 3%.

”New Zealanders signed up to the Treaty more than 180 years ago,” Hipkins said “I don't think that having a referendum on whether you should back out of obligations that effectively allowed us all to be here is the right way to go.”

- New Zealanders didn't sign a Treaty, but I know that the British Crown was one signatory.

- We didn't come here because of a Treaty. We would have come here Treaty or no Treaty. We aren't 'allowed to be here' because of a Treaty. We are allowed to be here because we either were born here or we immigrated here, and we are either citizens of New Zealand or permanent residents.

15-09-2023, 06:12 PM
”New Zealanders signed up to the Treaty more than 180 years ago,” Hipkins said “I don't think that having a referendum on whether you should back out of obligations that effectively allowed us all to be here is the right way to go.”

Treaty of Utrecht,
Treaty of Tilsit,
Treaty of Versailles etc.

NZ signed up to a democracy so we should lump the treaty in with these others. We should take care of everyone in social distress - taxpayer support going to tribal elders is an ineffective way of doing that.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 06:19 PM
Treaty of Ultrecht,
Treaty of Tilsit,
Treaty of Versailles etc.

NZ signed up to a democracy so we should lump the treaty in with these others. We should take care of everyone in social distress - taxpayer support going to tribal elders is an ineffective way of doing that.

Let's get a Republic underway, end this sham that someone thousands of miles away is our 'head of state', & then the Maori elites and academics can go after King Charles III and the UK government for any compensation they think they are owed.
The idea that Queen Victoria would have entered into a 'partnership' agreement with people who were signing up to become her subjects is preposterous, but Maori should test the idea in the UK courts and see if it holds water.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 06:27 PM
Interesting that large numbers of Maori considered rebellious Waikato tribes to be rebels who were rebelling against their lawful sovereign, Queen Victoria:

'At one end of the scale were kūpapa groups who had whole-hearted support for the British. These included the largest tribe in New Zealand, Ngāpuhi, (estimated by demographer Ian Pool to have 40% of all Maori people in 1840) who held a meeting under their chief Tāmati Wāka Nene, in the Hokianga in 1863 to back the government in the war against the Waikato "rebels".[3] Waka Nene, who was a close supporter of governor Grey, offered the services of Ngāpuhi warriors, which Grey declined.

What 'interpretation of the Treaty did Ngāpuhi have? Did they believe Iwi were in a 'partnership' with Queen Victoria, or did they believe that rebellious Iwi were her subjects who - by their actions - were committing treason?

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 06:49 PM
Why hasn't Te Rauparaha been cancelled and his haka been shelved? I was reading that after one of his periodic invasions, this mass murderer and his warriors took 500 baskets of human flesh back to Kapiti Island. Surely there are people out there distraught to see the All Blacks performing the haka of the guy that literally ate their ancestors.
Or maybe they stay quiet about it because it might upset the idea that Maori were / are some homogenous people who've only ever had a problem with the British Empire(?) Who knows.....


Yet in Hamilton, the statue of this man was removed because he got 'cancelled' for having the temerity of fighting - and dying - for his sovereign, against people he would have viewed as traitors for rebelling against her majesty's government.

The bronze statue of Captain John Fane Charles Hamilton was originally gifted to Hamilton City by the Gallagher Group in 2013.

John Fane Charles Hamilton was a British navy officer who led a regiment and was killed during the Battle of Gate Pā.

Anyway, here's a bit more on the conqueror & cannibal Te Rauparaha -

'Te Rauparaha was keen to control the supply of greenstone (pounamu) and other resources to be found in Te Waipounamu (South Island). He had the advantage over the southerners because they had not yet acquired guns (muskets) and he had reason to seek revenge on them as some of their chiefs had insulted him and fought against Ngāti Toa in earlier encounters. So in 1828, he sacked the Ngāti Kurī pā at Kaikōura and Ōmihi before heading to Kaiapoi, the large Ngāi Tahu settlement near the Ashley River north of Christchurch.

A group of senior Ngāti Toa chiefs (including Te Pēhi Kupe) who accompanied Te Rauparaha entered the pā to trade and were killed. Te Rauparaha, who did not enter the pā, attacked, killing some Ngāi Tahu and then made his escape to Kapiti Island.

He was back in 1830 when he carried out an elaborate plan to get revenge for the killing of the chiefs. He persuaded Captain Stewart of the brig Elizabeth to assist him with his plan.Tamaiharanui, the paramount chief of Ngāi Tahu at that time, on returning to Takapūneke (his homebase) was persuaded to board the vessel to trade and was captured and taken to Kapiti Island where he was tortured and killed. On the way to Kapiti Tamaiharanui strangled his daughter to prevent her enslavement and it is also reported that his wife Te Whe threw herself overboard, preferring death at her own hands to what awaited her at the hands of her captors.

In 1831 Te Rauparaha again besieged Kaiapoi Pā digging trenches up to the walls and setting fire to the palisades. A change of wind assisted him to breach the walls and capture this important Ngāi Tahu pā. During the following summer season in 1832, Ōnawe pā on a peninsula in Akaroa harbour was besieged by Ngāti Toa and Ngāti Awa warriors camped on nearby tidal flats before gaining access and capturing the pā. This marked the final incursion of Te Rauparaha into the Ngāi Tahu territory.

By 1833 Ngāi Tahu had acquired guns of their own and were able to resist his attempts to extend his territory in the South Island. He was nearly captured himself at Kapara-te-hau (Lake Grassmere) during the first of the expeditions to oust Ngāti Toa in 1833. During the next few years a number of expeditions took place led by fighting chiefs from further south, such as Tuhawaiki, Taiaroa, Haereroa and Makere, which brought to an end Te Rauparaha’s incursions into the south.

Te Rauparaha spent the final years of his life at Otaki and died on 27 November 1849. He was first buried near the church called Rangiātea and later re-interred on Kapiti Island.

He had a huge impact on tribal events and relationships during the years before the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. He is also remembered as the author of the haka Ka mate performed by the New Zealand All Black rugby team at the start of all important matches.'

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 06:55 PM
Why hasn't Te Rauparaha been cancelled and his haka been shelved? I was reading that after one of his periodic invasions, this mass murderer and his warriors took 500 baskets of human flesh back to Kapiti Island. Surely there are people out there distraught to see the All Blacks performing the haka of the guy that literally ate their ancestors.
Or maybe they stay quiet about it because it might upset the idea that Maori were / are some homogenous people who've only ever had a problem with the British Empire(?) Who knows.....


Yet in Hamilton, the statue of this man was removed because he got 'cancelled' for having the temerity of fighting - and dying - for his subject, against people he would have viewed as traitors for rebelling against their sovereign.

The bronze statue of Captain John Fane Charles Hamilton was originally gifted to Hamilton City by the Gallagher Group in 2013.

John Fane Charles Hamilton was a British navy officer who led a regiment and was killed during the Battle of Gate Pā.

Anyway, here's a bit more on the conqueror & cannibal Te Rauparaha -

'Te Rauparaha was keen to control the supply of greenstone (pounamu) and other resources to be found in Te Waipounamu (South Island). He had the advantage over the southerners because they had not yet acquired guns (muskets) and he had reason to seek revenge on them as some of their chiefs had insulted him and fought against Ngāti Toa in earlier encounters. So in 1828, he sacked the Ngāti Kurī pā at Kaikōura and Ōmihi before heading to Kaiapoi, the large Ngāi Tahu settlement near the Ashley River north of Christchurch.

A group of senior Ngāti Toa chiefs (including Te Pēhi Kupe) who accompanied Te Rauparaha entered the pā to trade and were killed. Te Rauparaha, who did not enter the pā, attacked, killing some Ngāi Tahu and then made his escape to Kapiti Island.

He was back in 1830 when he carried out an elaborate plan to get revenge for the killing of the chiefs. He persuaded Captain Stewart of the brig Elizabeth to assist him with his plan.Tamaiharanui, the paramount chief of Ngāi Tahu at that time, on returning to Takapūneke (his homebase) was persuaded to board the vessel to trade and was captured and taken to Kapiti Island where he was tortured and killed. On the way to Kapiti Tamaiharanui strangled his daughter to prevent her enslavement and it is also reported that his wife Te Whe threw herself overboard, preferring death at her own hands to what awaited her at the hands of her captors.

In 1831 Te Rauparaha again besieged Kaiapoi Pā digging trenches up to the walls and setting fire to the palisades. A change of wind assisted him to breach the walls and capture this important Ngāi Tahu pā. During the following summer season in 1832, Ōnawe pā on a peninsula in Akaroa harbour was besieged by Ngāti Toa and Ngāti Awa warriors camped on nearby tidal flats before gaining access and capturing the pā. This marked the final incursion of Te Rauparaha into the Ngāi Tahu territory.

By 1833 Ngāi Tahu had acquired guns of their own and were able to resist his attempts to extend his territory in the South Island. He was nearly captured himself at Kapara-te-hau (Lake Grassmere) during the first of the expeditions to oust Ngāti Toa in 1833. During the next few years a number of expeditions took place led by fighting chiefs from further south, such as Tuhawaiki, Taiaroa, Haereroa and Makere, which brought to an end Te Rauparaha’s incursions into the south.

Te Rauparaha spent the final years of his life at Otaki and died on 27 November 1849. He was first buried near the church called Rangiātea and later re-interred on Kapiti Island.

He had a huge impact on tribal events and relationships during the years before the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. He is also remembered as the author of the haka Ka mate performed by the New Zealand All Black rugby team at the start of all important matches.'

Speaking of 'Te Tiriti'....

On 14 May 1840 Te Rauparaha signed a copy of the Treaty of Waitangi, believing that the treaty would guarantee him and his allies the possession of territories gained by conquest over the previous 18 years. On 19 June of that year, he signed another copy of the treaty, when Major Thomas Bunbury insisted that he do so.[1]

15-09-2023, 07:14 PM
Meanwhile over the Ditch in Aussie:


Surging oil price fuels fresh inflation fears as petrol stays above $2 per litre

Surging fuel prices are igniting fresh inflation fears, as production cuts by the global oil cartel heap yet more pain on consumers.

Average petrol and diesel prices are at their highest levels since the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, trading above $2 a litre in Australia's five major capital cities for the fourth week in a row.

Goes to show how much the Central Govt Rip Off Artists & Front Bench Cheats are creaming the job here ;)

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 07:18 PM
Meanwhile over the Ditch in Aussie:


Surging oil price fuels fresh inflation fears as petrol stays above $2 per litre

Goes to show how much the Central Govt Rip Off Artists & Front Bench Scammers, Liers & Cheats are creaming the job here ;)

What it goes to show is that Robertson is lying his pants off when he says NZ has 'turned the corner' when it comes to the fight against inflation.

Him and Chipkins wacked fuel tax back on petrol, and ever since then oil prices have been surging. The next inflation figure here will well and truly set the cat amongst the pigeons. And we won't know that figure until after the election.

15-09-2023, 07:23 PM
What it goes to show is that Robertson is lying his pants off when he says NZ has 'turned the corner' when it comes to the fight against inflation.

Him and Chipkins wacked fuel tax back on petrol, and ever since then oil prices have been surging. The next inflation figure here will well and truly set the cat amongst the pigeons. And we won't know that figure until after the election.

The same warning on Rising Fuel prices fuelling inflation was issued in the US in the past week too ..

Chumpkins & Gobbo Robbo will be hoping no-one here noticed it until after they're gone ;)

Yet another hidden grenade left by Labour's current clueless mob for the next lot to deal with

Not difficult to see why the Govt books are in such an unholy shambles ..

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 07:35 PM
The same warning on Rising Fuel prices fuelling inflation was issued in the US in the past week too ..

Chumpkins & Gobbo Robbo will be hoping no-one here noticed it until after they're gone ;)

Yet another hidden grenade left by Labour's current clueless mob for the next lot to deal with

Not difficult to see why the Govt books are in such an unholy shambles ..

Just needs ONE, just ONE, ethical journalist to ask the questions of the Finance Minister and PM.

15-09-2023, 07:45 PM
Just needs ONE, just ONE, ethical journalist to ask the questions of the Finance Minister and PM.

Be a good cartoon somewhere .. NZ's Non-inflationary Oil .. all made up and manufactured to amuse the Dreamers with a full tax quotient added plus some, and can be procured with Labour's newly minted 'Fool's Gold' ;)

Just check that Robbo & James' mugshots are on the label so you know you got the real stuff :)

15-09-2023, 07:55 PM
Reading the full commentary, Chris Trotter appears to have come to the same conclusions that Jordan Peterson has been espousing the last 5 years or so. Peterson knows his Nietzche and his Solzhenitsyn. He has also spent decades studying the atrocities of the 20th Century and their origins.I too read the full commentary to see where Chris Trotter is coming from. He certainly is not happy or hopeful.

He says “In the end, the reason I cannot bring myself to vote for either Labour or the Greens is very simple: it’s because they are joyless.. .. ”
Later he says “What looms ahead of New Zealand if Labour-Green wins is grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. Thinner bread and bloody roses.”
What looms ahead of New Zealand if National-Act wins is also grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. The direction-of-travel for both the main parties is dystopic.

15-09-2023, 07:58 PM
I too read the full commentary to see where Chris Trotter is coming from. He certainly is not happy or hopeful.

He says “In the end, the reason I cannot bring myself to vote for either Labour or the Greens is very simple: it’s because they are joyless.. .. ”
Later he says “What looms ahead of New Zealand if Labour-Green wins is grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. Thinner bread and bloody roses.”
What looms ahead of New Zealand if National-Act wins is also grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. The direction-of-travel for both the main parties is dystopic.

Who from Labour recently suggested we become a State of Australia ? :)

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 08:07 PM
I too read the full commentary to see where Chris Trotter is coming from. He certainly is not happy or hopeful.

He says “In the end, the reason I cannot bring myself to vote for either Labour or the Greens is very simple: it’s because they are joyless.. .. ”
Later he says “What looms ahead of New Zealand if Labour-Green wins is grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. Thinner bread and bloody roses.”
What looms ahead of New Zealand if National-Act wins is also grinding economic austerity and relentless cultural warfare. The direction-of-travel for both the main parties is dystopic.

Well on the 'cultural warfare' front, Trotter clearly believes that National can put the genie back in the bottle. Otherwise he would have written his opinion piece as per the conclusion you've reached in your post.

15-09-2023, 08:10 PM
Well, if an epitome of how NZ has gone to the dogs under Labour was needed, it happened in Wellington today.

A parasite with a penchant for riding in subsidised uneconomic trains, attacked some quality cars at a prestige dealership.
His jealousy got the better of him.

Expect John Campbell of TV infame to arrange a paid interview of him, and play the envy card by saying good on you mate, l know how you are feeling...

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 08:34 PM
Well, if an epitome of how NZ has gone to the dogs under Labour was needed, it happened in Wellington today.

A parasite with a penchant for riding in subsidised uneconomic trains, attacked some quality cars at a prestige dealership.
His jealousy got the better of him.

Expect John Campbell of TV infame to arrange a paid interview of him, and play the envy card by saying good on you mate, l know how you are feeling...

More than one -

'Police rushed to Wellington’s Cambridge Terrace yesterday, where two people from the climate action group Restore Passenger Rail had allegedly sprayed Gazley Motors with red paint and glued themselves to the footpath in front of the dealership.'

The fact that these absolute mongrels can go and attack someone's business like this - and the owner said "half the cars here are electric" - just goes to show how unhinged and violent the Left are coming. Once again it's envy and 'anti-capitalism' (marxism) in play as the creeps attack a luxury car business....what are they hoping to achieve? Copy-cat attacks? Maybe the long hoped for revolution? You look at this stuff and the only possible conclusion you can draw is that the Left endorse criminality. If they can come up with some political excuse for law-breaking, then they actually hope to be seen as courageous heroes rather than the stinking criminals that they are. But no doubt there are more than a few out there that do see them as heroes. I know that many on the Left are verging on hysteria, boiling internally over rhetoric such as "the planet is boiling". If they want to really & truly do something about climate change, then they should fly to Beijing and lobby President Xi. They should not commit acts of criminal damage on businesses in a country that is responsible for 0.17% of global emissions.

And when will a Judge start protecting ordinary citizens and businesses from these unhinged hooligans? Surely preventative detention is in order?!

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 08:36 PM
More than one -

'Police rushed to Wellington’s Cambridge Terrace yesterday, where two people from the climate action group Restore Passenger Rail had allegedly sprayed Gazley Motors with red paint and glued themselves to the footpath in front of the dealership.'

The fact that these absolute mongrels can go and attack someone's business like this - and the owner said "half the cars here are electric" - just goes to show how unhinged and violent the Left are coming. Once again it's envy and 'anti-capitalism' (marxism) in play as the creeps attack a luxury car business....what are they hoping to achieve? Copy-cat attacks? Maybe the long hoped for revolution? You look at this stuff and the only possible conclusion you can draw is that the Left endorse criminality. If they can come up with some political excuse for law-breaking, then they actually hope to be seen as courageous heroes rather than the stinking criminals that they are. But no doubt there are more than a few out there that do see them as heroes. I know that many on the Left are verging on hysteria, boiling internally over rhetoric such as "the planet is boiling". If they want to really & truly do something about climate change, then they should fly to Beijing and lobby President Xi. They should not commit acts of criminal damage on businesses in a country that is responsible for 0.17% of global emissions.

And when will a Judge start protecting ordinary citizens and businesses from these unhinged hooligans? Surely preventative detention is in order?!

Surely a person has been assaulted? Or is it a lawful act to spray paint someone from "head to toe"?

“The obscenely rich are lobbying against us having sustainable transport systems and are turbocharging the climate crisis with more motorways and more luxury emissions,” said spokesman James Cockle.

Gazley Motors managing director Myles Gazley told the Herald his brother Oliver had been sprayed “head to toe” in the paint as he came out to see why they were spraying the building.

15-09-2023, 08:45 PM
O well them's the breaks. Maori getting jammed down everyones throats.
My power company in a newsletter last week was written in Maori headlines.
I emailed them asking to stop communicating to me in maori as i speak english. The wrote me back some condescending BS and then said if our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elseware.

The sooner these idiots realise that banks and power companies don’t have values, the better. They should listen to Buffett

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 08:49 PM
The sooner these idiots realise that banks and power companies don’t have values, the better. They should listen to Buffett

The 'values' they have are the SP values = market cap. Without their customers they would be worth $0 a share.
Yes, companies should operate ethically, but deciding to take what are essentially political positions & telling customers to take a hike if they don't agree....'go woke, go broke'?

15-09-2023, 08:55 PM
O well them's the breaks. Maori getting jammed down everyones throats.
My power company in a newsletter last week was written in Maori headlines.
I emailed them asking to stop communicating to me in maori as i speak english. The wrote me back some condescending BS and then said if our values don't align with yours then you are free to go elseware.
Please name the company.

I for one, wish to boycott them.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 08:57 PM
Please name the company.

I for one, wish to boycott them.

While you wait for a response, here's the names of two woke companies for you: 'Stuff' and The New Zealand Herald.

15-09-2023, 09:08 PM
While you wait for a response, here's the names of two woke companies for you: 'Stuff' and The New Zealand Herald.

Point taken.
But unfortunately with the demise of print media generally, and regional newspapers taking much of their content from big daddy NZH, if they fail a major hole will be left.

I feel it's only a matter of time before they are online only, due to distribution costs, and difficulty getting delivery staff.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 09:54 PM
Point taken.
But unfortunately with the demise of print media generally, and regional newspapers taking much of their content from big daddy NZH, if they fail a major hole will be left.

I feel it's only a matter of time before they are online only, due to distribution costs, and difficulty getting delivery staff.

If they fail a major hole will be left, and a major lesson learnt.

A couple of 'good chaps' helped Labour in 2017 by flicking them a few bucks to keep the lights. These chaps had agreed that Labour would lose the election anyway, so where was the harm. (Just think about that for a moment, as we head into another election).
Then comes another facepalm moment: "We hadn't reckoned on Winston's intervention. Who did"?

Anyway, when you help out people who aren't so much sheep as wolves in sheeps clothing.....'never give a sucker an even break' and all that.

Consequently, when 'good chaps' from the right do nice things for wolves, NZ finds itself in a 'major hole'.

And Sir Bob has always purported to have disdain for 'whimps' and 'suckers'.


15-09-2023, 09:56 PM

'Bloodbath': The community likely to take a big swing against Labour

Speaking to On the Campaign, the Herald’s daily election podcast, du Plessis-Allan said National’s Todd McClay was the big winner, while Labour’s Damien O’Connor performed well but not well enough to counter the toxic view farmers have of the Government.

Du Plessis-Allan said she expects Labour to lose many of their rural seats in a “bloodbath”, but does not think those votes will automatically go to National.

“I think what you will see is a huge swing from Labour to Act. I think part of that is they have been courting the farmers for a long time, but also people like [former Federated Farmers president turned Act candidate] Andrew Hoggard are bringing the votes over.

“Don’t expect red to blue, expect red to blue and yellow.”

Large problem coming into view Muriel - an avalanche of Crispy burnt chips heading towards us at high speed :)

Dug the hole large enough yet - Robbo, so all the Comrades can dive in & hide unseen in it ? ;)

15-09-2023, 10:00 PM
Is that Hannah Tamaki stroking her pussy in the Pet Assurance ad on TV?

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:01 PM

'Bloodbath': The community likely to take a big swing against Labour

Large problem coming into view Muriel - an avalanche of Crispy burnt chips heading towards us at high speed :)

Dug the hole large enough yet - Robbo, so all the Comrades can dive in & hide unseen in it ? ;)

Farmers voting for Labour in 2020 was a one-off; they went for Labour because National was way down in the polls and they didn't want the Greens anywhere near a true coalition with Labour.

Farmers know that if the Greens (and TPM) have Labour over a barrel then Chipkins will readily agree to implement some of their radical policies.

15-09-2023, 10:02 PM
Please name the company.

I for one, wish to boycott them.

It's a power company for goodness sake not my church, why they want me to consider aligning my values with them I do not know.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:03 PM
Is that Hannah Tamaki stroking her pussy in the Pet Assurance ad on TV?

I hope not.

15-09-2023, 10:06 PM
Is that Hannah Tamaki stroking her pussy in the Pet Assurance ad on TV?

Was it an old Ad ?

Was it still showing signs of life & not stuffed ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:09 PM
Was it an old Ad ?

Was it still showing signs of life & not stuffed ? ;)

You’re thinking of her beaver. That’s been stuffed.

15-09-2023, 10:12 PM
Farmers voting for Labour in 2020 was a one-off; they went for Labour because National was way down in the polls and they didn't want the Greens anywhere near a true coalition with Labour.

Farmers know that if the Greens (and TPM) have Labour over a barrel then Chipkins will readily agree to implement some of their radical policies.

Indeed .. about the size of things

The Greens to Farmers must represent the worst sort of creature that could be seen around the block

Have to say - Labour have only got themselves to blame for the hopeless position they are in today,
effectively hijacked, over the barrel and whichever way they move potentially taking the punishment,
soon to be kicked out and abandoned by all those who have lost faith and the factions reassembling
elsewhere.. All good Kiwi's at large are the Losers out of Labour's clueless madness over past 6 years ;)

15-09-2023, 10:13 PM
You’re thinking of her beaver. That’s been stuffed.

Best show Robbo one .. he might need lessons on digging a long tunnel to hide his butt in very soon ;)

15-09-2023, 10:13 PM
It wasn't mangy, but could do with some dandruff treatment, and some Vax shots.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:16 PM
Indeed .. about the size of things

The Greens to Farmers must represent the worst sort of creature that could be seen around the block

Have to say - Labour have only got themselves to blame for the hopeless position they are in today,
effectively hijacked, over the barrel and whichever way they move potentially taking the punishment,
soon to be kicked out and abandoned by all those who have lost faith and the factions reassembling
elsewhere.. All good Kiwi's at large are the Losers out of Labour's clueless madness over past 6 years ;)

Why would Chipkins even want to lead a LABGREETEPATI government? Showing his true colours really, he probably relishes it in actual fact: an amazing opportunity to drive New Zealand as far Left as possible and complete the job of destroying the country.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:18 PM
Best show Robbo one .. he might need lessons on digging a long tunnel to hide his butt in very soon ;)

You have to take great care with your phrasing when using the words you’ve deployed in that post.

15-09-2023, 10:20 PM

Hipkins takes aim at National’s tax plan

'Irresponsible and unaffordable'

Sounds like Labour's Fiscal Management & Steep Trajectory down into very large Hole that Robbo dug over past 6 years ;)

How could Chumpster be so dumb as to not notice ? ;)

15-09-2023, 10:28 PM
Why would Chipkins even want to lead a LABGREETEPATI government? Showing his true colours really, he probably relishes it in actual fact: an amazing opportunity to drive New Zealand as far Left as possible and complete the job of destroying the country.

The problem is that reducing numbers every day are believing the Spiel from the Chumpster;
all on the receiving end of COL hikes, Interest Hikes, Fuel Hikes, dodging crime all over the place,
having to contend with Accommodation / Rental issues, Dodging pot holes, seeing divisiveness
all around, Hospitals & other Public Services in shocking disarray out of Labour's clueless
episodes of meddling..

NZ is no longer the happy isolated tucked away cave that Ardern's ideology had earlier woven.

The false sense of security and kindness has evaporated & is long gone now

Chumpkins and others in the circle of Clueless Comrades simply don't have it in them
to restore what was to any degree. The damage is done, and with it Labour's tenure
if it ever was theirs to start with and not one of the hijackers & splinter factions onboard
for a free lunch & free ride :)

Chumpkins & Labour deep down must realise they're a spent force and done, with that
Chumpkins will be aware that the long knives will be out for him and likely the close huddle
of Comrades who orchestrated the trail of disasters that lead to this.

Everyone has seen the weakest of weakest Policies & Bribes offering from Labour,
and now know that the good times Labour were portraying just a year ago are
almost probably gone completely, and so are Labour with that ..

Many many Policy formulations announced have been ripped up along the way and
thrown on the fire in recent 18 months - sure sign of a Govt in desperation mode
with a Fill-in Leader thrown in as a Fall Guy to replace the rapidly running Queen
of Spin, gone with sparsest of explanations (if any) for the rapid departure ..

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:33 PM

Hipkins takes aim at National’s tax plan

Sounds like Labour's Fiscal Management & Steep Trajectory down into very large Hole that Robbo dug over past 6 years ;)

How could Chumpster be so dumb as to not notice ? ;)

Imagine being such a deek head and a hypocrite that you rave on about someone else’s tax plan while you gear up to borrow $940 million a week to pay for your endless bribes and giveaways.
And the cowardly progressive jackals that make up our media just go along with it.

15-09-2023, 10:49 PM
It wasn't mangy, but could do with some dandruff treatment, and some Vax shots.

Surely a ride on fast motorbike would fix all those issues ? of (taking care to avoid clawing straying aphids on crossings) ;)

15-09-2023, 10:52 PM
Imagine being such a deek head and a hypocrite that you rave on about someone else’s tax plan while you gear up to borrow $940 million a week to pay for your endless bribes and giveaways.
And the cowardly progressive jackals that make up our media just go along with it.

That's about the size of it ;)

Remember - there weren't many bribes - all came from savings, didn't they ? ($4 b saved at one stage) :)

Robbo's cupboard must be pretty bare :)

Headed into harder times with legions of extras seconded into every Govt Dept you can imagine ..
Ohh the pain :)

Notice how Orr-some @ the RB has been quite silent of late - Did Robbo have him muzzled for the
duration until November and the dust clouds clear ? :)

Could be the mother of all Springcleaning sessions coming up biffing out all the trash & extras ;)

What does $1 Billion a week added to the earlier Figures look like going forwards ?

Banana Republic within a year to 18 months ?

What will the Kiwi peso be worth or for that matter buy out then, with that sort of Fiscal Management & Borrowing thrown on top ?

What will inflation look like ? worse than the 165% pa forecast ahead in Argentina ? ;)

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 11:00 PM
That's about the size of it ;)

Remember - there weren't many bribes - all came from savings, didn't they ? ($4 b saved at one stage) :)

Robo's cupboard must be pretty bare :)

Robbo’s ‘savings’ - which all have to be found in the coming years btw - equate to only about 1 month of Labours borrowings.
1 month!
Woop de freakin doo.

There is no ‘cupboard’ when you have someone addicted to borrowing at the helm.
“No sugar in the cupboard? No problem. I’ll borrow 10 bags from next door.”
Don’t fall for that c-rap that the bribes are coming from mythical ‘savings’. Please tell me you don’t believe that tosh from Labour. These clowns are going to be borrowing $940 million a week next year, if they get back. There are no ‘savings’, only lies. The numbers are fudged, Treasury has no option but to believe the projections Robertson gives them. It’s the biggest crock in history.

15-09-2023, 11:08 PM
Robbo’s ‘savings’ - which all have to be found in the coming years btw - equate to only about 1 month of Labours borrowings.
1 month!
Woop de freakin doo.

There is no ‘cupboard’ when you have someone addicted to borrowing at the helm.
“No sugar in the cupboard? No problem. I’ll borrow 10 bags from next door.”
Don’t fall for that c-rap that the bribes are coming from mythical ‘savings’. Please tell me you don’t believe that tosh from Labour. These clowns are going to be borrowing $940 million a week next year, if they get back. There are no ‘savings’, only lies. The numbers are fudged, Treasury has no option but to believe the projections Robertson gives them. It’s the biggest crock in history.

Savings from a glance ahead indeed.

But it's worse than that .. if these clowns get back and put over the barrel properly - Spending & squandering will go even further out of control, borrowing will be larger, financing cost larger.

The factions are likely to demand more say on Labour's getting marginalised further, if the whole regime not
booted out before.

It has to come from somewhere - internally - taxes & levies means Kiwi's will wear higher costs & be worse off.
Business activity will wear higher costs, taxes will contract, activity will contract.

Don't leave out potentially longer Recessionary times with rising unemployment .. Labour have well
proven that they can't control anything in a paperbag if their lives depended on it

In troubled global trade times, at some point a deteriorating economy at home must see higher financing costs and exchange rates worsening - if markets for primary don't improve.

Imported goods become more expensive, more pain in the local goldfish bowl.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 07:17 AM
Your guide to house prices, with Labour and the New Zealand media.

House prices rise under Labour:
This is very good. The country is on a high. The economy is clearly booming, and Labour are masterful. “It’s what Kiwi’s expect.” - Jacinda Ardern

House prices fall under Labour:
This is very good. Housing is becoming more affordable for first home buyers. Pressure on renters is easing. Inequality is dissipating.


House prices rise under National:
This is very bad. We officially have a ‘housing affordability crisis’. National’s ‘neoliberalism’ is driving inequality, crippling renters.

House prices fall under National:
This is very bad. National has bungled, and the economy is in crisis. Kiwi families are losing the equity in their homes, while the ‘rich’ look on and chortle with glee.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 09:41 AM
Great to see the evolution and expansion of the AB’s haka continuing apace. Lately we have been winning the haka hands down - you can certainly see all that the practice is paying off & the commitment is certainly there - but losing the big matches of rugby to the likes of South Africa and France. So swings and roundabouts really, some things very pleasing, others not so much.

This morning there was a bit of a steely walk up before the haka proper starts, and the waka paddle is a new touch that could be added to with a Kiwi feather cloak symbolising the mana of the haka leader. I think by the time we’ve perfected this the haka will commence with each player giving a brief oratory in Te Reo on the importance of Te Tiriti, there will be a solemn blessing of the field and stadium by a Kaumatua, then the pre-haka ceremony can begin. The whole process should take only about half an hour if we get it right.

16-09-2023, 10:16 AM
Traveling around Bay of Plenty and Hawkes Bay, it's clear Hastings is winning the political billboard race.

It's great if you have built a new house, you don't need a new fence.

The party teams will cover your section with billboards.

Anna Lorck in particular is doing her best to paint the town red.
It almost looks desperate.

But don't invite her in for a drink.

You will never be able to get rid of her.

16-09-2023, 10:29 AM
Farmers voting for Labour in 2020 was a one-off; they went for Labour because National was way down in the polls and they didn't want the Greens anywhere near a true coalition with Labour.

Farmers know that if the Greens (and TPM) have Labour over a barrel then Chipkins will readily agree to implement some of their radical policies.

Absolutely correct. How farmers and other rural folk fell so flat for the COVID BS from this Government and gave them a free pass to wreck havoc on the very fabric of the country, beggars belief.
They themselves, the farmers, have a lot to answer for

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 10:53 AM
Absolutely correct. How farmers and other rural folk fell so flat for the COVID BS from this Government and gave them a free pass to wreck havoc on the very fabric of the country, beggars belief.
They themselves, the farmers, have a lot to answer for

They are absolutely terrified of the Greens. With good reason. And with each passing day that we don’t don hair shirts, start riding donkeys, and shoot all our cows in order to cut our 0.17% of global emissions and ‘save the planet’, they will get more frantic, extreme, and dangerous.
You can already see their ‘climate activist’ off-siders causing chaos in Wellington with attacks on public order & businesses, gluing themselves to roads and spray painting buildings (and people).

The deck is stacked against NZ farmers as it is. They get very little credit for their carbon sequestration as it is. Farmers curate green pasture and trees that capture carbon and expel oxygen. And to quote from a post on another site -

‘If farmers included their products in the captured carbon (then) this would be scientifically accurate and would make farming carbon capturing. 
Fats, proteins and carbs (ie food grown on farms) are packed with carbon captured from CO2 in the atmosphere. So too are secondary outputs like bones, hides and pea straw.
 That is then exported or whatever.
Farmers should be getting carbon credits – not hounded.’

Farmers have always been a target for the Left as they are practical minded & exponents of rugged individualism. They pose an existential threat to those wishing to impose collectivism on the populace. In the USSR, wealthy and ruggedly individual peasant farmers were branded ‘kulaks’ and had their lands confiscated by the state. They were then liquidated in their millions. Their lands were then operated as collective farms by people who had no idea what they were doing. The result? Massive famine and millions of deaths due to starvation. We must beware the lessons of history.

The human diet and immune system is dependent on animal fats and proteins for good health. We know that highly processed food is implicated in high rates of cancer. The process of animal consuming grass and turning it into milk or meat is as simple as it gets in terms of food production for the protein and animal fats we need. (Animal fats are crucial to brain health).

Consider an alternate factory-based process whereby ingredients are imported from probably several different countries, then trucked to a factory (and all the workers who have to commute there) and all the logistical moves that entails, and then tell me that will be ‘better’ for the emissions profile than an animal on a farm?

Then consider the processing involved (or the protein being ‘lab grown’) and the dire implications for human health involved in higher rates of all types of cancers.

16-09-2023, 11:24 AM
Agree with you Logen. Having been in a primary industry all my life, I well understand and sympathises with farmers. But they made a huge mistake in the 2020 election and any reasoning for it defies logic, as far as I’m concerned. They simply got sucked into BS like majority of voters did. That’s why we are where we are today.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 11:45 AM
Agree with you Logen. Having been in a primary industry all my life, I well understand and sympathises with farmers. But they made a huge mistake in the 2020 election and any reasoning for it defies logic, as far as I’m concerned. They simply got sucked into BS like majority of voters did. That’s why we are where we are today.

Whatever they did, the numbers couldn’t have worked to get a centre-right government over the line, because a majority of the rest of the population was in Jacinda’s thrall. But it was truly very sad to say our magnificent farming community voting for a political party and movement that despises them & sees them as only useful for whatever financial gain can be extracted from them.

In the words of Michael Cullen in his maiden speech to Parliament -

‘As the new MP for St Kilda, Dr Cullen said: "I'm proud of the fact that my secondary education was not paid for by the taxpayers of New Zealand but by the farmers of Canterbury and Hawkes Bay [he was given a scholarship to Christ's College]. I ripped them off for five years then, and I shall get stuck into them again in the next few years."’

(He later apologised in 2008 for the ‘wisecrack’.)

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 02:51 PM
Far left PM Chris Hipkins has now promised annual minimum wage rises, all fully costed and funded*.

red panda says 'yay!!' , NZ business owners and the Reserve Bank ponder the ramifications.

*through borrowing if a government worker, by NZ businesses if a private sector worker.

16-09-2023, 03:00 PM
People who work for a living being rewarded.

National should be doing the same like John key (partly) did.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 03:19 PM
People who work for a living being rewarded.

National should be doing the same like John key (partly) did.

Luckily the population at large are not of the same far left mindset as you. You'll want monthly wage increases next, then an extra week of annual leave added on every year.

16-09-2023, 03:20 PM
Luckily the population at large are not of the same far left mindset as you. You'll want monthly wage increases next, then an extra week of annual leave added on every year.

Simply conditions that improve over time, not remain the same indefinately, or get worse.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 03:28 PM
Simply conditions that improve over time, not remain the same indefinately, or get worse.

So you want the minimum wage to go up annually. We've had an extra public holiday, an increase in sick leave. Greens are campaigning on 5 weeks annual leave. Eventually businesses will start laying off staff, the tipping point will be reached. As a nihilistic anarchist you'll no doubt struggle to contain your delight when that starts to happen.

fungus pudding
16-09-2023, 03:28 PM
Luckily the population at large are not of the same far left mindset as you. You'll want monthly wage increases next, then an extra week of annual leave added on every year.

More likely an extra year added to every week.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 03:33 PM
More likely an extra year added to every week.

I thought red skies was the most far left poster around here, but red panda wins hands down.

16-09-2023, 03:38 PM
So you want the minimum wage to go up annually. We've had an extra public holiday, an increase in sick leave. Greens are campaigning on 5 weeks annual leave. Eventually businesses will start laying off staff, the tipping point will be reached. As a nihilistic anarchist you'll no doubt struggle to contain your delight when that starts to happen.

But it has been (I'd like to see more though) and the unemployment rate has been going down.

Explain that, Mr libertarian economics specialist. :D

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 03:42 PM
But it has been (I'd like to see more) and the unemployment rate has been going down.

Explain that Mr economics specialist.

You want me explain the term 'tipping point' to you?

Ok. I'll just post the definition instead.

tipping point
the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.

16-09-2023, 03:43 PM
Ok. I'll just post the definition instead.

Such mastery on display. ;)

Though, how do you account for employers who still have work that needs doing, who will need to hire MORE people from an increased annual leave policy to cover the shortfall for annual leave taken by their current staff.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 03:52 PM
Such mastery on display. ;)

Though, how do you account for employers who still have work that needs doing, who will need to hire MORE people from an increased annual leave policy to cover the shortfall for annual leave taken by their current staff.

In your world that happens, in the real world a small business owner works longer hours and pays themselves less. Anything to keep the business surviving as Labour adds more and more costs. Small business owners will be counting the days until the polling booths open so they can start the process of evicting this rotten Labour lot from their government offices.

16-09-2023, 03:54 PM
In your world that happens, in the real world a small business owner works longer hours and pays themselves less.

The legendary cafe owner yes. If NZ doesn't aspire for better then we should just join Australia (which has better working conditions).

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 04:00 PM
The legendary cafe owner yes. If NZ doesn't aspire for better then we should just join Australia (which has better working conditions).

Who said anything about a cafe owner? Who said nobody wanted to 'aspire for better'? As I said, you don't live in the real world, you live on planet 'left wing ideology'.

16-09-2023, 04:10 PM
Who said anything about a cafe owner? Who said nobody wanted to 'aspire for better'? As I said, you don't live in the real world, you live on planet 'left wing ideology'.

You went straight to small business owner rather than the many cases where employers can afford to improve conditions.

For the rest who can't they can try to reallocate tasks to remove wasted time like employees chatting to each other, browsing computers pretending to do something, and focus more on the productive work.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 04:12 PM
You went straight to small business owner rather than the many cases where employers can afford to improve conditions.

For the rest who can't they can try to reallocate tasks to remove wasted time like employees chatting to each other, browsing computers pretending to do something, and focus more on the productive work.

How do you know who can afford to pay what? I went straight to an example where a business will struggle; when a blanket wage rise is enforced on businesses by the state it applies to them all - not just the ones 'who can afford it'.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 04:55 PM
Labour on the ropes in one of their strongholds: Wellington Central.


Three way race for Wellington Central
'A Newshub Nation Reid Research poll found:

Party Vote
National 28% (+14% from 2020)
Labour 28% (-16%)
Greens 27% (-3%)
ACT 6% (+1%)
TOP 5%
Te Pati Maori 3%
NZ First 3%

Candidate Vote
Labour/Ibrahim Omer 31% (-27% from 2020)
National/Scott Sheerhan 28% (+10%)
Greens/Tamatha Paul 27% (+9%)
NZ First/Taylor Arneil 5.1%
ACT (no candidate) 3.5%
ALCP/Michael Appleby 2.9%
TOP/Natalia Albert 2.8%
This is a very good result for National and Scott Sheerhan. Omer is an incumbent (List) MP and Paul an incumbent City Councillor yet Sheerhan is ahead of Paul and just behind Omer.

ACT are not standing in Wellington Central, so their 3.5% is likely to go to Sheerhan also.

It is a very tight three way race, which is amazing considering Robertson has a 19,000 majority.'

16-09-2023, 05:49 PM
In your world that happens, in the real world a small business owner works longer hours and pays themselves less. Anything to keep the business surviving as Labour adds more and more costs. Small business owners will be counting the days until the polling booths open so they can start the process of evicting this rotten Labour lot from their government offices.You are dreaming if you think that much will be different for small business owners under National. Small businesses have struggled for years whether it is under National or Labour. A change of government makes little difference. Lots of other factors apart from government such as small businesses may face challenges in competing with larger organizations that have more resources and market power.

Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 05:51 PM
You are dreaming if you think that much will be different for small business owners under National. Small businesses have struggled for years whether it is under National or Labour. A change of government makes little difference. Lots of other factors apart from government such as small businesses may face challenges in competing with larger organizations that have more resources and market power.

Well I guess small business owners know the score. We'll see what happens come election night.

fungus pudding
16-09-2023, 05:56 PM
You are dreaming if you think that much will be different for small business owners under National. Small businesses have struggled for years whether it is under National or Labour.

What a ridiculous generalisation.


Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 06:22 PM

Election 2023: Labour to campaign on overhauling consent laws, put onus to prove victim said 'yes' to alleged perpetrator

Amelia Wade

‘Newshub can reveal Labour will campaign on a promise to overhaul sexual consent laws so it would be up to alleged offenders to prove their victim said "yes".

Currently, the victim has to prove in court they did not consent. Labour's now promising, if elected, they'll change the law so the accused have to prove they did have consent.’

16-09-2023, 07:06 PM
Well I guess small business owners know the score. We'll see what happens come election night.

Their employees are also their customers.

17-09-2023, 02:51 AM
From an Editorial in The Daily Telegraph here in the UK today, following on from a discussion about Sir Keir Starmer’s trip to Europe:
“But that is not the end of Sir Keir’s international perambulations. This weekend he’s jetting of to Canada for a conference in Montreal, featuring an all-star cast of the has-beens of the Centre-Left, including NZ’s former PM Jacinda Ardern, Finland’s ex- Leader Sanna Marin and Canada’s current PM Justin Trudeau. The most notable feature of this list is that it’s members are either no longer in power, or on the back foot electorally. Indeed the centre-Left is in retreat across much of the Western World , lacking the new ideas and intellectual energy to win over electorates that have seem its grandiose projects fail time and time again”

Lets hope the last sentence applies to NZ in October 14.
It will be interesting to see if the NZ media will report in our former glorious Leader being at this conference or whether Labour has convinced them all not to mention her at all during the election campaign out if fear of it negatively affecting them with voters !

17-09-2023, 07:16 AM
From an Editorial in The Daily Telegraph here in the UK today, following on from a discussion about Sir Keir Starmer’s trip to Europe:
“But that is not the end of Sir Keir’s international perambulations. This weekend he’s jetting of to Canada for a conference in Montreal, featuring an all-star cast of the has-beens of the Centre-Left, including NZ’s former PM Jacinda Ardern, Finland’s ex- Leader Sanna Marin and Canada’s current PM Justin Trudeau. The most notable feature of this list is that it’s members are either no longer in power, or on the back foot electorally. Indeed the centre-Left is in retreat across much of the Western World , lacking the new ideas and intellectual energy to win over electorates that have seem its grandiose projects fail time and time again”

Lets hope the last sentence applies to NZ in October 14.
It will be interesting to see if the NZ media will report in our former glorious Leader being at this conference or whether Labour has convinced them all not to mention her at all during the election campaign out if fear of it negatively affecting them with voters !
Would love to know why they need a "has been" conference. Grand meeting of evil leaders, sounds like something out of a Bond movie.

17-09-2023, 07:21 AM
Would love to know why they need a "has been" conference. Grand meeting of evil leaders, sounds like something out of a Bond movie.


17-09-2023, 07:41 AM
Would love to know why they need a "has been" conference. Grand meeting of evil leaders, sounds like something out of a Bond movie.

These dangerous ideologists do not care whether their agenda is democratically supported or not. They will continue driving “the correct view” through the likes of United Nations, WEF, Soros, Blackrock etc etc
Being voted out and becoming unpopular doesn’t deter them, just makes them find different ways of funding & implementing their agenda.

17-09-2023, 07:55 AM
From an Editorial in The Daily Telegraph here in the UK today, following on from a discussion about Sir Keir Starmer’s trip to Europe:
“But that is not the end of Sir Keir’s international perambulations. This weekend he’s jetting of to Canada for a conference in Montreal, featuring an all-star cast of the has-beens of the Centre-Left, including NZ’s former PM Jacinda Ardern, Finland’s ex- Leader Sanna Marin and Canada’s current PM Justin Trudeau. The most notable feature of this list is that it’s members are either no longer in power, or on the back foot electorally. Indeed the centre-Left is in retreat across much of the Western World , lacking the new ideas and intellectual energy to win over electorates that have seem its grandiose projects fail time and time again”

Lets hope the last sentence applies to NZ in October 14.
It will be interesting to see if the NZ media will report in our former glorious Leader being at this conference or whether Labour has convinced them all not to mention her at all during the election campaign out if fear of it negatively affecting them with voters !

Trudeau might have issues larger than those of the electorate. There is the strange case of his plane being delayed for 2 days in India last week, and of his movements being curtailed while he waited.

17-09-2023, 08:08 AM
These dangerous ideologists do not care whether their agenda is democratically supported or not. They will continue driving “the correct view” through the likes of United Nations, WEF, Soros, Blackrock etc etc
Being voted out and becoming unpopular doesn’t deter them, just makes them find different ways of funding & implementing their agenda.
When organising a meeting of the Dastardly, they probably take turns at not going. If evey last evil player turned up to 1 conference the rest of us would put 2 and 2 together. Gates and Soros would need to tune in on zoom.

Logen Ninefingers
17-09-2023, 08:41 AM
Excellent summary below of the media and LABGREETEPATI madness that confronts us -


'The media are leading us all on a merry chase. TV 1, TV3, the print media and especially Stuff, Newsroom and the New Zealand Herald are working hard to put the skids under National and ACT. Trawling through ancient ACT emails to produce what they imagine is some former solecism by candidates occupies several journalists night and day. It is all so futile. It would be much more informative, for instance, if they explained how Labour, the Greens and the Maori Party could possibly work together if they got the numbers on 14 October. The Greens seem to be cultivating the fairies at the bottom of the garden with their spending promises, while the Maori Party has long since left the planet. It wants, so we are told, to close all prisons by 2040, despite the fact that Maori break the law at seven times the rate of non-Maori. Maori Party leaders say nothing in their policy promises about the need for a campaign amongst Maori to uphold the law, or to reduce the epidemic of family violence amongst their own. How would they explain the outrage this last weekend at the Mt Albert Vape Shop and at a nearby location in Pt Chevalier? Rawiri Waititi just wants an easier ride for Maori whenever they are apprehended by the Police, no matter the severity of their crimes. And he wants criminal convictions quashed for drug use and possession. Does Chris Hipkins support any of this nonsense? Do the Greens? If you are worried about the rise in crime that has accompanied the fall in prison numbers since 2017, and the rash of ram raids, shop-lifting and break-ins, imagine what it would be like after Waititi had held any position of responsibility, for even a few weeks! Hipkins owes us an explanation about how he envisages working with crazies.'

17-09-2023, 09:04 AM
Excellent summary below of the media and LABGREETEPATI madness that confronts us -


'The media are leading us all on a merry chase. TV 1, TV3, the print media and especially Stuff, Newsroom and the New Zealand Herald are working hard to put the skids under National and ACT. Trawling through ancient ACT emails to produce what they imagine is some former solecism by candidates occupies several journalists night and day. It is all so futile. It would be much more informative, for instance, if they explained how Labour, the Greens and the Maori Party could possibly work together if they got the numbers on 14 October. The Greens seem to be cultivating the fairies at the bottom of the garden with their spending promises, while the Maori Party has long since left the planet. It wants, so we are told, to close all prisons by 2040, despite the fact that Maori break the law at seven times the rate of non-Maori. Maori Party leaders say nothing in their policy promises about the need for a campaign amongst Maori to uphold the law, or to reduce the epidemic of family violence amongst their own. How would they explain the outrage this last weekend at the Mt Albert Vape Shop and at a nearby location in Pt Chevalier? Rawiri Waititi just wants an easier ride for Maori whenever they are apprehended by the Police, no matter the severity of their crimes. And he wants criminal convictions quashed for drug use and possession. Does Chris Hipkins support any of this nonsense? Do the Greens? If you are worried about the rise in crime that has accompanied the fall in prison numbers since 2017, and the rash of ram raids, shop-lifting and break-ins, imagine what it would be like after Waititi had held any position of responsibility, for even a few weeks! Hipkins owes us an explanation about how he envisages working with crazies.'
Could not agree more. You would have to deaf dumb and blind to not see that our media are absolutely biased.

Logen Ninefingers
17-09-2023, 09:23 AM
Shanan Halbert breaking the election rules, again. The Left believe the rules don’t apply to them -


17-09-2023, 09:30 AM
Shanan Halbert breaking the election rules, again. The Left believe the rules don’t apply to them -

Beach Haven Road. Are these state built units ?

Logen Ninefingers
17-09-2023, 07:06 PM
'Leftist Hypocrite Heckled'.

There is one set of rules for the Leftist elite, and another for us plebs and dupes. Good on the heckler.



'A video is circulating on social media of former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern being heckled on the streets of Montreal, Canada.

The former Prime Minister is currently in Montreal for the Global Progress Action Summit, a gathering of left-leaning political figures both past and present.

The video comes from a right-wing journalistic outlet based in Canada, which approached her to discuss alleged “hypocritical behaviour”.

“How much fossil fuel did you use coming here to speak about climate change?” the videographer can be heard questioning her.'

17-09-2023, 08:07 PM
'Leftist Hypocrite Heckled'.

There is one set of rules for the Leftist elite, and another for us plebs and dupes. Good on the heckler.



'A video is circulating on social media of former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern being heckled on the streets of Montreal, Canada.

The former Prime Minister is currently in Montreal for the Global Progress Action Summit, a gathering of left-leaning political figures both past and present.

The video comes from a right-wing journalistic outlet based in Canada, which approached her to discuss alleged “hypocritical behaviour”.

“How much fossil fuel did you use coming here to speak about climate change?” the videographer can be heard questioning her.'

Poor Cindy - clueless as usual.

She should be in NZ electioneering on behalf of Hipkins and the Labour Party on her track record.

Logen Ninefingers
17-09-2023, 08:42 PM
Poor Cindy - clueless as usual.

She should be in NZ electioneering on behalf of Hipkins and the Labour Party on her track record.

Do you think she'd want to be seen anywhere near Labour and Chipkins with the mess the country is in and Labour polling in the 20's? She's gone, she's off to travel the world as a Leftist icon. She's in a whole new strata of the Leftist hierachy. She's up in First Class, Chipkins is hanging on to the tail.
Anything that damages her brand by reminding people she was part of the pack of losers currently lurching towards defeat....she doesn't want a bar of it. She is about as cunning as a human being can get, learnt the dark arts at the feet of Helen Clark.

17-09-2023, 10:17 PM
Do you think she'd want to be seen anywhere near Labour and Chipkins with the mess the country is in and Labour polling in the 20's? She's gone, she's off to travel the world as a Leftist icon. She's in a whole new strata of the Leftist hierachy. She's up in First Class, Chipkins is hanging on to the tail.
Anything that damages her brand by reminding people she was part of the pack of losers currently lurching towards defeat....she doesn't want a bar of it. She is about as cunning as a human being can get, learnt the dark arts at the feet of Helen Clark.

True, but l also think the Labour campaign managers would realise the danger of putting that treacherous conniving snake back in front of the NZ public now.

17-09-2023, 10:23 PM
Poor Cindy - clueless as usual.

She should be in NZ electioneering on behalf of Hipkins and the Labour Party on her track record.

I don't think she is even welcome back in NZ. When the election results show how decimated the Labour Party has become, who would want to even mention her name?

18-09-2023, 08:01 AM
Do you think she'd want to be seen anywhere near Labour and Chipkins with the mess the country is in and Labour polling in the 20's? She's gone, she's off to travel the world as a Leftist icon. She's in a whole new strata of the Leftist hierachy. She's up in First Class, Chipkins is hanging on to the tail.
Anything that damages her brand by reminding people she was part of the pack of losers currently lurching towards defeat....she doesn't want a bar of it. She is about as cunning as a human being can get, learnt the dark arts at the feet of Helen Clark.

I was pilloried on here by lefties after suggesting Ardern would be looked after by her WEF and UN mates. That she was part of the club. Nek minute, she gets a created job at Harvard from which to inflict censorship on the world as she did when she was PM here. We didn't know back then that the "Disinformation Project" had originated in the Office of the PM. We did know she had bribed MSM with 105 million dollars in an election year. She followed Trudeau's lead on that one. She, Trudeau, Macron all went through the WEF young leaders training. Join the dots.

18-09-2023, 08:17 AM
I don't think she is even welcome back in NZ. When the election results show how decimated the Labour Party has become, who would want to even mention her name?

It certainly speaks volume that all the Labour MPs and candidates have conspicuously steered clear of mentioning Cindy and COVID during this election - the two factors which brought Labour victory in 2020.

There are those of us who knew all along that Cindy is a fake and is useless & incompetent as a leader - the media built up her image (with the bribes she paid them) but unfortunately for NZ, it has taken the last year and half with her misdeeds surfacing for most NZers to wake up to that fact.

Hipkins is another fake and a particularly nasty one - just look at the messes he made & left behind in education, health, COVID and law & order as the responsible minister.

Mr Spray & Walk Away - spreads his poison & NZ now has years of hard work ahead to clean up his messes.

Good news is that NZers have seen through him within a few months of him being PM - clueless and useless like his career politician soulmate Cindy.

18-09-2023, 08:22 AM
I was pilloried on here by lefties after suggesting Ardern would be looked after by her WEF and UN mates. That she was part of the club. Nek minute, she gets a created job at Harvard from which to inflict censorship on the world as she did when she was PM here. We didn't know back then that the "Disinformation Project" had originated in the Office of the PM. We did know she had bribed MSM with 105 million dollars in an election year. She followed Trudeau's lead on that one. She, Trudeau, Macron all went through the WEF young leaders training. Join the dots.
Raised, watered and flourished in Helen Clarks garden

18-09-2023, 11:16 AM
Who says the Labour hasn't created a divided society. Boy do i feel sorry for the almost 17% of NZ'ers of Asian decent. Talk about a forgotten demographic. They will have there say during the election as will we all


18-09-2023, 12:00 PM
Give this a bash if you haven’t already - https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/nz2023

Interesting indeed. Maybe I need to look at TOP's policies and their chances to implement them :) ;

18-09-2023, 02:12 PM
Interesting indeed. Maybe I need to look at TOP's policies and their chances to implement them :) ;

Is that because you came out aligned with TOP after completing it? I was a bit surprised that TOP is quite close to Labour on the scale.

18-09-2023, 02:31 PM
Who says the Labour hasn't created a divided society. Boy do i feel sorry for the almost 17% of NZ'ers of Asian decent. Talk about a forgotten demographic. They will have there say during the election as will we all

https://www.bassettbrashandhide.com/post/alex-holland-race-based-divisionThe divided society was not created by the Labour government. Their intention was inclusivity, and to include Maori more into mainstream society, rather than being on the margins in some areas. The division was created by whites who saw this as unfair privilege for Maoris. I don’t see much acknowledgement of white privilege by those who oppose these initiatives.

Any attempt to equalise is seen as unfair by some. The actions trigger the unconscious bias against Maori to surface. Division comes from the belief that there is only one way, our way,and we don't want to change. However there are other ways of seeing the world which include Maori values and culture. It is not black and white.
The instances of so-called Maori privilege are magnified and self-righteous anger and outrage pour out. But when whites are tackled about racism I don’t see the same willingness to go into the depth and detail of the instances of unfair treatment of Maori.

18-09-2023, 02:46 PM
The divided society was not created by the Labour government. Their intention was inclusivity, and to include Maori more into mainstream society, rather than being on the margins in some areas. The division was created by whites who saw this as unfair privilege for Maoris. I don’t see much acknowledgement of white privilege by those who oppose these initiatives.

Any attempt to equalise is seen as unfair by some. The actions trigger the unconscious bias against Maori to surface. Division comes from the belief that there is only one way, our way,and we don't want to change. However there are other ways of seeing the world which include Maori values and culture. It is not black and white.
The instances of so-called Maori privilege are magnified and self-righteous anger and outrage pour out. But when whites are tackled about racism I don’t see the same willingness to go into the depth and detail of the instances of unfair treatment of Maori.

I'm not saying the intent is wrong but the implementation and outcome is. From a quick google search defining racism:

"Racism is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race."

I believe you will find every bullet point on the list I linked pretty much satisfies this definition.


18-09-2023, 03:11 PM
The divided society was not created by the Labour government. Their intention was inclusivity, and to include Maori more into mainstream society, rather than being on the margins in some areas. The division was created by whites who saw this as unfair privilege for Maoris. I don’t see much acknowledgement of white privilege by those who oppose these initiatives.

Any attempt to equalise is seen as unfair by some. The actions trigger the unconscious bias against Maori to surface. Division comes from the belief that there is only one way, our way,and we don't want to change. However there are other ways of seeing the world which include Maori values and culture. It is not black and white.
The instances of so-called Maori privilege are magnified and self-righteous anger and outrage pour out. But when whites are tackled about racism I don’t see the same willingness to go into the depth and detail of the instances of unfair treatment of Maori.

What a load of nonsense you spout there. The divided society was created by Jacinda. Her own words when she said "yip yip thats what is is", is proof enough.

Logen Ninefingers
18-09-2023, 05:02 PM
Black Peter, are you able to let posters sort out issues between themselves without one of your 'reputation' attacks? You seem to think you are some sort of 'head prefect' of moral behaviour, of which you are the only arbiter. I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve but you often get called out on this. It's only you who do this. I'm sure it annoys a lot of people.

Logen Ninefingers
18-09-2023, 05:19 PM
I'm not saying the intent is wrong but the implementation and outcome is. From a quick google search defining racism:

"Racism is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race."

I believe you will find every bullet point on the list I linked pretty much satisfies this definition.


When you talk about 'whites', you talk as though we had some sort of enforced segregation in New Zealand on racial lines, and all 'races' (race is an artificial construct, we are all one human speccies according to anthropologists) find each other repellent and are divided. This is clearly not the case as Maori were talking about the numbers mixed race that were around in 1840 and we have had a further almost 200 years of mixing. Maori, European, and Polynesian obviously find each other sexually attractive and have clearly been 'getting it on' in a big way. This idea of 'whites' in modern New Zealand is deceptive. When you consider that David Seymour, Simon Bridges, and Paula Bennett are all Tangata Whenua but could pass for 'white', it is not always clear who is white and who isn't. Anyway, what will divide us is government laws which enshrine one group of people with special privileges above all others, even when these people have 'colonialist' blood pumping through their veins just as much as Maori blood. I think the idea that Maoriness should cancel out the rest of a persons ethnic hertitage is offensive to all decent people, and carries with it a sense of Te Pati Maori's 'Maori have superior genetics' claim.

18-09-2023, 06:05 PM
When you talk about 'whites', you talk as though we had some sort of enforced segregation in New Zealand on racial lines, and all 'races' (race is an artificial construct, we are all one human speccies according to anthropologists) find each other repellent and are divided. This is clearly not the case as Maori were talking about the numbers mixed race that were around in 1840 and we have had a further almost 200 years of mixing. Maori, European, and Polynesian obviously find each other sexually attractive and have clearly been 'getting it on' in a big way. This idea of 'whites' in modern New Zealand is deceptive. When you consider that David Seymour, Simon Bridges, and Paula Bennett are all Tangata Whenua but could pass for 'white', it is not always clear who is white and who isn't. Anyway, what will divide us is government laws which enshrine one group of people with special privileges above all others, even when these people have 'colonialist' blood pumping through their veins just as much as Maori blood. I think the idea that Maoriness should cancel out the rest of a persons ethnic hertitage is offensive to all decent people, and carries with it a sense of Te Pati Maori's 'Maori have superior genetics' claim.

Did you mean to quote me? I've never talked of "whites"?

Logen Ninefingers
18-09-2023, 06:39 PM
Did you mean to quote me? I've never talked of "whites"?

Sorry, don't know how that happened, was aiming to respond to Moka.

18-09-2023, 07:47 PM
Sorry, don't know how that happened, was aiming to respond to Moka.

All good :)