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Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 07:20 AM
Leftist councils across New Zealand continue to follow the example of the profligate Labour government. Wellington council is in a financial crisis, but it hasn’t stopped Tory Whanau and other assorted troughers from heading off on a junket to China, Japan, and South Korea. If businesses want to build ties with overseas companies they can - and do; the business of Wellington council is to provide service to Wellington ratepayers, not undertake expensive tiki tours.



Wellington mayor Tory Whanau and council officials on $50,000 Asia trip

By Georgina Campbell

‘Wellington mayor Tory Whanau and four senior city council officials are on a trip to Asia at a cost of $50,000.

An official from WellingtonNZ, the region’s economic development agency, is also going at a cost of $12,000.

Whanau is currently overseas leading the 10-day business delegation to China, Japan, and South Korea.

The trip is being pitched as an opportunity for Wellington to make a major effort to formally reconnect with three of its major international trade partners.

The delegation includes representatives from the city’s film and education sectors and is the first business group, led by the mayor, to leave the capital in four years.

Whanau said it is an established fact that senior politicians, including mayors, carry prestige in these countries and are able to open doors for international business delegations.

“I’ll be doing my bit to help establish new relationships and strengthen those we already have. The aim is to make critical connections and strengthen relationships between Wellington and Asia.”

Wellington City Council issued a statement this afternoon after the Herald first made inquiries about the cost of the trip last week.

Travel and accommodation for the four staff and the mayor are expected to cost about $50,000.

It comes as Wellington City Council is facing a financial reality that could pour cold water on Whanau’s big campaign promises and see hundreds of millions of dollars in capital spending cut.

Last week councillor Diane Calvert sought legal advice to lift the lid on what she said was a “financial crisis”.

The staff travelling with Whanau are someone from her office, an economic adviser, an international relations adviser, and an executive leadership team member.

Council chief strategy and governance officer Stephen McArthur said the number of council staff travelling was similar to that of previous large business delegations over the past two decades.

“Staff help to make sure the delegation sticks to its itinerary and that delegation members get the assistance necessary to achieve their objectives,” he said.

“Having not sent a Wellington City delegation to Asia in four years, this trip represents a well-overdue opportunity to connect us once again with the world, driving opportunities to promote our city as a world-class place to visit, live and work, as well as helping to drive new business ventures that help our local film, sport and education sectors.”’

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 08:46 AM
‘We’ve turned the corner’ says Grant Robberson. Yeah, right.



'Won't be going to the beach much this summer': Petrol price knocking on records

Susan Edmunds
05:00, Sep 19 2023

‘Shanelle Kennedy says the rising cost of petrol is changing the way she uses her car, and what her family does.

“We run two cars and are tempted to cut down to one as 10% of my husband’s wages are spent on just his fuel alone,” she said. “I’ve definitely been avoiding taking unnecessary tips and we don’t even live out of town.”

She said it now cost her more than $100 to fill up.

“I usually visit my in-laws weekly but we have had to go fortnightly because it’s $20-plus in gas just for the hour round-trip. We probably won’t go to the beach much this summer as it won’t be a ‘free’ outing, paying for all the petrol.”

She said it affected the rest of her budget because the only way to find the money was to cut down what she put aside for food.

Data shows that the average petrol price has risen from just under $2 a litre for 91 in 2015 to more than $3 in most parts of the country.

On Monday at BP Connect Newmarket, it was $3.13 litre and at Z on Quay St it hit $3.16. Z Beach Road was at $3.20, according to the Gaspy price monitoring app. Premium petrol was $3.52 a litre at Mobil on Karangahape Rd.

The previous 91 price peak was about $3.12 a litre, not including the Auckland regional fuel tax of 10c per litre, and commentators expect that record to be broken soon.’

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 09:49 AM
A truly shocking documentary in the link below, showing how Trudeau is destroying Canada just as Ardern/Chipkins & Albanese are attempting to destroy New Zealand and Australia.

Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West


19-09-2023, 10:16 AM
A truly shocking documentary in the link below, showing how Trudeau is destroying Canada just as Ardern/Chipkins & Albanese are attempting to destroy New Zealand and Australia.

Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West


Yeah and their C-11 law is really scary stuff.

19-09-2023, 10:58 AM
Leaders' debate tonight on TV1.

Will anyone watching it please count the number of times Hipkins answers questions with :

1. 'Sorry, but I don't have the information in front of me'

2. 'Sorry, that was before my time as leader' or 'I have been PM for only 8 months'

3. 'Fault of the previous National government'

4. " I accept that but ...'

And also, count how many times he mentions 'Covid' but not 'Ardern'.


Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 11:08 AM
Leaders' debate tonight on TV1.

Will anyone watching it please count the number of times Hipkins answers questions with :

1. 'Sorry, but I don't have the information in front of me'

2. 'Sorry, that was before my time as leader' or 'I have been PM for only 8 months'

3. 'Fault of the previous National government'

4. " I accept that but ...'

And also, count how many times he mentions 'Ardern' & 'Covid'


Having made a slew of big spending promises over the last few days, Hypocrite Hipkins will nevertheless be out to spew the phrase ‘National’s unaffordable tax cuts’ as many times as possible, along with ‘their numbers simply don’t add up’ and ‘massive hole’.

“Prime Minister, your party has been accused of implementing a ‘co-governance’ agenda that you never out-lined in your manifesto & which you had no mandate to introduce. How do you respond?”

“I’m glad you asked me that question. National are looking to implement unaffordable tax cuts when there’s a massive hole in their numbers, which simply don’t add up”.

19-09-2023, 11:24 AM
A truly shocking documentary in the link below, showing how Trudeau is destroying Canada just as Ardern/Chipkins & Albanese are attempting to destroy New Zealand and Australia.

Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West


Ardern and Trudeau are joined at the hip. They're the "be kind" foot soldiers, while they destroy the fabric of their countries. The euthanasia message given to the veteran is both appalling and unsurprising.

No surprise that the Euthanasia enthusiast/practitioner was also an abortionist.

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 11:42 AM
Ardern and Trudeau are joined at the hip. They're the "be kind" foot soldiers, while they destroy the fabric of their countries. The euthanasia message given to the veteran is both appalling and unsurprising.

No surprise that the Euthanasia enthusiast/practitioner was also an abortionist.

Sir Keir Starmer was at the Montreal meeting with the other far Left radicals, who are busy implementing the ‘woke’ agenda and ‘re-indigenisation’. Are we expecting Starmer to return to the UK and start implementing an agenda whereby the native Anglo-Saxon and Celtic populations receive special rights and privileges while all other people become second class citizens?

19-09-2023, 12:03 PM
Sir Keir Starmer was at the Montreal meeting with the other far Left radicals, who are busy implementing the ‘woke’ agenda and ‘re-indigenisation’. Are we expecting Starmer to return to the UK and start implementing an agenda whereby the native Anglo-Saxon and Celtic populations receive special rights and privileges while all other people become second class citizens?

Jordan Peterson pointed out that "group rights" are a non-starter without "group responsibilities", which succinctly sums up the whole identity politics modus operandi. There is not even any personal responsibility in the woke agenda. To be a victim is the highest honour, it's all someone else's fault, and because you are a victim you can't be argued with.

They even invent historic grievances such as the Residential Schools "genocides". Churches were torched across Canada as a result of the mass burial lie. Subsequent tests have shown the ground disturbance was likely an orchard. The liars that made the claim never even dug any holes to verify the so called atrocity, but to question it made you racist.

So many middle ground Kiwis are sleep walking on these issues. They have so much to contend with just keeping their heads above water that the social agenda gets ignored and put in the too hard basket. Hopefully the tide has turned, but Luxon needs to start showing some spine.

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 12:26 PM
Jordan Peterson pointed out that "group rights" are a non-starter without "group responsibilities", which succinctly sums up the whole identity politics modus operandi. There is not even any personal responsibility in the woke agenda. To be a victim is the highest honour, it's all someone else's fault, and because you are a victim you can't be argued with.

They even invent historic grievances such as the Residential Schools "genocides". Churches were torched across Canada as a result of the mass burial lie. Subsequent tests have shown the ground disturbance was likely an orchard. The liars that made the claim never even dug any holes to verify the so called atrocity, but to question it made you racist.

So many middle ground Kiwis are sleep walking on these issues. They have so much to contend with just keeping their heads above water that the social agenda gets ignored and put in the too hard basket. Hopefully the tide has turned, but Luxon needs to start showing some spine.

Kiwi’s are definitely sheeple. One very large group living in blissful ignorance watching the All Blacks, thinking about property prices, and attending their kids sports games. They are the frogs sitting in the pot of water with the heat slowly intensifying. Then you have another group of ‘useful idiots’ who pepper their discourse with ‘wealth’, ‘selfish’, ‘neoliberal, ‘fair’, and ‘social justice’. These useful idiots enable far Left wokester politicians to implement their Trojan Horse agendas.

19-09-2023, 01:43 PM
Jordan Peterson pointed out that "group rights" are a non-starter without "group responsibilities", which succinctly sums up the whole identity politics modus operandi. There is not even any personal responsibility in the woke agenda. To be a victim is the highest honour, it's all someone else's fault, and because you are a victim you can't be argued with.

They even invent historic grievances such as the Residential Schools "genocides". Churches were torched across Canada as a result of the mass burial lie. Subsequent tests have shown the ground disturbance was likely an orchard. The liars that made the claim never even dug any holes to verify the so called atrocity, but to question it made you racist.

So many middle ground Kiwis are sleep walking on these issues. They have so much to contend with just keeping their heads above water that the social agenda gets ignored and put in the too hard basket. Hopefully the tide has turned, but Luxon needs to start showing some spine.
The left needs to be gone, no question and I'm happy for Act/National to replace them. My concern is Luxon has expressed woke tendencies also. I'm hoping Seymour will keep Luxon in check but that is yet to be seen.

19-09-2023, 01:49 PM
I would think at this point, if anyone was on the fence between a vote for ACT or National you'd really have to go ACT at this point. It seems most on the right are somewhere in between National and ACT so a few more seats for ACT would result in the best compromise between the two parties.

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 03:21 PM
Labour’s New Zealand epitomised -


Check out the comments under the tweet. 😂

19-09-2023, 04:34 PM
Maybe, providing they both gained similar numbers of seats. But I'm not sure how I would feel if ACT turned things around and we ended up with an ACT/National coalition, rather than the National/ACT coalition we are all expecting, and yes, there is a difference.

I would think at this point, if anyone was on the fence between a vote for ACT or National you'd really have to go ACT at this point. It seems most on the right are somewhere in between National and ACT so a few more seats for ACT would result in the best compromise between the two parties.

19-09-2023, 04:38 PM
Maybe, providing they both gained similar numbers of seats. But I'm not sure how I would feel if ACT turned things around and we ended up with an ACT/National coalition, rather than the National/ACT coalition we are all expecting, and yes, there is a difference.

Which is why Luxon needs to start showing some spine instead of trying to hog the middle. It just gives Seymour room to steal his thunder.

fungus pudding
19-09-2023, 04:44 PM
I would think at this point, if anyone was on the fence between a vote for ACT or National you'd really have to go ACT at this point. It seems most on the right are somewhere in between National and ACT so a few more seats for ACT would result in the best compromise between the two parties.

But also might result in too many newbies all at once, which has been to the detriment of smaller parties in the past. There's more experience in Nat's list, and some real thinkers in Act.

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 04:45 PM
Why do we have to have this First Past The Post idea of ‘they are the main party’s’. It’s myopic. People always whinge about the choice between Labour and National, but that’s our choice to consider it in that narrow way. If ACT and the Greens get most of the vote, they will be main party’s, and the sun will still come up tomorrow. ‘The leaders debate’….and it’s just Chipkins and Luxon….reinforces this whole idea of ‘the main party’s’.

If the Greens got more votes than Labour, for example, it wouldn’t be a sign of the coming apocalypse, it’d just be something that we are not used to seeing.

19-09-2023, 04:53 PM
Why do we have to have this First Past The Post idea of ‘they are the main party’s’. It’s myopic. People always whinge about the choice between Labour and National, but that’s our choice to consider it in that narrow way. If ACT and the Greens get most of the vote, they will be main party’s, and the sun will still come up tomorrow. ‘The leaders debate’….and it’s just Chipkins and Luxon….reinforces this whole idea of ‘the main party’s’.

If the Greens got more votes than Labour, for example, it wouldn’t be a sign of the coming apocalypse, it’d just be something that we are not used to seeing.

Beg to differ Logen. If the Greens were the major party, it would indeed be the END!

19-09-2023, 04:57 PM
I get what you are saying, but it is not surprising that we think this way. It is literally all we have ever known in this country. Which is, part of the problem in my opinion. Having said that, I think it is understandable if people feel a little cautious/apprehensive, about the possibility of an "outside the square" election outcome. While ACT and the Greens are experienced parties, they have zero experience at running the country. They might do a great job. They also might not.

Fungus Pudding is right - any of those unexpected scenarios, would bring a heck of a lot of new, inexperienced people into play. There is much to be said for new blood, but I think it needs to be balanced with experience.

We will see. Right now, anything could happen - well pretty much anything, other than the status quo remaining.

Why do we have to have this First Past The Post idea of ‘they are the main party’s’. It’s myopic. People always whinge about the choice between Labour and National, but that’s our choice to consider it in that narrow way. If ACT and the Greens get most of the vote, they will be main party’s, and the sun will still come up tomorrow. ‘The leaders debate’….and it’s just Chipkins and Luxon….reinforces this whole idea of ‘the main party’s’.

If the Greens got more votes than Labour, for example, it wouldn’t be a sign of the coming apocalypse, it’d just be something that we are not used to seeing.

19-09-2023, 05:08 PM
New, inexperienced people might actually listen to the advice they are given. Something Labour has demonstrated is not their strongsuit.

19-09-2023, 05:15 PM
New, inexperienced people might actually listen to the advice they are given. Something Labour has demonstrated is not their strongsuit.

Ardern signaled the problems ahead with her first Cabinet selected on diversity lines instead of competence. In her defense, (ahem) you might say she was painted into a corner by her party list being selected on diversity lines rather than competence. Either way, enough with the diversity/identity politics nonsense, select people who know how to get stuff done!

19-09-2023, 05:20 PM
New, inexperienced people might actually listen to the advice they are given. Something Labour has demonstrated is not their strongsuit.

This Labour government is but a collective of career politicians who have never created businesses & jobs and made things happen.

They have political experience but as we have witnessed in the last 6 years, that count for bugger all when it comes to the crunch.

So look carefully at leadership - is it politics or business experience the country really needs.

19-09-2023, 05:23 PM
Both, in my humble opinion. I don't mean every individual must have experience in both areas, but every party​ that ends up being part of a coalition government, most definitely needs a balance of experience across those areas.

This Labour government is but a collective of career politicians who have never created businesses & jobs and made things happen.

They have political experience but as we have witnessed in the last 6 years, that count for bugger all when it comes to the crunch.

So look carefully at leadership - is it politics or business experience the country really needs.

19-09-2023, 05:25 PM
I just want to be clear, when I say new and experienced I mean as MP's inside or outside cabinet.

19-09-2023, 07:17 PM
Labour’s New Zealand epitomised -


Check out the comments under the tweet. 😂

“ If only she was transgender also, then it would have been a full woke bingo.”

Haha gold

19-09-2023, 07:19 PM
Tonight's leaders debate.

Hippocritter constantly referring to Lux as Christopher, to make him seem more formal and remote.
Emulating Muldoon with Wallace instead of Bill Rowling?

Hippocritters opening spiel, nothing constructive offering Labour's solutions, instead just trying to berate National's policy.

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 07:28 PM
Chippy coming across as a goober right now, very weird 'smiling' with the eyes closed.

19-09-2023, 07:32 PM
Chippy coming across as a goober right now, very weird 'smiling' with the eyes closed.

Yes, like a child trying to block out bad news.

19-09-2023, 07:32 PM
They are both making me feel like voting for ACT. Yes, I’m serious.

Chippy coming across as a goober right now, very weird 'smiling' with the eyes closed.

19-09-2023, 07:52 PM
Hippo says we've got mana ake in schools now!

Who knew?

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 07:55 PM
Chipkins is losing it!

19-09-2023, 08:02 PM
Chipkins is losing it!
He never had it.

How sad to be living in the shadow of Cinders and Helen.

19-09-2023, 08:09 PM
When Hippocritter said he hasn't read any fiction , he obviously hasn't read Labour's manifesto

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 08:39 PM
David Cunliffe on the hopeless panel: "Chris Luxon's numbers don't add up unless you sell half of Auckland".

Give me a break.

Tau Henare, Maiki Sherman, David Cunliffe are the panel. Who picked these numpties? Tau Henare is a muppet, Cunliffe was sorry for being a man.


Give me a break.

Culiffe: "Luxon is speaking to the far right".

This is garbage.

Maiki says Luxons comments on gangs were a 'dog whistle'.

This is outrageous.

19-09-2023, 08:49 PM
Link to poll here:

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?12748-POLL-who-are-you-planning-on-voting-for/page2 (https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?12748-POLL-who-are-you-planning-on-voting-for/page2)

Please add your vote if you haven't already.

19-09-2023, 10:11 PM
David Cunliffe on the hopeless panel: "Chris Luxon's numbers don't add up unless you sell half of Auckland".

Give me a break.

Tau Henare, Maiki Sherman, David Cunliffe are the panel. Who picked these numpties? Tau Henare is a muppet, Cunliffe was sorry for being a man.


Give me a break.

Culiffe: "Luxon is speaking to the far right".

This is garbage.

Maiki says Luxons comments on gangs were a 'dog whistle'.

This is outrageous.
We are left in no doubt the degree of bias from tvnz when this is the best they can do to deliver a balanced reciew panel. Unbelievable!

19-09-2023, 10:33 PM
Herald Poll: Who won TVNZ leaders’ debate?

Luxon 76%
Hipkins 24%


20-09-2023, 09:15 AM
David Cunliffe on the hopeless panel: "Chris Luxon's numbers don't add up unless you sell half of Auckland".

Give me a break.

Tau Henare, Maiki Sherman, David Cunliffe are the panel. Who picked these numpties? Tau Henare is a muppet, Cunliffe was sorry for being a man.


Give me a break.

Culiffe: "Luxon is speaking to the far right".

This is garbage.

Maiki says Luxons comments on gangs were a 'dog whistle'.

This is outrageous.

On the CGT, according to the latest poll Cunliffe is correct with 52% in favour & only 37% against the rest undecided.

A CGT could help pay for further PAYE tax cuts.

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 09:38 AM
On the CGT, according to the latest poll Cunliffe is correct with 52% in favour & only 37% against the rest undecided.

A CGT could help pay for further PAYE tax cuts.

Well a CGT specifically on rental properties was what 52% of poll respondents agreed to, not a broad based CGT.


20-09-2023, 02:03 PM
Ardern and Hipkins' legacy.


"AT chief executive Dean Kimpton described the increase in anti-social behaviour as "troubling".

"I think it's a societal issue first and foremost yes, of course, we need increased policing and we need to train our people to manage this and we'll look at security guards and systems to protect, but I have a view that some of this comes down to individual responsibility."

Kimpton said it was not a problem isolated to Auckland, or to buses.

"Other jurisdictions are seeing similar increases in this sort of behaviour and we're also seeing it on our roads and more risk-taking and more aggressive driving, so we're seeing a play out [on a] number of fronts."

Youth worker Aaron Hendry was worried for Aotearoa's young people.

"We've got young people that are living on our streets, living in emergency accommodation, young people that don't have safety, stability and the care and support that they need.

"That is, I guess, a huge driving factor to seeing that sort of harmful behaviour happening in our communities." "

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 04:31 PM
Leftist cartoonist Sharon Murdoch continues her frenzied daily attacks.
Left wing hypocrisy on full display; she decried purported ‘misogyny’ towards on JA, but has no qualms about making hideous attacks on women on the right.


Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 05:34 PM
Another porky from compulsive fibber Chipkins.


‘Labour leader Chris Hipkins has admitted a claim he made in last night’s debate was incorrect when he said fizzy drinks were banned in primary schools.

During the debate, Hipkins made the claim as he revealed Labour’s intention to apply the ban in secondary schools, saying evidence for its extension was in the existing ban.

Today, while standing at Wairoa Airport, Hipkins fessed up, saying that he had misunderstood the result of work done by the Ministry of Education on whether fizzy drinks should be banned in primary schools.

Hipkins confirmed Labour’s position was to ban fizzy drinks in schools.’

20-09-2023, 07:41 PM
There's a potential social reform which could offer a solution to the housing crisis (or increase house prices by 33% which the property industry will love).

Allow for a second marriage.

20-09-2023, 07:41 PM
I've just seen a re run of TV1 news, telling me that not only will the taxpayer support these scam immigrants, as in Logens above post, for 6 months in accommodation
and benefits, which is bad enough, but the Greens immigration spokesperson says the support should go beyond 6 months!

Pardon me?

If there is no employment for these scam immigrants to pay their own way, then straight back on the next plane home!

Who's had a gutsful of having their tits sucked on?

Wait now for a Labour or Green to say NZ should also pay the 'alleged' thousands of dollars the SI's paid offshore to get here.

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 08:47 PM
I've just seen a re run of TV1 news, telling me that not only will the taxpayer support these scam immigrants, as in Logens above post, for 6 months in accommodation
and benefits, which is bad enough, but the Greens immigration spokesperson says the support should go beyond 6 months!

Pardon me?

If there is no employment for these scam immigrants to pay their own way, then straight back on the next plane home!

Who's had a gutsful of having their tits sucked on?

Wait now for a Labour or Green to say NZ should also pay the 'alleged' thousands of dollars the SI's paid offshore to get here.

There was a bloke that got (purportedly) scammed out of $40,000 in his own country without ever leaving the place & was upset that he now couldn't come here to be supported. It was 'nice' of Andrew Little to say that as he hadn't actually got on a plane to here, he had to stay in his home country and suck it up. Which seemed pretty obviously the best outcome for NZ taxpayers, although I got the impression the Greens thought Little was being a big meany.
Meanwhile the exploited immigrants that did come here have got 6 months of taxpayer support in which to find a job. Not sure what their skills are, you'd think they'd have been hired already if they are up to snuff.
Yes, the country is stuffed. And there are apparently 200 active investigations going on at INZ which may uncover dozens more exploited immigrants.

20-09-2023, 09:05 PM
TAnd there are apparently 200 active investigations going on at INZ which may uncover dozens more exploited immigrants.

There's no way INZ have the resources to investigate all these complaints, it'll take them years to wade through it all.

Meanwhile, the Dr Do Little, Minister of so many fark ups and achieve nothing, except piss off a large proportion of our population, disenfranchising the oppressed (Pike River, Health, Immigration, it goes on), has another black mark on his CV and it beggars belief that he can continue to defend policy that was so loose as to allow scammers to take control of NZ immigration while making a poultice of money for themselves while ripping off the immigrants, with bugger all right of recourse and the poor immigrants who suffer the consequences, while we the tax payers have to cover for them. Unbloodybeliveable.

Get rid of this government and the recidivist destroyer minsters like Dr Do Little who are ruining our country.

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 09:12 PM
There's no way INZ have the resources to investigate all these complaints, it'll take them years to wade through it all.

Meanwhile, the Dr Do Little, Minister of so many fark ups and achieve nothing, except piss off a large proportion of our population, disenfranchising the oppressed (Pike River, Health, Immigration, it goes on), has another black mark on his CV and it beggars belief that he can continue to defend policy that was so loose as to allow scammers to take control of NZ immigration while making a poultice of money for themselves while ripping off the immigrants, with bugger all right of recourse and the poor immigrants who suffer the consequences, while we the tax payers have to cover for them. Unbloodybeliveable.

Get rid of this government and the recidivist destroyer minsters like Dr Do Little who are ruining our country.

Speaking of Pike River, did this ever happen?


Winston Peters doubles down on promise to be first into Pike River mine

Emma Hurley

'Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters is sticking by his promise to be the first person to re-enter the Pike River mine drift.

Mr Peters first made the promise in front of Pike River families in December 2016, saying: "I'm that confident on the expert advice that you have, that I'm offering to be on the first party back in."'

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 09:19 PM
There's no way INZ have the resources to investigate all these complaints, it'll take them years to wade through it all.

Meanwhile, the Dr Do Little, Minister of so many fark ups and achieve nothing, except piss off a large proportion of our population, disenfranchising the oppressed (Pike River, Health, Immigration, it goes on), has another black mark on his CV and it beggars belief that he can continue to defend policy that was so loose as to allow scammers to take control of NZ immigration while making a poultice of money for themselves while ripping off the immigrants, with bugger all right of recourse and the poor immigrants who suffer the consequences, while we the tax payers have to cover for them. Unbloodybeliveable.

Get rid of this government and the recidivist destroyer minsters like Dr Do Little who are ruining our country.

He's number 12 on the list....is there any chance he won't make it back? :huh:

And in the electorates, are the really people out there who will send the likes of Phil Twyford and Michael Wood back to Parliament?

21-09-2023, 08:22 AM

Chris Hipkins is running out of time, less than one week before first votes cast

Labour’s struggling campaign for re-election has endured fresh embarrassment with the party slumping further into the 20s in the latest public poll - its lowest performance in that poll since Andrew Little was leader six years ago.

Labour fell one point to just 27 per cent in the 1 News-Verian poll, well behind National which polled 37 per cent, falling two points. It puts even further pressure on leader Chris Hipkins to turn the ship around and cements the feeling that this may now be impossible.

Hipkins put on a brave face, saying the poll showed National was “coming down” having “previously peaked”.

He has less time than many think. The first votes will be cast in less than a week’s time when overseas voting opens on September 27. Voting opens to everyone else less than a week later on October 2. Each day of early voting locks in the gaping deficit between Labour and National, making a turnaround less and less possible.

its lowest performance in that poll since Andrew Little was leader six years ago.

The same Andrew Little who promised to go down to the bottom of Pike River Mine with Peters ? ;)

The performance doesn't seem to have improved in recent terms either ..

21-09-2023, 08:36 AM

Repeat violent offender to be deported as a 501 after losing appeal to remain in Australia

Kingi Hoani Paewai has amassed a list of black marks for violence, weapons, traffic and drug-related offending, plus offences against the Australian police and justice system.

One of his most recent offences was against his former partner, whom he struck in the legs with the blunt edge of a tomahawk.

But now the Australians are saying goodbye to him, with a final decision that re-affirms a decision to cancel his visa.

More of Labour's 501 Privileged pieces of cr@p ejected over the way .. now incoming here ;)

And they wonder why we have an escalating Crime problem here ;)

21-09-2023, 08:43 AM

Election 2023: Labour promises up to $1.1b to build Hawke’s Bay Hospital

6 years of doing very little, playing building larger empires, leaving frontline & other critical staff under resourced
and underpaid .. now Labour wake up and promise new Hospital .. in all probability that they will never under their
terms in Govt build ..

Much screaming & whining before the Clueless came in around Hospital Infrastructure .. very Little doey once they hit Front Benches. play games and go to sleep

Must be an Election close by for all Labour's Grandiose Puffed Up Desperation spinning now ;)

Likely the mother of Election avalanches out of Govt on the way, if recent polls are any indication :)

21-09-2023, 10:09 AM

Chris Hipkins is running out of time, less than one week before first votes cast

Assuming that loose, at what point is Labour no longer the major opposition party? Lets say argumentatively the Greens had more support (shudder the thought) in the election then do they become the "opposition" ?

21-09-2023, 10:17 AM
Assuming that loose, at what point is Labour no longer the major opposition party? Lets say argumentatively the Greens had more support (shudder the thought) in the election then do they become the "opposition" ?

Hope so, labour need a good clean out.

Forget the current team making the decisions, they need to bring in some new talent.

Problem is it's the backbench who will lose their jobs and the muppets on the frontbench who keep them, then it will be up to the labour membership to pick the best of a bad bunch (they should used to it by now).

21-09-2023, 10:38 AM
Looks like one of Labour's MPs, Greg O'Connor, has already thrown in the towel as far as Labour as being the next government is concerned, but pleading with Ohariu voters to give him the electorate vote as he is not on the list.

And why was he ranked so low on Labour's list?

This explains it : " A former police union boss from the West Coast, his advocacy for arming police and taking a tougher stance on drugs put him offside with many on the Left."

Sharma karma on the Labour MPs who kept quiet when the bullying was going on inside the caucus.


"Labour MP Greg O’Connor has conceded his party will likely lose the election, with his electorate opponent Nicola Willis appointed finance minister.

With National leading in all public polls it is an honest strategy – although not one which will endear him to colleagues. On the campaign trail leader Chris Hipkins has hammered home the message that the party can still turn the result around.

In a bid to hold on to his north Wellington seat Ōhāriu, O’Connor also said residents should give him their “electorate vote only” to ensure he remains in Parliament."

21-09-2023, 10:41 AM
Hope so, labour need a good clean out.

Forget the current team making the decisions, they need to bring in some new talent.

Problem is it's the backbench who will lose their jobs and the muppets on the frontbench who keep them, then it will be up to the labour membership to pick the best of a bad bunch (they should used to it by now).
Going to take Labour a long long time to regain any respect from the voting majority. Any credibility has been obliterated

21-09-2023, 11:34 AM
This is where the real debate is going to be :


It's going to be a spectacle worthy of being held in a colosseum.

The lineup: David Seymour, Debbie Packer, Winston Peters, Marama Davidson

21-09-2023, 11:40 AM
This is where the real debate is going to be :


It's going to be a spectacle worthy of being held in a colosseum.

The lineup: David Seymour, Debbie Packer, Winston Peters, Marama Davidson

It's a pity James Shaw won't be there - he could be asked about his fictitious BA from Victoria University and MSc from the University of Bath.

21-09-2023, 11:42 AM
Panda-NZ, have you received a knock to the head in the last day or two? You're being mighty polite and reasonable.

21-09-2023, 11:49 AM
How long do you think it will take for Marama to call David a racist?

21-09-2023, 12:51 PM
Or a cis white man

21-09-2023, 01:05 PM
Panda-NZ, have you received a knock to the head in the last day or two? You're being mighty polite and reasonable.
He's just facing up to the inevitable.

Logen Ninefingers
21-09-2023, 02:54 PM
Labour at 27% and still falling, and at least one MP saying ‘vote for whichever party you like, but please give me your electorate vote cos I’m a great fella’. Trying to distance himself from the sinking Labour ship that Chipkins is going down with. It’s every man and woman for themselves….

21-09-2023, 04:16 PM
Panda-NZ, have you received a knock to the head in the last day or two? You're being mighty polite and reasonable.

For sure .. Ambulance needed to check out Panda :)

21-09-2023, 04:17 PM
Labour at 27% and still falling, and at least one MP saying ‘vote for whichever party you like, but please give me your electorate vote cos I’m a great fella’. Trying to distance himself from the sinking Labour ship that Chipkins is going down with. It’s every man and woman for themselves….

Implosion on the way as Labour self destructs and the hijacker factions look to jump ship in the closing week :)

21-09-2023, 04:20 PM
Assuming that loose, at what point is Labour no longer the major opposition party? Lets say argumentatively the Greens had more support (shudder the thought) in the election then do they become the "opposition" ?

A Very good question .. and the Greens have the "James Shaw What Qualifications" blot on their score card to now contend with ;)

21-09-2023, 04:22 PM
For sure .. Ambulance needed to check out Panda :)

If it's Labour vs National on purely policy then labour wins (for me).

20 bucks a week compared to inhumane cuts to prescription fees and raising the super age to 67...

But on the labour side you have Ministers resigning one after the other and one defecting to a bunch of radicals.

I don't like not being able to read govt communications either, because its all in Te Reo.

21-09-2023, 04:27 PM
If it's Labour vs National on purely policy then labour wins (for me).

20 bucks a week compared to inhumane cuts to prescription fees and raising the super age to 67...

But on the labour side you Ministers resigning one after the other and one defecting to a bunch of radicals.

I don't like not being able to read govt communications either, because its all in Te Reo.

You've left it very late to see sense - Labour might be announcing next week that they will be selling naming rights
to their vast trove of large Pot Holes .. would that change things ? ;)

The lucky ones in the draw might also be in with a chance to buy Chipster's soul which comes with a FREE 5 year supply of gingernuts so the lucky winner will always be reminded of a well earned dunking ;)

fungus pudding
21-09-2023, 04:31 PM
Implosion on the way as Labour self destructs and the hijacker factions look to jump ship in the closing week :)

Jones, who has a fairly good political nose, has an interesting comment re Act.


22-09-2023, 01:26 AM
If it's Labour vs National on purely policy then labour wins (for me).

20 bucks a week compared to inhumane cuts to prescription fees and raising the super age to 67...

But on the labour side you have Ministers resigning one after the other and one defecting to a bunch of radicals.

I don't like not being able to read govt communications either, because its all in Te Reo.

What is inhumane about a small charge for prescriptions? The charge has been there until about six months ago. The total an individual or family had to pay was limited to $100 per year. What % of the population would have a problem with that? Surely those that have could be catered for with the likes of community service cards.

And 67 is a much more realistic age for the pension for a good portion of the population. Those that are retiring from very physical jobs would have to an earlier access if required.

i also agree with your opinion on the Te Reo.

However I have enjoyed your posts from the last day or two. Quite a surprising change.

22-09-2023, 09:22 AM
Jordan Peterson pointed out that "group rights" are a non-starter without "group responsibilities", which succinctly sums up the whole identity politics modus operandi. There is not even any personal responsibility in the woke agenda. To be a victim is the highest honour, it's all someone else's fault, and because you are a victim you can't be argued with.

They even invent historic grievances such as the Residential Schools "genocides". Churches were torched across Canada as a result of the mass burial lie. Subsequent tests have shown the ground disturbance was likely an orchard. The liars that made the claim never even dug any holes to verify the so called atrocity, but to question it made you racist.

So many middle ground Kiwis are sleep walking on these issues. They have so much to contend with just keeping their heads above water that the social agenda gets ignored and put in the too hard basket. Hopefully the tide has turned, but Luxon needs to start showing some spine. Factcheck. The mass burial is not a lie. They did not invent historic grievances. Their grievances were confirmed by Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. CNN article below.

….. the confirmation of the remains of 215 children who were students of the Kamloops Indian Residential School,

The Kamloops Indian Residential school was one of the largest in Canada and operated from the late 19th century to the late 1970s. It was opened and run by the Catholic Church until the federal government took it over in the late 1960s.

Chief coroner Lisa Lapointe issued a statement saying that her office is early in the process of gather information.

In 2015 Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission released a report detailing the damaging legacy of the country’s residential school system. Thousands of mostly indigenous children were separated from their families and forced to attend residential schools.
The report detailed decades of physical, sexual and emotional abuse suffered by children in government and church run institutions

fungus pudding
22-09-2023, 09:22 AM
What is inhumane about a small charge for prescriptions? The charge has been there until about six months ago. The total an individual or family had to pay was limited to $100 per year. What % of the population would have a problem with that? Surely those that have could be catered for with the likes of community service cards.

And 67 is a much more realistic age for the pension for a good portion of the population. Those that are retiring from very physical jobs would have to an earlier access if required.

i also agree with your opinion on the Te Reo.

However I have enjoyed your posts from the last day or two. Quite a surprising change.

Your last comment is interesting. Care to elaborate? I may consider unblocking Panda - (him/her, it or them).

22-09-2023, 09:39 AM
They even invent historic grievances such as the Residential Schools "genocides". Churches were torched across Canada as a result of the mass burial lie. Subsequent tests have shown the ground disturbance was likely an orchard. The liars that made the claim never even dug any holes to verify the so called atrocity, but to question it made you racist. Factcheck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamloops_Indian_Residential_School

In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada determined that the residential schools were a system of "cultural genocide". It concluded that at least 4,100 students died while attending the schools, many of them due to abuse, negligence, disease, and accidents. The report concluded that it would be impossible to estimate the total number of deaths that occurred at the schools.

23-09-2023, 10:07 AM
Haven't spotted Blue Skies around these parts lately.

Surprising they would go mute in the middle of an election?

Or no longer on the Labour party payroll?

23-09-2023, 12:09 PM
Ex minister of education, Chris Hipkins and his mother Rosemary Hipkins, should be held to account for the dire state of our education system.

"If you want to see what the government of New Zealand is up to with respect to science education, you can’t do better than listening to this video/slideshow by two exponents of the “we-need-two-knowledge-systems” view. This one site sums up how science education in New Zealand is circling the drain."


23-09-2023, 12:20 PM
What is inhumane about a small charge for prescriptions? The charge has been there until about six months ago. The total an individual or family had to pay was limited to $100 per year. What % of the population would have a problem with that? Surely those that have could be catered for with the likes of community service cards.

And 67 is a much more realistic age for the pension for a good portion of the population. Those that are retiring from very physical jobs would have to an earlier access if required.

i also agree with your opinion on the Te Reo.

However I have enjoyed your posts from the last day or two. Quite a surprising change.

How can you have different ages for the pension?
The pension is welfare, funny no one complains about this sort of welfare.
It's well overdue for the pension to be means tested. There should be no requirement for the Government to pay welfare to those who clearly don't need it.

23-09-2023, 12:29 PM
It absolutely is not!

I will let someone else explain it to you before I say something I will regret.

How can you have different ages for the pension?
The pension is welfare, funny no one complains about this sort of welfare.
It's well overdue for the pension to be means tested. There should be no requirement for the Government to pay welfare to those who clearly don't need it.

23-09-2023, 12:47 PM
How can you have different ages for the pension?
The pension is welfare, funny no one complains about this sort of welfare.
It's well overdue for the pension to be means tested. There should be no requirement for the Government to pay welfare to those who clearly don't need it.
Is this comment a wind up or are you actually stupid.

23-09-2023, 12:52 PM
It absolutely is not!

I will let someone else explain it to you before I say something I will regret.

Of course the pension is welfare.
If you can't explain it then perhaps there is a reason for that.

If it triggers you like it apparently does, that's because it's an uncomfortable truth.

I'm not against the pension at all but it's the equivalent of a universal basic income for retirees.

I estimate if the pension was means tested the Government would save about $2Bln per annum & that saving would only grow over time.

And before you say we paid our taxes to earn a pension, some did, some didn't but the taxes paid did not fund it sufficiently and if hadn't been for the Michael Cullen's Future Fund, pensions would be even more unaffordable.

23-09-2023, 12:53 PM
Is this comment a wind up or are you actually stupid.

Explain to me how it's not welfare?
I think you may want rethink the last part of your comment when it is you who clearly doesn't understand the concept of welfare.

23-09-2023, 12:59 PM
People are so easily triggered on this site.
Even when confronting the truth.
We could all learn from taking a deep breath at times, including me.

The only welfare that is not allocated on a needs basis is the pension.


Welfare in New Zealand
Article Talk
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This article's lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points. (July 2010)
Social welfare has long been an important part of New Zealand society and a significant political issue. It is concerned with the provision by the state of benefits and services. Together with fiscal welfare and occupational welfare, it makes up the social policy of New Zealand. Social welfare is mostly funded through general taxation. Since the 1980s welfare has been provided on the basis of need; the exception is universal superannuation.

A Ministry of Social Development office in Glen Eden, West Auckland

State housing

Social security


Family benefits and tax credits

Minimum wage

History of changes

See also


External links
Last edited 2 months ago by Prosperosity
Third Labour Government of New Zealand
Government of New Zealand, 1972–1975

Second Labour Government of New Zealand
Government of New Zealand, 1957–1960

Social security in Australia
Welfare payments provided by the Australian Government

Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.
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23-09-2023, 01:16 PM
Is this comment a wind up or are you actually stupid.


23-09-2023, 01:17 PM
I didn't actually realise that when the pension was first introduced in 1898 in its initial form it was means tested. Smart fella that Richard Sneddon.

https://nzhistory.govt.nz/old-age-pensions-act-passes-into-law#:~:text=1%20November%201898&text=Germany%20had%20earlier%20introduced%20a,of%2 0Richard%20Seddon's%20Liberal%20government.

23-09-2023, 01:18 PM

So many intelligent responses....

fungus pudding
23-09-2023, 01:35 PM
Haven't spotted Blue Skies around these parts lately.

Surprising they would go mute in the middle of an election?

Or no longer on the Labour party payroll?

...or has undergone an epiphany.

23-09-2023, 03:31 PM
Haven't spotted Blue Skies around these parts lately.

Surprising they would go mute in the middle of an election?

Or no longer on the Labour party payroll?

He did indicate recently that he was battling health issues. I hope he is ok

23-09-2023, 04:53 PM
I didn't actually realise that when the pension was first introduced in 1898 in its initial form it was means tested. Smart fella that Richard Sneddon.

https://nzhistory.govt.nz/old-age-pensions-act-passes-into-law#:~:text=1%20November%201898&text=Germany%20had%20earlier%20introduced%20a,of%2 0Richard%20Seddon's%20Liberal%20government.

Richard Sneddon was nowhere to be seen in NZ at the time ;)

probably still in England ..

Yet an other failing on part of Ex minister of education, Chris Hipkins and his mother Rosemary Hipkins, who should be held to account for the dire state of our education system ? ;)

23-09-2023, 05:02 PM

Duncan Garner: Why Labour only have themselves to blame

Opinion: I have some bad news for Prime Minister Chris Hipkins.

He and his Labour Party are going to get booted out of office.

23-09-2023, 05:08 PM

P easier to get than cannabis in Rotorua, says police commander

This is what 6 years of Labour has brought to our Communities

Furthermore Social Services now reporting Young teenagers prostituting themselves to feed their P Habits

Progress or what under Labour ?

23-09-2023, 05:15 PM
Explain to me how it's not welfare?
I think you may want rethink the last part of your comment when it is you who clearly doesn't understand the concept of welfare.
It is not welfare as the recipient, (unless they are a beneficiary) has paid a rate of tax that covers the superannuation payment.
Had the super recipient not been consigned the agreed tax rate during their employment years, their tax would have been lower to compensate non payment of super and the recipient could have planned for their own managed retirement income. It was a deal struck between govt and citizen.
We pay a portion of our tax to fund super.

23-09-2023, 05:21 PM

Labour promises amnesty to 10+ year overstayers and new ‘Super Visa’ for migrant families

Overstayers who have been in the country for more than 10 years will be offered an amnesty visa under a new immigration policy announced by Labour on Saturday.

The party’s immigration spokesperson Andrew Little said the one-off visa to people who had overstayed for more than a decade was about making good on Jacinda Ardern’s Dawn Raid apology two years ago.

Little also announced a new 10-year multiple visit “Super Visa” allowing parents and grandparents of migrants to make successive visits of between six months and five years.

Let's reward the Overstayers instead of enforcing the Legisation

It's the Labour way - be soft on everything then wonder why things turn to ****
as a result as with Crime, etc etc ;)

How's the search for a new day job going - Andy ?

It looks like your term of overstaying on Govt Front Benches might be about to hit a significant pothole
in the road ;)

After the trail of destruction in recent terms, enjoy the new trip .. rapidly catapulted into political obscurity , where not many will want to remember the names of those on the current Labour trainwreck ;)

23-09-2023, 09:00 PM
It is not welfare as the recipient, (unless they are a beneficiary) has paid a rate of tax that covers the superannuation payment.
Had the super recipient not been consigned the agreed tax rate during their employment years, their tax would have been lower to compensate non payment of super and the recipient could have planned for their own managed retirement income. It was a deal struck between govt and citizen.
We pay a portion of our tax to fund super.

Exactly right!

NZ had a self-funding superannuation scheme until 1976 (which would have hundreds of billions of dollars in it now) but it was scrapped by the socialist buffoon Muldoon.

It was replaced by National Super which would be funded via a portion of taxes paid by NZers - in other words, perpetually funded through a portion of the consolidated revenues/accounts.

Alas, we know what the Labour governments have/had been with their unrestrained spending - especially this clueless and useless lot led by Ardern & Hipkins.

23-09-2023, 09:31 PM
Exactly right!

NZ had a self-funding superannuation scheme until 1976 (which would have hundreds of billions of dollars in it now) but it was scrapped by the socialist buffoon Muldoon.

It was replaced by National Super which would be funded via a portion of taxes paid by NZers - in other words, perpetually funded through a portion of the consolidated revenues/accounts.

Alas, we know what the Labour governments have/had been with their unrestrained spending - especially this clueless and useless lot led by Ardern & Hipkins.
Around 1977 I received a cheque back from the Muldoon govt for $700. We did not pay into the new scheme for long, from memory maybe 12 months.
I never understood the stupidity at the time, can you imagine how that annual $700 would have compounded !

24-09-2023, 12:11 AM
Richard Sneddon was nowhere to be seen in NZ at the time ;)

probably still in England ..

Yet an other failing on part of Ex minister of education, Chris Hipkins and his mother Rosemary Hipkins, who should be held to account for the dire state of our education system ? ;)

Really? Seddon was the NZ PM at the time.

24-09-2023, 12:17 AM
Exactly right!

NZ had a self-funding superannuation scheme until 1976 (which would have hundreds of billions of dollars in it now) but it was scrapped by the socialist buffoon Muldoon.

It was replaced by National Super which would be funded via a portion of taxes paid by NZers - in other words, perpetually funded through a portion of the consolidated revenues/accounts.

Alas, we know what the Labour governments have/had been with their unrestrained spending - especially this clueless and useless lot led by Ardern & Hipkins.

All benefits are funded by a portion of taxes paid. The pension is no different.

24-09-2023, 08:40 AM
All benefits are funded by a portion of taxes paid. The pension is no different.
You are thick. Read my post.

24-09-2023, 09:22 AM
Robbo getting his bottom spanked by Nicola on Q & A now
Only trouble is the kinky sod will enjoy it..

24-09-2023, 10:02 AM
As was suggested - new poll for the next seven days is here:

https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?12751-POLL-Election-poll-3-weeks-till-election (https://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?12751-POLL-Election-poll-3-weeks-till-election)

24-09-2023, 10:38 AM
You are thick. Read my post.

Insulting others doesn't make you right. In fact it's typically an aggressive defence mechanism to cover for a poor argument.

So tell me what portion of someone's tax paid is set aside for their future pension costs?
Where is the separate pool of funds allocating that tax to Super?

I will give you a real world example.

A person who is 85 now retired 20 years ago.
During their working life they earned the average wage from. 1958 - 1998. The average wage over that time was let's say $17,000.
They paid 30% tax if which 15% is set aside for funding their pension. That's a total of $30,600.
If their pension averaged $350 per week over the last 20 years, the cost is $364,000.

Now if the Government set aside that 15% & it was compounded it might cover the cost, might not to, but they don't as they are funding today's pension payouts with the current tax take as they do with all benefits.

But the main point is that all benefits are funded the same way. If we didn't pay people the dole or sickness benefits, we would also be taxed less.

Either way I'm not suggesting getting rid of the pension or even raising it to 67 as both National & ACT are promising. I'm suggesting that we shouldn't pay welfare to those who don't need it and the pension should be means tested.

24-09-2023, 10:56 AM
Bang on Attack Ad - Ardern & Hipkins, masters at creating divisions in NZ :

Racial Division

Social Division

Law & Order Division

Education Division

Housing Division

Gender Division

Urban/Rural Division

Economic Division

https://scontent.fakl1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/380273865_817137293753472_8278454055258768591_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_p480x480&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=6b662e&_nc_ohc=dE76OVYk3SMAX8tMP9h&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-3.fna&edm=AG48QRkEAAAA&oh=00_AfAtKqBH7CQxEnEvrJVlORrkVPAbFVZaBvCFIFf5arp6 Iw&oe=6514216F

fungus pudding
24-09-2023, 11:22 AM
Insulting others doesn't make you right. In fact it's typically an aggressive defence mechanism to cover for a poor argument.

So tell me what portion of someone's tax paid is set aside for their future pension costs?
Where is the separate pool of funds allocating that tax to Super?

I will give you a real world example.

A person who is 85 now retired 20 years ago.
During their working life they earned the average wage from. 1958 - 1998. The average wage over that time was let's say $17,000.
They paid 30% tax if which 15% is set aside for funding their pension. That's a total of $30,600.
If their pension averaged $350 per week over the last 20 years, the cost is $364,000.

Now if the Government set aside that 15% & it was compounded it might cover the cost, might not to, but they don't as they are funding today's pension payouts with the current tax take as they do with all benefits.

But the main point is that all benefits are funded the same way. If we didn't pay people the dole or sickness benefits, we would also be taxed less.

Either way I'm not suggesting getting rid of the pension or even raising it to 67 as both National & ACT are promising. I'm suggesting that we shouldn't pay welfare to those who don't need it and the pension should be means tested.

Why single out the universal super?
Surely, using your argument, the same should apply to heart surgery, schooling and god-knows what else. Certainly would leave more in the kitty for those who don't bother getting out of bed in the mornings. And just think of the boost to under-the-mattress saving!
And the consolidated fund means NZ does not operate separate funds for any of its welfare obligations.

24-09-2023, 12:15 PM
Why single out the universal super?
Surely, using your argument, the same should apply to heart surgery, schooling and god-knows what else. Certainly would leave more in the kitty for those who don't bother getting out of bed in the mornings. And just think of the boost to under-the-mattress saving!
And the consolidated fund means NZ does not operate separate funds for any of its welfare obligations.

You are arguing my point for me, I.e the pension is just like any other welfare benefit, other than other benefits are paid on a needs basis

People need health care, schooling etc. Whereas not everyone needs the pension, but we give it to them anyway.

24-09-2023, 12:25 PM
"Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods." - H.L.Mencken

24-09-2023, 12:35 PM
You are just being pedantic for the sake of it. You can call it welfare if you wish, but it is an "entitlement" for everyone who meets the residency requirements, as outlined here:


There are no other qualification requirements. Every NZ resident is entitled to this payment. If you meet that requirement you are guaranteed to receive the pension.

All other welfare "benefits" are approved on a temporary basis, and must be reviewed regularly. Most are means tested. Most of them require you to regularly declare your income, keep WINZ updated on things like relationship status, health issues (if a health related benefit) etc. There is zero guarantee that any person will be approved to receive any of these benefits.

Sure, the money may come from the general bucket of "welfare" funding, but that is purely for logistics, and is not intended to reflect the fact that the pension is a "welfare benefit."

So, just stop with the BS. You know full well this is the case.

You are arguing my point for me, I.e the pension is just like any other welfare benefit.

Because people need health care, schooling etc. Whereas not everyone needs the pension but we give it to them anyway.

24-09-2023, 12:53 PM
You are just being pedantic for the sake of it. You can call it welfare if you wish, but it is an "entitlement" for everyone who meets the residency requirements, as outlined here:


There are no other qualification requirements. Every NZ resident is entitled to this payment. If you meet that requirement you are guaranteed to receive the pension.

All other welfare "benefits" are approved on a temporary basis, and must be reviewed regularly. Most are means tested. Most of them require you to regularly declare your income, keep WINZ updated on things like relationship status, health issues (if a health related benefit) etc. There is zero guarantee that any person will be approved to receive any of these benefits.

Sure, the money may come from the general bucket of "welfare" funding, but that is purely for logistics, and is not intended to reflect the fact that the pension is a "welfare benefit."

So, just stop with the BS. You know full well this is the case.
Entitlement. Well said. A promise upon which individuals have structured their lives. You can not make someone a promise, allow the citizen to structure their life around that promise and then scrap it.

24-09-2023, 12:56 PM
You are just being pedantic for the sake of it. You can call it welfare if you wish, but it is an "entitlement" for everyone who meets the residency requirements, as outlined here:


There are no other qualification requirements. Every NZ resident is entitled to this payment. If you meet that requirement you are guaranteed to receive the pension.

All other welfare "benefits" are approved on a temporary basis, and must be reviewed regularly. Most are means tested. Most of them require you to regularly declare your income, keep WINZ updated on things like relationship status, health issues (if a health related benefit) etc. There is zero guarantee that any person will be approved to receive any of these benefits.

Sure, the money may come from the general bucket of "welfare" funding, but that is purely for logistics, and is not intended to reflect the fact that the pension is a "welfare benefit."

So, just stop with the BS. You know full well this is the case.
Entitlement. Well said. A promise upon which individuals have structured their lives. You can not make someone a promise, allow the citizen to structure their life around that promise and then scrap it.

24-09-2023, 12:59 PM
That’s an observation I also agree with, when you play the game and then the rules change it really hurts and creates distrust which reduces peoples willingness to participate in future.

24-09-2023, 01:26 PM
You are just being pedantic for the sake of it. You can call it welfare if you wish, but it is an "entitlement" for everyone who meets the residency requirements, as outlined here:


There are no other qualification requirements. Every NZ resident is entitled to this payment. If you meet that requirement you are guaranteed to receive the pension.

All other welfare "benefits" are approved on a temporary basis, and must be reviewed regularly. Most are means tested. Most of them require you to regularly declare your income, keep WINZ updated on things like relationship status, health issues (if a health related benefit) etc. There is zero guarantee that any person will be approved to receive any of these benefits.

Sure, the money may come from the general bucket of "welfare" funding, but that is purely for logistics, and is not intended to reflect the fact that the pension is a "welfare benefit."

So, just stop with the BS. You know full well this is the case.

Entitlement. Well said. A promise upon which individuals have structured their lives. You can not make someone a promise, allow the citizen to structure their life around that promise and then scrap it.

That’s an observation I also agree with, when you play the game and then the rules change it really hurts and creates distrust which reduces peoples willingness to participate in future.

I will ignore the snipes etc.
So I take it you are all against NACT raising the pension age to 67?
I.e changing the rules etc.

fungus pudding
24-09-2023, 01:35 PM
I will ignore the snipes etc.
So I take it you are all against NACT raising the pension age to 67?
I.e changing the rules etc.

I'm not.
Get your head around the fact it is a universal benefit or entitlement - no matter the name. it was increased because we now live longer and are capable of working longer-generally speaking. When I first started work 60 year olds were 'old'. Not now.
Look at some stats and see how much longer we live now.


24-09-2023, 01:57 PM
I'm not. Get your head around the fact it is a universal benefit or entitlement - no matter the name. it was increased because we now live longer and are capable of working longer-generally speaking. When I first started work 60 year olds were 'old'. Not now.

If you work physically all your life you quite likely need the pension at 65 or perhaps earlier. It's not all one cap fits all.

Tbh I think it's abhorrent that we give wealthy people a pension when there are people that struggle to have a roof over their head or put food on the table & they are working.

Shouldn't being able to afford food for your family, fuel in the car and pay for rent from your wage be an entitlement? Shouldn't you actually be able to save some money as well?

Anyway I'll leave it that.
At least Fungus we can discuss things civilly.
It amazes me what & how easily some people are triggered. Take chill pill.

24-09-2023, 02:04 PM
Means test in exchange for keeping the retirement age at 65, makes more sense.

24-09-2023, 02:06 PM
Hasn’t one and frippence(or was it a shilling) in the pound taken from wages and been put aside by the government for ones superannuation when they reach retirement. …..ie an entitlement

At least that’s what a guy called Savage told my Dad years ago.

fungus pudding
24-09-2023, 02:21 PM
Hasn’t one and frippence(or was it a shilling) in the pound taken from wages and been put aside by the government for ones superannuation when they reach retirement. …..ie an entitlement

At least that’s what a guy called Savage told my Dad years ago.

Sounds right. They used to have a line up of piggy banks for things, then somewhere along the line someone got sensible + chucked everything in the same bucket. i.e. consolidated the funds.


It's probably in the guff I've attached, although my brain is too full to dig through it. Not capable of absorbing anymore today.

24-09-2023, 03:03 PM
Means test in exchange for keeping the retirement age at 65, makes more sense.

There's an easier, long term way. In Canada my father receives 3 (THREE) pensions. The gov't was clever in that the basic OAS is like our NZ Super. The CCP is the one you pay into (comes off your bi-weekly pay or salary). Then the private pensions such as teachers or RRSP (private investments comparable to Kiwi Saver). After a point where if in a year your income is too high, they 'clawbacks' kick in which means your CCP pay will be less. The gov't has been crafty and saying, OK you can still have the superannuation but when it comes to collecting the other pension, well that's all pending on your level of income.

Above all, the gov't pension should be a safety net, while the private pensions that you invest in, provides you supplement income. If things do not turn out well in say in your share investments, then at retirement you get the full OAS and CPP benefit. If your share investments do exceedingly well, then it's expected you would receive less from CPP. The OAS is a basic small amount which is not really intended to pay off a mortgage but rather, just basic living needs like rates / rental that form most of a senior's living cost.

I'm all for raising the pension age of eligibility.

24-09-2023, 05:34 PM
I also support increasing the age, I think acts approach is sensible. I was referring to changes like interest deductibility and the housing accord. Stuff that comes out of left field, popular with voters but to their detriment.

I’ll be 65 in 2053, I’m pretty sure whatever super is by that point I won’t be eligible so I’m working towards not needing it.

24-09-2023, 05:46 PM
You are just being pedantic for the sake of it. You can call it welfare if you wish, but it is an "entitlement" for everyone who meets the residency requirements, as outlined here:


There are no other qualification requirements. Every NZ resident is entitled to this payment. If you meet that requirement you are guaranteed to receive the pension.

All other welfare "benefits" are approved on a temporary basis, and must be reviewed regularly. Most are means tested. Most of them require you to regularly declare your income, keep WINZ updated on things like relationship status, health issues (if a health related benefit) etc. There is zero guarantee that any person will be approved to receive any of these benefits.

Sure, the money may come from the general bucket of "welfare" funding, but that is purely for logistics, and is not intended to reflect the fact that the pension is a "welfare benefit."

So, just stop with the BS. You know full well this is the case.

And its about blo*dy time superannuation was means tested like all the other welfare payments. I don't pay tax for someone to take their overseas holiday or upgrade the car I pay it to help those in need. Too many f*cking bludgers with their hand out in NZ. I think national superannuation in its earlier forms became compulsory because people were too proud to apply for it even if they needed it. Funny how attitudes change.

fungus pudding
24-09-2023, 05:54 PM
And its about blo*dy time superannuation was means tested like all the other welfare payments. I don't pay tax for someone to take their overseas holiday or upgrade the car I pay it to help those in need. Too many f*cking bludgers with their hand out in NZ. I think national superannuation in its earlier forms became compulsory because people were too proud to apply for it even if they needed it. Funny how attitudes change.

I suppose you think hospital care should be means tested too.

24-09-2023, 06:28 PM
I suppose you think hospital care should be means tested too.

The difference is that hospital care is a need
The pension to the very wealthy isn't.
How much more hospital care could be funded if we means tested the pension.

fungus pudding
24-09-2023, 06:34 PM
The difference is that hospital care is a need
The pension to the very wealthy isn't.
How much more hospital care could be funded if we means tested the pension.
But the wealthy could just pay for their care. Same argument.

24-09-2023, 06:42 PM
Bang on Attack Ad - Ardern & Hipkins, masters at creating divisions in NZ :

Racial Division

Social Division

Law & Order Division

Education Division

Housing Division

Gender Division

Urban/Rural Division

Economic Division

https://scontent.fakl1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/380273865_817137293753472_8278454055258768591_n.jp g?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_p480x480&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=6b662e&_nc_ohc=dE76OVYk3SMAX8tMP9h&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-3.fna&edm=AG48QRkEAAAA&oh=00_AfAtKqBH7CQxEnEvrJVlORrkVPAbFVZaBvCFIFf5arp6 Iw&oe=6514216F

Correct thread.
You're learning.

24-09-2023, 08:25 PM
Correct thread.
You're learning.

Kiss my arse.

25-09-2023, 08:02 AM
But the wealthy could just pay for their care. Same argument.

It's not the same argument, as they still need the health care. They have a choice to go private or not but that's different again.

fungus pudding
25-09-2023, 09:10 AM
It's not the same argument, as they still need the health care. They have a choice to go private or not but that's different again.

Of course it's a need. So is income. If you want 'them' (the wealthy, the savers, the productive, etc) to supply one - then why not the other?

25-09-2023, 09:34 AM
I suppose you think hospital care should be means tested too.

Health is not run through the department of social welfare. It is available to anyone that needs it whether or not they can afford to pay. I imagine the administration to run it on that basis would be a nightmare so we have gone to universal healthcare and universal education. I think wealthy people can get a better standard of care and education through private health insurance and private schools.

The other thing about healthcare is that some of us may not need it and others may require treatment that is unaffordable for even the middle class, so it is more like an insurance policy that we hope we don't ever have to rely on.

We have universal national superannuation as well but this could be means tested, in fact National brought in the national super surcharge many years ago when they were being responsible and immediately got voted out as Labour must have seen an easy way to buy votes of selfish people.

National Superannuation is so expensive as well. According to the table in the link Welfare spending was 26% of govt spending a bit less than health and education combined.


Of the welfare spending 45% is on national superannuation if this chart is correct, if you take out the wage subsidy (massive waste of money) which no longer exists it is 51%


I don't begrudge my tax dollars paying to help someone live comfortably in old age and the increased healthcare costs that a lot of old people have. Also I don't begrudge tax dollars to help someone fight cancer or get a quadruple bypass.

I do hate paying taxes to fund overseas jaunts and flash cars. Possibly it could be used to entrench the wealth divide as it allows wealthier parents some extra funds to help their kids into a house. These are things that I don't like paying tax for. I also don't like paying tax for lazy bludgers who can't be bothered getting a job or solo mums who have multiple kids to multiple partners.

Mind you on my income I am hopefully a net contributor but who knows. Hopefully I will be a bigger contributor in the near future, provided I don't survive a heartattack and require surgery.

Logen Ninefingers
25-09-2023, 10:59 AM
Unhinged Far Left 'Stuff' cartoonist Sharon Murdoch continues her incessant daily attacks -


25-09-2023, 11:44 AM
Unhinged Far Left 'Stuff' cartoonist Sharon Murdoch continues her incessant daily attacks -

That's an attack from the far left?

You clearly see something I don't.

25-09-2023, 03:06 PM
Got to watch the telly tonite …..meant to be exciting

TONIGHT AT 6PM - @ThreeNewZealand: #Newshub Political Editor @JennaLynchNZ says the face of the election is "changing in more ways than one" ahead of releasing dramatic poll results bit.ly/3drq6rY

25-09-2023, 04:42 PM
Got to watch the telly tonite …..meant to be exciting

TONIGHT AT 6PM - @ThreeNewZealand: #Newshub Political Editor @JennaLynchNZ says the face of the election is "changing in more ways than one" ahead of releasing dramatic poll results bit.ly/3drq6rY

Let’s see :

Labour losing votes to Greens & Maori Party

ACT losing votes to NZF

National steady

Luxon polling ahead of Chippie

All of the above?

fungus pudding
25-09-2023, 04:59 PM
Let’s see :

Labour losing votes to Greens & Maori Party

ACT losing votes to NZF

National steady

Luxon polling ahead of Chippie

All of the above?

Act will be up.
Winston over 5%
Labour down
Nats about same
Greens about same.

25-09-2023, 05:16 PM
Greens down as environmentalists realise Shaw is a fake and Marama a blatant racist.

25-09-2023, 05:29 PM
Greens down as environmentalists realise Shaw is a fake and Marama a blatant racist.

Most environmentalists have not woken up yet to what a racist and fake party the Greens really are, so here’s hoping indeed!

Case in point - 20+ age children of good friend voted Greens last 2 elections due to their concern about climate change. Had a debate with them and only after showing them the racist comments by Marama did they realised what the party now represents! They may not vote at all this election so disillusioned are they.

25-09-2023, 05:48 PM
Most environmentalists have not woken up yet to what a racist and fake party the Greens really are, so here’s hoping indeed!

Case in point - 20+ age children of good friend voted Greens last 2 elections due to their concern about climate change. Had a debate with them and only after showing them the racist comments by Marama did they realised what the party now represents! They may not vote at all this election so disillusioned are they.

I think those who are so disillusioned that they won't vote is a big problem for the left this election.

25-09-2023, 06:22 PM
Body blows for Labour & Chippie in latest Newshub poll :

Labour down to 26.5% (ouch!)

Chippie down below 20% to 19.1% (ouch ouch !!!!)


Luxon charges ahead to 24% in preferred PM stakes.


25-09-2023, 06:46 PM
Greens down as environmentalists realise Shaw is a fake and Marama a blatant racist.

Not so.

The Greens went up, which shows those greenies just can't see the forest for the trees!

25-09-2023, 06:56 PM
Not so.

The Greens went up, which shows those greenies just can't see the forest for the trees!

Mostly leftist voters deserting Labour to go to Greens?

Note Greens’ rise at expense of Maori Party & Labour.

There is panic in Labour’s ranks tonight as even Robertson (only on list) is close to getting turfed out on tonight’s Newshub poll numbers. He will resign anyway - sure Cindy has got something lined up for him with the woke brigade.

Logen Ninefingers
25-09-2023, 07:01 PM
'In a dramatic reversal, Luxon has shot past Hipkins for preferred prime minister. He is on 24 percent, up 1.5 points. Hipkins has fallen 3.4 points to 19.1 per cent.

It is the first time since the Government changed in 2017 that a National leader is ahead of Labour.'

25-09-2023, 07:07 PM
'In a dramatic reversal, Luxon has shot past Hipkins for preferred prime minister. He is on 24 percent, up 1.5 points. Hipkins has fallen 3.4 points to 19.1 per cent.

It is the first time since the Government changed in 2017 that a National leader is ahead of Labour.'

The problem they had was that Ardern would have been even lower by now. Her latest lies on US TV saying she could have continued is a rewriting of history. She was knifed by her party, and Hipkins was foolish enough to grab the poison chalice she left him.

Logen Ninefingers
25-09-2023, 07:10 PM
The problem they had was that Ardern would have been even lower by now. Her latest lies on US TV saying she could have continued is a rewriting of history. She was knifed by her party, and Hipkins was foolish enough to grab the poison chalice she left him.

She had to go when house prices started to fall...that was the canary in the coal mine that it was all starting to turn to custard. Plus the 'co-governance' stuff was starting to turn septic, the bullying culture was starting to become apparent (the lumps under the carpet were getting to be too noticeable). She had to go before the wheels really fell off if she was going to have the big UN career she was always after.

25-09-2023, 07:27 PM
She had to go when house prices started to fall...that was the canary in the coal mine that it was all starting to turn to custard. Plus the 'co-governance' stuff was starting to turn septic, the bullying culture was starting to become apparent (the lumps under the carpet were getting to be too noticeable). She had to go before the wheels really fell off if she was going to have the big UN career she was always after.

At the time a number of political commentators reckoned it was planned pre-Christmas.

25-09-2023, 07:28 PM
My suspicion is the Greens poll increase is due to youth voters finding it fashionable, as in the ANZ bank ads.

Assuming the pollsters can reach them of course

Logen Ninefingers
25-09-2023, 07:36 PM
Chipkins, soon: “No matter what we say, no matter what we do, the polls aren’t turning around”.

He’s under 20% now in the preferred PM stakes, as a direct result of his relentless dirty politics & lying. The Nikki Hagar book will be a beaut.

25-09-2023, 09:08 PM
Chipkins, soon: “No matter what we say, no matter what we do, the polls aren’t turning around”.

He’s under 20% now in the preferred PM stakes, as a direct result of his relentless dirty politics & lying. The Nikki Hagar book will be a beaut.

Deafening silence from the resident Labour shills.

Remember how one ignoramus peasant proclaimed a few months ago that Luxon did not deserve to be considered as a potential PM because he was polling under 20%?

Big big mistake for Labour to build its campaign around Chippie - notice how his ministers are not referring to him as Chippie any more? The ‘chip off the Ardern block’ label has stuck to his forehead.

Guess Labour better get rid of Chippie before he drops down towards 10% on October 14?

26-09-2023, 09:46 AM
And on the Australian TAB this morning, Labour shills on ST should be rejoicing as they can now get :

$4.50 for a Labour win!


26-09-2023, 11:19 AM
24% as preferred PM is hardly something to Crow about. It's a bit like the ABs beating up Australia at the moment, hardly a claim of quality.

In fact has an incoming Prime Minister ever polled this low?

26-09-2023, 12:03 PM
24% as preferred PM is hardly something to Crow about. It's a bit like the ABs beating up Australia at the moment, hardly a claim of quality.

In fact has an incoming Prime Minister ever polled this low?
24% is a lot better than Hipkins will end up with.

26-09-2023, 12:04 PM
24% as preferred PM is hardly something to Crow about. It's a bit like the ABs beating up Australia at the moment, hardly a claim of quality.

In fact has an incoming Prime Minister ever polled this low?

The trajectory is clear - Chippie dropping like a stone while Luxon soaring away.

Chip off the ole Ardern block Hipkins being showed up to be the same useless and clueless Leader like Cindy. Plus a Class A hypocrite too.

26-09-2023, 12:37 PM
The trajectory is clear - Chippie dropping like a stone while Luxon soaring away.

Chip off the ole Ardern block Hipkins being showed up to be the same useless and clueless Leader like Cindy. Plus a Class A hypocrite too.

24% is soaring??? 🤣🤣🤣
Same fantasy land as ever Balance.
Luxon will be lucky to make it through one term.

26-09-2023, 12:59 PM
24% is soaring??? ������
Same fantasy land as ever Balance.
Luxon will be lucky to make it through one term.

Compared to Chippie who will not last 1 year!

Since March, Chippie is down 30% from 27% to 19% while Luxon is up 41% from 17% to 24%.

Eat your heart out, loser. You sure know how to pick a winner. :D

26-09-2023, 01:10 PM
Compared to Chippie who will not last 1 year!

Since March, Chippie is down 30% from 27% to 19% while Luxon is up 41% from 17% to 24%.

Eat your heart out, loser. You sure know how to pick a winner. :D

You really are childish.
As I have never voted for Hipkins for PM and won't be in a few weeks time, so again you are in your own version of reality.
I won't be voting for Luxon either and it's clear that 76% of the population don't have confidence in him.

And yes when you start polling in the teens it's not hard to boost your polling by 41%.

26-09-2023, 03:36 PM

Election 2023: Poll of polls - Labour has 0.1% chance of being in government, worst result for main governing party since Great Depression

Oops - Large Pot Hole ahead .. need plenty of well roasted Crispy Chip to fill that one ;)

26-09-2023, 03:40 PM
How many new Money Trees has Robbo planted in the garden - to provide for all the excuses of last minute desperation ? ;)

Perhaps the Space in Garden, Fert, Trees and all the rest of the palava were all borrowed on the never never ..

26-09-2023, 03:50 PM
Deafening silence from the resident Labour shills.

Remember how one ignoramus peasant proclaimed a few months ago that Luxon did not deserve to be considered as a potential PM because he was polling under 20%?

Big big mistake for Labour to build its campaign around Chippie - notice how his ministers are not referring to him as Chippie any more? The ‘chip off the Ardern block’ label has stuck to his forehead.

Guess Labour better get rid of Chippie before he drops down towards 10% on October 14?

Balance, I'm pretty worried that a National coalition government has so much to fix, that it will become extremely difficult for them in the first three years and even beyond. I'm hoping there's a strategy here!

I mentioned something similar in another post around the financial state of our government, and that even a press conference might need to be held to explain to the people of New Zealand how bad it actually is.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

26-09-2023, 03:52 PM

Election 2023: Watch: Ibrahim Omer says Labour ‘has not given up’ on wealth tax - it is ‘part of our discussion’

Labour MP and Wellington Central candidate Ibrahim Omer told a candidate’s debate on Sunday that Labour “had not given up” on the idea of a Wealth Tax, despite leader Chris Hipkins ruling it out for as long as he is leader.

In a video obtained by the Herald, Omer responds to an audience question about whether Labour supported the wealth tax by saying that while Hipkins back-tracked on the tax, it the party was still discussing it.

Omer said he understood Hipkins’ decision but said that neither he nor the party had given up on the idea.

Labour - As trustworthy as an empty Chippie packet in the gutter ;)

26-09-2023, 03:53 PM
Balance, I'm pretty worried that a National coalition government has so much to fix, that it will become extremely difficult for them in the first three years and even beyond. I'm hoping there's a strategy here!

I mentioned something similar in another post around the financial state of our government, and that even a press conference might need to be held to explain to the people of New Zealand how bad it actually is.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Agree with you - Azz

26-09-2023, 04:11 PM
Let's biff the Crispie Chips out of the Cot:

"The Labour Leader says he's worked with Winston Peters before and didn't want to ever do it again"

Chippie ... could have just made him Labour Leader and you might still have some remote chance of
a job after 14 Oct, even if it meant going back to make a bigger shambles of Education .. ;)

You been watching too many re-runs of Nash & Wood pulling political Kamikaze stunts trying to outdo each other :)


Why do New Zealand politicians keep getting hit by lightning?

The turn of Willie next to demonstrate to Chippie how to pull it off in a flash & bang just before E Day ? ;)


Logen Ninefingers
26-09-2023, 04:37 PM
The Wealth Tax is still sitting there in the background…..


‘Labour MP and Wellington Central candidate Ibrahim Omer told a candidate’s debate on Sunday that Labour “had not given up” on the idea of a Wealth Tax, despite leader Chris Hipkins ruling it out for as long as he is leader.

In a video obtained by the Herald, Omer responds to an audience question about whether Labour supported the wealth tax by saying that while Hipkins back-tracked on the tax, it the party was still discussing it.

Omer said he understood Hipkins’ decision but said that neither he nor the party had given up on the idea.

“I think there is going to be a time for that. Labour Party has not given up on that,” Omer said.’

26-09-2023, 04:47 PM
When will Chippie be announcing Labour's new FREE Houses for everyone Final Desperation Bribe ? ;)

The only thing missing from the Bribe is that most will be dead before they even start getting built ;)

It's the Labour way - Promise the Earth & Deliver F-k-All once in .. aside from a cloud of BS & lame excuses :)

26-09-2023, 05:23 PM
The Wealth Tax is still sitting there in the background…..


‘Labour MP and Wellington Central candidate Ibrahim Omer told a candidate’s debate on Sunday that Labour “had not given up” on the idea of a Wealth Tax, despite leader Chris Hipkins ruling it out for as long as he is leader.

In a video obtained by the Herald, Omer responds to an audience question about whether Labour supported the wealth tax by saying that while Hipkins back-tracked on the tax, it the party was still discussing it.

Omer said he understood Hipkins’ decision but said that neither he nor the party had given up on the idea.

“I think there is going to be a time for that. Labour Party has not given up on that,” Omer said.’

It’s every person for themselves now in Labour with zero respect for Chippie as leader and his captain’s calls.

How long after the election before Robbo & gang stick the knife deep into Chippie?

Meanwhile, enjoy :


Logen Ninefingers
26-09-2023, 09:34 PM
Get the popcorn out….


Election 2023: Chris Hipkins says Ibrahim Omer was 'wrong' to suggest Labour 'hasn't given up' on wealth, CGT

27-09-2023, 08:55 AM
Meanwhile, enjoy :

https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNevQMT9/I listened to the tiktok video which was Luxon’s final speech as Opposition Leader.
I didn’t see any inspiring leadership there. Lots of petty digs at other parties, all very humorous and entertaining, but not visionary. Politics is supposed to be a lot more than entertainment. What New Zealanders want is a leader with vision who will do what is best for New Zealanders as a whole. I didn’t see that with Luxon. Putting others down does not inspire confidence in his own ability.

Inspirational leaders bring out the best in others. I saw the other MPs laughing at his derogatory remarks about what matters to other New Zealanders, what they value and believe in, when he put down the other parties. He is cultivating a bullying culture when he makes fun of the other parties.

Logen Ninefingers
27-09-2023, 09:21 AM
I listened to the tiktok video which was Luxon’s final speech as Opposition Leader.
I didn’t see any inspiring leadership there. Lots of petty digs at other parties, all very humorous and entertaining, but not visionary. Politics is supposed to be a lot more than entertainment. What New Zealanders want is a leader with vision who will do what is best for New Zealanders as a whole. I didn’t see that with Luxon. Putting others down does not inspire confidence in his own ability.

Inspirational leaders bring out the best in others. I saw the other MPs laughing at his derogatory remarks about what matters to other New Zealanders, what they value and believe in, when he put down the other parties. He is cultivating a bullying culture when he makes fun of the other parties.

You are picking one speech in isolation and then letting your cognitive bias loose. You should hear how Robertson and Hipkins rip into National in the house. If you think Luxon invented jibes at the other side then you are hopelessly naive.

You say Luxon must have a 'vision'. I think people are sick and tired of the kinds of visions and interventions the Left have inflicted on us, which have - via the law of unintended consequences - made everything in this country worse. They are still looking to introduce 'Wealth Taxes' which will induce capital flight and - again - lead to poor outcomes & worse living standards. But you cannot reason with these crusaders on the Left; they are hell-bent on making everything 'fair' (and one persons 'fair' is another persons 'unfair' btw) and if they have to destroy the country in chasing this mirage then they are perfectly willing to do so.

27-09-2023, 09:41 AM
You are picking one speech in isolation and then letting your cognitive bias loose. You should hear how Robertson and Hipkins rip into National in the house. If you think Luxon invented jibes at the other side then you are hopelessly naive.

You say Luxon must have a 'vision'. I think people are sick and tired of the kinds of visions and interventions the Left have inflicted on us, which have - via the law of unintended consequences - made everything in this country worse. They are still looking to introduce 'Wealth Taxes' which will induce capital flight and - again - lead to poor outcomes & worse living standards. But you cannot reason with these crusaders on the Left; they are hell-bent on making everything 'fair' (and one persons 'fair' is another persons 'unfair' btw) and if they have to destroy the country in chasing this mirage then they are perfectly willing to do so.

Ardern’s vision of a kinder society is the nightmare that all NZers (save the criminals and parasites) are having to live with now.

Screw vision - focus on delivering on the basics for NZers :

- Good education,

- Good healthcare,

- Affordable housing


- Safe communities with respect for law & order.

Screw this Labour government and their huge promises which they have not delivered on after 6 years in power.

27-09-2023, 01:51 PM
Respected economist Brad Olsen from Infometrics seems to say Labours fiscal stands uo to scrutiny


fungus pudding
27-09-2023, 01:57 PM
Respected economist Brad Olsen from Infometrics seems to say Labours fiscal stands uo to scrutiny


How wonderful.

Logen Ninefingers
27-09-2023, 02:02 PM
Respected economist Brad Olsen from Infometrics seems to say Labours fiscal stands uo to scrutiny



‘Infometrics principal economist Brad Olsen had a scathing review of Labour's plan to scrap GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables.

"It's disappointing to see this sort of policy rear its head again and be taken seriously," he said.

"It sort of abandons some of the economic credibility that's been built up over time in the tax debate and let's be clear, it completely ignores the evidence around tax policy and around the support that people want."’

fungus pudding
27-09-2023, 02:11 PM

‘Infometrics principal economist Brad Olsen had a scathing review of Labour's plan to scrap GST from fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables.

"It's disappointing to see this sort of policy rear its head again and be taken seriously," he said.

"It sort of abandons some of the economic credibility that's been built up over time in the tax debate and let's be clear, it completely ignores the evidence around tax policy and around the support that people want."’

It's a ridiculous policy. Of all the things they could remove GST from, why perishable, seasonal produce? In my time in the grocery trade we adjusted prices regularly depending on the demand and of course the supply, as did all traders It is the silliest proposal I have ever heard from this govt.

27-09-2023, 02:17 PM

Robbo's Removal Company

Priceless :)

27-09-2023, 07:53 PM
Hippocritter living right up to his name in the TV3 debate.

Trying to take the high ground over someone in a minor party making what he deems to be a racist comment, yet his government has entire blatant racist policy and agendas and desires to cut NZ in half.

What a scumbag!

Logen Ninefingers
27-09-2023, 07:55 PM
Hippocritter living right up to his name in the TV3 debate.

Trying to take the high ground over someone in a minor party making what he deems to be a racist comment, yet his government has entire blatant racist policy and agendas and desires to cut NZ in half.

What a scumbag!

He’s a dirty low-life marxist mongrel. He’s gone feral over the past few weeks, spewing lies out in a torrent.

27-09-2023, 10:04 PM
He’s a dirty low-life marxist mongrel. He’s gone feral over the past few weeks, spewing lies out in a torrent.

I have seldom seen such blatant denial of reality oozing from the pair of con artists Robertson and Hipkins attempting to kid themselves they have half a chance.

28-09-2023, 11:55 AM
I have seldom seen such blatant denial of reality oozing from the pair of con artists Robertson and Hipkins attempting to kid themselves they have half a chance.

If the Labour shills on ST are any guide, there are brain dead die hard Labour rats out there who will be sucking up all the lies and regurgitating the lies to their fellow rats.

Forgetting that Labour is all about taking from those who study hard, work hard and save hard to give to those who don't.

"Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me thrice, shame on both of us."


Logen Ninefingers
28-09-2023, 01:57 PM
A horrifying litany of Labours wasteful spending is in the link below. Those of a nervous disposition should not read it.

In 2017 when Labour came to power, crown spending was $76 billion per year. Now in 2023 it is $139 billion per year, which equates to a $63 billion annual increase (over $1 billion extra spend every week!) In 2017, NZ’s government debt stood at $112 billion. Today, excluding an accounting trick, that debt is now doubled at $224 billion or $115,000 per household. Meanwhile, in 2017 individual tax payers paid the government $33 billion. By 2023 this had gone up 67% to $55 billion to help fund Labours spending. Here is just some of the wasted spending (which most media swept under the carpet):


28-09-2023, 02:37 PM
A horrifying litany of Labours wasteful spending is in the link below. Those of a nervous disposition should not read it.

In 2017 when Labour came to power, crown spending was $76 billion per year. Now in 2023 it is $139 billion per year, which equates to a $63 billion annual increase (over $1 billion extra spend every week!) In 2017, NZ’s government debt stood at $112 billion. Today, excluding an accounting trick, that debt is now doubled at $224 billion or $115,000 per household. Meanwhile, in 2017 individual tax payers paid the government $33 billion. By 2023 this had gone up 67% to $55 billion to help fund Labours spending. Here is just some of the wasted spending (which most media swept under the carpet):


And everything has gone backwards despite all that spending - in other words, wasteful, clueless and useless spending by an incompetent, divisive and racist government.

A curse on Ardern, Hipkins, Robertson and the Maori cabal.

28-09-2023, 04:19 PM
Soonest Labour get voted out, the better.

Self explanatory quote :

"Your swipe at gangs is a swipe at Māori," she said. "If there's a problem, then make us a part of the solution."


Logen Ninefingers
28-09-2023, 04:35 PM
Soonest Labour get voted out, the better.

Self explanatory quote :

"Your swipe at gangs is a swipe at Māori," she said. "If there's a problem, then make us a part of the solution."


So one bloke has a Black Power tattoo on his leg, and the other says "if this was the person who was me before I went to prison"....but neither of them are in gangs or have ever been in a gang. Yeah, right.

28-09-2023, 04:43 PM
So one bloke has a Black Power tattoo on his leg, and the other says "if this was the person who was me before I went to prison"....but neither of them are in gangs or have ever been in a gang. Yeah, right.

Labour or Maori Party supporters - lying is part of their culture, just like it is with Ardern & Hipkins.

Logen Ninefingers
28-09-2023, 06:28 PM
On OneNews tonight they reported that Hipkins had said that his position on race relations is ‘as clear as mud’.

Not sure he understands what that expression means.

28-09-2023, 09:12 PM
On OneNews tonight they reported that Hipkins had said that his position on race relations is ‘as clear as mud’.

Not sure he understands what that expression means.

He sure does - he is more than willing to roll in the mud like a smelly pig to get the Maori votes whichever way he can. He and Ardern - the two most despicable & hypocritical political couple NZ has ever seen.

28-09-2023, 11:15 PM
On OneNews tonight they reported that Hipkins had said that his position on race relations is ‘as clear as mud’.

Not sure he understands what that expression means.

I can't believe how the media let Hippocritter accuse NACT of playing race cards, unchallenged, when in fact they and NZF are the inclusive parties, and it's Labour, Green and Te Pati are the racist divisive ones.

The spokes people for NACT & NZF need to go straight for Hippocritters scrotum over this matter, before gullible public start believing it.

29-09-2023, 03:13 AM
Soonest Labour get voted out, the better.

Self explanatory quote :

"Your swipe at gangs is a swipe at Māori," she said. "If there's a problem, then make us a part of the solution."


Thankfully this sort of idiocy is likely to decrease Labour's votes and increase National's

Logen Ninefingers
29-09-2023, 04:37 PM

29-09-2023, 04:41 PM
Thankfully this sort of idiocy is likely to decrease Labour's votes and increase National's

Labour really ramping up the race baiting now. They haven't got a track record to defend so they resort to playing the race card. Which is in itself ironic given that they and their left-bloc allies are the ones promoting racism and separatist policies.

29-09-2023, 05:24 PM
I can't believe how the media let Hippocritter accuse NACT of playing race cards, unchallenged, when in fact they and NZF are the inclusive parties, and it's Labour, Green and Te Pati are the racist divisive ones.

The spokes people for NACT & NZF need to go straight for Hippocritters scrotum over this matter, before gullible public start believing it.

Bad bad move by the ever more desperate Hipkins - he is fighting for Labour's decreasing share of the Maori vote so he is playing the race card.

Labour's internal polling is showing that Greens & the Maori Party are eating more a nd more into Labour's share of Maori votes.

White middle class NZers (who will decide this election) can see through his hypocrisy.


Logen Ninefingers
29-09-2023, 06:31 PM
Robbo's found another 'massive hole'....these guys just have one script and they keep going back to it time after time. The public are seeing right through it now. Hipkins looks like he's losing control as he stands there raving with a horde of his anxious looking muppet MP's standing behind him.
The game is almost up, nothing left to do but cop the ignomious defeat that is now staring the reds in the face.

Has anyone seen the Maori Party lately? It's all gone very quiet on that front. It's almost as if the Left don't want Chipkins potential coalition partners popping up to remind voters what their bottom lines are. Instead we get Gang Hikoi's and an open letter from Tuku 'Undies' Morgan and others. The intense desperation of the Left is apparent and I think some of their media mates are just about over it & are throwing in the towel. The lead story on One News tonight would usually have been an evisceration of National's just announced Fiscal Plan, but instead they went with a story on fertility treatments.

30-09-2023, 09:25 AM
This week's election poll is here:


Logen Ninefingers
30-09-2023, 09:53 AM
Hard hitting comments from Hipkins this morning. Where was this version of Hipkins earlier in the campaign?


30-09-2023, 03:27 PM
Robbo's found another 'massive hole'....these guys just have one script and they keep going back to it time after time. The public are seeing right through it now. Hipkins looks like he's losing control as he stands there raving with a horde of his anxious looking muppet MP's standing behind him.
The game is almost up, nothing left to do but cop the ignomious defeat that is now staring the reds in the face.

Has anyone seen the Maori Party lately? It's all gone very quiet on that front. It's almost as if the Left don't want Chipkins potential coalition partners popping up to remind voters what their bottom lines are. Instead we get Gang Hikoi's and an open letter from Tuku 'Undies' Morgan and others. The intense desperation of the Left is apparent and I think some of their media mates are just about over it & are throwing in the towel. The lead story on One News tonight would usually have been an evisceration of National's just announced Fiscal Plan, but instead they went with a story on fertility treatments.

Wouldn't want that word "Co-Govenance" to come out to derail Labour's red herring GST off Fruit & Veges Kai bribe would we :)

That might further send the burnt Chips down into the bottom of Robbo's freshly dug largest crater of Fiscal incompetence ever seen ;)

30-09-2023, 06:58 PM
Want to see a desperate clueless Labour minister?

After 6 years, all Tinetti can do is screech & scream like a demented banshee. :eek2:

Scary that she was a school teacher! Pity the poor kids who were taught by her! :scared:


30-09-2023, 07:09 PM
Want to see a desperate clueless Labour minister?

After 6 years, all Tinetti can do is screech & scream like a demented banshee. :eek2:

Scary that she was a school teacher! Pity the poor kids who were taught by her! :scared:

It was encouraging to see Erica Stanford trashing the curriculum with such passion.

01-10-2023, 01:45 AM
It was encouraging to see Erica Stanford trashing the curriculum with such passion.

In my view Erica is one of National's best performing frontbenchers. She's spent years working on their education policy and I expect her to be a great Education Minister. We certainly need a quick and hard change to the current appalling failures in education outcomes.

fungus pudding
01-10-2023, 08:41 AM
In my view Erica is one of National's best performing frontbenchers. She's spent years working on their education policy and I expect her to be a great Education Minister. We certainly need a quick and hard change to the current appalling failures in education outcomes.

I agree - she's impressive; whereas Tinetti comes across as a noisy slob.

01-10-2023, 10:17 AM
I agree - she's impressive; whereas Tinetti comes across as a noisy slob.

Tinetti is a cover up woke con-artist just like Ardern & Hipkins.

Her answer to declining education standards is to dumb education down further by introducing woke, divisive and non relevant policies like te reo Maori requirements and getting rid of the sciences and maths. Sciences and maths are too difficult for Labour’s voters, see?

01-10-2023, 12:45 PM

Election 2023: Chris Hipkins tests positive for Covid-19 on critical campaign day

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has tested positive for Covid-19, a spokesperson has confirmed.

Hipkins was supposed to attend a Samoan church service in Mangere this morning, but his staff advised he could no longer attend.

He tested positive today after experiencing “cold and flu symptoms” from yesterday.

Hipkins will be isolating for five days or until he returned a negative test, his spokesperson said.

Bugger .. better open your legs and leap in the air to see if that helps - Comrade ;)

No Brownie points this time, infact will only serve to remind all on how Labour made such
a shambles of Covid with a hated regime of confinement, Labour have abandoned while it
Covid persists, like the Front bench lost sheep tossed overboard..

Nothing like a bit of Karma coming back at a Chump who spouted it ..

01-10-2023, 02:32 PM

Election 2023: Chris Hipkins tests positive for Covid-19 on critical campaign day

Bugger .. better open your legs and leap in the air to see if that helps - Comrade ;)

No Brownie points this time, infact will only serve to remind all on how Labour made such
a shambles of Covid with a hated regime of confinement, Labour have abandoned while it
Covid persists, like the Front bench lost sheep tossed overboard..

Nothing like a bit of Karma coming back at a Chump who spouted it ..

Get him a few sympathy votes

01-10-2023, 02:40 PM
Get him a few sympathy votes

Will remind many as well just how badly COVID was mismanaged by Ardern, Hipkins and Labour from 2021 onwards.

Remember the vaccine mandates and extended Auckland lockdown?

Remember how tens of thousands of NZers were locked out of NZ - especially those who were unable to be with their loved ones in their final days on Earth? Or to come back to NZ for health reasons?

Remember the victimisations by Hipkins of the Bellis and others of NZ citizens who dared to challenge the lottery quarantine system?

And remember the preference given to DJs and entertainers who just happened to be mates with Ardern & Gayford?

Karma indeed that Hipkins contact Covid. Karma is a bitch, Chippie, isn’t she?

01-10-2023, 02:55 PM
Get him a few sympathy votes

Couldn't happen to a more deserving person to have their life and job thrown into question by COVID. I do not think he will get any sympathy votes from people that hadn't already decided to vote for him. Good riddance !

01-10-2023, 03:14 PM
A timely reminder of what a nasty piece of work Hipkins really is :

Charlotte Bellis


In the case of Charlotte Bellis, he was forced to apologise and correct the record. But only because the Kiwi journalist, then pregnant and stuck in Afghanistan took legal action.

Hipkins, in his defence of the government's MIQ system used Bellis' personal information as a political weapon and made incorrect statements about her circumstances, including that she ignore consular assistance.

Northland lockdown

In October 2021, Northland was sent in to an 11-day lockdown after three allegedly "sex workers" with possible gang connections crossed the Auckland border.

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins accused them of using "false information to travel across the border".

But it was later revealed through OIAs that Hipkins knew at the time that a blunder by officials had been the reason and the women were at no fault at all.

He has never apologised or corrected the record, nor has he bothered to even correct the reports that these were gang-related sex workers.

Racist Attack on Bill English

Public Service Minister Chris Hipkins has apologised in the House to former finance minister Sir Bill English for dragging his family into an exchange over government contracts awarded to the husband of Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta.

Hipkins on Wednesday afternoon interjected during Question Time with an apparent reference to English’s brothers being provided government appointments. This came after ACT leader David Seymour questioned the Government on the contracts awarded to Mahuta’s family.

“Let’s talk about Bill English’s family, shall we?” Hipkins said, suggesting English’s family members were treated differently because they were “white”.

Hipkins & Labour love to play the race card to defend themselves. But this has backfired on them, because the facts are so bad.

What Hipkins was referring to was the appointment of Mervyn English to a fixed term role in the Ministry of Health in 2011, to set up a Health Sector Forum.

Mervyn was a career public servant. He had spent six years as a general manager at the Electricity Commission before the Health role. After that role, he held senior roles in the State Services Commission and DOC.

His brother, Bill, was not a Minister of Health.

Labour did actually question the appointment at the time, with Grant Robertson asking questions in Parliament.

The Minister Tony Ryall immediately asked the SSC to investigate, and they found everything was done properly.

Now compare this to the Mahuta contracts:

None of the Ormsbys seem to have had a background in the public sector and only gained contracts once Mahuta was a Minister
They were given consulting contracts, not an employment contract
Three of the four contracts were in portfolios that Mahuta was a Minister
Internal reviews to date have found proper processes were not followed
The Government has spent months resisting an inquiry

So we have Hipkins, a ginger headed pakeha, playing the race card and trying to smear the English family over the Mahuta saga.


Coverup of Covid Vaccination

Hipkins as Minister in charge of the Vaccine rollout blatantly misled and then, tried to cover up the real numbers about vaccinations :


Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins presented a vaccine roll-out plan that was millions of doses out of whack

Most transparent government ever!

One source of Truth!

Spread Labour lies!


fungus pudding
01-10-2023, 03:52 PM
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person to have their life and job thrown into question by COVID. I do not think he will get any sympathy votes from people that hadn't already decided to vote for him. Good riddance !

He'll get some from me, even though I wouldn't vote for the current labour mob in a million years. Maybe two million. Just think - if they lose Chippie - the rest of them are worse.

01-10-2023, 05:43 PM
Big Caramello will keep it sweet.

Or will she?

The way things are going, they may need the lolly with a Robbo hole in it.

A Lifesaver!

01-10-2023, 05:56 PM
On a different matter, has anyone heard from Blue Skies recently ? He has gone silent and I worry that it is not a good sign.
He and I didn't really agree on anything politically but when he indicated recently he was fighting cancer, I reached out to him

Here is an edited (for privacy reasons) response from him on 28 August 2023.. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it and I sincerely hope he is OK :
Hi Iceman,
Thanks for such a great message & for sharing this, we seldom know the burdens others are carrying & that is an incredibly tough thing you're dealing with. Huge respect to you.
I was diagnosed completely out of the blue with leukaemia, one of those cancers with no known cause & initially didn't expect to still be around by now, but with new targeted treatments survival rates are increasing all the time. 6 months of Chemo put mine into remission but it woke up 18 months later & since it returned so quickly am now on fully funded immunotherapy which is doing a good job & miles easier to tolerate, & I'm still pretty active & busy & getting on with life.
Your birth country sounds like its at the forefront of new advances & that DNA & gene technology amazing. Great that you are being monitored & I wish you all the best too. Very sorry to hear about your cousins & other relatives, life can be so random & unfair.
Politically hopefully I'm not quite as dogmatic as I sound. We tend to take positions & end up vigorously defending them, when the way I see it most issues are complicated, Multi- faceted, involve complex trade offs, & difficult for any govt to fix esp with our short 3 year election cycles & unique constitutional arrangements. I mostly worry this specific group of Nat MP's will not do any better & may make things worse. National lost some great MP's after 2020. They look like coasting in so hopefully I'm wrong.
Thanks again & all the best to you Iceman,
Blue Skies

02-10-2023, 10:11 AM
On a different matter, has anyone heard from Blue Skies recently ? He has gone silent and I worry that it is not a good sign.
He and I didn't really agree on anything politically but when he indicated recently he was fighting cancer, I reached out to him

Here is an edited (for privacy reasons) response from him on 28 August 2023.. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it and I sincerely hope he is OK :
Hi Iceman,
Thanks for such a great message & for sharing this, we seldom know the burdens others are carrying & that is an incredibly tough thing you're dealing with. Huge respect to you.
I was diagnosed completely out of the blue with leukaemia, one of those cancers with no known cause & initially didn't expect to still be around by now, but with new targeted treatments survival rates are increasing all the time. 6 months of Chemo put mine into remission but it woke up 18 months later & since it returned so quickly am now on fully funded immunotherapy which is doing a good job & miles easier to tolerate, & I'm still pretty active & busy & getting on with life.
Your birth country sounds like its at the forefront of new advances & that DNA & gene technology amazing. Great that you are being monitored & I wish you all the best too. Very sorry to hear about your cousins & other relatives, life can be so random & unfair.
Politically hopefully I'm not quite as dogmatic as I sound. We tend to take positions & end up vigorously defending them, when the way I see it most issues are complicated, Multi- faceted, involve complex trade offs, & difficult for any govt to fix esp with our short 3 year election cycles & unique constitutional arrangements. I mostly worry this specific group of Nat MP's will not do any better & may make things worse. National lost some great MP's after 2020. They look like coasting in so hopefully I'm wrong.
Thanks again & all the best to you Iceman,
Blue Skies

@Blue Skies, if you ever log in - though sharetrader might not be your highest priority at the moment haha - sorry to hear what you've been through and hope you knock it out soon. Azz

02-10-2023, 11:21 AM
Re the race baiting etc.
It's not left wing voters going to meet the candidates evenings & hissing or booing every time a Maori word is spoken. Sometimes the Labour or Greens candidates aren't even allowed to get a word out. It's disgusting behavior and not what most of us from either the left or right want.

People go to these meetings to hear the candidates, not a bunch of self appointed, rude objectionists. I have seen this first hand over the last 10 years where it was the likes of Maggie Barry at the time leading a co-hort of National supporters boo squad. I really don't think they understood how poor their behavior looked and they were letting down their own party.

We now still see the same hardcore National & ACT supporters doing the same, but now joined by various Freedom & ant vax parties etc. And they complain about Ardern's kindness message, when they are anything but & use very aggressive tactics.

According to reports, Willow Jean Prime, who I'm not a fan, of wasn't allowed to get a word out at the candidates meeting in Kerikeri recently.

Here's another witness account of similar behavior.

https://www.tiktok.com/@paul_barlownz/video/7283569638875598098?_t=8g9QrqhEvLO&_r=1&fbclid=IwAR3_7NUX2cK8qTo2lySta0aC3sRXroDuAZxQ_vL6L QPzcSdxUbvkGoeoSbY

02-10-2023, 11:34 AM
Re the race baiting etc.
It's not left wing voters going to meet the candidates evenings & hissing or booing every time a Maori word is spoken. Sometimes the Labour or Greens candidates aren't even allowed to get a word out. It's disgusting behavior and not what most of us from either the left or right want.

People go to these meetings to hear the candidates, not a bunch of self appointed, rude objectionists. I have seen this first hand over the last 10 years where it was the likes of Maggie Barry at the time leading a co-hort of National supporters boo squad. I really don't think they understood how poor their behavior looked and they were letting down their own party.

We now still see the same hardcore National supporters doing the same, but now joined by various Freedom & ant vax parties etc. And they complain about Ardern's kindness message, when they are anything but & use very aggressive tactics.

According to reports, Willow Jean Prime, who I'm not a fan, of wasn't allowed to get a word out at the candidates meeting in Kerikeri recently.

Here's another witness account of similar behavior.

https://www.tiktok.com/@paul_barlownz/video/7283569638875598098?_t=8g9QrqhEvLO&_r=1&fbclid=IwAR3_7NUX2cK8qTo2lySta0aC3sRXroDuAZxQ_vL6L QPzcSdxUbvkGoeoSbY

The people are angry, and this anger will ultimately be displayed via the ballot box.

02-10-2023, 11:38 AM
True, but the people are not all angry for the same reasons, or about the same things. Something to keep in mind.

The people are angry, and this anger will ultimately be displayed via the ballot box.

02-10-2023, 11:58 AM
The people are angry, and this anger will ultimately be displayed via the ballot box.

And the biggest anger out there is over how this Labour government has deceived NZers over everything with their lies, spin and BS - while squandering tens of billions of dollars & loading up NZ with debt.

02-10-2023, 12:46 PM
Who cares if they are angry. Have respect for your fellow Kiwis who came to listen to all candidates.
What complete arrogance and disrespect for democracy.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 12:56 PM
Who cares if they are angry. Have respect for your fellow Kiwis who came to listen to all candidates.
What complete arrogance and disrespect for democracy.

I'm yet to see you speak up about Green Party members who attacked a business in Wellington causing criminal damage. They also spray painted a person and go round glueing themselves to roads causing public disturbance and chaos.
I suppose that's all ok cos 'climate justice'?

I'm yet to see you speak up about a Leftist throwing tomato soup over someone, simply because they can't accept free speech & the opinions of others.

My understanding is that Willow Jean 'Optimus' Prime was being booed because of her record of non-delivery and contempt for the people of Northland. She may scatter a bit of Maori through-out what she is saying but people are booing because they are being told that they are being under-funded and that their roads are a mess (which they know already). Labour have had 6 years to sort this out & Prime is consequently the closest available target for their anger. My understanding is that the polls are looking very bad for Prime and there will be a massive defeat for her on election night.

Blue Skies
02-10-2023, 01:10 PM
On a different matter, has anyone heard from Blue Skies recently ? He has gone silent and I worry that it is not a good sign.
He and I didn't really agree on anything politically but when he indicated recently he was fighting cancer, I reached out to him

Here is an edited (for privacy reasons) response from him on 28 August 2023.. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it and I sincerely hope he is OK :
Hi Iceman,
Thanks for such a great message & for sharing this, we seldom know the burdens others are carrying & that is an incredibly tough thing you're dealing with. Huge respect to you.
I was diagnosed completely out of the blue with leukaemia, one of those cancers with no known cause & initially didn't expect to still be around by now, but with new targeted treatments survival rates are increasing all the time. 6 months of Chemo put mine into remission but it woke up 18 months later & since it returned so quickly am now on fully funded immunotherapy which is doing a good job & miles easier to tolerate, & I'm still pretty active & busy & getting on with life.
Your birth country sounds like its at the forefront of new advances & that DNA & gene technology amazing. Great that you are being monitored & I wish you all the best too. Very sorry to hear about your cousins & other relatives, life can be so random & unfair.
Politically hopefully I'm not quite as dogmatic as I sound. We tend to take positions & end up vigorously defending them, when the way I see it most issues are complicated, Multi- faceted, involve complex trade offs, & difficult for any govt to fix esp with our short 3 year election cycles & unique constitutional arrangements. I mostly worry this specific group of Nat MP's will not do any better & may make things worse. National lost some great MP's after 2020. They look like coasting in so hopefully I'm wrong.
Thanks again & all the best to you Iceman,
Blue Skies

Many thanks Iceman, & others, your kind thoughts really appreciated.

Am a lot better now but just went through a bit of a rough patch health wise, while at the time after opening my notifications & copping a few incredibly nasty spiteful messages in my reputation box, felt a break from ST might be best.
Im always up for robust argument & normally that sort of mindless abuse from 3 or 4 particular ST posters wouldn't bother me too much, but while fighting nausea & fatigue, the personal attacks & threatening messages, off the main thread & hidden behind a couple of filters, were just getting too crazy & aggressive.
Cheers & thanks again.
Breaks over, I'll be back!

02-10-2023, 01:16 PM
Many thanks Iceman, & others, your kind thoughts really appreciated.

Am a lot better now but just went through a bit of a rough patch health wise, while at the time after opening my notifications & copping a few incredibly nasty spiteful messages in my reputation box, felt a break from ST might be best.
Im always up for robust argument & normally that sort of mindless abuse from 3 or 4 particular ST posters wouldn't bother me too much, but while fighting nausea & fatigue, the personal attacks & threatening messages, off the main thread & hidden behind a couple of filters, were just getting too crazy & aggressive.
Cheers & thanks again.
Breaks over, I'll be back!

Pleased to hear you are doing better Blue Skies

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 01:19 PM
Many thanks Iceman, & others, your kind thoughts really appreciated.

Am a lot better now but just went through a bit of a rough patch health wise, while at the time after opening my notifications & copping a few incredibly nasty spiteful messages in my reputation box, felt a break from ST might be best.
Im always up for robust argument & normally that sort of mindless abuse from 3 or 4 particular ST posters wouldn't bother me too much, but while fighting nausea & fatigue, the personal attacks & threatening messages, off the main thread & hidden behind a couple of filters, were just getting too crazy & aggressive.
Cheers & thanks again.
Breaks over, I'll be back!

Geez, glad to hear you are doing better & I have to say it's utterly pathetic that you would be getting 'threatening messages'. Whoever is behind that stuff should give themselves an uppercut. This is just a place to have a robust debate, certainly not to take it to that kind of extreme.

02-10-2023, 01:23 PM
Geez, glad to hear you are doing better & I have to say it's utterly pathetic that you would be getting 'threatening messages'. Whoever is behind that stuff should give themselves an uppercut. This is just a place to have a robust debate, certainly not to take it to that kind of extreme.

The ability for anyone to place negative Reputation should be turned off completely.

02-10-2023, 01:23 PM
I'm yet to see you speak up about Green Party members who attacked a business in Wellington causing criminal damage. They also spray painted a person and go round glueing themselves to roads causing public disturbance and chaos.
I suppose that's all ok cos 'climate justice'?

I'm yet to see you speak up about a Leftist throwing tomato soup over someone, simply because they can't accept free speech & the opinions of others.

My understanding is that Willow Jean 'Optimus' Prime was being booed because of her record of non-delivery and contempt for the people of Northland. She may scatter a bit of Maori through-out what she is saying but people are booing because they are being told that they are being under-funded and that their roads are a mess (which they know already). Labour have had 6 years to sort this out & Prime is consequently the closest available target for their anger. My understanding is that the polls are looking very bad for Prime and there will be a massive defeat for her on election night.

Well your understanding is very poor. Every time she uttered a Maori word she was shouted down aggressively, booed & hissed.
Some of the anger is definitely coming from the anti vaxx crowd but the racism & perhaps sexism was quite palpable.
Interesting that Shane Jones can use Maori language but WJP can't.

Either way none of that is the point. The point these arrogant idiots are preventing others from hearing what she has to say and that should not be tolerated.

Why do I need to speak about things that happened by Green Party supporters months ago? You guys do enough lefts bashing for the entire Nation.
Gluing their hands to the road is stupid but it's also a protest.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 01:24 PM
A good response to the overt racism some parties are pushing is contained in the link below -


Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 01:26 PM
Well your understanding is very poor. Every time she uttered a Maori word she was shouted down aggressively, booed & hissed.
Some of the anger is definitely coming from the anti vaxx crowd but the racism & perhaps sexism was quite palpable.
Interesting that Shane Jones can use Maori language but WJP can't.

Either way none of that is the point. The point these arrogant idiots are preventing others from hearing what she has to say and that should not be tolerated.

Why do I need to speak about things that happened by Green Party supporters months ago? You guys do enough lefts bashing for the entire Nation.
Gluing their hands to the road is stupid but it's also a protest.

You are just taking the comments of Optimus at face value. Where is your evidence? The desperate Labour hierachy have pulled out the race card and are spraying unproven anecdotes around to create division and anger.

Yeah, criminal acts are a 'protest'. I thought that might be your response. smh.

02-10-2023, 01:33 PM

The ability for anyone to place negative Reputation should be turned off completely.

02-10-2023, 01:35 PM
This coming from someone who is so “in the red” you should be embarrassed.

The ability for anyone to place negative Reputation should be turned off completely.

02-10-2023, 01:40 PM
You are just taking the comments of Optimus at face value. Where is your evidence? The desperate Labour hierachy have pulled out the race card and are spraying unproven anecdotes around to create division and anger.

Yeah, criminal acts are a 'protest'. I thought that might be your response. smh.

Not at all. I know people who attended and they said the behavior was shocking and very aggressive. I also read the article by the reporter present and he backed it up.
I can understand why you would want to play this down, but it's not just in Northland it's happening all around the country.

It happens on here, you, Balance, NZTX & Azz are prime examples of it.
Constantly trying to distract from the argument with name calling or attacking the poster.

You don't recognize your own behavior?
You aren't the worst by some margin, but you do resort to similar behavior on a very regular basis.

02-10-2023, 01:42 PM
The ability for anyone to place negative Reputation should be turned off completely.

Agree with that, weird thing is that positive reputation is limited to having 'spread it around' a bit, whereas there seem no limit to posting negative reputation.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 01:43 PM
Not at all. I know people who attended and they said the behavior was shocking and very aggressive. I also read the article by the reporter present and he backed it up.
I can understand why you would want to play this down, but it's not just in Northland it's happening all around the country.

It happens on here, you, Balance, NZTX & Azz are prime examples of it.
Constantly trying to distract from the argument with name calling or attacking the poster.

You don't recognize your own behavior?
You aren't the worst by some margin, but you do resort to similar behavior on a very regular basis.

You're a gas lighter. You go around counting up posts & criticising people for the number of posts they make; petty and 'nuisance' type behaviour. How is that expose by Nikki Hagar coming along?

02-10-2023, 01:50 PM
You're a gas lighter. You go around counting up posts & criticising people for the number of posts they make; petty and 'nuisance' type behaviour. How is that expose by Nikki Hagar coming along?

Case in point & on cue.
So predictable.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 02:43 PM
Case in point & on cue.
So predictable.

Lol. I’m responding to you. Daytr is up on a lefty moral high horse, along with a spreadsheet of daily post counts.

02-10-2023, 05:04 PM
This coming from someone who is so “in the red” you should be embarrassed.

All those negative Reputation comments are from the moron BlackPeter.

02-10-2023, 05:09 PM
Not at all. I know people who attended and they said the behavior was shocking and very aggressive. I also read the article by the reporter present and he backed it up.
I can understand why you would want to play this down, but it's not just in Northland it's happening all around the country.

It happens on here, you, Balance, NZTX & Azz are prime examples of it.
Constantly trying to distract from the argument with name calling or attacking the poster.

You don't recognize your own behavior?
You aren't the worst by some margin, but you do resort to similar behavior on a very regular basis.

The worst behaviour possible on this markets chat site would be a poster misrepresenting themself, as you do by calling yourself an "international day trader", which is untrue because your posting times prove that you are asleep when the international markets are open, and also you have admitted you are asleep.

02-10-2023, 05:33 PM
The worst behaviour possible on this markets chat site would be a poster misrepresenting themself, as you do by calling yourself an "international day trader", which is untrue because your posting times prove that you are asleep when the international markets are open, and also you have admitted you are asleep.

I have never dubbed myself as international day trader. That is a term you have made up. I have been quite transparent how I trade and quite frankly how I trade is none of your business.
This fixation you have about me is a little disturbing. Get some help.

02-10-2023, 05:40 PM
I have never dubbed myself as international day trader. That is a term you have made up. I have been quite transparent how I trade and quite frankly how I trade is none of your business.
This fixation you have about me is a little disturbing. Get some help.

Liar; as proven here:

No that's quite incorrect as I am referring only to my NZ component of my portfolio I.e Kiwi Saver as I have stated on multipleoccasions. .

I have also been trading US markets outside of that and done very well in recent times being short US indices, but switch to long in the last week or so. I day trade international markets I.e indices but generally invest in NZ & Aussie markets so they are a very different play.

02-10-2023, 05:43 PM
And the biggest anger out there is over how this Labour government has deceived NZers over everything with their lies, spin and BS - while squandering tens of billions of dollars & loading up NZ with debt.

Karma - she sure is a bitch eh, Chippie?


02-10-2023, 06:13 PM
Liar; as proven here:

Yes but this is 1 of 3 portfolios I trade / invest as I explained.
I also run a business, so does that make me a businessman?
I go fishing, does that make me a fisherman?

Again your fixation is quite disturbing.
And who cares?
I'm sure no one else does on here.

02-10-2023, 06:35 PM
Yes but this is 1 of 3 portfolios I trade / invest as I explained.

No. You are a liar - and you've been caught out.

Sequence of events:

* "I day trade international markets" -- Daytr
* I point out that it's not possible to day trade the international markets while being asleep.
* "I have never dubbed myself as international day trader. That is a term you have made up." -- Daytr
* [I quote your post] "I day trade international markets" -- Daytr
* "Yes but this is 1 of 3 portfolios I trade / invest as I explained." -- Daytr

And who cares?
I'm sure no one else does on here.

The fact that you think nobody would care that you're a liar proves even more about your psychopathic personality.

Again your fixation is quite disturbing.

You name-dropped me...:

It happens on here, you, Balance, NZTX & Azz are prime examples of it.

02-10-2023, 07:29 PM
As long as your delusions keep you happy, I would suggest it doesn't but I don't really care what you think.

I'm sure the Labour detractors are disappointed you are stealing their limelight on constantly attacking me.

As I said keep it up as it just displays your lunacy.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 07:37 PM
As long as your delusions keep you happy, I would suggest it doesn't but I don't really care what you think.

I'm sure the Labour detractors are disappointed you are stealing their limelight on constantly attacking me.

As I said keep it up as it just displays your lunacy.

Azz caught you out telling porkies. No big deal, nothing to get worked up about. Calling others lunatics and deluded is not very nice, in fact - it's pretty bad behaviour. Yet despite your ongoing flaming and baiting you seem to be in denial about it. Classic gas lighting, as I said previously.

02-10-2023, 07:42 PM
Azz caught you out telling porkies. No big deal, nothing to get worked up about. Calling others lunatics and deluded is not very nice, in fact - it's pretty bad behaviour. Yet despite your ongoing flaming and baiting you seem to be in denial about it. Classic gas lighting, as I said previously.

Is your title a serial poster?
I didn't say I don't day trade international markets. I have stated on multiple occasions I do. He is calling me a liar for saying I am an international day trader as if I'm not because I sleep at night. 🤣
It's a small part of what I do
And again who cares.
This is getting quite ridiculous.
Siding with Azz a serial troll does nothing for your credibility.

02-10-2023, 07:52 PM
Now why don't you all far cough with your off topic and we can get back to slagging or defending Labour, or go find another room to do it. Thank you.

02-10-2023, 07:55 PM
Now why don't you all far cough with your off topic and we can get back to slagging or defending Labour, or go find another room to do it. Thank you.

Haha agreed.
Azz will troll me on any thread.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 08:22 PM
Yeah guys.

02-10-2023, 08:30 PM
Just a joyful reminder of when it all turned on Ardern and her power crazed regime. Note the demographic stats. 46% Labour/Green. 30% Maori


Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 08:33 PM
Inflammatory rhetoric from the increasingly unhinged John Tamihere -


02-10-2023, 09:39 PM

Election 2023: Ex-Māori Party candidate backs Labour’s Cushla Tangaere-Manuel in Ikaroa-Rāwhiti

Canoe jumping Weka might be feeling a bit out-Weka'd now ;)

02-10-2023, 09:47 PM

Broadcasting Minister slams Winston Peters after trainwreck interview

A feeble whistle from soon to be gone Willie - who insulted all over the untold Aborted Merger Megabucks

At one point, Peters called Tame a “dirt merchant”, which Jackson claims is ”an insult to the nation and an insult to Jack”.

Sorry to say it Willie, but Labour have already done that many times over already

How much did your "Going Nowhere Broadcasting Merger Shambles" throw down a large hole again ? ;)

Most wouldn't have to look far to find a more effective Broadcasting Minister who achieved something
tangible for the nation as a whole ;)

02-10-2023, 09:50 PM

Asia faces one of the worst economic outlooks in half a century, World Bank warns

Labour still promoting cuddling up to Asia & China big time or is it all a Taboo unsaid issue now.
when the Chips look like they are going to be burnt to a Crisp ? ;)

02-10-2023, 09:55 PM
Just a joyful reminder of when it all turned on Ardern and her power crazed regime. Note the demographic stats. 46% Labour/Green. 30% Maori


If you have not yet, I would suggest going to see the movie. It is long, but very good. The amount of times that that nutcase Jacinda was caught lying is amazing.

02-10-2023, 10:05 PM
How's Robbo's amazing Growing Fiscal deep hole progressing ?

Come out the other side yet or will that come as more run away from Labour in their droves
when the next cloud of Labour lies, bribes & excuses hits .. :)

Adrian Orrsome appears to have been muzzled up so as to not distract everyone on seeing how
bad things really are getting out of sight ..

02-10-2023, 10:14 PM

I’m extremely disappointed to see Labour falsely claiming that I have "pulled out" of the Stuff Press debate scheduled for tomorrow evening.

To be clear, I have not pulled out of the debate – the debate isn’t going ahead because Chris Hipkins has Covid and rescheduling during…


02-10-2023, 10:19 PM
Regarding Labour's income insurance, Robertson said present economic conditions "don't seem right" to introduce it.

Sorry to hear that - Robbo .. guess you might have to fast track the efforts to find a new day job instead ;)

but there never was a right time, was there ? .. while you dug the Hole deeper and deeper without letting on, all the while seeing things deteriorating further :)

Logen Ninefingers
03-10-2023, 07:17 AM
‘More corporate welfare for ski fields’


‘Cabinet has signed off on an additional support package of more than $7 million for the troubled Ruapehu Alpine Lifts.

RAL went into voluntary administration last year, $45m in debt due to a bad ski season and the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Regional Development Minister Kieran McAnulty said Cabinet decided on Monday that $7.35m will be provided to RAL to allow the continued operation of its ski field operations until March 2024.

Earlier this year, the government promised up to $5m to the liquidators of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts to ensure the 2023 ski season could go ahead.’

‘When will it stop?‘

Logen Ninefingers
03-10-2023, 07:27 AM
Angry, nasty, left wingers and / or gang members are out there attacking candidates. Disgusting and dangerous.


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/election-2023-national-candidates-siva-kilari-and-mahesh-muralidhar-describe-threats-on-campaign-trail/JNBMP5TP4NB2TPVQAU6NSTDVUM/?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=nzh_fb&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR06G2D7vUO-X8Svdxv1BZ8vsC5MZof5OrAM1QHtAx83F_qtPXlnuPhBwvE#Ec hobox=1696270250

Election 2023: National candidates Siva Kilari and Mahesh Muralidhar describe threats on campaign trail

3 Oct, 2023 07:08 AM

‘National Party volunteers have stopped campaigning in Auckland’s Manurewa because they have been chased down the street and threatened with abuse.

That is according to the party’s candidate Siva Kilari, who said some of his volunteers have been intimidated and do not want to continue campaigning.

Kilari’s comments comes as multiple political parties report heightened levels of vitriol and violence this election.

Four of his volunteers have stopped door knocking, giving out flyers and putting up hoardings, while others have had to take a break, Kilari said.

“When we were door knocking in Papatoetoe, four guys abused one volunteer all the way down a driveway and said they’d punch him if he turned around.

“We were on the same street but he couldn’t call us because he was too scared to take his phone out. That volunteer has stopped coming now.”

Kilari said another person told his team: “If you guys come back and door knock at our house, we’ll set the dogs on you.”

He had slowed down his campaign efforts after a beer was thrown on him by a gang member and many of his hoardings were damaged, he said.

His home and a farm house he owned had been broken in to, he said. He reported the break-ins to police on September 8.

“I think I was a bit scared after that, because someone is watching me all the time. I decided to slow down my campaign. I don’t want to push hard and put my life at risk. I don’t like that.”

Kilari said he had refocused his campaign to social media and now takes more than one person with him when door knocking.

The National Party had been very supportive about the problems he had faced while electioneering, he said.

National’s Auckland Central candidate Mahesh Muralidhar said the party had provided “fantastic” advice if candidates or volunteers reported any threats.

Muralidhar was secretly filmed in a restaurant while wearing his blue National Party jacket a month ago. The video has now been shared online with a gang boss narrating over the top.

His team had also experienced cat calls and inflammatory language, he said.

“My biggest piece of advice to them is, you have not done anything wrong and if anything makes you uncomfortable please step back.”

Muralidhar could not say if he or any of his volunteers had gone to police but said all complaints were communicated to National’s campaign team.

The video and verbal abuse his volunteers have dealt with had not changed his campaign tactics, he said.

“I come from a minority background and I have faced enough challenges all my life. You just keep going.”’

03-10-2023, 01:37 PM
An excellent analysis of why Labour’s popularity and polls are in free fall :


Logen Ninefingers
03-10-2023, 08:30 PM
‘21-year-old Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke within whisker of unseating Nanaia Mahuta’

‘Another incredibly close electorate race is underway between political newcomer Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke and veteran Nanaia Mahuta.

A new poll out tonight from Whakaata Māori shows Maipi-Clarke is just 4% points below Mahuta in the race for Hauraki Waikato.

That is a small margin, within the margin of error for this poll.

If Maipi-Clarke, who is the Pāti Māori candidate, beats Mahuta, then Mahuta will not return to Parliament.

In June, before Te Pāti Māori announced a candidate for Hauraki Waikato, Mahuta said she would not stand on the Labour list. She has been in Parliament since 1996 and spent her first term as a list MP.

Since 1999, Mahuta has stood and won in various Māori electorates and has been the MP for Hauraki Waikato since the seat was created.

In the Whakaata Māori poll, conducted by Curia Market Research, Mahuta polled at 36% with Maipi-Clarke just behind, at 32%.

Curia polled 500 Hauraki-Waikato voters, and reported its results with a 4.4% margin of error.’

03-10-2023, 08:37 PM
‘More corporate welfare for ski fields’


‘Cabinet has signed off on an additional support package of more than $7 million for the troubled Ruapehu Alpine Lifts.

RAL went into voluntary administration last year, $45m in debt due to a bad ski season and the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Regional Development Minister Kieran McAnulty said Cabinet decided on Monday that $7.35m will be provided to RAL to allow the continued operation of its ski field operations until March 2024.

Earlier this year, the government promised up to $5m to the liquidators of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts to ensure the 2023 ski season could go ahead.’

‘When will it stop?‘
Government thinks it's a better allocator of capital than private enterprise. It's not.

fungus pudding
03-10-2023, 08:40 PM
‘21-year-old Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke within whisker of unseating Nanaia Mahuta’

‘Another incredibly close electorate race is underway between political newcomer Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke and veteran Nanaia Mahuta.

A new poll out tonight from Whakaata Māori shows Maipi-Clarke is just 4% points below Mahuta in the race for Hauraki Waikato.

That is a small margin, within the margin of error for this poll.

If Maipi-Clarke, who is the Pāti Māori candidate, beats Mahuta, then Mahuta will not return to Parliament.

In June, before Te Pāti Māori announced a candidate for Hauraki Waikato, Mahuta said she would not stand on the Labour list. She has been in Parliament since 1996 and spent her first term as a list MP.

Since 1999, Mahuta has stood and won in various Māori electorates and has been the MP for Hauraki Waikato since the seat was created.

In the Whakaata Māori poll, conducted by Curia Market Research, Mahuta polled at 36% with Maipi-Clarke just behind, at 32%.

Curia polled 500 Hauraki-Waikato voters, and reported its results with a 4.4% margin of error.’

I certainly hope Clarke wins that seat. No frightening facial tattoos to terrify me.

03-10-2023, 08:43 PM
Oh, l see.

Other grocery chains have done due diligence on NZ, and see they have nothing to offer for themselves or NZ, so Labour reckons it should use taxpayer money to sponsor in a third competitor to the current supermarket duopoly.


You won't get cheaper groceries, but you will pay more tax!

Piss off Labour!

03-10-2023, 08:52 PM
With the Labour promoters here and everywhere else shell shocked at how this is all finally coming unstuck for them, the only surprising thing is that there is no discourse or promotion whatsoever anymore, less than two weeks into the election supporting or promoting Labour. Capitulation so soon, it seems so?