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Logen Ninefingers
03-10-2023, 08:55 PM
The space cadets are handing out money left, right, and centre. ‘Picking winners’, corporate welfare etc etc.



$5.4 million boost to Canterbury space industry

‘The Government will hand over $5.4 million to an aerospace centre south of Christchurch, an investment it said will create jobs and return $2.4 billion back to the economy.

The grant, which will go to the Tāwhaki Joint Venture - which runs the Tāwhaki Aerospace Centre at Kaitorete - will fund a sealed runway and hangar facilities, which the Government said will encourage investment, growth and continued research and development in New Zealand's aerospace industry.

Infrastructure Minister Megan Woods said she was pleased to support a project that "so obviously benefits New Zealand".

"The aerospace sector works alongside our world class universities and Government agencies to help drive economic growth, innovation and new jobs."

She said the funding meant Tāwhaki could "immediately look at opportunities to scale up the site and help the aerospace industry in New Zealand continue to take off".

Tāwhaki is a Māori-Crown partnership between Kaitorete mana whenua - Te Taumutu Rūnanga and Wairewa Rūnanga - and the Crown, with a dual kaupapa to "heal and rejuvenate" the unique whenua at Kaitorete and advance Aotearoa’s aerospace industry, the Government said.

Tāwhaki Board Member David Perenara-O’Connell said the partnership between mana whenua and the Crown, and its "weaving together" of mātauranga Māori and cutting-edge innovation in aerospace and environmental rejuvenation, was "world-leading and unique".’

03-10-2023, 09:00 PM
The only thing the left understand and believe, is taking from the right to pay for the largesse of the left. It has become more than apparent, in stark contrast as to their beliefs, whether it has has actually achieved anything. Which it hasn't, albeit anyone who earns or has wealth have paid for it.

03-10-2023, 09:32 PM
The space cadets are handing out money left, right, and centre. ‘Picking winners’, corporate welfare etc etc.



$5.4 million boost to Canterbury space industry

‘The Government will hand over $5.4 million to an aerospace centre south of Christchurch, an investment it said will create jobs and return $2.4 billion back to the economy.

The grant, which will go to the Tāwhaki Joint Venture - which runs the Tāwhaki Aerospace Centre at Kaitorete - will fund a sealed runway and hangar facilities, which the Government said will encourage investment, growth and continued research and development in New Zealand's aerospace industry.

Infrastructure Minister Megan Woods said she was pleased to support a project that "so obviously benefits New Zealand".

"The aerospace sector works alongside our world class universities and Government agencies to help drive economic growth, innovation and new jobs."

She said the funding meant Tāwhaki could "immediately look at opportunities to scale up the site and help the aerospace industry in New Zealand continue to take off".

Tāwhaki is a Māori-Crown partnership between Kaitorete mana whenua - Te Taumutu Rūnanga and Wairewa Rūnanga - and the Crown, with a dual kaupapa to "heal and rejuvenate" the unique whenua at Kaitorete and advance Aotearoa’s aerospace industry, the Government said.

Tāwhaki Board Member David Perenara-O’Connell said the partnership between mana whenua and the Crown, and its "weaving together" of mātauranga Māori and cutting-edge innovation in aerospace and environmental rejuvenation, was "world-leading and unique".’

Well yes, Maori weren't known as rocket scientists, but it looks like their time has come.

It's unique alright!

03-10-2023, 09:56 PM
Well yes, Maori weren't known as rocket scientists, but it looks like their time has come.

It's unique alright!

Don’t forget they knew all about air waves and wireless spectrums way ahead of the rest of the world - which is why they have preferential rights to the wireless and radio spectrums. They were communicating across the Pacific oceans and southern seas using said radio waves and spectrums - that’s how they got to NZ.

03-10-2023, 10:10 PM
Don’t forget they knew all about air waves and wireless spectrums way ahead of the rest of the world - which is why they have preferential rights to the workers and radio spectrums. They were communicating across the Pacific oceans and southern seas using said radio waves and spectrums - that’s how they got to NZ.

Ah, it all fits in then.

That's why they made Willie Jackson the Minister of broadcasting then.

A bit of special knowledge eh?

03-10-2023, 10:34 PM
Don’t forget they knew all about air waves and wireless spectrums way ahead of the rest of the world - which is why they have preferential rights to the wireless and radio spectrums. They were communicating across the Pacific oceans and southern seas using said radio waves and spectrums - that’s how they got to NZ.

F**k Me .. which version of the rewritten reinterpretted & revised treaty is that written in,
that the elders of the mid 1800's didn't get to lay an eye on ?

I appear to be missing some of the more curious & obscure recent rewrites :)

Of course Labour are happy to be bent over the barrel on each one if it meant remaining in Power
.. no questions asked ;)

03-10-2023, 10:46 PM
Well yes, Maori weren't known as rocket scientists, but it looks like their time has come.

It's unique alright!

Bound to be back next week giving away new bribes of Matariki plots in the Sky among the stars
for all the eager boys & girls liking Dwarf Woods' 'Space between the Ears' plan ;)

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 07:18 AM
Far left cartoonist Sharon Murdoch continues to display her horrendous bias -


Blue Skies
04-10-2023, 10:08 AM
Far left cartoonist Sharon Murdoch continues to display her horrendous bias -


For goodness sake you have to stop getting so inflamed about a cartoonist who is simply using satire, encouraging people to examine & look critically at politicians & their principals & promises.
This is not the first time & you're normalising anger & targeting an individual doing her job just because you can't tolerate the slightest criticism & see everything as a threat.

It's chilling on democracy & freedom of speech & every time you do this, it brings to mind the 2015 killing of 12 people & wounding of 11 others by 2 French Muslim terrorists who armed with automatic weapons forced their way into the Paris offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, all over a cartoon.

Short of some incredible trip up, National & ACT or National, ACT & NZF are going to be the next government, so its time to start examining the effects of their policies both good and bad, their promises, how they are going to pay for them, and how they are going to resolve their considerable differences and possibly work together, a lot more closely.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 10:37 AM
For goodness sake you have to stop getting so inflamed about a cartoonist who is simply using satire, encouraging people to examine & look critically at politicians & their principals & promises.
This is not the first time & you're normalising anger & targeting an individual doing her job just because you can't tolerate the slightest criticism & see everything as a threat.

It's chilling on democracy & freedom of speech & every time you do this, it brings to mind the 2015 killing of 12 people & wounding of 11 others by 2 French Muslim terrorists who armed with automatic weapons forced their way into the Paris offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, all over a cartoon.

Short of some incredible trip up, National & ACT or National, ACT & NZF are going to be the next government, so its time to start examining the effects of their policies both good and bad, their promises, how they are going to pay for them, and how they are going to resolve their considerable differences and possibly work together, a lot more closely.

It has nothing to do with 'the slightest criticism', it is to do with the utterly one-sided nature of this persons attacks. She displays not even a smidgen of balance. That is what is chilling on democracy.

The rest of your post is actually disgusting. You yourself are trying to curtail freedom of speech. Your mentioning of the Charlie Hedbo incident in this context is actually sick. I've lost a lot of respect for you after reading what you've just posted.

Blue Skies
04-10-2023, 12:00 PM
It has nothing to do with 'the slightest criticism', it is to do with the utterly one-sided nature of this persons attacks. She displays not even a smidgen of balance. That is what is chilling on democracy.

The rest of your post is actually disgusting. You yourself are trying to curtail freedom of speech. Your mentioning of the Charlie Hedbo incident in this context is actually sick. I've lost a lot of respect for you after reading what you've just posted.

Im sorry you feel that way, but National & ACT or Nat, ACT & NZF are going to be the next govt & they have conflicting policies on a referendum on the Treaty, the banning of automatic military style weapons and climate change & level of commitment to reaching our emissions targets.

We can continue to discuss the differences between Labour, The Greens & Te Pati Maori but since they're extremely unlikely to be the next govt, its just academic and surely the focus now is really on what the in all probability the next new govt's policies are and how or if they could work together successfully.
Or do we not care & happy to overlook the obvious inconsistencies & we just accept everything they say ?

It's a slippery slope we're on & bad enough politicians are now getting threatened & we don't want individuals like cartoonists & journalists being singled out, named & targeted & becoming intimidated.
You normalise the anger, keep naming an individual, & the next thing some crazy extremist does something stupid.
Just look at the situation in the US, its unbelievably bad, like how could this have happened, & we're heading in the same direction.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 12:42 PM
Im sorry you feel that way, but National & ACT or Nat, ACT & NZF are going to be the next govt & they have conflicting policies on a referendum on the Treaty, the banning of automatic military style weapons and climate change & level of commitment to reaching our emissions targets.

We can continue to discuss the differences between Labour, The Greens & Te Pati Maori but since they're extremely unlikely to be the next govt, its just academic and surely the focus now is really on what the in all probability the next new govt's policies are and how or if they could work together successfully.
Or do we not care & happy to overlook the obvious inconsistencies & we just accept everything they say ?

It's a slippery slope we're on & bad enough politicians are now getting threatened & we don't want individuals like cartoonists & journalists being singled out, named & targeted & becoming intimidated.
You normalise the anger, keep naming an individual, & the next thing some crazy extremist does something stupid.
Just look at the situation in the US, its unbelievably bad, like how could this have happened, & we're heading in the same direction.

Well plenty of people have named Tremain here, including yourself, so is he now a walking target for a Left wing extremist?

Likewise reagrding the inflammatory language we've seen aimed at David Seymour. Is he now a walking target for a Left wing extremist?

Do Murdoch's cartoons which consistently demonise right wing politicains contribute to societal anger towards them? If not, what is Murdoch's aim? Does societal anger towards right wing politicians increase the chances of violent attacks on them?

The Left philosopy you ascribe to is built on anger: anger at the 'unfairness' (unfairness according to who? One persons 'fair' is another persons 'unfair') of the capitalist system which requires a changing of the system by gradual means, but if gradual means should fail the movement supports revoluitionary tactics. We see this political violence evident in attacks by Green Party members on a business in Wellington, attacks which Leftists dismiss as merely a 'protest'.

You should be careful when you open this kind of Pandoras Box which exposes your hypocrisy. I have never advocated for any direct action towards any Left wing cartoonist, the easiest action someone can take - totally non-violent - would be to cancel their subscription to biased media & stop buying their newspapers.

Violence was not even hinted at in any of my posts. The fact that your mind has gone in this direction says more about you than it does me.

04-10-2023, 04:06 PM
Both of you need to take a chill pill.

04-10-2023, 04:37 PM
The only thing the left understand and believe, is taking from the right to pay for the largesse of the left. It has become more than apparent, in stark contrast as to their beliefs, whether it has has actually achieved anything. Which it hasn't, albeit anyone who earns or has wealth have paid for it.Earning or having wealth is not necessarily a noble thing. Scammers create wealth for themselves and it is the victim who pays the price.

New Zealanders have lost a record $9 million in internet scams in just three months.

These days much of the “wealth creation” is accumulation by dispossession.

“Accumulation by dispossession,” describes the ways capitalism uses force and theft to rob the world of value—both human beings and nature—in its insatiable quest for profit. In the ongoing evolution of capitalism alongside the exploitation of workers and the extraction of surplus value, there is simple plunder: the naked transfer of wealth from the world’s working class and poor to the ruling class. This alternate mechanism of accumulation has become increasingly central to the functioning of capitalism under neoliberalism.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 04:52 PM
Earning or having wealth is not necessarily a noble thing. Scammers create wealth for themselves and it is the victim who pays the price.

New Zealanders have lost a record $9 million in internet scams in just three months.

These days much of the “wealth creation” is accumulation by dispossession.

“Accumulation by dispossession,” describes the ways capitalism uses force and theft to rob the world of value—both human beings and nature—in its insatiable quest for profit. In the ongoing evolution of capitalism alongside the exploitation of workers and the extraction of surplus value, there is simple plunder: the naked transfer of wealth from the world’s working class and poor to the ruling class. This alternate mechanism of accumulation has become increasingly central to the functioning of capitalism under neoliberalism.

Scammers are doing something illegal.

Stop trying to shame and guilt trip other people with your awful Marxist diatribes.

04-10-2023, 05:09 PM
Scammers are doing something illegal.

Stop trying to shame and guilt trip other people with your awful Marxist diatribes.The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One
How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry.

In this expert insider’s account of the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s, William Black lays bare the strategies that corrupt CEOs and CFOs—in collusion with those who have regulatory oversight of their industries—use to defraud companies for their personal gain.

Recounting the investigations he conducted as Director of Litigation for the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Black fully reveals how Charles Keating and hundreds of other S&L owners took advantage of a weak regulatory environment to perpetrate accounting fraud on a massive scale. In the new afterword, he also authoritatively links the S&L crash to the business failures of 2008 and beyond, showing how CEOs then and now are using the same tactics to defeat regulatory restraints and commit the same types of destructive fraud.

His book is a wake-up call for everyone who believes that market forces alone will keep companies and their owners honest.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 05:31 PM
The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One
How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry.

In this expert insider’s account of the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s, William Black lays bare the strategies that corrupt CEOs and CFOs—in collusion with those who have regulatory oversight of their industries—use to defraud companies for their personal gain.

Recounting the investigations he conducted as Director of Litigation for the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Black fully reveals how Charles Keating and hundreds of other S&L owners took advantage of a weak regulatory environment to perpetrate accounting fraud on a massive scale. In the new afterword, he also authoritatively links the S&L crash to the business failures of 2008 and beyond, showing how CEOs then and now are using the same tactics to defeat regulatory restraints and commit the same types of destructive fraud.

His book is a wake-up call for everyone who believes that market forces alone will keep companies and their owners honest.

You should see the amount of looting and pillaging that goes on inside a Marxist state. It will make your hair curl.

I'm pretty sure crime has been with us since the first neanderthal bopped his rival over the head with a rock to steal his cave and woman. And that's what Marxists seek to do, theft cloaked as 'socialism' or 'revolution'. It's the party officials and bureaucrats that seek to seize power and wealth, and the 'poor downtrodden workers' are their excuse and also the means they seek to harness to achieve their diabolical ends.

04-10-2023, 05:50 PM
The state of education in NZ - absolutely no thanks to Labour. And who was one of the ministers of education? None other than Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away’ Chippie.

Trust these useless lot with children’s future? Bad enough that they screwed up NZ’s economy with their free & wasteful spending but they are fully intent and are doing the same to education as well.


More than 40% of students fail latest writing, reading & maths tests.

04-10-2023, 06:25 PM
The state of education in NZ - absolutely no thanks to Labour. And who was one of the ministers of education? None other than Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away’ Chippie.

Trust these useless lot with children’s future? Bad enough that they screwed up NZ’s economy with their free & wasteful spending but they are fully intent and are doing the same to education as well.


More than 40% of students fail latest writing, reading & maths tests.

And rightly so, latest TV1 poll has Luxon eclipsing Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away’ Chip off the Arden block Hipkins as preferred Prime Minister.

How humiliating for a sitting PM!

Sense the knives poised to stab you in the back, Chippie by your finance minister ‘dead rats’ Robbo?

04-10-2023, 06:43 PM
Chris just sent me an email …..said

Make no mistake: if Christopher Luxon wins this election, New Zealanders will lose.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 06:50 PM
Chris just sent me an email …..said

Make no mistake: if Christopher Luxon wins this election, New Zealanders will lose.

Chimpy sent you that?

04-10-2023, 06:57 PM
Chimpy sent you that?

Chippie ‘Mr Spray & Walk Away’ Hipkins must be pxssing in his pants at the prospect of being knifed by Robbo when Luxon becomes PM.

04-10-2023, 06:59 PM
Chimpy sent you that?

Hi Winner

You might have seen a new poll landed tonight and it shows that the race is getting tighter every week.

This means that if New Zealanders want to see a Government with a positive plan that puts people first, brings down the cost of living, invests properly in health and education, and believes in a fair go for everyone, then they need to Party Vote Labour.

There is so much at risk this election.

A National-ACT-New Zealand First Coalition would mean:

Thousands of job cuts before Christmas
Higher inflation and higher interest rates for longer
Thousands more kids in poverty as National reduces funding for welfare
Billions of dollars worth of Kiwi homes sold to foreign speculators
Cuts to vital supports like free prescriptions, free public transport and free early childhood education
An end to the public house building programme.

By contrast, Labour will:
Bring inflation down and keep wages growing
Keep Kiwis in work as we have done for the past six years
Double the number of new public homes we’ve already built
Expand free dental care to all under 30s
Take GST off fruit and vegetables.

Make no mistake: if Christopher Luxon wins this election, New Zealanders will lose.

Therefore my message to you is simple. To stop a Coalition of Cuts and Chaos with Winston Peters, David Seymour and Christopher Luxon, Party Vote Labour.

We’re giving it everything we’ve got this election, there’s too much on the line. With your support, we can make sure voters hear about our plan to move New Zealand forward – for everyone.

So, what do you say Winner will you chip in to help us secure every single vote? You can make a contribution here.

Kiwis love to back an underdog, and they love a comeback even more.

Thanks for your continued support!


04-10-2023, 07:25 PM
I thought you might find this interesting from JBMurc, the very first post in this thread. You can answer his questions for yourself. Reminds me of an old saying (not referring to JB himself), "time wounds all heels".

Time for a title change ..NZF is gone never to be seen from again as I'm sure winnie will retire....

What will we see Jacinda and team bring over the next 3yrs ??

They really have full control of NZ >>what will they deliver .... been heaps of BIG Talking of late along with previous years form the RED team

No more blaming the COL for not moving projects forward...

... I feel its like meeting a new Golf player at the pub etc talk up his awesome transformable game over many weeks but never actually seeing him play.... well is time to TEE off >>>

04-10-2023, 07:39 PM
And rightly so, latest TV1 poll has Luxon eclipsing Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away’ Chip off the Arden block Hipkins as preferred Prime Minister.

How humiliating for a sitting PM!

Sense the knives poised to stab you in the back, Chippie by your finance minister ‘dead rats’ Robbo?

For the first time in goodness knows how long, Wellington Central (which has been THE Labour stronghold for ages) the polling shows a slim 3-4% split vote between Labour, National and the Greens. Labour won by 20%+ last time. How the mood has changed!

Imagine being the first Labour candidate to lose Wellington in decades. That's what happens when you ignore your electorate and focus only on central government policies, the Green/Blue creeps up behind you and surprises you with the potential that you might not only not be in Parliament anymore, you might lose your seat AND YOUR JOB as well, the so called "safest Labour seat in the country".

Extraordinary stuff, the population are polling and voting for change, even in the centre of power. Quite remarkable.

04-10-2023, 07:44 PM
I thought you might find this interesting from JBMurc, the very first post in this thread. You can answer his questions for yourself. Reminds me of an old saying (not referring to JB himself), "time wounds all heels".

Winnie prob go with Labour again

Nats getting worried - sending stuff like this out

04-10-2023, 07:47 PM
Rongotai (the old Island Bay) has always been Labour ……could go Green this time as Genter doing a good job drumming up support over an useless ex Councilor

04-10-2023, 07:51 PM
Winnie prob go with Labour again

Nats getting worried - sending stuff like this out

Labour ruled NZF out already, Winston keeps saying so, yeah right, LOL, like 'we will sacrifice being in government on our principles of not going with a fringe loony, yeah nah, they like any other party will do anything to get the treasury benches.

Winston was a pretty good foreign Minister and deputy PM imo, not that I'm voting for NZF.

The kingmaker seems to be very well positioned, again.

04-10-2023, 07:56 PM
Rongotai (the old Island Bay) has always been Labour ……could go Green this time as Genter doing a good job drumming up support over an useless ex Councilor

A lot like Wellington Central, Robinson be having an anxiety attack about now? Wow, heaps of people want change, and this is in the dyed in the wool Labour stronghold electorates!

Still, a week and a half until elections, who knows what will happen, maybe a Green or National wannabe might get drunk and crash their car into a punter and go crying to a member of Justice, get hyped in the media and fark any chance of them winning the seats?

04-10-2023, 08:06 PM
Think someone could be holding back on news of James Shaw’s fake qualifications to unleash on the electorate next week?

Certainly will help Labour given the way that the Greens are taking votes off Labour.

Interesting week ahead!

04-10-2023, 08:19 PM
Think someone could be holding back on news of James Shaw’s fake qualifications to unleash on the electorate next week?

Certainly will help Labour given the way that the Greens are taking votes off Labour.

Interesting week ahead!

A conundrum for Labour, whether they shaft Shaw's lying about his quals to boost the Labour party vote and risk losing the Green's in coalition, or just stay silent on it. Labour can't afford to lose the Greens, there's no way they can get the benches on their vote alone. So far, staying silent is the plan. Either way, on current polls neither Labour or the Greens are staying in government.

04-10-2023, 08:45 PM
Hi Winner

You might have seen a new poll landed tonight and it shows that the race is getting tighter every week.

This means that if New Zealanders want to see a Government with a positive plan that puts people first, brings down the cost of living, invests properly in health and education, and believes in a fair go for everyone, then they need to Party Vote Labour.

There is so much at risk this election.

A National-ACT-New Zealand First Coalition would mean:

Thousands of job cuts before Christmas
Higher inflation and higher interest rates for longer
Thousands more kids in poverty as National reduces funding for welfare
Billions of dollars worth of Kiwi homes sold to foreign speculators
Cuts to vital supports like free prescriptions, free public transport and free early childhood education
An end to the public house building programme.

By contrast, Labour will:
Bring inflation down and keep wages growing
Keep Kiwis in work as we have done for the past six years
Double the number of new public homes we’ve already built
Expand free dental care to all under 30s
Take GST off fruit and vegetables.

Make no mistake: if Christopher Luxon wins this election, New Zealanders will lose.

Therefore my message to you is simple. To stop a Coalition of Cuts and Chaos with Winston Peters, David Seymour and Christopher Luxon, Party Vote Labour.

We’re giving it everything we’ve got this election, there’s too much on the line. With your support, we can make sure voters hear about our plan to move New Zealand forward – for everyone.

So, what do you say Winner will you chip in to help us secure every single vote? You can make a contribution here.

Kiwis love to back an underdog, and they love a comeback even more.

Thanks for your continued support!


I received this Labour Party propaganda in the mail today. The problem I don't like is the "scare tactic" that Chris is using. Because they have nothing better else to offer, they instead use near borderline threats that if you don't vote for Labour Party, then you will succumb to all the problems listed. That's a very VERY bad way of trying to win votes through intimidation.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 08:47 PM

The deputy prime minister is defending her use of a taxpayer-funded VIP limousine while campaigning for the Labour Party.

'Today, Carmel Sepuloni attended a number of events across Wellington while campaigning for Labour, and she travelled to and between them in her chauffeur-driven ministerial limousine — a high-end Audi.

Crown limos are normally used by ministers when they're conducting ministerial business, although exceptions are made for the PM and Leader of the Opposition during the election campaign.

When asked if ministers are allowed to use their tax-payer funded limousines while engaged in party campaigning Sepuloni said "Yes we are."

"I'm in Wellington so it's a bit hard for me to get around otherwise, but it's within the rules."

The rules do state ministers are allowed to use a chauffeur-driven VIP limo "at any time, for any purpose, at the Minister's discretion" but today Sepuloni was not acting in any ministerial capacity.

"We try not to (use the Crown limos) and so when we can we'll use our own cars but I can't do that in Wellington," she said.'

04-10-2023, 08:50 PM
Like National, or ACT for that matter, aren't doing the same thing. Be real.

I received this Labour Party propaganda in the mail today. The problem I don't like is the "scare tactic" that Chris is using. Because they have nothing better else to offer, they instead use near borderline threats that if you don't vote for Labour Party, then you will succumb to all the problems listed. That's a very VERY bad way of trying to win votes through intimidation.

04-10-2023, 08:53 PM

The deputy prime minister is defending her use of a taxpayer-funded VIP limousine while campaigning for the Labour Party.

'Today, Carmel Sepuloni attended a number of events across Wellington while campaigning for Labour, and she travelled to and between them in her chauffeur-driven ministerial limousine — a high-end Audi.

Crown limos are normally used by ministers when they're conducting ministerial business, although exceptions are made for the PM and Leader of the Opposition during the election campaign.

When asked if ministers are allowed to use their tax-payer funded limousines while engaged in party campaigning Sepuloni said "Yes we are."

"I'm in Wellington so it's a bit hard for me to get around otherwise, but it's within the rules."

The rules do state ministers are allowed to use a chauffeur-driven VIP limo "at any time, for any purpose, at the Minister's discretion" but today Sepuloni was not acting in any ministerial capacity.

"We try not to (use the Crown limos) and so when we can we'll use our own cars but I can't do that in Wellington," she said.'

So typical of Labour - freeloaders one and all.

Logen Ninefingers
04-10-2023, 08:55 PM
I received this Labour Party propaganda in the mail today. The problem I don't like is the "scare tactic" that Chris is using. Because they have nothing better else to offer, they instead use near borderline threats that if you don't vote for Labour Party, then you will succumb to all the problems listed. That's a very VERY bad way of trying to win votes through intimidation.

Disgraceful. Sorry you recieved a threatening letter from Chippy. We should all be angry when these types of tactics are used. The absolute desperation emanating from Labour must mean the books are in far worse shape than what has been revealed. They know they are stuffed if they get turfed out, they won't back for at least a decade.

05-10-2023, 01:44 AM
I received this Labour Party propaganda in the mail today. The problem I don't like is the "scare tactic" that Chris is using. Because they have nothing better else to offer, they instead use near borderline threats that if you don't vote for Labour Party, then you will succumb to all the problems listed. That's a very VERY bad way of trying to win votes through intimidation.

I don't recall before that we have a Government party running an election campaign where they avoid mentioning any of their main policies during the last 6 years. They have been so unpopular that Labour doesn't want any of them mentioned and have lowered themselves to gutter politics

05-10-2023, 08:52 AM
I don't recall before that we have a Government party running an election campaign where they avoid mentioning any of their main policies during the last 6 years. They have been so unpopular that Labour doesn't want any of them mentioned and have lowered themselves to gutter politics

Exactly iceman.

A 2 term government would normally be campaigning on their record, making a case for more of the same progress and stability.

Labour are hissing and spitting like a cat trapped in a corner. They need a massive cleanout and reorientation of their principles (they currently have none) before being let anywhere near government again. I had a chat yesterday with a friend who is voting Labour. I asked him to name one thing that's better. He paused for a bit, and all he could come up with was that he had an extra public holiday. I tried raising the wastage of mental health spending for no improvement, bridge bike lanes, light rail, but his eyes just glazed over. Hard to comprehend.

05-10-2023, 11:42 AM
I don't recall before that we have a Government party running an election campaign where they avoid mentioning any of their main policies during the last 6 years. They have been so unpopular that Labour doesn't want any of them mentioned and have lowered themselves to gutter politics

Hipkins has not only nothing to run on, he also has to watch his back as Labour MPs, petrified about being unemployed after October 14th, undermine his leadership - like Robbo, Clark and Leary with hints that they support wealth tax and they want to implement one in the future. In other words, Hipkins' captain call is not to be taken seriously.

What a tragic state of affairs for Chip off the Arden block Chippie, eh?


05-10-2023, 12:55 PM

Election 2023: Labour promises to set up ‘Anti-Scamming Unit’

An anti Scamming Unit would probably be too busy investigating the clueless Morons who now promise
to (probably not)bring it in with all promised not delivered & hangers on around the trough ;)

No Wonder Kiwi's at large are mostly feeling Ripped Off & Scammed by Labour :)

Logen Ninefingers
05-10-2023, 01:01 PM

Election 2023: Labour promises to set up ‘Anti-Scamming Unit’

An anti Scamming Unit would probably be too busy investigating the clueless Morons who now promise
to (probably not)bring it in with all promised not delivered & hangers on around the trough ;)

No Wonder Kiwi's at large are mostly feeling Ripped Off & Scammed by Labour :)

They can start by prosecuting the Labour Party and it’s lackeys in the CTU and the Maori elite for scamming New Zealand out of tens of bullions of dollars.

05-10-2023, 03:39 PM
Think someone could be holding back on news of James Shaw’s fake qualifications to unleash on the electorate next week?

Certainly will help Labour given the way that the Greens are taking votes off Labour.

Interesting week ahead!

It's been out there a while back.
A lot of nothing really and a MSc trumps a BA anyway.
Something for sad people like you to latch on to.

05-10-2023, 03:41 PM
It's been out there a while back.
A lot of nothing really and a MSc trumps a BA anyway.
Something for sad people like you to latch on to.

How did James Shaw gain entry into the MSc program?

05-10-2023, 03:42 PM
How did James Shaw gain entry into the MSc program?

His work experience.

05-10-2023, 03:42 PM
It's been out there a while back.
A lot of nothing really and a MSc trumps a BA anyway.
Something for sad people like you to latch on to.

And, committing fraud is "a lot of nothing"?

05-10-2023, 03:42 PM
I received this Labour Party propaganda in the mail today. The problem I don't like is the "scare tactic" that Chris is using. Because they have nothing better else to offer, they instead use near borderline threats that if you don't vote for Labour Party, then you will succumb to all the problems listed. That's a very VERY bad way of trying to win votes through intimidation.

Bit like the rubbish from the Tax Payer Union (that National front) re Robbo's Removers or whatever it is.
Smells like the Exclusive Brethren a while back.
I was surprised to hear an ad on the radio impersonation Grant Robertson - dirty politics from National again.

05-10-2023, 03:42 PM
His work experience.

In that case, why won't he allow the release of the files that would prove it?

05-10-2023, 03:46 PM
In that case, why won't he allow the release of the files that would prove it?

What's more likely: a known liar who lied about having a bachelor's degree putting down "work experience" on the form; or a known liar who lied about having a bachelor's degree putting down "BA" on the form?

05-10-2023, 03:47 PM
How did James Shaw gain entry into the MSc program?

Ask him not me - got it from the University of Bath School of Management.

05-10-2023, 03:48 PM
Ask him not me - got it from the University of Bath School of Management.

The MEDIA should be asking him.

05-10-2023, 03:48 PM
And, committing fraud is "a lot of nothing"?

You'd say fraud, he'd say mistake, after all it was on Linkedin.

05-10-2023, 03:49 PM
And, committing fraud is "a lot of nothing"?

The BA fraud is enough for a Minister of the Crown to RESIGN. Why hasn't he resigned?

05-10-2023, 03:49 PM
Been there and done my voting!

05-10-2023, 03:50 PM
You'd say fraud, he'd say mistake, after all it was on Linkedin.

Lying about a degree on your linkedin is fraud. It's not a mistake, plus his imaginary degree is also listed on other sites.

05-10-2023, 03:51 PM
The BA fraud is enough for a Minister of the Crown to RESIGN. Why hasn't he resigned?

Because the left is a lie.

Logen Ninefingers
05-10-2023, 03:52 PM
The BA fraud is enough for a Minister of the Crown to RESIGN. Why hasn't he resigned?

Because he is a smiling con man in a suit. He gets a big fat taxpayer paid salary, he gets to jet around the world going to ‘climate conferences’, he gets to parade around as some paragon of moral virtue. Look at the quality of the baubles he is feathering his nest with, and will understand why this charlatan invented his qualifications.

fungus pudding
05-10-2023, 03:54 PM
Been there and done my voting!

Me too. Daresay we cancelled each other out. ��

05-10-2023, 05:23 PM
And here’s the police view on the so-called racial harassment & home invasion of Maori Party young candidate - all BS as usual from the left.

Five police reports about vandalism, threats at Te Pāti Māori candidate's house
Detective Inspector Darrell Harpur has confirmed police are investigating five reports of concern about behaviour targetted at the home of Te Pāti Māori candidate Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke.

Harpur confirmed police would issue a trespass notice to somebody who entered the property of Maipi-Clarke's home on Wednesday morning.

"Police do not believe that the incidents have been racially motivated or coordinated. While we acknowledge that the incidents in which people have come on to the property will have been unsettling, we do not believe these constitute a home-invasion style entry into the house," Harpur said.

He said an election hoarding was stolen from the property on September 25, although he said a range of hoardings had been stolen in the neighborhood - from a range of political parties.

He also confirmed police were called after a "threatening note" was left.

"These reports have been investigated and Police have been unable to establish any criminality, although enquiries are ongoing," he said.

"Police have followed up on reports of a suspicious vehicle, however at this stage we do not believe this vehicle is linked to any intentions at the property."

He said police were focused on maintaining law and order through the election campaign.

"During the period in which the reports have been made, Police have visited the property on several occasions to investigate the reports and provide reassurance. Staff have offered crime prevention and safety advice to those occupants."

05-10-2023, 05:35 PM
So it’s Labour playing the race card to gain the Maori votes at every possible opportunity - especially when they use taxpayers’ funds to buy Maori votes.

05-10-2023, 08:34 PM
Remember how ‘Chip off Ardern block’ Hipkins said he could feel the momentum shifting last week?

He obviously has a different perception of what momentum is as the latest polls show Labour dropping again - down another 3%. :t_up:

What a freaking loser & a lame duck.


The final pre-election NZ Insight poll by Talbot Mills Research for its corporate clients also has National rising to 38 per cent (up two since the last poll a month ago) and Labour dropping again to 27 per cent (down 3%).


Logen Ninefingers
06-10-2023, 08:53 AM
Next time some Lefty rolls out the tired ‘maori are destitute and downtrodden due to the cruel neo-colonialists’ line, just hit them with facts.


‘Māori own a significant proportion of assets in the primary sectors: 50% of the fishing quota, 40% of forestry, 30% in lamb production, 30% in sheep and beef production, 10% in dairy production and 10% in kiwifruit production.‘

06-10-2023, 08:56 AM
Winnie prob go with Labour again

Nats getting worried - sending stuff like this outTaxpayers’ Union getting worried - sending out stuff like this.

Dear Moka,
Despite what the media would have you believe, the election is going down to the wire. Labour could cling on for another three years.

Last night’s 1 News poll puts Winston Peters, yet again, in the kingmaker role. Will Peters pick National/ACT, or will he go with Labour/Greens/Māori Party? Under last night’s poll, Chris Luxon would need Winston Peters to form a government. But Chris Hipkins could form a government with him too.

Moka, I can’t go into detail, but I’ve just seen other confidential polling that suggests that things are getting even worse for the centre-right and Christopher Luxon – with Winston Peters in an even stronger position.
Winston Peters has said he won’t go with Labour this time, but he surprised us all before when he chose Jacinda Ardern/Labour over Bill English/National – despite saying before that election he would go with the highest polling party. This means that the result of this year's election is far from certain.

Chris Hipkins was trying to claim he won’t work with Winston Peters. But he’s already walking that back! He told media earlier this week that “of course” he would pick up the phone to Winston Peters after the election. And in his position, who wouldn’t?!

And we all know Mr Hipkins’ colleagues are desperate to cling to power and that Mr Peters will trade the two large parties against each other – at huge financial costs to the taxpayer.
Which bloc is more likely to buy Winston’s support in the closed-door negotiations after the election? And at what cost to taxpayers?

While the Taxpayers’ Union doesn’t endorse any particular party, it’s our job to expose bad policy and hold the Government to account. The New Zealand public still doesn't appreciate the fiscal disaster looming thanks to Grant Robertson's reckless fiscal management. And the path of undermining democratic accountability in favour of race-based unaccountable 'co-governance' needs to be exposed.

That’s why we are working so hard to highlight the Government’s track record, but need one last push.
In addition to the full page anti-Luxon adverts and billboards, Labour's proxy, the Council of Trade Unions, has now been caught out distributing made up claims about opposition parties' policies!

It’s just like 2005 when Labour sent letters to Housing New Zealand tenants telling them that Don Brash’s National Party would evict them. It is disinformation, smears, and lies, designed to hoodwink voters.
Sadly, these underhand tactics worked back in 2005 and, based on the latest polls, it seems they are working again. That’s why we need to respond and ramp up our efforts.Unlike the CTU, our campaigns focus on policies and facts – not disinformation and smears. We are not funded by big left-wing union dues and special interests – our campaigns are made possible by people like you chipping in what you can crowdfund holding the Government to account.

Logen Ninefingers
06-10-2023, 09:41 AM
Taxpayers’ Union getting worried - sending out stuff like this.

Dear Moka,
Despite what the media would have you believe, the election is going down to the wire. Labour could cling on for another three years.

Last night’s 1 News poll puts Winston Peters, yet again, in the kingmaker role. Will Peters pick National/ACT, or will he go with Labour/Greens/Māori Party? Under last night’s poll, Chris Luxon would need Winston Peters to form a government. But Chris Hipkins could form a government with him too.

Moka, I can’t go into detail, but I’ve just seen other confidential polling that suggests that things are getting even worse for the centre-right and Christopher Luxon – with Winston Peters in an even stronger position.
Winston Peters has said he won’t go with Labour this time, but he surprised us all before when he chose Jacinda Ardern/Labour over Bill English/National – despite saying before that election he would go with the highest polling party. This means that the result of this year's election is far from certain.

Chris Hipkins was trying to claim he won’t work with Winston Peters. But he’s already walking that back! He told media earlier this week that “of course” he would pick up the phone to Winston Peters after the election. And in his position, who wouldn’t?!

And we all know Mr Hipkins’ colleagues are desperate to cling to power and that Mr Peters will trade the two large parties against each other – at huge financial costs to the taxpayer.
Which bloc is more likely to buy Winston’s support in the closed-door negotiations after the election? And at what cost to taxpayers?

While the Taxpayers’ Union doesn’t endorse any particular party, it’s our job to expose bad policy and hold the Government to account. The New Zealand public still doesn't appreciate the fiscal disaster looming thanks to Grant Robertson's reckless fiscal management. And the path of undermining democratic accountability in favour of race-based unaccountable 'co-governance' needs to be exposed.

That’s why we are working so hard to highlight the Government’s track record, but need one last push.
In addition to the full page anti-Luxon adverts and billboards, Labour's proxy, the Council of Trade Unions, has now been caught out distributing made up claims about opposition parties' policies!

It’s just like 2005 when Labour sent letters to Housing New Zealand tenants telling them that Don Brash’s National Party would evict them. It is disinformation, smears, and lies, designed to hoodwink voters.
Sadly, these underhand tactics worked back in 2005 and, based on the latest polls, it seems they are working again. That’s why we need to respond and ramp up our efforts.Unlike the CTU, our campaigns focus on policies and facts – not disinformation and smears. We are not funded by big left-wing union dues and special interests – our campaigns are made possible by people like you chipping in what you can crowdfund holding the Government to account.

Everything you high-lighted is true, and good on the Taxpayers Union for pointing out the facts of what has been going on. Some Leftys will experience massive cognitive dissonance when confronted with uncomfortable truths, but that is to be expected.

06-10-2023, 10:43 AM
Everything you high-lighted is true, and good on the Taxpayers Union for pointing out the facts of what has been going on. Some Leftys will experience massive cognitive dissonance when confronted with uncomfortable truths, but that is to be expected.

And good on moka for funding them to make their work possible . Well done moka

06-10-2023, 10:55 AM
And good on moka for funding them to make their work possible . Well done mokaI would not fund that cause. A very unworthy cause in my opinion. I did donate some money for the Stop Three Waters campaign, which is why I get emails from the Taxpayers’ Union.

06-10-2023, 01:44 PM
If this turns out country in the shift.

Taxpayers latest poll

National is up 0.9 points on last month's poll to 35.9% while Labour is also up by 1.4 points to 27.9%. While the Greens are down 2.1 points at 10.6%, they are now in third place ahead of the ACT Party, which has dropped sharply by 5.2 points to 9.1%.

New Zealand First sees a big boost of 3 points to 6.9%. The Māori Party is also up 0.8 points on last month to 3.7%.


06-10-2023, 06:54 PM
Latest poll - Chippie's definition of momentum = heading south vs Luxon :



06-10-2023, 07:16 PM
Taxpayers Union polls always tend to lean right.

My question is why is National not polling in the 40s. Anyone that's not blinkered can see Labour have had a shocker on many fronts yet National are not displaying the nation's confidence.
By that polling we have a 3 party coalition!

06-10-2023, 07:37 PM
Taxpayers Union polls always tend to lean right.

My question is why is National not polling in the 40s. Anyone that's not blinkered can see Labour have had a shocker on many fronts yet National are not displaying the nation's confidence.
By that polling we have a 3 party coalition!

Yawn - as opposed to the Coalition of Chaos with the racist Labour, Maori Party & Greens.

Now that is a real nightmare!

06-10-2023, 07:38 PM
Was it just me, or was anyone else surprised that Rawiri Waititi seemed to try and turn around the racist debate, in the wannabe's (so called "kingmakers") debate, to make it look like anyone questioning co-governance and so forth, are the racists? This is from a party founded solely on race.

06-10-2023, 08:28 PM
It's time all this racist nonsense with the likes of Te Pati Maori was countered with a nice clean non racist party like Te Pati Pakeha!

Rawiri and JT wouldn't mind would they?

06-10-2023, 09:18 PM
It's time all this racist nonsense with the likes of Te Pati Maori was countered with a nice clean non racist party like Te Pati Pakeha!

Rawiri and JT wouldn't mind would they?

The National Party used to be referred to as the Pakeha Party?

06-10-2023, 09:52 PM

Gang member violently attacked intellectually disabled man, smashing bottle on his head

A Mongrel Mob member violently assaulted an intellectually disabled man in an unprovoked attack that saw him beat the man repeatedly and smash a bottle over his head as he tried to get away.

The victim, a 48-year-old Napier resident, went for a walk on the morning of November 13 last year and accidentally ended up on Kelvin Road, in the suburb of Maraenui.

At around midday the assailant, 29, a patched Mongrel Mob member, got out of a car, approached the man and challenged him to a fight.

Yet more of the Lowlife Gang Scum running amuck that Labour aid abet & fund

The same factions who bring Serious Drug issues into our communities

What a hero beating up on an Intellectually Disabled guy .. this sort of Talent is :)

06-10-2023, 09:59 PM

Man charged with kidnapping girls and threatening to kill is in custody by consent

The man is also facing a breach of his bail conditions.

Breaching Bail .. Breaching Home D etc

This is what we get courtesy of the Go Easy Labour Political Morons releasing Crims back out into
our communities in record time and a Judiciary system sound deaf & blind with a paper bag over it's head ;)

07-10-2023, 06:51 AM

Man charged with kidnapping girls and threatening to kill is in custody by consent

Breaching Bail .. Breaching Home D etc

This is what we get courtesy of the Go Easy Labour Political Morons releasing Crims back out into
our communities in record time and a Judiciary system sound deaf & blind with a paper bag over it's head ;)

You can't even make this sh.t up !

07-10-2023, 07:14 AM
Final election is here:


08-10-2023, 09:07 AM
Wonder what is happening with Labour and it’s policy to upgrade diplomatic relations with Palestine? They were pretty keen on it last week

And Nanaia not taking sides …just telling them both to stop

09-10-2023, 09:14 AM
Wonder what is happening with Labour and it’s policy to upgrade diplomatic relations with Palestine? They were pretty keen on it last week

And Nanaia not taking sides …just telling them both to stop

Disgusting, repugnant and totally immoral - Hamas massacring civilians and taking civilians as hostages.

Nothing surprising though about Mahuta & her ilk keeping quiet about the massacre - this is the most divisive and racist government that NZ has ever had.


“New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta has failed to condemn the massive attack by Hamas militants on the state of Israel.”

09-10-2023, 10:29 AM
260 bodies retrieved from music festival so far - slaughtered by terrorists and where’s Mahuta’s condemnation?

Disgusting woman.


09-10-2023, 01:54 PM
Hamas is as much a terrorist organisation as was the IRA back in the day.
I am not condoning the killing or kidnapping of innocent people however they aren't the occupying force and each year Israel encroaches more Palestinian territory.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country and Israel regularly invades with tanks etc.
Modern Israel is a construct of the West to have a proxy presence in the Mid/East.
Netanyahu is a crook and warlord.

09-10-2023, 02:09 PM
Hamas is as much a terrorist organisation as was the IRA back in the day.
I am not condoning the killing or kidnapping of innocent people however they aren't the occupying force and each year Israel encroaches more Palestinian territory.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country and Israel regularly invades with tanks etc.
Modern Israel is a construct of the West to have a proxy presence in the Mid/East.
Netanyahu is a crook and warlord.

Of course you are condoning the slaughter of civilians.

Shows the scum that you are.

09-10-2023, 02:11 PM
Hamas is as much a terrorist organisation as was the IRA back in the day.
I am not condoning the killing or kidnapping of innocent people however they aren't the occupying force and each year Israel encroaches more Palestinian territory.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country and Israel regularly invades with tanks etc.
Modern Israel is a construct of the West to have a proxy presence in the Mid/East.
Netanyahu is a crook and warlord.
I blame Imperial Ancient Rome. They tried to enslave the Jewish people and ethnically cleanse their Judaea province in the first century CE after the Jewish “Intifada” against Imperial rule. The Nazis likewise did the same to the Jewish diaspora in European countries. So who could blame the imperative for Jewish people to go back to the ancestral home, and vehemently protect their homes. That is not to say that Palestinian homes should also not be respected.

Blue Skies
09-10-2023, 03:54 PM
Hamas is as much a terrorist organisation as was the IRA back in the day.
I am not condoning the killing or kidnapping of innocent people however they aren't the occupying force and each year Israel encroaches more Palestinian territory.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country and Israel regularly invades with tanks etc.
Modern Israel is a construct of the West to have a proxy presence in the Mid/East.
Netanyahu is a crook and warlord.

You don't have to look further than the brutality & savagery of the Zionist Militias 75 years ago tearing through Palestinian villages massacring an estimated 15,000 Palestinians including women & children & the elderly forcing 700,000 people to flee their homeland from the atrocities at the outset of Israel's creation.
Palestinians were tied to trees & burnt to death or lined up against a wall & machine gunned, women & children were stripped, lined up & shot, prisoners were treated with degrading brutality.

All these years the West has continued to look the other way, & ignored the human rights abuses, the apartheid state, the dispossession of their homeland, little wonder Palestinians feel so desperate & completely abandoned by the West.
To some extent the West must bear some responsibility for the continuing cycle of violence & counter violence & this current inexcusable atrocity by Hamas.

Tragically we are reaping what has been sown.


09-10-2023, 04:17 PM
So two wrongs make one right according to Scum #2, Blue Skies.

Go and rot in hell.


The disturbing tactics used by Hamas gunmen to kill hundreds of young people at a music festival in southern Israel have been revealed by a witness.

The bodies of 250 people were discovered at the site of the Supernova music festival by emergency response teams today.

Blue Skies
09-10-2023, 04:40 PM
So two wrongs make one right according to Scum #2, Blue Skies.

Go and rot in hell.


The disturbing tactics used by Hamas gunmen to kill hundreds of young people at a music festival in southern Israel have been revealed by a witness.

The bodies of 250 people were discovered at the site of the Supernova music festival by emergency response teams today.

No they do not, don't make things up, as I said it is inexcusable atrocity by Hamas.
Do you want a lasting peaceful solution or just escalate the violence to WW3

09-10-2023, 05:11 PM
Me too. Daresay we cancelled each other out. ��

Cancel maybe but probably not - I voted for the National candidate for the electorate (because he is a better choice) and Top for the party.

09-10-2023, 05:14 PM
Of course you are condoning the slaughter of civilians.

Shows the scum that you are.

You are all for China, they oppress minorities therefore you support the oppression of minorities.
As black and white as your view of things.

09-10-2023, 07:32 PM
You don't have to look further than the brutality & savagery of the Zionist Militias 75 years ago tearing through Palestinian villages massacring an estimated 15,000 Palestinians including women & children & the elderly forcing 700,000 people to flee their homeland from the atrocities at the outset of Israel's creation.
Palestinians were tied to trees & burnt to death or lined up against a wall & machine gunned, women & children were stripped, lined up & shot, prisoners were treated with degrading brutality.

All these years the West has continued to look the other way, & ignored the human rights abuses, the apartheid state, the dispossession of their homeland, little wonder Palestinians feel so desperate & completely abandoned by the West.
To some extent the West must bear some responsibility for the continuing cycle of violence & counter violence & this current inexcusable atrocity by Hamas.

Tragically we are reaping what has been sown.


Anyone read the inexcusable atrocity by Hamas (he claimed he wrote) in Blue Skies’ post?

You really are scum, Blue Skies.

09-10-2023, 08:12 PM
Israel getting some of what they are due

09-10-2023, 08:13 PM
Anyone read the inexcusable atrocity by Hamas (he claimed he wrote) in Blue Skies’ post?

You really are scum, Blue Skies.

Read 13584 again.


09-10-2023, 08:13 PM
Balance, I see you support the genocidal ****heel's - no surprise there.

09-10-2023, 09:01 PM
Hypocrisy of Stuff in action.

Same as Labour’s hypocrisy - Labour has pushed for all signs to be in both Maori and English throughout the country, yet all their election billboards are only in English.


Readers will have noticed Stuff’s ludicrous practice whenever mentioning any actual or pretend maori, of listing the subject’s tribal ancestry in brackets after their name.

Two questions arise, both about consistency.

First, why does Stuff confine this nonsense to maoris? For example, if they mentioned me would they put in brackets after my name “Welsh-English”? If not, why not?

Second, virtually daily Stuff reports maori criminal court cases. Why do they not put the offender’s tribal affiliations in brackets in these cases.

The answer to both those questions is simply hypocrisy in line with their constant maori wonderfulness propaganda.

09-10-2023, 10:02 PM
Of course you are condoning the slaughter of civilians.

Shows the scum that you are. I agree with Penny Wong for Israel to act with restraint. If they don’t there were be many more dead people, including civilians. But unfortunately there are those who want to escalate the violence.

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has come under fire after she called for Israel to act with “restraint” in the face of an unprecedented attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas.
The Coalition says Israel have “every right” to defend itself, although the opposition’s foreign affairs spokesperson, Simon Birmingham, pleaded for “all parties” to work together to protect innocent lives and end the violence.
Australia’s peak national representative body of the Australian Jewish community say calls for de-escalation by “both sides” are “misconceived and only play into the hands of the terrorists”.

10-10-2023, 12:18 AM
Israel getting some of what they are due
Actually it is mostly the civilian residents in Israel and Gaza that have suffered and are suffering. How do children deserve this?

10-10-2023, 08:58 AM
Sins of the fathers...

Palestinian children have been on the receiving end for a long time.
What would you do?

10-10-2023, 11:13 AM
Hypocrisy of Stuff in action.

Same as Labour’s hypocrisy - Labour has pushed for all signs to be in both Maori and English throughout the country, yet all their election billboards are only in English.


Talked to my Labour Party insider about why Labour is not using bilingual words on their billboards.

He admitted that using Maori words followed by English has been one of the hot flash points for white middle class NZers and the last thing they want is anything which would highlight that policy.

So there you go - hypocrisy of the highest order.


11-10-2023, 07:40 AM
Labour resurgent in the latest poll.
It doesn't surprise me as I think many of the undecideds would be despondent Labour voters, who can't stomach voting for NACT

Luxon might be regretting his recent rhetoric re NZF.


11-10-2023, 07:52 AM
Labour resurgent in the latest poll.
It doesn't surprise me as I think many of the undecideds would be despondent Labour voters, who can't stomach voting for NACT

Luxon might be regretting his recent rhetoric re NZF.


TVNZ poll will be published tonight.

11-10-2023, 09:20 AM
Dame Jacinda says vote for what you believe in

Isn’t she a sweetie


11-10-2023, 09:32 AM
Dame Jacinda says vote for what you believe in

Isn’t she a sweetie

Child poverty is declining and you can trust chris hipkins. yea right.

11-10-2023, 09:52 AM
Dame Jacinda says vote for what you believe in

Isn’t she a sweetie






As if NZers need reminders of what she is.

11-10-2023, 05:10 PM
Child poverty is declining and you can trust chris hipkins. yea right.

It is declining!

11-10-2023, 06:12 PM
Oh no!

I've got to buy a new TV.

They put on that horrible gush woman Comrade Cinders.

My boot went straight through the screen!

11-10-2023, 09:57 PM
It is declining!

Must be if you dont look around for it and the Media are busy elsewhere :)

but then Dreams are free .. until Labour get really desperate and try taxing them too

11-10-2023, 09:58 PM
Oh no!

I've got to buy a new TV.

They put on that horrible gush woman Comrade Cinders.

My boot went straight through the screen!

I wondered what that bang & sound of someting shattering was ..

12-10-2023, 10:53 AM
How the Labour Party used the $55m Taxpayer funded COVID media fund to corrupt the media & pushed its racist & divisive hidden agenda:


Perhaps the biggest blow to the fund’s credibility was the publication of a report in March last year that expanded the criteria stated in the funding application documents. Titled the “Te Tiriti Framework for News Media”, it was commissioned by NZ on Air — at a cost of $33,350 (plus GST).

While NZ on Air advised that the “framework” was offered only as “guidance”, any media organisation hoping to tap into the fund’s millions would have been under no illusions about the stance they should take towards the Treaty.

Indeed, the report begins with a firm instruction: “Mass news media organisations need to consider, explore, build on and implement this framework in ways that show commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”

Examples of the “guidance” include:

“Māori have never ceded sovereignty to Britain or any other state.”
“…our society has a foundation of institutional racism.”
“For news media, it is not simply a matter of reporting ‘fairly’, but of constructively contributing to Te Tiriti relations and social justice.”
“Repeated references by the government to the English version [of the Treaty], in which Māori supposedly ceded sovereignty, have created systematic disinformation that protects the government’s assumption of sole parliamentary sovereignty.”

12-10-2023, 06:43 PM

Election 2023: Former Labour leader Dame Jacinda Ardern makes plea for Labour vote

The Chips must really be down for Bad Jelly the Witch who ran away, to suddenly appear in closing days ;)

“I just got off the phone to friends back home who were telling me just how close this election is turning out to be, which means your vote could be a deciding vote,” Ardern said.

“So if you believe in reducing child poverty not increasing it; if you believe in acting on climate change, not ignoring it; if you believe in strong health and education services then vote for Labour.

Let's roll out the said Disaster zones during the Leadership for those with short memories :)

Maybe feeding clouds of BS to the poor Yanks and keeping the head down might have been more sensible than
popping up to highlight Labour's failings before the run away fast and leaving mates in it floundering in the Sh!t .. and that's being kind ;)

You missed your Covid Disaster Zone with Chumspter advocating Leaping in the Air opening his Legs :)

12-10-2023, 06:51 PM
How are Labour able to get away with bare faced lies and misinformation in their TV and radio ads?

Are they flouting the time delay between complaints to the respective authorities, and the election being sooner?

I can't see how this is democratic or legal.

Also, how come the media are able to accuse Natact Nzf of playing race cards, when those parties are the one's pushing back against the entrenched racist policies of Lab Green Te Pati?

Something very smelly and rotten is happening.

12-10-2023, 06:56 PM
How are Labour able to get away with bare faced lies and misinformation in their TV and radio ads?

Are they floating the time delay between complaints to the respective authorities, and the election being sooner?

I can't see how this is democratic or legal.

Also, how come the media are able to accuse Natact Nzf of playing race cards, when those parties are the one's pushing back against the entrenched racist policies of Lab Green Te Pati?

Something very smelly and rotten is happening.

It always was going stink to high heaven

One look at the Labour Front bench and the Rants of the Activist splinter parties should have given what was likely :)

NZ'ers at large will be well aware of what they are and have seen from the various clueless misfits ..

A bad allergy to any one of the clueless causes should be clear indication of what any mix of the rest of the huddle coming through will likely bring .. and it wont be good

12-10-2023, 06:59 PM
Child poverty is declining and you can trust chris hipkins. yea right.

A communal chirp must have been sent out to Ardern up in the US to sing the same chorus :)

Things must be getting desperate and Chumpy heading towards a well deserved Labour dunking ..

12-10-2023, 07:25 PM
It always was going stink to high heaven

One look at the Labour Front bench and the Rants of the Activist splinter parties should have given what was likely :)

NZ'ers at large will be well aware of what they are and have seen from the various clueless misfits ..

I'm not so sure all of the voting public are well aware.

With 2 million Kiwis yet to vote, that is the reason Labour is advertising to influence them with Labour lies.


In my view this election is up in the air,and never under estimate the South Auckland factor, which may not be registering in polls.

12-10-2023, 07:59 PM
How are Labour able to get away with bare faced lies and misinformation in their TV and radio ads?

Are they flouting the time delay between complaints to the respective authorities, and the election being sooner?

I can't see how this is democratic or legal.

Also, how come the media are able to accuse Natact Nzf of playing race cards, when those parties are the one's pushing back against the entrenched racist policies of Lab Green Te Pati?

Something very smelly and rotten is happening.

I’ve been listening to radio a lot since returning from overseas a week ago. I’m shocked at many of the ads that Labour & CTU have been paying for. Barefaced lies. Quite incredible. Thank God Labour will be sent to the sidelines in a couple of days.

12-10-2023, 08:05 PM
I’ve been listening to radio a lot since returning from overseas a week ago. I’m shocked at many of the ads that Labour & CTU have been paying for. Barefaced lies. Quite incredible. Thank God Labour will be sent to the sidelines in a couple of days.

Chipkin's Moral Compass must be defective and broken, after what's been seen from Labour and Chipkin's brief time at the helm ;)

Labour and the Hanger-on factions are the ones who are campaigning on Dropping all Kiwi's in the shambles Labour have orchestrated, which is nothing short of a mess whipped up by Labour's own clueless incompetents - and they expect Kiwi's to want another term of it :)

Robbo will have the Debt dug out coming out in Europe with another term. The various new taxes, oncosts with very little hope on the horrizon with Labour will very soon morph into further COL Spikes on a similar parallel to South American economies. The Labour Green Mob couldn't manage a p!ss-up in a paper bag, let alone any sort of reasonable fiscal & economic management as they have demonstrated admirably well to date. without creating further disaster zones. This is what comes out having useless excuses for talent on the front bench before they inevitably fall over, get back stabbed or shoved out of the limelight..

Chipkin's past array of Govt portfolios and performance in those is a glowing example of why Chipkins is on a mission to either shortly get emptied out or deposed when the inner factions decide they have had enough of his poor performance.

The trojan horse hijackers if the cause survives will decide the extent or duration of how long he stays, bent over the barrel like a lightweight puppet ..

12-10-2023, 08:13 PM
Meanwhile, damning report on progress at Te Whatu Ora - failures on just about every front!

NZ is unquestionably the poorer and ever more wretched because of this incompetent racist & divisive Labour government.


12-10-2023, 08:24 PM
Meanwhile, damning report on progress at Te Whatu Ora - failures on just about every front!

NZ is unquestionably the poorer and ever more wretched because of this incompetent racist & divisive Labour government.


Much of that can be attributed to LITTLE as Health Minister and his meddling which took foreground
to anything positive or improvement being seen.. couldn't even look after paying Staff what they were

Labour were very loud in decrying Health Infrastructure needing work or replacement but have done very LITTLE in how long - 6 years of LITTLE more than Nothing from Labour ;)

Another Disaster Zone is Education and what a shambles that is - Chipkins own Portfolio for much of the time

Followed closely by Roading & Transport

Labour's answer to Roading & Transport:

Hit everyone with a further 12c a Litre in Tax - what will that do to inflation & COL ? ;)

No-one will forget the raving of no less than clueless Commo Nosey Parker announcing this.

How many excuses, followed by Labour puppets being sidelined, kicked out or shot out the back have we seen in these ? :)

Why are all these Disaster Zones coming to the fore only since the clueless CHIPKINS became Leader ? ;)

12-10-2023, 08:40 PM
Good to see Paula Bennett and David Cunlffe provide incisive worthwhile comment on tonight's leaders debate.

My own view is that these debates are just a spectacle, and are judged as a win to whoever shouts the other one down the most, as by Maiki Sherman, rather than who and which party is best suited to run the country for the next 3 years.

It's been that way for 30 years.

Bennett and Cunliffe rose above that.

12-10-2023, 08:45 PM
Good to see Paula Bennett and David Cunlffe provide incisive worthwhile comment on tonight's leaders debate.

My own view is that these debates are just a spectacle, and are judged as a win to whoever shouts the other one down the most, as by Maiki Sherman.

It's been that way for 30 years.

Bennett and Cunliffe rose above that.

Indeed.. but how many will have a gutsful of all the politicking nonsense and just switch channels or off
to do something else ? ;)

Have Labour started their South Auckland KFC Vote bribes drive yet or is that a Saturday Special
with Chippie supervising the event ? :)

12-10-2023, 08:49 PM
Indeed.. but how many will have a gutsful of all the politicking nonsense and just switch channels or off
to do something else ? ;)

Have Labour started their South Auckland KFC Vote bribes drive yet ot will that be a Saturday Special

with Chippie organising the event ? :)

No no, please don't put that idea in his head, although now you mention it, Butterbean Letele said something similar.

12-10-2023, 08:52 PM
No no, please don't put that idea in his head, although now you mention it, Butterbean Letele said something similar.

That’s what they do every election. Nothing new.

And effective at bringing out the parasites, beneficiaries and losers.

12-10-2023, 08:54 PM
No no, please don't put that idea in his head, although now you mention it, Butterbean Letele said something similar.

Crisp burned stale Sausage Rolls must be off the menu for the masses ? .. they might not know what they are anyway ;)

Probably too expensive now with the way Labour have kicked the COL and all other costs sky high in just a mere 6 years of Labour's incompetent fiscal management ..

12-10-2023, 09:01 PM
Former National Party deputy leader Paula Bennett, who appeared on the TVNZ panel after the debate, said Hipkins referring to Uffindell's bed leg incident was a “low moment” for Hipkins.

“It was vile and quite despicable,” Bennett said.

There you have it -- Hipkins was vile and quite despicable ;)

12-10-2023, 09:05 PM
Hipkins is calling on everyone to show up and vote.

Good Advice .. Seen 6 years of HIPKINS and clueless mates in action or rather inaction :)

The Answer must be to vote for someone else to get rid of this clueless Labour Mob ..

All Kiwi's deserve far better than what they have seen & will see from Labour..

12-10-2023, 09:22 PM

Oranga Tamariki’s $1000 KFC bill after roof stand-off incidents at Korowai Manaaki, Te Puna Wai o Tuhinapo

Oranga Tamariki has confirmed it spent over $1000 on KFC in the space of a week across two incidents involving young people on the roofs of youth facilities.

The figure, released under the Official Information Act, included $846 spent on McDonald’s and KFC after the 24 hours youths at Korowai Manaaki were camped out on the roof in early July this year.

The agency said young people involved in the roof-top incident, as well as Oranga Tamariki staff, police and other emergency personnel involved were provided with the takeaways.

A further $268.50 was spent the week prior when young people involved in a similar incident at Te Puna Wai o Tuhinapo were also provided with McDonald’s and KFC.

Labour's most effective prison disputes resolution - under Comrade Kelvin ;)

What a Joke .. perhaps our Prisons should be renamed Kelvin's Holiday Camps ? :)

12-10-2023, 09:58 PM
NEVER FORGET " The left is a lie !! "

Logen Ninefingers
12-10-2023, 11:11 PM
Hipkins is a pathetic human being.

13-10-2023, 01:39 PM
There you have it -- Hipkins was vile and quite despicable ;)

Well if you pick scum like Uffindell then you leave yourself open. It's was a very quick and sharp reply.

13-10-2023, 01:58 PM
Well if you pick scum like Uffindell then you leave yourself open. It's was a very quick and sharp reply.

The scum might be out on it's backside tomorrow.. whats left of it .. probably not before time either ;)

13-10-2023, 02:30 PM
Well if you pick scum like Uffindell then you leave yourself open. It's was a very quick and sharp reply.

Same sort of reply when he was defending Mahuta when she was being investigated for conflict of interest - the scumbag tried to drag Bill English’s family into disrepute. Racist & repugnant.

Then there’s Charlotte Bellis - Hipkins used confidential & false information to try & undermine her when she surfaced the MIQ mess.

Hipkins is a class A arsehole.

13-10-2023, 02:38 PM
Same sort of reply when he was defending Mahuta when she was being investigated for conflict of interest - the scumbag tried to drag Bill English’s family into disrepute. Racist & repugnant.

Then there’s Charlotte Bellis - Hipkins used confidential & false information to try & undermine her when she surfaced the MIQ mess.

Hipkins is a class A arsehole.
Not to mention the despicable Kiri Allen.

13-10-2023, 03:17 PM
There are rules about posting anything that is intended to influence how people vote from midnight before election day until 7 PM on election day. There has been discussion about this here on ST in the past and it was agreed to adhere to this rule, to show respect to the owner of the site. I suggest we do the same now.

13-10-2023, 03:42 PM
There are rules about posting anything that is intended to influence how people vote from midnight before election day until 7 PM on election day. There has been discussion about this here on ST in the past and it was agreed to adhere to this rule, to show respect to the owner of the site. I suggest we do the same now.

Best get this one out of the way now then, it takes till midnight to read

ALEX HOLLAND: Labour's Failures (bassettbrashandhide.com) (https://www.bassettbrashandhide.com/post/alex-holland-labour-s-failures?fbclid=IwAR0von5_pl7aUmqna_lcy_nqPJg6Fc7g ndak3sNRKocz4flwzeZRM3v5FRY)

13-10-2023, 03:58 PM
There are rules about posting anything that is intended to influence how people vote from midnight before election day until 7 PM on election day. There has been discussion about this here on ST in the past and it was agreed to adhere to this rule, to show respect to the owner of the site. I suggest we do the same now.

Cheers - worthwhile reminder.

BTW - it is a rule from the electoral commission - and if people don't follow, the commission does have some teeth ;) ;


Election day rules of the electorate commission:

You can’t influence voters
Don’t influence voters or tell them to vote or not vote for a candidate or party.

This rule applies to websites and social media
Don’t post anything to social media or a website on election day that could influence voters. Also make sure your profile pictures on social media don’t include anything that could influence voters.

You may only keep existing election material up on a website or social media if all the following apply.

You don’t update it on election day
It’s only available to people who choose to access it
The site isn’t advertised

13-10-2023, 04:05 PM
There are rules about posting anything that is intended to influence how people vote from midnight before election day until 7 PM on election day. There has been discussion about this here on ST in the past and it was agreed to adhere to this rule, to show respect to the owner of the site. I suggest we do the same now.

What a dumb rule as 1m have voted with all the carry ons taking place in the last 2 weeks.

13-10-2023, 07:21 PM
How are Labour able to get away with bare faced lies and misinformation in their TV and radio ads?

Are they flouting the time delay between complaints to the respective authorities, and the election being sooner?

I can't see how this is democratic or legal.

Also, how come the media are able to accuse Natact Nzf of playing race cards, when those parties are the one's pushing back against the entrenched racist policies of Lab Green Te Pati?

Something very smelly and rotten is happening.

I feel the Right side of politics have been too gentlemanly with their adverts and campaigns.

They have preached to the party loyal, rather than harvest the undecided.
Does any unbiased person really think they have got their message across?

Conversely the Labour and CTU ads look to be far more destructive, creating fear and doubt among the masses..

Tomorrow's result may not benefit those who have fought the cleanest fight!

Hipkins has managed to deflect any pertinent scrutiny and attack on the current governments abysmal performance.
Even more so, he has made the Right look like the bad guys, and they have been way too sportsmanlike to rip his testicles out.

Any defection from Labour's support base seems like it will go to the Greens who in my opinion are worse than Labour, which is of no benefit to the Right.

If anyone wants to change the Government, don't get false complacency from early polls, and think everyone else will do your dirty work for you tomorrow.


Not a good election to flirt with very minor parties, as you may get stuck with the status quo.

14-10-2023, 07:05 PM
It's going to be a big night.

Will that silly pakeha woman TV commentator from last election prattle on about TPM having 2 MP'S enter Parliament, while totally ignoring ACT going from 1 to 10 MP'S.

Was she biased, or just plain stupid?

14-10-2023, 08:28 PM
Core Blimey .. it's happening :)

Hope Stu Nash enjoys his new job ..

14-10-2023, 08:55 PM
Core Blimey .. it's happening :)

Hope Stu Nash enjoys his new job ..

It's looking like the mother of all clean outs. High ranking Labour ministers will be gone. Tinetti is 6 on the list and could be around the cut off point. Below her are Verrall, Jackson, Parker, Little, Andersen and McAnulty who are either list only or looking to lose their seats. Happy days and good riddance!

14-10-2023, 09:31 PM
It's looking like the mother of all clean outs. High ranking Labour ministers will be gone. Tinetti is 6 on the list and could be around the cut off point. Below her are Verrall, Jackson, Parker, Little, Andersen and McAnulty who are either list only or looking to lose their seats. Happy days and good riddance!

It looks that way .. Mt Albert may change away from Labour, Napier change, Hastings substantial swing away from Labour, West Coast change, Waikato seats Blue, Most of Auckland swung away from Labour Twyford on current count levels looks like gone, Robertson's Wgtn Central looks headed Green.

O'Connor & Ardern's successor performances in West Coast & Mt Albert may well win Party accolades for losing some of the Party's most prized & sacred seats.. that might in itself be yet another well deserved wake up call for Labour which has been struggling for relevance, prostituting itself to any going factions in the interest of staying in power .. and paying the price. All Kiwi's have seen what is going on and delivered up their verdicts on the results on the unholy shambles now evident in front of all..

Brave faces being seen from Wood & Robertson .. be interesting to see how many Labour List seats have their legs chopped out from under them on final tally.. there will be numerous casualties, unfortunately some of the architects of the destruction may undeservedly survive the great 2023 cull, when they should be gone..

If these hold Hipkin's Leadership must be under grave threat .. soon to become another Labour leadership ghost, like many before him. Fill-in Leaders tend to go that way coming into elections..

Peters may be in but likely to be target practice for being the enabler of Labour's run of destruction under Ardern on his past choice. No more lounging around during the day & only coming out 4 months of every term to show a bit of public face .. all up a bit of a waste of effort .. little that he promised is likely to see light of day :)

14-10-2023, 10:36 PM

Mahuta has conceded her seat ... beaten, gone


Hipkins has conceded

It's all over..

14-10-2023, 11:07 PM
At 45th on Labour's list, Michael Wood has been flushed out with the river of filth.

14-10-2023, 11:37 PM
At 45th on Labour's list, Michael Wood has been flushed out with the river of filth.

Labour has done so poorly in electorates that unfortunately the list cleanout won't go as deep as I hoped. Still some big names going.

15-10-2023, 12:10 AM
Last words from my Labour Party insider :

“Ardern is a quitter and she has destroyed the Labour party forever.”

15-10-2023, 12:37 AM
Last words from my Labour Party insider :

“Ardern is a quitter and she has destroyed the Labour party forever.”

I wish the media had called her and asked her to comment. This is her doing. Now we need to work together to rebuild NZ

15-10-2023, 01:55 AM
At 45th on Labour's list, Michael Wood has been flushed out with the river of filth.

Looks like Weka is likely to get flushed out as well .. nothing a bit of canoe jumping could have saved..

15-10-2023, 06:56 AM
Now we need to work together to rebuild NZ

If that is what you really want, you could usefully consider Luxon's victory speech. Conciliatory and statesmanlike. I sincerely hope he can deliver on at least some of his promises.

15-10-2023, 08:30 AM
Anyone know if Hippocritter's new partner is a Tony or a Toni?

15-10-2023, 08:54 AM
And there it is.

Anyone know if Hippocritter's new partner is a Tony or a Toni?

15-10-2023, 09:02 AM
It's a straight question.

15-10-2023, 09:08 AM
Could be a few Building and Cultural advisory empires going out of business around Waikato soon.

15-10-2023, 10:40 AM
Any comments on the thinking of those who voted in the Maori seats?

There has been a rejection of the Maori caucus and Labour in general

With no Act or few National candidates to support, unlike in general seats, was the swing to TPM more of a protest vote, rather than a true endorsement of TPM?

15-10-2023, 11:00 AM
Any comments on the thinking of those who voted in the Maori seats?

There has been a rejection of the Maori caucus and Labour in general

With no Act or few National candidates to support, unlike in general seats, was the swing to TPM more of a protest vote, rather than a true endorsement of TPM?

No. There has certainly been a rejection of Labour. How much that constitutes aspecific rejection of the 'Maori Caucus' is arguable, since despite the Right's vigorous attempt to dogwhistle the racist elements in NZ society, parties with policies friendly to Maori still got more than 45% of the votes cast.

I think that the success of TPM in the Maori seats is most likely to be an accurate reflection of the sentimnt of Maori voters.

15-10-2023, 11:06 AM
More from my Labour Party insider this morning :

They were told to expect a big shift in votes back to Labour because their internal polling was showing a big last week momentum. They were also told that the overseas votes would heavily favour Labour because Ardern is still hugely popular with them.

Imagine the shock at how badly Labour did last night and was so roundly rejected by over 73% of NZers.

There’s real angst and bitterness in their comments that Ardern was all for herself at the expense of Labour & NZ. They cited quite a few examples where recommendations were made to stem the rise of crime and racial divisiveness but she was not interested as they would interfere with her credentials with the UN and ‘international’ perceptions of NZ (as in Ardern).

So there you have it - a quitter who saw the writing on the wall and bailed before her image would be damaged by revelations coming out with the huge election loss.

15-10-2023, 11:09 AM
No. There has certainly been a rejection of Labour. How much that constitutes aspecific rejection of the 'Maori Caucus' is arguable, since despite the Right's vigorous attempt to dogwhistle the racist elements in NZ society, parties with policies friendly to Maori still got more than 45% of the votes cast.

I think that the success of TPM in the Maori seats is most likely to be an accurate reflection of the sentimnt of Maori voters.

Thanks for the reply.

It would appear there were 2 pendulums swinging in this election then.

One to the right in general seats, and one furtherto the left in Maori seats?

15-10-2023, 11:11 AM
More from my Labour Party insider this morning :

They were told to expect a big shift in votes back to Labour because their internal polling was showing a big last week momentum. They were also told that the overseas votes would heavily favour Labour because Ardern is still hugely popular with them.

Imagine the shock at how badly Labour did last night and was so roundly rejected by over 73% of NZers.

There’s real angst and bitterness in their comments that Ardern was all for herself at the expense of Labour & NZ. They cited quite a few examples where recommendations were made to stem the rise of crime and racial divisiveness but she was not interested as they would interfere with her credentials with the UN and ‘international’ perceptions of NZ (as in Ardern).

So there you have it - a quitter who saw the writing on the wall and bailed before her image would be damaged by revelations coming out with the huge election loss.
What's the odds on that story popping up in the Harvard news letter.

15-10-2023, 11:12 AM
More from my Labour Party insider this morning :

They were told to expect a big shift in votes back to Labour because their internal polling was showing a big last week momentum. They were also told that the overseas votes would heavily favour Labour because Ardern is still hugely popular with them.

Imagine the shock at how badly Labour did last night and was so roundly rejected by over 73% of NZers.

There’s real angst and bitterness in their comments that Ardern was all for herself at the expense of Labour & NZ. They cited quite a few examples where recommendations were made to stem the rise of crime and racial divisiveness but she was not interested as they would interfere with her credentials with the UN and ‘international’ perceptions of NZ (as in Ardern).

So there you have it - a quitter who saw the writing on the wall and bailed before her image would be damaged by revelations coming out with the huge election loss.

Based on comments I have seen in a social media group of Kiwis living overseas, started during COVID, Labour is dreaming if they are holding out hope that Jacinda is popular with Kiwis overseas. I am expecting the overseas votes to be a lot less favourable to Labour (and The Greens) than in past elections.
The state of the Labour Party is a direct result of Jacinda's policies and will be her legacy. A party in tatters that will take years to rebuild.

15-10-2023, 11:14 AM
Marae, TV 1 has revealed via Peeni Henare, the next leader of the Labour party will be Maori.

Will Willie Jack have a crack?

15-10-2023, 11:19 AM
Marae, TV 1 has revealed via Peeni Henare, the next leader of the Labour party will be Maori.

Will Willie Jack have a crack?
That would be the end of the labour party, at least as we know it.

15-10-2023, 11:21 AM
Marae, TV 1 has revealed via Peeni Henare, the next leader of the Labour party will be Maori.

Will Willie Jack have a crack?

Let’s hope so.

Will well & truly shift what’s left of the white middle class votes to National & ACT.

The infighting in Labour has already started.

Hipkins is on his way out. Robertson will quit within 12 months (after he has knifed Hipkins) and join Ardern in an offshore posting.

15-10-2023, 11:27 AM
That would be the end of the labour party, at least as we know it.

I'm not so sure.

Willie is a bombastic battle hardened bloke who would be very effective as a leader of the opposition

He's also capable of dovetailing in with TPM.

Whether he would be seen as yesterday's man to the woke Labour mob remains to be seen,
but looking through their party list, they don't have many choices.

15-10-2023, 11:38 AM
Expect Hipkins to resign.

Either that or he will be knifed.


It has lost a vast swathe of its 2020 intake, along with some key future leaders. Perhaps they have lost a generation of leaders.

The party looks set to gain only a few new MPs. On top of that, insiders expect that many of the old hands who led Labour through the last period in opposition and in government will retire, leaving a leadership void.

15-10-2023, 11:40 AM
I'm not so sure.

Willie is a bombastic battle hardened bloke who would be very effective as a leader of the opposition

He's also capable of dovetailing in with TPM.

Whether he would be seen as yesterday's man to the woke Labour mob remains to be seen,
but looking through their party list, they don't have many choices.
They would never lead the country if he led Labour.

15-10-2023, 11:47 AM
They would never lead the country if he led Labour.

Maybe so but he could be the caretaker for 3 years.

He always exercised his right of reply when l threw him out of the Cannons Creek pub in the good old days.

15-10-2023, 11:55 AM
I think we could see Barbara Edmonds climbing the ranks in labour out of this result

15-10-2023, 12:11 PM
Silence of the Lambs was a great movie starring Anthony Hopkins.

Silence of the Labour shills on ST since the election is another matter.

Are they too hung over from drowning their sorrows, or were they lambs to the slaughter?

15-10-2023, 02:44 PM
Going forwards will the Labour Maori Support continue, or will an exodus towards Te Pati continue ?

Obviously two things come out of Last night - movement from Labour to Greens, and to a degree
Te Pati picking up further jumping from Labour support base.

If this continues, Labour could be back to telling real shadow of it's better times, many of the
dissastisfied factions having jumped..

One of the perils of Labour having been so dependent on misfits from other factions, is they can decide
at any time to jump clear and make their own way ..

2023 Results may be sparking many conversations about what happened to the mothership that
the cling-ons all regarded as safe sanctory and what lies ahead :)

15-10-2023, 02:50 PM

Election 2023: ‘Political bloodbath’ and the end of the Jacinda Ardern era - World reacts to National Party’s victory in New Zealand

Best pull the head down and stay invisible - Princess

When what really went on comes out, things could get real sticky and the Yanks mightn't like what they hear :)

No amount of Spinning Bulldust and 'Be Kinds' might help things ..

15-10-2023, 03:17 PM
Anyone know if Hippocritter's new partner is a Tony or a Toni?

Stuff are asking who Toni is too, by their spelling assuming female.
I see a tattooed Toni Boynton stood for Labour in Waiariki.

Could this be the target of Hippo's desire, or did he come out as he was going out?

15-10-2023, 03:21 PM
Hipkins when recently asked, what is a woman, was not too sure. Now NZ understands why. Is it Tony with a Y or an I. Skippy is not sure.

15-10-2023, 04:10 PM
Sore losers - that’s Labour for you.

6 years of squandering the goodwill and the opportunities to do good - and they thought they should still be the government!


15-10-2023, 04:26 PM
Any comments on the thinking of those who voted in the Maori seats?

There has been a rejection of the Maori caucus and Labour in general

With no Act or few National candidates to support, unlike in general seats, was the swing to TPM more of a protest vote, rather than a true endorsement of TPM? https://www.newsroom.co.nz/te-pati-maori-rolls-labour
Te Pāti co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said she was overwhelmed but not entirely surprised. She said in her travels around the country and her electorate she sensed there was a sense of frustration among Māori voters.
“I’m not really surprised given what Rawiri and I were hearing on the ground. People have had enough, and the fact that senior ministers are getting a run for their money shows how frustrated people are.

“We need transformation. We’re at the bottom of every cliff we don’t want to be at the bottom of. We know we’ve got solutions.”
She also said the vote reflected Māori voters looking for representatives who will stand up to the racism coming from parties on the right.
“They want someone who will stand up against the absolute bigotry and discrimination. I just think people have had enough of the hatred and negativity and no solutions coming forward.”

The result in the electorate seats for Te Pāti Māori surpasses their party vote, which could cause an overhang in parliament which could have a bearing on the calculations for coalition arrangements. If an overhang occurs it will mean Winston Peters and NZ First will be in opposition.

15-10-2023, 04:27 PM
Sore losers

"I'm going to get my tits out" from that article must have been Megan Woods.

Not since Matt MacCarten crawled out from under a hedge to appear on TV, has someone looked so disheveled on both TV1 & 3 this morning!

15-10-2023, 04:40 PM
It has lost a vast swathe of its 2020 intake, along with some key future leaders. Perhaps they have lost a generation of leaders.

They were always going to lose a big bunch of the 2020 intake given the huge, abnormal gains made then.

15-10-2023, 04:43 PM
There has been a rejection of the Maori caucus and Labour in general

I don't think that was it.
TPM won a lot of seats (maybe a rejection of the Maori caucus) but the party vote was overwhelmingly given to Labour.
Very strategic on their part really.

15-10-2023, 05:44 PM
Notable Holes in One being reported in the Media:


A skillfully executed Hole in One


Depth still unknown, but shortly to be revealed


A Leader's hole in one to eclipse all others, when it's apparent that the corpse will be pretty holey ;)

15-10-2023, 06:08 PM
550000 special votes yet to be counted.


There can't be that many people overseas on holiday or out of their electorate that didn't already register a special vote?

Since read someone say rellies been out of the country for 30 years can still vote.
We're too kind!

Seems a high number all the same

15-10-2023, 06:47 PM
Hurts including resentment, anger and frustration matter and they can drive people’s decisions. As we know losses hurt more than gains.
Roughly speaking, losses hurt about twice as much as gains make you feel good (Khaneman, 2011).


"People don't really think that New Zealand is doing better than the rest of the world because they are hurting," said local economist Brad Olsen.

Ghosts of long lockdown haunt Labour. Many Aucklanders still harbour resentment over that lengthy lockdown.

Commentators have occasionally argued over the past two years that Labour doesn't understand the depth of feeling that still remains in Auckland after that long, Delta lockdown in late 2021.
Those comments proved true on Saturday, as the party lost not just the provincial seats it had won in its record 2020 victory but also a number of solid red seats across Auckland.
While the headlines moved on to cost of living and the recession-that-wasn't, many Aucklanders still harbour resentment over that lengthy lockdown and used their votes to punish Labour. It was still the right public health move, but evidently the wrong political one.
But the scale of the loss and the nature of it were inexorably shaped by the Covid-19 response.

15-10-2023, 08:11 PM
Ardern, Hipkins and Labour destroyed businesses and livelihoods with their dumb Auckland lockdowns, and then with the wretchedly executed nonsensical post lockdown strategy to open up NZ.

Don’t have to look any further than immigration where their policy and strategy went from total migrants lockout to unsuccessful partial opening up to free for all.

Drunks at the economic and social wheels of NZ - exactly like what Kiri Allan did.

Aucklanders must never never forget what a naive, incompetent but arrogant know-it-all yet in truth, clueless government like Labour & Greens can do to a country.

15-10-2023, 08:20 PM
Aucklanders must never never forget what a naive, incompetent but arrogant know-it-all clueless government can do to a country.
Reminder incoming ...

15-10-2023, 08:31 PM
Reminder incoming ...

You forgot to post reminders on Ardern, Kiri Allan, Kelvin Davis, Andrew Little, Michael Woods for starters.

Loser dln - big big loser. And a bottom dwelling parasite.

16-10-2023, 09:29 AM
Sore losers - that’s Labour for you.

6 years of squandering the goodwill and the opportunities to do good - and they thought they should still be the government!


Quite sad post - and it tells us much more about yourself than about Labour.

Why would anybody expect Labour supporters to be upbeat? Why do you think they should feel differently to the National followers in 2017 and 2020?

Look - I guess what some people don't seem to get - its not the blue rugby team which did beat up the red one, but it is voters who choose to give this time some other group of politicians the opportunity to represent them. The people who voted last time 50% red didn't go away (some of them just voted blue this time and they well might change their mind again). So - lets hope that National and ACT demonstrate over the coming years that they deserve the privilege to lead the country - otherwise they will be gone next time same as Labour was thrown out this time.

Beating up the other side for being subdued because they have lost just tells us a lot about your character and certainly won't improve the voter goodwill for the National/ACT/NZF team.

Didn't you get Chris memo? Uniting and working together for everybody in the country is now on the agenda. Lets keep the National/ACT/NZF team honest - shall we? And keep your pity schadenfreude and harrassment of the competition for the next greyhound race - I heard they are going to abolish them, which is good news :).

16-10-2023, 09:46 AM

(in lieu of a rep vote because apparently you're over your quota ;))

Quite sad post - and it tells us much more about yourself than about Labour.

Why would anybody expect Labour supporters to be upbeat? Why do you think they should feel differently to the National followers in 2017 and 2020?

Look - I guess what some people don't seem to get - its not the blue rugby team which did beat up the red one, but it is voters who choose to give this time some other group of politicians the opportunity to represent them. The people who voted last time 50% red didn't go away (some of them just voted blue this time and they well might change their mind again). So - lets hope that National and ACT demonstrate over the coming years that they deserve the privilege to lead the country - otherwise they will be gone next time same as Labour was thrown out this time.

Beating up the other side for being subdued because they have lost just tells us a lot about your character and certainly won't improve the voter goodwill for the National/ACT/NZF team.

Didn't you get Chris memo? Uniting and working together for everybody in the country is now on the agenda. Lets keep the National/ACT/NZF team honest - shall we? And keep your pity schadenfreude and harrassment of the competition for the next greyhound race - I heard they are going to abolish them, which is good news :).

16-10-2023, 09:53 AM
Any comments on the thinking of those who voted in the Maori seats?

There has been a rejection of the Maori caucus and Labour in general

With no Act or few National candidates to support, unlike in general seats, was the swing to TPM more of a protest vote, rather than a true endorsement of TPM?

I guess what we have seen in this election is a move to the extremes - on both sides. Extreme right wing positions create extreme left wing positions. Just one of the laws of physics.

Extreme positions however are hardly useful for bringing the country forward, they just result in fruitless conflicts and lots of wasted tax payer funded work.

Lets hope that the incoming government ceases the opportunity to unite the people again and does not make the same mistake as the last government of abusing the powers the people gave them and dividing the people this way - otherwise we might have a deja vu come next election.

16-10-2023, 10:04 AM
I guess what we have seen in this election is a move to the extremes - on both sides. Extreme right wing positions create extreme left wing positions. Just one of the laws of physics.

Extreme positions however are hardly useful for bringing the country forward, they just result in fruitless conflicts and lots of wasted tax payer funded work.

Lets hope that the incoming govenment ceases the opportunity to unite the people again and does not make the same mistake as the last government of abusing the powers the people gave them and dividing the people this way - otherwise we might have a deja vu come next election.

What is extreme about the incoming government? We have had 3 years of extreme constitutional race based change from Labour from a hidden agenda they kept even from their previous coalition partner NZ First. Reversing the racist programme is not extreme. It is necessary.

16-10-2023, 10:29 AM
What is extreme about the incoming government? We have had 3 years of extreme constitutional race based change from Labour from a hidden agenda they kept even from their previous coalition partner NZ First. Reversing the racist programme is not extreme. It is necessary.

Well, lets see.

I am worried about ACT dismanteling the firearm register and reintroducing access to semiautomatic weapons.

Both moves are absolutely unnecessary and would only satisfy the small number of voters ACT bribed with its firearm policies. They are likely to increase instead of reducing the gun violence in NZ. They are extreme positions pushed for a quite dumb reason - and if we have the next mass shooting in NZ, than no doubt - ACT will have blood on their hands.

Extreme enough for you?

While I agree that the outgoing govenment wasted a lot of tax payer money, I am worried the incoming government will introduce austerity policies to fund their promises. Don't really see how they otherwise can fund their tax cut promises. This would be damaging to our economy - just look at how the tories destroyed the British economy. I'd call that extreme right - and extreme dumb.

While I agree with your assessment of Labours race based policies (as a minimum they did a terrible job of explaining them) ... there are two ways to roll these back. One can do that by uniting the people, or one can do that by alienating the loosers of the election and driving them further to the extremes. I hope for the first, but I fear for the second, which would not augur well for our common future.

And yes, while I hope that the positions and disdain spread by right wing trolls every day about this and other forums are hopefully not government policy - it makes one wonder how uniting a government can be which is as well dependent on the support of these trolls.

Enough extreme positions for you?

16-10-2023, 10:41 AM
Well, lets see.

I am worried about ACT dismanteling the firearm register and reintroducing access to semiautomatic weapons.

Both moves are absolutely unnecessary and would only satisfy the small number of voters ACT bribed with its firearm policies. They are likely to increase instead of reducing the gun violence in NZ. They are extreme positions pushed for a quite dumb reason - and if we have the next mass shooting in NZ, than no doubt - ACT will have blood on their hands.

Extreme enough for you?

While I agree that the outgoing govenment wasted a lot of tax payer money, I am worried the incoming government will introduce austerity policies to fund their promises. Don't really see how they otherwise can fund their tax cut promises. This would be damaging to our economy - just look at how the tories destroyed the British economy. I'd call that extreme right - and extreme dumb.

While I agree with your assessment of Labours race based policies (as a minimum they did a terrible job of explaining them) ... there are two ways to roll these back. One can do that by uniting the people, or one can do that by alienating the loosers of the election and driving them further to the extremes. I hope for the first, but I fear for the second, which would not augur well for our common future.

And yes, while I hope that the positions and disdain spread by right wing trolls every day about this and other forums are hopefully not government policy - it makes one wonder how uniting a government can be which is as well dependent on the support of these trolls.

Enough extreme positions for you?

All you can come up with is Act wanting to sort out the firearms mess? Is gun crime down? Are less guns in the hands of criminals? Firearm owners I know say the new system is a bureaucratic joke.

The racist extremists that Labour encouraged will not be appeased with anything less than race based control. That's Labour's fault. In particular the virtue signaling fool that is Ardern. Hipkins did what he could to rein it in, or at least appear to try. Notice the disappearance of Mahuta once he took over?

Fixing that is going to be painful for those racist perpetrators that were encouraged and enabled by Ardern. So be it. It has to be fixed.

16-10-2023, 11:03 AM
All you can come up with is Act wanting to sort out the firearms mess? Is gun crime down? Are less guns in the hands of criminals? Firearm owners I know say the new system is a bureaucratic joke.

The racist extremists that Labour encouraged will not be appeased with anything less than race based control. That's Labour's fault. In particular the virtue signaling fool that is Ardern. Hipkins did what he could to rein it in, or at least appear to try. Notice the disappearance of Mahuta once he took over?

Fixing that is going to be painful for those racist perpetrators that were encouraged and enabled by Ardern. So be it. It has to be fixed.

First Ardern sold her grandmother to NZ First to get into power in 2017.

Then, she sold NZ down the divisive and racist path to the Maori cabal to stay in power.

And instead of staying on to clean up the almighty messes she created on all fronts, she quit to preserve her image overseas.

She sold everyone except herself - that's the red *itch in action.


“Over the other side, Jacinda was ready to sell her grandmother - and she did.”

16-10-2023, 11:09 AM
All you can come up with is Act wanting to sort out the firearms mess? Is gun crime down? Are less guns in the hands of criminals? Firearm owners I know say the new system is a bureaucratic joke.

Well, you missed the austerity policies into which the new government will need to push us in order to deliver on their tax cut promises :);

But talking about the gun register - while I have no view on the way it has been implemented (and I am sure there are improvement options), I would not take the opinion of somebody who puts his right to own guns above the rights of other people to live as a factual description either.

Fact is that the country with the laxest firearm laws in the western world (the US) has an annual gun kill rate of 14.3 per 100000 people, while NZ has currently a annual gun kill rate of 1.3 per 100.000 (i.e. less than 1/10th of the US kill rate per capita);

If ACT is softening our gun laws in order to payback the gunlobby for electing them, then this inevitably will mean more dead Kiwis - killed to satisfy the desires of people who love the right to own their personal killing machines more than they love their and other peoples right to live.

If that's not extreme, than I don't know what is.

16-10-2023, 11:20 AM
Well, you missed the austerity policies into which the new government will need to push us in order to deliver on their tax cut promises :);

But talking about the gun register - while I have no view on the way it has been implemented (and I am sure there are improvement options), I would not take the opinion of somebody who puts his right to own guns above the rights of other people to live as a factual description either.

Fact is that the country with the laxest firearm laws in the western world (the US) has an annual gun kill rate of 14.3 per 100000 people, while NZ has currently a annual gun kill rate of 1.3 per 100.000 (i.e. less than 1/10th of the US kill rate per capita);

If ACT is softening our gun laws in order to payback the gunlobby for electing them, then this inevitably will mean more dead Kiwis - killed to satisfy the desires of people who love the right to own their personal killing machines more than they love their and other peoples right to live.

If that's not extreme, than I don't know what is.

Austerity when you are broke is hardly extreme right wing BP.

We are not the US. Gun crimes are overwhelmingly committed by people who ignore gun laws. No surprising really is it?

The Left have gone so far Left that anything mildly conservative is seen as extreme.

fungus pudding
16-10-2023, 11:29 AM
Well, lets see.

I am worried about ACT dismanteling the firearm register and reintroducing access to semiautomatic weapons.

Both moves are absolutely unnecessary and would only satisfy the small number of voters ACT bribed with its firearm policies. They are likely to increase instead of reducing the gun violence in NZ. They are extreme positions pushed for a quite dumb reason - and if we have the next mass shooting in NZ, than no doubt - ACT will have blood on their hands.

Extreme enough for you?

While I agree that the outgoing govenment wasted a lot of tax payer money, I am worried the incoming government will introduce austerity policies to fund their promises. Don't really see how they otherwise can fund their tax cut promises. This would be damaging to our economy - just look at how the tories destroyed the British economy. I'd call that extreme right - and extreme dumb.

While I agree with your assessment of Labours race based policies (as a minimum they did a terrible job of explaining them) ... there are two ways to roll these back. One can do that by uniting the people, or one can do that by alienating the loosers of the election and driving them further to the extremes. I hope for the first, but I fear for the second, which would not augur well for our common future.

And yes, while I hope that the positions and disdain spread by right wing trolls every day about this and other forums are hopefully not government policy - it makes one wonder how uniting a government can be which is as well dependent on the support of these trolls.

Enough extreme positions for you?


Does that look frightening?

16-10-2023, 11:38 AM
Well, you missed the austerity policies into which the new government will need to push us in order to deliver on their tax cut promises

If that's not extreme, than I don't know what is.

Cutting back on the 30% increase in civil servants is austerity?

Cutting back on the $1 billion a year fees bonanza to consultants and contractors is austerity?

Cutting back on wasteful spending is austerity?

Please give us more austerity!!!!

16-10-2023, 11:40 AM
Well, you missed the austerity policies into which the new government will need to push us in order to deliver on their tax cut promises :);

But talking about the gun register - while I have no view on the way it has been implemented (and I am sure there are improvement options), I would not take the opinion of somebody who puts his right to own guns above the rights of other people to live as a factual description either.

Fact is that the country with the laxest firearm laws in the western world (the US) has an annual gun kill rate of 14.3 per 100000 people, while NZ has currently a annual gun kill rate of 1.3 per 100.000 (i.e. less than 1/10th of the US kill rate per capita);

If ACT is softening our gun laws in order to payback the gunlobby for electing them, then this inevitably will mean more dead Kiwis - killed to satisfy the desires of people who love the right to own their personal killing machines more than they love their and other peoples right to live.

If that's not extreme, than I don't know what is.

You are sadly deluded. Firearms owners and firearms do not kill people. Criminals do.

The register is an abortion in its present state. I know my brother recently decided not to register his gun. He is (rightly) terrified about having his address details provided to gangs and others. The register will become a shopping center for crims. Yes they say the data is secure, but recent events over the last few years, show that govt data is anything but secure.

As for austerity. Give it a break. It is the previous lot (Labour) that created the current requirement.

16-10-2023, 11:41 AM
Austerity when you are broke is hardly extreme right wing BP.

We are not the US. Gun crimes are overwhelmingly committed by people who ignore gun laws. No surprising really is it?

The Left have gone so far Left that anything mildly conservative is seen as extreme.

Look - you sound like the corrupt and murderous NRA.

Here is another fact for you: Gun crimes are exclusively committed by people who have access to guns. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to fathom that one out, but for some reason gun lovers are not even able to understand the most basic principles of logic.

16-10-2023, 11:48 AM
Look - you sound like the corrupt and murderous NRA.

Here is another fact for you: Gun crimes are exclusively committed by people who have access to guns. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to fathom that one out, but for some reason gun lovers are not even able to understand the most basic principles of logic.

Well if the current gun laws are working well, we would have less gun crime wouldn't we? And stop labelling me with your BS BP. Throwing around words like "murderous and corrupt"! If you want to be taken seriously pull back on the hyperbole. Which is where we started isn't it? You calling the incoming government extreme Right.

16-10-2023, 01:25 PM
Ex Labour MP Kiri Allan launches consultancy business.

She should really get advice on how to properly set one up but sounds like Ardern & her good mate Willie Jackson have been advising her?


Excerpt : “A phone number listed on the site went to a voicemail introducing Allan as an MP.”

16-10-2023, 05:34 PM
Well if the current gun laws are working well, we would have less gun crime wouldn't we? And stop labelling me with your BS BP. Throwing around words like "murderous and corrupt"! If you want to be taken seriously pull back on the hyperbole. Which is where we started isn't it? You calling the incoming government extreme Right.

I used the label "murderous and corrupt" for the NRA (the North American Rifle Association). They are responsible for a huge number of killings every year in the US by making sure that everybody over there is able to get all the guns he needs to mow down any number of fellow citizens - and their corruption has been proven in front of various courts time and again. What exactly is wrong with this label?

16-10-2023, 05:53 PM
I used the label "murderous and corrupt" for the NRA (the North American Rifle Association). They are responsible for a huge number of killings every year in the US by making sure that everybody over there is able to get all the guns he needs to mow down any number of fellow citizens - and their corruption has been proven in front of various courts time and again. What exactly is wrong with this label?

You associated it with me. That's what's wrong with it.

16-10-2023, 06:10 PM
Chippy missing in action - in hiding for a second day.

Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away’ will find it impossible to do so with such a devastating loss. Not like what he was able to do with education, police and health messes he left behind.

Must be sensing the knives unsheathed amongst Labour’s MPs.

A vote needs to be taken by Labour within 3 months.

16-10-2023, 06:13 PM
You associated it with me. That's what's wrong with it.

I didn't. You clearly need to work at your reading and comprehension skills. Another victim of the NZ school system which has been run down hand in hand by both National and Labour ;) ?

16-10-2023, 06:17 PM
I didn't. You clearly need to work at your reading and comprehension skills. Another victim of the NZ school system which has been run down hand in hand by both National and Labour ;) ?

From post #13693 in which you replied to me

Look - you sound like the corrupt and murderous NRA.

I don't know where you went to school, but it's not me with the comprehension problem.

16-10-2023, 06:29 PM
From post #13693 in which you replied to me

Look - you sound like the corrupt and murderous NRA.

I don't know where you went to school, but it's not me with the comprehension problem.

Well, corrupt and murderous was clearly just a description of the NRA. There are many organisations with these three letters (e.g. the Northern Regional Alliance, to name only one other), and I wanted to make clear which of them I meant.

I did not say that you are corrupt and murderous. I just said you sound like this organisation, which by the way is as well corrupt and murderous.

Clear enough?

16-10-2023, 06:31 PM
Well, corrupt and murderous was clearly just a description of the NRA. There are many organisations with these three letters (e.g. the Northern Regional Alliance, to name only one other), and I wanted to make clear which of them I meant.

I did not say that you are corrupt and murderous. I just said you sound like this organisation, which by the way is as well corrupt and murderous.

Clear enough?

Keep digging BP.

16-10-2023, 06:50 PM
Puzzles me why you are trying to convince us of something that was clearly a description of the NRA, not you. It was very clear that BP was pointing out that what you had posted “sounded” like something the NRA would say.

I find it very telling that you took exception to his comments, but you are apparently fine with someone like Balance, whose personal attacks on people, are beyond disrespectful, nasty and accusatory. The double standards around here are unbelievable.

Keep digging BP.

16-10-2023, 07:01 PM
Puzzles me why you are trying to convince us of something that was clearly a description of the NRA, not you. It was very clear that BP was pointing out that what you had posted “sounded” like something the NRA would say.

I find it very telling that you took exception to his comments, but you are apparently fine with someone like Balance, whose personal attacks on people, are beyond disrespectful, nasty and accusatory. The double standards around here are unbelievable.

The truth hurt, does it not BP for you and your ilk?

16-10-2023, 07:06 PM
Puzzles me why you are trying to convince us of something that was clearly a description of the NRA, not you. It was very clear that BP was pointing out that what you had posted “sounded” like something the NRA would say.

I find it very telling that you took exception to his comments, but you are apparently fine with someone like Balance, whose personal attacks on people, are beyond disrespectful, nasty and accusatory. The double standards around here are unbelievable.

BP is being very sneaky, something I think he excels at. My interpretation and totally different to yours was that BP was implying that Jonu was like the NRA, because by saying "you sounds like" it could be inferred that BP is meaning Jonu has those characteristics. My interpretation could be wrong but from experience BP is clever in creating double meaning statements that border on the inflammatory.

I am not sure Jonu is fine with Balance at all. Maybe he is, maybe he is not, we don't know. It's just Balance has not attacked him personally and thus Jonu has not seen the need to respond and defend himself to Balance. No double standards to see as far as I can make out.

I don't agree with all of Balance's personal attacks (where they may be made) but I don't go calling them out. If he were to attack me personally, then I might.

16-10-2023, 07:09 PM
Puzzles me why you are trying to convince us of something that was clearly a description of the NRA, not you. It was very clear that BP was pointing out that what you had posted “sounded” like something the NRA would say.

I find it very telling that you took exception to his comments, but you are apparently fine with someone like Balance, whose personal attacks on people, are beyond disrespectful, nasty and accusatory. The double standards around here are unbelievable.

If I said to you that you sounded like a "murderous and corrupt" organisation I think I can safely presume you would find it offensive. If I then tried to disingenuously try and wheedle my way out of it I think I can safely presume you would think I was a prize ars*hole.

Why insert the words "murderous and corrupt" if he didn't mean to associate them with me? It was a lazy slur and I called him out on it. He doesn't like it. He gave me a new negative rep for exposing him with his other favourite slur "stupid" for good measure. He's a class act that BlackPeter.

16-10-2023, 07:12 PM
Karma will bite you in the bum eventually Balance. Some day, whoever is now running this place, will grow some balls and kick you to touch.

The truth hurt, does it not BP for you and your ilk?

16-10-2023, 07:21 PM
If the shoe fits, wear it. You guys are such hypocrites! You dish it out all the time, but you can’t take it when someone does it to you. The only reason you people dislike BP, and me, for that matter, is because we call you out on your own behaviour.

This place is beyond ridiculous. It is impossible to have a civil discussion about anything​ anymore. Just a total waste of time and energy.

Why insert the words "murderous and corrupt" if he didn't mean to associate them with me? It was a lazy slur and I called him out on it. He doesn't like it. He gave me a new negative rep for exposing him with his other favourite slur "stupid" for good measure. He's a class act that BlackPeter.

16-10-2023, 07:35 PM
If the shoe fits, wear it. You guys are such hypocrites! You dish it out all the time, but you can’t take it when someone does it to you. The only reason you people dislike BP, and me, for that matter, is because we call you out on your own behaviour.

This place is beyond ridiculous. It is impossible to have a civil discussion about anything​ anymore. Just a total waste of time and energy.

The shoe doesn't fit, but you defend him and his slurs all you like.

16-10-2023, 08:17 PM
Chippy missing in action - in hiding for a second day.

Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away’ will find it impossible to do so with such a devastating loss. Not like what he was able to do with education, police and health messes he left behind.

Must be sensing the knives unsheathed amongst Labour’s MPs.

A vote needs to be taken by Labour within 3 months.

According to some senior MPs, Hipkins did a great job!

So great that he crashed Labour’s votes and lost safe seats to National, Greens and the Maori Party.

What a great leader indeed!

Meanwhile, read David Parker’s comments as to what is going to happen:



16-10-2023, 08:54 PM
I think a special mention, and thanks be extended to Guarev Sharma.

I believe he was an important catalyst in alerting the wider public, not just those who follow politics, into the corruption and oppression within the Labour Government.

That new awareness helped contribute to the weekends election result.
By way of karma one of his oppressors, McAnulty has been tossed out of his seat.

Guarev, a man of integrity, all the best for your future.

16-10-2023, 09:04 PM
I think a special mention, and thanks be extended to Guarev Sharma.

I believe he was an important catalyst in alerting the wider public, not just those who follow politics, into the corruption and oppression within the Labour Government.

That new awareness helped contribute to the weekends election result.
By way of karma one of his oppressors, McAnulty has been tossed out of his seat.

Guarev, a man of integrity, all the best for your future.

Well said.

Karma indeed.

16-10-2023, 10:16 PM
Karma will bite you in the bum eventually Balance. Some day, whoever is now running this place, will grow some balls and kick you to touch.

You voted in Ardern, remember?

And you think it is clever to waste your vote on a party this election with zero chance of winning.

So please give us all a break from your deep thinking.


16-10-2023, 10:49 PM
Puzzles me why you are trying to convince us of something that was clearly a description of the NRA, not you. It was very clear that BP was pointing out that what you had posted “sounded” like something the NRA would say.

I find it very telling that you took exception to his comments, but you are apparently fine with someone like Balance, whose personal attacks on people, are beyond disrespectful, nasty and accusatory. The double standards around here are unbelievable.

JAK, with due respect, you took offence at comments from me a couple of days ago saying something about you and BP being pretty wrong about TOP.
But you don't see anything wrong with a poster comparing another posters comments to a "corrupt and murderous" association. Ummm.
I find that comment from BP very distasteful, as I do with some of the unnecessary personal attacks from Balance. I wish we could all keep the standard a bit higher

17-10-2023, 08:24 AM
My Labour insider said that Hipkins is a goner (he is damaged goods like Ardern) but they want an orderly transition to a new leader. So they are asking him to stay on in the meantime.

Problem for them is that Hipkins cannot see himself ever becoming PM again. The prospect of being Opposition leader after being in power is hardly enticing to the power hungry loser that he is.

So my insider speculates that he is most likely to quit & join Ardern (with his Toni) overseas.

Trying times ahead for Mr ‘Spray & Walk Away.”


17-10-2023, 09:17 AM
So were the tears for his family or for himself?

https://www.thepost.co.nz/media/images/9Tzi8ywRz924XE3uHaD6DZ3Ef+IdbOiYlvIROR5vlqUeRrexTo cZGobKRJ9od%2Fgnk3B%2FCeKTmTAsIjj6Q0YaYfu9aX3DzXet FC6LWNhLfY61rg43BDe%2Fx9vnvr75C4yHDo1ie8yUpzOKVadB EFvix7LNW9Um3EAoXeJ8Z1m%2FOd+snABpHq1pIzMo0mlU08ye IjQXW6jieUtZMj3S79Qpi8bGxRSfU%2F12KIH3O8ACDpu0cONQ 4DjXgtRvV0u+oQ9vD2gKFHkdzJFo96PIl0D0nw==/1240x700.jpg

Answer lies in whether he stays in NZ or go overseas.

Watch and observe.

17-10-2023, 09:41 AM
Ousted Labour MP Dan Rosewarne (whose he) life going to change big time

“The biggest thing for me was, you know, going into the Koru Lounge and then the red lights of doom go off because your Koru Club has been cancelled. All about moving from champagne to lemonade," Rosewarne said on Monday.

17-10-2023, 09:44 AM

JAK, with due respect, you took offence at comments from me a couple of days ago saying something about you and BP being pretty wrong about TOP.
But you don't see anything wrong with a poster comparing another posters comments to a "corrupt and murderous" association. Ummm.
I find that comment from BP very distasteful, as I do with some of the unnecessary personal attacks from Balance. I wish we could all keep the standard a bit higher

17-10-2023, 09:46 AM
Ousted Labour MP Dan Rosewarne (whose he) life going to change big time

“The biggest thing for me was, you know, going into the Koru Lounge and then the red lights of doom go off because your Koru Club has been cancelled. All about moving from champagne to lemonade," Rosewarne said on Monday.

They are all like that in Labour - career politicians who have never done a honest day's work.

17-10-2023, 10:06 AM
You voted in Ardern, remember?

And you think it is clever to waste your vote on a party this election with zero chance of winning.

So please give us all a break from your deep thinking.


... says the kindergarten bully of sharetrader. Quite funny.

Even Trump is compared to you just an innocent little baby if we look at all the trash and personal attacks you spill on a daily basis.

Get some sense of reality.

17-10-2023, 11:10 AM
... says the kindergarten bully of sharetrader. Quite funny.

Even Trump is compared to you just an innocent little baby if we look at all the trash and personal attacks you spill on a daily basis.

Get some sense of reality.

You are like an obedient well trained puppy dog, following the woke leftists, swallowing their vomit and one hopes that you have been enjoying the taste because that’s all you are going to get from them.

17-10-2023, 01:03 PM
Little has gone. Halbert back in on the list.

17-10-2023, 02:07 PM
Little has gone. Halbert back in on the list.

Good riddance to garbage.

Must be one of the most useless & incompetent human beings ever conceived in the history of NZ.

17-10-2023, 02:18 PM
Good riddance to garbage.

Must be one of the most useless & incompetent human beings ever conceived in the history of NZ.

Shaman Halbert gets another go as a result of this

Probably won’t please some

Bit of a bully they says that

17-10-2023, 03:52 PM
Ousted Labour MP Dan Rosewarne (whose he) life going to change big time

“The biggest thing for me was, you know, going into the Koru Lounge and then the red lights of doom go off because your Koru Club has been cancelled. All about moving from champagne to lemonade," Rosewarne said on Monday.

Trougher. That about sums it up really

Bill Smith
17-10-2023, 04:26 PM
Good riddance to garbage.

Must be one of the most useless & incompetent human beings ever conceived in the history of NZ.

MMP has one of the most useless & incompetent troughers replaced by that vile bully halbert, who was soundly and rightly scrubbed by the electorate on Saturday sneek in on the list. Great system eh! The people that know him best in the Northcote electorate confirm him as a useless bully and we have to put up with him for 3 more years.

17-10-2023, 04:33 PM
MMP has one of the most useless & incompetent troughers replaced by that vile bully halbert, who was soundly and rightly scrubbed by the electorate on Saturday sneek in on the list. Great system eh! The people that know him best in the Northcote electorate confirm him as a useless bully and we have to put up with him for 3 more years.

Same goes with the bully Kieran McAnulty those in the Wairarapa have to put up with. Scrubbed royally by the electorate, yet his smugness will still be saying he represents the Wairarapa.

17-10-2023, 05:17 PM
Another out of job is Anahila Kanongata'a-Suisuiki ….been list MP for 6 years

Punters are asking who was she.

17-10-2023, 05:58 PM
Another out of job is Anahila Kanongata'a-Suisuiki ….been list MP for 6 years

Punters are asking who was she.

Diversity for diversity’s sake.

As useless as Ardern so let’s just be grateful she has not been in any position to wreck more havoc on NZ.

17-10-2023, 06:11 PM
When Hippocritter wakes up from his nightmare of the last few days of the election, he will realise he was beaten by a bed leg...

17-10-2023, 06:26 PM
Same goes with the bully Kieran McAnulty those in the Wairarapa have to put up with. Scrubbed royally by the electorate, yet his smugness will still be saying he represents the Wairarapa.

One thing Bullydust McAnulty made very clear post election, was that he did not want to be leader of the opposition.

"who would want that job" he said.

17-10-2023, 06:38 PM
What kind of ****hole puts himself up for election on list only then resigns when his party gets its just rewards for (at least in part) his own incompetence.
Andrew Little should forfeit his parliamentary pension. Useless in everything he touched. An incompetent fool. As Justice Minister he wanted to introduce "guilty until proved innocent". That's right. Andrew Little thought it a good idea to reverse 1000 years of juris prudence until the law fraternity told him to pull his head in.

Maybe Cindy has a role for him at Harvard Law School to see if he can have another crack at screwing up the legal system.

17-10-2023, 07:07 PM
You are like an obedient well trained puppy dog, following the woke leftists, swallowing their vomit and one hopes that you have been enjoying the taste because that’s all you are going to get from them.

So speaks the parrot, obediently and continually repeating everything his mistress teaches him. Come out of your cage.


17-10-2023, 07:15 PM
So speaks the parrot, obediently and continually repeating everything his mistress teaches him. Come out of your cage.


The slimy Labour worm westerly just crawled out of the sewage pond. :t_up:

17-10-2023, 07:29 PM
What kind of ****hole puts himself up for election on list only then resigns when his party gets its just rewards for (at least in part) his own incompetence.
Andrew Little should forfeit his parliamentary pension. Useless in everything he touched. An incompetent fool. As Justice Minister he wanted to introduce "guilty until proved innocent". That's right. Andrew Little thought it a good idea to reverse 1000 years of juris prudence until the law fraternity told him to pull his head in.

Maybe Cindy has a role for him at Harvard Law School to see if he can have another crack at screwing up the legal system.

And believe it or not, the little man had this to say as he left with his tail tucked between his balls:

"I know it's a cliché, but being a minister is just an extraordinary privilege. I've had a lot of portfolios, I've enjoyed every single one of them," he said.

He sure enjoyed screwing up on every portfolio, that's for sure and NZers are the ones who suffered even as he pleasured himself.



"No health Crisis" Andrew Little

17-10-2023, 08:00 PM
Sore losers - that’s Labour for you.

6 years of squandering the goodwill and the opportunities to do good - and they thought they should still be the government!


So sore that Newshub reporter was told to 'fcuk off' by Damien O'Connor - what a charmer! :t_up::D


Hipkins was discussing with his team the party's future and his leadership. As these discussions took place, media have been allowed to wait in the corridors outside of the Labour caucus room.

However, when O'Connor left the room, he didn't appear too happy to see reporters.

"F*** off. I am just going to the toilet," he said when asked by Newshub if Hipkins was still the leader.

On his way back he said: "What are you doing here?"

17-10-2023, 08:12 PM
What kind of ****hole puts himself up for election on list only then resigns when his party gets its just rewards for (at least in part) his own incompetence.
Andrew Little should forfeit his parliamentary pension. Useless in everything he touched. An incompetent fool. As Justice Minister he wanted to introduce "guilty until proved innocent". That's right. Andrew Little thought it a good idea to reverse 1000 years of juris prudence until the law fraternity told him to pull his head in.

Maybe Cindy has a role for him at Harvard Law School to see if he can have another crack at screwing up the legal system.

I don't know much about all that, but I do know he has a very long track record of being involved in many serious screw ups, mismanagement, poor governance and down right despicable behaviours. Perhaps one of, if not the worst minister of parliament ever imo. He didn't see one single posting through to a successful positive outcome. Just made most things he touched much worse. Pike River anyone? Despicable, Labour and the public are far better off without him. Good riddance.

17-10-2023, 08:26 PM
One thing Bullydust McAnulty made very clear post election, was that he did not want to be leader of the opposition.

"who would want that job" he said.

Here's a mugshot of soon to be former Labour Leader's very shy "Toni" at the going away Party

Someone appears to have remembered what a 'Woman" is :)

Wonder how long she'll stay around after the dust settles ..


17-10-2023, 09:01 PM
I'm wondering what Hippocritter's motivation was in revealing Toni so publicly.

He has kept his ex wife's life private, which I and most NZers accept and respect.

Why then announce a Toni, which he must have known was gender ambiguous when said without adding a she, on the heels of talking about his children?
Fortunately the gender question was sorted within a day.
Did he intend announcing a new partner to be a slap in the face for his ex?

Why, instead of say doing a story in Woman's day, go from the extreme of keeping the ex private, to the Toni being announced to a very large TV audience simulcast?

Before anyone jumps on me to say let's respect Toni's privacy, l get that.

I'm not the one who announced her on TV.

17-10-2023, 09:07 PM
That’s Hipkins true to form - announced his wedding and shared photos with the media in 2020.

Kept his separation quiet until the Wellington rumour mills started in the beginning of the year. He then advised of it and urged the media to respect their privacy.

Now he announced Toni to the world. What happened to privacy?

Anyway, let’s wish Toni well with Mr Spray & Walk Away Hipkins.

18-10-2023, 09:14 AM
Expect more revelations in the next year of just how incompetent, deceitful, useless and inept the Labour government had been for the last 6 years.

A good example of what some of the Labour MPs were about :

“Regarding recent comments made by outgoing Labour list MP Dan Rosewarne about the loss of his Koru Club membership Hipkins said “going from a member of parliament to a member of the public can be a significant change.”

He said the process of losing a seat was brutal and that outgoing MPs deserved a bit of space, and he did not expect them to be perfect.”

Perfect? That kind of attitude to office is not even remotely imperfect - in fact, it is downright disgusting and reflective of the arrogance and selfish attitude of Labour itself.


"You might think I'm looking relaxed now because I felt a weight has been lifted off me at the same time," Tinetti, who failed to win Tauranga but might make it back into Parliament on the list ranking, said on Monday.

Those comments didn't go down well with AM co-host Laura Tupou.

"I don't know, it's such an important job... don't you want that job because you want to make a change? She's a former principal," she questioned.

AM newsreader Nicky Styris said it sounded like the job was a "burden" for Tinetti.

Logen Ninefingers
18-10-2023, 07:01 PM
The two muppets are getting fired up again, chomping on the angry pills. The guttersnipe troll continues with his pathetic 'reputation' attacks even though I couldn't give a hoot. Discussion of loser Hipkins' new partner is now apparently verboten, even though he is the one shoving 'her' into the public arena.
Anyway, imagine living every day of your life as perpetually angry as those two obviously are; their beloved TOP got smoked like a kipper in the election, turning them apoplectic with rage. Ralf Manji has the charisma and trustability factor of a lawyer turned used car salesman, and voters responded accordingly - as sensible and astute people had predicted. This has turned the perpetually sour dispositions of the terrible two into out and out pathological petulance.

18-10-2023, 07:16 PM
Nothing you have posted here is even remotely relevant to my comments on your blatantly transphobic post. This is just a feeble attempt at deflecting away from the actual subject. You posted a disrespectful comment about someone’s partner. Whose partner doesn’t matter. Would you make a comment like that about a buddy’s wife or girlfriend? Or about Luxon’s wife or partner? Your comment was out of line and I will not ignore it! For all you know there could be someone here at ST who is transgender, or who has a loved one who is. Do you idiots ever stop to think about that possibility, and it would make them feel? You are​ getting more and more like Balance by the day. You might want to take a good look in the mirror.

To be fair to Logen, I actually did not see anything transphobic in his comment. He was commenting on the photo and making a matter of fact statement. He was not implying that it was a negative thing, or positive. It read quite neutral.

20-10-2023, 11:18 AM
Food for thought: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/peter-dunne-look-back-for-lessons-labour-or-lose-the-left

20-10-2023, 12:25 PM
A Comment seen elsewhere:

I can't find another democracy that has race based parliamentary seats, race based seats on local councils, race based healthcare and race based sporting teams.

It is time for us to just be New Zealanders without the need to add anything at all about our ethnicity!

Not a bad comment either :)

20-10-2023, 12:30 PM
And then we see this:


Outrage over Māori lecturer who lined up New Zealand colonisation with Palestine - and what the university bosses had to say

Why hasn't he been sacked over this ? ;)

If this is the best that can be expected from University Talent which should know better, then a clean out of Wayward & Other Activist Talent in our Universities & Education sector seems well overdue ..

University of Canterbury should be ashamed having Lecturers onboard of such poor standard lecturing this sort of nonsense to their students

20-10-2023, 02:42 PM
And then we see this:


Outrage over Māori lecturer who lined up New Zealand colonisation with Palestine - and what the university bosses had to say

Why hasn't he been sacked over this ? ;)

If this is the best that can be expected from University Talent which should know better, then a clean out of Wayward & Other Activist Talent in our Universities & Education sector seems well overdue ..

University of Canterbury should be ashamed having Lecturers onboard of such poor standard lecturing this sort of nonsense to their students

That's just terrible - freedom of expression in NZ.
How dare they!
I gather that they should run everything by you first?

20-10-2023, 04:14 PM
That's just terrible - freedom of expression in NZ.
How dare they!
I gather that they should run everything by you first?

Hate speech & misinformation are freedom of expression?

Where was freedom of expression when the 7 Auckland University professors took issue with Maori ‘knowledge & wisdom’ to be taught as science and science is to be reformatted as an enabler of colonization?

Sooner that the new government takes charge and put paid to all that woke nonsense, the better for the future of education in NZ.


Kiss my arse.

Kiss my arse twice.


20-10-2023, 09:53 PM
That's just terrible - freedom of expression in NZ.
How dare they!
I gather that they should run everything by you first?

Thanks, but no thanks .. busy enough as it is .. without having to tidy up the Shambles that
Loser Chipkins has had finger in & left behind..

Well if they ran it past Labour/Green Govt .. or even by you - most can guess the likely answer ;)

It's a sad situation when our Education Institutions are shown up on not being able to determine
beneficial contributions to courses from that of loose cannon ass wipes who shouldn't be anywhere
near with their poorly researched., poorly presented incendiary & racist screechings likely to be
offensive if not harmful to some on the receiving end ;)

20-10-2023, 10:32 PM

Andrew Little on his exit, Labour’s chances of avoiding an implosion in Opposition, why it lost the election and his Jacinda Ardern handover

Hopeful, Optimistic ? ;)

Brave words .. Didn't someone praise him on keeping things together before they too Lost It ? ;)

Failed Former Leader, how many further failures followed across various Portfolios before the 2023 Bloodbath ?

Run away (aka Retire) from it appears now the answer ;)

Some might term things as only option to have to fall on one's own sword after 6 years asleep
under the chair, disconnected from what was going on and at the cliff face, far away from
Wellington after playing building Empires with all the expected warts and failures and still
failing to recognise the shortcomings ;)

Joe Public knew all too well what they wanted to empty out of power, including the useless
and deadwood Talent pieces hitching along for the ride ..

When does Mallard (The Beehive Garden Expert on Vandalisation) get recalled as Ambassador
to Ireland and get made to find a new day job ? ;)

Anyone forgotten about this Fellow - living a life of luxury out of the limelight in Europe -


21-10-2023, 07:39 PM
David Parker to make the first strike against Hipkins, as Robbo has decided to retire within his current term :

“This potential challenge is far more advanced than Labour is publicly letting on, with some in caucus thinking Parker is already doing the numbers ahead of Labour’s constitutionally-mandated confidence vote which must be held within three months of the election.

It has been suggested he has the backing of Phil Twyford, who on the current count may not even be an MP in the next Parliament (he is 30 votes behind in his Te Atatu electorate). Neither is talking about the speculation of their colleagues.”
