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21-10-2023, 09:59 PM
David Parker to make the first strike against Hipkins, as Robbo has decided to retire within his current term :

“This potential challenge is far more advanced than Labour is publicly letting on, with some in caucus thinking Parker is already doing the numbers ahead of Labour’s constitutionally-mandated confidence vote which must be held within three months of the election.

It has been suggested he has the backing of Phil Twyford, who on the current count may not even be an MP in the next Parliament (he is 30 votes behind in his Te Atatu electorate). Neither is talking about the speculation of their colleagues.”


What a wonderful candidate for selection ;)

Mr 12c a Litre on fuel would have sent cost of living and just about everything else through the ceiling
and it didn't ring any alarm bells in the space between Comrade Parker's ears ..

Mr Wealth Tax .. bound to inspirational in decimating many of the productive beans left in the Country
that Labour haven't already killed, stunted or scarred .. how many other hopeless possees has this
useless Critter pursued while Labour dug the trench ever the deeper delivering on Little ? ;)

Parker will likely be the final nail in the Labour coffin and will almost certainly guarantee they remain
a shadow of what was formerly .. stuck in opposition shadows for untold terms ahead going nowhere .. ;)

No other better clueless & useless bods floating around in the bottom of the depleted puddle of talent
that hasn't already been booted out, knifed, expelled, voted out or jumped for any variety of excuses ? ;)

Hopefully Labour make him leader yesterday ASAP .. based on his past record, infact give him a life
membership solely as Leader going ahead :)

No sense in trying to make the exiting Twyford new Leader when Comrade Parker seems so enthused
about showing all further tricks & spins along lines of the past failed & rejected Comrade's playbook
and then frequently putting his foot in it for good measure :)

Parker's love for catching the poisonous Leadership challice must be the greatest gift Labour could ever give to the new Government and to all the Splinter cling-ons riding along on Labour's coat tails, bound to become even more disillusioned on their future prospects, with Comrade destined to screw things up further with presumably in time the revised formats of clueless Communism & Socialism awaiting in the Cupboard ;)

22-10-2023, 01:15 AM
With the backing of Phil Twyford, how could you possibly go wrong!!

22-10-2023, 09:04 AM
With the backing of Phil Twyford, how could you possibly go wrong!!

Phil ‘Kiwibuild’ Twyford - he only survived because Ardern was no good.

We know how hopelessly useless & clueless Ardern was as a leader from the shenanigans of Kiri Allan, Michael Woods & Stuart Nash etc.

There’s also the gaslighting of Dr Sharma as unstable and unsound when he blew the whistle (truthfully as it has emerged) on the bullying in Labour caucus.

All pointing towards a fractious Labour Party until Hipkins is ousted as leader. And the caucus is starting to leak information to the media as the various factions try to gain advantage via the media.



fungus pudding
22-10-2023, 01:20 PM
David Parker to make the first strike against Hipkins, as Robbo has decided to retire within his current term :

“This potential challenge is far more advanced than Labour is publicly letting on, with some in caucus thinking Parker is already doing the numbers ahead of Labour’s constitutionally-mandated confidence vote which must be held within three months of the election.

It has been suggested he has the backing of Phil Twyford, who on the current count may not even be an MP in the next Parliament (he is 30 votes behind in his Te Atatu electorate). Neither is talking about the speculation of their colleagues.”


There is little point in posting paywalled articles.
Here's a bit of info.

Parker reminds me of the pathetic Wallace Rowling.

Bill Smith
22-10-2023, 02:07 PM
There is little point in posting paywalled articles.
Here's a bit of info.

Parker reminds me of the pathetic Wallace Rowling.

Rowling was promoted out of his depth. Parker is just plain vile and nasty. Ask Knox!

fungus pudding
22-10-2023, 02:16 PM
Rowling was promoted out of his depth. Parker is just plain vile and nasty. Ask Knox!

Parker presents as a squeaky little mouse - just like Rowling.

Not much point in asking Knox.


22-10-2023, 02:22 PM
Parker presents as a squeaky little mouse - just like Rowling. Who is Knox?




22-10-2023, 02:45 PM
Apart from the infamous five who couldn't do any more hard Labour before the election, Parker is best left on the roadside, as he has no cut through.

Big Caramello has counted herself out for full leadership on Newshub Nation.

Mahuta doesn't give a hoot.

Tamati has smelt his Coffey.

Peeni is going eeny meany miney moe.

McAnulty's electorate deemed him faulty.

Wood's lost his pecker, so it looks like a job for big Willie.

Wood did associate with the Filthy Few in government, but now he's out on his bike, he has no intention of becoming their leader.

22-10-2023, 03:30 PM
Good forbid .. fresh from a 6 year stint of digging deep trenches what survived of the Mighty Labour
Party still look like they're on course to keep getting their asses handed back to them going forwards
and no-one has what it takes to claim ownership of the top seat ;)

23-10-2023, 11:02 AM
A typical Labour blunder. From a Herald article today:

"NZ Upgrade

Labour unveiled the NZ Upgrade project in January 2020, when it was trailing National in the polls. The $12b scheme funded hospital and school upgrades, but the lion’s share of the funding (just under half) went to funding politically important roads.

Labour must now be regretting it. Not only did the Upgrade programme not matter a jot to the outcome of the 2020 election, but it soon became a victim of Covid-induced infrastructure cost inflation, and allegations Labour had badly mismanaged the projects.

By 2021, the cost of the roads in the scheme had nearly doubled, requiring the Government to axe some plans and tip in an additional $1.9b.

But just two years later, the projects are once again under pressure. Budget documents showed concerns about the funding of the projects, and another project warned that one road, the Ōtaki to North of Levin highway, which has already nearly doubled in cost since 2020, may need to be pared back considerably in order to be delivered within budget"

23-10-2023, 05:02 PM
A typical Labour blunder. From a Herald article today:

"NZ Upgrade

Labour unveiled the NZ Upgrade project in January 2020, when it was trailing National in the polls. The $12b scheme funded hospital and school upgrades, but the lion’s share of the funding (just under half) went to funding politically important roads.

Labour must now be regretting it. Not only did the Upgrade programme not matter a jot to the outcome of the 2020 election, but it soon became a victim of Covid-induced infrastructure cost inflation, and allegations Labour had badly mismanaged the projects.

By 2021, the cost of the roads in the scheme had nearly doubled, requiring the Government to axe some plans and tip in an additional $1.9b.

But just two years later, the projects are once again under pressure. Budget documents showed concerns about the funding of the projects, and another project warned that one road, the Ōtaki to North of Levin highway, which has already nearly doubled in cost since 2020, may need to be pared back considerably in order to be delivered within budget"

Absolutely - Labour was not better in looking after tax payers money than National and the Key government before them. I am sure, you remember the rotten hospitals and school bildings Labour had to deal with (as gift from Keys National government).

But there was more:

If you want to understand how National destroyed more than a Billion dollars in the GFC, than it is worthwhile to read "The Billion Dollar Bonfire" from Chris Lee. Interesting to learn how an absolutely clueless and out of their depth government drove SFC into bankruptcy and made sure that the only one making money from the malaisse was the liquidator. It was the Key government, which was responsible that the family silver (like e.g. SCL) form SCL was basically given away for free and the tax payer was covering the losses out of this idiocy.

No reason to point fingers from one political camp to the other. Both political camps contain roughly the same percentage of inepts and, thanks to our system of rocking the boat every three, six or nine years do they have both about roughly the same time in power to destroy tax payer funds and assets.

Expect over the next three (or how many) years a further deterioration of our infrastructure, of our health system and our education system. This is what politicians do who follow some ideology instead of common sense.

24-10-2023, 09:26 AM
And here is NZ Herald’s woke leftist journo making all kinds of excuses for Labour being booted out of government - everything except the fact that the last Labour government was an incompetent and clueless government of announcements and consultants.

And what’s to blame for Labour’s demise according to him? Donations! Never mentioned how the CTU spent millions of dollars actively campaigning against National
& despicably, against Luxon personally.

Simon Wilson thinks that letting prisoners loose by Kelvin Davis makes him an ‘innovative’ Corrections minister!

As for his assessment that Ginny Andersen was a good police minister for the 7 months she was in that role, all one can remember about her during that time :

Backtracking on her assertion that NZers were feeling safer because Labour added more police (she forgot that many were doing paperwork rather than front line duties)

Constantly referring to her dear leader as ‘Chippie’ until it became clear that was damaging Hipkins as someone with statesman like leadership.


It’s easy to point to the much-publicised failures of a few, but Labour’s senior ranks included many skilful politicians. Grant Robertson, Carmel Sepuloni, David Parker, Megan Woods, Andrew Little and Damien O’Connor formed a capable front bench.

Kelvin Davis went where almost every other politician has feared to tread, as a courageous and compassionate Minister of Corrections.

As for Ginny Anderson, for seven eventful months she displayed the makings of the best minister of police we’ve had in a very long time.

fungus pudding
24-10-2023, 09:30 AM
And here is NZ Herald’s woke leftist journo making all kinds of excuses for Labour being booted out of government - everything except the fact that the last Labour government was a government of announcements and consultants.

And what’s to blame for Labour’s demise according to him? Donations! Never mentioned how the CTU spent millions of dollars actively campaigning against Luxon personally.

As for his assessment that Ginny Andersen was a good police minister for the 7 months she was in that role, all one can remember about her during that time :

Backtracking on her assertion that NZers were feeling safer because Labour added more police (she forgot that many were doing paperwork rather than front line duties)

Constantly referring to her dear leader as ‘Chippie’ until it became clear that was damaging Hipkins as someone with statesman like leadership.


It’s easy to point to the much-publicised failures of a few, but Labour’s senior ranks included many skilful politicians. Grant Robertson, Carmel Sepuloni, David Parker, Megan Woods, Andrew Little and Damien O’Connor formed a capable front bench.

Kelvin Davis went where almost every other politician has feared to tread, as a courageous and compassionate Minister of Corrections.

As for Ginny Anderson, for seven eventful months she displayed the makings of the best minister of police we’ve had in a very long time.

I suggest if you want us to read articles that are paywalled, post the article rather than the link. I for one don't and won't pay to read the Herald, but will read the odd article if it's free.

24-10-2023, 10:06 AM
I suggest if you want us to read articles that are paywalled, post the article rather than the link. I for one don't and won't pay to read the Herald, but will read the odd article if it's free.

I don’t post just for you.

fungus pudding
24-10-2023, 10:26 AM
I don’t post just for you.

I realise that, but I would be surprised if the majority of this site's readers subscribe to the Herald. I can't see the point in posting stuff that most can't access - when you could just post the article, but please yourself. I was just trying to be helpful.

24-10-2023, 10:30 AM
I realise that, but I would be surprised if the majority of this site's readers subscribe to the Herald. I can't see the point in posting stuff that most can't access - when you could just post the article, but please yourself. I was just trying to be helpful.

Totally agree. Nothing more irritating than clicking on a link to find it is paywalled. Helpful would be to state "behind paywall" or something similar.

24-10-2023, 12:55 PM
Totally agree. Nothing more irritating than clicking on a link to find it is paywalled. Helpful would be to state "behind paywall" or something similar.

The big issues...

24-10-2023, 01:06 PM
The big issues...

Sure they are but easily mitigated.

24-10-2023, 01:24 PM
I suggest if you want us to read articles that are paywalled, post the article rather than the link. I for one don't and won't pay to read the Herald, but will read the odd article if it's free.

A few points to note:

1. I specifically wrote ‘paywalled’ so can’t help it if you still click and expect to read the article.

2. I know the editor personally and have asked him before about copying and pasting a whole article. It is breach of copyright to do so and therefore, they will take action if/when this is brought to their attention.

They are okay however with a written summation & some excerpts with the link to their paywalled articles. Kinda advert for them I guess in a way.

24-10-2023, 02:33 PM
I don’t post just for you.

We know that you post just for YOU.

Does not matter what I think.

24-10-2023, 03:39 PM
We know that you post just for YOU.

If only you receive 10% of the messages thanking me for my posts. :t_up:

Clueless Cindy is my one source of truth. I am so lost without her dedication to total transparency, honesty and undoubted leadership.

fungus pudding
24-10-2023, 04:19 PM
A few points to note:

1. I specifically wrote ‘paywalled’ so can’t help it if you still click and expect to read the article.

2. I know the editor personally and have asked him before about copying and pasting a whole article. It is breach of copyright to do so and therefore, they will take action if/when this is brought to their attention.

They are okay however with a written summation & some excerpts with the link to their paywalled articles. Kinda advert for them I guess in a way.

Well, I don't know him or her, but I'd bet my left testicle they wouldn't bother enforcing copywrite for posting on sharetrader.
Incidentally, a paywalled article has no more protection than the rest of the newspaper.

24-10-2023, 05:18 PM
Well, I don't know him or her, but I'd bet my left testicle they wouldn't bother enforcing copywrite for posting on sharetrader.
Incidentally, a paywalled article has no more protection than the rest of the newspaper.

Do it then and let’s see what ST & Vince think of your action. :t_up:

I will happily send you the full text of a paywalled article to let you test your testicles!

fungus pudding
24-10-2023, 05:49 PM
Do it then and let’s see what ST & Vince think of your action. :t_up:

I will happily send you the full text of a paywalled article to let you test your testicles!

Nothing wrong with either one.

24-10-2023, 06:26 PM
If you want to understand how National destroyed more than a Billion dollars in the GFC, than it is worthwhile to read "The Billion Dollar Bonfire" from Chris Lee. Interesting to learn how an absolutely clueless and out of their depth government drove SFC into bankruptcy and made sure that the only one making money from the malaisse was the liquidator. It was the Key government, which was responsible that the family silver (like e.g. SCL) form SCL was basically given away for free and the tax payer was covering the losses out of this idiocy.

Chris Lee? Zero credibility. Zero. Zilch. Big '0'.

The Chris Lee who had his own finance companies' rating system which he abandoned and deleted from all sites/records when one after another of the finance companies he rated went under?

The Chris Lee who held Allan Hubbard in the highest esteem and put numerous clients' monies into South Canterbury Finance?

I had a bit to do with assessing South Canterbury Finance in the day and I can tell you that Allan Hubbard was totally out of his depth and treated SCF's funds like he was Santa Claus.

Too many cases and examples of how he simply doled out the money with bugger all documentation and follow up.


Excerpt :

Hubbard, whose parsimonious lifestyle - he lived in a modest home and drove a decades-old car despite being worth $650m at his peak - was in failing health and his 80s when the collapse came, with problems exacerbated by a business style later described by a High Court justice as "less than orthodox" that relied on hand-written ledgers, handshakes and shuffling financial deckchairs.

Fisk said the standout feature of SCF, compared to other failed finance companies he administered, was "a lack of records".

"When we had to go searching for things when litigation was involved, that would be the main difference with the other finance companies: You couldn't find anything to support decision-making," he said.

Hubbard faced a raft of Serious Fraud Office charges over his private investment vehicles, but died in a car crash in 2011 while the SFO was probing SCF. Its owner and chief executive was considered to be a "person of interest".

Hubbard's boardroom colleagues were left to face the SFO music by themselves in a 2014 trial that became one of the country's longest running. The defence largely pinned blame, if there was any conceded, on their dead colleague.

24-10-2023, 06:30 PM
Nothing wrong with either one.

Good to know!

Best not to risk the left one then! :scared:

fungus pudding
24-10-2023, 08:11 PM
Chris Lee? Zero credibility. Zero. Zilch. Big '0'.

The Chris Lee who had his own finance companies' rating system which he abandoned and deleted from all sites/records when one after another of the finance companies he rated went under?

The Chris Lee who held Allan Hubbard in the highest esteem and put numerous clients' monies into South Canterbury Finance?

I had a bit to do with assessing South Canterbury Finance in the day and I can tell you that Allan Hubbard was totally out of his depth and treated SCF's funds like he was Santa Claus.

Too many cases and examples of how he simply doled out the money with bugger all documentation and follow up.


Excerpt :

Hubbard, whose parsimonious lifestyle - he lived in a modest home and drove a decades-old car despite being worth $650m at his peak - was in failing health and his 80s when the collapse came, with problems exacerbated by a business style later described by a High Court justice as "less than orthodox" that relied on hand-written ledgers, handshakes and shuffling financial deckchairs.

Fisk said the standout feature of SCF, compared to other failed finance companies he administered, was "a lack of records".

"When we had to go searching for things when litigation was involved, that would be the main difference with the other finance companies: You couldn't find anything to support decision-making," he said.

Hubbard faced a raft of Serious Fraud Office charges over his private investment vehicles, but died in a car crash in 2011 while the SFO was probing SCF. Its owner and chief executive was considered to be a "person of interest".

Hubbard's boardroom colleagues were left to face the SFO music by themselves in a 2014 trial that became one of the country's longest running. The defence largely pinned blame, if there was any conceded, on their dead colleague.

Much better. (or as our army officer used to say - back in the days when we had compulsory military training at school "much more betterer")
Well done!

24-10-2023, 08:51 PM
Well, I don't know him or her, but I'd bet my left testicle they wouldn't bother enforcing copywrite for posting on sharetrader.
Incidentally, a paywalled article has no more protection than the rest of the newspaper.

Maybe you misspelt 'copyright' on purpose, to cover for your willingness for others to breach the terms of use for both NZME and Sharetrader, while defending that by saying neither have "no more protection"? All this because you don't like people posting paywalled links and are too miserly yourself to take up a paid subscription of your own.

25-10-2023, 09:02 AM
Well, I don't know him or her, but I'd bet my left testicle they wouldn't bother enforcing copywrite for posting on sharetrader.
Incidentally, a paywalled article has no more protection than the rest of the newspaper.

FP, Don't be so tight. If you want to read the articles, pay for it. And people wonder why independent journalism is suffering.

25-10-2023, 09:38 AM
A long hard road ahead for Labour to win back the working class who were previously staunch Labour voters, come hell or high water.

Pandering to Mahuta, Jackson & the Maori cabal has cost Labour dearly and no thanks to Ardern (spineless & clueless according to Chris Trotter), Labour has ended up losing both the Maori votes as well as the Working Class votes!


Excerpt :

"Neither Ardern, nor her successor, Chris Hipkins, had the intellectual or ideological sophistication to argue either For or Against the revolutionary ideas contained in the He Puapua Report. Nor did they possess the courage to follow Helen Clark’s example of political intransigence.

Labour made no case for co-governance because it couldn’t. For the previous 40 years it had put “all that Treaty stuff” into the too-hard, or the too-scary, basket. When the sovereignty hand grenade finally exploded, in the second term of the Sixth Labour Government, the best Labour could manage was to blame the resulting injury to the New Zealand body politic on the “racism” of the people whose votes it would need to go on governing.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t get them. Almost accidentally, Labour discovered what it would take to make the working-class stop voting for it. Not the Pasefika working-class, admittedly, but the “settler” working-class – made up of Pakeha New Zealanders and the children and grandchildren of immigrant workers. Making those citizens feel as though they had, somehow, to justify their right to participate in shaping their nation’s future: that was the crucial catalyst for electoral defection.

Like their European and American counterparts, the New Zealand working-class has completed its historical journey from Left to Right.

And it ain’t going back."



25-10-2023, 10:10 AM
A long hard road ahead for Labour to win back the working class who were previously staunch Labour voters, come hell or high water.

Pandering to Mahuta, Jackson & the Maori cabal has cost Labour dearly and no thanks to Ardern (spineless & clueless according to Chris Trotter), Labour has ended up losing both the Maori votes as well as the Working Class votes!


Excerpt :

"Neither Ardern, nor her successor, Chris Hipkins, had the intellectual or ideological sophistication to argue either For or Against the revolutionary ideas contained in the He Puapua Report. Nor did they possess the courage to follow Helen Clark’s example of political intransigence.

Labour made no case for co-governance because it couldn’t. For the previous 40 years it had put “all that Treaty stuff” into the too-hard, or the too-scary, basket. When the sovereignty hand grenade finally exploded, in the second term of the Sixth Labour Government, the best Labour could manage was to blame the resulting injury to the New Zealand body politic on the “racism” of the people whose votes it would need to go on governing.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t get them. Almost accidentally, Labour discovered what it would take to make the working-class stop voting for it. Not the Pasefika working-class, admittedly, but the “settler” working-class – made up of Pakeha New Zealanders and the children and grandchildren of immigrant workers. Making those citizens feel as though they had, somehow, to justify their right to participate in shaping their nation’s future: that was the crucial catalyst for electoral defection.

Like their European and American counterparts, the New Zealand working-class has completed its historical journey from Left to Right.

And it ain’t going back."


I am glad we have finally resolved this. Thanks Labour and in particular Jacinda for showing us the true nature of your plot. Was an easy decision for most Kiwis.

25-10-2023, 10:28 AM
Chris Lee? Zero credibility. Zero. Zilch. Big '0'.

The Chris Lee who had his own finance companies' rating system which he abandoned and deleted from all sites/records when one after another of the finance companies he rated went under?

The Chris Lee who held Allan Hubbard in the highest esteem and put numerous clients' monies into South Canterbury Finance?

I had a bit to do with assessing South Canterbury Finance in the day and I can tell you that Allan Hubbard was totally out of his depth and treated SCF's funds like he was Santa Claus.

Too many cases and examples of how he simply doled out the money with bugger all documentation and follow up.


Excerpt :

Hubbard, whose parsimonious lifestyle - he lived in a modest home and drove a decades-old car despite being worth $650m at his peak - was in failing health and his 80s when the collapse came, with problems exacerbated by a business style later described by a High Court justice as "less than orthodox" that relied on hand-written ledgers, handshakes and shuffling financial deckchairs.

Fisk said the standout feature of SCF, compared to other failed finance companies he administered, was "a lack of records".

"When we had to go searching for things when litigation was involved, that would be the main difference with the other finance companies: You couldn't find anything to support decision-making," he said.

Hubbard faced a raft of Serious Fraud Office charges over his private investment vehicles, but died in a car crash in 2011 while the SFO was probing SCF. Its owner and chief executive was considered to be a "person of interest".

Hubbard's boardroom colleagues were left to face the SFO music by themselves in a 2014 trial that became one of the country's longest running. The defence largely pinned blame, if there was any conceded, on their dead colleague.

As usual you are missing the point, but admittedly - you are very proficient and energetic in doing so:);

If you would have any clue what you are talking about, you would know that Chris was not supporting or covering up Alan Hubbards accounting practises. He just identified that the Key government contributed its fair share in bringing SCF into the situation they have been in, and afterwards when SCF was unable to pay its bills, it still did own a number of quite valuable items (like Scales). Instead of keeping these and selling them when the price was right, the Key government decided to firesell them for a song and get the tax payer to cover the losses.

Pretty inept for a government which is supposed to look after tax payers money.

Just read the book - it might enlighten you - assuming not everything is lost :) ;

fungus pudding
25-10-2023, 10:31 AM
Maybe you misspelt 'copyright' on purpose, to cover for your willingness for others to breach the terms of use for both NZME and Sharetrader, while defending that by saying neither have "no more protection"? All this because you don't like people posting paywalled links and are too miserly yourself to take up a paid subscription of your own.

I certainly did spell it purposely. It appeals to my sense of logic. Not common anymore - but not wrong.
Yes - I am too miserable to subscribe to any publication that I don't want to read - but not beyond occasionally reading a copy in my doctors' waiting room.

25-10-2023, 11:55 AM
As usual you are missing the point, but admittedly - you are very proficient and energetic in doing so:);

If you would have any clue what you are talking about, you would know that Chris was not supporting or covering up Alan Hubbards accounting practises. He just identified that the Key government contributed its fair share in bringing SCF into the situation they have been in, and afterwards when SCF was unable to pay its bills, it still did own a number of quite valuable items (like Scales). Instead of keeping these and selling them when the price was right, the Key government decided to firesell them for a song and get the tax payer to cover the losses.

Pretty inept for a government which is supposed to look after tax payers money.

Just read the book - it might enlighten you - assuming not everything is lost :) ;

I know exactly what Chris Lee was on about - writing the book 9 years after SCF collapsed in a whole heap with inadequate records, documentation and with loans/assets/investments all over the place.

Properties, investments and businesses dropped sharply in value after the GFC (NZX was down 45% at one stage and the NZ$ dropped 35%).

Chris Lee used the value of the assets realised then from the collapse of SCF and compared the increased values 9 years later!

Now since he is so smart, why did he not predict the rise and rise of the stockmarket and properties over the same period to 2019?

Better still, why did he put clients' monies into the finance companies when he could have recommended government bonds instead - think of how much the monies will be worth today!

Hindsight Charlie = Chris Lee.

Chris Lee fools the gullible into believing that SCF could be saved. It could not be as Alan Hubbard was using SCF's monies to invest recklessly in any number of companies and businesses which subsequently collapsed due to mismanagement and even, fraud.

25-10-2023, 02:23 PM
I know exactly what Chris Lee was on about - writing the book 9 years after SCF collapsed in a whole heap with inadequate records, documentation and with loans/assets/investments all over the place.

Properties, investments and businesses dropped sharply in value after the GFC (NZX was down 45% at one stage and the NZ$ dropped 35%).

Chris Lee used the value of the assets realised then from the collapse of SCF and compared the increased values 9 years later!

Now since he is so smart, why did he not predict the rise and rise of the stockmarket and properties over the same period to 2019?

Better still, why did he put clients' monies into the finance companies when he could have recommended government bonds instead - think of how much the monies will be worth today!

Hindsight Charlie = Chris Lee.

Chris Lee fools the gullible into believing that SCF could be saved. It could not be as Alan Hubbard was using SCF's monies to invest recklessly in any number of companies and businesses which subsequently collapsed due to mismanagement and even, fraud.

Look - we do know that you run a personal vendetta against Chris Lee. You are a hate stricken person with an agenda.

If you would have anything material against him, why don't you sort it out with him? But clearly you don't have the guts to approach him and you prefer to smear instead his name on an anonymus forum. How cowardly.

But this is a political thread, not your personal "smear the enemies of the unbalanced poster named balance"- thread.

My point was that the past National governments wasted (as the recent Labour government) billions of tax payer money. Clearly - neither you nor anybody else was so far able to debunk Chris book ... and this is the reason you don't deal with the problem, but you try to smear the messenger.

Do you have anything worthwhile to say - or can we expect more smears?

25-10-2023, 02:51 PM
I certainly did spell it purposely. It appeals to my sense of logic. Not common anymore - but not wrong.
Yes - I am too miserable to subscribe to any publication that I don't want to read - but not beyond occasionally reading a copy in my doctors' waiting room. Some publications allow purchase of the individual article without a sub.

I would like spellings like copyrite and drivethru. It is time to finish what Webster started.

25-10-2023, 03:47 PM
Look - we do know that you run a personal vendetta against Chris Lee. You are a hate stricken person with an agenda.

If you would have anything material against him, why don't you sort it out with him? But clearly you don't have the guts to approach him and you prefer to smear instead his name on an anonymus forum. How cowardly.

But this is a political thread, not your personal "smear the enemies of the unbalanced poster named balance"- thread.

My point was that the past National governments wasted (as the recent Labour government) billions of tax payer money. Clearly - neither you nor anybody else was so far able to debunk Chris book ... and this is the reason you don't deal with the problem, but you try to smear the messenger.

Do you have anything worthwhile to say - or can we expect more smears?

Point towards anything I have written which is a smear on Chris Lee.

All factual :

He had a rating system for finance companies which he conveniently deleted and hastily erased off the face of the earth when the finance companies fell over.

He respected and was full of praise for Alan Hubbard (refer Provincial Finance) and put his clients’ monies into SCF.

He used hindsight to compare the values of SCF’s assets in 2010 vs 2019 to try & make a case that SCF should not be put into receivership/statutory management.

The government at the time made the decision to put SCF into statutory management at the advice of all & sundry given the shocking state of mismanagement at SCF and the systemic risks associated with an uncontrolled collapse. It was the right decision.

Again, BP, pray refer us to where the smear is vs the facts.

26-10-2023, 01:26 AM

NZ First leader Winston Peters claims former PM Jacinda Ardern never told him of Christchurch terrorist’s email in bizarre post

NZ First leader Winston Peters has claimed Dame Jacinda Ardern never informed him the Christchurch terrorist sent his chilling manifesto to the Prime Minister’s Office in an email just minutes before the March 15 attack - despite it being widely reported by news media at the time and addressed in a press conference the next day.

In an astonishing post on social media, Peters tonight called on Ardern to give evidence at the ongoing coronial inquest into the terror attack to explain what he alleged was her “lack of transparency to the New Zealand public”.

Peters’ claims come after a parliamentary staffer gave evidence at the inquest in Christchurch today and said that six minutes after soon-to-be mass murderer Brenton Tarrant sent an email to the Prime Minister’s Office, a call was made to 111 to report its “concerning” contents.

Peters, the deputy prime minister at the time, claimed this was the first occasion the public had learned the Prime Minister’s Office had received the email.

However, on March 16, 2019, just a day after the attack which killed 51 people, Ardern confirmed in a press conference - reported globally - that her office had received the information in a generic inbox for the prime minister.

“We waited until today to find out, for the first time, that the Prime Minister’s Office received information about the March 15 terrorist attack before the massacre took place,” Peters claimed in his post on X.

“Jacinda Ardern should be called to the hearing and asked to explain this appalling lack of transparency to the New Zealand public - let alone to the Deputy Prime Minister and government coalition partner.

Hope the winebox is firmly anchored to the ground - Winnie ;)

Make sure the prescriptions are up to date to mount box as well ..

Can never be too careful in as far as health & safety is concerned..

Never mind - JA might be preparing her head gear to rip into Palestine very soon to spread pink fluffies
if there is a gap in the program dazzling the Yanks who can be bothered around the States ;)

Might be a new experience for Hamas learning what a Dame is :)

What would have been more pertinent was the Police Response, if what has come out is anything to go by

and why her Dameliness hasn't dropped everything already to flit over to comfort the peaceloving folk of Palestine in their hours of greatest need .. in line with what was seen of her previously here ..

fungus pudding
26-10-2023, 09:47 AM
Some publications allow purchase of the individual article without a sub.

I would like spellings like copyrite and drivethru. It is time to finish what Webster started.

And I would like the spelling of women to become 'wimmin' in the hope that more people would learn how to pronounce it.

26-10-2023, 11:33 AM
And I would like the spelling of women to become 'wimmin' in the hope that more people would learn how to pronounce it.
The word spelt thus would be pronounced as “wumun” in Aotearoa maybe. Perhaps off-topic, although Labour is still the party of teachers?

26-10-2023, 12:03 PM
Grant Robertson going out in typical fashion wasting a large amount of taxpayer funds.


Is there no shame or control of spending in Wellington anymore?

We know Grant has no fear of borrowing and spending our money on useless sh*t.

I guess our MPs live in a different world to us.


26-10-2023, 12:10 PM
Grant Robertson going out in typical fashion wasting a large amount of taxpayer funds.


Is there no shame or control of spending in Wellington anymore?

We know Grant has no fear of borrowing and spending our money on useless sh*t.

I guess our MPs live in a different world to us.


You forgot to mention that the trip was endorsed by Luxon. As indicated before - looks like we are moving from the rain in the eaves. Luxon seems to be quite happy to waste our money as well.

Better should have voted for somebody with common sense instead of just rocking the boat from the left to the right ... ;) ;

26-10-2023, 06:06 PM
Nothing wrong with the current Minister of Sports ( whoever they are) to attend the RWC final to represent New Zealand.

Once in 4 years and the last time NZ was in the semi finals was 8 years ago.

Absolutely appropriate expenditure vs the hundreds of millions of dollars pxssed down the drain on consultants with bigger all benefit for NZers.

Sports can lift a country’s morale and mood like thing else (except a huge major oil find off Taranaki perhaps) so let’s lift our sights higher.

26-10-2023, 06:40 PM
Willie Jackson speaks of "race-based politics" fear from National.


Says the guy whose political career has been immersed in race-based politics. Go now Willie. The happy chappy facade wore out years ago. Go and join your mate John Tamihere and the financial cesspit of the Waipareira Trust and Te Pati Maori.

Why wasn't more heat put on Tamihere pre-election over the Te Pati Maori/Waipareira funding scandal? Couldn't be because of the $105 million media bribery from Cindy could it?

26-10-2023, 07:46 PM
Willie Jackson speaks of "race-based politics" fear from National.


Says the guy whose political career has been immersed in race-based politics. Go now Willie. The happy chappy facade wore out years ago. Go and join your mate John Tamihere and the financial cesspit of the Waipareira Trust and Te Pati Maori.

Why wasn't more heat put on Tamihere pre-election over the Te Pati Maori/Waipareira funding scandal? Couldn't be because of the $105 million media bribery from Cindy could it?

Excerpt : “But we have an immediate problem with people like David Seymour and what he’s up to and I’m not sure what Winston Peters has been up to over the past 24 hours,” he said.

We know what they are up to - negotiating with a reluctant play-safe National Party to roll back the racist policies Mahuta, the Maori cabal and you forced on a weak and clueless Ardern to implement.

Tragic & disgusting how a minority like you lot can create so much divisiveness and disharmony in NZ.

Recall how Ardern was not able to even recite the principles of the Treaty at her first Waitangi Day attendance? So easy after that to shove the ‘principles’ based upon one elitist Maori group’s interpretation down that stupid woman’s throat until she was gagging for more to stay in power.

26-10-2023, 07:59 PM
I still don't understand why it is we the 'white' decedents, 5th, 6th and even 7th generation decedents, are the racists, according to current Maori politics? I've never felt a racist bone in my body until recently when I've been called out to be (the collective) racist for not accepting policies that favour social services for one race in NZ, over the other races that are residents or citizens here.

Can anyone explain what's actually happening here, it seems pretty farked up and driven by a minority that despite their race based policies are somehow owning the narrative that anyone who is not of their race, is racist for objecting to their perceived entitlements.

Very confusing. Very not New Zealand.

26-10-2023, 08:12 PM
I still don't understand why it is we the 'white' decedents, 5th, 6th and even 7th generation decedents, are the racists, according to current Maori politics? I've never felt a racist bone in my body until recently when I've been called out to be (the collective) racist for not accepting policies that favour social services for one race in NZ, over the other races that are residents or citizens here.

Can anyone explain what's actually happening here, it seems pretty farked up and driven by a minority that despite their race based policies are somehow owning the narrative that anyone who is not of their race, is racist for objecting to their perceived entitlements.

Very confusing. Very not New Zealand.

$105 million to the media to enable the narrative was a part of it. Those funds carried demands to run issues close to Labour's heart. And the cynical dear leader of the time did it all with a toothy grin. How sweet she was. How sweet the fruits are at Harvard, mingling with the Clooneys and Trudeau.

26-10-2023, 08:27 PM
$105 million to the media to enable the narrative was a part of it. Those funds carried demands to run issues close to Labour's heart. And the cynical dear leader of the time did it all with a toothy grin. How sweet she was. How sweet the fruits are at Harvard, mingling with the Clooneys and Trudeau.

Exactly what happens when one group is able to hijack the narrative with $$$$ from taxpayers.

Ardern & her co-conspirators knew exactly what they were doing when they hijacked the msm using COVID as their cover.

Let’s be grateful that the majority of NZers saw through the hijacking and are now reclaiming the right to debate and discuss without being branded racists and worse.

26-10-2023, 10:49 PM
Better should have voted for somebody with common sense instead of just rocking the boat from the left to the right ... ;) ;

Do you mean to stop the pendulum in the middle, with a party that could only garner @ 2 % of the vote?

People wanted change, not inertia!

27-10-2023, 07:35 AM
Exactly what happens when one group is able to hijack the narrative with $$$$ from taxpayers.

Ardern & her co-conspirators knew exactly what they were doing when they hijacked the msm using COVID as their cover.

Let’s be grateful that the majority of NZers saw through the hijacking and are now reclaiming the right to debate and discuss without being branded racists and worse.

So true. We have had a truely miraculous escape from destruction.

27-10-2023, 07:49 AM
$105 million to the media to enable the narrative was a part of it. Those funds carried demands to run issues close to Labour's heart. And the cynical dear leader of the time did it all with a toothy grin. How sweet she was. How sweet the fruits are at Harvard, mingling with the Clooneys and Trudeau.

She was the most evil and vile leader we (NZ) have ever had. Under the toothy grin was/is a Marxist demon.

27-10-2023, 08:45 AM
Nothing wrong with the current Minister of Sports ( whoever they are) to attend the RWC final to represent New Zealand.

Once in 4 years and the last time NZ was in the semi finals was 8 years ago.

Absolutely appropriate expenditure vs the hundreds of millions of dollars pxssed down the drain on consultants with bigger all benefit for NZers.

Sports can lift a country’s morale and mood like thing else (except a huge major oil find off Taranaki perhaps) so let’s lift our sights higher.

Well, I don't know about you, but no matter how people feel about the game - It will make no difference at all to the game (or its outcome) whether Robertson is flying for top tax payer dollars to Europe to watch the game, or whether he watches it here at the tele (or not at all). Will make no difference in the result.

Just wasting tax payers money. That's what both Labour and National are about - clearly we moved from the rain into the eaves. Just swapping the colour of the troughers.

27-10-2023, 08:57 AM
Well, I don't know about you, but no matter how people feel about the game - It will make no difference at all to the game (or its outcome) whether Robertson is flying for top tax payer dollars to Europe to watch the game, or whether he watches it here at the tele (or not at all). Will make no difference in the result.

Just wasting tax payers money. That's what both Labour and National are about - clearly we moved from the rain into the eaves. Just swapping the colour of the troughers.

Guess that's why Presidents, Heads of State, Country Leaders and Ministers of Sports from all countries go to finals of major sporting events to represent their countries - to waste taxpayers' monies.

27-10-2023, 09:01 AM
Guess that's why Presidents, Heads of State, Country Leaders and Ministers of Sports from all countries go to finals of major sporting events to represent their countries - to waste taxpayers' monies.

They go for the popularity boost with voters.. bread and circuses.

27-10-2023, 10:40 AM
Well, I don't know about you, but no matter how people feel about the game - It will make no difference at all to the game (or its outcome) whether Robertson is flying for top tax payer dollars to Europe to watch the game, or whether he watches it here at the tele (or not at all). Will make no difference in the result.

Just wasting tax payers money. That's what both Labour and National are about - clearly we moved from the rain into the eaves. Just swapping the colour of the troughers.

Finally a post I can agree with BP on. Total waste of money and totally unnecessary for any politician to be there at the game.

You could make a tenable argument for an MFAT beauracrat (promote NZ etc) but even that is a stretch.

Waste of my and your money that Grant going. Could be better spent on homelessness or something else.

27-10-2023, 11:06 AM
Meanwhile, in cloud cuckoo Labourland, Hipkins is living on borrowed times :



27-10-2023, 11:18 AM
Finally a post I can agree with BP on. Total waste of money and totally unnecessary for any politician to be there at the game.

You could make a tenable argument for an MFAT beauracrat (promote NZ etc) but even that is a stretch.

Waste of my and your money that Grant going. Could be better spent on homelessness or something else.

I'm sure the Ireland Embassy is paying for Mallard to be there. He could've filled in for Robertson :-)

27-10-2023, 11:36 AM
And here's Hipkins' contribution to the culinary cuisine scene in Aotearoa - as befits his pathetic & minimal contribution to the greater good of NZ with the feeble mindset and pitifully low intellect of Mr "Spray & Walkaway' Chiipie :


27-10-2023, 12:40 PM
She was the most evil and vile leader we (NZ) have ever had. Under the toothy grin was/is a Marxist demon.

In two or three years she maybe will do a TED talk about misogyny.

Maybe posts like this can feature in it.

27-10-2023, 01:03 PM
In two or three years she maybe will do a TED talk about misogyny.

Maybe posts like this can feature in it.

Nothing to do with Misogony mate. Key was a ****er too as was Cunliffe etc. But Jacinda outshone him in that department.

28-10-2023, 09:23 AM
The ‘be kind’ & ‘criminals are also victims’ era of incompetence and uselessness of Ardern, Hipkins and Labour continues to deliver 'unintended consequences'.

Two of Labour’s restructured crown agencies, Kainga Ora (KO) & Oranga Tamariki (OT), in action.

The usual BS with KO placing anti-social, unruly and criminally inclined tenants in properties next to law abiding citizens - then, taking no action when the complaints flood in. Until it’s too late.

And TO, the agency Labour pledged to protect vulnerable children, failing to protect and prevent yet another child’s death in care.


“But it had been a “nightmare” since new tenants moved into the Kāinga Ora property in January.”

The property had renovations done before the couple moved in but was wrecked within weeks, he said.

The carpet had been ripped up, window framing broken, and the house lined with rubbish strewn everywhere.

“He had called the police about 15 times and Kāinga Ora about 30 times but nothing had been done.”

Poor toddler never stood a chance.



Ardern & Hipkins - Architects of "Unintended Consequences"


30-10-2023, 05:47 PM
Remember all the promises made about how the health reforms by Labour & Andrew Little were going to deliver huge benefits?

When they did not, remember how special task forces were going to get waiting lists down?

Well, not only nothing of substance has been delivered as per usual by Labour, Ardern, Hipkins and Little, things have gotten worse!


Excerpt :

"One in two New Zealanders needing heart surgery waited longer than the maximum time frame considered appropriate by their specialists.

The alarming situation is revealed in figures obtained by the Herald. At one major hospital, 77 patients out of 112 waited too long."


31-10-2023, 10:19 AM
No need to wonder any further why Little is quitting just like the mistress of Spin, Ardern.

He has presided over a deterioration of NZ's healthcare system while squandering billions of dollars on so-called healthcare reforms - adding on more bureaucrats and paying for ever more consultants but delivering bugger all to front line staff and to patients.

Plenty of revelations in the years ahead of just how incompetent and useless Little & the bureaucrats he employed have been. Imagine him in Parliament being questioned by the new government on how and why billions of dollars have been wasted by him?


"Cancer patients are struggling with uneven medical care as Te Whatu Ora edges towards setting up national clinical networks to tackle the public health postcode lottery.

" ..... competent local leaders who had been shorn of their previous authority, were having to wait for the big decisions on the slow centralised system.

"Cancer patients don't have that time to wait" for the national clinical network, said Vining, whose husband died of cancer.

The health reforms promised great things but "the pace at which it's moving is incredibly disappointing and leaving patients suffering", she said.


31-10-2023, 07:03 PM
Te Whatu Ora - Ardern/Hipkins/Little creation.

Creating nothing but worse outcomes for NZers.


The number of patients waiting more than the four-month benchmark to see a specialist has jumped 46 percent in the last year.

Te Whatu Ora's latest quarterly clinical performance data - released on Tuesday - shows there were 51,274 people in June who had been waiting longer than the benchmark, compared with 35,080 at the same time last year.

Preventable hospital admissions (known as "ambulatory sensitive" admissions) for babies and preschoolers shot up 35 percent, particularly in Auckland.

Pasifika children aged 0-4 were the worst affected, with their hospitalisation rate increasing 45 percent.

01-11-2023, 12:04 PM
Kainga Ora - yet another Ardern/Hipkins/Woods/Twyford/Labour government creation.

Creating nothing but distress for law abiding citizens with their 'no-eviction' policy and 'be kind to criminals as they are also victims' BS.


A Kāinga Ora tenant in Auckland whose family was threatened by a neighbour with a hammer says her complaints have fallen on deaf ears.

Despite receiving more than 8000 complaints in the past year, the state landlord only terminated seven tenancies in that period.

Kāinga Ora declined an interview with RNZ.

01-11-2023, 09:00 PM
The poor sods in the Mongrel Mob, those esteemed members of society, feel they will be hard done by National's proposed tougher stance on gangs and have hired a lawyer to defend their "human rights".

This excerpt from the Herald says it all about what sort of lawyer this woman is:

Tokoroa lawyer Arama Ngapo confirmed that she had been asked by the Mongrel Mob to investigate the legality of National’s election pledge.

“I can confirm that I have been asked for legal advice on that matter,” Ngapo told the Herald.

“If Mr [Prime Minister-elect Christopher] Luxon thinks the solution to gangs in Aotearoa/New Zealand is to ‘Thin Lizzy’ the problem away, he is ignoring over 100 years of colonisation and systemic racism which left Māori in a cycle of poverty that led to the creation of gangs,” she said.

02-11-2023, 10:34 AM
The poor sods in the Mongrel Mob, those esteemed members of society, feel they will be hard done by National's proposed tougher stance on gangs and have hired a lawyer to defend their "human rights".

This excerpt from the Herald says it all about what sort of lawyer this woman is:

Tokoroa lawyer Arama Ngapo confirmed that she had been asked by the Mongrel Mob to investigate the legality of National’s election pledge.

“I can confirm that I have been asked for legal advice on that matter,” Ngapo told the Herald.

“If Mr [Prime Minister-elect Christopher] Luxon thinks the solution to gangs in Aotearoa/New Zealand is to ‘Thin Lizzy’ the problem away, he is ignoring over 100 years of colonisation and systemic racism which left Māori in a cycle of poverty that led to the creation of gangs,” she said.

I see where you are coming from, and sure - if one sees the impact of the gangs, their open harrassment and power demonstrations and their attempts to subjugate ordinary citicens in order to be able to run their criminal businesses is it difficult to accept that there might be as well a different side to the story. But - it always is.

Its a bit like with Israel and Palestine ... while the murderous attack of Hamas was unexcusable ... there is a history of Israel suppressing and locking up three generatoins of Palestineans and stealing more and more Palestinian land against international law. Suppression causes resistance - and in such situations you can either end up with an outright war nobody will win, or both sides need to moderate their stance to defuse the situation and create a better future for everybody.

There is no doubt that Maoris have been cheated and suppressed in NZ for a numerous generations, and it was the dominating people creating a system which made it hard for them to succeed and that way pushing them into organising themselves in gangs.

I don't think that pointing fingers and empowering extremists on both sides will help. Maybe we should try a dialogue and defuse instead. Lets face it - suppression never worked in history - so, we can have an endless conflict, or we can try to create a better society where everybody feels part of.

Labour tried to solve this issue but forgot that there is not just a Maori view on these issues.
Always bad to ignore the other side.

Lets hope National has what it takes to start solving this problem by fostering dialogue and creating a balanced solution, but we clearly don't need a New Zealand Netanjahu. Just beating up the gangs won't work. Extremist views on both sides can only make matters worse.

02-11-2023, 10:44 AM
Oranga Tamiriki - yet another Ardern/Hipkins/Davis/Labour entity boosted with 35% more staff (4609 vs 3424 in 2017) and more diversity (ie. more Maori & Pacifica staff).

And what have they achieved?

More staff but more death of toddlers.

And who is the Minister of Children?


https://scontent.fakl1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/310531372_8383727538334198_8310425537228226498_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=__IQbTkj7F8AX-I3Xl_&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-3.fna&oh=00_AfCgPrQsvZSXpcOx0-8a9p2LE_aGuPJ9aw_3SvAcTxe8NQ&oe=65477D82


The chair of the Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency says Oranga Tamariki is not up to the job and fears more children under 3 will keep dying if issues are not addressed.

This comes after the uncle of slain toddler Ruthless-Empire revealed he had contacted Oranga Tamariki in December, asking for the child to be uplifted over significant concerns he had about the way he was treated, believing he was in “danger” as well as the “disgusting” conditions he was living in.


"The data shows that since Oranga Tamariki was created in April 2017, there have been at least 57 child homicides. Some of the victims died as a result of beatings, traumatic brain injuries, asphyxiation or stabbings.

Stuff understands this information was circulated with Oranga Tamariki’s partner agencies, including police and justice officials. However, the agency refused to publicly release it."

02-11-2023, 11:10 AM
She was the most evil and vile leader we (NZ) have ever had. Under the toothy grin was/is a Marxist demon.
From the “Marxist demon” aspect, Do you think she was worse than Clark or Muldoon?

02-11-2023, 11:21 AM
From the “Marxist demon” aspect, Do you think she was worse than Clark or Muldoon?

I do. A lot worse than Clark, and also worse than Muldoon. I actually thought Clark was ok in her initial term and then power got to her head.

03-11-2023, 08:11 AM
Oranga Tamiriki - yet another Ardern/Hipkins/Davis/Labour entity boosted with 35% more staff (4609 vs 3424 in 2017) and more diversity (ie. more Maori & Pacifica staff).

And what have they achieved?

More staff but more death of toddlers.

And who is the Minister of Children?


https://scontent.fakl1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/310531372_8383727538334198_8310425537228226498_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=__IQbTkj7F8AX-I3Xl_&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl1-3.fna&oh=00_AfCgPrQsvZSXpcOx0-8a9p2LE_aGuPJ9aw_3SvAcTxe8NQ&oe=65477D82


The chair of the Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency says Oranga Tamariki is not up to the job and fears more children under 3 will keep dying if issues are not addressed.

This comes after the uncle of slain toddler Ruthless-Empire revealed he had contacted Oranga Tamariki in December, asking for the child to be uplifted over significant concerns he had about the way he was treated, believing he was in “danger” as well as the “disgusting” conditions he was living in.


"The data shows that since Oranga Tamariki was created in April 2017, there have been at least 57 child homicides. Some of the victims died as a result of beatings, traumatic brain injuries, asphyxiation or stabbings.

Stuff understands this information was circulated with Oranga Tamariki’s partner agencies, including police and justice officials. However, the agency refused to publicly release it."

Kelvin Davis’s special contribution to children’s welfare - Oranga Tamiriki.

If I were a Maori, I would be very insulted that Maori words are being used for Labour government failures and disasters.

But then, if I were a Maori, I would not be dumb enough to vote for any of the incompetent Maori elites who have always been for themselves - never for the Maori people.


The Chief Ombudsman’s investigation into his death following repeated abuse by his caregiver Michaela Barriball found Oranga Tamariki failed to take the “bare minimum” of actions over safety concerns about Subecz.

“I can only describe Oranga Tamariki’s response as a litany of failures,” Boshier said.

https://thumbnailer.digitalnz.org/?resize=664%3E&src=https%3A%2F%2Fndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz%2FNLN ZStreamGate%2Fget%3Fdps_pid%3DIE60604677

03-11-2023, 07:22 PM
Now the loser Kelvin ‘Oranga Tamiriki toddlers deaths’ Davis wants to stay on as MP despite losing his seat and staring earlier he would resign and retire.

Man of principles and integrity he definitely is not.

But it’s ok - for the sake of NZ, it is excellent he stays so he will serve as a constant reminder why NZ must never allow Labour to govern again.

Very very very satisfying.

03-11-2023, 10:54 PM
Anyone done a tally up & List of the Labour Talent that survived being purged
by the Voter's wholesale clean out ?

Can't be a lot left from the previous Labour front bench after eliminating
the further bods who either got pushed or jumped ..

04-11-2023, 09:58 AM
Anyone done a tally up & List of the Labour Talent that survived being purged
by the Voter's wholesale clean out ?

Can't be a lot left from the previous Labour front bench after eliminating
the further bods who either got pushed or jumped ..

I started to, but then my waste disposal system broke down...

07-11-2023, 01:29 PM
The Chips aren't down or incinerated to a cinder yet it seems :)


Chris Hipkins has won a confidence vote of Labour Party MPs, and will continue as the party's leader.

Kelvin Davis has stood down as Labour Party deputy leader. Outgoing deputy prime minister Carmel Sepuloni will take over as Labour deputy leader.

'Everything is back on the table' - Hipkins

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has rejected the idea that his position on taxation lost the party votes.

He said tax policies were "back on the table", and the party would reconsider its position on issues such as a Capital Gains Tax (CGT), GST and other tax policies.

"We start with a blank page from here," he said.

"We clearly lost, and so now everything is back on the table... and that includes tax."

Labour campaigned to take GST off fruit and vegetable, but refused proposals of "wealth taxes", land taxes, and a capital gains tax - which the Green and Māori parties campaigned on.

Hipkins said every policy would be reconsidered in the three years ahead.

At the end of the day - Hipkin's Leadership & failures up to & including the Election
appear to been accepted like a large dead rat swallowed whole by the Comrades .. probably not
much option though .. not much other worthy talent still standing or wanting to pop it's head up ;)

07-11-2023, 01:46 PM
The Chips aren't down or incinerated to a cinder yet it seems :)


At the end of the day - Hipkin's Leadership & failures up to & including the Election
appear to been accepted like a large dead rat swallowed whole by the Comrades .. probably not
much option though .. not much other worthy talent still standing or wanting to pop it's head up ;)

To be fair - Hipkins clearly received a hospital pass when he took over from Adern. Not quite sure the nine months or so he was at the helm do allow a fair assessment of his leadership skills, and he well might be the best person to lead the Labour party back to more success.

I think we should wish him all the best. NZ does need a capable and good opposition, and given that neither Seymour nor Peters want to take this time the job as opposition leader - lets see how Hipkins is performing :) ;

07-11-2023, 01:47 PM
The Chips aren't down or incinerated to a cinder yet it seems :)


At the end of the day - Hipkin's Leadership & failures up to & including the Election
appear to been accepted like a large dead rat swallowed whole by the Comrades .. probably not
much option though .. not much other worthy talent still standing or wanting to pop it's head up ;)

Question of time before Hipkins or Parker goes.

A lot of blood letting to happen in the next 2 years.

A lot.

07-11-2023, 02:02 PM
Labour MPs arrive for confidence vote

We've asked Labour's MPs if they support Chris Hipkins staying on as Labour leader, as they prepare for a leadership confidence vote.

A number of MPs refused to give their opinion on whether Hipkins should stay on, although nobody spoke against him.

Hipkins plans to stay for entire term

Labour leader Chris Hipkins said he would stay as Labour leader for the entire term, with the plan to contest the next election.

must be tone deaf to the sound of the proverbial knife sharpening ;)

mind you the whole Labour circus was pretty tone deaf to Greater NZ out there just a few weeks or so ago.. so what survived the unholy wholesale upending would likely still be bissfully deaf on even callings to their own funerals ;)

07-11-2023, 04:50 PM
must be tone deaf to the sound of the proverbial knife sharpening ;)

mind you the whole Labour circus was pretty tone deaf to Greater NZ out there just a few weeks or so ago.. so what survived the unholy wholesale upending would likely still be bissfully deaf on even callings to their own funerals ;)

Labour is so much yesterdays news ...

much more fun to watch the circus around Winnie who is going to get David and Chris to pet him and dance for him.

07-11-2023, 11:40 PM
Labour is so much yesterdays news ...

much more fun to watch the circus around Winnie who is going to get David and Chris to pet him and dance for him.

Might be too late for this year's Saint Nicks if & when when it happens :)

the sound of another mob imploding & scrapping it out might be a far noisier affair ..

Crypto Crude
08-11-2023, 04:47 AM
Labour is so much yesterdays news ...

much more fun to watch the circus around Winnie who is going to get David and Chris to pet him and dance for him.

One needs not go to those lengths ... the clown show is right here on sharetrader and I'm looking right at it...
Now dance boy show us a magic trick..

08-11-2023, 06:09 AM
Labour is so much yesterdays news ...

much more fun to watch the circus around Winnie who is going to get David and Chris to pet him and dance for him.

Things were left so bad that we had no choice.. but to wait a month or possibly more, having dinners with each other then going on vacations in between.

08-11-2023, 08:20 AM
Labour to revisit tax policies including a CGT & Wealth tax. Hopefully they turn their hearing aids on this time around & realise the electorate is ready for a CGT & not a wealth tax.
They also need to give something back in return for the CGT take that will be generated.

08-11-2023, 12:00 PM
Labour to revisit tax policies including a CGT & Wealth tax. Hopefully they turn their hearing aids on this time around & realise the electorate is ready for a CGT not a wealth tax.
They also need to give something back in return for the CGT take that will be generated.

Plus snatch away the tax incentives for property investment that national is sure to put back in.

Stop the raid on kiwisaver funds for "bonds".

08-11-2023, 12:07 PM
Plus snatch away the tax incentives for property investment that national is sure to put back in.

Stop the raid on kiwisaver funds for "bonds".

I've got no problem with tax deductibility on interest on investment properties as long as they pay a CGT.

08-11-2023, 07:03 PM

Election 2023: Leaked internal Labour feedback from Mt Albert shows Chris Hipkins on 'chuck' list

Boom boom .. what's this leak about Chumpkins being on the Labour Chuck list ? ;)

Sausage rolls could have been that bad, surely :)

Mt Albert being on a wafer fine knife edge might have caused a chuck or two ..

must be some unhappy campers somewhere

How's the Recount going - Helen - enough to chuck it in ? :)

08-11-2023, 07:24 PM

Election 2023: Leaked internal Labour feedback from Mt Albert shows Chris Hipkins on 'chuck' list

Boom boom .. what's this leak about Chumpkins being on the Labour Chuck list ? ;)

Sausage rolls could have been that bad, surely :)

Mt Albert being on a wafer fine knife edge might have caused a chuck or two ..

must be some unhappy campers somewhere

How's the Recount going - Helen - enough to chuck it in ? :)

As I have posted before, Labour’s ground staff and supporters were a pretty unhappy lot leading into 2022. Ardern & her mob had become so arrogant and so full of BS that they did not want any genuine and honest feedback from their focus groups about what was happening negatively on the ground.

They were scolded that they were not selling Labour’s great achievements (ie.spin) and that was what the red *itch Ardern’s expectations of them. Relentlessly positive!

Well, the rest is history.

09-11-2023, 07:41 AM
The most open and transparent Government we have ever had. The Ombudsman once again disagrees. Here is a behind paywall article in the Herald https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/chris-hipkins-told-off-for-mishandling-request-for-jacinda-arderns-texts-between-meghan-and-harry/AG45SEGKBFHPRPIQVRANED7O2I/

Strangely enough I can't find anything about this on Stuff to post here for everyone to read. Basically it is about the Herald's request under the OIA for access to txts between Jacinda when PM and Harry/Megan. Hipkins as PM relied on Jacinda's "comments" in deciding what to release and what not. The Ombudsman has found that some of the witheld txts were in fact "official" communications and should have been released but some were clearly "between friends" and were not related to her job as PM.
I wonder what Prince William, who she is travelling with right now, thinks of her "friendship" with Harry & Megan or maybe she has dumped that friendship in favour of William.

09-11-2023, 08:00 AM
The most open and transparent Government we have ever had. The Ombudsman once again disagrees. Here is a behind paywall article in the Herald https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/chris-hipkins-told-off-for-mishandling-request-for-jacinda-arderns-texts-between-meghan-and-harry/AG45SEGKBFHPRPIQVRANED7O2I/

Strangely enough I can't find anything about this in Stuff to post her for everyone to read. Basically it is about the Herald's request under the OIA for access to txts between Jacinda when PM and Harry/Megan. Hipkins as PM relied on Jacinda's "comments" in deciding what to release and what not. The Ombudsman has found that some of the witheld txts were in fact "official" communications and should have been released but some were clearly "between friends" and were not related to her job as PM.
I wonder what Prince William, who she is travelling with right now, thinks of her "friendship" with Harry & Megan or maybe she has dumped that friendship in favour of William.

It's yet another example of the red *itch Quitter Queen of Spin Ardern using any means possible to protect her brand & her self-interest at the expense of anything and everything - especially uncovering the truth.

She is a cover-up artist & a con.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Ombudsman found that there were a number of text messages between Ardern and Harry and Meghan. He said some were personal and between “friends”, while others were official information.

The Ombudsman’s investigation found that neither Hipkins nor anyone in his office had reviewed these text messages between Ardern and the royals before making a decision on the OIA request.

“Instead the Prime Minister had relied on comment provided by Dame Jacinda as to what she thought should happen with the request,” Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier said.


09-11-2023, 12:51 PM
Another day and another Labour MP & ex-minister accused of bullying.

Sure coming out of the woodwork now - as old saying goes, you cannot wrap up fire with paper.


09-11-2023, 02:12 PM

Electoral Commission polling place decisions under fire amidst recount and voting irregularities at Manurewa Marae

More Polling Booth bullcr@p for the Electoral Commission to sort out :)

This issue is part of a larger probe into election conduct at the marae, in the wake of a tightly contested race in Tāmaki Makaurau, which saw Kemp secure victory over Labour MP Peeni Henare by just four votes — a stark contrast from the 495-vote lead Henare held on election night.

Sorting out the truth around Shaw's Alleged Degrees held published glib online must be sliding further down the list of Electoral Commission "To Do's" ..

09-11-2023, 02:24 PM
This is what Jacinda is doing:


She would make a great "contributor" for CNBC.

09-11-2023, 02:41 PM
This is what Jacinda is doing:


She would make a great "contributor" for CNBC.

She probably still loves her Pandas, even though she doesn't remember their names :)

09-11-2023, 06:30 PM
Not a Good Look for NZ Error Commission ..


Electoral Commission finds 15 voting places with ‘data entry errors’ in ‘full check’ after Herald investigation, independent review to come

The commission’s board said it will also requesting an independent review of the quality assurance processes to ensure the errors don’t occur again.

The chief electoral officer has apologised for the mistakes and said it was “disappointing they were not picked up in the quality assurance processes and falls short of our expectations”.

The commission said 620 votes in the East Coast electorate that were included in the preliminary count were not included in the official count.

“The votes were in a ballot box at the electorate headquarters and were missed during the official count. The votes have now been counted and added to the electorate totals,” the commission said in a statement.

The corrections have been made, resulting in 693 votes being added to the total number of party votes cast in the election. Candidate votes have increased by 708.

Were this bunch of monkeys trained by Robbo's Financial Advisory team out back .. on any old how will do ? ;)

09-11-2023, 07:25 PM
Not a Good Look for NZ Error Commission ..


Electoral Commission finds 15 voting places with ‘data entry errors’ in ‘full check’ after Herald investigation, independent review to come

Were this bunch of monkeys trained by Robbo's Financial Advisory team out back .. on any old how will do ? ;)

To be expected when we had these lot in control :


10-11-2023, 06:43 AM
Another day and another Labour MP & ex-minister accused of bullying.

Sure coming out of the woodwork now - as old saying goes, you cannot wrap up fire with paper.


All that bullying from the bullies in the so called party of workers rights.

The party of 2 faced double standard disgrace more likely!

10-11-2023, 08:22 AM
All that bullying from the bullies in the so called party of workers rights.

The party of 2 faced double standard disgrace more likely!

Saw the Ginny Andersen’s interview on TV3 this morning? She spent most of the time not recalling if she said and what she said! So much so that Ryan Bridges called her excuses out as being tiresome.

So guilty and yet the Labour Party denied for the last 5.5 years any bullying until the Kiri Allan scandal blew the bullying culture into the open.

Dr Sharma must be feeling rather chuffed - firstly for revealing the bullying and secondly, for being vindicated after the fact.

The best part of course is that all the leaks are coming out from within Labour now so the bloodletting has well and truly started.

Ginny Andersen's first interview on crime :



Ardern not only disputed Dr Sharma's allegations, she went on to gaslight that he was the one involved in bullying!

That's how nasty the red Queen of Spin Ardern really is.


"Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has rejected bullying claims made by Labour MP Gaurav Sharma - and confirmed ongoing staffing issues in the backbencher's office."

Bill Smith
10-11-2023, 08:31 AM
According to the mother of the abused workers, someone in labour leaked their complaint to the media. Conspiracy theories abound!! Ginny is detested within labour?

10-11-2023, 08:57 AM
According to the mother of the abused workers, someone in labour leaked their complaint to the media. Conspiracy theories abound!! Ginny is detested within labour?

She is not liked by the Ardern camp - was getting nowhere until Hipkins became PM and then, received rapid promotions especially as one after another of Ardern's ministers fell over - Stuart Nash, Michael Wood, Kiri Allan & of course, the treacherous Meka Whaitiri.

Clearly a leak designed to embarrass Hipkins.


10-11-2023, 10:34 AM
the treacherous Meka Whaitiri.

One piece of good news for labour is she is now unemployed - her grand plan in ruins.

Maybe she will find her way into a tax-funded maori health authority/council ward arrangement offering her invaluable advice.

10-11-2023, 09:35 PM

Ministers will continue in their existing portfolios, except for Nanaia Mahuta, who will leave office because she has not been re-elected.

And another ..

11-11-2023, 08:35 AM
The result of Labour's policy of stopping Oranga Tamariki from uplifting vulnerable babies, toddlers and you g children from unfit parents or caregivers :


"Baby Ru’s injuries were so severe his head had swollen to twice its normal size, according to whānau.

And who was the Minister in charge?


At a police press conference on Friday, Detective Inspector Nick Pritchard said all of Ru’s injuries were to his head. Pritchard also said the injuries could have been caused by a weapon, or by Baby Ru having his head slammed on furniture or a floor."

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/z/7/m/9/2/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .27cijh.png/1699640057649.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

12-11-2023, 03:30 PM
Helen probably just **** stirring in saying she reckons if Winston Peters doesn’t like what he’s being offered in a coalition deal with National and ACT, he’ll turn around and try and stitch something up with Labour. He has form.

But that would be funny as ….even if a disaster for the country …but the thought of it possibly happening just shows what a mess the country is in.

12-11-2023, 03:47 PM

13-11-2023, 08:43 AM
Without question, the worse Education Minister in the history of NZ - Mr Spray & Walk Away Hipkins.


13-11-2023, 08:49 AM
And a health system in disarray & confusion after the big Whatu Ora centralisation by Ardern, Little & Labour :


Who did they appoint to oversee the new centralised health authority?


‘Cultural safety’

‘Racial preferences’

Anything but deliver healthcare and outcomes.

fungus pudding
13-11-2023, 09:00 AM
Without question, the worse Education Minister in the history of NZ - Mr Spray & Walk Away Hipkins.


Main contender

13-11-2023, 09:55 AM
Sacked outgoing Labour government & departmental head trying to cover their tracks - cutting staff and expenses ahead of new government coming in to evaluate & decide just how bloated, inefficient and incompetent MBIE had been.


13-11-2023, 04:50 PM
Sacked outgoing Labour government & departmental head trying to cover their tracks - cutting staff and expenses ahead of new government coming in to evaluate & decide just how bloated, inefficient and incompetent MBIE had been.



MBIE scraps $27 Christmas party subsidies amid spending cuts, voluntary redundancies investigated

One of the country’s largest ministries is canning its $27-a-head subsidy for Christmas parties as part of broader spending cuts set to intensify under the incoming National-led Government.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, which has more than 6000 staff across the country, confirmed today it was scrapping the end of year function subsidy and reducing discretionary spending by 15 per cent with “immediate effect”.

MBIE chief executive Carolyn Tremain said the measures were a response to a request from the Labour Government to cut spending by $110 million, or 2 per cent, and did not reflect anything from the incoming National-led Government.

Both National and Act have signalled major cuts at MBIE, which is responsible for a vast array of services including immigration, with the latter saying it wants to halve the workforce.

The parties have both talked openly about public service cuts across the board, regularly criticising what they called a “bloated bureaucracy” and examples of “wasteful spending”.

The public service cuts are critical to National’s tax cut plans.

MBIE CEO has confirmed there could be further Headless Turkey run arounds coming ;)

Bring it on .. far too many of these bloated Central Govt Empires proliferating under Labour's watch..

A pity that they couldn't practice a little "Innovation" on their own, without need fot some encouragement ..

13-11-2023, 05:15 PM

Israel-Hamas war: Questions over why ex-Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s office disagreed with advice about Hamas terror tweet

The Act Party wants former Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta to explain why she disagreed with a draft tweet concerning Hamas’ October attack on Israel, which included describing the attack as “terror”.

The draft tweet stated New Zealand “unequivocally condemns rocket and terror attacks from Gaza into Israel and calls for their immediate cessation”.

“With a high risk of escalation, the protection of civilians, and upholding of international humanitarian law is essential,” the draft tweet read.

Too much David - expecting any sort of response or commonsense out of Tweetie Dumped .. with that terror of getting booted out on her jacksie must have just been too much .. have you considered using different words commonly seen in Tweetie Speak & Squeak instead ? ;)

13-11-2023, 09:14 PM
Saw the Ginny Andersen’s interview on TV3 this morning? She spent most of the time not recalling if she said and what she said! So much so that Ryan Bridges called her excuses out as being tiresome.

So guilty and yet the Labour Party denied for the last 5.5 years any bullying until the Kiri Allan scandal blew the bullying culture into the open.

Dr Sharma must be feeling rather chuffed - firstly for revealing the bullying and secondly, for being vindicated after the fact.

The best part of course is that all the leaks are coming out from within Labour now so the bloodletting has well and truly started.

Ginny Andersen's first interview on crime :



Ardern not only disputed Dr Sharma's allegations, she went on to gaslight that he was the one involved in bullying!

That's how nasty the red Queen of Spin Ardern really is.


"Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has rejected bullying claims made by Labour MP Gaurav Sharma - and confirmed ongoing staffing issues in the backbencher's office."

Ginny Andersen formally apologies to complainant for bullying.

So she can recall her bullying behaviour after all.


14-11-2023, 07:42 PM
An Ode for .. Chris wassisname
Bard Billot on Labour's Boy Blunder

Chip Flop

The Lost Mountains of Oblivion are cold.

Cold as the gaze of withered love

From a faithless electorate.

Here on the 26.91 Latitude,

In the Land of Eternal Night,

A pitiful scene: a shadowed cave lit only

By a smouldering fire of dried yak droppings.

Jagged spikes of ice sprout

From the whiskers of Exiled King Chipkins.

Lost are the armies of Loyal Serfs,

Lost are his Proud Lords and Preening Courtiers,

All fallen to the House of Blue,

Who have seized the throne in distant Kings Landing.

The Ex-King is deep in meditation,

And hands a sheet of parchment

To Dave, Thane of Parker.

What’s this? enquires the morose Thane.

It’s a blank sheet, says the One Time King,

A clean slate for new ideas for our campaign.

Write anything you want! Blue sky thinking!

The Thane hands back the parchment.

On it, his words in large inked script:


This sounds like a good idea,

Says King Chipkins with a gleam in his eye.

Sound the trumpets! Grease the swords!

Prepare to March on King’s Landing!

Dave, Thane of Parker, stares in dismay.

O King, he says, the hour has passed;

Our armies scatter’d, our hopes dash’d

On the fierce rocks of the Captain’s Call –

The war is lost.

15-11-2023, 12:07 AM


Inside Labour: The tax deal to seal Chris Hipkins another term as leader

Christopher John suddenly relike all those Nasty, Thieving, Despised, widely hated, sneaky underhand Taxes he didn't like previously ... just to keep miserable neck off chopping block and dodge flying knives .. for now :)

More reverse gears than a 1950's Wharfy's three legged dog .. but only when it suits :)

Who would of thought ? ;)

End of Story - Boys & Girls ..

15-11-2023, 12:24 AM

Home ownership now ‘preserve of the rich’: ANZ boss

Thanks Labour - as per usual - your mob were worse than useless on Home Ownership & that's being overly kind - so get to own this Home Ownership Outcome fully ;)

The Comrades' Ass about Face "We can control the residential housing market" strategy worked out well .. for all the boys and girls playing "Buy House" out there, get stabbed every way, lined up and knifed by Big Finance, pillaged over by rising COL and then assuming any lucky enough find the first rung of ladder and get to top with a full enough sack .. how many made it up there now & still up there ? ;)

15-11-2023, 08:59 PM

Dame Jacinda Ardern calls for ‘humanity approach’ to Israel-Hamas war during Harvard speech

Spinning mindless fluffy BS to the American University mob now

How long will it take them to work out the emissions being sent in their direction ? ;)

She noted New Zealand had deep farming roots, and mentioned how difficult it was it to differentiate the crossover between the weapons designed to take human life and those used for the likes of shooting ducks.

Ardern shot possums as a child in her family orchard, which helped inform her decision on the matter.

Did being more kind to them not work ? ;)

Gezus H C .. someone must think them poor yanks are pretty ****** thick that they would swallow that shallow load of bullcrap from off the farm :)

Where does the position as Head Honcho of the Commo Youth Brigade fit in all the half baked waffle
being spun out now ?

Next spin out might be on the looks on the faces of the Fishies in the Fish & Chippery during fill in hours and how sworn statements were obtained from each that their final journey was not so hooked .. :)

16-11-2023, 11:38 AM

Dame Jacinda Ardern calls for ‘humanity approach’ to Israel-Hamas war during Harvard speech

Did she mention that in her opinion, the Hamas terrorists are also victims of the atrocities they committed? Like thugs in NZ are victims too of the robberies they commit?

Her credibility these days is pretty much zero in NZ and soon, the rest of the world will learn of just what a useless, clueless and incompetent loud mouth 'all spin & no delivery' person she really is.


16-11-2023, 12:02 PM

Home ownership now ‘preserve of the rich’: ANZ boss

Thanks Labour - as per usual - your mob were worse than useless on Home Ownership & that's being overly kind - so get to own this Home Ownership Outcome fully ;)

And home ownership by the few for the many will only get better under National.

16-11-2023, 03:36 PM
And home ownership by the few for the many will only get better under National.

And a Final Tally on Completion of the 100,000 Igloos that Labour promised ?

How many did Twyford manage before being flushed ? and how many by the next nodding Energy backwards muppet who succeeded him ?

How many of these new dwellings got bashed, crashed & smashed up by the installed grateful & deprived talent within a short period of landing in new digs ? ;)

Case in point - things will only get better under National - the Nation thought so just a few weeks ago
on kicking the Labour incompetents out down the road .. :)

16-11-2023, 04:38 PM

Government finances: How big is the hole? We’re not much closer to knowing

Better not let that fat round smiley fella (and that's not Father Christmas either) escape too soon ;)

Wouldn't be good if there was sumthing being hidden ..

16-11-2023, 06:13 PM
Yet more proof of the absolute incompetency this country has endured (and sadly will take a generation to sort out, if we ever manage it!).


Thanks Ardern. Thanks Little. Thanks Verrall. Thanks Hipkins. We won't forget.

16-11-2023, 09:32 PM

Coalition talks: Act leader David Seymour says deputy PM being discussed with National, government deal possible by Sunday

Christopher John's Chips must be getting close to baked to a blackened sizzle ;)

The sausage rolls are probably not faring any better ..

16-11-2023, 09:38 PM
Yet more proof of the absolute incompetency this country has endured (and sadly will take a generation to sort out, if we ever manage it!).


Thanks Ardern. Thanks Little. Thanks Verrall. Thanks Hipkins. We won't forget.

Give it a month and the Lost It Mob will be back to moaning about Infrastructure forgetting
about their worthless lack of incite and any improvement .. ;)

The useless Labour knobs couldn't even ensure that Staff in the Health & Teaching sectors were
adequately paid & looked after, without strikes and screaming matches at them to drive home
the point .. ;)

That wont be forgotten for a very long time on top of what was endured with Covid..

fungus pudding
16-11-2023, 09:39 PM

Coalition talks: Act leader David Seymour says deputy PM being discussed with National, government deal possible by Sunday

Christopher John's Chips must be getting close to baked to a blackened sizzle ;)

The sausage rolls are probably not faring any better ..

Yeah - they'll give deputy PM to Winston, Minister of foreign affairs, and promise of a knighthood. That ougta do it......

16-11-2023, 09:42 PM
Yeah - they'll give deputy PM to Winston, Minister of foreign affairs, and promise of a knighthood. That ougta do it......

it sticks out a mile that Winny would love to lap up another term or two of free offshore holidays
& sleepwalking through sessions with foreign Govt representatives .. like previously :)

What .. No knighthood for Chipkins ? .. probably just about to be chased out with red hot poker
circling 'is pimply skinny white buttocks ... :)

Accolades must only be reserved for the Queens of the Unholy Royally clueless Labor BS Spin who give up the ghost and leave their Comrades floundering in it .. as a farewell trophy :)

17-11-2023, 01:16 PM

Juken mill closure: 60 workers set to lose jobs as demand for pine products falls

Meat Industry reporting hard times

Global Markets hazardous

Our economy left in a ditch with high borrowing, hefty Central Govt bureaucracy dragging on the fruits and worse
to come .. How is Dairy likely to report in troubled global markets with sagging demand in key markets
like China ?

We can guess already how Tourism will likely perform and that will be a shadow of 7+ years ago.. and only for those operators who survived the Ardern / Labour Comrades' brand of restrictive & punitive Socialism

The old story of Labour leaving the wreckage behind in the ditch at the end of their reign of destruction
repeats itself yet again, after having p!ssed the good times against the wall, spent & squandered up large unabated until the bottom of the tin even shocked the smiling Bankraider and sidekick Central Depository Head Chef .. in process hoping no-one would notice the deception and treachery unfolding ;)

17-11-2023, 06:00 PM

Juken mill closure: 60 workers set to lose jobs as demand for pine products falls

Good start to the luxon term isn't it.. epic business skills on display.

17-11-2023, 06:09 PM
Good start to the luxon term isn't it.. epic business skills on display.

Erm, I think you will find Hipkins is still PM, and Labour have overseen the nation's biggest wealth destruction in our history over the last 6 years. Our grandchildren will be paying for Ardern et al's incompetence. Methinks Labour need to up their shill rates and attract some new talent.

17-11-2023, 09:07 PM
Good start to the luxon term isn't it.. epic business skills on display.

Being a bit blind there .. it was probably on bones of it's AZZ when the Hilarious Cluster of Clueless Comrades were in trying to BS you round in circles on how good things were when they weren't ;)

these things don't suddenly happen on factors popping up overnight..

That is unless you happen to be the hapless Chipkins who just copped the resounding incoming epic king shot of all king shots from Joe Public at large .. and never saw that coming ;)

Finished working out where you went wrong with Ryman .. or still too hard ? ;)

17-11-2023, 09:22 PM

Winston looks happy .. might be feeling rather smug that he's screwed Labour over properly
this time for past sins :)


Winston Peters hugged by stranger while talking to media in Auckland

Peters, appearing not to know the man, said, “Hang on, I’m in the middle of a conference here”, and then, “Hey, we’re not the Labour Party”.


18-11-2023, 03:39 AM
Good start to the luxon term isn't it.. epic business skills on display.

There has been ongoing talks about the future of Juken for some months. How is this Luxon's fault.

At least try and keep up.

Blue Skies
18-11-2023, 02:57 PM
Wonderful to see Dame Jacinda Ardern, now a Fellow at Harvard University & role model to many, speaking at the Harvard Public School of Health, reflecting on Leading with empathy, & what its like to make hard but compassionate policy choices under a global spotlight, 1pm EST Friday. (7am NZT)

It was live- streamed on Harvard's website & You Tube page for those unable to attend in person, at this stage not avail for later on-demand viewing.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/l...acinda-ardern/ (https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/leading-with-empathy-a-conversation-with-former-new-zealand-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern/)

18-11-2023, 03:02 PM
Wonderful to see Dame Jacinda Ardern, now a Fellow at Harvard University & role model to many, speaking at the Harvard Public School of Health, reflecting on Leading with empathy, & what its like to make hard but compassionate policy choices under a global spotlight, 1pm EST Friday. (7am NZT)

It was live- streamed on Harvard's website & You Tube page for those unable to attend in person, at this stage not avail for later on-demand viewing.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/l...acinda-ardern/ (https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/leading-with-empathy-a-conversation-with-former-new-zealand-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern/)

Hey, come on now -- the Eternal Source of Truth & Vast inspirational really deserves better credit
than you're attempting to bestow ..

A seperate thread and no less to celebrate all that was achieved in true glory with much glitter :)

18-11-2023, 03:19 PM
Wonderful to see Dame Jacinda Ardern, now a Fellow at Harvard University & role model to many, speaking at the Harvard Public School of Health, reflecting on Leading with empathy, & what its like to make hard but compassionate policy choices under a global spotlight, 1pm EST Friday. (7am NZT)

It was live- streamed on Harvard's website & You Tube page for those unable to attend in person, at this stage not avail for later on-demand viewing.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/l...acinda-ardern/ (https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/leading-with-empathy-a-conversation-with-former-new-zealand-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern/)

I wonder how many in the US realise that she led with BS and spin, and her compassion ran as far as gleefully acknowledging she had created 2 classes of citizen. I wonder if her audience reflected on the parliament grounds in flames thanks to her "compassionate " leadership.

fungus pudding
18-11-2023, 03:23 PM
I wonder how many in the US realise that she led with BS and spin, and her compassion ran as far as gleefully acknowledging she had created 2 classes of citizen. I wonder if her audience reflected on the parliament grounds in flames thanks to her "compassionate " leadership.

Not many, I'd say - considering the number of Kiwis who still haven't woken up to her 'achievements'.

18-11-2023, 05:44 PM
I wonder how many in the US realise that she led with BS and spin, and her compassion ran as far as gleefully acknowledging she had created 2 classes of citizen. I wonder if her audience reflected on the parliament grounds in flames thanks to her "compassionate " leadership.

The US like most other universities have been overrun with brainwashed lefties so she is preaching to the converted. Just an exercise in self adoration on her part.

19-11-2023, 09:31 AM
I wonder how many in the US realise that she led with BS and spin, and her compassion ran as far as gleefully acknowledging she had created 2 classes of citizen. I wonder if her audience reflected on the parliament grounds in flames thanks to her "compassionate " leadership.

There were already two classes of citizen.
The intelligent that followed scientific advice & the idiots, who made their own choice not to.
And like idiots they are still going on about it.

Believe me the US is used to far worse than anything NZ has produced, afterall they endured Trump for 4 years, a crook, a misogynist & a president that inspired insurrection.
Go and jab that in your arm, along with a healthy dose of Janola.

19-11-2023, 10:47 AM
There were already two classes of citizen.
The intelligent that followed scientific advice & the idiots, who made their own choice not to.
And like idiots they are still going on about it.


There were indeed two classes of citizens - those who followed the one source of truth from the most transparent government ever (and became blind and ignorant)


Those who think for themselves.

We know which class you belong to.


19-11-2023, 10:54 AM
Wonderful to see Dame Jacinda Ardern, now a Fellow at Harvard University & role model to many, speaking at the Harvard Public School of Health, reflecting on Leading with empathy, & what its like to make hard but compassionate policy choices under a global spotlight, 1pm EST Friday. (7am NZT)

It was live- streamed on Harvard's website & You Tube page for those unable to attend in person, at this stage not avail for later on-demand viewing.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/l...acinda-ardern/ (https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/event/leading-with-empathy-a-conversation-with-former-new-zealand-prime-minister-jacinda-ardern/)

What a absolute disgrace even for a woke university, blind leading the blind.

19-11-2023, 11:03 AM

Nanaia Mahuta says she carried weight of Three Waters reform without the support of key Labour ministers

Nanaia Mahuta says key Labour ministers could have supported Three Waters more

Former senior minister Nanaia Mahuta said she “carried” her landmark Three Waters reforms without the support of key senior ministers.

Mahuta implied she carried the reforms alone.

She acknowledged she might have made a mistake.

Had the Support of most of NZ on the "3 Idiots on Water" Strategy or did she ? ;)

A quick look out the window may have suggested what Joe Public thought of her Water Reform Nonsense was, but it seems that was something to be ignored by an arrogant Govt & Minister intent on bulldozing through whatever they liked with or without support of others or NZ public, any old how numerous amending legislation entries to fix issues & errors that had gone through just previously, passed under urgency in places too

"she might have made a mistake" probably understates things greatly ;)

There is a reason why Mahuta was been dumped, and lost her seat etc which is plainly obvious to all ;)

19-11-2023, 11:15 AM

Gaming the system? Teens among highest earning beneficiaries of trusts - IRD

In 2022, Comrade Special Tax & Rev sniffing Fill-in extraordinaire - Nosey Parker was ducking & diving trying to weave pearly fuzzies on desires to extract blood from under any stone within sight .. and he missed this one ? ;)

Obviously the thought of getting his skinny white A%% made target practice further by the younger set must have scared him immensely that he didn't want to disturb the stones incase what lurked under bit him hard ;)

Don't worry - David, what resides under the stones is still there waiting patiently for if you ever return in a future cradle of Labour Filth & Destruction intent on deconstructing what remains of our Great Kiwiland in the future ;)

22-11-2023, 11:56 AM

Richard Prebble: How the Labour Party can win again


Post-mortem time & it's damningly ugly going back donkey's years,
but now there are even more termites busy feasting up large ;)

24-11-2023, 01:49 AM

Māori warning to Government - We look forward to being the pebbles in the shoes of Parliament

Moaning about what now ?

Pebbles in the shoes ? Now how could that have possibly happened ?

It could be worse - ask Kelvin & a few of the other unfortunates ..

And then you've been saved from being dropped right in it at the hands of Chipkins
and other lost & clueless inhabitants of failed Labour reign of ever increasing destruction.

That was the Government Ardern said at outset was for all, but wound up badly listing towards
what, with gross and blatant abuses of that position of power then seen, before Madam did
a bunk and run away :)

but is that not MMP & our set form of Democracy, even with the butchering up to allow
for a select number of additional preferential seats no other ethnic or other group gets ?

What proportion of the seats ? 16% or more .. with inclusion of the 4 or 5 special Maori seats..

The other 84% are from the Ngati Pakeha, Ngati Various Asian, Ngati Europe, Ngati American & Ngati African tribes
so no need to feel lonely among the other 84% hailing of those tribes ;)

That's NZ .. so tough if you don't like it or the results / mutations it produces :)

Perhaps a little more care on what other factions one lot jumps into bed with might help as well ;)

If you dice it the wrong way or try to hijack all the camels and many then decide to flee the other way,
then obviously it wont work quite as favourably ..

24-11-2023, 05:57 PM

Woman forced to pay $500 dinner date bill: ‘It’s a respect thing’

Sounds a bit like the final Labour Farewell Dinner with the Greens ;)

24-11-2023, 10:53 PM

"Hipkins on National, ACT & NZFirst coalition agreement - Confused and contradictory"

New Zealand at large on Hipkins & Labour - Confused and contradictory ;)

25-11-2023, 12:37 AM
Seeing the name of this thread, all I can now say is RIP, hopefully never to be seen again nor anything like it :)

25-11-2023, 10:07 AM
Michael Joseph Savage can now stop turning in his grave. They have gone.

25-11-2023, 10:19 AM
Michael Joseph Savage can now stop turning in his grave. They have gone.
The way I see it, We were fortunate Labour were so inept, had they been a bit smarter an more stealthful they may have succeeded in their quest.

29-11-2023, 11:56 AM

Labour’s Chris Hipkins takes swing at Christopher Luxon, Winston Peters in first press conference as Opposition leader

Inept Clown from last Reign of Clueless Destruction dares to put his head up for whingey spewy ;)

Incoming emission from chief spinner of former Coalition of Gross Cluelessness - folks :)

Had to know that there wouldn't be much, if any interest ..

29-11-2023, 11:29 PM

Winston Peters’ bad behaviour overshadowing Christopher Luxon, David Seymour- Audrey Young

No wonder the Woke Media weak knicker elastic is attracting repeat attention from Winston :)

Being called out must be causing a slight rash for some of the more thin skinned in Media towers ..


Deputy PM Winston Peters blames media for Auckland Covid lockdown

On the pandemic, Peters said: “If they [the media] are so concerned about the state of the economy with respect to their industry, why did they allow the second dramatic lockdown with only one case in Auckland of our biggest commercial sector in the country in terms of volume and number?”

The second pandemic lockdown began in Auckland on August 12, 2020, when Peters was still a member of the Government, however that lockdown was triggered by three cases.

How all the Auckland readers feeling now on being reminded of this widely hated Lock down - splattered in the media & in NZH - the NZME Rag which covers the Auckland region ? ;)

Hipkins: "They simply have no moral compass guiding them"

Pot Kettle .. sounds an accurate summation of Labour's clueless circus just a few & further months back ;)

Dont worry Christopher John .. your turn is coming up real soon to face the well primed fire torches :)

01-12-2023, 12:48 PM

Former Labour MP Steve Maharey quits Pharmac, ACC boards as new Government takes office

Former Labour MP and Minister Steve Maharey has resigned from the boards of Pharmac, and ACC.

He was the chair of both boards.

Maharey was appointed by the previous Labour Government and got in trouble earlier this year after penning opinion columns that flouted the political neutrality expected of public service board members.

Chairman jump off boards - must be imagining that the fun times & party is over in the SOE's ;)

01-12-2023, 06:35 PM
What the Heke ? .. A Winery doing it hard on the Island's famous Winery Avenue now being thrown on the Block

Thanks Labour .. you clueless useless prats have skrewed up everything :)


Waiheke family selling up multi-million-dollar winery after tough times

When it comes to running a premium winery on a Hauraki Gulf island, Waiheke’s Bruce Aitken is assured his cup still overflows, but after some “tough” discussions, the family has decided to put it up for sale.

The Tantalus estate is located on a strip in the Onetangi Valley, known as the “miracle mile”, along with wineries such as Stonyridge, Te Motu and Shepherd Point.

02-12-2023, 11:34 AM

Steven Joyce: Centralisation isn’t working, time to trust the regions

Ooops - there goes 5 Idiots on Water, Labour's Education amalgamation shambles, Little's abortion of
a TWF Ora Health shambles ;)

Of course Willie Wonka didn't manage to pull off a tiny SOE Media merger after huge cost to go nowhere, so probably got to look a numbskull earlier than most of the clueless in the huddle

What were the heirem of Labour Parliamentary idiots of the Lost Era thinking ? ;)

03-12-2023, 08:54 PM

Steven Joyce: Centralisation isn’t working, time to trust the regions

Ooops - there goes 5 Idiots on Water, Labour's Education amalgamation shambles, Little's abortion of
a TWF Ora Health shambles ;)

Of course Willie Wonka didn't manage to pull off a tiny SOE Media merger after huge cost to go nowhere, so probably got to look a numbskull earlier than most of the clueless in the huddle

What were the heirem of Labour Parliamentary idiots of the Lost Era thinking ? ;)

Speaking of idiots Chris Bishop is right up there - I mean who in the right mind would be a Tobacco Lobbyist in a previous life?!

03-12-2023, 09:02 PM
Speaking of idiots Chris Bishop is right up there - I mean who in the right mind would be a Tobacco Lobbyist in a previous life?!

Who would be a School Teacher turned Labour Politician - given the number of them among the emptied out Comrades who have done a fine job of making a prize ass of themselves .. Chipkins, Davis .. probably more onboard :)

And then Labour couldn't even pay them properly or fairly without making an a#se of that as well and causing strikes ;)

Anyway .. it must be time your beddy byes little boy :)

04-12-2023, 09:15 AM
Who would be a School Teacher turned Labour Politician -

Anyway .. it must be time your beddy byes little boy :)

I can understand how someone with your right wing views might regard being a Tobacco industry lobbyist as a morally superior and socially more useful occupation than being a teacher.

But is the 'bolded' bit above really the best example of rational argument you can manage?

07-12-2023, 12:50 PM

Labour’s transport plan was ‘unfunded’ and would increase emissions, Treasury warned

Straight from Horses (or Beady eyed Fiscal nitpicker's) mouth ;)

Work to stocktake the inventory of Pot Holes of all sizes & descriptions left behind by the clueless failures of the
last Lost-it Reign of Incompetence must still be under way ;)

Bill Smith
07-12-2023, 12:59 PM
Not as dumb as being an ardern supporter.

07-12-2023, 01:10 PM
It sounds like Labour's Fiscal Management was instead surviving on a Pay Check to Pay Check cycle from
what is now coming out .. No wonder a couple of Weather disasters really threw them ;)

Treasury & the RBNZ probably both saw this & must have wondered - what the h4ll have we got going on here now, after Robbo robbed the bank for Covid ;)

08-12-2023, 09:19 AM
An interesting article in the Herald today, behind the paywall. Here is the flavour of it:
"At the same time the former Labour Government was laying into the National party for announcing a poorly costed Transport plan on the campaign trail, its own officials were warning that Labour’s transport plan was substantially unfunded and undeliverable."


08-12-2023, 06:33 PM

IRD calls for $2b of Covid business loans to be paid back

More than 10,000 businesses have defaulted on $177 million of loans given out as part of the previous government’s Covid-19 support package.

Two years on from the pandemic, IRD is now calling for 129,000 customers to start paying back $2.3 billion of Small Business Cashflow loans.

Those who do not or cannot pay up are put on payment plans.

IRD says more than 70 per cent of customers have to pay up to $500 a month; with about 4 per cent required to pay $1000 a month.

Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) head of advocacy Alan McDonald said he was not surprised with that figure given the tough challenges and climate for businesses.

Timing couldn't be more perfect for screwing over what Businesses remain standing from Labour's reign of Clueless Incompetence and free loose money tossed out for all who rocked up ;)

No wonder Business failures & Liquidations are climbing off the wall in a hurry as Centrix are seeing ;)

Let's see where Foreclosures, Bankruptcies & Unemployment goes off the back of this ..

March 2024 through June 2024 should be very telling on how the various sectors look..

08-12-2023, 11:42 PM
It's a sad indictment of Labour's clueless rule when even the Auckland Fang Doctors cant make a go of it - so get taken out, chewed over and spat out by the Taxman:


Auckland dental businesses in liquidation, Inland Revenue goes to court over unpaid taxes

09-12-2023, 12:31 AM

NZ politics live: Luxon talks cyclone recovery in Hawke's Bay

How many clueless Fill-In Labour Meat Heads did it take to achieve very Little on Cyclone Recovery in the East ? ;)

Little wonder that the East had had a complete guts full of Labour not so many weeks ago upending all the useless Labour talent out ;)

09-12-2023, 02:41 AM

NZ politics live: Luxon talks cyclone recovery in Hawke's Bay

How many clueless Fill-In Labour Meat Heads did it take to achieve very Little on Cyclone Recovery in the East ? ;)

Little wonder that the East had had a complete guts full of Labour not so many weeks ago upending all the useless Labour talent out ;)

I sincerely hope the new Government injects some steroids into Hawkes Bay/ Gisborne area. It is way overdue

09-12-2023, 11:54 AM
I sincerely hope the new Government injects some steroids into Hawkes Bay/ Gisborne area. It is way overdue

Indeed - Wairoa is still very much struggling up the line 10 months later, as are parts of Hawkes Bay.

Labour with frequent changes in Beehive Honcho overseeing Disaster Matters in main didn't focus on what was required, short funded what was needed, laving it at Local area and basically all but abandoned the regions on this and left the vulnerable wearing it.

09-12-2023, 12:22 PM
Of course many of those commenting on lack of help were uninsured.

09-12-2023, 12:47 PM
Of course many of those commenting on lack of help were uninsured.

Sure, but a one major Employer town - that is now Affco owned by Talley's (formerly Swift / WNZR works)

Accomodation / Housing is & always will be scarce there, There is no second option but to fix what was

Most of the buildings are older, as in last century - pre 2000's many mid or early 1900's, compared to other parts of HB.

Rates are high, a price of a smaller council having to cover everything on a small local population base, the cost of goods coming in from outside is up there.

The way things stand the Local Council have taken up considerable slack - it's resources as a smaller Council may be finite, but in position of major damage & expense - what other options exist for a semi Rural township, mid way miles from Napier & Gisborne ?

Wairoa is proud, strong & resilient - but have taken a h4ll of a Storm hiding earlier this year, and should not be ignored, left unfunded or abandoned, like almost every other Cyclone hit area have all but seen under Labour..

10-12-2023, 02:37 AM
Of course many of those commenting on lack of help were uninsured.

Yes that’s no doubt true. But I want our Government to just get on with it and fix it. Like National did in Christchurch. Argue the detail later.

15-12-2023, 05:17 PM
Here is yet another shocking story from the incompetence of Oranga Tamariki where race and culture takes priority over the welfare of the child. Karen Chhour was subjected to outrageous accusations from the Maori cabal of Labour and the Greens in Parliament yesterday about repealing section 3AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act, to stop this cruel madness.
Labour and in particular their Maori MPs as well as the Greens and Maori Parties, should hang their heads in shame. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/grandmothers-agonising-fight-to-save-grandson-from-life-oranga-tamariki-describes-as-grim/XN62N6YKNVA5XFYQAJ7BXAWNQQ/

15-12-2023, 09:33 PM
Yes that’s no doubt true. But I want our Government to just get on with it and fix it. Like National did in Christchurch. Argue the detail later.

I think the outcome of what you suggest, is that taxpayers carry the cost for the uninsured.

Which of course sends the message to the mortgage free, under insured, or renters who don't have contents insurance; don't worry, if the worst happens the taxpayers will underwrite us, while we pocket the thousands we save in insurance premiums.

16-12-2023, 05:22 PM
Yes that’s no doubt true. But I want our Government to just get on with it and fix it. Like National did in Christchurch. Argue the detail later.

Huge moral hazard when people aren't insured.

PS - National didn't 'just get on with it' in Chch, took quite a while for the red zone to be sorted.

16-12-2023, 07:24 PM
Huge moral hazard when people aren't insured.

Their personal choice though .. If it was compulsary the state would be shelling out for the 'have not a bean' lot
and 'those who don't give a toss; ;)

Insurance companies might become the most profitable sector on NZX ;)

17-12-2023, 09:42 AM
I think the outcome of what you suggest, is that taxpayers carry the cost for the uninsured.

Which of course sends the message to the mortgage free, under insured, or renters who don't have contents insurance; don't worry, if the worst happens the taxpayers will underwrite us, while we pocket the thousands we save in insurance premiums.

No Getty I am not suggesting that. I was talking about infrastructure. It needs to be fixed and fixed quickly.

17-12-2023, 10:07 AM
I think the outcome of what you suggest, is that taxpayers carry the cost for the uninsured.

Which of course sends the message to the mortgage free, under insured, or renters who don't have contents insurance; don't worry, if the worst happens the taxpayers will underwrite us, while we pocket the thousands we save in insurance premiums.

Yup - just remember always that Labour’s motto is :

‘Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t.’

That’s how Labour prey on the great unwashed out there to get their votes and stay in power.

17-12-2023, 10:41 AM
Their personal choice though .. If it was compulsary the state would be shelling out for the 'have not a bean' lot
and 'those who don't give a toss; ;)

Insurance companies might become the most profitable sector on NZX ;)

Or just imagine that the State was the insurer & collected all those premiums health, homes, car & income protection.

We might actually have a fully funded health system.

fungus pudding
17-12-2023, 10:59 AM
Or just imagine that the State was the insurer & collected all those premiums health, homes, car & income protection.

We might actually have a fully funded health system.

It was once, fortunately without a monopoly.

17-12-2023, 11:24 AM
It was once, fortunately without a monopoly.

Of course & in the days of cheap Government backed home loans. The Bank of Wales etc whe I was a kid used to think it was the Bank of Whales. 🤣

17-12-2023, 11:56 AM
I think the outcome of what you suggest, is that taxpayers carry the cost for the uninsured.

Which of course sends the message to the mortgage free, under insured, or renters who don't have contents insurance; don't worry, if the worst happens the taxpayers will underwrite us, while we pocket the thousands we save in insurance premiums.

Why would the mortgage free not have insurance?


17-12-2023, 12:45 PM
Why would the mortgage free not have insurance?

Because insurance is not compulsory, compared to when you have a mortgage.

17-12-2023, 12:51 PM
Or just imagine that the State was the insurer & collected all those premiums health, homes, car & income protection.

We might actually have a fully funded health system.

You're joking of course. The State is the last thing we need to run things.

17-12-2023, 01:06 PM
You're joking of course. The State is the last thing we need to run things.

I think part of the reason we have a broken health system was the introduction of private health. NZ used to have a very good health system with much more readily available services throughout the country.

17-12-2023, 01:57 PM
You're joking of course. The State is the last thing we need to run things.

EQC must be proof of how well State controlled schemes go ;)

17-12-2023, 01:59 PM
I think part of the reason we have a broken health system was the introduction of private health. NZ used to have a very good health system with much more readily available services throughout the country.

No excuse for the past 6 years with Labour coming along screaming about infrastructure & then very little happens aside from the rearrangement of the deckchairs at the top around a larger combined goldfish bowl & the talent in charge of the orchestration scoffing it's managing without opening an eye, when it obviously wasn't ;)

Labour and involvement in anything has well been proven to result in an unmitigated expensive disaster with no-one taking responsibility, yet again :)

17-12-2023, 02:03 PM
ACC is the closest to a national insurance scheme we have and it works very well & the pool of funds gains in value most years. There is no reason the circa $10Bln a year paid in insurance premiums could be funded similarly and the proceeds fund more health infrastructure & services.

17-12-2023, 02:38 PM
ACC is the closest to a national insurance scheme we have and it works very well & the pool of funds gains in value most years. There is no reason the circa $10Bln a year paid in insurance premiums could be funded similarly and the proceeds fund more health infrastructure & services.

So why did Robbo's once flaunted "Unemployment & Here's a Wage you didn't earn Insurance" project where everyone else gets saddled with the cost scheme not go ahead ? ;)

Too much for everyone to swallow ?

or likely being seen as creating another class of lay abouts & deadbeats sucking off the productive sector, just as the daggers were starting to be sharpened on an economy that was clearly anything but rocking along at the time, despite the feel good BS being tossed out by Labour to the media ? ;)

17-12-2023, 03:30 PM
So why did Robbo's once flaunted "Unemployment & Here's a Wage you didn't earn Insurance" project where everyone else gets saddled with the cost scheme not go ahead ? ;)

Too much for everyone to swallow ?

or likely being seen as creating another class of lay abouts & deadbeats sucking off the productive sector, just as the daggers were starting to be sharpened on an economy that was clearly anything but rocking along at the time, despite the feel good BS being tossed out by Labour to the media ? ;)

So you are comparing $10Bln in premiums currently paid by New Zealanders to an unfunded scheme that may or may not ever be needed.
Did you really need to ask?

17-12-2023, 03:48 PM
Ideology vs common sense from the new govt:


What are visitors to NZ going to think when we try to emulate the United States transport system.
Using a car will be needed simply to cross the street.

Logen Ninefingers
17-12-2023, 03:50 PM
Ideology vs common sense from the new govt:


What are visitors to NZ going to think when we try to copy the United States transport system.
Using a car will be needed simply to cross the street.

The usual extreme socialist thinking that I’ve come to expect from you.

17-12-2023, 03:56 PM
The usual extreme socialist thinking that I’ve come to expect from you.

Traffic jams and roadworks are great for producvtivity of course (..sarcasm).

17-12-2023, 08:05 PM
Traffic jams and roadworks are great for producvtivity of course (..sarcasm).

How would you know ? Those kind of things never happen in your favoured Argentine paradise do they ? ;)

18-12-2023, 01:50 PM

Rotorua Lakeland Queen owner told to build new jetty then gift to iwi and lease back

‘None of it makes sense’

The cost of a new jetty was finalised in 2022 and Hammond told Local Democracy Reporting the council confirmed he would need to pay the $345,000 to $460,000 cost.

He said he was told he would then need to gift the jetty to iwi and Te Arawa Lakes Trust would lease it back to his business. He understood he needed to pay for the jetty maintenance.

Yet another fine scheme of 'you pay you give, you pay again' that has it's roots back to 2022 under the Labour reign of cluelessness ;)

18-12-2023, 02:00 PM

Rotorua Lakeland Queen owner told to build new jetty then gift to iwi and lease back

Yet another fine scheme of 'you pay you give, you pay again' that has it's roots back to 2022 under the Labour reign of cluelessness ;)

Breeding parasites and beneficiaries - Labour’s speciality.

18-12-2023, 02:45 PM

Rotorua Lakeland Queen owner told to build new jetty then gift to iwi and lease back

Yet another fine scheme of 'you pay you give, you pay again' that has it's roots back to 2022 under the Labour reign of cluelessness ;)

To be fair, this "Maorification" of NZ has being going on under both National and Labour for the last 40 years.

Mission nearly complete, only David Seymour and Winston Peters might be able to stop this now, and wake the population up just in time to stop the takeover of NZ.

No one will invest in NZ under "tribal rule".

18-12-2023, 02:55 PM
Their personal choice though .. If it was compulsary the state would be shelling out for the 'have not a bean' lot
and 'those who don't give a toss; ;)

Insurance companies might become the most profitable sector on NZX ;)

Indeed their choice.
We were discussing the Govt stepping in and 'just doing it' - hence moral hazard fixing it for those who have made the choice of not having insurance.

18-12-2023, 03:09 PM
Their personal choice though .. If it was compulsary the state would be shelling out for the 'have not a bean' lot
and 'those who don't give a toss; ;)

Insurance companies might become the most profitable sector on NZX ;)
I guess that would be Tower being the most and least profitable insurance company on the NZX

18-12-2023, 10:39 PM
I guess that would be Tower being the most and least profitable insurance company on the NZX

Beats a Lefty designated compulsary scheme which with plenty of Political meddling in the pot would always be destined to turn into a king-sized Fl**k-up ,, not dissimilar to what Labour have just spent the past 6 years orchestrating on NZ Inc ;)

19-12-2023, 09:59 PM
Beats a Lefty designated compulsary scheme which with plenty of Political meddling in the pot would always be destined to turn into a king-sized Fl**k-up ,, not dissimilar to what Labour have just spent the past 6 years orchestrating on NZ Inc ;)
I guess you would have said the same thing about KiwiSaver- as they say the rest is history.

20-12-2023, 12:59 AM
I guess you would have said the same thing about KiwiSaver- as they say the rest is history.

Didn't need too much meddling from Labour to turn to Krap within first 18 months .. GFC must have caused Cullen many nightmares that his pet incarnation was getting badly knifed from financial markets afar ..

20-12-2023, 09:27 PM
Didn't need too much meddling from Labour to turn to Krap within first 18 months .. GFC must have caused Cullen many nightmares that his pet incarnation was getting badly knifed from financial markets afar ..
Chief - you need to answer the post - like i said I’m sure this site is R18 - your posts are plain weird. KS is a gem created by Labour- fact - end of.

21-12-2023, 01:20 AM
Chief - you need to answer the post - like i said I’m sure this site is R18 - your posts are plain weird. KS is a gem created by Labour- fact - end of.

Plain weird someone would lend you an entry pass to get across the R18 line - sunshine ;)

It must be School Holiday time again..

Who would have guessed Sleepy Cullen borrows a collective Investing can of worms from elsewhere and now someone calls it a gem .. Others at times have called it a Screamer when the prevailing winds haven't been as favourable :)

It didn't work out quite the same when someone went after a copycat model for WTF Ora and probably was left puzzled as to why the Box of tricks replicating NHI was infact a turd ready to disintegrate as soon as the box got shaken to see if it rattled ;)

Well if that's all 20 something years of Labour's innovation can produce on the plus side - then were they mostly asleep for the rest of the time, plotting overthrowing higher up Comrades, admiring the multitude of deep holes dug inadvertently & deliberately by fellow Comrades, or admiring the glitter flying off Fairy tale Princesses in process of abandoning the show & crash landing out in a shower of takeaway wrappers ? ;)

21-12-2023, 07:54 PM
Plain weird someone would lend you an entry pass to get across the R18 line - sunshine ;)

It must be School Holiday time again..

Who would have guessed Sleepy Cullen borrows a collective Investing can of worms from elsewhere and now someone calls it a gem .. Others at times have called it a Screamer when the prevailing winds haven't been as favourable :)

It didn't work out quite the same when someone went after a copycat model for WTF Ora and probably was left puzzled as to why the Box of tricks replicating NHI was infact a turd ready to disintegrate as soon as the box got shaken to see if it rattled ;)

Well if that's all 20 something years of Labour's innovation can produce on the plus side - then were they mostly asleep for the rest of the time, plotting overthrowing higher up Comrades, admiring the multitude of deep holes dug inadvertently & deliberately by fellow Comrades, or admiring the glitter flying off Fairy tale Princesses in process of abandoning the show & crash landing out in a shower of takeaway wrappers ? ;)

Clearly you are a bit slow - this site is R 18 and that clearly excludes you. I could ask the PM if he could assist with that outcome.

21-12-2023, 08:35 PM
Clearly you are a bit slow - this site is R 18 and that clearly excludes you. I could ask the PM if he could assist with that outcome.

Another one of your many low value, no value posts, bringing you down to the level of the proponents you choose to vilify. Try to lift your game tim23, imo, contribute something, anything, meaningful. Reacting in sound bites to other low value posts does nothing for your profile, it depreciates it to the lowest common denominator, which on here is very low indeed,

21-12-2023, 08:47 PM
Another one of your many low value, no value posts, bringing you down to the level of the proponents you choose to vilify. Try to lift your game tim23, imo, contribute something, anything, meaningful. Reacting in sound bites to other low value posts does nothing for your profile, it depreciates it to the lowest common denominator, which on here is very low indeed,

Thanks- are you the brother of NZTX? I’m sure they can fight their own battles without you. Unless of course they heeded the R18 thing?

21-12-2023, 08:57 PM
Thanks- are you the brother of NZTX? I’m sure they can fight their own battles without you. Unless of course they heeded the R18 thing?

No tim23, the poster you refer to is on my ignore list as they add no value to the conversation either. I just see you and who you quote and give relevance to. Think about it. Perhaps I should just put you on ignore too?

22-12-2023, 08:19 PM
No tim23, the poster you refer to is on my ignore list as they add no value to the conversation either. I just see you and who you quote and give relevance to. Think about it. Perhaps I should just put you on ignore too?

Fill your boots - I’d be delighted if you ignored me.

22-12-2023, 08:59 PM
Fill your boots - I’d be delighted if you ignored me.

My boots are full already, thanks. Considering it further, I think I'll get more satisfaction from pointing out your low value/quality posts, even though I might have to suffer some quoted nonsense, by you, of the incoherent seagull in the bay.

23-12-2023, 02:41 PM
, even though I might have to suffer some quoted nonsense, by you, of the incoherent seagull in the bay.

.....and speaking of incoherence....

23-12-2023, 03:52 PM
.....and speaking of incoherence....

His boots are full of his own sense of self-importance, he likes to look down on people.

23-12-2023, 04:35 PM
His boots are full of his own sense of self-importance, he likes to look down on people.
His posts on particular stocks are intelligent and thoughtful. But like most of us, Baa Baa has strong opinions on politics, and like most of us, he sometimes gets grumpy and provocative. I wish he wouldn't. I wish I hadn't.

There are some posters on these forums that seem to me to be beyond redemption, and I try not to feed the trolls, but I don't think Baa Baa is one of them, and I would like us all to try and treat each other as well as we possibly can and much better than the stupid bastards who disagree with me deserve!

24-12-2023, 09:31 AM
The mess which was health care (and still is until sorted out by the new government) under Labour - An ongoing Herald investigation has revealed one in two New Zealanders needing heart surgery waited longer than the maximum time frame considered appropriate by their specialists.



24-12-2023, 09:59 AM
He does not want to the angry and bitter person - says Kelvin Davis.

What about the angry & bitter divisive mess you, Ardern, Hipkins and your ministers made of NZ in the last 6 years?

Just fxxk off - NZ does not need any more of your BS & incompetence.

Good riddance to one of the most incompetent and useless ministers ever in NZ history.


https://thumbnailer.digitalnz.org/?resize=664%3E&src=https%3A%2F%2Fndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz%2FNLN ZStreamGate%2Fget%3Fdps_pid%3DIE60604677


26-12-2023, 10:09 PM

The inside story of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation

Oh Robbo, I feel knackered, I go to go ... :)

(Note: paywallllled for undesirables and cheapskates who haven't flashed the plastic at NZME)

27-12-2023, 06:45 PM

The inside story of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation

Oh Robbo, I feel knackered, I go to go ... :)

(Note: paywallllled for undesirables and cheapskates who haven't flashed the plastic at NZME)
What’s your point? Key and Lange resigned too - it’s no big deal.

fungus pudding
27-12-2023, 10:15 PM

The inside story of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation

Oh Robbo, I feel knackered, I go to go ... :)

(Note: paywallllled for undesirables and cheapskates who haven't flashed the plastic at NZME)

Everybody knows it was because she had 'nothing in the tank'.
Unfortunately nobody quite knows exactly what that means.

27-12-2023, 10:35 PM
Everybody knows it was because she had 'nothing in the tank'.
Unfortunately. nobody quite knows exactly what that means.

Her tank?

It must mean she was pissed off!

Yeah, nothing in her tank

28-12-2023, 10:32 AM
What’s your point? Key and Lange resigned too - it’s no big deal.

There is no point.

30-12-2023, 06:05 PM
Who can believe it?

Sir Trevor Mallard

One who was out for a duck.

30-12-2023, 06:53 PM
Who can believe it?

Sir Trevor Mallard

One who was out for a duck.

It's the concession before the redundancy.

30-12-2023, 07:10 PM
Sir Trevor.

The knight who knocked the daylights out of the honours system.

The SIR who turned it RISible!

30-12-2023, 07:44 PM
Sir Trevor.

The knight who knocked the daylights out of the honours system.

The SIR who turned it RISible!
At least he had a crack at those drongos occupying parliament.

31-12-2023, 10:34 AM
What would it take for Labour to win again?

Certainly not with the woke losers and hypocrites like Hipkins, Robertson and the incompetent token Maori & Pacific Islanders in charge.

Rediscover and find your soul, Labour and stand for all NZers who need a hand up, not hand outs.

Let's hope Labour does some proper soul searching and emerges as a strong Opposition which debate the issues on how to progress NZ into the future as a united, prosperous and successful nation.


"It is, arguably, the only good reason for keeping Hipkins and Sepuloni in place: to give them the time necessary to demonstrate their utter incapacity to front the sort of rejuvenated Labour Party that will be required to win in 2026."

31-12-2023, 11:36 AM
Like him or not,it worked

"“Cabinet was a real mixture of people who decided that they were gonna do the right thing, and if they lost, so be it, but they were gonna do what they thought was right. I don’t think we have that anymore."


14-01-2024, 10:28 AM
Just logging in to see who enjoyed hearing about Jacinda's wedding.

Wondering if Balance was invited.

fungus pudding
14-01-2024, 10:38 AM
Just logging in to see who enjoyed hearing about Jacinda's wedding.

Wondering if Balance was invited.

Most women and the odd male. Look for a spike in
womens weekly sales

14-01-2024, 11:08 AM
Just logging in to see who enjoyed hearing about Jacinda's wedding.

Wondering if Balance was invited.

Balance will report in when he gets back home …..after partying into the night

14-01-2024, 11:23 AM
Like him or not,it worked

The quote refers to Roger Douglas. I don't have any doubt that he and his colleagues believed that they were doing the right thing, or that after Muldoon's meddling, something had to be done. But what and how fast is the question.

Whether it "worked" is a different question. There is no doubt that Rogernomics was successful in introducing radical neoliberal reforms that transformed NZ society. It also made a small group of already rich people much richer, and (along with the Ruthenasia which followed) made a much larger group of already poor people much poorer. It markedly increased the degree of inequality in NZ society and added to the sum total of human misery.

Perhaps even more importantly, the speed and scope of the'reforms' (which I understand were the fastest and most extensive in the world) was actually damaging to the NZ economy, and many other countries tackled neoliberalism much more slowly, with better economic growth and much less social damage and disruption as a result.

14-01-2024, 03:12 PM
Perhaps even more importantly, the speed and scope of the'reforms' (which I understand were the fastest and most extensive in the world) was actually damaging to the NZ economy, and many other countries tackled neoliberalism much more slowly, with better economic growth and much less social damage and disruption as a result.

Other countries have zoomed past us... if we were more dynamic and flexible than they are then shouldn't the opposite be true.

Where's the golden age Sir Roger promised.

14-01-2024, 10:09 PM
Other countries have zoomed past us... if we were more dynamic and flexible than they are then shouldn't the opposite be true.

Where's the golden age Sir Roger promised.

Yep I would suggest Government policy over the last 15 years or so has let the country down badly.
No Government has tackled the obvious tax issues such as no CGT and left NZ as an outlier in the the Western World.
Let alone been tied down by poor regulation through the RMA which has done little but add cost.
Record levels of immigration has driven costs without the infrastructure or housing to accommodate.

NZ has become a very expensive country in a very short time, due to chasing artificial growth through increase costs to production and an immigration policy that has had no thought to the implications to the average New Zealander.

17-01-2024, 09:14 AM
Hipkins crashing in latest poll to 13 points, the lowest ever for a Labour leader.

A matter of time (as foretold by Chris Trotter) that Hipkins is a seat warmer and will be knifed within the next 2 years as Labour continues to crash down and down and down the popularity stakes.

"The poll has more bad news for Labour, with leader Chris Hipkins crashing 9 points as preferred prime minister, a new low for a Labour leader in this poll, opening up an 18-point gap with Christopher Luxon who was up one point to 31 per cent . Hipkins polled 35 per cent as preferred prime minister when he took over the job a year ago. Hipkins sits on 13 per cent as preferred PM."



17-01-2024, 10:46 PM

‘Chippie on a bikkie’: Labour leader Chris Hipkins in sea biscuit wipeout

Help ! ... I just lost my biscuit and mastered a full sausage roll ;)

18-01-2024, 07:39 PM

Minister demands action from Kāinga Ora over thousands of empty state homes

Housing Minister Chris Bishop is cracking the whip over the thousands of state houses that sit empty in New Zealand, demanding Kāinga Ora work with “utmost urgency” to fill them.

Bishop today released a letter he had penned yesterday to Kāinga Ora board chairman and former Labour minister Vui Mark Gosche after a response to an Official Information Act request seen by his office which showed 3906 public homes, 5 per cent of the country’s public housing stock, were vacant as of October 31.

More than 25,000 people were currently on the social housing waitlist.

“I was shocked to discover how many hundreds of newly built Kāinga Ora homes are sitting vacant for months at a time when New Zealand is facing a housing crisis and is desperately short of social houses,” Bishop said in his letter.

“I wish to make clear my expectation that, with over 25,000 people on the social housing waitlist, social houses owned by Kāinga Ora are not to be left empty for a day longer than absolutely necessary.”

Goes to show what a bl**dy Shambles was allowed to pass under Labor's clueless Wood on housing ;)

They didn't get vacant over night in such numbers did they ?;)

Wood was probably too busy trying to pad the numbers for feel good on how many new ones were built to actually look at whether what was on hand was being delivered to the homeless & being occupied .. ie: the purpose they were meant for ;)

18-01-2024, 07:42 PM
The former Government's failures just keep being exposed. Latest being that at 31 October, Kainga Ora had 3906 empty houses (including nearly 800 new houses) , 5 of it's stock, while 25000 people are on their waiting lists, many sleeping in motels, their cars or with family & friends. And of course this Government department is Chaired by a former Labour Minister.
Will be interesting to see the recommendations Bill English will give the Government in March.

19-01-2024, 10:36 PM

Nine hour waits the norm at Palmerston North Hospital ED

Labour's excuse for Hospital Services continues delivering & managing well on the Halfwit Centralisation mumblings Little put in place:

Just a matter of time ;)

God help the injured & others needing urgent attention rocking up to ED

Verally hopeless at best .. and that isn't directed at the under pressure hard working front line staffers trying to make a difference in this bureaucratic shambles that Labour orchestrated and left behind..

Patients at Palmerston North Regional Hospital’s Emergency Department are consistently waiting an average of eight to 10 hours to be dealt with.

More than half waited more than six hours in all but four of the past 12 months.

The longest time someone spent in ED was 73 hours, in February 2023, with nine others during the year waiting 67 hours or more.

The figures showed little improvement in average wait times during the year. They started at an average eight hours and 20 minutes in January, peaked over 10 hours in September, and ended the year a minute under nine hours.

In April, Stuff reported on how a seriously-ill man brought to hospital by ambulance waited for 30 hours. The latest figures suggested that was not exceptional.

19-01-2024, 10:57 PM

Media Insider: Jacinda Ardern foils Daily Mail’s wedding helicopter antics

Holy h4ll Paparazzi by Helicopter .. must still be at least one scandal rag around that cares ;)

Perhaps they were coming in for a look to see what happened with THEIR booking & what all the huha and fancy tents was all about ? ;)

Might have got the wrong info that Branson wasn't infact on that range ;)

20-01-2024, 10:24 AM
The former Government's failures just keep being exposed. Latest being that at 31 October, Kainga Ora had 3906 empty houses (including nearly 800 new houses) , 5 of it's stock, while 25000 people are on their waiting lists, many sleeping in motels, their cars or with family & friends. And of course this Government department is Chaired by a former Labour Minister.
Will be interesting to see the recommendations Bill English will give the Government in March.

Meanwhile, Kainga Ora (KO) management positions have ballooned by 86% in 2 years. Annual cost of the base salary now tops $100 million. They employed 319 managers in June of 2020 @ $58 million and in November 2022 they have 594 managers @ $103 million. Average salary is $173,000 base pay – ignoring purposive pay freeze.

Ardern, Hipkins and the various Housing Ministers (especially Megan Woods) were doing nothing except adding staff and throwing money at KO- but giving a different narrative extolling their success in the ever obliging 'corrupted by $55m media fund' MSM.

How can so few hoodwink so many?

Ele Ludemann: What were they doing?

How did this and who let it happen?

The number of new social houses sitting vacant across New Zealand is completely unacceptable, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says.

“I was dismayed to learn that, as of late last year, the total number of vacant social homes in New Zealand was 3,906, or five per cent, of New Zealand’s total public housing stock.

“It’s simply not okay that 786, almost 20 per cent, of the new public homes delivered by Kāinga Ora – Homes & Communities between June 2022 and October 2023 were vacant as of 31 October 2023. Of these new homes, 287 were empty for more than four months despite thousands of families waiting for social homes such as these.

“I have written to the Board of Kāinga Ora – Homes & Communities to make clear my expectation that, with over 25,000 people on the social housing waitlist – almost 20,000 more than when the previous Labour Government took office – social homes are not to be left empty for a day longer than absolutely necessary.

“It is disgraceful that New Zealanders needing a warm, dry home for their family are waiting in motel rooms, in cars and on family members’ couches while hundreds of newly built social housing units sit empty.

“While I understand there may be instances where, for valid reasons, it takes time to fill a new home, the timeframes identified in this response are well beyond what I consider appropriate.

“It is critical that Kāinga Ora – Homes & Communities is focused on efficiently placing tenants into social housing across New Zealand and works with much greater urgency to do so.

“I look forward to receiving the report from the independent review led by Sir Bill English and discussing with Kāinga Ora – Homes & Communities what needs to change, and how.”

A delay in getting tenants into existing houses could be explained by the need to refurbish or upgrade them.

But what possible reason can there be for so many houses being empty when there are so many people desperate for a home?

It begs the question what were Labour’s Housing Minister, the board and staff of Kāinga Ora staff doing?

This large number of empty new houses suggests they weren’t focused on getting as many people as possible into houses as soon as possible.

20-01-2024, 11:49 AM

Grandad died after waiting 30 hours in ED. His family fought for months for answers

Yet another abismal ^& totally disgusting report this time from Waikato on what was seen out of Little's poor excuse for a NZ Health Empire ..

After the event, the lengths some of the brass within the Health Empire will go to save their miserable asses on what was clearly substandard .. there are more of these, in fact likely a great number more where deaths have occurred, conveniently buried under the smoke & mirrors of Covide related deaths..

20-01-2024, 12:27 PM
The aftermath of the Labour/Greens F/Wit clueless meddling in the Residential Property Sector:

It always was going to morph through this sort of scenario, wasn't it


Landlords buckle under high interest rates as rental demand soars, migration rises

Try to control the Private Sector & punish, but the meddling Politicians couldn't even manage the Govt SOE Organisation handling the Govt initiative without creating another out of control deficient shambles under Labour ;)

That's we got out of No New Energy Resources / Govt Housing Empire talent - Wood for the Labour effort ;)

Who's paying for this & the other Labour orchestrated shambles that they pulled off on Kiwi's ? :)

21-01-2024, 08:34 AM
The aftermath of the Labour/Greens F/Wit clueless meddling in the Residential Property Sector:

It always was going to morph through this sort of scenario, wasn't it


Landlords buckle under high interest rates as rental demand soars, migration rises

Try to control the Private Sector & punish, but the meddling Politicians couldn't even manage the Govt SOE Organisation handling the Govt initiative without creating another out of control deficient shambles under Labour ;)

That's we got out of No New Energy Resources / Govt Housing Empire talent - Wood for the Labour effort ;)

Who's paying for this & the other Labour orchestrated shambles that they pulled off on Kiwi's ? :)
Have some landlords been paying so much for houses, with a low net rental yield, with the expectation that capital gains would make their investment worth while? The Covid house price boom should never have happened. I don’t blame landlords. The NZ investment and tax environment is broken.

21-01-2024, 01:31 PM
Have some landlords been paying so much for houses, with a low net rental yield, with the expectation that capital gains would make their investment worth while? The Covid house price boom should never have happened. I don’t blame landlords. The NZ investment and tax environment is broken.

The only things that are broken are what just got kicked to the kerb last year & not before time :)

That session of the clueless failed on most projects & goals they attempted to touch, left all within the RP sector wearing the high costs of the adventure on which Govt had tipped it's chapters of idiocy trying to control free market, solved few if any of the issues that were identified, ending up with likely more homeless or on waiting lists.

These things happen when the idiot Left Socialists get a fuzzy brainwave on how to control free market but badly lose their way on extrapolating the effects of their idiot meddling.

Of course the Socialists whose eagerness for putting their mits on resources of others to fund out of control spending & squandering that knows no boundaries will be the ones coming out now with excuses of the system being broken ;)

But then they ignore that the regime just emptied out did so badly on delivery with mostly fail grades, on short memories .. the same regime that effectively devalued the money in your pockets and bank accounts in a short time by at least 50% out of their funny money 'Rob the Central Bank' games in the name of Covid ;)

21-01-2024, 02:17 PM

The home front: Defence Force's $3 billion housing problem

According to the pitch document prepared for former defence minister Andrew Little, most of the stock is over 60 years old and “does not meet modern functionality or is in a marginal physical condition”.

In the last five years, the military had been able to stump up $10.5 million on maintenance of its housing stock.

Gurnsey told Stuff that Defence had gained initial approval from the previous government for the $3 billion programme, dubbed “Homes for Families”.

No Wucking Furries - Andrew - No need to look - "They're managing.. " or not ? ;)

A bit of sit quietly, dont make much noise and it's no longer your problem or might go away ;)

Besides more urgent Fish to Fry like Rescue Missions on the Airforce's Pride & Joy stranded after
trying a bit of Island Hopping to ferry Ms Fairdust off to some distant Official Engagement and
replacement fill-in Birds to make it the rest of the way to official engagement ? ;)

23-01-2024, 02:30 PM
Ardern & Little said that healthcare under Labour & their watch was ok - stretched but not in crisis.

Read and it is clear that they were and are both full of BS, lies and spin.

“A leaked report has lifted the lid on the causes of long-term heart surgery delays at Waikato Hospital - and raises the alarm about avoidable deaths. Investigative reporter Nicholas Jones outlines the findings.

Problems with heart services at a major hospital have been linked to avoidable deaths, by a confidential report leaked to the Herald.

Waikato Hospital has sent cardiac surgery patients to other hospitals because of severe delays.

As part of that arrangement specialists from Auckland City Hospital were invited to Waikato Hospital, and in July last year delivered a troubling report.”



23-01-2024, 03:10 PM
Ardern & Little said that healthcare under Labour & their watch was ok - stretched but not in crisis.

Read and it is clear that they were and are both full of BS, lies and spin.

“A leaked report has lifted the lid on the causes of long-term heart surgery delays at Waikato Hospital - and raises the alarm about avoidable deaths. Investigative reporter Nicholas Jones outlines the findings.

Problems with heart services at a major hospital have been linked to avoidable deaths, by a confidential report leaked to the Herald.

Waikato Hospital has sent cardiac surgery patients to other hospitals because of severe delays.

As part of that arrangement specialists from Auckland City Hospital were invited to Waikato Hospital, and in July last year delivered a troubling report.”


Paywalled I wonder what percentage of National MPs and Labour MPs have private healthcare insurance. Would they be able to sidestep delays and system malfunctions in the public system?

Blue Skies
23-01-2024, 04:13 PM
Ardern & Little said that healthcare under Labour & their watch was ok - stretched but not in crisis.

Read and it is clear that they were and are both full of BS, lies and spin.

“A leaked report has lifted the lid on the causes of long-term heart surgery delays at Waikato Hospital - and raises the alarm about avoidable deaths. Investigative reporter Nicholas Jones outlines the findings.

Problems with heart services at a major hospital have been linked to avoidable deaths, by a confidential report leaked to the Herald.

Waikato Hospital has sent cardiac surgery patients to other hospitals because of severe delays.

As part of that arrangement specialists from Auckland City Hospital were invited to Waikato Hospital, and in July last year delivered a troubling report.”



Truth is he never said it was ok, he said it was under enormous pressure but stopped short of calling it a crisis, just exactly like earlier National Minister of Health Jonathan Coleman when faced with similar criticism.
But yes parts of it are in crisis.

Anyway what it needs is more money, lots more money, to pay competitive salaries for doctors, nurses & healthcare workers with Australia, for equipment like MRI scanners, for PHARMAC to keep up with drugs & treatments freely available in Australia & the UK but not funded here, to upgrade hospitals, increase funding for GP's & Primary healthcare etc.

I look forward to the govt fixing it, they seem to have plenty of money as can afford $14.6 Billion in tax cuts.

Just hope their solution isn't to privatise as much as they can, so those who can afford health insurance will be absolutely fine, but those who can't will not.

23-01-2024, 04:23 PM
Truth is he never said it was ok, he said it was under enormous pressure but stopped short of calling it a crisis, just exactly like earlier National Minister of Health Jonathan Coleman when faced with similar criticism.
But yes parts of it are in crisis.

Anyway what it needs is more money, lots more money, to pay competitive salaries for doctors, nurses & healthcare workers with Australia, for equipment like MRI scanners, for PHARMAC to keep up with drugs & treatments freely available in Australia & the UK but not funded here, to upgrade hospitals, increase funding for GP's & Primary healthcare etc.

I look forward to the govt fixing it, they seem to have plenty of money as can afford $14.6 Billion in tax cuts.

Just hope their solution isn't to privatise as much as they can, so those who can afford health insurance will be absolutely fine, but those who can't will not.

Wrong and you could not be more wrong.

It is about prioritising spending and cutting out frivolous and wasteful spending.

Something that you woke leftist losers will never understand or know how to implement.

6 years of Ardern, Hipkins and Robertson are conclusive proof of how clueless and useless the woke leftists are when it comes to running an efficient and effective government.

23-01-2024, 04:31 PM
Wrong and you could not be more wrong.

It is about prioritising spending and cutting out frivolous and wasteful spending.

Something that you woke leftist losers will never understand or know how to implement. I am sure the Key government did try that too? Can you get blood from a stone? Unfortunately the healthcare crisis will need more funds, and that is even with ignoring the dental health crisis.

The List of members' interests should include whether the member has private healthcare.

Logen Ninefingers
23-01-2024, 06:54 PM
I am sure the Key government did try that too? Can you get blood from a stone? Unfortunately the healthcare crisis will need more funds, and that is even with ignoring the dental health crisis.

The List of members' interests should include whether the member has private healthcare.

It your Leftist utopia everyone will have perfect teeth, we will all have identical haircuts, we will all live in the exact same houses with the exact same number of rooms, and the Ministry of Fairness will try and ensure everything is always fair.

23-01-2024, 09:31 PM
It your Leftist utopia everyone will have perfect teeth, we will all have identical haircuts, we will all live in the exact same houses with the exact same number of rooms, and the Ministry of Fairness will try and ensure everything is always fair.

That's the problem with leftists, they don't understand the notion of freedom, personal choice, and personal responsibility. Liberalism is a disease.

23-01-2024, 09:39 PM
It your Leftist utopia everyone will have perfect teeth, we will all have identical haircuts, we will all live in the exact same houses with the exact same number of rooms, and the Ministry of Fairness will try and ensure everything is always fair.Perfect teeth sounds well, perfect. Identical haircuts? Just the obligatory shaved pate for the glorious leader. Exact same houses? Probably modular then. Should be cheaper to build and maintain. If they are built to watertight, well-insulated standards, it sounds like it would be a vast improvement. Should have knock on effect of creating less demand for health services. Fairness? Surely that should be a goal of every society. Count me in!

Logen Ninefingers
23-01-2024, 09:47 PM
Perfect teeth sounds well, perfect. Identical haircuts? Just the obligatory shaved pate for the glorious leader. Exact same houses? Probably modular then. Should be cheaper to build and maintain. If they are built to watertight, well-insulated standards, it sounds like it would be a vast improvement. Should have knock on effect of creating less demand for health services. Fairness? Surely that should be a goal of every society. Count me in!

No, there won’t be ‘fairness’. Fairness is illusory. One persons fair is another persons unfair. What there will be is the relentless pursuit of fairness by the Ministry of Fairness, with the attendant mass executions and torturing when perfect fairness cannot be achieved and scapegoats must consequently be found.

23-01-2024, 10:04 PM
No, there won’t be ‘fairness’. Fairness is illusory. One persons fair is another persons unfair. What there will be is the relentless pursuit of fairness by the Ministry of Fairness, with the attendant mass executions and torturing when perfect fairness cannot be achieved and scapegoats must consequently be found. True "fairness" is a shifting concept over time and place. However it is probably better to aim for fairness rather than not to care what the consequences are for others.

Logen Ninefingers
24-01-2024, 06:39 AM
True "fairness" is a shifting concept over time and place. However it is probably better to aim for fairness rather than not to care what the consequences are for others.

Leftist interventions in pursuit of illusory ‘fairness’ invariably fall foul of the law of unintended consequences.