View Full Version : The Hypocrisy, Misdeeds & Incompetence of Adern’s Government

10-04-2022, 04:50 PM
It is appropriate to have a thread to highlight just how hypocritical & incompetent this current government really is.

As the pandemic fades into the background and the misdeeds of this government come to the fore, NZers can see for themselves just how bad this government is.

10-04-2022, 05:05 PM
This government has plenty of money for gangs and criminals but not for parents & infants.

So much for its election promises of taking care of children, families and to eradicate child poverty.

Plunket will cut its parenting programmes because it cannot afford to keep running them.

Facilitators have been running 600 courses each year attended by about 4000 parents and caregivers. Since Covid-19 the classes have been run online.


$400,000 extra funding a year would see Plunket, an organisation trusted and cherished by all NZers, retain all of its services.

This government handed over $2.75m to ‘help’ gangs sell drugs better and $150,000 to re-tattoo NZ out & put Aotearoa in place (for gang members) BUT does not have $400k extra a year for Plunket.

So do the crime and get rewarded by Adern & Poto Williams.

Do good and this government kicks you in the guts - in this case, mothers and infants.

Go figure.

10-04-2022, 05:11 PM
at the macro level the worst thing is the lack of transparency in their policy

stated goals were never achieved

unstated unannounced policies ( often highly controversial ) were put in place.

this is why we need to move away from having politicians and members of parliament who are our so called representatives. they are not. in this world where every street has a camera , where databases are terrabytes and everyone is online , we dont need representatives, we can represent ourselves. govt in the 21st C should only be bureaucrats who seek policy approval via online individual representation. voting online not every 3 years but on all issues of policy. true democracy. /end thread hijack

11-04-2022, 07:39 AM
Another day, another example of how this government’s housing & policing policies favour gangs and criminals :


And it’s only because of publicity (bad for polls, see) that Kainga Ora finally acted after the elderly woman had endured the gangsterism for a long year.

11-04-2022, 08:34 AM
Watched Adern ducking and diving on TV3 while being questioned over how incompetent & badly Poto Williams has been handling her police portfolio, she obviously cannot handle the pressure anymore these days and is losing her spinning top!

Adern slipped and proudly proclaimed that police numbers have increased by 1,400 in the last 4.5 years.

Has she forgotten that she promised 1,800 within her first term?

So she’s 400 behind on her initial promise but actually the number is worse as there should be 2,700 more police by now - so close to 50% behind.

12-04-2022, 09:21 AM
Only after crime has run rampant in Auckland CBD, is the police going to mount a response!

Whatever happened to ‘a stitch in time saves nine?’

Whatever happened to prevention of crime?

This is what happens when the country has an incompetent police minister, appointed just because she is token female & non white.


12-04-2022, 12:54 PM
If you want to have more impetus behind your argument then adding another r to her name may help.

Some of the later arrivals on the planet may not know who you are referring to in years to come.:)

fungus pudding
12-04-2022, 01:05 PM
If you want to have more impetus behind your argument then adding another r to her name may help.

Some of the later arrivals on the planet may not know who you are referring to in years to come.:)

Yea, Radern sounds much better.

12-04-2022, 01:57 PM
The cost of living issue would bring down even the most competent govt.

Thankfully it is now solved as of apr 1, so the polls will return to their baseline.

12-04-2022, 02:16 PM
Reply to FP

On that basis I suppose Darren would do as well.:)

12-04-2022, 03:53 PM
Another day, another example of how this government’s housing & policing policies favour gangs and criminals :


And it’s only because of publicity (bad for polls, see) that Kainga Ora finally acted after the elderly woman had endured the gangsterism for a long year.

Up in the morning
on to the job
trawling the net
hoping to find
another anti Labour link

Are you just obsessed or paid? Just asking ? :)


12-04-2022, 04:52 PM
Up in the morning
on to the job
trawling the net
hoping to find
another anti Labour link

Are you just obsessed or paid? Just asking ? :)


Impossible to miss articles about the hypocrisy, misdeeds and incompetence of Ardern’s government - like shooting fish in a barrel.

Enjoy, westerly because I am - even though I know you are seething with despair at just how unbelievably bad this government of nincompoops is performing.

12-04-2022, 06:41 PM
Poto Williams in trouble again - this time for fudging numbers with a special police operation to seize illegal firearms.

Clueless and incompetent - a perfect combination for a police minister in a pro-criminal government.


The number of illegal guns attributed to a nationwide crackdown on gangs over the past 12 months includes firearms discovered during routine police callouts and other investigations into organised crime, the Herald can reveal.

The number of firearms taken out of criminal hands is often referred to by Police Minister Poto Williams as a result of Labour's tough stance on gangs, in response to the National Party's criticism of the Government.

However, data provided to the Herald shows fewer firearms were found during Operation Tauwhiro than the three previous calendar years: 1862 (2020), 1790 (2019), and 1626 (2018).

12-04-2022, 10:38 PM
Poto Williams in trouble again - this time for fudging numbers with a special police operation to seize illegal firearms.

Clueless and incompetent - a perfect combination for a police minister in a pro-criminal government.


The number of illegal guns attributed to a nationwide crackdown on gangs over the past 12 months includes firearms discovered during routine police callouts and other investigations into organised crime, the Herald can reveal.

The number of firearms taken out of criminal hands is often referred to by Police Minister Poto Williams as a result of Labour's tough stance on gangs, in response to the National Party's criticism of the Government.

However, data provided to the Herald shows fewer firearms were found during Operation Tauwhiro than the three previous calendar years: 1862 (2020), 1790 (2019), and 1626 (2018).

The current state of affairs with high levels of gun crime in NZ shows what an absolute waste of time the gun buyback policy was. Yet another do good-ers idea that was seriously flawed, failed in it's implementation and achieved absolutely nothing. Sound familiar ?

13-04-2022, 07:37 AM
Remember this : “During the campaign Labour committed to lifting 100,000 New Zealand children out of poverty by 2020, with the end goal of eradicating child poverty in the country for good.”

Child poverty not getting any better - 4.5 years after her huge promise to eradicate child poverty, despite her government throwing ever more money into the hole. Even to the extent of her taking on the portfolio herself!

“Green Party's Jan Logie said the statistics of the report was "predicable and disappointing".


13-04-2022, 12:49 PM
More lies uncovered:

13-04-2022, 09:00 PM
More lies uncovered:

The arrogance of this government is totally beyond the pale.

From their self proclaimed pulpit of truth, they shower mistruths, misinformation and spin like confetti on NZers - as if we are all like their brain dead devotees.

Well, they are getting caught out these days with nowhere to hide.

07-09-2022, 10:25 PM
Free school lunches which are inedible - so the tonnes of lunches are getting dumped and wasted.

What kind of pathetic government is Ardern running? She cannot even organise edible free school lunches!


So the providers get rich and the environment get trashed with food waste.

07-09-2022, 11:06 PM
What kind of pathetic government is Ardern running? She cannot even organise edible free school lunches!

She couldn't even organize a piss up in a brewery, but Anna Lorck could!

She would get trashed too!

12-09-2022, 04:57 PM
Up in the morning
on to the job
trawling the net
hoping to find
another anti Labour link

Are you just obsessed or paid? Just asking ? :)


westerly, yes and , " the left is still a lie " !

15-09-2022, 10:05 AM
So how did Ardern turned a homeless crisis into a disaster in less than 3 years?

Read on :


Deane has been amply rewarded for his endeavours, having received around $14 million in funding from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).

On Monday, having come to power with the pledge of ending homelessness, there was yet more hand-wringing and kicking for touch from the prime minister. Professing that the Government didn’t want motels to be long-term homes for New Zealanders, she said she would much rather that “people have temporary housing that is not a garage, that is not a car”.

Which would have been passable messaging except that the number of children living in cars had risen by nearly 350% from when Labour came into power at the end of 2017 to June 2022. It also paints a picture of a Government that’s happy to kick for touch on how to solve the problem.

15-09-2022, 10:29 AM
Up in the morning
on to the job
trawling the net
hoping to find
another anti Labour link

Are you just obsessed or paid? Just asking ? :)


Both metinks

15-09-2022, 10:40 AM
Both metinks

More to come in the story of how Rotorua has been stuffed deliberately by Ardern.

It's a serial narrative.

Love the way the Ardern devotees here are responding with fear and hypocrisy - as usual.

15-09-2022, 10:41 AM
For the record - to be brought out next year during the election campaign, to not just show how incompetent and useless Ardern & her mob are, but how full of spin, mistruths and hypocrisy they truly are.

The Rotorua Emergency Disaster - Created & Made by Ardern & Megan Woods


1. Ardern & her useless mob were cautioned and warned way back in 2019 before the pandemic struck that Rotorua was becoming a slum and criminal playground due to her emergency and homeless policy of using motels to house beneficiaries.

Especially beneficiaries from the Central North Island - a region known for dysfunctional families, crime and drug dealing & use.


"Rotorua moteliers say they aren't trained or equipped to be dealing with what they have to deal with. That's everything from gang and domestic violence, to mental health and drug issues. The problem has been compounded by an increase in homeless people being housed in motels"

"Another example is the fighting between opposing gang members who are now living in close proximity to each other while in temporary accommodation.

"Weapons, drugs, violence - we're dealing with it all. The problems are also very visible and are impacting negatively on the way people view Rotorua."


"Rotorua has become a "dumping ground" and "slum" for beneficiaries from around the central North Island who are getting a "holiday" in motels and causing havoc, local business leaders say."

"She described the situation as a "dire emergency" and said domestic and gang violence was rife in emergency accommodation. The association estimated 35 motels in Rotorua solely catered for homeless beneficiaries."

Guess what Ardern & her mob did next?

16-09-2022, 09:42 AM
Guess what Ardern & her mob did next?

well, here's what Ardern & her mob did next - turned Rotorua into a hell hole for emergency housing :

2022 :


16-09-2022, 10:00 AM
Ardern's response to the Rotorua Emergency Housing disaster :

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/l/k/f/c/q/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .1m8sgv.png/1508408308156.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium

21-09-2022, 08:04 PM
Massive cock up over cost of living payments :


23-09-2022, 09:55 AM
29% increase in civil servants (from 48,000 to 62,000) since Ardern came into office.

28% of them now earn over $100,000 a year.


So WTF have all these civil servants been doing as we know this government has delivered bugger all to improve the welfare and livelihood of NZers?

Especially when Ardern has increased the government spending on contractors and consultants to $1 billion a year!


Ardern = BIG government = total wasteful spend of taxpayers' monies = rundown of essential services like health, education, policing and housing

24-09-2022, 03:51 PM
OMG - 6 posts in a row is that some kind of record, this will break your chain. The irony of the social housing mess is that National initiated it!

02-11-2022, 06:00 PM
From the pulpit of truth, PM Ardern of the most transparent government ever tells Elon Musk to embrace transparency!

God help the world!!!!!!


12-11-2022, 09:26 AM
Watch out for tax cuts in 2023 - from Ardern & her clueless mob as they swallow more dead rats in rotten hangi :



Given the cost of living and economy are the top issues for voters, the numbers that deliver the worst news for Labour as it faces the next election were in the graph showing which party was considered best at managing the economy. Labour took ascendency for a brief period in 2020 - but now almost twice as many people believe National is best at 47 per cent to Labour’s 24 per cent.

The bluntest lesson – or solution – for Labour came in the Reid Research poll, in which an overwhelming 85 per cent of people supported a tax-free income threshold.

12-11-2022, 10:33 AM
Watch out for tax cuts in 2023 - from Ardern & her clueless mob as they swallow more dead rats in rotten hangi :

Such an emotional bloke aren't you.

Labour gave everyone a free public holiday and paid rest breaks.

12-11-2022, 04:27 PM
Such an emotional bloke aren't you.

Labour gave everyone a free public holiday and paid rest breaks.

No they didn't. They forced employers to do it at their own cost.

01-12-2022, 10:31 PM
And here’s what Ardern heard at Fieldays :


fungus pudding
02-12-2022, 09:09 AM
No they didn't. They forced employers to do it at their own cost.


04-12-2022, 12:00 PM
Remember this Greens MP - the one who, in cohorts with Mahuta, sneaked in the 60% entrenchment clause to circumvent the long established constitutional 75% requirement :


“She grew up looking at Rangitoto and spent her first 25 years in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, where she studied law and history at Auckland University before moving south to study journalism at Canterbury University.”

She studied law?

04-12-2022, 12:06 PM
And here’s what Ardern heard at Fieldays :


One of your mates?


04-12-2022, 01:38 PM
One of your mates?


An exLabour supporter apparently who deserves a beer & thumbs up. :t_up:

04-12-2022, 07:38 PM
Such an emotional bloke aren't you.

Labour gave everyone a free public holiday and paid rest breaks.

Say that to the struggling employer who has yet more money to give away for nothing with rising costs and other regulatory pressures biting. The employers that provide jobs, pay tax etc. Labour can get snotted as far as I am concerned.

04-12-2022, 07:39 PM
One of your mates?


Legend, give that man a DB!

07-12-2022, 08:36 PM
Say that to the struggling employer who has yet more money to give away for nothing with rising costs and other regulatory pressures biting. The employers that provide jobs, pay tax etc. Labour can get snotted as far as I am concerned.

No one cares about your concerns - besides what would change under National?

07-12-2022, 08:40 PM
No one cares about your concerns - besides what would change under National?

Ardern and Mahuta certainly don't. Unfortunately for them, a growing majority do very much care. Out on their lying arses they will go. Sadly, they will have done untold damage in the meantime.

07-12-2022, 08:42 PM
Ardern and Mahuta certainly don't. Unfortunately for them, a growing majority do very much care. Out on their lying arses they will go. Sadly, they will have done untold damage in the meantime.
Okay you’re doing blackcaps bidding but at least answer the question.

07-12-2022, 09:00 PM
Okay you’re doing blackcaps bidding but at least answer the question.

The bulging bureaucracy would be curtailed. Admittedly the Nats are going to have their work cut out fixing the TVNZ merger, the Health merger, 5 Waters AND the polytech cock-up.

07-12-2022, 09:02 PM
The bulging bureaucracy would be curtailed. Admittedly the Nats are going to have their work cut out fixing the TVNZ merger, the Health merger, 5 Waters AND the polytech cock-up.
Okay but what’s that got to do with struggling employers per blackcaps post?

07-12-2022, 09:06 PM
Okay but what’s that got to do with struggling employers per blackcaps post?

Ummm, the massive amount of tax people are paying to support the bulging bureaucracy and the billions being wasted on "fixing" things that end up in worse outcomes. But you're not alone, Labour doesn't get it either.

07-12-2022, 09:07 PM
Ummm, the massive amount of tax people are paying to support the bulging bureaucracy and the billions being wasted on "fixing" things that end up in worse outcomes. But you're not alone, Labour doesn't get it either.
Hello but when you are paying plenty of tax you are probably making money 💰?

07-12-2022, 09:20 PM
Hello but when you are paying plenty of tax you are probably making money ��?

That would be my money that I and anyone with sense wouldn't hand over to an ever growing useless collective that takes a large proportion of it and wastes it! I don't mind paying tax for the delivery of the services a government should deliver. Labour isn't even on the scale.

07-12-2022, 09:32 PM
Hello but when you are paying plenty of tax you are probably making money ?

WARNING: Error404.

Oh dear......Houston, we have a problem!

Is tim23 actually just a Stage 1 AI chatBot??

You know, the very basic level chatBot, where you type in a comment or question, and it immediately responds with a NI (No Intelligence) answer.

For heaven's sake Tim.....just because you may be on the Labour Party's payroll, getting paid by the # of ill-considered posts typed, couldn't you at least attempt to first deploy something that represents intellect?

08-12-2022, 07:18 AM
For heaven's sake Tim.....just because you may be on the Labour Party's payroll, getting paid by the character typed, couldn't you at least attempt to first deploy something that represents intellect?

Error 7475: "That feature has been disabled / lost " might be the answer :)

08-12-2022, 11:12 AM
For heaven's sake Tim.....just because you may be on the Labour Party's payroll, getting paid by the # of ill-considered posts typed, couldn't you at least attempt to first deploy something that represents intellect?

Or you could perhaps address his argument - which if I have it right, arose in the context of a scrap over an extra holiday.
- Bad because it is an extra cost on struggling businesses
- But are businesses struggling because of something the Govt can be blamed for? - would it be better under National?
- Yes because the Govt spending is wasteful and National would reduce wasteful spending and the tax burden.
- At which point Tim suggested that the tax burden was falling on those who were making money.

There are almost certainly a number of rejoinders that address his point and advance the discussion. I don't think yours was one of them.

08-12-2022, 08:42 PM
That would be my money that I and anyone with sense wouldn't hand over to an ever growing useless collective that takes a large proportion of it and wastes it! I don't mind paying tax for the delivery of the services a government should deliver. Labour isn't even on the scale.

Great - you’ve fallen in to the trap and contradicted yourself.

09-12-2022, 08:18 AM
A leader who lies and spins so easily.

3 Waters - Ardern sinking beneath the waves created by her incompetence, lies and hypocrisy:


"The Prime Minister initially came out and said, 'Oh, look, it's not something I would necessarily know about, I wasn't too sure about it' - then it came to light that [Local Government Minister] Nanaia Mahuta said that, actually, Labour's caucus did discuss this," Lynch said. "The Prime Minister still hasn't been clear as to whether she knew that what has been called a 'dangerous constitutional precedent' was being passed.

"I think the Prime Minister still has questions to answer here… she could clear it up today and say, did she know whether they were voting for a 60 percent threshold or not? That is the one question she hasn't answered."

13-12-2022, 12:56 PM
Poto Williams has no regrets - the arrogance of Ardern’s picks of incompetence is beyond repugnant.

After failing as police minister and had to be removed - she still thinks she did such a great job!

Disgusting & despicable.


The whole lot deserves & will be laid out to pasture next year.

13-12-2022, 01:14 PM
"Barbara Edmonds, who is Samoan, is widely expected to be a minister"

Well thats reassuring.

Georgie Dansey, Ngati Tuwharetoa missed out of course.


Oh, well, I suppose you cant have everything!

13-12-2022, 02:44 PM
"Barbara Edmonds, who is Samoan, is widely expected to be a minister"

I fail to see what the relevance of the middle bit has in any reporting whatsoever. What a sick society we have become.

It would have read so much better if the report read: Barbara Edmonds is widely expected to be a minister.

13-12-2022, 03:40 PM


She's losing it

13-12-2022, 03:59 PM


She's losing it

And showing her true colours.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been caught by a Parliament microphone calling ACT leader David Seymour “an arrogant prick”.

She has since apologised.”

13-12-2022, 04:07 PM
And showing her true colours.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been caught by a Parliament microphone calling ACT leader David Seymour “an arrogant prick”.

She has since apologised.”

Lets give her credit for getting SOMETHING right!!

13-12-2022, 04:14 PM
And showing her true colours.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been caught by a Parliament microphone calling ACT leader David Seymour “an arrogant prick”.

She has since apologised.”

"Be Kind, be kind!!"

Arden's / Labour's true colors on display for all to see, finally...

13-12-2022, 04:23 PM
Media headlines of 6 of Cinder's finest leaving with a years notice, after just 2 years since last election.

Kris Trev and Guarev already gone.
An attrition rate of 9 may indicate Anna Lorck is not the only one hard on her staff?

Or is it that they can't stand all the pandering to, and dictates of big Willie and Nanaia?

14-12-2022, 06:43 PM
And showing her true colours.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been caught by a Parliament microphone calling ACT leader David Seymour “an arrogant prick”.

She has since apologised.”

She told the truth though. NZ's answer to Mr Bean comes across that way.


14-12-2022, 06:57 PM
She told the truth though. NZ's answer to Mr Bean comes across that way.


David Seymour can run rings around Ardern, that's why she hates him......

14-12-2022, 09:09 PM
She told the truth though. NZ's answer to Mr Bean comes across that way.


Who cares if he's not cool and doesn't mind taking the piss out of himself?

This is exactly the problem. Labour and Greens think Seymour is Mr Bean and Jacinda is meant to be who? A cross between Mother Theresa / Wonder Woman / Whitney Herd?

People who are eligible to vote actually think like this? Scary stuff.

14-12-2022, 09:23 PM
David Seymour can run rings around Ardern, that's why she hates him......

Absolutely. He certainly pushed her buttons yesterday and she took the bait. She despises his ability to expose her stupidity.
She is a fake and deep down she might even know it.

15-12-2022, 05:16 PM
Absolutely. He certainly pushed her buttons yesterday and she took the bait. She despises his ability to expose her stupidity.
She is a fake and deep down she might even know it.

David Seymour
“I asked her the question...before she said it...can she give us one example where she’d made a mistake, admitted it, apologised and fixed it.

“She couldn’t answer the question which is probably why she was a bit flustered...the great irony is now I actually have got her to apologise for something. So that’s progress.
I just wish she’d apologise for a few other things.”

15-12-2022, 05:29 PM
I also read a quote recently that said" it's funny how many say that something can not be afforded, but then turn around and say that it can be afforded with the cost of an additional bureaucracy on top"

this is yesterday's Herald and is just the estimated additional ICT cost (it will most likely be many times more).

"The Government’s Three Waters reforms needs an estimated $582 million in operating expenditure to cover the cost of a new ICT system. The Crown is estimated to recover those costs once the new entities start charging households."


16-12-2022, 10:48 PM
I also read a quote recently that said" it's funny how many say that something can not be afforded, but then turn around and say that it can be afforded with the cost of an additional bureaucracy on top"

this is yesterday's Herald and is just the estimated additional ICT cost (it will most likely be many times more).

"The Government’s Three Waters reforms needs an estimated $582 million in operating expenditure to cover the cost of a new ICT system. The Crown is estimated to recover those costs once the new entities start charging households."


Ardern must be close to having totalled all of the fast spin gears on the machine ;)

Perhaps too much hard labour taken the colour out of the job while the
comrades weren't looking, in an earlier use ? :)

Another Soak and Enjoy cycle - anyone ? ;)

Extra Suds available a reasonable price of an arm and both legs for anyone wanting the additional special
feature of having the horizon blocked out :)

Any caught diving for coins on the bottom will be kicked hard and thrown over the fence ;)
They is expressly reserved for the Party Christmas bash ..

Special discounts for customers who can sing smooth overs to the masses to block out the growing
numbers screaming on discovering that their packets have been inflation adjusted down to 1/2 what they
used to be :)

The full cycle just aint what is used to be anymore, but still a plentiful supply of fools who haven't quite
seen the failing flickering light yet :)

fungus pudding
15-03-2023, 02:11 PM
Nash makes Dash

Silly boy.

He as much, as any MP, should know the rules.

15-03-2023, 03:05 PM
Nash makes Dash

Silly boy.

He as much, as any MP, should know the rules.

Plenty of further hands needed "Shovelling Muck" in the region he hails from, seeing as
managing a Policing Portfolio was obviously beyond his grasp :)

19-03-2023, 03:59 PM
Toothless and irrelevant except as a reliable left wing race based party to keep Labour in power - that’s the Greens.

Imagine admitting to being kicked in the teeth many times by Labour’s hypocrisy on climate change initiatives, but like the obedient dog that they are, the Greens keep going back for more.


19-03-2023, 09:07 PM
Toothless and irrelevant except as a reliable left wing race based party to keep Labour in power - that’s the Greens.

Imagine admitting to being kicked in the teeth many times by Labour’s hypocrisy on climate change initiatives, but like the obedient dog that they are, the Greens keep going back for more.


I see James Shaw is carrying on with NIWA's lie regarding cyclone Gabrielle. Anyone who is prepared to promote a lie to further their cause is corrupt, no matter how noble they may think their cause.

22-07-2024, 07:37 PM
Ardern's "nuclear moment" turning into a nuclear winter for NZ. Probably more like a decade. The mess this imbecile left behind continues to grow in her absence. That's not easy to do!

Genesis Energy has received its first imported coal supplies at Huntly as it looks to run its dual-fuel Rankine units as much as possible amidst tight gas supplies and low hydro storage this winter.

The company burned about 393,000 tonnes of coal in the June quarter – the most in three years – as an early cold snap compounded the impact of the country’s gas shortage and falling lake levels.

That saw the firm’s coal stockpile at Huntly drop to 231,000 tonnes at 30 June, down from 624,000 tonnes at the end of March and 962,000 tonnes at June 2023.

22-07-2024, 08:19 PM
The company burned about 393,000 tonnes of coal in the June quarter – the most in three years

But, but, it's the farting cows, they're the problem.

22-07-2024, 09:06 PM
But, but, it's the farting cows, they're the problem.

It’s the fart coming out of the useless cow Ardern’s mouth.

22-07-2024, 09:12 PM
It’s the fart coming out of the useless cow Ardern’s mouth.

9kg gas bottle went from $40 refill to $52 in my district. Thanks Cindy. Poor families thank you every time they pick up a bottle. More than 25% inflation on the gas fill and more coal burnt. Only Ardern could achieve that!

22-07-2024, 09:46 PM
9kg gas bottle went from $40 refill to $52 in my district. Thanks Cindy. Poor families thank you every time they pick up a bottle. More than 25% inflation on the gas fill and more coal burnt. Only Ardern could achieve that!

Fortunately her "legacy" will not be forgotten any time soon. As long as she lives is my guess.

24-07-2024, 08:15 PM
9kg gas bottle went from $40 refill to $52 in my district. Thanks Cindy. Poor families thank you every time they pick up a bottle. More than 25% inflation on the gas fill and more coal burnt. Only Ardern could achieve that!

OMG - what’s the price of your gas bottle got to do with a former PM?

24-07-2024, 08:22 PM
OMG - what’s the price of your gas bottle got to do with a former PM?

Just another nail in the coffin. Lots of the dodo we are in today is down to "that woman"

24-07-2024, 08:24 PM
Just another nail in the coffin. Lots of the dodo we are in today is down to "that woman"

You need to get out more often - inflation in not unique to NZ and blaming Ardern just highlights your mysogonistic attitude. Grow up.

24-07-2024, 08:56 PM
OMG - what’s the price of your gas bottle got to do with a former PM?

Your beloved's nuclear free moment tim23. You have a short memory. NZ paying the price for a long time to come.

24-07-2024, 09:05 PM
You need to get out more often - inflation in not unique to NZ and blaming Ardern just highlights your mysogonistic attitude. Grow up.

Inflation not unique to NZ?

What happened to St Jabcinba? The one who could do no wrong, could do everything (especially kindness and compassion) better than other countries & governments and would excel in everything she turned her attention to - according to her devotees?

Turned out there was nothing special or exceptional indeed about her at all - just a below average hopeless, clueless and useless politician but one who knew how to spin and lie like no other politician in NZ’s history.

Most transparent government ever!

25-07-2024, 07:42 PM
Inflation not unique to NZ?

What happened to St Jabcinba? The one who could do no wrong, could do everything (especially kindness and compassion) better than other countries & governments and would excel in everything she turned her attention to - according to her devotees?

Turned out there was nothing special or exceptional indeed about her at all - just a below average hopeless, clueless and useless politician but one who knew how to spin and lie like no other politician in NZ’s history.

Most transparent government ever!

Correct. Inflation isn't unique to NZ.

25-07-2024, 08:53 PM
Inflation not unique to NZ?

What happened to St Jabcinba? The one who could do no wrong, could do everything (especially kindness and compassion) better than other countries & governments and would excel in everything she turned her attention to - according to her devotees?

Turned out there was nothing special or exceptional indeed about her at all - just a below average hopeless, clueless and useless politician but one who knew how to spin and lie like no other politician in NZ’s history.

Most transparent government ever!

I repeat for the benefit of slow readers - inflation is not unique to NZ

25-07-2024, 08:55 PM
Your beloved's nuclear free moment tim23. You have a short memory. NZ paying the price for a long time to come.

See advice to Ynot - you need to get out more than a trip to fill your gas bottle.

25-07-2024, 09:33 PM
I repeat for the benefit of slow readers - inflation is not unique to NZ

There is only one slow person on this site - go home and look into the mirror to see who, tim23.

26-07-2024, 05:29 PM
There is only one slow person on this site - go home and look into the mirror to see who, tim23.

As I suspected you are clearly one of the slow readers I referred to. I’m not in the least bit surprised.

16-09-2024, 05:09 PM
UK looks to treat misogyny as extremist violence, raising free speech crackdown concerns.
Several groups have pushed for a government review of misogyny as hate speech for years.

"Hateful incitement of all kinds fractures and frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy," British Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said.
The Home Office in March – under the previous, Conservative government – redefined extremism as that which aims to "negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedom of others" or "undermine, overturn or replace the U.K.’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights."

"People can hold views about women all they like, but it’s not OK anymore to ignore the massive growing threat caused by online hatred towards women and for us to ignore it
"When you have women being attacked specifically because they're women, and specifically because there are some men within our society who have an ideology that women are fair game, or they're entitled to a woman's body – which is exactly what someone who would go and rape somebody would be thinking… that is very specific to a very specific group and gender," Jarjue insisted.

"the last few weeks have been pretty tough on women and girls in our country" following the stabbing of several young girls that killed three at a Taylor Swift-themed dance workshop in Southport.

16-09-2024, 05:37 PM
Ardern was decried and criticised, not because she is a woman - it’s because she is a useless spin mistress, a clueless leader but a divisive manipulative power hungry shyster.

Basically, she was a good for nothing BS con artist.

That’s why she was turfed out - from deitified to vilified. And rightly so given the untold damage she did to NZ.

She fooled many but in the end, she fooled herself.

16-09-2024, 08:25 PM
Wrong - there was considerable mysogonistic stuff going on - embarrassingly so.

17-09-2024, 09:44 AM
Wrong - there was considerable mysogonistic stuff going on - embarrassingly so.

Yes, there were but the reason why Ardern was turfed out is because she showed herself to be a useless, clueless, manipulative, divisive and self serving leader.

NO point making excuses for the spin mistress - she is not worth a bucket of spit.