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15-07-2022, 03:52 PM
Looks like an interesting fight developing.

Leo Molloy shows some fighting spirit.

Efeso Collins has shown he loves spending other peoples money.

What about the rest?

15-07-2022, 04:11 PM
I don't know him, but he's right about Auckland being run by soft-cocks. And not just Auckland.

15-07-2022, 04:27 PM
I don't know him, but he's right about Auckland being run by soft-cocks. And not just Auckland.

I know one thing, if he becomes mayor, the media will replay that New Zealand Today interview over and over until the USB stick goes soft.

15-07-2022, 05:22 PM
I don't know him, but he's right about Auckland being run by soft-cocks. And not just Auckland.

Not sure I’d put Len Brown in this category, but I guess that’s a while ago.

16-07-2022, 11:55 AM
Looks like an interesting fight developing.

Leo Molloy shows some fighting spirit.

Efeso Collins has shown he loves spending other peoples money.

What about the rest?

MAGG0T imho !!

16-07-2022, 12:42 PM
The council needs a good shake up. Molloy the only likely candidate to be able to achieve that. I don't particularly like him but the best of a bad bunch.

19-07-2022, 03:52 PM
Molly has my vote. How much worse can things get?

20-07-2022, 11:53 AM
The contra Efeso vote is split between too many candidates, so if they don't want him to slip in, then one will have to withdraw and endorse one of the others.

Otherwise, expect a Labour style spend up, with no guilt from Efeso.

Blue Skies
25-07-2022, 12:12 PM
Molly has my vote. How much worse can things get?

Leo's great mates with Destiny Church's Brian & Hannah Tamaki & their goons, the ones who repeatedly throw contempt at the law & their fellow Auckland citizens, inflict major disruption on everything from school boy cricket in the Domain, to Aucklander's using the motorways, paralyse the city. In fact he's even done joint videos with them promoting their wacko ideas.
Apart from that, bragging about shagging his teacher's wife etc. What a plonker.
Yeah, things could get a lot worse!

25-07-2022, 01:53 PM
Otherwise, expect a Labour style spend up, with no guilt from Efeso.

Spending on ratepayer services vs spending on mates.

Expect lots of consulting fees, above-market contracts to friends etc.

07-08-2022, 09:48 PM
Some of the candidates gave opinion today on Q & A, re relocation of Port.

Of all the miles of Aucklands coastline, you would have to wonder why it's just the port area they want to redevelop, at great cost.

If they had just one pimple, would they let it define their entire body?

07-08-2022, 10:56 PM
Some of the candidates gave opinion today on Q & A, re relocation of Port.

Of all the miles of Aucklands coastline, you would have to wonder why it's just the port area they want to redevelop, at great cost.

If they had just one pimple, would they let it define their entire body?

Should we ask past Mayoral chairwarmer Len that one ?

Auckland seems to have been misfortunate in past, in having landed a number of
pimples and still came out the other side with many unremedied, if not larger :)

12-08-2022, 11:51 AM
Leo has pulled out.

Who will his supporters back now?

12-08-2022, 12:38 PM
Leo has pulled out.

Who will his supporters back now?

Oh, it looks like I can answer my own Question,

Adult entertainer Lisa Lewis has entered the race, black stockings and all, with the slogan, 'Lets erect Auckland together.'

That may make Efeso stand to attention...

Lisa has busted her way in, to take on some stiff opposition.

12-08-2022, 01:22 PM
Yeah, but what will her rates be like and how fast can she achieve a surplus for those she is paid by as mayor.

12-08-2022, 01:26 PM
Yeah, but what will her rates be like and how fast can she achieve a surplus for those she is paid by as mayor.

She reckons her rates are reasonable, and she's well used to dealing with inflation...

12-08-2022, 01:48 PM
Lisa may appoint Sam Uffindell as her campaign manager, because he just gets down to business, wont be bullied, doesn't beat about the bush, or get his knickers in a twist, while being hung out to dry.

01-09-2022, 10:57 AM
Whjat the he!! is the C & R doing in the Auckland mayoral elections with their canditate, please get rid of her and let W Brown ( Brownie ) get on with the job that needs doing, as much as I think that he is on the wrong track with the POA the rest of his campaign in spot on, go Brownie !!

11-09-2022, 08:14 AM
The Ngati Whatua room is in for another rude awakening,

TV crews are due to film a re enactment of Len Brown's infamous deeds, on location.

Lights, sounds, cameras, action!

Will the artifacts and spirits be able to handle another steamy interracial colonial invasion?

Will Lisa Lewis be called upon for 'technical assistance '?

11-09-2022, 02:12 PM
The Ngati Whatua room is in for another rude awakening,

TV crews are due to film a re enactment of Len Brown's infamous deeds, on location.

Lights, sounds, cameras, action!

Will the artifacts and spirits be able to handle another steamy interracial colonial invasion?

Will Lisa Lewis be called upon for 'technical assistance '?

---and who will be playing the part of the key characters. Or will stunt doubles be used? ;)

11-09-2022, 03:41 PM
---and who will be playing the part of the key characters. Or will stunt doubles be used? ;)

All l know is that Len has doubled his Viagra order!

Seriously though, the story is in the entertainment section of NZ Herald.
At $2.6M budget, someone wants the story told.

Knowing the arrogance of Len, he will audition to play himself.

Whether he can rise to the occasion, is another story.

11-09-2022, 07:50 PM
Whjat the he!! is the C & R doing in the Auckland mayoral elections with their canditate, please get rid of her and let W Brown ( Brownie ) get on with the job that needs doing, as much as I think that he is on the wrong track with the POA the rest of his campaign in spot on, go Brownie !!

Yes, I am looking forward to seeing POA pay a 6% dividend on all that prime downtown property they occupy.
Hope they can, because if not…well, he won’t mess around and has already done the study.
Good to see you supporting him WU, did you buy some MMH stock ?

11-09-2022, 08:05 PM
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing POA pay a 6% dividend on all that prime downtown property they occupy.
Hope they can, because if not…well, he won’t mess around and has already done the study.
Good to see you supporting him WU, did you buy some MMH stock ?

Who originally paid for all the reclamation and development where the Port now sits?

Be careful what you wish for.

Some seabed and foreshore types may feel any rental paid is theirs.

11-09-2022, 08:12 PM
Who originally paid for all the reclamation and development where the Port now sits?

Be careful what you wish for.

Some seabed and foreshore types may feel any rental paid is theirs.

Yep, I know exactly what you mean.
In all honesty Getty...that would probably be a great outcome.
Why not ?

16-09-2022, 12:16 PM
Did I hear right that Viv Beck has pulled out of the mayoral elections, if correct Brownie can get on and do the job which he says that he is capable of doing, sorting out Auckland after the mess that the last two Labour backed mayors have done.

If he can do this then he should be a sitter to sort out Wellington the mess that the labour govt is also creating and will leave N Z with years of head aches !

16-09-2022, 01:17 PM
Yep, Viv is no longer available to Auckland's beck and call.

16-09-2022, 01:45 PM
Did I hear right that Viv Beck has pulled out of the mayoral elections, if correct Brownie can get on and do the job which he says that he is capable of doing, sorting out Auckland after the mess that the last two Labour backed mayors have done.

If he can do this then he should be a sitter to sort out Wellington the mess that the labour govt is also creating and will leave N Z with years of head aches !

You heard right - good for Brown I think.
As to whether Brown can get the job done with just his 1 vote - remains to be seen.
The Mayor isn't the boss like running a company and he lost in Northland because he couldn't get the team to his point of view.
Interesting times ahead for Auckland.

16-09-2022, 05:08 PM
Plus Viv is still on the voting papers, so how many votes will she get that could have/may have gone to WB

BTW there are tows browns contesting! Wonder how many he will get in eror!

10-10-2022, 10:52 AM
The dust has settled, and Wayne Brown has emerged victorious.

Interesting to note he was on the Tarawhiti Health Board, and Labour Health Minister Annette King recruited him to head Auckland's Health Board.

He was very annoyed with her when it was discovered legislation prevented serving on two.

14-10-2022, 08:03 PM
Seems both TV1 & 3 news are stalking Wayne Brown.

They don't seem to accept the kindly gent wishes to have a weekend in peace.

He has probably gone surfing with Hartley Atkinson.

16-10-2022, 04:49 PM
Hold the phone.

WB is getting the telcos on the job to fix the black spots in Aucklands mobile phone network.

Who expected him to do that?

Versatile bloke that Brownie.

16-10-2022, 05:23 PM
Detective John Hughes was known as the fixer, but not in the same league as WB.

18-10-2022, 09:05 AM
Mayoress in waiting, Lisa Lewis kept John Palino honest, just 22 votes behind.

WB will be reassured to know she is there to take his baton should the need arise.

29-10-2022, 11:27 AM
Beware Aucklanders, especially if you have a Pohutukawa on your section or nearby.

Zane Wedding wants them all preserved, just because he says in the old days Maori used to put dead humans amongst the branches,and let them rot down into the roots.
Eco active sort of a chap that Zane.

Tree council say that Auckland has 18% tree cover, but should be 30%.

Think about what that means to your property if you have trees.

Cut them down quick if they are a shade or view nuisance, or you may be stuck with them.

29-10-2022, 02:45 PM
Beware Aucklanders, especially if you have a Pohutukawa on your section or nearby.

Zane Wedding wants them all preserved, just because he says in the old days Maori used to put dead humans amongst the branches,and let them rot down into the roots.
Eco active sort of a chap that Zane.

Tree council say that Auckland has 18% tree cover, but should be 30%.

Think about what that means to your property if you have trees.

Cut them down quick if they are a shade or view nuisance, or you may be stuck with them. Even Auckland’s tree cover goals are unambitious compared to Sydney’s.

London has 21% tree cover and the aim is to increase that. Things seem to happen without long-term planning in Auckland. You’ll have to hope the felled pohutukawa are not helping to secure a cliff or bank or helping with drainage…or that you end with new infill building as the new view. Auckland and the developers there have been very short sighted with respect to preserving green spaces and mature trees.


London urban tree canopy

New York City has 24% tree cover.

Sydney had 19% tree cover in 2011 with aims to increase it to 40%

31-10-2022, 08:45 PM
[QUOTE=Bjauck;980713]Even Auckland’s tree cover goals are unambitious compared to Sydney’s.

London has 21% tree cover and the aim is to increase that. Things seem to happen without long-term planning in Auckland. You’ll have to hope the felled pohutukawa are not helping to secure a cliff or bank or helping with drainage…or that you end with new infill building as the new view. Auckland and the developers there have been very short sighted with respect to preserving green spaces and mature trees.


London urban tree canopy

New York City has 24% tree cover.

Sydney had 19% tree cover in 2011 with aims to increase it to 40%
End of Bjauck quote.

I accept your post in good faith, but like most stats, if you drill down, can come up with a different impression.

London 5701 people per sq km.
New York 11239
Sydney 8040
Auckland 1210

If you want to hug a tree without competition, Auckland is the undisputed world champion!

That's at current levels, never mind 30%.

Time to branch out and do something else Zane, cos you're barking up the wrong tree!

07-11-2022, 08:22 AM
No wonder van Goff jumped in his van and took off.

Left a $270M budget hole for WB to patch up.

That's on top of the yet to be disclosed CRL cost blowout.

Who's ready for a double digit rate rise?

On ya bikes Aucklanders.

No more room for ya Remuera tractors!

08-11-2022, 12:20 PM
How much longer before WB tries to put a bulldozer through Port of Auckland's red fence?

Hey Wayne, just cos POA is the gateway to Auckland, there's no need to take offence!

10-11-2022, 02:23 AM
Poor Aucklanders must be getting a heck of fright with all the activity .. doors being kicked in
and high level desks and tables being sent out the top floor windows

Just goes to show that both Lenny and Goff must have just been in it for the free junket a nap and not to
create too many waves / changes along the way :)

What were their final farewell handshakes worth courtesy of the generous Auckland Ratepayers at large ? :)

Everyone should take special caution these holidays .. a exodus of shell shocked, overly confused
and about to be excessively rerated (upwards) Aucklanders are about to be released
en masse on the rest of the country .. Please go gentle with them folks - they may be fragile :)

10-11-2022, 01:02 PM
Any water under the bridge for a Ports of Auckland float?

Beware if you are part of the orange road cone brigade.
You may have to find a new witches hat to wear.

Brownies on the case, looking to trim a bit of fat.

02-12-2022, 02:02 PM
WB is living up to the adage, Any Port in a storm.

Auckland Airport in this case.

May sell council stake to save $88M a year off rates bill, and knock off the $300M current blowout.

Will it fly?

02-12-2022, 03:33 PM
Ex Engineer Brown is on the tools, tightening the screws,

Before he washes out, will he call in Shadbolt's nut to help tighten things up?

02-12-2022, 04:38 PM
Ex Engineer Brown is on the tools, tightening the screws,

Before he washes out, will he call in Shadbolt's nut to help tighten things up?

Tim's nuts (like mine) probably don't work as well as they once did.

03-12-2022, 10:51 AM
For those who missed the action first time round, there is an action replay of Len Brown and Bevan Chuang on Tuesday 9th, 9pm TV2.

Princess of Chaos.

Oops. 6th, not 9th.

03-12-2022, 11:42 AM
WB is living up to the adage, Any Port in a storm.

Auckland Airport in this case.

May sell council stake to save $88M a year off rates bill, and knock off the $300M current blowout.

Will it fly?

Will there be a one-off BBQ & Large P****-Up put on by the Council to celebrate ? ;)

How about the year after, or will all the money have dried up and it will then be back to
No Party and more rates increases to fill the widening gap again ? :)

03-12-2022, 12:32 PM
Remains to be seen, but a few will test their ventilation systems when they get the final bill for the CRL.

06-12-2022, 09:15 PM
For those who missed the action first time round, there is an action replay of Len Brown and Bevan Chuang on Tuesday 9th, 9pm TV2.

Princess of Chaos.

Oops. 6th, not 9th.

Mmm, Len Brown got down to work very early in the movie...

15-12-2022, 01:10 PM
Let that airport fly away Brownie.

It's not part of your core business.

28-12-2022, 02:04 PM
Anyone considering the future of POA. and relocation proposals, should read The Wharves of Whanganui by Bruce Attwell, available through library service if you don't want to buy a copy.

An interesting read in its own right, but more relevant for Auckland, it is a blueprint of how the success and demise of a port has a major impact on the commercial success of a town/ city.

Doesn't look like cafes and restaurants which suck disposable income out of the economy, can even faintly replicate the loss of a port.

Wanganuis silting has relevance to the Manakau option also.

An irony that could be pointed out is how the Railways cut rates to ruin coastal shipping, and the negative impact on the port of Whangarei.

Yet now rail is seen as a boost for Marsden.

29-12-2022, 10:02 AM
You tell them, Mayor Brown!

High time someone tells the clowns at Ports of Auckland who's really in charge - the ratepayers, not the bunch of idiots feasting on inefficiencies and incompetence at the port.


That would include working with central government to plan for consolidating port operations, and the return of waterfront space “to the people of Auckland” in phases from 2024 to 2039, he said.

“Auckland Council, as shareholder, will decide the future of Auckland’s waterfront space, not the port company.”

29-12-2022, 02:13 PM
I would be careful as Mayor Brown - parliamentary supremacy means Labour actually has a lot of power to intervene, esp with a single party majority.

29-12-2022, 03:09 PM
Let that airport fly away Brownie.

It's not part of your core business.

Lucky Aucklanders, if that were to happen, a barrel load of expensive to feed monkeys
could get sent down the road, as the load gets lightened, provided no even more stupid
schemes get piled back on the plate ;)

The Wellington resident halfwits probably also have a fairly well practiced habit of tossing more
half baked schemes into the lap of Local Govt as soon as they see a space & convenient opportunity :)

07-01-2023, 11:39 AM

Help!’ - Mayor Wayne Brown’s ‘moaning’ first email to Auckland Council CEO covering beer, balance sheets and 400 jobs

over a list of procedural inadequacies - including financial reports “with no numbers”, an inability to stock a beer fridge, and advertising 400 jobs when managerial cuts “are more than on the cards”.

First up on Brown’s list of complaints is an alleged lack of detail and numbers in the council financial reports he’s received in his first 11 days in the top job.

“Simple things like getting paper copies of recent council activities just don’t happen. So far I have received copies of only two meeting papers,” Brown writes.

The new mayor references “an excruciating 110-page paper on BIDs that discussed things that are not even council’s business”.

“No numbers at all in the whole meeting papers!” Brown writes, as well as: “Help! The financial briefing we got was very underwhelming. No P&L, no balance sheets.”

NZ needs more Wayne Brown's up and down the country to kick and drag our Local Bodies into shape from the tardy, Easy large revenue gathering, lazy, bureaucratic, inefficient holiday havens which many show grave signs of being, after decades and decades of bureaucratic rot ;)

Everyone is paying dearly for these slow-moving parasitic inefficient Local Govt empires, are they not ?

29-01-2023, 08:02 PM

Help!’ - Mayor Wayne Brown’s ‘moaning’ first email to Auckland Council CEO covering beer, balance sheets and 400 jobs

NZ needs more Wayne Brown's up and down the country to kick and drag our Local Bodies into shape from the tardy, Easy large revenue gathering, lazy, bureaucratic, inefficient holiday havens which many show grave signs of being, after decades and decades of bureaucratic rot ;)

Everyone is paying dearly for these slow-moving parasitic inefficient Local Govt empires, are they not ?

NZ needs more Wayne Browns - have you been watching the news NZTX?😀

29-01-2023, 11:31 PM
NZ needs more Wayne Browns - have you been watching the news NZTX?😀

Not really .. Left it up to you, but in the back of the mind knew you just wouldn't understand what is going on :)

30-01-2023, 06:19 PM
Not really .. Left it up to you, but in the back of the mind knew you just wouldn't understand what is going on :)

Typically nebulous response - come on defend Wayne why don’t you? I accept that’s a tough ask but I reckon one Wayne Brown is probably one to many.

30-01-2023, 06:35 PM
Typically nebulous response - come on defend Wayne why don’t you? I accept that’s a tough ask but I reckon one Wayne Brown is probably one to many.
Compared to his predecessor Brown is the second coming of JC.

30-01-2023, 06:52 PM
Compared to his predecessor Brown is the second coming of JC.
Can’t your mate NZTX answer for themselves? Your response is a typical lame cheap shot.

30-01-2023, 08:10 PM
Typically nebulous response - come on defend Wayne why don’t you? I accept that’s a tough ask but I reckon one Wayne Brown is probably one to many.

Have you considered a name change ?

Wonder if Dim is still available ? :)

30-01-2023, 08:29 PM
Have you considered a name change ?

Wonder if Dim is still available ? :)
You need help - sooner the better - ask Balance I think in a recent post advised they had 7 specialists - you could ask nicely to borrow a couple.

30-01-2023, 10:18 PM
Good grief - Brown & Central Govt - WTF are the rather handy things referred to in the article under ? ;)

Surely at least a few of the Central & Regional Govt / Council twits onboard have heard of them ? :)


Auckland floods: Small business claims offer to supply sandbags for council ignored

30-01-2023, 10:20 PM
You need help - sooner the better - ask Balance I think in a recent post advised they had 7 specialists - you could ask nicely to borrow a couple.

You're wrong .. you're the only one needing help around here :)

31-01-2023, 01:48 PM
You're wrong .. you're the only one needing help around here :)

Another playground comeback!
How old are you actually?

31-01-2023, 01:50 PM
Unfortunately Wayne Brown is not the man for an emergency - he is too used to working on his own away from the limelight.
Maybe his deputy could handle things for him while he plays tennis (away from the drongo journalists (as he called them)).

31-01-2023, 02:09 PM
Unfortunately Wayne Brown is not the man for an emergency - he is too used to working on his own away from the limelight.
Maybe his deputy could handle things for him while he plays tennis (away from the drongo journalists (as he called them)).

I tend to agree with him on the "drongo journalists" comment. I like it that he would say something like that. Kudos to him.

No need to play the media game, they are becoming more irrelevant by the day.

He was elected to be Mayor to go and fix up Goofs problems. Only been in the job a few months, gotta give him some time.

31-01-2023, 02:25 PM
I tend to agree with him on the "drongo journalists" comment. I like it that he would say something like that. Kudos to him.

No need to play the media game, they are becoming more irrelevant by the day.

He was elected to be Mayor to go and fix up Goofs problems. Only been in the job a few months, gotta give him some time.

Unfortunately by not fronting to media, he isn't fronting the people either - he seems to treat all of them with equal disdain.
Wayne knows best and doesn't need anyone else (except in an emergency when he follows the advice (he says) to the letter and it is wrong).

Unfortunately, emergencies don't give people time and he doesn't seem to want to learn at all - just blames others.

31-01-2023, 04:59 PM
I tend to agree with him on the "drongo journalists" comment. I like it that he would say something like that. Kudos to him.

No need to play the media game, they are becoming more irrelevant by the day.

He was elected to be Mayor to go and fix up Goofs problems. Only been in the job a few months, gotta give him some time.But when he had a new problem he was unable to respond appropriately. He was unable to respond to what was happening Now. I think he is more concerned about trying to resurrect the past, the way things used to be in the good old days, when councillors made all the decisions rather than having consultants make more decisions now. The world has changed, it has become more complex and he needs to accept that reality. He needs to look at what is happening now and focus on the future not the past. The past has passed.

AUT journalism senior lecturer Dr Greg Treadwell said media were geared to meet community needs with information at times of crisis while also having a role as a watchdog which could be challenging for those leading a response.

“I think anybody who is going to lead us through a disaster needs to be able to relate to the media.”

University of Canterbury journalism senior lecturer Dr Tara Ross said the media’s role in a crisis was to communicate information to its communities but also to reflect those communities’ experiences back to those leading the response.

“It would appear Wayne Brown has forgotten that’s an important role for the media to advocate on behalf of their communities. It’s an important part of leadership to understand the role of the media.

31-01-2023, 05:38 PM
A rational perspective on the media pile-on at Wayne Brown


Labourites and the media who were already grumpy with Brown were happy to stoke people's stress in a situation that was developing rapidly. I personally picked up on what seemed a pre-emptive strike from Blue Skies on this forum on Friday night. It started to feel like an orchestrated campaign to make political capital out of a situation that was still evolving. Ridiculous calls for Brown to resign etc.

Using a situation to feed on a city's stress is about as low as it gets. There will be plenty of time afterwards to review, but in the height of the crisis you contribute, not undermine.

31-01-2023, 08:14 PM
Did anyone pick up on new Minister for Auckland Michael Woods comments about how imPortant Auckland is with a population of 1.7M and more imPortantly, how imPortant the Port is?

I perceive he chose his words deliberately, and in his view the Port is staying right where it is now.

31-01-2023, 08:21 PM
Another playground comeback!
How old are you actually?

I concur I reckon NZTX is a teenager in short pants.😀

Blue Skies
31-01-2023, 08:49 PM
A rational perspective on the media pile-on at Wayne Brown


Labourites and the media who were already grumpy with Brown were happy to stoke people's stress in a situation that was developing rapidly. I personally picked up on what seemed a pre-emptive strike from Blue Skies on this forum on Friday night. It started to feel like an orchestrated campaign to make political capital out of a situation that was still evolving. Ridiculous calls for Brown to resign etc.

Using a situation to feed on a city's stress is about as low as it gets. There will be plenty of time afterwards to review, but in the height of the crisis you contribute, not undermine.

If you're not in Auckland it's possibly hard to understand the scale of this disaster.
There were communities of traumatised families with young children in whole neighbourhoods South Auckland & out in West Auckland whose homes & streets were chest high in water.
They had no idea where to go, what to do to get some shelter in the storm, & couldn't get any advice.
The emergency phone lines were overloaded & for hours there was just silence from the Mayor & his office.

I don't think you get it, this isn't about the delay in issuing the State of Emergency, it was about the mayor using the media & social media to let people know where they could go to get shelter, get dry, get their children out of the torrential rain, something to eat, what areas were underwater, which main routes were impassable, which Marae & Churches had opened their doors, how the 40,000 people at Mt Smart could get back home in the storm, what public transport was operating & what wasn't & so on.
There was no advice, no information, no leadership, just a vacuum so it was chaos.

And now he's blaming everyone else.
He's just yet another over-confident white male of very average capabilities whose self belief propelled him to the top, being tall helps him too though its totally irrelevant.
I've seen it so many times, very average types, men with no self doubt, full of their own hubris, rewarded with senior positions over much better qualified people, often women.

31-01-2023, 09:05 PM
If you're not in Auckland it's possibly hard to understand the scale of this disaster.
There were communities of traumatised families with young children in whole neighbourhoods South Auckland & out in West Auckland whose homes & streets were chest high in water.
They had no idea where to go, what to do to get some shelter in the storm, & couldn't get any advice.
The emergency phone lines were overloaded & for hours there was just silence from the Mayor & his office.

I don't think you get it, this isn't about the delay in issuing the State of Emergency, it was about the mayor using the media & social media to let people know where they could go to get shelter, get dry, get their children out of the torrential rain, something to eat, what areas were underwater, which main routes were impassable, which Marae & Churches had opened their doors, how the 40,000 people at Mt Smart could get back home in the storm, what public transport was operating & what wasn't & so on.
There was no advice, no information, no leadership, just a vacuum so it was chaos.

And now he's blaming everyone else.

So far, this summary is quite believable and understandable. I think you're right accentuating the appalling failures of Browns leadership. Clearly Mr Fixit hasn't considered how important public communications is, or taking the media on the journey, or even whether he has the ability to do it. It appears that he hasn't.

He's just yet another over-confident white male of very average capabilities whose self belief propelled him to the top, being tall helps him too.
I've seen it so many times, very average types, men with no self doubt, full of their own hubris, rewarded with senior positions over much better qualified people, often women.

But this summary of yours in conclusion is disappointing, it out's you as an angry female that blames poor performance by the Mayor on his sex and age. Whether you like the guy or not, this is a poor and sad way of expressing it.

As a usually well considered and reasonable, albeit hard-left biased person, perhaps you could find a better way of expressing your upset about the Auckland Mayor's performance?

31-01-2023, 09:14 PM
So far, this summary is quite believable and understandable. I think you're right accentuating the appalling failures of Browns leadership. Clearly Mr Fixit hasn't considered how important public communications is, or taking the media on the journey, or even whether he has the ability to do it. It appears that he hasn't.

But this summary of yours in conclusion is disappointing, it out's you as an angry female that blames poor performance by the Mayor on his sex and age. Whether you like the guy or not, this is a poor and sad way of expressing it.

As a usually well considered and reasonable, albeit hard-left biased person, perhaps you could find a better way of expressing your upset about the Auckland Mayor's performance?
That’s another misogynist comment re angry female - Blue Skies may be a women - so what? but we know Len Brown is male. Blue Skies comments don’t strike me as angry - simple an opinion which I happen to agree with.

31-01-2023, 09:14 PM
If you're not in Auckland it's possibly hard to understand the scale of this disaster.
There were communities of traumatised families with young children in whole neighbourhoods South Auckland & out in West Auckland whose homes & streets were chest high in water.
They had no idea where to go, what to do to get some shelter in the storm, & couldn't get any advice.
The emergency phone lines were overloaded & for hours there was just silence from the Mayor & his office.

I don't think you get it, this isn't about the delay in issuing the State of Emergency, it was about the mayor using the media & social media to let people know where they could go to get shelter, get dry, get their children out of the torrential rain, something to eat, what areas were underwater, which main routes were impassable, which Marae & Churches had opened their doors, how the 40,000 people at Mt Smart could get back home in the storm, what public transport was operating & what wasn't & so on.
There was no advice, no information, no leadership, just a vacuum so it was chaos.

And now he's blaming everyone else.
He's just yet another over-confident white male of very average capabilities whose self belief propelled him to the top, being tall helps him too.
I've seen it so many times, very average types, men with no self doubt, full of their own hubris, rewarded with senior positions over much better qualified people, often women.

Oh my, now the race and gender cards to boot! It's becoming a woke feeding frenzy! As well as racist and sexist and bigoted.

A fast moving natural disaster where isolated pockets are badly affected as darkness falls will never have a perfect response. I don't know whether Brown got it right or whether systems performed badly. I do know this politically motivated pile-on didn't help alleviate anything one jot. But it did stoke people's stress caused by a weather event to a focal point for anger. That's incredibly cynical.

Blue Skies
31-01-2023, 10:58 PM
So far, this summary is quite believable and understandable. I think you're right accentuating the appalling failures of Browns leadership. Clearly Mr Fixit hasn't considered how important public communications is, or taking the media on the journey, or even whether he has the ability to do it. It appears that he hasn't.

But this summary of yours in conclusion is disappointing, it out's you as an angry female that blames poor performance by the Mayor on his sex and age. Whether you like the guy or not, this is a poor and sad way of expressing it.

As a usually well considered and reasonable, albeit hard-left biased person, perhaps you could find a better way of expressing your upset about the Auckland Mayor's performance?

Actually Im a retired man with both son & daughters & over the years like many who have worked in large organisations, watched highly competent women colleagues passed over for promotion by entitled, highly confident but incompetent men.

It's a thing, & you ask any highly qualified women who has had a successful career & they will tell you, how much harder a women has to work to be on the same footing as a male colleague.

I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as my son, but I know all things being equal, he has an immediate head start simply being a male.

Confidence is often confused with leadership potential and competency, when its not.
Generally men lack the levels of self doubt women have, hence at least partially a reason why we have so many men in positions of power compared to women.

It's well researched, leaderless groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, over-confident, narcissistic individuals as leaders & these types are much more usually men than women.

It was interesting to watch Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson who is obviously more capable for the role, guiding Mayor Wayne Brown away from inflicting further self damage at a recent media standup.
I remember at uni may years ago, smart women friends practically mentoring very average male friends through their exams. Some of the guys were supremely self-confident & entitled which helped propel them to highly successful careers, whereas the women who were actually more capable had a much more difficult road.

So Im just seeing this disaster showing Wayne Brown as a man who is obviously out of his depth in what is one of the most important leadership roles in the country.
And like many wondering how on earth did he get elected

31-01-2023, 11:05 PM
Actually Im a retired man with both son & daughters & over the years like many who have worked in large organisations, watched highly competent women colleagues passed over for promotion by entitled, highly confident but incompetent men.

It's a thing, & you ask any highly qualified women who has had a successful career & they will tell you, how much harder a women has to work to be on the same footing as a male colleague.

I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as my son, but I know all things being equal, he has an immediate head start simply being a male.

Confidence is often confused with leadership potential and competency, when its not.
Generally men lack the levels of self doubt women have, hence at least partially a reason why we have so many men in positions of power compared to women.

It's well researched, leaderless groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, over-confident, narcissistic individuals as leaders & these types are much more usually men than women.

It was interesting to watch Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson who is obviously more capable for the role, guiding Mayor Wayne Brown away from inflicting further self damage at a recent media standup.
I remember at uni may years ago, smart women friends practically mentoring very average male friends through their exams. Some of the guys were supremely self-confident & entitled which helped propel them to highly successful careers, whereas the women who were actually more capable had a much more difficult road.

So Im just seeing this disaster showing Wayne Brown as a man who is obviously out of his depth in what is one of the most important leadership roles in the country.
And like many wondering how on earth did he get elected

Could the previous run of Mayoral talent been a reason ? :)

Was "How would you deal with a Crisis" an Electioneering Policy of any one of the candidates .. or anywhere ?

How long has he been in the job ?

Of course it's usual to delegate some of larger tasks out to deputies and rest of the supporting crew ?
You would have seen that in 'Larger Organisations' surely - ?

01-02-2023, 09:30 AM
Actually Im a retired man with both son & daughters & over the years like many who have worked in large organisations, watched highly competent women colleagues passed over for promotion by entitled, highly confident but incompetent men.

It's a thing, & you ask any highly qualified women who has had a successful career & they will tell you, how much harder a women has to work to be on the same footing as a male colleague.

I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as my son, but I know all things being equal, he has an immediate head start simply being a male.

Confidence is often confused with leadership potential and competency, when its not.
Generally men lack the levels of self doubt women have, hence at least partially a reason why we have so many men in positions of power compared to women.

It's well researched, leaderless groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, over-confident, narcissistic individuals as leaders & these types are much more usually men than women.

It was interesting to watch Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson who is obviously more capable for the role, guiding Mayor Wayne Brown away from inflicting further self damage at a recent media standup.
I remember at uni may years ago, smart women friends practically mentoring very average male friends through their exams. Some of the guys were supremely self-confident & entitled which helped propel them to highly successful careers, whereas the women who were actually more capable had a much more difficult road.

So Im just seeing this disaster showing Wayne Brown as a man who is obviously out of his depth in what is one of the most important leadership roles in the country.
And like many wondering how on earth did he get elected

Excellent post, thanks for sharing :)

01-02-2023, 05:24 PM
Actually Im a retired man with both son & daughters & over the years like many who have worked in large organisations, watched highly competent women colleagues passed over for promotion by entitled, highly confident but incompetent men.

It's a thing, & you ask any highly qualified women who has had a successful career & they will tell you, how much harder a women has to work to be on the same footing as a male colleague.

I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as my son, but I know all things being equal, he has an immediate head start simply being a male.

Confidence is often confused with leadership potential and competency, when its not.
Generally men lack the levels of self doubt women have, hence at least partially a reason why we have so many men in positions of power compared to women.

It's well researched, leaderless groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, over-confident, narcissistic individuals as leaders & these types are much more usually men than women.

It was interesting to watch Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson who is obviously more capable for the role, guiding Mayor Wayne Brown away from inflicting further self damage at a recent media standup.
I remember at uni may years ago, smart women friends practically mentoring very average male friends through their exams. Some of the guys were supremely self-confident & entitled which helped propel them to highly successful careers, whereas the women who were actually more capable had a much more difficult road.

So Im just seeing this disaster showing Wayne Brown as a man who is obviously out of his depth in what is one of the most important leadership roles in the country.
And like many wondering how on earth did he get elected

Nice one - so baa baa can concede that your are not an angry female but a well considered and reasonable male.

01-02-2023, 05:38 PM
A rational perspective on the media pile-on at Wayne Brown

Unfortunately Wayne Brown is trying to rewrite the job and it doesn't include fronting to the media if he can at all help it.
Doesn't front to the people either.
An interesting insight to the man (premium)
Sounding Trumpish
“I am the mayor for three years. You can’t do anything about that,” he said. “No one else in New Zealand is going to get 180,000 votes. That was my mandate.

“Last month a guy in Hamilton got into Parliament with 6000 votes (referring to National’s Tama Potaka in the Hamilton West byelection). I got 30 votes for every one of those.”

It's all about him
There’s the reflex to self-justify and defend himself. There’s the prickly relationship with the media, the biggest vote count claims and then while criticising Auckland Transport he told the Herald he “could have done better” if he was doing their job.

He complained that the media didn't show him out and about in the last day or 2 (but showed a few All Blacks) when
- he didn't tell them where he was going
- he calls them drongoes
- he hides from them most of the time
What does he expect?

01-02-2023, 09:37 PM
Isnt it amazing that because the Civil Defence didnt do their job properly that W B gets a blame/hammering, only the lefty maggots cannot see this !!!!

01-02-2023, 09:56 PM
Isnt it amazing that because the Civil Defence didnt do their job properly that W B gets a blame/hammering, only the lefty maggots cannot see this !!!!
The average punter can see Briown has been poor even Heather DA on Newstalk ZB has been bashing him and I’d hardly say she was left leaning. Why would you be so crass as to use a word like maggots anyway - it speaks volumes about you - poor taste.

02-02-2023, 10:50 PM
Actually Im a retired man with both son & daughters & over the years like many who have worked in large organisations, watched highly competent women colleagues passed over for promotion by entitled, highly confident but incompetent men.

........, how much harder a women has to work to be on the same footing as a male colleague. ........

Confidence is often confused with leadership potential and competency, when its not.
Generally men lack the levels of self doubt women have, hence at least partially a reason why we have so many men in positions of power compared to women.

..... groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, over-confident, narcissistic individuals as leaders & these types are much more usually men than women.

....... Some of the guys were supremely self-confident & entitled which helped propel them to highly successful careers, whereas the women who were actually more capable had a much more difficult road.

So Im just seeing this disaster showing Wayne Brown as a man who is obviously out of his depth in what is one of the most important leadership roles in the country.
And like many wondering how on earth did he get elected
Excellent post Blue Skies and there is research to show this happens. Women have been saying this for years and get ignored so it is great to see a man saying it. There are double standards too, when a woman leader makes a mistake she is more likely to be out of the job, whereas with men it more likely to be excused ..... boys will be boys etc. And what I've seen with Wayne Brown is give the poor guy a chance, give him time. Unconscious bias around gender in employment is very strong.

02-02-2023, 11:07 PM
Wayne Brown possibly felt, just like he did in July 2007, that a state of emergency “just wasn’t necessary”.

In Northland I (Nick Rogers) attended the major flooding disaster in February 1999. A state of emergency was declared by the Mayor, Yvonne Sharp.
A major landslip and flood disaster occurred again in Northland in July 2007, and again Mayor Sharp declared a state of emergency.
A week later Wayne Brown declared he was standing for Mayor of the Far North and fired his first shot at Sharp, reportedly saying she was wrong to declare a state of emergency following the floods of the week before.

Brown reportedly said that there was no need for a state of emergency to be called. “The place had already been through one set of floods back in March and everyone seemed a lot better prepared for this event, so I can’t see why we needed to have a state of emergency. It just wasn’t necessary”.

I attended both disasters and Yvonne Sharp was correct in declaring the state of emergency in July 2007.

02-02-2023, 11:24 PM
Nick Rogers is obviously a drongo if he has attended so many natural disasters and they keep happening.

Once a drongo, always a drongo.

04-02-2023, 12:13 PM
Maybe some bureaucrats should be resigning :


04-02-2023, 02:03 PM
For those who have been defending Wayne Brown - he has finally apologised for his inaction and invisibility.
Also apologised that his 'drongo' comment was made public (he needs to look at his friends for that one).

04-02-2023, 06:38 PM
For those who have been defending Wayne Brown - he has finally apologised for his inaction and invisibility.
Also apologised that his 'drongo' comment was made public (he needs to look at his friends for that one).

Have the twits at Auckland Emergency Management apologised for leaving the Mayor and all his staff of their internal email comms ? No I didn't think so. Why is the media and the Labourites on here not calling for their resignation ? Doesn't suit the anti democratic agenda ?

Blue Skies
04-02-2023, 08:35 PM
Have the twits at Auckland Emergency Management apologised for leaving the Mayor and all his staff of their internal email comms ? No I didn't think so. Why is the media and the Labourites on here not calling for their resignation ? Doesn't suit the anti democratic agenda ?

As is being said, instead of 'screaming at their computer screens', why didn't they pick up the phone & ring AEM?
Daft if you ask me!

05-02-2023, 10:52 AM
As is being said, instead of 'screaming at their computer screens', why didn't they pick up the phone & ring AEM?
Daft if you ask me!

Not surprising that you think it is OK for some useless and faceless bureaucrats to leave the Mayor and staff of their emails about an emergency situation.
Here is a good read for those that have "premium" access to the Herald https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/bruce-cotterill-labours-new-leader-has-a-lot-of-explaining-to-do/EZCPPLW4YJBTVGQSN7TCYSZHXM/

05-02-2023, 11:27 PM

Auckland floods: Bus drivers told not to go through floodwaters

Message from up top at AT passed down:

"NO SWIM BUS - Too many stuffed buses from swimming lessons last time .. make the suckers
walk or swim instead" :)

Further announcement due next week - likely "bring motorised skateboard and surfboard
as back up instead in case something happen" ..

03-03-2023, 12:03 AM

Journo Browns Off Mayor

Was the Journo a slow learner or he just spun off the mark too fast ? :)

08-04-2023, 10:01 AM
Efeso Collins now having a go with the Greens, number 12 on the list.

12-04-2023, 04:52 PM
Hey Brownie, do you and ya mates still think it's a good idea to shift the port to Northland?
6 months to clear a slip on the rail line, till the next one.
Over $288M for the spur to Northport, just so you can plonk some multi storey apartments in the way of our panorama over the imported cars.
Spending money we don't have to replace what we've already got?

12-04-2023, 07:32 PM
Has a new large Mayoral rug been included in the Budget .. or next year ? ;)

Can't have things skidding around the Chambers in an uncontrolled fashion ..

15-04-2023, 07:41 PM
Has a new large Mayoral rug been included in the Budget .. or next year ? ;)

Can't have things skidding around the Chambers in an uncontrolled fashion ..
Another juvenile post - proof that R18 is appropriate- come back when you meet that milestone.

19-04-2023, 10:45 PM
Another juvenile post - proof that R18 is appropriate- come back when you meet that milestone.

Mummy calling .. Timmy need burpies ? :)

Better make it an R-5 for his delicate ears

19-04-2023, 11:48 PM
Hold the phone.

WB is getting the telcos on the job to fix the black spots in Aucklands mobile phone network.

Who expected him to do that?

Versatile bloke that Brownie.

Another success for Brownie?

Was it his advocacy that set One to connect up with SpaceX to cover not just Auckland, but the whole country?

Versatile bloke that Brownie.

20-04-2023, 08:07 AM
Another success for Brownie?

Was it his advocacy that set One to connect up with SpaceX to cover not just Auckland, but the country?

Versatile bloke that Brownie.

Now that's true empathy.

Not just a few crocodile tears in a brief photo shoot and film clip, like those who preceded him, and other politicians.

21-04-2023, 09:06 PM

Auckland Council loses $381m cash payout in Three Waters change

Now that might Brown someone off immensely :)

At least Auckland Buses can still be used as submersibles, whereas down in Crapital
full of broken leaking water mains and where 100% of street lights were found to be a Safety risk,
their buses can can only manage to get repeatedly stuck up narrow streets without excuse,
and ferries at times are found incapable of anything reliable .. so no prizes on where the
lost payout axe has been wielded from ;)

Auckland's chance for revenge on the hapless Wellington Beehive halfwits comes in October :)

05-05-2023, 06:17 PM
Sounds like someone is pretty "Browned Off" ;)


Fed-up Auckland ratepayer dumps rubbish at council building after her bins aren't emptied for weeks

A special delivery for the mayoral office next time ? ;)

11-05-2023, 01:24 PM

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown defiant on selling airport shares

Wonder who will be more "browned off" out of this ? ;)

So all Waste Management Operators can't have wanted the assignment to take away the Large
Auckland Deficit that Wayne & his Council mates have dug up ? :)

26-05-2023, 11:22 AM

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown short of votes to sell Auckland Airport shares

Poor Wayne might still discover he's stuck firmly on the tarmac :)

27-05-2023, 02:31 PM

Helicopters face the chop from Auckland Airport

Wasn't the Mayor browned off on the Airport and wanting to get shot of the stake in the outfit ? ;)

Now he's playing a 'Browned Off' tune on loss of service throwing a "Very disappointed" Chop in the ring :)

30-05-2023, 06:37 PM

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown condemns ‘Labour MPs in waiting’ for not supporting the sale of airport shares and forcing up rates

"It's all Labour's fault ... " ;)

A heap of bigger heavier bricks needed to throw at them - Wayne .. it's election year and they're
all suffering selective hearing disorder in the chaos of near end of a failed Labour reign of stupidity
and countrywide destruction :)

100 points and three bonus throws if you hit the wide smiling Chippie Clown face squarely in the chops ;)

fungus pudding
31-05-2023, 08:56 AM

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown condemns ‘Labour MPs in waiting’ for not supporting the sale of airport shares and forcing up rates

"It's all Labour's fault ... " ;)

A heap of bigger heavier bricks needed to throw at them - Wayne .. it's election year and they're
all suffering selective hearing disorder in the chaos of near end of a failed Labour reign of stupidity
and countrywide destruction :)

100 points and three bonus throws if you hit the wide smiling Chippie Clown face squarely in the chops ;)

Whatsit Mahuta would make a better target and has marked her dial to assist the brick-thrower.

01-06-2023, 04:47 PM

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown takes pot shots at councillors during a shambolic meeting to shore up airport share sale

Wayne gets really 'browned off' at the crew ;)

All Media passes revoked for the session :)

Sale proceeds from AIA going to plug a gap .. then what ? ;)

Start selling the Councillors off in pairs ? ;)

Lee said it was petulant of the mayor to chastise councillors who support him and doing their best to find a way out of the budget deficit while taking on widespread opposition to the sale.

“The mayor continues to dig himself a hole of his own making,” he said.

Two councillors who do support selling the shares and will be voting for the budget are Greg Sayers, who calls it a “bandaid fix budget” to get the council out of the current hole, and Maurice Williamson, who is disappointed some of the proposed budget cuts have been reinstated but said, “that’s the horse-trading that has to be done.

Logen Ninefingers
01-06-2023, 05:15 PM
Mike Lee is about as stupid as it gets. 18% ownership of Auckland Airport does not even get the council a seat on the board. Why have a stake in an airport when you have an enormous debt? The business of the council is to provide services to ratepayers, not to curate some sort of dinky investment portfolio. Anyone suggesting such a thing should then also advocate for the council to borrow billions more to buy shares in other local companies….shares that may go up or down in value, while the interest on the borrowed money will need to be paid. Thinking logically, it doesn’t make sense. It’s not a question of ‘selling the family silver’, it’s a question of ‘why on earth do we have a bunch of shares in any given business when we are a council, a council that is in an enormous financial hole’.

01-06-2023, 05:34 PM
It wasn't an election promise.

If you want fiscal discipline why would you let Wayne spend a billion dollars from the sale on whatever he likes (..which he will do). At the moment he is constrained.

01-06-2023, 11:32 PM
It wasn't an election promise.

If you want fiscal discipline why would you let Wayne spend a billion dollars from the sale on whatever he likes... (which he will do). At the moment he is constrained.

How much is the Labour Govt throwing at Light Rail .. plus what has been thrown under the bus on other defunct and stalled projects ? ;)

Labour's fixation with Rail should be an ode to what always eventuates with Labour Govt's .. a term or two, nothing much happens, consultants receive large pay days and presto the usual "Trainwreck" appears with things running off the rails and everyone losing confidence in all the spin, lies, nothing much happen :)

Even a Labour aligned Mayor of the Super City produced Sweet F A for his duration :)

Where is he now after that holiday siesta ? :)

What Auckland are facing is as much Local Govt as Central Govt's fault .. remember Labour under Clarks rule allowed these local bodies to run wild out of control with their grandiose empire building schemes ..

02-06-2023, 05:56 AM
The wayne brown stadium.. with a statue of wayne in bronze at the entrance.

It would be more attractive to him than being known as the wierd guy who "kept rates low" but still 7%.

02-06-2023, 07:27 AM
The wayne brown stadium.. with a statue of wayne in bronze at the entrance.

It would be more attractive to him than being known as the wierd guy who "kept rates low" but still 7%.

From the ignoramus Labour peasant panda-nz who wanted Ryman to borrow more money to do a share buyback when it was close to default on its burdensome debt.

Keep your bankrupt Labour thinking to your ilk.

Contemptuous laugh. ��

Logen Ninefingers
02-06-2023, 07:28 AM
The wayne brown stadium.. with a statue of wayne in bronze at the entrance.

It would be more attractive to him than being known as the wierd guy who "kept rates low" but still 7%.

Wayne Brown is in this terrible position because of the foolish profligacy of the previous two Left wing mayors ‘Pants Down’ Len Brown and Phil Goff. Billions and billions of debt piled up with absolutely nothing to show for it…..which seems to be the Labour way.

02-06-2023, 07:52 AM
Wayne Brown is in this terrible position because of the foolish profligacy of the previous two Left wing mayors ‘Pants Down’ Len Brown and Phil Goff. Billions and billions of debt piled up with absolutely nothing to show for it…..which seems to be the Labour way.

To be expected from panda-nz, Labour shill, who believes in piling on ever more debts for future generations to pay. As long as the debt breeds more loyal Labour voters - beneficiaries, parasites and losers.

02-06-2023, 08:35 AM
Wayne Brown is in this terrible position because of the foolish profligacy of the previous two Left wing mayors ‘Pants Down’ Len Brown and Phil Goff. Billions and billions of debt piled up with absolutely nothing to show for it…..which seems to be the Labour way.

I'm not the one who wants to give the current mayor an extra $2b in funding here.

02-06-2023, 08:43 AM
I'm not the one who wants to give the current mayor an extra $2b in funding here.

Ignoramus peasant panda-nz who wanted Ryman to pile up more unsustainable debt to do a share buyback when the company was close to default on its debts!

That's the pathetic level of intelligence & Bankrupt mentality exhibited by him and the leftist Auckland mayors Phil Goff and Len 'drop pants' Brown.

02-06-2023, 12:18 PM
Time for a Cona coffee down the road Wayne.. .

Logen Ninefingers
02-06-2023, 12:18 PM
I'm not the one who wants to give the current mayor an extra $2b in funding here.

$2.3 billion out of ‘shares’ and into paying off some of the debt mountain. Nothing ‘extra’ about that, it’s acting as a responsible city council with the priorities of a city council - rather than as a de facto investment entity.

Moreover, a council should stick to its knitting - providing essential services - rather than becoming a vehicle for forays into all sorts of other activities which quite frankly waste ratepayer money.

02-06-2023, 12:27 PM
$2.3 billion out of ‘shares’ and into paying off some of the debt mountain. Nothing ‘extra’ about that, it’s acting as a responsible city council with the priorities of a city council - rather than as a de facto investment entity.

It's like a savings account - and wayne wants to raid it.

02-06-2023, 12:39 PM
Auckland council credit rating: AA stable.

Blue Skies
02-06-2023, 12:48 PM
$2.3 billion out of ‘shares’ and into paying off some of the debt mountain. Nothing ‘extra’ about that, it’s acting as a responsible city council with the priorities of a city council - rather than as a de facto investment entity.

Moreover, a council should stick to its knitting - providing essential services - rather than becoming a vehicle for forays into all sorts of other activities which quite frankly waste ratepayer money.

Bernard Hickey says selling the City's golf courses would make better sense, would make close to $3 billion and save more than $160 million per year.
Golf is hardly an essential service for Councils, whereas the Airport is a vital strategic asset.
Wonder why this alternative or better still a mix of both Airport shares & some courses isn't being discussed more widely?
Enlightenment anyone?

02-06-2023, 12:50 PM
Over time digitalisation can reduce staff numbers - but instead of firing people you can simply phase out their job positions as the baby boomers retire (which is happening today).

I doubt it's part of the "10 year plan" though. It should be a centrepiece.

02-06-2023, 01:02 PM
Over time digitalisation can reduce staff numbers - but instead of firing people you can simply phase out their job positions as the baby boomers retire (which is happening right now).

I doubt it's part of the "10 year plan" though. It should be a key piece.

So more little Panda's on welfare at that end too ;)

02-06-2023, 01:11 PM
So more little Panda's on welfare at that end too ;)

Yes unfortunately conservatives saw fit to weaken kiwisaver and "save money" by not contributing to the super fund.

Only to spend 10b+ later, but that's a future govt’s problem.

02-06-2023, 01:18 PM
Yes unforunately conservatives saw fit to weaken kiwisaver and "save money" by not contributing to the super fund.

Only to spend $10b+ later, but that's for a future govts problem.

Dont see what that's got to do with the Panda count .. ;)

Are you sure your medication is correct ? :)

02-06-2023, 01:33 PM
With the free prescription policy I can afford to take even more medicine now. ;)

How good is that - paid for by you.

02-06-2023, 01:43 PM
With the free prescription policy I can afford to take even more now. ;)

How good is that - paid for by you.

I never had to pay for one :)

Just watch how many you take .. you might get addicted .. in addition to suffering for past sins :)

too many might affect your judgement & ability to post here too ..

02-06-2023, 01:50 PM
too many might affect your judgement & ability to post here too ..

I’m both off my meds and taking too much of them. Hmm :)

Maybe I have the right balance then.

Logen Ninefingers
02-06-2023, 02:37 PM
It's like a savings account - and wayne wants to raid it.

If it’s a savings account, what is it being ‘saved’ for(?) Like most Lefty’s, you want government, councils, state entities owning things because you dogmatically believe some sort of benefit is accruing to ‘ordinary people’. But it isn’t. An 18% stake doesn’t command a voice in what the airport does….it’s not strategic in any way, it’s just an outlier, an anomaly.

‘Raid it’ is just an emotive term meant to get your fellow left wingers up in arms. Any financial advisor would advise ‘you’ (or any person or entity) to pay off debt so you are not exposed to crippling interest rate costs - its a no-brainer. A council is not there to cultivate a share portfolio, it’s there to provide services to ratepayers.

02-06-2023, 02:50 PM
AIA has more than doubled in price in 10 years.. easily beating any interest costs on the AA rated debt.

It makes sense to own it, even if we ignore that it's an important strategic asset for auckland.

02-06-2023, 02:57 PM
How much does the super fund and ACC own... If the govt pools their voting numbers they could be significant in influencing the decision making at this monopoly.

Logen Ninefingers
02-06-2023, 03:36 PM
How much does the super fund and ACC own... If the govt pools their voting numbers they could be significant in influencing the decision making at this monopoly.

You’re just trolling at this point.

02-06-2023, 03:55 PM
Yeah management won't tend to listen their largest shareholder (or their second largest etc).

It's a wonder who they do end up listening to.

02-06-2023, 04:26 PM
If it’s a savings account, what is it being ‘saved’ for(?) Like most Lefty’s, you want government, councils, state entities owning things because you dogmatically believe some sort of benefit is accruing to ‘ordinary people’. But it isn’t. An 18% stake doesn’t command a voice in what the airport does….it’s not strategic in any way, it’s just an outlier, an anomaly.

‘Raid it’ is just an emotive term meant to get your fellow left wingers up in arms. Any financial advisor would advise ‘you’ (or any person or entity) to pay off debt so you are not exposed to crippling interest rate costs - its a no-brainer. A council is not there to cultivate a share portfolio, it’s there to provide services to ratepayers.

Fully agree. What are councils doing owning assets anyway. More of this collective nonsense with little accountability and other peoples money syndrome.

02-06-2023, 04:32 PM
Fully agree. What are councils doing owning assets anyway. More of this collective nonsense with little accountability and other peoples money syndrome.

To reduce their dependence solely on rate collection (and property prices), diversify their income source and have something meaningful to back up that AA credit rating.

02-06-2023, 04:45 PM
To reduce their dependence solely on rate collection (and property prices), diversify their income source and have something meaningful to back up that AA credit rating.

Not required. If they focused only on water, roads and picking up rubbish, rates would cover that easy. Let the private sector provide all the other things that people may or may not want.

Blue Skies
02-06-2023, 05:19 PM
Not required. If they focused only on water, roads and picking up rubbish, rates would cover that easy. Let the private sector provide all the other things that people may or may not want.

What a dull, drab, grey & sterile city that would be, like East Berlin before the wall came down. Who'd want to live there!
What about Libraries, Parks, Big Events, Art Gallery, Philharmonic Orchestra, Museums, Lighting, etc all the things which make a city a vibrant & attractive place to live.

02-06-2023, 05:27 PM
What a dull, drab, grey & sterile city that would be, like East Berlin before the wall came down. Who'd want to live there!
What about Libraries, Parks, Big Events, Art Gallery, Philharmonic Orchestra, Museums, Lighting, etc all the things which make a city a vibrant & attractive place to live.

Just what the leftist and parasites being bred by this socialist Labour government is turning NZ into.

02-06-2023, 05:35 PM
What a dull, drab, grey & sterile city that would be, like East Berlin before the wall came down. Who'd want to live there!
What about Libraries, Parks, Big Events, Art Gallery, Philharmonic Orchestra, Museums, Lighting, etc all the things which make a city a vibrant & attractive place to live.

Or Texas and a number of other US states... funny how these places end up like eastern europe once did, with no good city planning or public amenities of any kind.

02-06-2023, 07:02 PM
To reduce their dependence solely on rate collection (and property prices), diversify their income source and have something meaningful to back up that AA credit rating.
The logic here is astonishing. Let's borrow at a rate higher than the dividend income because it "reduces dependence solely on rate collection". You fail to see the economics of this which results in more dependence on rate collection. This is either trolling or purposeful disinformation or, as Wayne Brown says, "financially illiterate". Maybe Balance has a valid point about your economic suggestions.....

02-06-2023, 07:04 PM
The logic here is astonishing. Let's borrow at a rate higher than the dividend income because it "reduces dependence solely on rate collection". You fail to see the economics of this which results in more dependence on rate collection. This is either trolling or purposeful disinformation or, as Wayne Brown says, "financially illiterate". Maybe Balance has a valid point about your economic suggestions.....

The shares have tripled in value since 2012, the value of which can be borrowed against.
Land the council owns is worth considerably more too.
Sound economics hence the AA credit rating.

It's like winning lotto then paying off your student loan.

Just say NO to the Wayne brown raid of the ratepayer's savings fund.

02-06-2023, 07:47 PM
The shares have tripled in value since 2012, the value of which can be borrowed against.

Easy to pick any time slice in hindsight as some regular posters like to remind others, so the value in 2012 is irrelevant. Borrow borrow borrow - that (and higher taxes) appear to be the only solutions suggested by some. You propose Auckland City borrows more at a time when interest rates are increasing....should Ryman do that too?

02-06-2023, 07:52 PM
Asset value increases > CPI of 7% > borrowing costs.

The lowest priority should be addressing interest on AA-rated debt.

Logen Ninefingers
02-06-2023, 07:53 PM
The shares have tripled in value since 2012, the value of which can be borrowed against.
Land the council owns is worth considerably more too.
Sound economics hence the AA credit rating.

It's like winning lotto then paying off your student loan.

Just say NO to the wayne brown raid of the ratepayer's savings fund.

Shares go up, and shares go down. Because they went up doesn't mean they always will. If the airport wants to raise more capital, they go back to the shareholders. Either the Auckland council puts its hand in its pocket, or it gets its stake diluted. It's not 'a savings fund', but even if it was it would be basic financial common sense to use it to pay down the onerous debt. But you don't care about financial literacy, you care about your obstinate ideological ideas around government and councils owning as much of the country as they can get their hands on. Ideally you'd ban private ownership of property and 'the means of production'. But if you think the council owning shares and land is the ideal, then no doubt you'd propose to borrow $10 billion to buy $10 billion of shares in NZ companies at current market values on the grounds that you've just created a $10 billion 'savings fund'. Logic isn't your strong point. You cannot borrow your way to an instantaneous higher net worth, and speculating on shares in the hope that they will go up in value is not the business of a city council.

Logen Ninefingers
02-06-2023, 08:03 PM
Just what the leftist and parasites being bred by this socialist Labour government is turning NZ into.

Councils can provide libraries and parks and museums and street lighting, it's when they start to get involved in running businesses that we have a problem. Businesses must run businesses, and attract customers to the city - and the council can provide vital amenities to its ratepayers.
When the council is falling over in service delivery but running a massive bureaucracy, then we have another problem.

02-06-2023, 08:03 PM
The council should not own it and instead focus on "core services" is an ideological position. It's not a financial necessity.

Put that to voters instead of sneaking up on them with the Wayne Brown trojan horse to implement ideas with no mandate from the electorate.

02-06-2023, 10:06 PM
The council should not own it and instead focus on "core services" is an ideological position. It's not a financial necessity.

Are you proposing Councils focus on things that are not core services? Really? What is the business case or strategic case for owning a significant share of a business where you don't get a seat at the Board?

02-06-2023, 10:54 PM

Govt’s red-sticker buyout scheme: Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson confused over ‘funding split’

Robbo's Billion Dollar Cyclone Circus shambles causes confusion :)

Priceless ..

02-06-2023, 11:11 PM

Councillors respond after Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown forwards them abusive emails

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown forwarded councillors an email on Thursday afternoon that called them “dip s***s”, after he publicly criticised some of them in a shambolic invite-only press conference.

Several councillors have responded in comments to the Herald today.

Councillor Alf Filipaina from Manukau said Brown’s action was “a sign of desperation”. He added, “I wouldn’t do that. It’s really unbecoming.”

On Thursday morning, Brown took aim at councillors who don’t support his proposal to sell Auckland Council shares in Auckland International Airport. At a meeting at Auckland Transport’s headquarters, he called them “financially illiterate”.

Gez - Wayne .. try to go a bit gentler with them .. some may not be capable of reading, some may be challenged even signing their own name, others may have had a hard night before .. but most probably know how to count their pay .. No need to try biffing them out the window for it, no matter how asleep, stupid or whatever they be ;)

Logen Ninefingers
03-06-2023, 09:04 AM

Councillors respond after Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown forwards them abusive emails

Gez - Wayne .. try to go a bit gentler with them .. some may not be capable of reading, some may be challenged even signing their own name, others may have had a hard night before .. but most probably know how to count their pay .. No need to try biffing them out the window for it, no matter how asleep, stupid or whatever they be ;)

Labour is sticking Brown with as many ‘dead rats’ as they can, meanwhile the left wing media and on-line shills are screaming about his attempts to tackle debt, with spurious claims that he is ‘spending savings’. The fix is in, they will try to make his life a living hell.

03-06-2023, 09:45 AM
Labour is sticking Brown with as many ‘dead rats’ as they can, meanwhile the left wing media and on-line shills are screaming about his attempts to tackle debt, with spurious claims that he is ‘spending savings’. The fix is in, they will try to make his life a living hell.

Wayne is the one who applied for the job...

At 76 year old you think he would retire somewhere nice and drink champagne instead of all this.

Blue Skies
03-06-2023, 02:14 PM
Saw an interesting point raised, AIA is not just a strategic public asset, but is a monopoly.

Therefore anyone with enough experience will understand that allowing a strategic monopoly asset to have no public ownership will lead to poor outcomes for NZ long term.

Haven't we seen enough examples of the ruthlessness & collapse of private equity firms to be concerned that the sale of a large chunk of Publicly owned shares to say a private equity firm, of a monopoly asset the city depend on & is far too important to fail, is likely to eventually be regretted.

I think i'ld be ok with the sale if AIA wasn't a monopoly, but with it being too important to fail, Auckland ratepayers will always have this hanging over them.

On another point, if you look at AIA's traffic figures for the last 3 years, they collapsed due to the Covid pandemic, & so of course recent dividends were suspended. So I would hope no one with any financial literacy would base AIA's future earnings on the past 3 years performance. Unfortunately it looks like Mayor Brown is selling Aucklander's the idea of selling off our shareholding based on these figures rather than the now rapidly improving future potential. i.e. what is it going to be worth to the city in 10 years time.

Why aren't they looking at the golf courses which cost the city $160 million/year (from memory ) & are used by such a small number of Aucklanders?

Logen Ninefingers
03-06-2023, 05:56 PM
Saw an interesting point raised, AIA is not just a strategic public asset, but is a monopoly.

Therefore anyone with enough experience will understand that allowing a strategic monopoly asset to have no public ownership will lead to poor outcomes for NZ long term.

Haven't we seen enough examples of the ruthlessness & collapse of private equity firms to be concerned that the sale of a large chunk of Publicly owned shares to say a private equity firm, of a monopoly asset the city depend on & is far too important to fail, is likely to eventually be regretted.

I think i'ld be ok with the sale if AIA wasn't a monopoly, but with it being too important to fail, Auckland ratepayers will always have this hanging over them.

On another point, if you look at AIA's traffic figures for the last 3 years, they collapsed due to the Covid pandemic, & so of course recent dividends were suspended. So I would hope no one with any financial literacy would base AIA's future earnings on the past 3 years performance. Unfortunately it looks like Mayor Brown is selling Aucklander's the idea of selling off our shareholding based on these figures rather than the now rapidly improving future potential. i.e. what is it going to be worth to the city in 10 years time.

Why aren't they looking at the golf courses which cost the city $160 million/year (from memory ) & are used by such a small number of Aucklanders?

18% stake and no seat on the board: that is not a ‘strategic’ position.

The owner of that 18% stake should be someone with deep pockets who can put in more capital if the business needs it. So if it comes to that and the council has to purchase more shares in a capital raising, would you like the council to a) borrow more or b) raise rates in order to do so? It’s a latent rabbit hole, it’s a needless diversion, it’s a pointless outlier.

City councils have no business running investment portfolios, their job is to provide vital local services to ratepayers.

Blue Skies
03-06-2023, 08:06 PM
Compelling arguments why the council should not sell off its 18% share in Auckland airport.

"Entry ports to our city, both air & sea are vital infrastructure to the Auckland & national economies, & indeed our security interests."
"Only local Public ownership in part or whole, can safely guard the long term interests of our city."

There's also a strong argument any money recovered from the sale will quickly be absorbed, soaked up like a sponge by such things as contractors over charging the council, e.g. in west Auckland charging $200,000 to remove dirt from a slip, for a job which should only cost $20,000.
I remember a contractor telling me another contractor had charged the council $30,000 to remove some trees for a job which they thought should have cost no more than $3,000.
We had new footpaths laid with 40 year mix, just before lamp posts were going to be moved, meaning the new footpath would have to be dug up & then re-laid again. I asked the contractors laying the footpath why they weren't waiting until the lamp posts had been moved first. They just shrugged & said it happens all the time, no planning co-ordination.


04-06-2023, 02:43 PM

Councillors respond after Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown forwards them abusive emails

Gez - Wayne .. try to go a bit gentler with them .. some may not be capable of reading, some may be challenged even signing their own name, others may have had a hard night before .. but most probably know how to count their pay .. No need to try biffing them out the window for it, no matter how asleep, stupid or whatever they be ;)

Ha the media (who are already pissed at the Mayor for locking them out) make it sound like he wrote the emails when in fact they came from people writing them to him in support and he just forwarded them on. Note the word "forwarded" not "wrote"

04-06-2023, 02:51 PM
Saw an interesting point raised, AIA is not just a strategic public asset, but is a monopoly.

Therefore anyone with enough experience will understand that allowing a strategic monopoly asset to have no public ownership will lead to poor outcomes for NZ long term.

Haven't we seen enough examples of the ruthlessness & collapse of private equity firms to be concerned that the sale of a large chunk of Publicly owned shares to say a private equity firm, of a monopoly asset the city depend on & is far too important to fail, is likely to eventually be regretted.

I think i'ld be ok with the sale if AIA wasn't a monopoly, but with it being too important to fail, Auckland ratepayers will always have this hanging over them.

On another point, if you look at AIA's traffic figures for the last 3 years, they collapsed due to the Covid pandemic, & so of course recent dividends were suspended. So I would hope no one with any financial literacy would base AIA's future earnings on the past 3 years performance. Unfortunately it looks like Mayor Brown is selling Aucklander's the idea of selling off our shareholding based on these figures rather than the now rapidly improving future potential. i.e. what is it going to be worth to the city in 10 years time.

Why aren't they looking at the golf courses which cost the city $160 million/year (from memory ) & are used by such a small number of Aucklanders?

Auckland council spends $12m p/a on public courses. Most courses are privately owned and funded by the clubs that own them

04-06-2023, 03:27 PM
Ha the media (who are already pissed at the Mayor for locking them out) make it sound like he wrote the emails when in fact they came from people writing them to him in support and he just forwarded them on. Note the word "forwarded" not "wrote"

Yes I see that .. the "forwarded" obviously got lost in the furious reaction from some of the sleeping participants rudely awoken :)

Aucklanders now can see evidence of some of the cocoon like beings they may have mistakenly thrown their previous LG votes at, in hope of better ..

Blue Skies
04-06-2023, 05:32 PM
Auckland council spends $12m p/a on public courses. Most courses are privately owned and funded by the clubs that own them

According to Bernard Hickey & others Wayne Brown is ignoring the losses of over $160 ($162 m) million per year to run the Councils 13 golf courses which have a combined value of $2.9 Billion."



I can see why there's a compelling argument against the Airport, such a vital infrastructure which both Auckland & the national economy absolutely depend on, & which holds a monopoly, falling totally into private ownership.
If it wasn't a monopoly, then maybe, but i'ld prefer they sold off some of the golf courses.

04-06-2023, 05:41 PM
A tale of 2 cities.

WB in Auckland attempts to cut the cloth and sell an unnecessary airport holding, while shunning the media.

In Wellington, Tory parties up and looks for any camera, while her council floats a 17.8% rate increase.


04-06-2023, 06:31 PM
According to Bernard Hickey & others Wayne Brown is ignoring the losses of over $160 ($162 m) million per year to run the Councils 13 golf courses which have a combined value of $2.9 Billion."



I can see why there's a compelling argument against the Airport, such a vital infrastructure which both Auckland & the national economy absolutely depend on, & which holds a monopoly, falling totally into private ownership.
If it wasn't a monopoly, then maybe, but i'ld prefer they sold off some of the golf courses.

Foremostly, You'd think they could see the wood from the trees, and club together to iron this one out over tea.

Logen Ninefingers
06-06-2023, 11:26 AM
Remarkable that ‘blue skies’ thinks that an 18% shareholding means that Auckland Council has some sort of control or leverage over ‘monopoly’ Auckland airport. It doesn’t.
Donald Duck might as well own the shares; he wouldn’t get a seat on the board either.

Blue Skies
06-06-2023, 12:59 PM
Remarkable that ‘blue skies’ thinks that an 18% shareholding means that Auckland Council has some sort of control or leverage over ‘monopoly’ Auckland airport. It doesn’t.
Donald Duck might as well own the shares; he wouldn’t get a seat on the board either.

As I understand it, the 18% shareholding gives Auckland Council influence over who are appointed Directors.

Secondly, part Public ownership prevents the Airport being totally sold off to some foreign Pension Fund, Hedge Fund or other private ownership which has no interest other than maximising profits from the company, usually with a short term view, & with little regard for the vital part Auckland Airport plays in both Auckland & the national economy, & national security (e.g. bio-security)

Bill Smith
06-06-2023, 01:00 PM
Wonder if the hallensteins inner leg measurer has a seat on the board. Perhaps if his holding was combined with his wife, he would increase his power there.

06-06-2023, 01:23 PM
According to Bernard Hickey & others Wayne Brown is ignoring the losses of over $160 ($162 m) million per year to run the Councils 13 golf courses which have a combined value of $2.9 Billion."



I can see why there's a compelling argument against the Airport, such a vital infrastructure which both Auckland & the national economy absolutely depend on, & which holds a monopoly, falling totally into private ownership.
If it wasn't a monopoly, then maybe, but i'ld prefer they sold off some of the golf courses.

Be careful when you quote talking heads who have vested interest in quoting large numbers that invoke public outrage to get subscribers and clicks. That $160m is based on the 2018 cost benefit analysis where the vast majority of the "costs" are made up of opportunity cost as Auckland Council does not charge market rent for the land they lease to the clubs. For example the Omaha land has a 2015 land valuation of around $147m yet the club paid $5, yes $5, a year to lease it. The actual opex is around $12m per year. Now, i'm not saying there is an opportunity to sell golf course land but show me the cost-benefit analysis including sale price, future rates the ongoing opex of managing infrastructure for that land and also the health, social, environment and economic benefits of owing publicly owned land

Logen Ninefingers
06-06-2023, 08:17 PM
As I understand it, the 18% shareholding gives Auckland Council influence over who are appointed Directors.

Secondly, part Public ownership prevents the Airport being totally sold off to some foreign Pension Fund, Hedge Fund or other private ownership which has no interest other than maximising profits from the company, usually with a short term view, & with little regard for the vital part Auckland Airport plays in both Auckland & the national economy, & national security (e.g. bio-security)

As I understand it, the 18% shareholding gives Auckland Council influence over who are appointed Directors.

So do you often just make stuff up to try and win arguments?

Blue Skies
06-06-2023, 08:59 PM
As I understand it, the 18% shareholding gives Auckland Council influence over who are appointed Directors.

So do you often just make stuff up to try and win arguments?

Not at all & no need to be so combative.

Here's a rationale written by former Manukau City mayor, Sir Barry Curtis.

In it he states "the combined leadership of the 2 pre-amalgamation councils (Manukau & Auckland) proved that a significant shareholding of around 20% does offer the opportunity to nominate Directors onto the Board to influence the direction of the company."

He goes on to say the Council must protect the cities interest in New Zealand's main gateway to the world, & must be more aggressive in strategically managing our shareholding.


07-06-2023, 11:06 AM
BS, any shareholder can 'nominate' directors, 0.01%, 20% shareholding makes no difference.

Blue Skies
07-06-2023, 11:53 AM
BS, any shareholder can 'nominate' directors, 0.01%, 20% shareholding makes no difference.

Sure, of course, but in practice with a significant block of just under 20% holding voting rights, its often quite different to individual shareholders, & as Barry Curtis says, the Council needs to be more aggressive in strategically managing our shareholding.

07-06-2023, 02:40 PM
IMO the real reason that the Labour lead councilors of the A C dont want to sell the shares is that, if they dont it will put massive pressure on the budget and the only recourse for W B will be to raise rates.
He then will be blamed for the increased rates burden for the Auckland poor when the real cause is the Labour councillors who are trying whatever means they can to get rid of W B before or at the next mayoral elections and replace him with someone of their choosing, dim wits like the last two !!!, very sad but true !!

07-06-2023, 02:55 PM
IMO the real reason that the Labour lead councilors of the A C dont want to sell the shares is that, if they dont it will put massive pressure on the budget and the only recourse for W B will be to raise rates.
He then will be blamed for the increased rates burden for the Auckland poor when the real cause is the Labour councillors who are trying whatever means they can to get rid of W B before or at the next mayoral elections and replace him with someone of their choosing, dim wits like the last two !!!, very sad but true !!

He can do what luxon did at Air NZ.. borrow more.

Not sure why he needs a cent more though since he said he's going to cut the spending.

07-06-2023, 03:13 PM
Sure, of course, but in practice with a significant block of just under 20% holding voting rights, its often quite different to individual shareholders, & as Barry Curtis says, the Council needs to be more aggressive in strategically managing our shareholding.

Councils need to stay out of meddling with the assets they own. Let the board run them free of interference. I have been following the Wellington council and their 66% stake in Centerport via WRC Holdings Ltd. The council influence can be downright annoying with councilors on the board of the holding company being out of their depth as directors.

07-06-2023, 03:32 PM
He can do what luxon did at Air NZ.. borrow more.

Not sure why he needs a cent more though since he said he's going to cut the spending.

Panda, IMHO re you really that thick, ANZ is a public company while A C has poor suffering ratepayers who have endured 10 + years of poor financial decisions led by dipstick mayors who have not a drop of good financial ability, they have been put there by the labour party machine just like Kath Tizard was and look at the disaster that was made of the Aotea Centre.

07-06-2023, 03:58 PM
The fact that ACC did not participate in the $1.2 billion CR in 2020 and missed the opportunity to maintain its shareholding, and at today’s sp make $171m gain for ratepayers means that the councillors forfeit their argument that they know what’s best for ratepayers.

Bunch of clueless bureaucrats without an ounce of sense about delivering value for Aucklanders. Like the Labour government, all about spend and spend with no accountability or delivery.

Blue Skies
07-06-2023, 04:09 PM
The fact that ACC did not participate in the $1.2 billion CR in 2020 and missed the opportunity to maintain its shareholding, and at today’s sp make $171m gain for ratepayers means that the councillors forfeit their argument that they know what’s best for ratepayers.

Bunch of clueless bureaucrats without an ounce of sense about delivering value for Aucklanders. Like the Labour government, all about spend and spend with no accountability or delivery.

That's a good argument for the Council holding onto the shares & selling some of the golf courses for housing.

Blue Skies
07-06-2023, 04:12 PM
Panda, IMHO re you really that thick, ANZ is a public company while A C has poor suffering ratepayers who have endured 10 + years of poor financial decisions led by dipstick mayors who have not a drop of good financial ability, they have been put there by the labour party machine just like Kath Tizard was and look at the disaster that was made of the Aotea Centre.

Yes and look at the pigs ear disaster they made of Sky City Convention Centre deal too.

Wait.....Oh hold on that might have been Stephen Joyce & National govt.

07-06-2023, 04:14 PM
Yes and look at the pigs ear disaster they made of Sky City Convention Centre deal too.

Wait.....Oh hold on that might have been Stephen Joyce & National govt.

Nothing wrong with the deal - except in the minds of the ignoramus Labour peasants.

07-06-2023, 04:15 PM
That's a good argument for the Council holding onto the shares & selling some of the golf courses for housing.

Same argument used by Labour that bad tenants should not be kicked out of state houses.

07-06-2023, 05:04 PM
Labour, " everything they've touched the've fuc!ed " sad but true !

07-06-2023, 05:23 PM
Fair enough to ask the question as to why golf courses are not considered. Presumably a block sale of the airport would be easier to execute quickly.

The arguments that the shares are strategic are pretty poor, given the low or no influence the council has on operations. In truth it is a passive investment which is actually costing the council money ie. it is a $70-80m p.a. fiscal drag. Like a negatively geared investment property, the only reason you would hold on to it would be a high level of confidence in future capital gains. At least so long as you could comfortably fund the negative cashflow in the meantime. Does anyone think the Auckland Council is in such a comfortable financial position?

Effectively Brown wants to recalibrate the council investment portfolio to reduce debt and expenses simultaneously at the cost of potential future gains but no loss of strategic influence (as there never was any to start with). If I had borrowed at 5-6% for an asset that was paying me nothing when I didnt have enough for living expenses I would be taking a darn hard look at it too..

Brown gets a lot of bad press because he is crotchety and does himself no favours, but he is trying to get Auckland to live within its means after a long period of kicking of the can down the road. Exactly what he said he would do when he was voted in by a surprising majority.

07-06-2023, 05:35 PM
Fair enough to ask the question as to why golf courses are not considered. Presumably a block sale of the airport would be easier to execute quickly.

The arguments that the shares are strategic are pretty poor, given the low or no influence the council has on operations. In truth it is a passive investment which is actually costing the council money ie. it is a $70-80m p.a. fiscal drag. Like a negatively geared investment property, the only reason you would hold on to it would be a high level of confidence in future capital gains. At least so long as you could comfortably fund the negative cashflow in the meantime. Does anyone think the Auckland Council is in such a comfortable financial position?

Effectively Brown wants to recalibrate the council investment portfolio to reduce debt and expenses simultaneously at the cost of potential future gains but no loss of strategic influence (as there never was any to start with). If I had borrowed at 5-6% for an asset that was paying me nothing when I didnt have enough for living expenses I would be taking a darn hard look at it too..

Brown gets a lot of bad press because he is crotchety and does himself no favours, but he is trying to get Auckland to live within its means after a long period of kicking of the can down the road. Exactly what he said he would do when he was voted in by a surprising majority.

I knew him through AGS he didnt suffer fools then and still doesnt, A C is a walk in the park for him as it is full of fools imo.

07-06-2023, 05:43 PM
Fair enough to ask the question as to why golf courses are not considered. Presumably a block sale of the airport would be easier to execute quickly.

The arguments that the shares are strategic are pretty poor, given the low or no influence the council has on operations. In truth it is a passive investment which is actually costing the council money ie. it is a $70-80m p.a. fiscal drag. Like a negatively geared investment property, the only reason you would hold on to it would be a high level of confidence in future capital gains. At least so long as you could comfortably fund the negative cashflow in the meantime. Does anyone think the Auckland Council is in such a comfortable financial position?

Effectively Brown wants to recalibrate the council investment portfolio to reduce debt and expenses simultaneously at the cost of potential future gains but no loss of strategic influence (as there never was any to start with). If I had borrowed at 5-6% for an asset that was paying me nothing when I didnt have enough for living expenses I would be taking a darn hard look at it too..

Brown gets a lot of bad press because he is crotchety and does himself no favours, but he is trying to get Auckland to live within its means after a long period of kicking of the can down the road. Exactly what he said he would do when he was voted in by a surprising majority.

In real terms the interest is zero. You’re being paid to borrow money but would rather flog off your best assets instead. dumb stuff.

07-06-2023, 05:47 PM
In real terms the interest is zero. Your still being paid to borrow money but would rather flog off your best assets

not with the SuperCity borrowed up the hilt with huge deficits and facing uncertainty on what Central Govt will and won't fund courtesy of Govt's Goon show miniscule allocations .. there is such a thing as interest savings :)

In real terms the lessons of Ryman borrowing, buybacks etc appear to have not been learned somewhere :)

07-06-2023, 05:48 PM
In real terms the interest is zero. You’re being paid to borrow money but would rather flog off your best assets. Dumb stuff.

From the ignoramus Labour peasant panda who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback.

Get back to chewing Cindy’s bamboos, you peasant.

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 06:02 PM
Seems like Lefty’s are ideologically and mentally incapable of selling shares. Michael Wood being the latest example.

07-06-2023, 06:06 PM
Seems like Lefty’s are ideologically and mentally incapable of selling shares. Michael Wood being the latest example.

Ardern wasn't stupid running away fast from the mob of clueless incompetents .. perhaps she got sick of directing the list of faces that needed wiping, nappies changed and other BS being generated from Labour's Parliamentary Front Bench Kindergarten with full rounds of toy throwing sessions ? ;)

07-06-2023, 06:16 PM
Seems like Lefty’s are ideologically and mentally incapable of selling shares. Michael Wood being the latest example.

Good one!

Post of the day!

07-06-2023, 06:17 PM
Seems like Lefty’s are ideologically and mentally incapable of selling shares. Michael Wood being the latest example.

We’re all funded with borrowed money (something you are obsessed with regardless of situation).

A gr8, beautiful and stunning inventory of assets we have to underpin it though.

07-06-2023, 06:18 PM
Please explain. I understood most of the proceeds would be applied to a reduction of debt. Debt which is costing $70-80m over and above dividends.

Also, why would you class Auckland Airport one of their best assets if it comes with very little governance influence, and costs money to hold? WHat is the benefit of holding it to Auckland ratepayers?

In real terms the interest is zero. You’re being paid to borrow money but would rather flog off your best assets instead. dumb stuff.

Logen Ninefingers
07-06-2023, 06:20 PM
We’re all funded with borrowed money though (something you are obsessed with regardless of situation).

Panda on Lefty’s: ‘We’re all funded with borrowed money’.

07-06-2023, 06:26 PM
We’re all funded with borrowed money (something you are obsessed with regardless of situation).

A gr8, beautiful and stunning inventory of assets we have to underpin it though.

Sure you're not operating on a borrowed promise of enhanced intelligence ? ;)

07-06-2023, 06:29 PM

Second Auckland councillor forced to correct records because of Auckland Airport shareholding

Another councillor, Julie Fairey, also corrected her declaration yesterday because she had not disclosed that a trust which she had an interest in held shares in the airport.

Fairey, from the Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward, said yesterday that the shareholdings had never had a bearing on her position around the sale of Auckland Airport shares.

She is believed to be opposed to Mayor Wayne Brown’s proposal to offload the shares to help plug the council’s $325 million budget hole.

Fairey is the wife of Cabinet Minister Michael Wood, who was stood down from his portfolio by Prime Minister Chris Hipkins yesterday over failing to properly disclose his Auckland Airport shares.

Hipkins later revealed that the Cabinet Office had asked Wood six times to sell the shares, which were worth around $13,000. Wood is now selling them.

Quick Wayne - here's another Council B^m to kick into a large Pot hole ;)

No-one will object in slightest if you make it a King Shot and a half :)

07-06-2023, 06:39 PM
A gr8, beautiful and stunning inventory of assets we have to underpin it though. :)

The inventory is protected by mixed gender security guards and is to be run in a back room of the abortion clinic so should be safe.

07-06-2023, 06:42 PM
The inventory is protected by mixed gender security guards and is to be run in a back room of the abortion clinic so should be safe.

Sure you're not operating on a borrowed promise of unenhanced Labour intelligence ? ;)

07-06-2023, 06:51 PM
D-day soon for the Auckland budget.

Will Wayne’s raid on the ratepayer assets be approved or will it flop like his trademark flood recovery management.

07-06-2023, 06:55 PM
D-day soon for the budget.

Will Wayne’s raid on the ratepayer assets be approved or will it flop like his trademark flood recovery management.

Budget Fudget gone

Panda asleep :)

07-06-2023, 07:02 PM
D-day soon for the Auckland budget.

Will Wayne’s raid on the ratepayer assets be approved or will it flop like his trademark flood recovery management.

From the ignoramus Labour peasant who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback when it was close to default.

07-06-2023, 07:59 PM
From the ignoramus Labour peasant who wanted Ryman to load up with more debt to do a share buyback when it was close to default.

From the idiot parrot who offers nothing but repetitive posts.


07-06-2023, 09:04 PM
Seems like Lefty’s are ideologically and mentally incapable of selling shares. Michael Wood being the latest example.

The really really sad thing about this whole situation is that they are selling a mature transport investment to put the money into a better transport investment ( CRL ) but the duffers cannot see that !!

07-06-2023, 09:09 PM
D-day soon for the Auckland budget.

Will Wayne’s raid on the ratepayer assets be approved or will it flop like his trademark flood recovery management.

Panda, another thicko, Aucklands civil defence was incharge of the Anniversery floods NOT W B, he was to take orders from them if and when they decided to do so, ( truth was they had gone home early at 5-00 for a long holiday weekend) and they left no one to man the pumps.
Panda, never let the truth get in the way of a B S story, remember " the left is a lie "

07-06-2023, 09:13 PM
The really really sad thing about this whole situation is that they are selling a mature transport investment to put the money into a better transport investment ( CRL ) but the duffers cannot see that !!

The left operates on the basis that assets belong to them but the debts they accumulate belong to others.

Remember : ‘Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don’t.” Labour Party & Hipkins

Bill Smith
07-06-2023, 10:14 PM
From the idiot parrot who offers nothing but repetitive posts, westerly

Given that this is a repetitive post, that makes you an idiot too? No need to answer as it's quite apparent.

08-06-2023, 04:21 AM
Well this thread deteriorated quickly.
Name calling, such an intelligent form of debate.

08-06-2023, 10:34 AM
There seems to be a lot of unnecessary emotion for what is a financial decision.

A different way of looking at it might be, if hypothetically Auckland Council currently had $2bn less debt and no shares, is it likely that they would be contemplating whether to purchase afresh $2bn of Auckland Airport shares for the strategic value? Would there be support for such a move?

08-06-2023, 10:43 AM
You seem to trust Wayne's promise to lower debt with it, when he is already breaking an election promise by selling them and not telling voters.

Do not give this man a $2b slush fund.

08-06-2023, 11:02 AM
You seem to trust Wayne's promise to lower debt with it, when he is already breaking an election promise by selling them and not telling voters.

Do not give this man a $2b slush fund.

But okay for Clueless Cindy & Hipkins to give Winston $3 billion slush fund to buy his votes.

Ignoramus Labour peasant panda & the Labour government who only know how to load up with debt and are corrupt.

08-06-2023, 12:41 PM
You seem to trust Wayne's promise to lower debt with it, when he is already breaking an election promise by selling them and not telling voters.

Do not give this man a $2b slush fund.

still sleepwalking ? ;)

whatever it was - it appears to have adversely affected someone's promise of of untold unenhanced Intelligence :)

08-06-2023, 12:43 PM

Watch live: Auckland Council debates selling airport shares, Mayor Wayne Brown faces first big leadership test

Wayne - the Prats up the back still want to keep their Premium viewing seats of big birds finding the tarmac ;)

Best watch that Pot Hole Experts assistant :)

08-06-2023, 01:04 PM

Frenemies unite: Air New Zealand and Qantas slam Auckland Airport price hikes

The same AIA looking at multi billion dollar Terminal Upgrade ?

Being paid for by whom ?

Being Borrowed up Large to complete the job ? ;)

If it turns to sh*t then where do the long arms of AIA turn for a bundle of readies to fill gap ? ;)

Mayor not stupid wanting to steer SuperCity's own Debt & Deficit pile away from this thing ;)


Auckland Airport redevelopment will make airfares unaffordable, airlines warn

Air New Zealand and Qantas say passengers will foot the bill with higher airfares if Auckland International Airport goes ahead with its planned $3.9 billion redevelopment plan, including the construction of a new domestic terminal.

Auckland Airport has announced increases to its aeronautical charges paid by airlines for the next five years, taking effect from July 1.

Auckland Airport chief executive Carrie Hurihanganui said the new charges would fund part of the much-needed investment in infrastructure that is underway at the airport.

The increase would cover $2.5 billion of commissioned infrastructure, focusing on important airfield, terminal, baggage and transport improvements to be completed and in use by airlines by the end of the five-year period, Hurihanganui said.

Blue Skies
08-06-2023, 01:32 PM
Apart from the strategic value to Auckland, on a purely financial basis, why would you sell an asset (Auckland Airport) which is projected to return $40 million per year in dividends, & has produced substantial capital gains, $140 million just while these discussions are taking place, providing added financial security to the Council,
when you could sell the Golf Courses (of similar value to Airport shares ) which on borrowed money are costing $100 million per year in interest & produce zero return to the Council? ( did someone say the Omaha golf course pays the Council $5.00 per year ! )

When asked why the Gold Courses weren't an option, Wayne Brown said because no one had suggested it! (don't think thats actually correct) & Maurice Williamson who wants to sell the airport saying on RNZ this morning, the airport might be destroyed by an earthquake or we get another pandemic !
What !!!!

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 01:36 PM
Brown has no chance of getting this budget over the line. Michael Woods partner even said she was in favour of an even larger rate increase. Probably what her constituents who don’t pay rates want, but terribly harsh on property-owning people on fixed incomes who are facing large mortgage interest rate increases & cost of living increases. But the Left simply do not care about such people. They want to have their cake and eat it too. One Left wing member was almost bawling his eyes out over ‘cuts’, but doesn’t want to sell any shares. He’ll vote down anything Brown proposes by the looks of it. Farcical situation.

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 01:39 PM
Apart from the strategic value to Auckland, on a purely financial basis, why would you sell an asset (Auckland Airport) which is projected to return $40 million per year in dividends, & has produced substantial capital gains, $140 million just while these discussions are taking place, providing added financial security to the Council,
when you could sell the Golf Courses (of similar value to Airport shares ) which on borrowed money are costing $100 million per year in interest & produce zero return to the Council? ( did someone say the Omaha golf course pays the Council $5.00 per year ! )

When asked why the Gold Courses weren't an option, Wayne Brown said because no one had suggested it! (don't think thats actually correct) & Maurice Williamson who wants to sell the airport saying on RNZ this morning, the airport might be destroyed by an earthquake or we get another pandemic !
What !!!!

$40 million in dividends, but the interest on the debt that could be retired is $100 million. So it’s a $60 million yearly loss if the shares are not sold.

At some stage these shares will start declining in value - likely with the next CR - and this opportune window of time to make a maximum capital gain will be lost.

08-06-2023, 01:40 PM
Who is on the paying end of the job - Boys & Girls ? ;)

Lefties shouldn't complain .. just look over the fence into a larger goldfish bowl and all can
see as bright as day a Labour Government which has p!ssed up against the wall the accrued prosperity and mortgaged the future of all Kiwi's up for many generations ahead .. in matter of just 5 years ;)

08-06-2023, 02:25 PM
Apart from the strategic value to Auckland, on a purely financial basis, why would you sell an asset (Auckland Airport) which is projected to return $40 million per year in dividends, & has produced substantial capital gains, $140 million just while these discussions are taking place, providing added financial security to the Council,
when you could sell the Golf Courses (of similar value to Airport shares ) which on borrowed money are costing $100 million per year in interest & produce zero return to the Council? ( did someone say the Omaha golf course pays the Council $5.00 per year ! )

When asked why the Gold Courses weren't an option, Wayne Brown said because no one had suggested it! (don't think thats actually correct) & Maurice Williamson who wants to sell the airport saying on RNZ this morning, the airport might be destroyed by an earthquake or we get another pandemic !
What !!!!

Gold Courses---- really !!!!

08-06-2023, 02:28 PM
Apart from the strategic value to Auckland, on a purely financial basis, why would you sell an asset (Auckland Airport) which is projected to return $40 million per year in dividends, & has produced substantial capital gains, $140 million just while these discussions are taking place, providing added financial security to the Council,
when you could sell the Golf Courses (of similar value to Airport shares ) which on borrowed money are costing $100 million per year in interest & produce zero return to the Council? ( did someone say the Omaha golf course pays the Council $5.00 per year ! )

When asked why the Gold Courses weren't an option, Wayne Brown said because no one had suggested it! (don't think thats actually correct) & Maurice Williamson who wants to sell the airport saying on RNZ this morning, the airport might be destroyed by an earthquake or we get another pandemic !
What !!!!

B S ( you are really B S !! ) W B wants to sell a mature transport investment to pay for another seed capital transport investment, CRL what is wrong with that ?

08-06-2023, 02:46 PM
Raise fees for the golf courses rather than slug people 7.7%...

But it's the conservative way (see GST hike).

08-06-2023, 03:14 PM
Raise fees for the golf courses rather than slug people 7.7%...

But it's the conservative way (see GST hike).

But you have to admit you like things for FREE - even Gobbo Robbo tried that in last failed excuse for a Fudget ;)

08-06-2023, 03:15 PM
Raise fees for the golf courses rather than slug people 7.7%...

But it's the conservative way (see GST hike).

Ignoramus Labour peasant without any idea of what constitutes pertinent revenues vs irresponsible Labour leftist spending.

Borrow more money to buy more assets until ACC defaults - the leftist way.

08-06-2023, 03:46 PM
When you open up your next rates bill, you should call the unnecessary 7.7% increase - the wayne tax.

08-06-2023, 04:14 PM
When you open up your next rates bill, you should call the 7.7% increase - the wayne tax.

What's the bet the Panda Tax for poor unfortunate Nelsonians will be similar or higher ? ;)

08-06-2023, 04:46 PM
When you open up your next rates bill, you should call the unnecessary 7.7% increase - the wayne tax.

Not much more than Nelson

Possible 7.2 percent rates rise for Nelson

https://www.rnz.co.nz › news › ldr › possible-7-point-...
21/03/2023 — A 7.2 percent rates hike is on the cards, says Nelson City Council. The increase is one of five significant changes to council's Long-Term Plan ...

08-06-2023, 04:48 PM

Blue Skies
08-06-2023, 04:56 PM
B S ( you are really B S !! ) W B wants to sell a mature transport investment to pay for another seed capital transport investment, CRL what is wrong with that ?

Blimmy, surprised I have to explain that to someone on ST. Financial literacy dear boy!

The Council has a number of assets which it could sell to reduce debt.
Only a fool sells the assets which will produce substantial future income (Auckland Airport projected $400 million plus in dividends over next 10 years) , when there are other options, i.e. assets of equal value which produce no income & not projected to produce any income in future (golf courses ).

Imagine you had 2 commercial investment properties of similar value, one producing income & the other no income & you had to sell one to reduce debt.
You'd sell the one producing income would you !?

08-06-2023, 05:01 PM
Not much more than Nelson

Possible 7.2 percent rates rise for Nelson

https://www.rnz.co.nz › news › ldr › possible-7-point-...
21/03/2023 — A 7.2 percent rates hike is on the cards, says Nelson City Council. The increase is one of five significant changes to council's Long-Term Plan ...

Try the Wellington Tory Whanau Green Party/Labour Party Coalition rate increase of 12.3%.

08-06-2023, 05:10 PM
Apart from the strategic value to Auckland, on a purely financial basis, why would you sell an asset (Auckland Airport) which is projected to return $40 million per year in dividends, & has produced substantial capital gains, $140 million just while these discussions are taking place, providing added financial security to the Council,
when you could sell the Golf Courses (of similar value to Airport shares ) which on borrowed money are costing $100 million per year in interest & produce zero return to the Council? ( did someone say the Omaha golf course pays the Council $5.00 per year ! )

AIA has given ACC ZERO capital gains in the last 4 years. Yes, ZERO.

And the ACC (under Phil Goff, ex Clueless Labour Party leader) did not participate in the $1.2 billion capital raising in 2020 so Aucklanders missed out on $175m of gains.

BS = Blue Skies = Labour Party

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 05:32 PM
Blimmy, surprised I have to explain that to someone on ST. Financial literacy dear boy!

The Council has a number of assets which it could sell to reduce debt.
Only a fool sells the assets which will produce substantial future income (Auckland Airport projected $400 million plus in dividends over next 10 years) , when there are other options, i.e. assets of equal value which produce no income & not projected to produce any income in future (golf courses ).

Imagine you had 2 commercial investment properties of similar value, one producing income & the other no income & you had to sell one to reduce debt.
You'd sell the one producing income would you !?

Auckland Airport projected $400 million plus in dividends over next 10 years

If anyone is financially illiterate it is you, because you continue to ignore that fact that the airport shareholding could be used to retire debt which is costing $100 million in interest per year. Whichever way you state your numbers on dividends you are not going to be able to make up the $60 million per year cost of holding on to these shares.

As to the golf courses, this was covered in the meeting this afternoon:

'Councillor Richard Hills asked about whether the council was able to sell golf courses to raise funds to meet the budget shortfall.
“The information I’ve had is that it's a very long process, so we couldn’t sell now, if we wanted to,” Hills said.
Staff confirmed that eight of the golf courses owned by council had been leased until 2028.
The local boards would also have a say on any sale, and ministerial sign off may be required.'

It is simply incorrect to make out the golf courses are highly liquid assets that could be sold off immediately.

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 05:36 PM
If you want an insight into the absolute dunder-headed idiocy of many of those who sit on the council, consider the below paragraph:

'Several councillors have told Stuff they are concerned that if the shares are sold, the proceeds will disappear into paying off debt with nothing left to show for the asset.'

Paying off debt - debt that is incurring significant interest costs - is considered to be a negative action by many of these fools.

08-06-2023, 05:48 PM
If you want an insight into the absolute dunder-headed idiocy of many of those who sit on the council, consider the below paragraph:

'Several councillors have told Stuff they are concerned that if the shares are sold, the proceeds will disappear into paying off debt with nothing left to show for the asset.'

Paying off debt - debt that is incurring significant interest costs - is considered to be a negative action by many of these fools.

Assets belong to them, debt incurred in buying the assets belong to others.

That’s Labour Party Socialism in action.

fungus pudding
08-06-2023, 05:56 PM
If you want an insight into the absolute dunder-headed idiocy of many of those who sit on the council, consider the below paragraph:

'Several councillors have told Stuff they are concerned that if the shares are sold, the proceeds will disappear into paying off debt with nothing left to show for the asset.'

An unencumbered asset is hardly 'nothing to show'.

Logen Ninefingers
08-06-2023, 06:00 PM
No matter how the Lefty's spin it, they are not going to be able to displace the opportunity cost that exists while these shares are not disposed of with the money being used to retire a huge wack of debt. $100 million a year in interest costs is not to be sneezed at. What do they not understand about this?!

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 10:32 AM
Sickening to see the grasping Waikato-Tainui outfit trying to get their mitts on free Auckland airport shares, which they want the government to buy off Auckland council and hand over to them. It’s something to do with the airport being a ‘historic gateway’. Shameful behaviour, being both ‘cultural appropriation’ & an obvious cash grab. I’m not sure where this is all heading, as Māori demands simply intensify and become more venal with every new success they have, with their Labour allies frequently capitulating in the face of the ongoing assault on our democracy & the nations cheque book.

09-06-2023, 10:49 AM
Sickening to see the grasping Waikato-Tainui outfit trying to get their mitts on free Auckland airport shares, which they want the government to buy off Auckland council and hand over to them. It’s something to do with the airport being a ‘historic gateway’. Shameful behaviour, being both ‘cultural appropriation’ & an obvious cash grab. I’m not sure where this is all heading, as Māori demands simply intensify and become more venal with every new success they have, with their Labour allies frequently capitulating in the face of the ongoing assault on our democracy & the nations cheque book.

How can it be a "historical gateway" when Maori did not have planes? Or even the wheel? Just beggars belief.

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 11:26 AM
Although the Mayor has done all he can to compromise, and council staff have given warnings about the possible consequences of taking on another large swathe of debt, the council is dominated by the Left and they only have one answer to financial mess the council is in: hefty rate increases coupled with debt, debt, and more debt. The Left wing councillors simply refuse to accept the reality of the situation & every time the can gets kicked down the road, there is an even bigger mess that must be faced up to in the following year.

Heartbreaking to watch the interminable questions dragging on over the past couple of days, and you can sense the frustration of staff. Aucklanders - not necessarily Auckland ratepayers btw - have brought this on themselves by electing this group of councillors. There is a problem with local ‘democracy’ when people who are not ratepayers can elect councillors who will heavily tax ratepayers and burden them with obscene amounts of debt.

09-06-2023, 12:01 PM
Sickening to see the grasping Waikato-Tainui outfit trying to get their mitts on free Auckland airport shares, which they want the government to buy off Auckland council and hand over to them. It’s something to do with the airport being a ‘historic gateway’. Shameful behaviour, being both ‘cultural appropriation’ & an obvious cash grab. I’m not sure where this is all heading, as Māori demands simply intensify and become more venal with every new success they have, with their Labour allies frequently capitulating in the face of the ongoing assault on our democracy & the nations cheque book.

This is good stuff.

The more the Maoris demand (and get from the Labour Party), the more that white middle class NZers (who will determine the outcome of October's election) will vote against Labour.

Encourage and thank the Maoris for being greedy and unreasonable - offsets the current state of the Labour government hiding its Maori cabal (especially Mahuta) from sight to try and hoodwink NZers.


09-06-2023, 12:01 PM
Heartbreaking to watch the interminable questions dragging on over the past couple of days, and you can sense the frustration of staff. Aucklanders - not necessarily Auckland ratepayers btw - have brought this on themselves by electing this group of councillors. There is a problem with local ‘democracy’ when people who are not ratepayers can elect councillors who will heavily tax ratepayers and burden them with obscene amounts of debt.

Not quite correct. Renters also bear the burden of rates as it is implied in their rent amount. However they don't view it like that so psychologically they don't think they pay rates.

A better system would be where every address pays the rates irrespective of whether you own property or not. That however comes with complications in the gathering part. But that way people would be more inclined to vote and vote wisely.

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 12:13 PM
The Left wing councillors think the airport shares will always go up in value.

‘Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.’

09-06-2023, 01:23 PM
How can it be a "historical gateway" when Maori did not have planes? Or even the wheel? Just beggars belief.

nor a written word or alphabet and had slaves to do the work for them !

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 01:37 PM
The Left will never compromise with Mayor Brown, and remarkably they continue to make out that he is proposing to sell all the shares - when his revised proposal includes retaining a 10% shareholding.

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 01:38 PM
Two idiot councillors want the council to become an investment company.

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 02:59 PM
Because it now looks like Mayor Brown has the numbers to pass a budget with a 7% sell down of Auckland airport shares, far Left protestors suddenly fired up and caused huge disruption to the meeting with vile yelling and outrageous behaviour. This is a travesty to democracy. While other people are at work, these people show up and try to pressure councillors to change their decision. The meeting has been totally disrupted & is now adjourned.

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 03:49 PM
Mayor Brown eventually passed a compromise budget. I watched pretty much every minute of the council meeting over the past two days, and I'm glad I did. If you took a view of Mayor Brown from our Left wing media then you'd form an impression of him as a ranting bully. But from watching the meeting I could see that for the most part Mayor Brown sat quietly while the Left bloc lost its composure by degrees, until the point where Mike Lee started ranting and raving towards the end - mirroring the behaviour of disruptive Left wing spectators who turned the meeting into a circus when they realised Mayor Brown's revised (re-revised) budget would be passed. The hardcore Leftist councillors had no intention of compromising, and this became obvious when they started subjecting their colleagues to a haranguing when they couldn't get their way.

09-06-2023, 04:04 PM
There is a lot of self-spit in the eyes of the leftist parasites, beneficiaries and losers bred by Labour & Ardern.

09-06-2023, 05:11 PM

Transport Minister Michael Wood’s wife Julie Fairey has a separate interest in Auckland Airport

Transport Minister Michael Wood isn’t the only family member with an interest in Auckland Airport - his wife Julie Fairey is involved in the proposed sale of Auckland Council’s airport shares.

Fairey is a first-term councillor on Auckland Council and former chair of the Puketāpapa Local Board, who has stood for office under the City Vision ticket.

City Vision is a left-wing ticket of Labour, Green and community independents, which believes in public control and ownership of strategic assets and campaigned against Mayor Wayne Brown’s plans to off-load the shares during the public consultation on this year’s budget.

Poor Vision or 'Too Hard' to sell & donate the proceeds ? ;)

09-06-2023, 05:17 PM
There was always going to be compromise. Going into this meeting, I wonder if Mayor Brown would have been satisfied with this outcome ? I suspect so.

09-06-2023, 07:41 PM
Rates will rise long term because of this decision.. another sad result of the three year election cycle.

Grab da cash now.. who cares about later administrations.

09-06-2023, 08:10 PM
Rates will rise long term because of this decision.. another sad result of the three year election cycle.

Grab da cash now.. who cares about later administrations.

The size of the dent might be saving dough for most on what they otherwise may be getting hit for :)

but as per usual Labour Govt philosophy all over gets rolled out by usual suspects ... P!ss it up against the wall like there is no tomorrow, then look for next nearest target to rob to do more of the same ..

Nosey Parker might be looking in your wallet soon - Panda to generate some more Govt Ca$h ;)

Your 7% or so Rates rise to go out might turn into a multiple of that if Labour do some fine surgery on your finances .. and they will be tone deaf to your yells and screams too :)

Logen Ninefingers
09-06-2023, 08:16 PM
Rates will rise long term because of this decision.. another sad result of the three year election cycle.

Grab da cash now.. who cares about later administrations.

The usual wrongheaded and emotive clap-trap from you. The council is taking steps to address its debt, a step that the far left councillors fiercely resisted - with all sorts of shameful histrionics taking place before the final vote.

You and your fellow left wingers seem to think that the councils debt mountain is interest free. It isn’t. The debt pile built up by left wing mayors is obscene, and I’d like to say to you, and Len Brown, and Phil Goff, and Alf Filipaina: why did you grab all that borrowed cash with no thought for future administrations? Why did you think it was ok to lob Mayor Wayne Brown, and future administrations to come, such a hospital pass? Why do you see debt, debt, and more debt as some sort of panacea that will fix all ills?

If there is one thing that will ensure future hefty rate rises it won’t be paying down debt, it will be the ongoing ‘borrow and spend’ shenanigans that have left Auckland council in such a parlous state.

09-06-2023, 09:16 PM
Rates will rise long term because of this decision.. another sad result of the three year election cycle.

Grab da cash now.. who cares about later administrations.

Here's another 7.9% for ya ;)


Rates in Whangārei going up 7.9pc when council adopts Annual Plan

best not whine too much when others are getting stung harder :)

10-06-2023, 04:50 AM
If there is one thing that will ensure future hefty rate rises it won’t be paying down debt, it will be the ongoing ‘borrow and spend’ shenanigans that have left Auckland council in such a parlous state.

The status quo was perfectly fine and did not require any change... the only reasons its being discussed now is because of wayne and his business groupies (simon bridges, maurice williamson).

Auckland council has an AA credit rating (for now).

Logen Ninefingers
10-06-2023, 09:58 AM
The status quo was perfectly fine and did not require any change... the only reasons its being discussed now is because of wayne and his business groupies (simon bridges, maurice williamson).

Auckland council has an AA credit rating (for now).

I watched the meeting over 2 days, so know that the council staff were warning that in order to see the credit rating retained, no doubt the rating agencies would need to see a more prudent and broad-based approach taken than just (once again) adding to the debt. So no, the status quo was not fine. It is factually incorrect to state otherwise. Simon Bridges had no involvement in the council budget meeting, so bandying his name about is a red herring. The top council executives were there and they did not gild the lily as to the financial position the council is in

10-06-2023, 11:57 AM
I watched the meeting over 2 days, so know that the council staff were warning that in order to see the credit rating retained, no doubt the rating agencies would need to see a more prudent and broad-based approach taken than just (once again) adding to the debt. So no, the status quo was not fine. It is factually incorrect to state otherwise. Simon Bridges had no involvement in the council budget meeting, so bandying his name about is a red herring. The top council executives were there and they did not gild the lily as to the financial position the council is in

Credit rating in some parts may mistakenly be regarded as the number of cards or toys which come for free in the cereal packets :)

10-06-2023, 01:02 PM
The status quo was perfectly fine and did not require any change... the only reasons its being discussed now is because of wayne and his business groupies (simon bridges, maurice williamson).

Auckland council has an AA credit rating (for now).

Ignoramus Labour peasant.