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11-09-2023, 07:27 PM

Newmarket Nike, liquor store, Milford petrol station targeted overnight, nine arrested, gun recovered

A gun has been recovered from a getaway car and nine people arrested after raids on stores across Auckland last night.

A liquor store and a Nike footwear shop in the central Auckland suburb of Newmarket were targeted by ram raiders just after 1am.

An hour later on the North Shore there was an alleged burglary at a service station on East Coast Rd.

Both raids ended with cars travelling at high speed on Auckland motorways before being spiked and occupants arrested.

Brought to you by Labour's Safer Communities - where the election has woken the sleepwalking dead and clueless on Govt Front Benches that closing their eyes to the Crime Wave hitting across the land might see all the hopeless Comrades washed out for good and not soon enough ;)

12-09-2023, 10:13 AM

Newmarket Nike, liquor store, Milford petrol station targeted overnight, nine arrested, gun recovered

Brought to you by Labour's Safer Communities - where the election has woken the sleepwalking dead and clueless on Govt Front Benches that closing their eyes to the Crime Wave hitting across the land might see all the hopeless Comrades washed out for good and not soon enough ;)

Good to see that the cops appear to have lifted their game in apprehending the ram raiders.

13-09-2023, 09:45 AM
Just can't make this stuff up :


Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 10:13 AM
Just can't make this stuff up :


It's all part of 'decolonisation' and 're-indigenisation'. All European names must be stripped away from places, government departments, and new government initiatives. Learning programmes and urban spaces must now incorporate - in fact, have at their heart - so-called maori concepts and outlooks. Existing systems such as justice, education, health must be re-made to incorporate maori values and beliefs - both within the systems that will serve all citizens & the ones that will serve the separate 'indigenous' populace. All of this happening under the guise of the Treaty of Waitangi (which is now invariably referred to as 'Te Tiriti' by government entities) and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

13-09-2023, 11:39 AM
It's all part of 'decolonisation' and 're-indigenisation'. All European names must be stripped away from places, government departments, and new government initiatives. Learning programmes and urban spaces must now incorporate - in fact, have at their heart - so-called maori concepts and outlooks. Existing systems such as justice, education, health must be re-made to incorporate maori values and beliefs - both within the systems that will serve all citizens & the ones that will serve the separate 'indigenous' populace. All of this happening under the guise of the Treaty of Waitangi (which is now invariably referred to as 'Te Tiriti' by government entities) and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Sad but true and as an example of its effect on the youth of today, my nephews in a small country town 13 & 15 year olds can hardly read properly and have no real maths skills but their Maori language and cultural preformance is up to date , a real achievement if one goes overseas to work, great also if one wants to preform a haka in London

13-09-2023, 11:49 AM
Sad but true and as an example of its effect on the youth of today, my nephews in a small country town 13 & 15 year olds can hardly read properly and have no real maths skills but their Maori language and cultural preformance is up to date , a real achievement if one goes overseas to work, great also if one wants to preform a haka in London

Like the All Blacks, right?

They spend so much time perfecting the haka and doing their own improvisation (the latest being to pounce around like a crazed chimpanzee with a paddling oar) that they have forgotten how to play proper rugby and win.



Logen Ninefingers
13-09-2023, 12:02 PM
Sad but true and as an example of its effect on the youth of today, my nephews in a small country town 13 & 15 year olds can hardly read properly and have no real maths skills but their Maori language and cultural preformance is up to date , a real achievement if one goes overseas to work, great also if one wants to preform a haka in London

The process is only about one fifth of the way done. All our cities have to be re-shaped to include 'Maori principles of urban design'.

Note that our country is now called 'Aotearoa New Zealand' in the official government literature accompanying the information about the new curriculum:

'The first stage of the refresh took effect at the start of 2023, and new Aotearoa New Zealand's histories content must now be taught in all schools. From 2025, schools must use the refreshed mathematics and statistics and English learning areas. The implementation deadline for the full curricula is 2027.'

'Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed curriculum will support every ākonga (learner) to experience success in their learning. It will give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and will be inclusive, clear about the learning that matters, and easy to use from year 0 to year 13.'


Children undertaking the new 'Aotearoa NZ's histories' can 'learn' the following -

'The settlement of Aotearoa New Zealand has contributed to an increasingly diverse population, with many languages and cultures now part of its fabric. Colonisation began as part of a worldwide imperial project. It has been a complex, contested process, experienced and negotiated differently in different parts of Aotearoa New Zealand over time. Aotearoa New Zealand has also colonised parts of the Pacific.'

https://curriculumrefresh.education.govt.nz/#:~:text=The%20first%20stage%20of%20the,the%20full %20curricula%20is%202027.

15-09-2023, 07:37 AM
What a fu..ed up country we have become :

15-09-2023, 08:58 AM
What a fu..ed up country we have become :

That is exactly what I thought too when I read that article this morning. The fact that he could even be charged for what he did beggars belief.

15-09-2023, 09:21 AM
That is exactly what I thought too when I read that article this morning. The fact that he could even be charged for what he did beggars belief.

Remember: The guy that was abusing the staff and stealing booze is the victim

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 09:35 AM
The criminal hordes are Labours de facto ‘brown shirt’ thugs, unleashing a Kristallnacht orgy of violence - and the smashed glass of destroyed & ram-raided shop windows - on the ‘selfish’ ‘capitalistic’ society around them.

Judges are just about in tears thinking of their (the crims) harrowing ordeal at the hands of ‘colonialism’ and ‘deprivation’.

‘Catch and release’ is the strategy, with the crims departing from the Courthouse on their own recognisance to get some foil with which to cover their ankle bracelets - then straight back into the crime spree.

The erstwhile victims are in the Lefts eyes the actual guilty party for aligning themselves with society and the system, while the crims are seen as the actual victims because they’ve capitulated on being decent and responsible citizens….and that must be someone else’s fault.

15-09-2023, 09:39 AM
Three strikes law shouldn't have been repealed - we can see the results of it today.

The offender isn't a "social victim" when they've already done crime twice before.

15-09-2023, 03:03 PM
What a fu..ed up country we have become :
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/auckland-news-publisher-todd-scott-tackles-and-holds-thief-in-citizens-arrest-police-tell-him-to-let-crook-go/W5W6WJKOAFELVHGMMJJYIA7IDQ/That’s interesting - you can only take the law into your own hands in limited circumstances.

Lawyer Michael Bott, who specialises in civil liberties law, said Scott was in the wrong when he attempted to make the citizen’s arrest.
Bott explained the quirks to the law and that the “shield of immunity” you receive when attempting to detain a member of the public as a citizen only applies between the hours of 9pm and 6am, or if the offence would amount to more than three years’ imprisonment.

Logen Ninefingers
15-09-2023, 10:51 PM
She has no privacy in death, her picture is plastered everywhere to sell papers…while he gets name suppression due to *extreme hardship*.



Victim of alleged Te Atatū homicide remembered as dedicated young mother

Mildred Armah
20:50, Sep 15 2023

‘The victim of an alleged homicide in West Auckland’s Te Atatū Peninsula is being remembered as a young mother who strived to provide for her son.

Police launched a homicide investigation on Monday after they found a person with critical injuries, who later died in hospital.

The victim was 27-year-old Nazia Hai​ from Te Atatū, a police spokesperson said.

A 29-year-old man appeared in Waitākere District Court on Wednesday on one charge of murder.

Interim name suppression was granted for the man, on the grounds of extreme hardship to himself and his family. He was to undergo a mental health screening before his next appearance.’

16-09-2023, 07:03 AM
When it was revealed that the Minister of Justice was a drunk driver, a ram raider, a fugitive and an employment dismissal agent, then Labour's crime escalation culture was clear for all to see

Other ram raiders cowardly do it in reverse, but not our Kiri.
A full frontal for her!

Sharma on them all!

16-09-2023, 05:38 PM
Could you just imagine if we did the same thing to a gang members grave?!


Logen Ninefingers
16-09-2023, 05:48 PM
Could you just imagine if we did the same thing to a gang members grave?!


I shudder to think.

16-09-2023, 07:02 PM
Could you just imagine if we did the same thing to a gang members grave?!


And of course no mention of any charges for breaching the COVID lockdown rules either. !

16-09-2023, 08:53 PM
That’s interesting - you can only take the law into your own hands in limited circumstances.

Lawyer Michael Bott, who specialises in civil liberties law, said Scott was in the wrong when he attempted to make the citizen’s arrest.
Bott explained the quirks to the law and that the “shield of immunity” you receive when attempting to detain a member of the public as a citizen only applies between the hours of 9pm and 6am, or if the offence would amount to more than three years’ imprisonment.

"Interesting" alright. So we better look at our watch, google the lawful hours to make a citizen's arrest and quickly add up the value of the stolen goods before we attempt any such thing. Easy as and completely logical.

17-09-2023, 06:13 PM
Question remains why, in the first place, is an accused murderer, on electronic bail? So if the Police state don't approach and consider him a danger to society so why was he on home D? This is out of control


Not to mention Reid, who was the murderer in downtown Auckland recently was also on home D for kicking and strangling a women breaking her back


Logen Ninefingers
17-09-2023, 06:30 PM
Question remains why, in the first place, is an accused murderer, on electronic bail? So if the Police state don't approach and consider him a danger to society so why was he on home D? This is out of control


We have to remember that Judges are almost always former lawyers, often defence lawyers. A Judge is a person who sits in Judgement, and historically is expected to make wise decisions. 'Wisdom' to me is something that to me should involve common sense decision making, ideally producing beneficial outcomes. The people who make these 'judgements' are demonstrably not the people with the most wisdom amongst us, they are just people emerging from the legal fraternity who have gone through a series of hierachical steps to get where they are. These hierachical steps require political instincts.
The pool of Judges is a closed shop, it is off limits to many suitable people who may make wise decisions for the benefit of society. It is purely a receptacle for the kinds of human beings who become lawyers, and ultimately the ones who have the best political instincts. That's your answer when you ask 'why' this happened.

Therefore we should not be surprised when Judges make idiotic decisions, naively and stupidly releasing alleged murderers - murderers being people who unlawfully and wantonly kill other humans - out into the community with nothing more than an 'electronic bracelet' on their leg. How recently had the *alleged* killer *allegedly* killed? The memory of taking a persons life is still *allegedly* fresh in his psyche, the smell of their blood still *allegedly* lingering faintly in his nostrils - and he is put in a position where he can very easily abscond and take more lives. The police don't charge someone with murder without very strong grounds to do so.

17-09-2023, 06:33 PM
Question remains why, in the first place, is an accused murderer, on electronic bail? So if the Police state don't approach and consider him a danger to society so why was he on home D? This is out of control


Not to mention Reid, who was the murderer in downtown Auckland recently was also on home D for kicking and strangling a women breaking her back


All part of the pro-crims policies of Hipkins, Ardern & Labour - reduce prison population by releasing criminals into the community and remember too that they believe ‘criminals are victims too’.

Logen Ninefingers
19-09-2023, 12:41 PM
Crime rampage intensifying -



'High speed on rims': Rampant youths in stolen cars smash their way into five shops

Blair Ensor
11:40, Sep 19 2023

‘Fast food, sports goods, vapes and liquor: Rampant youths have smashed their way into an array of stores in an overnight wave of crime in Christchurch.

In one of the busiest nights in recent history for the city’s police, 10 young people, all in stolen cars, were arrested - while others managed to escape capture.

Four of the youths were arrested after the vehicle they were in was spiked by officers. A video posted to social media shows a car fleeing officers with a caption: “High speed on rims.”

In three hours of mayhem, young people smashed their way into at least five businesses, including a vape store, a sports shop, a liquor store and a fast food outlet. The burglaries and ram raids spanned all corners of the city - Sumner, Wigram, Riccarton and Papanui.

Ten youths were caught by officers, and police were “actively trying to locate another group”.’

20-09-2023, 10:08 AM
This is appalling https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/brutal-violence-gang-members-cause-chaos-in-coromandel/YR6BQJLWMFHX7GCRBYFGDLTNDI/

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 10:37 AM
This is appalling https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/brutal-violence-gang-members-cause-chaos-in-coromandel/YR6BQJLWMFHX7GCRBYFGDLTNDI/

It’s like the plot of Seven Samurai / The Magnificent 7 / A Bugs Life:
A gang of outlaws come to town, predate on the townspeople, then eventually leave promising they will return.
Except this is not a movie, this is real life; this is happening now, in our country.


‘Coromandel Town locals have been left fearful after members of the Rebels gang spent the weekend attacking and terrorising people in the town centre.

Starting on Friday, members of the public have been attacked, business owners have been intimidated, and a number of thefts have been reported, according to the local business association.

One video shared with the Herald shows at least a dozen gang members assaulting a group of three men outside the Coromandel Smoking Company, a fish shop on Tiki Rd.
Up to 10 men, some in Rebels patches, surround a young man, kicking and punching him as he lays on the ground.

Most of the incidents happened on or near the main street of the town. The gang left town on Sunday but told several business owners they would be back.’

20-09-2023, 01:16 PM
This is appalling https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/brutal-violence-gang-members-cause-chaos-in-coromandel/YR6BQJLWMFHX7GCRBYFGDLTNDI/

But #4 police minister in 1 year Ginny Anderson stated that all NZers are feeling safe because of the extra police officers this Labour government has added in the last 6 years!

What happened?

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 02:11 PM
But #4 police minister in 1 year Ginny Anderson stated that all NZers are feeling safe because of the extra police officers this Labour government has added in the last 6 years!

What happened?


‘Labour is fudging the numbers when it claims to have added 1,800 Police officers, with about 15 per cent of that number having no powers to arrest or role on New Zealand’s streets, National’s Police spokesperson Mark Mitchell says.

“In 2018, Labour promised it would recruit 1,800 additional Police, which ministers repeatedly said would be made up entirely of sworn uniformed officers out on the beat.

“New revelations in the New Zealand Herald today show that 270 of the officers Labour used to claim it hit the target are not sworn officers, but authorised officers.

“While authorised officers have an important role, they are not sworn frontline officers. They do not have the training or the powers of arrest of a Police Officer. They cannot be deployed or respond to a call for help.

"Further, 50 of those 270 authorised officers appeared on the muster in May this year, the month before the Government said it had met its target of 1,800 additional sworn uniformed officers.

“Questions remain as to how 20 per cent of the authorised officers miraculously appeared on the muster the month before the celebration, enabling the Government to scrape past the target by just two officers, two years after it initially claimed it would reach the target.

“This reeks of a Government under immense pressure because it is soft on crime and has overseen startling rises in retail crime, violent crime, and gang numbers.

“Police Minister Ginny Andersen has repeatedly claimed New Zealanders feel safer because the Government has delivered 1,800 new frontline Police. It appears this claim is based on a falsehood.

“Unlike Labour, National will crack down on offenders and restore law and order in New Zealand. We’ll restore fiscal discipline and fix the economy, so we can afford the resources frontline Police need to keep Kiwis safe.”’

20-09-2023, 03:21 PM
But #4 police minister in 1 year Ginny Anderson stated that all NZers are feeling safe because of the extra police officers this Labour government has added in the last 6 years!

What happened?

What happened indeed?! Closest cop was an hour away apparently. Also interesting Stuff (and its related network), TVNZ, RNZ didn't run the story - Did Willie have a word?

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 04:26 PM
What happened indeed?! Closest cop was an hour away apparently. Also interesting Stuff (and its related network), TVNZ, RNZ didn't run the story - Did Willie have a word?

Wild west behaviour in a New Zealand town, a gang comes to town and wrecks havoc before riding out again, and the bulk of the media won’t cover it. I don’t even have the words to describe what is happening in our country, it is too sad, too dispiriting.

20-09-2023, 04:31 PM
Wild west behaviour in a New Zealand town, a gang comes to town and wrecks havoc before riding out again, and the bulk of the media won’t cover it. I don’t even have the words to describe what is happening in our country, it is too sad, too dispiriting.

The corrupt media is of much more concern than the gang.

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 06:29 PM
We are seeing more and more of this. 'Incidents' with no real details being given for ages, then we get details at some later stage. Maybe we'll learn more at midnight tonight.


Major delays on Wellington train lines as emergency services 'respond to incident'

Ryan Anderson
16:45, Sep 20 2023

'Huge crowds of commuters are stuck in Wellington train station as emergency services respond to an incident on the Hutt Valley Line.

According to police, the incident was reported around 3.45pm.

All services on the Hutt Valley Line, between Wellington and Taitā, have been suspended, according to Metlink.

“Bus replacement services are incredibly limited.”

“Please expect delays to your travel and seek other transport where possible.”

Stuff reporter Nicholas Boyack, who was waiting to board a Hutt Valley line train, said "hundreds" were queueing at the station.

Those waiting were told a "police incident" had closed the line and that replacement buses would be provided, although no timeframe was given.

Photos from inside Wellington train station show huge crowds of commuters milling around.'

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 07:18 PM
Will the parole board recall merciless killer Shane Hoko to prison?
If recalled, he'll still be able to vote for Labour, due to Labour giving prisoners the right to vote.


One-armed hitchhiker killer Shane Hoko allegedly breaches life parole condition

By Sam Sherwood
20 Sep, 2023 06:30 PM

'A one-armed hitchhiker killer has allegedly breached a condition of his parole after he was kicked out of a rehabilitation centre for not following its rules.

Shane Hoko was sentenced to a minimum of 17 years in prison for the killing of teenage hitchhiker Jennifer Hargreaves in Auckland in December 2001. The sentence was later reduced to a minimum of 15 years on appeal.

Hoko was found guilty at a trial of strangling 17-year-old Hargreaves in a South Auckland ditch.

He pointed a gun at a motorist and his two boys when he tried to help the young woman.

At the time of the killing, Hoko, a Black Power associate, was on parole for detaining a person in a house in Meremere.

Hoko claimed another man killed Hargreaves and left him to take the blame.

Hargreaves was hitchhiking to Invercargill for a reunion with her birth mother’s family when she was picked up by the pair. She was killed in a ditch in Cuff Rd, Patumahoe.

Court documents seen by the Herald allege Hoko was ejected from the Salisbury Street Foundation in Christchurch on August 29 for not following the rules of the programme. Attending the rehabilitation centre is one of the special conditions of his parole.

Corrections district manager Katey Gibling told the Herald Corrections had applied to the New Zealand Parole Board to have Hoko recalled to prison.

“When an offender is granted parole by the New Zealand Parole Board, they are required to comply with any conditions imposed by the board. Community Corrections staff actively manage the person’s compliance with these conditions.

“Public safety is our top priority, and if an offender released on parole breaches their conditions, or poses an undue risk to the safety of the community, a probation officer or police officer can apply to the board to have them recalled to continue serving their sentence in prison.”

The Parole Board would determine whether a final recall was granted, which would mean he would remain in prison.

“As this matter remains before the New Zealand Parole Board for their consideration, we are not able to provide any further information.”

A Parole Board spokesman said the board had no comment at this stage.

During Hoko’s sentencing, Justice Rhys Harrison allowed Hoko to address the court, but Jennifer Hargreaves’ adopted mother, Val, broke down weeping uncontrollably.

As Hoko turned around in the prisoners’ dock to face the back of the crowded court, he said: “My heart goes out to all of yous [sic]. All I can say is, I didn’t do it.”

Justice Harrison said aspects that set the offending apart were its sheer brutality and that it was most likely to be sexually motivated.

Hoko, the judge said, had a lengthy list of previous convictions which were for relatively minor offending, except for a “sinister charge” of kidnapping in 1999 for which he was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment, reduced to two years by the Court of Appeal.

Hoko was on parole at the time of the murder.

Outside the court, Jennifer Hargreaves’ adopted father, John Hargreaves, said he found it hard to grasp how a person in jail for a kidnapping offence could be “let out to commit another such crime”.'

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 08:54 PM
Defence lawyer Nathan Bourke said that - aside from the stab wound and the 14 kicks and punches - the level of harm hadn't been that great.
He also compared his clients to uncontrollable animals. And that was his defence, not a condemnation!
(I guess the taxpayer is funding this legal challenge as well. :sleep:)

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/crime/black-power-members-jailed-for-taranaki-mcdonalds-attack-challenge-their-sentences/LTHCA6KIFRCYLPVVXPEHUCJJYA/?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=nzh_fb&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3vSF4WKWvGqu76GTpKmlMwOdrjpTQwLQjXzUQJT HCpOfppQFQF59h3hxM#Echobox=1695195133

Black Power members jailed for Taranaki McDonald’s attack challenge their sentences

By Tara Shaskey
Open Justice multimedia journalist, Taranaki

'Three Black Power members involved in a pack attack on a mentally impaired man at a McDonald’s, all because he was wearing a red jersey, are arguing their jail terms are excessive given the beating was “60 seconds of madness” and caused limited injury.

But the Crown says the sentences handed down were appropriate.

Up to 13 Black Power members and associates took part in the attack against the middle-aged man, mistakenly believing he was a member of rival gang Mongrel Mob, inside the Hāwera McDonald’s in South Taranaki on September 12 last year.

It occurred as the victim, who was stabbed during the brutal bashing, was waiting for his food.

Prior to the attack, he had been walking to the restaurant, as he did every day, and was spotted by the Black Power members, who took exception to the red jersey he was wearing and followed him.

While some of the attackers remain unidentified, eight were arrested and charged for the beating, and in June, seven were sentenced in New Plymouth District Court, drawing a heavy gang presence to the courthouse.

The victim told the sentencing court he lived with his parents and suffered from a mental impairment. He kept to himself and was a regular at McDonald’s, where he once felt safe. The attack shook his world, he said.

Those sentenced included patched members Hohepa Rio, 35, Timothy William Dixon, 54, and prospect Gabriel James Hansen, 25, who were all jailed for three years and three months on admitted charges of participating in an organised criminal group and wounding with intent to injure.

On Wednesday, counsel for the trio appeared before Justice Helen McQueen in the High Court at Wellington to appeal the sentences, arguing they were excessive.

They all submitted the starting point of five years adopted by Judge Tony Greig, who sentenced the gang members, was too high.

Defence lawyers Nathan Bourke and Paul Keegan, for Hansen and Dixon respectively, argued the starting point should have been three years and six months, while defence lawyer Patrick Mooney submitted a starting point of three years was available to Rio.

When addressing the aggravating features identified by Judge Greig, Bourke told Justice McQueen that Hansen’s intent was only to punch the man, which he did four times.

While the victim was also stabbed in the torso, no one was sentenced for the stabbing as the Crown was not able to establish who was responsible or if any of them were aware one of their members had a knife.

Bourke, who watched the attack on CCTV, took issue with Judge Greig assessing it as a sustained attack, saying it was over within a minute.

“60 seconds of madness,” he described it.

It also involved 14 kicks and punches, which was “not an enormous amount”, Bourke submitted, adding it matched the intent that the Crown agreed upon - that they were going there to “get a couple in each”.

The stab wound aside, the victim had only been left with a cut on his face and general bruising, Bourke said while addressing the level of harm.

He submitted the more relevant consideration was the extent of the assault rather than how many attackers were involved.

Bourke also disagreed with Judge Greig’s assessment of it being premeditated, submitting any premeditation was “extremely limited”.

“When a bull sees a red rag, it runs at it. It doesn’t indicate vigilante action or a high level of premeditation.

“The reality is that with gang life, unfortunately, there seems to be an equally instinctive reaction to challenge rival gangs when their colours come up.”

Bourke also suggested care should be taken when considering the victim’s vulnerability.

While acknowledging he was outnumbered, which was recognised in the aggravating feature of the group attack, the victim was a “grown man”, not elderly, “heavily built”, and his mental impairment did not make him more physically vulnerable, he said.

Keegan and Mooney largely adopted Bourke’s submissions for their own clients’ appeals.

But Keegan wanted to emphasise that no one was criminally culpable for the stabbing.

“That was an arrangement made by the Crown in order to facilitate the pleas, and the Crown must live with that.

“But in my submission, it doesn’t seem quite as though the sentencing starting point is in accord with that, it being too high.”'

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 09:29 PM
Follow-up story on the gang attack on Coromandel, with video -


20-09-2023, 09:29 PM
Defence lawyer Nathan Bourke said that - aside from the stab wound and the 14 kicks and punches - the level of harm hadn't been that great.
He also compared his clients to uncontrollable animals. And that was his defence, not a condemnation!
(I guess the taxpayer is funding this legal challenge as well. :sl”'

Bloody animals. Not a human bone in these idiots' bodies.

Logen Ninefingers
20-09-2023, 09:58 PM
Bloody animals. Not a human bone in these idiots' bodies.

Defence lawyers? I agree.

20-09-2023, 10:26 PM
Defence lawyers? I agree.

Yes these particular ones certainly fit that description

20-09-2023, 10:41 PM
I say Mr Nathan Bourke should be kicked, punched and stabbed 14 times, to gain some empathy with the victim!

21-09-2023, 08:29 AM

Two homes, in Ōtara and Māngere, shot at overnight in Auckland

Houses in Ōtara and Māngere were shot at in two separate incidents overnight.

Police are searching for a shooter who fired multiple shots at a residential address on Tyrone St, Ōtara around 9.44pm.

“A person has discharged several rounds from a firearm into the property, some of which went inside the building,” police said in a statement.

“Thankfully, no one inside was hit or injured. The offender decamped in a vehicle and police were unable to track it.”

It's Labour's Safer Kiwi Communities - folks .. delivered up & coming at you ;)

21-09-2023, 08:36 AM
Defence lawyers? I agree.

Until you need one... ;-)

22-09-2023, 12:29 PM

Tokoroa ram raids leave business owners frustrated

Two businesses are counting the cost of early-morning ram raids in Tokoroa.

Challenge Tokoroa owner Harnoor Singh said his business was damaged in the incident at about 3.20am on Friday.

Footage from his CCTV cameras showed a group of people entering the store, who “grabbed what they could” in the space of two and a half minutes, before driving off.

The shop front of nearby Dairy 67 Munchie Heaven was also severely damaged in the early morning attack.

Harnoor said it would take a few hours to clean up the broken glass before he could re-open for business.

“It is upsetting, yes.”

More carnage from the Lawless Little Scumbags that Labour aid & abet before setting them loose again to do it again..

It's Labour's Safer Kiwi Communities - folks .. delivered up & coming at all ;)

22-09-2023, 07:32 PM

Tokoroa ram raids leave business owners frustrated

More carnage from the Lawless Little Scumbags that Labour aid & abet before setting them loose again to do it again..

It's Labour's Safer Kiwi Communities - folks .. delivered up & coming at all ;)

And you think NZ will have less crime with a Nat/Act Govt. Think again?


22-09-2023, 07:44 PM
In essence l agree with your assertion, and l'm surprised no one else has made it.

But the point of difference between the Labour Green mob and the Natacts is that Natact are more likely to ask for some accountability and direct some punishment towards crims

22-09-2023, 08:37 PM
And you think NZ will have less crime with a Nat/Act Govt. Think again?


This thread isn't about crime with a Nat/Act Govt - is it ?

And you have little clue on what might happen with a new Govt whoever that is, after the Election.

You also dont have any answers on why Crime has escalated under Labour and why the continuing trail of deposed fill-in Ministers couldn't get a grip on things across how many years ?

It's darn bad luck or pretty indicative of a pool of p!ss poor Govt Front bench talent that the ongoing circus of 4 or is that 5 Police Ministers, and other departed Govt Ministerial talent that not one managed a fix ;)

For that matter how it might be fixed - after the ongoing trail of Labour failures ;)


Ram raids: Labour says they’re going down, National disagrees. Who’s right?

Probably still higher than when Labour became Govt 6 years ago and not helped by Softly softly release them
back out in record time ;)

One thing for sure if anyone thinks the criminals have stopped this based on Labour's actions - then they have rocks in their head. The Criminals & Gangs are thumbing their noses at the Judiciary and weak kneeed Labour Govt with Chumpkins & Comrades spinning pretty fuzzies more worried about being emptied out ;)

Labour have delivered up Unsafer Communities across the country in record time .. the Media is full of Crime reports arising out of Labour's incompetence in addressing this. patting 501's and gangs on the head under the queue of deposed fill-in ineffective fizzer Ministers .. What happened after Nash barked at some of them ? ;)

22-09-2023, 08:41 PM
And you think NZ will have less crime with a Nat/Act Govt. Think again?

It is like weeds in the garden. Labour has been planting the "lets go soft on crime seeds" for 6 years. Of course the weeds will continue to pop up. Labour planted them !

22-09-2023, 08:56 PM
And you think NZ will have less crime with a Nat/Act Govt. Think again?


Yes I think so, although it will take some time to reverse the rot that has crept into the policing, justice and corrections system that Labour has enabled and allowed through lack of accountability or consequences of committing crimes. National and Act are a lot less tolerant of crime, and I think a lot of the voting public will welcome that. Something has to be done, it is not acceptable to continue to victimise the victims of crime while pardoning or minimising the accountability and consequences of the perpetrators of crime. It is obvious to everyone, the Labour policies have not and are not working, NZ is a lot less safe for the general public, than it was before Labour took the reins. This must change, and only National and Act are focused on this.

23-09-2023, 04:42 PM

Christchurch armed robbery: Police hunt man after Sydenham Mobil station raided

A police manhunt is underway after a Christchurch petrol station was held up this morning before the alleged offender escaped on a bicycle.

Three CCTV images of the man, and his bike, have been released in the hope someone will recognise him.

“We believe he is able to assist us with our inquiries”, police said in a statement this afternoon.

Not the smartest of Armed Hold Up Thugs

Even a mugshot of this specimen, ID on his Bicycle .. his time remaining on the loose likely low

Perhaps Labour should make him one of their new List Candidates after he's done a few months Home D ;)

Labour's Safer Communities - folks .. coming right at you and presenting a wide array of No Hoper & other Desperate Hopeless Scum with their wads of likely excuses for a free or reduced pass ;)

23-09-2023, 07:56 PM
This thread isn't about crime with a Nat/Act Govt - is it ?

And you have little clue on what might happen with a new Govt whoever that is, after the Election.

You also dont have any answers on why Crime has escalated under Labour and why the continuing trail of deposed fill-in Ministers couldn't get a grip on things across how many years ?

There are several reasons why crimes increased under Labour.

Impact of Covid-19: The pandemic has also been cited as a factor that may have contributed to the escalation of crime in New Zealand. Police data released to RNZ indicated that violent crime rates in Auckland were up 30% from pre-pandemic levels, and remained steady compared to the year before – despite months of lockdown keeping people indoors.

Social service agencies and police say that behind the headlines is a simmering mixture of social deprivation, exacerbated by the stresses of the pandemic, and a cohort of New Zealanders who slipped through the cracks of government support schemes.

Retail crime: Police data shows that shoplifting crimes (robbery, burglary, and theft) have increased to a fresh high last year. Retail NZ chief executive Greg Harford said increasing retail crime was the result of a bigger resale market, with thieves stealing on demand and selling goods on.

Socio-economic factors: A forum held at Parliament in 2009 on the Drivers of Crime in New Zealand identified mainly socio-economic factors contributing to crime such as drugs/alcohol, poor parenting, unemployment, family breakdown, poverty, and poor education.

23-09-2023, 08:30 PM
Socio-economic factors contribute to crime such as drugs/alcohol, poor parenting, unemployment, family breakdown, poverty, and poor education.

The percentage of illiterate prisoners in New Zealand varies between 48% and 63%, depending on the study. Here are the specific findings:

In 2016, Corrections assessed more than 8000 of New Zealand's 9500 prisoners, with 63% deemed to be below a basic standard of literacy
Research from 2016 shows that at least half of New Zealand's roughly nine thousand prisoners are functionally illiterate
According to a report by the New Zealand Department of Corrections, prisoners are more likely to have high rates of illiteracy compared with the general population
A study cited by the Department of Corrections found that 48% of Māori and Pasifika prisoners (who together make up 62% of the prison population) have low levels of literacy and numeracy.
The New Zealand Howard League states that more than 60% of the prison population is functionally illiterate.

23-09-2023, 08:33 PM
Socio-economic factors contribute to crime such as drugs/alcohol, poor parenting, unemployment, family breakdown, poverty, and poor education.

The percentage of illiterate prisoners in New Zealand varies between 48% and 63%, depending on the study. Here are the specific findings:

In 2016, Corrections assessed more than 8000 of New Zealand's 9500 prisoners, with 63% deemed to be below a basic standard of literacy
Research from 2016 shows that at least half of New Zealand's roughly nine thousand prisoners are functionally illiterate
According to a report by the New Zealand Department of Corrections, prisoners are more likely to have high rates of illiteracy compared with the general population
A study cited by the Department of Corrections found that 48% of Māori and Pasifika prisoners (who together make up 62% of the prison population) have low levels of literacy and numeracy.
The New Zealand Howard League states that more than 60% of the prison population is functionally illiterate.

And Labour's answer is to dumb down education standards in NZ as well as divert ever more precious resources towards a useless language Maori.

The future of an exponential rise in crime is there for NZers to see if they are dumb enough to vote Labour.



23-09-2023, 08:44 PM
Of the cohort of Maori inmates Neil Campbell has seen, there are some familiar themes.

“The majority have problems with literacy and numeracy. The majority of offenders have some kind of drug or alcohol abuse problem, which is immediately attached to their offending behaviour. The majority of offenders will come from a dysfunctional family,” Campbell says. “By dysfunctional, I mean there will be generational unemployment. Generational substance and alcohol abuse histories. Generational problems with lack of education. Generational problems of being disconnected from wider whanau [family] or support networks. Problems with adoption. Problems being raised in social welfare families.

“They all have a history and a whakapapa [ancestry] of offending that goes right back to a very young age, and in a lot of instances, before they were born. Hence the generational problem.”

Campbell is quick to point out that understanding and analysing these factors is not to offer an excuse for their behaviour, but it does put their actions in some kind of context.
“A lot of the time, impulsivity is just connected to survival. It doesn’t give an excuse for offending behaviour because, at the end of the day, everyone has still got choices. But if you begin to examine those things, you very quickly start to realise that people’s choice pools are at varying depths.”

“I started work in this organisation (Paremoremo Prison) where the mentality was ‘Give them nothing, take them nowhere’. If they step out of line, smash them. Make prison as hard and unbearable as you can for them. The truth of the matter is we just released people that were angrier at society than when they came into the prison. A lot of our behaviour reinforced those negative values and beliefs that they already held on to from an early age from being subjected to that very approach.”

This attitude backfired when a riot erupted in the prison while Campbell was on duty. There were a number of factors that contributed to what was a highly coordinated fracas, but one of the sparks was a cut-back in education programmes. For the prison staff, the programmes were just a way of keeping the prisoners distracted for several hours. For government officials, it was an expense they could no longer justify. But for prisoners, it was a source of hope that was being taken away.

23-09-2023, 09:14 PM
According to a report by the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry, there is a direct link between state care and ending up in prison in New Zealand
The report found that people who have been in state care are overrepresented in the prison population.
Some sources suggest that New Zealand's welfare system may contribute to the high incarceration rates. An article in The Guardian describes how the country's welfare system has been criticized for creating a cycle of poverty and crime.

‘They created monsters’: How New Zealand’s brutal welfare system produced criminals

Rangi Wickliffe was one of many Māori children repeatedly abused in welfare institutions including the notorious Lake Alice psychiatric hospital.
Wickliffe recently gave evidence on the notorious psychiatric hospital Lake Alice at the royal commission into abuse in care. At the conclusion, chairperson Coral Shaw choked up with emotion as she thanked him. Between 1972 and 1978 it is estimated that about 300 children went through the unit.

Like the welfare homes, the majority of the children at the hospital were Māori boys. The high numbers of Māori in the welfare system has parallels with the Stolen Generations in Australia and the residential schools in North America.
He says the criminal justice system, including judges and the psychiatrists that inform their decisions, only see the violent adult and not the damaged, traumatised child that was created by other state agencies.

27-09-2023, 05:24 PM

Armed man shot by police in Lincoln Rd motorway overpass incident after attempted carjackings

Police say they have shot a man who attempted to carjack two vehicles in West Auckland this afternoon.

Police responded to an unfolding incident in Henderson, closing off a key motorway overpass as rush hour begins.

Superintendent Shanan Gray, the relieving District Commander for Waitematā, said a police unit sighted a vehicle of interest on Te Atatū Rd on the Te Atatū Peninsula.

“It was signalled to stop, but failed to do so and a decision was made to pursue the vehicle west towards the Lincoln Rd off-ramp.

“On the Lincoln Rd overbridge, the driver has got out of the vehicle with a firearm, and has unsuccessfully tried to steal two other vehicles. During this period, one of those vehicles has hit the offender.”

Labour's safer communities in action ;)

How about Home D with either Hipkins or Robbo after they fill in the holes ? ;)

27-09-2023, 05:27 PM

Hamilton Countdown security guard wrestles supermarket trolley from brazen thieves

A supermarket security guard is being hailed a hero after he wrestled a trolley full of goods being taken in a brazen robbery.

A video recorded on Tuesday evening shows a security guard at Dinsdale Countdown attempt to stop one woman making off with a trolley full of goods in front of onlookers.

A witness said the security stepped in front of the thief and said, “Are going to pay for that?” as she was leaving.

“She didn’t say anything and kept trying to push past him.”

The video then shows the security guard attempting to pull the trolley away from her while her friend confronts him.

However, the security guard eventually lets it go after pleas from onlookers, one who said “it’s not worth it”.

A self entitled Waikato Trollop who obviously thinks her groceries should be for free ;)

Obviously not too smart as didn't make it on to Labour's free for all "Make up the Numbers" Payroll :)

27-09-2023, 05:31 PM

Five injured: Ambulance staff ‘spat on and punched’ in serious Hawke’s Bay crash

Five people were injured, one seriously, and emergency staff assaulted after a serious single-vehicle crash in Hawke’s Bay on Tuesday.

An ambulance officer was spat on and punched when responding to the crash at 3.35pm near stopbanks beside the Ngāruroro River, off Ormond Rd, Twyford.

Emergency Services help was obviously too good for this Scum .. probably should have been thrown in a cage & dragged out down the road instead ;)

27-09-2023, 05:34 PM

Two ram raids in two days - Napier liquor store newest target of school holiday crime

Another Hawke’s Bay business has been hit by an early morning ram raid, the second in two days.

Police said they responded to reports of a burglary on Kennedy Rd at the Big Barrel liquor store about 3.20am on Wednesday, where a vehicle was used to gain entry.

“The offenders left the vehicle at the address where it was located and left in two other vehicles. Enquiries are ongoing including to determine what was stolen.”

More Lawless Ram Raid Scum, which probably going to be out & about regardless of School Holidays ;)

Nothing that a long stint of Directed Hard Labour under Armed Guard wouldn't fix
with Orders to make good on all damage for however long that took and a lengthy good behaviour
bond beyond that .. ;)

It's progress under Labour's Safer Communities - folks - a few unfortunates with a long list of likely excuses to get off are too thick to have learned ..

29-09-2023, 07:25 AM
More Lawless Ram Raid Scum, which probably going to be out & about regardless of School Holidays ;)

Nothing that a long stint of Directed Hard Labour under Armed Guard wouldn't fix
with Orders to make good on all damage for however long that took and a lengthy good behaviour
bond beyond that .. ;)

Make prison as hard and unbearable as you can for them?
The truth of the matter is we just released people that were angrier at society than when they came into the prison, said Neil Campbell, Department of Corrections- NZ

Logen Ninefingers
29-09-2023, 09:27 AM
Make prison as hard and unbearable as you can for them?
The truth of the matter is we just released people that were angrier at society than when they came into the prison, said Neil Campbell, Department of Corrections- NZ

So the answer is to lock them up and throw away the key then, because we absolutely cannot have law-abiding citizens being predated on by these low-lifes.

What a shame Maori cannot sort out their own. Where are the advertising campaign 'by Maori, for Maori' advocating for peace, personal responsibility, and respect for yourself, the law, and others? Why not take a fraction of the profits from the $70 Billion Maori economy and pour that money into building better Maori males, rather than new suits & undies for Tuku Morgan and other elite troughers. What a shame Maori culture seems to emphasise being 'staunch' and 'hard' and getting Moko's and doing the Haka of the cannibal and slaver Te Rauparaha rather than doing things that will build genuine mana and self-reliance and values. Time for Maori to get their act together and renounce violence, renounce beating up the missus and the kids, renounce the Mongrel Mob and the Black Power, remounce aiming to be the 'Sergeant at Arms' in some evil gang. If you want to be a Sergeant, join the Army, join the Police.
Time to rename our prisons and start disempowering them as something 'hard' and somewhere where tough guys go. Paremoremo becomes 'Fluffy Bunny Farm'. We will see if gangsters still want to go there when all the power goes out of the name.

Some slogans for a 'by Maori, for Maori' advertising campaign paid for by Iwi, not the state. Time for Maori to step up and start paying their own way.


Shock treatment is needed. Maori must be absolutely disgusted when then see their crime statistics and their contribution to the prison population. Why on earth don't they do something about it?!

29-09-2023, 10:07 AM
So the answer is to lock them up and throw away the key then, because we absolutely cannot have law-abiding citizens being predated on by these low-lifes.

What a shame Maori cannot sort out their own. Where are the advertising campaign 'by Maori, for Maori' advocating for peace, personal responsibility, and respect for yourself, the law, and others? Why not take a fraction of the profits from the $70 Billion Maori economy and pour that money into building better Maori males, rather than new suits & undies for Tuku Morgan and other elite troughers. What a shame Maori culture seems to emphasise being 'staunch' and 'hard' and getting Moko's and doing the Haka of the cannibal and slaver Te Rauparaha rather than doing things that will build genuine mana and self-reliance and values. Time for Maori to get their act together and renounce violence, renounce beating up the missus and the kids, renounce the Mongrel Mob and the Black Power, remounce aiming to be the 'Sergeant at Arms' in some evil gang. If you want to be a Sergeant, join the Army, join the Police.
Time to rename our prisons and start disempowering them as something 'hard' and somewhere where tough guys go. Paremoremo becomes 'Fluffy Bunny Farm'. We will see if gangsters still want to go there when all the power goes out of the name.

Some slogans for a 'by Maori, for Maori' advertising campaign paid for by Iwi, not the state. Time for Maori to step up and start paying their own way.


Shock treatment is needed. Maori must be absolutely disgusted when then see their crime statistics and their contribution to the prison population. Why on earth don't they do something about it?!

Interesting video along those lines. Not promoting this party, but there are some good capable people, that are trying to do the right thing.

We need more like her with her thinking and capabilities in NZ and Australia.


Logen Ninefingers
29-09-2023, 10:24 AM
Interesting video along those lines. Not promoting this party, but there are some good capable people, that are trying to do the right thing.

We need more like her with her thinking and capabilities in NZ and Australia.


It is a real shame she is not standing for one of the major parties that are opposing the racist and divisive agenda of LABGREETEPATI and the Maori elite.

29-09-2023, 11:27 AM
I think things like gym membership, boxing and martial arts could be made free to young maori (or young anyone I suppose) as they are relatively inaccessible due to price.

29-09-2023, 11:29 AM
If prison is the option it should be segregated.. keep the young from the old and gang members away from the rest.

Logen Ninefingers
29-09-2023, 11:39 AM
If prison is the option it should be segregated.. keep the young from the old and gang members away from the rest.

Exactly right. Stop the indocrination of the young by the hardened gangsters and criminals. We have to break the cycle. Rehabilitate those who are still able to be rehabilitated, and lock down the serial recidivists who have blown off every chance society has given them.

29-09-2023, 06:31 PM
I think things like gym membership, boxing and martial arts could be made free to young maori (or young anyone I suppose) as they are relatively inaccessible due to price.

Simply joining the Mormon or Destiny church is transformational, having some fellowship and standards.

That comment will get the secular society in uproar won't it.

29-09-2023, 07:24 PM
I think things like gym membership, boxing and martial arts could be made free to young maori (or young anyone I suppose) as they are relatively inaccessible due to price.

Just $6.99.a week at City Fitness.

Anyone who has any self belief and discipline can afford a dollar a day out of their own pocket.

Oh, and l see plenty of Mongrel mob at the Hastings CF facility.

29-09-2023, 07:31 PM
Just $6.99.a week at City Fitness.

Anyone who has any self belief and discipline can afford a dollar a day out of their own pocket.

Oh, and l see plenty of Mongrel mob at the Hastings CF facility.

The last thing we want is to increase the fitness and strength of gang members via state subsidy.

29-09-2023, 07:39 PM
The last thing we want is to increase the fitness and strength of gang members via state subsidy.
I hear what you are saying.

There are Mob front dojos in town, but the mobsters
I mention are not there.

I think it's safe to suspect silly old you and l, the taxpayer, are already picking up the tab.

Thanks Labour!

29-09-2023, 10:58 PM
The last thing we want is to increase the fitness and strength of gang members via state subsidy.

There are gyms in prison.

Obviously, it gives young people something to do, goal setting, and a social opportunity (of which there are none, outside of school and video games). It's not really about physical fitness.

30-09-2023, 08:54 AM
Simply joining the Mormon or Destiny church is transformational, having some fellowship and standards.

That comment will get the secular society in uproar won't it.

All at minimal cost to tax and ratepayers too.

30-09-2023, 09:45 AM
There are gyms in prison.

Obviously, it gives young people something to do, goal setting, and a social opportunity (of which there are none, outside of school and video games). It's not really about physical fitness.

I was being somewhat tongue in cheek. Sorry - I should have followed up. Your original post has merit, as does your post I'm replying to.

I think things like gym membership, boxing and martial arts could be made free to young maori (or young anyone I suppose) as they are relatively inaccessible due to price.

30-09-2023, 09:54 AM
I hear what you are saying.

There are Mob front dojos in town, but the mobsters
I mention are not there.

I think it's safe to suspect silly old you and l, the taxpayer, are already picking up the tab.

Thanks Labour!

With every bit of irony, there's some truth. Obviously we shouldn't subsidize gang members' fitness. [Edit: but we actually do in prison as Panda pointed out lol.] But maybe there are things we could do (eg, one example: gyms) for people to have more self-respect than to become gang members.

This is actually a weird situation, whereby whatever we do gangs will try and take advantage of it.

Logen Ninefingers
30-09-2023, 09:56 AM
Labour strategists will be reading these comments.
Nek minnit: Labour are giving the Mongrel Mob $25 million to open their own gyms.

30-09-2023, 09:57 AM
Simply joining the Mormon or Destiny church is transformational, having some fellowship and standards.

That comment will get the secular society in uproar won't it.

I've never met a Mormon who wouldn't help you out in some way, they're the best neighbours you'll ever get, and you become a better person too as you return the favour.

30-09-2023, 09:57 AM
Labour strategists will be reading these comments.
Nek minnit: Labour are giving the Mongrel Mob $25 million to open their own gyms.

lol oh man...........

30-09-2023, 10:16 AM
I hear what you are saying.

There are Mob front dojos in town, but the mobsters
I mention are not there.

I think it's safe to suspect silly old you and l, the taxpayer, are already picking up the tab.

Thanks Labour!

Labour's made everything worse; agree, they have to go.

But what is National/Act going to do? The issues (reasons) behind the proliferation of gangs and crime are so woven into the fabric of NZ society that any attempt to fix them gets people up in arms. The two biggest issues are: multi-generational welfare dependence; and solo parenthood. And those two things are linked. What will National/Act do about those two things?

[Edit: I want to make it clear I am not suggesting all solo-parenthood is bad. But I believe the evidence is overwhelming that when you essentially remove fathers from the mix for a huge amount of children and the mothers raising those children are also on a benefit then this is not the best environment to turn children into self-respecting and law-abiding adults, when taken into consideration across the totality of it.]

30-09-2023, 11:52 AM
This seems relevant to the discussion.

Maybe Seymour's $1 a day for prisons, might be better spent just handing it to poor people ... ;)

01-10-2023, 10:04 PM
This seems relevant to the discussion.

Maybe Seymour's $1 a day for prisons, might be better spent just handing it to poor people ... ;) From the article
“The second Chris V Chris TV debate, this one on TV3 on Wednesday night, began on crime. Not, often, on the causes of it. Not, often, on how we might address the damage that leads to it, but on how we might get tougher on gangs, ram-raiders, hypothetical shoplifters… nearly all of whom will have come from childhoods of disadvantage.
And not quite 36 hours before that discussion, Chris Luxon’s party was announcing the sanctions policy that will, inevitably, lead to greater hardship in the homes of some children.”

Logen Ninefingers
01-10-2023, 10:31 PM
From the article
“The second Chris V Chris TV debate, this one on TV3 on Wednesday night, began on crime. Not, often, on the causes of it. Not, often, on how we might address the damage that leads to it, but on how we might get tougher on gangs, ram-raiders, hypothetical shoplifters… nearly all of whom will have come from childhoods of disadvantage.
And not quite 36 hours before that discussion, Chris Luxon’s party was announcing the sanctions policy that will, inevitably, lead to greater hardship in the homes of some children.”

So-called ‘hardship’ doesn’t cause criminality, a lack of collective values and a failure to instil personal responsibility & respect for authority do that. Maori are immensely wealthy, the Maori economy is worth more than $70 Billion, but that money is not making its way to the Maori that need it; the elites are hoovering it up. Northland Maori also need to get their act together and settle with the Crown. Their people are losing every day that they don’t sort themselves out.

01-10-2023, 10:40 PM
So-called ‘hardship’ doesn’t cause criminality, a lack of collective values and a failure to instil personal responsibility & respect for authority do that.
Just ... Wow.

01-10-2023, 11:36 PM
So-called ‘hardship’ doesn’t cause criminality, a lack of collective values and a failure to instil personal responsibility & respect for authority do that. Maori are immensely wealthy, the Maori economy is worth more than $70 Billion, but that money is not making its way to the Maori that need it; the elites are hoovering it up. Northland Maori also need to get their act together and settle with the Crown. Their people are losing every day that they don’t sort themselves out.

Hardship is a state of mind in NZ - there is so much welfare support that people from 2nd world countries shake their heads in total disbelief that anyone could ever feel really deprived in NZ.

But if parents choose to smoke, drink, spend on non-essentials and commit crimes when they CHOOSE to have too many children, sanctions are not only appropriate but necessary to return sanity to NZ’s runaway welfare state.

Remember what Labour has done to NZ - ‘criminals are victims, criminals deserve not to be in jail and if they commit crimes, it’s everybody’s fault but not that of the criminals.’

02-10-2023, 12:06 AM
A man in custody for allegedly threatening his neighbour has had his Kāinga Ora tenancy terminated, making it the fifth flat he has been kicked out of in the past five years for “similar behaviour”.

Only in NZ under a pro-crime woke Labour government is a criminal like this one allowed to terrorise neighbours 5 times in 5 state provided rental/accommodation before he finally gets blocked out - a Kainga Ora speciality.

And who created Kainga Ora? No prizes for the answer!


‘Be kind to criminals because they are also victims.” Ardern, Hipkins & Labour

02-10-2023, 07:06 AM
Completely unacceptable': Labour candidate Angela Roberts 'slapped' following political debate.

A Labour candidate says she was slapped by an aggressive member of the public while at a local election debate this week at her local Rotary Club in Inglewood.
Following the debate, Roberts said she was having a discussion with a “tall man” about education policy and other things when “aggressive finger pointing started”.
“He grabbed my shoulders and shook me in order to emphasise the point he was making. Then he slapped my cheeks with both hands.

02-10-2023, 07:16 AM
It’s because I’m young, I’m female, and I’m Māori, that’s what the threat said on the paper.”

The country’s youngest candidate running for Parliament has made three separate reports to police after her home was broken into and her rubbish rifled through.
Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke said it started with a billboard being taken from her home and then there was also “vandalism – drills and hammers coming to vandalise my fence”.

“There were threats made via paper to my mailbox, I’ve had my house broken into twice, and I’ve also had photographs of people actually going into my rubbish bin to look at different details I have that I put in the rubbish,” she told Marae.
“For me, that just goes to show how disgusting this racism is in Aotearoa.”

“This escalation of danger is what happens when right-wing politicians race bait and fearmonger for votes. They have emboldened this type of behaviour. Now it is time we embolden ourselves,” the Te Pāti Māori said.

02-10-2023, 07:33 AM
Angry White Men by Michael Kimmel

The white American male voter is alive and well--and angry as hell. Sociologist Michael Kimmel, one of the leading writers on men and masculinity, has spent hundreds of hours in the company of America's angry white men--from white supremacists to men's rights activists to young students--in pursuit of a comprehensive diagnosis of their fears, anxieties, and rage.

Kimmel locates this increase in anger in the seismic economic, social, and political shifts that have transformed the American landscape: Downward mobility, increased racial and gender equality, and tenaciously clinging to an anachronistic ideology of masculinity has left many men feeling betrayed and bewildered.

Raised to expect unparalleled social and economic privilege, white men are suffering today from what Kimmel calls "aggrieved entitlement": a sense that those benefits that white men believed were their due have been snatched away from them. The election of Donald Trump proved that angry white men can still change the course of history. Here, Kimmel argues that we must consider the rage of this "forgotten" group and create solutions that address the concerns of all Americans.

02-10-2023, 07:49 AM
Deafening silence with Labour, the Greens and the Maori Party when their kind threatened and attacked other candidates:


Mr Chong has been campaigning for the New Conservative party, who seek to disestablish New Zealand’s Maori seats, and has also been vocal against the New Plymouth district councils process around the decision to establish a Maori ward.
In September, Mr Chongs vehicle tyres were slashed following an Interview he gave on a local radio station.
The attacks are not isolated to one individual either. Mr Chong recognises that other parties have also faced vandalism of political hoardings. However, during this campaign, Mr Chong has never before experienced this level of vitriol, property damage and threats of violence.

02-10-2023, 07:57 AM
And again, deafening silence from Labour, the Greens, Maori Party and the Maori elite :


A spate of racist attacks on election campaign billboards of Asian candidates in Auckland last week has left some in the community disturbed and hurt.

First time candidate Joe Zhou, who's running for Kaipātiki Local Board, had at least eight of their election billboards vandalised with racist slurs last week.

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 01:06 PM
Angry White Men by Michael Kimmel

The white American male voter is alive and well--and angry as hell. Sociologist Michael Kimmel, one of the leading writers on men and masculinity, has spent hundreds of hours in the company of America's angry white men--from white supremacists to men's rights activists to young students--in pursuit of a comprehensive diagnosis of their fears, anxieties, and rage.

Kimmel locates this increase in anger in the seismic economic, social, and political shifts that have transformed the American landscape: Downward mobility, increased racial and gender equality, and tenaciously clinging to an anachronistic ideology of masculinity has left many men feeling betrayed and bewildered.

Raised to expect unparalleled social and economic privilege, white men are suffering today from what Kimmel calls "aggrieved entitlement": a sense that those benefits that white men believed were their due have been snatched away from them. The election of Donald Trump proved that angry white men can still change the course of history. Here, Kimmel argues that we must consider the rage of this "forgotten" group and create solutions that address the concerns of all Americans.

There might be angry white men out there, equally there are angry brown men as well.

There are overtones of a 'Jussie Smollet' type scenario in this case.

In January 2019, Smollett staged a fake hate crime against himself in Chicago and later made false police reports regarding the incident. In December 2021, Smollett was convicted of five felony counts of disorderly conduct;[2] he was sentenced in March 2022 to 150 days in county jail.[3] He was released 6 days later on bond while his case is on appeal.[4]

On January 29, 2019, Smollett told police that he was physically attacked outside his apartment building along with the use of racial and homophobic slurs.[30][31][32][33] Smollett was treated at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and was released "in good condition" later that morning.[30][34][35][36][37] A subsequent police investigation found that Smollett paid two brothers who were work acquaintances of his to stage the assault.[38][39]

Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 01:16 PM
Te Part-Maori are kicking up a real stink, but have a look at John Tamihere and his tweets:

'The more folk like you that target us the more we will organise, it's only a matter of time. 25% of all babies under 5 that go to sleep tonight in Aotearoa are of Maori descent, it's only a matter of time.'

Tamihere seems to be intimating that some sort of race war or revolution is on its way, it's 'just a matter of time'. Scary rhetoric from that race-based party.


Logen Ninefingers
02-10-2023, 03:17 PM
The vile rhetoric of Chimpkins and Te Part-Maori is having terrible consequences -


‘Gangs threatening National

Chris Bishop has released details of threats against National candidates and volunteers, including:

- A National candidate being forced to move house after a gang threat.

- A senior Head Hunters member filmed a National candidate and their spouse in a restaurant and shared it with followers, with an abusive and intimidating message.

- Death threats made to a volunteer in Auckland.

- An allegedly intentional dog attack on a door knocking volunteer, resulting in injuries worthy of medical attention.

- Several volunteers abused and followed by gang members in Hawke’s Bay.

- A candidate had a bottle of beer thrown over them, their volunteers frequently intimidated, and their house broken into.’

02-10-2023, 03:43 PM
And again, deafening silence from Labour, the Greens, Maori Party and the Maori elite :


A spate of racist attacks on election campaign billboards of Asian candidates in Auckland last week has left some in the community disturbed and hurt.

First time candidate Joe Zhou, who's running for Kaipātiki Local Board, had at least eight of their election billboards vandalised with racist slurs last week.

And National and Act? Are they out with the megaphone ? Unfortunately there is no deafening silence from the resident ?


02-10-2023, 04:19 PM
And National and Act? Are they out with the megaphone ? Unfortunately there is no deafening silence from the resident ?


Labour, Greens and the Maori Party are the ones making a big belly aching song and dance about racist attacks - nobody else.

Why were they so quiet before?

You are a bright girl, try to answer.

The vile rhetoric of Chimpkins and Te Part-Maori is having terrible consequences -


‘Gangs threatening National

Chris Bishop has released details of threats against National candidates and volunteers, including:

- A National candidate being forced to move house after a gang threat.

- A senior Head Hunters member filmed a National candidate and their spouse in a restaurant and shared it with followers, with an abusive and intimidating message.

- Death threats made to a volunteer in Auckland.

- An allegedly intentional dog attack on a door knocking volunteer, resulting in injuries worthy of medical attention.

- Several volunteers abused and followed by gang members in Hawke’s Bay.

- A candidate had a bottle of beer thrown over them, their volunteers frequently intimidated, and their house broken into.’

05-10-2023, 12:18 PM
Dairy owner critically injured in Auckland ….

“A police officer could be heard saying “I’m so sorry this has happened”.

Just in case we forget how violent crimes against retailers have rocketed out there since Labour decided that ‘criminals are victims too’ and society need to be kind to them :


12-10-2023, 12:06 PM
And if it is not bad enough that businesses are getting robbed, the crims are now feeling so entitled under this pro-crime and pro-gang Labour government that they are ordering food in, refusing to pay and then, committing violence against the businesses wanting to collect the money.

3 more days for NZers to put a stop to this policing by consent and pro-gang Hipkins government.


12-10-2023, 06:54 PM

Woman killed by dog in Northland attack

A Northland woman has been attacked and killed by a dog this afternoon.

A family member at the scene in the town of Moerewa has told RNZ his aunt has been killed.

He said the woman had been hanging out washing when a dog came onto the property and attacked her.

It is understood two other people were injured. Ambulances were seen leaving the property and there are still three police cars there.

A poor familiy has lost a loved one

Can the System be trusted to determine which is the more feral - the Dog which did this or it's owner ?

13-10-2023, 09:41 AM
A nice family hard at work https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/ram-raids-hamilton-mum-admits-shooting-at-police-to-help-kids-escape-arrest/7OLSKGKQBVHCDGQB4YRM6UKAO4/

13-10-2023, 10:04 AM
A nice family hard at work https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/ram-raids-hamilton-mum-admits-shooting-at-police-to-help-kids-escape-arrest/7OLSKGKQBVHCDGQB4YRM6UKAO4/

Sort of family which is held up by Ardern, Hipkins, Labour & the Greens as 'vicytims of crime' so be kind to them.

27-10-2023, 07:58 AM
Sooner the new government takes over, the better to start the process of reversing the violent crime epidemic out there.

The thugs and gangs need to be sent a very strong message that the pro-crime and pro-gang policies of the Labour government are over.


A Mount Maunganui good Samaritan was left bloodied, bruised and concussed after he was king-hit while helping his neighbour confront an alleged thief.

Blue Skies
27-10-2023, 09:13 AM
Sooner the new government takes over, the better to start the process of reversing the violent crime epidemic out there.

The thugs and gangs need to be sent a very strong message that the pro-crime and pro-gang policies of the Labour government are over.


A Mount Maunganui good Samaritan was left bloodied, bruised and concussed after he was king-hit while helping his neighbour confront an alleged thief.

Yep, & our next Minister of Police Mark Mitchell is already sending a strong message to the gangs, theyre going to have to apply Makeup in the mornings before they leave home, to cover facial tattoos.
Better warn wives & girlfriends not to be shocked next time they're in the chemist or Farmers when they see a group of gang members hanging around the cosmetics counter, they'll all just be trying out the different brands of Makeup.

27-10-2023, 10:12 AM
Yep, & our next Minister of Police Mark Mitchell is already sending a strong message to the gangs, theyre going to have to apply Makeup in the mornings before they leave home, to cover facial tattoos.
Better warn wives & girlfriends not to be shocked next time they're in the chemist or Farmers when they see a group of gang members hanging around the cosmetics counter, they'll all just be trying out the different brands of Makeup.

What Australia has done and successfully so to remove the gang patches and tattoos from public.

You have a problem with that?

27-10-2023, 10:21 AM
And remember how Labour & Kelvin Davis formed Oranga Tamariki (OT) to herald in a new era of accountability and effectiveness in enforcing child welfare?

Well, there were 9 child deaths at the hands of caregivers last year under the era of OT - here's the latest :


Blue Skies
27-10-2023, 01:01 PM
What Australia has done and successfully so to remove the gang patches and tattoos from public.

You have a problem with that?

Not at all, Im relieved, can't wait & as you point out if Australia can do it successfully, then National govt will have no excuses not to get gang members to put on their Makeup every morning to cover any facial tattoos, or their promises to introduce dispersal laws to stop gang member talking to each other, our police to tear gang patches off their clothing or warrantless searches of suspected gang members homes.

30-10-2023, 05:04 PM
Not at all, Im relieved, can't wait & as you point out if Australia can do it successfully, then National govt will have no excuses not to get gang members to put on their Makeup every morning to cover any facial tattoos, or their promises to introduce dispersal laws to stop gang member talking to each other, our police to tear gang patches off their clothing or warrantless searches of suspected gang members homes.

Read Ardern's response (June 2022), 6 months before she quit because she did not have a clue what to do and her excuses for curbing gang violence and activity have ran out :



14-11-2023, 01:48 AM

Pukekohe robbery: Masked, armed teens foiled by bystanders

Seven masked and armed teenagers who robbed a shop and made off with cigarettes in South Auckland have been foiled by bystanders who tracked their movements and tipped off police.

The group stormed a business on Pukekohe’s West St about 10am today and began demanding tobacco.

probably all severely disadvantaged with backwards upbringings symptoms .. but only after being caught ;)

likely the same old tired stories/excuses rapidly being orchestrated .. as per usual to fool a Judge
or our Youth free bus ticket printing office ..

The seventh member of the group was waiting in a stolen getaway car outside and fled to a nearby address after the incident where police eventually caught them.

The eldest of the group was 18 and the youngest was 12.

21-11-2023, 08:51 PM

Woolworths introduces fog cannons and body cameras at stores due to 131% rise in assaults and abuse against staff

must be a fair trail of filth rocking up to Supermarkets, if this is any indication

who empowered all these nice little well behaved scumbags ? ;)

22-11-2023, 07:53 AM

Woolworths introduces fog cannons and body cameras at stores due to 131% rise in assaults and abuse against staff

must be a fair trail of filth rocking up to Supermarkets, if this is any indication

who empowered all these nice little well behaved scumbags ? ;)

It's high time to give security guards more power to tackle and arrest these scumbags. Currently they are not allowed to have any forceful physical contact with them so are a complete waste of time.

26-11-2023, 05:29 PM

Hamilton man hijacks ambulance, crashes into nearby building

A man receiving treatment from paramedics in Hamilton became “aggressive and threatening” and managed to hijack an ambulance from the crew who had fled the scene, before then crashing it into a nearby building.

The incident began shortly after 12.30pm in Ulster St in the Hamilton suburb of Whitiora where a man who was receiving treatment from paramedics was blocking their access and refusing to let them leave, a police spokeswoman said in a statement.

Another bad basket from Labour's lost era rule of destruction causing mayhem ..

Time to give the Ambo's tasers & pepper spray to keep these sort of A/holes under control ;)

27-11-2023, 08:47 AM
Will he jump or will he need to be pushed?

Woke Commissioner Coster, co-conspirator with Ardern, Hipkins and the Maori cabal, to treat criminals as victims and with kindness which have led to the explosive increases in violent crimes, does not want to leave his job.

Well, he will be gone irrespective when the next Commissioner term in 2025 comes up so he might as well leave. Guess he knows that unlike the frontline police staff, Australia and other countries will not want him so what is the poor fellow who believes in policing by consent going to do?


“New Police Minister Mark Mitchell will not be drawn on whether he will expect Police Commissioner Andrew Coster to offer his resignation – while Coster has signalled he has no intention of doing so.”

27-11-2023, 09:12 AM
Will he jump or will he need to be pushed?

Woke Commissioner Coster, co-conspirator with Ardern, Hipkins and the Maori cabal, to treat criminals as victims and with kindness which have led to the explosive increases in violent crimes, does not want to leave his job.

Well, he will be gone irrespective when the next Commissioner term in 2025 comes up so he might as well leave. Guess he knows that unlike the frontline police staff, Australia and other countries will not want him so what is the poor fellow who believes in policing by consent going to do?


“New Police Minister Mark Mitchell will not be drawn on whether he will expect Police Commissioner Andrew Coster to offer his resignation – while Coster has signalled he has no intention of doing so.”

Tragically for NZ, the breakdown in law & order was all very predictable when Wokester Coster was appointed by Ardern in 2020:


"With this softly softly [sic] approach from our wokester commissioner, expect gang and gun violence to continue to worsen," Bridges wrote on Twitter.

When asked on Tuesday why he called Coster a "wokester", Bridges said: "Because he is. I think there's a bunch of things he's done where he's wanting to put being nice and a variety of things ahead of the law of the land and catching criminals."

Bridges said he does not think his comments about Coster being a "wokester" were inappropriate.


29-11-2023, 11:45 PM

Nomads gang members sentenced after violent ‘taxing’ of South Taranaki homeowner

A carload of Nomads turned up at a man’s house and demanded he pay them “rent” for a property he had owned for at least five years.

When the homeowner objected, he was beaten by the gang members and left with a broken finger, bruising across his body and a missing tooth.

The “taxing”, a common undertaking in the gang where violence and threats are used to take property from members of the public, played out on February 17 this year, the New Plymouth District Court heard on Wednesday.

Some of same sweet little darling Gang scumbags that Labour's Lost-it patrol took a liking to and then turn a blind eye ? ;)

01-12-2023, 06:02 PM

$25 million Auckland drug bust: Organised crime syndicate busted in Waitematā and Counties Manukau

An alleged organised crime syndicate run by Vietnamese nationals has been busted in Auckland, police dismantling drug and money laundering operations and seizing $25 million worth of cannabis.

As part of Operation Beryl, 53 search warrants were executed at addresses across Waitematā and Counties Manukau districts as part of the continued focus on disrupting organised criminal activity.

As a result of the warrants, 10 arrests were made, 42 significant cannabis crop grows were located with 6886 plants and about 10kg of packaged cannabis seized. This has a street value of $16 million to $25 million.

These things just don't grow themselves out of sight overnight do they ? ;)

Were Coster's mob on holiday or too busy checking out Ram Raided shops after the deed was done ? :)

Probably just a bunch of good little law abiding boys & girls minding their own business and no-one
bothered looking at the amount of holiday coin they were stacking under Labour's blind watch :)

Finally Paddy wakes up that there might be a bit of more intensive horticultural enterprise not
just a spot of backyard amateur Vege growing going on under everyones noses :)

Interesting that MBIE are so eager to throw their own splattering on the slate - you sods let them
in, and obviously the checks & whistles weren't too robust to wind up where things lay now :)

All must have really pulled the wool - probably declared they were going to work in a carnation & flower
growing operation :) Were Pansy's mentioned by chance or were some already on display waiting for them to be processed for Kiwi holiday ? ;)

01-12-2023, 06:39 PM

Cash, drugs, guns, vehicles, luxury items seized in Tasman Killer Beez meth bust

Thirteen people connected to the Killer Beez have been arrested – one during an alleged meth deal in a Blenheim car park – in an Operation Bear bust in Tasman.

Police began targeting the gang to disrupt the distribution of methamphetamine in the top of the south in July.

On Tuesday search warrants were executed across the district, Detective Senior Sergeant Shane Dye of the Tasman Organised Crime Unit said.

Eleven gang members, aged between 27 and 46, were arrested and were facing 67 charges. Two of them were in positions of gang leadership in Auckland, and one in Nelson.

Yet more proof of the low life Scum that Labour have aided, abetted & let loose in our communities..

04-12-2023, 01:31 PM

Watch: Pakuranga ram raid; over $20,000 in damage for $4 soft drink

CCTV footage from the incident shows the four young offenders reversing a car into the Pakuranga Bakery on Ti Rakau Drive at 11.41pm last night until the glass door smashes.

Only two of the youths squeeze under the wrecked doors on their stomachs, one armed with a metal rod, the other with a golf club.

After glancing at the empty till, one boy grabs a can of Monster energy drink before they both slide out and flee in their getaway car.

Time to hit these little Scumbags with a lengthy term of Hard Labour, having to reimburse the cost of all damage & losses they have caused others and hefty fines for every one of any other crimes they are implicated in ;)

None of this Youth Aid Mamby Pamby Wet Bus Ticket Bullsh!t which sees repeats and all those on the receiving end sucking the kumara for the actions of these little out of control A/holes ;)

06-12-2023, 09:46 PM

Auckland luxury cars targeted by climate change protesters

A Restore Passenger Rail protester has vandalised Auckland car yards this morning in a protest against inequality and climate change.

Restore Passenger Rail announced this morning that a supporter had spray-painted the windows of two Auckland luxury car yards at 100 and 119 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland.

Restore Passenger Rail spokesperson Joseph J Fullerton said luxury cars were symbols of greed and climate change.

TIme to dish out lengthy Hard Labour & Hefty Reparations sentences on this sort of Climate Change Worthless Scum for their vandalism ;)

18-12-2023, 10:26 PM

Elderly man punched in head during attempted mugging on Broadway, Newmarket after doing Christmas shopping

A 91-year-old man was punched in the head in an attempted mugging after doing his Christmas shopping in Newmarket.

Roy Bagshaw told the Herald: “I was heading home [on Broadway] towards Greenlane and quite a powerfully built bugger ... he punched my head.”

He said the offender tried to take his shopping bags full of Christmas presents he had just bought and a new shirt he had got himself.

Bagshaw said Friday’s unprovoked attack left his ears ringing, but he remained stoic about the situation and felt lucky he wasn’t hurt any further. He hailed the efforts of security guards who caught the offender.

“Never in my life have I ever been so shocked. It was so unbelievable. I mean, the thing is; what concerns me is the way our country is going. I just think New Zealand is... well, we’re in a funny place, aren’t we?

Yet more Post-Labour reign Scumbags beating up the vulnerable & elderly

Time these Nasty Scumbags were forced to do a lengthy term of Hard Labour under armed guard with a hefty dallop of compensation award due, thrown on top to work off ;)

19-12-2023, 10:02 PM

Elderly man punched in head during attempted mugging on Broadway, Newmarket after doing Christmas shopping

Yet more Post-Labour reign Scumbags beating up the vulnerable & elderly

Time these Nasty Scumbags were forced to do a lengthy term of Hard Labour under armed guard with a hefty dallop of compensation award due, thrown on top to work off ;)

Too many mentions of Scumbags - there is another area for this on Off Market Discussion.

20-12-2023, 12:56 AM
Too many mentions of Scumbags - there is another area for this on Off Market Discussion.

You're not reading & comprehending very well .. Sorry if I miss you out .. maybe next time or someone else
might do the honours :)

08-03-2024, 08:04 PM

Banned driver sped from police and crashed into Hutt Valley wedding photographers

Another gang affiliated piece of scum with offending from during Labour's era got sent away this week

Honestly - only 22 months for this sort of offending ? What a joke !

Should be at least 5-10 years plus whatever longer it takes in hard labour to repay all reparations clocked up and be made to compensate all victims from every crime she was up to as well ;)

Only one way to sort out this sort of trash & that's to take off them lots & lots of their spare time
which otherwise would be in up to no good

08-03-2024, 08:17 PM
This thread is redundant, Labour are gone. These are crimes now under the new Coalition government, update the thread title or start a new one.

10-03-2024, 09:54 PM
This thread is redundant, Labour are gone. These are crimes now under the new Coalition government, update the thread title or start a new one.

We will be a couple of years into this Govt's term (if then) before the Right leaning posters on these forums stop blaming the previous Government for everything that is wrong.

10-03-2024, 10:12 PM
We will be a couple of years into this Govt's term (if then) before the Right leaning posters on these forums stop blaming the previous Government for everything that is wrong.

And Labour is still blaming National for all the problems and crises Ardern & Hipkins created 6 years after they took office! :t_up:

10-03-2024, 11:20 PM
We will be a couple of years into this Govt's term (if then) before the Right leaning posters on these forums stop blaming the previous Government for everything that is wrong.

Of course it will be a couple of years. Do you not understand the depth of Labours wet bus ticket crime management !

fungus pudding
11-03-2024, 08:35 AM
We will be a couple of years into this Govt's term (if then) before the Right leaning posters on these forums stop blaming the previous Government for everything that is wrong.

Not so. The previous govt. will go down in history for it's appalling governance, meaning it will be decades before their mishandling of everything will be forgotten.

12-03-2024, 01:47 PM
Not so. The previous govt. will go down in history for it's appalling governance, meaning it will be decades before their mishandling of everything will be forgotten.

I don't know how the previous govt will be viewed in 2035, 2045 ... I would expect it will depend on who you ask.

But I was (and am) interested in when the right wing posters will stop using the Labour legacy as an excuse for any failure by the present lot to improve matters.

12-03-2024, 03:25 PM
I don't know how the previous govt will be viewed in 2035, 2045 ... I would expect it will depend on who you ask.

But I was (and am) interested in when the right wing posters will stop using the Labour legacy as an excuse for any failure by the present lot to improve matters.

To be fair, I think the ‘end date’ to justifiably blaming the previous lot will depend on the issue.

Some issues have a longer shelf life than others.

But you are right that blaming Labour can’t go on forever.

12-03-2024, 04:49 PM
To be fair, I think the ‘end date’ to justifiably blaming the previous lot will depend on the issue.

Some issues have a longer shelf life than others.

Yup. I guess we wait and see.

12-03-2024, 08:27 PM
I don't know how the previous govt will be viewed in 2035, 2045 ... I would expect it will depend on who you ask.

But I was (and am) interested in when the right wing posters will stop using the Labour legacy as an excuse for any failure by the present lot to improve matters.

Labour was still blaming the previous government 6 years after they took office.

So what do you reckon? 12 years given all the disasters and crises they left behind after their 6 years of complete and utter incompetence?

Great example : Absolute disgrace the way Ardern, Robertson and Labour just threw money by the billions of dollars with no accountability and with nothing to show.


Auditor-General John Ryan has heavily criticised the $15 billion infrastructure spend-up during the Covid-19 pandemic, saying the previous government should have ensured better transparency and value for money.

"What that report lays bare is how cavalier and casual ministers were about committing billions of dollars to projects without the required due diligence, without the care of process, without even documenting what they were doing.

12-03-2024, 08:48 PM
Labour was still blaming the previous government 6 years after they took office.

So what do you reckon? 12 years given all the disasters and crises they left behind after their 6 years of complete and utter incompetence?

An inconvenient truth, Labour slagged the previous government through their entire term.

12-03-2024, 11:20 PM
Labour was still blaming the previous government 6 years after they took office.

So what do you reckon? 12 years given all the disasters and crises they left behind after their 6 years of complete and utter incompetence?

Great example : Absolute disgrace the way Ardern, Robertson and Labour just threw money by the billions of dollars with no accountability and with nothing to show.


Auditor-General John Ryan has heavily criticised the $15 billion infrastructure spend-up during the Covid-19 pandemic, saying the previous government should have ensured better transparency and value for money.

"What that report lays bare is how cavalier and casual ministers were about committing billions of dollars to projects without the required due diligence, without the care of process, without even documenting what they were doing.

Where was the Auditor-General while the spend up was going on - barricaded up in his secure bunker
or busy counting all the pingers on the slate going out ? ;)

15-04-2024, 12:58 PM
Crimes in NZ reach new low baa under Labour and National

Ram Raid, I’m not sure if they were rams, but they were sheep.
Te Kūiti ‘ram raid’: Liquorland invaded by 14 sheep during Great New Zealand Muster.
Maybe they wanted to go to the baa! Conspiracy theory - Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was also in town, did he orchestrate it?

“It was the nearest shop that was open and they just ran to it. We joked that they must have been after a beer,” Fawcett said.
“It’s so Kiwi. I just laughed. There were many giggles.”

The Running of the Sheep is a popular part of the annual Great New Zealand Muster held at Te Kūiti in the lead-up to the New Zealand Shearing Championships on Saturday night.