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17-05-2024, 07:15 PM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

17-05-2024, 07:29 PM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

Wrong, you are spreading crap. THe first 5 words says it all really:

"A poll by Labour’s pollster, Talbot Mills Research, for the firm’s corporate clients that has been obtained by The Post shows the coalition parties — National, ACT, and NZ First — lacking sufficient public support to form a Government, if an election were held today. The next election is in 2026."

17-05-2024, 07:30 PM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

If that were the case - then just look at what is waiting to replace them :)

What an impressive line up of accidental proven incompetent talent ;)

Not that that will likely happen

Say 2 or 3 terms before Joe Public starts to get over & forget the 6 years of Ardern, Hipkins Robbo & the hapless Greens whipping up an unholy mess of things ;)

17-05-2024, 07:41 PM
Wonder what tonight's poison was to inspire such blind faith in the Lab/Green gone & outed ? ;)

17-05-2024, 07:51 PM
Maybe this thread should be renamed " More Green's Bull Shi! and comedy" to cover JT 's posts

19-05-2024, 01:56 PM
Jack Tame: "Quote: Aggressive in the sense of being hostile, unprofessional with an element that was objectively threatening but not in the sense of physical violence - do you know who that describes?"

Chloe Swarbrick: "You tell me, Jack."

Jack: "Come on."

Swarbrick: "I am assuming you are talking about the behaviour of Julie Anne Genter"

Tame was actually referring to National MP Tim van de Molen, who was found in contempt and censured by Parliament last year after being accused of threatening a Labour MP in a select committee meeting.

He noted that National Party leader Christopher Luxon stripped the MP of his portfolios at the time and asked whether the Greens should be doing the same with Genter.

Swarbrick: “two completely different circumstances”

...err no she just described Van de Molen's actions as Genter's and National had handled his actions it appropriately…again, you can’t make this stuff up. All politicians are equal, only some are more equal than others, aye comrade? Apparently, public outcry is punishment enough - even if that outcry calls for stripping of her portfolio's. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, Genter will not loose her portfolio.

Swarbrick admits she is an Activist and not a politician who would not cross the aisle to garner bipartisan support to further her cause. She's not really interested in helping NZ or the environment. She's a petulant child who dummy spits if she doesn't get what she wants

20-05-2024, 11:30 AM

Apart from being on full pay, the investigation has so far cost $43K (and counting). Ouch.

20-05-2024, 01:08 PM
If that were the case - then just look at what is waiting to replace them :)

What an impressive line up of accidental proven incompetent talent ;)

Not that that will likely happen

Say 2 or 3 terms before Joe Public starts to get over & forget the 6 years of Ardern, Hipkins Robbo & the hapless Greens whipping up an unholy mess of things ;)

Trend is our friend and the people are responding.

You gotta accentuate the negative eliminate the positive ,screw the environment, eternally undo the wraparound totally,forget about the poverty,don't mess with Mr Entitled inbetween

20-05-2024, 01:14 PM

Apart from being on full pay, the investigation has so far cost $43K (and counting). Ouch.

Taxpayers out of pocket $75k so far then for the alleged migrant exploiting tax evading Green MP. Disgusting and immoral.

Then, there’s the costs of Golriz(for shoplifting) and James Shaw(hanging around like a bad smell after losing his government job after the election).

20-05-2024, 01:23 PM
to accuse the coalition Government of privileging lobbyists and the wealthy, at the expense of workers’ health and the environment.

20-05-2024, 02:11 PM
Jack Tame: "Quote: Aggressive in the sense of being hostile, unprofessional with an element that was objectively threatening but not in the sense of physical violence - do you know who that describes?"

Chloe Swarbrick: "You tell me, Jack."

Jack: "Come on."

Swarbrick: "I am assuming you are talking about the behaviour of Julie Anne Genter"

Tame was actually referring to National MP Tim van de Molen, who was found in contempt and censured by Parliament last year after being accused of threatening a Labour MP in a select committee meeting.

He noted that National Party leader Christopher Luxon stripped the MP of his portfolios at the time and asked whether the Greens should be doing the same with Genter.

Swarbrick: “two completely different circumstances”

...err no she just described Van de Molen's actions as Genter's and National had handled his actions it appropriately…again, you can’t make this stuff up. All politicians are equal, only some are more equal than others, aye comrade? Apparently, public outcry is punishment enough - even if that outcry calls for stripping of her portfolio's. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, Genter will not loose her portfolio.

Swarbrick admits she is an Activist and not a politician who would not cross the aisle to garner bipartisan support to further her cause. She's not really interested in helping NZ or the environment. She's a petulant child who dummy spits if she doesn't get what she wants

Caught out exactly like the flakey propaganda spouting silly ‘champion an attention seeking cause per day’ goose she is.

20-05-2024, 02:23 PM
Caught out exactly like the flakey propaganda spouting silly ‘champion an attention seeking cause per day’ goose she is.

And now she's even got a Cinders Ardern hairstyle to complete the act.

20-05-2024, 02:37 PM
Taxpayers out of pocket $75k so far then for the alleged migrant exploiting tax evading Green MP. Disgusting and immoral.

Yeah, if NZers put this lot anywhere near govt in two years time then we deserve everything we get.

Not to worry, Australia happy to keep taking our best and brightest.

Then you just watch everyone start to squawk when the replacements (mostly Indians and Filipinos) start making up a big percentage of the population.

20-05-2024, 02:52 PM
Yeah, if NZers put this lot anywhere near govt in two years time then we deserve everything we get.

Not to worry, Australia happy to keep taking our best and brightest.

Then you just watch everyone start to squawk when the replacements (mostly Indians and Filipinos) start making up a big percentage of the population.

They're leaving under this government though.

Not that inspired by the turnaround plan (if one even exists).

20-05-2024, 07:08 PM
They're leaving under this government though.

Not that inspired by the turnaround plan (if one even exists).

As a direct result of the largescale shambles the last one orchestrated ;)

Run out of supplies of smart beans already ? ;)

21-05-2024, 05:21 PM
Another for Darleen Tana...


21-05-2024, 05:52 PM
Another for Darleen Tana...


Looks like a whole bag fulla trouble for the Gwennies ;)

The stood-down MP is already involved in a separate investigation launched by the Green Party that has surpassed nine weeks and cost at least $43,000.

The catering & refreshments bill that high already ? Has the bill for the performers come in yet ?

All up the standard of the talent has all the hallmarks of being as rough and rude as .. ;)

Wonder what spin Tweetie Bird will come out with next to try to minimise collateral damage and Chloe away all of little Darlee's debri out of sight ? :)

22-05-2024, 07:26 AM
Yeah, if NZers put this lot anywhere near govt in two years time then we deserve everything we get.

Not to worry, Australia happy to keep taking our best and brightest.

Then you just watch everyone start to squawk when the replacements (mostly Indians and Filipinos) start making up a big percentage of the population.
True. The biggest demographic change in NZ for decades has come without a referendum, but as a result of bipartisan incompetence.

22-05-2024, 09:17 AM
Jack Tame: "Quote: Aggressive in the sense of being hostile, unprofessional with an element that was objectively threatening but not in the sense of physical violence - do you know who that describes?"

Chloe Swarbrick: "You tell me, Jack."

Jack: "Come on."

Swarbrick: "I am assuming you are talking about the behaviour of Julie Anne Genter"

Tame was actually referring to National MP Tim van de Molen, who was found in contempt and censured by Parliament last year after being accused of threatening a Labour MP in a select committee meeting.

He noted that National Party leader Christopher Luxon stripped the MP of his portfolios at the time and asked whether the Greens should be doing the same with Genter.

Swarbrick: “two completely different circumstances”

...err no she just described Van de Molen's actions as Genter's and National had handled his actions it appropriately…again, you can’t make this stuff up. All politicians are equal, only some are more equal than others, aye comrade? Apparently, public outcry is punishment enough - even if that outcry calls for stripping of her portfolio's. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, Genter will not loose her portfolio.

Swarbrick admits she is an Activist and not a politician who would not cross the aisle to garner bipartisan support to further her cause. She's not really interested in helping NZ or the environment. She's a petulant child who dummy spits if she doesn't get what she wants

It was a very good interview by Tame.
But apparently he's a lefty glove puppet of the socialists...

22-05-2024, 09:26 AM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

Despite being against many of the coalitions more extreme policies, I don't think I could stomach having Labour back so soon. They were a disaster and there is no evidence that they have the caliber of people to form a Government. I'm not convinced about Hipkins either, I really don't know what he stands for.

The Coalition imo have / are making some good changes, cutting down on the huge amount of waste, I just whish they would tone it down a bit as their extremes have had far too much influence, particularly Shane Jones.

For a man who hasn't been elected in years he has far too much to say and far too full of his own self importance. He knows better than anyone else attitude.

Labour needs to do some serious rebuilding & bring in some people with real world experience.

22-05-2024, 09:40 AM
Marama does not come out that well and looks seriously deranged.


22-05-2024, 09:47 AM
It was a very good interview by Tame.
But apparently he's a lefty glove puppet of the socialists...

To be honest, of all the "lefty" MSM political commentators I have found him relatively neutral

22-05-2024, 09:56 AM
We will see ehh.Two polls are showing us kiwis are concerned with the slash and burn destruction going on, to our environment and people's.Its a n eradication at speed,a country sort of genocide, at a fast track ruthless speed .The last Govt steered us through disasters ,this Govt is the next disaster.The next genuine poll will show the trend more strongly imo.

22-05-2024, 09:57 AM
Marama does not come out that well and looks seriously deranged.


Foon is value for money though eh?

Apparantely we whites do still have a bit to contribute. lol.

And we should never judge a cover by the book!


22-05-2024, 10:46 AM
To be honest, of all the "lefty" MSM political commentators I have found him relatively neutral

I think he is one of NZs best and for a relatively young guy has a wealth of experience and achieved a lot in a short time.

22-05-2024, 10:50 AM
Foon is value for money though eh?

Apparantely we whites do still have a bit to contribute. lol.

And we should never judge a cover by the book!


Yeah Foon is a piece of work alright. LOL when I heard him speak.

Not sure how he got on the board of PGW....

22-05-2024, 11:02 AM
Not sure how he got on the board of PGW....

One can only...speculate :D

22-05-2024, 10:16 PM
Ricardo's turn.


23-05-2024, 03:34 AM
Ricardo's turn.


Poor old deposed Grandiose former Housebuilder & failed Spinner of the long lost realm of Ardern - Twyford is stunned .. ?

Thought Ardern had already stunned hiim .. did Chippie attempt to revive him from a back cupboard, or is learning a new word tossed from once former Green ally the problem ? ;)

Obviously not much love being shown for Stunned & Flushed from the Green pews, but that's okay .. most of NZ probably doesn't think much of of it anyway & would likely be quite happy if he stayed stunned and shunted back into the cupboard for another 75 years :)

Ricky - try to keep up the practice stunning your former Labour comrades .. remember - practice makes perfect .. but do try to keep it in the shadows out of view where they can't squeal too much & kick up a fuss :)

23-05-2024, 06:10 AM
It would be a great outcome for everyone if that Ricardo was deported with immediate effect. Waste of time that individual.

23-05-2024, 08:07 AM
It would be a great outcome for everyone if that Ricardo was deported with immediate effect. Waste of time that individual.

Eunuch in the Green court and a snivelling hypocrite who thinks he is above the average NZ to boot. Fxxk him, fxxk James Shaw and fxxk Davidson for the hypocrites and liars they are.


Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March tried to jump the queue for managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) in New Zealand as Kiwis stuck in the UK desperately seek spots.

He left without securing a spot in isolation, at a time when the Government advice is not to travel - and MPs are being told to follow the same rules.

23-05-2024, 08:30 AM
Eunuch in the Green court and a snivelling hypocrite who thinks he is above the average NZ to boot. Fxxk him, fxxk James Shaw and fxxk Davidson for the hypocrites and liars they are.


Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March tried to jump the queue for managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) in New Zealand as Kiwis stuck in the UK desperately seek spots.

He left without securing a spot in isolation, at a time when the Government advice is not to travel - and MPs are being told to follow the same rules.

Balance, it appears you want to fxxk a lot of people, basically anyone from the left it seems.
With such a strong bias despite your moniker, it pretty much erodes your credibility.

23-05-2024, 08:36 AM
Balance, it appears you want to fxxk a lot of people, basically anyone from the left it seems.
With such a strong bias despite your moniker, it pretty much erodes your credibility.

Ok then for a MP to want to fxxk one of his compatriots? :p

23-05-2024, 09:11 AM
On the Hansard records in Parliament going back to 2008, there had been no recorded mention of “f...”, except quoted by former Green MP Sue Bradford regarding an allegation of an incident between a food grant applicant and a Ministry of Social Development case manager.

23-05-2024, 10:53 AM
On the Hansard records in Parliament going back to 2008, there had been no recorded mention of “f...”, except quoted by former Green MP Sue Bradford regarding an allegation of an incident between a food grant applicant and a Ministry of Social Development case manager.

Sounds like Sue. 😅

24-05-2024, 06:23 PM

No complaints but Speaker Brownlee to pursue use of f-word by Green MP

Oops .. Ricotardo in trouble over trying to stun the already well stunned & limp Twyford ;)

That went well - perhaps he should try stunning more llively & flapping Labour targets next time, if they havent already run away or been thrown overboard ;)

24-05-2024, 06:31 PM

No complaints but Speaker Brownlee to pursue use of f-word by Green MP

Oops .. Ricotardo in trouble over trying to stun the already well stunned & limp Twyford ;)

That went well - perhaps he should try stunning more llively & flapping Labour targets next time, if they havent already run away or been thrown overboard ;)

A vacuous ,empty life you must lead ,I feel for you.Maybe get a blower vac and blow three leaves down a 200 metre driveway to the road Wear a wide brimmed hat and watch for neighbours pretending to be texting but they aretaken photos.

24-05-2024, 06:40 PM
A vacuous ,empty life you must lead ,I feel for you.Maybe get a blower vac and blow three leaves down a 200 metre driveway to the road Wear a wide brimmed hat and watch for neighbours pretending to be texting but they aretaken photos.

I'd watch trying to use a Vac to suck up the leaves for the next brew of poison & the leaf blower to try to dry them while under the influence of the last batch of poison & still hallucinating - if I were you .. mixing up use of the Vac & Blower might cause something rather more amusing ;)

Don't blame anyone here if it goes badly astray & something goes wrong in the process resulting in your sucking the wrong things up and blowing yourself away in a moment of lapsed concentration on here :)

Might be some curious smiles on explanations on why things went so wrong too ..

25-05-2024, 12:02 AM

Which MPs have the heftiest credit card and travel expenses in Q1, 2024?

Third-highest was Green Party list MP Darleen Tana, who had been suspended in mid-March amid investigations into her involvement in her husband’s E-bike business which had faced accusations of migrant exploitation.

She’d spent $28,570. A Green Party spokesman said Tana was an active MP for almost all of Q1 and her expenses also included accommodation costs from Q4 last year.

Tana also lived on Waiheke Island which increased her travel costs.

What did the taxpayer get for the Salary & Expenses she gobbled up ? ;)

25-05-2024, 09:51 AM
What investigation ? ;)


Darleen Tana inquiry: Greens’ investigator won't talk to key witness

The investigation into suspended Green MP Darleen Tana’s conduct will conclude without one of the key witnesses being interviewed, Stuff can reveal.

Santiago latour Palma is one of two former workers to lodge Employment Relations Authority (ERA) claims against E-Cycles NZ, the e-bike business owned by Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen.

It was a Stuff investigation reporting Palma’s allegations which led the Greens to suspend Tana in March and appoint lawyer Rachel Burt to conduct a review of what Tana knew, and when, about claims against her husband and his business.

Palma’s ERA claim says he’s owed more than $25,000 by E-Cycles, and that for most of that time he was working illegally on a tourist visa. He claims wages were often late and went unpaid, and he raised this twice with Tana, who refused to get involved, despite Tana asking him for IT support for her political campaign.

Looks like a half baked load of huey down the bottom of the garden ;)