View Full Version : DMI

02-03-2005, 09:35 PM
Can someone please explain dmi TA theory to me!

03-03-2005, 09:14 AM
A Google search on "directional movement indicator welles wilder" gives 21,000 hits.......
More information than you can shake a stick at.

09-03-2005, 03:27 PM
The best, shortest and clearest explanations of almost all indicators that i've found are on incrediblecharts.com.

My crib sheet goes something like:
Buy if ADX rises while ADX and DMI+ are above DMI-
Buy when DMI+ rises above DMI-
Buy when ADX rises above DMI-

Sell / overheating / losing direction when:
ADX declines -- losing direction
ADX rises above both DMIs -- overheating
Take profit when ADX turns downward while above both DMIs.

I can really recommend incrediblecharts for good explanations. Cheers, Scamper.